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  14.         {
  15.             "RIT": "ma192012",
  16.             "Type": "OL",
  17.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  18.             "Title": "Apocalypse Then: A History of Plague",
  19.             "Category": "HIS",
  20.             "Description": "During the 1300's, a mysterious and deadly disease wiped out a third of Europeroughly 20 million people. ",
  21.             "Year": 0
  22.         },
  23.         {
  24.             "RIT": "ma192016",
  25.             "Type": "OL",
  26.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27.             "Title": "Caring for the Terminally Ill",
  28.             "Category": "HUM",
  29.             "Description": "Rather than subject people with incurable diseases to often futile treatment, hospices help make their final days as comfortable as possible. ",
  30.             "Year": 0
  31.         },
  32.         {
  33.             "RIT": "ma193013",
  34.             "Type": "OL",
  35.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36.             "Title": "Living Long, Going Strong",
  37.             "Category": "LIF",
  38.             "Description": "As America's baby boomers move into middle age and more people live well beyond their 60's, researchers are exploring why the body ages and how we might fend off aging's effects. ",
  39.             "Year": 0
  40.         },
  41.         {
  42.             "RIT": "ma193015",
  43.             "Type": "OL",
  44.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  45.             "Title": "Preparing a Living Will",
  46.             "Category": "SOC",
  47.             "Description": "No matter what your age or health, a sudden illness or accident could leave you unable to communicate decisions about your health care. ",
  48.             "Year": 0
  49.         },
  50.         {
  51.             "RIT": "ma193016",
  52.             "Type": "OL",
  53.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54.             "Title": "Medical Tales from the Crypt",
  55.             "Category": "LIF",
  56.             "Description": "By studying ancient human remains, researchers are gaining new insights into diseases that have afflicted humanity throughout the centuries. ",
  57.             "Year": 0
  58.         },
  59.         {
  60.             "RIT": "ma193019",
  61.             "Type": "OL",
  62.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63.             "Title": "Creating a Family Health History",
  64.             "Category": "LIF",
  65.             "Description": "Knowledge of relatives' past illnesses may help current families avoid the same problems. ",
  66.             "Year": 0
  67.         },
  68.         {
  69.             "RIT": "ma193022",
  70.             "Type": "OL",
  71.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72.             "Title": "The Passage Through Puberty",
  73.             "Category": "LIF",
  74.             "Description": "Puberty brings a multitude of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes and sets a child on the road to adulthood. ",
  75.             "Year": 0
  76.         },
  77.         {
  78.             "RIT": "ma194008",
  79.             "Type": "OL",
  80.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81.             "Title": "Talking to Your Kids About Drugs",
  82.             "Category": "LIF",
  83.             "Description": "Parents cannot count on keeping drugs away from their children, but they can help keep their children away from drugs. ",
  84.             "Year": 0
  85.         },
  86.         {
  87.             "RIT": "ma194009",
  88.             "Type": "OL",
  89.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90.             "Title": "Exploring the Food Guide Pyramid",
  91.             "Category": "LIF",
  92.             "Description": "To help people eat healthful diets, the United States Department of Agriculture has designed a new food program that incorporates the latest nutritional wisdom. ",
  93.             "Year": 0
  94.         },
  95.         {
  96.             "RIT": "ma194019",
  97.             "Type": "OL",
  98.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99.             "Title": "Cutting Costs with Generic Drugs",
  100.             "Category": "LIF",
  101.             "Description": "Generic drugs offer many benefits over brand-name prescription alternatives. ",
  102.             "Year": 0
  103.         },
  104.         {
  105.             "RIT": "ma194021",
  106.             "Type": "OL",
  107.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108.             "Title": "Jet Lag and Our Biological Clocks",
  109.             "Category": "LIF",
  110.             "Description": "Travelers can take easy steps to reduce the effects of jet lag. ",
  111.             "Year": 0
  112.         },
  113.         {
  114.             "RIT": "ma194027",
  115.             "Type": "OL",
  116.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117.             "Title": "Rationing Health Care",
  118.             "Category": "SOC",
  119.             "Description": "By the 1990's, the United States health-care system was in crisis. Costs had soared, but even so, about 37 million Americans were uninsured, and researchers estimated that perhaps another 50 million were underinsured. ",
  120.             "Year": 0
  121.         },
  122.         {
  123.             "RIT": "ma195001",
  124.             "Type": "OL",
  125.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  126.             "Title": "The Basics of Genes and Chromosomes",
  127.             "Category": "LIF",
  128.             "Description": "Scientists have vastly increased their understanding of genetics in the 1900's. ",
  129.             "Year": 0
  130.         },
  131.         {
  132.             "RIT": "ma195008",
  133.             "Type": "OL",
  134.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  135.             "Title": "Treating Burns",
  136.             "Category": "LIF",
  137.             "Description": "It takes only a fraction of a second. Searing flame or scalding liquid meets skin, resulting in a burn that, in most cases, requires some type of treatment. ",
  138.             "Year": 0
  139.         },
  140.         {
  141.             "RIT": "ma195009",
  142.             "Type": "OL",
  143.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  144.             "Title": "Friends Indeed: Pets and Your Health",
  145.             "Category": "REC",
  146.             "Description": "Research shows that owning a pet can bring health benefits. ",
  147.             "Year": 0
  148.         },
  149.         {
  150.             "RIT": "ma195013",
  151.             "Type": "OL",
  152.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  153.             "Title": "Standing Tall: Why Posture Matters",
  154.             "Category": "LIF",
  155.             "Description": "Parents have probably always admonished children, especially adolescents, to stand up straight. ",
  156.             "Year": 0
  157.         },
  158.         {
  159.             "RIT": "ma195017",
  160.             "Type": "OL",
  161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  162.             "Title": "Home, Safe Home",
  163.             "Category": "SOC",
  164.             "Description": "Each year, thousands of Americans die in accidents that occur in and around their own homes. With planning and vigilance, most home accidents and injuries can be prevented. ",
  165.             "Year": 0
  166.         },
  167.         {
  168.             "RIT": "ma195020",
  169.             "Type": "OL",
  170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  171.             "Title": "Dr. Spock Talks about Raising Children Today",
  172.             "Category": "LIF",
  173.             "Description": "America's foremost baby doctor talks about how the problems that parents face have changed since the first edition of his best-selling Baby and Child Care ",
  174.             "Year": 0
  175.         },
  176.         {
  177.             "RIT": "ma195025",
  178.             "Type": "OL",
  179.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  180.             "Title": "Getting a Good Night's Sleep",
  181.             "Category": "LIF",
  182.             "Description": "Studies indicate that most Americans are not getting the sleep they need. Some simple steps can help improve both the quantity and the quality of your sleep. ",
  183.             "Year": 0
  184.         },
  185.         {
  186.             "RIT": "ma196001",
  187.             "Type": "OL",
  188.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  189.             "Title": "Safe Hiking",
  190.             "Category": "REC",
  191.             "Description": "Having the right skills, knowledge and equipment is the best way to ensure that a hike ends without mishap. ",
  192.             "Year": 0
  193.         },
  194.         {
  195.             "RIT": "ma196006",
  196.             "Type": "OL",
  197.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  198.             "Title": "How Children Learn to Talk",
  199.             "Category": "HUM",
  200.             "Description": "It takes only a few years for children to understand and use language effectively. Researchers are beginning to learn just how they do it. ",
  201.             "Year": 0
  202.         },
  203.         {
  204.             "RIT": "ma196007",
  205.             "Type": "OL",
  206.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  207.             "Title": "Talking to Your Child About Sex",
  208.             "Category": "SOC",
  209.             "Description": "The keys, say the experts, are starting early, keeping talks short and simple, and building a bond of mutual trust and respect. ",
  210.             "Year": 0
  211.         },
  212.         {
  213.             "RIT": "ma196017",
  214.             "Type": "OL",
  215.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  216.             "Title": "Which to Apply: Heat or Cold?",
  217.             "Category": "LIF",
  218.             "Description": "Knowing what happens when muscles and skin are injured helps in deciding whether to apply heat or cold to a minor injury. ",
  219.             "Year": 0
  220.         },
  221.         {
  222.             "RIT": "ma196018",
  223.             "Type": "OL",
  224.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  225.             "Title": "The Hazards of Carbon Monoxide",
  226.             "Category": "PHY",
  227.             "Description": "This colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas kills hundreds of Americans in their homes each year and poisons thousands more. ",
  228.             "Year": 0
  229.         },
  230.         {
  231.             "RIT": "ma196019",
  232.             "Type": "OL",
  233.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  234.             "Title": "Following a Healthful Diet",
  235.             "Category": "LIF",
  236.             "Description": "Although it may seem as if nutrition advice changes constantly, the nutrition basics usually remain the same ",
  237.             "Year": 0
  238.         },
  239.         {
  240.             "RIT": "ma196020",
  241.             "Type": "OL",
  242.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  243.             "Title": "The Mediterranean Diet",
  244.             "Category": "LIF",
  245.             "Description": "The Mediterranean diet rich in grains, fruits, and vegetables; offers a treat for the palate as well as the heart. ",
  246.             "Year": 0
  247.         },
  248.         {
  249.             "RIT": "ma196023",
  250.             "Type": "OL",
  251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  252.             "Title": "Changing Lifetime",
  253.             "Category": "LIF",
  254.             "Description": "From the first days of life to the last, the food we eat influences our health. ",
  255.             "Year": 0
  256.         },
  257.         {
  258.             "RIT": "ma196025",
  259.             "Type": "OL",
  260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  261.             "Title": "Restoring Family Mealtime",
  262.             "Category": "LIF",
  263.             "Description": "Overflowing schedules threaten the family meal, a ritual that serves psychological and nutritional needs. ",
  264.             "Year": 0
  265.         },
  266.         {
  267.             "RIT": "ma197002",
  268.             "Type": "OL",
  269.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  270.             "Title": "Glaucoma Watch",
  271.             "Category": "LIF",
  272.             "Description": "By Jacob T. Wilensky ",
  273.             "Year": 0
  274.         },
  275.         {
  276.             "RIT": "ma197003",
  277.             "Type": "OL",
  278.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  279.             "Title": "Feet: A User's Manual",
  280.             "Category": "LIF",
  281.             "Description": "Feet are among the hardest-working parts of the body, so it's important to take care of them. Here's how. ",
  282.             "Year": 0
  283.         },
  284.         {
  285.             "RIT": "ma197004",
  286.             "Type": "OL",
  287.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  288.             "Title": "Remembering Not to Forget",
  289.             "Category": "LIF",
  290.             "Description": "Forgetfulness increases with normal aging, but there are techniques to improve memory at any age. ",
  291.             "Year": 0
  292.         },
  293.         {
  294.             "RIT": "ma197005",
  295.             "Type": "OL",
  296.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  297.             "Title": "New Weapons in the War Against Weight",
  298.             "Category": "LIF",
  299.             "Description": "Research on the genetic basis of obesity may help explain why losing weight is so difficult for some people-and it could lead to new weight-loss drugs. ",
  300.             "Year": 0
  301.         },
  302.         {
  303.             "RIT": "ma197006",
  304.             "Type": "OL",
  305.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  306.             "Title": "Heartburn: Taking Aim at Fire",
  307.             "Category": "LIF",
  308.             "Description": "A multitude of remedies promise to keep stomach acid in its place and relieve heartburn woes. ",
  309.             "Year": 0
  310.         },
  311.         {
  312.             "RIT": "ma197007",
  313.             "Type": "OL",
  314.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  315.             "Title": "Healthy Gums",
  316.             "Category": "LIF",
  317.             "Description": "Gum disease is a serious threat to adult teeth. But with regular home care and dental visits, it can be controlled. ",
  318.             "Year": 0
  319.         },
  320.         {
  321.             "RIT": "ma197008",
  322.             "Type": "OL",
  323.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  324.             "Title": "Laser Surgery Comes into Focus",
  325.             "Category": "LIF",
  326.             "Description": "Once considered exotic technology, lasers are becoming standard tools for many types of surgery. ",
  327.             "Year": 0
  328.         },
  329.         {
  330.             "RIT": "ma197009",
  331.             "Type": "OL",
  332.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  333.             "Title": "Food Allergies: When Common Foods Cause Uncommon Reactions",
  334.             "Category": "LIF",
  335.             "Description": "Food allergies are much rarer than most people think. But for those who have them, it's important to know which foods to avoid. ",
  336.             "Year": 0
  337.         },
  338.         {
  339.             "RIT": "ma197011",
  340.             "Type": "OL",
  341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  342.             "Title": "Active Lives with Artificial Joints",
  343.             "Category": "LIF",
  344.             "Description": "Artificial joints can relieve pain and make life more enjoyable for many people. But they don't last forever. ",
  345.             "Year": 0
  346.         },
  347.         {
  348.             "RIT": "ma197012",
  349.             "Type": "OL",
  350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  351.             "Title": "Evaluating Health Risks",
  352.             "Category": "LIF",
  353.             "Description": "By Meira Ben-Gad ",
  354.             "Year": 0
  355.         },
  356.         {
  357.             "RIT": "ma197013",
  358.             "Type": "OL",
  359.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  360.             "Title": "Planning A Happy Retirement",
  361.             "Category": "LIF",
  362.             "Description": "Baby Boomers should start planning now for a healthy and fulfilling life after retirement. ",
  363.             "Year": 0
  364.         },
  365.         {
  366.             "RIT": "ma197014",
  367.             "Type": "OL",
  368.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  369.             "Title": "Health Hazards at the Office",
  370.             "Category": "LIF",
  371.             "Description": "Is the modern, computerized office as hazardous to health as yesterday's workplaces were to an earlier generation? ",
  372.             "Year": 0
  373.         },
  374.         {
  375.             "RIT": "ma197015",
  376.             "Type": "OL",
  377.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  378.             "Title": "The Nature of Stress",
  379.             "Category": "LIF",
  380.             "Description": "Understanding stress and its influence on health is one of the more complex tasks facing scientists today. ",
  381.             "Year": 0
  382.         },
  383.         {
  384.             "RIT": "ma197016",
  385.             "Type": "OL",
  386.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  387.             "Title": "Stress Response",
  388.             "Category": "LIF",
  389.             "Description": "The stress response helps people meet the challenges of daily life, but it can also become a danger to health. ",
  390.             "Year": 0
  391.         },
  392.         {
  393.             "RIT": "ma197017",
  394.             "Type": "OL",
  395.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  396.             "Title": "Stress and Physical Health",
  397.             "Category": "LIF",
  398.             "Description": "Stress has been linked to many physical ills, but scientists are just beginning to understand how it acts on the body. ",
  399.             "Year": 0
  400.         },
  401.         {
  402.             "RIT": "ma197018",
  403.             "Type": "OL",
  404.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  405.             "Title": "Stress and Mental Health",
  406.             "Category": "LIF",
  407.             "Description": "When people feel unable to cope with stress, their mental well-being may be at risk. ",
  408.             "Year": 0
  409.         },
  410.         {
  411.             "RIT": "ma197019",
  412.             "Type": "OL",
  413.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  414.             "Title": "Managing Stress",
  415.             "Category": "LIF",
  416.             "Description": "Counteracting the negative effects of stress is important to our physical and mental health. ",
  417.             "Year": 0
  418.         },
  419.         {
  420.             "RIT": "ma198001",
  421.             "Type": "OL",
  422.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  423.             "Title": "Airbags: An Exploding Controversy",
  424.             "Category": "IND",
  425.             "Description": "Airbags save thousands of lives every year, but they can also cause fatal injury, especially to children. ",
  426.             "Year": 0
  427.         },
  428.         {
  429.             "RIT": "ma198002",
  430.             "Type": "OL",
  431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  432.             "Title": "How Safe Is Our Food Supply?",
  433.             "Category": "LIF",
  434.             "Description": "While government agencies that help to protect the food supply revised safety regulations in 1997, agency officials cautioned the public to exercise precautions to minimize the risk of foodborne illness. ",
  435.             "Year": 0
  436.         },
  437.         {
  438.             "RIT": "ma198003",
  439.             "Type": "OL",
  440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  441.             "Title": "Quieting the Snores",
  442.             "Category": "LIF",
  443.             "Description": "Snoring can simply be a nuisance--or a sign of potentially serious health problems. ",
  444.             "Year": 0
  445.         },
  446.         {
  447.             "RIT": "ma198004",
  448.             "Type": "OL",
  449.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  450.             "Title": "New Options in Elder Care",
  451.             "Category": "LIF",
  452.             "Description": "A growing array of home-based services and residential care are helping seniors and caregivers. ",
  453.             "Year": 0
  454.         },
  455.         {
  456.             "RIT": "ma198005",
  457.             "Type": "OL",
  458.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  459.             "Title": "Dietary Supplements:",
  460.             "Category": "LIF",
  461.             "Description": "Consumers should not assume that \"all natural\" dietary supplements are always safe. ",
  462.             "Year": 0
  463.         },
  464.         {
  465.             "RIT": "ma198006",
  466.             "Type": "OL",
  467.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  468.             "Title": "How to Travel Well",
  469.             "Category": "LIF",
  470.             "Description": "Taking a trip abroad involves planning. And people traveling to exotic locales should also have a plan for staying well. ",
  471.             "Year": 0
  472.         },
  473.         {
  474.             "RIT": "ma198007",
  475.             "Type": "OL",
  476.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  477.             "Title": "Food: The Best Source for Nutrients",
  478.             "Category": "LIF",
  479.             "Description": "Although some people rely on supplements to fulfill daily vitamin and mineral needs, research shows that nutrients found in whole foods provide the most health benefits. ",
  480.             "Year": 0
  481.         },
  482.         {
  483.             "RIT": "ma198008",
  484.             "Type": "OL",
  485.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  486.             "Title": "Combatting the Effects of Stroke",
  487.             "Category": "LIF",
  488.             "Description": "New drugs and therapies are ushering in a quiet revolution in the battle against \"brain attacks.\" ",
  489.             "Year": 0
  490.         },
  491.         {
  492.             "RIT": "ma198009",
  493.             "Type": "OL",
  494.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  495.             "Title": "Inflammatory Bowel Disease",
  496.             "Category": "HIS",
  497.             "Description": "Inflammatory bowel disease affects the health and productivity of 2 million Americans while exacting a toll on the mental health of families and friends. ",
  498.             "Year": 0
  499.         },
  500.         {
  501.             "RIT": "ma198010",
  502.             "Type": "OL",
  503.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  504.             "Title": "Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder",
  505.             "Category": "LIF",
  506.             "Description": "Behavior management techniques, educational strategies, and medication can help the 3 to 6 percent of American children affected by attention deficit disorder. ",
  507.             "Year": 0
  508.         },
  509.         {
  510.             "RIT": "ma198011",
  511.             "Type": "OL",
  512.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  513.             "Title": "Self-test Kits Bring Medicine Closer to Home",
  514.             "Category": "LIF",
  515.             "Description": "Over-the-counter kits allow consumers to take an active role in monitoring their own health care ",
  516.             "Year": 0
  517.         },
  518.         {
  519.             "RIT": "ma198012",
  520.             "Type": "OL",
  521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  522.             "Title": "Understanding Managed Care",
  523.             "Category": "LIF",
  524.             "Description": "Managed care is changing the way millions of Americans pay for and receive medical services. ",
  525.             "Year": 0
  526.         },
  527.         {
  528.             "RIT": "ma198013",
  529.             "Type": "OL",
  530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  531.             "Title": "The Debate About Managed Care",
  532.             "Category": "LIF",
  533.             "Description": "Managed care is a work in progress with many merits and shortcomings. ",
  534.             "Year": 0
  535.         },
  536.         {
  537.             "RIT": "ma198014",
  538.             "Type": "OL",
  539.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  540.             "Title": "Getting the Most Out of Your Health Plan",
  541.             "Category": "LIF",
  542.             "Description": "People can take steps to improve their chances of receiving quality medical care. ",
  543.             "Year": 0
  544.         },
  545.         {
  546.             "RIT": "ma198015",
  547.             "Type": "OL",
  548.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  549.             "Title": "Taking Charge of Your Health",
  550.             "Category": "LIF",
  551.             "Description": "People can take charge of their own health by adopting healthful behaviors and practicing prevention. ",
  552.             "Year": 0
  553.         },
  554.         {
  555.             "RIT": "ma198016",
  556.             "Type": "OL",
  557.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  558.             "Title": "Managed Care and Society",
  559.             "Category": "LIF",
  560.             "Description": "Manged care's cost cuts have affected research, education, and the insured. ",
  561.             "Year": 0
  562.         },
  563.         {
  564.             "RIT": "ma199001",
  565.             "Type": "OL",
  566.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  567.             "Title": "Help for Incontinence",
  568.             "Category": "LIF",
  569.             "Description": "Medical treatment can often cure or improve incontinence, a condition that can cause social isolation and dependence. ",
  570.             "Year": 0
  571.         },
  572.         {
  573.             "RIT": "ma199002",
  574.             "Type": "OL",
  575.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  576.             "Title": "Varicose veins",
  577.             "Category": "LIF",
  578.             "Description": "Medical and self-help techniques can relieve the discomfort and disfigurement of varicose veins. ",
  579.             "Year": 0
  580.         },
  581.         {
  582.             "RIT": "ma199003",
  583.             "Type": "OL",
  584.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  585.             "Title": "Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder",
  586.             "Category": "LIF",
  587.             "Description": "Behavior management techniques, educational strategies, and medication can help the 3 to 6 percent of American children affected by attention deficit disorder. ",
  588.             "Year": 0
  589.         },
  590.         {
  591.             "RIT": "ma199004",
  592.             "Type": "OL",
  593.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  594.             "Title": "Avoiding animal attacks",
  595.             "Category": "LIF",
  596.             "Description": "Serious injuries from dog and cat bites are on the rise, but experts say the reasons have less to do with the animals and more to do with the irresponsibility of pet owners. ",
  597.             "Year": 0
  598.         },
  599.         {
  600.             "RIT": "ma199005",
  601.             "Type": "OL",
  602.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  603.             "Title": "Infections spread by pets",
  604.             "Category": "LIF",
  605.             "Description": "Animals can transmit many infectious diseases to people through routine contact. ",
  606.             "Year": 0
  607.         },
  608.         {
  609.             "RIT": "ma199006",
  610.             "Type": "OL",
  611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  612.             "Title": "Measuring the Worth of Diet Plans",
  613.             "Category": "LIF",
  614.             "Description": "Weight-loss programs vary greatly in cost and services. Doctors advise dieters to carefully review plans before enrolling in one. ",
  615.             "Year": 0
  616.         },
  617.         {
  618.             "RIT": "ma199007",
  619.             "Type": "OL",
  620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  621.             "Title": "Disciplining Your Children",
  622.             "Category": "LIF",
  623.             "Description": "Experts say that consistency, logic, and self-restraint are the keys to controlling a child's behavior. ",
  624.             "Year": 0
  625.         },
  626.         {
  627.             "RIT": "ma199008",
  628.             "Type": "OL",
  629.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  630.             "Title": "Baby Boom:The Promise and Risks of Fertility",
  631.             "Category": "LIF",
  632.             "Description": "The use of fertility drugs has led to an increase in the number of multiple births. ",
  633.             "Year": 0
  634.         },
  635.         {
  636.             "RIT": "ma199009",
  637.             "Type": "OL",
  638.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  639.             "Title": "Cleaning up misconceptions about antibacterial products",
  640.             "Category": "LIF",
  641.             "Description": "Antibacterial products are increasingly crowding the shelves of supermarkets and drugstores. ",
  642.             "Year": 0
  643.         },
  644.         {
  645.             "RIT": "ma199010",
  646.             "Type": "OL",
  647.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  648.             "Title": "Handwashing: The First Line of Defense Against Disease",
  649.             "Category": "LIF",
  650.             "Description": "Many people have come to believe, incorrectly, that antibiotics, which kill many types of bacteria, are the most important defense against disease. ",
  651.             "Year": 0
  652.         },
  653.         {
  654.             "RIT": "ma199011",
  655.             "Type": "OL",
  656.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  657.             "Title": "Preventing the Effects of Meningitis",
  658.             "Category": "LIF",
  659.             "Description": "Meningitis is a disease that can be fatal if not treated promptly. Recognizing its symptoms and seeking medical help immediately are keys to limiting the devastating effects of the disease. ",
  660.             "Year": 0
  661.         },
  662.         {
  663.             "RIT": "ma199012",
  664.             "Type": "OL",
  665.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  666.             "Title": "Avoiding animal attacks",
  667.             "Category": "LIF",
  668.             "Description": "Serious injuries from dog and cat bites are on the rise, but experts say the reasons have less to do with the animals and more to do with the irresponsibility of pet owners. ",
  669.             "Year": 0
  670.         },
  671.         {
  672.             "RIT": "ma199013",
  673.             "Type": "OL",
  674.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  675.             "Title": "Osteoporosis: Prevention and Treatment",
  676.             "Category": "LIF",
  677.             "Description": "People can use diet, exercise, and medication to lessen their risk of developing this crippling disease. ",
  678.             "Year": 0
  679.         },
  680.         {
  681.             "RIT": "ma199014",
  682.             "Type": "OL",
  683.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  684.             "Title": "Feeling Pain",
  685.             "Category": "LIF",
  686.             "Description": "Pain is a complex, highly individual phenomenon that involves both physical and mental elements. ",
  687.             "Year": 0
  688.         },
  689.         {
  690.             "RIT": "ma199015",
  691.             "Type": "OL",
  692.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  693.             "Title": "Over-the-Counter Medications",
  694.             "Category": "LIF",
  695.             "Description": "Readily available nonprescription drugs are highly effective at relieving pain, but some cautions are in order. ",
  696.             "Year": 0
  697.         },
  698.         {
  699.             "RIT": "ma199016",
  700.             "Type": "OL",
  701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  702.             "Title": "Prescription Pain Relief",
  703.             "Category": "LIF",
  704.             "Description": "Severe pain calls for potent drugs whose use must be carefully monitored to avoid serious side effects. ",
  705.             "Year": 0
  706.         },
  707.         {
  708.             "RIT": "ma199017",
  709.             "Type": "OL",
  710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  711.             "Title": "Overuse injury",
  712.             "Category": "LIF",
  713.             "Description": "By Greg Gillespie ",
  714.             "Year": 0
  715.         },
  716.         {
  717.             "RIT": "ma199018",
  718.             "Type": "OL",
  719.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  720.             "Title": "Protecting Kids From Sports Injury",
  721.             "Category": "LIF",
  722.             "Description": "Every year thousands of young athletes are injured on the playing field. Education, careful preparation, and the use of proper techniques are the most effective ways to minimize the risks of injuries and their effects. ",
  723.             "Year": 0
  724.         },
  725.         {
  726.             "RIT": "ma200001",
  727.             "Type": "OL",
  728.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  729.             "Title": "Medicine in the Year 1000",
  730.             "Category": "LIF",
  731.             "Description": "In the year 1000, medicine relied more on religious beliefs than on scientific foundation. ",
  732.             "Year": 0
  733.         },
  734.         {
  735.             "RIT": "ma200002",
  736.             "Type": "OL",
  737.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  738.             "Title": "Medical Advances of the 20th Century",
  739.             "Category": "LIF",
  740.             "Description": "There were more medical discoveries in the 1900's than in all other centuries combined. ",
  741.             "Year": 0
  742.         },
  743.         {
  744.             "RIT": "ma200003",
  745.             "Type": "OL",
  746.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  747.             "Title": "Medicine in the  21st Century:  The Promise of Genetics",
  748.             "Category": "LIF",
  749.             "Description": "Science's rapidly growing power to read our genes is having a momentous impact on medicine. ",
  750.             "Year": 0
  751.         },
  752.         {
  753.             "RIT": "ma200004",
  754.             "Type": "OL",
  755.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  756.             "Title": "The Aging Population: A Medical Challenge for the Next Century",
  757.             "Category": "LIF",
  758.             "Description": "Scientists believe that much of the physical deterioration brought on by age is far from inevitable. ",
  759.             "Year": 0
  760.         },
  761.         {
  762.             "RIT": "ma200005",
  763.             "Type": "OL",
  764.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  765.             "Title": "Teen Suicide: A Growing Concern",
  766.             "Category": "LIF",
  767.             "Description": "The number of teen suicides increased throughout the 1990's. But there are steps parents can take to reduce the risk for their child. ",
  768.             "Year": 0
  769.         },
  770.         {
  771.             "RIT": "ma200006",
  772.             "Type": "OL",
  773.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  774.             "Title": "A Breath-Taking Ailment: Learning to Control Asthma",
  775.             "Category": "LIF",
  776.             "Description": "Asthma can be a life-threatening disease, but physicians and patients can work together to keep it under control. ",
  777.             "Year": 0
  778.         },
  779.         {
  780.             "RIT": "ma200007",
  781.             "Type": "OL",
  782.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  783.             "Title": "Oh, My Aching Back!",
  784.             "Category": "LIF",
  785.             "Description": "Low back pain is one of the most common health problems, but simple treatments and precautions can make it go away for good. ",
  786.             "Year": 0
  787.         },
  788.         {
  789.             "RIT": "ma200008",
  790.             "Type": "OL",
  791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  792.             "Title": "A New Look for Braces",
  793.             "Category": "LIF",
  794.             "Description": "Today's high-tech braces are more comfortable, efficient, and attractive--and not just for teen-agers. ",
  795.             "Year": 0
  796.         },
  797.         {
  798.             "RIT": "ma200009",
  799.             "Type": "OL",
  800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  801.             "Title": "Bullying: A Silent Nightmare in the Schoolyard",
  802.             "Category": "LIF",
  803.             "Description": "Parents, teachers, and children can learn techniques to combat bullying. ",
  804.             "Year": 0
  805.         },
  806.         {
  807.             "RIT": "ma200010",
  808.             "Type": "OL",
  809.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  810.             "Title": "The Great (and Safe) Outdoors",
  811.             "Category": "REC",
  812.             "Description": "Camping is a popular and rewarding pastime for millions of people--especially for those who do it safely. ",
  813.             "Year": 0
  814.         },
  815.         {
  816.             "RIT": "ma200011",
  817.             "Type": "OL",
  818.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  819.             "Title": "Home Exercise Equipment",
  820.             "Category": "REC",
  821.             "Description": "A number of exercise machines allow people to huff, puff, and stretch their way to fitness in their own homes. ",
  822.             "Year": 0
  823.         },
  824.         {
  825.             "RIT": "ma200012",
  826.             "Type": "OL",
  827.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  828.             "Title": "Preventing Hearing Loss",
  829.             "Category": "LIF",
  830.             "Description": "While hearing loss can be a normal part of the aging process, exposure to excess noise can threaten hearing in the young. ",
  831.             "Year": 0
  832.         },
  833.         {
  834.             "RIT": "ma200013",
  835.             "Type": "OL",
  836.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  837.             "Title": "Controlling the Costs of Pet Health Care",
  838.             "Category": "LIF",
  839.             "Description": "Pet owners can prevent many forms of illness--and their associated costs--through simple preventive measures. ",
  840.             "Year": 0
  841.         },
  842.         {
  843.             "RIT": "ma200014",
  844.             "Type": "OL",
  845.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  846.             "Title": "Selecting Safe Toys",
  847.             "Category": "LIF",
  848.             "Description": "More than 100,000 children are injured in toy-related accidents annually. Parents can take steps to prevent most toy injuries. ",
  849.             "Year": 0
  850.         },
  851.         {
  852.             "RIT": "ma200015",
  853.             "Type": "OL",
  854.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  855.             "Title": "Preventing and Treating Childhood Obesity",
  856.             "Category": "LIF",
  857.             "Description": "Small changes in diet and exercise habits over time can help obese children achieve and maintain a healthy weight. ",
  858.             "Year": 0
  859.         },
  860.         {
  861.             "RIT": "ma201012",
  862.             "Type": "OL",
  863.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  864.             "Title": "Protecting Your Heart",
  865.             "Category": "LIF",
  866.             "Description": "Following a healthy lifestyle can greatly reduce the chances of developing coronary artery disease and heart attack. ",
  867.             "Year": 0
  868.         },
  869.         {
  870.             "RIT": "ma201013",
  871.             "Type": "OL",
  872.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  873.             "Title": "Women and Heart Disease",
  874.             "Category": "LIF",
  875.             "Description": "Heart disease is the number-one killer of American women, though many women underestimate its dangers. ",
  876.             "Year": 0
  877.         },
  878.         {
  879.             "RIT": "sy193002",
  880.             "Type": "OL",
  881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  882.             "Title": "Stones from Space",
  883.             "Category": "PHY",
  884.             "Description": "Meteorite collisions with Earth may have helped shape the history of life on this planet. The rocks themselves hold clues to the formation of the solar system billions of years ago. ",
  885.             "Year": 0
  886.         },
  887.         {
  888.             "RIT": "sy193005",
  889.             "Type": "OL",
  890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  891.             "Title": "Science Stalks the Domestic Cat",
  892.             "Category": "LIF",
  893.             "Description": "Research on the domestic cat spotlights the animal's unusual physical characteristicsand the conflict between cats' natural behaviors and the human world. ",
  894.             "Year": 0
  895.         },
  896.         {
  897.             "RIT": "sy193008",
  898.             "Type": "OL",
  899.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  900.             "Title": "The Sahara's Bleak Shore",
  901.             "Category": "GEO",
  902.             "Description": "Scientists once thought that the Sahara was expanding south into an area called the Sahel. But new research finds that the desert ebbs and flows into this land of drought and famine. ",
  903.             "Year": 0
  904.         },
  905.         {
  906.             "RIT": "sy193016",
  907.             "Type": "OL",
  908.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  909.             "Title": "The Chemistry",
  910.             "Category": "PHY",
  911.             "Description": "Real science lies behind those whiter whites. ",
  912.             "Year": 0
  913.         },
  914.         {
  915.             "RIT": "sy193017",
  916.             "Type": "OL",
  917.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  918.             "Title": "Weather Terms -- Cloudy or Clear?",
  919.             "Category": "PHY",
  920.             "Description": "We are all interested in what the weather forecast has to tell us: Will it rain when we want to go to the beach, to the park, or to a ball game? Will there be a heavy snow tomorrow, so that commuter trains and school buses may run on a delayed ...",
  921.             "Year": 0
  922.         },
  923.         {
  924.             "RIT": "sy193018",
  925.             "Type": "OL",
  926.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  927.             "Title": "EnergyGuide Labels: Help for the Appliance Shopper",
  928.             "Category": "IND",
  929.             "Description": "EnergyGuide labels can help consumers save hundreds of dollars over the life of an appliance. ",
  930.             "Year": 0
  931.         },
  932.         {
  933.             "RIT": "sy193020",
  934.             "Type": "OL",
  935.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  936.             "Title": "Polluting the Earth",
  937.             "Category": "IND",
  938.             "Description": "By George M. Woodwell Pollution as a result of human population growth threatens many of Earth's ecosystems. ",
  939.             "Year": 0
  940.         },
  941.         {
  942.             "RIT": "sy194023",
  943.             "Type": "OL",
  944.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  945.             "Title": "The Formation of Galaxies and Other Structures",
  946.             "Category": "PHY",
  947.             "Description": "Scientists believe that the big bang formed galaxies from a soup of subatomic particles. But the mystery of exactly how those particles formed galaxies endures. ",
  948.             "Year": 0
  949.         },
  950.         {
  951.             "RIT": "sy195003",
  952.             "Type": "OL",
  953.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  954.             "Title": "A New Look at the Endangered Cheetah",
  955.             "Category": "LIF",
  956.             "Description": "For years, scientists thought genetic problems in the cheetah were helping doom the swift cat to extinction. But new research is casting doubt on that view. ",
  957.             "Year": 0
  958.         },
  959.         {
  960.             "RIT": "sy195006",
  961.             "Type": "OL",
  962.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  963.             "Title": "The Biggest Eruptions on Earth",
  964.             "Category": "PHY",
  965.             "Description": "Volcanic eruptions of almost unimaginable size shook the Earth in prehistoric times. Geologists say we may live to see another big one. ",
  966.             "Year": 0
  967.         },
  968.         {
  969.             "RIT": "sy195009",
  970.             "Type": "OL",
  971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  972.             "Title": "Is it Worth the Risk?",
  973.             "Category": "SOC",
  974.             "Description": "Modern life is filled with risks, from common activities as well as potentially catastrophic ones. Engineers and scientists can help us to understand these risks and to make decisions about them. ",
  975.             "Year": 0
  976.         },
  977.         {
  978.             "RIT": "sy195011",
  979.             "Type": "OL",
  980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  981.             "Title": "The Case for Renewables",
  982.             "Category": "PHY",
  983.             "Description": "Fossil fuelscoal, oil, and natural gasare far from perfect energy sources. The search for cleaner, renewable energy goes on. ",
  984.             "Year": 0
  985.         },
  986.         {
  987.             "RIT": "sy195016",
  988.             "Type": "OL",
  989.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  990.             "Title": "The Cost of Taming a River",
  991.             "Category": "GEO",
  992.             "Description": "The severe floods of 1993 and 1994 highlighted the potential drawbacks of altering rivers--increased flood damage and disrupted ecosystems. ",
  993.             "Year": 0
  994.         },
  995.         {
  996.             "RIT": "sy195019",
  997.             "Type": "OL",
  998.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  999.             "Title": "A Scientific Look at Sports Drinks",
  1000.             "Category": "LIF",
  1001.             "Description": "A sports drink can replace fluids and nutrients lost during exercise. ",
  1002.             "Year": 0
  1003.         },
  1004.         {
  1005.             "RIT": "sy195022",
  1006.             "Type": "OL",
  1007.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1008.             "Title": "Snuffing Out the Sniffles",
  1009.             "Category": "LIF",
  1010.             "Description": "No one escapes the misery of colds, yet scientists have failed to find a cure. Many medications alleviate symptoms, however. ",
  1011.             "Year": 0
  1012.         },
  1013.         {
  1014.             "RIT": "sy195023",
  1015.             "Type": "OL",
  1016.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1017.             "Title": "Paper or Plastic: Which Bag Is Better for the Environment?",
  1018.             "Category": "IND",
  1019.             "Description": "Which kind of grocery bag is more environment-friendly--paper or plastic? The choice is not a simple one. ",
  1020.             "Year": 0
  1021.         },
  1022.         {
  1023.             "RIT": "sy196022",
  1024.             "Type": "OL",
  1025.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1026.             "Title": "Windows to Keep Comfort High,",
  1027.             "Category": "IND",
  1028.             "Description": "Major strides in window technologies mean that today's new windows are thermally far more efficient than those of a generation ago. ",
  1029.             "Year": 0
  1030.         },
  1031.         {
  1032.             "RIT": "sy197001",
  1033.             "Type": "OL",
  1034.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1035.             "Title": "Rocket Man",
  1036.             "Category": "LIF",
  1037.             "Description": "Jim Lovell, the heroic commander of the real-life Apollo 13 mission to the moon talks about the rewards and risks of space exploration. An Interview with Jim Lovell ",
  1038.             "Year": 0
  1039.         },
  1040.         {
  1041.             "RIT": "sy197005",
  1042.             "Type": "OL",
  1043.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1044.             "Title": "Science in Antarctica",
  1045.             "Category": "LIF",
  1046.             "Description": "Antarctica's vast expanse of ice and brilliant blue sky offer scientists unparalleledthough frigidconditions for studying some of our most serious environmental problems and oldest cosmic mysteries. ",
  1047.             "Year": 0
  1048.         },
  1049.         {
  1050.             "RIT": "sy197007",
  1051.             "Type": "OL",
  1052.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1053.             "Title": "Wildlife in the City",
  1054.             "Category": "LIF",
  1055.             "Description": "Abundant food, water, and habitation sites make American cities and suburbs irresistible to many wild animals. ",
  1056.             "Year": 0
  1057.         },
  1058.         {
  1059.             "RIT": "sy197008",
  1060.             "Type": "OL",
  1061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1062.             "Title": "Lessons from Lake Erie",
  1063.             "Category": "LIF",
  1064.             "Description": "For years, people equated Lake Erie with pollution. But vigorous cleanup efforts have restored much of the lake's ecology. ",
  1065.             "Year": 0
  1066.         },
  1067.         {
  1068.             "RIT": "sy197010",
  1069.             "Type": "OL",
  1070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1071.             "Title": "Loud Music's Assault on Your Hearing",
  1072.             "Category": "LIF",
  1073.             "Description": "While many people feel that the music of such rock-and-roll legends as Rod Stewart and The Who's Pete Townshend has held up fairly well over the years, the performers themselves admit that theyor at least their earsare somewhat the worse ...",
  1074.             "Year": 0
  1075.         },
  1076.         {
  1077.             "RIT": "sy197011",
  1078.             "Type": "OL",
  1079.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1080.             "Title": "Water in a Bottle vs. Tap",
  1081.             "Category": "LIF",
  1082.             "Description": "Americans have a growing thirst for bottled water. In the mid-1990's, they were drinking more than 10 billion liters (2.6 billion gallons) of bottled water a year, about five times as much as they consumed in 1980. ",
  1083.             "Year": 0
  1084.         },
  1085.         {
  1086.             "RIT": "sy197012",
  1087.             "Type": "OL",
  1088.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1089.             "Title": "Lessening the Hazards of Home Pesticides",
  1090.             "Category": "LIF",
  1091.             "Description": "We have all heard disturbing reports about the potential health hazards of traces of pesticides in our food and water. ",
  1092.             "Year": 0
  1093.         },
  1094.         {
  1095.             "RIT": "sy198008",
  1096.             "Type": "OL",
  1097.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1098.             "Title": "Digestive Aids--Soothing the Beast in the Belly",
  1099.             "Category": "LIF",
  1100.             "Description": "New over-the-counter medications can significantly ease the pain and annoyance of heartburn and other digestive system problems. ",
  1101.             "Year": 0
  1102.         },
  1103.         {
  1104.             "RIT": "sy198009",
  1105.             "Type": "OL",
  1106.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1107.             "Title": "Digital Video Discs Usher in a Sight and Sound Revolution",
  1108.             "Category": "PHY",
  1109.             "Description": "A new data-storage technology called DVD may soon make your videocassette tapes and CD's as obsolete as your dad's old vinyl records. ",
  1110.             "Year": 0
  1111.         },
  1112.         {
  1113.             "RIT": "sy198010",
  1114.             "Type": "OL",
  1115.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1116.             "Title": "Reducing the Dangers of Dangerous Household Waste",
  1117.             "Category": "IND",
  1118.             "Description": "Proper waste disposal can reduce the chances of harm from dangerous household trash ",
  1119.             "Year": 0
  1120.         },
  1121.         {
  1122.             "RIT": "sy198011",
  1123.             "Type": "OL",
  1124.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1125.             "Title": "Is Melatonin a \"Miracle Cure\" for Insomnia?",
  1126.             "Category": "LIF",
  1127.             "Description": "Some people claim that melatonin is a miracle drug, but does this hormone cause more problems than it solves? ",
  1128.             "Year": 0
  1129.         },
  1130.         {
  1131.             "RIT": "sy198012",
  1132.             "Type": "OL",
  1133.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1134.             "Title": "Exploring the Ocean Abyss",
  1135.             "Category": "PHY",
  1136.             "Description": "Scientists are investigating a strange world of exotic creatures, unique geology, and great mineral wealth--the deep ocean. ",
  1137.             "Year": 0
  1138.         },
  1139.         {
  1140.             "RIT": "sy198013",
  1141.             "Type": "OL",
  1142.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1143.             "Title": "Beyond the Big Bang",
  1144.             "Category": "PHY",
  1145.             "Description": "Exploring the theories of quantum physics and relativity, scientists search for a combined theory to explain the origin of the universe. ",
  1146.             "Year": 0
  1147.         },
  1148.         {
  1149.             "RIT": "sy198014",
  1150.             "Type": "OL",
  1151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1152.             "Title": "When the Rains Stop",
  1153.             "Category": "PHY",
  1154.             "Description": "Scientists say that the drought that devastated large parts of the United States during much of 1995 and 1996 was severe but not unusual. ",
  1155.             "Year": 0
  1156.         },
  1157.         {
  1158.             "RIT": "sy198015",
  1159.             "Type": "OL",
  1160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1161.             "Title": "Here Comes the Sun",
  1162.             "Category": "PHY",
  1163.             "Description": "Scientists say that a new cycle of sunspots is due in the year 2000. The effects on Earth could be dramatic. ",
  1164.             "Year": 0
  1165.         },
  1166.         {
  1167.             "RIT": "sy198017",
  1168.             "Type": "OL",
  1169.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1170.             "Title": "A Spaceship for Tomorrow",
  1171.             "Category": "PHY",
  1172.             "Description": "NASA is at work on a more advanced space shuttle. ",
  1173.             "Year": 0
  1174.         },
  1175.         {
  1176.             "RIT": "sy198018",
  1177.             "Type": "OL",
  1178.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1179.             "Title": "Crusader Against Delusion",
  1180.             "Category": "LIF",
  1181.             "Description": "An investigator of pseudoscience and claims of the paranormal talks about his work and the need for greater scientific literacy among the public. ",
  1182.             "Year": 0
  1183.         },
  1184.         {
  1185.             "RIT": "sy199012",
  1186.             "Type": "OL",
  1187.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1188.             "Title": "Golf Ball Technology Slices into a Mystery of the",
  1189.             "Category": "REC",
  1190.             "Description": "There are significant differences among golf balls, yet, the particulars of golf balls remain a mystery to most people. ",
  1191.             "Year": 0
  1192.         },
  1193.         {
  1194.             "RIT": "sy199014",
  1195.             "Type": "OL",
  1196.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1197.             "Title": "The beginnings of forensic science",
  1198.             "Category": "PHY",
  1199.             "Description": "Forensic science is largely a modern development, but the roots of scientific crime solving can be traced back for hundreds of years. ",
  1200.             "Year": 0
  1201.         },
  1202.         {
  1203.             "RIT": "sy199015",
  1204.             "Type": "OL",
  1205.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1206.             "Title": "Analyzing Forensic Evidence",
  1207.             "Category": "PHY",
  1208.             "Description": "Forensic scientists use sophisticated laboratory tests to reveal how a crime was committed, and by whom. ",
  1209.             "Year": 0
  1210.         },
  1211.         {
  1212.             "RIT": "sy199016",
  1213.             "Type": "OL",
  1214.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1215.             "Title": "Crime-fighting scientists",
  1216.             "Category": "PHY",
  1217.             "Description": "A small army of highly trained investigators use their knowledge to bring criminals to justice. ",
  1218.             "Year": 0
  1219.         },
  1220.         {
  1221.             "RIT": "sy199017",
  1222.             "Type": "OL",
  1223.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1224.             "Title": "Tracking down crime suspects",
  1225.             "Category": "PHY",
  1226.             "Description": "Police investigators now routinely use high-technology, including computers, surveillance cameras, night-vision equipment, and even satellite systems to bring criminals to justice. ",
  1227.             "Year": 0
  1228.         },
  1229.         {
  1230.             "RIT": "sy199018",
  1231.             "Type": "OL",
  1232.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1233.             "Title": "Forensic procedures at the crime scene",
  1234.             "Category": "PHY",
  1235.             "Description": "Investigators use a wide varity of scientific methods to uncover evidence at crime scenes. ",
  1236.             "Year": 0
  1237.         },
  1238.         {
  1239.             "RIT": "sy200001",
  1240.             "Type": "OL",
  1241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1242.             "Title": "Fossils, Feathers, and Theories of Flight",
  1243.             "Category": "LIF",
  1244.             "Description": "Many scientists claimed in 1999 that recently discovered fossils prove that birds evolved from dinosaurs, but others disagreed. ",
  1245.             "Year": 0
  1246.         },
  1247.         {
  1248.             "RIT": "sy200002",
  1249.             "Type": "OL",
  1250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1251.             "Title": "Deep into the Past: Deep-Water Archaeology",
  1252.             "Category": "PHY",
  1253.             "Description": "Sophisticated technology is enabling archaeologists to conduct research at deepwater sites that had long been out of reach to them. ",
  1254.             "Year": 0
  1255.         },
  1256.         {
  1257.             "RIT": "sy200003",
  1258.             "Type": "OL",
  1259.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1260.             "Title": "How the Moon Was Born",
  1261.             "Category": "PHY",
  1262.             "Description": "By the late 1990's, the most popular theory for the formation of the moon was that it was born when a giant object struck the Earth with cataclysmic force. ",
  1263.             "Year": 0
  1264.         },
  1265.         {
  1266.             "RIT": "sy200015",
  1267.             "Type": "OL",
  1268.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1269.             "Title": "What Is the Fundamental Nature of Space?",
  1270.             "Category": "PHY",
  1271.             "Description": "Modern physics has shown that space has a number of surprising properties. ",
  1272.             "Year": 0
  1273.         },
  1274.         {
  1275.             "RIT": "sy200017",
  1276.             "Type": "OL",
  1277.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1278.             "Title": "How Does an Organism Develop from a Single Cell?",
  1279.             "Category": "LIF",
  1280.             "Description": "This question has long been one of the great mysteries of biology. By Edwin L. Ferguson ",
  1281.             "Year": 0
  1282.         },
  1283.         {
  1284.             "RIT": "sy200018",
  1285.             "Type": "OL",
  1286.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1287.             "Title": "What Is the Nature of Consciousness?",
  1288.             "Category": "LIF",
  1289.             "Description": "Despite humanity's age-old quest to understand consciousness it remains a profound puzzle. ",
  1290.             "Year": 0
  1291.         },
  1292.         {
  1293.             "RIT": "sy200019",
  1294.             "Type": "OL",
  1295.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1296.             "Title": "Why Do We Age and Die?",
  1297.             "Category": "LIF",
  1298.             "Description": "Scientists are seeking to learn why the aging process occurs and if anything can be done to stop it. ",
  1299.             "Year": 0
  1300.         },
  1301.         {
  1302.             "RIT": "sy200020",
  1303.             "Type": "OL",
  1304.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1305.             "Title": "What Has Caused Mass Extinctions?",
  1306.             "Category": "LIF",
  1307.             "Description": "Scientists believe that extinction has claimed more than 95 percent of the 5 billion to 50 billion species that have ever existed. ",
  1308.             "Year": 0
  1309.         },
  1310.         {
  1311.             "RIT": "sy201001",
  1312.             "Type": "OL",
  1313.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1314.             "Title": "Rediscovering Ancient Alexandria",
  1315.             "Category": "SOC",
  1316.             "Description": "Explorations, including ones led by two French archaeologists, have uncovered many lost tombs, ruins, and treasures of this fabled Egyptian city. ",
  1317.             "Year": 0
  1318.         },
  1319.         {
  1320.             "RIT": "sy201002",
  1321.             "Type": "OL",
  1322.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1323.             "Title": "In Search of Other Worlds",
  1324.             "Category": "PHY",
  1325.             "Description": "Astronomers are finding many planets orbiting other suns, but so far none of them are anything like the Earth. ",
  1326.             "Year": 0
  1327.         },
  1328.         {
  1329.             "RIT": "sy201003",
  1330.             "Type": "OL",
  1331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1332.             "Title": "Probing the History of Climate Change",
  1333.             "Category": "PHY",
  1334.             "Description": "Scientists hope that studying the Earth's past climates will help them predict future climate changes. ",
  1335.             "Year": 0
  1336.         },
  1337.         {
  1338.             "RIT": "sy201004",
  1339.             "Type": "OL",
  1340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1341.             "Title": "Do Animals Have Culture?",
  1342.             "Category": "LIF",
  1343.             "Description": "Social scientists have long believed that only humans are capable of possessing culture, but a growing body of evidence from the animal world is challenging that notion. ",
  1344.             "Year": 0
  1345.         },
  1346.         {
  1347.             "RIT": "sy201005",
  1348.             "Type": "OL",
  1349.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1350.             "Title": "The Winning Edge",
  1351.             "Category": "LIF",
  1352.             "Description": "Athletic performance has improved dramatically over the decades, in part because of training programs based on science and technology. ",
  1353.             "Year": 0
  1354.         },
  1355.         {
  1356.             "RIT": "sy201017",
  1357.             "Type": "OL",
  1358.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1359.             "Title": "Genetically Modified Crops",
  1360.             "Category": "LIF",
  1361.             "Description": "An increasing number of crop plants are being genetically engineered to make them resistant to pests, disease, or chemicals or to enhance their properties. ",
  1362.             "Year": 0
  1363.         },
  1364.         {
  1365.             "RIT": "sy201018",
  1366.             "Type": "OL",
  1367.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1368.             "Title": "Genetically Modified Livestock",
  1369.             "Category": "LIF",
  1370.             "Description": "Genetic engineering researchers are seeking ways to improve the quality of livetock and to use animals to produce needed drugs. ",
  1371.             "Year": 0
  1372.         },
  1373.         {
  1374.             "RIT": "sy201019",
  1375.             "Type": "OL",
  1376.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1377.             "Title": "Environmental and Health Concerns",
  1378.             "Category": "LIF",
  1379.             "Description": "Many people express concerns about the safety of genetically engineered foods. ",
  1380.             "Year": 0
  1381.         },
  1382.         {
  1383.             "RIT": "sy201020",
  1384.             "Type": "OL",
  1385.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1386.             "Title": "Little-Bitty Airplanes",
  1387.             "Category": "LIF",
  1388.             "Description": "Engineers are creating tiny airplanes that can be used for surveillance and other special purposes. ",
  1389.             "Year": 0
  1390.         },
  1391.         {
  1392.             "RIT": "sy201021",
  1393.             "Type": "OL",
  1394.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1395.             "Title": "Coral Reefs in Peril",
  1396.             "Category": "LIF",
  1397.             "Description": "The world's coral reefs are being threatened by pollution, overfishing, and other problems. ",
  1398.             "Year": 0
  1399.         },
  1400.         {
  1401.             "RIT": "sy201022",
  1402.             "Type": "OL",
  1403.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1404.             "Title": "Mysterious Gamma Rays",
  1405.             "Category": "LIF",
  1406.             "Description": "Astronomers are seeking to determine the cause of intense gamma-ray bursts from distant parts of the universe. ",
  1407.             "Year": 0
  1408.         },
  1409.         {
  1410.             "RIT": "sy201023",
  1411.             "Type": "OL",
  1412.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1413.             "Title": "Dolphins: Bullies of the Deep?",
  1414.             "Category": "LIF",
  1415.             "Description": "Scientists are learning that bottle-nosed dolphins aren't always the sweet, gentle animals that people consider them to be. ",
  1416.             "Year": 0
  1417.         },
  1418.         {
  1419.             "RIT": "sy201024",
  1420.             "Type": "OL",
  1421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1422.             "Title": "Beyond Rockets",
  1423.             "Category": "LIF",
  1424.             "Description": "Space-propulsion engineers are working on new ways to send spacecraft to the other planets--and to the stars ",
  1425.             "Year": 0
  1426.         },
  1427.         {
  1428.             "RIT": "sy202001",
  1429.             "Type": "OL",
  1430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1431.             "Title": "Unraveling the Mysteries of Dreams",
  1432.             "Category": "GEO",
  1433.             "Description": "Science is shedding light on the universal--and often strange--human experience of dreaming. ",
  1434.             "Year": 0
  1435.         },
  1436.         {
  1437.             "RIT": "sy202002",
  1438.             "Type": "OL",
  1439.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1440.             "Title": "Fire from the Sky",
  1441.             "Category": "GEO",
  1442.             "Description": "Lightning is a complex, powerful natural phenomenon that scientists still do not completely understand, despite centuries of scrutiny. ",
  1443.             "Year": 0
  1444.         },
  1445.         {
  1446.             "RIT": "sy202003",
  1447.             "Type": "OL",
  1448.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1449.             "Title": "How the Ocean Came to Be",
  1450.             "Category": "GEO",
  1451.             "Description": "How the Ocean Came to Be ",
  1452.             "Year": 0
  1453.         },
  1454.         {
  1455.             "RIT": "ma201001",
  1456.             "Type": "OL",
  1457.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1458.             "Title": "Diagnosing and Treating Ailing Hearts",
  1459.             "Category": "LIF",
  1460.             "Description": "Exciting advances in modern medicine have greatly advanced the treatment of patients with heart disease. ",
  1461.             "Year": 0
  1462.         },
  1463.         {
  1464.             "RIT": "ma201002",
  1465.             "Type": "OL",
  1466.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1467.             "Title": "Disease Detectives",
  1468.             "Category": "LIF",
  1469.             "Description": "The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has solved some of history's intriguing medical mysteries. ",
  1470.             "Year": 0
  1471.         },
  1472.         {
  1473.             "RIT": "ma201003",
  1474.             "Type": "OL",
  1475.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1476.             "Title": "How Healthy Are We?",
  1477.             "Category": "LIF",
  1478.             "Description": "A comprehensive U.S.-government report had both good and bad news on the state of Americans' health in 2000. ",
  1479.             "Year": 0
  1480.         },
  1481.         {
  1482.             "RIT": "ma201004",
  1483.             "Type": "OL",
  1484.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1485.             "Title": "The A, B, C's of Viral Hepatitis",
  1486.             "Category": "LIF",
  1487.             "Description": "Most types of hepatitis can be prevented. Early detection of the condition can limit its serious health effects. ",
  1488.             "Year": 0
  1489.         },
  1490.         {
  1491.             "RIT": "ma201005",
  1492.             "Type": "OL",
  1493.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1494.             "Title": "Hot and Cold: Staying Healthy in All Weather",
  1495.             "Category": "LIF",
  1496.             "Description": "Serious medical problems can arise when the weather affects the body's ability to maintain a constant temperature. ",
  1497.             "Year": 0
  1498.         },
  1499.         {
  1500.             "RIT": "ma201006",
  1501.             "Type": "OL",
  1502.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1503.             "Title": "Heart Disease: Understanding a Killer",
  1504.             "Category": "LIF",
  1505.             "Description": "Heart disease ranks as the number-one killer of both men and women in the United States. ",
  1506.             "Year": 0
  1507.         },
  1508.         {
  1509.             "RIT": "ma201007",
  1510.             "Type": "OL",
  1511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1512.             "Title": "Evaluating Online Medical Information",
  1513.             "Category": "LIF",
  1514.             "Description": "With so much health information on the Internet, how do you decide what is reliable and what is not? ",
  1515.             "Year": 0
  1516.         },
  1517.         {
  1518.             "RIT": "ma201008",
  1519.             "Type": "OL",
  1520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1521.             "Title": "The Heart: A Wondrous Pump",
  1522.             "Category": "LIF",
  1523.             "Description": "Each day, the heart beats more than 100,000 times and pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood. ",
  1524.             "Year": 0
  1525.         },
  1526.         {
  1527.             "RIT": "ma201009",
  1528.             "Type": "OL",
  1529.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1530.             "Title": "Could It Be Sinusitis?",
  1531.             "Category": "LIF",
  1532.             "Description": "Sinusitis is one of the most common chronic diseases in the United States. It can be treated, but first, people have to recognize the symptoms. ",
  1533.             "Year": 0
  1534.         },
  1535.         {
  1536.             "RIT": "ma201010",
  1537.             "Type": "OL",
  1538.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1539.             "Title": "Stuttering",
  1540.             "Category": "LIF",
  1541.             "Description": "The key to treating stuttering effectively is early detection and intervention. ",
  1542.             "Year": 0
  1543.         },
  1544.         {
  1545.             "RIT": "ma201011",
  1546.             "Type": "OL",
  1547.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1548.             "Title": "Planning A Healthy Vegetarian Diet",
  1549.             "Category": "LIF",
  1550.             "Description": "More and more people are coming to believe that vegetarian diets offer significant health benefits. ",
  1551.             "Year": 0
  1552.         },
  1553.         {
  1554.             "RIT": "sy193023",
  1555.             "Type": "OL",
  1556.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1557.             "Title": "The Endangered Web of Life",
  1558.             "Category": "LIF",
  1559.             "Description": "Human beings are only one of millions of organisms sufficiently different from one another to be recognized as species. ",
  1560.             "Year": 0
  1561.         },
  1562.         {
  1563.             "RIT": "sy194001",
  1564.             "Type": "OL",
  1565.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1566.             "Title": "How Electronic Locks Work",
  1567.             "Category": "PHY",
  1568.             "Description": "Electronic locks offer convenience, wide range of use, and greater control over who enters sensitive areas. ",
  1569.             "Year": 0
  1570.         },
  1571.         {
  1572.             "RIT": "sy194002",
  1573.             "Type": "OL",
  1574.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1575.             "Title": "Clearing the Air About Electronic Air Cleaners",
  1576.             "Category": "PHY",
  1577.             "Description": "Choosing the right air cleaner can make a home a healthier place. ",
  1578.             "Year": 0
  1579.         },
  1580.         {
  1581.             "RIT": "sy194003",
  1582.             "Type": "OL",
  1583.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1584.             "Title": "Chemistry in a Tube of Toothpaste",
  1585.             "Category": "PHY",
  1586.             "Description": "Most people don't think about how toothpaste works, but a closer look may bring some surprises. ",
  1587.             "Year": 0
  1588.         },
  1589.         {
  1590.             "RIT": "sy194004",
  1591.             "Type": "OL",
  1592.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1593.             "Title": "Repelling Bugs That Bite",
  1594.             "Category": "LIF",
  1595.             "Description": "Just as surely as summer brings a host of outdoor pleasures, it also brings swarms of mosquitoes, flies, ticks, and other biting, disease spreading insects. ",
  1596.             "Year": 0
  1597.         },
  1598.         {
  1599.             "RIT": "sy194005",
  1600.             "Type": "OL",
  1601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1602.             "Title": "Choosing the Right Light",
  1603.             "Category": "PHY",
  1604.             "Description": "You can save money and help the environment by choosing the right light bulbs. ",
  1605.             "Year": 0
  1606.         },
  1607.         {
  1608.             "RIT": "sy194013",
  1609.             "Type": "OL",
  1610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1611.             "Title": "Uncovering African Americans' Buried Past",
  1612.             "Category": "SOC",
  1613.             "Description": "Excavations at early African-American cemeteries are yielding insights about people whose lives remain little known to many Americans. ",
  1614.             "Year": 0
  1615.         },
  1616.         {
  1617.             "RIT": "sy194019",
  1618.             "Type": "OL",
  1619.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1620.             "Title": "The History of Cosmology",
  1621.             "Category": "PHY",
  1622.             "Description": "Many past observers, from the ancient Greeks, to Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton, have influenced current views of the universe. ",
  1623.             "Year": 0
  1624.         },
  1625.         {
  1626.             "RIT": "sy194020",
  1627.             "Type": "OL",
  1628.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1629.             "Title": "The Universe on the Grand Scale",
  1630.             "Category": "PHY",
  1631.             "Description": "The nighttime sky is ablaze with light from objects near and far. ",
  1632.             "Year": 0
  1633.         },
  1634.         {
  1635.             "RIT": "sy194021",
  1636.             "Type": "OL",
  1637.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1638.             "Title": "A Subatomic View of the Universe",
  1639.             "Category": "PHY",
  1640.             "Description": "A complex universe of its own exists within each atom--a universe that is still revealing its mysteries. ",
  1641.             "Year": 0
  1642.         },
  1643.         {
  1644.             "RIT": "sy196002",
  1645.             "Type": "OL",
  1646.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1647.             "Title": "The Fragile Wilderness of Caves",
  1648.             "Category": "PHY",
  1649.             "Description": "Sightless creatures and fantastic formations exist in a dark universe below ground, where even the breath of human visitors can alter the delicate ecological balance. ",
  1650.             "Year": 0
  1651.         },
  1652.         {
  1653.             "RIT": "sy196003",
  1654.             "Type": "OL",
  1655.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1656.             "Title": "When Worlds and Comets Collide",
  1657.             "Category": "PHY",
  1658.             "Description": "The spectacular comet strikes on Jupiter in 1994 showed that the solar system can be a very dangerous place. ",
  1659.             "Year": 0
  1660.         },
  1661.         {
  1662.             "RIT": "sy196009",
  1663.             "Type": "OL",
  1664.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1665.             "Title": "PterodactylsFlying Marvels of the Mesozoic",
  1666.             "Category": "LIF",
  1667.             "Description": "Today's image of the pterodactyl is no longer that of a clumsy flying fiend. ",
  1668.             "Year": 0
  1669.         },
  1670.         {
  1671.             "RIT": "sy196011",
  1672.             "Type": "OL",
  1673.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1674.             "Title": "FoundThe Top Quark",
  1675.             "Category": "PHY",
  1676.             "Description": "Physicists have finally confirmed the existence of a subatomic particle that may be the last remaining fundamental building block of the universe. ",
  1677.             "Year": 0
  1678.         },
  1679.         {
  1680.             "RIT": "sy196013",
  1681.             "Type": "OL",
  1682.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1683.             "Title": "Threatened Species Around the World",
  1684.             "Category": "LIF",
  1685.             "Description": "According to scientific estimates, one percent of all species have been lost to extinction in the last century. And the pace is apparently accelerating. ",
  1686.             "Year": 0
  1687.         },
  1688.         {
  1689.             "RIT": "sy196014",
  1690.             "Type": "OL",
  1691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1692.             "Title": "History of Attempts to Save Species",
  1693.             "Category": "LIF",
  1694.             "Description": "Species preservation is not a new concern, though the movement has gained momentum in recent years. Many challenges lie ahead, however. ",
  1695.             "Year": 0
  1696.         },
  1697.         {
  1698.             "RIT": "sy196016",
  1699.             "Type": "OL",
  1700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1701.             "Title": "Why Species Are Important",
  1702.             "Category": "LIF",
  1703.             "Description": "Human beings and other species of living organisms are ultimately interdependent. We have an obligation to conserve and protect species. ",
  1704.             "Year": 0
  1705.         },
  1706.         {
  1707.             "RIT": "sy196018",
  1708.             "Type": "OL",
  1709.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1710.             "Title": "CD-ROM's: Multimedia Computing on a Silver Platter",
  1711.             "Category": "IND",
  1712.             "Description": "What are CD-ROM's and how do they work? How do I join the CD-ROM revolution? ",
  1713.             "Year": 0
  1714.         },
  1715.         {
  1716.             "RIT": "sy196019",
  1717.             "Type": "OL",
  1718.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1719.             "Title": "Selecting Athletic Shoes, Scientifically",
  1720.             "Category": "REC",
  1721.             "Description": "Selecting the right pair of shoes for a sports activity is serious business. Here are some guidelines. ",
  1722.             "Year": 0
  1723.         },
  1724.         {
  1725.             "RIT": "sy196021",
  1726.             "Type": "OL",
  1727.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1728.             "Title": "The Chemistry of Cosmetics",
  1729.             "Category": "SOC",
  1730.             "Description": "Cosmetics consist of chemicals that are potentially irritating, or even toxic, to the skin. Become an informed consumer. ",
  1731.             "Year": 0
  1732.         },
  1733.         {
  1734.             "RIT": "sy197013",
  1735.             "Type": "OL",
  1736.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1737.             "Title": "Hair Chemistry",
  1738.             "Category": "LIF",
  1739.             "Description": "If you think chemistry has nothing to do with your everyday life, take a look in the mirror and think again. Specifically, look at your hair. ",
  1740.             "Year": 0
  1741.         },
  1742.         {
  1743.             "RIT": "sy197014",
  1744.             "Type": "OL",
  1745.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1746.             "Title": "Recycling Used Motor Oil",
  1747.             "Category": "LIF",
  1748.             "Description": "Each year in the United States, do-it-yourselfers dump an estimated 750 million liters of used oil where they should not. ",
  1749.             "Year": 0
  1750.         },
  1751.         {
  1752.             "RIT": "sy197015",
  1753.             "Type": "OL",
  1754.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1755.             "Title": "A Look Back at Computers",
  1756.             "Category": "LIF",
  1757.             "Description": "The computer has changed our lives so rapidly and so dramatically that it is hard to remember a time without computers. ",
  1758.             "Year": 0
  1759.         },
  1760.         {
  1761.             "RIT": "sy198001",
  1762.             "Type": "OL",
  1763.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1764.             "Title": "New AIDS Drugs Offer Hope",
  1765.             "Category": "GEO",
  1766.             "Description": "A new class of drugs offers the best hope yet in the fight against AIDs. ",
  1767.             "Year": 0
  1768.         },
  1769.         {
  1770.             "RIT": "sy198002",
  1771.             "Type": "OL",
  1772.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1773.             "Title": "The \"Planet\" Within the Earth",
  1774.             "Category": "GEO",
  1775.             "Description": "Scientists discover that Earth's core spins on its own ",
  1776.             "Year": 0
  1777.         },
  1778.         {
  1779.             "RIT": "sy198003",
  1780.             "Type": "OL",
  1781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1782.             "Title": "Probing the Planets",
  1783.             "Category": "IND",
  1784.             "Description": "Unmanned spacecraft have revealed a wealth of information about the solar system, and they remain our best option for further exploration of the planets. ",
  1785.             "Year": 0
  1786.         },
  1787.         {
  1788.             "RIT": "sy198004",
  1789.             "Type": "OL",
  1790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1791.             "Title": "Dogs at Work",
  1792.             "Category": "LIF",
  1793.             "Description": "Dogs have been helping people for thousands of years. ",
  1794.             "Year": 0
  1795.         },
  1796.         {
  1797.             "RIT": "sy198005",
  1798.             "Type": "OL",
  1799.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1800.             "Title": "Rogue Proteins",
  1801.             "Category": "LIF",
  1802.             "Description": "Abnormal protein molecules called prions are involved in several devastating brain disorders, including \"mad cow disease,\" but some scientists are skeptical about the idea that these proteins cause illness on their own. ",
  1803.             "Year": 0
  1804.         },
  1805.         {
  1806.             "RIT": "sy198006",
  1807.             "Type": "OL",
  1808.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1809.             "Title": "Digital Flicks",
  1810.             "Category": "HUM",
  1811.             "Description": "Using computers, moviemakers create spectacular special effects in film and bring new realities to the big screen ",
  1812.             "Year": 0
  1813.         },
  1814.         {
  1815.             "RIT": "sy198007",
  1816.             "Type": "OL",
  1817.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1818.             "Title": "Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Tracking the \"Silent Killer\"",
  1819.             "Category": "PHY",
  1820.             "Description": "Carbon monoxide detectors can protect your family against accidental poisoning from this potentially lethal gas. ",
  1821.             "Year": 0
  1822.         },
  1823.         {
  1824.             "RIT": "sy198019",
  1825.             "Type": "OL",
  1826.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1827.             "Title": "The Surging Global Population",
  1828.             "Category": "LIF",
  1829.             "Description": "Growing human population has stretched Earth's resources to the limit ",
  1830.             "Year": 0
  1831.         },
  1832.         {
  1833.             "RIT": "sy198020",
  1834.             "Type": "OL",
  1835.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1836.             "Title": "The Environmental Impact of Overpopulation",
  1837.             "Category": "LIF",
  1838.             "Description": "Overpopulation has severely damaged Earth's ecosystems ",
  1839.             "Year": 0
  1840.         },
  1841.         {
  1842.             "RIT": "sy198021",
  1843.             "Type": "OL",
  1844.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1845.             "Title": "Overpopulation and Earth's Diminishing Resources",
  1846.             "Category": "LIF",
  1847.             "Description": "Overpopulation has depleted Earth's natural resources ",
  1848.             "Year": 0
  1849.         },
  1850.         {
  1851.             "RIT": "sy198022",
  1852.             "Type": "OL",
  1853.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1854.             "Title": "Overpopulation and the Threat of Infectious Disease",
  1855.             "Category": "LIF",
  1856.             "Description": "Population growth increases the threat of infectious disease worldwide ",
  1857.             "Year": 0
  1858.         },
  1859.         {
  1860.             "RIT": "sy198023",
  1861.             "Type": "OL",
  1862.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1863.             "Title": "Population and the Future",
  1864.             "Category": "LIF",
  1865.             "Description": "Scientists are trying to determine the impact of a rapidly growing human population ",
  1866.             "Year": 0
  1867.         },
  1868.         {
  1869.             "RIT": "sy199002",
  1870.             "Type": "OL",
  1871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1872.             "Title": "Rethinking the human family tree",
  1873.             "Category": "LIF",
  1874.             "Description": "In 1997, genetic research and new fossil discoveries provided clues to the origins of modern humans. ",
  1875.             "Year": 0
  1876.         },
  1877.         {
  1878.             "RIT": "sy199003",
  1879.             "Type": "OL",
  1880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1881.             "Title": "Amphibian Mystery",
  1882.             "Category": "LIF",
  1883.             "Description": "Scientists are trying to learn why many frogs, salamanders, and other amphibians are declining in number and developing deformities. ",
  1884.             "Year": 0
  1885.         },
  1886.         {
  1887.             "RIT": "sy199004",
  1888.             "Type": "OL",
  1889.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1890.             "Title": "New Tools of the Art Conservator",
  1891.             "Category": "HUM",
  1892.             "Description": "Art conservators increasingly rely on sophisticated scientific methods to rescue precious works of art. ",
  1893.             "Year": 0
  1894.         },
  1895.         {
  1896.             "RIT": "sy199006",
  1897.             "Type": "OL",
  1898.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1899.             "Title": "Museums that Make Science an Adventure",
  1900.             "Category": "PHY",
  1901.             "Description": "Museums filled with \"hands-on\" exhibits are exciting and fun to explore, but they are also places where people can learn a lot about science and technology. ",
  1902.             "Year": 0
  1903.         },
  1904.         {
  1905.             "RIT": "sy199010",
  1906.             "Type": "OL",
  1907.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1908.             "Title": "The Global Positioning System Charts New Territory",
  1909.             "Category": "PHY",
  1910.             "Description": "Developed for military use, the Global Positioning System also has a wide range of benefits for civilians. ",
  1911.             "Year": 0
  1912.         },
  1913.         {
  1914.             "RIT": "sy199011",
  1915.             "Type": "OL",
  1916.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1917.             "Title": "Wet Cleaners: the Latest Wave in a Green",
  1918.             "Category": "PHY",
  1919.             "Description": "Is a new process termed \"wet cleaning\" better for the environment than dry cleaning? ",
  1920.             "Year": 0
  1921.         },
  1922.         {
  1923.             "RIT": "sy200004",
  1924.             "Type": "OL",
  1925.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1926.             "Title": "Tissue Engineering--From Science Fiction to Medical Fact",
  1927.             "Category": "LIF",
  1928.             "Description": "Researchers are close to achieving the centuries-old dream of replacing damaged or diseased body parts, an advance that promises to change medicine forever. ",
  1929.             "Year": 0
  1930.         },
  1931.         {
  1932.             "RIT": "sy200005",
  1933.             "Type": "OL",
  1934.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1935.             "Title": "Turbulence: Hidden Threat in the Skies",
  1936.             "Category": "PHY",
  1937.             "Description": "Aviation researchers are turning to technology in an effort to help planes avoid air turbulence--a serious problem that has plagued airliners for decades. ",
  1938.             "Year": 0
  1939.         },
  1940.         {
  1941.             "RIT": "sy200007",
  1942.             "Type": "OL",
  1943.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1944.             "Title": "What's New at the Zoo?",
  1945.             "Category": "LIF",
  1946.             "Description": "Modern zoos have moved beyond the conservation of wild animal species. Now they are involved in public education and habitat preservation as well. ",
  1947.             "Year": 0
  1948.         },
  1949.         {
  1950.             "RIT": "sy200008",
  1951.             "Type": "OL",
  1952.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1953.             "Title": "A Thousand Years of Scientific Discovery",
  1954.             "Category": "PHY",
  1955.             "Description": "Once almost extinguished by ignorance and superstition, scientific inquiry has become a triumph of the human mind. ",
  1956.             "Year": 0
  1957.         },
  1958.         {
  1959.             "RIT": "sy200009",
  1960.             "Type": "OL",
  1961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1962.             "Title": "Eyes on the Future: An Interview with Gregory Benford",
  1963.             "Category": "LIF",
  1964.             "Description": "A physicist and science fiction writer looks ahead to the world of the 2000's and tells what he sees for science and society. ",
  1965.             "Year": 0
  1966.         },
  1967.         {
  1968.             "RIT": "sy200010",
  1969.             "Type": "OL",
  1970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1971.             "Title": "Aquariums, Living Jewels of Light and Motion",
  1972.             "Category": "LIF",
  1973.             "Description": "With a home aquarium, you can bring a colorful bit of the natural world into your living room. ",
  1974.             "Year": 0
  1975.         },
  1976.         {
  1977.             "RIT": "sy200011",
  1978.             "Type": "OL",
  1979.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1980.             "Title": "Biometric Identification:Is That Really You?",
  1981.             "Category": "PHY",
  1982.             "Description": "Advanced identification systems will soon make passwords and personal ID numbers a thing of the past. ",
  1983.             "Year": 0
  1984.         },
  1985.         {
  1986.             "RIT": "sy200012",
  1987.             "Type": "OL",
  1988.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1989.             "Title": "How to Protect Fine Woods in Your Home",
  1990.             "Category": "LIF",
  1991.             "Description": "Keeping wood free from harm and looking new requires giving it special care. ",
  1992.             "Year": 0
  1993.         },
  1994.         {
  1995.             "RIT": "sy200013",
  1996.             "Type": "OL",
  1997.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  1998.             "Title": "Perfumes and Colognes: Romance in a Bottle",
  1999.             "Category": "LIF",
  2000.             "Description": "Modern fragrances, though increasingly based on synthetic ingredients, still have an aura of mystery. ",
  2001.             "Year": 0
  2002.         },
  2003.         {
  2004.             "RIT": "sy200014",
  2005.             "Type": "OL",
  2006.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2007.             "Title": "Digital Cameras Gain in Popularity and Utility",
  2008.             "Category": "LIF",
  2009.             "Description": "Digital cameras are playing an increasingly important role in photography. ",
  2010.             "Year": 0
  2011.         },
  2012.         {
  2013.             "RIT": "sy201006",
  2014.             "Type": "OL",
  2015.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2016.             "Title": "The Battle Against the Bugs",
  2017.             "Category": "LIF",
  2018.             "Description": "Scientists are waging an ongoing war with insect invaders that attack crops and do other kinds of damage. ",
  2019.             "Year": 0
  2020.         },
  2021.         {
  2022.             "RIT": "sy201007",
  2023.             "Type": "OL",
  2024.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2025.             "Title": "Tyrannosaurus rex: The Tyrant Still Reigns",
  2026.             "Category": "LIF",
  2027.             "Description": "Scientists are examining evidence that gives them a clearer picture of one of the most ferocious dinosaurs that ever lived. ",
  2028.             "Year": 0
  2029.         },
  2030.         {
  2031.             "RIT": "sy201008",
  2032.             "Type": "OL",
  2033.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2034.             "Title": "When the Earth Moves",
  2035.             "Category": "PHY",
  2036.             "Description": "A better understanding of earthquakes may someday enable researchers to predict when and where quakes will occur. ",
  2037.             "Year": 0
  2038.         },
  2039.         {
  2040.             "RIT": "sy201009",
  2041.             "Type": "OL",
  2042.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2043.             "Title": "Machines by the Spoonful",
  2044.             "Category": "IND",
  2045.             "Description": "Researchers working at unimaginably small scales are developing tiny machines and electronic devices for a variety of scientific and commercial purposes. ",
  2046.             "Year": 0
  2047.         },
  2048.         {
  2049.             "RIT": "sy201010",
  2050.             "Type": "OL",
  2051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2052.             "Title": "Controlling the Causes of Bad Breath",
  2053.             "Category": "LIF",
  2054.             "Description": "Bad breath can be embarrassing, but it can usually be eliminated by a change in eating habits or better oral hygiene. ",
  2055.             "Year": 0
  2056.         },
  2057.         {
  2058.             "RIT": "sy201011",
  2059.             "Type": "OL",
  2060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2061.             "Title": "Putting Computing Power in Your Pocket",
  2062.             "Category": "PHY",
  2063.             "Description": "Handheld computers are offering features once available only in larger machines. ",
  2064.             "Year": 0
  2065.         },
  2066.         {
  2067.             "RIT": "sy201012",
  2068.             "Type": "OL",
  2069.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2070.             "Title": "How to Wipe Out Bathroom and Kitchen Germs",
  2071.             "Category": "LIF",
  2072.             "Description": "Keeping household microbes under control can help prevent many common illnesses. ",
  2073.             "Year": 0
  2074.         },
  2075.         {
  2076.             "RIT": "sy201013",
  2077.             "Type": "OL",
  2078.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2079.             "Title": "Lasers Focus on Correcting Nearsightedness",
  2080.             "Category": "LIF",
  2081.             "Description": "New procedures can help many people with this common vision disorder. ",
  2082.             "Year": 0
  2083.         },
  2084.         {
  2085.             "RIT": "sy201014",
  2086.             "Type": "OL",
  2087.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2088.             "Title": "MP3 Music: Sound Wave of the Future?",
  2089.             "Category": "PHY",
  2090.             "Description": "A new music technology is transforming the way people obtain, play, and share recordings. ",
  2091.             "Year": 0
  2092.         },
  2093.         {
  2094.             "RIT": "sy201015",
  2095.             "Type": "OL",
  2096.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2097.             "Title": "Traditional Breeding Methods",
  2098.             "Category": "LIF",
  2099.             "Description": "The human manipulation of the traits of plants and animals began thousands of years ago. ",
  2100.             "Year": 0
  2101.         },
  2102.         {
  2103.             "RIT": "sy201016",
  2104.             "Type": "OL",
  2105.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2106.             "Title": "The Dawn of Genetic Engineering",
  2107.             "Category": "LIF",
  2108.             "Description": "Scientific advances have enabled scientists to alter an organism's genetic makeup at will. ",
  2109.             "Year": 0
  2110.         },
  2111.         {
  2112.             "RIT": "sy202004",
  2113.             "Type": "OL",
  2114.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2115.             "Title": "The Sea's Features and Life Forms",
  2116.             "Category": "GEO",
  2117.             "Description": "Beneath the rolling waves is a seemingly endless world of mountains, valleys, and diverse organisms engaged in life-and-death struggles ",
  2118.             "Year": 0
  2119.         },
  2120.         {
  2121.             "RIT": "sy202005",
  2122.             "Type": "OL",
  2123.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2124.             "Title": "How the Ocean Affects Climate",
  2125.             "Category": "GEO",
  2126.             "Description": "The ocean plays a crucial role in determining climate because of its ability to absorb, store, and transport heat from the sun. ",
  2127.             "Year": 0
  2128.         },
  2129.         {
  2130.             "RIT": "sy202006",
  2131.             "Type": "OL",
  2132.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2133.             "Title": "Studying the Sea",
  2134.             "Category": "GEO",
  2135.             "Description": "Advanced technology has opened a new era in how the ocean is studied and how marine data are gathered and processed. ",
  2136.             "Year": 0
  2137.         },
  2138.         {
  2139.             "RIT": "sy202007",
  2140.             "Type": "OL",
  2141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2142.             "Title": "The Ocean's Troubled Waters",
  2143.             "Category": "GEO",
  2144.             "Description": "By 2001, scientists had gathered abundant evidence that the ocean is in trouble ",
  2145.             "Year": 0
  2146.         },
  2147.         {
  2148.             "RIT": "sy202008",
  2149.             "Type": "OL",
  2150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2151.             "Title": "Robots on the Rise",
  2152.             "Category": "GEO",
  2153.             "Description": "Robots on the Rise ",
  2154.             "Year": 0
  2155.         },
  2156.         {
  2157.             "RIT": "sy202009",
  2158.             "Type": "OL",
  2159.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2160.             "Title": "The Sound of Silence",
  2161.             "Category": "GEO",
  2162.             "Description": "We are surrounded by noise every day, but scientists and engineers are investigating ways of making the world a quieter place. ",
  2163.             "Year": 0
  2164.         },
  2165.         {
  2166.             "RIT": "sy202010",
  2167.             "Type": "OL",
  2168.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2169.             "Title": "Emergence of the Primates",
  2170.             "Category": "GEO",
  2171.             "Description": "Emergence of the Primates ",
  2172.             "Year": 0
  2173.         },
  2174.         {
  2175.             "RIT": "sy202011",
  2176.             "Type": "OL",
  2177.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2178.             "Title": "Why Forests Need to Burn",
  2179.             "Category": "GEO",
  2180.             "Description": "Why Forests Need to Burn ",
  2181.             "Year": 0
  2182.         },
  2183.         {
  2184.             "RIT": "sy202012",
  2185.             "Type": "OL",
  2186.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2187.             "Title": "The Search for Gravity",
  2188.             "Category": "GEO",
  2189.             "Description": "Scientists are looking for ripples in the fabric of space-time that Albert Einstein first proposed in 1916 ",
  2190.             "Year": 0
  2191.         },
  2192.         {
  2193.             "RIT": "sy202013",
  2194.             "Type": "OL",
  2195.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2196.             "Title": "The First Americans",
  2197.             "Category": "GEO",
  2198.             "Description": "Evidence that contradicts old theories is prompting scientists to take a new look at how the Americas were peopled ",
  2199.             "Year": 0
  2200.         },
  2201.         {
  2202.             "RIT": "sy202014",
  2203.             "Type": "OL",
  2204.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  2205.             "Title": "What's Next for the Human Genome?",
  2206.             "Category": "GEO",
  2207.             "Description": "Scientists have spelled out the string of letters in our genetic code, but they have a lot more work to do to fully understand the message ",
  2208.             "Year": 0
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  2227.             "Description": "Official site of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.",
  2228.             "Year": 0
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  2238.             "Year": 0
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  2266.             "Category": "HIS",
  2267.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Hannibal Hamlin.",
  2268.             "Year": 0
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  2277.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Thomas Harkin.",
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  2284.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2286.             "Category": "HIS",
  2287.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Mark Hanna.",
  2288.             "Year": 0
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  2294.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2296.             "Category": "HIS",
  2297.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Ernest Gruening.",
  2298.             "Year": 0
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  2304.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2306.             "Category": "HIS",
  2307.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Robert Griffin.",
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  2314.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2316.             "Category": "HIS",
  2317.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Theodore Green.",
  2318.             "Year": 0
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  2326.             "Category": "HIS",
  2327.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Mike Monroney.",
  2328.             "Year": 0
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  2330.         {
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  2336.             "Category": "HIS",
  2337.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Wilbur Mills.",
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  2344.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2346.             "Category": "HIS",
  2347.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Robert La Follette.",
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  2350.         {
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  2354.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2356.             "Category": "GEO",
  2357.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Dennis Hastert.",
  2358.             "Year": 0
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  2364.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2366.             "Category": "HIS",
  2367.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Robert La Follette, Jr.",
  2368.             "Year": 0
  2369.         },
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  2374.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2376.             "Category": "HIS",
  2377.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Edward Kennedy.",
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  2384.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2386.             "Category": "GEO",
  2387.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Frank Lautenberg.",
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  2396.             "Category": "HIS",
  2397.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Patrick McCarran.",
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  2407.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John Kerry.",
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  2417.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Gary Hart.",
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  2424.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2426.             "Category": "HIS",
  2427.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Karl Mundt.",
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  2434.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2436.             "Category": "HIS",
  2437.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Charles McNary.",
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  2444.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2446.             "Category": "HIS",
  2447.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Robert Kennedy.",
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  2456.             "Category": "HIS",
  2457.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Eugene McCarthy.",
  2458.             "Year": 0
  2459.         },
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  2466.             "Category": "HIS",
  2467.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Mike Mansfield.",
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  2469.         },
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  2476.             "Category": "HIS",
  2477.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on William Livingston.",
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  2487.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Octaviano Larrazolo.",
  2488.             "Year": 0
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  2494.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2496.             "Category": "HIS",
  2497.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Robert Hatcher.",
  2498.             "Year": 0
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  2504.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2506.             "Category": "HIS",
  2507.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Melvin Laird.",
  2508.             "Year": 0
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  2510.         {
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  2514.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2516.             "Category": "HIS",
  2517.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Wayne Morse.",
  2518.             "Year": 0
  2519.         },
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  2524.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2526.             "Category": "HIS",
  2527.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Estes Kefauver.",
  2528.             "Year": 0
  2529.         },
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  2534.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2536.             "Category": "HIS",
  2537.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Samuel Kirkwood.",
  2538.             "Year": 0
  2539.         },
  2540.         {
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  2544.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  2546.             "Category": "GEO",
  2547.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Joseph Lieberman.",
  2548.             "Year": 0
  2549.         },
  2550.         {
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  2857.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Byron Dorgan.",
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  2867.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on James Couzens.",
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  2907.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John Hanson.",
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  2917.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Jud Gregg.",
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  2927.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Phllip Gramm.",
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  2947.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John Hale.",
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  2957.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John McCain.",
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  2967.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Fiorello La Guardia.",
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  2977.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Herbert Kohl.",
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  2987.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Thomas Mifflin.",
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  2997.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Barbara Mikulski.",
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  3017.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Frank Kellogg.",
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  3227.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Blanche Lincoln.",
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  3237.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Carol Mosley-Braun.",
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  3287.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Max Cleland.",
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  3297.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Susan Collins.",
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  3347.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Edward Everett.",
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  3577.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Peter Fitzgerald.",
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  3597.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on William Fessenden.",
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  3606.             "Category": "HIS",
  3607.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Walter George.",
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  3627.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Carter Glass.",
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  3637.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Hiram Johnson.",
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  3647.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on James Inhofe.",
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  3657.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Tim Hutchinson.",
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  3677.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on James Jeffords.",
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  3687.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Jacob Javits.",
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  3706.             "Category": "HIS",
  3707.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Garret Hobart.",
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  3719.         },
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  3727.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Barry Goldwater.",
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  3877.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Victor Berger.",
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  3936.             "Category": "GEO",
  3937.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Jeff Bingaman.",
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  3957.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Willaim Borah.",
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  3987.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Nicholas Brady.",
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  4087.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Pierce Butler.",
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  4168.             "Year": 0
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  4217.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on William Frist.",
  4218.             "Year": 0
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  4227.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Thomas Fitzsimons.",
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  4237.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Nicholas Gilman.",
  4238.             "Year": 0
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  4244.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4247.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Daniel Inouye.",
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  4257.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Newt Gingrich.",
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  4266.             "Category": "GEO",
  4267.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Slade Gorton.",
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  4626.             "Category": "GEO",
  4627.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Evan Bayh.",
  4628.             "Year": 0
  4629.         },
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  4636.             "Category": "HIS",
  4637.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Conrad Burns.",
  4638.             "Year": 0
  4639.         },
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  4644.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4646.             "Category": "HIS",
  4647.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Harry Byrd.",
  4648.             "Year": 0
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  4654.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4656.             "Category": "HIS",
  4657.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Happy Chandler.",
  4658.             "Year": 0
  4659.         },
  4660.         {
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  4664.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4666.             "Category": "HIS",
  4667.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Shirley Chisholm.",
  4668.             "Year": 0
  4669.         },
  4670.         {
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  4676.             "Category": "HIS",
  4677.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Jim Bunning.",
  4678.             "Year": 0
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  4680.         {
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  4686.             "Category": "HIS",
  4687.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on George Herbert Walker Bush.",
  4688.             "Year": 0
  4689.         },
  4690.         {
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  4694.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  4695.             "Title": "CHAVEZ, Dennis (1888-1962) Biographical Information",
  4696.             "Category": "HIS",
  4697.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Dennis Chavez.",
  4698.             "Year": 0
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  4700.         {
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  4704.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4706.             "Category": "HIS",
  4707.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Thomas Chittenden.",
  4708.             "Year": 0
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  4710.         {
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  4714.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4716.             "Category": "HIS",
  4717.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Lyndon Baines Johnson.",
  4718.             "Year": 0
  4719.         },
  4720.         {
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  4724.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4726.             "Category": "HIS",
  4727.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Andrew Johnson, a Representative, Senator, Vice President, and 17th President of the United States from Tennessee.",
  4728.             "Year": 0
  4729.         },
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  4734.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4736.             "Category": "HIS",
  4737.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John F. Kennedy.",
  4738.             "Year": 0
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  4744.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4746.             "Category": "HIS",
  4747.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Abraham Lincoln.",
  4748.             "Year": 0
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  4754.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4756.             "Category": "HIS",
  4757.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Rutherford B. Hayes.",
  4758.             "Year": 0
  4759.         },
  4760.         {
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  4764.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4766.             "Category": "HIS",
  4767.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Thomas (Tip) O'Neill.",
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  4769.         },
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  4776.             "Category": "HIS",
  4777.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on James Monroe.",
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  4780.         {
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  4784.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4786.             "Category": "HIS",
  4787.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Richard Nixon.",
  4788.             "Year": 0
  4789.         },
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  4796.             "Category": "HIS",
  4797.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on George Long.",
  4798.             "Year": 0
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  4804.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4806.             "Category": "HIS",
  4807.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Franklin Pierce.",
  4808.             "Year": 0
  4809.         },
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  4814.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4816.             "Category": "HIS",
  4817.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Huey Long.",
  4818.             "Year": 0
  4819.         },
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  4824.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4826.             "Category": "HIS",
  4827.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Russell Long.",
  4828.             "Year": 0
  4829.         },
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  4834.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4836.             "Category": "HIS",
  4837.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John Tyler.",
  4838.             "Year": 0
  4839.         },
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  4844.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4846.             "Category": "GEO",
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  4848.             "Year": 0
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  4850.         {
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  4854.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4856.             "Category": "HIS",
  4857.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on James Wright.",
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  4864.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4866.             "Category": "HIS",
  4867.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on James Garfield.",
  4868.             "Year": 0
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  4870.         {
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  4874.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4876.             "Category": "HIS",
  4877.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Ben Nighthorse Campbell.",
  4878.             "Year": 0
  4879.         },
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  4886.             "Category": "HIS",
  4887.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on James Madison.",
  4888.             "Year": 0
  4889.         },
  4890.         {
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  4894.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4896.             "Category": "HIS",
  4897.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Thomas Foley.",
  4898.             "Year": 0
  4899.         },
  4900.         {
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  4904.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4906.             "Category": "HIS",
  4907.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on William McKinley.",
  4908.             "Year": 0
  4909.         },
  4910.         {
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  4914.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4916.             "Category": "HIS",
  4917.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Geraldine Ferraro.",
  4918.             "Year": 0
  4919.         },
  4920.         {
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  4924.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  4926.             "Category": "HIS",
  4927.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Dan Quayle.",
  4928.             "Year": 0
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  4930.         {
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  4936.             "Category": "HIS",
  4937.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on George McGovern.",
  4938.             "Year": 0
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  4940.         {
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  4946.             "Category": "GEO",
  4947.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument.",
  4948.             "Year": 0
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  4950.         {
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  4955.             "Title": "The Martin Amis Web",
  4956.             "Category": "HUM",
  4957.             "Description": "A site about Martin Amis maintained by James Diedrick, Professor of English, Albion College.",
  4958.             "Year": 0
  4959.         },
  4960.         {
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  4965.             "Title": "Super Bowl XXVII MVP--Troy Aikman",
  4966.             "Category": "REC",
  4967.             "Description": "NFL.com recaps Troy Aikman's performance in Super Bowl XXVII.",
  4968.             "Year": 0
  4969.         },
  4970.         {
  4971.             "RIT": "ws100297",
  4972.             "Type": "WS",
  4973.             "URL": "http://www.almosounds.com/herbalpert/",
  4974.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  4975.             "Title": "Herb Alpert",
  4976.             "Category": "HUM",
  4977.             "Description": "Information about Herb Alpert, his music, and his record company--Almo Sounds.",
  4978.             "Year": 0
  4979.         },
  4980.         {
  4981.             "RIT": "ws100299",
  4982.             "Type": "WS",
  4983.             "URL": "http://masters-of-photography.com/A/arbus/arbus.html",
  4984.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  4985.             "Title": "Masters of Photography: Diane Arbus",
  4986.             "Category": "IND",
  4987.             "Description": "A collection of articles, photographs, and other resources.",
  4988.             "Year": 0
  4989.         },
  4990.         {
  4991.             "RIT": "ws100301",
  4992.             "Type": "WS",
  4993.             "URL": "http://ucaswww.mcm.uc.edu/worldfest/about.html",
  4994.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  4995.             "Title": "Information and Web Pages on Maya Angelou",
  4996.             "Category": "HUM",
  4997.             "Description": "Comprensive links about Maya Angelou, including biographical and bibliographical information and literary criticism. From the University of Cincinnati.",
  4998.             "Year": 0
  4999.         },
  5000.         {
  5001.             "RIT": "ws100302",
  5002.             "Type": "WS",
  5003.             "URL": "http://www.alvinailey.org/",
  5004.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5005.             "Title": "Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater",
  5006.             "Category": "HUM",
  5007.             "Description": "Homepage of the dance troupe founded by Alvin Ailey.",
  5008.             "Year": 0
  5009.         },
  5010.         {
  5011.             "RIT": "ws100303",
  5012.             "Type": "WS",
  5013.             "URL": "http://pbs.org/saf/6_alan/6_alan.html",
  5014.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5015.             "Title": "Scientific American Frontiers: Alan Alda",
  5016.             "Category": "HUM",
  5017.             "Description": "This page from PBS focuses on Alan Alda's enthusiasm for science. Alda hosts a science show on PBS.",
  5018.             "Year": 0
  5019.         },
  5020.         {
  5021.             "RIT": "ws100304",
  5022.             "Type": "WS",
  5023.             "URL": "http://www.movieseer.com/ActorProfileBil.asp?aID=1857&Channel=2",
  5024.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5025.             "Title": "Julie Andrews Profile",
  5026.             "Category": "HUM",
  5027.             "Description": "A biography of Julie Andrews, including film credits and news stories.",
  5028.             "Year": 0
  5029.         },
  5030.         {
  5031.             "RIT": "ws100307",
  5032.             "Type": "WS",
  5033.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=639",
  5034.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5035.             "Title": "Allen, Woody (originally Allen Stewart Konigsberg)",
  5036.             "Category": "HUM",
  5037.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  5038.             "Year": 0
  5039.         },
  5040.         {
  5041.             "RIT": "ws100318",
  5042.             "Type": "WS",
  5043.             "URL": "http://www.cmgww.com/music/andrews/index.html",
  5044.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5045.             "Title": "The Andrews Sisters Official Web Site",
  5046.             "Category": "HUM",
  5047.             "Description": "This page, maintained by CMG Worldwide, contains biographical information, lists of music and film credits, and photos of the Andrews Sisters.",
  5048.             "Year": 0
  5049.         },
  5050.         {
  5051.             "RIT": "ws100319",
  5052.             "Type": "WS",
  5053.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/ivan_le_lorraine_albright_1897.htm",
  5054.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5055.             "Title": "Ivan Le Lorraine Albright 1897",
  5056.             "Category": "HUM",
  5057.             "Description": "An illustrated biography of the artist, presented by the Butler Institute of American Art.",
  5058.             "Year": 0
  5059.         },
  5060.         {
  5061.             "RIT": "ws100320",
  5062.             "Type": "WS",
  5063.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/nbl/index.html",
  5064.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5065.             "Title": "The Negro Leagues Professional Baseball",
  5066.             "Category": "REC",
  5067.             "Description": "A special feature about the Negro Baseball Leagues from the official Web site of Major League Baseball.",
  5068.             "Year": 0
  5069.         },
  5070.         {
  5071.             "RIT": "ws100322",
  5072.             "Type": "WS",
  5073.             "URL": "http://www.eed.state.ak.us/",
  5074.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5075.             "Title": "The Alaska Department of Education & Early Development",
  5076.             "Category": "GEO",
  5077.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Alaska Department of Education.",
  5078.             "Year": 0
  5079.         },
  5080.         {
  5081.             "RIT": "ws100323",
  5082.             "Type": "WS",
  5083.             "URL": "http://www.greatconductors.com/english/abbado/",
  5084.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5085.             "Title": "Claudio Abbado",
  5086.             "Category": "HUM",
  5087.             "Description": "Great Conductors Online presents a biography of Claudio Abbado. Text includes minor errors in translation from German.",
  5088.             "Year": 0
  5089.         },
  5090.         {
  5091.             "RIT": "ws100324",
  5092.             "Type": "WS",
  5093.             "URL": "http://www.homearts.com/depts/family/mayaf1.htm",
  5094.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5095.             "Title": "Maya Angelou: A Western Canon Jr.",
  5096.             "Category": "HUM",
  5097.             "Description": "This feature from the Hearst Corporation's Home Arts Network features an interview with Maya Angelou and her book recommendations for children.",
  5098.             "Year": 0
  5099.         },
  5100.         {
  5101.             "RIT": "ws100325",
  5102.             "Type": "WS",
  5103.             "URL": "http://www.greatconductors.com/english/ansermet/",
  5104.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5105.             "Title": "Ernest Ansermet @ Great Conductors Online",
  5106.             "Category": "HIS",
  5107.             "Description": "A biography of Ernest Ansermet from Great Conductors Online. Text includes minor errors in translation from German.",
  5108.             "Year": 0
  5109.         },
  5110.         {
  5111.             "RIT": "ws100326",
  5112.             "Type": "WS",
  5113.             "URL": "http://www.marcusallenford.com/",
  5114.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5115.             "Title": "The Marcus Allen Web site",
  5116.             "Category": "REC",
  5117.             "Description": "Marcus Allen's personal Web site. Contains information about his athletic accomplishments and his current career as a car dealer.",
  5118.             "Year": 0
  5119.         },
  5120.         {
  5121.             "RIT": "ws100336",
  5122.             "Type": "WS",
  5123.             "URL": "http://www.mb.ec.gc.ca/nature/endspecies/peregrine/index.en.html",
  5124.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5125.             "Title": "Peregrine Falcons [Environment Canada]",
  5126.             "Category": "LIF",
  5127.             "Description": "Tracks the journey of peregrine falcons in the wild as they make their annual migration across North America. Includes information about the timing, route, and destination of their migration, and factors that influence their habits and habitat.",
  5128.             "Year": 0
  5129.         },
  5130.         {
  5131.             "RIT": "ws100337",
  5132.             "Type": "WS",
  5133.             "URL": "www.peregrinefund.org",
  5134.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5135.             "Title": "The Peregrine Fund",
  5136.             "Category": "LIF",
  5137.             "Description": "Home of the Peregrine Fund and the World Center for Birds of Prey. Also covers the California condor, North American peregrine falcon, Aplomado falcon, Harpy eagles, and others. Also includes field notes, information on conservation.",
  5138.             "Year": 0
  5139.         },
  5140.         {
  5141.             "RIT": "ws100338",
  5142.             "Type": "WS",
  5143.             "URL": "http://www.familyweb.com/pregnancy/preghm.html",
  5144.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5145.             "Title": "FamilyWeb Pregnancy Page",
  5146.             "Category": "LIF",
  5147.             "Description": "Comprehensive information on all aspects of pregnancy. Includes information on prenatal and postnatal care, development of the baby, nutrition, labor and delivery, and caring for a newborn.",
  5148.             "Year": 0
  5149.         },
  5150.         {
  5151.             "RIT": "ws100339",
  5152.             "Type": "WS",
  5153.             "URL": "http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/",
  5154.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5155.             "Title": "Natural Resources Conservation Service, NRCS",
  5156.             "Category": "IND",
  5157.             "Description": "Homepage of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, a Federal agency whose goal is to help people conserve and sustain soil and other natural resources.",
  5158.             "Year": 0
  5159.         },
  5160.         {
  5161.             "RIT": "ws100340",
  5162.             "Type": "WS",
  5163.             "URL": "http://www.nhq.nrcs.usda.gov/land/",
  5164.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5165.             "Title": "State of the Land",
  5166.             "Category": "IND",
  5167.             "Description": "Information from the Natural Resources Conservation Service about the state of America's croplands, forests, and wetlands.",
  5168.             "Year": 0
  5169.         },
  5170.         {
  5171.             "RIT": "ws100341",
  5172.             "Type": "WS",
  5173.             "URL": "http://www.noah-health.org/english/pregnancy/march_of_dimes/pre_preg.plan/babygrow.html",
  5174.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5175.             "Title": "March of Dimes: How Your Baby Grows",
  5176.             "Category": "LIF",
  5177.             "Description": "A monthly diary of a baby's development, from New York Online Access to Health. Includes information about the growth and development of a fetus, how a mother's body changes, and prenatal care.",
  5178.             "Year": 0
  5179.         },
  5180.         {
  5181.             "RIT": "ws100354",
  5182.             "Type": "WS",
  5183.             "URL": "http://cgi.pathfinder.com/time/time100/artists/profile/beatles.html",
  5184.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5185.             "Title": "TIME 100 - Artists & Entertainers - The Beatles",
  5186.             "Category": "HUM",
  5187.             "Description": "A special feature about the Beatles from TIME magazine's selection of the most influential people of the 20th century.",
  5188.             "Year": 0
  5189.         },
  5190.         {
  5191.             "RIT": "ws100355",
  5192.             "Type": "WS",
  5193.             "URL": "http://www.suntimes.com/ebert/ebert_reviews/1995/04/973646.html",
  5194.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5195.             "Title": "Dr. Zhivago",
  5196.             "Category": "HUM",
  5197.             "Description": "A review by film critic Roger Ebert.",
  5198.             "Year": 0
  5199.         },
  5200.         {
  5201.             "RIT": "ws100356",
  5202.             "Type": "WS",
  5203.             "URL": "http://www.metopera.org/history/week-970904.html",
  5204.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5205.             "Title": "From The Metropolitan Opera Archives: Rudolf Bing",
  5206.             "Category": "HUM",
  5207.             "Description": "A page from the Metropolitan Opera Archives featuring information about Bing's career with the opera and excerpts from his writings.",
  5208.             "Year": 0
  5209.         },
  5210.         {
  5211.             "RIT": "ws100357",
  5212.             "Type": "WS",
  5213.             "URL": "http://cnnsi.com/basketball/nba/1998/bird/index.html",
  5214.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5215.             "Title": "33: He Could Do It All",
  5216.             "Category": "REC",
  5217.             "Description": "A profile of Larry Bird from CNN and Sports Illustrated.",
  5218.             "Year": 0
  5219.         },
  5220.         {
  5221.             "RIT": "ws100358",
  5222.             "Type": "WS",
  5223.             "URL": "http://www.winterthur.org/",
  5224.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5225.             "Title": "Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library",
  5226.             "Category": "GEO",
  5227.             "Description": "Official site of the Winterthur Museum in Winterthur, Delaware.",
  5228.             "Year": 0
  5229.         },
  5230.         {
  5231.             "RIT": "ws100359",
  5232.             "Type": "WS",
  5233.             "URL": "http://www.mrshowbiz.go.com/people/tonybennett/",
  5234.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5235.             "Title": "Mr. Showbiz Celebrities: Tony Bennett Profile",
  5236.             "Category": "HUM",
  5237.             "Description": "A profile from Mr.Showbiz at ABC News.",
  5238.             "Year": 0
  5239.         },
  5240.         {
  5241.             "RIT": "ws100360",
  5242.             "Type": "WS",
  5243.             "URL": "http://www.suntimes.com/ebert/greatmovies/bonnie_clyde.html",
  5244.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5245.             "Title": "Chicago Sun-Times: Roger Ebert Reviews Bonnie and Clyde",
  5246.             "Category": "HUM",
  5247.             "Description": "A review of the movie from film critic Roger Ebert.",
  5248.             "Year": 0
  5249.         },
  5250.         {
  5251.             "RIT": "ws100362",
  5252.             "Type": "WS",
  5253.             "URL": "http://www.sarnoff.com/about/history/index.asp",
  5254.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5255.             "Title": "The Sarnoff Story: History",
  5256.             "Category": "IND",
  5257.             "Description": "The Sarnoff Corporation's history, from its 1942 founding as RCA Laboratories to its current status.",
  5258.             "Year": 0
  5259.         },
  5260.         {
  5261.             "RIT": "ws100363",
  5262.             "Type": "WS",
  5263.             "URL": "http://www.dupont.com/corp/gbl-company/hist1800.html",
  5264.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5265.             "Title": "Brief History of DuPont",
  5266.             "Category": "IND",
  5267.             "Description": "Official site of the DuPont Company, with information about the company's history, current and past projects, and a biography of its founder, Eleuthere Irenee du Pont de Nemours.",
  5268.             "Year": 0
  5269.         },
  5270.         {
  5271.             "RIT": "ws100374",
  5272.             "Type": "WS",
  5273.             "URL": "http://www.metopera.org/history/week-970602.html",
  5274.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5275.             "Title": "Metropolitan History: Acquisitions I",
  5276.             "Category": "IND",
  5277.             "Description": "This page from the Metropolitan Opera features a Cecil Beaton drawing of a costume design for the title role of Turandot.",
  5278.             "Year": 0
  5279.         },
  5280.         {
  5281.             "RIT": "ws100375",
  5282.             "Type": "WS",
  5283.             "URL": "http://www.metopera.org/history/week-981207.html",
  5284.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5285.             "Title": "Callas as Lucia",
  5286.             "Category": "HUM",
  5287.             "Description": "A page from the Metropolitan Opera Archives offering photos and reviews of Callas's performance as Lucia.",
  5288.             "Year": 0
  5289.         },
  5290.         {
  5291.             "RIT": "ws100376",
  5292.             "Type": "WS",
  5293.             "URL": "http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/borrow.htm",
  5294.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5295.             "Title": "The George Borrow Page",
  5296.             "Category": "HUM",
  5297.             "Description": "Information about the author from San Antonio College's LitWeb, including a link to the George Borrow Society and the full text of several of Borrow's works.",
  5298.             "Year": 0
  5299.         },
  5300.         {
  5301.             "RIT": "ws100377",
  5302.             "Type": "WS",
  5303.             "URL": "http://www.antique-radio.org/sounds/shows/bergen.html",
  5304.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5305.             "Title": "The Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Show",
  5306.             "Category": "HUM",
  5307.             "Description": "A cast list and audio clip of the show's introduction from the Bellingham Antique Radio Museum.",
  5308.             "Year": 0
  5309.         },
  5310.         {
  5311.             "RIT": "ws100378",
  5312.             "Type": "WS",
  5313.             "URL": "http://www.nba.com/nbaat50/greats/bing.html",
  5314.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5315.             "Title": "NBA at 50: Dave Bing",
  5316.             "Category": "REC",
  5317.             "Description": "This profile is part of an NBA special feature on the 50 greatest players in NBA history. Includes career statistics.",
  5318.             "Year": 0
  5319.         },
  5320.         {
  5321.             "RIT": "ws100379",
  5322.             "Type": "WS",
  5323.             "URL": "http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/basketball/nba/1998/bird/flashbacks/1988flash.html",
  5324.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5325.             "Title": "The Instinctive Genius of Larry Bird",
  5326.             "Category": "REC",
  5327.             "Description": "A description from NBA Moments of a famous play that Bird made during the 1981 finals.",
  5328.             "Year": 0
  5329.         },
  5330.         {
  5331.             "RIT": "ws100380",
  5332.             "Type": "WS",
  5333.             "URL": "http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/programmes/centurions/bergman/bergbiog.shtml",
  5334.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5335.             "Title": "BBC Movies: Ingrid Bergman",
  5336.             "Category": "HUM",
  5337.             "Description": "An interview, filmography, and Web links from the BBC Online.",
  5338.             "Year": 0
  5339.         },
  5340.         {
  5341.             "RIT": "ws100381",
  5342.             "Type": "WS",
  5343.             "URL": "http://www.artguide.org/uk/AG.pl?Action=25841A&Axis=AllArtists",
  5344.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5345.             "Title": "Cecil Beaton",
  5346.             "Category": "IND",
  5347.             "Description": "Harrow School presents a biography of one of its famous alumni.",
  5348.             "Year": 0
  5349.         },
  5350.         {
  5351.             "RIT": "ws100392",
  5352.             "Type": "WS",
  5353.             "URL": "http://cnnsi.com/tennis/features/1997/arthurashe/biography.html",
  5354.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5355.             "Title": "CNN/SI - Arthur Ashe",
  5356.             "Category": "REC",
  5357.             "Description": "A special feature from CNN and Sports Illustrated. Includes a timeline of Ashe's career, a biography, photographs, and the full text of feature articles from Sports Illustrated.",
  5358.             "Year": 0
  5359.         },
  5360.         {
  5361.             "RIT": "ws100393",
  5362.             "Type": "WS",
  5363.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/",
  5364.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5365.             "Title": "National Baseball Hall of Fame",
  5366.             "Category": "REC",
  5367.             "Description": "Homepage of the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York.",
  5368.             "Year": 0
  5369.         },
  5370.         {
  5371.             "RIT": "ws100394",
  5372.             "Type": "WS",
  5373.             "URL": "http://www.bpib.com/artzybas.htm",
  5374.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5375.             "Title": "Boris Artzybasheff Biography",
  5376.             "Category": "HUM",
  5377.             "Description": "This page, from bookseller Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr., features biographical information, examples of Artzybasheff's work, and a list of books about the artist.",
  5378.             "Year": 0
  5379.         },
  5380.         {
  5381.             "RIT": "ws100395",
  5382.             "Type": "WS",
  5383.             "URL": "http://espn.go.com/sportscentury/features/00792952.html",
  5384.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5385.             "Title": "Before Michael, There Was Elgin",
  5386.             "Category": "REC",
  5387.             "Description": "A career summary from ESPN.com.",
  5388.             "Year": 0
  5389.         },
  5390.         {
  5391.             "RIT": "ws100396",
  5392.             "Type": "WS",
  5393.             "URL": "http://www.aidsquilt.org/online_display/February/arthur.html",
  5394.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5395.             "Title": "AIDS Quilt block number 3142: Arthur Ashe",
  5396.             "Category": "REC",
  5397.             "Description": "This page, from the NAMES Project Foundation, features a photo of Ashe's square on the AIDS Memorial Quilt.",
  5398.             "Year": 0
  5399.         },
  5400.         {
  5401.             "RIT": "ws100397",
  5402.             "Type": "WS",
  5403.             "URL": "http://cnn.com/SHOWBIZ/Music/9905/14/fred.astaire/",
  5404.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5405.             "Title": "CNN - 100 years of Fred Astaire",
  5406.             "Category": "HUM",
  5407.             "Description": "A CNN feature celebrating the 100th anniversary of Astaire's birth.",
  5408.             "Year": 0
  5409.         },
  5410.         {
  5411.             "RIT": "ws100398",
  5412.             "Type": "WS",
  5413.             "URL": "http://www.cariboo.bc.ca/atwood/",
  5414.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5415.             "Title": "Atwood Society Margaret Atwood Information Site",
  5416.             "Category": "HUM",
  5417.             "Description": "Hosted by the University College of the Cariboo in Kamloops, British Columbia, this Margaret Atwood information site is a project of the Margaret Atwood Society, an international association of academics who study and teach Atwood's works. Inclu",
  5418.             "Year": 0
  5419.         },
  5420.         {
  5421.             "RIT": "ws100399",
  5422.             "Type": "WS",
  5423.             "URL": "http://www.cga.edu/",
  5424.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5425.             "Title": "Coast Guard Eagle [United States Coast Guard Academy]",
  5426.             "Category": "SOC",
  5427.             "Description": "Official site of the United States Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut.",
  5428.             "Year": 0
  5429.         },
  5430.         {
  5431.             "RIT": "ws100270",
  5432.             "Type": "WS",
  5433.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=C001003",
  5434.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5435.             "Title": "CURRY, Jabez Lamar Monroe (1825-1903) Biographical Information",
  5436.             "Category": "SOC",
  5437.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Jabez Curry.",
  5438.             "Year": 0
  5439.         },
  5440.         {
  5441.             "RIT": "ws100271",
  5442.             "Type": "WS",
  5443.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=B001005",
  5444.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5445.             "Title": "BUCHANAN, James (1791-1868) Biographical Information",
  5446.             "Category": "HIS",
  5447.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on James Buchanan.",
  5448.             "Year": 0
  5449.         },
  5450.         {
  5451.             "RIT": "ws100272",
  5452.             "Type": "WS",
  5453.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=D000401",
  5454.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5455.             "Title": "DOLE, Robert Joseph (1923-) Biographical Information",
  5456.             "Category": "HIS",
  5457.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Robert Dole.",
  5458.             "Year": 0
  5459.         },
  5460.         {
  5461.             "RIT": "ws100273",
  5462.             "Type": "WS",
  5463.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=B000523",
  5464.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5465.             "Title": "BLAIR, Francis Preston, Jr (1821-1875) Biographical Information",
  5466.             "Category": "HIS",
  5467.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Francis Blair.",
  5468.             "Year": 0
  5469.         },
  5470.         {
  5471.             "RIT": "ws100274",
  5472.             "Type": "WS",
  5473.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=G000321",
  5474.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5475.             "Title": "GORE, Albert Arnold, Jr (1948-) Biographical Information",
  5476.             "Category": "HIS",
  5477.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Al Gore.",
  5478.             "Year": 0
  5479.         },
  5480.         {
  5481.             "RIT": "ws100275",
  5482.             "Type": "WS",
  5483.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=G000132",
  5484.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5485.             "Title": "GEPHARDT, Richard Andrew (1941-) Biographical Information",
  5486.             "Category": "HIS",
  5487.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Richard Gephardt.",
  5488.             "Year": 0
  5489.         },
  5490.         {
  5491.             "RIT": "ws100276",
  5492.             "Type": "WS",
  5493.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=B001174",
  5494.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5495.             "Title": "BUTLER, Benjamin Franklin (1818-1893) Biographical Information",
  5496.             "Category": "HIS",
  5497.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Benjamin Butler.",
  5498.             "Year": 0
  5499.         },
  5500.         {
  5501.             "RIT": "ws100277",
  5502.             "Type": "WS",
  5503.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=E000191",
  5504.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5505.             "Title": "ENGLISH, William Hayden (1822-1896) Biographical Information",
  5506.             "Category": "HIS",
  5507.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on William English.",
  5508.             "Year": 0
  5509.         },
  5510.         {
  5511.             "RIT": "ws100286",
  5512.             "Type": "WS",
  5513.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=B000499",
  5514.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5515.             "Title": "BLACK, Hugo Lafayette (1886-1971) Biographical Information",
  5516.             "Category": "SOC",
  5517.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress on Hugo Black.",
  5518.             "Year": 0
  5519.         },
  5520.         {
  5521.             "RIT": "ws100287",
  5522.             "Type": "WS",
  5523.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=G000387",
  5524.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5525.             "Title": "GRASSO, Ella Tambussi (1919-1981) Biographical Information",
  5526.             "Category": "HIS",
  5527.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Ella Grasso.",
  5528.             "Year": 0
  5529.         },
  5530.         {
  5531.             "RIT": "ws100288",
  5532.             "Type": "WS",
  5533.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=M000364",
  5534.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5535.             "Title": "McCORMACK, John William (1891-1980) Biographical Information",
  5536.             "Category": "HIS",
  5537.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John McCormack.",
  5538.             "Year": 0
  5539.         },
  5540.         {
  5541.             "RIT": "ws100289",
  5542.             "Type": "WS",
  5543.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=H000279",
  5544.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5545.             "Title": "HARRISON, William Henry (1773-1841) Biographical Information",
  5546.             "Category": "HIS",
  5547.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on William Henry Harrison..",
  5548.             "Year": 0
  5549.         },
  5550.         {
  5551.             "RIT": "ws100290",
  5552.             "Type": "WS",
  5553.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=L000447",
  5554.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5555.             "Title": "LOTT, Chester Trent (1941-) Biographical Information",
  5556.             "Category": "GEO",
  5557.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Trent Lott.",
  5558.             "Year": 0
  5559.         },
  5560.         {
  5561.             "RIT": "ws100291",
  5562.             "Type": "WS",
  5563.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=R000082",
  5564.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5565.             "Title": "RAYBURN, Samuel Taliaferro (1882-1961) Biographical Information",
  5566.             "Category": "HIS",
  5567.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Sam Rayburn.",
  5568.             "Year": 0
  5569.         },
  5570.         {
  5571.             "RIT": "ws100292",
  5572.             "Type": "WS",
  5573.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=P000409",
  5574.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5575.             "Title": "POLK, James Knox (1795-1849) Biographical Information",
  5576.             "Category": "HIS",
  5577.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on James Polk.",
  5578.             "Year": 0
  5579.         },
  5580.         {
  5581.             "RIT": "ws100293",
  5582.             "Type": "WS",
  5583.             "URL": "http://www.cde.state.co.us/index_home.htm",
  5584.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5585.             "Title": "Colorado Department of Education",
  5586.             "Category": "GEO",
  5587.             "Description": "Official site of the Colorado Department of Education.",
  5588.             "Year": 0
  5589.         },
  5590.         {
  5591.             "RIT": "ws100308",
  5592.             "Type": "WS",
  5593.             "URL": "http://www.alvinailey.org/alvinaileybio.asp?nav=1",
  5594.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5595.             "Title": "Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater / Alvin Ailey, Founder",
  5596.             "Category": "HUM",
  5597.             "Description": "A biography of Alvin Ailey from Dance Theater Foundation, Inc.",
  5598.             "Year": 0
  5599.         },
  5600.         {
  5601.             "RIT": "ws100309",
  5602.             "Type": "WS",
  5603.             "URL": "http://www.alaskabird.org/",
  5604.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5605.             "Title": "Alaska Bird Observatory Home Page",
  5606.             "Category": "LIF",
  5607.             "Description": "Information about birds of Alaska and the Creamer Field Migration Station near Fairbanks.",
  5608.             "Year": 0
  5609.         },
  5610.         {
  5611.             "RIT": "ws100310",
  5612.             "Type": "WS",
  5613.             "URL": "http://espn.go.com/nfl/profiles/profile/0174.html",
  5614.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5615.             "Title": "Marcus Allen profile, statistics, and more",
  5616.             "Category": "REC",
  5617.             "Description": "A page about Marcus Allen from ESPN.",
  5618.             "Year": 0
  5619.         },
  5620.         {
  5621.             "RIT": "ws100311",
  5622.             "Type": "WS",
  5623.             "URL": "http://espn.go.com/nfl/profiles/profile/0615.html",
  5624.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5625.             "Title": "Troy Aikman profile, statistics, and more",
  5626.             "Category": "REC",
  5627.             "Description": "A page about Troy Aikman from ESPN.",
  5628.             "Year": 0
  5629.         },
  5630.         {
  5631.             "RIT": "ws100312",
  5632.             "Type": "WS",
  5633.             "URL": "http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~mmaynard/Maya/maya5.html",
  5634.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5635.             "Title": "Maya Angelou",
  5636.             "Category": "HUM",
  5637.             "Description": "This site from the University of Texas includes a bibliography of Maya Angelou's works, commentary, and audio and video recordings of the author.",
  5638.             "Year": 0
  5639.         },
  5640.         {
  5641.             "RIT": "ws100313",
  5642.             "Type": "WS",
  5643.             "URL": "http://www.at.nobel.se/laureates/literature-1961-1-bio.html",
  5644.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5645.             "Title": "Biography of Ivo Andric",
  5646.             "Category": "HUM",
  5647.             "Description": "A biography of the Nobel Prize-winning author from the Nobel Foundation.",
  5648.             "Year": 0
  5649.         },
  5650.         {
  5651.             "RIT": "ws100314",
  5652.             "Type": "WS",
  5653.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SHOWBIZ/Movies/9603/burns_obit/index.html",
  5654.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5655.             "Title": "CNN - 'Fall in love with what you do ... It works' - Mar. 9, 1996",
  5656.             "Category": "HUM",
  5657.             "Description": "This obituary features sound clips and a look back at Burns's 100th birthday.",
  5658.             "Year": 0
  5659.         },
  5660.         {
  5661.             "RIT": "ws100315",
  5662.             "Type": "WS",
  5663.             "URL": "http://www.bobbyallison.com/",
  5664.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5665.             "Title": "Bobby Allison - NASCAR Legend",
  5666.             "Category": "REC",
  5667.             "Description": "The personal Web site of Bobby Allison.",
  5668.             "Year": 0
  5669.         },
  5670.         {
  5671.             "RIT": "ws100316",
  5672.             "Type": "WS",
  5673.             "URL": "http://www.bryanadams.com/",
  5674.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5675.             "Title": "BryanAdams.com",
  5676.             "Category": "HUM",
  5677.             "Description": "The personal Web site of Bryan Adams.",
  5678.             "Year": 0
  5679.         },
  5680.         {
  5681.             "RIT": "ws100317",
  5682.             "Type": "WS",
  5683.             "URL": "http://www.dilbert.com/",
  5684.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5685.             "Title": "Dilbert Zone",
  5686.             "Category": "IND",
  5687.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Dilbert comics and television show.",
  5688.             "Year": 0
  5689.         },
  5690.         {
  5691.             "RIT": "ws100327",
  5692.             "Type": "WS",
  5693.             "URL": "http://www.movieseer.com/directorprofilebil.asp?dID=247&Channel=2",
  5694.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5695.             "Title": "Robert Altman: Rebel With a Cause",
  5696.             "Category": "HUM",
  5697.             "Description": "A profile of the director from the Independent Film Channel (IFC).",
  5698.             "Year": 0
  5699.         },
  5700.         {
  5701.             "RIT": "ws100329",
  5702.             "Type": "WS",
  5703.             "URL": "http://www.flf.com/wild/index.html",
  5704.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5705.             "Title": "Wild Man Blues-film notes",
  5706.             "Category": "HUM",
  5707.             "Description": "Fine Line Features presents a site about the Woody Allen film.",
  5708.             "Year": 0
  5709.         },
  5710.         {
  5711.             "RIT": "ws100330",
  5712.             "Type": "WS",
  5713.             "URL": "http://www.emiclassics.com/artists/biogs/abbab.html",
  5714.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5715.             "Title": "Claudio Abbado",
  5716.             "Category": "HUM",
  5717.             "Description": "A biographical sketch of conductor Claudio Abbado from record company EMI Classics.",
  5718.             "Year": 0
  5719.         },
  5720.         {
  5721.             "RIT": "ws100331",
  5722.             "Type": "WS",
  5723.             "URL": "http://www.nfl.com/players/profile/1015.html",
  5724.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5725.             "Title": "Troy Aikman",
  5726.             "Category": "REC",
  5727.             "Description": "A profile of Troy Aikman from the National Football League.",
  5728.             "Year": 0
  5729.         },
  5730.         {
  5731.             "RIT": "ws100332",
  5732.             "Type": "WS",
  5733.             "URL": "http://www.mrsars.usda.gov/",
  5734.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5735.             "Title": "USDA-ARS, North Central Soil Conservation Research Lab",
  5736.             "Category": "IND",
  5737.             "Description": "Discusses agricultural production and natural resource conservation, including tillage, erosion, residue management, compaction, weed control, nutrient management, plant growth stress, and technology transfer.",
  5738.             "Year": 0
  5739.         },
  5740.         {
  5741.             "RIT": "ws100333",
  5742.             "Type": "WS",
  5743.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/amex/dustbowl/",
  5744.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5745.             "Title": "The American Experience: Surviving the Dust Bowl",
  5746.             "Category": "GEO",
  5747.             "Description": "A companion Web site to a PBS video on the Dust Bowl. Includes teacher's guide, timeline, map, program description, enhanced transcripts, and RealAudio interviews.",
  5748.             "Year": 0
  5749.         },
  5750.         {
  5751.             "RIT": "ws100334",
  5752.             "Type": "WS",
  5753.             "URL": "http://www.hnoc.org/",
  5754.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5755.             "Title": "Historic New Orleans Collection",
  5756.             "Category": "GEO",
  5757.             "Description": "Homepage of the Historic New Orleans Collection, which operates a museum in the French Quarter.",
  5758.             "Year": 0
  5759.         },
  5760.         {
  5761.             "RIT": "ws100335",
  5762.             "Type": "WS",
  5763.             "URL": "http://home.ican.net/~thyroid/Canada.html",
  5764.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5765.             "Title": "Thyroid Foundation of Canada Home Page",
  5766.             "Category": "LIF",
  5767.             "Description": "Information for thyroid patients and their families. A French version is also available.",
  5768.             "Year": 0
  5769.         },
  5770.         {
  5771.             "RIT": "ws100342",
  5772.             "Type": "WS",
  5773.             "URL": "http://www.fb.com/issues/analysis/tillage.html",
  5774.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5775.             "Title": "Environment-friendly Conservation Tillage: A Growing Practice on America's Farms",
  5776.             "Category": "IND",
  5777.             "Description": "An analysis of tillage practices on American farms, from the American Farm Bureau.",
  5778.             "Year": 0
  5779.         },
  5780.         {
  5781.             "RIT": "ws100343",
  5782.             "Type": "WS",
  5783.             "URL": "http://www.fws.gov/r9endspp/esa.html",
  5784.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5785.             "Title": "U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Division of Endangered Species: ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT OF 1973",
  5786.             "Category": "IND",
  5787.             "Description": "The full text of the Endangered Species Act.",
  5788.             "Year": 0
  5789.         },
  5790.         {
  5791.             "RIT": "ws100344",
  5792.             "Type": "WS",
  5793.             "URL": "http://cgi.pathfinder.com/time/time100/artists/profile/armstrong.html",
  5794.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5795.             "Title": "TIME 100: Artist & Entertainers - Louis Armstrong",
  5796.             "Category": "REC",
  5797.             "Description": "A biography from TIME magazine. This Web page is part of a special feature on influential people of the 20th century.",
  5798.             "Year": 0
  5799.         },
  5800.         {
  5801.             "RIT": "ws100346",
  5802.             "Type": "WS",
  5803.             "URL": "http://cgi.pathfinder.com/time/time75/covers/artist_text/artzybasheff.html",
  5804.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5805.             "Title": "Boris Artzybasheff (1899-1965)",
  5806.             "Category": "HUM",
  5807.             "Description": "A brief biography from TIME magazine.",
  5808.             "Year": 0
  5809.         },
  5810.         {
  5811.             "RIT": "ws100349",
  5812.             "Type": "WS",
  5813.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/US/9607/11/ashe/",
  5814.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5815.             "Title": "CNN - Even after death, Arthur Ashe topples another barrier - July 11, 1996",
  5816.             "Category": "REC",
  5817.             "Description": "A CNN feature about the dedication of a monument to honor Arthur Ashe in Richmond, Virginia.",
  5818.             "Year": 0
  5819.         },
  5820.         {
  5821.             "RIT": "ws100350",
  5822.             "Type": "WS",
  5823.             "URL": "http://www.cmgww.com/stars/baker/intro.html",
  5824.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5825.             "Title": "Official Site of Josephine Baker",
  5826.             "Category": "HUM",
  5827.             "Description": "A biography, quotes, and clips from the flims and music of Josephine Baker presented by CMG Worldwide.",
  5828.             "Year": 0
  5829.         },
  5830.         {
  5831.             "RIT": "ws100351",
  5832.             "Type": "WS",
  5833.             "URL": "http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/9766/beatty.html",
  5834.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5835.             "Title": "Warren Beatty Profile",
  5836.             "Category": "HUM",
  5837.             "Description": "Welcome to the Golden Years: Warren Beatty - Information about the actor",
  5838.             "Year": 0
  5839.         },
  5840.         {
  5841.             "RIT": "ws100352",
  5842.             "Type": "WS",
  5843.             "URL": "http://www.nba.com/pacers/bios/coach.html",
  5844.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5845.             "Title": "NBA.com: Larry Bird",
  5846.             "Category": "REC",
  5847.             "Description": "A page from the Indiana Pacers describing Bird's coaching career.",
  5848.             "Year": 0
  5849.         },
  5850.         {
  5851.             "RIT": "ws100353",
  5852.             "Type": "WS",
  5853.             "URL": "http://www.cmgww.com/stars/bergman/intro.html",
  5854.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5855.             "Title": "The Official Web site of Ingrid Bergman",
  5856.             "Category": "HUM",
  5857.             "Description": "A biography, filmography, photos, and other information from CMG Worldwide.",
  5858.             "Year": 0
  5859.         },
  5860.         {
  5861.             "RIT": "ws100364",
  5862.             "Type": "WS",
  5863.             "URL": "http://www.destateparks.com/",
  5864.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5865.             "Title": "Delaware State Parks Online",
  5866.             "Category": "GEO",
  5867.             "Description": "Delaware Division of Parks and Recreation site on state parks in Delaware.",
  5868.             "Year": 0
  5869.         },
  5870.         {
  5871.             "RIT": "ws100365",
  5872.             "Type": "WS",
  5873.             "URL": "http://www.leonardbernstein.com/",
  5874.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5875.             "Title": "The Official Leonard Bernstein Site",
  5876.             "Category": "HUM",
  5877.             "Description": "This site includes photos, audio clips, newsletters, photographs, scores, and a collection of Bernstein's personal writing.",
  5878.             "Year": 0
  5879.         },
  5880.         {
  5881.             "RIT": "ws100366",
  5882.             "Type": "WS",
  5883.             "URL": "http://www.cmgww.com/stars/bogart/bogart.html",
  5884.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5885.             "Title": "The Official Web Site of Humphrey Bogart",
  5886.             "Category": "HUM",
  5887.             "Description": "A biography, filmography, photos, and other information from CMG Worldwide.",
  5888.             "Year": 0
  5889.         },
  5890.         {
  5891.             "RIT": "ws100367",
  5892.             "Type": "WS",
  5893.             "URL": "http://www.npr.org/programs/jazzprofiles/oldsite/bechet.html",
  5894.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5895.             "Title": "Jazz Profiles: Sidney Bechet",
  5896.             "Category": "HUM",
  5897.             "Description": "National Public Radio presents a profile of Sidney Bechet.",
  5898.             "Year": 0
  5899.         },
  5900.         {
  5901.             "RIT": "ws100368",
  5902.             "Type": "WS",
  5903.             "URL": "http://cgi.cnnsi.com/baseball/mlb/ml/players/Lou.Boudreau.101/",
  5904.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5905.             "Title": "Lou Boudreau - Batting",
  5906.             "Category": "REC",
  5907.             "Description": "Career statistics from CNN and Sports Illustrated.",
  5908.             "Year": 0
  5909.         },
  5910.         {
  5911.             "RIT": "ws100369",
  5912.             "Type": "WS",
  5913.             "URL": "http://www.antique-radio.org/sounds/shows/jbenny.html",
  5914.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5915.             "Title": "The Jack Benny Program",
  5916.             "Category": "HUM",
  5917.             "Description": "A cast list and audio clip from the Bellingham Antique Radio Museum.",
  5918.             "Year": 0
  5919.         },
  5920.         {
  5921.             "RIT": "ws100370",
  5922.             "Type": "WS",
  5923.             "URL": "http://www.suntimes.com/ebert/greatmovies/casablanca.html",
  5924.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5925.             "Title": "Casablanca",
  5926.             "Category": "HUM",
  5927.             "Description": "A review of the movie by film critic Roger Ebert.",
  5928.             "Year": 0
  5929.         },
  5930.         {
  5931.             "RIT": "ws100371",
  5932.             "Type": "WS",
  5933.             "URL": "http://www.rockhall.com/induct/berrchuc.html",
  5934.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5935.             "Title": "Chuck Berry",
  5936.             "Category": "HUM",
  5937.             "Description": "A biography with audio clips from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.",
  5938.             "Year": 0
  5939.         },
  5940.         {
  5941.             "RIT": "ws100372",
  5942.             "Type": "WS",
  5943.             "URL": "http://www.npr.org/programs/jazzprofiles/oldsite/bennett.html",
  5944.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5945.             "Title": "Jazz Profiles: Tony Bennett",
  5946.             "Category": "HUM",
  5947.             "Description": "A profile from National Public Radio.",
  5948.             "Year": 0
  5949.         },
  5950.         {
  5951.             "RIT": "ws100373",
  5952.             "Type": "WS",
  5953.             "URL": "http://www.tampatrib.com/baylife/rent306c.htm",
  5954.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5955.             "Title": "TOPIC: Robert Bolt",
  5956.             "Category": "HUM",
  5957.             "Description": "A profile by Bob Ross, Tampa Tribune movie critic.",
  5958.             "Year": 0
  5959.         },
  5960.         {
  5961.             "RIT": "ws100382",
  5962.             "Type": "WS",
  5963.             "URL": "http://www.delphion.com/",
  5964.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5965.             "Title": "IBM Intellectual Property Network",
  5966.             "Category": "SOC",
  5967.             "Description": "A database of all U.S. patents issued since 1971, patents from Europe and Japan, patent applications published by the World Intellectual Property Organization, and a Gallery of Obscure Patents.",
  5968.             "Year": 0
  5969.         },
  5970.         {
  5971.             "RIT": "ws100383",
  5972.             "Type": "WS",
  5973.             "URL": "http://www.doe.state.de.us/",
  5974.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5975.             "Title": "Delaware Department of Education Home Page",
  5976.             "Category": "GEO",
  5977.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Delaware Department of Education.",
  5978.             "Year": 0
  5979.         },
  5980.         {
  5981.             "RIT": "ws100384",
  5982.             "Type": "WS",
  5983.             "URL": "http://www.sonymusic.com/artists/TonyBennett/",
  5984.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5985.             "Title": "Tony Bennett",
  5986.             "Category": "HUM",
  5987.             "Description": "Sony Music's Tony Bennett site includes a biography, news and tour information, a message forum, and Web links.",
  5988.             "Year": 0
  5989.         },
  5990.         {
  5991.             "RIT": "ws100385",
  5992.             "Type": "WS",
  5993.             "URL": "http://www.judyblume.com/",
  5994.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  5995.             "Title": "Judy Blume's Home Base",
  5996.             "Category": "HUM",
  5997.             "Description": "Judy Blume's personal Web site, featuring biographical information, writing tips, and links to articles about the author's work. Also includes information from the author about where she got the ideas for some of her books.",
  5998.             "Year": 0
  5999.         },
  6000.         {
  6001.             "RIT": "ws100387",
  6002.             "Type": "WS",
  6003.             "URL": "http://mrshowbiz.go.com/people/candicebergen/",
  6004.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6005.             "Title": "Mr. Showbiz Celebrities: Candace Bergen Profile",
  6006.             "Category": "HUM",
  6007.             "Description": "Information from Mr. Showbiz of ABC News.",
  6008.             "Year": 0
  6009.         },
  6010.         {
  6011.             "RIT": "ws100388",
  6012.             "Type": "WS",
  6013.             "URL": "http://www.johnnybench.com/",
  6014.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6015.             "Title": "Johnny Bench Online",
  6016.             "Category": "REC",
  6017.             "Description": "The personal Web site of Johnny Bench.",
  6018.             "Year": 0
  6019.         },
  6020.         {
  6021.             "RIT": "ws100389",
  6022.             "Type": "WS",
  6023.             "URL": "http://www.yogi-berra.com/",
  6024.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6025.             "Title": "The Official Web site of Yogi Berra",
  6026.             "Category": "REC",
  6027.             "Description": "Berra's site features biographical information, memorabilia, quotations, baseball card information, and links to Berra's favorite sites.",
  6028.             "Year": 0
  6029.         },
  6030.         {
  6031.             "RIT": "ws100390",
  6032.             "Type": "WS",
  6033.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/lbhtml/lbhome.html",
  6034.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6035.             "Title": "The Leonard Bernstein Collection",
  6036.             "Category": "HUM",
  6037.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the American Memory collection of the Library of Congress includes photos, biographical information, and a bibliography,",
  6038.             "Year": 0
  6039.         },
  6040.         {
  6041.             "RIT": "ws100391",
  6042.             "Type": "WS",
  6043.             "URL": "http://cnnsi.com/baseball/mlb/ml/players/Ernie.Banks.101/",
  6044.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6045.             "Title": "CNN/SI - Ernie Banks - Batting",
  6046.             "Category": "REC",
  6047.             "Description": "Career statistics for Ernie Banks from CNN and Sports Illustrated.",
  6048.             "Year": 0
  6049.         },
  6050.         {
  6051.             "RIT": "ws100400",
  6052.             "Type": "WS",
  6053.             "URL": "http://www.fws.gov/r9endspp/endspp.html",
  6054.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6055.             "Title": "U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: Endangered Species Home Page",
  6056.             "Category": "IND",
  6057.             "Description": "Endangered Species Home Page, from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service",
  6058.             "Year": 0
  6059.         },
  6060.         {
  6061.             "RIT": "ws100401",
  6062.             "Type": "WS",
  6063.             "URL": "http://www.greatbuildings.com/buildings/Westminster_Palace.html",
  6064.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6065.             "Title": "Westminster Palace, or Houses of Parliament",
  6066.             "Category": "HUM",
  6067.             "Description": "Great Buildings Online presents a fact sheet, discussion, and photographs of this building designed by Sir Charles Barry",
  6068.             "Year": 0
  6069.         },
  6070.         {
  6071.             "RIT": "ws100402",
  6072.             "Type": "WS",
  6073.             "URL": "http://www.cmgww.com/sports/ashe/index.html",
  6074.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6075.             "Title": "Arthur Ashe",
  6076.             "Category": "REC",
  6077.             "Description": "An official Web site, presented by CMG Worldwide.",
  6078.             "Year": 0
  6079.         },
  6080.         {
  6081.             "RIT": "ws100403",
  6082.             "Type": "WS",
  6083.             "URL": "http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/6629/",
  6084.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6085.             "Title": "Royal Navy",
  6086.             "Category": "SOC",
  6087.             "Description": "Links to photographs of 728 British naval warships, submarines, and auxiliaries from the 1880's to the 1950's, arranged alphabetically.",
  6088.             "Year": 0
  6089.         },
  6090.         {
  6091.             "RIT": "ws100404",
  6092.             "Type": "WS",
  6093.             "URL": "http://www.fireandwater.com/authors/lessing/index.htm",
  6094.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6095.             "Title": "Doris Lessing",
  6096.             "Category": "HUM",
  6097.             "Description": "An interview with Lessing from the publisher HarperCollins.",
  6098.             "Year": 0
  6099.         },
  6100.         {
  6101.             "RIT": "ws100405",
  6102.             "Type": "WS",
  6103.             "URL": "http://www.fireandwater.com/Author/detail.asp?aid=4567",
  6104.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6105.             "Title": "C.S. Lewis",
  6106.             "Category": "HUM",
  6107.             "Description": "A brief biography of the author from the publisher HarperCollins.",
  6108.             "Year": 0
  6109.         },
  6110.         {
  6111.             "RIT": "ws100406",
  6112.             "Type": "WS",
  6113.             "URL": "http://www.cubs.com/history/banks.htm",
  6114.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6115.             "Title": "Ernie",
  6116.             "Category": "REC",
  6117.             "Description": "Career summary and statistics from the Chicago Cubs.",
  6118.             "Year": 0
  6119.         },
  6120.         {
  6121.             "RIT": "ws100407",
  6122.             "Type": "WS",
  6123.             "URL": "http://www.english.udel.edu/lpotter/othello.html",
  6124.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6125.             "Title": "Othello",
  6126.             "Category": "HUM",
  6127.             "Description": "A photograph of Peggy Ashcroft and Paul Robeson appearing in Othello, presented by Lois Potter, Professor of English at the University of Delaware.",
  6128.             "Year": 0
  6129.         },
  6130.         {
  6131.             "RIT": "ws100408",
  6132.             "Type": "WS",
  6133.             "URL": "http://www.web.net/owtoad/toc.html",
  6134.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6135.             "Title": "Margaret Atwood Home Page",
  6136.             "Category": "HUM",
  6137.             "Description": "The author's own Home page. Includes advice on writing, information about the author's work, and other topics, and links to additional resources.",
  6138.             "Year": 0
  6139.         },
  6140.         {
  6141.             "RIT": "ws100409",
  6142.             "Type": "WS",
  6143.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/filmgrph/lauren_bacall.htm",
  6144.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6145.             "Title": "Washingtonpost.com: Lauren Bacall Filmography",
  6146.             "Category": "HUM",
  6147.             "Description": "A list of Bacall's films from The Washington Post.",
  6148.             "Year": 0
  6149.         },
  6150.         {
  6151.             "RIT": "ws100410",
  6152.             "Type": "WS",
  6153.             "URL": "http://www.uni-giessen.de/~gk1415/hinduism.htm",
  6154.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6155.             "Title": "A guide to Hinduism",
  6156.             "Category": "HUM",
  6157.             "Description": "Extensive information about all aspects of Hinduism from the Gazetteer of India.",
  6158.             "Year": 0
  6159.         },
  6160.         {
  6161.             "RIT": "ws100411",
  6162.             "Type": "WS",
  6163.             "URL": "http://www.tsh.org/",
  6164.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6165.             "Title": "Thyroid Foundation of America Home Page",
  6166.             "Category": "LIF",
  6167.             "Description": "Includes articles on thyroid issues, a glossary, frequently asked questions, and an online thyroid reference.",
  6168.             "Year": 0
  6169.         },
  6170.         {
  6171.             "RIT": "ws100412",
  6172.             "Type": "WS",
  6173.             "URL": "http://www.state.ct.us/sde/",
  6174.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6175.             "Title": "Connecticut State Department of Education",
  6176.             "Category": "GEO",
  6177.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Connecticut Department of Education.",
  6178.             "Year": 0
  6179.         },
  6180.         {
  6181.             "RIT": "ws100413",
  6182.             "Type": "WS",
  6183.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/filmvideo/hitchcock/overview.html",
  6184.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6185.             "Title": "MoMA | film and video | Alfred Hitchcock",
  6186.             "Category": "HUM",
  6187.             "Description": "This companion site to an exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art includes a chronology of Hitchcock's career by decades, a filmography, film stills, a transcript from a 1939 lecture at Columbia University, and a 1963 interview conducted by Peter Bogdanovich.",
  6188.             "Year": 0
  6189.         },
  6190.         {
  6191.             "RIT": "ws100416",
  6192.             "Type": "WS",
  6193.             "URL": "http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/special/gse/landmarks/col.html",
  6194.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6195.             "Title": "Colosseum",
  6196.             "Category": "GEO",
  6197.             "Description": "This page is a part of World Landmarks, a site for students created by Lisa Bellavia, Tanya Bender, and Kevin Sullivan at the Rutgers University Graduate School of Education. Includes links to other sites about the Colosseum and other landmarks",
  6198.             "Year": 0
  6199.         },
  6200.         {
  6201.             "RIT": "ws100418",
  6202.             "Type": "WS",
  6203.             "URL": "http://www.thyroid-fed.org/",
  6204.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6205.             "Title": "Thyroid Federation International - Home Page",
  6206.             "Category": "LIF",
  6207.             "Description": "Information about thyroid problems from the Thyroid Federation International and member thyroid organizations thoughout the world.",
  6208.             "Year": 0
  6209.         },
  6210.         {
  6211.             "RIT": "ws100427",
  6212.             "Type": "WS",
  6213.             "URL": "http://www.nba.com/allstar97/shootout/barry_unorth.html",
  6214.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6215.             "Title": "Unorthodox, Yet Effective",
  6216.             "Category": "REC",
  6217.             "Description": "This page from the NBA discusses Rick Barry's unique, underhand free-throw shooting style.",
  6218.             "Year": 0
  6219.         },
  6220.         {
  6221.             "RIT": "ws100428",
  6222.             "Type": "WS",
  6223.             "URL": "http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/special/gse/landmarks/eiff.html",
  6224.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6225.             "Title": "Eiffel Tower",
  6226.             "Category": "GEO",
  6227.             "Description": "This page is a part of World Landmarks, a site for students created by Lisa Bellavia, Tanya Bender, and Kevin Sullivan at the Rutgers University Graduate School of Education. Includes links to other resources and other landmarks in the series.",
  6228.             "Year": 0
  6229.         },
  6230.         {
  6231.             "RIT": "ws100429",
  6232.             "Type": "WS",
  6233.             "URL": "http://www.nashville.org/parthenon/dev/index.html",
  6234.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6235.             "Title": "The Parthenon in Nashville",
  6236.             "Category": "GEO",
  6237.             "Description": "The homepage for a full-size replica of the Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee. Contains a virtual tour and curriculum guide.",
  6238.             "Year": 0
  6239.         },
  6240.         {
  6241.             "RIT": "ws100430",
  6242.             "Type": "WS",
  6243.             "URL": "http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/special/gse/landmarks/imper.html",
  6244.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6245.             "Title": "The Imperial Palace",
  6246.             "Category": "HIS",
  6247.             "Description": "This page is a part of World Landmarks, a site for students created by Lisa Bellavia, Tanya Bender, and Kevin Sullivan at the Rutgers University Graduate School of Education. Includes links to other resources and other landmarks in the series.",
  6248.             "Year": 0
  6249.         },
  6250.         {
  6251.             "RIT": "ws100431",
  6252.             "Type": "WS",
  6253.             "URL": "http://www.nba.com/nbaat50/greats/barry.html",
  6254.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6255.             "Title": "NBA at 50: Rick Barry",
  6256.             "Category": "REC",
  6257.             "Description": "This profile from the NBA is part of a special celebration of the 50 greatest players in NBA history.",
  6258.             "Year": 0
  6259.         },
  6260.         {
  6261.             "RIT": "ws100432",
  6262.             "Type": "WS",
  6263.             "URL": "http://www.raf.mod.uk/index.html",
  6264.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6265.             "Title": "Royal Air Force Home Page",
  6266.             "Category": "SOC",
  6267.             "Description": "The official home page of the Royal Air Force of the United Kingdom",
  6268.             "Year": 0
  6269.         },
  6270.         {
  6271.             "RIT": "ws100434",
  6272.             "Type": "WS",
  6273.             "URL": "http://www.rockhall.com/induct/beachboy.html",
  6274.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6275.             "Title": "The Beach Boys",
  6276.             "Category": "HUM",
  6277.             "Description": "A profile of the musical group from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.",
  6278.             "Year": 0
  6279.         },
  6280.         {
  6281.             "RIT": "ws100435",
  6282.             "Type": "WS",
  6283.             "URL": "http://www.the-thyroid-society.org/",
  6284.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6285.             "Title": "The Thyroid Society",
  6286.             "Category": "LIF",
  6287.             "Description": "Home page of the national, not-for-profit Thyroid Society for Education & Research. Includes answers to frequently asked questions, educational materials, and feature articles on thyroid conditions.",
  6288.             "Year": 0
  6289.         },
  6290.         {
  6291.             "RIT": "ws100448",
  6292.             "Type": "WS",
  6293.             "URL": "http://www.nmptv.org/nmptv/april_highlights/burnsallen.html",
  6294.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6295.             "Title": "The Burns and Allen Show",
  6296.             "Category": "HUM",
  6297.             "Description": "A description of the television program that starred George Burns and Gracie Allen, from Northern Minnesota Public Television.",
  6298.             "Year": 0
  6299.         },
  6300.         {
  6301.             "RIT": "ws100449",
  6302.             "Type": "WS",
  6303.             "URL": "http://www.osr.ch/orchestre/english/ansermet.htm",
  6304.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6305.             "Title": "Biography of Ernest Ansermet",
  6306.             "Category": "HIS",
  6307.             "Description": "Biographical information from the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande.",
  6308.             "Year": 0
  6309.         },
  6310.         {
  6311.             "RIT": "ws100450",
  6312.             "Type": "WS",
  6313.             "URL": "http://www.sonyclassical.com/artists/abbado/",
  6314.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6315.             "Title": "Sony Classical Artist: Abbado, Claudio",
  6316.             "Category": "HUM",
  6317.             "Description": "Sony Music Entertainment Inc. presents a biography, discography, and tour schedule for Claudio Abbado.",
  6318.             "Year": 0
  6319.         },
  6320.         {
  6321.             "RIT": "ws100451",
  6322.             "Type": "WS",
  6323.             "URL": "http://www.si.umich.edu/Art_History/demoarea/details/1953_2.22.html",
  6324.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6325.             "Title": "Fleeting Time Thou Hast Left Me Old",
  6326.             "Category": "HUM",
  6327.             "Description": "This painting by Ivan Albright is presented by the University of Michigan School of Information and Library Studies.",
  6328.             "Year": 0
  6329.         },
  6330.         {
  6331.             "RIT": "ws100452",
  6332.             "Type": "WS",
  6333.             "URL": "http://www.wic.org/bio/anderson.htm",
  6334.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6335.             "Title": "Dame Judith Anderson: Greatness Through Drama",
  6336.             "Category": "HUM",
  6337.             "Description": "Women's International Center, a non-profit education and service foundation, presents a brief biography of Dame Judith Anderson.",
  6338.             "Year": 0
  6339.         },
  6340.         {
  6341.             "RIT": "ws100453",
  6342.             "Type": "WS",
  6343.             "URL": "http://rosieo.warnerbros.com/pages/rosieo/home.jsp",
  6344.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6345.             "Title": "Rosie O'Donnell Show: Julie Andrews Joins Rosie!",
  6346.             "Category": "HUM",
  6347.             "Description": "A multimedia scrapbook of appearances by Julie Andrews on the Rosie O'Donnell Show.",
  6348.             "Year": 0
  6349.         },
  6350.         {
  6351.             "RIT": "ws100454",
  6352.             "Type": "WS",
  6353.             "URL": "http://ocean.st.usm.edu/~wsimkins/steinb.html",
  6354.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6355.             "Title": "John Steinbeck Page",
  6356.             "Category": "HUM",
  6357.             "Description": "A collection of primary and secondary texts compiled by William Scott Simkins as part of his doctoral research at the University of Southern Mississippi.",
  6358.             "Year": 0
  6359.         },
  6360.         {
  6361.             "RIT": "ws100455",
  6362.             "Type": "WS",
  6363.             "URL": "http://cgi.pathfinder.com/time/special/moy/1973.html",
  6364.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6365.             "Title": "Time Magazine 1973 Man of the Year: Judge John J. Sirica",
  6366.             "Category": "HIS",
  6367.             "Description": "This profile, which appeared in Time magazine in January 1974, discusses Judge Sirica's handling of the Watergate scandal.",
  6368.             "Year": 0
  6369.         },
  6370.         {
  6371.             "RIT": "ws100465",
  6372.             "Type": "WS",
  6373.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=P000477",
  6374.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6375.             "Title": "POWELL, Adam Clayton, Jr. (1908-1972) Biographical Information",
  6376.             "Category": "HIS",
  6377.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Adam Powell.",
  6378.             "Year": 0
  6379.         },
  6380.         {
  6381.             "RIT": "ws100466",
  6382.             "Type": "WS",
  6383.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=P000100",
  6384.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6385.             "Title": "PASTORE, John Orlando (1907-2000) Biographical Information",
  6386.             "Category": "HIS",
  6387.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John Pastore.",
  6388.             "Year": 0
  6389.         },
  6390.         {
  6391.             "RIT": "ws100467",
  6392.             "Type": "WS",
  6393.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=P000203",
  6394.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6395.             "Title": "PENDLETON, George Hunt (1825-1889) Biographical Information",
  6396.             "Category": "HIS",
  6397.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on George Pendleton.",
  6398.             "Year": 0
  6399.         },
  6400.         {
  6401.             "RIT": "ws100468",
  6402.             "Type": "WS",
  6403.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=P000222",
  6404.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6405.             "Title": "PERCY, Charles Harting (1919-) Biographical Information",
  6406.             "Category": "HIS",
  6407.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Charles Percy.",
  6408.             "Year": 0
  6409.         },
  6410.         {
  6411.             "RIT": "ws100469",
  6412.             "Type": "WS",
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  6414.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6415.             "Title": "PICKERING, Timothy (1745-1829) Biographical Information",
  6416.             "Category": "HIS",
  6417.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Timothy Pickering.",
  6418.             "Year": 0
  6419.         },
  6420.         {
  6421.             "RIT": "ws100470",
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  6423.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=P000372",
  6424.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6425.             "Title": "PITTMAN, Key (1872-1940) Biographical Information",
  6426.             "Category": "HIS",
  6427.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Key Pittman.",
  6428.             "Year": 0
  6429.         },
  6430.         {
  6431.             "RIT": "ws100471",
  6432.             "Type": "WS",
  6433.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=P000354",
  6434.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6435.             "Title": "PINCKNEY, Charles (1757-1824) Biographical Information",
  6436.             "Category": "HIS",
  6437.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Charles Pinckney.",
  6438.             "Year": 0
  6439.         },
  6440.         {
  6441.             "RIT": "ws100472",
  6442.             "Type": "WS",
  6443.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=P000553",
  6444.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6445.             "Title": "PROXMIRE, William (1915-) Biographical Information",
  6446.             "Category": "HIS",
  6447.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on William Proxmire.",
  6448.             "Year": 0
  6449.         },
  6450.         {
  6451.             "RIT": "ws100481",
  6452.             "Type": "WS",
  6453.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=R000188",
  6454.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6455.             "Title": "RHODES, John Jacob (1916-) Biographical Information",
  6456.             "Category": "HIS",
  6457.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John Rhodes.",
  6458.             "Year": 0
  6459.         },
  6460.         {
  6461.             "RIT": "ws100482",
  6462.             "Type": "WS",
  6463.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=R000055",
  6464.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6465.             "Title": "RANKIN, Jeannette (1880-1973) Biographical Information",
  6466.             "Category": "HIS",
  6467.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Jeannette Rankin.",
  6468.             "Year": 0
  6469.         },
  6470.         {
  6471.             "RIT": "ws100483",
  6472.             "Type": "WS",
  6473.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=R000191",
  6474.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6475.             "Title": "RIBICOFF, Abraham Alexander (1910-1998) Biographical Information",
  6476.             "Category": "HIS",
  6477.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Abraham Ribicoff.",
  6478.             "Year": 0
  6479.         },
  6480.         {
  6481.             "RIT": "ws100484",
  6482.             "Type": "WS",
  6483.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=R000536",
  6484.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6485.             "Title": "RUSSELL, Richard Brevard, Jr (1897-1971) Biographical Information",
  6486.             "Category": "HIS",
  6487.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Richard Russell.",
  6488.             "Year": 0
  6489.         },
  6490.         {
  6491.             "RIT": "ws100485",
  6492.             "Type": "WS",
  6493.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000059",
  6494.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6495.             "Title": "SANTORUM, Richard John (1958-) Biographical Information",
  6496.             "Category": "GEO",
  6497.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Richard Santorum.",
  6498.             "Year": 0
  6499.         },
  6500.         {
  6501.             "RIT": "ws100486",
  6502.             "Type": "WS",
  6503.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=R000376",
  6504.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6505.             "Title": "RODNEY, Caesar (1728-1784) Biographical Information",
  6506.             "Category": "HIS",
  6507.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Caesar Rodney.",
  6508.             "Year": 0
  6509.         },
  6510.         {
  6511.             "RIT": "ws100487",
  6512.             "Type": "WS",
  6513.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000021",
  6514.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6515.             "Title": "SALTONSTALL, Leverett (1892-1979) Biographical Information",
  6516.             "Category": "HIS",
  6517.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Leverett Saltonstall.",
  6518.             "Year": 0
  6519.         },
  6520.         {
  6521.             "RIT": "ws100488",
  6522.             "Type": "WS",
  6523.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=R000361",
  6524.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6525.             "Title": "ROCKEFELLER, John Davison, IV (Jay) (1937-) Biographical Information",
  6526.             "Category": "HIS",
  6527.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John Rockefeller.",
  6528.             "Year": 0
  6529.         },
  6530.         {
  6531.             "RIT": "ws100497",
  6532.             "Type": "WS",
  6533.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000257",
  6534.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6535.             "Title": "SEVIER, John (1745-1815) Biographical Information",
  6536.             "Category": "HIS",
  6537.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John Sevier.",
  6538.             "Year": 0
  6539.         },
  6540.         {
  6541.             "RIT": "ws100498",
  6542.             "Type": "WS",
  6543.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000268",
  6544.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6545.             "Title": "SEYMOUR, Horatio (1778-1857) Biographical Information",
  6546.             "Category": "HIS",
  6547.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Horatio Seymour.",
  6548.             "Year": 0
  6549.         },
  6550.         {
  6551.             "RIT": "ws100499",
  6552.             "Type": "WS",
  6553.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000320",
  6554.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6555.             "Title": "SHELBY, Richard C. (1934-) Biographical Information",
  6556.             "Category": "GEO",
  6557.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Richard Shelby.",
  6558.             "Year": 0
  6559.         },
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  6561.             "RIT": "ws100500",
  6562.             "Type": "WS",
  6563.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000151",
  6564.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6565.             "Title": "SCHURZ, Carl (1829-1906) Biographical Information",
  6566.             "Category": "HIS",
  6567.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Carl Schurz.",
  6568.             "Year": 0
  6569.         },
  6570.         {
  6571.             "RIT": "ws100501",
  6572.             "Type": "WS",
  6573.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000261",
  6574.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6575.             "Title": "SEWARD, William Henry (1801-1872) Biographical Information",
  6576.             "Category": "HIS",
  6577.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on William Seward.",
  6578.             "Year": 0
  6579.         },
  6580.         {
  6581.             "RIT": "ws100502",
  6582.             "Type": "WS",
  6583.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000064",
  6584.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6585.             "Title": "SARBANES, Paul Spyros (1933-) Biographical Information",
  6586.             "Category": "GEO",
  6587.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Paul Sarbanes.",
  6588.             "Year": 0
  6589.         },
  6590.         {
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  6592.             "Type": "WS",
  6593.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000174",
  6594.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6595.             "Title": "SCOTT, Hugh Doggett, Jr. (1900-1994) Biographical Information",
  6596.             "Category": "HIS",
  6597.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Hugh Scott.",
  6598.             "Year": 0
  6599.         },
  6600.         {
  6601.             "RIT": "ws100504",
  6602.             "Type": "WS",
  6603.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000345",
  6604.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6605.             "Title": "SHERMAN, James Schoolcraft (1855-1912) Biographical Information",
  6606.             "Category": "HIS",
  6607.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on James Sherman.",
  6608.             "Year": 0
  6609.         },
  6610.         {
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  6612.             "Type": "WS",
  6613.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000362",
  6614.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6615.             "Title": "SHIELDS, James (1806/1810-1879) Biographical Information",
  6616.             "Category": "HIS",
  6617.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on James Shields.",
  6618.             "Year": 0
  6619.         },
  6620.         {
  6621.             "RIT": "ws100514",
  6622.             "Type": "WS",
  6623.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000701",
  6624.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6625.             "Title": "SPARKMAN, John Jackson (1899-1985) Biographical Information",
  6626.             "Category": "HIS",
  6627.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John Sparkman.",
  6628.             "Year": 0
  6629.         },
  6630.         {
  6631.             "RIT": "ws100515",
  6632.             "Type": "WS",
  6633.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000709",
  6634.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6635.             "Title": "SPECTER, Arlen (1930-) Biographical Information",
  6636.             "Category": "GEO",
  6637.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Arlen Specter.",
  6638.             "Year": 0
  6639.         },
  6640.         {
  6641.             "RIT": "ws100516",
  6642.             "Type": "WS",
  6643.             "URL": "http://www.independenceuk.org.uk/",
  6644.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6645.             "Title": "United Kingdom Independence Party",
  6646.             "Category": "SOC",
  6647.             "Description": "Home page of the United Kingdom Independence Party, which advocates Britain's withdrawal from the European Union.",
  6648.             "Year": 0
  6649.         },
  6650.         {
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  6654.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6655.             "Title": "The Natural History of the Peregrine Falcon",
  6656.             "Category": "LIF",
  6657.             "Description": "A page about the habits, prey, enemies, and physical attributes of the peregrine falcon from Alabama University's College of Veterinary Medicine.",
  6658.             "Year": 0
  6659.         },
  6660.         {
  6661.             "RIT": "ws100518",
  6662.             "Type": "WS",
  6663.             "URL": "http://www.vetmed.auburn.edu/raptor/what_are_raptors/kites.html#mississippi",
  6664.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6665.             "Title": "The Natural History of the Mississippi Kite",
  6666.             "Category": "LIF",
  6667.             "Description": "A page about the habits, prey, enemies, and physical attributes of the Mississippi kite, from Alabama University's College of Veterinary Medicine.",
  6668.             "Year": 0
  6669.         },
  6670.         {
  6671.             "RIT": "ws100519",
  6672.             "Type": "WS",
  6673.             "URL": "http://www.oilspill.state.ak.us/",
  6674.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6675.             "Title": "Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration Web Site",
  6676.             "Category": "IND",
  6677.             "Description": "Information about the cleanup and restoration of the area affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989, presented by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council.",
  6678.             "Year": 0
  6679.         },
  6680.         {
  6681.             "RIT": "ws100529",
  6682.             "Type": "WS",
  6683.             "URL": "http://www.vetmed.auburn.edu/raptor/what_are_raptors/eagles.html#bald",
  6684.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6685.             "Title": "The Natural History of the Bald Eagle",
  6686.             "Category": "LIF",
  6687.             "Description": "A page on the habits, prey, enemies, and physical attributes of the bald eagle, from Alabama University's College of Veterinary Medicine.",
  6688.             "Year": 0
  6689.         },
  6690.         {
  6691.             "RIT": "ws100530",
  6692.             "Type": "WS",
  6693.             "URL": "http://www.sdlp.ie/Media.htm",
  6694.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6695.             "Title": "Social Democratic and Labour Party",
  6696.             "Category": "SOC",
  6697.             "Description": "Home page of the Social Democratic and Labour Party in Northern Ireland.",
  6698.             "Year": 0
  6699.         },
  6700.         {
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  6702.             "Type": "WS",
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  6704.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6705.             "Title": "The Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation",
  6706.             "Category": "HIS",
  6707.             "Description": "Homepage of the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace museum in Yorba Linda, California.",
  6708.             "Year": 0
  6709.         },
  6710.         {
  6711.             "RIT": "ws100532",
  6712.             "Type": "WS",
  6713.             "URL": "http://www.conservatives.com/",
  6714.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6715.             "Title": "The Conservative Party",
  6716.             "Category": "SOC",
  6717.             "Description": "Home page of Britain's Conservative Party.",
  6718.             "Year": 0
  6719.         },
  6720.         {
  6721.             "RIT": "ws100533",
  6722.             "Type": "WS",
  6723.             "URL": "http://www.vetmed.auburn.edu/raptor/what_are_raptors/owls.html#barred",
  6724.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6725.             "Title": "The Natural History of the Barred Owl",
  6726.             "Category": "LIF",
  6727.             "Description": "A page about the habits, prey, enemies, and physical attributes of the barred owl from Alabama University's College of Veterinary Medicine.",
  6728.             "Year": 0
  6729.         },
  6730.         {
  6731.             "RIT": "ws100534",
  6732.             "Type": "WS",
  6733.             "URL": "http://www.steinbeck.org/index2.html",
  6734.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6735.             "Title": "The National Steinbeck Center",
  6736.             "Category": "HUM",
  6737.             "Description": "Home page of the National Steinbeck Center, a museum in Salinas, California.",
  6738.             "Year": 0
  6739.         },
  6740.         {
  6741.             "RIT": "ws100535",
  6742.             "Type": "WS",
  6743.             "URL": "http://virtual.finland.fi/",
  6744.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6745.             "Title": "Virtual Finland",
  6746.             "Category": "GEO",
  6747.             "Description": "Comprehensive information about Finland from a site produced by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Department for Press and Culture/Publications Unit.",
  6748.             "Year": 0
  6749.         },
  6750.         {
  6751.             "RIT": "ws100536",
  6752.             "Type": "WS",
  6753.             "URL": "http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/fnart/fa267/aalto.html",
  6754.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6755.             "Title": "20th Century Architecture: Alvar Aalto",
  6756.             "Category": "HUM",
  6757.             "Description": "Photos of buildings designed by Alvar Aalto presented by Jeffery Howe of Boston College.",
  6758.             "Year": 0
  6759.         },
  6760.         {
  6761.             "RIT": "ws100538",
  6762.             "Type": "WS",
  6763.             "URL": "http://www.jkl.fi/aalto/",
  6764.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6765.             "Title": "Alvar Aalto Foundation",
  6766.             "Category": "HUM",
  6767.             "Description": "Contains links to the Alvar Aalto Archives in Helsinki and the Alvar Aalto Museum in Jyvaskyla.",
  6768.             "Year": 0
  6769.         },
  6770.         {
  6771.             "RIT": "ws100419",
  6772.             "Type": "WS",
  6773.             "URL": "http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/special/gse/landmarks/house.html",
  6774.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6775.             "Title": "The Houses of Parliament",
  6776.             "Category": "HUM",
  6777.             "Description": "This page is a part of World Landmarks, a site for students created by Lisa Bellavia, Tanya Bender, and Kevin Sullivan at the Rutgers University Graduate School of Education. Includes links to other resources and other landmarks in the series.",
  6778.             "Year": 0
  6779.         },
  6780.         {
  6781.             "RIT": "ws100421",
  6782.             "Type": "WS",
  6783.             "URL": "http://www.rockhall.com/induct/beatles.html",
  6784.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6785.             "Title": "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: The Beatles",
  6786.             "Category": "HUM",
  6787.             "Description": "Career summary and sound clips from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.",
  6788.             "Year": 0
  6789.         },
  6790.         {
  6791.             "RIT": "ws100422",
  6792.             "Type": "WS",
  6793.             "URL": "http://www.life.com/Life/covers/1939/cv030639.html",
  6794.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6795.             "Title": "LIFE COVER FOR 03/06/1939",
  6796.             "Category": "HUM",
  6797.             "Description": "A photograph of Tallulah Bankhead that appeared on the cover of LIFE Magazine.",
  6798.             "Year": 0
  6799.         },
  6800.         {
  6801.             "RIT": "ws100423",
  6802.             "Type": "WS",
  6803.             "URL": "http://www.r6.fws.gov/pressrel/pfalcon.htm",
  6804.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6805.             "Title": "Peregrine Falcon News and Information",
  6806.             "Category": "LIF",
  6807.             "Description": "From the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Includes a press release about the removal of the peregrine falcon from the endangered species list, information on the role of the Endangered Species Act and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the peregri",
  6808.             "Year": 0
  6809.         },
  6810.         {
  6811.             "RIT": "ws100424",
  6812.             "Type": "WS",
  6813.             "URL": "http://www.suntimes.com/ebert/greatmovies/hard_day_night.html",
  6814.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6815.             "Title": "A Hard Day's Night",
  6816.             "Category": "HUM",
  6817.             "Description": "A review of a film starring the Beatles by critic Roger Ebert.",
  6818.             "Year": 0
  6819.         },
  6820.         {
  6821.             "RIT": "ws100425",
  6822.             "Type": "WS",
  6823.             "URL": "http://www.nick-at-nite.com/tvretro/shows/1.33/index.tin",
  6824.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6825.             "Title": "Nick at Nite presents I Love Lucy",
  6826.             "Category": "HUM",
  6827.             "Description": "This site from Nickelodeon features a brief history of the I Love Lucy show, a talking photo album, actor biographies, and audio and video clips.",
  6828.             "Year": 0
  6829.         },
  6830.         {
  6831.             "RIT": "ws100426",
  6832.             "Type": "WS",
  6833.             "URL": "http://www.number-10.gov.uk/public/info/index.html",
  6834.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6835.             "Title": "10 Downing Street",
  6836.             "Category": "SOC",
  6837.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Prime Minister. Includes press releases, historical information, a chronology of prime ministers since 1902, and biographical information about ministers who have served since 1957. Also includes a virtual tour of th",
  6838.             "Year": 0
  6839.         },
  6840.         {
  6841.             "RIT": "ws100436",
  6842.             "Type": "WS",
  6843.             "URL": "http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/special/gse/landmarks/temple.html",
  6844.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6845.             "Title": "The Temple of the Inscriptions",
  6846.             "Category": "SOC",
  6847.             "Description": "This page is a part of World Landmarks, a site for students created by Lisa Bellavia, Tanya Bender, and Kevin Sullivan at the Rutgers University Graduate School of Education. Includes links to other resources and other landmarks in the series.",
  6848.             "Year": 0
  6849.         },
  6850.         {
  6851.             "RIT": "ws100437",
  6852.             "Type": "WS",
  6853.             "URL": "http://www.thyroid.org/",
  6854.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6855.             "Title": "American Thyroid Association",
  6856.             "Category": "LIF",
  6857.             "Description": "Includes the ATA newsletter, information for physicians and patients, and describes thyroid research initiatives.",
  6858.             "Year": 0
  6859.         },
  6860.         {
  6861.             "RIT": "ws100438",
  6862.             "Type": "WS",
  6863.             "URL": "http://www.nba.com/nbaat50/greats/baylor.html",
  6864.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6865.             "Title": "NBA at 50: Elgin Baylor",
  6866.             "Category": "REC",
  6867.             "Description": "This profile is part of an NBA special feature on the 50 greatest players in NBA history.",
  6868.             "Year": 0
  6869.         },
  6870.         {
  6871.             "RIT": "ws100439",
  6872.             "Type": "WS",
  6873.             "URL": "http://www.indianrailway.com/",
  6874.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6875.             "Title": "Indian Railways",
  6876.             "Category": "IND",
  6877.             "Description": "The official Web site of Indian Railways.",
  6878.             "Year": 0
  6879.         },
  6880.         {
  6881.             "RIT": "ws100440",
  6882.             "Type": "WS",
  6883.             "URL": "http://www.greatconductors.com/english/ashkenazy/",
  6884.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6885.             "Title": "Vladimir Ashkenazy",
  6886.             "Category": "HUM",
  6887.             "Description": "A biography from Great Conductors Online. The text includes minor errors in translation from German.",
  6888.             "Year": 0
  6889.         },
  6890.         {
  6891.             "RIT": "ws100441",
  6892.             "Type": "WS",
  6893.             "URL": "http://www.tour-eiffel.fr/teiffel/uk/",
  6894.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6895.             "Title": "La Tour Eiffel",
  6896.             "Category": "GEO",
  6897.             "Description": "The official Web site for the Eiffel Tower.",
  6898.             "Year": 0
  6899.         },
  6900.         {
  6901.             "RIT": "ws100442",
  6902.             "Type": "WS",
  6903.             "URL": "http://www.raptor.cvm.umn.edu/content.asp?page=2518",
  6904.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6905.             "Title": "THE RAPTOR CENTER: Raptor Facts - Peregrine Falcon",
  6906.             "Category": "LIF",
  6907.             "Description": "A fact sheet about the peregrine falcon, including photos.",
  6908.             "Year": 0
  6909.         },
  6910.         {
  6911.             "RIT": "ws100446",
  6912.             "Type": "WS",
  6913.             "URL": "http://www.tvguidelive.com/retrotv/faves-mash.html",
  6914.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6915.             "Title": "Retro TV: M*A*S*H",
  6916.             "Category": "HUM",
  6917.             "Description": "Information about M*A*S*H provided by TV Guide Canada.",
  6918.             "Year": 0
  6919.         },
  6920.         {
  6921.             "RIT": "ws100447",
  6922.             "Type": "WS",
  6923.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/ihas/poet/agee.html",
  6924.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6925.             "Title": "(Rufus) James Agee (1909-1955)",
  6926.             "Category": "HUM",
  6927.             "Description": "A profile of James Agee from PBS Online.",
  6928.             "Year": 0
  6929.         },
  6930.         {
  6931.             "RIT": "ws100457",
  6932.             "Type": "WS",
  6933.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=M001111",
  6934.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6935.             "Title": "MURRAY, Patty (1950-) Biographical Information",
  6936.             "Category": "GEO",
  6937.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Patty Murray.",
  6938.             "Year": 0
  6939.         },
  6940.         {
  6941.             "RIT": "ws100458",
  6942.             "Type": "WS",
  6943.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=N000102",
  6944.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6945.             "Title": "NICKLES, Donald Lee (1948-) Biographical Information",
  6946.             "Category": "GEO",
  6947.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Donald Nickles.",
  6948.             "Year": 0
  6949.         },
  6950.         {
  6951.             "RIT": "ws100459",
  6952.             "Type": "WS",
  6953.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=M001121",
  6954.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6955.             "Title": "MUSKIE, Edmund Sixtus (1914-1996) Biographical Information",
  6956.             "Category": "HIS",
  6957.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Edmund Muskie.",
  6958.             "Year": 0
  6959.         },
  6960.         {
  6961.             "RIT": "ws100460",
  6962.             "Type": "WS",
  6963.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=O000152",
  6964.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6965.             "Title": "OWEN, Robert Dale (1801-1877) Biographical Information",
  6966.             "Category": "HIS",
  6967.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Robert Owen.",
  6968.             "Year": 0
  6969.         },
  6970.         {
  6971.             "RIT": "ws100461",
  6972.             "Type": "WS",
  6973.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=P000035",
  6974.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6975.             "Title": "PALMER, Alexander Mitchell (1872-1936) Biographical Information",
  6976.             "Category": "HIS",
  6977.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Mitchell Palmer.",
  6978.             "Year": 0
  6979.         },
  6980.         {
  6981.             "RIT": "ws100462",
  6982.             "Type": "WS",
  6983.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=M001085",
  6984.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6985.             "Title": "MURKOWSKI, Frank Hughes (1933-) Biographical Information",
  6986.             "Category": "GEO",
  6987.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Frank Murkowski.",
  6988.             "Year": 0
  6989.         },
  6990.         {
  6991.             "RIT": "ws100463",
  6992.             "Type": "WS",
  6993.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=N000139",
  6994.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  6995.             "Title": "NORRIS, George William (1861-1944) Biographical Information",
  6996.             "Category": "HIS",
  6997.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on George Norris.",
  6998.             "Year": 0
  6999.         },
  7000.         {
  7001.             "RIT": "ws100464",
  7002.             "Type": "WS",
  7003.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=N000176",
  7004.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7005.             "Title": "NYE, Gerald Prentice (1892-1971) Biographical Information",
  7006.             "Category": "HIS",
  7007.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Gerald Nye.",
  7008.             "Year": 0
  7009.         },
  7010.         {
  7011.             "RIT": "ws100473",
  7012.             "Type": "WS",
  7013.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=P000357",
  7014.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7015.             "Title": "PINCKNEY, Thomas (1750-1828) Biographical Information",
  7016.             "Category": "HIS",
  7017.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Thomas Pinckney.",
  7018.             "Year": 0
  7019.         },
  7020.         {
  7021.             "RIT": "ws100474",
  7022.             "Type": "WS",
  7023.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=R000295",
  7024.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7025.             "Title": "ROBB, Charles Spittal (1939-) Biographical Information",
  7026.             "Category": "GEO",
  7027.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Charles Robb.",
  7028.             "Year": 0
  7029.         },
  7030.         {
  7031.             "RIT": "ws100475",
  7032.             "Type": "WS",
  7033.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=R000043",
  7034.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7035.             "Title": "RANDOLPH, Edmund Jenings (1753-1813) Biographical Information",
  7036.             "Category": "HIS",
  7037.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Edmund Randolph.",
  7038.             "Year": 0
  7039.         },
  7040.         {
  7041.             "RIT": "ws100476",
  7042.             "Type": "WS",
  7043.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=R000146",
  7044.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7045.             "Title": "REID, Harry (1939-) Biographical Information",
  7046.             "Category": "GEO",
  7047.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Harry Reid.",
  7048.             "Year": 0
  7049.         },
  7050.         {
  7051.             "RIT": "ws100477",
  7052.             "Type": "WS",
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  7057.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Thomas Reed.",
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  7077.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Hiram Revels.",
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  7086.             "Category": "HIS",
  7087.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Peyton Randolph.",
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  7096.             "Category": "GEO",
  7097.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on William Roth.",
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  7106.             "Category": "HIS",
  7107.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Nelson Rockefeller.",
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  7116.             "Category": "HIS",
  7117.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Edmund Ross.",
  7118.             "Year": 0
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  7126.             "Category": "HIS",
  7127.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Joseph Robinson.",
  7128.             "Year": 0
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  7137.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John Rutledge.",
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  7146.             "Category": "HIS",
  7147.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John Sherman.",
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  7156.             "Category": "HIS",
  7157.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on William Scranton.",
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  7164.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  7166.             "Category": "GEO",
  7167.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Charles Schumer.",
  7168.             "Year": 0
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  7176.             "Category": "HIS",
  7177.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on George Shoup.",
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  7186.             "Category": "HIS",
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  7216.             "Category": "HIS",
  7217.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Richard Spaight.",
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  7226.             "Category": "GEO",
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  7237.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Robert Smalls.",
  7238.             "Year": 0
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  7244.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  7247.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Gordon Smith.",
  7248.             "Year": 0
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  7254.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  7267.             "Description": "A page about the habits, prey, enemies, and physical attributes of the great horned owl from Alabama University's College of Veterinary Medicine.",
  7268.             "Year": 0
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  7278.             "Year": 0
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  7287.             "Description": "Home page of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence, with links to various defense agencies.",
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  7297.             "Description": "A page about the habits, prey, enemies, and physical attributes of the red-tailed hawk from Alabama University's College of Veterinary Medicine.",
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  7300.         {
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  7306.             "Category": "SOC",
  7307.             "Description": "Home page of Northern Ireland's Ulster Unionist Party.",
  7308.             "Year": 0
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  7315.             "Title": "Center for Steinbeck Studies",
  7316.             "Category": "HUM",
  7317.             "Description": "A site hosted by the Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck Studies at San Jose State University, which holds over 30,000 items related to John Steinbeck.",
  7318.             "Year": 0
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  7327.             "Description": "Home page of Plaid Cymru, a Welsh political party.",
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  7337.             "Description": "The home page of the Scottish National Party.",
  7338.             "Year": 0
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  7347.             "Description": "Information about the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto, presented by Virtual Finland. Virtual Finland is a Web site produced by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Department for Press and Culture/Publications Unit.",
  7348.             "Year": 0
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  7396.             "Category": "HIS",
  7397.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Charles Sumner.",
  7398.             "Year": 0
  7399.         },
  7400.         {
  7401.             "RIT": "ws100545",
  7402.             "Type": "WS",
  7403.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=T000009",
  7404.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7405.             "Title": "TAFT, Robert Alphonso (1889-1953) Biographical Information",
  7406.             "Category": "HIS",
  7407.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Robert Taft.",
  7408.             "Year": 0
  7409.         },
  7410.         {
  7411.             "RIT": "ws100546",
  7412.             "Type": "WS",
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  7414.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7415.             "Title": "THOMAS, Craig Lyle (1933-) Biographical Information",
  7416.             "Category": "GEO",
  7417.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Craig Thomas.",
  7418.             "Year": 0
  7419.         },
  7420.         {
  7421.             "RIT": "ws100547",
  7422.             "Type": "WS",
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  7424.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7425.             "Title": "THURMAN, Allen Granberry (1813-1895) Biographical Information",
  7426.             "Category": "HIS",
  7427.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Allen Thurman.",
  7428.             "Year": 0
  7429.         },
  7430.         {
  7431.             "RIT": "ws100548",
  7432.             "Type": "WS",
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  7434.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7435.             "Title": "THURMOND, James Strom (1902-) Biographical Information",
  7436.             "Category": "HIS",
  7437.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Strom Thurmond.",
  7438.             "Year": 0
  7439.         },
  7440.         {
  7441.             "RIT": "ws100549",
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  7444.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7445.             "Title": "STANFORD, Leland (1824-1893) Biographical Information",
  7446.             "Category": "HIS",
  7447.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Leland Stanford.",
  7448.             "Year": 0
  7449.         },
  7450.         {
  7451.             "RIT": "ws100550",
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  7454.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7455.             "Title": "TOMPKINS, Daniel D. (1774-1825) Biographical Information",
  7456.             "Category": "HIS",
  7457.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Daniel Tompkins.",
  7458.             "Year": 0
  7459.         },
  7460.         {
  7461.             "RIT": "ws100551",
  7462.             "Type": "WS",
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  7464.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7465.             "Title": "SYMINGTON, William Stuart (Stuart) (1901-1988) Biographical Information",
  7466.             "Category": "HIS",
  7467.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Stuart Symington.",
  7468.             "Year": 0
  7469.         },
  7470.         {
  7471.             "RIT": "ws100552",
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  7474.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7475.             "Title": "STEVENS, Thaddeus (1792-1868) Biographical Information",
  7476.             "Category": "HIS",
  7477.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Thaddeus Stevens.",
  7478.             "Year": 0
  7479.         },
  7480.         {
  7481.             "RIT": "ws100553",
  7482.             "Type": "WS",
  7483.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=S000888",
  7484.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7485.             "Title": "STEVENS, Theodore F. (Ted) (1923-) Biographical Information",
  7486.             "Category": "GEO",
  7487.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Theodore Stevens.",
  7488.             "Year": 0
  7489.         },
  7490.         {
  7491.             "RIT": "ws100554",
  7492.             "Type": "WS",
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  7494.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7495.             "Title": "TALMADGE, Herman Eugene (1913-) Biographical Information",
  7496.             "Category": "HIS",
  7497.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Herman Talmadge.",
  7498.             "Year": 0
  7499.         },
  7500.         {
  7501.             "RIT": "ws100563",
  7502.             "Type": "WS",
  7503.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=V000025",
  7504.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7505.             "Title": "VANDENBERG, Arthur Hendrick (1884-1951) Biographical Information",
  7506.             "Category": "HIS",
  7507.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Arthur Vandenberg.",
  7508.             "Year": 0
  7509.         },
  7510.         {
  7511.             "RIT": "ws100564",
  7512.             "Type": "WS",
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  7514.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7515.             "Title": "VALLANDIGHAM, Clement Laird (1820-1871) Biographical Information",
  7516.             "Category": "HIS",
  7517.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Clement Vallandigham.",
  7518.             "Year": 0
  7519.         },
  7520.         {
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  7524.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7525.             "Title": "WATSON, Thomas Edward (1856-1922) Biographical Information",
  7526.             "Category": "HIS",
  7527.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Thomas Watson.",
  7528.             "Year": 0
  7529.         },
  7530.         {
  7531.             "RIT": "ws100566",
  7532.             "Type": "WS",
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  7534.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7535.             "Title": "VOINOVICH, George V. (1936-) Biographical Information",
  7536.             "Category": "GEO",
  7537.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on George Voinovich.",
  7538.             "Year": 0
  7539.         },
  7540.         {
  7541.             "RIT": "ws100567",
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  7544.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7545.             "Title": "WHEELER, William Almon (1819-1887) Biographical Information",
  7546.             "Category": "HIS",
  7547.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on William Wheeler.",
  7548.             "Year": 0
  7549.         },
  7550.         {
  7551.             "RIT": "ws100568",
  7552.             "Type": "WS",
  7553.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=W000288",
  7554.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7555.             "Title": "WELLSTONE, Paul David (1944-) Biographical Information",
  7556.             "Category": "GEO",
  7557.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Paul Wellstone.",
  7558.             "Year": 0
  7559.         },
  7560.         {
  7561.             "RIT": "ws100569",
  7562.             "Type": "WS",
  7563.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=V000114",
  7564.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7565.             "Title": "VOLSTEAD, Andrew John (1860-1947) Biographical Information",
  7566.             "Category": "HIS",
  7567.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Andrew Volstead.",
  7568.             "Year": 0
  7569.         },
  7570.         {
  7571.             "RIT": "ws100570",
  7572.             "Type": "WS",
  7573.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=W000330",
  7574.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7575.             "Title": "WHEELER, Burton Kendall (1882-1975) Biographical Information",
  7576.             "Category": "HIS",
  7577.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Burton Wheeler.",
  7578.             "Year": 0
  7579.         },
  7580.         {
  7581.             "RIT": "ws100579",
  7582.             "Type": "WS",
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  7584.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7585.             "Title": "Billboard Charts",
  7586.             "Category": "HUM",
  7587.             "Description": "Billboard's chart department online includes displays of gold and platinum records and samples of selected albums and charts.",
  7588.             "Year": 0
  7589.         },
  7590.         {
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  7592.             "Type": "WS",
  7593.             "URL": "http://www.ap.org/",
  7594.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7595.             "Title": "Associated Press",
  7596.             "Category": "IND",
  7597.             "Description": "Home page of the Associated Press.",
  7598.             "Year": 0
  7599.         },
  7600.         {
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  7604.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7605.             "Title": "Welcome to Mobile, Alabama",
  7606.             "Category": "IND",
  7607.             "Description": "Official Mobile site for city services and tourism.",
  7608.             "Year": 0
  7609.         },
  7610.         {
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  7614.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7615.             "Title": "WILLIAMS, John James (1904-1988) Biographical Information",
  7616.             "Category": "HIS",
  7617.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John Williams.",
  7618.             "Year": 0
  7619.         },
  7620.         {
  7621.             "RIT": "ws100583",
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  7624.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  7626.             "Category": "IND",
  7627.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Nikola Tesla and the invention of the electro-magnetic motor set.",
  7628.             "Year": 0
  7629.         },
  7630.         {
  7631.             "RIT": "ws100584",
  7632.             "Type": "WS",
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  7634.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7635.             "Title": "WILLIAMSON, Hugh (1735-1819) Biographical Information",
  7636.             "Category": "HIS",
  7637.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Hugh Williamson.",
  7638.             "Year": 0
  7639.         },
  7640.         {
  7641.             "RIT": "ws100585",
  7642.             "Type": "WS",
  7643.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=W000779",
  7644.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  7646.             "Category": "GEO",
  7647.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Ronald Wyden.",
  7648.             "Year": 0
  7649.         },
  7650.         {
  7651.             "RIT": "ws100586",
  7652.             "Type": "WS",
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  7654.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7655.             "Title": "The BSE (Mad Cow) Inquiry site (UK government)",
  7656.             "Category": "LIF",
  7657.             "Description": "Includes information on BSE, a glossary, factual accounts, witness statements, and hearing transcripts.",
  7658.             "Year": 0
  7659.         },
  7660.         {
  7661.             "RIT": "ws100587",
  7662.             "Type": "WS",
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  7664.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7665.             "Title": "WILSON, Pete (1933-) Biographical Information",
  7666.             "Category": "GEO",
  7667.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Pete Wilson.",
  7668.             "Year": 0
  7669.         },
  7670.         {
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  7674.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  7676.             "Category": "LIF",
  7677.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Luther Burbank and his role in breeding peaches and other produce.",
  7678.             "Year": 0
  7679.         },
  7680.         {
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  7682.             "Type": "WS",
  7683.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/17.html",
  7684.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7685.             "Title": "William Seward Burroughs",
  7686.             "Category": "IND",
  7687.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about William Seward Burroughs and the invention of the calculating machine.",
  7688.             "Year": 0
  7689.         },
  7690.         {
  7691.             "RIT": "ws100598",
  7692.             "Type": "WS",
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  7694.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7695.             "Title": "John Deere",
  7696.             "Category": "IND",
  7697.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about John Deere and the development of the steel plow",
  7698.             "Year": 0
  7699.         },
  7700.         {
  7701.             "RIT": "ws100599",
  7702.             "Type": "WS",
  7703.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/2.html",
  7704.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7705.             "Title": "Luis Walter Alvarez",
  7706.             "Category": "PHY",
  7707.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Luis Walter Alvarez and the invention of the radio distance and direction indicator.",
  7708.             "Year": 0
  7709.         },
  7710.         {
  7711.             "RIT": "ws100600",
  7712.             "Type": "WS",
  7713.             "URL": "http://www.csmonitor.com/atcsmonitor/specials/fordtrip/p-mainpage.html",
  7714.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7715.             "Title": "From Moscow to Paris",
  7716.             "Category": "GEO",
  7717.             "Description": "This seven-part series from The Christian Science Monitor provides correspondent Peter Ford's observations and analysis as he travels across Europe from Moscow to Paris.",
  7718.             "Year": 0
  7719.         },
  7720.         {
  7721.             "RIT": "ws100601",
  7722.             "Type": "WS",
  7723.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/LeftyGrove.htm",
  7724.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7725.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Lefty Grove]",
  7726.             "Category": "REC",
  7727.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Lefty Grove and his career statistics.",
  7728.             "Year": 0
  7729.         },
  7730.         {
  7731.             "RIT": "ws100602",
  7732.             "Type": "WS",
  7733.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/GabbyHartnett.htm",
  7734.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7735.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Gabby Hartnett]",
  7736.             "Category": "REC",
  7737.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Gabby Hartnett and his career statistics.",
  7738.             "Year": 0
  7739.         },
  7740.         {
  7741.             "RIT": "ws100603",
  7742.             "Type": "WS",
  7743.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/BobGibson.htm",
  7744.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7745.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Bob Gibson]",
  7746.             "Category": "REC",
  7747.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Bob Gibson and his career statistics.",
  7748.             "Year": 0
  7749.         },
  7750.         {
  7751.             "RIT": "ws100612",
  7752.             "Type": "WS",
  7753.             "URL": "http://www.irlgov.ie/",
  7754.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7755.             "Title": "The Irish State",
  7756.             "Category": "GEO",
  7757.             "Description": "The official Web site of the government of Ireland, available in Gaelic and English.",
  7758.             "Year": 0
  7759.         },
  7760.         {
  7761.             "RIT": "ws100614",
  7762.             "Type": "WS",
  7763.             "URL": "http://www.csmonitor.com/atcsmonitor/specials/poetry/p-poetryindex.html",
  7764.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7765.             "Title": "The Face and Place of Poetry",
  7766.             "Category": "HUM",
  7767.             "Description": "A site offering poems and articles and interviews about poetry from The Christian Science Monitor.",
  7768.             "Year": 0
  7769.         },
  7770.         {
  7771.             "RIT": "ws100615",
  7772.             "Type": "WS",
  7773.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/BillDickey.htm",
  7774.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7775.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Bill Dickey]",
  7776.             "Category": "REC",
  7777.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Bill Dickey and his career statistics.",
  7778.             "Year": 0
  7779.         },
  7780.         {
  7781.             "RIT": "ws100616",
  7782.             "Type": "WS",
  7783.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/FrankieFrisch.htm",
  7784.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7785.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Frankie Frisch]",
  7786.             "Category": "REC",
  7787.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Frankie Frisch and his career statistics.",
  7788.             "Year": 0
  7789.         },
  7790.         {
  7791.             "RIT": "ws100617",
  7792.             "Type": "WS",
  7793.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/LouBrock.htm",
  7794.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7795.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Lou Brock]",
  7796.             "Category": "REC",
  7797.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Lou Brock and his career statistics.",
  7798.             "Year": 0
  7799.         },
  7800.         {
  7801.             "RIT": "ws100618",
  7802.             "Type": "WS",
  7803.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/featured-document/nato/nato.html",
  7804.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7805.             "Title": "The North Atlantic Treaty",
  7806.             "Category": "HIS",
  7807.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration commemorates the 50th anniversary of the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty.",
  7808.             "Year": 0
  7809.         },
  7810.         {
  7811.             "RIT": "ws100619",
  7812.             "Type": "WS",
  7813.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/RoyCampanella.htm",
  7814.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7815.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Roy Campanella]",
  7816.             "Category": "REC",
  7817.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Roy Campanella and his career statistics.",
  7818.             "Year": 0
  7819.         },
  7820.         {
  7821.             "RIT": "ws100627",
  7822.             "Type": "WS",
  7823.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/NapoleonLajoie.htm",
  7824.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7825.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Napoleon Lajoie]",
  7826.             "Category": "REC",
  7827.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Napoleon Lajoie and his career statistics.",
  7828.             "Year": 0
  7829.         },
  7830.         {
  7831.             "RIT": "ws100628",
  7832.             "Type": "WS",
  7833.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/RodCarew.htm",
  7834.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7835.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Rod Carew]",
  7836.             "Category": "REC",
  7837.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Rod Carew and his career statistics.",
  7838.             "Year": 0
  7839.         },
  7840.         {
  7841.             "RIT": "ws100629",
  7842.             "Type": "WS",
  7843.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/",
  7844.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7845.             "Title": "Museum of Modern Art",
  7846.             "Category": "HUM",
  7847.             "Description": "Official site of the Museum of Modern Art in New York.",
  7848.             "Year": 0
  7849.         },
  7850.         {
  7851.             "RIT": "ws100630",
  7852.             "Type": "WS",
  7853.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/WillieKeeler.htm",
  7854.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7855.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Willie Keeler]",
  7856.             "Category": "REC",
  7857.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Willie Keeler and his career statistics.",
  7858.             "Year": 0
  7859.         },
  7860.         {
  7861.             "RIT": "ws100631",
  7862.             "Type": "WS",
  7863.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/featured-document/marshall/marshall.html",
  7864.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7865.             "Title": "The Marshall Plan",
  7866.             "Category": "HIS",
  7867.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration. Features a photograph of the document and links to further information.",
  7868.             "Year": 0
  7869.         },
  7870.         {
  7871.             "RIT": "ws100633",
  7872.             "Type": "WS",
  7873.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/americanimage/chicago/white1.html",
  7874.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7875.             "Title": "John H. White: Portrait of Black Chicago",
  7876.             "Category": "GEO",
  7877.             "Description": "An annotated photographic essay from the National Archives and Records Administration that documents the experience of African Americans in Chicago during the 1970's.",
  7878.             "Year": 0
  7879.         },
  7880.         {
  7881.             "RIT": "ws100634",
  7882.             "Type": "WS",
  7883.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/MordecaiBrown.htm",
  7884.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7885.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Mordecai Brown]",
  7886.             "Category": "REC",
  7887.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Mordecai Brown and his career statistics.",
  7888.             "Year": 0
  7889.         },
  7890.         {
  7891.             "RIT": "ws100635",
  7892.             "Type": "WS",
  7893.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/PaulWaner.htm",
  7894.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7895.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Paul Waner]",
  7896.             "Category": "REC",
  7897.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Paul Waner and his career statistics.",
  7898.             "Year": 0
  7899.         },
  7900.         {
  7901.             "RIT": "ws100643",
  7902.             "Type": "WS",
  7903.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/featured-document/whistler.html",
  7904.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7905.             "Title": "Etching by James Whistler",
  7906.             "Category": "HUM",
  7907.             "Description": "A feature from the National Archives and Records Administration that discusses Whistler's employment in the cartographic section of the U.S. Coast Survey and provides an example of an etching that he made there.",
  7908.             "Year": 0
  7909.         },
  7910.         {
  7911.             "RIT": "ws100644",
  7912.             "Type": "WS",
  7913.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/featured-document/robinson/robinson.html",
  7914.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7915.             "Title": "Jackie Robinson, Civil Rights Advocate",
  7916.             "Category": "REC",
  7917.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration features a letter from Jackie Robinson to President Dwight D. Eisenhower. In the letter, Robinson encourages Eisenhower to act strongly to advance civil rights issues.",
  7918.             "Year": 0
  7919.         },
  7920.         {
  7921.             "RIT": "ws100645",
  7922.             "Type": "WS",
  7923.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/originals/54thmass.html",
  7924.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7925.             "Title": "54th Mass Casualty List",
  7926.             "Category": "HIS",
  7927.             "Description": "This exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration provides photographs and information about the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, a celebrated regiment of black soldiers who fought in the Civil War and whose experiences pro",
  7928.             "Year": 0
  7929.         },
  7930.         {
  7931.             "RIT": "ws100646",
  7932.             "Type": "WS",
  7933.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/nixonelvis.html",
  7934.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7935.             "Title": "When Nixon Met Elvis",
  7936.             "Category": "HIS",
  7937.             "Description": "This exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration focuses on a meeting between Elvis Presley and President Richard Nixon in December 1970.",
  7938.             "Year": 0
  7939.         },
  7940.         {
  7941.             "RIT": "ws100647",
  7942.             "Type": "WS",
  7943.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/newdeal/newdeal.html",
  7944.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7945.             "Title": "A New Deal for the Arts",
  7946.             "Category": "HIS",
  7947.             "Description": "This exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration focuses on U.S. government programs to support the arts during the Great Depression.",
  7948.             "Year": 0
  7949.         },
  7950.         {
  7951.             "RIT": "ws100648",
  7952.             "Type": "WS",
  7953.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/glenn/glenn.html",
  7954.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7955.             "Title": "Astronaut John Glenn",
  7956.             "Category": "IND",
  7957.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration provides part of the original flight transcript from Glenn's 1962 mission on Friendship 7.",
  7958.             "Year": 0
  7959.         },
  7960.         {
  7961.             "RIT": "ws100657",
  7962.             "Type": "WS",
  7963.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/65.html",
  7964.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7965.             "Title": "Edwin Herbert Land",
  7966.             "Category": "IND",
  7967.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Edwin Herbert Land and the inventions that revolutionized the photographic industry.",
  7968.             "Year": 0
  7969.         },
  7970.         {
  7971.             "RIT": "ws100658",
  7972.             "Type": "WS",
  7973.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/madcow/",
  7974.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7975.             "Title": "The Brain Eater",
  7976.             "Category": "LIF",
  7977.             "Description": "Companion site to the NOVA program about mad cow disease.",
  7978.             "Year": 0
  7979.         },
  7980.         {
  7981.             "RIT": "ws100659",
  7982.             "Type": "WS",
  7983.             "URL": "http://www.who.int/inf-fs/en/fact113.html",
  7984.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7985.             "Title": "Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy--Mad Cow disease (The World Health Organization)",
  7986.             "Category": "LIF",
  7987.             "Description": "Fact sheet on Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE).",
  7988.             "Year": 0
  7989.         },
  7990.         {
  7991.             "RIT": "ws100660",
  7992.             "Type": "WS",
  7993.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/97.html",
  7994.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  7995.             "Title": "Elmer Ambrose Sperry",
  7996.             "Category": "IND",
  7997.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Elmer Ambrose Sperry and the invention of gyroscope-guided automatic pilots for ships and airplanes.",
  7998.             "Year": 0
  7999.         },
  8000.         {
  8001.             "RIT": "ws100661",
  8002.             "Type": "WS",
  8003.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/104.html",
  8004.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8005.             "Title": "Charles Hard Townes",
  8006.             "Category": "PHY",
  8007.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Charles Hard Townes and the invention of the maser, which created a means for the sensitive reception of communications and for precise navigation.",
  8008.             "Year": 0
  8009.         },
  8010.         {
  8011.             "RIT": "ws100662",
  8012.             "Type": "WS",
  8013.             "URL": "http://www.downbeat.com/artists/window.asp?action=new&aid=390&aname=Louis+Armstrong",
  8014.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8015.             "Title": "DownBeatJazz.com: Louis Armstrong",
  8016.             "Category": "HUM",
  8017.             "Description": "A biography from Down Beat Magazine.",
  8018.             "Year": 0
  8019.         },
  8020.         {
  8021.             "RIT": "ws100663",
  8022.             "Type": "WS",
  8023.             "URL": "http://lsm.crt.state.la.us/",
  8024.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8025.             "Title": "Louisiana State Museum",
  8026.             "Category": "GEO",
  8027.             "Description": "Homepage of the Louisiana State Museum featuring online exhibits.",
  8028.             "Year": 0
  8029.         },
  8030.         {
  8031.             "RIT": "ws100664",
  8032.             "Type": "WS",
  8033.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/98mullis.html",
  8034.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8035.             "Title": "Induction 98 Kary Mullis",
  8036.             "Category": "PHY",
  8037.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Kary Mullis, inventor of the polymerase chain reaction method, which revolutionized the fields of microbiology, medical diagnostics, and forensics.",
  8038.             "Year": 0
  8039.         },
  8040.         {
  8041.             "RIT": "ws100555",
  8042.             "Type": "WS",
  8043.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=T000317",
  8044.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8045.             "Title": "TORRICELLI, Robert Guy (1951-) Biographical Information",
  8046.             "Category": "GEO",
  8047.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Robert Torricelli.",
  8048.             "Year": 0
  8049.         },
  8050.         {
  8051.             "RIT": "ws100556",
  8052.             "Type": "WS",
  8053.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=W000154",
  8054.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8055.             "Title": "WARNER, John William (1927-) Biographical Information",
  8056.             "Category": "GEO",
  8057.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on John Warner.",
  8058.             "Year": 0
  8059.         },
  8060.         {
  8061.             "RIT": "ws100557",
  8062.             "Type": "WS",
  8063.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=T000392",
  8064.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8065.             "Title": "TRUMBULL, Lyman (1813-1896) Biographical Information",
  8066.             "Category": "HIS",
  8067.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Lyman Trumbull.",
  8068.             "Year": 0
  8069.         },
  8070.         {
  8071.             "RIT": "ws100558",
  8072.             "Type": "WS",
  8073.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=W000238",
  8074.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8075.             "Title": "WEBSTER, Daniel (1782-1852) Biographical Information",
  8076.             "Category": "SOC",
  8077.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Daniel Webster.",
  8078.             "Year": 0
  8079.         },
  8080.         {
  8081.             "RIT": "ws100559",
  8082.             "Type": "WS",
  8083.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=W000077",
  8084.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8085.             "Title": "WALLACE, Henry Agard (1888-1965) Biographical Information",
  8086.             "Category": "HIS",
  8087.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Henry Wallace.",
  8088.             "Year": 0
  8089.         },
  8090.         {
  8091.             "RIT": "ws100560",
  8092.             "Type": "WS",
  8093.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=W000376",
  8094.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8095.             "Title": "WHITE, Hugh Lawson (1773-1840) Biographical Information",
  8096.             "Category": "HIS",
  8097.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Hugh White.",
  8098.             "Year": 0
  8099.         },
  8100.         {
  8101.             "RIT": "ws100561",
  8102.             "Type": "WS",
  8103.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=V000021",
  8104.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8105.             "Title": "VANCE, Zebulon Baird (1830-1894) Biographical Information",
  8106.             "Category": "HIS",
  8107.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Zebulon Vance.",
  8108.             "Year": 0
  8109.         },
  8110.         {
  8111.             "RIT": "ws100562",
  8112.             "Type": "WS",
  8113.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=W000021",
  8114.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8115.             "Title": "WAGNER, Robert Ferdinand (1877-1953) Biographical Information",
  8116.             "Category": "HIS",
  8117.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Robert Wagner.",
  8118.             "Year": 0
  8119.         },
  8120.         {
  8121.             "RIT": "ws100571",
  8122.             "Type": "WS",
  8123.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=V000070",
  8124.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8125.             "Title": "VARDAMAN, James Kimble (1861-1930) Biographical Information",
  8126.             "Category": "HIS",
  8127.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on James Vardaman.",
  8128.             "Year": 0
  8129.         },
  8130.         {
  8131.             "RIT": "ws100572",
  8132.             "Type": "WS",
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  8134.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8135.             "Title": "Pulitzer Prize Coverage (Bosnia)",
  8136.             "Category": "GEO",
  8137.             "Description": "A series of award winning news reports on Bosnia in 1995 from the Christian Science Monitor.",
  8138.             "Year": 0
  8139.         },
  8140.         {
  8141.             "RIT": "ws100573",
  8142.             "Type": "WS",
  8143.             "URL": "http://civilrights.org/lccr.html",
  8144.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8145.             "Title": "Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Online Center",
  8146.             "Category": "SOC",
  8147.             "Description": "Home page of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, a coalition of organizations committed to the protection of civil and human rights in the United States.",
  8148.             "Year": 0
  8149.         },
  8150.         {
  8151.             "RIT": "ws100574",
  8152.             "Type": "WS",
  8153.             "URL": "http://www.corrections.com/",
  8154.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8155.             "Title": "Corrections Connection",
  8156.             "Category": "SOC",
  8157.             "Description": "Extensive information about all aspects of corrections and criminal justice. The site is sponsored by a large group of professional corrections agencies.",
  8158.             "Year": 0
  8159.         },
  8160.         {
  8161.             "RIT": "ws100575",
  8162.             "Type": "WS",
  8163.             "URL": "http://www.bop.gov/",
  8164.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8165.             "Title": "Federal Bureau of Prisons",
  8166.             "Category": "SOC",
  8167.             "Description": "Home page of the U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons.",
  8168.             "Year": 0
  8169.         },
  8170.         {
  8171.             "RIT": "ws100576",
  8172.             "Type": "WS",
  8173.             "URL": "http://www.congogorillaforest.com/",
  8174.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8175.             "Title": "Wildlife Conservation Society's Congo Gorilla Forest",
  8176.             "Category": "LIF",
  8177.             "Description": "Home page for the Wildlife Conservation Society's Congo Gorilla Forest exhibit at the Bronx Zoo.",
  8178.             "Year": 0
  8179.         },
  8180.         {
  8181.             "RIT": "ws100577",
  8182.             "Type": "WS",
  8183.             "URL": "http://www.aidsquilt.org/",
  8184.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8185.             "Title": "The NAMES Project Foundation: AIDS Memorial Quilt",
  8186.             "Category": "SOC",
  8187.             "Description": "Information about the AIDS Memorial Quilt, a project dedicated to the memory of people who have died of AIDS and to increasing public awareness of the epidemic.",
  8188.             "Year": 0
  8189.         },
  8190.         {
  8191.             "RIT": "ws100578",
  8192.             "Type": "WS",
  8193.             "URL": "http://www.csmonitor.com/atcsmonitor/specials/bhmonth/features/civilrights/html/1.htm",
  8194.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8195.             "Title": "Civil Rights in America",
  8196.             "Category": "SOC",
  8197.             "Description": "A special feature from the Christian Science Monitor that provides a timeline of civil rights milestones since 1954. Includes links to other resources.",
  8198.             "Year": 0
  8199.         },
  8200.         {
  8201.             "RIT": "ws100588",
  8202.             "Type": "WS",
  8203.             "URL": "http://mad-cow.org/",
  8204.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8205.             "Title": "The Mad Cow Disease home page",
  8206.             "Category": "LIF",
  8207.             "Description": "A project of the Sperling Biomedical Foundation. Includes links to more than 5,000 articles on mad cow and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, prions, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, scrapie, BSE, CJD, CWD, and TME.",
  8208.             "Year": 0
  8209.         },
  8210.         {
  8211.             "RIT": "ws100589",
  8212.             "Type": "WS",
  8213.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/107.html",
  8214.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8215.             "Title": "George Westinghouse, Jr.",
  8216.             "Category": "IND",
  8217.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about George Westinghouse and the invention of air brakes.",
  8218.             "Year": 0
  8219.         },
  8220.         {
  8221.             "RIT": "ws100590",
  8222.             "Type": "WS",
  8223.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=W000566",
  8224.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8225.             "Title": "WILMOT, David (1814-1868) Biographical Information",
  8226.             "Category": "HIS",
  8227.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on David Wilmot.",
  8228.             "Year": 0
  8229.         },
  8230.         {
  8231.             "RIT": "ws100591",
  8232.             "Type": "WS",
  8233.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=W000585",
  8234.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8235.             "Title": "WILSON, Henry (1812-1875) Biographical Information",
  8236.             "Category": "HIS",
  8237.             "Description": "The Biographical Directory of the United States Congress site on Henry Wilson.",
  8238.             "Year": 0
  8239.         },
  8240.         {
  8241.             "RIT": "ws100592",
  8242.             "Type": "WS",
  8243.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/10.html",
  8244.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8245.             "Title": "Heinrich Rohrer [and Gerd Karl Binnig]",
  8246.             "Category": "PHY",
  8247.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Heinrich Rohrer and Gerd Karl Binnig and the invention scanning tunneling microscope.",
  8248.             "Year": 0
  8249.         },
  8250.         {
  8251.             "RIT": "ws100593",
  8252.             "Type": "WS",
  8253.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/110.html",
  8254.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8255.             "Title": "Orville Wright [and Wilbur Wright]",
  8256.             "Category": "IND",
  8257.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Orville and Wilbur Wright and the development of the airplane.",
  8258.             "Year": 0
  8259.         },
  8260.         {
  8261.             "RIT": "ws100594",
  8262.             "Type": "WS",
  8263.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/3.html",
  8264.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8265.             "Title": "Edwin Howard Armstrong",
  8266.             "Category": "IND",
  8267.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Edwin Howard Armstrong and his radio and television inventions.",
  8268.             "Year": 0
  8269.         },
  8270.         {
  8271.             "RIT": "ws100595",
  8272.             "Type": "WS",
  8273.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/30.html",
  8274.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8275.             "Title": "Lee Deforest",
  8276.             "Category": "IND",
  8277.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Lee Deforest and the development of space telegraphy.",
  8278.             "Year": 0
  8279.         },
  8280.         {
  8281.             "RIT": "ws100604",
  8282.             "Type": "WS",
  8283.             "URL": "http://www.csmonitor.com/atcsmonitor/specials/womenseries/p-womenindex.html",
  8284.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8285.             "Title": "Women in History",
  8286.             "Category": "SOC",
  8287.             "Description": "A special report from on the women's rights movement from The Christian Science Monitor.",
  8288.             "Year": 0
  8289.         },
  8290.         {
  8291.             "RIT": "ws100605",
  8292.             "Type": "WS",
  8293.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/GeorgeSisler.htm",
  8294.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8295.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [George Sisler]",
  8296.             "Category": "REC",
  8297.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of George Sisler and his career statistics.",
  8298.             "Year": 0
  8299.         },
  8300.         {
  8301.             "RIT": "ws100606",
  8302.             "Type": "WS",
  8303.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/EddieCollins.htm",
  8304.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8305.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Eddie Collins]",
  8306.             "Category": "REC",
  8307.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Eddie Collins and his career statistics.",
  8308.             "Year": 0
  8309.         },
  8310.         {
  8311.             "RIT": "ws100607",
  8312.             "Type": "WS",
  8313.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/CarlHubbell.htm",
  8314.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8315.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Carl Hubbell]",
  8316.             "Category": "REC",
  8317.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Carl Hubbell and his career statistics.",
  8318.             "Year": 0
  8319.         },
  8320.         {
  8321.             "RIT": "ws100608",
  8322.             "Type": "WS",
  8323.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/ErnieBanks.htm",
  8324.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8325.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Ernie Banks]",
  8326.             "Category": "REC",
  8327.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Ernie Banks and his career statistics.",
  8328.             "Year": 0
  8329.         },
  8330.         {
  8331.             "RIT": "ws100609",
  8332.             "Type": "WS",
  8333.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/JoeCronin.htm",
  8334.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8335.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Joe Cronin]",
  8336.             "Category": "REC",
  8337.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Joe Cronin and his career statistics.",
  8338.             "Year": 0
  8339.         },
  8340.         {
  8341.             "RIT": "ws100610",
  8342.             "Type": "WS",
  8343.             "URL": "http://www.law.harvard.edu/groups/civilrights/resources.html",
  8344.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8345.             "Title": "Civil Rights Project: Resources",
  8346.             "Category": "HIS",
  8347.             "Description": "A collection of civil rights-related links from Harvard University.",
  8348.             "Year": 0
  8349.         },
  8350.         {
  8351.             "RIT": "ws100611",
  8352.             "Type": "WS",
  8353.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/YogiBerra.htm",
  8354.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8355.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Yogi Berra]",
  8356.             "Category": "REC",
  8357.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Yogi Berra and his career statistics.",
  8358.             "Year": 0
  8359.         },
  8360.         {
  8361.             "RIT": "ws100620",
  8362.             "Type": "WS",
  8363.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/featured-document/apollo/apollo.html",
  8364.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8365.             "Title": "Apollo 11 Flight Plan",
  8366.             "Category": "IND",
  8367.             "Description": "A comprehensive online exhibit about the Apollo 11 flight from the National Archives and Records Administration. Includes links to background information from NASA, the papers of Presidents Kennedy and Nixon, and other supplementary information.",
  8368.             "Year": 0
  8369.         },
  8370.         {
  8371.             "RIT": "ws100621",
  8372.             "Type": "WS",
  8373.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/featured-document/eman/emanproc.html",
  8374.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8375.             "Title": "The Emancipation Proclamation",
  8376.             "Category": "HIS",
  8377.             "Description": "An online exhibit presented by the National Archives and Records Administration. Includes photographs of the original document, a transcription of the full text, and links to interpretive material",
  8378.             "Year": 0
  8379.         },
  8380.         {
  8381.             "RIT": "ws100622",
  8382.             "Type": "WS",
  8383.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/TomSeaver.htm",
  8384.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8385.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Tom Seaver]",
  8386.             "Category": "REC",
  8387.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Tom Seaver and his career statistics.",
  8388.             "Year": 0
  8389.         },
  8390.         {
  8391.             "RIT": "ws100623",
  8392.             "Type": "WS",
  8393.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/charters/declaration/decmain.html",
  8394.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8395.             "Title": "The Declaration of Independence",
  8396.             "Category": "HIS",
  8397.             "Description": "An online exhibition from the National Archives and Records Administration.",
  8398.             "Year": 0
  8399.         },
  8400.         {
  8401.             "RIT": "ws100624",
  8402.             "Type": "WS",
  8403.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/ReggieJackson.htm",
  8404.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8405.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Reggie Jackson]",
  8406.             "Category": "REC",
  8407.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Reggie Jackson and his career statistics.",
  8408.             "Year": 0
  8409.         },
  8410.         {
  8411.             "RIT": "ws100625",
  8412.             "Type": "WS",
  8413.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/RogerClemens.htm",
  8414.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8415.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Roger Clemens]",
  8416.             "Category": "REC",
  8417.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Roger Clemens and his career statistics.",
  8418.             "Year": 0
  8419.         },
  8420.         {
  8421.             "RIT": "ws100626",
  8422.             "Type": "WS",
  8423.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/charters/constitution/19th/19th.html",
  8424.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8425.             "Title": "The 19th Amendment",
  8426.             "Category": "HIS",
  8427.             "Description": "An online exhibit about the amendment that granted women the right to vote from the National Archives and Records Administration.",
  8428.             "Year": 0
  8429.         },
  8430.         {
  8431.             "RIT": "ws100636",
  8432.             "Type": "WS",
  8433.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/charters/constitution/conmain.html",
  8434.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8435.             "Title": "Constitution of the United States",
  8436.             "Category": "HIS",
  8437.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration. Includes a photograph of the original document.",
  8438.             "Year": 0
  8439.         },
  8440.         {
  8441.             "RIT": "ws100637",
  8442.             "Type": "WS",
  8443.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/MarkMcGwire.htm",
  8444.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8445.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Mark McGwire]",
  8446.             "Category": "REC",
  8447.             "Description": "A Major League Baseball page providing a biography of Mark McGwire and his career statistics.",
  8448.             "Year": 0
  8449.         },
  8450.         {
  8451.             "RIT": "ws100638",
  8452.             "Type": "WS",
  8453.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/charters/billrights/billmain.html",
  8454.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8455.             "Title": "The Bill of Rights",
  8456.             "Category": "HIS",
  8457.             "Description": "An online exhibition from the National Archives and Records Administration that includes a photograph of the original document and a feature about George Mason's dissent.",
  8458.             "Year": 0
  8459.         },
  8460.         {
  8461.             "RIT": "ws100639",
  8462.             "Type": "WS",
  8463.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/4.html",
  8464.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8465.             "Title": "Leo Hendrik Baekeland",
  8466.             "Category": "IND",
  8467.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Leo Hendrik Baekeland and the invention of photographic print paper.",
  8468.             "Year": 0
  8469.         },
  8470.         {
  8471.             "RIT": "ws100640",
  8472.             "Type": "WS",
  8473.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/hall_of_fame/56.html",
  8474.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8475.             "Title": "Philo Taylor Farnsworth",
  8476.             "Category": "IND",
  8477.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Philo Taylor Farnsworth and his technological inventions that revolutionized television transmission.",
  8478.             "Year": 0
  8479.         },
  8480.         {
  8481.             "RIT": "ws100641",
  8482.             "Type": "WS",
  8483.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/37.html",
  8484.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8485.             "Title": "Harold E. Edgerton",
  8486.             "Category": "IND",
  8487.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Harold E. Edgerton and the development of stroboscopic photography.",
  8488.             "Year": 0
  8489.         },
  8490.         {
  8491.             "RIT": "ws100642",
  8492.             "Type": "WS",
  8493.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/38.html",
  8494.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8495.             "Title": "Thomas Alva Edison",
  8496.             "Category": "IND",
  8497.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Thomas Alva Edison and his many inventions, including the electric lamp, the phonograph, and the motion-picture projector.",
  8498.             "Year": 0
  8499.         },
  8500.         {
  8501.             "RIT": "ws100649",
  8502.             "Type": "WS",
  8503.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/7.html",
  8504.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8505.             "Title": "Alexander Graham Bell",
  8506.             "Category": "IND",
  8507.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Alexander Graham Bell and the invention of the telephone.",
  8508.             "Year": 0
  8509.         },
  8510.         {
  8511.             "RIT": "ws100650",
  8512.             "Type": "WS",
  8513.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/61.html",
  8514.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8515.             "Title": "Charles Franklin Kettering",
  8516.             "Category": "IND",
  8517.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Charles Franklin Kettering and the invention of automobile engine starting devices.",
  8518.             "Year": 0
  8519.         },
  8520.         {
  8521.             "RIT": "ws100651",
  8522.             "Type": "WS",
  8523.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/43.html",
  8524.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8525.             "Title": "Henry Ford",
  8526.             "Category": "SOC",
  8527.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about pioneering automotive engineer Henry Ford.",
  8528.             "Year": 0
  8529.         },
  8530.         {
  8531.             "RIT": "ws100652",
  8532.             "Type": "WS",
  8533.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/9.html",
  8534.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8535.             "Title": "Emile Berliner",
  8536.             "Category": "IND",
  8537.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Emile Berliner and the development of the microphone and the gramophone.",
  8538.             "Year": 0
  8539.         },
  8540.         {
  8541.             "RIT": "ws100653",
  8542.             "Type": "WS",
  8543.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/81.html",
  8544.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8545.             "Title": "Elisha Graves Otis",
  8546.             "Category": "IND",
  8547.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Elisha Graves Otis and inventions that improved the elevator.",
  8548.             "Year": 0
  8549.         },
  8550.         {
  8551.             "RIT": "ws100654",
  8552.             "Type": "WS",
  8553.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/73.html",
  8554.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8555.             "Title": "Cyrus Hall McCormick",
  8556.             "Category": "IND",
  8557.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Cyrus Hall McCormick and the invention of the mechanical reaper.",
  8558.             "Year": 0
  8559.         },
  8560.         {
  8561.             "RIT": "ws100655",
  8562.             "Type": "WS",
  8563.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/74.html",
  8564.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8565.             "Title": "Ottmar Mergenthaler",
  8566.             "Category": "IND",
  8567.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Ottmar Mergenthaler and the invention of the linotype composing machine.",
  8568.             "Year": 0
  8569.         },
  8570.         {
  8571.             "RIT": "ws100656",
  8572.             "Type": "WS",
  8573.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/47.html",
  8574.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8575.             "Title": "Charles Goodyear",
  8576.             "Category": "IND",
  8577.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Charles Goodyear and improvements in India-rubber fabrics.",
  8578.             "Year": 0
  8579.         },
  8580.         {
  8581.             "RIT": "ws100665",
  8582.             "Type": "WS",
  8583.             "URL": "http://nba.com/nbaat50/theater_team.html",
  8584.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8585.             "Title": "NBA at 50: Theater by Team",
  8586.             "Category": "REC",
  8587.             "Description": "The official NBA Web site presents video clips of star athletes on and off the court.",
  8588.             "Year": 0
  8589.         },
  8590.         {
  8591.             "RIT": "ws100667",
  8592.             "Type": "WS",
  8593.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/111.html",
  8594.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8595.             "Title": "Vladimir Kosma Zworykin",
  8596.             "Category": "PHY",
  8597.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Vladimir Kosma Zworykin and the invention of cathode-ray tube, which aided in the development of television.",
  8598.             "Year": 0
  8599.         },
  8600.         {
  8601.             "RIT": "ws100668",
  8602.             "Type": "WS",
  8603.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/98nobel.html",
  8604.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8605.             "Title": "Induction 98 Alfred Nobel",
  8606.             "Category": "IND",
  8607.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite and the namesake of the Nobel Prize.",
  8608.             "Year": 0
  8609.         },
  8610.         {
  8611.             "RIT": "ws100669",
  8612.             "Type": "WS",
  8613.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/115.html",
  8614.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8615.             "Title": "Arthur Schawlow",
  8616.             "Category": "PHY",
  8617.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Arthur Schawlow and the invention of the laser.",
  8618.             "Year": 0
  8619.         },
  8620.         {
  8621.             "RIT": "ws100670",
  8622.             "Type": "WS",
  8623.             "URL": "http://www.nba.com/playerfile/david_robinson.html",
  8624.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8625.             "Title": "Playerfile: David Robinson",
  8626.             "Category": "REC",
  8627.             "Description": "A National Basketball Association page providing a biography of David Robinson and his career statistics.",
  8628.             "Year": 0
  8629.         },
  8630.         {
  8631.             "RIT": "ws100671",
  8632.             "Type": "WS",
  8633.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/originals/titanic.html",
  8634.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8635.             "Title": "Titanic Memorandum",
  8636.             "Category": "IND",
  8637.             "Description": "This exhibit fromthe National Archives and Records Administration includes Titanic photos and a U.S. Navy daily memorandum reporting the Titanic's collision with an iceberg.",
  8638.             "Year": 0
  8639.         },
  8640.         {
  8641.             "RIT": "ws100672",
  8642.             "Type": "WS",
  8643.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/originals/kennedy.html",
  8644.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8645.             "Title": "Exhibit: Kennedy at the Berlin Wall",
  8646.             "Category": "HIS",
  8647.             "Description": "This exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration focuses on President John F. Kennedy's 1963 visit to the Berlin Wall.",
  8648.             "Year": 0
  8649.         },
  8650.         {
  8651.             "RIT": "ws100673",
  8652.             "Type": "WS",
  8653.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/originals/lincoln.html",
  8654.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8655.             "Title": "Lincoln Assassination Report",
  8656.             "Category": "HIS",
  8657.             "Description": "This exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration contains a police blotter entry on President Abraham Lincoln's assassination.",
  8658.             "Year": 0
  8659.         },
  8660.         {
  8661.             "RIT": "ws100674",
  8662.             "Type": "WS",
  8663.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/originals/loupurch.html",
  8664.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8665.             "Title": "The Louisiana Purchase",
  8666.             "Category": "HIS",
  8667.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration featuring full text of the documents involved in the purchase.",
  8668.             "Year": 0
  8669.         },
  8670.         {
  8671.             "RIT": "ws100675",
  8672.             "Type": "WS",
  8673.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/originals/capone.html",
  8674.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8675.             "Title": "Al Capone Verdict",
  8676.             "Category": "HIS",
  8677.             "Description": "This exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration contains the verdict against Al Capone for tax evasion.",
  8678.             "Year": 0
  8679.         },
  8680.         {
  8681.             "RIT": "ws100676",
  8682.             "Type": "WS",
  8683.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/research/jfk/index.html",
  8684.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8685.             "Title": "The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection",
  8686.             "Category": "HIS",
  8687.             "Description": "This collection, from the National Archives and Records Administration, contains more than 4 1/2 million pages of assassination-related records, photographs, motion pictures, sound recordings, and artifacts.",
  8688.             "Year": 0
  8689.         },
  8690.         {
  8691.             "RIT": "ws100677",
  8692.             "Type": "WS",
  8693.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/wwii/surrender/surrender.html",
  8694.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8695.             "Title": "The Japanese Surrender Document",
  8696.             "Category": "HIS",
  8697.             "Description": "An exhibit about Japan's surrender at the end of World War II from the National Archives and Records Administration.",
  8698.             "Year": 0
  8699.         },
  8700.         {
  8701.             "RIT": "ws100678",
  8702.             "Type": "WS",
  8703.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/originals/declarat.html",
  8704.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8705.             "Title": "Exhibit: Declaration Independence Resolution",
  8706.             "Category": "HIS",
  8707.             "Description": "This page from the National Archives and Records Administration focuses on a resolution that preceded the Declaration of Independence.",
  8708.             "Year": 0
  8709.         },
  8710.         {
  8711.             "RIT": "ws100679",
  8712.             "Type": "WS",
  8713.             "URL": "http://www.hoophall.com/halloffamers/Sharman.htm",
  8714.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8715.             "Title": "Bill Sharman",
  8716.             "Category": "REC",
  8717.             "Description": "Biography of Bill Sharman and his career statistics.",
  8718.             "Year": 0
  8719.         },
  8720.         {
  8721.             "RIT": "ws100680",
  8722.             "Type": "WS",
  8723.             "URL": "http://www.hoophall.com/halloffamers/Unseld.htm",
  8724.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8725.             "Title": "Wes Unseld",
  8726.             "Category": "REC",
  8727.             "Description": "Biography of Wes Unseld and his career statistics.",
  8728.             "Year": 0
  8729.         },
  8730.         {
  8731.             "RIT": "ws100681",
  8732.             "Type": "WS",
  8733.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/treasures/giftmain.html",
  8734.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8735.             "Title": "Tokens and Treasures: Presidential Gifts",
  8736.             "Category": "HIS",
  8737.             "Description": "This exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration features representative gifts given to 12 U.S. presidents.",
  8738.             "Year": 0
  8739.         },
  8740.         {
  8741.             "RIT": "ws100690",
  8742.             "Type": "WS",
  8743.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/originals/inaugura.html",
  8744.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8745.             "Title": "President George Washington's Inaugural Address",
  8746.             "Category": "HIS",
  8747.             "Description": "An exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration that features the full text and images of Washington's first inaugural address.",
  8748.             "Year": 0
  8749.         },
  8750.         {
  8751.             "RIT": "ws100691",
  8752.             "Type": "WS",
  8753.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/originals/fdr.html",
  8754.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8755.             "Title": "Pearl Harbor Radiogram",
  8756.             "Category": "HIS",
  8757.             "Description": "An online exhibit about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor from the National Archives and Records Administration. Includes a photograph of the radiogram announcing the attack, and the text of President Roosevelt's Day of Infamy speech as well a",
  8758.             "Year": 0
  8759.         },
  8760.         {
  8761.             "RIT": "ws100692",
  8762.             "Type": "WS",
  8763.             "URL": "http://www.unc.edu/~lbrooks2/parish.html",
  8764.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8765.             "Title": "NBA History: Robert Parish",
  8766.             "Category": "REC",
  8767.             "Description": "Biography of Robert Parish and his career statistics.",
  8768.             "Year": 0
  8769.         },
  8770.         {
  8771.             "RIT": "ws100693",
  8772.             "Type": "WS",
  8773.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/116.html",
  8774.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8775.             "Title": "Leo Szilard",
  8776.             "Category": "PHY",
  8777.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Leo Szilard and the development of the nuclear fission reactor.",
  8778.             "Year": 0
  8779.         },
  8780.         {
  8781.             "RIT": "ws100694",
  8782.             "Type": "WS",
  8783.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/21.html",
  8784.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8785.             "Title": "Wallace Hume Carothers",
  8786.             "Category": "PHY",
  8787.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Wallace Hume Carothers and the development of synthetic fibers.",
  8788.             "Year": 0
  8789.         },
  8790.         {
  8791.             "RIT": "ws100695",
  8792.             "Type": "WS",
  8793.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/31.html",
  8794.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8795.             "Title": "Rudolf Diesel",
  8796.             "Category": "IND",
  8797.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Rudolf Diesel and the development of the internal-combustion engine.",
  8798.             "Year": 0
  8799.         },
  8800.         {
  8801.             "RIT": "ws100696",
  8802.             "Type": "WS",
  8803.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/23.html",
  8804.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8805.             "Title": "George Washington Carver",
  8806.             "Category": "LIF",
  8807.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about agricultural chemist George Washington Carver.",
  8808.             "Year": 0
  8809.         },
  8810.         {
  8811.             "RIT": "ws100697",
  8812.             "Type": "WS",
  8813.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/33.html",
  8814.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8815.             "Title": "Herbert Henry Dow",
  8816.             "Category": "IND",
  8817.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Herbert Henry Dow, founder of the Dow Chemical Company.",
  8818.             "Year": 0
  8819.         },
  8820.         {
  8821.             "RIT": "ws100706",
  8822.             "Type": "WS",
  8823.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/46.html",
  8824.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8825.             "Title": "Robert Hutchings Goddard",
  8826.             "Category": "IND",
  8827.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Robert Hutchings Goddard, whose research pioneered modern rocketry and space flight.",
  8828.             "Year": 0
  8829.         },
  8830.         {
  8831.             "RIT": "ws100707",
  8832.             "Type": "WS",
  8833.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/66.html",
  8834.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8835.             "Title": "Irving Langmuir",
  8836.             "Category": "PHY",
  8837.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Irving Langmuir and the invention of the high-vacuum electron tube and the gas-filled incandescent lamp.",
  8838.             "Year": 0
  8839.         },
  8840.         {
  8841.             "RIT": "ws100708",
  8842.             "Type": "WS",
  8843.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/48.html",
  8844.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8845.             "Title": "Gordon Gould",
  8846.             "Category": "PHY",
  8847.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Gordon Gould and the development of the laser.",
  8848.             "Year": 0
  8849.         },
  8850.         {
  8851.             "RIT": "ws100709",
  8852.             "Type": "WS",
  8853.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/70.html",
  8854.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8855.             "Title": "Theodore Harold Maiman",
  8856.             "Category": "PHY",
  8857.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Theodore Harold Maiman and the first operable laser.",
  8858.             "Year": 0
  8859.         },
  8860.         {
  8861.             "RIT": "ws100710",
  8862.             "Type": "WS",
  8863.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/craypr.html",
  8864.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8865.             "Title": "Seymour Cray Press Release",
  8866.             "Category": "PHY",
  8867.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Seymour Cray and the invention of the supercomputer.",
  8868.             "Year": 0
  8869.         },
  8870.         {
  8871.             "RIT": "ws100711",
  8872.             "Type": "WS",
  8873.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/85.html",
  8874.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8875.             "Title": "Louis Pasteur",
  8876.             "Category": "PHY",
  8877.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Louis Pasteur, he founder of microbiological sciences.",
  8878.             "Year": 0
  8879.         },
  8880.         {
  8881.             "RIT": "ws100712",
  8882.             "Type": "WS",
  8883.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/67.html",
  8884.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8885.             "Title": "Ernest Orlando Lawrence",
  8886.             "Category": "PHY",
  8887.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Ernest Orlando Lawrence and the invention of the cyclotron.",
  8888.             "Year": 0
  8889.         },
  8890.         {
  8891.             "RIT": "ws100713",
  8892.             "Type": "WS",
  8893.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/96.html",
  8894.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8895.             "Title": "Igor I. Sikorsky",
  8896.             "Category": "IND",
  8897.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Igor I. Sikorsky, designer of the world's first successful multimotor airplane and the first true production helicopter.",
  8898.             "Year": 0
  8899.         },
  8900.         {
  8901.             "RIT": "ws100725",
  8902.             "Type": "WS",
  8903.             "URL": "http://www.usps.gov/kids/stompfeature11.html",
  8904.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8905.             "Title": "Louis Armstrong",
  8906.             "Category": "HUM",
  8907.             "Description": "A biography of Louis Armstrong from the United States Postal Service.",
  8908.             "Year": 0
  8909.         },
  8910.         {
  8911.             "RIT": "ws100726",
  8912.             "Type": "WS",
  8913.             "URL": "http://www.princeton.edu/~gpmenos/biography.html",
  8914.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8915.             "Title": "CLAUDIO ARRAU",
  8916.             "Category": "HUM",
  8917.             "Description": "A biography of pianist Claudio Arrau presented by the Philips Music Group.",
  8918.             "Year": 0
  8919.         },
  8920.         {
  8921.             "RIT": "ws100727",
  8922.             "Type": "WS",
  8923.             "URL": "http://www.satchmo.net/",
  8924.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8925.             "Title": "Louis Armstrong Online",
  8926.             "Category": "HUM",
  8927.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the Louis Armstrong House and Archives at Queens College.",
  8928.             "Year": 0
  8929.         },
  8930.         {
  8931.             "RIT": "ws100728",
  8932.             "Type": "WS",
  8933.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/grange.html",
  8934.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8935.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: Red Grange",
  8936.             "Category": "REC",
  8937.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of Red Grange.",
  8938.             "Year": 0
  8939.         },
  8940.         {
  8941.             "RIT": "ws100729",
  8942.             "Type": "WS",
  8943.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/tarkenton.html",
  8944.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8945.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: Fran Tarkenton",
  8946.             "Category": "REC",
  8947.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of Fran Tarkenton.",
  8948.             "Year": 0
  8949.         },
  8950.         {
  8951.             "RIT": "ws100730",
  8952.             "Type": "WS",
  8953.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/malu/frames/frames.htm",
  8954.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8955.             "Title": "Martin Luther King, Jr., Historical Site",
  8956.             "Category": "SOC",
  8957.             "Description": "Information about the National Park Service site at the home of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.",
  8958.             "Year": 0
  8959.         },
  8960.         {
  8961.             "RIT": "ws100731",
  8962.             "Type": "WS",
  8963.             "URL": "http://www.wmich.edu/politics/mlk/",
  8964.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8965.             "Title": "Timeline of the American Civil Rights Movement",
  8966.             "Category": "HIS",
  8967.             "Description": "An ongoing project supported by students at Western Michigan University's Department of Political Science.",
  8968.             "Year": 0
  8969.         },
  8970.         {
  8971.             "RIT": "ws100732",
  8972.             "Type": "WS",
  8973.             "URL": "http://www.nio.gov.uk/",
  8974.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8975.             "Title": "Northern Ireland Office",
  8976.             "Category": "GEO",
  8977.             "Description": "The Northern Ireland Office is the office of the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.",
  8978.             "Year": 0
  8979.         },
  8980.         {
  8981.             "RIT": "ws100733",
  8982.             "Type": "WS",
  8983.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/hornung.html",
  8984.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8985.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: Paul Hornung",
  8986.             "Category": "REC",
  8987.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of Paul Hornung.",
  8988.             "Year": 0
  8989.         },
  8990.         {
  8991.             "RIT": "ws100744",
  8992.             "Type": "WS",
  8993.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/gifford.html",
  8994.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  8995.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: Frank Gifford",
  8996.             "Category": "IND",
  8997.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of Frank Gifford.",
  8998.             "Year": 0
  8999.         },
  9000.         {
  9001.             "RIT": "ws100745",
  9002.             "Type": "WS",
  9003.             "URL": "http://www.sinnfein.ie/",
  9004.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9005.             "Title": "Sinn Fein Home Page",
  9006.             "Category": "GEO",
  9007.             "Description": "The official Web site of Sinn Fein.",
  9008.             "Year": 0
  9009.         },
  9010.         {
  9011.             "RIT": "ws100746",
  9012.             "Type": "WS",
  9013.             "URL": "http://www.nielsenmedia.com/",
  9014.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9015.             "Title": "Nielsen Media Research Home Page",
  9016.             "Category": "IND",
  9017.             "Description": "Information about television ratings from the company that compiles the research.",
  9018.             "Year": 0
  9019.         },
  9020.         {
  9021.             "RIT": "ws100747",
  9022.             "Type": "WS",
  9023.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/halas.html",
  9024.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9025.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: George Halas",
  9026.             "Category": "REC",
  9027.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of George Halas.",
  9028.             "Year": 0
  9029.         },
  9030.         {
  9031.             "RIT": "ws100748",
  9032.             "Type": "WS",
  9033.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/simpson.html",
  9034.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9035.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: O.J. Simpson",
  9036.             "Category": "REC",
  9037.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of O.J. Simpson.",
  9038.             "Year": 0
  9039.         },
  9040.         {
  9041.             "RIT": "ws100749",
  9042.             "Type": "WS",
  9043.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/americaquilts/",
  9044.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9045.             "Title": "America Quilts",
  9046.             "Category": "HUM",
  9047.             "Description": "This companion site to a PBS television special explores the rich history, art, and personal stories of quilt-making in America.",
  9048.             "Year": 0
  9049.         },
  9050.         {
  9051.             "RIT": "ws100750",
  9052.             "Type": "WS",
  9053.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/lombardi.html",
  9054.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9055.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: Vince Lombardi",
  9056.             "Category": "REC",
  9057.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of Vince Lombardi.",
  9058.             "Year": 0
  9059.         },
  9060.         {
  9061.             "RIT": "ws100751",
  9062.             "Type": "WS",
  9063.             "URL": "http://www.si.umich.edu/spies/",
  9064.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9065.             "Title": "Spy Letters of the American Revolution",
  9066.             "Category": "HIS",
  9067.             "Description": "The Clements Library at the University of Michigan provides a look at the everyday intelligence operations of both the British and American armies during the Revolutionary War. Includes stories of spies and spying, a timeline, a gallery of lette",
  9068.             "Year": 0
  9069.         },
  9070.         {
  9071.             "RIT": "ws100752",
  9072.             "Type": "WS",
  9073.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/starr.html",
  9074.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9075.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: Bart Starr",
  9076.             "Category": "REC",
  9077.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of Bart Starr.",
  9078.             "Year": 0
  9079.         },
  9080.         {
  9081.             "RIT": "ws100762",
  9082.             "Type": "WS",
  9083.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/hhhtml/hhhome.html",
  9084.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9085.             "Title": "Built in America",
  9086.             "Category": "IND",
  9087.             "Description": "An online presentation of the Historic American Buildings Survey and the Historic American Engineering Record, among the largest and most heavily used collections in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. The site docume",
  9088.             "Year": 0
  9089.         },
  9090.         {
  9091.             "RIT": "ws100763",
  9092.             "Type": "WS",
  9093.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/gmdhtml/gmdhome.html",
  9094.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9095.             "Title": "Map Collections Home Page",
  9096.             "Category": "GEO",
  9097.             "Description": "This collection of maps from the Library of Congress spans the years from 1544 to 1996. Maps are divided into seven categories: cities and towns; conservation and environment; discovery and exploration; immigration and settlement; military battl",
  9098.             "Year": 0
  9099.         },
  9100.         {
  9101.             "RIT": "ws100764",
  9102.             "Type": "WS",
  9103.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/jrhtml/jrhome.html",
  9104.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9105.             "Title": "Baseball Highlights, 1860's-1960's",
  9106.             "Category": "REC",
  9107.             "Description": "An exhibit from the Library of Congress highlights the career of Jackie Robinson and major events in baseball history.",
  9108.             "Year": 0
  9109.         },
  9110.         {
  9111.             "RIT": "ws100765",
  9112.             "Type": "WS",
  9113.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/dihtml/dihome.html",
  9114.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9115.             "Title": "An American Ballroom Companion",
  9116.             "Category": "HUM",
  9117.             "Description": "This site, sponsored by the Library of Congress, presents a collection of more than 200 social dance manuals.",
  9118.             "Year": 0
  9119.         },
  9120.         {
  9121.             "RIT": "ws100766",
  9122.             "Type": "WS",
  9123.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/gschtml/gotthome.html",
  9124.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9125.             "Title": "Architecture and Interior Design for 20th Century America",
  9126.             "Category": "HUM",
  9127.             "Description": "The Gottscho-Schleisner Collection from the Library of Congress. This collection is comprised of over 29,000 images primarily of architectural subjects, including interiors and exteriors of homes, stores, offices, factories, historic buildings,",
  9128.             "Year": 0
  9129.         },
  9130.         {
  9131.             "RIT": "ws100767",
  9132.             "Type": "WS",
  9133.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/aaohtml/aohome.html",
  9134.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9135.             "Title": "African American Odyssey",
  9136.             "Category": "SOC",
  9137.             "Description": "This presentation from the Library of Congress includes important and rare books, government documents, manuscripts, maps, musical scores, plays, films, and recordings.",
  9138.             "Year": 0
  9139.         },
  9140.         {
  9141.             "RIT": "ws100777",
  9142.             "Type": "WS",
  9143.             "URL": "http://www.cityoforlando.net/",
  9144.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9145.             "Title": "City of Orlando Official Web Site",
  9146.             "Category": "GEO",
  9147.             "Description": "Official Orlando, Florida, city site with information on events, government, and the community of Orlando.",
  9148.             "Year": 0
  9149.         },
  9150.         {
  9151.             "RIT": "ws100778",
  9152.             "Type": "WS",
  9153.             "URL": "http://www.cnnsi.com/basketball/nba/1999/jordan_retires/",
  9154.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9155.             "Title": "Michael Jordan Retires",
  9156.             "Category": "REC",
  9157.             "Description": "A tribute from CNN and Sports Illustrated.",
  9158.             "Year": 0
  9159.         },
  9160.         {
  9161.             "RIT": "ws100779",
  9162.             "Type": "WS",
  9163.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/ncrhtml/crhome.html",
  9164.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9165.             "Title": "Buckaroos in Paradise: Ranching culture in northern Nevada",
  9166.             "Category": "HIS",
  9167.             "Description": "This site presents documentation from the Library of Congress of a Nevada cattle-ranching community, with a focus on the family-run Ninety-Six Ranch. The collection presents 41 motion pictures and 28 sound recordings that tell the story of life",
  9168.             "Year": 0
  9169.         },
  9170.         {
  9171.             "RIT": "ws100780",
  9172.             "Type": "WS",
  9173.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/odmdhtml/preshome.html",
  9174.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9175.             "Title": "Portraits of the Presidents and First Ladies 1789-Present",
  9176.             "Category": "SOC",
  9177.             "Description": "These selected images from the Library of Congress include at least one likeness of each of the forty-one presidents and most of the first ladies.",
  9178.             "Year": 0
  9179.         },
  9180.         {
  9181.             "RIT": "ws100781",
  9182.             "Type": "WS",
  9183.             "URL": "http://www.ci.tallahassee.fl.us/",
  9184.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9185.             "Title": "City of Tallahassee",
  9186.             "Category": "GEO",
  9187.             "Description": "Official Tallahassee site for city services and tourism.",
  9188.             "Year": 0
  9189.         },
  9190.         {
  9191.             "RIT": "ws100782",
  9192.             "Type": "WS",
  9193.             "URL": "http://www.exploratorium.edu/exhibits/",
  9194.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9195.             "Title": "Exploratorium: Exhibits",
  9196.             "Category": "SOC",
  9197.             "Description": "This site is sponsored by the Exploratorium, a museum of science, art, and human perception. It is a multimedia-rich site that includes a range of interactive activities, including many exhibits featuring optical illusions.",
  9198.             "Year": 0
  9199.         },
  9200.         {
  9201.             "RIT": "ws100783",
  9202.             "Type": "WS",
  9203.             "URL": "http://www.earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Study/Coccoliths/",
  9204.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9205.             "Title": "Changing Currents in the Bering Sea",
  9206.             "Category": "GEO",
  9207.             "Description": "A report from NASA's Earth Observatory about the effect of coccolithophores, one-celled plants, on the Bering Sea.",
  9208.             "Year": 0
  9209.         },
  9210.         {
  9211.             "RIT": "ws100796",
  9212.             "Type": "WS",
  9213.             "URL": "http://www.eonline.com/Facts/People/0,12,19548,00.html",
  9214.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9215.             "Title": "Michael Jordan Credits",
  9216.             "Category": "REC",
  9217.             "Description": "A list of Jordan's TV and film credits",
  9218.             "Year": 0
  9219.         },
  9220.         {
  9221.             "RIT": "ws100797",
  9222.             "Type": "WS",
  9223.             "URL": "http://www.kennedyspacecenter.com/",
  9224.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9225.             "Title": "Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex",
  9226.             "Category": "IND",
  9227.             "Description": "Official site of the Kennedy Space Center near Cape Canaveral, Florida.",
  9228.             "Year": 0
  9229.         },
  9230.         {
  9231.             "RIT": "ws100800",
  9232.             "Type": "WS",
  9233.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/arch/",
  9234.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9235.             "Title": "NPF Guide, Arches National Park",
  9236.             "Category": "GEO",
  9237.             "Description": "National Park Foundation site on Arches National Park near Moab, Utah.",
  9238.             "Year": 0
  9239.         },
  9240.         {
  9241.             "RIT": "ws100801",
  9242.             "Type": "WS",
  9243.             "URL": "http://www.illusionworks.com/",
  9244.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9245.             "Title": "Illusionworks.com",
  9246.             "Category": "SOC",
  9247.             "Description": "This site claims to have the most comprehensive collection of optical and sensory illusions on the Web. It includes interactive demonstrations, scientific explanations, school projects, illusion artwork, interactive puzzles, 3D graphics, and sug",
  9248.             "Year": 0
  9249.         },
  9250.         {
  9251.             "RIT": "ws100807",
  9252.             "Type": "WS",
  9253.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/ever/home.htm",
  9254.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9255.             "Title": "Prelude: Can the Everglades Survive?",
  9256.             "Category": "GEO",
  9257.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Everglades National Park in Florida.",
  9258.             "Year": 0
  9259.         },
  9260.         {
  9261.             "RIT": "ws100811",
  9262.             "Type": "WS",
  9263.             "URL": "http://www.seaworld.com/",
  9264.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9265.             "Title": "seaworld.com",
  9266.             "Category": "GEO",
  9267.             "Description": "Official site of Sea World in Orlando, Florida.",
  9268.             "Year": 0
  9269.         },
  9270.         {
  9271.             "RIT": "ws100814",
  9272.             "Type": "WS",
  9273.             "URL": "http://players.nba.com/jordan/",
  9274.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9275.             "Title": "Michael Jordan Career Retrospective",
  9276.             "Category": "REC",
  9277.             "Description": "A special feature from the NBA.",
  9278.             "Year": 0
  9279.         },
  9280.         {
  9281.             "RIT": "ws100816",
  9282.             "Type": "WS",
  9283.             "URL": "http://www.research.ibm.com/",
  9284.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9285.             "Title": "IBM Research",
  9286.             "Category": "IND",
  9287.             "Description": "This page highlights research at IBM in such categories as innovative interfaces and deep computing.",
  9288.             "Year": 0
  9289.         },
  9290.         {
  9291.             "RIT": "ws100822",
  9292.             "Type": "WS",
  9293.             "URL": "http://www.nationalparks.org/guide/parks/eugene-o'nei-1685.htm",
  9294.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9295.             "Title": "NPS Guide to America's National Parks, Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site",
  9296.             "Category": "HUM",
  9297.             "Description": "National Park Foundation site on Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site in Danville, California.",
  9298.             "Year": 0
  9299.         },
  9300.         {
  9301.             "RIT": "ws100682",
  9302.             "Type": "WS",
  9303.             "URL": "http://www.unc.edu/~lbrooks2/1982.html#worthy",
  9304.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9305.             "Title": "NBA History: James Worthy",
  9306.             "Category": "REC",
  9307.             "Description": "Biography of James Worthy and his career statistics.",
  9308.             "Year": 0
  9309.         },
  9310.         {
  9311.             "RIT": "ws100683",
  9312.             "Type": "WS",
  9313.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/originals/eleanor.html",
  9314.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9315.             "Title": "Eleanor Roosevelt Letter",
  9316.             "Category": "HIS",
  9317.             "Description": "This exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration focuses on Eleanor Roosevelt's letter of resignation from the Daughters of the American Revolution after the group barred African American singer Marian Anderson from performing",
  9318.             "Year": 0
  9319.         },
  9320.         {
  9321.             "RIT": "ws100684",
  9322.             "Type": "WS",
  9323.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/originals/nixon.html",
  9324.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9325.             "Title": "Nixon and Watergate",
  9326.             "Category": "HIS",
  9327.             "Description": "This exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration includes a security log from the Watergate office building and President Richard's Nixon's letter of resignation.",
  9328.             "Year": 0
  9329.         },
  9330.         {
  9331.             "RIT": "ws100685",
  9332.             "Type": "WS",
  9333.             "URL": "http://www.hoophall.com/halloffamers/Walton.htm",
  9334.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9335.             "Title": "Bill Walton",
  9336.             "Category": "REC",
  9337.             "Description": "Biography of Bill Walton and his career statistics.",
  9338.             "Year": 0
  9339.         },
  9340.         {
  9341.             "RIT": "ws100686",
  9342.             "Type": "WS",
  9343.             "URL": "http://www.ncta.com/",
  9344.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9345.             "Title": "National Cable Television Association",
  9346.             "Category": "IND",
  9347.             "Description": "This page contains information about cable technology, cable programming, and new developments in the cable industry.",
  9348.             "Year": 0
  9349.         },
  9350.         {
  9351.             "RIT": "ws100687",
  9352.             "Type": "WS",
  9353.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/originals/sioux.html",
  9354.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9355.             "Title": "Black Hills Treaty",
  9356.             "Category": "HIS",
  9357.             "Description": "This online exhibition from the National Archives and Records Administration contains a treaty signed by United States commissioners and Sioux chiefs.",
  9358.             "Year": 0
  9359.         },
  9360.         {
  9361.             "RIT": "ws100688",
  9362.             "Type": "WS",
  9363.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/powers/powers.html",
  9364.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9365.             "Title": "Powers of Persuasion: Poster Art From World War II",
  9366.             "Category": "HIS",
  9367.             "Description": "This exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration focuses on poster art from World War II.",
  9368.             "Year": 0
  9369.         },
  9370.         {
  9371.             "RIT": "ws100689",
  9372.             "Type": "WS",
  9373.             "URL": "http://www.hoophall.com/halloffamers/Reed.htm",
  9374.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9375.             "Title": "Willis Reed",
  9376.             "Category": "REC",
  9377.             "Description": "Biography of Willis Reed and his career statistics.",
  9378.             "Year": 0
  9379.         },
  9380.         {
  9381.             "RIT": "ws100698",
  9382.             "Type": "WS",
  9383.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/51.html",
  9384.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9385.             "Title": "Charles Martin Hall",
  9386.             "Category": "IND",
  9387.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Charles Martin Hall and the development of aluminum manufacturing.",
  9388.             "Year": 0
  9389.         },
  9390.         {
  9391.             "RIT": "ws100699",
  9392.             "Type": "WS",
  9393.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/63.html",
  9394.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9395.             "Title": "Willem J. Kolff",
  9396.             "Category": "LIF",
  9397.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Willem J. Kolff and the invention of the artificial kidney dialysis machine.",
  9398.             "Year": 0
  9399.         },
  9400.         {
  9401.             "RIT": "ws100700",
  9402.             "Type": "WS",
  9403.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/57.html",
  9404.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9405.             "Title": "Herman Hollerith",
  9406.             "Category": "PHY",
  9407.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Herman Hollerith and the development of the punch-card tabulation machine system.",
  9408.             "Year": 0
  9409.         },
  9410.         {
  9411.             "RIT": "ws100701",
  9412.             "Type": "WS",
  9413.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/40.html",
  9414.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9415.             "Title": "John Ericsson",
  9416.             "Category": "IND",
  9417.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about John Ericsson and the invention of the ship propeller.",
  9418.             "Year": 0
  9419.         },
  9420.         {
  9421.             "RIT": "ws100702",
  9422.             "Type": "WS",
  9423.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/60.html",
  9424.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9425.             "Title": "Percy Lavon Julian",
  9426.             "Category": "PHY",
  9427.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Percy Lavon Julian and the development of cortisone as a treatment for arthritis.",
  9428.             "Year": 0
  9429.         },
  9430.         {
  9431.             "RIT": "ws100703",
  9432.             "Type": "WS",
  9433.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/42.html",
  9434.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9435.             "Title": "Enrico Fermi",
  9436.             "Category": "PHY",
  9437.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Enrico Fermi, the first physicist to split the atom.",
  9438.             "Year": 0
  9439.         },
  9440.         {
  9441.             "RIT": "ws100704",
  9442.             "Type": "WS",
  9443.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/62.html",
  9444.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9445.             "Title": "Jack S. Kilby",
  9446.             "Category": "PHY",
  9447.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Jack S. Kilby and the development of miniaturized electric circuits.",
  9448.             "Year": 0
  9449.         },
  9450.         {
  9451.             "RIT": "ws100705",
  9452.             "Type": "WS",
  9453.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/36.html",
  9454.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9455.             "Title": "George Eastman",
  9456.             "Category": "IND",
  9457.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about George Eastman and the inventions that revolutionized photography.",
  9458.             "Year": 0
  9459.         },
  9460.         {
  9461.             "RIT": "ws100714",
  9462.             "Type": "WS",
  9463.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/87.html",
  9464.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9465.             "Title": "Roy J. Plunkett",
  9466.             "Category": "IND",
  9467.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Roy J. Plunkett and the development of teflon.",
  9468.             "Year": 0
  9469.         },
  9470.         {
  9471.             "RIT": "ws100715",
  9472.             "Type": "WS",
  9473.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/79.html",
  9474.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9475.             "Title": "Robert N. Noyce",
  9476.             "Category": "PHY",
  9477.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Robert N. Noyce, one of the pioneers of semiconductor development.",
  9478.             "Year": 0
  9479.         },
  9480.         {
  9481.             "RIT": "ws100716",
  9482.             "Type": "WS",
  9483.             "URL": "http://www.invent.org/book/book-text/99.html",
  9484.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9485.             "Title": "Charles Proteus Steinmetz",
  9486.             "Category": "PHY",
  9487.             "Description": "Information from the National Inventors Hall of Fame about Charles Proteus Steinmetz and research that advanced the electric power industry.",
  9488.             "Year": 0
  9489.         },
  9490.         {
  9491.             "RIT": "ws100719",
  9492.             "Type": "WS",
  9493.             "URL": "http://www.rockhall.com/induct/armslou.html",
  9494.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9495.             "Title": "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum: Louis Armstrong",
  9496.             "Category": "HUM",
  9497.             "Description": "This biography of Louis Armstrong from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum featuring sound clips.",
  9498.             "Year": 0
  9499.         },
  9500.         {
  9501.             "RIT": "ws100720",
  9502.             "Type": "WS",
  9503.             "URL": "http://www.modaitalia.net/giorgioarmani/bio.htm",
  9504.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9505.             "Title": "Fashion Live: Giorgio Armani",
  9506.             "Category": "HUM",
  9507.             "Description": "A biography on Giorgio Armani from Fashion Live, a Web site devoted to fashion.",
  9508.             "Year": 0
  9509.         },
  9510.         {
  9511.             "RIT": "ws100721",
  9512.             "Type": "WS",
  9513.             "URL": "http://www.utc.edu/~engldept/booker/arden.htm",
  9514.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9515.             "Title": "John Arden--Secondary Sources",
  9516.             "Category": "HUM",
  9517.             "Description": "A bibliography of sources of information about John Arden, hosted by the University of Tennessee English Department.",
  9518.             "Year": 0
  9519.         },
  9520.         {
  9521.             "RIT": "ws100722",
  9522.             "Type": "WS",
  9523.             "URL": "http://www.lucydesi.com/index.html",
  9524.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9525.             "Title": "Lucy-Desi Museum",
  9526.             "Category": "HUM",
  9527.             "Description": "Hompage of the Lucy-Desi Museum, the stars of the I Love Lucy television show.",
  9528.             "Year": 0
  9529.         },
  9530.         {
  9531.             "RIT": "ws100723",
  9532.             "Type": "WS",
  9533.             "URL": "http://www.unitel.classicalmusic.com/classica/112297.htm",
  9534.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9535.             "Title": "Portrait of Claudio Arrau",
  9536.             "Category": "HUM",
  9537.             "Description": "Biographical information on Chilean pianist Claudio Arrau from Classica, a television channel dedicated to classical music.",
  9538.             "Year": 0
  9539.         },
  9540.         {
  9541.             "RIT": "ws100724",
  9542.             "Type": "WS",
  9543.             "URL": "http://www.nba.com/nbaat50/images/gallery/arizin.html",
  9544.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9545.             "Title": "NBA at 50: Paul Arizin",
  9546.             "Category": "REC",
  9547.             "Description": "Photographs, statistics, and a biography of Paul Arizin from the NBA's special feature on the 50 greatest players in its history.",
  9548.             "Year": 0
  9549.         },
  9550.         {
  9551.             "RIT": "ws100735",
  9552.             "Type": "WS",
  9553.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/brown_jim.html",
  9554.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9555.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: Jim Brown",
  9556.             "Category": "REC",
  9557.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of Jim Brown.",
  9558.             "Year": 0
  9559.         },
  9560.         {
  9561.             "RIT": "ws100736",
  9562.             "Type": "WS",
  9563.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/bradshaw.html",
  9564.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9565.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: Terry Bradshaw",
  9566.             "Category": "REC",
  9567.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of Terry Bradshaw.",
  9568.             "Year": 0
  9569.         },
  9570.         {
  9571.             "RIT": "ws100737",
  9572.             "Type": "WS",
  9573.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/unitas.html",
  9574.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9575.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: John Unitas",
  9576.             "Category": "REC",
  9577.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of John Unitas.",
  9578.             "Year": 0
  9579.         },
  9580.         {
  9581.             "RIT": "ws100738",
  9582.             "Type": "WS",
  9583.             "URL": "http://www.woodland-trust.org.uk/",
  9584.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9585.             "Title": "The Woodland Trust",
  9586.             "Category": "LIF",
  9587.             "Description": "The Woodland Trust is a conservation charity in the United Kingdom dedicated to the protection of native woodland heritage.",
  9588.             "Year": 0
  9589.         },
  9590.         {
  9591.             "RIT": "ws100739",
  9592.             "Type": "WS",
  9593.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/namath.html",
  9594.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9595.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: Joe Namath",
  9596.             "Category": "REC",
  9597.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of Joe Namath.",
  9598.             "Year": 0
  9599.         },
  9600.         {
  9601.             "RIT": "ws100740",
  9602.             "Type": "WS",
  9603.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/payton.html",
  9604.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9605.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: Walter Payton",
  9606.             "Category": "REC",
  9607.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of Walter Payton.",
  9608.             "Year": 0
  9609.         },
  9610.         {
  9611.             "RIT": "ws100741",
  9612.             "Type": "WS",
  9613.             "URL": "http://www.variety.com/",
  9614.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9615.             "Title": "Variety.com",
  9616.             "Category": "IND",
  9617.             "Description": "Home page of Variety, the entertainment trade publication.",
  9618.             "Year": 0
  9619.         },
  9620.         {
  9621.             "RIT": "ws100742",
  9622.             "Type": "WS",
  9623.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/rozelle.html",
  9624.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9625.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: Pete Rozelle",
  9626.             "Category": "REC",
  9627.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of Pete Rozelle.",
  9628.             "Year": 0
  9629.         },
  9630.         {
  9631.             "RIT": "ws100743",
  9632.             "Type": "WS",
  9633.             "URL": "http://www.profootballhof.com/enshrinees/butkus.html",
  9634.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9635.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall Of Fame Enshrinees: Dick Butkus",
  9636.             "Category": "REC",
  9637.             "Description": "The Pro Football Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics of Dick Butkus.",
  9638.             "Year": 0
  9639.         },
  9640.         {
  9641.             "RIT": "ws100753",
  9642.             "Type": "WS",
  9643.             "URL": "http://www.wsu.edu/~dee/GLOSSARY/DIVRIGHT.HTM",
  9644.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9645.             "Title": "The European Enlightenment Glossary: Divine Right of Kings",
  9646.             "Category": "HIS",
  9647.             "Description": "Information about the theory that certain kings ruled because they were chosen by God. This page is part of the Washington State University World Cultures site.",
  9648.             "Year": 0
  9649.         },
  9650.         {
  9651.             "RIT": "ws100754",
  9652.             "Type": "WS",
  9653.             "URL": "http://www.stanford.edu/group/King/",
  9654.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9655.             "Title": "Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project at Stanford University",
  9656.             "Category": "SOC",
  9657.             "Description": "This site includes a biography, secondary documents written about Martin Luther King, Jr., primary documents written by King himself, and links to other resources.",
  9658.             "Year": 0
  9659.         },
  9660.         {
  9661.             "RIT": "ws100756",
  9662.             "Type": "WS",
  9663.             "URL": "http://www.esa.org/",
  9664.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9665.             "Title": "Ecological Society of America Homepage",
  9666.             "Category": "LIF",
  9667.             "Description": "This site, sponsored by the Ecological Society of America (ESA), includes ecology-centered journals and fact sheets in PDF format. The ESA is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization of scientists founded in 1915 to stimulate ecological research,",
  9668.             "Year": 0
  9669.         },
  9670.         {
  9671.             "RIT": "ws100757",
  9672.             "Type": "WS",
  9673.             "URL": "http://epunix.biols.susx.ac.uk/Home/George_Mather/Motion/",
  9674.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9675.             "Title": "Introduction to Motion Perception",
  9676.             "Category": "SOC",
  9677.             "Description": "A collection of motion sensing models from George Mather, a reader in experimental psychology at School of Biological Sciences, University of Sussex.",
  9678.             "Year": 0
  9679.         },
  9680.         {
  9681.             "RIT": "ws100758",
  9682.             "Type": "WS",
  9683.             "URL": "http://espn.go.com/nba/profiles/profile/0175.html",
  9684.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9685.             "Title": "Michael Jordan Profile, Statistics, and More",
  9686.             "Category": "REC",
  9687.             "Description": "Information from ESPN.",
  9688.             "Year": 0
  9689.         },
  9690.         {
  9691.             "RIT": "ws100759",
  9692.             "Type": "WS",
  9693.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/bbhtml/bbhome.html",
  9694.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9695.             "Title": "Baseball Cards 1887-1914",
  9696.             "Category": "REC",
  9697.             "Description": "An exhibit from the Library of Congress. Search for cards by keyword, player, team, league, city, or card set.",
  9698.             "Year": 0
  9699.         },
  9700.         {
  9701.             "RIT": "ws100761",
  9702.             "Type": "WS",
  9703.             "URL": "http://forums.mercurycenter.com/sports/media/krt/jordan/jordan.htm",
  9704.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9705.             "Title": "Michael Jordan: Air Power",
  9706.             "Category": "REC",
  9707.             "Description": "A special feature from the San Jose Mercury News. Includes collector cards, an interactive game, and related Web links.",
  9708.             "Year": 0
  9709.         },
  9710.         {
  9711.             "RIT": "ws100768",
  9712.             "Type": "WS",
  9713.             "URL": "http://disneyworld.disney.go.com/waltdisneyworld/index",
  9714.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9715.             "Title": "Walt Disney World - Official Home Page",
  9716.             "Category": "REC",
  9717.             "Description": "Commercial site from Disney Company about Disney World and tourism in southern Florida.",
  9718.             "Year": 0
  9719.         },
  9720.         {
  9721.             "RIT": "ws100769",
  9722.             "Type": "WS",
  9723.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/vshtml/vshdini.html",
  9724.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9725.             "Title": "Houdini",
  9726.             "Category": "REC",
  9727.             "Description": "This exhibit from the Library of Congress includes 143 photographs and 29 related items of personal memorabilia that document the career of Harry Houdini.",
  9728.             "Year": 0
  9729.         },
  9730.         {
  9731.             "RIT": "ws100770",
  9732.             "Type": "WS",
  9733.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/mcchtml/corhome.html",
  9734.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9735.             "Title": "Words and Deeds in American History",
  9736.             "Category": "HIS",
  9737.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the Library of Congress features the papers of prominent Americans whose lives reflect the evolution of the United States.",
  9738.             "Year": 0
  9739.         },
  9740.         {
  9741.             "RIT": "ws100771",
  9742.             "Type": "WS",
  9743.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/thchtml/thhome.html",
  9744.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9745.             "Title": "Washington as It Was",
  9746.             "Category": "GEO",
  9747.             "Description": "This collection from the Library of Congress features photographs by Theodor Horydczak of Washington, D.C., from the mid-1920's through the 1950's.",
  9748.             "Year": 0
  9749.         },
  9750.         {
  9751.             "RIT": "ws100772",
  9752.             "Type": "WS",
  9753.             "URL": "http://www.cancergenetics.org/",
  9754.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9755.             "Title": "The Genetic of Cancer",
  9756.             "Category": "LIF",
  9757.             "Description": "An information resource created by doctors to help medical professionals and the general public understand the genetic basis of cancer and to be able to interpret new discoveries in the field of cancer genetics.",
  9758.             "Year": 0
  9759.         },
  9760.         {
  9761.             "RIT": "ws100773",
  9762.             "Type": "WS",
  9763.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/rbpehtml/pehome.html",
  9764.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9765.             "Title": "An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera",
  9766.             "Category": "HIS",
  9767.             "Description": "A collection of posters, notices, advertisements, proclamations, leaflets, propaganda, manifestos, and business cards from the Library of Congress. These items capture the experience of the American Revolution, slavery, the western land rush, th",
  9768.             "Year": 0
  9769.         },
  9770.         {
  9771.             "RIT": "ws100774",
  9772.             "Type": "WS",
  9773.             "URL": "http://www.ci.st-augustine.fl.us/",
  9774.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9775.             "Title": "City of St. Augustine Official Home Page",
  9776.             "Category": "GEO",
  9777.             "Description": "Official St. Augustine, Florida, city site with information on events, government, and the community of St. Augustine.",
  9778.             "Year": 0
  9779.         },
  9780.         {
  9781.             "RIT": "ws100784",
  9782.             "Type": "WS",
  9783.             "URL": "http://www.exploratorium.edu/baseball/",
  9784.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9785.             "Title": "Exploratorium's Science of Baseball",
  9786.             "Category": "REC",
  9787.             "Description": "This comprehensive site includes exhibits, articles, activities, and features about baseball from a scientific and historical perspective. Includes statistics for baseball greats and biographies of female players from the All-American Girls Soft",
  9788.             "Year": 0
  9789.         },
  9790.         {
  9791.             "RIT": "ws100785",
  9792.             "Type": "WS",
  9793.             "URL": "http://www.earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Study/NorthPole/",
  9794.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9795.             "Title": "North Pole Expedition 1999",
  9796.             "Category": "GEO",
  9797.             "Description": "This report on a NASA expedition to the North Pole includes a link to NPR news stories about the expedition.",
  9798.             "Year": 0
  9799.         },
  9800.         {
  9801.             "RIT": "ws100786",
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  9804.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9805.             "Title": "NASA Earth Observatory",
  9806.             "Category": "PHY",
  9807.             "Description": "This site, sponsored by NASA, explores the causes and effects of climatic and environmental change through the use of real satellite data. Features include the NASA observation deck, library, study, newsroom, laboratory, and mission control.",
  9808.             "Year": 0
  9809.         },
  9810.         {
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  9812.             "Type": "WS",
  9813.             "URL": "http://www.earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Study/Glaciers/",
  9814.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9815.             "Title": "At the Edge: Monitoring Glaciers to Watch Global Change",
  9816.             "Category": "PHY",
  9817.             "Description": "A report from NASA's Earth Observatory.",
  9818.             "Year": 0
  9819.         },
  9820.         {
  9821.             "RIT": "ws100788",
  9822.             "Type": "WS",
  9823.             "URL": "http://www.flausa.com/",
  9824.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9825.             "Title": "Florida vacation, Florida information",
  9826.             "Category": "GEO",
  9827.             "Description": "The Florida Tourism Marketing Agency site of events, activities, and sights in Florida.",
  9828.             "Year": 0
  9829.         },
  9830.         {
  9831.             "RIT": "ws100789",
  9832.             "Type": "WS",
  9833.             "URL": "http://www.firn.edu/doe/",
  9834.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9835.             "Title": "Florida Department of Education",
  9836.             "Category": "GEO",
  9837.             "Description": "Official site of the Florida Department of Education.",
  9838.             "Year": 0
  9839.         },
  9840.         {
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  9844.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9845.             "Title": "Home Improvement, Remodeling and Repair from Hometime",
  9846.             "Category": "IND",
  9847.             "Description": "This companion site to the PBS TV show includes how-to information on all sorts of home improvement projects.",
  9848.             "Year": 0
  9849.         },
  9850.         {
  9851.             "RIT": "ws100791",
  9852.             "Type": "WS",
  9853.             "URL": "http://www.heureka.fi/i/Illusions_ctrl_station.html.en",
  9854.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9855.             "Title": "Illusions: Central Station",
  9856.             "Category": "LIF",
  9857.             "Description": "This online exhibit from Heureka - The Finnish Science Centre includes visual and auditory illusions, and provides information on neurological research.",
  9858.             "Year": 0
  9859.         },
  9860.         {
  9861.             "RIT": "ws100831",
  9862.             "Type": "WS",
  9863.             "URL": "http://www.nationalparks.org/guide/parks/ebey's-landi-1972.htm",
  9864.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9865.             "Title": "NPS Guide to America's National Parks, Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve",
  9866.             "Category": "GEO",
  9867.             "Description": "National Park Foundation site on Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve in Whidbey Island, Washington.",
  9868.             "Year": 0
  9869.         },
  9870.         {
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  9872.             "Type": "WS",
  9873.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/donne.html",
  9874.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9875.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOHN DONNE (1572-1631)",
  9876.             "Category": "HUM",
  9877.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  9878.             "Year": 0
  9879.         },
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  9884.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9885.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Aung San Suu Kyi",
  9886.             "Category": "GEO",
  9887.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Aung San Suu Kyi.",
  9888.             "Year": 0
  9889.         },
  9890.         {
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  9892.             "Type": "WS",
  9893.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/caedmon.html",
  9894.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9895.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Caedmon (fl. 658-80)",
  9896.             "Category": "HUM",
  9897.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  9898.             "Year": 0
  9899.         },
  9900.         {
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  9903.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/cranes.html",
  9904.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9905.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF STEPHEN CRANE (1871-1900)",
  9906.             "Category": "HUM",
  9907.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  9908.             "Year": 0
  9909.         },
  9910.         {
  9911.             "RIT": "ws100903",
  9912.             "Type": "WS",
  9913.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/blake.html",
  9914.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9915.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of William Blake (1757-1827)",
  9916.             "Category": "HUM",
  9917.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  9918.             "Year": 0
  9919.         },
  9920.         {
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  9923.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/zemin.html",
  9924.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9925.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Jiang Zemin",
  9926.             "Category": "GEO",
  9927.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Jiang Zemin.",
  9928.             "Year": 0
  9929.         },
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  9932.             "Type": "WS",
  9933.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/clough.html",
  9934.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9935.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH (1819-1861)",
  9936.             "Category": "HUM",
  9937.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  9938.             "Year": 0
  9939.         },
  9940.         {
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  9942.             "Type": "WS",
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  9944.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9945.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Robert Burns (1759-1796)",
  9946.             "Category": "HUM",
  9947.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  9948.             "Year": 0
  9949.         },
  9950.         {
  9951.             "RIT": "ws100907",
  9952.             "Type": "WS",
  9953.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/kohl.html",
  9954.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9955.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Helmut Kohl",
  9956.             "Category": "GEO",
  9957.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Helmut Kohl.",
  9958.             "Year": 0
  9959.         },
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  9961.             "RIT": "ws100908",
  9962.             "Type": "WS",
  9963.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/brwneliz.html",
  9964.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9965.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)",
  9966.             "Category": "HUM",
  9967.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  9968.             "Year": 0
  9969.         },
  9970.         {
  9971.             "RIT": "ws100909",
  9972.             "Type": "WS",
  9973.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/cannfrer.html",
  9974.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9975.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of George Canning (1770-1827) and J.H. Frere (1769-1846)",
  9976.             "Category": "HIS",
  9977.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  9978.             "Year": 0
  9979.         },
  9980.         {
  9981.             "RIT": "ws100910",
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  9984.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9985.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Jean Joseph-Jacques Chretien",
  9986.             "Category": "HIS",
  9987.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Jean Joseph-Jacques Chretien.",
  9988.             "Year": 0
  9989.         },
  9990.         {
  9991.             "RIT": "ws100911",
  9992.             "Type": "WS",
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  9994.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  9995.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Augusto Pinochet Ugarte",
  9996.             "Category": "GEO",
  9997.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Augusto Pinochet Ugarte.",
  9998.             "Year": 0
  9999.         },
  10000.         {
  10001.             "RIT": "ws100921",
  10002.             "Type": "WS",
  10003.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/batesk.html",
  10004.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10005.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Katharine Lee Bates (1859-1929)",
  10006.             "Category": "HUM",
  10007.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10008.             "Year": 0
  10009.         },
  10010.         {
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  10014.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10015.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Ted Turner",
  10016.             "Category": "IND",
  10017.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Ted Turner.",
  10018.             "Year": 0
  10019.         },
  10020.         {
  10021.             "RIT": "ws100923",
  10022.             "Type": "WS",
  10023.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/arnold.html",
  10024.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10025.             "Title": "Selected Poetry and Prose of Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)",
  10026.             "Category": "HUM",
  10027.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10028.             "Year": 0
  10029.         },
  10030.         {
  10031.             "RIT": "ws100924",
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  10034.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10035.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Alan Greenspan",
  10036.             "Category": "SOC",
  10037.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Alan Greenspan.",
  10038.             "Year": 0
  10039.         },
  10040.         {
  10041.             "RIT": "ws100925",
  10042.             "Type": "WS",
  10043.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/butlersa.html",
  10044.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10045.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Samuel Butler (1613-1680)",
  10046.             "Category": "HUM",
  10047.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10048.             "Year": 0
  10049.         },
  10050.         {
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  10054.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  10056.             "Category": "GEO",
  10057.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Jacques Chirac.",
  10058.             "Year": 0
  10059.         },
  10060.         {
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  10064.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10065.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Benjamin Netanyahu",
  10066.             "Category": "GEO",
  10067.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Benjamin Netanyahu.",
  10068.             "Year": 0
  10069.         },
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  10074.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10075.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Vaclav Havel",
  10076.             "Category": "GEO",
  10077.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Vaclav Havel.",
  10078.             "Year": 0
  10079.         },
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  10082.             "Type": "WS",
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  10084.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10085.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF THOMAS DEKKER (1570?-1632)",
  10086.             "Category": "HUM",
  10087.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10088.             "Year": 0
  10089.         },
  10090.         {
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  10094.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10095.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: C. Michael Armstrong",
  10096.             "Category": "IND",
  10097.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about C. Michael Armstrong.",
  10098.             "Year": 0
  10099.         },
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  10102.             "Type": "WS",
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  10104.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10105.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Robert E. Rubin",
  10106.             "Category": "GEO",
  10107.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Robert E. Rubin.",
  10108.             "Year": 0
  10109.         },
  10110.         {
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  10112.             "Type": "WS",
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  10114.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10115.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF GEORGE CRABBE (1754-1832)",
  10116.             "Category": "HUM",
  10117.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10118.             "Year": 0
  10119.         },
  10120.         {
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  10122.             "Type": "WS",
  10123.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/barak.html",
  10124.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10125.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Ehud Barak",
  10126.             "Category": "GEO",
  10127.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Ehud Barak.",
  10128.             "Year": 0
  10129.         },
  10130.         {
  10131.             "RIT": "ws100934",
  10132.             "Type": "WS",
  10133.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/drayton.html",
  10134.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10135.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF MICHAEL DRAYTON (1563-1631)",
  10136.             "Category": "HUM",
  10137.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10138.             "Year": 0
  10139.         },
  10140.         {
  10141.             "RIT": "ws100945",
  10142.             "Type": "WS",
  10143.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/burgess.html",
  10144.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10145.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Gelett Burgess (1866-1951)",
  10146.             "Category": "HUM",
  10147.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10148.             "Year": 0
  10149.         },
  10150.         {
  10151.             "RIT": "ws100947",
  10152.             "Type": "WS",
  10153.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/kim.html",
  10154.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10155.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Kim Jong Il",
  10156.             "Category": "GEO",
  10157.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Kim Jong Il.",
  10158.             "Year": 0
  10159.         },
  10160.         {
  10161.             "RIT": "ws100948",
  10162.             "Type": "WS",
  10163.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/kabila.html",
  10164.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10165.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Laurent Kabila",
  10166.             "Category": "GEO",
  10167.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Laurent Kabila.",
  10168.             "Year": 0
  10169.         },
  10170.         {
  10171.             "RIT": "ws100949",
  10172.             "Type": "WS",
  10173.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/crashaw.html",
  10174.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10175.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF RICHARD CRASHAW (1613-1649)",
  10176.             "Category": "HUM",
  10177.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10178.             "Year": 0
  10179.         },
  10180.         {
  10181.             "RIT": "ws100950",
  10182.             "Type": "WS",
  10183.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/kevorkian.html",
  10184.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10185.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Jack Kevorkian",
  10186.             "Category": "SOC",
  10187.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Jack Kevorkian.",
  10188.             "Year": 0
  10189.         },
  10190.         {
  10191.             "RIT": "ws100951",
  10192.             "Type": "WS",
  10193.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/castro.html",
  10194.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10195.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz",
  10196.             "Category": "HUM",
  10197.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz.",
  10198.             "Year": 0
  10199.         },
  10200.         {
  10201.             "RIT": "ws100952",
  10202.             "Type": "WS",
  10203.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/dunbarp.html",
  10204.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10205.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR (1872-1906)",
  10206.             "Category": "HUM",
  10207.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10208.             "Year": 0
  10209.         },
  10210.         {
  10211.             "RIT": "ws100962",
  10212.             "Type": "WS",
  10213.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/brontea.html",
  10214.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10215.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Anne Bronte (1820-1849)",
  10216.             "Category": "HUM",
  10217.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10218.             "Year": 0
  10219.         },
  10220.         {
  10221.             "RIT": "ws100963",
  10222.             "Type": "WS",
  10223.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/annan.html",
  10224.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10225.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Kofi Annan",
  10226.             "Category": "SOC",
  10227.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Kofi Annan.",
  10228.             "Year": 0
  10229.         },
  10230.         {
  10231.             "RIT": "ws100964",
  10232.             "Type": "WS",
  10233.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/gephardt.html",
  10234.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10235.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Richard A. Gephardt",
  10236.             "Category": "HIS",
  10237.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Richard A. Gephardt.",
  10238.             "Year": 0
  10239.         },
  10240.         {
  10241.             "RIT": "ws100965",
  10242.             "Type": "WS",
  10243.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/cowley.html",
  10244.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10245.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF ABRAHAM COWLEY (1618-1667)",
  10246.             "Category": "HUM",
  10247.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10248.             "Year": 0
  10249.         },
  10250.         {
  10251.             "RIT": "ws100966",
  10252.             "Type": "WS",
  10253.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/pope.html",
  10254.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10255.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Pope John Paul II",
  10256.             "Category": "HUM",
  10257.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Pope John Paul II.",
  10258.             "Year": 0
  10259.         },
  10260.         {
  10261.             "RIT": "ws100967",
  10262.             "Type": "WS",
  10263.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/bhutto.html",
  10264.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10265.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Benazir Bhutto",
  10266.             "Category": "GEO",
  10267.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Benazir Bhutto.",
  10268.             "Year": 0
  10269.         },
  10270.         {
  10271.             "RIT": "ws100968",
  10272.             "Type": "WS",
  10273.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/chapman.html",
  10274.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10275.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF GEORGE CHAPMAN (1559?-1634)",
  10276.             "Category": "HUM",
  10277.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10278.             "Year": 0
  10279.         },
  10280.         {
  10281.             "RIT": "ws100969",
  10282.             "Type": "WS",
  10283.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/major.html",
  10284.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10285.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: John Major",
  10286.             "Category": "GEO",
  10287.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about John Major.",
  10288.             "Year": 0
  10289.         },
  10290.         {
  10291.             "RIT": "ws100977",
  10292.             "Type": "WS",
  10293.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/bronteej.html",
  10294.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10295.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Emily Jane Bronte (1818-1848)",
  10296.             "Category": "HUM",
  10297.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism..",
  10298.             "Year": 0
  10299.         },
  10300.         {
  10301.             "RIT": "ws100978",
  10302.             "Type": "WS",
  10303.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/hclinton.html",
  10304.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10305.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Hillary Rodham Clinton",
  10306.             "Category": "HIS",
  10307.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Hillary Rodham Clinton.",
  10308.             "Year": 0
  10309.         },
  10310.         {
  10311.             "RIT": "ws100979",
  10312.             "Type": "WS",
  10313.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/chattert.html",
  10314.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10315.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF THOMAS CHATTERTON (1752-1770)",
  10316.             "Category": "HUM",
  10317.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10318.             "Year": 0
  10319.         },
  10320.         {
  10321.             "RIT": "ws100980",
  10322.             "Type": "WS",
  10323.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/blair.html",
  10324.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10325.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Tony Blair",
  10326.             "Category": "GEO",
  10327.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Tony Blair.",
  10328.             "Year": 0
  10329.         },
  10330.         {
  10331.             "RIT": "ws100981",
  10332.             "Type": "WS",
  10333.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/brontec.html",
  10334.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10335.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855)",
  10336.             "Category": "HUM",
  10337.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10338.             "Year": 0
  10339.         },
  10340.         {
  10341.             "RIT": "ws100982",
  10342.             "Type": "WS",
  10343.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/carroll.html",
  10344.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10345.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)",
  10346.             "Category": "HUM",
  10347.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10348.             "Year": 0
  10349.         },
  10350.         {
  10351.             "RIT": "ws100983",
  10352.             "Type": "WS",
  10353.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/putin.html",
  10354.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10355.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Vladimir Putin",
  10356.             "Category": "GEO",
  10357.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Vladimir Puti",
  10358.             "Year": 0
  10359.         },
  10360.         {
  10361.             "RIT": "ws100990",
  10362.             "Type": "WS",
  10363.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/alhtml/alhome.html",
  10364.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10365.             "Title": "Mr. Lincoln's Virtual Library",
  10366.             "Category": "HIS",
  10367.             "Description": "Mr. Lincoln's Virtual Library Preview offers selections from two collections at the Library of Congress that illuminate the life of Abraham Lincoln.",
  10368.             "Year": 0
  10369.         },
  10370.         {
  10371.             "RIT": "ws100991",
  10372.             "Type": "WS",
  10373.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amlaw/lwcg.html",
  10374.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10375.             "Title": "Supplement to the Congressional Globe Containing the Proceedings of the Senate Sitting for the",
  10376.             "Category": "HIS",
  10377.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the Library of Congress includes links to Harper's Weekly's coverage of Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial, the Law Library of Congress Research Guide on Impeachment, and the Constitutional Rights Foundation's web lesson",
  10378.             "Year": 0
  10379.         },
  10380.         {
  10381.             "RIT": "ws100992",
  10382.             "Type": "WS",
  10383.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award97/mhsdhtml/harvardbldgs.html",
  10384.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10385.             "Title": "Harvard University Buildings",
  10386.             "Category": "SOC",
  10387.             "Description": "This page is part of an online exhibit from the Library of Congress called American Landscape and Architectural Design, 1850-1920. It focuses on the history and architecture of Harvard University and includes a bibliography.",
  10388.             "Year": 0
  10389.         },
  10390.         {
  10391.             "RIT": "ws100993",
  10392.             "Type": "WS",
  10393.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/amrvhtml/conshome.html",
  10394.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10395.             "Title": "The Evolution of the Conservation Movement 1850-1920",
  10396.             "Category": "IND",
  10397.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the Library of Congress documents the historical formation and cultural foundations of the movement to conserve and protect America's natural heritage. The collection consists of books and pamphlets, federal statutes and",
  10398.             "Year": 0
  10399.         },
  10400.         {
  10401.             "RIT": "ws100994",
  10402.             "Type": "WS",
  10403.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award97/ndfahtml/ngphome.html",
  10404.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10405.             "Title": "The Northern Great Plains, 1880-1920",
  10406.             "Category": "IND",
  10407.             "Description": "The Library of Congress presents two collections from the Institute for Regional Studies at North Dakota State University. This exhibit contains 900 photographs of rural and small town life at the turn of the century.",
  10408.             "Year": 0
  10409.         },
  10410.         {
  10411.             "RIT": "ws101001",
  10412.             "Type": "WS",
  10413.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/cbhtml/cbhome.html",
  10414.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10415.             "Title": "California As I Saw It",
  10416.             "Category": "GEO",
  10417.             "Description": "This exhibit from the Library of Congress consists of the full texts and illustrations of 190 works documenting the formative era of California's history through eyewitness accounts.",
  10418.             "Year": 0
  10419.         },
  10420.         {
  10421.             "RIT": "ws101002",
  10422.             "Type": "WS",
  10423.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/nfhome.html",
  10424.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10425.             "Title": "American Leaders Speak: Recordings from World War I and the 1920 Election",
  10426.             "Category": "HIS",
  10427.             "Description": "This Library of Congress collection contains 59 sound recordings of speeches by American leaders at the turn of the century. Speakers include Warren G. Harding, James Cox, Calvin Coolidge, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Samuel Gompers, Henry Cabot Lodge",
  10428.             "Year": 0
  10429.         },
  10430.         {
  10431.             "RIT": "ws101003",
  10432.             "Type": "WS",
  10433.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/edhtml/edhome.html",
  10434.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10435.             "Title": "Inventing Entertainment: The Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings of the Edison Companies",
  10436.             "Category": "IND",
  10437.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the Library of Congress features 341 motion pictures, 81 disc sound recordings, and other related materials, such as photographs and original magazine articles.",
  10438.             "Year": 0
  10439.         },
  10440.         {
  10441.             "RIT": "ws101004",
  10442.             "Type": "WS",
  10443.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/gwhtml/gwhome.html",
  10444.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10445.             "Title": "George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress",
  10446.             "Category": "HIS",
  10447.             "Description": "This exhibit highlights a collection of correspondence, letterbooks, commonplace books, diaries, journals, financial account books, military records, reports, and notes accumulated by Washington from 1741 through 1799.",
  10448.             "Year": 0
  10449.         },
  10450.         {
  10451.             "RIT": "ws101005",
  10452.             "Type": "WS",
  10453.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/pnhtml/pnhome.html",
  10454.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10455.             "Title": "Panoramic Photographs Collection",
  10456.             "Category": "IND",
  10457.             "Description": "The Panoramic Photograph Collection from the Library of Congress contains approximately 4,000 images featuring American cityscapes, landscapes, and group portraits. The images date from 1851 to 1991 and depict scenes in all 50 states and the Dis",
  10458.             "Year": 0
  10459.         },
  10460.         {
  10461.             "RIT": "ws100912",
  10462.             "Type": "WS",
  10463.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/dalai.html",
  10464.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10465.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso",
  10466.             "Category": "HUM",
  10467.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso.",
  10468.             "Year": 0
  10469.         },
  10470.         {
  10471.             "RIT": "ws100913",
  10472.             "Type": "WS",
  10473.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/behn.html",
  10474.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10475.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Aphra Behn (1640-1689)",
  10476.             "Category": "HUM",
  10477.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10478.             "Year": 0
  10479.         },
  10480.         {
  10481.             "RIT": "ws100914",
  10482.             "Type": "WS",
  10483.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/khatami.html",
  10484.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10485.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Mohammad Khatami",
  10486.             "Category": "GEO",
  10487.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Mohammad Khatami.",
  10488.             "Year": 0
  10489.         },
  10490.         {
  10491.             "RIT": "ws100915",
  10492.             "Type": "WS",
  10493.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/ahussein.html",
  10494.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10495.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: King Abdullah",
  10496.             "Category": "GEO",
  10497.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about King Abdullah.",
  10498.             "Year": 0
  10499.         },
  10500.         {
  10501.             "RIT": "ws100916",
  10502.             "Type": "WS",
  10503.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/addison.html",
  10504.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10505.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Joseph Addison (1672-1719)",
  10506.             "Category": "HUM",
  10507.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10508.             "Year": 0
  10509.         },
  10510.         {
  10511.             "RIT": "ws100918",
  10512.             "Type": "WS",
  10513.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/gore.html",
  10514.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10515.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Albert Gore, Jr.",
  10516.             "Category": "HIS",
  10517.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Albert Gore, Jr.",
  10518.             "Year": 0
  10519.         },
  10520.         {
  10521.             "RIT": "ws100919",
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  10523.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/arafat.html",
  10524.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10525.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Yasser Arafat",
  10526.             "Category": "GEO",
  10527.             "Description": "This profile on Yasser Arafat from ABC News features a link to recent news stories.",
  10528.             "Year": 0
  10529.         },
  10530.         {
  10531.             "RIT": "ws100920",
  10532.             "Type": "WS",
  10533.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/shussein.html",
  10534.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10535.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Saddam Hussein",
  10536.             "Category": "GEO",
  10537.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Saddam Hussein.",
  10538.             "Year": 0
  10539.         },
  10540.         {
  10541.             "RIT": "ws100935",
  10542.             "Type": "WS",
  10543.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/mubarak.html",
  10544.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10545.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Muhammad Hosni Said Mubarak",
  10546.             "Category": "GEO",
  10547.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Muhammad Hosni Said Mubarak.",
  10548.             "Year": 0
  10549.         },
  10550.         {
  10551.             "RIT": "ws100936",
  10552.             "Type": "WS",
  10553.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/browning.html",
  10554.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10555.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Robert Browning (1812-1889)",
  10556.             "Category": "HUM",
  10557.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10558.             "Year": 0
  10559.         },
  10560.         {
  10561.             "RIT": "ws100938",
  10562.             "Type": "WS",
  10563.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/gingrich.html",
  10564.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10565.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Newt Gingrich",
  10566.             "Category": "HIS",
  10567.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Newt Gingrich.",
  10568.             "Year": 0
  10569.         },
  10570.         {
  10571.             "RIT": "ws100940",
  10572.             "Type": "WS",
  10573.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/bede.html",
  10574.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10575.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of the Venerable Bede (673-735)",
  10576.             "Category": "HUM",
  10577.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10578.             "Year": 0
  10579.         },
  10580.         {
  10581.             "RIT": "ws100941",
  10582.             "Type": "WS",
  10583.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/mandela.html",
  10584.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10585.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela",
  10586.             "Category": "GEO",
  10587.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.",
  10588.             "Year": 0
  10589.         },
  10590.         {
  10591.             "RIT": "ws100942",
  10592.             "Type": "WS",
  10593.             "URL": "http://abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/yeltsin.html",
  10594.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10595.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin",
  10596.             "Category": "GEO",
  10597.             "Description": "This profile on Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin from ABC News features a link to recent news stories.",
  10598.             "Year": 0
  10599.         },
  10600.         {
  10601.             "RIT": "ws100943",
  10602.             "Type": "WS",
  10603.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/clinton.html",
  10604.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10605.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: William Jefferson Clinton",
  10606.             "Category": "HIS",
  10607.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about William Jefferson Clinton.",
  10608.             "Year": 0
  10609.         },
  10610.         {
  10611.             "RIT": "ws100944",
  10612.             "Type": "WS",
  10613.             "URL": "http://abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/albright.html",
  10614.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10615.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Madeleine Korbel Albright",
  10616.             "Category": "SOC",
  10617.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News includes a link to recent articles about Madeline Albright.",
  10618.             "Year": 0
  10619.         },
  10620.         {
  10621.             "RIT": "ws100953",
  10622.             "Type": "WS",
  10623.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/davenant.html",
  10624.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10625.             "Title": "SELECTED PROSE OF SIR WILLIAM D'AVENANT (1606-1668)",
  10626.             "Category": "HUM",
  10627.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10628.             "Year": 0
  10629.         },
  10630.         {
  10631.             "RIT": "ws100954",
  10632.             "Type": "WS",
  10633.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/Reno.html",
  10634.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10635.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Janet Reno",
  10636.             "Category": "HIS",
  10637.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Janet Reno.",
  10638.             "Year": 0
  10639.         },
  10640.         {
  10641.             "RIT": "ws100956",
  10642.             "Type": "WS",
  10643.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/defoe.html",
  10644.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10645.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF DANIEL DEFOE (1660-1731)",
  10646.             "Category": "HUM",
  10647.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10648.             "Year": 0
  10649.         },
  10650.         {
  10651.             "RIT": "ws100957",
  10652.             "Type": "WS",
  10653.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/mbeki.html",
  10654.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10655.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Thabo Mbeki",
  10656.             "Category": "GEO",
  10657.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Thabo Mbeki.",
  10658.             "Year": 0
  10659.         },
  10660.         {
  10661.             "RIT": "ws100958",
  10662.             "Type": "WS",
  10663.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/beauflet.html",
  10664.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10665.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Francis Beaumont (1584-1616) and John Fletcher (1579-1625)",
  10666.             "Category": "HUM",
  10667.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10668.             "Year": 0
  10669.         },
  10670.         {
  10671.             "RIT": "ws100960",
  10672.             "Type": "WS",
  10673.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/dowland.html",
  10674.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10675.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOHN DOWLAND (1563-1626)",
  10676.             "Category": "HUM",
  10677.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10678.             "Year": 0
  10679.         },
  10680.         {
  10681.             "RIT": "ws100961",
  10682.             "Type": "WS",
  10683.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/milosevic.html",
  10684.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10685.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Slobodan Milosevic",
  10686.             "Category": "GEO",
  10687.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to news stories about Slobodan Milosevic.",
  10688.             "Year": 0
  10689.         },
  10690.         {
  10691.             "RIT": "ws100970",
  10692.             "Type": "WS",
  10693.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/bierce.html",
  10694.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10695.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Ambrose Bierce",
  10696.             "Category": "IND",
  10697.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10698.             "Year": 0
  10699.         },
  10700.         {
  10701.             "RIT": "ws100971",
  10702.             "Type": "WS",
  10703.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/assad.html",
  10704.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10705.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: Hafez Assad",
  10706.             "Category": "GEO",
  10707.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about Hafez Assad.",
  10708.             "Year": 0
  10709.         },
  10710.         {
  10711.             "RIT": "ws100973",
  10712.             "Type": "WS",
  10713.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/cowper.html",
  10714.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10715.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF WILLIAM COWPER (1731-1800)",
  10716.             "Category": "HUM",
  10717.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10718.             "Year": 0
  10719.         },
  10720.         {
  10721.             "RIT": "ws100974",
  10722.             "Type": "WS",
  10723.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/carman.html",
  10724.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10725.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Bliss Carman (1861-1929)",
  10726.             "Category": "HUM",
  10727.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10728.             "Year": 0
  10729.         },
  10730.         {
  10731.             "RIT": "ws100975",
  10732.             "Type": "WS",
  10733.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/carew.html",
  10734.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10735.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Thomas Carew (1595?-1640)",
  10736.             "Category": "HUM",
  10737.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10738.             "Year": 0
  10739.         },
  10740.         {
  10741.             "RIT": "ws100976",
  10742.             "Type": "WS",
  10743.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/bios/gates.html",
  10744.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10745.             "Title": "ABCNEWS.com Bio: William Henry Gates III",
  10746.             "Category": "IND",
  10747.             "Description": "This profile from ABC News features a link to recent news stories about William Henry Gates III.",
  10748.             "Year": 0
  10749.         },
  10750.         {
  10751.             "RIT": "ws100984",
  10752.             "Type": "WS",
  10753.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/byrd.html",
  10754.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10755.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of William Byrd (1543-1623)",
  10756.             "Category": "HUM",
  10757.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  10758.             "Year": 0
  10759.         },
  10760.         {
  10761.             "RIT": "ws100985",
  10762.             "Type": "WS",
  10763.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/afccchtml/cowhome.html",
  10764.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10765.             "Title": "California Folk Music",
  10766.             "Category": "HUM",
  10767.             "Description": "This collection from the Library of Congress features 35 hours of folk music recorded in 12 languages representing numerous ethnic groups and 185 musicians.",
  10768.             "Year": 0
  10769.         },
  10770.         {
  10771.             "RIT": "ws100986",
  10772.             "Type": "WS",
  10773.             "URL": "http://maple.lemoyne.edu/~giunta/index.html",
  10774.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10775.             "Title": "Classic Chemistry",
  10776.             "Category": "PHY",
  10777.             "Description": "This site, operated by Carmen Giunta, associate professor at Le Moyne College, highlights classic papers from the history of chemistry and Internet resources for chemistry students.",
  10778.             "Year": 0
  10779.         },
  10780.         {
  10781.             "RIT": "ws100987",
  10782.             "Type": "WS",
  10783.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/rr/law/",
  10784.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10785.             "Title": "Law Library of Congress",
  10786.             "Category": "SOC",
  10787.             "Description": "A collection of online databases from the world's largest collection of law books and other legal resources from all countries. This site includes a brief history about the Law Library of Congress, and searchable legal abstracts.",
  10788.             "Year": 0
  10789.         },
  10790.         {
  10791.             "RIT": "ws100988",
  10792.             "Type": "WS",
  10793.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/aap/aaphome.html",
  10794.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10795.             "Title": "African American Pamphlets Home Page",
  10796.             "Category": "SOC",
  10797.             "Description": "The Daniel A. P. Murray Pamphlet Collection at the Library of Congress presents a review of African-American history and culture, spanning almost one hundred years from the early 19th through the early 20th centuries, with the bulk of the materi",
  10798.             "Year": 0
  10799.         },
  10800.         {
  10801.             "RIT": "ws100989",
  10802.             "Type": "WS",
  10803.             "URL": "http://cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1997/gen/resources/players/albright/",
  10804.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10805.             "Title": "AllPolitics - Players - Madeleine Albright",
  10806.             "Category": "SOC",
  10807.             "Description": "This profile of Madeleine Albright from CNN and TIME includes a search engine for finding recent news stories.",
  10808.             "Year": 0
  10809.         },
  10810.         {
  10811.             "RIT": "ws100995",
  10812.             "Type": "WS",
  10813.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award97/ncdhtml/hasmhome.html",
  10814.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10815.             "Title": "Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920",
  10816.             "Category": "HUM",
  10817.             "Description": "This site, sponsored by the Library of Congress, presents a perspective on American history and culture through a variety of music types.",
  10818.             "Year": 0
  10819.         },
  10820.         {
  10821.             "RIT": "ws100996",
  10822.             "Type": "WS",
  10823.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award97/mhsdhtml/aladhome.html",
  10824.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10825.             "Title": "American Landscape and Architectural Design, 1850-1920",
  10826.             "Category": "IND",
  10827.             "Description": "This Library of Congress collection of approximately 2,800 lantern slides represents an historical view of American buildings and landscapes built during the period 1850-1920.",
  10828.             "Year": 0
  10829.         },
  10830.         {
  10831.             "RIT": "ws100997",
  10832.             "Type": "WS",
  10833.             "URL": "http://www.victorianweb.org/victorian/history/workers2.html",
  10834.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10835.             "Title": "The Life of an Industrial worker in 19th Century England",
  10836.             "Category": "HIS",
  10837.             "Description": "This site features information from a textbook on the life of an industrial worker in 19th century Engla",
  10838.             "Year": 0
  10839.         },
  10840.         {
  10841.             "RIT": "ws100998",
  10842.             "Type": "WS",
  10843.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/sawhtml/sawhome.html",
  10844.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10845.             "Title": "The Spanish-American War in Motion Pictures",
  10846.             "Category": "HIS",
  10847.             "Description": "This presentation from the Library of Congress features motion pictures produced between 1898 and 1901 of the Spanish-American War and the subsequent Philippine Revolution. These motion pictures were filmed in the United States, Cuba, and the Ph",
  10848.             "Year": 0
  10849.         },
  10850.         {
  10851.             "RIT": "ws100999",
  10852.             "Type": "WS",
  10853.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/mtjhtml/mtjhome.html",
  10854.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10855.             "Title": "Thomas Jefferson Papers, Library of Congress",
  10856.             "Category": "HIS",
  10857.             "Description": "This online presentation contains approximately 83,000 images, including correspondence, memoranda, notes, and drafts of documents.",
  10858.             "Year": 0
  10859.         },
  10860.         {
  10861.             "RIT": "ws101000",
  10862.             "Type": "WS",
  10863.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/bellhtml/bellhome.html",
  10864.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10865.             "Title": "Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers",
  10866.             "Category": "IND",
  10867.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the Library of Congress includes correspondence, scientific notebooks, journals, blueprints, articles, and photographs. These items document Bell's invention of the telephone and his involvement in the first telephone co",
  10868.             "Year": 0
  10869.         },
  10870.         {
  10871.             "RIT": "ws101006",
  10872.             "Type": "WS",
  10873.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award97/txuhtml/runyhome.html",
  10874.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10875.             "Title": "The South Texas Border, 1900-1920",
  10876.             "Category": "GEO",
  10877.             "Description": "This exhibit from the Library of Congress features the Robert Runyon Photograph Collection of the South Texas Border Area. It includes glass negatives, lantern slides, nitrate negatives, prints, and postcards, representing the life's work of com",
  10878.             "Year": 0
  10879.         },
  10880.         {
  10881.             "RIT": "ws101007",
  10882.             "Type": "WS",
  10883.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/award97/ndfahtml/paz_steam.html",
  10884.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10885.             "Title": "Northern Great Plains, 1880-1920: Steam Engines and Tractors",
  10886.             "Category": "IND",
  10887.             "Description": "A collection of photographs presented by the Library of Congress. This page is part of an exhibit of 119 photos taken by F.A. Pazandak in the early 20th century of a family farm in southeastern North Dakota.",
  10888.             "Year": 0
  10889.         },
  10890.         {
  10891.             "RIT": "ws101008",
  10892.             "Type": "WS",
  10893.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/umhtml/umhome.html",
  10894.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10895.             "Title": "Pioneering the Upper Midwest",
  10896.             "Category": "GEO",
  10897.             "Description": "This online exhibit highlights the states of Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin from the 1600's to the early 1900's. It includes first-person accounts, biographies, promotional literature, local histories, ethnographic and antiquarian texts, colo",
  10898.             "Year": 0
  10899.         },
  10900.         {
  10901.             "RIT": "ws101009",
  10902.             "Type": "WS",
  10903.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/gmdhtml/rrhtml/rrhome.html",
  10904.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10905.             "Title": "Railroad Maps 1828-1900",
  10906.             "Category": "IND",
  10907.             "Description": "This collection from the Library of Congress includes progress report surveys for individual lines, official government surveys, promotional maps, maps showing land grants and rights-of-way, and route guides published by commercial firms.",
  10908.             "Year": 0
  10909.         },
  10910.         {
  10911.             "RIT": "ws101010",
  10912.             "Type": "WS",
  10913.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/naw/nawshome.html",
  10914.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10915.             "Title": "Votes for Women",
  10916.             "Category": "SOC",
  10917.             "Description": "This Library of Congress collection includes 167 books, pamphlets and other artifacts documenting the National American Woman Suffrage Association's campaign for women's right to vote.",
  10918.             "Year": 0
  10919.         },
  10920.         {
  10921.             "RIT": "ws101018",
  10922.             "Type": "WS",
  10923.             "URL": "http://www.armitstead.com/gunpowder/trial.html",
  10924.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10925.             "Title": "The Gunpowder-Plot of 1605",
  10926.             "Category": "HIS",
  10927.             "Description": "This site provides the full transcription of the trial of the conspirators in the Gunpowder-Plot in England, 1605.",
  10928.             "Year": 0
  10929.         },
  10930.         {
  10931.             "RIT": "ws101019",
  10932.             "Type": "WS",
  10933.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/vshtml/vshome.html",
  10934.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10935.             "Title": "American Variety Stage: Vaudeville and Popular Entertainment, 1870-1920",
  10936.             "Category": "HUM",
  10937.             "Description": "This collection from the Library of Congress illustrates the vibrant and diverse forms of popular entertainment, especially vaudeville, that thrived from 1870-1920. Included are English- and Yiddish-language playscripts, theater playbills and pr",
  10938.             "Year": 0
  10939.         },
  10940.         {
  10941.             "RIT": "ws101020",
  10942.             "Type": "WS",
  10943.             "URL": "http://www-wilson.ucsd.edu/education/edu.revised.html",
  10944.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10945.             "Title": "Chemistry Visualized",
  10946.             "Category": "PHY",
  10947.             "Description": "A collection of educational multimedia presentations, created by researchers at the University of California, San Diego.",
  10948.             "Year": 0
  10949.         },
  10950.         {
  10951.             "RIT": "ws101021",
  10952.             "Type": "WS",
  10953.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/wghtml/wghome.html",
  10954.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10955.             "Title": "Photographs from the Golden Age of Jazz",
  10956.             "Category": "HUM",
  10957.             "Description": "The Library of Congress presents the William P. Gottlieb Collection, comprising more than 1,600 photographs of celebrated jazz artists. This collection documents the jazz scene from 1938 to 1948, primarily in New York City and Washington, D.C.",
  10958.             "Year": 0
  10959.         },
  10960.         {
  10961.             "RIT": "ws101022",
  10962.             "Type": "WS",
  10963.             "URL": "http://www.sosmath.com/",
  10964.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10965.             "Title": "S.O.S. Mathematics",
  10966.             "Category": "PHY",
  10967.             "Description": "A commercial mathematics review site featuring sections on algebra, trigonometry, calculus, differential equations, complex variables, and matrix algebra.",
  10968.             "Year": 0
  10969.         },
  10970.         {
  10971.             "RIT": "ws101023",
  10972.             "Type": "WS",
  10973.             "URL": "http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/Page1.asp",
  10974.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10975.             "Title": "The British Monarchy - The Official Web Site",
  10976.             "Category": "HIS",
  10977.             "Description": "The official Web site of the British monarchy features historical information, photos, and biographical profiles.",
  10978.             "Year": 0
  10979.         },
  10980.         {
  10981.             "RIT": "ws101024",
  10982.             "Type": "WS",
  10983.             "URL": "http://www.icbl.org/",
  10984.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10985.             "Title": "International Campaign to Ban Landmines",
  10986.             "Category": "SOC",
  10987.             "Description": "This site is operated by the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, a campaign for international ban on the use, production, stockpiling, and sale, transfer, or export of antipersonal landmines.",
  10988.             "Year": 0
  10989.         },
  10990.         {
  10991.             "RIT": "ws101011",
  10992.             "Type": "WS",
  10993.             "URL": "http://renaissance-faire.com/Renfaires/Entertainment/History-of-Morris-Dance.htm",
  10994.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  10995.             "Title": "Morris Dancing -- History",
  10996.             "Category": "REC",
  10997.             "Description": "A site that features information on the history of English Morris dancing, a dance that was popular in the Middle Ages and is still performed in England on days such as Plough Monday, Easter, and the start of spring.",
  10998.             "Year": 0
  10999.         },
  11000.         {
  11001.             "RIT": "ws101012",
  11002.             "Type": "WS",
  11003.             "URL": "http://chemistry.mtu.edu/PAGES/HISTORY/HomePage.html",
  11004.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11005.             "Title": "History of Chemistry",
  11006.             "Category": "PHY",
  11007.             "Description": "This set of essays traces the history of chemistry from the ancients to the nuclear atom and includes biographical information about important scientists. The site was developed by Paul Charlesworth, Michigan Tech.",
  11008.             "Year": 0
  11009.         },
  11010.         {
  11011.             "RIT": "ws101013",
  11012.             "Type": "WS",
  11013.             "URL": "http://rs9.loc.gov/medicare/",
  11014.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11015.             "Title": "National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare",
  11016.             "Category": "SOC",
  11017.             "Description": "A collection of reports about Medicare from the National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare, which was created by Congress in 1997.",
  11018.             "Year": 0
  11019.         },
  11020.         {
  11021.             "RIT": "ws101014",
  11022.             "Type": "WS",
  11023.             "URL": "http://www.ScienceU.com/",
  11024.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11025.             "Title": "Science U",
  11026.             "Category": "PHY",
  11027.             "Description": "This site, developed by scientists from the University of Minnesota's Geometry Center, features interactive exhibits and multimedia articles about geometry, astronomy, and nature.",
  11028.             "Year": 0
  11029.         },
  11030.         {
  11031.             "RIT": "ws101015",
  11032.             "Type": "WS",
  11033.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/wtc/wtchome.html",
  11034.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11035.             "Title": "World's Transportation Commission Photograph Collection",
  11036.             "Category": "IND",
  11037.             "Description": "Presented by the Library of Congress, this collection contains nearly 900 images by American photographer William Henry Jackson. Types of transporation pictured include railroads, elephants, camels, horses, sleds and sleighs, sedan chairs, and rickshaws.",
  11038.             "Year": 0
  11039.         },
  11040.         {
  11041.             "RIT": "ws101017",
  11042.             "Type": "WS",
  11043.             "URL": "http://secretary.state.gov/index.html",
  11044.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11045.             "Title": "U.S. Department of State, Secretary of State Home Page",
  11046.             "Category": "SOC",
  11047.             "Description": "This page features a biography of Madeleine Albright and highlights her speeches and travels.",
  11048.             "Year": 0
  11049.         },
  11050.         {
  11051.             "RIT": "ws101025",
  11052.             "Type": "WS",
  11053.             "URL": "http://www.icrc.org/icrceng.nsf/5cacfdf48ca698b641256242003b3295/e5f5d353220db153412565cc00331bb1?OpenDocument",
  11054.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11055.             "Title": "Banning anti-personnel mines: The Ottawa treaty explained",
  11056.             "Category": "SOC",
  11057.             "Description": "This site provides information on the international treaty to ban landmines.",
  11058.             "Year": 0
  11059.         },
  11060.         {
  11061.             "RIT": "ws101026",
  11062.             "Type": "WS",
  11063.             "URL": "http://www.memst.edu/egypt/main.html",
  11064.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11065.             "Title": "The Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology",
  11066.             "Category": "GEO",
  11067.             "Description": "Homepage for the University of Memphis Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology. This site includes an exhibit of artifacts and a tour along the Nile River.",
  11068.             "Year": 0
  11069.         },
  11070.         {
  11071.             "RIT": "ws101027",
  11072.             "Type": "WS",
  11073.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/1997/gen/resources/infocus/welfare/",
  11074.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11075.             "Title": "In Focus: Welfare Reform",
  11076.             "Category": "SOC",
  11077.             "Description": "This special report from CNN focuses on wefare reform legislation. It includes background information, analysis, and state-specific reports.",
  11078.             "Year": 0
  11079.         },
  11080.         {
  11081.             "RIT": "ws101028",
  11082.             "Type": "WS",
  11083.             "URL": "http://www.wwf.org/species/elephants/index.html",
  11084.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11085.             "Title": "Asian Elephants In The Wild",
  11086.             "Category": "LIF",
  11087.             "Description": "A species status report from the World Wildlife Fund.",
  11088.             "Year": 0
  11089.         },
  11090.         {
  11091.             "RIT": "ws101029",
  11092.             "Type": "WS",
  11093.             "URL": "http://www.un.org/Depts/Landmine/UNDocs/ban_trty.htm",
  11094.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11095.             "Title": "Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personne",
  11096.             "Category": "SOC",
  11097.             "Description": "Text of the UN treaty to ban land mines.",
  11098.             "Year": 0
  11099.         },
  11100.         {
  11101.             "RIT": "ws101030",
  11102.             "Type": "WS",
  11103.             "URL": "http://www.medicare.gov/",
  11104.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11105.             "Title": "Medicare -- The Official U.S. Government Site for Medicare Information",
  11106.             "Category": "SOC",
  11107.             "Description": "This site includes an overview of Medicare as well as information relating to health plans, wellness, fraud and abuse, and nursing homes.",
  11108.             "Year": 0
  11109.         },
  11110.         {
  11111.             "RIT": "ws101032",
  11112.             "Type": "WS",
  11113.             "URL": "http://www.elephant.tnet.co.th/elephant.html",
  11114.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11115.             "Title": "Friends of the Asian Elephant",
  11116.             "Category": "LIF",
  11117.             "Description": "A site the features information about the Asian elephants and their struggle for survival.",
  11118.             "Year": 0
  11119.         },
  11120.         {
  11121.             "RIT": "ws101033",
  11122.             "Type": "WS",
  11123.             "URL": "http://www.ibiscom.com/bayeux.htm",
  11124.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11125.             "Title": "Invasion Of England, 1066",
  11126.             "Category": "HIS",
  11127.             "Description": "This site features information taken from a textbook on the invasion of England, 1066.",
  11128.             "Year": 0
  11129.         },
  11130.         {
  11131.             "RIT": "ws101120",
  11132.             "Type": "WS",
  11133.             "URL": "http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/kennedy_index/kennedy_index.html",
  11134.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11135.             "Title": "ABCNews.com: Complete Kennedy Coverage",
  11136.             "Category": "HIS",
  11137.             "Description": "This site from ABC News features reports about the death of John F. Kennedy, Jr., including profiles of Kennedy, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, and Lauren Bessette.",
  11138.             "Year": 0
  11139.         },
  11140.         {
  11141.             "RIT": "ws101121",
  11142.             "Type": "WS",
  11143.             "URL": "http://www.usdoj.gov/kidspage/crt/",
  11144.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11145.             "Title": "Civil Rights - Law and History",
  11146.             "Category": "SOC",
  11147.             "Description": "This page from the United States Department of Justice contains information on civil rights in education and other areas.",
  11148.             "Year": 0
  11149.         },
  11150.         {
  11151.             "RIT": "ws101123",
  11152.             "Type": "WS",
  11153.             "URL": "http://www.umdnj.edu/ntbcweb/tbsplash.html",
  11154.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11155.             "Title": "New Jersey Medical School National Tuberculosis Center",
  11156.             "Category": "LIF",
  11157.             "Description": "Homepage of one of three Model Tuberculosis Centers funded by the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Includes a brief history of the disease, information on diagnosis and treatment, and education materials.",
  11158.             "Year": 0
  11159.         },
  11160.         {
  11161.             "RIT": "ws101124",
  11162.             "Type": "WS",
  11163.             "URL": "http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/",
  11164.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11165.             "Title": "Planetary Sciences at the National Space Science Data Center",
  11166.             "Category": "IND",
  11167.             "Description": "The National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) is NASA's deep archive and general distribution center for lunar and planetary data and images.",
  11168.             "Year": 0
  11169.         },
  11170.         {
  11171.             "RIT": "ws101125",
  11172.             "Type": "WS",
  11173.             "URL": "http://www.uscg.mil/hq/g-o/g-opr/sar.htm",
  11174.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11175.             "Title": "United States Coast Guard: Search and Rescue",
  11176.             "Category": "SOC",
  11177.             "Description": "Home page for the U.S. Coast Guard's search and rescue operation. It includes statistics and general information about the operation.",
  11178.             "Year": 0
  11179.         },
  11180.         {
  11181.             "RIT": "ws101126",
  11182.             "Type": "WS",
  11183.             "URL": "http://web.mahatma.org.in/",
  11184.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11185.             "Title": "The Mahatma Gandhi Homepage",
  11186.             "Category": "HIS",
  11187.             "Description": "This site features information about the life and work of Mohandas Gandhi and a discussion group. Hosted by the Mahatma Gandhi Foundation, founded by Gandhi's great grandson, Tushar Arun Gandhi.",
  11188.             "Year": 0
  11189.         },
  11190.         {
  11191.             "RIT": "ws101138",
  11192.             "Type": "WS",
  11193.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~kennedy/",
  11194.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11195.             "Title": "Senator Edward M. Kennedy",
  11196.             "Category": "HIS",
  11197.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Edward Kenned",
  11198.             "Year": 0
  11199.         },
  11200.         {
  11201.             "RIT": "ws101139",
  11202.             "Type": "WS",
  11203.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/iraq/",
  11204.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11205.             "Title": "Strike on Iraq",
  11206.             "Category": "GEO",
  11207.             "Description": "This in-depth special feature from CNN includes news reports, background information, an interactive map, and images and video of the 1998 attack on Iraq by Britain and the United States.",
  11208.             "Year": 0
  11209.         },
  11210.         {
  11211.             "RIT": "ws101140",
  11212.             "Type": "WS",
  11213.             "URL": "http://www.israel.org/mfa/home.asp",
  11214.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11215.             "Title": "Israel Minister of Foreign Affairs",
  11216.             "Category": "GEO",
  11217.             "Description": "This site is designed to provide basic information about Israel and its people, and offer comprehensive material on the Israeli government and its policies.",
  11218.             "Year": 0
  11219.         },
  11220.         {
  11221.             "RIT": "ws101141",
  11222.             "Type": "WS",
  11223.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/kennedy/",
  11224.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11225.             "Title": "CNN Special Report: Remembering John F. Kennedy, Jr.",
  11226.             "Category": "HIS",
  11227.             "Description": "This site offers in-depth coverage of John F. Kennedy, Jr.'s tragic flight, including biographies of his passengers and a look back at Kennedy history.",
  11228.             "Year": 0
  11229.         },
  11230.         {
  11231.             "RIT": "ws101143",
  11232.             "Type": "WS",
  11233.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/",
  11234.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11235.             "Title": "CNN - Cold War",
  11236.             "Category": "HIS",
  11237.             "Description": "This in-depth special feature from CNN includes interactive maps, archival footage, recently declassified documents, and an educator's guide.",
  11238.             "Year": 0
  11239.         },
  11240.         {
  11241.             "RIT": "ws101144",
  11242.             "Type": "WS",
  11243.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9709/mother.teresa/",
  11244.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11245.             "Title": "CNN - Mother Teresa: Angel of Mercy",
  11246.             "Category": "HUM",
  11247.             "Description": "This CNN special report first appeared after the death of Mother Teresa. It includes stories and multimedia.",
  11248.             "Year": 0
  11249.         },
  11250.         {
  11251.             "RIT": "ws101145",
  11252.             "Type": "WS",
  11253.             "URL": "http://www.globe.com/globe/nation/packages/rethinking_integration/photos_day2.htm",
  11254.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11255.             "Title": "Boston Globe Online: Rethinking Integration",
  11256.             "Category": "SOC",
  11257.             "Description": "This feature focuses on current issues in school integration.",
  11258.             "Year": 0
  11259.         },
  11260.         {
  11261.             "RIT": "ws101146",
  11262.             "Type": "WS",
  11263.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/books/1999/hemingway/",
  11264.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11265.             "Title": "A Hemingway Retrospective",
  11266.             "Category": "HUM",
  11267.             "Description": "This comprehensive special feature from CNN includes photgraphs, biographical materials, a bibliography, and TIME Magazine reviews and articles.",
  11268.             "Year": 0
  11269.         },
  11270.         {
  11271.             "RIT": "ws101156",
  11272.             "Type": "WS",
  11273.             "URL": "http://www.iuatld.org/",
  11274.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11275.             "Title": "International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease",
  11276.             "Category": "LIF",
  11277.             "Description": "A non-profit, non-governmental voluntary organization founded in 1920, dedicated to the prevention and control of tuberculosis and lung disease, to disseminating information about the hazards of smoking, and to the promotion of overall community health.",
  11278.             "Year": 0
  11279.         },
  11280.         {
  11281.             "RIT": "ws101157",
  11282.             "Type": "WS",
  11283.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/global/human_rights/1998_hrp_report/china.html",
  11284.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11285.             "Title": "U.S. Department of State: 1998 Human Rights Report--China",
  11286.             "Category": "GEO",
  11287.             "Description": "A report on the status of human rights in China from the U.S. State Department.",
  11288.             "Year": 0
  11289.         },
  11290.         {
  11291.             "RIT": "ws101158",
  11292.             "Type": "WS",
  11293.             "URL": "http://lwf.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/ncdc.html",
  11294.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11295.             "Title": "National Climatic Data Center",
  11296.             "Category": "PHY",
  11297.             "Description": "A resource for national climate information, including radar and satellite images.",
  11298.             "Year": 0
  11299.         },
  11300.         {
  11301.             "RIT": "ws101159",
  11302.             "Type": "WS",
  11303.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/06/china/",
  11304.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11305.             "Title": "CNN - Beyond Tiananmen: Clinton in China",
  11306.             "Category": "HIS",
  11307.             "Description": "This in-depth special feature focuses on President Bill Clinton's nine-day trip to China in July 1998. It includes background information and daily reports.",
  11308.             "Year": 0
  11309.         },
  11310.         {
  11311.             "RIT": "ws101160",
  11312.             "Type": "WS",
  11313.             "URL": "http://www.cs.umb.edu/jfklibrary/index.htm",
  11314.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11315.             "Title": "John F. Kennedy Library and Museum",
  11316.             "Category": "HIS",
  11317.             "Description": "Home page of the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum located in Boston, Massachusetts.",
  11318.             "Year": 0
  11319.         },
  11320.         {
  11321.             "RIT": "ws101161",
  11322.             "Type": "WS",
  11323.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/euro/",
  11324.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11325.             "Title": "Enter the Euro",
  11326.             "Category": "SOC",
  11327.             "Description": "This special feature from CNN includes news reports, a picture gallery, and an interactive map.",
  11328.             "Year": 0
  11329.         },
  11330.         {
  11331.             "RIT": "ws101162",
  11332.             "Type": "WS",
  11333.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/guns/",
  11334.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11335.             "Title": "Guns Under Fire",
  11336.             "Category": "SOC",
  11337.             "Description": "This in-depth special report from CNN includes news reports, maps, and guides to gun laws and lawsuits.",
  11338.             "Year": 0
  11339.         },
  11340.         {
  11341.             "RIT": "ws101163",
  11342.             "Type": "WS",
  11343.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/israeli.elections/",
  11344.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11345.             "Title": "Israeli Elections 1999",
  11346.             "Category": "GEO",
  11347.             "Description": "This special feature from CNN features guides to candidates, issues, parties, and the election process. Also included are background information about Israel and election news reports.",
  11348.             "Year": 0
  11349.         },
  11350.         {
  11351.             "RIT": "ws101172",
  11352.             "Type": "WS",
  11353.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/TECH/specials/apollo/",
  11354.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11355.             "Title": "Apollo 11 at 30",
  11356.             "Category": "IND",
  11357.             "Description": "This in-depth special feature from CNN includes news reports, video clips of historic rocket launches, a virtual tour of a Saturn rocket, and an interactive display of space suits.",
  11358.             "Year": 0
  11359.         },
  11360.         {
  11361.             "RIT": "ws101173",
  11362.             "Type": "WS",
  11363.             "URL": "http://www.china-embassy.org/",
  11364.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11365.             "Title": "Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C.",
  11366.             "Category": "GEO",
  11367.             "Description": "Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the United States of America. This site includes information about China's provinces, China-U.S. relations, and economy and trade.",
  11368.             "Year": 0
  11369.         },
  11370.         {
  11371.             "RIT": "ws101174",
  11372.             "Type": "WS",
  11373.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/space/station/",
  11374.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11375.             "Title": "City in Space",
  11376.             "Category": "IND",
  11377.             "Description": "This special feature from CNN includes news reports, 360-degree images, animations, and statistics about the International Space Station.",
  11378.             "Year": 0
  11379.         },
  11380.         {
  11381.             "RIT": "ws101175",
  11382.             "Type": "WS",
  11383.             "URL": "http://www.noah-health.org/english/illness/tb/tb.html",
  11384.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11385.             "Title": "Ask NOAH About: Tuberculosis",
  11386.             "Category": "LIF",
  11387.             "Description": "From the New York Online Access to Health (NOAH) project, a partnership of the City University of New York, the Metropolitan New York Library Council, the New York Academy of Medicine, and the New York Public Library. The site includes basic inf",
  11388.             "Year": 0
  11389.         },
  11390.         {
  11391.             "RIT": "ws101176",
  11392.             "Type": "WS",
  11393.             "URL": "http://www.knesset.gov.il/main/eng/engframe.htm",
  11394.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11395.             "Title": "The Knesset - The Parliament of Israel",
  11396.             "Category": "GEO",
  11397.             "Description": "Homepage of the Knesset, including information about Israel's parliament and links to other government sites.",
  11398.             "Year": 0
  11399.         },
  11400.         {
  11401.             "RIT": "ws101177",
  11402.             "Type": "WS",
  11403.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/nigerian.elections/",
  11404.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11405.             "Title": "Nigerian Election",
  11406.             "Category": "GEO",
  11407.             "Description": "This in-depth special report from CNN highlights the elections held in May, 1999. It includes a timeline, maps, and background information about the election process, candidates, and political parties.",
  11408.             "Year": 0
  11409.         },
  11410.         {
  11411.             "RIT": "ws101178",
  11412.             "Type": "WS",
  11413.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/china.50/flash.html",
  11414.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11415.             "Title": "Visions of China",
  11416.             "Category": "GEO",
  11417.             "Description": "This in-depth special feature from CNN commemorates the 50th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. It includes news reports, background information, and an interactive quiz.",
  11418.             "Year": 0
  11419.         },
  11420.         {
  11421.             "RIT": "ws101187",
  11422.             "Type": "WS",
  11423.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/pope/",
  11424.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11425.             "Title": "CNN - Biography - Pope John Paul II",
  11426.             "Category": "HUM",
  11427.             "Description": "This special feature from CNN includes biographical information and photographs of Pope John Paul II, a panoramic view of the Vatican, and reports on the papal selection process.",
  11428.             "Year": 0
  11429.         },
  11430.         {
  11431.             "RIT": "ws101188",
  11432.             "Type": "WS",
  11433.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/struggle_for_peace/",
  11434.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11435.             "Title": "The Mideast Struggle for Peace",
  11436.             "Category": "HIS",
  11437.             "Description": "This in-depth special feature from CNN includes latest news, background information, biographies of key players, maps, and related Web sites.",
  11438.             "Year": 0
  11439.         },
  11440.         {
  11441.             "RIT": "ws101190",
  11442.             "Type": "WS",
  11443.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/safrican.elections/",
  11444.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11445.             "Title": "South African Elections 1999",
  11446.             "Category": "GEO",
  11447.             "Description": "This in-depth special feature from CNN includes a country profile, an election guide, and news reports.",
  11448.             "Year": 0
  11449.         },
  11450.         {
  11451.             "RIT": "ws101191",
  11452.             "Type": "WS",
  11453.             "URL": "http://www.statequarters.com/",
  11454.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11455.             "Title": "Coin World - State Quarters Homepage",
  11456.             "Category": "SOC",
  11457.             "Description": "Coin World presents a site on the commemorative state quarters. Information geared toward collectors includes how to spot mistakes on the quarters and options for buing proof sets. This site also includes coinage designs and historical information",
  11458.             "Year": 0
  11459.         },
  11460.         {
  11461.             "RIT": "ws101192",
  11462.             "Type": "WS",
  11463.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/indonesian.elections/",
  11464.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11465.             "Title": "Indonesian Elections - June 1999",
  11466.             "Category": "GEO",
  11467.             "Description": "This in-depth special feature from CNN includes news coverage and background information about the country and its politics.",
  11468.             "Year": 0
  11469.         },
  11470.         {
  11471.             "RIT": "ws101193",
  11472.             "Type": "WS",
  11473.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/hajj/",
  11474.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11475.             "Title": "Journey to the Hajj",
  11476.             "Category": "HUM",
  11477.             "Description": "CNN presents a four-part video report on the annual pilgrimage of Muslims to Mecca.",
  11478.             "Year": 0
  11479.         },
  11480.         {
  11481.             "RIT": "ws101194",
  11482.             "Type": "WS",
  11483.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/cuba.pope/",
  11484.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11485.             "Title": "The Papal Visit to Cuba",
  11486.             "Category": "GEO",
  11487.             "Description": "This special feature from CNN focuses on the Pope's 5-day visit to Cuba in 1998. It includes background information and daily news reports.",
  11488.             "Year": 0
  11489.         },
  11490.         {
  11491.             "RIT": "ws101203",
  11492.             "Type": "WS",
  11493.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/EVENTS/1997/star.wars.anniversary/",
  11494.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11495.             "Title": "Star Wars Returns",
  11496.             "Category": "HUM",
  11497.             "Description": "This site was created by CNN to commemorate the 20th anniversary re-release of the Star Wars movies. It inludes film clips and reports about George Lucas's legacy and the cultural impact of Star Wars.",
  11498.             "Year": 0
  11499.         },
  11500.         {
  11501.             "RIT": "ws101204",
  11502.             "Type": "WS",
  11503.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/hardy.html",
  11504.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11505.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF THOMAS HARDY (1840-1928)",
  11506.             "Category": "HUM",
  11507.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  11508.             "Year": 0
  11509.         },
  11510.         {
  11511.             "RIT": "ws101205",
  11512.             "Type": "WS",
  11513.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/housman.html",
  11514.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11515.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF A. E. HOUSMAN (1859-1936)",
  11516.             "Category": "HUM",
  11517.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  11518.             "Year": 0
  11519.         },
  11520.         {
  11521.             "RIT": "ws101206",
  11522.             "Type": "WS",
  11523.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/gay.html",
  11524.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11525.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOHN GAY (1685-1732)",
  11526.             "Category": "HUM",
  11527.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  11528.             "Year": 0
  11529.         },
  11530.         {
  11531.             "RIT": "ws101207",
  11532.             "Type": "WS",
  11533.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/1eliz.html",
  11534.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11535.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF ELIZABETH I (1533-1603)",
  11536.             "Category": "GEO",
  11537.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  11538.             "Year": 0
  11539.         },
  11540.         {
  11541.             "RIT": "ws101208",
  11542.             "Type": "WS",
  11543.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/holmes.html",
  11544.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11545.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES (1809-1894)",
  11546.             "Category": "HUM",
  11547.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  11548.             "Year": 0
  11549.         },
  11550.         {
  11551.             "RIT": "ws101034",
  11552.             "Type": "WS",
  11553.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/resources/1999/medicare/",
  11554.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11555.             "Title": "Reforming Medicare",
  11556.             "Category": "SOC",
  11557.             "Description": "This comprehensive special report from CNN includes video reports, news stories, and related Web sites.",
  11558.             "Year": 0
  11559.         },
  11560.         {
  11561.             "RIT": "ws101035",
  11562.             "Type": "WS",
  11563.             "URL": "http://www.sci.mus.mn.us/sln/ma/",
  11564.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11565.             "Title": "Maya Adventure",
  11566.             "Category": "SOC",
  11567.             "Description": "This site, presented by the Science Museum of Minnesota, highlights science activities and information related to ancient and modern Maya culture. It includes images and activities.",
  11568.             "Year": 0
  11569.         },
  11570.         {
  11571.             "RIT": "ws101036",
  11572.             "Type": "WS",
  11573.             "URL": "http://www.llnl.gov/landmine/landmine_whos_who.html",
  11574.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11575.             "Title": "Landmine Who's Who",
  11576.             "Category": "SOC",
  11577.             "Description": "This site provides information about the leading figures involved in the campaign to ban landmines.",
  11578.             "Year": 0
  11579.         },
  11580.         {
  11581.             "RIT": "ws101037",
  11582.             "Type": "WS",
  11583.             "URL": "http://www.landminesurvivors.org/index.html",
  11584.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11585.             "Title": "Landmine Survivors Network",
  11586.             "Category": "SOC",
  11587.             "Description": "This site provides help and support for landmine survivors.",
  11588.             "Year": 0
  11589.         },
  11590.         {
  11591.             "RIT": "ws101038",
  11592.             "Type": "WS",
  11593.             "URL": "http://www.buschgardens.org/AnimalBytes/asian_elephantab.html",
  11594.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11595.             "Title": "Animal Bytes: Asian Elephant",
  11596.             "Category": "LIF",
  11597.             "Description": "This site features facts on Asian elephants.",
  11598.             "Year": 0
  11599.         },
  11600.         {
  11601.             "RIT": "ws101039",
  11602.             "Type": "WS",
  11603.             "URL": "http://www.thewildones.org/Animals/elephant.html",
  11604.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11605.             "Title": "The Wild Ones: Asian Elephant",
  11606.             "Category": "LIF",
  11607.             "Description": "A site about Asian elephants operated by Wild Ones, a children's education project of Wildlife Preservation Trust International.",
  11608.             "Year": 0
  11609.         },
  11610.         {
  11611.             "RIT": "ws101064",
  11612.             "Type": "WS",
  11613.             "URL": "http://www.nationaltbcenter.edu/",
  11614.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11615.             "Title": "Francis J. Curry National Tuberculosis Center",
  11616.             "Category": "LIF",
  11617.             "Description": "Homepage of one of three Model Tuberculosis Centers funded by the Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Includes information on training, education, and online learning.",
  11618.             "Year": 0
  11619.         },
  11620.         {
  11621.             "RIT": "ws101072",
  11622.             "Type": "WS",
  11623.             "URL": "http://www.nationalparks.org/guide/parks/frederick-la-1788.htm",
  11624.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11625.             "Title": "NPS Guide, Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site",
  11626.             "Category": "IND",
  11627.             "Description": "National Park Services site on Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site in Brookline, Massachusetts.",
  11628.             "Year": 0
  11629.         },
  11630.         {
  11631.             "RIT": "ws101127",
  11632.             "Type": "WS",
  11633.             "URL": "http://www.who.int/gtb/",
  11634.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11635.             "Title": "WHO - Tuberculosis web site",
  11636.             "Category": "LIF",
  11637.             "Description": "From the World Health Organization. Includes links to The TB Treatment Observer (Issue 8 - May 15, 1999), the WHO report on Tuberculosis 1998, and the Global Tuberculosis Control - WHO Report 1999.",
  11638.             "Year": 0
  11639.         },
  11640.         {
  11641.             "RIT": "ws101130",
  11642.             "Type": "WS",
  11643.             "URL": "http://www.tuberculosis.net/",
  11644.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11645.             "Title": "Tuberculosis.Net",
  11646.             "Category": "LIF",
  11647.             "Description": "Designed by the faculty at Montefore Medical Center to provide educational materials to help people understand the nature of tuberculosis and how it is diagnosed and treated.",
  11648.             "Year": 0
  11649.         },
  11650.         {
  11651.             "RIT": "ws101131",
  11652.             "Type": "WS",
  11653.             "URL": "http://enso.unl.edu/ndmc/",
  11654.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11655.             "Title": "National Drought Mitigation Center",
  11656.             "Category": "PHY",
  11657.             "Description": "A Web site to assist people and institutions in developing and implementing measures to reduce vulnerability to drought.",
  11658.             "Year": 0
  11659.         },
  11660.         {
  11661.             "RIT": "ws101132",
  11662.             "Type": "WS",
  11663.             "URL": "http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/press/1997/JULY/970706.HTM",
  11664.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11665.             "Title": "Scientist Develops Viable Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line",
  11666.             "Category": "LIF",
  11667.             "Description": "A press release from Johns Hopkins University describing the development of the first human embryonic stem cells in a laboratory.",
  11668.             "Year": 0
  11669.         },
  11670.         {
  11671.             "RIT": "ws101133",
  11672.             "Type": "WS",
  11673.             "URL": "http://cgi.pathfinder.com/time/magazine/articles/0,3266,26453,00.html",
  11674.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11675.             "Title": "TIME Magazine--The Dynasty",
  11676.             "Category": "HIS",
  11677.             "Description": "A profile of the Kennedy family from TIME magazine. This Web page is part of a special feature on influential people of the 20th century.",
  11678.             "Year": 0
  11679.         },
  11680.         {
  11681.             "RIT": "ws101134",
  11682.             "Type": "WS",
  11683.             "URL": "http://images.jsc.nasa.gov/iams/html/pao/mr4.htm",
  11684.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11685.             "Title": "NASA Photos: MR4",
  11686.             "Category": "IND",
  11687.             "Description": "A collection of photos of Virgil Grissom and the Liberty Bell 7 capsule.",
  11688.             "Year": 0
  11689.         },
  11690.         {
  11691.             "RIT": "ws101136",
  11692.             "Type": "WS",
  11693.             "URL": "http://www.mvy.com/",
  11694.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11695.             "Title": "Martha's Vineyard Chamber of Commerce",
  11696.             "Category": "GEO",
  11697.             "Description": "This site contains information about the island of Martha's Vineyard. It includes sections on accomodations, activities, and newspapers.",
  11698.             "Year": 0
  11699.         },
  11700.         {
  11701.             "RIT": "ws101137",
  11702.             "Type": "WS",
  11703.             "URL": "http://www.c-span.org/china/",
  11704.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11705.             "Title": "C-Span: Trade relations with China",
  11706.             "Category": "GEO",
  11707.             "Description": "This site contains video clips from the cable channel's visit to Beijing and Shanghai.",
  11708.             "Year": 0
  11709.         },
  11710.         {
  11711.             "RIT": "ws101147",
  11712.             "Type": "WS",
  11713.             "URL": "http://www.cbu.edu/Gandhi/",
  11714.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11715.             "Title": "M. K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence",
  11716.             "Category": "HIS",
  11717.             "Description": "Christian Brothers University hosts the M. K. Institute for Nonviolence, founded by Gandhi's grandson, Arun Gandhi. This site includes information about the work of Mohandas Gandhi.",
  11718.             "Year": 0
  11719.         },
  11720.         {
  11721.             "RIT": "ws101148",
  11722.             "Type": "WS",
  11723.             "URL": "http://www2.worldbook.com/features/apollo11/html/intro.htm",
  11724.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11725.             "Title": "One Giant Leap...The 30th Anniversary of Apollo 11",
  11726.             "Category": "IND",
  11727.             "Description": "From World Book, this site covers the Apollo Program and the moon, with quizzes and Web links.",
  11728.             "Year": 0
  11729.         },
  11730.         {
  11731.             "RIT": "ws101149",
  11732.             "Type": "WS",
  11733.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/nchstp/tb/",
  11734.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11735.             "Title": "CDC Division of Tuberculosis Elimination",
  11736.             "Category": "LIF",
  11737.             "Description": "Homepage of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for HIV, STD and TB Prevention, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination.",
  11738.             "Year": 0
  11739.         },
  11740.         {
  11741.             "RIT": "ws101150",
  11742.             "Type": "WS",
  11743.             "URL": "http://www.pmo.gov.il/english/",
  11744.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11745.             "Title": "Office of the Israeli Prime Minister",
  11746.             "Category": "GEO",
  11747.             "Description": "An official site from the government of Israel.",
  11748.             "Year": 0
  11749.         },
  11750.         {
  11751.             "RIT": "ws101151",
  11752.             "Type": "WS",
  11753.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/olympic.probe/",
  11754.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11755.             "Title": "The Olympic Games Scandal",
  11756.             "Category": "REC",
  11757.             "Description": "This in-depth special report from CNN includes an overview of the 1998 scandal as well as news stories and key documents.",
  11758.             "Year": 0
  11759.         },
  11760.         {
  11761.             "RIT": "ws101153",
  11762.             "Type": "WS",
  11763.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/africa/",
  11764.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11765.             "Title": "A Bridge to Africa",
  11766.             "Category": "HIS",
  11767.             "Description": "In March 1997, Bill Clinton paid the first visit to sub-Saharan Africa by a U.S. president in more than 20 years. In this special feature, CNN presents a look at the issues that confront the continent as well as stories from the president's trip.",
  11768.             "Year": 0
  11769.         },
  11770.         {
  11771.             "RIT": "ws101154",
  11772.             "Type": "WS",
  11773.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/iran/",
  11774.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11775.             "Title": "Iran: A New Opening",
  11776.             "Category": "GEO",
  11777.             "Description": "This special feature from CNN includes biographies of President Mohammad Khatami and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, as well as video footage and a timeline of events.",
  11778.             "Year": 0
  11779.         },
  11780.         {
  11781.             "RIT": "ws101155",
  11782.             "Type": "WS",
  11783.             "URL": "http://www.ksc.nasa.gov/history/mercury/mr-4/mr-4.html",
  11784.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11785.             "Title": "Liberty Bell 7 MR-4(19)",
  11786.             "Category": "IND",
  11787.             "Description": "A fact sheet on NASA Project Mercury Mission MR-4.",
  11788.             "Year": 0
  11789.         },
  11790.         {
  11791.             "RIT": "ws101164",
  11792.             "Type": "WS",
  11793.             "URL": "http://www2.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/jk35.html",
  11794.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11795.             "Title": "Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis",
  11796.             "Category": "HIS",
  11797.             "Description": "The White House presents a biography of this first lady.",
  11798.             "Year": 0
  11799.         },
  11800.         {
  11801.             "RIT": "ws101165",
  11802.             "Type": "WS",
  11803.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/space/glenn/",
  11804.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11805.             "Title": "John Glenn Rides Again",
  11806.             "Category": "IND",
  11807.             "Description": "A CNN special section. This site features news and background about John Glenn's 1998 return to space, related sites, and a photo gallery.",
  11808.             "Year": 0
  11809.         },
  11810.         {
  11811.             "RIT": "ws101166",
  11812.             "Type": "WS",
  11813.             "URL": "http://whyfiles.news.wisc.edu/shorties/stem_cell.html",
  11814.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11815.             "Title": "The Most Powerful Cell",
  11816.             "Category": "LIF",
  11817.             "Description": "An explanation of the nature of embryonic stem cells and their importance, from the Why Files.",
  11818.             "Year": 0
  11819.         },
  11820.         {
  11821.             "RIT": "ws101167",
  11822.             "Type": "WS",
  11823.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/civilrights/change.htm",
  11824.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11825.             "Title": "National Park Service: Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement",
  11826.             "Category": "SOC",
  11827.             "Description": "This site includes information about key people and places in the civil rights movement.",
  11828.             "Year": 0
  11829.         },
  11830.         {
  11831.             "RIT": "ws101168",
  11832.             "Type": "WS",
  11833.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/09/crisis.russia/",
  11834.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11835.             "Title": "Turmoil in Russia",
  11836.             "Category": "SOC",
  11837.             "Description": "This special feature from CNN follows political events in Russia during the late 1990's. It includes biographies of political leaders, an explanation of the Duma's role, and a look at the people of Russia.",
  11838.             "Year": 0
  11839.         },
  11840.         {
  11841.             "RIT": "ws101169",
  11842.             "Type": "WS",
  11843.             "URL": "http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/SP-4201/toc.htm",
  11844.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11845.             "Title": "This New Ocean: A History of Project Mercury",
  11846.             "Category": "IND",
  11847.             "Description": "This site is a hypertext book originally in print as a NASA special publication.",
  11848.             "Year": 0
  11849.         },
  11850.         {
  11851.             "RIT": "ws101170",
  11852.             "Type": "WS",
  11853.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/09/germany/",
  11854.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11855.             "Title": "CNN - Germany Votes - Bundestag Elections 1998",
  11856.             "Category": "GEO",
  11857.             "Description": "This in-depth feature from CNN includes news reports, biographies of the candidates, an explanation of Germany's election process, and international reactions.",
  11858.             "Year": 0
  11859.         },
  11860.         {
  11861.             "RIT": "ws101171",
  11862.             "Type": "WS",
  11863.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/TECH/9706/pathfinder/",
  11864.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11865.             "Title": "Exploring Mars",
  11866.             "Category": "IND",
  11867.             "Description": "A special feature from CNN that highlights the Pathfinder mission to Mars.",
  11868.             "Year": 0
  11869.         },
  11870.         {
  11871.             "RIT": "ws101179",
  11872.             "Type": "WS",
  11873.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1997/nobel.prize/",
  11874.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11875.             "Title": "The 1997 Nobel Prizes",
  11876.             "Category": "SOC",
  11877.             "Description": "CNN presents an interactive guide to the 1997 Nobel Prizes, including reports on the winners and background information about the awards.",
  11878.             "Year": 0
  11879.         },
  11880.         {
  11881.             "RIT": "ws101180",
  11882.             "Type": "WS",
  11883.             "URL": "http://www1.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/jk35.html",
  11884.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11885.             "Title": "John F. Kennedy: Thirty-Fifth President 1961-1963",
  11886.             "Category": "HIS",
  11887.             "Description": "The White House presents a biography of President Kennedy.",
  11888.             "Year": 0
  11889.         },
  11890.         {
  11891.             "RIT": "ws101181",
  11892.             "Type": "WS",
  11893.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/nireland/",
  11894.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11895.             "Title": "Northern Ireland's Path to Peace",
  11896.             "Category": "GEO",
  11897.             "Description": "This special feature from CNN focuses on the Good Friday peace agreement, which passed a referendum held on May 22, 1998, in both Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. It includes biographies of key players, an explanation of the agreement, a",
  11898.             "Year": 0
  11899.         },
  11900.         {
  11901.             "RIT": "ws101182",
  11902.             "Type": "WS",
  11903.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/TECH/9707/mir/index.html",
  11904.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11905.             "Title": "Mission Mir",
  11906.             "Category": "IND",
  11907.             "Description": "A CNN special section. This site includes news stories, multimedia, and a look into the debate over Mir.",
  11908.             "Year": 0
  11909.         },
  11910.         {
  11911.             "RIT": "ws101183",
  11912.             "Type": "WS",
  11913.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/nobel/",
  11914.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11915.             "Title": "Nobel Prizes 1998",
  11916.             "Category": "SOC",
  11917.             "Description": "This special feature from CNN includes background information on the Nobel Prizes, reports on the 1998 winners, and images from the prize ceremony.",
  11918.             "Year": 0
  11919.         },
  11920.         {
  11921.             "RIT": "ws101184",
  11922.             "Type": "WS",
  11923.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9704/zaire.focus/index.html",
  11924.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11925.             "Title": "Conflict in Zaire",
  11926.             "Category": "GEO",
  11927.             "Description": "This special feature from CNN covers events in 1997 and includes a link to recent news stories.",
  11928.             "Year": 0
  11929.         },
  11930.         {
  11931.             "RIT": "ws101185",
  11932.             "Type": "WS",
  11933.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/nato/",
  11934.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11935.             "Title": "NATO at 50",
  11936.             "Category": "SOC",
  11937.             "Description": "This in-depth feature from CNN includes news, analysis, a timeline, and an interactive map.",
  11938.             "Year": 0
  11939.         },
  11940.         {
  11941.             "RIT": "ws101186",
  11942.             "Type": "WS",
  11943.             "URL": "http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/subject/hotopics/drought/",
  11944.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11945.             "Title": "Drought Information Center",
  11946.             "Category": "PHY",
  11947.             "Description": "A drought awareness site from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. It includes drought regulations, definitions, precipitation tables, and a drought status map, as well as tips for saving water.",
  11948.             "Year": 0
  11949.         },
  11950.         {
  11951.             "RIT": "ws101195",
  11952.             "Type": "WS",
  11953.             "URL": "http://www.drkoop.com/conditions/alzheimers_disease/",
  11954.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11955.             "Title": "Conditions & Concerns: Alzheimer's Disease",
  11956.             "Category": "LIF",
  11957.             "Description": "Alzheimer's disease information and resources from Dr. C. Everett Koop, former Surgeon General of the United States.",
  11958.             "Year": 0
  11959.         },
  11960.         {
  11961.             "RIT": "ws101196",
  11962.             "Type": "WS",
  11963.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/US/OJ/index.html",
  11964.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11965.             "Title": "O.J. Simpson Criminal Trial",
  11966.             "Category": "REC",
  11967.             "Description": "This CNN special feature from 1996 includes news reports and background information.",
  11968.             "Year": 0
  11969.         },
  11970.         {
  11971.             "RIT": "ws101197",
  11972.             "Type": "WS",
  11973.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/books/1999/nabokov/",
  11974.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11975.             "Title": "Beyond Lolita",
  11976.             "Category": "HUM",
  11977.             "Description": "This in-depth special feature from CNN features biographical information about Vladimir Nabokov, literary criticism, and a collection of reviews and articles from TIME Magazine.",
  11978.             "Year": 0
  11979.         },
  11980.         {
  11981.             "RIT": "ws101198",
  11982.             "Type": "WS",
  11983.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/ocalan/",
  11984.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11985.             "Title": "The Ocalan Trial",
  11986.             "Category": "SOC",
  11987.             "Description": "This in-depth special feature from CNN and TIME includes news reports, analysis, and background information about the 1999 trial of Kurdish separatist leader Abdullah Ocalan.",
  11988.             "Year": 0
  11989.         },
  11990.         {
  11991.             "RIT": "ws101199",
  11992.             "Type": "WS",
  11993.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/sinatra/",
  11994.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  11995.             "Title": "Sinatra: The Songs, the Voice, the Style",
  11996.             "Category": "HUM",
  11997.             "Description": "This in-depth special report from CNN includes biographical information, video clips, and interactive games.",
  11998.             "Year": 0
  11999.         },
  12000.         {
  12001.             "RIT": "ws101200",
  12002.             "Type": "WS",
  12003.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SHOWBIZ/seinfeld/",
  12004.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12005.             "Title": "Seinfeld - The Last Yada",
  12006.             "Category": "HUM",
  12007.             "Description": "This special feature from CNN includes episode guides and interactive games.",
  12008.             "Year": 0
  12009.         },
  12010.         {
  12011.             "RIT": "ws101201",
  12012.             "Type": "WS",
  12013.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1998/roe.wade/",
  12014.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12015.             "Title": "CNN - Roe vs. Wade - 1998",
  12016.             "Category": "SOC",
  12017.             "Description": "CNN created this special report for the 25th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on the Roe vs. Wade case. It includes a timeline, biographies, audio clips of the arguments, and the full text of the decision.",
  12018.             "Year": 0
  12019.         },
  12020.         {
  12021.             "RIT": "ws101202",
  12022.             "Type": "WS",
  12023.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1997/microsoft/",
  12024.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12025.             "Title": "Target: Microsoft",
  12026.             "Category": "IND",
  12027.             "Description": "This CNN special feature on the Microsoft antitrust trial includes background information and news stories.",
  12028.             "Year": 0
  12029.         },
  12030.         {
  12031.             "RIT": "ws101209",
  12032.             "Type": "WS",
  12033.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/henry8.html",
  12034.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12035.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF HENRY VIII (1491-1547)",
  12036.             "Category": "HIS",
  12037.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12038.             "Year": 0
  12039.         },
  12040.         {
  12041.             "RIT": "ws101210",
  12042.             "Type": "WS",
  12043.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/field.html",
  12044.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12045.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF EUGENE FIELD (1850-95)",
  12046.             "Category": "HUM",
  12047.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12048.             "Year": 0
  12049.         },
  12050.         {
  12051.             "RIT": "ws101211",
  12052.             "Type": "WS",
  12053.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/herrick.html",
  12054.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12055.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF ROBERT HERRICK (1591-1674)",
  12056.             "Category": "HUM",
  12057.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12058.             "Year": 0
  12059.         },
  12060.         {
  12061.             "RIT": "ws101214",
  12062.             "Type": "WS",
  12063.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/james1sc.html",
  12064.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12065.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JAMES I, OF SCOTLAND (1394-1437)",
  12066.             "Category": "GEO",
  12067.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12068.             "Year": 0
  12069.         },
  12070.         {
  12071.             "RIT": "ws101215",
  12072.             "Type": "WS",
  12073.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/jonson.html",
  12074.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12075.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY AND PROSE OF BEN JONSON (1572-1637)",
  12076.             "Category": "HUM",
  12077.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12078.             "Year": 0
  12079.         },
  12080.         {
  12081.             "RIT": "ws101216",
  12082.             "Type": "WS",
  12083.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/landor.html",
  12084.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12085.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR (1775-1864)",
  12086.             "Category": "HUM",
  12087.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12088.             "Year": 0
  12089.         },
  12090.         {
  12091.             "RIT": "ws101224",
  12092.             "Type": "WS",
  12093.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/goldsmit.html",
  12094.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12095.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF OLIVER GOLDSMITH (1730?-1774)",
  12096.             "Category": "HUM",
  12097.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12098.             "Year": 0
  12099.         },
  12100.         {
  12101.             "RIT": "ws101225",
  12102.             "Type": "WS",
  12103.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/etherege.html",
  12104.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12105.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF SIR GEORGE ETHEREGE (CA. 1635-1691)",
  12106.             "Category": "HUM",
  12107.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12108.             "Year": 0
  12109.         },
  12110.         {
  12111.             "RIT": "ws101227",
  12112.             "Type": "WS",
  12113.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/herbert.html",
  12114.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12115.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF GEORGE HERBERT (1593-1633)",
  12116.             "Category": "HUM",
  12117.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12118.             "Year": 0
  12119.         },
  12120.         {
  12121.             "RIT": "ws101228",
  12122.             "Type": "WS",
  12123.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/howe.html",
  12124.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12125.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOSEPH HOWE (1804-1873)",
  12126.             "Category": "HUM",
  12127.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12128.             "Year": 0
  12129.         },
  12130.         {
  12131.             "RIT": "ws101229",
  12132.             "Type": "WS",
  12133.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/huntleig.html",
  12134.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12135.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY AND PROSE OF LEIGH HUNT (1784-1859)",
  12136.             "Category": "HUM",
  12137.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12138.             "Year": 0
  12139.         },
  12140.         {
  12141.             "RIT": "ws101230",
  12142.             "Type": "WS",
  12143.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/gower.html",
  12144.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12145.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOHN GOWER (1330?-1408)",
  12146.             "Category": "HUM",
  12147.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12148.             "Year": 0
  12149.         },
  12150.         {
  12151.             "RIT": "ws101217",
  12152.             "Type": "WS",
  12153.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/gibbons.html",
  12154.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12155.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF ORLANDO GIBBONS (1583-1625)",
  12156.             "Category": "HUM",
  12157.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12158.             "Year": 0
  12159.         },
  12160.         {
  12161.             "RIT": "ws101218",
  12162.             "Type": "WS",
  12163.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/howejulia.html",
  12164.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12165.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JULIA WARD HOWE (1819-1910)",
  12166.             "Category": "HIS",
  12167.             "Description": "JULIA WARD HOWE; poetry",
  12168.             "Year": 0
  12169.         },
  12170.         {
  12171.             "RIT": "ws101219",
  12172.             "Type": "WS",
  12173.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/frost.html",
  12174.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12175.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF ROBERT FROST (1874-1963)",
  12176.             "Category": "HUM",
  12177.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12178.             "Year": 0
  12179.         },
  12180.         {
  12181.             "RIT": "ws101221",
  12182.             "Type": "WS",
  12183.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/fitzgera.html",
  12184.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12185.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF EDWARD FITZGERALD (1809-1883)",
  12186.             "Category": "HUM",
  12187.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12188.             "Year": 0
  12189.         },
  12190.         {
  12191.             "RIT": "ws101222",
  12192.             "Type": "WS",
  12193.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/kilmer.html",
  12194.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12195.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOYCE KILMER (1886-1918)",
  12196.             "Category": "HUM",
  12197.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12198.             "Year": 0
  12199.         },
  12200.         {
  12201.             "RIT": "ws101223",
  12202.             "Type": "WS",
  12203.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/kingsley.html",
  12204.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12205.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF CHARLES KINGSLEY (1819-1875)",
  12206.             "Category": "HUM",
  12207.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12208.             "Year": 0
  12209.         },
  12210.         {
  12211.             "RIT": "ws101231",
  12212.             "Type": "WS",
  12213.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/guest.html",
  12214.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12215.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF EDGAR A. GUEST (1881-1959)",
  12216.             "Category": "HUM",
  12217.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12218.             "Year": 0
  12219.         },
  12220.         {
  12221.             "RIT": "ws101232",
  12222.             "Type": "WS",
  12223.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/lamp.html",
  12224.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12225.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF ARCHIBALD LAMPMAN (1861-99)",
  12226.             "Category": "HUM",
  12227.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12228.             "Year": 0
  12229.         },
  12230.         {
  12231.             "RIT": "ws101233",
  12232.             "Type": "WS",
  12233.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/fletchjn.html",
  12234.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12235.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOHN FLETCHER (1579-1625)",
  12236.             "Category": "HUM",
  12237.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12238.             "Year": 0
  12239.         },
  12240.         {
  12241.             "RIT": "ws101234",
  12242.             "Type": "WS",
  12243.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/leacock.html",
  12244.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12245.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF STEPHEN LEACOCK (1869-1944)",
  12246.             "Category": "HUM",
  12247.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12248.             "Year": 0
  12249.         },
  12250.         {
  12251.             "RIT": "ws101235",
  12252.             "Type": "WS",
  12253.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/keats.html",
  12254.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12255.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOHN KEATS (1795-1821)",
  12256.             "Category": "HUM",
  12257.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12258.             "Year": 0
  12259.         },
  12260.         {
  12261.             "RIT": "ws101236",
  12262.             "Type": "WS",
  12263.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/hopkins.html",
  12264.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12265.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF GERARD MANLEY HOPKINS (1844-1889)",
  12266.             "Category": "HUM",
  12267.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12268.             "Year": 0
  12269.         },
  12270.         {
  12271.             "RIT": "ws101292",
  12272.             "Type": "WS",
  12273.             "URL": "http://nizkor.org/hweb/camps/auschwitz/",
  12274.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12275.             "Title": "Holocaust: Auschwitz Birkenau",
  12276.             "Category": "HIS",
  12277.             "Description": "This page from The Nizkor Project contains general information, images, and staff information about Auschwitz, as well as a list of related books.",
  12278.             "Year": 0
  12279.         },
  12280.         {
  12281.             "RIT": "ws101293",
  12282.             "Type": "WS",
  12283.             "URL": "http://remember.org/guide/index.html",
  12284.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12285.             "Title": "The Holocaust: A Guide for Teachers",
  12286.             "Category": "HIS",
  12287.             "Description": "Linda Hurwitz, director of The Holocaust Center of Greater Pittsburgh, prepared this teacher guide, which includes 11 units. Presented by the Cybrary of the Holocaust.",
  12288.             "Year": 0
  12289.         },
  12290.         {
  12291.             "RIT": "ws101294",
  12292.             "Type": "WS",
  12293.             "URL": "http://motlc.wiesenthal.com/albums/palbum/p00/a0007p2.html",
  12294.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12295.             "Title": "Auschwitz Photo Album",
  12296.             "Category": "HIS",
  12297.             "Description": "An extensive collection of Auschwitz photographs from the Simon Wiesenthal Center Multimedia Learning Center Online.",
  12298.             "Year": 0
  12299.         },
  12300.         {
  12301.             "RIT": "ws101295",
  12302.             "Type": "WS",
  12303.             "URL": "http://metalab.unc.edu/expo/palace.exhibit/intro.html",
  12304.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12305.             "Title": "The Palace of Diocletian at Split",
  12306.             "Category": "HIS",
  12307.             "Description": "This online exhibit looks at the city of Spalato, founded by the emperor Diocletian. Site created by Michael Greenhalgh, Department of Art History, Australian National University.",
  12308.             "Year": 0
  12309.         },
  12310.         {
  12311.             "RIT": "ws101296",
  12312.             "Type": "WS",
  12313.             "URL": "http://dizzy.library.arizona.edu/images/images_of_the_sw.html",
  12314.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12315.             "Title": "Images of the Southwest",
  12316.             "Category": "GEO",
  12317.             "Description": "A collection of historic images from the University of Arizona Library. Includes online exhibits of mission churches in the Sonoran Desert, Arizona folk arts, Jewish contributions to the Southwest, Sabino Canyon, historic railways, and World War",
  12318.             "Year": 0
  12319.         },
  12320.         {
  12321.             "RIT": "ws101297",
  12322.             "Type": "WS",
  12323.             "URL": "http://nizkor.org/hweb/imt/nca/nca-01/nca-01-11-index.html",
  12324.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12325.             "Title": "The Concentration Camps",
  12326.             "Category": "HIS",
  12327.             "Description": "Text from an International Military Tribunal document, presented by the Nizkor Project. Includes information about the use of Nazi concentration camps for prisoners of war, the network of concentration camps, and the number of victims.",
  12328.             "Year": 0
  12329.         },
  12330.         {
  12331.             "RIT": "ws101298",
  12332.             "Type": "WS",
  12333.             "URL": "http://bnaibrith.org/caln.html",
  12334.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12335.             "Title": "The Jewish Holidays",
  12336.             "Category": "HUM",
  12337.             "Description": "A table of traditional Jewish holidays, from 1999 to 2006.",
  12338.             "Year": 0
  12339.         },
  12340.         {
  12341.             "RIT": "ws101309",
  12342.             "Type": "WS",
  12343.             "URL": "http://motlc.wiesenthal.com/text/x05/xm0576.html",
  12344.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12345.             "Title": "Dachau",
  12346.             "Category": "HIS",
  12347.             "Description": "The Simon Wiesenthal Center presents a comprehensive Dachau site with information from the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.",
  12348.             "Year": 0
  12349.         },
  12350.         {
  12351.             "RIT": "ws101311",
  12352.             "Type": "WS",
  12353.             "URL": "http://fatty.law.cornell.edu/topics/civil_rights.html",
  12354.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12355.             "Title": "Law About... Civil Rights and Discrimination",
  12356.             "Category": "SOC",
  12357.             "Description": "An overview of civil rights legislation from the Cornell University Legal Information Institute. Includes text from Supreme Court Decisions and federal, state, and international laws.",
  12358.             "Year": 0
  12359.         },
  12360.         {
  12361.             "RIT": "ws101312",
  12362.             "Type": "WS",
  12363.             "URL": "http://motlc.wiesenthal.org/text/x32/xm3284.html",
  12364.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12365.             "Title": "Treblinka",
  12366.             "Category": "HIS",
  12367.             "Description": "The Simon Wiesenthal Center presents a comprehensive Treblinka site with information from the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.",
  12368.             "Year": 0
  12369.         },
  12370.         {
  12371.             "RIT": "ws101313",
  12372.             "Type": "WS",
  12373.             "URL": "http://metalab.unc.edu/expo/vatican.exhibit/Vatican.exhibit.html",
  12374.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12375.             "Title": "Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library and Renaissance Culture",
  12376.             "Category": "SOC",
  12377.             "Description": "This Library of Confress exhibit presents some 200 of the Vatican Library's most precious manuscripts, books, and maps--many of which played a key role in the humanist recovery of the classical heritage of Greece and Rome.",
  12378.             "Year": 0
  12379.         },
  12380.         {
  12381.             "RIT": "ws101314",
  12382.             "Type": "WS",
  12383.             "URL": "http://metalab.unc.edu/wm/paris/",
  12384.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12385.             "Title": "Paris: Tours",
  12386.             "Category": "HUM",
  12387.             "Description": "The Web Museum, a French site devoted to art, presents online tours of Paris.",
  12388.             "Year": 0
  12389.         },
  12390.         {
  12391.             "RIT": "ws101315",
  12392.             "Type": "WS",
  12393.             "URL": "http://www.fcc.gov/",
  12394.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12395.             "Title": "Federal Communications Commission",
  12396.             "Category": "IND",
  12397.             "Description": "Home page of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), an independent United States government agency charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable.",
  12398.             "Year": 0
  12399.         },
  12400.         {
  12401.             "RIT": "ws101316",
  12402.             "Type": "WS",
  12403.             "URL": "http://www.hoophall.com/halloffamers/Debusschere.htm",
  12404.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12405.             "Title": "Dave Debusschere Biography",
  12406.             "Category": "REC",
  12407.             "Description": "Biography of Dave Debusschere and his career statistics.",
  12408.             "Year": 0
  12409.         },
  12410.         {
  12411.             "RIT": "ws101317",
  12412.             "Type": "WS",
  12413.             "URL": "http://www.hoophall.com/halloffamers/Arizin.htm",
  12414.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12415.             "Title": "Paul Arizin Biography",
  12416.             "Category": "REC",
  12417.             "Description": "Biography of Paul Arizin and his career statistics.",
  12418.             "Year": 0
  12419.         },
  12420.         {
  12421.             "RIT": "ws101328",
  12422.             "Type": "WS",
  12423.             "URL": "http://www.jakarta.dki.go.id/",
  12424.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12425.             "Title": "DKI Jakarta Municipal Government",
  12426.             "Category": "GEO",
  12427.             "Description": "The Home page for the municipal government of Jakarta, the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. This site contains information about Jakarta's history, geography, government, economy, and population.",
  12428.             "Year": 0
  12429.         },
  12430.         {
  12431.             "RIT": "ws101329",
  12432.             "Type": "WS",
  12433.             "URL": "http://www.hoophall.com/halloffamers/Malone.htm",
  12434.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12435.             "Title": "Moses Malone",
  12436.             "Category": "REC",
  12437.             "Description": "Biography of Moses Malone and his career statistics.",
  12438.             "Year": 0
  12439.         },
  12440.         {
  12441.             "RIT": "ws101330",
  12442.             "Type": "WS",
  12443.             "URL": "http://www.cert.org/",
  12444.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12445.             "Title": "Computer Emergency Response Team",
  12446.             "Category": "IND",
  12447.             "Description": "CERT Coordination Center, part of the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, studies Internet security vulnerabilities, provides incident response services to sites that have been targets of attack, and issues general information about",
  12448.             "Year": 0
  12449.         },
  12450.         {
  12451.             "RIT": "ws101331",
  12452.             "Type": "WS",
  12453.             "URL": "http://www.bps.go.id/",
  12454.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12455.             "Title": "Indonesia Central Bureau of Statistics",
  12456.             "Category": "GEO",
  12457.             "Description": "Indonesia's Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik) compiles data about Indonesia's industry, economy, and people.",
  12458.             "Year": 0
  12459.         },
  12460.         {
  12461.             "RIT": "ws101335",
  12462.             "Type": "WS",
  12463.             "URL": "http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12272b.htm",
  12464.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12465.             "Title": "Chronological List of Popes",
  12466.             "Category": "HUM",
  12467.             "Description": "Biographies from The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XI.",
  12468.             "Year": 0
  12469.         },
  12470.         {
  12471.             "RIT": "ws101336",
  12472.             "Type": "WS",
  12473.             "URL": "http://www.franklloydwright.org/",
  12474.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12475.             "Title": "The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Home Page",
  12476.             "Category": "HUM",
  12477.             "Description": "The official site of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation provides information about Wright's life, work, and legacy, including a biography and a comprehensive list of every Wright project built between 1867 and 1959. Also includes current informat",
  12478.             "Year": 0
  12479.         },
  12480.         {
  12481.             "RIT": "ws101337",
  12482.             "Type": "WS",
  12483.             "URL": "http://www.taliesinpreservation.org/",
  12484.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12485.             "Title": "Taliesin Preservation Commission",
  12486.             "Category": "HUM",
  12487.             "Description": "Frank Lloyd Wright designed and built Taliesin, an estate in Wisconsin where he lived and worked from 1911 until his death in 1959. This site includes information about the architect and the estate.",
  12488.             "Year": 0
  12489.         },
  12490.         {
  12491.             "RIT": "ws101345",
  12492.             "Type": "WS",
  12493.             "URL": "http://www-curator.jsc.nasa.gov/outreach1/expmetmys/ExpmetMys.htm",
  12494.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12495.             "Title": "Exploring Meteorite Mysteries: A Teacher's Guide with Activities for Earth and Space Sciences",
  12496.             "Category": "PHY",
  12497.             "Description": "Includes an overview, teacher's guide, slide set, fact sheets, lessons and activities, and a glossary of terms.",
  12498.             "Year": 0
  12499.         },
  12500.         {
  12501.             "RIT": "ws101346",
  12502.             "Type": "WS",
  12503.             "URL": "http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/iiin/bbumbleb.html",
  12504.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12505.             "Title": "Bumble Bees",
  12506.             "Category": "LIF",
  12507.             "Description": "A fact sheet on bumble bees from the Iowa State University Entomology Department.",
  12508.             "Year": 0
  12509.         },
  12510.         {
  12511.             "RIT": "ws101347",
  12512.             "Type": "WS",
  12513.             "URL": "http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/general/lib/bbdl.html",
  12514.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12515.             "Title": "Biscayne Bay Digital Library",
  12516.             "Category": "GEO",
  12517.             "Description": "A collection of full text online documents about the ecology of Biscayne Bay from the Library of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) at the University of Miami.",
  12518.             "Year": 0
  12519.         },
  12520.         {
  12521.             "RIT": "ws101348",
  12522.             "Type": "WS",
  12523.             "URL": "http://www.fws.gov/r9endspp/lsppinfo.html",
  12524.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12525.             "Title": "Listed Species Information Central",
  12526.             "Category": "IND",
  12527.             "Description": "An access page to endangered species conservation reports from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Endangered Species. Species are separated by major groups and by regions.",
  12528.             "Year": 0
  12529.         },
  12530.         {
  12531.             "RIT": "ws101349",
  12532.             "Type": "WS",
  12533.             "URL": "http://www.baylor.edu/~Church_State/church-state_links.htm",
  12534.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12535.             "Title": "Baylor University Church-State Studies",
  12536.             "Category": "SOC",
  12537.             "Description": "A page of links to church-state resources on the Internet from the J. M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies at Baylor University. Includes links to primary source materials as well as links to current issues. Covers all points of view on t",
  12538.             "Year": 0
  12539.         },
  12540.         {
  12541.             "RIT": "ws101350",
  12542.             "Type": "WS",
  12543.             "URL": "http://www.ext.vt.edu/departments/entomology/factsheets/bumblebe.html",
  12544.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12545.             "Title": "Bumble Bee",
  12546.             "Category": "LIF",
  12547.             "Description": "A fact sheet from Virginia Cooperative Extension.",
  12548.             "Year": 0
  12549.         },
  12550.         {
  12551.             "RIT": "ws101352",
  12552.             "Type": "WS",
  12553.             "URL": "http://www.ars-grin.gov/ars/MidWest/Ames/bees/bombus.html",
  12554.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12555.             "Title": "Bumble bees",
  12556.             "Category": "LIF",
  12557.             "Description": "Information about bumble bees, including a photo and related Web sites, from the North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station in Ames, Iowa.",
  12558.             "Year": 0
  12559.         },
  12560.         {
  12561.             "RIT": "ws101361",
  12562.             "Type": "WS",
  12563.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/karadzic/",
  12564.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12565.             "Title": "Frontline: The World's Most Wanted Man",
  12566.             "Category": "GEO",
  12567.             "Description": "This companion site to a PBS television report on Serbian war leader Radovan Karadzic includes sections about concentration camps, bringing the war criminals to trial, and genocide.",
  12568.             "Year": 0
  12569.         },
  12570.         {
  12571.             "RIT": "ws101362",
  12572.             "Type": "WS",
  12573.             "URL": "http://www.louisamayalcott.org/index.html",
  12574.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12575.             "Title": "Alcott House",
  12576.             "Category": "HUM",
  12577.             "Description": "Web site of the Orchard House museum owned and operated by the Louisa May Alcott Memorial Association. Includes information about Louisa May Alcott and her family.",
  12578.             "Year": 0
  12579.         },
  12580.         {
  12581.             "RIT": "ws101363",
  12582.             "Type": "WS",
  12583.             "URL": "http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/ora/main.html",
  12584.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12585.             "Title": "The Civil Liberties Act of 1988, Civil Rights Division",
  12586.             "Category": "SOC",
  12587.             "Description": "Information about Japanese internment during World War II from the Department of Justice. Includes a comprehensive FAQ page.",
  12588.             "Year": 0
  12589.         },
  12590.         {
  12591.             "RIT": "ws101364",
  12592.             "Type": "WS",
  12593.             "URL": "http://www.ou.org/chagim/",
  12594.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12595.             "Title": "Jewish Calendar - OU.ORG",
  12596.             "Category": "HUM",
  12597.             "Description": "From the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. Includes links to short descriptions of the Jewish holidays with their specific dates, and important notes on observing Jewish holidays.",
  12598.             "Year": 0
  12599.         },
  12600.         {
  12601.             "RIT": "ws101365",
  12602.             "Type": "WS",
  12603.             "URL": "http://www.nasa.gov/today/meteor.html",
  12604.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12605.             "Title": "Extraterrestrial Water Found Trapped in Meteorite",
  12606.             "Category": "PHY",
  12607.             "Description": "A news summary of the find from NASA.",
  12608.             "Year": 0
  12609.         },
  12610.         {
  12611.             "RIT": "ws101366",
  12612.             "Type": "WS",
  12613.             "URL": "http://www.ph.adfa.edu.au/a-drake/trews/ww_re_hp.htm",
  12614.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12615.             "Title": "The Radar Entomology Web Site",
  12616.             "Category": "LIF",
  12617.             "Description": "An information site on radar entomology--the technique and science of using radar to study insect movement.",
  12618.             "Year": 0
  12619.         },
  12620.         {
  12621.             "RIT": "ws101367",
  12622.             "Type": "WS",
  12623.             "URL": "http://www.naacp.org/about/factsheet.html",
  12624.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12625.             "Title": "What You Should Know About the NAACP",
  12626.             "Category": "SOC",
  12627.             "Description": "A fact sheet from the civil rights organization.",
  12628.             "Year": 0
  12629.         },
  12630.         {
  12631.             "RIT": "ws101379",
  12632.             "Type": "WS",
  12633.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/patoc.html",
  12634.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12635.             "Title": "PANAMA - A Country Study",
  12636.             "Category": "GEO",
  12637.             "Description": "An online, searchable version of PANAMA - A Country Study, from the U.S. Library of Congress.",
  12638.             "Year": 0
  12639.         },
  12640.         {
  12641.             "RIT": "ws101380",
  12642.             "Type": "WS",
  12643.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/marlowe.html",
  12644.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12645.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE (1564-1593)",
  12646.             "Category": "HUM",
  12647.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12648.             "Year": 0
  12649.         },
  12650.         {
  12651.             "RIT": "ws101381",
  12652.             "Type": "WS",
  12653.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/marston.html",
  12654.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12655.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOHN MARSTON (1575?-1634)",
  12656.             "Category": "HUM",
  12657.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12658.             "Year": 0
  12659.         },
  12660.         {
  12661.             "RIT": "ws101382",
  12662.             "Type": "WS",
  12663.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/lyly.html",
  12664.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12665.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOHN LYLY (1554-1606)",
  12666.             "Category": "HUM",
  12667.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12668.             "Year": 0
  12669.         },
  12670.         {
  12671.             "RIT": "ws101383",
  12672.             "Type": "WS",
  12673.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/lovelace.html",
  12674.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12675.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF RICHARD LOVELACE (1618-1657)",
  12676.             "Category": "HUM",
  12677.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12678.             "Year": 0
  12679.         },
  12680.         {
  12681.             "RIT": "ws101384",
  12682.             "Type": "WS",
  12683.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/macaulay.html",
  12684.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12685.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY (1800-1859)",
  12686.             "Category": "HUM",
  12687.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12688.             "Year": 0
  12689.         },
  12690.         {
  12691.             "RIT": "ws101237",
  12692.             "Type": "WS",
  12693.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/langland.html",
  12694.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12695.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF WILLIAM LANGLAND (C. 1330-c. 1386)",
  12696.             "Category": "HUM",
  12697.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12698.             "Year": 0
  12699.         },
  12700.         {
  12701.             "RIT": "ws101238",
  12702.             "Type": "WS",
  12703.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/eliot.html",
  12704.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12705.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF THOMAS STEARNS ELIOT (1888-1965)",
  12706.             "Category": "HUM",
  12707.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12708.             "Year": 0
  12709.         },
  12710.         {
  12711.             "RIT": "ws101240",
  12712.             "Type": "WS",
  12713.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/fosters.html",
  12714.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12715.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF STEPHEN C. FOSTER (1826-1864)",
  12716.             "Category": "HUM",
  12717.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12718.             "Year": 0
  12719.         },
  12720.         {
  12721.             "RIT": "ws101241",
  12722.             "Type": "WS",
  12723.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/hood.html",
  12724.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12725.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF THOMAS HOOD (1799-1845)",
  12726.             "Category": "HUM",
  12727.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12728.             "Year": 0
  12729.         },
  12730.         {
  12731.             "RIT": "ws101242",
  12732.             "Type": "WS",
  12733.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/emmett.html",
  12734.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12735.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF DANIEL DECATUR EMMETT (1815-1904)",
  12736.             "Category": "HUM",
  12737.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  12738.             "Year": 0
  12739.         },
  12740.         {
  12741.             "RIT": "ws101265",
  12742.             "Type": "WS",
  12743.             "URL": "http://www.nationalparks.org/guide/parks/mcloughlin-h-1897.htm",
  12744.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12745.             "Title": "NPS Guide, McLoughlin House National Historic Site",
  12746.             "Category": "HIS",
  12747.             "Description": "National Park Foundation site on the McLoughlin House National Historic Site in Oregon City, Oregon.",
  12748.             "Year": 0
  12749.         },
  12750.         {
  12751.             "RIT": "ws101299",
  12752.             "Type": "WS",
  12753.             "URL": "http://nizkor.org/hweb/camps/",
  12754.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12755.             "Title": "Holocaust: The Camps",
  12756.             "Category": "HIS",
  12757.             "Description": "Information about specific Nazi concentration camps from the Nizkor Project.",
  12758.             "Year": 0
  12759.         },
  12760.         {
  12761.             "RIT": "ws101301",
  12762.             "Type": "WS",
  12763.             "URL": "http://nizkor.org/hweb/camps/bergen-belsen/",
  12764.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12765.             "Title": "Bergen-Belsen",
  12766.             "Category": "HIS",
  12767.             "Description": "This page from The Nizkor Project includes film clips from the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, excerpts from The Belsen Trial, and a list of related books.",
  12768.             "Year": 0
  12769.         },
  12770.         {
  12771.             "RIT": "ws101302",
  12772.             "Type": "WS",
  12773.             "URL": "http://nizkor.org/hweb/camps/buchenwald/",
  12774.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12775.             "Title": "Buchenwald",
  12776.             "Category": "HIS",
  12777.             "Description": "This site from The Kilzor Project includes reports and citations, observations from a Canadian ambassador, and media reports.",
  12778.             "Year": 0
  12779.         },
  12780.         {
  12781.             "RIT": "ws101303",
  12782.             "Type": "WS",
  12783.             "URL": "http://dizzy.library.arizona.edu/wracamps/",
  12784.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12785.             "Title": "War Relocation Camps in Arizona, 1942-1946",
  12786.             "Category": "HIS",
  12787.             "Description": "This exhibit features photographs taken for the War Relocation Authority and depicts life in Arizona's two camps.",
  12788.             "Year": 0
  12789.         },
  12790.         {
  12791.             "RIT": "ws101304",
  12792.             "Type": "WS",
  12793.             "URL": "http://motlc.wiesenthal.com/text/x02/xm0207.html",
  12794.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12795.             "Title": "Auschwitz",
  12796.             "Category": "HIS",
  12797.             "Description": "The Simon Wiesenthal Center presents a comprehensive Auschwitz site with information from the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust.",
  12798.             "Year": 0
  12799.         },
  12800.         {
  12801.             "RIT": "ws101305",
  12802.             "Type": "WS",
  12803.             "URL": "http://nizkor.org/hweb/camps/dachau/",
  12804.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12805.             "Title": "Dachau",
  12806.             "Category": "HIS",
  12807.             "Description": "This page from The Nikzor Project includes information about the gas chambers and medical experiments at Dachau.",
  12808.             "Year": 0
  12809.         },
  12810.         {
  12811.             "RIT": "ws101306",
  12812.             "Type": "WS",
  12813.             "URL": "http://motlc.wiesenthal.com/albums/palbum/p00/a0048p2.html",
  12814.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12815.             "Title": "Dachau Photo Album",
  12816.             "Category": "HIS",
  12817.             "Description": "An extensive collection of photographs of Dachau from Simon Wiesenthal Center the Multimedia Learning Center Online.",
  12818.             "Year": 0
  12819.         },
  12820.         {
  12821.             "RIT": "ws101307",
  12822.             "Type": "WS",
  12823.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/flw/flw.html",
  12824.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12825.             "Title": "Frank Lloyd Wright: Designs for an American Landscape, 1922-1932",
  12826.             "Category": "HUM",
  12827.             "Description": "This online exhibition from the Library of Congress focuses on five of Wright's projects: a prototypical suburb; resorts; an automobile objective; and a desert retreat. It includes building plans and commentary.",
  12828.             "Year": 0
  12829.         },
  12830.         {
  12831.             "RIT": "ws101318",
  12832.             "Type": "WS",
  12833.             "URL": "http://www.hoophall.com/halloffamers/Cowens.htm",
  12834.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12835.             "Title": "Dave Cowens Biography",
  12836.             "Category": "REC",
  12837.             "Description": "Biography of Dave Cowens and his career statistics.",
  12838.             "Year": 0
  12839.         },
  12840.         {
  12841.             "RIT": "ws101320",
  12842.             "Type": "WS",
  12843.             "URL": "http://www.mayohealth.org/mayo/askdiet/htm/new/qd990505.htm",
  12844.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12845.             "Title": "Ask the Mayo Dietician: Eggs and Salmonella",
  12846.             "Category": "LIF",
  12847.             "Description": "Information from the Mayo Clinic about eggs and salmonella. Includes other information about food safety, food poisoning, and first aid measures.",
  12848.             "Year": 0
  12849.         },
  12850.         {
  12851.             "RIT": "ws101321",
  12852.             "Type": "WS",
  12853.             "URL": "http://www.hoophall.com/halloffamers/Archibald.htm",
  12854.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12855.             "Title": "Nate \"Tiny\" Archibald Biography",
  12856.             "Category": "REC",
  12857.             "Description": "Biography of Nate \"Tiny\" Archibald and his career statistics.",
  12858.             "Year": 0
  12859.         },
  12860.         {
  12861.             "RIT": "ws101322",
  12862.             "Type": "WS",
  12863.             "URL": "http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~ehrlich/poesites.html",
  12864.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12865.             "Title": "A Poe Webliography",
  12866.             "Category": "HUM",
  12867.             "Description": "A critical guide to electronic resources for Poe research on the World Wide Web and CD-ROM, including electronic texts, HTML-encoded texts, hypertexts, secondary works, commentaries, and indexes. From the Department of English at Rutgers University.",
  12868.             "Year": 0
  12869.         },
  12870.         {
  12871.             "RIT": "ws101323",
  12872.             "Type": "WS",
  12873.             "URL": "http://csrc.ncsl.nist.gov/",
  12874.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12875.             "Title": "Computer Security Resource Clearinghouse",
  12876.             "Category": "IND",
  12877.             "Description": "The Computer Security Resource Clearinghouse (CSRC), from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, collects and disseminates computer security information and resources to help people better protect their data and systems.",
  12878.             "Year": 0
  12879.         },
  12880.         {
  12881.             "RIT": "ws101324",
  12882.             "Type": "WS",
  12883.             "URL": "http://www.irm.org/gallery/",
  12884.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12885.             "Title": "Illinois Railroad Museum: Picture Gallery",
  12886.             "Category": "IND",
  12887.             "Description": "The Illinois Railroad Musem provides a searchable online exhibit of photos of railroad equipment.",
  12888.             "Year": 0
  12889.         },
  12890.         {
  12891.             "RIT": "ws101325",
  12892.             "Type": "WS",
  12893.             "URL": "http://www.hoophall.com/halloffamers/Havlicek.htm",
  12894.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12895.             "Title": "John Havlicek",
  12896.             "Category": "REC",
  12897.             "Description": "Biography of John Havlicek and his career statistics.",
  12898.             "Year": 0
  12899.         },
  12900.         {
  12901.             "RIT": "ws101327",
  12902.             "Type": "WS",
  12903.             "URL": "http://www.eif.co.uk/",
  12904.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12905.             "Title": "Edinburgh International Festival",
  12906.             "Category": "GEO",
  12907.             "Description": "Information about the annual international arts celebration in Edinburgh, Scotland.",
  12908.             "Year": 0
  12909.         },
  12910.         {
  12911.             "RIT": "ws101338",
  12912.             "Type": "WS",
  12913.             "URL": "http://www.savewright.org/",
  12914.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12915.             "Title": "Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy",
  12916.             "Category": "HUM",
  12917.             "Description": "Homepage of an organization dedicated to conserving Frank Lloyd Wright's works. This site includes a map of Frank Lloyd Wright architecture throughout the United States, images of buildings, and links to other Wright resources.",
  12918.             "Year": 0
  12919.         },
  12920.         {
  12921.             "RIT": "ws101339",
  12922.             "Type": "WS",
  12923.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/flw/",
  12924.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12925.             "Title": "Frank Lloyd Wright",
  12926.             "Category": "HUM",
  12927.             "Description": "A companion site to a PBS documentary about the architect from filmmakers Ken Burns and Lynn Novick. Includes pictures of Frank Lloyd Wright's designs and critical commentary.",
  12928.             "Year": 0
  12929.         },
  12930.         {
  12931.             "RIT": "ws101340",
  12932.             "Type": "WS",
  12933.             "URL": "http://www.lanl.gov/worldview/",
  12934.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12935.             "Title": "Los Alamos National Laboratory",
  12936.             "Category": "PHY",
  12937.             "Description": "This official Los Alamos site features an overview of research projects, news from the laboratory, a link to the Bradbury Science Museum, and information for teachers and students.",
  12938.             "Year": 0
  12939.         },
  12940.         {
  12941.             "RIT": "ws101341",
  12942.             "Type": "WS",
  12943.             "URL": "http://www.lib.washington.edu/exhibits/harmony/Exhibit/default.htm",
  12944.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12945.             "Title": "Camp Harmony",
  12946.             "Category": "SOC",
  12947.             "Description": "This exhibit based on materials from the University of Washington library tells the story of the four month internment of Seattle's Japanese American community during the spring and summer of 1942 at the Puyallup Assembly Center known as Camp Harmony.",
  12948.             "Year": 0
  12949.         },
  12950.         {
  12951.             "RIT": "ws101342",
  12952.             "Type": "WS",
  12953.             "URL": "http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/70-7_05.htm",
  12954.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12955.             "Title": "The Decision To Evacuate the Japanese From the Pacific Coast",
  12956.             "Category": "HIS",
  12957.             "Description": "The U.S. Center of Military History presents an account of the start of Japanese internment during World War II. Text only.",
  12958.             "Year": 0
  12959.         },
  12960.         {
  12961.             "RIT": "ws101343",
  12962.             "Type": "WS",
  12963.             "URL": "http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/natsci/herpetology/act-plan/cacut.htm",
  12964.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12965.             "Title": "Species Accounts: Crocodylus acutus",
  12966.             "Category": "LIF",
  12967.             "Description": "A report on the American crocodile from the Florida Museum of Natural History.",
  12968.             "Year": 0
  12969.         },
  12970.         {
  12971.             "RIT": "ws101344",
  12972.             "Type": "WS",
  12973.             "URL": "http://www.cets.sfasu.edu/Harrison/farmerbio.htm",
  12974.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12975.             "Title": "JAMES LEONARD FARMER, JR.",
  12976.             "Category": "SOC",
  12977.             "Description": "A biography presented by the Center for East Texas Studies.",
  12978.             "Year": 0
  12979.         },
  12980.         {
  12981.             "RIT": "ws101353",
  12982.             "Type": "WS",
  12983.             "URL": "http://www.mos.org/sln/Leonardo/LeoHomePage.html",
  12984.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12985.             "Title": "Exploring Leonardo",
  12986.             "Category": "HUM",
  12987.             "Description": "A resource for students and teachers developed by the Museum of Science, Boston. This site includes biographical information, highlights some of Da Vinci's futuristic inventions, introduces Renaissance techniques for representing the 3D world on",
  12988.             "Year": 0
  12989.         },
  12990.         {
  12991.             "RIT": "ws101354",
  12992.             "Type": "WS",
  12993.             "URL": "http://www.fws.gov/r9endspp/i/c0u.html",
  12994.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  12995.             "Title": "Crocodile, American",
  12996.             "Category": "LIF",
  12997.             "Description": "This page from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Endangered Species links to species information about the American crocodile, an overview of conservation efforts, population data, and a photo gallery.",
  12998.             "Year": 0
  12999.         },
  13000.         {
  13001.             "RIT": "ws101355",
  13002.             "Type": "WS",
  13003.             "URL": "http://www.fws.gov/r9endspp/i/b/msab0h.html",
  13004.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13005.             "Title": "Bald Eagle Species Account",
  13006.             "Category": "LIF",
  13007.             "Description": "The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Division of Endangered Species tracks the bald eagle's recovery.",
  13008.             "Year": 0
  13009.         },
  13010.         {
  13011.             "RIT": "ws101356",
  13012.             "Type": "WS",
  13013.             "URL": "http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/",
  13014.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13015.             "Title": "Florida Museum of Natural History",
  13016.             "Category": "GEO",
  13017.             "Description": "The museum Home page features information for visitors, publications, and online exhibits and photo galleries.",
  13018.             "Year": 0
  13019.         },
  13020.         {
  13021.             "RIT": "ws101357",
  13022.             "Type": "WS",
  13023.             "URL": "http://info.cf.ac.uk/ibra/bumble.html",
  13024.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13025.             "Title": "Focusing on Bumble Bees",
  13026.             "Category": "LIF",
  13027.             "Description": "A report about bumble bees derived from a symposium of the International Bee Research Association and originally published in Bee World.",
  13028.             "Year": 0
  13029.         },
  13030.         {
  13031.             "RIT": "ws101358",
  13032.             "Type": "WS",
  13033.             "URL": "http://www.sfmuseum.org/war/evactxt.html",
  13034.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13035.             "Title": "Internment of San Francisco Japanese",
  13036.             "Category": "HIS",
  13037.             "Description": "This exhibit from the Museum of the City of San Francisco includes news reports from the San Francisco Examiner and links to other online Japanese internment resources.",
  13038.             "Year": 0
  13039.         },
  13040.         {
  13041.             "RIT": "ws101359",
  13042.             "Type": "WS",
  13043.             "URL": "http://www.nyrockman.com/meteorite/gallery/monahans.htm",
  13044.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13045.             "Title": "Monahans",
  13046.             "Category": "PHY",
  13047.             "Description": "A photo and description of the water-containing meteorite, which is named monahans.",
  13048.             "Year": 0
  13049.         },
  13050.         {
  13051.             "RIT": "ws101360",
  13052.             "Type": "WS",
  13053.             "URL": "http://www.yad-vashem.org.il/",
  13054.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13055.             "Title": "Yad Vashem",
  13056.             "Category": "HIS",
  13057.             "Description": "A Holocaust education site from Israel's Yad Vashem memorial.",
  13058.             "Year": 0
  13059.         },
  13060.         {
  13061.             "RIT": "ws101368",
  13062.             "Type": "WS",
  13063.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/education/teaching/robinson/robmain.html",
  13064.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13065.             "Title": "Jackie Robinson: Civil Rights Advocate",
  13066.             "Category": "REC",
  13067.             "Description": "This feature from the National Archives and Records Administration describes Robinson's efforts on behalf of civil rights issues. Includes the text of Robinson's correspondence with public officials, quotations, and lesson plans.",
  13068.             "Year": 0
  13069.         },
  13070.         {
  13071.             "RIT": "ws101369",
  13072.             "Type": "WS",
  13073.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shtetl/treblinka/",
  13074.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13075.             "Title": "Treblinka",
  13076.             "Category": "HIS",
  13077.             "Description": "Information about the concentration camp from PBS.",
  13078.             "Year": 0
  13079.         },
  13080.         {
  13081.             "RIT": "ws101370",
  13082.             "Type": "WS",
  13083.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/eichmann/",
  13084.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13085.             "Title": "The Trial of Adolf Eichmann: A PBS Documentary created with ABC News/Great Projects",
  13086.             "Category": "HIS",
  13087.             "Description": "This companion site to a documentary that aired on PBS features biographical information on Eichmann, an overview of the trial, and classroom activities.",
  13088.             "Year": 0
  13089.         },
  13090.         {
  13091.             "RIT": "ws101371",
  13092.             "Type": "WS",
  13093.             "URL": "http://www.un.org/icty/",
  13094.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13095.             "Title": "United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia",
  13096.             "Category": "GEO",
  13097.             "Description": "This site includes press releases, basic legal documents, and case fact sheets.",
  13098.             "Year": 0
  13099.         },
  13100.         {
  13101.             "RIT": "ws101372",
  13102.             "Type": "WS",
  13103.             "URL": "http://www.raptor.cvm.umn.edu/content.asp?page=2502",
  13104.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13105.             "Title": "Raptor Facts - Bald Eagle",
  13106.             "Category": "LIF",
  13107.             "Description": "A fact sheet from The Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota.",
  13108.             "Year": 0
  13109.         },
  13110.         {
  13111.             "RIT": "ws101374",
  13112.             "Type": "WS",
  13113.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/zrtoc.html",
  13114.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13115.             "Title": "ZAIRE - A Country Study",
  13116.             "Category": "GEO",
  13117.             "Description": "A feature about Zaire--now known as the Democratic Republic of Congo or Congo (Kinshasa)--from the U.S. Library of Congress.",
  13118.             "Year": 0
  13119.         },
  13120.         {
  13121.             "RIT": "ws101377",
  13122.             "Type": "WS",
  13123.             "URL": "http://www.darsie.net/talesofwonder/",
  13124.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13125.             "Title": "Tales of Wonder",
  13126.             "Category": "HUM",
  13127.             "Description": "Folk and fairy tales from around the world, grouped by country or culture of origin. Includes links to related resources.",
  13128.             "Year": 0
  13129.         },
  13130.         {
  13131.             "RIT": "ws101378",
  13132.             "Type": "WS",
  13133.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/lear.html",
  13134.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13135.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF EDWARD LEAR (1812-1888)",
  13136.             "Category": "HUM",
  13137.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  13138.             "Year": 0
  13139.         },
  13140.         {
  13141.             "RIT": "ws101386",
  13142.             "Type": "WS",
  13143.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/lindsay.html",
  13144.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13145.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF VACHEL LINDSAY (1879-1931)",
  13146.             "Category": "HUM",
  13147.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  13148.             "Year": 0
  13149.         },
  13150.         {
  13151.             "RIT": "ws101398",
  13152.             "Type": "WS",
  13153.             "URL": "http://www.abt.org/",
  13154.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13155.             "Title": "American Ballet Theatre",
  13156.             "Category": "HUM",
  13157.             "Description": "The homepage of the American Ballet Theatre includes information about the dance company and an online dictionary of ballet terms.",
  13158.             "Year": 0
  13159.         },
  13160.         {
  13161.             "RIT": "ws101421",
  13162.             "Type": "WS",
  13163.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/longfel.html",
  13164.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13166.             "Category": "HUM",
  13167.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  13168.             "Year": 0
  13169.         },
  13170.         {
  13171.             "RIT": "ws101430",
  13172.             "Type": "WS",
  13173.             "URL": "http://www.ci.chi.il.us/",
  13174.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13175.             "Title": "City of Chicago Home Page",
  13176.             "Category": "GEO",
  13177.             "Description": "Official Chicago site for city services and tourism.",
  13178.             "Year": 0
  13179.         },
  13180.         {
  13181.             "RIT": "ws101431",
  13182.             "Type": "WS",
  13183.             "URL": "http://www.chicagohs.org/fire/intro/gcf-index.html",
  13184.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13185.             "Title": "The Great Chicago Fire Contents",
  13186.             "Category": "GEO",
  13187.             "Description": "Historical information provided by the Chicago Public Library on The Great Chicago Fire of 1871.",
  13188.             "Year": 0
  13189.         },
  13190.         {
  13191.             "RIT": "ws101432",
  13192.             "Type": "WS",
  13193.             "URL": "http://travel.state.gov/droc.html",
  13194.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13195.             "Title": "Democratic Republic of Congo - Consular Information Sheet",
  13196.             "Category": "GEO",
  13197.             "Description": "A U.S. State Department information sheet on the Democratic Republic of Congo.",
  13198.             "Year": 0
  13199.         },
  13200.         {
  13201.             "RIT": "ws101433",
  13202.             "Type": "WS",
  13203.             "URL": "http://more.abcnews.go.com/sections/world/kabilabio507/index.html",
  13204.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13205.             "Title": "Biography of Laurent Kabila",
  13206.             "Category": "GEO",
  13207.             "Description": "ABC News presents biographical information on Kabila.",
  13208.             "Year": 0
  13209.         },
  13210.         {
  13211.             "RIT": "ws101434",
  13212.             "Type": "WS",
  13213.             "URL": "http://travel.state.gov/panama.html",
  13214.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13215.             "Title": "Panama - Consular Information Sheet",
  13216.             "Category": "GEO",
  13217.             "Description": "A U.S. State Department information sheet on Panama.",
  13218.             "Year": 0
  13219.         },
  13220.         {
  13221.             "RIT": "ws101436",
  13222.             "Type": "WS",
  13223.             "URL": "http://www.ci.boise.id.us/",
  13224.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13225.             "Title": "Government of the City of Boise, Idaho",
  13226.             "Category": "GEO",
  13227.             "Description": "Official Boise, Idaho, city site with information on events, government, and the community of Boise.",
  13228.             "Year": 0
  13229.         },
  13230.         {
  13231.             "RIT": "ws101451",
  13232.             "Type": "WS",
  13233.             "URL": "http://www.ci.decatur.il.us/",
  13234.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13235.             "Title": "City of Decatur Illinois Home Page",
  13236.             "Category": "GEO",
  13237.             "Description": "Official Decatur site for city services and tourism.",
  13238.             "Year": 0
  13239.         },
  13240.         {
  13241.             "RIT": "ws101452",
  13242.             "Type": "WS",
  13243.             "URL": "http://www.congorcd.org/",
  13244.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13245.             "Title": "Congolese Rally for Democracy (RCD) Website",
  13246.             "Category": "GEO",
  13247.             "Description": "This site provides political, social and military analysis from Congolese Rally for Democracy leaders, African scholars and activists.",
  13248.             "Year": 0
  13249.         },
  13250.         {
  13251.             "RIT": "ws101454",
  13252.             "Type": "WS",
  13253.             "URL": "http://www.ci.indianapolis.in.us/",
  13254.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13255.             "Title": "City of Indianapolis / Marion County Home Page",
  13256.             "Category": "GEO",
  13257.             "Description": "Official Indianapolis site for city services and tourism.",
  13258.             "Year": 0
  13259.         },
  13260.         {
  13261.             "RIT": "ws101456",
  13262.             "Type": "WS",
  13263.             "URL": "http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/index.asp",
  13264.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13265.             "Title": "Georgia Department of Education",
  13266.             "Category": "GEO",
  13267.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Georgia Department of Education.",
  13268.             "Year": 0
  13269.         },
  13270.         {
  13271.             "RIT": "ws101457",
  13272.             "Type": "WS",
  13273.             "URL": "http://archnet.asu.edu/",
  13274.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13275.             "Title": "ArchNet: The WWW Virtual Library",
  13276.             "Category": "SOC",
  13277.             "Description": "A comprehensive list of links to Internet resources in archaeology, from the University of Connecticut.",
  13278.             "Year": 0
  13279.         },
  13280.         {
  13281.             "RIT": "ws101459",
  13282.             "Type": "WS",
  13283.             "URL": "http://www.georgia.org/tourism/index.asp",
  13284.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13285.             "Title": "Travel and Tourism [Georgia]",
  13286.             "Category": "GEO",
  13287.             "Description": "The Georgia Industry, Travel, and Tourism site of events, activities, and sights in Georgia.",
  13288.             "Year": 0
  13289.         },
  13290.         {
  13291.             "RIT": "ws101461",
  13292.             "Type": "WS",
  13293.             "URL": "http://www.fnal.gov/",
  13294.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13295.             "Title": "Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Welcome Page",
  13296.             "Category": "PHY",
  13297.             "Description": "Official site of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois. The lab operates the world's highest-energy particle accelerator.",
  13298.             "Year": 0
  13299.         },
  13300.         {
  13301.             "RIT": "ws101465",
  13302.             "Type": "WS",
  13303.             "URL": "http://www.eucom.mil/africa/zr/index.htm",
  13304.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13305.             "Title": "Democratic Republic of the Congo",
  13306.             "Category": "GEO",
  13307.             "Description": "This site provides information of the Democratic Republic of Congo.",
  13308.             "Year": 0
  13309.         },
  13310.         {
  13311.             "RIT": "ws101466",
  13312.             "Type": "WS",
  13313.             "URL": "http://vnews.ironmanlive.com/",
  13314.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13315.             "Title": "Ironman Live",
  13316.             "Category": "REC",
  13317.             "Description": "Official site for the Ironman Triathlon held in Kona, Hawaii.",
  13318.             "Year": 0
  13319.         },
  13320.         {
  13321.             "RIT": "ws101468",
  13322.             "Type": "WS",
  13323.             "URL": "http://www.isu.edu/",
  13324.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13325.             "Title": "Idaho State University",
  13326.             "Category": "SOC",
  13327.             "Description": "Official Idaho State University homepage and guide to campus and the Pocatello area.",
  13328.             "Year": 0
  13329.         },
  13330.         {
  13331.             "RIT": "ws101437",
  13332.             "Type": "WS",
  13333.             "URL": "http://www.chicagobears.com/",
  13334.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13335.             "Title": "Chicago Bears - The Official Site",
  13336.             "Category": "GEO",
  13337.             "Description": "Official site of the Chicago Bears football team.",
  13338.             "Year": 0
  13339.         },
  13340.         {
  13341.             "RIT": "ws101438",
  13342.             "Type": "WS",
  13343.             "URL": "http://www.amishacres.com/",
  13344.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13345.             "Title": "Amish Acres Historic Farm, Nappanee, Indiana",
  13346.             "Category": "GEO",
  13347.             "Description": "Commercial site with information on Amish Acres in Nappanee, Indiana.",
  13348.             "Year": 0
  13349.         },
  13350.         {
  13351.             "RIT": "ws101439",
  13352.             "Type": "WS",
  13353.             "URL": "http://www.anl.gov/",
  13354.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13355.             "Title": "Argonne National Laboratory Home Page",
  13356.             "Category": "PHY",
  13357.             "Description": "Official site of the Argonne National Laboratory, one of the U.S. Department of Energy's largest research centers.",
  13358.             "Year": 0
  13359.         },
  13360.         {
  13361.             "RIT": "ws101440",
  13362.             "Type": "WS",
  13363.             "URL": "http://www.africanews.org/central/congo-kinshasa/",
  13364.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13365.             "Title": "Africa News Online - Congo - Kinshasa",
  13366.             "Category": "GEO",
  13367.             "Description": "This site provides several links to news reports about Congo (Kinshasa).",
  13368.             "Year": 0
  13369.         },
  13370.         {
  13371.             "RIT": "ws101441",
  13372.             "Type": "WS",
  13373.             "URL": "http://nautarch.tamu.edu/ina/vm.htm",
  13374.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13375.             "Title": "Virtual Museum of Nautical Archaeology",
  13376.             "Category": "SOC",
  13377.             "Description": "A comprehensive list of Internet resources on underwater archaeology from the Institute of Nautical Archaeology.",
  13378.             "Year": 0
  13379.         },
  13380.         {
  13381.             "RIT": "ws101442",
  13382.             "Type": "WS",
  13383.             "URL": "http://www.bishop.hawaii.org/bishop/specialdays/kamehameha.html",
  13384.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13385.             "Title": "King Kamehameha I",
  13386.             "Category": "HIS",
  13387.             "Description": "Bishop Museum site on Kamehameha I, who is credited with founding the Kingdom of Hawaii.",
  13388.             "Year": 0
  13389.         },
  13390.         {
  13391.             "RIT": "ws101443",
  13392.             "Type": "WS",
  13393.             "URL": "http://www.benning.army.mil/fbhome/",
  13394.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13395.             "Title": "Fort Benning Home Page",
  13396.             "Category": "SOC",
  13397.             "Description": "Official site of the United States Infantry Center in Fort Benning, Georgia.",
  13398.             "Year": 0
  13399.         },
  13400.         {
  13401.             "RIT": "ws101444",
  13402.             "Type": "WS",
  13403.             "URL": "http://chicago.whitesox.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/cws/homepage/cws_homepage.jsp",
  13404.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13405.             "Title": "CHISOX.com - official site of the Chicago White Sox",
  13406.             "Category": "GEO",
  13407.             "Description": "Official site of the Chicago White Sox baseball team.",
  13408.             "Year": 0
  13409.         },
  13410.         {
  13411.             "RIT": "ws101448",
  13412.             "Type": "WS",
  13413.             "URL": "http://www.pancanal.com/eng/history/history/index.html",
  13414.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13415.             "Title": "Discovery Online, Feature Stories -- The Unkindest Cut",
  13416.             "Category": "GEO",
  13417.             "Description": "The story of the construction of the Panama Canal, presented by the Discovery Channel.",
  13418.             "Year": 0
  13419.         },
  13420.         {
  13421.             "RIT": "ws101449",
  13422.             "Type": "WS",
  13423.             "URL": "http://www.cubs.com/index2.frm",
  13424.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13425.             "Title": "Chicago Cubs Official Website",
  13426.             "Category": "GEO",
  13427.             "Description": "Official site of the Chicago Cubs baseball team.",
  13428.             "Year": 0
  13429.         },
  13430.         {
  13431.             "RIT": "ws101469",
  13432.             "Type": "WS",
  13433.             "URL": "http://www.etan.org/",
  13434.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13435.             "Title": "East Timor Action Network/U.S.",
  13436.             "Category": "GEO",
  13437.             "Description": "This site, sponsored by a political action group, provides information about, and ways to help, East Timor, which was invaded by Indonesia in 1975.",
  13438.             "Year": 0
  13439.         },
  13440.         {
  13441.             "RIT": "ws101470",
  13442.             "Type": "WS",
  13443.             "URL": "http://www.interlog.com/~gilgames/liliuo.htm",
  13444.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13445.             "Title": "Liliuokalani",
  13446.             "Category": "HIS",
  13447.             "Description": "Information about Liliuokalani, the last queen of the Hawaiian Islands.",
  13448.             "Year": 0
  13449.         },
  13450.         {
  13451.             "RIT": "ws101471",
  13452.             "Type": "WS",
  13453.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/rivers/wsr-snake.html",
  13454.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13455.             "Title": "Snake Wild and Scenic River, Idaho and Oregon",
  13456.             "Category": "GEO",
  13457.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Hells Canyon of the Snake River.",
  13458.             "Year": 0
  13459.         },
  13460.         {
  13461.             "RIT": "ws101474",
  13462.             "Type": "WS",
  13463.             "URL": "http://www.springfield.il.us/",
  13464.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13465.             "Title": "City of Springfield, Illinois",
  13466.             "Category": "GEO",
  13467.             "Description": "Official Springfield site for city services and tourism.",
  13468.             "Year": 0
  13469.         },
  13470.         {
  13471.             "RIT": "ws101476",
  13472.             "Type": "WS",
  13473.             "URL": "http://www.visitid.org/",
  13474.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13475.             "Title": "Idaho Travel and Tourism Guide",
  13476.             "Category": "GEO",
  13477.             "Description": "The Idaho Division of Tourism Development site describing events, activities, and attractions in Idaho.",
  13478.             "Year": 0
  13479.         },
  13480.         {
  13481.             "RIT": "ws101479",
  13482.             "Type": "WS",
  13483.             "URL": "http://www.sde.state.id.us/Dept/",
  13484.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13485.             "Title": "Idaho Department of Education",
  13486.             "Category": "GEO",
  13487.             "Description": "Official site of the Idaho Department of Education. Includes links to Web sites of schools and school districts throughout the United States.",
  13488.             "Year": 0
  13489.         },
  13490.         {
  13491.             "RIT": "ws101481",
  13492.             "Type": "WS",
  13493.             "URL": "http://www.wmkeck.org/files/wmkobsv.html",
  13494.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13495.             "Title": "W. M. Keck Observatory",
  13496.             "Category": "PHY",
  13497.             "Description": "The W. M. Keck Foundation information about the Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea.",
  13498.             "Year": 0
  13499.         },
  13500.         {
  13501.             "RIT": "ws101483",
  13502.             "Type": "WS",
  13503.             "URL": "http://www.state.in.us/tourism/",
  13504.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13505.             "Title": "Indiana Tourism",
  13506.             "Category": "GEO",
  13507.             "Description": "Official site of the Indiana Division of Tourism.",
  13508.             "Year": 0
  13509.         },
  13510.         {
  13511.             "RIT": "ws101484",
  13512.             "Type": "WS",
  13513.             "URL": "http://www.portsofindiana.com/Main/ipc_main-fs.htm",
  13514.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13515.             "Title": "The Ports of Indiana - Main",
  13516.             "Category": "GEO",
  13517.             "Description": "Official site of The Ports of Indiana.",
  13518.             "Year": 0
  13519.         },
  13520.         {
  13521.             "RIT": "ws101485",
  13522.             "Type": "WS",
  13523.             "URL": "http://www2.state.id.us/ishs/Index.html",
  13524.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13525.             "Title": "Idaho State Historical Society",
  13526.             "Category": "GEO",
  13527.             "Description": "Official site of the Idaho State Historical Society in Boise, Idaho.",
  13528.             "Year": 0
  13529.         },
  13530.         {
  13531.             "RIT": "ws101497",
  13532.             "Type": "WS",
  13533.             "URL": "http://tlc.ai.org/internet.htm",
  13534.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13535.             "Title": "AITLC Guide to Internet in Schools",
  13536.             "Category": "PHY",
  13537.             "Description": "Links to information about many aspects of using the Internet in schools, from the Access Indiana Teaching and Learning Center.",
  13538.             "Year": 0
  13539.         },
  13540.         {
  13541.             "RIT": "ws101498",
  13542.             "Type": "WS",
  13543.             "URL": "http://www5.zdnet.com/",
  13544.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13545.             "Title": "ZDNet",
  13546.             "Category": "PHY",
  13547.             "Description": "A comprehensive site about many aspects of computers and computing from Ziff Davis, publisher of many consumer-oriented computer periodicals.",
  13548.             "Year": 0
  13549.         },
  13550.         {
  13551.             "RIT": "ws101499",
  13552.             "Type": "WS",
  13553.             "URL": "http://www.cln.org/subjects/infotech.html",
  13554.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13555.             "Title": "CLN Educational Resources in Information Technology",
  13556.             "Category": "PHY",
  13557.             "Description": "Links to resources about beginning and advanced Web page design, the history of computers and the Internet, learning how to search the World Wide Web, programming, privacy, and other topics. From the Community Learning Network.",
  13558.             "Year": 0
  13559.         },
  13560.         {
  13561.             "RIT": "ws101500",
  13562.             "Type": "WS",
  13563.             "URL": "http://kbase.info.apple.com/",
  13564.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13565.             "Title": "AppleCare: Knowledge Base",
  13566.             "Category": "PHY",
  13567.             "Description": "A free searchable database of technical and troubleshooting information for Apple computers and peripheral devices. Updated daily.",
  13568.             "Year": 0
  13569.         },
  13570.         {
  13571.             "RIT": "ws101501",
  13572.             "Type": "WS",
  13573.             "URL": "http://www.PCGuide.com/",
  13574.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13575.             "Title": "The PC Guide",
  13576.             "Category": "PHY",
  13577.             "Description": "A detailed reference guide on a wide variety of topics, from a basic explanation of how computers work to troubleshooting state-of-the-art systems and components.",
  13578.             "Year": 0
  13579.         },
  13580.         {
  13581.             "RIT": "ws101502",
  13582.             "Type": "WS",
  13583.             "URL": "http://tlc.ai.org/gatesbil.htm",
  13584.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13585.             "Title": "AITLC Bill Gates",
  13586.             "Category": "IND",
  13587.             "Description": "A page of links with information about Bill Gates from the Access Indiana Teaching and Learning Center. Includes a biography, interviews, a Personal Wealth Clock, and other information.",
  13588.             "Year": 0
  13589.         },
  13590.         {
  13591.             "RIT": "ws101504",
  13592.             "Type": "WS",
  13593.             "URL": "http://vmoc.museophile.com/",
  13594.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13595.             "Title": "The Virtual Museum of Computing",
  13596.             "Category": "PHY",
  13597.             "Description": "A collection of links to various Web sites about the history of computers and computing.",
  13598.             "Year": 0
  13599.         },
  13600.         {
  13601.             "RIT": "ws101517",
  13602.             "Type": "WS",
  13603.             "URL": "http://www.visitfrankfort.com/",
  13604.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13605.             "Title": "Welcome to Frankfort, Kentucky!",
  13606.             "Category": "GEO",
  13607.             "Description": "Official Frankfort site for city services and tourism.",
  13608.             "Year": 0
  13609.         },
  13610.         {
  13611.             "RIT": "ws101519",
  13612.             "Type": "WS",
  13613.             "URL": "http://www.natchitoches.com/",
  13614.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13615.             "Title": "Natchitoches, Louisiana",
  13616.             "Category": "GEO",
  13617.             "Description": "Official site for city services and tourism in Natchitoches, Louisiana.",
  13618.             "Year": 0
  13619.         },
  13620.         {
  13621.             "RIT": "ws101520",
  13622.             "Type": "WS",
  13623.             "URL": "http://www.kckcvb.org/",
  13624.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13625.             "Title": "Kansas Convention and Visitors Bureau",
  13626.             "Category": "GEO",
  13627.             "Description": "Official Kansas City site for city services and tourism.",
  13628.             "Year": 0
  13629.         },
  13630.         {
  13631.             "RIT": "ws101521",
  13632.             "Type": "WS",
  13633.             "URL": "http://www.hot.springs.national-park.com/",
  13634.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13635.             "Title": "Hot Springs National Park",
  13636.             "Category": "GEO",
  13637.             "Description": "Informative site on Hot Springs National Park, including maps, guides, and activities.",
  13638.             "Year": 0
  13639.         },
  13640.         {
  13641.             "RIT": "ws101523",
  13642.             "Type": "WS",
  13643.             "URL": "http://www.covingtonky.com/index.htm",
  13644.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13645.             "Title": "The City of Covington",
  13646.             "Category": "GEO",
  13647.             "Description": "Official Covington site for city services and tourism.",
  13648.             "Year": 0
  13649.         },
  13650.         {
  13651.             "RIT": "ws101524",
  13652.             "Type": "WS",
  13653.             "URL": "http://www.tourky.com/tourky/html/",
  13654.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13655.             "Title": "Kentucky Tourism Council",
  13656.             "Category": "GEO",
  13657.             "Description": "Official site of the Kentucky Tourism Council.",
  13658.             "Year": 0
  13659.         },
  13660.         {
  13661.             "RIT": "ws101525",
  13662.             "Type": "WS",
  13663.             "URL": "http://www.lfucg.com/",
  13664.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13665.             "Title": "Lexington, Kentucky",
  13666.             "Category": "GEO",
  13667.             "Description": "Official Lexington site for city services and tourism.",
  13668.             "Year": 0
  13669.         },
  13670.         {
  13671.             "RIT": "ws101526",
  13672.             "Type": "WS",
  13673.             "URL": "http://www.kshs.org/places/fortsnet.htm",
  13674.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13675.             "Title": "Kansas State Historical Society",
  13676.             "Category": "SOC",
  13677.             "Description": "Kansas State Historical Society site on forts throughout Kansas.",
  13678.             "Year": 0
  13679.         },
  13680.         {
  13681.             "RIT": "ws101527",
  13682.             "Type": "WS",
  13683.             "URL": "http://www.MardiGrasNewOrleans.com/",
  13684.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13685.             "Title": "Mardi Gras in New Orleans!",
  13686.             "Category": "HUM",
  13687.             "Description": "Informative site on Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Louisiana.",
  13688.             "Year": 0
  13689.         },
  13690.         {
  13691.             "RIT": "ws101528",
  13692.             "Type": "WS",
  13693.             "URL": "http://city.prince-rupert.bc.ca/",
  13694.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13695.             "Title": "Welcome to the City of Prince Rupert",
  13696.             "Category": "GEO",
  13697.             "Description": "Prince Rupert, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  13698.             "Year": 0
  13699.         },
  13700.         {
  13701.             "RIT": "ws101529",
  13702.             "Type": "WS",
  13703.             "URL": "http://www.hobartcity.com.au/",
  13704.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13705.             "Title": "Welcome to the Hobart City Council",
  13706.             "Category": "GEO",
  13707.             "Description": "Hobart, Australia site for city services and tourism.",
  13708.             "Year": 0
  13709.         },
  13710.         {
  13711.             "RIT": "ws101531",
  13712.             "Type": "WS",
  13713.             "URL": "http://www.mainemuseums.org/htm/81.htm",
  13714.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13715.             "Title": "Maine Archives and Museums [Penobscot Marine Museum]",
  13716.             "Category": "GEO",
  13717.             "Description": "Maine Archives and Museums site on Penobscot Marine Museum in Searsport, Maine.",
  13718.             "Year": 0
  13719.         },
  13720.         {
  13721.             "RIT": "ws101544",
  13722.             "Type": "WS",
  13723.             "URL": "",
  13724.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13725.             "Title": "Welcome to the City of Miami Beach",
  13726.             "Category": "GEO",
  13727.             "Description": "Official Miami Beach, Florida, site for community affairs, city services, and tourism.",
  13728.             "Year": 0
  13729.         },
  13730.         {
  13731.             "RIT": "ws101545",
  13732.             "Type": "WS",
  13733.             "URL": "http://english.wiesbaden.de/",
  13734.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13735.             "Title": "WIESBADEN - The Capital of Hesse",
  13736.             "Category": "GEO",
  13737.             "Description": "Official Wiesbaden, Germany site with information for tourists.",
  13738.             "Year": 0
  13739.         },
  13740.         {
  13741.             "RIT": "ws101546",
  13742.             "Type": "WS",
  13743.             "URL": "http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/",
  13744.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13745.             "Title": "Birmingham Assist",
  13746.             "Category": "GEO",
  13747.             "Description": "Official Birmingham, England site for community affairs, city services, and tourism.",
  13748.             "Year": 0
  13749.         },
  13750.         {
  13751.             "RIT": "ws101547",
  13752.             "Type": "WS",
  13753.             "URL": "http://city.yellowknife.nt.ca/",
  13754.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13755.             "Title": "City of Yellowknife",
  13756.             "Category": "GEO",
  13757.             "Description": "Official Yellowknife, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  13758.             "Year": 0
  13759.         },
  13760.         {
  13761.             "RIT": "ws101550",
  13762.             "Type": "WS",
  13763.             "URL": "http://www.fednews.ru/",
  13764.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13765.             "Title": "Federal News Service",
  13766.             "Category": "GEO",
  13767.             "Description": "This page contains transcripts of important speeches, press conferences, briefings, and interviews with Russia's political leaders.",
  13768.             "Year": 0
  13769.         },
  13770.         {
  13771.             "RIT": "ws101551",
  13772.             "Type": "WS",
  13773.             "URL": "http://www.rferl.org/nca/special/ruchaos98/index.html",
  13774.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13775.             "Title": "Free Europe/Radio Liberty: Russia in Crisis",
  13776.             "Category": "GEO",
  13777.             "Description": "A collection of news stories that focus on economic, political, and social turmoil in Russia. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, a private radio station funded by the U.S. Congress, promotes democratic values and institutions.",
  13778.             "Year": 0
  13779.         },
  13780.         {
  13781.             "RIT": "ws101552",
  13782.             "Type": "WS",
  13783.             "URL": "http://www.rferl.org/bd/ru/magazine/default.asp",
  13784.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13785.             "Title": "Weekday Magazine - Russia",
  13786.             "Category": "GEO",
  13787.             "Description": "Analyses and features about Russia by the staff of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, a private radio station funded by the U.S. Congress that promotes democratic values and institutions.",
  13788.             "Year": 0
  13789.         },
  13790.         {
  13791.             "RIT": "ws101553",
  13792.             "Type": "WS",
  13793.             "URL": "http://www.europeaninternet.com/russia/",
  13794.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13795.             "Title": "Russia Today",
  13796.             "Category": "GEO",
  13797.             "Description": "Russia Today provides 24-hour coverage of business, political, and cultural events in Russia.",
  13798.             "Year": 0
  13799.         },
  13800.         {
  13801.             "RIT": "ws101554",
  13802.             "Type": "WS",
  13803.             "URL": "http://home.uleth.ca/",
  13804.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13805.             "Title": "The University Of Lethbridge",
  13806.             "Category": "SOC",
  13807.             "Description": "Official University of Lethbridge Web site and guide to campus and the Lethbridge area.",
  13808.             "Year": 0
  13809.         },
  13810.         {
  13811.             "RIT": "ws101566",
  13812.             "Type": "WS",
  13813.             "URL": "http://www.york.gov.uk/",
  13814.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13815.             "Title": "City of York Council - Welcome to the Worldwide Gateway to York",
  13816.             "Category": "GEO",
  13817.             "Description": "Official Web site of York, England, describing community events, government, city services, and tourism.",
  13818.             "Year": 0
  13819.         },
  13820.         {
  13821.             "RIT": "ws101567",
  13822.             "Type": "WS",
  13823.             "URL": "http://www.wnba.com/rockers/",
  13824.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13825.             "Title": "The Official Site of the Cleveland Rockers",
  13826.             "Category": "GEO",
  13827.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Cleveland Rockers women's basketball team.",
  13828.             "Year": 0
  13829.         },
  13830.         {
  13831.             "RIT": "ws101569",
  13832.             "Type": "WS",
  13833.             "URL": "http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/nyy/homepage/nyy_homepage.jsp",
  13834.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13835.             "Title": "Yankees.Com",
  13836.             "Category": "REC",
  13837.             "Description": "The official Web site of the New York Yankees.",
  13838.             "Year": 0
  13839.         },
  13840.         {
  13841.             "RIT": "ws101570",
  13842.             "Type": "WS",
  13843.             "URL": "http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/research_guides/history/civwar.shtml",
  13844.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13845.             "Title": "Civil War Resources on the Internet: Abolition to Reconstruction",
  13846.             "Category": "HIS",
  13847.             "Description": "This page serves as a subject archive for the American and British History Page maintained at Rutgers University. It includes links related divided into the following categories: (1) Leading up to the war, (2) The war years, (3) Reconstruction d",
  13848.             "Year": 0
  13849.         },
  13850.         {
  13851.             "RIT": "ws101571",
  13852.             "Type": "WS",
  13853.             "URL": "http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/amh/amh-09.htm",
  13854.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13855.             "Title": "The Civil War, 1861",
  13856.             "Category": "HIS",
  13857.             "Description": "The Office of the Chief of Military History of the United States Army presents this chapter from American military history. Includes text and maps.",
  13858.             "Year": 0
  13859.         },
  13860.         {
  13861.             "RIT": "ws101572",
  13862.             "Type": "WS",
  13863.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/genealogy/civilwar.html",
  13864.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13865.             "Title": "Civil War Records",
  13866.             "Category": "HIS",
  13867.             "Description": "This page from the National Archives and Records Administration describes resources for researching the military service of individual Civil War soldiers.",
  13868.             "Year": 0
  13869.         },
  13870.         {
  13871.             "RIT": "ws101573",
  13872.             "Type": "WS",
  13873.             "URL": "http://www.sos.state.mi.us/history/museum/explore/museums/hismus/prehist/civilwar/introciv.html",
  13874.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13875.             "Title": "Civil War Gallery",
  13876.             "Category": "HIS",
  13877.             "Description": "This presentation from the Michigan Historical Museum includes class activities as well as information about the Underground Railroad and Michigan's Civil War soldiers.",
  13878.             "Year": 0
  13879.         },
  13880.         {
  13881.             "RIT": "ws101581",
  13882.             "Type": "WS",
  13883.             "URL": "http://fcit.coedu.usf.edu/Holocaust/",
  13884.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13885.             "Title": "Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust",
  13886.             "Category": "HIS",
  13887.             "Description": "An overview of the people and events of the Holocaust presented through text, documents, photographs, art, and literature. From the Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of South Florida.",
  13888.             "Year": 0
  13889.         },
  13890.         {
  13891.             "RIT": "ws101582",
  13892.             "Type": "WS",
  13893.             "URL": "http://rj.org/",
  13894.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13895.             "Title": "Reform Judaism",
  13896.             "Category": "HUM",
  13897.             "Description": "Information about the Reform Judaism movement from the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.",
  13898.             "Year": 0
  13899.         },
  13900.         {
  13901.             "RIT": "ws101585",
  13902.             "Type": "WS",
  13903.             "URL": "http://www.aachen-tourist.de/English/Frames/frameset.htm",
  13904.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13905.             "Title": "aachen tourist service",
  13906.             "Category": "GEO",
  13907.             "Description": "Aachen, Germany Tourist Office site describing events, activities, and attractions.",
  13908.             "Year": 0
  13909.         },
  13910.         {
  13911.             "RIT": "ws101586",
  13912.             "Type": "WS",
  13913.             "URL": "http://www.aberystwyth.com/",
  13914.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13915.             "Title": "Welcome to Aberystwyth",
  13916.             "Category": "GEO",
  13917.             "Description": "A site describing castles and other attractions in Aberystwyth, Wale",
  13918.             "Year": 0
  13919.         },
  13920.         {
  13921.             "RIT": "ws101587",
  13922.             "Type": "WS",
  13923.             "URL": "http://www.bostonmarathon.org/BostonMarathon/",
  13924.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13925.             "Title": "The Official Boston Marathon Web Site",
  13926.             "Category": "REC",
  13927.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Boston Marathon, with a calendar of future races and information about the race.",
  13928.             "Year": 0
  13929.         },
  13930.         {
  13931.             "RIT": "ws101588",
  13932.             "Type": "WS",
  13933.             "URL": "http://www.ballparks.com/",
  13934.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13935.             "Title": "Ballparks by Munsey and Suppes",
  13936.             "Category": "REC",
  13937.             "Description": "This site, hosted by Paul Munsey and Corey Suppes, gives pictures, brief histories, seating charts, and other information about every professional baseball, basketball, football, and hockey stadium in the country. It also features links to offic",
  13938.             "Year": 0
  13939.         },
  13940.         {
  13941.             "RIT": "ws101589",
  13942.             "Type": "WS",
  13943.             "URL": "http://www.bju.edu/",
  13944.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13945.             "Title": "Welcome to Bob Jones University",
  13946.             "Category": "GEO",
  13947.             "Description": "Official Bob Jones University homepage and guide to campus and the Greenville area.",
  13948.             "Year": 0
  13949.         },
  13950.         {
  13951.             "RIT": "ws101590",
  13952.             "Type": "WS",
  13953.             "URL": "http://www.aspengov.com/",
  13954.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13955.             "Title": "Aspen, Colorado",
  13956.             "Category": "GEO",
  13957.             "Description": "Official Aspen site describing government, community events, city services, and tourist attractions.",
  13958.             "Year": 0
  13959.         },
  13960.         {
  13961.             "RIT": "ws101591",
  13962.             "Type": "WS",
  13963.             "URL": "http://www.ballarat.vic.gov.au/",
  13964.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13965.             "Title": "BALLARAT-VICTORIA-AUSTRALIA",
  13966.             "Category": "GEO",
  13967.             "Description": "Ballarat, Australia site describing government, city services, and tourism.",
  13968.             "Year": 0
  13969.         },
  13970.         {
  13971.             "RIT": "ws101602",
  13972.             "Type": "WS",
  13973.             "URL": "http://www.bath.co.uk/",
  13974.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13975.             "Title": "Bath.co.uk - Bath, UK",
  13976.             "Category": "GEO",
  13977.             "Description": "Official Bath, England site describing government, community events, and tourist attractions.",
  13978.             "Year": 0
  13979.         },
  13980.         {
  13981.             "RIT": "ws101603",
  13982.             "Type": "WS",
  13983.             "URL": "http://www.bluejays.ca/",
  13984.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13985.             "Title": "The Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club",
  13986.             "Category": "GEO",
  13987.             "Year": 0
  13988.         },
  13989.         {
  13990.             "RIT": "ws101605",
  13991.             "Type": "WS",
  13992.             "URL": "http://www.bluejackets.com/",
  13993.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  13994.             "Title": "Columbus Blue Jackets Official Web Site",
  13995.             "Category": "GEO",
  13996.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Columbus Blue Jackets hockey team.",
  13997.             "Year": 0
  13998.         },
  13999.         {
  14000.             "RIT": "ws101606",
  14001.             "Type": "WS",
  14002.             "URL": "http://www.bcn.es/english/ihome.htm",
  14003.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14004.             "Title": "Barcelona's city web",
  14005.             "Category": "GEO",
  14006.             "Description": "Official Barcelona, Spain site describing government, community events, city services, and tourist attractions.",
  14007.             "Year": 0
  14008.         },
  14009.         {
  14010.             "RIT": "ws101608",
  14011.             "Type": "WS",
  14012.             "URL": "http://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/",
  14013.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14014.             "Title": "Welcome to Brisbane City Council",
  14015.             "Category": "GEO",
  14016.             "Description": "Brisbane, Australia site describing government, community events, city services, and tourist attractions.",
  14017.             "Year": 0
  14018.         },
  14019.         {
  14020.             "RIT": "ws101609",
  14021.             "Type": "WS",
  14022.             "URL": "http://www.brandenburg.de/index_e.htm",
  14023.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14024.             "Title": "Welcome to Brandenburg!",
  14025.             "Category": "GEO",
  14026.             "Description": "Site describing government, history, community events, activities, and tourist attractions in the German state of Brandenburg.",
  14027.             "Year": 0
  14028.         },
  14029.         {
  14030.             "RIT": "ws101610",
  14031.             "Type": "WS",
  14032.             "URL": "http://www.bruges.be/toerisme/en/index.htm",
  14033.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14034.             "Title": "BRUGGE - MENU TOURIST INFORMATION",
  14035.             "Category": "GEO",
  14036.             "Description": "Bruges, Belgium site providing information about cultural events and tourist attractions.",
  14037.             "Year": 0
  14038.         },
  14039.         {
  14040.             "RIT": "ws101611",
  14041.             "Type": "WS",
  14042.             "URL": "http://www.berchtesgadener-land.com/home_e.htm",
  14043.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14044.             "Title": "Berchtesgadener Land Visitors Center - Official Homepage",
  14045.             "Category": "GEO",
  14046.             "Description": "Berchtesgaden, Germany site describing tourist attractions, lodging, and other topics of interest for visitors.",
  14047.             "Year": 0
  14048.         },
  14049.         {
  14050.             "RIT": "ws101612",
  14051.             "Type": "WS",
  14052.             "URL": "http://www.brighton.co.uk/",
  14053.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14054.             "Title": "Virtual Brighton and Hove",
  14055.             "Category": "GEO",
  14056.             "Description": "Official Web site of Brighton, England.",
  14057.             "Year": 0
  14058.         },
  14059.         {
  14060.             "RIT": "ws101613",
  14061.             "Type": "WS",
  14062.             "URL": "http://www.bristol-city.gov.uk/",
  14063.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14064.             "Title": "Bristol City Council",
  14065.             "Category": "GEO",
  14066.             "Description": "Official Bristol, England, site describing community events and tourist attractions.",
  14067.             "Year": 0
  14068.         },
  14069.         {
  14070.             "RIT": "ws101614",
  14071.             "Type": "WS",
  14072.             "URL": "http://www.brown.edu/",
  14073.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14074.             "Title": "Brown University Homepage",
  14075.             "Category": "GEO",
  14076.             "Description": "Official Brown University homepage and guide to campus.",
  14077.             "Year": 0
  14078.         },
  14079.         {
  14080.             "RIT": "ws101487",
  14081.             "Type": "WS",
  14082.             "URL": "http://www.uc.pt/scripts/timornet/sirius.exe/etmp?index.html",
  14083.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14084.             "Title": "W3C/TimorNet. An Information Service on East Timor",
  14085.             "Category": "GEO",
  14086.             "Description": "This site, sponsored by University of Coimbra, Portugal, provides information about East Timor.",
  14087.             "Year": 0
  14088.         },
  14089.         {
  14090.             "RIT": "ws101489",
  14091.             "Type": "WS",
  14092.             "URL": "http://www.pancanal.com/",
  14093.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14094.             "Title": "The Panama Canal's Web Site",
  14095.             "Category": "GEO",
  14096.             "Description": "This site includes Panama Canal photos and information.",
  14097.             "Year": 0
  14098.         },
  14099.         {
  14100.             "RIT": "ws101490",
  14101.             "Type": "WS",
  14102.             "URL": "http://www.un.org/peace/etimor/etimor.htm",
  14103.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14104.             "Title": "UN: The Question of East Timor",
  14105.             "Category": "GEO",
  14106.             "Description": "Comprehensive site from the United Nations, including a fact sheet, daily briefings, photographs, and election results.",
  14107.             "Year": 0
  14108.         },
  14109.         {
  14110.             "RIT": "ws101491",
  14111.             "Type": "WS",
  14112.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/panama_0100_bgn.html",
  14113.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14114.             "Title": "Background Notes: Panama",
  14115.             "Category": "GEO",
  14116.             "Description": "This site features a U.S. State Department fact sheet on Panama.",
  14117.             "Year": 0
  14118.         },
  14119.         {
  14120.             "RIT": "ws101492",
  14121.             "Type": "WS",
  14122.             "URL": "http://www.orbi.net/Pancanal/press/index.html",
  14123.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14124.             "Title": "Panama Canal Press Releases",
  14125.             "Category": "GEO",
  14126.             "Description": "Includes the latest press releases from the Panama Canal Spillway.",
  14127.             "Year": 0
  14128.         },
  14129.         {
  14130.             "RIT": "ws101493",
  14131.             "Type": "WS",
  14132.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/nerds/",
  14133.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14134.             "Title": "Triumph of the Nerds",
  14135.             "Category": "PHY",
  14136.             "Description": "A companion site to a PBS special feature about the history of computing and the people behind the development of computers.",
  14137.             "Year": 0
  14138.         },
  14139.         {
  14140.             "RIT": "ws101494",
  14141.             "Type": "WS",
  14142.             "URL": "http://webopedia.internet.com/",
  14143.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14144.             "Title": "Webopedia",
  14145.             "Category": "PHY",
  14146.             "Description": "A comprehensive site that features a frequently updated dictionary of computer, Internet, and technical terms, as well as extensive how-to information and technical support.",
  14147.             "Year": 0
  14148.         },
  14149.         {
  14150.             "RIT": "ws101495",
  14151.             "Type": "WS",
  14152.             "URL": "http://www.geek.com/",
  14153.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14154.             "Title": "Geek: The Online Technology Resource",
  14155.             "Category": "PHY",
  14156.             "Description": "Information about all aspects of computers and computing for users at all levels of experience. Includes news stories and games.",
  14157.             "Year": 0
  14158.         },
  14159.         {
  14160.             "RIT": "ws101496",
  14161.             "Type": "WS",
  14162.             "URL": "http://www.macobserver.com/",
  14163.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14164.             "Title": "The Mac Observer",
  14165.             "Category": "PHY",
  14166.             "Description": "A site with news and technical information for users of Macintosh computers.",
  14167.             "Year": 0
  14168.         },
  14169.         {
  14170.             "RIT": "ws101505",
  14171.             "Type": "WS",
  14172.             "URL": "http://members.aol.com/wbox/wbox.htm",
  14173.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14174.             "Title": "What's in That Box?",
  14175.             "Category": "PHY",
  14176.             "Description": "A sequence of pages that describes what's in a typical computer and how it works. In labeled illustrations of the inside and outside of a typical computer, the labels are hot links that provide detailed descriptions of each component. Also expla",
  14177.             "Year": 0
  14178.         },
  14179.         {
  14180.             "RIT": "ws101506",
  14181.             "Type": "WS",
  14182.             "URL": "http://www.ksbe.state.ks.us/Welcome.html",
  14183.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14184.             "Title": "Kansas Department of Education",
  14185.             "Category": "GEO",
  14186.             "Description": "Official site of the Kansas Department of Education. Includes links to Web sites of schools and school districts throughout the United States.",
  14187.             "Year": 0
  14188.         },
  14189.         {
  14190.             "RIT": "ws101507",
  14191.             "Type": "WS",
  14192.             "URL": "http://www.topeka.org/",
  14193.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14194.             "Title": "Topeka City Net",
  14195.             "Category": "GEO",
  14196.             "Description": "Official Topeka, Kansas site for city services and tourism.",
  14197.             "Year": 0
  14198.         },
  14199.         {
  14200.             "RIT": "ws101508",
  14201.             "Type": "WS",
  14202.             "URL": "http://www.ci.leavenworth.ks.us/",
  14203.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14204.             "Title": "City of Leavenworth",
  14205.             "Category": "GEO",
  14206.             "Description": "Official Leavenworth site for city services and tourism.",
  14207.             "Year": 0
  14208.         },
  14209.         {
  14210.             "RIT": "ws101509",
  14211.             "Type": "WS",
  14212.             "URL": "http://www.ci.des-moines.ia.us/",
  14213.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14214.             "Title": "City of Des Moines",
  14215.             "Category": "GEO",
  14216.             "Description": "Official Des Moines site for city services and tourism.",
  14217.             "Year": 0
  14218.         },
  14219.         {
  14220.             "RIT": "ws101511",
  14221.             "Type": "WS",
  14222.             "URL": "http://kdoch.state.ks.us/busdev/travel_and_tourism_info.jsp",
  14223.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14224.             "Title": "Kansas Department of Commerce & Housing Tourism Division",
  14225.             "Category": "GEO",
  14226.             "Description": "Official site of the Kansas Department of Commerce & HousingTourism Division.",
  14227.             "Year": 0
  14228.         },
  14229.         {
  14230.             "RIT": "ws101512",
  14231.             "Type": "WS",
  14232.             "URL": "http://www.VirtualRAGBRAI.com/fdny.htm",
  14233.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14234.             "Title": "RAGBRAI [Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa]",
  14235.             "Category": "GEO",
  14236.             "Description": "Official site of the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa.",
  14237.             "Year": 0
  14238.         },
  14239.         {
  14240.             "RIT": "ws101513",
  14241.             "Type": "WS",
  14242.             "URL": "http://www.lhf.org/",
  14243.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14244.             "Title": "Living History Farms",
  14245.             "Category": "GEO",
  14246.             "Description": "Official site of the Living History Farms in Des Moines, showing agricultural life through the past 200 years.",
  14247.             "Year": 0
  14248.         },
  14249.         {
  14250.             "RIT": "ws101514",
  14251.             "Type": "WS",
  14252.             "URL": "http://www.traveliowa.com/",
  14253.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14254.             "Title": "Iowa Tourism Office",
  14255.             "Category": "GEO",
  14256.             "Description": "Official site of the Iowa Division of Tourism.",
  14257.             "Year": 0
  14258.         },
  14259.         {
  14260.             "RIT": "ws101516",
  14261.             "Type": "WS",
  14262.             "URL": "http://www.kentuckyderby.com/2002/",
  14263.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14264.             "Title": "Churchill Downs",
  14265.             "Category": "REC",
  14266.             "Description": "Official site of the Kentucky Derby horse race in Louisville, Kentucky.",
  14267.             "Year": 0
  14268.         },
  14269.         {
  14270.             "RIT": "ws101532",
  14271.             "Type": "WS",
  14272.             "URL": "http://www.andrews.af.mil/",
  14273.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14274.             "Title": "Andrews Air Force Base",
  14275.             "Category": "SOC",
  14276.             "Description": "Official site of Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland.",
  14277.             "Year": 0
  14278.         },
  14279.         {
  14280.             "RIT": "ws101533",
  14281.             "Type": "WS",
  14282.             "URL": "http://octopus.gma.org/lobsters/index.html",
  14283.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14284.             "Title": "Gulf of Maine Aquarium:All About Lobsters",
  14285.             "Category": "LIF",
  14286.             "Description": "Gulf of Maine Aquarium site on lobsters including links, activities, and trivia.",
  14287.             "Year": 0
  14288.         },
  14289.         {
  14290.             "RIT": "ws101535",
  14291.             "Type": "WS",
  14292.             "URL": "http://www.ftmeade.army.mil/meade_frames.htm",
  14293.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14294.             "Title": "Fort Meade",
  14295.             "Category": "SOC",
  14296.             "Description": "Official site of Fort Meade in Maryland.",
  14297.             "Year": 0
  14298.         },
  14299.         {
  14300.             "RIT": "ws101536",
  14301.             "Type": "WS",
  14302.             "URL": "http://www.apg.army.mil/",
  14303.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14304.             "Title": "United States Army Garrison, APG [Aberdeen Proving Ground]",
  14305.             "Category": "SOC",
  14306.             "Description": "Official site of the United States Army Aberdeen Proving Ground in Aberdeen, Maryland.",
  14307.             "Year": 0
  14308.         },
  14309.         {
  14310.             "RIT": "ws101537",
  14311.             "Type": "WS",
  14312.             "URL": "http://octopus.gma.org/turtles/index.html",
  14313.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14314.             "Title": "Gulf of Maine Aquarium: All About Turtles",
  14315.             "Category": "LIF",
  14316.             "Description": "Gulf of Maine Aquarium site on turtles including facts about different species, activities, and crafts.",
  14317.             "Year": 0
  14318.         },
  14319.         {
  14320.             "RIT": "ws101538",
  14321.             "Type": "WS",
  14322.             "URL": "http://www.mdta.state.md.us/facilities/baybridge.html",
  14323.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14324.             "Title": "William P. Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge",
  14325.             "Category": "GEO",
  14326.             "Description": "Maryland Transportation Authority site on the William P. Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge (formerly the Chesapeake Bay Bridge).",
  14327.             "Year": 0
  14328.         },
  14329.         {
  14330.             "RIT": "ws101539",
  14331.             "Type": "WS",
  14332.             "URL": "http://www.lighthousegetaway.com/lights/maine.html",
  14333.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14334.             "Title": "Maine Lights",
  14335.             "Category": "IND",
  14336.             "Description": "Informative site on the lighthouses along the Maine coast.",
  14337.             "Year": 0
  14338.         },
  14339.         {
  14340.             "RIT": "ws101540",
  14341.             "Type": "WS",
  14342.             "URL": "http://www.baltimoreravens.com/index.asp",
  14343.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14344.             "Title": "BaltimoreRavens.com",
  14345.             "Category": "REC",
  14346.             "Description": "Official site of the Baltimore Ravens football team.",
  14347.             "Year": 0
  14348.         },
  14349.         {
  14350.             "RIT": "ws101541",
  14351.             "Type": "WS",
  14352.             "URL": "http://augusta.co.richmond.ga.us/",
  14353.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14354.             "Title": "The Official Augusta-Richmond County Web Site",
  14355.             "Category": "GEO",
  14356.             "Description": "Official Augusta site for community affairs, city services, and tourism.",
  14357.             "Year": 0
  14358.         },
  14359.         {
  14360.             "RIT": "ws101542",
  14361.             "Type": "WS",
  14362.             "URL": "http://ci.ftlaud.fl.us/",
  14363.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14364.             "Title": "City of Fort Lauderdale Mainpage",
  14365.             "Category": "GEO",
  14366.             "Description": "Official Fort Lauderdale, Florida, site for community affairs, city services, and tourism.",
  14367.             "Year": 0
  14368.         },
  14369.         {
  14370.             "RIT": "ws101543",
  14371.             "Type": "WS",
  14372.             "URL": "http://detroitlions.com/",
  14373.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14374.             "Title": "Detroit Lions",
  14375.             "Category": "GEO",
  14376.             "Description": "Official site of the Detroit Lions football team.",
  14377.             "Year": 0
  14378.         },
  14379.         {
  14380.             "RIT": "ws101555",
  14381.             "Type": "WS",
  14382.             "URL": "http://info.queensu.ca/index.html",
  14383.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14384.             "Title": "Queen's University, Kingston, Canada",
  14385.             "Category": "SOC",
  14386.             "Description": "Official Web site of Queen's University at Kingston and guide to campus and the Kingston area.",
  14387.             "Year": 0
  14388.         },
  14389.         {
  14390.             "RIT": "ws101556",
  14391.             "Type": "WS",
  14392.             "URL": "http://nfl.com/saints/",
  14393.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14394.             "Title": "NFL.COM: New Orleans Saints",
  14395.             "Category": "GEO",
  14396.             "Description": "Official site of the New Orleans Saints football team.",
  14397.             "Year": 0
  14398.         },
  14399.         {
  14400.             "RIT": "ws101557",
  14401.             "Type": "WS",
  14402.             "URL": "http://newark.de.us/",
  14403.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14404.             "Title": "City of Newark, Delaware",
  14405.             "Category": "GEO",
  14406.             "Description": "Official Newark Web site for community information, city services, and tourism.",
  14407.             "Year": 0
  14408.         },
  14409.         {
  14410.             "RIT": "ws101558",
  14411.             "Type": "WS",
  14412.             "URL": "http://nfl.com/vikings/",
  14413.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14414.             "Title": "NFL.COM: Minnesota Vikings",
  14415.             "Category": "GEO",
  14416.             "Description": "Official site of the Minnesota Vikings football team.",
  14417.             "Year": 0
  14418.         },
  14419.         {
  14420.             "RIT": "ws101559",
  14421.             "Type": "WS",
  14422.             "URL": "http://fortress.uccb.ns.ca/homeeng/default.htm",
  14423.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14424.             "Title": "Fortress of Louisbourg",
  14425.             "Category": "GEO",
  14426.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Fortress of Louisbourg, providing information about the historic fortress and the reconstruction that recreates the town, streets, and homes of Louisbourg as they existed in the 1700's.",
  14427.             "Year": 0
  14428.         },
  14429.         {
  14430.             "RIT": "ws101560",
  14431.             "Type": "WS",
  14432.             "URL": "http://www.wnba.com/sting/",
  14433.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14434.             "Title": "The Official Site of the Charlotte Sting",
  14435.             "Category": "GEO",
  14436.             "Description": "Official site of the Charlotte Sting women's basketball team.",
  14437.             "Year": 0
  14438.         },
  14439.         {
  14440.             "RIT": "ws101561",
  14441.             "Type": "WS",
  14442.             "URL": "http://www.wnba.com/starzz/",
  14443.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14444.             "Title": "The Official Site of the Utah Starzz",
  14445.             "Category": "GEO",
  14446.             "Description": "Official site of the Utah Starzz women's basketball team.",
  14447.             "Year": 0
  14448.         },
  14449.         {
  14450.             "RIT": "ws101562",
  14451.             "Type": "WS",
  14452.             "URL": "http://www.wnba.com/shock/index.html",
  14453.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14454.             "Title": "The Official Site of the Detroit Shock",
  14455.             "Category": "GEO",
  14456.             "Description": "Official site of the Detroit Shock women's basketball team.",
  14457.             "Year": 0
  14458.         },
  14459.         {
  14460.             "RIT": "ws101563",
  14461.             "Type": "WS",
  14462.             "URL": "http://www.worthing.gov.uk/wbc/",
  14463.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14464.             "Title": "Worthing Borough Council Main Page",
  14465.             "Category": "GEO",
  14466.             "Description": "Official Worthing, England, site describing community events, and tourist attractions.",
  14467.             "Year": 0
  14468.         },
  14469.         {
  14470.             "RIT": "ws101564",
  14471.             "Type": "WS",
  14472.             "URL": "http://www.wnba.com/mystics/index.html",
  14473.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14474.             "Title": "The Official Site of the Washington Mystics",
  14475.             "Category": "GEO",
  14476.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Washington Mystics women's basketball team.",
  14477.             "Year": 0
  14478.         },
  14479.         {
  14480.             "RIT": "ws101574",
  14481.             "Type": "WS",
  14482.             "URL": "http://www.nmajh.org/exhibitions/maus/index.htm",
  14483.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14484.             "Title": "MAUS",
  14485.             "Category": "HUM",
  14486.             "Description": "This exhibition from the National Museum of American Jewish History discusses the creation of MAUS and profiles its author, Art Spiegelman.",
  14487.             "Year": 0
  14488.         },
  14489.         {
  14490.             "RIT": "ws101575",
  14491.             "Type": "WS",
  14492.             "URL": "http://www.lib.virginia.edu/exhibits/hearts/",
  14493.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14494.             "Title": "Hearts at Home: Southern Women in the Civil War",
  14495.             "Category": "HIS",
  14496.             "Description": "An exhibition from the University of Virginia that uses diaries and other primary sources to document the experiences of Confederate women during the Civil War. Covers such topics as activities to help the war effort, spying, coping with depriva",
  14497.             "Year": 0
  14498.         },
  14499.         {
  14500.             "RIT": "ws101576",
  14501.             "Type": "WS",
  14502.             "URL": "http://www.nizkor.org/",
  14503.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14504.             "Title": "The Nizkor Project",
  14505.             "Category": "HIS",
  14506.             "Description": "Information about various aspects Nazi Germany. The Nizkor Project is dedicated to victims of the Holocaust.",
  14507.             "Year": 0
  14508.         },
  14509.         {
  14510.             "RIT": "ws101577",
  14511.             "Type": "WS",
  14512.             "URL": "http://sunsite.utk.edu/civil-war/",
  14513.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14514.             "Title": "The American Civil War homepage",
  14515.             "Category": "HIS",
  14516.             "Description": "This site from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, gathers together in one place hypertext links to useful identified electronic files. It includes general resources, wartime images, documentary records, biographies, and state/local studies.",
  14517.             "Year": 0
  14518.         },
  14519.         {
  14520.             "RIT": "ws101578",
  14521.             "Type": "WS",
  14522.             "URL": "http://www.augustana.edu/library/SpecialCollections/civil1.html",
  14523.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14524.             "Title": "Civil War Diaries",
  14525.             "Category": "HIS",
  14526.             "Description": "An online presentation of a special collection from the Augustana College Library. The original diaries of two Union soldiers, with transcriptions, are supplemented by background information and maps showing the movement of the troops.",
  14527.             "Year": 0
  14528.         },
  14529.         {
  14530.             "RIT": "ws101579",
  14531.             "Type": "WS",
  14532.             "URL": "http://region.sudbury.on.ca/",
  14533.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14534.             "Title": "The Regional Municipality of Sudbury",
  14535.             "Category": "GEO",
  14536.             "Description": "The official Sudbury, Ontario, site describing government, city services, and tourism.",
  14537.             "Year": 0
  14538.         },
  14539.         {
  14540.             "RIT": "ws101580",
  14541.             "Type": "WS",
  14542.             "URL": "http://bnaibrith.org/",
  14543.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14544.             "Title": "B'nai B'rith",
  14545.             "Category": "HUM",
  14546.             "Description": "Official home page of B'nai B'rith, an international Jewish service organization.",
  14547.             "Year": 0
  14548.         },
  14549.         {
  14550.             "RIT": "ws101592",
  14551.             "Type": "WS",
  14552.             "URL": "http://www.alicesprings.nt.gov.au/",
  14553.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14554.             "Title": "Alice Springs On-Line Australia",
  14555.             "Category": "GEO",
  14556.             "Description": "Official Alice Springs, Australia site describing government, community events, city services, and tourism.",
  14557.             "Year": 0
  14558.         },
  14559.         {
  14560.             "RIT": "ws101593",
  14561.             "Type": "WS",
  14562.             "URL": "http://www.bostonbruins.com/",
  14563.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14564.             "Title": "Boston Bruins: Official Web Site",
  14565.             "Category": "GEO",
  14566.             "Description": "Official site of the Boston Bruins hockey team.",
  14567.             "Year": 0
  14568.         },
  14569.         {
  14570.             "RIT": "ws101594",
  14571.             "Type": "WS",
  14572.             "URL": "http://www.bedfordshire.gov.uk/",
  14573.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14574.             "Title": "Bedfordshire, England",
  14575.             "Category": "GEO",
  14576.             "Description": "Official Bedfordshire, England site describing government, community events, city services, and tourist attracti",
  14577.             "Year": 0
  14578.         },
  14579.         {
  14580.             "RIT": "ws101595",
  14581.             "Type": "WS",
  14582.             "URL": "http://www.avignon-et-provence.com/avi/gb/pres/p1.htm",
  14583.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14584.             "Title": "Avignon and Provence - Welcome - Summary",
  14585.             "Category": "GEO",
  14586.             "Description": "Avignon, France site describing the events, activities, and attractions of Avignon and Provence.",
  14587.             "Year": 0
  14588.         },
  14589.         {
  14590.             "RIT": "ws101596",
  14591.             "Type": "WS",
  14592.             "URL": "http://www.bavaria.de/BayernInfo/welcomeE.html",
  14593.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14594.             "Title": "Bavarian State Chancellery",
  14595.             "Category": "GEO",
  14596.             "Description": "Information about government, events, activities, and tourist attractions in the German state of Bavaria.",
  14597.             "Year": 0
  14598.         },
  14599.         {
  14600.             "RIT": "ws101597",
  14601.             "Type": "WS",
  14602.             "URL": "http://www.bedford.gov.uk/",
  14603.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14604.             "Title": "Welcome to Bedford",
  14605.             "Category": "GEO",
  14606.             "Description": "Official Bedford, England, site describing government, community events, and tourist attractions.",
  14607.             "Year": 0
  14608.         },
  14609.         {
  14610.             "RIT": "ws101598",
  14611.             "Type": "WS",
  14612.             "URL": "http://www.augsburg.de/Seiten/augsburg_e/index_e/index_e.shtml",
  14613.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14614.             "Title": "Stadt Augsburg",
  14615.             "Category": "GEO",
  14616.             "Description": "Official Augsburg, Germany site describing government, community events, city services, and tourist attractions.",
  14617.             "Year": 0
  14618.         },
  14619.         {
  14620.             "RIT": "ws101599",
  14621.             "Type": "WS",
  14622.             "URL": "http://www.adelaide.sa.gov.au/",
  14623.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14624.             "Title": "City of Adelaide Home Page",
  14625.             "Category": "GEO",
  14626.             "Description": "Official Adelaide, Australia site describing government, community events, city services, and tourism.",
  14627.             "Year": 0
  14628.         },
  14629.         {
  14630.             "RIT": "ws101600",
  14631.             "Type": "WS",
  14632.             "URL": "http://www.astros.com/",
  14633.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14634.             "Title": "Houston Astros",
  14635.             "Category": "GEO",
  14636.             "Description": "Official site of the Houston Astros baseball team.",
  14637.             "Year": 0
  14638.         },
  14639.         {
  14640.             "RIT": "ws101601",
  14641.             "Type": "WS",
  14642.             "URL": "http://www.bradford.gov.uk/",
  14643.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14644.             "Title": "The City of Bradford Home Page",
  14645.             "Category": "GEO",
  14646.             "Description": "Official Bradford, England Web site describing government, community events, city services, and tourist attracti",
  14647.             "Year": 0
  14648.         },
  14649.         {
  14650.             "RIT": "ws101615",
  14651.             "Type": "WS",
  14652.             "URL": "http://www.braunschweig.de/eng/index.html",
  14653.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14654.             "Title": "City of Brunswick",
  14655.             "Category": "GEO",
  14656.             "Description": "Braunschweig, Germany site describing local attractions, lodging, events, and other topics of interest to visitors.",
  14657.             "Year": 0
  14658.         },
  14659.         {
  14660.             "RIT": "ws101616",
  14661.             "Type": "WS",
  14662.             "URL": "http://www.brokenhill.nsw.gov.au/bhcc.html",
  14663.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14664.             "Title": "Broken Hill City Council",
  14665.             "Category": "GEO",
  14666.             "Description": "Broken Hill, Australia site describing government, community events, city services, and tourist attractions.",
  14667.             "Year": 0
  14668.         },
  14669.         {
  14670.             "RIT": "ws101617",
  14671.             "Type": "WS",
  14672.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/ht33.html",
  14673.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14674.             "Title": "Harry S Truman",
  14675.             "Category": "HIS",
  14676.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Harry S Truman. Includes a link to the Harry S Truman Presidential Library and a link to a biography of Bess Truman.",
  14677.             "Year": 0
  14678.         },
  14679.         {
  14680.             "RIT": "ws101618",
  14681.             "Type": "WS",
  14682.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/rh19.html",
  14683.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14684.             "Title": "Rutherford B Hayes",
  14685.             "Category": "HIS",
  14686.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Rutherford B. Hayes. Includes a link to a biography of Lucy Webb Hayes.",
  14687.             "Year": 0
  14688.         },
  14689.         {
  14690.             "RIT": "ws101619",
  14691.             "Type": "WS",
  14692.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/ug18.html",
  14693.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14694.             "Title": "Ulysses S Grant",
  14695.             "Category": "HIS",
  14696.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Ulysses S. Grant. Includes a link to a biography of Julia Dent Grant.",
  14697.             "Year": 0
  14698.         },
  14699.         {
  14700.             "RIT": "ws101620",
  14701.             "Type": "WS",
  14702.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/wh29.html",
  14703.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14704.             "Title": "Warren G Harding",
  14705.             "Category": "HIS",
  14706.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Warren G. Harding. Includes a link to a biography of Florence Kling Harding.",
  14707.             "Year": 0
  14708.         },
  14709.         {
  14710.             "RIT": "ws101622",
  14711.             "Type": "WS",
  14712.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/jm4.html",
  14713.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14714.             "Title": "James Madison",
  14715.             "Category": "HIS",
  14716.             "Description": "Official White House biography of James Madison. Includes a link to Madison's papers at the University of Virginia and a link to a biography of Dolley Payne Madison.",
  14717.             "Year": 0
  14718.         },
  14719.         {
  14720.             "RIT": "ws101623",
  14721.             "Type": "WS",
  14722.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/gw1.html",
  14723.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14724.             "Title": "George Washington",
  14725.             "Category": "HIS",
  14726.             "Description": "Official White House biography of George Washington. Includes a link to Washington's papers at the University of Viriginia and a link to the biography of Martha Washington.",
  14727.             "Year": 0
  14728.         },
  14729.         {
  14730.             "RIT": "ws101632",
  14731.             "Type": "WS",
  14732.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/rr40.html",
  14733.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14734.             "Title": "Ronald W Reagan",
  14735.             "Category": "HIS",
  14736.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Ronald W. Reagan. Includes a link to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and a link to a biography of Nancy Davis Reagan.",
  14737.             "Year": 0
  14738.         },
  14739.         {
  14740.             "RIT": "ws101633",
  14741.             "Type": "WS",
  14742.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/wm25.html",
  14743.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14744.             "Title": "William McKinley",
  14745.             "Category": "HIS",
  14746.             "Description": "Official White House biography of William McKinley. Includes a link to a biography of Ida Saxton McKinley.",
  14747.             "Year": 0
  14748.         },
  14749.         {
  14750.             "RIT": "ws101634",
  14751.             "Type": "WS",
  14752.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/jm5.html",
  14753.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14754.             "Title": "James Monroe",
  14755.             "Category": "HIS",
  14756.             "Description": "Official White House biography of James Monroe. Includes a link to a biography of Elizabeth Kortright Monroe.",
  14757.             "Year": 0
  14758.         },
  14759.         {
  14760.             "RIT": "ws101635",
  14761.             "Type": "WS",
  14762.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/tr26.html",
  14763.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14764.             "Title": "Theodore Roosevelt",
  14765.             "Category": "HIS",
  14766.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Theodore Roosevelt. Includes a link to a biography of Edith Carow Roosevelt.",
  14767.             "Year": 0
  14768.         },
  14769.         {
  14770.             "RIT": "ws101636",
  14771.             "Type": "WS",
  14772.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/tj3.html",
  14773.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14774.             "Title": "Thomas Jefferson",
  14775.             "Category": "HIS",
  14776.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Thomas Jefferson. Includes a link to a biography of Martha Wayles Skelton Jefferson.",
  14777.             "Year": 0
  14778.         },
  14779.         {
  14780.             "RIT": "ws101637",
  14781.             "Type": "WS",
  14782.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/zt12.html",
  14783.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14784.             "Title": "Zachary Taylor",
  14785.             "Category": "HIS",
  14786.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Zachary Taylor. Includes a link to a biography of Margaret Smith Tayl",
  14787.             "Year": 0
  14788.         },
  14789.         {
  14790.             "RIT": "ws101638",
  14791.             "Type": "WS",
  14792.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/jb15.html",
  14793.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14794.             "Title": "James Buchanan",
  14795.             "Category": "HIS",
  14796.             "Description": "Official White House biography of James Buchanan. Includes a link to a biography of Harriet Lane, Buchanan's niece who acted as his official White House hostess.",
  14797.             "Year": 0
  14798.         },
  14799.         {
  14800.             "RIT": "ws101639",
  14801.             "Type": "WS",
  14802.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/jg20.html",
  14803.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14804.             "Title": "James A Garfield",
  14805.             "Category": "HIS",
  14806.             "Description": "Official White House biography of James A. Garfield. Inlcudes a link to a biography of Lucretia Rudolph Garfield.",
  14807.             "Year": 0
  14808.         },
  14809.         {
  14810.             "RIT": "ws101624",
  14811.             "Type": "WS",
  14812.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/wt27.html",
  14813.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14814.             "Title": "William H Taft",
  14815.             "Category": "SOC",
  14816.             "Description": "Official White House biography of William H. Taft. Includes a link to a biography of Helen Herron Taft.",
  14817.             "Year": 0
  14818.         },
  14819.         {
  14820.             "RIT": "ws101625",
  14821.             "Type": "WS",
  14822.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/ww28.html",
  14823.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14824.             "Title": "Woodrow Wilson",
  14825.             "Category": "SOC",
  14826.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Woodrow Wilson. Includes links to the Woodrow Wilson House and to biographies of Edith Bolling Wilson and Ellen Axson Wilson.",
  14827.             "Year": 0
  14828.         },
  14829.         {
  14830.             "RIT": "ws101626",
  14831.             "Type": "WS",
  14832.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/wh9.html",
  14833.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14834.             "Title": "William H Harrison",
  14835.             "Category": "HIS",
  14836.             "Description": "Official White House biography of William H. Harrison. Includes a link to a biography of Anna Symmes Harrison.",
  14837.             "Year": 0
  14838.         },
  14839.         {
  14840.             "RIT": "ws101627",
  14841.             "Type": "WS",
  14842.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/jc39.html",
  14843.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14844.             "Title": "Jimmy Carter",
  14845.             "Category": "HIS",
  14846.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Jimmy Carter.",
  14847.             "Year": 0
  14848.         },
  14849.         {
  14850.             "RIT": "ws101628",
  14851.             "Type": "WS",
  14852.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/jk35.html",
  14853.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14854.             "Title": "John F Kennedy",
  14855.             "Category": "HIS",
  14856.             "Description": "Official White House biography of John F. Kennedy. Includes a link to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and a link to a biography of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.",
  14857.             "Year": 0
  14858.         },
  14859.         {
  14860.             "RIT": "ws101629",
  14861.             "Type": "WS",
  14862.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/jt10.html",
  14863.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14864.             "Title": "John Tyler",
  14865.             "Category": "HIS",
  14866.             "Description": "Official White House biography of John Tyler. Includes links to biographies of Letitia Christian Tyler and Julia Gardiner Tyler.",
  14867.             "Year": 0
  14868.         },
  14869.         {
  14870.             "RIT": "ws101630",
  14871.             "Type": "WS",
  14872.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/lj36.html",
  14873.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14874.             "Title": "Lyndon B Johnson",
  14875.             "Category": "HIS",
  14876.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Lyndon B. Johnson. Includes a link to the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library and a link to a biography of Lady Bird Johnson.",
  14877.             "Year": 0
  14878.         },
  14879.         {
  14880.             "RIT": "ws101631",
  14881.             "Type": "WS",
  14882.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/mb8.html",
  14883.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14884.             "Title": "Martin Van Buren",
  14885.             "Category": "HIS",
  14886.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Martin Van Buren. Includes a link to a biography of Hannah Hoes Van Buren.",
  14887.             "Year": 0
  14888.         },
  14889.         {
  14890.             "RIT": "ws101640",
  14891.             "Type": "WS",
  14892.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/hh31.html",
  14893.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14894.             "Title": "Herbert C Hoover",
  14895.             "Category": "HIS",
  14896.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Herbert C. Hoover. Includes a link to the Herbert C. Hoover Presidential Library and a link to a biography of Lou Henry Hoover.",
  14897.             "Year": 0
  14898.         },
  14899.         {
  14900.             "RIT": "ws101641",
  14901.             "Type": "WS",
  14902.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/mf13.html",
  14903.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14904.             "Title": "Millard Fillmore",
  14905.             "Category": "HIS",
  14906.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Millard Fillmore. Includes a link to a biography of Abigail Powes Fillmore.",
  14907.             "Year": 0
  14908.         },
  14909.         {
  14910.             "RIT": "ws101642",
  14911.             "Type": "WS",
  14912.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/jp11.html",
  14913.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14914.             "Title": "James K Polk",
  14915.             "Category": "HIS",
  14916.             "Description": "Official White House biography of James K. Polk. Includes a link to a biography of Sarah Childress Polk.",
  14917.             "Year": 0
  14918.         },
  14919.         {
  14920.             "RIT": "ws101643",
  14921.             "Type": "WS",
  14922.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/ja2.html",
  14923.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14924.             "Title": "John Adams",
  14925.             "Category": "HIS",
  14926.             "Description": "Official White House biography of John Adams. Includes a link to a biography of Abigail Adams.",
  14927.             "Year": 0
  14928.         },
  14929.         {
  14930.             "RIT": "ws101644",
  14931.             "Type": "WS",
  14932.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/ja6.html",
  14933.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14934.             "Title": "John Quincy Adams",
  14935.             "Category": "HIS",
  14936.             "Description": "Official White House biography of John Quincy Adams. Includes a link to a biography of Louisa Johnson Adams.",
  14937.             "Year": 0
  14938.         },
  14939.         {
  14940.             "RIT": "ws101645",
  14941.             "Type": "WS",
  14942.             "URL": "http://www.winchestercollege.org/default.asp",
  14943.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14944.             "Title": "Welcome to Winchester College",
  14945.             "Category": "SOC",
  14946.             "Description": "Official Winchester College homepage and guide to campus and the Winchester area.",
  14947.             "Year": 0
  14948.         },
  14949.         {
  14950.             "RIT": "ws101647",
  14951.             "Type": "WS",
  14952.             "URL": "http://www.wilberforce.edu/",
  14953.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14954.             "Title": "Wilberforce University",
  14955.             "Category": "SOC",
  14956.             "Description": "Official Wilberforce University homepage and guide to campus.",
  14957.             "Year": 0
  14958.         },
  14959.         {
  14960.             "RIT": "ws101648",
  14961.             "Type": "WS",
  14962.             "URL": "http://www.winchester.gov.uk/",
  14963.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14964.             "Title": "City of Winchester Web Site",
  14965.             "Category": "GEO",
  14966.             "Description": "Official Winchester, England site describing community events, government, city services, and tourist attractions.",
  14967.             "Year": 0
  14968.         },
  14969.         {
  14970.             "RIT": "ws101649",
  14971.             "Type": "WS",
  14972.             "URL": "http://voices.cla.umn.edu/authors/ZoraNealeHurston.html",
  14973.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14974.             "Title": "Voices From the Gaps: Zora Neale Hurston",
  14975.             "Category": "HUM",
  14976.             "Description": "The University of Minnesota presents a biography of the author, a bibliography, and related Web links.",
  14977.             "Year": 0
  14978.         },
  14979.         {
  14980.             "RIT": "ws101662",
  14981.             "Type": "WS",
  14982.             "URL": "http://www.cam.ac.uk/",
  14983.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14984.             "Title": "University of Cambridge",
  14985.             "Category": "GEO",
  14986.             "Description": "Official Cambridge University homepage and guide to campus and the Cambridge University area.",
  14987.             "Year": 0
  14988.         },
  14989.         {
  14990.             "RIT": "ws101663",
  14991.             "Type": "WS",
  14992.             "URL": "http://metalab.unc.edu/docsouth/chopinawake/about.html",
  14993.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  14994.             "Title": "About Kate Chopin (1851-1904)",
  14995.             "Category": "HUM",
  14996.             "Description": "A brief biography and selected works of Kate Chopin from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Libraries.",
  14997.             "Year": 0
  14998.         },
  14999.         {
  15000.             "RIT": "ws101664",
  15001.             "Type": "WS",
  15002.             "URL": "http://www.ala.org/alsc/newbery.html",
  15003.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15004.             "Title": "The John Newbery Medal",
  15005.             "Category": "HUM",
  15006.             "Description": "The American Library Association presents a list of Newbery Award winners and information about how winners are selected.",
  15007.             "Year": 0
  15008.         },
  15009.         {
  15010.             "RIT": "ws101665",
  15011.             "Type": "WS",
  15012.             "URL": "http://www.cardiff.gov.uk/mainframes/info.htm",
  15013.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15014.             "Title": "Cardiff Welcome Frame",
  15015.             "Category": "GEO",
  15016.             "Description": "Cardiff, Wales site for city services and tourism",
  15017.             "Year": 0
  15018.         },
  15019.         {
  15020.             "RIT": "ws101666",
  15021.             "Type": "WS",
  15022.             "URL": "http://www.buffalobills.com/",
  15023.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15024.             "Title": "The Buffalo Bills",
  15025.             "Category": "GEO",
  15026.             "Description": "Official site of the Buffalo Bills football team.",
  15027.             "Year": 0
  15028.         },
  15029.         {
  15030.             "RIT": "ws101668",
  15031.             "Type": "WS",
  15032.             "URL": "http://www.ci.pensacola.fl.us/",
  15033.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15034.             "Title": "Welcome to the City of Pensacola",
  15035.             "Category": "GEO",
  15036.             "Description": "Official Pensacola site for city services and tourism.",
  15037.             "Year": 0
  15038.         },
  15039.         {
  15040.             "RIT": "ws101669",
  15041.             "Type": "WS",
  15042.             "URL": "http://www.ci.pocatello.id.us/",
  15043.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15044.             "Title": "City of Pocatello",
  15045.             "Category": "GEO",
  15046.             "Description": "Official Pocatello site for city services and tourism.",
  15047.             "Year": 0
  15048.         },
  15049.         {
  15050.             "RIT": "ws101670",
  15051.             "Type": "WS",
  15052.             "URL": "http://www.ci.idaho-falls.id.us/",
  15053.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15054.             "Title": "City of Idaho Falls",
  15055.             "Category": "GEO",
  15056.             "Description": "Official Idaho Falls site for city services and tourism.",
  15057.             "Year": 0
  15058.         },
  15059.         {
  15060.             "RIT": "ws101671",
  15061.             "Type": "WS",
  15062.             "URL": "http://www.ci.jax.fl.us/",
  15063.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15064.             "Title": "City of Jacksonville Florida",
  15065.             "Category": "GEO",
  15066.             "Description": "Official Jacksonville site for city services and tourism.",
  15067.             "Year": 0
  15068.         },
  15069.         {
  15070.             "RIT": "ws101672",
  15071.             "Type": "WS",
  15072.             "URL": "http://www.ci.pueblo.co.us/",
  15073.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15074.             "Title": "City of Pueblo, Colorado",
  15075.             "Category": "GEO",
  15076.             "Description": "Official Pueblo site for city services and tourism.",
  15077.             "Year": 0
  15078.         },
  15079.         {
  15080.             "RIT": "ws101673",
  15081.             "Type": "WS",
  15082.             "URL": "http://www.ci.daytona-beach.fl.us/",
  15083.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15084.             "Title": "The City of Daytona Beach, Florida - Official City Government Website",
  15085.             "Category": "GEO",
  15086.             "Description": "Official Daytona Beach site for city services and tourism.",
  15087.             "Year": 0
  15088.         },
  15089.         {
  15090.             "RIT": "ws101691",
  15091.             "Type": "WS",
  15092.             "URL": "http://www.city.london.on.ca/",
  15093.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15094.             "Title": "City of London, Ontario",
  15095.             "Category": "GEO",
  15096.             "Description": "London, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15097.             "Year": 0
  15098.         },
  15099.         {
  15100.             "RIT": "ws101692",
  15101.             "Type": "WS",
  15102.             "URL": "http://www.ci.savannah.ga.us/cityweb/webdatabase.nsf",
  15103.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15104.             "Title": "Savannah, Georgia",
  15105.             "Category": "GEO",
  15106.             "Description": "Official Savannah site for city services and tourism.",
  15107.             "Year": 0
  15108.         },
  15109.         {
  15110.             "RIT": "ws101693",
  15111.             "Type": "WS",
  15112.             "URL": "http://www.city.brandon.mb.ca/",
  15113.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15114.             "Title": "The City of Brandon",
  15115.             "Category": "GEO",
  15116.             "Description": "Brandon, Manitoba, site for city services and tourism.",
  15117.             "Year": 0
  15118.         },
  15119.         {
  15120.             "RIT": "ws101694",
  15121.             "Type": "WS",
  15122.             "URL": "http://www.city.kitimat.bc.ca/",
  15123.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15124.             "Title": "http://www.city.kitimat.bc.ca/ [Kitimat, Canada]",
  15125.             "Category": "GEO",
  15126.             "Description": "Kitimat, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15127.             "Year": 0
  15128.         },
  15129.         {
  15130.             "RIT": "ws101695",
  15131.             "Type": "WS",
  15132.             "URL": "http://www.city.lethbridge.ab.ca/",
  15133.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15134.             "Title": "City of Lethbridge, Alberta CANADA",
  15135.             "Category": "GEO",
  15136.             "Description": "Lethbridge, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15137.             "Year": 0
  15138.         },
  15139.         {
  15140.             "RIT": "ws101697",
  15141.             "Type": "WS",
  15142.             "URL": "http://www.co.honolulu.hi.us/",
  15143.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15144.             "Title": "City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii",
  15145.             "Category": "GEO",
  15146.             "Description": "Official Honolulu site for city services and tourism.",
  15147.             "Year": 0
  15148.         },
  15149.         {
  15150.             "RIT": "ws101698",
  15151.             "Type": "WS",
  15152.             "URL": "http://www.springsgov.com/",
  15153.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15154.             "Title": "City of Colorado Springs",
  15155.             "Category": "GEO",
  15156.             "Description": "Official Colorado Springs site for city services and tourism.",
  15157.             "Year": 0
  15158.         },
  15159.         {
  15160.             "RIT": "ws101699",
  15161.             "Type": "WS",
  15162.             "URL": "http://www.colchester.gov.uk/",
  15163.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15164.             "Title": "Colchester - Britain's Oldest Town",
  15165.             "Category": "GEO",
  15166.             "Description": "Colchester, England site for city services and tourism.",
  15167.             "Year": 0
  15168.         },
  15169.         {
  15170.             "RIT": "ws101700",
  15171.             "Type": "WS",
  15172.             "URL": "http://www.cityofperth.wa.gov.au/",
  15173.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15174.             "Title": "[Perth Australia]",
  15175.             "Category": "GEO",
  15176.             "Description": "Perth, Australia site for city services and tourism.",
  15177.             "Year": 0
  15178.         },
  15179.         {
  15180.             "RIT": "ws101701",
  15181.             "Type": "WS",
  15182.             "URL": "http://www.city.saskatoon.sk.ca/",
  15183.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15184.             "Title": "City of Saskatoon - Striving For Excellence",
  15185.             "Category": "GEO",
  15186.             "Description": "Saskatoon, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15187.             "Year": 0
  15188.         },
  15189.         {
  15190.             "RIT": "ws101702",
  15191.             "Type": "WS",
  15192.             "URL": "http://www.city.sault-ste-marie.on.ca/",
  15193.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15194.             "Title": "City of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario",
  15195.             "Category": "GEO",
  15196.             "Description": "Sault Sainte Marie, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15197.             "Year": 0
  15198.         },
  15199.         {
  15200.             "RIT": "ws101703",
  15201.             "Type": "WS",
  15202.             "URL": "http://www.city.windsor.on.ca/home/",
  15203.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15204.             "Title": "City of Windsor",
  15205.             "Category": "GEO",
  15206.             "Description": "Windsor, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15207.             "Year": 0
  15208.         },
  15209.         {
  15210.             "RIT": "ws101716",
  15211.             "Type": "WS",
  15212.             "URL": "http://www.dodgecity.org/",
  15213.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15214.             "Title": "City of Dodge City Home Page",
  15215.             "Category": "GEO",
  15216.             "Description": "Official Dodge City site for city services and tourism.",
  15217.             "Year": 0
  15218.         },
  15219.         {
  15220.             "RIT": "ws101717",
  15221.             "Type": "WS",
  15222.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/history/1spamwar.htm",
  15223.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15224.             "Title": "National Park Service Spanish-American War Centennial Web Page",
  15225.             "Category": "HIS",
  15226.             "Description": "This page features selected National Park Service Web Sites relating to the Spanish-American War, Web links, a bibliography, and information about Spanish-American War conferences.",
  15227.             "Year": 0
  15228.         },
  15229.         {
  15230.             "RIT": "ws101718",
  15231.             "Type": "WS",
  15232.             "URL": "http://www.colts.com/",
  15233.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15234.             "Title": "Indianapolis Colts",
  15235.             "Category": "GEO",
  15236.             "Description": "Official site of the Indianapolis Colts football team.",
  15237.             "Year": 0
  15238.         },
  15239.         {
  15240.             "RIT": "ws101719",
  15241.             "Type": "WS",
  15242.             "URL": "http://www.delft.nl/",
  15243.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15244.             "Title": "delft",
  15245.             "Category": "GEO",
  15246.             "Description": "Delft, The Netherlands site for city services and tourism.",
  15247.             "Year": 0
  15248.         },
  15249.         {
  15250.             "RIT": "ws101720",
  15251.             "Type": "WS",
  15252.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/museum/exhibits/douglass/",
  15253.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15254.             "Title": "American Visionaries: Frederick Douglass",
  15255.             "Category": "HIS",
  15256.             "Description": "This online exhibition from the National Park Service features items owned by Frederick Douglass and highlights his achievements.",
  15257.             "Year": 0
  15258.         },
  15259.         {
  15260.             "RIT": "ws101721",
  15261.             "Type": "WS",
  15262.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/NR/travel/underground/",
  15263.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15264.             "Title": "Aboard the Underground Railraod",
  15265.             "Category": "HIS",
  15266.             "Description": "A guide from the National Park Service to historical places along the Underground Railroad.",
  15267.             "Year": 0
  15268.         },
  15269.         {
  15270.             "RIT": "ws101722",
  15271.             "Type": "WS",
  15272.             "URL": "http://www.dallasstars.com/",
  15273.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15274.             "Title": "Dallas Stars - Official Web Site",
  15275.             "Category": "GEO",
  15276.             "Description": "Official site of the Dallas Stars hockey team.",
  15277.             "Year": 0
  15278.         },
  15279.         {
  15280.             "RIT": "ws101723",
  15281.             "Type": "WS",
  15282.             "URL": "http://www.cornell.edu/",
  15283.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15284.             "Title": "Welcome to Cornell University",
  15285.             "Category": "GEO",
  15286.             "Description": "Official Cornell University homepage and guide to campus.",
  15287.             "Year": 0
  15288.         },
  15289.         {
  15290.             "RIT": "ws101724",
  15291.             "Type": "WS",
  15292.             "URL": "http://www.coventry.gov.uk/",
  15293.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15294.             "Title": "Coventry City Council Home Page",
  15295.             "Category": "GEO",
  15296.             "Description": "Coventry, England site for city services and tourism",
  15297.             "Year": 0
  15298.         },
  15299.         {
  15300.             "RIT": "ws101726",
  15301.             "Type": "WS",
  15302.             "URL": "http://www.doncaster.gov.uk/",
  15303.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15304.             "Title": "DONCASTER - home",
  15305.             "Category": "GEO",
  15306.             "Description": "Doncaster, England site for city services and tourism",
  15307.             "Year": 0
  15308.         },
  15309.         {
  15310.             "RIT": "ws101727",
  15311.             "Type": "WS",
  15312.             "URL": "http://www.cpanthers.com/",
  15313.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15314.             "Title": "Carolina Panthers - The Official Web Site of the Carolina Panthers",
  15315.             "Category": "GEO",
  15316.             "Description": "Official site of the Carolina Panthers football team.",
  15317.             "Year": 0
  15318.         },
  15319.         {
  15320.             "RIT": "ws101741",
  15321.             "Type": "WS",
  15322.             "URL": "http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/",
  15323.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15324.             "Title": "City of Edinburgh Council",
  15325.             "Category": "GEO",
  15326.             "Description": "Edinburgh, Scotland site for city services and tourism.",
  15327.             "Year": 0
  15328.         },
  15329.         {
  15330.             "RIT": "ws101743",
  15331.             "Type": "WS",
  15332.             "URL": "http://www.favoritepoem.org/",
  15333.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15334.             "Title": "Favorite Poem Project",
  15335.             "Category": "HUM",
  15336.             "Description": "The official site of Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky's initiative to record Americans reading their favorite poetry.",
  15337.             "Year": 0
  15338.         },
  15339.         {
  15340.             "RIT": "ws101744",
  15341.             "Type": "WS",
  15342.             "URL": "http://www.ed.ac.uk/",
  15343.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15344.             "Title": "EDINFO - The University of Edinburgh's Information Service",
  15345.             "Category": "GEO",
  15346.             "Description": "Official University of Edinburgh homepage and guide to campus and the Edinburgh area.",
  15347.             "Year": 0
  15348.         },
  15349.         {
  15350.             "RIT": "ws101745",
  15351.             "Type": "WS",
  15352.             "URL": "http://WWW.FAREHAM.GOV.UK/welcome.asp",
  15353.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15354.             "Title": "Fareham Borough Council A to Z",
  15355.             "Category": "GEO",
  15356.             "Description": "Fareham, England site for city services and tourism.",
  15357.             "Year": 0
  15358.         },
  15359.         {
  15360.             "RIT": "ws101746",
  15361.             "Type": "WS",
  15362.             "URL": "http://www.dresden.de/",
  15363.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15364.             "Title": "City of Dresden",
  15365.             "Category": "GEO",
  15366.             "Description": "Dresden, Germany site for city services and tourism.",
  15367.             "Year": 0
  15368.         },
  15369.         {
  15370.             "RIT": "ws101747",
  15371.             "Type": "WS",
  15372.             "URL": "http://www.duke.edu/",
  15373.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15374.             "Title": "Duke University",
  15375.             "Category": "GEO",
  15376.             "Description": "Official Duke University homepage and guide to campus.",
  15377.             "Year": 0
  15378.         },
  15379.         {
  15380.             "RIT": "ws101748",
  15381.             "Type": "WS",
  15382.             "URL": "http://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/",
  15383.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15384.             "Title": "Dundee City Council Scotland",
  15385.             "Category": "GEO",
  15386.             "Description": "Dundee, Scotland site for city services and tourism.",
  15387.             "Year": 0
  15388.         },
  15389.         {
  15390.             "RIT": "ws101749",
  15391.             "Type": "WS",
  15392.             "URL": "http://www.frankfurt.de/index-e.html",
  15393.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15394.             "Title": "[Frankfurt, Germany]",
  15395.             "Category": "GEO",
  15396.             "Description": "Frankfurt, Germany site for city services and tourism.",
  15397.             "Year": 0
  15398.         },
  15399.         {
  15400.             "RIT": "ws101750",
  15401.             "Type": "WS",
  15402.             "URL": "http://www.emory.edu/",
  15403.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15404.             "Title": "Emory University",
  15405.             "Category": "GEO",
  15406.             "Description": "Official Emory University homepage and guide to campus and the Atlanta area.",
  15407.             "Year": 0
  15408.         },
  15409.         {
  15410.             "RIT": "ws101751",
  15411.             "Type": "WS",
  15412.             "URL": "http://www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/",
  15413.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15414.             "Title": "City of Fremantle",
  15415.             "Category": "GEO",
  15416.             "Description": "Fremantle, Australia site for city services and tourism.",
  15417.             "Year": 0
  15418.         },
  15419.         {
  15420.             "RIT": "ws101752",
  15421.             "Type": "WS",
  15422.             "URL": "http://www.durhamcity.gov.uk/",
  15423.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15424.             "Title": "Durham City Council - Welcome to Your Council",
  15425.             "Category": "GEO",
  15426.             "Description": "Durham, England site for city services and tourism.",
  15427.             "Year": 0
  15428.         },
  15429.         {
  15430.             "RIT": "ws101754",
  15431.             "Type": "WS",
  15432.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/aj7.html",
  15433.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15434.             "Title": "Andrew Jackson",
  15435.             "Category": "HIS",
  15436.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Andrew Jackson.",
  15437.             "Year": 0
  15438.         },
  15439.         {
  15440.             "RIT": "ws101755",
  15441.             "Type": "WS",
  15442.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/gc30.html",
  15443.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15444.             "Title": "Grace Goodhue Coolidge",
  15445.             "Category": "HIS",
  15446.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Grace Goodhue Coolidge.",
  15447.             "Year": 0
  15448.         },
  15449.         {
  15450.             "RIT": "ws101756",
  15451.             "Type": "WS",
  15452.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/hc42.html",
  15453.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15454.             "Title": "Hillary Rodham Clinton",
  15455.             "Category": "HIS",
  15456.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.",
  15457.             "Year": 0
  15458.         },
  15459.         {
  15460.             "RIT": "ws101757",
  15461.             "Type": "WS",
  15462.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/lg20.html",
  15463.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15464.             "Title": "Lucretia Rudolph Garfield",
  15465.             "Category": "HIS",
  15466.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Lucretia Rudolph Garfield.",
  15467.             "Year": 0
  15468.         },
  15469.         {
  15470.             "RIT": "ws101758",
  15471.             "Type": "WS",
  15472.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/lh31.html",
  15473.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15474.             "Title": "Lou Henry Hoover",
  15475.             "Category": "HIS",
  15476.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Lou Henry Hoover.",
  15477.             "Year": 0
  15478.         },
  15479.         {
  15480.             "RIT": "ws101759",
  15481.             "Type": "WS",
  15482.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/me34.html",
  15483.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15484.             "Title": "Mamie Doud Eisenhower",
  15485.             "Category": "HIS",
  15486.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Mamie Doud Eisenhower.",
  15487.             "Year": 0
  15488.         },
  15489.         {
  15490.             "RIT": "ws101760",
  15491.             "Type": "WS",
  15492.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/fh29.html",
  15493.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15494.             "Title": "Florence Kling Harding",
  15495.             "Category": "HIS",
  15496.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Florence Kling Harding.",
  15497.             "Year": 0
  15498.         },
  15499.         {
  15500.             "RIT": "ws101761",
  15501.             "Type": "WS",
  15502.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/jg18.html",
  15503.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15504.             "Title": "Julia Dent Grant",
  15505.             "Category": "HIS",
  15506.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Julia Dent Grant.",
  15507.             "Year": 0
  15508.         },
  15509.         {
  15510.             "RIT": "ws101762",
  15511.             "Type": "WS",
  15512.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/lh19.html",
  15513.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15514.             "Title": "Lucy Webb Hayes",
  15515.             "Category": "HIS",
  15516.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Lucy Webb Hayes.",
  15517.             "Year": 0
  15518.         },
  15519.         {
  15520.             "RIT": "ws101763",
  15521.             "Type": "WS",
  15522.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/sp11.html",
  15523.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15524.             "Title": "Sarah Childress Polk",
  15525.             "Category": "SOC",
  15526.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Sarah Childress Polk.",
  15527.             "Year": 0
  15528.         },
  15529.         {
  15530.             "RIT": "ws101764",
  15531.             "Type": "WS",
  15532.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/ht27.html",
  15533.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15534.             "Title": "Helen Herron Taft",
  15535.             "Category": "HIS",
  15536.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Helen Herron Taft.",
  15537.             "Year": 0
  15538.         },
  15539.         {
  15540.             "RIT": "ws101775",
  15541.             "Type": "WS",
  15542.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/mt12.html",
  15543.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15544.             "Title": "Margaret Smith Taylor",
  15545.             "Category": "HIS",
  15546.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Margaret Smith Taylor.",
  15547.             "Year": 0
  15548.         },
  15549.         {
  15550.             "RIT": "ws101776",
  15551.             "Type": "WS",
  15552.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/nr40.html",
  15553.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15554.             "Title": "Nancy Davis Reagan",
  15555.             "Category": "HIS",
  15556.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Nancy Davis Reagan.",
  15557.             "Year": 0
  15558.         },
  15559.         {
  15560.             "RIT": "ws101777",
  15561.             "Type": "WS",
  15562.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/ca21.html",
  15563.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15564.             "Title": "Chester A Arthur",
  15565.             "Category": "HIS",
  15566.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Chester A. Arthur.",
  15567.             "Year": 0
  15568.         },
  15569.         {
  15570.             "RIT": "ws101778",
  15571.             "Type": "WS",
  15572.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/cc30.html",
  15573.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15574.             "Title": "Calvin Coolidge",
  15575.             "Category": "HIS",
  15576.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Calvin Coolidge. Includes a link to a biography of Grace Goodhue Coolidge.",
  15577.             "Year": 0
  15578.         },
  15579.         {
  15580.             "RIT": "ws101779",
  15581.             "Type": "WS",
  15582.             "URL": "http://www.wnba.com/comets/",
  15583.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15584.             "Title": "The Official Site of the Houston Comets",
  15585.             "Category": "GEO",
  15586.             "Description": "Official site of the Houston Comets women's basketball team.",
  15587.             "Year": 0
  15588.         },
  15589.         {
  15590.             "RIT": "ws101780",
  15591.             "Type": "WS",
  15592.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/bc42.html",
  15593.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15594.             "Title": "William J. Clinton",
  15595.             "Category": "HIS",
  15596.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Bill Clinton. Includes a link to a biography of Hillary Rodham Clinton.",
  15597.             "Year": 0
  15598.         },
  15599.         {
  15600.             "RIT": "ws101781",
  15601.             "Type": "WS",
  15602.             "URL": "http://www.wm.edu/",
  15603.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15604.             "Title": "College of William and Mary",
  15605.             "Category": "SOC",
  15606.             "Description": "Official College of William and Mary homepage and guide to campus.",
  15607.             "Year": 0
  15608.         },
  15609.         {
  15610.             "RIT": "ws101782",
  15611.             "Type": "WS",
  15612.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/gc2224.html",
  15613.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15614.             "Title": "Grover Cleveland",
  15615.             "Category": "HIS",
  15616.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Grover Cleveland. Includes a link to a biography of Frances Folsom Cleveland.",
  15617.             "Year": 0
  15618.         },
  15619.         {
  15620.             "RIT": "ws101783",
  15621.             "Type": "WS",
  15622.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/gb41.html",
  15623.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15624.             "Title": "George H W Bush",
  15625.             "Category": "HIS",
  15626.             "Description": "Official White House biography of George H. W. Bush. Includes links to a biography of Barbara Pierce Bush and to the George Bush Presidential Library.",
  15627.             "Year": 0
  15628.         },
  15629.         {
  15630.             "RIT": "ws101650",
  15631.             "Type": "WS",
  15632.             "URL": "http://www.cheltenham.gov.uk/index.htm",
  15633.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15634.             "Title": "Home Page [Cheltenham, England]",
  15635.             "Category": "GEO",
  15636.             "Description": "Cheltenham, England site for city services and tourism",
  15637.             "Year": 0
  15638.         },
  15639.         {
  15640.             "RIT": "ws101651",
  15641.             "Type": "WS",
  15642.             "URL": "http://www.caneshockey.com/",
  15643.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15644.             "Title": "Hurricanes Hockey",
  15645.             "Category": "GEO",
  15646.             "Description": "Official site of the Carolina Hurricanes hockey team.",
  15647.             "Year": 0
  15648.         },
  15649.         {
  15650.             "RIT": "ws101652",
  15651.             "Type": "WS",
  15652.             "URL": "http://metalab.unc.edu/sullivan/ford/",
  15653.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15654.             "Title": "Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum",
  15655.             "Category": "HIS",
  15656.             "Description": "This Web page, a collaborative effort between the Ford Library and Museum and the University of Michigan's School of Information and Library Science, features a page from Ford's daily diary and photographs of the president at work.",
  15657.             "Year": 0
  15658.         },
  15659.         {
  15660.             "RIT": "ws101653",
  15661.             "Type": "WS",
  15662.             "URL": "http://www.cambridge.gov.uk/cambridge.htm",
  15663.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15664.             "Title": "Cambridge City Council Home Page",
  15665.             "Category": "GEO",
  15666.             "Description": "Official home page of Cambridge, England.",
  15667.             "Year": 0
  15668.         },
  15669.         {
  15670.             "RIT": "ws101655",
  15671.             "Type": "WS",
  15672.             "URL": "",
  15673.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15674.             "Title": "Barnum Museum: Enter the Big Tent",
  15675.             "Category": "REC",
  15676.             "Description": "Homepage of the Barnum Museum in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Includes information about visiting the museum and online biographies of Phineas Taylor Barnum, General Tom Thumb, Jumbo the Elephant, and Jenny Lind.",
  15677.             "Year": 0
  15678.         },
  15679.         {
  15680.             "RIT": "ws101656",
  15681.             "Type": "WS",
  15682.             "URL": "http://www.chichester.gov.uk/",
  15683.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15684.             "Title": "Chichester District Council",
  15685.             "Category": "GEO",
  15686.             "Description": "Chichester, England site for city services and tourism",
  15687.             "Year": 0
  15688.         },
  15689.         {
  15690.             "RIT": "ws101657",
  15691.             "Type": "WS",
  15692.             "URL": "http://www.charleroi.be/edecou_1.htm",
  15693.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15694.             "Title": "Discovering Charleroi",
  15695.             "Category": "GEO",
  15696.             "Description": "Charleroi, Belgium site for city services and tourism.",
  15697.             "Year": 0
  15698.         },
  15699.         {
  15700.             "RIT": "ws101658",
  15701.             "Type": "WS",
  15702.             "URL": "http://www.ala.org/alsc/caldecott.html",
  15703.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15704.             "Title": "The Randolph Caldecott Medal",
  15705.             "Category": "HUM",
  15706.             "Description": "The American Library Association presents a list of Caldecott Medal winners and information about how winners are chosen.",
  15707.             "Year": 0
  15708.         },
  15709.         {
  15710.             "RIT": "ws101661",
  15711.             "Type": "WS",
  15712.             "URL": "http://promo.net/cgi-promo/pg/t9.cgi?author=Andersen,%20Hans%20Christian&whole=yes&ftpsite=ftp://ftp.informika.ru/pub/web/books/gutenb/",
  15713.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15714.             "Title": "Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875",
  15715.             "Category": "HUM",
  15716.             "Description": "A collection of texts from Project Gutenberg.",
  15717.             "Year": 0
  15718.         },
  15719.         {
  15720.             "RIT": "ws101674",
  15721.             "Type": "WS",
  15722.             "URL": "http://www.ci.ft-wayne.in.us/",
  15723.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15724.             "Title": "Fort Wayne, Indiana - the Official site",
  15725.             "Category": "GEO",
  15726.             "Description": "Official Fort Wayne site for city services and tourism.",
  15727.             "Year": 0
  15728.         },
  15729.         {
  15730.             "RIT": "ws101676",
  15731.             "Type": "WS",
  15732.             "URL": "http://www.city.new-westminster.bc.ca/",
  15733.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15734.             "Title": "City of New Westminster",
  15735.             "Category": "GEO",
  15736.             "Description": "New Westminster, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15737.             "Year": 0
  15738.         },
  15739.         {
  15740.             "RIT": "ws101677",
  15741.             "Type": "WS",
  15742.             "URL": "http://www.ci.sarasota.fl.us/cityhome/index.html",
  15743.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15744.             "Title": "City of Sarasota Home Page",
  15745.             "Category": "GEO",
  15746.             "Description": "Official Sarasota site for city services and tourism.",
  15747.             "Year": 0
  15748.         },
  15749.         {
  15750.             "RIT": "ws101679",
  15751.             "Type": "WS",
  15752.             "URL": "http://www.ci.south-bend.in.us/",
  15753.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15754.             "Title": "City of South Bend",
  15755.             "Category": "GEO",
  15756.             "Description": "Official South Bend site for city services and tourism.",
  15757.             "Year": 0
  15758.         },
  15759.         {
  15760.             "RIT": "ws101680",
  15761.             "Type": "WS",
  15762.             "URL": "http://www.ci.wilmington.de.us/",
  15763.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15764.             "Title": "Welcome to the City of Wilmington's Site on the Web!",
  15765.             "Category": "GEO",
  15766.             "Description": "Official Wilmington site for city services and tourism.",
  15767.             "Year": 0
  15768.         },
  15769.         {
  15770.             "RIT": "ws101681",
  15771.             "Type": "WS",
  15772.             "URL": "http://www.city.medicine-hat.ab.ca/",
  15773.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15774.             "Title": "The City of Medicine Hat",
  15775.             "Category": "GEO",
  15776.             "Description": "Medicine Hat, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15777.             "Year": 0
  15778.         },
  15779.         {
  15780.             "RIT": "ws101682",
  15781.             "Type": "WS",
  15782.             "URL": "http://www.city.kamloops.bc.ca/",
  15783.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15784.             "Title": "CITY of KAMLOOPS",
  15785.             "Category": "GEO",
  15786.             "Description": "Kamloops, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15787.             "Year": 0
  15788.         },
  15789.         {
  15790.             "RIT": "ws101684",
  15791.             "Type": "WS",
  15792.             "URL": "http://www.city.hamilton.on.ca/",
  15793.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15794.             "Title": "City of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada",
  15795.             "Category": "GEO",
  15796.             "Description": "Hamilton, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15797.             "Year": 0
  15798.         },
  15799.         {
  15800.             "RIT": "ws101685",
  15801.             "Type": "WS",
  15802.             "URL": "http://www.city.kitchener.on.ca/",
  15803.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15804.             "Title": "City of Kitchener Home Page",
  15805.             "Category": "GEO",
  15806.             "Description": "Kitchener, Ontario, site for city services and tourism.",
  15807.             "Year": 0
  15808.         },
  15809.         {
  15810.             "RIT": "ws101687",
  15811.             "Type": "WS",
  15812.             "URL": "http://www.city.oshawa.on.ca/",
  15813.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15814.             "Title": "City Of Oshawa Home Page",
  15815.             "Category": "GEO",
  15816.             "Description": "Oshawa, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15817.             "Year": 0
  15818.         },
  15819.         {
  15820.             "RIT": "ws101688",
  15821.             "Type": "WS",
  15822.             "URL": "http://www.cincinnatireds.com/home.html",
  15823.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15824.             "Title": "The Cincinnati Reds: Official Web Site",
  15825.             "Category": "GEO",
  15826.             "Description": "Official site of the Cincinnati Reds baseball team.",
  15827.             "Year": 0
  15828.         },
  15829.         {
  15830.             "RIT": "ws101689",
  15831.             "Type": "WS",
  15832.             "URL": "http://www.ci.seattle.wa.us/",
  15833.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15834.             "Title": "The Official Web Site for the City of Seattle",
  15835.             "Category": "GEO",
  15836.             "Description": "Official Seattle site for city services and tourism.",
  15837.             "Year": 0
  15838.         },
  15839.         {
  15840.             "RIT": "ws101704",
  15841.             "Type": "WS",
  15842.             "URL": "http://www.city.thunder-bay.on.ca/",
  15843.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15844.             "Title": "City of Thunder Bay",
  15845.             "Category": "GEO",
  15846.             "Description": "Thunder Bay, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15847.             "Year": 0
  15848.         },
  15849.         {
  15850.             "RIT": "ws101705",
  15851.             "Type": "WS",
  15852.             "URL": "http://www.city.victoria.bc.ca/common/index.shtml",
  15853.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15854.             "Title": "City of Victoria",
  15855.             "Category": "GEO",
  15856.             "Description": "Victoria, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15857.             "Year": 0
  15858.         },
  15859.         {
  15860.             "RIT": "ws101706",
  15861.             "Type": "WS",
  15862.             "URL": "http://www.city.whitehorse.yk.ca/",
  15863.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15864.             "Title": "The City of Whitehorse - Capital of Yukon, Canada",
  15865.             "Category": "GEO",
  15866.             "Description": "Whitehorse, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15867.             "Year": 0
  15868.         },
  15869.         {
  15870.             "RIT": "ws101707",
  15871.             "Type": "WS",
  15872.             "URL": "http://www.city.st-johns.nf.ca/",
  15873.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15874.             "Title": "The City Of St. John's Welcomes You!!",
  15875.             "Category": "GEO",
  15876.             "Description": "Saint John's, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15877.             "Year": 0
  15878.         },
  15879.         {
  15880.             "RIT": "ws101708",
  15881.             "Type": "WS",
  15882.             "URL": "http://www.city.saint-john.nb.ca/",
  15883.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15884.             "Title": "City of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada",
  15885.             "Category": "GEO",
  15886.             "Description": "Saint John, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15887.             "Year": 0
  15888.         },
  15889.         {
  15890.             "RIT": "ws101709",
  15891.             "Type": "WS",
  15892.             "URL": "http://www.citylightsnews.com/pacty000.htm",
  15893.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15894.             "Title": "Welcome to the City of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada",
  15895.             "Category": "GEO",
  15896.             "Description": "Prince Albert, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15897.             "Year": 0
  15898.         },
  15899.         {
  15900.             "RIT": "ws101710",
  15901.             "Type": "WS",
  15902.             "URL": "http://www.city.toronto.on.ca/",
  15903.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15904.             "Title": "City of Toronto",
  15905.             "Category": "GEO",
  15906.             "Description": "Toronto, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15907.             "Year": 0
  15908.         },
  15909.         {
  15910.             "RIT": "ws101711",
  15911.             "Type": "WS",
  15912.             "URL": "http://www.cairnsconnect.com/",
  15913.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15914.             "Title": "Cairns City Council Home Page",
  15915.             "Category": "GEO",
  15916.             "Description": "Cairns, Australia site for city services and tourism.",
  15917.             "Year": 0
  15918.         },
  15919.         {
  15920.             "RIT": "ws101712",
  15921.             "Type": "WS",
  15922.             "URL": "http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/",
  15923.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15924.             "Title": "Corporation of London Homepage",
  15925.             "Category": "GEO",
  15926.             "Description": "London, England site for city services and tourism.",
  15927.             "Year": 0
  15928.         },
  15929.         {
  15930.             "RIT": "ws101713",
  15931.             "Type": "WS",
  15932.             "URL": "http://www.city.pg.bc.ca/",
  15933.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15934.             "Title": "City of Prince George - Municipal Gov't",
  15935.             "Category": "GEO",
  15936.             "Description": "Prince George, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15937.             "Year": 0
  15938.         },
  15939.         {
  15940.             "RIT": "ws101714",
  15941.             "Type": "WS",
  15942.             "URL": "http://www.city.vancouver.bc.ca/",
  15943.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15944.             "Title": "City of Vancouver, B.C., Municipal Government",
  15945.             "Category": "GEO",
  15946.             "Description": "Vancouver, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15947.             "Year": 0
  15948.         },
  15949.         {
  15950.             "RIT": "ws101715",
  15951.             "Type": "WS",
  15952.             "URL": "http://www.dover.gov.uk/",
  15953.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15954.             "Title": "The Site for Dover, Deal and Sandwich",
  15955.             "Category": "GEO",
  15956.             "Description": "Dover, England site for city services and tourism",
  15957.             "Year": 0
  15958.         },
  15959.         {
  15960.             "RIT": "ws101730",
  15961.             "Type": "WS",
  15962.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/csd/gettex/",
  15963.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15964.             "Title": "Camp Life: Civil War Collections from Gettysburg National Park",
  15965.             "Category": "HIS",
  15966.             "Description": "An exhibit that showcases some of the items that were made or used by soldiers in Union and Confederate camps. Many of the activities shown in this site helped soldiers cope with daily life.",
  15967.             "Year": 0
  15968.         },
  15969.         {
  15970.             "RIT": "ws101731",
  15971.             "Type": "WS",
  15972.             "URL": "http://www.columbusga.com/",
  15973.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15974.             "Title": "Columbus Georgia Home Page",
  15975.             "Category": "GEO",
  15976.             "Description": "Official Columbus site for city services and tourism.",
  15977.             "Year": 0
  15978.         },
  15979.         {
  15980.             "RIT": "ws101732",
  15981.             "Type": "WS",
  15982.             "URL": "http://www.dma.be/english/",
  15983.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15984.             "Title": "DMA - Digitale Metropool Antwerpen",
  15985.             "Category": "GEO",
  15986.             "Description": "Antwerp, Belgium site for city services and tourism.",
  15987.             "Year": 0
  15988.         },
  15989.         {
  15990.             "RIT": "ws101733",
  15991.             "Type": "WS",
  15992.             "URL": "http://www.cum.qc.ca/cum-an/index.asp",
  15993.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  15994.             "Title": "Montreal, Canada",
  15995.             "Category": "GEO",
  15996.             "Description": "Montreal, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  15997.             "Year": 0
  15998.         },
  15999.         {
  16000.             "RIT": "ws101734",
  16001.             "Type": "WS",
  16002.             "URL": "http://www.dartmouth.edu/",
  16003.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16004.             "Title": "Dartmouth College",
  16005.             "Category": "SOC",
  16006.             "Description": "Official Dartmouth College homepage and guide to campus and the Hanover area.",
  16007.             "Year": 0
  16008.         },
  16009.         {
  16010.             "RIT": "ws101735",
  16011.             "Type": "WS",
  16012.             "URL": "http://www.expo.hannover.de/english/start/tourist.htm",
  16013.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16014.             "Title": "Hannover Online - TourismEXPO2000",
  16015.             "Category": "GEO",
  16016.             "Description": "Hannover, Germany site for city services and tourism.",
  16017.             "Year": 0
  16018.         },
  16019.         {
  16020.             "RIT": "ws101736",
  16021.             "Type": "WS",
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  16023.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16024.             "Title": "ESSEN - ONLINE",
  16025.             "Category": "GEO",
  16026.             "Description": "Essen, Germany site for city services and tourism.",
  16027.             "Year": 0
  16028.         },
  16029.         {
  16030.             "RIT": "ws101737",
  16031.             "Type": "WS",
  16032.             "URL": "http://www.ellisisland.org/",
  16033.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16034.             "Title": "Ellis Island",
  16035.             "Category": "GEO",
  16036.             "Description": "Homepage of Ellis Island, including links to its immigration museum, The American Immigrant Wall of Honor, and The American Family Immigration History Center.",
  16037.             "Year": 0
  16038.         },
  16039.         {
  16040.             "RIT": "ws101738",
  16041.             "Type": "WS",
  16042.             "URL": "http://www.edmontonoilers.com/index.html",
  16043.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16044.             "Title": "Edmonton Oilers Home Page",
  16045.             "Category": "GEO",
  16046.             "Description": "Official site of the Edmonton Oilers hockey team.",
  16047.             "Year": 0
  16048.         },
  16049.         {
  16050.             "RIT": "ws101739",
  16051.             "Type": "WS",
  16052.             "URL": "http://www.etoncollege.com/Splash.asp",
  16053.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16054.             "Title": "Eton College's External Web Pages",
  16055.             "Category": "SOC",
  16056.             "Description": "Official Eton College homepage and guide to campus and the Eton area.",
  16057.             "Year": 0
  16058.         },
  16059.         {
  16060.             "RIT": "ws101740",
  16061.             "Type": "WS",
  16062.             "URL": "http://www.accessdubuque.com/index.cfm",
  16063.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16064.             "Title": "Access Dubuque.com",
  16065.             "Category": "GEO",
  16066.             "Description": "Official Dubuque site for city services and tourism.",
  16067.             "Year": 0
  16068.         },
  16069.         {
  16070.             "RIT": "ws101765",
  16071.             "Type": "WS",
  16072.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/pn37.html",
  16073.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16074.             "Title": "Pat Ryan Nixon",
  16075.             "Category": "HIS",
  16076.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Pat Ryan Nixon.",
  16077.             "Year": 0
  16078.         },
  16079.         {
  16080.             "RIT": "ws101766",
  16081.             "Type": "WS",
  16082.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/aj17.html",
  16083.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16084.             "Title": "Andrew Johnson",
  16085.             "Category": "HIS",
  16086.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Andrew Johnson. Includes a link to a biography of Eliza McCardle Johnson.",
  16087.             "Year": 0
  16088.         },
  16089.         {
  16090.             "RIT": "ws101767",
  16091.             "Type": "WS",
  16092.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/jk35.html",
  16093.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16094.             "Title": "Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy",
  16095.             "Category": "HIS",
  16096.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis.",
  16097.             "Year": 0
  16098.         },
  16099.         {
  16100.             "RIT": "ws101768",
  16101.             "Type": "WS",
  16102.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/im25.html",
  16103.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16104.             "Title": "Ida Saxton McKinley",
  16105.             "Category": "HIS",
  16106.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Ida Saxton McKinley.",
  16107.             "Year": 0
  16108.         },
  16109.         {
  16110.             "RIT": "ws101769",
  16111.             "Type": "WS",
  16112.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/jt10.html",
  16113.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16114.             "Title": "Julia Gardiner Tyler",
  16115.             "Category": "HIS",
  16116.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Julia Gardiner Tyler.",
  16117.             "Year": 0
  16118.         },
  16119.         {
  16120.             "RIT": "ws101770",
  16121.             "Type": "WS",
  16122.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/firstladies/jp14.html",
  16123.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16124.             "Title": "Jane Means Appleton Pierce",
  16125.             "Category": "HIS",
  16126.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Jane Appleton Pierce.",
  16127.             "Year": 0
  16128.         },
  16129.         {
  16130.             "RIT": "ws101771",
  16131.             "Type": "WS",
  16132.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/ml16.html",
  16133.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16134.             "Title": "Mary Todd Lincoln",
  16135.             "Category": "HIS",
  16136.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Mary Todd Lincoln.",
  16137.             "Year": 0
  16138.         },
  16139.         {
  16140.             "RIT": "ws101772",
  16141.             "Type": "WS",
  16142.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/lt10.html",
  16143.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16144.             "Title": "Letitia Christian Tyler",
  16145.             "Category": "HIS",
  16146.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Letitia Christian Tyler.",
  16147.             "Year": 0
  16148.         },
  16149.         {
  16150.             "RIT": "ws101773",
  16151.             "Type": "WS",
  16152.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/rc39.html",
  16153.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16154.             "Title": "Rosalynn Smith Carter",
  16155.             "Category": "HIS",
  16156.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Rosalynn Smith Carter.",
  16157.             "Year": 0
  16158.         },
  16159.         {
  16160.             "RIT": "ws101774",
  16161.             "Type": "WS",
  16162.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/firstladies/html/la6.html",
  16163.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16164.             "Title": "Louisa Johnson Adams",
  16165.             "Category": "HIS",
  16166.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Louisa Johnson Adams.",
  16167.             "Year": 0
  16168.         },
  16169.         {
  16170.             "RIT": "ws101784",
  16171.             "Type": "WS",
  16172.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/bh23.html",
  16173.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16174.             "Title": "Benjamin Harrison",
  16175.             "Category": "HIS",
  16176.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Benjamin Harrison. Includes a link to a biography of Caroline Scott Harrison.",
  16177.             "Year": 0
  16178.         },
  16179.         {
  16180.             "RIT": "ws101785",
  16181.             "Type": "WS",
  16182.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/de34.html",
  16183.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16184.             "Title": "Dwight D Eisenhower",
  16185.             "Category": "HIS",
  16186.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Includes a link to a biography of Mamie Doud Eisenhower and links to the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and the Eisenhower Center.",
  16187.             "Year": 0
  16188.         },
  16189.         {
  16190.             "RIT": "ws101786",
  16191.             "Type": "WS",
  16192.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/al16.html",
  16193.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16194.             "Title": "Abraham Lincoln",
  16195.             "Category": "HIS",
  16196.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Abraham Lincoln. Includes a link to a biography of Mary Todd Lincoln.",
  16197.             "Year": 0
  16198.         },
  16199.         {
  16200.             "RIT": "ws101787",
  16201.             "Type": "WS",
  16202.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/gf38.html",
  16203.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16204.             "Title": "Gerald R Ford",
  16205.             "Category": "HIS",
  16206.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Gerald R. Ford. Includes links to a biography of Betty Ford and to the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library maintained by the University of Texas and to the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library maintained by the U",
  16207.             "Year": 0
  16208.         },
  16209.         {
  16210.             "RIT": "ws101788",
  16211.             "Type": "WS",
  16212.             "URL": "http://www.wnba.com/liberty/",
  16213.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16214.             "Title": "The Official Site of the New York Liberty",
  16215.             "Category": "GEO",
  16216.             "Description": "Official site of the New York Liberty women's basketball team.",
  16217.             "Year": 0
  16218.         },
  16219.         {
  16220.             "RIT": "ws101789",
  16221.             "Type": "WS",
  16222.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/fp14.html",
  16223.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16224.             "Title": "Franklin Pierce",
  16225.             "Category": "HIS",
  16226.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Franklin Pierce. Includes a link to a biography of Jane Appleton Pierce.",
  16227.             "Year": 0
  16228.         },
  16229.         {
  16230.             "RIT": "ws101790",
  16231.             "Type": "WS",
  16232.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/fr32.html",
  16233.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16234.             "Title": "Franklin D Roosevelt",
  16235.             "Category": "HIS",
  16236.             "Description": "Official White House biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Includes links to a biography of Eleanor Roosevelt and to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library.",
  16237.             "Year": 0
  16238.         },
  16239.         {
  16240.             "RIT": "ws101792",
  16241.             "Type": "WS",
  16242.             "URL": "http://www.gallaudet.edu/",
  16243.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16244.             "Title": "Gallaudet University",
  16245.             "Category": "GEO",
  16246.             "Description": "Official Gallaudet University homepage and guide to campus and the Washington D.C. area.",
  16247.             "Year": 0
  16248.         },
  16249.         {
  16250.             "RIT": "ws101806",
  16251.             "Type": "WS",
  16252.             "URL": "http://www.gov.yk.ca/",
  16253.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16254.             "Title": "Government of Yukon Home Page",
  16255.             "Category": "GEO",
  16256.             "Description": "Yukon Territory, Canada site for territory information and tourism.",
  16257.             "Year": 0
  16258.         },
  16259.         {
  16260.             "RIT": "ws101807",
  16261.             "Type": "WS",
  16262.             "URL": "http://www.gov.bc.ca/",
  16263.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16264.             "Title": "Government of British Columbia",
  16265.             "Category": "GEO",
  16266.             "Description": "British Columbia, Canada site for province information and tourism.",
  16267.             "Year": 0
  16268.         },
  16269.         {
  16270.             "RIT": "ws101808",
  16271.             "Type": "WS",
  16272.             "URL": "http://www.gla.ac.uk/",
  16273.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16274.             "Title": "The University of Glasgow",
  16275.             "Category": "GEO",
  16276.             "Description": "Official University of Glasgow homepage and guide to campus and the Glasgow area.",
  16277.             "Year": 0
  16278.         },
  16279.         {
  16280.             "RIT": "ws101810",
  16281.             "Type": "WS",
  16282.             "URL": "http://www.gov.mb.ca/index.shtml",
  16283.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16284.             "Title": "Manitoba Government",
  16285.             "Category": "GEO",
  16286.             "Description": "Manitoba, Canada site for province information and tourism.",
  16287.             "Year": 0
  16288.         },
  16289.         {
  16290.             "RIT": "ws101811",
  16291.             "Type": "WS",
  16292.             "URL": "http://www.gouv.qc.ca/Index_en.html",
  16293.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16294.             "Title": "Government of Quebec",
  16295.             "Category": "GEO",
  16296.             "Description": "Quebec, Canada site for province information and tourism.",
  16297.             "Year": 0
  16298.         },
  16299.         {
  16300.             "RIT": "ws101813",
  16301.             "Type": "WS",
  16302.             "URL": "http://www.gov.nf.ca/",
  16303.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16304.             "Title": "Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Home Page",
  16305.             "Category": "GEO",
  16306.             "Description": "Newfoundland, Canada site for province information and tourism.",
  16307.             "Year": 0
  16308.         },
  16309.         {
  16310.             "RIT": "ws101814",
  16311.             "Type": "WS",
  16312.             "URL": "http://www.gg.ca/",
  16313.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16314.             "Title": "Governor General of Canada",
  16315.             "Category": "SOC",
  16316.             "Description": "The official Web site of the governor general of Canada, in English and French.",
  16317.             "Year": 0
  16318.         },
  16319.         {
  16320.             "RIT": "ws101815",
  16321.             "Type": "WS",
  16322.             "URL": "http://www.gov.pe.ca/",
  16323.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16324.             "Title": "Prince Edward Island Information Centre: Main Home Page",
  16325.             "Category": "GEO",
  16326.             "Description": "Prince Edward Island, Canada site for province information and tourism.",
  16327.             "Year": 0
  16328.         },
  16329.         {
  16330.             "RIT": "ws101816",
  16331.             "Type": "WS",
  16332.             "URL": "http://www.hmprisonservice.gov.uk/",
  16333.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16334.             "Title": "HM Prison Service",
  16335.             "Category": "SOC",
  16336.             "Description": "Homepage for Her Majesty's Prison Service in the United Kingdom.",
  16337.             "Year": 0
  16338.         },
  16339.         {
  16340.             "RIT": "ws101817",
  16341.             "Type": "WS",
  16342.             "URL": "http://www.hastings.gov.uk/default.asp",
  16343.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16344.             "Title": "Welcome to Hastings & St Leonards",
  16345.             "Category": "GEO",
  16346.             "Description": "Hastings, England site for city services and tourism.",
  16347.             "Year": 0
  16348.         },
  16349.         {
  16350.             "RIT": "ws101818",
  16351.             "Type": "WS",
  16352.             "URL": "http://www.history.ohio-state.edu/projects/mckinley/",
  16353.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16354.             "Title": "The Era of William McKinley",
  16355.             "Category": "HIS",
  16356.             "Description": "Information about William McKinley's political career from Ohio State University. Includes photographs and political cartoons.",
  16357.             "Year": 0
  16358.         },
  16359.         {
  16360.             "RIT": "ws101828",
  16361.             "Type": "WS",
  16362.             "URL": "http://www.harvard.edu/",
  16363.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16364.             "Title": "Welcome to Harvard University",
  16365.             "Category": "SOC",
  16366.             "Description": "Official Harvard University homepage and guide to campus and the Cambridge area.",
  16367.             "Year": 0
  16368.         },
  16369.         {
  16370.             "RIT": "ws101829",
  16371.             "Type": "WS",
  16372.             "URL": "http://www.hareshima.com/",
  16373.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16374.             "Title": "HaReshima: The Jewish Internet Portal",
  16375.             "Category": "HUM",
  16376.             "Description": "A searchable directory of Jewish and Israeli Web sites, divided into such categories as Congregations, Holidays, and Kosher.",
  16377.             "Year": 0
  16378.         },
  16379.         {
  16380.             "RIT": "ws101830",
  16381.             "Type": "WS",
  16382.             "URL": "http://www.gulflink.osd.mil/",
  16383.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16384.             "Title": "Office of the Special Assistant for the Gulf War Illnesses",
  16385.             "Category": "LIF",
  16386.             "Description": "GulfLINK is the official World-Wide Web Information Service from the Office of the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses in cooperation with the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC). The information provided in GulfLINK is publicly rel",
  16387.             "Year": 0
  16388.         },
  16389.         {
  16390.             "RIT": "ws101831",
  16391.             "Type": "WS",
  16392.             "URL": "http://www.gov.calgary.ab.ca/",
  16393.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16394.             "Title": "The City of Calgary Municipal Government",
  16395.             "Category": "GEO",
  16396.             "Description": "Calgary, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  16397.             "Year": 0
  16398.         },
  16399.         {
  16400.             "RIT": "ws101832",
  16401.             "Type": "WS",
  16402.             "URL": "http://www.jhu.edu/",
  16403.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16404.             "Title": "Johns Hopkins University",
  16405.             "Category": "SOC",
  16406.             "Description": "The official site of Johns Hopkins University provides a guide to the campus and the Baltimore area.",
  16407.             "Year": 0
  16408.         },
  16409.         {
  16410.             "RIT": "ws101834",
  16411.             "Type": "WS",
  16412.             "URL": "http://www.jc.net/~cityhall/",
  16413.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16414.             "Title": "City of Abilene",
  16415.             "Category": "GEO",
  16416.             "Description": "Official Abilene site for city services and tourism.",
  16417.             "Year": 0
  16418.         },
  16419.         {
  16420.             "RIT": "ws101835",
  16421.             "Type": "WS",
  16422.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Pm/key.html",
  16423.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16424.             "Title": "WebElements Promethium",
  16425.             "Category": "PHY",
  16426.             "Description": "WebElements Promethium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of promethium from the University of Sheffield.",
  16427.             "Year": 0
  16428.         },
  16429.         {
  16430.             "RIT": "ws101836",
  16431.             "Type": "WS",
  16432.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Po/key.html",
  16433.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16434.             "Title": "WebElements Polonium",
  16435.             "Category": "PHY",
  16436.             "Description": "WebElements Polonium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of polonium from the University of Sheffield.",
  16437.             "Year": 0
  16438.         },
  16439.         {
  16440.             "RIT": "ws101793",
  16441.             "Type": "WS",
  16442.             "URL": "http://www.glastonbury.co.uk/",
  16443.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16444.             "Title": "Glastonbury - WELCOME",
  16445.             "Category": "GEO",
  16446.             "Description": "Glastonbury, England site for city services and tourism.",
  16447.             "Year": 0
  16448.         },
  16449.         {
  16450.             "RIT": "ws101794",
  16451.             "Type": "WS",
  16452.             "URL": "http://www.gov.ns.ca/",
  16453.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16454.             "Title": "Nova Scotia Government",
  16455.             "Category": "GEO",
  16456.             "Description": "Nova Scotia, Canada site for province information and tourism.",
  16457.             "Year": 0
  16458.         },
  16459.         {
  16460.             "RIT": "ws101795",
  16461.             "Type": "WS",
  16462.             "URL": "http://www.gov.nt.ca/",
  16463.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16464.             "Title": "Government of the Northwest Territories",
  16465.             "Category": "GEO",
  16466.             "Description": "Northwest Territories, Canada site for territory information and tourism.",
  16467.             "Year": 0
  16468.         },
  16469.         {
  16470.             "RIT": "ws101796",
  16471.             "Type": "WS",
  16472.             "URL": "http://www.gov.ab.ca/home/",
  16473.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16474.             "Title": "WWW.GOV.AB.CA --- The Official Homepage of The Government of Alberta",
  16475.             "Category": "GEO",
  16476.             "Description": "Alberta, Canada site for province information and tourism.",
  16477.             "Year": 0
  16478.         },
  16479.         {
  16480.             "RIT": "ws101797",
  16481.             "Type": "WS",
  16482.             "URL": "http://www.greater.moncton.nb.ca/map.hte",
  16483.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16484.             "Title": "Greater Moncton Online Main Page",
  16485.             "Category": "GEO",
  16486.             "Description": "Moncton, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  16487.             "Year": 0
  16488.         },
  16489.         {
  16490.             "RIT": "ws101799",
  16491.             "Type": "WS",
  16492.             "URL": "http://www.gov.nb.ca/index-e.asp",
  16493.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16494.             "Title": "Province of New Brunswick Home Page",
  16495.             "Category": "GEO",
  16496.             "Description": "New Brunswick, Canada site for province information and tourism.",
  16497.             "Year": 0
  16498.         },
  16499.         {
  16500.             "RIT": "ws101800",
  16501.             "Type": "WS",
  16502.             "URL": "http://www.glasgow.gov.uk/",
  16503.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16504.             "Title": "Glasgow City Council",
  16505.             "Category": "GEO",
  16506.             "Description": "Glasgow, Scotland site for city services and tourism.",
  16507.             "Year": 0
  16508.         },
  16509.         {
  16510.             "RIT": "ws101801",
  16511.             "Type": "WS",
  16512.             "URL": "http://www.gov.edmonton.ab.ca/",
  16513.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16514.             "Title": "City of Edmonton",
  16515.             "Category": "GEO",
  16516.             "Description": "Edmonton, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  16517.             "Year": 0
  16518.         },
  16519.         {
  16520.             "RIT": "ws101802",
  16521.             "Type": "WS",
  16522.             "URL": "http://www.gov.sk.ca/",
  16523.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16524.             "Title": "Government of Saskatchewan",
  16525.             "Category": "GEO",
  16526.             "Description": "Saskatchewan, Canada site for province information and tourism.",
  16527.             "Year": 0
  16528.         },
  16529.         {
  16530.             "RIT": "ws101803",
  16531.             "Type": "WS",
  16532.             "URL": "http://www.georgetown.edu/",
  16533.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16534.             "Title": "Welcome to Georgetown University",
  16535.             "Category": "GEO",
  16536.             "Description": "Official Georgetown University homepage and guide to campus and the Washington D.C. area.",
  16537.             "Year": 0
  16538.         },
  16539.         {
  16540.             "RIT": "ws101804",
  16541.             "Type": "WS",
  16542.             "URL": "http://www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/",
  16543.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16544.             "Title": "[Gold Coast, Australia City council]",
  16545.             "Category": "GEO",
  16546.             "Description": "Gold Coast, Australia site for city services and tourism.",
  16547.             "Year": 0
  16548.         },
  16549.         {
  16550.             "RIT": "ws101805",
  16551.             "Type": "WS",
  16552.             "URL": "http://www.gov.on.ca/MBS/english/index.html",
  16553.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16554.             "Title": "The Government of Ontario",
  16555.             "Category": "GEO",
  16556.             "Description": "Ontario, Canada site for province information and tourism.",
  16557.             "Year": 0
  16558.         },
  16559.         {
  16560.             "RIT": "ws101819",
  16561.             "Type": "WS",
  16562.             "URL": "http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/nsa/cuba_mis_cri/cuba_mis_cri.html",
  16563.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16564.             "Title": "The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962",
  16565.             "Category": "HIS",
  16566.             "Description": "An overview of the Cuban Missile Crisis from the National Security Archive at George Washington University. Features a chronology, photographs, and a glossary of names, organizations, and military and technical terms.",
  16567.             "Year": 0
  16568.         },
  16569.         {
  16570.             "RIT": "ws101820",
  16571.             "Type": "WS",
  16572.             "URL": "http://www.howard.edu/",
  16573.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16574.             "Title": "Frames for Welcome to Howard University",
  16575.             "Category": "SOC",
  16576.             "Description": "Official Howard University homepage and guide to campus and the Washington D.C. area.",
  16577.             "Year": 0
  16578.         },
  16579.         {
  16580.             "RIT": "ws101821",
  16581.             "Type": "WS",
  16582.             "URL": "http://www.hamptonu.edu/",
  16583.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16584.             "Title": "Hampton University",
  16585.             "Category": "GEO",
  16586.             "Description": "Official Hampton University homepage and guide to campus.",
  16587.             "Year": 0
  16588.         },
  16589.         {
  16590.             "RIT": "ws101822",
  16591.             "Type": "WS",
  16592.             "URL": "http://www.hamburg.de/English/welcome.htm",
  16593.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16594.             "Title": "Welcome to the Hamburg Homepage",
  16595.             "Category": "GEO",
  16596.             "Description": "Hamburg, Germany site for city services and tourism.",
  16597.             "Year": 0
  16598.         },
  16599.         {
  16600.             "RIT": "ws101823",
  16601.             "Type": "WS",
  16602.             "URL": "http://www.holocaust-trc.org/",
  16603.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16604.             "Title": "Holocaust Teacher Resource Center",
  16605.             "Category": "HIS",
  16606.             "Description": "The Holocaust Teacher Resource Center strives to combat prejudice and bigotry by transforming the horrors of the Holocaust into positive lessons. This site is sponsored by the Holocaust Education Foundation, Inc.",
  16607.             "Year": 0
  16608.         },
  16609.         {
  16610.             "RIT": "ws101824",
  16611.             "Type": "WS",
  16612.             "URL": "http://www.historical-museum.org/history/war/war.htm",
  16613.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16614.             "Title": "The Spanish-American War",
  16615.             "Category": "HIS",
  16616.             "Description": "This site from the Historical Museum of Southern Florida features four articles reprinted from museum publications: Miami and the Spanish-American War, Cuba Libre, The Spanish War, and The Resinking of the Maine.",
  16617.             "Year": 0
  16618.         },
  16619.         {
  16620.             "RIT": "ws101825",
  16621.             "Type": "WS",
  16622.             "URL": "http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/events/spanam/eve-pge.htm",
  16623.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16624.             "Title": "EVENTS -- Spanish-American War",
  16625.             "Category": "HIS",
  16626.             "Description": "The Naval Historical Museum presents a collection of photographs from the Spanish-American War.",
  16627.             "Year": 0
  16628.         },
  16629.         {
  16630.             "RIT": "ws101826",
  16631.             "Type": "WS",
  16632.             "URL": "http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq8-1.htm",
  16633.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16634.             "Title": "Bermuda Triangle",
  16635.             "Category": "GEO",
  16636.             "Description": "The U.S. Naval Historical Center presents a fact sheet on the Bermuda Triangle.",
  16637.             "Year": 0
  16638.         },
  16639.         {
  16640.             "RIT": "ws101837",
  16641.             "Type": "WS",
  16642.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Os/key.html",
  16643.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16644.             "Title": "WebElements Osmium",
  16645.             "Category": "PHY",
  16646.             "Description": "WebElements Osmium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of osmium from the University of Sheffield.",
  16647.             "Year": 0
  16648.         },
  16649.         {
  16650.             "RIT": "ws101838",
  16651.             "Type": "WS",
  16652.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Pu/key.html",
  16653.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16654.             "Title": "WebElements Plutonium",
  16655.             "Category": "PHY",
  16656.             "Description": "WebElements Plutonium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of plutonium from the University of Sheffield.",
  16657.             "Year": 0
  16658.         },
  16659.         {
  16660.             "RIT": "ws101839",
  16661.             "Type": "WS",
  16662.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Ru/key.html",
  16663.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16664.             "Title": "WebElements Ruthenium",
  16665.             "Category": "PHY",
  16666.             "Description": "WebElements Ruthenium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of ruthenium from the University of Sheffield.",
  16667.             "Year": 0
  16668.         },
  16669.         {
  16670.             "RIT": "ws101840",
  16671.             "Type": "WS",
  16672.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/O/key.html",
  16673.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16674.             "Title": "WebElements Oxygen",
  16675.             "Category": "PHY",
  16676.             "Description": "WebElements Oxygen page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of oxygen from the University of Sheffield.",
  16677.             "Year": 0
  16678.         },
  16679.         {
  16680.             "RIT": "ws101841",
  16681.             "Type": "WS",
  16682.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Pb/key.html",
  16683.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  16684.             "Title": "WebElements Lead",
  16685.             "Category": "LIF",
  16686.             "Description": "WebElements Lead page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of lead from the University of Sheffield.",
  16687.             "Year": 0
  16688.         },
  16689.         {
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  16698.         },
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  16708.         },
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  16718.         },
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  16728.         },
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  16738.         },
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  16748.         },
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  16767.             "Year": 0
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  16776.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Bess Truman.",
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  16786.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Edith Carow Roosevelt.",
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  16798.         },
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  16806.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Abigail Powers Fillmore.",
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  16853.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  16856.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Caroline Scott Harrison.",
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  16888.         },
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  16908.         },
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  16966.             "Description": "Official White House biography of first lady Anna Symmes Harrison.",
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  16998.         },
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  17008.         },
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  17016.             "Description": "WebElements Boron page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of boron from the University of Sheffield.",
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  17018.         },
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  17026.             "Description": "WebElements Barium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of barium from the University of Sheffield.",
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  17028.         },
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  17375.             "Category": "PHY",
  17376.             "Description": "WebElements Vanadium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of vanadium from the University of Sheffield.",
  17377.             "Year": 0
  17378.         },
  17379.         {
  17380.             "RIT": "ws101904",
  17381.             "Type": "WS",
  17382.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Ni/key.html",
  17383.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17384.             "Title": "WebElements Nickel",
  17385.             "Category": "IND",
  17386.             "Description": "WebElements Nickel page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of nickel from the University of Sheffield.",
  17387.             "Year": 0
  17388.         },
  17389.         {
  17390.             "RIT": "ws101905",
  17391.             "Type": "WS",
  17392.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Tc/key.html",
  17393.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17394.             "Title": "WebElements Technetium",
  17395.             "Category": "PHY",
  17396.             "Description": "WebElements Technetium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of technetium from the University of Sheffield.",
  17397.             "Year": 0
  17398.         },
  17399.         {
  17400.             "RIT": "ws101906",
  17401.             "Type": "WS",
  17402.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Se/key.html",
  17403.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17404.             "Title": "WebElements Selenium",
  17405.             "Category": "PHY",
  17406.             "Description": "WebElements Selenium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of selenium from the University of Sheffield.",
  17407.             "Year": 0
  17408.         },
  17409.         {
  17410.             "RIT": "ws101907",
  17411.             "Type": "WS",
  17412.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Uun/key.html",
  17413.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17414.             "Title": "WebElements Ununnilium",
  17415.             "Category": "PHY",
  17416.             "Description": "WebElements Ununnilium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of element 110 (ununnilium) from the University of Sheffield.",
  17417.             "Year": 0
  17418.         },
  17419.         {
  17420.             "RIT": "ws101908",
  17421.             "Type": "WS",
  17422.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Bh/key.html",
  17423.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17424.             "Title": "WebElements Bohrium",
  17425.             "Category": "PHY",
  17426.             "Description": "WebElements Bohrium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of bohrium from the University of Sheffield.",
  17427.             "Year": 0
  17428.         },
  17429.         {
  17430.             "RIT": "ws101909",
  17431.             "Type": "WS",
  17432.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Ar/key.html",
  17433.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17434.             "Title": "WebElements Argon",
  17435.             "Category": "PHY",
  17436.             "Description": "WebElements Argon page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of argon from the University of Sheffield.",
  17437.             "Year": 0
  17438.         },
  17439.         {
  17440.             "RIT": "ws101917",
  17441.             "Type": "WS",
  17442.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/As/key.html",
  17443.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17444.             "Title": "WebElements Arsenic",
  17445.             "Category": "PHY",
  17446.             "Description": "WebElements Arsenic page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of arsenic from the University of Sheffield.",
  17447.             "Year": 0
  17448.         },
  17449.         {
  17450.             "RIT": "ws101918",
  17451.             "Type": "WS",
  17452.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Au/key.html",
  17453.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17454.             "Title": "WebElements Gold",
  17455.             "Category": "PHY",
  17456.             "Description": "WebElements Gold page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of gold from the University of Sheffield.",
  17457.             "Year": 0
  17458.         },
  17459.         {
  17460.             "RIT": "ws101919",
  17461.             "Type": "WS",
  17462.             "URL": "http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aristotle-politics/",
  17463.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17464.             "Title": "Aristotle's Political Theory",
  17465.             "Category": "HUM",
  17466.             "Description": "Fred Miller, professor of philosophy at Bowling Green State University, wrote this lengthy entry for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Includes a bibliography and links to related articles.",
  17467.             "Year": 0
  17468.         },
  17469.         {
  17470.             "RIT": "ws101920",
  17471.             "Type": "WS",
  17472.             "URL": "http://www.launceston.tas.gov.au/default_nav.htm",
  17473.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17474.             "Title": "City of Launceston",
  17475.             "Category": "GEO",
  17476.             "Description": "Launceston, Australia site for city services and tourism.",
  17477.             "Year": 0
  17478.         },
  17479.         {
  17480.             "RIT": "ws101921",
  17481.             "Type": "WS",
  17482.             "URL": "http://faculty.washington.edu/smcohen/arintro.htm",
  17483.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17484.             "Title": "Introduction to Aristotle",
  17485.             "Category": "HUM",
  17486.             "Description": "A lengthy essay by S. Marc Cohen, Department of Philosophy, University of Washington.",
  17487.             "Year": 0
  17488.         },
  17489.         {
  17490.             "RIT": "ws101922",
  17491.             "Type": "WS",
  17492.             "URL": "http://www.leeds.gov.uk/",
  17493.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17494.             "Title": "The City of Leeds, UK",
  17495.             "Category": "GEO",
  17496.             "Description": "Leeds, England site for city services and tourism.",
  17497.             "Year": 0
  17498.         },
  17499.         {
  17500.             "RIT": "ws101923",
  17501.             "Type": "WS",
  17502.             "URL": "http://www.leadville.com/",
  17503.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17504.             "Title": "Leadville, Colorado, Twin Lakes, lodging, mountain recreation, real estate",
  17505.             "Category": "GEO",
  17506.             "Description": "Official Leadville site for city services and tourism.",
  17507.             "Year": 0
  17508.         },
  17509.         {
  17510.             "RIT": "ws101924",
  17511.             "Type": "WS",
  17512.             "URL": "http://www.leicester.gov.uk/",
  17513.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17514.             "Title": "Leicester Live",
  17515.             "Category": "GEO",
  17516.             "Description": "Leicester, England site for city services and tourism.",
  17517.             "Year": 0
  17518.         },
  17519.         {
  17520.             "RIT": "ws101925",
  17521.             "Type": "WS",
  17522.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/StanMusial.htm",
  17523.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17524.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Stan Musial]",
  17525.             "Category": "REC",
  17526.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Stan Musial.",
  17527.             "Year": 0
  17528.         },
  17529.         {
  17530.             "RIT": "ws101935",
  17531.             "Type": "WS",
  17532.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/CyYoung.htm",
  17533.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17534.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Cy Young]",
  17535.             "Category": "REC",
  17536.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Cy Young.",
  17537.             "Year": 0
  17538.         },
  17539.         {
  17540.             "RIT": "ws101936",
  17541.             "Type": "WS",
  17542.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/JackieRobinson.htm",
  17543.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17544.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Jackie Robinson]",
  17545.             "Category": "REC",
  17546.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Jackie Robinson.",
  17547.             "Year": 0
  17548.         },
  17549.         {
  17550.             "RIT": "ws101937",
  17551.             "Type": "WS",
  17552.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/HonusWagner.htm",
  17553.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17554.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Honus Wagner]",
  17555.             "Category": "REC",
  17556.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Honus Wagner.",
  17557.             "Year": 0
  17558.         },
  17559.         {
  17560.             "RIT": "ws101938",
  17561.             "Type": "WS",
  17562.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/DizzyDean.htm",
  17563.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17564.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Dizzy Dean]",
  17565.             "Category": "REC",
  17566.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Dizzy Dean.",
  17567.             "Year": 0
  17568.         },
  17569.         {
  17570.             "RIT": "ws101939",
  17571.             "Type": "WS",
  17572.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/JohnnyBench.htm",
  17573.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17574.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Johnny Bench]",
  17575.             "Category": "REC",
  17576.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Johnny Bench.",
  17577.             "Year": 0
  17578.         },
  17579.         {
  17580.             "RIT": "ws101940",
  17581.             "Type": "WS",
  17582.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/BarryBonds.htm",
  17583.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17584.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Barry Bonds]",
  17585.             "Category": "REC",
  17586.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Barry Bonds.",
  17587.             "Year": 0
  17588.         },
  17589.         {
  17590.             "RIT": "ws101941",
  17591.             "Type": "WS",
  17592.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/RogersHornsby.htm",
  17593.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17594.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Rogers Hornsby]",
  17595.             "Category": "REC",
  17596.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Rogers Hornsby.",
  17597.             "Year": 0
  17598.         },
  17599.         {
  17600.             "RIT": "ws101942",
  17601.             "Type": "WS",
  17602.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/FrankRobinson.htm",
  17603.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17604.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Frank Robinson]",
  17605.             "Category": "REC",
  17606.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Frank Robinson.",
  17607.             "Year": 0
  17608.         },
  17609.         {
  17610.             "RIT": "ws101951",
  17611.             "Type": "WS",
  17612.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/LouGehrig.htm",
  17613.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17614.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Lou Gehrig]",
  17615.             "Category": "REC",
  17616.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Lou Gehrig.",
  17617.             "Year": 0
  17618.         },
  17619.         {
  17620.             "RIT": "ws101952",
  17621.             "Type": "WS",
  17622.             "URL": "http://www.city.winnipeg.mb.ca/interhom/",
  17623.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17624.             "Title": "City of Winnipeg",
  17625.             "Category": "GEO",
  17626.             "Description": "Winnipeg, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  17627.             "Year": 0
  17628.         },
  17629.         {
  17630.             "RIT": "ws101953",
  17631.             "Type": "WS",
  17632.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/PeteRose.htm",
  17633.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17634.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Pete Rose]",
  17635.             "Category": "REC",
  17636.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Pete Rose.",
  17637.             "Year": 0
  17638.         },
  17639.         {
  17640.             "RIT": "ws101954",
  17641.             "Type": "WS",
  17642.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/SatchelPaige.htm",
  17643.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17644.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Satchel Paige]",
  17645.             "Category": "REC",
  17646.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Satchel Paige.",
  17647.             "Year": 0
  17648.         },
  17649.         {
  17650.             "RIT": "ws101955",
  17651.             "Type": "WS",
  17652.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/RobertoClemente.htm",
  17653.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17654.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Roberto Clemente]",
  17655.             "Category": "REC",
  17656.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Roberto Clemente.",
  17657.             "Year": 0
  17658.         },
  17659.         {
  17660.             "RIT": "ws101956",
  17661.             "Type": "WS",
  17662.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/SandyKoufax.htm",
  17663.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17664.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Sandy Koufax]",
  17665.             "Category": "REC",
  17666.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Sandy Koufax.",
  17667.             "Year": 0
  17668.         },
  17669.         {
  17670.             "RIT": "ws101957",
  17671.             "Type": "WS",
  17672.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/BabeRuth.htm",
  17673.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17674.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Babe Ruth]",
  17675.             "Category": "REC",
  17676.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Babe Ruth.",
  17677.             "Year": 0
  17678.         },
  17679.         {
  17680.             "RIT": "ws101958",
  17681.             "Type": "WS",
  17682.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/BobFeller.htm",
  17683.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17684.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Bob Feller]",
  17685.             "Category": "REC",
  17686.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Bob Feller.",
  17687.             "Year": 0
  17688.         },
  17689.         {
  17690.             "RIT": "ws101926",
  17691.             "Type": "WS",
  17692.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/TyCobb.htm",
  17693.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17694.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Ty Cobb]",
  17695.             "Category": "REC",
  17696.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Ty Cobb.",
  17697.             "Year": 0
  17698.         },
  17699.         {
  17700.             "RIT": "ws101928",
  17701.             "Type": "WS",
  17702.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/MickeyCochrane.htm",
  17703.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17704.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Mickey Cochrane]",
  17705.             "Category": "REC",
  17706.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Mickey Cochrane.",
  17707.             "Year": 0
  17708.         },
  17709.         {
  17710.             "RIT": "ws101929",
  17711.             "Type": "WS",
  17712.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/KenGriffeyJr.htm",
  17713.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17714.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Ken Griffey Jr.]",
  17715.             "Category": "REC",
  17716.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Ken Griffey Jr..",
  17717.             "Year": 0
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  17719.         {
  17720.             "RIT": "ws101930",
  17721.             "Type": "WS",
  17722.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/JoeJackson.htm",
  17723.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17724.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Joe Jackson]",
  17725.             "Category": "REC",
  17726.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Joe Jackson.",
  17727.             "Year": 0
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  17733.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17734.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Greg Maddux]",
  17735.             "Category": "REC",
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  17739.         {
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  17743.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17744.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Warren Spahn]",
  17745.             "Category": "REC",
  17746.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Warren Spahn.",
  17747.             "Year": 0
  17748.         },
  17749.         {
  17750.             "RIT": "ws101933",
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  17753.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17754.             "Title": "Manchester",
  17755.             "Category": "GEO",
  17756.             "Description": "Manchester, England site for city services and tourism.",
  17757.             "Year": 0
  17758.         },
  17759.         {
  17760.             "RIT": "ws101934",
  17761.             "Type": "WS",
  17762.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/TrisSpeaker.htm",
  17763.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17764.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Tris Speaker]",
  17765.             "Category": "REC",
  17766.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Tris Speaker.",
  17767.             "Year": 0
  17768.         },
  17769.         {
  17770.             "RIT": "ws101943",
  17771.             "Type": "WS",
  17772.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/TonyGwynn.htm",
  17773.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17774.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Tony Gwynn]",
  17775.             "Category": "REC",
  17776.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Tony Gwynn.",
  17777.             "Year": 0
  17778.         },
  17779.         {
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  17783.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  17785.             "Category": "SOC",
  17786.             "Description": "Official Marquette University homepage and guide to campus.",
  17787.             "Year": 0
  17788.         },
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  17791.             "Type": "WS",
  17792.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/TedWilliams.htm",
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  17794.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Ted Williams]",
  17795.             "Category": "REC",
  17796.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Ted Williams.",
  17797.             "Year": 0
  17798.         },
  17799.         {
  17800.             "RIT": "ws101946",
  17801.             "Type": "WS",
  17802.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/JoeDiMaggio.htm",
  17803.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17804.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Joe DiMaggio]",
  17805.             "Category": "REC",
  17806.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Joe DiMaggio.",
  17807.             "Year": 0
  17808.         },
  17809.         {
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  17811.             "Type": "WS",
  17812.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/WillieMays.htm",
  17813.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17814.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Willie Mays]",
  17815.             "Category": "REC",
  17816.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Willie Mays.",
  17817.             "Year": 0
  17818.         },
  17819.         {
  17820.             "RIT": "ws101948",
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  17824.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Jimmie Foxx]",
  17825.             "Category": "REC",
  17826.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Jimmie Foxx.",
  17827.             "Year": 0
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  17829.         {
  17830.             "RIT": "ws101949",
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  17835.             "Category": "GEO",
  17836.             "Description": "Lyon, France site for city services and tourism.",
  17837.             "Year": 0
  17838.         },
  17839.         {
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  17842.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/MickeyMantle.htm",
  17843.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  17847.             "Year": 0
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  17849.         {
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  17851.             "Type": "WS",
  17852.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/RickeyHenderson.htm",
  17853.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  17855.             "Category": "REC",
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  17857.             "Year": 0
  17858.         },
  17859.         {
  17860.             "RIT": "ws101960",
  17861.             "Type": "WS",
  17862.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/WalterJohnson.htm",
  17863.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17864.             "Title": "MLB All-Century Ballot [Walter Johnson]",
  17865.             "Category": "REC",
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  17867.             "Year": 0
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  17869.         {
  17870.             "RIT": "ws101961",
  17871.             "Type": "WS",
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  17873.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  17875.             "Category": "GEO",
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  17885.             "Category": "REC",
  17886.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Nolan Ryan.",
  17887.             "Year": 0
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  17889.         {
  17890.             "RIT": "ws101963",
  17891.             "Type": "WS",
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  17893.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17894.             "Title": "Strasbourg town council - city of Strasbourg",
  17895.             "Category": "GEO",
  17896.             "Description": "Strasbourg, France site for city services and tourism.",
  17897.             "Year": 0
  17898.         },
  17899.         {
  17900.             "RIT": "ws101964",
  17901.             "Type": "WS",
  17902.             "URL": "http://www.majorleaguebaseball.com/u/baseball/mlbcom/allcent/bios/HankAaron.htm",
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  17907.             "Year": 0
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  17909.         {
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  17911.             "Type": "WS",
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  17913.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  17915.             "Category": "REC",
  17916.             "Description": "The Major League Baseball site showing the career statistics and biography of Cal Ripken Jr..",
  17917.             "Year": 0
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  17919.         {
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  17927.             "Year": 0
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  17930.             "RIT": "ws101980",
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  17937.             "Year": 0
  17938.         },
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  17941.             "Type": "WS",
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  17943.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17945.             "Category": "GEO",
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  17947.             "Year": 0
  17948.         },
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  17951.             "Type": "WS",
  17952.             "URL": "http://www.hoophall.com/halloffamers/Abdul-Jabbar.htm",
  17953.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  17955.             "Category": "REC",
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  17957.             "Year": 0
  17958.         },
  17959.         {
  17960.             "RIT": "ws101983",
  17961.             "Type": "WS",
  17962.             "URL": "http://www.nba.com/bucks/",
  17963.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17964.             "Title": "THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE MILWAUKEE BUCKS",
  17965.             "Category": "GEO",
  17966.             "Description": "Official site of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team.",
  17967.             "Year": 0
  17968.         },
  17969.         {
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  17973.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  17974.             "Title": "Welcome to the Official New York Rangers Website",
  17975.             "Category": "GEO",
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  17977.             "Year": 0
  17978.         },
  17979.         {
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  17983.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  17985.             "Category": "GEO",
  17986.             "Description": "Neath, Wales site for city services and tourism",
  17987.             "Year": 0
  17988.         },
  17989.         {
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  17993.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  17996.             "Description": "Official site of the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey team.",
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  18003.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  18004.             "Title": "Newcastle City Homepage",
  18005.             "Category": "GEO",
  18006.             "Description": "Newcastle, Australia site for city services and tourism.",
  18007.             "Year": 0
  18008.         },
  18009.         {
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  18011.             "Type": "WS",
  18012.             "URL": "http://www.nba.com/sonics/",
  18013.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  18015.             "Category": "GEO",
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  18017.             "Year": 0
  18018.         },
  18019.         {
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  18023.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  18026.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Lord Ernest Rutherford, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1908.",
  18027.             "Year": 0
  18028.         },
  18029.         {
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  18035.             "Category": "GEO",
  18036.             "Description": "Official site of the New Jersey Devils hockey team.",
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  18038.         },
  18039.         {
  18040.             "RIT": "ws102028",
  18041.             "Type": "WS",
  18042.             "URL": "http://www.hoophall.com/halloffamers/Monroe.htm",
  18043.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  18044.             "Title": "Earl Monroe",
  18045.             "Category": "REC",
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  18047.             "Year": 0
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  18054.             "Title": "THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE UTAH JAZZ",
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  18056.             "Description": "Official site of the Utah Jazz basketball team.",
  18057.             "Year": 0
  18058.         },
  18059.         {
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  18062.             "URL": "http://www.hoophall.com/halloffamers/Frazier.htm",
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  18066.             "Description": "Career statistics and biography of Walt Frazier.",
  18067.             "Year": 0
  18068.         },
  18069.         {
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  18071.             "Type": "WS",
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  18804.             "Description": "WebElements Lawrencium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of lawrencium from the University of Sheffield.",
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  18806.         },
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  18813.             "Category": "PHY",
  18814.             "Description": "WebElements Fluorine page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of fluorine from the University of Sheffield.",
  18815.             "Year": 0
  18816.         },
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  18824.             "Description": "WebElements Gallium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of gallium from the University of Sheffield.",
  18825.             "Year": 0
  18826.         },
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  18831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  18834.             "Description": "WebElements Hydrogen page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of hydrogen from the University of Sheffield.",
  18835.             "Year": 0
  18836.         },
  18837.         {
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  18844.             "Description": "WebElements Iron page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of iron from the University of Sheffield.",
  18845.             "Year": 0
  18846.         },
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  18851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  18853.             "Category": "PHY",
  18854.             "Description": "WebElements Lithium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of lithium from the University of Sheffield.",
  18855.             "Year": 0
  18856.         },
  18857.         {
  18858.             "RIT": "ws102388",
  18859.             "Type": "WS",
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  18861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  18866.         },
  18867.         {
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  18871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  18874.             "Description": "WebElements Holmium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of holmium from the University of Sheffield.",
  18875.             "Year": 0
  18876.         },
  18877.         {
  18878.             "RIT": "ws102390",
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  18880.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Es/key.html",
  18881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  18882.             "Title": "WebElements Einsteinium",
  18883.             "Category": "PHY",
  18884.             "Description": "WebElements Einsteinium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of einsteinium from the University of Sheffield.",
  18885.             "Year": 0
  18886.         },
  18887.         {
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  18891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  18893.             "Category": "PHY",
  18894.             "Description": "WebElements Copper page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of copper from the University of Sheffield.",
  18895.             "Year": 0
  18896.         },
  18897.         {
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  18901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  18902.             "Title": "Vassar College",
  18903.             "Category": "SOC",
  18904.             "Description": "Official Vassar College homepage and guide to campus.",
  18905.             "Year": 0
  18906.         },
  18907.         {
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  18913.             "Category": "SOC",
  18914.             "Description": "Official University of Toronto homepage and guide to campus and the Toronto area.",
  18915.             "Year": 0
  18916.         },
  18917.         {
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  18926.         },
  18927.         {
  18928.             "RIT": "ws102395",
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  18930.             "URL": "http://www.ville.hull.qc.ca/gatineau/english/index.htm",
  18931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  18946.         },
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  18950.             "URL": "http://www.vanderbilt.edu/",
  18951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  18953.             "Category": "SOC",
  18954.             "Description": "Official Vanderbilt University homepage and guide to campus.",
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  18956.         },
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  18961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  18962.             "Title": "Mayor's Office Of City Of Vincennes, Indiana",
  18963.             "Category": "GEO",
  18964.             "Description": "Official Vincennes site describing city services and community projects.",
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  18977.         {
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  18987.         {
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  18993.             "Category": "HUM",
  18994.             "Description": "This page from the University of California, Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology focuses on Aristotle's scientific work. Includes links to electronic texts of Aristotle's writings.",
  18995.             "Year": 0
  18996.         },
  18997.         {
  18998.             "RIT": "ws102403",
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  19004.             "Description": "Official University of British Columbia homepage and guide to campus and the Vancouver area.",
  19005.             "Year": 0
  19006.         },
  19007.         {
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  19014.             "Description": "Comprehensive information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of all the chemcial elements from the University of Sheffield.",
  19015.             "Year": 0
  19016.         },
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  19021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  19024.             "Description": "WebElements Silver page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of silver from the University of Sheffield.",
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  19026.         },
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  19031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  19033.             "Category": "PHY",
  19034.             "Description": "WebElements Californium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of californium from the University of Sheffield.",
  19035.             "Year": 0
  19036.         },
  19037.         {
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  19044.             "Description": "Official University of Southern California homepage and guide to campus and the Los Angeles area.",
  19045.             "Year": 0
  19046.         },
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  19054.             "Description": "WebElements Aluminum page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of aluminum from the University of Sheffield.",
  19055.             "Year": 0
  19056.         },
  19057.         {
  19058.             "RIT": "ws102416",
  19059.             "Type": "WS",
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  19061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  19064.             "Description": "WebElements Chlorine page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of chlorine from the University of Sheffield.",
  19065.             "Year": 0
  19066.         },
  19067.         {
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  19071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  19074.             "Description": "WebElements Curium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of curium from the University of Sheffield.",
  19075.             "Year": 0
  19076.         },
  19077.         {
  19078.             "RIT": "ws102418",
  19079.             "Type": "WS",
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  19081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19082.             "Title": "WebElements Bromine",
  19083.             "Category": "PHY",
  19084.             "Description": "WebElements Bromine page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of bromine from the University of Sheffield.",
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  19086.         },
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  19091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  19093.             "Category": "GEO",
  19094.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Waterbury, Connecticut.",
  19095.             "Year": 0
  19096.         },
  19097.         {
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  19099.             "Type": "WS",
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  19101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  19103.             "Category": "PHY",
  19104.             "Description": "WebElements Carbon page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of carbon from the University of Sheffield.",
  19105.             "Year": 0
  19106.         },
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  19111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  19114.             "Description": "WebElements Calcium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of calcium from the University of Sheffield.",
  19115.             "Year": 0
  19116.         },
  19117.         {
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  19121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  19123.             "Category": "PHY",
  19124.             "Description": "WebElements Actinium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of actinium from the University of Sheffield.",
  19125.             "Year": 0
  19126.         },
  19127.         {
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  19131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  19133.             "Category": "PHY",
  19134.             "Description": "WebElements Cadmium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of cadmium from the University of Sheffield.",
  19135.             "Year": 0
  19136.         },
  19137.         {
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  19141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  19143.             "Category": "SOC",
  19144.             "Description": "Official University of Saskatchewan homepage and guide to campus and the Saskatoon area.",
  19145.             "Year": 0
  19146.         },
  19147.         {
  19148.             "RIT": "ws102411",
  19149.             "Type": "WS",
  19150.             "URL": "http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Ce/key.html",
  19151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19152.             "Title": "WebElements Cerium",
  19153.             "Category": "PHY",
  19154.             "Description": "WebElements Cerium page: Information about the chemical and atomic properties, history, occurrences, and uses of cerium from the University of Sheffield.",
  19155.             "Year": 0
  19156.         },
  19157.         {
  19158.             "RIT": "ws102419",
  19159.             "Type": "WS",
  19160.             "URL": "http://www.ulaval.ca/scom/Presentation/anglais/index.html",
  19161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19162.             "Title": "Laval University",
  19163.             "Category": "SOC",
  19164.             "Description": "Official Laval University homepage and guide to campus and the Sainte-Foy area.",
  19165.             "Year": 0
  19166.         },
  19167.         {
  19168.             "RIT": "ws102420",
  19169.             "Type": "WS",
  19170.             "URL": "http://www.umanitoba.ca/",
  19171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19172.             "Title": "The University of Manitoba - UMinfo",
  19173.             "Category": "SOC",
  19174.             "Description": "Official University of Manitoba homepage and guide to campus.",
  19175.             "Year": 0
  19176.         },
  19177.         {
  19178.             "RIT": "ws102421",
  19179.             "Type": "WS",
  19180.             "URL": "http://www.ukings.ns.ca/",
  19181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19182.             "Title": "Welcome to Kings!",
  19183.             "Category": "SOC",
  19184.             "Description": "Official University of King's College homepage and guide to campus and the Halifax area.",
  19185.             "Year": 0
  19186.         },
  19187.         {
  19188.             "RIT": "ws102422",
  19189.             "Type": "WS",
  19190.             "URL": "http://www.tusk.edu/",
  19191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19192.             "Title": "Tuskegee University Web",
  19193.             "Category": "SOC",
  19194.             "Description": "Official Tuskegee University homepage and guide to campus and the Tuskegee area.",
  19195.             "Year": 0
  19196.         },
  19197.         {
  19198.             "RIT": "ws102424",
  19199.             "Type": "WS",
  19200.             "URL": "http://www.unb.ca/",
  19201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19202.             "Title": "The University of New Brunswick, Canada",
  19203.             "Category": "SOC",
  19204.             "Description": "Official University of New Brunswick homepage and guide to campus and the Fredericton area.",
  19205.             "Year": 0
  19206.         },
  19207.         {
  19208.             "RIT": "ws102425",
  19209.             "Type": "WS",
  19210.             "URL": "http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/index_e.html",
  19211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19212.             "Title": "Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg [University of Heidelberg]",
  19213.             "Category": "SOC",
  19214.             "Description": "Official University of Heidelberg homepage and guide to campus and the Heidelberg area.",
  19215.             "Year": 0
  19216.         },
  19217.         {
  19218.             "RIT": "ws102426",
  19219.             "Type": "WS",
  19220.             "URL": "http://www.plymouth.gov.uk/",
  19221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19222.             "Title": "Plymouth, England",
  19223.             "Category": "GEO",
  19224.             "Description": "Plymouth, England site describing city services and providing tourist information.",
  19225.             "Year": 0
  19226.         },
  19227.         {
  19228.             "RIT": "ws102427",
  19229.             "Type": "WS",
  19230.             "URL": "http://www.region.halifax.ns.ca/",
  19231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19232.             "Title": "Halifax Regional Municipality Home Page",
  19233.             "Category": "GEO",
  19234.             "Description": "Halifax, Canada site for information about government, community and cultural events, city services, and tourism.",
  19235.             "Year": 0
  19236.         },
  19237.         {
  19238.             "RIT": "ws102428",
  19239.             "Type": "WS",
  19240.             "URL": "http://www.sabres.com/",
  19241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19242.             "Title": "The Official Buffalo Sabres Website",
  19243.             "Category": "GEO",
  19244.             "Description": "Official site of the Buffalo Sabres hockey team.",
  19245.             "Year": 0
  19246.         },
  19247.         {
  19248.             "RIT": "ws102429",
  19249.             "Type": "WS",
  19250.             "URL": "http://www.richmond.edu/",
  19251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19252.             "Title": "University of Richmond",
  19253.             "Category": "SOC",
  19254.             "Description": "Official University of Richmond homepage and guide to campus and the Richmond area.",
  19255.             "Year": 0
  19256.         },
  19257.         {
  19258.             "RIT": "ws102441",
  19259.             "Type": "WS",
  19260.             "URL": "http://www.ringling.com/history/barnum/",
  19261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19262.             "Title": "History and Tradition - P.T. Barnum",
  19263.             "Category": "REC",
  19264.             "Description": "Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus presents an overview of the life and career of P.T. Barnum.",
  19265.             "Year": 0
  19266.         },
  19267.         {
  19268.             "RIT": "ws102442",
  19269.             "Type": "WS",
  19270.             "URL": "http://www.rotterdam.nl/indexGB.html",
  19271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19272.             "Title": "Index of rotterdam.nl (English)",
  19273.             "Category": "GEO",
  19274.             "Description": "Rotterdam, The Netherlands site providing information about government, community and cultural events, city services, and tourism.",
  19275.             "Year": 0
  19276.         },
  19277.         {
  19278.             "RIT": "ws102443",
  19279.             "Type": "WS",
  19280.             "URL": "http://www.pittsburghsteelers.com/",
  19281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19282.             "Title": "Pittsburgh Steelers Official Web Site",
  19283.             "Category": "GEO",
  19284.             "Description": "Official site of the Pittsburgh Steelers football team.",
  19285.             "Year": 0
  19286.         },
  19287.         {
  19288.             "RIT": "ws102444",
  19289.             "Type": "WS",
  19290.             "URL": "http://www.seahawks.com/",
  19291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19292.             "Title": "SEAHAWKS : main",
  19293.             "Category": "GEO",
  19294.             "Description": "Official site of the Seattle Seahawks football team.",
  19295.             "Year": 0
  19296.         },
  19297.         {
  19298.             "RIT": "ws102446",
  19299.             "Type": "WS",
  19300.             "URL": "http://www.leipzig.de/eng/index.htm",
  19301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19302.             "Title": "Stadtinfo english [Leipzig]",
  19303.             "Category": "GEO",
  19304.             "Description": "Leipzig, Germany site for city services and tourism.",
  19305.             "Year": 0
  19306.         },
  19307.         {
  19308.             "RIT": "ws102447",
  19309.             "Type": "WS",
  19310.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/montlm.html",
  19311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19312.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF LUCY MAUD MONTGOMERY (1874-1942)",
  19313.             "Category": "HUM",
  19314.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  19315.             "Year": 0
  19316.         },
  19317.         {
  19318.             "RIT": "ws102448",
  19319.             "Type": "WS",
  19320.             "URL": "http://www-adm.pdx.edu/user/sinq/greekciv/philosophy/plato/candace.htm",
  19321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19322.             "Title": "Plato for the Young Inquirer",
  19323.             "Category": "HUM",
  19324.             "Description": "This interactive exhibit focuses on Plato's life and ideas, the Allegory of the Cave, and Plato's impact today.",
  19325.             "Year": 0
  19326.         },
  19327.         {
  19328.             "RIT": "ws102449",
  19329.             "Type": "WS",
  19330.             "URL": "http://www.kb.dk/elib/illbooks/hcaportr/",
  19331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19332.             "Title": "H.C. Andersen Portraits",
  19333.             "Category": "HUM",
  19334.             "Description": "Portraits of the author from Denmark's Royal Library.",
  19335.             "Year": 0
  19336.         },
  19337.         {
  19338.             "RIT": "ws102450",
  19339.             "Type": "WS",
  19340.             "URL": "http://www.ci.mpls.mn.us/",
  19341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19342.             "Title": "City of Minneapolis Home Page",
  19343.             "Category": "GEO",
  19344.             "Description": "Official Minneapolis site for city services and tourism.",
  19345.             "Year": 0
  19346.         },
  19347.         {
  19348.             "RIT": "ws102451",
  19349.             "Type": "WS",
  19350.             "URL": "http://www.lakewobegon.com/",
  19351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19352.             "Title": "A Prairie Home Companion",
  19353.             "Category": "HUM",
  19354.             "Description": "Minnesota Public Radio presents a Web page devoted to the radio show hosted by Garrison Keillor.",
  19355.             "Year": 0
  19356.         },
  19357.         {
  19358.             "RIT": "ws102461",
  19359.             "Type": "WS",
  19360.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/marvell.html",
  19361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19362.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF ANDREW MARVELL (1621-1678)",
  19363.             "Category": "HUM",
  19364.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  19365.             "Year": 0
  19366.         },
  19367.         {
  19368.             "RIT": "ws102462",
  19369.             "Type": "WS",
  19370.             "URL": "http://www.lon.ac.uk/",
  19371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19372.             "Title": "Welcome to the University of London",
  19373.             "Category": "SOC",
  19374.             "Description": "Official University of London homepage and guide to campus and the London area.",
  19375.             "Year": 0
  19376.         },
  19377.         {
  19378.             "RIT": "ws102463",
  19379.             "Type": "WS",
  19380.             "URL": "http://www.library.tufts.edu/archives/coll/collections/ms2/tulips.html",
  19381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19382.             "Title": "Phineas Taylor Barnum collection, 1818-1993",
  19383.             "Category": "REC",
  19384.             "Description": "Tufts University presents an online guide to its special collection of letters, photographs, memorabilia, and other materials documenting the career of P.T. Barnum and Barnum's relationship with the university. Web page includes a historical ess",
  19385.             "Year": 0
  19386.         },
  19387.         {
  19388.             "RIT": "ws102464",
  19389.             "Type": "WS",
  19390.             "URL": "http://www.lindberghtrial.com/",
  19391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19392.             "Title": "The Lindbergh Case - The Trial of the Century",
  19393.             "Category": "IND",
  19394.             "Description": "The Hunterdon County Democrat presents a comprehensive Web feature on Charles A. Lindbergh Jr.'s kidnapping and the trial that followed. The site features an archive of local news coverage (Col. Charles A. Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh liv",
  19395.             "Year": 0
  19396.         },
  19397.         {
  19398.             "RIT": "ws102465",
  19399.             "Type": "WS",
  19400.             "URL": "http://www.mackinac.com/",
  19401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19402.             "Title": "Mackinac Island Pages ...somewhere on line...",
  19403.             "Category": "GEO",
  19404.             "Description": "Comprehensive site on tourism and services in Mackinac Island, Michigan.",
  19405.             "Year": 0
  19406.         },
  19407.         {
  19408.             "RIT": "ws102466",
  19409.             "Type": "WS",
  19410.             "URL": "http://www.liverpool.gov.uk/",
  19411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19412.             "Title": "Liverpool City Council web - Index Page",
  19413.             "Category": "GEO",
  19414.             "Description": "Liverpool, England site for city services and tourism.",
  19415.             "Year": 0
  19416.         },
  19417.         {
  19418.             "RIT": "ws102468",
  19419.             "Type": "WS",
  19420.             "URL": "http://www.macon.com/mld/macon/",
  19421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19422.             "Title": "MACON.COM | Macon's Address on the Internet!",
  19423.             "Category": "GEO",
  19424.             "Description": "Macon site for city services and tourism.",
  19425.             "Year": 0
  19426.         },
  19427.         {
  19428.             "RIT": "ws102469",
  19429.             "Type": "WS",
  19430.             "URL": "http://www.lincoln.edu/",
  19431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19432.             "Title": "Lincoln University - Welcome!",
  19433.             "Category": "SOC",
  19434.             "Description": "Official Lincoln University homepage and guide to campus.",
  19435.             "Year": 0
  19436.         },
  19437.         {
  19438.             "RIT": "ws102487",
  19439.             "Type": "WS",
  19440.             "URL": "http://www.mnhs.org/places/sites/hfs/history.html",
  19441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19442.             "Title": "Historic Fort Snelling: History of Fort Snelling",
  19443.             "Category": "GEO",
  19444.             "Description": "Minnesota Historical Society site on the history of Fort Snelling near Minneapolis, Minnesota.",
  19445.             "Year": 0
  19446.         },
  19447.         {
  19448.             "RIT": "ws102488",
  19449.             "Type": "WS",
  19450.             "URL": "http://www.historyplace.com/civilwar/index.html",
  19451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19452.             "Title": "The History Place: The U.S. Civil War 1861-1865",
  19453.             "Category": "HIS",
  19454.             "Description": "A detailed timeline of the Civil War, illustrated with photos and maps.",
  19455.             "Year": 0
  19456.         },
  19457.         {
  19458.             "RIT": "ws102489",
  19459.             "Type": "WS",
  19460.             "URL": "http://www.Californiamissions.com/menu.html",
  19461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19462.             "Title": "California Missions: A Virtual Tour",
  19463.             "Category": "HIS",
  19464.             "Description": "A pictorial history of 21 California missions founded by Franciscan Friars and Native Americans in the late 1700's and early 1800's.",
  19465.             "Year": 0
  19466.         },
  19467.         {
  19468.             "RIT": "ws102490",
  19469.             "Type": "WS",
  19470.             "URL": "http://tlc.ai.org/archaeol.htm",
  19471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19472.             "Title": "Archaeological Websites",
  19473.             "Category": "HIS",
  19474.             "Description": "Links to Websites on archaeological projects and resources from the Indiana Department of Education.",
  19475.             "Year": 0
  19476.         },
  19477.         {
  19478.             "RIT": "ws102491",
  19479.             "Type": "WS",
  19480.             "URL": "http://www.mde.state.mi.us/",
  19481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19482.             "Title": "Michigan Department of Education-MDEnet",
  19483.             "Category": "GEO",
  19484.             "Description": "Official site of the Michigan Department of Education. Includes links to Web sites of schools and school districts throughout the United States.",
  19485.             "Year": 0
  19486.         },
  19487.         {
  19488.             "RIT": "ws102494",
  19489.             "Type": "WS",
  19490.             "URL": "http://children.state.mn.us/",
  19491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19492.             "Title": "Minnesota Department of Children, Families & Learning",
  19493.             "Category": "GEO",
  19494.             "Description": "Official site of the Minnesota Department of Children, Families & Learning. Includes links to Web sites of schools and school districts throughout the United States.",
  19495.             "Year": 0
  19496.         },
  19497.         {
  19498.             "RIT": "ws102523",
  19499.             "Type": "WS",
  19500.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/gulfwar/index.htm",
  19501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19502.             "Title": "Persian Gulf War Task Force",
  19503.             "Category": "LIF",
  19504.             "Description": "A collection of CIA reports on possible causes of Gulf War syndrome.",
  19505.             "Year": 0
  19506.         },
  19507.         {
  19508.             "RIT": "ws102524",
  19509.             "Type": "WS",
  19510.             "URL": "http://www.ottawasenators.com/",
  19511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19512.             "Title": "Welcome to the Ottawa Senators Homepage",
  19513.             "Category": "GEO",
  19514.             "Description": "Official site of the Ottawa Senators hockey team.",
  19515.             "Year": 0
  19516.         },
  19517.         {
  19518.             "RIT": "ws102525",
  19519.             "Type": "WS",
  19520.             "URL": "http://www.oberlin.edu/",
  19521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19522.             "Title": "Oberlin College",
  19523.             "Category": "SOC",
  19524.             "Description": "Official Oberlin College homepage and guide to campus and the Oberlin area.",
  19525.             "Year": 0
  19526.         },
  19527.         {
  19528.             "RIT": "ws102641",
  19529.             "Type": "WS",
  19530.             "URL": "http://www.oberammergau.de/eehome.htm",
  19531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19532.             "Title": "Oberammergau ...offen fur die Welt",
  19533.             "Category": "GEO",
  19534.             "Description": "Oberammergau, Germany site for city services and tourism.",
  19535.             "Year": 0
  19536.         },
  19537.         {
  19538.             "RIT": "ws102642",
  19539.             "Type": "WS",
  19540.             "URL": "http://www.patriots.com/",
  19541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19542.             "Title": "Welcome to the New England Patriots Official Website",
  19543.             "Category": "GEO",
  19544.             "Description": "Official site of the New England Patriots football team.",
  19545.             "Year": 0
  19546.         },
  19547.         {
  19548.             "RIT": "ws102643",
  19549.             "Type": "WS",
  19550.             "URL": "http://www.northwestern.edu/",
  19551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19552.             "Title": "Northwestern University",
  19553.             "Category": "SOC",
  19554.             "Description": "Official Northwestern University homepage and guide to campus and the Evanston area.",
  19555.             "Year": 0
  19556.         },
  19557.         {
  19558.             "RIT": "ws102647",
  19559.             "Type": "WS",
  19560.             "URL": "http://www.redskins.com/",
  19561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19562.             "Title": "Redskins",
  19563.             "Category": "REC",
  19564.             "Description": "Official site of the Washington Redskins football team.",
  19565.             "Year": 0
  19566.         },
  19567.         {
  19568.             "RIT": "ws102648",
  19569.             "Type": "WS",
  19570.             "URL": "http://www.paris-touristoffice.com/index_va.html",
  19571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19572.             "Title": "Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau",
  19573.             "Category": "GEO",
  19574.             "Description": "Paris, France site for city services and tourism.",
  19575.             "Year": 0
  19576.         },
  19577.         {
  19578.             "RIT": "ws102649",
  19579.             "Type": "WS",
  19580.             "URL": "http://www.packers.com/",
  19581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19582.             "Title": "Packers.com, the Official Web site of the Green Bay Packers.",
  19583.             "Category": "GEO",
  19584.             "Description": "Official site of the Green Bay Packers football team.",
  19585.             "Year": 0
  19586.         },
  19587.         {
  19588.             "RIT": "ws102650",
  19589.             "Type": "WS",
  19590.             "URL": "http://www.nuremberg.de/indexe.html",
  19591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19592.             "Title": "Nuremberg Online - Welcome to the official Internet-Site - City of Nuremberg",
  19593.             "Category": "GEO",
  19594.             "Description": "Nuremberg, Germany site for city services and tourism.",
  19595.             "Year": 0
  19596.         },
  19597.         {
  19598.             "RIT": "ws102651",
  19599.             "Type": "WS",
  19600.             "URL": "http://www.penzance.co.uk/",
  19601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19602.             "Title": "Penzance OnLine - complete information source for Penzance, centre of West Cornwall",
  19603.             "Category": "GEO",
  19604.             "Description": "Penzance, England site for city services and tourism.",
  19605.             "Year": 0
  19606.         },
  19607.         {
  19608.             "RIT": "ws102652",
  19609.             "Type": "WS",
  19610.             "URL": "http://www.nwi.co.uk/llanfair/index.htm",
  19611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19612.             "Title": "Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch",
  19613.             "Category": "GEO",
  19614.             "Description": "Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, Wales site for city services and touris",
  19615.             "Year": 0
  19616.         },
  19617.         {
  19618.             "RIT": "ws102653",
  19619.             "Type": "WS",
  19620.             "URL": "http://www.smith.edu/",
  19621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19622.             "Title": "Welcome to Smith College",
  19623.             "Category": "SOC",
  19624.             "Description": "Official Smith College homepage and guide to campus and the Northampton area.",
  19625.             "Year": 0
  19626.         },
  19627.         {
  19628.             "RIT": "ws102654",
  19629.             "Type": "WS",
  19630.             "URL": "http://www.sheffieldcity.co.uk/",
  19631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19632.             "Title": "[Sheffield, England]",
  19633.             "Category": "GEO",
  19634.             "Description": "Sheffield, England site for city services and tourism.",
  19635.             "Year": 0
  19636.         },
  19637.         {
  19638.             "RIT": "ws102655",
  19639.             "Type": "WS",
  19640.             "URL": "http://www.sioux-city.org/",
  19641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19642.             "Title": "City of Sioux City, Iowa",
  19643.             "Category": "GEO",
  19644.             "Description": "Official Sioux City site for city services and tourism.",
  19645.             "Year": 0
  19646.         },
  19647.         {
  19648.             "RIT": "ws102657",
  19649.             "Type": "WS",
  19650.             "URL": "http://www.southampton.gov.uk/",
  19651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19652.             "Title": "CityWeb.Southampton (UK) Internet Site",
  19653.             "Category": "GEO",
  19654.             "Description": "Southampton, England site for city services and tourism.",
  19655.             "Year": 0
  19656.         },
  19657.         {
  19658.             "RIT": "ws102658",
  19659.             "Type": "WS",
  19660.             "URL": "http://www.smu.edu/",
  19661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19662.             "Title": "Southern Methodist University",
  19663.             "Category": "SOC",
  19664.             "Description": "Official Southern Methodist University homepage and guide to campus.",
  19665.             "Year": 0
  19666.         },
  19667.         {
  19668.             "RIT": "ws102659",
  19669.             "Type": "WS",
  19670.             "URL": "http://www.si.umich.edu/CHICO/Harlem/text/ellingtonTEMPLATE.html",
  19671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19672.             "Title": "Duke Ellington",
  19673.             "Category": "HUM",
  19674.             "Description": "This biographical sketch is part of an exhibit about the Harlem Renaissance from the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.",
  19675.             "Year": 0
  19676.         },
  19677.         {
  19678.             "RIT": "ws102660",
  19679.             "Type": "WS",
  19680.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/",
  19681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19682.             "Title": "Africans in America",
  19683.             "Category": "HIS",
  19684.             "Description": "A collection of images, documents, stories, biographies, and commentaries. Companion site to a PBS documentary on slavery in the United States.",
  19685.             "Year": 0
  19686.         },
  19687.         {
  19688.             "RIT": "ws102661",
  19689.             "Type": "WS",
  19690.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/katechopin/",
  19691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19692.             "Title": "Kate Chopin: A Re-Awakening",
  19693.             "Category": "HUM",
  19694.             "Description": "This companion site to a PBS documentary offers a transcript of the program, interviews, chronology, electronic texts of Chopin's major works, and additional resources.",
  19695.             "Year": 0
  19696.         },
  19697.         {
  19698.             "RIT": "ws102662",
  19699.             "Type": "WS",
  19700.             "URL": "http://www.sha.org/sha_kbro.htm",
  19701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19702.             "Title": "Is the Past in Your Future?",
  19703.             "Category": "SOC",
  19704.             "Description": "Information on careers in archaeology from the Society for Historical Archaeology.",
  19705.             "Year": 0
  19706.         },
  19707.         {
  19708.             "RIT": "ws102663",
  19709.             "Type": "WS",
  19710.             "URL": "http://www.anthro.mankato.msus.edu/archaeology/index.shtml",
  19711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19712.             "Title": "Archaeology Resources",
  19713.             "Category": "SOC",
  19714.             "Description": "An extensive range of essays from Minnesota State University at Mankato on many aspects of archaeology, including laws on sites and artifacts; types of archaeology; commonly found artifacts, especially spear points and pottery.",
  19715.             "Year": 0
  19716.         },
  19717.         {
  19718.             "RIT": "ws102672",
  19719.             "Type": "WS",
  19720.             "URL": "http://www.si.umich.edu/CHICO/Harlem/text/hurston.html",
  19721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19722.             "Title": "Zora Neale Hurston",
  19723.             "Category": "HUM",
  19724.             "Description": "This biographical sketch is part of an exhibit about the Harlem Renaissance from the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.",
  19725.             "Year": 0
  19726.         },
  19727.         {
  19728.             "RIT": "ws102673",
  19729.             "Type": "WS",
  19730.             "URL": "http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/epo/spanexhib/index.html",
  19731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19732.             "Title": "New York Public Library Online Exhibition of the Spanish American War",
  19733.             "Category": "HIS",
  19734.             "Description": "This exhibition explores the sources of memories and perceptions of the Spanish American war through an examination of patriotic appeals in newspapers, poetry, cartoons, motion pictures, and other media. Includes a chronology of events, a recomm",
  19735.             "Year": 0
  19736.         },
  19737.         {
  19738.             "RIT": "ws102674",
  19739.             "Type": "WS",
  19740.             "URL": "http://www.odd.net/ozarks/",
  19741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19742.             "Title": "Central Missouri's Official Lake of the Ozarks Web Site",
  19743.             "Category": "GEO",
  19744.             "Description": "Lake of the Ozarks West Chamber of Commerce site describing government, community events, surrounding cities services, and tourist attractions of the Lake of the Ozarks area.",
  19745.             "Year": 0
  19746.         },
  19747.         {
  19748.             "RIT": "ws102676",
  19749.             "Type": "WS",
  19750.             "URL": "http://tupelo.net/elvis_birthplace.html",
  19751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19752.             "Title": "Tupelo, MS [Elvis Presley Birthplace]",
  19753.             "Category": "HUM",
  19754.             "Description": "Tupelo city site on the birthplace of Elvis Presley.",
  19755.             "Year": 0
  19756.         },
  19757.         {
  19758.             "RIT": "ws102678",
  19759.             "Type": "WS",
  19760.             "URL": "http://www.state.ma.us/dem/parks/wldn.htm",
  19761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19762.             "Title": "Walden Pond State Reservation",
  19763.             "Category": "GEO",
  19764.             "Description": "Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management site on Walden Pond near Concord.",
  19765.             "Year": 0
  19766.         },
  19767.         {
  19768.             "RIT": "ws102679",
  19769.             "Type": "WS",
  19770.             "URL": "http://stlouis.cardinals.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/stl/homepage/stl_homepage.jsp",
  19771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19772.             "Title": "St. Louis Cardinals Official Website",
  19773.             "Category": "GEO",
  19774.             "Description": "Official site of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team.",
  19775.             "Year": 0
  19776.         },
  19777.         {
  19778.             "RIT": "ws102680",
  19779.             "Type": "WS",
  19780.             "URL": "http://www.stlouisrams.com/",
  19781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19782.             "Title": "The Official St. Louis Rams Website - Montage",
  19783.             "Category": "GEO",
  19784.             "Description": "Official site of the St. Louis Rams football team.",
  19785.             "Year": 0
  19786.         },
  19787.         {
  19788.             "RIT": "ws102681",
  19789.             "Type": "WS",
  19790.             "URL": "http://www.svguide.com/",
  19791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19792.             "Title": "The Official Sun Valley Guide: Welcome to America's foremost 4 season resort",
  19793.             "Category": "GEO",
  19794.             "Description": "Official Sun Valley site for city services and tourism.",
  19795.             "Year": 0
  19796.         },
  19797.         {
  19798.             "RIT": "ws102430",
  19799.             "Type": "WS",
  19800.             "URL": "http://boston.redsox.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/bos/homepage/bos_homepage.jsp",
  19801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19802.             "Title": "Welcome to the Official Site of the Boston Red Sox!",
  19803.             "Category": "GEO",
  19804.             "Description": "Official site of the Boston Red Sox baseball team.",
  19805.             "Year": 0
  19806.         },
  19807.         {
  19808.             "RIT": "ws102431",
  19809.             "Type": "WS",
  19810.             "URL": "http://www.poole.gov.uk/",
  19811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19812.             "Title": "Poole Council and Poole Tourist Information Centre Official Website, Poole, Dorset, UK",
  19813.             "Category": "GEO",
  19814.             "Description": "Poole, England site for city services and tourism.",
  19815.             "Year": 0
  19816.         },
  19817.         {
  19818.             "RIT": "ws102432",
  19819.             "Type": "WS",
  19820.             "URL": "http://www.ringling.com/",
  19821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19822.             "Title": "Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey",
  19823.             "Category": "REC",
  19824.             "Description": "Homepage of the circus company. Includes animal facts, circus history, and activities for children.",
  19825.             "Year": 0
  19826.         },
  19827.         {
  19828.             "RIT": "ws102433",
  19829.             "Type": "WS",
  19830.             "URL": "http://www.princeton.edu/index.shtml",
  19831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19832.             "Title": "Princeton University",
  19833.             "Category": "SOC",
  19834.             "Description": "Official Princeton University homepage and guide to campus and the Princeton area.",
  19835.             "Year": 0
  19836.         },
  19837.         {
  19838.             "RIT": "ws102434",
  19839.             "Type": "WS",
  19840.             "URL": "http://www.radcliffe.edu/",
  19841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19842.             "Title": "Radcliffe",
  19843.             "Category": "SOC",
  19844.             "Description": "Official Radcliffe College homepage and guide to campus and the Cambridge area.",
  19845.             "Year": 0
  19846.         },
  19847.         {
  19848.             "RIT": "ws102435",
  19849.             "Type": "WS",
  19850.             "URL": "http://pittsburgh.pirates.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/pit/homepage/pit_homepage.jsp",
  19851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19852.             "Title": "Pittsburgh Pirates Official Site - pirateball.com",
  19853.             "Category": "GEO",
  19854.             "Description": "Official site of the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball team.",
  19855.             "Year": 0
  19856.         },
  19857.         {
  19858.             "RIT": "ws102436",
  19859.             "Type": "WS",
  19860.             "URL": "http://www.pitt.edu/",
  19861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19862.             "Title": "University of Pittsburgh",
  19863.             "Category": "SOC",
  19864.             "Description": "Official University of Pittsburgh homepage and guide to campus and the Pittsburgh area.",
  19865.             "Year": 0
  19866.         },
  19867.         {
  19868.             "RIT": "ws102438",
  19869.             "Type": "WS",
  19870.             "URL": "http://www.rockhampton.qld.gov.au/",
  19871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19872.             "Title": "Rockhampton City Council",
  19873.             "Category": "GEO",
  19874.             "Description": "Rockhampton, Australia site providing information about government, community and cultural events, city services, and tourism.",
  19875.             "Year": 0
  19876.         },
  19877.         {
  19878.             "RIT": "ws102439",
  19879.             "Type": "WS",
  19880.             "URL": "http://www.rutgers.edu/",
  19881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19882.             "Title": "Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey",
  19883.             "Category": "SOC",
  19884.             "Description": "Official Rutgers homepage and guide to campus.",
  19885.             "Year": 0
  19886.         },
  19887.         {
  19888.             "RIT": "ws102440",
  19889.             "Type": "WS",
  19890.             "URL": "http://www.rostock.de/stadtverwaltung/start/start.htm",
  19891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19892.             "Title": "Willkommen [Welcome to] in der Hansestadt Rostock",
  19893.             "Category": "GEO",
  19894.             "Description": "Rostock, Germany site providing information about government, community and cultural events, city services, and tourism.",
  19895.             "Year": 0
  19896.         },
  19897.         {
  19898.             "RIT": "ws102453",
  19899.             "Type": "WS",
  19900.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/meredith.html",
  19901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19902.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF GEORGE MEREDITH (1828-1909)",
  19903.             "Category": "HUM",
  19904.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  19905.             "Year": 0
  19906.         },
  19907.         {
  19908.             "RIT": "ws102454",
  19909.             "Type": "WS",
  19910.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/milton.html",
  19911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19912.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOHN MILTON (1608-1674)",
  19913.             "Category": "HUM",
  19914.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  19915.             "Year": 0
  19916.         },
  19917.         {
  19918.             "RIT": "ws102455",
  19919.             "Type": "WS",
  19920.             "URL": "http://www.knight.org/advent/cathen/12159a.htm",
  19921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19922.             "Title": "Plato and Platonism",
  19923.             "Category": "HUM",
  19924.             "Description": "This entry from the Catholic Encyclopedia covers the life of Plato, his works, his philosophy, and the Platonic School.",
  19925.             "Year": 0
  19926.         },
  19927.         {
  19928.             "RIT": "ws102456",
  19929.             "Type": "WS",
  19930.             "URL": "http://www.hfmgv.org/",
  19931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19932.             "Title": "Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village",
  19933.             "Category": "GEO",
  19934.             "Description": "Official site of Greenfield Village in Dearborn, Michigan.",
  19935.             "Year": 0
  19936.         },
  19937.         {
  19938.             "RIT": "ws102457",
  19939.             "Type": "WS",
  19940.             "URL": "http://www.ci.ann-arbor.mi.us/framed/f-index.htm",
  19941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19942.             "Title": "City of Ann Arbor",
  19943.             "Category": "GEO",
  19944.             "Description": "Official Ann Arbor site for city services and tourism.",
  19945.             "Year": 0
  19946.         },
  19947.         {
  19948.             "RIT": "ws102458",
  19949.             "Type": "WS",
  19950.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/millay.html",
  19951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19952.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF EDNA ST. VINCENT MILLAY (1892-1950)",
  19953.             "Category": "HUM",
  19954.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  19955.             "Year": 0
  19956.         },
  19957.         {
  19958.             "RIT": "ws102459",
  19959.             "Type": "WS",
  19960.             "URL": "http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/republic.1.introduction.html",
  19961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19962.             "Title": "The Republic",
  19963.             "Category": "HUM",
  19964.             "Description": "Text with commentary from The Internet Classics Archive at MIT.",
  19965.             "Year": 0
  19966.         },
  19967.         {
  19968.             "RIT": "ws102460",
  19969.             "Type": "WS",
  19970.             "URL": "http://www.knight.org/advent/cathen/01713a.htm",
  19971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19972.             "Title": "Aristotle",
  19973.             "Category": "HUM",
  19974.             "Description": "This entry from The Catholic Encyclopedia covers Aristotle's life, his philosophy and writings, and the Aristotelean School.",
  19975.             "Year": 0
  19976.         },
  19977.         {
  19978.             "RIT": "ws102470",
  19979.             "Type": "WS",
  19980.             "URL": "http://www.library.yale.edu/exhibition/judaica/",
  19981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19982.             "Title": "A Great Assemblage: An Exhibit of Judaica",
  19983.             "Category": "HUM",
  19984.             "Description": "This online exhibit contains photographs of some artifacts at Yale University's Sterling Memorial Library. Included are works of art and rare books and manuscripts.",
  19985.             "Year": 0
  19986.         },
  19987.         {
  19988.             "RIT": "ws102471",
  19989.             "Type": "WS",
  19990.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/trm004.html",
  19991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  19992.             "Title": "America's First Book",
  19993.             "Category": "IND",
  19994.             "Description": "The Library of Congress presents images of the Bay Psalm Book and background information.",
  19995.             "Year": 0
  19996.         },
  19997.         {
  19998.             "RIT": "ws102472",
  19999.             "Type": "WS",
  20000.             "URL": "http://www.mayo.edu/",
  20001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20002.             "Title": "Mayo Clinic & Foundation for Medical Education and Research",
  20003.             "Category": "LIF",
  20004.             "Description": "Official site of the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and its satellite offices.",
  20005.             "Year": 0
  20006.         },
  20007.         {
  20008.             "RIT": "ws102476",
  20009.             "Type": "WS",
  20010.             "URL": "http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/3/6/index-e.html",
  20011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20012.             "Title": "Out of This World: Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy",
  20013.             "Category": "HUM",
  20014.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the National Library of Canada celebrates and defines Canadian science fiction. It includes a variety of media that can be searched by author, title, and theme.",
  20015.             "Year": 0
  20016.         },
  20017.         {
  20018.             "RIT": "ws102479",
  20019.             "Type": "WS",
  20020.             "URL": "http://www.nmajh.org/",
  20021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20022.             "Title": "National Museum of American Jewish History",
  20023.             "Category": "HUM",
  20024.             "Description": "The Web site of this Philadelphia museum features a wide selection of online exhibitions relating to Jewish history and identity.",
  20025.             "Year": 0
  20026.         },
  20027.         {
  20028.             "RIT": "ws102481",
  20029.             "Type": "WS",
  20030.             "URL": "http://medinfo.wustl.edu/~mckinney/cahokia/cahokia.html",
  20031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20032.             "Title": "Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site",
  20033.             "Category": "SOC",
  20034.             "Description": "Images and descriptions of the archaeological remains of the most sophisticated prehistoric Native American civilization north of Mexico.",
  20035.             "Year": 0
  20036.         },
  20037.         {
  20038.             "RIT": "ws102484",
  20039.             "Type": "WS",
  20040.             "URL": "http://www.mnhs.org/index.html",
  20041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20042.             "Title": "Minnesota Historical Society",
  20043.             "Category": "GEO",
  20044.             "Description": "Official site of the Minnesota Historical Society.",
  20045.             "Year": 0
  20046.         },
  20047.         {
  20048.             "RIT": "ws102486",
  20049.             "Type": "WS",
  20050.             "URL": "http://www.mallofamerica.com/index.htm",
  20051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20052.             "Title": "Welcome to Mall of America",
  20053.             "Category": "SOC",
  20054.             "Description": "Official site of the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota.",
  20055.             "Year": 0
  20056.         },
  20057.         {
  20058.             "RIT": "ws102526",
  20059.             "Type": "WS",
  20060.             "URL": "http://www.ou.org/",
  20061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20062.             "Title": "Orthodox Union.org - Your Gateway to the Jewish Internet",
  20063.             "Category": "HUM",
  20064.             "Description": "A comprehensive site of information about Judaism from the Orthodox Union, a coordinating agency for American and Canadian Orthodox Jewish congregations.",
  20065.             "Year": 0
  20066.         },
  20067.         {
  20068.             "RIT": "ws102527",
  20069.             "Type": "WS",
  20070.             "URL": "http://www.canucks.com/gm/events.asp",
  20071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20072.             "Title": "Vancouver Canucks",
  20073.             "Category": "GEO",
  20074.             "Description": "Official site of the Vancouver Canucks hockey team.",
  20075.             "Year": 0
  20076.         },
  20077.         {
  20078.             "RIT": "ws102528",
  20079.             "Type": "WS",
  20080.             "URL": "http://www.owensboro.com/",
  20081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20082.             "Title": "Welcome to Owensboro!",
  20083.             "Category": "GEO",
  20084.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Owensboro, Kentucky.",
  20085.             "Year": 0
  20086.         },
  20087.         {
  20088.             "RIT": "ws102529",
  20089.             "Type": "WS",
  20090.             "URL": "http://www.oxford.gov.uk/",
  20091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20092.             "Title": "Oxford City Council Web Site",
  20093.             "Category": "GEO",
  20094.             "Description": "Oxford, England site describing government, community and cultural events, city services, and tourism.",
  20095.             "Year": 0
  20096.         },
  20097.         {
  20098.             "RIT": "ws102530",
  20099.             "Type": "WS",
  20100.             "URL": "http://www.oldham.gov.uk/",
  20101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20102.             "Title": "Welcome to the Oldham Council web site",
  20103.             "Category": "GEO",
  20104.             "Description": "Oldham, England site describing government and city services.",
  20105.             "Year": 0
  20106.         },
  20107.         {
  20108.             "RIT": "ws102574",
  20109.             "Type": "WS",
  20110.             "URL": "http://www.ci.columbia.mo.us/index.html",
  20111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20112.             "Title": "City of Columbia, Missouri",
  20113.             "Category": "GEO",
  20114.             "Description": "Official Columbia site describing government, community events, city services, and tourist attractions.",
  20115.             "Year": 0
  20116.         },
  20117.         {
  20118.             "RIT": "ws102583",
  20119.             "Type": "WS",
  20120.             "URL": "http://www.ci.olympia.wa.us/",
  20121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20122.             "Title": "The Official City of Olympia Web Site",
  20123.             "Category": "GEO",
  20124.             "Description": "The official Olympia, Washington, Web site, describing government, community and cultural events, city services, and tourist attractions.",
  20125.             "Year": 0
  20126.         },
  20127.         {
  20128.             "RIT": "ws102624",
  20129.             "Type": "WS",
  20130.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/laureates/physics-1996.html",
  20131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20132.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1996",
  20133.             "Category": "PHY",
  20134.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speech of David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff, and Robert C. Richardson, the winners of the physics prize in 1996.",
  20135.             "Year": 0
  20136.         },
  20137.         {
  20138.             "RIT": "ws102639",
  20139.             "Type": "WS",
  20140.             "URL": "http://www.ox.ac.uk/",
  20141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20142.             "Title": "Oxford University",
  20143.             "Category": "SOC",
  20144.             "Description": "Official Oxford University homepage and guide to campus and the Oxford area.",
  20145.             "Year": 0
  20146.         },
  20147.         {
  20148.             "RIT": "ws102640",
  20149.             "Type": "WS",
  20150.             "URL": "http://www.pepperdine.edu/main/",
  20151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20152.             "Title": "Pepperdine University Home Page",
  20153.             "Category": "SOC",
  20154.             "Description": "Official Pepperdine University homepage and guide to campus and the Malibu area.",
  20155.             "Year": 0
  20156.         },
  20157.         {
  20158.             "RIT": "ws102664",
  20159.             "Type": "WS",
  20160.             "URL": "http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~pjdavis/lee.htm",
  20161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20162.             "Title": "Robert Edward Lee (1807-1870)",
  20163.             "Category": "HIS",
  20164.             "Description": "A biography of Robert E. Lee, commander of the Confederate Army during the Civil War. Includes links to information about Jefferson Davis and other people and places connected with Lee, and a list of print sources.",
  20165.             "Year": 0
  20166.         },
  20167.         {
  20168.             "RIT": "ws102665",
  20169.             "Type": "WS",
  20170.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/jeff/home.htm",
  20171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20172.             "Title": "Home Page [Jefferson National Expansion Memorial]",
  20173.             "Category": "GEO",
  20174.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial and the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri.",
  20175.             "Year": 0
  20176.         },
  20177.         {
  20178.             "RIT": "ws102666",
  20179.             "Type": "WS",
  20180.             "URL": "http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Texts/Marlowe.html",
  20181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20182.             "Title": "The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe",
  20183.             "Category": "HUM",
  20184.             "Description": "A collection of electronic texts from the Perseus Project at Tufts University.",
  20185.             "Year": 0
  20186.         },
  20187.         {
  20188.             "RIT": "ws102667",
  20189.             "Type": "WS",
  20190.             "URL": "http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/academics/courses/is182/s01/first1.html",
  20191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20192.             "Title": "Bay Psalm Book. Cambridge, 1640.",
  20193.             "Category": "IND",
  20194.             "Description": "Images of the Bay Psalm Book, presented as supplementary course materials by the University of California, Berkeley.",
  20195.             "Year": 0
  20196.         },
  20197.         {
  20198.             "RIT": "ws102669",
  20199.             "Type": "WS",
  20200.             "URL": "http://www.si.umich.edu/CHICO/Harlem/",
  20201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20202.             "Title": "Harlem 1900-1940",
  20203.             "Category": "HUM",
  20204.             "Description": "This exhibit about the Harlem Renaissance from the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture includes a timeline, biographies, and ideas for teachers.",
  20205.             "Year": 0
  20206.         },
  20207.         {
  20208.             "RIT": "ws102670",
  20209.             "Type": "WS",
  20210.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/gulf/index.html",
  20211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20212.             "Title": "Frontline: The Gulf War",
  20213.             "Category": "HIS",
  20214.             "Description": "This companion Web site to the PBS television series features transcripts of interviews with key players in the war and war stories of pilots and soldiers. Includes maps, a chronology, and a guide to weapons and technology used in the war.",
  20215.             "Year": 0
  20216.         },
  20217.         {
  20218.             "RIT": "ws102671",
  20219.             "Type": "WS",
  20220.             "URL": "http://www.learner.org/exhibits/collapse/resources.html",
  20221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20222.             "Title": "Learning about Archaeology",
  20223.             "Category": "SOC",
  20224.             "Description": "A collection of Internet links offering information on archaeological techniques and careers, virtual tours of ancient sites, and interactive games.",
  20225.             "Year": 0
  20226.         },
  20227.         {
  20228.             "RIT": "ws102682",
  20229.             "Type": "WS",
  20230.             "URL": "http://www.ci.missoula.mt.us/",
  20231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20232.             "Title": "City of Missoula",
  20233.             "Category": "GEO",
  20234.             "Description": "Official Missoula site describing government, community events, city services, and tourist attractions.",
  20235.             "Year": 0
  20236.         },
  20237.         {
  20238.             "RIT": "ws102683",
  20239.             "Type": "WS",
  20240.             "URL": "http://www.colorado.edu/Conferences/chaco/tour/chacomap.htm",
  20241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20242.             "Title": "Chaco Canyon Tour",
  20243.             "Category": "SOC",
  20244.             "Description": "A virtual tour of the major archaeological sites in New Mexico's Chaco Canyon, including a 360-degree image of the ruins of Pueblo Bonito, an ancient 600-room Anasazi Indian apartment building, from the University of Colorado.",
  20245.             "Year": 0
  20246.         },
  20247.         {
  20248.             "RIT": "ws102684",
  20249.             "Type": "WS",
  20250.             "URL": "http://www.stlouisblues.com/index.html",
  20251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20252.             "Title": "St. Louis Blues Online",
  20253.             "Category": "GEO",
  20254.             "Description": "Official site of the St. Louis Blues hockey team.",
  20255.             "Year": 0
  20256.         },
  20257.         {
  20258.             "RIT": "ws102685",
  20259.             "Type": "WS",
  20260.             "URL": "http://www.mrdowling.com/609-zimbabwe.html",
  20261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20262.             "Title": "Great Zimbabwe",
  20263.             "Category": "SOC",
  20264.             "Description": "Images and a short description of the ancient African city of Great Zimbabwe by a middle-school teacher, with links to additional images of and more detailed information on this capital of several empires.",
  20265.             "Year": 0
  20266.         },
  20267.         {
  20268.             "RIT": "ws102686",
  20269.             "Type": "WS",
  20270.             "URL": "http://www.learner.org/exhibits/collapse/index.html",
  20271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20272.             "Title": "Collapse: Why Do Civilizations Fall?",
  20273.             "Category": "SOC",
  20274.             "Description": "A look at archaeological evidence for why why five ancient empires collapsed from the Annenberg/CPB Exhibits.",
  20275.             "Year": 0
  20276.         },
  20277.         {
  20278.             "RIT": "ws102688",
  20279.             "Type": "WS",
  20280.             "URL": "http://www.swansea.gov.uk/",
  20281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20282.             "Title": "City & County of Swansea",
  20283.             "Category": "GEO",
  20284.             "Description": "Swansea, Wales site for city services and tourism.",
  20285.             "Year": 0
  20286.         },
  20287.         {
  20288.             "RIT": "ws102691",
  20289.             "Type": "WS",
  20290.             "URL": "http://www.telegraphe.com/quebec/QuebecCity.html",
  20291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20292.             "Title": "Quebec City, Quebec, Canada",
  20293.             "Category": "GEO",
  20294.             "Description": "Quebec, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  20295.             "Year": 0
  20296.         },
  20297.         {
  20298.             "RIT": "ws102693",
  20299.             "Type": "WS",
  20300.             "URL": "http://texas.rangers.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/tex/homepage/tex_homepage.jsp",
  20301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20302.             "Title": "Welcome To The Official Website of the Texas Rangers",
  20303.             "Category": "GEO",
  20304.             "Description": "Official site of the Texas Rangers baseball team.",
  20305.             "Year": 0
  20306.         },
  20307.         {
  20308.             "RIT": "ws102694",
  20309.             "Type": "WS",
  20310.             "URL": "http://baltimore.orioles.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/bal/homepage/bal_homepage.jsp",
  20311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20312.             "Title": "ORIOLES ONLINE - official site of the Baltimore Orioles",
  20313.             "Category": "GEO",
  20314.             "Description": "Official site of the Baltimore Orioles baseball team.",
  20315.             "Year": 0
  20316.         },
  20317.         {
  20318.             "RIT": "ws102704",
  20319.             "Type": "WS",
  20320.             "URL": "http://archaeology.la.asu.edu/teo/",
  20321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20322.             "Title": "Archaeology of Teotihuacan, Mexico",
  20323.             "Category": "SOC",
  20324.             "Description": "Images and descriptions of the major ruins at this ancient and still mysterious city, including information about discoveries and narrated movies on some structures. From Arizona State University.",
  20325.             "Year": 0
  20326.         },
  20327.         {
  20328.             "RIT": "ws102706",
  20329.             "Type": "WS",
  20330.             "URL": "http://www.cln.org/themes/origami.html",
  20331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20332.             "Title": "Origami Themes Page",
  20333.             "Category": "HUM",
  20334.             "Description": "Links to a wide variety of resources in origami, ranging from instructions for fairly simple models to discussions of some of the complicated geometrical principles involved. From the Community Learning Network.",
  20335.             "Year": 0
  20336.         },
  20337.         {
  20338.             "RIT": "ws102707",
  20339.             "Type": "WS",
  20340.             "URL": "http://www.cviog.uga.edu/Projects/gainfo/civilwar.htm",
  20341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20342.             "Title": "The Civil War in Georgia",
  20343.             "Category": "HIS",
  20344.             "Description": "Detailed information about Georgia's role in the Civil War, including the battle for Atlanta, Sherman's March to the Sea, and other important events. Includes extensive links to other resources. From the University of Georgia.",
  20345.             "Year": 0
  20346.         },
  20347.         {
  20348.             "RIT": "ws102708",
  20349.             "Type": "WS",
  20350.             "URL": "http://wings.buffalo.edu/AandL/Maecenas/index.html",
  20351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20352.             "Title": "Maecenas: Images of Ancient Greece and Rome",
  20353.             "Category": "SOC",
  20354.             "Description": "Extensive collection of photographs of ancient Roman ruins in France and in Italy, including Rome, Pompeii, and Herculaneum, from a classics professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo.",
  20355.             "Year": 0
  20356.         },
  20357.         {
  20358.             "RIT": "ws102709",
  20359.             "Type": "WS",
  20360.             "URL": "http://www.ci.las-vegas.nv.us/",
  20361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20362.             "Title": "City of Las Vegas Home Page",
  20363.             "Category": "GEO",
  20364.             "Description": "Official Las Vegas site for city services and tourism.",
  20365.             "Year": 0
  20366.         },
  20367.         {
  20368.             "RIT": "ws102710",
  20369.             "Type": "WS",
  20370.             "URL": "http://www.girlsandboystown.org/home.htm",
  20371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20372.             "Title": "Girls and Boys Town",
  20373.             "Category": "GEO",
  20374.             "Description": "Official site of Boys Town near Omaha, Nebraska.",
  20375.             "Year": 0
  20376.         },
  20377.         {
  20378.             "RIT": "ws102712",
  20379.             "Type": "WS",
  20380.             "URL": "http://www.travelnevada.com/activities/gold_rush.html",
  20381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20382.             "Title": "Nevada Commission on Tourism - Gold Rush Trail",
  20383.             "Category": "HIS",
  20384.             "Description": "Nevada Commission on Tourism site on the Gold Rush Trail, describing the pioneers trek westward in search of gold.",
  20385.             "Year": 0
  20386.         },
  20387.         {
  20388.             "RIT": "ws102720",
  20389.             "Type": "WS",
  20390.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/african/afam007.html",
  20391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20392.             "Title": "Conflict of Abolition and Slavery",
  20393.             "Category": "HIS",
  20394.             "Description": "An illustrated history of slavery and the abolition movement in America. Ends with an African-American celebration of emancipation in Washington, D.C., in 1866. Part of the African American Mosaic online exhibit hosted by the Library of Congress.",
  20395.             "Year": 0
  20396.         },
  20397.         {
  20398.             "RIT": "ws102721",
  20399.             "Type": "WS",
  20400.             "URL": "http://www.indiana.edu/~puzzles/version2/puzzles/ceramics/ceramics_main.html",
  20401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20402.             "Title": "Prehistoric Puzzles: Ceramics",
  20403.             "Category": "SOC",
  20404.             "Description": "How archaeologists use pottery to date archaeological sites and study ancient cultures, from the WonderLab children's science museum in Bloomington, Indiana. Includes interactive games, including reassembling pot shards into a three-dimensional pot.",
  20405.             "Year": 0
  20406.         },
  20407.         {
  20408.             "RIT": "ws102722",
  20409.             "Type": "WS",
  20410.             "URL": "http://www.offutt.af.mil/",
  20411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20412.             "Title": "Offutt AFB - Main Page",
  20413.             "Category": "GEO",
  20414.             "Description": "Official United States Air Force site on Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska.",
  20415.             "Year": 0
  20416.         },
  20417.         {
  20418.             "RIT": "ws102723",
  20419.             "Type": "WS",
  20420.             "URL": "http://www.virtualpalenque.com/index.htm",
  20421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20422.             "Title": "Virtual Palenque",
  20423.             "Category": "SOC",
  20424.             "Description": "A virtual guided tour of some of the grandest Maya ruins, featuring 360-degree photographs of palaces and other buildings and student-friendly explanations, from the Maya Research Program at St. Mary's University in Texas.",
  20425.             "Year": 0
  20426.         },
  20427.         {
  20428.             "RIT": "ws102725",
  20429.             "Type": "WS",
  20430.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/vick/vcmpgn/vcmpgn.htm",
  20431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20432.             "Title": "The Campaign for Vicksburg",
  20433.             "Category": "HIS",
  20434.             "Description": "The story of General Grant's military campaign to seize Vicksburg, Mississippi. The city's surrender on July 4, 1863, effectively split the Confederacy in two. Presented by the Vicksburg National Military Park.",
  20435.             "Year": 0
  20436.         },
  20437.         {
  20438.             "RIT": "ws102727",
  20439.             "Type": "WS",
  20440.             "URL": "http://www.agnesscott.edu/home/p_home.asp",
  20441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20442.             "Title": "Agnes Scott College is a highly selective, independent, national liberal arts college for women",
  20443.             "Category": "SOC",
  20444.             "Description": "Official Agnes Scott College homepage and guide to campus and the Atlanta area.",
  20445.             "Year": 0
  20446.         },
  20447.         {
  20448.             "RIT": "ws102696",
  20449.             "Type": "WS",
  20450.             "URL": "http://www.uottawa.ca/welcome.html",
  20451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20452.             "Title": "Universite d Ottawa / University of Ottawa",
  20453.             "Category": "SOC",
  20454.             "Description": "Official University of Ottawa homepage and guide to campus and the Ottawa area.",
  20455.             "Year": 0
  20456.         },
  20457.         {
  20458.             "RIT": "ws102697",
  20459.             "Type": "WS",
  20460.             "URL": "http://www.trier.de/english/tourist_ie.htm",
  20461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20462.             "Title": "Stadt Trier",
  20463.             "Category": "GEO",
  20464.             "Description": "Trier, Germany site for city services and tourism.",
  20465.             "Year": 0
  20466.         },
  20467.         {
  20468.             "RIT": "ws102698",
  20469.             "Type": "WS",
  20470.             "URL": "http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/16/ch5A.html#PC5A",
  20471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20472.             "Title": "United States Code:TITLE 16--CONSERVATION, CHAPTER 5A --PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION OF WILDLIFE",
  20473.             "Category": "IND",
  20474.             "Description": "A guide to endangered species law from Cornell University's Legal Information Institute.",
  20475.             "Year": 0
  20476.         },
  20477.         {
  20478.             "RIT": "ws102699",
  20479.             "Type": "WS",
  20480.             "URL": "http://www.visitmississippi.org/",
  20481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20482.             "Title": "Mississippi, The South's Warmest Welcome",
  20483.             "Category": "GEO",
  20484.             "Description": "The Mississippi Department of Economic and Community Division of Tourism site of events, activities, and sights in Mississippi.",
  20485.             "Year": 0
  20486.         },
  20487.         {
  20488.             "RIT": "ws102700",
  20489.             "Type": "WS",
  20490.             "URL": "http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/judaism.html",
  20491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20492.             "Title": "The Jewish Student Online Research Center: Judaism",
  20493.             "Category": "HUM",
  20494.             "Description": "Information about the Jewish faith from The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise.",
  20495.             "Year": 0
  20496.         },
  20497.         {
  20498.             "RIT": "ws102701",
  20499.             "Type": "WS",
  20500.             "URL": "http://www.uncg.edu/~jpbrewer/remember/",
  20501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20502.             "Title": "Remembering Slavery: Those Who Survived to Tell Their Stories",
  20503.             "Category": "HIS",
  20504.             "Description": "This site presents interviews conducted during the 1930's and 1940's with African Americans who had been born enslaved and remembered the Civil War and their lives in slavery. Some of the interviews were recorded in the former slaves' own voices",
  20505.             "Year": 0
  20506.         },
  20507.         {
  20508.             "RIT": "ws102702",
  20509.             "Type": "WS",
  20510.             "URL": "http://www.upei.ca/~lmmi/core.html",
  20511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20512.             "Title": "L.M. Montgomery Institute",
  20513.             "Category": "HUM",
  20514.             "Description": "Homepage of the L.M. Montgomery Institute at the University of Prince Edward Island, dedicated to helping students and scholars learn about and study L.M. Montgomery's life, works, and influence. Includes a biography of Montgomery and informatio",
  20515.             "Year": 0
  20516.         },
  20517.         {
  20518.             "RIT": "ws102713",
  20519.             "Type": "WS",
  20520.             "URL": "http://www.nde.state.nv.us/",
  20521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20522.             "Title": "Welcome to the Nevada Department of Education",
  20523.             "Category": "GEO",
  20524.             "Description": "Official site of the Nevada Department of Education. Includes links to Web sites of schools and school resources throughout the United States.",
  20525.             "Year": 0
  20526.         },
  20527.         {
  20528.             "RIT": "ws102714",
  20529.             "Type": "WS",
  20530.             "URL": "http://www.apva.org/",
  20531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20532.             "Title": "Jamestown Rediscovery",
  20533.             "Category": "SOC",
  20534.             "Description": "Interesting images and descriptions of the archaeological search for and discovery of the remains of the first permanent English settlement in the New World, including historical profiles, from the Association for the Preservation of Virginia.",
  20535.             "Year": 0
  20536.         },
  20537.         {
  20538.             "RIT": "ws102715",
  20539.             "Type": "WS",
  20540.             "URL": "http://www.harappa.com/har/har0.html",
  20541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20542.             "Title": "The Ancient Indus Valley",
  20543.             "Category": "SOC",
  20544.             "Description": "Images and descriptions of archaeological ruins and artifacts from the ongoing excavations at Harappa in the Indus Valley, one of the world's first cities. From the Harappa Archaeological Research Project.",
  20545.             "Year": 0
  20546.         },
  20547.         {
  20548.             "RIT": "ws102716",
  20549.             "Type": "WS",
  20550.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/gett/gnmpvtour/getttour.htm",
  20551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20552.             "Title": "The Gettysburg Battlefield Virtual Tour",
  20553.             "Category": "HIS",
  20554.             "Description": "A virtual tour of the battlefield at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, as soldiers would have seen it during the terrible three-day Battle of Gettysburg in 1863. Hosted by the National Park Service and Gettysburg National Military Park.",
  20555.             "Year": 0
  20556.         },
  20557.         {
  20558.             "RIT": "ws102717",
  20559.             "Type": "WS",
  20560.             "URL": "http://www.fs.fed.us/r2/nebraska/units/prrd/toadstooltemp.html",
  20561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20562.             "Title": "Toadstool Geologic Park",
  20563.             "Category": "GEO",
  20564.             "Description": "United States Forest Service site on Toadstool Park in Nebraska.",
  20565.             "Year": 0
  20566.         },
  20567.         {
  20568.             "RIT": "ws102718",
  20569.             "Type": "WS",
  20570.             "URL": "http://www.discoverlaketahoe.com/subscribers/mdesign.htm",
  20571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20572.             "Title": "Lake Tahoe Activities - Discover Lake Tahoe",
  20573.             "Category": "GEO",
  20574.             "Description": "Informative site on activities and tourism in the Lake Tahoe area.",
  20575.             "Year": 0
  20576.         },
  20577.         {
  20578.             "RIT": "ws102719",
  20579.             "Type": "WS",
  20580.             "URL": "http://www.taisei.co.jp/cg_e/ancient_world/xian/axian.html",
  20581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20582.             "Title": "Imperial Tomb of Shih Huang Ti",
  20583.             "Category": "HIS",
  20584.             "Description": "Computer reconstructions of the imperial tomb of China's first emperor in Xi'an.",
  20585.             "Year": 0
  20586.         },
  20587.         {
  20588.             "RIT": "ws102728",
  20589.             "Type": "WS",
  20590.             "URL": "http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/collections/civil-war-women.html",
  20591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20592.             "Title": "Civil War Women: Online Archival Exhibits at Duke University",
  20593.             "Category": "HIS",
  20594.             "Description": "Digitized collections of the papers of three women who wrote about their experiences as Union and Confederate loyalists in the Civil War. Includes biographical sketches and selections from personal letters and diaries. Also links to additional i",
  20595.             "Year": 0
  20596.         },
  20597.         {
  20598.             "RIT": "ws102729",
  20599.             "Type": "WS",
  20600.             "URL": "http://civnet.org/resoures/document/historic/decindep.htm",
  20601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20602.             "Title": "Declaration of Independence",
  20603.             "Category": "HIS",
  20604.             "Description": "The full text of the Declaration, presented by the U.S. Information Agency.",
  20605.             "Year": 0
  20606.         },
  20607.         {
  20608.             "RIT": "ws102730",
  20609.             "Type": "WS",
  20610.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/ndlpedu/keywords/revwar.html",
  20611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20612.             "Title": "Revolutionary War",
  20613.             "Category": "HIS",
  20614.             "Description": "This collection of Revolutionary War materials from the Libary of Congress includes such resources as historic sheet music, the papers of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, and information about the writing of the Constitution.",
  20615.             "Year": 0
  20616.         },
  20617.         {
  20618.             "RIT": "ws102731",
  20619.             "Type": "WS",
  20620.             "URL": "http://www.beloit.edu/",
  20621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20622.             "Title": "Beloit College Homepage",
  20623.             "Category": "SOC",
  20624.             "Description": "Official Beloit College homepage and guide to campus and the Beloit area.",
  20625.             "Year": 0
  20626.         },
  20627.         {
  20628.             "RIT": "ws102732",
  20629.             "Type": "WS",
  20630.             "URL": "http://web.nypl.org/research/sc/sc.html",
  20631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20632.             "Title": "Schomburg Center Homepage",
  20633.             "Category": "SOC",
  20634.             "Description": "The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture at the New York Public Library presents online exhibits, electronic texts, multimedia samples, and guides to research about black culture.",
  20635.             "Year": 0
  20636.         },
  20637.         {
  20638.             "RIT": "ws102733",
  20639.             "Type": "WS",
  20640.             "URL": "http://www.appstate.edu/",
  20641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20642.             "Title": "Appalachian State University",
  20643.             "Category": "SOC",
  20644.             "Description": "Official Appalachian State University homepage and guide to campus and the Boone area.",
  20645.             "Year": 0
  20646.         },
  20647.         {
  20648.             "RIT": "ws102734",
  20649.             "Type": "WS",
  20650.             "URL": "http://www.cranbrookart.edu/",
  20651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20652.             "Title": "Cranbrook Academy of Art",
  20653.             "Category": "SOC",
  20654.             "Description": "Official Cranbrook Academy of Art homepage and guide to campus and the Bloomfield Hills area.",
  20655.             "Year": 0
  20656.         },
  20657.         {
  20658.             "RIT": "ws102735",
  20659.             "Type": "WS",
  20660.             "URL": "http://argus.asurams.edu/asu/default.asp",
  20661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20662.             "Title": "Albany State University",
  20663.             "Category": "SOC",
  20664.             "Description": "Official Albany State University homepage and guide to campus and the Albany area.",
  20665.             "Year": 0
  20666.         },
  20667.         {
  20668.             "RIT": "ws102746",
  20669.             "Type": "WS",
  20670.             "URL": "http://www.al-islam.org/gallery/",
  20671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20672.             "Title": "The Islamic Gallery",
  20673.             "Category": "HUM",
  20674.             "Description": "A multimedia gallery of information about Islam. Includes a collection of online books for kids.",
  20675.             "Year": 0
  20676.         },
  20677.         {
  20678.             "RIT": "ws102747",
  20679.             "Type": "WS",
  20680.             "URL": "http://www.acu.edu/",
  20681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20682.             "Title": "Abilene Christian University",
  20683.             "Category": "GEO",
  20684.             "Description": "Official Abilene Christian University homepage and guide to campus and the Abilene area.",
  20685.             "Year": 0
  20686.         },
  20687.         {
  20688.             "RIT": "ws102748",
  20689.             "Type": "WS",
  20690.             "URL": "http://news1.thls.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/newsid_50000/50664.stm",
  20691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20692.             "Title": "The life and death of Mahatma Gandhi",
  20693.             "Category": "HIS",
  20694.             "Description": "This special news feature from BBC news provides an overview of Gandhi's work as a pacifist.",
  20695.             "Year": 0
  20696.         },
  20697.         {
  20698.             "RIT": "ws102749",
  20699.             "Type": "WS",
  20700.             "URL": "http://www.ecok.edu/",
  20701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20702.             "Title": "East Central University",
  20703.             "Category": "SOC",
  20704.             "Description": "Official East Central University homepage and guide to campus and the Ada area.",
  20705.             "Year": 0
  20706.         },
  20707.         {
  20708.             "RIT": "ws102750",
  20709.             "Type": "WS",
  20710.             "URL": "http://www.apu.edu/",
  20711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20712.             "Title": "Welcome to APU Home [Azusa Pacific University]",
  20713.             "Category": "SOC",
  20714.             "Description": "Official Azusa Pacific University homepage and guide to campus and the Azusa area.",
  20715.             "Year": 0
  20716.         },
  20717.         {
  20718.             "RIT": "ws102752",
  20719.             "Type": "WS",
  20720.             "URL": "http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/arcnat/lascaux/en/",
  20721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20722.             "Title": "The Cave of Lascaux",
  20723.             "Category": "SOC",
  20724.             "Description": "Virtual tour of the haunting prehistoric wall paintings at Lascaux, France, including details of the creation and archaeological study of the images; a history of the cave; and information about Lascaux II, a nearby replica, from the French government.",
  20725.             "Year": 0
  20726.         },
  20727.         {
  20728.             "RIT": "ws102753",
  20729.             "Type": "WS",
  20730.             "URL": "http://www.aurora.edu/",
  20731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20732.             "Title": "Aurora University Home Page",
  20733.             "Category": "SOC",
  20734.             "Description": "Official Aurora University homepage and guide to campus and the Aurora area.",
  20735.             "Year": 0
  20736.         },
  20737.         {
  20738.             "RIT": "ws102754",
  20739.             "Type": "WS",
  20740.             "URL": "",
  20741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20742.             "Title": "Alaska Pacific University",
  20743.             "Category": "GEO",
  20744.             "Description": "Official Alaska Pacific University homepage and guide to campus and the Anchorage area.",
  20745.             "Year": 0
  20746.         },
  20747.         {
  20748.             "RIT": "ws102755",
  20749.             "Type": "WS",
  20750.             "URL": "http://revolution.h-net.msu.edu/",
  20751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20752.             "Title": "The American Revolution",
  20753.             "Category": "HIS",
  20754.             "Description": "This site was created by H-Net, Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine to complement the official companion site of a PBS documentary. Includes discussions, resources, program notes, and a bibliography.",
  20755.             "Year": 0
  20756.         },
  20757.         {
  20758.             "RIT": "ws102764",
  20759.             "Type": "WS",
  20760.             "URL": "http://www.neu.edu/",
  20761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20762.             "Title": "Welcome to Northeastern University",
  20763.             "Category": "SOC",
  20764.             "Description": "Official Northeastern University homepage and guide to campus and the Boston area.",
  20765.             "Year": 0
  20766.         },
  20767.         {
  20768.             "RIT": "ws102765",
  20769.             "Type": "WS",
  20770.             "URL": "http://www.noi.org/",
  20771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20772.             "Title": "Nation of Islam Online",
  20773.             "Category": "SOC",
  20774.             "Description": "Official site of the Nation of Islam, including general information, resources, and official statements.",
  20775.             "Year": 0
  20776.         },
  20777.         {
  20778.             "RIT": "ws102766",
  20779.             "Type": "WS",
  20780.             "URL": "http://www.hsu.edu/",
  20781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20782.             "Title": "Henderson State University",
  20783.             "Category": "SOC",
  20784.             "Description": "Official Henderson State University homepage and guide to campus and the Arkadelphia area.",
  20785.             "Year": 0
  20786.         },
  20787.         {
  20788.             "RIT": "ws102767",
  20789.             "Type": "WS",
  20790.             "URL": "http://www.lawrence.edu/",
  20791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20792.             "Title": "Lawrence University Home Page",
  20793.             "Category": "SOC",
  20794.             "Description": "Official Lawrence University homepage and guide to campus and the Appleton area.",
  20795.             "Year": 0
  20796.         },
  20797.         {
  20798.             "RIT": "ws102768",
  20799.             "Type": "WS",
  20800.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/sara/f-batles.htm",
  20801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20802.             "Title": "Story of the Battles",
  20803.             "Category": "HIS",
  20804.             "Description": "This page from the National Park Service provides information about the Battles of Saratoga.",
  20805.             "Year": 0
  20806.         },
  20807.         {
  20808.             "RIT": "ws102771",
  20809.             "Type": "WS",
  20810.             "URL": "http://www.nccu.edu/",
  20811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20812.             "Title": "North Carolina Central University",
  20813.             "Category": "GEO",
  20814.             "Description": "Official North Carolina Central University homepage and guide to campus and the Durham area.",
  20815.             "Year": 0
  20816.         },
  20817.         {
  20818.             "RIT": "ws102772",
  20819.             "Type": "WS",
  20820.             "URL": "http://www.israel-mfa.gov.il/mfa/go.asp?MFAH00j80",
  20821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20822.             "Title": "Biblical Jerusalem",
  20823.             "Category": "SOC",
  20824.             "Description": "Images and descriptions of archaeological sites and findings, including artifacts from daily life, excavated in ancient Jerusalem, from Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.",
  20825.             "Year": 0
  20826.         },
  20827.         {
  20828.             "RIT": "ws102773",
  20829.             "Type": "WS",
  20830.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/ktca/liberty/",
  20831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20832.             "Title": "Liberty! The American Revolution",
  20833.             "Category": "HIS",
  20834.             "Description": "This companion site to a PBS documentary includes a chronicle of the revolution, perspectives on liberty, and an interactive game.",
  20835.             "Year": 0
  20836.         },
  20837.         {
  20838.             "RIT": "ws102774",
  20839.             "Type": "WS",
  20840.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/blacksea/ax/frame.html",
  20841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20842.             "Title": "Ballard & the Black Sea: The Search for Noah's Flood",
  20843.             "Category": "SOC",
  20844.             "Description": "Information on oceanographer Robert Ballard's ongoing exploration of the floor of the Black Sea to find archaeological evidence of a cataclysmic flood 7,000 years ago that became the basis for the story of Noah and other flood stories. Presented",
  20845.             "Year": 0
  20846.         },
  20847.         {
  20848.             "RIT": "ws102785",
  20849.             "Type": "WS",
  20850.             "URL": "http://www.subr.edu/",
  20851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20852.             "Title": "Welcome to Southern University, Baton Rouge",
  20853.             "Category": "SOC",
  20854.             "Description": "Official Southern University homepage and guide to campus and the Baton Rouge area.",
  20855.             "Year": 0
  20856.         },
  20857.         {
  20858.             "RIT": "ws102786",
  20859.             "Type": "WS",
  20860.             "URL": "http://www.strose.edu/",
  20861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20862.             "Title": "Welcome to College of Saint Rose",
  20863.             "Category": "GEO",
  20864.             "Description": "Official College of Saint Rose homepage and guide to campus and the Albany area.",
  20865.             "Year": 0
  20866.         },
  20867.         {
  20868.             "RIT": "ws102787",
  20869.             "Type": "WS",
  20870.             "URL": "http://www.simmons.edu/",
  20871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20872.             "Title": "Simmons College",
  20873.             "Category": "SOC",
  20874.             "Description": "Official Simmons College homepage and guide to campus and the Boston area.",
  20875.             "Year": 0
  20876.         },
  20877.         {
  20878.             "RIT": "ws102788",
  20879.             "Type": "WS",
  20880.             "URL": "http://www.vt.edu/",
  20881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20882.             "Title": "Welcome to Virginia Tech [Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University]",
  20883.             "Category": "SOC",
  20884.             "Description": "Official Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University homepage and guide to campus.",
  20885.             "Year": 0
  20886.         },
  20887.         {
  20888.             "RIT": "ws102789",
  20889.             "Type": "WS",
  20890.             "URL": "http://www.samford.edu/",
  20891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20892.             "Title": "Welcome to Samford University",
  20893.             "Category": "SOC",
  20894.             "Description": "Official Samford University homepage and guide to campus and the Birmingham area.",
  20895.             "Year": 0
  20896.         },
  20897.         {
  20898.             "RIT": "ws102790",
  20899.             "Type": "WS",
  20900.             "URL": "http://www.umary.edu/",
  20901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20902.             "Title": "University of Mary",
  20903.             "Category": "SOC",
  20904.             "Description": "Official University of Mary homepage and guide to campus and the Bismarck area.",
  20905.             "Year": 0
  20906.         },
  20907.         {
  20908.             "RIT": "ws102791",
  20909.             "Type": "WS",
  20910.             "URL": "http://www.spelman.edu/",
  20911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20912.             "Title": "Spelman College",
  20913.             "Category": "SOC",
  20914.             "Description": "Official Spelman College homepage and guide to campus and the Atlanta area.",
  20915.             "Year": 0
  20916.         },
  20917.         {
  20918.             "RIT": "ws102792",
  20919.             "Type": "WS",
  20920.             "URL": "http://www.virginia.edu/gwpapers/",
  20921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20922.             "Title": "The Papers of George Washington",
  20923.             "Category": "HIS",
  20924.             "Description": "The Papers of George Washington was established in 1969 at the University of Virginia to publish a complete edition of Washington's correspondence. This Web site includes letters written to Washington and letters and documents that he wrote.",
  20925.             "Year": 0
  20926.         },
  20927.         {
  20928.             "RIT": "ws102793",
  20929.             "Type": "WS",
  20930.             "URL": "http://www.bridgeport.edu/",
  20931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20932.             "Title": "University of Bridgeport",
  20933.             "Category": "SOC",
  20934.             "Description": "Official University of Bridgeport homepage and guide to campus and the Bridgeport area.",
  20935.             "Year": 0
  20936.         },
  20937.         {
  20938.             "RIT": "ws102794",
  20939.             "Type": "WS",
  20940.             "URL": "http://www.sou.edu/",
  20941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20942.             "Title": "Southern Oregon University",
  20943.             "Category": "SOC",
  20944.             "Description": "Official Southern Oregon State College homepage and guide to campus and the Ashland area.",
  20945.             "Year": 0
  20946.         },
  20947.         {
  20948.             "RIT": "ws102804",
  20949.             "Type": "WS",
  20950.             "URL": "http://www.wtamu.edu/",
  20951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20952.             "Title": "www.wtamu.edu - Welcome to West Texas A&M University",
  20953.             "Category": "SOC",
  20954.             "Description": "Official West Texas A&M University homepage and guide to campus and the Canyon area.",
  20955.             "Year": 0
  20956.         },
  20957.         {
  20958.             "RIT": "ws102805",
  20959.             "Type": "WS",
  20960.             "URL": "http://www.siu.edu/",
  20961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20962.             "Title": "SIU - Southern Illinois University",
  20963.             "Category": "SOC",
  20964.             "Description": "Official Southern Illinois University homepage and guide to campus and the Carbondale area.",
  20965.             "Year": 0
  20966.         },
  20967.         {
  20968.             "RIT": "ws102806",
  20969.             "Type": "WS",
  20970.             "URL": "http://www.sfu.ca/",
  20971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20972.             "Title": "Simon Fraser University",
  20973.             "Category": "SOC",
  20974.             "Description": "Official Simon Fraser University homepage and guide to campus and the Burnaby area.",
  20975.             "Year": 0
  20976.         },
  20977.         {
  20978.             "RIT": "ws102807",
  20979.             "Type": "WS",
  20980.             "URL": "http://www.semo.edu/",
  20981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20982.             "Title": "Southeast Missouri State University",
  20983.             "Category": "SOC",
  20984.             "Description": "Official Southeast Missouri State University homepage and guide to campus and the Cape Girardeau area.",
  20985.             "Year": 0
  20986.         },
  20987.         {
  20988.             "RIT": "ws102808",
  20989.             "Type": "WS",
  20990.             "URL": "http://bible.ort.org/",
  20991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  20992.             "Title": "Navigating the Bible",
  20993.             "Category": "HUM",
  20994.             "Description": "Navigating the Bible features the text of the Jewish Bible with accompanying study tools, such as commentaries and a glossary. This site includes each verse being sung by a professional cantor as an aid to students preparing for a Bar/Bat Mitzva",
  20995.             "Year": 0
  20996.         },
  20997.         {
  20998.             "RIT": "ws102809",
  20999.             "Type": "WS",
  21000.             "URL": "http://www.ColoradoCollege.edu/internal.asp",
  21001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21002.             "Title": "Colorado College",
  21003.             "Category": "SOC",
  21004.             "Description": "Official Colorado College homepage and guide to campus and the Colorado Springs area.",
  21005.             "Year": 0
  21006.         },
  21007.         {
  21008.             "RIT": "ws102810",
  21009.             "Type": "WS",
  21010.             "URL": "http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/collections/african-american-women.html",
  21011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21012.             "Title": "African-American Women Online Archival Collections",
  21013.             "Category": "HIS",
  21014.             "Description": "Slave letters and memoirs presented by Duke University's Special Collections Library. Includes links to other resources in women's studies and African American studies.",
  21015.             "Year": 0
  21016.         },
  21017.         {
  21018.             "RIT": "ws102811",
  21019.             "Type": "WS",
  21020.             "URL": "http://www.citadel.edu/",
  21021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21022.             "Title": "Citadel Home Page",
  21023.             "Category": "SOC",
  21024.             "Description": "Official Citadel homepage and guide to campus and the Charleston area.",
  21025.             "Year": 0
  21026.         },
  21027.         {
  21028.             "RIT": "ws102812",
  21029.             "Type": "WS",
  21030.             "URL": "http://www.cgu.edu/",
  21031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21032.             "Title": "Claremont Graduate University",
  21033.             "Category": "SOC",
  21034.             "Description": "Official Claremont Graduate University homepage and guide to campus and the Claremont area.",
  21035.             "Year": 0
  21036.         },
  21037.         {
  21038.             "RIT": "ws102825",
  21039.             "Type": "WS",
  21040.             "URL": "http://www.fmarion.edu/",
  21041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21042.             "Title": "Francis Marion University in Florence, South Carolina",
  21043.             "Category": "SOC",
  21044.             "Description": "Official Francis Marion University homepage and guide to campus and the Florence area.",
  21045.             "Year": 0
  21046.         },
  21047.         {
  21048.             "RIT": "ws102826",
  21049.             "Type": "WS",
  21050.             "URL": "http://www.fresno.edu/",
  21051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21052.             "Title": "Fresno Pacific College",
  21053.             "Category": "SOC",
  21054.             "Description": "Official Fresno Pacific College homepage and guide to campus and the Fresno area.",
  21055.             "Year": 0
  21056.         },
  21057.         {
  21058.             "RIT": "ws102827",
  21059.             "Type": "WS",
  21060.             "URL": "http://www.beaver.edu/",
  21061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21062.             "Title": "Arcadia University. Beaver colledge had changed its name from 16 july 2001.",
  21063.             "Category": "SOC",
  21064.             "Description": "Official Beaver College homepage and guide to campus and the Glenside area.",
  21065.             "Year": 0
  21066.         },
  21067.         {
  21068.             "RIT": "ws102828",
  21069.             "Type": "WS",
  21070.             "URL": "http://www.fhsu.edu/",
  21071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21072.             "Title": "Fort Hays State University",
  21073.             "Category": "SOC",
  21074.             "Description": "Official Fort Hays State University homepage and guide to campus and the Fort Hays area.",
  21075.             "Year": 0
  21076.         },
  21077.         {
  21078.             "RIT": "ws102829",
  21079.             "Type": "WS",
  21080.             "URL": "http://www.adelphi.edu/",
  21081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21082.             "Title": "Adelphi University",
  21083.             "Category": "SOC",
  21084.             "Description": "Official Adelphi University homepage and guide to campus and the Garden City area.",
  21085.             "Year": 0
  21086.         },
  21087.         {
  21088.             "RIT": "ws102830",
  21089.             "Type": "WS",
  21090.             "URL": "http://www.framingham.edu/",
  21091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21092.             "Title": "Framingham State College",
  21093.             "Category": "SOC",
  21094.             "Description": "Official Framingham State College homepage and guide to campus and the Framingham area.",
  21095.             "Year": 0
  21096.         },
  21097.         {
  21098.             "RIT": "ws102831",
  21099.             "Type": "WS",
  21100.             "URL": "http://www.guilford.edu/",
  21101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21102.             "Title": "Welcome to Guilford College",
  21103.             "Category": "SOC",
  21104.             "Description": "Official Guilford College homepage and guide to campus and the Greensboro area.",
  21105.             "Year": 0
  21106.         },
  21107.         {
  21108.             "RIT": "ws102833",
  21109.             "Type": "WS",
  21110.             "URL": "http://www.amberu.edu/",
  21111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21112.             "Title": "Amberton University Home Page",
  21113.             "Category": "SOC",
  21114.             "Description": "Official Amberton University homepage and guide to campus and the Garland area.",
  21115.             "Year": 0
  21116.         },
  21117.         {
  21118.             "RIT": "ws102834",
  21119.             "Type": "WS",
  21120.             "URL": "http://www.brenau.edu/",
  21121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21122.             "Title": "Brenau University - Gainesville, Georgia",
  21123.             "Category": "SOC",
  21124.             "Description": "Official Brenau University homepage and guide to campus and the Gainesville area.",
  21125.             "Year": 0
  21126.         },
  21127.         {
  21128.             "RIT": "ws102835",
  21129.             "Type": "WS",
  21130.             "URL": "http://www.db.erau.edu/",
  21131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21132.             "Title": "Embry-Riddle University: Daytona Beach, FL Campus",
  21133.             "Category": "SOC",
  21134.             "Description": "Official Embry-Riddle University homepage and guide to campus and the Daytona Beach area.",
  21135.             "Year": 0
  21136.         },
  21137.         {
  21138.             "RIT": "ws102737",
  21139.             "Type": "WS",
  21140.             "URL": "http://www.bemidji.msus.edu/",
  21141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21142.             "Title": "Bemidji State University",
  21143.             "Category": "SOC",
  21144.             "Description": "Official Bemidji State University homepage and guide to campus and the Bemidji area.",
  21145.             "Year": 0
  21146.         },
  21147.         {
  21148.             "RIT": "ws102738",
  21149.             "Type": "WS",
  21150.             "URL": "http://www.amistad.org/",
  21151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21152.             "Title": "Amistad Links",
  21153.             "Category": "HIS",
  21154.             "Description": "A comprehensive list of links to Web sites on the history of the 1839 rebellion aboard the slave ship Amistad and efforts to build a replica of the ship, from Amistad America, Inc., and Mystic Seaport.",
  21155.             "Year": 0
  21156.         },
  21157.         {
  21158.             "RIT": "ws102739",
  21159.             "Type": "WS",
  21160.             "URL": "http://www.cityu.edu/",
  21161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21162.             "Title": "City University",
  21163.             "Category": "SOC",
  21164.             "Description": "Official City University homepage and guide to campus and the Bellevue area.",
  21165.             "Year": 0
  21166.         },
  21167.         {
  21168.             "RIT": "ws102740",
  21169.             "Type": "WS",
  21170.             "URL": "http://www-cgi.cnn.com/WORLD/9708/India97/india/gandhi.legacy/index.html",
  21171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21172.             "Title": "The Legacy of Gandhi",
  21173.             "Category": "HIS",
  21174.             "Description": "This special report from CNN includes links to news stories and Web sites on India.",
  21175.             "Year": 0
  21176.         },
  21177.         {
  21178.             "RIT": "ws102741",
  21179.             "Type": "WS",
  21180.             "URL": "http://www.civilwarletters.com/home.html",
  21181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21182.             "Title": "Letters Home from an Iowa Soldier in the Civil War",
  21183.             "Category": "HIS",
  21184.             "Description": "Letters written by a Union Army private to a friend (later his wife) back home in Iowa, describing the day-to-day experiences, hardships, and loneliness of army life.",
  21185.             "Year": 0
  21186.         },
  21187.         {
  21188.             "RIT": "ws102742",
  21189.             "Type": "WS",
  21190.             "URL": "http://www.bennington.edu/flash_entry.htm",
  21191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21192.             "Title": "index [Bennington College]",
  21193.             "Category": "SOC",
  21194.             "Description": "Official Bennington College homepage and guide to campus and the Bennington area.",
  21195.             "Year": 0
  21196.         },
  21197.         {
  21198.             "RIT": "ws102743",
  21199.             "Type": "WS",
  21200.             "URL": "http://www.boisestate.edu/",
  21201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21202.             "Title": "Boise State University Home",
  21203.             "Category": "SOC",
  21204.             "Description": "Official Boise State University homepage and guide to campus and the Boise area.",
  21205.             "Year": 0
  21206.         },
  21207.         {
  21208.             "RIT": "ws102744",
  21209.             "Type": "WS",
  21210.             "URL": "http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/books/amh/amh-03.htm",
  21211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21212.             "Title": "The American Revolution: First Phase",
  21213.             "Category": "HIS",
  21214.             "Description": "The United States Army presents information about this chapter in American military history.",
  21215.             "Year": 0
  21216.         },
  21217.         {
  21218.             "RIT": "ws102745",
  21219.             "Type": "WS",
  21220.             "URL": "http://www.cau.edu/",
  21221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21222.             "Title": "Clark Atlanta University",
  21223.             "Category": "SOC",
  21224.             "Description": "Official Clark Atlanta University homepage and guide to campus and the Atlanta area.",
  21225.             "Year": 0
  21226.         },
  21227.         {
  21228.             "RIT": "ws102756",
  21229.             "Type": "WS",
  21230.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/learn/lessons/gw/gwintro.html",
  21231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21232.             "Title": "George Washington Lesson Plans",
  21233.             "Category": "HIS",
  21234.             "Description": "This teaching unit focuses on George Washington's work in the Revolutionary War, the Constitutional Convention, and the presidency. It features documents from the George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress.",
  21235.             "Year": 0
  21236.         },
  21237.         {
  21238.             "RIT": "ws102757",
  21239.             "Type": "WS",
  21240.             "URL": "http://archive.abcnews.go.com/sections/world/gandhi_0128/index.html",
  21241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21242.             "Title": "Legacy of the Mahatma",
  21243.             "Category": "HIS",
  21244.             "Description": "A collection of stories about Mohandas K. Gandhi and the nonviolent political leaders he inspired. Inlcudes a photo gallery, video of his funeral, and related Web sites.",
  21245.             "Year": 0
  21246.         },
  21247.         {
  21248.             "RIT": "ws102758",
  21249.             "Type": "WS",
  21250.             "URL": "http://www.athabascau.ca/",
  21251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21252.             "Title": "Athabasca University",
  21253.             "Category": "SOC",
  21254.             "Description": "Official Athabasca University homepage and guide to campus and the Athabasca area.",
  21255.             "Year": 0
  21256.         },
  21257.         {
  21258.             "RIT": "ws102759",
  21259.             "Type": "WS",
  21260.             "URL": "http://www.andrews.edu/",
  21261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21262.             "Title": "Andrews University",
  21263.             "Category": "SOC",
  21264.             "Description": "Official Andrews University homepage and guide to campus and the Berrien Springs area.",
  21265.             "Year": 0
  21266.         },
  21267.         {
  21268.             "RIT": "ws102760",
  21269.             "Type": "WS",
  21270.             "URL": "http://www.cnd.edu/index2.html",
  21271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21272.             "Title": "College of Notre Dame, Belmont, California - Home Page",
  21273.             "Category": "SOC",
  21274.             "Description": "Official College of Notre Dame homepage and guide to campus and the Belmont area.",
  21275.             "Year": 0
  21276.         },
  21277.         {
  21278.             "RIT": "ws102761",
  21279.             "Type": "WS",
  21280.             "URL": "http://www.bard.edu/",
  21281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21282.             "Title": "Bard College",
  21283.             "Category": "SOC",
  21284.             "Description": "Official Bard College homepage and guide to campus and the Annandale-on-Hudson area.",
  21285.             "Year": 0
  21286.         },
  21287.         {
  21288.             "RIT": "ws102762",
  21289.             "Type": "WS",
  21290.             "URL": "http://www.maryrose.org/",
  21291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21292.             "Title": "The Mary Rose",
  21293.             "Category": "IND",
  21294.             "Description": "Fascinating images and descriptions of the Mary Rose, the only 16th-century warship on display in the world, including a virtual tour of the Mary Rose Musuem in Portsmouth, England, and the story of the sunken ship's recovery off the southern co",
  21295.             "Year": 0
  21296.         },
  21297.         {
  21298.             "RIT": "ws102763",
  21299.             "Type": "WS",
  21300.             "URL": "http://www.morgan.edu/",
  21301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21302.             "Title": "Morgan State University - Baltimore, MD",
  21303.             "Category": "SOC",
  21304.             "Description": "Official Morgan State University homepage and guide to campus and the Baltimore area.",
  21305.             "Year": 0
  21306.         },
  21307.         {
  21308.             "RIT": "ws102775",
  21309.             "Type": "WS",
  21310.             "URL": "http://www.gardner-webb.edu/",
  21311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21312.             "Title": "Gardner-Webb University",
  21313.             "Category": "SOC",
  21314.             "Description": "Official Gardner-Webb University homepage and guide to campus and the Boiling Springs area.",
  21315.             "Year": 0
  21316.         },
  21317.         {
  21318.             "RIT": "ws102776",
  21319.             "Type": "WS",
  21320.             "URL": "http://www.gsw.edu/",
  21321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21322.             "Title": "Georgia Southwestern State University",
  21323.             "Category": "SOC",
  21324.             "Description": "Official Georgia Southwestern State University homepage and guide to campus and the Americus area.",
  21325.             "Year": 0
  21326.         },
  21327.         {
  21328.             "RIT": "ws102777",
  21329.             "Type": "WS",
  21330.             "URL": "http://www.newenglandconservatory.edu/",
  21331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21332.             "Title": "New England Conservatory of Music, Boston",
  21333.             "Category": "SOC",
  21334.             "Description": "Official New England Conservatory of Music homepage and guide to campus and the Boston area.",
  21335.             "Year": 0
  21336.         },
  21337.         {
  21338.             "RIT": "ws102778",
  21339.             "Type": "WS",
  21340.             "URL": "http://www.bu.edu/",
  21341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21342.             "Title": "Boston University",
  21343.             "Category": "SOC",
  21344.             "Description": "Official Boston University homepage and guide to campus and the Boston area.",
  21345.             "Year": 0
  21346.         },
  21347.         {
  21348.             "RIT": "ws102779",
  21349.             "Type": "WS",
  21350.             "URL": "http://www.stonepages.com/",
  21351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21352.             "Title": "Stone Pages",
  21353.             "Category": "SOC",
  21354.             "Description": "Wonderful collection of detailed descriptions and photographs, including 360-degree images, of Stonehenge and other ancient European stone monuments; includes excellent list of related archaeological Web sites.",
  21355.             "Year": 0
  21356.         },
  21357.         {
  21358.             "RIT": "ws102780",
  21359.             "Type": "WS",
  21360.             "URL": "http://www.rmc.edu/",
  21361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21362.             "Title": "Randolph-Macon Home",
  21363.             "Category": "SOC",
  21364.             "Description": "Official Randolph-Macon College homepage and guide to campus and the Ashland area.",
  21365.             "Year": 0
  21366.         },
  21367.         {
  21368.             "RIT": "ws102781",
  21369.             "Type": "WS",
  21370.             "URL": "http://xroads.virginia.edu/~CAP/hospital/whitman.htm",
  21371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21372.             "Title": "Whitman's Wartime Washington",
  21373.             "Category": "HIS",
  21374.             "Description": "An overview of poet Walt Whitman's wartime experiences as a nurse in Union Army hospitals. Discusses Whitman's volume of poetry called Drum Taps and other works that he based on his wartime experiences. Includes photographs and information about",
  21375.             "Year": 0
  21376.         },
  21377.         {
  21378.             "RIT": "ws102782",
  21379.             "Type": "WS",
  21380.             "URL": "http://www2.baldwinw.edu/",
  21381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21382.             "Title": "Baldwin-Wallace College",
  21383.             "Category": "SOC",
  21384.             "Description": "Official Baldwin-Wallace College homepage and guide to campus and the Berea area.",
  21385.             "Year": 0
  21386.         },
  21387.         {
  21388.             "RIT": "ws102784",
  21389.             "Type": "WS",
  21390.             "URL": "http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/",
  21391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21392.             "Title": "USC Muslim Students Association Islamic Server",
  21393.             "Category": "HUM",
  21394.             "Description": "This site provides information about the fundamental beliefs and practices of Muslims.",
  21395.             "Year": 0
  21396.         },
  21397.         {
  21398.             "RIT": "ws102795",
  21399.             "Type": "WS",
  21400.             "URL": "http://www.canisius.edu/",
  21401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21402.             "Title": "Canisius College Home Page",
  21403.             "Category": "SOC",
  21404.             "Description": "Official Canisius College homepage and guide to campus and the Buffalo area.",
  21405.             "Year": 0
  21406.         },
  21407.         {
  21408.             "RIT": "ws102796",
  21409.             "Type": "WS",
  21410.             "URL": "http://www.bridgew.edu/",
  21411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21412.             "Title": "Bridgewater State College",
  21413.             "Category": "SOC",
  21414.             "Description": "Official Bridgewater State College homepage and guide to campus and the Bridgewater area.",
  21415.             "Year": 0
  21416.         },
  21417.         {
  21418.             "RIT": "ws102797",
  21419.             "Type": "WS",
  21420.             "URL": "http://www.westga.edu/",
  21421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21422.             "Title": "The State University of West Georgia",
  21423.             "Category": "SOC",
  21424.             "Description": "Official State University of West Georgia homepage and guide to campus and the Carrollton area.",
  21425.             "Year": 0
  21426.         },
  21427.         {
  21428.             "RIT": "ws102798",
  21429.             "Type": "WS",
  21430.             "URL": "http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/southasia/History/Gandhi/gandhi.html",
  21431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21432.             "Title": "Manas: History and Politics, Mahatma Gandhi",
  21433.             "Category": "HIS",
  21434.             "Description": "A detailed biography from a Web site about India created by Vinay Lal, Assistant Professor of History, University of California, Los Angeles.",
  21435.             "Year": 0
  21436.         },
  21437.         {
  21438.             "RIT": "ws102799",
  21439.             "Type": "WS",
  21440.             "URL": "http://www.lesley.edu/",
  21441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21442.             "Title": "lesley.edu [Lesley College]",
  21443.             "Category": "SOC",
  21444.             "Description": "Official Lesley College homepage and guide to campus and the Cambridge area.",
  21445.             "Year": 0
  21446.         },
  21447.         {
  21448.             "RIT": "ws102800",
  21449.             "Type": "WS",
  21450.             "URL": "http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Bible/bibletoc.html",
  21451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21452.             "Title": "The Holy Scriptures",
  21453.             "Category": "HUM",
  21454.             "Description": "This site from the Jewish Student Online Resource Center features the King James Version of the Christian Bible, the Jewish Torah, and the Muslim Qur'an. Includes electronic texts of the holy books and background information for study.",
  21455.             "Year": 0
  21456.         },
  21457.         {
  21458.             "RIT": "ws102801",
  21459.             "Type": "WS",
  21460.             "URL": "http://www.poly.edu/index_ns.cfm",
  21461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21462.             "Title": "Polytechnic University",
  21463.             "Category": "SOC",
  21464.             "Description": "Official Polytechnic University homepage and guide to campus and the Brooklyn area.",
  21465.             "Year": 0
  21466.         },
  21467.         {
  21468.             "RIT": "ws102802",
  21469.             "Type": "WS",
  21470.             "URL": "http://www.slc.edu/",
  21471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21472.             "Title": "Sarah Lawrence College",
  21473.             "Category": "SOC",
  21474.             "Description": "Official Sarah Lawrence College homepage and guide to campus and the Bronxville area.",
  21475.             "Year": 0
  21476.         },
  21477.         {
  21478.             "RIT": "ws102803",
  21479.             "Type": "WS",
  21480.             "URL": "http://www.pratt.edu/",
  21481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21482.             "Title": "Pratt Institute Home",
  21483.             "Category": "SOC",
  21484.             "Description": "Official Pratt Institute homepage and guide to campus and the Brooklyn area.",
  21485.             "Year": 0
  21486.         },
  21487.         {
  21488.             "RIT": "ws102813",
  21489.             "Type": "WS",
  21490.             "URL": "http://www.bc.edu/",
  21491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21492.             "Title": "Boston College Home Page",
  21493.             "Category": "SOC",
  21494.             "Description": "Official Boston College homepage and guide to campus and the Chestnut Hill area.",
  21495.             "Year": 0
  21496.         },
  21497.         {
  21498.             "RIT": "ws102814",
  21499.             "Type": "WS",
  21500.             "URL": "http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/race/black.html",
  21501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21502.             "Title": "The Black Population in the United States",
  21503.             "Category": "SOC",
  21504.             "Description": "Statistical data about the black population from the U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, Racial Statistics Branch.",
  21505.             "Year": 0
  21506.         },
  21507.         {
  21508.             "RIT": "ws102816",
  21509.             "Type": "WS",
  21510.             "URL": "http://www.cwru.edu/",
  21511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21512.             "Title": "Case Western Reserve University",
  21513.             "Category": "SOC",
  21514.             "Description": "Official Case Western Reserve University homepage and guide to campus and the Cleveland area.",
  21515.             "Year": 0
  21516.         },
  21517.         {
  21518.             "RIT": "ws102817",
  21519.             "Type": "WS",
  21520.             "URL": "http://www.etsu.edu/",
  21521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21522.             "Title": "Welcome to East Tennessee State University!",
  21523.             "Category": "SOC",
  21524.             "Description": "Official East Tennessee State University homepage and guide to campus and the Johnson City area.",
  21525.             "Year": 0
  21526.         },
  21527.         {
  21528.             "RIT": "ws102818",
  21529.             "Type": "WS",
  21530.             "URL": "http://www.elmira.edu/",
  21531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21532.             "Title": "Elmira College Welcomes You",
  21533.             "Category": "SOC",
  21534.             "Description": "Official Elmira College homepage and guide to campus and the Elmira area.",
  21535.             "Year": 0
  21536.         },
  21537.         {
  21538.             "RIT": "ws102819",
  21539.             "Type": "WS",
  21540.             "URL": "http://www.dsc.edu/",
  21541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21542.             "Title": "Delaware State University",
  21543.             "Category": "SOC",
  21544.             "Description": "Official Delaware State University homepage and guide to campus and the Dover area.",
  21545.             "Year": 0
  21546.         },
  21547.         {
  21548.             "RIT": "ws102820",
  21549.             "Type": "WS",
  21550.             "URL": "http://www.grinnell.edu/jnl/",
  21551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21552.             "Title": "Grinell College",
  21553.             "Category": "SOC",
  21554.             "Description": "Official Grinell College homepage and guide to campus and the Grinell area.",
  21555.             "Year": 0
  21556.         },
  21557.         {
  21558.             "RIT": "ws102822",
  21559.             "Type": "WS",
  21560.             "URL": "http://www.fsc.edu/",
  21561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21562.             "Title": "Fitchburg State College",
  21563.             "Category": "SOC",
  21564.             "Description": "Official Fitchburg State College homepage and guide to campus and the Fitchburg area.",
  21565.             "Year": 0
  21566.         },
  21567.         {
  21568.             "RIT": "ws102823",
  21569.             "Type": "WS",
  21570.             "URL": "",
  21571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21572.             "Title": "University of Saint Francis Homepage",
  21573.             "Category": "SOC",
  21574.             "Description": "Official Saint Francis homepage and guide to campus and the Fort Wayne area.",
  21575.             "Year": 0
  21576.         },
  21577.         {
  21578.             "RIT": "ws102824",
  21579.             "Type": "WS",
  21580.             "URL": "http://www.gram.edu/",
  21581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21582.             "Title": "Grambling Home Page",
  21583.             "Category": "SOC",
  21584.             "Description": "Official Grambling State University homepage and guide to campus and the Grambling area.",
  21585.             "Year": 0
  21586.         },
  21587.         {
  21588.             "RIT": "ws102836",
  21589.             "Type": "WS",
  21590.             "URL": "http://www.fsu.umd.edu/",
  21591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21592.             "Title": "Welcome to Frostburg State University",
  21593.             "Category": "SOC",
  21594.             "Description": "Official Frostburg State University homepage and guide to campus and the Frostburg area.",
  21595.             "Year": 0
  21596.         },
  21597.         {
  21598.             "RIT": "ws102837",
  21599.             "Type": "WS",
  21600.             "URL": "http://www.fvsu.edu/",
  21601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21602.             "Title": "FVSU Home Page - Welcome to Fort Valley State University",
  21603.             "Category": "SOC",
  21604.             "Description": "Official Fort Valley State University homepage and guide to campus and the Fort Valley area.",
  21605.             "Year": 0
  21606.         },
  21607.         {
  21608.             "RIT": "ws102838",
  21609.             "Type": "WS",
  21610.             "URL": "http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/asbook.html",
  21611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21612.             "Title": "Internet Ancient History Sourcebook",
  21613.             "Category": "HIS",
  21614.             "Description": "An extensive directory of links to Internet sites on ancient civilizations, including Egypt, Persia, and Greece.",
  21615.             "Year": 0
  21616.         },
  21617.         {
  21618.             "RIT": "ws102839",
  21619.             "Type": "WS",
  21620.             "URL": "http://www.drake.edu/",
  21621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21622.             "Title": "Drake University, Des Moines Iowa",
  21623.             "Category": "SOC",
  21624.             "Description": "Official Drake University homepage and guide to campus and the Des Moines area.",
  21625.             "Year": 0
  21626.         },
  21627.         {
  21628.             "RIT": "ws102840",
  21629.             "Type": "WS",
  21630.             "URL": "http://www.css.edu/",
  21631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21632.             "Title": "The College of Saint Scholastica",
  21633.             "Category": "SOC",
  21634.             "Description": "Official College of Saint Scholastica homepage and guide to campus and the Duluth area.",
  21635.             "Year": 0
  21636.         },
  21637.         {
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  21641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21643.             "Category": "SOC",
  21644.             "Description": "Official Elizabeth City State University homepage and guide to campus and the Elizabeth City area.",
  21645.             "Year": 0
  21646.         },
  21647.         {
  21648.             "RIT": "ws102842",
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  21651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21652.             "Title": "Marygrove College--Pride. Promise. Marygrove.",
  21653.             "Category": "SOC",
  21654.             "Description": "Official Marygrove College homepage and guide to campus and the Detroit area.",
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  21656.         },
  21657.         {
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  21661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21662.             "Title": "Welcome to Dalhousie University",
  21663.             "Category": "SOC",
  21664.             "Description": "Official Dalhousie University homepage and guide to campus and the Halifax area.",
  21665.             "Year": 0
  21666.         },
  21667.         {
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  21671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21672.             "Title": "Welcome to the University of Denver",
  21673.             "Category": "SOC",
  21674.             "Description": "Official University of Denver homepage and guide to campus and the Denver area.",
  21675.             "Year": 0
  21676.         },
  21677.         {
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  21681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21683.             "Category": "SOC",
  21684.             "Description": "Official Colorado School of the Mines homepage and guide to campus and the Golden area.",
  21685.             "Year": 0
  21686.         },
  21687.         {
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  21691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21693.             "Category": "SOC",
  21694.             "Description": "Official Maharishi University of Management homepage and guide to campus and the Fairfield area.",
  21695.             "Year": 0
  21696.         },
  21697.         {
  21698.             "RIT": "ws102847",
  21699.             "Type": "WS",
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  21701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21703.             "Category": "SOC",
  21704.             "Description": "Official Knox College homepage and guide to campus and the Galesburg area.",
  21705.             "Year": 0
  21706.         },
  21707.         {
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  21711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21712.             "Title": "Welcome to John Carroll University",
  21713.             "Category": "SOC",
  21714.             "Description": "Official John Carroll University homepage and guide to campus and the Cleveland area.",
  21715.             "Year": 0
  21716.         },
  21717.         {
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  21721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21722.             "Title": "Welcome to the College of Mount St. Joseph!",
  21723.             "Category": "SOC",
  21724.             "Description": "Official College of Mount St. Joseph homepage and guide to campus and the Cincinnati area.",
  21725.             "Year": 0
  21726.         },
  21727.         {
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  21731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21733.             "Category": "SOC",
  21734.             "Description": "Official Northern Illinois University homepage and guide to campus and the DeKalb area.",
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  21736.         },
  21737.         {
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  21741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21743.             "Category": "SOC",
  21744.             "Description": "Official University of Miami homepage and guide to campus and the Coral Gables area.",
  21745.             "Year": 0
  21746.         },
  21747.         {
  21748.             "RIT": "ws102854",
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  21751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21753.             "Category": "SOC",
  21754.             "Description": "Official North Georgia College and State University homepage and guide to campus and the Dahlonega area.",
  21755.             "Year": 0
  21756.         },
  21757.         {
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  21761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21762.             "Title": "Kenyon College",
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  21764.             "Description": "Official Kenyon College homepage and guide to campus and the Gambier area.",
  21765.             "Year": 0
  21766.         },
  21767.         {
  21768.             "RIT": "ws102856",
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  21771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21776.         },
  21777.         {
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  21781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21783.             "Category": "SOC",
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  21785.             "Year": 0
  21786.         },
  21787.         {
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  21793.             "Category": "SOC",
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  21795.             "Year": 0
  21796.         },
  21797.         {
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  21803.             "Category": "SOC",
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  21805.             "Year": 0
  21806.         },
  21807.         {
  21808.             "RIT": "ws102861",
  21809.             "Type": "WS",
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  21811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21813.             "Category": "SOC",
  21814.             "Description": "Official Saint Xavier University homepage and guide to campus and the Chicago area.",
  21815.             "Year": 0
  21816.         },
  21817.         {
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  21823.             "Category": "SOC",
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  21826.         },
  21827.         {
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  21831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21833.             "Category": "SOC",
  21834.             "Description": "Official Saint Michael's College homepage and guide to campus and the Colchester area.",
  21835.             "Year": 0
  21836.         },
  21837.         {
  21838.             "RIT": "ws102864",
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  21841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21843.             "Category": "SOC",
  21844.             "Description": "Official Sacred Heart University homepage and guide to campus and the Fairfield area.",
  21845.             "Year": 0
  21846.         },
  21847.         {
  21848.             "RIT": "ws102865",
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  21854.             "Description": "Official Regis University homepage and guide to campus and the Denver area.",
  21855.             "Year": 0
  21856.         },
  21857.         {
  21858.             "RIT": "ws102866",
  21859.             "Type": "WS",
  21860.             "URL": "http://www.scrippscol.edu/",
  21861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21862.             "Title": "Scripps College: The Women's College",
  21863.             "Category": "SOC",
  21864.             "Description": "Official Scripps College homepage and guide to campus and the Claremont area.",
  21865.             "Year": 0
  21866.         },
  21867.         {
  21868.             "RIT": "ws102867",
  21869.             "Type": "WS",
  21870.             "URL": "http://www.roosevelt.edu/",
  21871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21873.             "Category": "SOC",
  21874.             "Description": "Official Roosevelt University homepage and guide to campus and the Chicago area.",
  21875.             "Year": 0
  21876.         },
  21877.         {
  21878.             "RIT": "ws102868",
  21879.             "Type": "WS",
  21880.             "URL": "http://www.siue.edu/",
  21881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21883.             "Category": "SOC",
  21884.             "Description": "Official Southern Illinois University homepage and guide to campus and the Edwardsville area.",
  21885.             "Year": 0
  21886.         },
  21887.         {
  21888.             "RIT": "ws102869",
  21889.             "Type": "WS",
  21890.             "URL": "http://www.selu.edu/",
  21891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21893.             "Category": "SOC",
  21894.             "Description": "Official Southeastern Louisiana University homepage and guide to campus and the Hammond area.",
  21895.             "Year": 0
  21896.         },
  21897.         {
  21898.             "RIT": "ws102870",
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  21900.             "URL": "http://www.uoguelph.ca/",
  21901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21903.             "Category": "SOC",
  21904.             "Description": "Official University of Guelph homepage and guide to campus and the Guelph area.",
  21905.             "Year": 0
  21906.         },
  21907.         {
  21908.             "RIT": "ws102871",
  21909.             "Type": "WS",
  21910.             "URL": "http://www.unco.edu/",
  21911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21912.             "Title": "University of Northern Colorado Home",
  21913.             "Category": "SOC",
  21914.             "Description": "Official University of Northern Colorado homepage and guide to campus and the Greeley area.",
  21915.             "Year": 0
  21916.         },
  21917.         {
  21918.             "RIT": "ws102872",
  21919.             "Type": "WS",
  21920.             "URL": "http://www.una.edu/",
  21921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21923.             "Category": "SOC",
  21924.             "Description": "Official University of North Alabama homepage and guide to campus and the Florence area.",
  21925.             "Year": 0
  21926.         },
  21927.         {
  21928.             "RIT": "ws102873",
  21929.             "Type": "WS",
  21930.             "URL": "http://www.rmwc.edu./",
  21931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21933.             "Category": "SOC",
  21934.             "Description": "Official Randolph-Macon Women's College homepage and guide to campus and the Lynchburg area.",
  21935.             "Year": 0
  21936.         },
  21937.         {
  21938.             "RIT": "ws102874",
  21939.             "Type": "WS",
  21940.             "URL": "http://www.uncfsu.edu/",
  21941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21943.             "Category": "SOC",
  21944.             "Description": "Official Fayetteville State University homepage and guide to campus and the Fayetteville area.",
  21945.             "Year": 0
  21946.         },
  21947.         {
  21948.             "RIT": "ws102875",
  21949.             "Type": "WS",
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  21951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  21953.             "Category": "SOC",
  21954.             "Description": "Official University of Southern Mississippi homepage and guide to campus and the Hattiesburg area.",
  21955.             "Year": 0
  21956.         },
  21957.         {
  21958.             "RIT": "ws102876",
  21959.             "Type": "WS",
  21960.             "URL": "http://www.uc.edu/",
  21961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21962.             "Title": "The University of Cincinnati",
  21963.             "Category": "SOC",
  21964.             "Description": "Official University of Cincinnati homepage and guide to campus and the Cincinnati area.",
  21965.             "Year": 0
  21966.         },
  21967.         {
  21968.             "RIT": "ws102877",
  21969.             "Type": "WS",
  21970.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/rwbb/rwtoc.html",
  21971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21972.             "Title": "Richard Wright: Black Boy",
  21973.             "Category": "HUM",
  21974.             "Description": "A companion site to a documentary that aired on PBS. This site takes an in-depth look at the writer. Includes a teacher's guide, photo archive, chronology, and bibliography.",
  21975.             "Year": 0
  21976.         },
  21977.         {
  21978.             "RIT": "ws102878",
  21979.             "Type": "WS",
  21980.             "URL": "http://www.immaculata.edu/",
  21981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21982.             "Title": "Immaculata College",
  21983.             "Category": "SOC",
  21984.             "Description": "Official Immaculata College homepage and guide to campus and the Immaculata area.",
  21985.             "Year": 0
  21986.         },
  21987.         {
  21988.             "RIT": "ws102887",
  21989.             "Type": "WS",
  21990.             "URL": "http://www.chaminade.edu/",
  21991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  21992.             "Title": "Chaminade University Home Page",
  21993.             "Category": "SOC",
  21994.             "Description": "Official Chaminade University homepage and guide to campus and the Honolulu area.",
  21995.             "Year": 0
  21996.         },
  21997.         {
  21998.             "RIT": "ws102888",
  21999.             "Type": "WS",
  22000.             "URL": "http://www.hbu.edu/Pages/",
  22001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22002.             "Title": "HBU Home Page [Houston Baptist University]",
  22003.             "Category": "SOC",
  22004.             "Description": "Official Houston Baptist University homepage and guide to campus and the Houston area.",
  22005.             "Year": 0
  22006.         },
  22007.         {
  22008.             "RIT": "ws102889",
  22009.             "Type": "WS",
  22010.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june99/hiphop_2-24.html",
  22011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22012.             "Title": "Online NewsHour: Hip Hop Phenomenon",
  22013.             "Category": "HUM",
  22014.             "Description": "This companion site to a show that aired on PBS looks at the music's origins and its increasing appeal.",
  22015.             "Year": 0
  22016.         },
  22017.         {
  22018.             "RIT": "ws102890",
  22019.             "Type": "WS",
  22020.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec98/swing_12-2.html",
  22021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22022.             "Title": "Online NewsHour: Back in the Swing",
  22023.             "Category": "HUM",
  22024.             "Description": "A companion site to a PBS show that focuses on the popularity of swing dancing.",
  22025.             "Year": 0
  22026.         },
  22027.         {
  22028.             "RIT": "ws102891",
  22029.             "Type": "WS",
  22030.             "URL": "http://www.shsu.edu/",
  22031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22032.             "Title": "Sam Houston State University",
  22033.             "Category": "SOC",
  22034.             "Description": "Official Sam Houston State University homepage and guide to campus and the Huntsville area.",
  22035.             "Year": 0
  22036.         },
  22037.         {
  22038.             "RIT": "ws102892",
  22039.             "Type": "WS",
  22040.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/time/think.html",
  22041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22042.             "Title": "Time Travel: Think Like Einstein",
  22043.             "Category": "PHY",
  22044.             "Description": "This online feature from PBS focuses on Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. It includes interactive games and an interview with science writer Carl Sagan.",
  22045.             "Year": 0
  22046.         },
  22047.         {
  22048.             "RIT": "ws102893",
  22049.             "Type": "WS",
  22050.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/infocus/floods.html",
  22051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22052.             "Title": "In Focus -- Floods!",
  22053.             "Category": "IND",
  22054.             "Description": "This PBS Online News Hour site for students focuses on the science of floods, flood fighters, and pet rescues.",
  22055.             "Year": 0
  22056.         },
  22057.         {
  22058.             "RIT": "ws102894",
  22059.             "Type": "WS",
  22060.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/aajourney/",
  22061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22062.             "Title": "The African-American Journey",
  22063.             "Category": "SOC",
  22064.             "Description": "This PBS site showcases a wealth of online and on-air content related to African-American arts, culture, current events, and history.",
  22065.             "Year": 0
  22066.         },
  22067.         {
  22068.             "RIT": "ws102904",
  22069.             "Type": "WS",
  22070.             "URL": "http://www.barnard.edu/",
  22071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22072.             "Title": "Welcome to Barnard College",
  22073.             "Category": "SOC",
  22074.             "Description": "Official Barnard College homepage and guide to campus and the New York area.",
  22075.             "Year": 0
  22076.         },
  22077.         {
  22078.             "RIT": "ws102905",
  22079.             "Type": "WS",
  22080.             "URL": "http://www.bnkst.edu/index.html",
  22081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22082.             "Title": "Welcome to Bank Street College",
  22083.             "Category": "SOC",
  22084.             "Description": "Official Bank Street College homepage and guide to campus and the New York area.",
  22085.             "Year": 0
  22086.         },
  22087.         {
  22088.             "RIT": "ws102906",
  22089.             "Type": "WS",
  22090.             "URL": "http://www.alcorn.edu/",
  22091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22092.             "Title": "Alcorn State University, Home Page",
  22093.             "Category": "SOC",
  22094.             "Description": "Official Alcorn State University homepage and guide to campus and the Lorman area.",
  22095.             "Year": 0
  22096.         },
  22097.         {
  22098.             "RIT": "ws102907",
  22099.             "Type": "WS",
  22100.             "URL": "http://web.odu.edu/",
  22101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22102.             "Title": "Old Dominion University Home Page",
  22103.             "Category": "SOC",
  22104.             "Description": "Official Old Dominion University homepage and guide to campus and the Norfolk area.",
  22105.             "Year": 0
  22106.         },
  22107.         {
  22108.             "RIT": "ws102908",
  22109.             "Type": "WS",
  22110.             "URL": "http://www.aamu.edu/",
  22111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22112.             "Title": "Welcome to Alabama A&M University",
  22113.             "Category": "SOC",
  22114.             "Description": "Official Alabama A&M University homepage and guide to campus and the Normal area.",
  22115.             "Year": 0
  22116.         },
  22117.         {
  22118.             "RIT": "ws102909",
  22119.             "Type": "WS",
  22120.             "URL": "http://www.cmich.edu/",
  22121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22122.             "Title": "Central Michigan University's Home Page",
  22123.             "Category": "SOC",
  22124.             "Description": "Official Central Michigan University homepage and guide to campus and the Mount Pleasant area.",
  22125.             "Year": 0
  22126.         },
  22127.         {
  22128.             "RIT": "ws102910",
  22129.             "Type": "WS",
  22130.             "URL": "http://www.biola.edu/",
  22131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22132.             "Title": "Biola University",
  22133.             "Category": "SOC",
  22134.             "Description": "Official Biola University homepage and guide to campus and the La Mirada area.",
  22135.             "Year": 0
  22136.         },
  22137.         {
  22138.             "RIT": "ws102911",
  22139.             "Type": "WS",
  22140.             "URL": "http://www.annamaria.edu/",
  22141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22142.             "Title": "Welcome to Anna Maria College",
  22143.             "Category": "SOC",
  22144.             "Description": "Official Anna Maria College homepage and guide to campus and the Paxton area.",
  22145.             "Year": 0
  22146.         },
  22147.         {
  22148.             "RIT": "ws102912",
  22149.             "Type": "WS",
  22150.             "URL": "http://www.bradley.edu/main.html",
  22151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22152.             "Title": "Bradley University",
  22153.             "Category": "SOC",
  22154.             "Description": "Official Bradley University homepage and guide to campus and the Peoria area.",
  22155.             "Year": 0
  22156.         },
  22157.         {
  22158.             "RIT": "ws102913",
  22159.             "Type": "WS",
  22160.             "URL": "http://www.ccsu.edu/",
  22161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22162.             "Title": "Central Connecticut State University Home Page",
  22163.             "Category": "SOC",
  22164.             "Description": "Official Central Connecticut State University homepage and guide to campus and the New Britain area.",
  22165.             "Year": 0
  22166.         },
  22167.         {
  22168.             "RIT": "ws102914",
  22169.             "Type": "WS",
  22170.             "URL": "http://www.bellarmine.edu/public/index.asp",
  22171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22172.             "Title": "Welcome to Bellarmine College",
  22173.             "Category": "SOC",
  22174.             "Description": "Official Bellarmine College homepage and guide to campus and the Louisville area.",
  22175.             "Year": 0
  22176.         },
  22177.         {
  22178.             "RIT": "ws102926",
  22179.             "Type": "WS",
  22180.             "URL": "http://www.jsu.edu/",
  22181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22182.             "Title": "Jacksonville State University",
  22183.             "Category": "SOC",
  22184.             "Description": "Official Jacksonville State University homepage and guide to campus and the Jacksonville area.",
  22185.             "Year": 0
  22186.         },
  22187.         {
  22188.             "RIT": "ws102927",
  22189.             "Type": "WS",
  22190.             "URL": "http://www.fit.edu/",
  22191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22192.             "Title": "Florida Institute of Technology",
  22193.             "Category": "SOC",
  22194.             "Description": "Official Florida Institute of Technology homepage and guide to campus and the Melbourne area.",
  22195.             "Year": 0
  22196.         },
  22197.         {
  22198.             "RIT": "ws102928",
  22199.             "Type": "WS",
  22200.             "URL": "http://www.fiu.edu/index.htm",
  22201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22202.             "Title": "Florida International University Home",
  22203.             "Category": "SOC",
  22204.             "Description": "Official Florida International University homepage and guide to campus and the Miami area.",
  22205.             "Year": 0
  22206.         },
  22207.         {
  22208.             "RIT": "ws102929",
  22209.             "Type": "WS",
  22210.             "URL": "http://www.hnc.edu/",
  22211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22212.             "Title": "Holy Names College",
  22213.             "Category": "SOC",
  22214.             "Description": "Official Holy Names College homepage and guide to campus and the Oakland area.",
  22215.             "Year": 0
  22216.         },
  22217.         {
  22218.             "RIT": "ws102930",
  22219.             "Type": "WS",
  22220.             "URL": "http://upracd.upr.clu.edu:9090/",
  22221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22222.             "Title": "Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras [University of Puerto Rico]",
  22223.             "Category": "SOC",
  22224.             "Description": "Official University of Puerto Rico homepage and guide to campus and the Rio Piedras area.",
  22225.             "Year": 0
  22226.         },
  22227.         {
  22228.             "RIT": "ws102931",
  22229.             "Type": "WS",
  22230.             "URL": "http://new.risd.edu/risd/",
  22231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22232.             "Title": "Welcome to the RISD Web Site [Rhode Island School of Design]",
  22233.             "Category": "SOC",
  22234.             "Description": "Official Rhode Island School of Design homepage and guide to campus and the Providence area.",
  22235.             "Year": 0
  22236.         },
  22237.         {
  22238.             "RIT": "ws102932",
  22239.             "Type": "WS",
  22240.             "URL": "http://www.dom.edu/",
  22241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22242.             "Title": "Dominican University, River Forest, Illinois",
  22243.             "Category": "SOC",
  22244.             "Description": "Official Dominican University homepage and guide to campus and the River Forest area.",
  22245.             "Year": 0
  22246.         },
  22247.         {
  22248.             "RIT": "ws102933",
  22249.             "Type": "WS",
  22250.             "URL": "http://www.loyno.edu/index.html",
  22251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22252.             "Title": "Loyola University New Orleans",
  22253.             "Category": "SOC",
  22254.             "Description": "Official Loyola University homepage and guide to campus and the New Orleans area.",
  22255.             "Year": 0
  22256.         },
  22257.         {
  22258.             "RIT": "ws102934",
  22259.             "Type": "WS",
  22260.             "URL": "http://www.curf.edu/",
  22261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22262.             "Title": "TODAY @ CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY, River Forest, Illinois, USA",
  22263.             "Category": "SOC",
  22264.             "Description": "Official Concordia University homepage and guide to campus and the River Forest area.",
  22265.             "Year": 0
  22266.         },
  22267.         {
  22268.             "RIT": "ws102935",
  22269.             "Type": "WS",
  22270.             "URL": "http://www.enc.edu/",
  22271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22272.             "Title": "Eastern Nazarene College Home Page",
  22273.             "Category": "SOC",
  22274.             "Description": "Official Eastern Nazarene College homepage and guide to campus and the Quincy area.",
  22275.             "Year": 0
  22276.         },
  22277.         {
  22278.             "RIT": "ws102948",
  22279.             "Type": "WS",
  22280.             "URL": "http://www.nsu.edu/nrflkold.htm",
  22281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22282.             "Title": "Norfolk State University",
  22283.             "Category": "SOC",
  22284.             "Description": "Official Norfolk State University homepage and guide to campus and the Norfolk area.",
  22285.             "Year": 0
  22286.         },
  22287.         {
  22288.             "RIT": "ws102949",
  22289.             "Type": "WS",
  22290.             "URL": "http://www.notredame.edu/home.html",
  22291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22292.             "Title": "Notre Dame College, Manchester, NH",
  22293.             "Category": "SOC",
  22294.             "Description": "Official Notre Dame College homepage and guide to campus and the Manchester area.",
  22295.             "Year": 0
  22296.         },
  22297.         {
  22298.             "RIT": "ws102950",
  22299.             "Type": "WS",
  22300.             "URL": "http://www.moorhead.msus.edu/home/index.htm",
  22301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22302.             "Title": "Moorhead State",
  22303.             "Category": "SOC",
  22304.             "Description": "Official Moorhead State homepage and guide to campus and the Moorhead area.",
  22305.             "Year": 0
  22306.         },
  22307.         {
  22308.             "RIT": "ws102951",
  22309.             "Type": "WS",
  22310.             "URL": "http://www.nlu.edu/",
  22311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22312.             "Title": "Welcome to Northeast Louisiana University",
  22313.             "Category": "SOC",
  22314.             "Description": "Official Northeast Louisiana University homepage and guide to campus and the Monroe area.",
  22315.             "Year": 0
  22316.         },
  22317.         {
  22318.             "RIT": "ws102952",
  22319.             "Type": "WS",
  22320.             "URL": "http://www.nmu.edu/",
  22321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22322.             "Title": "Welcome to Northern Michigan University!",
  22323.             "Category": "SOC",
  22324.             "Description": "Official Northern Michigan University homepage and guide to campus and the Marquette area.",
  22325.             "Year": 0
  22326.         },
  22327.         {
  22328.             "RIT": "ws102953",
  22329.             "Type": "WS",
  22330.             "URL": "http://www.njcu.edu/core.htm",
  22331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  22333.             "Category": "SOC",
  22334.             "Description": "Official New Jersey City University homepage and guide to campus and the Jersey City area.",
  22335.             "Year": 0
  22336.         },
  22337.         {
  22338.             "RIT": "ws102955",
  22339.             "Type": "WS",
  22340.             "URL": "http://www.norwich.edu/default.htm",
  22341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22342.             "Title": "Norwich University",
  22343.             "Category": "SOC",
  22344.             "Description": "Official Norwich University homepage and guide to campus and the Northfield area.",
  22345.             "Year": 0
  22346.         },
  22347.         {
  22348.             "RIT": "ws102956",
  22349.             "Type": "WS",
  22350.             "URL": "http://www.naz.edu/",
  22351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22352.             "Title": "Welcome to Nazareth College",
  22353.             "Category": "SOC",
  22354.             "Description": "Official Nazareth College homepage and guide to campus and the Rochester area.",
  22355.             "Year": 0
  22356.         },
  22357.         {
  22358.             "RIT": "ws102957",
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  22361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  22363.             "Category": "SOC",
  22364.             "Description": "Official Madonna University homepage and guide to campus and the Livonia area.",
  22365.             "Year": 0
  22366.         },
  22367.         {
  22368.             "RIT": "ws102958",
  22369.             "Type": "WS",
  22370.             "URL": "http://www.mtsu.edu/",
  22371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22372.             "Title": "Welcome to Middle Tennessee State University!",
  22373.             "Category": "SOC",
  22374.             "Description": "Official Middle Tennessee State University homepage and guide to campus and the Murfreesboro area.",
  22375.             "Year": 0
  22376.         },
  22377.         {
  22378.             "RIT": "ws102973",
  22379.             "Type": "WS",
  22380.             "URL": "http://www.rockefeller.edu/",
  22381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22382.             "Title": "The Rockefeller University",
  22383.             "Category": "SOC",
  22384.             "Description": "Official Rockefeller University homepage and guide to campus and the New York area.",
  22385.             "Year": 0
  22386.         },
  22387.         {
  22388.             "RIT": "ws102974",
  22389.             "Type": "WS",
  22390.             "URL": "http://www.rit.edu/index1.php3",
  22391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22392.             "Title": "RIT, Rochester Institute of Technology",
  22393.             "Category": "SOC",
  22394.             "Description": "Official Rochester Institute of Technology homepage and guide to campus and the Rochester area.",
  22395.             "Year": 0
  22396.         },
  22397.         {
  22398.             "RIT": "ws102975",
  22399.             "Type": "WS",
  22400.             "URL": "http://www.rivier.edu/",
  22401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22402.             "Title": "Rivier College",
  22403.             "Category": "SOC",
  22404.             "Description": "Official Rivier College homepage and guide to campus and the Nashua area.",
  22405.             "Year": 0
  22406.         },
  22407.         {
  22408.             "RIT": "ws102976",
  22409.             "Type": "WS",
  22410.             "URL": "http://www.pucpr.edu/",
  22411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22412.             "Title": "Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Puerto Rico [Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico]",
  22413.             "Category": "SOC",
  22414.             "Description": "Official Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico homepage and guide to campus and the Ponce area.",
  22415.             "Year": 0
  22416.         },
  22417.         {
  22418.             "RIT": "ws102977",
  22419.             "Type": "WS",
  22420.             "URL": "http://www.rider.edu/",
  22421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22422.             "Title": "Welcome to Rider University",
  22423.             "Category": "SOC",
  22424.             "Description": "Official Rider University homepage and guide to campus and the Lawrenceville area.",
  22425.             "Year": 0
  22426.         },
  22427.         {
  22428.             "RIT": "ws102978",
  22429.             "Type": "WS",
  22430.             "URL": "http://www.scsu.edu/",
  22431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22432.             "Title": "Welcome to South Carolina State University",
  22433.             "Category": "SOC",
  22434.             "Description": "Official South Carolina State University homepage and guide to campus and the Orangeburg area.",
  22435.             "Year": 0
  22436.         },
  22437.         {
  22438.             "RIT": "ws102979",
  22439.             "Type": "WS",
  22440.             "URL": "http://www.sfcpa.edu/sfhomeFlash.htm",
  22441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22442.             "Title": "Saint Francis University",
  22443.             "Category": "SOC",
  22444.             "Description": "Official Saint Francis College homepage and guide to campus and the Loretto area.",
  22445.             "Year": 0
  22446.         },
  22447.         {
  22448.             "RIT": "ws102980",
  22449.             "Type": "WS",
  22450.             "URL": "http://www.runet.edu/",
  22451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22452.             "Title": "Radford University",
  22453.             "Category": "SOC",
  22454.             "Description": "Official Radford University homepage and guide to campus and the Radford area.",
  22455.             "Year": 0
  22456.         },
  22457.         {
  22458.             "RIT": "ws102981",
  22459.             "Type": "WS",
  22460.             "URL": "http://www.SouthernCT.edu/",
  22461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22462.             "Title": "Welcome to Southern Connecticut State University!",
  22463.             "Category": "SOC",
  22464.             "Description": "Official Southern Connecticut State University homepage and guide to campus and the New Haven area.",
  22465.             "Year": 0
  22466.         },
  22467.         {
  22468.             "RIT": "ws102982",
  22469.             "Type": "WS",
  22470.             "URL": "http://www.sdsu.edu/",
  22471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22472.             "Title": "SDSU: San Diego State University",
  22473.             "Category": "SOC",
  22474.             "Description": "Official San Diego State University homepage and guide to campus and the San Diego area.",
  22475.             "Year": 0
  22476.         },
  22477.         {
  22478.             "RIT": "ws102992",
  22479.             "Type": "WS",
  22480.             "URL": "http://www.ncua.gov/indexabout.html",
  22481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22482.             "Title": "National Credit Union Administration: About Credit Unions",
  22483.             "Category": "SOC",
  22484.             "Description": "Information about credit unions and the federal fund set up by Congress to insure credit union members' deposits (analogous to the FDIC and bank deposits).",
  22485.             "Year": 0
  22486.         },
  22487.         {
  22488.             "RIT": "ws102993",
  22489.             "Type": "WS",
  22490.             "URL": "http://www.stmarytx.edu/",
  22491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22492.             "Title": "Saint Mary's University - San Antonio, Texas",
  22493.             "Category": "SOC",
  22494.             "Description": "Official Saint Mary's University homepage and guide to campus and the San Antonio area.",
  22495.             "Year": 0
  22496.         },
  22497.         {
  22498.             "RIT": "ws102994",
  22499.             "Type": "WS",
  22500.             "URL": "http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/mob/",
  22501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22502.             "Title": "Minority-Owned Banks",
  22503.             "Category": "SOC",
  22504.             "Description": "A list (in table form) of minority-owned banks in the United States, followed by a statistical summary of bank ownership by minority groups. Provided by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.",
  22505.             "Year": 0
  22506.         },
  22507.         {
  22508.             "RIT": "ws102995",
  22509.             "Type": "WS",
  22510.             "URL": "http://www.aarp.org/finance99/home.html",
  22511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22512.             "Title": "Financial Planning",
  22513.             "Category": "SOC",
  22514.             "Description": "Guidelines for long-range investing. Presented by the American Association for Retired Persons (AARP).",
  22515.             "Year": 0
  22516.         },
  22517.         {
  22518.             "RIT": "ws102996",
  22519.             "Type": "WS",
  22520.             "URL": "http://www.stmartin.edu/",
  22521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22522.             "Title": "Saint Martin's College",
  22523.             "Category": "SOC",
  22524.             "Description": "Official Saint Martin's College homepage and guide to campus and the Lacey area.",
  22525.             "Year": 0
  22526.         },
  22527.         {
  22528.             "RIT": "ws102997",
  22529.             "Type": "WS",
  22530.             "URL": "http://www.spalding.edu/",
  22531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22532.             "Title": "Welcome to Spalding University",
  22533.             "Category": "SOC",
  22534.             "Description": "Official Spalding University homepage and guide to campus and the Louisville area.",
  22535.             "Year": 0
  22536.         },
  22537.         {
  22538.             "RIT": "ws102998",
  22539.             "Type": "WS",
  22540.             "URL": "http://www.ffiec.gov/nic/",
  22541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22542.             "Title": "National Information Center (NIC)",
  22543.             "Category": "SOC",
  22544.             "Description": "Information about banks and the banking industry. Data for the top 100 U.S. banks and a searchable database of information about bank acquisitions. Provided by the banking industry and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.",
  22545.             "Year": 0
  22546.         },
  22547.         {
  22548.             "RIT": "ws103006",
  22549.             "Type": "WS",
  22550.             "URL": "http://www.spc.edu/",
  22551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22552.             "Title": "Saint Peter's College",
  22553.             "Category": "SOC",
  22554.             "Description": "Official Saint Peter's College homepage and guide to campus and the Jersey City area.",
  22555.             "Year": 0
  22556.         },
  22557.         {
  22558.             "RIT": "ws103007",
  22559.             "Type": "WS",
  22560.             "URL": "http://www.ots.treas.gov/glossary.html",
  22561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22562.             "Title": "Glossary of Terms",
  22563.             "Category": "SOC",
  22564.             "Description": "A glossary of investment-related terms, provided by the Office of Thrift Supervision, the federal agency that oversees savings and loan associations.",
  22565.             "Year": 0
  22566.         },
  22567.         {
  22568.             "RIT": "ws103008",
  22569.             "Type": "WS",
  22570.             "URL": "http://www.fdic.gov/consumers/consumer/index.html",
  22571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22572.             "Title": "FDIC: Consumers and Communities",
  22573.             "Category": "SOC",
  22574.             "Description": "Consumer-oriented information about banks and savings associations, from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).",
  22575.             "Year": 0
  22576.         },
  22577.         {
  22578.             "RIT": "ws103009",
  22579.             "Type": "WS",
  22580.             "URL": "http://www.investorprotection.org/",
  22581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22582.             "Title": "Investor Protection Trust",
  22583.             "Category": "SOC",
  22584.             "Description": "Guidelines for getting started investing, finding a broker, avoiding scams, and many other investment topics. Links to many related sites. Hosted by the Investor Protection Trust, an independent source of non-commercial investment education.",
  22585.             "Year": 0
  22586.         },
  22587.         {
  22588.             "RIT": "ws103010",
  22589.             "Type": "WS",
  22590.             "URL": "http://www.stfrancis.edu/",
  22591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22592.             "Title": "University of Saint Francis",
  22593.             "Category": "SOC",
  22594.             "Description": "Official University of Saint Francis homepage and guide to campus and the Joliet area.",
  22595.             "Year": 0
  22596.         },
  22597.         {
  22598.             "RIT": "ws103011",
  22599.             "Type": "WS",
  22600.             "URL": "http://www.occ.treas.gov/chckfrd/chckfrd.pdf",
  22601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22602.             "Title": "Check Fraud: A Guide to Avoiding Losses",
  22603.             "Category": "SOC",
  22604.             "Description": "Information about check fraud schemes and consumer guidelines for protecting financial assets. Presented by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) in cooperation with the FBI, Department of Justice, and other federal agencies.",
  22605.             "Year": 0
  22606.         },
  22607.         {
  22608.             "RIT": "ws103012",
  22609.             "Type": "WS",
  22610.             "URL": "http://www.ny.frb.org/",
  22611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22612.             "Title": "Federal Reserve Bank of New York",
  22613.             "Category": "SOC",
  22614.             "Description": "Financial information including investment opportunities in federal securities such as savings bonds and T-bills, current national economic indicators, and the public debt. Provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.",
  22615.             "Year": 0
  22616.         },
  22617.         {
  22618.             "RIT": "ws102879",
  22619.             "Type": "WS",
  22620.             "URL": "http://www.stthom.edu/",
  22621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22622.             "Title": "University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas, USA",
  22623.             "Category": "SOC",
  22624.             "Description": "Official University of St. Thomas homepage and guide to campus and the Houston area.",
  22625.             "Year": 0
  22626.         },
  22627.         {
  22628.             "RIT": "ws102880",
  22629.             "Type": "WS",
  22630.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/infocus/fashion/hiphop.html",
  22631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22632.             "Title": "Hip-Hop Style",
  22633.             "Category": "HUM",
  22634.             "Description": "This PBS feature dicusses hip-hop fashion.",
  22635.             "Year": 0
  22636.         },
  22637.         {
  22638.             "RIT": "ws102881",
  22639.             "Type": "WS",
  22640.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/hoover/",
  22641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22642.             "Title": "The American Experience: Hoover Dam",
  22643.             "Category": "GEO",
  22644.             "Description": "This PBS site features facts about the Hoover Dam and focuses on environmental and economic controversies surrounding dams. Includes a timeline, maps, information about places and people, and a teacher's guide.",
  22645.             "Year": 0
  22646.         },
  22647.         {
  22648.             "RIT": "ws102882",
  22649.             "Type": "WS",
  22650.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/on2/fashion.html",
  22651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22652.             "Title": "Online NewsHour: Fashion",
  22653.             "Category": "SOC",
  22654.             "Description": "This PBS site for students focuses on high-tech fabrics, school uniforms, hair dyes, hip-hop style, cosmetics, and uniforms for fast-food restaurant workers.",
  22655.             "Year": 0
  22656.         },
  22657.         {
  22658.             "RIT": "ws102883",
  22659.             "Type": "WS",
  22660.             "URL": "http://web1.hpu.edu/",
  22661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22662.             "Title": "Hawaii Pacific University",
  22663.             "Category": "SOC",
  22664.             "Description": "Official Hawaii Pacific University homepage and guide to campus and the Honolulu area.",
  22665.             "Year": 0
  22666.         },
  22667.         {
  22668.             "RIT": "ws102884",
  22669.             "Type": "WS",
  22670.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/jesse/",
  22671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22672.             "Title": "Frontline: The Pilgrimage of Jesse Jackson",
  22673.             "Category": "SOC",
  22674.             "Description": "This PBS site features an overview of Jackson's life and career, interviews with his friends and advisiors, audio clips of Jackson's speeches, and an excerpt from a biography written by Marshall Frady.",
  22675.             "Year": 0
  22676.         },
  22677.         {
  22678.             "RIT": "ws102885",
  22679.             "Type": "WS",
  22680.             "URL": "http://www.nku.edu/",
  22681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22682.             "Title": "Northern Kentucky University",
  22683.             "Category": "SOC",
  22684.             "Description": "Official Northern Kentucky University homepage and guide to campus and the Highland Heights area.",
  22685.             "Year": 0
  22686.         },
  22687.         {
  22688.             "RIT": "ws102886",
  22689.             "Type": "WS",
  22690.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec97/jazz_9-8.html",
  22691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22692.             "Title": "Online NewsHour: Kansas City Jazz",
  22693.             "Category": "HUM",
  22694.             "Description": "This companion site to a show that aired on PBS focuses on the connection between jazz and Kansas City.",
  22695.             "Year": 0
  22696.         },
  22697.         {
  22698.             "RIT": "ws102895",
  22699.             "Type": "WS",
  22700.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/sats/",
  22701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22702.             "Title": "Frontline: Secrets of the SAT",
  22703.             "Category": "SOC",
  22704.             "Description": "Secrets of the SAT is a companion site to a PBS special that examines the national obsession over the SAT and the controversy over its fairness and reliability. This comprehensive site includes a look at the work of an admissions screening commi",
  22705.             "Year": 0
  22706.         },
  22707.         {
  22708.             "RIT": "ws102896",
  22709.             "Type": "WS",
  22710.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/remember/1997/anderson_2-26a.html",
  22711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22712.             "Title": "Online NewsHour: Remembering Marian Anderson",
  22713.             "Category": "HUM",
  22714.             "Description": "This companion site to a show that aired on PBS includes quotes from Marian Anderson, photographs, and statements from other musicians about her life and career.",
  22715.             "Year": 0
  22716.         },
  22717.         {
  22718.             "RIT": "ws102897",
  22719.             "Type": "WS",
  22720.             "URL": "http://www.duq.edu/frontpages/indexf.html",
  22721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  22722.             "Title": "Duquesne University",
  22723.             "Category": "SOC",
  22724.             "Description": "Official Duquesne University homepage and guide to campus and the Pittsburgh area.",
  22725.             "Year": 0
  22726.         },
  22727.         {
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  23112.             "Title": "Salve Regina University Home Page",
  23113.             "Category": "SOC",
  23114.             "Description": "Official Salve Regina University homepage and guide to campus and the Newport area.",
  23115.             "Year": 0
  23116.         },
  23117.         {
  23118.             "RIT": "ws102985",
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  23120.             "URL": "http://www.sju.edu/",
  23121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23122.             "Title": "Welcome to Saint Joseph's",
  23123.             "Category": "SOC",
  23124.             "Description": "Official Saint Joseph's homepage and guide to campus and the Philadelphia area.",
  23125.             "Year": 0
  23126.         },
  23127.         {
  23128.             "RIT": "ws102986",
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  23130.             "URL": "http://www.salem.mass.edu/",
  23131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23132.             "Title": "Salem State College",
  23133.             "Category": "SOC",
  23134.             "Description": "Official Salem State College homepage and guide to campus and the Salem area.",
  23135.             "Year": 0
  23136.         },
  23137.         {
  23138.             "RIT": "ws102987",
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  23140.             "URL": "http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/aoi/events/theater/sundiata.html",
  23141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23142.             "Title": "The Legend of Sundiata",
  23143.             "Category": "HIS",
  23144.             "Description": "The exciting story of Sundiata's birth, exile, and triumph as the greatest king of Mali, from the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.",
  23145.             "Year": 0
  23146.         },
  23147.         {
  23148.             "RIT": "ws102988",
  23149.             "Type": "WS",
  23150.             "URL": "http://www.salisbury.edu/",
  23151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23152.             "Title": "Salisbury State University",
  23153.             "Category": "SOC",
  23154.             "Description": "Official Salisbury State University homepage and guide to campus and the Salisbury area.",
  23155.             "Year": 0
  23156.         },
  23157.         {
  23158.             "RIT": "ws102989",
  23159.             "Type": "WS",
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  23161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23162.             "Title": "Saint Mary's College of California",
  23163.             "Category": "SOC",
  23164.             "Description": "Official Saint Mary's College of California homepage and guide to campus and the Moraga area.",
  23165.             "Year": 0
  23166.         },
  23167.         {
  23168.             "RIT": "ws102990",
  23169.             "Type": "WS",
  23170.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/education/teaching/usct/home.html",
  23171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23172.             "Title": "The Fight for Civil Rights: Black Soldiers in the Civil War",
  23173.             "Category": "SOC",
  23174.             "Description": "A teachers' resource page from the National Archives and Records Administration.",
  23175.             "Year": 0
  23176.         },
  23177.         {
  23178.             "RIT": "ws102991",
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  23180.             "URL": "http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Herakles/",
  23181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23182.             "Title": "Hercules: Greece's Greatest Hero",
  23183.             "Category": "LIF",
  23184.             "Description": "Images of and well-told stories about Hercules, including his biography, 12 labors, and the women in his life, as well as a map of his travels, from Tufts University.",
  23185.             "Year": 0
  23186.         },
  23187.         {
  23188.             "RIT": "ws102999",
  23189.             "Type": "WS",
  23190.             "URL": "http://www.occ.treas.gov/depvsinv.htm",
  23191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23192.             "Title": "Deposits Versus Investments",
  23193.             "Category": "SOC",
  23194.             "Description": "Distinctions between deposits (FDIC-insured accounts such as bank CD's) and investments (entities that carry greater risk, such as mutual funds and stocks). Guidelines for deciding which type of financial commitment is appropriate for you. Hoste",
  23195.             "Year": 0
  23196.         },
  23197.         {
  23198.             "RIT": "ws103000",
  23199.             "Type": "WS",
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  23201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23202.             "Title": "Table of Contents [Cardinal Stritch University]",
  23203.             "Category": "SOC",
  23204.             "Description": "Official Cardinal Stritch University homepage and guide to campus and the Milwaukee area.",
  23205.             "Year": 0
  23206.         },
  23207.         {
  23208.             "RIT": "ws103001",
  23209.             "Type": "WS",
  23210.             "URL": "http://www.fdic.gov/bank/analytical/survey/index.html",
  23211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23212.             "Title": "FDIC Survey of Real Estate Trends",
  23213.             "Category": "SOC",
  23214.             "Description": "An analysis of real estate trends in the United States in recent months and years, accompanied by many statistical graphs. Presented by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).",
  23215.             "Year": 0
  23216.         },
  23217.         {
  23218.             "RIT": "ws103002",
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  23220.             "URL": "http://www.janke.washcoll.edu/civilwar/civilwar.htm",
  23221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23222.             "Title": "The American Civil War",
  23223.             "Category": "SOC",
  23224.             "Description": "A comprehensive site providing links to a wide variety of Civil War resources, including other gateway pages, information about the role of black soldiers, recipes used by army mess officers, Confederate stamps, diaries, letters, and other prima",
  23225.             "Year": 0
  23226.         },
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  23229.             "Type": "WS",
  23230.             "URL": "http://www.sba.gov/starting/",
  23231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23232.             "Title": "Starting Your Business",
  23233.             "Category": "SOC",
  23234.             "Description": "Information about starting a small business, from the U.S. Small Business Administration.",
  23235.             "Year": 0
  23236.         },
  23237.         {
  23238.             "RIT": "ws103004",
  23239.             "Type": "WS",
  23240.             "URL": "http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/menu-invest.htm",
  23241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23242.             "Title": "Consumer Protection Investments",
  23243.             "Category": "SOC",
  23244.             "Description": "Investment guidelines from the Federal Trade Commission, including alerts about investment scams, guidelines for buying a franchise, mortgage-shopping tips, and an 'investment IQ' test.",
  23245.             "Year": 0
  23246.         },
  23247.         {
  23248.             "RIT": "ws103005",
  23249.             "Type": "WS",
  23250.             "URL": "http://sunsite.utk.edu/civil-war/warweb.html",
  23251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23252.             "Title": "The American Civil War Homepage",
  23253.             "Category": "SOC",
  23254.             "Description": "Extensive links to a wide variety of categories of information about the Civil War. From the University of Tennessee at Knoxville.",
  23255.             "Year": 0
  23256.         },
  23257.         {
  23258.             "RIT": "ws103013",
  23259.             "Type": "WS",
  23260.             "URL": "http://www.up.edu/",
  23261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23262.             "Title": "On-Line at The University of Portland",
  23263.             "Category": "SOC",
  23264.             "Description": "Official University of Portland homepage and guide to campus and the Portland area.",
  23265.             "Year": 0
  23266.         },
  23267.         {
  23268.             "RIT": "ws103014",
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  23271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  23273.             "Category": "SOC",
  23274.             "Description": "Official University of Central Florida homepage and guide to campus and the Orlando area.",
  23275.             "Year": 0
  23276.         },
  23277.         {
  23278.             "RIT": "ws103015",
  23279.             "Type": "WS",
  23280.             "URL": "http://www.uiw.edu/uiwindex.html",
  23281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23282.             "Title": "University of the Incarnate Word Main Index",
  23283.             "Category": "SOC",
  23284.             "Description": "Official University of the Incarnate Word homepage and guide to campus and the San Antonio area.",
  23285.             "Year": 0
  23286.         },
  23287.         {
  23288.             "RIT": "ws103016",
  23289.             "Type": "WS",
  23290.             "URL": "http://www.wcsu.edu/",
  23291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23292.             "Title": "Western Connecticut State University",
  23293.             "Category": "SOC",
  23294.             "Description": "Official Western Connecticut State University homepage and guide to campus and the Danbury area.",
  23295.             "Year": 0
  23296.         },
  23297.         {
  23298.             "RIT": "ws103017",
  23299.             "Type": "WS",
  23300.             "URL": "http://www.unf.edu/",
  23301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23302.             "Title": "University of North Florida",
  23303.             "Category": "SOC",
  23304.             "Description": "Official University of North Florida homepage and guide to campus and the Jacksonville area.",
  23305.             "Year": 0
  23306.         },
  23307.         {
  23308.             "RIT": "ws103018",
  23309.             "Type": "WS",
  23310.             "URL": "http://www.uindy.edu/",
  23311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23312.             "Title": "Welcome to the University of Indianapolis",
  23313.             "Category": "SOC",
  23314.             "Description": "Official University of Indianapolis homepage and guide to campus and the Indianapolis area.",
  23315.             "Year": 0
  23316.         },
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  23321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  23323.             "Category": "SOC",
  23324.             "Description": "Official University of West Florida homepage and guide to campus and the Pensacola area.",
  23325.             "Year": 0
  23326.         },
  23327.         {
  23328.             "RIT": "ws103020",
  23329.             "Type": "WS",
  23330.             "URL": "http://www.usl.edu/",
  23331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23332.             "Title": "University of Southwestern Louisiana at Lafayette",
  23333.             "Category": "SOC",
  23334.             "Description": "Official University of Southwestern Louisiana homepage and guide to campus and the Lafayette area.",
  23335.             "Year": 0
  23336.         },
  23337.         {
  23338.             "RIT": "ws103021",
  23339.             "Type": "WS",
  23340.             "URL": "http://www.tsum.edu/museum/",
  23341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23342.             "Title": "Rosa Parks Library and Museum",
  23343.             "Category": "SOC",
  23344.             "Description": "Homepage of the Rosa Parks Library and Museum at Troy State University Montgomery. Includes a biography of Parks and a summary of the Montgomery bus boycott.",
  23345.             "Year": 0
  23346.         },
  23347.         {
  23348.             "RIT": "ws103022",
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  23350.             "URL": "http://www.ulv.edu/",
  23351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  23353.             "Category": "SOC",
  23354.             "Description": "Official University of LaVerne homepage and guide to campus and the LaVerne area.",
  23355.             "Year": 0
  23356.         },
  23357.         {
  23358.             "RIT": "ws103023",
  23359.             "Type": "WS",
  23360.             "URL": "http://www.tsu.edu/",
  23361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23362.             "Title": "Welcome to Texas Southern University",
  23363.             "Category": "SOC",
  23364.             "Description": "Official Texas Southern University homepage and guide to campus and the Houston area.",
  23365.             "Year": 0
  23366.         },
  23367.         {
  23368.             "RIT": "ws103024",
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  23371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  23373.             "Category": "SOC",
  23374.             "Description": "Official University of Houston homepage and guide to campus and the Houston area.",
  23375.             "Year": 0
  23376.         },
  23377.         {
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  23379.             "Type": "WS",
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  23381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  23383.             "Category": "SOC",
  23384.             "Description": "Official University of Western Ontario homepage and guide to campus and the London area.",
  23385.             "Year": 0
  23386.         },
  23387.         {
  23388.             "RIT": "ws103026",
  23389.             "Type": "WS",
  23390.             "URL": "http://www.widener.edu/",
  23391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23392.             "Title": "Widener University Homepage",
  23393.             "Category": "SOC",
  23394.             "Description": "Official Widener University homepage and guide to campus and the Chester area.",
  23395.             "Year": 0
  23396.         },
  23397.         {
  23398.             "RIT": "ws103027",
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  23400.             "URL": "http://www.wcu.edu/",
  23401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  23403.             "Category": "SOC",
  23404.             "Description": "Official Western Carolina University homepage and guide to campus and the Cullowhee area.",
  23405.             "Year": 0
  23406.         },
  23407.         {
  23408.             "RIT": "ws103028",
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  23410.             "URL": "http://www.uregina.ca/",
  23411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23412.             "Title": "University of Regina",
  23413.             "Category": "SOC",
  23414.             "Description": "Official University of Regina homepage and guide to campus and the Regina area.",
  23415.             "Year": 0
  23416.         },
  23417.         {
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  23420.             "URL": "http://www.uno.edu/",
  23421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23422.             "Title": "UNO Home [University of New Orleans]",
  23423.             "Category": "SOC",
  23424.             "Description": "Official University of New Orleans homepage and guide to campus and the New Orleans area.",
  23425.             "Year": 0
  23426.         },
  23427.         {
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  23430.             "URL": "http://www.wiu.edu/",
  23431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  23433.             "Category": "SOC",
  23434.             "Description": "Official Western Illinois University homepage and guide to campus and the Macomb area.",
  23435.             "Year": 0
  23436.         },
  23437.         {
  23438.             "RIT": "ws103031",
  23439.             "Type": "WS",
  23440.             "URL": "http://www.usouthal.edu/",
  23441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23442.             "Title": "University of South Alabama Homepage",
  23443.             "Category": "SOC",
  23444.             "Description": "Official University of South Alabama homepage and guide to campus and the Mobile area.",
  23445.             "Year": 0
  23446.         },
  23447.         {
  23448.             "RIT": "ws103032",
  23449.             "Type": "WS",
  23450.             "URL": "http://www.uncp.edu/",
  23451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23452.             "Title": "The University of North Carolina at Pembroke",
  23453.             "Category": "SOC",
  23454.             "Description": "Official University of North Carolina at Pembroke homepage and guide to campus and the Pembroke area.",
  23455.             "Year": 0
  23456.         },
  23457.         {
  23458.             "RIT": "ws103043",
  23459.             "Type": "WS",
  23460.             "URL": "http://www.wmich.edu/",
  23461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23462.             "Title": "WMU Home [Western Michigan University]",
  23463.             "Category": "SOC",
  23464.             "Description": "Official Western Michigan University homepage and guide to campus and the Kalamazoo area.",
  23465.             "Year": 0
  23466.         },
  23467.         {
  23468.             "RIT": "ws103044",
  23469.             "Type": "WS",
  23470.             "URL": "http://udc2.org/index-b.htm",
  23471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23472.             "Title": "UDC Home Page [University of the District of Columbia]",
  23473.             "Category": "SOC",
  23474.             "Description": "Official University of the District of Columbia homepage and guide to campus and the Washington, DC area.",
  23475.             "Year": 0
  23476.         },
  23477.         {
  23478.             "RIT": "ws103045",
  23479.             "Type": "WS",
  23480.             "URL": "http://server.nich.edu/",
  23481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23482.             "Title": "Nicholls State University",
  23483.             "Category": "SOC",
  23484.             "Description": "Official Nicholls State University homepage and guide to campus and the Thibodaux area.",
  23485.             "Year": 0
  23486.         },
  23487.         {
  23488.             "RIT": "ws103046",
  23489.             "Type": "WS",
  23490.             "URL": "http://nutmeg.ctstateu.edu/index.html",
  23491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23492.             "Title": "Eastern Connecticut State University Mainpage",
  23493.             "Category": "SOC",
  23494.             "Description": "Official Eastern Connecticut State University homepage and guide to campus and the Willimantic area.",
  23495.             "Year": 0
  23496.         },
  23497.         {
  23498.             "RIT": "ws103047",
  23499.             "Type": "WS",
  23500.             "URL": "http://usfweb.usf.edu/",
  23501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23502.             "Title": "The University of South Florida",
  23503.             "Category": "SOC",
  23504.             "Description": "Official University of South Florida homepage and guide to the Tampa campus and other regiona branches.",
  23505.             "Year": 0
  23506.         },
  23507.         {
  23508.             "RIT": "ws103048",
  23509.             "Type": "WS",
  23510.             "URL": "http://www.Sage.EDU/html/RSC/",
  23511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23512.             "Title": "Russell Sage College",
  23513.             "Category": "SOC",
  23514.             "Description": "Official Russell Sage College homepage and guide to campus and the Troy area.",
  23515.             "Year": 0
  23516.         },
  23517.         {
  23518.             "RIT": "ws103050",
  23519.             "Type": "WS",
  23520.             "URL": "http://www.exploratorium.edu/learning_studio/auroras/",
  23521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23522.             "Title": "Auroras: Paintings in the Sky",
  23523.             "Category": "HUM",
  23524.             "Description": "This site will show you what auroras look like from space and on Earth, explain how they are created, and show you where they can be found.",
  23525.             "Year": 0
  23526.         },
  23527.         {
  23528.             "RIT": "ws103051",
  23529.             "Type": "WS",
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  23531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23532.             "Title": "Armstrong Atlantic State University",
  23533.             "Category": "SOC",
  23534.             "Description": "Official Armstrong Atlantic State University homepage and guide to campus and the Savannah area.",
  23535.             "Year": 0
  23536.         },
  23537.         {
  23538.             "RIT": "ws103052",
  23539.             "Type": "WS",
  23540.             "URL": "http://www.friends.edu/",
  23541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23542.             "Title": "Friends University Home Page",
  23543.             "Category": "SOC",
  23544.             "Description": "Official Friends University homepage and guide to campus and the Wichita area.",
  23545.             "Year": 0
  23546.         },
  23547.         {
  23548.             "RIT": "ws103053",
  23549.             "Type": "WS",
  23550.             "URL": "http://www.clunet.edu/",
  23551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23552.             "Title": "California Lutheran University",
  23553.             "Category": "SOC",
  23554.             "Description": "Official California Lutheran University homepage and guide to campus and the Thousand Oaks area.",
  23555.             "Year": 0
  23556.         },
  23557.         {
  23558.             "RIT": "ws103065",
  23559.             "Type": "WS",
  23560.             "URL": "http://www.gwu.edu/",
  23561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23562.             "Title": "The George Washington University",
  23563.             "Category": "SOC",
  23564.             "Description": "Official George Washington University homepage and guide to campus and the Washington, D.C. area.",
  23565.             "Year": 0
  23566.         },
  23567.         {
  23568.             "RIT": "ws103066",
  23569.             "Type": "WS",
  23570.             "URL": "http://www.govst.edu/",
  23571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23572.             "Title": "Governors State University",
  23573.             "Category": "SOC",
  23574.             "Description": "Official Governors State University homepage and guide to campus.",
  23575.             "Year": 0
  23576.         },
  23577.         {
  23578.             "RIT": "ws103067",
  23579.             "Type": "WS",
  23580.             "URL": "http://www.assumption.edu/",
  23581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23582.             "Title": "Assumption College",
  23583.             "Category": "SOC",
  23584.             "Description": "Official Assumption College homepage and guide to campus and the Worcester area.",
  23585.             "Year": 0
  23586.         },
  23587.         {
  23588.             "RIT": "ws103068",
  23589.             "Type": "WS",
  23590.             "URL": "http://www.gonzaga.edu/index1.cfm",
  23591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23592.             "Title": "Gonzaga University: Welcome to Gonzaga University",
  23593.             "Category": "SOC",
  23594.             "Description": "Official Gonzaga University homepage and guide to campus and the Spokane area.",
  23595.             "Year": 0
  23596.         },
  23597.         {
  23598.             "RIT": "ws103069",
  23599.             "Type": "WS",
  23600.             "URL": "http://www.cmsu.edu/",
  23601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23602.             "Title": "Central Missouri State University",
  23603.             "Category": "SOC",
  23604.             "Description": "Official Central Missouri State University homepage and guide to campus and the Warrensburg area.",
  23605.             "Year": 0
  23606.         },
  23607.         {
  23608.             "RIT": "ws103070",
  23609.             "Type": "WS",
  23610.             "URL": "http://www.mrdowling.com/609ancafr.html",
  23611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  23613.             "Category": "SOC",
  23614.             "Description": "Extensive resource site with information on ancient Africa, including the Ghana empire, the Mali king Mansa Musa, and West African trade routes, with links to other Websites on ancient Africa, from a middle-school teacher in Florida.",
  23615.             "Year": 0
  23616.         },
  23617.         {
  23618.             "RIT": "ws103071",
  23619.             "Type": "WS",
  23620.             "URL": "http://www.macalester.edu/",
  23621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23622.             "Title": "Macalester College",
  23623.             "Category": "SOC",
  23624.             "Description": "Official Macalester College homepage and guide to campus and the St. Paul area.",
  23625.             "Year": 0
  23626.         },
  23627.         {
  23628.             "RIT": "ws103072",
  23629.             "Type": "WS",
  23630.             "URL": "http://www.metrostate.edu/",
  23631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23632.             "Title": "Metropolitan State University",
  23633.             "Category": "SOC",
  23634.             "Description": "Official Metropolitan State University homepage and guide to campus and the St. Paul area.",
  23635.             "Year": 0
  23636.         },
  23637.         {
  23638.             "RIT": "ws103073",
  23639.             "Type": "WS",
  23640.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/bearcam/",
  23641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23642.             "Title": "Wild Bear Cam",
  23643.             "Category": "LIF",
  23644.             "Description": "National Geographic presents a special feature on bears in the McNeil River State Game Refuge at the northeast end of the Alaska Peninsula. Includes video, maps, expert updates, and resources and links.",
  23645.             "Year": 0
  23646.         },
  23647.         {
  23648.             "RIT": "ws103083",
  23649.             "Type": "WS",
  23650.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/greatland/",
  23651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23652.             "Title": "Alaska: The Great Land",
  23653.             "Category": "GEO",
  23654.             "Description": "This National Geographic interactive feature explores Alaska's land, wildlife, history, and people.",
  23655.             "Year": 0
  23656.         },
  23657.         {
  23658.             "RIT": "ws103084",
  23659.             "Type": "WS",
  23660.             "URL": "http://www.lindenwood.edu/",
  23661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23662.             "Title": "Lindenwood College",
  23663.             "Category": "SOC",
  23664.             "Description": "Official Lindenwood College homepage and guide to campus and the St. Charles area.",
  23665.             "Year": 0
  23666.         },
  23667.         {
  23668.             "RIT": "ws103085",
  23669.             "Type": "WS",
  23670.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/blacksea/",
  23671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23672.             "Title": "Ballard and the Black Sea",
  23673.             "Category": "GEO",
  23674.             "Description": "This National Geographic interactive feature focuses on maritime explorer Robert Ballard's search for the remains of ancient dwellings in the Black Sea.",
  23675.             "Year": 0
  23676.         },
  23677.         {
  23678.             "RIT": "ws103086",
  23679.             "Type": "WS",
  23680.             "URL": "http://www.skidmore.edu/",
  23681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23682.             "Title": "Skidmore College",
  23683.             "Category": "SOC",
  23684.             "Description": "Official Skidmore College homepage and guide to campus and the Saratoga Springs area.",
  23685.             "Year": 0
  23686.         },
  23687.         {
  23688.             "RIT": "ws103087",
  23689.             "Type": "WS",
  23690.             "URL": "http://www.rpi.edu/",
  23691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23692.             "Title": "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute",
  23693.             "Category": "SOC",
  23694.             "Description": "Official Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute homepage and guide to campus and the Troy area.",
  23695.             "Year": 0
  23696.         },
  23697.         {
  23698.             "RIT": "ws103088",
  23699.             "Type": "WS",
  23700.             "URL": "http://www.smumn.edu/",
  23701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23702.             "Title": "Saint Mary's University of Minnesota",
  23703.             "Category": "SOC",
  23704.             "Description": "Official Saint Mary's University of Minnesota homepage and guide to campus.",
  23705.             "Year": 0
  23706.         },
  23707.         {
  23708.             "RIT": "ws103089",
  23709.             "Type": "WS",
  23710.             "URL": "http://sewaneetoday.sewanee.edu/home/",
  23711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23712.             "Title": "Welcome to the University of the South",
  23713.             "Category": "SOC",
  23714.             "Description": "Official University of the South homepage and guide to campus and the Sewanee area.",
  23715.             "Year": 0
  23716.         },
  23717.         {
  23718.             "RIT": "ws103090",
  23719.             "Type": "WS",
  23720.             "URL": "http://www.scu.edu/",
  23721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23722.             "Title": "Santa Clara University",
  23723.             "Category": "SOC",
  23724.             "Description": "Official Santa Clara University homepage and guide to campus and the Santa Clara area.",
  23725.             "Year": 0
  23726.         },
  23727.         {
  23728.             "RIT": "ws103091",
  23729.             "Type": "WS",
  23730.             "URL": "http://www.slu.edu/",
  23731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23732.             "Title": "Saint Louis University Home Page",
  23733.             "Category": "SOC",
  23734.             "Description": "Official Saint Louis University homepage and guide to campus and the St. Louis area.",
  23735.             "Year": 0
  23736.         },
  23737.         {
  23738.             "RIT": "ws103092",
  23739.             "Type": "WS",
  23740.             "URL": "http://www.sjc.edu/?homepage/",
  23741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23742.             "Title": "Saint Joseph College",
  23743.             "Category": "SOC",
  23744.             "Description": "Official Saint Joseph College homepage and guide to campus and the West Hartford area.",
  23745.             "Year": 0
  23746.         },
  23747.         {
  23748.             "RIT": "ws103103",
  23749.             "Type": "WS",
  23750.             "URL": "http://www.scranton.edu/default.asp",
  23751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23752.             "Title": "University of Scranton Home Page",
  23753.             "Category": "SOC",
  23754.             "Description": "Official University of Scranton homepage and guide to campus and the Scranton area.",
  23755.             "Year": 0
  23756.         },
  23757.         {
  23758.             "RIT": "ws103104",
  23759.             "Type": "WS",
  23760.             "URL": "http://www.valdosta.edu/",
  23761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23762.             "Title": "Valdosta State University",
  23763.             "Category": "SOC",
  23764.             "Description": "Official Valdosta State University homepage and guide to campus and the Valdosta area.",
  23765.             "Year": 0
  23766.         },
  23767.         {
  23768.             "RIT": "ws103105",
  23769.             "Type": "WS",
  23770.             "URL": "http://www.usiu.edu/",
  23771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23772.             "Title": "Welcome to United States International University",
  23773.             "Category": "SOC",
  23774.             "Description": "Official United States International University homepage and guide to the university's campuses.",
  23775.             "Year": 0
  23776.         },
  23777.         {
  23778.             "RIT": "ws103106",
  23779.             "Type": "WS",
  23780.             "URL": "http://www.uwaterloo.ca/",
  23781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23782.             "Title": "UWinfo -- University of Waterloo",
  23783.             "Category": "SOC",
  23784.             "Description": "Official University of Waterloo homepage and guide to campus and the Waterloo area.",
  23785.             "Year": 0
  23786.         },
  23787.         {
  23788.             "RIT": "ws103107",
  23789.             "Type": "WS",
  23790.             "URL": "http://wi03.villanova.edu/servlet/ExternalServlet?",
  23791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23792.             "Title": "Villanova University",
  23793.             "Category": "SOC",
  23794.             "Description": "Official Villanova University homepage and guide to campus and the Villanova area.",
  23795.             "Year": 0
  23796.         },
  23797.         {
  23798.             "RIT": "ws103108",
  23799.             "Type": "WS",
  23800.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/watergate/front.htm",
  23801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23802.             "Title": "Watergate: 25 Years Later",
  23803.             "Category": "HIS",
  23804.             "Description": "The Washington Post created this special feature to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Watergate in 1997. Includes background information on the scandal, fact sheets on key figures, theories about the identity of Deep Throat, and an interview w",
  23805.             "Year": 0
  23806.         },
  23807.         {
  23808.             "RIT": "ws103109",
  23809.             "Type": "WS",
  23810.             "URL": "http://cronus.uwindsor.ca/",
  23811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23812.             "Title": "Welcome to the University of Windsor",
  23813.             "Category": "SOC",
  23814.             "Description": "Official University of Windsor homepage and guide to campus and the Windsor area.",
  23815.             "Year": 0
  23816.         },
  23817.         {
  23818.             "RIT": "ws103110",
  23819.             "Type": "WS",
  23820.             "URL": "http://www.valpo.edu/index.php",
  23821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23822.             "Title": "Valparaiso University",
  23823.             "Category": "SOC",
  23824.             "Description": "Official Valparaiso University homepage and guide to campus and the Valparaiso area.",
  23825.             "Year": 0
  23826.         },
  23827.         {
  23828.             "RIT": "ws103111",
  23829.             "Type": "WS",
  23830.             "URL": "http://www.washburn.edu/index3.html",
  23831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23832.             "Title": "Welcome to Washburn University!",
  23833.             "Category": "SOC",
  23834.             "Description": "Official Washburn University homepage and guide to campus and the Topeka area.",
  23835.             "Year": 0
  23836.         },
  23837.         {
  23838.             "RIT": "ws103126",
  23839.             "Type": "WS",
  23840.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/whitewater/whitewater.htm",
  23841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23842.             "Title": "Whitewater Special Report",
  23843.             "Category": "HIS",
  23844.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents information about Bill and Hillary Clinton's Whitewater land deal. This site includes a timeline of events, key news stories, legal documents, special reports, and resources and links.",
  23845.             "Year": 0
  23846.         },
  23847.         {
  23848.             "RIT": "ws103127",
  23849.             "Type": "WS",
  23850.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/clinton.htm",
  23851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23852.             "Title": "Clinton Accused",
  23853.             "Category": "HIS",
  23854.             "Description": "This special feature from the Washington Post focuses on the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton. Includes video and audio excerpts of the trial as well as news stories and background information about the case.",
  23855.             "Year": 0
  23856.         },
  23857.         {
  23858.             "RIT": "ws103128",
  23859.             "Type": "WS",
  23860.             "URL": "http://www.wfu.edu/indexv.html",
  23861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23862.             "Title": "Wake Forest University",
  23863.             "Category": "SOC",
  23864.             "Description": "Official Wake Forest University homepage and guide to campus and the Winston-Salem area.",
  23865.             "Year": 0
  23866.         },
  23867.         {
  23868.             "RIT": "ws103130",
  23869.             "Type": "WS",
  23870.             "URL": "http://www.whitworth.edu/",
  23871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23872.             "Title": "Whitworth College Home Page",
  23873.             "Category": "SOC",
  23874.             "Description": "Official Whitworth College homepage and guide to campus and the Spokane area.",
  23875.             "Year": 0
  23876.         },
  23877.         {
  23878.             "RIT": "ws103131",
  23879.             "Type": "WS",
  23880.             "URL": "http://www.claremontnh.com/",
  23881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23882.             "Title": "City of Claremont, NH Main Page",
  23883.             "Category": "GEO",
  23884.             "Description": "Official Claremont site describing government and city services, with links to other community resources.",
  23885.             "Year": 0
  23886.         },
  23887.         {
  23888.             "RIT": "ws103132",
  23889.             "Type": "WS",
  23890.             "URL": "http://www.stthomas.edu/",
  23891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23892.             "Title": "University of Saint Thomas",
  23893.             "Category": "SOC",
  23894.             "Description": "Official University of Saint Thomas homepage and guide to campus and the St. Paul area.",
  23895.             "Year": 0
  23896.         },
  23897.         {
  23898.             "RIT": "ws103133",
  23899.             "Type": "WS",
  23900.             "URL": "http://www.ci.dover.nh.us/",
  23901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23902.             "Title": "Welcome to DoverNet the official site of Dover NH",
  23903.             "Category": "GEO",
  23904.             "Description": "Official Dover site describing government, community events, city services, and historical information.",
  23905.             "Year": 0
  23906.         },
  23907.         {
  23908.             "RIT": "ws103134",
  23909.             "Type": "WS",
  23910.             "URL": "http://www.ci.keene.nh.us/",
  23911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23912.             "Title": "City of Keene",
  23913.             "Category": "GEO",
  23914.             "Description": "Official Keene site describing government, community events, and city services.",
  23915.             "Year": 0
  23916.         },
  23917.         {
  23918.             "RIT": "ws103145",
  23919.             "Type": "WS",
  23920.             "URL": "http://www.downbeat.com/artists/window.asp?action=new&aid=511&aname=Sidney+Bechet",
  23921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23922.             "Title": "DownBeatJazz.com: Sidney Bechet",
  23923.             "Category": "HUM",
  23924.             "Description": "A biography of the clarinetist/soprano saxophonist from Down Beat Magazine.",
  23925.             "Year": 0
  23926.         },
  23927.         {
  23928.             "RIT": "ws103146",
  23929.             "Type": "WS",
  23930.             "URL": "http://www.hhof.com/cgi-bin/perl?/naviskat/cgi-bin/member.pl+&w-P198401&t-v&i-hm11100",
  23931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23932.             "Title": "Hockey Hall of Fame [Philip Esposito]",
  23933.             "Category": "REC",
  23934.             "Description": "The Hockey Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics, biography, and awards of Philip Esposito.",
  23935.             "Year": 0
  23936.         },
  23937.         {
  23938.             "RIT": "ws103147",
  23939.             "Type": "WS",
  23940.             "URL": "http://www.hhof.com/cgi-bin/perl?/naviskat/cgi-bin/member.pl+&w-P198302&t-v&i-hm11100",
  23941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23942.             "Title": "Hockey Hall of Fame [Bobby Hull]",
  23943.             "Category": "REC",
  23944.             "Description": "The Hockey Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics, biography, and awards of Bobby Hull.",
  23945.             "Year": 0
  23946.         },
  23947.         {
  23948.             "RIT": "ws103148",
  23949.             "Type": "WS",
  23950.             "URL": "http://www.downbeat.com/artists/window.asp?action=new&aid=66&aname=Bix+Beiderbecke",
  23951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23952.             "Title": "DownBeatJazz.com: Bix Beiderbecke",
  23953.             "Category": "HUM",
  23954.             "Description": "A biography from Down Beat Magazine.",
  23955.             "Year": 0
  23956.         },
  23957.         {
  23958.             "RIT": "ws103149",
  23959.             "Type": "WS",
  23960.             "URL": "http://www.hhof.com/cgi-bin/perl?/naviskat/cgi-bin/member.pl+&w-P196108&t-v&i-hm11100",
  23961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23962.             "Title": "Hockey Hall of Fame [Maurice Richard]",
  23963.             "Category": "REC",
  23964.             "Description": "The Hockey Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics, biography, and awards of Maurice Richard.",
  23965.             "Year": 0
  23966.         },
  23967.         {
  23968.             "RIT": "ws103150",
  23969.             "Type": "WS",
  23970.             "URL": "http://archaeology.about.com/mlibrary.htm?PID=2765&COB=home",
  23971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23972.             "Title": "About.com Guide to Archaeology",
  23973.             "Category": "SOC",
  23974.             "Description": "An extensive list of archaeological Web sites classified by location, culture, concept, and technique.",
  23975.             "Year": 0
  23976.         },
  23977.         {
  23978.             "RIT": "ws103152",
  23979.             "Type": "WS",
  23980.             "URL": "http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/default.asp?afl=rsn&oid=1423",
  23981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23982.             "Title": "RollingStone.com: Tony Bennett",
  23983.             "Category": "HUM",
  23984.             "Description": "Information about Tony Bennett from Rolling Stone Magazine.",
  23985.             "Year": 0
  23986.         },
  23987.         {
  23988.             "RIT": "ws103153",
  23989.             "Type": "WS",
  23990.             "URL": "http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/default.asp?afl=rsn&oid=3642",
  23991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  23992.             "Title": "RollingStone.com: Louis Armstrong",
  23993.             "Category": "HUM",
  23994.             "Description": "A biography of Louis Armstrong from Rolling Stone Magazine.",
  23995.             "Year": 0
  23996.         },
  23997.         {
  23998.             "RIT": "ws103163",
  23999.             "Type": "WS",
  24000.             "URL": "http://panynj.gov/",
  24001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24002.             "Title": "The Port Authority of New Jersey and New York - Home Page",
  24003.             "Category": "IND",
  24004.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Port Authority of New Jersey and New York, with information about access to and schedules for airports and other transportation terminals, ferries, roads and bridges, and port commerce activities.",
  24005.             "Year": 0
  24006.         },
  24007.         {
  24008.             "RIT": "ws103164",
  24009.             "Type": "WS",
  24010.             "URL": "http://www.equalrights.org/know/sexdiscrim.htm",
  24011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24012.             "Title": "Discriminated Against Because You're a Woman: Know Your Rights",
  24013.             "Category": "SOC",
  24014.             "Description": "A sex discrimination test, information about antidiscrimination laws, statistics on gender-related job discrimination, and summaries of some sex discrimination legal cases. Sponsored by Equal Rights Advocates, a San Francisco-based women's civil",
  24015.             "Year": 0
  24016.         },
  24017.         {
  24018.             "RIT": "ws103165",
  24019.             "Type": "WS",
  24020.             "URL": "http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/modern/versaill/versahtm.htm",
  24021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24022.             "Title": "The Treaty of Versailles",
  24023.             "Category": "HIS",
  24024.             "Description": "Information about the treaty that ended World War I and helped set the stage for World War II. Includes an overview of the deliberations at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, the results of the final treaty, and its reception in Germany and Ita",
  24025.             "Year": 0
  24026.         },
  24027.         {
  24028.             "RIT": "ws103166",
  24029.             "Type": "WS",
  24030.             "URL": "",
  24031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24032.             "Title": "The British Empire",
  24033.             "Category": "HIS",
  24034.             "Description": "An overview of the expansion of the British Empire from the 1700's to its greatest extent in the early 1900's.",
  24035.             "Year": 0
  24036.         },
  24037.         {
  24038.             "RIT": "ws103167",
  24039.             "Type": "WS",
  24040.             "URL": "http://raven.cc.ukans.edu/~kansite/ww_one/bio/l/ludendrf.html",
  24041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24042.             "Title": "Erich Ludendorff",
  24043.             "Category": "HIS",
  24044.             "Description": "A biography of General Erich Ludendorff, the virtual dictator of Germany during the last phase of World War I, and in postwar Germany, a major promoter of the idea that Germany had been 'stabbed in the back' by Jews and others. Sponsored jointly",
  24045.             "Year": 0
  24046.         },
  24047.         {
  24048.             "RIT": "ws103168",
  24049.             "Type": "WS",
  24050.             "URL": "http://www.eeoc.gov/facts/fs-sex.html",
  24051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24052.             "Title": "Facts About Sexual Harassment",
  24053.             "Category": "SOC",
  24054.             "Description": "A definition of sexual harassment, a description of the forms it can take, and suggestions for stopping the harassment. Provided by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.",
  24055.             "Year": 0
  24056.         },
  24057.         {
  24058.             "RIT": "ws103033",
  24059.             "Type": "WS",
  24060.             "URL": "http://www.xula.edu/",
  24061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24062.             "Title": "Xavier University of Louisiana",
  24063.             "Category": "SOC",
  24064.             "Description": "Official Xavier University of Louisiana homepage and guide to campus and the New Orleans area.",
  24065.             "Year": 0
  24066.         },
  24067.         {
  24068.             "RIT": "ws103034",
  24069.             "Type": "WS",
  24070.             "URL": "http://www.uwa.edu/thome.htm",
  24071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24072.             "Title": "Home Page - University of West Alabama",
  24073.             "Category": "SOC",
  24074.             "Description": "Official University of West Alabama homepage and guide to campus and the Livingston area.",
  24075.             "Year": 0
  24076.         },
  24077.         {
  24078.             "RIT": "ws103035",
  24079.             "Type": "WS",
  24080.             "URL": "http://xroads.virginia.edu/~hyper/wpa/wpahome.html",
  24081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24082.             "Title": "African American Slave Narratives: An Online Anthology",
  24083.             "Category": "HIS",
  24084.             "Description": "First-hand accounts of the experiences of black slaves on plantations, in cities, and on small farms, collected by the Works Progress Administration. This site is hosted by American Studies Hypertexts at the University of Virginia.",
  24085.             "Year": 0
  24086.         },
  24087.         {
  24088.             "RIT": "ws103036",
  24089.             "Type": "WS",
  24090.             "URL": "http://www.wllmcarey.edu/",
  24091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24092.             "Title": "William Carey College",
  24093.             "Category": "SOC",
  24094.             "Description": "Official William Carey College homepage and guide to campus and the Hattiesburg area.",
  24095.             "Year": 0
  24096.         },
  24097.         {
  24098.             "RIT": "ws103037",
  24099.             "Type": "WS",
  24100.             "URL": "http://www2.mesastate.edu/",
  24101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24102.             "Title": "Mesa State College, Colorado",
  24103.             "Category": "SOC",
  24104.             "Description": "Official Mesa State College homepage and guide to campus and the Grand Junction area.",
  24105.             "Year": 0
  24106.         },
  24107.         {
  24108.             "RIT": "ws103038",
  24109.             "Type": "WS",
  24110.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/saic/",
  24111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24112.             "Title": "School of the Art Institute of Chicago",
  24113.             "Category": "SOC",
  24114.             "Description": "Official School of the Art Institute of Chicago homepage and guide to campus and the Chicago area.",
  24115.             "Year": 0
  24116.         },
  24117.         {
  24118.             "RIT": "ws103039",
  24119.             "Type": "WS",
  24120.             "URL": "http://www.wesleyan.edu/",
  24121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24122.             "Title": "Wesleyan University",
  24123.             "Category": "SOC",
  24124.             "Description": "Official Wesleyan University homepage and guide to campus and the Middletown area.",
  24125.             "Year": 0
  24126.         },
  24127.         {
  24128.             "RIT": "ws103040",
  24129.             "Type": "WS",
  24130.             "URL": "http://www2.barry.edu/",
  24131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24132.             "Title": "Barry University Home Page",
  24133.             "Category": "SOC",
  24134.             "Description": "Official Barry University homepage and guide to campus and the Miami Shores area.",
  24135.             "Year": 0
  24136.         },
  24137.         {
  24138.             "RIT": "ws103041",
  24139.             "Type": "WS",
  24140.             "URL": "http://www.twu.edu/",
  24141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24142.             "Title": "Texas Women's University",
  24143.             "Category": "SOC",
  24144.             "Description": "Official Texas Women's University homepage and guide to campus and the Denton area.",
  24145.             "Year": 0
  24146.         },
  24147.         {
  24148.             "RIT": "ws103042",
  24149.             "Type": "WS",
  24150.             "URL": "http://www2.wlu.edu/",
  24151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24152.             "Title": "Washington and Lee University",
  24153.             "Category": "SOC",
  24154.             "Description": "Official Washington and Lee University homepage and guide to campus and the Lexington area.",
  24155.             "Year": 0
  24156.         },
  24157.         {
  24158.             "RIT": "ws103054",
  24159.             "Type": "WS",
  24160.             "URL": "http://www.brocku.ca/",
  24161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24162.             "Title": "Welcome to Brock University",
  24163.             "Category": "SOC",
  24164.             "Description": "Official Brock University homepage and guide to campus and the St. Catharines area.",
  24165.             "Year": 0
  24166.         },
  24167.         {
  24168.             "RIT": "ws103055",
  24169.             "Type": "WS",
  24170.             "URL": "http://www.aic.edu/",
  24171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24172.             "Title": "American International College",
  24173.             "Category": "SOC",
  24174.             "Description": "Official American International College homepage and guide to campus and the Springfield area.",
  24175.             "Year": 0
  24176.         },
  24177.         {
  24178.             "RIT": "ws103056",
  24179.             "Type": "WS",
  24180.             "URL": "http://www.hartford.edu/",
  24181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24182.             "Title": "University of Hartford",
  24183.             "Category": "SOC",
  24184.             "Description": "Official University of Hartford homepage and guide to campus and the West Hartford area.",
  24185.             "Year": 0
  24186.         },
  24187.         {
  24188.             "RIT": "ws103057",
  24189.             "Type": "WS",
  24190.             "URL": "http://www.famu2.famu.edu/famu.html",
  24191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24192.             "Title": "Welcome to Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University",
  24193.             "Category": "SOC",
  24194.             "Description": "Official Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University homepage and guide to campus and the Tallahassee area.",
  24195.             "Year": 0
  24196.         },
  24197.         {
  24198.             "RIT": "ws103058",
  24199.             "Type": "WS",
  24200.             "URL": "http://www.KEAN.EDU/",
  24201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24202.             "Title": "Kean University",
  24203.             "Category": "SOC",
  24204.             "Description": "Official Kean University homepage and guide to campus and the Union area.",
  24205.             "Year": 0
  24206.         },
  24207.         {
  24208.             "RIT": "ws103059",
  24209.             "Type": "WS",
  24210.             "URL": "http://www.gasou.edu/",
  24211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24212.             "Title": "Georgia Southern University",
  24213.             "Category": "SOC",
  24214.             "Description": "Official Georgia Southern University homepage and guide to campus and the Statesboro area.",
  24215.             "Year": 0
  24216.         },
  24217.         {
  24218.             "RIT": "ws103060",
  24219.             "Type": "WS",
  24220.             "URL": "http://www.baylor.edu/",
  24221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24222.             "Title": "Baylor University",
  24223.             "Category": "SOC",
  24224.             "Description": "Official Baylor University homepage and guide to campus and the Waco area.",
  24225.             "Year": 0
  24226.         },
  24227.         {
  24228.             "RIT": "ws103061",
  24229.             "Type": "WS",
  24230.             "URL": "http://www.franuniv.edu/",
  24231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24232.             "Title": "Franciscan University Homepage",
  24233.             "Category": "SOC",
  24234.             "Description": "Official Franciscan University homepage and guide to campus and the Steubenville area.",
  24235.             "Year": 0
  24236.         },
  24237.         {
  24238.             "RIT": "ws103062",
  24239.             "Type": "WS",
  24240.             "URL": "http://www.antioch.edu/",
  24241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24242.             "Title": "Antioch University",
  24243.             "Category": "SOC",
  24244.             "Description": "Official Antioch University homepage and guide to campus and the Yellow Springs area.",
  24245.             "Year": 0
  24246.         },
  24247.         {
  24248.             "RIT": "ws103063",
  24249.             "Type": "WS",
  24250.             "URL": "http://ww2.wpunj.edu/",
  24251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24252.             "Title": "WPUNJ: Welcome [William Paterson University]",
  24253.             "Category": "SOC",
  24254.             "Description": "Official William Paterson University homepage and guide to campus and the Wayne area.",
  24255.             "Year": 0
  24256.         },
  24257.         {
  24258.             "RIT": "ws103064",
  24259.             "Type": "WS",
  24260.             "URL": "http://www.acusd.edu/",
  24261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24262.             "Title": "University of San Diego",
  24263.             "Category": "SOC",
  24264.             "Description": "Official University of San Diego homepage and guide to campus and the San Diego area.",
  24265.             "Year": 0
  24266.         },
  24267.         {
  24268.             "RIT": "ws103074",
  24269.             "Type": "WS",
  24270.             "URL": "http://www.marywood.edu/index.html",
  24271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24272.             "Title": "Marywood University Home",
  24273.             "Category": "SOC",
  24274.             "Description": "Official Marywood University homepage and guide to campus and the Scranton area.",
  24275.             "Year": 0
  24276.         },
  24277.         {
  24278.             "RIT": "ws103075",
  24279.             "Type": "WS",
  24280.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/refuges/c054.html",
  24281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24282.             "Title": "Sanctuary: Alaska @ nationalgeographic.com",
  24283.             "Category": "GEO",
  24284.             "Description": "National Geographic presents a photo tour of Alaskan wildlife sanctuaries.",
  24285.             "Year": 0
  24286.         },
  24287.         {
  24288.             "RIT": "ws103076",
  24289.             "Type": "WS",
  24290.             "URL": "http://www.plu.edu/home-4.shtml",
  24291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24292.             "Title": "PLU Home Page - Pacific Lutheran University",
  24293.             "Category": "SOC",
  24294.             "Description": "Official Pacific Lutheran University homepage and guide to campus and the Tacoma area.",
  24295.             "Year": 0
  24296.         },
  24297.         {
  24298.             "RIT": "ws103077",
  24299.             "Type": "WS",
  24300.             "URL": "http://www.mun.ca/",
  24301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24302.             "Title": "Memorial University of Newfoundland",
  24303.             "Category": "SOC",
  24304.             "Description": "Official Memorial University of Newfoundland homepage and guide to campus and the St. John's area.",
  24305.             "Year": 0
  24306.         },
  24307.         {
  24308.             "RIT": "ws103078",
  24309.             "Type": "WS",
  24310.             "URL": "",
  24311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24312.             "Title": "NPS Units in Alaska",
  24313.             "Category": "GEO",
  24314.             "Description": "This National Park Service site provides links to parks in Alaska.",
  24315.             "Year": 0
  24316.         },
  24317.         {
  24318.             "RIT": "ws103079",
  24319.             "Type": "WS",
  24320.             "URL": "http://www.sg.inter.edu/",
  24321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24322.             "Title": "Pagina de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico [Inter American University of Puerto Rico]",
  24323.             "Category": "SOC",
  24324.             "Description": "Official Inter American University of Puerto Rico homepage and guide to campus and the San German area.",
  24325.             "Year": 0
  24326.         },
  24327.         {
  24328.             "RIT": "ws103080",
  24329.             "Type": "WS",
  24330.             "URL": "http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/Olympics/index.html",
  24331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24332.             "Title": "Ancient Olympics",
  24333.             "Category": "REC",
  24334.             "Description": "Compare ancient and modern Olympic sports, take a narrated virtual tour of Olympia, and read about the history of the Olympics and Olympic athletes of ancient times at this comprehensive site from Tufts University.",
  24335.             "Year": 0
  24336.         },
  24337.         {
  24338.             "RIT": "ws103081",
  24339.             "Type": "WS",
  24340.             "URL": "http://www.holycross.edu/",
  24341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24342.             "Title": "Welcome to Holy Cross",
  24343.             "Category": "SOC",
  24344.             "Description": "Official Holy Cross homepage and guide to campus and the Worcester area.",
  24345.             "Year": 0
  24346.         },
  24347.         {
  24348.             "RIT": "ws103082",
  24349.             "Type": "WS",
  24350.             "URL": "http://www.maryvillestl.edu/",
  24351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24352.             "Title": "Maryville University of St. Louis",
  24353.             "Category": "SOC",
  24354.             "Description": "Official Maryville University of St. Louis homepage and guide to campus and the St. Louis area.",
  24355.             "Year": 0
  24356.         },
  24357.         {
  24358.             "RIT": "ws103093",
  24359.             "Type": "WS",
  24360.             "URL": "http://www.ryerson.ca/",
  24361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24362.             "Title": "Ryerson Polytechnic University",
  24363.             "Category": "SOC",
  24364.             "Description": "Official Ryerson Polytechnic University homepage and guide to campus and the Toronto area.",
  24365.             "Year": 0
  24366.         },
  24367.         {
  24368.             "RIT": "ws103094",
  24369.             "Type": "WS",
  24370.             "URL": "http://www.rollins.edu/",
  24371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24372.             "Title": "Rollins College",
  24373.             "Category": "SOC",
  24374.             "Description": "Official Rollins College homepage and guide to campus and the Winter Park area.",
  24375.             "Year": 0
  24376.         },
  24377.         {
  24378.             "RIT": "ws103095",
  24379.             "Type": "WS",
  24380.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sunken/wonders/",
  24381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24382.             "Title": "Seven Wonders--Get Clued In",
  24383.             "Category": "HIS",
  24384.             "Description": "Interactive game to identify the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World using scientific, geographic, and historical clues. Includes links to a Web site on the archaeological exploration of the Lighthouse of Alexandria, from the University of South Florida.",
  24385.             "Year": 0
  24386.         },
  24387.         {
  24388.             "RIT": "ws103096",
  24389.             "Type": "WS",
  24390.             "URL": "http://www.su.edu/",
  24391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24392.             "Title": "Shenandoah University",
  24393.             "Category": "SOC",
  24394.             "Description": "Official Shenandoah University homepage and guide to campus and the Winchester area.",
  24395.             "Year": 0
  24396.         },
  24397.         {
  24398.             "RIT": "ws103097",
  24399.             "Type": "WS",
  24400.             "URL": "http://www.spfldcol.edu/homepage.nsf",
  24401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24402.             "Title": "Springfield College Home Page",
  24403.             "Category": "SOC",
  24404.             "Description": "Official Springfield College homepage and guide to campus and the Springfield area.",
  24405.             "Year": 0
  24406.         },
  24407.         {
  24408.             "RIT": "ws103098",
  24409.             "Type": "WS",
  24410.             "URL": "http://www.stcloudstate.edu/",
  24411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24412.             "Title": "Welcome to St. Cloud State University",
  24413.             "Category": "SOC",
  24414.             "Description": "Official St. Cloud State University homepage and guide to campus and the St. Cloud area.",
  24415.             "Year": 0
  24416.         },
  24417.         {
  24418.             "RIT": "ws103099",
  24419.             "Type": "WS",
  24420.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sunken/",
  24421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24422.             "Title": "Treasures of the Sunken City",
  24423.             "Category": "SOC",
  24424.             "Description": "A site detailing the archaeological exploration of the harbor at Alexandria, Egypt, and the discovery of what may be remains of the city's Pharos Lighthouse, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. From the PBS television program NOVA.",
  24425.             "Year": 0
  24426.         },
  24427.         {
  24428.             "RIT": "ws103101",
  24429.             "Type": "WS",
  24430.             "URL": "http://www.spu.edu/",
  24431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24432.             "Title": "Seattle Pacific University",
  24433.             "Category": "SOC",
  24434.             "Description": "Official Seattle Pacific University homepage and guide to campus and the Seattle area.",
  24435.             "Year": 0
  24436.         },
  24437.         {
  24438.             "RIT": "ws103102",
  24439.             "Type": "WS",
  24440.             "URL": "http://www.uvic.ca/",
  24441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24442.             "Title": "University of Victoria, Canada",
  24443.             "Category": "SOC",
  24444.             "Description": "Official University of Victoria homepage and guide to campus and the Victoria area.",
  24445.             "Year": 0
  24446.         },
  24447.         {
  24448.             "RIT": "ws103112",
  24449.             "Type": "WS",
  24450.             "URL": "http://ci.manchester.nh.us/directory.htm",
  24451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24452.             "Title": "City Directory [Manchester New Hampshire]",
  24453.             "Category": "GEO",
  24454.             "Description": "Official Manchester site describing government, community events, and city services.",
  24455.             "Year": 0
  24456.         },
  24457.         {
  24458.             "RIT": "ws103113",
  24459.             "Type": "WS",
  24460.             "URL": "http://www.usherbrooke.ca/",
  24461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24462.             "Title": "Universite de Sherbrooke - Accueil [University of Sherbrooke (in french)]",
  24463.             "Category": "SOC",
  24464.             "Description": "Official University of Sherbrooke homepage and guide to campus and the Sherbrooke area. The site is presented in French.",
  24465.             "Year": 0
  24466.         },
  24467.         {
  24468.             "RIT": "ws103114",
  24469.             "Type": "WS",
  24470.             "URL": "http://www.syracuse.edu/",
  24471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24472.             "Title": "Syracuse University",
  24473.             "Category": "SOC",
  24474.             "Description": "Official Syracuse University homepage and guide to campus and the Syracuse area.",
  24475.             "Year": 0
  24476.         },
  24477.         {
  24478.             "RIT": "ws103115",
  24479.             "Type": "WS",
  24480.             "URL": "http://www.svsu.edu/",
  24481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24482.             "Title": "Saginaw Valley State University",
  24483.             "Category": "SOC",
  24484.             "Description": "Official Saginaw Valley State University homepage and guide to campus.",
  24485.             "Year": 0
  24486.         },
  24487.         {
  24488.             "RIT": "ws103116",
  24489.             "Type": "WS",
  24490.             "URL": "http://www.usfca.edu/",
  24491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24492.             "Title": "University of San Francisco",
  24493.             "Category": "SOC",
  24494.             "Description": "Official University of San Francisco homepage and guide to campus and the San Francisco area.",
  24495.             "Year": 0
  24496.         },
  24497.         {
  24498.             "RIT": "ws103119",
  24499.             "Type": "WS",
  24500.             "URL": "http://www.webster.edu/",
  24501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24502.             "Title": "Webster University",
  24503.             "Category": "SOC",
  24504.             "Description": "Official Webster University homepage and guide to campus and the St. Louis area.",
  24505.             "Year": 0
  24506.         },
  24507.         {
  24508.             "RIT": "ws103122",
  24509.             "Type": "WS",
  24510.             "URL": "http://www.wichita.edu/movie1.htm",
  24511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24512.             "Title": "Wichita State University Online",
  24513.             "Category": "SOC",
  24514.             "Description": "Official Wichita State University homepage and guide to campus and the Wichita area. (Note: When you open this page, you will be given an opportunity to install Shockwave, which is needed to view the page.)",
  24515.             "Year": 0
  24516.         },
  24517.         {
  24518.             "RIT": "ws103123",
  24519.             "Type": "WS",
  24520.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/pjones/pjones.htm",
  24521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24522.             "Title": "Jones v. Clinton",
  24523.             "Category": "HIS",
  24524.             "Description": "A special report from the Washington Post that explains the lawsuit brought against President Clinton by Paula Jones. Inlcudes news stories, a chronology, legal documents, and resources and links.",
  24525.             "Year": 0
  24526.         },
  24527.         {
  24528.             "RIT": "ws103125",
  24529.             "Type": "WS",
  24530.             "URL": "http://www.wheaton.edu/",
  24531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24532.             "Title": "Welcome to Wheaton College (Illinois)",
  24533.             "Category": "SOC",
  24534.             "Description": "Official Wheaton College homepage and guide to campus and the Wheaton area.",
  24535.             "Year": 0
  24536.         },
  24537.         {
  24538.             "RIT": "ws103135",
  24539.             "Type": "WS",
  24540.             "URL": "http://www.cityofportsmouth.com/",
  24541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24542.             "Title": "Welcome to the City of Portsmouth's Municipal Web Site",
  24543.             "Category": "GEO",
  24544.             "Description": "Official Portsmouth site describing government, community events, city services, and tourist attractions.",
  24545.             "Year": 0
  24546.         },
  24547.         {
  24548.             "RIT": "ws103137",
  24549.             "Type": "WS",
  24550.             "URL": "http://www.wnmu.edu/",
  24551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24552.             "Title": "Welcome to Western New Mexico University",
  24553.             "Category": "SOC",
  24554.             "Description": "Official Western New Mexico University homepage and guide to campus and the Silver City area.",
  24555.             "Year": 0
  24556.         },
  24557.         {
  24558.             "RIT": "ws103138",
  24559.             "Type": "WS",
  24560.             "URL": "http://www.downbeat.com/artists/window.asp?action=new&aid=549&aname=Tony+Bennett",
  24561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24562.             "Title": "DownBeatJazz.com: Tony Bennett",
  24563.             "Category": "HUM",
  24564.             "Description": "A biography from Down Beat Magazine.",
  24565.             "Year": 0
  24566.         },
  24567.         {
  24568.             "RIT": "ws103139",
  24569.             "Type": "WS",
  24570.             "URL": "http://www.hhof.com/cgi-bin/perl?/naviskat/cgi-bin/member.pl+&w-P197204&t-v&i-hm11100",
  24571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24572.             "Title": "Hockey Hall of Fame [Gordie Howe]",
  24573.             "Category": "REC",
  24574.             "Description": "The Hockey Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics, biography, and awards of Gordie Howe.",
  24575.             "Year": 0
  24576.         },
  24577.         {
  24578.             "RIT": "ws103140",
  24579.             "Type": "WS",
  24580.             "URL": "http://www.hhof.com/cgi-bin/perl?/naviskat/cgi-bin/member.pl+&w-P199701&t-v&i-hm11100",
  24581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24582.             "Title": "Hockey Hall of Fame [Mario Lemieux]",
  24583.             "Category": "REC",
  24584.             "Description": "The Hockey Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics, biography, and awards of Mario Lemieux.",
  24585.             "Year": 0
  24586.         },
  24587.         {
  24588.             "RIT": "ws103141",
  24589.             "Type": "WS",
  24590.             "URL": "http://www.hhof.com/cgi-bin/perl?/naviskat/cgi-bin/member.pl+&w-P197902&t-v&i-hm11100",
  24591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24592.             "Title": "Hockey Hall of Fame [Bobby Orr]",
  24593.             "Category": "REC",
  24594.             "Description": "The Hockey Hall of Fame site showing the career statistics, biography, and awards of Bobby Orr.",
  24595.             "Year": 0
  24596.         },
  24597.         {
  24598.             "RIT": "ws103142",
  24599.             "Type": "WS",
  24600.             "URL": "http://gouk.about.com/cs/culturehistory/",
  24601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24602.             "Title": "English culture -- History",
  24603.             "Category": "HIS",
  24604.             "Description": "A site sponsored by About.com that features articles written by experts on a wide range of topics in English history.",
  24605.             "Year": 0
  24606.         },
  24607.         {
  24608.             "RIT": "ws103143",
  24609.             "Type": "WS",
  24610.             "URL": "http://gouk.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.britainexpress.com%2FHistory%2Fenglish-culture.htm",
  24611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24612.             "Title": "English Culture",
  24613.             "Category": "HUM",
  24614.             "Description": "A site sponsored by About.com that features essays by and interviews with experts on English literature as well as extensive links to a wide range of resources on particular authors.",
  24615.             "Year": 0
  24616.         },
  24617.         {
  24618.             "RIT": "ws103154",
  24619.             "Type": "WS",
  24620.             "URL": "http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/default.asp?afl=rsn&oid=2670",
  24621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24622.             "Title": "RollingStone.com: Chuck Berry",
  24623.             "Category": "HUM",
  24624.             "Description": "Biographical information from Rolling Stone Magazine.",
  24625.             "Year": 0
  24626.         },
  24627.         {
  24628.             "RIT": "ws103155",
  24629.             "Type": "WS",
  24630.             "URL": "http://raven.cc.ukans.edu/~kansite/ww_one/bio/w/willyii.html",
  24631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24632.             "Title": "Wilhelm II, King of Prussia and German Kaiser",
  24633.             "Category": "HIS",
  24634.             "Description": "A biography of Wilhelm II, Germany's kaiser (emperor) before and during World War I. Sponsored jointly by the University of Kansas and Brigham Young University.",
  24635.             "Year": 0
  24636.         },
  24637.         {
  24638.             "RIT": "ws103156",
  24639.             "Type": "WS",
  24640.             "URL": "http://nsi.org/Tips/9to5.html",
  24641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24642.             "Title": "Sexual Harassment: What Every Working Woman Needs to Know",
  24643.             "Category": "SOC",
  24644.             "Description": "A definition of sexual harassment, how the law addresses sexual harassment, and strategies for stopping the harassment. Hosted by 9to5, an advocacy organization of working women.",
  24645.             "Year": 0
  24646.         },
  24647.         {
  24648.             "RIT": "ws103157",
  24649.             "Type": "WS",
  24650.             "URL": "http://www.cabq.gov/",
  24651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24652.             "Title": "City of Albuquerque",
  24653.             "Category": "GEO",
  24654.             "Description": "Official Albuquerque Web site describing government, community events, and city services.",
  24655.             "Year": 0
  24656.         },
  24657.         {
  24658.             "RIT": "ws103158",
  24659.             "Type": "WS",
  24660.             "URL": "http://raven.cc.ukans.edu/~kansite/ww_one/bio/f/foch.html",
  24661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24662.             "Title": "Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch",
  24663.             "Category": "HIS",
  24664.             "Description": "A brief biography of Ferdinand Foch, the French General who became Supreme Allied Commander on the Western Front in the final phase of World War I. Sponsored jointly by the University of Kansas and Brigham Young University.",
  24665.             "Year": 0
  24666.         },
  24667.         {
  24668.             "RIT": "ws103159",
  24669.             "Type": "WS",
  24670.             "URL": "http://www.eeoc.gov/",
  24671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24672.             "Title": "U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Home Page",
  24673.             "Category": "SOC",
  24674.             "Description": "The official Web site of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, offering an overview of federal antidiscrimination laws, including laws prohibiting discrimination against people because of sex, color, age, disability, or for any other",
  24675.             "Year": 0
  24676.         },
  24677.         {
  24678.             "RIT": "ws103160",
  24679.             "Type": "WS",
  24680.             "URL": "http://sde.state.nm.us/",
  24681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24682.             "Title": "The New Mexico State Department of Education",
  24683.             "Category": "GEO",
  24684.             "Description": "Official Web site of the New Mexico Department of Education.",
  24685.             "Year": 0
  24686.         },
  24687.         {
  24688.             "RIT": "ws103169",
  24689.             "Type": "WS",
  24690.             "URL": "http://www.converse.edu/",
  24691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24692.             "Title": "Converse College ~ Spartanburg, SC",
  24693.             "Category": "SOC",
  24694.             "Description": "Official Converse College homepage and guide to campus and the Spartanburg area.",
  24695.             "Year": 0
  24696.         },
  24697.         {
  24698.             "RIT": "ws103170",
  24699.             "Type": "WS",
  24700.             "URL": "http://www.currier.org/",
  24701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24702.             "Title": "The Currier Gallery of Art",
  24703.             "Category": "GEO",
  24704.             "Description": "The Currier Gallery of Art site on their collections and exhibitions of works by noted American and European artists.",
  24705.             "Year": 0
  24706.         },
  24707.         {
  24708.             "RIT": "ws103171",
  24709.             "Type": "WS",
  24710.             "URL": "http://www.hyperhistory.com/online_n2/civil_n2/histscript6_n2/ww1.html",
  24711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24712.             "Title": "World War I: 1914-1918",
  24713.             "Category": "HIS",
  24714.             "Description": "Information about World War I and European culture of the era. Includes articles about the causes and triggers of the war, a timeline of the period 1911-1920, and links to many related sites.",
  24715.             "Year": 0
  24716.         },
  24717.         {
  24718.             "RIT": "ws103173",
  24719.             "Type": "WS",
  24720.             "URL": "http://raven.cc.ukans.edu/~kansite/ww_one/bio/h/haiglet.html",
  24721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24722.             "Title": "Douglas Haig",
  24723.             "Category": "HIS",
  24724.             "Description": "A biography of Douglas Haig, Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force in World War I. Sponsored jointly by the University of Kansas and Brigham Young Univer",
  24725.             "Year": 0
  24726.         },
  24727.         {
  24728.             "RIT": "ws103175",
  24729.             "Type": "WS",
  24730.             "URL": "http://www.hreoc.gov.au/sex_discrimination/know/",
  24731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24732.             "Title": "Sex Discrimination: A Guide to the Sex Discrimination Act",
  24733.             "Category": "SOC",
  24734.             "Description": "A definition of sex discrimination and an explanation of how Australian federal law addresses it. Instructions for filing a complaint with the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, which was established by Parliament in 1986.",
  24735.             "Year": 0
  24736.         },
  24737.         {
  24738.             "RIT": "ws103177",
  24739.             "Type": "WS",
  24740.             "URL": "http://raven.cc.ukans.edu/~kansite/ww_one/bio/p/pershing.html",
  24741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24742.             "Title": "Pershing, General John Joseph",
  24743.             "Category": "HIS",
  24744.             "Description": "A biography of John J. Pershing, the commander of American forces on the Western Front in World War I. Sponsored jointly by the University of Kansas and Brigham Young University.",
  24745.             "Year": 0
  24746.         },
  24747.         {
  24748.             "RIT": "ws103178",
  24749.             "Type": "WS",
  24750.             "URL": "http://www.libertymemorialmuseum.org/TheWar.htm",
  24751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24752.             "Title": "The Great War",
  24753.             "Category": "HIS",
  24754.             "Description": "Information about World War I, including an illustrated timeline, war in the air, field hospitals, Christmas celebrations at the front, and international soldier slang in the trenches. Presented by Liberty Memorial Museum of Kansas City, Missouri.",
  24755.             "Year": 0
  24756.         },
  24757.         {
  24758.             "RIT": "ws103179",
  24759.             "Type": "WS",
  24760.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/greatwar/",
  24761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24762.             "Title": "The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century",
  24763.             "Category": "HIS",
  24764.             "Description": "Information about World War I from the PBS television series. Includes an interactive timeline, a map gallery, interviews with famous historians of the war, and other features.",
  24765.             "Year": 0
  24766.         },
  24767.         {
  24768.             "RIT": "ws103180",
  24769.             "Type": "WS",
  24770.             "URL": "http://www.las-cruces.org/",
  24771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24772.             "Title": "City of Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA",
  24773.             "Category": "GEO",
  24774.             "Description": "Official Las Cruces Web site describing government, city services, and tourism.",
  24775.             "Year": 0
  24776.         },
  24777.         {
  24778.             "RIT": "ws103181",
  24779.             "Type": "WS",
  24780.             "URL": "http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWweapons.htm",
  24781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24782.             "Title": "The First World War: Weapons",
  24783.             "Category": "HIS",
  24784.             "Description": "Information about the weapons of World War I, including gunnery, artillery, and tanks. Features many illustrations and photos. Provided by Spartacus Educational, a British educational consortium.",
  24785.             "Year": 0
  24786.         },
  24787.         {
  24788.             "RIT": "ws103182",
  24789.             "Type": "WS",
  24790.             "URL": "http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWW.htm",
  24791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24792.             "Title": "The First World War",
  24793.             "Category": "HIS",
  24794.             "Description": "A comprehensive treatment of World War I, including a timeline, description of major battles, methods of waging war, biographies of war leaders, life on the home front, casualty statistics, and other topics. Provided by Spartacus Educational, a",
  24795.             "Year": 0
  24796.         },
  24797.         {
  24798.             "RIT": "ws103183",
  24799.             "Type": "WS",
  24800.             "URL": "http://www.nurseadvocate.org/harass.html",
  24801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24802.             "Title": "Nurse Advocate: Harassment",
  24803.             "Category": "SOC",
  24804.             "Description": "Links to a wide variety of information and resources about sexual harassment, including gender harassment on the Internet. Hosted by Nurse Advocate, an organization dedicated to the recognition and resolution of workplace violence experienced by nurses.",
  24805.             "Year": 0
  24806.         },
  24807.         {
  24808.             "RIT": "ws103190",
  24809.             "Type": "WS",
  24810.             "URL": "http://www.somersworth.com/",
  24811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24812.             "Title": "Home page [Somersworth, NH]",
  24813.             "Category": "GEO",
  24814.             "Description": "Official Somersworth site describing government, community events, city services, and historical information.",
  24815.             "Year": 0
  24816.         },
  24817.         {
  24818.             "RIT": "ws103192",
  24819.             "Type": "WS",
  24820.             "URL": "http://www.taasa.org/",
  24821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24822.             "Title": "Texas Association Against Sexual Assault",
  24823.             "Category": "SOC",
  24824.             "Description": "Information about sexual assault and nationwide resources for sexual assault victims, with an emphasis on Texas. Spanish-language option provided. Links to related resources and information.",
  24825.             "Year": 0
  24826.         },
  24827.         {
  24828.             "RIT": "ws103193",
  24829.             "Type": "WS",
  24830.             "URL": "http://www.sjcsf.edu/main2000.htm",
  24831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24832.             "Title": "St. John's College in Santa Fe",
  24833.             "Category": "GEO",
  24834.             "Description": "Official St. John's College homepage and guide to campus.",
  24835.             "Year": 0
  24836.         },
  24837.         {
  24838.             "RIT": "ws103194",
  24839.             "Type": "WS",
  24840.             "URL": "http://www.ukans.edu/~kansite/ww_one/photos/greatwar.htm",
  24841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24842.             "Title": "Photos of the Great War",
  24843.             "Category": "HIS",
  24844.             "Description": "An extensive archive of photos of World War I, grouped by categories such as aviation, commanders, weapons, war at sea, animals in the war, and destruction. Hosted jointly by the University of Kansas and Brigham Young University.",
  24845.             "Year": 0
  24846.         },
  24847.         {
  24848.             "RIT": "ws103195",
  24849.             "Type": "WS",
  24850.             "URL": "http://www.ias.edu/",
  24851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24852.             "Title": "Institute for Advanced Study",
  24853.             "Category": "GEO",
  24854.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Institute for Advanced Study, describing the institute's history and present and past research intiatives.",
  24855.             "Year": 0
  24856.         },
  24857.         {
  24858.             "RIT": "ws103196",
  24859.             "Type": "WS",
  24860.             "URL": "http://www.theaerodrome.com/",
  24861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24862.             "Title": "Aces and Aircraft of World War I",
  24863.             "Category": "HIS",
  24864.             "Description": "Descriptions and images of the flying aces (pilot heroes) of World War I and the aircraft that they flew. Presented by Aerodrome Pictures, Inc.",
  24865.             "Year": 0
  24866.         },
  24867.         {
  24868.             "RIT": "ws103197",
  24869.             "Type": "WS",
  24870.             "URL": "http://www.worldwar1.com/",
  24871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24872.             "Title": "Trenches on the Web",
  24873.             "Category": "HIS",
  24874.             "Description": "A comprehensive site offering information about the people, places, and events involved in World War I.",
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  24881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24882.             "Title": "Wagner College Home Page",
  24883.             "Category": "SOC",
  24884.             "Description": "Official Wagner College homepage and guide to campus.",
  24885.             "Year": 0
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  24891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24892.             "Title": "Welcome to the Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce Web Site!",
  24893.             "Category": "GEO",
  24894.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Bangor, Maine.",
  24895.             "Year": 0
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  24898.             "RIT": "ws200049",
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  24901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  24903.             "Category": "GEO",
  24904.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Columbus, Ohio.",
  24905.             "Year": 0
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  24913.             "Category": "GEO",
  24914.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Berkeley, California.",
  24915.             "Year": 0
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  24921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  24923.             "Category": "GEO",
  24924.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Pasadena, California.",
  24925.             "Year": 0
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  24931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  24933.             "Category": "GEO",
  24934.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  24935.             "Year": 0
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  24943.             "Category": "GEO",
  24944.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of North Platte, Nebraska.",
  24945.             "Year": 0
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  24951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24952.             "Title": "Welcome to Duluth Area Chamber of Commerce Homepage",
  24953.             "Category": "GEO",
  24954.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Duluth, Minnesota.",
  24955.             "Year": 0
  24956.         },
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  24961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24962.             "Title": "Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce - Home Page",
  24963.             "Category": "GEO",
  24964.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Victoria, British Columbia.",
  24965.             "Year": 0
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  24971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  24973.             "Category": "GEO",
  24974.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of the Cayman Islands.",
  24975.             "Year": 0
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  24981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  24982.             "Title": "The Greater El Paso Chamber of Commerce",
  24983.             "Category": "GEO",
  24984.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of El Paso, Texas.",
  24985.             "Year": 0
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  24991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  24993.             "Category": "GEO",
  24994.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Omaha, Nebraska.",
  24995.             "Year": 0
  24996.         },
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  25001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25002.             "Title": "Welcome to the Pensacola Area Chamber of Commerce",
  25003.             "Category": "GEO",
  25004.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Pensacola, Florida.",
  25005.             "Year": 0
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  25021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  25023.             "Category": "GEO",
  25024.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Albany, New York.",
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  25031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  25033.             "Category": "GEO",
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  25041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  25043.             "Category": "GEO",
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  25051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  25061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  25063.             "Category": "GEO",
  25064.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Canton, Ohio.",
  25065.             "Year": 0
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  25081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  25084.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Flin Flon, Manitoba.",
  25085.             "Year": 0
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  25105.             "Year": 0
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  25115.             "Year": 0
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  25151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  25155.             "Year": 0
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  25161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  25181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  25183.             "Category": "GEO",
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  25185.             "Year": 0
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  25191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  25194.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of New Westminster, British Columbia.",
  25195.             "Year": 0
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  25197.         {
  25198.             "RIT": "ws200104",
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  25205.             "Year": 0
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  25207.         {
  25208.             "RIT": "ws200105",
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  25215.             "Year": 0
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  25217.         {
  25218.             "RIT": "ws200117",
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  25221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  25225.             "Year": 0
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  25228.             "RIT": "ws200118",
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  25231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  25233.             "Category": "GEO",
  25234.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Dodge City, Kansas.",
  25235.             "Year": 0
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  25241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  25243.             "Category": "GEO",
  25244.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Izmir, Turkey.",
  25245.             "Year": 0
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  25247.         {
  25248.             "RIT": "ws200120",
  25249.             "Type": "WS",
  25250.             "URL": "http://www.tulsachamber.com/",
  25251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25252.             "Title": "Metropolitan Tulsa Chamber of Commerce",
  25253.             "Category": "GEO",
  25254.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Tulsa, Oklahoma.",
  25255.             "Year": 0
  25256.         },
  25257.         {
  25258.             "RIT": "ws200121",
  25259.             "Type": "WS",
  25260.             "URL": "http://www.mpcc.com/",
  25261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25262.             "Title": "Monterey Peninsula Chamber of Commerce",
  25263.             "Category": "GEO",
  25264.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Monterey, California.",
  25265.             "Year": 0
  25266.         },
  25267.         {
  25268.             "RIT": "ws200122",
  25269.             "Type": "WS",
  25270.             "URL": "http://www.MedicineHatChamber.com/",
  25271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25272.             "Title": "Medicine Hat & District Chamber of Commerce",
  25273.             "Category": "GEO",
  25274.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Medicine Hat, Alberta.",
  25275.             "Year": 0
  25276.         },
  25277.         {
  25278.             "RIT": "ws200123",
  25279.             "Type": "WS",
  25280.             "URL": "http://www.casperwyoming.org/index.html",
  25281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25282.             "Title": "Chamber of Commerce Casper Wyoming",
  25283.             "Category": "GEO",
  25284.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Casper, Wyoming.",
  25285.             "Year": 0
  25286.         },
  25287.         {
  25288.             "RIT": "ws200124",
  25289.             "Type": "WS",
  25290.             "URL": "http://www.battlecreek.org/",
  25291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25292.             "Title": "Official City of Battle Creek Web Site",
  25293.             "Category": "GEO",
  25294.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Battle Creek, Michigan.",
  25295.             "Year": 0
  25296.         },
  25297.         {
  25298.             "RIT": "ws200125",
  25299.             "Type": "WS",
  25300.             "URL": "http://www.greatermiami.com/gmcc/index.asp",
  25301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25302.             "Title": "Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce: Welcome!",
  25303.             "Category": "GEO",
  25304.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Miami, Florida.",
  25305.             "Year": 0
  25306.         },
  25307.         {
  25308.             "RIT": "ws200126",
  25309.             "Type": "WS",
  25310.             "URL": "http://www.fredericksburgchamber.org/index2.cfm",
  25311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25312.             "Title": "Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce",
  25313.             "Category": "GEO",
  25314.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Fredericksburg, Virginia.",
  25315.             "Year": 0
  25316.         },
  25317.         {
  25318.             "RIT": "ws200127",
  25319.             "Type": "WS",
  25320.             "URL": "http://www.sdchamber.org/",
  25321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25322.             "Title": "San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce",
  25323.             "Category": "GEO",
  25324.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of San Diego, California.",
  25325.             "Year": 0
  25326.         },
  25327.         {
  25328.             "RIT": "ws200140",
  25329.             "Type": "WS",
  25330.             "URL": "http://www.columbus-chamber.org/",
  25331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25332.             "Title": "Greater Columbus Chamber of Commerce News Now",
  25333.             "Category": "GEO",
  25334.             "Description": "Web site of the chamber of commerce of Columbus, Georgia.",
  25335.             "Year": 0
  25336.         },
  25337.         {
  25338.             "RIT": "ws200141",
  25339.             "Type": "WS",
  25340.             "URL": "http://www.decaturchamber.com/",
  25341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25342.             "Title": "Chamber of Commerce of Decatur & Macon County",
  25343.             "Category": "GEO",
  25344.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Decatur, Illinois.",
  25345.             "Year": 0
  25346.         },
  25347.         {
  25348.             "RIT": "ws200142",
  25349.             "Type": "WS",
  25350.             "URL": "http://www.lcci.com/",
  25351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25352.             "Title": "The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce & Industry - Lancaster, PA",
  25353.             "Category": "GEO",
  25354.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Lancaster, Pennsylvania.",
  25355.             "Year": 0
  25356.         },
  25357.         {
  25358.             "RIT": "ws200143",
  25359.             "Type": "WS",
  25360.             "URL": "http://www.hollywoodchamber.org/",
  25361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25362.             "Title": "The Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Resourse Guide",
  25363.             "Category": "GEO",
  25364.             "Description": "Web site of the chamber of commerce of Hollywood, California.",
  25365.             "Year": 0
  25366.         },
  25367.         {
  25368.             "RIT": "ws200144",
  25369.             "Type": "WS",
  25370.             "URL": "http://www.visitketchum.com/",
  25371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25372.             "Title": "Sun Valley/Ketchum Chamber of Commerce",
  25373.             "Category": "GEO",
  25374.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Sun Valley, Idaho.",
  25375.             "Year": 0
  25376.         },
  25377.         {
  25378.             "RIT": "ws200145",
  25379.             "Type": "WS",
  25380.             "URL": "http://www.metrochamber.org/",
  25381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25382.             "Title": "Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce",
  25383.             "Category": "GEO",
  25384.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Sacramento, California.",
  25385.             "Year": 0
  25386.         },
  25387.         {
  25388.             "RIT": "ws200146",
  25389.             "Type": "WS",
  25390.             "URL": "http://www.ssmcoc.com/",
  25391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25392.             "Title": "Sault Ste. Marie Chamber of Commerce",
  25393.             "Category": "GEO",
  25394.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario.",
  25395.             "Year": 0
  25396.         },
  25397.         {
  25398.             "RIT": "ws200147",
  25399.             "Type": "WS",
  25400.             "URL": "http://www.syracusechamber.com/",
  25401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25402.             "Title": "cny.com [Syracuse]",
  25403.             "Category": "GEO",
  25404.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Syracuse.",
  25405.             "Year": 0
  25406.         },
  25407.         {
  25408.             "RIT": "ws200148",
  25409.             "Type": "WS",
  25410.             "URL": "http://www.fairbankschamber.org/",
  25411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25412.             "Title": "Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce",
  25413.             "Category": "GEO",
  25414.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Fairbanks, Alaska.",
  25415.             "Year": 0
  25416.         },
  25417.         {
  25418.             "RIT": "ws200149",
  25419.             "Type": "WS",
  25420.             "URL": "http://www.newhavenchamber.com/",
  25421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25422.             "Title": "New Haven Chamber Of Commerce",
  25423.             "Category": "GEO",
  25424.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of New Haven, Connecticut.",
  25425.             "Year": 0
  25426.         },
  25427.         {
  25428.             "RIT": "ws200150",
  25429.             "Type": "WS",
  25430.             "URL": "http://www.norcc.org/",
  25431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25432.             "Title": "Welcome to the Chamber/ New Orleans and the River Region",
  25433.             "Category": "GEO",
  25434.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of New Orleans, Louisiana.",
  25435.             "Year": 0
  25436.         },
  25437.         {
  25438.             "RIT": "ws200162",
  25439.             "Type": "WS",
  25440.             "URL": "http://www.orlando.org/",
  25441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25442.             "Title": "Orlando Regional Chamber of Commerce",
  25443.             "Category": "GEO",
  25444.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Orlando, Florida.",
  25445.             "Year": 0
  25446.         },
  25447.         {
  25448.             "RIT": "ws200163",
  25449.             "Type": "WS",
  25450.             "URL": "http://www.pierrechamber.com/",
  25451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25452.             "Title": "Pierre South Dakota - Chamber of Commerce",
  25453.             "Category": "GEO",
  25454.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Pierre, South Dakota.",
  25455.             "Year": 0
  25456.         },
  25457.         {
  25458.             "RIT": "ws200164",
  25459.             "Type": "WS",
  25460.             "URL": "http://www.sarasotachamber.org/",
  25461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25462.             "Title": "Sarasota Chamber of Commerce",
  25463.             "Category": "GEO",
  25464.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Sarasota, Florida.",
  25465.             "Year": 0
  25466.         },
  25467.         {
  25468.             "RIT": "ws200165",
  25469.             "Type": "WS",
  25470.             "URL": "http://www.pgchamber.bc.ca/",
  25471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25472.             "Title": "The Prince George Chamber of Commerce",
  25473.             "Category": "GEO",
  25474.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Prince George, British Columbia.",
  25475.             "Year": 0
  25476.         },
  25477.         {
  25478.             "RIT": "ws200166",
  25479.             "Type": "WS",
  25480.             "URL": "http://www.newbernchamber.com/",
  25481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25482.             "Title": "New Bern Area Chamber of Commerce",
  25483.             "Category": "GEO",
  25484.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of New Bern, North Carolina.",
  25485.             "Year": 0
  25486.         },
  25487.         {
  25488.             "RIT": "ws200167",
  25489.             "Type": "WS",
  25490.             "URL": "http://www.brandon.com/chamber/",
  25491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25492.             "Title": "[Brandon] Chamber of Commerce",
  25493.             "Category": "GEO",
  25494.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Brandon, Manitoba.",
  25495.             "Year": 0
  25496.         },
  25497.         {
  25498.             "RIT": "ws200168",
  25499.             "Type": "WS",
  25500.             "URL": "http://olympiachamber.com/",
  25501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25502.             "Title": "The Olympia/Thurston County Chamber of Commerce, a Community Resource",
  25503.             "Category": "GEO",
  25504.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Olympia, Washington.",
  25505.             "Year": 0
  25506.         },
  25507.         {
  25508.             "RIT": "ws200169",
  25509.             "Type": "WS",
  25510.             "URL": "http://www.dmchamber.com/home.html",
  25511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25512.             "Title": "des moines: change your view",
  25513.             "Category": "GEO",
  25514.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Des Moines, Iowa.",
  25515.             "Year": 0
  25516.         },
  25517.         {
  25518.             "RIT": "ws200170",
  25519.             "Type": "WS",
  25520.             "URL": "http://www.sjchamber.com/",
  25521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25522.             "Title": "San Jose Chamber of Commerce",
  25523.             "Category": "GEO",
  25524.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of San Jose, California.",
  25525.             "Year": 0
  25526.         },
  25527.         {
  25528.             "RIT": "ws200171",
  25529.             "Type": "WS",
  25530.             "URL": "http://www.chmbr.org/",
  25531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25532.             "Title": "ChamberBiz-Bismarck-Mandan Chamber of Commerce",
  25533.             "Category": "GEO",
  25534.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Bismark, North Dakota.",
  25535.             "Year": 0
  25536.         },
  25537.         {
  25538.             "RIT": "ws200172",
  25539.             "Type": "WS",
  25540.             "URL": "http://www.gbcc.org/",
  25541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25542.             "Title": "Welcome to The Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce",
  25543.             "Category": "GEO",
  25544.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Boston, Massachusetts.",
  25545.             "Year": 0
  25546.         },
  25547.         {
  25548.             "RIT": "ws103184",
  25549.             "Type": "WS",
  25550.             "URL": "http://www.newbrunswick.com/",
  25551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25552.             "Title": "City of New Brunswick",
  25553.             "Category": "GEO",
  25554.             "Description": "Official New Brunswick site providing information about government, city services, community events, and tourism.",
  25555.             "Year": 0
  25556.         },
  25557.         {
  25558.             "RIT": "ws103185",
  25559.             "Type": "WS",
  25560.             "URL": "http://www.ibiscom.com/sub.htm",
  25561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25562.             "Title": "U-Boat Attack, 1916",
  25563.             "Category": "HIS",
  25564.             "Description": "Information about German U-boat (submarine) warfare in World War I, including a description of an attack on an allied cargo vessel from the diary of a German U-boat commander. From the EyeWitness project of Ibis Communications, which provides fi",
  25565.             "Year": 0
  25566.         },
  25567.         {
  25568.             "RIT": "ws103186",
  25569.             "Type": "WS",
  25570.             "URL": "http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWhome.htm",
  25571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25572.             "Title": "The First World War: The British Home Front",
  25573.             "Category": "HIS",
  25574.             "Description": "An overview of the home front in Great Britain during World War I. Topics include rationing, measures to control alcohol consumption, press censorship, dissent, and women's roles. Provided by Spartacus Educational, a British educational consortium.",
  25575.             "Year": 0
  25576.         },
  25577.         {
  25578.             "RIT": "ws103187",
  25579.             "Type": "WS",
  25580.             "URL": "http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~calong/print.somann.html",
  25581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25582.             "Title": "The Battle of the Somme 1916",
  25583.             "Category": "HIS",
  25584.             "Description": "The story of the disastrous Battle of the Somme, launched by British commander Douglas Haig on the Western Front in July 1916. Presented by Christopher Long of London News Radio.",
  25585.             "Year": 0
  25586.         },
  25587.         {
  25588.             "RIT": "ws103188",
  25589.             "Type": "WS",
  25590.             "URL": "http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/assist/nvaa2000/academy/I-9-DV.htm",
  25591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25592.             "Title": "A Community Checklist: Important Steps to End Violence Against Women",
  25593.             "Category": "SOC",
  25594.             "Description": "A community action list for preventing violence against women, including rape. Action items for health and law enforcement professionals and for people in the workplace, schools and colleges, places of worship, sports, and the media. Sponsored b",
  25595.             "Year": 0
  25596.         },
  25597.         {
  25598.             "RIT": "ws103189",
  25599.             "Type": "WS",
  25600.             "URL": "http://www.worldwar1.com/dbc/dbc2.htm",
  25601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25602.             "Title": "Doughboy Center: The Story of the American Expeditionary Forces",
  25603.             "Category": "HIS",
  25604.             "Description": "Detailed information about the 'Doughboys,' American troops in World War I, and their contribution to the Allied victory. Includes histories, memoirs, photos, and other presentations. Sponsored by the Great War Society.",
  25605.             "Year": 0
  25606.         },
  25607.         {
  25608.             "RIT": "ws103199",
  25609.             "Type": "WS",
  25610.             "URL": "http://hum.amu.edu.pl/~zbzw/glob/glob1.htm",
  25611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25612.             "Title": "The Great Globe Gallery",
  25613.             "Category": "PHY",
  25614.             "Description": "A huge assortment of images of earth--some animated, some live--including maps of world glaciers, floods, tectonic movements, impact craters, and atmospheric conditions, with links to a wealth of information about geological and geographic proce",
  25615.             "Year": 0
  25616.         },
  25617.         {
  25618.             "RIT": "ws103201",
  25619.             "Type": "WS",
  25620.             "URL": "http://www.ncasa.org/issues.html",
  25621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25622.             "Title": "National Coalition Against Sexual Assault",
  25623.             "Category": "SOC",
  25624.             "Description": "Information about sexual assault and sexual harassment from a Pennsylvania-based feminist organization. Includes articles on types of sexual assault and sexual harassment, myths and facts about rape, and links to related resources and information.",
  25625.             "Year": 0
  25626.         },
  25627.         {
  25628.             "RIT": "ws103202",
  25629.             "Type": "WS",
  25630.             "URL": "http://www.worldwar1.com/arm006.htm",
  25631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25632.             "Title": "Gas Warfare",
  25633.             "Category": "HIS",
  25634.             "Description": "Detailed information about deadly gas attacks on the Western Front in World War I.",
  25635.             "Year": 0
  25636.         },
  25637.         {
  25638.             "RIT": "ws103204",
  25639.             "Type": "WS",
  25640.             "URL": "http://members.xoom.com/movinforward/",
  25641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25642.             "Title": "Moving Forward",
  25643.             "Category": "SOC",
  25644.             "Description": "Information about sex discrimination and a gateway to resources for women who are experiencing hostile or discriminatory gender-related problems in the workplace. Sponsored by Moving Forward, an organization of North Carolina-based female federa",
  25645.             "Year": 0
  25646.         },
  25647.         {
  25648.             "RIT": "ws103205",
  25649.             "Type": "WS",
  25650.             "URL": "http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/FWWsea.htm",
  25651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25652.             "Title": "The First World War: War at Sea",
  25653.             "Category": "HIS",
  25654.             "Description": "Information about navies of the combatants, battles, naval leaders, unrestricted submarine warfare, and ship losses during the World War I. Provided by Spartacus Educational, a British educational consortium.",
  25655.             "Year": 0
  25656.         },
  25657.         {
  25658.             "RIT": "ws200046",
  25659.             "Type": "WS",
  25660.             "URL": "http://www.cvillechamber.org/",
  25661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25662.             "Title": "Charlottesville-Albemarle Chamber of Commerce",
  25663.             "Category": "GEO",
  25664.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Charlottesville, Virginia.",
  25665.             "Year": 0
  25666.         },
  25667.         {
  25668.             "RIT": "ws200047",
  25669.             "Type": "WS",
  25670.             "URL": "http://www.chamberogdenweber.org/",
  25671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25672.             "Title": "Ogden - Weber Chamber of Commerce",
  25673.             "Category": "GEO",
  25674.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Ogden, Utah.",
  25675.             "Year": 0
  25676.         },
  25677.         {
  25678.             "RIT": "ws200059",
  25679.             "Type": "WS",
  25680.             "URL": "http://www.saltlakechamber.org/",
  25681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25682.             "Title": "Salt Lake Area Chamber of Commerce",
  25683.             "Category": "GEO",
  25684.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Salt Lake City, Utah.",
  25685.             "Year": 0
  25686.         },
  25687.         {
  25688.             "RIT": "ws200060",
  25689.             "Type": "WS",
  25690.             "URL": "http://www.tucsonchamber.org/",
  25691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25692.             "Title": "Tucson Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce",
  25693.             "Category": "GEO",
  25694.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Tucson, Arizona.",
  25695.             "Year": 0
  25696.         },
  25697.         {
  25698.             "RIT": "ws200061",
  25699.             "Type": "WS",
  25700.             "URL": "http://www.gacc.org/",
  25701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25702.             "Title": "Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce",
  25703.             "Category": "GEO",
  25704.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Albuquerque, New Mexico.",
  25705.             "Year": 0
  25706.         },
  25707.         {
  25708.             "RIT": "ws200062",
  25709.             "Type": "WS",
  25710.             "URL": "http://www.provchamber.com/",
  25711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25712.             "Title": "Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce",
  25713.             "Category": "GEO",
  25714.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Providence, Rhode Island.",
  25715.             "Year": 0
  25716.         },
  25717.         {
  25718.             "RIT": "ws200063",
  25719.             "Type": "WS",
  25720.             "URL": "http://www.scrantonchamber.com/",
  25721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25722.             "Title": "Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce",
  25723.             "Category": "GEO",
  25724.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Scranton, Pennsylvania.",
  25725.             "Year": 0
  25726.         },
  25727.         {
  25728.             "RIT": "ws200064",
  25729.             "Type": "WS",
  25730.             "URL": "http://www.helenachamber.com/",
  25731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25732.             "Title": "[Helena Montana Chamber of Commerce]",
  25733.             "Category": "GEO",
  25734.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Helena, Montana.",
  25735.             "Year": 0
  25736.         },
  25737.         {
  25738.             "RIT": "ws200065",
  25739.             "Type": "WS",
  25740.             "URL": "http://www.pueblochamber.org/",
  25741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25742.             "Title": "The Greater Pueblo Chamber of Commerce",
  25743.             "Category": "GEO",
  25744.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Pueblo, Colorado.",
  25745.             "Year": 0
  25746.         },
  25747.         {
  25748.             "RIT": "ws200066",
  25749.             "Type": "WS",
  25750.             "URL": "http://www.daytonachamber.com/",
  25751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25752.             "Title": "Daytona Beach - Daytona Beach Florida",
  25753.             "Category": "GEO",
  25754.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Daytona Beach, Florida.",
  25755.             "Year": 0
  25756.         },
  25757.         {
  25758.             "RIT": "ws200067",
  25759.             "Type": "WS",
  25760.             "URL": "http://www.charlestonwvchamber.org/",
  25761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25762.             "Title": "Charleston Regional Chamber of Commerce",
  25763.             "Category": "GEO",
  25764.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Charleston, West Virginia.",
  25765.             "Year": 0
  25766.         },
  25767.         {
  25768.             "RIT": "ws200068",
  25769.             "Type": "WS",
  25770.             "URL": "http://ultra.ccp.com/~schamber/index.html",
  25771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25772.             "Title": "Savannah Chamber of Commerce Home Page",
  25773.             "Category": "GEO",
  25774.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Savannah, Georgia.",
  25775.             "Year": 0
  25776.         },
  25777.         {
  25778.             "RIT": "ws200069",
  25779.             "Type": "WS",
  25780.             "URL": "http://www.greatermadisonchamber.com/",
  25781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25782.             "Title": "Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce",
  25783.             "Category": "GEO",
  25784.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Madison, Wisconsin.",
  25785.             "Year": 0
  25786.         },
  25787.         {
  25788.             "RIT": "ws200081",
  25789.             "Type": "WS",
  25790.             "URL": "http://www.herald-sun.com/dcc/",
  25791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25792.             "Title": "Durham Chamber of Commerce",
  25793.             "Category": "GEO",
  25794.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Durham, North Carolina.",
  25795.             "Year": 0
  25796.         },
  25797.         {
  25798.             "RIT": "ws200082",
  25799.             "Type": "WS",
  25800.             "URL": "http://www.anaheimchamber.org/",
  25801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25802.             "Title": "Anaheim Chamber of Commerce California",
  25803.             "Category": "GEO",
  25804.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Anaheim, California.",
  25805.             "Year": 0
  25806.         },
  25807.         {
  25808.             "RIT": "ws200083",
  25809.             "Type": "WS",
  25810.             "URL": "http://metroaugusta.com/",
  25811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25812.             "Title": "Metro Augusta Chamber of Commerce",
  25813.             "Category": "GEO",
  25814.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Augusta, Georgia.",
  25815.             "Year": 0
  25816.         },
  25817.         {
  25818.             "RIT": "ws200084",
  25819.             "Type": "WS",
  25820.             "URL": "http://www.gccc.com/",
  25821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25822.             "Title": "Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce",
  25823.             "Category": "GEO",
  25824.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Cincinnati, Ohio.",
  25825.             "Year": 0
  25826.         },
  25827.         {
  25828.             "RIT": "ws200086",
  25829.             "Type": "WS",
  25830.             "URL": "http://www.glasgowchamber.org/",
  25831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25832.             "Title": "Glasgow Chamber of Commerce",
  25833.             "Category": "GEO",
  25834.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Glasgow, Scotland.",
  25835.             "Year": 0
  25836.         },
  25837.         {
  25838.             "RIT": "ws200087",
  25839.             "Type": "WS",
  25840.             "URL": "http://www.ftlchamber.com/",
  25841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25842.             "Title": "[Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce]",
  25843.             "Category": "GEO",
  25844.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Fort Lauderdale, Florida.",
  25845.             "Year": 0
  25846.         },
  25847.         {
  25848.             "RIT": "ws200088",
  25849.             "Type": "WS",
  25850.             "URL": "http://www.thechamber.org/",
  25851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25852.             "Title": "Provo Orem Chamber of Commerce",
  25853.             "Category": "GEO",
  25854.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Provo, Utah.",
  25855.             "Year": 0
  25856.         },
  25857.         {
  25858.             "RIT": "ws200090",
  25859.             "Type": "WS",
  25860.             "URL": "http://www.lcoc.com/",
  25861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25862.             "Title": "Lincoln Nebraska Chamber of Commerce",
  25863.             "Category": "GEO",
  25864.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Lincoln, Nebraska.",
  25865.             "Year": 0
  25866.         },
  25867.         {
  25868.             "RIT": "ws200091",
  25869.             "Type": "WS",
  25870.             "URL": "http://www.anchoragechamber.org/index2.htm",
  25871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25872.             "Title": "Anchorage Chamber of Commerce",
  25873.             "Category": "GEO",
  25874.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Anchorage, Alaska.",
  25875.             "Year": 0
  25876.         },
  25877.         {
  25878.             "RIT": "ws200092",
  25879.             "Type": "WS",
  25880.             "URL": "http://www.saintpaulchamber.com/",
  25881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25882.             "Title": "Welcome to the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce!",
  25883.             "Category": "GEO",
  25884.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Saint Paul.",
  25885.             "Year": 0
  25886.         },
  25887.         {
  25888.             "RIT": "ws200093",
  25889.             "Type": "WS",
  25890.             "URL": "http://www.Ketchikanchamber.com/",
  25891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25892.             "Title": "Ketchikan, Alaska Chamber of Commerce Homepage",
  25893.             "Category": "GEO",
  25894.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Ketchikan, Alaska.",
  25895.             "Year": 0
  25896.         },
  25897.         {
  25898.             "RIT": "ws200106",
  25899.             "Type": "WS",
  25900.             "URL": "http://www.reginachamber.com/",
  25901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25902.             "Title": "Regina Chamber of Commerce",
  25903.             "Category": "GEO",
  25904.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Regina, Saskatchewan.",
  25905.             "Year": 0
  25906.         },
  25907.         {
  25908.             "RIT": "ws200107",
  25909.             "Type": "WS",
  25910.             "URL": "http://www.daytonchamber.org/",
  25911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25912.             "Title": "Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce",
  25913.             "Category": "GEO",
  25914.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Dayton, Ohio.",
  25915.             "Year": 0
  25916.         },
  25917.         {
  25918.             "RIT": "ws200108",
  25919.             "Type": "WS",
  25920.             "URL": "http://www.chamber.se/",
  25921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25922.             "Title": "Stockholms Handelskammare",
  25923.             "Category": "GEO",
  25924.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Stockholm, Sweden.",
  25925.             "Year": 0
  25926.         },
  25927.         {
  25928.             "RIT": "ws200109",
  25929.             "Type": "WS",
  25930.             "URL": "http://www.burbank.acityline.com/",
  25931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25932.             "Title": "Burbank, California The Official Web Site",
  25933.             "Category": "GEO",
  25934.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Burbank, California.",
  25935.             "Year": 0
  25936.         },
  25937.         {
  25938.             "RIT": "ws200110",
  25939.             "Type": "WS",
  25940.             "URL": "http://www.amarillo-chamber.org/",
  25941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25942.             "Title": "The Amarillo Chamber of Commerce",
  25943.             "Category": "GEO",
  25944.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Amarillo, Texas.",
  25945.             "Year": 0
  25946.         },
  25947.         {
  25948.             "RIT": "ws200111",
  25949.             "Type": "WS",
  25950.             "URL": "http://www.centurytel.net/lacrosse/index.html",
  25951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25952.             "Title": "Greater La Crosse Area Chamber of Commerce",
  25953.             "Category": "GEO",
  25954.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of La Crosse, Wisconsin.",
  25955.             "Year": 0
  25956.         },
  25957.         {
  25958.             "RIT": "ws200112",
  25959.             "Type": "WS",
  25960.             "URL": "http://www.ardb.org/",
  25961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25962.             "Title": "Akron Regional Development Board",
  25963.             "Category": "GEO",
  25964.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Akron, Ohio.",
  25965.             "Year": 0
  25966.         },
  25967.         {
  25968.             "RIT": "ws200113",
  25969.             "Type": "WS",
  25970.             "URL": "http://www.dlrchamber.ie/",
  25971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  25972.             "Title": "Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Chamber of Commerce",
  25973.             "Category": "GEO",
  25974.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Dun Laoghaire, Ireland.",
  25975.             "Year": 0
  25976.         },
  25977.         {
  25978.             "RIT": "ws200114",
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  25993.             "Category": "GEO",
  25994.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Scottsdale, Arizona.",
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  25997.         {
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  26011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26014.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Newport, Rhode Island.",
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  26021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26025.             "Year": 0
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  26033.             "Category": "GEO",
  26034.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Boise, Idaho.",
  26035.             "Year": 0
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  26041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26043.             "Category": "GEO",
  26044.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Morgantown, West Virginia.",
  26045.             "Year": 0
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  26055.             "Year": 0
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  26058.             "RIT": "ws200133",
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  26061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26064.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of San Juan Capistrano, California.",
  26065.             "Year": 0
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  26071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26075.             "Year": 0
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  26083.             "Category": "GEO",
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  26085.             "Year": 0
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  26093.             "Category": "GEO",
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  26095.             "Year": 0
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  26115.             "Year": 0
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  26124.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Tampere, Finland.",
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  26155.             "Year": 0
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  26175.             "Year": 0
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  26181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26185.             "Year": 0
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  26205.             "Year": 0
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  26207.         {
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  26211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26215.             "Year": 0
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  26217.         {
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  26221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26223.             "Category": "GEO",
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  26231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26278.             "RIT": "ws200179",
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  26288.             "RIT": "ws200180",
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  26291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26305.             "Year": 0
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  26311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26312.             "Title": "Welcome to Carson City Area Chamber of Commerce",
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  26321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26348.             "RIT": "ws200186",
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  26350.             "URL": "http://www.wichitakansas.org/",
  26351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26352.             "Title": "Welcome to Wichita",
  26353.             "Category": "GEO",
  26354.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Wichita, Kansas.",
  26355.             "Year": 0
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  26357.         {
  26358.             "RIT": "ws200187",
  26359.             "Type": "WS",
  26360.             "URL": "http://www.jcchamber.org/",
  26361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26362.             "Title": "Visit Jefferson City - Chamber of Commerce",
  26363.             "Category": "GEO",
  26364.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Jefferson City, Missouri.",
  26365.             "Year": 0
  26366.         },
  26367.         {
  26368.             "RIT": "ws200188",
  26369.             "Type": "WS",
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  26371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26372.             "Title": "Schenectady County Chamber of Commerce",
  26373.             "Category": "GEO",
  26374.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Schenectady, New York.",
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  26381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26382.             "Title": "Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce - Idaho Falls, Idaho",
  26383.             "Category": "GEO",
  26384.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Idaho Falls, Idaho.",
  26385.             "Year": 0
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  26387.         {
  26388.             "RIT": "ws200190",
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  26391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26392.             "Title": "Cork Chamber of Commerce",
  26393.             "Category": "GEO",
  26394.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Cork, Ireland.",
  26395.             "Year": 0
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  26398.             "RIT": "ws200191",
  26399.             "Type": "WS",
  26400.             "URL": "http://www.titletown.org/",
  26401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26402.             "Title": "Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce",
  26403.             "Category": "GEO",
  26404.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Green Bay, Wisconsin.",
  26405.             "Year": 0
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  26407.         {
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  26410.             "URL": "http://www.cambridgechamber.org/",
  26411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26412.             "Title": "Cambridge, MA, USA Chamber of Commerce Web site",
  26413.             "Category": "GEO",
  26414.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Cambridge, Massachusetts.",
  26415.             "Year": 0
  26416.         },
  26417.         {
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  26421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26422.             "Title": "Palm Springs Chamber of Commerce, Palm Springs, California",
  26423.             "Category": "GEO",
  26424.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Palm Springs, California.",
  26425.             "Year": 0
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  26427.         {
  26428.             "RIT": "ws200206",
  26429.             "Type": "WS",
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  26431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26432.             "Title": "Welcome to Asheville, North Carolina",
  26433.             "Category": "GEO",
  26434.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Ashville, North Carolina.",
  26435.             "Year": 0
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  26437.         {
  26438.             "RIT": "ws200207",
  26439.             "Type": "WS",
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  26441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26442.             "Title": "St. Louis Regional Chamber and Growth Association",
  26443.             "Category": "GEO",
  26444.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Saint Louis, Missouri.",
  26445.             "Year": 0
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  26447.         {
  26448.             "RIT": "ws200208",
  26449.             "Type": "WS",
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  26451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26452.             "Title": "Greensboro Chamber of Commerce",
  26453.             "Category": "GEO",
  26454.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Greensboro, North Carolina.",
  26455.             "Year": 0
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  26458.             "RIT": "ws200209",
  26459.             "Type": "WS",
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  26461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26462.             "Title": "The Buffalo Niagara Partnership",
  26463.             "Category": "GEO",
  26464.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Buffalo, New York.",
  26465.             "Year": 0
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  26467.         {
  26468.             "RIT": "ws200210",
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  26471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26473.             "Category": "GEO",
  26474.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Saint Petersburg, Russia.",
  26475.             "Year": 0
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  26477.         {
  26478.             "RIT": "ws200211",
  26479.             "Type": "WS",
  26480.             "URL": "http://www.rutlandvermont.com/",
  26481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26482.             "Title": "Welcome to Rutland Vermont",
  26483.             "Category": "GEO",
  26484.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Rutland, Vermont.",
  26485.             "Year": 0
  26486.         },
  26487.         {
  26488.             "RIT": "ws200212",
  26489.             "Type": "WS",
  26490.             "URL": "http://www.frchamber.com/",
  26491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26492.             "Title": "Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Inc.",
  26493.             "Category": "GEO",
  26494.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Fall River, Massachusetts.",
  26495.             "Year": 0
  26496.         },
  26497.         {
  26498.             "RIT": "ws200213",
  26499.             "Type": "WS",
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  26501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26503.             "Category": "GEO",
  26504.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Annapolis, Maryland.",
  26505.             "Year": 0
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  26507.         {
  26508.             "RIT": "ws200214",
  26509.             "Type": "WS",
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  26511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26513.             "Category": "GEO",
  26514.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Oakland, California.",
  26515.             "Year": 0
  26516.         },
  26517.         {
  26518.             "RIT": "ws200215",
  26519.             "Type": "WS",
  26520.             "URL": "http://www.hsvchamber.org/",
  26521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26522.             "Title": "[Huntsville, Alabama]",
  26523.             "Category": "GEO",
  26524.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Huntsville, Alabama.",
  26525.             "Year": 0
  26526.         },
  26527.         {
  26528.             "RIT": "ws200216",
  26529.             "Type": "WS",
  26530.             "URL": "http://www.Manchester-Chamber.org/",
  26531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26532.             "Title": "Manchester Chamber of Commerce",
  26533.             "Category": "GEO",
  26534.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Manchester, New Hampshire.",
  26535.             "Year": 0
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  26537.         {
  26538.             "RIT": "ws200228",
  26539.             "Type": "WS",
  26540.             "URL": "http://www.shreveportchamber.org/",
  26541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26542.             "Title": "Welcome to the Greater Shreveport Chamber of Commerce Online",
  26543.             "Category": "GEO",
  26544.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Shreveport, Louisiana.",
  26545.             "Year": 0
  26546.         },
  26547.         {
  26548.             "RIT": "ws200229",
  26549.             "Type": "WS",
  26550.             "URL": "http://chamber.hollywood.com/index.html",
  26551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  26553.             "Category": "GEO",
  26554.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Hollywood, California.",
  26555.             "Year": 0
  26556.         },
  26557.         {
  26558.             "RIT": "ws200230",
  26559.             "Type": "WS",
  26560.             "URL": "http://www.frederictonchamber.ca/",
  26561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26562.             "Title": "Fredericton Chamber of Commerce in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada",
  26563.             "Category": "GEO",
  26564.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Fredricton, New Brunswick.",
  26565.             "Year": 0
  26566.         },
  26567.         {
  26568.             "RIT": "ws200231",
  26569.             "Type": "WS",
  26570.             "URL": "http://www.rockfordchamber.com/",
  26571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26572.             "Title": "Rockford Chamber",
  26573.             "Category": "GEO",
  26574.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Rockford, Illinois.",
  26575.             "Year": 0
  26576.         },
  26577.         {
  26578.             "RIT": "ws200232",
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  26580.             "URL": "http://www.salemchamber.org/",
  26581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26582.             "Title": "Salem Area Chamber of Commerce",
  26583.             "Category": "GEO",
  26584.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Salem, Oregon.",
  26585.             "Year": 0
  26586.         },
  26587.         {
  26588.             "RIT": "ws200233",
  26589.             "Type": "WS",
  26590.             "URL": "",
  26591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26592.             "Title": "Columbus, Georgia Chamber of Commerce Home Page",
  26593.             "Category": "GEO",
  26594.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Columbus, Georgia.",
  26595.             "Year": 0
  26596.         },
  26597.         {
  26598.             "RIT": "ws200234",
  26599.             "Type": "WS",
  26600.             "URL": "http://www.duesseldorf.ihk.de/uk/index.htm",
  26601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26602.             "Title": "IHK Dusseldorf",
  26603.             "Category": "GEO",
  26604.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Dusseldorf, Germany.",
  26605.             "Year": 0
  26606.         },
  26607.         {
  26608.             "RIT": "ws200235",
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  26611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26612.             "Title": "Delphion Intellectual Property Network",
  26613.             "Category": "GEO",
  26614.             "Description": "A comprehensive guide to Palestine. The site provides information about the tourism, arts and culture, government, education, and general information on Palestine.",
  26615.             "Year": 0
  26616.         },
  26617.         {
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  26620.             "URL": "http://www.alexchamber.com/",
  26621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26622.             "Title": "Alexandria Chamber of Commerce",
  26623.             "Category": "GEO",
  26624.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Alexandria, Virginia.",
  26625.             "Year": 0
  26626.         },
  26627.         {
  26628.             "RIT": "ws200237",
  26629.             "Type": "WS",
  26630.             "URL": "http://www.lethchamber.org/",
  26631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26632.             "Title": "Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce",
  26633.             "Category": "GEO",
  26634.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Lethbridge, Alberta.",
  26635.             "Year": 0
  26636.         },
  26637.         {
  26638.             "RIT": "ws200238",
  26639.             "Type": "WS",
  26640.             "URL": "http://www.yumachamber.org/",
  26641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26642.             "Title": "Chamber of Commerce: Yuma County, Arizona",
  26643.             "Category": "GEO",
  26644.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Yuma, Arizona.",
  26645.             "Year": 0
  26646.         },
  26647.         {
  26648.             "RIT": "ws200239",
  26649.             "Type": "WS",
  26650.             "URL": "http://www.denverchamber.org/index1.htm",
  26651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26652.             "Title": "Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce",
  26653.             "Category": "GEO",
  26654.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Denver, Colorado.",
  26655.             "Year": 0
  26656.         },
  26657.         {
  26658.             "RIT": "ws200240",
  26659.             "Type": "WS",
  26660.             "URL": "http://www.northfieldchamber.com/",
  26661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26662.             "Title": "The Northfield Area Chamber of Commerce 800-658-2548",
  26663.             "Category": "GEO",
  26664.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Northfield, Minnesota.",
  26665.             "Year": 0
  26666.         },
  26667.         {
  26668.             "RIT": "ws200241",
  26669.             "Type": "WS",
  26670.             "URL": "http://www.gohilo.com/Hawaii/hilo/chamber-of-commerce.htm",
  26671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26672.             "Title": "About the Hawaii Island Chamber of Commerce",
  26673.             "Category": "GEO",
  26674.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Hilo, Hawaii.",
  26675.             "Year": 0
  26676.         },
  26677.         {
  26678.             "RIT": "ws200242",
  26679.             "Type": "WS",
  26680.             "URL": "http://www.baltwashchamber.org/",
  26681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26682.             "Title": "[Baltimore Maryland Chamber of Commerce]",
  26683.             "Category": "GEO",
  26684.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Baltimore, Maryland.",
  26685.             "Year": 0
  26686.         },
  26687.         {
  26688.             "RIT": "ws200243",
  26689.             "Type": "WS",
  26690.             "URL": "http://www.stpete.com/",
  26691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26692.             "Title": "St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce Website",
  26693.             "Category": "GEO",
  26694.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of St. Petersburg, Florida.",
  26695.             "Year": 0
  26696.         },
  26697.         {
  26698.             "RIT": "ws200244",
  26699.             "Type": "WS",
  26700.             "URL": "http://www.nashvillechamber.com/",
  26701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26702.             "Title": "Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce",
  26703.             "Category": "GEO",
  26704.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Nashville, Tennessee.",
  26705.             "Year": 0
  26706.         },
  26707.         {
  26708.             "RIT": "ws200245",
  26709.             "Type": "WS",
  26710.             "URL": "http://www.wtp.net/bacc/",
  26711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26712.             "Title": "Billings Area Chamber of Commerce",
  26713.             "Category": "GEO",
  26714.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Billings, Montana.",
  26715.             "Year": 0
  26716.         },
  26717.         {
  26718.             "RIT": "ws200246",
  26719.             "Type": "WS",
  26720.             "URL": "http://www.adcci-uae.com/",
  26721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26722.             "Title": "Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry",
  26723.             "Category": "GEO",
  26724.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.",
  26725.             "Year": 0
  26726.         },
  26727.         {
  26728.             "RIT": "ws200247",
  26729.             "Type": "WS",
  26730.             "URL": "http://www.flagstaffchamber.com/",
  26731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26732.             "Title": "ChamberBiz-Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce",
  26733.             "Category": "GEO",
  26734.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Flagstaff, Arizona.",
  26735.             "Year": 0
  26736.         },
  26737.         {
  26738.             "RIT": "ws200248",
  26739.             "Type": "WS",
  26740.             "URL": "http://www.bmtcoc.org/",
  26741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26742.             "Title": "Welcome to Beaumont",
  26743.             "Category": "GEO",
  26744.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Beaumont, Texas.",
  26745.             "Year": 0
  26746.         },
  26747.         {
  26748.             "RIT": "ws200261",
  26749.             "Type": "WS",
  26750.             "URL": "http://www.talchamber.com/index.php3",
  26751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26752.             "Title": "Tallahassee FL Chamber of Commerce",
  26753.             "Category": "GEO",
  26754.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Tallahassee, Florida.",
  26755.             "Year": 0
  26756.         },
  26757.         {
  26758.             "RIT": "ws200262",
  26759.             "Type": "WS",
  26760.             "URL": "http://www.ccic.be/welcome2.html",
  26761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26762.             "Title": "welcome2 [Charleroi, Belgium]",
  26763.             "Category": "GEO",
  26764.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Charleroi, Belgium.",
  26765.             "Year": 0
  26766.         },
  26767.         {
  26768.             "RIT": "ws200264",
  26769.             "Type": "WS",
  26770.             "URL": "http://www.destinationaspen.com/aspen/",
  26771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26772.             "Title": "Aspen Chamber Resort Association, Aspen Colorado",
  26773.             "Category": "GEO",
  26774.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Aspen, Colorado.",
  26775.             "Year": 0
  26776.         },
  26777.         {
  26778.             "RIT": "ws200265",
  26779.             "Type": "WS",
  26780.             "URL": "http://www.chicagolandchamber.org/",
  26781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26782.             "Title": "Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce",
  26783.             "Category": "GEO",
  26784.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Chicago, Illinois.",
  26785.             "Year": 0
  26786.         },
  26787.         {
  26788.             "RIT": "ws200266",
  26789.             "Type": "WS",
  26790.             "URL": "http://www.lbchamber.com/newchamber/",
  26791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26792.             "Title": "[Long Beach, California]",
  26793.             "Category": "GEO",
  26794.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Long Beach, California.",
  26795.             "Year": 0
  26796.         },
  26797.         {
  26798.             "RIT": "ws200267",
  26799.             "Type": "WS",
  26800.             "URL": "http://www.annarborchamber.org/",
  26801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26802.             "Title": "Ann Arbor Area Chamber of Commerce",
  26803.             "Category": "GEO",
  26804.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Ann Arbor, Michigan.",
  26805.             "Year": 0
  26806.         },
  26807.         {
  26808.             "RIT": "ws200268",
  26809.             "Type": "WS",
  26810.             "URL": "http://www.concordnhchamber.com/",
  26811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26812.             "Title": "Concord, NH Chamber of Commerce - Home",
  26813.             "Category": "GEO",
  26814.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Concord, New Hampshire.",
  26815.             "Year": 0
  26816.         },
  26817.         {
  26818.             "RIT": "ws200269",
  26819.             "Type": "WS",
  26820.             "URL": "http://www.chamber.calgary.ab.ca/",
  26821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26822.             "Title": "Calgary Chamber of Commerce",
  26823.             "Category": "GEO",
  26824.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Calgary, Alberta.",
  26825.             "Year": 0
  26826.         },
  26827.         {
  26828.             "RIT": "ws200270",
  26829.             "Type": "WS",
  26830.             "URL": "http://www.charlestonchamber.net/home.asp",
  26831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26832.             "Title": "Charleston Metro Chamber",
  26833.             "Category": "GEO",
  26834.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Charleston, South Carolina.",
  26835.             "Year": 0
  26836.         },
  26837.         {
  26838.             "RIT": "ws200271",
  26839.             "Type": "WS",
  26840.             "URL": "http://www.waco-chamber.com/",
  26841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26842.             "Title": "Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce",
  26843.             "Category": "GEO",
  26844.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Waco, Texas.",
  26845.             "Year": 0
  26846.         },
  26847.         {
  26848.             "RIT": "ws200272",
  26849.             "Type": "WS",
  26850.             "URL": "http://www.nashuachamber.com/",
  26851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26852.             "Title": "Chamber Home Page [Nashua]",
  26853.             "Category": "GEO",
  26854.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Nashua, New Hampshire.",
  26855.             "Year": 0
  26856.         },
  26857.         {
  26858.             "RIT": "ws200284",
  26859.             "Type": "WS",
  26860.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_702000/702388.stm",
  26861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26862.             "Title": "BBC News: Severe loss to Arctic ozone",
  26863.             "Category": "PHY",
  26864.             "Description": "News and links regarding the Arctic ozone loss.",
  26865.             "Year": 0
  26866.         },
  26867.         {
  26868.             "RIT": "ws200285",
  26869.             "Type": "WS",
  26870.             "URL": "http://supct.law.cornell.edu/supct/",
  26871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26872.             "Title": "Supreme Court Collection",
  26873.             "Category": "SOC",
  26874.             "Description": "Cornell University's Legal Information Institute offers Supreme Court decisions from 1990 to the present.",
  26875.             "Year": 0
  26876.         },
  26877.         {
  26878.             "RIT": "ws200286",
  26879.             "Type": "WS",
  26880.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,50,00.html",
  26881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26882.             "Title": "Julia Roberts",
  26883.             "Category": "HUM",
  26884.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  26885.             "Year": 0
  26886.         },
  26887.         {
  26888.             "RIT": "ws200288",
  26889.             "Type": "WS",
  26890.             "URL": "http://svca.wto-ministerial.org/",
  26891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26892.             "Title": "The 3rd WTO Ministerial Conference",
  26893.             "Category": "SOC",
  26894.             "Description": "Official World Trade Organization site for its conference held in Seattle in 1999.",
  26895.             "Year": 0
  26896.         },
  26897.         {
  26898.             "RIT": "ws200289",
  26899.             "Type": "WS",
  26900.             "URL": "http://www.moi-sy.com/",
  26901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26902.             "Title": "Ministry of Information Syrian Arab Republic",
  26903.             "Category": "GEO",
  26904.             "Description": "Syrian government site contains information about Syria's geography, history, government, politics, and president.",
  26905.             "Year": 0
  26906.         },
  26907.         {
  26908.             "RIT": "ws200290",
  26909.             "Type": "WS",
  26910.             "URL": "http://www.beef.org/",
  26911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26912.             "Title": "Beef.org",
  26913.             "Category": "SOC",
  26914.             "Description": "Industry groups present news and information about the beef industry.",
  26915.             "Year": 0
  26916.         },
  26917.         {
  26918.             "RIT": "ws200291",
  26919.             "Type": "WS",
  26920.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/tkennedy/index.html",
  26921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26922.             "Title": "People Profiles:Ted Kennedy",
  26923.             "Category": "HIS",
  26924.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  26925.             "Year": 0
  26926.         },
  26927.         {
  26928.             "RIT": "ws200292",
  26929.             "Type": "WS",
  26930.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=88&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  26931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26932.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Maya Angelou",
  26933.             "Category": "HUM",
  26934.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a biography, and related Web sites.",
  26935.             "Year": 0
  26936.         },
  26937.         {
  26938.             "RIT": "ws200293",
  26939.             "Type": "WS",
  26940.             "URL": "http://www.mars2030.net/",
  26941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26942.             "Title": "Welcome to the Mars Millennium Project",
  26943.             "Category": "PHY",
  26944.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Mars Millennium Project, a White House Millennium Council Youth Initiative, that gives students an opportunity to design a community that would support life for 100 earthlings on Mars.",
  26945.             "Year": 0
  26946.         },
  26947.         {
  26948.             "RIT": "ws200306",
  26949.             "Type": "WS",
  26950.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19484",
  26951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26952.             "Title": "Frank Sinatra",
  26953.             "Category": "HUM",
  26954.             "Description": "Biographical information about Frank Sinatra from Biography.com.",
  26955.             "Year": 0
  26956.         },
  26957.         {
  26958.             "RIT": "ws200307",
  26959.             "Type": "WS",
  26960.             "URL": "http://www.ametsoc.org/AMS/pubs/careers.html",
  26961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26962.             "Title": "Challenges of Our Changing Atmosphere",
  26963.             "Category": "PHY",
  26964.             "Description": "The American Meteorological Society presents information about careers in atmospheric research and applied meteorology.",
  26965.             "Year": 0
  26966.         },
  26967.         {
  26968.             "RIT": "ws200308",
  26969.             "Type": "WS",
  26970.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/mmcgwire/index.html",
  26971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26972.             "Title": "People Profiles--Mark McGwire",
  26973.             "Category": "REC",
  26974.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  26975.             "Year": 0
  26976.         },
  26977.         {
  26978.             "RIT": "ws200309",
  26979.             "Type": "WS",
  26980.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/northern_ireland/understanding/default.stm",
  26981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26982.             "Title": "BBC News: Northern Ireland",
  26983.             "Category": "GEO",
  26984.             "Description": "A special feature about the struggle for peace in Northern Ireland from the BBC online news service.",
  26985.             "Year": 0
  26986.         },
  26987.         {
  26988.             "RIT": "ws200310",
  26989.             "Type": "WS",
  26990.             "URL": "http://www.oncolink.com/templates/types/article.cfm?c=5&s=15&ss=113&id=1738",
  26991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  26992.             "Title": "OncoLink: Liver Cancer",
  26993.             "Category": "LIF",
  26994.             "Description": "The liver cancer section from the University of Pennsylvania's Oncolink service. Provides links to a wide variety of information about liver cancer, including diagnosis, treatment, and support groups.",
  26995.             "Year": 0
  26996.         },
  26997.         {
  26998.             "RIT": "ws200311",
  26999.             "Type": "WS",
  27000.             "URL": "http://www.mayohealth.org/home?id=HQ00864",
  27001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27002.             "Title": "A Mitey Problem",
  27003.             "Category": "LIF",
  27004.             "Description": "Facts from the Mayo Clinic consumer health information network about dust mites, how they cause allergies, and strategies for controlling them.",
  27005.             "Year": 0
  27006.         },
  27007.         {
  27008.             "RIT": "ws200312",
  27009.             "Type": "WS",
  27010.             "URL": "http://www.columbiachamber.com/",
  27011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27012.             "Title": "Greater Columbia Chamber of Commerce",
  27013.             "Category": "GEO",
  27014.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Columbia.",
  27015.             "Year": 0
  27016.         },
  27017.         {
  27018.             "RIT": "ws200313",
  27019.             "Type": "WS",
  27020.             "URL": "http://esa.sdsc.edu/highschool.htm",
  27021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27022.             "Title": "Careers in Ecology",
  27023.             "Category": "LIF",
  27024.             "Description": "The Ecological Society of America presents career development information for students.",
  27025.             "Year": 0
  27026.         },
  27027.         {
  27028.             "RIT": "ws200314",
  27029.             "Type": "WS",
  27030.             "URL": "http://www.life.uiuc.edu/wikelski/iguana2.html",
  27031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27032.             "Title": "Diving Dragons of the Galapagos",
  27033.             "Category": "LIF",
  27034.             "Description": "Information about the Galapagos marine iguana from a scientist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.",
  27035.             "Year": 0
  27036.         },
  27037.         {
  27038.             "RIT": "ws200325",
  27039.             "Type": "WS",
  27040.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1956.html",
  27041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27042.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1956: Hungarian Freedom Fighter",
  27043.             "Category": "GEO",
  27044.             "Description": "An article about the 1956 Hungarian revolt that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1957.",
  27045.             "Year": 0
  27046.         },
  27047.         {
  27048.             "RIT": "ws200326",
  27049.             "Type": "WS",
  27050.             "URL": "http://www.utoronto.ca/stmikes/theobook.htm",
  27051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27052.             "Title": "APS Guide to Resources in Theology",
  27053.             "Category": "HUM",
  27054.             "Description": "The University of St. Michael's College in Toronto presents Web links related to religion and ecumenical movements.",
  27055.             "Year": 0
  27056.         },
  27057.         {
  27058.             "RIT": "ws200327",
  27059.             "Type": "WS",
  27060.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1976.html",
  27061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27062.             "Title": "Man of the Year -1976: Jimmy Carter",
  27063.             "Category": "HIS",
  27064.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1977.",
  27065.             "Year": 0
  27066.         },
  27067.         {
  27068.             "RIT": "ws200328",
  27069.             "Type": "WS",
  27070.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1994.html",
  27071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27072.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1994: Pope John Paul II",
  27073.             "Category": "HUM",
  27074.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1995.",
  27075.             "Year": 0
  27076.         },
  27077.         {
  27078.             "RIT": "ws200329",
  27079.             "Type": "WS",
  27080.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/kz.html",
  27081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27082.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Kazakhstan",
  27083.             "Category": "GEO",
  27084.             "Description": "Information about Kazakhstan from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  27085.             "Year": 0
  27086.         },
  27087.         {
  27088.             "RIT": "ws200330",
  27089.             "Type": "WS",
  27090.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,65,00.html",
  27091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27092.             "Title": "People Profiles--Robert De Niro",
  27093.             "Category": "HUM",
  27094.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  27095.             "Year": 0
  27096.         },
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  27098.             "RIT": "ws200331",
  27099.             "Type": "WS",
  27100.             "URL": "http://www.gschamber.org/user-cgi/pages.cgi",
  27101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27102.             "Title": "Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce",
  27103.             "Category": "GEO",
  27104.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Springfield, Massachusetts.",
  27105.             "Year": 0
  27106.         },
  27107.         {
  27108.             "RIT": "ws200332",
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  27110.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/phtoc.html",
  27111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27112.             "Title": "PHILIPPINES - A Country Study",
  27113.             "Category": "GEO",
  27114.             "Description": "The U.S. Library of Congress presents an extensive Web site covering the history, geography, people, economy, and government of the Philippines.",
  27115.             "Year": 0
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  27117.         {
  27118.             "RIT": "ws200333",
  27119.             "Type": "WS",
  27120.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16352",
  27121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27122.             "Title": "Michael Jordan",
  27123.             "Category": "REC",
  27124.             "Description": "Biographical information about Michael Jordan from Biography.com.",
  27125.             "Year": 0
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  27127.         {
  27128.             "RIT": "ws200194",
  27129.             "Type": "WS",
  27130.             "URL": "http://cgi.raleighchamber.org/raleighchamber-bin/category/view_front_page.pl",
  27131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27132.             "Title": "Welcome to The Chamber [Raleigh]",
  27133.             "Category": "GEO",
  27134.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Raleigh, North Carolina.",
  27135.             "Year": 0
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  27137.         {
  27138.             "RIT": "ws200195",
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  27140.             "URL": "http://www.mesachamber.org/",
  27141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27143.             "Category": "GEO",
  27144.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Mesa, Arizona.",
  27145.             "Year": 0
  27146.         },
  27147.         {
  27148.             "RIT": "ws200196",
  27149.             "Type": "WS",
  27150.             "URL": "http://www.Laramie.org/",
  27151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27152.             "Title": "Laramie Area Chamber of Commerce",
  27153.             "Category": "GEO",
  27154.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Laramie, Wyoming.",
  27155.             "Year": 0
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  27157.         {
  27158.             "RIT": "ws200197",
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  27160.             "URL": "http://www.portcity.org/",
  27161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27162.             "Title": "The Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce",
  27163.             "Category": "GEO",
  27164.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Portsmouth, New Hampshire.",
  27165.             "Year": 0
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  27167.         {
  27168.             "RIT": "ws200198",
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  27171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27172.             "Title": "Montgomery Chamber of Commerce",
  27173.             "Category": "GEO",
  27174.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Montgomery, Alabama.",
  27175.             "Year": 0
  27176.         },
  27177.         {
  27178.             "RIT": "ws200199",
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  27181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27182.             "Title": "Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce",
  27183.             "Category": "GEO",
  27184.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Aberdeen, Scotland.",
  27185.             "Year": 0
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  27187.         {
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  27189.             "Type": "WS",
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  27191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27192.             "Title": "Cheyenne, Wyoming - The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce",
  27193.             "Category": "GEO",
  27194.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Cheyenne, Wyoming.",
  27195.             "Year": 0
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  27197.         {
  27198.             "RIT": "ws200201",
  27199.             "Type": "WS",
  27200.             "URL": "http://www.holland-chamber.org/",
  27201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27203.             "Category": "GEO",
  27204.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Holland, Michigan.",
  27205.             "Year": 0
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  27207.         {
  27208.             "RIT": "ws200202",
  27209.             "Type": "WS",
  27210.             "URL": "http://www.rnychamber.com/",
  27211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27212.             "Title": "Rochester, New York - Chamber of Commerce",
  27213.             "Category": "GEO",
  27214.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Rochester, New York.",
  27215.             "Year": 0
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  27217.         {
  27218.             "RIT": "ws200204",
  27219.             "Type": "WS",
  27220.             "URL": "http://chamber.columbia.mo.us/",
  27221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27222.             "Title": "Welcome to the Columbia Chamber of Commerce website !",
  27223.             "Category": "GEO",
  27224.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Columbia, Missouri.",
  27225.             "Year": 0
  27226.         },
  27227.         {
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  27231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27232.             "Title": "Tacoma Pierce County Chamber of Commerce",
  27233.             "Category": "GEO",
  27234.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Tacoma, Washington.",
  27235.             "Year": 0
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  27239.             "Type": "WS",
  27240.             "URL": "http://www.fwchamber.org/default.htm",
  27241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27243.             "Category": "GEO",
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  27245.             "Year": 0
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  27251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27253.             "Category": "GEO",
  27254.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Santa Fe, New Mexico.",
  27255.             "Year": 0
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  27258.             "RIT": "ws200219",
  27259.             "Type": "WS",
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  27261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27263.             "Category": "GEO",
  27264.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Williamsburg, Virginia.",
  27265.             "Year": 0
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  27268.             "RIT": "ws200220",
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  27271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27272.             "Title": "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris",
  27273.             "Category": "GEO",
  27274.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Paris, France.",
  27275.             "Year": 0
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  27281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27283.             "Category": "GEO",
  27284.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Fresno, California.",
  27285.             "Year": 0
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  27287.         {
  27288.             "RIT": "ws200222",
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  27290.             "URL": "http://www.utica.org/",
  27291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27293.             "Category": "GEO",
  27294.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Utica, New York.",
  27295.             "Year": 0
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  27297.         {
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  27301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27303.             "Category": "GEO",
  27304.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Beverly Hills, California.",
  27305.             "Year": 0
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  27307.         {
  27308.             "RIT": "ws200224",
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  27311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27313.             "Category": "GEO",
  27314.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Hartford, Connecticut.",
  27315.             "Year": 0
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  27317.         {
  27318.             "RIT": "ws200225",
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  27321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27323.             "Category": "GEO",
  27324.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Elizabeth, New Jersey.",
  27325.             "Year": 0
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  27327.         {
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  27331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27333.             "Category": "GEO",
  27334.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Youngstown, Ohio.",
  27335.             "Year": 0
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  27337.         {
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  27341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27343.             "Category": "GEO",
  27344.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Seattle, Washington.",
  27345.             "Year": 0
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  27351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27353.             "Category": "GEO",
  27354.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Portland, Maine.",
  27355.             "Year": 0
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  27357.         {
  27358.             "RIT": "ws200251",
  27359.             "Type": "WS",
  27360.             "URL": "http://www.austin-chamber.org/",
  27361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27364.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Austin, Texas.",
  27365.             "Year": 0
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  27367.         {
  27368.             "RIT": "ws200253",
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  27371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27373.             "Category": "GEO",
  27374.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Lansing, Michigan.",
  27375.             "Year": 0
  27376.         },
  27377.         {
  27378.             "RIT": "ws200254",
  27379.             "Type": "WS",
  27380.             "URL": "http://www.chambersect.org/",
  27381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27382.             "Title": "Welcome to the Chamber of Commerce Southeastern Connecticut",
  27383.             "Category": "GEO",
  27384.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of New London, Connecticut.",
  27385.             "Year": 0
  27386.         },
  27387.         {
  27388.             "RIT": "ws200255",
  27389.             "Type": "WS",
  27390.             "URL": "http://www.metroatlantachamber.com/",
  27391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  27393.             "Category": "GEO",
  27394.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Atlanta.",
  27395.             "Year": 0
  27396.         },
  27397.         {
  27398.             "RIT": "ws200256",
  27399.             "Type": "WS",
  27400.             "URL": "http://www.topekachamber.org/",
  27401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27402.             "Title": "Topeka, Kansas - The Greater Topeka, Kansas Chamber of Commerce",
  27403.             "Category": "GEO",
  27404.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Topeka, Kansas.",
  27405.             "Year": 0
  27406.         },
  27407.         {
  27408.             "RIT": "ws200257",
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  27410.             "URL": "http://www.cscc.org/",
  27411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27412.             "Title": "The Greater Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce - Home Page",
  27413.             "Category": "GEO",
  27414.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Colorado Springs, Colorado.",
  27415.             "Year": 0
  27416.         },
  27417.         {
  27418.             "RIT": "ws200258",
  27419.             "Type": "WS",
  27420.             "URL": "http://www.chattanooga-chamber.com/",
  27421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27422.             "Title": "Chattanooga Area Chamber Of Commerce",
  27423.             "Category": "GEO",
  27424.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Chattanooga, Tennessee.",
  27425.             "Year": 0
  27426.         },
  27427.         {
  27428.             "RIT": "ws200259",
  27429.             "Type": "WS",
  27430.             "URL": "http://www.huntingtonchamber.org/",
  27431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27432.             "Title": "Welcome to The Huntington Regional Chamber of Commerce",
  27433.             "Category": "GEO",
  27434.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Huntington, West Virginia.",
  27435.             "Year": 0
  27436.         },
  27437.         {
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  27439.             "Type": "WS",
  27440.             "URL": "http://www.siouxfalls.org/",
  27441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27442.             "Title": "Welcome To Sioux Falls,S.D.",
  27443.             "Category": "GEO",
  27444.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.",
  27445.             "Year": 0
  27446.         },
  27447.         {
  27448.             "RIT": "ws200273",
  27449.             "Type": "WS",
  27450.             "URL": "http://www.jan.norcom.mb.ca/tcc/",
  27451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27452.             "Title": "Thompson Chamber of Commerce : Welcome!",
  27453.             "Category": "GEO",
  27454.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Thompson, Manitoba.",
  27455.             "Year": 0
  27456.         },
  27457.         {
  27458.             "RIT": "ws200274",
  27459.             "Type": "WS",
  27460.             "URL": "http://www.mobcham.org/",
  27461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27462.             "Title": "Mobile Chamber of Commerce",
  27463.             "Category": "GEO",
  27464.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Mobile, Alabama.",
  27465.             "Year": 0
  27466.         },
  27467.         {
  27468.             "RIT": "ws200275",
  27469.             "Type": "WS",
  27470.             "URL": "http://www.charlottechamber.org/",
  27471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27472.             "Title": "Charlotte Chamber of Commerce",
  27473.             "Category": "GEO",
  27474.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Charlotte, North Carolina.",
  27475.             "Year": 0
  27476.         },
  27477.         {
  27478.             "RIT": "ws200276",
  27479.             "Type": "WS",
  27480.             "URL": "http://www.galvestoncc.com/",
  27481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27482.             "Title": "GALVESTON, TEXAS - The Galveston Chamber of Commerce",
  27483.             "Category": "GEO",
  27484.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Galveston, Texas.",
  27485.             "Year": 0
  27486.         },
  27487.         {
  27488.             "RIT": "ws200277",
  27489.             "Type": "WS",
  27490.             "URL": "http://www.ts.camcom.it/english/home.htm",
  27491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27492.             "Title": "The Trieste Chamber of Commerce",
  27493.             "Category": "GEO",
  27494.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Triste, Italy.",
  27495.             "Year": 0
  27496.         },
  27497.         {
  27498.             "RIT": "ws200278",
  27499.             "Type": "WS",
  27500.             "URL": "http://www.pocatelloidaho.com/chamber/",
  27501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27502.             "Title": "Pocatello, Idaho - Chamber of Commerce",
  27503.             "Category": "GEO",
  27504.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Pocatello, Idaho.",
  27505.             "Year": 0
  27506.         },
  27507.         {
  27508.             "RIT": "ws200279",
  27509.             "Type": "WS",
  27510.             "URL": "http://www.gscc.org/",
  27511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27512.             "Title": "The Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce",
  27513.             "Category": "GEO",
  27514.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Springfield, Illinois.",
  27515.             "Year": 0
  27516.         },
  27517.         {
  27518.             "RIT": "ws200280",
  27519.             "Type": "WS",
  27520.             "URL": "http://www.sfchamber.com/",
  27521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27522.             "Title": "San Francisco Chamber of Commerce",
  27523.             "Category": "GEO",
  27524.             "Description": "Official site of the chamber of commerce of San Francisco.",
  27525.             "Year": 0
  27526.         },
  27527.         {
  27528.             "RIT": "ws200281",
  27529.             "Type": "WS",
  27530.             "URL": "http://www.birminghamchamber.com/",
  27531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27532.             "Title": "The Birmingham Area Chamber of Commerce",
  27533.             "Category": "GEO",
  27534.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Birmingham, Alabama.",
  27535.             "Year": 0
  27536.         },
  27537.         {
  27538.             "RIT": "ws200282",
  27539.             "Type": "WS",
  27540.             "URL": "http://www.jcci.co.za/",
  27541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27542.             "Title": "Welcome to JCCI - Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce & Industry",
  27543.             "Category": "GEO",
  27544.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Johannesburg, South Africa.",
  27545.             "Year": 0
  27546.         },
  27547.         {
  27548.             "RIT": "ws200283",
  27549.             "Type": "WS",
  27550.             "URL": "http://www.wheelingcvb.com/main.html",
  27551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27552.             "Title": "Wheeling West Virginia",
  27553.             "Category": "GEO",
  27554.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Wheeling, West Virginia.",
  27555.             "Year": 0
  27556.         },
  27557.         {
  27558.             "RIT": "ws200294",
  27559.             "Type": "WS",
  27560.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6116",
  27561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27562.             "Title": "Liza Minnelli",
  27563.             "Category": "HUM",
  27564.             "Description": "Biographical information about Liza Minelli from Biography.com.",
  27565.             "Year": 0
  27566.         },
  27567.         {
  27568.             "RIT": "ws200295",
  27569.             "Type": "WS",
  27570.             "URL": "http://www.windows.ucar.edu/",
  27571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27572.             "Title": "Windows to the World",
  27573.             "Category": "PHY",
  27574.             "Description": "This educational site presented by the University of Michigan and NASA covers a wide variety of topics, including planets, stars, and solar systems.",
  27575.             "Year": 0
  27576.         },
  27577.         {
  27578.             "RIT": "ws200296",
  27579.             "Type": "WS",
  27580.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,117,00.html",
  27581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27582.             "Title": "Oprah Winfrey",
  27583.             "Category": "HUM",
  27584.             "Description": "Biographical information on Winfrey from People magazine.",
  27585.             "Year": 0
  27586.         },
  27587.         {
  27588.             "RIT": "ws200298",
  27589.             "Type": "WS",
  27590.             "URL": "http://www.usia.gov/topical/econ/wto99/",
  27591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27592.             "Title": "USA & the World Trade Organization",
  27593.             "Category": "SOC",
  27594.             "Description": "U.S. Department of State site devoted to trade topics and the World Trade Organization.",
  27595.             "Year": 0
  27596.         },
  27597.         {
  27598.             "RIT": "ws200299",
  27599.             "Type": "WS",
  27600.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16322",
  27601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27602.             "Title": "James Earl Jones",
  27603.             "Category": "HUM",
  27604.             "Description": "Biographical information about James Earl Jones from Biography.com.",
  27605.             "Year": 0
  27606.         },
  27607.         {
  27608.             "RIT": "ws200301",
  27609.             "Type": "WS",
  27610.             "URL": "http://www.nova.edu/~aed/newhorizons.html",
  27611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27612.             "Title": "New Horizons in Adult Education",
  27613.             "Category": "SOC",
  27614.             "Description": "A professional electronic journal focused on current research and ideas in adult education.",
  27615.             "Year": 0
  27616.         },
  27617.         {
  27618.             "RIT": "ws200302",
  27619.             "Type": "WS",
  27620.             "URL": "http://www.piedmontworks.org/gdassess.htm",
  27621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27622.             "Title": "Piedmont Works: Guide to Career Self-Assessments On-line",
  27623.             "Category": "SOC",
  27624.             "Description": "Piedmont Virginia Community College presents a number of personal online tests that can help people determine their career interests and aptitudes.",
  27625.             "Year": 0
  27626.         },
  27627.         {
  27628.             "RIT": "ws200303",
  27629.             "Type": "WS",
  27630.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=11925",
  27631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27632.             "Title": "Jodie Foster",
  27633.             "Category": "HUM",
  27634.             "Description": "Biographical information on Jodie Foster from Biography.com.",
  27635.             "Year": 0
  27636.         },
  27637.         {
  27638.             "RIT": "ws200304",
  27639.             "Type": "WS",
  27640.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,93,00.html",
  27641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27642.             "Title": "People Profiles--Tiger Woods",
  27643.             "Category": "REC",
  27644.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  27645.             "Year": 0
  27646.         },
  27647.         {
  27648.             "RIT": "ws200305",
  27649.             "Type": "WS",
  27650.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1979.html",
  27651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27652.             "Title": "Man of the Year -1979: Ayatullah Khomeini",
  27653.             "Category": "GEO",
  27654.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1980.",
  27655.             "Year": 0
  27656.         },
  27657.         {
  27658.             "RIT": "ws200315",
  27659.             "Type": "WS",
  27660.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6174",
  27661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27662.             "Title": "Rupert Murdoch",
  27663.             "Category": "IND",
  27664.             "Description": "Biographical information about Rupert Murdoch from Biography.com.",
  27665.             "Year": 0
  27666.         },
  27667.         {
  27668.             "RIT": "ws200316",
  27669.             "Type": "WS",
  27670.             "URL": "http://www.si.edu/resource/tours/comphist/sj1.html",
  27671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27672.             "Title": "Smithsonian Oral and Video Histories:Steve Jobs",
  27673.             "Category": "IND",
  27674.             "Description": "The Smithsonian Institution presents the text of an interview with Apple cofounder Steve Jobs.",
  27675.             "Year": 0
  27676.         },
  27677.         {
  27678.             "RIT": "ws200317",
  27679.             "Type": "WS",
  27680.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6925",
  27681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27682.             "Title": "Boris Yeltsin",
  27683.             "Category": "GEO",
  27684.             "Description": "Biographical information about Yeltsin from Biography.com.",
  27685.             "Year": 0
  27686.         },
  27687.         {
  27688.             "RIT": "ws200318",
  27689.             "Type": "WS",
  27690.             "URL": "http://www.nida.nih.gov/MarijBroch/MarijparentsN.html",
  27691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27692.             "Title": "Marijuana: Facts Parents Need to Know",
  27693.             "Category": "LIF",
  27694.             "Description": "The National Institute on Drug Abuse explains marijuana's affect on the human body and reasons for teenage drug abuse.",
  27695.             "Year": 0
  27696.         },
  27697.         {
  27698.             "RIT": "ws200319",
  27699.             "Type": "WS",
  27700.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/dross/index.html",
  27701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27702.             "Title": "People Profiles--Diana Ross",
  27703.             "Category": "HUM",
  27704.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  27705.             "Year": 0
  27706.         },
  27707.         {
  27708.             "RIT": "ws200320",
  27709.             "Type": "WS",
  27710.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=15250",
  27711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27712.             "Title": "Al Gore",
  27713.             "Category": "HIS",
  27714.             "Description": "Biographical information on Gore from Biography.com",
  27715.             "Year": 0
  27716.         },
  27717.         {
  27718.             "RIT": "ws200321",
  27719.             "Type": "WS",
  27720.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1944.html",
  27721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27722.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1944: Dwight D. Eisenhower",
  27723.             "Category": "HIS",
  27724.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1945.",
  27725.             "Year": 0
  27726.         },
  27727.         {
  27728.             "RIT": "ws200322",
  27729.             "Type": "WS",
  27730.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/ckennedy/index.html",
  27731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27732.             "Title": "People Profiles--Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg",
  27733.             "Category": "HIS",
  27734.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  27735.             "Year": 0
  27736.         },
  27737.         {
  27738.             "RIT": "ws200323",
  27739.             "Type": "WS",
  27740.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4990",
  27741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27742.             "Title": "Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.",
  27743.             "Category": "HUM",
  27744.             "Description": "Biographical information from Biography.com.",
  27745.             "Year": 0
  27746.         },
  27747.         {
  27748.             "RIT": "ws200324",
  27749.             "Type": "WS",
  27750.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1974.html",
  27751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27752.             "Title": "Man of the Year -1974: King Faisal",
  27753.             "Category": "HIS",
  27754.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1975.",
  27755.             "Year": 0
  27756.         },
  27757.         {
  27758.             "RIT": "ws200334",
  27759.             "Type": "WS",
  27760.             "URL": "http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Thai/default.htm",
  27761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27762.             "Title": "Thai Home Page",
  27763.             "Category": "GEO",
  27764.             "Description": "The Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University presents a Web site dedicated to Thai language and culture.",
  27765.             "Year": 0
  27766.         },
  27767.         {
  27768.             "RIT": "ws200335",
  27769.             "Type": "WS",
  27770.             "URL": "http://www.nasdaq.com/",
  27771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27772.             "Title": "Nasdaq",
  27773.             "Category": "SOC",
  27774.             "Description": "Official site of the Nasdaq exchange.",
  27775.             "Year": 0
  27776.         },
  27777.         {
  27778.             "RIT": "ws200336",
  27779.             "Type": "WS",
  27780.             "URL": "http://near.jhuapl.edu/NEAR/",
  27781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27782.             "Title": "Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR)",
  27783.             "Category": "IND",
  27784.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft. Includes satellite images of Eros and mission updates.",
  27785.             "Year": 0
  27786.         },
  27787.         {
  27788.             "RIT": "ws200337",
  27789.             "Type": "WS",
  27790.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=22555",
  27791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27792.             "Title": "Robin Williams",
  27793.             "Category": "HUM",
  27794.             "Description": "Biographical information on Robin Williams from Biography.com.",
  27795.             "Year": 0
  27796.         },
  27797.         {
  27798.             "RIT": "ws200339",
  27799.             "Type": "WS",
  27800.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/mg.html",
  27801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27802.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Mongolia",
  27803.             "Category": "GEO",
  27804.             "Description": "Information about Mongolia from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  27805.             "Year": 0
  27806.         },
  27807.         {
  27808.             "RIT": "ws200341",
  27809.             "Type": "WS",
  27810.             "URL": "http://www.sciam.com/explorations/052096explorations.html",
  27811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27812.             "Title": "Turn! Turn! Turn!",
  27813.             "Category": "PHY",
  27814.             "Description": "This feature from Scientific American documents efforts by meteorologists to understand the formation of tornadoes and to improve warning systems.",
  27815.             "Year": 0
  27816.         },
  27817.         {
  27818.             "RIT": "ws200342",
  27819.             "Type": "WS",
  27820.             "URL": "http://www.zooatlanta.org/index1.htm",
  27821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27822.             "Title": "Zoo Atlanta",
  27823.             "Category": "GEO",
  27824.             "Description": "The official Web site of Zoo Atlanta.",
  27825.             "Year": 0
  27826.         },
  27827.         {
  27828.             "RIT": "ws200343",
  27829.             "Type": "WS",
  27830.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=4&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  27831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27832.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Joseph Brodsky",
  27833.             "Category": "HUM",
  27834.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, and related Web sites.",
  27835.             "Year": 0
  27836.         },
  27837.         {
  27838.             "RIT": "ws200344",
  27839.             "Type": "WS",
  27840.             "URL": "",
  27841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27842.             "Title": "Tornadoes - Nature's Most Violent Storms",
  27843.             "Category": "PHY",
  27844.             "Description": "A preparedness guide--including safety information for schools--from the United States Department of Commerce, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the National Weather Service.",
  27845.             "Year": 0
  27846.         },
  27847.         {
  27848.             "RIT": "ws200354",
  27849.             "Type": "WS",
  27850.             "URL": "http://www.cancer.org/eprise/main/docroot/cri/cri_2_1x?dt=25",
  27851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27852.             "Title": "Liver Cancer: Resource Center",
  27853.             "Category": "LIF",
  27854.             "Description": "The liver cancer resource center of the American Cancer Society, discussing symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, frequently asked questions, and other topics.",
  27855.             "Year": 0
  27856.         },
  27857.         {
  27858.             "RIT": "ws200357",
  27859.             "Type": "WS",
  27860.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/mdouglas/index.html",
  27861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27862.             "Title": "People Profiles--Michael Douglas",
  27863.             "Category": "HUM",
  27864.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  27865.             "Year": 0
  27866.         },
  27867.         {
  27868.             "RIT": "ws200358",
  27869.             "Type": "WS",
  27870.             "URL": "http://www.houston.org/",
  27871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27872.             "Title": "Greater Houston Partnership - Home",
  27873.             "Category": "GEO",
  27874.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Houston, Texas.",
  27875.             "Year": 0
  27876.         },
  27877.         {
  27878.             "RIT": "ws200359",
  27879.             "Type": "WS",
  27880.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,120,00.html",
  27881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27882.             "Title": "People Profiles--Nicolas Cage",
  27883.             "Category": "HUM",
  27884.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  27885.             "Year": 0
  27886.         },
  27887.         {
  27888.             "RIT": "ws200360",
  27889.             "Type": "WS",
  27890.             "URL": "http://www.un.org/Depts/dpa/qpal/",
  27891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27892.             "Title": "UN: The Question of Palestine Home Page",
  27893.             "Category": "GEO",
  27894.             "Description": "United Nations page that covers issues relating to Mideast relations, the question of Palestine, and the peace process.",
  27895.             "Year": 0
  27896.         },
  27897.         {
  27898.             "RIT": "ws200361",
  27899.             "Type": "WS",
  27900.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,104,00.html",
  27901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27902.             "Title": "People Profiles--Sean Penn",
  27903.             "Category": "HUM",
  27904.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  27905.             "Year": 0
  27906.         },
  27907.         {
  27908.             "RIT": "ws200362",
  27909.             "Type": "WS",
  27910.             "URL": "http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/publicat/frontier/10-96/10bugs.htm",
  27911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27912.             "Title": "Witches' Brew of Weird Bugs",
  27913.             "Category": "IND",
  27914.             "Description": "A feature about Deinococcus radiodurans (a bacterium that can transform mercury and toxic liquids into less toxic forms) from Frontiers, the electronic newsletter of the National Science Foundation.",
  27915.             "Year": 0
  27916.         },
  27917.         {
  27918.             "RIT": "ws200363",
  27919.             "Type": "WS",
  27920.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/wallen/index.html",
  27921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27922.             "Title": "People Profiles--Woody Allen",
  27923.             "Category": "HUM",
  27924.             "Description": "People magazine presents vital stats, credits, and past People magazine articles.",
  27925.             "Year": 0
  27926.         },
  27927.         {
  27928.             "RIT": "ws200364",
  27929.             "Type": "WS",
  27930.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/mali/index.html",
  27931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27932.             "Title": "People Profiles--Muhammad Ali",
  27933.             "Category": "REC",
  27934.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  27935.             "Year": 0
  27936.         },
  27937.         {
  27938.             "RIT": "ws200345",
  27939.             "Type": "WS",
  27940.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/ddevito/index.html",
  27941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27942.             "Title": "People Profiles--Danny De Vito",
  27943.             "Category": "HUM",
  27944.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  27945.             "Year": 0
  27946.         },
  27947.         {
  27948.             "RIT": "ws200346",
  27949.             "Type": "WS",
  27950.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,13,00.html",
  27951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27952.             "Title": "People Profiles--Barbra Streisand",
  27953.             "Category": "HUM",
  27954.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  27955.             "Year": 0
  27956.         },
  27957.         {
  27958.             "RIT": "ws200347",
  27959.             "Type": "WS",
  27960.             "URL": "http://www.unaids.org/",
  27961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27962.             "Title": "UNAIDS The Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS",
  27963.             "Category": "LIF",
  27964.             "Description": "The official Web site of the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS includes information about the organization and about AIDS.",
  27965.             "Year": 0
  27966.         },
  27967.         {
  27968.             "RIT": "ws200348",
  27969.             "Type": "WS",
  27970.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=23367",
  27971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27972.             "Title": "George W. Bush",
  27973.             "Category": "GEO",
  27974.             "Description": "Biographical information about George W. Bush from Biography.com.",
  27975.             "Year": 0
  27976.         },
  27977.         {
  27978.             "RIT": "ws200349",
  27979.             "Type": "WS",
  27980.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=23335",
  27981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27982.             "Title": "Brad Pitt",
  27983.             "Category": "HUM",
  27984.             "Description": "Biographical information on Brad Pitt from Biography.com.",
  27985.             "Year": 0
  27986.         },
  27987.         {
  27988.             "RIT": "ws200350",
  27989.             "Type": "WS",
  27990.             "URL": "http://www.fao.org/ag/magazine/9901sp1.htm",
  27991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  27992.             "Title": "Biotechnology in Agriculture",
  27993.             "Category": "LIF",
  27994.             "Description": "A spotlight article from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.",
  27995.             "Year": 0
  27996.         },
  27997.         {
  27998.             "RIT": "ws200351",
  27999.             "Type": "WS",
  28000.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/eclapton/index.html",
  28001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28002.             "Title": "People Profiles--Eric Claption",
  28003.             "Category": "HUM",
  28004.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  28005.             "Year": 0
  28006.         },
  28007.         {
  28008.             "RIT": "ws200352",
  28009.             "Type": "WS",
  28010.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/su.html",
  28011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28012.             "Title": "CIA Factbook--Sudan",
  28013.             "Category": "GEO",
  28014.             "Description": "Information about Sudan from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  28015.             "Year": 0
  28016.         },
  28017.         {
  28018.             "RIT": "ws200353",
  28019.             "Type": "WS",
  28020.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,95,00.html",
  28021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28022.             "Title": "People Profiles--Tom Hanks",
  28023.             "Category": "HUM",
  28024.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  28025.             "Year": 0
  28026.         },
  28027.         {
  28028.             "RIT": "ws200365",
  28029.             "Type": "WS",
  28030.             "URL": "http://www.vatican.va/phome_en.htm",
  28031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28032.             "Title": "The Holy See",
  28033.             "Category": "HUM",
  28034.             "Description": "Official Web site of the pope and the Roman Catholic Church.",
  28035.             "Year": 0
  28036.         },
  28037.         {
  28038.             "RIT": "ws200366",
  28039.             "Type": "WS",
  28040.             "URL": "http://www.health.org/features/kidsarea/",
  28041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28042.             "Title": "NCADI: For Kids Only",
  28043.             "Category": "LIF",
  28044.             "Description": "The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information presents facts about substance abuse in both English and Spanish.",
  28045.             "Year": 0
  28046.         },
  28047.         {
  28048.             "RIT": "ws200367",
  28049.             "Type": "WS",
  28050.             "URL": "http://vweb.sau.edu/bestinfo/Disable2/disindex.htm",
  28051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28052.             "Title": "Disability Resources",
  28053.             "Category": "LIF",
  28054.             "Description": "A collection of Internet resources selected by librarians at O'Keefe Library, St. Ambrose University.",
  28055.             "Year": 0
  28056.         },
  28057.         {
  28058.             "RIT": "ws200368",
  28059.             "Type": "WS",
  28060.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_415000/415124.stm",
  28061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28062.             "Title": "BBC News: Vladimir Putin",
  28063.             "Category": "GEO",
  28064.             "Description": "A feature providing biographical material and a political profile of Vladimir Putin, from the British Broadcasting Corporation.",
  28065.             "Year": 0
  28066.         },
  28067.         {
  28068.             "RIT": "ws200369",
  28069.             "Type": "WS",
  28070.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/justone/",
  28071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28072.             "Title": "Just One Night",
  28073.             "Category": "SOC",
  28074.             "Description": "A PBS feature about drunk driving.",
  28075.             "Year": 0
  28076.         },
  28077.         {
  28078.             "RIT": "ws200370",
  28079.             "Type": "WS",
  28080.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/epresley/index.html",
  28081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28082.             "Title": "People Profiles--Elvis Presley",
  28083.             "Category": "HUM",
  28084.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  28085.             "Year": 0
  28086.         },
  28087.         {
  28088.             "RIT": "ws200371",
  28089.             "Type": "WS",
  28090.             "URL": "http://www.seasite.niu.edu/",
  28091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28092.             "Title": "SE Asian Languages and Cultures",
  28093.             "Category": "GEO",
  28094.             "Description": "The Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University presents information about Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Laos.",
  28095.             "Year": 0
  28096.         },
  28097.         {
  28098.             "RIT": "ws200372",
  28099.             "Type": "WS",
  28100.             "URL": "http://impact.arc.nasa.gov/index.html",
  28101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28102.             "Title": "Asteroid and Comet Impact Hazards",
  28103.             "Category": "PHY",
  28104.             "Description": "This NASA site explains the chances of an asteroid striking Earth.",
  28105.             "Year": 0
  28106.         },
  28107.         {
  28108.             "RIT": "ws200373",
  28109.             "Type": "WS",
  28110.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4936",
  28111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28112.             "Title": "Queen Elizabeth II",
  28113.             "Category": "HIS",
  28114.             "Description": "Biographical information about Queen Elizabeth II from Biography.com.",
  28115.             "Year": 0
  28116.         },
  28117.         {
  28118.             "RIT": "ws200385",
  28119.             "Type": "WS",
  28120.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17369",
  28121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28122.             "Title": "Steve Martin",
  28123.             "Category": "HUM",
  28124.             "Description": "Biographical information about Steve Martin from Biography.com.",
  28125.             "Year": 0
  28126.         },
  28127.         {
  28128.             "RIT": "ws200386",
  28129.             "Type": "WS",
  28130.             "URL": "http://whyfiles.news.wisc.edu/013tornado/index.html",
  28131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28132.             "Title": "Twister!",
  28133.             "Category": "PHY",
  28134.             "Description": "Tornado pages from the Why Files, a collection of science features from the National Institute for Science Education and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.",
  28135.             "Year": 0
  28136.         },
  28137.         {
  28138.             "RIT": "ws200387",
  28139.             "Type": "WS",
  28140.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/epo/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00000549.htm",
  28141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28142.             "Title": "Illnesses Possibly Associated with Smoking Clove Cigarettes",
  28143.             "Category": "LIF",
  28144.             "Description": "A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) with information about harmful ingredients found in kreteks.",
  28145.             "Year": 0
  28146.         },
  28147.         {
  28148.             "RIT": "ws200388",
  28149.             "Type": "WS",
  28150.             "URL": "http://www.tv.cbc.ca/national/pgminfo/ugly/mining.html",
  28151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28152.             "Title": "The National Online:Mining, Tailings and Cyanide",
  28153.             "Category": "IND",
  28154.             "Description": "A special feature from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation that includes a discussion on how cyanide is used in gold mining.",
  28155.             "Year": 0
  28156.         },
  28157.         {
  28158.             "RIT": "ws200390",
  28159.             "Type": "WS",
  28160.             "URL": "http://www.act.org/",
  28161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28162.             "Title": "ACT: Information for Life's Transitions",
  28163.             "Category": "SOC",
  28164.             "Description": "Homepage of ACT, Inc., a nonprofit organization best known for its college admissions testing program. This site contains information about the ACT test and applying to college. It includes a college search program that helps students identify i",
  28165.             "Year": 0
  28166.         },
  28167.         {
  28168.             "RIT": "ws200391",
  28169.             "Type": "WS",
  28170.             "URL": "http://www.eia.doe.gov/",
  28171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28172.             "Title": "United States Department of Energy Information Administration",
  28173.             "Category": "SOC",
  28174.             "Description": "Official Web site of the U.S. Energy Information Administration, offering reports on various forms of energy supply.",
  28175.             "Year": 0
  28176.         },
  28177.         {
  28178.             "RIT": "ws200392",
  28179.             "Type": "WS",
  28180.             "URL": "http://oms2.b3e.jussieu.fr/flunet/",
  28181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28182.             "Title": "FluNet - WHO",
  28183.             "Category": "LIF",
  28184.             "Description": "This Web site hosted by the World Health Organization provides information from national influenza centers and other centers that conduct global influenza surveillance.",
  28185.             "Year": 0
  28186.         },
  28187.         {
  28188.             "RIT": "ws200393",
  28189.             "Type": "WS",
  28190.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/cburnett/index.html",
  28191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28192.             "Title": "People Profiles--Carol Burnett",
  28193.             "Category": "HUM",
  28194.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  28195.             "Year": 0
  28196.         },
  28197.         {
  28198.             "RIT": "ws200403",
  28199.             "Type": "WS",
  28200.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1927.html",
  28201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28202.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1927: Charles Augustus Lindbergh",
  28203.             "Category": "IND",
  28204.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine on Jan. 2, 1928.",
  28205.             "Year": 0
  28206.         },
  28207.         {
  28208.             "RIT": "ws200404",
  28209.             "Type": "WS",
  28210.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/mu.html",
  28211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28212.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Oman",
  28213.             "Category": "GEO",
  28214.             "Description": "Information about Oman from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  28215.             "Year": 0
  28216.         },
  28217.         {
  28218.             "RIT": "ws200405",
  28219.             "Type": "WS",
  28220.             "URL": "http://www.nio.gov.uk/agreement.htm",
  28221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28222.             "Title": "The Agreement",
  28223.             "Category": "GEO",
  28224.             "Description": "A Northern Ireland Office site that contains the text of the Good Friday Agreement.",
  28225.             "Year": 0
  28226.         },
  28227.         {
  28228.             "RIT": "ws200406",
  28229.             "Type": "WS",
  28230.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1957.html",
  28231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28232.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1957: Nikita Khrushchev",
  28233.             "Category": "HIS",
  28234.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1958.",
  28235.             "Year": 0
  28236.         },
  28237.         {
  28238.             "RIT": "ws200407",
  28239.             "Type": "WS",
  28240.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19291",
  28241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28242.             "Title": "Martin Scorsese",
  28243.             "Category": "HUM",
  28244.             "Description": "Biographical information about Martin Scorsese from Biography.com.",
  28245.             "Year": 0
  28246.         },
  28247.         {
  28248.             "RIT": "ws200408",
  28249.             "Type": "WS",
  28250.             "URL": "http://cnn.com/TECH/specials/hackers/",
  28251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28252.             "Title": "CNN Specials: Hacking",
  28253.             "Category": "PHY",
  28254.             "Description": "A special feature about unauthorized access to computers, a process commonly called hacking.",
  28255.             "Year": 0
  28256.         },
  28257.         {
  28258.             "RIT": "ws200409",
  28259.             "Type": "WS",
  28260.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/special_report/1999/05/99/israel_elections/newsid_336000/336714.stm",
  28261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28262.             "Title": "BBC News Special Report: Israeli Elections",
  28263.             "Category": "GEO",
  28264.             "Description": "A special feature from BBC news that provides background information and news reports from the May 1999 elections.",
  28265.             "Year": 0
  28266.         },
  28267.         {
  28268.             "RIT": "ws200410",
  28269.             "Type": "WS",
  28270.             "URL": "http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/",
  28271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28272.             "Title": "Time Service Department",
  28273.             "Category": "PHY",
  28274.             "Description": "Timekeeping information from the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C.",
  28275.             "Year": 0
  28276.         },
  28277.         {
  28278.             "RIT": "ws200411",
  28279.             "Type": "WS",
  28280.             "URL": "http://www.fema.gov/library/tornado.htm",
  28281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28282.             "Title": "Backgrounder - Tornadoes",
  28283.             "Category": "PHY",
  28284.             "Description": "The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) presents general information on tornadoes and a guide to tornado safety.",
  28285.             "Year": 0
  28286.         },
  28287.         {
  28288.             "RIT": "ws200424",
  28289.             "Type": "WS",
  28290.             "URL": "http://www.unicef.org/vitamina/",
  28291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28292.             "Title": "Vitamin A Global Initiative",
  28293.             "Category": "LIF",
  28294.             "Description": "This Web site describes the efforts of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to eliminate vitamin A deficiency as a preventable cause of children's death throughout the world.",
  28295.             "Year": 0
  28296.         },
  28297.         {
  28298.             "RIT": "ws200425",
  28299.             "Type": "WS",
  28300.             "URL": "http://www.scholastic.com/harrypotter/home.asp",
  28301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28302.             "Title": "Harry Potter",
  28303.             "Category": "HUM",
  28304.             "Description": "This site from Scholastic includes information about author J.K. Rowling and classroom discussion guides for her Harry Potter novels.",
  28305.             "Year": 0
  28306.         },
  28307.         {
  28308.             "RIT": "ws200426",
  28309.             "Type": "WS",
  28310.             "URL": "http://ess.geology.ufl.edu/usra_esse/el_nino.html",
  28311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28312.             "Title": "El Nino - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Learning Module",
  28313.             "Category": "GEO",
  28314.             "Description": "A learning module about El Nino developed by the NASA/USRA Cooperative University-Based Program in Earth System Science Education (ESSE).",
  28315.             "Year": 0
  28316.         },
  28317.         {
  28318.             "RIT": "ws200427",
  28319.             "Type": "WS",
  28320.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,47,00.html",
  28321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28322.             "Title": "People Profiles--John Travolta",
  28323.             "Category": "HUM",
  28324.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  28325.             "Year": 0
  28326.         },
  28327.         {
  28328.             "RIT": "ws200428",
  28329.             "Type": "WS",
  28330.             "URL": "http://www.greaterlowellchamber.org/",
  28331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28332.             "Title": "Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce",
  28333.             "Category": "GEO",
  28334.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Lowell, Massachusetts.",
  28335.             "Year": 0
  28336.         },
  28337.         {
  28338.             "RIT": "ws200429",
  28339.             "Type": "WS",
  28340.             "URL": "http://webexhibits.org/causesofcolor/2D.html",
  28341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28342.             "Title": "Tests for color vision deficiency",
  28343.             "Category": "LIF",
  28344.             "Description": "Online tests provided by the Color and Vision Research Laboratories at the University of California at San Diego.",
  28345.             "Year": 0
  28346.         },
  28347.         {
  28348.             "RIT": "ws200430",
  28349.             "Type": "WS",
  28350.             "URL": "http://www.aip.org/careers/",
  28351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28352.             "Title": "American Institute of Physics: Career Services",
  28353.             "Category": "PHY",
  28354.             "Description": "A career development site for scientists and engineers.",
  28355.             "Year": 0
  28356.         },
  28357.         {
  28358.             "RIT": "ws200431",
  28359.             "Type": "WS",
  28360.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/EOP/First_Lady/html/HILLARY_Home.html",
  28361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28362.             "Title": "Hillary Rodham Clinton",
  28363.             "Category": "HIS",
  28364.             "Description": "Official Web site of First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.",
  28365.             "Year": 0
  28366.         },
  28367.         {
  28368.             "RIT": "ws200443",
  28369.             "Type": "WS",
  28370.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,18,00.html",
  28371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28372.             "Title": "People Profiles--Drew Barrymore",
  28373.             "Category": "HUM",
  28374.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  28375.             "Year": 0
  28376.         },
  28377.         {
  28378.             "RIT": "ws200444",
  28379.             "Type": "WS",
  28380.             "URL": "http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/1999/11/24/MN28592.DTL",
  28381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28382.             "Title": "What is the WTO?",
  28383.             "Category": "SOC",
  28384.             "Description": "The San Francisco Chronicle provides an overview of the WTO, along with news stories, issues analysis, and editorials.",
  28385.             "Year": 0
  28386.         },
  28387.         {
  28388.             "RIT": "ws200445",
  28389.             "Type": "WS",
  28390.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19294",
  28391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28392.             "Title": "George C. Scott",
  28393.             "Category": "HUM",
  28394.             "Description": "Biographical information about George S. Scott from Biography.com.",
  28395.             "Year": 0
  28396.         },
  28397.         {
  28398.             "RIT": "ws200446",
  28399.             "Type": "WS",
  28400.             "URL": "http://www.library.ucsb.edu/subj/black.html",
  28401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28402.             "Title": "Resources in Black Studies",
  28403.             "Category": "SOC",
  28404.             "Description": "A guide to Internet resources from the University of California, Santa Barbara, library.",
  28405.             "Year": 0
  28406.         },
  28407.         {
  28408.             "RIT": "ws200447",
  28409.             "Type": "WS",
  28410.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/nixon/tapes/",
  28411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28412.             "Title": "Watergate and Abuse of Government Power Tapes",
  28413.             "Category": "HIS",
  28414.             "Description": "National Archives and Records Administration site offering information on the Nixon tapes, their history, and how they are processed, in addition to ordering information.",
  28415.             "Year": 0
  28416.         },
  28417.         {
  28418.             "RIT": "ws200449",
  28419.             "Type": "WS",
  28420.             "URL": "http://fn2.freenet.edmonton.ab.ca/~cstier/religion/old-toc.htm",
  28421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28422.             "Title": "Guide to Best Religious Studies Resources on the Internet",
  28423.             "Category": "HUM",
  28424.             "Description": "A gateway site with links to western, eastern, and alternative religion sources on the Internet.",
  28425.             "Year": 0
  28426.         },
  28427.         {
  28428.             "RIT": "ws200450",
  28429.             "Type": "WS",
  28430.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/id.html",
  28431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28432.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Indonesia",
  28433.             "Category": "GEO",
  28434.             "Description": "Information about Indonesia from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  28435.             "Year": 0
  28436.         },
  28437.         {
  28438.             "RIT": "ws200451",
  28439.             "Type": "WS",
  28440.             "URL": "http://www.intel.com/",
  28441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28442.             "Title": "Welcome to Intel",
  28443.             "Category": "IND",
  28444.             "Description": "Home page of the Intel Corporation.",
  28445.             "Year": 0
  28446.         },
  28447.         {
  28448.             "RIT": "ws200452",
  28449.             "Type": "WS",
  28450.             "URL": "http://odyssey.lib.duke.edu/adaccess/",
  28451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28452.             "Title": "Ad*Access",
  28453.             "Category": "SOC",
  28454.             "Description": "Images and information from Duke University for more than 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955.",
  28455.             "Year": 0
  28456.         },
  28457.         {
  28458.             "RIT": "ws200462",
  28459.             "Type": "WS",
  28460.             "URL": "http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/",
  28461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28462.             "Title": "Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory",
  28463.             "Category": "PHY",
  28464.             "Description": "Home page of Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), which is dedicated to detecting cosmic gravitational waves and harnessing the waves for scientific research.",
  28465.             "Year": 0
  28466.         },
  28467.         {
  28468.             "RIT": "ws200463",
  28469.             "Type": "WS",
  28470.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,42,00.html",
  28471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28472.             "Title": "People Profiles--Denzel Washington",
  28473.             "Category": "HUM",
  28474.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  28475.             "Year": 0
  28476.         },
  28477.         {
  28478.             "RIT": "ws200464",
  28479.             "Type": "WS",
  28480.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.com/sections/world/DailyNews/mideast_index.html",
  28481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28482.             "Title": "A Fractured Peace",
  28483.             "Category": "GEO",
  28484.             "Description": "This special report from ABC News features news reports, background information, and an interactive atlas of the West Bank.",
  28485.             "Year": 0
  28486.         },
  28487.         {
  28488.             "RIT": "ws200465",
  28489.             "Type": "WS",
  28490.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,27,00.html",
  28491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28492.             "Title": "People Profiles--Clint Eastwood",
  28493.             "Category": "HUM",
  28494.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  28495.             "Year": 0
  28496.         },
  28497.         {
  28498.             "RIT": "ws200466",
  28499.             "Type": "WS",
  28500.             "URL": "http://www.cgiar.org/irri/Riceweb/index.htm",
  28501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28502.             "Title": "RiceWeb",
  28503.             "Category": "LIF",
  28504.             "Description": "The International Rice Research Institute presents a wide variety of information about rice, its history, and where and how it is grown.",
  28505.             "Year": 0
  28506.         },
  28507.         {
  28508.             "RIT": "ws200467",
  28509.             "Type": "WS",
  28510.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19823",
  28511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28512.             "Title": "Oliver Stone",
  28513.             "Category": "HUM",
  28514.             "Description": "Biographical information about Oliver Stone from Biography.com.",
  28515.             "Year": 0
  28516.         },
  28517.         {
  28518.             "RIT": "ws200468",
  28519.             "Type": "WS",
  28520.             "URL": "http://www.aes.purdue.edu/aganswrs/1996/11-22Bt_Corn.html",
  28521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28522.             "Title": "Ag Answers: Bt Corn Technology: Full of Possibility, Perplexity",
  28523.             "Category": "LIF",
  28524.             "Description": "A discussion ofunresolved issues in the use of Bt corn presented by the Agricultural Communications Service at Purdue University.",
  28525.             "Year": 0
  28526.         },
  28527.         {
  28528.             "RIT": "ws200469",
  28529.             "Type": "WS",
  28530.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4656",
  28531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28532.             "Title": "Kevin Costner",
  28533.             "Category": "HUM",
  28534.             "Description": "Biographical information on Kevin Costner from Biography.com.",
  28535.             "Year": 0
  28536.         },
  28537.         {
  28538.             "RIT": "ws200479",
  28539.             "Type": "WS",
  28540.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=13&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  28541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28542.             "Title": "Academy of American Poet: Theodore Roethke",
  28543.             "Category": "HUM",
  28544.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  28545.             "Year": 0
  28546.         },
  28547.         {
  28548.             "RIT": "ws200480",
  28549.             "Type": "WS",
  28550.             "URL": "http://www.childrenspartnership.org/bbar/pbpg.html",
  28551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28552.             "Title": "Parents' Guide to the Information Superhighawy",
  28553.             "Category": "PHY",
  28554.             "Description": "This guide, presented by the Children's Partnership advocacy group, covers technical issues about getting online and addresses parents' safety concerns.",
  28555.             "Year": 0
  28556.         },
  28557.         {
  28558.             "RIT": "ws200481",
  28559.             "Type": "WS",
  28560.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=56&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  28561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28562.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Countee Cullen",
  28563.             "Category": "HUM",
  28564.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  28565.             "Year": 0
  28566.         },
  28567.         {
  28568.             "RIT": "ws200482",
  28569.             "Type": "WS",
  28570.             "URL": "http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/latin_america/chile.htm",
  28571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28572.             "Title": "The National Security Archive Chile Documentation Project",
  28573.             "Category": "GEO",
  28574.             "Description": "The National Security Archive, a library of declassified U.S. documents, presents an online exhibit of documents concerning Chile.",
  28575.             "Year": 0
  28576.         },
  28577.         {
  28578.             "RIT": "ws200483",
  28579.             "Type": "WS",
  28580.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=123&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  28581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28582.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: William Shakespeare",
  28583.             "Category": "HUM",
  28584.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  28585.             "Year": 0
  28586.         },
  28587.         {
  28588.             "RIT": "ws200484",
  28589.             "Type": "WS",
  28590.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=188&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  28591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28592.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Rita Dove",
  28593.             "Category": "HUM",
  28594.             "Description": "TheAcademy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  28595.             "Year": 0
  28596.         },
  28597.         {
  28598.             "RIT": "ws200486",
  28599.             "Type": "WS",
  28600.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=205&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  28601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28602.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Ralph Waldo Emerson",
  28603.             "Category": "HUM",
  28604.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  28605.             "Year": 0
  28606.         },
  28607.         {
  28608.             "RIT": "ws200374",
  28609.             "Type": "WS",
  28610.             "URL": "http://www.thewildones.org/Animals/monarch.html",
  28611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28612.             "Title": "Monarch Butterfly Lifecycle",
  28613.             "Category": "LIF",
  28614.             "Description": "Pictures and descriptions of the caterpillar, cocoon, and adult stages of the monarch life cycle, from the Wildlife Preservation Trust International.",
  28615.             "Year": 0
  28616.         },
  28617.         {
  28618.             "RIT": "ws200375",
  28619.             "Type": "WS",
  28620.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,60,00.html",
  28621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28622.             "Title": "People Profiles--Jim Carrey",
  28623.             "Category": "HUM",
  28624.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine",
  28625.             "Year": 0
  28626.         },
  28627.         {
  28628.             "RIT": "ws200376",
  28629.             "Type": "WS",
  28630.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1928.html",
  28631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28632.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1928: Walter P. Chrysler",
  28633.             "Category": "IND",
  28634.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine on Jan. 7, 1929.",
  28635.             "Year": 0
  28636.         },
  28637.         {
  28638.             "RIT": "ws200377",
  28639.             "Type": "WS",
  28640.             "URL": "http://www.intel.com/pressroom/kits/bios/grove.htm",
  28641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28642.             "Title": "Andy Grove",
  28643.             "Category": "IND",
  28644.             "Description": "Official Web site of Intel co-founder Andy Grove.",
  28645.             "Year": 0
  28646.         },
  28647.         {
  28648.             "RIT": "ws200378",
  28649.             "Type": "WS",
  28650.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=23597",
  28651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28652.             "Title": "Tommy Lee Jones",
  28653.             "Category": "HUM",
  28654.             "Description": "Biographical information about Tommy Lee Jones from Biography.com.",
  28655.             "Year": 0
  28656.         },
  28657.         {
  28658.             "RIT": "ws200379",
  28659.             "Type": "WS",
  28660.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1958.html",
  28661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28662.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1958: Charles de Gaulle",
  28663.             "Category": "HIS",
  28664.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1959.",
  28665.             "Year": 0
  28666.         },
  28667.         {
  28668.             "RIT": "ws200380",
  28669.             "Type": "WS",
  28670.             "URL": "http://www.londonstockexchange.com/",
  28671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28672.             "Title": "London Stock Exchange",
  28673.             "Category": "SOC",
  28674.             "Description": "Official Web site of the London Stock Exchange.",
  28675.             "Year": 0
  28676.         },
  28677.         {
  28678.             "RIT": "ws200381",
  28679.             "Type": "WS",
  28680.             "URL": "http://www.flintchamber.org/index.html",
  28681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28682.             "Title": "ChamberBiz - Flint Area Chamber of Commerce",
  28683.             "Category": "GEO",
  28684.             "Description": "Official web site of the chamber of commerce of Flint, Michigan.",
  28685.             "Year": 0
  28686.         },
  28687.         {
  28688.             "RIT": "ws200383",
  28689.             "Type": "WS",
  28690.             "URL": "http://www2.law.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/foliocgi.exe/historic/query=[group+f_capital+punishment:]/doc/{@1}/hit_headings/words=4/hits_only?",
  28691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28692.             "Title": "Capital Punishment Cases",
  28693.             "Category": "SOC",
  28694.             "Description": "Decisions categorized under the capital punishment section of the Cornell University Supreme Court Web site.",
  28695.             "Year": 0
  28696.         },
  28697.         {
  28698.             "RIT": "ws200384",
  28699.             "Type": "WS",
  28700.             "URL": "http://www.lexchamber.com/",
  28701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28702.             "Title": "Greater Lexington Chamber of Commerce",
  28703.             "Category": "GEO",
  28704.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Lexington, Kentucky.",
  28705.             "Year": 0
  28706.         },
  28707.         {
  28708.             "RIT": "ws200394",
  28709.             "Type": "WS",
  28710.             "URL": "http://www.nd.edu/Departments/Maritain/etext/gc.htm",
  28711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28712.             "Title": "Of God and His Creatures",
  28713.             "Category": "HUM",
  28714.             "Description": "The University of Notre Dame's Jacques Maritain Center presents an e-text of the Summa Contra Gentiles of Saint Thomas Aquinas.",
  28715.             "Year": 0
  28716.         },
  28717.         {
  28718.             "RIT": "ws200395",
  28719.             "Type": "WS",
  28720.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/ssosa/index.html",
  28721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28722.             "Title": "People Profiles--Sammy Sosa",
  28723.             "Category": "REC",
  28724.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  28725.             "Year": 0
  28726.         },
  28727.         {
  28728.             "RIT": "ws200397",
  28729.             "Type": "WS",
  28730.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/innovation/show1/html/story2.html",
  28731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28732.             "Title": "A Genetic Rescue for a Tattered Immune System?",
  28733.             "Category": "LIF",
  28734.             "Description": "This special report from PBS documents a family's experiences using gene therapy to fight severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID).",
  28735.             "Year": 0
  28736.         },
  28737.         {
  28738.             "RIT": "ws200398",
  28739.             "Type": "WS",
  28740.             "URL": "http://www.yale.edu/swahili/",
  28741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28742.             "Title": "The Kamusi Project",
  28743.             "Category": "SOC",
  28744.             "Description": "About the Kamusi (Dictionary in Swahili) Project, an attempt to create a definitive guide to the Swahili language, and includes an online dictionary, a guide to pronunciation, and links to other Swahili resources.",
  28745.             "Year": 0
  28746.         },
  28747.         {
  28748.             "RIT": "ws200399",
  28749.             "Type": "WS",
  28750.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/no.html",
  28751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28752.             "Title": "CIA Factook: Norway",
  28753.             "Category": "GEO",
  28754.             "Description": "Information about Norway from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  28755.             "Year": 0
  28756.         },
  28757.         {
  28758.             "RIT": "ws200400",
  28759.             "Type": "WS",
  28760.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1961.html",
  28761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28762.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1961: John F. Kennedy",
  28763.             "Category": "HIS",
  28764.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1962.",
  28765.             "Year": 0
  28766.         },
  28767.         {
  28768.             "RIT": "ws200401",
  28769.             "Type": "WS",
  28770.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1963.html",
  28771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28772.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1963: Martin Luther King Jr.",
  28773.             "Category": "SOC",
  28774.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1964.",
  28775.             "Year": 0
  28776.         },
  28777.         {
  28778.             "RIT": "ws200402",
  28779.             "Type": "WS",
  28780.             "URL": "http://whyfiles.news.wisc.edu/011comets/index.html",
  28781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28782.             "Title": "Enter the Comet's Orbit",
  28783.             "Category": "PHY",
  28784.             "Description": "A Web site dedicated to exploring comets, from the National Institute for Science Education and the University of Wisconsin at Madison.",
  28785.             "Year": 0
  28786.         },
  28787.         {
  28788.             "RIT": "ws200413",
  28789.             "Type": "WS",
  28790.             "URL": "http://www.learner.org/exhibits/volcanoes/",
  28791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28792.             "Title": "Can We Predict Volcanic Eruptions?",
  28793.             "Category": "PHY",
  28794.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the Annenberg/CPB Project explains how volcanoes work and explores whether people can predict them.",
  28795.             "Year": 0
  28796.         },
  28797.         {
  28798.             "RIT": "ws200415",
  28799.             "Type": "WS",
  28800.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/krtoc.html",
  28801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28802.             "Title": "SOUTH KOREA - A Country Study",
  28803.             "Category": "GEO",
  28804.             "Description": "Information about the history, geography, people, economy, and government of South Korea from the U.S. Library of Congress.",
  28805.             "Year": 0
  28806.         },
  28807.         {
  28808.             "RIT": "ws200416",
  28809.             "Type": "WS",
  28810.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=18719",
  28811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28812.             "Title": "Ronald Reagan",
  28813.             "Category": "HIS",
  28814.             "Description": "Biographical information about Ronald Reagan from Biography.com.",
  28815.             "Year": 0
  28816.         },
  28817.         {
  28818.             "RIT": "ws200417",
  28819.             "Type": "WS",
  28820.             "URL": "http://www.eurunion.org/",
  28821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28822.             "Title": "The European Union in the U.S.",
  28823.             "Category": "SOC",
  28824.             "Description": "General information on the European Union, as well as news and related Web links.",
  28825.             "Year": 0
  28826.         },
  28827.         {
  28828.             "RIT": "ws200418",
  28829.             "Type": "WS",
  28830.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/rgorbachev/index.html",
  28831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28832.             "Title": "Raisa Gorbachev",
  28833.             "Category": "GEO",
  28834.             "Description": "People magazine presents biographical information about the wife of Mikhail Gorbachev.",
  28835.             "Year": 0
  28836.         },
  28837.         {
  28838.             "RIT": "ws200419",
  28839.             "Type": "WS",
  28840.             "URL": "http://career.missouri.edu/holland/",
  28841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28842.             "Title": "The Career Interests Game",
  28843.             "Category": "SOC",
  28844.             "Description": "This is a game designed to help the user match interests and skills with career choices.",
  28845.             "Year": 0
  28846.         },
  28847.         {
  28848.             "RIT": "ws200420",
  28849.             "Type": "WS",
  28850.             "URL": "http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/nineplanets/nineplanets/asteroids.html",
  28851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28852.             "Title": "Asteroids",
  28853.             "Category": "PHY",
  28854.             "Description": "A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System, hosted by the University of Arizona Department of Planetary Sciences.",
  28855.             "Year": 0
  28856.         },
  28857.         {
  28858.             "RIT": "ws200421",
  28859.             "Type": "WS",
  28860.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1942.html",
  28861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28862.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1942: Joseph Stalin",
  28863.             "Category": "HIS",
  28864.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1943.",
  28865.             "Year": 0
  28866.         },
  28867.         {
  28868.             "RIT": "ws200422",
  28869.             "Type": "WS",
  28870.             "URL": "http://college.wsj.com/",
  28871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28872.             "Title": "College",
  28873.             "Category": "SOC",
  28874.             "Description": "Career and education information from the Wall Street Journal.",
  28875.             "Year": 0
  28876.         },
  28877.         {
  28878.             "RIT": "ws200423",
  28879.             "Type": "WS",
  28880.             "URL": "http://sirius.chinalake.navy.mil/satpred/",
  28881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28882.             "Title": "GPS Satellite Predictor",
  28883.             "Category": "IND",
  28884.             "Description": "This utility shows which satellites are visible from a given location at a specified time, based on latitude and longitude and date and time.",
  28885.             "Year": 0
  28886.         },
  28887.         {
  28888.             "RIT": "ws200432",
  28889.             "Type": "WS",
  28890.             "URL": "http://www.malaria.org/",
  28891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28892.             "Title": "Malaria Foundation International",
  28893.             "Category": "LIF",
  28894.             "Description": "Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of malaria, including general background information, scientific investigations, world malaria control initiatives, and other resources.",
  28895.             "Year": 0
  28896.         },
  28897.         {
  28898.             "RIT": "ws200433",
  28899.             "Type": "WS",
  28900.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/everest/everest_main.html",
  28901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28902.             "Title": "Everest: Measure of a Mountain",
  28903.             "Category": "GEO",
  28904.             "Description": "This National Geographic exhibit documents how scientists and climbers used the GPS to determine the accurate height of Mount Everest",
  28905.             "Year": 0
  28906.         },
  28907.         {
  28908.             "RIT": "ws200434",
  28909.             "Type": "WS",
  28910.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/sting/index.html",
  28911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28912.             "Title": "People Profiles--Sting",
  28913.             "Category": "HUM",
  28914.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  28915.             "Year": 0
  28916.         },
  28917.         {
  28918.             "RIT": "ws200436",
  28919.             "Type": "WS",
  28920.             "URL": "http://www.atm.ch.cam.ac.uk/tour/",
  28921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28922.             "Title": "The Ozone Hole Tour",
  28923.             "Category": "PHY",
  28924.             "Description": "An educational page on the Ozone Layer by the University of Cambridge's Centre for Atmospheric Science.",
  28925.             "Year": 0
  28926.         },
  28927.         {
  28928.             "RIT": "ws200437",
  28929.             "Type": "WS",
  28930.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/hu.html",
  28931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28932.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Hungary",
  28933.             "Category": "GEO",
  28934.             "Description": "Information about Hungary from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  28935.             "Year": 0
  28936.         },
  28937.         {
  28938.             "RIT": "ws200438",
  28939.             "Type": "WS",
  28940.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1981.html",
  28941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28942.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1981: Lech Walesa",
  28943.             "Category": "GEO",
  28944.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1982.",
  28945.             "Year": 0
  28946.         },
  28947.         {
  28948.             "RIT": "ws200439",
  28949.             "Type": "WS",
  28950.             "URL": "http://www.virginia.edu/~career/handouts/cover1.html",
  28951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28952.             "Title": "Cover Letters & Other Correspondence",
  28953.             "Category": "SOC",
  28954.             "Description": "University of Virginia's University Career Services office offers advice on correspondence in the job application process.",
  28955.             "Year": 0
  28956.         },
  28957.         {
  28958.             "RIT": "ws200440",
  28959.             "Type": "WS",
  28960.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,33,00.html",
  28961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28962.             "Title": "People Profiles--Harrison Ford",
  28963.             "Category": "HUM",
  28964.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  28965.             "Year": 0
  28966.         },
  28967.         {
  28968.             "RIT": "ws200441",
  28969.             "Type": "WS",
  28970.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,52,00.html",
  28971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28972.             "Title": "People Profiles--Jay Leno",
  28973.             "Category": "HUM",
  28974.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  28975.             "Year": 0
  28976.         },
  28977.         {
  28978.             "RIT": "ws200453",
  28979.             "Type": "WS",
  28980.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=15910",
  28981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28982.             "Title": "Dustin Hoffman",
  28983.             "Category": "HUM",
  28984.             "Description": "Biographical information on Dustin Hoffman from Biography.com.",
  28985.             "Year": 0
  28986.         },
  28987.         {
  28988.             "RIT": "ws200454",
  28989.             "Type": "WS",
  28990.             "URL": "http://www.acinet.org/acinet/",
  28991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  28992.             "Title": "America's Career InfoNet (ACINet)",
  28993.             "Category": "SOC",
  28994.             "Description": "This U.S. Department of Labor site displays a variety of occupational, demographic, and labor market information at the local, state, and national levels. It also includes an extensive collection of links to other Internet resources.",
  28995.             "Year": 0
  28996.         },
  28997.         {
  28998.             "RIT": "ws200456",
  28999.             "Type": "WS",
  29000.             "URL": "http://www.roembus.org/",
  29001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29002.             "Title": "Romanian Embassy - Ambasada Romaniei",
  29003.             "Category": "GEO",
  29004.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Romanian Embassy in Washington, D.C.",
  29005.             "Year": 0
  29006.         },
  29007.         {
  29008.             "RIT": "ws200457",
  29009.             "Type": "WS",
  29010.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=187&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29012.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Robert Creeley",
  29013.             "Category": "HUM",
  29014.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites",
  29015.             "Year": 0
  29016.         },
  29017.         {
  29018.             "RIT": "ws200458",
  29019.             "Type": "WS",
  29020.             "URL": "http://www.dearbornchamber.org/",
  29021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29022.             "Title": "Dearborn Chamber of Commerce",
  29023.             "Category": "GEO",
  29024.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Dearborn, Michigan.",
  29025.             "Year": 0
  29026.         },
  29027.         {
  29028.             "RIT": "ws200459",
  29029.             "Type": "WS",
  29030.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/mn.html",
  29031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29032.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Monaco",
  29033.             "Category": "GEO",
  29034.             "Description": "Information about Monaco from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  29035.             "Year": 0
  29036.         },
  29037.         {
  29038.             "RIT": "ws200460",
  29039.             "Type": "WS",
  29040.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=8937",
  29041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29042.             "Title": "George Harrison",
  29043.             "Category": "HUM",
  29044.             "Description": "Biographical information about George Harrison from Biography.com.",
  29045.             "Year": 0
  29046.         },
  29047.         {
  29048.             "RIT": "ws200461",
  29049.             "Type": "WS",
  29050.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/exhibit/geology.html",
  29051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29052.             "Title": "Geology and Geologic Time",
  29053.             "Category": "PHY",
  29054.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the Museum of Paleontology at the University of California, Berkeley.",
  29055.             "Year": 0
  29056.         },
  29057.         {
  29058.             "RIT": "ws200471",
  29059.             "Type": "WS",
  29060.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=74&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29062.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: James Wright",
  29063.             "Category": "HUM",
  29064.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29065.             "Year": 0
  29066.         },
  29067.         {
  29068.             "RIT": "ws200472",
  29069.             "Type": "WS",
  29070.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=11&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29072.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Sylvia Plath",
  29073.             "Category": "HUM",
  29074.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29075.             "Year": 0
  29076.         },
  29077.         {
  29078.             "RIT": "ws200473",
  29079.             "Type": "WS",
  29080.             "URL": "http://www.usgs.gov/themes/wildfire.html",
  29081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29082.             "Title": "Wildfires",
  29083.             "Category": "SOC",
  29084.             "Description": "The U.S. Geological Survey presents fact sheets about wildfires and efforts to prevent and control them.",
  29085.             "Year": 0
  29086.         },
  29087.         {
  29088.             "RIT": "ws200474",
  29089.             "Type": "WS",
  29090.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=50&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29092.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Adrienne Rich",
  29093.             "Category": "HUM",
  29094.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29095.             "Year": 0
  29096.         },
  29097.         {
  29098.             "RIT": "ws200475",
  29099.             "Type": "WS",
  29100.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=29&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29102.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Carl Sandburg",
  29103.             "Category": "HUM",
  29104.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29105.             "Year": 0
  29106.         },
  29107.         {
  29108.             "RIT": "ws200476",
  29109.             "Type": "WS",
  29110.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=13052",
  29111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29112.             "Title": "Bill Bradley",
  29113.             "Category": "HIS",
  29114.             "Description": "Biographical information on Bill Bradley from Biography.com",
  29115.             "Year": 0
  29116.         },
  29117.         {
  29118.             "RIT": "ws200477",
  29119.             "Type": "WS",
  29120.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=196&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29122.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Robert Frost",
  29123.             "Category": "HUM",
  29124.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29125.             "Year": 0
  29126.         },
  29127.         {
  29128.             "RIT": "ws200478",
  29129.             "Type": "WS",
  29130.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=12&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29132.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: John Crowe Ransom",
  29133.             "Category": "HUM",
  29134.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29135.             "Year": 0
  29136.         },
  29137.         {
  29138.             "RIT": "ws200487",
  29139.             "Type": "WS",
  29140.             "URL": "http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/japan/usjhmpg..htm",
  29141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29142.             "Title": "The National Security Archive U.S.-Japan Project",
  29143.             "Category": "GEO",
  29144.             "Description": "The National Security Archive, a library of declassified U.S. documents housed at George Washington University, presents an online exhibit of documents concerning U.S.-Japan relations since 1960. Most information is categorized under 'Working Pa",
  29145.             "Year": 0
  29146.         },
  29147.         {
  29148.             "RIT": "ws200488",
  29149.             "Type": "WS",
  29150.             "URL": "http://www.collegiate.net/main1.html",
  29151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29152.             "Title": "The Center for All Collegiate Information",
  29153.             "Category": "SOC",
  29154.             "Description": "A collection of links to college and university sites and higher education resources grouped into such categories as faculty, sports, and media.",
  29155.             "Year": 0
  29156.         },
  29157.         {
  29158.             "RIT": "ws200489",
  29159.             "Type": "WS",
  29160.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=14&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29162.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Anne Sexton",
  29163.             "Category": "HUM",
  29164.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29165.             "Year": 0
  29166.         },
  29167.         {
  29168.             "RIT": "ws200490",
  29169.             "Type": "WS",
  29170.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19481",
  29171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29172.             "Title": "O.J. Simpson",
  29173.             "Category": "REC",
  29174.             "Description": "Biographical information about O.J. Simpson from Biography.com.",
  29175.             "Year": 0
  29176.         },
  29177.         {
  29178.             "RIT": "ws200494",
  29179.             "Type": "WS",
  29180.             "URL": "http://www.idealist.org/career.html",
  29181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29182.             "Title": "The Nonprofit Career Center",
  29183.             "Category": "SOC",
  29184.             "Description": "A career development site for people seeking employment in the nonprofit sector.",
  29185.             "Year": 0
  29186.         },
  29187.         {
  29188.             "RIT": "ws200495",
  29189.             "Type": "WS",
  29190.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=84&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29192.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Langston Hughes",
  29193.             "Category": "HUM",
  29194.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29195.             "Year": 0
  29196.         },
  29197.         {
  29198.             "RIT": "ws200496",
  29199.             "Type": "WS",
  29200.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=247&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29202.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: John Donne",
  29203.             "Category": "HUM",
  29204.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29205.             "Year": 0
  29206.         },
  29207.         {
  29208.             "RIT": "ws200505",
  29209.             "Type": "WS",
  29210.             "URL": "http://www.staugustinechamber.com/",
  29211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29212.             "Title": "The St Augustine & St Johns County, Florida, Chamber of Commerce",
  29213.             "Category": "GEO",
  29214.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Saint Augustine, Florida.",
  29215.             "Year": 0
  29216.         },
  29217.         {
  29218.             "RIT": "ws200506",
  29219.             "Type": "WS",
  29220.             "URL": "http://www.gettysburg.com/communit/cocindex.htm",
  29221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29222.             "Title": "cocindex [Gettysburg]",
  29223.             "Category": "GEO",
  29224.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.",
  29225.             "Year": 0
  29226.         },
  29227.         {
  29228.             "RIT": "ws200507",
  29229.             "Type": "WS",
  29230.             "URL": "http://www.ultranet.com/~conchamb/index.html",
  29231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29232.             "Title": "Welcome to the website of the Concord, MA Chamber of Commerce",
  29233.             "Category": "GEO",
  29234.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Concord, Massachusetts.",
  29235.             "Year": 0
  29236.         },
  29237.         {
  29238.             "RIT": "ws200508",
  29239.             "Type": "WS",
  29240.             "URL": "http://www.petersburg-va.org/chamber/",
  29241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29242.             "Title": "--==The Petersburg Chamber of Commerce==--",
  29243.             "Category": "GEO",
  29244.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Petersburg, Virginia.",
  29245.             "Year": 0
  29246.         },
  29247.         {
  29248.             "RIT": "ws200509",
  29249.             "Type": "WS",
  29250.             "URL": "http://www.saginawchamber.org/",
  29251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29252.             "Title": "Saginaw Michigan Chamber of Commerce Welcomes You!",
  29253.             "Category": "GEO",
  29254.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Saginaw, Michigan.",
  29255.             "Year": 0
  29256.         },
  29257.         {
  29258.             "RIT": "ws200510",
  29259.             "Type": "WS",
  29260.             "URL": "http://www.greaterlouisville.com/",
  29261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29262.             "Title": "Greater Louisville Inc, The Metro Chamber of Commerce",
  29263.             "Category": "GEO",
  29264.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Louisville, Kentucky.",
  29265.             "Year": 0
  29266.         },
  29267.         {
  29268.             "RIT": "ws200511",
  29269.             "Type": "WS",
  29270.             "URL": "http://www.grandrapids.org/",
  29271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29272.             "Title": "Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce",
  29273.             "Category": "GEO",
  29274.             "Description": "Official web site of the chamber of commerce of Grand Rapids, Michigan.",
  29275.             "Year": 0
  29276.         },
  29277.         {
  29278.             "RIT": "ws200512",
  29279.             "Type": "WS",
  29280.             "URL": "http://ns.citipage.com/chamber/",
  29281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29282.             "Title": "The Greater Johnstown / Cambria County Chamber of Commerce",
  29283.             "Category": "GEO",
  29284.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Johnstown, Pennsylvania.",
  29285.             "Year": 0
  29286.         },
  29287.         {
  29288.             "RIT": "ws200513",
  29289.             "Type": "WS",
  29290.             "URL": "http://www.pittsburghchamber.com/public/cfm/homepage_chamber/index.cfm",
  29291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29292.             "Title": "Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce",
  29293.             "Category": "GEO",
  29294.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.",
  29295.             "Year": 0
  29296.         },
  29297.         {
  29298.             "RIT": "ws200514",
  29299.             "Type": "WS",
  29300.             "URL": "http://www.icsildo.com/chamber/",
  29301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29302.             "Title": "City of Laredo Texas: Chamber of Commerce",
  29303.             "Category": "GEO",
  29304.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Laredo, Texas.",
  29305.             "Year": 0
  29306.         },
  29307.         {
  29308.             "RIT": "ws200497",
  29309.             "Type": "WS",
  29310.             "URL": "http://adc.gsfc.nasa.gov/mw/milkyway.html",
  29311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29312.             "Title": "Multiwavelength Milky Way",
  29313.             "Category": "PHY",
  29314.             "Description": "Images of the Milky Way made with telescopes that see in different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to gamma rays.",
  29315.             "Year": 0
  29316.         },
  29317.         {
  29318.             "RIT": "ws200498",
  29319.             "Type": "WS",
  29320.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=151&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29322.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Dylan Thomas",
  29323.             "Category": "HUM",
  29324.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29325.             "Year": 0
  29326.         },
  29327.         {
  29328.             "RIT": "ws200499",
  29329.             "Type": "WS",
  29330.             "URL": "http://www2.excite.sfu.ca/hpost_e/",
  29331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29332.             "Title": "Heritage Post Interactive",
  29333.             "Category": "HIS",
  29334.             "Description": "The on-line edition of The Heritage Post, a newsletter for Teachers, that tells stories from Canada's past and raises questions about issues in Canadian history.",
  29335.             "Year": 0
  29336.         },
  29337.         {
  29338.             "RIT": "ws200500",
  29339.             "Type": "WS",
  29340.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=206&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29342.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Richard Wilbur",
  29343.             "Category": "HUM",
  29344.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29345.             "Year": 0
  29346.         },
  29347.         {
  29348.             "RIT": "ws200501",
  29349.             "Type": "WS",
  29350.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=9&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29352.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Randall Jarrell",
  29353.             "Category": "HUM",
  29354.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29355.             "Year": 0
  29356.         },
  29357.         {
  29358.             "RIT": "ws200502",
  29359.             "Type": "WS",
  29360.             "URL": "http://www.salem-chamber.org/index.html",
  29361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29362.             "Title": "Salem Chamber of Commerce: Salem, Massachusetts",
  29363.             "Category": "GEO",
  29364.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Salem, Massachusetts.",
  29365.             "Year": 0
  29366.         },
  29367.         {
  29368.             "RIT": "ws200503",
  29369.             "Type": "WS",
  29370.             "URL": "http://www.nbchamber.com/",
  29371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29372.             "Title": "New Bedford Area Chamber of Commerce",
  29373.             "Category": "GEO",
  29374.             "Description": "Official web site of the chamber of commerce of New Bedford, Massachusetts.",
  29375.             "Year": 0
  29376.         },
  29377.         {
  29378.             "RIT": "ws200504",
  29379.             "Type": "WS",
  29380.             "URL": "http://www.reverechamber.org/",
  29381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29382.             "Title": "Revere Chamber of Commerce",
  29383.             "Category": "GEO",
  29384.             "Description": "Official web site of the chamber of commerce of Revere, Massachusetts.",
  29385.             "Year": 0
  29386.         },
  29387.         {
  29388.             "RIT": "ws200515",
  29389.             "Type": "WS",
  29390.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/stats/hasrlink.htm",
  29391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29392.             "Title": "HIV/AIDS Surveillance Reports",
  29393.             "Category": "LIF",
  29394.             "Description": "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) presents current and archived issues of The HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, a source of data about AIDS and HIV cases in the United States.",
  29395.             "Year": 0
  29396.         },
  29397.         {
  29398.             "RIT": "ws200516",
  29399.             "Type": "WS",
  29400.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1951.html",
  29401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29402.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1951: Mohammed Mossadegh",
  29403.             "Category": "HIS",
  29404.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1952.",
  29405.             "Year": 0
  29406.         },
  29407.         {
  29408.             "RIT": "ws200517",
  29409.             "Type": "WS",
  29410.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1939.html",
  29411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29412.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1939: Joseph Stalin",
  29413.             "Category": "HIS",
  29414.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1940.",
  29415.             "Year": 0
  29416.         },
  29417.         {
  29418.             "RIT": "ws200518",
  29419.             "Type": "WS",
  29420.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=23404",
  29421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29422.             "Title": "John McCain",
  29423.             "Category": "GEO",
  29424.             "Description": "Biographical information about John McCain from Biography.com.",
  29425.             "Year": 0
  29426.         },
  29427.         {
  29428.             "RIT": "ws200519",
  29429.             "Type": "WS",
  29430.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1987.html",
  29431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29432.             "Title": "Man of the Year -1987: Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev",
  29433.             "Category": "GEO",
  29434.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1988.",
  29435.             "Year": 0
  29436.         },
  29437.         {
  29438.             "RIT": "ws200520",
  29439.             "Type": "WS",
  29440.             "URL": "http://www.ci.fort-worth.tx.us/fortworth/directory.asp",
  29441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29442.             "Title": "City of Fort Worth Home Page",
  29443.             "Category": "GEO",
  29444.             "Description": "Official Web site of Fort Worth's city government. This site includes general information about the city and news updates.",
  29445.             "Year": 0
  29446.         },
  29447.         {
  29448.             "RIT": "ws200522",
  29449.             "Type": "WS",
  29450.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1932.html",
  29451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29452.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1932: Franklin D. Roosevelt",
  29453.             "Category": "HIS",
  29454.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine on Jan. 2, 1933.",
  29455.             "Year": 0
  29456.         },
  29457.         {
  29458.             "RIT": "ws200523",
  29459.             "Type": "WS",
  29460.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16253",
  29461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29462.             "Title": "Lady Bird Johnson",
  29463.             "Category": "HIS",
  29464.             "Description": "Biographical information about Lady Bird Johnson from Biography.com.",
  29465.             "Year": 0
  29466.         },
  29467.         {
  29468.             "RIT": "ws200524",
  29469.             "Type": "WS",
  29470.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1962.html",
  29471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29472.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1962: Pope John XXIII",
  29473.             "Category": "HUM",
  29474.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1963.",
  29475.             "Year": 0
  29476.         },
  29477.         {
  29478.             "RIT": "ws200535",
  29479.             "Type": "WS",
  29480.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/hk.html",
  29481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29482.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Hong Kong",
  29483.             "Category": "GEO",
  29484.             "Description": "Information about Hong Kong from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  29485.             "Year": 0
  29486.         },
  29487.         {
  29488.             "RIT": "ws200536",
  29489.             "Type": "WS",
  29490.             "URL": "http://www.amistadamerica.org/main/welcome.html",
  29491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29492.             "Title": "Amistad America: Building the Freedom Schooner",
  29493.             "Category": "HIS",
  29494.             "Description": "Home page of Amistad America, with information about the creation of the replica Amistad.",
  29495.             "Year": 0
  29496.         },
  29497.         {
  29498.             "RIT": "ws200537",
  29499.             "Type": "WS",
  29500.             "URL": "http://www.workforcecentralma.org/cmoet_virtual_jobs_resource_cent.htm",
  29501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29502.             "Title": "CMOET Virtual Jobs Resource Center",
  29503.             "Category": "SOC",
  29504.             "Description": "Career development resources and job opportunities in New England maintained by Worcester City Manager's Office of Employment and Training.",
  29505.             "Year": 0
  29506.         },
  29507.         {
  29508.             "RIT": "ws200538",
  29509.             "Type": "WS",
  29510.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/cnidaria/scyphozoa.html",
  29511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29512.             "Title": "Introduction to the Scyphozoa",
  29513.             "Category": "LIF",
  29514.             "Description": "The Museum of Paleontology at the University of California, Berkeley, provides information about jellyfish.",
  29515.             "Year": 0
  29516.         },
  29517.         {
  29518.             "RIT": "ws200540",
  29519.             "Type": "WS",
  29520.             "URL": "http://www.discovery.com/area/science/tornado/tornado.html",
  29521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29522.             "Title": "Discovery Channel - Tornado Warning!",
  29523.             "Category": "PHY",
  29524.             "Description": "This feature from the Discovery Channel provides a glimpse into the life of a stormchaser.",
  29525.             "Year": 0
  29526.         },
  29527.         {
  29528.             "RIT": "ws200541",
  29529.             "Type": "WS",
  29530.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=127&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29532.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Walt Whitman",
  29533.             "Category": "HUM",
  29534.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29535.             "Year": 0
  29536.         },
  29537.         {
  29538.             "RIT": "ws200542",
  29539.             "Type": "WS",
  29540.             "URL": "http://www.aqua.org/animals/species/jellies.html",
  29541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29542.             "Title": "Jellyfish Drifters",
  29543.             "Category": "LIF",
  29544.             "Description": "The National Aquarium in Baltimore presents an information page on jellyfish, including fun facts and a trivia game.",
  29545.             "Year": 0
  29546.         },
  29547.         {
  29548.             "RIT": "ws200543",
  29549.             "Type": "WS",
  29550.             "URL": "http://www.casacolumbia.org/",
  29551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29552.             "Title": "The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse",
  29553.             "Category": "LIF",
  29554.             "Description": "Homepage of a Columbia University think/action tank that studies how every form of substance abuse affects our society.",
  29555.             "Year": 0
  29556.         },
  29557.         {
  29558.             "RIT": "ws200555",
  29559.             "Type": "WS",
  29560.             "URL": "http://www.jhuapl.edu/",
  29561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29562.             "Title": "Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory",
  29563.             "Category": "SOC",
  29564.             "Description": "Official Web site of Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. The site includes program information, education activities, and press releases.",
  29565.             "Year": 0
  29566.         },
  29567.         {
  29568.             "RIT": "ws200556",
  29569.             "Type": "WS",
  29570.             "URL": "http://www.vanaqua.org/Visitor_Information/AquaFacts/Sea_Otters.htm",
  29571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29572.             "Title": "AquaFacts - Sea Otters: Enhydra lutris",
  29573.             "Category": "LIF",
  29574.             "Description": "The Vancouver Aquarium presents information about sea otters.",
  29575.             "Year": 0
  29576.         },
  29577.         {
  29578.             "RIT": "ws200557",
  29579.             "Type": "WS",
  29580.             "URL": "http://www.aqua.org/animals/species/pranem.html",
  29581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29582.             "Title": "Animals - Anemones",
  29583.             "Category": "LIF",
  29584.             "Description": "The National Aquarium in Baltimore presents an information page on sea anemones.",
  29585.             "Year": 0
  29586.         },
  29587.         {
  29588.             "RIT": "ws200558",
  29589.             "Type": "WS",
  29590.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=16&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29592.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Allen Tate",
  29593.             "Category": "HUM",
  29594.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29595.             "Year": 0
  29596.         },
  29597.         {
  29598.             "RIT": "ws200559",
  29599.             "Type": "WS",
  29600.             "URL": "http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Burmese/",
  29601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29602.             "Title": "SEAsite--Myanmar",
  29603.             "Category": "GEO",
  29604.             "Description": "The Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University presents a Web site dedicated to Burmese language and culture.",
  29605.             "Year": 0
  29606.         },
  29607.         {
  29608.             "RIT": "ws200561",
  29609.             "Type": "WS",
  29610.             "URL": "http://www.noah-health.org/english/illness/respiratory/pneumon.html",
  29611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29612.             "Title": "Ask NOAH About: Pneumonia",
  29613.             "Category": "LIF",
  29614.             "Description": "Pneumonia information from a consumer health information network sponsored by hospitals and libraries in New York City.",
  29615.             "Year": 0
  29616.         },
  29617.         {
  29618.             "RIT": "ws200562",
  29619.             "Type": "WS",
  29620.             "URL": "http://www.history.org/Almanack/almanack.cfm",
  29621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29622.             "Title": "Historic Almanack",
  29623.             "Category": "HIS",
  29624.             "Description": "The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation presents a guide to Colonial life.",
  29625.             "Year": 0
  29626.         },
  29627.         {
  29628.             "RIT": "ws200564",
  29629.             "Type": "WS",
  29630.             "URL": "http://www.marinemammalcenter.org/learning/education/mammalinfo/seaotter.asp",
  29631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29632.             "Title": "Sea Otter",
  29633.             "Category": "LIF",
  29634.             "Description": "The Marine Mammal Center, a rescue and rehabilitation center for marine mammals in California, presents a sea otter fact sheet.",
  29635.             "Year": 0
  29636.         },
  29637.         {
  29638.             "RIT": "ws200576",
  29639.             "Type": "WS",
  29640.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/ho/index.html",
  29641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29642.             "Title": "Man of the Year -1996: Dr. David Ho",
  29643.             "Category": "LIF",
  29644.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1997.",
  29645.             "Year": 0
  29646.         },
  29647.         {
  29648.             "RIT": "ws200577",
  29649.             "Type": "WS",
  29650.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=73&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29652.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: James Weldon Johnson",
  29653.             "Category": "HUM",
  29654.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29655.             "Year": 0
  29656.         },
  29657.         {
  29658.             "RIT": "ws200578",
  29659.             "Type": "WS",
  29660.             "URL": "http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/area/Africa/diaspora.html",
  29661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29662.             "Title": "African Diaspora",
  29663.             "Category": "SOC",
  29664.             "Description": "Columbia University presents a guide to African American Internet resources.",
  29665.             "Year": 0
  29666.         },
  29667.         {
  29668.             "RIT": "ws200580",
  29669.             "Type": "WS",
  29670.             "URL": "http://www.timemuseum.com/ttmop/prhtml.htm",
  29671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29672.             "Title": "The Time Museum Collection",
  29673.             "Category": "PHY",
  29674.             "Description": "This online guide to the former Time Museum of Rockford presents a history of clock making.",
  29675.             "Year": 0
  29676.         },
  29677.         {
  29678.             "RIT": "ws200581",
  29679.             "Type": "WS",
  29680.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=162&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29682.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Ezra Pound",
  29683.             "Category": "HUM",
  29684.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29685.             "Year": 0
  29686.         },
  29687.         {
  29688.             "RIT": "ws200582",
  29689.             "Type": "WS",
  29690.             "URL": "http://vweb.sau.edu/bestinfo/",
  29691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29692.             "Title": "Best Information on the Net",
  29693.             "Category": "PHY",
  29694.             "Description": "A comprehensive collection of Internet resources appropriate for students doing research, selected by librarians at O'Keefe Library, St. Ambrose University.",
  29695.             "Year": 0
  29696.         },
  29697.         {
  29698.             "RIT": "ws200583",
  29699.             "Type": "WS",
  29700.             "URL": "http://www.history.org/almanack/life/trades/tradehdr.cfm",
  29701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29702.             "Title": "Trades (Colonial Williamsburg)",
  29703.             "Category": "SOC",
  29704.             "Description": "The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation presents fact sheets on careers in Colonial America.",
  29705.             "Year": 0
  29706.         },
  29707.         {
  29708.             "RIT": "ws200584",
  29709.             "Type": "WS",
  29710.             "URL": "http://www.lbl.gov/NABIR/",
  29711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29712.             "Title": "NABIR Program",
  29713.             "Category": "LIF",
  29714.             "Description": "Home page for the U.S. Department of Energy's division of Natural and Accelerated Bioremediation Resources (NABIR), devoted to the use of bacteria and other living organisms to digest hazardous substances.",
  29715.             "Year": 0
  29716.         },
  29717.         {
  29718.             "RIT": "ws200596",
  29719.             "Type": "WS",
  29720.             "URL": "http://tlc.ai.org/slavery.htm",
  29721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29722.             "Title": "AITLC Guide to Slavery",
  29723.             "Category": "HIS",
  29724.             "Description": "A gateway page to online resources for African American history, particularly slavery, hosted by the Access Indiana Teaching and Learning Center.",
  29725.             "Year": 0
  29726.         },
  29727.         {
  29728.             "RIT": "ws200598",
  29729.             "Type": "WS",
  29730.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,45,00.html",
  29731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29732.             "Title": "People Profiles--David Letterman",
  29733.             "Category": "HUM",
  29734.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  29735.             "Year": 0
  29736.         },
  29737.         {
  29738.             "RIT": "ws200599",
  29739.             "Type": "WS",
  29740.             "URL": "http://nmnhgoph.si.edu/gvp/volcano/",
  29741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29742.             "Title": "Global Volcanism Program",
  29743.             "Category": "PHY",
  29744.             "Description": "The Smithsonian Institution presents information on volcanoes of the world.",
  29745.             "Year": 0
  29746.         },
  29747.         {
  29748.             "RIT": "ws200600",
  29749.             "Type": "WS",
  29750.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/petoc.html",
  29751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29752.             "Title": "Peru: A Country Study",
  29753.             "Category": "GEO",
  29754.             "Description": "An extensive Web site covering the history, geography, people, economy, and government of Peru. Hosted by the United States Library of Congress.",
  29755.             "Year": 0
  29756.         },
  29757.         {
  29758.             "RIT": "ws200601",
  29759.             "Type": "WS",
  29760.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=48&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29762.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Archibald MacLeish",
  29763.             "Category": "HUM",
  29764.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29765.             "Year": 0
  29766.         },
  29767.         {
  29768.             "RIT": "ws200602",
  29769.             "Type": "WS",
  29770.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=114&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29772.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Ted Hughes",
  29773.             "Category": "HUM",
  29774.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29775.             "Year": 0
  29776.         },
  29777.         {
  29778.             "RIT": "ws200604",
  29779.             "Type": "WS",
  29780.             "URL": "http://navigator.tufts.edu/",
  29781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29782.             "Title": "Tufts University Nutrition Navigator",
  29783.             "Category": "LIF",
  29784.             "Description": "The homepage of the Tufts University School of Nutrition's online nutrition resource.",
  29785.             "Year": 0
  29786.         },
  29787.         {
  29788.             "RIT": "ws200605",
  29789.             "Type": "WS",
  29790.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/etaylor/index.html",
  29791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29792.             "Title": "People Profiles--Elizabeth Taylor",
  29793.             "Category": "HUM",
  29794.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  29795.             "Year": 0
  29796.         },
  29797.         {
  29798.             "RIT": "ws200606",
  29799.             "Type": "WS",
  29800.             "URL": "http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/slavery/",
  29801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29802.             "Title": "Slave Voices",
  29803.             "Category": "HIS",
  29804.             "Description": "The Special Collections Library at Duke University presents an online exhibit of historic letters and documents.",
  29805.             "Year": 0
  29806.         },
  29807.         {
  29808.             "RIT": "ws200607",
  29809.             "Type": "WS",
  29810.             "URL": "http://www.shedd.org/exh_seahorse.html",
  29811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29812.             "Title": "Seahorse Symphony",
  29813.             "Category": "LIF",
  29814.             "Description": "Information about seahorses from the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, Illinois.",
  29815.             "Year": 0
  29816.         },
  29817.         {
  29818.             "RIT": "ws200608",
  29819.             "Type": "WS",
  29820.             "URL": "http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/expltx/eft/gulf/cspecies/seaanemonefact.htm",
  29821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29822.             "Title": "Jetty: Sea anemone",
  29823.             "Category": "LIF",
  29824.             "Description": "A species fact sheet from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Commission.",
  29825.             "Year": 0
  29826.         },
  29827.         {
  29828.             "RIT": "ws200609",
  29829.             "Type": "WS",
  29830.             "URL": "http://wwwsecure.law.cornell.edu/background/amistad/amistad3.html",
  29831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29832.             "Title": "160 Years and Two Court Cases",
  29833.             "Category": "HIS",
  29834.             "Description": "Cornell University Law School site includes background information about two legal disputes arising out of the Amistad revolt-- in 1839 and in 1997.",
  29835.             "Year": 0
  29836.         },
  29837.         {
  29838.             "RIT": "ws200610",
  29839.             "Type": "WS",
  29840.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/li.html",
  29841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29842.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Liberia",
  29843.             "Category": "GEO",
  29844.             "Description": "Information about Liberia from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  29845.             "Year": 0
  29846.         },
  29847.         {
  29848.             "RIT": "ws200612",
  29849.             "Type": "WS",
  29850.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/ho.html",
  29851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29852.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Honduras",
  29853.             "Category": "GEO",
  29854.             "Description": "Information about Honduras from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  29855.             "Year": 0
  29856.         },
  29857.         {
  29858.             "RIT": "ws200613",
  29859.             "Type": "WS",
  29860.             "URL": "",
  29861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29862.             "Title": "Cardiomyopathy",
  29863.             "Category": "LIF",
  29864.             "Description": "A page from the American Heart Association describing what cardiomyopathy is and how it is treated.",
  29865.             "Year": 0
  29866.         },
  29867.         {
  29868.             "RIT": "ws200614",
  29869.             "Type": "WS",
  29870.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/mcaine/index.html",
  29871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29872.             "Title": "People Profiles--Michael Caine",
  29873.             "Category": "HUM",
  29874.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  29875.             "Year": 0
  29876.         },
  29877.         {
  29878.             "RIT": "ws200615",
  29879.             "Type": "WS",
  29880.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1971.html",
  29881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29882.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1971: Richard M. Nixon",
  29883.             "Category": "HIS",
  29884.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1972.",
  29885.             "Year": 0
  29886.         },
  29887.         {
  29888.             "RIT": "ws200616",
  29889.             "Type": "WS",
  29890.             "URL": "http://aquarium.ucsd.edu/",
  29891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29892.             "Title": "Welcome to the Birch Aquarium at Scripps",
  29893.             "Category": "LIF",
  29894.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Birch Aquarium",
  29895.             "Year": 0
  29896.         },
  29897.         {
  29898.             "RIT": "ws200625",
  29899.             "Type": "WS",
  29900.             "URL": "http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/descartes-epistemology/",
  29901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29902.             "Title": "Descartes' Epistemology",
  29903.             "Category": "HUM",
  29904.             "Description": "An entry from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.",
  29905.             "Year": 0
  29906.         },
  29907.         {
  29908.             "RIT": "ws200626",
  29909.             "Type": "WS",
  29910.             "URL": "http://www.nwf.org/nwf/wetlands/",
  29911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29912.             "Title": "NWF - Wetlands Homepage",
  29913.             "Category": "GEO",
  29914.             "Description": "Wetlands information and links from the National Wildlife Federation.",
  29915.             "Year": 0
  29916.         },
  29917.         {
  29918.             "RIT": "ws200627",
  29919.             "Type": "WS",
  29920.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=97&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  29921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29922.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Marianne Moore",
  29923.             "Category": "HUM",
  29924.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  29925.             "Year": 0
  29926.         },
  29927.         {
  29928.             "RIT": "ws200628",
  29929.             "Type": "WS",
  29930.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/grove/index.html",
  29931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29932.             "Title": "Man of the Year -1997: Andrew S. Grove",
  29933.             "Category": "IND",
  29934.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1998.",
  29935.             "Year": 0
  29936.         },
  29937.         {
  29938.             "RIT": "ws200629",
  29939.             "Type": "WS",
  29940.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/flu/fluvirus.htm",
  29941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29942.             "Title": "CDC Influenza Home Page",
  29943.             "Category": "LIF",
  29944.             "Description": "Information on preventing and controlling influenza from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  29945.             "Year": 0
  29946.         },
  29947.         {
  29948.             "RIT": "ws200631",
  29949.             "Type": "WS",
  29950.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/special/hiv/hivhome.htm",
  29951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29952.             "Title": "HIV/AIDS Information Center.",
  29953.             "Category": "LIF",
  29954.             "Description": "A comprehensive resource site from the American Medical Association.",
  29955.             "Year": 0
  29956.         },
  29957.         {
  29958.             "RIT": "ws200632",
  29959.             "Type": "WS",
  29960.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1940.html",
  29961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29962.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1940: Winston Churchill",
  29963.             "Category": "HIS",
  29964.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1941.",
  29965.             "Year": 0
  29966.         },
  29967.         {
  29968.             "RIT": "ws200633",
  29969.             "Type": "WS",
  29970.             "URL": "http://www.GTA.Gov.zw/",
  29971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29972.             "Title": "Zimbabwe Government Online",
  29973.             "Category": "GEO",
  29974.             "Description": "This official Zimbabwe Web site links to various Ministries within the Zimbabwe government.",
  29975.             "Year": 0
  29976.         },
  29977.         {
  29978.             "RIT": "ws200634",
  29979.             "Type": "WS",
  29980.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=14844",
  29981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29982.             "Title": "Betty Ford",
  29983.             "Category": "HIS",
  29984.             "Description": "Biographical information on Betty Ford from Biography.com.",
  29985.             "Year": 0
  29986.         },
  29987.         {
  29988.             "RIT": "ws200635",
  29989.             "Type": "WS",
  29990.             "URL": "http://www.wa.gov.au/perthobs/hpc2ast.htm",
  29991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  29992.             "Title": "Asteroids",
  29993.             "Category": "PHY",
  29994.             "Description": "A fact sheet provided by the Perth Observatory in Australia.",
  29995.             "Year": 0
  29996.         },
  29997.         {
  29998.             "RIT": "ws200525",
  29999.             "Type": "WS",
  30000.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1980.html",
  30001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30002.             "Title": "Man of the Year -1980: Ronald Reagan",
  30003.             "Category": "HIS",
  30004.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1981.",
  30005.             "Year": 0
  30006.         },
  30007.         {
  30008.             "RIT": "ws200526",
  30009.             "Type": "WS",
  30010.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1968.html",
  30011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30012.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1968: Apollo Astronauts Anders, Borman and Lovell",
  30013.             "Category": "IND",
  30014.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1969.",
  30015.             "Year": 0
  30016.         },
  30017.         {
  30018.             "RIT": "ws200527",
  30019.             "Type": "WS",
  30020.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=15061",
  30021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30022.             "Title": "Bill Gates",
  30023.             "Category": "IND",
  30024.             "Description": "Biographical information on Bill Gates from Biography.com.",
  30025.             "Year": 0
  30026.         },
  30027.         {
  30028.             "RIT": "ws200528",
  30029.             "Type": "WS",
  30030.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/mtjhtml/mtjtime1.html",
  30031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30032.             "Title": "Thomas Jefferson Timeline",
  30033.             "Category": "HIS",
  30034.             "Description": "The Library of Congress presents a chronological account of Jefferson's life.",
  30035.             "Year": 0
  30036.         },
  30037.         {
  30038.             "RIT": "ws200530",
  30039.             "Type": "WS",
  30040.             "URL": "http://www.intel.com/intel/intelis/museum/",
  30041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30042.             "Title": "Intel Museum",
  30043.             "Category": "PHY",
  30044.             "Description": "Intel Corporation traces the development of computer chips.",
  30045.             "Year": 0
  30046.         },
  30047.         {
  30048.             "RIT": "ws200531",
  30049.             "Type": "WS",
  30050.             "URL": "http://www.bls.gov/oco/",
  30051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30052.             "Title": "Occupational Outlook Handbook",
  30053.             "Category": "SOC",
  30054.             "Description": "U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Outlook Handbook includes information about expected job prospects in a wide range of occupations.",
  30055.             "Year": 0
  30056.         },
  30057.         {
  30058.             "RIT": "ws200532",
  30059.             "Type": "WS",
  30060.             "URL": "http://govinfo.kerr.orst.edu/",
  30061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30062.             "Title": "Government Information Sharing Project",
  30063.             "Category": "PHY",
  30064.             "Description": "Statistical information on such topics as U.S. population, employment, agriculture, and economics, administered by the Oregon State University Libraries in Corvallis, Oregon.",
  30065.             "Year": 0
  30066.         },
  30067.         {
  30068.             "RIT": "ws200533",
  30069.             "Type": "WS",
  30070.             "URL": "http://www.rehydrate.org/index.html",
  30071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30072.             "Title": "Rehydration Project",
  30073.             "Category": "LIF",
  30074.             "Description": "The homepage of the Rehydration Project, offering information about childhood diarrhea, treatment, and links to other resources.",
  30075.             "Year": 0
  30076.         },
  30077.         {
  30078.             "RIT": "ws200534",
  30079.             "Type": "WS",
  30080.             "URL": "http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Indonesian/",
  30081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30082.             "Title": "SEAsite--Indonesia",
  30083.             "Category": "GEO",
  30084.             "Description": "The Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University presents a Web site dedicated to Indonesian language and culture.",
  30085.             "Year": 0
  30086.         },
  30087.         {
  30088.             "RIT": "ws200544",
  30089.             "Type": "WS",
  30090.             "URL": "http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH?t=10198&p=~br,IHW|~st,408|~r,WSIHW000|~b,*|",
  30091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30092.             "Title": "InteliHealth: Influenza",
  30093.             "Category": "LIF",
  30094.             "Description": "Facts about influenza from InteliHealth, sponsored by Johns Hopkins University.",
  30095.             "Year": 0
  30096.         },
  30097.         {
  30098.             "RIT": "ws200545",
  30099.             "Type": "WS",
  30100.             "URL": "http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/ol/climate/globalwarming.html",
  30101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30102.             "Title": "Global Warming",
  30103.             "Category": "PHY",
  30104.             "Description": "The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) presents answers to frequently asked questions about global warming.",
  30105.             "Year": 0
  30106.         },
  30107.         {
  30108.             "RIT": "ws200546",
  30109.             "Type": "WS",
  30110.             "URL": "http://www.meh.hu/default.htm",
  30111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30112.             "Title": "Homepage of the Hungarian Government",
  30113.             "Category": "GEO",
  30114.             "Description": "The official Web site of Hungary contains information about the prime minister, parliament, and various ministries.",
  30115.             "Year": 0
  30116.         },
  30117.         {
  30118.             "RIT": "ws200548",
  30119.             "Type": "WS",
  30120.             "URL": "http://sis.nlm.nih.gov/aids/index.html",
  30121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30122.             "Title": "NIH HIV/AIDS Information Services",
  30123.             "Category": "LIF",
  30124.             "Description": "Information about HIV/AIDS-related activities and programs from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).",
  30125.             "Year": 0
  30126.         },
  30127.         {
  30128.             "RIT": "ws200549",
  30129.             "Type": "WS",
  30130.             "URL": "http://www.kurd.org/kurd/",
  30131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30132.             "Title": "Washington Kurdish Institute",
  30133.             "Category": "SOC",
  30134.             "Description": "Information about the Kurds and their culture from a nonprofit research, education, and advocacy organization.",
  30135.             "Year": 0
  30136.         },
  30137.         {
  30138.             "RIT": "ws200550",
  30139.             "Type": "WS",
  30140.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/special_report/1999/02/99/e-cyclopedia/newsid_711000/711906.stm",
  30141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30142.             "Title": "Globalisation: What on Earth is it about",
  30143.             "Category": "SOC",
  30144.             "Description": "Background information on the global economy from the BBC that helps explain the position of some critics of the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.",
  30145.             "Year": 0
  30146.         },
  30147.         {
  30148.             "RIT": "ws200551",
  30149.             "Type": "WS",
  30150.             "URL": "http://jobstar.org/tools/career/index.htm",
  30151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30152.             "Title": "JobStar",
  30153.             "Category": "SOC",
  30154.             "Description": "Career counseling site by public libraries in northern California that includes California job opportunities.",
  30155.             "Year": 0
  30156.         },
  30157.         {
  30158.             "RIT": "ws200552",
  30159.             "Type": "WS",
  30160.             "URL": "http://www.aas.org/",
  30161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30162.             "Title": "American Astronomical Society",
  30163.             "Category": "PHY",
  30164.             "Description": "The official Web site of the American Astronomical Society (AAS).",
  30165.             "Year": 0
  30166.         },
  30167.         {
  30168.             "RIT": "ws200553",
  30169.             "Type": "WS",
  30170.             "URL": "http://www.ncsu.edu/careerkey/",
  30171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30172.             "Title": "The Career Key",
  30173.             "Category": "SOC",
  30174.             "Description": "A free, online assessment designed to help people make career decisions.",
  30175.             "Year": 0
  30176.         },
  30177.         {
  30178.             "RIT": "ws200565",
  30179.             "Type": "WS",
  30180.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/EOP/CEA/html/wto/",
  30181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30182.             "Title": "America's Interest in the World Trade Organization: An Economic Assessment",
  30183.             "Category": "SOC",
  30184.             "Description": "A Report by the Council of Economic Advisers, a three-member group that advises the president of the United States on economic policies.",
  30185.             "Year": 0
  30186.         },
  30187.         {
  30188.             "RIT": "ws200566",
  30189.             "Type": "WS",
  30190.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/glucas/index.html",
  30191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30192.             "Title": "People Profiles--George Lucas",
  30193.             "Category": "HUM",
  30194.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  30195.             "Year": 0
  30196.         },
  30197.         {
  30198.             "RIT": "ws200567",
  30199.             "Type": "WS",
  30200.             "URL": "http://www.cs.umb.edu/jfklibrary/hemingway_menu.html",
  30201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30202.             "Title": "The Ernest Hemingway Collection",
  30203.             "Category": "HUM",
  30204.             "Description": "The John F. Kennedy Library presents a brief biography of Hemingway and the story of how the library acquired many of Hemingway's possessions.",
  30205.             "Year": 0
  30206.         },
  30207.         {
  30208.             "RIT": "ws200569",
  30209.             "Type": "WS",
  30210.             "URL": "http://www.merckmedco.com/mem/healthnews/65483_d.htm",
  30211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30212.             "Title": "Toxic Tobacco Trend Ignites CDC Concern",
  30213.             "Category": "LIF",
  30214.             "Description": "This news report addresses health concerns related to bidi use.",
  30215.             "Year": 0
  30216.         },
  30217.         {
  30218.             "RIT": "ws200570",
  30219.             "Type": "WS",
  30220.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/hemingwayadventure/index.html",
  30221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30222.             "Title": "Hemingway Adventure",
  30223.             "Category": "HUM",
  30224.             "Description": "This PBS feature traces Hemingway's activities around the globe and includes classroom activities.",
  30225.             "Year": 0
  30226.         },
  30227.         {
  30228.             "RIT": "ws200571",
  30229.             "Type": "WS",
  30230.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,71,00.html",
  30231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30232.             "Title": "People Profiles--Mel Gibson",
  30233.             "Category": "HUM",
  30234.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  30235.             "Year": 0
  30236.         },
  30237.         {
  30238.             "RIT": "ws200572",
  30239.             "Type": "WS",
  30240.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,90,00.html",
  30241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30242.             "Title": "People Profiles--Whoopi Goldberg",
  30243.             "Category": "HUM",
  30244.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  30245.             "Year": 0
  30246.         },
  30247.         {
  30248.             "RIT": "ws200573",
  30249.             "Type": "WS",
  30250.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5980",
  30251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30252.             "Title": "Paul McCartney",
  30253.             "Category": "HUM",
  30254.             "Description": "Biographical information about Paul McCartney from Biography.com.",
  30255.             "Year": 0
  30256.         },
  30257.         {
  30258.             "RIT": "ws200574",
  30259.             "Type": "WS",
  30260.             "URL": "http://www.newscientist.com/hottopics/gm/",
  30261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30262.             "Title": "Living in a GM World",
  30263.             "Category": "LIF",
  30264.             "Description": "A feature about issues involved in the debate over genetically modified food, from New Scientist magazine.",
  30265.             "Year": 0
  30266.         },
  30267.         {
  30268.             "RIT": "ws200585",
  30269.             "Type": "WS",
  30270.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_584000/584887.stm",
  30271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30272.             "Title": "BBC News: Yeltsin Bows Out",
  30273.             "Category": "GEO",
  30274.             "Description": "British Broadcasting Corporation special feature about Boris Yeltsin's resignation from Russia's presidency.",
  30275.             "Year": 0
  30276.         },
  30277.         {
  30278.             "RIT": "ws200586",
  30279.             "Type": "WS",
  30280.             "URL": "http://www.payton34.com/",
  30281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30282.             "Title": "Payton34.com",
  30283.             "Category": "REC",
  30284.             "Description": "The Walter Payton Foundation's official Web site.",
  30285.             "Year": 0
  30286.         },
  30287.         {
  30288.             "RIT": "ws200587",
  30289.             "Type": "WS",
  30290.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=23551",
  30291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30292.             "Title": "Vladimir Putin",
  30293.             "Category": "GEO",
  30294.             "Description": "Biographical information about Vladimir Putin from Biography.com.",
  30295.             "Year": 0
  30296.         },
  30297.         {
  30298.             "RIT": "ws200588",
  30299.             "Type": "WS",
  30300.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=49&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  30301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30302.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: A. R. Ammons",
  30303.             "Category": "HUM",
  30304.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a biography, and related Web sites.",
  30305.             "Year": 0
  30306.         },
  30307.         {
  30308.             "RIT": "ws200589",
  30309.             "Type": "WS",
  30310.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/special_report/1998/10/98/the_pinochet_file/",
  30311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30312.             "Title": "The Pinochet File",
  30313.             "Category": "GEO",
  30314.             "Description": "This BBC special report traces the Pinochet case from October 1998.",
  30315.             "Year": 0
  30316.         },
  30317.         {
  30318.             "RIT": "ws200590",
  30319.             "Type": "WS",
  30320.             "URL": "http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/eduhome.htm",
  30321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30322.             "Title": "U.S. News and World Report Colleges and Career Center",
  30323.             "Category": "SOC",
  30324.             "Description": "U.S. News and World Reportpresents information about college, graduate school, and financial aid.",
  30325.             "Year": 0
  30326.         },
  30327.         {
  30328.             "RIT": "ws200593",
  30329.             "Type": "WS",
  30330.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=18489",
  30331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30332.             "Title": "Sidney Poitier",
  30333.             "Category": "HUM",
  30334.             "Description": "Biographical information about Sidney Poitier from Biography.com.",
  30335.             "Year": 0
  30336.         },
  30337.         {
  30338.             "RIT": "ws200594",
  30339.             "Type": "WS",
  30340.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1990.html",
  30341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30342.             "Title": "Man of the Year -1990: The Two George Bushes",
  30343.             "Category": "HIS",
  30344.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1991.",
  30345.             "Year": 0
  30346.         },
  30347.         {
  30348.             "RIT": "ws200595",
  30349.             "Type": "WS",
  30350.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1972.html",
  30351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30352.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1972: Nixon and Kissinger",
  30353.             "Category": "HIS",
  30354.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1973.",
  30355.             "Year": 0
  30356.         },
  30357.         {
  30358.             "RIT": "ws200617",
  30359.             "Type": "WS",
  30360.             "URL": "http://www.enn.com/enn-news-archive/1998/09/092898/biotech.asp",
  30361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30362.             "Title": "Is your breakfast genetically engineered?",
  30363.             "Category": "LIF",
  30364.             "Description": "Story from the Environmental News Network helps explain the difference between U.S. and European attitudes toward genetic engineering in crops.",
  30365.             "Year": 0
  30366.         },
  30367.         {
  30368.             "RIT": "ws200618",
  30369.             "Type": "WS",
  30370.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1965.html",
  30371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30372.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1965: William C. Westmoreland",
  30373.             "Category": "HIS",
  30374.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1966.",
  30375.             "Year": 0
  30376.         },
  30377.         {
  30378.             "RIT": "ws200619",
  30379.             "Type": "WS",
  30380.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/gl.html",
  30381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30382.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Greenland",
  30383.             "Category": "GEO",
  30384.             "Description": "Information about Greenland from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  30385.             "Year": 0
  30386.         },
  30387.         {
  30388.             "RIT": "ws200620",
  30389.             "Type": "WS",
  30390.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=182&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  30391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30392.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Percy Bysshe Shelley",
  30393.             "Category": "HUM",
  30394.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  30395.             "Year": 0
  30396.         },
  30397.         {
  30398.             "RIT": "ws200621",
  30399.             "Type": "WS",
  30400.             "URL": "http://www.bassresource.com/about/about.html",
  30401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30402.             "Title": "The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide",
  30403.             "Category": "LIF",
  30404.             "Description": "Information on the three main species of bass, along with extensive tips on bass fishing.",
  30405.             "Year": 0
  30406.         },
  30407.         {
  30408.             "RIT": "ws200622",
  30409.             "Type": "WS",
  30410.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/kptoc.html",
  30411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30412.             "Title": "NORTH KOREA - A Country Study",
  30413.             "Category": "GEO",
  30414.             "Description": "A U.S. Library of Congress site covering the history, geography, people, economy, and government of North Korea.",
  30415.             "Year": 0
  30416.         },
  30417.         {
  30418.             "RIT": "ws200623",
  30419.             "Type": "WS",
  30420.             "URL": "http://livingplanet.org/climate/climate_docs/health_factsheet/el_nino.htm",
  30421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30422.             "Title": "El Nino and Health",
  30423.             "Category": "GEO",
  30424.             "Description": "Information about some of the worldwide health effects of the 1997-1998 El Nino, posted by Harvard Medical School.",
  30425.             "Year": 0
  30426.         },
  30427.         {
  30428.             "RIT": "ws200624",
  30429.             "Type": "WS",
  30430.             "URL": "http://www.interknowledge.com/russia/rushis01.htm",
  30431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30432.             "Title": "History and Culture of Russia: Overview",
  30433.             "Category": "GEO",
  30434.             "Description": "A brief history of Russia from the official Web site of the Russian National Tourist Office.",
  30435.             "Year": 0
  30436.         },
  30437.         {
  30438.             "RIT": "ws200638",
  30439.             "Type": "WS",
  30440.             "URL": "http://www.oilsurvey.com/",
  30441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30442.             "Title": "Oil Survey",
  30443.             "Category": "IND",
  30444.             "Description": "Information for and about the oil and gas industry.",
  30445.             "Year": 0
  30446.         },
  30447.         {
  30448.             "RIT": "ws200639",
  30449.             "Type": "WS",
  30450.             "URL": "http://www.dent.unc.edu/careers/",
  30451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30452.             "Title": "Careers in Dentistry",
  30453.             "Category": "LIF",
  30454.             "Description": "Career information about dentristy provided by the International College of Dentists and the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry.",
  30455.             "Year": 0
  30456.         },
  30457.         {
  30458.             "RIT": "ws200640",
  30459.             "Type": "WS",
  30460.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1978.html",
  30461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30462.             "Title": "Man of the Year -1978: Teng Hsiao-p'ing",
  30463.             "Category": "GEO",
  30464.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1979.",
  30465.             "Year": 0
  30466.         },
  30467.         {
  30468.             "RIT": "ws200641",
  30469.             "Type": "WS",
  30470.             "URL": "http://www.foodsafety.org/wheel/ww2337.htm",
  30471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30472.             "Title": "Food Irradiation",
  30473.             "Category": "SOC",
  30474.             "Description": "The USDA presents background information on irradiation.",
  30475.             "Year": 0
  30476.         },
  30477.         {
  30478.             "RIT": "ws200642",
  30479.             "Type": "WS",
  30480.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16170",
  30481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30482.             "Title": "Michael Jackson",
  30483.             "Category": "HUM",
  30484.             "Description": "Biographical information on Michael Jackson from Biography.com.",
  30485.             "Year": 0
  30486.         },
  30487.         {
  30488.             "RIT": "ws200643",
  30489.             "Type": "WS",
  30490.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=21435",
  30491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30492.             "Title": "Biography.com: Dylan, Bob",
  30493.             "Category": "HUM",
  30494.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  30495.             "Year": 0
  30496.         },
  30497.         {
  30498.             "RIT": "ws200644",
  30499.             "Type": "WS",
  30500.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=11918",
  30501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30502.             "Title": "Biography.com: Cruise, Tom",
  30503.             "Category": "HUM",
  30504.             "Description": "Biography.com presents a biography of Tom Cruise.",
  30505.             "Year": 0
  30506.         },
  30507.         {
  30508.             "RIT": "ws200645",
  30509.             "Type": "WS",
  30510.             "URL": "http://indian-river.fl.us/fishing/fish/tarpon.html",
  30511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30512.             "Title": "Indian River County Tarpon",
  30513.             "Category": "LIF",
  30514.             "Description": "The Indian River County Web site provides information on the tarpon fish.",
  30515.             "Year": 0
  30516.         },
  30517.         {
  30518.             "RIT": "ws200646",
  30519.             "Type": "WS",
  30520.             "URL": "http://www.aande.com/class/admin/study_guide/archives/aetv_guide.0326.html",
  30521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30522.             "Title": "Madeline Albright: First Lady of State",
  30523.             "Category": "SOC",
  30524.             "Description": "A classroom study guide presented by A&E Television Networks.",
  30525.             "Year": 0
  30526.         },
  30527.         {
  30528.             "RIT": "ws200647",
  30529.             "Type": "WS",
  30530.             "URL": "http://www.pulitzer.org/",
  30531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30532.             "Title": "Pulitzer Prizes",
  30533.             "Category": "SOC",
  30534.             "Description": "This official site features a history of the prizes and lists all previous winners.",
  30535.             "Year": 0
  30536.         },
  30537.         {
  30538.             "RIT": "ws200648",
  30539.             "Type": "WS",
  30540.             "URL": "http://www.florida-outdoors.com/fsgroup.htm",
  30541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30542.             "Title": "Florida Outdoors: Grouper",
  30543.             "Category": "LIF",
  30544.             "Description": "Pictures and information on the grouper from Florida Outdoor Writers Association.",
  30545.             "Year": 0
  30546.         },
  30547.         {
  30548.             "RIT": "ws200660",
  30549.             "Type": "WS",
  30550.             "URL": "http://indian-river.fl.us/fishing/fish/bonefish.html",
  30551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30552.             "Title": "Bonefish, fish identification",
  30553.             "Category": "LIF",
  30554.             "Description": "Tips on identifying the bonefish from Indian River County in Florida.",
  30555.             "Year": 0
  30556.         },
  30557.         {
  30558.             "RIT": "ws200661",
  30559.             "Type": "WS",
  30560.             "URL": "http://www.iclarm.com/iclarm/fishbase/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Electrophorus&speciesname=electricus",
  30561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30562.             "Title": "FishBase: Electric eel",
  30563.             "Category": "LIF",
  30564.             "Description": "Information on the electric eel from a database on fish created by an international team of scientific collaborators.",
  30565.             "Year": 0
  30566.         },
  30567.         {
  30568.             "RIT": "ws200662",
  30569.             "Type": "WS",
  30570.             "URL": "http://indian-river.fl.us/fishing/fish/billsail.html",
  30571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30572.             "Title": "Sailfish, fish identification",
  30573.             "Category": "LIF",
  30574.             "Description": "Tips on identifying the sailfish from Indian River County in Florida.",
  30575.             "Year": 0
  30576.         },
  30577.         {
  30578.             "RIT": "ws200663",
  30579.             "Type": "WS",
  30580.             "URL": "http://indian-river.fl.us/fishing/fish/dolphin.html",
  30581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30582.             "Title": "Dolphin, fish identification",
  30583.             "Category": "LIF",
  30584.             "Description": "Tips for indentifying the dolphin (fish) from Indian River County in Florida.",
  30585.             "Year": 0
  30586.         },
  30587.         {
  30588.             "RIT": "ws200664",
  30589.             "Type": "WS",
  30590.             "URL": "http://www.florida-outdoors.com/fsmarlin.htm",
  30591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30592.             "Title": "Florida Outdoors: Marlin",
  30593.             "Category": "LIF",
  30594.             "Description": "Information on marlin and fishing for marlin from the Florida Outdoor Writers Association.",
  30595.             "Year": 0
  30596.         },
  30597.         {
  30598.             "RIT": "ws200665",
  30599.             "Type": "WS",
  30600.             "URL": "http://www.flaquarium.net/affjewfish.htm",
  30601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30602.             "Title": "The Florida Aquarium: Jewfish",
  30603.             "Category": "LIF",
  30604.             "Description": "Information about the jewfish and its habitat from The Florida Aquarium.",
  30605.             "Year": 0
  30606.         },
  30607.         {
  30608.             "RIT": "ws200666",
  30609.             "Type": "WS",
  30610.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/heho/extended.htm",
  30611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30612.             "Title": "Herbert Hoover National Historic Site",
  30613.             "Category": "HIS",
  30614.             "Description": "Information about Hoover's birthplace in West Branch, Iowa.",
  30615.             "Year": 0
  30616.         },
  30617.         {
  30618.             "RIT": "ws200667",
  30619.             "Type": "WS",
  30620.             "URL": "http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/blake/",
  30621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30622.             "Title": "Tyger of Wrath",
  30623.             "Category": "HUM",
  30624.             "Description": "An online exhibit of William Blake's work from the National Gallery of Victoria.",
  30625.             "Year": 0
  30626.         },
  30627.         {
  30628.             "RIT": "ws200668",
  30629.             "Type": "WS",
  30630.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/feature/sculptgarden/splash.htm",
  30631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30632.             "Title": "National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden",
  30633.             "Category": "HUM",
  30634.             "Description": "This site incldues images and a virtual tour of the sculpture garden in Washington, D.C.",
  30635.             "Year": 0
  30636.         },
  30637.         {
  30638.             "RIT": "ws200669",
  30639.             "Type": "WS",
  30640.             "URL": "http://www.ee.ryerson.ca:8080/~elf/abacus/",
  30641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30642.             "Title": "The Abacus",
  30643.             "Category": "IND",
  30644.             "Description": "A privately maintained site about the history of the abacus and how to use it for counting.",
  30645.             "Year": 0
  30646.         },
  30647.         {
  30648.             "RIT": "ws200679",
  30649.             "Type": "WS",
  30650.             "URL": "http://tqjunior.thinkquest.org/5002/?tqskip1=1&tqtime=0208",
  30651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30652.             "Title": "Do We Really Know Dewey?",
  30653.             "Category": "SOC",
  30654.             "Description": "An interactive guide to learning about the Dewey Decimal System.",
  30655.             "Year": 0
  30656.         },
  30657.         {
  30658.             "RIT": "ws200680",
  30659.             "Type": "WS",
  30660.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/iadshake/iadshake-main1.html",
  30661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30662.             "Title": "Shaker Crafts from the Index of American Design",
  30663.             "Category": "HUM",
  30664.             "Description": "An exhibit from the National Gallary of Art.",
  30665.             "Year": 0
  30666.         },
  30667.         {
  30668.             "RIT": "ws200681",
  30669.             "Type": "WS",
  30670.             "URL": "http://americanhistory.si.edu/edison/index.htm",
  30671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30672.             "Title": "Edison After Forty",
  30673.             "Category": "IND",
  30674.             "Description": "A Smithsonian Insitution exhibit on the life of inventor Thomas Alva Edison.",
  30675.             "Year": 0
  30676.         },
  30677.         {
  30678.             "RIT": "ws200682",
  30679.             "Type": "WS",
  30680.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/character/essays/ford.html",
  30681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30682.             "Title": "Character Above All",
  30683.             "Category": "HIS",
  30684.             "Description": "PBS presents an essay on Gerald Ford written by biographer James Cannon.",
  30685.             "Year": 0
  30686.         },
  30687.         {
  30688.             "RIT": "ws200683",
  30689.             "Type": "WS",
  30690.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=320",
  30691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30692.             "Title": "Biography.com: Bergen, Candice",
  30693.             "Category": "HUM",
  30694.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  30695.             "Year": 0
  30696.         },
  30697.         {
  30698.             "RIT": "ws200684",
  30699.             "Type": "WS",
  30700.             "URL": "http://redbud.lbjlib.utexas.edu/eisenhower/ddehp.htm",
  30701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30702.             "Title": "The Dwight D. Eisenhower Library & Museum",
  30703.             "Category": "HIS",
  30704.             "Description": "The official site of the Abilene, Kansas, library provides background on Eisenhower and World War II.",
  30705.             "Year": 0
  30706.         },
  30707.         {
  30708.             "RIT": "ws200685",
  30709.             "Type": "WS",
  30710.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/crossrds/rpc/osteo.htm",
  30711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30712.             "Title": "Case History: Osteoporosis",
  30713.             "Category": "LIF",
  30714.             "Description": "This American Medical Association page covers osteoporosis risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment.",
  30715.             "Year": 0
  30716.         },
  30717.         {
  30718.             "RIT": "ws200686",
  30719.             "Type": "WS",
  30720.             "URL": "http://www.uct.ac.za/depts/mmi/stannard/linda.html",
  30721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30722.             "Title": "Virus Ultrastructure",
  30723.             "Category": "LIF",
  30724.             "Description": "The principles of virus structure and microscopic images from the University of Cape Town.",
  30725.             "Year": 0
  30726.         },
  30727.         {
  30728.             "RIT": "ws200687",
  30729.             "Type": "WS",
  30730.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=12732",
  30731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30732.             "Title": "Biography.com: Benny, Jack",
  30733.             "Category": "HUM",
  30734.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  30735.             "Year": 0
  30736.         },
  30737.         {
  30738.             "RIT": "ws200688",
  30739.             "Type": "WS",
  30740.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/cancer/cancer.htm",
  30741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30742.             "Title": "Cancer Basics",
  30743.             "Category": "LIF",
  30744.             "Description": "Information from the American Medical Association.",
  30745.             "Year": 0
  30746.         },
  30747.         {
  30748.             "RIT": "ws200649",
  30749.             "Type": "WS",
  30750.             "URL": "http://www.energy.ca.gov/daylightsaving.html",
  30751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30752.             "Title": "Saving Time, Saving Energy",
  30753.             "Category": "PHY",
  30754.             "Description": "Information about daylight saving time from the California Energy Commission.",
  30755.             "Year": 0
  30756.         },
  30757.         {
  30758.             "RIT": "ws200650",
  30759.             "Type": "WS",
  30760.             "URL": "http://www.ipl.org/youth/projectguide/",
  30761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30762.             "Title": "Your Science Fair Project Resource Guide",
  30763.             "Category": "PHY",
  30764.             "Description": "A guide to science projects from the Internet Public Library.",
  30765.             "Year": 0
  30766.         },
  30767.         {
  30768.             "RIT": "ws200651",
  30769.             "Type": "WS",
  30770.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16170",
  30771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30772.             "Title": "Biography.com: Jackson, Michael",
  30773.             "Category": "HUM",
  30774.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  30775.             "Year": 0
  30776.         },
  30777.         {
  30778.             "RIT": "ws200652",
  30779.             "Type": "WS",
  30780.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=748",
  30781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30782.             "Title": "Biography.com: Wayne, John",
  30783.             "Category": "HUM",
  30784.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  30785.             "Year": 0
  30786.         },
  30787.         {
  30788.             "RIT": "ws200653",
  30789.             "Type": "WS",
  30790.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=11946",
  30791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30792.             "Title": "Biography.com: Roberts, Julia",
  30793.             "Category": "HUM",
  30794.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  30795.             "Year": 0
  30796.         },
  30797.         {
  30798.             "RIT": "ws200654",
  30799.             "Type": "WS",
  30800.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19029",
  30801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30802.             "Title": "Biography.com: Ross, Diana",
  30803.             "Category": "HUM",
  30804.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  30805.             "Year": 0
  30806.         },
  30807.         {
  30808.             "RIT": "ws200655",
  30809.             "Type": "WS",
  30810.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17780",
  30811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30812.             "Title": "Biography.com: Moore, Mary Tyler",
  30813.             "Category": "HUM",
  30814.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  30815.             "Year": 0
  30816.         },
  30817.         {
  30818.             "RIT": "ws200656",
  30819.             "Type": "WS",
  30820.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4103",
  30821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30822.             "Title": "Biography.com: Beatles, The",
  30823.             "Category": "HUM",
  30824.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  30825.             "Year": 0
  30826.         },
  30827.         {
  30828.             "RIT": "ws200657",
  30829.             "Type": "WS",
  30830.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=1333",
  30831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30832.             "Title": "Biography.com: Starr, Ringo (originally Richard Starkey)",
  30833.             "Category": "HUM",
  30834.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  30835.             "Year": 0
  30836.         },
  30837.         {
  30838.             "RIT": "ws200658",
  30839.             "Type": "WS",
  30840.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=23169",
  30841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30842.             "Title": "Biography.com: Woods, Tiger",
  30843.             "Category": "REC",
  30844.             "Description": "Biography.com presents a biography of Tiger Woods.",
  30845.             "Year": 0
  30846.         },
  30847.         {
  30848.             "RIT": "ws200659",
  30849.             "Type": "WS",
  30850.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5891",
  30851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30852.             "Title": "Biography.com: Lennon, John",
  30853.             "Category": "HUM",
  30854.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  30855.             "Year": 0
  30856.         },
  30857.         {
  30858.             "RIT": "ws200670",
  30859.             "Type": "WS",
  30860.             "URL": "http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/blake/main.html",
  30861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30862.             "Title": "William Blake Archive",
  30863.             "Category": "HUM",
  30864.             "Description": "The Library of Congress presents poetry and visual art by William Blake.",
  30865.             "Year": 0
  30866.         },
  30867.         {
  30868.             "RIT": "ws200671",
  30869.             "Type": "WS",
  30870.             "URL": "http://www.hofstra.edu/Communities/frame.html?bounce=/bushconf97/",
  30871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30872.             "Title": "The George Bush Presidential Conference",
  30873.             "Category": "HIS",
  30874.             "Description": "A review of George Bush's presidency presented by Hofstra University following a three-day conference in 1997.",
  30875.             "Year": 0
  30876.         },
  30877.         {
  30878.             "RIT": "ws200672",
  30879.             "Type": "WS",
  30880.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/hernia/hernia_t.htm",
  30881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30882.             "Title": "Hernia",
  30883.             "Category": "LIF",
  30884.             "Description": "Information about prevention, diagnosis, and treatment from the American Medical Association.",
  30885.             "Year": 0
  30886.         },
  30887.         {
  30888.             "RIT": "ws200673",
  30889.             "Type": "WS",
  30890.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/education/vgt_splash.htm",
  30891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30892.             "Title": "Vincent van Gogh Teaching Program",
  30893.             "Category": "HUM",
  30894.             "Description": "An educational feature from the National Gallery of Art.",
  30895.             "Year": 0
  30896.         },
  30897.         {
  30898.             "RIT": "ws200674",
  30899.             "Type": "WS",
  30900.             "URL": "http://www.vh.org/Providers/Textbooks/BrainAnatomy/BrainAnatomy.html",
  30901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30902.             "Title": "Virtual Hospital: The Human Brain",
  30903.             "Category": "LIF",
  30904.             "Description": "Doctors at the Universitty of Iowa present detailed photos of the human brain.",
  30905.             "Year": 0
  30906.         },
  30907.         {
  30908.             "RIT": "ws200675",
  30909.             "Type": "WS",
  30910.             "URL": "http://owl.english.purdue.edu/writers/by-topic.html",
  30911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30912.             "Title": "The Purdue University Writing Lab",
  30913.             "Category": "HUM",
  30914.             "Description": "A collection of guides on such topics as spelling, punctuation, and research paper and resume writing.",
  30915.             "Year": 0
  30916.         },
  30917.         {
  30918.             "RIT": "ws200676",
  30919.             "Type": "WS",
  30920.             "URL": "http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/Evaluate.html",
  30921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30922.             "Title": "Evaluating Web Pages: Why and How",
  30923.             "Category": "PHY",
  30924.             "Description": "This Internet workshop from University of California, Berkeley includes guidelines for evaluating Web pages and examples of reliable and unreliable sites.",
  30925.             "Year": 0
  30926.         },
  30927.         {
  30928.             "RIT": "ws200677",
  30929.             "Type": "WS",
  30930.             "URL": "http://newslink.org/",
  30931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30932.             "Title": "Newslinks organization",
  30933.             "Category": "IND",
  30934.             "Description": "Organization provides information about US Newspapers",
  30935.             "Year": 0
  30936.         },
  30937.         {
  30938.             "RIT": "ws200678",
  30939.             "Type": "WS",
  30940.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/dres/dresintr.html",
  30941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30942.             "Title": "Dresden: Treasures from the Saxon State Library",
  30943.             "Category": "GEO",
  30944.             "Description": "The Library of Congress showcases the art and history of Dresden.",
  30945.             "Year": 0
  30946.         },
  30947.         {
  30948.             "RIT": "ws200689",
  30949.             "Type": "WS",
  30950.             "URL": "http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/russian/",
  30951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30952.             "Title": "Bucknell Russian Studies Department",
  30953.             "Category": "GEO",
  30954.             "Description": "Bucknell University presents Russian history and language information, with links to other sites about Russia.",
  30955.             "Year": 0
  30956.         },
  30957.         {
  30958.             "RIT": "ws200690",
  30959.             "Type": "WS",
  30960.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=22992",
  30961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30962.             "Title": "Biography.com: Allen, Tim",
  30963.             "Category": "HUM",
  30964.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  30965.             "Year": 0
  30966.         },
  30967.         {
  30968.             "RIT": "ws200691",
  30969.             "Type": "WS",
  30970.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/gg70/gg70-main1.html",
  30971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30972.             "Title": "American Impressionists of the Late 1800s and Early 1900s",
  30973.             "Category": "HUM",
  30974.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the National Gallery of Art.",
  30975.             "Year": 0
  30976.         },
  30977.         {
  30978.             "RIT": "ws200692",
  30979.             "Type": "WS",
  30980.             "URL": "http://www.bettyfordcenter.org/",
  30981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30982.             "Title": "Betty Ford Center",
  30983.             "Category": "HIS",
  30984.             "Description": "Official site of the addiction recovery program that former First Lady Betty Ford helped to found.",
  30985.             "Year": 0
  30986.         },
  30987.         {
  30988.             "RIT": "ws200693",
  30989.             "Type": "WS",
  30990.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/feature/vermeer/index.html",
  30991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  30992.             "Title": "Johannes Vermeer's Woman Holding a Balance",
  30993.             "Category": "HUM",
  30994.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art presents in-depth study of the painting by Vermeer.",
  30995.             "Year": 0
  30996.         },
  30997.         {
  30998.             "RIT": "ws200694",
  30999.             "Type": "WS",
  31000.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4106",
  31001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31002.             "Title": "Biography.com: Beatty, Warren",
  31003.             "Category": "HUM",
  31004.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  31005.             "Year": 0
  31006.         },
  31007.         {
  31008.             "RIT": "ws200695",
  31009.             "Type": "WS",
  31010.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/gen_hlth/atlas/newatlas/male.htm",
  31011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31012.             "Title": "Male Reproductive Organs",
  31013.             "Category": "LIF",
  31014.             "Description": "An illustration from the American Medical Association's Atlas of the Human Body.",
  31015.             "Year": 0
  31016.         },
  31017.         {
  31018.             "RIT": "ws200696",
  31019.             "Type": "WS",
  31020.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/bp/bp.htm",
  31021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31022.             "Title": "High Blood Pressure",
  31023.             "Category": "LIF",
  31024.             "Description": "Information from the American Medical Association.",
  31025.             "Year": 0
  31026.         },
  31027.         {
  31028.             "RIT": "ws200697",
  31029.             "Type": "WS",
  31030.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/prostate/prostate.htm",
  31031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31032.             "Title": "Understanding Prostate Cancer",
  31033.             "Category": "LIF",
  31034.             "Description": "Information from the American Medical Association.",
  31035.             "Year": 0
  31036.         },
  31037.         {
  31038.             "RIT": "ws200698",
  31039.             "Type": "WS",
  31040.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/jica/",
  31041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31042.             "Title": "Jimmy Carter National Historic Site",
  31043.             "Category": "HIS",
  31044.             "Description": "An online tour and information about Carter's hometown, Plains, Georgia.",
  31045.             "Year": 0
  31046.         },
  31047.         {
  31048.             "RIT": "ws200708",
  31049.             "Type": "WS",
  31050.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/subabuse/subabuse.htm",
  31051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31052.             "Title": "Substance Abuse: Types of Drugs and Their Effects",
  31053.             "Category": "LIF",
  31054.             "Description": "Information from the American Medical Association.",
  31055.             "Year": 0
  31056.         },
  31057.         {
  31058.             "RIT": "ws200709",
  31059.             "Type": "WS",
  31060.             "URL": "http://www.piano300.org/",
  31061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31062.             "Title": "Piano 300",
  31063.             "Category": "HUM",
  31064.             "Description": "Information about the history of pianos, including photos and audio clips, from the Smithsonian Insitution.",
  31065.             "Year": 0
  31066.         },
  31067.         {
  31068.             "RIT": "ws200710",
  31069.             "Type": "WS",
  31070.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/crossrds/rpc/menstrua.htm",
  31071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31072.             "Title": "Menstrual Irregularity",
  31073.             "Category": "LIF",
  31074.             "Description": "A case history and FAQ's from the American Medical Association.",
  31075.             "Year": 0
  31076.         },
  31077.         {
  31078.             "RIT": "ws200711",
  31079.             "Type": "WS",
  31080.             "URL": "http://www.trumanlibrary.org/",
  31081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31082.             "Title": "Harry S. Truman Library and Museum",
  31083.             "Category": "HIS",
  31084.             "Description": "The official site of Truman's presidential library in Kansas City.",
  31085.             "Year": 0
  31086.         },
  31087.         {
  31088.             "RIT": "ws200712",
  31089.             "Type": "WS",
  31090.             "URL": "http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/",
  31091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31092.             "Title": "Ronald Reagan Presidential Library",
  31093.             "Category": "HIS",
  31094.             "Description": "Background on Reagan's presidency and tourist information for visitors to the Simi Valley, California, library/museum.",
  31095.             "Year": 0
  31096.         },
  31097.         {
  31098.             "RIT": "ws200713",
  31099.             "Type": "WS",
  31100.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/hstr/index.htm",
  31101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31102.             "Title": "Harry S Truman National Historic Site",
  31103.             "Category": "HIS",
  31104.             "Description": "Tourist information for visitors to Independence and Grandview, Missouri.",
  31105.             "Year": 0
  31106.         },
  31107.         {
  31108.             "RIT": "ws200714",
  31109.             "Type": "WS",
  31110.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/iadwood/iadwood-main1.html",
  31111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31112.             "Title": "Woodcarving from the Index of American Design",
  31113.             "Category": "HUM",
  31114.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the National Gallery of Art.",
  31115.             "Year": 0
  31116.         },
  31117.         {
  31118.             "RIT": "ws200715",
  31119.             "Type": "WS",
  31120.             "URL": "http://www.aande.com/class/admin/study_guide/archives/aetv_guide.0310.html",
  31121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31122.             "Title": "Helen Keller: The World I See",
  31123.             "Category": "LIF",
  31124.             "Description": "An online biography presented by A&E Television Networks.",
  31125.             "Year": 0
  31126.         },
  31127.         {
  31128.             "RIT": "ws200716",
  31129.             "Type": "WS",
  31130.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/horo_over.htm",
  31131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31132.             "Title": "American Impressionism and Realism",
  31133.             "Category": "HUM",
  31134.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art showcases American painters.",
  31135.             "Year": 0
  31136.         },
  31137.         {
  31138.             "RIT": "ws200717",
  31139.             "Type": "WS",
  31140.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/heart/heart.htm",
  31141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31142.             "Title": "Heart Attack",
  31143.             "Category": "LIF",
  31144.             "Description": "Information about heart attacks and angina from the American Medical Association.",
  31145.             "Year": 0
  31146.         },
  31147.         {
  31148.             "RIT": "ws200728",
  31149.             "Type": "WS",
  31150.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/museum/exhibits/moran/",
  31151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31152.             "Title": "American Visionaries: Thomas Moran",
  31153.             "Category": "GEO",
  31154.             "Description": "This National Park Service exhibit features Moran's sketches of the Yellowstone National Park.",
  31155.             "Year": 0
  31156.         },
  31157.         {
  31158.             "RIT": "ws200729",
  31159.             "Type": "WS",
  31160.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/education/schoolarts/cassatt.htm",
  31161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31162.             "Title": "Mary Cassatt: Celebrating Everyday Life",
  31163.             "Category": "HUM",
  31164.             "Description": "This National Gallery of Art feature includes classroom activities.",
  31165.             "Year": 0
  31166.         },
  31167.         {
  31168.             "RIT": "ws200730",
  31169.             "Type": "WS",
  31170.             "URL": "http://indian-river.fl.us/fishing/fish/jackgrea.html",
  31171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31172.             "Title": "Fish Identification: Greater Amberjack",
  31173.             "Category": "LIF",
  31174.             "Description": "Information on the greater amberjack and its habitat from Indian River County in Florida.",
  31175.             "Year": 0
  31176.         },
  31177.         {
  31178.             "RIT": "ws200731",
  31179.             "Type": "WS",
  31180.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/picbro.htm",
  31181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31182.             "Title": "Picasso: The Early Years, 1892-1906",
  31183.             "Category": "HUM",
  31184.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the National Gallery of Art.",
  31185.             "Year": 0
  31186.         },
  31187.         {
  31188.             "RIT": "ws200732",
  31189.             "Type": "WS",
  31190.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/vgbro.htm",
  31191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31192.             "Title": "Van Gogh's Van Goghs",
  31193.             "Category": "HUM",
  31194.             "Description": "This National Gallery of Art exhibit includes paintings and background information.",
  31195.             "Year": 0
  31196.         },
  31197.         {
  31198.             "RIT": "ws200733",
  31199.             "Type": "WS",
  31200.             "URL": "http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/railton/index2.html",
  31201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31202.             "Title": "Mark Twain in His Times",
  31203.             "Category": "HUM",
  31204.             "Description": "Extensive information about Twain's work, including illustrations, hosted by the University of Virginia.",
  31205.             "Year": 0
  31206.         },
  31207.         {
  31208.             "RIT": "ws200734",
  31209.             "Type": "WS",
  31210.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=12944",
  31211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31212.             "Title": "Biography.com: Bogart, Humphrey",
  31213.             "Category": "HUM",
  31214.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  31215.             "Year": 0
  31216.         },
  31217.         {
  31218.             "RIT": "ws200735",
  31219.             "Type": "WS",
  31220.             "URL": "http://www.florida-outdoors.com/fspomp.htm",
  31221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31222.             "Title": "Florida Outdoors: Pompano",
  31223.             "Category": "LIF",
  31224.             "Description": "Florida Outdoor Writers Association provides information on the pompano fish.",
  31225.             "Year": 0
  31226.         },
  31227.         {
  31228.             "RIT": "ws200736",
  31229.             "Type": "WS",
  31230.             "URL": "http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/ThingsToKnow.html",
  31231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31232.             "Title": "Important Things to Do Before You Begin Searching the Web",
  31233.             "Category": "PHY",
  31234.             "Description": "Online Workshops on Web searching from the University of California, Berkeley.",
  31235.             "Year": 0
  31236.         },
  31237.         {
  31238.             "RIT": "ws200738",
  31239.             "Type": "WS",
  31240.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6108",
  31241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31242.             "Title": "Bette Midler",
  31243.             "Category": "HUM",
  31244.             "Description": "Biographical information on Bette Midler from Biography.com.",
  31245.             "Year": 0
  31246.         },
  31247.         {
  31248.             "RIT": "ws200749",
  31249.             "Type": "WS",
  31250.             "URL": "http://www.si.edu/resource/tours/comphist/ballard.html",
  31251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31252.             "Title": "Dr. Robert Ballard Interview",
  31253.             "Category": "GEO",
  31254.             "Description": "The Smithsonian Institution presents the text of an interview with undersea explorer Robert Ballard.",
  31255.             "Year": 0
  31256.         },
  31257.         {
  31258.             "RIT": "ws200750",
  31259.             "Type": "WS",
  31260.             "URL": "http://wbanimation.warnerbros.com/cmp/ani_04if.htm",
  31261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31262.             "Title": "Warner Bros. Originals",
  31263.             "Category": "HUM",
  31264.             "Description": "Warner Brothers explains how cartoons are created.",
  31265.             "Year": 0
  31266.         },
  31267.         {
  31268.             "RIT": "ws200751",
  31269.             "Type": "WS",
  31270.             "URL": "http://www.nafc.ac.uk/fish/haddock.htm",
  31271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31272.             "Title": "Shetland' fish -- Haddock",
  31273.             "Category": "LIF",
  31274.             "Description": "A summary on haddock, including a reading list, from the North Atlantic fisheries College.",
  31275.             "Year": 0
  31276.         },
  31277.         {
  31278.             "RIT": "ws200752",
  31279.             "Type": "WS",
  31280.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/lyjo/",
  31281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31282.             "Title": "Lyndon B. Johnson National Historic Park",
  31283.             "Category": "HIS",
  31284.             "Description": "Information about visiting Johnson's boyhood home and the LBJ Ranch in Johnson City, Texas.",
  31285.             "Year": 0
  31286.         },
  31287.         {
  31288.             "RIT": "ws200753",
  31289.             "Type": "WS",
  31290.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1953.html",
  31291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31292.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1953: Konrad Adenauer",
  31293.             "Category": "HIS",
  31294.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1954.",
  31295.             "Year": 0
  31296.         },
  31297.         {
  31298.             "RIT": "ws200754",
  31299.             "Type": "WS",
  31300.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/education/schoolarts/vermeer.htm",
  31301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31302.             "Title": "Johannes Vermeer: Legacy of Light",
  31303.             "Category": "HUM",
  31304.             "Description": "This feature from the National Gallery of Art includes classroom activities.",
  31305.             "Year": 0
  31306.         },
  31307.         {
  31308.             "RIT": "ws200755",
  31309.             "Type": "WS",
  31310.             "URL": "http://www.hemingway.org/index.html",
  31311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31312.             "Title": "Ernest Hemingway in Oak Park, Illinois",
  31313.             "Category": "HUM",
  31314.             "Description": "The Ernest Hemingway Foundation of Oak Park presents a virtual tour of the author's boyhood home as well as information about his life and work.",
  31315.             "Year": 0
  31316.         },
  31317.         {
  31318.             "RIT": "ws200756",
  31319.             "Type": "WS",
  31320.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1937.html",
  31321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31322.             "Title": "Man & Wife of the Year - 1937: Generalissimo and Madame Chiang Kai-Shek",
  31323.             "Category": "HIS",
  31324.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine on Jan. 3, 1938.",
  31325.             "Year": 0
  31326.         },
  31327.         {
  31328.             "RIT": "ws200758",
  31329.             "Type": "WS",
  31330.             "URL": "http://www.csuohio.edu/history/japan/index.html",
  31331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31332.             "Title": "Teaching (and Learning) About Japan",
  31333.             "Category": "GEO",
  31334.             "Description": "An extensive guide to Web sites on Japan from Cleveland State University.",
  31335.             "Year": 0
  31336.         },
  31337.         {
  31338.             "RIT": "ws200759",
  31339.             "Type": "WS",
  31340.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/caravbr-1.htm",
  31341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31342.             "Title": "Caravaggio's The Taking of Christ: Saints and Sinners in Baroque Paintings",
  31343.             "Category": "HUM",
  31344.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the National Gallery of Art.",
  31345.             "Year": 0
  31346.         },
  31347.         {
  31348.             "RIT": "ws200760",
  31349.             "Type": "WS",
  31350.             "URL": "http://www.sea-ex.com/fishphotos/blackfis.htm",
  31351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31352.             "Title": "Sea-Ex Austraia - blackfish",
  31353.             "Category": "LIF",
  31354.             "Description": "Facts about blackfish from Sea-Ex Australia, a seafood company.",
  31355.             "Year": 0
  31356.         },
  31357.         {
  31358.             "RIT": "ws200761",
  31359.             "Type": "WS",
  31360.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/about_state/history/time1.html",
  31361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31362.             "Title": "1776-1783: Diplomacy of the American Revolution",
  31363.             "Category": "HIS",
  31364.             "Description": "This U.S. Department of State site chronicles the efforts of the first American diplomats.",
  31365.             "Year": 0
  31366.         },
  31367.         {
  31368.             "RIT": "ws200762",
  31369.             "Type": "WS",
  31370.             "URL": "http://www.nafc.ac.uk/fish/cod.htm",
  31371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31372.             "Title": "Shetland's fish -- Cod",
  31373.             "Category": "LIF",
  31374.             "Description": "Information about cod, including a reading list, from the North Atlantic Fisheries College.",
  31375.             "Year": 0
  31376.         },
  31377.         {
  31378.             "RIT": "ws200763",
  31379.             "Type": "WS",
  31380.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/edis/home.htm",
  31381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31382.             "Title": "Edison National Historic Site",
  31383.             "Category": "IND",
  31384.             "Description": "Information about Thomas Edison from the U.S. National Park Service",
  31385.             "Year": 0
  31386.         },
  31387.         {
  31388.             "RIT": "ws200764",
  31389.             "Type": "WS",
  31390.             "URL": "http://www.barbarabushfoundation.com/",
  31391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31392.             "Title": "The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy",
  31393.             "Category": "HIS",
  31394.             "Description": "Home page of an organization founded by the former first lady.",
  31395.             "Year": 0
  31396.         },
  31397.         {
  31398.             "RIT": "ws200765",
  31399.             "Type": "WS",
  31400.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/education/degas-main.htm",
  31401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31402.             "Title": "Degas at the Races",
  31403.             "Category": "HUM",
  31404.             "Description": "This educational feature from the National Gallery of Art focuses on Edgar Degas' depiction of horses.",
  31405.             "Year": 0
  31406.         },
  31407.         {
  31408.             "RIT": "ws200766",
  31409.             "Type": "WS",
  31410.             "URL": "http://www.eatright.org/",
  31411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31412.             "Title": "American Dietetic Association",
  31413.             "Category": "LIF",
  31414.             "Description": "Homepage of the American Dietetic Association, with information about nutrition and careers in dietetics.",
  31415.             "Year": 0
  31416.         },
  31417.         {
  31418.             "RIT": "ws200767",
  31419.             "Type": "WS",
  31420.             "URL": "http://www.csac.org/",
  31421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31422.             "Title": "Cyberspace Snow and Avalanche Center",
  31423.             "Category": "PHY",
  31424.             "Description": "Information about snow conditions and avalanches from the non-profit Snow and Avalanche Center.",
  31425.             "Year": 0
  31426.         },
  31427.         {
  31428.             "RIT": "ws200768",
  31429.             "Type": "WS",
  31430.             "URL": "http://www.flaquarium.net/jewfish.htm",
  31431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31432.             "Title": "The Florida Aquarium: Jewfish",
  31433.             "Category": "LIF",
  31434.             "Description": "Information on Jewfish from the Florida Aquarium in Tampa, Florida.",
  31435.             "Year": 0
  31436.         },
  31437.         {
  31438.             "RIT": "ws200770",
  31439.             "Type": "WS",
  31440.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/gen_hlth/nutrinfo/nutrinfo.htm",
  31441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31442.             "Title": "Nutritional Basics",
  31443.             "Category": "LIF",
  31444.             "Description": "A guide to healthy eating from the American Medical Association.",
  31445.             "Year": 0
  31446.         },
  31447.         {
  31448.             "RIT": "ws200771",
  31449.             "Type": "WS",
  31450.             "URL": "http://astrobiology.arc.nasa.gov/index.cfm",
  31451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31452.             "Title": "Astrobiology",
  31453.             "Category": "IND",
  31454.             "Description": "A NASA site describing astrobiology, the study of life in the universe.",
  31455.             "Year": 0
  31456.         },
  31457.         {
  31458.             "RIT": "ws200772",
  31459.             "Type": "WS",
  31460.             "URL": "http://www.uiowa.edu/~africart/toc/index.html",
  31461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31462.             "Title": "Art & Life in Africa",
  31463.             "Category": "GEO",
  31464.             "Description": "The University of Iowa Obermann Center for Advanced Studies presents resources on African art and culture.",
  31465.             "Year": 0
  31466.         },
  31467.         {
  31468.             "RIT": "ws200773",
  31469.             "Type": "WS",
  31470.             "URL": "http://www.aghe.org/ciastart.htm",
  31471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31472.             "Title": "Careers in Aging",
  31473.             "Category": "LIF",
  31474.             "Description": "Informaton about career options in the fields of gerontology and geriatrics.",
  31475.             "Year": 0
  31476.         },
  31477.         {
  31478.             "RIT": "ws200774",
  31479.             "Type": "WS",
  31480.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/dcmhtml/dmhome.html",
  31481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31482.             "Title": "Dayton C. Miller Flute Collection",
  31483.             "Category": "HUM",
  31484.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the Library of Congress.",
  31485.             "Year": 0
  31486.         },
  31487.         {
  31488.             "RIT": "ws200775",
  31489.             "Type": "WS",
  31490.             "URL": "http://www.si.edu/lemelson/edison/html/thomas_alva_edison.html",
  31491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31492.             "Title": "Celebrating Thomas Alva Edison's 150th Birthday",
  31493.             "Category": "IND",
  31494.             "Description": "This exhibit from the Smithsonian Institution Lemelson Center features a guide to making light bulbs.",
  31495.             "Year": 0
  31496.         },
  31497.         {
  31498.             "RIT": "ws200776",
  31499.             "Type": "WS",
  31500.             "URL": "http://www.legion.org/our_flag/of_flag_code.htm",
  31501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31502.             "Title": "The Flag Code",
  31503.             "Category": "SOC",
  31504.             "Description": "Flag etiquette from the American Legion.",
  31505.             "Year": 0
  31506.         },
  31507.         {
  31508.             "RIT": "ws200777",
  31509.             "Type": "WS",
  31510.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/museum/exhibits/flags/index.htm",
  31511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31512.             "Title": "Symbols in Battle",
  31513.             "Category": "SOC",
  31514.             "Description": "A National Park Service exhibit of U.S. and Confederate flags used during the Civil War.",
  31515.             "Year": 0
  31516.         },
  31517.         {
  31518.             "RIT": "ws200778",
  31519.             "Type": "WS",
  31520.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/toreador.htm",
  31521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31522.             "Title": "Edouard Manet's The Dead Toreador and The Bullfight",
  31523.             "Category": "HUM",
  31524.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the National Gallery of Art.",
  31525.             "Year": 0
  31526.         },
  31527.         {
  31528.             "RIT": "ws200779",
  31529.             "Type": "WS",
  31530.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/dbowie/index.html",
  31531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31532.             "Title": "People Profiles: David Bowie",
  31533.             "Category": "HUM",
  31534.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  31535.             "Year": 0
  31536.         },
  31537.         {
  31538.             "RIT": "ws200699",
  31539.             "Type": "WS",
  31540.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/gg83/gg83-main1.html",
  31541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31542.             "Title": "Mary Cassatt, Auguste Renoir",
  31543.             "Category": "HUM",
  31544.             "Description": "This National Gallery of Art exhibit features paintings by Cassatt and Renoir.",
  31545.             "Year": 0
  31546.         },
  31547.         {
  31548.             "RIT": "ws200700",
  31549.             "Type": "WS",
  31550.             "URL": "http://sosig.ac.uk/desire/internet-detective.html",
  31551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31552.             "Title": "Internet Detective",
  31553.             "Category": "PHY",
  31554.             "Description": "An interactive tutorial on evaluating the quality of Internet resources. Developed by staff at The Institute for Learning and Research Technology (ILRT) at the University of Bristol.",
  31555.             "Year": 0
  31556.         },
  31557.         {
  31558.             "RIT": "ws200701",
  31559.             "Type": "WS",
  31560.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/iadtxtl/iadtxtl-main1.html",
  31561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31562.             "Title": "Textiles from the Index of American Design",
  31563.             "Category": "IND",
  31564.             "Description": "An exhibit of various textiles from the National Gallery of Art.",
  31565.             "Year": 0
  31566.         },
  31567.         {
  31568.             "RIT": "ws200702",
  31569.             "Type": "WS",
  31570.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/ggcassattptg/ggcassattptg-main1.html",
  31571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31572.             "Title": "Mary Cassatt--Selected Paintings",
  31573.             "Category": "HUM",
  31574.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the National Gallery of Art.",
  31575.             "Year": 0
  31576.         },
  31577.         {
  31578.             "RIT": "ws200703",
  31579.             "Type": "WS",
  31580.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/ndlpedu/lesson98/dime/intro.html",
  31581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31582.             "Title": "Brother Can You Spare a Dime?",
  31583.             "Category": "HIS",
  31584.             "Description": "An educational feature from the Library of Congress.",
  31585.             "Year": 0
  31586.         },
  31587.         {
  31588.             "RIT": "ws200704",
  31589.             "Type": "WS",
  31590.             "URL": "http://quit-smoking.com/clearingair.htm",
  31591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31592.             "Title": "Clearing the Air",
  31593.             "Category": "LIF",
  31594.             "Description": "The American Medical Association presents a guide to quitting smoking.",
  31595.             "Year": 0
  31596.         },
  31597.         {
  31598.             "RIT": "ws200705",
  31599.             "Type": "WS",
  31600.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/skin_ca/index.htm",
  31601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31602.             "Title": "Skin Cancer",
  31603.             "Category": "LIF",
  31604.             "Description": "Information from the American Medical Association.",
  31605.             "Year": 0
  31606.         },
  31607.         {
  31608.             "RIT": "ws200706",
  31609.             "Type": "WS",
  31610.             "URL": "http://americanhistory.si.edu/maroon/index.htm",
  31611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31612.             "Title": "Photographing History",
  31613.             "Category": "HIS",
  31614.             "Description": "A Smithsonian Institution exhibit of photos from Richard Nixon's presidency.",
  31615.             "Year": 0
  31616.         },
  31617.         {
  31618.             "RIT": "ws200707",
  31619.             "Type": "WS",
  31620.             "URL": "http://www.ford.utexas.edu/",
  31621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31622.             "Title": "Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum",
  31623.             "Category": "HIS",
  31624.             "Description": "Historical materials and tourist information for visitors to the library and museum in Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids, Michigan.",
  31625.             "Year": 0
  31626.         },
  31627.         {
  31628.             "RIT": "ws200718",
  31629.             "Type": "WS",
  31630.             "URL": "http://www.bloodservices.org/publications/options.htm",
  31631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31632.             "Title": "Blood Transfusions: Knowing Your Options",
  31633.             "Category": "LIF",
  31634.             "Description": "A guide for patients from the American Medical Association.",
  31635.             "Year": 0
  31636.         },
  31637.         {
  31638.             "RIT": "ws200719",
  31639.             "Type": "WS",
  31640.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/7146.html",
  31641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31642.             "Title": "The Brain - Effects of Stroke",
  31643.             "Category": "LIF",
  31644.             "Description": "The American Medical Association explains how a stroke damages specific areas of the brain.",
  31645.             "Year": 0
  31646.         },
  31647.         {
  31648.             "RIT": "ws200720",
  31649.             "Type": "WS",
  31650.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/education/schoolarts/rousseau.htm",
  31651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31652.             "Title": "The Imaginary World of Henri Rousseau",
  31653.             "Category": "HUM",
  31654.             "Description": "This feature from the National Gallery of Art includes educational activities.",
  31655.             "Year": 0
  31656.         },
  31657.         {
  31658.             "RIT": "ws200721",
  31659.             "Type": "WS",
  31660.             "URL": "http://www.students.gov/link_search/listlinks.cfm?&topic=0700&Criteria=",
  31661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31662.             "Title": "Taxes",
  31663.             "Category": "SOC",
  31664.             "Description": "A collection of useful Web links on taxes from Access America for Students.",
  31665.             "Year": 0
  31666.         },
  31667.         {
  31668.             "RIT": "ws200722",
  31669.             "Type": "WS",
  31670.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/about_state/history/faq.html#department",
  31671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31672.             "Title": "Frequently Asked Historical Questions",
  31673.             "Category": "SOC",
  31674.             "Description": "The U.S. Department of State provides an overview of the department's history.",
  31675.             "Year": 0
  31676.         },
  31677.         {
  31678.             "RIT": "ws200723",
  31679.             "Type": "WS",
  31680.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/gg90/gg90-main1.html",
  31681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31682.             "Title": "Manet and His Influence",
  31683.             "Category": "HUM",
  31684.             "Description": "A collection of images from the National Gallery of Art.",
  31685.             "Year": 0
  31686.         },
  31687.         {
  31688.             "RIT": "ws200724",
  31689.             "Type": "WS",
  31690.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/7150.html",
  31691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31692.             "Title": "The Breast - Disorders",
  31693.             "Category": "LIF",
  31694.             "Description": "Information on breast health from the American Medical Association.",
  31695.             "Year": 0
  31696.         },
  31697.         {
  31698.             "RIT": "ws200725",
  31699.             "Type": "WS",
  31700.             "URL": "http://www.aande.com/class/admin/study_guide/archives/aetv_guide.0311.html",
  31701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31702.             "Title": "Clare Booth Luce: Hell on Wheels",
  31703.             "Category": "HIS",
  31704.             "Description": "A classroom study guide presented by A&E Television Networks.",
  31705.             "Year": 0
  31706.         },
  31707.         {
  31708.             "RIT": "ws200726",
  31709.             "Type": "WS",
  31710.             "URL": "http://www.jimmycarterlibrary.org/",
  31711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31712.             "Title": "The Jimmy Carter Library",
  31713.             "Category": "HIS",
  31714.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Jimmy Carter Library and Museum in Atlanta.",
  31715.             "Year": 0
  31716.         },
  31717.         {
  31718.             "RIT": "ws200727",
  31719.             "Type": "WS",
  31720.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/iaddoll/iaddoll-main1.html",
  31721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31722.             "Title": "Tour: Dolls from the Index of American Design",
  31723.             "Category": "REC",
  31724.             "Description": "An exhibit of antique dolls from the National Gallery of Art.",
  31725.             "Year": 0
  31726.         },
  31727.         {
  31728.             "RIT": "ws200739",
  31729.             "Type": "WS",
  31730.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/ndlpedu/lesson98/labor/plan.html",
  31731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31732.             "Title": "Child Labor in America",
  31733.             "Category": "SOC",
  31734.             "Description": "This feature from the Library of Congress includes lesson plans and educational activities.",
  31735.             "Year": 0
  31736.         },
  31737.         {
  31738.             "RIT": "ws200740",
  31739.             "Type": "WS",
  31740.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/7163.html",
  31741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31742.             "Title": "Female Reproductive Organs",
  31743.             "Category": "LIF",
  31744.             "Description": "Illustrations from the American Medical Association's Atlas of the Human Body.",
  31745.             "Year": 0
  31746.         },
  31747.         {
  31748.             "RIT": "ws200741",
  31749.             "Type": "WS",
  31750.             "URL": "http://www.aqua.org/animals/species/rays.html",
  31751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31752.             "Title": "Rays",
  31753.             "Category": "LIF",
  31754.             "Description": "Information about stringrays from the National Aquarium in Baltimore.",
  31755.             "Year": 0
  31756.         },
  31757.         {
  31758.             "RIT": "ws200742",
  31759.             "Type": "WS",
  31760.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/gates/cover0.html",
  31761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31762.             "Title": "In Search of the Real Bill Gates",
  31763.             "Category": "IND",
  31764.             "Description": "This TIME magazine profile on Microsoft founder Bill Gates was published in January 1997.",
  31765.             "Year": 0
  31766.         },
  31767.         {
  31768.             "RIT": "ws200743",
  31769.             "Type": "WS",
  31770.             "URL": "http://archnet.uconn.edu/",
  31771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31772.             "Title": "Archnet",
  31773.             "Category": "SOC",
  31774.             "Description": "A rich virtual library of archeology from the University of Connecticut.",
  31775.             "Year": 0
  31776.         },
  31777.         {
  31778.             "RIT": "ws200744",
  31779.             "Type": "WS",
  31780.             "URL": "http://www.lpsi.barc.usda.gov/emusnow/",
  31781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31782.             "Title": "Snow Crystal Research",
  31783.             "Category": "PHY",
  31784.             "Description": "This page features images of snow crystals obtained with electron microscopes.",
  31785.             "Year": 0
  31786.         },
  31787.         {
  31788.             "RIT": "ws200745",
  31789.             "Type": "WS",
  31790.             "URL": "http://www.aande.com/class/admin/study_guide/archives/aetv_guide.0312.html",
  31791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31792.             "Title": "Christa McAuliffe: Teacher in Space",
  31793.             "Category": "IND",
  31794.             "Description": "An classroom study guide presented by A&E Television Networks.",
  31795.             "Year": 0
  31796.         },
  31797.         {
  31798.             "RIT": "ws200746",
  31799.             "Type": "WS",
  31800.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/jm.html",
  31801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31802.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Jamaica",
  31803.             "Category": "GEO",
  31804.             "Description": "Information about Jamaica from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  31805.             "Year": 0
  31806.         },
  31807.         {
  31808.             "RIT": "ws200747",
  31809.             "Type": "WS",
  31810.             "URL": "http://www.ecbt.org/",
  31811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31812.             "Title": "Every Child By Two",
  31813.             "Category": "HIS",
  31814.             "Description": "Home page of an infant immunization campaign led by former U.S. First Lady Rosalynn Carter and former Arkansas First Lady Betty Bumpers.",
  31815.             "Year": 0
  31816.         },
  31817.         {
  31818.             "RIT": "ws200748",
  31819.             "Type": "WS",
  31820.             "URL": "http://www.janegoodall.org/",
  31821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31822.             "Title": "The Jane Goodall Institute",
  31823.             "Category": "LIF",
  31824.             "Description": "Official site of the Jane Goodall Institute, with a biography of Goodall and information about chimps.",
  31825.             "Year": 0
  31826.         },
  31827.         {
  31828.             "RIT": "ws200781",
  31829.             "Type": "WS",
  31830.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/ma.html",
  31831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31832.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Madagascar",
  31833.             "Category": "GEO",
  31834.             "Description": "Information about Madagascar from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  31835.             "Year": 0
  31836.         },
  31837.         {
  31838.             "RIT": "ws200782",
  31839.             "Type": "WS",
  31840.             "URL": "http://eastlib.east.asu.edu/Reference/even/",
  31841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31842.             "Title": "EVEN: EnVironmental Education oNline",
  31843.             "Category": "LIF",
  31844.             "Description": "Collected environmental science sites from an Arizona State University East science librarian.",
  31845.             "Year": 0
  31846.         },
  31847.         {
  31848.             "RIT": "ws200783",
  31849.             "Type": "WS",
  31850.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17780",
  31851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31852.             "Title": "Mary Tyler Moore",
  31853.             "Category": "HUM",
  31854.             "Description": "Biographical information about Mary Tyler Moore from Biography.com.",
  31855.             "Year": 0
  31856.         },
  31857.         {
  31858.             "RIT": "ws200784",
  31859.             "Type": "WS",
  31860.             "URL": "http://www.nalusda.gov/fnic/dga/dguide95.html",
  31861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31862.             "Title": "Dietary Guidelines for Americans",
  31863.             "Category": "LIF",
  31864.             "Description": "A handbook published by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).",
  31865.             "Year": 0
  31866.         },
  31867.         {
  31868.             "RIT": "ws200785",
  31869.             "Type": "WS",
  31870.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2000/300_ptsd.html",
  31871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31872.             "Title": "Escaping the Prison of a Past Trauma: New Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder",
  31873.             "Category": "LIF",
  31874.             "Description": "This report from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration includes online resources for trauma survivors.",
  31875.             "Year": 0
  31876.         },
  31877.         {
  31878.             "RIT": "ws200787",
  31879.             "Type": "WS",
  31880.             "URL": "http://www.nwf.org/nwf/wildalive/grizzly/",
  31881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31882.             "Title": "Grizzly Bear",
  31883.             "Category": "LIF",
  31884.             "Description": "The National Wildlife Federation presents resources on grizzly bears and efforts to return them to the wilderness.",
  31885.             "Year": 0
  31886.         },
  31887.         {
  31888.             "RIT": "ws200788",
  31889.             "Type": "WS",
  31890.             "URL": "http://www.keirsey.com/cgi-bin/keirsey/newkts.cgi",
  31891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31892.             "Title": "The Keirsey Temperament Sorter II",
  31893.             "Category": "SOC",
  31894.             "Description": "This online questionnaire helps the user make career decisions.",
  31895.             "Year": 0
  31896.         },
  31897.         {
  31898.             "RIT": "ws200789",
  31899.             "Type": "WS",
  31900.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/education/schoolarts/matisse.htm",
  31901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31902.             "Title": "Henri Matisse: Color and Light",
  31903.             "Category": "HUM",
  31904.             "Description": "This National Gallery of Art feature includes classroom activities.",
  31905.             "Year": 0
  31906.         },
  31907.         {
  31908.             "RIT": "ws200790",
  31909.             "Type": "WS",
  31910.             "URL": "http://www.ramsar.org/",
  31911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31912.             "Title": "Ramsar Convention on Wetlands",
  31913.             "Category": "GEO",
  31914.             "Description": "The official site of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, a global environmental treaty adopted in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971.",
  31915.             "Year": 0
  31916.         },
  31917.         {
  31918.             "RIT": "ws200801",
  31919.             "Type": "WS",
  31920.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=203&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  31921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31922.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Robinson Jeffers",
  31923.             "Category": "HUM",
  31924.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  31925.             "Year": 0
  31926.         },
  31927.         {
  31928.             "RIT": "ws200802",
  31929.             "Type": "WS",
  31930.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2000/300_arth.html",
  31931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31932.             "Title": "Arthritis: Timely Treatments for an Ageless Disease",
  31933.             "Category": "LIF",
  31934.             "Description": "A special report from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.",
  31935.             "Year": 0
  31936.         },
  31937.         {
  31938.             "RIT": "ws200803",
  31939.             "Type": "WS",
  31940.             "URL": "http://cnn.com/SPECIALS/books/1999/hemingway/index.html",
  31941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31942.             "Title": "A Hemingway Retrospective",
  31943.             "Category": "HUM",
  31944.             "Description": "A CNN special feature dedicated to Ernest Hemingway's life and work.",
  31945.             "Year": 0
  31946.         },
  31947.         {
  31948.             "RIT": "ws200804",
  31949.             "Type": "WS",
  31950.             "URL": "http://www.arthritis.org/StartingPoints/",
  31951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31952.             "Title": "Arthritis Foundation: Starting Points",
  31953.             "Category": "LIF",
  31954.             "Description": "The Arthritis Foundation presents general information about arthritis and related musculoskeletal diseases.",
  31955.             "Year": 0
  31956.         },
  31957.         {
  31958.             "RIT": "ws200805",
  31959.             "Type": "WS",
  31960.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/feature/stieglitz/asmain.htm",
  31961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31962.             "Title": "Alfred Stieglitz: New Perspectives",
  31963.             "Category": "IND",
  31964.             "Description": "This National Gallery of Art exhibit showcases the photography of Stieglitz and explains his techniques.",
  31965.             "Year": 0
  31966.         },
  31967.         {
  31968.             "RIT": "ws200806",
  31969.             "Type": "WS",
  31970.             "URL": "http://www.nsc.org/ehc/ew/chems/cyancmpd.htm",
  31971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31972.             "Title": "Chemical Backgrounders - Cyanide Compounds",
  31973.             "Category": "PHY",
  31974.             "Description": "Information on cyanide compounds and their health effects from the National Safety Council's Environmental Health Center.",
  31975.             "Year": 0
  31976.         },
  31977.         {
  31978.             "RIT": "ws200808",
  31979.             "Type": "WS",
  31980.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/crossrds/rpc/backpain.htm",
  31981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31982.             "Title": "Back Pain",
  31983.             "Category": "LIF",
  31984.             "Description": "A case history and FAQ's from the American Medical Association.",
  31985.             "Year": 0
  31986.         },
  31987.         {
  31988.             "RIT": "ws200809",
  31989.             "Type": "WS",
  31990.             "URL": "http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/delta/delta2/stardust/",
  31991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  31992.             "Title": "Stardust media kit",
  31993.             "Category": "PHY",
  31994.             "Description": "Information about the Stardust mission to collect extraterrestrial material from outside the moon's orbit presented by Boeing.",
  31995.             "Year": 0
  31996.         },
  31997.         {
  31998.             "RIT": "ws200819",
  31999.             "Type": "WS",
  32000.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/special_report/1999/05/99/south_africa_elections/newsid_354000/354153.stm",
  32001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32002.             "Title": "BBC News Special Report: South Africa Elections",
  32003.             "Category": "GEO",
  32004.             "Description": "Special report from the BBC covers the 1999 elections in which the African National Congress kept control of South Africa's Parliament.",
  32005.             "Year": 0
  32006.         },
  32007.         {
  32008.             "RIT": "ws200820",
  32009.             "Type": "WS",
  32010.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2000/100_online.html",
  32011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32012.             "Title": "Buying Drugs Online",
  32013.             "Category": "LIF",
  32014.             "Description": "This special report from the Food and Drug Administration addresses the risks of purchasing drugs online.",
  32015.             "Year": 0
  32016.         },
  32017.         {
  32018.             "RIT": "ws200821",
  32019.             "Type": "WS",
  32020.             "URL": "http://vweb.sau.edu/bestinfo/Jobhunt/Work/wkindex.htm",
  32021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32022.             "Title": "Student Resources Job Listings, Company Information, and Resume Posting Sites",
  32023.             "Category": "SOC",
  32024.             "Description": "A collection of Internet resources for job seekers, selected by librarians at O'Keefe Library, St. Ambrose University.",
  32025.             "Year": 0
  32026.         },
  32027.         {
  32028.             "RIT": "ws200822",
  32029.             "Type": "WS",
  32030.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=18312",
  32031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32032.             "Title": "Walter Payton",
  32033.             "Category": "REC",
  32034.             "Description": "Biographical information about Walter Payton from Biography.com.",
  32035.             "Year": 0
  32036.         },
  32037.         {
  32038.             "RIT": "ws200823",
  32039.             "Type": "WS",
  32040.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=166&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  32041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32042.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Gwendolyn Brooks",
  32043.             "Category": "HUM",
  32044.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bilbiography, and related Web sites.",
  32045.             "Year": 0
  32046.         },
  32047.         {
  32048.             "RIT": "ws200824",
  32049.             "Type": "WS",
  32050.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1985.html",
  32051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32052.             "Title": "Man of the Year -1985: Deng Xiaoping",
  32053.             "Category": "GEO",
  32054.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1986.",
  32055.             "Year": 0
  32056.         },
  32057.         {
  32058.             "RIT": "ws200825",
  32059.             "Type": "WS",
  32060.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/ly.html",
  32061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32062.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Libya",
  32063.             "Category": "GEO",
  32064.             "Description": "Information about Libya from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  32065.             "Year": 0
  32066.         },
  32067.         {
  32068.             "RIT": "ws200826",
  32069.             "Type": "WS",
  32070.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1959.html",
  32071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32072.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1959: Dwight D. Eisenhower",
  32073.             "Category": "HIS",
  32074.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1960.",
  32075.             "Year": 0
  32076.         },
  32077.         {
  32078.             "RIT": "ws200839",
  32079.             "Type": "WS",
  32080.             "URL": "http://physics.nist.gov/GenInt/Time/time.html",
  32081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32082.             "Title": "A Walk Through Time",
  32083.             "Category": "PHY",
  32084.             "Description": "This exhibit from the National Institute of Standards and Technology covers the history of timekeeping.",
  32085.             "Year": 0
  32086.         },
  32087.         {
  32088.             "RIT": "ws200840",
  32089.             "Type": "WS",
  32090.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1936.html",
  32091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32092.             "Title": "Woman of the Year - 1936: Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson",
  32093.             "Category": "HIS",
  32094.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine on Jan. 4, 1937.",
  32095.             "Year": 0
  32096.         },
  32097.         {
  32098.             "RIT": "ws200841",
  32099.             "Type": "WS",
  32100.             "URL": "http://www.noblenet.org/libframe.htm",
  32101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32102.             "Title": "Librarianship",
  32103.             "Category": "SOC",
  32104.             "Description": "A collection of Web resources for librarians, from the North of Boston Library Exchange.",
  32105.             "Year": 0
  32106.         },
  32107.         {
  32108.             "RIT": "ws200842",
  32109.             "Type": "WS",
  32110.             "URL": "http://www.ncptsd.org/who/students.html",
  32111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32112.             "Title": "National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Information for Students",
  32113.             "Category": "LIF",
  32114.             "Description": "A U.S. Department of Veterans program provides introductory materials on the disorder.",
  32115.             "Year": 0
  32116.         },
  32117.         {
  32118.             "RIT": "ws200843",
  32119.             "Type": "WS",
  32120.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=240&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  32121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32122.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Herman Melville",
  32123.             "Category": "HUM",
  32124.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  32125.             "Year": 0
  32126.         },
  32127.         {
  32128.             "RIT": "ws200844",
  32129.             "Type": "WS",
  32130.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/gen_hlth/fitness/fitness.htm",
  32131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32132.             "Title": "Fitness Basics",
  32133.             "Category": "LIF",
  32134.             "Description": "A guide to exercise from the American Medical Association.",
  32135.             "Year": 0
  32136.         },
  32137.         {
  32138.             "RIT": "ws200845",
  32139.             "Type": "WS",
  32140.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=18719",
  32141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32142.             "Title": "Biography.com: Reagan, Ronald Wilson",
  32143.             "Category": "HIS",
  32144.             "Description": "An online biography of Ronald Reagan presented by Biography.com.",
  32145.             "Year": 0
  32146.         },
  32147.         {
  32148.             "RIT": "ws200846",
  32149.             "Type": "WS",
  32150.             "URL": "http://www.npg.si.edu/col/native/index.htm",
  32151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32152.             "Title": "Native Americans",
  32153.             "Category": "SOC",
  32154.             "Description": "Portraits of native Americans from the National Portrait Gallery.",
  32155.             "Year": 0
  32156.         },
  32157.         {
  32158.             "RIT": "ws200847",
  32159.             "Type": "WS",
  32160.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19855",
  32161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32162.             "Title": "Biography.com: Streisand, Barbra",
  32163.             "Category": "HUM",
  32164.             "Description": "An online biography of Barbra Streisand presented by Biography.com.",
  32165.             "Year": 0
  32166.         },
  32167.         {
  32168.             "RIT": "ws200857",
  32169.             "Type": "WS",
  32170.             "URL": "http://www.nmm.ac.uk/education/fact_files/fact_columbus.html",
  32171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32172.             "Title": "Christopher Columbus",
  32173.             "Category": "HIS",
  32174.             "Description": "A fact sheet from the UK's National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, London.",
  32175.             "Year": 0
  32176.         },
  32177.         {
  32178.             "RIT": "ws200859",
  32179.             "Type": "WS",
  32180.             "URL": "http://www.irs.gov/",
  32181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32182.             "Title": "Tax Interactive",
  32183.             "Category": "SOC",
  32184.             "Description": "The Internal Revenue Service presents tax information aimed at students.",
  32185.             "Year": 0
  32186.         },
  32187.         {
  32188.             "RIT": "ws200860",
  32189.             "Type": "WS",
  32190.             "URL": "http://www.tax.gov/kids/",
  32191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32192.             "Title": "Simplified Tax and Wage Reporting System Kids Page",
  32193.             "Category": "SOC",
  32194.             "Description": "The U.S. government presents a fun, educational site about starting a business and paying taxes.",
  32195.             "Year": 0
  32196.         },
  32197.         {
  32198.             "RIT": "ws200861",
  32199.             "Type": "WS",
  32200.             "URL": "http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct/gui/c/r/",
  32201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32202.             "Title": "ClinicalTrials.gov",
  32203.             "Category": "LIF",
  32204.             "Description": "This U.S. National Institutes of Health site provides current information about clinical research studies.",
  32205.             "Year": 0
  32206.         },
  32207.         {
  32208.             "RIT": "ws200862",
  32209.             "Type": "WS",
  32210.             "URL": "http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/vawo/",
  32211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32212.             "Title": "Violence Against Women Office",
  32213.             "Category": "SOC",
  32214.             "Description": "This U.S. Department of Justice office works to stop domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking of women.",
  32215.             "Year": 0
  32216.         },
  32217.         {
  32218.             "RIT": "ws200863",
  32219.             "Type": "WS",
  32220.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=13355",
  32221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32222.             "Title": "Biography.com: Cage, John (Milton)",
  32223.             "Category": "HUM",
  32224.             "Description": "An online biography of John Cage presented by Biography.com.",
  32225.             "Year": 0
  32226.         },
  32227.         {
  32228.             "RIT": "ws200865",
  32229.             "Type": "WS",
  32230.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/kbranagh/index.html",
  32231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32232.             "Title": "People Profiles: Kenneth Branagh",
  32233.             "Category": "HUM",
  32234.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  32235.             "Year": 0
  32236.         },
  32237.         {
  32238.             "RIT": "ws200866",
  32239.             "Type": "WS",
  32240.             "URL": "http://www.disasterrelief.org/",
  32241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32242.             "Title": "Disaster Relief",
  32243.             "Category": "HIS",
  32244.             "Description": "News about worldwide disasters and disaster releif efforts, sponsored by CNN, IBM, and the Red Cross.",
  32245.             "Year": 0
  32246.         },
  32247.         {
  32248.             "RIT": "ws200867",
  32249.             "Type": "WS",
  32250.             "URL": "http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/concern/abuse/contents.htm",
  32251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32252.             "Title": "Drugs of Abuse",
  32253.             "Category": "LIF",
  32254.             "Description": "The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration outlines drug abuse laws and provides facts on specific drugs.",
  32255.             "Year": 0
  32256.         },
  32257.         {
  32258.             "RIT": "ws200868",
  32259.             "Type": "WS",
  32260.             "URL": "http://web.africa.ufl.edu/asq/",
  32261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32262.             "Title": "African Studies Quarterly",
  32263.             "Category": "GEO",
  32264.             "Description": "Home page of a scholarly journal on Africa.",
  32265.             "Year": 0
  32266.         },
  32267.         {
  32268.             "RIT": "ws200791",
  32269.             "Type": "WS",
  32270.             "URL": "http://www.aqua.org/animals/species/dolphin.html",
  32271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32272.             "Title": "National Aquarium: Dolphins",
  32273.             "Category": "LIF",
  32274.             "Description": "Information about dolphins from the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland.",
  32275.             "Year": 0
  32276.         },
  32277.         {
  32278.             "RIT": "ws200792",
  32279.             "Type": "WS",
  32280.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1977.html",
  32281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32282.             "Title": "Man of the Year -1977: Anwar Sadat",
  32283.             "Category": "HIS",
  32284.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1978.",
  32285.             "Year": 0
  32286.         },
  32287.         {
  32288.             "RIT": "ws200793",
  32289.             "Type": "WS",
  32290.             "URL": "http://www.niams.nih.gov/",
  32291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32292.             "Title": "National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases",
  32293.             "Category": "LIF",
  32294.             "Description": "Home page of the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health.",
  32295.             "Year": 0
  32296.         },
  32297.         {
  32298.             "RIT": "ws200794",
  32299.             "Type": "WS",
  32300.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/bclinton/index.html",
  32301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32302.             "Title": "People Profiles: Bill Clinton",
  32303.             "Category": "HIS",
  32304.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  32305.             "Year": 0
  32306.         },
  32307.         {
  32308.             "RIT": "ws200795",
  32309.             "Type": "WS",
  32310.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/kdouglas/index.html",
  32311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32312.             "Title": "People Profiles: Kirk Douglas",
  32313.             "Category": "HUM",
  32314.             "Description": "People magazine presents a fact sheet on actor Kirk Douglas.",
  32315.             "Year": 0
  32316.         },
  32317.         {
  32318.             "RIT": "ws200797",
  32319.             "Type": "WS",
  32320.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5574",
  32321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32322.             "Title": "Anthony Hopkins",
  32323.             "Category": "HUM",
  32324.             "Description": "Biographical information on Anthony Hopkins from Biography.com.",
  32325.             "Year": 0
  32326.         },
  32327.         {
  32328.             "RIT": "ws200798",
  32329.             "Type": "WS",
  32330.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/hclinton/index.html",
  32331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32332.             "Title": "People Profiles: Hillary Rodham Clinton",
  32333.             "Category": "HIS",
  32334.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  32335.             "Year": 0
  32336.         },
  32337.         {
  32338.             "RIT": "ws200799",
  32339.             "Type": "WS",
  32340.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/gg60a/gg60a-main1.html",
  32341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32342.             "Title": "Gilbert Stuart (American, 1755-1828)",
  32343.             "Category": "HUM",
  32344.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art exhibits portraits by Stuart.",
  32345.             "Year": 0
  32346.         },
  32347.         {
  32348.             "RIT": "ws200800",
  32349.             "Type": "WS",
  32350.             "URL": "http://www.iwpr.net/index.pl5?home_index.html",
  32351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32352.             "Title": "Institute for War and Peace Reporting",
  32353.             "Category": "GEO",
  32354.             "Description": "Home page of an international educational charity that works to support the independence of the media in areas in transition.",
  32355.             "Year": 0
  32356.         },
  32357.         {
  32358.             "RIT": "ws200810",
  32359.             "Type": "WS",
  32360.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2000/100_bio.html",
  32361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32362.             "Title": "Are Bioengineered Foods Safe?",
  32363.             "Category": "LIF",
  32364.             "Description": "In a 2000 special report, the Food and Drug Administration head asserts that products on the market are safe.",
  32365.             "Year": 0
  32366.         },
  32367.         {
  32368.             "RIT": "ws200811",
  32369.             "Type": "WS",
  32370.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2000/100_heal.html",
  32371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32372.             "Title": "The Healing Power of Placebos",
  32373.             "Category": "LIF",
  32374.             "Description": "The Food and Drug Administration addresses placebo use in clinical trials and in standard medical treatment.",
  32375.             "Year": 0
  32376.         },
  32377.         {
  32378.             "RIT": "ws200812",
  32379.             "Type": "WS",
  32380.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/gg82/gg82-main1.html",
  32381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32382.             "Title": "Paul Gauguin",
  32383.             "Category": "HUM",
  32384.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art provides an overview of the artist and an exhibit of his work.",
  32385.             "Year": 0
  32386.         },
  32387.         {
  32388.             "RIT": "ws200813",
  32389.             "Type": "WS",
  32390.             "URL": "http://www.securethefuture.com/",
  32391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32392.             "Title": "Secure the Future",
  32393.             "Category": "LIF",
  32394.             "Description": "The official Web site of Secure the Future, a public-private partnership that helps finance AIDS research, treatment, and prevention programs in southern Africa.",
  32395.             "Year": 0
  32396.         },
  32397.         {
  32398.             "RIT": "ws200814",
  32399.             "Type": "WS",
  32400.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2000/300_soy.html",
  32401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32402.             "Title": "Soy: Health Claims for Soy Protein, Questions About Other Components",
  32403.             "Category": "LIF",
  32404.             "Description": "A special report from the Food and Drug Administration.",
  32405.             "Year": 0
  32406.         },
  32407.         {
  32408.             "RIT": "ws200816",
  32409.             "Type": "WS",
  32410.             "URL": "http://tapestry.usgs.gov/",
  32411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32412.             "Title": "U.S. Geological Survey: A Tapestry of Time and Terrain",
  32413.             "Category": "PHY",
  32414.             "Description": "An interactive map depicts the topography and geology of the continental United States to show both surface features and the ages of underlying rock formations.",
  32415.             "Year": 0
  32416.         },
  32417.         {
  32418.             "RIT": "ws200817",
  32419.             "Type": "WS",
  32420.             "URL": "http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/latin_america/cuba.htm",
  32421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32422.             "Title": "The National Security Archive Cuba Documentation Project",
  32423.             "Category": "GEO",
  32424.             "Description": "The archive, a library of declassified U.S. documents at George Washington University, presents an online exhibit of documents concerning U.S.-Cuba relations.",
  32425.             "Year": 0
  32426.         },
  32427.         {
  32428.             "RIT": "ws200818",
  32429.             "Type": "WS",
  32430.             "URL": "http://www.nafc.ac.uk/fish/herring.htm",
  32431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32432.             "Title": "Shetalnd's fish -- Herring",
  32433.             "Category": "LIF",
  32434.             "Description": "A description of herring from the North Atlantic Fisheries College.",
  32435.             "Year": 0
  32436.         },
  32437.         {
  32438.             "RIT": "ws200827",
  32439.             "Type": "WS",
  32440.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/jnicholson/index.html",
  32441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32442.             "Title": "People Profiles: Jack Nicholson",
  32443.             "Category": "HUM",
  32444.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  32445.             "Year": 0
  32446.         },
  32447.         {
  32448.             "RIT": "ws200828",
  32449.             "Type": "WS",
  32450.             "URL": "http://www.library.wisc.edu/etext/seait/",
  32451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32452.             "Title": "SouthEast Asia images and Texts project",
  32453.             "Category": "GEO",
  32454.             "Description": "A searchable collection of historical images from the Philippines housed at the University of Wisconsin.",
  32455.             "Year": 0
  32456.         },
  32457.         {
  32458.             "RIT": "ws200830",
  32459.             "Type": "WS",
  32460.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/education/schoolarts/oldenburg.htm",
  32461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32462.             "Title": "Claes Oldenburg: Making the Ordinary Extraordinary",
  32463.             "Category": "HUM",
  32464.             "Description": "This National Gallery of Art feature includes classroom activities.",
  32465.             "Year": 0
  32466.         },
  32467.         {
  32468.             "RIT": "ws200832",
  32469.             "Type": "WS",
  32470.             "URL": "http://www.ithaca.edu/library/Training/hott.html",
  32471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32472.             "Title": "ICYouSee: T is for Thinking",
  32473.             "Category": "PHY",
  32474.             "Description": "An interactive guide to Web research from Ithaca College librarians.",
  32475.             "Year": 0
  32476.         },
  32477.         {
  32478.             "RIT": "ws200833",
  32479.             "Type": "WS",
  32480.             "URL": "http://www.nytimes.com/books/99/07/11/specials/hemingway-main.html",
  32481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32482.             "Title": "Featured Author: Ernest Hemingway",
  32483.             "Category": "HUM",
  32484.             "Description": "Online feature from the New York Times includes reviews of Hemingway's books and news stories written by and about the author.",
  32485.             "Year": 0
  32486.         },
  32487.         {
  32488.             "RIT": "ws200834",
  32489.             "Type": "WS",
  32490.             "URL": "http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts8.html",
  32491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32492.             "Title": "ATSDR - ToxFAQs - Cyanide",
  32493.             "Category": "PHY",
  32494.             "Description": "A fact sheet answering frequently asked questions about cyanide from the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry of the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).",
  32495.             "Year": 0
  32496.         },
  32497.         {
  32498.             "RIT": "ws200835",
  32499.             "Type": "WS",
  32500.             "URL": "http://edison.rutgers.edu/",
  32501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32502.             "Title": "Thomas A. Edison Papers",
  32503.             "Category": "IND",
  32504.             "Description": "An exhibit by Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, documents Edison's career.",
  32505.             "Year": 0
  32506.         },
  32507.         {
  32508.             "RIT": "ws200836",
  32509.             "Type": "WS",
  32510.             "URL": "http://www.nfid.org/library/influenza/",
  32511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32512.             "Title": "National Foundation for Infectious Diseases: Influenza",
  32513.             "Category": "LIF",
  32514.             "Description": "Information on the flu virus, diagnosis, treatment, and research from this independent, non-profit agency.",
  32515.             "Year": 0
  32516.         },
  32517.         {
  32518.             "RIT": "ws200837",
  32519.             "Type": "WS",
  32520.             "URL": "http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/intro/",
  32521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32522.             "Title": "An Introduction to Radio Astronomy",
  32523.             "Category": "PHY",
  32524.             "Description": "Information provided by National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO).",
  32525.             "Year": 0
  32526.         },
  32527.         {
  32528.             "RIT": "ws200848",
  32529.             "Type": "WS",
  32530.             "URL": "http://web1.si.edu/scmre/teachingtime.html",
  32531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32532.             "Title": "Teaching with Time Capsules",
  32533.             "Category": "HIS",
  32534.             "Description": "A guide to making time capsules from the Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education.",
  32535.             "Year": 0
  32536.         },
  32537.         {
  32538.             "RIT": "ws200849",
  32539.             "Type": "WS",
  32540.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/twhp/wwwlps/lessons/14wilson/14wilson.htm",
  32541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32542.             "Title": "Woodrow Wilson: Prophet of Peace",
  32543.             "Category": "HIS",
  32544.             "Description": "This National Park Service lesson describes President Wilson's failure to achieve lasting world peace through the League of Nations.",
  32545.             "Year": 0
  32546.         },
  32547.         {
  32548.             "RIT": "ws200850",
  32549.             "Type": "WS",
  32550.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=157&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  32551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32552.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: E. E. Cummings",
  32553.             "Category": "HUM",
  32554.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites",
  32555.             "Year": 0
  32556.         },
  32557.         {
  32558.             "RIT": "ws200851",
  32559.             "Type": "WS",
  32560.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1943.html",
  32561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32562.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1943: George C. Marshall",
  32563.             "Category": "HIS",
  32564.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1944.",
  32565.             "Year": 0
  32566.         },
  32567.         {
  32568.             "RIT": "ws200852",
  32569.             "Type": "WS",
  32570.             "URL": "http://serendipity.magnet.ch/hermetic/cal_stud.htm",
  32571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32572.             "Title": "Calendar Studies",
  32573.             "Category": "PHY",
  32574.             "Description": "An overview of different calendar systems, from Peter Meyer, a mathematician and computer programmer.",
  32575.             "Year": 0
  32576.         },
  32577.         {
  32578.             "RIT": "ws200853",
  32579.             "Type": "WS",
  32580.             "URL": "http://www.acog.org/from_home/departments/dept_web.cfm?recno=17",
  32581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32582.             "Title": "Violence Against Women",
  32583.             "Category": "SOC",
  32584.             "Description": "The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists presents domestic violence information for physicians and women.",
  32585.             "Year": 0
  32586.         },
  32587.         {
  32588.             "RIT": "ws200854",
  32589.             "Type": "WS",
  32590.             "URL": "http://iso.hrichina.org:8151/iso/",
  32591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32592.             "Title": "Human Rights in China",
  32593.             "Category": "GEO",
  32594.             "Description": "Homepage of an international, non-governmental human rights organization founded by Chinese scientists and scholars.",
  32595.             "Year": 0
  32596.         },
  32597.         {
  32598.             "RIT": "ws200855",
  32599.             "Type": "WS",
  32600.             "URL": "http://www.sci.mus.mn.us/sln/tf/top.html",
  32601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32602.             "Title": "Thinking Fountain",
  32603.             "Category": "PHY",
  32604.             "Description": "Science learning activities, ideas, and questions from the Science Museum of Minnesota.",
  32605.             "Year": 0
  32606.         },
  32607.         {
  32608.             "RIT": "ws200856",
  32609.             "Type": "WS",
  32610.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/bobhope/",
  32611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32612.             "Title": "Bob Hope and American Variety",
  32613.             "Category": "HUM",
  32614.             "Description": "This Library of Congress exhibit traces the career of Bob Hope.",
  32615.             "Year": 0
  32616.         },
  32617.         {
  32618.             "RIT": "ws200869",
  32619.             "Type": "WS",
  32620.             "URL": "http://www.philcongen-toronto.com/",
  32621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32622.             "Title": "The Phillipine Consulate General-Toronto",
  32623.             "Category": "GEO",
  32624.             "Description": "This consulate site includes general background on the Philippines as well as tourism information.",
  32625.             "Year": 0
  32626.         },
  32627.         {
  32628.             "RIT": "ws200870",
  32629.             "Type": "WS",
  32630.             "URL": "http://www.falundafa.org/",
  32631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32632.             "Title": "Falun Dafa",
  32633.             "Category": "GEO",
  32634.             "Description": "Information on Falun Dafa, a spiritual movement banned in China in 1999.",
  32635.             "Year": 0
  32636.         },
  32637.         {
  32638.             "RIT": "ws200871",
  32639.             "Type": "WS",
  32640.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1945.html",
  32641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32642.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1945: Harry S. Truman",
  32643.             "Category": "HIS",
  32644.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1946.",
  32645.             "Year": 0
  32646.         },
  32647.         {
  32648.             "RIT": "ws200872",
  32649.             "Type": "WS",
  32650.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/9911/fngm/index.html",
  32651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32652.             "Title": "Panama's Rite of Passage",
  32653.             "Category": "GEO",
  32654.             "Description": "An online version of an article from the November 1999 National Geographic magazine.",
  32655.             "Year": 0
  32656.         },
  32657.         {
  32658.             "RIT": "ws200874",
  32659.             "Type": "WS",
  32660.             "URL": "http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/NetscapeEssentials.html",
  32661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32662.             "Title": "Netscape Essentials: Tips on Using Netscape",
  32663.             "Category": "PHY",
  32664.             "Description": "An Internet workshop from University of California, Berkeley.",
  32665.             "Year": 0
  32666.         },
  32667.         {
  32668.             "RIT": "ws200875",
  32669.             "Type": "WS",
  32670.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=176&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  32671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32672.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Nikki Giovanni",
  32673.             "Category": "HUM",
  32674.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information and related Web sites.",
  32675.             "Year": 0
  32676.         },
  32677.         {
  32678.             "RIT": "ws200876",
  32679.             "Type": "WS",
  32680.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/heroin/",
  32681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32682.             "Title": "The Opium Kings",
  32683.             "Category": "LIF",
  32684.             "Description": "This PBS special feature focuses on Burma's heroin trade.",
  32685.             "Year": 0
  32686.         },
  32687.         {
  32688.             "RIT": "ws200877",
  32689.             "Type": "WS",
  32690.             "URL": "http://www-hoover.Stanford.edu/default.htm",
  32691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32692.             "Title": "Hoover Institution",
  32693.             "Category": "HIS",
  32694.             "Description": "Home page of an institution founded by former U.S. President Herbert Hoover.",
  32695.             "Year": 0
  32696.         },
  32697.         {
  32698.             "RIT": "ws200878",
  32699.             "Type": "WS",
  32700.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/diabetes/diabetes.htm",
  32701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32702.             "Title": "Diabetes Type 2",
  32703.             "Category": "LIF",
  32704.             "Description": "Information about prevention, diagnosis, and treatment from the American Medical Association.",
  32705.             "Year": 0
  32706.         },
  32707.         {
  32708.             "RIT": "ws200879",
  32709.             "Type": "WS",
  32710.             "URL": "http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/",
  32711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32712.             "Title": "Death Penalty Information Center",
  32713.             "Category": "SOC",
  32714.             "Description": "An extensive gateway site to a wide variety of information about many topics and issues involved in capital punishment.",
  32715.             "Year": 0
  32716.         },
  32717.         {
  32718.             "RIT": "ws200889",
  32719.             "Type": "WS",
  32720.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/vt.html",
  32721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32722.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Holy City (Vatican City)",
  32723.             "Category": "GEO",
  32724.             "Description": "Information about the Vatican from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  32725.             "Year": 0
  32726.         },
  32727.         {
  32728.             "RIT": "ws200890",
  32729.             "Type": "WS",
  32730.             "URL": "http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/rbeard/grammars.html",
  32731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32732.             "Title": "A Web of On-Line Grammars",
  32733.             "Category": "HUM",
  32734.             "Description": "Robert Beard, professor and chair of the Russian program at Bucknell University, presents links to online grammar resources for more than 20 languages.",
  32735.             "Year": 0
  32736.         },
  32737.         {
  32738.             "RIT": "ws200891",
  32739.             "Type": "WS",
  32740.             "URL": "http://www.salon.com/feb97/news/news2970224.html",
  32741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32742.             "Title": "Dr. Frankenstein, I Presume?",
  32743.             "Category": "LIF",
  32744.             "Description": "An interview with Ian Wilmut, head scientist of the team that cloned Dolly, published online by Salon magazine.",
  32745.             "Year": 0
  32746.         },
  32747.         {
  32748.             "RIT": "ws200892",
  32749.             "Type": "WS",
  32750.             "URL": "http://indian-river.fl.us/fishing/fish/sword.html",
  32751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32752.             "Title": "Indian River County: Swordfish",
  32753.             "Category": "LIF",
  32754.             "Description": "Indian River County, Florida, provides information on the swordfish.",
  32755.             "Year": 0
  32756.         },
  32757.         {
  32758.             "RIT": "ws200893",
  32759.             "Type": "WS",
  32760.             "URL": "http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/expltx/eft/gulf/cspecies/manofwar.htm",
  32761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32762.             "Title": "Portuguese Man-of-War",
  32763.             "Category": "LIF",
  32764.             "Description": "A fact sheet from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission.",
  32765.             "Year": 0
  32766.         },
  32767.         {
  32768.             "RIT": "ws200894",
  32769.             "Type": "WS",
  32770.             "URL": "http://whyfiles.news.wisc.edu/078time/",
  32771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32772.             "Title": "It's About Time",
  32773.             "Category": "PHY",
  32774.             "Description": "A special feature on timekeeping from the Why Files at the University of Wisconsin.",
  32775.             "Year": 0
  32776.         },
  32777.         {
  32778.             "RIT": "ws200895",
  32779.             "Type": "WS",
  32780.             "URL": "http://www.u.arizona.edu/~chalmers/biblio.html",
  32781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32782.             "Title": "Contemporary Philosophy of Mind",
  32783.             "Category": "SOC",
  32784.             "Description": "A bibliography of recent work in the philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science, philosophy of artificial intelligence, and on consciousness in the sciences.",
  32785.             "Year": 0
  32786.         },
  32787.         {
  32788.             "RIT": "ws200896",
  32789.             "Type": "WS",
  32790.             "URL": "http://www.aam-us.org/tis3b.htm",
  32791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32792.             "Title": "Museum Careers",
  32793.             "Category": "SOC",
  32794.             "Description": "Career development information from the American Association of Museums.",
  32795.             "Year": 0
  32796.         },
  32797.         {
  32798.             "RIT": "ws200897",
  32799.             "Type": "WS",
  32800.             "URL": "http://www.learner.org/jnorth/search/Monarch.html",
  32801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32802.             "Title": "The Nature Conservancy: Monarch Butterfly",
  32803.             "Category": "LIF",
  32804.             "Description": "A fact sheet about the monarch from The Nature Conservancy.",
  32805.             "Year": 0
  32806.         },
  32807.         {
  32808.             "RIT": "ws200910",
  32809.             "Type": "WS",
  32810.             "URL": "http://www.panda.org/livingwaters/pubs/wet_threat.html",
  32811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32812.             "Title": "Wetlands Under Threat",
  32813.             "Category": "GEO",
  32814.             "Description": "A special report on the threat to the world's freshwater wetlands, from the World Wildlife Fund International.",
  32815.             "Year": 0
  32816.         },
  32817.         {
  32818.             "RIT": "ws200911",
  32819.             "Type": "WS",
  32820.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/flashbks/black/blahisin.htm",
  32821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32822.             "Title": "Black History, American History",
  32823.             "Category": "SOC",
  32824.             "Description": "The Atlantic Monthly presents historic magazine articles by such African-American intellectuals as Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Martin Luther King, Jr.",
  32825.             "Year": 0
  32826.         },
  32827.         {
  32828.             "RIT": "ws200913",
  32829.             "Type": "WS",
  32830.             "URL": "http://americanhistory.si.edu/doubtles/index.htm",
  32831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32832.             "Title": "Doubtless as Good",
  32833.             "Category": "SOC",
  32834.             "Description": "A Smithsonian exhibit on the history of American winemaking.",
  32835.             "Year": 0
  32836.         },
  32837.         {
  32838.             "RIT": "ws200914",
  32839.             "Type": "WS",
  32840.             "URL": "http://www.usc.edu/CSSF/",
  32841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32842.             "Title": "California State Science Fair",
  32843.             "Category": "PHY",
  32844.             "Description": "This site includes helpful information and ideas for students creating science projects.",
  32845.             "Year": 0
  32846.         },
  32847.         {
  32848.             "RIT": "ws200915",
  32849.             "Type": "WS",
  32850.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/iadtoys/iadtoys-main1.html",
  32851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32852.             "Title": "Toys from the Index of American Design",
  32853.             "Category": "REC",
  32854.             "Description": "An exhibit of antique toys from the National Gallery of Art.",
  32855.             "Year": 0
  32856.         },
  32857.         {
  32858.             "RIT": "ws200916",
  32859.             "Type": "WS",
  32860.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/time100/poc/home.html",
  32861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32862.             "Title": "Person of the Century",
  32863.             "Category": "PHY",
  32864.             "Description": "Time magazine's 'person of the century' Web site, with articles and photos about Albert Einstein, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Mohandas Gandhi.",
  32865.             "Year": 0
  32866.         },
  32867.         {
  32868.             "RIT": "ws200917",
  32869.             "Type": "WS",
  32870.             "URL": "http://www.stedmunds.co.uk/lifestyle/manor/port-sun.html",
  32871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32872.             "Title": "Portable Sundials",
  32873.             "Category": "PHY",
  32874.             "Description": "Information about portable sundials on display at the Manor House Museum in Bury St. Edmunds, England.",
  32875.             "Year": 0
  32876.         },
  32877.         {
  32878.             "RIT": "ws200918",
  32879.             "Type": "WS",
  32880.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/lmccartney/index.html",
  32881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32882.             "Title": "People Profiles: Linda McCartney",
  32883.             "Category": "HUM",
  32884.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  32885.             "Year": 0
  32886.         },
  32887.         {
  32888.             "RIT": "ws200919",
  32889.             "Type": "WS",
  32890.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1992.html",
  32891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32892.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1992: Bill Clinton",
  32893.             "Category": "HIS",
  32894.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1993.",
  32895.             "Year": 0
  32896.         },
  32897.         {
  32898.             "RIT": "ws200932",
  32899.             "Type": "WS",
  32900.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/education/teaching/amistad/home.html",
  32901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32902.             "Title": "The Amistad Case",
  32903.             "Category": "HIS",
  32904.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the National Archives and Records Administration includes resources for educators.",
  32905.             "Year": 0
  32906.         },
  32907.         {
  32908.             "RIT": "ws200933",
  32909.             "Type": "WS",
  32910.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/violence/domestic.htm",
  32911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32912.             "Title": "AMA Health Insight: Domestic Violence",
  32913.             "Category": "SOC",
  32914.             "Description": "The American Medical Association defines domestic violence and provides advice for victims.",
  32915.             "Year": 0
  32916.         },
  32917.         {
  32918.             "RIT": "ws200934",
  32919.             "Type": "WS",
  32920.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/gen_hlth/antibiot/antibiot.htm",
  32921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32922.             "Title": "Antibiotics and Antimicrobials",
  32923.             "Category": "LIF",
  32924.             "Description": "Information from the American Medical Association.",
  32925.             "Year": 0
  32926.         },
  32927.         {
  32928.             "RIT": "ws200935",
  32929.             "Type": "WS",
  32930.             "URL": "http://astro.NMSU.Edu/~lhuber/leaphist.html",
  32931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32932.             "Title": "Calendars and Their History",
  32933.             "Category": "PHY",
  32934.             "Description": "An overview of various calendars and their histories, originally published in a supplement to the Astronomical Almanac.",
  32935.             "Year": 0
  32936.         },
  32937.         {
  32938.             "RIT": "ws200936",
  32939.             "Type": "WS",
  32940.             "URL": "http://www.firewise.org/pubs/wnn/",
  32941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32942.             "Title": "Wildfire News and Notes",
  32943.             "Category": "PHY",
  32944.             "Description": "Archive of articles from a magazine of the National Fire Protection Associaton.",
  32945.             "Year": 0
  32946.         },
  32947.         {
  32948.             "RIT": "ws200937",
  32949.             "Type": "WS",
  32950.             "URL": "http://www.students.gov/link_search/listlinks.cfm?cfid=132469&cftoken=63840099&topic=0200&Criteria=",
  32951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32952.             "Title": "Pay for Your Education",
  32953.             "Category": "SOC",
  32954.             "Description": "Access America for Students presents information about financial aid, work study, and other sources of tuition funding",
  32955.             "Year": 0
  32956.         },
  32957.         {
  32958.             "RIT": "ws200939",
  32959.             "Type": "WS",
  32960.             "URL": "http://www.usis-israel.org.il/publish/peace/ongoing.htm",
  32961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32962.             "Title": "Ongoing Peace Efforts",
  32963.             "Category": "GEO",
  32964.             "Description": "The United States Embassy in Israel presents a timeline of the Middle East peace process.",
  32965.             "Year": 0
  32966.         },
  32967.         {
  32968.             "RIT": "ws200940",
  32969.             "Type": "WS",
  32970.             "URL": "http://www.uic.edu/depts/lib/aidsbkrv/",
  32971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32972.             "Title": "AIDS Book Review Journal",
  32973.             "Category": "LIF",
  32974.             "Description": "An electronic journal from the University of Illinois at Chicago Library, reviewing books, videos,, and other materials covering AIDS, safer sex, and sexually transmitted diseases.",
  32975.             "Year": 0
  32976.         },
  32977.         {
  32978.             "RIT": "ws200941",
  32979.             "Type": "WS",
  32980.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=15780",
  32981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32982.             "Title": "Katharine Hepburn",
  32983.             "Category": "HUM",
  32984.             "Description": "Biographical information about Katharine Hepburn from Biography.com.",
  32985.             "Year": 0
  32986.         },
  32987.         {
  32988.             "RIT": "ws200880",
  32989.             "Type": "WS",
  32990.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/feature/pollock/pollockhome.html",
  32991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  32992.             "Title": "Jackson Pollock 1912-1956",
  32993.             "Category": "HUM",
  32994.             "Description": "This exhibit from the National Gallery of Art showcases Pollock's paintings and technique.",
  32995.             "Year": 0
  32996.         },
  32997.         {
  32998.             "RIT": "ws200881",
  32999.             "Type": "WS",
  33000.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=117&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  33001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33002.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: William Blake",
  33003.             "Category": "HUM",
  33004.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a biography, and related Web sites.",
  33005.             "Year": 0
  33006.         },
  33007.         {
  33008.             "RIT": "ws200882",
  33009.             "Type": "WS",
  33010.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/history/inde1.htm",
  33011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33012.             "Title": "History: A Multitude of Amendments",
  33013.             "Category": "HIS",
  33014.             "Description": "Information about the writing and publicizing of the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States, form the United States National Park Service.",
  33015.             "Year": 0
  33016.         },
  33017.         {
  33018.             "RIT": "ws200883",
  33019.             "Type": "WS",
  33020.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=125&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  33021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33022.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Wallace Stevens",
  33023.             "Category": "HUM",
  33024.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  33025.             "Year": 0
  33026.         },
  33027.         {
  33028.             "RIT": "ws200884",
  33029.             "Type": "WS",
  33030.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/leopards/",
  33031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33032.             "Title": "Leopards of the Night",
  33033.             "Category": "LIF",
  33034.             "Description": "This PBS site features information about the night vision and camouflage of leopards and other animals.",
  33035.             "Year": 0
  33036.         },
  33037.         {
  33038.             "RIT": "ws200886",
  33039.             "Type": "WS",
  33040.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=189&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  33041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33042.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Robert Duncan",
  33043.             "Category": "HUM",
  33044.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  33045.             "Year": 0
  33046.         },
  33047.         {
  33048.             "RIT": "ws200887",
  33049.             "Type": "WS",
  33050.             "URL": "http://www.mfa.gov.tr/",
  33051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33052.             "Title": "Turkish Foreign Ministry",
  33053.             "Category": "LIF",
  33054.             "Description": "General information on Turkey, as well as governmental press releases, speeches, and statements.",
  33055.             "Year": 0
  33056.         },
  33057.         {
  33058.             "RIT": "ws200888",
  33059.             "Type": "WS",
  33060.             "URL": "http://www.worldbank.org/html/extdr/offrep/lac/pe2.htm",
  33061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33062.             "Title": "Peru",
  33063.             "Category": "GEO",
  33064.             "Description": "An economic analysis of Peru, hosted by the World Bank.",
  33065.             "Year": 0
  33066.         },
  33067.         {
  33068.             "RIT": "ws200899",
  33069.             "Type": "WS",
  33070.             "URL": "http://www.fisheries.vims.edu/anadromous/alewife.htm",
  33071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33072.             "Title": "ALEWIFE INFO PAGE",
  33073.             "Category": "LIF",
  33074.             "Description": "Fact sheets on alwives from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.",
  33075.             "Year": 0
  33076.         },
  33077.         {
  33078.             "RIT": "ws200900",
  33079.             "Type": "WS",
  33080.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1935.html",
  33081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33082.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1935: Haile Selassie",
  33083.             "Category": "HIS",
  33084.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine on Jan. 6, 1936.",
  33085.             "Year": 0
  33086.         },
  33087.         {
  33088.             "RIT": "ws200901",
  33089.             "Type": "WS",
  33090.             "URL": "http://www.krg.org/",
  33091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33092.             "Title": "Kurdistan Regional Government",
  33093.             "Category": "SOC",
  33094.             "Description": "Homepage of the authority that rules over much of the liberated area of Iraqi Kurdistan.",
  33095.             "Year": 0
  33096.         },
  33097.         {
  33098.             "RIT": "ws200902",
  33099.             "Type": "WS",
  33100.             "URL": "http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/russian/history.html",
  33101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33102.             "Title": "Russian History",
  33103.             "Category": "GEO",
  33104.             "Description": "A comprehensive site about many aspects of Russian history, hosted by the Russian Studies department at Bucknell University.",
  33105.             "Year": 0
  33106.         },
  33107.         {
  33108.             "RIT": "ws200903",
  33109.             "Type": "WS",
  33110.             "URL": "http://www.opec.org/",
  33111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33112.             "Title": "Organization of Petroleum Exporting Counties (OPEC)",
  33113.             "Category": "IND",
  33114.             "Description": "Official Web site of OPEC, with general, historical, and member country information.",
  33115.             "Year": 0
  33116.         },
  33117.         {
  33118.             "RIT": "ws200904",
  33119.             "Type": "WS",
  33120.             "URL": "http://chandra.nasa.gov/chandra.html",
  33121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33122.             "Title": "Chandra X-ray Observatory News",
  33123.             "Category": "IND",
  33124.             "Description": "This NASA site includes links to finding and announcements regarding Chandra observations.",
  33125.             "Year": 0
  33126.         },
  33127.         {
  33128.             "RIT": "ws200905",
  33129.             "Type": "WS",
  33130.             "URL": "http://www.finaid.org/",
  33131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33132.             "Title": "FinAid!",
  33133.             "Category": "SOC",
  33134.             "Description": "A guide to financial aid for students and parents.",
  33135.             "Year": 0
  33136.         },
  33137.         {
  33138.             "RIT": "ws200906",
  33139.             "Type": "WS",
  33140.             "URL": "http://www.mndassociation.org/full-site/home.htm",
  33141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33142.             "Title": "Motor Neurone Disease",
  33143.             "Category": "LIF",
  33144.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Motor Neurone Disease Association in the United Kingdom.",
  33145.             "Year": 0
  33146.         },
  33147.         {
  33148.             "RIT": "ws200907",
  33149.             "Type": "WS",
  33150.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/asthma/asthma.htm",
  33151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33152.             "Title": "Asthma",
  33153.             "Category": "LIF",
  33154.             "Description": "Information from the American Medical Association.",
  33155.             "Year": 0
  33156.         },
  33157.         {
  33158.             "RIT": "ws200908",
  33159.             "Type": "WS",
  33160.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,102,00.html",
  33161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33162.             "Title": "People Profiles: Steven Spielberg",
  33163.             "Category": "HUM",
  33164.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  33165.             "Year": 0
  33166.         },
  33167.         {
  33168.             "RIT": "ws200920",
  33169.             "Type": "WS",
  33170.             "URL": "http://www.safnet.org/about/index.html",
  33171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33172.             "Title": "Learn About Forestry",
  33173.             "Category": "IND",
  33174.             "Description": "Information about forests provided by the Society of American Foresters, a national scientific and educational organization.",
  33175.             "Year": 0
  33176.         },
  33177.         {
  33178.             "RIT": "ws200922",
  33179.             "Type": "WS",
  33180.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=23668",
  33181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33182.             "Title": "Ethel Kennedy",
  33183.             "Category": "HIS",
  33184.             "Description": "Biographical information about Ethel Kennedy, wife of Robert Kennedy from Biography.com",
  33185.             "Year": 0
  33186.         },
  33187.         {
  33188.             "RIT": "ws200923",
  33189.             "Type": "WS",
  33190.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=23254",
  33191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33192.             "Title": "Biography.com: Cage, Nicolas",
  33193.             "Category": "HUM",
  33194.             "Description": "An online biography of Nicolas Cage presented by Biography.com.",
  33195.             "Year": 0
  33196.         },
  33197.         {
  33198.             "RIT": "ws200924",
  33199.             "Type": "WS",
  33200.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=1325",
  33201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33202.             "Title": "Mick Jagger",
  33203.             "Category": "HUM",
  33204.             "Description": "Biographical information about Mick Jagger from Biography.com.",
  33205.             "Year": 0
  33206.         },
  33207.         {
  33208.             "RIT": "ws200925",
  33209.             "Type": "WS",
  33210.             "URL": "http://www.probass.com/",
  33211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33212.             "Title": "Pro Bass Fishing The Complete Professional Bass Fisherman's resource",
  33213.             "Category": "LIF",
  33214.             "Description": "A commercial site,with pictures, chat rooms, bass fishing reports, and tournament information.",
  33215.             "Year": 0
  33216.         },
  33217.         {
  33218.             "RIT": "ws200926",
  33219.             "Type": "WS",
  33220.             "URL": "http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/nsa/NC/nuchis.html",
  33221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33222.             "Title": "Nuclear History at the National Security Archive",
  33223.             "Category": "PHY",
  33224.             "Description": "A library of declassified U.S. documents at George Washington University presents documents concerning nuclear arms.",
  33225.             "Year": 0
  33226.         },
  33227.         {
  33228.             "RIT": "ws200928",
  33229.             "Type": "WS",
  33230.             "URL": "http://www.tnaqua.org/Amazing/paddlefish.html",
  33231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33232.             "Title": "Tennessee Aquarium: Paddlefish",
  33233.             "Category": "LIF",
  33234.             "Description": "Facts about the paddlefish from the Tennesse Aquarium.",
  33235.             "Year": 0
  33236.         },
  33237.         {
  33238.             "RIT": "ws200930",
  33239.             "Type": "WS",
  33240.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/education/schoolarts/east.htm",
  33241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33242.             "Title": "I.M. Pei's East Building: Solving Problems of Form and Function",
  33243.             "Category": "HUM",
  33244.             "Description": "This feature from the National Gallery of Art includes classroom activities.",
  33245.             "Year": 0
  33246.         },
  33247.         {
  33248.             "RIT": "ws200931",
  33249.             "Type": "WS",
  33250.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=22510",
  33251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33252.             "Title": "John Malkovich",
  33253.             "Category": "HUM",
  33254.             "Description": "Biographical information about John Malkovich from Biography.com.",
  33255.             "Year": 0
  33256.         },
  33257.         {
  33258.             "RIT": "ws200942",
  33259.             "Type": "WS",
  33260.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/foth/index2.htm",
  33261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33262.             "Title": "Ford's Theatre National Historic Site",
  33263.             "Category": "HIS",
  33264.             "Description": "Information about the theater where President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.",
  33265.             "Year": 0
  33266.         },
  33267.         {
  33268.             "RIT": "ws200943",
  33269.             "Type": "WS",
  33270.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/2000/200_miles.html",
  33271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33272.             "Title": "Medical Milestones of the Last Millennium",
  33273.             "Category": "LIF",
  33274.             "Description": "This Food and Drug Administration report traces the history of medicine.",
  33275.             "Year": 0
  33276.         },
  33277.         {
  33278.             "RIT": "ws200945",
  33279.             "Type": "WS",
  33280.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/gg85/gg85-main1.html",
  33281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33282.             "Title": "Tour: Claude Monet",
  33283.             "Category": "HUM",
  33284.             "Description": "This National Gallery of Art exhibit features paintings by Monet and an overview of his career.",
  33285.             "Year": 0
  33286.         },
  33287.         {
  33288.             "RIT": "ws200946",
  33289.             "Type": "WS",
  33290.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/",
  33291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33292.             "Title": "The Nobel Foundation",
  33293.             "Category": "SOC",
  33294.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Nobel Foundation, with information about the prizes and the honorees.",
  33295.             "Year": 0
  33296.         },
  33297.         {
  33298.             "RIT": "ws200947",
  33299.             "Type": "WS",
  33300.             "URL": "http://newscenter.cancer.gov/sciencebehind/immune/immune00.htm",
  33301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33302.             "Title": "Understanding the Immune System",
  33303.             "Category": "LIF",
  33304.             "Description": "An educational site from the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.",
  33305.             "Year": 0
  33306.         },
  33307.         {
  33308.             "RIT": "ws200949",
  33309.             "Type": "WS",
  33310.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1929.html",
  33311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33312.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1929: Owen D. Young",
  33313.             "Category": "SOC",
  33314.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine on Jan. 6, 1930.",
  33315.             "Year": 0
  33316.         },
  33317.         {
  33318.             "RIT": "ws200950",
  33319.             "Type": "WS",
  33320.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1975.html",
  33321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33322.             "Title": "Women of the Year -1975: American Women",
  33323.             "Category": "SOC",
  33324.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1976.",
  33325.             "Year": 0
  33326.         },
  33327.         {
  33328.             "RIT": "ws200951",
  33329.             "Type": "WS",
  33330.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,38,00.html",
  33331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33332.             "Title": "People Profiles: Eddie Murphy",
  33333.             "Category": "HUM",
  33334.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  33335.             "Year": 0
  33336.         },
  33337.         {
  33338.             "RIT": "ws200952",
  33339.             "Type": "WS",
  33340.             "URL": "http://www.seaworld.org/infobooks/ZooCareers/home.html",
  33341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33342.             "Title": "Guide to Zoological Park Careers",
  33343.             "Category": "LIF",
  33344.             "Description": "Career information from Sea World and Busch Gardens.",
  33345.             "Year": 0
  33346.         },
  33347.         {
  33348.             "RIT": "ws200961",
  33349.             "Type": "WS",
  33350.             "URL": "http://nmnhgoph.si.edu/gvp/volcano/region07/philip_n/mayon/var.htm",
  33351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33352.             "Title": "Mayon",
  33353.             "Category": "GEO",
  33354.             "Description": "This Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program page includes photos of the Mayon volcano and reports of its eruptions in 1968, 1969, and 1999.",
  33355.             "Year": 0
  33356.         },
  33357.         {
  33358.             "RIT": "ws200962",
  33359.             "Type": "WS",
  33360.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/tstcular/tstcular.htm",
  33361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33362.             "Title": "Understanding and Detecting Testicular Cancer",
  33363.             "Category": "LIF",
  33364.             "Description": "Information from the American Medical Association.",
  33365.             "Year": 0
  33366.         },
  33367.         {
  33368.             "RIT": "ws200963",
  33369.             "Type": "WS",
  33370.             "URL": "http://www.gcrio.org/CONSEQUENCES/introCON.html",
  33371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33372.             "Title": "Consequences (of global change)",
  33373.             "Category": "IND",
  33374.             "Description": "Archive of journal articles assessing practical concerns related to global change, funded by U.S. government agencies.",
  33375.             "Year": 0
  33376.         },
  33377.         {
  33378.             "RIT": "ws200964",
  33379.             "Type": "WS",
  33380.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/about_state/history/sectravels/albright.html",
  33381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33382.             "Title": "Secretaries of State Visits Abroad: Madeleine K. Albright",
  33383.             "Category": "SOC",
  33384.             "Description": "The U.S. Department of State lists foreign diplomatic trips taken by Albright as secretary of state.",
  33385.             "Year": 0
  33386.         },
  33387.         {
  33388.             "RIT": "ws200965",
  33389.             "Type": "WS",
  33390.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/alzheim/alzheim.htm",
  33391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33392.             "Title": "Alzheimer Disease",
  33393.             "Category": "LIF",
  33394.             "Description": "Information about diagnosis and treatment from the American Medical Association.",
  33395.             "Year": 0
  33396.         },
  33397.         {
  33398.             "RIT": "ws200966",
  33399.             "Type": "WS",
  33400.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/cnidaria/hydrozoa.html",
  33401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33402.             "Title": "Introduction to the Hydrozoa",
  33403.             "Category": "LIF",
  33404.             "Description": "The University of California Musuem of Paleontology presents information on hydra and other hydrozoans.",
  33405.             "Year": 0
  33406.         },
  33407.         {
  33408.             "RIT": "ws200967",
  33409.             "Type": "WS",
  33410.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/character/essays/truman.html",
  33411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33412.             "Title": "Character Above All",
  33413.             "Category": "HIS",
  33414.             "Description": "PBS presents an essay about Harry S. Truman by Pulitzer Prize winner David McCullough.",
  33415.             "Year": 0
  33416.         },
  33417.         {
  33418.             "RIT": "ws200968",
  33419.             "Type": "WS",
  33420.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/breast/brc.htm",
  33421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33422.             "Title": "Cancer in Women - Hereditary Cancers in Women",
  33423.             "Category": "LIF",
  33424.             "Description": "Information from the American Medical Association.",
  33425.             "Year": 0
  33426.         },
  33427.         {
  33428.             "RIT": "ws200969",
  33429.             "Type": "WS",
  33430.             "URL": "http://www.tomedison.org/index.html",
  33431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33432.             "Title": "Edison Birthplace Museum",
  33433.             "Category": "IND",
  33434.             "Description": "Highlights of Thomas Edison's life and career from the museum in Milan, Ohio.",
  33435.             "Year": 0
  33436.         },
  33437.         {
  33438.             "RIT": "ws200979",
  33439.             "Type": "WS",
  33440.             "URL": "http://olam.ed.asu.edu/epaa/",
  33441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33442.             "Title": "Education Policy Analysis Archives",
  33443.             "Category": "SOC",
  33444.             "Description": "Archives of a peer reviewed journal published at Arizona State University.",
  33445.             "Year": 0
  33446.         },
  33447.         {
  33448.             "RIT": "ws200980",
  33449.             "Type": "WS",
  33450.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/gg86/gg86-main1.html",
  33451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33452.             "Title": "Impressionism",
  33453.             "Category": "HUM",
  33454.             "Description": "A National Gallery of Art exhibit featuring paintings by Edouard Manet, Claude Monet, and Auguste Renoir.",
  33455.             "Year": 0
  33456.         },
  33457.         {
  33458.             "RIT": "ws200981",
  33459.             "Type": "WS",
  33460.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=21657",
  33461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33462.             "Title": "Bob Hope",
  33463.             "Category": "HUM",
  33464.             "Description": "Biographical information on Bob Hope from Biography.com.",
  33465.             "Year": 0
  33466.         },
  33467.         {
  33468.             "RIT": "ws200982",
  33469.             "Type": "WS",
  33470.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/hiv_aids/hiv_aids.htm",
  33471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33472.             "Title": "HIV/AIDS",
  33473.             "Category": "LIF",
  33474.             "Description": "The American Medical Association provides prevention, diagnosis, and treatment information, as well as help finding doctors, clinical trials, and support groups.",
  33475.             "Year": 0
  33476.         },
  33477.         {
  33478.             "RIT": "ws200983",
  33479.             "Type": "WS",
  33480.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1947.html",
  33481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33482.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1947: George C. Marshall",
  33483.             "Category": "HIS",
  33484.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1948.",
  33485.             "Year": 0
  33486.         },
  33487.         {
  33488.             "RIT": "ws200984",
  33489.             "Type": "WS",
  33490.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=121&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  33491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33492.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: W.H. Auden",
  33493.             "Category": "HUM",
  33494.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poetry samples, and related Web sites.",
  33495.             "Year": 0
  33496.         },
  33497.         {
  33498.             "RIT": "ws200985",
  33499.             "Type": "WS",
  33500.             "URL": "http://www.hg.org/students.html",
  33501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33502.             "Title": "Law Study and Law Students",
  33503.             "Category": "SOC",
  33504.             "Description": "Career development information from Hieros Gamos, a comprehensive law and government portal.",
  33505.             "Year": 0
  33506.         },
  33507.         {
  33508.             "RIT": "ws200986",
  33509.             "Type": "WS",
  33510.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=18718",
  33511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33512.             "Title": "Nancy Reagan",
  33513.             "Category": "HIS",
  33514.             "Description": "Biographical information about Nancy Reagan from Biography.com.",
  33515.             "Year": 0
  33516.         },
  33517.         {
  33518.             "RIT": "ws200987",
  33519.             "Type": "WS",
  33520.             "URL": "http://stardust.jpl.nasa.gov/",
  33521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33522.             "Title": "STARDUST Home Page",
  33523.             "Category": "PHY",
  33524.             "Description": "Home page of a NASA spacecraft designed to collect material from a comet and bring it back to Earth for analysis by scientists worldwide.",
  33525.             "Year": 0
  33526.         },
  33527.         {
  33528.             "RIT": "ws200998",
  33529.             "Type": "WS",
  33530.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,49,00.html",
  33531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33532.             "Title": "People Profiles: Jerry Seinfeld",
  33533.             "Category": "HUM",
  33534.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  33535.             "Year": 0
  33536.         },
  33537.         {
  33538.             "RIT": "ws200999",
  33539.             "Type": "WS",
  33540.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/time100/leaders/profile/mandela.html",
  33541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33542.             "Title": "Nelson Mandela",
  33543.             "Category": "GEO",
  33544.             "Description": "This profile from TIME Magazine is part of a celebration of the most influential people of the 20th century.",
  33545.             "Year": 0
  33546.         },
  33547.         {
  33548.             "RIT": "ws201000",
  33549.             "Type": "WS",
  33550.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/apacino/index.html",
  33551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33552.             "Title": "People Profiles: Al Pacino",
  33553.             "Category": "HUM",
  33554.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  33555.             "Year": 0
  33556.         },
  33557.         {
  33558.             "RIT": "ws201001",
  33559.             "Type": "WS",
  33560.             "URL": "http://travel.state.gov/passport_services.html",
  33561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33562.             "Title": "Passport Services and Information",
  33563.             "Category": "SOC",
  33564.             "Description": "The U.S. Department of State presents information about obtaining a passport.",
  33565.             "Year": 0
  33566.         },
  33567.         {
  33568.             "RIT": "ws201002",
  33569.             "Type": "WS",
  33570.             "URL": "http://www.nwi.fws.gov/",
  33571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33572.             "Title": "National Wetlands Inventory Homepage",
  33573.             "Category": "GEO",
  33574.             "Description": "Homepage of the National Wetlands Inventory project of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, with information about United States wetlands.",
  33575.             "Year": 0
  33576.         },
  33577.         {
  33578.             "RIT": "ws201003",
  33579.             "Type": "WS",
  33580.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/yourhlth/heartrsk/heartrsk.htm",
  33581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33582.             "Title": "Preventing Heart Disease",
  33583.             "Category": "LIF",
  33584.             "Description": "An interactive guide to heart health, from the American Medical Association.",
  33585.             "Year": 0
  33586.         },
  33587.         {
  33588.             "RIT": "ws201004",
  33589.             "Type": "WS",
  33590.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/bcrystal/index.html",
  33591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33592.             "Title": "People Profiles: Billy Crystal",
  33593.             "Category": "HUM",
  33594.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  33595.             "Year": 0
  33596.         },
  33597.         {
  33598.             "RIT": "ws201005",
  33599.             "Type": "WS",
  33600.             "URL": "http://www.brookfieldzoo.org/",
  33601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33602.             "Title": "Brookfield Zoo Home Page",
  33603.             "Category": "IND",
  33604.             "Description": "This site provides information about the zoo and some of its animals.",
  33605.             "Year": 0
  33606.         },
  33607.         {
  33608.             "RIT": "ws201006",
  33609.             "Type": "WS",
  33610.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/about_state/history/timeline.html",
  33611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33612.             "Title": "Timeline of U.S. Diplomatic History",
  33613.             "Category": "SOC",
  33614.             "Description": "This timeline from the U.S. State Department Office of the Historian covers diplomacy from 1776 to the present.",
  33615.             "Year": 0
  33616.         },
  33617.         {
  33618.             "RIT": "ws201008",
  33619.             "Type": "WS",
  33620.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo/foodirradiation.htm",
  33621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33622.             "Title": "Commonly Asked Questions About Food Irradiation",
  33623.             "Category": "SOC",
  33624.             "Description": "Answers to FAQ's provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).",
  33625.             "Year": 0
  33626.         },
  33627.         {
  33628.             "RIT": "ws201009",
  33629.             "Type": "WS",
  33630.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/special_report/1999/11/99/seattle_trade_talks/default.stm",
  33631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33632.             "Title": "World Trade Blocs",
  33633.             "Category": "SOC",
  33634.             "Description": "The BBC presents an interactive map of four world trade blocs--North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the European Union, the Cairns Group, and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).",
  33635.             "Year": 0
  33636.         },
  33637.         {
  33638.             "RIT": "ws201010",
  33639.             "Type": "WS",
  33640.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/cltoc.html",
  33641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33642.             "Title": "Chile - A Country Study",
  33643.             "Category": "GEO",
  33644.             "Description": "Extensive information about Chile, including its politics and history, from the Library of Congress Area Handbook series.",
  33645.             "Year": 0
  33646.         },
  33647.         {
  33648.             "RIT": "ws201011",
  33649.             "Type": "WS",
  33650.             "URL": "http://www.kcstar.com/aboutstar/hemingway/ernie.htm",
  33651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33652.             "Title": "Ernest Hemingway's Kansas City Star stories",
  33653.             "Category": "HUM",
  33654.             "Description": "The Kansas City Star presents articles written by Hemingway when he was a young news reporter.",
  33655.             "Year": 0
  33656.         },
  33657.         {
  33658.             "RIT": "ws201012",
  33659.             "Type": "WS",
  33660.             "URL": "http://www.phys.washington.edu/Department/tour/sundial/",
  33661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33662.             "Title": "The Physics-Astronomy Sundial",
  33663.             "Category": "PHY",
  33664.             "Description": "A guide to a sundial at the University of Washington, including an explanation of how it works.",
  33665.             "Year": 0
  33666.         },
  33667.         {
  33668.             "RIT": "ws201013",
  33669.             "Type": "WS",
  33670.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=118&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  33671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33672.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: W. B. Yeats",
  33673.             "Category": "HUM",
  33674.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  33675.             "Year": 0
  33676.         },
  33677.         {
  33678.             "RIT": "ws201014",
  33679.             "Type": "WS",
  33680.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1948.html",
  33681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33682.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1948: Harry S. Truman",
  33683.             "Category": "HIS",
  33684.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1949.",
  33685.             "Year": 0
  33686.         },
  33687.         {
  33688.             "RIT": "ws201015",
  33689.             "Type": "WS",
  33690.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=13314",
  33691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33692.             "Title": "Biography.com: Bush, George (Herbert Walker)",
  33693.             "Category": "HIS",
  33694.             "Description": "An online biography of George Bush presented by Biography.com.",
  33695.             "Year": 0
  33696.         },
  33697.         {
  33698.             "RIT": "ws200953",
  33699.             "Type": "WS",
  33700.             "URL": "http://americanhistory.si.edu/vidal/index.htm",
  33701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33702.             "Title": "A Collector's Vision of Puerto Rico",
  33703.             "Category": "GEO",
  33704.             "Description": "This Smithsonian exhibit examines the history, culture, and traditions of Puerto Rico as reflected in the Teodoro Vidal Collection.",
  33705.             "Year": 0
  33706.         },
  33707.         {
  33708.             "RIT": "ws200954",
  33709.             "Type": "WS",
  33710.             "URL": "http://www.eecs.umich.edu/mathscience/",
  33711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33712.             "Title": "K-12 Outreach Program",
  33713.             "Category": "PHY",
  33714.             "Description": "Guides to scientific experiments and facts about starting a career in science, from the Southeastern Michigan Math-Science Learning Coalition.",
  33715.             "Year": 0
  33716.         },
  33717.         {
  33718.             "RIT": "ws200955",
  33719.             "Type": "WS",
  33720.             "URL": "http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/wh-food.html",
  33721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33722.             "Title": "Information about Food Preparation and Foodborne Illness",
  33723.             "Category": "SOC",
  33724.             "Description": "This consumer resource is presented by the USDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.",
  33725.             "Year": 0
  33726.         },
  33727.         {
  33728.             "RIT": "ws200956",
  33729.             "Type": "WS",
  33730.             "URL": "http://www.cancer.gov/cancer_information/doc_wyntk.aspx?viewid=b5ecd606-69f5-4e0b-87a7-20c8b9d8172d",
  33731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33732.             "Title": "Cancer of the Colon and Rectum",
  33733.             "Category": "HUM",
  33734.             "Description": "The National Cancer Institute provides comprehensive information about colon cancer and its treatment.",
  33735.             "Year": 0
  33736.         },
  33737.         {
  33738.             "RIT": "ws200957",
  33739.             "Type": "WS",
  33740.             "URL": "http://www.agbiotechnet.com/topics/Plants.asp",
  33741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33742.             "Title": "Bt Corn Workshop Proceedings",
  33743.             "Category": "LIF",
  33744.             "Description": "Proceedings from a conference about preventing insects from developing resistance to Bt plant pesticides, specifically genetically engineered corn.",
  33745.             "Year": 0
  33746.         },
  33747.         {
  33748.             "RIT": "ws200958",
  33749.             "Type": "WS",
  33750.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,5,00.html",
  33751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33752.             "Title": "People Profiles: Arnold Schwarzenegger",
  33753.             "Category": "HUM",
  33754.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  33755.             "Year": 0
  33756.         },
  33757.         {
  33758.             "RIT": "ws200959",
  33759.             "Type": "WS",
  33760.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/dope/",
  33761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33762.             "Title": "Busted: America's War on Marijuana",
  33763.             "Category": "LIF",
  33764.             "Description": "A behind-the-scenesreport on the marijana industry and the controversial effort to eradicate it, from PBS.",
  33765.             "Year": 0
  33766.         },
  33767.         {
  33768.             "RIT": "ws200960",
  33769.             "Type": "WS",
  33770.             "URL": "http://architronic.saed.kent.edu/",
  33771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33772.             "Title": "Architronic",
  33773.             "Category": "HUM",
  33774.             "Description": "Archive of articles from Architronic, a scholarly refereed journal that explores architectural communication available through digital media.",
  33775.             "Year": 0
  33776.         },
  33777.         {
  33778.             "RIT": "ws200970",
  33779.             "Type": "WS",
  33780.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=18&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  33781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33782.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: T.S. Eliot",
  33783.             "Category": "HUM",
  33784.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  33785.             "Year": 0
  33786.         },
  33787.         {
  33788.             "RIT": "ws200971",
  33789.             "Type": "WS",
  33790.             "URL": "http://www.usis-israel.org.il/publish/peace/october98/102398b.html",
  33791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33792.             "Title": "The Wye River Memorandum",
  33793.             "Category": "GEO",
  33794.             "Description": "Text of the Interim Agreement signed October 23 at the White House by Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.",
  33795.             "Year": 0
  33796.         },
  33797.         {
  33798.             "RIT": "ws200972",
  33799.             "Type": "WS",
  33800.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/qa.html",
  33801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33802.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Qatar",
  33803.             "Category": "GEO",
  33804.             "Description": "Information about Qatat from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  33805.             "Year": 0
  33806.         },
  33807.         {
  33808.             "RIT": "ws200973",
  33809.             "Type": "WS",
  33810.             "URL": "http://www.si.edu/resource/tours/comphist/gates.htm",
  33811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33812.             "Title": "Bill Gates Interview",
  33813.             "Category": "IND",
  33814.             "Description": "The Smithsonian Institution presents the text of an interview with Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.",
  33815.             "Year": 0
  33816.         },
  33817.         {
  33818.             "RIT": "ws200974",
  33819.             "Type": "WS",
  33820.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=242&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  33821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33822.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: John Ashbery",
  33823.             "Category": "HUM",
  33824.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a biography, and related Web sites.",
  33825.             "Year": 0
  33826.         },
  33827.         {
  33828.             "RIT": "ws200975",
  33829.             "Type": "WS",
  33830.             "URL": "http://www.ocean.udel.edu/mas/seafood/butterfish.html",
  33831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33832.             "Title": "Sea Grant - Butterfish",
  33833.             "Category": "LIF",
  33834.             "Description": "The University of Delaware's Web site provides information on the butterfish.",
  33835.             "Year": 0
  33836.         },
  33837.         {
  33838.             "RIT": "ws200976",
  33839.             "Type": "WS",
  33840.             "URL": "http://www.uwrf.edu/sundial/",
  33841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33842.             "Title": "Richard D. Swensen Sundial",
  33843.             "Category": "PHY",
  33844.             "Description": "An information page about a sundial located at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls campus.",
  33845.             "Year": 0
  33846.         },
  33847.         {
  33848.             "RIT": "ws200977",
  33849.             "Type": "WS",
  33850.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/gg84/gg84-main1.html",
  33851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33852.             "Title": "Tour: Camille Pissarro, Vincent van Gogh, Paul Cezanne",
  33853.             "Category": "HUM",
  33854.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the National Gallery of Art.",
  33855.             "Year": 0
  33856.         },
  33857.         {
  33858.             "RIT": "ws200988",
  33859.             "Type": "WS",
  33860.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/bx.html",
  33861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33862.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Brunei",
  33863.             "Category": "GEO",
  33864.             "Description": "Information about Brunei from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  33865.             "Year": 0
  33866.         },
  33867.         {
  33868.             "RIT": "ws200989",
  33869.             "Type": "WS",
  33870.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=237&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  33871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33872.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Hart Crane",
  33873.             "Category": "HUM",
  33874.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites",
  33875.             "Year": 0
  33876.         },
  33877.         {
  33878.             "RIT": "ws200990",
  33879.             "Type": "WS",
  33880.             "URL": "http://www.epa.gov/OGWDW/dwh/c-ioc/cyanide.html",
  33881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33882.             "Title": "Drinking Water and Health",
  33883.             "Category": "PHY",
  33884.             "Description": "A consumer fact sheet on cyanide from the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water.",
  33885.             "Year": 0
  33886.         },
  33887.         {
  33888.             "RIT": "ws200991",
  33889.             "Type": "WS",
  33890.             "URL": "http://www.seaworld.org/bottlenose_dolphin/bottlenose_dolphins.html",
  33891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33892.             "Title": "Bottlenose Dolphins",
  33893.             "Category": "LIF",
  33894.             "Description": "Informative site on bottlenose dolphins from the Sea World Education Department.",
  33895.             "Year": 0
  33896.         },
  33897.         {
  33898.             "RIT": "ws200992",
  33899.             "Type": "WS",
  33900.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/bdwilliams/bio.html",
  33901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33902.             "Title": "People Profiles: Billy Dee Williams",
  33903.             "Category": "HUM",
  33904.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  33905.             "Year": 0
  33906.         },
  33907.         {
  33908.             "RIT": "ws200993",
  33909.             "Type": "WS",
  33910.             "URL": "http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/nsa/publications/china-us/index.html",
  33911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33912.             "Title": "China and the United States: From Hostility to Engagement, 1960-1998",
  33913.             "Category": "GEO",
  33914.             "Description": "Declassified U.S. documents concerning U.S.-China relations.",
  33915.             "Year": 0
  33916.         },
  33917.         {
  33918.             "RIT": "ws200994",
  33919.             "Type": "WS",
  33920.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/stroke/stroke.htm",
  33921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33922.             "Title": "Save Your Life: Understand Stroke",
  33923.             "Category": "LIF",
  33924.             "Description": "Information from the American Medical Association.",
  33925.             "Year": 0
  33926.         },
  33927.         {
  33928.             "RIT": "ws200995",
  33929.             "Type": "WS",
  33930.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=23255",
  33931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33932.             "Title": "James Cameron",
  33933.             "Category": "HUM",
  33934.             "Description": "Biographical information on James Cameron from Biography.com.",
  33935.             "Year": 0
  33936.         },
  33937.         {
  33938.             "RIT": "ws200996",
  33939.             "Type": "WS",
  33940.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/bspringsteen/index.html",
  33941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33942.             "Title": "People Profiles: Bruce Springsteen",
  33943.             "Category": "HUM",
  33944.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  33945.             "Year": 0
  33946.         },
  33947.         {
  33948.             "RIT": "ws201016",
  33949.             "Type": "WS",
  33950.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/iadpot/iadpot-main1.html",
  33951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33952.             "Title": "Pottery from the Index of American Design",
  33953.             "Category": "HUM",
  33954.             "Description": "This National Gallery of Art exhibit feaures pottery of the 1930's and 1940's.",
  33955.             "Year": 0
  33956.         },
  33957.         {
  33958.             "RIT": "ws201017",
  33959.             "Type": "WS",
  33960.             "URL": "http://vweb.sau.edu/bestinfo/Jobhunt/Getting/getindex.htm",
  33961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33962.             "Title": "Surviving College",
  33963.             "Category": "SOC",
  33964.             "Description": "This collection of Internet resources selected by librarians at St. Ambrose University links to sites about such topics as financial aid and term papers.",
  33965.             "Year": 0
  33966.         },
  33967.         {
  33968.             "RIT": "ws201018",
  33969.             "Type": "WS",
  33970.             "URL": "http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/health/sexualhealth/aids/",
  33971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33972.             "Title": "AIDS",
  33973.             "Category": "LIF",
  33974.             "Description": "The British Broadcasting Corporation presents general information about AIDS, how the HIV virus is transmitted, and how to prevent transmission.",
  33975.             "Year": 0
  33976.         },
  33977.         {
  33978.             "RIT": "ws201019",
  33979.             "Type": "WS",
  33980.             "URL": "http://www.ed.gov/thinkcollege/",
  33981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33982.             "Title": "U.S. Department of Education: Think College",
  33983.             "Category": "SOC",
  33984.             "Description": "Education and financial aid information for prospective college students of all ages.",
  33985.             "Year": 0
  33986.         },
  33987.         {
  33988.             "RIT": "ws201020",
  33989.             "Type": "WS",
  33990.             "URL": "http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/area/Africa/",
  33991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  33992.             "Title": "AFRICAN STUDIES INTERNET RESOURCES",
  33993.             "Category": "GEO",
  33994.             "Description": "Columbia University's collection of African Studies Internet Resources.",
  33995.             "Year": 0
  33996.         },
  33997.         {
  33998.             "RIT": "ws201021",
  33999.             "Type": "WS",
  34000.             "URL": "http://www.anc.org.za/",
  34001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34002.             "Title": "African National Congress Home Page",
  34003.             "Category": "GEO",
  34004.             "Description": "Official Web site of the African National Congress (ANC), a political party in South Africa.",
  34005.             "Year": 0
  34006.         },
  34007.         {
  34008.             "RIT": "ws201022",
  34009.             "Type": "WS",
  34010.             "URL": "http://www.gio.gov.tw/",
  34011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34012.             "Title": "Republic of China [Taiwan] Government Information Office",
  34013.             "Category": "GEO",
  34014.             "Description": "This official government site includes news and information about Taiwan.",
  34015.             "Year": 0
  34016.         },
  34017.         {
  34018.             "RIT": "ws201023",
  34019.             "Type": "WS",
  34020.             "URL": "http://www.reuben.org/",
  34021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34022.             "Title": "National Cartoonists Society",
  34023.             "Category": "HUM",
  34024.             "Description": "Homepage of the National Cartoonist Society, an organization of professional cartoonists.",
  34025.             "Year": 0
  34026.         },
  34027.         {
  34028.             "RIT": "ws201024",
  34029.             "Type": "WS",
  34030.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=161&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  34031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34032.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Edna St. Vincent Millay",
  34033.             "Category": "HUM",
  34034.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  34035.             "Year": 0
  34036.         },
  34037.         {
  34038.             "RIT": "ws201035",
  34039.             "Type": "WS",
  34040.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=12499",
  34041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34042.             "Title": "Biography.com: Josephine Baker",
  34043.             "Category": "HUM",
  34044.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  34045.             "Year": 0
  34046.         },
  34047.         {
  34048.             "RIT": "ws201036",
  34049.             "Type": "WS",
  34050.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/lg.html",
  34051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34052.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Latvia",
  34053.             "Category": "GEO",
  34054.             "Description": "Information about Latvia from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  34055.             "Year": 0
  34056.         },
  34057.         {
  34058.             "RIT": "ws201038",
  34059.             "Type": "WS",
  34060.             "URL": "http://indian-river.fl.us/fishing/fish/bluefish.html",
  34061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34062.             "Title": "Indian River County: Bluefish",
  34063.             "Category": "LIF",
  34064.             "Description": "Indian River County, Florida, provides information on the bluefish.",
  34065.             "Year": 0
  34066.         },
  34067.         {
  34068.             "RIT": "ws201039",
  34069.             "Type": "WS",
  34070.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/crossrds/rpc/moles.htm",
  34071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34072.             "Title": "Case History: Multiple Moles",
  34073.             "Category": "PHY",
  34074.             "Description": "This American Medical Association page covers moles and the risk of developing melanoma.",
  34075.             "Year": 0
  34076.         },
  34077.         {
  34078.             "RIT": "ws201040",
  34079.             "Type": "WS",
  34080.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/education/picteach.htm",
  34081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34082.             "Title": "Picasso Teachers' Guide",
  34083.             "Category": "HUM",
  34084.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art provides lesson plans and learning activities on Pablo Picasso.",
  34085.             "Year": 0
  34086.         },
  34087.         {
  34088.             "RIT": "ws201041",
  34089.             "Type": "WS",
  34090.             "URL": "http://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/onlinetips.htm",
  34091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34092.             "Title": "Tips for Online Investing",
  34093.             "Category": "SOC",
  34094.             "Description": "A consumer guide from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.",
  34095.             "Year": 0
  34096.         },
  34097.         {
  34098.             "RIT": "ws201043",
  34099.             "Type": "WS",
  34100.             "URL": "http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/list.html",
  34101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34102.             "Title": "U.S. FDA Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition",
  34103.             "Category": "SOC",
  34104.             "Description": "This Food and Drug Administration site includes facts for consumers.",
  34105.             "Year": 0
  34106.         },
  34107.         {
  34108.             "RIT": "ws201044",
  34109.             "Type": "WS",
  34110.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/sconnery/index.html",
  34111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34112.             "Title": "People Profiles: Sean Connery",
  34113.             "Category": "HUM",
  34114.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  34115.             "Year": 0
  34116.         },
  34117.         {
  34118.             "RIT": "ws201045",
  34119.             "Type": "WS",
  34120.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,43,00.html",
  34121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34122.             "Title": "People Profiles: Dennis Rodman",
  34123.             "Category": "REC",
  34124.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  34125.             "Year": 0
  34126.         },
  34127.         {
  34128.             "RIT": "ws201046",
  34129.             "Type": "WS",
  34130.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/cm.html",
  34131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34132.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Cameroon",
  34133.             "Category": "GEO",
  34134.             "Description": "Information about Cameroon from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  34135.             "Year": 0
  34136.         },
  34137.         {
  34138.             "RIT": "ws201058",
  34139.             "Type": "WS",
  34140.             "URL": "http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/ada/adahom1.htm",
  34141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34142.             "Title": "Department of Justice ADA Home Page",
  34143.             "Category": "LIF",
  34144.             "Description": "Information about the Americans with Disabilities Act.",
  34145.             "Year": 0
  34146.         },
  34147.         {
  34148.             "RIT": "ws201059",
  34149.             "Type": "WS",
  34150.             "URL": "http://www.students.gov/link_search/listsubs.cfm?Topic=0100",
  34151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34152.             "Title": "Plan Your Education",
  34153.             "Category": "SOC",
  34154.             "Description": "A collection of Web sites on higher education from Access America for Students.",
  34155.             "Year": 0
  34156.         },
  34157.         {
  34158.             "RIT": "ws201060",
  34159.             "Type": "WS",
  34160.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/about_state/history/time3.html",
  34161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34162.             "Title": "Jeffersonian Diplomacy",
  34163.             "Category": "HIS",
  34164.             "Description": "This U.S. Department of State Web page highlights Thomas Jefferson's role in the Louisiana Purchase.",
  34165.             "Year": 0
  34166.         },
  34167.         {
  34168.             "RIT": "ws201061",
  34169.             "Type": "WS",
  34170.             "URL": "http://www.smokeybear.com/",
  34171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34172.             "Title": "Smokey Bear",
  34173.             "Category": "SOC",
  34174.             "Description": "This Web site, aimed at kids, includes games as well as advice on preventing forest fires.",
  34175.             "Year": 0
  34176.         },
  34177.         {
  34178.             "RIT": "ws201062",
  34179.             "Type": "WS",
  34180.             "URL": "http://www.magazine.org/",
  34181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34182.             "Title": "Magazine Publishers of America",
  34183.             "Category": "IND",
  34184.             "Description": "Trade association homepage, with general information about the magazine industry.",
  34185.             "Year": 0
  34186.         },
  34187.         {
  34188.             "RIT": "ws201063",
  34189.             "Type": "WS",
  34190.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/profiles/basicfacts/0,9855,175262,00.html",
  34191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34192.             "Title": "People Profiles: Bob Dylan",
  34193.             "Category": "HUM",
  34194.             "Description": "Biographical information on Bob Dylan from Biography.com.",
  34195.             "Year": 0
  34196.         },
  34197.         {
  34198.             "RIT": "ws201064",
  34199.             "Type": "WS",
  34200.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/cschulz/index.html",
  34201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34202.             "Title": "People Profiles: Charles M. Schulz",
  34203.             "Category": "HUM",
  34204.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  34205.             "Year": 0
  34206.         },
  34207.         {
  34208.             "RIT": "ws201065",
  34209.             "Type": "WS",
  34210.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=169&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  34211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34212.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Gary Snyder",
  34213.             "Category": "HUM",
  34214.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  34215.             "Year": 0
  34216.         },
  34217.         {
  34218.             "RIT": "ws201066",
  34219.             "Type": "WS",
  34220.             "URL": "http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/as/Literature/amlit.black.html",
  34221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34222.             "Title": "Writing Black",
  34223.             "Category": "HUM",
  34224.             "Description": "This site from Keele University includes literature and history written by and about African Americans.",
  34225.             "Year": 0
  34226.         },
  34227.         {
  34228.             "RIT": "ws201075",
  34229.             "Type": "WS",
  34230.             "URL": "http://www.discovery.com/stories/science/meteors/meteors.html",
  34231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34232.             "Title": "Great Balls of Fire",
  34233.             "Category": "PHY",
  34234.             "Description": "This special report from the Discovery Channel provides an overview of asteroids, comets, and meteors.",
  34235.             "Year": 0
  34236.         },
  34237.         {
  34238.             "RIT": "ws201076",
  34239.             "Type": "WS",
  34240.             "URL": "http://www.nfl.com/news/990716payton.html",
  34241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34242.             "Title": "Rookies vote Payton as greatest player",
  34243.             "Category": "REC",
  34244.             "Description": "A feature from the National Football League announcing Payton's selection as the greatest football player of all time by the NFL draft class of 1999.",
  34245.             "Year": 0
  34246.         },
  34247.         {
  34248.             "RIT": "ws201078",
  34249.             "Type": "WS",
  34250.             "URL": "http://www.ilt.columbia.edu/projects/dante/",
  34251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34252.             "Title": "Digital Dante",
  34253.             "Category": "HUM",
  34254.             "Description": "A rich site on Dante Alighieri from Columbia University's Institute for Learning Technologies.",
  34255.             "Year": 0
  34256.         },
  34257.         {
  34258.             "RIT": "ws201079",
  34259.             "Type": "WS",
  34260.             "URL": "http://www.collegeboard.com/",
  34261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34262.             "Title": "Starting Points for Students and Parents",
  34263.             "Category": "SOC",
  34264.             "Description": "Homepage of the College Board, a not-for-profit educational association, that includes background on the SAT, a search engine for colleges and scholarships, and guides to choosing a career.",
  34265.             "Year": 0
  34266.         },
  34267.         {
  34268.             "RIT": "ws201080",
  34269.             "Type": "WS",
  34270.             "URL": "http://history.hanover.edu/19th/Douglass.html",
  34271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34272.             "Title": "Frederick Douglass (1817?-1895)",
  34273.             "Category": "HIS",
  34274.             "Description": "Hanover College links to writings of Douglass presented online.",
  34275.             "Year": 0
  34276.         },
  34277.         {
  34278.             "RIT": "ws201081",
  34279.             "Type": "WS",
  34280.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=12101",
  34281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34282.             "Title": "Quentin Tarantino",
  34283.             "Category": "HUM",
  34284.             "Description": "Biographical information on Quentin Tarantino from Biography.com.",
  34285.             "Year": 0
  34286.         },
  34287.         {
  34288.             "RIT": "ws201082",
  34289.             "Type": "WS",
  34290.             "URL": "http://www.cartercenter.org/rcbio.html",
  34291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34292.             "Title": "Rosalynn Carter",
  34293.             "Category": "HIS",
  34294.             "Description": "A biography from the Carter Center, a non-profit human rights organization.",
  34295.             "Year": 0
  34296.         },
  34297.         {
  34298.             "RIT": "ws201083",
  34299.             "Type": "WS",
  34300.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/education/schoolarts/egypt.htm",
  34301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34302.             "Title": "Views of Ancient Egypt",
  34303.             "Category": "HIS",
  34304.             "Description": "An educational feature from the National Gallery of Art.",
  34305.             "Year": 0
  34306.         },
  34307.         {
  34308.             "RIT": "ws201084",
  34309.             "Type": "WS",
  34310.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/jo.html",
  34311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34312.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Jordan",
  34313.             "Category": "GEO",
  34314.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  34315.             "Year": 0
  34316.         },
  34317.         {
  34318.             "RIT": "ws201096",
  34319.             "Type": "WS",
  34320.             "URL": "http://www.si.edu/lemelson/Quartz/index.html",
  34321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34322.             "Title": "The Quartz Watch",
  34323.             "Category": "PHY",
  34324.             "Description": "A fun educational site from the Smithsonian Institution's Lemelson Center.",
  34325.             "Year": 0
  34326.         },
  34327.         {
  34328.             "RIT": "ws201097",
  34329.             "Type": "WS",
  34330.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=120&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  34331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34332.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: William Carlos Williams",
  34333.             "Category": "HUM",
  34334.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  34335.             "Year": 0
  34336.         },
  34337.         {
  34338.             "RIT": "ws201098",
  34339.             "Type": "WS",
  34340.             "URL": "http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/eppp-archive/100/201/300/early_modern/html/index.html",
  34341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34342.             "Title": "Early Modern Literary Studies",
  34343.             "Category": "HUM",
  34344.             "Description": "Archives of a scholarly, refereed literary journal.",
  34345.             "Year": 0
  34346.         },
  34347.         {
  34348.             "RIT": "ws201099",
  34349.             "Type": "WS",
  34350.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=21348",
  34351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34352.             "Title": "Bill Cosby",
  34353.             "Category": "IND",
  34354.             "Description": "Biographical information on Bill Cosby from Biography.com.",
  34355.             "Year": 0
  34356.         },
  34357.         {
  34358.             "RIT": "ws201100",
  34359.             "Type": "WS",
  34360.             "URL": "http://www.powa.org/",
  34361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34362.             "Title": "Paradigm Online Writing Assistant",
  34363.             "Category": "HUM",
  34364.             "Description": "Help in planning and writing an academic paper from a professor at Boise State University.",
  34365.             "Year": 0
  34366.         },
  34367.         {
  34368.             "RIT": "ws201101",
  34369.             "Type": "WS",
  34370.             "URL": "http://www.peanuts.com/",
  34371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34372.             "Title": "The Official Peanuts Web Site",
  34373.             "Category": "HUM",
  34374.             "Description": "This official Peanuts Web site includes biographical information about Charles M. Schulz and a library of comic strips.",
  34375.             "Year": 0
  34376.         },
  34377.         {
  34378.             "RIT": "ws201102",
  34379.             "Type": "WS",
  34380.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/vesuvius/",
  34381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34382.             "Title": "Deadly Shadow of Vesuvius",
  34383.             "Category": "PHY",
  34384.             "Description": "A special feature on volcanoes from PBS.",
  34385.             "Year": 0
  34386.         },
  34387.         {
  34388.             "RIT": "ws201105",
  34389.             "Type": "WS",
  34390.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/feature/moran/index.html",
  34391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34392.             "Title": "Thomas Moran",
  34393.             "Category": "HUM",
  34394.             "Description": "This National Gallery of Art exhibit showcases paintings by Moran.",
  34395.             "Year": 0
  34396.         },
  34397.         {
  34398.             "RIT": "ws201106",
  34399.             "Type": "WS",
  34400.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/publications/Fish/alewife.html",
  34401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34402.             "Title": "Alewife/Fish of the Great Lakes by Wisconsin Sea Grant",
  34403.             "Category": "LIF",
  34404.             "Description": "University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute provides details about the alewife.",
  34405.             "Year": 0
  34406.         },
  34407.         {
  34408.             "RIT": "ws201107",
  34409.             "Type": "WS",
  34410.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/feature/watson/watsonhome.html",
  34411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34412.             "Title": "Watson and the Shark",
  34413.             "Category": "HUM",
  34414.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art presents an in-depth study of a painting by John Singleton Copley.",
  34415.             "Year": 0
  34416.         },
  34417.         {
  34418.             "RIT": "ws201025",
  34419.             "Type": "WS",
  34420.             "URL": "http://webjcli.ncl.ac.uk/",
  34421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34422.             "Title": "Web Journal of Current Legal Issues Ltd.",
  34423.             "Category": "SOC",
  34424.             "Description": "An online resource in the United Kingdom, focusing on current legal issues, legislation, and policy related socio-legal research.",
  34425.             "Year": 0
  34426.         },
  34427.         {
  34428.             "RIT": "ws201027",
  34429.             "Type": "WS",
  34430.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1973.html",
  34431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34432.             "Title": "Man of the Year -1973: Judge John J. Sirica",
  34433.             "Category": "HIS",
  34434.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1974.",
  34435.             "Year": 0
  34436.         },
  34437.         {
  34438.             "RIT": "ws201028",
  34439.             "Type": "WS",
  34440.             "URL": "http://www.fmep.org/",
  34441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34442.             "Title": "Foundation for Middle East Peace",
  34443.             "Category": "GEO",
  34444.             "Description": "Home page of a nonprofit organization dedicated to informing Americans about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.",
  34445.             "Year": 0
  34446.         },
  34447.         {
  34448.             "RIT": "ws201029",
  34449.             "Type": "WS",
  34450.             "URL": "http://www.educause.edu/pub/er/erm.html",
  34451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34452.             "Title": "Educause Review",
  34453.             "Category": "SOC",
  34454.             "Description": "This online journal explores the changing ways people will work, learn, and communicate in the digital world of the 21st century.",
  34455.             "Year": 0
  34456.         },
  34457.         {
  34458.             "RIT": "ws201030",
  34459.             "Type": "WS",
  34460.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17996",
  34461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34462.             "Title": "Paul Newman",
  34463.             "Category": "HUM",
  34464.             "Description": "Biographical information about Paul Newman from Biography.com.",
  34465.             "Year": 0
  34466.         },
  34467.         {
  34468.             "RIT": "ws201031",
  34469.             "Type": "WS",
  34470.             "URL": "http://www.tpt.org/newtons/alpha.html",
  34471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34472.             "Title": "Newton's Apple",
  34473.             "Category": "PHY",
  34474.             "Description": "Teacher's guides, including lessons and experiments, from the popular family science program on PBS.",
  34475.             "Year": 0
  34476.         },
  34477.         {
  34478.             "RIT": "ws201032",
  34479.             "Type": "WS",
  34480.             "URL": "http://nobel.sdsc.edu/laureates/peace-1993-1-bio.html",
  34481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34482.             "Title": "Biography of Nelson Mandela - Nobel Peace Prize - 1993",
  34483.             "Category": "GEO",
  34484.             "Description": "Information from the Nobel Foundation's Web site.",
  34485.             "Year": 0
  34486.         },
  34487.         {
  34488.             "RIT": "ws201033",
  34489.             "Type": "WS",
  34490.             "URL": "http://socserv2.socsci.mcmaster.ca:80/~econ/ugcm/3ll3/index.html",
  34491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34492.             "Title": "History of Economic Thought Archive",
  34493.             "Category": "SOC",
  34494.             "Description": "McMaster University of Hamilton, Ontario, presents a virtual library of the works of influential economists.",
  34495.             "Year": 0
  34496.         },
  34497.         {
  34498.             "RIT": "ws201034",
  34499.             "Type": "WS",
  34500.             "URL": "http://metalab.unc.edu/dykki/poetry/heaney/",
  34501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34502.             "Title": "Seanus Heaney",
  34503.             "Category": "HUM",
  34504.             "Description": "This page from the Internet Poetry Archive, hosted by the University of North Carolina, includes Heaney's biography and several poems.",
  34505.             "Year": 0
  34506.         },
  34507.         {
  34508.             "RIT": "ws201047",
  34509.             "Type": "WS",
  34510.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/iz.html",
  34511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34512.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Iraq",
  34513.             "Category": "GEO",
  34514.             "Description": "Information about Iraq from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  34515.             "Year": 0
  34516.         },
  34517.         {
  34518.             "RIT": "ws201048",
  34519.             "Type": "WS",
  34520.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1986.html",
  34521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34522.             "Title": "Woman of the Year -1986: Corazon Aquino",
  34523.             "Category": "GEO",
  34524.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1987.",
  34525.             "Year": 0
  34526.         },
  34527.         {
  34528.             "RIT": "ws201049",
  34529.             "Type": "WS",
  34530.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/crossrds/rpc/anorexia.htm",
  34531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34532.             "Title": "Anorexia Nervosa",
  34533.             "Category": "LIF",
  34534.             "Description": "The American Medical Association highlights the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of anorexia nervosa.",
  34535.             "Year": 0
  34536.         },
  34537.         {
  34538.             "RIT": "ws201051",
  34539.             "Type": "WS",
  34540.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1930.html",
  34541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34542.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1930: Mohandas K. Gandhi",
  34543.             "Category": "HIS",
  34544.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine on Jan. 5, 1931.",
  34545.             "Year": 0
  34546.         },
  34547.         {
  34548.             "RIT": "ws201052",
  34549.             "Type": "WS",
  34550.             "URL": "http://espn.go.com/sportscentury/features/00016400.html",
  34551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34552.             "Title": "ESPN.com: Sweetness ran and ran and ran",
  34553.             "Category": "REC",
  34554.             "Description": "The Walter Payton page from an ESPN feature about top North American athletes of the 20th century.",
  34555.             "Year": 0
  34556.         },
  34557.         {
  34558.             "RIT": "ws201053",
  34559.             "Type": "WS",
  34560.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1931.html",
  34561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34562.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1931: Pierre Laval",
  34563.             "Category": "HIS",
  34564.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine on Jan. 4, 1932.",
  34565.             "Year": 0
  34566.         },
  34567.         {
  34568.             "RIT": "ws201055",
  34569.             "Type": "WS",
  34570.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1954.html",
  34571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34572.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1954: John Foster Dulles",
  34573.             "Category": "HIS",
  34574.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1955.",
  34575.             "Year": 0
  34576.         },
  34577.         {
  34578.             "RIT": "ws201056",
  34579.             "Type": "WS",
  34580.             "URL": "http://www.trumanlibrary.org/educatio.htm",
  34581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34582.             "Title": "Project WhistleStop",
  34583.             "Category": "HIS",
  34584.             "Description": "The U. S. Department of Education site presents lesson plans that use source material from the Harry S Truman Presidential Library.",
  34585.             "Year": 0
  34586.         },
  34587.         {
  34588.             "RIT": "ws201057",
  34589.             "Type": "WS",
  34590.             "URL": "http://www.periodicparalysis.org/",
  34591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34592.             "Title": "The Periodic Paralysis Resource Center",
  34593.             "Category": "LIF",
  34594.             "Description": "Information about disorders and syndromes that cause periodic paralysis, sleep disorders, and metabolic disorders.",
  34595.             "Year": 0
  34596.         },
  34597.         {
  34598.             "RIT": "ws201067",
  34599.             "Type": "WS",
  34600.             "URL": "http://metalab.unc.edu/sullivan/CampDavid-Accords-Tour.html",
  34601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34602.             "Title": "Camp David Accords",
  34603.             "Category": "HIS",
  34604.             "Description": "An online exhibit about the 1978 Camp David Accords, produced in part by the Jimmy Carter Library.",
  34605.             "Year": 0
  34606.         },
  34607.         {
  34608.             "RIT": "ws201068",
  34609.             "Type": "WS",
  34610.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=7&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  34611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34612.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Elizabeth Bishop",
  34613.             "Category": "HUM",
  34614.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a biography, and related Web sites.",
  34615.             "Year": 0
  34616.         },
  34617.         {
  34618.             "RIT": "ws201069",
  34619.             "Type": "WS",
  34620.             "URL": "http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/guide.html",
  34621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34622.             "Title": "Africa South of the Sahara",
  34623.             "Category": "GEO",
  34624.             "Description": "An index of selected Internet resources, prepared by Karen Fung for the Electronic Technology Group, African Studies Association.",
  34625.             "Year": 0
  34626.         },
  34627.         {
  34628.             "RIT": "ws201070",
  34629.             "Type": "WS",
  34630.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/pu.html",
  34631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34632.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Guinea-Bissau",
  34633.             "Category": "GEO",
  34634.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  34635.             "Year": 0
  34636.         },
  34637.         {
  34638.             "RIT": "ws201071",
  34639.             "Type": "WS",
  34640.             "URL": "http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/as/Portraits/douglass.html",
  34641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34642.             "Title": "Frederick Douglass Portrait",
  34643.             "Category": "HIS",
  34644.             "Description": "This Keele University page includes a biographical sketch of Douglass and links to his writings.",
  34645.             "Year": 0
  34646.         },
  34647.         {
  34648.             "RIT": "ws201072",
  34649.             "Type": "WS",
  34650.             "URL": "http://geoffreychaucer.org/",
  34651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34652.             "Title": "geoffreychaucer.org",
  34653.             "Category": "HUM",
  34654.             "Description": "This site highlights Internet sources on Chaucer, including primary texts, images, biographies, and teaching materials.",
  34655.             "Year": 0
  34656.         },
  34657.         {
  34658.             "RIT": "ws201073",
  34659.             "Type": "WS",
  34660.             "URL": "http://www.lpitr.state.sc.us/kids.htm",
  34661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34662.             "Title": "State House Kids Page",
  34663.             "Category": "GEO",
  34664.             "Description": "This page from the official South Carolina government site includes a virtual tour of the Capitol and general information about the state.",
  34665.             "Year": 0
  34666.         },
  34667.         {
  34668.             "RIT": "ws201074",
  34669.             "Type": "WS",
  34670.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/jonassis/bio.html",
  34671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34672.             "Title": "People Profiles: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis",
  34673.             "Category": "HIS",
  34674.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  34675.             "Year": 0
  34676.         },
  34677.         {
  34678.             "RIT": "ws201085",
  34679.             "Type": "WS",
  34680.             "URL": "http://www.aande.com/class/admin/study_guide/archives/aetv_guide.0351.html",
  34681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34682.             "Title": "Pablo Picasso: A Primative Soul",
  34683.             "Category": "HUM",
  34684.             "Description": "An classroom study guide presented by A&E Television Networks.",
  34685.             "Year": 0
  34686.         },
  34687.         {
  34688.             "RIT": "ws201086",
  34689.             "Type": "WS",
  34690.             "URL": "http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/aflang//swahili/",
  34691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34692.             "Title": "Swahili Poetry Home Page",
  34693.             "Category": "SOC",
  34694.             "Description": "A professor of linguistics and African languages at UCLA presents Swahili poetry, grammar, a Swahili dictionary/glossary, and a bibliography.",
  34695.             "Year": 0
  34696.         },
  34697.         {
  34698.             "RIT": "ws201087",
  34699.             "Type": "WS",
  34700.             "URL": "http://www.npg.si.edu/exh/marilyn/korea5.htm",
  34701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34702.             "Title": "Marilyn Monroe, Korea, 1954",
  34703.             "Category": "HUM",
  34704.             "Description": "Photos of Marilyn Monroe from the National Portrait Gallery.",
  34705.             "Year": 0
  34706.         },
  34707.         {
  34708.             "RIT": "ws201088",
  34709.             "Type": "WS",
  34710.             "URL": "http://mapping-your-future.org/planning/",
  34711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34712.             "Title": "Planning a Career",
  34713.             "Category": "SOC",
  34714.             "Description": "Advice from a group of guaranty agencies that participate in the Federal Family Education Loan Program.",
  34715.             "Year": 0
  34716.         },
  34717.         {
  34718.             "RIT": "ws201089",
  34719.             "Type": "WS",
  34720.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1946.html",
  34721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34722.             "Title": "Man of the Year: James F. Byrnes",
  34723.             "Category": "SOC",
  34724.             "Description": "A TIME magazine article from the Jan. 6, 1947, issue.",
  34725.             "Year": 0
  34726.         },
  34727.         {
  34728.             "RIT": "ws201090",
  34729.             "Type": "WS",
  34730.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/wash/",
  34731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34732.             "Title": "Washinton, DC -- A National Register of Historic Places Itinerary",
  34733.             "Category": "GEO",
  34734.             "Description": "The National Park Service presents a guide to historic neighborhoods and monuments in the U.S. capital.",
  34735.             "Year": 0
  34736.         },
  34737.         {
  34738.             "RIT": "ws201093",
  34739.             "Type": "WS",
  34740.             "URL": "http://archfami.ama-assn.org/issues/v9n3/ffull/foc9050.html",
  34741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34742.             "Title": "Vitamins and Minerals",
  34743.             "Category": "LIF",
  34744.             "Description": "The American Medical Association provides general information about vitamins, minerals, and supplements.",
  34745.             "Year": 0
  34746.         },
  34747.         {
  34748.             "RIT": "ws201094",
  34749.             "Type": "WS",
  34750.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/ha.html",
  34751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34752.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Haiti",
  34753.             "Category": "GEO",
  34754.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  34755.             "Year": 0
  34756.         },
  34757.         {
  34758.             "RIT": "ws201095",
  34759.             "Type": "WS",
  34760.             "URL": "http://www.nursingworld.org/",
  34761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34762.             "Title": "American Nurses Association",
  34763.             "Category": "LIF",
  34764.             "Description": "Web site of a professional organization for nurses, which includes career development resources.",
  34765.             "Year": 0
  34766.         },
  34767.         {
  34768.             "RIT": "ws201108",
  34769.             "Type": "WS",
  34770.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/1997/dom/970519/tech.the_man_who_i.html",
  34771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34772.             "Title": "The Man Who Invented the Web",
  34773.             "Category": "PHY",
  34774.             "Description": "This article on Tim Berners-Lee appeared in TIME magazine in May 1997.",
  34775.             "Year": 0
  34776.         },
  34777.         {
  34778.             "RIT": "ws201109",
  34779.             "Type": "WS",
  34780.             "URL": "http://odyssey.lib.duke.edu/wlm/",
  34781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34782.             "Title": "Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement",
  34783.             "Category": "SOC",
  34784.             "Description": "Document about various aspects of the women's liberation movement in the United States from the Special Collections Library at Duke University.",
  34785.             "Year": 0
  34786.         },
  34787.         {
  34788.             "RIT": "ws201110",
  34789.             "Type": "WS",
  34790.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/in_depth/africa/2000/zimbabwe/",
  34791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34792.             "Title": "Zimbabwe: Land and Politics",
  34793.             "Category": "GEO",
  34794.             "Description": "This special report from BBC News includes news articles and background information.",
  34795.             "Year": 0
  34796.         },
  34797.         {
  34798.             "RIT": "ws201111",
  34799.             "Type": "WS",
  34800.             "URL": "http://waquarium.mic.hawaii.edu/MLP/root/html/MarineLife/Invertebrates/Cnidarians/Man-of-War.html",
  34801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34802.             "Title": "Man-of-War Profile",
  34803.             "Category": "LIF",
  34804.             "Description": "Information from the Waikiki Aquarium Education Department, including a list of suggested readings.",
  34805.             "Year": 0
  34806.         },
  34807.         {
  34808.             "RIT": "ws201112",
  34809.             "Type": "WS",
  34810.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/daily/special/genetics/index.html",
  34811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34812.             "Title": "The Genetics Revolution",
  34813.             "Category": "LIF",
  34814.             "Description": "This special feature from TIME magazine traces the history of genetic discovery.",
  34815.             "Year": 0
  34816.         },
  34817.         {
  34818.             "RIT": "ws201114",
  34819.             "Type": "WS",
  34820.             "URL": "http://www.aphis.usda.gov/biotech/",
  34821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34822.             "Title": "USDA Agriculture Biotechnology",
  34823.             "Category": "LIF",
  34824.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of Agriculture about genetically engineered crops.",
  34825.             "Year": 0
  34826.         },
  34827.         {
  34828.             "RIT": "ws201115",
  34829.             "Type": "WS",
  34830.             "URL": "http://www.noblenet.org/careerframe.htm",
  34831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34832.             "Title": "Job Hunting and Career Development",
  34833.             "Category": "SOC",
  34834.             "Description": "A collection of resources presented by the North of Boston Library Exchange.",
  34835.             "Year": 0
  34836.         },
  34837.         {
  34838.             "RIT": "ws201116",
  34839.             "Type": "WS",
  34840.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=11937",
  34841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34842.             "Title": "Walter Matthau",
  34843.             "Category": "HUM",
  34844.             "Description": "Biographical information about Walter Matthau from Biography.com.",
  34845.             "Year": 0
  34846.         },
  34847.         {
  34848.             "RIT": "ws201117",
  34849.             "Type": "WS",
  34850.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/is.html",
  34851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34852.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Israel",
  34853.             "Category": "GEO",
  34854.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  34855.             "Year": 0
  34856.         },
  34857.         {
  34858.             "RIT": "ws201129",
  34859.             "Type": "WS",
  34860.             "URL": "http://www.taipei.org/",
  34861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34862.             "Title": "Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York",
  34863.             "Category": "GEO",
  34864.             "Description": "Homepage of an office that acts as Taiwan's communications home base overseas.",
  34865.             "Year": 0
  34866.         },
  34867.         {
  34868.             "RIT": "ws201130",
  34869.             "Type": "WS",
  34870.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=9461",
  34871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34872.             "Title": "Spike Lee",
  34873.             "Category": "HUM",
  34874.             "Description": "Biographical information about Spike Lee from Biography.com.",
  34875.             "Year": 0
  34876.         },
  34877.         {
  34878.             "RIT": "ws201132",
  34879.             "Type": "WS",
  34880.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/gg69/gg69-main1.html",
  34881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34882.             "Title": "Whistler, Sargent, and Tanner -- Americans Abroad in the Late 1800s",
  34883.             "Category": "HUM",
  34884.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the National Gallery of Art.",
  34885.             "Year": 0
  34886.         },
  34887.         {
  34888.             "RIT": "ws201133",
  34889.             "Type": "WS",
  34890.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=20249",
  34891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34892.             "Title": "Ted Turner",
  34893.             "Category": "IND",
  34894.             "Description": "Biographical information about Ted Turner from Biography.com.",
  34895.             "Year": 0
  34896.         },
  34897.         {
  34898.             "RIT": "ws201134",
  34899.             "Type": "WS",
  34900.             "URL": "http://www.robben-island.org.za/",
  34901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34902.             "Title": "Robben Island Museum",
  34903.             "Category": "GEO",
  34904.             "Description": "Homepage of the museum on Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela and other antiapartheid activists were imprisoned.",
  34905.             "Year": 0
  34906.         },
  34907.         {
  34908.             "RIT": "ws201135",
  34909.             "Type": "WS",
  34910.             "URL": "http://www.seasite.niu.edu/Tagalog/",
  34911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34912.             "Title": "Tagalog",
  34913.             "Category": "GEO",
  34914.             "Description": "The Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University presents an introduction to Tagalog, language lessons, and information about the cutures of the Philippines.",
  34915.             "Year": 0
  34916.         },
  34917.         {
  34918.             "RIT": "ws201136",
  34919.             "Type": "WS",
  34920.             "URL": "http://odyssey.lib.duke.edu/lester/",
  34921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34922.             "Title": "Vilet Lester Letter",
  34923.             "Category": "HIS",
  34924.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the Special Collections Library at Duke University features a letter written by a black slave in 1857.",
  34925.             "Year": 0
  34926.         },
  34927.         {
  34928.             "RIT": "ws201137",
  34929.             "Type": "WS",
  34930.             "URL": "http://www.itsa.org/",
  34931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34932.             "Title": "Access ITS",
  34933.             "Category": "IND",
  34934.             "Description": "An information clearinghouse for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), maintained by ITS America, an agency mandated by the U.S. Congress in 1991 to coordinate the development and deployment of intelligent transportation systems in the United States.",
  34935.             "Year": 0
  34936.         },
  34937.         {
  34938.             "RIT": "ws201138",
  34939.             "Type": "WS",
  34940.             "URL": "http://www.mdczimbabwe.com/",
  34941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34942.             "Title": "Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)",
  34943.             "Category": "GEO",
  34944.             "Description": "Official site of an opposition political party in Zimbabwe.",
  34945.             "Year": 0
  34946.         },
  34947.         {
  34948.             "RIT": "ws201151",
  34949.             "Type": "WS",
  34950.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/education/schoolarts/peale.htm",
  34951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34952.             "Title": "The First Family of American Art",
  34953.             "Category": "HUM",
  34954.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art presents an educational feature on the Peale family.",
  34955.             "Year": 0
  34956.         },
  34957.         {
  34958.             "RIT": "ws201152",
  34959.             "Type": "WS",
  34960.             "URL": "http://web8.si.edu/nmah/htdocs/ssb-old/2_home/fs2.html",
  34961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34962.             "Title": "The Star-Spangled Banner",
  34963.             "Category": "SOC",
  34964.             "Description": "A Smithsonian Institution exhibit on the flag that inspired the U.S. national anthem.",
  34965.             "Year": 0
  34966.         },
  34967.         {
  34968.             "RIT": "ws201153",
  34969.             "Type": "WS",
  34970.             "URL": "http://www.freds-bc.com/species_sturgeon.htm",
  34971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34972.             "Title": "Fishing British Columbia Canada - Sturgeon",
  34973.             "Category": "LIF",
  34974.             "Description": "Pictures of and information about sturgeon from Fishing British Columbia, Canada, a commercial site.",
  34975.             "Year": 0
  34976.         },
  34977.         {
  34978.             "RIT": "ws201154",
  34979.             "Type": "WS",
  34980.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/ir.html",
  34981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34982.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Iran",
  34983.             "Category": "GEO",
  34984.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  34985.             "Year": 0
  34986.         },
  34987.         {
  34988.             "RIT": "ws201155",
  34989.             "Type": "WS",
  34990.             "URL": "http://www.moc.org/",
  34991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  34992.             "Title": "Museum of the Confederacy",
  34993.             "Category": "HIS",
  34994.             "Description": "Homepage of the Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia.",
  34995.             "Year": 0
  34996.         },
  34997.         {
  34998.             "RIT": "ws201156",
  34999.             "Type": "WS",
  35000.             "URL": "http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/latin_america/guatemala.html",
  35001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35002.             "Title": "The National Security Archive Guatemala Documentation Project",
  35003.             "Category": "GEO",
  35004.             "Description": "Declassified U.S. documents concerning U.S.-Guatemala relations.",
  35005.             "Year": 0
  35006.         },
  35007.         {
  35008.             "RIT": "ws201157",
  35009.             "Type": "WS",
  35010.             "URL": "http://ww2010.atmos.uiuc.edu/(Gh)/guides/mtr/svr/torn/home.rxml",
  35011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35012.             "Title": "Tornadoes: violently rotating columns of air",
  35013.             "Category": "PHY",
  35014.             "Description": "The University of Illinois presents information on tornadoes, including photos and diagrams.",
  35015.             "Year": 0
  35016.         },
  35017.         {
  35018.             "RIT": "ws201158",
  35019.             "Type": "WS",
  35020.             "URL": "http://www.billnye.com/core.html?flashtarget=core.html&noflashtarget=noflash.html",
  35021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35022.             "Title": "Bill Nye the Science Guy's Nye Labs Online",
  35023.             "Category": "PHY",
  35024.             "Description": "The official site of the popular TV show features a different do-it-yourself science experiment every day.",
  35025.             "Year": 0
  35026.         },
  35027.         {
  35028.             "RIT": "ws201160",
  35029.             "Type": "WS",
  35030.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/longitude/gps.html",
  35031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35032.             "Title": "GPS: The New Navigation",
  35033.             "Category": "IND",
  35034.             "Description": "NOVA Online presents an interactive game that shows how the GPS works.",
  35035.             "Year": 0
  35036.         },
  35037.         {
  35038.             "RIT": "ws201161",
  35039.             "Type": "WS",
  35040.             "URL": "http://www.stg.brown.edu/webs/bible_browser/",
  35041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35042.             "Title": "Bible Browser",
  35043.             "Category": "HUM",
  35044.             "Description": "An online tool for retrieving passages by their chapter and verse or by key words or phrases, created by the Scholarly Technology Group at Brown University.",
  35045.             "Year": 0
  35046.         },
  35047.         {
  35048.             "RIT": "ws201162",
  35049.             "Type": "WS",
  35050.             "URL": "http://www.seasite.niu.edu/vietnamese/VNMainpage/vietsite/vietsite.htm",
  35051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35052.             "Title": "Vietnamese Language and Culture",
  35053.             "Category": "GEO",
  35054.             "Description": "Information provided by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University.",
  35055.             "Year": 0
  35056.         },
  35057.         {
  35058.             "RIT": "ws201163",
  35059.             "Type": "WS",
  35060.             "URL": "http://libws66.lib.niu.edu/thoreau/",
  35061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35062.             "Title": "The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau",
  35063.             "Category": "HUM",
  35064.             "Description": "Introductory essays on Thoreau accompany his poetry, letters, journal entries, early essays, translations, and nature writings.",
  35065.             "Year": 0
  35066.         },
  35067.         {
  35068.             "RIT": "ws201164",
  35069.             "Type": "WS",
  35070.             "URL": "http://www.health.org/catalog/",
  35071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35072.             "Title": "Alcohol and Drug Facts",
  35073.             "Category": "LIF",
  35074.             "Description": "The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information provides fact sheets sorted by topic and audience.",
  35075.             "Year": 0
  35076.         },
  35077.         {
  35078.             "RIT": "ws201165",
  35079.             "Type": "WS",
  35080.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/railwel.htm",
  35081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35082.             "Title": "Manet's The Railway",
  35083.             "Category": "HUM",
  35084.             "Description": "This National Gallery of Art exhibit examines the painting in relation to Parisian life in the late 1800's.",
  35085.             "Year": 0
  35086.         },
  35087.         {
  35088.             "RIT": "ws201166",
  35089.             "Type": "WS",
  35090.             "URL": "http://deutsche-boerse.com/INTERNET/EXCHANGE/mainpage_e.php3",
  35091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35092.             "Title": "Deutsche Borse",
  35093.             "Category": "SOC",
  35094.             "Description": "Official home page of Deutsche Borse, a Frankfurt-based stock exchange organization.",
  35095.             "Year": 0
  35096.         },
  35097.         {
  35098.             "RIT": "ws201167",
  35099.             "Type": "WS",
  35100.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/feature/rothko/rothkosplash.html",
  35101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35102.             "Title": "Marth Rothko",
  35103.             "Category": "HUM",
  35104.             "Description": "An online exhibit on the artist and his work from the National Gallery of Art.",
  35105.             "Year": 0
  35106.         },
  35107.         {
  35108.             "RIT": "ws201168",
  35109.             "Type": "WS",
  35110.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=8&CFID=3321159&CFTOKEN=40669021",
  35111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35112.             "Title": "Academy of American Poets: Allen Ginsberg",
  35113.             "Category": "HUM",
  35114.             "Description": "The Academy of American Poets presents biographical information, poems, a bibliography, and related Web sites.",
  35115.             "Year": 0
  35116.         },
  35117.         {
  35118.             "RIT": "ws201169",
  35119.             "Type": "WS",
  35120.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1964.html",
  35121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35122.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1964: Lyndon B. Johnson",
  35123.             "Category": "HIS",
  35124.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1965.",
  35125.             "Year": 0
  35126.         },
  35127.         {
  35128.             "RIT": "ws201118",
  35129.             "Type": "WS",
  35130.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_280000/280453.stm",
  35131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35132.             "Title": "BBC News Special Report: The Ocalan File",
  35133.             "Category": "SOC",
  35134.             "Description": "This Web site features reports on Abdullah Ocalan, his capture and trial, and the Kurdish people.",
  35135.             "Year": 0
  35136.         },
  35137.         {
  35138.             "RIT": "ws201119",
  35139.             "Type": "WS",
  35140.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/about_state/history/sectravels/kissinger.html",
  35141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35142.             "Title": "Foreign Travels of Henry A. Kissinger",
  35143.             "Category": "HIS",
  35144.             "Description": "A list of Kissinger's trips abroad during his term as Secretary of State.",
  35145.             "Year": 0
  35146.         },
  35147.         {
  35148.             "RIT": "ws201120",
  35149.             "Type": "WS",
  35150.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5980",
  35151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35152.             "Title": "Biography.com: McCartney, Sir Paul",
  35153.             "Category": "HUM",
  35154.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  35155.             "Year": 0
  35156.         },
  35157.         {
  35158.             "RIT": "ws201121",
  35159.             "Type": "WS",
  35160.             "URL": "http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~lrd/biotechm.html",
  35161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35162.             "Title": "Biotechnology",
  35163.             "Category": "LIF",
  35164.             "Description": "U. S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition presents a variety of resources on genetically altered food.",
  35165.             "Year": 0
  35166.         },
  35167.         {
  35168.             "RIT": "ws201122",
  35169.             "Type": "WS",
  35170.             "URL": "http://www.amasci.com/",
  35171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35172.             "Title": "Science Hobbyist",
  35173.             "Category": "PHY",
  35174.             "Description": "A privately maintained site that contains ideas for science fair projects.",
  35175.             "Year": 0
  35176.         },
  35177.         {
  35178.             "RIT": "ws201124",
  35179.             "Type": "WS",
  35180.             "URL": "http://africafocus.library.wisc.edu/",
  35181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35182.             "Title": "Africa Focus: Sights and Sounds of a Continent",
  35183.             "Category": "GEO",
  35184.             "Description": "Sounds and pictures from a variety of African nations presented by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries.",
  35185.             "Year": 0
  35186.         },
  35187.         {
  35188.             "RIT": "ws201125",
  35189.             "Type": "WS",
  35190.             "URL": "http://www.cartercenter.org/pcbio.html",
  35191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35192.             "Title": "Jimmy Carter",
  35193.             "Category": "HIS",
  35194.             "Description": "A biography from the Carter Center, a non-profit human rights organization.",
  35195.             "Year": 0
  35196.         },
  35197.         {
  35198.             "RIT": "ws201126",
  35199.             "Type": "WS",
  35200.             "URL": "http://www.ggw.org/freenet/f/fdm/index.html",
  35201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35202.             "Title": "The Frederick Douglass Museum and Cultural Center",
  35203.             "Category": "HIS",
  35204.             "Description": "Home page of this museum in Rochester, New York.",
  35205.             "Year": 0
  35206.         },
  35207.         {
  35208.             "RIT": "ws201127",
  35209.             "Type": "WS",
  35210.             "URL": "http://www.petersons.com/",
  35211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35212.             "Title": "Peterson's Education Supersite",
  35213.             "Category": "SOC",
  35214.             "Description": "Information about educational opportunities and careers from a commercial provider of books, software, and special admissions services.",
  35215.             "Year": 0
  35216.         },
  35217.         {
  35218.             "RIT": "ws201139",
  35219.             "Type": "WS",
  35220.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/tallen/index.html",
  35221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35222.             "Title": "People Profiles: Tim Allen",
  35223.             "Category": "HUM",
  35224.             "Description": "People magazine presents vital stats, credits, and past People magazine articles.",
  35225.             "Year": 0
  35226.         },
  35227.         {
  35228.             "RIT": "ws201140",
  35229.             "Type": "WS",
  35230.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19853",
  35231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35232.             "Title": "Meryl Streep",
  35233.             "Category": "HUM",
  35234.             "Description": "Biographical information about Meryl Streep from Biography.com.",
  35235.             "Year": 0
  35236.         },
  35237.         {
  35238.             "RIT": "ws201141",
  35239.             "Type": "WS",
  35240.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/mbrando/index.html",
  35241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35242.             "Title": "People Profiles: Marlon Brando",
  35243.             "Category": "HUM",
  35244.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  35245.             "Year": 0
  35246.         },
  35247.         {
  35248.             "RIT": "ws201143",
  35249.             "Type": "WS",
  35250.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/arthriti/arthriti.htm",
  35251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35252.             "Title": "Arthritis",
  35253.             "Category": "LIF",
  35254.             "Description": "Information from the American Medical Association.",
  35255.             "Year": 0
  35256.         },
  35257.         {
  35258.             "RIT": "ws201144",
  35259.             "Type": "WS",
  35260.             "URL": "http://www.aqua.org/animals/species/sharks.html",
  35261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35262.             "Title": "National Aquarium: Sharks",
  35263.             "Category": "LIF",
  35264.             "Description": "Information about sharks from the National Aquarium in Baltimore.",
  35265.             "Year": 0
  35266.         },
  35267.         {
  35268.             "RIT": "ws201145",
  35269.             "Type": "WS",
  35270.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1983.html",
  35271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35272.             "Title": "Men of the Year -1983: Ronald Reagan and Yuri Andropov",
  35273.             "Category": "HIS",
  35274.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1984.",
  35275.             "Year": 0
  35276.         },
  35277.         {
  35278.             "RIT": "ws201147",
  35279.             "Type": "WS",
  35280.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/profiles/basicfacts/0,9855,105114,00.html",
  35281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35282.             "Title": "People Profiles: John F. Kennedy, Jr.",
  35283.             "Category": "HIS",
  35284.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  35285.             "Year": 0
  35286.         },
  35287.         {
  35288.             "RIT": "ws201148",
  35289.             "Type": "WS",
  35290.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1967.html",
  35291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35292.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1967: Lyndon B. Johnson",
  35293.             "Category": "HIS",
  35294.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1968.",
  35295.             "Year": 0
  35296.         },
  35297.         {
  35298.             "RIT": "ws201149",
  35299.             "Type": "WS",
  35300.             "URL": "http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/FindInfo.html",
  35301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35302.             "Title": "Finding Information on the Internet: A Tutorial",
  35303.             "Category": "PHY",
  35304.             "Description": "A tutorial on Internet searching from the University of California at Berkeley.",
  35305.             "Year": 0
  35306.         },
  35307.         {
  35308.             "RIT": "ws201150",
  35309.             "Type": "WS",
  35310.             "URL": "http://web.wwnorton.com/nael/beowulf/welcome.htm",
  35311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35312.             "Title": "Seamus Heaney on Beowulf and his verse translation",
  35313.             "Category": "HUM",
  35314.             "Description": "Presented by W. W. Norton, publisher of the Norton Anthology.",
  35315.             "Year": 0
  35316.         },
  35317.         {
  35318.             "RIT": "ws201170",
  35319.             "Type": "WS",
  35320.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=8937",
  35321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35322.             "Title": "Biography.com: Harrison, George",
  35323.             "Category": "HUM",
  35324.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  35325.             "Year": 0
  35326.         },
  35327.         {
  35328.             "RIT": "ws201171",
  35329.             "Type": "WS",
  35330.             "URL": "http://www.worldenergynews.com/",
  35331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35332.             "Title": "World Energy News",
  35333.             "Category": "IND",
  35334.             "Description": "World Energy News is a global directory for the oil and gas industries.",
  35335.             "Year": 0
  35336.         },
  35337.         {
  35338.             "RIT": "ws201172",
  35339.             "Type": "WS",
  35340.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1949.html",
  35341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35342.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1949: Winston Churchill",
  35343.             "Category": "HIS",
  35344.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1950.",
  35345.             "Year": 0
  35346.         },
  35347.         {
  35348.             "RIT": "ws201174",
  35349.             "Type": "WS",
  35350.             "URL": "",
  35351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35352.             "Title": "Heart Attack",
  35353.             "Category": "LIF",
  35354.             "Description": "The American Heart Association presents a fact sheet on heart attacks, with links to fact sheets on related topics.",
  35355.             "Year": 0
  35356.         },
  35357.         {
  35358.             "RIT": "ws201175",
  35359.             "Type": "WS",
  35360.             "URL": "http://www.stg.brown.edu/webs/quran_browser/",
  35361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35362.             "Title": "Quran Browser",
  35363.             "Category": "HUM",
  35364.             "Description": "An online tool for exploring the Quran in English created by the Scholarly Technology Group at Brown University.",
  35365.             "Year": 0
  35366.         },
  35367.         {
  35368.             "RIT": "ws201176",
  35369.             "Type": "WS",
  35370.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/h_focus/adl_hlth/teen/teen.htm",
  35371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35372.             "Title": "Adolescent Health",
  35373.             "Category": "SOC",
  35374.             "Description": "The American Medical Association answers common adolescent health questions.",
  35375.             "Year": 0
  35376.         },
  35377.         {
  35378.             "RIT": "ws201178",
  35379.             "Type": "WS",
  35380.             "URL": "http://www.chicagohs.org/fire/",
  35381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35382.             "Title": "The Great Chicago Fire and the Web of Memory",
  35383.             "Category": "GEO",
  35384.             "Description": "Ilustrations and accounts of early Chicago presented by the Chicago Historical Society and Northwestern University.",
  35385.             "Year": 0
  35386.         },
  35387.         {
  35388.             "RIT": "ws201179",
  35389.             "Type": "WS",
  35390.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1941.html",
  35391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35392.             "Title": "Man of the Year - 1941: Franklin D. Roosevelt",
  35393.             "Category": "HIS",
  35394.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1942.",
  35395.             "Year": 0
  35396.         },
  35397.         {
  35398.             "RIT": "ws201180",
  35399.             "Type": "WS",
  35400.             "URL": "http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/GSSI/eugde.html",
  35401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35402.             "Title": "THE EUROPEAN UNION (EU)",
  35403.             "Category": "SOC",
  35404.             "Description": "A research guide from the University of California at Berkeley includes many EU documents, as well as background information about the EU.",
  35405.             "Year": 0
  35406.         },
  35407.         {
  35408.             "RIT": "ws201181",
  35409.             "Type": "WS",
  35410.             "URL": "http://www.careercc.org/websites.html",
  35411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35412.             "Title": "Career Counselors Consortium: Related Web sites",
  35413.             "Category": "SOC",
  35414.             "Description": "A collection of online resources for students and job seekers.",
  35415.             "Year": 0
  35416.         },
  35417.         {
  35418.             "RIT": "ws201191",
  35419.             "Type": "WS",
  35420.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/presidents/indexjs.html",
  35421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35422.             "Title": "The Presidents",
  35423.             "Category": "HIS",
  35424.             "Description": "This PBS Web feature focuses on the careers of seven U.S. presidents.",
  35425.             "Year": 0
  35426.         },
  35427.         {
  35428.             "RIT": "ws201192",
  35429.             "Type": "WS",
  35430.             "URL": "http://www.cdcnpin.org/",
  35431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35432.             "Title": "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National AIDS Clearinghouse",
  35433.             "Category": "LIF",
  35434.             "Description": "This site offers extensive information about transmission of HIV and AIDS prevention.",
  35435.             "Year": 0
  35436.         },
  35437.         {
  35438.             "RIT": "ws201193",
  35439.             "Type": "WS",
  35440.             "URL": "http://www.virginia.edu/~career/handouts/choosing%201.html",
  35441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35442.             "Title": "Choosing and Using Your Major",
  35443.             "Category": "SOC",
  35444.             "Description": "Information from the University of Virginia's University Career Services office.",
  35445.             "Year": 0
  35446.         },
  35447.         {
  35448.             "RIT": "ws201194",
  35449.             "Type": "WS",
  35450.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5941",
  35451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35452.             "Title": "Sophia Loren",
  35453.             "Category": "HUM",
  35454.             "Description": "Biographical information about Sophia Loren from Biography.com.",
  35455.             "Year": 0
  35456.         },
  35457.         {
  35458.             "RIT": "ws201195",
  35459.             "Type": "WS",
  35460.             "URL": "http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/jefferson/",
  35461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35462.             "Title": "Thomas Jefferson Online Resources",
  35463.             "Category": "HIS",
  35464.             "Description": "The University of Virginia presents a collection of Jefferson resources, including quotes from the president and electronic texts of his writings.",
  35465.             "Year": 0
  35466.         },
  35467.         {
  35468.             "RIT": "ws201196",
  35469.             "Type": "WS",
  35470.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/mberle/index.html",
  35471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35472.             "Title": "People Profiles: Milton Berle",
  35473.             "Category": "HUM",
  35474.             "Description": "People magazine presents vital stats, credits, and past People magazine articles.",
  35475.             "Year": 0
  35476.         },
  35477.         {
  35478.             "RIT": "ws201197",
  35479.             "Type": "WS",
  35480.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/crossrds/rpc/pms.htm",
  35481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35482.             "Title": "Premenstrual Symdrome (PMS)",
  35483.             "Category": "LIF",
  35484.             "Description": "The American Medical Association offers a case history and general information about the disorder.",
  35485.             "Year": 0
  35486.         },
  35487.         {
  35488.             "RIT": "ws201198",
  35489.             "Type": "WS",
  35490.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=21657",
  35491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35492.             "Title": "Biography.com: Hope, Bob",
  35493.             "Category": "HUM",
  35494.             "Description": "An online biography of Bob Hope presented by Biography.com.",
  35495.             "Year": 0
  35496.         },
  35497.         {
  35498.             "RIT": "ws201199",
  35499.             "Type": "WS",
  35500.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/wbeatty/index.html",
  35501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35502.             "Title": "People Profiles: Warren Beatty",
  35503.             "Category": "HUM",
  35504.             "Description": "People magazine presents vital stats, credits, and past People magazine articles.",
  35505.             "Year": 0
  35506.         },
  35507.         {
  35508.             "RIT": "ws201210",
  35509.             "Type": "WS",
  35510.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/jefferson/",
  35511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35512.             "Title": "Jefferson's Blood",
  35513.             "Category": "HIS",
  35514.             "Description": "This special feature from PBS focuses on the relationship between Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings, a slave who may have born him children.",
  35515.             "Year": 0
  35516.         },
  35517.         {
  35518.             "RIT": "ws201213",
  35519.             "Type": "WS",
  35520.             "URL": "http://www.fightbac.org/main.cfm",
  35521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35522.             "Title": "Partnership for Food Safety Education",
  35523.             "Category": "LIF",
  35524.             "Description": "Homepage of a public-private partnership created to reduce the incidence of foodborne illness by educating people in the United States about safe food handling practices.",
  35525.             "Year": 0
  35526.         },
  35527.         {
  35528.             "RIT": "ws201214",
  35529.             "Type": "WS",
  35530.             "URL": "http://www.vita-men.com/",
  35531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35532.             "Title": "Welcome to the Vita-Men!",
  35533.             "Category": "LIF",
  35534.             "Description": "Roche Vitamins Inc., provides extensive information about vitamins on this site that is recommended by the Tufts University School of Nutrition.",
  35535.             "Year": 0
  35536.         },
  35537.         {
  35538.             "RIT": "ws201215",
  35539.             "Type": "WS",
  35540.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=13686",
  35541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35542.             "Title": "Biography.com: Clinton, Hillary Rodham",
  35543.             "Category": "HIS",
  35544.             "Description": "Biography.com presents a biography of Hillary Rodham Clinton.",
  35545.             "Year": 0
  35546.         },
  35547.         {
  35548.             "RIT": "ws201216",
  35549.             "Type": "WS",
  35550.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/depressn/depressn.htm",
  35551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35552.             "Title": "Depression",
  35553.             "Category": "LIF",
  35554.             "Description": "Information about diagnosis and treatment from the American Medical Association.",
  35555.             "Year": 0
  35556.         },
  35557.         {
  35558.             "RIT": "ws201217",
  35559.             "Type": "WS",
  35560.             "URL": "http://metalab.unc.edu/lia/president/nixon.html",
  35561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35562.             "Title": "Nixon Presidential Project",
  35563.             "Category": "HIS",
  35564.             "Description": "The Nixon Presidential Materials Staff provides biographical information, online exhibits, and classroom activities.",
  35565.             "Year": 0
  35566.         },
  35567.         {
  35568.             "RIT": "ws201218",
  35569.             "Type": "WS",
  35570.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/fdac/reprints/ots_rays.html",
  35571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35572.             "Title": "On the teen scene: Dodging the Rays",
  35573.             "Category": "LIF",
  35574.             "Description": "This article from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration addresses the risks of sun tanning.",
  35575.             "Year": 0
  35576.         },
  35577.         {
  35578.             "RIT": "ws201219",
  35579.             "Type": "WS",
  35580.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/gg89/gg89-main1.html",
  35581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35582.             "Title": "Tour: Edgar Degas",
  35583.             "Category": "HUM",
  35584.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art presents paintings by Degas and an overview of his career.",
  35585.             "Year": 0
  35586.         },
  35587.         {
  35588.             "RIT": "ws201231",
  35589.             "Type": "WS",
  35590.             "URL": "http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~lrd/pestadd.html",
  35591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35592.             "Title": "Pesticides, Metals & Chemical Contaminants",
  35593.             "Category": "IND",
  35594.             "Description": "This Food and Drug Administration site features scientific studies, advice for consumers, and regulation facts.",
  35595.             "Year": 0
  35596.         },
  35597.         {
  35598.             "RIT": "ws201232",
  35599.             "Type": "WS",
  35600.             "URL": "http://www.africanews.org/index.html",
  35601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35602.             "Title": "AFRICA NEWS on the World Wide Web",
  35603.             "Category": "GEO",
  35604.             "Description": "In-depth coverage of events and developments in Africa, from the Africa News Service.",
  35605.             "Year": 0
  35606.         },
  35607.         {
  35608.             "RIT": "ws201235",
  35609.             "Type": "WS",
  35610.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/lt.html",
  35611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35612.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Lesotho",
  35613.             "Category": "GEO",
  35614.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  35615.             "Year": 0
  35616.         },
  35617.         {
  35618.             "RIT": "ws201236",
  35619.             "Type": "WS",
  35620.             "URL": "http://hubble.gsfc.nasa.gov/",
  35621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35622.             "Title": "Hubble SM3A - Home",
  35623.             "Category": "PHY",
  35624.             "Description": "NASA's official Web site for the Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 3A and also includes extensive links to other space shuttle and Hubble Space Telescope resources.",
  35625.             "Year": 0
  35626.         },
  35627.         {
  35628.             "RIT": "ws201237",
  35629.             "Type": "WS",
  35630.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1991.html",
  35631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35632.             "Title": "Man of the Year -1991: Ted Turner",
  35633.             "Category": "IND",
  35634.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1992.",
  35635.             "Year": 0
  35636.         },
  35637.         {
  35638.             "RIT": "ws201238",
  35639.             "Type": "WS",
  35640.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5574",
  35641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35642.             "Title": "Biography.com: Hopkins, Anthony",
  35643.             "Category": "HUM",
  35644.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  35645.             "Year": 0
  35646.         },
  35647.         {
  35648.             "RIT": "ws201239",
  35649.             "Type": "WS",
  35650.             "URL": "http://www.mcs.drexel.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/contents.html",
  35651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35652.             "Title": "Archimedes Home Page",
  35653.             "Category": "PHY",
  35654.             "Description": "Information about Archimedes presented by Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.",
  35655.             "Year": 0
  35656.         },
  35657.         {
  35658.             "RIT": "ws201240",
  35659.             "Type": "WS",
  35660.             "URL": "http://www.seasite.niu.edu/lao/lao3.htm",
  35661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35662.             "Title": "Lao Language & Culture Site",
  35663.             "Category": "GEO",
  35664.             "Description": "Information provided by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Illinois University.",
  35665.             "Year": 0
  35666.         },
  35667.         {
  35668.             "RIT": "ws201241",
  35669.             "Type": "WS",
  35670.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=12449",
  35671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35672.             "Title": "Biography.com: Bacall, Lauren",
  35673.             "Category": "HUM",
  35674.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  35675.             "Year": 0
  35676.         },
  35677.         {
  35678.             "RIT": "ws201254",
  35679.             "Type": "WS",
  35680.             "URL": "http://badger.state.wi.us/education/",
  35681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35682.             "Title": "Education in Wisconsin",
  35683.             "Category": "GEO",
  35684.             "Description": "Official Wisconsin state government Web site on the education departments and agencies in Wisconsin.",
  35685.             "Year": 0
  35686.         },
  35687.         {
  35688.             "RIT": "ws201255",
  35689.             "Type": "WS",
  35690.             "URL": "http://www.mayoclinic.com/index.cfm?",
  35691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35692.             "Title": "Mayo Clinic Health Oasis",
  35693.             "Category": "LIF",
  35694.             "Description": "This consumer health resource offers information about a wide variety of health-related topics.",
  35695.             "Year": 0
  35696.         },
  35697.         {
  35698.             "RIT": "ws201256",
  35699.             "Type": "WS",
  35700.             "URL": "http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap10/bellow.html",
  35701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35702.             "Title": "Perspectives in American Literature: Saul Bellow",
  35703.             "Category": "HUM",
  35704.             "Description": "Bibliography and study guide from California State University's Stanislaus Library.",
  35705.             "Year": 0
  35706.         },
  35707.         {
  35708.             "RIT": "ws201257",
  35709.             "Type": "WS",
  35710.             "URL": "http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/college/regional.asp",
  35711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35712.             "Title": "College Search",
  35713.             "Category": "SOC",
  35714.             "Description": "The National Center for Education Statistics presents a college search based on preferred region and institution size.",
  35715.             "Year": 0
  35716.         },
  35717.         {
  35718.             "RIT": "ws201258",
  35719.             "Type": "WS",
  35720.             "URL": "http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/probability/",
  35721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35722.             "Title": "What Are Your Chances?",
  35723.             "Category": "PHY",
  35724.             "Description": "An interactive game of dice that demonstrates some basic rules of probability, from the National Center for Education Statistics, a federal agency based in Washington, D.C.",
  35725.             "Year": 0
  35726.         },
  35727.         {
  35728.             "RIT": "ws201259",
  35729.             "Type": "WS",
  35730.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/consumer/microwave.html",
  35731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35732.             "Title": "Microwave Oven Radiation",
  35733.             "Category": "IND",
  35734.             "Description": "The Food and Drug Administration explains how microwave ovens work, safety standards, and the effects of radiation.",
  35735.             "Year": 0
  35736.         },
  35737.         {
  35738.             "RIT": "ws201260",
  35739.             "Type": "WS",
  35740.             "URL": "http://usinfo.state.gov/topical/pol/arms/",
  35741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35742.             "Title": "Arms Control and Non-Proliferation",
  35743.             "Category": "SOC",
  35744.             "Description": "The U.S. Department of State provides background on arms control and highlights U.S. policy on the issue.",
  35745.             "Year": 0
  35746.         },
  35747.         {
  35748.             "RIT": "ws201261",
  35749.             "Type": "WS",
  35750.             "URL": "http://www.fdic.gov/",
  35751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35752.             "Title": "Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)",
  35753.             "Category": "SOC",
  35754.             "Description": "The FDIC home page covers such topics as individual banks, deposit insurance, and bank regulations.",
  35755.             "Year": 0
  35756.         },
  35757.         {
  35758.             "RIT": "ws201262",
  35759.             "Type": "WS",
  35760.             "URL": "http://www.dwb.org/",
  35761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35762.             "Title": "Doctors Without Borders",
  35763.             "Category": "LIF",
  35764.             "Description": "The official Web site of the international medical relief agency.",
  35765.             "Year": 0
  35766.         },
  35767.         {
  35768.             "RIT": "ws201271",
  35769.             "Type": "WS",
  35770.             "URL": "http://gcrio.org/gwcc/toc.html",
  35771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35772.             "Title": "Global Warming and Climate Change",
  35773.             "Category": "PHY",
  35774.             "Description": "The U.S. Global Change Research Information Office presents a brochure that was prepared by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University to explain the issue of global warming and climate change.",
  35775.             "Year": 0
  35776.         },
  35777.         {
  35778.             "RIT": "ws201273",
  35779.             "Type": "WS",
  35780.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/insight/spec_con/migraine/migraine.htm",
  35781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35782.             "Title": "Migraine",
  35783.             "Category": "LIF",
  35784.             "Description": "Information about treating migraines from the American Medical Association.",
  35785.             "Year": 0
  35786.         },
  35787.         {
  35788.             "RIT": "ws201274",
  35789.             "Type": "WS",
  35790.             "URL": "http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/lb_images/nssl/tornado0.htm",
  35791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35792.             "Title": "The National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) Collection: Tornadoes",
  35793.             "Category": "PHY",
  35794.             "Description": "A collection of tornado images, presented by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).",
  35795.             "Year": 0
  35796.         },
  35797.         {
  35798.             "RIT": "ws201275",
  35799.             "Type": "WS",
  35800.             "URL": "http://domino.un.org/UNISPAL.NSF",
  35801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35802.             "Title": "UNISPAL: The UN Information System on the Question of Palestine",
  35803.             "Category": "GEO",
  35804.             "Description": "A collection of all the United Nations documents relating to the establishment of Israel and the question of an Arab homeland in historic Palestine.",
  35805.             "Year": 0
  35806.         },
  35807.         {
  35808.             "RIT": "ws201276",
  35809.             "Type": "WS",
  35810.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/96sep/kunstler/kndx.htm",
  35811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35812.             "Title": "Residential Planning and Design--Related Articles in The Atlantic",
  35813.             "Category": "SOC",
  35814.             "Description": "The Atlantic Monthly presents several magazine articles related to city planning.",
  35815.             "Year": 0
  35816.         },
  35817.         {
  35818.             "RIT": "ws201277",
  35819.             "Type": "WS",
  35820.             "URL": "http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/denial_of_service.html",
  35821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35822.             "Title": "Denial of Service",
  35823.             "Category": "PHY",
  35824.             "Description": "Information from CERT, a federally funded computer security resource based at Carnegie Mellon University, about attempts by attackers to prevent legitimate users of a network service from using that service.",
  35825.             "Year": 0
  35826.         },
  35827.         {
  35828.             "RIT": "ws201278",
  35829.             "Type": "WS",
  35830.             "URL": "http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dfwmr/wildlife/endspec/dpwtscul.html",
  35831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35832.             "Title": "Fishing Pal: Sculpin",
  35833.             "Category": "LIF",
  35834.             "Description": "Information about and pictures of the sculpin from The Fishing Pal, a commercial Web site.",
  35835.             "Year": 0
  35836.         },
  35837.         {
  35838.             "RIT": "ws201182",
  35839.             "Type": "WS",
  35840.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1952.html",
  35841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35842.             "Title": "Woman of the Year - 1952: Elizabeth II",
  35843.             "Category": "HIS",
  35844.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1953.",
  35845.             "Year": 0
  35846.         },
  35847.         {
  35848.             "RIT": "ws201183",
  35849.             "Type": "WS",
  35850.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/collection/gallery/gg87/gg87-main1.html",
  35851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35852.             "Title": "Tour: The Beginnings of Impressionist Landscape",
  35853.             "Category": "HUM",
  35854.             "Description": "This National Gallery of Art exhibit features works by Eugene Boudin,Camille Corot, Alfred Sisley, and Camille Pissarro.",
  35855.             "Year": 0
  35856.         },
  35857.         {
  35858.             "RIT": "ws201184",
  35859.             "Type": "WS",
  35860.             "URL": "http://www.hoover.nara.gov/",
  35861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35862.             "Title": "Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum",
  35863.             "Category": "HIS",
  35864.             "Description": "Official home page of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum.",
  35865.             "Year": 0
  35866.         },
  35867.         {
  35868.             "RIT": "ws201185",
  35869.             "Type": "WS",
  35870.             "URL": "http://nmnhgoph.si.edu/gvp/volcano/region17/ice_s/hekla/var.htm",
  35871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35872.             "Title": "Hekla",
  35873.             "Category": "GEO",
  35874.             "Description": "This page from the Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program includes reports of Hekla's eruptions from 1970 to 1991.",
  35875.             "Year": 0
  35876.         },
  35877.         {
  35878.             "RIT": "ws201186",
  35879.             "Type": "WS",
  35880.             "URL": "http://sunsite.wits.ac.za/books/Mandela/Mandela.html#top",
  35881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35882.             "Title": "Long Walk to Freedom",
  35883.             "Category": "GEO",
  35884.             "Description": "Nelson Mandela's autobiography, published online by University of the Witwatersrand.",
  35885.             "Year": 0
  35886.         },
  35887.         {
  35888.             "RIT": "ws201187",
  35889.             "Type": "WS",
  35890.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/jandrews/index.html",
  35891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35892.             "Title": "People Profiles: Julie Andrews",
  35893.             "Category": "HUM",
  35894.             "Description": "People magazine presents vital stats, credits, and past People magazine articles.",
  35895.             "Year": 0
  35896.         },
  35897.         {
  35898.             "RIT": "ws201188",
  35899.             "Type": "WS",
  35900.             "URL": "http://www.koko.org/",
  35901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35902.             "Title": "The Gorilla Foundation",
  35903.             "Category": "LIF",
  35904.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Gorilla Foundation, with a primary focus on Project Koko, an effort to teach a modified form of American Sign Language to two gorillas, Koko and Michael.",
  35905.             "Year": 0
  35906.         },
  35907.         {
  35908.             "RIT": "ws201189",
  35909.             "Type": "WS",
  35910.             "URL": "http://www.udel.edu/CSC/mrk.html",
  35911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35912.             "Title": "Major Resource Kits",
  35913.             "Category": "SOC",
  35914.             "Description": "The University of Delaware Career Services Center provides information on specific career paths, including sample job titles and related Web sites.",
  35915.             "Year": 0
  35916.         },
  35917.         {
  35918.             "RIT": "ws201190",
  35919.             "Type": "WS",
  35920.             "URL": "http://www.epa.gov/OWOW/",
  35921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35922.             "Title": "Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds",
  35923.             "Category": "GEO",
  35924.             "Description": "Homepage of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds.",
  35925.             "Year": 0
  35926.         },
  35927.         {
  35928.             "RIT": "ws201200",
  35929.             "Type": "WS",
  35930.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/ke.html",
  35931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35932.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Kenya",
  35933.             "Category": "GEO",
  35934.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  35935.             "Year": 0
  35936.         },
  35937.         {
  35938.             "RIT": "ws201201",
  35939.             "Type": "WS",
  35940.             "URL": "http://www.kurdistan.org/",
  35941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35942.             "Title": "American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN)",
  35943.             "Category": "SOC",
  35944.             "Description": "A nonprofit organization provides information for and about Kurds.",
  35945.             "Year": 0
  35946.         },
  35947.         {
  35948.             "RIT": "ws201202",
  35949.             "Type": "WS",
  35950.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/cher/index.html",
  35951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35952.             "Title": "People Profiles: Cher",
  35953.             "Category": "HUM",
  35954.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  35955.             "Year": 0
  35956.         },
  35957.         {
  35958.             "RIT": "ws201203",
  35959.             "Type": "WS",
  35960.             "URL": "http://www.library.cornell.edu/okuref/research/skill26.htm",
  35961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35962.             "Title": "How To Critically Analyze Information Sources",
  35963.             "Category": "PHY",
  35964.             "Description": "A guide to evaluating Web sites and other information sources, from reference librarians at Cornell University Library.",
  35965.             "Year": 0
  35966.         },
  35967.         {
  35968.             "RIT": "ws201204",
  35969.             "Type": "WS",
  35970.             "URL": "http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/wh-alrg1.html",
  35971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35972.             "Title": "Food Allergies Rare but Risky",
  35973.             "Category": "LIF",
  35974.             "Description": "A report from the U. S. Food and Drug Administration.",
  35975.             "Year": 0
  35976.         },
  35977.         {
  35978.             "RIT": "ws201205",
  35979.             "Type": "WS",
  35980.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/pl.html",
  35981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35982.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Poland",
  35983.             "Category": "GEO",
  35984.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  35985.             "Year": 0
  35986.         },
  35987.         {
  35988.             "RIT": "ws201206",
  35989.             "Type": "WS",
  35990.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,36,00.html",
  35991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  35992.             "Title": "People Profiles: Garth Brooks",
  35993.             "Category": "HUM",
  35994.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  35995.             "Year": 0
  35996.         },
  35997.         {
  35998.             "RIT": "ws201207",
  35999.             "Type": "WS",
  36000.             "URL": "http://www.afandpa.org/",
  36001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36002.             "Title": "American Forest and Paper Association",
  36003.             "Category": "IND",
  36004.             "Description": "Homepage of a national trade association that includes information about forestry, paper and wood products, and recycling.",
  36005.             "Year": 0
  36006.         },
  36007.         {
  36008.             "RIT": "ws201209",
  36009.             "Type": "WS",
  36010.             "URL": "http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/amser/chrono.html",
  36011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36012.             "Title": "A Comparative Chronology of Money from Ancient Times to Present Day",
  36013.             "Category": "SOC",
  36014.             "Description": "This site, based on a book by Glyn Davies, emeritus professor of economics at the University of Wales, traces the history of money from 9,000 B.C. to the 21st century.",
  36015.             "Year": 0
  36016.         },
  36017.         {
  36018.             "RIT": "ws201220",
  36019.             "Type": "WS",
  36020.             "URL": "http://www.ncbe.reading.ac.uk/",
  36021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36022.             "Title": "National Centre for Biotechnology Education",
  36023.             "Category": "LIF",
  36024.             "Description": "An online resource center for biotechnology educational materials hosted by the University of Reading in the United Kingdom.",
  36025.             "Year": 0
  36026.         },
  36027.         {
  36028.             "RIT": "ws201221",
  36029.             "Type": "WS",
  36030.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=12519",
  36031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36032.             "Title": "Biography.com: Ball, Lucille (Desiree)",
  36033.             "Category": "HUM",
  36034.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  36035.             "Year": 0
  36036.         },
  36037.         {
  36038.             "RIT": "ws201222",
  36039.             "Type": "WS",
  36040.             "URL": "http://people.aol.com/people/pprofiles/celebhomepage/0,3371,96,00.html",
  36041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36042.             "Title": "People Profiles: Tom Cruise",
  36043.             "Category": "HUM",
  36044.             "Description": "Biographical information from People magazine.",
  36045.             "Year": 0
  36046.         },
  36047.         {
  36048.             "RIT": "ws201223",
  36049.             "Type": "WS",
  36050.             "URL": "http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/",
  36051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36052.             "Title": "Bush Presidential Library and Museum",
  36053.             "Category": "HIS",
  36054.             "Description": "Information about George Bush's presidency from the library and museum at College Station, Texas.",
  36055.             "Year": 0
  36056.         },
  36057.         {
  36058.             "RIT": "ws201224",
  36059.             "Type": "WS",
  36060.             "URL": "http://home.nyc.gov/portal/index.jsp?pageID=nyc_mayor&catID=1194",
  36061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36062.             "Title": "Michael R. Bloomberg",
  36063.             "Category": "GEO",
  36064.             "Description": "Official Web site of New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg",
  36065.             "Year": 0
  36066.         },
  36067.         {
  36068.             "RIT": "ws201226",
  36069.             "Type": "WS",
  36070.             "URL": "http://www.cancer.org/eprise/main/docroot/CRI/cri_0",
  36071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36072.             "Title": "Colon and Rectum Cancer: What Is It?",
  36073.             "Category": "HUM",
  36074.             "Description": "Information from the American Cancer Society's Colon and Rectum Cancer Resource Center.",
  36075.             "Year": 0
  36076.         },
  36077.         {
  36078.             "RIT": "ws201227",
  36079.             "Type": "WS",
  36080.             "URL": "http://www.ncaa.org/",
  36081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36082.             "Title": "National Collegiate Athletic Association",
  36083.             "Category": "REC",
  36084.             "Description": "Official site of the National Collegiate Athletic Association.",
  36085.             "Year": 0
  36086.         },
  36087.         {
  36088.             "RIT": "ws201228",
  36089.             "Type": "WS",
  36090.             "URL": "http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/PORGY/porghome.html",
  36091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36092.             "Title": "Porgy --Novel",
  36093.             "Category": "HUM",
  36094.             "Description": "The full text of Porgy, byDu Bose Heyward, from the University of Virginia Department of American Studies.",
  36095.             "Year": 0
  36096.         },
  36097.         {
  36098.             "RIT": "ws201230",
  36099.             "Type": "WS",
  36100.             "URL": "http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/",
  36101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36102.             "Title": "NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory",
  36103.             "Category": "PHY",
  36104.             "Description": "The official Web site of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Includes information about the laboratory and background information on Earth, our Solar System, and the Universe.",
  36105.             "Year": 0
  36106.         },
  36107.         {
  36108.             "RIT": "ws201242",
  36109.             "Type": "WS",
  36110.             "URL": "http://fugu.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk/fugu/pffp/photos.html",
  36111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36112.             "Title": "Puffer Fish photos",
  36113.             "Category": "LIF",
  36114.             "Description": "Links to pictures of a few of the 300 species of puffer fish from a gene-mapping project in the United Kingdom.",
  36115.             "Year": 0
  36116.         },
  36117.         {
  36118.             "RIT": "ws201243",
  36119.             "Type": "WS",
  36120.             "URL": "http://www.fishscales.com/fishinfo/mollies.htm",
  36121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36122.             "Title": "Fish scales: Mollies",
  36123.             "Category": "LIF",
  36124.             "Description": "Factsheet on the mollie from FishScales.com, a privately maintained site.",
  36125.             "Year": 0
  36126.         },
  36127.         {
  36128.             "RIT": "ws201244",
  36129.             "Type": "WS",
  36130.             "URL": "http://channel.nytimes.com/books/00/04/23/specials/bellow.html",
  36131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36132.             "Title": "Featured Author: Saul Bellow",
  36133.             "Category": "HUM",
  36134.             "Description": "The New York Times presents articles by and about Bellow, plus reviews of his books published from 1944 to 2000.",
  36135.             "Year": 0
  36136.         },
  36137.         {
  36138.             "RIT": "ws201245",
  36139.             "Type": "WS",
  36140.             "URL": "http://www.entnet.org/bells.html",
  36141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36142.             "Title": "Doctor, What is Bell's Palsy?",
  36143.             "Category": "LIF",
  36144.             "Description": "Information about the disease from the American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery.",
  36145.             "Year": 0
  36146.         },
  36147.         {
  36148.             "RIT": "ws201247",
  36149.             "Type": "WS",
  36150.             "URL": "http://www2.army.mil/cmh-pg/faq/elvis.htm",
  36151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36152.             "Title": "What is the history of Elvis Presley's military career?",
  36153.             "Category": "HUM",
  36154.             "Description": "The U.S. Army Center of Military History provides an account of Presley's military career.",
  36155.             "Year": 0
  36156.         },
  36157.         {
  36158.             "RIT": "ws201248",
  36159.             "Type": "WS",
  36160.             "URL": "http://wiscinfo.doit.wisc.edu/ccur/faq.htm",
  36161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36162.             "Title": "Credit Union FAQ's",
  36163.             "Category": "SOC",
  36164.             "Description": "The Center for Credit Union Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison answers questions about credit unions.",
  36165.             "Year": 0
  36166.         },
  36167.         {
  36168.             "RIT": "ws201250",
  36169.             "Type": "WS",
  36170.             "URL": "http://www.cuna.org/data/index.html",
  36171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36172.             "Title": "Credit Union National Association (CUNA)",
  36173.             "Category": "SOC",
  36174.             "Description": "CUNA, a national trade association, provides information for consumers and credit union professionals.",
  36175.             "Year": 0
  36176.         },
  36177.         {
  36178.             "RIT": "ws201251",
  36179.             "Type": "WS",
  36180.             "URL": "http://www.ncua.gov/",
  36181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36182.             "Title": "National Credit Union Association (NCUA)",
  36183.             "Category": "SOC",
  36184.             "Description": "General information about the NCUA and about credit unions.",
  36185.             "Year": 0
  36186.         },
  36187.         {
  36188.             "RIT": "ws201253",
  36189.             "Type": "WS",
  36190.             "URL": "http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/cool/Search.asp",
  36191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36192.             "Title": "College Opportunities On-Line (COOL)",
  36193.             "Category": "SOC",
  36194.             "Description": "The National Center for Education Statistics provides criteria-based searching for information about U.S. colleges and universities.",
  36195.             "Year": 0
  36196.         },
  36197.         {
  36198.             "RIT": "ws201263",
  36199.             "Type": "WS",
  36200.             "URL": "http://www.russiajournal.com/start/index.cgi",
  36201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36202.             "Title": "The Russia Journal",
  36203.             "Category": "GEO",
  36204.             "Description": "The Web site of an independent business weekly published in Moscow that provides news about politics, business, the economy, and society.",
  36205.             "Year": 0
  36206.         },
  36207.         {
  36208.             "RIT": "ws201264",
  36209.             "Type": "WS",
  36210.             "URL": "http://nces.ed.gov/ccdweb/school/",
  36211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36212.             "Title": "National Public School Locator",
  36213.             "Category": "SOC",
  36214.             "Description": "The National Center for Education Statistics provides student and teacher information for public schools and districts.",
  36215.             "Year": 0
  36216.         },
  36217.         {
  36218.             "RIT": "ws201265",
  36219.             "Type": "WS",
  36220.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/special/moy/1982.html",
  36221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36222.             "Title": "Machine of the Year - 1982: The Computer",
  36223.             "Category": "PHY",
  36224.             "Description": "An article that appeared in TIME magazine in January 1983.",
  36225.             "Year": 0
  36226.         },
  36227.         {
  36228.             "RIT": "ws201266",
  36229.             "Type": "WS",
  36230.             "URL": "http://www.mayohealth.org/home?id=SP3.1.1",
  36231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36232.             "Title": "Allergy & Asthma Center",
  36233.             "Category": "LIF",
  36234.             "Description": "The Mayo Clinic offers recent news stories, reference articles, interactive quizzes, help for coping with allergy emergencies, and links to other resources.",
  36235.             "Year": 0
  36236.         },
  36237.         {
  36238.             "RIT": "ws201267",
  36239.             "Type": "WS",
  36240.             "URL": "http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/Topics.html",
  36241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36242.             "Title": "Fun Facts",
  36243.             "Category": "SOC",
  36244.             "Description": "Statistics about schools, teachers, students, and school safety, from the National Center for Education Statistics.",
  36245.             "Year": 0
  36246.         },
  36247.         {
  36248.             "RIT": "ws201268",
  36249.             "Type": "WS",
  36250.             "URL": "http://nces.ed.gov/index.html",
  36251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36252.             "Title": "National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES)",
  36253.             "Category": "SOC",
  36254.             "Description": "Includes an encyclopedia of U.S. education statistics, which shows trends in education spending and outcomes.",
  36255.             "Year": 0
  36256.         },
  36257.         {
  36258.             "RIT": "ws201269",
  36259.             "Type": "WS",
  36260.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/xx.html",
  36261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36262.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: World",
  36263.             "Category": "GEO",
  36264.             "Description": "General information about the world, from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  36265.             "Year": 0
  36266.         },
  36267.         {
  36268.             "RIT": "ws201270",
  36269.             "Type": "WS",
  36270.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/glimpse/presidents/html/rn37.html",
  36271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36272.             "Title": "Richard M. Nixon",
  36273.             "Category": "HIS",
  36274.             "Description": "Official White House biography. Links to biography of First Lady Pat Nixon.",
  36275.             "Year": 0
  36276.         },
  36277.         {
  36278.             "RIT": "ws201280",
  36279.             "Type": "WS",
  36280.             "URL": "http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/HADAMS/ha_home.html",
  36281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36282.             "Title": "The Education of Henry Adams",
  36283.             "Category": "HUM",
  36284.             "Description": "A site about The Education of Henry Adams by Henry Adams, sponsored by the University of Virginia Department of American Studies.",
  36285.             "Year": 0
  36286.         },
  36287.         {
  36288.             "RIT": "ws201282",
  36289.             "Type": "WS",
  36290.             "URL": "http://indian-river.fl.us/fishing/fish/drumweak.html",
  36291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36292.             "Title": "Indian River County: Weakfish",
  36293.             "Category": "LIF",
  36294.             "Description": "Indian River County, Florida, provides information on the weakfish.",
  36295.             "Year": 0
  36296.         },
  36297.         {
  36298.             "RIT": "ws201283",
  36299.             "Type": "WS",
  36300.             "URL": "http://www.knowledgehound.com/topics/basketba.htm",
  36301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36302.             "Title": "How to Play, Coach, and Drill Basketball",
  36303.             "Category": "REC",
  36304.             "Description": "Tips on how to play basketball from a site with How-to information on many subjects.",
  36305.             "Year": 0
  36306.         },
  36307.         {
  36308.             "RIT": "ws201285",
  36309.             "Type": "WS",
  36310.             "URL": "http://www.florida-outdoors.com/fsbara.htm",
  36311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36312.             "Title": "Florida Outdoors: Barracuda",
  36313.             "Category": "LIF",
  36314.             "Description": "Florida Outdoor Writers Association provides information on the barracuda.",
  36315.             "Year": 0
  36316.         },
  36317.         {
  36318.             "RIT": "ws201286",
  36319.             "Type": "WS",
  36320.             "URL": "http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH?t=8124&p=~br,IHW|~st,8124|~r,WSIHW000|~b,t|",
  36321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36322.             "Title": "InteliHealth Drug Resource page",
  36323.             "Category": "LIF",
  36324.             "Description": "Information on many types of drugs from Intelihealth, a subsidiary of Aetna U.S. Healthcare.",
  36325.             "Year": 0
  36326.         },
  36327.         {
  36328.             "RIT": "ws201289",
  36329.             "Type": "WS",
  36330.             "URL": "http://www.gen.umn.edu/faculty_staff/jensen/1135/webanatomy/wa_nervous/",
  36331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36332.             "Title": "WebAnatomy: Nervous System",
  36333.             "Category": "LIF",
  36334.             "Description": "Interactive anatomy quizzes from Murray Jensen, associate professor at the University of Minnesota's General College.",
  36335.             "Year": 0
  36336.         },
  36337.         {
  36338.             "RIT": "ws201290",
  36339.             "Type": "WS",
  36340.             "URL": "http://www.astronomical.org/astbook/blkhole.html",
  36341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36342.             "Title": "Beyond the Event Horizon: An Introduction to Black Holes",
  36343.             "Category": "PHY",
  36344.             "Description": "A lengthy article from the Peoria Astronomical Society.",
  36345.             "Year": 0
  36346.         },
  36347.         {
  36348.             "RIT": "ws201291",
  36349.             "Type": "WS",
  36350.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/le.html",
  36351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36352.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Lebanon",
  36353.             "Category": "GEO",
  36354.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  36355.             "Year": 0
  36356.         },
  36357.         {
  36358.             "RIT": "ws201302",
  36359.             "Type": "WS",
  36360.             "URL": "http://www.franckgoddio.org/",
  36361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36362.             "Title": "Franck Goddio Society",
  36363.             "Category": "SOC",
  36364.             "Description": "The official Web site of undersea archaeologist Franck Goddio.",
  36365.             "Year": 0
  36366.         },
  36367.         {
  36368.             "RIT": "ws201303",
  36369.             "Type": "WS",
  36370.             "URL": "http://kids.msfc.nasa.gov/Space/Black%20Holes/",
  36371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36372.             "Title": "NASA Kids: Black Holes",
  36373.             "Category": "PHY",
  36374.             "Description": "NASA presents articles and activities.",
  36375.             "Year": 0
  36376.         },
  36377.         {
  36378.             "RIT": "ws201304",
  36379.             "Type": "WS",
  36380.             "URL": "http://www.commerce.gov.sb/",
  36381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36382.             "Title": "Solomon Islands Web Site",
  36383.             "Category": "GEO",
  36384.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Solomon Islands Ministry of Commerce, Employment and Tourism.",
  36385.             "Year": 0
  36386.         },
  36387.         {
  36388.             "RIT": "ws201305",
  36389.             "Type": "WS",
  36390.             "URL": "http://www.gen.umn.edu/faculty_staff/jensen/1135/webanatomy/wa_endocrine/",
  36391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36392.             "Title": "WebAnatomy: Endocrine System",
  36393.             "Category": "LIF",
  36394.             "Description": "Interactive anatomy quizzes from Murray Jensen, associate professor at the University of Minnesota's General College.",
  36395.             "Year": 0
  36396.         },
  36397.         {
  36398.             "RIT": "ws201306",
  36399.             "Type": "WS",
  36400.             "URL": "http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/gr/public/bh_home.html",
  36401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36402.             "Title": "Black Holes",
  36403.             "Category": "PHY",
  36404.             "Description": "An overview provided by Cambridge University.",
  36405.             "Year": 0
  36406.         },
  36407.         {
  36408.             "RIT": "ws201307",
  36409.             "Type": "WS",
  36410.             "URL": "http://www.thirteen.org/hawking/strange/html/blackh.html",
  36411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36412.             "Title": "Black Holes Explained",
  36413.             "Category": "PHY",
  36414.             "Description": "This PBS site describes the creation of black holes and links to related topics.",
  36415.             "Year": 0
  36416.         },
  36417.         {
  36418.             "RIT": "ws201308",
  36419.             "Type": "WS",
  36420.             "URL": "http://www2.army.mil/cmh-pg/faq/ddaydef.htm",
  36421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36422.             "Title": "What does the D signify in D-Day, and the H signify in H-Hour?",
  36423.             "Category": "HIS",
  36424.             "Description": "An explanation from the U.S. Army Center of Military History.",
  36425.             "Year": 0
  36426.         },
  36427.         {
  36428.             "RIT": "ws201309",
  36429.             "Type": "WS",
  36430.             "URL": "http://www.shedd.org/ani_bios_06.html",
  36431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36432.             "Title": "The Beluga Whale",
  36433.             "Category": "LIF",
  36434.             "Description": "Chicago's Shedd Aquarium highlights beluga whales and describes efforts to conserve the species.",
  36435.             "Year": 0
  36436.         },
  36437.         {
  36438.             "RIT": "ws201310",
  36439.             "Type": "WS",
  36440.             "URL": "http://www.gen.umn.edu/faculty_staff/jensen/1135/webanatomy/wa_skeleton/",
  36441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36442.             "Title": "WebAnatomy: Skeletal System",
  36443.             "Category": "LIF",
  36444.             "Description": "Interactive anatomy quizzes from Murray Jensen, associate professor at the University of Minnesota's General College.",
  36445.             "Year": 0
  36446.         },
  36447.         {
  36448.             "RIT": "ws201319",
  36449.             "Type": "WS",
  36450.             "URL": "http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/index.htm",
  36451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36452.             "Title": "National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute",
  36453.             "Category": "LIF",
  36454.             "Description": "Official home page of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  36455.             "Year": 0
  36456.         },
  36457.         {
  36458.             "RIT": "ws201320",
  36459.             "Type": "WS",
  36460.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/",
  36461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36462.             "Title": "American Medical Association",
  36463.             "Category": "LIF",
  36464.             "Description": "Official home page of the AMA.",
  36465.             "Year": 0
  36466.         },
  36467.         {
  36468.             "RIT": "ws201321",
  36469.             "Type": "WS",
  36470.             "URL": "http://www.niaid.nih.gov/default.htm",
  36471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36472.             "Title": "National Institue of Allergy and Infectious Diseases",
  36473.             "Category": "LIF",
  36474.             "Description": "Official home page of the National Institue of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  36475.             "Year": 0
  36476.         },
  36477.         {
  36478.             "RIT": "ws201322",
  36479.             "Type": "WS",
  36480.             "URL": "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/",
  36481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36482.             "Title": "National Library of Medicine",
  36483.             "Category": "LIF",
  36484.             "Description": "Official home page of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.",
  36485.             "Year": 0
  36486.         },
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  36491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36492.             "Title": "National Institute on Drug Abuse",
  36493.             "Category": "LIF",
  36494.             "Description": "Official home page of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  36495.             "Year": 0
  36496.         },
  36497.         {
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  36501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36502.             "Title": "National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences",
  36503.             "Category": "LIF",
  36504.             "Description": "Official home page of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  36505.             "Year": 0
  36506.         },
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  36511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36512.             "Title": "National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders",
  36513.             "Category": "LIF",
  36514.             "Description": "Official home page of the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, part of the U.S. National Instutes of Health.",
  36515.             "Year": 0
  36516.         },
  36517.         {
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  36524.             "Description": "Official home page of the National Institute on Aging, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  36525.             "Year": 0
  36526.         },
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  36531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36532.             "Title": "National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism",
  36533.             "Category": "LIF",
  36534.             "Description": "Official home page of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  36535.             "Year": 0
  36536.         },
  36537.         {
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  36543.             "Category": "LIF",
  36544.             "Description": "Interactive anatomy quizzes from Murray Jensen, associate professor at the University of Minnesota's General College.",
  36545.             "Year": 0
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  36547.         {
  36548.             "RIT": "ws201293",
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  36551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36552.             "Title": "X-Ray Sources - Black Holes",
  36553.             "Category": "PHY",
  36554.             "Description": "The Chandra X-Ray Observatory Center explains how astronomers detect black holes.",
  36555.             "Year": 0
  36556.         },
  36557.         {
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  36561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36562.             "Title": "WebAnatomy: Reproductive System",
  36563.             "Category": "LIF",
  36564.             "Description": "Interactive anatomy quizzes from Murray Jensen, associate professor at the University of Minnesota's General College.",
  36565.             "Year": 0
  36566.         },
  36567.         {
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  36569.             "Type": "WS",
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  36571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36572.             "Title": "The National D-Day Museum",
  36573.             "Category": "HIS",
  36574.             "Description": "Official Web site of the New Orleans museum founded by U.S. author and historian Stephen E. Ambrose.",
  36575.             "Year": 0
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  36577.         {
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  36581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36582.             "Title": "WebAnatomy: Respiratory System",
  36583.             "Category": "LIF",
  36584.             "Description": "Interactive anatomy quizzes from Murray Jensen, associate professor at the University of Minnesota's General College.",
  36585.             "Year": 0
  36586.         },
  36587.         {
  36588.             "RIT": "ws201297",
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  36591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  36593.             "Category": "LIF",
  36594.             "Description": "An interactive anatomy quiz from Murray Jensen, associate professor at the University of Minnesota's General College.",
  36595.             "Year": 0
  36596.         },
  36597.         {
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  36603.             "Category": "HIS",
  36604.             "Description": "This special feature from PBS includes news reports from June 6, 1944, letters from U.S. soldiers, and facts about paratroopers.",
  36605.             "Year": 0
  36606.         },
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  36611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36612.             "Title": "Web Anatomy: Muscular System",
  36613.             "Category": "LIF",
  36614.             "Description": "Interactive anatomy quizzes from Murray Jensen, associate professor at the University of Minnesota's General College.",
  36615.             "Year": 0
  36616.         },
  36617.         {
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  36621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  36623.             "Category": "LIF",
  36624.             "Description": "Interactive anatomy quizzes from Murray Jensen, associate professor at the University of Minnesota's General College.",
  36625.             "Year": 0
  36626.         },
  36627.         {
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  36631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36632.             "Title": "Underwater Exploration Timeline",
  36633.             "Category": "REC",
  36634.             "Description": "University of Wisconsin timeline of underwater exploration.",
  36635.             "Year": 0
  36636.         },
  36637.         {
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  36640.             "URL": "http://www.gen.umn.edu/faculty_staff/jensen/1135/webanatomy/wa_lymphatic_immunology/wa_HIV_essay_1.html",
  36641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36642.             "Title": "WebAnatomy: HIV and AIDS",
  36643.             "Category": "LIF",
  36644.             "Description": "An interactive anatomy quiz from Murray Jensen, associate professor at the University of Minnesota's General College.",
  36645.             "Year": 0
  36646.         },
  36647.         {
  36648.             "RIT": "ws201314",
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  36650.             "URL": "http://www.gen.umn.edu/faculty_staff/jensen/1135/webanatomy/wa_digestive/",
  36651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  36653.             "Category": "LIF",
  36654.             "Description": "Interactive anatomy quizzes from Murray Jensen, associate professor at the University of Minnesota's General College.",
  36655.             "Year": 0
  36656.         },
  36657.         {
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  36661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36662.             "Title": "National Institute of Child Health and Human Development",
  36663.             "Category": "LIF",
  36664.             "Description": "Official home page of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  36665.             "Year": 0
  36666.         },
  36667.         {
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  36670.             "URL": "http://www.nidr.nih.gov/",
  36671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36672.             "Title": "National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research",
  36673.             "Category": "LIF",
  36674.             "Description": "Official home page of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  36675.             "Year": 0
  36676.         },
  36677.         {
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  36680.             "URL": "http://www.nih.gov/",
  36681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36682.             "Title": "National Institutes of Health",
  36683.             "Category": "LIF",
  36684.             "Description": "Official Web site of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  36685.             "Year": 0
  36686.         },
  36687.         {
  36688.             "RIT": "ws201318",
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  36691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36692.             "Title": "Journals of the AMA",
  36693.             "Category": "LIF",
  36694.             "Description": "Home page for publications produced by the American Medical Association.",
  36695.             "Year": 0
  36696.         },
  36697.         {
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  36699.             "Type": "WS",
  36700.             "URL": "http://www.nei.nih.gov/",
  36701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36702.             "Title": "National Eye Institute",
  36703.             "Category": "LIF",
  36704.             "Description": "Official home page of the National Eye Institute of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  36705.             "Year": 0
  36706.         },
  36707.         {
  36708.             "RIT": "ws201329",
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  36710.             "URL": "http://www.shedd.org/ani_bios_16.html",
  36711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36712.             "Title": "Shedd Aquarium: Seals",
  36713.             "Category": "LIF",
  36714.             "Description": "Chicago's Shedd Aquarium presents species information and photos.",
  36715.             "Year": 0
  36716.         },
  36717.         {
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  36721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36722.             "Title": "Paul Ehrlich and The Population Bomb",
  36723.             "Category": "SOC",
  36724.             "Description": "PBS offers facts about dwindling natural resources, teaching tools about population growth, and ideas for becoming involved.",
  36725.             "Year": 0
  36726.         },
  36727.         {
  36728.             "RIT": "ws201331",
  36729.             "Type": "WS",
  36730.             "URL": "http://www.nmm.ac.uk/education/fact_files/fact_compass.html",
  36731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36732.             "Title": "The Magnetic Compass",
  36733.             "Category": "IND",
  36734.             "Description": "The UK's National Maritime Museum answers common questions about the oldest navigation instrument.",
  36735.             "Year": 0
  36736.         },
  36737.         {
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  36739.             "Type": "WS",
  36740.             "URL": "http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/Things/gregorian_calendar.html",
  36741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36742.             "Title": "Gregorian Calendar",
  36743.             "Category": "PHY",
  36744.             "Description": "Rice University provides a lengthy account of the calendar's history.",
  36745.             "Year": 0
  36746.         },
  36747.         {
  36748.             "RIT": "ws201333",
  36749.             "Type": "WS",
  36750.             "URL": "http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/People/kepler.html",
  36751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36752.             "Title": "Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)",
  36753.             "Category": "PHY",
  36754.             "Description": "Rice University presents information about Kepler and his scientific work.",
  36755.             "Year": 0
  36756.         },
  36757.         {
  36758.             "RIT": "ws201334",
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  36761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36762.             "Title": "Inquisition",
  36763.             "Category": "HUM",
  36764.             "Description": "Background information and a bibliography provided by Rice University.",
  36765.             "Year": 0
  36766.         },
  36767.         {
  36768.             "RIT": "ws201335",
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  36770.             "URL": "http://www.niddk.nih.gov/",
  36771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36772.             "Title": "National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders",
  36773.             "Category": "LIF",
  36774.             "Description": "Official home page of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  36775.             "Year": 0
  36776.         },
  36777.         {
  36778.             "RIT": "ws201336",
  36779.             "Type": "WS",
  36780.             "URL": "http://www.shedd.org/ani_bios_31.html",
  36781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36782.             "Title": "Shedd Aquarium: Sea Otters",
  36783.             "Category": "LIF",
  36784.             "Description": "Information and photos from Chicago's Shedd Aquarium.",
  36785.             "Year": 0
  36786.         },
  36787.         {
  36788.             "RIT": "ws201347",
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  36791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36792.             "Title": "Lost on Everest",
  36793.             "Category": "GEO",
  36794.             "Description": "PBS looks at the personalities, dangers, history, and culture surrounding the world's highest mountain.",
  36795.             "Year": 0
  36796.         },
  36797.         {
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  36801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36802.             "Title": "Mayo Clinic Alzheimer's Disease Center",
  36803.             "Category": "LIF",
  36804.             "Description": "Consumer health information from the Mayo Clinic.",
  36805.             "Year": 0
  36806.         },
  36807.         {
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  36810.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/lochness/",
  36811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36812.             "Title": "The Beast of Loch Ness",
  36813.             "Category": "LIF",
  36814.             "Description": "NOVA Online studies the legend of the Loch Ness monster.",
  36815.             "Year": 0
  36816.         },
  36817.         {
  36818.             "RIT": "ws201350",
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  36820.             "URL": "http://www.shedd.org/ani_bios_01.html",
  36821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36822.             "Title": "Shedd Aquarium: Anemones",
  36823.             "Category": "LIF",
  36824.             "Description": "Chicago's Shedd Aquarium presents an animal fact sheet.",
  36825.             "Year": 0
  36826.         },
  36827.         {
  36828.             "RIT": "ws201351",
  36829.             "Type": "WS",
  36830.             "URL": "http://www.geolab.nrcan.gc.ca/geomag/e_nmpole.html",
  36831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36832.             "Title": "Tracking the North Magnetic Pole",
  36833.             "Category": "PHY",
  36834.             "Description": "Geological Survey of Canada traces the study of Earth's magnetic poles from the 1500's to modern times.",
  36835.             "Year": 0
  36836.         },
  36837.         {
  36838.             "RIT": "ws201352",
  36839.             "Type": "WS",
  36840.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/opb/nerds2.0.1/",
  36841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36842.             "Title": "Nerds 2.0.1",
  36843.             "Category": "PHY",
  36844.             "Description": "PBS presents Internet history, a timeline, a glossary, and pictures of many of the Internet's key players.",
  36845.             "Year": 0
  36846.         },
  36847.         {
  36848.             "RIT": "ws201353",
  36849.             "Type": "WS",
  36850.             "URL": "http://nccam.nih.gov/",
  36851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36852.             "Title": "National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine",
  36853.             "Category": "LIF",
  36854.             "Description": "Official home page of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  36855.             "Year": 0
  36856.         },
  36857.         {
  36858.             "RIT": "ws201354",
  36859.             "Type": "WS",
  36860.             "URL": "http://www.nih.gov/ninr/",
  36861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36862.             "Title": "National Institute of Nursing Research",
  36863.             "Category": "LIF",
  36864.             "Description": "Official home page of the National Institute of Nursing Research, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  36865.             "Year": 0
  36866.         },
  36867.         {
  36868.             "RIT": "ws201355",
  36869.             "Type": "WS",
  36870.             "URL": "http://www.ninds.nih.gov/",
  36871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36872.             "Title": "National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke",
  36873.             "Category": "LIF",
  36874.             "Description": "Official home page of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  36875.             "Year": 0
  36876.         },
  36877.         {
  36878.             "RIT": "ws201356",
  36879.             "Type": "WS",
  36880.             "URL": "http://www.worldbook.com/",
  36881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36882.             "Title": "World Book Encyclopedia",
  36883.             "Category": "PHY",
  36884.             "Description": "Official Web site of World Book.",
  36885.             "Year": 0
  36886.         },
  36887.         {
  36888.             "RIT": "ws201366",
  36889.             "Type": "WS",
  36890.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=41",
  36891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36892.             "Title": "William Blake 1757-1827",
  36893.             "Category": "HUM",
  36894.             "Description": "London's Tate Gallery displays the work of William Blake. Click on the titles of pieces to view images.",
  36895.             "Year": 0
  36896.         },
  36897.         {
  36898.             "RIT": "ws201367",
  36899.             "Type": "WS",
  36900.             "URL": "http://www.kimbellart.org/saintjames.htm",
  36901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36902.             "Title": "The Apostle Saint James Freeing the Magician Hermogenes",
  36903.             "Category": "HUM",
  36904.             "Description": "A painting by Fra Angelico exhibited by the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas.",
  36905.             "Year": 0
  36906.         },
  36907.         {
  36908.             "RIT": "ws201368",
  36909.             "Type": "WS",
  36910.             "URL": "http://www.nei.nih.gov/ndmsite/brochure.htm",
  36911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36912.             "Title": "Don't Lose Sight of Diabetic Eye Disease",
  36913.             "Category": "LIF",
  36914.             "Description": "The National Eye Institute highlights eye diseases that people with diabetes are prone to develop.",
  36915.             "Year": 0
  36916.         },
  36917.         {
  36918.             "RIT": "ws201369",
  36919.             "Type": "WS",
  36920.             "URL": "http://www.pba.com/",
  36921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36922.             "Title": "PBA Tour",
  36923.             "Category": "REC",
  36924.             "Description": "The official site of the Professional Bowlers Association includes tournament news and player profiles.",
  36925.             "Year": 0
  36926.         },
  36927.         {
  36928.             "RIT": "ws201371",
  36929.             "Type": "WS",
  36930.             "URL": "http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/educate.html",
  36931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36932.             "Title": "For Teens, Kids, and Educators",
  36933.             "Category": "SOC",
  36934.             "Description": "Food safety information and activities provided by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.",
  36935.             "Year": 0
  36936.         },
  36937.         {
  36938.             "RIT": "ws201372",
  36939.             "Type": "WS",
  36940.             "URL": "http://abcnews.go.com/sections/entertainment/DailyNews/harrypotter.html",
  36941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36942.             "Title": "Wild About Harry",
  36943.             "Category": "HUM",
  36944.             "Description": "ABC news presents a collection of news stories about the Harry Potter books.",
  36945.             "Year": 0
  36946.         },
  36947.         {
  36948.             "RIT": "ws201373",
  36949.             "Type": "WS",
  36950.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/treasuresoftheworld/a_nav/hope_nav/main_hopfrm.html",
  36951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36952.             "Title": "Treasures of the World: The Notorious Hope Diamond",
  36953.             "Category": "HUM",
  36954.             "Description": "PBS chronicles socialite Evalyn Walsh McLean's fortunes during the period in which she owned the famous diamond.",
  36955.             "Year": 0
  36956.         },
  36957.         {
  36958.             "RIT": "ws201374",
  36959.             "Type": "WS",
  36960.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/entertainment/newsid_820000/820551.stm",
  36961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36962.             "Title": "A Muggle's guide to Harry Potter",
  36963.             "Category": "HUM",
  36964.             "Description": "BBC News presents a guide to characters and settings in J.K. Rowling's novels.",
  36965.             "Year": 0
  36966.         },
  36967.         {
  36968.             "RIT": "ws201375",
  36969.             "Type": "WS",
  36970.             "URL": "http://www.supremecourtus.gov/",
  36971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36972.             "Title": "Supreme Court of the United States",
  36973.             "Category": "SOC",
  36974.             "Description": "The official site of the U.S. Supreme Court.",
  36975.             "Year": 0
  36976.         },
  36977.         {
  36978.             "RIT": "ws201386",
  36979.             "Type": "WS",
  36980.             "URL": "http://www.familyweb.com/pregnancy/natal/natpt102.html",
  36981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36982.             "Title": "Don't Put Your Baby's Health on the Line",
  36983.             "Category": "LIF",
  36984.             "Description": "A guide to finding prenatal care from the Healthy Start National Resource Center at Georgetown University.",
  36985.             "Year": 0
  36986.         },
  36987.         {
  36988.             "RIT": "ws201387",
  36989.             "Type": "WS",
  36990.             "URL": "http://www.penguinputnam.com/yreaders/pooh/pooh3.htm",
  36991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  36992.             "Title": "Author/Illustrator",
  36993.             "Category": "HUM",
  36994.             "Description": "Penguin Putnam Inc. presents biographies of Winnie-the-Pooh's creators.",
  36995.             "Year": 0
  36996.         },
  36997.         {
  36998.             "RIT": "ws201388",
  36999.             "Type": "WS",
  37000.             "URL": "http://www.agns.EDnet.ns.ca/9210.htm",
  37001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37002.             "Title": "Deep in the Woods",
  37003.             "Category": "HUM",
  37004.             "Description": "Emily Carr's painting displayed by the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.",
  37005.             "Year": 0
  37006.         },
  37007.         {
  37008.             "RIT": "ws201389",
  37009.             "Type": "WS",
  37010.             "URL": "http://americanhistory.si.edu/csr/lightproject/intro.htm",
  37011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37012.             "Title": "Lighting the Way: Introduction",
  37013.             "Category": "PHY",
  37014.             "Description": "A Smithsonian Institution project to gather and present historical materials about the history of electric lighting.",
  37015.             "Year": 0
  37016.         },
  37017.         {
  37018.             "RIT": "ws201390",
  37019.             "Type": "WS",
  37020.             "URL": "http://www.nei.nih.gov/health/diabetic/retinopathy.htm",
  37021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37022.             "Title": "Diabetic Retinopathy",
  37023.             "Category": "LIF",
  37024.             "Description": "The National Eye Institute presents facts about diabetes-related eye damage.",
  37025.             "Year": 0
  37026.         },
  37027.         {
  37028.             "RIT": "ws201391",
  37029.             "Type": "WS",
  37030.             "URL": "http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/sgr/oralhealth.asp",
  37031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37032.             "Title": "Oral Health in America",
  37033.             "Category": "LIF",
  37034.             "Description": "The U.S. Surgeon General reports on the state of U.S. oral health.",
  37035.             "Year": 0
  37036.         },
  37037.         {
  37038.             "RIT": "ws201392",
  37039.             "Type": "WS",
  37040.             "URL": "",
  37041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37042.             "Title": "Victorian Literature Overview",
  37043.             "Category": "HUM",
  37044.             "Description": "Information about styles and themes in English literature in the Victorian period.",
  37045.             "Year": 0
  37046.         },
  37047.         {
  37048.             "RIT": "ws201393",
  37049.             "Type": "WS",
  37050.             "URL": "http://www.sacha.org/",
  37051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37052.             "Title": "Andean Botanical Information System",
  37053.             "Category": "LIF",
  37054.             "Description": "Information about the plants of Andean South America.",
  37055.             "Year": 0
  37056.         },
  37057.         {
  37058.             "RIT": "ws201394",
  37059.             "Type": "WS",
  37060.             "URL": "http://www.af-moma.no/english/kunstnere/bacon.html",
  37061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37062.             "Title": "Francis Bacon",
  37063.             "Category": "HUM",
  37064.             "Description": "Information about the artist from Norway's Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art.",
  37065.             "Year": 0
  37066.         },
  37067.         {
  37068.             "RIT": "ws201395",
  37069.             "Type": "WS",
  37070.             "URL": "http://www.diabetes.org/main/application/commercewf",
  37071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37072.             "Title": "American Diabetes Association",
  37073.             "Category": "LIF",
  37074.             "Description": "The association presents news and information about diabetes.",
  37075.             "Year": 0
  37076.         },
  37077.         {
  37078.             "RIT": "ws201405",
  37079.             "Type": "WS",
  37080.             "URL": "http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/diabetes/pubs/dmstats/dmstats.htm",
  37081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37082.             "Title": "Diabetes Statistics",
  37083.             "Category": "LIF",
  37084.             "Description": "The National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse addresses who has diabetes, how the disease affects patients, and how much treatment costs.",
  37085.             "Year": 0
  37086.         },
  37087.         {
  37088.             "RIT": "ws201406",
  37089.             "Type": "WS",
  37090.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=blake+william&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  37091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37092.             "Title": "William Blake",
  37093.             "Category": "HUM",
  37094.             "Description": "Images of Blake's art from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  37095.             "Year": 0
  37096.         },
  37097.         {
  37098.             "RIT": "ws201407",
  37099.             "Type": "WS",
  37100.             "URL": "http://tqjunior.thinkquest.org/5393/epithytes_rf.html",
  37101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37102.             "Title": "Rain Forest -- Epiphytes",
  37103.             "Category": "LIF",
  37104.             "Description": "Information on epiphytes, by ThinkQuest Junior.",
  37105.             "Year": 0
  37106.         },
  37107.         {
  37108.             "RIT": "ws201408",
  37109.             "Type": "WS",
  37110.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1982%2E530",
  37111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37112.             "Title": "The Mountain",
  37113.             "Category": "HUM",
  37114.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art displays the painting by Balthus, accompanied by a description.",
  37115.             "Year": 0
  37116.         },
  37117.         {
  37118.             "RIT": "ws201409",
  37119.             "Type": "WS",
  37120.             "URL": "http://adage.com/news_and_features/special_reports/tv/",
  37121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37122.             "Title": "Advertising Age - History of TV Advertising",
  37123.             "Category": "SOC",
  37124.             "Description": "A history of advertising on television from 1940 to the present from Advertising Age magazine.",
  37125.             "Year": 0
  37126.         },
  37127.         {
  37128.             "RIT": "ws201410",
  37129.             "Type": "WS",
  37130.             "URL": "http://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/collects/data/tour.asp?control_file=modern&table=europe&imgdir=yellowbk&page=6",
  37131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37132.             "Title": "Study for self portrait",
  37133.             "Category": "HUM",
  37134.             "Description": "A Francis Bacon painting from the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Australia.",
  37135.             "Year": 0
  37136.         },
  37137.         {
  37138.             "RIT": "ws201411",
  37139.             "Type": "WS",
  37140.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=500",
  37141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37142.             "Title": "Artist: Fra Angelico",
  37143.             "Category": "HUM",
  37144.             "Description": "Four paintings displayed by the National Gallery of Art.",
  37145.             "Year": 0
  37146.         },
  37147.         {
  37148.             "RIT": "ws201412",
  37149.             "Type": "WS",
  37150.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/yourfbi/history/hist.htm",
  37151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37152.             "Title": "A Short History of the FBI",
  37153.             "Category": "SOC",
  37154.             "Description": "Information presented by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.",
  37155.             "Year": 0
  37156.         },
  37157.         {
  37158.             "RIT": "ws201413",
  37159.             "Type": "WS",
  37160.             "URL": "http://www.aasbd.org/",
  37161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37162.             "Title": "All-American Soap Box Derby",
  37163.             "Category": "REC",
  37164.             "Description": "Official Web site of the All-American Soap Box Derby in Akron, Ohio.",
  37165.             "Year": 0
  37166.         },
  37167.         {
  37168.             "RIT": "ws201424",
  37169.             "Type": "WS",
  37170.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/albers.html",
  37171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37172.             "Title": "Josef Albers, Homeage to the Square, 1966",
  37173.             "Category": "HUM",
  37174.             "Description": "The Modern Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas, displays the Albers painting.",
  37175.             "Year": 0
  37176.         },
  37177.         {
  37178.             "RIT": "ws201425",
  37179.             "Type": "WS",
  37180.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/isj.htm",
  37181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37182.             "Title": "Reynolda House: Josef Albers",
  37183.             "Category": "HUM",
  37184.             "Description": "An art exhibit and links from the Reynolda House, Museum of American Art.",
  37185.             "Year": 0
  37186.         },
  37187.         {
  37188.             "RIT": "ws201426",
  37189.             "Type": "WS",
  37190.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.org/legacy/bios/bbonheur.htm",
  37191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37192.             "Title": "Rosa Bonheur",
  37193.             "Category": "HUM",
  37194.             "Description": "An artist profile from the National Museum of Women in the Arts.",
  37195.             "Year": 0
  37196.         },
  37197.         {
  37198.             "RIT": "ws201427",
  37199.             "Type": "WS",
  37200.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/kids/crimepre/abduct/abdrules.htm",
  37201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37202.             "Title": "Child Abduction",
  37203.             "Category": "SOC",
  37204.             "Description": "The FBI presents a guide to how agents work in kidnap cases, a list of safety rules, and real life stories.",
  37205.             "Year": 0
  37206.         },
  37207.         {
  37208.             "RIT": "ws201428",
  37209.             "Type": "WS",
  37210.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/treasuresoftheworld/a_nav/taj_nav/main_tajfrm.html",
  37211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37212.             "Title": "Taj Mahal: Memorial to Love",
  37213.             "Category": "HUM",
  37214.             "Description": "PBS traces the history of the famous monument.",
  37215.             "Year": 0
  37216.         },
  37217.         {
  37218.             "RIT": "ws201429",
  37219.             "Type": "WS",
  37220.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=200030",
  37221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37222.             "Title": "Josef Albers",
  37223.             "Category": "HUM",
  37224.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art presents an online gallery of paintings by Albers.",
  37225.             "Year": 0
  37226.         },
  37227.         {
  37228.             "RIT": "ws201430",
  37229.             "Type": "WS",
  37230.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=fra+angelico",
  37231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37232.             "Title": "Digital Collection",
  37233.             "Category": "HUM",
  37234.             "Description": "Russia's State Hermitage Museum presents paintings by Fra Angelico.",
  37235.             "Year": 0
  37236.         },
  37237.         {
  37238.             "RIT": "ws201431",
  37239.             "Type": "WS",
  37240.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/html_En/index.html",
  37241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37242.             "Title": "The State Hermitage Museum",
  37243.             "Category": "GEO",
  37244.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersbug, Russia, includes a virtual tour and online exhibitions.",
  37245.             "Year": 0
  37246.         },
  37247.         {
  37248.             "RIT": "ws201432",
  37249.             "Type": "WS",
  37250.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/treasuresoftheworld/a_nav/guernica_nav/main_guerfrm.html",
  37251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37252.             "Title": "Treasures of the World: Guernica",
  37253.             "Category": "HUM",
  37254.             "Description": "PBS describes how Pablo Picasso created his anti-war mural.",
  37255.             "Year": 0
  37256.         },
  37257.         {
  37258.             "RIT": "ws201337",
  37259.             "Type": "WS",
  37260.             "URL": "http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/People/tycho_brahe.html",
  37261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37262.             "Title": "Tycho Brahe",
  37263.             "Category": "PHY",
  37264.             "Description": "Rice University presents information about Brahe and his contributions to astronomy.",
  37265.             "Year": 0
  37266.         },
  37267.         {
  37268.             "RIT": "ws201338",
  37269.             "Type": "WS",
  37270.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/internet/",
  37271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37272.             "Title": "Life on the Internet",
  37273.             "Category": "PHY",
  37274.             "Description": "PBS presents a guide to using the Internet and a timeline of the Internet's history.",
  37275.             "Year": 0
  37276.         },
  37277.         {
  37278.             "RIT": "ws201339",
  37279.             "Type": "WS",
  37280.             "URL": "http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/",
  37281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37282.             "Title": "The Galileo Project",
  37283.             "Category": "PHY",
  37284.             "Description": "Rice University presents the Galileo Project, a source of information on the life and work of Galileo Galilei and the science of his time.",
  37285.             "Year": 0
  37286.         },
  37287.         {
  37288.             "RIT": "ws201340",
  37289.             "Type": "WS",
  37290.             "URL": "http://es.rice.edu/ES/humsoc/Galileo/People/medici.html",
  37291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37292.             "Title": "The Medici Family",
  37293.             "Category": "HIS",
  37294.             "Description": "Rice University traces the contributions of the wealthy Medici family.",
  37295.             "Year": 0
  37296.         },
  37297.         {
  37298.             "RIT": "ws201341",
  37299.             "Type": "WS",
  37300.             "URL": "http://www.shedd.org/ani_bios_24.html",
  37301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37302.             "Title": "Shedd Aquarium: Pacific White-Sided Dolphins",
  37303.             "Category": "LIF",
  37304.             "Description": "Chicago's Shedd Aquarium highlights the dolphin species and efforts to conserve it.",
  37305.             "Year": 0
  37306.         },
  37307.         {
  37308.             "RIT": "ws201342",
  37309.             "Type": "WS",
  37310.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/pyramid/",
  37311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37312.             "Title": "Pyramids - The Inside Story",
  37313.             "Category": "HUM",
  37314.             "Description": "PBS presents a tour of the Great Pyramid and information about how the pyramids were constructed.",
  37315.             "Year": 0
  37316.         },
  37317.         {
  37318.             "RIT": "ws201343",
  37319.             "Type": "WS",
  37320.             "URL": "http://netvet.wustl.edu/",
  37321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37322.             "Title": "NetVet and the Electronic Zoo",
  37323.             "Category": "LIF",
  37324.             "Description": "A gateway to online animal health resources hosted by Ken Boschert, a veterinarian at Washington University.",
  37325.             "Year": 0
  37326.         },
  37327.         {
  37328.             "RIT": "ws201344",
  37329.             "Type": "WS",
  37330.             "URL": "http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/BREEDS/other/donkey/index.htm",
  37331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37332.             "Title": "Donkey Breeds",
  37333.             "Category": "LIF",
  37334.             "Description": "A Web site about breeds of donkeys, hosted by Oklahoma State University.",
  37335.             "Year": 0
  37336.         },
  37337.         {
  37338.             "RIT": "ws201345",
  37339.             "Type": "WS",
  37340.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/vikings/",
  37341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37342.             "Title": "The Vikings",
  37343.             "Category": "HIS",
  37344.             "Description": "NOVA Online presents Viking history in stories, video, and interactive activities.",
  37345.             "Year": 0
  37346.         },
  37347.         {
  37348.             "RIT": "ws201346",
  37349.             "Type": "WS",
  37350.             "URL": "http://www.shedd.org/ani.html",
  37351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37352.             "Title": "Shedd Aquarium: Penguins",
  37353.             "Category": "LIF",
  37354.             "Description": "Chicago's Shedd Aquarium highlights three penguin species--the gentoos, rockhoppers, and magellanic penguins.",
  37355.             "Year": 0
  37356.         },
  37357.         {
  37358.             "RIT": "ws201357",
  37359.             "Type": "WS",
  37360.             "URL": "http://www.cantonpl.org/youth/read.html",
  37361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37362.             "Title": "Reading",
  37363.             "Category": "HUM",
  37364.             "Description": "A guide to children's literature from the Canton Public Library in Canton, Mississippi.",
  37365.             "Year": 0
  37366.         },
  37367.         {
  37368.             "RIT": "ws201358",
  37369.             "Type": "WS",
  37370.             "URL": "http://www.reed.edu/%7Ereyn/transport.html",
  37371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37372.             "Title": "The Subway Page",
  37373.             "Category": "IND",
  37374.             "Description": "Robert Reed, physics professor at Reed College, provides links to major city transportation sites worldwide.",
  37375.             "Year": 0
  37376.         },
  37377.         {
  37378.             "RIT": "ws201359",
  37379.             "Type": "WS",
  37380.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/plants/pterophyta/pteridopsida.html",
  37381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37382.             "Title": "Introduction to the Pteridopsida",
  37383.             "Category": "LIF",
  37384.             "Description": "Basic information about ferns, by the University of California at Berkele",
  37385.             "Year": 0
  37386.         },
  37387.         {
  37388.             "RIT": "ws201360",
  37389.             "Type": "WS",
  37390.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/amer/58pc_tiffany.html",
  37391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37392.             "Title": "Tiffany & Company",
  37393.             "Category": "HUM",
  37394.             "Description": "The Art Institute of Chicago displays a silver set by Tiffany.",
  37395.             "Year": 0
  37396.         },
  37397.         {
  37398.             "RIT": "ws201361",
  37399.             "Type": "WS",
  37400.             "URL": "http://www.colby.edu/info.tech/BI211/PlantFamilyID.html",
  37401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37402.             "Title": "Biology 211: Taxonomy of Flowering Plants",
  37403.             "Category": "LIF",
  37404.             "Description": "Guide to identifying families of flowering plants, from Colby College.",
  37405.             "Year": 0
  37406.         },
  37407.         {
  37408.             "RIT": "ws201362",
  37409.             "Type": "WS",
  37410.             "URL": "http://www.lowemuseum.com/56.140.html",
  37411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37412.             "Title": "Jason Returning to Demand his Father's Kingdom",
  37413.             "Category": "HUM",
  37414.             "Description": "A Washington Allston painting displayed by the Lowe Art Museum at the University of Miami.",
  37415.             "Year": 0
  37416.         },
  37417.         {
  37418.             "RIT": "ws201363",
  37419.             "Type": "WS",
  37420.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_gcrCBJ",
  37421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37422.             "Title": "Postcards: Rosa Bonheur",
  37423.             "Category": "HUM",
  37424.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts provides online postcards that feature paintings by Rosa Bonheur.",
  37425.             "Year": 0
  37426.         },
  37427.         {
  37428.             "RIT": "ws201364",
  37429.             "Type": "WS",
  37430.             "URL": "http://www.scribblingwomen.org/",
  37431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37432.             "Title": "Scribbling Women",
  37433.             "Category": "HUM",
  37434.             "Description": "Classroom resources for teaching works by American women writers",
  37435.             "Year": 0
  37436.         },
  37437.         {
  37438.             "RIT": "ws201365",
  37439.             "Type": "WS",
  37440.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/dimaggio/",
  37441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37442.             "Title": "Joe DiMaggio: The Hero's Life",
  37443.             "Category": "REC",
  37444.             "Description": "PBS highlights DiMaggio's life, as well as immigration, race relations, politics, and World War II. Includes an educator's guide.",
  37445.             "Year": 0
  37446.         },
  37447.         {
  37448.             "RIT": "ws201376",
  37449.             "Type": "WS",
  37450.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.org/legacy/bios/bkahlo.htm",
  37451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37452.             "Title": "Frida Kahlo",
  37453.             "Category": "HUM",
  37454.             "Description": "A profile of the Mexican artist from the National Museum of Women in the Arts.",
  37455.             "Year": 0
  37456.         },
  37457.         {
  37458.             "RIT": "ws201377",
  37459.             "Type": "WS",
  37460.             "URL": "http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/bps/",
  37461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37462.             "Title": "Fern World W W",
  37463.             "Category": "LIF",
  37464.             "Description": "Information about ferns and the British Pteridological Society.",
  37465.             "Year": 0
  37466.         },
  37467.         {
  37468.             "RIT": "ws201378",
  37469.             "Type": "WS",
  37470.             "URL": "http://ndep.nih.gov/materials/pubs/feet/feet.htm",
  37471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37472.             "Title": "Foot Care Kit for Diabetes",
  37473.             "Category": "LIF",
  37474.             "Description": "The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease offers advice for preventing food disease and amputation.",
  37475.             "Year": 0
  37476.         },
  37477.         {
  37478.             "RIT": "ws201379",
  37479.             "Type": "WS",
  37480.             "URL": "http://www.nohic.nidcr.nih.gov/",
  37481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37482.             "Title": "National Oral Health Information Clearinghouse",
  37483.             "Category": "LIF",
  37484.             "Description": "Resources provided by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.",
  37485.             "Year": 0
  37486.         },
  37487.         {
  37488.             "RIT": "ws201380",
  37489.             "Type": "WS",
  37490.             "URL": "http://www.ada.org/public/faq/finddentist.html#find",
  37491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37492.             "Title": "How to Find a Dentist",
  37493.             "Category": "LIF",
  37494.             "Description": "Advise for consumers from the American Dental Association.",
  37495.             "Year": 0
  37496.         },
  37497.         {
  37498.             "RIT": "ws201381",
  37499.             "Type": "WS",
  37500.             "URL": "http://amerfernsoc.org/",
  37501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37502.             "Title": "American Fern Society",
  37503.             "Category": "LIF",
  37504.             "Description": "Basic information about ferns, from the American Fern Society.",
  37505.             "Year": 0
  37506.         },
  37507.         {
  37508.             "RIT": "ws201382",
  37509.             "Type": "WS",
  37510.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=3951",
  37511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37512.             "Title": "Biography.com: Assad, Hafez al-",
  37513.             "Category": "GEO",
  37514.             "Description": "Biography.com presents a biography of Syria's former president.",
  37515.             "Year": 0
  37516.         },
  37517.         {
  37518.             "RIT": "ws201383",
  37519.             "Type": "WS",
  37520.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/yourfbi/history/famcases/rose/rose.htm",
  37521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37522.             "Title": "Tokyo Rose",
  37523.             "Category": "HIS",
  37524.             "Description": "The FBI presents information about the World War II radio personality.",
  37525.             "Year": 0
  37526.         },
  37527.         {
  37528.             "RIT": "ws201384",
  37529.             "Type": "WS",
  37530.             "URL": "http://www.ins.usdoj.gov/graphics/aboutins/history/teacher/index.htm",
  37531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37532.             "Title": "Immigration and Naturalization Service Teacher and Student Resources",
  37533.             "Category": "SOC",
  37534.             "Description": "Educational resources about immigration and its role in U.S. history.",
  37535.             "Year": 0
  37536.         },
  37537.         {
  37538.             "RIT": "ws201385",
  37539.             "Type": "WS",
  37540.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/yourfbi/history/famcases/dillinger/dillinger.htm",
  37541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37542.             "Title": "John Dillinger",
  37543.             "Category": "HIS",
  37544.             "Description": "The FBI presents informaton about the famous criminal.",
  37545.             "Year": 0
  37546.         },
  37547.         {
  37548.             "RIT": "ws201396",
  37549.             "Type": "WS",
  37550.             "URL": "http://www.bobdylan.com/",
  37551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37552.             "Title": "Bob Dylan",
  37553.             "Category": "HUM",
  37554.             "Description": "Columbia Records presents infrormation about the musician and his recordings.",
  37555.             "Year": 0
  37556.         },
  37557.         {
  37558.             "RIT": "ws201397",
  37559.             "Type": "WS",
  37560.             "URL": "http://digital.nypl.org/schomburg/writers_aa19/toc.html",
  37561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37562.             "Title": "African American Women Writers of the 19th Century",
  37563.             "Category": "HUM",
  37564.             "Description": "An electronic archive from the New York Public Library of literary works by African American women.",
  37565.             "Year": 0
  37566.         },
  37567.         {
  37568.             "RIT": "ws201398",
  37569.             "Type": "WS",
  37570.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/explore/tiffany/RELEASE.htm",
  37571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37572.             "Title": "Louis Comfort Tiffany",
  37573.             "Category": "HUM",
  37574.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum exhibits Tiffany's art, including stained glass, painting, interior design, and pottery.",
  37575.             "Year": 0
  37576.         },
  37577.         {
  37578.             "RIT": "ws201399",
  37579.             "Type": "WS",
  37580.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page732.html",
  37581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37582.             "Title": "Christ Carrying the Cross",
  37583.             "Category": "HUM",
  37584.             "Description": "Vienna's Kunsthistorisches Museum displays the painting by Hieronymus Bosch, with explanation.",
  37585.             "Year": 0
  37586.         },
  37587.         {
  37588.             "RIT": "ws201400",
  37589.             "Type": "WS",
  37590.             "URL": "http://elmo.shore.ctc.edu/pio/bus_shelter.htm",
  37591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37592.             "Title": "Bus Shelter Mural Program - Gallery",
  37593.             "Category": "HUM",
  37594.             "Description": "An online exhibit of murals created by people in Seattle.",
  37595.             "Year": 0
  37596.         },
  37597.         {
  37598.             "RIT": "ws201401",
  37599.             "Type": "WS",
  37600.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=87%2E15%2E77",
  37601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37602.             "Title": "A Limier Briquet Hound",
  37603.             "Category": "HUM",
  37604.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art displays a painting by Rosa Bonheur.",
  37605.             "Year": 0
  37606.         },
  37607.         {
  37608.             "RIT": "ws201402",
  37609.             "Type": "WS",
  37610.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/treasuresoftheworld/a_nav/mona_nav/main_monafrm.html",
  37611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37612.             "Title": "Treasures of the World: Mona Lisa",
  37613.             "Category": "HUM",
  37614.             "Description": "PBS tells the story of the painting's theft in 1911.",
  37615.             "Year": 0
  37616.         },
  37617.         {
  37618.             "RIT": "ws201403",
  37619.             "Type": "WS",
  37620.             "URL": "http://www.randomhouse.com/seussville/",
  37621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37622.             "Title": "Dr. Seuss's Seussville",
  37623.             "Category": "HUM",
  37624.             "Description": "Official Internet home of the Cat in the Hat, Sam-I-Am, Horton and the Whos, and the rest of the Seuss characters.",
  37625.             "Year": 0
  37626.         },
  37627.         {
  37628.             "RIT": "ws201404",
  37629.             "Type": "WS",
  37630.             "URL": "http://museoreinasofia.mcu.es",
  37631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37632.             "Title": "Museo Nacional Reina Sofia",
  37633.             "Category": "HUM",
  37634.             "Description": "The Reina Sofia National Museum in Madrid displays a painting by Francis Bacon.",
  37635.             "Year": 0
  37636.         },
  37637.         {
  37638.             "RIT": "ws201414",
  37639.             "Type": "WS",
  37640.             "URL": "http://www.tbc.gov.bc.ca/culture/schoolnet/carr/gallery/960326ab.htm",
  37641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37642.             "Title": "Above the Gravel Pit",
  37643.             "Category": "HUM",
  37644.             "Description": "The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria provides an online postcard that features a painting by Emily Carr.",
  37645.             "Year": 0
  37646.         },
  37647.         {
  37648.             "RIT": "ws201415",
  37649.             "Type": "WS",
  37650.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/kids/crimedet/finger/finger.htm",
  37651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37652.             "Title": "Fingerprinting Identification",
  37653.             "Category": "SOC",
  37654.             "Description": "The FBI explains how fingerprints are used to identify people.",
  37655.             "Year": 0
  37656.         },
  37657.         {
  37658.             "RIT": "ws201416",
  37659.             "Type": "WS",
  37660.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2000/genome/",
  37661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37662.             "Title": "Blueprint of the Body",
  37663.             "Category": "LIF",
  37664.             "Description": "This CNN feature traces the mapping of the human genome.",
  37665.             "Year": 0
  37666.         },
  37667.         {
  37668.             "RIT": "ws201417",
  37669.             "Type": "WS",
  37670.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/houdini/",
  37671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37672.             "Title": "Houdini",
  37673.             "Category": "REC",
  37674.             "Description": "PBS highlights the career and life of magician Harry Houdini.",
  37675.             "Year": 0
  37676.         },
  37677.         {
  37678.             "RIT": "ws201418",
  37679.             "Type": "WS",
  37680.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/American/1909.11.html",
  37681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37682.             "Title": "Peacock Window",
  37683.             "Category": "HUM",
  37684.             "Description": "The Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts, exhibits stained glass art by John La Farge.",
  37685.             "Year": 0
  37686.         },
  37687.         {
  37688.             "RIT": "ws201419",
  37689.             "Type": "WS",
  37690.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/yourfbi/faq/faqover.htm",
  37691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37692.             "Title": "Frequently Asked Questions About the FBI",
  37693.             "Category": "SOC",
  37694.             "Description": "Questions and answers provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.",
  37695.             "Year": 0
  37696.         },
  37697.         {
  37698.             "RIT": "ws201420",
  37699.             "Type": "WS",
  37700.             "URL": "http://www.homecanning.com/usa/",
  37701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37702.             "Title": "Homecanning.com",
  37703.             "Category": "SOC",
  37704.             "Description": "The basics of how to can foods, as well as recipies using canned foods, from Alltrista Corporation.",
  37705.             "Year": 0
  37706.         },
  37707.         {
  37708.             "RIT": "ws201421",
  37709.             "Type": "WS",
  37710.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/renaissance/77.1.1.html",
  37711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37712.             "Title": "The Early Renaissance in Italy",
  37713.             "Category": "HUM",
  37714.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts highlights Fra Angelico's depiction of the annunciation.",
  37715.             "Year": 0
  37716.         },
  37717.         {
  37718.             "RIT": "ws201422",
  37719.             "Type": "WS",
  37720.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/dimaggio/peopleevents/pande10.html",
  37721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37722.             "Title": "Meeting Marilyn and the Wedding",
  37723.             "Category": "HUM",
  37724.             "Description": "This article is from a PBS special feature on the life of Joe DiMaggio.",
  37725.             "Year": 0
  37726.         },
  37727.         {
  37728.             "RIT": "ws201423",
  37729.             "Type": "WS",
  37730.             "URL": "http://abcnews.go.com/onair/WorldNewsTonight/jennings_peter_bio.html",
  37731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37732.             "Title": "ABCNEWS' Peter Jennings",
  37733.             "Category": "IND",
  37734.             "Description": "ABC News biography of Peter Jennings.",
  37735.             "Year": 0
  37736.         },
  37737.         {
  37738.             "RIT": "ws201433",
  37739.             "Type": "WS",
  37740.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/treasuresoftheworld/a_nav/boro_nav/main_borofrm.html",
  37741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37742.             "Title": "Borobudur: Pathway to Enlightenment",
  37743.             "Category": "HUM",
  37744.             "Description": "PBS traces the history of the Indonesian temple.",
  37745.             "Year": 0
  37746.         },
  37747.         {
  37748.             "RIT": "ws201434",
  37749.             "Type": "WS",
  37750.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/yourfbi/history/famcases/capone/capone.htm",
  37751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37752.             "Title": "Al Capone",
  37753.             "Category": "HIS",
  37754.             "Description": "The FBI presents information about the famous criminal.",
  37755.             "Year": 0
  37756.         },
  37757.         {
  37758.             "RIT": "ws201435",
  37759.             "Type": "WS",
  37760.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/352.html",
  37761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37762.             "Title": "Diabetes: Foot Care",
  37763.             "Category": "LIF",
  37764.             "Description": "Guidelines from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  37765.             "Year": 0
  37766.         },
  37767.         {
  37768.             "RIT": "ws201436",
  37769.             "Type": "WS",
  37770.             "URL": "http://www.umanitoba.ca/Biology/lab8/biolab8_5.html",
  37771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37772.             "Title": "Angiosperm life cycle",
  37773.             "Category": "LIF",
  37774.             "Description": "The life cycle of angiosperms, by the University of Manitoba.",
  37775.             "Year": 0
  37776.         },
  37777.         {
  37778.             "RIT": "ws201437",
  37779.             "Type": "WS",
  37780.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/amerart/cfdart/44.165.html",
  37781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37782.             "Title": "The Flight of Florimell",
  37783.             "Category": "HUM",
  37784.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts presents a Washington Allston painting.",
  37785.             "Year": 0
  37786.         },
  37787.         {
  37788.             "RIT": "ws201438",
  37789.             "Type": "WS",
  37790.             "URL": "http://www.vrg.org/",
  37791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37792.             "Title": "Vegetarian Resource Group",
  37793.             "Category": "LIF",
  37794.             "Description": "Nutrition research, menu planning, and articles from the Vegetarian Journal.",
  37795.             "Year": 0
  37796.         },
  37797.         {
  37798.             "RIT": "ws201439",
  37799.             "Type": "WS",
  37800.             "URL": "http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?search=ss&sText=william+blake&LinkID=mp00448",
  37801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37802.             "Title": "William Blake",
  37803.             "Category": "HUM",
  37804.             "Description": "The National Portrait Gallery in London presents four portraits of William Blake.",
  37805.             "Year": 0
  37806.         },
  37807.         {
  37808.             "RIT": "ws201440",
  37809.             "Type": "WS",
  37810.             "URL": "http://americanhistory.si.edu/sweatshops/intro/floorplan.htm",
  37811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37812.             "Title": "Smithsonian's sweatshop exhibition",
  37813.             "Category": "SOC",
  37814.             "Description": "Smithsonian National Museum of American History exhibit on the history of American sweatshops, 1820 to the present.",
  37815.             "Year": 0
  37816.         },
  37817.         {
  37818.             "RIT": "ws201441",
  37819.             "Type": "WS",
  37820.             "URL": "http://www.nei.nih.gov/health/maculardegen/armd_facts.htm",
  37821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37822.             "Title": "Age-Related Macular Degeneration",
  37823.             "Category": "LIF",
  37824.             "Description": "The National Eye Institute describes the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of age-related macular degeneration.",
  37825.             "Year": 0
  37826.         },
  37827.         {
  37828.             "RIT": "ws201453",
  37829.             "Type": "WS",
  37830.             "URL": "http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/diabetes/pubs/dmdict/dmdict.htm",
  37831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37832.             "Title": "The Diabetes Dictionary",
  37833.             "Category": "LIF",
  37834.             "Description": "This dictionary from the National Institutes of Health defines words that are often used when discussing diabetes.",
  37835.             "Year": 0
  37836.         },
  37837.         {
  37838.             "RIT": "ws201454",
  37839.             "Type": "WS",
  37840.             "URL": "http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/diabetes/dylb/home.htm",
  37841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37842.             "Title": "Do Your Level Best",
  37843.             "Category": "LIF",
  37844.             "Description": "Advice for managing diabetes from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease.",
  37845.             "Year": 0
  37846.         },
  37847.         {
  37848.             "RIT": "ws201455",
  37849.             "Type": "WS",
  37850.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv0314/peint_f.htm",
  37851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37852.             "Title": "The Coronation of the Virgin",
  37853.             "Category": "HUM",
  37854.             "Description": "Fra Angelico's painting displayed by the Louvre.",
  37855.             "Year": 0
  37856.         },
  37857.         {
  37858.             "RIT": "ws201456",
  37859.             "Type": "WS",
  37860.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/tr/",
  37861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37862.             "Title": "TR, The Story of Theodore Roosevelt",
  37863.             "Category": "HIS",
  37864.             "Description": "This special feature from PBS inlcudes a guide for educators.",
  37865.             "Year": 0
  37866.         },
  37867.         {
  37868.             "RIT": "ws201457",
  37869.             "Type": "WS",
  37870.             "URL": "http://www.diabetes.org/ada/c30b.asp",
  37871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37872.             "Title": "All About Insulin",
  37873.             "Category": "LIF",
  37874.             "Description": "The American Diabetes Association provides information for diabetics.",
  37875.             "Year": 0
  37876.         },
  37877.         {
  37878.             "RIT": "ws201458",
  37879.             "Type": "WS",
  37880.             "URL": "http://www.candyusa.org/",
  37881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37882.             "Title": "Candy USA",
  37883.             "Category": "SOC",
  37884.             "Description": "Information from the National Confectioners Association and the Chocolate Manufacturers Association about the history of candy along with news, recipes, and links to candy companies.",
  37885.             "Year": 0
  37886.         },
  37887.         {
  37888.             "RIT": "ws201459",
  37889.             "Type": "WS",
  37890.             "URL": "http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/tropicos/most/bryolist.shtml",
  37891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37892.             "Title": "Bryophyte Name Lists",
  37893.             "Category": "LIF",
  37894.             "Description": "List of bryophyte species and families, by the Missouri Botanical Garden.",
  37895.             "Year": 0
  37896.         },
  37897.         {
  37898.             "RIT": "ws201460",
  37899.             "Type": "WS",
  37900.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/oh/",
  37901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37902.             "Title": "Oral Health Resources",
  37903.             "Category": "LIF",
  37904.             "Description": "Resources on such topics as oral cancer and water fluoridation provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  37905.             "Year": 0
  37906.         },
  37907.         {
  37908.             "RIT": "ws201461",
  37909.             "Type": "WS",
  37910.             "URL": "http://cwihp.si.edu/default.htm",
  37911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37912.             "Title": "Cold War International History Project",
  37913.             "Category": "HIS",
  37914.             "Description": "Information and resources on the Cold War from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C.",
  37915.             "Year": 0
  37916.         },
  37917.         {
  37918.             "RIT": "ws201471",
  37919.             "Type": "WS",
  37920.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/lindbergh/sfeature/anne.html",
  37921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37922.             "Title": "Anne Morrow Lindbergh",
  37923.             "Category": "HUM",
  37924.             "Description": "This biography is part of a PBS feature on the life of Charles Lindbergh.",
  37925.             "Year": 0
  37926.         },
  37927.         {
  37928.             "RIT": "ws201472",
  37929.             "Type": "WS",
  37930.             "URL": "http://www.agd.org/",
  37931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37932.             "Title": "Academy of General Dentistry",
  37933.             "Category": "LIF",
  37934.             "Description": "Home page of an organization that represents dental health professionals. Site includes information for dentists and consumers.",
  37935.             "Year": 0
  37936.         },
  37937.         {
  37938.             "RIT": "ws201473",
  37939.             "Type": "WS",
  37940.             "URL": "http://web.dartmouth.edu/~hood/collections/orozco-murals.html",
  37941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37942.             "Title": "The Epic of American Civilization",
  37943.             "Category": "HUM",
  37944.             "Description": "Dartmouth College presents panels from a mural by Jose Clemente Orozco.",
  37945.             "Year": 0
  37946.         },
  37947.         {
  37948.             "RIT": "ws201474",
  37949.             "Type": "WS",
  37950.             "URL": "http://americanhistory.si.edu/csr/cadnnc.htm",
  37951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37952.             "Title": "National Numismatic Collection",
  37953.             "Category": "REC",
  37954.             "Description": "Information on the Numismatic Collection at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.",
  37955.             "Year": 0
  37956.         },
  37957.         {
  37958.             "RIT": "ws201475",
  37959.             "Type": "WS",
  37960.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/lindbergh/",
  37961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37962.             "Title": "Lindbergh",
  37963.             "Category": "IND",
  37964.             "Description": "This PBS feature traces the life of Charles Lindbergh and includes a guide for educators.",
  37965.             "Year": 0
  37966.         },
  37967.         {
  37968.             "RIT": "ws201476",
  37969.             "Type": "WS",
  37970.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/moden/eflat_2.html",
  37971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37972.             "Title": "Figure in a Room",
  37973.             "Category": "HUM",
  37974.             "Description": "Korea's Ho-Am Art Museum provides a painting by Francis Bacon and explanation of the work.",
  37975.             "Year": 0
  37976.         },
  37977.         {
  37978.             "RIT": "ws201477",
  37979.             "Type": "WS",
  37980.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/explore/lafarge/HTML/index.htm",
  37981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37982.             "Title": "John La Farge",
  37983.             "Category": "HUM",
  37984.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art presents a biography and an exhibit of the artist's work.",
  37985.             "Year": 0
  37986.         },
  37987.         {
  37988.             "RIT": "ws201478",
  37989.             "Type": "WS",
  37990.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=15&full=0&item=1975%2E1%2E155",
  37991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  37992.             "Title": "├ÆNude Before a Mirror├ô",
  37993.             "Category": "HUM",
  37994.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art presents the Balthus painting with description.",
  37995.             "Year": 0
  37996.         },
  37997.         {
  37998.             "RIT": "ws201479",
  37999.             "Type": "WS",
  38000.             "URL": "http://english-www.hss.cmu.edu/fiction/",
  38001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38002.             "Title": "The English Server Fiction Collection",
  38003.             "Category": "HUM",
  38004.             "Description": "A site from Carnegie Mellon University with some works of fiction and articles about fiction.",
  38005.             "Year": 0
  38006.         },
  38007.         {
  38008.             "RIT": "ws201442",
  38009.             "Type": "WS",
  38010.             "URL": "http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/diabetes/summary/altmed/altmed.htm",
  38011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38012.             "Title": "Alternative Therapies for Diabetes",
  38013.             "Category": "LIF",
  38014.             "Description": "The National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse describes such therapies as acupuncture and biofeedback.",
  38015.             "Year": 0
  38016.         },
  38017.         {
  38018.             "RIT": "ws201443",
  38019.             "Type": "WS",
  38020.             "URL": "http://www.daheshmuseum.org/all_natures_children.htm",
  38021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38022.             "Title": "Rosa Bonheur Exhibition",
  38023.             "Category": "HUM",
  38024.             "Description": "The Dahesh Musum in New York exhibits a painting by Bonheur.",
  38025.             "Year": 0
  38026.         },
  38027.         {
  38028.             "RIT": "ws201444",
  38029.             "Type": "WS",
  38030.             "URL": "http://web8.si.edu/nmah/htdocs/ssb-old/2_home/fs2.html",
  38031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38032.             "Title": "The Star-Spangled Banner",
  38033.             "Category": "HUM",
  38034.             "Description": "The Star-Spangled Banner's origins, history, and the flag's symbolism from the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.",
  38035.             "Year": 0
  38036.         },
  38037.         {
  38038.             "RIT": "ws201445",
  38039.             "Type": "WS",
  38040.             "URL": "http://abcnews.go.com/onair/2020/barbara_walters_bio.html",
  38041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38042.             "Title": "ABCNEWS' Barbara Walters",
  38043.             "Category": "IND",
  38044.             "Description": "ABC News biography of Barbara Walters.",
  38045.             "Year": 0
  38046.         },
  38047.         {
  38048.             "RIT": "ws201446",
  38049.             "Type": "WS",
  38050.             "URL": "http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/eaf/overview.html",
  38051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38052.             "Title": "Early American Fiction Project",
  38053.             "Category": "HUM",
  38054.             "Description": "Electronic versions of rare early American fiction from the University of Virginia Library.",
  38055.             "Year": 0
  38056.         },
  38057.         {
  38058.             "RIT": "ws201447",
  38059.             "Type": "WS",
  38060.             "URL": "http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/diabetes/pubs/neuro/neuro.htm",
  38061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38062.             "Title": "Diabetic Neuropathy",
  38063.             "Category": "LIF",
  38064.             "Description": "Information from the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse about diabetes-related nerve damage.",
  38065.             "Year": 0
  38066.         },
  38067.         {
  38068.             "RIT": "ws201449",
  38069.             "Type": "WS",
  38070.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/moden/eflat_1.html",
  38071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38072.             "Title": "Homage to the Square: Interpenetration",
  38073.             "Category": "HUM",
  38074.             "Description": "The Ho-Am Art Museum in Korea displays a painting by Josef Albers with explanation.",
  38075.             "Year": 0
  38076.         },
  38077.         {
  38078.             "RIT": "ws201450",
  38079.             "Type": "WS",
  38080.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/mostwant/kidnap/lindbergh/lindber.htm",
  38081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38082.             "Title": "The Lindbergh Kidnapping",
  38083.             "Category": "HUM",
  38084.             "Description": "The FBI presents information about the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh, Jr.",
  38085.             "Year": 0
  38086.         },
  38087.         {
  38088.             "RIT": "ws201452",
  38089.             "Type": "WS",
  38090.             "URL": "http://americanhistory.si.edu/corinth/",
  38091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38092.             "Title": "Life in Ancient Greece Reflected in the Coinage of Corinth",
  38093.             "Category": "HIS",
  38094.             "Description": "Smithsonian Museum of American History site on the history of the currency in Corinth.",
  38095.             "Year": 0
  38096.         },
  38097.         {
  38098.             "RIT": "ws201462",
  38099.             "Type": "WS",
  38100.             "URL": "http://english-server.hss.cmu.edu/drama/",
  38101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38102.             "Title": "The English Server Drama Collection",
  38103.             "Category": "HUM",
  38104.             "Description": "A site from Carnegie Mellon University with a large collection of plays and criticism about plays",
  38105.             "Year": 0
  38106.         },
  38107.         {
  38108.             "RIT": "ws201463",
  38109.             "Type": "WS",
  38110.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/bacteria/bacteria.html",
  38111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38112.             "Title": "Introduction to the Bacteria",
  38113.             "Category": "LIF",
  38114.             "Description": "An overview and related links provided by the Museum of Paleontology at the University of California, Berkley.",
  38115.             "Year": 0
  38116.         },
  38117.         {
  38118.             "RIT": "ws201464",
  38119.             "Type": "WS",
  38120.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/kids/crimedet/poly/poly.htm",
  38121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38122.             "Title": "Polygraph Testing",
  38123.             "Category": "SOC",
  38124.             "Description": "The FBI explains how lie detectors work.",
  38125.             "Year": 0
  38126.         },
  38127.         {
  38128.             "RIT": "ws201465",
  38129.             "Type": "WS",
  38130.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=87%2E25",
  38131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38132.             "Title": "The Horse Fair",
  38133.             "Category": "HUM",
  38134.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art displays a painting by Rosa Bonheur.",
  38135.             "Year": 0
  38136.         },
  38137.         {
  38138.             "RIT": "ws201466",
  38139.             "Type": "WS",
  38140.             "URL": "http://www.preventdiabetes.com/statmen.htm",
  38141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38142.             "Title": "Diabetes Prevention Program",
  38143.             "Category": "LIF",
  38144.             "Description": "Home page of a nationwide research study designed to find out whether type 2 diabetes can be prevented through diet and exercise or medication.",
  38145.             "Year": 0
  38146.         },
  38147.         {
  38148.             "RIT": "ws201467",
  38149.             "Type": "WS",
  38150.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=23364",
  38151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38152.             "Title": "Biography.com: Milosevic, Slobodan",
  38153.             "Category": "GEO",
  38154.             "Description": "Biography.com presents a biography of Slobodan Milosevic.",
  38155.             "Year": 0
  38156.         },
  38157.         {
  38158.             "RIT": "ws201468",
  38159.             "Type": "WS",
  38160.             "URL": "http://pwba.com/index.htm",
  38161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38162.             "Title": "Professional Women's Bowling Association (PWBA)",
  38163.             "Category": "REC",
  38164.             "Description": "The PWBA provides tournament news and player statistics.",
  38165.             "Year": 0
  38166.         },
  38167.         {
  38168.             "RIT": "ws201469",
  38169.             "Type": "WS",
  38170.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=790&group=general&name=",
  38171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38172.             "Title": "Francis Bacon 1909-1992",
  38173.             "Category": "HUM",
  38174.             "Description": "The Tate Gallery in London displays Bacon's paintings. Click on the titles to view images.",
  38175.             "Year": 0
  38176.         },
  38177.         {
  38178.             "RIT": "ws201470",
  38179.             "Type": "WS",
  38180.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=87%2E15%2E109",
  38181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38182.             "Title": "Weaning the Calves",
  38183.             "Category": "HUM",
  38184.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art displays a painting by Rosa Bonheur.",
  38185.             "Year": 0
  38186.         },
  38187.         {
  38188.             "RIT": "ws201480",
  38189.             "Type": "WS",
  38190.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/macarthur/",
  38191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38192.             "Title": "MacArthur",
  38193.             "Category": "HIS",
  38194.             "Description": "This PBS feature traces the life and career of U.S. General Douglas MacArthur.",
  38195.             "Year": 0
  38196.         },
  38197.         {
  38198.             "RIT": "ws201481",
  38199.             "Type": "WS",
  38200.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/amerart/tiffany/index.html",
  38201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38202.             "Title": "American Art: Tiffany",
  38203.             "Category": "HUM",
  38204.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the Detroit Institute of Arts.",
  38205.             "Year": 0
  38206.         },
  38207.         {
  38208.             "RIT": "ws201482",
  38209.             "Type": "WS",
  38210.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/kids/crimedet/dna/dna.htm",
  38211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38212.             "Title": "DNA Testing",
  38213.             "Category": "SOC",
  38214.             "Description": "The FBI describes how DNA is used to identify criminals.",
  38215.             "Year": 0
  38216.         },
  38217.         {
  38218.             "RIT": "ws201483",
  38219.             "Type": "WS",
  38220.             "URL": "http://www.nybg.org/bsci/hcol/bryo/",
  38221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38222.             "Title": "The New York Botanical Garden Bryophyte Introduction Page",
  38223.             "Category": "LIF",
  38224.             "Description": "Information on bryophytes and the bryophyte collection at the New York Botanical Garden.",
  38225.             "Year": 0
  38226.         },
  38227.         {
  38228.             "RIT": "ws201484",
  38229.             "Type": "WS",
  38230.             "URL": "http://www.mattatuckmuseum.org/collections/art/albers.htm",
  38231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38232.             "Title": "Kinetic (I)",
  38233.             "Category": "HUM",
  38234.             "Description": "Connecticut's Mattatuck Historical Society exhibits a painting by Josef Albers.",
  38235.             "Year": 0
  38236.         },
  38237.         {
  38238.             "RIT": "ws201485",
  38239.             "Type": "WS",
  38240.             "URL": "http://www.nia.nih.gov/health/agepages/hyperthe.htm",
  38241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38242.             "Title": "Hyperthermia",
  38243.             "Category": "LIF",
  38244.             "Description": "An overview of severe health problems often caused by hot weather, from the National Institutes of Health.",
  38245.             "Year": 0
  38246.         },
  38247.         {
  38248.             "RIT": "ws201486",
  38249.             "Type": "WS",
  38250.             "URL": "http://scidiv.bcc.ctc.edu/rkr/botany/lectures/bryophytes.html",
  38251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38252.             "Title": "Bryophytes",
  38253.             "Category": "LIF",
  38254.             "Description": "Basic information on bryophyte biology, by Bellevue Community College.",
  38255.             "Year": 0
  38256.         },
  38257.         {
  38258.             "RIT": "ws201487",
  38259.             "Type": "WS",
  38260.             "URL": "http://www.acbl.org/",
  38261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38262.             "Title": "American Contract Bridge League",
  38263.             "Category": "REC",
  38264.             "Description": "Site includes a bridge tutorial, list of bridge clubs, and information about scoring, conventions, and duplicate play.",
  38265.             "Year": 0
  38266.         },
  38267.         {
  38268.             "RIT": "ws201488",
  38269.             "Type": "WS",
  38270.             "URL": "http://www.byu.edu/moa/exhibits/Current%20Exhibits/150years/840018900.html",
  38271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38272.             "Title": "Washington Allston",
  38273.             "Category": "HUM",
  38274.             "Description": "Information about the artist from the Museum of Art at Brigham Young University.",
  38275.             "Year": 0
  38276.         },
  38277.         {
  38278.             "RIT": "ws201489",
  38279.             "Type": "WS",
  38280.             "URL": "http://college.holycross.edu/organizations/csga/",
  38281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38282.             "Title": "Census of Stained Glass Windows",
  38283.             "Category": "HUM",
  38284.             "Description": "Home page of an organization that archives artistic, historical, and technical information about stained glass in the United States.",
  38285.             "Year": 0
  38286.         },
  38287.         {
  38288.             "RIT": "ws201490",
  38289.             "Type": "WS",
  38290.             "URL": "http://www.morsemuseum.org/",
  38291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38292.             "Title": "The Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art",
  38293.             "Category": "HUM",
  38294.             "Description": "This Florida museum presents a Louis C. Tiffany biography and an exhibit of Tiffany's glass art.",
  38295.             "Year": 0
  38296.         },
  38297.         {
  38298.             "RIT": "ws201491",
  38299.             "Type": "WS",
  38300.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=louis&=And&=Yes&=tiffany&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  38301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38302.             "Title": "Artist: Tiffany",
  38303.             "Category": "HUM",
  38304.             "Description": "The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco display works by Louis C. Tiffany.",
  38305.             "Year": 0
  38306.         },
  38307.         {
  38308.             "RIT": "ws201492",
  38309.             "Type": "WS",
  38310.             "URL": "http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/diabetes/diabetes.htm",
  38311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38312.             "Title": "Health Information: Diabetes",
  38313.             "Category": "LIF",
  38314.             "Description": "A comprehensive information resource from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.",
  38315.             "Year": 0
  38316.         },
  38317.         {
  38318.             "RIT": "ws201493",
  38319.             "Type": "WS",
  38320.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/sex/index.html",
  38321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38322.             "Title": "The Nature of Sex",
  38323.             "Category": "LIF",
  38324.             "Description": "This PBS Web feature looks at sexual reproduction in the animal kingdom.",
  38325.             "Year": 0
  38326.         },
  38327.         {
  38328.             "RIT": "ws201494",
  38329.             "Type": "WS",
  38330.             "URL": "http://www.sis.gov.eg/egyptinf/culture/html/arts.htm",
  38331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38332.             "Title": "Stained Glass Industry",
  38333.             "Category": "HUM",
  38334.             "Description": "The Egypt State Information Services traces the history of Egyptian stained glass making.",
  38335.             "Year": 0
  38336.         },
  38337.         {
  38338.             "RIT": "ws201495",
  38339.             "Type": "WS",
  38340.             "URL": "http://americanhistory.si.edu/quilts/",
  38341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38342.             "Title": "Quilts, Counterpanes & Throws",
  38343.             "Category": "HUM",
  38344.             "Description": "Smithsonian National Museum of American History collection of quilts from the 18th century to the present.",
  38345.             "Year": 0
  38346.         },
  38347.         {
  38348.             "RIT": "ws201496",
  38349.             "Type": "WS",
  38350.             "URL": "http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?search=ss&sText=John+Varley&LinkID=mp04609",
  38351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38352.             "Title": "John Varley",
  38353.             "Category": "HUM",
  38354.             "Description": "The National Portrait Gallery in London displays a portrait by William Blake.",
  38355.             "Year": 0
  38356.         },
  38357.         {
  38358.             "RIT": "ws201497",
  38359.             "Type": "WS",
  38360.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/cgi-bin/familydoc.pl?op=search&query=Endocrine%20System",
  38361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38362.             "Title": "Endocrine System",
  38363.             "Category": "LIF",
  38364.             "Description": "Diabetes fact sheets for patients and their families from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  38365.             "Year": 0
  38366.         },
  38367.         {
  38368.             "RIT": "ws201498",
  38369.             "Type": "WS",
  38370.             "URL": "http://agnews.tamu.edu/bees/",
  38371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38372.             "Title": "AgNews - Africanized Honey Bees",
  38373.             "Category": "LIF",
  38374.             "Description": "Information on the habitat, identification, and other facts about the Africanized Honey Bee from the Texas A&M Agriculture Program.",
  38375.             "Year": 0
  38376.         },
  38377.         {
  38378.             "RIT": "ws201508",
  38379.             "Type": "WS",
  38380.             "URL": "http://www.bl.uk/whatson/exhibitions/keats.html",
  38381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38382.             "Title": "British Library Online Exhibitions: John Keats",
  38383.             "Category": "HUM",
  38384.             "Description": "Original manuscripts, poems, and information about the work of John Keats",
  38385.             "Year": 0
  38386.         },
  38387.         {
  38388.             "RIT": "ws201509",
  38389.             "Type": "WS",
  38390.             "URL": "http://www.ada.org/public/patientpage/index.html",
  38391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38392.             "Title": "American Dental Association: Patients & Consumers",
  38393.             "Category": "LIF",
  38394.             "Description": "Oral health facts from the American Dental Association, with specific pages for educators and kids.",
  38395.             "Year": 0
  38396.         },
  38397.         {
  38398.             "RIT": "ws201510",
  38399.             "Type": "WS",
  38400.             "URL": "http://www.nidcr.nih.gov/news/pubs/diabetes/main.htm",
  38401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38402.             "Title": "Diabetes & Peridontal Disease",
  38403.             "Category": "LIF",
  38404.             "Description": "The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research presents a guide to diabetes-related oral health problems.",
  38405.             "Year": 0
  38406.         },
  38407.         {
  38408.             "RIT": "ws201511",
  38409.             "Type": "WS",
  38410.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Albers_J/AA.html",
  38411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38412.             "Title": "Josef Albers",
  38413.             "Category": "HUM",
  38414.             "Description": "Artwork displayed by the Currier Gallery of Art in New Hampshire.",
  38415.             "Year": 0
  38416.         },
  38417.         {
  38418.             "RIT": "ws201512",
  38419.             "Type": "WS",
  38420.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=2700",
  38421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38422.             "Title": "Artist: William Blake",
  38423.             "Category": "HUM",
  38424.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art provides a biography of Blake and an exhibit of his art.",
  38425.             "Year": 0
  38426.         },
  38427.         {
  38428.             "RIT": "ws201513",
  38429.             "Type": "WS",
  38430.             "URL": "http://web.uvic.ca/shakespeare/Library/SLTnoframes/intro/introsubj.html",
  38431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38432.             "Title": "Shakespeare's Life and Times",
  38433.             "Category": "HUM",
  38434.             "Description": "Information about William Shakespeares' life and work and the Elizabethan times",
  38435.             "Year": 0
  38436.         },
  38437.         {
  38438.             "RIT": "ws201514",
  38439.             "Type": "WS",
  38440.             "URL": "http://more.abcnews.go.com/onair/nightline/koppel_ted_bio.html",
  38441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38442.             "Title": "ABCNEWS' Ted Koppel",
  38443.             "Category": "IND",
  38444.             "Description": "ABC News biography of Ted Koppel.",
  38445.             "Year": 0
  38446.         },
  38447.         {
  38448.             "RIT": "ws201515",
  38449.             "Type": "WS",
  38450.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/wright/",
  38451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38452.             "Title": "The Wright Stuff",
  38453.             "Category": "IND",
  38454.             "Description": "PBS traces the development of Wilbur and Orville Wright's airplane.",
  38455.             "Year": 0
  38456.         },
  38457.         {
  38458.             "RIT": "ws201516",
  38459.             "Type": "WS",
  38460.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=bonheur+rosa&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  38461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38462.             "Title": "Rosa Bonheur",
  38463.             "Category": "HUM",
  38464.             "Description": "Images of Bonheur's works presented by the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  38465.             "Year": 0
  38466.         },
  38467.         {
  38468.             "RIT": "ws201526",
  38469.             "Type": "WS",
  38470.             "URL": "http://americanhistory.si.edu/events/elling/",
  38471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38472.             "Title": "Duke Ellington Centennial Celebration",
  38473.             "Category": "HUM",
  38474.             "Description": "Biographical information on the life of Duke Ellington from the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.",
  38475.             "Year": 0
  38476.         },
  38477.         {
  38478.             "RIT": "ws201527",
  38479.             "Type": "WS",
  38480.             "URL": "http://www.bowl.com/bowl/",
  38481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38482.             "Title": "BOWL.com",
  38483.             "Category": "REC",
  38484.             "Description": "The American Bowling Congress presents an informaton site dedicated to professional bowling.",
  38485.             "Year": 0
  38486.         },
  38487.         {
  38488.             "RIT": "ws201528",
  38489.             "Type": "WS",
  38490.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/treasuresoftheworld/a_nav/faberge_nav/main_fabfrm.html",
  38491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38492.             "Title": "Faberge Eggs: Mementos of a Doomed Dynasty",
  38493.             "Category": "HIS",
  38494.             "Description": "PBS highlights the Russian czars' fascination with Faberge eggs and traces the downfall of the Romanov dynasty.",
  38495.             "Year": 0
  38496.         },
  38497.         {
  38498.             "RIT": "ws201529",
  38499.             "Type": "WS",
  38500.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/hivaids.htm",
  38501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38502.             "Title": "Does HIV Cause AIDS?",
  38503.             "Category": "LIF",
  38504.             "Description": "In response to rumors and false information, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention answers questions about HIV and AIDS.",
  38505.             "Year": 0
  38506.         },
  38507.         {
  38508.             "RIT": "ws201530",
  38509.             "Type": "WS",
  38510.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/kids/dogs/doghome.htm",
  38511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38512.             "Title": "Working Dogs",
  38513.             "Category": "LIF",
  38514.             "Description": "The FBI profiles dogs who work to solve crimes and find people who are missing or hurt.",
  38515.             "Year": 0
  38516.         },
  38517.         {
  38518.             "RIT": "ws201531",
  38519.             "Type": "WS",
  38520.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Kahlo.htm",
  38521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38522.             "Title": "Frida Kahlo - Mexican, 1910-1954",
  38523.             "Category": "HUM",
  38524.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, provides an overview of Kahlo's work and suggested hands-on art activities.",
  38525.             "Year": 0
  38526.         },
  38527.         {
  38528.             "RIT": "ws201532",
  38529.             "Type": "WS",
  38530.             "URL": "http://www.montclairartmuseum.org/collections/search/page_03.asp?PixIndex=44",
  38531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38532.             "Title": "Homage to the Square: Wide Roots",
  38533.             "Category": "HUM",
  38534.             "Description": "A painting by Josef Albers, displayed by the Montclair Art Museum, New Jersey.",
  38535.             "Year": 0
  38536.         },
  38537.         {
  38538.             "RIT": "ws201533",
  38539.             "Type": "WS",
  38540.             "URL": "http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/diabetes/pubs/dmover/dmover.htm",
  38541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38542.             "Title": "Diabetes Overview",
  38543.             "Category": "LIF",
  38544.             "Description": "A fact sheet from the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse.",
  38545.             "Year": 0
  38546.         },
  38547.         {
  38548.             "RIT": "ws201534",
  38549.             "Type": "WS",
  38550.             "URL": "http://web.uvic.ca/wguide/Pages/LiteraryTermsTOC.html",
  38551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38552.             "Title": "The UVic Writer's Guide",
  38553.             "Category": "HUM",
  38554.             "Description": "Glossary of literary terms and devices",
  38555.             "Year": 0
  38556.         },
  38557.         {
  38558.             "RIT": "ws201546",
  38559.             "Type": "WS",
  38560.             "URL": "http://www.supremecourthistory.org/",
  38561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38562.             "Title": "The Supreme Court Historical Society",
  38563.             "Category": "SOC",
  38564.             "Description": "The society's Web site features such historical records as the arguments from important cases and memoirs written by former justices.",
  38565.             "Year": 0
  38566.         },
  38567.         {
  38568.             "RIT": "ws201547",
  38569.             "Type": "WS",
  38570.             "URL": "http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/BREEDS/other/yak/index.htm",
  38571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38572.             "Title": "Yak",
  38573.             "Category": "LIF",
  38574.             "Description": "A Web site about yaks, hosted by Oklahoma State University.",
  38575.             "Year": 0
  38576.         },
  38577.         {
  38578.             "RIT": "ws201548",
  38579.             "Type": "WS",
  38580.             "URL": "http://www.sbmuseart.org/collection/european/villasABordighera.html",
  38581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38582.             "Title": "Villas a Bordighera",
  38583.             "Category": "HUM",
  38584.             "Description": "A painting by Claude Monet from the Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara, California.",
  38585.             "Year": 0
  38586.         },
  38587.         {
  38588.             "RIT": "ws201549",
  38589.             "Type": "WS",
  38590.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/340.html",
  38591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38592.             "Title": "Food Allergies -- Just the Facts",
  38593.             "Category": "LIF",
  38594.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  38595.             "Year": 0
  38596.         },
  38597.         {
  38598.             "RIT": "ws201550",
  38599.             "Type": "WS",
  38600.             "URL": "http://www.supremecourthistory.org/justice/scalia.htm",
  38601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38602.             "Title": "Antonin Scalia",
  38603.             "Category": "SOC",
  38604.             "Description": "A biography of Justice Scalia from the Supreme Court Historical Society.",
  38605.             "Year": 0
  38606.         },
  38607.         {
  38608.             "RIT": "ws201551",
  38609.             "Type": "WS",
  38610.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1096",
  38611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38612.             "Title": "Edgar Degas",
  38613.             "Category": "HUM",
  38614.             "Description": "The Tate Gallery in London presents works by Degas and a brief biography.",
  38615.             "Year": 0
  38616.         },
  38617.         {
  38618.             "RIT": "ws201552",
  38619.             "Type": "WS",
  38620.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/poetry/wilbur.htm",
  38621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38622.             "Title": "Poetry Pages - Interview with Richard Wilbur",
  38623.             "Category": "HUM",
  38624.             "Description": "The Atlantic Monthly presents a 1999 interview with the poet.",
  38625.             "Year": 0
  38626.         },
  38627.         {
  38628.             "RIT": "ws201553",
  38629.             "Type": "WS",
  38630.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_rxkykG",
  38631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38632.             "Title": "Postcards: Claude Monet",
  38633.             "Category": "HUM",
  38634.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents online postcards that feature paintings by Monet.",
  38635.             "Year": 0
  38636.         },
  38637.         {
  38638.             "RIT": "ws201554",
  38639.             "Type": "WS",
  38640.             "URL": "http://www.mairie-toulouse.fr/ANGLAIS/Accueil_En.htm",
  38641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38642.             "Title": "Welcome to Toulouse",
  38643.             "Category": "GEO",
  38644.             "Description": "The official Web site of the French city Toulouse includes information for tourists.",
  38645.             "Year": 0
  38646.         },
  38647.         {
  38648.             "RIT": "ws201555",
  38649.             "Type": "WS",
  38650.             "URL": "http://www.dav.org/",
  38651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38652.             "Title": "Disabled American Veterans",
  38653.             "Category": "SOC",
  38654.             "Description": "The official Web site of Disabled American Veterans provides information about the organization and about issues that concern its members.",
  38655.             "Year": 0
  38656.         },
  38657.         {
  38658.             "RIT": "ws201567",
  38659.             "Type": "WS",
  38660.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/healthfacts/018/",
  38661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38662.             "Title": "Breast Cancer: Steps to Finding Breast Lumps Early",
  38663.             "Category": "LIF",
  38664.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  38665.             "Year": 0
  38666.         },
  38667.         {
  38668.             "RIT": "ws201568",
  38669.             "Type": "WS",
  38670.             "URL": "http://www.artgallerynsw.com.au/collection/pdw_west_mod_degas.act",
  38671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38672.             "Title": "After the Bath",
  38673.             "Category": "HUM",
  38674.             "Description": "A painting by Edgar Degas displayed by the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Australia.",
  38675.             "Year": 0
  38676.         },
  38677.         {
  38678.             "RIT": "ws201569",
  38679.             "Type": "WS",
  38680.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=10",
  38681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38682.             "Title": "Gustave Courbet",
  38683.             "Category": "HUM",
  38684.             "Description": "Paintings by Courbet exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  38685.             "Year": 0
  38686.         },
  38687.         {
  38688.             "RIT": "ws201570",
  38689.             "Type": "WS",
  38690.             "URL": "http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/BREEDS/other/llama/index.htm",
  38691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38692.             "Title": "Llama",
  38693.             "Category": "LIF",
  38694.             "Description": "A Web site about llamas hosted by Oklahoma State University.",
  38695.             "Year": 0
  38696.         },
  38697.         {
  38698.             "RIT": "ws201571",
  38699.             "Type": "WS",
  38700.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/educatn/trc-news/slidepac/3.html",
  38701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38702.             "Title": "Race Horses",
  38703.             "Category": "HUM",
  38704.             "Description": "The Cleveland Museum Teacher Resource Center displays a painting by Edgar Degas with background information.",
  38705.             "Year": 0
  38706.         },
  38707.         {
  38708.             "RIT": "ws201572",
  38709.             "Type": "WS",
  38710.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/drh/art.htm",
  38711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38712.             "Title": "Assisted reproductive technology",
  38713.             "Category": "LIF",
  38714.             "Description": "Facts presented by the Ceners for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  38715.             "Year": 0
  38716.         },
  38717.         {
  38718.             "RIT": "ws201573",
  38719.             "Type": "WS",
  38720.             "URL": "http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/html/rcmp2.htm",
  38721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38722.             "Title": "The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Main Page",
  38723.             "Category": "SOC",
  38724.             "Description": "Information about the RCMP and crime prevention strategies.",
  38725.             "Year": 0
  38726.         },
  38727.         {
  38728.             "RIT": "ws201574",
  38729.             "Type": "WS",
  38730.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/hse/room_t.asp?lang=e&id_room=13",
  38731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38732.             "Title": "The Van Gogh Room",
  38733.             "Category": "HUM",
  38734.             "Description": "The E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland, displays artworks by Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Cezanne, Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, and Paul Gauguin.",
  38735.             "Year": 0
  38736.         },
  38737.         {
  38738.             "RIT": "ws201575",
  38739.             "Type": "WS",
  38740.             "URL": "http://www.oprah.com/",
  38741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38742.             "Title": "Online with Oprah",
  38743.             "Category": "HUM",
  38744.             "Description": "Official Web site of Oprah Winfrey.",
  38745.             "Year": 0
  38746.         },
  38747.         {
  38748.             "RIT": "ws201576",
  38749.             "Type": "WS",
  38750.             "URL": "http://www.phxart.org/about/paintings.html",
  38751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38752.             "Title": "Monet at Giverny Exhibit Information",
  38753.             "Category": "HUM",
  38754.             "Description": "The Phoenix Art Museum provides biographical information about Claude Monete and images of his art.",
  38755.             "Year": 0
  38756.         },
  38757.         {
  38758.             "RIT": "ws201499",
  38759.             "Type": "WS",
  38760.             "URL": "http://new.bloomsbury.com/harrypotter/",
  38761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38762.             "Title": "Harry Potter Books from Bloomsbury Publishing",
  38763.             "Category": "HUM",
  38764.             "Description": "The witches and wizards section has activities such as email howlers. The muggles section includes information about author J.K. Rowling.",
  38765.             "Year": 0
  38766.         },
  38767.         {
  38768.             "RIT": "ws201500",
  38769.             "Type": "WS",
  38770.             "URL": "http://www.utoronto.ca/gallery/carr.htm",
  38771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38772.             "Title": "Emily Carr - Kitwancool Totems",
  38773.             "Category": "HUM",
  38774.             "Description": "An online exhibition from the J.M. Barnicke Art Gallery at the University of Toronto.",
  38775.             "Year": 0
  38776.         },
  38777.         {
  38778.             "RIT": "ws201501",
  38779.             "Type": "WS",
  38780.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-30-06-97/a-lundi5502.html",
  38781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38782.             "Title": "Art Nouveau, Tiffany Style",
  38783.             "Category": "HUM",
  38784.             "Description": "A virtual exhibit from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  38785.             "Year": 0
  38786.         },
  38787.         {
  38788.             "RIT": "ws201502",
  38789.             "Type": "WS",
  38790.             "URL": "http://ontologicalmuseum.org/museum/collage/",
  38791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38792.             "Title": "The International Museum of Collage",
  38793.             "Category": "HUM",
  38794.             "Description": "Online exhibits include collages on paper and other forms of constructive art.",
  38795.             "Year": 0
  38796.         },
  38797.         {
  38798.             "RIT": "ws201503",
  38799.             "Type": "WS",
  38800.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FPASS=N&FORMAT=one&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/005839/",
  38801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38802.             "Title": "Hermia and Helena",
  38803.             "Category": "HUM",
  38804.             "Description": "The National Museum of American Art displays a painting by Washington Allston.",
  38805.             "Year": 0
  38806.         },
  38807.         {
  38808.             "RIT": "ws201504",
  38809.             "Type": "WS",
  38810.             "URL": "http://sipapu.gsu.edu/index.html",
  38811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38812.             "Title": "Sipapu: The Anasazi Emergence into the Cyber World",
  38813.             "Category": "GEO",
  38814.             "Description": "Archaeology professor John Kantner highlights Anasazi architecture and history.",
  38815.             "Year": 0
  38816.         },
  38817.         {
  38818.             "RIT": "ws201505",
  38819.             "Type": "WS",
  38820.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=A&Person=3150",
  38821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38822.             "Title": "Hieronymus Bosch",
  38823.             "Category": "HUM",
  38824.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art presents a biography and paintings by Bosch.",
  38825.             "Year": 0
  38826.         },
  38827.         {
  38828.             "RIT": "ws201506",
  38829.             "Type": "WS",
  38830.             "URL": "http://www.nei.nih.gov/education/VISIONschool/VISION6.HTM",
  38831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38832.             "Title": "The Imperfect Eye",
  38833.             "Category": "LIF",
  38834.             "Description": "The National Eye Institute shows how the same image looks to people with various vision disorders.",
  38835.             "Year": 0
  38836.         },
  38837.         {
  38838.             "RIT": "ws201507",
  38839.             "Type": "WS",
  38840.             "URL": "http://www.noah-health.org/english/illness/diabetes/diabetes.html",
  38841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38842.             "Title": "Ask NOAH About: Diabetes",
  38843.             "Category": "LIF",
  38844.             "Description": "Diabetes facts from New York Online Access to Health (NOAH).",
  38845.             "Year": 0
  38846.         },
  38847.         {
  38848.             "RIT": "ws201517",
  38849.             "Type": "WS",
  38850.             "URL": "http://www.bowl.com/bowl/wibc/index.html",
  38851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38852.             "Title": "Women's International Bowling Congress (WIBC)",
  38853.             "Category": "REC",
  38854.             "Description": "The WIBC presents news and information about professional women's bowling.",
  38855.             "Year": 0
  38856.         },
  38857.         {
  38858.             "RIT": "ws201518",
  38859.             "Type": "WS",
  38860.             "URL": "http://www.us.sis.gov.eg/tut/html/tut00.htm",
  38861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38862.             "Title": "Tutankhamen",
  38863.             "Category": "HIS",
  38864.             "Description": "The Egypt State Information Service tells the story of King Tutankhamen and the discovery of his tomb.",
  38865.             "Year": 0
  38866.         },
  38867.         {
  38868.             "RIT": "ws201519",
  38869.             "Type": "WS",
  38870.             "URL": "http://www.bridgeworld.com/",
  38871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38872.             "Title": "Bridge World",
  38873.             "Category": "REC",
  38874.             "Description": "Bridge World Magazine presents an introduction to bridge, practice problems, and other resources for bridge players.",
  38875.             "Year": 0
  38876.         },
  38877.         {
  38878.             "RIT": "ws201520",
  38879.             "Type": "WS",
  38880.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Albers_J/AA.html",
  38881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38882.             "Title": "University of Nebraska: Josef Albers",
  38883.             "Category": "HUM",
  38884.             "Description": "Information about Josef Albers from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.",
  38885.             "Year": 0
  38886.         },
  38887.         {
  38888.             "RIT": "ws201521",
  38889.             "Type": "WS",
  38890.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/paintsculpt/c73.htm",
  38891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38892.             "Title": "Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair",
  38893.             "Category": "HUM",
  38894.             "Description": "A Frida Kahlo painting displayed by the Museum of Modern Art.",
  38895.             "Year": 0
  38896.         },
  38897.         {
  38898.             "RIT": "ws201522",
  38899.             "Type": "WS",
  38900.             "URL": "http://www.bocamuseum.org/collections/collections.html",
  38901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38902.             "Title": "Boca Raton Museum of Art",
  38903.             "Category": "HUM",
  38904.             "Description": "Selections from the museum's permanent collection are displayed.",
  38905.             "Year": 0
  38906.         },
  38907.         {
  38908.             "RIT": "ws201523",
  38909.             "Type": "WS",
  38910.             "URL": "http://www.colmusart.org/html/s03collection13.htm",
  38911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38912.             "Title": "Columbia Museum of Art: Art Glass",
  38913.             "Category": "HUM",
  38914.             "Description": "An exhibit of American stained glass made in the 1800's.",
  38915.             "Year": 0
  38916.         },
  38917.         {
  38918.             "RIT": "ws201524",
  38919.             "Type": "WS",
  38920.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/carnegie/",
  38921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38922.             "Title": "The Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie",
  38923.             "Category": "SOC",
  38924.             "Description": "PBS traces the life of the philanthropist. Includes a guide for educators.",
  38925.             "Year": 0
  38926.         },
  38927.         {
  38928.             "RIT": "ws201525",
  38929.             "Type": "WS",
  38930.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/sitemap.htm#kids",
  38931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38932.             "Title": "Safety Tips for Kids on the Internet",
  38933.             "Category": "PHY",
  38934.             "Description": "The FBI provides information for kids and parents.",
  38935.             "Year": 0
  38936.         },
  38937.         {
  38938.             "RIT": "ws201535",
  38939.             "Type": "WS",
  38940.             "URL": "http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/trinity/",
  38941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38942.             "Title": "Fifty Years From Trinity",
  38943.             "Category": "PHY",
  38944.             "Description": "The Seattle Times presents articles about the development of nuclear arms. Site includes interactive activities and a study guide.",
  38945.             "Year": 0
  38946.         },
  38947.         {
  38948.             "RIT": "ws201536",
  38949.             "Type": "WS",
  38950.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-07-10-96/a-lundi1705.html",
  38951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38952.             "Title": "Indian War Canoe",
  38953.             "Category": "HUM",
  38954.             "Description": "An Emily Carr paiting from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  38955.             "Year": 0
  38956.         },
  38957.         {
  38958.             "RIT": "ws201537",
  38959.             "Type": "WS",
  38960.             "URL": "http://www.nature.com/genomics/",
  38961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38962.             "Title": "Genome Gateway",
  38963.             "Category": "LIF",
  38964.             "Description": "Nature magazine presents information about genetic research, news, and Web links.",
  38965.             "Year": 0
  38966.         },
  38967.         {
  38968.             "RIT": "ws201538",
  38969.             "Type": "WS",
  38970.             "URL": "http://www.colt.com/colt/html/i1a_historyofcolt.html",
  38971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38972.             "Title": "Colt - History of Colt",
  38973.             "Category": "SOC",
  38974.             "Description": "Colt Manufacturing Company commercial site on the history of Samuel Colt and the Colt Manufacturing Company.",
  38975.             "Year": 0
  38976.         },
  38977.         {
  38978.             "RIT": "ws201539",
  38979.             "Type": "WS",
  38980.             "URL": "http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/BREEDS/SWINE/blckwhte/index.htm",
  38981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38982.             "Title": "Large Black-White Swine",
  38983.             "Category": "LIF",
  38984.             "Description": "A Web site about breeds of swine, hosted by Oklahoma State University.",
  38985.             "Year": 0
  38986.         },
  38987.         {
  38988.             "RIT": "ws201540",
  38989.             "Type": "WS",
  38990.             "URL": "http://www.slam.org/pd1.html",
  38991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  38992.             "Title": "Fishing Boats at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer",
  38993.             "Category": "HUM",
  38994.             "Description": "The Saint Louis Art Museum in St. Louis, Missouri, presents a drawing by Vincent Van Gogh.",
  38995.             "Year": 0
  38996.         },
  38997.         {
  38998.             "RIT": "ws201542",
  38999.             "Type": "WS",
  39000.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv0777/peint_f.htm",
  39001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39002.             "Title": "Virgin of the Rocks",
  39003.             "Category": "HUM",
  39004.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris presents a painting by Leonardo da Vinci.",
  39005.             "Year": 0
  39006.         },
  39007.         {
  39008.             "RIT": "ws201543",
  39009.             "Type": "WS",
  39010.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-29-07-96/a-lundi706.html",
  39011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39012.             "Title": "The Cliffs at Pourville",
  39013.             "Category": "GEO",
  39014.             "Description": "A painting by Claude Monet displayed by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Quebec.",
  39015.             "Year": 0
  39016.         },
  39017.         {
  39018.             "RIT": "ws201544",
  39019.             "Type": "WS",
  39020.             "URL": "http://www.supremecourthistory.org/justice/ginsburg.htm",
  39021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39022.             "Title": "Ruth Bader Ginsburg",
  39023.             "Category": "SOC",
  39024.             "Description": "A biography of Justice Ginsburg from the Supreme Court Historical Society.",
  39025.             "Year": 0
  39026.         },
  39027.         {
  39028.             "RIT": "ws201545",
  39029.             "Type": "WS",
  39030.             "URL": "http://www.supremecourthistory.org/justice/rehnquist.htm",
  39031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39032.             "Title": "William H. Rehnquist",
  39033.             "Category": "SOC",
  39034.             "Description": "A biography of Chief Justice Rehnquist from the Supreme Court Historical Society.",
  39035.             "Year": 0
  39036.         },
  39037.         {
  39038.             "RIT": "ws201557",
  39039.             "Type": "WS",
  39040.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/pissara.htm",
  39041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39042.             "Title": "Portrait of an Artist",
  39043.             "Category": "HUM",
  39044.             "Description": "Information about Camille Pissarro from the Foundation Bemberg in Toulouse, France.",
  39045.             "Year": 0
  39046.         },
  39047.         {
  39048.             "RIT": "ws201558",
  39049.             "Type": "WS",
  39050.             "URL": "http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/cic_text/health/infertile/197_fert.html",
  39051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39052.             "Title": "Overcoming Infertility",
  39053.             "Category": "LIF",
  39054.             "Description": "This Food and Drug Administration report addresses infertility diagnosis and treatment.",
  39055.             "Year": 0
  39056.         },
  39057.         {
  39058.             "RIT": "ws201559",
  39059.             "Type": "WS",
  39060.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/pope/",
  39061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39062.             "Title": "John Paul II: The Millennial Pope",
  39063.             "Category": "HUM",
  39064.             "Description": "PBS highlights the life and work of Pope John Paul II.",
  39065.             "Year": 0
  39066.         },
  39067.         {
  39068.             "RIT": "ws201560",
  39069.             "Type": "WS",
  39070.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=26",
  39071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39072.             "Title": "Juan Gris",
  39073.             "Category": "HUM",
  39074.             "Description": "Paintings by Gris exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  39075.             "Year": 0
  39076.         },
  39077.         {
  39078.             "RIT": "ws201561",
  39079.             "Type": "WS",
  39080.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=45",
  39081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39082.             "Title": "Georges Rouault",
  39083.             "Category": "HUM",
  39084.             "Description": "Paintings by Rouault exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  39085.             "Year": 0
  39086.         },
  39087.         {
  39088.             "RIT": "ws201562",
  39089.             "Type": "WS",
  39090.             "URL": "http://www.mayohealth.org/home?id=HQ00463",
  39091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39092.             "Title": "Condoms: a users' guide",
  39093.             "Category": "SOC",
  39094.             "Description": "The Mayo Clinc provides advice about choosing and using condoms to prevent sexually transmitted disease and unwanted pregnancy.",
  39095.             "Year": 0
  39096.         },
  39097.         {
  39098.             "RIT": "ws201563",
  39099.             "Type": "WS",
  39100.             "URL": "http://www.zonta.org/",
  39101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39102.             "Title": "Zonta International",
  39103.             "Category": "SOC",
  39104.             "Description": "Information about Zonta and its efforts to improve the quality of life for women.",
  39105.             "Year": 0
  39106.         },
  39107.         {
  39108.             "RIT": "ws201564",
  39109.             "Type": "WS",
  39110.             "URL": "http://www.nortonsimon.org/nsmdegas.htm",
  39111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39112.             "Title": "Edgar Degas",
  39113.             "Category": "HUM",
  39114.             "Description": "A five-page online exhibit of paintings by Degas from the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, California.",
  39115.             "Year": 0
  39116.         },
  39117.         {
  39118.             "RIT": "ws201565",
  39119.             "Type": "WS",
  39120.             "URL": "http://www.sbmuseart.org/collection/european/pontSaintMichel.html",
  39121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39122.             "Title": "Pont Saint-Michel",
  39123.             "Category": "HUM",
  39124.             "Description": "A painting by Henri Matisse displayed by the Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara, California.",
  39125.             "Year": 0
  39126.         },
  39127.         {
  39128.             "RIT": "ws201566",
  39129.             "Type": "WS",
  39130.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/healthfacts/125/",
  39131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39132.             "Title": "Menopause: What to Expect When Your Body is Changing",
  39133.             "Category": "LIF",
  39134.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  39135.             "Year": 0
  39136.         },
  39137.         {
  39138.             "RIT": "ws201577",
  39139.             "Type": "WS",
  39140.             "URL": "http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/digest/pubs/smoke/smoking.htm",
  39141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39142.             "Title": "Smoking and Your Digestive System",
  39143.             "Category": "LIF",
  39144.             "Description": "The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse explains how smoking affects digestion and such organs as the liver and intestine.",
  39145.             "Year": 0
  39146.         },
  39147.         {
  39148.             "RIT": "ws201578",
  39149.             "Type": "WS",
  39150.             "URL": "http://www.mayoclinic.com/invoke.cfm?id=HQ01687",
  39151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39152.             "Title": "Women's sex hormones - A refresher course",
  39153.             "Category": "LIF",
  39154.             "Description": "The Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research highlights the functions of androgen, estrogen, and progesterone.",
  39155.             "Year": 0
  39156.         },
  39157.         {
  39158.             "RIT": "ws201579",
  39159.             "Type": "WS",
  39160.             "URL": "http://www.museothyssen.org/ingles/museovirtual/fichas/obraampliada.asp?codigo=118",
  39161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39162.             "Title": "Vincent Van Gogh: The Stevedores in Arles",
  39163.             "Category": "HUM",
  39164.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid.",
  39165.             "Year": 0
  39166.         },
  39167.         {
  39168.             "RIT": "ws201580",
  39169.             "Type": "WS",
  39170.             "URL": "http://www.secretsofaging.org/index2.html",
  39171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39172.             "Title": "Secrets of Aging",
  39173.             "Category": "LIF",
  39174.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the Museum of Science in Boston explores what science tells us about growing up and growing older.",
  39175.             "Year": 0
  39176.         },
  39177.         {
  39178.             "RIT": "ws201581",
  39179.             "Type": "WS",
  39180.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/museum/collect/highlights/high10.html",
  39181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39182.             "Title": "Poplars at Saint-Remy",
  39183.             "Category": "HUM",
  39184.             "Description": "A painting by Vincent Van Gogh displayed by the Cleveland Art Museum.",
  39185.             "Year": 0
  39186.         },
  39187.         {
  39188.             "RIT": "ws201582",
  39189.             "Type": "WS",
  39190.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=28",
  39191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39192.             "Title": "Frans Hals",
  39193.             "Category": "HUM",
  39194.             "Description": "Paintings by Hals exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  39195.             "Year": 0
  39196.         },
  39197.         {
  39198.             "RIT": "ws201583",
  39199.             "Type": "WS",
  39200.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/flowcharts/519.html",
  39201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39202.             "Title": "Breast Problems in Women",
  39203.             "Category": "LIF",
  39204.             "Description": "The American Academy of Family Physicians explains diagnosis and treatment of various breast problems.",
  39205.             "Year": 0
  39206.         },
  39207.         {
  39208.             "RIT": "ws201584",
  39209.             "Type": "WS",
  39210.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/214.html",
  39211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39212.             "Title": "Epilepsy",
  39213.             "Category": "LIF",
  39214.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  39215.             "Year": 0
  39216.         },
  39217.         {
  39218.             "RIT": "ws201585",
  39219.             "Type": "WS",
  39220.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/044.html",
  39221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39222.             "Title": "Depression and Alzheimer's Disease",
  39223.             "Category": "LIF",
  39224.             "Description": "Information about Alzheimer's-related depression from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  39225.             "Year": 0
  39226.         },
  39227.         {
  39228.             "RIT": "ws201595",
  39229.             "Type": "WS",
  39230.             "URL": "http://www.sertoma.org/",
  39231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39232.             "Title": "Sertoma International Home Pgae",
  39233.             "Category": "SOC",
  39234.             "Description": "Information about the organization and its programs, including scholarship opportunities.",
  39235.             "Year": 0
  39236.         },
  39237.         {
  39238.             "RIT": "ws201597",
  39239.             "Type": "WS",
  39240.             "URL": "http://www.daytonartinstitute.org/daicollection/american/201/201warhol.html",
  39241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39242.             "Title": "AMERICAN INDIAN SERIES (RUSSELL MEANS)",
  39243.             "Category": "HUM",
  39244.             "Description": "The Dayton Art Institute in Dayton, Ohio, presents a paiting by Andy Warhol.",
  39245.             "Year": 0
  39246.         },
  39247.         {
  39248.             "RIT": "ws201598",
  39249.             "Type": "WS",
  39250.             "URL": "http://www.legion.org/",
  39251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39252.             "Title": "American Legion",
  39253.             "Category": "SOC",
  39254.             "Description": "Information about the organization and issues of concern to veterans.",
  39255.             "Year": 0
  39256.         },
  39257.         {
  39258.             "RIT": "ws201599",
  39259.             "Type": "WS",
  39260.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=9&full=0&item=51%2E90",
  39261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39262.             "Title": "Head of the Virgin",
  39263.             "Category": "HUM",
  39264.             "Description": "Leonardo da Vinci's sketch, displayed by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  39265.             "Year": 0
  39266.         },
  39267.         {
  39268.             "RIT": "ws201600",
  39269.             "Type": "WS",
  39270.             "URL": "http://www.wma.net/e/home.html",
  39271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39272.             "Title": "World Medical Association",
  39273.             "Category": "LIF",
  39274.             "Description": "Information about the association and its activities.",
  39275.             "Year": 0
  39276.         },
  39277.         {
  39278.             "RIT": "ws201601",
  39279.             "Type": "WS",
  39280.             "URL": "http://www.boijmans.rotterdam.nl/onderw/genre/stillev/stillenggogh1.htm",
  39281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39282.             "Title": "Still life with Potatoes",
  39283.             "Category": "HUM",
  39284.             "Description": "The Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, presents a painting by Vincent Van Gogh.",
  39285.             "Year": 0
  39286.         },
  39287.         {
  39288.             "RIT": "ws201602",
  39289.             "Type": "WS",
  39290.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/212.html",
  39291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39292.             "Title": "Sleep Apnea",
  39293.             "Category": "LIF",
  39294.             "Description": "Information about the sleep disorder from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  39295.             "Year": 0
  39296.         },
  39297.         {
  39298.             "RIT": "ws201603",
  39299.             "Type": "WS",
  39300.             "URL": "http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/poultry/index.htm",
  39301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39302.             "Title": "Breeds of Poultry",
  39303.             "Category": "IND",
  39304.             "Description": "A Web site about breeds of poultry, hosted by Oklahoma State University.",
  39305.             "Year": 0
  39306.         },
  39307.         {
  39308.             "RIT": "ws201604",
  39309.             "Type": "WS",
  39310.             "URL": "http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/Kids/Biologist/bologist.htm",
  39311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39312.             "Title": "How Do I Become a Professional Biologist?",
  39313.             "Category": "LIF",
  39314.             "Description": "Information from the Florida Museum of Natural History.",
  39315.             "Year": 0
  39316.         },
  39317.         {
  39318.             "RIT": "ws201605",
  39319.             "Type": "WS",
  39320.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/museum/collect/poster/ballet.html",
  39321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39322.             "Title": "Frieze of Dancers",
  39323.             "Category": "HUM",
  39324.             "Description": "The Cleveland Museum of Art exhibits a painting by Edgar Degas.",
  39325.             "Year": 0
  39326.         },
  39327.         {
  39328.             "RIT": "ws201606",
  39329.             "Type": "WS",
  39330.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/flashbks/womenpols.htm",
  39331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39332.             "Title": "Women and Politics",
  39333.             "Category": "SOC",
  39334.             "Description": "Articles about women's role in politics published in The Atlantic Montly magazine from 1903 to 1999.",
  39335.             "Year": 0
  39336.         },
  39337.         {
  39338.             "RIT": "ws201607",
  39339.             "Type": "WS",
  39340.             "URL": "http://www.calib.com/naic/factsheets/pregnant.htm",
  39341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39342.             "Title": "Are You Pregnant and Thinking About Adoption?",
  39343.             "Category": "LIF",
  39344.             "Description": "A guide to the adoption process from the National Adoption Information Clearinghouse.",
  39345.             "Year": 0
  39346.         },
  39347.         {
  39348.             "RIT": "ws201608",
  39349.             "Type": "WS",
  39350.             "URL": "http://www.pga.com/",
  39351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39352.             "Title": "Professional Golfers' Association of America",
  39353.             "Category": "REC",
  39354.             "Description": "Official site of the PGA.",
  39355.             "Year": 0
  39356.         },
  39357.         {
  39358.             "RIT": "ws201609",
  39359.             "Type": "WS",
  39360.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/COL5a9/COL91a.HTM",
  39361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39362.             "Title": "Edgar Degas",
  39363.             "Category": "HUM",
  39364.             "Description": "Information about the artist from the Foundation Bemberg in Toulouse, France.",
  39365.             "Year": 0
  39366.         },
  39367.         {
  39368.             "RIT": "ws201610",
  39369.             "Type": "WS",
  39370.             "URL": "http://galleryofart.wustl.edu/art/imgsmall/30sm.html",
  39371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39372.             "Title": "Glass and Bottle of Suze",
  39373.             "Category": "HUM",
  39374.             "Description": "Washington University Gallery of Art in St. Louis, Missouri, presents a collage by Pablo Picasso.",
  39375.             "Year": 0
  39376.         },
  39377.         {
  39378.             "RIT": "ws201611",
  39379.             "Type": "WS",
  39380.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/458.html",
  39381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39382.             "Title": "Concussion in Sports",
  39383.             "Category": "LIF",
  39384.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  39385.             "Year": 0
  39386.         },
  39387.         {
  39388.             "RIT": "ws201612",
  39389.             "Type": "WS",
  39390.             "URL": "http://web.dartmouth.edu/~hood/collections/modern/Picasso.html",
  39391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39392.             "Title": "Guitar on a Table",
  39393.             "Category": "HUM",
  39394.             "Description": "The Hood Museum of Art in Hanover, New Hampshire, shows a painting by Pablo Picasso.",
  39395.             "Year": 0
  39396.         },
  39397.         {
  39398.             "RIT": "ws201613",
  39399.             "Type": "WS",
  39400.             "URL": "http://www.rferl.org/welcome/",
  39401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39402.             "Title": "Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty",
  39403.             "Category": "IND",
  39404.             "Description": "This official site features information about the organization.",
  39405.             "Year": 0
  39406.         },
  39407.         {
  39408.             "RIT": "ws201614",
  39409.             "Type": "WS",
  39410.             "URL": "http://www.umt.edu/partv/famus/print/picaso1.htm",
  39411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39412.             "Title": "Pablo Picasso: Untitled",
  39413.             "Category": "HUM",
  39414.             "Description": "A Picasso lithograph exhibited by the University of Montana Museum of Fine Arts in Missoula, Montana.",
  39415.             "Year": 0
  39416.         },
  39417.         {
  39418.             "RIT": "ws201615",
  39419.             "Type": "WS",
  39420.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/heal_eat.htm",
  39421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39422.             "Title": "Healthy Eating Tips",
  39423.             "Category": "LIF",
  39424.             "Description": "A guide from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  39425.             "Year": 0
  39426.         },
  39427.         {
  39428.             "RIT": "ws201627",
  39429.             "Type": "WS",
  39430.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/nscpep/index.htm",
  39431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39432.             "Title": "The National Skin Cancer Prevention Education Program",
  39433.             "Category": "LIF",
  39434.             "Description": "Information about avoiding skin cancer from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  39435.             "Year": 0
  39436.         },
  39437.         {
  39438.             "RIT": "ws201628",
  39439.             "Type": "WS",
  39440.             "URL": "http://www.joslyn.org/permcol/euro/pages/degas.html",
  39441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39442.             "Title": "Little Dancer, Fourteen Years Old",
  39443.             "Category": "HUM",
  39444.             "Description": "The Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska, presents a sculpture by Edgar Degas and a background essay.",
  39445.             "Year": 0
  39446.         },
  39447.         {
  39448.             "RIT": "ws201629",
  39449.             "Type": "WS",
  39450.             "URL": "http://www.specialolympics.org/",
  39451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39452.             "Title": "Special Olympics",
  39453.             "Category": "REC",
  39454.             "Description": "Official Web site, with nformation about the organization and its competitions.",
  39455.             "Year": 0
  39456.         },
  39457.         {
  39458.             "RIT": "ws201630",
  39459.             "Type": "WS",
  39460.             "URL": "http://www.sama-sfc.org/perm/print.htm",
  39461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39462.             "Title": "Portrait: Grace Kelly",
  39463.             "Category": "HUM",
  39464.             "Description": "A painting by Andy Warhol from the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art in Pennsylvania.",
  39465.             "Year": 0
  39466.         },
  39467.         {
  39468.             "RIT": "ws201631",
  39469.             "Type": "WS",
  39470.             "URL": "http://www.vfw.org/",
  39471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39472.             "Title": "Veterans of Foreign Wars National Headquarters",
  39473.             "Category": "SOC",
  39474.             "Description": "Official Web site, with information about the organization and its community service programs.",
  39475.             "Year": 0
  39476.         },
  39477.         {
  39478.             "RIT": "ws201632",
  39479.             "Type": "WS",
  39480.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/pubs/index.htm",
  39481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39482.             "Title": "Diabetes Publications and Products",
  39483.             "Category": "LIF",
  39484.             "Description": "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides a number of fact sheets and brochures in PDF format.",
  39485.             "Year": 0
  39486.         },
  39487.         {
  39488.             "RIT": "ws201633",
  39489.             "Type": "WS",
  39490.             "URL": "http://www.iie.org/",
  39491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39492.             "Title": "Institute of International Education",
  39493.             "Category": "SOC",
  39494.             "Description": "Information about the organization and about education exchange and training programs.",
  39495.             "Year": 0
  39496.         },
  39497.         {
  39498.             "RIT": "ws201634",
  39499.             "Type": "WS",
  39500.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/flashbks/picasso/picasso.htm",
  39501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39502.             "Title": "Portraits of Picasso",
  39503.             "Category": "HUM",
  39504.             "Description": "The Atlantic Monthly presents articles about Pablo Picasso that appeared in the magazine from 1957 to 1996.",
  39505.             "Year": 0
  39506.         },
  39507.         {
  39508.             "RIT": "ws201635",
  39509.             "Type": "WS",
  39510.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Picasso.html_f/Picasso.html",
  39511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39512.             "Title": "Pablo Ruiz Picasso",
  39513.             "Category": "HUM",
  39514.             "Description": "California State University in Long Beach presents works by Picasso.",
  39515.             "Year": 0
  39516.         },
  39517.         {
  39518.             "RIT": "ws201586",
  39519.             "Type": "WS",
  39520.             "URL": "http://www.4woman.gov/faq/infertility.htm",
  39521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39522.             "Title": "Infertility",
  39523.             "Category": "LIF",
  39524.             "Description": "The Office on Women's Health in the Department of Health and Human Services presents questions and answers about infertility in men and women.",
  39525.             "Year": 0
  39526.         },
  39527.         {
  39528.             "RIT": "ws201587",
  39529.             "Type": "WS",
  39530.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/degasa.htm",
  39531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39532.             "Title": "Portrait of an Artist",
  39533.             "Category": "HUM",
  39534.             "Description": "The Foundation Bemberg in Toulouse, France presents a biography of Edgar Degas.",
  39535.             "Year": 0
  39536.         },
  39537.         {
  39538.             "RIT": "ws201588",
  39539.             "Type": "WS",
  39540.             "URL": "http://www.aap.org/family/ear.htm",
  39541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39542.             "Title": "Ear Infections and Children",
  39543.             "Category": "LIF",
  39544.             "Description": "This fact sheet from the American Academy of Pediatrics addresses risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment.",
  39545.             "Year": 0
  39546.         },
  39547.         {
  39548.             "RIT": "ws201589",
  39549.             "Type": "WS",
  39550.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/vanGogh.htm",
  39551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39552.             "Title": "The Old Mill",
  39553.             "Category": "HUM",
  39554.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Vincent Van Gogh and a guide for educators.",
  39555.             "Year": 0
  39556.         },
  39557.         {
  39558.             "RIT": "ws201590",
  39559.             "Type": "WS",
  39560.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/kids/k5th/safety5.htm",
  39561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39562.             "Title": "Gun Safety",
  39563.             "Category": "SOC",
  39564.             "Description": "Safety tips for kids from the FBI.",
  39565.             "Year": 0
  39566.         },
  39567.         {
  39568.             "RIT": "ws201591",
  39569.             "Type": "WS",
  39570.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/result.asp?Artist=monet",
  39571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39572.             "Title": "Claude Monet",
  39573.             "Category": "HUM",
  39574.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City displays more than 30 paintings by Monet.",
  39575.             "Year": 0
  39576.         },
  39577.         {
  39578.             "RIT": "ws201592",
  39579.             "Type": "WS",
  39580.             "URL": "http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/Sharks/Sharks.htm",
  39581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39582.             "Title": "Shark Reseach at the Florida Museum of Natural History Florida",
  39583.             "Category": "LIF",
  39584.             "Description": "A comprehensive guide to sharks and shark research.",
  39585.             "Year": 0
  39586.         },
  39587.         {
  39588.             "RIT": "ws201593",
  39589.             "Type": "WS",
  39590.             "URL": "http://www.asahq.org/PublicEducation/Childbirth.html",
  39591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39592.             "Title": "Planning Your Childbirth",
  39593.             "Category": "LIF",
  39594.             "Description": "A guide to managing labor pain from the American Society of Anesthesiologists.",
  39595.             "Year": 0
  39596.         },
  39597.         {
  39598.             "RIT": "ws201594",
  39599.             "Type": "WS",
  39600.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=monet",
  39601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39602.             "Title": "Hermitage Museum: Claude Monet",
  39603.             "Category": "HUM",
  39604.             "Description": "A collection of paintings from the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.",
  39605.             "Year": 0
  39606.         },
  39607.         {
  39608.             "RIT": "ws201616",
  39609.             "Type": "WS",
  39610.             "URL": "http://www.shedd.org/ani_bios_08.html",
  39611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39612.             "Title": "Coral",
  39613.             "Category": "LIF",
  39614.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.",
  39615.             "Year": 0
  39616.         },
  39617.         {
  39618.             "RIT": "ws201617",
  39619.             "Type": "WS",
  39620.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=41",
  39621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39622.             "Title": "Camille Pissarro",
  39623.             "Category": "HUM",
  39624.             "Description": "Paintings by Pissarro exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  39625.             "Year": 0
  39626.         },
  39627.         {
  39628.             "RIT": "ws201618",
  39629.             "Type": "WS",
  39630.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/",
  39631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39632.             "Title": "The National Museum of Natural History",
  39633.             "Category": "SOC",
  39634.             "Description": "Information for visitors, a calendar of events at the museum, and online exhibits.",
  39635.             "Year": 0
  39636.         },
  39637.         {
  39638.             "RIT": "ws201619",
  39639.             "Type": "WS",
  39640.             "URL": "http://www.nichd.nih.gov/sids/sids.htm",
  39641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39642.             "Title": "Back to Sleep Campaign",
  39643.             "Category": "LIF",
  39644.             "Description": "The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development provides information about preventing sudden infant death syndrome.",
  39645.             "Year": 0
  39646.         },
  39647.         {
  39648.             "RIT": "ws201620",
  39649.             "Type": "WS",
  39650.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/museum/collect/poster/picasso.html",
  39651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39652.             "Title": "Still Life with Biscuits",
  39653.             "Category": "HUM",
  39654.             "Description": "A paiting by Pablo Picasso from the Cleveland Art Museum in Cleveland, Ohio.",
  39655.             "Year": 0
  39656.         },
  39657.         {
  39658.             "RIT": "ws201621",
  39659.             "Type": "WS",
  39660.             "URL": "http://www.artgallerynsw.com.au/collection/pdw_west_mod_picasso.act",
  39661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39662.             "Title": "Still life, fruit, dish",
  39663.             "Category": "HUM",
  39664.             "Description": "A painting by Pablo Picasso presented by the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Australia.",
  39665.             "Year": 0
  39666.         },
  39667.         {
  39668.             "RIT": "ws201622",
  39669.             "Type": "WS",
  39670.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/museum/collect/highlights/high07.html",
  39671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39672.             "Title": "Harlequin with Violin",
  39673.             "Category": "HUM",
  39674.             "Description": "A cubist painting by Pablo Picasso displayed by the Cleveland Museum of Art.",
  39675.             "Year": 0
  39676.         },
  39677.         {
  39678.             "RIT": "ws201623",
  39679.             "Type": "WS",
  39680.             "URL": "http://www.artnet.com/Magazine/features/stern/stern2-25-99.asp",
  39681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39682.             "Title": "Picasso and the War Years",
  39683.             "Category": "HUM",
  39684.             "Description": "This article from Artnet magazine includes images of Pablo Picasso's anti-war paintings.",
  39685.             "Year": 0
  39686.         },
  39687.         {
  39688.             "RIT": "ws201624",
  39689.             "Type": "WS",
  39690.             "URL": "http://www.dwb.org/index.htm",
  39691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39692.             "Title": "Doctors Without Borders",
  39693.             "Category": "LIF",
  39694.             "Description": "Information about the organization and about international crisis situations.",
  39695.             "Year": 0
  39696.         },
  39697.         {
  39698.             "RIT": "ws201625",
  39699.             "Type": "WS",
  39700.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/portrait/index.html",
  39701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39702.             "Title": "European Arts: Portraits",
  39703.             "Category": "HUM",
  39704.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts displays portraits by Paul Cezanne, Edgar Degas, Paul Gauguin, and Vincent van Gogh.",
  39705.             "Year": 0
  39706.         },
  39707.         {
  39708.             "RIT": "ws201636",
  39709.             "Type": "WS",
  39710.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/gauguina.htm",
  39711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39712.             "Title": "Portrait of an Artist",
  39713.             "Category": "HUM",
  39714.             "Description": "Information about Paul Gauguin from the Foundation Bemberg in Toulouse, France.",
  39715.             "Year": 0
  39716.         },
  39717.         {
  39718.             "RIT": "ws201637",
  39719.             "Type": "WS",
  39720.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=109",
  39721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39722.             "Title": "Henri Matisse",
  39723.             "Category": "HUM",
  39724.             "Description": "Artwork by Matisse presented online by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  39725.             "Year": 0
  39726.         },
  39727.         {
  39728.             "RIT": "ws201638",
  39729.             "Type": "WS",
  39730.             "URL": "http://www.shedd.org/ani_bios_22.html",
  39731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39732.             "Title": "Oceanic Seahorse",
  39733.             "Category": "LIF",
  39734.             "Description": "An animal fact sheeet from the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.",
  39735.             "Year": 0
  39736.         },
  39737.         {
  39738.             "RIT": "ws201639",
  39739.             "Type": "WS",
  39740.             "URL": "http://www.supremecourthistory.org/justice/o'connor.htm",
  39741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39742.             "Title": "Sandra Day O'Connor",
  39743.             "Category": "SOC",
  39744.             "Description": "A biography of Justice O'Connor from the Supreme Court Historical Society.",
  39745.             "Year": 0
  39746.         },
  39747.         {
  39748.             "RIT": "ws201640",
  39749.             "Type": "WS",
  39750.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=36",
  39751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39752.             "Title": "Claude Monet",
  39753.             "Category": "HUM",
  39754.             "Description": "Paintings by Monet exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  39755.             "Year": 0
  39756.         },
  39757.         {
  39758.             "RIT": "ws201641",
  39759.             "Type": "WS",
  39760.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=19",
  39761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39762.             "Title": "Paul Gauguin",
  39763.             "Category": "HUM",
  39764.             "Description": "Paintings by Gauguin exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  39765.             "Year": 0
  39766.         },
  39767.         {
  39768.             "RIT": "ws201642",
  39769.             "Type": "WS",
  39770.             "URL": "http://www.supremecourthistory.org/justice/breyer.htm",
  39771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39772.             "Title": "Stephen G. Breyer",
  39773.             "Category": "SOC",
  39774.             "Description": "A biography of Justice Breyer from the Supreme Court Historical Society.",
  39775.             "Year": 0
  39776.         },
  39777.         {
  39778.             "RIT": "ws201643",
  39779.             "Type": "WS",
  39780.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/eastman/",
  39781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39782.             "Title": "The Wizard of Photography",
  39783.             "Category": "IND",
  39784.             "Description": "This PBS feature highlights the life of George Eastman and includes a guide for educators.",
  39785.             "Year": 0
  39786.         },
  39787.         {
  39788.             "RIT": "ws201644",
  39789.             "Type": "WS",
  39790.             "URL": "http://www.lacma.org/art/perm_col/prints/prints.htm#WINSLOW%20HOMER",
  39791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39792.             "Title": "Winslow Homer: Return from the Hunt",
  39793.             "Category": "HUM",
  39794.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.",
  39795.             "Year": 0
  39796.         },
  39797.         {
  39798.             "RIT": "ws201645",
  39799.             "Type": "WS",
  39800.             "URL": "http://www.americanhistory.si.edu/",
  39801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39802.             "Title": "National Museum of American History",
  39803.             "Category": "SOC",
  39804.             "Description": "The museum's home page features online exhibitions, a timeline, interactive activities, and information for visitors.",
  39805.             "Year": 0
  39806.         },
  39807.         {
  39808.             "RIT": "ws201655",
  39809.             "Type": "WS",
  39810.             "URL": "http://www.psu.edu/UHS/nosex.html",
  39811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39812.             "Title": "Abstinence",
  39813.             "Category": "SOC",
  39814.             "Description": "Information about the only 100% effective method of birth control from University Health Services at Penn State.",
  39815.             "Year": 0
  39816.         },
  39817.         {
  39818.             "RIT": "ws201656",
  39819.             "Type": "WS",
  39820.             "URL": "http://giverny.org/index.htm",
  39821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39822.             "Title": "Giverny and Vernon: In the Heart of Impressionism",
  39823.             "Category": "HUM",
  39824.             "Description": "The Web site of Giverny, a village whose landscapes were painted by Claude Monet, includes tourist information and background on Monet's life and work.",
  39825.             "Year": 0
  39826.         },
  39827.         {
  39828.             "RIT": "ws201657",
  39829.             "Type": "WS",
  39830.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.go.jp/col/d1974-0003.html",
  39831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39832.             "Title": "Woman Sponging her Back",
  39833.             "Category": "HUM",
  39834.             "Description": "The National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo presents a drawing by Edgar Degas.",
  39835.             "Year": 0
  39836.         },
  39837.         {
  39838.             "RIT": "ws201658",
  39839.             "Type": "WS",
  39840.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/result.asp?Artist=degas",
  39841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39842.             "Title": "The Collection: Edgar Degas",
  39843.             "Category": "HUM",
  39844.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City exhibits more than 50 works by the artist.",
  39845.             "Year": 0
  39846.         },
  39847.         {
  39848.             "RIT": "ws201659",
  39849.             "Type": "WS",
  39850.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=pablo&=And&=Yes&=picasso&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  39851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39852.             "Title": "FAMSF: Pablo Picasso",
  39853.             "Category": "HUM",
  39854.             "Description": "Works by Picasso from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  39855.             "Year": 0
  39856.         },
  39857.         {
  39858.             "RIT": "ws201660",
  39859.             "Type": "WS",
  39860.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/144.html",
  39861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39862.             "Title": "Prenatal Diagnosis: Amniocentesis and CVS",
  39863.             "Category": "LIF",
  39864.             "Description": "The American Academy of Family Physicians explains how amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS) tests can help find genetic disorders before birth.",
  39865.             "Year": 0
  39866.         },
  39867.         {
  39868.             "RIT": "ws201661",
  39869.             "Type": "WS",
  39870.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/276.html",
  39871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39872.             "Title": "Sex: Take time to make the right decision",
  39873.             "Category": "SOC",
  39874.             "Description": "A guide from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  39875.             "Year": 0
  39876.         },
  39877.         {
  39878.             "RIT": "ws201662",
  39879.             "Type": "WS",
  39880.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=6",
  39881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39882.             "Title": "Mary Cassatt: Mother and Child",
  39883.             "Category": "HUM",
  39884.             "Description": "A painting by Cassatt exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  39885.             "Year": 0
  39886.         },
  39887.         {
  39888.             "RIT": "ws201663",
  39889.             "Type": "WS",
  39890.             "URL": "http://www.opengolf.com/home/default.sps",
  39891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39892.             "Title": "The Open Championship",
  39893.             "Category": "REC",
  39894.             "Description": "Official Web site of the British Open.",
  39895.             "Year": 0
  39896.         },
  39897.         {
  39898.             "RIT": "ws201674",
  39899.             "Type": "WS",
  39900.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/042.html",
  39901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39902.             "Title": "Circumcision",
  39903.             "Category": "LIF",
  39904.             "Description": "A fact sheet from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  39905.             "Year": 0
  39906.         },
  39907.         {
  39908.             "RIT": "ws201675",
  39909.             "Type": "WS",
  39910.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-16-09-96/a-lundi1406.html",
  39911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39912.             "Title": "Embrace",
  39913.             "Category": "HUM",
  39914.             "Description": "The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts displays a painting by Pablo Picasso.",
  39915.             "Year": 0
  39916.         },
  39917.         {
  39918.             "RIT": "ws201676",
  39919.             "Type": "WS",
  39920.             "URL": "http://www.soroptimist.org/",
  39921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39922.             "Title": "Soroptimist Home Page",
  39923.             "Category": "SOC",
  39924.             "Description": "Information about the organization and its volunteer programs.",
  39925.             "Year": 0
  39926.         },
  39927.         {
  39928.             "RIT": "ws201677",
  39929.             "Type": "WS",
  39930.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=2231&group=general&name=",
  39931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39932.             "Title": "Andy Warhol 1928-1987",
  39933.             "Category": "HUM",
  39934.             "Description": "London's Tate Gallery presents a biography of Warhol and a display of his art. Click on the titles to view the works.",
  39935.             "Year": 0
  39936.         },
  39937.         {
  39938.             "RIT": "ws201678",
  39939.             "Type": "WS",
  39940.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/449.html",
  39941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39942.             "Title": "Post-Traumatic Stress After a Traffic Accident",
  39943.             "Category": "LIF",
  39944.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  39945.             "Year": 0
  39946.         },
  39947.         {
  39948.             "RIT": "ws201679",
  39949.             "Type": "WS",
  39950.             "URL": "http://www.getty.edu/art/collections/objects/o947.html",
  39951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39952.             "Title": "Irises",
  39953.             "Category": "HUM",
  39954.             "Description": "This exhibit of a painting by Vincent Van Gogh links to a brief biography of the artist. From the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  39955.             "Year": 0
  39956.         },
  39957.         {
  39958.             "RIT": "ws201680",
  39959.             "Type": "WS",
  39960.             "URL": "http://www.artmuseums.harvard.edu/ExhibitionPages/PreviousExh/atfogg/exsargentstudio.html",
  39961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39962.             "Title": "Sargent in the Studio: Drawings, Sketchbooks, and Oil Sketches",
  39963.             "Category": "HUM",
  39964.             "Description": "A companion Web site to an exhibition at the Harvard University Art Museums.",
  39965.             "Year": 0
  39966.         },
  39967.         {
  39968.             "RIT": "ws201681",
  39969.             "Type": "WS",
  39970.             "URL": "http://www.boijmans.rotterdam.nl/engels/collec/mk/mk1.htm",
  39971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39972.             "Title": "14 year old ballet girl",
  39973.             "Category": "HUM",
  39974.             "Description": "The Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, presents a sculpture by Edgar Degas.",
  39975.             "Year": 0
  39976.         },
  39977.         {
  39978.             "RIT": "ws201682",
  39979.             "Type": "WS",
  39980.             "URL": "http://www.mos.org/Everest/home.htm",
  39981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39982.             "Title": "Everest: Roof of the World",
  39983.             "Category": "GEO",
  39984.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the Museum of Science in Boston includes a virtual visit to the top of Everest and facts about its geography.",
  39985.             "Year": 0
  39986.         },
  39987.         {
  39988.             "RIT": "ws201693",
  39989.             "Type": "WS",
  39990.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/FRMTOULa.htm",
  39991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  39992.             "Title": "City of Art, City of the Future",
  39993.             "Category": "GEO",
  39994.             "Description": "Information about Toulouse from the Foundation Bemberg, an art museum in the city.",
  39995.             "Year": 0
  39996.         },
  39997.         {
  39998.             "RIT": "ws201694",
  39999.             "Type": "WS",
  40000.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=23574",
  40001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40002.             "Title": "Biography.com: J.K. Rowling",
  40003.             "Category": "HUM",
  40004.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  40005.             "Year": 0
  40006.         },
  40007.         {
  40008.             "RIT": "ws201695",
  40009.             "Type": "WS",
  40010.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/healthfacts/127/",
  40011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40012.             "Title": "Migraine Headaches: Ways to Deal with the Pain",
  40013.             "Category": "LIF",
  40014.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  40015.             "Year": 0
  40016.         },
  40017.         {
  40018.             "RIT": "ws201696",
  40019.             "Type": "WS",
  40020.             "URL": "http://www.dixon.org/degas.htm",
  40021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40022.             "Title": "Dancer Adjusting Her Shoe",
  40023.             "Category": "HUM",
  40024.             "Description": "A pastel drawing by Edgar Degas displayed by the Dixon Gallery & Gardens in Memphis, Tennessee.",
  40025.             "Year": 0
  40026.         },
  40027.         {
  40028.             "RIT": "ws201697",
  40029.             "Type": "WS",
  40030.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/drugresistance/",
  40031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40032.             "Title": "Antimicrobial Resistance",
  40033.             "Category": "LIF",
  40034.             "Description": "General and technical information about drug resistance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  40035.             "Year": 0
  40036.         },
  40037.         {
  40038.             "RIT": "ws201698",
  40039.             "Type": "WS",
  40040.             "URL": "http://www.shedd.org/ani_bios_30.html",
  40041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40042.             "Title": "Sea Cucumbers",
  40043.             "Category": "LIF",
  40044.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.",
  40045.             "Year": 0
  40046.         },
  40047.         {
  40048.             "RIT": "ws201699",
  40049.             "Type": "WS",
  40050.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=15&full=0&item=1975%2E1%2E369",
  40051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40052.             "Title": "Bear Walking",
  40053.             "Category": "HUM",
  40054.             "Description": "A drawing by Leonardo da Vinci displayed by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  40055.             "Year": 0
  40056.         },
  40057.         {
  40058.             "RIT": "ws201700",
  40059.             "Type": "WS",
  40060.             "URL": "http://www.inciid.org/glossary.html",
  40061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40062.             "Title": "Infertility Glossary",
  40063.             "Category": "LIF",
  40064.             "Description": "The InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination defines terms commonly used in discussion of infertility.",
  40065.             "Year": 0
  40066.         },
  40067.         {
  40068.             "RIT": "ws201701",
  40069.             "Type": "WS",
  40070.             "URL": "http://www.whitney.org/index.shtml",
  40071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40072.             "Title": "Whitney Museum of American Art",
  40073.             "Category": "SOC",
  40074.             "Description": "Official Web site of the museum, with nformation about education and research programs and exhibitions.",
  40075.             "Year": 0
  40076.         },
  40077.         {
  40078.             "RIT": "ws201702",
  40079.             "Type": "WS",
  40080.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=A&Person=32670",
  40081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40082.             "Title": "Artist: Andy Warhol",
  40083.             "Category": "HUM",
  40084.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents Andy Warhol's paintings, drawings, and prints.",
  40085.             "Year": 0
  40086.         },
  40087.         {
  40088.             "RIT": "ws201712",
  40089.             "Type": "WS",
  40090.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/modern/72pc_okeeffe.html",
  40091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40092.             "Title": "Black Cross, New Mexico",
  40093.             "Category": "HUM",
  40094.             "Description": "The Art Institute of Chicago presents a painting by Georgia O'Keeffe.",
  40095.             "Year": 0
  40096.         },
  40097.         {
  40098.             "RIT": "ws201713",
  40099.             "Type": "WS",
  40100.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/html_En/03/hm3_3_3_1b.html",
  40101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40102.             "Title": "Crouching Boy",
  40103.             "Category": "HUM",
  40104.             "Description": "Michelangelo's sculpture from the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.",
  40105.             "Year": 0
  40106.         },
  40107.         {
  40108.             "RIT": "ws201714",
  40109.             "Type": "WS",
  40110.             "URL": "http://www.seaworld.org/infobooks/Sharks&Rays/home.html",
  40111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40112.             "Title": "Sharks and Their Relatives",
  40113.             "Category": "LIF",
  40114.             "Description": "Information about sharks from SeaWorld and Busch Gardens.",
  40115.             "Year": 0
  40116.         },
  40117.         {
  40118.             "RIT": "ws201715",
  40119.             "Type": "WS",
  40120.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6266",
  40121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40122.             "Title": "Biography.com: Pacino, Al",
  40123.             "Category": "HUM",
  40124.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  40125.             "Year": 0
  40126.         },
  40127.         {
  40128.             "RIT": "ws201716",
  40129.             "Type": "WS",
  40130.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sharks/world/",
  40131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40132.             "Title": "NOVA Online : World of Sharks",
  40133.             "Category": "LIF",
  40134.             "Description": "Information about shark anatomy and various species of sharks from NOVA Online.",
  40135.             "Year": 0
  40136.         },
  40137.         {
  40138.             "RIT": "ws201717",
  40139.             "Type": "WS",
  40140.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5063",
  40141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40142.             "Title": "Biography.com: Ford, Harrison",
  40143.             "Category": "HUM",
  40144.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  40145.             "Year": 0
  40146.         },
  40147.         {
  40148.             "RIT": "ws201719",
  40149.             "Type": "WS",
  40150.             "URL": "http://www.whaleshark.org/",
  40151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40152.             "Title": "Whale Shark Research Group Inc.",
  40153.             "Category": "LIF",
  40154.             "Description": "Information, photos, and news about whale sharks from the Whale Shark Research Group.",
  40155.             "Year": 0
  40156.         },
  40157.         {
  40158.             "RIT": "ws201720",
  40159.             "Type": "WS",
  40160.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/ag/inv10161/ag_f.htm",
  40161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40162.             "Title": "Deploration over the Dead Christ",
  40163.             "Category": "HUM",
  40164.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris presents a chalk drawing by Michelangelo.",
  40165.             "Year": 0
  40166.         },
  40167.         {
  40168.             "RIT": "ws201721",
  40169.             "Type": "WS",
  40170.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/GEORGIA%20O'KEEFFE.htm",
  40171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40172.             "Title": "Cottonwood III",
  40173.             "Category": "HUM",
  40174.             "Description": "A painting by Georgia O'Keeffe from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  40175.             "Year": 0
  40176.         },
  40177.         {
  40178.             "RIT": "ws201722",
  40179.             "Type": "WS",
  40180.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=18335",
  40181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40182.             "Title": "Biography.com: Pei, I. M. (Ieoh Ming)",
  40183.             "Category": "HUM",
  40184.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  40185.             "Year": 0
  40186.         },
  40187.         {
  40188.             "RIT": "ws201723",
  40189.             "Type": "WS",
  40190.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=23528",
  40191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40192.             "Title": "Biography.com: Patient Zero",
  40193.             "Category": "LIF",
  40194.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  40195.             "Year": 0
  40196.         },
  40197.         {
  40198.             "RIT": "ws201724",
  40199.             "Type": "WS",
  40200.             "URL": "http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/library/calltoaction/default.htm",
  40201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40202.             "Title": "The Surgeon General's Call To Action To Prevent Suicide",
  40203.             "Category": "SOC",
  40204.             "Description": "Surgeon General David Satcher outlines suicide prevention steps that can be taken by individuals, communities, organizations, and policymakers.",
  40205.             "Year": 0
  40206.         },
  40207.         {
  40208.             "RIT": "ws201725",
  40209.             "Type": "WS",
  40210.             "URL": "http://www.bbc.co.uk/home/today/index.shtml",
  40211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40212.             "Title": "BBC Online",
  40213.             "Category": "IND",
  40214.             "Description": "Home page of the British Broadcasting Corporation. This site includes information about the company and its programing, as well as world news and Internet resources.",
  40215.             "Year": 0
  40216.         },
  40217.         {
  40218.             "RIT": "ws201726",
  40219.             "Type": "WS",
  40220.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=18300",
  40221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40222.             "Title": "Artist: Leonardo da Vinci",
  40223.             "Category": "HUM",
  40224.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., displays art by Leonardo da Vinci.",
  40225.             "Year": 0
  40226.         },
  40227.         {
  40228.             "RIT": "ws201727",
  40229.             "Type": "WS",
  40230.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/modern/67pc_picasso.html",
  40231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40232.             "Title": "Pablo Picasso: Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler",
  40233.             "Category": "HUM",
  40234.             "Description": "The Art Institute of Chicago displays the painting by Picasso.",
  40235.             "Year": 0
  40236.         },
  40237.         {
  40238.             "RIT": "ws201728",
  40239.             "Type": "WS",
  40240.             "URL": "http://www.wa.gov.au/westfish/rec/broc/fishcard/whaleshk.html#top",
  40241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40242.             "Title": "Whale Sharks - Conservation Guide",
  40243.             "Category": "LIF",
  40244.             "Description": "Fisheries Western Australia Web site on whale sharks.",
  40245.             "Year": 0
  40246.         },
  40247.         {
  40248.             "RIT": "ws201729",
  40249.             "Type": "WS",
  40250.             "URL": "http://www.mayohealth.org/mayo/common/htm/duedate/duedate.htm",
  40251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40252.             "Title": "Due Date Calculator",
  40253.             "Category": "LIF",
  40254.             "Description": "This interactive feature from the Mayo Clinic helps an expectant mother determine the milestones in her pregnancy.",
  40255.             "Year": 0
  40256.         },
  40257.         {
  40258.             "RIT": "ws201730",
  40259.             "Type": "WS",
  40260.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=33",
  40261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40262.             "Title": "Edouard Manet",
  40263.             "Category": "HUM",
  40264.             "Description": "Paintings by Manet exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  40265.             "Year": 0
  40266.         },
  40267.         {
  40268.             "RIT": "ws201646",
  40269.             "Type": "WS",
  40270.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/387.html",
  40271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40272.             "Title": "Testicular Cancer--What to Look For",
  40273.             "Category": "LIF",
  40274.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  40275.             "Year": 0
  40276.         },
  40277.         {
  40278.             "RIT": "ws201647",
  40279.             "Type": "WS",
  40280.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntg76f.htm",
  40281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40282.             "Title": "Vetheuil in Winter",
  40283.             "Category": "HUM",
  40284.             "Description": "A Claude Monet painting exhibited online by the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  40285.             "Year": 0
  40286.         },
  40287.         {
  40288.             "RIT": "ws201648",
  40289.             "Type": "WS",
  40290.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/healthfacts/053/",
  40291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40292.             "Title": "Pregnancy: Taking Care of You and Your Baby",
  40293.             "Category": "LIF",
  40294.             "Description": "A guide to prenatal care and lifestyle changes from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  40295.             "Year": 0
  40296.         },
  40297.         {
  40298.             "RIT": "ws201649",
  40299.             "Type": "WS",
  40300.             "URL": "http://www.dsa.org/",
  40301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40302.             "Title": "Direct Selling Association Home Page",
  40303.             "Category": "SOC",
  40304.             "Description": "Information about the association and about the direct selling industry.",
  40305.             "Year": 0
  40306.         },
  40307.         {
  40308.             "RIT": "ws201650",
  40309.             "Type": "WS",
  40310.             "URL": "http://silk.nih.gov/silks/niaaa1/publication/brochure.htm",
  40311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40312.             "Title": "Drinking and Your Pregnancy",
  40313.             "Category": "LIF",
  40314.             "Description": "The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) presents the dangers of drinking alcohol while pregnant.",
  40315.             "Year": 0
  40316.         },
  40317.         {
  40318.             "RIT": "ws201651",
  40319.             "Type": "WS",
  40320.             "URL": "http://www.legion.ca/",
  40321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40322.             "Title": "The Royal Canadian Legion",
  40323.             "Category": "SOC",
  40324.             "Description": "Official Web site, with information about the organization and its community service efforts.",
  40325.             "Year": 0
  40326.         },
  40327.         {
  40328.             "RIT": "ws201652",
  40329.             "Type": "WS",
  40330.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/healthfacts/084/",
  40331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40332.             "Title": "Head Injuries: What to Watch for Afterward",
  40333.             "Category": "LIF",
  40334.             "Description": "A guide to treating head injuries from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  40335.             "Year": 0
  40336.         },
  40337.         {
  40338.             "RIT": "ws201653",
  40339.             "Type": "WS",
  40340.             "URL": "http://mfah.org/garden/artists/matisse.html",
  40341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40342.             "Title": "Henri Matisse: The Backs",
  40343.             "Category": "HUM",
  40344.             "Description": "Bronze sculptures from the Lillie and Hugh Roy Cullen Sculpture Garden at the Musuem of Fine Arts in Houston, Texas.",
  40345.             "Year": 0
  40346.         },
  40347.         {
  40348.             "RIT": "ws201654",
  40349.             "Type": "WS",
  40350.             "URL": "http://www.walgreens.com/library/lifestyle/family/relationships/relate9.jhtml",
  40351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40352.             "Title": "Domestic Violence - Ways to Get Help",
  40353.             "Category": "SOC",
  40354.             "Description": "Information from the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.",
  40355.             "Year": 0
  40356.         },
  40357.         {
  40358.             "RIT": "ws201664",
  40359.             "Type": "WS",
  40360.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/pastexh/Monet/exhibit.html",
  40361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40362.             "Title": "Monet at Giverny",
  40363.             "Category": "HUM",
  40364.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Claude Monet.",
  40365.             "Year": 0
  40366.         },
  40367.         {
  40368.             "RIT": "ws201665",
  40369.             "Type": "WS",
  40370.             "URL": "http://www.smithsonianmag.si.edu/smithsonian/issues97/oct97/picasso.html",
  40371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40372.             "Title": "Picasso Takes on the Masters",
  40373.             "Category": "HUM",
  40374.             "Description": "This 1997 article from Smithsonian Magazine discusses Picasso's life.",
  40375.             "Year": 0
  40376.         },
  40377.         {
  40378.             "RIT": "ws201666",
  40379.             "Type": "WS",
  40380.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/paintsculpt/c58.htm",
  40381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40382.             "Title": "The Starry Night",
  40383.             "Category": "HUM",
  40384.             "Description": "The Museum of Modern Art in New York City exhibits the painting by Vincent Van Gogh.",
  40385.             "Year": 0
  40386.         },
  40387.         {
  40388.             "RIT": "ws201667",
  40389.             "Type": "WS",
  40390.             "URL": "http://www.mayohealth.org/home?id=FL00040",
  40391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40392.             "Title": "Menstruation - A parents' guide for preparing daughters",
  40393.             "Category": "LIF",
  40394.             "Description": "The Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research offers advice to parents.",
  40395.             "Year": 0
  40396.         },
  40397.         {
  40398.             "RIT": "ws201668",
  40399.             "Type": "WS",
  40400.             "URL": "http://www.reproline.jhu.edu/english/1fp/1methods/1methods.htm",
  40401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40402.             "Title": "Contraceptive Methods",
  40403.             "Category": "SOC",
  40404.             "Description": "Information about birth control options from Reproductive Health Online from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.",
  40405.             "Year": 0
  40406.         },
  40407.         {
  40408.             "RIT": "ws201669",
  40409.             "Type": "WS",
  40410.             "URL": "http://www.emory.edu/WHSC/MED/FAMPLAN/index.html",
  40411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40412.             "Title": "Choosing a Contraceptive",
  40413.             "Category": "SOC",
  40414.             "Description": "A guide to birth control methods from Dr. Robert A. Hatcher, professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Emory University.",
  40415.             "Year": 0
  40416.         },
  40417.         {
  40418.             "RIT": "ws201670",
  40419.             "Type": "WS",
  40420.             "URL": "http://www.thebritishmuseum.ac.uk/",
  40421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40422.             "Title": "The British Museum",
  40423.             "Category": "SOC",
  40424.             "Description": "The museum's official Web site, with online exhibitions and information for visitors.",
  40425.             "Year": 0
  40426.         },
  40427.         {
  40428.             "RIT": "ws201671",
  40429.             "Type": "WS",
  40430.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=12750",
  40431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40432.             "Title": "Artist: Vincent van Gogh",
  40433.             "Category": "HUM",
  40434.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  40435.             "Year": 0
  40436.         },
  40437.         {
  40438.             "RIT": "ws201672",
  40439.             "Type": "WS",
  40440.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=22",
  40441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40442.             "Title": "Procession in Valencia",
  40443.             "Category": "HUM",
  40444.             "Description": "A painting by Francisco Goya exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  40445.             "Year": 0
  40446.         },
  40447.         {
  40448.             "RIT": "ws201683",
  40449.             "Type": "WS",
  40450.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=12",
  40451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40452.             "Title": "Honore Daumier",
  40453.             "Category": "HUM",
  40454.             "Description": "Paintings by Daumier exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  40455.             "Year": 0
  40456.         },
  40457.         {
  40458.             "RIT": "ws201684",
  40459.             "Type": "WS",
  40460.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/flowcharts/502.html",
  40461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40462.             "Title": "Headaches Self-Care Flowchart",
  40463.             "Category": "LIF",
  40464.             "Description": "A guide to headache diagnosis and treatment from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  40465.             "Year": 0
  40466.         },
  40467.         {
  40468.             "RIT": "ws201685",
  40469.             "Type": "WS",
  40470.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/20century05.html",
  40471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40472.             "Title": "Marilyn",
  40473.             "Category": "HUM",
  40474.             "Description": "A portrait of Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol displayed by the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia.",
  40475.             "Year": 0
  40476.         },
  40477.         {
  40478.             "RIT": "ws201686",
  40479.             "Type": "WS",
  40480.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=18",
  40481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40482.             "Title": "Jean Honore Fragonard",
  40483.             "Category": "HUM",
  40484.             "Description": "Paintings by Fragonard exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  40485.             "Year": 0
  40486.         },
  40487.         {
  40488.             "RIT": "ws201687",
  40489.             "Type": "WS",
  40490.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/131.html",
  40491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40492.             "Title": "Norplant Birth Control: Questions and answers",
  40493.             "Category": "SOC",
  40494.             "Description": "The American Academy of Family Physicians explains a birth control method that involves hormone capsules placed under the skin in the upper arm.",
  40495.             "Year": 0
  40496.         },
  40497.         {
  40498.             "RIT": "ws201688",
  40499.             "Type": "WS",
  40500.             "URL": "http://www.wjc.org.il/",
  40501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40502.             "Title": "The World Jewish Congress",
  40503.             "Category": "HUM",
  40504.             "Description": "The official Web site provides information about the organization, news related to Jewish communities, and policy statements.",
  40505.             "Year": 0
  40506.         },
  40507.         {
  40508.             "RIT": "ws201689",
  40509.             "Type": "WS",
  40510.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/duip/airbag.htm",
  40511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40512.             "Title": "Airbags and Child Safety Seats",
  40513.             "Category": "IND",
  40514.             "Description": "Information about airbag dangers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  40515.             "Year": 0
  40516.         },
  40517.         {
  40518.             "RIT": "ws201690",
  40519.             "Type": "WS",
  40520.             "URL": "http://www.cmgww.com/historic/flw/index.html",
  40521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40522.             "Title": "Official site of Frank Lloyd Wright",
  40523.             "Category": "HUM",
  40524.             "Description": "Information about the famed architect.",
  40525.             "Year": 0
  40526.         },
  40527.         {
  40528.             "RIT": "ws201691",
  40529.             "Type": "WS",
  40530.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/19french03.html",
  40531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40532.             "Title": "Dancer with Bouquets",
  40533.             "Category": "HUM",
  40534.             "Description": "A painting by Edgar Degas displayed by the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia.",
  40535.             "Year": 0
  40536.         },
  40537.         {
  40538.             "RIT": "ws201692",
  40539.             "Type": "WS",
  40540.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/466.html",
  40541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40542.             "Title": "Erectile Dysfunction",
  40543.             "Category": "LIF",
  40544.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  40545.             "Year": 0
  40546.         },
  40547.         {
  40548.             "RIT": "ws201703",
  40549.             "Type": "WS",
  40550.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/215.html",
  40551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40552.             "Title": "Genital Warts",
  40553.             "Category": "LIF",
  40554.             "Description": "The American Academy of Family Physicians presents a fact sheet on Human papillomavirus (HPV).",
  40555.             "Year": 0
  40556.         },
  40557.         {
  40558.             "RIT": "ws201704",
  40559.             "Type": "WS",
  40560.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/mining/default.htm",
  40561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40562.             "Title": "Mining Safety & Health Research",
  40563.             "Category": "IND",
  40564.             "Description": "Information from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.",
  40565.             "Year": 0
  40566.         },
  40567.         {
  40568.             "RIT": "ws201705",
  40569.             "Type": "WS",
  40570.             "URL": "http://www.warhol.org/",
  40571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40572.             "Title": "The Andy Warhol Museum",
  40573.             "Category": "HUM",
  40574.             "Description": "Home page of a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, museum dedicated to the artist Andy Warhol.",
  40575.             "Year": 0
  40576.         },
  40577.         {
  40578.             "RIT": "ws201706",
  40579.             "Type": "WS",
  40580.             "URL": "http://www.scientificamerican.com/exhibit/2000/071700dwarf/index.html",
  40581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40582.             "Title": "The Discovery of Brown Dwarfs",
  40583.             "Category": "PHY",
  40584.             "Description": "This Scientific American article traces astronomers' long and difficult search for brown dwarfs (starlike objects).",
  40585.             "Year": 0
  40586.         },
  40587.         {
  40588.             "RIT": "ws201707",
  40589.             "Type": "WS",
  40590.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6300",
  40591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40592.             "Title": "Biography.com: Pavarotti, Luciano",
  40593.             "Category": "HUM",
  40594.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  40595.             "Year": 0
  40596.         },
  40597.         {
  40598.             "RIT": "ws201708",
  40599.             "Type": "WS",
  40600.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_asctgo",
  40601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40602.             "Title": "Postcards: City Night",
  40603.             "Category": "HUM",
  40604.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts provides an online postcard that features a paiting by Georgia O'Keeffe.",
  40605.             "Year": 0
  40606.         },
  40607.         {
  40608.             "RIT": "ws201709",
  40609.             "Type": "WS",
  40610.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=52%2E203",
  40611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40612.             "Title": "Red, White, and Blue",
  40613.             "Category": "HUM",
  40614.             "Description": "A painting by Georgia O'Keeffe from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  40615.             "Year": 0
  40616.         },
  40617.         {
  40618.             "RIT": "ws201710",
  40619.             "Type": "WS",
  40620.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=A&Person=211550",
  40621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40622.             "Title": "Michelangelo Buonarroti",
  40623.             "Category": "HUM",
  40624.             "Description": "Art displayed by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  40625.             "Year": 0
  40626.         },
  40627.         {
  40628.             "RIT": "ws201711",
  40629.             "Type": "WS",
  40630.             "URL": "http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/sharks/species/Whaleshark.shtml",
  40631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40632.             "Title": "WHALE SHARK - Zoom Sharks",
  40633.             "Category": "LIF",
  40634.             "Description": "Information about the size, eating habits, distrbution, and reproduction of whale sharks from EnchantedLearning.com.",
  40635.             "Year": 0
  40636.         },
  40637.         {
  40638.             "RIT": "ws201731",
  40639.             "Type": "WS",
  40640.             "URL": "http://www.dnr.state.md.us/fisheries/education/catfish/catfish.html",
  40641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40642.             "Title": "Fish Facts: Maryland DNR, Catfish",
  40643.             "Category": "LIF",
  40644.             "Description": "The Maryland Department of Natural Resources provides detailed information on channel and white catfish.",
  40645.             "Year": 0
  40646.         },
  40647.         {
  40648.             "RIT": "ws201732",
  40649.             "Type": "WS",
  40650.             "URL": "http://www.usdoj.gov/kidspage/crt/voting.htm",
  40651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40652.             "Title": "Voting Rights",
  40653.             "Category": "SOC",
  40654.             "Description": "The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice provides information on the Voting Rights Act of 1965.",
  40655.             "Year": 0
  40656.         },
  40657.         {
  40658.             "RIT": "ws201733",
  40659.             "Type": "WS",
  40660.             "URL": "http://www.fmnh.org/",
  40661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40662.             "Title": "The Field Museum",
  40663.             "Category": "SOC",
  40664.             "Description": "Official Web site of the museum, with onine exhibitions and information about visiting the museum.",
  40665.             "Year": 0
  40666.         },
  40667.         {
  40668.             "RIT": "ws201734",
  40669.             "Type": "WS",
  40670.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/043.html",
  40671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40672.             "Title": "Depo-Provera: An injectable contraceptive",
  40673.             "Category": "SOC",
  40674.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  40675.             "Year": 0
  40676.         },
  40677.         {
  40678.             "RIT": "ws201735",
  40679.             "Type": "WS",
  40680.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=18274",
  40681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40682.             "Title": "Biography.com: Parks, Rosa (Lee McCauley)",
  40683.             "Category": "SOC",
  40684.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  40685.             "Year": 0
  40686.         },
  40687.         {
  40688.             "RIT": "ws201736",
  40689.             "Type": "WS",
  40690.             "URL": "http://www.noma.org/pop/pd_picasso.html",
  40691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40692.             "Title": "Woman with Tambourine",
  40693.             "Category": "HUM",
  40694.             "Description": "An etching and lithograph by Pablo Picasso presented by the New Orleans Museum of Art.",
  40695.             "Year": 0
  40696.         },
  40697.         {
  40698.             "RIT": "ws201737",
  40699.             "Type": "WS",
  40700.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/378.html",
  40701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40702.             "Title": "Tics and Tourette's Syndrome",
  40703.             "Category": "LIF",
  40704.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  40705.             "Year": 0
  40706.         },
  40707.         {
  40708.             "RIT": "ws201738",
  40709.             "Type": "WS",
  40710.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1996%2E403%2E1",
  40711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40712.             "Title": "Girl Reading at a Table",
  40713.             "Category": "HUM",
  40714.             "Description": "A painting by Pablo Picasso from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  40715.             "Year": 0
  40716.         },
  40717.         {
  40718.             "RIT": "ws201739",
  40719.             "Type": "WS",
  40720.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16693",
  40721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40722.             "Title": "Biography.com: Kubrick, Stanley",
  40723.             "Category": "HUM",
  40724.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  40725.             "Year": 0
  40726.         },
  40727.         {
  40728.             "RIT": "ws201740",
  40729.             "Type": "WS",
  40730.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/1997/conceptbl.html",
  40731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40732.             "Title": "Pregnancy Rates for Birth Control Methods",
  40733.             "Category": "SOC",
  40734.             "Description": "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration highlights the effectiveness of various birth control methods.",
  40735.             "Year": 0
  40736.         },
  40737.         {
  40738.             "RIT": "ws201750",
  40739.             "Type": "WS",
  40740.             "URL": "http://www.supremecourthistory.org/justice/kennedy.htm",
  40741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40742.             "Title": "Anthony M. Kennedy",
  40743.             "Category": "SOC",
  40744.             "Description": "A biography of Justice Kennedy from the Supreme Court Historical Society.",
  40745.             "Year": 0
  40746.         },
  40747.         {
  40748.             "RIT": "ws201751",
  40749.             "Type": "WS",
  40750.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=1888",
  40751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40752.             "Title": "Biography.com: Churchill, Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer)",
  40753.             "Category": "HIS",
  40754.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  40755.             "Year": 0
  40756.         },
  40757.         {
  40758.             "RIT": "ws201752",
  40759.             "Type": "WS",
  40760.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=gogh&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  40761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40762.             "Title": "Vincent Van Gogh",
  40763.             "Category": "HUM",
  40764.             "Description": "Artworks by Vincent Van Gogh presented online by the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  40765.             "Year": 0
  40766.         },
  40767.         {
  40768.             "RIT": "ws201753",
  40769.             "Type": "WS",
  40770.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/465.html",
  40771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40772.             "Title": "Viagra",
  40773.             "Category": "LIF",
  40774.             "Description": "The American Academy of Family Physicians provides facts about a medicine that helps men with erectile dysfunction.",
  40775.             "Year": 0
  40776.         },
  40777.         {
  40778.             "RIT": "ws201754",
  40779.             "Type": "WS",
  40780.             "URL": "http://www.standrews.org.uk/history/history.htm",
  40781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40782.             "Title": "St. Andrews Links Trust On-Line",
  40783.             "Category": "GEO",
  40784.             "Description": "A comprehensive guide to the Old Course at St. Andrews.",
  40785.             "Year": 0
  40786.         },
  40787.         {
  40788.             "RIT": "ws201755",
  40789.             "Type": "WS",
  40790.             "URL": "http://www.casema.net/~jkoetze/",
  40791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40792.             "Title": "Sharks, Predators of the deep",
  40793.             "Category": "LIF",
  40794.             "Description": "Privately maintained Web site containing photos and descriptions of various species of sharks and links to other shark sites.",
  40795.             "Year": 0
  40796.         },
  40797.         {
  40798.             "RIT": "ws201756",
  40799.             "Type": "WS",
  40800.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=7",
  40801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40802.             "Title": "Paul Cezanne",
  40803.             "Category": "HUM",
  40804.             "Description": "Paintings by Cezanne exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  40805.             "Year": 0
  40806.         },
  40807.         {
  40808.             "RIT": "ws201757",
  40809.             "Type": "WS",
  40810.             "URL": "http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/ashbery/ashbery.htm",
  40811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40812.             "Title": "John Ashbery",
  40813.             "Category": "HUM",
  40814.             "Description": "Information about the poet John Ashbery from the companion Web site to the Anthology of Modern American Poetry from Oxford University Press.",
  40815.             "Year": 0
  40816.         },
  40817.         {
  40818.             "RIT": "ws201758",
  40819.             "Type": "WS",
  40820.             "URL": "http://www.nortonsimon.org/nsmvang.htm",
  40821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40822.             "Title": "Portrait of a Peasant",
  40823.             "Category": "HUM",
  40824.             "Description": "The Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, California, presents a paiting by Vincent Van Gogh.",
  40825.             "Year": 0
  40826.         },
  40827.         {
  40828.             "RIT": "ws201770",
  40829.             "Type": "WS",
  40830.             "URL": "http://www.nortonsimon.org/nsmmon.htm",
  40831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40832.             "Title": "The Artist's Garden at Vetheuil, 1881",
  40833.             "Category": "HUM",
  40834.             "Description": "A Claude Monet painting exhibited by the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, California.",
  40835.             "Year": 0
  40836.         },
  40837.         {
  40838.             "RIT": "ws201771",
  40839.             "Type": "WS",
  40840.             "URL": "http://metalab.unc.edu/ipa/",
  40841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40842.             "Title": "Internet Poetry Archive",
  40843.             "Category": "HUM",
  40844.             "Description": "The University of North Carolina presents selected poems from a number of contemporary poets.",
  40845.             "Year": 0
  40846.         },
  40847.         {
  40848.             "RIT": "ws201772",
  40849.             "Type": "WS",
  40850.             "URL": "http://www.wmo.ch/indexflash.html",
  40851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40852.             "Title": "World Meteoroligical Organization",
  40853.             "Category": "PHY",
  40854.             "Description": "Official Home Page of the WMO, with information about the organization, climate, and meteorology.",
  40855.             "Year": 0
  40856.         },
  40857.         {
  40858.             "RIT": "ws201773",
  40859.             "Type": "WS",
  40860.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/drh/mh.htm",
  40861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40862.             "Title": "Safe Motherhood",
  40863.             "Category": "LIF",
  40864.             "Description": "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers pregnancy health information.",
  40865.             "Year": 0
  40866.         },
  40867.         {
  40868.             "RIT": "ws201774",
  40869.             "Type": "WS",
  40870.             "URL": "http://www.mayoclinic.com/findinformation/conditioncenters/invoke.cfm?objectid=95C74A46-AC0A-405D-AEC831A8F66C8CF4",
  40871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40872.             "Title": "Premenstrual syndrome - Period before your period",
  40873.             "Category": "LIF",
  40874.             "Description": "General information provided by the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.",
  40875.             "Year": 0
  40876.         },
  40877.         {
  40878.             "RIT": "ws201775",
  40879.             "Type": "WS",
  40880.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/educatn/trc-news/slidepac/13.html",
  40881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40882.             "Title": "The Road Menders at Saint-Remy",
  40883.             "Category": "HUM",
  40884.             "Description": "The Cleveland Museum of Art presents a painting by Vincent Van Gogh and information about the artist.",
  40885.             "Year": 0
  40886.         },
  40887.         {
  40888.             "RIT": "ws201776",
  40889.             "Type": "WS",
  40890.             "URL": "http://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/bis/top-1-2.html",
  40891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40892.             "Title": "Van Gogh Museum",
  40893.             "Category": "HUM",
  40894.             "Description": "Home page of a museum in the Netherlands dedicated to the art of Vincent van Gogh.",
  40895.             "Year": 0
  40896.         },
  40897.         {
  40898.             "RIT": "ws201777",
  40899.             "Type": "WS",
  40900.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/",
  40901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40902.             "Title": "Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder",
  40903.             "Category": "LIF",
  40904.             "Description": "Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  40905.             "Year": 0
  40906.         },
  40907.         {
  40908.             "RIT": "ws201778",
  40909.             "Type": "WS",
  40910.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/healthfacts/091/",
  40911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40912.             "Title": "Herpes: What It Is and How to Deal with It",
  40913.             "Category": "LIF",
  40914.             "Description": "A guide from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  40915.             "Year": 0
  40916.         },
  40917.         {
  40918.             "RIT": "ws201789",
  40919.             "Type": "WS",
  40920.             "URL": "http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/BREEDS/HORSES/",
  40921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40922.             "Title": "Horse Breeds",
  40923.             "Category": "LIF",
  40924.             "Description": "A Web site about breeds of horses, hosted by Oklahoma State University.",
  40925.             "Year": 0
  40926.         },
  40927.         {
  40928.             "RIT": "ws201790",
  40929.             "Type": "WS",
  40930.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2000/04/nabokov.htm",
  40931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40932.             "Title": "Nabokov's Butterflies",
  40933.             "Category": "HUM",
  40934.             "Description": "This Atlantic Monthly feature traces the literary career of Vladimir Nabokov.",
  40935.             "Year": 0
  40936.         },
  40937.         {
  40938.             "RIT": "ws201791",
  40939.             "Type": "WS",
  40940.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/drh/Infant.htm",
  40941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40942.             "Title": "Infant Health",
  40943.             "Category": "LIF",
  40944.             "Description": "Health information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  40945.             "Year": 0
  40946.         },
  40947.         {
  40948.             "RIT": "ws201792",
  40949.             "Type": "WS",
  40950.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=15",
  40951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40952.             "Title": "Andre Derain: The Table",
  40953.             "Category": "HUM",
  40954.             "Description": "A painting by Derain exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  40955.             "Year": 0
  40956.         },
  40957.         {
  40958.             "RIT": "ws201793",
  40959.             "Type": "WS",
  40960.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/eurptg/29pc_vangogh.html",
  40961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40962.             "Title": "Self-Portrait",
  40963.             "Category": "HUM",
  40964.             "Description": "A painting by Vincent van Gogh exhibited online by the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  40965.             "Year": 0
  40966.         },
  40967.         {
  40968.             "RIT": "ws201794",
  40969.             "Type": "WS",
  40970.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=9&full=0&item=24%2E197%2E2",
  40971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40972.             "Title": "Studies for the Libyan Sibyl",
  40973.             "Category": "HUM",
  40974.             "Description": "Michelangelo's art presented by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  40975.             "Year": 0
  40976.         },
  40977.         {
  40978.             "RIT": "ws201795",
  40979.             "Type": "WS",
  40980.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=15&full=0&item=1975%2E1%2E194",
  40981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40982.             "Title": "Henri Matisse : The Promenade",
  40983.             "Category": "HUM",
  40984.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  40985.             "Year": 0
  40986.         },
  40987.         {
  40988.             "RIT": "ws201796",
  40989.             "Type": "WS",
  40990.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=15&full=0&item=1975%2E1%2E194",
  40991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  40992.             "Title": "Promenade among the Olive Trees",
  40993.             "Category": "HUM",
  40994.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City displays a painting by Henri Matisse.",
  40995.             "Year": 0
  40996.         },
  40997.         {
  40998.             "RIT": "ws201797",
  40999.             "Type": "WS",
  41000.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/243.html",
  41001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41002.             "Title": "Epilepsy and Pregnancy",
  41003.             "Category": "LIF",
  41004.             "Description": "The American Academy of Family Physicians addresses concerns eplieptic women may have about becoming pregnant.",
  41005.             "Year": 0
  41006.         },
  41007.         {
  41008.             "RIT": "ws201741",
  41009.             "Type": "WS",
  41010.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/phys_act.htm",
  41011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41012.             "Title": "Physical Activity Tips",
  41013.             "Category": "LIF",
  41014.             "Description": "A guide to increasing daily physical activity, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  41015.             "Year": 0
  41016.         },
  41017.         {
  41018.             "RIT": "ws201742",
  41019.             "Type": "WS",
  41020.             "URL": "http://www.nmafa.si.edu/default.htm",
  41021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41022.             "Title": "National Museum of African Art",
  41023.             "Category": "SOC",
  41024.             "Description": "The museum's Web site includes information for visitors, educational resources, and online exhibitions.",
  41025.             "Year": 0
  41026.         },
  41027.         {
  41028.             "RIT": "ws201743",
  41029.             "Type": "WS",
  41030.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/305.html",
  41031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41032.             "Title": "Pregnancy and Exercise: What you can do for a healthy pregnancy",
  41033.             "Category": "LIF",
  41034.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  41035.             "Year": 0
  41036.         },
  41037.         {
  41038.             "RIT": "ws201744",
  41039.             "Type": "WS",
  41040.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/183.html",
  41041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41042.             "Title": "Allergic Conjunctivitis",
  41043.             "Category": "LIF",
  41044.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  41045.             "Year": 0
  41046.         },
  41047.         {
  41048.             "RIT": "ws201745",
  41049.             "Type": "WS",
  41050.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&item=1998%2E325%2E2",
  41051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41052.             "Title": "Claude Monet: Water Lillies",
  41053.             "Category": "HUM",
  41054.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  41055.             "Year": 0
  41056.         },
  41057.         {
  41058.             "RIT": "ws201746",
  41059.             "Type": "WS",
  41060.             "URL": "http://www.museum.cornell.edu/HFJ/handbook/hb154.html",
  41061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41062.             "Title": "Portrait of Alexina Matisse",
  41063.             "Category": "HUM",
  41064.             "Description": "A portrait displayed by the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University.",
  41065.             "Year": 0
  41066.         },
  41067.         {
  41068.             "RIT": "ws201747",
  41069.             "Type": "WS",
  41070.             "URL": "http://cnnsi.com/baseball/mlb/features/1998/williams/",
  41071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41072.             "Title": "The Kid Turns 80",
  41073.             "Category": "REC",
  41074.             "Description": "This 1998 Sports Illustrated feature celebrated the birthday of Ted Williams",
  41075.             "Year": 0
  41076.         },
  41077.         {
  41078.             "RIT": "ws201748",
  41079.             "Type": "WS",
  41080.             "URL": "http://www.huntermuseum.org/andywarhol.htm",
  41081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41082.             "Title": "Andy Warhol (1928-1987)",
  41083.             "Category": "HUM",
  41084.             "Description": "Information about the artist and his portrait of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter from the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, Tennessee.",
  41085.             "Year": 0
  41086.         },
  41087.         {
  41088.             "RIT": "ws201749",
  41089.             "Type": "WS",
  41090.             "URL": "http://fs.broward.cc.fl.us/~ssimpson/seahorse.html",
  41091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41092.             "Title": "Florida Pygmy Seahorse",
  41093.             "Category": "LIF",
  41094.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.",
  41095.             "Year": 0
  41096.         },
  41097.         {
  41098.             "RIT": "ws201759",
  41099.             "Type": "WS",
  41100.             "URL": "http://www.asrm.org/Patients/faqs.html",
  41101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41102.             "Title": "Frequently Asked Questions About Infertility",
  41103.             "Category": "LIF",
  41104.             "Description": "Information provided by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.",
  41105.             "Year": 0
  41106.         },
  41107.         {
  41108.             "RIT": "ws201760",
  41109.             "Type": "WS",
  41110.             "URL": "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/domesticviolence.html",
  41111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41112.             "Title": "Domestic Violence",
  41113.             "Category": "SOC",
  41114.             "Description": "A collection of domestic violence resources provided by the National Library of Medicine.",
  41115.             "Year": 0
  41116.         },
  41117.         {
  41118.             "RIT": "ws201761",
  41119.             "Type": "WS",
  41120.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/healthfacts/019/",
  41121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41122.             "Title": "Breast Feeding: Hints to Get You off to a Good Start",
  41123.             "Category": "LIF",
  41124.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  41125.             "Year": 0
  41126.         },
  41127.         {
  41128.             "RIT": "ws201762",
  41129.             "Type": "WS",
  41130.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/European/1982.82.html",
  41131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41132.             "Title": "Pablo Picasso: Portrait of Fernande Olivier",
  41133.             "Category": "HUM",
  41134.             "Description": "Presented by the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  41135.             "Year": 0
  41136.         },
  41137.         {
  41138.             "RIT": "ws201763",
  41139.             "Type": "WS",
  41140.             "URL": "http://www.mos.org/sln/SEM/",
  41141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41142.             "Title": "Scanning Electron Microscope",
  41143.             "Category": "PHY",
  41144.             "Description": "This exhibit from the Museum of Science in Boston includes microscope images, an explanation of how the microscope works, and a guide for educators.",
  41145.             "Year": 0
  41146.         },
  41147.         {
  41148.             "RIT": "ws201764",
  41149.             "Type": "WS",
  41150.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=44",
  41151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41152.             "Title": "Pierre Auguste Renoir",
  41153.             "Category": "HUM",
  41154.             "Description": "Paintings by Renoir exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  41155.             "Year": 0
  41156.         },
  41157.         {
  41158.             "RIT": "ws201765",
  41159.             "Type": "WS",
  41160.             "URL": "http://www.ilo.org/",
  41161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41162.             "Title": "International Labour Organization",
  41163.             "Category": "SOC",
  41164.             "Description": "Information about the organization and about workers' rights.",
  41165.             "Year": 0
  41166.         },
  41167.         {
  41168.             "RIT": "ws201766",
  41169.             "Type": "WS",
  41170.             "URL": "http://www.slam.org/e1.html",
  41171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41172.             "Title": "Water Lilies, c.1919-26",
  41173.             "Category": "HUM",
  41174.             "Description": "The Saint Louis Art Museum in St. Louis, Missouri, presents a painting by Claude Monet.",
  41175.             "Year": 0
  41176.         },
  41177.         {
  41178.             "RIT": "ws201768",
  41179.             "Type": "WS",
  41180.             "URL": "http://www.inciid.org/fact.html",
  41181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41182.             "Title": "Infertility Fact Sheets",
  41183.             "Category": "LIF",
  41184.             "Description": "Information provided by the InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination, Inc.",
  41185.             "Year": 0
  41186.         },
  41187.         {
  41188.             "RIT": "ws201769",
  41189.             "Type": "WS",
  41190.             "URL": "http://www.lacma.org/art/perm_col/prints/prints.htm#JAMES%20McNEILL%20WHISTLER",
  41191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41192.             "Title": "James McNeill Whistler: Drouet",
  41193.             "Category": "HUM",
  41194.             "Description": "An etching displayed by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.",
  41195.             "Year": 0
  41196.         },
  41197.         {
  41198.             "RIT": "ws201779",
  41199.             "Type": "WS",
  41200.             "URL": "http://www.commoncause.org/",
  41201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41202.             "Title": "Common Cause",
  41203.             "Category": "SOC",
  41204.             "Description": "Web site of an organization of citizens working to end special-interest politics and to reform government ethics.",
  41205.             "Year": 0
  41206.         },
  41207.         {
  41208.             "RIT": "ws201780",
  41209.             "Type": "WS",
  41210.             "URL": "http://metalab.unc.edu/ipa/heaney/index.html",
  41211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41212.             "Title": "Seamus Heaney",
  41213.             "Category": "HUM",
  41214.             "Description": "Selected poems by Heaney presented by the University of North Carolina as part of the Internet Poetry Archive.",
  41215.             "Year": 0
  41216.         },
  41217.         {
  41218.             "RIT": "ws201781",
  41219.             "Type": "WS",
  41220.             "URL": "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/cesarean/cesarean_2.html",
  41221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41222.             "Title": "Cesarean Section--A Brief History",
  41223.             "Category": "LIF",
  41224.             "Description": "A online exhibit from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in cooperation with the National Library of Medicine.",
  41225.             "Year": 0
  41226.         },
  41227.         {
  41228.             "RIT": "ws201782",
  41229.             "Type": "WS",
  41230.             "URL": "http://www.hammer.ucla.edu/",
  41231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41232.             "Title": "Hospital at Saint-Remy",
  41233.             "Category": "HUM",
  41234.             "Description": "Vincent van Gogh, Hospital at Saint-Remy",
  41235.             "Year": 0
  41236.         },
  41237.         {
  41238.             "RIT": "ws201783",
  41239.             "Type": "WS",
  41240.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/sisleya.htm",
  41241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41242.             "Title": "Portrait of an Artist",
  41243.             "Category": "HUM",
  41244.             "Description": "Information about Alfred Sisley from the Foundation Bemberg in Toulouse, France.",
  41245.             "Year": 0
  41246.         },
  41247.         {
  41248.             "RIT": "ws201784",
  41249.             "Type": "WS",
  41250.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/cgi-bin/familydoc.pl?op=search&query=Immune%20System",
  41251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41252.             "Title": "AIDS: Immune system",
  41253.             "Category": "LIF",
  41254.             "Description": "Resources from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  41255.             "Year": 0
  41256.         },
  41257.         {
  41258.             "RIT": "ws201785",
  41259.             "Type": "WS",
  41260.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=46",
  41261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41262.             "Title": "St. Augustine",
  41263.             "Category": "HUM",
  41264.             "Description": "A painting by Peter Paul Rubens exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  41265.             "Year": 0
  41266.         },
  41267.         {
  41268.             "RIT": "ws201786",
  41269.             "Type": "WS",
  41270.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/216.html",
  41271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41272.             "Title": "Glaucoma",
  41273.             "Category": "LIF",
  41274.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  41275.             "Year": 0
  41276.         },
  41277.         {
  41278.             "RIT": "ws201787",
  41279.             "Type": "WS",
  41280.             "URL": "http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/uk/index.htm",
  41281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41282.             "Title": "Rijksmuseum Amsterdam",
  41283.             "Category": "GEO",
  41284.             "Description": "Home page of the Rijksmuseum art museum in Amsterdam.",
  41285.             "Year": 0
  41286.         },
  41287.         {
  41288.             "RIT": "ws201788",
  41289.             "Type": "WS",
  41290.             "URL": "http://www.amvets.org/",
  41291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41292.             "Title": "AMVETS Online",
  41293.             "Category": "SOC",
  41294.             "Description": "Information about the organization, as well as news and statements on issues and events that concern U.S. veterans.",
  41295.             "Year": 0
  41296.         },
  41297.         {
  41298.             "RIT": "ws201798",
  41299.             "Type": "WS",
  41300.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/hse/room_t.asp?lang=e&id_room=11",
  41301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41302.             "Title": "Renoir Room",
  41303.             "Category": "HUM",
  41304.             "Description": "The E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland exhibits paintings by Eugene Boudin, Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, and Pierre Auguste Renoir.",
  41305.             "Year": 0
  41306.         },
  41307.         {
  41308.             "RIT": "ws201799",
  41309.             "Type": "WS",
  41310.             "URL": "http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/codex/index.html",
  41311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41312.             "Title": "Leonardo's Codex Leicester: A Masterpiece of Science",
  41313.             "Category": "HUM",
  41314.             "Description": "This American Museum of Natural History exhibit looks at the Codex Leicester, a manuscript containing scientific thoughts of Leonardo da Vinci.",
  41315.             "Year": 0
  41316.         },
  41317.         {
  41318.             "RIT": "ws201800",
  41319.             "Type": "WS",
  41320.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/modern/66pc_picasso.html",
  41321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41322.             "Title": "Pablo Picasso: The Old Guitarist",
  41323.             "Category": "HUM",
  41324.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  41325.             "Year": 0
  41326.         },
  41327.         {
  41328.             "RIT": "ws201801",
  41329.             "Type": "WS",
  41330.             "URL": "http://www.wadsworthatheneum.org/contemp3.htm",
  41331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41332.             "Title": "Early Colored Jackie",
  41333.             "Category": "HUM",
  41334.             "Description": "A portrait by Andy Warhol displayed by the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut.",
  41335.             "Year": 0
  41336.         },
  41337.         {
  41338.             "RIT": "ws201802",
  41339.             "Type": "WS",
  41340.             "URL": "http://www.warholfoundation.org/",
  41341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41342.             "Title": "Touring the Permanent Collection: Andy Warhol",
  41343.             "Category": "HUM",
  41344.             "Description": "A five-page feature about works by Andy Warhol, from The Art Gallery at the University of Maryland at College Park.",
  41345.             "Year": 0
  41346.         },
  41347.         {
  41348.             "RIT": "ws201803",
  41349.             "Type": "WS",
  41350.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1987%2E88",
  41351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41352.             "Title": "Last Self-Portrait, 1986",
  41353.             "Category": "HUM",
  41354.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by Andy Warhol with description.",
  41355.             "Year": 0
  41356.         },
  41357.         {
  41358.             "RIT": "ws201804",
  41359.             "Type": "WS",
  41360.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=9&full=0&item=1983%2E1009%2E8",
  41361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41362.             "Title": "Icarus",
  41363.             "Category": "HUM",
  41364.             "Description": "An illustration by Matisse presented by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  41365.             "Year": 0
  41366.         },
  41367.         {
  41368.             "RIT": "ws201805",
  41369.             "Type": "WS",
  41370.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/cddh/dd/ddhi.htm",
  41371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41372.             "Title": "Hearing Impairment Among Children",
  41373.             "Category": "LIF",
  41374.             "Description": "Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  41375.             "Year": 0
  41376.         },
  41377.         {
  41378.             "RIT": "ws201806",
  41379.             "Type": "WS",
  41380.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/cddh/dd/ddautism.htm",
  41381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41382.             "Title": "Autism Among Children",
  41383.             "Category": "SOC",
  41384.             "Description": "Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  41385.             "Year": 0
  41386.         },
  41387.         {
  41388.             "RIT": "ws201817",
  41389.             "Type": "WS",
  41390.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/vgwel.htm",
  41391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41392.             "Title": "Van Gogh's Van Goghs",
  41393.             "Category": "HUM",
  41394.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. provides a virtual tour of a travelling exhibit of van Gogh's paintings from the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.",
  41395.             "Year": 0
  41396.         },
  41397.         {
  41398.             "RIT": "ws201818",
  41399.             "Type": "WS",
  41400.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/380.html",
  41401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41402.             "Title": "Syphilis: What It Is and How It's Treated",
  41403.             "Category": "LIF",
  41404.             "Description": "Information about syphilis from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  41405.             "Year": 0
  41406.         },
  41407.         {
  41408.             "RIT": "ws201819",
  41409.             "Type": "WS",
  41410.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1291",
  41411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41412.             "Title": "Vincent van gogh",
  41413.             "Category": "HUM",
  41414.             "Description": "A online biography and paintings from the Tate Gallery in London. Click on a title to see the painting.",
  41415.             "Year": 0
  41416.         },
  41417.         {
  41418.             "RIT": "ws201820",
  41419.             "Type": "WS",
  41420.             "URL": "http://www.gospelcom.net/yfc/yfci/",
  41421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41422.             "Title": "Youth for Christ International",
  41423.             "Category": "HUM",
  41424.             "Description": "Official Web site with information about the organization and its activities.",
  41425.             "Year": 0
  41426.         },
  41427.         {
  41428.             "RIT": "ws201821",
  41429.             "Type": "WS",
  41430.             "URL": "",
  41431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41432.             "Title": "Now! From Mote Marine Laboratory",
  41433.             "Category": "LIF",
  41434.             "Description": "Remote interactive camera on a shark tank an the Mote Marine Laboratory.",
  41435.             "Year": 0
  41436.         },
  41437.         {
  41438.             "RIT": "ws201822",
  41439.             "Type": "WS",
  41440.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=20",
  41441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41442.             "Title": "Horses in the Paddock",
  41443.             "Category": "HUM",
  41444.             "Description": "A painting by Theodore Gericault exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  41445.             "Year": 0
  41446.         },
  41447.         {
  41448.             "RIT": "ws201823",
  41449.             "Type": "WS",
  41450.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sharkattack/",
  41451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41452.             "Title": "NOVA Online: Shark Attack!",
  41453.             "Category": "LIF",
  41454.             "Description": "Facts about sharks from PBS.",
  41455.             "Year": 0
  41456.         },
  41457.         {
  41458.             "RIT": "ws201824",
  41459.             "Type": "WS",
  41460.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6347",
  41461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41462.             "Title": "Biography.com: Pinter, Harold",
  41463.             "Category": "HUM",
  41464.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  41465.             "Year": 0
  41466.         },
  41467.         {
  41468.             "RIT": "ws201825",
  41469.             "Type": "WS",
  41470.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=9&full=1&item=23%2E31%2E1%5BD%26P%5D",
  41471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41472.             "Title": "Le Repas Frugal",
  41473.             "Category": "HUM",
  41474.             "Description": "An etching by Pablo Picasso from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  41475.             "Year": 0
  41476.         },
  41477.         {
  41478.             "RIT": "ws201835",
  41479.             "Type": "WS",
  41480.             "URL": "http://www.acenet.edu/",
  41481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41482.             "Title": "The American Council on Education (ACE)",
  41483.             "Category": "SOC",
  41484.             "Description": "The ACE Web site features information about the association, education news, and issue statements. It also inlcudes resources for adult learners.",
  41485.             "Year": 0
  41486.         },
  41487.         {
  41488.             "RIT": "ws201836",
  41489.             "Type": "WS",
  41490.             "URL": "http://americanhistory.si.edu/disabilityrights/index.html",
  41491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41492.             "Title": "The Disability Rights Movement",
  41493.             "Category": "LIF",
  41494.             "Description": "The National Museum of American History examines the history of activism by those who have fought for the civil rights of people with disabilities.",
  41495.             "Year": 0
  41496.         },
  41497.         {
  41498.             "RIT": "ws201837",
  41499.             "Type": "WS",
  41500.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=18312",
  41501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41502.             "Title": "Biography.com: Payton, Walter (Jerry) Sweetness''",
  41503.             "Category": "REC",
  41504.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  41505.             "Year": 0
  41506.         },
  41507.         {
  41508.             "RIT": "ws201838",
  41509.             "Type": "WS",
  41510.             "URL": "http://www.okeeffemuseum.org/indexflash.html",
  41511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41512.             "Title": "The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum",
  41513.             "Category": "HUM",
  41514.             "Description": "Web site of a museum dedicated to O'Keeffe in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Includes art exhibited online, a biography, and information for visitors.",
  41515.             "Year": 0
  41516.         },
  41517.         {
  41518.             "RIT": "ws201839",
  41519.             "Type": "WS",
  41520.             "URL": "http://www.aloha.com/~lifeguards/sharimgs.html",
  41521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41522.             "Title": "Sharks of Hawaii: Most Common Inshore Species",
  41523.             "Category": "LIF",
  41524.             "Description": "Information about sharks in Hawaiian waters from the Hawaiian Lifeguard Association.",
  41525.             "Year": 0
  41526.         },
  41527.         {
  41528.             "RIT": "ws201840",
  41529.             "Type": "WS",
  41530.             "URL": "http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/Education/ESA.htm",
  41531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41532.             "Title": "History of the United States Endangered Species Act",
  41533.             "Category": "IND",
  41534.             "Description": "Information from the Florida Museum of Natural History.",
  41535.             "Year": 0
  41536.         },
  41537.         {
  41538.             "RIT": "ws201841",
  41539.             "Type": "WS",
  41540.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/cgi-bin/WebObjects.dll/CollectionPublisher.woa/wa/work?workNumber=NG3247",
  41541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41542.             "Title": "Works by Degas, Hilaire-Germain-Edgar",
  41543.             "Category": "HUM",
  41544.             "Description": "A collection of paintings by Edgar Degas from the National Gallery in London.",
  41545.             "Year": 0
  41546.         },
  41547.         {
  41548.             "RIT": "ws201842",
  41549.             "Type": "WS",
  41550.             "URL": "http://www.nms.ac.uk/mos/",
  41551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41552.             "Title": "The Museum of Scotland",
  41553.             "Category": "GEO",
  41554.             "Description": "Scottish history presented online by the Edinburgh-based national museum.",
  41555.             "Year": 0
  41556.         },
  41557.         {
  41558.             "RIT": "ws201843",
  41559.             "Type": "WS",
  41560.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/theme/20th/img1.html",
  41561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41562.             "Title": "Kitchen Gardens on Montmartre",
  41563.             "Category": "HUM",
  41564.             "Description": "A Vincent Van Gogh painting displayed by the Ho-Am Art Museum in South Korea.",
  41565.             "Year": 0
  41566.         },
  41567.         {
  41568.             "RIT": "ws201852",
  41569.             "Type": "WS",
  41570.             "URL": "http://americanhistory.si.edu/subs/index.html",
  41571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41572.             "Title": "Fast Attacks and Boomers: Submarines in the Cold War",
  41573.             "Category": "SOC",
  41574.             "Description": "The National Museum of American History explains how subs were built, operated, and utilized. This exhibit also provides background on the Cold War.",
  41575.             "Year": 0
  41576.         },
  41577.         {
  41578.             "RIT": "ws201853",
  41579.             "Type": "WS",
  41580.             "URL": "http://www.smithsonianmag.si.edu/smithsonian/issues96/jul96/cubism.html",
  41581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41582.             "Title": "When Cubism met the decorative arts in France",
  41583.             "Category": "HUM",
  41584.             "Description": "An illustrated Smithsonian Magazine article about a 1996 exhibition at the Portland Museum of Art.",
  41585.             "Year": 0
  41586.         },
  41587.         {
  41588.             "RIT": "ws201854",
  41589.             "Type": "WS",
  41590.             "URL": "http://www.smithsonianmag.si.edu/smithsonian/issues99/may99/mona.html",
  41591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41592.             "Title": "Seeking Mona Lisa",
  41593.             "Category": "HUM",
  41594.             "Description": "A Smithsonian Magazine article discusses how Leonardo's portrait subject became a cultural icon.",
  41595.             "Year": 0
  41596.         },
  41597.         {
  41598.             "RIT": "ws201855",
  41599.             "Type": "WS",
  41600.             "URL": "http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/BREEDS/SHEEP/",
  41601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41602.             "Title": "Sheep Breeds",
  41603.             "Category": "LIF",
  41604.             "Description": "A Web site about breeds of sheep, hosted by Oklahoma State University",
  41605.             "Year": 0
  41606.         },
  41607.         {
  41608.             "RIT": "ws201856",
  41609.             "Type": "WS",
  41610.             "URL": "http://www.telefonica.es/fat/epi.html",
  41611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41612.             "Title": "Pablo Picasso",
  41613.             "Category": "HUM",
  41614.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Telefonica Contemporary Art Collection in Madrid, Spain.",
  41615.             "Year": 0
  41616.         },
  41617.         {
  41618.             "RIT": "ws201857",
  41619.             "Type": "WS",
  41620.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/poetry/poetry.htm",
  41621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41622.             "Title": "Poetry Pages",
  41623.             "Category": "HUM",
  41624.             "Description": "The publishers of Atlantic Monthly magazine present a Web site dedicated to poetry, old and new.",
  41625.             "Year": 0
  41626.         },
  41627.         {
  41628.             "RIT": "ws201858",
  41629.             "Type": "WS",
  41630.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo/anthrax_g.htm",
  41631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41632.             "Title": "Anthrax-General Information",
  41633.             "Category": "LIF",
  41634.             "Description": "An overview of the disease provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  41635.             "Year": 0
  41636.         },
  41637.         {
  41638.             "RIT": "ws201859",
  41639.             "Type": "WS",
  41640.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=16",
  41641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41642.             "Title": "Raoul Dufy",
  41643.             "Category": "HUM",
  41644.             "Description": "Paintings by Dufy exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  41645.             "Year": 0
  41646.         },
  41647.         {
  41648.             "RIT": "ws201860",
  41649.             "Type": "WS",
  41650.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/796_fol.html",
  41651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41652.             "Title": "How Folate Can Help Prevent Birth Defects",
  41653.             "Category": "LIF",
  41654.             "Description": "A U.S. Food and Drug Administration report about the benefits of taking folic acid during pregnancy.",
  41655.             "Year": 0
  41656.         },
  41657.         {
  41658.             "RIT": "ws201869",
  41659.             "Type": "WS",
  41660.             "URL": "http://www.museothyssen.org/ingles/museovirtual/fichas/obraampliada.asp?codigo=73",
  41661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41662.             "Title": "At the Milliner's",
  41663.             "Category": "HUM",
  41664.             "Description": "An Edgar Degas painting from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid. Click on Text for information about the painting.",
  41665.             "Year": 0
  41666.         },
  41667.         {
  41668.             "RIT": "ws201870",
  41669.             "Type": "WS",
  41670.             "URL": "http://cgi.pathfinder.com/time/time100/artists/profile/winfrey.html",
  41671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41672.             "Title": "Oprah Winfrey",
  41673.             "Category": "HUM",
  41674.             "Description": "This profile of Winfrey was part of TIME magazine's celebration of 100 notable personalities of the 20th century.",
  41675.             "Year": 0
  41676.         },
  41677.         {
  41678.             "RIT": "ws201871",
  41679.             "Type": "WS",
  41680.             "URL": "http://museoreinasofia.mcu.es/e/colecc/sala06/default.htm",
  41681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41682.             "Title": "Room 6: Pablo Picasso",
  41683.             "Category": "HUM",
  41684.             "Description": "The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid, Spain, presents its Picasso collection.",
  41685.             "Year": 0
  41686.         },
  41687.         {
  41688.             "RIT": "ws201872",
  41689.             "Type": "WS",
  41690.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntg3f.htm",
  41691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41692.             "Title": "The Rehearsal",
  41693.             "Category": "HUM",
  41694.             "Description": "The Frick Collection in New York City presents a painting by Edgar Degas.",
  41695.             "Year": 0
  41696.         },
  41697.         {
  41698.             "RIT": "ws201873",
  41699.             "Type": "WS",
  41700.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/20century03.html",
  41701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41702.             "Title": "Bowl of Apples on a Table",
  41703.             "Category": "HUM",
  41704.             "Description": "Henri Matisse's painting exhibited by the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia.",
  41705.             "Year": 0
  41706.         },
  41707.         {
  41708.             "RIT": "ws201874",
  41709.             "Type": "WS",
  41710.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/cgi-bin/familydoc.pl?op=search&query=Eyes",
  41711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41712.             "Title": "Eyes",
  41713.             "Category": "LIF",
  41714.             "Description": "The American Academy of Family Physicians provides eye health resources.",
  41715.             "Year": 0
  41716.         },
  41717.         {
  41718.             "RIT": "ws201875",
  41719.             "Type": "WS",
  41720.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo/groupbstrep_g.htm",
  41721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41722.             "Title": "Group B Streptococcal Disease (GBS)",
  41723.             "Category": "LIF",
  41724.             "Description": "Information about a common cause of health problems in newborns, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  41725.             "Year": 0
  41726.         },
  41727.         {
  41728.             "RIT": "ws201876",
  41729.             "Type": "WS",
  41730.             "URL": "http://www.hydeartmuseum.org/collection/highlights/modernmasters/degas.htm",
  41731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41732.             "Title": "Dancer with Red Stockings, c. 1883-85",
  41733.             "Category": "HUM",
  41734.             "Description": "An Edgar Degas painting exhibited by The Hyde Collection Art Museum in Glens Falls, New York.",
  41735.             "Year": 0
  41736.         },
  41737.         {
  41738.             "RIT": "ws201877",
  41739.             "Type": "WS",
  41740.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/flashbks/guncontrol.htm",
  41741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41742.             "Title": "The Gun-Control Debate",
  41743.             "Category": "SOC",
  41744.             "Description": "Three articles from The Atlantic Monthly magazine offer three distinct perspectives on guns in U.S. society.",
  41745.             "Year": 0
  41746.         },
  41747.         {
  41748.             "RIT": "ws201807",
  41749.             "Type": "WS",
  41750.             "URL": "http://www.civitan.org/",
  41751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41752.             "Title": "Civitan International",
  41753.             "Category": "SOC",
  41754.             "Description": "Home page of the service club organization.",
  41755.             "Year": 0
  41756.         },
  41757.         {
  41758.             "RIT": "ws201808",
  41759.             "Type": "WS",
  41760.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/068.html",
  41761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41762.             "Title": "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Why pregnancy and alcohol don't mix",
  41763.             "Category": "LIF",
  41764.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  41765.             "Year": 0
  41766.         },
  41767.         {
  41768.             "RIT": "ws201809",
  41769.             "Type": "WS",
  41770.             "URL": "http://www.daytonartinstitute.org/daicollection/european/212/212monet.html",
  41771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41772.             "Title": "WATERLILIES, 1903",
  41773.             "Category": "HUM",
  41774.             "Description": "The Dayton Art Institute in Dayton, Ohio, presents a painting by Claude Monet.",
  41775.             "Year": 0
  41776.         },
  41777.         {
  41778.             "RIT": "ws201810",
  41779.             "Type": "WS",
  41780.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1702",
  41781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41782.             "Title": "Henri Matisse",
  41783.             "Category": "HUM",
  41784.             "Description": "Collected works by the artist from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  41785.             "Year": 0
  41786.         },
  41787.         {
  41788.             "RIT": "ws201811",
  41789.             "Type": "WS",
  41790.             "URL": "http://www.musexpo.com/english/picasso/index.html",
  41791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41792.             "Title": "Musee National Picasso",
  41793.             "Category": "HUM",
  41794.             "Description": "The Picasso Museum in Paris presents its collection of works by Pablo Picasso.",
  41795.             "Year": 0
  41796.         },
  41797.         {
  41798.             "RIT": "ws201812",
  41799.             "Type": "WS",
  41800.             "URL": "http://metalab.unc.edu/ipa/pinsky/index.html",
  41801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41802.             "Title": "Robert Pinsky",
  41803.             "Category": "HUM",
  41804.             "Description": "Selected poems by Pinsky presented by the University of North Carolina as part of the Internet Poetry Archive.",
  41805.             "Year": 0
  41806.         },
  41807.         {
  41808.             "RIT": "ws201813",
  41809.             "Type": "WS",
  41810.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=andy&=And&=Yes&=warhol&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  41811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41812.             "Title": "Andy Warhol",
  41813.             "Category": "HUM",
  41814.             "Description": "Collected works by Andy Warhol from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  41815.             "Year": 0
  41816.         },
  41817.         {
  41818.             "RIT": "ws201814",
  41819.             "Type": "WS",
  41820.             "URL": "http://www.supremecourthistory.org/justice/stevens.htm",
  41821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41822.             "Title": "John Paul Stevens",
  41823.             "Category": "SOC",
  41824.             "Description": "A biography of Justice Stevens from the Supreme Court Historical Society.",
  41825.             "Year": 0
  41826.         },
  41827.         {
  41828.             "RIT": "ws201815",
  41829.             "Type": "WS",
  41830.             "URL": "http://www.intelsat.com/",
  41831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41832.             "Title": "INTELSAT",
  41833.             "Category": "IND",
  41834.             "Description": "Information about INTELSAT and its communications satellite system.",
  41835.             "Year": 0
  41836.         },
  41837.         {
  41838.             "RIT": "ws201816",
  41839.             "Type": "WS",
  41840.             "URL": "http://www.supremecourthistory.org/justice/thomas.htm",
  41841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41842.             "Title": "Clarence Thomas",
  41843.             "Category": "SOC",
  41844.             "Description": "A biography of Justice Thomas from the Supreme Court Historical Society.",
  41845.             "Year": 0
  41846.         },
  41847.         {
  41848.             "RIT": "ws201826",
  41849.             "Type": "WS",
  41850.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/022.html",
  41851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41852.             "Title": "Dementia--Caring for Your Loved One",
  41853.             "Category": "LIF",
  41854.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  41855.             "Year": 0
  41856.         },
  41857.         {
  41858.             "RIT": "ws201827",
  41859.             "Type": "WS",
  41860.             "URL": "http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/fnart/art/monet1.html",
  41861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41862.             "Title": "19th Century Painting: Claude Monet",
  41863.             "Category": "HUM",
  41864.             "Description": "An online exhibit of paintings by Monet, hosted by the Boston College Fine Arts Department.",
  41865.             "Year": 0
  41866.         },
  41867.         {
  41868.             "RIT": "ws201828",
  41869.             "Type": "WS",
  41870.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/996_bd.html",
  41871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41872.             "Title": "Decreasing the Chance of Birth Defects",
  41873.             "Category": "LIF",
  41874.             "Description": "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration offers advice for healthy pregnancy and childbirth.",
  41875.             "Year": 0
  41876.         },
  41877.         {
  41878.             "RIT": "ws201829",
  41879.             "Type": "WS",
  41880.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=7850",
  41881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41882.             "Title": "Artist: Edgar Degas",
  41883.             "Category": "HUM",
  41884.             "Description": "Art by Edgar Degas displayed by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  41885.             "Year": 0
  41886.         },
  41887.         {
  41888.             "RIT": "ws201830",
  41889.             "Type": "WS",
  41890.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1981%2E35",
  41891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41892.             "Title": "A Storm",
  41893.             "Category": "HUM",
  41894.             "Description": "Georgia O'Keeffe's pastel drawing displayed by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  41895.             "Year": 0
  41896.         },
  41897.         {
  41898.             "RIT": "ws201831",
  41899.             "Type": "WS",
  41900.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/sculp/mr1589/sculp_f.htm",
  41901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41902.             "Title": "Slaves",
  41903.             "Category": "HUM",
  41904.             "Description": "Unfinished marble statues by Michelangelo displayed by the Louvre in Paris.",
  41905.             "Year": 0
  41906.         },
  41907.         {
  41908.             "RIT": "ws201832",
  41909.             "Type": "WS",
  41910.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/healthfacts/195/",
  41911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41912.             "Title": "Vasectomy: What to Expect from a Vasectomy",
  41913.             "Category": "LIF",
  41914.             "Description": "The American Academy of Family Physicians explains an operation that makes a man permanently unable to get a woman pregnant.",
  41915.             "Year": 0
  41916.         },
  41917.         {
  41918.             "RIT": "ws201833",
  41919.             "Type": "WS",
  41920.             "URL": "http://www.maah-detroit.org/",
  41921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41922.             "Title": "Museum of African American History",
  41923.             "Category": "SOC",
  41924.             "Description": "The Detroit museum's Web site features information for visitors, including a calendar of events and news of upcoming exhibitions.",
  41925.             "Year": 0
  41926.         },
  41927.         {
  41928.             "RIT": "ws201834",
  41929.             "Type": "WS",
  41930.             "URL": "http://research.haifa.ac.il/~hecht/Monet/index.html",
  41931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41932.             "Title": "Giverny Landscape, Snow Effect",
  41933.             "Category": "HUM",
  41934.             "Description": "The Hecht Museum at the University of Haifa in Israel showcases a painting by Claude Monet.",
  41935.             "Year": 0
  41936.         },
  41937.         {
  41938.             "RIT": "ws201844",
  41939.             "Type": "WS",
  41940.             "URL": "http://www.aap.org/family/mnairbag.htm",
  41941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41942.             "Title": "Air Bags and Children",
  41943.             "Category": "IND",
  41944.             "Description": "The American Academy of Pediatrics provides information about the hazards air bags pose to children.",
  41945.             "Year": 0
  41946.         },
  41947.         {
  41948.             "RIT": "ws201845",
  41949.             "Type": "WS",
  41950.             "URL": "http://metalab.unc.edu/ipa/milosz/index.html",
  41951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41952.             "Title": "Czeslaw Milosz",
  41953.             "Category": "HUM",
  41954.             "Description": "Selected poems by Milosz presented by the University of North Carolina as part of the Internet Poetry Archive.",
  41955.             "Year": 0
  41956.         },
  41957.         {
  41958.             "RIT": "ws201846",
  41959.             "Type": "WS",
  41960.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=40",
  41961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41962.             "Title": "Pablo Picasso",
  41963.             "Category": "HUM",
  41964.             "Description": "Paintings by Picasso exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  41965.             "Year": 0
  41966.         },
  41967.         {
  41968.             "RIT": "ws201847",
  41969.             "Type": "WS",
  41970.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=24750",
  41971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41972.             "Title": "Pablo Picasso",
  41973.             "Category": "HUM",
  41974.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., exhibits work by the artist.",
  41975.             "Year": 0
  41976.         },
  41977.         {
  41978.             "RIT": "ws201848",
  41979.             "Type": "WS",
  41980.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/modern/68pc_matisse.html",
  41981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41982.             "Title": "Bathers by a River",
  41983.             "Category": "HUM",
  41984.             "Description": "The Art Institute of Chicago exhibits a painting by Henri Matisse.",
  41985.             "Year": 0
  41986.         },
  41987.         {
  41988.             "RIT": "ws201849",
  41989.             "Type": "WS",
  41990.             "URL": "http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/pubs_hb/asl.htm",
  41991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  41992.             "Title": "American Sign Language: Quick Facts",
  41993.             "Category": "HUM",
  41994.             "Description": "Information from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD).",
  41995.             "Year": 0
  41996.         },
  41997.         {
  41998.             "RIT": "ws201850",
  41999.             "Type": "WS",
  42000.             "URL": "http://www.mayoclinic.com/findinformation/conditioncenters/invoke.cfm?objectid=FBA965E8-A8A8-4135-B6C0D91B152E2CF5",
  42001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42002.             "Title": "Pelvic inflammatory disease - Treatment and Prevention",
  42003.             "Category": "LIF",
  42004.             "Description": "Information about a serious infection in women that can accompany sexual transmitted diseases, from the Mayo Clinic.",
  42005.             "Year": 0
  42006.         },
  42007.         {
  42008.             "RIT": "ws201851",
  42009.             "Type": "WS",
  42010.             "URL": "http://www.cartermuseum.org/paintings/okeeffe.html",
  42011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42012.             "Title": "Dark Mesa and Pink Sky",
  42013.             "Category": "HUM",
  42014.             "Description": "The Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth, Texas, exhibits a painting by Georgia O'Keeffe.",
  42015.             "Year": 0
  42016.         },
  42017.         {
  42018.             "RIT": "ws201861",
  42019.             "Type": "WS",
  42020.             "URL": "http://www.getty.edu/art/collections/objects/oz196.html",
  42021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42022.             "Title": "Christ Child; Child, Old Man, Machinery",
  42023.             "Category": "HUM",
  42024.             "Description": "A drawing by Leonardo da Vinci displayed by the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  42025.             "Year": 0
  42026.         },
  42027.         {
  42028.             "RIT": "ws201862",
  42029.             "Type": "WS",
  42030.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/airpollution/default.htm",
  42031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42032.             "Title": "Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Branch",
  42033.             "Category": "LIF",
  42034.             "Description": "Asthma information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  42035.             "Year": 0
  42036.         },
  42037.         {
  42038.             "RIT": "ws201863",
  42039.             "Type": "WS",
  42040.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/126.html",
  42041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42042.             "Title": "Natural Family Planning",
  42043.             "Category": "LIF",
  42044.             "Description": "The American Academy of Family Physicians explains how monitoring a woman's menstrual cycle can be used to help prevent or plan pregnancy.",
  42045.             "Year": 0
  42046.         },
  42047.         {
  42048.             "RIT": "ws201864",
  42049.             "Type": "WS",
  42050.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/COL5a9/COL62a.HTM",
  42051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42052.             "Title": "Fauves and Pointillists: Henri Matisse",
  42053.             "Category": "HUM",
  42054.             "Description": "Information about the artist from the Bemberg Foundation in Tolouse, France.",
  42055.             "Year": 0
  42056.         },
  42057.         {
  42058.             "RIT": "ws201865",
  42059.             "Type": "WS",
  42060.             "URL": "http://www.niaid.nih.gov/factsheets/stdpid.htm",
  42061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42062.             "Title": "Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)",
  42063.             "Category": "LIF",
  42064.             "Description": "The National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases highlights PID, the most common and serious female complication of sexually transmitted diseases.",
  42065.             "Year": 0
  42066.         },
  42067.         {
  42068.             "RIT": "ws201866",
  42069.             "Type": "WS",
  42070.             "URL": "http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian/issues98/sep98/leonardo.html",
  42071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42072.             "Title": "Leonardo's Horse: A Long Shot Pays Off",
  42073.             "Category": "HUM",
  42074.             "Description": "A Smithsonian Magazine article about the construction of a horse sculpture desinged by Leonardo da Vinci.",
  42075.             "Year": 0
  42076.         },
  42077.         {
  42078.             "RIT": "ws201867",
  42079.             "Type": "WS",
  42080.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/modern/80pc_warhol.html",
  42081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42082.             "Title": "Mao",
  42083.             "Category": "HUM",
  42084.             "Description": "A painting by Andy Warhol on display at the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  42085.             "Year": 0
  42086.         },
  42087.         {
  42088.             "RIT": "ws201868",
  42089.             "Type": "WS",
  42090.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/index.asp?lang=e&id_pic=110",
  42091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42092.             "Title": "Still Life",
  42093.             "Category": "HUM",
  42094.             "Description": "The E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland presents a painting attributed to Henri Matisse.",
  42095.             "Year": 0
  42096.         },
  42097.         {
  42098.             "RIT": "ws201878",
  42099.             "Type": "WS",
  42100.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=9",
  42101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42102.             "Title": "Camille Corot",
  42103.             "Category": "HUM",
  42104.             "Description": "Paintings by Corot exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  42105.             "Year": 0
  42106.         },
  42107.         {
  42108.             "RIT": "ws201879",
  42109.             "Type": "WS",
  42110.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/healthfacts/141/",
  42111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42112.             "Title": "PMS: What You Can Do to Ease Your Symptoms",
  42113.             "Category": "LIF",
  42114.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  42115.             "Year": 0
  42116.         },
  42117.         {
  42118.             "RIT": "ws201880",
  42119.             "Type": "WS",
  42120.             "URL": "http://metalab.unc.edu/ipa/wilbur/index.html",
  42121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42122.             "Title": "Richard Wilbur",
  42123.             "Category": "HUM",
  42124.             "Description": "Selected poems by Wilbur presented by the University of North Carolina as part of the Internet Poetry Archive.",
  42125.             "Year": 0
  42126.         },
  42127.         {
  42128.             "RIT": "ws201881",
  42129.             "Type": "WS",
  42130.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/healthfacts/016/",
  42131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42132.             "Title": "Birth Control: Choosing a Method That's Right for You",
  42133.             "Category": "SOC",
  42134.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  42135.             "Year": 0
  42136.         },
  42137.         {
  42138.             "RIT": "ws201882",
  42139.             "Type": "WS",
  42140.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/picasso.html",
  42141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42142.             "Title": "Head of a Woman",
  42143.             "Category": "HUM",
  42144.             "Description": "Pablo Picasso's sculpture, displayed by the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth in Fort Worth, Texas.",
  42145.             "Year": 0
  42146.         },
  42147.         {
  42148.             "RIT": "ws201883",
  42149.             "Type": "WS",
  42150.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Warhol_A/FFT.html",
  42151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42152.             "Title": "Andy Warhol",
  42153.             "Category": "HUM",
  42154.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln presents an overview of the artist's career.",
  42155.             "Year": 0
  42156.         },
  42157.         {
  42158.             "RIT": "ws201884",
  42159.             "Type": "WS",
  42160.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=claude&=And&=Yes&=monet&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  42161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42162.             "Title": "Claude Monet",
  42163.             "Category": "HUM",
  42164.             "Description": "Images of paintings by Monet from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  42165.             "Year": 0
  42166.         },
  42167.         {
  42168.             "RIT": "ws201885",
  42169.             "Type": "WS",
  42170.             "URL": "http://www.unc.edu/depts/ackland/tours/degas.html",
  42171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42172.             "Title": "Edgar Degas: Spanish Dance",
  42173.             "Category": "HUM",
  42174.             "Description": "A bronze sculpture exhibited by the Ackland Art Museum at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.",
  42175.             "Year": 0
  42176.         },
  42177.         {
  42178.             "RIT": "ws201886",
  42179.             "Type": "WS",
  42180.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=14",
  42181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42182.             "Title": "Eugene Delacroix",
  42183.             "Category": "HUM",
  42184.             "Description": "Paintings by Delacroix exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  42185.             "Year": 0
  42186.         },
  42187.         {
  42188.             "RIT": "ws201896",
  42189.             "Type": "WS",
  42190.             "URL": "http://www.nortonsimon.org/nsmpicas2.htm",
  42191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42192.             "Title": "Woman with a Guitar",
  42193.             "Category": "HUM",
  42194.             "Description": "The Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, California, presents a painting by Pablo Picasso.",
  42195.             "Year": 0
  42196.         },
  42197.         {
  42198.             "RIT": "ws201897",
  42199.             "Type": "WS",
  42200.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=46",
  42201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42202.             "Title": "Edgar Degas",
  42203.             "Category": "HUM",
  42204.             "Description": "Paintings by Degas displayed and explained by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  42205.             "Year": 0
  42206.         },
  42207.         {
  42208.             "RIT": "ws201898",
  42209.             "Type": "WS",
  42210.             "URL": "http://www.nea.org/",
  42211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42212.             "Title": "National Education Association of the United States (NEA)",
  42213.             "Category": "SOC",
  42214.             "Description": "The NEA's Web site includes information about the organization and about issues in U.S. education.",
  42215.             "Year": 0
  42216.         },
  42217.         {
  42218.             "RIT": "ws201899",
  42219.             "Type": "WS",
  42220.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/nchstp/dstd/STDs_and_Pregnancy.htm",
  42221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42222.             "Title": "STDs and Pregnancy",
  42223.             "Category": "LIF",
  42224.             "Description": "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains how sexually transmitted diseases affect mother and baby.",
  42225.             "Year": 0
  42226.         },
  42227.         {
  42228.             "RIT": "ws201901",
  42229.             "Type": "WS",
  42230.             "URL": "http://www.palazzograssi.it/eng/mostre/fiamminghi/galleria/vangogh.htm",
  42231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42232.             "Title": "Vincent Van Gogh: Road with Cypress and Star",
  42233.             "Category": "HUM",
  42234.             "Description": "A painting displayed by Palazzo Grassi in Venice, Italy.",
  42235.             "Year": 0
  42236.         },
  42237.         {
  42238.             "RIT": "ws201902",
  42239.             "Type": "WS",
  42240.             "URL": "http://hirshhorn.si.edu/",
  42241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42242.             "Title": "Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden",
  42243.             "Category": "SOC",
  42244.             "Description": "Information about exhibitions and programs at the Hirshorn Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  42245.             "Year": 0
  42246.         },
  42247.         {
  42248.             "RIT": "ws201903",
  42249.             "Type": "WS",
  42250.             "URL": "http://research.haifa.ac.il/~hecht/vangogh.html",
  42251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42252.             "Title": "Head of a Young Peasant Woman",
  42253.             "Category": "HUM",
  42254.             "Description": "A Vincent Van Gogh painting displayed by the Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum at the University of Haifa in Israel.",
  42255.             "Year": 0
  42256.         },
  42257.         {
  42258.             "RIT": "ws201904",
  42259.             "Type": "WS",
  42260.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=23125",
  42261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42262.             "Title": "Biography.com: Parton, Dolly",
  42263.             "Category": "HUM",
  42264.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  42265.             "Year": 0
  42266.         },
  42267.         {
  42268.             "RIT": "ws201905",
  42269.             "Type": "WS",
  42270.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/213.html",
  42271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42272.             "Title": "Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)",
  42273.             "Category": "LIF",
  42274.             "Description": "The American Academy of Family Physicians provides facts on PID, an infection in the female reproductive organ",
  42275.             "Year": 0
  42276.         },
  42277.         {
  42278.             "RIT": "ws201914",
  42279.             "Type": "WS",
  42280.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=18260",
  42281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42282.             "Title": "Biography.com: Parker, Charlie Yardbird",
  42283.             "Category": "HUM",
  42284.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  42285.             "Year": 0
  42286.         },
  42287.         {
  42288.             "RIT": "ws201916",
  42289.             "Type": "WS",
  42290.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/290.html",
  42291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42292.             "Title": "Stroke: Warning Signs and Tips on Prevention",
  42293.             "Category": "LIF",
  42294.             "Description": "A guide from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  42295.             "Year": 0
  42296.         },
  42297.         {
  42298.             "RIT": "ws201917",
  42299.             "Type": "WS",
  42300.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1984%2E433%2E16",
  42301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42302.             "Title": "Nasturtiums with the painting Dance",
  42303.             "Category": "HUM",
  42304.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by Henri Matisse.",
  42305.             "Year": 0
  42306.         },
  42307.         {
  42308.             "RIT": "ws201918",
  42309.             "Type": "WS",
  42310.             "URL": "http://www.joslyn.org/permcol/euro/pages/monet.html",
  42311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42312.             "Title": "Claude Monet",
  42313.             "Category": "HUM",
  42314.             "Description": "The Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska, presents a painting by Monet and information about the artist.",
  42315.             "Year": 0
  42316.         },
  42317.         {
  42318.             "RIT": "ws201919",
  42319.             "Type": "WS",
  42320.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=gogh",
  42321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42322.             "Title": "Edgar Degas",
  42323.             "Category": "HUM",
  42324.             "Description": "Paintings displayed by the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.",
  42325.             "Year": 0
  42326.         },
  42327.         {
  42328.             "RIT": "ws201920",
  42329.             "Type": "WS",
  42330.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/result.asp?Artist=gogh",
  42331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42332.             "Title": "Vincent van Gogh",
  42333.             "Category": "HUM",
  42334.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City displays more than a dozen paintings by the artist.",
  42335.             "Year": 0
  42336.         },
  42337.         {
  42338.             "RIT": "ws201921",
  42339.             "Type": "WS",
  42340.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv0779/peint_f.htm",
  42341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42342.             "Title": "The Mona Lisa",
  42343.             "Category": "HUM",
  42344.             "Description": "Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting, displayed by the Louvre in Paris.",
  42345.             "Year": 0
  42346.         },
  42347.         {
  42348.             "RIT": "ws201922",
  42349.             "Type": "WS",
  42350.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/matisse.html",
  42351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42352.             "Title": "The Clown",
  42353.             "Category": "HUM",
  42354.             "Description": "The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas, displays a color pochoir print by Henri Matisse.",
  42355.             "Year": 0
  42356.         },
  42357.         {
  42358.             "RIT": "ws201923",
  42359.             "Type": "WS",
  42360.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/eurptg/27pc_degas.html",
  42361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42362.             "Title": "The Millinery Shop",
  42363.             "Category": "HUM",
  42364.             "Description": "A painting by Edgar Degas displayed by the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  42365.             "Year": 0
  42366.         },
  42367.         {
  42368.             "RIT": "ws201924",
  42369.             "Type": "WS",
  42370.             "URL": "http://www.kreegermuseum.com/content/picassos_.htm",
  42371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42372.             "Title": "Pablo Picasso, The Man with the Golden Helmet",
  42373.             "Category": "HUM",
  42374.             "Description": "An exhibit from the Kreeger Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  42375.             "Year": 0
  42376.         },
  42377.         {
  42378.             "RIT": "ws201934",
  42379.             "Type": "WS",
  42380.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=59",
  42381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42382.             "Title": "Alfred Sisley",
  42383.             "Category": "HUM",
  42384.             "Description": "Paintings by Sisley exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  42385.             "Year": 0
  42386.         },
  42387.         {
  42388.             "RIT": "ws201935",
  42389.             "Type": "WS",
  42390.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=8",
  42391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42392.             "Title": "The Russian Wedding",
  42393.             "Category": "HUM",
  42394.             "Description": "A painting by Marc Chagall exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  42395.             "Year": 0
  42396.         },
  42397.         {
  42398.             "RIT": "ws201936",
  42399.             "Type": "WS",
  42400.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/450.html",
  42401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42402.             "Title": "Labor Induction",
  42403.             "Category": "LIF",
  42404.             "Description": "A guide to the use of medicines to induce labor from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  42405.             "Year": 0
  42406.         },
  42407.         {
  42408.             "RIT": "ws201937",
  42409.             "Type": "WS",
  42410.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/European/1957.153.html",
  42411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42412.             "Title": "Portrait of a Man in a Top Hat",
  42413.             "Category": "HUM",
  42414.             "Description": "A painting by Vincent Van Gogh displayed by the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  42415.             "Year": 0
  42416.         },
  42417.         {
  42418.             "RIT": "ws201938",
  42419.             "Type": "WS",
  42420.             "URL": "http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/golf/pga/bios/2000/bio184.html",
  42421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42422.             "Title": "Tiger Woods",
  42423.             "Category": "REC",
  42424.             "Description": "Biographical information and career statistics from Sports Illustrated magazine.",
  42425.             "Year": 0
  42426.         },
  42427.         {
  42428.             "RIT": "ws201939",
  42429.             "Type": "WS",
  42430.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/warhol.html",
  42431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42432.             "Title": "Twenty-Five Colored Marilyns",
  42433.             "Category": "HUM",
  42434.             "Description": "An Andy Warhol painting displayed by the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth in Fort Worth, Texas.",
  42435.             "Year": 0
  42436.         },
  42437.         {
  42438.             "RIT": "ws201940",
  42439.             "Type": "WS",
  42440.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv0776/peint_f.htm",
  42441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42442.             "Title": "The Virgin and Child with St. Anne",
  42443.             "Category": "HUM",
  42444.             "Description": "A painting by Leonardo da Vinci exhibited by the Louvre in Paris.",
  42445.             "Year": 0
  42446.         },
  42447.         {
  42448.             "RIT": "ws201941",
  42449.             "Type": "WS",
  42450.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=degas+edgar&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  42451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42452.             "Title": "Edgar Degas",
  42453.             "Category": "HUM",
  42454.             "Description": "Artwork by Edgar Degas displayed by the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  42455.             "Year": 0
  42456.         },
  42457.         {
  42458.             "RIT": "ws201942",
  42459.             "Type": "WS",
  42460.             "URL": "http://www.nortonsimon.org/nsmpicas.htm",
  42461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42462.             "Title": "Woman with a Book",
  42463.             "Category": "HUM",
  42464.             "Description": "A painting by Pablo Picasso exhibited by the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, California.",
  42465.             "Year": 0
  42466.         },
  42467.         {
  42468.             "RIT": "ws201943",
  42469.             "Type": "WS",
  42470.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/dvp/dvp.htm",
  42471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42472.             "Title": "What Is Domestic Violence?",
  42473.             "Category": "SOC",
  42474.             "Description": "A fact sheet from the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.",
  42475.             "Year": 0
  42476.         },
  42477.         {
  42478.             "RIT": "ws201887",
  42479.             "Type": "WS",
  42480.             "URL": "http://www.pueblo.gsa.gov/cic_text/health/contracept/397_baby.html",
  42481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42482.             "Title": "Protecting Against Unintended Pregnancy: A Guide to Contraceptive Choices",
  42483.             "Category": "SOC",
  42484.             "Description": "The Food and Drug Administration provides information on various birth control methods.",
  42485.             "Year": 0
  42486.         },
  42487.         {
  42488.             "RIT": "ws201888",
  42489.             "Type": "WS",
  42490.             "URL": "http://www.guggenheim.org/",
  42491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42492.             "Title": "Guggenheim Museum",
  42493.             "Category": "SOC",
  42494.             "Description": "The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation provides virtual exhibits and information about its museums in New York City, Bilbao, Venice, and Berlin.",
  42495.             "Year": 0
  42496.         },
  42497.         {
  42498.             "RIT": "ws201889",
  42499.             "Type": "WS",
  42500.             "URL": "http://www.churchill.nls.ac.uk/",
  42501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42502.             "Title": "Churchill: The Evidence",
  42503.             "Category": "HUM",
  42504.             "Description": "A virtual exhibition of Churchill's papers from the Churchill Archives Centre in Cambridge.",
  42505.             "Year": 0
  42506.         },
  42507.         {
  42508.             "RIT": "ws201890",
  42509.             "Type": "WS",
  42510.             "URL": "http://www.whiteshark.co.za/diving.htm",
  42511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42512.             "Title": "South African White Shark Research Institute",
  42513.             "Category": "LIF",
  42514.             "Description": "Information about diving to view white sharks from the South African White Shark Research Institute.",
  42515.             "Year": 0
  42516.         },
  42517.         {
  42518.             "RIT": "ws201891",
  42519.             "Type": "WS",
  42520.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/collection/drawings/picasso_peasants.html",
  42521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42522.             "Title": "Sleeping Peasants",
  42523.             "Category": "HUM",
  42524.             "Description": "A painting by Pablo Picasso from the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.",
  42525.             "Year": 0
  42526.         },
  42527.         {
  42528.             "RIT": "ws201892",
  42529.             "Type": "WS",
  42530.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/103.html",
  42531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42532.             "Title": "ADHD Medicine",
  42533.             "Category": "LIF",
  42534.             "Description": "A fact sheet on medicines used to treat attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  42535.             "Year": 0
  42536.         },
  42537.         {
  42538.             "RIT": "ws201893",
  42539.             "Type": "WS",
  42540.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/collections/recent_acquisitions/ma_coll_picasso.html",
  42541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42542.             "Title": "Pablo Picasso's Torse de femme (Female Torso)",
  42543.             "Category": "HUM",
  42544.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.",
  42545.             "Year": 0
  42546.         },
  42547.         {
  42548.             "RIT": "ws201894",
  42549.             "Type": "WS",
  42550.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=1987%2E47%2E1",
  42551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42552.             "Title": "The Dance Class",
  42553.             "Category": "HUM",
  42554.             "Description": "A painting by Edgar Degas shown by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  42555.             "Year": 0
  42556.         },
  42557.         {
  42558.             "RIT": "ws201895",
  42559.             "Type": "WS",
  42560.             "URL": "http://www.noah-health.org/english/pregnancy/march_of_dimes/pre_preg.plan/bgoodbro.html",
  42561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42562.             "Title": "Be Good to Your Baby Before It Is Born",
  42563.             "Category": "LIF",
  42564.             "Description": "The March of Dimes presents a guide to pregnancy health.",
  42565.             "Year": 0
  42566.         },
  42567.         {
  42568.             "RIT": "ws201906",
  42569.             "Type": "WS",
  42570.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/118.html",
  42571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42572.             "Title": "ADHD in Children",
  42573.             "Category": "LIF",
  42574.             "Description": "Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  42575.             "Year": 0
  42576.         },
  42577.         {
  42578.             "RIT": "ws201907",
  42579.             "Type": "WS",
  42580.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/hse/room_t.asp?lang=e&id_room=12",
  42581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42582.             "Title": "Manet Room",
  42583.             "Category": "HUM",
  42584.             "Description": "The E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland exhibits paintings by Edgar Degas, Edouard Manet, and Claude Monet.",
  42585.             "Year": 0
  42586.         },
  42587.         {
  42588.             "RIT": "ws201908",
  42589.             "Type": "WS",
  42590.             "URL": "http://www.getty.edu/art/collections/objects/o503.html",
  42591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42592.             "Title": "Self-Portrait: Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas",
  42593.             "Category": "HUM",
  42594.             "Description": "This display by the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles links to a brief biography of the artist.",
  42595.             "Year": 0
  42596.         },
  42597.         {
  42598.             "RIT": "ws201909",
  42599.             "Type": "WS",
  42600.             "URL": "http://www.getty.edu/museum/",
  42601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42602.             "Title": "The J. Paul Getty Museum",
  42603.             "Category": "SOC",
  42604.             "Description": "The J. Paul Getty Museum Web site offers Online exhibitions and information about visiting the museum.",
  42605.             "Year": 0
  42606.         },
  42607.         {
  42608.             "RIT": "ws201910",
  42609.             "Type": "WS",
  42610.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/flashbks/hemingway.htm",
  42611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42612.             "Title": "Tracking Hemingway",
  42613.             "Category": "HUM",
  42614.             "Description": "Articles from The Atlantic Monthly magazine from 1939 to 1983 track the strengths and weaknessnes of Ernest Hemingway.",
  42615.             "Year": 0
  42616.         },
  42617.         {
  42618.             "RIT": "ws201911",
  42619.             "Type": "WS",
  42620.             "URL": "http://www.museum.cornell.edu/HFJ/handbook/hb155.html",
  42621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42622.             "Title": "The Horse, the Rider, and the Clown",
  42623.             "Category": "HUM",
  42624.             "Description": "The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University highlights Matisse's Jazz cut-outs.",
  42625.             "Year": 0
  42626.         },
  42627.         {
  42628.             "RIT": "ws201912",
  42629.             "Type": "WS",
  42630.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/cgi-bin/familydoc.pl?op=search&query=Brain%20and%20Nervous%20System",
  42631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42632.             "Title": "Brain and Nervous System",
  42633.             "Category": "LIF",
  42634.             "Description": "The American Academy of Family Physicians presents resources for depression, seizures, and other neurological problems.",
  42635.             "Year": 0
  42636.         },
  42637.         {
  42638.             "RIT": "ws201913",
  42639.             "Type": "WS",
  42640.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=picasso",
  42641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42642.             "Title": "Pablo Picasso",
  42643.             "Category": "HUM",
  42644.             "Description": "Works by Picasso exhibited by the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.",
  42645.             "Year": 0
  42646.         },
  42647.         {
  42648.             "RIT": "ws201925",
  42649.             "Type": "WS",
  42650.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=13",
  42651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42652.             "Title": "Edgar Degas",
  42653.             "Category": "HUM",
  42654.             "Description": "Paintings by Degas exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  42655.             "Year": 0
  42656.         },
  42657.         {
  42658.             "RIT": "ws201926",
  42659.             "Type": "WS",
  42660.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/essays/february98/rodriguez_2-3.html",
  42661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42662.             "Title": "Andy Warhol Revisited",
  42663.             "Category": "HUM",
  42664.             "Description": "Essayist Richard Rodriguez remembers Pop artist Andy Warhol and his works. From the Online Newshour site at PBS.",
  42665.             "Year": 0
  42666.         },
  42667.         {
  42668.             "RIT": "ws201927",
  42669.             "Type": "WS",
  42670.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-04-08-97/a-lundi6004.html",
  42671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42672.             "Title": "Seated Woman, Back Turned to the Open Window",
  42673.             "Category": "HUM",
  42674.             "Description": "The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts presents a painting by Henri Matisse.",
  42675.             "Year": 0
  42676.         },
  42677.         {
  42678.             "RIT": "ws201928",
  42679.             "Type": "WS",
  42680.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/310.html",
  42681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42682.             "Title": "Breech Babies: What Can I Do if My Baby is Breech?",
  42683.             "Category": "LIF",
  42684.             "Description": "Information about breech (feet-first) births from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  42685.             "Year": 0
  42686.         },
  42687.         {
  42688.             "RIT": "ws201929",
  42689.             "Type": "WS",
  42690.             "URL": "http://www.4woman.gov/faq/pms.htm",
  42691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42692.             "Title": "Premenstrual Syndrome",
  42693.             "Category": "LIF",
  42694.             "Description": "Questions and answers from the Office on Women's Health in the Department of Health and Human Services.",
  42695.             "Year": 0
  42696.         },
  42697.         {
  42698.             "RIT": "ws201930",
  42699.             "Type": "WS",
  42700.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=da+vinci",
  42701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42702.             "Title": "Leonardo da Vinci",
  42703.             "Category": "HUM",
  42704.             "Description": "Paintings by the artist displayed by the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.",
  42705.             "Year": 0
  42706.         },
  42707.         {
  42708.             "RIT": "ws201931",
  42709.             "Type": "WS",
  42710.             "URL": "http://www.usdoj.gov/kidspage/crt/crtmenu.htm",
  42711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42712.             "Title": "Civil Rights Law and History",
  42713.             "Category": "SOC",
  42714.             "Description": "Information from the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice.",
  42715.             "Year": 0
  42716.         },
  42717.         {
  42718.             "RIT": "ws201932",
  42719.             "Type": "WS",
  42720.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/065.html",
  42721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42722.             "Title": "Fainting: What Causes It",
  42723.             "Category": "LIF",
  42724.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  42725.             "Year": 0
  42726.         },
  42727.         {
  42728.             "RIT": "ws201933",
  42729.             "Type": "WS",
  42730.             "URL": "http://www.diacenter.org/prg/poetry/94_95/ammons.html",
  42731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42732.             "Title": "A.R. Ammons: AN IMPROVISATION FOR ANGULAR MOMENTUM",
  42733.             "Category": "HUM",
  42734.             "Description": "A poem by Ammons presented by the Dia Center for the Arts in New York City.",
  42735.             "Year": 0
  42736.         },
  42737.         {
  42738.             "RIT": "ws201944",
  42739.             "Type": "WS",
  42740.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=34",
  42741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42742.             "Title": "The Pont Saint-Michel, Paris",
  42743.             "Category": "HUM",
  42744.             "Description": "A painting by Henri Matisse exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  42745.             "Year": 0
  42746.         },
  42747.         {
  42748.             "RIT": "ws201945",
  42749.             "Type": "WS",
  42750.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/landscape/21.71.html",
  42751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42752.             "Title": "Gladioli",
  42753.             "Category": "HUM",
  42754.             "Description": "A painting by Claude Monet from the Detroit Institute of Arts.",
  42755.             "Year": 0
  42756.         },
  42757.         {
  42758.             "RIT": "ws201946",
  42759.             "Type": "WS",
  42760.             "URL": "http://www.lacma.org/art/perm_col/prints/prints.htm#HILAIRE-GERMAIN-EDGAR%20DEGAS",
  42761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42762.             "Title": "Edgar Degas: Etching and aquatint",
  42763.             "Category": "HUM",
  42764.             "Description": "Works displayed by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.",
  42765.             "Year": 0
  42766.         },
  42767.         {
  42768.             "RIT": "ws201947",
  42769.             "Type": "WS",
  42770.             "URL": "http://www.artgallerynsw.com.au/collection/pdw_west_mod_matisse.act",
  42771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42772.             "Title": "Henri Matisse",
  42773.             "Category": "HUM",
  42774.             "Description": "The Art Gallery of New South Wales in Australia presents a woodcut by Matisse and examines his role in the fauvist movement.",
  42775.             "Year": 0
  42776.         },
  42777.         {
  42778.             "RIT": "ws201948",
  42779.             "Type": "WS",
  42780.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/154.html",
  42781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42782.             "Title": "Morning Sickness",
  42783.             "Category": "LIF",
  42784.             "Description": "The American Academy of Family Physicians explains the nausea and vomiting that some women have when they become pregnant.",
  42785.             "Year": 0
  42786.         },
  42787.         {
  42788.             "RIT": "ws201949",
  42789.             "Type": "WS",
  42790.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/arthritis.htm",
  42791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42792.             "Title": "Arthritis: The Nation's Leading Cause of Disability",
  42793.             "Category": "LIF",
  42794.             "Description": "Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  42795.             "Year": 0
  42796.         },
  42797.         {
  42798.             "RIT": "ws201950",
  42799.             "Type": "WS",
  42800.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/COL5a9/COL84a.HTM",
  42801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42802.             "Title": "Claude Monet: Landscapes",
  42803.             "Category": "HUM",
  42804.             "Description": "Information about the artist from the Bemberg Foundation in Toulouse, France.",
  42805.             "Year": 0
  42806.         },
  42807.         {
  42808.             "RIT": "ws201951",
  42809.             "Type": "WS",
  42810.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=47%2E106",
  42811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42812.             "Title": "Gertrude Stein",
  42813.             "Category": "HUM",
  42814.             "Description": "A portrait by Pablo Picasso displayed by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  42815.             "Year": 0
  42816.         },
  42817.         {
  42818.             "RIT": "ws201952",
  42819.             "Type": "WS",
  42820.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/004951/",
  42821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42822.             "Title": "Louis C. Tiffany: 2 Artworks",
  42823.             "Category": "HUM",
  42824.             "Description": "Paintings by Tiffany displayed by the Smithsonian American Art Museum.",
  42825.             "Year": 0
  42826.         },
  42827.         {
  42828.             "RIT": "ws201953",
  42829.             "Type": "WS",
  42830.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/faqs.htm",
  42831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42832.             "Title": "Diabetes Frequently Asked Questions",
  42833.             "Category": "LIF",
  42834.             "Description": "Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.",
  42835.             "Year": 0
  42836.         },
  42837.         {
  42838.             "RIT": "ws201954",
  42839.             "Type": "WS",
  42840.             "URL": "http://www.mos.org/sln/toe/",
  42841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42842.             "Title": "Theater of Electricity",
  42843.             "Category": "PHY",
  42844.             "Description": "An online exhibit about electricity and the forms it takes, from the Museum of Science in Boston.",
  42845.             "Year": 0
  42846.         },
  42847.         {
  42848.             "RIT": "ws201955",
  42849.             "Type": "WS",
  42850.             "URL": "http://www.tnr.com/120699/perl120699.html",
  42851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42852.             "Title": "The Alchemist",
  42853.             "Category": "HUM",
  42854.             "Description": "This article about the painter Balthus originally appeared in The New Republic in 1999.",
  42855.             "Year": 0
  42856.         },
  42857.         {
  42858.             "RIT": "ws201957",
  42859.             "Type": "WS",
  42860.             "URL": "http://www.dwc.edu/users/wellman/340Collages.htm",
  42861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42862.             "Title": "Collages",
  42863.             "Category": "HUM",
  42864.             "Description": "A collection of collages exhibited online.",
  42865.             "Year": 0
  42866.         },
  42867.         {
  42868.             "RIT": "ws201958",
  42869.             "Type": "WS",
  42870.             "URL": "http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/7156.html",
  42871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42872.             "Title": "Atlas of the Body - The Ear",
  42873.             "Category": "LIF",
  42874.             "Description": "The American Medical Association provides a diagram of the human ear and describes how it functions.",
  42875.             "Year": 0
  42876.         },
  42877.         {
  42878.             "RIT": "ws201959",
  42879.             "Type": "WS",
  42880.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=da+vinci",
  42881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42882.             "Title": "Henri Matisse",
  42883.             "Category": "HUM",
  42884.             "Description": "Works of art presented by the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.",
  42885.             "Year": 0
  42886.         },
  42887.         {
  42888.             "RIT": "ws201960",
  42889.             "Type": "WS",
  42890.             "URL": "http://www.healthystart.net/menus/frame_facts.htm",
  42891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42892.             "Title": "Facts About Infant Mortality",
  42893.             "Category": "LIF",
  42894.             "Description": "Information from the Healthy Start Initiative, which works against the causes of infant mortality and low birth weight.",
  42895.             "Year": 0
  42896.         },
  42897.         {
  42898.             "RIT": "ws201961",
  42899.             "Type": "WS",
  42900.             "URL": "http://us.imdb.com/Name?Karloff,+Boris",
  42901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42902.             "Title": "Boris Karloff",
  42903.             "Category": "HUM",
  42904.             "Description": "Biographical and filmography information about Boris Karloff from The Internet Movie Database.",
  42905.             "Year": 0
  42906.         },
  42907.         {
  42908.             "RIT": "ws201962",
  42909.             "Type": "WS",
  42910.             "URL": "http://us.imdb.com/Name?Cagney,+James",
  42911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42912.             "Title": "James Cagney",
  42913.             "Category": "HUM",
  42914.             "Description": "Biographical and filmography information about James Cagney from The Internet Movie Database.",
  42915.             "Year": 0
  42916.         },
  42917.         {
  42918.             "RIT": "ws201963",
  42919.             "Type": "WS",
  42920.             "URL": "http://us.imdb.com/Name?Gable,+Clark",
  42921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42922.             "Title": "Clark Gable",
  42923.             "Category": "HUM",
  42924.             "Description": "Biographical and filmography information about Clark Gable from The Internet Movie Database.",
  42925.             "Year": 0
  42926.         },
  42927.         {
  42928.             "RIT": "ws201964",
  42929.             "Type": "WS",
  42930.             "URL": "http://us.imdb.com/Name?Grant,+Cary",
  42931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42932.             "Title": "Cary Grant",
  42933.             "Category": "HUM",
  42934.             "Description": "Biographical and filmography information about Cary Grant from The Internet Movie Database.",
  42935.             "Year": 0
  42936.         },
  42937.         {
  42938.             "RIT": "ws201965",
  42939.             "Type": "WS",
  42940.             "URL": "http://us.imdb.com/Name?Jefferson,+Joseph",
  42941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  42942.             "Title": "Joseph Jefferson",
  42943.             "Category": "HUM",
  42944.             "Description": "Biographical and filmography information about Joseph Jefferson from The Internet Movie Database.",
  42945.             "Year": 0
  42946.         },
  42947.         {
  42948.             "RIT": "ws201966",
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  46004.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46005.             "Year": 0
  46006.         },
  46007.         {
  46008.             "RIT": "ws202264",
  46009.             "Type": "WS",
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  46011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46012.             "Title": "Essentials of Music - Richard Wagner",
  46013.             "Category": "HUM",
  46014.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46015.             "Year": 0
  46016.         },
  46017.         {
  46018.             "RIT": "ws202265",
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  46021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46022.             "Title": "Essentials of Music - Olivier Messiaen",
  46023.             "Category": "HUM",
  46024.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46025.             "Year": 0
  46026.         },
  46027.         {
  46028.             "RIT": "ws202266",
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  46030.             "URL": "http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/composer/purcell.html",
  46031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46032.             "Title": "Essentials of Music - Henry Purcell",
  46033.             "Category": "HUM",
  46034.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46035.             "Year": 0
  46036.         },
  46037.         {
  46038.             "RIT": "ws202267",
  46039.             "Type": "WS",
  46040.             "URL": "http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/composer/monteverdi.html",
  46041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46042.             "Title": "Essentials of Music - Claudio Monteverdi",
  46043.             "Category": "HUM",
  46044.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46045.             "Year": 0
  46046.         },
  46047.         {
  46048.             "RIT": "ws202268",
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  46050.             "URL": "http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/composer/mendelssohn.html",
  46051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46052.             "Title": "Essentials of Music - Felix Mendelssohn",
  46053.             "Category": "HUM",
  46054.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46055.             "Year": 0
  46056.         },
  46057.         {
  46058.             "RIT": "ws202269",
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  46061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46062.             "Title": "Essentials of Music - Anton Webern",
  46063.             "Category": "HUM",
  46064.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46065.             "Year": 0
  46066.         },
  46067.         {
  46068.             "RIT": "ws202279",
  46069.             "Type": "WS",
  46070.             "URL": "http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/composer/ives.html",
  46071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46072.             "Title": "Essentials of Music - Charles Ives",
  46073.             "Category": "HUM",
  46074.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46075.             "Year": 0
  46076.         },
  46077.         {
  46078.             "RIT": "ws202280",
  46079.             "Type": "WS",
  46080.             "URL": "http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/composer/verdi.html",
  46081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46082.             "Title": "Essentials of Music - Giuseppe Verdi",
  46083.             "Category": "HUM",
  46084.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46085.             "Year": 0
  46086.         },
  46087.         {
  46088.             "RIT": "ws202281",
  46089.             "Type": "WS",
  46090.             "URL": "http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/composer/stravinsky.html",
  46091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46092.             "Title": "Essentials of Music - Igor Stravinsky",
  46093.             "Category": "HUM",
  46094.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46095.             "Year": 0
  46096.         },
  46097.         {
  46098.             "RIT": "ws202282",
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  46100.             "URL": "http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/composer/josquin.html",
  46101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46102.             "Title": "Essentials of Music - Josquin Desprez",
  46103.             "Category": "HUM",
  46104.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46105.             "Year": 0
  46106.         },
  46107.         {
  46108.             "RIT": "ws202283",
  46109.             "Type": "WS",
  46110.             "URL": "http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/composer/joplin.html",
  46111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46112.             "Title": "Essentials of Music - Scott Joplin",
  46113.             "Category": "HUM",
  46114.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46115.             "Year": 0
  46116.         },
  46117.         {
  46118.             "RIT": "ws202284",
  46119.             "Type": "WS",
  46120.             "URL": "http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/composer/vivaldi.html",
  46121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46122.             "Title": "Essentials of Music - Antonio Vivaldi",
  46123.             "Category": "HUM",
  46124.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46125.             "Year": 0
  46126.         },
  46127.         {
  46128.             "RIT": "ws202285",
  46129.             "Type": "WS",
  46130.             "URL": "http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/composer/liszt.html",
  46131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46132.             "Title": "Essentials of Music - Franz Liszt",
  46133.             "Category": "HUM",
  46134.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46135.             "Year": 0
  46136.         },
  46137.         {
  46138.             "RIT": "ws202286",
  46139.             "Type": "WS",
  46140.             "URL": "http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/composer/schubert.html",
  46141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46142.             "Title": "Essentials of Music - Franz Schubert",
  46143.             "Category": "HUM",
  46144.             "Description": "Commercial Web site containing biographical information and audio clips.",
  46145.             "Year": 0
  46146.         },
  46147.         {
  46148.             "RIT": "ws202287",
  46149.             "Type": "WS",
  46150.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=95",
  46151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46152.             "Title": "Maxine Kumin - The Academy of American Poets",
  46153.             "Category": "HUM",
  46154.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46155.             "Year": 0
  46156.         },
  46157.         {
  46158.             "RIT": "ws202297",
  46159.             "Type": "WS",
  46160.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=315",
  46161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46162.             "Title": "William Wordsworth - The Academy of American Poets",
  46163.             "Category": "HUM",
  46164.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46165.             "Year": 0
  46166.         },
  46167.         {
  46168.             "RIT": "ws202298",
  46169.             "Type": "WS",
  46170.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=171",
  46171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46172.             "Title": "Mona Van Duyn - The Academy of American Poets",
  46173.             "Category": "HUM",
  46174.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46175.             "Year": 0
  46176.         },
  46177.         {
  46178.             "RIT": "ws202299",
  46179.             "Type": "WS",
  46180.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=10",
  46181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46182.             "Title": "Robert Lowell - The Academy of American Poets",
  46183.             "Category": "HUM",
  46184.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46185.             "Year": 0
  46186.         },
  46187.         {
  46188.             "RIT": "ws202300",
  46189.             "Type": "WS",
  46190.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=58",
  46191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46192.             "Title": "Carolyn Kizer - The Academy of American Poets",
  46193.             "Category": "HUM",
  46194.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46195.             "Year": 0
  46196.         },
  46197.         {
  46198.             "RIT": "ws202301",
  46199.             "Type": "WS",
  46200.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=204",
  46201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46202.             "Title": "Robert Pinsky - The Academy of American Poets",
  46203.             "Category": "HUM",
  46204.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46205.             "Year": 0
  46206.         },
  46207.         {
  46208.             "RIT": "ws202302",
  46209.             "Type": "WS",
  46210.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=307",
  46211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46212.             "Title": "Ovid - The Academy of American Poets",
  46213.             "Category": "HUM",
  46214.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46215.             "Year": 0
  46216.         },
  46217.         {
  46218.             "RIT": "ws202303",
  46219.             "Type": "WS",
  46220.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=124",
  46221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46222.             "Title": "W. S. Merwin - The Academy of American Poets",
  46223.             "Category": "HUM",
  46224.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46225.             "Year": 0
  46226.         },
  46227.         {
  46228.             "RIT": "ws202304",
  46229.             "Type": "WS",
  46230.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=50",
  46231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46232.             "Title": "Adrienne Rich - The Academy of American Poets",
  46233.             "Category": "HUM",
  46234.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46235.             "Year": 0
  46236.         },
  46237.         {
  46238.             "RIT": "ws202305",
  46239.             "Type": "WS",
  46240.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=221",
  46241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46242.             "Title": "James Merrill - The Academy of American Poets",
  46243.             "Category": "HUM",
  46244.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46245.             "Year": 0
  46246.         },
  46247.         {
  46248.             "RIT": "ws202314",
  46249.             "Type": "WS",
  46250.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Communications/Publications/Fish/lakesturgeon.html",
  46251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46252.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, sturgeon",
  46253.             "Category": "LIF",
  46254.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's Web site provides information and a picture of the lake sturgeon.",
  46255.             "Year": 0
  46256.         },
  46257.         {
  46258.             "RIT": "ws202315",
  46259.             "Type": "WS",
  46260.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Sprattus&speciesname=sprattus",
  46261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46262.             "Title": "Fish Base, sprat",
  46263.             "Category": "LIF",
  46264.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the European sprat fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46265.             "Year": 0
  46266.         },
  46267.         {
  46268.             "RIT": "ws202316",
  46269.             "Type": "WS",
  46270.             "URL": "http://www.ns.ec.gc.ca/epb/factsheets/bkyard_bug/aphids.html",
  46271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46272.             "Title": "The Backyard Bug Brigade - APHIDS",
  46273.             "Category": "LIF",
  46274.             "Description": "Information about aphids from Environment Canada.",
  46275.             "Year": 0
  46276.         },
  46277.         {
  46278.             "RIT": "ws202317",
  46279.             "Type": "WS",
  46280.             "URL": "http://www.cnet.windsor.ns.ca/Environment/Advocates/Anim/smelt.html",
  46281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46282.             "Title": "Habitat Advocates, smelt",
  46283.             "Category": "LIF",
  46284.             "Description": "The Habitat Advocates' Web site provides information on and a picture of the smelt fish. Habitat Advocates is a conservation organization.",
  46285.             "Year": 0
  46286.         },
  46287.         {
  46288.             "RIT": "ws202318",
  46289.             "Type": "WS",
  46290.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Pylodictis&speciesname=olivaris",
  46291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46292.             "Title": "Fish Base, catfish",
  46293.             "Category": "LIF",
  46294.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the flathead catfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46295.             "Year": 0
  46296.         },
  46297.         {
  46298.             "RIT": "ws202319",
  46299.             "Type": "WS",
  46300.             "URL": "http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/fish_and_wildlife/fish/muskellunge.html",
  46301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46302.             "Title": "Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, muskellunge",
  46303.             "Category": "LIF",
  46304.             "Description": "The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources provides information and a sketch of the muskellenge fish.",
  46305.             "Year": 0
  46306.         },
  46307.         {
  46308.             "RIT": "ws202320",
  46309.             "Type": "WS",
  46310.             "URL": "http://www.gondar.co.uk/computer/slowworm.html",
  46311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46312.             "Title": "Slow-worm",
  46313.             "Category": "LIF",
  46314.             "Description": "Description of the slowworm or blindworm, including a map on where it is located.",
  46315.             "Year": 0
  46316.         },
  46317.         {
  46318.             "RIT": "ws202321",
  46319.             "Type": "WS",
  46320.             "URL": "http://www.unmuseum.org/colddino.htm",
  46321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46322.             "Title": "Dinosaur Metabolism: Warm-Blooded or Cold?",
  46323.             "Category": "LIF",
  46324.             "Description": "Scientific speculations about dinosaurs' metabolism.",
  46325.             "Year": 0
  46326.         },
  46327.         {
  46328.             "RIT": "ws202288",
  46329.             "Type": "WS",
  46330.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=202",
  46331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46332.             "Title": "Richard Howard - The Academy of American Poets",
  46333.             "Category": "HUM",
  46334.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46335.             "Year": 0
  46336.         },
  46337.         {
  46338.             "RIT": "ws202289",
  46339.             "Type": "WS",
  46340.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=184",
  46341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46342.             "Title": "Rupert Brooke - The Academy of American Poets",
  46343.             "Category": "HUM",
  46344.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46345.             "Year": 0
  46346.         },
  46347.         {
  46348.             "RIT": "ws202290",
  46349.             "Type": "WS",
  46350.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=185",
  46351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46352.             "Title": "Robert Browning - The Academy of American Poets",
  46353.             "Category": "HUM",
  46354.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46355.             "Year": 0
  46356.         },
  46357.         {
  46358.             "RIT": "ws202291",
  46359.             "Type": "WS",
  46360.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=49",
  46361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46362.             "Title": "A. R. Ammons - The Academy of American Poets",
  46363.             "Category": "HUM",
  46364.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46365.             "Year": 0
  46366.         },
  46367.         {
  46368.             "RIT": "ws202292",
  46369.             "Type": "WS",
  46370.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=311",
  46371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46372.             "Title": "Samuel Taylor Coleridge - The Academy of American Poets",
  46373.             "Category": "HUM",
  46374.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46375.             "Year": 0
  46376.         },
  46377.         {
  46378.             "RIT": "ws202293",
  46379.             "Type": "WS",
  46380.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=6",
  46381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46382.             "Title": "John Berryman - The Academy of American Poets",
  46383.             "Category": "HUM",
  46384.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46385.             "Year": 0
  46386.         },
  46387.         {
  46388.             "RIT": "ws202294",
  46389.             "Type": "WS",
  46390.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=314",
  46391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46392.             "Title": "Rainer Maria Rilke - The Academy of American Poets",
  46393.             "Category": "HUM",
  46394.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46395.             "Year": 0
  46396.         },
  46397.         {
  46398.             "RIT": "ws202295",
  46399.             "Type": "WS",
  46400.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=215",
  46401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46402.             "Title": "Seamus Heaney - The Academy of American Poets",
  46403.             "Category": "HUM",
  46404.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46405.             "Year": 0
  46406.         },
  46407.         {
  46408.             "RIT": "ws202296",
  46409.             "Type": "WS",
  46410.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=216",
  46411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46412.             "Title": "Galway Kinnell - The Academy of American Poets",
  46413.             "Category": "HUM",
  46414.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46415.             "Year": 0
  46416.         },
  46417.         {
  46418.             "RIT": "ws202306",
  46419.             "Type": "WS",
  46420.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=306",
  46421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46422.             "Title": "Homer - The Academy of American Poets",
  46423.             "Category": "HUM",
  46424.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46425.             "Year": 0
  46426.         },
  46427.         {
  46428.             "RIT": "ws202307",
  46429.             "Type": "WS",
  46430.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=169",
  46431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46432.             "Title": "Gary Snyder - The Academy of American Poets",
  46433.             "Category": "HUM",
  46434.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46435.             "Year": 0
  46436.         },
  46437.         {
  46438.             "RIT": "ws202308",
  46439.             "Type": "WS",
  46440.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=89",
  46441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46442.             "Title": "Matthew Arnold - The Academy of American Poets",
  46443.             "Category": "HUM",
  46444.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46445.             "Year": 0
  46446.         },
  46447.         {
  46448.             "RIT": "ws202309",
  46449.             "Type": "WS",
  46450.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=2",
  46451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46452.             "Title": "Stanley Kunitz - The Academy of American Poets",
  46453.             "Category": "HUM",
  46454.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46455.             "Year": 0
  46456.         },
  46457.         {
  46458.             "RIT": "ws202310",
  46459.             "Type": "WS",
  46460.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=242",
  46461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46462.             "Title": "John Ashbury - The Academy of American Poets",
  46463.             "Category": "HUM",
  46464.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46465.             "Year": 0
  46466.         },
  46467.         {
  46468.             "RIT": "ws202311",
  46469.             "Type": "WS",
  46470.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=153",
  46471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46472.             "Title": "Elizabeth Barrett Browning - The Academy of American Poets",
  46473.             "Category": "HUM",
  46474.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  46475.             "Year": 0
  46476.         },
  46477.         {
  46478.             "RIT": "ws202312",
  46479.             "Type": "WS",
  46480.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Thaleichthys&speciesname=pacificus",
  46481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46482.             "Title": "Fish Base, eulachon",
  46483.             "Category": "LIF",
  46484.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the eulachon fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46485.             "Year": 0
  46486.         },
  46487.         {
  46488.             "RIT": "ws202313",
  46489.             "Type": "WS",
  46490.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fobu/",
  46491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46492.             "Title": "FOSSIL BUTTE NATIONAL MONUMENT",
  46493.             "Category": "LIF",
  46494.             "Description": "General information about the monument.",
  46495.             "Year": 0
  46496.         },
  46497.         {
  46498.             "RIT": "ws202322",
  46499.             "Type": "WS",
  46500.             "URL": "http://www.fema.gov/library/thunderf.htm",
  46501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46502.             "Title": "FEMA: Thunderstorms and Lightning Fact Sheet",
  46503.             "Category": "PHY",
  46504.             "Description": "Information about lightning and thunderstorms from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.",
  46505.             "Year": 0
  46506.         },
  46507.         {
  46508.             "RIT": "ws202323",
  46509.             "Type": "WS",
  46510.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Clarias&speciesname=batrachus",
  46511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46512.             "Title": "Fish Base, catfish",
  46513.             "Category": "LIF",
  46514.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the walking catfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46515.             "Year": 0
  46516.         },
  46517.         {
  46518.             "RIT": "ws202324",
  46519.             "Type": "WS",
  46520.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Ictiobus&speciesname=cyprinellus",
  46521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46522.             "Title": "Fish Base, buffalo",
  46523.             "Category": "LIF",
  46524.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the buffalo fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46525.             "Year": 0
  46526.         },
  46527.         {
  46528.             "RIT": "ws202325",
  46529.             "Type": "WS",
  46530.             "URL": "http://dnr.state.il.us/lands/education/fish/lamprey.htm",
  46531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46532.             "Title": "Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Lamprey",
  46533.             "Category": "LIF",
  46534.             "Description": "The Illinois Department of Natural Resources Web site provides information and a picture of the lamprey fish.",
  46535.             "Year": 0
  46536.         },
  46537.         {
  46538.             "RIT": "ws202326",
  46539.             "Type": "WS",
  46540.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Cobitis&speciesname=taenia%20taenia",
  46541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46542.             "Title": "Fish Base, loach",
  46543.             "Category": "LIF",
  46544.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the spined loach fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46545.             "Year": 0
  46546.         },
  46547.         {
  46548.             "RIT": "ws202327",
  46549.             "Type": "WS",
  46550.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Ictalurus&speciesname=punctatus",
  46551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46552.             "Title": "Fish Base, catfish",
  46553.             "Category": "LIF",
  46554.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the channel catfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46555.             "Year": 0
  46556.         },
  46557.         {
  46558.             "RIT": "ws202335",
  46559.             "Type": "WS",
  46560.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Communications/Publications/Fish/chinooksalmon.html",
  46561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46562.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, salmon",
  46563.             "Category": "LIF",
  46564.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's Web site provides information on and pictures of the chinook salmon fish.",
  46565.             "Year": 0
  46566.         },
  46567.         {
  46568.             "RIT": "ws202336",
  46569.             "Type": "WS",
  46570.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Communications/Publications/Fish/ruffe.html",
  46571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46572.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, ruffe",
  46573.             "Category": "LIF",
  46574.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's Web site provides information on and a picture of the ruffe fish.",
  46575.             "Year": 0
  46576.         },
  46577.         {
  46578.             "RIT": "ws202337",
  46579.             "Type": "WS",
  46580.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Communications/Publications/Fish/roundgoby.html",
  46581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46582.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, goby",
  46583.             "Category": "LIF",
  46584.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's Web site provides information on and a picture of the goby fish.",
  46585.             "Year": 0
  46586.         },
  46587.         {
  46588.             "RIT": "ws202338",
  46589.             "Type": "WS",
  46590.             "URL": "http://www.dnr.state.md.us/fisheries/recreational/terpstory.htm",
  46591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46592.             "Title": "Fisheries Service feature on terrapins",
  46593.             "Category": "LIF",
  46594.             "Description": "An extensive article about diamondback terrapins.",
  46595.             "Year": 0
  46596.         },
  46597.         {
  46598.             "RIT": "ws202339",
  46599.             "Type": "WS",
  46600.             "URL": "http://www.austmus.gov.au/fish/focus/yellowtail.htm",
  46601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46602.             "Title": "Australian Museum Online, kingfish",
  46603.             "Category": "LIF",
  46604.             "Description": "The Australian Museum Online provides detailed information on and pictures of the yellowtail kingfish.",
  46605.             "Year": 0
  46606.         },
  46607.         {
  46608.             "RIT": "ws202340",
  46609.             "Type": "WS",
  46610.             "URL": "http://dnr.state.il.us/lands/education/fish/bowfin.htm",
  46611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46612.             "Title": "Illinois Department of Natural Resources, bowfin",
  46613.             "Category": "LIF",
  46614.             "Description": "The Illinois Department of Natural Resources provides information on and a picture of the bowfin fish.",
  46615.             "Year": 0
  46616.         },
  46617.         {
  46618.             "RIT": "ws202341",
  46619.             "Type": "WS",
  46620.             "URL": "http://www.florida-outdoors.com/fssnap.htm",
  46621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46622.             "Title": "Florida Outdoors, snapper",
  46623.             "Category": "LIF",
  46624.             "Description": "The Florida-Outdoors Fishing Web site offers information on and pictures of the snapper fish.",
  46625.             "Year": 0
  46626.         },
  46627.         {
  46628.             "RIT": "ws202342",
  46629.             "Type": "WS",
  46630.             "URL": "http://members.tripod.com/SDNVaranus/vitamins.html",
  46631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46632.             "Title": "Cold Blooded Nutrition",
  46633.             "Category": "LIF",
  46634.             "Description": "Information on vitamins, minerals, dietary supplements, and nutrition for reptiles and amphibians.",
  46635.             "Year": 0
  46636.         },
  46637.         {
  46638.             "RIT": "ws202350",
  46639.             "Type": "WS",
  46640.             "URL": "http://www.nmmnh-abq.mus.nm.us/nmmnh/allosaurus.html",
  46641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46642.             "Title": "Allosaurus",
  46643.             "Category": "LIF",
  46644.             "Description": "New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science presents information on the allosaurus.",
  46645.             "Year": 0
  46646.         },
  46647.         {
  46648.             "RIT": "ws202351",
  46649.             "Type": "WS",
  46650.             "URL": "http://icg.harvard.edu/~cather/",
  46651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46652.             "Title": "Willa Cather Page",
  46653.             "Category": "HUM",
  46654.             "Description": "Site from Harvard University about the life and literature of Willa Cather.",
  46655.             "Year": 0
  46656.         },
  46657.         {
  46658.             "RIT": "ws202352",
  46659.             "Type": "WS",
  46660.             "URL": "http://www.fisheries.vims.edu/fishmon.htm",
  46661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46662.             "Title": "Spanish Mackerel",
  46663.             "Category": "LIF",
  46664.             "Description": "The Virginia Institute of Marine Science's Web site provides information on and pictures of the toadfish.",
  46665.             "Year": 0
  46666.         },
  46667.         {
  46668.             "RIT": "ws202353",
  46669.             "Type": "WS",
  46670.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Sarda&speciesname=australis",
  46671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46672.             "Title": "Fish Base, bonito",
  46673.             "Category": "LIF",
  46674.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the australian bonito fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46675.             "Year": 0
  46676.         },
  46677.         {
  46678.             "RIT": "ws202354",
  46679.             "Type": "WS",
  46680.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Sarda&speciesname=orientalis",
  46681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46682.             "Title": "Fish Base, bonito",
  46683.             "Category": "LIF",
  46684.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the striped bonito fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46685.             "Year": 0
  46686.         },
  46687.         {
  46688.             "RIT": "ws202355",
  46689.             "Type": "WS",
  46690.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Pristis&speciesname=pectinata",
  46691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46692.             "Title": "Fish Base, sawfish",
  46693.             "Category": "LIF",
  46694.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on the smalltooth sawfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46695.             "Year": 0
  46696.         },
  46697.         {
  46698.             "RIT": "ws202356",
  46699.             "Type": "WS",
  46700.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Sarda&speciesname=chiliensis%20chiliensis",
  46701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46702.             "Title": "Fish Base, bonito",
  46703.             "Category": "LIF",
  46704.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the eastern pacific bonito fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46705.             "Year": 0
  46706.         },
  46707.         {
  46708.             "RIT": "ws202366",
  46709.             "Type": "WS",
  46710.             "URL": "http://dnr.state.il.us/lands/education/fish/pike.htm",
  46711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46712.             "Title": "Illinois Department of Natural Resources, pike",
  46713.             "Category": "LIF",
  46714.             "Description": "The Illinois Department of Natural Resources provides information on and pictures of the pike fish.",
  46715.             "Year": 0
  46716.         },
  46717.         {
  46718.             "RIT": "ws202367",
  46719.             "Type": "WS",
  46720.             "URL": "http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/peking.html",
  46721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46722.             "Title": "Peking Man",
  46723.             "Category": "LIF",
  46724.             "Description": "A site that describes Peking Man, but also discusses homo erectus.",
  46725.             "Year": 0
  46726.         },
  46727.         {
  46728.             "RIT": "ws202368",
  46729.             "Type": "WS",
  46730.             "URL": "http://elib.cs.berkeley.edu/aw/",
  46731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46732.             "Title": "AmphibiaWeb - The Source for Amphibian Data",
  46733.             "Category": "LIF",
  46734.             "Description": "University of California at Berkeley's page about the behavior, habitats, and other information about various species of amphibians.",
  46735.             "Year": 0
  46736.         },
  46737.         {
  46738.             "RIT": "ws202369",
  46739.             "Type": "WS",
  46740.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Carassius&speciesname=auratus%20auratus",
  46741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46742.             "Title": "Fish Base, goldfish",
  46743.             "Category": "LIF",
  46744.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the goldfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46745.             "Year": 0
  46746.         },
  46747.         {
  46748.             "RIT": "ws202370",
  46749.             "Type": "WS",
  46750.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Communications/Publications/Fish/smallmouthbass.html",
  46751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46752.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, bass",
  46753.             "Category": "LIF",
  46754.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's Web site provides information on the smallmouth bass fish.",
  46755.             "Year": 0
  46756.         },
  46757.         {
  46758.             "RIT": "ws202371",
  46759.             "Type": "WS",
  46760.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Acanthocybium&speciesname=solandri",
  46761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46762.             "Title": "Fish Base, wahoo",
  46763.             "Category": "LIF",
  46764.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the wahoo fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46765.             "Year": 0
  46766.         },
  46767.         {
  46768.             "RIT": "ws202372",
  46769.             "Type": "WS",
  46770.             "URL": "http://www.historicpages.com/nprhist.htm",
  46771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46772.             "Title": "AJR NewsLink[State of the American Newspaper]",
  46773.             "Category": "IND",
  46774.             "Description": "A series of articles that analyze the history of the American newspaper by the Project for Excellence in Journalism.",
  46775.             "Year": 0
  46776.         },
  46777.         {
  46778.             "RIT": "ws202373",
  46779.             "Type": "WS",
  46780.             "URL": "http://www.redtide.whoi.edu/hab/",
  46781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46782.             "Title": "Red Tides and Harmful Algal Blooms",
  46783.             "Category": "LIF",
  46784.             "Description": "Information about algae that are harmful to the environment from the National Office for Marine Biotoxins and Harmful Algal Blooms.",
  46785.             "Year": 0
  46786.         },
  46787.         {
  46788.             "RIT": "ws202374",
  46789.             "Type": "WS",
  46790.             "URL": "http://www.tortoise.org/",
  46791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46792.             "Title": "California Turtle and Tortoise Club",
  46793.             "Category": "LIF",
  46794.             "Description": "Information about tortoises and turtles, including how to care for the animals as pets.",
  46795.             "Year": 0
  46796.         },
  46797.         {
  46798.             "RIT": "ws202375",
  46799.             "Type": "WS",
  46800.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Pogonias&speciesname=cromis",
  46801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46802.             "Title": "Fish Base, drum",
  46803.             "Category": "LIF",
  46804.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the black drum fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46805.             "Year": 0
  46806.         },
  46807.         {
  46808.             "RIT": "ws202376",
  46809.             "Type": "WS",
  46810.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Fodiator&speciesname=acutus",
  46811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46812.             "Title": "Fish Base, flyingfish",
  46813.             "Category": "LIF",
  46814.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the sharpchin flyingfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46815.             "Year": 0
  46816.         },
  46817.         {
  46818.             "RIT": "ws202378",
  46819.             "Type": "WS",
  46820.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Orthopristis&speciesname=chrysoptera",
  46821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46822.             "Title": "Fish Base, grunt",
  46823.             "Category": "LIF",
  46824.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the grunt fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46825.             "Year": 0
  46826.         },
  46827.         {
  46828.             "RIT": "ws202379",
  46829.             "Type": "WS",
  46830.             "URL": "http://www.sciam.com/1999/0399issue/0399ciofi.html",
  46831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46832.             "Title": "cientific American: Feature Article: The Komodo Dragon",
  46833.             "Category": "LIF",
  46834.             "Description": "Article by Scientific American about the Komodo dragon.",
  46835.             "Year": 0
  46836.         },
  46837.         {
  46838.             "RIT": "ws202380",
  46839.             "Type": "WS",
  46840.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/madisonjason9/sculpin.html",
  46841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46842.             "Title": "Wisconsin Sea Grant, sculpin",
  46843.             "Category": "LIF",
  46844.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's Web site provides information on and pictures of the deepwater sculpin fish.",
  46845.             "Year": 0
  46846.         },
  46847.         {
  46848.             "RIT": "ws202388",
  46849.             "Type": "WS",
  46850.             "URL": "http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/fish_and_wildlife/fish/bullhead.html",
  46851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46852.             "Title": "Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, bullhead",
  46853.             "Category": "LIF",
  46854.             "Description": "The Minnesota Department of natural resources provides information on and a sketch of the bullhead fish.",
  46855.             "Year": 0
  46856.         },
  46857.         {
  46858.             "RIT": "ws202389",
  46859.             "Type": "WS",
  46860.             "URL": "http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/edubois.html",
  46861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46862.             "Title": "Fossil Hominids: Eugene Dubois",
  46863.             "Category": "LIF",
  46864.             "Description": "Biography of Eugene Dubois, who discovered Java man.",
  46865.             "Year": 0
  46866.         },
  46867.         {
  46868.             "RIT": "ws202390",
  46869.             "Type": "WS",
  46870.             "URL": "http://bryophytes.plant.siu.edu/",
  46871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46872.             "Title": "Bryophytes",
  46873.             "Category": "LIF",
  46874.             "Description": "A resource devoted to bryology, the branch of plant science concerned with the study of mosses, liverworts and hornworts; by Southern Illinois University.",
  46875.             "Year": 0
  46876.         },
  46877.         {
  46878.             "RIT": "ws202391",
  46879.             "Type": "WS",
  46880.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Diaphus&speciesname=splendidus",
  46881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46882.             "Title": "Fish Base, lanternfish",
  46883.             "Category": "LIF",
  46884.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on the lanternfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46885.             "Year": 0
  46886.         },
  46887.         {
  46888.             "RIT": "ws202392",
  46889.             "Type": "WS",
  46890.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Torpedo&speciesname=nobiliana",
  46891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46892.             "Title": "Fish Base, electric ray",
  46893.             "Category": "LIF",
  46894.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on the electric ray. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46895.             "Year": 0
  46896.         },
  46897.         {
  46898.             "RIT": "ws202393",
  46899.             "Type": "WS",
  46900.             "URL": "http://www.sydneyaquarium.com.au/",
  46901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46902.             "Title": "Sydney Aquarium",
  46903.             "Category": "LIF",
  46904.             "Description": "Information about the Sydney Aquarium in Sydney, Australia, plus an online photo gallery.",
  46905.             "Year": 0
  46906.         },
  46907.         {
  46908.             "RIT": "ws202394",
  46909.             "Type": "WS",
  46910.             "URL": "http://www.virtualfishtank.com/main.html",
  46911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46912.             "Title": "VirtualFishtank.com",
  46913.             "Category": "LIF",
  46914.             "Description": "Boston Museum of Science Web site that enables users to design their own fish and release them into the museum's vitual fish tank.",
  46915.             "Year": 0
  46916.         },
  46917.         {
  46918.             "RIT": "ws202395",
  46919.             "Type": "WS",
  46920.             "URL": "http://www.embl-heidelberg.de/~uetz/LivingReptiles.html",
  46921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46922.             "Title": "THE EMBL REPTILE DATABASE",
  46923.             "Category": "LIF",
  46924.             "Description": "A site sponsored by the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR) that focuses on reptile taxonomy, divided according to species.",
  46925.             "Year": 0
  46926.         },
  46927.         {
  46928.             "RIT": "ws202328",
  46929.             "Type": "WS",
  46930.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Communications/Publications/Fish/sealamprey.html",
  46931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46932.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, lamprey",
  46933.             "Category": "LIF",
  46934.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's Web site provides information on and pictures of the lamprey fish.",
  46935.             "Year": 0
  46936.         },
  46937.         {
  46938.             "RIT": "ws202329",
  46939.             "Type": "WS",
  46940.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Communications/Publications/Fish/drum.html",
  46941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46942.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, drum",
  46943.             "Category": "LIF",
  46944.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's Web site provides information and pictures of the drum fish.",
  46945.             "Year": 0
  46946.         },
  46947.         {
  46948.             "RIT": "ws202330",
  46949.             "Type": "WS",
  46950.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Colossoma&speciesname=macropomum",
  46951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46952.             "Title": "Fish Base, pacu",
  46953.             "Category": "LIF",
  46954.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the blackfin pacu fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46955.             "Year": 0
  46956.         },
  46957.         {
  46958.             "RIT": "ws202331",
  46959.             "Type": "WS",
  46960.             "URL": "http://www.panda.org/kids/wildlife/fmclperc.htm",
  46961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46962.             "Title": "World Wildlife Fund, climbing perch",
  46963.             "Category": "LIF",
  46964.             "Description": "The World Wildlife Fund's Web site provides information on and a drawing of the climbing perch fish.",
  46965.             "Year": 0
  46966.         },
  46967.         {
  46968.             "RIT": "ws202332",
  46969.             "Type": "WS",
  46970.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/index.html",
  46971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46972.             "Title": "UCMP Home Page",
  46973.             "Category": "LIF",
  46974.             "Description": "The Museum of Paleontology by University of California at Berkeley.",
  46975.             "Year": 0
  46976.         },
  46977.         {
  46978.             "RIT": "ws202333",
  46979.             "Type": "WS",
  46980.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Pomoxis&speciesname=nigromaculatus",
  46981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46982.             "Title": "Fish Base, crappie",
  46983.             "Category": "LIF",
  46984.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the black crappie fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  46985.             "Year": 0
  46986.         },
  46987.         {
  46988.             "RIT": "ws202334",
  46989.             "Type": "WS",
  46990.             "URL": "http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dfwmr/wildlife/endspec/giltdart.html",
  46991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  46992.             "Title": "New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, darter",
  46993.             "Category": "LIF",
  46994.             "Description": "The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Web site provides information about the darter fish.",
  46995.             "Year": 0
  46996.         },
  46997.         {
  46998.             "RIT": "ws202343",
  46999.             "Type": "WS",
  47000.             "URL": "http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/natsci/herpetology/turtcroclist/",
  47001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47002.             "Title": "Turtle, Tuatara, Crocodile Checklist",
  47003.             "Category": "LIF",
  47004.             "Description": "A guide to turtles, crocodiles, alligators, and tuatara; the site lists the location, scientific name, and brief description of the animals.",
  47005.             "Year": 0
  47006.         },
  47007.         {
  47008.             "RIT": "ws202344",
  47009.             "Type": "WS",
  47010.             "URL": "http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/Gallery/Descript/Porcupine/Porcupine.htm",
  47011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47012.             "Title": "Florida Museum of Natural History, porcupinefish",
  47013.             "Category": "LIF",
  47014.             "Description": "The Florida Museum of Natural History's Web site provides detailed information on and pictures of the porcupinefish.",
  47015.             "Year": 0
  47016.         },
  47017.         {
  47018.             "RIT": "ws202345",
  47019.             "Type": "WS",
  47020.             "URL": "http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/Gallery/Descript/DrFish/Doctor.htm",
  47021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47022.             "Title": "Florida Museum of Natural History, doctorfish",
  47023.             "Category": "LIF",
  47024.             "Description": "The Florida Museum of Natural History's Web site provides detailed information on and pitures of the doctorfish.",
  47025.             "Year": 0
  47026.         },
  47027.         {
  47028.             "RIT": "ws202346",
  47029.             "Type": "WS",
  47030.             "URL": "http://dnr.state.il.us/lands/education/fish/gar.htm",
  47031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47032.             "Title": "Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Gar",
  47033.             "Category": "LIF",
  47034.             "Description": "The Illinois Department of Natural Resources Web site provides information on and a picture of the longnose and shortnose gar fish.",
  47035.             "Year": 0
  47036.         },
  47037.         {
  47038.             "RIT": "ws202347",
  47039.             "Type": "WS",
  47040.             "URL": "http://www.dnr.cornell.edu/sarep/fish/Ictaluridae/ictaluridae.html",
  47041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47042.             "Title": "New York Sportfishing and Aquatic Resources Education Program, catfish",
  47043.             "Category": "LIF",
  47044.             "Description": "The New York Sportfishing and Aquatic Resources Education Program Web site provides information on and pictures of members of the catfish family.",
  47045.             "Year": 0
  47046.         },
  47047.         {
  47048.             "RIT": "ws202348",
  47049.             "Type": "WS",
  47050.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/joda/",
  47051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47052.             "Title": "John Day Fossil Beds National Monument Homepage",
  47053.             "Category": "LIF",
  47054.             "Description": "Information about the monument from the National Park Service.",
  47055.             "Year": 0
  47056.         },
  47057.         {
  47058.             "RIT": "ws202349",
  47059.             "Type": "WS",
  47060.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Serrasalmus&speciesname=rhombeus",
  47061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47062.             "Title": "Fish Base, piranha",
  47063.             "Category": "LIF",
  47064.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the black piranha fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47065.             "Year": 0
  47066.         },
  47067.         {
  47068.             "RIT": "ws202357",
  47069.             "Type": "WS",
  47070.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Communications/Publications/Fish/pinksalmon.html",
  47071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47072.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, salmon",
  47073.             "Category": "LIF",
  47074.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's Web site provides information on the pink salmon fish.",
  47075.             "Year": 0
  47076.         },
  47077.         {
  47078.             "RIT": "ws202358",
  47079.             "Type": "WS",
  47080.             "URL": "http://www.dnr.cornell.edu/sarep/fish/Amiidae/bowfin.html",
  47081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47082.             "Title": "New York Sportfishing and Aquatic Resources Education Program, bowfin",
  47083.             "Category": "LIF",
  47084.             "Description": "The New York Sportfishing and Aquatic Resources Education Program Web site provides information on and a picture of the bowfin fish.",
  47085.             "Year": 0
  47086.         },
  47087.         {
  47088.             "RIT": "ws202359",
  47089.             "Type": "WS",
  47090.             "URL": "http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/bugreview/aphids.html",
  47091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47092.             "Title": "The Bug Review-Aphids",
  47093.             "Category": "LIF",
  47094.             "Description": "Information about aphids from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.",
  47095.             "Year": 0
  47096.         },
  47097.         {
  47098.             "RIT": "ws202360",
  47099.             "Type": "WS",
  47100.             "URL": "http://dnr.state.il.us/lands/education/fish/sunfish.htm",
  47101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47102.             "Title": "Illinois Department of Natural Resources, sunfish",
  47103.             "Category": "LIF",
  47104.             "Description": "The Illinois Department of Natural Resources provides information on and pictures of various sunfish.",
  47105.             "Year": 0
  47106.         },
  47107.         {
  47108.             "RIT": "ws202361",
  47109.             "Type": "WS",
  47110.             "URL": "http://www.cnet.windsor.ns.ca/Environment/Advocates/Anim/sole.html",
  47111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47112.             "Title": "Habitat Advocates, sole",
  47113.             "Category": "LIF",
  47114.             "Description": "The Habitat Advocates' Web site provides information on and a picture of the sole fish. Habitat Advocates is a conservation organization.",
  47115.             "Year": 0
  47116.         },
  47117.         {
  47118.             "RIT": "ws202362",
  47119.             "Type": "WS",
  47120.             "URL": "http://www.kaweahoaks.com/html/skinks.htm",
  47121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47122.             "Title": "Skinks",
  47123.             "Category": "LIF",
  47124.             "Description": "General information about the lizard.",
  47125.             "Year": 0
  47126.         },
  47127.         {
  47128.             "RIT": "ws202364",
  47129.             "Type": "WS",
  47130.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Communications/Publications/Fish/carp.html",
  47131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47132.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, carp",
  47133.             "Category": "LIF",
  47134.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's Web site provides information on and a picture of carp.",
  47135.             "Year": 0
  47136.         },
  47137.         {
  47138.             "RIT": "ws202365",
  47139.             "Type": "WS",
  47140.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Trichiurus&speciesname=lepturus",
  47141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47142.             "Title": "Fish Base, cutlassfish",
  47143.             "Category": "LIF",
  47144.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the largehead hairtail cutlassfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47145.             "Year": 0
  47146.         },
  47147.         {
  47148.             "RIT": "ws202381",
  47149.             "Type": "WS",
  47150.             "URL": "http://www.oregonzoo.org/cards/Rainforest/lungfish.african.htm",
  47151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47152.             "Title": "Oregon Zoo, lungfish",
  47153.             "Category": "LIF",
  47154.             "Description": "The Oregon Zoo's Web site provides information on and a picture of the African lungfish.",
  47155.             "Year": 0
  47156.         },
  47157.         {
  47158.             "RIT": "ws202382",
  47159.             "Type": "WS",
  47160.             "URL": "http://bb35.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/wild/reptiles/anole.htm",
  47161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47162.             "Title": "Green Anole",
  47163.             "Category": "LIF",
  47164.             "Description": "Texas Park and Wildlife's description of the lizard.",
  47165.             "Year": 0
  47166.         },
  47167.         {
  47168.             "RIT": "ws202383",
  47169.             "Type": "WS",
  47170.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Squalus&speciesname=acanthias",
  47171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47172.             "Title": "Fish Base, dogfish",
  47173.             "Category": "LIF",
  47174.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the piked dogfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47175.             "Year": 0
  47176.         },
  47177.         {
  47178.             "RIT": "ws202384",
  47179.             "Type": "WS",
  47180.             "URL": "http://www.umich.edu/~bio440/fishcapsules98/Anarhichas.html",
  47181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47182.             "Title": "University of Michigan, wolffish",
  47183.             "Category": "LIF",
  47184.             "Description": "The University of Michigan's Web site offers information on and a picture of the Atlantic wolffish.",
  47185.             "Year": 0
  47186.         },
  47187.         {
  47188.             "RIT": "ws202385",
  47189.             "Type": "WS",
  47190.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Leuresthes&speciesname=tenuis",
  47191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47192.             "Title": "Fish Base, grunion",
  47193.             "Category": "LIF",
  47194.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the california grunion. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47195.             "Year": 0
  47196.         },
  47197.         {
  47198.             "RIT": "ws202386",
  47199.             "Type": "WS",
  47200.             "URL": "http://dnr.state.il.us/lands/education/fish/sucker.htm",
  47201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47202.             "Title": "Illinois Department of Natural Resources, sucker",
  47203.             "Category": "LIF",
  47204.             "Description": "The Illinois Department of Natural Resources provides information on and a picture of the sucker fish.",
  47205.             "Year": 0
  47206.         },
  47207.         {
  47208.             "RIT": "ws202387",
  47209.             "Type": "WS",
  47210.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Dactylopterus&speciesname=volitans",
  47211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47212.             "Title": "Fish Base, gurnard",
  47213.             "Category": "LIF",
  47214.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the flying gurnard fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47215.             "Year": 0
  47216.         },
  47217.         {
  47218.             "RIT": "ws202396",
  47219.             "Type": "WS",
  47220.             "URL": "http://www.dnr.state.md.us/fisheries/education/bluefish/bluefish.html",
  47221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47222.             "Title": "Maryland Department of Natural Resources bluefish",
  47223.             "Category": "LIF",
  47224.             "Description": "The Maryland Department of Natural Resources provides information on the bluefish.",
  47225.             "Year": 0
  47226.         },
  47227.         {
  47228.             "RIT": "ws202397",
  47229.             "Type": "WS",
  47230.             "URL": "http://www.cnet.windsor.ns.ca/Environment/Advocates/Anim/tuna.html",
  47231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47232.             "Title": "Habitat Advocates, tuna",
  47233.             "Category": "LIF",
  47234.             "Description": "The Habitat Advocates Web site provides information on and a picture of the tuna fish. Habitat Advocates is a conservation organization.",
  47235.             "Year": 0
  47236.         },
  47237.         {
  47238.             "RIT": "ws202398",
  47239.             "Type": "WS",
  47240.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Regalecus&speciesname=glesne",
  47241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47242.             "Title": "Fish Base, oarfish",
  47243.             "Category": "LIF",
  47244.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the oarfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47245.             "Year": 0
  47246.         },
  47247.         {
  47248.             "RIT": "ws202399",
  47249.             "Type": "WS",
  47250.             "URL": "http://www.aqua.org/animals/species/prprfish.html",
  47251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47252.             "Title": "National Aquarium in Baltimore, Parrotfish",
  47253.             "Category": "LIF",
  47254.             "Description": "The National Aquarium in Baltimore provides detailed information on the parrotfish.",
  47255.             "Year": 0
  47256.         },
  47257.         {
  47258.             "RIT": "ws202400",
  47259.             "Type": "WS",
  47260.             "URL": "http://TheDesertTortoisePreserveCommittee/",
  47261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47262.             "Title": "The Desert Tortoise Preserve Committee",
  47263.             "Category": "LIF",
  47264.             "Description": "Information about the desert tortoise.",
  47265.             "Year": 0
  47266.         },
  47267.         {
  47268.             "RIT": "ws202401",
  47269.             "Type": "WS",
  47270.             "URL": "",
  47271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47272.             "Title": "The Victorian Web: Lewis Carroll",
  47273.             "Category": "HUM",
  47274.             "Description": "A site from Brown University about the life, literature, and times of Lewis Carroll.",
  47275.             "Year": 0
  47276.         },
  47277.         {
  47278.             "RIT": "ws202402",
  47279.             "Type": "WS",
  47280.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Scophthalmus&speciesname=maximus",
  47281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47282.             "Title": "Fish Base, turbot",
  47283.             "Category": "LIF",
  47284.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the turbot fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47285.             "Year": 0
  47286.         },
  47287.         {
  47288.             "RIT": "ws202411",
  47289.             "Type": "WS",
  47290.             "URL": "http://www.lpsi.barc.usda.gov/emusnow/default.htm",
  47291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47292.             "Title": "Snow Crystal Research",
  47293.             "Category": "PHY",
  47294.             "Description": "High-resolution electron microscope pictures of snow flakes from the United States Department of Agriculture.",
  47295.             "Year": 0
  47296.         },
  47297.         {
  47298.             "RIT": "ws202412",
  47299.             "Type": "WS",
  47300.             "URL": "http://www.floridaplants.com/hort_epiphytes.htm",
  47301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47302.             "Title": "Epiphytes in Florida",
  47303.             "Category": "LIF",
  47304.             "Description": "Information on Florida epiphytes, from Florida Plants Online.",
  47305.             "Year": 0
  47306.         },
  47307.         {
  47308.             "RIT": "ws202413",
  47309.             "Type": "WS",
  47310.             "URL": "http://www.ocean.udel.edu/mas/seafood/wolffish.html",
  47311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47312.             "Title": "University of Delaware Sea Grant, wolffish",
  47313.             "Category": "LIF",
  47314.             "Description": "The University of Delaware's Sea Grant Web site provides information on the wolffish.",
  47315.             "Year": 0
  47316.         },
  47317.         {
  47318.             "RIT": "ws202414",
  47319.             "Type": "WS",
  47320.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Communications/Publications/Fish/brooktrout.html",
  47321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47322.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, trout",
  47323.             "Category": "LIF",
  47324.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's web site provides information on the brook trout fish.",
  47325.             "Year": 0
  47326.         },
  47327.         {
  47328.             "RIT": "ws202415",
  47329.             "Type": "WS",
  47330.             "URL": "http://southwest.fws.gov/fishery/species/pupfish.htm",
  47331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47332.             "Title": "U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, pupfish",
  47333.             "Category": "LIF",
  47334.             "Description": "The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Web site provides information on the endangered pupfish.",
  47335.             "Year": 0
  47336.         },
  47337.         {
  47338.             "RIT": "ws202416",
  47339.             "Type": "WS",
  47340.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/plants/cw/",
  47341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47342.             "Title": "Celebrating Wildflowers",
  47343.             "Category": "LIF",
  47344.             "Description": "General information on wildflowers from the United States National Park Service.",
  47345.             "Year": 0
  47346.         },
  47347.         {
  47348.             "RIT": "ws202417",
  47349.             "Type": "WS",
  47350.             "URL": "http://www.dnr.state.md.us/fisheries/education/menhaden/menhaden.html",
  47351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47352.             "Title": "Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Menhaden",
  47353.             "Category": "LIF",
  47354.             "Description": "The Maryland Department of Natural Resources provides detailed information about menhaden fish.",
  47355.             "Year": 0
  47356.         },
  47357.         {
  47358.             "RIT": "ws202418",
  47359.             "Type": "WS",
  47360.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/madisonjason9/stickleback.html",
  47361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47362.             "Title": "Wisconsin Sea Grant, stickleback",
  47363.             "Category": "LIF",
  47364.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's Web site provides information on and pictures of the stickleback fish.",
  47365.             "Year": 0
  47366.         },
  47367.         {
  47368.             "RIT": "ws202426",
  47369.             "Type": "WS",
  47370.             "URL": "http://www.agronomy.org/",
  47371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47372.             "Title": "American Society of Agronomy Home",
  47373.             "Category": "IND",
  47374.             "Description": "Official Web site of the American Society of Agronomy.",
  47375.             "Year": 0
  47376.         },
  47377.         {
  47378.             "RIT": "ws202427",
  47379.             "Type": "WS",
  47380.             "URL": "http://www.jasna.org/",
  47381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47382.             "Title": "Jane Austen Society of North America",
  47383.             "Category": "HUM",
  47384.             "Description": "The site of the Jane Austen Society of North America, which provides information about Jane Austen and current research on her novels.",
  47385.             "Year": 0
  47386.         },
  47387.         {
  47388.             "RIT": "ws202428",
  47389.             "Type": "WS",
  47390.             "URL": "http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/CoopExt/4DMG/Weed/bindw1.htm",
  47391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47392.             "Title": "Bindweed page",
  47393.             "Category": "LIF",
  47394.             "Description": "Information about bindweed, including photos, from the Denver County Cooperative Extension Service.",
  47395.             "Year": 0
  47396.         },
  47397.         {
  47398.             "RIT": "ws202430",
  47399.             "Type": "WS",
  47400.             "URL": "",
  47401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47402.             "Title": "The Victorian Web: Charles Dickens",
  47403.             "Category": "HUM",
  47404.             "Description": "A site from the Brown University about the life, literature, and times of Charles Dickens.",
  47405.             "Year": 0
  47406.         },
  47407.         {
  47408.             "RIT": "ws202431",
  47409.             "Type": "WS",
  47410.             "URL": "",
  47411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47412.             "Title": "The Victorian Web: Oscar Wilde",
  47413.             "Category": "HUM",
  47414.             "Description": "A site from Brown University about the life, literature, and times of Oscar Wilde",
  47415.             "Year": 0
  47416.         },
  47417.         {
  47418.             "RIT": "ws202432",
  47419.             "Type": "WS",
  47420.             "URL": "http://www.hants.gov.uk/austen/index.html",
  47421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47422.             "Title": "Hampshire - The Jane Austen County",
  47423.             "Category": "HUM",
  47424.             "Description": "A site about Jane Austen's life and literature maintained by Hampshire County, England.",
  47425.             "Year": 0
  47426.         },
  47427.         {
  47428.             "RIT": "ws202433",
  47429.             "Type": "WS",
  47430.             "URL": "http://www.utah.edu/umfa/warhol.html",
  47431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47432.             "Title": "Biography, Activities, and Lesson Plans for Vegetable Soup",
  47433.             "Category": "HUM",
  47434.             "Description": "The Utah Museum of Fine Arts presents a guide to learning about Andy Warhol and the pop art movement.",
  47435.             "Year": 0
  47436.         },
  47437.         {
  47438.             "RIT": "ws202434",
  47439.             "Type": "WS",
  47440.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_apuAvb",
  47441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47442.             "Title": "Postcards",
  47443.             "Category": "HUM",
  47444.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents online postcards that feature paintings by Fra Giovanni Angelico.",
  47445.             "Year": 0
  47446.         },
  47447.         {
  47448.             "RIT": "ws202435",
  47449.             "Type": "WS",
  47450.             "URL": "http://www.fao.org/",
  47451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47452.             "Title": "Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations",
  47453.             "Category": "SOC",
  47454.             "Description": "Information about the organization and about farming and food supply issues worldwide.",
  47455.             "Year": 0
  47456.         },
  47457.         {
  47458.             "RIT": "ws202445",
  47459.             "Type": "WS",
  47460.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/151.html",
  47461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47462.             "Title": "Stroke Rehabilitation",
  47463.             "Category": "LIF",
  47464.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  47465.             "Year": 0
  47466.         },
  47467.         {
  47468.             "RIT": "ws202446",
  47469.             "Type": "WS",
  47470.             "URL": "http://www.badastronomy.com/",
  47471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47472.             "Title": "Bad Astronomy",
  47473.             "Category": "PHY",
  47474.             "Description": "Astronomer Phil Plait exposes common astronomy myths found in movies, TV shows, and news reports.",
  47475.             "Year": 0
  47476.         },
  47477.         {
  47478.             "RIT": "ws202447",
  47479.             "Type": "WS",
  47480.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/museum/collect/highlights/high26.html",
  47481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47482.             "Title": "La Vie",
  47483.             "Category": "HUM",
  47484.             "Description": "The Cleveland Museum of Art presents a painting from Pablo Picasso's Blue Period.",
  47485.             "Year": 0
  47486.         },
  47487.         {
  47488.             "RIT": "ws202448",
  47489.             "Type": "WS",
  47490.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/paintsculpt/c40.htm",
  47491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47492.             "Title": "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon",
  47493.             "Category": "HUM",
  47494.             "Description": "Pablo Picasso's painting displayed by the Museum of Mordern Art in New York City.",
  47495.             "Year": 0
  47496.         },
  47497.         {
  47498.             "RIT": "ws202449",
  47499.             "Type": "WS",
  47500.             "URL": "http://www.tbc.gov.bc.ca/culture/schoolnet/carr/index.htm",
  47501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47502.             "Title": "Emily Carr at Home and at Work",
  47503.             "Category": "HUM",
  47504.             "Description": "This feature from the province of British Columbia includes a guide for educators.",
  47505.             "Year": 0
  47506.         },
  47507.         {
  47508.             "RIT": "ws202450",
  47509.             "Type": "WS",
  47510.             "URL": "http://www.supremecourthistory.org/justice/souter.htm",
  47511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47512.             "Title": "David H. Souter",
  47513.             "Category": "SOC",
  47514.             "Description": "A biography of Justice Souter from the Supreme Court Historical Society.",
  47515.             "Year": 0
  47516.         },
  47517.         {
  47518.             "RIT": "ws202451",
  47519.             "Type": "WS",
  47520.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=leonardo+vinci&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  47521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47522.             "Title": "Leonardo da Vinci",
  47523.             "Category": "HUM",
  47524.             "Description": "Images of Leonardo's art from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco",
  47525.             "Year": 0
  47526.         },
  47527.         {
  47528.             "RIT": "ws202452",
  47529.             "Type": "WS",
  47530.             "URL": "http://www.peabody.yale.edu/mural/",
  47531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47532.             "Title": "The Age of Reptiles Mural",
  47533.             "Category": "HUM",
  47534.             "Description": "The story of Rudolph Zallinger's creation of his famous dinosaur mural.",
  47535.             "Year": 0
  47536.         },
  47537.         {
  47538.             "RIT": "ws202453",
  47539.             "Type": "WS",
  47540.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_painter=37",
  47541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47542.             "Title": "Madame Albine Sermicoli in the Studio",
  47543.             "Category": "HUM",
  47544.             "Description": "A painting by Berthe Morisot exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  47545.             "Year": 0
  47546.         },
  47547.         {
  47548.             "RIT": "ws202454",
  47549.             "Type": "WS",
  47550.             "URL": "http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/opa/facts/domsvio.htm",
  47551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47552.             "Title": "Domestic Violence Facts",
  47553.             "Category": "SOC",
  47554.             "Description": "Statistics presented by the Department of Health and Human Services.",
  47555.             "Year": 0
  47556.         },
  47557.         {
  47558.             "RIT": "ws202403",
  47559.             "Type": "WS",
  47560.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Balistes&speciesname=carolinensis",
  47561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47562.             "Title": "Fish Base, triggerfish",
  47563.             "Category": "LIF",
  47564.             "Description": "The Fish Base web site provides information on and a sketch of the triggerfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47565.             "Year": 0
  47566.         },
  47567.         {
  47568.             "RIT": "ws202404",
  47569.             "Type": "WS",
  47570.             "URL": "http://www.gwf.org/library/kids/kid_glasslizard.htm",
  47571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47572.             "Title": "Eastern Glass Lizard",
  47573.             "Category": "LIF",
  47574.             "Description": "Georgia Wildlife Federation's kid-oriented description of the lizard.",
  47575.             "Year": 0
  47576.         },
  47577.         {
  47578.             "RIT": "ws202405",
  47579.             "Type": "WS",
  47580.             "URL": "http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/expeditions/treasure_fossil/Fossils/Specimens/apatosaurus.html",
  47581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47582.             "Title": "American Museum of Natural History:",
  47583.             "Category": "LIF",
  47584.             "Description": "Description of the Apatosaurus from the American Museum of Natural History.",
  47585.             "Year": 0
  47586.         },
  47587.         {
  47588.             "RIT": "ws202406",
  47589.             "Type": "WS",
  47590.             "URL": "http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/natsci/herpetology/brittoncrocs/cbd-faq-q1.htm",
  47591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47592.             "Title": "Crocodilian Biology Database",
  47593.             "Category": "LIF",
  47594.             "Description": "Information on alligators and crocodiles.",
  47595.             "Year": 0
  47596.         },
  47597.         {
  47598.             "RIT": "ws202407",
  47599.             "Type": "WS",
  47600.             "URL": "http://dnr.state.il.us/lands/education/fish/perch.htm",
  47601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47602.             "Title": "Illinois Department of Natural Resources, perch",
  47603.             "Category": "LIF",
  47604.             "Description": "The Illinois Department of Natural Resources provides information and pictures of members of the perch family.",
  47605.             "Year": 0
  47606.         },
  47607.         {
  47608.             "RIT": "ws202408",
  47609.             "Type": "WS",
  47610.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Communications/Publications/Fish/rainbowsmelt.html",
  47611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47612.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, smelt",
  47613.             "Category": "LIF",
  47614.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's Web site provides information and a picture of the rainbow smelt fish.",
  47615.             "Year": 0
  47616.         },
  47617.         {
  47618.             "RIT": "ws202409",
  47619.             "Type": "WS",
  47620.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Syngnathus&speciesname=springeri",
  47621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47622.             "Title": "Fish Base, pipefish",
  47623.             "Category": "LIF",
  47624.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on the bull pipefish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47625.             "Year": 0
  47626.         },
  47627.         {
  47628.             "RIT": "ws202410",
  47629.             "Type": "WS",
  47630.             "URL": "http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/bugreview/applemaggot.html",
  47631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47632.             "Title": "The Bug Review-Apple Maggot",
  47633.             "Category": "LIF",
  47634.             "Description": "Information about apple maggots from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.",
  47635.             "Year": 0
  47636.         },
  47637.         {
  47638.             "RIT": "ws202419",
  47639.             "Type": "WS",
  47640.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Merluccius&speciesname=capensis",
  47641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47642.             "Title": "Fish Base, hake",
  47643.             "Category": "LIF",
  47644.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the hake fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47645.             "Year": 0
  47646.         },
  47647.         {
  47648.             "RIT": "ws202420",
  47649.             "Type": "WS",
  47650.             "URL": "http://www.sc.edu/fitzgerald/index.html",
  47651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47652.             "Title": "F. Scott Fitzgerald Centenary",
  47653.             "Category": "HUM",
  47654.             "Description": "A site from the University of South Carolina about the life and literature of F. Scott Fitzgerald.",
  47655.             "Year": 0
  47656.         },
  47657.         {
  47658.             "RIT": "ws202421",
  47659.             "Type": "WS",
  47660.             "URL": "",
  47661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47662.             "Title": "The Victorian Web: George Eliot",
  47663.             "Category": "HUM",
  47664.             "Description": "A site from Brown University about the life, literature, and times of George Eliot.",
  47665.             "Year": 0
  47666.         },
  47667.         {
  47668.             "RIT": "ws202422",
  47669.             "Type": "WS",
  47670.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Betta&speciesname=splendens",
  47671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47672.             "Title": "Fish Base, fightingfish",
  47673.             "Category": "LIF",
  47674.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the fightingfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47675.             "Year": 0
  47676.         },
  47677.         {
  47678.             "RIT": "ws202423",
  47679.             "Type": "WS",
  47680.             "URL": "http://www.aims.gov.au/pages/research/project-net/dma/pages/stonefish-01.html",
  47681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47682.             "Title": "Australian Institute of Marine Science, stonefish",
  47683.             "Category": "LIF",
  47684.             "Description": "The Australian Institute of Marine Science's Web site provides information on and pictures of the stonefish.",
  47685.             "Year": 0
  47686.         },
  47687.         {
  47688.             "RIT": "ws202424",
  47689.             "Type": "WS",
  47690.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Pomoxis&speciesname=annularis",
  47691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47692.             "Title": "Fish Base, crappie",
  47693.             "Category": "LIF",
  47694.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the white crappie fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47695.             "Year": 0
  47696.         },
  47697.         {
  47698.             "RIT": "ws202425",
  47699.             "Type": "WS",
  47700.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Anguilla&speciesname=rostrata",
  47701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47702.             "Title": "Fish Base, eel",
  47703.             "Category": "LIF",
  47704.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the American eel. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47705.             "Year": 0
  47706.         },
  47707.         {
  47708.             "RIT": "ws202436",
  47709.             "Type": "WS",
  47710.             "URL": "http://www.antique-radio.org/sounds/shows/bcrosby.html",
  47711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47712.             "Title": "The Bing Crosby Show",
  47713.             "Category": "HUM",
  47714.             "Description": "The Bellingham Antique Radio Museum in Bellingham, Washington, presents a cast list and audio clip from Crosby's radio program.",
  47715.             "Year": 0
  47716.         },
  47717.         {
  47718.             "RIT": "ws202437",
  47719.             "Type": "WS",
  47720.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=18489",
  47721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47722.             "Title": "Biography.com: Poitier, Sidney",
  47723.             "Category": "HUM",
  47724.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  47725.             "Year": 0
  47726.         },
  47727.         {
  47728.             "RIT": "ws202438",
  47729.             "Type": "WS",
  47730.             "URL": "http://www.artmuseums.harvard.edu/sargentatharvard/archive.html",
  47731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47732.             "Title": "Sargent at Harvard",
  47733.             "Category": "HUM",
  47734.             "Description": "A searchable collection of images and textual information relating to John Singer Sargent.",
  47735.             "Year": 0
  47736.         },
  47737.         {
  47738.             "RIT": "ws202439",
  47739.             "Type": "WS",
  47740.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/flowcharts/538.html",
  47741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47742.             "Title": "Menstrual Cycle Problems - Self-Care Flowchart",
  47743.             "Category": "LIF",
  47744.             "Description": "The American Academy of Family Physicians presents a guide to detecting and treating menstruation disorders.",
  47745.             "Year": 0
  47746.         },
  47747.         {
  47748.             "RIT": "ws202440",
  47749.             "Type": "WS",
  47750.             "URL": "http://www.hrw.org/",
  47751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47752.             "Title": "Human Rights Watch",
  47753.             "Category": "SOC",
  47754.             "Description": "Information about the organization and about international human rights concerns.",
  47755.             "Year": 0
  47756.         },
  47757.         {
  47758.             "RIT": "ws202441",
  47759.             "Type": "WS",
  47760.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=23542",
  47761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47762.             "Title": "Evers, Medgar",
  47763.             "Category": "SOC",
  47764.             "Description": "Biography.com presents a biography of Medgar Evers.",
  47765.             "Year": 0
  47766.         },
  47767.         {
  47768.             "RIT": "ws202442",
  47769.             "Type": "WS",
  47770.             "URL": "http://movies.warnerbros.com/harrypotter/cmp/main-fr.html",
  47771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47772.             "Title": "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone",
  47773.             "Category": "HUM",
  47774.             "Description": "Warner Bros. provides information on the movie adaptation of J.K. Rowling's book.",
  47775.             "Year": 0
  47776.         },
  47777.         {
  47778.             "RIT": "ws202443",
  47779.             "Type": "WS",
  47780.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/OKeeffe.htm",
  47781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47782.             "Title": "Georgia O'Keeffe",
  47783.             "Category": "HUM",
  47784.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Museum in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by O'Keeffe, biographical information, and suggested classroom activities.",
  47785.             "Year": 0
  47786.         },
  47787.         {
  47788.             "RIT": "ws202444",
  47789.             "Type": "WS",
  47790.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=9&full=0&item=17%2E142%2E1",
  47791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47792.             "Title": "Studies for the Nativity",
  47793.             "Category": "HUM",
  47794.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents diagrams by Leonardo da Vinci.",
  47795.             "Year": 0
  47796.         },
  47797.         {
  47798.             "RIT": "ws202455",
  47799.             "Type": "WS",
  47800.             "URL": "http://www.nortonsimon.org/nsmvang2.htm",
  47801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47802.             "Title": "The Mulberry Tree",
  47803.             "Category": "HUM",
  47804.             "Description": "A Vincent Van Gogh painting from the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena, California.",
  47805.             "Year": 0
  47806.         },
  47807.         {
  47808.             "RIT": "ws202456",
  47809.             "Type": "WS",
  47810.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/180.html",
  47811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47812.             "Title": "Toxoplasmosis and Pregnancy",
  47813.             "Category": "LIF",
  47814.             "Description": "Information about toxoplasmosis, an infection that can threaten an unborn child, from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  47815.             "Year": 0
  47816.         },
  47817.         {
  47818.             "RIT": "ws202457",
  47819.             "Type": "WS",
  47820.             "URL": "http://familydoctor.org/handouts/093.html",
  47821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47822.             "Title": "HIV and Pregnancy: What is the risk to my baby?",
  47823.             "Category": "LIF",
  47824.             "Description": "Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.",
  47825.             "Year": 0
  47826.         },
  47827.         {
  47828.             "RIT": "ws202458",
  47829.             "Type": "WS",
  47830.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/poetry/poetpage.htm",
  47831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47832.             "Title": "The Atlantic Monthly's Poetry Pages",
  47833.             "Category": "HUM",
  47834.             "Description": "A collection of poetry and articles about poets and poetry published in the Atlantic Monthly",
  47835.             "Year": 0
  47836.         },
  47837.         {
  47838.             "RIT": "ws202459",
  47839.             "Type": "WS",
  47840.             "URL": "http://www.diacenter.org/prg/poetry/87_88/ashberybio.html",
  47841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47842.             "Title": "Readings in Contemporary Poetry: John Ashbery",
  47843.             "Category": "HUM",
  47844.             "Description": "The Dia Center for the Arts in New York City presents several poems by Ashbery.",
  47845.             "Year": 0
  47846.         },
  47847.         {
  47848.             "RIT": "ws202461",
  47849.             "Type": "WS",
  47850.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/articles/0,3266,30857,00.html",
  47851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47852.             "Title": "Wild About Harry",
  47853.             "Category": "HUM",
  47854.             "Description": "TIME magazine analyzes the popularity of the Harry Potter book series. Site includes a primer on people, places, creatures, and catchphrases in the books.",
  47855.             "Year": 0
  47856.         },
  47857.         {
  47858.             "RIT": "ws202462",
  47859.             "Type": "WS",
  47860.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/html_En/12/hm12_1_2.html",
  47861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47862.             "Title": "The snuff-boxes of Catherine the Great",
  47863.             "Category": "HIS",
  47864.             "Description": "An online exhibit from Russia's Hermitage museum.",
  47865.             "Year": 0
  47866.         },
  47867.         {
  47868.             "RIT": "ws202463",
  47869.             "Type": "WS",
  47870.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/eurptg/24pc_monet.html",
  47871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47872.             "Title": "On the Bank of the Seine, Bennecourt",
  47873.             "Category": "HUM",
  47874.             "Description": "A painting by Claude Monet exhibited by the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  47875.             "Year": 0
  47876.         },
  47877.         {
  47878.             "RIT": "ws202464",
  47879.             "Type": "WS",
  47880.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.go.jp/col/p1959-0193.html",
  47881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47882.             "Title": "Roses",
  47883.             "Category": "HUM",
  47884.             "Description": "A Vincent Van Gogh painting displayed by the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo.",
  47885.             "Year": 0
  47886.         },
  47887.         {
  47888.             "RIT": "ws202465",
  47889.             "Type": "WS",
  47890.             "URL": "http://www.masters.org/",
  47891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47892.             "Title": "Masters Tournament Web Site",
  47893.             "Category": "REC",
  47894.             "Description": "Official site of professional golfing's Masters Tournament.",
  47895.             "Year": 0
  47896.         },
  47897.         {
  47898.             "RIT": "ws202466",
  47899.             "Type": "WS",
  47900.             "URL": "http://www.fng.fi/cgibin/art.pl?en_collecti_internat_group_famous_edegas_all=edegas&w=A0479500&w=A0214600&version=html4#first",
  47901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47902.             "Title": "Degas, Edgar",
  47903.             "Category": "HUM",
  47904.             "Description": "The Finnish National Gallery presents several drawings by Degas.",
  47905.             "Year": 0
  47906.         },
  47907.         {
  47908.             "RIT": "ws202467",
  47909.             "Type": "WS",
  47910.             "URL": "http://ncteamericancollection.org/seriesintroduction.htm",
  47911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47912.             "Title": "ExxonMobil Masterpiece Theatre's American Collection",
  47913.             "Category": "HUM",
  47914.             "Description": "Resources for teachers of American literature created in a partnership with the National Council of Teachers of English.",
  47915.             "Year": 0
  47916.         },
  47917.         {
  47918.             "RIT": "ws202468",
  47919.             "Type": "WS",
  47920.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/moneta.htm",
  47921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47922.             "Title": "Portrait of an artist",
  47923.             "Category": "HUM",
  47924.             "Description": "Information about Claude Monet form the Foundation Bemberg in Toulouse, France.",
  47925.             "Year": 0
  47926.         },
  47927.         {
  47928.             "RIT": "ws202469",
  47929.             "Type": "WS",
  47930.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Calamus&speciesname=bajonado",
  47931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47932.             "Title": "Fish Base, porgy",
  47933.             "Category": "LIF",
  47934.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the jolthead porgy fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47935.             "Year": 0
  47936.         },
  47937.         {
  47938.             "RIT": "ws202470",
  47939.             "Type": "WS",
  47940.             "URL": "http://www.desertusa.com/sept96/du_chuckwalla.html",
  47941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47942.             "Title": "Chuckwallas (DesertUSA)",
  47943.             "Category": "LIF",
  47944.             "Description": "Information on chuckwallas, from Desert USA.",
  47945.             "Year": 0
  47946.         },
  47947.         {
  47948.             "RIT": "ws202471",
  47949.             "Type": "WS",
  47950.             "URL": "http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/bugreview/japanesebeetle.html",
  47951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47952.             "Title": "The Bug Review-Japanese Beetle",
  47953.             "Category": "LIF",
  47954.             "Description": "Information about Japanese beetles from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.",
  47955.             "Year": 0
  47956.         },
  47957.         {
  47958.             "RIT": "ws202472",
  47959.             "Type": "WS",
  47960.             "URL": "http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/scripts/htmlgen.exe?DOCUMENT_UW003",
  47961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47962.             "Title": "Alligators and Crocodiles: University of Florida",
  47963.             "Category": "LIF",
  47964.             "Description": "Outline of behavioral patterns of alligators and crocodiles.",
  47965.             "Year": 0
  47966.         },
  47967.         {
  47968.             "RIT": "ws202473",
  47969.             "Type": "WS",
  47970.             "URL": "http://www.nefsc.nmfs.gov/sos/spsyn/og/tile/",
  47971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47972.             "Title": "Northeastern Fisheries Science Center, tilefish",
  47973.             "Category": "LIF",
  47974.             "Description": "The Northeastern Fisheries Science Center Web site offers information about the tilefish.",
  47975.             "Year": 0
  47976.         },
  47977.         {
  47978.             "RIT": "ws202481",
  47979.             "Type": "WS",
  47980.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Sardinops&speciesname=sagax",
  47981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47982.             "Title": "Fish Base, sardine",
  47983.             "Category": "LIF",
  47984.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the sardine fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  47985.             "Year": 0
  47986.         },
  47987.         {
  47988.             "RIT": "ws202482",
  47989.             "Type": "WS",
  47990.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Communications/Publications/Fish/atlanticsalmon.html",
  47991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  47992.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, salmon",
  47993.             "Category": "LIF",
  47994.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's Web site provides information and a picture of the Atlantic salmon fish.",
  47995.             "Year": 0
  47996.         },
  47997.         {
  47998.             "RIT": "ws202483",
  47999.             "Type": "WS",
  48000.             "URL": "http://www.floridaconservation.org//fishing/Fishes/pickerels.html",
  48001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48002.             "Title": "Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, pickerel",
  48003.             "Category": "LIF",
  48004.             "Description": "The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Web site provides information and pictures on the redfin pickerel and the chain pickerel.",
  48005.             "Year": 0
  48006.         },
  48007.         {
  48008.             "RIT": "ws202484",
  48009.             "Type": "WS",
  48010.             "URL": "http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/sinanth.html",
  48011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48012.             "Title": "Peking Man and Homo erectus",
  48013.             "Category": "LIF",
  48014.             "Description": "Compares and contrasts the two hominids.",
  48015.             "Year": 0
  48016.         },
  48017.         {
  48018.             "RIT": "ws202485",
  48019.             "Type": "WS",
  48020.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Myxine&speciesname=glutinosa",
  48021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48022.             "Title": "Fish Base, hagfish",
  48023.             "Category": "LIF",
  48024.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on the atlantic hagfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  48025.             "Year": 0
  48026.         },
  48027.         {
  48028.             "RIT": "ws202486",
  48029.             "Type": "WS",
  48030.             "URL": "http://www.dnr.cornell.edu/sarep/fish/Gasterosteidae/stickleback.html",
  48031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48032.             "Title": "New York Sportfishing and Aquatic Resources Education Program, stickleback",
  48033.             "Category": "LIF",
  48034.             "Description": "The New York Sportfishing and Aquatic Resources Education Program Web site provides information on and a picture of the sticleback fish.",
  48035.             "Year": 0
  48036.         },
  48037.         {
  48038.             "RIT": "ws202487",
  48039.             "Type": "WS",
  48040.             "URL": "http://AgriGator.ifas.ufl.edu/gators/",
  48041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48042.             "Title": "Alligators",
  48043.             "Category": "LIF",
  48044.             "Description": "General information about the behavior of alligator.",
  48045.             "Year": 0
  48046.         },
  48047.         {
  48048.             "RIT": "ws202488",
  48049.             "Type": "WS",
  48050.             "URL": "http://www.buschgardens.org/AnimalBytes/animal_bytes.html",
  48051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48052.             "Title": "SeaWorld/Busch Gardens - Animal Bytes",
  48053.             "Category": "LIF",
  48054.             "Description": "A site for younger users on zoo animals.",
  48055.             "Year": 0
  48056.         },
  48057.         {
  48058.             "RIT": "ws202497",
  48059.             "Type": "WS",
  48060.             "URL": "http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/wild/reptiles/thlizard.htm",
  48061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48062.             "Title": "Texas Horned Lizard",
  48063.             "Category": "LIF",
  48064.             "Description": "Wildlife fact sheet from Texas Parks and Wildlife.",
  48065.             "Year": 0
  48066.         },
  48067.         {
  48068.             "RIT": "ws202498",
  48069.             "Type": "WS",
  48070.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=201",
  48071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48072.             "Title": "Robert Herrick - The Academy of American Poets",
  48073.             "Category": "HUM",
  48074.             "Description": "Biographical information, poems, and Web links from The Academy of American Poets.",
  48075.             "Year": 0
  48076.         },
  48077.         {
  48078.             "RIT": "ws202499",
  48079.             "Type": "WS",
  48080.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Pygocentrus&speciesname=nattereri",
  48081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48082.             "Title": "Fish Base, piranha",
  48083.             "Category": "LIF",
  48084.             "Description": "The Fish BaseWweb site provides information on and a picture of the red piranha fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  48085.             "Year": 0
  48086.         },
  48087.         {
  48088.             "RIT": "ws202500",
  48089.             "Type": "WS",
  48090.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Sardina&speciesname=pilchardus",
  48091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48092.             "Title": "Fish Base, sardine",
  48093.             "Category": "LIF",
  48094.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the european sardine fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  48095.             "Year": 0
  48096.         },
  48097.         {
  48098.             "RIT": "ws202501",
  48099.             "Type": "WS",
  48100.             "URL": "http://www.uga.edu/srel/diamondback_terrapin.htm",
  48101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48102.             "Title": "Diamondback Terrapin Malaclemys terrapin",
  48103.             "Category": "LIF",
  48104.             "Description": "Description of the diamondback turtle.",
  48105.             "Year": 0
  48106.         },
  48107.         {
  48108.             "RIT": "ws202502",
  48109.             "Type": "WS",
  48110.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Sciaenops&speciesname=ocellatus",
  48111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48112.             "Title": "Fish Base, drum",
  48113.             "Category": "LIF",
  48114.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the red drum fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  48115.             "Year": 0
  48116.         },
  48117.         {
  48118.             "RIT": "ws202503",
  48119.             "Type": "WS",
  48120.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Manta&speciesname=birostris",
  48121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48122.             "Title": "Fish Base, ray",
  48123.             "Category": "LIF",
  48124.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the manta ray fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  48125.             "Year": 0
  48126.         },
  48127.         {
  48128.             "RIT": "ws202511",
  48129.             "Type": "WS",
  48130.             "URL": "http://www.dnr.cornell.edu/sarep/fish/Acipenseridae/sturgeon.html",
  48131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48132.             "Title": "New York Sportfishing and Aquatic Resources Education Program, sturgeon",
  48133.             "Category": "LIF",
  48134.             "Description": "The New York Sportfishing and Aquatic Resources Education Program Web site provides information and pictures of sturgeon fish.",
  48135.             "Year": 0
  48136.         },
  48137.         {
  48138.             "RIT": "ws202512",
  48139.             "Type": "WS",
  48140.             "URL": "http://www.helsinki.fi/ml/botgard/index-e.html",
  48141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48142.             "Title": "Internet Directory for Botany: Arboreta and Botanical Gardens",
  48143.             "Category": "LIF",
  48144.             "Description": "A directory of Internet links to major sites about botony and botanical gardens.",
  48145.             "Year": 0
  48146.         },
  48147.         {
  48148.             "RIT": "ws202513",
  48149.             "Type": "WS",
  48150.             "URL": "http://www.embl-heidelberg.de/~uetz/families/Varanidae.html",
  48151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48152.             "Title": "Varanidae",
  48153.             "Category": "LIF",
  48154.             "Description": "General information about the monitor.",
  48155.             "Year": 0
  48156.         },
  48157.         {
  48158.             "RIT": "ws202514",
  48159.             "Type": "WS",
  48160.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Chaetodon&speciesname=capistratus",
  48161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48162.             "Title": "Fish Base, butterflyfish",
  48163.             "Category": "LIF",
  48164.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the four-eyed butterflyfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  48165.             "Year": 0
  48166.         },
  48167.         {
  48168.             "RIT": "ws202515",
  48169.             "Type": "WS",
  48170.             "URL": "http://www.ohiokids.org/kids/ohc/nature/animals/reptile/5linedskink.html",
  48171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48172.             "Title": "Ohio History Central / Five-Lined Skink",
  48173.             "Category": "LIF",
  48174.             "Description": "General information about skink lizard.",
  48175.             "Year": 0
  48176.         },
  48177.         {
  48178.             "RIT": "ws202516",
  48179.             "Type": "WS",
  48180.             "URL": "http://dnr.state.il.us/lands/education/fish/minnow.htm",
  48181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48182.             "Title": "Illinois Department Natural of Resources, minnow",
  48183.             "Category": "LIF",
  48184.             "Description": "The Illinois Department of Natural Resources provides information and pictures of the various minnow fish.",
  48185.             "Year": 0
  48186.         },
  48187.         {
  48188.             "RIT": "ws202517",
  48189.             "Type": "WS",
  48190.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Hoplostethus&speciesname=atlanticus",
  48191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48192.             "Title": "Fish Base, roughy",
  48193.             "Category": "LIF",
  48194.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information and a picture of the orange roughy fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  48195.             "Year": 0
  48196.         },
  48197.         {
  48198.             "RIT": "ws202518",
  48199.             "Type": "WS",
  48200.             "URL": "http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/bugreview/boxelder.html",
  48201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48202.             "Title": "The Bug Review-Boxelder Bugs",
  48203.             "Category": "LIF",
  48204.             "Description": "Information about boxelder bugs from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.",
  48205.             "Year": 0
  48206.         },
  48207.         {
  48208.             "RIT": "ws202474",
  48209.             "Type": "WS",
  48210.             "URL": "http://www.dnr.state.md.us/bay/cblife/fish/bay_anchovy.html",
  48211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48212.             "Title": "Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Anchovy",
  48213.             "Category": "LIF",
  48214.             "Description": "The Maryland Department of Natural Resources provides information on and a pencil sketch of the anchovy fish.",
  48215.             "Year": 0
  48216.         },
  48217.         {
  48218.             "RIT": "ws202475",
  48219.             "Type": "WS",
  48220.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Naucrates&speciesname=ductor",
  48221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48222.             "Title": "Fish Base, pilotfish",
  48223.             "Category": "LIF",
  48224.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the pilotfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  48225.             "Year": 0
  48226.         },
  48227.         {
  48228.             "RIT": "ws202476",
  48229.             "Type": "WS",
  48230.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Aetobatus&speciesname=narinari",
  48231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48232.             "Title": "Fish Base, ray",
  48233.             "Category": "LIF",
  48234.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the eagle ray fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by a team of international scientists.",
  48235.             "Year": 0
  48236.         },
  48237.         {
  48238.             "RIT": "ws202477",
  48239.             "Type": "WS",
  48240.             "URL": "http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/dblack.html",
  48241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48242.             "Title": "Fossil Hominids: Davidson Black",
  48243.             "Category": "LIF",
  48244.             "Description": "Biography of Davidson Black and information about Peking fossil.",
  48245.             "Year": 0
  48246.         },
  48247.         {
  48248.             "RIT": "ws202478",
  48249.             "Type": "WS",
  48250.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/mammography/",
  48251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48252.             "Title": "FDA's Mammography Program (MQSA) > MQSA Home",
  48253.             "Category": "LIF",
  48254.             "Description": "The Food and Drug Administration's Center for Devices and Radiological Health answers questions about mammograms.",
  48255.             "Year": 0
  48256.         },
  48257.         {
  48258.             "RIT": "ws202479",
  48259.             "Type": "WS",
  48260.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/tal/costa_rica/epiphyte.html",
  48261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48262.             "Title": "Tropical Rainforest in Suriname",
  48263.             "Category": "LIF",
  48264.             "Description": "Information on the epiphytes of Suriname, from Euronet Internet.",
  48265.             "Year": 0
  48266.         },
  48267.         {
  48268.             "RIT": "ws202480",
  48269.             "Type": "WS",
  48270.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Leuresthes&speciesname=sardina",
  48271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48272.             "Title": "Fish Base, grunion",
  48273.             "Category": "LIF",
  48274.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the gulf grunion fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  48275.             "Year": 0
  48276.         },
  48277.         {
  48278.             "RIT": "ws202489",
  48279.             "Type": "WS",
  48280.             "URL": "http://www.iversonsoftware.com/business/reptile/adder.html",
  48281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48282.             "Title": "Adder",
  48283.             "Category": "LIF",
  48284.             "Description": "General information about the adder.",
  48285.             "Year": 0
  48286.         },
  48287.         {
  48288.             "RIT": "ws202490",
  48289.             "Type": "WS",
  48290.             "URL": "http://www.nmnh.si.edu/botany/projects/algae/",
  48291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48292.             "Title": "The Algae Home Page/Dept. Botany, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution",
  48293.             "Category": "LIF",
  48294.             "Description": "Information about algae from the Department of Botany at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.",
  48295.             "Year": 0
  48296.         },
  48297.         {
  48298.             "RIT": "ws202491",
  48299.             "Type": "WS",
  48300.             "URL": "",
  48301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48302.             "Title": "The Victorian Web: Elizabeth Barrett Browning",
  48303.             "Category": "HUM",
  48304.             "Description": "A site from Brown University about the life, literature, and times of Elizabeth Barrett Browning.",
  48305.             "Year": 0
  48306.         },
  48307.         {
  48308.             "RIT": "ws202492",
  48309.             "Type": "WS",
  48310.             "URL": "http://www.ncteamericancollection.org/timeline/Calendar_January.htm",
  48311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48312.             "Title": "ExxonMobile Masterpiece Theatre's American Collection: Literary Timeline",
  48313.             "Category": "HUM",
  48314.             "Description": "Events from the history of American literature presented for every day of the calendar year.",
  48315.             "Year": 0
  48316.         },
  48317.         {
  48318.             "RIT": "ws202493",
  48319.             "Type": "WS",
  48320.             "URL": "http://hrcweb.lv-hrc.nevada.edu/mbm/reptiles/gilatext.htm",
  48321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48322.             "Title": "Gila Monster Information",
  48323.             "Category": "LIF",
  48324.             "Description": "Essay about the behavior and habitat of the Gila Monster from University of Nevada.",
  48325.             "Year": 0
  48326.         },
  48327.         {
  48328.             "RIT": "ws202494",
  48329.             "Type": "WS",
  48330.             "URL": "http://www.cancer.gov/cancer_information/cancer_type/",
  48331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48332.             "Title": "CancerGov-National Cancer Institute Information about Types of Cancer",
  48333.             "Category": "LIF",
  48334.             "Description": "Information by the National Cancer Institute on various types of cancer.",
  48335.             "Year": 0
  48336.         },
  48337.         {
  48338.             "RIT": "ws202495",
  48339.             "Type": "WS",
  48340.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Labroides&speciesname=dimidiatus",
  48341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48342.             "Title": "Fish Base, wrasse",
  48343.             "Category": "LIF",
  48344.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a picture of the wrasse fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  48345.             "Year": 0
  48346.         },
  48347.         {
  48348.             "RIT": "ws202496",
  48349.             "Type": "WS",
  48350.             "URL": "http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~iffp475//phrynos_html/",
  48351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48352.             "Title": "Genus Page",
  48353.             "Category": "LIF",
  48354.             "Description": "From Universtiy of Texas, the Phrynosoma site consists of links to information about the 14 species of lizard that make up genus Phrynosoma.",
  48355.             "Year": 0
  48356.         },
  48357.         {
  48358.             "RIT": "ws202504",
  48359.             "Type": "WS",
  48360.             "URL": "http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dfwmr/wildlife/endspec/blbrdart.html",
  48361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48362.             "Title": "New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, darter",
  48363.             "Category": "LIF",
  48364.             "Description": "The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Web site provides information on the bluebreast darter fish.",
  48365.             "Year": 0
  48366.         },
  48367.         {
  48368.             "RIT": "ws202505",
  48369.             "Type": "WS",
  48370.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Mallotus&speciesname=villosus",
  48371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48372.             "Title": "Fish Base, capelin",
  48373.             "Category": "LIF",
  48374.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the capelin fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  48375.             "Year": 0
  48376.         },
  48377.         {
  48378.             "RIT": "ws202506",
  48379.             "Type": "WS",
  48380.             "URL": "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginformation.html",
  48381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48382.             "Title": "MEDLINEplus: Drug Information",
  48383.             "Category": "LIF",
  48384.             "Description": "Information about more than 9,000 brand-name and prescription drugs provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.",
  48385.             "Year": 0
  48386.         },
  48387.         {
  48388.             "RIT": "ws202507",
  48389.             "Type": "WS",
  48390.             "URL": "http://www.dnr.cornell.edu/sarep/fish/Catostomidae/suckers.html",
  48391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48392.             "Title": "New York Sportfishing and Aquatic Resources Education Program, sucker",
  48393.             "Category": "LIF",
  48394.             "Description": "The New York Sportfishing and Aquatic Resources Education Program Web site provides information on and pictures of members of the sucker fish family.",
  48395.             "Year": 0
  48396.         },
  48397.         {
  48398.             "RIT": "ws202508",
  48399.             "Type": "WS",
  48400.             "URL": "http://www.mathlab.sunysb.edu/~livshits/licil/java_man/java_man.html",
  48401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48402.             "Title": "Java Man",
  48403.             "Category": "LIF",
  48404.             "Description": "Picture and background of the hominid discovered by Dubois.",
  48405.             "Year": 0
  48406.         },
  48407.         {
  48408.             "RIT": "ws202509",
  48409.             "Type": "WS",
  48410.             "URL": "http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/troufs/anth1602/pchomini.html",
  48411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48412.             "Title": "Hominids -- Tim Roufs -- University of Minnesota Duluth",
  48413.             "Category": "LIF",
  48414.             "Description": "Chart of genus and species of hominids, from the University of Minnesota.",
  48415.             "Year": 0
  48416.         },
  48417.         {
  48418.             "RIT": "ws202510",
  48419.             "Type": "WS",
  48420.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Remora&speciesname=australis",
  48421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48422.             "Title": "Fish Base, remora",
  48423.             "Category": "LIF",
  48424.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the whalesucker fish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  48425.             "Year": 0
  48426.         },
  48427.         {
  48428.             "RIT": "ws202519",
  48429.             "Type": "WS",
  48430.             "URL": "http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Toxotes&speciesname=jaculatrix",
  48431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48432.             "Title": "Fish Base, archerfish",
  48433.             "Category": "LIF",
  48434.             "Description": "The Fish Base Web site provides information on and a sketch of the archerfish. Fish Base is a database on fish created by an international team of scientists.",
  48435.             "Year": 0
  48436.         },
  48437.         {
  48438.             "RIT": "ws202520",
  48439.             "Type": "WS",
  48440.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fobu/expanded/sci.htm",
  48441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48442.             "Title": "National Park Service: Fossil Butte National Monument",
  48443.             "Category": "LIF",
  48444.             "Description": "Includes in-depth information about the scientists, fossils, and studies at the monument.",
  48445.             "Year": 0
  48446.         },
  48447.         {
  48448.             "RIT": "ws202521",
  48449.             "Type": "WS",
  48450.             "URL": "http://www.gwf.org/library/wildlife/ani_cavefish.htm",
  48451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48452.             "Title": "Georgia Wildlife Federation, cavefish",
  48453.             "Category": "LIF",
  48454.             "Description": "The Georgia Wildlife Federation provides information about the cavefish.",
  48455.             "Year": 0
  48456.         },
  48457.         {
  48458.             "RIT": "ws202523",
  48459.             "Type": "WS",
  48460.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/agfo/",
  48461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48462.             "Title": "Agate Fossil Beds NM Home Page",
  48463.             "Category": "LIF",
  48464.             "Description": "General information about the monument from the National Park Service.",
  48465.             "Year": 0
  48466.         },
  48467.         {
  48468.             "RIT": "ws202524",
  48469.             "Type": "WS",
  48470.             "URL": "http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Communications/Publications/Fish/browntrout.html",
  48471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48472.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, trout",
  48473.             "Category": "LIF",
  48474.             "Description": "The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute's Web site provides information and a picture of the brown trout fish.",
  48475.             "Year": 0
  48476.         },
  48477.         {
  48478.             "RIT": "ws202525",
  48479.             "Type": "WS",
  48480.             "URL": "http://www.dnr.state.md.us/fisheries/education/spot/spot.html",
  48481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48482.             "Title": "Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Spot",
  48483.             "Category": "LIF",
  48484.             "Description": "The Maryland Department of Natural Resources provides a sketch of and information on the spot fish.",
  48485.             "Year": 0
  48486.         },
  48487.         {
  48488.             "RIT": "ws202526",
  48489.             "Type": "WS",
  48490.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=62%2E95",
  48491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48492.             "Title": "The Lighthouse at Two Lights",
  48493.             "Category": "HUM",
  48494.             "Description": "An Edward Hopper painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  48495.             "Year": 0
  48496.         },
  48497.         {
  48498.             "RIT": "ws202527",
  48499.             "Type": "WS",
  48500.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/006000a/006000011.html",
  48501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48502.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, fallopian tube",
  48503.             "Category": "LIF",
  48504.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Web site provides information on the fallopian tubes.",
  48505.             "Year": 0
  48506.         },
  48507.         {
  48508.             "RIT": "ws202536",
  48509.             "Type": "WS",
  48510.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/018000a/018000054.html",
  48511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48512.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, human reproduction",
  48513.             "Category": "LIF",
  48514.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Web site provides information on human reproduction and diagrams of reproductive organs.",
  48515.             "Year": 0
  48516.         },
  48517.         {
  48518.             "RIT": "ws202537",
  48519.             "Type": "WS",
  48520.             "URL": "http://www.museumbredius.nl/tekenaars/rembrandt.htm",
  48521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48522.             "Title": "Rembrandt van Rijn",
  48523.             "Category": "HUM",
  48524.             "Description": "Works exhibited by the Bredius Museum in the Netherlands.",
  48525.             "Year": 0
  48526.         },
  48527.         {
  48528.             "RIT": "ws202538",
  48529.             "Type": "WS",
  48530.             "URL": "http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/crops/insects/fad17s00.html",
  48531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48532.             "Title": "midge",
  48533.             "Category": "LIF",
  48534.             "Description": "Manitoba's site about the biology and control of the insect midge.",
  48535.             "Year": 0
  48536.         },
  48537.         {
  48538.             "RIT": "ws202539",
  48539.             "Type": "WS",
  48540.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azamkest.html",
  48541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48542.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: American Kestral",
  48543.             "Category": "LIF",
  48544.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the behavior of various zoo animals.",
  48545.             "Year": 0
  48546.         },
  48547.         {
  48548.             "RIT": "ws202540",
  48549.             "Type": "WS",
  48550.             "URL": "http://www.co.beaufort.sc.us/library/Beaufort/lovebugs.htm",
  48551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48552.             "Title": "lovebugs",
  48553.             "Category": "LIF",
  48554.             "Description": "General information about the lovebug from the Beaufort, South Carolina, Public Library.",
  48555.             "Year": 0
  48556.         },
  48557.         {
  48558.             "RIT": "ws202541",
  48559.             "Type": "WS",
  48560.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1980%2E420",
  48561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48562.             "Title": "Stepping Out",
  48563.             "Category": "HUM",
  48564.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City exhibits a painting by Roy Lichtenstein.",
  48565.             "Year": 0
  48566.         },
  48567.         {
  48568.             "RIT": "ws202542",
  48569.             "Type": "WS",
  48570.             "URL": "http://www.artgallery.sbc.edu/highlights/rembrandt.html",
  48571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48572.             "Title": "The Return of the Prodigal Son",
  48573.             "Category": "HUM",
  48574.             "Description": "The Sweet Briar College Gallery in Sweet Briar, Virginia, presents a painting by Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn.",
  48575.             "Year": 0
  48576.         },
  48577.         {
  48578.             "RIT": "ws202543",
  48579.             "Type": "WS",
  48580.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=89%2E15%2E21",
  48581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48582.             "Title": "Young Woman with a water Pitcher",
  48583.             "Category": "HUM",
  48584.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by Johannes Vermeer.",
  48585.             "Year": 0
  48586.         },
  48587.         {
  48588.             "RIT": "ws202545",
  48589.             "Type": "WS",
  48590.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azhyena.html",
  48591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48592.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Hyena",
  48593.             "Category": "LIF",
  48594.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the hyena.",
  48595.             "Year": 0
  48596.         },
  48597.         {
  48598.             "RIT": "ws202555",
  48599.             "Type": "WS",
  48600.             "URL": "http://moca-la.org/pc/col/ritataft/pollock.htm",
  48601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48602.             "Title": "No. 1",
  48603.             "Category": "HUM",
  48604.             "Description": "A painting by Jackson Pollock from the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.",
  48605.             "Year": 0
  48606.         },
  48607.         {
  48608.             "RIT": "ws202556",
  48609.             "Type": "WS",
  48610.             "URL": "http://www.ext.vt.edu/departments/entomology/factsheets/silverfi.html",
  48611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48612.             "Title": "Silverfish",
  48613.             "Category": "LIF",
  48614.             "Description": "Virginia Cooperative's site describes the behavior of silverfish.",
  48615.             "Year": 0
  48616.         },
  48617.         {
  48618.             "RIT": "ws202557",
  48619.             "Type": "WS",
  48620.             "URL": "http://www.mtr.org/",
  48621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48622.             "Title": "Museum of Television and Radio",
  48623.             "Category": "GEO",
  48624.             "Description": "Web site of a museum with facilities in Beverly Hills and New York City. Includes clips of TV and radio personalities discussing the media.",
  48625.             "Year": 0
  48626.         },
  48627.         {
  48628.             "RIT": "ws202558",
  48629.             "Type": "WS",
  48630.             "URL": "http://www.joslyn.org/permcol/euro/pages/titian.html",
  48631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48632.             "Title": "Giorgio Cornaro with a Falcon",
  48633.             "Category": "HUM",
  48634.             "Description": "The Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska, presents a painting by Titian.",
  48635.             "Year": 0
  48636.         },
  48637.         {
  48638.             "RIT": "ws202559",
  48639.             "Type": "WS",
  48640.             "URL": "http://cru.cahe.wsu.edu/CEPublications/eb0919/eb0919.html",
  48641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48642.             "Title": "Colorado Potato Beetle",
  48643.             "Category": "LIF",
  48644.             "Description": "Washington State University's site explains the behavior of the potato beetle.",
  48645.             "Year": 0
  48646.         },
  48647.         {
  48648.             "RIT": "ws202560",
  48649.             "Type": "WS",
  48650.             "URL": "http://www.utoronto.ca/forest/termite/termite.htm",
  48651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48652.             "Title": "Termites - Urban Entomology Program",
  48653.             "Category": "LIF",
  48654.             "Description": "Comprehensive site about termites from the University of Toronto in Canada.",
  48655.             "Year": 0
  48656.         },
  48657.         {
  48658.             "RIT": "ws202561",
  48659.             "Type": "WS",
  48660.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=3520&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  48661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48662.             "Title": "Peter Paul Rubens",
  48663.             "Category": "HUM",
  48664.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  48665.             "Year": 0
  48666.         },
  48667.         {
  48668.             "RIT": "ws202562",
  48669.             "Type": "WS",
  48670.             "URL": "http://everest.ento.vt.edu/Facilities/OnCampus/IDLab/Fact/Fact3.html",
  48671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48672.             "Title": "Insect Fact Sheets: Household insects",
  48673.             "Category": "LIF",
  48674.             "Description": "Virgina Tech's site about household pests includes pictures and brief descriptions of the insects.",
  48675.             "Year": 0
  48676.         },
  48677.         {
  48678.             "RIT": "ws202563",
  48679.             "Type": "WS",
  48680.             "URL": "http://www.ohiokids.org/ohc/nature/animals/insects/walkstick.html",
  48681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48682.             "Title": "Ohio History Central / Walkingstick",
  48683.             "Category": "LIF",
  48684.             "Description": "Ohio History Central's fact sheet about the walkingstick.",
  48685.             "Year": 0
  48686.         },
  48687.         {
  48688.             "RIT": "ws202573",
  48689.             "Type": "WS",
  48690.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/prints/91pc_miro.html",
  48691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48692.             "Title": "The Kerosene Lamp",
  48693.             "Category": "HUM",
  48694.             "Description": "A drawing by Joan Miro from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  48695.             "Year": 0
  48696.         },
  48697.         {
  48698.             "RIT": "ws202574",
  48699.             "Type": "WS",
  48700.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=sanzio&=And&=Yes&=raphael&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  48701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48702.             "Title": "Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco: Raphael",
  48703.             "Category": "HUM",
  48704.             "Description": "Works of art from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  48705.             "Year": 0
  48706.         },
  48707.         {
  48708.             "RIT": "ws202575",
  48709.             "Type": "WS",
  48710.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=508&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  48711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48712.             "Title": "Artists: Raphael",
  48713.             "Category": "HUM",
  48714.             "Description": "The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles presents a biography of the artist and several artworks.",
  48715.             "Year": 0
  48716.         },
  48717.         {
  48718.             "RIT": "ws202576",
  48719.             "Type": "WS",
  48720.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/mi1448/peint_f.htm",
  48721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48722.             "Title": "The Lacemaker",
  48723.             "Category": "HUM",
  48724.             "Description": "A painting by Jan Vermeer from the Louvre in Paris.",
  48725.             "Year": 0
  48726.         },
  48727.         {
  48728.             "RIT": "ws202577",
  48729.             "Type": "WS",
  48730.             "URL": "http://www.chem.ox.ac.uk/mom/ddt/ddt.html",
  48731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48732.             "Title": "DDT a Banned Insecticide",
  48733.             "Category": "LIF",
  48734.             "Description": "The University of Oxford in England gives a history of the insecticide DDT.",
  48735.             "Year": 0
  48736.         },
  48737.         {
  48738.             "RIT": "ws202578",
  48739.             "Type": "WS",
  48740.             "URL": "http://www.wf.net/~snake/moccasin.htm",
  48741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48742.             "Title": "Cottonmouth Water Moccasin",
  48743.             "Category": "LIF",
  48744.             "Description": "Brazos River Rattlesnake Ranch, a commercial site, presents a description of the water moccasin.",
  48745.             "Year": 0
  48746.         },
  48747.         {
  48748.             "RIT": "ws202579",
  48749.             "Type": "WS",
  48750.             "URL": "http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/r602300211.html",
  48751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48752.             "Title": "Oriental Fruit Moth on Peach",
  48753.             "Category": "LIF",
  48754.             "Description": "This University of CAlifornia Web site has a description of the pest and methods of control.",
  48755.             "Year": 0
  48756.         },
  48757.         {
  48758.             "RIT": "ws202580",
  48759.             "Type": "WS",
  48760.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/009000a/009000075.html",
  48761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48762.             "Title": "Insulin",
  48763.             "Category": "LIF",
  48764.             "Description": "The World Book-Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia provides information about insulin.",
  48765.             "Year": 0
  48766.         },
  48767.         {
  48768.             "RIT": "ws202581",
  48769.             "Type": "WS",
  48770.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azocelot.html",
  48771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48772.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Ocelot",
  48773.             "Category": "LIF",
  48774.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the behavior of various zoo animals",
  48775.             "Year": 0
  48776.         },
  48777.         {
  48778.             "RIT": "ws202582",
  48779.             "Type": "WS",
  48780.             "URL": "http://www.unomaha.edu/~wwwsped2/alt/ss99/joh/lsn/4/info.html",
  48781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48782.             "Title": "Painted lady butterfy",
  48783.             "Category": "LIF",
  48784.             "Description": "The University of Omaha presents a brief description of and quiz about the painted lady.",
  48785.             "Year": 0
  48786.         },
  48787.         {
  48788.             "RIT": "ws202593",
  48789.             "Type": "WS",
  48790.             "URL": "http://www.beatmuseum.org/duchamp/bicycle.html",
  48791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48792.             "Title": "Bicycle Wheel",
  48793.             "Category": "HUM",
  48794.             "Description": "Sculpture by Marcel Duchamp displayed online by PBS.",
  48795.             "Year": 0
  48796.         },
  48797.         {
  48798.             "RIT": "ws202594",
  48799.             "Type": "WS",
  48800.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/in_depth/world/2000/world_water_crisis/default.stm",
  48801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48802.             "Title": "World Water Crisis",
  48803.             "Category": "PHY",
  48804.             "Description": "This BBC News special report addresses the world's diminishing supply of fresh water.",
  48805.             "Year": 0
  48806.         },
  48807.         {
  48808.             "RIT": "ws202595",
  48809.             "Type": "WS",
  48810.             "URL": "http://www.slam.org/pd2.html",
  48811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48812.             "Title": "Abraham Entertaining the Angels",
  48813.             "Category": "HUM",
  48814.             "Description": "A painting by Rembrandt displayed by the Saint Louis Art Museum in St. Louis, Missouri.",
  48815.             "Year": 0
  48816.         },
  48817.         {
  48818.             "RIT": "ws202596",
  48819.             "Type": "WS",
  48820.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/005000a/005000117.html",
  48821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48822.             "Title": "Enzyme",
  48823.             "Category": "LIF",
  48824.             "Description": "The World Book-Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia provides information about enzymes.",
  48825.             "Year": 0
  48826.         },
  48827.         {
  48828.             "RIT": "ws202597",
  48829.             "Type": "WS",
  48830.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/020000a/020000088.html",
  48831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48832.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, thyroid gland",
  48833.             "Category": "LIF",
  48834.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Web site provides information about and a diagram of the thyroid gland.",
  48835.             "Year": 0
  48836.         },
  48837.         {
  48838.             "RIT": "ws202598",
  48839.             "Type": "WS",
  48840.             "URL": "http://www.pfc.forestry.ca/nursery/pests/westerns.htm",
  48841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48842.             "Title": "Western spruce budworm",
  48843.             "Category": "LIF",
  48844.             "Description": "Forest Health Network's site gives a brief desciption and illustrations of spruce budworm.",
  48845.             "Year": 0
  48846.         },
  48847.         {
  48848.             "RIT": "ws202599",
  48849.             "Type": "WS",
  48850.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/archive/1995/950717/950717.art.html",
  48851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48852.             "Title": "Under the Crack of Reality",
  48853.             "Category": "HUM",
  48854.             "Description": "A TIME Magazine article about American artist Edward Hopper.",
  48855.             "Year": 0
  48856.         },
  48857.         {
  48858.             "RIT": "ws202600",
  48859.             "Type": "WS",
  48860.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/002000a/002000199.html",
  48861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48862.             "Title": "Bone",
  48863.             "Category": "LIF",
  48864.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center Web site provides information on bone.",
  48865.             "Year": 0
  48866.         },
  48867.         {
  48868.             "RIT": "ws202601",
  48869.             "Type": "WS",
  48870.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/016000a/016000018.html",
  48871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48872.             "Title": "Pancreas",
  48873.             "Category": "LIF",
  48874.             "Description": "The World Book-Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia provides information about and a diagram of the pancreas.",
  48875.             "Year": 0
  48876.         },
  48877.         {
  48878.             "RIT": "ws202528",
  48879.             "Type": "WS",
  48880.             "URL": "http://www.museum.cornell.edu/HFJ/handbook/hb181.html",
  48881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48882.             "Title": "Edward Hopper: Portuguese Church in Gloucester",
  48883.             "Category": "HUM",
  48884.             "Description": "Hopper's painting exhibited by the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.",
  48885.             "Year": 0
  48886.         },
  48887.         {
  48888.             "RIT": "ws202529",
  48889.             "Type": "WS",
  48890.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azredhornbill.html",
  48891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48892.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Red-Billed Hornbill",
  48893.             "Category": "LIF",
  48894.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the behavior of various zoo animals.",
  48895.             "Year": 0
  48896.         },
  48897.         {
  48898.             "RIT": "ws202530",
  48899.             "Type": "WS",
  48900.             "URL": "http://aceis.agr.ca/pfra/shbpub/pest/pest4.htm",
  48901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48902.             "Title": "Shelterbelt Centre Pest Leaflets- Boxelder Bug",
  48903.             "Category": "LIF",
  48904.             "Description": "Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's site about the history, damage, and control of boxelder bug.",
  48905.             "Year": 0
  48906.         },
  48907.         {
  48908.             "RIT": "ws202531",
  48909.             "Type": "WS",
  48910.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/021000a/021000038.html",
  48911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48912.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, uterus",
  48913.             "Category": "LIF",
  48914.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Web site provides information on and a diagram of the uterus.",
  48915.             "Year": 0
  48916.         },
  48917.         {
  48918.             "RIT": "ws202532",
  48919.             "Type": "WS",
  48920.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azbparrot.html",
  48921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48922.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Bourke's Parrot",
  48923.             "Category": "LIF",
  48924.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the behavior of various zoo animals.",
  48925.             "Year": 0
  48926.         },
  48927.         {
  48928.             "RIT": "ws202533",
  48929.             "Type": "WS",
  48930.             "URL": "http://museoreinasofia.mcu.es/eng/content/sala07/11003.htm",
  48931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48932.             "Title": "Hombre con pipa",
  48933.             "Category": "HUM",
  48934.             "Description": "A Joan Miro painting from the Reina Sofia National Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  48935.             "Year": 0
  48936.         },
  48937.         {
  48938.             "RIT": "ws202534",
  48939.             "Type": "WS",
  48940.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/O'Keeffe_G/SSI.html",
  48941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48942.             "Title": "New York, Night",
  48943.             "Category": "HUM",
  48944.             "Description": "A Georgia O'Keeffe painting presented by the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  48945.             "Year": 0
  48946.         },
  48947.         {
  48948.             "RIT": "ws202535",
  48949.             "Type": "WS",
  48950.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=163",
  48951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48952.             "Title": "Rembrandt van Rijn",
  48953.             "Category": "HUM",
  48954.             "Description": "Paintings displayed by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  48955.             "Year": 0
  48956.         },
  48957.         {
  48958.             "RIT": "ws202546",
  48959.             "Type": "WS",
  48960.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/eurptg/16pc_elgreco.html",
  48961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48962.             "Title": "The Assumption of the Virgin",
  48963.             "Category": "HUM",
  48964.             "Description": "El Greco's painting exhibited by the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  48965.             "Year": 0
  48966.         },
  48967.         {
  48968.             "RIT": "ws202547",
  48969.             "Type": "WS",
  48970.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/012000a/012000097.html",
  48971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48972.             "Title": "Liver",
  48973.             "Category": "LIF",
  48974.             "Description": "The World Book Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia provides information about and a diagram of the liver.",
  48975.             "Year": 0
  48976.         },
  48977.         {
  48978.             "RIT": "ws202548",
  48979.             "Type": "WS",
  48980.             "URL": "http://www.moca-la.org/",
  48981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48982.             "Title": "The Museum of Contemporary Art",
  48983.             "Category": "GEO",
  48984.             "Description": "The Los Angeles museum site includes exhibit and visitor information.",
  48985.             "Year": 0
  48986.         },
  48987.         {
  48988.             "RIT": "ws202549",
  48989.             "Type": "WS",
  48990.             "URL": "http://www.reptile-gardens.com/reptile/funfacts.html",
  48991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  48992.             "Title": "Fun Facts About Reptiles",
  48993.             "Category": "LIF",
  48994.             "Description": "Reptile Gardens in Rapid City, South Dakota, presents basic facts about reptiles and amphibians.",
  48995.             "Year": 0
  48996.         },
  48997.         {
  48998.             "RIT": "ws202550",
  48999.             "Type": "WS",
  49000.             "URL": "http://www.pfc.forestry.ca/nursery/pests/rustytus.htm",
  49001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49002.             "Title": "Rusty tussock moth",
  49003.             "Category": "LIF",
  49004.             "Description": "Forest Health Network's fact sheet and pictures about the rusty tussock moth.",
  49005.             "Year": 0
  49006.         },
  49007.         {
  49008.             "RIT": "ws202551",
  49009.             "Type": "WS",
  49010.             "URL": "http://www.doriapamphilj.it/salome.asp",
  49011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49012.             "Title": "Judith with the Head of Holofernes (known as Salome)",
  49013.             "Category": "HUM",
  49014.             "Description": "A painting by Titian from the Galleria Doria Pamphilj in Rome.",
  49015.             "Year": 0
  49016.         },
  49017.         {
  49018.             "RIT": "ws202552",
  49019.             "Type": "WS",
  49020.             "URL": "http://www.museums.state.ak.us/Sheldon%20Jackson/sjhome.html",
  49021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49022.             "Title": "Sheldon Jackson Museum Home Page",
  49023.             "Category": "GEO",
  49024.             "Description": "Information about this museum in Sitka, Alaska, which contains many Inuit artifacts.",
  49025.             "Year": 0
  49026.         },
  49027.         {
  49028.             "RIT": "ws202553",
  49029.             "Type": "WS",
  49030.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/019000a/019000229.html",
  49031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49032.             "Title": "Spleen",
  49033.             "Category": "LIF",
  49034.             "Description": "The World Book-Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Medical Encylopedia provides informtion about and a diagram of the spleen.",
  49035.             "Year": 0
  49036.         },
  49037.         {
  49038.             "RIT": "ws202554",
  49039.             "Type": "WS",
  49040.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=2737",
  49041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49042.             "Title": "Portrait of Hermine Gallia",
  49043.             "Category": "HUM",
  49044.             "Description": "A painting by Gustav Klimt from the Tate Collections in London.",
  49045.             "Year": 0
  49046.         },
  49047.         {
  49048.             "RIT": "ws202564",
  49049.             "Type": "WS",
  49050.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/COL5a9/COL53a.HTM",
  49051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49052.             "Title": "Paul GAUGUIN",
  49053.             "Category": "HUM",
  49054.             "Description": "Information about the artist from the Bemberg Foundation in Toulouse, France.",
  49055.             "Year": 0
  49056.         },
  49057.         {
  49058.             "RIT": "ws202565",
  49059.             "Type": "WS",
  49060.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_369000/369506.stm",
  49061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49062.             "Title": "Pope's strenous tour",
  49063.             "Category": "HUM",
  49064.             "Description": "BBC News presents photos from Pope John Paul II's 1999 visit to Poland.",
  49065.             "Year": 0
  49066.         },
  49067.         {
  49068.             "RIT": "ws202566",
  49069.             "Type": "WS",
  49070.             "URL": "http://www.museum.cornell.edu/HFJ/handbook/hb128.html",
  49071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49072.             "Title": "The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters",
  49073.             "Category": "HUM",
  49074.             "Description": "The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, presents a painting by Francisco Goya with criticism.",
  49075.             "Year": 0
  49076.         },
  49077.         {
  49078.             "RIT": "ws202567",
  49079.             "Type": "WS",
  49080.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/rf0321/peint_f.htm",
  49081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49082.             "Title": "Venus and the Graces Offering Gifts to a Young Girl",
  49083.             "Category": "HUM",
  49084.             "Description": "A Botticelli painting displayed by the Louvre in Paris.",
  49085.             "Year": 0
  49086.         },
  49087.         {
  49088.             "RIT": "ws202568",
  49089.             "Type": "WS",
  49090.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1662",
  49091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49092.             "Title": "Rene Magritte",
  49093.             "Category": "HUM",
  49094.             "Description": "London's Tate Gallery presents works by the artist. Click on the titles to view artworks.",
  49095.             "Year": 0
  49096.         },
  49097.         {
  49098.             "RIT": "ws202569",
  49099.             "Type": "WS",
  49100.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=26000",
  49101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49102.             "Title": "Raphael",
  49103.             "Category": "HUM",
  49104.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents works by the artist.",
  49105.             "Year": 0
  49106.         },
  49107.         {
  49108.             "RIT": "ws202570",
  49109.             "Type": "WS",
  49110.             "URL": "http://www.ent.iastate.edu/ipm/iiin/wbear.html",
  49111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49112.             "Title": "Woolly Bear",
  49113.             "Category": "LIF",
  49114.             "Description": "Iowa State University's fact sheet about the woollybear.",
  49115.             "Year": 0
  49116.         },
  49117.         {
  49118.             "RIT": "ws202571",
  49119.             "Type": "WS",
  49120.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/index.asp?lang=e&id_pic=140",
  49121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49122.             "Title": "The Russian Wedding",
  49123.             "Category": "HUM",
  49124.             "Description": "A Marc Chagall painting exhibited by the E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  49125.             "Year": 0
  49126.         },
  49127.         {
  49128.             "RIT": "ws202572",
  49129.             "Type": "WS",
  49130.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_UOaEyq",
  49131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49132.             "Title": "├ÆFrancisco Goya y Lucientes, Pintor├ô by Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes",
  49133.             "Category": "HUM",
  49134.             "Description": "The first page of a five-page exhibition from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.",
  49135.             "Year": 0
  49136.         },
  49137.         {
  49138.             "RIT": "ws202583",
  49139.             "Type": "WS",
  49140.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azmonitor.html",
  49141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49142.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: White Throated Savanna Monitor",
  49143.             "Category": "LIF",
  49144.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the white-throated savanna monitor.",
  49145.             "Year": 0
  49146.         },
  49147.         {
  49148.             "RIT": "ws202584",
  49149.             "Type": "WS",
  49150.             "URL": "http://entweb.clemson.edu/cuentres/cesheets/soybean/ce52.htm",
  49151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49152.             "Title": "Corn Earworm",
  49153.             "Category": "LIF",
  49154.             "Description": "Clemson University provides a brief description and picture of the corn earworm.",
  49155.             "Year": 0
  49156.         },
  49157.         {
  49158.             "RIT": "ws202585",
  49159.             "Type": "WS",
  49160.             "URL": "http://TimestandsstillintheharmoniousworldofVermeer/",
  49161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49162.             "Title": "Time stands still in the harmonious world of Vermeer",
  49163.             "Category": "HUM",
  49164.             "Description": "Several paintings by Jan Vermeer illustrate this article from Smithsonian Magazine.",
  49165.             "Year": 0
  49166.         },
  49167.         {
  49168.             "RIT": "ws202586",
  49169.             "Type": "WS",
  49170.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azsunber.html",
  49171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49172.             "Title": "Asia Rainforest - Sun Bear",
  49173.             "Category": "LIF",
  49174.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the Malayan sun bear.",
  49175.             "Year": 0
  49176.         },
  49177.         {
  49178.             "RIT": "ws202587",
  49179.             "Type": "WS",
  49180.             "URL": "http://www.presidencia.gob.mx/?P=12",
  49181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49182.             "Title": "Vincente Fox Quesada",
  49183.             "Category": "GEO",
  49184.             "Description": "Official site of the Mexican politician.",
  49185.             "Year": 0
  49186.         },
  49187.         {
  49188.             "RIT": "ws202588",
  49189.             "Type": "WS",
  49190.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=rene&=And&=Yes&=magritte&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  49191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49192.             "Title": "Rene Magritte",
  49193.             "Category": "HUM",
  49194.             "Description": "Works from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  49195.             "Year": 0
  49196.         },
  49197.         {
  49198.             "RIT": "ws202589",
  49199.             "Type": "WS",
  49200.             "URL": "http://www.nationalmuseum.se/english/samlingarna/maleri/backanal.html",
  49201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49202.             "Title": "The Bacchanalia on Andros",
  49203.             "Category": "HUM",
  49204.             "Description": "A painting by Peter Paul Rubens from the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, Sweden.",
  49205.             "Year": 0
  49206.         },
  49207.         {
  49208.             "RIT": "ws202590",
  49209.             "Type": "WS",
  49210.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/European/1926.682.html",
  49211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49212.             "Title": "The Celebrated American, Mariano Ceballos",
  49213.             "Category": "HUM",
  49214.             "Description": "The Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts, presents a painting by Francisco Goya.",
  49215.             "Year": 0
  49216.         },
  49217.         {
  49218.             "RIT": "ws202591",
  49219.             "Type": "WS",
  49220.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/entertainment/newsid_869000/869058.stm",
  49221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49222.             "Title": "The shy genius",
  49223.             "Category": "HUM",
  49224.             "Description": "A BBC News obituary for Sir Alec Guinness.",
  49225.             "Year": 0
  49226.         },
  49227.         {
  49228.             "RIT": "ws202592",
  49229.             "Type": "WS",
  49230.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/result.asp?Artist=rembrandt",
  49231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49232.             "Title": "Rembrandt",
  49233.             "Category": "HUM",
  49234.             "Description": "Works by the artist displayed online by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  49235.             "Year": 0
  49236.         },
  49237.         {
  49238.             "RIT": "ws202602",
  49239.             "Type": "WS",
  49240.             "URL": "http://www.museumsnett.no/munchmuseet/",
  49241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49242.             "Title": "The Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway",
  49243.             "Category": "HUM",
  49244.             "Description": "Extensive biographical information and a large exhibit of Edvard Munch's art.",
  49245.             "Year": 0
  49246.         },
  49247.         {
  49248.             "RIT": "ws202603",
  49249.             "Type": "WS",
  49250.             "URL": "http://www.lacma.org/",
  49251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49252.             "Title": "Los Angeles County Museum of Art",
  49253.             "Category": "GEO",
  49254.             "Description": "Official site of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.",
  49255.             "Year": 0
  49256.         },
  49257.         {
  49258.             "RIT": "ws202604",
  49259.             "Type": "WS",
  49260.             "URL": "http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/AR/archive/dec98/phyll1298.htm",
  49261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49262.             "Title": "A Possible Preventive for Phylloxera",
  49263.             "Category": "LIF",
  49264.             "Description": "Agricultural Research Magazine's feature on how to prevent phylloxera damage.",
  49265.             "Year": 0
  49266.         },
  49267.         {
  49268.             "RIT": "ws202605",
  49269.             "Type": "WS",
  49270.             "URL": "http://www.bugwood.org/southern/Insects/walkingstick.htm",
  49271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49272.             "Title": "walkingstick",
  49273.             "Category": "LIF",
  49274.             "Description": "USDA Forest Service's brief desciption of the walkingstick.",
  49275.             "Year": 0
  49276.         },
  49277.         {
  49278.             "RIT": "ws202606",
  49279.             "Type": "WS",
  49280.             "URL": "http://www.loustal.nl/hopper_and__loustal__01.htm",
  49281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49282.             "Title": "Office in a Small City",
  49283.             "Category": "HUM",
  49284.             "Description": "PBS exhibits a painting by Edward Hopper.",
  49285.             "Year": 0
  49286.         },
  49287.         {
  49288.             "RIT": "ws202607",
  49289.             "Type": "WS",
  49290.             "URL": "http://www.mcasd.org/",
  49291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49292.             "Title": "Museum of Contemporary Art",
  49293.             "Category": "GEO",
  49294.             "Description": "Official site of the Museum of Contemporary Art.",
  49295.             "Year": 0
  49296.         },
  49297.         {
  49298.             "RIT": "ws202608",
  49299.             "Type": "WS",
  49300.             "URL": "http://hancock134.exnet.iastate.edu/insects/cmmn.frt.insct.txt.html",
  49301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49302.             "Title": "Iowa Insect Information Notes",
  49303.             "Category": "LIF",
  49304.             "Description": "Descriptive information prepared by entomologists at Iowa State University.",
  49305.             "Year": 0
  49306.         },
  49307.         {
  49308.             "RIT": "ws202609",
  49309.             "Type": "WS",
  49310.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/001000a/001000213.html",
  49311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49312.             "Title": "Appendix",
  49313.             "Category": "LIF",
  49314.             "Description": "The World Book-Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia provides infromation on the appendix.",
  49315.             "Year": 0
  49316.         },
  49317.         {
  49318.             "RIT": "ws202610",
  49319.             "Type": "WS",
  49320.             "URL": "http://IRIS.biosci.ohio-state.edu/projects/FFiles/",
  49321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49322.             "Title": "The Firefly Files",
  49323.             "Category": "LIF",
  49324.             "Description": "Information about the Firefly (or Lightning Bug) biology from Ohio State University.",
  49325.             "Year": 0
  49326.         },
  49327.         {
  49328.             "RIT": "ws202611",
  49329.             "Type": "WS",
  49330.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/014000a/014000001.html",
  49331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49332.             "Title": "Nail",
  49333.             "Category": "LIF",
  49334.             "Description": "The World Book-Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia provides information about and a diagram of the nail.",
  49335.             "Year": 0
  49336.         },
  49337.         {
  49338.             "RIT": "ws202621",
  49339.             "Type": "WS",
  49340.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/016000a/016000194.html",
  49341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49342.             "Title": "Pituitary gland",
  49343.             "Category": "LIF",
  49344.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Web site provides information about and a diagram of the pituitary gland.",
  49345.             "Year": 0
  49346.         },
  49347.         {
  49348.             "RIT": "ws202622",
  49349.             "Type": "WS",
  49350.             "URL": "http://www.psmuseum.org/",
  49351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49352.             "Title": "Palm Springs Desert Museum",
  49353.             "Category": "GEO",
  49354.             "Description": "Home page of an art and natural science museum in Palm Springs, California.",
  49355.             "Year": 0
  49356.         },
  49357.         {
  49358.             "RIT": "ws202623",
  49359.             "Type": "WS",
  49360.             "URL": "http://www.hydeartmuseum.org/collection/highlights/oldmasters/raphael.htm",
  49361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49362.             "Title": "Portrait of a Young Man",
  49363.             "Category": "HUM",
  49364.             "Description": "A painting by Raphael from the Hyde Collection Art Museum in Glens Falls, New York.",
  49365.             "Year": 0
  49366.         },
  49367.         {
  49368.             "RIT": "ws202625",
  49369.             "Type": "WS",
  49370.             "URL": "http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/collection/international/painting/t/ipa00116.html",
  49371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49372.             "Title": "Doge Pietro Loredano",
  49373.             "Category": "HUM",
  49374.             "Description": "A portrait by Tintoretto displayed by the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia.",
  49375.             "Year": 0
  49376.         },
  49377.         {
  49378.             "RIT": "ws202626",
  49379.             "Type": "WS",
  49380.             "URL": "http://www.vetmed.iastate.edu/vth/derm/flea.html",
  49381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49382.             "Title": "Fleas and Flea Control",
  49383.             "Category": "LIF",
  49384.             "Description": "A lesson on flea control from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State University .",
  49385.             "Year": 0
  49386.         },
  49387.         {
  49388.             "RIT": "ws202627",
  49389.             "Type": "WS",
  49390.             "URL": "http://www.daytonartinstitute.org/daicollection/european/215/215rubens.html",
  49391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49392.             "Title": "Study Heads of an Old Man",
  49393.             "Category": "HUM",
  49394.             "Description": "The Dayton Art Institute in Dayton, Ohio, presents a painting by Peter Paul Rubens.",
  49395.             "Year": 0
  49396.         },
  49397.         {
  49398.             "RIT": "ws202628",
  49399.             "Type": "WS",
  49400.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/portrait/69.306.html",
  49401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49402.             "Title": "Self Portrait",
  49403.             "Category": "HUM",
  49404.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts exhibits a painting by Paul Gauguin.",
  49405.             "Year": 0
  49406.         },
  49407.         {
  49408.             "RIT": "ws202629",
  49409.             "Type": "WS",
  49410.             "URL": "http://www.clag.org/museum/art/cassattwoman.html",
  49411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49412.             "Title": "Portrait of Matilde Valiet",
  49413.             "Category": "HUM",
  49414.             "Description": "A painting by Mary Cassatt exhibited by the Canajoharie Library and Art Gallery in Canajoharie, New York.",
  49415.             "Year": 0
  49416.         },
  49417.         {
  49418.             "RIT": "ws202630",
  49419.             "Type": "WS",
  49420.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/i66.html",
  49421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49422.             "Title": "The Wine Harvest",
  49423.             "Category": "HUM",
  49424.             "Description": "A painting by Francisco Goya from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  49425.             "Year": 0
  49426.         },
  49427.         {
  49428.             "RIT": "ws202640",
  49429.             "Type": "WS",
  49430.             "URL": "http://ci.santa-fe.nm.us/sfweb/",
  49431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49432.             "Title": "City of Santa Fe",
  49433.             "Category": "GEO",
  49434.             "Description": "The official Web site of Santa Fe, New Mexico, features information about city government and public services.",
  49435.             "Year": 0
  49436.         },
  49437.         {
  49438.             "RIT": "ws202641",
  49439.             "Type": "WS",
  49440.             "URL": "http://pmo.umext.maine.edu/factsht/chinch.htm",
  49441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49442.             "Title": "UMCE Chinch Bug Factsheet",
  49443.             "Category": "LIF",
  49444.             "Description": "University of Maine Cooperative Extension's fact sheet about the chinch bug.",
  49445.             "Year": 0
  49446.         },
  49447.         {
  49448.             "RIT": "ws202642",
  49449.             "Type": "WS",
  49450.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/dutch04.html",
  49451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49452.             "Title": "Portrait of a Man with Sword",
  49453.             "Category": "HUM",
  49454.             "Description": "The Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia, exhibits a painting by Peter Paul Rubens.",
  49455.             "Year": 0
  49456.         },
  49457.         {
  49458.             "RIT": "ws202643",
  49459.             "Type": "WS",
  49460.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/i35.html",
  49461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49462.             "Title": "Saturn Devouring One of His Sons",
  49463.             "Category": "HUM",
  49464.             "Description": "A painting by Francisco Goya from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  49465.             "Year": 0
  49466.         },
  49467.         {
  49468.             "RIT": "ws202644",
  49469.             "Type": "WS",
  49470.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Wyeth_A/PC.html",
  49471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49472.             "Title": "Andrew Wyeth: Spring Beauty",
  49473.             "Category": "HUM",
  49474.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln presents the painting with commentary.",
  49475.             "Year": 0
  49476.         },
  49477.         {
  49478.             "RIT": "ws202645",
  49479.             "Type": "WS",
  49480.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=A&Person=3200",
  49481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49482.             "Title": "Artist: Botticelli",
  49483.             "Category": "HUM",
  49484.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents paintings and drawings by Sandro Botticelli.",
  49485.             "Year": 0
  49486.         },
  49487.         {
  49488.             "RIT": "ws202646",
  49489.             "Type": "WS",
  49490.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=36%2E29",
  49491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49492.             "Title": "Venus and the Lute Player",
  49493.             "Category": "HUM",
  49494.             "Description": "Titian's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  49495.             "Year": 0
  49496.         },
  49497.         {
  49498.             "RIT": "ws202647",
  49499.             "Type": "WS",
  49500.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/012000a/012000141.html",
  49501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49502.             "Title": "Lymphatic system",
  49503.             "Category": "LIF",
  49504.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Web site provides information on the lymphatic system.",
  49505.             "Year": 0
  49506.         },
  49507.         {
  49508.             "RIT": "ws202648",
  49509.             "Type": "WS",
  49510.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azpythn.html",
  49511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49512.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Burmese Python",
  49513.             "Category": "LIF",
  49514.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the behavior of various zoo animals.",
  49515.             "Year": 0
  49516.         },
  49517.         {
  49518.             "RIT": "ws202659",
  49519.             "Type": "WS",
  49520.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azaligtr.html",
  49521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49522.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: American Alligator",
  49523.             "Category": "LIF",
  49524.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the American alligator.",
  49525.             "Year": 0
  49526.         },
  49527.         {
  49528.             "RIT": "ws202660",
  49529.             "Type": "WS",
  49530.             "URL": "http://www.ent.iastate.edu/ipm/hortnews/1995/3-17-1995/box.html",
  49531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49532.             "Title": "Boxelder Bug",
  49533.             "Category": "LIF",
  49534.             "Description": "Description of the boxelder bug from a scientist at Iowa State University.",
  49535.             "Year": 0
  49536.         },
  49537.         {
  49538.             "RIT": "ws202661",
  49539.             "Type": "WS",
  49540.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azprncs.html",
  49541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49542.             "Title": "Australia: Princess Parrot",
  49543.             "Category": "LIF",
  49544.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the princess parrot.",
  49545.             "Year": 0
  49546.         },
  49547.         {
  49548.             "RIT": "ws202662",
  49549.             "Type": "WS",
  49550.             "URL": "http://www.fs.fed.us/ne/morgantown/4557/gmoth/",
  49551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49552.             "Title": "Gypsy Moth in North America",
  49553.             "Category": "LIF",
  49554.             "Description": "Forest Service Northeastern Research Station's site explains the behavior of the gypsy moth.",
  49555.             "Year": 0
  49556.         },
  49557.         {
  49558.             "RIT": "ws202663",
  49559.             "Type": "WS",
  49560.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistBio?id=1144",
  49561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49562.             "Title": "Duchamp, Marcel",
  49563.             "Category": "HUM",
  49564.             "Description": "A biography provided by the Tate Gallery in London.",
  49565.             "Year": 0
  49566.         },
  49567.         {
  49568.             "RIT": "ws202664",
  49569.             "Type": "WS",
  49570.             "URL": "http://www.fineartsmuseum.com/",
  49571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49572.             "Title": "Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts",
  49573.             "Category": "GEO",
  49574.             "Description": "Web site of the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts in Alabama.",
  49575.             "Year": 0
  49576.         },
  49577.         {
  49578.             "RIT": "ws202665",
  49579.             "Type": "WS",
  49580.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=robert&=And&=Yes&=feke&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  49581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49582.             "Title": "Robert Feke",
  49583.             "Category": "HUM",
  49584.             "Description": "Art from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  49585.             "Year": 0
  49586.         },
  49587.         {
  49588.             "RIT": "ws202666",
  49589.             "Type": "WS",
  49590.             "URL": "http://www.civilization.ca/civil/egypt/egcivile.html",
  49591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49592.             "Title": "Egyptian Civilization",
  49593.             "Category": "HIS",
  49594.             "Description": "Information about ancient Egypt from the Canadian Museum of Civilization.",
  49595.             "Year": 0
  49596.         },
  49597.         {
  49598.             "RIT": "ws202667",
  49599.             "Type": "WS",
  49600.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/",
  49601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49602.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo",
  49603.             "Category": "GEO",
  49604.             "Description": "Home page of the Oakland Zoo in Oakland, California.",
  49605.             "Year": 0
  49606.         },
  49607.         {
  49608.             "RIT": "ws202668",
  49609.             "Type": "WS",
  49610.             "URL": "http://www.lowemuseum.com/20th_century.html",
  49611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49612.             "Title": "20th Century American Art",
  49613.             "Category": "HUM",
  49614.             "Description": "Lowe Art Museum at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida, exhibits works by Roy Lichtenstein, Frank Stella, Duane Hanson, and Deborah Butterfield.",
  49615.             "Year": 0
  49616.         },
  49617.         {
  49618.             "RIT": "ws202612",
  49619.             "Type": "WS",
  49620.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azchimp.html",
  49621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49622.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Chimpanzee",
  49623.             "Category": "LIF",
  49624.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the behavior of various zoo animals.",
  49625.             "Year": 0
  49626.         },
  49627.         {
  49628.             "RIT": "ws202613",
  49629.             "Type": "WS",
  49630.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azbluroller.html",
  49631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49632.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Blue-bellied Roller",
  49633.             "Category": "LIF",
  49634.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the blue-bellied roller.",
  49635.             "Year": 0
  49636.         },
  49637.         {
  49638.             "RIT": "ws202614",
  49639.             "Type": "WS",
  49640.             "URL": "http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/taos/okeeffe.htm",
  49641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49642.             "Title": "Red Hills Series II - 35",
  49643.             "Category": "HUM",
  49644.             "Description": "The Museum of Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, presents a painting by Georgia O'Keeffe.",
  49645.             "Year": 0
  49646.         },
  49647.         {
  49648.             "RIT": "ws202615",
  49649.             "Type": "WS",
  49650.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/idiosa.html",
  49651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49652.             "Title": "Garden of Loves or Worship of Venus",
  49653.             "Category": "HUM",
  49654.             "Description": "Titian's painting displayed by the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  49655.             "Year": 0
  49656.         },
  49657.         {
  49658.             "RIT": "ws202616",
  49659.             "Type": "WS",
  49660.             "URL": "http://www.muextension.missouri.edu/xplor/agguides/pests/g07422.htm",
  49661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49662.             "Title": "Wood-Damaging Beetles",
  49663.             "Category": "LIF",
  49664.             "Description": "University of Missouri-Columbia's site about various types of wood-damaging beetles.",
  49665.             "Year": 0
  49666.         },
  49667.         {
  49668.             "RIT": "ws202617",
  49669.             "Type": "WS",
  49670.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/pollock.html",
  49671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49672.             "Title": "Masqued Image",
  49673.             "Category": "HUM",
  49674.             "Description": "Jackson Pollock's painting displayed by the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas.",
  49675.             "Year": 0
  49676.         },
  49677.         {
  49678.             "RIT": "ws202618",
  49679.             "Type": "WS",
  49680.             "URL": "http://www.the-wallace-collection.org.uk/collections/works_of_art/paintings_drawings_and_watercolours/italian/artists/titian.htm",
  49681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49682.             "Title": "Titian",
  49683.             "Category": "HUM",
  49684.             "Description": "The Wallce Collection in Londond provides biographical information and images of Titian's art.",
  49685.             "Year": 0
  49686.         },
  49687.         {
  49688.             "RIT": "ws202619",
  49689.             "Type": "WS",
  49690.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=rembrandt&Go.x=13&Go.y=10",
  49691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49692.             "Title": "State Hermitage Museum: Rembrandt",
  49693.             "Category": "HUM",
  49694.             "Description": "The State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, displays works by the artist.",
  49695.             "Year": 0
  49696.         },
  49697.         {
  49698.             "RIT": "ws202620",
  49699.             "Type": "WS",
  49700.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/005663/",
  49701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49702.             "Title": "Dodges Ridge",
  49703.             "Category": "HUM",
  49704.             "Description": "An Andrew Wyeth painting from the Smithsonian American Art Museum.",
  49705.             "Year": 0
  49706.         },
  49707.         {
  49708.             "RIT": "ws202631",
  49709.             "Type": "WS",
  49710.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/005000a/005000040.html",
  49711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49712.             "Title": "Elbow",
  49713.             "Category": "LIF",
  49714.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center Web site provides information about and a diagram of the elbow.",
  49715.             "Year": 0
  49716.         },
  49717.         {
  49718.             "RIT": "ws202632",
  49719.             "Type": "WS",
  49720.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/013000a/013000181.html",
  49721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49722.             "Title": "Muscle",
  49723.             "Category": "LIF",
  49724.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center Web site provides information about and diagrams of muscle.",
  49725.             "Year": 0
  49726.         },
  49727.         {
  49728.             "RIT": "ws202633",
  49729.             "Type": "WS",
  49730.             "URL": "http://www.ddg.com.pl/nm/collections/arts/09.botticelli.html",
  49731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49732.             "Title": "Sandro Botticelli: The Virgin and Child, St. John and Angels",
  49733.             "Category": "HUM",
  49734.             "Description": "A painting presented by the National Museum in Warsaw, Poland.",
  49735.             "Year": 0
  49736.         },
  49737.         {
  49738.             "RIT": "ws202634",
  49739.             "Type": "WS",
  49740.             "URL": "http://www.morganlibrary.org/collections/highlights/html/rubens.html",
  49741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49742.             "Title": "Seated Nude Youth",
  49743.             "Category": "HUM",
  49744.             "Description": "The Morgan Library in New York City presents a drawing by Peter Paul Rubens.",
  49745.             "Year": 0
  49746.         },
  49747.         {
  49748.             "RIT": "ws202635",
  49749.             "Type": "WS",
  49750.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/index.asp?lang=e&id_pic=160",
  49751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49752.             "Title": "St. Augustine",
  49753.             "Category": "HUM",
  49754.             "Description": "A sketch by Peter Paul Rubens from the Sammlung E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  49755.             "Year": 0
  49756.         },
  49757.         {
  49758.             "RIT": "ws202636",
  49759.             "Type": "WS",
  49760.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/educatn/trc-news/slidepac/15.html",
  49761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49762.             "Title": "L'Appel (The Call)",
  49763.             "Category": "HUM",
  49764.             "Description": "The Cleveland Museum of Art in Cleveland, Ohio, presents Paul Gauguin's painting with commentary.",
  49765.             "Year": 0
  49766.         },
  49767.         {
  49768.             "RIT": "ws202637",
  49769.             "Type": "WS",
  49770.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=30450",
  49771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49772.             "Title": "Jacopo Tintoretto",
  49773.             "Category": "HUM",
  49774.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., exhibits works by Tintoretto.",
  49775.             "Year": 0
  49776.         },
  49777.         {
  49778.             "RIT": "ws202638",
  49779.             "Type": "WS",
  49780.             "URL": "http://gnv.ifas.ufl.edu/~insect/fabric/black_carpet_beetle.htm",
  49781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49782.             "Title": "black carpet beetle - Attagenus unicolor",
  49783.             "Category": "LIF",
  49784.             "Description": "University of Florida's brief description of the black carpet beetle.",
  49785.             "Year": 0
  49786.         },
  49787.         {
  49788.             "RIT": "ws202639",
  49789.             "Type": "WS",
  49790.             "URL": "http://www.pac-milano.org/ing/Lichtenstein00/show.htm",
  49791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49792.             "Title": "Roy Lichtenstein, Riflessi Reflections",
  49793.             "Category": "HUM",
  49794.             "Description": "Paintings displayed by the Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea in Milan, Italy.",
  49795.             "Year": 0
  49796.         },
  49797.         {
  49798.             "RIT": "ws202649",
  49799.             "Type": "WS",
  49800.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/001000a/001000219.html",
  49801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49802.             "Title": "Arm",
  49803.             "Category": "LIF",
  49804.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center Web site provides information about the arm.",
  49805.             "Year": 0
  49806.         },
  49807.         {
  49808.             "RIT": "ws202650",
  49809.             "Type": "WS",
  49810.             "URL": "http://everest.ento.vt.edu/~idlab/exotic.html",
  49811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49812.             "Title": "Exotic Pests",
  49813.             "Category": "LIF",
  49814.             "Description": "Virginia Tech's site about exotic pests includes a picture and description of several species.",
  49815.             "Year": 0
  49816.         },
  49817.         {
  49818.             "RIT": "ws202651",
  49819.             "Type": "WS",
  49820.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntgbi1f.htm#goya",
  49821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49822.             "Title": "Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de",
  49823.             "Category": "HUM",
  49824.             "Description": "Several pieces of art from the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  49825.             "Year": 0
  49826.         },
  49827.         {
  49828.             "RIT": "ws202652",
  49829.             "Type": "WS",
  49830.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azapgoat.html",
  49831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49832.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: African Pygmy Goat",
  49833.             "Category": "LIF",
  49834.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo' site about the African Pygmy Goat.",
  49835.             "Year": 0
  49836.         },
  49837.         {
  49838.             "RIT": "ws202653",
  49839.             "Type": "WS",
  49840.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/outofthepast/",
  49841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49842.             "Title": "Out of the Past",
  49843.             "Category": "LIF",
  49844.             "Description": "The companion site to a PBS documentary that traces homosexuality throughout U.S. history. Includes a timeline and recommended books.",
  49845.             "Year": 0
  49846.         },
  49847.         {
  49848.             "RIT": "ws202654",
  49849.             "Type": "WS",
  49850.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=30550",
  49851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49852.             "Title": "Titian",
  49853.             "Category": "HUM",
  49854.             "Description": "Art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  49855.             "Year": 0
  49856.         },
  49857.         {
  49858.             "RIT": "ws202655",
  49859.             "Type": "WS",
  49860.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=636&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  49861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49862.             "Title": "Artists: Titian",
  49863.             "Category": "HUM",
  49864.             "Description": "The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles provides art images and Titian's biography.",
  49865.             "Year": 0
  49866.         },
  49867.         {
  49868.             "RIT": "ws202656",
  49869.             "Type": "WS",
  49870.             "URL": "http://entomology.ucdavis.edu/faculty/granett/phypage.htm",
  49871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49872.             "Title": "UC Davis - Grape Phylloxera Research",
  49873.             "Category": "LIF",
  49874.             "Description": "The University of California, Davis, provides links to phylloxera-related sites.",
  49875.             "Year": 0
  49876.         },
  49877.         {
  49878.             "RIT": "ws202657",
  49879.             "Type": "WS",
  49880.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1894",
  49881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49882.             "Title": "Jackson Pollock 1912-1956",
  49883.             "Category": "HUM",
  49884.             "Description": "The Tate Gallery in London presents a biography of the artist and art images.",
  49885.             "Year": 0
  49886.         },
  49887.         {
  49888.             "RIT": "ws202658",
  49889.             "Type": "WS",
  49890.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/org/uam/",
  49891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49892.             "Title": "California State University Art Museum",
  49893.             "Category": "GEO",
  49894.             "Description": "Web page of the California State University Art Museum in Long Beach.",
  49895.             "Year": 0
  49896.         },
  49897.         {
  49898.             "RIT": "ws202669",
  49899.             "Type": "WS",
  49900.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Stella_F/AA.html",
  49901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49902.             "Title": "Moultonville (from the Eccentric Polygon Series)",
  49903.             "Category": "HUM",
  49904.             "Description": "A lithograph by Frank Stella from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  49905.             "Year": 0
  49906.         },
  49907.         {
  49908.             "RIT": "ws202670",
  49909.             "Type": "WS",
  49910.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/collections/recent_acquisitions/ma_coll_motherwell.html",
  49911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49912.             "Title": "Elegy to the Spanish Republic, No. 57",
  49913.             "Category": "HUM",
  49914.             "Description": "The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art presents Robert Motherwell's painting with an accompanying essay.",
  49915.             "Year": 0
  49916.         },
  49917.         {
  49918.             "RIT": "ws202671",
  49919.             "Type": "WS",
  49920.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=67%2E187%2E89",
  49921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49922.             "Title": "Young Woman Knitting",
  49923.             "Category": "HUM",
  49924.             "Description": "A painting by Berthe Morisot from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  49925.             "Year": 0
  49926.         },
  49927.         {
  49928.             "RIT": "ws202672",
  49929.             "Type": "WS",
  49930.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/004697/",
  49931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49932.             "Title": "Raphael Soyer",
  49933.             "Category": "HUM",
  49934.             "Description": "Soyer's art displayed by the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  49935.             "Year": 0
  49936.         },
  49937.         {
  49938.             "RIT": "ws202673",
  49939.             "Type": "WS",
  49940.             "URL": "http://www.cartermuseum.org/paintings/wood.html",
  49941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49942.             "Title": "Parson Weems' Fable",
  49943.             "Category": "HUM",
  49944.             "Description": "The Amon Carter Museum Fort Worth, Texas, displays a painting by Grant Wood.",
  49945.             "Year": 0
  49946.         },
  49947.         {
  49948.             "RIT": "ws202674",
  49949.             "Type": "WS",
  49950.             "URL": "http://www.sfzoo.org/map.apes.html",
  49951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49952.             "Title": "Orangutan/Chimpanzee",
  49953.             "Category": "LIF",
  49954.             "Description": "The San Francisco Zoo provides facts about orangutans and chimpanzees.",
  49955.             "Year": 0
  49956.         },
  49957.         {
  49958.             "RIT": "ws202675",
  49959.             "Type": "WS",
  49960.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=1985%2E118",
  49961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49962.             "Title": "Head of Saint John the Evangelist",
  49963.             "Category": "HUM",
  49964.             "Description": "A painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  49965.             "Year": 0
  49966.         },
  49967.         {
  49968.             "RIT": "ws202676",
  49969.             "Type": "WS",
  49970.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/COL5a9/COL72a.HTM",
  49971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49972.             "Title": "Edouard VUILLARD",
  49973.             "Category": "HUM",
  49974.             "Description": "Information about the artist from the Bemberg Foundation in Toulouse, France.",
  49975.             "Year": 0
  49976.         },
  49977.         {
  49978.             "RIT": "ws202685",
  49979.             "Type": "WS",
  49980.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/pool.htm",
  49981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49982.             "Title": "Pool in the Woods, Lake George",
  49983.             "Category": "HUM",
  49984.             "Description": "A Georgia O'Keeffe painting from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  49985.             "Year": 0
  49986.         },
  49987.         {
  49988.             "RIT": "ws202686",
  49989.             "Type": "WS",
  49990.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=29%2E100%2E23",
  49991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  49992.             "Title": "Joseph-Antoine Moltedo",
  49993.             "Category": "HUM",
  49994.             "Description": "A portrait by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  49995.             "Year": 0
  49996.         },
  49997.         {
  49998.             "RIT": "ws202687",
  49999.             "Type": "WS",
  50000.             "URL": "http://www.phxart.org/",
  50001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50002.             "Title": "Phoenix Art Museum",
  50003.             "Category": "GEO",
  50004.             "Description": "Official site of the Phoenix Art Museum.",
  50005.             "Year": 0
  50006.         },
  50007.         {
  50008.             "RIT": "ws202688",
  50009.             "Type": "WS",
  50010.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/articles/0,3266,20969,00.html",
  50011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50012.             "Title": "The Faces of an Epoch",
  50013.             "Category": "HUM",
  50014.             "Description": "A TIME Magazine article on Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.",
  50015.             "Year": 0
  50016.         },
  50017.         {
  50018.             "RIT": "ws202689",
  50019.             "Type": "WS",
  50020.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=14%2E40%2E642",
  50021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50022.             "Title": "The Last Communion of Saint Jerome",
  50023.             "Category": "HUM",
  50024.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City exhibits a painting by Botticelli.",
  50025.             "Year": 0
  50026.         },
  50027.         {
  50028.             "RIT": "ws202690",
  50029.             "Type": "WS",
  50030.             "URL": "http://www.sfzoo.org/map.meerkats.html",
  50031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50032.             "Title": "Meerkat",
  50033.             "Category": "LIF",
  50034.             "Description": "Information from the San Francisco Zoo.",
  50035.             "Year": 0
  50036.         },
  50037.         {
  50038.             "RIT": "ws202691",
  50039.             "Type": "WS",
  50040.             "URL": "http://www.glenbow.org/arthtm/kane.htm",
  50041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50042.             "Title": "The Surveyor",
  50043.             "Category": "HUM",
  50044.             "Description": "A painting by Canadian artist Paul Kane from the Glenbow Museum in Calgary, Alberta.",
  50045.             "Year": 0
  50046.         },
  50047.         {
  50048.             "RIT": "ws202692",
  50049.             "Type": "WS",
  50050.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azrosela.html",
  50051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50052.             "Title": "Australia: Eastern Rosella",
  50053.             "Category": "LIF",
  50054.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the Eastern Rosella, a type of parrot.",
  50055.             "Year": 0
  50056.         },
  50057.         {
  50058.             "RIT": "ws202693",
  50059.             "Type": "WS",
  50060.             "URL": "http://www.library.utoronto.ca/utel/rp/authors/gray.html",
  50061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50062.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Thomas Gray (1716-1771)",
  50063.             "Category": "HUM",
  50064.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  50065.             "Year": 0
  50066.         },
  50067.         {
  50068.             "RIT": "ws202694",
  50069.             "Type": "WS",
  50070.             "URL": "http://www.va.gov/health/environ/persgulf.htm",
  50071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50072.             "Title": "Gulf War Veterens' Illnesses",
  50073.             "Category": "LIF",
  50074.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.",
  50075.             "Year": 0
  50076.         },
  50077.         {
  50078.             "RIT": "ws202705",
  50079.             "Type": "WS",
  50080.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=francisco&=And&=Yes&=goya&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  50081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50082.             "Title": "Francisco Jose de Goya",
  50083.             "Category": "HUM",
  50084.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  50085.             "Year": 0
  50086.         },
  50087.         {
  50088.             "RIT": "ws202706",
  50089.             "Type": "WS",
  50090.             "URL": "http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/homtrnd.htm",
  50091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50092.             "Title": "Homicide trends in the United States",
  50093.             "Category": "SOC",
  50094.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.",
  50095.             "Year": 0
  50096.         },
  50097.         {
  50098.             "RIT": "ws202707",
  50099.             "Type": "WS",
  50100.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1787",
  50101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50102.             "Title": "The Sick Child",
  50103.             "Category": "HUM",
  50104.             "Description": "A painting by Edvard Munch from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  50105.             "Year": 0
  50106.         },
  50107.         {
  50108.             "RIT": "ws202708",
  50109.             "Type": "WS",
  50110.             "URL": "http://ifas.ufl.edu/~insect/misc/lovebug.htm",
  50111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50112.             "Title": "lovebug",
  50113.             "Category": "LIF",
  50114.             "Description": "Feature article from the University of Florida about the lovebug.",
  50115.             "Year": 0
  50116.         },
  50117.         {
  50118.             "RIT": "ws202709",
  50119.             "Type": "WS",
  50120.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/european/italian/1495-1600/094_lrg.html",
  50121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50122.             "Title": "Raphael: St. Jerome Punishing the Heretic Sabinian",
  50123.             "Category": "HUM",
  50124.             "Description": "A painting from the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina.",
  50125.             "Year": 0
  50126.         },
  50127.         {
  50128.             "RIT": "ws202710",
  50129.             "Type": "WS",
  50130.             "URL": "http://www.geh.org/amico2000/htmlsrc/index.html",
  50131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50132.             "Title": "Man Ray: 12 Rayographs",
  50133.             "Category": "HUM",
  50134.             "Description": "The George Eastman House in Rochester, New York, presents works by Ray.",
  50135.             "Year": 0
  50136.         },
  50137.         {
  50138.             "RIT": "ws202711",
  50139.             "Type": "WS",
  50140.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=peter&=And&=Yes&=rubens&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  50141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50142.             "Title": "Peter Paul Rubens",
  50143.             "Category": "HUM",
  50144.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  50145.             "Year": 0
  50146.         },
  50147.         {
  50148.             "RIT": "ws202713",
  50149.             "Type": "WS",
  50150.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv0749/peint_f.htm",
  50151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50152.             "Title": "The Entombment",
  50153.             "Category": "HUM",
  50154.             "Description": "Titian's painting from the Louvre in Paris.",
  50155.             "Year": 0
  50156.         },
  50157.         {
  50158.             "RIT": "ws202714",
  50159.             "Type": "WS",
  50160.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azblkite.html",
  50161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50162.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Black Kite",
  50163.             "Category": "LIF",
  50164.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the black kite.",
  50165.             "Year": 0
  50166.         },
  50167.         {
  50168.             "RIT": "ws202715",
  50169.             "Type": "WS",
  50170.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/1998/dom/981109/the_arts.art.dappled_gl28a.html",
  50171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50172.             "Title": "Dappled Glories",
  50173.             "Category": "HUM",
  50174.             "Description": "A TIME Magazine article about the art of Jackson Pollock.",
  50175.             "Year": 0
  50176.         },
  50177.         {
  50178.             "RIT": "ws202727",
  50179.             "Type": "WS",
  50180.             "URL": "http://www.artsbma.org/",
  50181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50182.             "Title": "Birmingham Museum of Art",
  50183.             "Category": "GEO",
  50184.             "Description": "Web site of a museum in Birmingham, Alabama.",
  50185.             "Year": 0
  50186.         },
  50187.         {
  50188.             "RIT": "ws202728",
  50189.             "Type": "WS",
  50190.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/011000a/011000021.html",
  50191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50192.             "Title": "Knee",
  50193.             "Category": "LIF",
  50194.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center Web site provides information about the knee.",
  50195.             "Year": 0
  50196.         },
  50197.         {
  50198.             "RIT": "ws202729",
  50199.             "Type": "WS",
  50200.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azbaboon.html",
  50201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50202.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Hamadryas Baboon",
  50203.             "Category": "LIF",
  50204.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the Hamadryas baboon.",
  50205.             "Year": 0
  50206.         },
  50207.         {
  50208.             "RIT": "ws202730",
  50209.             "Type": "WS",
  50210.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/005000a/005000001.html",
  50211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50212.             "Title": "Ear",
  50213.             "Category": "LIF",
  50214.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Web site provides information about and diagrams of the various parts of the ear.",
  50215.             "Year": 0
  50216.         },
  50217.         {
  50218.             "RIT": "ws202731",
  50219.             "Type": "WS",
  50220.             "URL": "http://www.toledomuseum.org/html/van_gogh.html",
  50221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50222.             "Title": "Wheat Fields with Reaper, Auvers",
  50223.             "Category": "HUM",
  50224.             "Description": "A painting by Vincent van Gogh from the Toledo Museum of Art.",
  50225.             "Year": 0
  50226.         },
  50227.         {
  50228.             "RIT": "ws202732",
  50229.             "Type": "WS",
  50230.             "URL": "http://daphne.palomar.edu/wayne/pljuly97.htm#antlion1.gif",
  50231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50232.             "Title": "Antlions",
  50233.             "Category": "LIF",
  50234.             "Description": "Description and pictures of ant lions from Wayne's Word, an online natural history magazine edited by a professor in the Life Sciences Department of Palomar Col",
  50235.             "Year": 0
  50236.         },
  50237.         {
  50238.             "RIT": "ws202733",
  50239.             "Type": "WS",
  50240.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/modern/75pc_hopper.html",
  50241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50242.             "Title": "Nighthawks",
  50243.             "Category": "HUM",
  50244.             "Description": "Edward Hopper's painting displayed by the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  50245.             "Year": 0
  50246.         },
  50247.         {
  50248.             "RIT": "ws202734",
  50249.             "Type": "WS",
  50250.             "URL": "http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/AG271/tobacco/cutworms.html",
  50251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50252.             "Title": "Cutworm",
  50253.             "Category": "LIF",
  50254.             "Description": "General information about the cutworm from North Carolina State Universit",
  50255.             "Year": 0
  50256.         },
  50257.         {
  50258.             "RIT": "ws202735",
  50259.             "Type": "WS",
  50260.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/014000a/014000037.html",
  50261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50262.             "Title": "Nervous system",
  50263.             "Category": "LIF",
  50264.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Web site provides information about and diagrams of the nervous sys",
  50265.             "Year": 0
  50266.         },
  50267.         {
  50268.             "RIT": "ws202736",
  50269.             "Type": "WS",
  50270.             "URL": "http://www.ext.vt.edu/departments/entomology/factsheets/sanjose.html",
  50271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50272.             "Title": "San Jose Scale",
  50273.             "Category": "LIF",
  50274.             "Description": "Virginia Cooperative Extension's site on the scale.",
  50275.             "Year": 0
  50276.         },
  50277.         {
  50278.             "RIT": "ws202748",
  50279.             "Type": "WS",
  50280.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/ag/inv20194/ag_f.htm",
  50281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50282.             "Title": "Young Woman Kneeling",
  50283.             "Category": "HUM",
  50284.             "Description": "A drawing by Peter Paul Rubens from the Louvre in Paris.",
  50285.             "Year": 0
  50286.         },
  50287.         {
  50288.             "RIT": "ws202749",
  50289.             "Type": "WS",
  50290.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azrockhyrax.html",
  50291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50292.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Rock Hyrax",
  50293.             "Category": "LIF",
  50294.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about this small mammal",
  50295.             "Year": 0
  50296.         },
  50297.         {
  50298.             "RIT": "ws202750",
  50299.             "Type": "WS",
  50300.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=14350",
  50301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50302.             "Title": "Childe Hassam",
  50303.             "Category": "HUM",
  50304.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., provides a biography and images of Hassam's art.",
  50305.             "Year": 0
  50306.         },
  50307.         {
  50308.             "RIT": "ws202751",
  50309.             "Type": "WS",
  50310.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1617",
  50311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50312.             "Title": "Tate Collections: Roy Lichtenstein",
  50313.             "Category": "HUM",
  50314.             "Description": "London's Tate Gallery presents works by the artist.",
  50315.             "Year": 0
  50316.         },
  50317.         {
  50318.             "RIT": "ws202752",
  50319.             "Type": "WS",
  50320.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Cassatt.html_f/Cassatt.html",
  50321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50322.             "Title": "Mary Stevenson Cassatt",
  50323.             "Category": "HUM",
  50324.             "Description": "Work by the artist from the California State University Library in Long Beach, California.",
  50325.             "Year": 0
  50326.         },
  50327.         {
  50328.             "RIT": "ws202753",
  50329.             "Type": "WS",
  50330.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/exhibitions/past/botticelli.htm",
  50331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50332.             "Title": "The Mystic Nativity",
  50333.             "Category": "HUM",
  50334.             "Description": "The National Gallery in London provides an in-depth look at the painting by Sandro Botticelli.",
  50335.             "Year": 0
  50336.         },
  50337.         {
  50338.             "RIT": "ws202754",
  50339.             "Type": "WS",
  50340.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azfishlove.html",
  50341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50342.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Fishers Lovebird",
  50343.             "Category": "LIF",
  50344.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the Fishers Lovebird",
  50345.             "Year": 0
  50346.         },
  50347.         {
  50348.             "RIT": "ws202755",
  50349.             "Type": "WS",
  50350.             "URL": "http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/crops/insects/fad13s00.html",
  50351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50352.             "Title": "Painted Lady Butterfly",
  50353.             "Category": "LIF",
  50354.             "Description": "Manitoba Government's site includes information about the painted lady and links to related Web sit",
  50355.             "Year": 0
  50356.         },
  50357.         {
  50358.             "RIT": "ws202756",
  50359.             "Type": "WS",
  50360.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/019000a/019000145.html",
  50361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50362.             "Title": "Skin",
  50363.             "Category": "LIF",
  50364.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Web site provides information about and a diagram of the sk",
  50365.             "Year": 0
  50366.         },
  50367.         {
  50368.             "RIT": "ws202757",
  50369.             "Type": "WS",
  50370.             "URL": "http://www.usc.edu/schools/annenberg/asc/projects/comm544/library/images/436.html",
  50371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50372.             "Title": "Pasiphae",
  50373.             "Category": "HUM",
  50374.             "Description": "PBS exhibits a painting by Jackson Pollock.",
  50375.             "Year": 0
  50376.         },
  50377.         {
  50378.             "RIT": "ws202677",
  50379.             "Type": "WS",
  50380.             "URL": "http://www.civilization.ca/cpm/stampquest/sqhome.html",
  50381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50382.             "Title": "Stamp Quest: The Stamp Collecting Adventure",
  50383.             "Category": "REC",
  50384.             "Description": "The Canadian Postal Museum presents a virtual guide to stamp collecting. Site includes games, a history of postage stamps, and resources for educators.",
  50385.             "Year": 0
  50386.         },
  50387.         {
  50388.             "RIT": "ws202678",
  50389.             "Type": "WS",
  50390.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=robert&=And&=Yes&=motherwell&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  50391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50392.             "Title": "Robert Motherwell",
  50393.             "Category": "HUM",
  50394.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  50395.             "Year": 0
  50396.         },
  50397.         {
  50398.             "RIT": "ws202679",
  50399.             "Type": "WS",
  50400.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Soyer_R/AS.html",
  50401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50402.             "Title": "Raphael Soyer",
  50403.             "Category": "HUM",
  50404.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln exhibits several works by the artist.",
  50405.             "Year": 0
  50406.         },
  50407.         {
  50408.             "RIT": "ws202680",
  50409.             "Type": "WS",
  50410.             "URL": "http://www.cmog.org/",
  50411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50412.             "Title": "Corning Museum of Glass",
  50413.             "Category": "IND",
  50414.             "Description": "Home page of a museum dedicated to glass art in Corning, New York. The Education Resources page includes information about glass-making.",
  50415.             "Year": 0
  50416.         },
  50417.         {
  50418.             "RIT": "ws202681",
  50419.             "Type": "WS",
  50420.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/mythology/slide16.html",
  50421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50422.             "Title": "The Birthplace of Herbert Hoover, West Branch, Iowa",
  50423.             "Category": "HUM",
  50424.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents Grant Wood's painting with a study guide.",
  50425.             "Year": 0
  50426.         },
  50427.         {
  50428.             "RIT": "ws202682",
  50429.             "Type": "WS",
  50430.             "URL": "http://botfly.ifas.ufl.edu/",
  50431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50432.             "Title": "Warbles of Tree Squirrel (Rodent) Bot Fly",
  50433.             "Category": "LIF",
  50434.             "Description": "A series of photos showing how the bot fly matures in an animal.",
  50435.             "Year": 0
  50436.         },
  50437.         {
  50438.             "RIT": "ws202683",
  50439.             "Type": "WS",
  50440.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=9&full=0&item=1998%2E21",
  50441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50442.             "Title": "The Kaunitz Sisters",
  50443.             "Category": "HUM",
  50444.             "Description": "A drawing by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  50445.             "Year": 0
  50446.         },
  50447.         {
  50448.             "RIT": "ws202684",
  50449.             "Type": "WS",
  50450.             "URL": "http://www.carleton.edu/curricular/ARTS/classes/arth242/imppostindex.htm",
  50451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50452.             "Title": "Impressionism & Post-Impressionism",
  50453.             "Category": "HUM",
  50454.             "Description": "Art images from the art department at Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota.",
  50455.             "Year": 0
  50456.         },
  50457.         {
  50458.             "RIT": "ws202695",
  50459.             "Type": "WS",
  50460.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/in_depth/world/2000/drugs_trade/default.stm",
  50461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50462.             "Title": "The Global Drugs Trade",
  50463.             "Category": "LIF",
  50464.             "Description": "This special report by BBC News Online and BBC World Service addresses the production, trafficking, and sale of illegal drugs.",
  50465.             "Year": 0
  50466.         },
  50467.         {
  50468.             "RIT": "ws202696",
  50469.             "Type": "WS",
  50470.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azebra.html",
  50471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50472.             "Title": "African Savannah: Grant's Zebra",
  50473.             "Category": "LIF",
  50474.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about Grant's zebra.",
  50475.             "Year": 0
  50476.         },
  50477.         {
  50478.             "RIT": "ws202697",
  50479.             "Type": "WS",
  50480.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=38%2E65",
  50481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50482.             "Title": "Odalisque in Grisaille",
  50483.             "Category": "HUM",
  50484.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York Ciy displays a paitning by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.",
  50485.             "Year": 0
  50486.         },
  50487.         {
  50488.             "RIT": "ws202698",
  50489.             "Type": "WS",
  50490.             "URL": "http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/cvict.htm",
  50491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50492.             "Title": "Crime and Victims Statistics",
  50493.             "Category": "SOC",
  50494.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.",
  50495.             "Year": 0
  50496.         },
  50497.         {
  50498.             "RIT": "ws202699",
  50499.             "Type": "WS",
  50500.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/modern/73pc_wood.html",
  50501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50502.             "Title": "American Gothic",
  50503.             "Category": "HUM",
  50504.             "Description": "Grant Wood's painting from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  50505.             "Year": 0
  50506.         },
  50507.         {
  50508.             "RIT": "ws202700",
  50509.             "Type": "WS",
  50510.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/result.asp?Artist=rubens",
  50511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50512.             "Title": "Peter Paul Reubens",
  50513.             "Category": "HUM",
  50514.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents works by the artist.",
  50515.             "Year": 0
  50516.         },
  50517.         {
  50518.             "RIT": "ws202701",
  50519.             "Type": "WS",
  50520.             "URL": "http://www.civilization.ca/hist/labour/lab01e.html",
  50521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50522.             "Title": "Canadian Labour History",
  50523.             "Category": "SOC",
  50524.             "Description": "This exhibit from the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation traces Canada's labor movement from 1850 to 1999.",
  50525.             "Year": 0
  50526.         },
  50527.         {
  50528.             "RIT": "ws202702",
  50529.             "Type": "WS",
  50530.             "URL": "http://alpha.fdu.edu/~boyer/Entomology_folder.html/Entomology.html",
  50531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50532.             "Title": "Entomology",
  50533.             "Category": "LIF",
  50534.             "Description": "All about cicadas by Fairleigh Dickinson University.",
  50535.             "Year": 0
  50536.         },
  50537.         {
  50538.             "RIT": "ws202703",
  50539.             "Type": "WS",
  50540.             "URL": "http://www.whitney.org/collection/hopper/intro.html",
  50541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50542.             "Title": "Edward Hopper",
  50543.             "Category": "HUM",
  50544.             "Description": "The Whitney Museum in New York City provides information about the artist and a slide show of his paintings.",
  50545.             "Year": 0
  50546.         },
  50547.         {
  50548.             "RIT": "ws202704",
  50549.             "Type": "WS",
  50550.             "URL": "http://www.entm.purdue.edu/Entomology/ext/Moth/",
  50551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50552.             "Title": "Gypsy Moth Information from Purdue",
  50553.             "Category": "LIF",
  50554.             "Description": "Purdue answers FAQs about gypsy moths.",
  50555.             "Year": 0
  50556.         },
  50557.         {
  50558.             "RIT": "ws202716",
  50559.             "Type": "WS",
  50560.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/twilight-medici/index.html",
  50561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50562.             "Title": "The Twighlight of the Medici",
  50563.             "Category": "HIS",
  50564.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of the Arts presents European art from the last decades of Medici rule.",
  50565.             "Year": 0
  50566.         },
  50567.         {
  50568.             "RIT": "ws202717",
  50569.             "Type": "WS",
  50570.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/modern/71pc_miro.html",
  50571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50572.             "Title": "The Policeman",
  50573.             "Category": "HUM",
  50574.             "Description": "The Art Institute of Chicago exhibits a painting by Joan Miro.",
  50575.             "Year": 0
  50576.         },
  50577.         {
  50578.             "RIT": "ws202718",
  50579.             "Type": "WS",
  50580.             "URL": "http://www.fishbc.com/adventure/angling/bugs/stonefly/stonefly.phtml",
  50581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50582.             "Title": "Stonefly",
  50583.             "Category": "LIF",
  50584.             "Description": "General information about the stonefly from a British Columbia travel information site.",
  50585.             "Year": 0
  50586.         },
  50587.         {
  50588.             "RIT": "ws202719",
  50589.             "Type": "WS",
  50590.             "URL": "http://www.greenvillemuseum.org/wyeth.html",
  50591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50592.             "Title": "Andrew Wyeth",
  50593.             "Category": "HUM",
  50594.             "Description": "The Greenville County Museum of Art in Greenville, South Carolina, displays several paintings by the artist.",
  50595.             "Year": 0
  50596.         },
  50597.         {
  50598.             "RIT": "ws202720",
  50599.             "Type": "WS",
  50600.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntgbi1f.htm#vermeer",
  50601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50602.             "Title": "Biographies of Painters: Vermeer, Johannes",
  50603.             "Category": "HUM",
  50604.             "Description": "A brief biography and exhibited works from the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  50605.             "Year": 0
  50606.         },
  50607.         {
  50608.             "RIT": "ws202721",
  50609.             "Type": "WS",
  50610.             "URL": "http://www.ifas.ufl.edu/~ent2/wfly/wfly0002.htm?",
  50611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50612.             "Title": "WHITEFLY",
  50613.             "Category": "LIF",
  50614.             "Description": "USDA's site devoted to whiteflies",
  50615.             "Year": 0
  50616.         },
  50617.         {
  50618.             "RIT": "ws202723",
  50619.             "Type": "WS",
  50620.             "URL": "http://www.valpo.edu/artmuseum/collections/amernational/hassam.html",
  50621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50622.             "Title": "The Silver Veil and the Golden Gate",
  50623.             "Category": "HUM",
  50624.             "Description": "Childe Hassam's painting from the Brauer Museum of Art at Valparaiso University in Valparaiso, Indiana.",
  50625.             "Year": 0
  50626.         },
  50627.         {
  50628.             "RIT": "ws202724",
  50629.             "Type": "WS",
  50630.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/edward_hopper_1882.htm",
  50631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50632.             "Title": "Edward Hopper 1882-1967",
  50633.             "Category": "HUM",
  50634.             "Description": "The Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio, presents several paintings and discussion.",
  50635.             "Year": 0
  50636.         },
  50637.         {
  50638.             "RIT": "ws202725",
  50639.             "Type": "WS",
  50640.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azbusnke.html",
  50641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50642.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Taiwan Beauty Snake",
  50643.             "Category": "LIF",
  50644.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about this species of snake.",
  50645.             "Year": 0
  50646.         },
  50647.         {
  50648.             "RIT": "ws202726",
  50649.             "Type": "WS",
  50650.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/020000a/020000012.html",
  50651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50652.             "Title": "Taste",
  50653.             "Category": "LIF",
  50654.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center Web site provides information about the sense of taste.",
  50655.             "Year": 0
  50656.         },
  50657.         {
  50658.             "RIT": "ws202737",
  50659.             "Type": "WS",
  50660.             "URL": "http://www.heard.org/",
  50661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50662.             "Title": "Heard Museum",
  50663.             "Category": "GEO",
  50664.             "Description": "Official site of the Heard Museum in Phoenix, Arizona, which is dedicated to Native American culture and art.",
  50665.             "Year": 0
  50666.         },
  50667.         {
  50668.             "RIT": "ws202738",
  50669.             "Type": "WS",
  50670.             "URL": "http://www.artgallerynsw.com.au/collection/pdw_west_mod_gauguin.act",
  50671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50672.             "Title": "Breton women at a fence",
  50673.             "Category": "HUM",
  50674.             "Description": "A lithograph by Paul Gauguin from the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Australia.",
  50675.             "Year": 0
  50676.         },
  50677.         {
  50678.             "RIT": "ws202739",
  50679.             "Type": "WS",
  50680.             "URL": "http://www.zin.ru/Animalia/Siphonaptera/index.htm",
  50681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50682.             "Title": "FLEAS (Siphonaptera) HomePage",
  50683.             "Category": "LIF",
  50684.             "Description": "A Web site from the Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia, dedicated to flea.",
  50685.             "Year": 0
  50686.         },
  50687.         {
  50688.             "RIT": "ws202740",
  50689.             "Type": "WS",
  50690.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=2&full=0&item=1975%2E319%2E1",
  50691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50692.             "Title": "Portrait of the Artist",
  50693.             "Category": "HUM",
  50694.             "Description": "Mary Cassatt's self-portrait from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  50695.             "Year": 0
  50696.         },
  50697.         {
  50698.             "RIT": "ws202741",
  50699.             "Type": "WS",
  50700.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/criticaleye/ce990217.htm",
  50701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50702.             "Title": "Live to Paint, Paint to Live",
  50703.             "Category": "HUM",
  50704.             "Description": "An article about Jackson Pollock from The Atlantic Monthly magazine.",
  50705.             "Year": 0
  50706.         },
  50707.         {
  50708.             "RIT": "ws202742",
  50709.             "Type": "WS",
  50710.             "URL": "http://www.tnr.com/122799/perl122799.html",
  50711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50712.             "Title": "High Low",
  50713.             "Category": "HUM",
  50714.             "Description": "New Republic art critic Jed Perl discusses the work of Norman Rockwell.",
  50715.             "Year": 0
  50716.         },
  50717.         {
  50718.             "RIT": "ws202743",
  50719.             "Type": "WS",
  50720.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/museum/collect/highlights/high09.html",
  50721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50722.             "Title": "Isabella Brant",
  50723.             "Category": "HUM",
  50724.             "Description": "A portrait by Peter Paul Rubens from the Cleveland Museum of Art.",
  50725.             "Year": 0
  50726.         },
  50727.         {
  50728.             "RIT": "ws202744",
  50729.             "Type": "WS",
  50730.             "URL": "http://museoreinasofia.mcu.es/eng/content/sala11/de0498.htm",
  50731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50732.             "Title": "La belle allemande",
  50733.             "Category": "HUM",
  50734.             "Description": "Max Ernst's sculpture from the Reina Sofia National Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  50735.             "Year": 0
  50736.         },
  50737.         {
  50738.             "RIT": "ws202745",
  50739.             "Type": "WS",
  50740.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=2&full=0&item=1994%2E567",
  50741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50742.             "Title": "Celia Thaxter's Garden",
  50743.             "Category": "HUM",
  50744.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by Childe Hassam.",
  50745.             "Year": 0
  50746.         },
  50747.         {
  50748.             "RIT": "ws202747",
  50749.             "Type": "WS",
  50750.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/003000a/003000046.html",
  50751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50752.             "Title": "Capillary",
  50753.             "Category": "LIF",
  50754.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center Web site provides information on and a picture of the capillari",
  50755.             "Year": 0
  50756.         },
  50757.         {
  50758.             "RIT": "ws202758",
  50759.             "Type": "WS",
  50760.             "URL": "http://www.lbma.org/",
  50761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50762.             "Title": "Long Beach Museum of Art",
  50763.             "Category": "GEO",
  50764.             "Description": "Web site of an art museum in Long Beach, California.",
  50765.             "Year": 0
  50766.         },
  50767.         {
  50768.             "RIT": "ws202759",
  50769.             "Type": "WS",
  50770.             "URL": "http://www.waite.adelaide.edu.au/Teaching/Diagnosis/diadegma.htm",
  50771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50772.             "Title": "Diadegma semiclausum",
  50773.             "Category": "LIF",
  50774.             "Description": "Brief description and photos of the ichneumon wasp from University of Adelai",
  50775.             "Year": 0
  50776.         },
  50777.         {
  50778.             "RIT": "ws202760",
  50779.             "Type": "WS",
  50780.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/obituaries/newsid_9000/9393.stm",
  50781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50782.             "Title": "A giant among actors",
  50783.             "Category": "HUM",
  50784.             "Description": "Sir John Gielgud's obituary from BBC News.",
  50785.             "Year": 0
  50786.         },
  50787.         {
  50788.             "RIT": "ws202761",
  50789.             "Type": "WS",
  50790.             "URL": "http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/entfacts/veg/ef312.htm",
  50791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50792.             "Title": "Colorado Potato Beetle Management",
  50793.             "Category": "LIF",
  50794.             "Description": "Information about the Colorado potato beetle from the University of Kentucky.",
  50795.             "Year": 0
  50796.         },
  50797.         {
  50798.             "RIT": "ws202762",
  50799.             "Type": "WS",
  50800.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azarabcamel.html",
  50801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50802.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Arabian Camel",
  50803.             "Category": "LIF",
  50804.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the Arabian camel.",
  50805.             "Year": 0
  50806.         },
  50807.         {
  50808.             "RIT": "ws202763",
  50809.             "Type": "WS",
  50810.             "URL": "http://www.adl.org/hate-patrol/holocaust.html",
  50811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50812.             "Title": "Holocaust Denial",
  50813.             "Category": "HIS",
  50814.             "Description": "The Anti-Defamation League provides information about an Anti-Semitic propaganda movement that seeks to deny the reality of the Holocaust.",
  50815.             "Year": 0
  50816.         },
  50817.         {
  50818.             "RIT": "ws202764",
  50819.             "Type": "WS",
  50820.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=raphael&=And&=Yes&=soyer&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  50821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50822.             "Title": "Raphael Soyer",
  50823.             "Category": "HUM",
  50824.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  50825.             "Year": 0
  50826.         },
  50827.         {
  50828.             "RIT": "ws202765",
  50829.             "Type": "WS",
  50830.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19738",
  50831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50832.             "Title": "Steinem, Gloria",
  50833.             "Category": "SOC",
  50834.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  50835.             "Year": 0
  50836.         },
  50837.         {
  50838.             "RIT": "ws202766",
  50839.             "Type": "WS",
  50840.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=50%2E117",
  50841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50842.             "Title": "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere",
  50843.             "Category": "HUM",
  50844.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by Grant Wood.",
  50845.             "Year": 0
  50846.         },
  50847.         {
  50848.             "RIT": "ws202767",
  50849.             "Type": "WS",
  50850.             "URL": "http://buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=80",
  50851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50852.             "Title": "Paul Gauguin",
  50853.             "Category": "HUM",
  50854.             "Description": "Paintings from the Sammlung E.G. Buhrle Colelction in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  50855.             "Year": 0
  50856.         },
  50857.         {
  50858.             "RIT": "ws202778",
  50859.             "Type": "WS",
  50860.             "URL": "http://www.iht.com/IHT/RCM/99/rcm042499.html",
  50861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50862.             "Title": "Raphael's Studio and Legacy",
  50863.             "Category": "HUM",
  50864.             "Description": "An article from the International Herald Tribune.",
  50865.             "Year": 0
  50866.         },
  50867.         {
  50868.             "RIT": "ws202779",
  50869.             "Type": "WS",
  50870.             "URL": "http://www.civilization.ca/hist/canoe/can10eng.html",
  50871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50872.             "Title": "White Mud Portage, Winnipeg River",
  50873.             "Category": "HUM",
  50874.             "Description": "Paul Kane's painting displayed by the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation.",
  50875.             "Year": 0
  50876.         },
  50877.         {
  50878.             "RIT": "ws202780",
  50879.             "Type": "WS",
  50880.             "URL": "http://national.gallery.ca/virtual_tour/gallery104.html",
  50881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50882.             "Title": "Depicting a Developing Land",
  50883.             "Category": "HUM",
  50884.             "Description": "This exhibit from the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa, Ontario, includes artworks by Paul Kane.",
  50885.             "Year": 0
  50886.         },
  50887.         {
  50888.             "RIT": "ws202781",
  50889.             "Type": "WS",
  50890.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=29%2E100%2E6",
  50891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50892.             "Title": "View of Toledo",
  50893.             "Category": "HUM",
  50894.             "Description": "A painting by El Greco from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  50895.             "Year": 0
  50896.         },
  50897.         {
  50898.             "RIT": "ws202782",
  50899.             "Type": "WS",
  50900.             "URL": "http://www.mu.edu/haggerty/exhibitions/past/chagall/chagall.html",
  50901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50902.             "Title": "In the Lion's Den: The Bible Images of Marc Chagall",
  50903.             "Category": "HUM",
  50904.             "Description": "Notes from an exhibition at the Haggerty Museum of Art at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.",
  50905.             "Year": 0
  50906.         },
  50907.         {
  50908.             "RIT": "ws202783",
  50909.             "Type": "WS",
  50910.             "URL": "http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/iiin/bcarpetb.html",
  50911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50912.             "Title": "Carpet Beetles",
  50913.             "Category": "LIF",
  50914.             "Description": "Iowa State's brief description of the carpet beetle, with pictures.",
  50915.             "Year": 0
  50916.         },
  50917.         {
  50918.             "RIT": "ws202784",
  50919.             "Type": "WS",
  50920.             "URL": "http://stephenville.tamu.edu/~fmitchel/dragonfly/",
  50921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50922.             "Title": "Dragonfly Museum",
  50923.             "Category": "LIF",
  50924.             "Description": "Online Museum from the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station provides information about and pictures of dragonflies.",
  50925.             "Year": 0
  50926.         },
  50927.         {
  50928.             "RIT": "ws202785",
  50929.             "Type": "WS",
  50930.             "URL": "http://asuam.fa.asu.edu/okeefe.htm",
  50931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50932.             "Title": "About the Artist: Georgia O'Keeffe",
  50933.             "Category": "HUM",
  50934.             "Description": "Information provided by the Arizona State University Art Museum in Tempe, Arizona.",
  50935.             "Year": 0
  50936.         },
  50937.         {
  50938.             "RIT": "ws202786",
  50939.             "Type": "WS",
  50940.             "URL": "http://fhpr8.srs.fs.fed.us/idotis/insects/walkstik.html",
  50941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50942.             "Title": "Walkingstick",
  50943.             "Category": "LIF",
  50944.             "Description": "The U.S. Forest Health Protection's fact sheet about the walkingstick.",
  50945.             "Year": 0
  50946.         },
  50947.         {
  50948.             "RIT": "ws202797",
  50949.             "Type": "WS",
  50950.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/vikings/start.html",
  50951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50952.             "Title": "Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga",
  50953.             "Category": "HIS",
  50954.             "Description": "The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History examines the history of the western expansion of the Vikings and sheds new light on a well known culture.",
  50955.             "Year": 0
  50956.         },
  50957.         {
  50958.             "RIT": "ws202798",
  50959.             "Type": "WS",
  50960.             "URL": "http://www.dhm.de/museen/kollwitz/english/home.htm",
  50961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50962.             "Title": "Kathe-Kollwitz-Museum",
  50963.             "Category": "HUM",
  50964.             "Description": "Web site of a muesum dedicated to the work of Kathe Kollwitz, located in Berlin, Germany.",
  50965.             "Year": 0
  50966.         },
  50967.         {
  50968.             "RIT": "ws202799",
  50969.             "Type": "WS",
  50970.             "URL": "http://www.daytonartinstitute.org/daicollection/american/204/204hopper.html",
  50971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50972.             "Title": "High Noon",
  50973.             "Category": "HUM",
  50974.             "Description": "The Dayton Art Institute in Dayton, Ohio, exhibits a painting by Edward Hopper.",
  50975.             "Year": 0
  50976.         },
  50977.         {
  50978.             "RIT": "ws202800",
  50979.             "Type": "WS",
  50980.             "URL": "http://www.umt.edu/partv/famus/print/chagall1.htm",
  50981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50982.             "Title": "Frau",
  50983.             "Category": "HUM",
  50984.             "Description": "A lithograph by Marc Chagall displayed by the University of Montana Museum of Fine Arts in Missoula.",
  50985.             "Year": 0
  50986.         },
  50987.         {
  50988.             "RIT": "ws202801",
  50989.             "Type": "WS",
  50990.             "URL": "http://www.umt.edu/partv/famus/print/chagall2.htm",
  50991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  50992.             "Title": "David and Abraham",
  50993.             "Category": "HUM",
  50994.             "Description": "Marc Chagall's painting from the University of Montana Museum of Fine Arts in Missoula.",
  50995.             "Year": 0
  50996.         },
  50997.         {
  50998.             "RIT": "ws202802",
  50999.             "Type": "WS",
  51000.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/asia-pacific/newsid_140000/140955.stm",
  51001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51002.             "Title": "Profile: Aung San Suu Kyi",
  51003.             "Category": "GEO",
  51004.             "Description": "Information from BBC News.",
  51005.             "Year": 0
  51006.         },
  51007.         {
  51008.             "RIT": "ws202803",
  51009.             "Type": "WS",
  51010.             "URL": "http://www.isis.vt.edu/~fanjun/text/Links.html",
  51011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51012.             "Title": "Insects on WWW",
  51013.             "Category": "LIF",
  51014.             "Description": "Extensive links to sites about insects, compiled by a graduate student at Virginia Tech.",
  51015.             "Year": 0
  51016.         },
  51017.         {
  51018.             "RIT": "ws202804",
  51019.             "Type": "WS",
  51020.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=13100",
  51021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51022.             "Title": "National Gallery: El Greco",
  51023.             "Category": "HUM",
  51024.             "Description": "Bigraphy and art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  51025.             "Year": 0
  51026.         },
  51027.         {
  51028.             "RIT": "ws202805",
  51029.             "Type": "WS",
  51030.             "URL": "http://www.civilization.ca/hist/dolls/doint01e.html",
  51031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51032.             "Title": "Timeless Treasures: The Story of Dolls in Canada",
  51033.             "Category": "REC",
  51034.             "Description": "This exhibit from the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation includes dolls of the Inuit and the first European settlers, antique dolls, and modern dolls.",
  51035.             "Year": 0
  51036.         },
  51037.         {
  51038.             "RIT": "ws202806",
  51039.             "Type": "WS",
  51040.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=25100",
  51041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51042.             "Title": "Jackson Pollock",
  51043.             "Category": "HUM",
  51044.             "Description": "Artworks from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  51045.             "Year": 0
  51046.         },
  51047.         {
  51048.             "RIT": "ws202807",
  51049.             "Type": "WS",
  51050.             "URL": "http://www.princeton.edu/~mcbrown/display/carver.html",
  51051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51052.             "Title": "George Washington Carver, Jr.: Chemurgist",
  51053.             "Category": "LIF",
  51054.             "Description": "Extensive biographical information provided by Mitchell C. Brown, plasma physics librarian at Princeton University.",
  51055.             "Year": 0
  51056.         },
  51057.         {
  51058.             "RIT": "ws202808",
  51059.             "Type": "WS",
  51060.             "URL": "http://www.hoammuseum.org/english/",
  51061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51062.             "Title": "Ho-Am Art Museum",
  51063.             "Category": "LIF",
  51064.             "Description": "Web site of a museum in Seoul, Korea. Includes online exhibitions of the collection and information for visitors.",
  51065.             "Year": 0
  51066.         },
  51067.         {
  51068.             "RIT": "ws202809",
  51069.             "Type": "WS",
  51070.             "URL": "http://www.princeton.edu/~mcbrown/display/alphabetic.html",
  51071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51072.             "Title": "The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences",
  51073.             "Category": "SOC",
  51074.             "Description": "Biographical information about various scientists provided by Mitchell C. Brown, plasma physics librarian at Princeton University.",
  51075.             "Year": 0
  51076.         },
  51077.         {
  51078.             "RIT": "ws202810",
  51079.             "Type": "WS",
  51080.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azflamgo.html",
  51081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51082.             "Title": "African Savannah: Lesser Flamingo",
  51083.             "Category": "LIF",
  51084.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the lesser flamingo.",
  51085.             "Year": 0
  51086.         },
  51087.         {
  51088.             "RIT": "ws202811",
  51089.             "Type": "WS",
  51090.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azbrsnake.html",
  51091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51092.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Brown House Snake",
  51093.             "Category": "LIF",
  51094.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the brown house snake.",
  51095.             "Year": 0
  51096.         },
  51097.         {
  51098.             "RIT": "ws202812",
  51099.             "Type": "WS",
  51100.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=57%2E92",
  51101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51102.             "Title": "Autumn Rhythm",
  51103.             "Category": "HUM",
  51104.             "Description": "PBS exhibits a painting by Jackson Pollock.",
  51105.             "Year": 0
  51106.         },
  51107.         {
  51108.             "RIT": "ws202813",
  51109.             "Type": "WS",
  51110.             "URL": "http://www.fleischer.org/",
  51111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51112.             "Title": "The Fleischer Museum",
  51113.             "Category": "GEO",
  51114.             "Description": "Home page of a Scottsdale, Arizona, museum dedicated to American and Russian Impressionism. Site includes exhibits and educational materials.",
  51115.             "Year": 0
  51116.         },
  51117.         {
  51118.             "RIT": "ws202814",
  51119.             "Type": "WS",
  51120.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azsucock.html",
  51121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51122.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Sulfur Crested Cockatoo",
  51123.             "Category": "LIF",
  51124.             "Description": "Brief description of the sulfer crested cockatoo.",
  51125.             "Year": 0
  51126.         },
  51127.         {
  51128.             "RIT": "ws202768",
  51129.             "Type": "WS",
  51130.             "URL": "http://www.spfld-museum-of-art.org/catalog/smoa04.html",
  51131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51132.             "Title": "Model in Black",
  51133.             "Category": "HUM",
  51134.             "Description": "The Springfield Museum of Art in Springfield, Ohio, displays a painting by Moses Soyer. Click on the artist's name for biographical information.",
  51135.             "Year": 0
  51136.         },
  51137.         {
  51138.             "RIT": "ws202769",
  51139.             "Type": "WS",
  51140.             "URL": "http://www.kingsnake.com/king/getula/californiae.html",
  51141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51142.             "Title": "Kingsnake/Milksnake Page",
  51143.             "Category": "LIF",
  51144.             "Description": "Infomation about kingsnakes on kingsnake.com, a portal for reptile and amphibian hobbyists.",
  51145.             "Year": 0
  51146.         },
  51147.         {
  51148.             "RIT": "ws202770",
  51149.             "Type": "WS",
  51150.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/014000a/014000087.html",
  51151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51152.             "Title": "Nose",
  51153.             "Category": "LIF",
  51154.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center Web site provides information about and a diagram of the nose.",
  51155.             "Year": 0
  51156.         },
  51157.         {
  51158.             "RIT": "ws202771",
  51159.             "Type": "WS",
  51160.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/008000a/008000145.html",
  51161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51162.             "Title": "Hip",
  51163.             "Category": "LIF",
  51164.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center Web site provides information about the hip.",
  51165.             "Year": 0
  51166.         },
  51167.         {
  51168.             "RIT": "ws202772",
  51169.             "Type": "WS",
  51170.             "URL": "http://www.autry-museum.org/",
  51171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51172.             "Title": "Autry Museum of Western Heritage",
  51173.             "Category": "HUM",
  51174.             "Description": "Home page of a Los Angeles museum founded by Gene Autry.",
  51175.             "Year": 0
  51176.         },
  51177.         {
  51178.             "RIT": "ws202773",
  51179.             "Type": "WS",
  51180.             "URL": "http://www.rembrandthuis.nl/index_eng.html",
  51181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51182.             "Title": "Rembrandt House Museum",
  51183.             "Category": "HUM",
  51184.             "Description": "Web site of an art museum located in the Amsterdam house where Rembrandt lived.",
  51185.             "Year": 0
  51186.         },
  51187.         {
  51188.             "RIT": "ws202774",
  51189.             "Type": "WS",
  51190.             "URL": "http://moca-la.org/pc/col/panza/lichtstn.htm",
  51191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51192.             "Title": "Man with Folded Arms",
  51193.             "Category": "HUM",
  51194.             "Description": "A Roy Lichtenstein painting displayed by the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles.",
  51195.             "Year": 0
  51196.         },
  51197.         {
  51198.             "RIT": "ws202775",
  51199.             "Type": "WS",
  51200.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azpied.html",
  51201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51202.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Pied Crow",
  51203.             "Category": "LIF",
  51204.             "Description": "Brief description of the behavior of pied crows.",
  51205.             "Year": 0
  51206.         },
  51207.         {
  51208.             "RIT": "ws202776",
  51209.             "Type": "WS",
  51210.             "URL": "http://www.pfc.forestry.ca/hforest/pests/dftmoth.html",
  51211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51212.             "Title": "Douglas-fir Tussock Moth",
  51213.             "Category": "LIF",
  51214.             "Description": "Information about the tussock moth from the Canadian Forest Service.",
  51215.             "Year": 0
  51216.         },
  51217.         {
  51218.             "RIT": "ws202777",
  51219.             "Type": "WS",
  51220.             "URL": "http://eny3005.ifas.ufl.edu/lab1/Hymenoptera/Ichneumonid.htm",
  51221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51222.             "Title": "Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae",
  51223.             "Category": "LIF",
  51224.             "Description": "Photos and information about the ichneumon wasp from the University of Florida.",
  51225.             "Year": 0
  51226.         },
  51227.         {
  51228.             "RIT": "ws202787",
  51229.             "Type": "WS",
  51230.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=edvard&=And&=Yes&=munch&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  51231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51232.             "Title": "Edvard Munch",
  51233.             "Category": "HUM",
  51234.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  51235.             "Year": 0
  51236.         },
  51237.         {
  51238.             "RIT": "ws202788",
  51239.             "Type": "WS",
  51240.             "URL": "http://www.civilisations.ca/civil/egypt/eghats2e.html",
  51241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51242.             "Title": "Hatshepsut",
  51243.             "Category": "HIS",
  51244.             "Description": "Biographical information from the Canadian Museum of Civilization.",
  51245.             "Year": 0
  51246.         },
  51247.         {
  51248.             "RIT": "ws202789",
  51249.             "Type": "WS",
  51250.             "URL": "http://ag.udel.edu/departments/ento/insectdb/orthopte.htm",
  51251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51252.             "Title": "UD Insect Database - ORDER Orthoptera",
  51253.             "Category": "LIF",
  51254.             "Description": "The University of Delaware provides information about the locust.",
  51255.             "Year": 0
  51256.         },
  51257.         {
  51258.             "RIT": "ws202790",
  51259.             "Type": "WS",
  51260.             "URL": "http://www.ento.vt.edu/Facilities/OnCampus/IDLab/id/id_ttt.html",
  51261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51262.             "Title": "Too Tiny to Tell",
  51263.             "Category": "LIF",
  51264.             "Description": "Virginia Tech's site devoted to the smallest of the insects.",
  51265.             "Year": 0
  51266.         },
  51267.         {
  51268.             "RIT": "ws202791",
  51269.             "Type": "WS",
  51270.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=12950",
  51271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51272.             "Title": "Francisco de Goya",
  51273.             "Category": "HUM",
  51274.             "Description": "A biography and art images from the National Gallery of Art in New York City.",
  51275.             "Year": 0
  51276.         },
  51277.         {
  51278.             "RIT": "ws202792",
  51279.             "Type": "WS",
  51280.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/arctic_fox.html",
  51281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51282.             "Title": "Arctic Fox",
  51283.             "Category": "LIF",
  51284.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  51285.             "Year": 0
  51286.         },
  51287.         {
  51288.             "RIT": "ws202793",
  51289.             "Type": "WS",
  51290.             "URL": "http://moca-la.org/pc/col/ritataft/mondrian.htm",
  51291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51292.             "Title": "Composition of Red, Blue, Yellow",
  51293.             "Category": "HUM",
  51294.             "Description": "The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles displays a painting by Piet Mondrian.",
  51295.             "Year": 0
  51296.         },
  51297.         {
  51298.             "RIT": "ws202794",
  51299.             "Type": "WS",
  51300.             "URL": "http://www.umt.edu/partv/famus/print/kent12.htm",
  51301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51302.             "Title": "Deep Water",
  51303.             "Category": "HUM",
  51304.             "Description": "A wood engraving by Rockwell Kent displayed by the University of Montana Museum of Fine Arts in Missoula.",
  51305.             "Year": 0
  51306.         },
  51307.         {
  51308.             "RIT": "ws202795",
  51309.             "Type": "WS",
  51310.             "URL": "http://www.pestproducts.com/blowfly.htm",
  51311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51312.             "Title": "Blow Fly",
  51313.             "Category": "LIF",
  51314.             "Description": "Blow fly facts from a commercial site, Professional Pest Control Products.",
  51315.             "Year": 0
  51316.         },
  51317.         {
  51318.             "RIT": "ws202796",
  51319.             "Type": "WS",
  51320.             "URL": "http://www.umt.edu/partv/famus/print/kent14.htm",
  51321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51322.             "Title": "Angel",
  51323.             "Category": "HUM",
  51324.             "Description": "Rockwell Kent's wood engraving displayed by the University of Montana Museum of Fine Arts in Missoula.",
  51325.             "Year": 0
  51326.         },
  51327.         {
  51328.             "RIT": "ws202815",
  51329.             "Type": "WS",
  51330.             "URL": "http://www.pestproducts.net/gallery.htm",
  51331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51332.             "Title": "Gallery of pests",
  51333.             "Category": "LIF",
  51334.             "Description": "Professional Pest Control Products provides information about the habits, life cycle, food sources, and control methods of various insect pests.",
  51335.             "Year": 0
  51336.         },
  51337.         {
  51338.             "RIT": "ws202816",
  51339.             "Type": "WS",
  51340.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntg68f.htm",
  51341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51342.             "Title": "THE Comtesse D'Haussonville",
  51343.             "Category": "HUM",
  51344.             "Description": "A painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres from the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  51345.             "Year": 0
  51346.         },
  51347.         {
  51348.             "RIT": "ws202817",
  51349.             "Type": "WS",
  51350.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/archive/1996/dom/960108/art.html",
  51351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51352.             "Title": "Dutch Treat",
  51353.             "Category": "HUM",
  51354.             "Description": "An article on Jan Vermeer from TIME Magazine.",
  51355.             "Year": 0
  51356.         },
  51357.         {
  51358.             "RIT": "ws202818",
  51359.             "Type": "WS",
  51360.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azwarthog.html",
  51361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51362.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Warthog",
  51363.             "Category": "LIF",
  51364.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the wart hog.",
  51365.             "Year": 0
  51366.         },
  51367.         {
  51368.             "RIT": "ws202819",
  51369.             "Type": "WS",
  51370.             "URL": "http://www.csi.ad.jp/ABOMB/index.html",
  51371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51372.             "Title": "A-Bomb WWW Museum",
  51373.             "Category": "PHY",
  51374.             "Description": "Information about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki from Hiroshima City University researchers.",
  51375.             "Year": 0
  51376.         },
  51377.         {
  51378.             "RIT": "ws202820",
  51379.             "Type": "WS",
  51380.             "URL": "http://www.thewildones.org/Animals/buryBtl.html",
  51381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51382.             "Title": "Burying Beetle",
  51383.             "Category": "LIF",
  51384.             "Description": "The Wild Ones Animal Index, maintained by the Wildlife Preservation Trust International, describes the burying beetle.",
  51385.             "Year": 0
  51386.         },
  51387.         {
  51388.             "RIT": "ws202821",
  51389.             "Type": "WS",
  51390.             "URL": "http://www.ext.vt.edu/departments/entomology/factsheets/carpbees.html",
  51391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51392.             "Title": "Carpenter Bee",
  51393.             "Category": "LIF",
  51394.             "Description": "Virginia Cooperative Extension's brief description of the carpenter bee.",
  51395.             "Year": 0
  51396.         },
  51397.         {
  51398.             "RIT": "ws202822",
  51399.             "Type": "WS",
  51400.             "URL": "http://www.mocfa.org/",
  51401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51402.             "Title": "Museum of Craft and Folk Art",
  51403.             "Category": "GEO",
  51404.             "Description": "Home page of a San Francisco museum.",
  51405.             "Year": 0
  51406.         },
  51407.         {
  51408.             "RIT": "ws202823",
  51409.             "Type": "WS",
  51410.             "URL": "http://www.sit.wisc.edu/~ehgarden/garden/controls.html",
  51411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51412.             "Title": "Beetles",
  51413.             "Category": "LIF",
  51414.             "Description": "A brief description of various beetles by the Eagle Heights Garden Committee in Madison, Wisconsin.",
  51415.             "Year": 0
  51416.         },
  51417.         {
  51418.             "RIT": "ws202824",
  51419.             "Type": "WS",
  51420.             "URL": "http://www.civilization.ca/arts/quilts/q0eng.html",
  51421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51422.             "Title": "Old Nova Scotia Quilts",
  51423.             "Category": "HUM",
  51424.             "Description": "The Canadian Museum of Civilization exhibits several quilting patterns.",
  51425.             "Year": 0
  51426.         },
  51427.         {
  51428.             "RIT": "ws202834",
  51429.             "Type": "WS",
  51430.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=644&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  51431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51432.             "Title": "Andrea Mantegna",
  51433.             "Category": "HUM",
  51434.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  51435.             "Year": 0
  51436.         },
  51437.         {
  51438.             "RIT": "ws202835",
  51439.             "Type": "WS",
  51440.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=117",
  51441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51442.             "Title": "Maurice de Vlaminck",
  51443.             "Category": "HUM",
  51444.             "Description": "The artwork of Maurice de Vlaminck from the E.G. Buehrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  51445.             "Year": 0
  51446.         },
  51447.         {
  51448.             "RIT": "ws202836",
  51449.             "Type": "WS",
  51450.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=&=And&=Yes&=Utamaro&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  51451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51452.             "Title": "Kitagawa Utamaro",
  51453.             "Category": "HUM",
  51454.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  51455.             "Year": 0
  51456.         },
  51457.         {
  51458.             "RIT": "ws202837",
  51459.             "Type": "WS",
  51460.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/theme/20th/img8.html",
  51461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51462.             "Title": "Suprematism (Supremus No. 50)",
  51463.             "Category": "HUM",
  51464.             "Description": "A painting by Kasimir Malevich from the Ho-Am Art Museum in Seoul, Korea.",
  51465.             "Year": 0
  51466.         },
  51467.         {
  51468.             "RIT": "ws202838",
  51469.             "Type": "WS",
  51470.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=879",
  51471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51472.             "Title": "Umberto Boccioni",
  51473.             "Category": "HUM",
  51474.             "Description": "London's Tate Gallery presents an artist biography and works by Boccioni.",
  51475.             "Year": 0
  51476.         },
  51477.         {
  51478.             "RIT": "ws202839",
  51479.             "Type": "WS",
  51480.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=52400",
  51481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51482.             "Title": "Gentile Bellini",
  51483.             "Category": "HUM",
  51484.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  51485.             "Year": 0
  51486.         },
  51487.         {
  51488.             "RIT": "ws202840",
  51489.             "Type": "WS",
  51490.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=26400",
  51491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51492.             "Title": "Sir Joshua Reynolds",
  51493.             "Category": "HUM",
  51494.             "Description": "A biography and art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  51495.             "Year": 0
  51496.         },
  51497.         {
  51498.             "RIT": "ws202841",
  51499.             "Type": "WS",
  51500.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=oskar&=And&=Yes&=kokoschka&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  51501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51502.             "Title": "Oskar Kokoschka",
  51503.             "Category": "HUM",
  51504.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  51505.             "Year": 0
  51506.         },
  51507.         {
  51508.             "RIT": "ws202842",
  51509.             "Type": "WS",
  51510.             "URL": "http://musa.uffizi.firenze.it/Dipinti/masmadE7.html",
  51511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51512.             "Title": "The Madonna and Child with Saint Anne",
  51513.             "Category": "HUM",
  51514.             "Description": "A painting by Masaccio and Masolino da Panicale from the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.",
  51515.             "Year": 0
  51516.         },
  51517.         {
  51518.             "RIT": "ws202843",
  51519.             "Type": "WS",
  51520.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/rf1978/peint_f.htm",
  51521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51522.             "Title": "Portrait of Sigismondo Malatesta",
  51523.             "Category": "HUM",
  51524.             "Description": "Piero della Francesca's painting from the Louvre in Paris.",
  51525.             "Year": 0
  51526.         },
  51527.         {
  51528.             "RIT": "ws202855",
  51529.             "Type": "WS",
  51530.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/American/1960.18.html",
  51531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51532.             "Title": "Pharoah and His Host Lost in the Red Sea",
  51533.             "Category": "HUM",
  51534.             "Description": "The Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts, presents a painting by Benjamin West.",
  51535.             "Year": 0
  51536.         },
  51537.         {
  51538.             "RIT": "ws202856",
  51539.             "Type": "WS",
  51540.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/kiefer.html",
  51541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51542.             "Title": "Quaternity",
  51543.             "Category": "HUM",
  51544.             "Description": "Anselm Kiefer's painting from the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth.",
  51545.             "Year": 0
  51546.         },
  51547.         {
  51548.             "RIT": "ws202857",
  51549.             "Type": "WS",
  51550.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=124",
  51551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51552.             "Title": "Georges Braque",
  51553.             "Category": "HUM",
  51554.             "Description": "Works of art from the E.G. Buehrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  51555.             "Year": 0
  51556.         },
  51557.         {
  51558.             "RIT": "ws202859",
  51559.             "Type": "WS",
  51560.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=Steen+Jan",
  51561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51562.             "Title": "Steen, Jan",
  51563.             "Category": "HUM",
  51564.             "Description": "Paintings by Steen from the National Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  51565.             "Year": 0
  51566.         },
  51567.         {
  51568.             "RIT": "ws202860",
  51569.             "Type": "WS",
  51570.             "URL": "http://www.amherst.edu/~mead/collections/european/jeffamherst.html",
  51571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51572.             "Title": "Sir Jeffery Amherst",
  51573.             "Category": "HUM",
  51574.             "Description": "A portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds exhibited by the Mead Art Museum at Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts.",
  51575.             "Year": 0
  51576.         },
  51577.         {
  51578.             "RIT": "ws202861",
  51579.             "Type": "WS",
  51580.             "URL": "http://www.decordova.org/decordova/sculp_park/dine.html",
  51581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51582.             "Title": "Two Big Black Hearts",
  51583.             "Category": "HUM",
  51584.             "Description": "A sculpture by Jim Dine from the DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park in Massachusetts.",
  51585.             "Year": 0
  51586.         },
  51587.         {
  51588.             "RIT": "ws202862",
  51589.             "Type": "WS",
  51590.             "URL": "http://home.uleth.ca/sfa-gal/collections/Britain/NicholsonB.html",
  51591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51592.             "Title": "Ben Nicholson",
  51593.             "Category": "HUM",
  51594.             "Description": "The University of Lethbridge Art Gallery in Lethbridge, Alberta, displays works by the artist.",
  51595.             "Year": 0
  51596.         },
  51597.         {
  51598.             "RIT": "ws202863",
  51599.             "Type": "WS",
  51600.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=29%2E100%2E15",
  51601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51602.             "Title": "Portrait of a Man",
  51603.             "Category": "HUM",
  51604.             "Description": "A painting by Hugo van der Goes from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  51605.             "Year": 0
  51606.         },
  51607.         {
  51608.             "RIT": "ws202864",
  51609.             "Type": "WS",
  51610.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/European/1970.122.html",
  51611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51612.             "Title": "Olive Trees",
  51613.             "Category": "HUM",
  51614.             "Description": "The Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts, presents a painting by Georges Braque.",
  51615.             "Year": 0
  51616.         },
  51617.         {
  51618.             "RIT": "ws202875",
  51619.             "Type": "WS",
  51620.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.org/legacy/bios/bkollwit.htm",
  51621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51622.             "Title": "Kathe Kollwitz",
  51623.             "Category": "HUM",
  51624.             "Description": "A profile of the artist from the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington D.C.",
  51625.             "Year": 0
  51626.         },
  51627.         {
  51628.             "RIT": "ws202876",
  51629.             "Type": "WS",
  51630.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/iurbino.html",
  51631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51632.             "Title": "Two Paintings of Rafael Sanzio",
  51633.             "Category": "HUM",
  51634.             "Description": "Art exhibited by the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  51635.             "Year": 0
  51636.         },
  51637.         {
  51638.             "RIT": "ws202877",
  51639.             "Type": "WS",
  51640.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/collections/painting+sculpture/ma_coll_kiefer_osiris.html",
  51641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51642.             "Title": "Osiris und Isis",
  51643.             "Category": "HUM",
  51644.             "Description": "The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art exhibits Anselm Kiefer's painting with commentary.",
  51645.             "Year": 0
  51646.         },
  51647.         {
  51648.             "RIT": "ws202878",
  51649.             "Type": "WS",
  51650.             "URL": "http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/ARHU/Depts/ArtGal/.WWW/permcol/tour/20thcent/20th01.htm",
  51651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51652.             "Title": "In The Garden",
  51653.             "Category": "HUM",
  51654.             "Description": "Work by Romare Bearden from the Art Gallery at the University of Maryland in College Park.",
  51655.             "Year": 0
  51656.         },
  51657.         {
  51658.             "RIT": "ws202879",
  51659.             "Type": "WS",
  51660.             "URL": "http://www.sprengel-museum.de/english/12SchwArchiv/12schwitters-intro.html",
  51661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51662.             "Title": "Kurt Schwitters Archives",
  51663.             "Category": "HUM",
  51664.             "Description": "Biographical information and art images from the Sprengel Museum in Hannover, Germany.",
  51665.             "Year": 0
  51666.         },
  51667.         {
  51668.             "RIT": "ws202880",
  51669.             "Type": "WS",
  51670.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1958",
  51671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51672.             "Title": "Diego Rivera",
  51673.             "Category": "HUM",
  51674.             "Description": "London's Tate Gallery provides a biography of the artist and images of his art.",
  51675.             "Year": 0
  51676.         },
  51677.         {
  51678.             "RIT": "ws202881",
  51679.             "Type": "WS",
  51680.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/rf1713/peint_f.htm",
  51681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51682.             "Title": "Christ on the Cross adored by Donors",
  51683.             "Category": "HUM",
  51684.             "Description": "El Greco's painting from the Louvre in Paris.",
  51685.             "Year": 0
  51686.         },
  51687.         {
  51688.             "RIT": "ws202882",
  51689.             "Type": "WS",
  51690.             "URL": "http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/ARHU/Depts/ArtGal/.WWW/permcol/tour/20thcent/20th09.htm",
  51691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51692.             "Title": "Postcard for the Weimar Werkstatte",
  51693.             "Category": "HUM",
  51694.             "Description": "A work of art by Oskar Kokoscka from the Art Gallery at the University of Maryland in College Park.",
  51695.             "Year": 0
  51696.         },
  51697.         {
  51698.             "RIT": "ws202883",
  51699.             "Type": "WS",
  51700.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=kurt&=And&=Yes&=schwitters&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  51701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51702.             "Title": "Kurt Schwitters",
  51703.             "Category": "HUM",
  51704.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  51705.             "Year": 0
  51706.         },
  51707.         {
  51708.             "RIT": "ws202893",
  51709.             "Type": "WS",
  51710.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=West+Benjamin",
  51711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51712.             "Title": "West, Benjamin",
  51713.             "Category": "HUM",
  51714.             "Description": "Benjamin West's paintings from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  51715.             "Year": 0
  51716.         },
  51717.         {
  51718.             "RIT": "ws202894",
  51719.             "Type": "WS",
  51720.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1990%2E38%2E1",
  51721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51722.             "Title": "Antigraceful",
  51723.             "Category": "HUM",
  51724.             "Description": "Umberto Boccioni's sculpture from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  51725.             "Year": 0
  51726.         },
  51727.         {
  51728.             "RIT": "ws202895",
  51729.             "Type": "WS",
  51730.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=50406+0+none",
  51731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51732.             "Title": "Captain Alexander Graydon",
  51733.             "Category": "HUM",
  51734.             "Description": "A painting by Robert Feke from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  51735.             "Year": 0
  51736.         },
  51737.         {
  51738.             "RIT": "ws202896",
  51739.             "Type": "WS",
  51740.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/musk_ox.html",
  51741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51742.             "Title": "Muskox",
  51743.             "Category": "LIF",
  51744.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  51745.             "Year": 0
  51746.         },
  51747.         {
  51748.             "RIT": "ws202897",
  51749.             "Type": "WS",
  51750.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=kathe&=And&=Yes&=kollwitz&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  51751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51752.             "Title": "Kathe Kollwitz",
  51753.             "Category": "HUM",
  51754.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  51755.             "Year": 0
  51756.         },
  51757.         {
  51758.             "RIT": "ws202898",
  51759.             "Type": "WS",
  51760.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=laurencin",
  51761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51762.             "Title": "Laurencin, Marie",
  51763.             "Category": "HUM",
  51764.             "Description": "Two works of art from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  51765.             "Year": 0
  51766.         },
  51767.         {
  51768.             "RIT": "ws202899",
  51769.             "Type": "WS",
  51770.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1515",
  51771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51772.             "Title": "Anselm Kiefer",
  51773.             "Category": "HUM",
  51774.             "Description": "The Tate Gallery in London provides a biography of the artist and images of his work.",
  51775.             "Year": 0
  51776.         },
  51777.         {
  51778.             "RIT": "ws202900",
  51779.             "Type": "WS",
  51780.             "URL": "http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/ARHU/Depts/ArtGal/.WWW/permcol/tour/20thcent/20th14.htm",
  51781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51782.             "Title": "Abstract (from 'Das Kestnerbuch')",
  51783.             "Category": "HUM",
  51784.             "Description": "The Art Gallery at the University of Maryland in College Park exhibits a woodcut by Kurt Schwitters.",
  51785.             "Year": 0
  51786.         },
  51787.         {
  51788.             "RIT": "ws202901",
  51789.             "Type": "WS",
  51790.             "URL": "http://www.vmfa.state.va.us/Autumn.html",
  51791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51792.             "Title": "Autumn of the Red Hat",
  51793.             "Category": "HUM",
  51794.             "Description": "A collage by Romare Bearden from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, Virginia.",
  51795.             "Year": 0
  51796.         },
  51797.         {
  51798.             "RIT": "ws202912",
  51799.             "Type": "WS",
  51800.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=ben&=And&=Yes&=nicholson&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  51801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51802.             "Title": "Ben Nicholson",
  51803.             "Category": "HUM",
  51804.             "Description": "Art displayed by the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  51805.             "Year": 0
  51806.         },
  51807.         {
  51808.             "RIT": "ws202913",
  51809.             "Type": "WS",
  51810.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1539",
  51811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51812.             "Title": "Oskar Kokoschka",
  51813.             "Category": "HUM",
  51814.             "Description": "Artist's biography and images of his art from the Tate Collections in London.",
  51815.             "Year": 0
  51816.         },
  51817.         {
  51818.             "RIT": "ws202914",
  51819.             "Type": "WS",
  51820.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=8800",
  51821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51822.             "Title": "Duccio di Buoninsegna",
  51823.             "Category": "HUM",
  51824.             "Description": "Works by the artist displayed by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  51825.             "Year": 0
  51826.         },
  51827.         {
  51828.             "RIT": "ws202915",
  51829.             "Type": "WS",
  51830.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Rouault.html_f/Rouault.html",
  51831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51832.             "Title": "Georges Rouault",
  51833.             "Category": "HUM",
  51834.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the California State University Library in Long Beach, California",
  51835.             "Year": 0
  51836.         },
  51837.         {
  51838.             "RIT": "ws202916",
  51839.             "Type": "WS",
  51840.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=edouard&=And&=Yes&=vuillard&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  51841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51842.             "Title": "Edouard Vuillard",
  51843.             "Category": "HUM",
  51844.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  51845.             "Year": 0
  51846.         },
  51847.         {
  51848.             "RIT": "ws202917",
  51849.             "Type": "WS",
  51850.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=benjamin&=And&=Yes&=west&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  51851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51852.             "Title": "Benjamin West",
  51853.             "Category": "HUM",
  51854.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  51855.             "Year": 0
  51856.         },
  51857.         {
  51858.             "RIT": "ws202918",
  51859.             "Type": "WS",
  51860.             "URL": "http://www.arca.net/uffizi/img/451-3.jpg",
  51861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51862.             "Title": "The Annunciation and two Saints",
  51863.             "Category": "HUM",
  51864.             "Description": "An altarpiece painted by Simone Martini from the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.",
  51865.             "Year": 0
  51866.         },
  51867.         {
  51868.             "RIT": "ws202919",
  51869.             "Type": "WS",
  51870.             "URL": "http://www.artchive.com/artchive/W/west/death_of_wolfe.jpg.html",
  51871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51872.             "Title": "The Death of General Wolfe",
  51873.             "Category": "HUM",
  51874.             "Description": "PBS exhibits Benjamin West's painting online.",
  51875.             "Year": 0
  51876.         },
  51877.         {
  51878.             "RIT": "ws202920",
  51879.             "Type": "WS",
  51880.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/European/1954.22.html",
  51881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51882.             "Title": "Jan Steen: The Rhetoricians",
  51883.             "Category": "HUM",
  51884.             "Description": "A painting exhibited by the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  51885.             "Year": 0
  51886.         },
  51887.         {
  51888.             "RIT": "ws202921",
  51889.             "Type": "WS",
  51890.             "URL": "http://musa.uffizi.firenze.it/Dipinti/trittportE10.html",
  51891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51892.             "Title": "Portinari Triptych",
  51893.             "Category": "HUM",
  51894.             "Description": "A painting by Hugh Van der Goes displayed by the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.",
  51895.             "Year": 0
  51896.         },
  51897.         {
  51898.             "RIT": "ws202825",
  51899.             "Type": "WS",
  51900.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/019000a/019000223.html",
  51901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51902.             "Title": "Spine",
  51903.             "Category": "LIF",
  51904.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center Web site provides information about and a diagram of the spine.",
  51905.             "Year": 0
  51906.         },
  51907.         {
  51908.             "RIT": "ws202826",
  51909.             "Type": "WS",
  51910.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page710.html",
  51911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51912.             "Title": "Giorgio da Castelfranco, called Giorgione",
  51913.             "Category": "HUM",
  51914.             "Description": "Works by the artist presented by the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  51915.             "Year": 0
  51916.         },
  51917.         {
  51918.             "RIT": "ws202827",
  51919.             "Type": "WS",
  51920.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1757",
  51921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51922.             "Title": "Amedeo Modigliani",
  51923.             "Category": "HUM",
  51924.             "Description": "A biography and art images from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  51925.             "Year": 0
  51926.         },
  51927.         {
  51928.             "RIT": "ws202828",
  51929.             "Type": "WS",
  51930.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=232490",
  51931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51932.             "Title": "Andrea del Verrocchio",
  51933.             "Category": "HUM",
  51934.             "Description": "Artworks from the National Gallery in Washington, D.C.",
  51935.             "Year": 0
  51936.         },
  51937.         {
  51938.             "RIT": "ws202829",
  51939.             "Type": "WS",
  51940.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/italian04.html",
  51941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51942.             "Title": "Madonna and Child Enthroned",
  51943.             "Category": "HUM",
  51944.             "Description": "The Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virgina, presents a pianting by Filippino Lippi.",
  51945.             "Year": 0
  51946.         },
  51947.         {
  51948.             "RIT": "ws202830",
  51949.             "Type": "WS",
  51950.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Braque.html_f/Braque.html",
  51951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51952.             "Title": "Georges Braque",
  51953.             "Category": "HUM",
  51954.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the California State University Library in Long Beach.",
  51955.             "Year": 0
  51956.         },
  51957.         {
  51958.             "RIT": "ws202831",
  51959.             "Type": "WS",
  51960.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=740&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  51961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51962.             "Title": "Correggio",
  51963.             "Category": "HUM",
  51964.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  51965.             "Year": 0
  51966.         },
  51967.         {
  51968.             "RIT": "ws202832",
  51969.             "Type": "WS",
  51970.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=58%2E89",
  51971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51972.             "Title": "Merry Company on a Terrace",
  51973.             "Category": "HUM",
  51974.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by Jan Steen.",
  51975.             "Year": 0
  51976.         },
  51977.         {
  51978.             "RIT": "ws202833",
  51979.             "Type": "WS",
  51980.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/renaissance/28.115.html",
  51981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51982.             "Title": "Madonna and Child",
  51983.             "Category": "HUM",
  51984.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts presents a painting by Giovanni Bellini.",
  51985.             "Year": 0
  51986.         },
  51987.         {
  51988.             "RIT": "ws202844",
  51989.             "Type": "WS",
  51990.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=jim&=And&=Yes&=dine&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  51991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  51992.             "Title": "Jim Dine",
  51993.             "Category": "HUM",
  51994.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  51995.             "Year": 0
  51996.         },
  51997.         {
  51998.             "RIT": "ws202845",
  51999.             "Type": "WS",
  52000.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Tamayo.html_f/Tamayo.html",
  52001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52002.             "Title": "Rufino Tamayo",
  52003.             "Category": "HUM",
  52004.             "Description": "Works by Tamayo from the California State University Library in Long Beach, California.",
  52005.             "Year": 0
  52006.         },
  52007.         {
  52008.             "RIT": "ws202846",
  52009.             "Type": "WS",
  52010.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Utrillo.html_f/Utrillo.html",
  52011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52012.             "Title": "Maurice Utrillo",
  52013.             "Category": "HUM",
  52014.             "Description": "A work by the artist from the California State University Library in Long Beach, California.",
  52015.             "Year": 0
  52016.         },
  52017.         {
  52018.             "RIT": "ws202847",
  52019.             "Type": "WS",
  52020.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/french/55.278.html",
  52021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52022.             "Title": "The Cottagers",
  52023.             "Category": "HUM",
  52024.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts displays a painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds.",
  52025.             "Year": 0
  52026.         },
  52027.         {
  52028.             "RIT": "ws202848",
  52029.             "Type": "WS",
  52030.             "URL": "http://www.museothyssen.org/Ingles/museovirtual/fichas/obraampliada.asp?codigo=514",
  52031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52032.             "Title": "Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni",
  52033.             "Category": "HUM",
  52034.             "Description": "Domenico di Tommaso Bigordi's painting from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  52035.             "Year": 0
  52036.         },
  52037.         {
  52038.             "RIT": "ws202850",
  52039.             "Type": "WS",
  52040.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=12150",
  52041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52042.             "Title": "Domenico Ghirlandaio",
  52043.             "Category": "HUM",
  52044.             "Description": "Images of the artist's work from the National Gallery in Washington, D.C.",
  52045.             "Year": 0
  52046.         },
  52047.         {
  52048.             "RIT": "ws202852",
  52049.             "Type": "WS",
  52050.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/altocomp.htm",
  52051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52052.             "Title": "Alto Composite",
  52053.             "Category": "HUM",
  52054.             "Description": "A painting by Romare Bearden from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  52055.             "Year": 0
  52056.         },
  52057.         {
  52058.             "RIT": "ws202853",
  52059.             "Type": "WS",
  52060.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FPASS=N&FORMAT=one&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/002033/",
  52061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52062.             "Title": "A Hunger Fantasy",
  52063.             "Category": "HUM",
  52064.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., exhibits a painting by George Grosz.",
  52065.             "Year": 0
  52066.         },
  52067.         {
  52068.             "RIT": "ws202854",
  52069.             "Type": "WS",
  52070.             "URL": "http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?search=ss&sText=Benjamin+West&LinkID=mp04767",
  52071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52072.             "Title": "Benjamin West (1738-1820), History painter and President of the Royal Academy",
  52073.             "Category": "HUM",
  52074.             "Description": "Portraits by West from the National Portrait Gallery in London.",
  52075.             "Year": 0
  52076.         },
  52077.         {
  52078.             "RIT": "ws202865",
  52079.             "Type": "WS",
  52080.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1978%2E61%2E1%2D6",
  52081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52082.             "Title": "The Block",
  52083.             "Category": "HUM",
  52084.             "Description": "A painting by Romare Bearden from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  52085.             "Year": 0
  52086.         },
  52087.         {
  52088.             "RIT": "ws202866",
  52089.             "Type": "WS",
  52090.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=6300",
  52091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52092.             "Title": "Correggio",
  52093.             "Category": "HUM",
  52094.             "Description": "Imgages of Correggio's art from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  52095.             "Year": 0
  52096.         },
  52097.         {
  52098.             "RIT": "ws202867",
  52099.             "Type": "WS",
  52100.             "URL": "http://www.the-wallace-collection.org.uk/c/w_a/p_w_d/b/a/reynolds.htm",
  52101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52102.             "Title": "Joshua Reynolds",
  52103.             "Category": "HUM",
  52104.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the Wallace Collection in London.",
  52105.             "Year": 0
  52106.         },
  52107.         {
  52108.             "RIT": "ws202868",
  52109.             "Type": "WS",
  52110.             "URL": "http://gort.ucsd.edu/sj/timken/t-west.html",
  52111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52112.             "Title": "Fidelia and Speranza",
  52113.             "Category": "HUM",
  52114.             "Description": "A painting by Benjamin West from the Timken Museum of Art in San Diego, California.",
  52115.             "Year": 0
  52116.         },
  52117.         {
  52118.             "RIT": "ws202870",
  52119.             "Type": "WS",
  52120.             "URL": "http://www.aagm.co.uk/ag002364.html",
  52121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52122.             "Title": "Pope I - Study after Pope Innocent X by Velazquez 1951",
  52123.             "Category": "HUM",
  52124.             "Description": "Francis Bacon's painting from the Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums in Aberdeen, Scotland.",
  52125.             "Year": 0
  52126.         },
  52127.         {
  52128.             "RIT": "ws202871",
  52129.             "Type": "WS",
  52130.             "URL": "http://www.byu.edu/moa/exhibits/Current%20Exhibits/150years/840002400.html",
  52131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52132.             "Title": "The Baptism of Our Saviour",
  52133.             "Category": "HUM",
  52134.             "Description": "Benjamin West's painting exhibit by the Brigham Young University Museum of Art in Provo, Utah.",
  52135.             "Year": 0
  52136.         },
  52137.         {
  52138.             "RIT": "ws202872",
  52139.             "Type": "WS",
  52140.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=1850",
  52141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52142.             "Title": "Giovanni Bellini",
  52143.             "Category": "HUM",
  52144.             "Description": "Images of Bellini's art from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  52145.             "Year": 0
  52146.         },
  52147.         {
  52148.             "RIT": "ws202873",
  52149.             "Type": "WS",
  52150.             "URL": "http://www.guggenheim.org/exhibitions/past_exhibitions/picasso/lg/ns/index.html",
  52151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52152.             "Title": "Picasso and the War Years: 1937-1945",
  52153.             "Category": "HUM",
  52154.             "Description": "An exhibition from the Guggenheim Musuem in New York City.",
  52155.             "Year": 0
  52156.         },
  52157.         {
  52158.             "RIT": "ws202874",
  52159.             "Type": "WS",
  52160.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/COL5a9/COL65a.HTM",
  52161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52162.             "Title": "Maurice de VLAMINCK",
  52163.             "Category": "HUM",
  52164.             "Description": "An artist profile from the Fondation Bemberg Museum in Toulouse, France.",
  52165.             "Year": 0
  52166.         },
  52167.         {
  52168.             "RIT": "ws202884",
  52169.             "Type": "WS",
  52170.             "URL": "http://www.aagm.co.uk/ag003042.html",
  52171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52172.             "Title": "La Partie de Cartes by Edouard Vuillard",
  52173.             "Category": "HUM",
  52174.             "Description": "The Aberdeen Art Gallery in Aberdeen, Scotland, displays a painting by Vuillard.",
  52175.             "Year": 0
  52176.         },
  52177.         {
  52178.             "RIT": "ws202885",
  52179.             "Type": "WS",
  52180.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/living/popoff/aidsatlas_990517/index.html",
  52181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52182.             "Title": "AIDS Atlas",
  52183.             "Category": "LIF",
  52184.             "Description": "ABC News presents an interactive map that shows AIDS infection rates worldwide.",
  52185.             "Year": 0
  52186.         },
  52187.         {
  52188.             "RIT": "ws202886",
  52189.             "Type": "WS",
  52190.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/American/1928.4.html",
  52191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52192.             "Title": "Mother and Child",
  52193.             "Category": "HUM",
  52194.             "Description": "Diego Rivera's drawing exhibited by the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  52195.             "Year": 0
  52196.         },
  52197.         {
  52198.             "RIT": "ws202887",
  52199.             "Type": "WS",
  52200.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv0042/peint_f.htm",
  52201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52202.             "Title": "Venus, Satyr and Cupid",
  52203.             "Category": "HUM",
  52204.             "Description": "Correggio's painting from the Louvre in Paris.",
  52205.             "Year": 0
  52206.         },
  52207.         {
  52208.             "RIT": "ws202888",
  52209.             "Type": "WS",
  52210.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/20thcentury/20th/1950-2000/kiefer_lrg.html",
  52211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52212.             "Title": "Anselm Kiefer: Untitled",
  52213.             "Category": "HUM",
  52214.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina.",
  52215.             "Year": 0
  52216.         },
  52217.         {
  52218.             "RIT": "ws202889",
  52219.             "Type": "WS",
  52220.             "URL": "http://www.artgallerynsw.com.au/collection/pdw_west_mod_grosz.act",
  52221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52222.             "Title": "Murder in Ackerstrasse",
  52223.             "Category": "HUM",
  52224.             "Description": "A lithograph by George Grosz from the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.",
  52225.             "Year": 0
  52226.         },
  52227.         {
  52228.             "RIT": "ws202890",
  52229.             "Type": "WS",
  52230.             "URL": "http://www.vmfa.state.va.us/Landscape.html",
  52231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52232.             "Title": "Landscape With Wing",
  52233.             "Category": "LIF",
  52234.             "Description": "The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, Virginia. presents a painting by Anselm Kiefer.",
  52235.             "Year": 0
  52236.         },
  52237.         {
  52238.             "RIT": "ws202891",
  52239.             "Type": "WS",
  52240.             "URL": "http://www.kyohaku.go.jp/meihin/mhind43e.htm",
  52241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52242.             "Title": "Muromachi Ink Paintings",
  52243.             "Category": "HUM",
  52244.             "Description": "This exhibit includes works by Sesshu. From the Kyoto National Museum in Kyoto, Japan.",
  52245.             "Year": 0
  52246.         },
  52247.         {
  52248.             "RIT": "ws202892",
  52249.             "Type": "WS",
  52250.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntg15f.htm",
  52251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52252.             "Title": "The Temptation of Christ on the Mountain",
  52253.             "Category": "HUM",
  52254.             "Description": "Duccio di Buoninsegna's painting from the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  52255.             "Year": 0
  52256.         },
  52257.         {
  52258.             "RIT": "ws202902",
  52259.             "Type": "WS",
  52260.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/paintbru.htm",
  52261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52262.             "Title": "Five Paintbrushes (fourth state)",
  52263.             "Category": "HUM",
  52264.             "Description": "Jim Dine's artowrk from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  52265.             "Year": 0
  52266.         },
  52267.         {
  52268.             "RIT": "ws202904",
  52269.             "Type": "WS",
  52270.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/mi0469/peint_f.htm",
  52271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52272.             "Title": "The Battle of San Romano; The Counterattack of Michelotto da Cotignola",
  52273.             "Category": "HUM",
  52274.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris presents art by Paolo di Dono, known as Uccello.",
  52275.             "Year": 0
  52276.         },
  52277.         {
  52278.             "RIT": "ws202905",
  52279.             "Type": "WS",
  52280.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=32%2E130%2E2",
  52281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52282.             "Title": "The Adoration of the Shepherds",
  52283.             "Category": "HUM",
  52284.             "Description": "Andrea Mantegna's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  52285.             "Year": 0
  52286.         },
  52287.         {
  52288.             "RIT": "ws202906",
  52289.             "Type": "WS",
  52290.             "URL": "http://www.boijmans.rotterdam.nl/engels/collec/ok/ok4.htm",
  52291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52292.             "Title": "Boy with dogs in landscape",
  52293.             "Category": "HUM",
  52294.             "Description": "Titian's painting exhibited by the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.",
  52295.             "Year": 0
  52296.         },
  52297.         {
  52298.             "RIT": "ws202907",
  52299.             "Type": "WS",
  52300.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/world.htm",
  52301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52302.             "Title": "The World (for Anne Waldman)",
  52303.             "Category": "HUM",
  52304.             "Description": "The Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, displays a print by Jim Dine.",
  52305.             "Year": 0
  52306.         },
  52307.         {
  52308.             "RIT": "ws202908",
  52309.             "Type": "WS",
  52310.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=18750",
  52311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52312.             "Title": "Filippino Lippi",
  52313.             "Category": "HUM",
  52314.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  52315.             "Year": 0
  52316.         },
  52317.         {
  52318.             "RIT": "ws202909",
  52319.             "Type": "WS",
  52320.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=andre&=And&=Yes&=masson&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  52321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52322.             "Title": "Andre Masson",
  52323.             "Category": "HUM",
  52324.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  52325.             "Year": 0
  52326.         },
  52327.         {
  52328.             "RIT": "ws202910",
  52329.             "Type": "WS",
  52330.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/dine.html",
  52331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52332.             "Title": "Four German Brushes",
  52333.             "Category": "HUM",
  52334.             "Description": "Etchings by Jim Dine from the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth in Fort Worth, Texas.",
  52335.             "Year": 0
  52336.         },
  52337.         {
  52338.             "RIT": "ws202911",
  52339.             "Type": "WS",
  52340.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1984%2E433%2E294",
  52341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52342.             "Title": "Seated Woman",
  52343.             "Category": "HUM",
  52344.             "Description": "Egon Schiele's painting from the Metropolitan Musuem of Art in New York City.",
  52345.             "Year": 0
  52346.         },
  52347.         {
  52348.             "RIT": "ws202922",
  52349.             "Type": "WS",
  52350.             "URL": "http://info.jpost.com/2000/Supplements/PapalVisit/",
  52351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52352.             "Title": "The Pope in Israel",
  52353.             "Category": "HUM",
  52354.             "Description": "Jerusalem Post articles covering Pope John Paul II's 2000 visit to the Holy Land.",
  52355.             "Year": 0
  52356.         },
  52357.         {
  52358.             "RIT": "ws202923",
  52359.             "Type": "WS",
  52360.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Soyer.html_f/Soyer.html",
  52361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52362.             "Title": "Soyer",
  52363.             "Category": "HUM",
  52364.             "Description": "The California State University Library in Long Beach displays a lithograph by Raphael Soyer.",
  52365.             "Year": 0
  52366.         },
  52367.         {
  52368.             "RIT": "ws202924",
  52369.             "Type": "WS",
  52370.             "URL": "http://www.us1.nagasaki-noc.ne.jp/nacity/index_e.html",
  52371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52372.             "Title": "Welcome Nagasaki City",
  52373.             "Category": "GEO",
  52374.             "Description": "Home page of Nagasaki, Japan.",
  52375.             "Year": 0
  52376.         },
  52377.         {
  52378.             "RIT": "ws202925",
  52379.             "Type": "WS",
  52380.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=21950",
  52381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52382.             "Title": "Amedeo Modigliani",
  52383.             "Category": "HUM",
  52384.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  52385.             "Year": 0
  52386.         },
  52387.         {
  52388.             "RIT": "ws202926",
  52389.             "Type": "WS",
  52390.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6374",
  52391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52392.             "Title": "Pol Pot",
  52393.             "Category": "HIS",
  52394.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  52395.             "Year": 0
  52396.         },
  52397.         {
  52398.             "RIT": "ws202927",
  52399.             "Type": "WS",
  52400.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_TiUagS",
  52401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52402.             "Title": "Paul Gauguin postcards",
  52403.             "Category": "HUM",
  52404.             "Description": "Page one of a five-page exhibition from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts in Minneapolis, Minnesota.",
  52405.             "Year": 0
  52406.         },
  52407.         {
  52408.             "RIT": "ws202928",
  52409.             "Type": "WS",
  52410.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=&=And&=Yes&=Escher&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  52411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52412.             "Title": "Maurits Cornelis Escher",
  52413.             "Category": "HUM",
  52414.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  52415.             "Year": 0
  52416.         },
  52417.         {
  52418.             "RIT": "ws202929",
  52419.             "Type": "WS",
  52420.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sheppard/",
  52421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52422.             "Title": "The Killer's Trail",
  52423.             "Category": "SOC",
  52424.             "Description": "Companion site to NOVA program about DNA testing used in a murder investigation.",
  52425.             "Year": 0
  52426.         },
  52427.         {
  52428.             "RIT": "ws202931",
  52429.             "Type": "WS",
  52430.             "URL": "http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/ARHU/Depts/ArtGal/.WWW/permcol/tour/social/social04.htm",
  52431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52432.             "Title": "Men Eating",
  52433.             "Category": "HUM",
  52434.             "Description": "A lithograph by Raphael Soyer from the art gallery of the University of Maryland in College Park.",
  52435.             "Year": 0
  52436.         },
  52437.         {
  52438.             "RIT": "ws202933",
  52439.             "Type": "WS",
  52440.             "URL": "http://www.civilisations.ca/cultur/vietnam/vitim01e.html",
  52441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52442.             "Title": "History of Vietnam",
  52443.             "Category": "GEO",
  52444.             "Description": "Information from the Canadian Museum of Civilization.",
  52445.             "Year": 0
  52446.         },
  52447.         {
  52448.             "RIT": "ws202944",
  52449.             "Type": "WS",
  52450.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=64%2E148",
  52451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52452.             "Title": "Mada Primavesi",
  52453.             "Category": "HUM",
  52454.             "Description": "A portrait by Gustav Klimt from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  52455.             "Year": 0
  52456.         },
  52457.         {
  52458.             "RIT": "ws202945",
  52459.             "Type": "WS",
  52460.             "URL": "http://www.msnbc.com/news/popetrip_front.asp?cp1=1",
  52461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52462.             "Title": "Pope in the Holy Land",
  52463.             "Category": "HUM",
  52464.             "Description": "MSNBC's coverage of Pope John Paul II's 2000 visit to Jerusalem.",
  52465.             "Year": 0
  52466.         },
  52467.         {
  52468.             "RIT": "ws202946",
  52469.             "Type": "WS",
  52470.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/iaquelarre.html",
  52471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52472.             "Title": "Witches' Sabbath",
  52473.             "Category": "HUM",
  52474.             "Description": "A work by Francisco Goya presented by the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  52475.             "Year": 0
  52476.         },
  52477.         {
  52478.             "RIT": "ws202947",
  52479.             "Type": "WS",
  52480.             "URL": "http://www.hnps.tpc.edu.tw/juj/Stella/002.htm",
  52481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52482.             "Title": "Wolfboro III",
  52483.             "Category": "HUM",
  52484.             "Description": "A Frank Stella painting",
  52485.             "Year": 0
  52486.         },
  52487.         {
  52488.             "RIT": "ws202948",
  52489.             "Type": "WS",
  52490.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=george&=And&=Yes&=grosz&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  52491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52492.             "Title": "George Grosz",
  52493.             "Category": "HUM",
  52494.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums in San Francisco.",
  52495.             "Year": 0
  52496.         },
  52497.         {
  52498.             "RIT": "ws202949",
  52499.             "Type": "WS",
  52500.             "URL": "http://www.sjmusart.org/",
  52501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52502.             "Title": "San Jose Museum of Art Online",
  52503.             "Category": "GEO",
  52504.             "Description": "Web site of a San Jose, California, museum. Includes virtual exhibitions and information for visitors to the museum.",
  52505.             "Year": 0
  52506.         },
  52507.         {
  52508.             "RIT": "ws202950",
  52509.             "Type": "WS",
  52510.             "URL": "http://www.mmkslw.or.at/MMKSLW/english/sammlung/magritt.htm",
  52511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52512.             "Title": "The Call of the Blood",
  52513.             "Category": "HUM",
  52514.             "Description": "The Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation in Vienna, Austria, displays a painting by Rene Magritte.",
  52515.             "Year": 0
  52516.         },
  52517.         {
  52518.             "RIT": "ws202951",
  52519.             "Type": "WS",
  52520.             "URL": "http://www.the-wallace-collection.org.uk/c/w_a/p_w_d/f/p/p767.htm",
  52521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52522.             "Title": "Hope and Charity",
  52523.             "Category": "HUM",
  52524.             "Description": "The Wallace Collection in London presents art by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.",
  52525.             "Year": 0
  52526.         },
  52527.         {
  52528.             "RIT": "ws202952",
  52529.             "Type": "WS",
  52530.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page1106.html",
  52531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52532.             "Title": "St. Sebastian",
  52533.             "Category": "HUM",
  52534.             "Description": "Andrea Mantegna's painting displayed by the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  52535.             "Year": 0
  52536.         },
  52537.         {
  52538.             "RIT": "ws202953",
  52539.             "Type": "WS",
  52540.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=26200",
  52541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52542.             "Title": "Rembrandt van Rijn",
  52543.             "Category": "HUM",
  52544.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  52545.             "Year": 0
  52546.         },
  52547.         {
  52548.             "RIT": "ws202963",
  52549.             "Type": "WS",
  52550.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=516&group=general&name=",
  52551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52552.             "Title": "Sir Joshua Reynolds",
  52553.             "Category": "HUM",
  52554.             "Description": "Images of works by Reynolds from the Tate Collections in London.",
  52555.             "Year": 0
  52556.         },
  52557.         {
  52558.             "RIT": "ws202964",
  52559.             "Type": "WS",
  52560.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/time100/leaders/profile/popejohn.html",
  52561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52562.             "Title": "Pope John Paul II",
  52563.             "Category": "HUM",
  52564.             "Description": "This essay is part of TIME Magazine's celebration of 100 influential people of the 20th Century.",
  52565.             "Year": 0
  52566.         },
  52567.         {
  52568.             "RIT": "ws202965",
  52569.             "Type": "WS",
  52570.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=dali+salvador&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  52571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52572.             "Title": "Salvador Dali",
  52573.             "Category": "HUM",
  52574.             "Description": "Works by Dali displayed by the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  52575.             "Year": 0
  52576.         },
  52577.         {
  52578.             "RIT": "ws202966",
  52579.             "Type": "WS",
  52580.             "URL": "http://www.psu.edu/dept/palmermuseum/snowissgallery/hopper.rocks.html",
  52581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52582.             "Title": "Rocks at the Fort Gloucester",
  52583.             "Category": "HUM",
  52584.             "Description": "Edward Hopper's painting exhibited by the Palmer Museum of Art at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, Pennsylvania.",
  52585.             "Year": 0
  52586.         },
  52587.         {
  52588.             "RIT": "ws202968",
  52589.             "Type": "WS",
  52590.             "URL": "http://www.mfa.org/exhibitions/lichtenstein.html",
  52591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52592.             "Title": "Landscapes in the Chinese Style",
  52593.             "Category": "HUM",
  52594.             "Description": "Information about an exhibit of Roy Lichtenstein's Chinese mountain scene paintings at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.",
  52595.             "Year": 0
  52596.         },
  52597.         {
  52598.             "RIT": "ws202969",
  52599.             "Type": "WS",
  52600.             "URL": "http://www.sbmuseart.org/collection/modern/laColinaDeLosMuertos.html",
  52601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52602.             "Title": "La Colina de los Muertos",
  52603.             "Category": "HUM",
  52604.             "Description": "The Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara, Californa, presents a painting by David Alfaro Siqueiros.",
  52605.             "Year": 0
  52606.         },
  52607.         {
  52608.             "RIT": "ws202970",
  52609.             "Type": "WS",
  52610.             "URL": "http://www.augustins.org/en/collections/catalogue/fiche.asp?num=D+1962+2",
  52611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52612.             "Title": "L'EGLISE BLANCHE",
  52613.             "Category": "HUM",
  52614.             "Description": "Maurice Utrillo's painting from the Musee des Augustins in Toulouse, France.",
  52615.             "Year": 0
  52616.         },
  52617.         {
  52618.             "RIT": "ws202971",
  52619.             "Type": "WS",
  52620.             "URL": "http://www.fng.fi/cgibin/art.pl?en_collecti_internat_group_famous_pgauguin_all=pgauguin&w=A8164600&w=A0301900&version=html4#first",
  52621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52622.             "Title": "Gauguin, Paul",
  52623.             "Category": "HUM",
  52624.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Finnish National Gallery in Helsinki, Finland.",
  52625.             "Year": 0
  52626.         },
  52627.         {
  52628.             "RIT": "ws202934",
  52629.             "Type": "WS",
  52630.             "URL": "http://www.mackenzieartgallery.sk.ca/collection/view.cgi?cmd=artist&artist_id=392",
  52631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52632.             "Title": "Kollwitz, Kathe",
  52633.             "Category": "HUM",
  52634.             "Description": "Kollwitz' art presented by the MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina, Saskatchewan.",
  52635.             "Year": 0
  52636.         },
  52637.         {
  52638.             "RIT": "ws202935",
  52639.             "Type": "WS",
  52640.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.org/legacy/bios/bleyster.htm",
  52641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52642.             "Title": "Artist profile: Judith Leyster",
  52643.             "Category": "HUM",
  52644.             "Description": "Information from the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C.",
  52645.             "Year": 0
  52646.         },
  52647.         {
  52648.             "RIT": "ws202936",
  52649.             "Type": "WS",
  52650.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=32%2E100%2E18",
  52651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52652.             "Title": "Allegory of the Faith",
  52653.             "Category": "HUM",
  52654.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City displays Johannes (Jan) Vermeer's painting.",
  52655.             "Year": 0
  52656.         },
  52657.         {
  52658.             "RIT": "ws202937",
  52659.             "Type": "WS",
  52660.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/raphael_soyer_1899.htm",
  52661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52662.             "Title": "My Friends",
  52663.             "Category": "HUM",
  52664.             "Description": "Raphael Soyer's painting from the Butler Museum of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  52665.             "Year": 0
  52666.         },
  52667.         {
  52668.             "RIT": "ws202939",
  52669.             "Type": "WS",
  52670.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=104",
  52671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52672.             "Title": "Edouard Vuillard",
  52673.             "Category": "HUM",
  52674.             "Description": "Paintings from the E.G. Buhrle Collecion in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  52675.             "Year": 0
  52676.         },
  52677.         {
  52678.             "RIT": "ws202940",
  52679.             "Type": "WS",
  52680.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/albatross.html",
  52681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52682.             "Title": "Laysan Albatross",
  52683.             "Category": "LIF",
  52684.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  52685.             "Year": 0
  52686.         },
  52687.         {
  52688.             "RIT": "ws202941",
  52689.             "Type": "WS",
  52690.             "URL": "http://www.undcp.org/report_1998-10-01_1.html",
  52691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52692.             "Title": "Terminology and Information on Drugs",
  52693.             "Category": "LIF",
  52694.             "Description": "The United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention provides information on various illegal drugs.",
  52695.             "Year": 0
  52696.         },
  52697.         {
  52698.             "RIT": "ws202942",
  52699.             "Type": "WS",
  52700.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=braque+georges&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  52701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52702.             "Title": "Georges Braque",
  52703.             "Category": "HUM",
  52704.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  52705.             "Year": 0
  52706.         },
  52707.         {
  52708.             "RIT": "ws202943",
  52709.             "Type": "WS",
  52710.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/002955/",
  52711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52712.             "Title": "Fernand Leger",
  52713.             "Category": "HUM",
  52714.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., exhibits the work of Fernand Leger.",
  52715.             "Year": 0
  52716.         },
  52717.         {
  52718.             "RIT": "ws202954",
  52719.             "Type": "WS",
  52720.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/European/1921.186.html",
  52721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52722.             "Title": "The Brooding Woman",
  52723.             "Category": "HUM",
  52724.             "Description": "The Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts, presents a painting by Paul Gauguin.",
  52725.             "Year": 0
  52726.         },
  52727.         {
  52728.             "RIT": "ws202955",
  52729.             "Type": "WS",
  52730.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=&=And&=Yes&=siqueiros&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  52731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52732.             "Title": "Untitled (Mother and Child)",
  52733.             "Category": "HUM",
  52734.             "Description": "Art by David Alfaro Siqueiros from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  52735.             "Year": 0
  52736.         },
  52737.         {
  52738.             "RIT": "ws202956",
  52739.             "Type": "WS",
  52740.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/expopassees/a-cosmos1.html",
  52741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52742.             "Title": "The Balloon",
  52743.             "Category": "HUM",
  52744.             "Description": "Francisco Goya's painting from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in Quebec.",
  52745.             "Year": 0
  52746.         },
  52747.         {
  52748.             "RIT": "ws202957",
  52749.             "Type": "WS",
  52750.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=31800",
  52751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52752.             "Title": "Artist: Johannes Vermeer",
  52753.             "Category": "HUM",
  52754.             "Description": "A biography and paintings presented by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  52755.             "Year": 0
  52756.         },
  52757.         {
  52758.             "RIT": "ws202958",
  52759.             "Type": "WS",
  52760.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/prints/90pc_munch.html",
  52761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52762.             "Title": "Two Women on the Shore",
  52763.             "Category": "HUM",
  52764.             "Description": "The Art Institute of Chicago presents a woodcut by Edvard Munch.",
  52765.             "Year": 0
  52766.         },
  52767.         {
  52768.             "RIT": "ws202959",
  52769.             "Type": "WS",
  52770.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_fEZFHx",
  52771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52772.             "Title": "Oskar Kokoschka",
  52773.             "Category": "HUM",
  52774.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents works by the artist as online postcards. Page one of a two-page exhibit.",
  52775.             "Year": 0
  52776.         },
  52777.         {
  52778.             "RIT": "ws202960",
  52779.             "Type": "WS",
  52780.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=32850",
  52781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52782.             "Title": "Benjamin West",
  52783.             "Category": "HUM",
  52784.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the National Gallery in Washington, D.C",
  52785.             "Year": 0
  52786.         },
  52787.         {
  52788.             "RIT": "ws202961",
  52789.             "Type": "WS",
  52790.             "URL": "http://www.cc.ukans.edu/~sma/kollwitz/kollwitz.htm",
  52791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52792.             "Title": "Ende",
  52793.             "Category": "HUM",
  52794.             "Description": "The Spencer Museum of Art at the University of Kansas in Lawrence presents a piece by Kathe Kollwitz.",
  52795.             "Year": 0
  52796.         },
  52797.         {
  52798.             "RIT": "ws202962",
  52799.             "Type": "WS",
  52800.             "URL": "http://musa.uffizi.firenze.it/Dipinti/corrverginE23.html",
  52801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52802.             "Title": "The Virgin Adoring the Child",
  52803.             "Category": "HUM",
  52804.             "Description": "Correggio's painting from the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.",
  52805.             "Year": 0
  52806.         },
  52807.         {
  52808.             "RIT": "ws202972",
  52809.             "Type": "WS",
  52810.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/20thcentury/20th/1910-1950/039_lrg.html",
  52811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52812.             "Title": "Andrew Newell Wyeth: Winter 1946",
  52813.             "Category": "HUM",
  52814.             "Description": "The North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina, presents the painting and criticism.",
  52815.             "Year": 0
  52816.         },
  52817.         {
  52818.             "RIT": "ws202973",
  52819.             "Type": "WS",
  52820.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/publish/hatecrime.htm",
  52821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52822.             "Title": "Hate Crime Statistics",
  52823.             "Category": "SOC",
  52824.             "Description": "Information about hate crimes in the United States from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.",
  52825.             "Year": 0
  52826.         },
  52827.         {
  52828.             "RIT": "ws202974",
  52829.             "Type": "WS",
  52830.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page242.html",
  52831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52832.             "Title": "Johannes Vermeer van Delft",
  52833.             "Category": "HUM",
  52834.             "Description": "The Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum presents a painting by Vermeer.",
  52835.             "Year": 0
  52836.         },
  52837.         {
  52838.             "RIT": "ws202975",
  52839.             "Type": "WS",
  52840.             "URL": "http://www.civilization.ca/arts/ssf/ssf00eng.html",
  52841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52842.             "Title": "Strings, Springs and Finger Things",
  52843.             "Category": "REC",
  52844.             "Description": "An online display of the Museum of Canadian Civilization's puppet collection.",
  52845.             "Year": 0
  52846.         },
  52847.         {
  52848.             "RIT": "ws202976",
  52849.             "Type": "WS",
  52850.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/puffin.html",
  52851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52852.             "Title": "Tufted Puffin",
  52853.             "Category": "LIF",
  52854.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  52855.             "Year": 0
  52856.         },
  52857.         {
  52858.             "RIT": "ws202977",
  52859.             "Type": "WS",
  52860.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_Zxlghv",
  52861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52862.             "Title": "The Child Baptist in the Wilderness",
  52863.             "Category": "HUM",
  52864.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds as an online postcard.",
  52865.             "Year": 0
  52866.         },
  52867.         {
  52868.             "RIT": "ws202978",
  52869.             "Type": "WS",
  52870.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/special_report/1998/08/98/burma/newsid_146000/146254.stm",
  52871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52872.             "Title": "Special Report: Burma protests remembered",
  52873.             "Category": "GEO",
  52874.             "Description": "A BBC News feature about the Burmese people's mass demonstrations in 1998 for basic human rights and democracy.",
  52875.             "Year": 0
  52876.         },
  52877.         {
  52878.             "RIT": "ws202979",
  52879.             "Type": "WS",
  52880.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.org/legacy/bios/bcassatt.htm",
  52881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52882.             "Title": "Mary Cassatt",
  52883.             "Category": "HUM",
  52884.             "Description": "The National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C., presents a profile of the artist.",
  52885.             "Year": 0
  52886.         },
  52887.         {
  52888.             "RIT": "ws202980",
  52889.             "Type": "WS",
  52890.             "URL": "http://www.walkerart.org/resources/res_pc_hopper.html",
  52891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52892.             "Title": "Office at Night",
  52893.             "Category": "HUM",
  52894.             "Description": "The Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, presents an Edward Hopper painting with criticism.",
  52895.             "Year": 0
  52896.         },
  52897.         {
  52898.             "RIT": "ws202991",
  52899.             "Type": "WS",
  52900.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=moses&=And&=Yes&=soyer&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  52901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52902.             "Title": "Moses Soyer",
  52903.             "Category": "HUM",
  52904.             "Description": "Soyer's art from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  52905.             "Year": 0
  52906.         },
  52907.         {
  52908.             "RIT": "ws202992",
  52909.             "Type": "WS",
  52910.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/009000a/009000089.html",
  52911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52912.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, intestine",
  52913.             "Category": "LIF",
  52914.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  52915.             "Year": 0
  52916.         },
  52917.         {
  52918.             "RIT": "ws202993",
  52919.             "Type": "WS",
  52920.             "URL": "http://mfah.org/garden/artists/stella.html",
  52921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52922.             "Title": "Decanter",
  52923.             "Category": "HUM",
  52924.             "Description": "Frank Stella's sculpture from the Lillie and Hugh Roy Cullen Sculpture Garden of the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, Texas.",
  52925.             "Year": 0
  52926.         },
  52927.         {
  52928.             "RIT": "ws202994",
  52929.             "Type": "WS",
  52930.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/013000a/013000042.html",
  52931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52932.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, mastoid",
  52933.             "Category": "LIF",
  52934.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  52935.             "Year": 0
  52936.         },
  52937.         {
  52938.             "RIT": "ws202995",
  52939.             "Type": "WS",
  52940.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/001000a/001000197.html",
  52941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52942.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, aorta",
  52943.             "Category": "LIF",
  52944.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  52945.             "Year": 0
  52946.         },
  52947.         {
  52948.             "RIT": "ws202996",
  52949.             "Type": "WS",
  52950.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=15180",
  52951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52952.             "Title": "Artist: Edward Hopper",
  52953.             "Category": "HUM",
  52954.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents several etchings by Hopper.",
  52955.             "Year": 0
  52956.         },
  52957.         {
  52958.             "RIT": "ws202997",
  52959.             "Type": "WS",
  52960.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/016000a/016000094.html",
  52961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52962.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, penis",
  52963.             "Category": "LIF",
  52964.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  52965.             "Year": 0
  52966.         },
  52967.         {
  52968.             "RIT": "ws202998",
  52969.             "Type": "WS",
  52970.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=857&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  52971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52972.             "Title": "Masaccio",
  52973.             "Category": "HUM",
  52974.             "Description": "Biographical information and an image of Masaccio's art from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  52975.             "Year": 0
  52976.         },
  52977.         {
  52978.             "RIT": "ws203008",
  52979.             "Type": "WS",
  52980.             "URL": "http://www.col.k12.me.us/haw/browntail/home.html",
  52981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52982.             "Title": "The Hawthorne School Browntail Moth Page",
  52983.             "Category": "LIF",
  52984.             "Description": "General information about the browntail moth by Hawthorne School.",
  52985.             "Year": 0
  52986.         },
  52987.         {
  52988.             "RIT": "ws203009",
  52989.             "Type": "WS",
  52990.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azdragon.html",
  52991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  52992.             "Title": "Australia: Bearded Dragon",
  52993.             "Category": "LIF",
  52994.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  52995.             "Year": 0
  52996.         },
  52997.         {
  52998.             "RIT": "ws203010",
  52999.             "Type": "WS",
  53000.             "URL": "http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/entfacts/fruit/ef204.htm",
  53001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53002.             "Title": "SAN JOSE SCALE",
  53003.             "Category": "LIF",
  53004.             "Description": "Information from the University of Kentucky.",
  53005.             "Year": 0
  53006.         },
  53007.         {
  53008.             "RIT": "ws203011",
  53009.             "Type": "WS",
  53010.             "URL": "http://www.forestry.ubc.ca/fetch21/FRST308/lab3/polyphylla_spp/june.html",
  53011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53012.             "Title": "Polyphylla spp. (Scarabaeidae) - the common June beetle",
  53013.             "Category": "LIF",
  53014.             "Description": "Information from the Spencer Museum of Entomology at University of British Columbia.",
  53015.             "Year": 0
  53016.         },
  53017.         {
  53018.             "RIT": "ws203012",
  53019.             "Type": "WS",
  53020.             "URL": "http://ceris.purdue.edu/napis/pests/pbw/",
  53021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53022.             "Title": "Pink Bollworm",
  53023.             "Category": "LIF",
  53024.             "Description": "Information from the National Agricultural Pest Information System.",
  53025.             "Year": 0
  53026.         },
  53027.         {
  53028.             "RIT": "ws203013",
  53029.             "Type": "WS",
  53030.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azwalaby.html",
  53031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53032.             "Title": "Australia: Tammar (Scrub) Wallaby",
  53033.             "Category": "LIF",
  53034.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53035.             "Year": 0
  53036.         },
  53037.         {
  53038.             "RIT": "ws203014",
  53039.             "Type": "WS",
  53040.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azblylmc.html",
  53041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53042.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Blue and Yellow Macaw",
  53043.             "Category": "LIF",
  53044.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53045.             "Year": 0
  53046.         },
  53047.         {
  53048.             "RIT": "ws203015",
  53049.             "Type": "WS",
  53050.             "URL": "http://ceris.purdue.edu/napis/pests/bw/",
  53051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53052.             "Title": "Boll weevil",
  53053.             "Category": "LIF",
  53054.             "Description": "Information from the National Agricultural Pest Information System.",
  53055.             "Year": 0
  53056.         },
  53057.         {
  53058.             "RIT": "ws203016",
  53059.             "Type": "WS",
  53060.             "URL": "http://pmo.umext.maine.edu/factsht/tent94.htm",
  53061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53062.             "Title": "UMCE Tent Caterpillar Factsheet",
  53063.             "Category": "LIF",
  53064.             "Description": "Information from the University of Maine.",
  53065.             "Year": 0
  53066.         },
  53067.         {
  53068.             "RIT": "ws203019",
  53069.             "Type": "WS",
  53070.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/french/77.7.html",
  53071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53072.             "Title": "Mrs. Richard Paul Jodrell",
  53073.             "Category": "HUM",
  53074.             "Description": "A painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds from the Detroit Institute of Arts.",
  53075.             "Year": 0
  53076.         },
  53077.         {
  53078.             "RIT": "ws203020",
  53079.             "Type": "WS",
  53080.             "URL": "http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/AG271/cotton/thrips.html",
  53081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53082.             "Title": "Thrips",
  53083.             "Category": "LIF",
  53084.             "Description": "North Carolina State University's fact sheet about thrips, including picture.",
  53085.             "Year": 0
  53086.         },
  53087.         {
  53088.             "RIT": "ws203033",
  53089.             "Type": "WS",
  53090.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azchchla.html",
  53091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53092.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Chinchilla",
  53093.             "Category": "LIF",
  53094.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53095.             "Year": 0
  53096.         },
  53097.         {
  53098.             "RIT": "ws203034",
  53099.             "Type": "WS",
  53100.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azeland.html",
  53101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53102.             "Title": "Africa: Common Eland",
  53103.             "Category": "LIF",
  53104.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53105.             "Year": 0
  53106.         },
  53107.         {
  53108.             "RIT": "ws203035",
  53109.             "Type": "WS",
  53110.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azroypth.html",
  53111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53112.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Royal Python",
  53113.             "Category": "LIF",
  53114.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53115.             "Year": 0
  53116.         },
  53117.         {
  53118.             "RIT": "ws203036",
  53119.             "Type": "WS",
  53120.             "URL": "http://www.sandiegomuseum.org/",
  53121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53122.             "Title": "San Diego Museum of Art",
  53123.             "Category": "GEO",
  53124.             "Description": "The museum's site includes visitor information and a searchable database of works from the permanent collection.",
  53125.             "Year": 0
  53126.         },
  53127.         {
  53128.             "RIT": "ws203037",
  53129.             "Type": "WS",
  53130.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azgelbaboon.html",
  53131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53132.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Gelada Baboon",
  53133.             "Category": "LIF",
  53134.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53135.             "Year": 0
  53136.         },
  53137.         {
  53138.             "RIT": "ws203038",
  53139.             "Type": "WS",
  53140.             "URL": "http://mcclungmuseum.utk.edu/permex/egypt/egs-text.htm",
  53141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53142.             "Title": "McClung Museum - Egyptian Scarabs",
  53143.             "Category": "LIF",
  53144.             "Description": "Information on the symbolic function of the scarab in ancient times from the McClung Museum.",
  53145.             "Year": 0
  53146.         },
  53147.         {
  53148.             "RIT": "ws203039",
  53149.             "Type": "WS",
  53150.             "URL": "http://www.lam.mus.ca.us/lacmnh/departments/research/entomology/scarabs/",
  53151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53152.             "Title": "Scarab General Article",
  53153.             "Category": "LIF",
  53154.             "Description": "Information about the scarab from The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.",
  53155.             "Year": 0
  53156.         },
  53157.         {
  53158.             "RIT": "ws203040",
  53159.             "Type": "WS",
  53160.             "URL": "http://roach.aasp.net/rofacts/",
  53161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53162.             "Title": "Roach Facts",
  53163.             "Category": "LIF",
  53164.             "Description": "New Jersey Online's site of fun facts about roaches.",
  53165.             "Year": 0
  53166.         },
  53167.         {
  53168.             "RIT": "ws203041",
  53169.             "Type": "WS",
  53170.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/paintsculpt/c70.htm",
  53171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53172.             "Title": "Broadway Boogie-Woogie",
  53173.             "Category": "HUM",
  53174.             "Description": "Piet Mondrian's painting from the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.",
  53175.             "Year": 0
  53176.         },
  53177.         {
  53178.             "RIT": "ws203042",
  53179.             "Type": "WS",
  53180.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/collections/recent_acquisitions/ma_coll_kiefer_sixthtrump.html",
  53181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53182.             "Title": "Die Sechste Posaune (the Sixth Trump)",
  53183.             "Category": "HUM",
  53184.             "Description": "A painting by Anselm Kiefer from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.",
  53185.             "Year": 0
  53186.         },
  53187.         {
  53188.             "RIT": "ws203053",
  53189.             "Type": "WS",
  53190.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/imirar.html",
  53191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53192.             "Title": "Danae Receiving the Golden Rain",
  53193.             "Category": "HUM",
  53194.             "Description": "Titian's painting from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  53195.             "Year": 0
  53196.         },
  53197.         {
  53198.             "RIT": "ws203054",
  53199.             "Type": "WS",
  53200.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/index.asp?lang=e&id_pic=149",
  53201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53202.             "Title": "The Bearing of the Cross",
  53203.             "Category": "HUM",
  53204.             "Description": "The E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland, presents a painitng by Jacopo Tintoretto.",
  53205.             "Year": 0
  53206.         },
  53207.         {
  53208.             "RIT": "ws203055",
  53209.             "Type": "WS",
  53210.             "URL": "http://www.boston.com/mfa/chinese/dragons.htm",
  53211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53212.             "Title": "Nine Dragons",
  53213.             "Category": "HUM",
  53214.             "Description": "Boston's Museum of Fine Arts presents a scroll attributed to Chen Rong.",
  53215.             "Year": 0
  53216.         },
  53217.         {
  53218.             "RIT": "ws203056",
  53219.             "Type": "WS",
  53220.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Bearden_R/SSII.html",
  53221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53222.             "Title": "Jazz",
  53223.             "Category": "HUM",
  53224.             "Description": "Romare Bearden's painting from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  53225.             "Year": 0
  53226.         },
  53227.         {
  53228.             "RIT": "ws203057",
  53229.             "Type": "WS",
  53230.             "URL": "http://www.adl.org/hate-patrol/kkk.html",
  53231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53232.             "Title": "Ku Klux Klan",
  53233.             "Category": "SOC",
  53234.             "Description": "The Anti-Defamation League provides informaton about the white supremacist group.",
  53235.             "Year": 0
  53236.         },
  53237.         {
  53238.             "RIT": "ws203058",
  53239.             "Type": "WS",
  53240.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/",
  53241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53242.             "Title": "Arctic Studies Center",
  53243.             "Category": "GEO",
  53244.             "Description": "Home page of a permanent organization for northern research at the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  53245.             "Year": 0
  53246.         },
  53247.         {
  53248.             "RIT": "ws203059",
  53249.             "Type": "WS",
  53250.             "URL": "http://musa.uffizi.firenze.it/Dipinti/verrbattE15.html",
  53251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53252.             "Title": "The Baptism of Christ",
  53253.             "Category": "HUM",
  53254.             "Description": "A painting by Andrea di Cione, called Verrocchio and Leonardo da Vinci from the Uffizi Gallry in Florence, Italy.",
  53255.             "Year": 0
  53256.         },
  53257.         {
  53258.             "RIT": "ws203060",
  53259.             "Type": "WS",
  53260.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/women/70.170.html",
  53261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53262.             "Title": "Perseus and Andromeda",
  53263.             "Category": "HUM",
  53264.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts presents a painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.",
  53265.             "Year": 0
  53266.         },
  53267.         {
  53268.             "RIT": "ws203061",
  53269.             "Type": "WS",
  53270.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/002000a/002000173.html",
  53271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53272.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, blood",
  53273.             "Category": "LIF",
  53274.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  53275.             "Year": 0
  53276.         },
  53277.         {
  53278.             "RIT": "ws203071",
  53279.             "Type": "WS",
  53280.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_719000/719134.stm",
  53281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53282.             "Title": "Brazil at 500",
  53283.             "Category": "GEO",
  53284.             "Description": "As Brazil celebrated its 500th anniversary in the year 2000, BBC News provided news and analysis.",
  53285.             "Year": 0
  53286.         },
  53287.         {
  53288.             "RIT": "ws203072",
  53289.             "Type": "WS",
  53290.             "URL": "http://www.molaa.com/",
  53291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53292.             "Title": "Museum of Latin American Art",
  53293.             "Category": "GEO",
  53294.             "Description": "A Long Beach, California, museum that exclusively features contemporary art of Latin America.",
  53295.             "Year": 0
  53296.         },
  53297.         {
  53298.             "RIT": "ws203073",
  53299.             "Type": "WS",
  53300.             "URL": "http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health/diabetes/ndic.htm",
  53301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53302.             "Title": "NIDDK : Health Information : National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse",
  53303.             "Category": "LIF",
  53304.             "Description": "Information on all aspects of diabetes provided by the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, an agency of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.",
  53305.             "Year": 0
  53306.         },
  53307.         {
  53308.             "RIT": "ws203074",
  53309.             "Type": "WS",
  53310.             "URL": "http://www.obweo.org/bwcilinks.html",
  53311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53312.             "Title": "Boll Weevil/Cotton Information Links",
  53313.             "Category": "LIF",
  53314.             "Description": "Information on the boll and cotton weevils.",
  53315.             "Year": 0
  53316.         },
  53317.         {
  53318.             "RIT": "ws203075",
  53319.             "Type": "WS",
  53320.             "URL": "http://www.civilization.ca/civil/maya/mminteng.html",
  53321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53322.             "Title": "Mystery of the Maya",
  53323.             "Category": "SOC",
  53324.             "Description": "An exhibit on Mayan history and culture from the Canadian Museum of Civilization.",
  53325.             "Year": 0
  53326.         },
  53327.         {
  53328.             "RIT": "ws203076",
  53329.             "Type": "WS",
  53330.             "URL": "http://www.rmwc.edu/maier/figurative.html",
  53331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53332.             "Title": "Mrs. Scott's House",
  53333.             "Category": "HUM",
  53334.             "Description": "Edward Hopper's painting displayed by the Maier Museum of Art at Randolph-Macon Woman's College in Lynchburg, Virginia.",
  53335.             "Year": 0
  53336.         },
  53337.         {
  53338.             "RIT": "ws203077",
  53339.             "Type": "WS",
  53340.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1144",
  53341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53342.             "Title": "Marcel Duchamp",
  53343.             "Category": "HUM",
  53344.             "Description": "Artworks by Duchamp exhibited by the Tate Gallery in London. Click on titles to view the works.",
  53345.             "Year": 0
  53346.         },
  53347.         {
  53348.             "RIT": "ws203078",
  53349.             "Type": "WS",
  53350.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/sverroc.htm",
  53351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53352.             "Title": "Bust of a Young Woman",
  53353.             "Category": "HUM",
  53354.             "Description": "Andrea del Verrocchio's sculpture from the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  53355.             "Year": 0
  53356.         },
  53357.         {
  53358.             "RIT": "ws203079",
  53359.             "Type": "WS",
  53360.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Motherwell_R/PC.html",
  53361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53362.             "Title": "Hotel Flora",
  53363.             "Category": "HUM",
  53364.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln presents a painting by Robert Motherwell.",
  53365.             "Year": 0
  53366.         },
  53367.         {
  53368.             "RIT": "ws202981",
  53369.             "Type": "WS",
  53370.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/expopassees/a-exilesgros4.html",
  53371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53372.             "Title": "The wanderer",
  53373.             "Category": "HUM",
  53374.             "Description": "The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts presents a painting by George Grosz.",
  53375.             "Year": 0
  53376.         },
  53377.         {
  53378.             "RIT": "ws202982",
  53379.             "Type": "WS",
  53380.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=360+0+none",
  53381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53382.             "Title": "The Angel of the Annunciation",
  53383.             "Category": "HUM",
  53384.             "Description": "Simone Martini's painting presented by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  53385.             "Year": 0
  53386.         },
  53387.         {
  53388.             "RIT": "ws202983",
  53389.             "Type": "WS",
  53390.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/ionesti.html",
  53391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53392.             "Title": "The Story of Nastagio Degli Onesti",
  53393.             "Category": "HUM",
  53394.             "Description": "Information about a series of paitings by Sandro Botticelli, from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  53395.             "Year": 0
  53396.         },
  53397.         {
  53398.             "RIT": "ws202984",
  53399.             "Type": "WS",
  53400.             "URL": "http://www.palazzograssi.it/eng/mostre/espressionismo/mostra/images/06.htm",
  53401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53402.             "Title": "Self-Portrait",
  53403.             "Category": "HUM",
  53404.             "Description": "A painting by Oskar Kokoschka displayed online by Palazzo Grassi in Venice, Italy.",
  53405.             "Year": 0
  53406.         },
  53407.         {
  53408.             "RIT": "ws202985",
  53409.             "Type": "WS",
  53410.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/expopassees/a-cosmos5.html",
  53411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53412.             "Title": "Awakening in the Early Morning",
  53413.             "Category": "HUM",
  53414.             "Description": "The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts presents a painting by Joan Miro.",
  53415.             "Year": 0
  53416.         },
  53417.         {
  53418.             "RIT": "ws202986",
  53419.             "Type": "WS",
  53420.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv0368/peint_f.htm",
  53421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53422.             "Title": "Calvary",
  53423.             "Category": "HUM",
  53424.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris exhibits a painting by Andrea Mantegna.",
  53425.             "Year": 0
  53426.         },
  53427.         {
  53428.             "RIT": "ws202987",
  53429.             "Type": "WS",
  53430.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/educatn/trc-news/slidepac/14.html",
  53431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53432.             "Title": "Woman in the Waves (Ondine)",
  53433.             "Category": "HUM",
  53434.             "Description": "Paul Gauguin's painting and commentary from the Cleveland Museum of Art in Cleveland, Ohio.",
  53435.             "Year": 0
  53436.         },
  53437.         {
  53438.             "RIT": "ws202988",
  53439.             "Type": "WS",
  53440.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_ciZuND",
  53441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53442.             "Title": "The Temptation of Christ",
  53443.             "Category": "HUM",
  53444.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents Titian's painting as an online postcard.",
  53445.             "Year": 0
  53446.         },
  53447.         {
  53448.             "RIT": "ws202990",
  53449.             "Type": "WS",
  53450.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/003000a/003000156.html",
  53451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53452.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, chest",
  53453.             "Category": "LIF",
  53454.             "Description": "The Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center Web site provides information on and a diagram of the che",
  53455.             "Year": 0
  53456.         },
  53457.         {
  53458.             "RIT": "ws202999",
  53459.             "Type": "WS",
  53460.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/019000a/019000173.html",
  53461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53462.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, smell",
  53463.             "Category": "LIF",
  53464.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  53465.             "Year": 0
  53466.         },
  53467.         {
  53468.             "RIT": "ws203000",
  53469.             "Type": "WS",
  53470.             "URL": "http://www.mcw.edu/gcrc/cop/cell-phone-health-FAQ/toc.html",
  53471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53472.             "Title": "Cellular Phone Antennas (Base Stations) and Human Health",
  53473.             "Category": "IND",
  53474.             "Description": "John E. Moulder, Ph.D., of the Medical College of Wisconsin addresses the issue of whether antennas for cellular phones are a risk to human health.",
  53475.             "Year": 0
  53476.         },
  53477.         {
  53478.             "RIT": "ws203001",
  53479.             "Type": "WS",
  53480.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/001000a/001000001.html",
  53481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53482.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, abdomen",
  53483.             "Category": "LIF",
  53484.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  53485.             "Year": 0
  53486.         },
  53487.         {
  53488.             "RIT": "ws203002",
  53489.             "Type": "WS",
  53490.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/002000a/002000003.html",
  53491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53492.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, Growth and Development",
  53493.             "Category": "LIF",
  53494.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  53495.             "Year": 0
  53496.         },
  53497.         {
  53498.             "RIT": "ws203003",
  53499.             "Type": "WS",
  53500.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azotter.html",
  53501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53502.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: North American River Otter",
  53503.             "Category": "LIF",
  53504.             "Description": "Oakland Zoo's site about the behavior of various zoo animals.",
  53505.             "Year": 0
  53506.         },
  53507.         {
  53508.             "RIT": "ws203004",
  53509.             "Type": "WS",
  53510.             "URL": "http://www.greensmiths.com/army.htm",
  53511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53512.             "Title": "Army Worms",
  53513.             "Category": "LIF",
  53514.             "Description": "Genral information about the army worm.",
  53515.             "Year": 0
  53516.         },
  53517.         {
  53518.             "RIT": "ws203005",
  53519.             "Type": "WS",
  53520.             "URL": "http://www.bugwood.org/vermont/",
  53521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53522.             "Title": "Field Guide to Common Insect Pests",
  53523.             "Category": "LIF",
  53524.             "Description": "Description and pictures of insect pests from the University of Georgia.",
  53525.             "Year": 0
  53526.         },
  53527.         {
  53528.             "RIT": "ws203006",
  53529.             "Type": "WS",
  53530.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azsheep.html",
  53531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53532.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Domestic Sheep",
  53533.             "Category": "LIF",
  53534.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53535.             "Year": 0
  53536.         },
  53537.         {
  53538.             "RIT": "ws203007",
  53539.             "Type": "WS",
  53540.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azgazele.html",
  53541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53542.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Addra (Dama) Gazelle",
  53543.             "Category": "LIF",
  53544.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53545.             "Year": 0
  53546.         },
  53547.         {
  53548.             "RIT": "ws203021",
  53549.             "Type": "WS",
  53550.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/museum/collect/highlights/high25.html",
  53551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53552.             "Title": "The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John and Saint Margaret",
  53553.             "Category": "HUM",
  53554.             "Description": "The Cleveland Museum of Art in Cleveland, Ohio, displays a painting by Filippino Lippi.",
  53555.             "Year": 0
  53556.         },
  53557.         {
  53558.             "RIT": "ws203022",
  53559.             "Type": "WS",
  53560.             "URL": "http://lamar.colostate.edu/~insects/toxicology/toxicology.html",
  53561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53562.             "Title": "Insect Toxicology",
  53563.             "Category": "LIF",
  53564.             "Description": "Information on the chemical composition of various botanical insecticides from the University of California at Riverside.",
  53565.             "Year": 0
  53566.         },
  53567.         {
  53568.             "RIT": "ws203023",
  53569.             "Type": "WS",
  53570.             "URL": "http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/entfacts/fldcrops/ef105.htm",
  53571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53572.             "Title": "Ladybugs",
  53573.             "Category": "LIF",
  53574.             "Description": "Information from the University of Kentucky.",
  53575.             "Year": 0
  53576.         },
  53577.         {
  53578.             "RIT": "ws203025",
  53579.             "Type": "WS",
  53580.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azhgehog.html",
  53581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53582.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: African Hedgehog",
  53583.             "Category": "LIF",
  53584.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53585.             "Year": 0
  53586.         },
  53587.         {
  53588.             "RIT": "ws203027",
  53589.             "Type": "WS",
  53590.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/002000a/002000074.html",
  53591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53592.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, back",
  53593.             "Category": "LIF",
  53594.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  53595.             "Year": 0
  53596.         },
  53597.         {
  53598.             "RIT": "ws203028",
  53599.             "Type": "WS",
  53600.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azaltort.html",
  53601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53602.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Aldabra Tortise",
  53603.             "Category": "LIF",
  53604.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53605.             "Year": 0
  53606.         },
  53607.         {
  53608.             "RIT": "ws203029",
  53609.             "Type": "WS",
  53610.             "URL": "http://www.nhq.nrcs.usda.gov/WSR/",
  53611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53612.             "Title": "Welcome to the World Soil Resources Web Site",
  53613.             "Category": "LIF",
  53614.             "Description": "General information about soil, including links, produced by the United States Department of Agriculture.",
  53615.             "Year": 0
  53616.         },
  53617.         {
  53618.             "RIT": "ws203030",
  53619.             "Type": "WS",
  53620.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azbison.html",
  53621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53622.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: American Bison",
  53623.             "Category": "LIF",
  53624.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53625.             "Year": 0
  53626.         },
  53627.         {
  53628.             "RIT": "ws203031",
  53629.             "Type": "WS",
  53630.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azylpart.html",
  53631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53632.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Yellow-naped Amazon Parrot",
  53633.             "Category": "LIF",
  53634.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53635.             "Year": 0
  53636.         },
  53637.         {
  53638.             "RIT": "ws203032",
  53639.             "Type": "WS",
  53640.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azcattle.html",
  53641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53642.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Scottish Highland Cattle",
  53643.             "Category": "LIF",
  53644.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53645.             "Year": 0
  53646.         },
  53647.         {
  53648.             "RIT": "ws203043",
  53649.             "Type": "WS",
  53650.             "URL": "http://www.mackenzieartgallery.sk.ca/collection/view.cgi?cmd=artist&artist_id=210",
  53651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53652.             "Title": "Windmill",
  53653.             "Category": "HUM",
  53654.             "Description": "The MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina, Saskatchewan, exhibits a painting by Piet Mondrian.",
  53655.             "Year": 0
  53656.         },
  53657.         {
  53658.             "RIT": "ws203044",
  53659.             "Type": "WS",
  53660.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/orca.html",
  53661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53662.             "Title": "Orca (Killer Whale)",
  53663.             "Category": "LIF",
  53664.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  53665.             "Year": 0
  53666.         },
  53667.         {
  53668.             "RIT": "ws203045",
  53669.             "Type": "WS",
  53670.             "URL": "http://www.palazzograssi.it/eng/mostre/fiamminghi/galleria/magritte.htm",
  53671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53672.             "Title": "The Mountaineer",
  53673.             "Category": "HUM",
  53674.             "Description": "Rene Magritte's painting from the Palazzo Grassi in Venice, Italy.",
  53675.             "Year": 0
  53676.         },
  53677.         {
  53678.             "RIT": "ws203046",
  53679.             "Type": "WS",
  53680.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/016000a/016000215.html",
  53681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53682.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, pleura",
  53683.             "Category": "LIF",
  53684.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  53685.             "Year": 0
  53686.         },
  53687.         {
  53688.             "RIT": "ws203047",
  53689.             "Type": "WS",
  53690.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=183&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  53691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53692.             "Title": "Jan Steen",
  53693.             "Category": "HUM",
  53694.             "Description": "The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles presents a biography of Steen and images of his work.",
  53695.             "Year": 0
  53696.         },
  53697.         {
  53698.             "RIT": "ws203048",
  53699.             "Type": "WS",
  53700.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/018000a/018000031.html",
  53701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53702.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, reflex action",
  53703.             "Category": "LIF",
  53704.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  53705.             "Year": 0
  53706.         },
  53707.         {
  53708.             "RIT": "ws203049",
  53709.             "Type": "WS",
  53710.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=man+ray&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  53711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53712.             "Title": "Man Ray",
  53713.             "Category": "HUM",
  53714.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  53715.             "Year": 0
  53716.         },
  53717.         {
  53718.             "RIT": "ws203050",
  53719.             "Type": "WS",
  53720.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/drawings/c38.htm",
  53721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53722.             "Title": "The Hat Makes the Man",
  53723.             "Category": "HUM",
  53724.             "Description": "The Museum of Modern Art in New York City exhibits a painting by Max Ernst.",
  53725.             "Year": 0
  53726.         },
  53727.         {
  53728.             "RIT": "ws203052",
  53729.             "Type": "WS",
  53730.             "URL": "http://www.Konstmuseum.goteborg.se/english/collect/french/gauguin.htm",
  53731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53732.             "Title": "Marine",
  53733.             "Category": "HUM",
  53734.             "Description": "A Paul Gauguin painting from the Goteborg Museum of Art in Sweden.",
  53735.             "Year": 0
  53736.         },
  53737.         {
  53738.             "RIT": "ws203062",
  53739.             "Type": "WS",
  53740.             "URL": "http://www.af-moma.no/english/kunstnere/kiefer.html",
  53741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53742.             "Title": "Anselm Kiefer",
  53743.             "Category": "HUM",
  53744.             "Description": "Biography of the artist and images of Kiefer's art from the Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art in Oslo, Norway.",
  53745.             "Year": 0
  53746.         },
  53747.         {
  53748.             "RIT": "ws203063",
  53749.             "Type": "WS",
  53750.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=1982%2E60%2E31",
  53751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53752.             "Title": "The Dissolute Household",
  53753.             "Category": "HUM",
  53754.             "Description": "A painting by Jan Steen from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  53755.             "Year": 0
  53756.         },
  53757.         {
  53758.             "RIT": "ws203064",
  53759.             "Type": "WS",
  53760.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv1739/peint_f.htm",
  53761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53762.             "Title": "The Supper at Emmaus",
  53763.             "Category": "HUM",
  53764.             "Description": "Rembrandt's painting from the Louvre in Paris.",
  53765.             "Year": 0
  53766.         },
  53767.         {
  53768.             "RIT": "ws203065",
  53769.             "Type": "WS",
  53770.             "URL": "http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org/",
  53771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53772.             "Title": "Alcoholics Anonymous",
  53773.             "Category": "SOC",
  53774.             "Description": "Home page of an organization for recovering alcoholics.",
  53775.             "Year": 0
  53776.         },
  53777.         {
  53778.             "RIT": "ws203066",
  53779.             "Type": "WS",
  53780.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/003000a/003000086.html",
  53781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53782.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, cartilage",
  53783.             "Category": "LIF",
  53784.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  53785.             "Year": 0
  53786.         },
  53787.         {
  53788.             "RIT": "ws203067",
  53789.             "Type": "WS",
  53790.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/005000a/005000157.html",
  53791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53792.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, esophagus",
  53793.             "Category": "LIF",
  53794.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  53795.             "Year": 0
  53796.         },
  53797.         {
  53798.             "RIT": "ws203068",
  53799.             "Type": "WS",
  53800.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/printsbooks/c46.htm",
  53801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53802.             "Title": "The Kiss",
  53803.             "Category": "HUM",
  53804.             "Description": "The Museum of Modern Art in New York City presents a woodcut by Edvard Munch.",
  53805.             "Year": 0
  53806.         },
  53807.         {
  53808.             "RIT": "ws203069",
  53809.             "Type": "WS",
  53810.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/016000a/016000145.html",
  53811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53812.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, pharynx",
  53813.             "Category": "LIF",
  53814.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  53815.             "Year": 0
  53816.         },
  53817.         {
  53818.             "RIT": "ws203070",
  53819.             "Type": "WS",
  53820.             "URL": "http://www.colmusart.org/html/s03collection15.htm",
  53821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53822.             "Title": "American 1910-1945",
  53823.             "Category": "HUM",
  53824.             "Description": "This exhibit from the Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, South Carolina, includes works by Harriet Whitney Frishmuth and Raphael Soyer.",
  53825.             "Year": 0
  53826.         },
  53827.         {
  53828.             "RIT": "ws203080",
  53829.             "Type": "WS",
  53830.             "URL": "http://www.galleriaborghese.it/borghese/en/eamor.htm",
  53831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53832.             "Title": "Sacred and Profane Love",
  53833.             "Category": "HUM",
  53834.             "Description": "Titian's masterpiece presented by Galleria Borghese in Rome.",
  53835.             "Year": 0
  53836.         },
  53837.         {
  53838.             "RIT": "ws203081",
  53839.             "Type": "WS",
  53840.             "URL": "http://museoreinasofia.mcu.es/eng/content/sala19/11026.htm",
  53841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53842.             "Title": "La Sorciere",
  53843.             "Category": "HUM",
  53844.             "Description": "Andre Masson's painting exhibited by the Reina Sofia National Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  53845.             "Year": 0
  53846.         },
  53847.         {
  53848.             "RIT": "ws203082",
  53849.             "Type": "WS",
  53850.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.go.jp/col/p1959-0106.html",
  53851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53852.             "Title": "Two Breton Girls by the Sea",
  53853.             "Category": "HUM",
  53854.             "Description": "The National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo presents a painting by Paul Gauguin.",
  53855.             "Year": 0
  53856.         },
  53857.         {
  53858.             "RIT": "ws203083",
  53859.             "Type": "WS",
  53860.             "URL": "http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/ARHU/Depts/ArtGal/.WWW/exhibit/98-99/driskell/exhibition/sec4/bear_r_04.htm",
  53861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53862.             "Title": "Urban Street Scene",
  53863.             "Category": "HUM",
  53864.             "Description": "The Art Gallery at the University of Maryland in College Park displays a painting by Romare Bearden.",
  53865.             "Year": 0
  53866.         },
  53867.         {
  53868.             "RIT": "ws203084",
  53869.             "Type": "WS",
  53870.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=744&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  53871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53872.             "Title": "Jacopo Tintoretto",
  53873.             "Category": "HUM",
  53874.             "Description": "The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles presents Tintoretto's biography and an image of his art.",
  53875.             "Year": 0
  53876.         },
  53877.         {
  53878.             "RIT": "ws203085",
  53879.             "Type": "WS",
  53880.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/syndrome/",
  53881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53882.             "Title": "Last Battle of the Gulf War",
  53883.             "Category": "LIF",
  53884.             "Description": "This FRONTLINE special report addresses the possible causes of gulf war syndrome, as well as politics and controversy surrounding the illness.",
  53885.             "Year": 0
  53886.         },
  53887.         {
  53888.             "RIT": "ws203086",
  53889.             "Type": "WS",
  53890.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/theme/20th/img6.html",
  53891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53892.             "Title": "The Woodcutter",
  53893.             "Category": "HUM",
  53894.             "Description": "Kasimir Malevich's painting from the Ho-Am Museum in Seoul, Korea.",
  53895.             "Year": 0
  53896.         },
  53897.         {
  53898.             "RIT": "ws203087",
  53899.             "Type": "WS",
  53900.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/West_B/PC.html",
  53901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53902.             "Title": "The Golden Age",
  53903.             "Category": "HUM",
  53904.             "Description": "Benjamin West's painting from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  53905.             "Year": 0
  53906.         },
  53907.         {
  53908.             "RIT": "ws203088",
  53909.             "Type": "WS",
  53910.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntg8f.htm",
  53911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53912.             "Title": "St. Francis in the Desert",
  53913.             "Category": "HUM",
  53914.             "Description": "Giovanni Bellini's painting from the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  53915.             "Year": 0
  53916.         },
  53917.         {
  53918.             "RIT": "ws203100",
  53919.             "Type": "WS",
  53920.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntgbi1f.htm#rembrandt",
  53921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53922.             "Title": "Rembrandt",
  53923.             "Category": "HUM",
  53924.             "Description": "Works of art from the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  53925.             "Year": 0
  53926.         },
  53927.         {
  53928.             "RIT": "ws203102",
  53929.             "Type": "WS",
  53930.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=toshusai+sharaku&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  53931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53932.             "Title": "Toshusai Sharaku",
  53933.             "Category": "HUM",
  53934.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  53935.             "Year": 0
  53936.         },
  53937.         {
  53938.             "RIT": "ws203103",
  53939.             "Type": "WS",
  53940.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/003000a/003000306.html",
  53941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53942.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, colon",
  53943.             "Category": "LIF",
  53944.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  53945.             "Year": 0
  53946.         },
  53947.         {
  53948.             "RIT": "ws203104",
  53949.             "Type": "WS",
  53950.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/ag/lr2382/ag_f.htm",
  53951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53952.             "Title": "Jesus preaching, known as The hundred Guilder Print",
  53953.             "Category": "HUM",
  53954.             "Description": "A work by Harmensz Rembrandt van Rijn from the Louvre in Paris.",
  53955.             "Year": 0
  53956.         },
  53957.         {
  53958.             "RIT": "ws203105",
  53959.             "Type": "WS",
  53960.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/rf1071/peint_f.htm",
  53961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53962.             "Title": "Louis-Francois Bertin",
  53963.             "Category": "HUM",
  53964.             "Description": "The Louve in Paris presents a portrait by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres.",
  53965.             "Year": 0
  53966.         },
  53967.         {
  53968.             "RIT": "ws203106",
  53969.             "Type": "WS",
  53970.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/paintsculpt/c45.htm",
  53971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53972.             "Title": "Grane",
  53973.             "Category": "HUM",
  53974.             "Description": "A painting by Anselm Kiefer from the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.",
  53975.             "Year": 0
  53976.         },
  53977.         {
  53978.             "RIT": "ws203107",
  53979.             "Type": "WS",
  53980.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/aztlelk.html",
  53981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53982.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Tule Elk",
  53983.             "Category": "LIF",
  53984.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53985.             "Year": 0
  53986.         },
  53987.         {
  53988.             "RIT": "ws203108",
  53989.             "Type": "WS",
  53990.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azpresquirrel.html",
  53991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  53992.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Prevost's Squirrel",
  53993.             "Category": "LIF",
  53994.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  53995.             "Year": 0
  53996.         },
  53997.         {
  53998.             "RIT": "ws203109",
  53999.             "Type": "WS",
  54000.             "URL": "http://axp.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/r4300111.html",
  54001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54002.             "Title": "APPLE/CODLING MOTH",
  54003.             "Category": "LIF",
  54004.             "Description": "Information from the University of California.",
  54005.             "Year": 0
  54006.         },
  54007.         {
  54008.             "RIT": "ws203110",
  54009.             "Type": "WS",
  54010.             "URL": "http://www.ext.vt.edu/departments/entomology/factsheets/eastcatp.html",
  54011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54012.             "Title": "Eastern Tent Caterpillar",
  54013.             "Category": "LIF",
  54014.             "Description": "Information from the Virginia Cooperative Extension.",
  54015.             "Year": 0
  54016.         },
  54017.         {
  54018.             "RIT": "ws203121",
  54019.             "Type": "WS",
  54020.             "URL": "http://www.jdrf.org/research/homepage.php",
  54021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54022.             "Title": "Juvenile Diabetes Foundation: Research",
  54023.             "Category": "LIF",
  54024.             "Description": "Information about research being conducted on juvenile--or Type 1--diabetes by Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International.",
  54025.             "Year": 0
  54026.         },
  54027.         {
  54028.             "RIT": "ws203122",
  54029.             "Type": "WS",
  54030.             "URL": "http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/course/ent425/compendium/mecopt~1.html",
  54031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54032.             "Title": "Mecoptera",
  54033.             "Category": "LIF",
  54034.             "Description": "Information on scorpionflies from North Carolina State University.",
  54035.             "Year": 0
  54036.         },
  54037.         {
  54038.             "RIT": "ws203123",
  54039.             "Type": "WS",
  54040.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=edward&=And&=Yes&=hopper&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  54041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54042.             "Title": "Edward Hopper",
  54043.             "Category": "HUM",
  54044.             "Description": "Works by Edward Hopper from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  54045.             "Year": 0
  54046.         },
  54047.         {
  54048.             "RIT": "ws203124",
  54049.             "Type": "WS",
  54050.             "URL": "http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?search=ss&sText=Sir+Peter+Paul+Rubens&LinkID=mp07501",
  54051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54052.             "Title": "Sir Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)",
  54053.             "Category": "HUM",
  54054.             "Description": "The National Portrait Gallery in London presents works by the artist.",
  54055.             "Year": 0
  54056.         },
  54057.         {
  54058.             "RIT": "ws203125",
  54059.             "Type": "WS",
  54060.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/beluga_whale.html",
  54061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54062.             "Title": "Beluga Whale",
  54063.             "Category": "LIF",
  54064.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  54065.             "Year": 0
  54066.         },
  54067.         {
  54068.             "RIT": "ws203126",
  54069.             "Type": "WS",
  54070.             "URL": "http://tqjunior.thinkquest.org/5393/ferdelance_rf.html?tqskip=1",
  54071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54072.             "Title": "Rain Forest - Fer-de-lance",
  54073.             "Category": "LIF",
  54074.             "Description": "Brief description about the poisonous snake, from Think Quest.",
  54075.             "Year": 0
  54076.         },
  54077.         {
  54078.             "RIT": "ws203127",
  54079.             "Type": "WS",
  54080.             "URL": "http://phylogeny.arizona.edu/tree/eukaryotes/animals/arthropoda/hexapoda/mantodea/mantodea.html",
  54081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54082.             "Title": "Mantodea",
  54083.             "Category": "LIF",
  54084.             "Description": "Information from University of Arizona.",
  54085.             "Year": 0
  54086.         },
  54087.         {
  54088.             "RIT": "ws203128",
  54089.             "Type": "WS",
  54090.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/020000a/020000137.html",
  54091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54092.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, touch",
  54093.             "Category": "LIF",
  54094.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  54095.             "Year": 0
  54096.         },
  54097.         {
  54098.             "RIT": "ws203129",
  54099.             "Type": "WS",
  54100.             "URL": "http://members.tripod.com/buggyrose/ipm/81mecoptera.html",
  54101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54102.             "Title": "MECOPTERA PAGE",
  54103.             "Category": "LIF",
  54104.             "Description": "Pictures and brief descriptionf of various scorpionflies.",
  54105.             "Year": 0
  54106.         },
  54107.         {
  54108.             "RIT": "ws203089",
  54109.             "Type": "WS",
  54110.             "URL": "http://www.hadassah.org.il/chagall.htm",
  54111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54112.             "Title": "Chagall Windows on Exhibition",
  54113.             "Category": "HUM",
  54114.             "Description": "This site includes a biography of Marc Chagall and photos of stained glass windows he created for the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center in Israel.",
  54115.             "Year": 0
  54116.         },
  54117.         {
  54118.             "RIT": "ws203090",
  54119.             "Type": "WS",
  54120.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/forgottenfires/",
  54121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54122.             "Title": "Forgotten Fires",
  54123.             "Category": "SOC",
  54124.             "Description": "This special feature from PBS traces the history of hate crimes in the United States.",
  54125.             "Year": 0
  54126.         },
  54127.         {
  54128.             "RIT": "ws203091",
  54129.             "Type": "WS",
  54130.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Lichtenstein.html_f/Lichtenstein.html",
  54131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54132.             "Title": "Roy Lichtenstein",
  54133.             "Category": "HUM",
  54134.             "Description": "Artworks displayed by the California State University Library in Long Beach, California.",
  54135.             "Year": 0
  54136.         },
  54137.         {
  54138.             "RIT": "ws203092",
  54139.             "Type": "WS",
  54140.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1997%2E4ab",
  54141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54142.             "Title": "Bohemia Lies by the Sea",
  54143.             "Category": "HUM",
  54144.             "Description": "Anselm Kiefer's painting from the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.",
  54145.             "Year": 0
  54146.         },
  54147.         {
  54148.             "RIT": "ws203093",
  54149.             "Type": "WS",
  54150.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1252",
  54151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54152.             "Title": "Paul Gauguin",
  54153.             "Category": "HUM",
  54154.             "Description": "An artist biography and art images from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  54155.             "Year": 0
  54156.         },
  54157.         {
  54158.             "RIT": "ws203094",
  54159.             "Type": "WS",
  54160.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_351000/351512.stm",
  54161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54162.             "Title": "Walter Matthau: Lovable slouch",
  54163.             "Category": "HUM",
  54164.             "Description": "An obituary from BBC News.",
  54165.             "Year": 0
  54166.         },
  54167.         {
  54168.             "RIT": "ws203095",
  54169.             "Type": "WS",
  54170.             "URL": "http://www.umt.edu/partv/famus/print/kwitz1.htm",
  54171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54172.             "Title": "Untitled",
  54173.             "Category": "HUM",
  54174.             "Description": "An etching by Kathe Kollwitz from the University of Montana Museum of Fine Arts in Missoula.",
  54175.             "Year": 0
  54176.         },
  54177.         {
  54178.             "RIT": "ws203096",
  54179.             "Type": "WS",
  54180.             "URL": "http://musa.uffizi.firenze.it/Sale/salaE10.html",
  54181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54182.             "Title": "Botticelli Room",
  54183.             "Category": "HUM",
  54184.             "Description": "The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy, presents works by Sandro Botticelli.",
  54185.             "Year": 0
  54186.         },
  54187.         {
  54188.             "RIT": "ws203098",
  54189.             "Type": "WS",
  54190.             "URL": "http://www.friendsofphotography.org/",
  54191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54192.             "Title": "The Friends of Photography Ansel Adams Art Center",
  54193.             "Category": "GEO",
  54194.             "Description": "Web site of a museum located in San Francisco.",
  54195.             "Year": 0
  54196.         },
  54197.         {
  54198.             "RIT": "ws203099",
  54199.             "Type": "WS",
  54200.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/eurptg/30pc_gauguin.html",
  54201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54202.             "Title": "Ancestors of Tehamana",
  54203.             "Category": "HUM",
  54204.             "Description": "The Art Institute of Chicago displayes a painting by Paul Gauguin",
  54205.             "Year": 0
  54206.         },
  54207.         {
  54208.             "RIT": "ws203111",
  54209.             "Type": "WS",
  54210.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/siamang.html",
  54211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54212.             "Title": "Asian Rainforest: Siamang",
  54213.             "Category": "LIF",
  54214.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  54215.             "Year": 0
  54216.         },
  54217.         {
  54218.             "RIT": "ws203112",
  54219.             "Type": "WS",
  54220.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=1979%2E396%2E1",
  54221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54222.             "Title": "Study of a Young Woman",
  54223.             "Category": "HUM",
  54224.             "Description": "A painting by Johannes (Jan) Vermeer from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  54225.             "Year": 0
  54226.         },
  54227.         {
  54228.             "RIT": "ws203113",
  54229.             "Type": "WS",
  54230.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=&=And&=Yes&=Tintoretto&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  54231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54232.             "Title": "Tintoretto",
  54233.             "Category": "HUM",
  54234.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  54235.             "Year": 0
  54236.         },
  54237.         {
  54238.             "RIT": "ws203114",
  54239.             "Type": "WS",
  54240.             "URL": "http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu:8150/AG369/notes/horse_flies.html",
  54241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54242.             "Title": "Horse Flies and Deer Flies",
  54243.             "Category": "LIF",
  54244.             "Description": "Information from North Carolina State University.",
  54245.             "Year": 0
  54246.         },
  54247.         {
  54248.             "RIT": "ws203115",
  54249.             "Type": "WS",
  54250.             "URL": "http://www.ext.vt.edu/departments/entomology/factsheets/confused.html",
  54251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54252.             "Title": "Confused Flour Beetle",
  54253.             "Category": "LIF",
  54254.             "Description": "Information on flour beetles from the Virginia Cooperative Extension.",
  54255.             "Year": 0
  54256.         },
  54257.         {
  54258.             "RIT": "ws203116",
  54259.             "Type": "WS",
  54260.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/018000a/018000097.html",
  54261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54262.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, rib",
  54263.             "Category": "LIF",
  54264.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  54265.             "Year": 0
  54266.         },
  54267.         {
  54268.             "RIT": "ws203117",
  54269.             "Type": "WS",
  54270.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azpintal.html",
  54271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54272.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Northern Pintail",
  54273.             "Category": "LIF",
  54274.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  54275.             "Year": 0
  54276.         },
  54277.         {
  54278.             "RIT": "ws203118",
  54279.             "Type": "WS",
  54280.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/sculp/th0033/sculp_f.htm",
  54281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54282.             "Title": "Two flying angels",
  54283.             "Category": "HUM",
  54284.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris displays sculpture by Andrea del Verrocchio or his workshop.",
  54285.             "Year": 0
  54286.         },
  54287.         {
  54288.             "RIT": "ws203119",
  54289.             "Type": "WS",
  54290.             "URL": "http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/ythfacts/4h/unit1/labgrass.htm",
  54291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54292.             "Title": "Insect Body Parts",
  54293.             "Category": "LIF",
  54294.             "Description": "University of Kentucky explains grasshopper anatomy.",
  54295.             "Year": 0
  54296.         },
  54297.         {
  54298.             "RIT": "ws203120",
  54299.             "Type": "WS",
  54300.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azafcran.html",
  54301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54302.             "Title": "Africa: African Crowned Crane",
  54303.             "Category": "LIF",
  54304.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  54305.             "Year": 0
  54306.         },
  54307.         {
  54308.             "RIT": "ws203130",
  54309.             "Type": "WS",
  54310.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/002371/",
  54311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54312.             "Title": "Edward Hopper",
  54313.             "Category": "HUM",
  54314.             "Description": "Works by the artist displayed by the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  54315.             "Year": 0
  54316.         },
  54317.         {
  54318.             "RIT": "ws203131",
  54319.             "Type": "WS",
  54320.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azvervet.html",
  54321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54322.             "Title": "African Savannah: Vervet",
  54323.             "Category": "LIF",
  54324.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  54325.             "Year": 0
  54326.         },
  54327.         {
  54328.             "RIT": "ws203132",
  54329.             "Type": "WS",
  54330.             "URL": "http://www.isis.vt.edu/~fanjun/text/Link_spect01.html",
  54331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54332.             "Title": "Entomology Web Sites: TERMITES",
  54333.             "Category": "LIF",
  54334.             "Description": "Links to termite sites.",
  54335.             "Year": 0
  54336.         },
  54337.         {
  54338.             "RIT": "ws203133",
  54339.             "Type": "WS",
  54340.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=15&full=0&item=1975%2E1%2E148",
  54341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54342.             "Title": "Condesa de Altamira and Her Daughter, Maria Agustina",
  54343.             "Category": "HUM",
  54344.             "Description": "A painting by Francisco Goya from the Metropolitan Museum in New York City.",
  54345.             "Year": 0
  54346.         },
  54347.         {
  54348.             "RIT": "ws203134",
  54349.             "Type": "WS",
  54350.             "URL": "http://www.pafa.org/museum/exhibitions/past/popabstraction.shtml",
  54351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54352.             "Title": "Little Big Painting",
  54353.             "Category": "HUM",
  54354.             "Description": "A Roy Lichtenstein painting displayed by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia.",
  54355.             "Year": 0
  54356.         },
  54357.         {
  54358.             "RIT": "ws203135",
  54359.             "Type": "WS",
  54360.             "URL": "http://entweb.clemson.edu/cuentres/cesheets/biting/ce200.htm",
  54361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54362.             "Title": "Black Deer Fly",
  54363.             "Category": "LIF",
  54364.             "Description": "Brief description of the black deer fly from Clemson University.",
  54365.             "Year": 0
  54366.         },
  54367.         {
  54368.             "RIT": "ws203136",
  54369.             "Type": "WS",
  54370.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azwdduck.html",
  54371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54372.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Wood Duck",
  54373.             "Category": "LIF",
  54374.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  54375.             "Year": 0
  54376.         },
  54377.         {
  54378.             "RIT": "ws203137",
  54379.             "Type": "WS",
  54380.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=A&Person=21900",
  54381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54382.             "Title": "Joan Miro",
  54383.             "Category": "HUM",
  54384.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., displays paintings, drawings, prints, and sculpture by the artist.",
  54385.             "Year": 0
  54386.         },
  54387.         {
  54388.             "RIT": "ws203138",
  54389.             "Type": "WS",
  54390.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azgosnke.html",
  54391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54392.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Pacific Gopher Snake",
  54393.             "Category": "LIF",
  54394.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  54395.             "Year": 0
  54396.         },
  54397.         {
  54398.             "RIT": "ws203148",
  54399.             "Type": "WS",
  54400.             "URL": "http://www.artgallerynsw.com.au/collection/pdw_west_prec19_ingres.act",
  54401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54402.             "Title": "The Hon. Frederick North",
  54403.             "Category": "HUM",
  54404.             "Description": "A drawing by Jean-August-Dominique Ingres from the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.",
  54405.             "Year": 0
  54406.         },
  54407.         {
  54408.             "RIT": "ws203149",
  54409.             "Type": "WS",
  54410.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=1489&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  54411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54412.             "Title": "Rene Magritte",
  54413.             "Category": "HUM",
  54414.             "Description": "Information from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  54415.             "Year": 0
  54416.         },
  54417.         {
  54418.             "RIT": "ws203150",
  54419.             "Type": "WS",
  54420.             "URL": "http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~ohioline/hyg-fact/2000/2068.html",
  54421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54422.             "Title": "Earwigs",
  54423.             "Category": "LIF",
  54424.             "Description": "Ohio State University fact sheet contains control information, details on life cycle and habits, and data on how to identify different species.",
  54425.             "Year": 0
  54426.         },
  54427.         {
  54428.             "RIT": "ws203151",
  54429.             "Type": "WS",
  54430.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azsandboa.html",
  54431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54432.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Sand Boa",
  54433.             "Category": "LIF",
  54434.             "Description": "Information about animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  54435.             "Year": 0
  54436.         },
  54437.         {
  54438.             "RIT": "ws203152",
  54439.             "Type": "WS",
  54440.             "URL": "http://iris.biosci.ohio-state.edu/projects/FFiles/biolum.html",
  54441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54442.             "Title": "Why do fireflies glow?",
  54443.             "Category": "LIF",
  54444.             "Description": "Information on fireflies.",
  54445.             "Year": 0
  54446.         },
  54447.         {
  54448.             "RIT": "ws203153",
  54449.             "Type": "WS",
  54450.             "URL": "http://iaa.umd.edu/umturf/Insects/May_June_Beetle.html",
  54451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54452.             "Title": "June Beetle or May Beetle",
  54453.             "Category": "LIF",
  54454.             "Description": "Brief description of the junebug, from University of California.",
  54455.             "Year": 0
  54456.         },
  54457.         {
  54458.             "RIT": "ws203154",
  54459.             "Type": "WS",
  54460.             "URL": "http://phylogeny.arizona.edu/tree/eukaryotes/animals/arthropoda/hexapoda/coleoptera/coleoptera.html",
  54461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54462.             "Title": "Coleoptera",
  54463.             "Category": "LIF",
  54464.             "Description": "An overview of the characteristics and classification of beetles, from the University of Arizona.",
  54465.             "Year": 0
  54466.         },
  54467.         {
  54468.             "RIT": "ws203155",
  54469.             "Type": "WS",
  54470.             "URL": "http://dizzy.library.arizona.edu/branches/ccp/ccphome.html",
  54471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54472.             "Title": "Center for Creative Photography",
  54473.             "Category": "GEO",
  54474.             "Description": "Home page for a facility at the University of Arizona in Tucson. Includes guides for educators teaching photography.",
  54475.             "Year": 0
  54476.         },
  54477.         {
  54478.             "RIT": "ws203156",
  54479.             "Type": "WS",
  54480.             "URL": "http://www.anchoragemuseum.org/",
  54481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54482.             "Title": "Anchorage Museum of History and Art",
  54483.             "Category": "GEO",
  54484.             "Description": "Web site of a museum in Anchorage, Alaska.",
  54485.             "Year": 0
  54486.         },
  54487.         {
  54488.             "RIT": "ws203167",
  54489.             "Type": "WS",
  54490.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azbobcat.html",
  54491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54492.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Bobcat",
  54493.             "Category": "LIF",
  54494.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  54495.             "Year": 0
  54496.         },
  54497.         {
  54498.             "RIT": "ws203168",
  54499.             "Type": "WS",
  54500.             "URL": "http://artmuseum.arizona.edu/",
  54501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54502.             "Title": "University of Arizona Museum of Art",
  54503.             "Category": "GEO",
  54504.             "Description": "Web site of a Tucson, Arizona, art museum.",
  54505.             "Year": 0
  54506.         },
  54507.         {
  54508.             "RIT": "ws203169",
  54509.             "Type": "WS",
  54510.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=gauguin",
  54511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54512.             "Title": "Gauguin, Paul",
  54513.             "Category": "HUM",
  54514.             "Description": "Artworks from the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.",
  54515.             "Year": 0
  54516.         },
  54517.         {
  54518.             "RIT": "ws203170",
  54519.             "Type": "WS",
  54520.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/012000a/012000030.html",
  54521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54522.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, larynx",
  54523.             "Category": "LIF",
  54524.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  54525.             "Year": 0
  54526.         },
  54527.         {
  54528.             "RIT": "ws203171",
  54529.             "Type": "WS",
  54530.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/eagle.html",
  54531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54532.             "Title": "Bald Eagle",
  54533.             "Category": "LIF",
  54534.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  54535.             "Year": 0
  54536.         },
  54537.         {
  54538.             "RIT": "ws203172",
  54539.             "Type": "WS",
  54540.             "URL": "http://museum.gov.ns.ca/",
  54541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54542.             "Title": "The Nova Scotia Museum",
  54543.             "Category": "GEO",
  54544.             "Description": "Home page of a network of 25 museums across the province, including historic buildings, living history sites, vessels, and specialized museums.",
  54545.             "Year": 0
  54546.         },
  54547.         {
  54548.             "RIT": "ws203173",
  54549.             "Type": "WS",
  54550.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/002000a/002000135.html",
  54551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54552.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, bile",
  54553.             "Category": "LIF",
  54554.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  54555.             "Year": 0
  54556.         },
  54557.         {
  54558.             "RIT": "ws203174",
  54559.             "Type": "WS",
  54560.             "URL": "http://www.belvedere.at/english/jahr/jahr.html",
  54561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54562.             "Title": "Turn-of-the-Centry Expressionism",
  54563.             "Category": "HUM",
  54564.             "Description": "This exhibit from the Osterreichische Galerie Belvedere in Vienna, Austria, includes several paintings by Gustav Klimt.",
  54565.             "Year": 0
  54566.         },
  54567.         {
  54568.             "RIT": "ws203175",
  54569.             "Type": "WS",
  54570.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/000313/",
  54571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54572.             "Title": "Romare Bearden",
  54573.             "Category": "HUM",
  54574.             "Description": "Images of Bearden's art from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Wahington, D.C.",
  54575.             "Year": 0
  54576.         },
  54577.         {
  54578.             "RIT": "ws203186",
  54579.             "Type": "WS",
  54580.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Siqueiros.html_f/Siqueiros.html",
  54581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54582.             "Title": "David Alfaro Siqueiros",
  54583.             "Category": "HUM",
  54584.             "Description": "Art images from California State University Library in Long Beach, California.",
  54585.             "Year": 0
  54586.         },
  54587.         {
  54588.             "RIT": "ws203187",
  54589.             "Type": "WS",
  54590.             "URL": "http://www.mu.edu/haggerty/",
  54591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54592.             "Title": "Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University",
  54593.             "Category": "GEO",
  54594.             "Description": "Web site of an art museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.",
  54595.             "Year": 0
  54596.         },
  54597.         {
  54598.             "RIT": "ws203188",
  54599.             "Type": "WS",
  54600.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/004696/",
  54601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54602.             "Title": "Moses Soyer",
  54603.             "Category": "HUM",
  54604.             "Description": "Information about Soyer's paintings from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  54605.             "Year": 0
  54606.         },
  54607.         {
  54608.             "RIT": "ws203189",
  54609.             "Type": "WS",
  54610.             "URL": "http://www.rockwelltour.org/frameset.html",
  54611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54612.             "Title": "Norman Rockwell: Pictures for the American People",
  54613.             "Category": "HUM",
  54614.             "Description": "Official Web site of a national tour of Rockwell's work. Includes interactive activities and images of Rockwell's paintings.",
  54615.             "Year": 0
  54616.         },
  54617.         {
  54618.             "RIT": "ws203190",
  54619.             "Type": "WS",
  54620.             "URL": "http://everest.ento.vt.edu/Facilities/OnCampus/IDLab/Fact/Fact1.html",
  54621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54622.             "Title": "VA Insect Fact Sheets: Christmas Tree Pest",
  54623.             "Category": "LIF",
  54624.             "Description": "Insect and mite pests of Christmas trees, compiled by Virginia Tech.",
  54625.             "Year": 0
  54626.         },
  54627.         {
  54628.             "RIT": "ws203191",
  54629.             "Type": "WS",
  54630.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azeleph.html",
  54631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54632.             "Title": "African Savannah: African Elephant",
  54633.             "Category": "LIF",
  54634.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  54635.             "Year": 0
  54636.         },
  54637.         {
  54638.             "RIT": "ws203192",
  54639.             "Type": "WS",
  54640.             "URL": "http://www.umich.edu/~umma/venice/paint5psearch.html",
  54641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54642.             "Title": "The Mocking of Christ",
  54643.             "Category": "HUM",
  54644.             "Description": "The University of Michigan Museum of Art exhibits a painting by Tintoretto.",
  54645.             "Year": 0
  54646.         },
  54647.         {
  54648.             "RIT": "ws203193",
  54649.             "Type": "WS",
  54650.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azgibbon.html",
  54651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54652.             "Title": "Asian Rainforest: White-Handed Gibbon",
  54653.             "Category": "LIF",
  54654.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  54655.             "Year": 0
  54656.         },
  54657.         {
  54658.             "RIT": "ws203194",
  54659.             "Type": "WS",
  54660.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/010000a/010000009.html",
  54661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54662.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, joint",
  54663.             "Category": "LIF",
  54664.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  54665.             "Year": 0
  54666.         },
  54667.         {
  54668.             "RIT": "ws203205",
  54669.             "Type": "WS",
  54670.             "URL": "http://www.guggenheim.org/exhibitions/past_exhibitions/dine/dine_bottom2.html",
  54671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54672.             "Title": "Jim Dine: Walking Memory, 1959-1969",
  54673.             "Category": "HUM",
  54674.             "Description": "An exhibition from the Guggenheim Musuem in New York City.",
  54675.             "Year": 0
  54676.         },
  54677.         {
  54678.             "RIT": "ws203206",
  54679.             "Type": "WS",
  54680.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/019000a/019000120.html",
  54681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54682.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, shoulder",
  54683.             "Category": "LIF",
  54684.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  54685.             "Year": 0
  54686.         },
  54687.         {
  54688.             "RIT": "ws203207",
  54689.             "Type": "WS",
  54690.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=11750",
  54691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54692.             "Title": "Paul Gauguin",
  54693.             "Category": "HUM",
  54694.             "Description": "A biography and works of art from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  54695.             "Year": 0
  54696.         },
  54697.         {
  54698.             "RIT": "ws203208",
  54699.             "Type": "WS",
  54700.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/european/italian/1495-1600/botticelichild_lrg.html",
  54701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54702.             "Title": "The Adoration of the Child",
  54703.             "Category": "HUM",
  54704.             "Description": "A painting by Sandro Botticelli displayed by the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina.",
  54705.             "Year": 0
  54706.         },
  54707.         {
  54708.             "RIT": "ws203209",
  54709.             "Type": "WS",
  54710.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=824&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  54711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54712.             "Title": "El Greco (Domenico Theotokopoulos)",
  54713.             "Category": "HUM",
  54714.             "Description": "An overview of the artist from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  54715.             "Year": 0
  54716.         },
  54717.         {
  54718.             "RIT": "ws203210",
  54719.             "Type": "WS",
  54720.             "URL": "http://foodsafety.ifas.ufl.edu/HTML/pests.htm",
  54721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54722.             "Title": "National Food Safety Database: Preventing and Controlling Household Pests",
  54723.             "Category": "LIF",
  54724.             "Description": "Information on preventing various insect pests, from University of Florida.",
  54725.             "Year": 0
  54726.         },
  54727.         {
  54728.             "RIT": "ws203212",
  54729.             "Type": "WS",
  54730.             "URL": "http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/AG271/small_grains/chinch_bug.html",
  54731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54732.             "Title": "Chinch Bug",
  54733.             "Category": "LIF",
  54734.             "Description": "Information about cinch bugs by North Carolina State Agricultural Extension Service.",
  54735.             "Year": 0
  54736.         },
  54737.         {
  54738.             "RIT": "ws203213",
  54739.             "Type": "WS",
  54740.             "URL": "http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/exhibits/treasures/arts/rubens.html",
  54741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54742.             "Title": "Palazzi . di Genova. Antwerp: Enrico e Cornelio Verdusso",
  54743.             "Category": "HUM",
  54744.             "Description": "The University of Delaware Library presents a book on architecture by Peter Paul Rubens.",
  54745.             "Year": 0
  54746.         },
  54747.         {
  54748.             "RIT": "ws203224",
  54749.             "Type": "WS",
  54750.             "URL": "http://www.sfzoo.org/",
  54751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54752.             "Title": "San Francisco Zoo",
  54753.             "Category": "GEO",
  54754.             "Description": "The zoo's Web site features interactive animal exhibits and information for visitors.",
  54755.             "Year": 0
  54756.         },
  54757.         {
  54758.             "RIT": "ws203225",
  54759.             "Type": "WS",
  54760.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/COL5a9/COL94a.HTM",
  54761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54762.             "Title": "Amedeo MODIGLIANI",
  54763.             "Category": "HUM",
  54764.             "Description": "The Fondation Bemberg Museum in Toulouse, France, profiles the artist.",
  54765.             "Year": 0
  54766.         },
  54767.         {
  54768.             "RIT": "ws203226",
  54769.             "Type": "WS",
  54770.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/006000a/006000133.html",
  54771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54772.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, foot",
  54773.             "Category": "LIF",
  54774.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  54775.             "Year": 0
  54776.         },
  54777.         {
  54778.             "RIT": "ws203227",
  54779.             "Type": "WS",
  54780.             "URL": "http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/croplive/cropprot/facefly.ht",
  54781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54782.             "Title": "Face Fly",
  54783.             "Category": "LIF",
  54784.             "Description": "Fact Sheet from the British Columbian Government about the face fly, including control recommendations.",
  54785.             "Year": 0
  54786.         },
  54787.         {
  54788.             "RIT": "ws203228",
  54789.             "Type": "WS",
  54790.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/016000a/016000006.html",
  54791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54792.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, pain",
  54793.             "Category": "LIF",
  54794.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  54795.             "Year": 0
  54796.         },
  54797.         {
  54798.             "RIT": "ws203230",
  54799.             "Type": "WS",
  54800.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv1797/peint_f.htm",
  54801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54802.             "Title": "The Village Fete",
  54803.             "Category": "HUM",
  54804.             "Description": "A Peter Paul Rubens painting from the Louvre in Paris.",
  54805.             "Year": 0
  54806.         },
  54807.         {
  54808.             "RIT": "ws203231",
  54809.             "Type": "WS",
  54810.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage.mac/descrPage?selLang=English&indexClass=PICTURE_EN&PID=GJ-10603&numView=1&ID_NUM=3&thumbFile",
  54811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54812.             "Title": "Head of Christ",
  54813.             "Category": "HUM",
  54814.             "Description": "A painting by Georges Rouault from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  54815.             "Year": 0
  54816.         },
  54817.         {
  54818.             "RIT": "ws203232",
  54819.             "Type": "WS",
  54820.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azkgsnke.html",
  54821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54822.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: California King Snake",
  54823.             "Category": "LIF",
  54824.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  54825.             "Year": 0
  54826.         },
  54827.         {
  54828.             "RIT": "ws203233",
  54829.             "Type": "WS",
  54830.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/amerart/cfdart/79.33.html",
  54831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54832.             "Title": "Death on the Pale Horse",
  54833.             "Category": "HUM",
  54834.             "Description": "Benjamin West's painting displayed by the Detroit Institute of Arts.",
  54835.             "Year": 0
  54836.         },
  54837.         {
  54838.             "RIT": "ws203139",
  54839.             "Type": "WS",
  54840.             "URL": "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/breath/breathhome.html",
  54841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54842.             "Title": "Breath of Life",
  54843.             "Category": "LIF",
  54844.             "Description": "This National Library of Medicine exhibition examines the history of asthma, the experiences of people with asthma, and contemporary efforts to understand the disease.",
  54845.             "Year": 0
  54846.         },
  54847.         {
  54848.             "RIT": "ws203140",
  54849.             "Type": "WS",
  54850.             "URL": "http://musa.uffizi.firenze.it/Dipinti/uccelbattE7.html",
  54851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54852.             "Title": "The Battle of San Romano",
  54853.             "Category": "HUM",
  54854.             "Description": "Paolo Uccello's painting from the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.",
  54855.             "Year": 0
  54856.         },
  54857.         {
  54858.             "RIT": "ws203141",
  54859.             "Type": "WS",
  54860.             "URL": "http://www.nbmaa.org/Gallery_htmls/motherwell.html",
  54861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54862.             "Title": "Elegy with Opening",
  54863.             "Category": "HUM",
  54864.             "Description": "A work of art by Robert Motherwell from the New Britain Art Museum of American Art in New Britain, Connecticut.",
  54865.             "Year": 0
  54866.         },
  54867.         {
  54868.             "RIT": "ws203142",
  54869.             "Type": "WS",
  54870.             "URL": "http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/scripts/htmlgen.exe?DOCUMENT_IG083",
  54871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54872.             "Title": "bedbugs and blood-sucking conenose",
  54873.             "Category": "LIF",
  54874.             "Description": "Brief description of bed bugs.",
  54875.             "Year": 0
  54876.         },
  54877.         {
  54878.             "RIT": "ws203143",
  54879.             "Type": "WS",
  54880.             "URL": "http://whyfiles.org/016skeeter/index.html",
  54881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54882.             "Title": "Mosquito alert",
  54883.             "Category": "LIF",
  54884.             "Description": "Information on mosquitos, the diseases they spread, and how to avoid mosquito bites, from the National Science Foundation.",
  54885.             "Year": 0
  54886.         },
  54887.         {
  54888.             "RIT": "ws203144",
  54889.             "Type": "WS",
  54890.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azroan.html",
  54891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54892.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Roan Antellope",
  54893.             "Category": "LIF",
  54894.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  54895.             "Year": 0
  54896.         },
  54897.         {
  54898.             "RIT": "ws203145",
  54899.             "Type": "WS",
  54900.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/001000a/001000053.html",
  54901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54902.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, adrenal gland",
  54903.             "Category": "LIF",
  54904.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  54905.             "Year": 0
  54906.         },
  54907.         {
  54908.             "RIT": "ws203146",
  54909.             "Type": "WS",
  54910.             "URL": "http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/housingandclothing/DK1030.html",
  54911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54912.             "Title": "Control of Lice on Humans",
  54913.             "Category": "LIF",
  54914.             "Description": "Information from the University of Minnesota.",
  54915.             "Year": 0
  54916.         },
  54917.         {
  54918.             "RIT": "ws203147",
  54919.             "Type": "WS",
  54920.             "URL": "http://www.cyberspain.com/passion/goya.htm",
  54921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54922.             "Title": "Goya the Artist",
  54923.             "Category": "HUM",
  54924.             "Description": "Biographical information and art images from the Indianapolis Museum of Art.",
  54925.             "Year": 0
  54926.         },
  54927.         {
  54928.             "RIT": "ws203157",
  54929.             "Type": "WS",
  54930.             "URL": "http://research.haifa.ac.il/~hecht/Modigliani/index.html",
  54931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54932.             "Title": "Art Images of Amedeo Modigliani",
  54933.             "Category": "HUM",
  54934.             "Description": "The Hecht Museum at the University of Haifa in Israel displays two paintings by Modigliani from the same canvas.",
  54935.             "Year": 0
  54936.         },
  54937.         {
  54938.             "RIT": "ws203158",
  54939.             "Type": "WS",
  54940.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azwhitepar.html",
  54941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54942.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: White Crowned Parrot",
  54943.             "Category": "LIF",
  54944.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  54945.             "Year": 0
  54946.         },
  54947.         {
  54948.             "RIT": "ws203159",
  54949.             "Type": "WS",
  54950.             "URL": "http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/guns.htm",
  54951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54952.             "Title": "Firearms and Crime Statistics",
  54953.             "Category": "SOC",
  54954.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.",
  54955.             "Year": 0
  54956.         },
  54957.         {
  54958.             "RIT": "ws203160",
  54959.             "Type": "WS",
  54960.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/016000a/016000089.html",
  54961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54962.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, pelvis",
  54963.             "Category": "LIF",
  54964.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  54965.             "Year": 0
  54966.         },
  54967.         {
  54968.             "RIT": "ws203161",
  54969.             "Type": "WS",
  54970.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=1136+0+none",
  54971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54972.             "Title": "Self-Portrait",
  54973.             "Category": "HUM",
  54974.             "Description": "A painting by Benjamin West displayed online by PBS.",
  54975.             "Year": 0
  54976.         },
  54977.         {
  54978.             "RIT": "ws203162",
  54979.             "Type": "WS",
  54980.             "URL": "http://www.iht.com/IHT/RCM/99/rcm051599.html",
  54981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54982.             "Title": "Light in the Darkness",
  54983.             "Category": "HUM",
  54984.             "Description": "An article about Peter Paul Rubens from the International Herald Tribune.",
  54985.             "Year": 0
  54986.         },
  54987.         {
  54988.             "RIT": "ws203163",
  54989.             "Type": "WS",
  54990.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azmangoat.html",
  54991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  54992.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: La Mancha Goat",
  54993.             "Category": "LIF",
  54994.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  54995.             "Year": 0
  54996.         },
  54997.         {
  54998.             "RIT": "ws203164",
  54999.             "Type": "WS",
  55000.             "URL": "http://www.boston.com/mfa/chinese/willows.htm",
  55001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55002.             "Title": "Bare Willows and Distant Mountains",
  55003.             "Category": "HUM",
  55004.             "Description": "Boston's Museum of Fine Arts presents a landscape attributed to Ma Yuan.",
  55005.             "Year": 0
  55006.         },
  55007.         {
  55008.             "RIT": "ws203165",
  55009.             "Type": "WS",
  55010.             "URL": "http://www.cipotato.org/projects/potato/impp/pests/flyplnt.htm",
  55011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55012.             "Title": "Leafminer Fly Plant Resistance",
  55013.             "Category": "LIF",
  55014.             "Description": "Information about the destruction caused by the leafminer fly, from the International Potato Center.",
  55015.             "Year": 0
  55016.         },
  55017.         {
  55018.             "RIT": "ws203166",
  55019.             "Type": "WS",
  55020.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=joan&=And&=Yes&=miro&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  55021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55022.             "Title": "Joan Miro",
  55023.             "Category": "HUM",
  55024.             "Description": "Collected works by the artist from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  55025.             "Year": 0
  55026.         },
  55027.         {
  55028.             "RIT": "ws203176",
  55029.             "Type": "WS",
  55030.             "URL": "http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/ent/clinic/Bugofwk/965792/maizweev.htm",
  55031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55032.             "Title": "Maize weevil",
  55033.             "Category": "LIF",
  55034.             "Description": "North Carolina State University's siote about the maize weevil.",
  55035.             "Year": 0
  55036.         },
  55037.         {
  55038.             "RIT": "ws203177",
  55039.             "Type": "WS",
  55040.             "URL": "http://www.reptilepark.com.au/animals/reptiles/Index.html",
  55041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55042.             "Title": "The Australian Reptile Park - African snakes",
  55043.             "Category": "LIF",
  55044.             "Description": "Descriptions of a African snakes, from the Australian Reptile Park.",
  55045.             "Year": 0
  55046.         },
  55047.         {
  55048.             "RIT": "ws203178",
  55049.             "Type": "WS",
  55050.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/prints/88pc_goya.html",
  55051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55052.             "Title": "Be Careful with that Step!",
  55053.             "Category": "HUM",
  55054.             "Description": "Francisco Goya's painting from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  55055.             "Year": 0
  55056.         },
  55057.         {
  55058.             "RIT": "ws203179",
  55059.             "Type": "WS",
  55060.             "URL": "http://www.brandeis.edu/rose/photoviewer.html?8,1",
  55061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55062.             "Title": "Forget It! Forget Me!",
  55063.             "Category": "HUM",
  55064.             "Description": "A Roy Lichtenstein painting exhibited by the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts.",
  55065.             "Year": 0
  55066.         },
  55067.         {
  55068.             "RIT": "ws203180",
  55069.             "Type": "WS",
  55070.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azspeckpidgeon.html",
  55071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55072.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Speckled Pidgeon",
  55073.             "Category": "LIF",
  55074.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  55075.             "Year": 0
  55076.         },
  55077.         {
  55078.             "RIT": "ws203181",
  55079.             "Type": "WS",
  55080.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=473&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  55081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55082.             "Title": "Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn",
  55083.             "Category": "HUM",
  55084.             "Description": "Biographical information and paintings from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  55085.             "Year": 0
  55086.         },
  55087.         {
  55088.             "RIT": "ws203182",
  55089.             "Type": "WS",
  55090.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1811",
  55091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55092.             "Title": "Ben Nicholson",
  55093.             "Category": "HUM",
  55094.             "Description": "The Tate Gallery in London presents a biography of Nicholson and art images.",
  55095.             "Year": 0
  55096.         },
  55097.         {
  55098.             "RIT": "ws203183",
  55099.             "Type": "WS",
  55100.             "URL": "http://www.mam.org/",
  55101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55102.             "Title": "Milwaukee Art Museum",
  55103.             "Category": "GEO",
  55104.             "Description": "Online exhibits and information for visitors.",
  55105.             "Year": 0
  55106.         },
  55107.         {
  55108.             "RIT": "ws203184",
  55109.             "Type": "WS",
  55110.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azfalldeer.html",
  55111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55112.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Fallow Deer",
  55113.             "Category": "LIF",
  55114.             "Description": "Information from Oakland Zoo on animal behavior.",
  55115.             "Year": 0
  55116.         },
  55117.         {
  55118.             "RIT": "ws203185",
  55119.             "Type": "WS",
  55120.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=143",
  55121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55122.             "Title": "Procession in Valencia",
  55123.             "Category": "HUM",
  55124.             "Description": "The E.G. Buhrle in Zurich, Switzerland, presents a painting by Francisco Goya.",
  55125.             "Year": 0
  55126.         },
  55127.         {
  55128.             "RIT": "ws203195",
  55129.             "Type": "WS",
  55130.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/ernst.html",
  55131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55132.             "Title": "Max Ernst",
  55133.             "Category": "HUM",
  55134.             "Description": "A Max Ernst painting from the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas.",
  55135.             "Year": 0
  55136.         },
  55137.         {
  55138.             "RIT": "ws203196",
  55139.             "Type": "WS",
  55140.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/1997/dom/971013/aappr.pops_most_pop.html",
  55141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55142.             "Title": "Pop's Most Popular",
  55143.             "Category": "HUM",
  55144.             "Description": "A TIME Magazine about Roy Lichtenstein.",
  55145.             "Year": 0
  55146.         },
  55147.         {
  55148.             "RIT": "ws203197",
  55149.             "Type": "WS",
  55150.             "URL": "http://www.hiroshima-cdas.or.jp/HICARE/abe.html",
  55151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55152.             "Title": "Major Effects of Atomic Bomb",
  55153.             "Category": "PHY",
  55154.             "Description": "Information about how radiation affects the human body from a Japanese medical research organization, Hiroshima International Council for Health Care of the Radiation-exposed (HICARE).",
  55155.             "Year": 0
  55156.         },
  55157.         {
  55158.             "RIT": "ws203198",
  55159.             "Type": "WS",
  55160.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/middle_east/newsid_359000/359051.stm",
  55161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55162.             "Title": "Syria's shrewd master",
  55163.             "Category": "GEO",
  55164.             "Description": "An obituary of President Hafez al-Assad from BBC News.",
  55165.             "Year": 0
  55166.         },
  55167.         {
  55168.             "RIT": "ws203199",
  55169.             "Type": "WS",
  55170.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2000/n.ireland/",
  55171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55172.             "Title": "Conflict and Hope in Northern Ireland",
  55173.             "Category": "GEO",
  55174.             "Description": "A CNN news feature about the peace process in Northern Ireland.",
  55175.             "Year": 0
  55176.         },
  55177.         {
  55178.             "RIT": "ws203200",
  55179.             "Type": "WS",
  55180.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/paintsculpt/c74.htm",
  55181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55182.             "Title": "House by the Railroad",
  55183.             "Category": "HUM",
  55184.             "Description": "A painting by Edward Hopper from the Museum of Modern Art, New York City.",
  55185.             "Year": 0
  55186.         },
  55187.         {
  55188.             "RIT": "ws203201",
  55189.             "Type": "WS",
  55190.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page239.html",
  55191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55192.             "Title": "Madonna of the Cherries",
  55193.             "Category": "HUM",
  55194.             "Description": "A painting by Titian from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  55195.             "Year": 0
  55196.         },
  55197.         {
  55198.             "RIT": "ws203202",
  55199.             "Type": "WS",
  55200.             "URL": "http://www.dali-estate.org/eng/index1.htm",
  55201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55202.             "Title": "Gala-Salvador Dali Foundation",
  55203.             "Category": "HUM",
  55204.             "Description": "Official Web site of a Spanish organization that owns three Dali museums in Spain.",
  55205.             "Year": 0
  55206.         },
  55207.         {
  55208.             "RIT": "ws203203",
  55209.             "Type": "WS",
  55210.             "URL": "http://www.dulwichpicturegallery.org.uk/thecollection/rubens.html",
  55211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55212.             "Title": "Venus, Mars and Cupid",
  55213.             "Category": "HUM",
  55214.             "Description": "London's Dulwich Picture Gallery displays a painting by Peter Paul Rubens.",
  55215.             "Year": 0
  55216.         },
  55217.         {
  55218.             "RIT": "ws203204",
  55219.             "Type": "WS",
  55220.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/1998/dom/980302/the_arts.art.master_of_v15.html",
  55221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55222.             "Title": "Master of Visual Slang",
  55223.             "Category": "HUM",
  55224.             "Description": "A TIME Magazine article about the career of artist Fernand Leger.",
  55225.             "Year": 0
  55226.         },
  55227.         {
  55228.             "RIT": "ws203214",
  55229.             "Type": "WS",
  55230.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=frank&=And&=Yes&=stella&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  55231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55232.             "Title": "Frank Stella",
  55233.             "Category": "HUM",
  55234.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  55235.             "Year": 0
  55236.         },
  55237.         {
  55238.             "RIT": "ws203215",
  55239.             "Type": "WS",
  55240.             "URL": "http://www.sfzoo.org/map.prairie%20dogs.html",
  55241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55242.             "Title": "Black-Tailed Prairie Dog",
  55243.             "Category": "LIF",
  55244.             "Description": "Information from the San Francisco Zoo.",
  55245.             "Year": 0
  55246.         },
  55247.         {
  55248.             "RIT": "ws203216",
  55249.             "Type": "WS",
  55250.             "URL": "http://fhpr8.srs.fs.fed.us/idotis/insects/loclfmnr.html",
  55251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55252.             "Title": "Locust Leafminer",
  55253.             "Category": "LIF",
  55254.             "Description": "Information on the damage caused by the leafmine, by the U.S. Forest Service.",
  55255.             "Year": 0
  55256.         },
  55257.         {
  55258.             "RIT": "ws203217",
  55259.             "Type": "WS",
  55260.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=849&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  55261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55262.             "Title": "Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres",
  55263.             "Category": "HUM",
  55264.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  55265.             "Year": 0
  55266.         },
  55267.         {
  55268.             "RIT": "ws203218",
  55269.             "Type": "WS",
  55270.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=1980%2E412",
  55271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55272.             "Title": "Serena Lederer",
  55273.             "Category": "HUM",
  55274.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by Gustav Klimt.",
  55275.             "Year": 0
  55276.         },
  55277.         {
  55278.             "RIT": "ws203219",
  55279.             "Type": "WS",
  55280.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/archive/1995/951023/art.html",
  55281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55282.             "Title": "Purifying Nature",
  55283.             "Category": "HUM",
  55284.             "Description": "An TIME Magazine article about Piet Mondrian's art.",
  55285.             "Year": 0
  55286.         },
  55287.         {
  55288.             "RIT": "ws203220",
  55289.             "Type": "WS",
  55290.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/arthropoda/uniramia/coleoptera.html",
  55291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55292.             "Title": "Introduction to the Coleoptera",
  55293.             "Category": "LIF",
  55294.             "Description": "Brief description of the large beetle called Hercules beetle, from the University of California.",
  55295.             "Year": 0
  55296.         },
  55297.         {
  55298.             "RIT": "ws203221",
  55299.             "Type": "WS",
  55300.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_wnigjS",
  55301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55302.             "Title": "Georges Rouault",
  55303.             "Category": "HUM",
  55304.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts displays works by Rouault as online postcards. Page one of a two-page exhibit.",
  55305.             "Year": 0
  55306.         },
  55307.         {
  55308.             "RIT": "ws203222",
  55309.             "Type": "WS",
  55310.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/childe_hassam_1859.htm",
  55311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55312.             "Title": "Manhattan's Misty Sunset",
  55313.             "Category": "HUM",
  55314.             "Description": "A painting by Childe Hassam from the Butler Art Museum in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  55315.             "Year": 0
  55316.         },
  55317.         {
  55318.             "RIT": "ws203223",
  55319.             "Type": "WS",
  55320.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azgrpheasant.html",
  55321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55322.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Green Pheasant",
  55323.             "Category": "LIF",
  55324.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  55325.             "Year": 0
  55326.         },
  55327.         {
  55328.             "RIT": "ws203234",
  55329.             "Type": "WS",
  55330.             "URL": "http://www.pfc.forestry.ca/hforest/pests/ftcaterp.html",
  55331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55332.             "Title": "Forest Tent Caterpillar",
  55333.             "Category": "LIF",
  55334.             "Description": "Fact sheet about tent caterpillars, by Forestry Canada.",
  55335.             "Year": 0
  55336.         },
  55337.         {
  55338.             "RIT": "ws203235",
  55339.             "Type": "WS",
  55340.             "URL": "http://www.philamuseum.org/collections/modern_contemporary/1950-134-59.shtml",
  55341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55342.             "Title": "Nude Descending A Staircase",
  55343.             "Category": "HUM",
  55344.             "Description": "Marcel Duchamp's painting exhibited online by PBS.",
  55345.             "Year": 0
  55346.         },
  55347.         {
  55348.             "RIT": "ws203236",
  55349.             "Type": "WS",
  55350.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/collections/recent_acquisitions/ma_coll_kiefer_melancholia.html",
  55351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55352.             "Title": "Melancholia",
  55353.             "Category": "HUM",
  55354.             "Description": "The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art presents Anselm Kiefer's sculpture with commentary.",
  55355.             "Year": 0
  55356.         },
  55357.         {
  55358.             "RIT": "ws203237",
  55359.             "Type": "WS",
  55360.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/expopassees/a-magritte.html",
  55361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55362.             "Title": "An Extraordinary Universe: Magritte's Work",
  55363.             "Category": "HUM",
  55364.             "Description": "Companion Web site to an exhibit of Rene Magritte's paintings at the Montreal Museum of Fine-Arts.",
  55365.             "Year": 0
  55366.         },
  55367.         {
  55368.             "RIT": "ws203238",
  55369.             "Type": "WS",
  55370.             "URL": "http://www.ag.usask.ca/cofa/departments/hort/hortinfo/pests/environm.html",
  55371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55372.             "Title": "Environmentally Friendly Control of Insect Pests in the Garden",
  55373.             "Category": "LIF",
  55374.             "Description": "University of Saskatchewan's site about insecticides.",
  55375.             "Year": 0
  55376.         },
  55377.         {
  55378.             "RIT": "ws203239",
  55379.             "Type": "WS",
  55380.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Chagall.html_f/Chagall.html",
  55381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55382.             "Title": "Marc Chagall",
  55383.             "Category": "HUM",
  55384.             "Description": "The California State University Library in Long Beach, California, presents works by the artist.",
  55385.             "Year": 0
  55386.         },
  55387.         {
  55388.             "RIT": "ws203240",
  55389.             "Type": "WS",
  55390.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/022000a/022000005.html",
  55391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55392.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, vagina",
  55393.             "Category": "LIF",
  55394.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  55395.             "Year": 0
  55396.         },
  55397.         {
  55398.             "RIT": "ws203241",
  55399.             "Type": "WS",
  55400.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/farmpond.htm",
  55401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55402.             "Title": "Farm Pond",
  55403.             "Category": "HUM",
  55404.             "Description": "An Andrew Wyeth painting presented by the Reynolda House, Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carlina.",
  55405.             "Year": 0
  55406.         },
  55407.         {
  55408.             "RIT": "ws203242",
  55409.             "Type": "WS",
  55410.             "URL": "http://www.gemeentemuseum.nl/engels/collecties_mokunst.htm",
  55411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55412.             "Title": "Victory Boogie Woogie",
  55413.             "Category": "HUM",
  55414.             "Description": "A Piet Mondrian painting from the Gemeentemuseum in the Hague, Netherlands.",
  55415.             "Year": 0
  55416.         },
  55417.         {
  55418.             "RIT": "ws203253",
  55419.             "Type": "WS",
  55420.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=13+0+none",
  55421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55422.             "Title": "The Madonna of Humility",
  55423.             "Category": "HUM",
  55424.             "Description": "The National Gallry of Art in Washington, D.C., presents a painting by Masaccio",
  55425.             "Year": 0
  55426.         },
  55427.         {
  55428.             "RIT": "ws203254",
  55429.             "Type": "WS",
  55430.             "URL": "http://www.antcolony.org/carpenter_antsmain.htm",
  55431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55432.             "Title": "antcolony.org",
  55433.             "Category": "LIF",
  55434.             "Description": "Information on ants from the Ant Colony Developers Association.",
  55435.             "Year": 0
  55436.         },
  55437.         {
  55438.             "RIT": "ws203255",
  55439.             "Type": "WS",
  55440.             "URL": "http://www.musnaz.org/Whats%20New/WhatsNew.htm",
  55441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55442.             "Title": "Museum of Northern Arizona",
  55443.             "Category": "GEO",
  55444.             "Description": "Home page of a museum in Flagstaff, Arizona, that houses Native American artifacts and natural history specimens.",
  55445.             "Year": 0
  55446.         },
  55447.         {
  55448.             "RIT": "ws203256",
  55449.             "Type": "WS",
  55450.             "URL": "http://www.hortnet.co.nz/publications/hortfacts/hf401018.htm",
  55451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55452.             "Title": "HortFACT - Rice and Grain Weevils Life Cycle",
  55453.             "Category": "LIF",
  55454.             "Description": "Description and chart of life span by the Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand Lt.",
  55455.             "Year": 0
  55456.         },
  55457.         {
  55458.             "RIT": "ws203257",
  55459.             "Type": "WS",
  55460.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azkook.html",
  55461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55462.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Laughing Kookaburra",
  55463.             "Category": "LIF",
  55464.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  55465.             "Year": 0
  55466.         },
  55467.         {
  55468.             "RIT": "ws203258",
  55469.             "Type": "WS",
  55470.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/022000a/022000036.html",
  55471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55472.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, vein",
  55473.             "Category": "LIF",
  55474.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  55475.             "Year": 0
  55476.         },
  55477.         {
  55478.             "RIT": "ws203259",
  55479.             "Type": "WS",
  55480.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=Leger+Fernand",
  55481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55482.             "Title": "Leger, Fernand",
  55483.             "Category": "HUM",
  55484.             "Description": "Works by Leger from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  55485.             "Year": 0
  55486.         },
  55487.         {
  55488.             "RIT": "ws203260",
  55489.             "Type": "WS",
  55490.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=46%2E13%2E2",
  55491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55492.             "Title": "The Lovesick Maiden",
  55493.             "Category": "HUM",
  55494.             "Description": "Jan Steen's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  55495.             "Year": 0
  55496.         },
  55497.         {
  55498.             "RIT": "ws203261",
  55499.             "Type": "WS",
  55500.             "URL": "http://research.amnh.org/entomology/social_insects/ants/ant_colony_cycle.html",
  55501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55502.             "Title": "SIWeb: Ant Colony Cycle",
  55503.             "Category": "LIF",
  55504.             "Description": "American Museum of Natural History's site explains the cycle of an ant colony.",
  55505.             "Year": 0
  55506.         },
  55507.         {
  55508.             "RIT": "ws203271",
  55509.             "Type": "WS",
  55510.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/005000a/005000187.html",
  55511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55512.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, eye",
  55513.             "Category": "LIF",
  55514.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  55515.             "Year": 0
  55516.         },
  55517.         {
  55518.             "RIT": "ws203272",
  55519.             "Type": "WS",
  55520.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/003539/",
  55521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55522.             "Title": "Robert Motherwell",
  55523.             "Category": "HUM",
  55524.             "Description": "Works by the artist displayed by the Smithsonian American Art Museum.",
  55525.             "Year": 0
  55526.         },
  55527.         {
  55528.             "RIT": "ws203273",
  55529.             "Type": "WS",
  55530.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azhrtort.html",
  55531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55532.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Hermann's Tortoise",
  55533.             "Category": "LIF",
  55534.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  55535.             "Year": 0
  55536.         },
  55537.         {
  55538.             "RIT": "ws203274",
  55539.             "Type": "WS",
  55540.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=chagall+marc&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  55541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55542.             "Title": "Marc Chagall",
  55543.             "Category": "HUM",
  55544.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  55545.             "Year": 0
  55546.         },
  55547.         {
  55548.             "RIT": "ws203275",
  55549.             "Type": "WS",
  55550.             "URL": "http://myrmecology.org/",
  55551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55552.             "Title": "Myrmecology - The Scientific Study Of Ants",
  55553.             "Category": "LIF",
  55554.             "Description": "Information on ants from the Information Zone.",
  55555.             "Year": 0
  55556.         },
  55557.         {
  55558.             "RIT": "ws203276",
  55559.             "Type": "WS",
  55560.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/016000a/016000199.html",
  55561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55562.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, placenta",
  55563.             "Category": "LIF",
  55564.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  55565.             "Year": 0
  55566.         },
  55567.         {
  55568.             "RIT": "ws203277",
  55569.             "Type": "WS",
  55570.             "URL": "http://www.denverartmuseum.org/",
  55571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55572.             "Title": "Denver Art Museum",
  55573.             "Category": "GEO",
  55574.             "Description": "Web site of a museum in Denver, Colorado.",
  55575.             "Year": 0
  55576.         },
  55577.         {
  55578.             "RIT": "ws203278",
  55579.             "Type": "WS",
  55580.             "URL": "http://www.nd.edu/~sniteart/97/img/galls/1819/west.htm",
  55581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55582.             "Title": "The Finding of Moses",
  55583.             "Category": "HUM",
  55584.             "Description": "The Snite Art Museum at the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana, displays a painting by Benjamin West.",
  55585.             "Year": 0
  55586.         },
  55587.         {
  55588.             "RIT": "ws203279",
  55589.             "Type": "WS",
  55590.             "URL": "http://www.iht.com/IHT/ART/99/sm062699.html",
  55591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55592.             "Title": "The Human Condition in Rembrandt's Eyes",
  55593.             "Category": "HUM",
  55594.             "Description": "Souren Melikian of the International Herald Tribune writes about Rembrandt's self-portraits.",
  55595.             "Year": 0
  55596.         },
  55597.         {
  55598.             "RIT": "ws203243",
  55599.             "Type": "WS",
  55600.             "URL": "http://www.sbmuseart.org/",
  55601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55602.             "Title": "Santa Barbara Museum of Art",
  55603.             "Category": "GEO",
  55604.             "Description": "Web site of a museum located in Santa Barbara, California.",
  55605.             "Year": 0
  55606.         },
  55607.         {
  55608.             "RIT": "ws203244",
  55609.             "Type": "WS",
  55610.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_zOHehF",
  55611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55612.             "Title": "The Raising of Lazarus",
  55613.             "Category": "HUM",
  55614.             "Description": "Jacopo Tintoretto's painting presented by the Minneaopolis Institute of Arts as an online postcard.",
  55615.             "Year": 0
  55616.         },
  55617.         {
  55618.             "RIT": "ws203245",
  55619.             "Type": "WS",
  55620.             "URL": "http://www.toledomuseum.org/html/rubens.html",
  55621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55622.             "Title": "The Crowning of Saint Catherine",
  55623.             "Category": "HUM",
  55624.             "Description": "A Peter Paul Rubens painting from the Toledo Museum of Art.",
  55625.             "Year": 0
  55626.         },
  55627.         {
  55628.             "RIT": "ws203246",
  55629.             "Type": "WS",
  55630.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/latin_america/mexico_index.html",
  55631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55632.             "Title": "Politics in Mexico",
  55633.             "Category": "GEO",
  55634.             "Description": "A special report from the Online News Hour.",
  55635.             "Year": 0
  55636.         },
  55637.         {
  55638.             "RIT": "ws203247",
  55639.             "Type": "WS",
  55640.             "URL": "http://www.ent.iastate.edu/pest/cornborer/",
  55641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55642.             "Title": "The European Corn Borer Home Page",
  55643.             "Category": "LIF",
  55644.             "Description": "Information on the corn borer from Iowa State University.",
  55645.             "Year": 0
  55646.         },
  55647.         {
  55648.             "RIT": "ws203248",
  55649.             "Type": "WS",
  55650.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Stella.html_f/Stella.html",
  55651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55652.             "Title": "Frank Stella",
  55653.             "Category": "HUM",
  55654.             "Description": "California State University Library in Long Beach, California, presents art works by Stella.",
  55655.             "Year": 0
  55656.         },
  55657.         {
  55658.             "RIT": "ws203249",
  55659.             "Type": "WS",
  55660.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azhornbl.html",
  55661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55662.             "Title": "Asian Rainforest: Wreathed Hornbill",
  55663.             "Category": "LIF",
  55664.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  55665.             "Year": 0
  55666.         },
  55667.         {
  55668.             "RIT": "ws203250",
  55669.             "Type": "WS",
  55670.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_GdrhUT",
  55671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55672.             "Title": "Rembrandt Postcards",
  55673.             "Category": "HUM",
  55674.             "Description": "Page 1 of a 14-page exhibit from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.",
  55675.             "Year": 0
  55676.         },
  55677.         {
  55678.             "RIT": "ws203251",
  55679.             "Type": "WS",
  55680.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=15&full=0&item=1975%2E1%2E12",
  55681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55682.             "Title": "Madonna and Child",
  55683.             "Category": "HUM",
  55684.             "Description": "A painting by Simone Martini from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  55685.             "Year": 0
  55686.         },
  55687.         {
  55688.             "RIT": "ws203252",
  55689.             "Type": "WS",
  55690.             "URL": "http://phylogeny.arizona.edu/tree/eukaryotes/animals/arthropoda/hexapoda/dermaptera/dermaptera.html",
  55691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55692.             "Title": "Dermaptera",
  55693.             "Category": "LIF",
  55694.             "Description": "Information about suborders of earwigs.",
  55695.             "Year": 0
  55696.         },
  55697.         {
  55698.             "RIT": "ws203262",
  55699.             "Type": "WS",
  55700.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=9&full=0&item=16%2E2%2E2",
  55701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55702.             "Title": "Woman Bathing",
  55703.             "Category": "HUM",
  55704.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City displays an etching by Mary Cassatt.",
  55705.             "Year": 0
  55706.         },
  55707.         {
  55708.             "RIT": "ws203263",
  55709.             "Type": "WS",
  55710.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=vlaminck",
  55711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55712.             "Title": "Vlaminck, Maurice de",
  55713.             "Category": "HUM",
  55714.             "Description": "Paintings from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  55715.             "Year": 0
  55716.         },
  55717.         {
  55718.             "RIT": "ws203264",
  55719.             "Type": "WS",
  55720.             "URL": "http://www.mauritshuis.nl/english/collectie/portretten/rembrandt_totaal.html",
  55721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55722.             "Title": "Rembrandt van Rijn",
  55723.             "Category": "HUM",
  55724.             "Description": "Paintings displayed by the Mauritshuis Royal Picture Gallery in the Hague, the Netherlands.",
  55725.             "Year": 0
  55726.         },
  55727.         {
  55728.             "RIT": "ws203265",
  55729.             "Type": "WS",
  55730.             "URL": "http://www.Konstmuseum.goteborg.se/english/collect/1600/rubens.html",
  55731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55732.             "Title": "Henry IV of France at the Siege of Amiens",
  55733.             "Category": "HUM",
  55734.             "Description": "Sweden's Goteborg Museum of Art presents a painting by Peter Paul Rubens.",
  55735.             "Year": 0
  55736.         },
  55737.         {
  55738.             "RIT": "ws203266",
  55739.             "Type": "WS",
  55740.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=2104&group=general&name=",
  55741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55742.             "Title": "Frank Stella",
  55743.             "Category": "HUM",
  55744.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the Tate Collections in London.",
  55745.             "Year": 0
  55746.         },
  55747.         {
  55748.             "RIT": "ws203267",
  55749.             "Type": "WS",
  55750.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=andrew&=And&=Yes&=wyeth&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  55751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55752.             "Title": "Andrew Wyeth",
  55753.             "Category": "HUM",
  55754.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  55755.             "Year": 0
  55756.         },
  55757.         {
  55758.             "RIT": "ws203268",
  55759.             "Type": "WS",
  55760.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=356&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  55761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55762.             "Title": "Edvard Munch",
  55763.             "Category": "HUM",
  55764.             "Description": "A biography from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  55765.             "Year": 0
  55766.         },
  55767.         {
  55768.             "RIT": "ws203269",
  55769.             "Type": "WS",
  55770.             "URL": "http://musa.uffizi.firenze.it/Dipinti/raffsangiovE18.html",
  55771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55772.             "Title": "Saint John the Baptist in the Desert",
  55773.             "Category": "HUM",
  55774.             "Description": "Raphael's painting exhibited by the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.",
  55775.             "Year": 0
  55776.         },
  55777.         {
  55778.             "RIT": "ws203270",
  55779.             "Type": "WS",
  55780.             "URL": "http://www.rerf.or.jp/eigo/titles/radtoc.htm",
  55781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55782.             "Title": "Radiation Effects",
  55783.             "Category": "PHY",
  55784.             "Description": "The Radiation Effects Research Foundation, a cooperative Japanese-U.S. organization that studies the effects of radiation exposure on humans, describes how radiation affects the body.",
  55785.             "Year": 0
  55786.         },
  55787.         {
  55788.             "RIT": "ws203280",
  55789.             "Type": "WS",
  55790.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/021000a/021000011.html",
  55791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55792.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, Umbilical cord",
  55793.             "Category": "LIF",
  55794.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  55795.             "Year": 0
  55796.         },
  55797.         {
  55798.             "RIT": "ws203281",
  55799.             "Type": "WS",
  55800.             "URL": "http://www.bampfa.berkeley.edu/main.html",
  55801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55802.             "Title": "Berkeley Art Museum and Film Archive",
  55803.             "Category": "GEO",
  55804.             "Description": "Web site of a museum at the University of California-Berkeley.",
  55805.             "Year": 0
  55806.         },
  55807.         {
  55808.             "RIT": "ws203282",
  55809.             "Type": "WS",
  55810.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/doublegr.htm",
  55811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55812.             "Title": "Double Gray Scramble",
  55813.             "Category": "HUM",
  55814.             "Description": "The Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, presents a painting by Frank Stella.",
  55815.             "Year": 0
  55816.         },
  55817.         {
  55818.             "RIT": "ws203283",
  55819.             "Type": "WS",
  55820.             "URL": "http://www.byu.edu/moa/exhibits/Current%20Exhibits/150years/850005600.html",
  55821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55822.             "Title": "Old Mulford House, East Hampton",
  55823.             "Category": "HUM",
  55824.             "Description": "Brigham Young University's Museum of Art in Provo, Utah, displays a painting by Childe Hassam with commentary.",
  55825.             "Year": 0
  55826.         },
  55827.         {
  55828.             "RIT": "ws203284",
  55829.             "Type": "WS",
  55830.             "URL": "http://www.mcachicago.org/MCA/exhibit/past/Lichtenstein.html",
  55831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55832.             "Title": "Roy Lichtenstein: Interiors",
  55833.             "Category": "HUM",
  55834.             "Description": "Overview of an exhibit at Chicago's Museum of Contemporary Art that featured Lichtenstein's large interior paintings of the 1990's.",
  55835.             "Year": 0
  55836.         },
  55837.         {
  55838.             "RIT": "ws203285",
  55839.             "Type": "WS",
  55840.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=41%2E100%2E23",
  55841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55842.             "Title": "Saint Andrew",
  55843.             "Category": "HUM",
  55844.             "Description": "Simone Martini's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  55845.             "Year": 0
  55846.         },
  55847.         {
  55848.             "RIT": "ws203286",
  55849.             "Type": "WS",
  55850.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/001000a/001000229.html",
  55851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55852.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, artery",
  55853.             "Category": "LIF",
  55854.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  55855.             "Year": 0
  55856.         },
  55857.         {
  55858.             "RIT": "ws203287",
  55859.             "Type": "WS",
  55860.             "URL": "http://gort.ucsd.edu/sj/timken/t-rubens.html",
  55861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55862.             "Title": "Portrait of Young Man in Armor",
  55863.             "Category": "HUM",
  55864.             "Description": "The Timken Museum in San Diego, California, displays a painting by Peter Paul Rubens.",
  55865.             "Year": 0
  55866.         },
  55867.         {
  55868.             "RIT": "ws203297",
  55869.             "Type": "WS",
  55870.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azeabxtr.html",
  55871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55872.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Eastern Box Turtle",
  55873.             "Category": "LIF",
  55874.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  55875.             "Year": 0
  55876.         },
  55877.         {
  55878.             "RIT": "ws203299",
  55879.             "Type": "WS",
  55880.             "URL": "http://everest.ento.vt.edu/~idlab/vegpests/vegfact.html",
  55881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55882.             "Title": "Common Vegetable Pests",
  55883.             "Category": "LIF",
  55884.             "Description": "Virginia Tech's site devoted to vegetable pests, with a picture and description of each pest.",
  55885.             "Year": 0
  55886.         },
  55887.         {
  55888.             "RIT": "ws203300",
  55889.             "Type": "WS",
  55890.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv0602/peint_f.htm",
  55891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55892.             "Title": "The Virgin and Child with St. John the Baptist",
  55893.             "Category": "HUM",
  55894.             "Description": "A painting by Raphael from the Louvre in Paris.",
  55895.             "Year": 0
  55896.         },
  55897.         {
  55898.             "RIT": "ws203301",
  55899.             "Type": "WS",
  55900.             "URL": "http://musa.uffizi.firenze.it/Dipinti/bellicristE21.html",
  55901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55902.             "Title": "The Lamentation over the Dead Christ",
  55903.             "Category": "HUM",
  55904.             "Description": "Giovanni Bellini's painting exhibited by the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.",
  55905.             "Year": 0
  55906.         },
  55907.         {
  55908.             "RIT": "ws203302",
  55909.             "Type": "WS",
  55910.             "URL": "http://www.anapsid.org/gartcare.html",
  55911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55912.             "Title": "Garter Snakes",
  55913.             "Category": "LIF",
  55914.             "Description": "This site explores the natural history of the nonpoisonous serpent.",
  55915.             "Year": 0
  55916.         },
  55917.         {
  55918.             "RIT": "ws203303",
  55919.             "Type": "WS",
  55920.             "URL": "http://www.npg.si.edu/col/pres/p37.htm",
  55921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55922.             "Title": "Richard M. Nixon: Thirty-seventh President",
  55923.             "Category": "HUM",
  55924.             "Description": "A painting by Norman Rockwell displayed by the National Portrait Gallery, Washington D.C.",
  55925.             "Year": 0
  55926.         },
  55927.         {
  55928.             "RIT": "ws203304",
  55929.             "Type": "WS",
  55930.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/walrus.html",
  55931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55932.             "Title": "Walrus",
  55933.             "Category": "LIF",
  55934.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  55935.             "Year": 0
  55936.         },
  55937.         {
  55938.             "RIT": "ws203305",
  55939.             "Type": "WS",
  55940.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/collections/recent_acquisitions/ma_coll_mondrian.html",
  55941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55942.             "Title": "Composition No. lll Blanc-Jaune",
  55943.             "Category": "HUM",
  55944.             "Description": "The San Francisco Musuem of Modern Art presents a painting by Piet Mondrian with commentary.",
  55945.             "Year": 0
  55946.         },
  55947.         {
  55948.             "RIT": "ws203306",
  55949.             "Type": "WS",
  55950.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azlilroller.html",
  55951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55952.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Lilac-Breasted Roller",
  55953.             "Category": "LIF",
  55954.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  55955.             "Year": 0
  55956.         },
  55957.         {
  55958.             "RIT": "ws203307",
  55959.             "Type": "WS",
  55960.             "URL": "http://www.uam.ucsb.edu/",
  55961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55962.             "Title": "University Art Museum",
  55963.             "Category": "GEO",
  55964.             "Description": "Home page of an art museum at the University of California at Santa Barbara.",
  55965.             "Year": 0
  55966.         },
  55967.         {
  55968.             "RIT": "ws203316",
  55969.             "Type": "WS",
  55970.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/019000a/019000141.html",
  55971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55972.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, skeleton",
  55973.             "Category": "LIF",
  55974.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  55975.             "Year": 0
  55976.         },
  55977.         {
  55978.             "RIT": "ws203317",
  55979.             "Type": "WS",
  55980.             "URL": "http://www.sdvc.uwyo.edu/grasshopper/ansi.htm#ansiidentification",
  55981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55982.             "Title": "Anabrus simplex fact sheet",
  55983.             "Category": "LIF",
  55984.             "Description": "University of Wyoming 's fact sheet about the mormon cricket.",
  55985.             "Year": 0
  55986.         },
  55987.         {
  55988.             "RIT": "ws203318",
  55989.             "Type": "WS",
  55990.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/spb/mnpages/dispages/rvf.htm",
  55991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  55992.             "Title": "Rift Valley Fever",
  55993.             "Category": "LIF",
  55994.             "Description": "U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's site about Rift Valley Fever.",
  55995.             "Year": 0
  55996.         },
  55997.         {
  55998.             "RIT": "ws203319",
  55999.             "Type": "WS",
  56000.             "URL": "http://www.civilization.ca/hist/verre/veint00e.html",
  56001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56002.             "Title": "Glass Works",
  56003.             "Category": "IND",
  56004.             "Description": "The Canadian Museum of Civilization traces the history of glass-making in Canada. Site features information about different types of glass and how glass is made.",
  56005.             "Year": 0
  56006.         },
  56007.         {
  56008.             "RIT": "ws203320",
  56009.             "Type": "WS",
  56010.             "URL": "http://www.artgallery.sbc.edu/highlights/goya.html",
  56011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56012.             "Title": "No Quieren (They Do Not Want To)",
  56013.             "Category": "HUM",
  56014.             "Description": "The Sweet Briar College Art Gallery in Sweet Briar, Virgina, displays a painting by Francisco Goya.",
  56015.             "Year": 0
  56016.         },
  56017.         {
  56018.             "RIT": "ws203321",
  56019.             "Type": "WS",
  56020.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=raphael",
  56021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56022.             "Title": "Raphael",
  56023.             "Category": "HUM",
  56024.             "Description": "Paintings from the State Hermitage Musuem in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  56025.             "Year": 0
  56026.         },
  56027.         {
  56028.             "RIT": "ws203322",
  56029.             "Type": "WS",
  56030.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/European/1983.58.html",
  56031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56032.             "Title": "Judith Leyster : A Game of Tric-Trac",
  56033.             "Category": "HUM",
  56034.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  56035.             "Year": 0
  56036.         },
  56037.         {
  56038.             "RIT": "ws203323",
  56039.             "Type": "WS",
  56040.             "URL": "http://apollo.ogis.state.me.us/projects/btmoth.htm",
  56041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56042.             "Title": "Brown Tailed Moth",
  56043.             "Category": "LIF",
  56044.             "Description": "Maine Forest Service's page about the behavior and prevention of the browntail moth.",
  56045.             "Year": 0
  56046.         },
  56047.         {
  56048.             "RIT": "ws203334",
  56049.             "Type": "WS",
  56050.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/COL5a9/COL93a.HTM",
  56051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56052.             "Title": "Georges ROUAULT",
  56053.             "Category": "HUM",
  56054.             "Description": "An artist profile from the Fondation Bemberg Museum in Toulouse, France.",
  56055.             "Year": 0
  56056.         },
  56057.         {
  56058.             "RIT": "ws203335",
  56059.             "Type": "WS",
  56060.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/hanta/hps/index.htm",
  56061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56062.             "Title": "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): All About Hantavirus",
  56063.             "Category": "LIF",
  56064.             "Description": "How hantavirus is spread, which rodents carry it, disease symptoms, treatment, and how to prevent infection.",
  56065.             "Year": 0
  56066.         },
  56067.         {
  56068.             "RIT": "ws203336",
  56069.             "Type": "WS",
  56070.             "URL": "http://www.ento.vt.edu/Fruitfiles/OFM.html",
  56071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56072.             "Title": "Oriental Fruit Moth",
  56073.             "Category": "LIF",
  56074.             "Description": "Mid-Atlantic Orchard Monitoring Guide's description of the peach moth.",
  56075.             "Year": 0
  56076.         },
  56077.         {
  56078.             "RIT": "ws203337",
  56079.             "Type": "WS",
  56080.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/003704/",
  56081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56082.             "Title": "Georgia O'Keeffe",
  56083.             "Category": "HUM",
  56084.             "Description": "Works by the artist displayed by the National Museum of American Art in Washington, D.C.",
  56085.             "Year": 0
  56086.         },
  56087.         {
  56088.             "RIT": "ws203338",
  56089.             "Type": "WS",
  56090.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_EhQdso",
  56091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56092.             "Title": "Man Ray",
  56093.             "Category": "HUM",
  56094.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts displays a work by May Ray as an online postcard.",
  56095.             "Year": 0
  56096.         },
  56097.         {
  56098.             "RIT": "ws203339",
  56099.             "Type": "WS",
  56100.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=5",
  56101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56102.             "Title": "Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres",
  56103.             "Category": "HUM",
  56104.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the E.G. Buehrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  56105.             "Year": 0
  56106.         },
  56107.         {
  56108.             "RIT": "ws203340",
  56109.             "Type": "WS",
  56110.             "URL": "http://www.civilization.ca/civil/egypt/egtut01e.html",
  56111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56112.             "Title": "Tutankhamun",
  56113.             "Category": "HIS",
  56114.             "Description": "Information about the Egyptian king and his tomb, from the Canadian Museum of Civilization.",
  56115.             "Year": 0
  56116.         },
  56117.         {
  56118.             "RIT": "ws203341",
  56119.             "Type": "WS",
  56120.             "URL": "http://www.lbma.org/",
  56121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56122.             "Title": "Long Beach Museum of Art",
  56123.             "Category": "GEO",
  56124.             "Description": "The museum in Long Beach, California, provides online exhibits and information for visitors.",
  56125.             "Year": 0
  56126.         },
  56127.         {
  56128.             "RIT": "ws203342",
  56129.             "Type": "WS",
  56130.             "URL": "http://arcticcircle.uconn.edu/",
  56131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56132.             "Title": "Arctic Circle",
  56133.             "Category": "GEO",
  56134.             "Description": "Information about the peoples and environment of the Arctic and Subarctic region from anthropologist Norman Chance.",
  56135.             "Year": 0
  56136.         },
  56137.         {
  56138.             "RIT": "ws203343",
  56139.             "Type": "WS",
  56140.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/eurptg/18pc_harmensz.html",
  56141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56142.             "Title": "Old Man with a Gold Chain",
  56143.             "Category": "HUM",
  56144.             "Description": "A painting by Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  56145.             "Year": 0
  56146.         },
  56147.         {
  56148.             "RIT": "ws203344",
  56149.             "Type": "WS",
  56150.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/dutch/27.200.html",
  56151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56152.             "Title": "The Visitation",
  56153.             "Category": "HUM",
  56154.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts in Detroit, Michigan, presents the painting by Rembrandt.",
  56155.             "Year": 0
  56156.         },
  56157.         {
  56158.             "RIT": "ws203345",
  56159.             "Type": "WS",
  56160.             "URL": "http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/phpps/pe/fruitfly.htm",
  56161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56162.             "Title": "Fruit Flies",
  56163.             "Category": "LIF",
  56164.             "Description": "Information on Mexican fruit flies from the California Department of Food and Agriculture.",
  56165.             "Year": 0
  56166.         },
  56167.         {
  56168.             "RIT": "ws203346",
  56169.             "Type": "WS",
  56170.             "URL": "http://www.nelson-atkins.org/collections/european/detail/faaturuma.htm",
  56171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56172.             "Title": "Faaturuma (Melancholic)",
  56173.             "Category": "HUM",
  56174.             "Description": "The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri, displays Paul Gauguin's painting.",
  56175.             "Year": 0
  56176.         },
  56177.         {
  56178.             "RIT": "ws203347",
  56179.             "Type": "WS",
  56180.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=reynolds",
  56181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56182.             "Title": "Reynolds, Joshua",
  56183.             "Category": "HUM",
  56184.             "Description": "Paintings by Reynolds from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  56185.             "Year": 0
  56186.         },
  56187.         {
  56188.             "RIT": "ws203348",
  56189.             "Type": "WS",
  56190.             "URL": "http://www.icp.org/exhibitions/man_ray/index.html",
  56191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56192.             "Title": "Man Ray: Photography and Its Double",
  56193.             "Category": "HUM",
  56194.             "Description": "An exhibition from the International Center of Photography in New York City.",
  56195.             "Year": 0
  56196.         },
  56197.         {
  56198.             "RIT": "ws203349",
  56199.             "Type": "WS",
  56200.             "URL": "http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/lawenf.htm",
  56201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56202.             "Title": "Law Enforcement Statistics",
  56203.             "Category": "SOC",
  56204.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.",
  56205.             "Year": 0
  56206.         },
  56207.         {
  56208.             "RIT": "ws203350",
  56209.             "Type": "WS",
  56210.             "URL": "http://www.gastro.org/yourdigest.html",
  56211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56212.             "Title": "American Gastroenterological Association, digestive system",
  56213.             "Category": "LIF",
  56214.             "Description": "The American Gastroenterological Association Web site provides information on the digestive system.",
  56215.             "Year": 0
  56216.         },
  56217.         {
  56218.             "RIT": "ws203351",
  56219.             "Type": "WS",
  56220.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/expopassees/a-exilesgros3.html",
  56221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56222.             "Title": "Napoleon in the Wilderness",
  56223.             "Category": "HUM",
  56224.             "Description": "The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts presents a painting by Max Ernst.",
  56225.             "Year": 0
  56226.         },
  56227.         {
  56228.             "RIT": "ws203362",
  56229.             "Type": "WS",
  56230.             "URL": "http://www.hydeartmuseum.org/collection/acquisitions/nicholson.htm",
  56231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56232.             "Title": "2-Dec-51",
  56233.             "Category": "HUM",
  56234.             "Description": "The Hyde Collection Art Museum in Glens Falls, New York, displays a painting by Ben Nickolson.",
  56235.             "Year": 0
  56236.         },
  56237.         {
  56238.             "RIT": "ws203363",
  56239.             "Type": "WS",
  56240.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_vyaAGk",
  56241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56242.             "Title": "Salvador Dali postcards",
  56243.             "Category": "HUM",
  56244.             "Description": "Page one of a two-page exhibit from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.",
  56245.             "Year": 0
  56246.         },
  56247.         {
  56248.             "RIT": "ws203364",
  56249.             "Type": "WS",
  56250.             "URL": "http://www.us1.nagasaki-noc.ne.jp/nacity/na-bomb/museum/museume.html",
  56251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56252.             "Title": "Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum",
  56253.             "Category": "GEO",
  56254.             "Description": "Home page of a museum dedicated to the destruction caused by the atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki.",
  56255.             "Year": 0
  56256.         },
  56257.         {
  56258.             "RIT": "ws203365",
  56259.             "Type": "WS",
  56260.             "URL": "http://www.usc.edu/org/fishergallery/",
  56261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56262.             "Title": "Fisher Gallery at the University of Southern California",
  56263.             "Category": "GEO",
  56264.             "Description": "Web site of an art museum located in Los Angeles.",
  56265.             "Year": 0
  56266.         },
  56267.         {
  56268.             "RIT": "ws203366",
  56269.             "Type": "WS",
  56270.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/itransito.html",
  56271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56272.             "Title": "Death of the Virgin",
  56273.             "Category": "HUM",
  56274.             "Description": "The Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain, exhibits a piece of art by Andrea Mantegna.",
  56275.             "Year": 0
  56276.         },
  56277.         {
  56278.             "RIT": "ws203367",
  56279.             "Type": "WS",
  56280.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntgbi1f.htm#reynolds",
  56281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56282.             "Title": "Reynolds, Sir Joshua",
  56283.             "Category": "HUM",
  56284.             "Description": "A brief biography and several paintings from the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  56285.             "Year": 0
  56286.         },
  56287.         {
  56288.             "RIT": "ws203368",
  56289.             "Type": "WS",
  56290.             "URL": "http://www.msu.edu/~kamuseum/collections/bigten/dali/index.html",
  56291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56292.             "Title": "Remorse, or Sphinx Embedded in the Sand",
  56293.             "Category": "HUM",
  56294.             "Description": "A painting by Salvador Dali from the Kresge Art Museum at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan.",
  56295.             "Year": 0
  56296.         },
  56297.         {
  56298.             "RIT": "ws203370",
  56299.             "Type": "WS",
  56300.             "URL": "http://www.mc.edu/campus/users/stark/american.html",
  56301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56302.             "Title": "American Stonefly Web Page",
  56303.             "Category": "LIF",
  56304.             "Description": "Dr. Bill P. Stark of Mississippi College explains the different families of stoneflies.",
  56305.             "Year": 0
  56306.         },
  56307.         {
  56308.             "RIT": "ws203371",
  56309.             "Type": "WS",
  56310.             "URL": "http://creatures.ifas.ufl.edu/orn/thrips/gladiolus_thrips.htm",
  56311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56312.             "Title": "gladiolus thrips - Thrips simplex",
  56313.             "Category": "LIF",
  56314.             "Description": "University of Florida's fact sheet about thrips.",
  56315.             "Year": 0
  56316.         },
  56317.         {
  56318.             "RIT": "ws203288",
  56319.             "Type": "WS",
  56320.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv0297/peint_f.htm",
  56321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56322.             "Title": "The Visitation",
  56323.             "Category": "HUM",
  56324.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris presents a painting by Domenico di Tomaso Bigordi, known as Ghirlandaio.",
  56325.             "Year": 0
  56326.         },
  56327.         {
  56328.             "RIT": "ws203289",
  56329.             "Type": "WS",
  56330.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/paintsculpt/c68.htm",
  56331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56332.             "Title": "Unique Forms of Continuity in Space",
  56333.             "Category": "HUM",
  56334.             "Description": "A sculpture by Umberto Boccioni from the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.",
  56335.             "Year": 0
  56336.         },
  56337.         {
  56338.             "RIT": "ws203290",
  56339.             "Type": "WS",
  56340.             "URL": "http://www.civilization.ca/hist/hats/hat00eng.html",
  56341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56342.             "Title": "Hold onto Your Hats!",
  56343.             "Category": "SOC",
  56344.             "Description": "The Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation presents an exhibition about the history and meaning of hats and other headwear in Canada.",
  56345.             "Year": 0
  56346.         },
  56347.         {
  56348.             "RIT": "ws203291",
  56349.             "Type": "WS",
  56350.             "URL": "http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/pesticides/index.html",
  56351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56352.             "Title": "Molecular Expressions: The Pesticide Collection",
  56353.             "Category": "LIF",
  56354.             "Description": "Short descriptions and photos of various types of insecticide from Florida State University.",
  56355.             "Year": 0
  56356.         },
  56357.         {
  56358.             "RIT": "ws203292",
  56359.             "Type": "WS",
  56360.             "URL": "http://www.colmusart.org/html/s03collection05.htm",
  56361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56362.             "Title": "Mannerism",
  56363.             "Category": "HUM",
  56364.             "Description": "The Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, South Carolina, displays works by Tintoretto and Giovanni Alberghetti I.",
  56365.             "Year": 0
  56366.         },
  56367.         {
  56368.             "RIT": "ws203293",
  56369.             "Type": "WS",
  56370.             "URL": "http://www.cahe.nmsu.edu/pubs/_a/a-219.html",
  56371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56372.             "Title": "Pink Bollworm Scouting Guide",
  56373.             "Category": "LIF",
  56374.             "Description": "New Mexico State University's site about the damage caused by the pink bollworm.",
  56375.             "Year": 0
  56376.         },
  56377.         {
  56378.             "RIT": "ws203294",
  56379.             "Type": "WS",
  56380.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/living/abortion_atlas990112/index.html",
  56381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56382.             "Title": "Abortion Atlas",
  56383.             "Category": "SOC",
  56384.             "Description": "ABC News presents an interactive guide to abortion laws and rates in U.S. states.",
  56385.             "Year": 0
  56386.         },
  56387.         {
  56388.             "RIT": "ws203295",
  56389.             "Type": "WS",
  56390.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/amer/61pc_hassam.html",
  56391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56392.             "Title": "The Little Pond, Appledore",
  56393.             "Category": "HUM",
  56394.             "Description": "Childe Hassam's painting from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  56395.             "Year": 0
  56396.         },
  56397.         {
  56398.             "RIT": "ws203296",
  56399.             "Type": "WS",
  56400.             "URL": "http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/AG295/html/yellow_woollybear.htm",
  56401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56402.             "Title": "Yellow Woollybear",
  56403.             "Category": "LIF",
  56404.             "Description": "North Carolina State University's fact sheet on the woollybear.",
  56405.             "Year": 0
  56406.         },
  56407.         {
  56408.             "RIT": "ws203308",
  56409.             "Type": "WS",
  56410.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/008000a/008000020.html",
  56411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56412.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, hand",
  56413.             "Category": "LIF",
  56414.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  56415.             "Year": 0
  56416.         },
  56417.         {
  56418.             "RIT": "ws203309",
  56419.             "Type": "WS",
  56420.             "URL": "http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu:8150/AG369/",
  56421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56422.             "Title": "Insect and Related Pests of Man and Animals",
  56423.             "Category": "LIF",
  56424.             "Description": "Information on insect pests from North Carolina University.",
  56425.             "Year": 0
  56426.         },
  56427.         {
  56428.             "RIT": "ws203310",
  56429.             "Type": "WS",
  56430.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azbentig.html",
  56431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56432.             "Title": "Asian Rainforest: Bengal Tiger",
  56433.             "Category": "LIF",
  56434.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  56435.             "Year": 0
  56436.         },
  56437.         {
  56438.             "RIT": "ws203311",
  56439.             "Type": "WS",
  56440.             "URL": "http://www.nbmaa.org/Gallery_htmls/Okeefe.html",
  56441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56442.             "Title": "East River from the 30th Story of Shelton Hotel",
  56443.             "Category": "HUM",
  56444.             "Description": "The New Britain Museum of American Art in New Britain, Connecticut, presents a painting by Georgia O'Keeffe and an essay about her work.",
  56445.             "Year": 0
  56446.         },
  56447.         {
  56448.             "RIT": "ws203312",
  56449.             "Type": "WS",
  56450.             "URL": "http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/cp.htm",
  56451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56452.             "Title": "Capital Punishment Statistics",
  56453.             "Category": "SOC",
  56454.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.",
  56455.             "Year": 0
  56456.         },
  56457.         {
  56458.             "RIT": "ws203313",
  56459.             "Type": "WS",
  56460.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage.mac/descrPage?selLang=English&indexClass=PICTURE_EN&PID=GJ-10598&numView=1&ID_NUM=1&thumbFile",
  56461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56462.             "Title": "Rue Custine a Monmartre",
  56463.             "Category": "HUM",
  56464.             "Description": "Maurice Utrillo's painting from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  56465.             "Year": 0
  56466.         },
  56467.         {
  56468.             "RIT": "ws203314",
  56469.             "Type": "WS",
  56470.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=bellini+gentile&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  56471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56472.             "Title": "Gentile Bellini",
  56473.             "Category": "HUM",
  56474.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  56475.             "Year": 0
  56476.         },
  56477.         {
  56478.             "RIT": "ws203315",
  56479.             "Type": "WS",
  56480.             "URL": "http://abcnews.go.com/sections/travel/popoff/nationalparks990701_popoff/index.html",
  56481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56482.             "Title": "National Parks",
  56483.             "Category": "GEO",
  56484.             "Description": "ABC News presents an interactive guide to national parks in the United States.",
  56485.             "Year": 0
  56486.         },
  56487.         {
  56488.             "RIT": "ws203324",
  56489.             "Type": "WS",
  56490.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage.mac/descrPage?selLang=English&indexClass=PICTURE_EN&PID=GJ-5555&numView=1&ID_NUM=1&thumbFile=",
  56491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56492.             "Title": "Portrait of a Lady",
  56493.             "Category": "HUM",
  56494.             "Description": "Correggio's painting from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  56495.             "Year": 0
  56496.         },
  56497.         {
  56498.             "RIT": "ws203325",
  56499.             "Type": "WS",
  56500.             "URL": "http://asuartmuseum.asu.edu/home.html",
  56501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56502.             "Title": "Arizona State University Art Museum Home Page",
  56503.             "Category": "SOC",
  56504.             "Description": "Online exhibits and visitor information.",
  56505.             "Year": 0
  56506.         },
  56507.         {
  56508.             "RIT": "ws203326",
  56509.             "Type": "WS",
  56510.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1996%2E403%2E10",
  56511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56512.             "Title": "Ariadne",
  56513.             "Category": "HUM",
  56514.             "Description": "Giorgio de Chirico's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  56515.             "Year": 0
  56516.         },
  56517.         {
  56518.             "RIT": "ws203327",
  56519.             "Type": "WS",
  56520.             "URL": "http://buehrle.ch/index.asp?lang=e&id_pic=144",
  56521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56522.             "Title": "The Birth of the Virgin",
  56523.             "Category": "HUM",
  56524.             "Description": "The E.G. Buhrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland, presents a painting by El Greco.",
  56525.             "Year": 0
  56526.         },
  56527.         {
  56528.             "RIT": "ws203328",
  56529.             "Type": "WS",
  56530.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azchbxtr.html",
  56531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56532.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Chinese Box Turtle",
  56533.             "Category": "LIF",
  56534.             "Description": "Information on the behavior of animals from the Oakland Zoo.",
  56535.             "Year": 0
  56536.         },
  56537.         {
  56538.             "RIT": "ws203329",
  56539.             "Type": "WS",
  56540.             "URL": "http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/AG271/small_grains/hessian_fly.html",
  56541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56542.             "Title": "Hessian Fly",
  56543.             "Category": "LIF",
  56544.             "Description": "Information from North Carolina State University.",
  56545.             "Year": 0
  56546.         },
  56547.         {
  56548.             "RIT": "ws203330",
  56549.             "Type": "WS",
  56550.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/i71.html",
  56551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56552.             "Title": "Artemisia",
  56553.             "Category": "HUM",
  56554.             "Description": "A painting by Rembrandt from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  56555.             "Year": 0
  56556.         },
  56557.         {
  56558.             "RIT": "ws203331",
  56559.             "Type": "WS",
  56560.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/niot/",
  56561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56562.             "Title": "Not in Our Town",
  56563.             "Category": "SOC",
  56564.             "Description": "A PBS Web site about a campaign to promote public dialogue for community response to hate crimes and other associated problems.",
  56565.             "Year": 0
  56566.         },
  56567.         {
  56568.             "RIT": "ws203332",
  56569.             "Type": "WS",
  56570.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/index.asp?lang=e&id_pic=75",
  56571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56572.             "Title": "Mother and Child",
  56573.             "Category": "HUM",
  56574.             "Description": "A painting by Mary Cassatt displayed by the E.G. Buehrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  56575.             "Year": 0
  56576.         },
  56577.         {
  56578.             "RIT": "ws203333",
  56579.             "Type": "WS",
  56580.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azboa.html",
  56581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56582.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Columbian Red-Tailed Boa Constrictor",
  56583.             "Category": "LIF",
  56584.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  56585.             "Year": 0
  56586.         },
  56587.         {
  56588.             "RIT": "ws203352",
  56589.             "Type": "WS",
  56590.             "URL": "http://www.hydeartmuseum.org/collection/highlights/oldmasters/rembrandt.htm",
  56591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56592.             "Title": "Portrait of Christ",
  56593.             "Category": "HUM",
  56594.             "Description": "Rembrandt's painting exhibited by the Hyde Collection Art Museum in Glens Falls, New York.",
  56595.             "Year": 0
  56596.         },
  56597.         {
  56598.             "RIT": "ws203353",
  56599.             "Type": "WS",
  56600.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=1981%2E238",
  56601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56602.             "Title": "Rubens, His Wife Helena Fourment, and Their Son Peter Paul",
  56603.             "Category": "HUM",
  56604.             "Description": "A portrait by Peter Paul Rubens from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  56605.             "Year": 0
  56606.         },
  56607.         {
  56608.             "RIT": "ws203354",
  56609.             "Type": "WS",
  56610.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/002000a/002000002.html",
  56611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56612.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, baby",
  56613.             "Category": "LIF",
  56614.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  56615.             "Year": 0
  56616.         },
  56617.         {
  56618.             "RIT": "ws203355",
  56619.             "Type": "WS",
  56620.             "URL": "http://www.insects.org/entophiles/lepidoptera/lepi_031.html",
  56621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56622.             "Title": "Tussock Moth",
  56623.             "Category": "LIF",
  56624.             "Description": "Information on insects from Bug Bios, a Web site developed by an entomologist.",
  56625.             "Year": 0
  56626.         },
  56627.         {
  56628.             "RIT": "ws203356",
  56629.             "Type": "WS",
  56630.             "URL": "http://asuam.fa.asu.edu/mthrwell.htm",
  56631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56632.             "Title": "Running Elegy II, Red State",
  56633.             "Category": "HUM",
  56634.             "Description": "A painting by Robert Motherwell and biography of the artist from the Arizona State University Art Museum in Tempe, Arizona.",
  56635.             "Year": 0
  56636.         },
  56637.         {
  56638.             "RIT": "ws203358",
  56639.             "Type": "WS",
  56640.             "URL": "http://www.tnr.com/archive/0799/071999/perl071999.html",
  56641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56642.             "Title": "On Art: Adagio",
  56643.             "Category": "HUM",
  56644.             "Description": "An article from The New Republic about the portraits of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.",
  56645.             "Year": 0
  56646.         },
  56647.         {
  56648.             "RIT": "ws203359",
  56649.             "Type": "WS",
  56650.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/aztavweaver.html",
  56651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56652.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Taveta Golden Weaver",
  56653.             "Category": "LIF",
  56654.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  56655.             "Year": 0
  56656.         },
  56657.         {
  56658.             "RIT": "ws203360",
  56659.             "Type": "WS",
  56660.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/celticst.htm",
  56661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56662.             "Title": "The Celtic Stone",
  56663.             "Category": "HUM",
  56664.             "Description": "The Reynolda House, Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, presents a painting by Robert Motherwell with commentary.",
  56665.             "Year": 0
  56666.         },
  56667.         {
  56668.             "RIT": "ws203361",
  56669.             "Type": "WS",
  56670.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/ptarmigen.html",
  56671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56672.             "Title": "Ptarmigan",
  56673.             "Category": "LIF",
  56674.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  56675.             "Year": 0
  56676.         },
  56677.         {
  56678.             "RIT": "ws203372",
  56679.             "Type": "WS",
  56680.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=49%2E7%2E41",
  56681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56682.             "Title": "Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuniga",
  56683.             "Category": "HUM",
  56684.             "Description": "A Francisco Goya painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  56685.             "Year": 0
  56686.         },
  56687.         {
  56688.             "RIT": "ws203373",
  56689.             "Type": "WS",
  56690.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Grosz.html_f/Grosz.html",
  56691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56692.             "Title": "George Grosz",
  56693.             "Category": "HUM",
  56694.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the California State University Library in Long Beach.",
  56695.             "Year": 0
  56696.         },
  56697.         {
  56698.             "RIT": "ws203374",
  56699.             "Type": "WS",
  56700.             "URL": "http://www.ima-art.org/cGauguinFlageolet.html",
  56701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56702.             "Title": "The Flageolet Player on the Cliff",
  56703.             "Category": "HUM",
  56704.             "Description": "The Indianapolis Museum of Art in Indianapolis, Indiana, displays a painting by Paul Gauguin.",
  56705.             "Year": 0
  56706.         },
  56707.         {
  56708.             "RIT": "ws203375",
  56709.             "Type": "WS",
  56710.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=rufino&=And&=Yes&=tamayo&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  56711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56712.             "Title": "Rufino Tamayo",
  56713.             "Category": "HUM",
  56714.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  56715.             "Year": 0
  56716.         },
  56717.         {
  56718.             "RIT": "ws203376",
  56719.             "Type": "WS",
  56720.             "URL": "http://www.city.hiroshima.jp/index-E.html",
  56721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56722.             "Title": "The City of Hiroshima",
  56723.             "Category": "GEO",
  56724.             "Description": "Home page of Hiroshima, Japan.",
  56725.             "Year": 0
  56726.         },
  56727.         {
  56728.             "RIT": "ws203377",
  56729.             "Type": "WS",
  56730.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Motherwell.htm",
  56731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56732.             "Title": "Elegy to the Spanish Republic #34",
  56733.             "Category": "HUM",
  56734.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Robert Motherwell with classroom exercises.",
  56735.             "Year": 0
  56736.         },
  56737.         {
  56738.             "RIT": "ws203378",
  56739.             "Type": "WS",
  56740.             "URL": "http://www.nysipm.cornell.edu/factsheets/treefruit/pests/am/applemaggot.html",
  56741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56742.             "Title": "Apple Maggot Fact Sheet",
  56743.             "Category": "LIF",
  56744.             "Description": "General information about the apple maggot from Cornell University.",
  56745.             "Year": 0
  56746.         },
  56747.         {
  56748.             "RIT": "ws203379",
  56749.             "Type": "WS",
  56750.             "URL": "http://www.aagm.co.uk/ag002495.html",
  56751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56752.             "Title": "La Guitare",
  56753.             "Category": "HUM",
  56754.             "Description": "A painting by Marie Laurencin from the Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums in Aberdeen, Scotland.",
  56755.             "Year": 0
  56756.         },
  56757.         {
  56758.             "RIT": "ws203380",
  56759.             "Type": "WS",
  56760.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/003000a/003000122.html",
  56761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56762.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, cerebrospinal fluid",
  56763.             "Category": "LIF",
  56764.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  56765.             "Year": 0
  56766.         },
  56767.         {
  56768.             "RIT": "ws203391",
  56769.             "Type": "WS",
  56770.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/rf1977/peint_f.htm",
  56771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56772.             "Title": "Helena Fourment with a Carriage",
  56773.             "Category": "HUM",
  56774.             "Description": "A painting by Peter Paul Rubens from the Louvre in Paris.",
  56775.             "Year": 0
  56776.         },
  56777.         {
  56778.             "RIT": "ws203392",
  56779.             "Type": "WS",
  56780.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=15&full=0&item=1975%2E1%2E74",
  56781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56782.             "Title": "The Annunciation",
  56783.             "Category": "HUM",
  56784.             "Description": "A painting by Sandro Botticelli from the Metropolotan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  56785.             "Year": 0
  56786.         },
  56787.         {
  56788.             "RIT": "ws203393",
  56789.             "Type": "WS",
  56790.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/moden/eflat_10.html",
  56791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56792.             "Title": "Women of the Revolution",
  56793.             "Category": "HUM",
  56794.             "Description": "Anselm Kiefer's art displayed by the Ho-Am Art Museum in Seoul, Korea.",
  56795.             "Year": 0
  56796.         },
  56797.         {
  56798.             "RIT": "ws203394",
  56799.             "Type": "WS",
  56800.             "URL": "http://www.huntermuseum.org/edwardhopper.htm",
  56801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56802.             "Title": "Edward Hopper (1882-1967)",
  56803.             "Category": "HUM",
  56804.             "Description": "The Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, Tennessee, provides an overview of the artist.",
  56805.             "Year": 0
  56806.         },
  56807.         {
  56808.             "RIT": "ws203395",
  56809.             "Type": "WS",
  56810.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=201590",
  56811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56812.             "Title": "M.C. Escher",
  56813.             "Category": "HUM",
  56814.             "Description": "Works by the artist exhibited by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  56815.             "Year": 0
  56816.         },
  56817.         {
  56818.             "RIT": "ws203396",
  56819.             "Type": "WS",
  56820.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/exhibitions/pollock/website100/index.html",
  56821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56822.             "Title": "Jackson Pollock",
  56823.             "Category": "HUM",
  56824.             "Description": "First page of an exhibit from the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Includes images and biography.",
  56825.             "Year": 0
  56826.         },
  56827.         {
  56828.             "RIT": "ws203397",
  56829.             "Type": "WS",
  56830.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage.mac/descrPage?selLang=English&indexClass=PICTURE_EN&PID=GJ-5678&numView=1&ID_NUM=1&thumbFile=",
  56831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56832.             "Title": "Portrait of Count Nikolay Guryev",
  56833.             "Category": "HUM",
  56834.             "Description": "A painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  56835.             "Year": 0
  56836.         },
  56837.         {
  56838.             "RIT": "ws203398",
  56839.             "Type": "WS",
  56840.             "URL": "http://www.museothyssen.org/Ingles/museovirtual/fichas/obraampliada.asp?codigo=522",
  56841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56842.             "Title": "Asensio Julia",
  56843.             "Category": "HUM",
  56844.             "Description": "A portrait by Francisco Goya from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  56845.             "Year": 0
  56846.         },
  56847.         {
  56848.             "RIT": "ws203399",
  56849.             "Type": "WS",
  56850.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=rubens",
  56851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56852.             "Title": "Peter Paul Rubens",
  56853.             "Category": "HUM",
  56854.             "Description": "Works of art from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  56855.             "Year": 0
  56856.         },
  56857.         {
  56858.             "RIT": "ws203409",
  56859.             "Type": "WS",
  56860.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-28-04-97/a-lundi4603.html",
  56861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56862.             "Title": "Christ Crucified",
  56863.             "Category": "HUM",
  56864.             "Description": "A painting by Georges Rouault from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  56865.             "Year": 0
  56866.         },
  56867.         {
  56868.             "RIT": "ws203410",
  56869.             "Type": "WS",
  56870.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azcategret.html",
  56871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56872.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Cattle Egret",
  56873.             "Category": "LIF",
  56874.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  56875.             "Year": 0
  56876.         },
  56877.         {
  56878.             "RIT": "ws203411",
  56879.             "Type": "WS",
  56880.             "URL": "http://www.mopa.org/",
  56881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56882.             "Title": "Museum of Photographic Arts",
  56883.             "Category": "GEO",
  56884.             "Description": "Homepage of the Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego, California.",
  56885.             "Year": 0
  56886.         },
  56887.         {
  56888.             "RIT": "ws203412",
  56889.             "Type": "WS",
  56890.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=jean&=And&=Yes&=ingres&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  56891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56892.             "Title": "Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres",
  56893.             "Category": "HUM",
  56894.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  56895.             "Year": 0
  56896.         },
  56897.         {
  56898.             "RIT": "ws203413",
  56899.             "Type": "WS",
  56900.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/002000a/002000223.html",
  56901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56902.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, breast",
  56903.             "Category": "LIF",
  56904.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  56905.             "Year": 0
  56906.         },
  56907.         {
  56908.             "RIT": "ws203414",
  56909.             "Type": "WS",
  56910.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/moden/eflat_13.html",
  56911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56912.             "Title": "l'Aviateur",
  56913.             "Category": "HUM",
  56914.             "Description": "Fernand Leger's painting from the Ho-Am Art Museum in Seoul, Korea.",
  56915.             "Year": 0
  56916.         },
  56917.         {
  56918.             "RIT": "ws203415",
  56919.             "Type": "WS",
  56920.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=1223+0+none",
  56921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56922.             "Title": "The Dancing Couple",
  56923.             "Category": "HUM",
  56924.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., provides a guide to the painting by Jan Steen and biographical information about him.",
  56925.             "Year": 0
  56926.         },
  56927.         {
  56928.             "RIT": "ws203416",
  56929.             "Type": "WS",
  56930.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_WlVXJE",
  56931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56932.             "Title": "Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple",
  56933.             "Category": "HUM",
  56934.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts displays El Greco's painting as an online postcard.",
  56935.             "Year": 0
  56936.         },
  56937.         {
  56938.             "RIT": "ws203417",
  56939.             "Type": "WS",
  56940.             "URL": "http://www.ohiokids.org/ohc/nature/animals/reptile/bracer.html",
  56941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56942.             "Title": "Reptile--Racer",
  56943.             "Category": "LIF",
  56944.             "Description": "General information about the racer snake from the College of Southern Idaho.",
  56945.             "Year": 0
  56946.         },
  56947.         {
  56948.             "RIT": "ws203418",
  56949.             "Type": "WS",
  56950.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/ag/rf4687/ag_f.htm",
  56951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56952.             "Title": "Two Studies of a Bird of Paradise",
  56953.             "Category": "HUM",
  56954.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris exhibits a drawing by Rembrandt.",
  56955.             "Year": 0
  56956.         },
  56957.         {
  56958.             "RIT": "ws203429",
  56959.             "Type": "WS",
  56960.             "URL": "http://www.stanford.edu/~mjpeters/png/",
  56961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56962.             "Title": "The New Guinea Sculpture Garden",
  56963.             "Category": "GEO",
  56964.             "Description": "Home page of a sculpture garden at Stanford University created by master carvers from Papua New Guinea.",
  56965.             "Year": 0
  56966.         },
  56967.         {
  56968.             "RIT": "ws203430",
  56969.             "Type": "WS",
  56970.             "URL": "http://www.daytonartinstitute.org/daicollection/european/213/213reynolds.html",
  56971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56972.             "Title": "HENRY, EIGHTH LORD ARUNDELL OF WARDOUR",
  56973.             "Category": "HUM",
  56974.             "Description": "The Dayton Art Institute in Dayton, Ohio, exhibits a painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds.",
  56975.             "Year": 0
  56976.         },
  56977.         {
  56978.             "RIT": "ws203431",
  56979.             "Type": "WS",
  56980.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azgecko.html",
  56981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56982.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Leopard Gecko",
  56983.             "Category": "LIF",
  56984.             "Description": "Information about the animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  56985.             "Year": 0
  56986.         },
  56987.         {
  56988.             "RIT": "ws203432",
  56989.             "Type": "WS",
  56990.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=232220",
  56991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  56992.             "Title": "Jacopo Bellini",
  56993.             "Category": "HUM",
  56994.             "Description": "Images of Bellini's art from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  56995.             "Year": 0
  56996.         },
  56997.         {
  56998.             "RIT": "ws203433",
  56999.             "Type": "WS",
  57000.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/001000a/001000151.html",
  57001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57002.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes, ankle",
  57003.             "Category": "LIF",
  57004.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  57005.             "Year": 0
  57006.         },
  57007.         {
  57008.             "RIT": "ws203434",
  57009.             "Type": "WS",
  57010.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/american01.html",
  57011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57012.             "Title": "The Family",
  57013.             "Category": "HUM",
  57014.             "Description": "Mary Cassatt's painting displayed by the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia.",
  57015.             "Year": 0
  57016.         },
  57017.         {
  57018.             "RIT": "ws203435",
  57019.             "Type": "WS",
  57020.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntgbi1f.htm#titian",
  57021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57022.             "Title": "Titian",
  57023.             "Category": "HUM",
  57024.             "Description": "The Frick Collection in New York City presents works by the artist.",
  57025.             "Year": 0
  57026.         },
  57027.         {
  57028.             "RIT": "ws203436",
  57029.             "Type": "WS",
  57030.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-28-07-97/a-lundi5905.html",
  57031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57032.             "Title": "Portrait of Maria Carbona",
  57033.             "Category": "HUM",
  57034.             "Description": "A Salvador Dali painting displayed by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  57035.             "Year": 0
  57036.         },
  57037.         {
  57038.             "RIT": "ws203437",
  57039.             "Type": "WS",
  57040.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/sea_otter.html",
  57041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57042.             "Title": "Sea Otter",
  57043.             "Category": "LIF",
  57044.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  57045.             "Year": 0
  57046.         },
  57047.         {
  57048.             "RIT": "ws203438",
  57049.             "Type": "WS",
  57050.             "URL": "http://www.crma.org/collection/wood/wood.htm",
  57051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57052.             "Title": "Grant Wood",
  57053.             "Category": "HUM",
  57054.             "Description": "Biography of the artist from the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.",
  57055.             "Year": 0
  57056.         },
  57057.         {
  57058.             "RIT": "ws203381",
  57059.             "Type": "WS",
  57060.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/001000a/001000055.html",
  57061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57062.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, ACTH",
  57063.             "Category": "LIF",
  57064.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  57065.             "Year": 0
  57066.         },
  57067.         {
  57068.             "RIT": "ws203382",
  57069.             "Type": "WS",
  57070.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/paintsculpt/c62.htm",
  57071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57072.             "Title": "The Moon and the Earth",
  57073.             "Category": "HUM",
  57074.             "Description": "A painting by Paul Gauguin from the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.",
  57075.             "Year": 0
  57076.         },
  57077.         {
  57078.             "RIT": "ws203383",
  57079.             "Type": "WS",
  57080.             "URL": "http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/headlice.html",
  57081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57082.             "Title": "Headlice Information",
  57083.             "Category": "LIF",
  57084.             "Description": "Information on head lice from Harvard University.",
  57085.             "Year": 0
  57086.         },
  57087.         {
  57088.             "RIT": "ws203384",
  57089.             "Type": "WS",
  57090.             "URL": "http://museoreinasofia.mcu.es/eng/content/sala11/11943.htm",
  57091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57092.             "Title": "Portrait of Joella",
  57093.             "Category": "HUM",
  57094.             "Description": "A piece by Salvador Dali and Man Ray.",
  57095.             "Year": 0
  57096.         },
  57097.         {
  57098.             "RIT": "ws203385",
  57099.             "Type": "WS",
  57100.             "URL": "http://ianrwww.unl.edu/ianr/pat/roachind.htm",
  57101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57102.             "Title": "Midwest Cockroach Pest Indentification Pictures",
  57103.             "Category": "LIF",
  57104.             "Description": "University of Nebraska- Lincoln compares the different types of cockroaches.",
  57105.             "Year": 0
  57106.         },
  57107.         {
  57108.             "RIT": "ws203386",
  57109.             "Type": "WS",
  57110.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/daily/special/papacy/index.html",
  57111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57112.             "Title": "The Papacy",
  57113.             "Category": "HUM",
  57114.             "Description": "Analysis and news from TIME Magazine.",
  57115.             "Year": 0
  57116.         },
  57117.         {
  57118.             "RIT": "ws203387",
  57119.             "Type": "WS",
  57120.             "URL": "http://www.amherst.edu/~mead/collections/european/charity.html",
  57121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57122.             "Title": "Charity with Three Children",
  57123.             "Category": "HUM",
  57124.             "Description": "A painting by Peter Paul Reubens displayed by the Mead Art Museum at Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts.",
  57125.             "Year": 0
  57126.         },
  57127.         {
  57128.             "RIT": "ws203388",
  57129.             "Type": "WS",
  57130.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/",
  57131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57132.             "Title": "San Francisco Museum of Modern Art",
  57133.             "Category": "GEO",
  57134.             "Description": "The museum's Web site includes online exhibitions and information for visitors.",
  57135.             "Year": 0
  57136.         },
  57137.         {
  57138.             "RIT": "ws203389",
  57139.             "Type": "WS",
  57140.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=56398+0+none",
  57141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57142.             "Title": "Baby (Cradle)",
  57143.             "Category": "HUM",
  57144.             "Description": "Gustav Klimt's painting from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  57145.             "Year": 0
  57146.         },
  57147.         {
  57148.             "RIT": "ws203390",
  57149.             "Type": "WS",
  57150.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/005489/",
  57151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57152.             "Title": "Benjamin West",
  57153.             "Category": "HUM",
  57154.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  57155.             "Year": 0
  57156.         },
  57157.         {
  57158.             "RIT": "ws203400",
  57159.             "Type": "WS",
  57160.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/collections/photography/ma_coll_manray.html",
  57161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57162.             "Title": "Untitled (self-portrait cast in plaster with mannequin hands, angular ball and light bulb)",
  57163.             "Category": "HUM",
  57164.             "Description": "The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art presents Man Ray's art with commentary.",
  57165.             "Year": 0
  57166.         },
  57167.         {
  57168.             "RIT": "ws203401",
  57169.             "Type": "WS",
  57170.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=marie&=And&=Yes&=laurencin&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  57171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57172.             "Title": "Marie Laurencin",
  57173.             "Category": "HUM",
  57174.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  57175.             "Year": 0
  57176.         },
  57177.         {
  57178.             "RIT": "ws203402",
  57179.             "Type": "WS",
  57180.             "URL": "http://www.art-tech.org/",
  57181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57182.             "Title": "Art-Tech",
  57183.             "Category": "GEO",
  57184.             "Description": "Home page of an art museum in San Jose, California.",
  57185.             "Year": 0
  57186.         },
  57187.         {
  57188.             "RIT": "ws203403",
  57189.             "Type": "WS",
  57190.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Pollock_J/PC.html",
  57191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57192.             "Title": "Composition with Ritual Scene",
  57193.             "Category": "HUM",
  57194.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln presents a painting by Jackson Pollock.",
  57195.             "Year": 0
  57196.         },
  57197.         {
  57198.             "RIT": "ws203404",
  57199.             "Type": "WS",
  57200.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv1779/peint_f.htm",
  57201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57202.             "Title": "The Apotheosis of Henry IV and the Proclamation of the Regency of Marie de Medicis",
  57203.             "Category": "HUM",
  57204.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris presents a painting by Peter Paul Rubens.",
  57205.             "Year": 0
  57206.         },
  57207.         {
  57208.             "RIT": "ws203405",
  57209.             "Type": "WS",
  57210.             "URL": "http://www.sciencenews.org/20000101/bob1.asp",
  57211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57212.             "Title": "An Artist's Timely Riddles",
  57213.             "Category": "HUM",
  57214.             "Description": "In this article from Science News magazine, scientists explain why they believe that Marcel Duchamp's ready-mades were hoaxes.",
  57215.             "Year": 0
  57216.         },
  57217.         {
  57218.             "RIT": "ws203406",
  57219.             "Type": "WS",
  57220.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/european/dutch/after1650/056_lrg.html",
  57221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57222.             "Title": "The Worship of the Golden Calf",
  57223.             "Category": "HUM",
  57224.             "Description": "Jan Steen's painting from the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina.",
  57225.             "Year": 0
  57226.         },
  57227.         {
  57228.             "RIT": "ws203407",
  57229.             "Type": "WS",
  57230.             "URL": "http://www.aphis.usda.gov/oa/pubs/fspbw.html",
  57231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57232.             "Title": "Pink Bollworm",
  57233.             "Category": "LIF",
  57234.             "Description": "Information on the pink bullworm from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.",
  57235.             "Year": 0
  57236.         },
  57237.         {
  57238.             "RIT": "ws203408",
  57239.             "Type": "WS",
  57240.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/COL1a4/COL42a.HTM",
  57241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57242.             "Title": "Presentation au Temple",
  57243.             "Category": "HUM",
  57244.             "Description": "The Foundation Bemberg in Toulouse, France, presents a painting by Tintoretto.",
  57245.             "Year": 0
  57246.         },
  57247.         {
  57248.             "RIT": "ws203419",
  57249.             "Type": "WS",
  57250.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=22700",
  57251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57252.             "Title": "Robert Motherwell",
  57253.             "Category": "HUM",
  57254.             "Description": "Images of Motherwell's art from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C",
  57255.             "Year": 0
  57256.         },
  57257.         {
  57258.             "RIT": "ws203420",
  57259.             "Type": "WS",
  57260.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=diego&=And&=Yes&=rivera&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  57261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57262.             "Title": "Diego Rivera",
  57263.             "Category": "HUM",
  57264.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  57265.             "Year": 0
  57266.         },
  57267.         {
  57268.             "RIT": "ws203421",
  57269.             "Type": "WS",
  57270.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/013000a/013000087.html",
  57271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57272.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, menstruation",
  57273.             "Category": "LIF",
  57274.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  57275.             "Year": 0
  57276.         },
  57277.         {
  57278.             "RIT": "ws203422",
  57279.             "Type": "WS",
  57280.             "URL": "http://wise.berkeley.edu/WISE/evidence/657.html",
  57281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57282.             "Title": "WISE: The Effects of DDT on Various Wildlife",
  57283.             "Category": "LIF",
  57284.             "Description": "Information on the effect of the insecticide DDT on the environment, from the University of California.",
  57285.             "Year": 0
  57286.         },
  57287.         {
  57288.             "RIT": "ws203423",
  57289.             "Type": "WS",
  57290.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/consumer/xraybrochure.html",
  57291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57292.             "Title": "Center for Devices and Radiological Health[X rays]",
  57293.             "Category": "PHY",
  57294.             "Description": "Information about the risks of medical and dental X rays provided by the U.S. Food and Drug Admnisistration.",
  57295.             "Year": 0
  57296.         },
  57297.         {
  57298.             "RIT": "ws203424",
  57299.             "Type": "WS",
  57300.             "URL": "http://www.artchive.com/artchive/H/hopper/theatre.jpg.html",
  57301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57302.             "Title": "New York Movie",
  57303.             "Category": "HUM",
  57304.             "Description": "An Edward Hopper painting displayed by PBS.",
  57305.             "Year": 0
  57306.         },
  57307.         {
  57308.             "RIT": "ws203425",
  57309.             "Type": "WS",
  57310.             "URL": "http://www.ento.vt.edu/~idlab/vegpests/vegfs/rosechafer.html",
  57311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57312.             "Title": "rosechafer",
  57313.             "Category": "LIF",
  57314.             "Description": "Virgina Technical Institute site gives general information about the rose chafer.",
  57315.             "Year": 0
  57316.         },
  57317.         {
  57318.             "RIT": "ws203426",
  57319.             "Type": "WS",
  57320.             "URL": "http://www.ento.vt.edu/~sharov/3d/beetle.html",
  57321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57322.             "Title": "Stag Beetle",
  57323.             "Category": "LIF",
  57324.             "Description": "Information on stag beetles from University of Vermont.",
  57325.             "Year": 0
  57326.         },
  57327.         {
  57328.             "RIT": "ws203427",
  57329.             "Type": "WS",
  57330.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azegoose.html",
  57331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57332.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Egyptian Goose",
  57333.             "Category": "LIF",
  57334.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  57335.             "Year": 0
  57336.         },
  57337.         {
  57338.             "RIT": "ws203428",
  57339.             "Type": "WS",
  57340.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/moden/eflat_6.html",
  57341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57342.             "Title": "Heart",
  57343.             "Category": "HUM",
  57344.             "Description": "A painting by Jim Dine from the Ho-Am Art Museum in Seoul, Korea.",
  57345.             "Year": 0
  57346.         },
  57347.         {
  57348.             "RIT": "ws203439",
  57349.             "Type": "WS",
  57350.             "URL": "http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/AG189/html/Rose_Chafer.HTML",
  57351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57352.             "Title": "Rose Chafer",
  57353.             "Category": "LIF",
  57354.             "Description": "Information on the rose chafer from North Carolina State University.",
  57355.             "Year": 0
  57356.         },
  57357.         {
  57358.             "RIT": "ws203440",
  57359.             "Type": "WS",
  57360.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/collections/recent_acquisitions/ma_coll_duchamp.html",
  57361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57362.             "Title": "Marcel Duchamp: Fountain",
  57363.             "Category": "HUM",
  57364.             "Description": "The San Francisco Museum of Art exhibits Duchamp's controversial ready-made artwork.",
  57365.             "Year": 0
  57366.         },
  57367.         {
  57368.             "RIT": "ws203441",
  57369.             "Type": "WS",
  57370.             "URL": "http://www.mingei.org/",
  57371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57372.             "Title": "Mingei International Museum of Folk Art",
  57373.             "Category": "GEO",
  57374.             "Description": "Mingei International Museum of Folk Art in San Diego provides online exhibits and information for visitors.",
  57375.             "Year": 0
  57376.         },
  57377.         {
  57378.             "RIT": "ws203442",
  57379.             "Type": "WS",
  57380.             "URL": "http://www.thebritishmuseum.ac.uk/compass/ixbin/hixclient.exe?_IXDB_=compass&_IXSR_=wz1&_IXSS_=_IXFPFX_%3dgraphical%252ffull%252f%26_IXsearchterm%3dra",
  57381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57382.             "Title": "The Virgin and Child, a drawing by Raphael",
  57383.             "Category": "HUM",
  57384.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the British Museum in London, including images of several works by Raphael.",
  57385.             "Year": 0
  57386.         },
  57387.         {
  57388.             "RIT": "ws203443",
  57389.             "Type": "WS",
  57390.             "URL": "http://www.christojeanneclaude.net/",
  57391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57392.             "Title": "The art of Christo and Jeanne-Claude",
  57393.             "Category": "HUM",
  57394.             "Description": "This Web site features photos and information authorized by the artists.",
  57395.             "Year": 0
  57396.         },
  57397.         {
  57398.             "RIT": "ws203444",
  57399.             "Type": "WS",
  57400.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/016000a/016000046.html",
  57401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57402.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, parathyroid gland",
  57403.             "Category": "LIF",
  57404.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  57405.             "Year": 0
  57406.         },
  57407.         {
  57408.             "RIT": "ws203445",
  57409.             "Type": "WS",
  57410.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/016000a/016000292.html",
  57411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57412.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, pregnancy",
  57413.             "Category": "LIF",
  57414.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  57415.             "Year": 0
  57416.         },
  57417.         {
  57418.             "RIT": "ws203446",
  57419.             "Type": "WS",
  57420.             "URL": "http://www.chicagotribune.com/",
  57421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57422.             "Title": "Chicago Tribune",
  57423.             "Category": "GEO",
  57424.             "Description": "Web site of a Chicago, Illinois, newspaper.",
  57425.             "Year": 0
  57426.         },
  57427.         {
  57428.             "RIT": "ws203447",
  57429.             "Type": "WS",
  57430.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=15&full=0&item=1975%2E1%2E186",
  57431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57432.             "Title": "Princesse de Broglie",
  57433.             "Category": "HUM",
  57434.             "Description": "A portrait by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  57435.             "Year": 0
  57436.         },
  57437.         {
  57438.             "RIT": "ws203458",
  57439.             "Type": "WS",
  57440.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/20thcentury/20th/1950-2000/036_lrg.html",
  57441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57442.             "Title": "Raqqa II",
  57443.             "Category": "HUM",
  57444.             "Description": "The North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina, displays a painting by Frank Stella.",
  57445.             "Year": 0
  57446.         },
  57447.         {
  57448.             "RIT": "ws203459",
  57449.             "Type": "WS",
  57450.             "URL": "http://www.hsvmuseum.org/",
  57451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57452.             "Title": "Huntsville Museum of Art",
  57453.             "Category": "GEO",
  57454.             "Description": "Home page of a museum located in Huntsville, Alabama.",
  57455.             "Year": 0
  57456.         },
  57457.         {
  57458.             "RIT": "ws203460",
  57459.             "Type": "WS",
  57460.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azrabbit.html",
  57461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57462.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Old World Rabbit",
  57463.             "Category": "LIF",
  57464.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  57465.             "Year": 0
  57466.         },
  57467.         {
  57468.             "RIT": "ws203461",
  57469.             "Type": "WS",
  57470.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/002000a/002000217.html",
  57471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57472.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, brain",
  57473.             "Category": "LIF",
  57474.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  57475.             "Year": 0
  57476.         },
  57477.         {
  57478.             "RIT": "ws203462",
  57479.             "Type": "WS",
  57480.             "URL": "http://www.museothyssen.org/Ingles/museovirtual/fichas/obraampliada.asp?codigo=771",
  57481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57482.             "Title": "Saint Jerome in the Wilderness",
  57483.             "Category": "HUM",
  57484.             "Description": "Titian's painting from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  57485.             "Year": 0
  57486.         },
  57487.         {
  57488.             "RIT": "ws203463",
  57489.             "Type": "WS",
  57490.             "URL": "http://www.wm.edu/biology/entomology/ID5.htm",
  57491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57492.             "Title": "Insect Identification",
  57493.             "Category": "LIF",
  57494.             "Description": "Pictures and information of various insects, from William and Mary College.",
  57495.             "Year": 0
  57496.         },
  57497.         {
  57498.             "RIT": "ws203464",
  57499.             "Type": "WS",
  57500.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=A&Person=18600",
  57501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57502.             "Title": "Judith Leyster",
  57503.             "Category": "HUM",
  57504.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents a biography of Leyster and the artist's self-portrait.",
  57505.             "Year": 0
  57506.         },
  57507.         {
  57508.             "RIT": "ws203465",
  57509.             "Type": "WS",
  57510.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/ilavatorio.html",
  57511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57512.             "Title": "Christ Washing the Disciples' Feet",
  57513.             "Category": "HUM",
  57514.             "Description": "Tintoretto's painting from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  57515.             "Year": 0
  57516.         },
  57517.         {
  57518.             "RIT": "ws203466",
  57519.             "Type": "WS",
  57520.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=440&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  57521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57522.             "Title": "Simone Martini",
  57523.             "Category": "HUM",
  57524.             "Description": "Biographical information from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  57525.             "Year": 0
  57526.         },
  57527.         {
  57528.             "RIT": "ws203467",
  57529.             "Type": "WS",
  57530.             "URL": "http://www.mystudios.com/treasure/hopper/hopper.html",
  57531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57532.             "Title": "Early Sunday Morning",
  57533.             "Category": "HUM",
  57534.             "Description": "PBS presents a painting by Edward Hopper.",
  57535.             "Year": 0
  57536.         },
  57537.         {
  57538.             "RIT": "ws203468",
  57539.             "Type": "WS",
  57540.             "URL": "http://www.artgallery.sbc.edu/highlights/lichtenstein.html",
  57541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57542.             "Title": "Painting in Gold Frame",
  57543.             "Category": "HUM",
  57544.             "Description": "A piece by Roy Lichtenstein exhibited by the Sweet Briar College Art Gallery in Sweet Briar, Virginia.",
  57545.             "Year": 0
  57546.         },
  57547.         {
  57548.             "RIT": "ws203469",
  57549.             "Type": "WS",
  57550.             "URL": "http://entowww.tamu.edu/extension/publications/ofmoth.html",
  57551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57552.             "Title": "Oriental Fruit Moth",
  57553.             "Category": "LIF",
  57554.             "Description": "Information on the peach moth from Texas Agricultural Extension Service.",
  57555.             "Year": 0
  57556.         },
  57557.         {
  57558.             "RIT": "ws203470",
  57559.             "Type": "WS",
  57560.             "URL": "http://www.abqtrib.com/",
  57561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57562.             "Title": "The Albuquerque Tribune",
  57563.             "Category": "GEO",
  57564.             "Description": "Web site of an Albuquerque, New Mexico, newspaper.",
  57565.             "Year": 0
  57566.         },
  57567.         {
  57568.             "RIT": "ws203471",
  57569.             "Type": "WS",
  57570.             "URL": "http://www.the-wallace-collection.org.uk/c/w_a/p_w_d/d_f/a/steen.htm",
  57571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57572.             "Title": "Jan Steen",
  57573.             "Category": "HUM",
  57574.             "Description": "Biographical information and images of Steen's art from the Wallace Collection in London.",
  57575.             "Year": 0
  57576.         },
  57577.         {
  57578.             "RIT": "ws203472",
  57579.             "Type": "WS",
  57580.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=marcel&=And&=Yes&=duchamp&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  57581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57582.             "Title": "Marcel Duchamp",
  57583.             "Category": "HUM",
  57584.             "Description": "Works of art from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  57585.             "Year": 0
  57586.         },
  57587.         {
  57588.             "RIT": "ws203473",
  57589.             "Type": "WS",
  57590.             "URL": "http://www.dm-art.org/Collections/collections_placedelaconcorde.htm",
  57591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57592.             "Title": "Place de la Concorde",
  57593.             "Category": "HUM",
  57594.             "Description": "The Dallas Museum of Art in Dallas, Texas, presents a painting by Piet Mondrian.",
  57595.             "Year": 0
  57596.         },
  57597.         {
  57598.             "RIT": "ws203474",
  57599.             "Type": "WS",
  57600.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=maurice&=And&=Yes&=vlaminck&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  57601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57602.             "Title": "Maurice de Vlaminck",
  57603.             "Category": "HUM",
  57604.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  57605.             "Year": 0
  57606.         },
  57607.         {
  57608.             "RIT": "ws203475",
  57609.             "Type": "WS",
  57610.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azaplateliz.html",
  57611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57612.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: African Plated Lizard",
  57613.             "Category": "LIF",
  57614.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  57615.             "Year": 0
  57616.         },
  57617.         {
  57618.             "RIT": "ws203476",
  57619.             "Type": "WS",
  57620.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/polar_bear.html",
  57621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57622.             "Title": "Polar Bears",
  57623.             "Category": "LIF",
  57624.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  57625.             "Year": 0
  57626.         },
  57627.         {
  57628.             "RIT": "ws203477",
  57629.             "Type": "WS",
  57630.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/prints/86pc_harmensz.html",
  57631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57632.             "Title": "Adam and Eve",
  57633.             "Category": "HUM",
  57634.             "Description": "An etching by Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  57635.             "Year": 0
  57636.         },
  57637.         {
  57638.             "RIT": "ws203487",
  57639.             "Type": "WS",
  57640.             "URL": "http://www.sbmuseart.org/collection/modern/youngGirlInPursuit.html",
  57641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57642.             "Title": "Young Girl in Pursuit",
  57643.             "Category": "HUM",
  57644.             "Description": "A painting by Marc Chagall displayed online by the Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara, California.",
  57645.             "Year": 0
  57646.         },
  57647.         {
  57648.             "RIT": "ws203488",
  57649.             "Type": "WS",
  57650.             "URL": "http://www.cc.ukans.edu/~sma/smahome/collection/emotherwells.htm",
  57651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57652.             "Title": "Figure before Blackness",
  57653.             "Category": "HUM",
  57654.             "Description": "A painting by Robert Motherwell exhibited online by the Spencer Museum of Art at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.",
  57655.             "Year": 0
  57656.         },
  57657.         {
  57658.             "RIT": "ws203489",
  57659.             "Type": "WS",
  57660.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/theme/20th/img7.html",
  57661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57662.             "Title": "An Englishman in Moscow",
  57663.             "Category": "HUM",
  57664.             "Description": "Korea's Ho-Am Art Museum presents a painting by Kasimir Malevich.",
  57665.             "Year": 0
  57666.         },
  57667.         {
  57668.             "RIT": "ws203490",
  57669.             "Type": "WS",
  57670.             "URL": "http://www.mfa.org/collections/one_hour/9.htm",
  57671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57672.             "Title": "Artist in His Studio",
  57673.             "Category": "HUM",
  57674.             "Description": "A painting by Rembrandt from Boston's Museum of Fine Arts.",
  57675.             "Year": 0
  57676.         },
  57677.         {
  57678.             "RIT": "ws203491",
  57679.             "Type": "WS",
  57680.             "URL": "http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/collection/international/painting/r/rubens.html",
  57681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57682.             "Title": "Peter Paul Rubens",
  57683.             "Category": "HUM",
  57684.             "Description": "Artworks from the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia.",
  57685.             "Year": 0
  57686.         },
  57687.         {
  57688.             "RIT": "ws203492",
  57689.             "Type": "WS",
  57690.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azgrvult.html",
  57691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57692.             "Title": "African Savannah: Griffon Vulture",
  57693.             "Category": "LIF",
  57694.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  57695.             "Year": 0
  57696.         },
  57697.         {
  57698.             "RIT": "ws203493",
  57699.             "Type": "WS",
  57700.             "URL": "http://hudson.acad.umn.edu/OKeeffe.html",
  57701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57702.             "Title": "Georgia O'Keeffe",
  57703.             "Category": "HUM",
  57704.             "Description": "The Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum in Minneapolis, Minnesota, exhibits works by the artist.",
  57705.             "Year": 0
  57706.         },
  57707.         {
  57708.             "RIT": "ws203494",
  57709.             "Type": "WS",
  57710.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/theme/20th/img9.html",
  57711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57712.             "Title": "Composition with Red, Black, Blue, Yellow and Grey",
  57713.             "Category": "HUM",
  57714.             "Description": "Piet Mondrain's painting from the Ho-Am Art Museum in Seoul, Korea.",
  57715.             "Year": 0
  57716.         },
  57717.         {
  57718.             "RIT": "ws203495",
  57719.             "Type": "WS",
  57720.             "URL": "http://www.ext.vt.edu/departments/envirohort/articles/woody_ornamentals/bxwdlfmn.html",
  57721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57722.             "Title": "Boxwood Leafminer",
  57723.             "Category": "LIF",
  57724.             "Description": "Information from Virgina Tech on preventing leafminer damage.",
  57725.             "Year": 0
  57726.         },
  57727.         {
  57728.             "RIT": "ws203505",
  57729.             "Type": "WS",
  57730.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=112",
  57731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57732.             "Title": "Georges Rouault",
  57733.             "Category": "HUM",
  57734.             "Description": "Paintings from the E.G. Buehrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  57735.             "Year": 0
  57736.         },
  57737.         {
  57738.             "RIT": "ws203506",
  57739.             "Type": "WS",
  57740.             "URL": "http://lamar.colostate.edu/~gec/4Hman/mist6.htm",
  57741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57742.             "Title": "Green Lacewing or Mayfly?",
  57743.             "Category": "LIF",
  57744.             "Description": "Information on lacewings and mayflies from Colorado State University.",
  57745.             "Year": 0
  57746.         },
  57747.         {
  57748.             "RIT": "ws203507",
  57749.             "Type": "WS",
  57750.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/005000a/005000158.html",
  57751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57752.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, estrogen",
  57753.             "Category": "LIF",
  57754.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  57755.             "Year": 0
  57756.         },
  57757.         {
  57758.             "RIT": "ws203508",
  57759.             "Type": "WS",
  57760.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=15550",
  57761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57762.             "Title": "Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres",
  57763.             "Category": "HUM",
  57764.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  57765.             "Year": 0
  57766.         },
  57767.         {
  57768.             "RIT": "ws203509",
  57769.             "Type": "WS",
  57770.             "URL": "http://enquirer.com/today/",
  57771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57772.             "Title": "The Cincinnati Enquirer",
  57773.             "Category": "GEO",
  57774.             "Description": "Home page of a newspaper based in Cincinnati, Ohio.",
  57775.             "Year": 0
  57776.         },
  57777.         {
  57778.             "RIT": "ws203510",
  57779.             "Type": "WS",
  57780.             "URL": "http://www.umt.edu/partv/famus/print/dali.htm",
  57781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57782.             "Title": "Salvador Dali: Images from The Divine Comedy",
  57783.             "Category": "HUM",
  57784.             "Description": "The University of Montana Museum of Fine Arts presents lithographs by Dali.",
  57785.             "Year": 0
  57786.         },
  57787.         {
  57788.             "RIT": "ws203511",
  57789.             "Type": "WS",
  57790.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage.mac/descrPage?selLang=English&indexClass=PICTURE_EN&PID=GJ-17&numView=1&ID_NUM=1&thumbFile=%2",
  57791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57792.             "Title": "The Birth of John the Baptist",
  57793.             "Category": "HUM",
  57794.             "Description": "A painting by Tintoretto from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  57795.             "Year": 0
  57796.         },
  57797.         {
  57798.             "RIT": "ws203512",
  57799.             "Type": "WS",
  57800.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/caribou_reindeer.html",
  57801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57802.             "Title": "Caribou & Reindeer",
  57803.             "Category": "LIF",
  57804.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  57805.             "Year": 0
  57806.         },
  57807.         {
  57808.             "RIT": "ws203513",
  57809.             "Type": "WS",
  57810.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_735000/735884.stm",
  57811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57812.             "Title": "The life of Cardinal O'Connor",
  57813.             "Category": "HUM",
  57814.             "Description": "New York City Cardinal John O'Connor's obituary from BBC News.",
  57815.             "Year": 0
  57816.         },
  57817.         {
  57818.             "RIT": "ws203448",
  57819.             "Type": "WS",
  57820.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azcornsnake.html",
  57821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57822.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Corn Snake",
  57823.             "Category": "LIF",
  57824.             "Description": "Information about animal behavior from the Oakland Zoo.",
  57825.             "Year": 0
  57826.         },
  57827.         {
  57828.             "RIT": "ws203449",
  57829.             "Type": "WS",
  57830.             "URL": "http://www.iversonsoftware.com/business/invertebrate/Spanishfly.html",
  57831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57832.             "Title": "Spanishfly",
  57833.             "Category": "LIF",
  57834.             "Description": "An entomologist provides a description of the spanishfly.",
  57835.             "Year": 0
  57836.         },
  57837.         {
  57838.             "RIT": "ws203450",
  57839.             "Type": "WS",
  57840.             "URL": "http://www.msmuseumart.org/permanent4.html",
  57841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57842.             "Title": "Permanent Collection",
  57843.             "Category": "HUM",
  57844.             "Description": "This online exhibit from the Mississippi Museum of Art in Jackson, Mississippi, includes works by William Glackens, Joan Miro, and Thomas Sully.",
  57845.             "Year": 0
  57846.         },
  57847.         {
  57848.             "RIT": "ws203451",
  57849.             "Type": "WS",
  57850.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=204030",
  57851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57852.             "Title": "Egon Schiele",
  57853.             "Category": "HUM",
  57854.             "Description": "Art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  57855.             "Year": 0
  57856.         },
  57857.         {
  57858.             "RIT": "ws203452",
  57859.             "Type": "WS",
  57860.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/colonial06.html",
  57861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57862.             "Title": "Mary, Wife of Henry Thompson of Kirby Hall, as Rachel at the Well,",
  57863.             "Category": "HUM",
  57864.             "Description": "The Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia, presents a painting by Benjamin West.",
  57865.             "Year": 0
  57866.         },
  57867.         {
  57868.             "RIT": "ws203453",
  57869.             "Type": "WS",
  57870.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/modern/76pc_magritte.html",
  57871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57872.             "Title": "Time Transfixed",
  57873.             "Category": "HUM",
  57874.             "Description": "The Art Institute of Chicago presents a painting by Rene Magritte.",
  57875.             "Year": 0
  57876.         },
  57877.         {
  57878.             "RIT": "ws203454",
  57879.             "Type": "WS",
  57880.             "URL": "http://ohioline.ag.ohio-state.edu/b504/b504_17.html",
  57881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57882.             "Title": "Insect and Mite Control on Woody Ornamentals and Herbaceous Perennials",
  57883.             "Category": "LIF",
  57884.             "Description": "Ohio State University site explains the botanical insect poison Rotenone and other insecticides.",
  57885.             "Year": 0
  57886.         },
  57887.         {
  57888.             "RIT": "ws203456",
  57889.             "Type": "WS",
  57890.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/lichten.html",
  57891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57892.             "Title": "Mr. Bellamy",
  57893.             "Category": "HUM",
  57894.             "Description": "The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth in Fort Worth, Texas, presents a painting by Roy Lichtenstein.",
  57895.             "Year": 0
  57896.         },
  57897.         {
  57898.             "RIT": "ws203457",
  57899.             "Type": "WS",
  57900.             "URL": "http://philae.sas.upenn.edu/ANEP/students/LBScarabs.html",
  57901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57902.             "Title": "SCARABS OF THE LATE BRONZE PERIOD",
  57903.             "Category": "LIF",
  57904.             "Description": "University of Pennsylvania site explains the historical significance of scarabs.",
  57905.             "Year": 0
  57906.         },
  57907.         {
  57908.             "RIT": "ws203478",
  57909.             "Type": "WS",
  57910.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=69821+0+none",
  57911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57912.             "Title": "Blond Figure",
  57913.             "Category": "HUM",
  57914.             "Description": "A painting by Raphael Soyer from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  57915.             "Year": 0
  57916.         },
  57917.         {
  57918.             "RIT": "ws203479",
  57919.             "Type": "WS",
  57920.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/benjamin.htm",
  57921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57922.             "Title": "The Sepulchre",
  57923.             "Category": "HUM",
  57924.             "Description": "A painting by Benjamin West displayed by the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  57925.             "Year": 0
  57926.         },
  57927.         {
  57928.             "RIT": "ws203480",
  57929.             "Type": "WS",
  57930.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1670",
  57931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57932.             "Title": "Kasimir Malevich",
  57933.             "Category": "HUM",
  57934.             "Description": "An artist biography and images of his art from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  57935.             "Year": 0
  57936.         },
  57937.         {
  57938.             "RIT": "ws203481",
  57939.             "Type": "WS",
  57940.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Goya.html_f/Goya.html",
  57941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57942.             "Title": "Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes",
  57943.             "Category": "HUM",
  57944.             "Description": "Two prints from the California State University Library in Long Beach, California.",
  57945.             "Year": 0
  57946.         },
  57947.         {
  57948.             "RIT": "ws203482",
  57949.             "Type": "WS",
  57950.             "URL": "http://www.artgallerynsw.com.au/collection/contemporary_intl_kiefer.act",
  57951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57952.             "Title": "Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe",
  57953.             "Category": "HUM",
  57954.             "Description": "Anselm Kiefer's painting exhibited by the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.",
  57955.             "Year": 0
  57956.         },
  57957.         {
  57958.             "RIT": "ws203483",
  57959.             "Type": "WS",
  57960.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Kollwitz(1).html_f/Kollwitz(1).html",
  57961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57962.             "Title": "Kathe (Schmidt) Kollwitz",
  57963.             "Category": "HUM",
  57964.             "Description": "Artworks displayed by the California State University Library in Long Beach, California.",
  57965.             "Year": 0
  57966.         },
  57967.         {
  57968.             "RIT": "ws203484",
  57969.             "Type": "WS",
  57970.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azlfvult.html",
  57971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57972.             "Title": "African Savannah: Lappet-faced Vulture",
  57973.             "Category": "LIF",
  57974.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  57975.             "Year": 0
  57976.         },
  57977.         {
  57978.             "RIT": "ws203485",
  57979.             "Type": "WS",
  57980.             "URL": "http://www.cc.ukans.edu/~sma/smahome/collection/wmountains.htm",
  57981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57982.             "Title": "Pink and Green Mountain",
  57983.             "Category": "HUM",
  57984.             "Description": "A Georgia O'Keeffe painting from the Spencer Museum of Art at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas.",
  57985.             "Year": 0
  57986.         },
  57987.         {
  57988.             "RIT": "ws203486",
  57989.             "Type": "WS",
  57990.             "URL": "http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/icm/1999/5-31-1999/corncats.html",
  57991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  57992.             "Title": "Early-season corn caterpillars",
  57993.             "Category": "LIF",
  57994.             "Description": "Iowa State University's site about cutworms includes pictures and various types of cutworms.",
  57995.             "Year": 0
  57996.         },
  57997.         {
  57998.             "RIT": "ws203496",
  57999.             "Type": "WS",
  58000.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_FASben",
  58001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58002.             "Title": "The Union of England and Scotland (Charles I as the Prince of Wales)",
  58003.             "Category": "HUM",
  58004.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents a painting by Peter Paul Rubens as an online postcard.",
  58005.             "Year": 0
  58006.         },
  58007.         {
  58008.             "RIT": "ws203497",
  58009.             "Type": "WS",
  58010.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/019000a/019000282.html",
  58011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58012.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, stomach",
  58013.             "Category": "LIF",
  58014.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  58015.             "Year": 0
  58016.         },
  58017.         {
  58018.             "RIT": "ws203498",
  58019.             "Type": "WS",
  58020.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Miro.html_f/Miro.html",
  58021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58022.             "Title": "Miro",
  58023.             "Category": "HUM",
  58024.             "Description": "Works by Joan Miro presented by California State University in Long Beach, California.",
  58025.             "Year": 0
  58026.         },
  58027.         {
  58028.             "RIT": "ws203499",
  58029.             "Type": "WS",
  58030.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntgbi1f.htm#piero",
  58031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58032.             "Title": "PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA",
  58033.             "Category": "HUM",
  58034.             "Description": "Biogrpahical information and art images from the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  58035.             "Year": 0
  58036.         },
  58037.         {
  58038.             "RIT": "ws203500",
  58039.             "Type": "WS",
  58040.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=15&full=0&item=1975%2E1%2E146",
  58041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58042.             "Title": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Explore & Learn: Artworks",
  58043.             "Category": "HUM",
  58044.             "Description": "A painting by El Greco from the Metropolian Museum of Art in New York City.",
  58045.             "Year": 0
  58046.         },
  58047.         {
  58048.             "RIT": "ws203501",
  58049.             "Type": "WS",
  58050.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/stella.html",
  58051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58052.             "Title": "Gur I",
  58053.             "Category": "HUM",
  58054.             "Description": "Frank Stella's painting from the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas.",
  58055.             "Year": 0
  58056.         },
  58057.         {
  58058.             "RIT": "ws203502",
  58059.             "Type": "WS",
  58060.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=695&group=general&name=",
  58061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58062.             "Title": "Benjamin West",
  58063.             "Category": "HUM",
  58064.             "Description": "Images of West's art from the Tate Collections in London.",
  58065.             "Year": 0
  58066.         },
  58067.         {
  58068.             "RIT": "ws203503",
  58069.             "Type": "WS",
  58070.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_VblUQu",
  58071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58072.             "Title": "Benjamin West: Portrait of Diana Mary Barker",
  58073.             "Category": "HUM",
  58074.             "Description": "The first page of a six-page exhibit of West's art from the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.",
  58075.             "Year": 0
  58076.         },
  58077.         {
  58078.             "RIT": "ws203504",
  58079.             "Type": "WS",
  58080.             "URL": "http://www.asianart.org/",
  58081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58082.             "Title": "Asian Art Museum of San Francisco",
  58083.             "Category": "GEO",
  58084.             "Description": "Home page of a museum dedicated to art from China, the Himalayas, India, Iran, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia.",
  58085.             "Year": 0
  58086.         },
  58087.         {
  58088.             "RIT": "ws203514",
  58089.             "Type": "WS",
  58090.             "URL": "http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/agarman/bco/ver4.htm",
  58091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58092.             "Title": "Wildcats",
  58093.             "Category": "LIF",
  58094.             "Description": "Evolution, species, and behavior of wild cats listed by species, from Big Cats Online.",
  58095.             "Year": 0
  58096.         },
  58097.         {
  58098.             "RIT": "ws203515",
  58099.             "Type": "WS",
  58100.             "URL": "http://www.mu.edu/haggerty/collections/perm0001.html",
  58101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58102.             "Title": "Permanent Collection",
  58103.             "Category": "HUM",
  58104.             "Description": "This exhibit from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, includes a painting by Salvador Dali.",
  58105.             "Year": 0
  58106.         },
  58107.         {
  58108.             "RIT": "ws203516",
  58109.             "Type": "WS",
  58110.             "URL": "http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/ARHU/Depts/ArtGal/.WWW/permcol/tour/social/social05.htm",
  58111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58112.             "Title": "Girl in Doorway",
  58113.             "Category": "HUM",
  58114.             "Description": "An etching by Raphael Soyer from the art gallery of the University of Maryland in College Park.",
  58115.             "Year": 0
  58116.         },
  58117.         {
  58118.             "RIT": "ws203517",
  58119.             "Type": "WS",
  58120.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/ag/inv5927/ag_f.htm",
  58121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58122.             "Title": "Allegory of Vices",
  58123.             "Category": "HUM",
  58124.             "Description": "A painting by Antonio Allegri, known as Correggio, from the Louvre in Paris.",
  58125.             "Year": 0
  58126.         },
  58127.         {
  58128.             "RIT": "ws203518",
  58129.             "Type": "WS",
  58130.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/011000a/011000014.html",
  58131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58132.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, kidney",
  58133.             "Category": "LIF",
  58134.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  58135.             "Year": 0
  58136.         },
  58137.         {
  58138.             "RIT": "ws203519",
  58139.             "Type": "WS",
  58140.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_YGbtog",
  58141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58142.             "Title": "Kitagawa Utamaro",
  58143.             "Category": "HUM",
  58144.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents Kitagawa Utamaro's prints as online postcards. This is page one of a 16-page exhibit.",
  58145.             "Year": 0
  58146.         },
  58147.         {
  58148.             "RIT": "ws203521",
  58149.             "Type": "WS",
  58150.             "URL": "http://hudson.acad.umn.edu/eye/bearden.html",
  58151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58152.             "Title": "Watching the Good Trains Go By",
  58153.             "Category": "HUM",
  58154.             "Description": "The Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota exhibits a collage by Romare Bearden.",
  58155.             "Year": 0
  58156.         },
  58157.         {
  58158.             "RIT": "ws203522",
  58159.             "Type": "WS",
  58160.             "URL": "http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/natbltn/500-599/nb573.htm",
  58161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58162.             "Title": "Grasshoppers and Locusts",
  58163.             "Category": "LIF",
  58164.             "Description": "Information on grasshoppers from the Forest Preserve District of Cook County.",
  58165.             "Year": 0
  58166.         },
  58167.         {
  58168.             "RIT": "ws203523",
  58169.             "Type": "WS",
  58170.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Lichtenstein.htm",
  58171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58172.             "Title": "Picture and Pitcher",
  58173.             "Category": "HUM",
  58174.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Gallery in Buffalo, New York, features a painting by Roy Lichtenstein, commentary, and related classroom activities.",
  58175.             "Year": 0
  58176.         },
  58177.         {
  58178.             "RIT": "ws203524",
  58179.             "Type": "WS",
  58180.             "URL": "http://www.salvadordalimuseum.org/cgi-bin/SoftCart.exe/index.html?E+dali",
  58181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58182.             "Title": "Salvador Dali Museum",
  58183.             "Category": "HUM",
  58184.             "Description": "The St. Petersburg, Florida, museum presents artworks by Dali and a biography of the artist.",
  58185.             "Year": 0
  58186.         },
  58187.         {
  58188.             "RIT": "ws203525",
  58189.             "Type": "WS",
  58190.             "URL": "http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/npr/index.htm",
  58191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58192.             "Title": "National Partnership for Reinventing Government",
  58193.             "Category": "HIS",
  58194.             "Description": "Official Web site of a government reform organization led by Al Gore during his tenure as vice president.",
  58195.             "Year": 0
  58196.         },
  58197.         {
  58198.             "RIT": "ws203526",
  58199.             "Type": "WS",
  58200.             "URL": "http://www.ackland.org/tours/schiele.html",
  58201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58202.             "Title": "Edith Harms, the Artist's Wife",
  58203.             "Category": "HUM",
  58204.             "Description": "A drawing by Egon Schiele from the Ackland Art Museum at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.",
  58205.             "Year": 0
  58206.         },
  58207.         {
  58208.             "RIT": "ws203527",
  58209.             "Type": "WS",
  58210.             "URL": "http://www.imj.org.il/art/modern.htm",
  58211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58212.             "Title": "Modern Art",
  58213.             "Category": "HUM",
  58214.             "Description": "This exhibit from the Israel Museum in Jerusalem includes works by Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, Henry Moore, and David Smith.",
  58215.             "Year": 0
  58216.         },
  58217.         {
  58218.             "RIT": "ws203528",
  58219.             "Type": "WS",
  58220.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azguinea.html",
  58221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58222.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Helmeted Guinea Fowl",
  58223.             "Category": "LIF",
  58224.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  58225.             "Year": 0
  58226.         },
  58227.         {
  58228.             "RIT": "ws203529",
  58229.             "Type": "WS",
  58230.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=maurice&=And&=Yes&=utrillo&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  58231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58232.             "Title": "Maurice Utrillo",
  58233.             "Category": "HUM",
  58234.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  58235.             "Year": 0
  58236.         },
  58237.         {
  58238.             "RIT": "ws203530",
  58239.             "Type": "WS",
  58240.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=max&=And&=Yes&=ernst&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  58241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58242.             "Title": "Max Ernst",
  58243.             "Category": "HUM",
  58244.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  58245.             "Year": 0
  58246.         },
  58247.         {
  58248.             "RIT": "ws203532",
  58249.             "Type": "WS",
  58250.             "URL": "http://www.civilization.ca/hist/elections/el_000_e.html",
  58251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58252.             "Title": "History of the Vote in Canada",
  58253.             "Category": "SOC",
  58254.             "Description": "A virtual exhibit from the Canadian Museum of Civilization.",
  58255.             "Year": 0
  58256.         },
  58257.         {
  58258.             "RIT": "ws203533",
  58259.             "Type": "WS",
  58260.             "URL": "http://www.cartoonart.org/",
  58261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58262.             "Title": "Cartoon Art Museum",
  58263.             "Category": "HUM",
  58264.             "Description": "Web site of a museum in Los Angeles.",
  58265.             "Year": 0
  58266.         },
  58267.         {
  58268.             "RIT": "ws203544",
  58269.             "Type": "WS",
  58270.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv0670/peint_f.htm",
  58271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58272.             "Title": "The Carrying of the Cross",
  58273.             "Category": "HUM",
  58274.             "Description": "A painited wood panel by Simone Martini, from the Louvre in Paris.",
  58275.             "Year": 0
  58276.         },
  58277.         {
  58278.             "RIT": "ws203546",
  58279.             "Type": "WS",
  58280.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=12300",
  58281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58282.             "Title": "Giorgione",
  58283.             "Category": "HUM",
  58284.             "Description": "Art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  58285.             "Year": 0
  58286.         },
  58287.         {
  58288.             "RIT": "ws203547",
  58289.             "Type": "WS",
  58290.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/icalvario.html",
  58291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58292.             "Title": "Christ Falls on the Way to Calvary",
  58293.             "Category": "HUM",
  58294.             "Description": "Raphael's painting presented by the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  58295.             "Year": 0
  58296.         },
  58297.         {
  58298.             "RIT": "ws203548",
  58299.             "Type": "WS",
  58300.             "URL": "http://www.lazoo.org/redape/orangutan.html",
  58301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58302.             "Title": "Learn About Orangutans",
  58303.             "Category": "LIF",
  58304.             "Description": "Information from the Los Angeles Zoo.",
  58305.             "Year": 0
  58306.         },
  58307.         {
  58308.             "RIT": "ws203549",
  58309.             "Type": "WS",
  58310.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/women/41.80.html",
  58311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58312.             "Title": "Dona Amalia Bonells de Costa",
  58313.             "Category": "HUM",
  58314.             "Description": "A Francisco Goya portrait displayed online by the Detroit Institute of Arts.",
  58315.             "Year": 0
  58316.         },
  58317.         {
  58318.             "RIT": "ws203550",
  58319.             "Type": "WS",
  58320.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_AZlNdU",
  58321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58322.             "Title": "Portrait of Paris von Gutersloh",
  58323.             "Category": "HUM",
  58324.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts displays the painting by Egon Schiele as an online postcard.",
  58325.             "Year": 0
  58326.         },
  58327.         {
  58328.             "RIT": "ws203551",
  58329.             "Type": "WS",
  58330.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=&=And&=Yes&=rembrandt&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  58331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58332.             "Title": "Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn",
  58333.             "Category": "HUM",
  58334.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  58335.             "Year": 0
  58336.         },
  58337.         {
  58338.             "RIT": "ws203553",
  58339.             "Type": "WS",
  58340.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage.mac/descrPage?selLang=English&indexClass=PICTURE_EN&PID=GJ-284&numView=1&ID_NUM=10&thumbFile=",
  58341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58342.             "Title": "The Madonna from an Annunciation",
  58343.             "Category": "HUM",
  58344.             "Description": "A painting by Simone Martini exhibited by the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  58345.             "Year": 0
  58346.         },
  58347.         {
  58348.             "RIT": "ws203554",
  58349.             "Type": "WS",
  58350.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/003017/",
  58351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58352.             "Title": "Roy Lichtenstein",
  58353.             "Category": "HUM",
  58354.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum exhibits several paintings by Lichtenstein.",
  58355.             "Year": 0
  58356.         },
  58357.         {
  58358.             "RIT": "ws203565",
  58359.             "Type": "WS",
  58360.             "URL": "http://www.aagm.co.uk/ag003044.html",
  58361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58362.             "Title": "Street Scene by Maurice De Vlaminck",
  58363.             "Category": "HUM",
  58364.             "Description": "A painting from the Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums in Aberdeen, Scotland.",
  58365.             "Year": 0
  58366.         },
  58367.         {
  58368.             "RIT": "ws203566",
  58369.             "Type": "WS",
  58370.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=689&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  58371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58372.             "Title": "Benjamin West",
  58373.             "Category": "HUM",
  58374.             "Description": "Biographical information from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  58375.             "Year": 0
  58376.         },
  58377.         {
  58378.             "RIT": "ws203567",
  58379.             "Type": "WS",
  58380.             "URL": "http://www.artgallerynsw.com.au/collection/pdw_west_mod_schwitters.act",
  58381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58382.             "Title": "Kleine DADA Soiree (DADAsofie)",
  58383.             "Category": "HUM",
  58384.             "Description": "A DADA poster designed by Kurt Schwitters and Theo Doesburg.",
  58385.             "Year": 0
  58386.         },
  58387.         {
  58388.             "RIT": "ws203568",
  58389.             "Type": "WS",
  58390.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azgiraf.html",
  58391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58392.             "Title": "African Savannah: Reticulated Giraffe",
  58393.             "Category": "LIF",
  58394.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  58395.             "Year": 0
  58396.         },
  58397.         {
  58398.             "RIT": "ws203569",
  58399.             "Type": "WS",
  58400.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/ag/inv5068/ag_f.htm",
  58401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58402.             "Title": "The Judgement of Solomon",
  58403.             "Category": "HUM",
  58404.             "Description": "Andrea Mantegna's painting from the Louvre in Paris.",
  58405.             "Year": 0
  58406.         },
  58407.         {
  58408.             "RIT": "ws203570",
  58409.             "Type": "WS",
  58410.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/97/kingcobra/index-n.html",
  58411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58412.             "Title": "King Cobra @ nationalgeographic.com",
  58413.             "Category": "LIF",
  58414.             "Description": "Interactive site by National Geographic on the king cobra.",
  58415.             "Year": 0
  58416.         },
  58417.         {
  58418.             "RIT": "ws203571",
  58419.             "Type": "WS",
  58420.             "URL": "http://everest.ento.vt.edu/Facilities/OnCampus/IDLab/Fact/Fact2.html",
  58421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58422.             "Title": "VA Insect Fact Sheets: Ornamentals",
  58423.             "Category": "LIF",
  58424.             "Description": "Virginia Tech's site about various mite and insect pests.",
  58425.             "Year": 0
  58426.         },
  58427.         {
  58428.             "RIT": "ws203572",
  58429.             "Type": "WS",
  58430.             "URL": "http://sevilleta.unm.edu/data/species/mammal/sevilleta/",
  58431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58432.             "Title": "Species : Mammal : Sevilleta NWR",
  58433.             "Category": "LIF",
  58434.             "Description": "The University of New Mexico's Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research Program (LTER) on mammals.",
  58435.             "Year": 0
  58436.         },
  58437.         {
  58438.             "RIT": "ws203573",
  58439.             "Type": "WS",
  58440.             "URL": "http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/prison/prison_business.html",
  58441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58442.             "Title": "The Booming Prison Business",
  58443.             "Category": "SOC",
  58444.             "Description": "An ABC News special report on the private prison industry.",
  58445.             "Year": 0
  58446.         },
  58447.         {
  58448.             "RIT": "ws203574",
  58449.             "Type": "WS",
  58450.             "URL": "http://www.sbmuseart.org/collection/modern/figuriaSideral.html",
  58451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58452.             "Title": "Figuria Sidera (Astral Figure)",
  58453.             "Category": "HUM",
  58454.             "Description": "The Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara, California, presents a painting by Rufino Tamayo.",
  58455.             "Year": 0
  58456.         },
  58457.         {
  58458.             "RIT": "ws203585",
  58459.             "Type": "WS",
  58460.             "URL": "http://www.bugline.com/",
  58461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58462.             "Title": "WELCOME TO THE INSECT CONTROL BRANCH",
  58463.             "Category": "LIF",
  58464.             "Description": "Commercial site that offers information on identifying and controlling insect pests.",
  58465.             "Year": 0
  58466.         },
  58467.         {
  58468.             "RIT": "ws203587",
  58469.             "Type": "WS",
  58470.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1994%2E486",
  58471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58472.             "Title": "Woman with a Cat",
  58473.             "Category": "HUM",
  58474.             "Description": "Fernand Leger's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  58475.             "Year": 0
  58476.         },
  58477.         {
  58478.             "RIT": "ws203588",
  58479.             "Type": "WS",
  58480.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=georges&=And&=Yes&=rouault&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  58481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58482.             "Title": "Georges Rouault",
  58483.             "Category": "HUM",
  58484.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  58485.             "Year": 0
  58486.         },
  58487.         {
  58488.             "RIT": "ws203589",
  58489.             "Type": "WS",
  58490.             "URL": "http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/pests/insects/62010130.html",
  58491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58492.             "Title": "Grasshopper - Migratory - Melanoplus sanguinipes",
  58493.             "Category": "LIF",
  58494.             "Description": "U.S. Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development explains the behavior of grasshoppers.",
  58495.             "Year": 0
  58496.         },
  58497.         {
  58498.             "RIT": "ws203590",
  58499.             "Type": "WS",
  58500.             "URL": "http://www.ento.vt.edu/Fruitfiles/gjb.html",
  58501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58502.             "Title": "Green June Beetle",
  58503.             "Category": "LIF",
  58504.             "Description": "Virginia Tech's site about the behavior and control of the junebugs.",
  58505.             "Year": 0
  58506.         },
  58507.         {
  58508.             "RIT": "ws203591",
  58509.             "Type": "WS",
  58510.             "URL": "http://www.lacewings.com/lacewings.htm",
  58511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58512.             "Title": "Lacewings",
  58513.             "Category": "LIF",
  58514.             "Description": "A commercial site that describes the behavior of lacewings.",
  58515.             "Year": 0
  58516.         },
  58517.         {
  58518.             "RIT": "ws203592",
  58519.             "Type": "WS",
  58520.             "URL": "http://www.antlionpit.com/welcome.html",
  58521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58522.             "Title": "Antlion Pit: A Doodlebug Anthology",
  58523.             "Category": "LIF",
  58524.             "Description": "A collection of resources and multimedia related to the antlion, or doodlebug.",
  58525.             "Year": 0
  58526.         },
  58527.         {
  58528.             "RIT": "ws203593",
  58529.             "Type": "WS",
  58530.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/aztamdove.html",
  58531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58532.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Tambourine Dove",
  58533.             "Category": "LIF",
  58534.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  58535.             "Year": 0
  58536.         },
  58537.         {
  58538.             "RIT": "ws203594",
  58539.             "Type": "WS",
  58540.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/mary_stevenson_cassatt_1845.htm",
  58541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58542.             "Title": "Agatha and Her Child",
  58543.             "Category": "HUM",
  58544.             "Description": "The Butler Art Museum in Youngstown, Ohio, presents a painting by Mary Cassatt and a related essay.",
  58545.             "Year": 0
  58546.         },
  58547.         {
  58548.             "RIT": "ws203595",
  58549.             "Type": "WS",
  58550.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/brca/naprong.htm",
  58551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58552.             "Title": "Pronghorn Antelope",
  58553.             "Category": "LIF",
  58554.             "Description": "The National Park Service's site includes a description and photos of the longhorn.",
  58555.             "Year": 0
  58556.         },
  58557.         {
  58558.             "RIT": "ws203534",
  58559.             "Type": "WS",
  58560.             "URL": "http://www.thinker.org/legion/index.html",
  58561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58562.             "Title": "Legion of Honor",
  58563.             "Category": "GEO",
  58564.             "Description": "This San Francisco museum displays ancient and European art.",
  58565.             "Year": 0
  58566.         },
  58567.         {
  58568.             "RIT": "ws203535",
  58569.             "Type": "WS",
  58570.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=2&full=0&item=1996%2E382",
  58571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58572.             "Title": "Surf, Isles of Shoals",
  58573.             "Category": "HUM",
  58574.             "Description": "A painting by Childe Hassam from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  58575.             "Year": 0
  58576.         },
  58577.         {
  58578.             "RIT": "ws203536",
  58579.             "Type": "WS",
  58580.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azcoboa.html",
  58581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58582.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Columbian Boa",
  58583.             "Category": "LIF",
  58584.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  58585.             "Year": 0
  58586.         },
  58587.         {
  58588.             "RIT": "ws203537",
  58589.             "Type": "WS",
  58590.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=9&full=0&item=1997%2E153",
  58591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58592.             "Title": "Lucretia",
  58593.             "Category": "HUM",
  58594.             "Description": "A drawing by Raphael from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  58595.             "Year": 0
  58596.         },
  58597.         {
  58598.             "RIT": "ws203538",
  58599.             "Type": "WS",
  58600.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azemu.html",
  58601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58602.             "Title": "Australia: Emu",
  58603.             "Category": "LIF",
  58604.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  58605.             "Year": 0
  58606.         },
  58607.         {
  58608.             "RIT": "ws203539",
  58609.             "Type": "WS",
  58610.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=jackson&=And&=Yes&=pollock&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  58611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58612.             "Title": "Jackson Pollock",
  58613.             "Category": "HUM",
  58614.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  58615.             "Year": 0
  58616.         },
  58617.         {
  58618.             "RIT": "ws203540",
  58619.             "Type": "WS",
  58620.             "URL": "http://www.iht.com/IHT/ART/00/sm061700.html",
  58621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58622.             "Title": "Raphael: Emotions Beneath the Paint",
  58623.             "Category": "LIF",
  58624.             "Description": "In this International Herald Tribune article, writer Souren Melikian ponders Raphael's ability to capture deep emotion in his finely polished portraits.",
  58625.             "Year": 0
  58626.         },
  58627.         {
  58628.             "RIT": "ws203541",
  58629.             "Type": "WS",
  58630.             "URL": "http://www.uaf.edu/museum/exhibit/index.html",
  58631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58632.             "Title": "University of Alaska Museum",
  58633.             "Category": "GEO",
  58634.             "Description": "This Fairbanks, Alaska, museum contains artifacts from Alaska's native peoples.",
  58635.             "Year": 0
  58636.         },
  58637.         {
  58638.             "RIT": "ws203542",
  58639.             "Type": "WS",
  58640.             "URL": "http://www.kamuseum.org/",
  58641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58642.             "Title": "Korean American Museum",
  58643.             "Category": "SOC",
  58644.             "Description": "Official site of the Korean American Museum in Los Angeles.",
  58645.             "Year": 0
  58646.         },
  58647.         {
  58648.             "RIT": "ws203543",
  58649.             "Type": "WS",
  58650.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/index.asp?lang=e&id_pic=74",
  58651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58652.             "Title": "Madame Albine Sermicoli in the Studio",
  58653.             "Category": "HUM",
  58654.             "Description": "The E.G. Buhrle Collection presents a painting by Berthe Morisot.",
  58655.             "Year": 0
  58656.         },
  58657.         {
  58658.             "RIT": "ws203555",
  58659.             "Type": "WS",
  58660.             "URL": "http://www.mammalsociety.org/",
  58661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58662.             "Title": "ASM | The American Society of Mammalogists",
  58663.             "Category": "LIF",
  58664.             "Description": "Descriptions of mammals from The American Society of Mammalogists.",
  58665.             "Year": 0
  58666.         },
  58667.         {
  58668.             "RIT": "ws203556",
  58669.             "Type": "WS",
  58670.             "URL": "http://www.home.earthlink.net/~persepha/hyena.html",
  58671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58672.             "Title": "THE HYENA PAGES: AN INTRODUCTION",
  58673.             "Category": "LIF",
  58674.             "Description": "Commercial site focuses on hyenas.",
  58675.             "Year": 0
  58676.         },
  58677.         {
  58678.             "RIT": "ws203557",
  58679.             "Type": "WS",
  58680.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page249.html",
  58681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58682.             "Title": "Correggio",
  58683.             "Category": "HUM",
  58684.             "Description": "Several paintings exhibited by the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  58685.             "Year": 0
  58686.         },
  58687.         {
  58688.             "RIT": "ws203558",
  58689.             "Type": "WS",
  58690.             "URL": "http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/UN/Annan/annan-con0.html",
  58691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58692.             "Title": "Leading the United Nations: Conversation with Kofi Annan",
  58693.             "Category": "SOC",
  58694.             "Description": "An interview presented online by the Institute of International Studies at the University of California at Berkeley.",
  58695.             "Year": 0
  58696.         },
  58697.         {
  58698.             "RIT": "ws203559",
  58699.             "Type": "WS",
  58700.             "URL": "http://www.mocadenver.com/",
  58701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58702.             "Title": "Museum of Contemporary Art Denver",
  58703.             "Category": "GEO",
  58704.             "Description": "Web site of a Denver, Colorado, museum.",
  58705.             "Year": 0
  58706.         },
  58707.         {
  58708.             "RIT": "ws203560",
  58709.             "Type": "WS",
  58710.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/008000a/008000035.html",
  58711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58712.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, head",
  58713.             "Category": "LIF",
  58714.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  58715.             "Year": 0
  58716.         },
  58717.         {
  58718.             "RIT": "ws203561",
  58719.             "Type": "WS",
  58720.             "URL": "http://www.Konstmuseum.goteborg.se/english/collect/dap/gaug.html",
  58721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58722.             "Title": "Paul Gauguin",
  58723.             "Category": "HUM",
  58724.             "Description": "A woodcut from the Goteborg Museum of Art in Sweden.",
  58725.             "Year": 0
  58726.         },
  58727.         {
  58728.             "RIT": "ws203562",
  58729.             "Type": "WS",
  58730.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azsldeer.html",
  58731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58732.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Sika Deer",
  58733.             "Category": "LIF",
  58734.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  58735.             "Year": 0
  58736.         },
  58737.         {
  58738.             "RIT": "ws203563",
  58739.             "Type": "WS",
  58740.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/006000a/006000176.html",
  58741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58742.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, funny bone",
  58743.             "Category": "LIF",
  58744.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  58745.             "Year": 0
  58746.         },
  58747.         {
  58748.             "RIT": "ws203564",
  58749.             "Type": "WS",
  58750.             "URL": "http://musa.uffizi.firenze.it/Dipinti/bellallegE21.html",
  58751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58752.             "Title": "Sacred Allegory",
  58753.             "Category": "HUM",
  58754.             "Description": "A painting by Giovanni Bellini from the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.",
  58755.             "Year": 0
  58756.         },
  58757.         {
  58758.             "RIT": "ws203575",
  58759.             "Type": "WS",
  58760.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/012000a/012000127.html",
  58761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58762.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, lung",
  58763.             "Category": "LIF",
  58764.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  58765.             "Year": 0
  58766.         },
  58767.         {
  58768.             "RIT": "ws203576",
  58769.             "Type": "WS",
  58770.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azgrigna.html",
  58771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58772.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Green Iguana",
  58773.             "Category": "LIF",
  58774.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  58775.             "Year": 0
  58776.         },
  58777.         {
  58778.             "RIT": "ws203577",
  58779.             "Type": "WS",
  58780.             "URL": "http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~nhi775/facts.htm",
  58781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58782.             "Title": "The Mammal Society: Mammal Fact Sheets",
  58783.             "Category": "LIF",
  58784.             "Description": "Detailed fact sheets about various mammals by The Mammal Society.",
  58785.             "Year": 0
  58786.         },
  58787.         {
  58788.             "RIT": "ws203578",
  58789.             "Type": "WS",
  58790.             "URL": "http://www.bearden.org/",
  58791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58792.             "Title": "THE BEAR DEN Home Page",
  58793.             "Category": "LIF",
  58794.             "Description": "Commercial site offers information on bears.",
  58795.             "Year": 0
  58796.         },
  58797.         {
  58798.             "RIT": "ws203579",
  58799.             "Type": "WS",
  58800.             "URL": "http://www.walkerart.org/resources/res_pc_duchamp.html",
  58801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58802.             "Title": "Marcel Duchamp",
  58803.             "Category": "HUM",
  58804.             "Description": "Artist information from the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota.",
  58805.             "Year": 0
  58806.         },
  58807.         {
  58808.             "RIT": "ws203580",
  58809.             "Type": "WS",
  58810.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Soyer_I/AS.html",
  58811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58812.             "Title": "Scrub Women",
  58813.             "Category": "HUM",
  58814.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln presents a lithograph by Isaac Soyer.",
  58815.             "Year": 0
  58816.         },
  58817.         {
  58818.             "RIT": "ws203581",
  58819.             "Type": "WS",
  58820.             "URL": "http://www.mmkslw.or.at/MMKSLW/english/sammlung/pollock.htm",
  58821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58822.             "Title": "Number 7",
  58823.             "Category": "HUM",
  58824.             "Description": "A painting by Jackson Pollock from the Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation in Vienna, Austria.",
  58825.             "Year": 0
  58826.         },
  58827.         {
  58828.             "RIT": "ws203582",
  58829.             "Type": "WS",
  58830.             "URL": "http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pandp.htm",
  58831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58832.             "Title": "Probation and Parole Statistics",
  58833.             "Category": "SOC",
  58834.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.",
  58835.             "Year": 0
  58836.         },
  58837.         {
  58838.             "RIT": "ws203583",
  58839.             "Type": "WS",
  58840.             "URL": "http://www.palazzograssi.it/eng/mostre/espressionismo/intro/images/28.htm",
  58841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58842.             "Title": "The Pillars of Society",
  58843.             "Category": "HUM",
  58844.             "Description": "George Grosz's painting from the Palazzo Grassi in Venice, Italy.",
  58845.             "Year": 0
  58846.         },
  58847.         {
  58848.             "RIT": "ws203584",
  58849.             "Type": "WS",
  58850.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/008000a/008000054.html",
  58851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58852.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, heart",
  58853.             "Category": "LIF",
  58854.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  58855.             "Year": 0
  58856.         },
  58857.         {
  58858.             "RIT": "ws203596",
  58859.             "Type": "WS",
  58860.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azlion.html",
  58861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58862.             "Title": "African Savannah: African Lion",
  58863.             "Category": "LIF",
  58864.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  58865.             "Year": 0
  58866.         },
  58867.         {
  58868.             "RIT": "ws203597",
  58869.             "Type": "WS",
  58870.             "URL": "http://www.ngpc.state.ne.us/wildlife/beetle.html",
  58871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58872.             "Title": "American Burying Beetle",
  58873.             "Category": "LIF",
  58874.             "Description": "Brief description of the behavior of burying beetles from University of Michigan.",
  58875.             "Year": 0
  58876.         },
  58877.         {
  58878.             "RIT": "ws203598",
  58879.             "Type": "WS",
  58880.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=vuillard",
  58881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58882.             "Title": "In a Room",
  58883.             "Category": "HUM",
  58884.             "Description": "A painting by Edouard Vuillard from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  58885.             "Year": 0
  58886.         },
  58887.         {
  58888.             "RIT": "ws203599",
  58889.             "Type": "WS",
  58890.             "URL": "http://www.artgallery.sbc.edu/highlights/braque.html",
  58891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58892.             "Title": "White Bird",
  58893.             "Category": "HUM",
  58894.             "Description": "The Sweet Briar College Art Gallery in Sweet Briar, Virginia, exhibits a painting by Georges Braque.",
  58895.             "Year": 0
  58896.         },
  58897.         {
  58898.             "RIT": "ws203600",
  58899.             "Type": "WS",
  58900.             "URL": "http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/collection/international/painting/r/rembrandt.html",
  58901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58902.             "Title": "Rembrandt van Rijn",
  58903.             "Category": "HUM",
  58904.             "Description": "Paintings from the collections of the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia.",
  58905.             "Year": 0
  58906.         },
  58907.         {
  58908.             "RIT": "ws203601",
  58909.             "Type": "WS",
  58910.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page712.html",
  58911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58912.             "Title": "Tintoretto",
  58913.             "Category": "HUM",
  58914.             "Description": "Art works displayed by the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  58915.             "Year": 0
  58916.         },
  58917.         {
  58918.             "RIT": "ws203602",
  58919.             "Type": "WS",
  58920.             "URL": "http://alpha.fdu.edu/~boyer/Entomology_folder.html/1996_Year_of_the_Cicada.html",
  58921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58922.             "Title": "1996: Year of the Cicada",
  58923.             "Category": "LIF",
  58924.             "Description": "Fairleigh Dickinson University's site concentrates on the 17-year cicada and its unusual life cycle.",
  58925.             "Year": 0
  58926.         },
  58927.         {
  58928.             "RIT": "ws203604",
  58929.             "Type": "WS",
  58930.             "URL": "http://www.daytonartinstitute.org/daicollection/american/201/201stella.html",
  58931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58932.             "Title": "Wolfebro II",
  58933.             "Category": "HUM",
  58934.             "Description": "Frank Stella's painting from the Dayton Art Institute in Dayton, Ohio.",
  58935.             "Year": 0
  58936.         },
  58937.         {
  58938.             "RIT": "ws203605",
  58939.             "Type": "WS",
  58940.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1760",
  58941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58942.             "Title": "Piet Mondrian",
  58943.             "Category": "HUM",
  58944.             "Description": "Biography and images of Mondrian's art from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  58945.             "Year": 0
  58946.         },
  58947.         {
  58948.             "RIT": "ws203617",
  58949.             "Type": "WS",
  58950.             "URL": "http://www.nrm.org/",
  58951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58952.             "Title": "The Norman Rockwell Museum",
  58953.             "Category": "HUM",
  58954.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Stockbridge, Massachusetts, museum.",
  58955.             "Year": 0
  58956.         },
  58957.         {
  58958.             "RIT": "ws203618",
  58959.             "Type": "WS",
  58960.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/i64.html",
  58961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58962.             "Title": "Charles IV and his Family",
  58963.             "Category": "HUM",
  58964.             "Description": "Francisco Goya's painting displayed by the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  58965.             "Year": 0
  58966.         },
  58967.         {
  58968.             "RIT": "ws203619",
  58969.             "Type": "WS",
  58970.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1079",
  58971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58972.             "Title": "Salvador Dali",
  58973.             "Category": "HUM",
  58974.             "Description": "The Tate Gallery in London presents art by Salvador Dali. Click on titles to display the paintings.",
  58975.             "Year": 0
  58976.         },
  58977.         {
  58978.             "RIT": "ws203621",
  58979.             "Type": "WS",
  58980.             "URL": "http://www.slam.org/am3.html",
  58981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58982.             "Title": "Birch Trees at Dawn on Lake George",
  58983.             "Category": "HUM",
  58984.             "Description": "The St. Louis Art Museum in Saint Louis, Missouri, displays a painting by Georgia O'Keeffe.",
  58985.             "Year": 0
  58986.         },
  58987.         {
  58988.             "RIT": "ws203623",
  58989.             "Type": "WS",
  58990.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/020000a/020000119.html",
  58991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  58992.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, tooth",
  58993.             "Category": "LIF",
  58994.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  58995.             "Year": 0
  58996.         },
  58997.         {
  58998.             "RIT": "ws203624",
  58999.             "Type": "WS",
  59000.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=A&Person=224210",
  59001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59002.             "Title": "Roy Lichtenstein",
  59003.             "Category": "HUM",
  59004.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., provides Lichtenstein's biography and a catalogue of his work. Includes several images.",
  59005.             "Year": 0
  59006.         },
  59007.         {
  59008.             "RIT": "ws203625",
  59009.             "Type": "WS",
  59010.             "URL": "http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/prisons.htm",
  59011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59012.             "Title": "Prison Statistics",
  59013.             "Category": "SOC",
  59014.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics.",
  59015.             "Year": 0
  59016.         },
  59017.         {
  59018.             "RIT": "ws203626",
  59019.             "Type": "WS",
  59020.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/paintsculpt/c65.htm",
  59021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59022.             "Title": "Gustav Klimt: Hope II",
  59023.             "Category": "HUM",
  59024.             "Description": "The Museum of Modern Art in New York City presents Klimt's painting with commentary.",
  59025.             "Year": 0
  59026.         },
  59027.         {
  59028.             "RIT": "ws203627",
  59029.             "Type": "WS",
  59030.             "URL": "http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/ARHU/Depts/ArtGal/.WWW/permcol/tour/20thcent/20th10.htm",
  59031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59032.             "Title": "Plowing",
  59033.             "Category": "HUM",
  59034.             "Description": "The Art Gallery at the University of Maryland at College Park exhibits work by Kathe Kollwitz.",
  59035.             "Year": 0
  59036.         },
  59037.         {
  59038.             "RIT": "ws203637",
  59039.             "Type": "WS",
  59040.             "URL": "http://midwest.fws.gov/Endangered/insects/hungerfo.html",
  59041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59042.             "Title": "USFWS - Region 3: Hungerford's Crawling Beetle",
  59043.             "Category": "LIF",
  59044.             "Description": "United State Fish and Wildlife Service's site about the behavior, habitat, and endangerment of the water beetle.",
  59045.             "Year": 0
  59046.         },
  59047.         {
  59048.             "RIT": "ws203638",
  59049.             "Type": "WS",
  59050.             "URL": "http://www.sprengel-museum.de/english/02MundS/Boccioni/ub_ls_a.html",
  59051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59052.             "Title": "A strada entra nella casa",
  59053.             "Category": "HUM",
  59054.             "Description": "Umberto Boccioni's painting from Sprengel Museum in Hannover, Germany.",
  59055.             "Year": 0
  59056.         },
  59057.         {
  59058.             "RIT": "ws203639",
  59059.             "Type": "WS",
  59060.             "URL": "http://www.wyethcenter.com/",
  59061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59062.             "Title": "The Wyeth Center",
  59063.             "Category": "HUM",
  59064.             "Description": "A gallery and study center in Rockland, Maine, devoted to the Maine work of Andrew Wyeth and other members of the Wyeth family.",
  59065.             "Year": 0
  59066.         },
  59067.         {
  59068.             "RIT": "ws203640",
  59069.             "Type": "WS",
  59070.             "URL": "http://www.scottsdalearts.org/",
  59071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59072.             "Title": "Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art",
  59073.             "Category": "GEO",
  59074.             "Description": "Home page of a museum in Scottsdale, Arizona.",
  59075.             "Year": 0
  59076.         },
  59077.         {
  59078.             "RIT": "ws203641",
  59079.             "Type": "WS",
  59080.             "URL": "http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu/AG271/tobacco/japanese_beetle.html",
  59081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59082.             "Title": "Japanese Beetle",
  59083.             "Category": "LIF",
  59084.             "Description": "Brief description of the japanese beetle from North Carolina State University.",
  59085.             "Year": 0
  59086.         },
  59087.         {
  59088.             "RIT": "ws203642",
  59089.             "Type": "WS",
  59090.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv0611/peint_f.htm",
  59091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59092.             "Title": "Baltazar Castiglione",
  59093.             "Category": "HUM",
  59094.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris presents a portrait by Raphael.",
  59095.             "Year": 0
  59096.         },
  59097.         {
  59098.             "RIT": "ws203643",
  59099.             "Type": "WS",
  59100.             "URL": "http://www.tucsonarts.com/",
  59101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59102.             "Title": "Tucson Museum of Art",
  59103.             "Category": "GEO",
  59104.             "Description": "Web site of a museum in Tucson, Arizona.",
  59105.             "Year": 0
  59106.         },
  59107.         {
  59108.             "RIT": "ws203644",
  59109.             "Type": "WS",
  59110.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1997%2E149%2E12",
  59111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59112.             "Title": "Candlestick and Playing Cards",
  59113.             "Category": "HUM",
  59114.             "Description": "A painting by Georges Braque from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  59115.             "Year": 0
  59116.         },
  59117.         {
  59118.             "RIT": "ws203645",
  59119.             "Type": "WS",
  59120.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azsqmky.html",
  59121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59122.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Squirrel Monkey",
  59123.             "Category": "LIF",
  59124.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  59125.             "Year": 0
  59126.         },
  59127.         {
  59128.             "RIT": "ws203646",
  59129.             "Type": "WS",
  59130.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/031000a/031000421.html",
  59131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59132.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes, achilles",
  59133.             "Category": "HUM",
  59134.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  59135.             "Year": 0
  59136.         },
  59137.         {
  59138.             "RIT": "ws203659",
  59139.             "Type": "WS",
  59140.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=2&full=0&item=22%2E16%2E17",
  59141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59142.             "Title": "The Cup of Tea",
  59143.             "Category": "HUM",
  59144.             "Description": "A painting by Mary Cassatt from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  59145.             "Year": 0
  59146.         },
  59147.         {
  59148.             "RIT": "ws203660",
  59149.             "Type": "WS",
  59150.             "URL": "http://viceroy.eeb.uconn.edu/Orthoptera/",
  59151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59152.             "Title": "Orthoptera Species File Online",
  59153.             "Category": "LIF",
  59154.             "Description": "Orthoptera Species File Online's site about grasshoppers, kaytdids, locusts, and crickets.",
  59155.             "Year": 0
  59156.         },
  59157.         {
  59158.             "RIT": "ws203661",
  59159.             "Type": "WS",
  59160.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=&=And&=Yes&=Correggio&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  59161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59162.             "Title": "Correggio",
  59163.             "Category": "HUM",
  59164.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  59165.             "Year": 0
  59166.         },
  59167.         {
  59168.             "RIT": "ws203662",
  59169.             "Type": "WS",
  59170.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=paul&=And&=Yes&=gauguin&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  59171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59172.             "Title": "Paul Gauguin",
  59173.             "Category": "HUM",
  59174.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  59175.             "Year": 0
  59176.         },
  59177.         {
  59178.             "RIT": "ws203663",
  59179.             "Type": "WS",
  59180.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/business/newsid_689000/689887.stm",
  59181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59182.             "Title": "Understanding broadband",
  59183.             "Category": "PHY",
  59184.             "Description": "A special report from BBC News.",
  59185.             "Year": 0
  59186.         },
  59187.         {
  59188.             "RIT": "ws203664",
  59189.             "Type": "WS",
  59190.             "URL": "http://www.crockerartmuseum.org/",
  59191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59192.             "Title": "Crocker Art Museum",
  59193.             "Category": "GEO",
  59194.             "Description": "Home page of a museum in Sacramento, California.",
  59195.             "Year": 0
  59196.         },
  59197.         {
  59198.             "RIT": "ws203665",
  59199.             "Type": "WS",
  59200.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/archive/1994/940704/940704.art.html",
  59201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59202.             "Title": "Baby Dali",
  59203.             "Category": "HUM",
  59204.             "Description": "TIME magazine presents a 1994 article on the life and work Salvador Dali.",
  59205.             "Year": 0
  59206.         },
  59207.         {
  59208.             "RIT": "ws203666",
  59209.             "Type": "WS",
  59210.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=4850",
  59211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59212.             "Title": "Mary Cassatt",
  59213.             "Category": "HUM",
  59214.             "Description": "Works from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  59215.             "Year": 0
  59216.         },
  59217.         {
  59218.             "RIT": "ws203667",
  59219.             "Type": "WS",
  59220.             "URL": "http://www.swope.org/main/collection/000coll.htm",
  59221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59222.             "Title": "Route 6, Eastham",
  59223.             "Category": "HUM",
  59224.             "Description": "A painting by Edward Hopper from the Swope Art Museum in Terra Haute, Indiana.",
  59225.             "Year": 0
  59226.         },
  59227.         {
  59228.             "RIT": "ws203668",
  59229.             "Type": "WS",
  59230.             "URL": "http://www.vangoghmuseum.nl/collection/catalog/vgmpainting.asp?ARTID=93&LANGID=0",
  59231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59232.             "Title": "Van Gogh Painting Sunflowers",
  59233.             "Category": "HUM",
  59234.             "Description": "A painting by Paul Gauguin presented by the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.",
  59235.             "Year": 0
  59236.         },
  59237.         {
  59238.             "RIT": "ws203679",
  59239.             "Type": "WS",
  59240.             "URL": "http://galleryofart.wustl.edu/art/imglarge/79lg.html",
  59241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59242.             "Title": "Sleeping Effort Number 3",
  59243.             "Category": "HUM",
  59244.             "Description": "The Washington University Gallery of Art in St. Louis, Missouri, diplays a Jackson Pollock painting with information about the artist.",
  59245.             "Year": 0
  59246.         },
  59247.         {
  59248.             "RIT": "ws203680",
  59249.             "Type": "WS",
  59250.             "URL": "http://gnv.ifas.ufl.edu/~entweb/draghome.htm",
  59251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59252.             "Title": "DRAGONFLIES AND DAMSELFLIES",
  59253.             "Category": "LIF",
  59254.             "Description": "A gateway to local, regional, and national information about dragonflies and damselflies from the International Odonata Research Institute.",
  59255.             "Year": 0
  59256.         },
  59257.         {
  59258.             "RIT": "ws203681",
  59259.             "Type": "WS",
  59260.             "URL": "http://www.lazoo.org/",
  59261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59262.             "Title": "Los Angeles Zoo",
  59263.             "Category": "GEO",
  59264.             "Description": "The official site of the Los Angeles Zoo.",
  59265.             "Year": 0
  59266.         },
  59267.         {
  59268.             "RIT": "ws203682",
  59269.             "Type": "WS",
  59270.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azmeerkat.html",
  59271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59272.             "Title": "Oakland Zoo: Meerkat",
  59273.             "Category": "LIF",
  59274.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  59275.             "Year": 0
  59276.         },
  59277.         {
  59278.             "RIT": "ws203684",
  59279.             "Type": "WS",
  59280.             "URL": "http://www.upenn.edu/ARG/archive/Bearden.html",
  59281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59282.             "Title": "A Graphic Odyssey: Romare Bearden as Printmaker",
  59283.             "Category": "HUM",
  59284.             "Description": "A variety of prints from the Arthur Ross Gallery at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.",
  59285.             "Year": 0
  59286.         },
  59287.         {
  59288.             "RIT": "ws203685",
  59289.             "Type": "WS",
  59290.             "URL": "http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/croplive/cropprot/botfly2.htm",
  59291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59292.             "Title": "Sheep Bot Fly",
  59293.             "Category": "LIF",
  59294.             "Description": "Brief description of the bot fly from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fishery of British Columbia.",
  59295.             "Year": 0
  59296.         },
  59297.         {
  59298.             "RIT": "ws203686",
  59299.             "Type": "WS",
  59300.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Rockwell_N/AS.html",
  59301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59302.             "Title": "The County Agricultural Agent",
  59303.             "Category": "HUM",
  59304.             "Description": "Norman Rockwell's painting from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  59305.             "Year": 0
  59306.         },
  59307.         {
  59308.             "RIT": "ws203688",
  59309.             "Type": "WS",
  59310.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/collections/recent_acquisitions/ma_coll_magritte.html",
  59311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59312.             "Title": "Personal Values",
  59313.             "Category": "HUM",
  59314.             "Description": "The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art presents a painting by Magritte.",
  59315.             "Year": 0
  59316.         },
  59317.         {
  59318.             "RIT": "ws203689",
  59319.             "Type": "WS",
  59320.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1993%2E400%2E6",
  59321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59322.             "Title": "The Studio",
  59323.             "Category": "HUM",
  59324.             "Description": "Georges Braque's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  59325.             "Year": 0
  59326.         },
  59327.         {
  59328.             "RIT": "ws203606",
  59329.             "Type": "WS",
  59330.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/yeltsin/",
  59331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59332.             "Title": "Return of the Czar",
  59333.             "Category": "GEO",
  59334.             "Description": "FRONTLINE reports on Boris Yeltsin's legacy, including corruption and poverty, the war in Chechnya, and Vladimir Putin's rise to the presidency.",
  59335.             "Year": 0
  59336.         },
  59337.         {
  59338.             "RIT": "ws203607",
  59339.             "Type": "WS",
  59340.             "URL": "http://www.suntimes.com/index/",
  59341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59342.             "Title": "Chicago Sun-Times",
  59343.             "Category": "GEO",
  59344.             "Description": "Web site of a newspaper serving Chicago, Illinois.",
  59345.             "Year": 0
  59346.         },
  59347.         {
  59348.             "RIT": "ws203608",
  59349.             "Type": "WS",
  59350.             "URL": "http://www.mmkslw.or.at/MMKSLW/english/sammlung/kokosch.htm",
  59351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59352.             "Title": "Karl Kraus II",
  59353.             "Category": "HUM",
  59354.             "Description": "A painting by Oskar Kokoschka from the Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation in Vienna, Austria.",
  59355.             "Year": 0
  59356.         },
  59357.         {
  59358.             "RIT": "ws203609",
  59359.             "Type": "WS",
  59360.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_jhOpjH",
  59361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59362.             "Title": "Trictrac Players",
  59363.             "Category": "HUM",
  59364.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents this painting, attributed to Jan Steen, as an online postcard.",
  59365.             "Year": 0
  59366.         },
  59367.         {
  59368.             "RIT": "ws203610",
  59369.             "Type": "WS",
  59370.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=19750",
  59371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59372.             "Title": "Andrea Mantegna",
  59373.             "Category": "HUM",
  59374.             "Description": "Images of Mantegna's art from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  59375.             "Year": 0
  59376.         },
  59377.         {
  59378.             "RIT": "ws203611",
  59379.             "Type": "WS",
  59380.             "URL": "http://www.oaklandzoo.org/atoz/azwalaro.html",
  59381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59382.             "Title": "Australia: Wallaroo",
  59383.             "Category": "LIF",
  59384.             "Description": "Information on animal behavior from Oakland Zoo.",
  59385.             "Year": 0
  59386.         },
  59387.         {
  59388.             "RIT": "ws203612",
  59389.             "Type": "WS",
  59390.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=16%2E30ab",
  59391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59392.             "Title": "Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints",
  59393.             "Category": "HUM",
  59394.             "Description": "A painting by Raphael from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  59395.             "Year": 0
  59396.         },
  59397.         {
  59398.             "RIT": "ws203613",
  59399.             "Type": "WS",
  59400.             "URL": "http://www.iht.com/IHT/ART/99/sm022799.html",
  59401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59402.             "Title": "Ingres's Incisive Portrait of an Epoch",
  59403.             "Category": "HUM",
  59404.             "Description": "An article from the International Herald Tribune about the portraits of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.",
  59405.             "Year": 0
  59406.         },
  59407.         {
  59408.             "RIT": "ws203614",
  59409.             "Type": "WS",
  59410.             "URL": "http://www.mobilemuseumofart.com/",
  59411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59412.             "Title": "Mobile Museum of Art",
  59413.             "Category": "GEO",
  59414.             "Description": "Home page of a Mobile, Alabama, museum.",
  59415.             "Year": 0
  59416.         },
  59417.         {
  59418.             "RIT": "ws203616",
  59419.             "Type": "WS",
  59420.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=roy&=And&=Yes&=lichtenstein&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  59421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59422.             "Title": "Roy Lichtenstein",
  59423.             "Category": "HUM",
  59424.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  59425.             "Year": 0
  59426.         },
  59427.         {
  59428.             "RIT": "ws203628",
  59429.             "Type": "WS",
  59430.             "URL": "http://www.aces.edu/department/extcomm/publications/anr/anr-991/anr-991.htm",
  59431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59432.             "Title": "BIOLOGY AND CONTROL OF THE GREEN JUNE BEETLE",
  59433.             "Category": "LIF",
  59434.             "Description": "Article about junebugs from Auburn University.",
  59435.             "Year": 0
  59436.         },
  59437.         {
  59438.             "RIT": "ws203629",
  59439.             "Type": "WS",
  59440.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=15&full=0&item=1975%2E1%2E145",
  59441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59442.             "Title": "Christ Carrying the Cross",
  59443.             "Category": "HUM",
  59444.             "Description": "El Greco's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  59445.             "Year": 0
  59446.         },
  59447.         {
  59448.             "RIT": "ws203630",
  59449.             "Type": "WS",
  59450.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/modern/70pc_mondrian.html",
  59451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59452.             "Title": "Diagonal Composition",
  59453.             "Category": "HUM",
  59454.             "Description": "Piet Mondrian's painting from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  59455.             "Year": 0
  59456.         },
  59457.         {
  59458.             "RIT": "ws203631",
  59459.             "Type": "WS",
  59460.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/European/1964.82.html",
  59461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59462.             "Title": "Study of a Portrait of Madame Moitessier",
  59463.             "Category": "HUM",
  59464.             "Description": "The Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts, displays a drawing by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.",
  59465.             "Year": 0
  59466.         },
  59467.         {
  59468.             "RIT": "ws203632",
  59469.             "Type": "WS",
  59470.             "URL": "http://www.ou.edu/fjjma/collections/state_department/hopper-house.html",
  59471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59472.             "Title": "House, Provincetown",
  59473.             "Category": "HUM",
  59474.             "Description": "The Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma, exhibits Edward Hopper's painting with criticism",
  59475.             "Year": 0
  59476.         },
  59477.         {
  59478.             "RIT": "ws203633",
  59479.             "Type": "WS",
  59480.             "URL": "http://register.santafenewmexican.com/",
  59481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59482.             "Title": "Santa Fe New Mexican",
  59483.             "Category": "GEO",
  59484.             "Description": "Online edition of newspaper serving Santa Fe, New Mexico.",
  59485.             "Year": 0
  59486.         },
  59487.         {
  59488.             "RIT": "ws203634",
  59489.             "Type": "WS",
  59490.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=jan&=And&=Yes&=steen&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  59491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59492.             "Title": "Jan Steen",
  59493.             "Category": "LIF",
  59494.             "Description": "Artwork by Steen displayed by the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  59495.             "Year": 0
  59496.         },
  59497.         {
  59498.             "RIT": "ws203635",
  59499.             "Type": "WS",
  59500.             "URL": "http://ipm-www.ncsu.edu/insect_notes/Ornamentals_and_Turf/not17.html",
  59501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59502.             "Title": "Cicadas",
  59503.             "Category": "LIF",
  59504.             "Description": "North Carolina State University insect page gives biological and control information.",
  59505.             "Year": 0
  59506.         },
  59507.         {
  59508.             "RIT": "ws203636",
  59509.             "Type": "WS",
  59510.             "URL": "http://www.ag.ohio-state.edu/~ohioline/hyg-fact/2000/2002.html",
  59511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59512.             "Title": "Lady Beetle",
  59513.             "Category": "LIF",
  59514.             "Description": "Ohio State University's site explains the behavior and life cycle of the ladybug.",
  59515.             "Year": 0
  59516.         },
  59517.         {
  59518.             "RIT": "ws203648",
  59519.             "Type": "WS",
  59520.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/seal.html",
  59521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59522.             "Title": "Seals",
  59523.             "Category": "LIF",
  59524.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  59525.             "Year": 0
  59526.         },
  59527.         {
  59528.             "RIT": "ws203649",
  59529.             "Type": "WS",
  59530.             "URL": "http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/ARHU/Depts/ArtGal/.WWW/exhibit/98-99/driskell/exhibition/sec3/bear_r_03.htm",
  59531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59532.             "Title": "Morning",
  59533.             "Category": "HUM",
  59534.             "Description": "Romare Bearden's painting from the Art Gallery at the University of Maryland in College Park.",
  59535.             "Year": 0
  59536.         },
  59537.         {
  59538.             "RIT": "ws203651",
  59539.             "Type": "WS",
  59540.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/lemming.html",
  59541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59542.             "Title": "Lemming",
  59543.             "Category": "LIF",
  59544.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  59545.             "Year": 0
  59546.         },
  59547.         {
  59548.             "RIT": "ws203652",
  59549.             "Type": "WS",
  59550.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/016000a/016000009.html",
  59551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59552.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Lukes Medical Center, palate",
  59553.             "Category": "LIF",
  59554.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  59555.             "Year": 0
  59556.         },
  59557.         {
  59558.             "RIT": "ws203653",
  59559.             "Type": "WS",
  59560.             "URL": "http://www.colmusart.org/html/s03collection03.htm",
  59561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59562.             "Title": "Renaissance",
  59563.             "Category": "HIS",
  59564.             "Description": "An illustrated essay from the Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, South Carolina.",
  59565.             "Year": 0
  59566.         },
  59567.         {
  59568.             "RIT": "ws203654",
  59569.             "Type": "WS",
  59570.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/003934/",
  59571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59572.             "Title": "Jackson Pollock",
  59573.             "Category": "HUM",
  59574.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Smithsonian American Art Museum.",
  59575.             "Year": 0
  59576.         },
  59577.         {
  59578.             "RIT": "ws203656",
  59579.             "Type": "WS",
  59580.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/index.asp?lang=e&id_pic=166",
  59581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59582.             "Title": "The Journal Readers",
  59583.             "Category": "HUM",
  59584.             "Description": "A painting by Jan Steen from the E.G. Buehrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  59585.             "Year": 0
  59586.         },
  59587.         {
  59588.             "RIT": "ws203657",
  59589.             "Type": "WS",
  59590.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=kasimir&=And&=Yes&=malevich&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  59591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59592.             "Title": "Kasimir Severinovich Malevich",
  59593.             "Category": "HUM",
  59594.             "Description": "Art from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  59595.             "Year": 0
  59596.         },
  59597.         {
  59598.             "RIT": "ws203658",
  59599.             "Type": "WS",
  59600.             "URL": "http://www.boston.com/globe/",
  59601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59602.             "Title": "Boston Globe",
  59603.             "Category": "GEO",
  59604.             "Description": "Web site of a newspaper serving Boston, Massachusetts.",
  59605.             "Year": 0
  59606.         },
  59607.         {
  59608.             "RIT": "ws203669",
  59609.             "Type": "WS",
  59610.             "URL": "http://www.swope.org/main/collection/007coll.htm",
  59611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59612.             "Title": "CAPRICE # 4",
  59613.             "Category": "HUM",
  59614.             "Description": "Robert Motherwell's painting from the Swope Art Museum in Terre Haute, Indiana.",
  59615.             "Year": 0
  59616.         },
  59617.         {
  59618.             "RIT": "ws203670",
  59619.             "Type": "WS",
  59620.             "URL": "http://www.adl.org/hate-patrol/1.html",
  59621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59622.             "Title": "Stop Hate",
  59623.             "Category": "SOC",
  59624.             "Description": "The Anti-Defamation League addresses various types of hate crimes, including those stemming from racism, anti-Semitism, and homophobia.",
  59625.             "Year": 0
  59626.         },
  59627.         {
  59628.             "RIT": "ws203671",
  59629.             "Type": "WS",
  59630.             "URL": "http://www.nysipm.cornell.edu/factsheets/treefruit/index.html",
  59631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59632.             "Title": "Fruit Fact Sheets",
  59633.             "Category": "LIF",
  59634.             "Description": "Description of insects that eat fruit, from Cornell University.",
  59635.             "Year": 0
  59636.         },
  59637.         {
  59638.             "RIT": "ws203672",
  59639.             "Type": "WS",
  59640.             "URL": "http://www.us1.nagasaki-noc.ne.jp/nacity/na-bomb/museum/m1-1e.html",
  59641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59642.             "Title": "Records of the Nagasaki Atomic Bombing",
  59643.             "Category": "GEO",
  59644.             "Description": "The Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum presents details about the bombing and the damage it caused to the people of Nagasaki.",
  59645.             "Year": 0
  59646.         },
  59647.         {
  59648.             "RIT": "ws203673",
  59649.             "Type": "WS",
  59650.             "URL": "http://www.stanford.edu/dept/SUMA/",
  59651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59652.             "Title": "Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts",
  59653.             "Category": "SOC",
  59654.             "Description": "Home page of a Stanford University museum.",
  59655.             "Year": 0
  59656.         },
  59657.         {
  59658.             "RIT": "ws203674",
  59659.             "Type": "WS",
  59660.             "URL": "http://galleryofart.wustl.edu/art/imgLarge/51lg.html",
  59661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59662.             "Title": "The Eye of Silence",
  59663.             "Category": "HUM",
  59664.             "Description": "Washington University Gallery of Art in St. Louis, Missouri, presents a painting by Max Ernst with commentary.",
  59665.             "Year": 0
  59666.         },
  59667.         {
  59668.             "RIT": "ws203675",
  59669.             "Type": "WS",
  59670.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/vouchers/",
  59671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59672.             "Title": "The Battle Over School Choice",
  59673.             "Category": "SOC",
  59674.             "Description": "FRONTLINE addresses public school reform and the voucher issue.",
  59675.             "Year": 0
  59676.         },
  59677.         {
  59678.             "RIT": "ws203677",
  59679.             "Type": "WS",
  59680.             "URL": "http://www.lacma.org/art/perm_col/american/amer.htm#BENJAMIN%20WEST",
  59681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59682.             "Title": "Cymon and Iphigenia",
  59683.             "Category": "HUM",
  59684.             "Description": "The Los Angeles County Museum of Art exhibits a painting by Benjamin West.",
  59685.             "Year": 0
  59686.         },
  59687.         {
  59688.             "RIT": "ws203678",
  59689.             "Type": "WS",
  59690.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/owl.html",
  59691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59692.             "Title": "Snowy Owl",
  59693.             "Category": "LIF",
  59694.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  59695.             "Year": 0
  59696.         },
  59697.         {
  59698.             "RIT": "ws203690",
  59699.             "Type": "WS",
  59700.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/amer/62pc_cassatt.html",
  59701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59702.             "Title": "The Bath",
  59703.             "Category": "HUM",
  59704.             "Description": "Mary Cassatt's painting from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  59705.             "Year": 0
  59706.         },
  59707.         {
  59708.             "RIT": "ws203691",
  59709.             "Type": "WS",
  59710.             "URL": "http://www.mauritshuis.nl/english/collectie/landschappen/johannes_vermeer.html",
  59711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59712.             "Title": "View of Delft",
  59713.             "Category": "HUM",
  59714.             "Description": "A painting by Jan Vermeer from the Mauritshuis Royal Picture Gallery in the Hague, the Netherlands.",
  59715.             "Year": 0
  59716.         },
  59717.         {
  59718.             "RIT": "ws203692",
  59719.             "Type": "WS",
  59720.             "URL": "http://aruba.nysaes.cornell.edu/ipmnet/ny/fruits/FruitFS/sanjosescale.html",
  59721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59722.             "Title": "San Jose Scale",
  59723.             "Category": "LIF",
  59724.             "Description": "Information on the scale, including a chart of life phases, from Cornell University.",
  59725.             "Year": 0
  59726.         },
  59727.         {
  59728.             "RIT": "ws203694",
  59729.             "Type": "WS",
  59730.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/015000a/015000095.html",
  59731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59732.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, ovary",
  59733.             "Category": "LIF",
  59734.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  59735.             "Year": 0
  59736.         },
  59737.         {
  59738.             "RIT": "ws203695",
  59739.             "Type": "WS",
  59740.             "URL": "http://www.amherst.edu/~mead/collections/printdraw/goya.html",
  59741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59742.             "Title": "Asta su Abuelo",
  59743.             "Category": "HUM",
  59744.             "Description": "Mead Art Museum of Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts, presents a painting by Francisco y Lucientes Goya.",
  59745.             "Year": 0
  59746.         },
  59747.         {
  59748.             "RIT": "ws203696",
  59749.             "Type": "WS",
  59750.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/peregrine_falcon.html",
  59751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59752.             "Title": "Peregrine Falcon",
  59753.             "Category": "LIF",
  59754.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from the Arctic Studies Center within the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  59755.             "Year": 0
  59756.         },
  59757.         {
  59758.             "RIT": "ws203697",
  59759.             "Type": "WS",
  59760.             "URL": "http://www.Konstmuseum.goteborg.se/english/collect/1900/bacon.htm",
  59761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59762.             "Title": "Homage to van Gogh",
  59763.             "Category": "HUM",
  59764.             "Description": "A painting by Francis Bacon from the Goteborg Museum of Art in Sweden.",
  59765.             "Year": 0
  59766.         },
  59767.         {
  59768.             "RIT": "ws203699",
  59769.             "Type": "WS",
  59770.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=titian",
  59771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59772.             "Title": "Titian",
  59773.             "Category": "HUM",
  59774.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the State Heritage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  59775.             "Year": 0
  59776.         },
  59777.         {
  59778.             "RIT": "ws203700",
  59779.             "Type": "WS",
  59780.             "URL": "http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/hort/ipm/cankerwm.html",
  59781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59782.             "Title": "Cankerworms",
  59783.             "Category": "LIF",
  59784.             "Description": "Missouri Botanical Garden's site about the identification and prevention of cankerworms.",
  59785.             "Year": 0
  59786.         },
  59787.         {
  59788.             "RIT": "ws203710",
  59789.             "Type": "WS",
  59790.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/004178/",
  59791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59792.             "Title": "Larry Rivers",
  59793.             "Category": "HUM",
  59794.             "Description": "Artworks from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  59795.             "Year": 0
  59796.         },
  59797.         {
  59798.             "RIT": "ws203711",
  59799.             "Type": "WS",
  59800.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-21-10-96/a-lundi1912.html",
  59801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59802.             "Title": "Yellow Street II",
  59803.             "Category": "HUM",
  59804.             "Description": "A painting by Lyonel Feininger from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  59805.             "Year": 0
  59806.         },
  59807.         {
  59808.             "RIT": "ws203712",
  59809.             "Type": "WS",
  59810.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=59%2E16%2E5",
  59811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59812.             "Title": "View of the Seine",
  59813.             "Category": "HUM",
  59814.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City exhibits a painting by Georges-Pierre Seurat.",
  59815.             "Year": 0
  59816.         },
  59817.         {
  59818.             "RIT": "ws203713",
  59819.             "Type": "WS",
  59820.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Modigliani.htm",
  59821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59822.             "Title": "The Servant Girl",
  59823.             "Category": "HUM",
  59824.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Amedeo Modigliani with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  59825.             "Year": 0
  59826.         },
  59827.         {
  59828.             "RIT": "ws203714",
  59829.             "Type": "WS",
  59830.             "URL": "http://www.ohare.com/",
  59831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59832.             "Title": "The Chicago Department of Aviation",
  59833.             "Category": "GEO",
  59834.             "Description": "A guide to Chicago's airports--O'Hare, Midway, and Meigs.",
  59835.             "Year": 0
  59836.         },
  59837.         {
  59838.             "RIT": "ws203715",
  59839.             "Type": "WS",
  59840.             "URL": "http://www.bertc.com/subthree/sheeler8.htm",
  59841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59842.             "Title": "American Landscape",
  59843.             "Category": "HUM",
  59844.             "Description": "PBS displays a painting by Charles Sheeler online.",
  59845.             "Year": 0
  59846.         },
  59847.         {
  59848.             "RIT": "ws203716",
  59849.             "Type": "WS",
  59850.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1992%2E24%2E8",
  59851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59852.             "Title": "Americana",
  59853.             "Category": "HUM",
  59854.             "Description": "Charles Sheeler's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  59855.             "Year": 0
  59856.         },
  59857.         {
  59858.             "RIT": "ws203717",
  59859.             "Type": "WS",
  59860.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=reginald&=And&=Yes&=marsh&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  59861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59862.             "Title": "Reginald Marsh",
  59863.             "Category": "HUM",
  59864.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  59865.             "Year": 0
  59866.         },
  59867.         {
  59868.             "RIT": "ws203718",
  59869.             "Type": "WS",
  59870.             "URL": "http://www.history.navy.mil/ac/benton/benton1.htm",
  59871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59872.             "Title": "The Naval Art of Thomas Hart Benton",
  59873.             "Category": "HUM",
  59874.             "Description": "A biography and exhibit from the Navy Art Collection in Washington, D.C.",
  59875.             "Year": 0
  59876.         },
  59877.         {
  59878.             "RIT": "ws203727",
  59879.             "Type": "WS",
  59880.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.go.jp/col/p1970-0003.html",
  59881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59882.             "Title": "Reminiscence of the Beach at Naples",
  59883.             "Category": "HUM",
  59884.             "Description": "Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot's painting displayed by the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo.",
  59885.             "Year": 0
  59886.         },
  59887.         {
  59888.             "RIT": "ws203728",
  59889.             "Type": "WS",
  59890.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=davies+arthur+bowen&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  59891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59892.             "Title": "Arthur Bowen Davies",
  59893.             "Category": "HUM",
  59894.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  59895.             "Year": 0
  59896.         },
  59897.         {
  59898.             "RIT": "ws203729",
  59899.             "Type": "WS",
  59900.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=39%2E15",
  59901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59902.             "Title": "The Banks of the Bievre near Bicetre",
  59903.             "Category": "HUM",
  59904.             "Description": "Henri-Julien-Felix Rousseau's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  59905.             "Year": 0
  59906.         },
  59907.         {
  59908.             "RIT": "ws203730",
  59909.             "Type": "WS",
  59910.             "URL": "http://www.williams.edu/WCMA/collections/american/prendergast/index.html",
  59911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59912.             "Title": "P r e n d e r g a s t",
  59913.             "Category": "HUM",
  59914.             "Description": "The Williams College Museum of Art in Williamstown, Massachusetts, presents works by Maurice Prendergast.",
  59915.             "Year": 0
  59916.         },
  59917.         {
  59918.             "RIT": "ws203731",
  59919.             "Type": "WS",
  59920.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/internal.htm",
  59921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59922.             "Title": "For Internal Use Only",
  59923.             "Category": "HUM",
  59924.             "Description": "A painting by Stuart Davis exhibited by the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  59925.             "Year": 0
  59926.         },
  59927.         {
  59928.             "RIT": "ws203732",
  59929.             "Type": "WS",
  59930.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/imuerte.html",
  59931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59932.             "Title": "THE TRIUMPH OF DEATH",
  59933.             "Category": "HUM",
  59934.             "Description": "A panel painted by Pieter Brueghel the Elder from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  59935.             "Year": 0
  59936.         },
  59937.         {
  59938.             "RIT": "ws203733",
  59939.             "Type": "WS",
  59940.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/modern/74pc_pippin.html",
  59941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59942.             "Title": "Cabin in the Cotton",
  59943.             "Category": "HUM",
  59944.             "Description": "Horace Pippin's painting from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  59945.             "Year": 0
  59946.         },
  59947.         {
  59948.             "RIT": "ws203734",
  59949.             "Type": "WS",
  59950.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=15050",
  59951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59952.             "Title": "Hans Holbein, the Younger",
  59953.             "Category": "HUM",
  59954.             "Description": "Biography and artworks presented by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  59955.             "Year": 0
  59956.         },
  59957.         {
  59958.             "RIT": "ws203735",
  59959.             "Type": "WS",
  59960.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/landscape/70.183.html",
  59961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59962.             "Title": "View of Le Crotoy, Upstream",
  59963.             "Category": "HUM",
  59964.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts presents a painting by Georges Seurat.",
  59965.             "Year": 0
  59966.         },
  59967.         {
  59968.             "RIT": "ws203736",
  59969.             "Type": "WS",
  59970.             "URL": "http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/poverty.html",
  59971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59972.             "Title": "U.S. Census Bureau: Poverty",
  59973.             "Category": "SOC",
  59974.             "Description": "The U.S. Census Bureau tracks poverty rates and patterns in statistical reports published on this site.",
  59975.             "Year": 0
  59976.         },
  59977.         {
  59978.             "RIT": "ws203737",
  59979.             "Type": "WS",
  59980.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=48274+0+none",
  59981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59982.             "Title": "Outdoor Cafe Scene",
  59983.             "Category": "HUM",
  59984.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., displays a painting by Maurice Brazil Prendergast.",
  59985.             "Year": 0
  59986.         },
  59987.         {
  59988.             "RIT": "ws203738",
  59989.             "Type": "WS",
  59990.             "URL": "http://www.umt.edu/partv/famus/print/rivers.htm",
  59991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  59992.             "Title": "Screenprint from The Boston Massacre Series",
  59993.             "Category": "HUM",
  59994.             "Description": "A painting by Larry Rivers from the University of Montana in Missoula.",
  59995.             "Year": 0
  59996.         },
  59997.         {
  59998.             "RIT": "ws203739",
  59999.             "Type": "WS",
  60000.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=joan&=And&=Yes&=mitchell&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  60001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60002.             "Title": "untitled by Joan Mitchell",
  60003.             "Category": "HUM",
  60004.             "Description": "Artwork from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  60005.             "Year": 0
  60006.         },
  60007.         {
  60008.             "RIT": "ws203740",
  60009.             "Type": "WS",
  60010.             "URL": "http://www.cc.ukans.edu/~sma/holbein/holbein.htm",
  60011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60012.             "Title": "Death and the Knight",
  60013.             "Category": "HUM",
  60014.             "Description": "A woodcut by Hans Holbein The Younger from the Spencer Art Museum at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.",
  60015.             "Year": 0
  60016.         },
  60017.         {
  60018.             "RIT": "ws203741",
  60019.             "Type": "WS",
  60020.             "URL": "http://www.valpo.edu/artmuseum/collections/amernational/rattner.html",
  60021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60022.             "Title": "Still Life Composition #3",
  60023.             "Category": "HUM",
  60024.             "Description": "Abraham Rattner's painting from the Brauer Museum of Art at Valparaiso University in Valparaiso, Indiana.",
  60025.             "Year": 0
  60026.         },
  60027.         {
  60028.             "RIT": "ws203742",
  60029.             "Type": "WS",
  60030.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec99/nobelprize_10-1.html",
  60031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60032.             "Title": "Laureate of Letters",
  60033.             "Category": "HUM",
  60034.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour that focused on the fiction of Gunter Grass.",
  60035.             "Year": 0
  60036.         },
  60037.         {
  60038.             "RIT": "ws203743",
  60039.             "Type": "WS",
  60040.             "URL": "http://www.aggv.bc.ca/collect/07350.html",
  60041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60042.             "Title": "Rock Flowers",
  60043.             "Category": "HUM",
  60044.             "Description": "David Milne's painting displayed by the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria in Victoria, British Columbia.",
  60045.             "Year": 0
  60046.         },
  60047.         {
  60048.             "RIT": "ws203744",
  60049.             "Type": "WS",
  60050.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=1985%2E237",
  60051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60052.             "Title": "The Forest at Pontaubert",
  60053.             "Category": "HUM",
  60054.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by Georges-Pierre Seurat.",
  60055.             "Year": 0
  60056.         },
  60057.         {
  60058.             "RIT": "ws203701",
  60059.             "Type": "WS",
  60060.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/020000a/020000160.html",
  60061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60062.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, transplant",
  60063.             "Category": "LIF",
  60064.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes Medical Center Medical Encyclopedia.",
  60065.             "Year": 0
  60066.         },
  60067.         {
  60068.             "RIT": "ws203702",
  60069.             "Type": "WS",
  60070.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/peacechm.htm",
  60071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60072.             "Title": "Peace Through Chemistry",
  60073.             "Category": "HUM",
  60074.             "Description": "The Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, presents a lithograph by Roy Lichtenstein.",
  60075.             "Year": 0
  60076.         },
  60077.         {
  60078.             "RIT": "ws203704",
  60079.             "Type": "WS",
  60080.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=1989%2E183",
  60081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60082.             "Title": "Evening: Landscape with an Aqueduct",
  60083.             "Category": "HUM",
  60084.             "Description": "Jean-Louis-Andre-Theodore Gericault's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  60085.             "Year": 0
  60086.         },
  60087.         {
  60088.             "RIT": "ws203705",
  60089.             "Type": "WS",
  60090.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=75",
  60091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60092.             "Title": "Tate Collections: Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones",
  60093.             "Category": "HUM",
  60094.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  60095.             "Year": 0
  60096.         },
  60097.         {
  60098.             "RIT": "ws203706",
  60099.             "Type": "WS",
  60100.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/paintsculpt/c64.htm",
  60101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60102.             "Title": "The Dream",
  60103.             "Category": "HUM",
  60104.             "Description": "The Museum of Modern Art in New York City displays a painting by Henri Rousseau.",
  60105.             "Year": 0
  60106.         },
  60107.         {
  60108.             "RIT": "ws203707",
  60109.             "Type": "WS",
  60110.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=henri&=And&=Yes&=rousseau&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  60111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60112.             "Title": "War, or The Horseman of Discord",
  60113.             "Category": "HUM",
  60114.             "Description": "Henri Rousseau's painting from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  60115.             "Year": 0
  60116.         },
  60117.         {
  60118.             "RIT": "ws203708",
  60119.             "Type": "WS",
  60120.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/20thcentury/20th/1910-1950/027_lrg.html",
  60121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60122.             "Title": "The Green Bridge II",
  60123.             "Category": "HUM",
  60124.             "Description": "Lyonel Feininger's painting from the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina.",
  60125.             "Year": 0
  60126.         },
  60127.         {
  60128.             "RIT": "ws203709",
  60129.             "Type": "WS",
  60130.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/archive/1996/dom/960325/art.html",
  60131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60132.             "Title": "Bringing Nature Home",
  60133.             "Category": "HUM",
  60134.             "Description": "A TIME Magazine article about the art of Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot.",
  60135.             "Year": 0
  60136.         },
  60137.         {
  60138.             "RIT": "ws203719",
  60139.             "Type": "WS",
  60140.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/American/1929.109.html",
  60141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60142.             "Title": "George Bellows: The White Horse",
  60143.             "Category": "HUM",
  60144.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  60145.             "Year": 0
  60146.         },
  60147.         {
  60148.             "RIT": "ws203720",
  60149.             "Type": "WS",
  60150.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/COL5a9/COL92a.HTM",
  60151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60152.             "Title": "Rolande",
  60153.             "Category": "HUM",
  60154.             "Description": "A painting by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec from the Fondation Bemberg Museum in Toulouse, France.",
  60155.             "Year": 0
  60156.         },
  60157.         {
  60158.             "RIT": "ws203721",
  60159.             "Type": "WS",
  60160.             "URL": "http://www.joslyn.org/permcol/euro/pages/jbreton1.html",
  60161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60162.             "Title": "The Vintage at Chateau Lagrange",
  60163.             "Category": "HUM",
  60164.             "Description": "The Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska, exhibits a painting by Jules Breton.",
  60165.             "Year": 0
  60166.         },
  60167.         {
  60168.             "RIT": "ws203722",
  60169.             "Type": "WS",
  60170.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/003103/",
  60171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60172.             "Title": "New Year's Shooter",
  60173.             "Category": "HUM",
  60174.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., presents a painting by George Luks and information about other works by the artist.",
  60175.             "Year": 0
  60176.         },
  60177.         {
  60178.             "RIT": "ws203723",
  60179.             "Type": "WS",
  60180.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=lucas+elder+cranach&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  60181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60182.             "Title": "Lucas Cranach the Elder",
  60183.             "Category": "HUM",
  60184.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  60185.             "Year": 0
  60186.         },
  60187.         {
  60188.             "RIT": "ws203724",
  60189.             "Type": "WS",
  60190.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Davies_A/PC.html",
  60191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60192.             "Title": "Spring in a Valley",
  60193.             "Category": "HUM",
  60194.             "Description": "A painting by Arthur B. Davies from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  60195.             "Year": 0
  60196.         },
  60197.         {
  60198.             "RIT": "ws203725",
  60199.             "Type": "WS",
  60200.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june98/titanic_3-23.html",
  60201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60202.             "Title": "Titanic Fever",
  60203.             "Category": "IND",
  60204.             "Description": "In this NewsHour transcript from PBS, journalist Elizabeth Farnsworth looks at the ship, the tragedy, the industry, and the fascination with Titanic.",
  60205.             "Year": 0
  60206.         },
  60207.         {
  60208.             "RIT": "ws203726",
  60209.             "Type": "WS",
  60210.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=courbet+gustave&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  60211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60212.             "Title": "Gustave Courbet",
  60213.             "Category": "HUM",
  60214.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  60215.             "Year": 0
  60216.         },
  60217.         {
  60218.             "RIT": "ws203745",
  60219.             "Type": "WS",
  60220.             "URL": "http://www.mackenzieartgallery.sk.ca/collection/view.cgi?cmd=artist&artist_id=7",
  60221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60222.             "Title": "Watson, Homer",
  60223.             "Category": "HUM",
  60224.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina, Saskatchewan.",
  60225.             "Year": 0
  60226.         },
  60227.         {
  60228.             "RIT": "ws203746",
  60229.             "Type": "WS",
  60230.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/vermeer_1-29.html",
  60231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60232.             "Title": "Reflections of a Master",
  60233.             "Category": "HUM",
  60234.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour that focused on the art of Johannes Vermeer.",
  60235.             "Year": 0
  60236.         },
  60237.         {
  60238.             "RIT": "ws203747",
  60239.             "Type": "WS",
  60240.             "URL": "http://www.unc.edu/depts/ackland/tours/burnejones.html",
  60241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60242.             "Title": "Study of a Seated Girl (for The Hours)",
  60243.             "Category": "HUM",
  60244.             "Description": "A drawing by Sir Edward Burne-Jones from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.",
  60245.             "Year": 0
  60246.         },
  60247.         {
  60248.             "RIT": "ws203748",
  60249.             "Type": "WS",
  60250.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Nevelson.htm",
  60251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60252.             "Title": "Sky Cathedral",
  60253.             "Category": "HUM",
  60254.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a sculpture by Louise Nevelson with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  60255.             "Year": 0
  60256.         },
  60257.         {
  60258.             "RIT": "ws203749",
  60259.             "Type": "WS",
  60260.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanvisions/gallery/g_7.4.rothko.html",
  60261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60262.             "Title": "Untitled (Red, Black, White on Yellow)",
  60263.             "Category": "HUM",
  60264.             "Description": "PBS displays Mark Rothko's painting online.",
  60265.             "Year": 0
  60266.         },
  60267.         {
  60268.             "RIT": "ws203750",
  60269.             "Type": "WS",
  60270.             "URL": "http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?search=ss&sText=Richard+Parkes+Bonington&LinkID=mp00478",
  60271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60272.             "Title": "Richard Parkes Bonington",
  60273.             "Category": "HUM",
  60274.             "Description": "The National Portrait Gallery in London displays a self-portrait by the artist.",
  60275.             "Year": 0
  60276.         },
  60277.         {
  60278.             "RIT": "ws203751",
  60279.             "Type": "WS",
  60280.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=67%2E187%2E102",
  60281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60282.             "Title": "The Gardener",
  60283.             "Category": "HUM",
  60284.             "Description": "A painting by Georges-Pierre Seurat from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New york City.",
  60285.             "Year": 0
  60286.         },
  60287.         {
  60288.             "RIT": "ws203752",
  60289.             "Type": "WS",
  60290.             "URL": "http://school.discovery.com/schooladventures/salemwitchtrials/",
  60291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60292.             "Title": "Salem Witch Trials",
  60293.             "Category": "HIS",
  60294.             "Description": "This Discovery Channel feature provides a look at life in Salem in 1692, an account of events leading to the trials, and a guide to people who took part in the trials.",
  60295.             "Year": 0
  60296.         },
  60297.         {
  60298.             "RIT": "ws203763",
  60299.             "Type": "WS",
  60300.             "URL": "http://www.the-wallace-collection.org.uk/c/w_a/p_w_d/f/a/corot.htm",
  60301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60302.             "Title": "Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot",
  60303.             "Category": "HUM",
  60304.             "Description": "Biographical information and a painting by Corot displayed by the Wallace Collection in London.",
  60305.             "Year": 0
  60306.         },
  60307.         {
  60308.             "RIT": "ws203764",
  60309.             "Type": "WS",
  60310.             "URL": "http://www.aagm.co.uk/ag003135.html",
  60311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60312.             "Title": "Bright Eyes 1877 by John Everett Millais",
  60313.             "Category": "HUM",
  60314.             "Description": "A work displayed by the Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums in Aberdeen, Scotland.",
  60315.             "Year": 0
  60316.         },
  60317.         {
  60318.             "RIT": "ws203765",
  60319.             "Type": "WS",
  60320.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=203310",
  60321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60322.             "Title": "Barnett Newman",
  60323.             "Category": "HUM",
  60324.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Att in Washington, D.C., presents works by the artist.",
  60325.             "Year": 0
  60326.         },
  60327.         {
  60328.             "RIT": "ws203766",
  60329.             "Type": "WS",
  60330.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pbio?2880",
  60331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60332.             "Title": "Richard Parkes Bonington",
  60333.             "Category": "HUM",
  60334.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., provides a biography of the artist.",
  60335.             "Year": 0
  60336.         },
  60337.         {
  60338.             "RIT": "ws203768",
  60339.             "Type": "WS",
  60340.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=&=And&=Yes&=Burne-Jones&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  60341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60342.             "Title": "Edward Burne-Jones",
  60343.             "Category": "HUM",
  60344.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  60345.             "Year": 0
  60346.         },
  60347.         {
  60348.             "RIT": "ws203769",
  60349.             "Type": "WS",
  60350.             "URL": "http://www.museum.cornell.edu/HFJ/handbook/hb183.html",
  60351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60352.             "Title": "Alfie's Delight",
  60353.             "Category": "HUM",
  60354.             "Description": "The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, presents Arthur G. Dove's painting with commentary.",
  60355.             "Year": 0
  60356.         },
  60357.         {
  60358.             "RIT": "ws203770",
  60359.             "Type": "WS",
  60360.             "URL": "http://www.spfld-museum-of-art.org/catalog/smoa20.html",
  60361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60362.             "Title": "Provincetown",
  60363.             "Category": "HUM",
  60364.             "Description": "A drawing by Stuart Davis from the Springfield Museum of Art in Springfield, Ohio.",
  60365.             "Year": 0
  60366.         },
  60367.         {
  60368.             "RIT": "ws203771",
  60369.             "Type": "WS",
  60370.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Bonheur.htm",
  60371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60372.             "Title": "The Horse Fair",
  60373.             "Category": "HUM",
  60374.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Rosa Bonheur with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  60375.             "Year": 0
  60376.         },
  60377.         {
  60378.             "RIT": "ws203772",
  60379.             "Type": "WS",
  60380.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Rattner_A/PC.html",
  60381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60382.             "Title": "Hands Upreaching",
  60383.             "Category": "HUM",
  60384.             "Description": "Abraham Rattner's painting from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  60385.             "Year": 0
  60386.         },
  60387.         {
  60388.             "RIT": "ws203782",
  60389.             "Type": "WS",
  60390.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=2050",
  60391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60392.             "Title": "George Bellows",
  60393.             "Category": "HUM",
  60394.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., displays artworks by Bellows.",
  60395.             "Year": 0
  60396.         },
  60397.         {
  60398.             "RIT": "ws203783",
  60399.             "Type": "WS",
  60400.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/albert_bierstadt_1830.htm",
  60401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60402.             "Title": "The Oregon Trail",
  60403.             "Category": "HUM",
  60404.             "Description": "Albert Bierstadt's painting from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  60405.             "Year": 0
  60406.         },
  60407.         {
  60408.             "RIT": "ws203784",
  60409.             "Type": "WS",
  60410.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Lawrence.htm",
  60411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60412.             "Title": "Seaman's Belt",
  60413.             "Category": "HUM",
  60414.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Jacob Lawrence with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  60415.             "Year": 0
  60416.         },
  60417.         {
  60418.             "RIT": "ws203785",
  60419.             "Type": "WS",
  60420.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/moden/eflat_8.html",
  60421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60422.             "Title": "Study for Agony",
  60423.             "Category": "HUM",
  60424.             "Description": "A painting by Arshile Gorky from the Ho-Am Art Museum in Seoul, Korea.",
  60425.             "Year": 0
  60426.         },
  60427.         {
  60428.             "RIT": "ws203786",
  60429.             "Type": "WS",
  60430.             "URL": "http://www.sbmuseart.org/collection/american/steamingStreets.html",
  60431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60432.             "Title": "Steaming Streets",
  60433.             "Category": "HUM",
  60434.             "Description": "The Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara, California, displays a painting by George Wesley Bellows.",
  60435.             "Year": 0
  60436.         },
  60437.         {
  60438.             "RIT": "ws203787",
  60439.             "Type": "WS",
  60440.             "URL": "http://www.unc.edu/depts/ackland/tours/seurat.html",
  60441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60442.             "Title": "Study after a Plaster Cast of Praxiteles' Apollino",
  60443.             "Category": "HUM",
  60444.             "Description": "A drawing by Georges Seurat displayed by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.",
  60445.             "Year": 0
  60446.         },
  60447.         {
  60448.             "RIT": "ws203788",
  60449.             "Type": "WS",
  60450.             "URL": "http://www.nd.edu/~sniteart/97/img/galls/1819/corot.htm",
  60451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60452.             "Title": "Landscape at Limay",
  60453.             "Category": "HUM",
  60454.             "Description": "Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana, displays a painting by Camille Corot.",
  60455.             "Year": 0
  60456.         },
  60457.         {
  60458.             "RIT": "ws203790",
  60459.             "Type": "WS",
  60460.             "URL": "http://www.brandeis.edu/rose/photoviewer.html?1,3",
  60461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60462.             "Title": "Yellow Line (Helen Frankenthaler)",
  60463.             "Category": "HUM",
  60464.             "Description": "An art image displayed by the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts.",
  60465.             "Year": 0
  60466.         },
  60467.         {
  60468.             "RIT": "ws203791",
  60469.             "Type": "WS",
  60470.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/treasures/1ma/1967.121.html",
  60471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60472.             "Title": "Small's Paradise",
  60473.             "Category": "HUM",
  60474.             "Description": "PBS displays Helen Frankenthaler's painting online.",
  60475.             "Year": 0
  60476.         },
  60477.         {
  60478.             "RIT": "ws203801",
  60479.             "Type": "WS",
  60480.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Rauschenberg.html_f/Rauschenberg.html",
  60481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60482.             "Title": "Robert Rauschenberg",
  60483.             "Category": "HUM",
  60484.             "Description": "Art images from the California State University Library in Long Beach.",
  60485.             "Year": 0
  60486.         },
  60487.         {
  60488.             "RIT": "ws203802",
  60489.             "Type": "WS",
  60490.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=12850",
  60491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60492.             "Title": "Arshile Gorky",
  60493.             "Category": "HUM",
  60494.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  60495.             "Year": 0
  60496.         },
  60497.         {
  60498.             "RIT": "ws203803",
  60499.             "Type": "WS",
  60500.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec99/leonardo_9-10.html",
  60501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60502.             "Title": "Leonardo's Horse",
  60503.             "Category": "HUM",
  60504.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour that focused on the art of Leonardo Da Vinci.",
  60505.             "Year": 0
  60506.         },
  60507.         {
  60508.             "RIT": "ws203804",
  60509.             "Type": "WS",
  60510.             "URL": "http://www.high.org/rothko.htm",
  60511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60512.             "Title": "Number 73",
  60513.             "Category": "HUM",
  60514.             "Description": "Mark Rothko's painting from the High Musuem of Art in Atlanta.",
  60515.             "Year": 0
  60516.         },
  60517.         {
  60518.             "RIT": "ws203805",
  60519.             "Type": "WS",
  60520.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=9&full=0&item=59%2E120",
  60521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60522.             "Title": "The Lake of Zug",
  60523.             "Category": "HUM",
  60524.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by J. M. W. Turner.",
  60525.             "Year": 0
  60526.         },
  60527.         {
  60528.             "RIT": "ws203806",
  60529.             "Type": "WS",
  60530.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/ARTHUR%20G.%20DOVE.htm",
  60531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60532.             "Title": "Ice and Clouds",
  60533.             "Category": "HUM",
  60534.             "Description": "Arthur G. Dove's painting from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  60535.             "Year": 0
  60536.         },
  60537.         {
  60538.             "RIT": "ws203807",
  60539.             "Type": "WS",
  60540.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=2&full=0&item=33%2E61",
  60541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60542.             "Title": "Fur Traders Descending the Missouri",
  60543.             "Category": "HUM",
  60544.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by George Caleb Bingham.",
  60545.             "Year": 0
  60546.         },
  60547.         {
  60548.             "RIT": "ws203808",
  60549.             "Type": "WS",
  60550.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/educatn/trc-news/slidepac/19.html",
  60551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60552.             "Title": "On the Beach",
  60553.             "Category": "HUM",
  60554.             "Description": "The Cleveland Museum of Art in Cleveland, Ohio, presents Maurice Prendergast's painting with commentary.",
  60555.             "Year": 0
  60556.         },
  60557.         {
  60558.             "RIT": "ws203809",
  60559.             "Type": "WS",
  60560.             "URL": "http://www.unc.edu/depts/ackland/tours/graves.html",
  60561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60562.             "Title": "Winter Bouquet No. 2 (Hellebore Flower)",
  60563.             "Category": "HUM",
  60564.             "Description": "Ackland Art Museum at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill displays a painting by Morris Graves.",
  60565.             "Year": 0
  60566.         },
  60567.         {
  60568.             "RIT": "ws203819",
  60569.             "Type": "WS",
  60570.             "URL": "http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/factsheets/",
  60571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60572.             "Title": "Primate Fact Sheets",
  60573.             "Category": "LIF",
  60574.             "Description": "University of Wisconsin's site with links to fact sheets about various monkeys.",
  60575.             "Year": 0
  60576.         },
  60577.         {
  60578.             "RIT": "ws203820",
  60579.             "Type": "WS",
  60580.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=816&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  60581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60582.             "Title": "Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot",
  60583.             "Category": "HUM",
  60584.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  60585.             "Year": 0
  60586.         },
  60587.         {
  60588.             "RIT": "ws203821",
  60589.             "Type": "WS",
  60590.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Courbet.htm",
  60591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60592.             "Title": "The Source of the Loue",
  60593.             "Category": "HUM",
  60594.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Gustave Courbet with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  60595.             "Year": 0
  60596.         },
  60597.         {
  60598.             "RIT": "ws203822",
  60599.             "Type": "WS",
  60600.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/helen_frankenthaler_b.htm",
  60601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60602.             "Title": "Viewpoint II",
  60603.             "Category": "HUM",
  60604.             "Description": "Helen Frankenthaler's painting from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  60605.             "Year": 0
  60606.         },
  60607.         {
  60608.             "RIT": "ws203823",
  60609.             "Type": "WS",
  60610.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/001975/",
  60611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60612.             "Title": "Morris Graves",
  60613.             "Category": "HUM",
  60614.             "Description": "Art images from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  60615.             "Year": 0
  60616.         },
  60617.         {
  60618.             "RIT": "ws203824",
  60619.             "Type": "WS",
  60620.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=699&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  60621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60622.             "Title": "Lucas Cranach the Elder",
  60623.             "Category": "HUM",
  60624.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Musem in Los Angeles.",
  60625.             "Year": 0
  60626.         },
  60627.         {
  60628.             "RIT": "ws203825",
  60629.             "Type": "WS",
  60630.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=41%2E17",
  60631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60632.             "Title": "Alfred Dedreux (1810-1860) as a Child",
  60633.             "Category": "HUM",
  60634.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by Jean-Louis-Andre-Theodore Gericault.",
  60635.             "Year": 0
  60636.         },
  60637.         {
  60638.             "RIT": "ws203826",
  60639.             "Type": "WS",
  60640.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/george.htm",
  60641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60642.             "Title": "Portrait of James Harrison Cravens",
  60643.             "Category": "HUM",
  60644.             "Description": "A painting by George Caleb Bingham from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  60645.             "Year": 0
  60646.         },
  60647.         {
  60648.             "RIT": "ws203838",
  60649.             "Type": "WS",
  60650.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=49%2E59%2E1",
  60651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60652.             "Title": "The Figure 5 in Gold",
  60653.             "Category": "HUM",
  60654.             "Description": "Charles Demuth's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  60655.             "Year": 0
  60656.         },
  60657.         {
  60658.             "RIT": "ws203839",
  60659.             "Type": "WS",
  60660.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec99/hitchcock_8-13.html",
  60661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60662.             "Title": "Master of Suspense",
  60663.             "Category": "HUM",
  60664.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour that focused on the films and legacy of Alfred Hitchcock.",
  60665.             "Year": 0
  60666.         },
  60667.         {
  60668.             "RIT": "ws203840",
  60669.             "Type": "WS",
  60670.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=maxfield&=And&=Yes&=parrish&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  60671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60672.             "Title": "Maxfield Parrish",
  60673.             "Category": "HUM",
  60674.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  60675.             "Year": 0
  60676.         },
  60677.         {
  60678.             "RIT": "ws203841",
  60679.             "Type": "WS",
  60680.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Still.htm",
  60681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60682.             "Title": "1957-D, No. 1",
  60683.             "Category": "HUM",
  60684.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Clyfford Still with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  60685.             "Year": 0
  60686.         },
  60687.         {
  60688.             "RIT": "ws203842",
  60689.             "Type": "WS",
  60690.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/ralph_albert_blakelock_1847.htm",
  60691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60692.             "Title": "Twilight",
  60693.             "Category": "HUM",
  60694.             "Description": "Ralph Albert Blakelock's painting from the Butler Intstitute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  60695.             "Year": 0
  60696.         },
  60697.         {
  60698.             "RIT": "ws203843",
  60699.             "Type": "WS",
  60700.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/mammal/marsupial/marsupial.html",
  60701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60702.             "Title": "Marsupial Mammals",
  60703.             "Category": "LIF",
  60704.             "Description": "University of California's site about marsupials.",
  60705.             "Year": 0
  60706.         },
  60707.         {
  60708.             "RIT": "ws203844",
  60709.             "Type": "WS",
  60710.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec99/opera_12-17.html",
  60711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60712.             "Title": "Birth of an Opera",
  60713.             "Category": "HUM",
  60714.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour that focused on the development of Arthur Miller's play A View from the Bridge into an opera.",
  60715.             "Year": 0
  60716.         },
  60717.         {
  60718.             "RIT": "ws203845",
  60719.             "Type": "WS",
  60720.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/002919/",
  60721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60722.             "Title": "Gold Mining, Cripple Creek",
  60723.             "Category": "HUM",
  60724.             "Description": "Ernest Lawson's painting from the Smithsonian American Art Museum.",
  60725.             "Year": 0
  60726.         },
  60727.         {
  60728.             "RIT": "ws203846",
  60729.             "Type": "WS",
  60730.             "URL": "http://www.artchive.com/artchive/D/dove/dove_foghorns.jpg.html",
  60731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60732.             "Title": "Foghorns",
  60733.             "Category": "HUM",
  60734.             "Description": "PBS displays a painting by Arthur Dove.",
  60735.             "Year": 0
  60736.         },
  60737.         {
  60738.             "RIT": "ws203753",
  60739.             "Type": "WS",
  60740.             "URL": "http://www.cummer.org/rattner.htm",
  60741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60742.             "Title": "Yellow Crucifixion",
  60743.             "Category": "HUM",
  60744.             "Description": "Abraham Rattner's painting from the Cummer Museum of Art in Jacksonville, Florida.",
  60745.             "Year": 0
  60746.         },
  60747.         {
  60748.             "RIT": "ws203754",
  60749.             "Type": "WS",
  60750.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=541&group=general&name=",
  60751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60752.             "Title": "Tate Collections: Dante Gabriel Rossetti",
  60753.             "Category": "HUM",
  60754.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  60755.             "Year": 0
  60756.         },
  60757.         {
  60758.             "RIT": "ws203755",
  60759.             "Type": "WS",
  60760.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/twenty/69.48.html",
  60761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60762.             "Title": "Creek",
  60763.             "Category": "HUM",
  60764.             "Description": "Robert Rauschenberg's painting from the Detroit Institute of Arts.",
  60765.             "Year": 0
  60766.         },
  60767.         {
  60768.             "RIT": "ws203756",
  60769.             "Type": "WS",
  60770.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/horace_pippin_1888.htm",
  60771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60772.             "Title": "Zachariah",
  60773.             "Category": "HUM",
  60774.             "Description": "A painting by Horace Pippin from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  60775.             "Year": 0
  60776.         },
  60777.         {
  60778.             "RIT": "ws203757",
  60779.             "Type": "WS",
  60780.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=6700",
  60781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60782.             "Title": "Lucas Cranach, the Elder",
  60783.             "Category": "HUM",
  60784.             "Description": "The National Gallery of ARt in Washington, D.C., presents a biography and art images.",
  60785.             "Year": 0
  60786.         },
  60787.         {
  60788.             "RIT": "ws203759",
  60789.             "Type": "WS",
  60790.             "URL": "http://www.tomthomson.org/",
  60791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60792.             "Title": "Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery",
  60793.             "Category": "HUM",
  60794.             "Description": "Web site of a gallery devoted to the artist in Owen Sound, Ontario.",
  60795.             "Year": 0
  60796.         },
  60797.         {
  60798.             "RIT": "ws203760",
  60799.             "Type": "WS",
  60800.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=766&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  60801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60802.             "Title": "John Everett Millais",
  60803.             "Category": "HUM",
  60804.             "Description": "The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles provides a biography of Millais and an image of his art.",
  60805.             "Year": 0
  60806.         },
  60807.         {
  60808.             "RIT": "ws203761",
  60809.             "Type": "WS",
  60810.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-07-10-96/a-lundi1710.html",
  60811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60812.             "Title": "Evening, Les Eboulements",
  60813.             "Category": "HUM",
  60814.             "Description": "A painting by Alexander Young Jackson from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  60815.             "Year": 0
  60816.         },
  60817.         {
  60818.             "RIT": "ws203762",
  60819.             "Type": "WS",
  60820.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=9&full=0&item=35%2E27",
  60821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60822.             "Title": "Christ Carrying the Cross",
  60823.             "Category": "HUM",
  60824.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents an engraving by Martin Schongauer.",
  60825.             "Year": 0
  60826.         },
  60827.         {
  60828.             "RIT": "ws203773",
  60829.             "Type": "WS",
  60830.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=232950",
  60831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60832.             "Title": "Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones",
  60833.             "Category": "HUM",
  60834.             "Description": "Art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  60835.             "Year": 0
  60836.         },
  60837.         {
  60838.             "RIT": "ws203774",
  60839.             "Type": "WS",
  60840.             "URL": "http://www.huntermuseum.org/davidpark.htm",
  60841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60842.             "Title": "David Park (1911-1960)",
  60843.             "Category": "HUM",
  60844.             "Description": "The Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, Tennessee, profiles the artist.",
  60845.             "Year": 0
  60846.         },
  60847.         {
  60848.             "RIT": "ws203775",
  60849.             "Type": "WS",
  60850.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/004963/",
  60851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60852.             "Title": "Mark Tobey",
  60853.             "Category": "HUM",
  60854.             "Description": "Works by the artist exhibited by the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  60855.             "Year": 0
  60856.         },
  60857.         {
  60858.             "RIT": "ws203776",
  60859.             "Type": "WS",
  60860.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/baltimore/balfirst.htm",
  60861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60862.             "Title": "Baltimore: A National Register Travel Itinerary",
  60863.             "Category": "GEO",
  60864.             "Description": "The National Park Service provides a guide to visinting historic sites in Baltimore, Maryland.",
  60865.             "Year": 0
  60866.         },
  60867.         {
  60868.             "RIT": "ws203777",
  60869.             "Type": "WS",
  60870.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntg7f.htm",
  60871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60872.             "Title": "Sir Thomas More",
  60873.             "Category": "HUM",
  60874.             "Description": "A portrait by Hans Holbein the Younger from the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  60875.             "Year": 0
  60876.         },
  60877.         {
  60878.             "RIT": "ws203778",
  60879.             "Type": "WS",
  60880.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=51%2E112%2E5",
  60881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60882.             "Title": "The Repast of the Lion",
  60883.             "Category": "HUM",
  60884.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City displays a painting by Henri-Julien-Felix Rousseau.",
  60885.             "Year": 0
  60886.         },
  60887.         {
  60888.             "RIT": "ws203779",
  60889.             "Type": "WS",
  60890.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/003797/",
  60891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60892.             "Title": "Maxfield Parrish",
  60893.             "Category": "HUM",
  60894.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., displays several works by the artist.",
  60895.             "Year": 0
  60896.         },
  60897.         {
  60898.             "RIT": "ws203780",
  60899.             "Type": "WS",
  60900.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/reginald_marsh_1898.htm",
  60901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60902.             "Title": "The Normandie",
  60903.             "Category": "HUM",
  60904.             "Description": "A painting by Reginald Marsh exhibited by the Butler Intstitute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  60905.             "Year": 0
  60906.         },
  60907.         {
  60908.             "RIT": "ws203781",
  60909.             "Type": "WS",
  60910.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv1343/peint_f.htm",
  60911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60912.             "Title": "Nicolas Kratzer",
  60913.             "Category": "HUM",
  60914.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris presents a painting by Hans Holbein the Younger.",
  60915.             "Year": 0
  60916.         },
  60917.         {
  60918.             "RIT": "ws203792",
  60919.             "Type": "WS",
  60920.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/bathing.htm",
  60921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60922.             "Title": "The Bathing Cove",
  60923.             "Category": "HUM",
  60924.             "Description": "Maurice Prendergast's painting from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  60925.             "Year": 0
  60926.         },
  60927.         {
  60928.             "RIT": "ws203793",
  60929.             "Type": "WS",
  60930.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/twenty/65.60.html",
  60931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60932.             "Title": "The Bay",
  60933.             "Category": "HUM",
  60934.             "Description": "Helen Frankenthaler's painting from the Detroit Institute of Arts.",
  60935.             "Year": 0
  60936.         },
  60937.         {
  60938.             "RIT": "ws203794",
  60939.             "Type": "WS",
  60940.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec97/elvis_8-15.html",
  60941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60942.             "Title": "The King",
  60943.             "Category": "HUM",
  60944.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of a NewsHour discussion about the life and legacy of Elvis Presley.",
  60945.             "Year": 0
  60946.         },
  60947.         {
  60948.             "RIT": "ws203795",
  60949.             "Type": "WS",
  60950.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Kiefer.htm",
  60951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60952.             "Title": "(die Milchstrasse) The Milky Way",
  60953.             "Category": "HUM",
  60954.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Anselm Kiefer with commentary and suggested educational activities.",
  60955.             "Year": 0
  60956.         },
  60957.         {
  60958.             "RIT": "ws203796",
  60959.             "Type": "WS",
  60960.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/001947/",
  60961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60962.             "Title": "Arshile Gorky",
  60963.             "Category": "HUM",
  60964.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., exhibits works by the artist.",
  60965.             "Year": 0
  60966.         },
  60967.         {
  60968.             "RIT": "ws203797",
  60969.             "Type": "WS",
  60970.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=doris&=And&=Yes&=lee&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  60971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60972.             "Title": "Doris (Emrick) Lee",
  60973.             "Category": "HUM",
  60974.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  60975.             "Year": 0
  60976.         },
  60977.         {
  60978.             "RIT": "ws203798",
  60979.             "Type": "WS",
  60980.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Sloan_J/PC.html",
  60981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60982.             "Title": "Nursemaids, Madison Square",
  60983.             "Category": "HUM",
  60984.             "Description": "John Sloan's painting from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  60985.             "Year": 0
  60986.         },
  60987.         {
  60988.             "RIT": "ws203799",
  60989.             "Type": "WS",
  60990.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/england/27.152.html",
  60991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  60992.             "Title": "The Passing of Venus",
  60993.             "Category": "HUM",
  60994.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts displays a painting by Edward Burne-Jones.",
  60995.             "Year": 0
  60996.         },
  60997.         {
  60998.             "RIT": "ws203800",
  60999.             "Type": "WS",
  61000.             "URL": "http://www.amarilloart.org/bois.html",
  61001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61002.             "Title": "Ballet Tryout",
  61003.             "Category": "HUM",
  61004.             "Description": "The Amarillo Museum of Art in Amarillo, Texas, displays a painting by Guy Pene du Bois.",
  61005.             "Year": 0
  61006.         },
  61007.         {
  61008.             "RIT": "ws203810",
  61009.             "Type": "WS",
  61010.             "URL": "http://www.huntermuseum.org/ralphalbertblakelock.htm",
  61011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61012.             "Title": "Ralph Albert Blakelock (1847-1919)",
  61013.             "Category": "HUM",
  61014.             "Description": "A profile of the artist from the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, Tennessee.",
  61015.             "Year": 0
  61016.         },
  61017.         {
  61018.             "RIT": "ws203811",
  61019.             "Type": "WS",
  61020.             "URL": "http://gort.ucsd.edu/sj/timken/t-brsdt.html",
  61021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61022.             "Title": "Cho-looke, The Yosemite Fall",
  61023.             "Category": "HUM",
  61024.             "Description": "The Timken Museum in San Diego, California, displays a painting by Albert Bierstadt.",
  61025.             "Year": 0
  61026.         },
  61027.         {
  61028.             "RIT": "ws203812",
  61029.             "Type": "WS",
  61030.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/pippin.htm",
  61031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61032.             "Title": "Horace Pippin",
  61033.             "Category": "HUM",
  61034.             "Description": "An artist profile from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  61035.             "Year": 0
  61036.         },
  61037.         {
  61038.             "RIT": "ws203813",
  61039.             "Type": "WS",
  61040.             "URL": "http://www.amset.org/html/graves.html",
  61041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61042.             "Title": "Morris Graves Winter Plants",
  61043.             "Category": "HUM",
  61044.             "Description": "A painting exhibited by the Art Museum of Southeast Texas in Beaumont.",
  61045.             "Year": 0
  61046.         },
  61047.         {
  61048.             "RIT": "ws203814",
  61049.             "Type": "WS",
  61050.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/poems/july-dec98/pinsky_11-27.html",
  61051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61052.             "Title": "God's Grandeur",
  61053.             "Category": "HUM",
  61054.             "Description": "A thanksgiving poem delivered by Robert Pinsky in 1998.",
  61055.             "Year": 0
  61056.         },
  61057.         {
  61058.             "RIT": "ws203815",
  61059.             "Type": "WS",
  61060.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june98/plath_2-18.html",
  61061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61062.             "Title": "Birthday Letters",
  61063.             "Category": "HUM",
  61064.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of a NewsHour discussion about a collection of Ted Hughes' poetry on his relationship with Sylvia Plath.",
  61065.             "Year": 0
  61066.         },
  61067.         {
  61068.             "RIT": "ws203816",
  61069.             "Type": "WS",
  61070.             "URL": "http://www.corcoran.org/VirtualGallery/museum_exhibitions/Painted/3.htm",
  61071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61072.             "Title": "Cathedral Rocks, Yosemite Valley, California",
  61073.             "Category": "HUM",
  61074.             "Description": "The Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents a painting by Albert Bierstadt.",
  61075.             "Year": 0
  61076.         },
  61077.         {
  61078.             "RIT": "ws203817",
  61079.             "Type": "WS",
  61080.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/1998/dom/980615/the_arts_art_an_escapist.html",
  61081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61082.             "Title": "An Escapist's Dreamworld",
  61083.             "Category": "HUM",
  61084.             "Description": "A TIME Magazine article on the art of Edward Burne-Jones.",
  61085.             "Year": 0
  61086.         },
  61087.         {
  61088.             "RIT": "ws203818",
  61089.             "Type": "WS",
  61090.             "URL": "http://www.parthenon.org/dev/cowan/cowan_artists/bierstadt.html",
  61091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61092.             "Title": "Mt. Tamalpais",
  61093.             "Category": "HUM",
  61094.             "Description": "Albert Bierstadt's painting from the Parthenon in Nashville, Tennessee.",
  61095.             "Year": 0
  61096.         },
  61097.         {
  61098.             "RIT": "ws203827",
  61099.             "Type": "WS",
  61100.             "URL": "http://www.artchive.com/artchive/B/bingham/daniel_boone.jpg.html",
  61101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61102.             "Title": "Daniel Boone Escorting Settlers Through the Cumberland Gap",
  61103.             "Category": "HUM",
  61104.             "Description": "PBS displays a painting by George Caleb Bingham.",
  61105.             "Year": 0
  61106.         },
  61107.         {
  61108.             "RIT": "ws203828",
  61109.             "Type": "WS",
  61110.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-07-04-97/a-lundi4309.html",
  61111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61112.             "Title": "South View of the Gothic Abbey, Evening, Now Building at Fonthill",
  61113.             "Category": "HUM",
  61114.             "Description": "The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts presents a painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner.",
  61115.             "Year": 0
  61116.         },
  61117.         {
  61118.             "RIT": "ws203829",
  61119.             "Type": "WS",
  61120.             "URL": "http://www.beardenfoundation.org/artofbearden/coverart/artwork/august_wilson_a_case_m.html",
  61121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61122.             "Title": "The Street",
  61123.             "Category": "HUM",
  61124.             "Description": "PBS exhibits a painting by Romare Bearden.",
  61125.             "Year": 0
  61126.         },
  61127.         {
  61128.             "RIT": "ws203830",
  61129.             "Type": "WS",
  61130.             "URL": "http://www.mcmichael.com/macdonal.htm",
  61131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61132.             "Title": "Algoma Waterfal",
  61133.             "Category": "HUM",
  61134.             "Description": "J.E.H. MacDonald's painting from the McMichael Canadian Art Collection in Kleinburg, Ontario.",
  61135.             "Year": 0
  61136.         },
  61137.         {
  61138.             "RIT": "ws203831",
  61139.             "Type": "WS",
  61140.             "URL": "http://www.amarilloart.org/henri.html",
  61141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61142.             "Title": "Macedonia--Portrait of a Pueblo Indian Girl",
  61143.             "Category": "HUM",
  61144.             "Description": "Robert Henri's painting exhibited by the Amarillo Art Museum in Amarillo, Texas.",
  61145.             "Year": 0
  61146.         },
  61147.         {
  61148.             "RIT": "ws203832",
  61149.             "Type": "WS",
  61150.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=john&=And&=Yes&=sloan&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  61151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61152.             "Title": "John Sloan",
  61153.             "Category": "HUM",
  61154.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  61155.             "Year": 0
  61156.         },
  61157.         {
  61158.             "RIT": "ws203834",
  61159.             "Type": "WS",
  61160.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page429.html",
  61161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61162.             "Title": "Pieter Bruegel the Elder's cycle of the seasons",
  61163.             "Category": "HUM",
  61164.             "Description": "Exhibited by the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  61165.             "Year": 0
  61166.         },
  61167.         {
  61168.             "RIT": "ws203836",
  61169.             "Type": "WS",
  61170.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/seattle/seahome.htm",
  61171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61172.             "Title": "Seattle: A National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary",
  61173.             "Category": "GEO",
  61174.             "Description": "The National Park Service presents a guide to visiting historic sites in Seattle. Site includes resources for educators.",
  61175.             "Year": 0
  61176.         },
  61177.         {
  61178.             "RIT": "ws203837",
  61179.             "Type": "WS",
  61180.             "URL": "http://www.sandiegomuseum.org/lautrec/index.html",
  61181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61182.             "Title": "The Posters of Toulouse-Lautrec",
  61183.             "Category": "HUM",
  61184.             "Description": "An online exhibit from the San Diego Museum of Art.",
  61185.             "Year": 0
  61186.         },
  61187.         {
  61188.             "RIT": "ws203847",
  61189.             "Type": "WS",
  61190.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/i57.html",
  61191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61192.             "Title": "SIR ENDIMION PORTER AND VAN DYCK",
  61193.             "Category": "HUM",
  61194.             "Description": "A painting by Anton Van Dyck from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  61195.             "Year": 0
  61196.         },
  61197.         {
  61198.             "RIT": "ws203848",
  61199.             "Type": "WS",
  61200.             "URL": "http://www.whitney.org/collection/featured/intro.html",
  61201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61202.             "Title": "Louise Nevelson",
  61203.             "Category": "HUM",
  61204.             "Description": "An artist profile from the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City.",
  61205.             "Year": 0
  61206.         },
  61207.         {
  61208.             "RIT": "ws203849",
  61209.             "Type": "WS",
  61210.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=27000",
  61211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61212.             "Title": "Untitled",
  61213.             "Category": "HUM",
  61214.             "Description": "A painting by Mark Rothko from the Baum Gallery of Fine Art at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway, Arkansas.",
  61215.             "Year": 0
  61216.         },
  61217.         {
  61218.             "RIT": "ws203850",
  61219.             "Type": "WS",
  61220.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=&=And&=Yes&=dyck&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  61221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61222.             "Title": "Anthony van Dyck",
  61223.             "Category": "HUM",
  61224.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  61225.             "Year": 0
  61226.         },
  61227.         {
  61228.             "RIT": "ws203851",
  61229.             "Type": "WS",
  61230.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/000291/",
  61231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61232.             "Title": "Angel of Death",
  61233.             "Category": "HUM",
  61234.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., presents a woodcut by Leonard Baskin and information about his other works.",
  61235.             "Year": 0
  61236.         },
  61237.         {
  61238.             "RIT": "ws203853",
  61239.             "Type": "WS",
  61240.             "URL": "http://www.museum.cornell.edu/HFJ/handbook/hb178.html",
  61241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61242.             "Title": "Portrait of Carl Sprinchorn",
  61243.             "Category": "HUM",
  61244.             "Description": "The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, displays a painting by Robert Henri with information about the author.",
  61245.             "Year": 0
  61246.         },
  61247.         {
  61248.             "RIT": "ws203854",
  61249.             "Type": "WS",
  61250.             "URL": "http://www.artchive.com/artchive/J/johns/flag.jpg.html",
  61251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61252.             "Title": "Flag",
  61253.             "Category": "HUM",
  61254.             "Description": "PBS presents a work by Jasper Johns.",
  61255.             "Year": 0
  61256.         },
  61257.         {
  61258.             "RIT": "ws203855",
  61259.             "Type": "WS",
  61260.             "URL": "http://news6.thdo.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_545000/545452.stm",
  61261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61262.             "Title": "BBC News: ETA--Key Events",
  61263.             "Category": "SOC",
  61264.             "Description": "A time line describing key events of the Basque separatist movemnent in Spain.",
  61265.             "Year": 0
  61266.         },
  61267.         {
  61268.             "RIT": "ws203856",
  61269.             "Type": "WS",
  61270.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=2&full=0&item=94%2E14",
  61271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61272.             "Title": "Andrew Jackson",
  61273.             "Category": "HUM",
  61274.             "Description": "A marble bust by Hiram Powers from the Metropolitan Museum in New York City.",
  61275.             "Year": 0
  61276.         },
  61277.         {
  61278.             "RIT": "ws203857",
  61279.             "Type": "WS",
  61280.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/virgin/30.374.html",
  61281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61282.             "Title": "The Wedding Dance",
  61283.             "Category": "HUM",
  61284.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts exhibits a painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.",
  61285.             "Year": 0
  61286.         },
  61287.         {
  61288.             "RIT": "ws203858",
  61289.             "Type": "WS",
  61290.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=27%2E137",
  61291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61292.             "Title": "The Young Virgin",
  61293.             "Category": "HUM",
  61294.             "Description": "Francisco de Zurbaran's painting dislpayed by the Metropolitan Museum in New York City.",
  61295.             "Year": 0
  61296.         },
  61297.         {
  61298.             "RIT": "ws203859",
  61299.             "Type": "WS",
  61300.             "URL": "http://burundi@burundi.org/",
  61301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61302.             "Title": "Burundi information",
  61303.             "Category": "GEO",
  61304.             "Description": "This site, sponsored by the German research organization Aktion Courage e.V.-Burundi Bureau, provides links to news sites, analysis and documents, archives, and discussion boards about Burundi.",
  61305.             "Year": 0
  61306.         },
  61307.         {
  61308.             "RIT": "ws203860",
  61309.             "Type": "WS",
  61310.             "URL": "http://www.glencairnmuseum.org/NewChurchArt.html",
  61311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61312.             "Title": "New Church Art Collection",
  61313.             "Category": "HUM",
  61314.             "Description": "Glencairn Museum in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania, exhibits artworks by John Flaxman, William Blake, Hiram Powers, and George Inness.",
  61315.             "Year": 0
  61316.         },
  61317.         {
  61318.             "RIT": "ws203861",
  61319.             "Type": "WS",
  61320.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/003669/",
  61321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61322.             "Title": "Grey Sun",
  61323.             "Category": "HUM",
  61324.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., displays a sculpture by Isamu Noguchi.",
  61325.             "Year": 0
  61326.         },
  61327.         {
  61328.             "RIT": "ws203862",
  61329.             "Type": "WS",
  61330.             "URL": "http://www.tnr.com/archive/1996/12/120296/perl120296.html",
  61331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61332.             "Title": "JED PERL ON ART: FLAG BURNING",
  61333.             "Category": "HUM",
  61334.             "Description": "A New Republic article on the art of Jasper Johns.",
  61335.             "Year": 0
  61336.         },
  61337.         {
  61338.             "RIT": "ws203863",
  61339.             "Type": "WS",
  61340.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/index.html",
  61341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61342.             "Title": "Arctic Studies Center",
  61343.             "Category": "GEO",
  61344.             "Description": "The home page of the Arctic Studies Center of the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution.",
  61345.             "Year": 0
  61346.         },
  61347.         {
  61348.             "RIT": "ws203864",
  61349.             "Type": "WS",
  61350.             "URL": "http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/Features/ArtHit/VanDyck/VanDyck.htm",
  61351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61352.             "Title": "Pompone II de Belli├¿vre",
  61353.             "Category": "HUM",
  61354.             "Description": "Sir Anthony Van Dyck's painting from the Seattle Art Museum.",
  61355.             "Year": 0
  61356.         },
  61357.         {
  61358.             "RIT": "ws203865",
  61359.             "Type": "WS",
  61360.             "URL": "http://www.frc.ri.cmu.edu/robotics-faq/",
  61361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61362.             "Title": "Robotics Frequently Asked Questions List",
  61363.             "Category": "IND",
  61364.             "Description": "Questions and answers about robotics, from Carnegie Mellon University.",
  61365.             "Year": 0
  61366.         },
  61367.         {
  61368.             "RIT": "ws203875",
  61369.             "Type": "WS",
  61370.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page169.html",
  61371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61372.             "Title": "Infanta Margarita Teresa in a Blue Dress",
  61373.             "Category": "HUM",
  61374.             "Description": "Diego Velazquez's painting from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  61375.             "Year": 0
  61376.         },
  61377.         {
  61378.             "RIT": "ws203877",
  61379.             "Type": "WS",
  61380.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=55300",
  61381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61382.             "Title": "Alexander Calder",
  61383.             "Category": "HUM",
  61384.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., displays works by the artist.",
  61385.             "Year": 0
  61386.         },
  61387.         {
  61388.             "RIT": "ws203878",
  61389.             "Type": "WS",
  61390.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=9&full=0&item=1998%2E479",
  61391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61392.             "Title": "Usuyuki",
  61393.             "Category": "HUM",
  61394.             "Description": "A silkscreen by Jasper Johns from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  61395.             "Year": 0
  61396.         },
  61397.         {
  61398.             "RIT": "ws203879",
  61399.             "Type": "WS",
  61400.             "URL": "http://www.caa.co.uk/",
  61401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61402.             "Title": "CAA -- Civil Aviation Authority",
  61403.             "Category": "IND",
  61404.             "Description": "Web site of the Civil Aviation Authority of Great Britain.",
  61405.             "Year": 0
  61406.         },
  61407.         {
  61408.             "RIT": "ws203880",
  61409.             "Type": "WS",
  61410.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=592&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  61411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61412.             "Title": "Paolo Veronese",
  61413.             "Category": "HUM",
  61414.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Musuem in Los Angeles.",
  61415.             "Year": 0
  61416.         },
  61417.         {
  61418.             "RIT": "ws203881",
  61419.             "Type": "WS",
  61420.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/1998/dom/980504/the_arts.art.the_merry_m20.html",
  61421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61422.             "Title": "The Merry Modernist",
  61423.             "Category": "HUM",
  61424.             "Description": "A TIME Magazine article on the art of Alexander Calder.",
  61425.             "Year": 0
  61426.         },
  61427.         {
  61428.             "RIT": "ws203882",
  61429.             "Type": "WS",
  61430.             "URL": "http://www.chinati.org/english2/collection/oldenburg.htm",
  61431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61432.             "Title": "Monument to the Last Horse",
  61433.             "Category": "HUM",
  61434.             "Description": "A sculpture by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen displayed by the The Chinati Foundation in Marfa, Texas.",
  61435.             "Year": 0
  61436.         },
  61437.         {
  61438.             "RIT": "ws203883",
  61439.             "Type": "WS",
  61440.             "URL": "http://www.DocuWeb.ca/SiSpain/english/index.html",
  61441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61442.             "Title": "Si, Spain",
  61443.             "Category": "GEO",
  61444.             "Description": "Information about Spanish history, government, and culture produced by the Spanish Embassy in Ottawa, Canada",
  61445.             "Year": 0
  61446.         },
  61447.         {
  61448.             "RIT": "ws203884",
  61449.             "Type": "WS",
  61450.             "URL": "http://www.oas.org/",
  61451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61452.             "Title": "Organization of American States",
  61453.             "Category": "GEO",
  61454.             "Description": "A group of nations promoting democracy and human rights in the western hemisphere.",
  61455.             "Year": 0
  61456.         },
  61457.         {
  61458.             "RIT": "ws203885",
  61459.             "Type": "WS",
  61460.             "URL": "http://www.natice.noaa.gov/",
  61461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61462.             "Title": "National Ice Center",
  61463.             "Category": "PHY",
  61464.             "Description": "A multi-agency operational center in Washington, D.C, that provides worldwide sea ice analyses and forecasts.",
  61465.             "Year": 0
  61466.         },
  61467.         {
  61468.             "RIT": "ws203866",
  61469.             "Type": "WS",
  61470.             "URL": "http://aoc.gov/art/nshpages/damien.htm",
  61471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61472.             "Title": "Father Damien",
  61473.             "Category": "HUM",
  61474.             "Description": "A bronze sculpture by Marisol Escobar from the National Statuary Hall Collection in Washington, D.C.",
  61475.             "Year": 0
  61476.         },
  61477.         {
  61478.             "RIT": "ws203867",
  61479.             "Type": "WS",
  61480.             "URL": "http://www.iata.org/index.asp",
  61481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61482.             "Title": "IATA -- International Air Transport Association",
  61483.             "Category": "SOC",
  61484.             "Description": "Web site of the International Air Transport Association.",
  61485.             "Year": 0
  61486.         },
  61487.         {
  61488.             "RIT": "ws203868",
  61489.             "Type": "WS",
  61490.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=17350",
  61491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61492.             "Title": "John La Farge",
  61493.             "Category": "HUM",
  61494.             "Description": "Biography and artworks from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  61495.             "Year": 0
  61496.         },
  61497.         {
  61498.             "RIT": "ws203869",
  61499.             "Type": "WS",
  61500.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv0142/peint_f.htm",
  61501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61502.             "Title": "The Wedding Feast at Cana",
  61503.             "Category": "HUM",
  61504.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris presents a painting by Paolo Caliari, known as Veronese.",
  61505.             "Year": 0
  61506.         },
  61507.         {
  61508.             "RIT": "ws203870",
  61509.             "Type": "WS",
  61510.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Dyck.html_f/Dyck.html",
  61511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61512.             "Title": "Sir Anthony van Dyck",
  61513.             "Category": "HUM",
  61514.             "Description": "Works from the California State University Library in Long Beach.",
  61515.             "Year": 0
  61516.         },
  61517.         {
  61518.             "RIT": "ws203871",
  61519.             "Type": "WS",
  61520.             "URL": "http://www.wadsworthatheneum.org/europnt2.htm",
  61521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61522.             "Title": "Saint Serapion",
  61523.             "Category": "HUM",
  61524.             "Description": "Francisco de Zurbaran's painting displayed by the the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut.",
  61525.             "Year": 0
  61526.         },
  61527.         {
  61528.             "RIT": "ws203872",
  61529.             "Type": "WS",
  61530.             "URL": "http://www.the-wallace-collection.org.uk/c/w_a/p_w_d/f/a/vigee_le_brun.htm",
  61531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61532.             "Title": "Elisabeth-Louise Vigee le Brun",
  61533.             "Category": "HUM",
  61534.             "Description": "Biography and artworks from the Wallace Collection in London.",
  61535.             "Year": 0
  61536.         },
  61537.         {
  61538.             "RIT": "ws203873",
  61539.             "Type": "WS",
  61540.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1998%2E329",
  61541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61542.             "Title": "White Flag",
  61543.             "Category": "HUM",
  61544.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City exhibits a painting by Jasper Johns.",
  61545.             "Year": 0
  61546.         },
  61547.         {
  61548.             "RIT": "ws203874",
  61549.             "Type": "WS",
  61550.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Nevelson_L/SSII.html",
  61551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61552.             "Title": "Mountain Figure",
  61553.             "Category": "HUM",
  61554.             "Description": "Louise Nevelson's sculpture from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  61555.             "Year": 0
  61556.         },
  61557.         {
  61558.             "RIT": "ws203886",
  61559.             "Type": "WS",
  61560.             "URL": "http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/lunar/apollo_11_30th.html",
  61561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61562.             "Title": "30th anniversary of Apollo 11: 1969 - 1999",
  61563.             "Category": "IND",
  61564.             "Description": "NASA Web site about Apollo 11.",
  61565.             "Year": 0
  61566.         },
  61567.         {
  61568.             "RIT": "ws203887",
  61569.             "Type": "WS",
  61570.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=2&full=0&item=34%2E134",
  61571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61572.             "Title": "Portrait of the Painter",
  61573.             "Category": "HUM",
  61574.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by John La Farge.",
  61575.             "Year": 0
  61576.         },
  61577.         {
  61578.             "RIT": "ws203888",
  61579.             "Type": "WS",
  61580.             "URL": "http://www.the-wallace-collection.org.uk/c/w_a/p_w_d/d_f/a/van_dyck.htm",
  61581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61582.             "Title": "Anthony van Dyck",
  61583.             "Category": "HUM",
  61584.             "Description": "The Wallace Collection in London presents a biograph of the artist and images of his work.",
  61585.             "Year": 0
  61586.         },
  61587.         {
  61588.             "RIT": "ws203889",
  61589.             "Type": "WS",
  61590.             "URL": "http://www.afrika.no/index/Countries/Burundi/index.html",
  61591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61592.             "Title": "Index on Africa: Country pages: Burundi",
  61593.             "Category": "GEO",
  61594.             "Description": "From The Norwegian Council for Africa, an index of various links that deal with the issues in Burundi.",
  61595.             "Year": 0
  61596.         },
  61597.         {
  61598.             "RIT": "ws203890",
  61599.             "Type": "WS",
  61600.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/French_D/ALincoln_SS.html",
  61601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61602.             "Title": "Abraham Lincoln",
  61603.             "Category": "HUM",
  61604.             "Description": "PBS presents Daniel Chester French's sculpture from the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.",
  61605.             "Year": 0
  61606.         },
  61607.         {
  61608.             "RIT": "ws203891",
  61609.             "Type": "WS",
  61610.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Oldenburg_C/FFT.html",
  61611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61612.             "Title": "N.Y.C. Pretzel",
  61613.             "Category": "HUM",
  61614.             "Description": "Artwork by Claes Oldenburg from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  61615.             "Year": 0
  61616.         },
  61617.         {
  61618.             "RIT": "ws203892",
  61619.             "Type": "WS",
  61620.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.go.jp/col/p1994-0001.html",
  61621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61622.             "Title": "The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine",
  61623.             "Category": "HUM",
  61624.             "Description": "Paolo Veronese's painting from the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo.",
  61625.             "Year": 0
  61626.         },
  61627.         {
  61628.             "RIT": "ws203893",
  61629.             "Type": "WS",
  61630.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=60%2E71%2E19",
  61631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61632.             "Title": "Self-portrait",
  61633.             "Category": "HUM",
  61634.             "Description": "A painting by Elisabeth Louise Vigee Le Brun from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  61635.             "Year": 0
  61636.         },
  61637.         {
  61638.             "RIT": "ws203894",
  61639.             "Type": "WS",
  61640.             "URL": "http://www.byu.edu/moa/exhibits/Current%20Exhibits/150years/820045600.html",
  61641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61642.             "Title": "Portrait of Fay Bainter",
  61643.             "Category": "HUM",
  61644.             "Description": "The Brigham Young University Museum of Art in Provo, Utah, displays a painting by Robert Henri.",
  61645.             "Year": 0
  61646.         },
  61647.         {
  61648.             "RIT": "ws203904",
  61649.             "Type": "WS",
  61650.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/collections/painting+sculpture/ma_coll_rauschenberg.html",
  61651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61652.             "Title": "Collection (formerly Untitled)",
  61653.             "Category": "HUM",
  61654.             "Description": "The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art presents a painting by Robert Rauschenberg.",
  61655.             "Year": 0
  61656.         },
  61657.         {
  61658.             "RIT": "ws203905",
  61659.             "Type": "WS",
  61660.             "URL": "http://www.astdhpphe.org/infect/chicken.html",
  61661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61662.             "Title": "Chickenpox Facts",
  61663.             "Category": "LIF",
  61664.             "Description": "A page sponsored by the Association of State and Territorial Directors of Health Promotion and Public Health Education that answers general questions about chickenpox.",
  61665.             "Year": 0
  61666.         },
  61667.         {
  61668.             "RIT": "ws203906",
  61669.             "Type": "WS",
  61670.             "URL": "http://www.usc.edu/schools/annenberg/asc/projects/comm544/library/images/571.html",
  61671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61672.             "Title": "F-111",
  61673.             "Category": "HUM",
  61674.             "Description": "PBS displays a painting by James Rosenquist online.",
  61675.             "Year": 0
  61676.         },
  61677.         {
  61678.             "RIT": "ws203907",
  61679.             "Type": "WS",
  61680.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/prints/93pc_johns.html",
  61681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61682.             "Title": "0 through 9",
  61683.             "Category": "HUM",
  61684.             "Description": "A painting by Jasper Johns from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  61685.             "Year": 0
  61686.         },
  61687.         {
  61688.             "RIT": "ws203908",
  61689.             "Type": "WS",
  61690.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec99/merce_8-24.html",
  61691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61692.             "Title": "A Life of Dance",
  61693.             "Category": "HUM",
  61694.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour that focused on the career of Merce Cunningham.",
  61695.             "Year": 0
  61696.         },
  61697.         {
  61698.             "RIT": "ws203909",
  61699.             "Type": "WS",
  61700.             "URL": "http://www.ps.uci.edu/~superk/neutrino.html",
  61701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61702.             "Title": "What is a Neutrino?",
  61703.             "Category": "PHY",
  61704.             "Description": "Basic information about neutrinos from the University of California Irvine School of Physical Sciences.",
  61705.             "Year": 0
  61706.         },
  61707.         {
  61708.             "RIT": "ws203910",
  61709.             "Type": "WS",
  61710.             "URL": "http://www.walkerart.org/resources/res_msg_noguchi1.html",
  61711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61712.             "Title": "THEATER SET ELEMENT FROM JUDITH",
  61713.             "Category": "HUM",
  61714.             "Description": "Isamu Noguchi's sculpture from the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden.",
  61715.             "Year": 0
  61716.         },
  61717.         {
  61718.             "RIT": "ws203911",
  61719.             "Type": "WS",
  61720.             "URL": "http://www.mauritshuis.nl/english/collectie/portretten/van_dyck_totaal.html",
  61721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61722.             "Title": "Anthonie van Dyck",
  61723.             "Category": "HUM",
  61724.             "Description": "Two portraits exhibited by the Mauritshuis Royal Picture Gallery in The Hague, Netherlands.",
  61725.             "Year": 0
  61726.         },
  61727.         {
  61728.             "RIT": "ws203912",
  61729.             "Type": "WS",
  61730.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/result.asp?Artist=courbet",
  61731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61732.             "Title": "Jean-Desire-Gustave Courbet",
  61733.             "Category": "HUM",
  61734.             "Description": "Artworks from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  61735.             "Year": 0
  61736.         },
  61737.         {
  61738.             "RIT": "ws203922",
  61739.             "Type": "WS",
  61740.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/amerart/ashcan/23.19.html",
  61741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61742.             "Title": "Winter",
  61743.             "Category": "HUM",
  61744.             "Description": "Ernest Lawson's painting from the Detroit Institute of Arts.",
  61745.             "Year": 0
  61746.         },
  61747.         {
  61748.             "RIT": "ws203923",
  61749.             "Type": "WS",
  61750.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Noguchi_I/SSII.html",
  61751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61752.             "Title": "Song of the Bird",
  61753.             "Category": "HUM",
  61754.             "Description": "A work of art by Isamu Noguchi from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  61755.             "Year": 0
  61756.         },
  61757.         {
  61758.             "RIT": "ws203924",
  61759.             "Type": "WS",
  61760.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1808",
  61761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61762.             "Title": "Barnett Newman",
  61763.             "Category": "HUM",
  61764.             "Description": "The Tate Gallery in London presents a biography of that artist and images of his work.",
  61765.             "Year": 0
  61766.         },
  61767.         {
  61768.             "RIT": "ws203925",
  61769.             "Type": "WS",
  61770.             "URL": "http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/ARHU/Depts/ArtGal/.WWW/permcol/tour/20thcent/20th15.htm",
  61771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61772.             "Title": "Black by Yellow",
  61773.             "Category": "HUM",
  61774.             "Description": "A lithograph on paper by Mark Tobey displayed by the Art Gallery at the University of Maryland in College Park.",
  61775.             "Year": 0
  61776.         },
  61777.         {
  61778.             "RIT": "ws203926",
  61779.             "Type": "WS",
  61780.             "URL": "http://www.cartermuseum.org/rights_set.html",
  61781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61782.             "Title": "Chimney and Water Tower",
  61783.             "Category": "HUM",
  61784.             "Description": "This page from the Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth, Texas, features the painting by Charles Demuth.",
  61785.             "Year": 0
  61786.         },
  61787.         {
  61788.             "RIT": "ws203927",
  61789.             "Type": "WS",
  61790.             "URL": "http://www.calneva.com/GALLERY/LASTBFLO.HTM",
  61791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61792.             "Title": "The Last of the Buffalo",
  61793.             "Category": "HUM",
  61794.             "Description": "PBS presents a painting by Albert Bierstadt.",
  61795.             "Year": 0
  61796.         },
  61797.         {
  61798.             "RIT": "ws203928",
  61799.             "Type": "WS",
  61800.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/European/1940.300.html",
  61801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61802.             "Title": "Gustave Courbet: Woman with a Cat",
  61803.             "Category": "HUM",
  61804.             "Description": "A painting exhibited by the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  61805.             "Year": 0
  61806.         },
  61807.         {
  61808.             "RIT": "ws203929",
  61809.             "Type": "WS",
  61810.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=49%2E70%2E105",
  61811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61812.             "Title": "Brooklyn Bridge",
  61813.             "Category": "HUM",
  61814.             "Description": "John Marin's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  61815.             "Year": 0
  61816.         },
  61817.         {
  61818.             "RIT": "ws203930",
  61819.             "Type": "WS",
  61820.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=corot+jean+baptiste+camille&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  61821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61822.             "Title": "Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot",
  61823.             "Category": "HUM",
  61824.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  61825.             "Year": 0
  61826.         },
  61827.         {
  61828.             "RIT": "ws203940",
  61829.             "Type": "WS",
  61830.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=17%2E120%2E209",
  61831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61832.             "Title": "Autumn Landscape with a Flock of Turkeys",
  61833.             "Category": "HUM",
  61834.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by Jean-Francois Millet.",
  61835.             "Year": 0
  61836.         },
  61837.         {
  61838.             "RIT": "ws203941",
  61839.             "Type": "WS",
  61840.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv1180/peint_f.htm",
  61841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61842.             "Title": "Venus Standing in a Landscape",
  61843.             "Category": "HUM",
  61844.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris presents a wood panel painted by Lucas Cranach the Elder.",
  61845.             "Year": 0
  61846.         },
  61847.         {
  61848.             "RIT": "ws203942",
  61849.             "Type": "WS",
  61850.             "URL": "http://www.high.org/henri.htm",
  61851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61852.             "Title": "Identity",
  61853.             "Category": "HUM",
  61854.             "Description": "The High Museum of Art in Atlanta presents a painting by Robert Henri.",
  61855.             "Year": 0
  61856.         },
  61857.         {
  61858.             "RIT": "ws203943",
  61859.             "Type": "WS",
  61860.             "URL": "http://www.mcmichael.com/macdonal.htm",
  61861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61862.             "Title": "J.E.H. MacDonald",
  61863.             "Category": "HUM",
  61864.             "Description": "Biographical information from the Hart House at the University of Toronto.",
  61865.             "Year": 0
  61866.         },
  61867.         {
  61868.             "RIT": "ws203944",
  61869.             "Type": "WS",
  61870.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june99/miller_2-10.html",
  61871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61872.             "Title": "An American Classic",
  61873.             "Category": "HUM",
  61874.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of a NewsHour discussion about the 50th anniversary revival of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman.",
  61875.             "Year": 0
  61876.         },
  61877.         {
  61878.             "RIT": "ws203945",
  61879.             "Type": "WS",
  61880.             "URL": "http://www.cc.ukans.edu/~sma/smahome/collection/elapia.htm",
  61881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61882.             "Title": "La Pia de Tolommei",
  61883.             "Category": "HUM",
  61884.             "Description": "Dante Gabriel Rossetti's painting by the Spencer Art Museum at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.",
  61885.             "Year": 0
  61886.         },
  61887.         {
  61888.             "RIT": "ws203946",
  61889.             "Type": "WS",
  61890.             "URL": "http://www.cartermuseum.org/sdavis.html",
  61891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61892.             "Title": "Eggbeater No. 2",
  61893.             "Category": "HUM",
  61894.             "Description": "This page from the Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth, Texas, features the painting by Stuart Davis.",
  61895.             "Year": 0
  61896.         },
  61897.         {
  61898.             "RIT": "ws203948",
  61899.             "Type": "WS",
  61900.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_owzEOq",
  61901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61902.             "Title": "Segovia",
  61903.             "Category": "HUM",
  61904.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents Ernest Lawson's painting as an online postcard.",
  61905.             "Year": 0
  61906.         },
  61907.         {
  61908.             "RIT": "ws203949",
  61909.             "Type": "WS",
  61910.             "URL": "http://www.the-wallace-collection.org.uk/c/w_a/p_w_d/f/a/gericault.htm",
  61911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61912.             "Title": "(Jean-Louis-Andre-)Theodore Gericault",
  61913.             "Category": "HUM",
  61914.             "Description": "The Wallace Collection in London diplays works by the artist and an artist biography.",
  61915.             "Year": 0
  61916.         },
  61917.         {
  61918.             "RIT": "ws203959",
  61919.             "Type": "WS",
  61920.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=corot",
  61921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61922.             "Title": "Camille Corot",
  61923.             "Category": "HUM",
  61924.             "Description": "Artworks from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  61925.             "Year": 0
  61926.         },
  61927.         {
  61928.             "RIT": "ws203960",
  61929.             "Type": "WS",
  61930.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/cntoc.html",
  61931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61932.             "Title": "Library of Congress Country Studies: China",
  61933.             "Category": "GEO",
  61934.             "Description": "Comprehensive information from the U.S. Library of Congress about all aspects of the politics, culture, history, and geography of China.",
  61935.             "Year": 0
  61936.         },
  61937.         {
  61938.             "RIT": "ws203961",
  61939.             "Type": "WS",
  61940.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Beckmann.htm",
  61941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61942.             "Title": "Hotel Lobby",
  61943.             "Category": "HUM",
  61944.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Max Beckmann with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  61945.             "Year": 0
  61946.         },
  61947.         {
  61948.             "RIT": "ws203962",
  61949.             "Type": "WS",
  61950.             "URL": "http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/lunar/apollo.html",
  61951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61952.             "Title": "The Apollo Program (1963 - 1972)",
  61953.             "Category": "IND",
  61954.             "Description": "NASA Web site about the Apollo Program.",
  61955.             "Year": 0
  61956.         },
  61957.         {
  61958.             "RIT": "ws203963",
  61959.             "Type": "WS",
  61960.             "URL": "http://www.byu.edu/moa/exhibits/Current%20Exhibits/150years/830025100.html",
  61961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61962.             "Title": "Near Salt Lake City, Utah",
  61963.             "Category": "HUM",
  61964.             "Description": "The Brigham Young University Museum of Art in Provo, Utah, presents a painting by Albert Bierstadt.",
  61965.             "Year": 0
  61966.         },
  61967.         {
  61968.             "RIT": "ws203964",
  61969.             "Type": "WS",
  61970.             "URL": "http://www.iht.com/IHT/ART/99/sm090499.html",
  61971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61972.             "Title": "Turner's Abstract Majesty",
  61973.             "Category": "HUM",
  61974.             "Description": "An International Herald Tribune article on the art of J. M. W. Turner.",
  61975.             "Year": 0
  61976.         },
  61977.         {
  61978.             "RIT": "ws203965",
  61979.             "Type": "WS",
  61980.             "URL": "http://www.mcny.org/Painting/pttcat76-81.htm",
  61981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61982.             "Title": "Six of Eight studies for a mural intended for the Central Park Casino",
  61983.             "Category": "HUM",
  61984.             "Description": "The Museum of the City of New York presents work by artist Ben Shahn.",
  61985.             "Year": 0
  61986.         },
  61987.         {
  61988.             "RIT": "ws203966",
  61989.             "Type": "WS",
  61990.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/december96/degas_12-2.html",
  61991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  61992.             "Title": "Beyond Impressionism",
  61993.             "Category": "HUM",
  61994.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour that focused on the art of Edgar Degas.",
  61995.             "Year": 0
  61996.         },
  61997.         {
  61998.             "RIT": "ws203967",
  61999.             "Type": "WS",
  62000.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec98/vangogh_12-23.html",
  62001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62002.             "Title": "Portrait of the Artist",
  62003.             "Category": "HUM",
  62004.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of a NewsHour discussion about the art of Vincent Van Gogh.",
  62005.             "Year": 0
  62006.         },
  62007.         {
  62008.             "RIT": "ws203978",
  62009.             "Type": "WS",
  62010.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.go.jp/col/p1959-0062.html",
  62011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62012.             "Title": "Waves",
  62013.             "Category": "HUM",
  62014.             "Description": "Gustave Courbet's painting from the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo.",
  62015.             "Year": 0
  62016.         },
  62017.         {
  62018.             "RIT": "ws203980",
  62019.             "Type": "WS",
  62020.             "URL": "http://whales.ot.com/whales/cetacean/spotted_dolphin/home.html",
  62021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62022.             "Title": "Whale Songs * Cetacean Information * Spotted Dolphin",
  62023.             "Category": "LIF",
  62024.             "Description": "Whale Song's site about spotted dolphins.",
  62025.             "Year": 0
  62026.         },
  62027.         {
  62028.             "RIT": "ws203981",
  62029.             "Type": "WS",
  62030.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/archive/1996/dom/960219/art.html",
  62031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62032.             "Title": "The Epic of the Century",
  62033.             "Category": "HUM",
  62034.             "Description": "A TIME Magazine article on the Ashcan School of artists.",
  62035.             "Year": 0
  62036.         },
  62037.         {
  62038.             "RIT": "ws203982",
  62039.             "Type": "WS",
  62040.             "URL": "http://www.ou.edu/fjjma/collections/state_department/shahn-renascence.html",
  62041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62042.             "Title": "Renascence",
  62043.             "Category": "HUM",
  62044.             "Description": "Ben Shahn's painting from the The Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at the University of Oklahoma in Norman.",
  62045.             "Year": 0
  62046.         },
  62047.         {
  62048.             "RIT": "ws203983",
  62049.             "Type": "WS",
  62050.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=30683+0+none",
  62051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62052.             "Title": "Both Members of This Club",
  62053.             "Category": "HUM",
  62054.             "Description": "PBS exhibits a painting by George Bellows.",
  62055.             "Year": 0
  62056.         },
  62057.         {
  62058.             "RIT": "ws203984",
  62059.             "Type": "WS",
  62060.             "URL": "http://www.iht.com/IHT/ART/99/sm103099.html",
  62061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62062.             "Title": "Drawings Reveal a New Van Dyck",
  62063.             "Category": "HUM",
  62064.             "Description": "An International Herald Tribune article on the art of Anthony van Dyck.",
  62065.             "Year": 0
  62066.         },
  62067.         {
  62068.             "RIT": "ws203985",
  62069.             "Type": "WS",
  62070.             "URL": "http://www.corcoran.org/VirtualGallery/museum_exhibitions/NWFO/5.htm",
  62071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62072.             "Title": "Mount Corcoran",
  62073.             "Category": "HUM",
  62074.             "Description": "Albert Bierstadt's painting from the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  62075.             "Year": 0
  62076.         },
  62077.         {
  62078.             "RIT": "ws203986",
  62079.             "Type": "WS",
  62080.             "URL": "http://www.valpo.edu/artmuseum/collections/amernational/sloan.html",
  62081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62082.             "Title": "Pile Driver",
  62083.             "Category": "HUM",
  62084.             "Description": "The Brauer Musuem of Art at Valparaiso University in Valparaiso, Indiana, presents a painting by John Sloan.",
  62085.             "Year": 0
  62086.         },
  62087.         {
  62088.             "RIT": "ws203987",
  62089.             "Type": "WS",
  62090.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/index.asp?lang=e&id_pic=10",
  62091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62092.             "Title": "Horses in the Paddock",
  62093.             "Category": "HUM",
  62094.             "Description": "Theodore Gericault's painting from the E.G. Buehrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  62095.             "Year": 0
  62096.         },
  62097.         {
  62098.             "RIT": "ws203988",
  62099.             "Type": "WS",
  62100.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/arthur_bowen_davies_1862.htm",
  62101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62102.             "Title": "Arethusa",
  62103.             "Category": "HUM",
  62104.             "Description": "Arthur Bowen Davies's painting from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  62105.             "Year": 0
  62106.         },
  62107.         {
  62108.             "RIT": "ws203989",
  62109.             "Type": "WS",
  62110.             "URL": "http://www.byu.edu/moa/exhibits/Current%20Exhibits/150years/820013900.html",
  62111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62112.             "Title": "Reginald Marsh",
  62113.             "Category": "HUM",
  62114.             "Description": "Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, presents a profile of the artist.",
  62115.             "Year": 0
  62116.         },
  62117.         {
  62118.             "RIT": "ws203990",
  62119.             "Type": "WS",
  62120.             "URL": "http://museoreinasofia.mcu.es/e/colecc/sala09/11051.htm",
  62121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62122.             "Title": "Calder mobile",
  62123.             "Category": "HUM",
  62124.             "Description": "An Alexander Calder mobile from the Reina Sofia National Museum in Madrid, Spain",
  62125.             "Year": 0
  62126.         },
  62127.         {
  62128.             "RIT": "ws203991",
  62129.             "Type": "WS",
  62130.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-24-06-96/a-lundi210.html",
  62131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62132.             "Title": "The Pool in the Woods",
  62133.             "Category": "HUM",
  62134.             "Description": "Gustave Courbet's painting from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  62135.             "Year": 0
  62136.         },
  62137.         {
  62138.             "RIT": "ws203992",
  62139.             "Type": "WS",
  62140.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntg24f.htm",
  62141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62142.             "Title": "The Three Soldiers",
  62143.             "Category": "HUM",
  62144.             "Description": "The Frick Collection in New York City displays a painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.",
  62145.             "Year": 0
  62146.         },
  62147.         {
  62148.             "RIT": "ws203993",
  62149.             "Type": "WS",
  62150.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=claes&=And&=Yes&=oldenburg&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  62151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62152.             "Title": "Claes Oldenburg",
  62153.             "Category": "HUM",
  62154.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  62155.             "Year": 0
  62156.         },
  62157.         {
  62158.             "RIT": "ws203994",
  62159.             "Type": "WS",
  62160.             "URL": "http://www.amarilloart.org/bellows.html",
  62161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62162.             "Title": "Portrait of a Blonde Boy",
  62163.             "Category": "HUM",
  62164.             "Description": "The Amarillo Museum of Art in Amarillo, Texas, presents a painting by George Bellows.",
  62165.             "Year": 0
  62166.         },
  62167.         {
  62168.             "RIT": "ws203995",
  62169.             "Type": "WS",
  62170.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=32100",
  62171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62172.             "Title": "Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun",
  62173.             "Category": "HUM",
  62174.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  62175.             "Year": 0
  62176.         },
  62177.         {
  62178.             "RIT": "ws203996",
  62179.             "Type": "WS",
  62180.             "URL": "http://www.joslyn.org/permcol/euro/pages/veronese.html",
  62181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62182.             "Title": "Venus at Her Toilette",
  62183.             "Category": "HUM",
  62184.             "Description": "The Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska, exhibits a painting by Veronese.",
  62185.             "Year": 0
  62186.         },
  62187.         {
  62188.             "RIT": "ws203997",
  62189.             "Type": "WS",
  62190.             "URL": "http://www.museothyssen.org/Ingles/museovirtual/fichas/obraampliada.asp?codigo=300",
  62191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62192.             "Title": "Green on Maroon",
  62193.             "Category": "HUM",
  62194.             "Description": "The Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in, Madrid, Spain, exhibits artwork by Mark Rothko.",
  62195.             "Year": 0
  62196.         },
  62197.         {
  62198.             "RIT": "ws203998",
  62199.             "Type": "WS",
  62200.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/amerart/ashcan/17.17.html",
  62201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62202.             "Title": "A Day in June",
  62203.             "Category": "HUM",
  62204.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts exhibits a painting by George Bellows.",
  62205.             "Year": 0
  62206.         },
  62207.         {
  62208.             "RIT": "ws203895",
  62209.             "Type": "WS",
  62210.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntgbi1f.htm#veronese",
  62211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62212.             "Title": "VERONESE, PAOLO (PAOLO CALIARI)",
  62213.             "Category": "HUM",
  62214.             "Description": "The Frick Collection in New York City exhibits two works by the artist.",
  62215.             "Year": 0
  62216.         },
  62217.         {
  62218.             "RIT": "ws203896",
  62219.             "Type": "WS",
  62220.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=2168&group=general&name=",
  62221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62222.             "Title": "Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec",
  62223.             "Category": "HUM",
  62224.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  62225.             "Year": 0
  62226.         },
  62227.         {
  62228.             "RIT": "ws203897",
  62229.             "Type": "WS",
  62230.             "URL": "http://www.acsonline.org/factpack/spermwhl.htm",
  62231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62232.             "Title": "Sperm Whale ACS Cetacean Fact Sheet",
  62233.             "Category": "LIF",
  62234.             "Description": "General information on the sperm whale by the American Cetacean Society (ACS).",
  62235.             "Year": 0
  62236.         },
  62237.         {
  62238.             "RIT": "ws203898",
  62239.             "Type": "WS",
  62240.             "URL": "http://www.batconservation.org/",
  62241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62242.             "Title": "Organization for Bat Conservation",
  62243.             "Category": "LIF",
  62244.             "Description": "Organization for Bat Conservation's site about the benefits of bats.",
  62245.             "Year": 0
  62246.         },
  62247.         {
  62248.             "RIT": "ws203899",
  62249.             "Type": "WS",
  62250.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=53%2E87a%2Di",
  62251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62252.             "Title": "Kouros",
  62253.             "Category": "HUM",
  62254.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a sculpture by Isamu Noguchi.",
  62255.             "Year": 0
  62256.         },
  62257.         {
  62258.             "RIT": "ws203900",
  62259.             "Type": "WS",
  62260.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage.mac/descrPage?selLang=English&indexClass=PICTURE_EN&PID=GJ-3897&numView=1&ID_NUM=2&thumbFile=",
  62261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62262.             "Title": "Landscape with a Dead Horse",
  62263.             "Category": "HUM",
  62264.             "Description": "A work by Gustave Courbet from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  62265.             "Year": 0
  62266.         },
  62267.         {
  62268.             "RIT": "ws203901",
  62269.             "Type": "WS",
  62270.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=55580+0+none",
  62271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62272.             "Title": "Circus Elephants",
  62273.             "Category": "HUM",
  62274.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., displays a painting by John Steuart Curry.",
  62275.             "Year": 0
  62276.         },
  62277.         {
  62278.             "RIT": "ws203902",
  62279.             "Type": "WS",
  62280.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=70295+0+none",
  62281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62282.             "Title": "Lake Lucerne",
  62283.             "Category": "HUM",
  62284.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents Albert Bierstadt's painting with an accompanying essay.",
  62285.             "Year": 0
  62286.         },
  62287.         {
  62288.             "RIT": "ws203903",
  62289.             "Type": "WS",
  62290.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_rvAFNJ",
  62291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62292.             "Title": "Ralph Albert Blakelock",
  62293.             "Category": "HUM",
  62294.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents works by the artist as online postards. Page one of a two page exhibit.",
  62295.             "Year": 0
  62296.         },
  62297.         {
  62298.             "RIT": "ws203913",
  62299.             "Type": "WS",
  62300.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=9400",
  62301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62302.             "Title": "Sir Anthony van Dyck",
  62303.             "Category": "HUM",
  62304.             "Description": "Works of art displayed by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  62305.             "Year": 0
  62306.         },
  62307.         {
  62308.             "RIT": "ws203914",
  62309.             "Type": "WS",
  62310.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=6250",
  62311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62312.             "Title": "Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot",
  62313.             "Category": "HUM",
  62314.             "Description": "Artworks by Corot and biographical information from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  62315.             "Year": 0
  62316.         },
  62317.         {
  62318.             "RIT": "ws203915",
  62319.             "Type": "WS",
  62320.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec97/streetcar_11-11.html",
  62321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62322.             "Title": "50 Years of Desire",
  62323.             "Category": "HUM",
  62324.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of a NewsHour discussion about Tennessee Williams' acclaimed drama.",
  62325.             "Year": 0
  62326.         },
  62327.         {
  62328.             "RIT": "ws203916",
  62329.             "Type": "WS",
  62330.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/002000/",
  62331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62332.             "Title": "Horatio Greenough",
  62333.             "Category": "HUM",
  62334.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  62335.             "Year": 0
  62336.         },
  62337.         {
  62338.             "RIT": "ws203917",
  62339.             "Type": "WS",
  62340.             "URL": "http://www.wesleyan.edu/dac/coll/thrd/sculptures.html",
  62341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62342.             "Title": "Black Zag Z",
  62343.             "Category": "HUM",
  62344.             "Description": "The Davison Art Center at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, presents a work by Louise Nevelson.",
  62345.             "Year": 0
  62346.         },
  62347.         {
  62348.             "RIT": "ws203918",
  62349.             "Type": "WS",
  62350.             "URL": "http://www.cc.ukans.edu/~sma/ensor/ensor.htm",
  62351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62352.             "Title": "James Ensor (Belgian, 1860-1949)",
  62353.             "Category": "HUM",
  62354.             "Description": "An essay and art images from the Spencer Art Museum at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.",
  62355.             "Year": 0
  62356.         },
  62357.         {
  62358.             "RIT": "ws203919",
  62359.             "Type": "WS",
  62360.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=87%2E15%2E21",
  62361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62362.             "Title": "A Peasant Girl Knitting",
  62363.             "Category": "HUM",
  62364.             "Description": "Jules Breton's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  62365.             "Year": 0
  62366.         },
  62367.         {
  62368.             "RIT": "ws203920",
  62369.             "Type": "WS",
  62370.             "URL": "http://www.wadsworthatheneum.org/ampaint4.htm",
  62371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62372.             "Title": "Military",
  62373.             "Category": "HUM",
  62374.             "Description": "Marsden Hartley's painting exhibited by the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut.",
  62375.             "Year": 0
  62376.         },
  62377.         {
  62378.             "RIT": "ws203921",
  62379.             "Type": "WS",
  62380.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page430.html",
  62381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62382.             "Title": "Pieter Bruegel the Elder: Hunters in the Snow",
  62383.             "Category": "HUM",
  62384.             "Description": "Bruegel's art from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  62385.             "Year": 0
  62386.         },
  62387.         {
  62388.             "RIT": "ws203931",
  62389.             "Type": "WS",
  62390.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=498&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  62391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62392.             "Title": "Theodore Gericault",
  62393.             "Category": "HUM",
  62394.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  62395.             "Year": 0
  62396.         },
  62397.         {
  62398.             "RIT": "ws203932",
  62399.             "Type": "WS",
  62400.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/shockwave/calhoun.html",
  62401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62402.             "Title": "John C. Calhoun",
  62403.             "Category": "HUM",
  62404.             "Description": "A marble sculpture by Hiram Powers. (Shockwave needed to view image)",
  62405.             "Year": 0
  62406.         },
  62407.         {
  62408.             "RIT": "ws203933",
  62409.             "Type": "WS",
  62410.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/COL1a4/COL34a.HTM",
  62411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62412.             "Title": "Lucas CRANACH",
  62413.             "Category": "HUM",
  62414.             "Description": "Paintings from the Fondation Bemberg Museum in Toulouse, France.",
  62415.             "Year": 0
  62416.         },
  62417.         {
  62418.             "RIT": "ws203934",
  62419.             "Type": "WS",
  62420.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/england/78.59.html",
  62421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62422.             "Title": "Leisure Hours",
  62423.             "Category": "HUM",
  62424.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts presents a painting by John Everett Millais.",
  62425.             "Year": 0
  62426.         },
  62427.         {
  62428.             "RIT": "ws203935",
  62429.             "Type": "WS",
  62430.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_YbVwce",
  62431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62432.             "Title": "Peace Concluded",
  62433.             "Category": "HUM",
  62434.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents Sir John Everett Millais's painting as an online postcard.",
  62435.             "Year": 0
  62436.         },
  62437.         {
  62438.             "RIT": "ws203936",
  62439.             "Type": "WS",
  62440.             "URL": "http://www.clag.org/museum/art/afterglow.html",
  62441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62442.             "Title": "Afterglow",
  62443.             "Category": "HUM",
  62444.             "Description": "A painting by Ralph Albert Blakelock from the Canajoharie Library and Art Gallery in Canajoharie, New York.",
  62445.             "Year": 0
  62446.         },
  62447.         {
  62448.             "RIT": "ws203937",
  62449.             "Type": "WS",
  62450.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/johns.html",
  62451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62452.             "Title": "Target",
  62453.             "Category": "HUM",
  62454.             "Description": "A collage by Jasper Johns presented by the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth in Fort Worth, Texas.",
  62455.             "Year": 0
  62456.         },
  62457.         {
  62458.             "RIT": "ws203938",
  62459.             "Type": "WS",
  62460.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Dove_A/SSI.html",
  62461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62462.             "Title": "Ten Cent Store",
  62463.             "Category": "HUM",
  62464.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln presents a painting by Arthur G. Dove.",
  62465.             "Year": 0
  62466.         },
  62467.         {
  62468.             "RIT": "ws203939",
  62469.             "Type": "WS",
  62470.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Prendergast_M/PC.html",
  62471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62472.             "Title": "Neponset Bay",
  62473.             "Category": "HUM",
  62474.             "Description": "A painting by Maurice Prendergast exhibited by the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  62475.             "Year": 0
  62476.         },
  62477.         {
  62478.             "RIT": "ws203950",
  62479.             "Type": "WS",
  62480.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=demuth+charles&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  62481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62482.             "Title": "From the Garden of the Chateau",
  62483.             "Category": "HUM",
  62484.             "Description": "Charles Demuth's painting from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  62485.             "Year": 0
  62486.         },
  62487.         {
  62488.             "RIT": "ws203951",
  62489.             "Type": "WS",
  62490.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=863&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  62491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62492.             "Title": "Joseph Mallord William Turner",
  62493.             "Category": "HUM",
  62494.             "Description": "An artist profile from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  62495.             "Year": 0
  62496.         },
  62497.         {
  62498.             "RIT": "ws203952",
  62499.             "Type": "WS",
  62500.             "URL": "http://www.galleriaborghese.it/borghese/en/evencra.htm",
  62501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62502.             "Title": "Venus and Cupid with a Honeycomb",
  62503.             "Category": "HUM",
  62504.             "Description": "Lucas Cranach's painting from the Galleria Borghese in Rome.",
  62505.             "Year": 0
  62506.         },
  62507.         {
  62508.             "RIT": "ws203953",
  62509.             "Type": "WS",
  62510.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Shinn_E/PC.html",
  62511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62512.             "Title": "Rue de L'Ecole de Medecine",
  62513.             "Category": "HUM",
  62514.             "Description": "Everett Shinn's painting from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  62515.             "Year": 0
  62516.         },
  62517.         {
  62518.             "RIT": "ws203954",
  62519.             "Type": "WS",
  62520.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/20century06.html",
  62521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62522.             "Title": "Untitled, 1949",
  62523.             "Category": "HUM",
  62524.             "Description": "The Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia, displays a painting by Mark Rothko.",
  62525.             "Year": 0
  62526.         },
  62527.         {
  62528.             "RIT": "ws203955",
  62529.             "Type": "WS",
  62530.             "URL": "http://galleryofart.wustl.edu/art/imgLarge/78lg.html",
  62531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62532.             "Title": "Golden Brown",
  62533.             "Category": "HUM",
  62534.             "Description": "Arshile Gorky's painting from the Washington University Gallery of Art in St. Louis, Missouri.",
  62535.             "Year": 0
  62536.         },
  62537.         {
  62538.             "RIT": "ws203956",
  62539.             "Type": "WS",
  62540.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_cocOTW",
  62541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62542.             "Title": "The Betrayal of Christ",
  62543.             "Category": "HUM",
  62544.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents a painting by Anthony Van Dyck as an online postcard.",
  62545.             "Year": 0
  62546.         },
  62547.         {
  62548.             "RIT": "ws203957",
  62549.             "Type": "WS",
  62550.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=bingham+george+caleb&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  62551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62552.             "Title": "George Caleb Bingham",
  62553.             "Category": "HUM",
  62554.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  62555.             "Year": 0
  62556.         },
  62557.         {
  62558.             "RIT": "ws203958",
  62559.             "Type": "WS",
  62560.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Rosenquist.htm",
  62561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62562.             "Title": "Nomad",
  62563.             "Category": "HUM",
  62564.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by James Rosenquist with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  62565.             "Year": 0
  62566.         },
  62567.         {
  62568.             "RIT": "ws203968",
  62569.             "Type": "WS",
  62570.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/collections/a-coll04f.html",
  62571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62572.             "Title": "In the Northland",
  62573.             "Category": "HUM",
  62574.             "Description": "A painting by Tom Thomson from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  62575.             "Year": 0
  62576.         },
  62577.         {
  62578.             "RIT": "ws203969",
  62579.             "Type": "WS",
  62580.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=bierstadt+albert&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  62581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62582.             "Title": "Albert Bierstadt",
  62583.             "Category": "HUM",
  62584.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  62585.             "Year": 0
  62586.         },
  62587.         {
  62588.             "RIT": "ws203970",
  62589.             "Type": "WS",
  62590.             "URL": "http://www.williams.edu/WCMA/collections/american/bshahn_wevans.html",
  62591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62592.             "Title": "Portrait of Walker Evan",
  62593.             "Category": "HUM",
  62594.             "Description": "Ben Shahn's painting from the Williams College Museum of Art in Williamstown, Massachusetts.",
  62595.             "Year": 0
  62596.         },
  62597.         {
  62598.             "RIT": "ws203971",
  62599.             "Type": "WS",
  62600.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntgbi1f.htm#corot",
  62601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62602.             "Title": "Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille",
  62603.             "Category": "HUM",
  62604.             "Description": "The Frick Collection in New York City exhibits works by the artist.",
  62605.             "Year": 0
  62606.         },
  62607.         {
  62608.             "RIT": "ws203972",
  62609.             "Type": "WS",
  62610.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/retreat.htm",
  62611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62612.             "Title": "Retreat of Winter",
  62613.             "Category": "HUM",
  62614.             "Description": "A painting by Charles Burchfield from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  62615.             "Year": 0
  62616.         },
  62617.         {
  62618.             "RIT": "ws203973",
  62619.             "Type": "WS",
  62620.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=joseph&=And&=Yes&=turner&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  62621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62622.             "Title": "Joseph Mallord William Turner",
  62623.             "Category": "HUM",
  62624.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  62625.             "Year": 0
  62626.         },
  62627.         {
  62628.             "RIT": "ws203974",
  62629.             "Type": "WS",
  62630.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1455",
  62631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62632.             "Title": "Alexander Young Jackson",
  62633.             "Category": "HUM",
  62634.             "Description": "Biography and art exhibit from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  62635.             "Year": 0
  62636.         },
  62637.         {
  62638.             "RIT": "ws203975",
  62639.             "Type": "WS",
  62640.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1976/bellow-lecture.html",
  62641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62642.             "Title": "Nobel Lecture: Saul Bellow",
  62643.             "Category": "HUM",
  62644.             "Description": "A lecture delivered by the author in 1976.",
  62645.             "Year": 0
  62646.         },
  62647.         {
  62648.             "RIT": "ws203976",
  62649.             "Type": "WS",
  62650.             "URL": "http://news6.thdo.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_931000/931018.stm",
  62651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62652.             "Title": "BBC biography of Slobodan Milosevic",
  62653.             "Category": "GEO",
  62654.             "Description": "Information from the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).",
  62655.             "Year": 0
  62656.         },
  62657.         {
  62658.             "RIT": "ws203977",
  62659.             "Type": "WS",
  62660.             "URL": "http://www.clag.org/museum/art/revere2.html",
  62661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62662.             "Title": "Revere Beach",
  62663.             "Category": "HUM",
  62664.             "Description": "A painting by Maurice Prendergast from the Canajoharie Library and Art Gallery in Canajoharie, New York.",
  62665.             "Year": 0
  62666.         },
  62667.         {
  62668.             "RIT": "ws203999",
  62669.             "Type": "WS",
  62670.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/000461/",
  62671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62672.             "Title": "Ralph Albert Blakelock",
  62673.             "Category": "HUM",
  62674.             "Description": "Art images from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  62675.             "Year": 0
  62676.         },
  62677.         {
  62678.             "RIT": "ws204000",
  62679.             "Type": "WS",
  62680.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Prendergast_M/TO.html",
  62681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62682.             "Title": "Salem Park, Massachusetts",
  62683.             "Category": "HUM",
  62684.             "Description": "Maurice Prendergast's painting from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  62685.             "Year": 0
  62686.         },
  62687.         {
  62688.             "RIT": "ws204002",
  62689.             "Type": "WS",
  62690.             "URL": "http://www.wildlifeart.org/ArtTales/Bierstadt.html",
  62691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62692.             "Title": "Elk Grazing in the Wind River Countr",
  62693.             "Category": "HUM",
  62694.             "Description": "Albert Bierstadt's painting from the National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.",
  62695.             "Year": 0
  62696.         },
  62697.         {
  62698.             "RIT": "ws204003",
  62699.             "Type": "WS",
  62700.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Bierstadt_A/SSI.html",
  62701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62702.             "Title": "River Landscape",
  62703.             "Category": "HUM",
  62704.             "Description": "Albert Bierstadt's exhibited painting by the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  62705.             "Year": 0
  62706.         },
  62707.         {
  62708.             "RIT": "ws204004",
  62709.             "Type": "WS",
  62710.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june98/morrison_3-9.html",
  62711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62712.             "Title": "Conversation: Toni Morrison",
  62713.             "Category": "HUM",
  62714.             "Description": "In this NewsHour transcript from PBS, Morrison discusses her novel Paradise.",
  62715.             "Year": 0
  62716.         },
  62717.         {
  62718.             "RIT": "ws204005",
  62719.             "Type": "WS",
  62720.             "URL": "http://galleryofart.wustl.edu/art/imgsmall/68sm.html",
  62721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62722.             "Title": "The Iron Cross",
  62723.             "Category": "HUM",
  62724.             "Description": "The Washington University Gallery of Art in St. Louis, Missouri, displays a painting by Marsden Hartley.",
  62725.             "Year": 0
  62726.         },
  62727.         {
  62728.             "RIT": "ws204006",
  62729.             "Type": "WS",
  62730.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/20thcentury/20th/1910-1950/luks_lrg.html",
  62731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62732.             "Title": "In the Steerage",
  62733.             "Category": "HUM",
  62734.             "Description": "A painting by George Benjamin Luks from the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina.",
  62735.             "Year": 0
  62736.         },
  62737.         {
  62738.             "RIT": "ws204007",
  62739.             "Type": "WS",
  62740.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Benton_TH/AS.html",
  62741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62742.             "Title": "Thomas Hart Benton",
  62743.             "Category": "HUM",
  62744.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln presents a profile of Benton and several paintings by the artist.",
  62745.             "Year": 0
  62746.         },
  62747.         {
  62748.             "RIT": "ws204017",
  62749.             "Type": "WS",
  62750.             "URL": "http://www.phxart.org/west_collection.html",
  62751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62752.             "Title": "Western American Collection",
  62753.             "Category": "HUM",
  62754.             "Description": "The Phoenix Art Museum presents works by Eanger Irving Couse, B.J.O. Nordfeldt, and Maxfield Parrish.",
  62755.             "Year": 0
  62756.         },
  62757.         {
  62758.             "RIT": "ws204018",
  62759.             "Type": "WS",
  62760.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/French_D/SS.html",
  62761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62762.             "Title": "Abraham Lincoln",
  62763.             "Category": "HUM",
  62764.             "Description": "Daniel Chester French's sculpture from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  62765.             "Year": 0
  62766.         },
  62767.         {
  62768.             "RIT": "ws204019",
  62769.             "Type": "WS",
  62770.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=207030",
  62771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62772.             "Title": "Ben Shahn",
  62773.             "Category": "HUM",
  62774.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents a biography and art images.",
  62775.             "Year": 0
  62776.         },
  62777.         {
  62778.             "RIT": "ws204020",
  62779.             "Type": "WS",
  62780.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/net/tornnotebook/index.html",
  62781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62782.             "Title": "Torn Notebook",
  62783.             "Category": "HUM",
  62784.             "Description": "A PBS exhibit on a piece of art by Claes Oldenburg.",
  62785.             "Year": 0
  62786.         },
  62787.         {
  62788.             "RIT": "ws204021",
  62789.             "Type": "WS",
  62790.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=marsden&=And&=Yes&=hartley&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  62791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62792.             "Title": "Marsden Hartley",
  62793.             "Category": "HUM",
  62794.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  62795.             "Year": 0
  62796.         },
  62797.         {
  62798.             "RIT": "ws204022",
  62799.             "Type": "WS",
  62800.             "URL": "http://magart.rochester.edu/Obj707$10*SQ570",
  62801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62802.             "Title": "Election Night",
  62803.             "Category": "HUM",
  62804.             "Description": "PBS displays John Sloan's painting online.",
  62805.             "Year": 0
  62806.         },
  62807.         {
  62808.             "RIT": "ws204023",
  62809.             "Type": "WS",
  62810.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.go.jp/col/p1984-0005.html",
  62811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62812.             "Title": "The Loving Cup",
  62813.             "Category": "HUM",
  62814.             "Description": "A painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti from the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo.",
  62815.             "Year": 0
  62816.         },
  62817.         {
  62818.             "RIT": "ws204024",
  62819.             "Type": "WS",
  62820.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june99/bach_4-9.html",
  62821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62822.             "Title": "Power of Music",
  62823.             "Category": "HUM",
  62824.             "Description": "In this NewsHour transcript from PBS, journalist Paul Solman reports on the power of Johannes Sebastian Bach's music.",
  62825.             "Year": 0
  62826.         },
  62827.         {
  62828.             "RIT": "ws204025",
  62829.             "Type": "WS",
  62830.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/exhibitions/exhib_detail/99_exhib_jasper_johns.html",
  62831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62832.             "Title": "Jasper Johns: New Paintings and Works on Paper",
  62833.             "Category": "HUM",
  62834.             "Description": "An exhibit from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.",
  62835.             "Year": 0
  62836.         },
  62837.         {
  62838.             "RIT": "ws204026",
  62839.             "Type": "WS",
  62840.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Brueghel.html_f/Brueghel.html",
  62841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62842.             "Title": "Pieter Brueghel, the Elder",
  62843.             "Category": "HUM",
  62844.             "Description": "Images from the California State University Library in Long Beach.",
  62845.             "Year": 0
  62846.         },
  62847.         {
  62848.             "RIT": "ws204036",
  62849.             "Type": "WS",
  62850.             "URL": "http://www.nelson-atkins.org/collections/20thcent/detail/tracer.htm",
  62851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62852.             "Title": "Tracer",
  62853.             "Category": "HUM",
  62854.             "Description": "A painting by Robert Rauschenberg from the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri.",
  62855.             "Year": 0
  62856.         },
  62857.         {
  62858.             "RIT": "ws204037",
  62859.             "Type": "WS",
  62860.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/rf1967/peint_f.htm",
  62861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62862.             "Title": "Landscape with a River and a Bay in the Background",
  62863.             "Category": "HUM",
  62864.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris presents a painting by Joseph Mallord Williarn Turner.",
  62865.             "Year": 0
  62866.         },
  62867.         {
  62868.             "RIT": "ws204038",
  62869.             "Type": "WS",
  62870.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/global/human_rights/1999_hrp_report/china.html",
  62871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62872.             "Title": "1999 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: China",
  62873.             "Category": "GEO",
  62874.             "Description": "A report from the U.S. Department of State.",
  62875.             "Year": 0
  62876.         },
  62877.         {
  62878.             "RIT": "ws204039",
  62879.             "Type": "WS",
  62880.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/i33.html",
  62881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62882.             "Title": "CHRIST WITH THE DOCTORS IN THE TEMPLE",
  62883.             "Category": "HUM",
  62884.             "Description": "A painting by Paolo Caliari from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  62885.             "Year": 0
  62886.         },
  62887.         {
  62888.             "RIT": "ws204040",
  62889.             "Type": "WS",
  62890.             "URL": "http://www.aagm.co.uk/ag003277.html",
  62891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62892.             "Title": "A Coast Scene with Shipping",
  62893.             "Category": "HUM",
  62894.             "Description": "A work by Richard Parkes Bonington from the Aberdeen Art Gallery in Aberdeen, Scotland.",
  62895.             "Year": 0
  62896.         },
  62897.         {
  62898.             "RIT": "ws204041",
  62899.             "Type": "WS",
  62900.             "URL": "http://www.jjaudubon.com/havell/plates/plate062.html",
  62901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62902.             "Title": "Passenger Pigeon",
  62903.             "Category": "LIF",
  62904.             "Description": "John James Audubon's painting displayed by PBS.",
  62905.             "Year": 0
  62906.         },
  62907.         {
  62908.             "RIT": "ws204042",
  62909.             "Type": "WS",
  62910.             "URL": "http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/collection/international/painting/t/turner.html",
  62911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62912.             "Title": "Joseph Mallard William Turner",
  62913.             "Category": "HUM",
  62914.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia.",
  62915.             "Year": 0
  62916.         },
  62917.         {
  62918.             "RIT": "ws204043",
  62919.             "Type": "WS",
  62920.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Johns_J/FFT.html",
  62921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62922.             "Title": "Bread",
  62923.             "Category": "HUM",
  62924.             "Description": "Artwork by Jasper Johns from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  62925.             "Year": 0
  62926.         },
  62927.         {
  62928.             "RIT": "ws204044",
  62929.             "Type": "WS",
  62930.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=rousseau",
  62931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62932.             "Title": "Rousseau, Henri",
  62933.             "Category": "HUM",
  62934.             "Description": "Artworks by Rousseau from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  62935.             "Year": 0
  62936.         },
  62937.         {
  62938.             "RIT": "ws204008",
  62939.             "Type": "WS",
  62940.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/American/1954.66.html",
  62941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62942.             "Title": "Albert Bierstadt: Yosemite Falls",
  62943.             "Category": "HUM",
  62944.             "Description": "A painting from the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  62945.             "Year": 0
  62946.         },
  62947.         {
  62948.             "RIT": "ws204009",
  62949.             "Type": "WS",
  62950.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=369&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  62951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62952.             "Title": "Gustave Courbet",
  62953.             "Category": "HUM",
  62954.             "Description": "A biography and works of art from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  62955.             "Year": 0
  62956.         },
  62957.         {
  62958.             "RIT": "ws204010",
  62959.             "Type": "WS",
  62960.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=george&=And&=Yes&=luks&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  62961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62962.             "Title": "Innocence",
  62963.             "Category": "HUM",
  62964.             "Description": "A George Luks painting from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  62965.             "Year": 0
  62966.         },
  62967.         {
  62968.             "RIT": "ws204011",
  62969.             "Type": "WS",
  62970.             "URL": "http://musa.uffizi.firenze.it/Dipinti/verongiustiE34.html",
  62971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62972.             "Title": "Martyrdom of Saint Justine",
  62973.             "Category": "HUM",
  62974.             "Description": "A painting by Paolo Caliari, called il Veronese, from the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy.",
  62975.             "Year": 0
  62976.         },
  62977.         {
  62978.             "RIT": "ws204012",
  62979.             "Type": "WS",
  62980.             "URL": "http://www.ou.edu/fjjma/collections/state_department/rattner-1746.html",
  62981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62982.             "Title": "Birds Bathing.",
  62983.             "Category": "HUM",
  62984.             "Description": "A painting by Abraham Rattner from the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at the University of Oklahoma in Norman.",
  62985.             "Year": 0
  62986.         },
  62987.         {
  62988.             "RIT": "ws204013",
  62989.             "Type": "WS",
  62990.             "URL": "http://www.msu.edu/user/nixonjos/armadillo/",
  62991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  62992.             "Title": "Armadillo Online",
  62993.             "Category": "LIF",
  62994.             "Description": "A page about armadillos by a student at Michigan State University.",
  62995.             "Year": 0
  62996.         },
  62997.         {
  62998.             "RIT": "ws204014",
  62999.             "Type": "WS",
  63000.             "URL": "http://www.fnal.gov/pub/inquiring/timeline/",
  63001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63002.             "Title": "High-Energy Physics",
  63003.             "Category": "PHY",
  63004.             "Description": "NASA Web site with information on the Standard Model.",
  63005.             "Year": 0
  63006.         },
  63007.         {
  63008.             "RIT": "ws204015",
  63009.             "Type": "WS",
  63010.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june99/ellison_6-21.html",
  63011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63012.             "Title": "Ralph Ellison's Legacy",
  63013.             "Category": "HUM",
  63014.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour that focused on Ellison's novels.",
  63015.             "Year": 0
  63016.         },
  63017.         {
  63018.             "RIT": "ws204016",
  63019.             "Type": "WS",
  63020.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Bellows.html_f/Bellows.html",
  63021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63022.             "Title": "George Wesley Bellows",
  63023.             "Category": "HUM",
  63024.             "Description": "Art displayed by the California State University Library in Long Beach.",
  63025.             "Year": 0
  63026.         },
  63027.         {
  63028.             "RIT": "ws204027",
  63029.             "Type": "WS",
  63030.             "URL": "http://www.offcampus.es/museo.thyssen-bornemisza/england/obras_m/obram_03.htm",
  63031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63032.             "Title": "The Annunciation",
  63033.             "Category": "HUM",
  63034.             "Description": "Artwork by Jan Van Eyck displayed by the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  63035.             "Year": 0
  63036.         },
  63037.         {
  63038.             "RIT": "ws204028",
  63039.             "Type": "WS",
  63040.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_zDiGZX",
  63041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63042.             "Title": "Lucas Cranach",
  63043.             "Category": "HUM",
  63044.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents works by the artist as online postcards. Page one of a four-page exhibit.",
  63045.             "Year": 0
  63046.         },
  63047.         {
  63048.             "RIT": "ws204029",
  63049.             "Type": "WS",
  63050.             "URL": "http://www.byu.edu/moa/exhibits/Current%20Exhibits/150years/820038903.html",
  63051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63052.             "Title": "Winter Landscape",
  63053.             "Category": "HUM",
  63054.             "Description": "The Brigham Young University Museum of Art in Provo, Utah, presents Ernest Lawson's painting with commentary.",
  63055.             "Year": 0
  63056.         },
  63057.         {
  63058.             "RIT": "ws204030",
  63059.             "Type": "WS",
  63060.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/downtown.htm",
  63061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63062.             "Title": "Downtown, New York",
  63063.             "Category": "HUM",
  63064.             "Description": "A John Marin painting from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  63065.             "Year": 0
  63066.         },
  63067.         {
  63068.             "RIT": "ws204031",
  63069.             "Type": "WS",
  63070.             "URL": "http://home.uleth.ca/sfa-gal/collections/Historical/Watson.html",
  63071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63072.             "Title": "Homer WATSON",
  63073.             "Category": "HUM",
  63074.             "Description": "Works by the artist displayed by the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria in Victoria, British Columbia.",
  63075.             "Year": 0
  63076.         },
  63077.         {
  63078.             "RIT": "ws204032",
  63079.             "Type": "WS",
  63080.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec99/mozart_8-18.html",
  63081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63082.             "Title": "Mozart and His Music",
  63083.             "Category": "HUM",
  63084.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour that focused on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.",
  63085.             "Year": 0
  63086.         },
  63087.         {
  63088.             "RIT": "ws204033",
  63089.             "Type": "WS",
  63090.             "URL": "http://www.webcom.com/~degraham/Camel/Info.html",
  63091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63092.             "Title": "Camel Lore, Information about camels",
  63093.             "Category": "LIF",
  63094.             "Description": "Commercial site about camels.",
  63095.             "Year": 0
  63096.         },
  63097.         {
  63098.             "RIT": "ws204034",
  63099.             "Type": "WS",
  63100.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=30950",
  63101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63102.             "Title": "Joseph Mallord William Turner",
  63103.             "Category": "HUM",
  63104.             "Description": "A biography and art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  63105.             "Year": 0
  63106.         },
  63107.         {
  63108.             "RIT": "ws204035",
  63109.             "Type": "WS",
  63110.             "URL": "http://www.the-wallace-collection.org.uk/c/w_a/p_w_d/b/a/bonington.htm",
  63111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63112.             "Title": "Richard Parkes Bonington",
  63113.             "Category": "HUM",
  63114.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the Wallace Collection in London.",
  63115.             "Year": 0
  63116.         },
  63117.         {
  63118.             "RIT": "ws204045",
  63119.             "Type": "WS",
  63120.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/paintsculpt/c76.htm",
  63121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63122.             "Title": "Visa",
  63123.             "Category": "HUM",
  63124.             "Description": "The Museum of Modern Art in New York City displays a painting by Stuart Davis.",
  63125.             "Year": 0
  63126.         },
  63127.         {
  63128.             "RIT": "ws204046",
  63129.             "Type": "WS",
  63130.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/shahn.html",
  63131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63132.             "Title": "Allegory",
  63133.             "Category": "HUM",
  63134.             "Description": "The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth in Fort Worth, Texas, exhibits Ben Shahn's painting.",
  63135.             "Year": 0
  63136.         },
  63137.         {
  63138.             "RIT": "ws204047",
  63139.             "Type": "WS",
  63140.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/003722/",
  63141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63142.             "Title": "Claes Oldenburg",
  63143.             "Category": "HUM",
  63144.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., presents works by the artist.",
  63145.             "Year": 0
  63146.         },
  63147.         {
  63148.             "RIT": "ws204048",
  63149.             "Type": "WS",
  63150.             "URL": "http://www-robotics.cs.umass.edu/robotics.html",
  63151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63152.             "Title": "Robotics Internet Resources Page",
  63153.             "Category": "IND",
  63154.             "Description": "Links to robotic resources on the Internet, from the Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics at the University of Massachusetts.",
  63155.             "Year": 0
  63156.         },
  63157.         {
  63158.             "RIT": "ws204049",
  63159.             "Type": "WS",
  63160.             "URL": "http://www.valpo.edu/artmuseum/collections/amernational/burchfield.html",
  63161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63162.             "Title": "Luminous Tree",
  63163.             "Category": "HUM",
  63164.             "Description": "A painting by Charles Burchfield from the Brauer Museum of Art at Valparaiso University in Valparaiso, Indiana.",
  63165.             "Year": 0
  63166.         },
  63167.         {
  63168.             "RIT": "ws204050",
  63169.             "Type": "WS",
  63170.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Kooning.htm",
  63171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63172.             "Title": "Gotham News",
  63173.             "Category": "HUM",
  63174.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Willem de Kooning with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  63175.             "Year": 0
  63176.         },
  63177.         {
  63178.             "RIT": "ws204051",
  63179.             "Type": "WS",
  63180.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=7&full=0&item=56%2E70",
  63181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63182.             "Title": "The Annunciation Triptych",
  63183.             "Category": "HUM",
  63184.             "Description": "Robert Campin's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  63185.             "Year": 0
  63186.         },
  63187.         {
  63188.             "RIT": "ws204053",
  63189.             "Type": "WS",
  63190.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Newman_B/PC.html",
  63191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63192.             "Title": "Horizon Light",
  63193.             "Category": "HUM",
  63194.             "Description": "Barnett Newman's painting from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  63195.             "Year": 0
  63196.         },
  63197.         {
  63198.             "RIT": "ws204054",
  63199.             "Type": "WS",
  63200.             "URL": "http://aoc.gov/art/nshpages/cass.htm",
  63201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63202.             "Title": "Lewis Cass",
  63203.             "Category": "HUM",
  63204.             "Description": "A marble sculpture by Daniel Chester French located in Statuary Hall.",
  63205.             "Year": 0
  63206.         },
  63207.         {
  63208.             "RIT": "ws204065",
  63209.             "Type": "WS",
  63210.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=19300",
  63211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63212.             "Title": "George Benjamin Luks",
  63213.             "Category": "HUM",
  63214.             "Description": "Art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  63215.             "Year": 0
  63216.         },
  63217.         {
  63218.             "RIT": "ws204066",
  63219.             "Type": "WS",
  63220.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=30650",
  63221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63222.             "Title": "Mark Tobey",
  63223.             "Category": "HUM",
  63224.             "Description": "Art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  63225.             "Year": 0
  63226.         },
  63227.         {
  63228.             "RIT": "ws204067",
  63229.             "Type": "WS",
  63230.             "URL": "http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/GOATS/",
  63231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63232.             "Title": "Breeds of Livestock - Goat Breeds",
  63233.             "Category": "LIF",
  63234.             "Description": "Oklahoma State University's site about various species of goats.",
  63235.             "Year": 0
  63236.         },
  63237.         {
  63238.             "RIT": "ws204068",
  63239.             "Type": "WS",
  63240.             "URL": "http://www.amarilloart.org/shinn.html",
  63241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63242.             "Title": "Curtain Call",
  63243.             "Category": "HUM",
  63244.             "Description": "Everett Shinn's painting from the Amarillo Museum of Art in Amarillo, Texas.",
  63245.             "Year": 0
  63246.         },
  63247.         {
  63248.             "RIT": "ws204069",
  63249.             "Type": "WS",
  63250.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=30750",
  63251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63252.             "Title": "Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec",
  63253.             "Category": "HUM",
  63254.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  63255.             "Year": 0
  63256.         },
  63257.         {
  63258.             "RIT": "ws204070",
  63259.             "Type": "WS",
  63260.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=15&full=0&item=1975%2E1%2E940",
  63261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63262.             "Title": "Large Boston Public Garden Sketchbook: The Huntington Avenue Streetcar",
  63263.             "Category": "HUM",
  63264.             "Description": "Maurice Brazil Prendergast's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  63265.             "Year": 0
  63266.         },
  63267.         {
  63268.             "RIT": "ws204071",
  63269.             "Type": "WS",
  63270.             "URL": "http://www.fryeart.org/sloan/default.html",
  63271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63272.             "Title": "Blue Kimono",
  63273.             "Category": "HUM",
  63274.             "Description": "The Fry Art Museum in Seattle presents John Sloan's painting with commentary.",
  63275.             "Year": 0
  63276.         },
  63277.         {
  63278.             "RIT": "ws204072",
  63279.             "Type": "WS",
  63280.             "URL": "http://www.spfld-museum-of-art.org/catalog/smoa18.html",
  63281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63282.             "Title": "A Man",
  63283.             "Category": "HUM",
  63284.             "Description": "A painting by George Luks from the Springfield Museum of Art in Springfield, Ohio.",
  63285.             "Year": 0
  63286.         },
  63287.         {
  63288.             "RIT": "ws204073",
  63289.             "Type": "WS",
  63290.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_tcdRCZ",
  63291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63292.             "Title": "Ernest Lawson",
  63293.             "Category": "HUM",
  63294.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents a painting by Lawson as an online postcard.",
  63295.             "Year": 0
  63296.         },
  63297.         {
  63298.             "RIT": "ws204074",
  63299.             "Type": "WS",
  63300.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/everett_shinn_1876.htm",
  63301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63302.             "Title": "Dancer in White Before the Footlights",
  63303.             "Category": "HUM",
  63304.             "Description": "Everett Shinn's painting from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  63305.             "Year": 0
  63306.         },
  63307.         {
  63308.             "RIT": "ws204084",
  63309.             "Type": "WS",
  63310.             "URL": "http://www.galleries.bc.ca/kamloops/jackson.html",
  63311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63312.             "Title": "A.Y. Jackson in the B.C. Interior",
  63313.             "Category": "HUM",
  63314.             "Description": "An exhibit from the Kamloops Art Gallery in Kamloops, British Columbia.",
  63315.             "Year": 0
  63316.         },
  63317.         {
  63318.             "RIT": "ws204085",
  63319.             "Type": "WS",
  63320.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=8600",
  63321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63322.             "Title": "Arthur Dove",
  63323.             "Category": "HUM",
  63324.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Art in New York City.",
  63325.             "Year": 0
  63326.         },
  63327.         {
  63328.             "RIT": "ws204086",
  63329.             "Type": "WS",
  63330.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=2&full=0&item=66%2E143",
  63331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63332.             "Title": "The Great Statue of Amida Buddha at Kamakura, Known as the Daibutsu, from the Priest's Garden",
  63333.             "Category": "HUM",
  63334.             "Description": "A painting by John La Farge from the Metropolitan Musuem of Art in New York City.",
  63335.             "Year": 0
  63336.         },
  63337.         {
  63338.             "RIT": "ws204087",
  63339.             "Type": "WS",
  63340.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Shahn_B/PC.html",
  63341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63342.             "Title": "Trouble",
  63343.             "Category": "HUM",
  63344.             "Description": "A painting by Ben Shahn from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  63345.             "Year": 0
  63346.         },
  63347.         {
  63348.             "RIT": "ws204088",
  63349.             "Type": "WS",
  63350.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-24-06-96/a-lundi212.html",
  63351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63352.             "Title": "A Coming Storm in the Adirondacks",
  63353.             "Category": "HUM",
  63354.             "Description": "The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts presents a painting by Homer Ransford Watson.",
  63355.             "Year": 0
  63356.         },
  63357.         {
  63358.             "RIT": "ws204089",
  63359.             "Type": "WS",
  63360.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/19french02.html",
  63361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63362.             "Title": "Landscape in a Thunderstorm",
  63363.             "Category": "HUM",
  63364.             "Description": "A painting by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot from the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia.",
  63365.             "Year": 0
  63366.         },
  63367.         {
  63368.             "RIT": "ws204090",
  63369.             "Type": "WS",
  63370.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/1997/dom/971027/aart.the_great_per.html",
  63371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63372.             "Title": "The Great Permitter",
  63373.             "Category": "HUM",
  63374.             "Description": "A TIME Magazine article about Robert Rauschenberg.",
  63375.             "Year": 0
  63376.         },
  63377.         {
  63378.             "RIT": "ws204091",
  63379.             "Type": "WS",
  63380.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/inolasco.html",
  63381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63383.             "Category": "HUM",
  63384.             "Description": "Francisco de Zurbaran's painting from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  63385.             "Year": 0
  63386.         },
  63387.         {
  63388.             "RIT": "ws204092",
  63389.             "Type": "WS",
  63390.             "URL": "http://www.museum.cornell.edu/HFJ/handbook/hb174.html",
  63391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63392.             "Title": "Subway",
  63393.             "Category": "HUM",
  63394.             "Description": "The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, presents a painting by George Luks with an accompanying essay.",
  63395.             "Year": 0
  63396.         },
  63397.         {
  63398.             "RIT": "ws204102",
  63399.             "Type": "WS",
  63400.             "URL": "http://www.utah.edu/umfa/vigeeplan.html",
  63401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63402.             "Title": "Biography of Elisabeth Vigee Le Brun",
  63403.             "Category": "HUM",
  63404.             "Description": "From a lesson plan provided by the Utah Museum of Fine Arts in Salt Lake City.",
  63405.             "Year": 0
  63406.         },
  63407.         {
  63408.             "RIT": "ws204103",
  63409.             "Type": "WS",
  63410.             "URL": "http://www.palazzograssi.it/eng/mostre/fiamminghi/galleria/ensor.htm",
  63411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63412.             "Title": "The Rover",
  63413.             "Category": "HUM",
  63414.             "Description": "James Ensor's painting from the Palazzo Grassi in Venice, Italy.",
  63415.             "Year": 0
  63416.         },
  63417.         {
  63418.             "RIT": "ws204104",
  63419.             "Type": "WS",
  63420.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Harnett.htm",
  63421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63422.             "Title": "Music and Literature",
  63423.             "Category": "HUM",
  63424.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by William Harnett with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  63425.             "Year": 0
  63426.         },
  63427.         {
  63428.             "RIT": "ws204105",
  63429.             "Type": "WS",
  63430.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec99/poetry_8-17.html",
  63431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63432.             "Title": "Poetry Slam",
  63433.             "Category": "HUM",
  63434.             "Description": "In this NewsHour transcript from PBS, sinners of the National Poetry Slam in California discuss the art of poetry slamming.",
  63435.             "Year": 0
  63436.         },
  63437.         {
  63438.             "RIT": "ws204106",
  63439.             "Type": "WS",
  63440.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec98/rothko_8-5.html",
  63441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63442.             "Title": "ROTHKO'S LEGACY",
  63443.             "Category": "HUM",
  63444.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.",
  63445.             "Year": 0
  63446.         },
  63447.         {
  63448.             "RIT": "ws204107",
  63449.             "Type": "WS",
  63450.             "URL": "http://www.msu.edu/~kamuseum/collections/bigten/rattner/index.html",
  63451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63452.             "Title": "Potato Farmscape with Figure, #5",
  63453.             "Category": "HUM",
  63454.             "Description": "The Kresge Art Museum at Michigan State University in East Lansing displays a painting by Abraham Rattner.",
  63455.             "Year": 0
  63456.         },
  63457.         {
  63458.             "RIT": "ws204108",
  63459.             "Type": "WS",
  63460.             "URL": "http://www.hydeartmuseum.org/collection/highlights/modernmasters/seurat.htm",
  63461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63462.             "Title": "Banks of the Seine near Courbevoie",
  63463.             "Category": "HUM",
  63464.             "Description": "The Hyde Collection Art Museum in Glens Falls, New York, exhibits a painting by Georges Seurat.",
  63465.             "Year": 0
  63466.         },
  63467.         {
  63468.             "RIT": "ws204109",
  63469.             "Type": "WS",
  63470.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=theodore&=And&=Yes&=gericault&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  63471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63472.             "Title": "Jean-Louis-Andre-Theodore Gericault",
  63473.             "Category": "HUM",
  63474.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  63475.             "Year": 0
  63476.         },
  63477.         {
  63478.             "RIT": "ws204119",
  63479.             "Type": "WS",
  63480.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=32%2E100%2E43",
  63481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63482.             "Title": "Francesco d'Este",
  63483.             "Category": "HUM",
  63484.             "Description": "Rogier van der Weyden's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  63485.             "Year": 0
  63486.         },
  63487.         {
  63488.             "RIT": "ws204120",
  63489.             "Type": "WS",
  63490.             "URL": "http://www.ngpc.state.ne.us/wildlife/antelope.html",
  63491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63492.             "Title": "The Pronghorn Antelope",
  63493.             "Category": "LIF",
  63494.             "Description": "General information about the longhorn by Nebraska Game and Parks Commission.",
  63495.             "Year": 0
  63496.         },
  63497.         {
  63498.             "RIT": "ws204121",
  63499.             "Type": "WS",
  63500.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec99/thanksgiving_11-25.html",
  63501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63502.             "Title": "American Heritage",
  63503.             "Category": "SOC",
  63504.             "Description": "In this NewsHour discussion, Jim Lehrer and a panel of historians discuss the history of Thanksgiving.",
  63505.             "Year": 0
  63506.         },
  63507.         {
  63508.             "RIT": "ws204122",
  63509.             "Type": "WS",
  63510.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Lawson_E/PC.html",
  63511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63512.             "Title": "Seacoast, Cape Cod",
  63513.             "Category": "HUM",
  63514.             "Description": "A painting by Ernest Lawson from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  63515.             "Year": 0
  63516.         },
  63517.         {
  63518.             "RIT": "ws204123",
  63519.             "Type": "WS",
  63520.             "URL": "http://www.walkerart.org/resources/res_msg_calder.html",
  63521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63522.             "Title": "BLACK FLAG",
  63523.             "Category": "HUM",
  63524.             "Description": "A sculpture by Alexander Calder from the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden.",
  63525.             "Year": 0
  63526.         },
  63527.         {
  63528.             "RIT": "ws204124",
  63529.             "Type": "WS",
  63530.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/rf0730/peint_f.htm",
  63531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63532.             "Title": "The Beggars",
  63533.             "Category": "HUM",
  63534.             "Description": "Pieter Brueghel the Elder's painting from the Louvre in Paris.",
  63535.             "Year": 0
  63536.         },
  63537.         {
  63538.             "RIT": "ws204125",
  63539.             "Type": "WS",
  63540.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/1997/dom/971222/the_arts_art.embedded_in_n.html",
  63541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63542.             "Title": "Embedded in Nature",
  63543.             "Category": "HUM",
  63544.             "Description": "In this TIME Magazine article, Robert Hughes examines the art of Arthur Garfield Dove.",
  63545.             "Year": 0
  63546.         },
  63547.         {
  63548.             "RIT": "ws204126",
  63549.             "Type": "WS",
  63550.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/rosenquist.html",
  63551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63552.             "Title": "F-111",
  63553.             "Category": "HUM",
  63554.             "Description": "James Rosenquist's painting from the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth in Fort Worth, Texas.",
  63555.             "Year": 0
  63556.         },
  63557.         {
  63558.             "RIT": "ws204127",
  63559.             "Type": "WS",
  63560.             "URL": "http://www.ou.edu/fjjma/collections/state_department/rattner-1729.html",
  63561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63562.             "Title": "The Yellow Table",
  63563.             "Category": "HUM",
  63564.             "Description": "Abraham Rattner's painting from the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at the University of Oklahoma in Norman.",
  63565.             "Year": 0
  63566.         },
  63567.         {
  63568.             "RIT": "ws204137",
  63569.             "Type": "WS",
  63570.             "URL": "http://www.museum.cornell.edu/HFJ/handbook/hb192.html",
  63571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63572.             "Title": "The Artists' Show, Washington Square",
  63573.             "Category": "HUM",
  63574.             "Description": "The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, presents Thomas Hart Benton's painting with commentary.",
  63575.             "Year": 0
  63576.         },
  63577.         {
  63578.             "RIT": "ws204138",
  63579.             "Type": "WS",
  63580.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/archive/1996/dom/961111/the_arts.art.behind_the_11.html",
  63581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63582.             "Title": "BEHIND THE SACRED AURA",
  63583.             "Category": "HUM",
  63584.             "Description": "A TIME Magazine article about Japser Johns.",
  63585.             "Year": 0
  63586.         },
  63587.         {
  63588.             "RIT": "ws204139",
  63589.             "Type": "WS",
  63590.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/treasures/trr038.html",
  63591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63592.             "Title": "Miranda Rights",
  63593.             "Category": "SOC",
  63594.             "Description": "The Library of Congress presents Chief Justice Earl Warren's notes from Miranda v. Arizona.",
  63595.             "Year": 0
  63596.         },
  63597.         {
  63598.             "RIT": "ws204140",
  63599.             "Type": "WS",
  63600.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/eurptg/23pc_corot.html",
  63601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63602.             "Title": "Interrupted Reading",
  63603.             "Category": "HUM",
  63604.             "Description": "Jean Baptiste Camille Corot's painting from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  63605.             "Year": 0
  63606.         },
  63607.         {
  63608.             "RIT": "ws204141",
  63609.             "Type": "WS",
  63610.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=6550",
  63611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63612.             "Title": "Gustave Courbet",
  63613.             "Category": "HUM",
  63614.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents a biography and images of Courbet's art.",
  63615.             "Year": 0
  63616.         },
  63617.         {
  63618.             "RIT": "ws204142",
  63619.             "Type": "WS",
  63620.             "URL": "http://www.fnal.gov/pub/standardmodel.html",
  63621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63622.             "Title": "Standard Model",
  63623.             "Category": "PHY",
  63624.             "Description": "Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory page with information on the Standard Model.",
  63625.             "Year": 0
  63626.         },
  63627.         {
  63628.             "RIT": "ws204143",
  63629.             "Type": "WS",
  63630.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=749&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  63631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63632.             "Title": "Rogier van der Weyden",
  63633.             "Category": "HUM",
  63634.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Musuem in Los Angeles.",
  63635.             "Year": 0
  63636.         },
  63637.         {
  63638.             "RIT": "ws204144",
  63639.             "Type": "WS",
  63640.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Calder_A/SSI.html",
  63641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63642.             "Title": "Snake on Arch",
  63643.             "Category": "HUM",
  63644.             "Description": "Alexander Calder's sculpture from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  63645.             "Year": 0
  63646.         },
  63647.         {
  63648.             "RIT": "ws204145",
  63649.             "Type": "WS",
  63650.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=louise&=And&=Yes&=nevelson&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  63651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63652.             "Title": "Louise Nevelson",
  63653.             "Category": "HUM",
  63654.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  63655.             "Year": 0
  63656.         },
  63657.         {
  63658.             "RIT": "ws204055",
  63659.             "Type": "WS",
  63660.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=662&group=general&name=",
  63661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63662.             "Title": "Sir Anthony Van Dyck",
  63663.             "Category": "HUM",
  63664.             "Description": "The Tate Gallery in London displays work by the artist.",
  63665.             "Year": 0
  63666.         },
  63667.         {
  63668.             "RIT": "ws204056",
  63669.             "Type": "WS",
  63670.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/result.asp?Artist=cranach",
  63671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63672.             "Title": "Lucas Cranach the Elder",
  63673.             "Category": "HUM",
  63674.             "Description": "Artworks from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  63675.             "Year": 0
  63676.         },
  63677.         {
  63678.             "RIT": "ws204057",
  63679.             "Type": "WS",
  63680.             "URL": "http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/collection/international/painting/v/ipa00124.html",
  63681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63682.             "Title": "Nobleman between Active and Contemplative Life",
  63683.             "Category": "HUM",
  63684.             "Description": "Paolo Veronese's painting from the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia.",
  63685.             "Year": 0
  63686.         },
  63687.         {
  63688.             "RIT": "ws204058",
  63689.             "Type": "WS",
  63690.             "URL": "http://www.greenvillemuseum.org/canvas.html",
  63691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63692.             "Title": "Untitled",
  63693.             "Category": "HUM",
  63694.             "Description": "A work by Jasper Johns from the Greenville County Museum of Art in Greenville, South Carolina.",
  63695.             "Year": 0
  63696.         },
  63697.         {
  63698.             "RIT": "ws204059",
  63699.             "Type": "WS",
  63700.             "URL": "http://www.denmark.dk/",
  63701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63702.             "Title": "Denmark information",
  63703.             "Category": "GEO",
  63704.             "Description": "Information on Denmark compiled by the Danish State Information Service.",
  63705.             "Year": 0
  63706.         },
  63707.         {
  63708.             "RIT": "ws204060",
  63709.             "Type": "WS",
  63710.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/collections/recent_acquisitions/ma_coll_rothko.html",
  63711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63712.             "Title": "Mark Rothko",
  63713.             "Category": "HUM",
  63714.             "Description": "An exhibit from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.",
  63715.             "Year": 0
  63716.         },
  63717.         {
  63718.             "RIT": "ws204061",
  63719.             "Type": "WS",
  63720.             "URL": "http://www.the-wallace-collection.org.uk/c/w_a/p_w_d/s/a/velazquez.htm",
  63721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63722.             "Title": "Diego Velazquez",
  63723.             "Category": "HUM",
  63724.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the Wallace Collection in London.",
  63725.             "Year": 0
  63726.         },
  63727.         {
  63728.             "RIT": "ws204062",
  63729.             "Type": "WS",
  63730.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1474",
  63731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63732.             "Title": "Jasper Johns",
  63733.             "Category": "HUM",
  63734.             "Description": "Biography and art images from London's Tate Gallery.",
  63735.             "Year": 0
  63736.         },
  63737.         {
  63738.             "RIT": "ws204063",
  63739.             "Type": "WS",
  63740.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=60950+0+none",
  63741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63742.             "Title": "Seapiece: Off the French Coast",
  63743.             "Category": "HUM",
  63744.             "Description": "A painting by Richard Parkes Bonington from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  63745.             "Year": 0
  63746.         },
  63747.         {
  63748.             "RIT": "ws204064",
  63749.             "Type": "WS",
  63750.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/000428/",
  63751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63752.             "Title": "Albert Bierstadt",
  63753.             "Category": "HUM",
  63754.             "Description": "Images of Bierstadt's art from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  63755.             "Year": 0
  63756.         },
  63757.         {
  63758.             "RIT": "ws204075",
  63759.             "Type": "WS",
  63760.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/cgi-bin/WebObjects.dll/CollectionPublisher.woa/wa/work?workNumber=NG186",
  63761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63762.             "Title": "Arnolfini portrait",
  63763.             "Category": "HUM",
  63764.             "Description": "Jan Van Eyck's painting from the National Gallery in London.",
  63765.             "Year": 0
  63766.         },
  63767.         {
  63768.             "RIT": "ws204076",
  63769.             "Type": "WS",
  63770.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/yutoc.html",
  63771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63772.             "Title": "Yugoslavia - country study",
  63773.             "Category": "GEO",
  63774.             "Description": "Detailed information on Yugoslavia from the U.S. Library of Congress web site.",
  63775.             "Year": 0
  63776.         },
  63777.         {
  63778.             "RIT": "ws204077",
  63779.             "Type": "WS",
  63780.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec97/okeeffe.html",
  63781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63782.             "Title": "Pportrait of an Artist: Georgia O'Keeffe",
  63783.             "Category": "HUM",
  63784.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.",
  63785.             "Year": 0
  63786.         },
  63787.         {
  63788.             "RIT": "ws204078",
  63789.             "Type": "WS",
  63790.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=58%2E157",
  63791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63792.             "Title": "The Masquerade Dress",
  63793.             "Category": "HUM",
  63794.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by Robert Henri.",
  63795.             "Year": 0
  63796.         },
  63797.         {
  63798.             "RIT": "ws204079",
  63799.             "Type": "WS",
  63800.             "URL": "http://www.clag.org/museum/art/trolley.html",
  63801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63802.             "Title": "Gloucester Trolley",
  63803.             "Category": "HUM",
  63804.             "Description": "The Canajoharie Library and Art Gallery in Canajoharie, New York, exhibits a painting by John Sloan.",
  63805.             "Year": 0
  63806.         },
  63807.         {
  63808.             "RIT": "ws204080",
  63809.             "Type": "WS",
  63810.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/turnligh.htm",
  63811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63812.             "Title": "Turning Out the Light",
  63813.             "Category": "HUM",
  63814.             "Description": "A print by John Sloan exhibited by the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  63815.             "Year": 0
  63816.         },
  63817.         {
  63818.             "RIT": "ws204081",
  63819.             "Type": "WS",
  63820.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june00/daumier_4-25.html",
  63821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63822.             "Title": "HONORE DAUMIER EXHIBIT",
  63823.             "Category": "HUM",
  63824.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour that focused on the art of Daumier.",
  63825.             "Year": 0
  63826.         },
  63827.         {
  63828.             "RIT": "ws204082",
  63829.             "Type": "WS",
  63830.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=50%2E135%2E4",
  63831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63832.             "Title": "Portrait of a Member of the Wedigh Family, Probably Hermann Wedigh",
  63833.             "Category": "HUM",
  63834.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City exhibits a painting by Hans Holbein the Younger.",
  63835.             "Year": 0
  63836.         },
  63837.         {
  63838.             "RIT": "ws204083",
  63839.             "Type": "WS",
  63840.             "URL": "http://www.AgBiotechNet.com/topics/Database/Animal/animal.asp",
  63841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63842.             "Title": "AgBiotechNet--Animal cloning",
  63843.             "Category": "LIF",
  63844.             "Description": "Extensive information on animal cloning.",
  63845.             "Year": 0
  63846.         },
  63847.         {
  63848.             "RIT": "ws204093",
  63849.             "Type": "WS",
  63850.             "URL": "http://galleryofart.wustl.edu/art/imgLarge/02lg.html",
  63851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63852.             "Title": "Wine Shop-Monday",
  63853.             "Category": "HUM",
  63854.             "Description": "Jules Breton's painting from the Washington University Gallery of Art in St. Louis, Missouri.",
  63855.             "Year": 0
  63856.         },
  63857.         {
  63858.             "RIT": "ws204094",
  63859.             "Type": "WS",
  63860.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_RYnMKP",
  63861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63862.             "Title": "Gustave Courbet",
  63863.             "Category": "HUM",
  63864.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents Courbet's works as online postcards. Page one of a two-page exhibit.",
  63865.             "Year": 0
  63866.         },
  63867.         {
  63868.             "RIT": "ws204095",
  63869.             "Type": "WS",
  63870.             "URL": "http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?search=ss&sText=Joseph+Mallord+William+Turner&LinkID=mp04566",
  63871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63872.             "Title": "Joseph Mallord William Turner",
  63873.             "Category": "HUM",
  63874.             "Description": "Turner's self-portrait from the National Portrait Gallery in London.",
  63875.             "Year": 0
  63876.         },
  63877.         {
  63878.             "RIT": "ws204096",
  63879.             "Type": "WS",
  63880.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec96/cezanne_8-21.html",
  63881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63882.             "Title": "Seeing in a Different Light",
  63883.             "Category": "HUM",
  63884.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour that focused on the art of Paul Cezanne.",
  63885.             "Year": 0
  63886.         },
  63887.         {
  63888.             "RIT": "ws204097",
  63889.             "Type": "WS",
  63890.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/rf2063/peint_f.htm",
  63891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63892.             "Title": "Braque Family Triptych",
  63893.             "Category": "HUM",
  63894.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris displays a painting by Roger Van der Weyden.",
  63895.             "Year": 0
  63896.         },
  63897.         {
  63898.             "RIT": "ws204098",
  63899.             "Type": "WS",
  63900.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/collections/recent_acquisitions/ma_coll_newman.html",
  63901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63902.             "Title": "Zim Zum I",
  63903.             "Category": "HUM",
  63904.             "Description": "Barnett Newman's sculpture displayed by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.",
  63905.             "Year": 0
  63906.         },
  63907.         {
  63908.             "RIT": "ws204099",
  63909.             "Type": "WS",
  63910.             "URL": "http://www.walkerart.org/resources/res_pc_newman.html",
  63911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63912.             "Title": "The Third",
  63913.             "Category": "HUM",
  63914.             "Description": "A painting by Barnett Newman from the Walker Art Center in London.",
  63915.             "Year": 0
  63916.         },
  63917.         {
  63918.             "RIT": "ws204100",
  63919.             "Type": "WS",
  63920.             "URL": "http://www.smu.edu/~meadows/museum/Velazquez.html",
  63921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63922.             "Title": "Diego Rodriguez de Silva VELAZQUEZ",
  63923.             "Category": "HUM",
  63924.             "Description": "Several paintings by the artist from the Meadows Museum at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas.",
  63925.             "Year": 0
  63926.         },
  63927.         {
  63928.             "RIT": "ws204101",
  63929.             "Type": "WS",
  63930.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/amerart/ashcan/24.2.html",
  63931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63932.             "Title": "McSorley's Bar",
  63933.             "Category": "HUM",
  63934.             "Description": "A painting by John Sloan displayed by the Detroit Instiute of Arts.",
  63935.             "Year": 0
  63936.         },
  63937.         {
  63938.             "RIT": "ws204110",
  63939.             "Type": "WS",
  63940.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/john_marin_1870.htm",
  63941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63942.             "Title": "Schooner Yachts, Deer Isle, Main",
  63943.             "Category": "HUM",
  63944.             "Description": "John Marin's painting from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  63945.             "Year": 0
  63946.         },
  63947.         {
  63948.             "RIT": "ws204111",
  63949.             "Type": "WS",
  63950.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/june97/horne_6-30.html",
  63951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63952.             "Title": "Lena Horne Turns 80",
  63953.             "Category": "HUM",
  63954.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of a NewsHour discussion about Horne's work as an entertainer and civil rights activitist.",
  63955.             "Year": 0
  63956.         },
  63957.         {
  63958.             "RIT": "ws204112",
  63959.             "Type": "WS",
  63960.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Blakelock_R/Landscape_MM.html",
  63961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63962.             "Title": "Untitled (sunset landscape)",
  63963.             "Category": "HUM",
  63964.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln presents a painting by Ralph Blakelock.",
  63965.             "Year": 0
  63966.         },
  63967.         {
  63968.             "RIT": "ws204113",
  63969.             "Type": "WS",
  63970.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_xXXvll",
  63971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63972.             "Title": "Portrait of Countess Maria Theresia Bucquoi,",
  63973.             "Category": "HUM",
  63974.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents a painting by Marie Louise Elizabeth Vigee-Le Brun as an online postcard.",
  63975.             "Year": 0
  63976.         },
  63977.         {
  63978.             "RIT": "ws204114",
  63979.             "Type": "WS",
  63980.             "URL": "http://www.calder.org/SETS/life/life.html",
  63981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63982.             "Title": "Alexander Calder",
  63983.             "Category": "HUM",
  63984.             "Description": "Information about the artist's life and work from the Calder Foundation in New York City.",
  63985.             "Year": 0
  63986.         },
  63987.         {
  63988.             "RIT": "ws204115",
  63989.             "Type": "WS",
  63990.             "URL": "http://www.history.navy.mil/ac/amphib/amphib8.htm",
  63991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  63992.             "Title": "Amphibious Operations",
  63993.             "Category": "HUM",
  63994.             "Description": "The Navy Historical Center in Washington, D.C., presents paintings by James Turnbull and Reginald Marsh.",
  63995.             "Year": 0
  63996.         },
  63997.         {
  63998.             "RIT": "ws204116",
  63999.             "Type": "WS",
  64000.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=morris&=And&=Yes&=graves&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  64001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64002.             "Title": "Morris Graves",
  64003.             "Category": "HUM",
  64004.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  64005.             "Year": 0
  64006.         },
  64007.         {
  64008.             "RIT": "ws204117",
  64009.             "Type": "WS",
  64010.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/prints/92pc_gorky.html",
  64011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64012.             "Title": "The Artist's Mother",
  64013.             "Category": "HUM",
  64014.             "Description": "A sketch by Arshile Gorky from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  64015.             "Year": 0
  64016.         },
  64017.         {
  64018.             "RIT": "ws204118",
  64019.             "Type": "WS",
  64020.             "URL": "http://www.ackland.org/tours/marin.html",
  64021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64022.             "Title": "John Marin",
  64023.             "Category": "HUM",
  64024.             "Description": "A painting by Marin from the Ackland Art Museum at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.",
  64025.             "Year": 0
  64026.         },
  64027.         {
  64028.             "RIT": "ws204128",
  64029.             "Type": "WS",
  64030.             "URL": "http://www.msss.com/mars_images/moc/june2000/",
  64031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64032.             "Title": "MOC Images Suggest Recent Sources of Liquid Water on Mars",
  64033.             "Category": "PHY",
  64034.             "Description": "Global Surveyor photographs showing evidence of water on Mars.",
  64035.             "Year": 0
  64036.         },
  64037.         {
  64038.             "RIT": "ws204129",
  64039.             "Type": "WS",
  64040.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/duBois_G/PC.html",
  64041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64042.             "Title": "The Beach",
  64043.             "Category": "HUM",
  64044.             "Description": "A painting by Guy Pene du Bois from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  64045.             "Year": 0
  64046.         },
  64047.         {
  64048.             "RIT": "ws204130",
  64049.             "Type": "WS",
  64050.             "URL": "http://www.noguchi.org/",
  64051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64052.             "Title": "The Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum",
  64053.             "Category": "HUM",
  64054.             "Description": "Web site of a museum in Long Island City, New York.",
  64055.             "Year": 0
  64056.         },
  64057.         {
  64058.             "RIT": "ws204131",
  64059.             "Type": "WS",
  64060.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=233540",
  64061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64062.             "Title": "Everett Shinn",
  64063.             "Category": "HUM",
  64064.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  64065.             "Year": 0
  64066.         },
  64067.         {
  64068.             "RIT": "ws204132",
  64069.             "Type": "WS",
  64070.             "URL": "http://www.usc.edu/schools/annenberg/asc/projects/comm544/library/images/776.html",
  64071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64072.             "Title": "Two Cheeseburgers with Everything (Dual Hamburgers)",
  64073.             "Category": "HUM",
  64074.             "Description": "PBS presents a piece by sculptor Claes Oldenburg.",
  64075.             "Year": 0
  64076.         },
  64077.         {
  64078.             "RIT": "ws204133",
  64079.             "Type": "WS",
  64080.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Daumier.htm",
  64081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64082.             "Title": "Laundress on the Quai d'Anjou",
  64083.             "Category": "HUM",
  64084.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Honore-Victorin Daumier with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  64085.             "Year": 0
  64086.         },
  64087.         {
  64088.             "RIT": "ws204134",
  64089.             "Type": "WS",
  64090.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page251.html",
  64091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64092.             "Title": "Jane Seymour, Queen of England",
  64093.             "Category": "HUM",
  64094.             "Description": "A portrait by Hans Holbein the Younger from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  64095.             "Year": 0
  64096.         },
  64097.         {
  64098.             "RIT": "ws204135",
  64099.             "Type": "WS",
  64100.             "URL": "http://mars.cropsoil.uga.edu/trop-ag/the-maya.htm",
  64101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64102.             "Title": "The Maya of Guatemala",
  64103.             "Category": "SOC",
  64104.             "Description": "Information about the Maya in Guatemala from the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at the University of Georgia.",
  64105.             "Year": 0
  64106.         },
  64107.         {
  64108.             "RIT": "ws204136",
  64109.             "Type": "WS",
  64110.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2000/oil.prices/",
  64111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64112.             "Title": "Priming the Pump",
  64113.             "Category": "IND",
  64114.             "Description": "CNN Special Report about fuel -- who produces it and how are gasoline prices set?",
  64115.             "Year": 0
  64116.         },
  64117.         {
  64118.             "RIT": "ws204146",
  64119.             "Type": "WS",
  64120.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/beatles_11-22-5.html",
  64121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64122.             "Title": "The Beatles",
  64123.             "Category": "HUM",
  64124.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of a NewsHour discussion about the longlasting popularity of the Beatles.",
  64125.             "Year": 0
  64126.         },
  64127.         {
  64128.             "RIT": "ws204147",
  64129.             "Type": "WS",
  64130.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/media/july-dec00/rowling_7-10.html",
  64131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64132.             "Title": "Publishing Wizardry",
  64133.             "Category": "HUM",
  64134.             "Description": "In this Online NewsHour transcript, publishers and booksellers discuss the success of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books.",
  64135.             "Year": 0
  64136.         },
  64137.         {
  64138.             "RIT": "ws204148",
  64139.             "Type": "WS",
  64140.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/bierstad.htm",
  64141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64142.             "Title": "Albert Bierstadt 1830-1902",
  64143.             "Category": "HUM",
  64144.             "Description": "A biography of the artist from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  64145.             "Year": 0
  64146.         },
  64147.         {
  64148.             "RIT": "ws204149",
  64149.             "Type": "WS",
  64150.             "URL": "http://www.ringling.org/pages/art_museum_collection_7.htm",
  64151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64152.             "Title": "THE REST ON THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT",
  64153.             "Category": "HUM",
  64154.             "Description": "The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, Florida, presents a painting by Paolo Veronese (Caliari) with commentary.",
  64155.             "Year": 0
  64156.         },
  64157.         {
  64158.             "RIT": "ws204150",
  64159.             "Type": "WS",
  64160.             "URL": "http://www.museum.cornell.edu/HFJ/handbook/hb200.html",
  64161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64162.             "Title": "Migration",
  64163.             "Category": "HUM",
  64164.             "Description": "The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, displays a painting by Robert Rauschenberg.",
  64165.             "Year": 0
  64166.         },
  64167.         {
  64168.             "RIT": "ws204151",
  64169.             "Type": "WS",
  64170.             "URL": "http://www.huntermuseum.org/thomashartbenton.htm",
  64171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64172.             "Title": "Wreck of the Ole '97, Thomas Hart Benton",
  64173.             "Category": "HUM",
  64174.             "Description": "A painting and essay from the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, Tennessee.",
  64175.             "Year": 0
  64176.         },
  64177.         {
  64178.             "RIT": "ws204152",
  64179.             "Type": "WS",
  64180.             "URL": "http://www.aagm.co.uk/ag004393.html",
  64181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64182.             "Title": "The Convalescent by John Everett Millias",
  64183.             "Category": "HUM",
  64184.             "Description": "A painting from the Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums in Aberdeen, Scotland.",
  64185.             "Year": 0
  64186.         },
  64187.         {
  64188.             "RIT": "ws204153",
  64189.             "Type": "WS",
  64190.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Marin_J/TO.html",
  64191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64192.             "Title": "Landscape, Mountains",
  64193.             "Category": "HUM",
  64194.             "Description": "John Marin's painting from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  64195.             "Year": 0
  64196.         },
  64197.         {
  64198.             "RIT": "ws204154",
  64199.             "Type": "WS",
  64200.             "URL": "http://www.ima-art.org/cTurnerOberhofen.html",
  64201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64202.             "Title": "Oberhofen, Lake Thun",
  64203.             "Category": "HUM",
  64204.             "Description": "This exhibit from the Indianapolis Museum of Art includes several paintings by J. M. W. Turner.",
  64205.             "Year": 0
  64206.         },
  64207.         {
  64208.             "RIT": "ws204165",
  64209.             "Type": "WS",
  64210.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/002169/",
  64211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64212.             "Title": "(Lobster on Black Background)",
  64213.             "Category": "HUM",
  64214.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., displays this painting by Marsden Hartley and information about his other work.",
  64215.             "Year": 0
  64216.         },
  64217.         {
  64218.             "RIT": "ws204166",
  64219.             "Type": "WS",
  64220.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/rauschen.html",
  64221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64222.             "Title": "Untitled",
  64223.             "Category": "HUM",
  64224.             "Description": "Robert Rauschenberg's painting from the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth in Fort Worth, Texas.",
  64225.             "Year": 0
  64226.         },
  64227.         {
  64228.             "RIT": "ws204167",
  64229.             "Type": "WS",
  64230.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=cranach",
  64231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64232.             "Title": "Cranach, Lucas, I",
  64233.             "Category": "HUM",
  64234.             "Description": "Paintings by the artist from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  64235.             "Year": 0
  64236.         },
  64237.         {
  64238.             "RIT": "ws204168",
  64239.             "Type": "WS",
  64240.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec99/hemingway_7-21.html",
  64241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64242.             "Title": "Hemingway at 100",
  64243.             "Category": "HUM",
  64244.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of a NewsHour discussion about the life and work of Ernest Hemingway.",
  64245.             "Year": 0
  64246.         },
  64247.         {
  64248.             "RIT": "ws204169",
  64249.             "Type": "WS",
  64250.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/essays/may99/rodriguez_5-12.html",
  64251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64252.             "Title": "John Singer Sargent",
  64253.             "Category": "HUM",
  64254.             "Description": "In this NewsHour transcript from PBS, Richard Rodriguez of the Pacific News Service analyzes the art of American painter John Singer Sargent.",
  64255.             "Year": 0
  64256.         },
  64257.         {
  64258.             "RIT": "ws204170",
  64259.             "Type": "WS",
  64260.             "URL": "http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/pets.html",
  64261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64262.             "Title": "Primates as Pets",
  64263.             "Category": "LIF",
  64264.             "Description": "University of Wisconsin's site provides information on owning primates as pets.",
  64265.             "Year": 0
  64266.         },
  64267.         {
  64268.             "RIT": "ws204171",
  64269.             "Type": "WS",
  64270.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/COL1a4/COL24a.HTM",
  64271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64272.             "Title": "Vierge a l'Enfant",
  64273.             "Category": "HUM",
  64274.             "Description": "A painting by Rogier Van der Weyden from the Fondation Bemberg Museum in Toulouse, France.",
  64275.             "Year": 0
  64276.         },
  64277.         {
  64278.             "RIT": "ws204172",
  64279.             "Type": "WS",
  64280.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=2300",
  64281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64282.             "Title": "Thomas Hart Benton",
  64283.             "Category": "HUM",
  64284.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents a biography and art images.",
  64285.             "Year": 0
  64286.         },
  64287.         {
  64288.             "RIT": "ws204184",
  64289.             "Type": "WS",
  64290.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/American/1977.144.html",
  64291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64292.             "Title": "Charles Sheeler: Zinnia and Nasturtium Leaves",
  64293.             "Category": "HUM",
  64294.             "Description": "A photograph from the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  64295.             "Year": 0
  64296.         },
  64297.         {
  64298.             "RIT": "ws204185",
  64299.             "Type": "WS",
  64300.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FPASS=N&FORMAT=one&FHIT=4&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/002835",
  64301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64302.             "Title": "Peonies in the Wind with Kakemono Borders",
  64303.             "Category": "HUM",
  64304.             "Description": "John La Farge's painting",
  64305.             "Year": 0
  64306.         },
  64307.         {
  64308.             "RIT": "ws204186",
  64309.             "Type": "WS",
  64310.             "URL": "http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/collection/international/painting/d/van_dyck.html",
  64311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64312.             "Title": "Anthony van Dyck",
  64313.             "Category": "HUM",
  64314.             "Description": "Paintings from the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia.",
  64315.             "Year": 0
  64316.         },
  64317.         {
  64318.             "RIT": "ws204187",
  64319.             "Type": "WS",
  64320.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/amerart/landscape/61.28.html",
  64321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64322.             "Title": "The Wolf River, Kansas",
  64323.             "Category": "HUM",
  64324.             "Description": "The Detroit Instiute of Arts displays a painting by Albert Bierstadt.",
  64325.             "Year": 0
  64326.         },
  64327.         {
  64328.             "RIT": "ws204188",
  64329.             "Type": "WS",
  64330.             "URL": "http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/cattle/",
  64331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64332.             "Title": "Breeds of Livestock - Cattle Breeds",
  64333.             "Category": "LIF",
  64334.             "Description": "Oklahoma State University's site of various types of cattle.",
  64335.             "Year": 0
  64336.         },
  64337.         {
  64338.             "RIT": "ws204189",
  64339.             "Type": "WS",
  64340.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=32900",
  64341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64342.             "Title": "Rogier van der Weyden",
  64343.             "Category": "HUM",
  64344.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents a biography and art images.",
  64345.             "Year": 0
  64346.         },
  64347.         {
  64348.             "RIT": "ws204190",
  64349.             "Type": "WS",
  64350.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec99/marceau_10-22.html",
  64351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64352.             "Title": "The Sound of Silence",
  64353.             "Category": "HUM",
  64354.             "Description": "PBS presents an interview with Marcel Marceau.",
  64355.             "Year": 0
  64356.         },
  64357.         {
  64358.             "RIT": "ws204191",
  64359.             "Type": "WS",
  64360.             "URL": "http://www.glenn-co.k12.ca.us/gcoe/media_center/artprints/artprint40/rebus.htm\u000b",
  64361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64362.             "Title": "Rebus",
  64363.             "Category": "HUM",
  64364.             "Description": "PBS exhibits a Robert Rauschenberg painting online.",
  64365.             "Year": 0
  64366.         },
  64367.         {
  64368.             "RIT": "ws204192",
  64369.             "Type": "WS",
  64370.             "URL": "http://www.fondation-bemberg.fr/COL1a4/COL41a.HTM",
  64371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64372.             "Title": "Senateur venitien",
  64373.             "Category": "HUM",
  64374.             "Description": "A painting by Paolo Veronese from the Fondation Bemberg Museum in Toulouse, France.",
  64375.             "Year": 0
  64376.         },
  64377.         {
  64378.             "RIT": "ws204155",
  64379.             "Type": "WS",
  64380.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/ibarbara.html",
  64381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64382.             "Title": "Sir Saint Barbara",
  64383.             "Category": "HUM",
  64384.             "Description": "Robert Campin's painting from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  64385.             "Year": 0
  64386.         },
  64387.         {
  64388.             "RIT": "ws204156",
  64389.             "Type": "WS",
  64390.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/john_steuart_curry_1897.htm",
  64391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64392.             "Title": "Sanctuary",
  64393.             "Category": "HUM",
  64394.             "Description": "John Steuart Curry's painting from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  64395.             "Year": 0
  64396.         },
  64397.         {
  64398.             "RIT": "ws204157",
  64399.             "Type": "WS",
  64400.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=94",
  64401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64402.             "Title": "Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec",
  64403.             "Category": "HUM",
  64404.             "Description": "Works from the E.G. Buehrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  64405.             "Year": 0
  64406.         },
  64407.         {
  64408.             "RIT": "ws204158",
  64409.             "Type": "WS",
  64410.             "URL": "http://www.imh.org/imh/bw/home2.html",
  64411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64412.             "Title": "Breeds of the World",
  64413.             "Category": "LIF",
  64414.             "Description": "Kentucky Horse Park's page describes various horse species.",
  64415.             "Year": 0
  64416.         },
  64417.         {
  64418.             "RIT": "ws204159",
  64419.             "Type": "WS",
  64420.             "URL": "http://www.economist.com/editorial/freeforall/focus/the_euro.html",
  64421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64422.             "Title": "The Economist euro news",
  64423.             "Category": "SOC",
  64424.             "Description": "Series of articles focusing on the euro from The Economist magazine.",
  64425.             "Year": 0
  64426.         },
  64427.         {
  64428.             "RIT": "ws204160",
  64429.             "Type": "WS",
  64430.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/collections/exhibits/metlives/",
  64431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64432.             "Title": "Metropolitan Lives: The Ashcan Artists and Their New York",
  64433.             "Category": "HUM",
  64434.             "Description": "Opening page of an exhibit from the Smithsonian American Art Museum.",
  64435.             "Year": 0
  64436.         },
  64437.         {
  64438.             "RIT": "ws204161",
  64439.             "Type": "WS",
  64440.             "URL": "http://www.museum.cornell.edu/HFJ/handbook/hb191.html",
  64441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64442.             "Title": "Grand Tier at the Met",
  64443.             "Category": "HUM",
  64444.             "Description": "Cornell University's Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art in Ithaca, presents a painting by Reginald Marsh with commentary.",
  64445.             "Year": 0
  64446.         },
  64447.         {
  64448.             "RIT": "ws204162",
  64449.             "Type": "WS",
  64450.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntg39f.htm",
  64451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64452.             "Title": "KING PHILIP IV OF SPAIN",
  64453.             "Category": "HUM",
  64454.             "Description": "The Frick Collection in New York City exhibits a painting by Diego Velazquez.",
  64455.             "Year": 0
  64456.         },
  64457.         {
  64458.             "RIT": "ws204163",
  64459.             "Type": "WS",
  64460.             "URL": "http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Colleges/ARHU/Depts/ArtGal/.WWW/permcol/tour/20thcent/20th13.htm",
  64461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64462.             "Title": "Gloucester",
  64463.             "Category": "HUM",
  64464.             "Description": "Maurice Prendergast's painting from the Art Gallery at the University of Maryland in College Park.",
  64465.             "Year": 0
  64466.         },
  64467.         {
  64468.             "RIT": "ws204164",
  64469.             "Type": "WS",
  64470.             "URL": "http://www2.worldbook.com/features/features.asp?feature=cloning&page=html/cloning.html&direct=yes",
  64471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64472.             "Title": "Cloning -- Are Humans Next?",
  64473.             "Category": "LIF",
  64474.             "Description": "World Book report about cloning.",
  64475.             "Year": 0
  64476.         },
  64477.         {
  64478.             "RIT": "ws204173",
  64479.             "Type": "WS",
  64480.             "URL": "http://www.weber.edu/chfam/html/angelouspeech.html",
  64481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64482.             "Title": "The Distinguished Annie Clark Tanner Lecture",
  64483.             "Category": "HUM",
  64484.             "Description": "The Department of Child and Family Studies at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah, presents a speech given by Maya Angelou at a 1997 conference.",
  64485.             "Year": 0
  64486.         },
  64487.         {
  64488.             "RIT": "ws204174",
  64489.             "Type": "WS",
  64490.             "URL": "http://www.phillyzoo.org/pz-bears.htm",
  64491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64492.             "Title": "The Philadelphia Zoo - Bears!",
  64493.             "Category": "LIF",
  64494.             "Description": "General information about different types of bears by the Philadelphia Zoo.",
  64495.             "Year": 0
  64496.         },
  64497.         {
  64498.             "RIT": "ws204176",
  64499.             "Type": "WS",
  64500.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=28150",
  64501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64502.             "Title": "Georges Seurat",
  64503.             "Category": "HUM",
  64504.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  64505.             "Year": 0
  64506.         },
  64507.         {
  64508.             "RIT": "ws204177",
  64509.             "Type": "WS",
  64510.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec98/curry_8-13.html",
  64511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64512.             "Title": "Curry's Kansas",
  64513.             "Category": "HUM",
  64514.             "Description": "PBS presents an ONLINE Newshour special on artist John Steuart Curry.",
  64515.             "Year": 0
  64516.         },
  64517.         {
  64518.             "RIT": "ws204178",
  64519.             "Type": "WS",
  64520.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/97/cats/",
  64521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64522.             "Title": "Cats @ nationalgeographic.com",
  64523.             "Category": "LIF",
  64524.             "Description": "National Geographic's site about cats.",
  64525.             "Year": 0
  64526.         },
  64527.         {
  64528.             "RIT": "ws204179",
  64529.             "Type": "WS",
  64530.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Curry_JS/AS.html",
  64531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64532.             "Title": "John Steuart Curry",
  64533.             "Category": "HUM",
  64534.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, presents works by the artist.",
  64535.             "Year": 0
  64536.         },
  64537.         {
  64538.             "RIT": "ws204180",
  64539.             "Type": "WS",
  64540.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=71744+0+none",
  64541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64542.             "Title": "Rail Fence",
  64543.             "Category": "HUM",
  64544.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., exhibits Charles Burchfield's painting.",
  64545.             "Year": 0
  64546.         },
  64547.         {
  64548.             "RIT": "ws204181",
  64549.             "Type": "WS",
  64550.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_scmuvn",
  64551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64552.             "Title": "Holidays",
  64553.             "Category": "HUM",
  64554.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents Maurice Prendergast's painting as an online postcard.",
  64555.             "Year": 0
  64556.         },
  64557.         {
  64558.             "RIT": "ws204183",
  64559.             "Type": "WS",
  64560.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Toulouse-Lautrec.html_f/Toulouse-Lautrec.html",
  64561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64562.             "Title": "Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec",
  64563.             "Category": "HUM",
  64564.             "Description": "Artwork from the California State University Library in Long Beach.",
  64565.             "Year": 0
  64566.         },
  64567.         {
  64568.             "RIT": "ws204193",
  64569.             "Type": "WS",
  64570.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/003794/",
  64571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64572.             "Title": "David Park",
  64573.             "Category": "HUM",
  64574.             "Description": "Images of Park's art from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  64575.             "Year": 0
  64576.         },
  64577.         {
  64578.             "RIT": "ws204194",
  64579.             "Type": "WS",
  64580.             "URL": "http://smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian/issues97/nov97/dove_nov97.html",
  64581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64582.             "Title": "The Quiet Man of American Modernism",
  64583.             "Category": "HUM",
  64584.             "Description": "A Smithsonian Magazine article on the artist Arthur Dove.",
  64585.             "Year": 0
  64586.         },
  64587.         {
  64588.             "RIT": "ws204195",
  64589.             "Type": "WS",
  64590.             "URL": "http://www.ipcc.ch/",
  64591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64592.             "Title": "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change",
  64593.             "Category": "PHY",
  64594.             "Description": "Web site of a climate change research group.",
  64595.             "Year": 0
  64596.         },
  64597.         {
  64598.             "RIT": "ws204196",
  64599.             "Type": "WS",
  64600.             "URL": "http://www.williams.edu/WCMA/exhibitions/identity/jlafarge_magnolia.html",
  64601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64602.             "Title": "Magnolia Grandiflora",
  64603.             "Category": "HUM",
  64604.             "Description": "A painting by John La Farge from the Williams College Museum of Art in Williamstown, Massachusetts.",
  64605.             "Year": 0
  64606.         },
  64607.         {
  64608.             "RIT": "ws204197",
  64609.             "Type": "WS",
  64610.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/American/1941.7.html",
  64611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64612.             "Title": "Arthur B. Davies: Sleep Lies Perfect in Them",
  64613.             "Category": "HUM",
  64614.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  64615.             "Year": 0
  64616.         },
  64617.         {
  64618.             "RIT": "ws204198",
  64619.             "Type": "WS",
  64620.             "URL": "http://home.uleth.ca/sfa-gal/collections/Historical/Jackson.html",
  64621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64622.             "Title": "Alexander Young JACKSON",
  64623.             "Category": "HUM",
  64624.             "Description": "Artrworks from the University of Lethbridge Art Gallery in Lethbridge, Alberta.",
  64625.             "Year": 0
  64626.         },
  64627.         {
  64628.             "RIT": "ws204199",
  64629.             "Type": "WS",
  64630.             "URL": "http://www.nd.edu/~sniteart/97/img/galls/20th/hartley.htm",
  64631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64632.             "Title": "Calla Lillies",
  64633.             "Category": "HUM",
  64634.             "Description": "The Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana, presents a painting by Marsden Hartley.",
  64635.             "Year": 0
  64636.         },
  64637.         {
  64638.             "RIT": "ws204200",
  64639.             "Type": "WS",
  64640.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/i60.html",
  64641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64642.             "Title": "THE TRIUMPH OF BACCHUS OR THE DRUNKARDS",
  64643.             "Category": "HUM",
  64644.             "Description": "Diego Velazquez's painting from the Prado Museum in Madrid.",
  64645.             "Year": 0
  64646.         },
  64647.         {
  64648.             "RIT": "ws204201",
  64649.             "Type": "WS",
  64650.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/congress/jan-june00/library_8-4.html",
  64651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64652.             "Title": "Not an Average Library",
  64653.             "Category": "SOC",
  64654.             "Description": "In this Online NewsHour transcript, journalist Ray Suarez takes a close look at the Library of Congress.",
  64655.             "Year": 0
  64656.         },
  64657.         {
  64658.             "RIT": "ws204212",
  64659.             "Type": "WS",
  64660.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Rothko_M/SSI.html",
  64661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64662.             "Title": "Yellow Band",
  64663.             "Category": "HUM",
  64664.             "Description": "Mark Rothko's painting from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  64665.             "Year": 0
  64666.         },
  64667.         {
  64668.             "RIT": "ws204213",
  64669.             "Type": "WS",
  64670.             "URL": "http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/Exhibitions/wright/gallery.asp?newPos=6",
  64671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64672.             "Title": "Thermometer",
  64673.             "Category": "HUM",
  64674.             "Description": "The Seattle Art Museum exhibits a painting by Jasper Johns.",
  64675.             "Year": 0
  64676.         },
  64677.         {
  64678.             "RIT": "ws204214",
  64679.             "Type": "WS",
  64680.             "URL": "http://monet.unk.edu/mona/artexplr/blakelock/blakelock.html",
  64681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64682.             "Title": "Ralph Blakelock (1847-1919)",
  64683.             "Category": "HUM",
  64684.             "Description": "A brief biography from the Museum of Nebraska Art at the University of Nebraska in Kearney.",
  64685.             "Year": 0
  64686.         },
  64687.         {
  64688.             "RIT": "ws204215",
  64689.             "Type": "WS",
  64690.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/european/flemish/055_lrg.html",
  64691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64692.             "Title": "Lady Mary Villiers, later Duchess of Richmond and Lennox, with Charles Hamilton, Lord Arran",
  64693.             "Category": "HUM",
  64694.             "Description": "Anthony van Dyck's painting from the from the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina.",
  64695.             "Year": 0
  64696.         },
  64697.         {
  64698.             "RIT": "ws204216",
  64699.             "Type": "WS",
  64700.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/robert_henri_1865.htm",
  64701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64702.             "Title": "The Little Dancer",
  64703.             "Category": "HUM",
  64704.             "Description": "A painting by Robert Henri from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  64705.             "Year": 0
  64706.         },
  64707.         {
  64708.             "RIT": "ws204217",
  64709.             "Type": "WS",
  64710.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-07-10-96/a-lundi1707.html",
  64711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64712.             "Title": "Rock-burnt Country",
  64713.             "Category": "HUM",
  64714.             "Description": "Tom Thomson's painting from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  64715.             "Year": 0
  64716.         },
  64717.         {
  64718.             "RIT": "ws204218",
  64719.             "Type": "WS",
  64720.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=2&full=0&item=07%2E123",
  64721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64722.             "Title": "The Rocky Mountains, Lander's Peak",
  64723.             "Category": "HUM",
  64724.             "Description": "A painting by Albert Bierstadt from the Metropolitan Museum o Art in New York City.",
  64725.             "Year": 0
  64726.         },
  64727.         {
  64728.             "RIT": "ws204219",
  64729.             "Type": "WS",
  64730.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=50%2E135%2E2",
  64731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64732.             "Title": "Madame Grand",
  64733.             "Category": "HUM",
  64734.             "Description": "A painting by Elisabeth Louise Vigee Le Brun from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  64735.             "Year": 0
  64736.         },
  64737.         {
  64738.             "RIT": "ws204220",
  64739.             "Type": "WS",
  64740.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=204050",
  64741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64742.             "Title": "Martin Schongauer",
  64743.             "Category": "HUM",
  64744.             "Description": "Artworks displayed by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  64745.             "Year": 0
  64746.         },
  64747.         {
  64748.             "RIT": "ws204230",
  64749.             "Type": "WS",
  64750.             "URL": "http://www.museum.cornell.edu/HFJ/handbook/hb182.html",
  64751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64752.             "Title": "Place des Vosges",
  64753.             "Category": "HUM",
  64754.             "Description": "The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, presents a painting by Stuart Davis.",
  64755.             "Year": 0
  64756.         },
  64757.         {
  64758.             "RIT": "ws204231",
  64759.             "Type": "WS",
  64760.             "URL": "http://www.museothyssen.org/museovirtual/fichas/obraampliada.asp?codigo=288",
  64761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64762.             "Title": "Express",
  64763.             "Category": "HUM",
  64764.             "Description": "Robert Rauschenberg's painting from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid.",
  64765.             "Year": 0
  64766.         },
  64767.         {
  64768.             "RIT": "ws204232",
  64769.             "Type": "WS",
  64770.             "URL": "http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/taos/bios/sloan.htm",
  64771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64772.             "Title": "John Sloan",
  64773.             "Category": "HUM",
  64774.             "Description": "An artist profile from the Museum of Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas.",
  64775.             "Year": 0
  64776.         },
  64777.         {
  64778.             "RIT": "ws204233",
  64779.             "Type": "WS",
  64780.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/european/italian/1495-1600/096_lrg.html",
  64781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64782.             "Title": "The Baptism of Christ",
  64783.             "Category": "HUM",
  64784.             "Description": "The North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina, displays a painting by Paolo Caliari, called Veronese.",
  64785.             "Year": 0
  64786.         },
  64787.         {
  64788.             "RIT": "ws204234",
  64789.             "Type": "WS",
  64790.             "URL": "http://www.seaworld.org/infobooks/Gorilla/home.html",
  64791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64792.             "Title": "Gorilla",
  64793.             "Category": "LIF",
  64794.             "Description": "General information about the gorilla in SeaWorld/Busch Gardens Animal Information Database.",
  64795.             "Year": 0
  64796.         },
  64797.         {
  64798.             "RIT": "ws204235",
  64799.             "Type": "WS",
  64800.             "URL": "http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?search=ss&sText=Dante+Gabriel+Rossetti&LinkID=mp03877",
  64801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64802.             "Title": "Dante Gabriel Rossetti",
  64803.             "Category": "HUM",
  64804.             "Description": "Paintings from the National Portrait Gallery in London.",
  64805.             "Year": 0
  64806.         },
  64807.         {
  64808.             "RIT": "ws204237",
  64809.             "Type": "WS",
  64810.             "URL": "http://www.iht.com/IHT/RCM/97/rcm053197.html",
  64811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64812.             "Title": "Van Dyck in Genoa: Making of a Master",
  64813.             "Category": "HUM",
  64814.             "Description": "An International Herald Tribune about Anton Van Dyck's work in Genoa, Italy.",
  64815.             "Year": 0
  64816.         },
  64817.         {
  64818.             "RIT": "ws204238",
  64819.             "Type": "WS",
  64820.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=marisol&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  64821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64822.             "Title": "Marisol Escobar (Marisol)",
  64823.             "Category": "HUM",
  64824.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  64825.             "Year": 0
  64826.         },
  64827.         {
  64828.             "RIT": "ws204239",
  64829.             "Type": "WS",
  64830.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=&=And&=Yes&=Toulouse-Lautrec&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  64831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64832.             "Title": "Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec",
  64833.             "Category": "HUM",
  64834.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  64835.             "Year": 0
  64836.         },
  64837.         {
  64838.             "RIT": "ws204249",
  64839.             "Type": "WS",
  64840.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=44&group=general&name=",
  64841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64842.             "Title": "Richard Parkes Bonington",
  64843.             "Category": "HUM",
  64844.             "Description": "Images of Bonington's art from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  64845.             "Year": 0
  64846.         },
  64847.         {
  64848.             "RIT": "ws204250",
  64849.             "Type": "WS",
  64850.             "URL": "http://www.huntermuseum.org/georgecalebbingham.htm",
  64851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64852.             "Title": "George Caleb Bingham (1811-1879)",
  64853.             "Category": "HUM",
  64854.             "Description": "An artist profile from the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, Tennessee.",
  64855.             "Year": 0
  64856.         },
  64857.         {
  64858.             "RIT": "ws204251",
  64859.             "Type": "WS",
  64860.             "URL": "http://www.morsemuseum.org/collection.html",
  64861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64862.             "Title": "The Morse Museum Collection",
  64863.             "Category": "HUM",
  64864.             "Description": "The museum in Winter Park, Florida, showcases works by Louis Comfort Tiffany and Hiram Powers.",
  64865.             "Year": 0
  64866.         },
  64867.         {
  64868.             "RIT": "ws204252",
  64869.             "Type": "WS",
  64870.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=lyonel&=And&=Yes&=feininger&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  64871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64872.             "Title": "Lyonel Feininger",
  64873.             "Category": "HUM",
  64874.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Musuems of San Francisco.",
  64875.             "Year": 0
  64876.         },
  64877.         {
  64878.             "RIT": "ws204253",
  64879.             "Type": "WS",
  64880.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/mi0205/peint_f.htm",
  64881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64882.             "Title": "St. Bonaventura on his Deathbed",
  64883.             "Category": "HUM",
  64884.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris presents a painting by Francisco de Zurbaran.",
  64885.             "Year": 0
  64886.         },
  64887.         {
  64888.             "RIT": "ws204254",
  64889.             "Type": "WS",
  64890.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page228.html",
  64891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64892.             "Title": "The Return of the Herd",
  64893.             "Category": "HUM",
  64894.             "Description": "A painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  64895.             "Year": 0
  64896.         },
  64897.         {
  64898.             "RIT": "ws204255",
  64899.             "Type": "WS",
  64900.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv0488/peint_f.htm",
  64901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64902.             "Title": "The Raft of the Medusa",
  64903.             "Category": "HUM",
  64904.             "Description": "A painting by Theodore Gericault from the Louvre in Paris.",
  64905.             "Year": 0
  64906.         },
  64907.         {
  64908.             "RIT": "ws204256",
  64909.             "Type": "WS",
  64910.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/educatn/trc-news/slidepac/16.html",
  64911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64912.             "Title": "Monsieur Boileau at the Cafe",
  64913.             "Category": "HUM",
  64914.             "Description": "The Cleveland Museum of Art in Cleveland, Ohio, presents a painting by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec with commentary.",
  64915.             "Year": 0
  64916.         },
  64917.         {
  64918.             "RIT": "ws204257",
  64919.             "Type": "WS",
  64920.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/004535/",
  64921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64922.             "Title": "Charles Sheeler",
  64923.             "Category": "HUM",
  64924.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., presents works by the artist.",
  64925.             "Year": 0
  64926.         },
  64927.         {
  64928.             "RIT": "ws204268",
  64929.             "Type": "WS",
  64930.             "URL": "http://hudson.acad.umn.edu/Hartley.html",
  64931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64932.             "Title": "Marsden Hartley",
  64933.             "Category": "HUM",
  64934.             "Description": "Five works by the artist from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota.",
  64935.             "Year": 0
  64936.         },
  64937.         {
  64938.             "RIT": "ws204269",
  64939.             "Type": "WS",
  64940.             "URL": "http://www.iht.com/IHT/ART/99/sm091199.html",
  64941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64942.             "Title": "The Patrician Genius of Van Dyck",
  64943.             "Category": "HUM",
  64944.             "Description": "An article about Anthony Van Dyck from the International Herald Tribune.",
  64945.             "Year": 0
  64946.         },
  64947.         {
  64948.             "RIT": "ws204270",
  64949.             "Type": "WS",
  64950.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/moonpass.htm",
  64951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64952.             "Title": "Moon Passage",
  64953.             "Category": "HUM",
  64954.             "Description": "A print by Louise Nevelson from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  64955.             "Year": 0
  64956.         },
  64957.         {
  64958.             "RIT": "ws204271",
  64959.             "Type": "WS",
  64960.             "URL": "http://www.saintpeters.org/aboutus/ourbuilding.html",
  64961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64962.             "Title": "The Art and Architecture of Saint Peter's",
  64963.             "Category": "HUM",
  64964.             "Description": "This Web page from Saint Peter's Church in New York City include a photo of The Chapel Of The Good Shepherd, designed by Louise Nevelson.",
  64965.             "Year": 0
  64966.         },
  64967.         {
  64968.             "RIT": "ws204272",
  64969.             "Type": "WS",
  64970.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=davis+stuart&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  64971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64972.             "Title": "Stuart Davis",
  64973.             "Category": "HUM",
  64974.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  64975.             "Year": 0
  64976.         },
  64977.         {
  64978.             "RIT": "ws204273",
  64979.             "Type": "WS",
  64980.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/decoy.htm",
  64981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64982.             "Title": "Decoy I",
  64983.             "Category": "HUM",
  64984.             "Description": "A lithograph by Jasper Johns from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  64985.             "Year": 0
  64986.         },
  64987.         {
  64988.             "RIT": "ws204274",
  64989.             "Type": "WS",
  64990.             "URL": "http://www.daytonartinstitute.org/daicollection/american/204/204shinn.html",
  64991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  64992.             "Title": "Tightrope Walker",
  64993.             "Category": "HUM",
  64994.             "Description": "Everett Shinn's painting from the Dayton Art Institute in Dayton, Ohio.",
  64995.             "Year": 0
  64996.         },
  64997.         {
  64998.             "RIT": "ws204275",
  64999.             "Type": "WS",
  65000.             "URL": "http://www.government.gov.ru/english/",
  65001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65002.             "Title": "The Government of the Russian Federation",
  65003.             "Category": "GEO",
  65004.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Russian Federation.",
  65005.             "Year": 0
  65006.         },
  65007.         {
  65008.             "RIT": "ws204276",
  65009.             "Type": "WS",
  65010.             "URL": "http://www.walkerart.org/resources/res_pc_johns.html",
  65011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65012.             "Title": "FLAGS",
  65013.             "Category": "HUM",
  65014.             "Description": "A painting by Jasper Johns from the Walker Art Collection in London.",
  65015.             "Year": 0
  65016.         },
  65017.         {
  65018.             "RIT": "ws204287",
  65019.             "Type": "WS",
  65020.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Marsh_R/AS.html",
  65021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65022.             "Title": "Reginald Marsh",
  65023.             "Category": "HUM",
  65024.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  65025.             "Year": 0
  65026.         },
  65027.         {
  65028.             "RIT": "ws204288",
  65029.             "Type": "WS",
  65030.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Calder.html_f/Calder.html",
  65031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65032.             "Title": "Alexander Calder",
  65033.             "Category": "HUM",
  65034.             "Description": "Works from the California State University Library in Long Beach.",
  65035.             "Year": 0
  65036.         },
  65037.         {
  65038.             "RIT": "ws204289",
  65039.             "Type": "WS",
  65040.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv1234/peint_f.htm",
  65041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65042.             "Title": "Venus asking Vulcan for Arms for Aeneas",
  65043.             "Category": "HUM",
  65044.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris presents the work of Antoon [Anthony] Van Dyck.",
  65045.             "Year": 0
  65046.         },
  65047.         {
  65048.             "RIT": "ws204290",
  65049.             "Type": "WS",
  65050.             "URL": "http://www.art.uiuc.edu/kam/collections/american/am6.html",
  65051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65052.             "Title": "NUMBER 13 (1949)",
  65053.             "Category": "HUM",
  65054.             "Description": "Mark Rothko's painting from the Krannert Art Museum at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign.",
  65055.             "Year": 0
  65056.         },
  65057.         {
  65058.             "RIT": "ws204291",
  65059.             "Type": "WS",
  65060.             "URL": "http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/Exhibitions/wright/gallery.asp?newPos=24",
  65061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65062.             "Title": "Parnassus",
  65063.             "Category": "HUM",
  65064.             "Description": "Mark Tobey's painting from the Seattle Museum of Art.",
  65065.             "Year": 0
  65066.         },
  65067.         {
  65068.             "RIT": "ws204292",
  65069.             "Type": "WS",
  65070.             "URL": "http://www.albany.edu/museum/wwwmuseum/crossing/artist10.htm",
  65071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65072.             "Title": "Helen Frankenthaler, Madame Matisse",
  65073.             "Category": "HUM",
  65074.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the University Art Museum in Albany, New York.",
  65075.             "Year": 0
  65076.         },
  65077.         {
  65078.             "RIT": "ws204293",
  65079.             "Type": "WS",
  65080.             "URL": "http://www.amarilloart.org/lawson.html",
  65081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65082.             "Title": "The Pond",
  65083.             "Category": "HUM",
  65084.             "Description": "Ernest Lawson's painting displayed by the Amarillo Museum of Art in Amarillo, Texas.",
  65085.             "Year": 0
  65086.         },
  65087.         {
  65088.             "RIT": "ws204294",
  65089.             "Type": "WS",
  65090.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/chicago/chintro.htm",
  65091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65092.             "Title": "Chicago--A National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary",
  65093.             "Category": "GEO",
  65094.             "Description": "The National Park Service presents a guide to visiting historic sites in Chicago. Site includes resources for educators.",
  65095.             "Year": 0
  65096.         },
  65097.         {
  65098.             "RIT": "ws204295",
  65099.             "Type": "WS",
  65100.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=ben&=And&=Yes&=shahn&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  65101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65102.             "Title": "Ben Shahn",
  65103.             "Category": "HUM",
  65104.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Musuems os San Francisco.",
  65105.             "Year": 0
  65106.         },
  65107.         {
  65108.             "RIT": "ws204202",
  65109.             "Type": "WS",
  65110.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/still.html",
  65111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65112.             "Title": "1956-J No. 1, Untitled",
  65113.             "Category": "HUM",
  65114.             "Description": "A painting by Clyfford Still from the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth in Fort Worth, Texas.",
  65115.             "Year": 0
  65116.         },
  65117.         {
  65118.             "RIT": "ws204203",
  65119.             "Type": "WS",
  65120.             "URL": "http://www.guatemala.travel.com.gt/I_inicio.htm",
  65121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65122.             "Title": "The Official Site for Tourism of Guatemala",
  65123.             "Category": "GEO",
  65124.             "Description": "The official Web site of Guatemala tourism sanctioned by the Guatemala Tourist Commission, with information about the country's archaeological sites and custo",
  65125.             "Year": 0
  65126.         },
  65127.         {
  65128.             "RIT": "ws204204",
  65129.             "Type": "WS",
  65130.             "URL": "http://www.euro.gov.uk/",
  65131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65132.             "Title": "UK euro web site",
  65133.             "Category": "SOC",
  65134.             "Description": "The official UK Government web site for the euro.",
  65135.             "Year": 0
  65136.         },
  65137.         {
  65138.             "RIT": "ws204205",
  65139.             "Type": "WS",
  65140.             "URL": "http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/portrait.asp?search=sp&sText=Sir+Anthony+Van+Dyck&rNo=0",
  65141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65142.             "Title": "Sir Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641)",
  65143.             "Category": "HUM",
  65144.             "Description": "Van Dyck's portraits displayed by the National Portrait Gallery in London.",
  65145.             "Year": 0
  65146.         },
  65147.         {
  65148.             "RIT": "ws204206",
  65149.             "Type": "WS",
  65150.             "URL": "http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian/issues96/feb96/contd_feb96.html",
  65151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65152.             "Title": "The Ashcan artists take on New York",
  65153.             "Category": "HUM",
  65154.             "Description": "An article from Smithsonian Magazine.",
  65155.             "Year": 0
  65156.         },
  65157.         {
  65158.             "RIT": "ws204207",
  65159.             "Type": "WS",
  65160.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=91+0+none",
  65161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65162.             "Title": "The Needlewoman",
  65163.             "Category": "HUM",
  65164.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents a painting by Diego Velazquez with commentary.",
  65165.             "Year": 0
  65166.         },
  65167.         {
  65168.             "RIT": "ws204208",
  65169.             "Type": "WS",
  65170.             "URL": "http://www.vandyck.co.uk/",
  65171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65172.             "Title": "The Van Dyck Virtual Gallery",
  65173.             "Category": "HUM",
  65174.             "Description": "An exhibit from the Royal Academy of Arts in London.",
  65175.             "Year": 0
  65176.         },
  65177.         {
  65178.             "RIT": "ws204209",
  65179.             "Type": "WS",
  65180.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=charles&=And&=Yes&=sheeler&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  65181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65182.             "Title": "Charles Sheeler",
  65183.             "Category": "HUM",
  65184.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  65185.             "Year": 0
  65186.         },
  65187.         {
  65188.             "RIT": "ws204210",
  65189.             "Type": "WS",
  65190.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/virgin/25.4.html",
  65191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65192.             "Title": "Saint Jerome in His Study",
  65193.             "Category": "HUM",
  65194.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts presents a painting attributed to Jan Van Eyck.",
  65195.             "Year": 0
  65196.         },
  65197.         {
  65198.             "RIT": "ws204211",
  65199.             "Type": "WS",
  65200.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1976/bellow-bio.html",
  65201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65202.             "Title": "Saul Bellow",
  65203.             "Category": "HUM",
  65204.             "Description": "A biography from the Nobel Foundation.",
  65205.             "Year": 0
  65206.         },
  65207.         {
  65208.             "RIT": "ws204221",
  65209.             "Type": "WS",
  65210.             "URL": "http://www.microtec.net/bouletjc/vc2e/searvc2.htm",
  65211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65212.             "Title": "Multilingual Dictionary of the Horse",
  65213.             "Category": "LIF",
  65214.             "Description": "Commercial site gives information on horses.",
  65215.             "Year": 0
  65216.         },
  65217.         {
  65218.             "RIT": "ws204222",
  65219.             "Type": "WS",
  65220.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/business/september96/labor_day_9-2.html",
  65221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65222.             "Title": "The Origins of Labor Day",
  65223.             "Category": "SOC",
  65224.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript from a NewsHour report.",
  65225.             "Year": 0
  65226.         },
  65227.         {
  65228.             "RIT": "ws204223",
  65229.             "Type": "WS",
  65230.             "URL": "http://www.huntermuseum.org/reginaldmarsh.htm",
  65231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65232.             "Title": "Reginald Marsh (1898-1954)",
  65233.             "Category": "HUM",
  65234.             "Description": "Biographical information and art images from the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, Tennessee.",
  65235.             "Year": 0
  65236.         },
  65237.         {
  65238.             "RIT": "ws204224",
  65239.             "Type": "WS",
  65240.             "URL": "http://www.huntermuseum.org/roberthenri.htm",
  65241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65242.             "Title": "Robert Henri (1865-1929)",
  65243.             "Category": "HUM",
  65244.             "Description": "An artist profile from the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, Tennessee.",
  65245.             "Year": 0
  65246.         },
  65247.         {
  65248.             "RIT": "ws204225",
  65249.             "Type": "WS",
  65250.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=burchfield+charles&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  65251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65252.             "Title": "Charles E. Burchfield",
  65253.             "Category": "HUM",
  65254.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  65255.             "Year": 0
  65256.         },
  65257.         {
  65258.             "RIT": "ws204226",
  65259.             "Type": "WS",
  65260.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=jasper&=And&=Yes&=johns&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  65261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65262.             "Title": "Jasper Johns",
  65263.             "Category": "HUM",
  65264.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  65265.             "Year": 0
  65266.         },
  65267.         {
  65268.             "RIT": "ws204227",
  65269.             "Type": "WS",
  65270.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.org/legacy/gallery/gl1900s2.htm",
  65271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65272.             "Title": "Permanent Collection Gallery: Late 20th Century",
  65273.             "Category": "HUM",
  65274.             "Description": "The National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C., presents art by Frida Baranek and Joan Mitchell.",
  65275.             "Year": 0
  65276.         },
  65277.         {
  65278.             "RIT": "ws204228",
  65279.             "Type": "WS",
  65280.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=49%2E70%2E42",
  65281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65282.             "Title": "Portrait of a German Officer",
  65283.             "Category": "HUM",
  65284.             "Description": "Marsden Hartley's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  65285.             "Year": 0
  65286.         },
  65287.         {
  65288.             "RIT": "ws204229",
  65289.             "Type": "WS",
  65290.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/italian02.html",
  65291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65292.             "Title": "Virgin and Child with Angels Appearing to Saints Anthony Abbot and Paul",
  65293.             "Category": "HUM",
  65294.             "Description": "The Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia, exhibits a painting by Paolo Caliari, called Veronese.",
  65295.             "Year": 0
  65296.         },
  65297.         {
  65298.             "RIT": "ws204240",
  65299.             "Type": "WS",
  65300.             "URL": "http://xroads.virginia.edu/~ASI/musi212/emily/davis3.html",
  65301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65302.             "Title": "Swing Landscape",
  65303.             "Category": "HUM",
  65304.             "Description": "PBS displays a painting by Stuart Davis online.",
  65305.             "Year": 0
  65306.         },
  65307.         {
  65308.             "RIT": "ws204241",
  65309.             "Type": "WS",
  65310.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage.mac/descrPage?selLang=English&indexClass=PICTURE_EN&PID=GJ-7586&numView=1&ID_NUM=2&thumbFile=",
  65311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65312.             "Title": "Self-Portrait",
  65313.             "Category": "HUM",
  65314.             "Description": "Elisabeth-Louise Vigee Le Brun's painting from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  65315.             "Year": 0
  65316.         },
  65317.         {
  65318.             "RIT": "ws204242",
  65319.             "Type": "WS",
  65320.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/marsden_hartley_1877.htm",
  65321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65322.             "Title": "Birds of the Bagaduce",
  65323.             "Category": "HUM",
  65324.             "Description": "A painting by Marsden Hartley from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  65325.             "Year": 0
  65326.         },
  65327.         {
  65328.             "RIT": "ws204243",
  65329.             "Type": "WS",
  65330.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=paolo&=And&=Yes&=veronese&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  65331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65332.             "Title": "Veronese (Paolo Caliari)",
  65333.             "Category": "HUM",
  65334.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  65335.             "Year": 0
  65336.         },
  65337.         {
  65338.             "RIT": "ws204244",
  65339.             "Type": "WS",
  65340.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/maurice_brazil_prendergast_1858.htm",
  65341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65342.             "Title": "Sunset and Sea Fog",
  65343.             "Category": "HUM",
  65344.             "Description": "A painting by Maurice Brazil Prendergast from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  65345.             "Year": 0
  65346.         },
  65347.         {
  65348.             "RIT": "ws204245",
  65349.             "Type": "WS",
  65350.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=21850",
  65351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65352.             "Title": "Jean-Francois Millet",
  65353.             "Category": "HUM",
  65354.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  65355.             "Year": 0
  65356.         },
  65357.         {
  65358.             "RIT": "ws204246",
  65359.             "Type": "WS",
  65360.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/amerart/ashcan/27.159.html",
  65361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65362.             "Title": "Promenade",
  65363.             "Category": "HUM",
  65364.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts presents a painting by Maurice Prendergast.",
  65365.             "Year": 0
  65366.         },
  65367.         {
  65368.             "RIT": "ws204247",
  65369.             "Type": "WS",
  65370.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=90",
  65371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65372.             "Title": "Georges Seurat",
  65373.             "Category": "HUM",
  65374.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the E.G. Buehrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  65375.             "Year": 0
  65376.         },
  65377.         {
  65378.             "RIT": "ws204248",
  65379.             "Type": "WS",
  65380.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/iaracne.html",
  65381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65382.             "Title": "THE TAPESTRY-WEAVERS or THE FABLE OF ARACHNE",
  65383.             "Category": "HUM",
  65384.             "Description": "A painting by Diego Velazquez from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  65385.             "Year": 0
  65386.         },
  65387.         {
  65388.             "RIT": "ws204258",
  65389.             "Type": "WS",
  65390.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/rothko.html",
  65391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65392.             "Title": "Light Cloud, Dark Cloud",
  65393.             "Category": "HUM",
  65394.             "Description": "Mark Rothko's painting from the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth in Fort Worth, Texas.",
  65395.             "Year": 0
  65396.         },
  65397.         {
  65398.             "RIT": "ws204259",
  65399.             "Type": "WS",
  65400.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/001197/",
  65401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65402.             "Title": "Stuart Davis",
  65403.             "Category": "HUM",
  65404.             "Description": "The artist's work presented by the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  65405.             "Year": 0
  65406.         },
  65407.         {
  65408.             "RIT": "ws204260",
  65409.             "Type": "WS",
  65410.             "URL": "http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/nour-rolf/blackangel/images.htm",
  65411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65412.             "Title": "How My Mother's Embroidered Apron Unfolds in My Life",
  65413.             "Category": "HUM",
  65414.             "Description": "Arshile Gorky's painting",
  65415.             "Year": 0
  65416.         },
  65417.         {
  65418.             "RIT": "ws204261",
  65419.             "Type": "WS",
  65420.             "URL": "http://www.cartermuseum.org/paintings/dove.html",
  65421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65422.             "Title": "Thunder Shower",
  65423.             "Category": "HUM",
  65424.             "Description": "The Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth, Texas, presents a painting by Arthur G. Dove.",
  65425.             "Year": 0
  65426.         },
  65427.         {
  65428.             "RIT": "ws204262",
  65429.             "Type": "WS",
  65430.             "URL": "http://www.allaboutartists.com/gallery/emigrants.html",
  65431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65432.             "Title": "Emigrants Crossing the Plains",
  65433.             "Category": "HUM",
  65434.             "Description": "Albert Bierstadt's painting displayed online by PBS.",
  65435.             "Year": 0
  65436.         },
  65437.         {
  65438.             "RIT": "ws204263",
  65439.             "Type": "WS",
  65440.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/hudson01.html",
  65441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65442.             "Title": "The Emerald Pool",
  65443.             "Category": "HUM",
  65444.             "Description": "A painting by Albert Bierstadt from the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia.",
  65445.             "Year": 0
  65446.         },
  65447.         {
  65448.             "RIT": "ws204264",
  65449.             "Type": "WS",
  65450.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=john&=And&=Yes&=millais&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  65451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65452.             "Title": "John Everett Millais: The young mother",
  65453.             "Category": "HUM",
  65454.             "Description": "An artwork from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  65455.             "Year": 0
  65456.         },
  65457.         {
  65458.             "RIT": "ws204265",
  65459.             "Type": "WS",
  65460.             "URL": "http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/SWINE/",
  65461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65462.             "Title": "Breeds of Livestock - Swine Breeds",
  65463.             "Category": "LIF",
  65464.             "Description": "Oklahoma State University's site describes various breeds of swine.",
  65465.             "Year": 0
  65466.         },
  65467.         {
  65468.             "RIT": "ws204266",
  65469.             "Type": "WS",
  65470.             "URL": "http://health.upenn.edu/bioethic/",
  65471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65472.             "Title": "Bioethics.Net: where the world finds bioethics",
  65473.             "Category": "LIF",
  65474.             "Description": "Information on various medical ethics issues, including recent news reports.",
  65475.             "Year": 0
  65476.         },
  65477.         {
  65478.             "RIT": "ws204267",
  65479.             "Type": "WS",
  65480.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/amerart/landscape/50.138.html",
  65481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65482.             "Title": "The Trappers' Return",
  65483.             "Category": "HUM",
  65484.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts presents a work by George Caleb Bingham.",
  65485.             "Year": 0
  65486.         },
  65487.         {
  65488.             "RIT": "ws204277",
  65489.             "Type": "WS",
  65490.             "URL": "http://www.sbmuseart.org/collection/american/mirrorLake.html",
  65491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65492.             "Title": "Mirror Lake, Yosemite Valley",
  65493.             "Category": "HUM",
  65494.             "Description": "An Albert Bierstadt painting presented by the Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara, California.",
  65495.             "Year": 0
  65496.         },
  65497.         {
  65498.             "RIT": "ws204278",
  65499.             "Type": "WS",
  65500.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=440&group=general&name=",
  65501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65502.             "Title": "Sir John Everett Millais, Bt",
  65503.             "Category": "HUM",
  65504.             "Description": "The Tate Gallery in London presents a biography and works by the artist.",
  65505.             "Year": 0
  65506.         },
  65507.         {
  65508.             "RIT": "ws204279",
  65509.             "Type": "WS",
  65510.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=38%2E75",
  65511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65512.             "Title": "Woman with a Rake",
  65513.             "Category": "HUM",
  65514.             "Description": "A painting by Jean-Francois Millet exhibited online by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  65515.             "Year": 0
  65516.         },
  65517.         {
  65518.             "RIT": "ws204281",
  65519.             "Type": "WS",
  65520.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=767&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  65521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65522.             "Title": "Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec",
  65523.             "Category": "HUM",
  65524.             "Description": "The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles profiles the artist.",
  65525.             "Year": 0
  65526.         },
  65527.         {
  65528.             "RIT": "ws204282",
  65529.             "Type": "WS",
  65530.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=588&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  65531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65532.             "Title": "Jean-Francois Millet",
  65533.             "Category": "HUM",
  65534.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  65535.             "Year": 0
  65536.         },
  65537.         {
  65538.             "RIT": "ws204283",
  65539.             "Type": "WS",
  65540.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/guy_pene_du_bois_1884.htm",
  65541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65542.             "Title": "Trapeze Performer",
  65543.             "Category": "HUM",
  65544.             "Description": "A painting by Guy Pene Du Bois from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  65545.             "Year": 0
  65546.         },
  65547.         {
  65548.             "RIT": "ws204284",
  65549.             "Type": "WS",
  65550.             "URL": "http://avoca.vicnet.net.au/~somalia/",
  65551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65552.             "Title": "Somali Cultural Association (Inc.)",
  65553.             "Category": "GEO",
  65554.             "Description": "Information about Somalia, including its history, culture, geography, and customs.",
  65555.             "Year": 0
  65556.         },
  65557.         {
  65558.             "RIT": "ws204285",
  65559.             "Type": "WS",
  65560.             "URL": "http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/index.html",
  65561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65562.             "Title": "Mars Exploration Program",
  65563.             "Category": "PHY",
  65564.             "Description": "Web site covering all aspects of NASA Mars program.",
  65565.             "Year": 0
  65566.         },
  65567.         {
  65568.             "RIT": "ws204286",
  65569.             "Type": "WS",
  65570.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/dancemad.htm",
  65571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65572.             "Title": "Dance in a Madhouse",
  65573.             "Category": "HUM",
  65574.             "Description": "A George Wesley Bellows painting from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  65575.             "Year": 0
  65576.         },
  65577.         {
  65578.             "RIT": "ws204296",
  65579.             "Type": "WS",
  65580.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_muHRzf",
  65581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65582.             "Title": "Jean Francois Millet",
  65583.             "Category": "HUM",
  65584.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents Millet's works as online postcards. Page one of a seven-page exhibit.",
  65585.             "Year": 0
  65586.         },
  65587.         {
  65588.             "RIT": "ws204297",
  65589.             "Type": "WS",
  65590.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=calder+alexander&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  65591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65592.             "Title": "Alexander Calder",
  65593.             "Category": "HUM",
  65594.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  65595.             "Year": 0
  65596.         },
  65597.         {
  65598.             "RIT": "ws204298",
  65599.             "Type": "WS",
  65600.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/European/1974.329.html",
  65601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65602.             "Title": "Jean-Francois Millet: Bringing Home the Newborn Calf",
  65603.             "Category": "HUM",
  65604.             "Description": "A painting from the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  65605.             "Year": 0
  65606.         },
  65607.         {
  65608.             "RIT": "ws204300",
  65609.             "Type": "WS",
  65610.             "URL": "http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?search=ss&sText=Sir+John+Everett+Millais&LinkID=mp03083",
  65611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65612.             "Title": "Sir John Everett Millais, 1st Bt (1829-1896)",
  65613.             "Category": "HUM",
  65614.             "Description": "The National Portrait Gallery in London displays portraits of the artist.",
  65615.             "Year": 0
  65616.         },
  65617.         {
  65618.             "RIT": "ws204301",
  65619.             "Type": "WS",
  65620.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=14150",
  65621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65622.             "Title": "Marsden Hartley",
  65623.             "Category": "HUM",
  65624.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  65625.             "Year": 0
  65626.         },
  65627.         {
  65628.             "RIT": "ws204302",
  65629.             "Type": "WS",
  65630.             "URL": "http://mfah.org/garden/noguchi.html",
  65631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65632.             "Title": "Isamu Noguchi: Sculptor of Statements in Stone",
  65633.             "Category": "HUM",
  65634.             "Description": "An overview of the artist from the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, Texas.",
  65635.             "Year": 0
  65636.         },
  65637.         {
  65638.             "RIT": "ws204303",
  65639.             "Type": "WS",
  65640.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/003462/",
  65641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65642.             "Title": "Joan Mitchell",
  65643.             "Category": "HUM",
  65644.             "Description": "Works by the artist displayed by the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  65645.             "Year": 0
  65646.         },
  65647.         {
  65648.             "RIT": "ws204304",
  65649.             "Type": "WS",
  65650.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/conversa.htm",
  65651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65652.             "Title": "Conversation Piece",
  65653.             "Category": "HUM",
  65654.             "Description": "Charles Sheeler's painting from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina",
  65655.             "Year": 0
  65656.         },
  65657.         {
  65658.             "RIT": "ws204305",
  65659.             "Type": "WS",
  65660.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/American/1942.1.html",
  65661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65662.             "Title": "Marsden Hartley: The Wave",
  65663.             "Category": "HUM",
  65664.             "Description": "A painting from the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  65665.             "Year": 0
  65666.         },
  65667.         {
  65668.             "RIT": "ws204318",
  65669.             "Type": "WS",
  65670.             "URL": "http://www.acsonline.org/factshts.htm",
  65671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65672.             "Title": "American Cetacean Society Cetacean Fact Sheets",
  65673.             "Category": "LIF",
  65674.             "Description": "Fact sheets on cateceans by the American Cetacean Society.",
  65675.             "Year": 0
  65676.         },
  65677.         {
  65678.             "RIT": "ws204319",
  65679.             "Type": "WS",
  65680.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Burchfield_C/AS.html",
  65681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65682.             "Title": "Abandoned Farmhouse",
  65683.             "Category": "HUM",
  65684.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, displays a painting by Charles Burchfield.",
  65685.             "Year": 0
  65686.         },
  65687.         {
  65688.             "RIT": "ws204320",
  65689.             "Type": "WS",
  65690.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=velazquez",
  65691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65692.             "Title": "Velazquez, Diego",
  65693.             "Category": "HUM",
  65694.             "Description": "Works from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  65695.             "Year": 0
  65696.         },
  65697.         {
  65698.             "RIT": "ws204321",
  65699.             "Type": "WS",
  65700.             "URL": "http://www.ou.edu/fjjma/collections/contemporary/rivers-1984-043.html",
  65701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65702.             "Title": "Camels",
  65703.             "Category": "HUM",
  65704.             "Description": "A piece by Larry Rivers from the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at The University of Oklahoma in Norman.",
  65705.             "Year": 0
  65706.         },
  65707.         {
  65708.             "RIT": "ws204322",
  65709.             "Type": "WS",
  65710.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/printsbooks/c47.htm",
  65711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65712.             "Title": "Seated Clowness",
  65713.             "Category": "HUM",
  65714.             "Description": "The Museum of Modern Art in New York City exhibits a lithograph by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.",
  65715.             "Year": 0
  65716.         },
  65717.         {
  65718.             "RIT": "ws204323",
  65719.             "Type": "WS",
  65720.             "URL": "http://www.anca.gov.au/plants/manageme/kanidx.htm",
  65721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65722.             "Title": "Kangaroo Biology",
  65723.             "Category": "LIF",
  65724.             "Description": "Environment Australia's site devoted to kangaroo/ marsupial anatomy.",
  65725.             "Year": 0
  65726.         },
  65727.         {
  65728.             "RIT": "ws204324",
  65729.             "Type": "WS",
  65730.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=865&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  65731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65732.             "Title": "Elisabeth Louise Vigee-Le Brun",
  65733.             "Category": "HUM",
  65734.             "Description": "The J. Paul Getty Musuem in Los Angeles presents a painting by the artist and biographical information.",
  65735.             "Year": 0
  65736.         },
  65737.         {
  65738.             "RIT": "ws204325",
  65739.             "Type": "WS",
  65740.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=203110",
  65741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65742.             "Title": "Reginald Marsh",
  65743.             "Category": "HUM",
  65744.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  65745.             "Year": 0
  65746.         },
  65747.         {
  65748.             "RIT": "ws204326",
  65749.             "Type": "WS",
  65750.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=70123+0+none",
  65751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65752.             "Title": "1951-N",
  65753.             "Category": "HUM",
  65754.             "Description": "Clyfford Still's painting from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  65755.             "Year": 0
  65756.         },
  65757.         {
  65758.             "RIT": "ws204337",
  65759.             "Type": "WS",
  65760.             "URL": "http://www.byu.edu/moa/exhibits/Current%20Exhibits/150years/840024500.html",
  65761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65762.             "Title": "The Masked dancer",
  65763.             "Category": "HUM",
  65764.             "Description": "Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, exhibits a painting by Everett Shinn.",
  65765.             "Year": 0
  65766.         },
  65767.         {
  65768.             "RIT": "ws204338",
  65769.             "Type": "WS",
  65770.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/iweyden.html",
  65771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65772.             "Title": "The Deposition from the Cross",
  65773.             "Category": "HUM",
  65774.             "Description": "Roger Van der Weyden's painting from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  65775.             "Year": 0
  65776.         },
  65777.         {
  65778.             "RIT": "ws204339",
  65779.             "Type": "WS",
  65780.             "URL": "http://www.mcny.org/Painting/pttcat36.htm",
  65781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65782.             "Title": "Fifth Avenue at 89th Street in 1868",
  65783.             "Category": "HUM",
  65784.             "Description": "Ralph A. Blakelock's painting from the Museum of the City of New York.",
  65785.             "Year": 0
  65786.         },
  65787.         {
  65788.             "RIT": "ws204340",
  65789.             "Type": "WS",
  65790.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage.mac/descrPage?selLang=English&indexClass=PICTURE_EN&PID=GJ-419&numView=1&ID_NUM=1&thumbFile=%",
  65791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65792.             "Title": "St Luke Drawing a Portrait of The Virgin",
  65793.             "Category": "HUM",
  65794.             "Description": "Rogier van der Weyden's painting from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  65795.             "Year": 0
  65796.         },
  65797.         {
  65798.             "RIT": "ws204341",
  65799.             "Type": "WS",
  65800.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Tamayo.htm",
  65801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65802.             "Title": "Women of Tehuantepec",
  65803.             "Category": "HUM",
  65804.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Rufino Tamayo with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  65805.             "Year": 0
  65806.         },
  65807.         {
  65808.             "RIT": "ws204342",
  65809.             "Type": "WS",
  65810.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page731.html",
  65811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65812.             "Title": "Diptych: The Fall of Man and The Lamentation",
  65813.             "Category": "HUM",
  65814.             "Description": "Artwork by Hugo van der Goes from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Austria, Vienna.",
  65815.             "Year": 0
  65816.         },
  65817.         {
  65818.             "RIT": "ws204343",
  65819.             "Type": "WS",
  65820.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=30683+0+none",
  65821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65822.             "Title": "Both Members of This Club",
  65823.             "Category": "HUM",
  65824.             "Description": "PBS displays a painting by George Bellows.",
  65825.             "Year": 0
  65826.         },
  65827.         {
  65828.             "RIT": "ws204344",
  65829.             "Type": "WS",
  65830.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/joan_mitchell_1926.htm",
  65831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65832.             "Title": "Untitled",
  65833.             "Category": "HUM",
  65834.             "Description": "A painting by Joan Mitchell from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  65835.             "Year": 0
  65836.         },
  65837.         {
  65838.             "RIT": "ws204345",
  65839.             "Type": "WS",
  65840.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=42655+0+none",
  65841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65842.             "Title": "The Artist's Garden",
  65843.             "Category": "HUM",
  65844.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents Ralph Albert Blakelock's painting.",
  65845.             "Year": 0
  65846.         },
  65847.         {
  65848.             "RIT": "ws204306",
  65849.             "Type": "WS",
  65850.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Davis_S/SSI.html",
  65851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65852.             "Title": "Arch Hotel",
  65853.             "Category": "HUM",
  65854.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, presents a painting by Stuart Davis.",
  65855.             "Year": 0
  65856.         },
  65857.         {
  65858.             "RIT": "ws204307",
  65859.             "Type": "WS",
  65860.             "URL": "http://www.utoronto.ca/gallery/milne2.htm",
  65861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65862.             "Title": "Salmon Can",
  65863.             "Category": "HUM",
  65864.             "Description": "David Milne's painting from the Hart House at the University of Toronto.",
  65865.             "Year": 0
  65866.         },
  65867.         {
  65868.             "RIT": "ws204309",
  65869.             "Type": "WS",
  65870.             "URL": "http://www.aagm.co.uk/ag002900.html",
  65871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65872.             "Title": "Mariana",
  65873.             "Category": "HUM",
  65874.             "Description": "Dante Gabriel Rossetti's painting from the Aberdeen Art Gallery in Aberdeen, Scotland.",
  65875.             "Year": 0
  65876.         },
  65877.         {
  65878.             "RIT": "ws204310",
  65879.             "Type": "WS",
  65880.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=652&group=general&name=",
  65881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65882.             "Title": "attributed to Joseph Mallord William Turner",
  65883.             "Category": "HUM",
  65884.             "Description": "The Tate Gallery in London presents artworks by Turner.",
  65885.             "Year": 0
  65886.         },
  65887.         {
  65888.             "RIT": "ws204312",
  65889.             "Type": "WS",
  65890.             "URL": "http://homerwatson.on.ca/",
  65891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65892.             "Title": "Homer Watson House & Gallery",
  65893.             "Category": "HUM",
  65894.             "Description": "Web site of a Kitchener, Ontario, museum dedicated to the artist.",
  65895.             "Year": 0
  65896.         },
  65897.         {
  65898.             "RIT": "ws204313",
  65899.             "Type": "WS",
  65900.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/french06.html",
  65901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65902.             "Title": "Portrait of a Man",
  65903.             "Category": "HUM",
  65904.             "Description": "The Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia, presents a painting by Diego Velazquez.",
  65905.             "Year": 0
  65906.         },
  65907.         {
  65908.             "RIT": "ws204314",
  65909.             "Type": "WS",
  65910.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/amerart/ashcan/27.158.html",
  65911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65912.             "Title": "Dances",
  65913.             "Category": "HUM",
  65914.             "Description": "A painting by Arthur B. Davies from the Detroit Institute of Arts.",
  65915.             "Year": 0
  65916.         },
  65917.         {
  65918.             "RIT": "ws204315",
  65919.             "Type": "WS",
  65920.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/graphic/f1984.124.html",
  65921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65922.             "Title": "Drive Wheels",
  65923.             "Category": "HUM",
  65924.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts exhibits Charles Sheeler's photograph.",
  65925.             "Year": 0
  65926.         },
  65927.         {
  65928.             "RIT": "ws204316",
  65929.             "Type": "WS",
  65930.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june99/starwars_5-19a.html",
  65931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65932.             "Title": "The Empire Strikes Again",
  65933.             "Category": "HUM",
  65934.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour that focused on the release of Star Wars: Episode 1.",
  65935.             "Year": 0
  65936.         },
  65937.         {
  65938.             "RIT": "ws204317",
  65939.             "Type": "WS",
  65940.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1992%2E24%2E1",
  65941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65942.             "Title": "Report from Rockport",
  65943.             "Category": "HUM",
  65944.             "Description": "A painting by Stuart Davis from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  65945.             "Year": 0
  65946.         },
  65947.         {
  65948.             "RIT": "ws204327",
  65949.             "Type": "WS",
  65950.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=49%2E7%2E29",
  65951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65952.             "Title": "Derek Berck",
  65953.             "Category": "HUM",
  65954.             "Description": "Hans Holbein the Younger's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  65955.             "Year": 0
  65956.         },
  65957.         {
  65958.             "RIT": "ws204328",
  65959.             "Type": "WS",
  65960.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-23-09-96/a-lundi1511.html",
  65961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65962.             "Title": "Saint Martin's Summer",
  65963.             "Category": "HUM",
  65964.             "Description": "A painting by Sir John Everett Millais from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  65965.             "Year": 0
  65966.         },
  65967.         {
  65968.             "RIT": "ws204329",
  65969.             "Type": "WS",
  65970.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=15%2E30%2E24",
  65971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65972.             "Title": "Garden Scene",
  65973.             "Category": "HUM",
  65974.             "Description": "Jean-Francois Millet's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  65975.             "Year": 0
  65976.         },
  65977.         {
  65978.             "RIT": "ws204330",
  65979.             "Type": "WS",
  65980.             "URL": "http://www.nevadaart.org/collections/permanent.htm",
  65981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65982.             "Title": "Summer Landscape",
  65983.             "Category": "HUM",
  65984.             "Description": "A painting by Stuart Davis from the Nevada Museum of Art in Reno, Nevada.",
  65985.             "Year": 0
  65986.         },
  65987.         {
  65988.             "RIT": "ws204331",
  65989.             "Type": "WS",
  65990.             "URL": "http://www.euskadi.net/",
  65991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  65992.             "Title": "Euskadi, Basque Country",
  65993.             "Category": "SOC",
  65994.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Basque Autonomous Community.",
  65995.             "Year": 0
  65996.         },
  65997.         {
  65998.             "RIT": "ws204332",
  65999.             "Type": "WS",
  66000.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/oldenburg.html",
  66001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66002.             "Title": "Tube and Contents",
  66003.             "Category": "HUM",
  66004.             "Description": "Claes Oldenburg's painting from the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth in Fort Worth, Texas.",
  66005.             "Year": 0
  66006.         },
  66007.         {
  66008.             "RIT": "ws204333",
  66009.             "Type": "WS",
  66010.             "URL": "http://artregister.com/SeavestIntroductiontoCollection/Catalogue/RiversPhone.html",
  66011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66012.             "Title": "Larry Rivers: On the Phone",
  66013.             "Category": "HUM",
  66014.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the Seavest Collection of Contemporary American Realism in New York City.",
  66015.             "Year": 0
  66016.         },
  66017.         {
  66018.             "RIT": "ws204334",
  66019.             "Type": "WS",
  66020.             "URL": "http://gort.ucsd.edu/sj/timken/t-corot.html",
  66021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66022.             "Title": "View of Volterra",
  66023.             "Category": "HUM",
  66024.             "Description": "The Timken Museum of Art in San Diego, California, presents a painting by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot.",
  66025.             "Year": 0
  66026.         },
  66027.         {
  66028.             "RIT": "ws204335",
  66029.             "Type": "WS",
  66030.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.org/legacy/bios/bvlebrun.htm",
  66031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66032.             "Title": "Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun",
  66033.             "Category": "HUM",
  66034.             "Description": "An artist profile from the National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington D.C.",
  66035.             "Year": 0
  66036.         },
  66037.         {
  66038.             "RIT": "ws204336",
  66039.             "Type": "WS",
  66040.             "URL": "http://www.faa.gov/",
  66041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66042.             "Title": "Welcome to the FAA's Web site",
  66043.             "Category": "SOC",
  66044.             "Description": "Web site of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration.",
  66045.             "Year": 0
  66046.         },
  66047.         {
  66048.             "RIT": "ws204346",
  66049.             "Type": "WS",
  66050.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/rf1642/peint_f.htm",
  66051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66052.             "Title": "The Church of Marissel near Beauvais",
  66053.             "Category": "HUM",
  66054.             "Description": "Camille Corot's painting from the Louvre in Paris.",
  66055.             "Year": 0
  66056.         },
  66057.         {
  66058.             "RIT": "ws204347",
  66059.             "Type": "WS",
  66060.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june97/picasso_1-21.html",
  66061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66062.             "Title": "Picasso Revisited",
  66063.             "Category": "HUM",
  66064.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of a 1997 episode of The NewsHour that focused on the release of a Pablo Picasso biography.",
  66065.             "Year": 0
  66066.         },
  66067.         {
  66068.             "RIT": "ws204348",
  66069.             "Type": "WS",
  66070.             "URL": "http://www.nasm.edu/apollo/",
  66071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66072.             "Title": "The Apollo Program",
  66073.             "Category": "IND",
  66074.             "Description": "National Air and Space Museum Web site about the Apollo Program.",
  66075.             "Year": 0
  66076.         },
  66077.         {
  66078.             "RIT": "ws204349",
  66079.             "Type": "WS",
  66080.             "URL": "http://www.clag.org/museum/art/anne.html",
  66081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66082.             "Title": "Anne",
  66083.             "Category": "HUM",
  66084.             "Description": "A painting by George Bellows from the Canajoharie Library and Art Gallery in Canajoharie, New York.",
  66085.             "Year": 0
  66086.         },
  66087.         {
  66088.             "RIT": "ws204350",
  66089.             "Type": "WS",
  66090.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=A&Person=242670",
  66091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66092.             "Title": "Doris Lee",
  66093.             "Category": "HUM",
  66094.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents a biography of the artist and an image of her work.",
  66095.             "Year": 0
  66096.         },
  66097.         {
  66098.             "RIT": "ws204351",
  66099.             "Type": "WS",
  66100.             "URL": "http://www.randomhouse.com/atrandom/ralphellison/",
  66101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66102.             "Title": "Juneteenth",
  66103.             "Category": "HUM",
  66104.             "Description": "Random House, the publisher of Ralph Ellison's novel, provides information about the author and his writings.",
  66105.             "Year": 0
  66106.         },
  66107.         {
  66108.             "RIT": "ws204352",
  66109.             "Type": "WS",
  66110.             "URL": "http://www.mfa.org/collections/one_hour/7.htm",
  66111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66112.             "Title": "Hot Still-Scape for Six Colors--7th Avenue Style",
  66113.             "Category": "HUM",
  66114.             "Description": "A Stuart Davis painting from the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.",
  66115.             "Year": 0
  66116.         },
  66117.         {
  66118.             "RIT": "ws204353",
  66119.             "Type": "WS",
  66120.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=3040&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  66121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66122.             "Title": "Martin Schongauer",
  66123.             "Category": "HUM",
  66124.             "Description": "Biography and artworks from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  66125.             "Year": 0
  66126.         },
  66127.         {
  66128.             "RIT": "ws204354",
  66129.             "Type": "WS",
  66130.             "URL": "http://www.artgallery.sbc.edu/highlights/feininger.html",
  66131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66132.             "Title": "In the Channel",
  66133.             "Category": "HUM",
  66134.             "Description": "Lyonel Feininger's painting displayed by Sweet Briar College in Sweet Briar, Virginia.",
  66135.             "Year": 0
  66136.         },
  66137.         {
  66138.             "RIT": "ws204355",
  66139.             "Type": "WS",
  66140.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=john+farge&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  66141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66142.             "Title": "John La Farge",
  66143.             "Category": "HUM",
  66144.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  66145.             "Year": 0
  66146.         },
  66147.         {
  66148.             "RIT": "ws204365",
  66149.             "Type": "WS",
  66150.             "URL": "http://www.psu.edu/dept/palmermuseum/pincusgallery/park.nude.html",
  66151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66152.             "Title": "Nude with Flowers",
  66153.             "Category": "HUM",
  66154.             "Description": "David Park's painting from the Palmer Museum of Art in University Park, Pennsylvania.",
  66155.             "Year": 0
  66156.         },
  66157.         {
  66158.             "RIT": "ws204366",
  66159.             "Type": "WS",
  66160.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/photography/c95.htm",
  66161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66162.             "Title": "Stair Well",
  66163.             "Category": "HUM",
  66164.             "Description": "A photograph by Charles Sheeler from the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.",
  66165.             "Year": 0
  66166.         },
  66167.         {
  66168.             "RIT": "ws204367",
  66169.             "Type": "WS",
  66170.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=61%2E101%2E17",
  66171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66172.             "Title": "Circus Sideshow",
  66173.             "Category": "HUM",
  66174.             "Description": "A painting by Georges-Pierre Seurat from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New york City.",
  66175.             "Year": 0
  66176.         },
  66177.         {
  66178.             "RIT": "ws204368",
  66179.             "Type": "WS",
  66180.             "URL": "http://www.the-wallace-collection.org.uk/c/w_a/p_w_d/b/a/turner.htm",
  66181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66182.             "Title": "Joseph Mallord William Turner",
  66183.             "Category": "HUM",
  66184.             "Description": "Biographical information and images of Turner's art from the Wallace Collection in London.",
  66185.             "Year": 0
  66186.         },
  66187.         {
  66188.             "RIT": "ws204369",
  66189.             "Type": "WS",
  66190.             "URL": "http://www.mcmichael.com/thomson.htm",
  66191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66192.             "Title": "Sunset",
  66193.             "Category": "HUM",
  66194.             "Description": "A painting by Tom Thomson from the McMichael Canadian Art Collection in Kleinburg, Ontario.",
  66195.             "Year": 0
  66196.         },
  66197.         {
  66198.             "RIT": "ws204370",
  66199.             "Type": "WS",
  66200.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=7",
  66201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66202.             "Title": "Camille Corot",
  66203.             "Category": "HUM",
  66204.             "Description": "Art exhibited by the E.G. Buehrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  66205.             "Year": 0
  66206.         },
  66207.         {
  66208.             "RIT": "ws204371",
  66209.             "Type": "WS",
  66210.             "URL": "http://www.rollins.edu/cfam/pages/collection/powers.html",
  66211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66212.             "Title": "American Faith",
  66213.             "Category": "HUM",
  66214.             "Description": "A sculpture by Hiram Powers from the George D. and Harriet W. Cornell Fine Arts Museum at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida.",
  66215.             "Year": 0
  66216.         },
  66217.         {
  66218.             "RIT": "ws204372",
  66219.             "Type": "WS",
  66220.             "URL": "http://www.ou.edu/fjjma/collections/contemporary/johns-1985_018.html",
  66221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66222.             "Title": "Corpse and Mirror",
  66223.             "Category": "HUM",
  66224.             "Description": "A lithograph by Jasper Johns from the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at the University of Oklahoma in Norman.",
  66225.             "Year": 0
  66226.         },
  66227.         {
  66228.             "RIT": "ws204373",
  66229.             "Type": "WS",
  66230.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/heiligen.htm",
  66231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66232.             "Title": "Church of Heiligenhafen",
  66233.             "Category": "HUM",
  66234.             "Description": "Lyonel Feininger's painting from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  66235.             "Year": 0
  66236.         },
  66237.         {
  66238.             "RIT": "ws204374",
  66239.             "Type": "WS",
  66240.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=19%2E164",
  66241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66242.             "Title": "The Harvesters",
  66243.             "Category": "HUM",
  66244.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.",
  66245.             "Year": 0
  66246.         },
  66247.         {
  66248.             "RIT": "ws204375",
  66249.             "Type": "WS",
  66250.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/oldart.htm",
  66251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66252.             "Title": "The Old Artist",
  66253.             "Category": "HUM",
  66254.             "Description": "A painting by Leonard Baskin exhibited by the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  66255.             "Year": 0
  66256.         },
  66257.         {
  66258.             "RIT": "ws204376",
  66259.             "Type": "WS",
  66260.             "URL": "http://www.salon.com/jan97/interview970120.html",
  66261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66262.             "Title": "Blood + Laundry",
  66263.             "Category": "HUM",
  66264.             "Description": "A Salon interview with Margaret Atwood in which she discusses modern Canadian literature and the methods she used in writing the novel Alias Grace.",
  66265.             "Year": 0
  66266.         },
  66267.         {
  66268.             "RIT": "ws204377",
  66269.             "Type": "WS",
  66270.             "URL": "http://www.thejewishmuseum.org/Pages/Exhibitions/Special_Exhibits/shahn/shahn.html",
  66271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66272.             "Title": "Common Man, Mythic Vision: The Paintings of Ben Shahn",
  66273.             "Category": "HUM",
  66274.             "Description": "Information about the artist from the Jewish Museum in New York City.",
  66275.             "Year": 0
  66276.         },
  66277.         {
  66278.             "RIT": "ws204379",
  66279.             "Type": "WS",
  66280.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Benton.html_f/Benton.html",
  66281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66282.             "Title": "Thomas Hart Benton",
  66283.             "Category": "HUM",
  66284.             "Description": "The California State Library in Long Beach presents art by Thomas Hart Benton.",
  66285.             "Year": 0
  66286.         },
  66287.         {
  66288.             "RIT": "ws204380",
  66289.             "Type": "WS",
  66290.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=1513&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  66291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66292.             "Title": "Dante Gabriel Rossetti",
  66293.             "Category": "HUM",
  66294.             "Description": "Biographical information from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  66295.             "Year": 0
  66296.         },
  66297.         {
  66298.             "RIT": "ws204381",
  66299.             "Type": "WS",
  66300.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/peru_0300_bgn.html",
  66301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66302.             "Title": "U.S. Department of State's Background Notes: Peru",
  66303.             "Category": "GEO",
  66304.             "Description": "Information about Peru from the United States Department of State.",
  66305.             "Year": 0
  66306.         },
  66307.         {
  66308.             "RIT": "ws204382",
  66309.             "Type": "WS",
  66310.             "URL": "http://tigger.uic.edu/depts/ahaa/imagebase/index.html",
  66311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66312.             "Title": "Chicago Imagebase",
  66313.             "Category": "GEO",
  66314.             "Description": "This online project from the University of Illinois at Chicago features historic and current maps and photos of the city.",
  66315.             "Year": 0
  66316.         },
  66317.         {
  66318.             "RIT": "ws204383",
  66319.             "Type": "WS",
  66320.             "URL": "http://www.canada.com/calgary/calgaryherald/",
  66321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66322.             "Title": "Calgary Herald",
  66323.             "Category": "GEO",
  66324.             "Description": "Web site of the Calgary Herald newspaper.",
  66325.             "Year": 0
  66326.         },
  66327.         {
  66328.             "RIT": "ws204393",
  66329.             "Type": "WS",
  66330.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1986&group=general&name=",
  66331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66332.             "Title": "Henri Rousseau ('Le Douanier')",
  66333.             "Category": "HUM",
  66334.             "Description": "An artist biography and an image of his art from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  66335.             "Year": 0
  66336.         },
  66337.         {
  66338.             "RIT": "ws204394",
  66339.             "Type": "WS",
  66340.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=vigee&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  66341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66342.             "Title": "Elisabeth Louise Vigee Le Brun",
  66343.             "Category": "HUM",
  66344.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  66345.             "Year": 0
  66346.         },
  66347.         {
  66348.             "RIT": "ws204395",
  66349.             "Type": "WS",
  66350.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=453&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  66351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66352.             "Title": "Anthony van Dyck",
  66353.             "Category": "HUM",
  66354.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  66355.             "Year": 0
  66356.         },
  66357.         {
  66358.             "RIT": "ws204396",
  66359.             "Type": "WS",
  66360.             "URL": "http://www.si.umich.edu/Art_History/demoarea/details/1948_1.353.html",
  66361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66362.             "Title": "Arshile Gorky: Painter and Model",
  66363.             "Category": "HUM",
  66364.             "Description": "A painting from the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  66365.             "Year": 0
  66366.         },
  66367.         {
  66368.             "RIT": "ws204397",
  66369.             "Type": "WS",
  66370.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=25%2E110%2E66",
  66371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66372.             "Title": "The Weeders",
  66373.             "Category": "HUM",
  66374.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City displays a painting by Jules Breton.",
  66375.             "Year": 0
  66376.         },
  66377.         {
  66378.             "RIT": "ws204398",
  66379.             "Type": "WS",
  66380.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/amer/64pc_french.html",
  66381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66382.             "Title": "Truth",
  66383.             "Category": "HUM",
  66384.             "Description": "Daniel Chester French's sculpture from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  66385.             "Year": 0
  66386.         },
  66387.         {
  66388.             "RIT": "ws204399",
  66389.             "Type": "WS",
  66390.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=james&=And&=Yes&=ensor&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  66391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66392.             "Title": "James Ensor",
  66393.             "Category": "HUM",
  66394.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums in San Francisco.",
  66395.             "Year": 0
  66396.         },
  66397.         {
  66398.             "RIT": "ws204400",
  66399.             "Type": "WS",
  66400.             "URL": "http://www.joslyn.org/permcol/american/pages/bierstad.html",
  66401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66402.             "Title": "Storm on the Matterhorn",
  66403.             "Category": "HUM",
  66404.             "Description": "Albert Bierstadt's painting from the Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska.",
  66405.             "Year": 0
  66406.         },
  66407.         {
  66408.             "RIT": "ws204402",
  66409.             "Type": "WS",
  66410.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Demuth_C/PC.html",
  66411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66412.             "Title": "Backdrop of East Lynne",
  66413.             "Category": "HUM",
  66414.             "Description": "Charles Demuth's painting from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  66415.             "Year": 0
  66416.         },
  66417.         {
  66418.             "RIT": "ws204413",
  66419.             "Type": "WS",
  66420.             "URL": "http://www.mackenzieartgallery.sk.ca/collection/view.cgi?cmd=artist&artist_id=131",
  66421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66422.             "Title": "MacDonald, J.E.H.",
  66423.             "Category": "HUM",
  66424.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina, Saskatchewan.",
  66425.             "Year": 0
  66426.         },
  66427.         {
  66428.             "RIT": "ws204414",
  66429.             "Type": "WS",
  66430.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=james&=And&=Yes&=rosenquist&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  66431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66432.             "Title": "James Rosenquist",
  66433.             "Category": "HUM",
  66434.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  66435.             "Year": 0
  66436.         },
  66437.         {
  66438.             "RIT": "ws204415",
  66439.             "Type": "WS",
  66440.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Lee_D/AS.html",
  66441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66442.             "Title": "Thanksgiving",
  66443.             "Category": "HUM",
  66444.             "Description": "Doris Lee's lithograph from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  66445.             "Year": 0
  66446.         },
  66447.         {
  66448.             "RIT": "ws204416",
  66449.             "Type": "WS",
  66450.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=703&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  66451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66452.             "Title": "Hans Holbein the Younger",
  66453.             "Category": "HUM",
  66454.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  66455.             "Year": 0
  66456.         },
  66457.         {
  66458.             "RIT": "ws204417",
  66459.             "Type": "WS",
  66460.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=34300",
  66461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66462.             "Title": "Francisco de Zurbaran",
  66463.             "Category": "HUM",
  66464.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  66465.             "Year": 0
  66466.         },
  66467.         {
  66468.             "RIT": "ws204418",
  66469.             "Type": "WS",
  66470.             "URL": "http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/collection/international/painting/c/ipa00172.html",
  66471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66472.             "Title": "Philipp Melanchthon",
  66473.             "Category": "HUM",
  66474.             "Description": "Lucas Cranach (the elder)'s painting displayed by the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia.",
  66475.             "Year": 0
  66476.         },
  66477.         {
  66478.             "RIT": "ws204419",
  66479.             "Type": "WS",
  66480.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=1971%2E86",
  66481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66482.             "Title": "Juan de Pareja",
  66483.             "Category": "HUM",
  66484.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a painting by Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez.",
  66485.             "Year": 0
  66486.         },
  66487.         {
  66488.             "RIT": "ws204420",
  66489.             "Type": "WS",
  66490.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Bearden.htm",
  66491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66492.             "Title": "Return of the Prodigal Son",
  66493.             "Category": "HUM",
  66494.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Romare Bearden with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  66495.             "Year": 0
  66496.         },
  66497.         {
  66498.             "RIT": "ws204429",
  66499.             "Type": "WS",
  66500.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/icuadro_julio.html",
  66501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66502.             "Title": "ST. ANTONY THE ABBOT",
  66503.             "Category": "HUM",
  66504.             "Description": "Diego Velazquez's painting displayed by the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  66505.             "Year": 0
  66506.         },
  66507.         {
  66508.             "RIT": "ws204430",
  66509.             "Type": "WS",
  66510.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/American/1937.3.html",
  66511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66512.             "Title": "Charles Sheeler: City Interior",
  66513.             "Category": "HUM",
  66514.             "Description": "A painting from the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  66515.             "Year": 0
  66516.         },
  66517.         {
  66518.             "RIT": "ws204431",
  66519.             "Type": "WS",
  66520.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/american/before1850/eagle_lrg.html",
  66521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66522.             "Title": "Bald Eagle",
  66523.             "Category": "LIF",
  66524.             "Description": "PBS displays a painting by John James Audubon.",
  66525.             "Year": 0
  66526.         },
  66527.         {
  66528.             "RIT": "ws204432",
  66529.             "Type": "WS",
  66530.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Oldenburg_C/TN/intro.html",
  66531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66532.             "Title": "Torn Notebook",
  66533.             "Category": "HUM",
  66534.             "Description": "Sculpture by Claes Oldenburg from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  66535.             "Year": 0
  66536.         },
  66537.         {
  66538.             "RIT": "ws204433",
  66539.             "Type": "WS",
  66540.             "URL": "http://www.museumofnewmexico.org/home.html",
  66541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66542.             "Title": "Museum of New Mexico",
  66543.             "Category": "GEO",
  66544.             "Description": "Information about four musuems operated under the Museum of New Mexico in Santa Fe.",
  66545.             "Year": 0
  66546.         },
  66547.         {
  66548.             "RIT": "ws204434",
  66549.             "Type": "WS",
  66550.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=arthur&=And&=Yes&=dove&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  66551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66552.             "Title": "Arthur Dove",
  66553.             "Category": "HUM",
  66554.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  66555.             "Year": 0
  66556.         },
  66557.         {
  66558.             "RIT": "ws204435",
  66559.             "Type": "WS",
  66560.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=ernest&=And&=Yes&=lawson&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  66561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66562.             "Title": "Harlem River at High Bridge",
  66563.             "Category": "HUM",
  66564.             "Description": "An artwork by Ernest Lawson from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  66565.             "Year": 0
  66566.         },
  66567.         {
  66568.             "RIT": "ws204436",
  66569.             "Type": "WS",
  66570.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv1271/peint_f.htm",
  66571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66572.             "Title": "The Madonna of Chancellor Rolin",
  66573.             "Category": "HUM",
  66574.             "Description": "A painting by Jan Van Eyck from the Louvre in Paris.",
  66575.             "Year": 0
  66576.         },
  66577.         {
  66578.             "RIT": "ws204437",
  66579.             "Type": "WS",
  66580.             "URL": "http://monet.unk.edu/mona/artexplr/bierstadt/bierstadt.html",
  66581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66582.             "Title": "Albert Alfred Bierstadt",
  66583.             "Category": "HUM",
  66584.             "Description": "A brief biography from the Museum of Nebraska Art in Kearney, Nebraska.",
  66585.             "Year": 0
  66586.         },
  66587.         {
  66588.             "RIT": "ws204438",
  66589.             "Type": "WS",
  66590.             "URL": "http://www.guardianunlimited.co.uk/petrol/",
  66591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66592.             "Title": "The Petrol War",
  66593.             "Category": "IND",
  66594.             "Description": "A special report about the fuel crisis by the Guardian Unlimited.",
  66595.             "Year": 0
  66596.         },
  66597.         {
  66598.             "RIT": "ws204356",
  66599.             "Type": "WS",
  66600.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntgbi1f.htm#TURNER",
  66601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66602.             "Title": "Turner, Joseph Mallord William",
  66603.             "Category": "HUM",
  66604.             "Description": "Paintings from the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  66605.             "Year": 0
  66606.         },
  66607.         {
  66608.             "RIT": "ws204357",
  66609.             "Type": "WS",
  66610.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/travel/detroit/dethome.htm",
  66611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66612.             "Title": "Detroit: A National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary",
  66613.             "Category": "GEO",
  66614.             "Description": "The National Park Service presents a guide to visiting historic sites in Detroit.",
  66615.             "Year": 0
  66616.         },
  66617.         {
  66618.             "RIT": "ws204358",
  66619.             "Type": "WS",
  66620.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=33%2E92ab",
  66621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66622.             "Title": "The Crucifixion; The Last Judgment",
  66623.             "Category": "HUM",
  66624.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum in New York City displays a painting by Jan van Eyck.",
  66625.             "Year": 0
  66626.         },
  66627.         {
  66628.             "RIT": "ws204359",
  66629.             "Type": "WS",
  66630.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/paintsculpt/c60.htm",
  66631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66632.             "Title": "Evening, Honfleur",
  66633.             "Category": "HUM",
  66634.             "Description": "The Museum of Modern Art in New York Cty presents a painting by Georges Seurat.",
  66635.             "Year": 0
  66636.         },
  66637.         {
  66638.             "RIT": "ws204360",
  66639.             "Type": "WS",
  66640.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page233.html",
  66641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66642.             "Title": "Samson and Delilah",
  66643.             "Category": "HUM",
  66644.             "Description": "Sir Anthony Van Dyck's painting from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  66645.             "Year": 0
  66646.         },
  66647.         {
  66648.             "RIT": "ws204361",
  66649.             "Type": "WS",
  66650.             "URL": "http://www.sbmuseart.org/collection/modern/stillLife.html",
  66651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66652.             "Title": "Still Life",
  66653.             "Category": "HUM",
  66654.             "Description": "Marsden Hartley's painting from the Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara, California.",
  66655.             "Year": 0
  66656.         },
  66657.         {
  66658.             "RIT": "ws204362",
  66659.             "Type": "WS",
  66660.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=2954&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  66661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66662.             "Title": "Georges Seurat",
  66663.             "Category": "HUM",
  66664.             "Description": "A profile of the artist from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  66665.             "Year": 0
  66666.         },
  66667.         {
  66668.             "RIT": "ws204363",
  66669.             "Type": "WS",
  66670.             "URL": "http://www.museothyssen.org/Ingles/museovirtual/fichas/obraampliada.asp?codigo=552",
  66671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66672.             "Title": "Portrait of King Henry VIII",
  66673.             "Category": "HUM",
  66674.             "Description": "A painting by Hans Holbein the Younger from the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  66675.             "Year": 0
  66676.         },
  66677.         {
  66678.             "RIT": "ws204364",
  66679.             "Type": "WS",
  66680.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june99/beckmann_5-24.html",
  66681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66682.             "Title": "Max Beckmann",
  66683.             "Category": "HUM",
  66684.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of a NewsHour discussion about the artist.",
  66685.             "Year": 0
  66686.         },
  66687.         {
  66688.             "RIT": "ws204384",
  66689.             "Type": "WS",
  66690.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/remember/1997/kooning_3-19.html",
  66691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66692.             "Title": "In Remembrance: Willem de Kooning",
  66693.             "Category": "HUM",
  66694.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour.",
  66695.             "Year": 0
  66696.         },
  66697.         {
  66698.             "RIT": "ws204385",
  66699.             "Type": "WS",
  66700.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=john&=And&=Yes&=marin&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  66701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66702.             "Title": "John Marin",
  66703.             "Category": "HUM",
  66704.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Musuems of San Francisco.",
  66705.             "Year": 0
  66706.         },
  66707.         {
  66708.             "RIT": "ws204386",
  66709.             "Type": "WS",
  66710.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/iqtoc.html",
  66711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66712.             "Title": "U.S. Library of Congress Country Study: Iraq",
  66713.             "Category": "GEO",
  66714.             "Description": "Information on Iraq, including sections on geography, society, economy, and government.",
  66715.             "Year": 0
  66716.         },
  66717.         {
  66718.             "RIT": "ws204387",
  66719.             "Type": "WS",
  66720.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=robert&=And&=Yes&=rauschenberg&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  66721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66722.             "Title": "Robert Rauschenberg",
  66723.             "Category": "HUM",
  66724.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  66725.             "Year": 0
  66726.         },
  66727.         {
  66728.             "RIT": "ws204388",
  66729.             "Type": "WS",
  66730.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=45835+0+none",
  66731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66732.             "Title": "The Small Crucifixion",
  66733.             "Category": "HUM",
  66734.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art displays a painting by Matthias Grunewald.",
  66735.             "Year": 0
  66736.         },
  66737.         {
  66738.             "RIT": "ws204389",
  66739.             "Type": "WS",
  66740.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=baskin+leonard&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  66741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66742.             "Title": "Leonard Baskin",
  66743.             "Category": "HUM",
  66744.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  66745.             "Year": 0
  66746.         },
  66747.         {
  66748.             "RIT": "ws204390",
  66749.             "Type": "WS",
  66750.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/july-dec00/cats_9-11.html",
  66751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66752.             "Title": "Curtain Call",
  66753.             "Category": "HUM",
  66754.             "Description": "In this Online NewsHour transcript, New York Post theater critic Clive Barnes discusses the appeal of Andrew Lloyd-Webber's long-running musical Cats.",
  66755.             "Year": 0
  66756.         },
  66757.         {
  66758.             "RIT": "ws204391",
  66759.             "Type": "WS",
  66760.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=hans&=And&=Yes&=holbein&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  66761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66762.             "Title": "Hans Holbein the younger",
  66763.             "Category": "HUM",
  66764.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  66765.             "Year": 0
  66766.         },
  66767.         {
  66768.             "RIT": "ws204392",
  66769.             "Type": "WS",
  66770.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/003216/",
  66771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66772.             "Title": "Reginald Marsh",
  66773.             "Category": "HUM",
  66774.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., provides images of Marsh's art.",
  66775.             "Year": 0
  66776.         },
  66777.         {
  66778.             "RIT": "ws204403",
  66779.             "Type": "WS",
  66780.             "URL": "http://www.gcv.org/gallery/Fraser.html",
  66781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66782.             "Title": "The End of the Trail",
  66783.             "Category": "HUM",
  66784.             "Description": "The Genesee Country Village & Museum in Mumford, New York, exhibits a sculpture by James Earle Fraser.",
  66785.             "Year": 0
  66786.         },
  66787.         {
  66788.             "RIT": "ws204404",
  66789.             "Type": "WS",
  66790.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/European/1983.1.html",
  66791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66792.             "Title": "Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones: Earth Mother",
  66793.             "Category": "HUM",
  66794.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  66795.             "Year": 0
  66796.         },
  66797.         {
  66798.             "RIT": "ws204405",
  66799.             "Type": "WS",
  66800.             "URL": "http://www.huntermuseum.org/everettshinn.htm",
  66801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66802.             "Title": "Everett Shinn",
  66803.             "Category": "HUM",
  66804.             "Description": "A profile of the artist from the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, Tennessee.",
  66805.             "Year": 0
  66806.         },
  66807.         {
  66808.             "RIT": "ws204406",
  66809.             "Type": "WS",
  66810.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/george_wesley_bellows_1882.htm",
  66811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66812.             "Title": "Geraldine Lee #2",
  66813.             "Category": "HUM",
  66814.             "Description": "A painting by George Wesley Bellows from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  66815.             "Year": 0
  66816.         },
  66817.         {
  66818.             "RIT": "ws204407",
  66819.             "Type": "WS",
  66820.             "URL": "http://artregister.com/SeavestIntroductiontoCollection/Catalogue/Marisol.html",
  66821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66822.             "Title": "Magritte VI (pushed out face)",
  66823.             "Category": "HUM",
  66824.             "Description": "A sculpture by Marisol from the Seavest Collection of Contemporary American Realism.",
  66825.             "Year": 0
  66826.         },
  66827.         {
  66828.             "RIT": "ws204408",
  66829.             "Type": "WS",
  66830.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/charles_sheeler_1883.htm",
  66831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66832.             "Title": "Steam Turbine",
  66833.             "Category": "HUM",
  66834.             "Description": "A painting by Charles Sheeler from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  66835.             "Year": 0
  66836.         },
  66837.         {
  66838.             "RIT": "ws204409",
  66839.             "Type": "WS",
  66840.             "URL": "http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/portrait.asp?search=sp&sText=Sir+John+Everett+Millais&rNo=0",
  66841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66842.             "Title": "Sir John Everett Millais",
  66843.             "Category": "HUM",
  66844.             "Description": "Portraits by Millais from the National Portrait Gallery in London.",
  66845.             "Year": 0
  66846.         },
  66847.         {
  66848.             "RIT": "ws204411",
  66849.             "Type": "WS",
  66850.             "URL": "http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/taos/bios/hartley.htm",
  66851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66852.             "Title": "Marsden Hartley",
  66853.             "Category": "HUM",
  66854.             "Description": "An artist profile from the Museum of Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas.",
  66855.             "Year": 0
  66856.         },
  66857.         {
  66858.             "RIT": "ws204412",
  66859.             "Type": "WS",
  66860.             "URL": "http://www.galleriaborghese.it/corsini/en/edyck.htm",
  66861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66862.             "Title": "Madonna of the Straw",
  66863.             "Category": "HUM",
  66864.             "Description": "Anton Van Dyck's painting from the Galleria Borghese in Rome.",
  66865.             "Year": 0
  66866.         },
  66867.         {
  66868.             "RIT": "ws204421",
  66869.             "Type": "WS",
  66870.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/004257/",
  66871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66872.             "Title": "Bunraku",
  66873.             "Category": "HUM",
  66874.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., presents an image of James Rosenquist's work.",
  66875.             "Year": 0
  66876.         },
  66877.         {
  66878.             "RIT": "ws204422",
  66879.             "Type": "WS",
  66880.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=10%2E189",
  66881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66882.             "Title": "Mars and Venus United by Love",
  66883.             "Category": "HUM",
  66884.             "Description": "A painting by Paolo Veronese from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  66885.             "Year": 0
  66886.         },
  66887.         {
  66888.             "RIT": "ws204423",
  66889.             "Type": "WS",
  66890.             "URL": "http://www.nelson-atkins.org/collections/european/detail/portraitmarie.htm",
  66891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66892.             "Title": "Portrait of Marie Gabrielle de Gramont, Duchesse de Caderousse",
  66893.             "Category": "HUM",
  66894.             "Description": "Elisabeth-Louise Vigee Le Brun's painting from the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri.",
  66895.             "Year": 0
  66896.         },
  66897.         {
  66898.             "RIT": "ws204424",
  66899.             "Type": "WS",
  66900.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/collections/exhibits/metlives/index2.html",
  66901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66902.             "Title": "Metropolitan Lives index",
  66903.             "Category": "HUM",
  66904.             "Description": "An index to art images in a Smithsonian American Art Museum exhibit on the Ashcan artists.",
  66905.             "Year": 0
  66906.         },
  66907.         {
  66908.             "RIT": "ws204425",
  66909.             "Type": "WS",
  66910.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/003855/",
  66911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66912.             "Title": "Shovel Hats",
  66913.             "Category": "HUM",
  66914.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., exhibits a painting by Guy Pene du Bois. This page also has information about other works by the artist.",
  66915.             "Year": 0
  66916.         },
  66917.         {
  66918.             "RIT": "ws204426",
  66919.             "Type": "WS",
  66920.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/benton.htm",
  66921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66922.             "Title": "Thomas Hart Benton",
  66923.             "Category": "HUM",
  66924.             "Description": "Biographical information from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  66925.             "Year": 0
  66926.         },
  66927.         {
  66928.             "RIT": "ws204427",
  66929.             "Type": "WS",
  66930.             "URL": "http://www.newscientist.com/hottopics/cloning/",
  66931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66932.             "Title": "Clone news and cloning information",
  66933.             "Category": "LIF",
  66934.             "Description": "News about cloning, by Science Matters.",
  66935.             "Year": 0
  66936.         },
  66937.         {
  66938.             "RIT": "ws204428",
  66939.             "Type": "WS",
  66940.             "URL": "http://reynoldahouse.org/woodpeck.htm",
  66941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66942.             "Title": "The Woodpecker",
  66943.             "Category": "HUM",
  66944.             "Description": "Charles Burchfield's painting and an accompanying essay from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  66945.             "Year": 0
  66946.         },
  66947.         {
  66948.             "RIT": "ws204439",
  66949.             "Type": "WS",
  66950.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-22-07-96/a-lundi604.html",
  66951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66952.             "Title": "L'ile heureuse",
  66953.             "Category": "HUM",
  66954.             "Description": "A painting by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  66955.             "Year": 0
  66956.         },
  66957.         {
  66958.             "RIT": "ws204440",
  66959.             "Type": "WS",
  66960.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/expopassees/a-cosmos7.html",
  66961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66962.             "Title": "Northern Lights",
  66963.             "Category": "HUM",
  66964.             "Description": "J. E. H. MacDonald's painting from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  66965.             "Year": 0
  66966.         },
  66967.         {
  66968.             "RIT": "ws204441",
  66969.             "Type": "WS",
  66970.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_zZJanW",
  66971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66972.             "Title": "George Bellows",
  66973.             "Category": "HUM",
  66974.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents works by Bellows as online postcards. Page one of a three-page exhibit.",
  66975.             "Year": 0
  66976.         },
  66977.         {
  66978.             "RIT": "ws204442",
  66979.             "Type": "WS",
  66980.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=27200",
  66981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66982.             "Title": "Henri Rousseau",
  66983.             "Category": "HUM",
  66984.             "Description": "Images of Rousseau's art from the National Gallery in Washington, D.C.",
  66985.             "Year": 0
  66986.         },
  66987.         {
  66988.             "RIT": "ws204443",
  66989.             "Type": "WS",
  66990.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=helen&=And&=Yes&=frankenthaler&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  66991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  66992.             "Title": "Helen Frankenthaler",
  66993.             "Category": "HUM",
  66994.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  66995.             "Year": 0
  66996.         },
  66997.         {
  66998.             "RIT": "ws204444",
  66999.             "Type": "WS",
  67000.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/american/1850-1910/070_lrg.html",
  67001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67002.             "Title": "Bridal Veil Falls, Yosemite",
  67003.             "Category": "HUM",
  67004.             "Description": "A painting by Albert Bierstadt from the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina.",
  67005.             "Year": 0
  67006.         },
  67007.         {
  67008.             "RIT": "ws204445",
  67009.             "Type": "WS",
  67010.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/003983/",
  67011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67012.             "Title": "New England Coastal Village",
  67013.             "Category": "HUM",
  67014.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum provides an image of a painting by Maurice Prendergast and information about his other artworks.",
  67015.             "Year": 0
  67016.         },
  67017.         {
  67018.             "RIT": "ws204446",
  67019.             "Type": "WS",
  67020.             "URL": "http://www.greecom.org/olympics/",
  67021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67022.             "Title": "Ancient Olympic Games Virtual Museum",
  67023.             "Category": "REC",
  67024.             "Description": "Extensive information from the The Foundation of the Hellenic World and Dartmouth College.",
  67025.             "Year": 0
  67026.         },
  67027.         {
  67028.             "RIT": "ws204447",
  67029.             "Type": "WS",
  67030.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/rookery.htm",
  67031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67032.             "Title": "Rookery Mounds-Night Tork",
  67033.             "Category": "HUM",
  67034.             "Description": "Robert Rauschenberg's painting from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  67035.             "Year": 0
  67036.         },
  67037.         {
  67038.             "RIT": "ws204457",
  67039.             "Type": "WS",
  67040.             "URL": "http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/Exhibitions/wright/gallery.asp?newPos=15",
  67041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67042.             "Title": "Festival",
  67043.             "Category": "HUM",
  67044.             "Description": "The Seattle Art Museum presents a painting by Mark Tobey.",
  67045.             "Year": 0
  67046.         },
  67047.         {
  67048.             "RIT": "ws204458",
  67049.             "Type": "WS",
  67050.             "URL": "http://www.byu.edu/moa/exhibits/Current%20Exhibits/150years/820016900.html",
  67051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67052.             "Title": "Baby Ruth",
  67053.             "Category": "HUM",
  67054.             "Description": "John Steuart Curry's painting with an accompanying essay from the Brigham Young University Museum of Art in Provo, Utah.",
  67055.             "Year": 0
  67056.         },
  67057.         {
  67058.             "RIT": "ws204459",
  67059.             "Type": "WS",
  67060.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/moden/ecub_3.html",
  67061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67062.             "Title": "Grand Crinkly",
  67063.             "Category": "HUM",
  67064.             "Description": "A mobile/stable sculpture by Alexander Calder displayed by the Ho-Am Museum in Seoul, Korea.",
  67065.             "Year": 0
  67066.         },
  67067.         {
  67068.             "RIT": "ws204460",
  67069.             "Type": "WS",
  67070.             "URL": "http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian/issues97/may97/burchfield.html",
  67071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67072.             "Title": "A heartland artist who broke the old regionalist mold",
  67073.             "Category": "HUM",
  67074.             "Description": "A Smithsonian Magazine article about artist Charles Ephraim Burchfield.",
  67075.             "Year": 0
  67076.         },
  67077.         {
  67078.             "RIT": "ws204462",
  67079.             "Type": "WS",
  67080.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page243.html",
  67081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67082.             "Title": "Lucas Cranach the Elder",
  67083.             "Category": "HUM",
  67084.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  67085.             "Year": 0
  67086.         },
  67087.         {
  67088.             "RIT": "ws204463",
  67089.             "Type": "WS",
  67090.             "URL": "http://www.nevadaart.org/collections/index.htm",
  67091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67092.             "Title": "Stallion And Jack Fighting",
  67093.             "Category": "HUM",
  67094.             "Description": "John Steuart Curry's lithograph from the Nevada Museum of Art in Reno, Nevada.",
  67095.             "Year": 0
  67096.         },
  67097.         {
  67098.             "RIT": "ws204464",
  67099.             "Type": "WS",
  67100.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june98/bernini_4-30.html",
  67101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67102.             "Title": "Fury of Creation",
  67103.             "Category": "HUM",
  67104.             "Description": "In this NewsHour transcript from PBS, journalist Paul Solman discusses Gian Lorenzo Bernini's style and presence in history.",
  67105.             "Year": 0
  67106.         },
  67107.         {
  67108.             "RIT": "ws204465",
  67109.             "Type": "WS",
  67110.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=322&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  67111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67112.             "Title": "Henri Rousseau",
  67113.             "Category": "HUM",
  67114.             "Description": "Biographical information from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  67115.             "Year": 0
  67116.         },
  67117.         {
  67118.             "RIT": "ws204466",
  67119.             "Type": "WS",
  67120.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/result.asp?Artist=toulouse",
  67121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67122.             "Title": "Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec",
  67123.             "Category": "HUM",
  67124.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents works by the artist.",
  67125.             "Year": 0
  67126.         },
  67127.         {
  67128.             "RIT": "ws204477",
  67129.             "Type": "WS",
  67130.             "URL": "http://www.nwf.org/everglades/",
  67131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67132.             "Title": "Everglades",
  67133.             "Category": "GEO",
  67134.             "Description": "The National Wildlife Federation provides information on the Florida Everglades.",
  67135.             "Year": 0
  67136.         },
  67137.         {
  67138.             "RIT": "ws204478",
  67139.             "Type": "WS",
  67140.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1984&group=general&name=",
  67141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67142.             "Title": "Mark Rothko",
  67143.             "Category": "HUM",
  67144.             "Description": "The Tate Gallery in London presents a biography and art images.",
  67145.             "Year": 0
  67146.         },
  67147.         {
  67148.             "RIT": "ws204479",
  67149.             "Type": "WS",
  67150.             "URL": "http://www.pam.org/museum%20plaza/collections/listing/european/catalog/violoncellist.html",
  67151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67152.             "Title": "The Violoncellist",
  67153.             "Category": "HUM",
  67154.             "Description": "A painting by Gustave Courbet from the Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon.",
  67155.             "Year": 0
  67156.         },
  67157.         {
  67158.             "RIT": "ws204482",
  67159.             "Type": "WS",
  67160.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june97/odyssey_3-3.html",
  67161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67162.             "Title": "Immortal Tale: The Odyssey",
  67163.             "Category": "HUM",
  67164.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of a NewsHour discussion about the lasting appeal of the ancient Greek tale.",
  67165.             "Year": 0
  67166.         },
  67167.         {
  67168.             "RIT": "ws204483",
  67169.             "Type": "WS",
  67170.             "URL": "http://www.wadsworthatheneum.org/contemp1.htm",
  67171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67172.             "Title": "Retroactive 1",
  67173.             "Category": "HUM",
  67174.             "Description": "PBS displays a painting by Robert Rauschenberg.",
  67175.             "Year": 0
  67176.         },
  67177.         {
  67178.             "RIT": "ws204484",
  67179.             "Type": "WS",
  67180.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/i70.html",
  67181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67182.             "Title": "THE SURRENDER OF BREDA OR THE LANCES",
  67183.             "Category": "HUM",
  67184.             "Description": "A painting by Diego Velazquez from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  67185.             "Year": 0
  67186.         },
  67187.         {
  67188.             "RIT": "ws204485",
  67189.             "Type": "WS",
  67190.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june00/beowulf.html",
  67191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67192.             "Title": "The New Beowulf",
  67193.             "Category": "HUM",
  67194.             "Description": "PBS presents an interview with Seamus Heaney.",
  67195.             "Year": 0
  67196.         },
  67197.         {
  67198.             "RIT": "ws204486",
  67199.             "Type": "WS",
  67200.             "URL": "http://www.amherst.edu/~mead/collections/american/salome.html",
  67201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67202.             "Title": "Salome",
  67203.             "Category": "HUM",
  67204.             "Description": "Robert Henri's painting from Mead Art Museum at Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts.",
  67205.             "Year": 0
  67206.         },
  67207.         {
  67208.             "RIT": "ws204487",
  67209.             "Type": "WS",
  67210.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=bonington+richard+parkes&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  67211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67212.             "Title": "Richard Parkes Bonington",
  67213.             "Category": "HUM",
  67214.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  67215.             "Year": 0
  67216.         },
  67217.         {
  67218.             "RIT": "ws204488",
  67219.             "Type": "WS",
  67220.             "URL": "http://www.joslyn.org/permcol/20thcen/pages/calder.html",
  67221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67222.             "Title": "Numbered One to Seven",
  67223.             "Category": "HUM",
  67224.             "Description": "A mobile by Alexander Calder from the Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska.",
  67225.             "Year": 0
  67226.         },
  67227.         {
  67228.             "RIT": "ws204499",
  67229.             "Type": "WS",
  67230.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=bellows+george+wesley&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  67231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67232.             "Title": "George Wesley Bellows",
  67233.             "Category": "HUM",
  67234.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  67235.             "Year": 0
  67236.         },
  67237.         {
  67238.             "RIT": "ws204501",
  67239.             "Type": "WS",
  67240.             "URL": "http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/Exhibitions/wright/gallery.asp?newPos=12",
  67241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67242.             "Title": "No. 10, 1952",
  67243.             "Category": "HUM",
  67244.             "Description": "The Seattle Art Museum presents a painting by Mark Rothko.",
  67245.             "Year": 0
  67246.         },
  67247.         {
  67248.             "RIT": "ws204502",
  67249.             "Type": "WS",
  67250.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Frankenthaler_H/SSII.html",
  67251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67252.             "Title": "Red Frame",
  67253.             "Category": "HUM",
  67254.             "Description": "Helen Frankenthaler's painting from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  67255.             "Year": 0
  67256.         },
  67257.         {
  67258.             "RIT": "ws204503",
  67259.             "Type": "WS",
  67260.             "URL": "http://hudson.acad.umn.edu/hartley/Hartley.html",
  67261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67262.             "Title": "Abstraction with Flowers",
  67263.             "Category": "HUM",
  67264.             "Description": "A painting by Marsden Hartley exhibited by the Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota.",
  67265.             "Year": 0
  67266.         },
  67267.         {
  67268.             "RIT": "ws204504",
  67269.             "Type": "WS",
  67270.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Feininger_L/TO.html",
  67271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67272.             "Title": "Brooding Sky",
  67273.             "Category": "HUM",
  67274.             "Description": "A painting by Lyonel Feininger from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  67275.             "Year": 0
  67276.         },
  67277.         {
  67278.             "RIT": "ws204505",
  67279.             "Type": "WS",
  67280.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntg8f.htm",
  67281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67282.             "Title": "BELLINI, GIOVANNI",
  67283.             "Category": "HUM",
  67284.             "Description": "The Frick Collection in New York City exhibits works by the artist.",
  67285.             "Year": 0
  67286.         },
  67287.         {
  67288.             "RIT": "ws204506",
  67289.             "Type": "WS",
  67290.             "URL": "http://www.mauritshuis.nl/english/collectie/historiestukken/van_der_weyden.html",
  67291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67292.             "Title": "The lamentation",
  67293.             "Category": "HUM",
  67294.             "Description": "Rogier van der Weyden's painting displayed by the Mauritshuis Royal Picture Gallery in The Hague, Netherlands.",
  67295.             "Year": 0
  67296.         },
  67297.         {
  67298.             "RIT": "ws204507",
  67299.             "Type": "WS",
  67300.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page714.html",
  67301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67302.             "Title": "Lucretia",
  67303.             "Category": "HUM",
  67304.             "Description": "Veronese's painting from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  67305.             "Year": 0
  67306.         },
  67307.         {
  67308.             "RIT": "ws204508",
  67309.             "Type": "WS",
  67310.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Demuth_C/TO.html",
  67311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67312.             "Title": "Apples",
  67313.             "Category": "HUM",
  67314.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln displays Charles Demuth's painting.",
  67315.             "Year": 0
  67316.         },
  67317.         {
  67318.             "RIT": "ws204448",
  67319.             "Type": "WS",
  67320.             "URL": "http://www.agns.EDnet.ns.ca/173.htm",
  67321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67322.             "Title": "The Bridge",
  67323.             "Category": "HUM",
  67324.             "Description": "A painting by Ernest Lawson from the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia in Halifax.",
  67325.             "Year": 0
  67326.         },
  67327.         {
  67328.             "RIT": "ws204449",
  67329.             "Type": "WS",
  67330.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=1980%2E342",
  67331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67332.             "Title": "Landscape at Saint-Ouen",
  67333.             "Category": "HUM",
  67334.             "Description": "A painting by Georges-Pierre Seurat from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  67335.             "Year": 0
  67336.         },
  67337.         {
  67338.             "RIT": "ws204450",
  67339.             "Type": "WS",
  67340.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/ag/rf4104/ag_f.htm",
  67341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67342.             "Title": "Fisherman",
  67343.             "Category": "HUM",
  67344.             "Description": "The Louvre in Paris displays a drawing by Jean-Francois Millet.",
  67345.             "Year": 0
  67346.         },
  67347.         {
  67348.             "RIT": "ws204451",
  67349.             "Type": "WS",
  67350.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=60%2E71%2E12",
  67351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67352.             "Title": "Haystacks: Autumn",
  67353.             "Category": "HUM",
  67354.             "Description": "Jean-Francois Millet's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  67355.             "Year": 0
  67356.         },
  67357.         {
  67358.             "RIT": "ws204452",
  67359.             "Type": "WS",
  67360.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june00/peanuts_1-3.html",
  67361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67362.             "Title": "So Long, Charlie Brown",
  67363.             "Category": "HUM",
  67364.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of an episode of The NewsHour that focused on the life of Charles Schulz.",
  67365.             "Year": 0
  67366.         },
  67367.         {
  67368.             "RIT": "ws204453",
  67369.             "Type": "WS",
  67370.             "URL": "http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/collection/international/painting/c/corot.html",
  67371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67372.             "Title": "Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot",
  67373.             "Category": "HUM",
  67374.             "Description": "Works from the collection of the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia.",
  67375.             "Year": 0
  67376.         },
  67377.         {
  67378.             "RIT": "ws204454",
  67379.             "Type": "WS",
  67380.             "URL": "http://gort.ucsd.edu/sj/timken/t-brgl.html",
  67381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67382.             "Title": "Parable of the Sower",
  67383.             "Category": "HUM",
  67384.             "Description": "Pieter Bruegel the Elder's painting from the Timken Museum of Art in San Diego, California.",
  67385.             "Year": 0
  67386.         },
  67387.         {
  67388.             "RIT": "ws204455",
  67389.             "Type": "WS",
  67390.             "URL": "http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/Exhibitions/wright/gallery.asp?newPos=11",
  67391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67392.             "Title": "Manuscript, 1963",
  67393.             "Category": "HUM",
  67394.             "Description": "The Seattle Art Museum exhibits a painting by Robert Rauschenberg.",
  67395.             "Year": 0
  67396.         },
  67397.         {
  67398.             "RIT": "ws204456",
  67399.             "Type": "WS",
  67400.             "URL": "http://www.umich.edu/~umma/venice/paint3psearch.html",
  67401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67402.             "Title": "Portrait of a Lady as Saint Agnes",
  67403.             "Category": "HUM",
  67404.             "Description": "A painting by Veronese presented by the University of Michigan Art Gallery in Ann Arbor.",
  67405.             "Year": 0
  67406.         },
  67407.         {
  67408.             "RIT": "ws204467",
  67409.             "Type": "WS",
  67410.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/000740/",
  67411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67412.             "Title": "Alexander Calder",
  67413.             "Category": "HUM",
  67414.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., presents works by the artist.",
  67415.             "Year": 0
  67416.         },
  67417.         {
  67418.             "RIT": "ws204468",
  67419.             "Type": "WS",
  67420.             "URL": "http://www.joslyn.org/permcol/euro/pages/ccorot.html",
  67421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67422.             "Title": "Chateau-Thierry",
  67423.             "Category": "HUM",
  67424.             "Description": "The Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska, exhibits Jean-Baptiste Corot's painting.",
  67425.             "Year": 0
  67426.         },
  67427.         {
  67428.             "RIT": "ws204470",
  67429.             "Type": "WS",
  67430.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1961",
  67431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67432.             "Title": "Larry Rivers",
  67433.             "Category": "HUM",
  67434.             "Description": "A biography of the artist from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  67435.             "Year": 0
  67436.         },
  67437.         {
  67438.             "RIT": "ws204471",
  67439.             "Type": "WS",
  67440.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/george_luks_1866.htm",
  67441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67442.             "Title": "The Cafe Francis",
  67443.             "Category": "HUM",
  67444.             "Description": "A painting by George Luks from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  67445.             "Year": 0
  67446.         },
  67447.         {
  67448.             "RIT": "ws204472",
  67449.             "Type": "WS",
  67450.             "URL": "http://www.medill.nwu.edu/docket/cases.srch?-database=docket&-layout=lasso&-response=%2fdocket%2fdetail.srch&-recID=32824&-search",
  67451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67452.             "Title": "Dickerson, Charles v. U.S.",
  67453.             "Category": "SOC",
  67454.             "Description": "Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism presents an overview of a case heard by the Supreme Court in 2000. In its ruling, the court upheld its 1966 Miranda v. Arizona decision.",
  67455.             "Year": 0
  67456.         },
  67457.         {
  67458.             "RIT": "ws204473",
  67459.             "Type": "WS",
  67460.             "URL": "http://www.cc.ukans.edu/~sma/boning/boning.htm",
  67461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67462.             "Title": "Tour du gros horloge, Evreux",
  67463.             "Category": "HUM",
  67464.             "Description": "A lithograph by Richard Parkes Bonington from the Spencer Art Museum at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.",
  67465.             "Year": 0
  67466.         },
  67467.         {
  67468.             "RIT": "ws204474",
  67469.             "Type": "WS",
  67470.             "URL": "http://www.cc.ukans.edu/~sma/sloan/sloan.htm",
  67471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67472.             "Title": "McSorley's Back Room",
  67473.             "Category": "HUM",
  67474.             "Description": "An etching by John Sloan from the the Spencer Art Museum at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.",
  67475.             "Year": 0
  67476.         },
  67477.         {
  67478.             "RIT": "ws204476",
  67479.             "Type": "WS",
  67480.             "URL": "http://www.walkerart.org/resources/res_msg_oldenburg1.html",
  67481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67482.             "Title": "SPOONBRIDGE AND CHERRY",
  67483.             "Category": "HUM",
  67484.             "Description": "A sculpture by Claes Oldenburg/Coosje van Bruggen from the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden.",
  67485.             "Year": 0
  67486.         },
  67487.         {
  67488.             "RIT": "ws204489",
  67489.             "Type": "WS",
  67490.             "URL": "http://www.decordova.org/decordova/sculp_park/noguchi.html",
  67491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67492.             "Title": "Wind Catcher",
  67493.             "Category": "HUM",
  67494.             "Description": "Artwork by Isamu Noguchi displayed by the DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park in Lincoln, Massachusetts.",
  67495.             "Year": 0
  67496.         },
  67497.         {
  67498.             "RIT": "ws204490",
  67499.             "Type": "WS",
  67500.             "URL": "http://www.museum.cornell.edu/HFJ/handbook/hb163.html",
  67501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67502.             "Title": "Swiss Mountain Scene",
  67503.             "Category": "HUM",
  67504.             "Description": "The Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, presents a painting by Albert Bierstadt with commentary.",
  67505.             "Year": 0
  67506.         },
  67507.         {
  67508.             "RIT": "ws204491",
  67509.             "Type": "WS",
  67510.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=10150",
  67511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67512.             "Title": "Lyonel Feininger",
  67513.             "Category": "HUM",
  67514.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents works by the artist.",
  67515.             "Year": 0
  67516.         },
  67517.         {
  67518.             "RIT": "ws204492",
  67519.             "Type": "WS",
  67520.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=253&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  67521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67522.             "Title": "James Ensor",
  67523.             "Category": "HUM",
  67524.             "Description": "Biographical information and art images from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  67525.             "Year": 0
  67526.         },
  67527.         {
  67528.             "RIT": "ws204493",
  67529.             "Type": "WS",
  67530.             "URL": "http://artnetweb.com/artnetweb/oldenburg/index.html",
  67531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67532.             "Title": "Claes Oldenburg: An Anthology",
  67533.             "Category": "HUM",
  67534.             "Description": "An exhibition from the Guggenheim Museum in New York City.",
  67535.             "Year": 0
  67536.         },
  67537.         {
  67538.             "RIT": "ws204494",
  67539.             "Type": "WS",
  67540.             "URL": "http://www.npg.si.edu/col/pres/p6.htm",
  67541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67542.             "Title": "John Quincy Adams",
  67543.             "Category": "HIS",
  67544.             "Description": "The National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C., exhibits a portrait of the sixth U.S. president by George Caleb Bingham.",
  67545.             "Year": 0
  67546.         },
  67547.         {
  67548.             "RIT": "ws204495",
  67549.             "Type": "WS",
  67550.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=31900",
  67551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67552.             "Title": "Veronese",
  67553.             "Category": "HUM",
  67554.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  67555.             "Year": 0
  67556.         },
  67557.         {
  67558.             "RIT": "ws204497",
  67559.             "Type": "WS",
  67560.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=28550",
  67561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67562.             "Title": "John Sloan",
  67563.             "Category": "HUM",
  67564.             "Description": "Art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  67565.             "Year": 0
  67566.         },
  67567.         {
  67568.             "RIT": "ws204498",
  67569.             "Type": "WS",
  67570.             "URL": "http://www.aagm.co.uk/ag002172.html",
  67571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67572.             "Title": "The Gleaner by Jules Breton",
  67573.             "Category": "HUM",
  67574.             "Description": "A painting from the Aberdeen Art Gallery in Aberdeen, Scotland.",
  67575.             "Year": 0
  67576.         },
  67577.         {
  67578.             "RIT": "ws204509",
  67579.             "Type": "WS",
  67580.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/20thcentury/20th/1910-1950/037_lrg.html",
  67581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67582.             "Title": "Indian Fantasy",
  67583.             "Category": "HUM",
  67584.             "Description": "Marsden Hartley's paintng exhibited by the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina.",
  67585.             "Year": 0
  67586.         },
  67587.         {
  67588.             "RIT": "ws204510",
  67589.             "Type": "WS",
  67590.             "URL": "http://shs.westport.k12.ct.us/jwb/Collab/40s/Artists/Benton.htm",
  67591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67592.             "Title": "The Social History of Missouri: Frankie and Johnny,",
  67593.             "Category": "HUM",
  67594.             "Description": "PBS displays a mural by Thomas Hart Benton.",
  67595.             "Year": 0
  67596.         },
  67597.         {
  67598.             "RIT": "ws204511",
  67599.             "Type": "WS",
  67600.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Hicks.htm",
  67601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67602.             "Title": "Peaceable Kingdom",
  67603.             "Category": "HUM",
  67604.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by EdwardHicks with commentary and suggested educational activities.",
  67605.             "Year": 0
  67606.         },
  67607.         {
  67608.             "RIT": "ws204512",
  67609.             "Type": "WS",
  67610.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/result.asp?Artist=corot",
  67611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67612.             "Title": "Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot",
  67613.             "Category": "HUM",
  67614.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  67615.             "Year": 0
  67616.         },
  67617.         {
  67618.             "RIT": "ws204513",
  67619.             "Type": "WS",
  67620.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/educatn/trc-news/slidepac/17.html",
  67621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67622.             "Title": "May Belfort",
  67623.             "Category": "HUM",
  67624.             "Description": "Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's painting, with commentary, from the Cleveland Museum of Art in Cleveland, Ohio.",
  67625.             "Year": 0
  67626.         },
  67627.         {
  67628.             "RIT": "ws204514",
  67629.             "Type": "WS",
  67630.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/001376/",
  67631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67632.             "Title": "Black and White",
  67633.             "Category": "HUM",
  67634.             "Description": "A painting by Arthur Dove from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  67635.             "Year": 0
  67636.         },
  67637.         {
  67638.             "RIT": "ws204515",
  67639.             "Type": "WS",
  67640.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Marin_J/PC.html",
  67641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67642.             "Title": "Pertaining to Nassau Street, New York",
  67643.             "Category": "HUM",
  67644.             "Description": "A painting by John Marin from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden ath the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  67645.             "Year": 0
  67646.         },
  67647.         {
  67648.             "RIT": "ws204516",
  67649.             "Type": "WS",
  67650.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=11950",
  67651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67652.             "Title": "Theodore Gericault",
  67653.             "Category": "HUM",
  67654.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents a biography of Gericault and images of his art.",
  67655.             "Year": 0
  67656.         },
  67657.         {
  67658.             "RIT": "ws204527",
  67659.             "Type": "WS",
  67660.             "URL": "http://www.virtualmuseum.ca/Exhibitions/Landscapes/popup.php3?language=1&image=img13mau",
  67661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67662.             "Title": "Among the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California",
  67663.             "Category": "HUM",
  67664.             "Description": "PBS presents a painting by Albert Bierstadt.",
  67665.             "Year": 0
  67666.         },
  67667.         {
  67668.             "RIT": "ws204528",
  67669.             "Type": "WS",
  67670.             "URL": "http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis/elsi/cloning.html",
  67671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67672.             "Title": "Cloning Fact Sheet",
  67673.             "Category": "LIF",
  67674.             "Description": "Fact sheet about cloning sponsored by the United States Department of Energy Office of Science.",
  67675.             "Year": 0
  67676.         },
  67677.         {
  67678.             "RIT": "ws204530",
  67679.             "Type": "WS",
  67680.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/i58.html",
  67681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67682.             "Title": "STILL LIFE",
  67683.             "Category": "HUM",
  67684.             "Description": "A painting by Francisco de Zurbaran from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  67685.             "Year": 0
  67686.         },
  67687.         {
  67688.             "RIT": "ws204531",
  67689.             "Type": "WS",
  67690.             "URL": "http://www.wadsworthatheneum.org/contemp1.htm",
  67691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67692.             "Title": "Retroactive I",
  67693.             "Category": "HUM",
  67694.             "Description": "The Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut, exhibits a painting by Robert Rauschenberg.",
  67695.             "Year": 0
  67696.         },
  67697.         {
  67698.             "RIT": "ws204532",
  67699.             "Type": "WS",
  67700.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Inness.htm",
  67701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67702.             "Title": "The Coming Storm",
  67703.             "Category": "HUM",
  67704.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by George Inness with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  67705.             "Year": 0
  67706.         },
  67707.         {
  67708.             "RIT": "ws204533",
  67709.             "Type": "WS",
  67710.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/000375/",
  67711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67712.             "Title": "Thomas Hart Benton",
  67713.             "Category": "HUM",
  67714.             "Description": "Images of Benton's art from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  67715.             "Year": 0
  67716.         },
  67717.         {
  67718.             "RIT": "ws204534",
  67719.             "Type": "WS",
  67720.             "URL": "http://www.umt.edu/partv/famus/print/ltrc.htm",
  67721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67722.             "Title": "Ta Bouche",
  67723.             "Category": "HUM",
  67724.             "Description": "Henri de Toulouse Lautrec's lithograph displayed by the University of Montana Museum of Fine Arts in Missoula.",
  67725.             "Year": 0
  67726.         },
  67727.         {
  67728.             "RIT": "ws204535",
  67729.             "Type": "WS",
  67730.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/004509/",
  67731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67732.             "Title": "After Titian",
  67733.             "Category": "HUM",
  67734.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., presents an image of Ben Shahn's painting and information about his other works.",
  67735.             "Year": 0
  67736.         },
  67737.         {
  67738.             "RIT": "ws204536",
  67739.             "Type": "WS",
  67740.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-29-07-96/a-lundi707.html",
  67741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67742.             "Title": "Coast Scene",
  67743.             "Category": "HUM",
  67744.             "Description": "Richard Parkes Bonington's painting from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  67745.             "Year": 0
  67746.         },
  67747.         {
  67748.             "RIT": "ws204546",
  67749.             "Type": "WS",
  67750.             "URL": "http://www.slam.org/e3.html",
  67751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67752.             "Title": "Mary, Lady Guildeford",
  67753.             "Category": "HUM",
  67754.             "Description": "Hans Holbein the Younger's painting from the Saint Louis Art Museum in St. Louis, Missouri.",
  67755.             "Year": 0
  67756.         },
  67757.         {
  67758.             "RIT": "ws204547",
  67759.             "Type": "WS",
  67760.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=georges&=And&=Yes&=seurat&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  67761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67762.             "Title": "Georges Seurat",
  67763.             "Category": "HUM",
  67764.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  67765.             "Year": 0
  67766.         },
  67767.         {
  67768.             "RIT": "ws204548",
  67769.             "Type": "WS",
  67770.             "URL": "http://www.buehrle.ch/bio.asp?lang=e&id_pic=24",
  67771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67772.             "Title": "Gustave Courbet",
  67773.             "Category": "HUM",
  67774.             "Description": "Works from the E.G. Buehrle Collection in Zurich, Switzerland.",
  67775.             "Year": 0
  67776.         },
  67777.         {
  67778.             "RIT": "ws204549",
  67779.             "Type": "WS",
  67780.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=2079&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  67781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67782.             "Title": "Charles Sheeler",
  67783.             "Category": "HUM",
  67784.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  67785.             "Year": 0
  67786.         },
  67787.         {
  67788.             "RIT": "ws204550",
  67789.             "Type": "WS",
  67790.             "URL": "http://hudson.acad.umn.edu/eye/shahn.html",
  67791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67792.             "Title": "Father Coughlin",
  67793.             "Category": "HUM",
  67794.             "Description": "A painting by Ben Shahn from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota.",
  67795.             "Year": 0
  67796.         },
  67797.         {
  67798.             "RIT": "ws204551",
  67799.             "Type": "WS",
  67800.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/David.htm",
  67801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67802.             "Title": "Portrait of Jacques-Francois Desmaisons",
  67803.             "Category": "HUM",
  67804.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Jacques-Louis David with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  67805.             "Year": 0
  67806.         },
  67807.         {
  67808.             "RIT": "ws204552",
  67809.             "Type": "WS",
  67810.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.org/legacy/bios/bfranken.htm",
  67811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67812.             "Title": "Helen Frankenthaler",
  67813.             "Category": "HUM",
  67814.             "Description": "The National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C., provides a profile of the artist.",
  67815.             "Year": 0
  67816.         },
  67817.         {
  67818.             "RIT": "ws204553",
  67819.             "Type": "WS",
  67820.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page255.html",
  67821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67822.             "Title": "Cardinal Niccolo Albergati",
  67823.             "Category": "HUM",
  67824.             "Description": "A portrait by Jan Van Eyck from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  67825.             "Year": 0
  67826.         },
  67827.         {
  67828.             "RIT": "ws204554",
  67829.             "Type": "WS",
  67830.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=mark&=And&=Yes&=tobey&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  67831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67832.             "Title": "Mark Tobey",
  67833.             "Category": "HUM",
  67834.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Musuems of San Francisco.",
  67835.             "Year": 0
  67836.         },
  67837.         {
  67838.             "RIT": "ws204564",
  67839.             "Type": "WS",
  67840.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Sheeler_C/AS.html",
  67841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67842.             "Title": "Barn Reds",
  67843.             "Category": "HUM",
  67844.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln exhibits the work of Charles Sheeler.",
  67845.             "Year": 0
  67846.         },
  67847.         {
  67848.             "RIT": "ws204565",
  67849.             "Type": "WS",
  67850.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=everett&=And&=Yes&=shinn&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  67851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67852.             "Title": "Everet Shinn",
  67853.             "Category": "HUM",
  67854.             "Description": "Artwork from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  67855.             "Year": 0
  67856.         },
  67857.         {
  67858.             "RIT": "ws204566",
  67859.             "Type": "WS",
  67860.             "URL": "http://national.gallery.ca/virtual_tour/gallery108.html",
  67861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67862.             "Title": "The Jack Pine",
  67863.             "Category": "HUM",
  67864.             "Description": "Tom Thomson's painting exhibited by the National Gallery in Ottawa, Ontario.",
  67865.             "Year": 0
  67866.         },
  67867.         {
  67868.             "RIT": "ws204568",
  67869.             "Type": "WS",
  67870.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=50%2E145%2E24",
  67871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67872.             "Title": "Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap",
  67873.             "Category": "HUM",
  67874.             "Description": "A painting by Hans Holbein the Younger from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  67875.             "Year": 0
  67876.         },
  67877.         {
  67878.             "RIT": "ws204569",
  67879.             "Type": "WS",
  67880.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/dutch06.html",
  67881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67882.             "Title": "Saint Sebastian",
  67883.             "Category": "HUM",
  67884.             "Description": "A painting by Anthony van Dyck displayed by the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia.",
  67885.             "Year": 0
  67886.         },
  67887.         {
  67888.             "RIT": "ws204570",
  67889.             "Type": "WS",
  67890.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=0&item=99%2E31",
  67891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67892.             "Title": "The Grand Canal",
  67893.             "Category": "HUM",
  67894.             "Description": "Joseph Mallord William Turner's painting from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  67895.             "Year": 0
  67896.         },
  67897.         {
  67898.             "RIT": "ws204571",
  67899.             "Type": "WS",
  67900.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/peint/inv1236/peint_f.htm",
  67901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67902.             "Title": "Charles I at the Hunt (1600-1649), King of England",
  67903.             "Category": "HUM",
  67904.             "Description": "A painting by Antoon [Anthony] Van Dyck from the Louvre in Paris.",
  67905.             "Year": 0
  67906.         },
  67907.         {
  67908.             "RIT": "ws204572",
  67909.             "Type": "WS",
  67910.             "URL": "http://www.cc.ukans.edu/~sma/schongaur/schongaur.htm",
  67911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67912.             "Title": "Flagellation of Christ",
  67913.             "Category": "HUM",
  67914.             "Description": "An etching by Martin Schongauer exhibited by the Spencer Art Museum at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.",
  67915.             "Year": 0
  67916.         },
  67917.         {
  67918.             "RIT": "ws204573",
  67919.             "Type": "WS",
  67920.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Blakelock_R/PC.html",
  67921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67922.             "Title": "Moonlight",
  67923.             "Category": "HUM",
  67924.             "Description": "A painting by Ralph Blakelock from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  67925.             "Year": 0
  67926.         },
  67927.         {
  67928.             "RIT": "ws204585",
  67929.             "Type": "WS",
  67930.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=49%2E7%2E53",
  67931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67932.             "Title": "Alexandre Charles Emmanuel de Crussol-Florensac",
  67933.             "Category": "HUM",
  67934.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City displays a painting by Elisabeth Louise Vigee Le Brun.",
  67935.             "Year": 0
  67936.         },
  67937.         {
  67938.             "RIT": "ws204586",
  67939.             "Type": "WS",
  67940.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=2&full=0&item=26%2E120",
  67941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67942.             "Title": "The Angel of Death and the Sculptor from the Milmore Memorial",
  67943.             "Category": "HUM",
  67944.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City displays artwork by Daniel Chester French.",
  67945.             "Year": 0
  67946.         },
  67947.         {
  67948.             "RIT": "ws204587",
  67949.             "Type": "WS",
  67950.             "URL": "http://www.newscientist.com/nsplus/insight/clone/clone.html",
  67951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67952.             "Title": "Cloning special report -- Everything you always wanted to",
  67953.             "Category": "LIF",
  67954.             "Description": "Report about cloning, by New Scientist magazine.",
  67955.             "Year": 0
  67956.         },
  67957.         {
  67958.             "RIT": "ws204588",
  67959.             "Type": "WS",
  67960.             "URL": "http://www.huntermuseum.org/albertbierstadt.htm",
  67961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67962.             "Title": "Albert Bierstadt (1830-1902)",
  67963.             "Category": "HUM",
  67964.             "Description": "An artist profile from the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, Tennessee.",
  67965.             "Year": 0
  67966.         },
  67967.         {
  67968.             "RIT": "ws204590",
  67969.             "Type": "WS",
  67970.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/spoonpie.htm",
  67971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67972.             "Title": "Spoon Pier",
  67973.             "Category": "HUM",
  67974.             "Description": "Claes Oldenburg's print from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  67975.             "Year": 0
  67976.         },
  67977.         {
  67978.             "RIT": "ws204591",
  67979.             "Type": "WS",
  67980.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/i61.html",
  67981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67982.             "Title": "VULCANS FORGE",
  67983.             "Category": "HUM",
  67984.             "Description": "Diego Velazquez's painting from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  67985.             "Year": 0
  67986.         },
  67987.         {
  67988.             "RIT": "ws204592",
  67989.             "Type": "WS",
  67990.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=maurice&=And&=Yes&=prendergast&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  67991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  67992.             "Title": "Maurice Brazil Prendergast",
  67993.             "Category": "HUM",
  67994.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Musuems of San Francisco.",
  67995.             "Year": 0
  67996.         },
  67997.         {
  67998.             "RIT": "ws204593",
  67999.             "Type": "WS",
  68000.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=campin",
  68001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68002.             "Title": "Campin, Robert",
  68003.             "Category": "HUM",
  68004.             "Description": "Artworks from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  68005.             "Year": 0
  68006.         },
  68007.         {
  68008.             "RIT": "ws204594",
  68009.             "Type": "WS",
  68010.             "URL": "http://www.kender.es/~gesto/i_index.htm",
  68011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68012.             "Title": "Association for Peace in the Basque Country",
  68013.             "Category": "SOC",
  68014.             "Description": "Information about a nonpartisan organization promoting peace in the Basque territory of Spain.",
  68015.             "Year": 0
  68016.         },
  68017.         {
  68018.             "RIT": "ws204517",
  68019.             "Type": "WS",
  68020.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=david&=And&=Yes&=park&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  68021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68022.             "Title": "David Park",
  68023.             "Category": "HUM",
  68024.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  68025.             "Year": 0
  68026.         },
  68027.         {
  68028.             "RIT": "ws204518",
  68029.             "Type": "WS",
  68030.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/004556/",
  68031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68032.             "Title": "Everett Shinn",
  68033.             "Category": "HUM",
  68034.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., presents images of Shinn's art.",
  68035.             "Year": 0
  68036.         },
  68037.         {
  68038.             "RIT": "ws204519",
  68039.             "Type": "WS",
  68040.             "URL": "http://www.mcny.org/Painting/pttcat76-81.htm",
  68041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68042.             "Title": "Village Speakeasy Closed for Violation",
  68043.             "Category": "HUM",
  68044.             "Description": "A painting by Ben Shahn displayed online by PBS.",
  68045.             "Year": 0
  68046.         },
  68047.         {
  68048.             "RIT": "ws204520",
  68049.             "Type": "WS",
  68050.             "URL": "http://www.albrightknox.org/ArtStart/Delacroix.htm",
  68051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68052.             "Title": "Street in Meknes",
  68053.             "Category": "HUM",
  68054.             "Description": "The Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York, presents a painting by Eugene Delacroix with commentary and suggested educational actvities.",
  68055.             "Year": 0
  68056.         },
  68057.         {
  68058.             "RIT": "ws204521",
  68059.             "Type": "WS",
  68060.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/offdivid.htm",
  68061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68062.             "Title": "Off the Continental Divide",
  68063.             "Category": "HUM",
  68064.             "Description": "James Rosenquist's painting from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  68065.             "Year": 0
  68066.         },
  68067.         {
  68068.             "RIT": "ws204522",
  68069.             "Type": "WS",
  68070.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/sr.html",
  68071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68072.             "Title": "Yugoslavia",
  68073.             "Category": "GEO",
  68074.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  68075.             "Year": 0
  68076.         },
  68077.         {
  68078.             "RIT": "ws204524",
  68079.             "Type": "WS",
  68080.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=2035&group=general&name=",
  68081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68082.             "Title": "Georges Seurat",
  68083.             "Category": "HUM",
  68084.             "Description": "A biography and art images from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  68085.             "Year": 0
  68086.         },
  68087.         {
  68088.             "RIT": "ws204525",
  68089.             "Type": "WS",
  68090.             "URL": "http://www.aagm.co.uk/ag002654.html",
  68091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68092.             "Title": "St Frideswide - Design for Stained Glass Window Christchurch Oxford",
  68093.             "Category": "HUM",
  68094.             "Description": "Artwork by Edward Coley Burne-Jones from the Aberdeen Art Gallery in Aberdeen, Scotland.",
  68095.             "Year": 0
  68096.         },
  68097.         {
  68098.             "RIT": "ws204526",
  68099.             "Type": "WS",
  68100.             "URL": "http://www.nsf.gov/od/opp/",
  68101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68102.             "Title": "Office of Polar Programs at National Science Foundation",
  68103.             "Category": "GEO",
  68104.             "Description": "The official National Science Foundation Web site providing information about research initiatives in the Arctic region and Antarctica.",
  68105.             "Year": 0
  68106.         },
  68107.         {
  68108.             "RIT": "ws204537",
  68109.             "Type": "WS",
  68110.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=Pieter&=And&=Yes&=Brueghel&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  68111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68112.             "Title": "Pieter Brueghel the Elder",
  68113.             "Category": "HUM",
  68114.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  68115.             "Year": 0
  68116.         },
  68117.         {
  68118.             "RIT": "ws204538",
  68119.             "Type": "WS",
  68120.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/result.asp?Artist=dyck",
  68121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68122.             "Title": "Anthony van Dyck",
  68123.             "Category": "HUM",
  68124.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  68125.             "Year": 0
  68126.         },
  68127.         {
  68128.             "RIT": "ws204539",
  68129.             "Type": "WS",
  68130.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/000688/",
  68131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68132.             "Title": "Charles Burchfield",
  68133.             "Category": "HUM",
  68134.             "Description": "Artworks from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  68135.             "Year": 0
  68136.         },
  68137.         {
  68138.             "RIT": "ws204540",
  68139.             "Type": "WS",
  68140.             "URL": "http://www.cc.ukans.edu/~sma/cranach/cranach.htm",
  68141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68142.             "Title": "The Temptation of Saint Anthony",
  68143.             "Category": "HUM",
  68144.             "Description": "Lucas Cranach's woodcut from the Spencer Art Museum at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.",
  68145.             "Year": 0
  68146.         },
  68147.         {
  68148.             "RIT": "ws204541",
  68149.             "Type": "WS",
  68150.             "URL": "http://www.iht.com/IHT/ART/98/sm012498.html",
  68151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68152.             "Title": "An Old Master and New Minimalism",
  68153.             "Category": "HUM",
  68154.             "Description": "An article about the art of Jan Ven Eyck from the International Herald Tribune.",
  68155.             "Year": 0
  68156.         },
  68157.         {
  68158.             "RIT": "ws204542",
  68159.             "Type": "WS",
  68160.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=martin&=And&=Yes&=schongauer&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  68161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68162.             "Title": "Martin Schongauer",
  68163.             "Category": "HUM",
  68164.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  68165.             "Year": 0
  68166.         },
  68167.         {
  68168.             "RIT": "ws204543",
  68169.             "Type": "WS",
  68170.             "URL": "http://www.artunframed.com/1_bellows.htm",
  68171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68172.             "Title": "Forty-Two Kids",
  68173.             "Category": "HUM",
  68174.             "Description": "A painting by George Bellows displayed online by PBS.",
  68175.             "Year": 0
  68176.         },
  68177.         {
  68178.             "RIT": "ws204544",
  68179.             "Type": "WS",
  68180.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=dyck",
  68181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68182.             "Title": "Dyck, Anthony van",
  68183.             "Category": "HUM",
  68184.             "Description": "Artworks from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  68185.             "Year": 0
  68186.         },
  68187.         {
  68188.             "RIT": "ws204545",
  68189.             "Type": "WS",
  68190.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Baskin.html_f/Baskin.html",
  68191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68192.             "Title": "Leonard Baskin",
  68193.             "Category": "HUM",
  68194.             "Description": "Works by the artist presented by the California State University Library in Long Beach.",
  68195.             "Year": 0
  68196.         },
  68197.         {
  68198.             "RIT": "ws204555",
  68199.             "Type": "WS",
  68200.             "URL": "http://www.arab.net/camels/",
  68201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68202.             "Title": "arab.net -- A-Z of the Arabian Camel",
  68203.             "Category": "LIF",
  68204.             "Description": "General information about the camel by Saudi Public Relations Company (SPRC).",
  68205.             "Year": 0
  68206.         },
  68207.         {
  68208.             "RIT": "ws204556",
  68209.             "Type": "WS",
  68210.             "URL": "http://www.mcmichael.com/jackson.htm",
  68211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68212.             "Title": "A. Y. Jackson: First Snow Algoma",
  68213.             "Category": "HUM",
  68214.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the McMichael Canadian Art Collection in Kleinburg, Ontario.",
  68215.             "Year": 0
  68216.         },
  68217.         {
  68218.             "RIT": "ws204557",
  68219.             "Type": "WS",
  68220.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=53095+0+none",
  68221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68222.             "Title": "Landscape with the Penitence of Saint Jerome",
  68223.             "Category": "HUM",
  68224.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., displays a drawing by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.",
  68225.             "Year": 0
  68226.         },
  68227.         {
  68228.             "RIT": "ws204558",
  68229.             "Type": "WS",
  68230.             "URL": "http://www.mtholyoke.edu/offices/artmuseum/images/pages/bierstadt.html",
  68231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68232.             "Title": "Hetch Hetchy Canyon",
  68233.             "Category": "HUM",
  68234.             "Description": "The Mount Holyoke College Art Museum in South Hadley, Massachusetts, exhibits artwork by Albert Bierstadt.",
  68235.             "Year": 0
  68236.         },
  68237.         {
  68238.             "RIT": "ws204559",
  68239.             "Type": "WS",
  68240.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1822",
  68241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68242.             "Title": "Claes Oldenburg",
  68243.             "Category": "HUM",
  68244.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  68245.             "Year": 0
  68246.         },
  68247.         {
  68248.             "RIT": "ws204560",
  68249.             "Type": "WS",
  68250.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june99/pollock_1-11.html",
  68251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68252.             "Title": "Jack the Dripper",
  68253.             "Category": "HUM",
  68254.             "Description": "PBS presents the transcript of a NewsHour discussion about the art of Jackson Pollock.",
  68255.             "Year": 0
  68256.         },
  68257.         {
  68258.             "RIT": "ws204561",
  68259.             "Type": "WS",
  68260.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/003629/",
  68261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68262.             "Title": "Dawnscape",
  68263.             "Category": "HUM",
  68264.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., presents a piece by Louise Nevelson and informationa about her other artworks.",
  68265.             "Year": 0
  68266.         },
  68267.         {
  68268.             "RIT": "ws204562",
  68269.             "Type": "WS",
  68270.             "URL": "http://www.cc.ukans.edu/~sma/smahome/collection/ebentons.htm",
  68271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68272.             "Title": "The Ballad of the Jealous Lover of Lone Green Valley",
  68273.             "Category": "HUM",
  68274.             "Description": "Thomas Hart Benton's painting from the the Spencer Art Museum at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.",
  68275.             "Year": 0
  68276.         },
  68277.         {
  68278.             "RIT": "ws204563",
  68279.             "Type": "WS",
  68280.             "URL": "http://www.antwerpenopen.be/vandyck/EN/",
  68281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68282.             "Title": "VAN DYCK 1999",
  68283.             "Category": "HUM",
  68284.             "Description": "Official Web site for a celebration of the artist sponseored by the city of Antwerp, Belgium.",
  68285.             "Year": 0
  68286.         },
  68287.         {
  68288.             "RIT": "ws204575",
  68289.             "Type": "WS",
  68290.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/American/1941.34.html",
  68291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68292.             "Title": "Maurice Brazil Prendergast: Low Tide, Beachmont",
  68293.             "Category": "HUM",
  68294.             "Description": "A painting from the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  68295.             "Year": 0
  68296.         },
  68297.         {
  68298.             "RIT": "ws204576",
  68299.             "Type": "WS",
  68300.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/transfig.htm",
  68301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68302.             "Title": "Transfiguration",
  68303.             "Category": "HUM",
  68304.             "Description": "Mark Tobey's painting from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  68305.             "Year": 0
  68306.         },
  68307.         {
  68308.             "RIT": "ws204577",
  68309.             "Type": "WS",
  68310.             "URL": "http://www.huntermuseum.org/georgebellows.htm",
  68311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68312.             "Title": "The White Fence, George Bellows",
  68313.             "Category": "HUM",
  68314.             "Description": "A painting and essay from the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga, Tennessee.",
  68315.             "Year": 0
  68316.         },
  68317.         {
  68318.             "RIT": "ws204578",
  68319.             "Type": "WS",
  68320.             "URL": "http://web.dartmouth.edu/~hood/collections/modern/Rothko.html",
  68321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68322.             "Title": "Orange and Lilac over Ivory",
  68323.             "Category": "HUM",
  68324.             "Description": "A painting by Mark Rothko from the Hood Musuem of Art at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire.",
  68325.             "Year": 0
  68326.         },
  68327.         {
  68328.             "RIT": "ws204580",
  68329.             "Type": "WS",
  68330.             "URL": "http://www.wildlifeart.org/collections/image_desc_high.cfm?ARTIST=Study%20of%20a%20Buffalo",
  68331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68332.             "Title": "Study of a Buffalo",
  68333.             "Category": "HUM",
  68334.             "Description": "A painting by Albert Bierstadt displayed by the National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.",
  68335.             "Year": 0
  68336.         },
  68337.         {
  68338.             "RIT": "ws204581",
  68339.             "Type": "WS",
  68340.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/charles_ephraim_burchfield_1893.htm",
  68341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68342.             "Title": "September Wind and Rain",
  68343.             "Category": "HUM",
  68344.             "Description": "Charles Ephraim Burchfield's painting from the Butler Intstitute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  68345.             "Year": 0
  68346.         },
  68347.         {
  68348.             "RIT": "ws204582",
  68349.             "Type": "WS",
  68350.             "URL": "http://www.mcmichael.com/caloriginalgift.htm",
  68351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68352.             "Title": "The Original Gift",
  68353.             "Category": "HUM",
  68354.             "Description": "Paintings by Lauren Harris and Tom Thomson from the McMichael Canadian Art Collection in Kleinburg, Ontario.",
  68355.             "Year": 0
  68356.         },
  68357.         {
  68358.             "RIT": "ws204583",
  68359.             "Type": "WS",
  68360.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=56783+0+none",
  68361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68362.             "Title": "Study of a Hand",
  68363.             "Category": "HUM",
  68364.             "Description": "A drawing by Hiram Powers from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  68365.             "Year": 0
  68366.         },
  68367.         {
  68368.             "RIT": "ws204584",
  68369.             "Type": "WS",
  68370.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=11&full=1&item=L%2E2001%2E42%2E17",
  68371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68372.             "Title": "Gray Weather, Grande Jatte",
  68373.             "Category": "HUM",
  68374.             "Description": "A work by Georges Seurat from the Metropolitan Museum in New York City.",
  68375.             "Year": 0
  68376.         },
  68377.         {
  68378.             "RIT": "ws204595",
  68379.             "Type": "WS",
  68380.             "URL": "http://www.artgallery.sbc.edu/highlights/prendergast.html",
  68381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68382.             "Title": "Salem Harbor, Maine",
  68383.             "Category": "HUM",
  68384.             "Description": "Sweet Briar College in Sweet Briar, Virginia, presents a painting by Maurice Prendergast.",
  68385.             "Year": 0
  68386.         },
  68387.         {
  68388.             "RIT": "ws204596",
  68389.             "Type": "WS",
  68390.             "URL": "http://www.ringling.org/pages/art_museum_collection_1.htm",
  68391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68392.             "Title": "Great Paintings in The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art",
  68393.             "Category": "HUM",
  68394.             "Description": "The Sarasota, Florida, presents artworks by Peter Paul Rubens and Anthony Van Dyck.",
  68395.             "Year": 0
  68396.         },
  68397.         {
  68398.             "RIT": "ws204597",
  68399.             "Type": "WS",
  68400.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/mobile.htm",
  68401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68402.             "Title": "Mobile with Five Appendages",
  68403.             "Category": "HUM",
  68404.             "Description": "A work by Alexander Calder from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina",
  68405.             "Year": 0
  68406.         },
  68407.         {
  68408.             "RIT": "ws204598",
  68409.             "Type": "WS",
  68410.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/pntg18f.htm",
  68411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68412.             "Title": "Virgin and Child, with Saints and Donor",
  68413.             "Category": "HUM",
  68414.             "Description": "The Frick Collection in New York City presents a painting by Jan Van Eyck.",
  68415.             "Year": 0
  68416.         },
  68417.         {
  68418.             "RIT": "ws204599",
  68419.             "Type": "WS",
  68420.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=14700",
  68421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68422.             "Title": "Robert Henri",
  68423.             "Category": "HUM",
  68424.             "Description": "Images of Henri's paintings form the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  68425.             "Year": 0
  68426.         },
  68427.         {
  68428.             "RIT": "ws204600",
  68429.             "Type": "WS",
  68430.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/001726/",
  68431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68432.             "Title": "Daniel Chester French",
  68433.             "Category": "HUM",
  68434.             "Description": "Artworks exhibited by the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  68435.             "Year": 0
  68436.         },
  68437.         {
  68438.             "RIT": "ws204602",
  68439.             "Type": "WS",
  68440.             "URL": "http://www.hazegray.org/",
  68441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68442.             "Title": "Haze Gray & Underway",
  68443.             "Category": "SOC",
  68444.             "Description": "This privately maintained site contains resources related to naval history, current naval affairs, shipbuilding, maritime history, and naval and maritime photography.",
  68445.             "Year": 0
  68446.         },
  68447.         {
  68448.             "RIT": "ws204603",
  68449.             "Type": "WS",
  68450.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/002835/",
  68451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68452.             "Title": "John La Farge",
  68453.             "Category": "HUM",
  68454.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  68455.             "Year": 0
  68456.         },
  68457.         {
  68458.             "RIT": "ws204614",
  68459.             "Type": "WS",
  68460.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.go.jp/col/p1978-0004.html",
  68461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68462.             "Title": "Abundance (Abundantia)",
  68463.             "Category": "HUM",
  68464.             "Description": "The National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo exhibits a painting by Peter Paul Rubens.",
  68465.             "Year": 0
  68466.         },
  68467.         {
  68468.             "RIT": "ws204615",
  68469.             "Type": "WS",
  68470.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/virgin/77.81.html",
  68471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68472.             "Title": "Portrait of a Woman",
  68473.             "Category": "HUM",
  68474.             "Description": "The Detroit Instiute of Arts exhibits a painting by Hans Holbein the Younger.",
  68475.             "Year": 0
  68476.         },
  68477.         {
  68478.             "RIT": "ws204616",
  68479.             "Type": "WS",
  68480.             "URL": "http://www2.law.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/foliocgi.exe/historic/query=%5BGroup+384+U.S.+436:%5D(%5BLevel+Case+Citation:%5D%7C%5BGroup+citemenu:%5D)/doc/%7B@",
  68481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68482.             "Title": "Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966)",
  68483.             "Category": "SOC",
  68484.             "Description": "Summary and full text of the Supreme Court decision presented by Cornell University's Legal Information Institut",
  68485.             "Year": 0
  68486.         },
  68487.         {
  68488.             "RIT": "ws204617",
  68489.             "Type": "WS",
  68490.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=49475+0+none",
  68491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68492.             "Title": "Untitled",
  68493.             "Category": "HUM",
  68494.             "Description": "A lithograph by Louise Nevelson displayed by the National Gallery of Art in New York City.",
  68495.             "Year": 0
  68496.         },
  68497.         {
  68498.             "RIT": "ws204618",
  68499.             "Type": "WS",
  68500.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page256.html",
  68501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68502.             "Title": "Triptych: The Crucifixion",
  68503.             "Category": "HUM",
  68504.             "Description": "A painting by Rogier van der Weyden from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.",
  68505.             "Year": 0
  68506.         },
  68507.         {
  68508.             "RIT": "ws204619",
  68509.             "Type": "WS",
  68510.             "URL": "http://hudson.acad.umn.edu/hartley/Hartley.html",
  68511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68512.             "Title": "Marsden Hartley",
  68513.             "Category": "HUM",
  68514.             "Description": "An overview of the artist from the Baum Gallery of Fine Art at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway.",
  68515.             "Year": 0
  68516.         },
  68517.         {
  68518.             "RIT": "ws204621",
  68519.             "Type": "WS",
  68520.             "URL": "http://www.brandeis.edu/rose/photoviewer.html?1,5",
  68521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68522.             "Title": "Musical Theme (Oriental Symphony) by Marsden Hartley",
  68523.             "Category": "HUM",
  68524.             "Description": "A painting displayed by the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts.",
  68525.             "Year": 0
  68526.         },
  68527.         {
  68528.             "RIT": "ws204622",
  68529.             "Type": "WS",
  68530.             "URL": "http://www.lacma.org/art/perm_col/american/amer.htm#GEORGE%20WESLEY%20BELLOWS",
  68531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68532.             "Title": "Cliff Dwellers",
  68533.             "Category": "HUM",
  68534.             "Description": "The Los Angeles County Museum of Art exhibits a painting by George Wesley Bellows.",
  68535.             "Year": 0
  68536.         },
  68537.         {
  68538.             "RIT": "ws204623",
  68539.             "Type": "WS",
  68540.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/american/before1850/carolina_lrg.html",
  68541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68542.             "Title": "Carolina Parakeet",
  68543.             "Category": "LIF",
  68544.             "Description": "PBS displays a painting by John James Audubon.",
  68545.             "Year": 0
  68546.         },
  68547.         {
  68548.             "RIT": "ws204633",
  68549.             "Type": "WS",
  68550.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=651&group=general&name=",
  68551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68552.             "Title": "Joseph Mallord William Turner",
  68553.             "Category": "HUM",
  68554.             "Description": "Works by Turner from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  68555.             "Year": 0
  68556.         },
  68557.         {
  68558.             "RIT": "ws204634",
  68559.             "Type": "WS",
  68560.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=3600&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  68561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68562.             "Title": "Robert Campin",
  68563.             "Category": "HUM",
  68564.             "Description": "Biographical information from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  68565.             "Year": 0
  68566.         },
  68567.         {
  68568.             "RIT": "ws204635",
  68569.             "Type": "WS",
  68570.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/john_sloan_1871.htm",
  68571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68572.             "Title": "Recruiting in Union Square",
  68573.             "Category": "HUM",
  68574.             "Description": "John Sloan's painting from the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  68575.             "Year": 0
  68576.         },
  68577.         {
  68578.             "RIT": "ws204636",
  68579.             "Type": "WS",
  68580.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=robert&=And&=Yes&=henri&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  68581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68582.             "Title": "Robert Henri",
  68583.             "Category": "HUM",
  68584.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  68585.             "Year": 0
  68586.         },
  68587.         {
  68588.             "RIT": "ws204637",
  68589.             "Type": "WS",
  68590.             "URL": "http://museoprado.mcu.es/prado/html/i45.html",
  68591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68592.             "Title": "THE FAMILY OF PHILIP IV, OR THE MAIDS OF HONOUR",
  68593.             "Category": "HUM",
  68594.             "Description": "A painting by Diego Velazquez from the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  68595.             "Year": 0
  68596.         },
  68597.         {
  68598.             "RIT": "ws204638",
  68599.             "Type": "WS",
  68600.             "URL": "http://museoreinasofia.mcu.es/eng/content/sala40/11372.htm",
  68601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68602.             "Title": "Profile of light",
  68603.             "Category": "HUM",
  68604.             "Description": "Artwork by Barnett Newman from the Reina Sofia National Museum in Madrid, Spain.",
  68605.             "Year": 0
  68606.         },
  68607.         {
  68608.             "RIT": "ws204639",
  68609.             "Type": "WS",
  68610.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=15934",
  68611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68612.             "Title": "Holm, Hanya (b. Johanna Eckert)",
  68613.             "Category": "HUM",
  68614.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  68615.             "Year": 0
  68616.         },
  68617.         {
  68618.             "RIT": "ws204640",
  68619.             "Type": "WS",
  68620.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/expopassees/a-giacometti.html",
  68621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68622.             "Title": "Alberto Giacometti",
  68623.             "Category": "HUM",
  68624.             "Description": "An exhibition from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  68625.             "Year": 0
  68626.         },
  68627.         {
  68628.             "RIT": "ws204641",
  68629.             "Type": "WS",
  68630.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1169&group=general&name=",
  68631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68632.             "Title": "Sir Jacob Epstein",
  68633.             "Category": "HUM",
  68634.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  68635.             "Year": 0
  68636.         },
  68637.         {
  68638.             "RIT": "ws204642",
  68639.             "Type": "WS",
  68640.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=jean&=And&=Yes&=houdon&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  68641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68642.             "Title": "Jean-Antoine Houdon",
  68643.             "Category": "HUM",
  68644.             "Description": "Works from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  68645.             "Year": 0
  68646.         },
  68647.         {
  68648.             "RIT": "ws204643",
  68649.             "Type": "WS",
  68650.             "URL": "http://www.nmwa.org/legacy/bios/bhepwort.htm",
  68651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68652.             "Title": "Barbara Hepworth",
  68653.             "Category": "HUM",
  68654.             "Description": "An artist profile from the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C.",
  68655.             "Year": 0
  68656.         },
  68657.         {
  68658.             "RIT": "ws204644",
  68659.             "Type": "WS",
  68660.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4412",
  68661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68662.             "Title": "Cardin, Pierre",
  68663.             "Category": "SOC",
  68664.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  68665.             "Year": 0
  68666.         },
  68667.         {
  68668.             "RIT": "ws204645",
  68669.             "Type": "WS",
  68670.             "URL": "http://www.cartermuseum.org/paintings/russell.html",
  68671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68672.             "Title": "The Buffalo Hunt No. 39",
  68673.             "Category": "HUM",
  68674.             "Description": "Charles M. Russell's painting from the Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth, Texas.",
  68675.             "Year": 0
  68676.         },
  68677.         {
  68678.             "RIT": "ws204646",
  68679.             "Type": "WS",
  68680.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4075",
  68681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68682.             "Title": "Barry, Sir Charles",
  68683.             "Category": "HUM",
  68684.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  68685.             "Year": 0
  68686.         },
  68687.         {
  68688.             "RIT": "ws204647",
  68689.             "Type": "WS",
  68690.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=545&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  68691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68692.             "Title": "Antoine-Louis Barye",
  68693.             "Category": "HUM",
  68694.             "Description": "An artist profile from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  68695.             "Year": 0
  68696.         },
  68697.         {
  68698.             "RIT": "ws204648",
  68699.             "Type": "WS",
  68700.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=3725",
  68701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68702.             "Title": "Adam, Robert",
  68703.             "Category": "HUM",
  68704.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  68705.             "Year": 0
  68706.         },
  68707.         {
  68708.             "RIT": "ws204649",
  68709.             "Type": "WS",
  68710.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4832",
  68711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68712.             "Title": "Dior, Christian",
  68713.             "Category": "SOC",
  68714.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  68715.             "Year": 0
  68716.         },
  68717.         {
  68718.             "RIT": "ws204650",
  68719.             "Type": "WS",
  68720.             "URL": "http://www.imj.org.il/garden/index.html",
  68721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68722.             "Title": "Art Garden",
  68723.             "Category": "HUM",
  68724.             "Description": "The Israel Museum in Jerusalem presents works by Claes Oldenburg, David Smith, Henry Moore, Auguste Rodin, and other artists.",
  68725.             "Year": 0
  68726.         },
  68727.         {
  68728.             "RIT": "ws204651",
  68729.             "Type": "WS",
  68730.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=54099+0+none",
  68731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68732.             "Title": "Seated Youth",
  68733.             "Category": "HUM",
  68734.             "Description": "Wilhelm Lehmbruck's sculpture from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  68735.             "Year": 0
  68736.         },
  68737.         {
  68738.             "RIT": "ws204652",
  68739.             "Type": "WS",
  68740.             "URL": "http://www.sfmoma.org/collections/architecture+design/ma_coll_gehry.html",
  68741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68742.             "Title": "Fish Lamp",
  68743.             "Category": "HUM",
  68744.             "Description": "A sculpture by Frank Gehry from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.",
  68745.             "Year": 0
  68746.         },
  68747.         {
  68748.             "RIT": "ws204653",
  68749.             "Type": "WS",
  68750.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=13100",
  68751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68752.             "Title": "Breuer, Marcel (Lajos)",
  68753.             "Category": "HUM",
  68754.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  68755.             "Year": 0
  68756.         },
  68757.         {
  68758.             "RIT": "ws204604",
  68759.             "Type": "WS",
  68760.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Hartley_M/SSI.html",
  68761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68762.             "Title": "Young Worshipper of the Truth",
  68763.             "Category": "HUM",
  68764.             "Description": "A painting by Marsden Hartley from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  68765.             "Year": 0
  68766.         },
  68767.         {
  68768.             "RIT": "ws204606",
  68769.             "Type": "WS",
  68770.             "URL": "http://www.icao.int/",
  68771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68772.             "Title": "International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)",
  68773.             "Category": "SOC",
  68774.             "Description": "Web site of the International Civil Aviation Organization.",
  68775.             "Year": 0
  68776.         },
  68777.         {
  68778.             "RIT": "ws204607",
  68779.             "Type": "WS",
  68780.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=benton+thomas+hart&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  68781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68782.             "Title": "Thomas Hart Benton",
  68783.             "Category": "HUM",
  68784.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  68785.             "Year": 0
  68786.         },
  68787.         {
  68788.             "RIT": "ws204608",
  68789.             "Type": "WS",
  68790.             "URL": "http://www.byu.edu/moa/exhibits/Current%20Exhibits/150years/830005100.html",
  68791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68792.             "Title": "Salt Lake City, Wasatch Mountains, Uinta Range",
  68793.             "Category": "HUM",
  68794.             "Description": "Albert Bierstadt's painting displayed by Brigham Young University Museum of Art in Provo, Utah.",
  68795.             "Year": 0
  68796.         },
  68797.         {
  68798.             "RIT": "ws204609",
  68799.             "Type": "WS",
  68800.             "URL": "http://www.artsbma.org/bierst2.html",
  68801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68802.             "Title": "Looking Down Yosemite Valle",
  68803.             "Category": "HUM",
  68804.             "Description": "The Birmingham Museum of Art in Birmingham, Alabam, exhibits a work by Albert Bierstadt.",
  68805.             "Year": 0
  68806.         },
  68807.         {
  68808.             "RIT": "ws204610",
  68809.             "Type": "WS",
  68810.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=horace&=And&=Yes&=pippin&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  68811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68812.             "Title": "Horace Pippin",
  68813.             "Category": "HUM",
  68814.             "Description": "Artwork from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  68815.             "Year": 0
  68816.         },
  68817.         {
  68818.             "RIT": "ws204611",
  68819.             "Type": "WS",
  68820.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=7700",
  68821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68822.             "Title": "Arthur B. Davies",
  68823.             "Category": "HUM",
  68824.             "Description": "Artworks from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  68825.             "Year": 0
  68826.         },
  68827.         {
  68828.             "RIT": "ws204612",
  68829.             "Type": "WS",
  68830.             "URL": "http://www.museum.cornell.edu/HFJ/handbook/hb141.html",
  68831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68832.             "Title": "Le Divan Japonais",
  68833.             "Category": "HUM",
  68834.             "Description": "A lithograph by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec from Cornell University's Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art in Ithaca, New York.",
  68835.             "Year": 0
  68836.         },
  68837.         {
  68838.             "RIT": "ws204613",
  68839.             "Type": "WS",
  68840.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=8750",
  68841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68842.             "Title": "Guy Pene du Bois",
  68843.             "Category": "HUM",
  68844.             "Description": "Images of the artist's work from the National Galler of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  68845.             "Year": 0
  68846.         },
  68847.         {
  68848.             "RIT": "ws204624",
  68849.             "Type": "WS",
  68850.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=zurbaran",
  68851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68852.             "Title": "Zurbaran, Francisco de",
  68853.             "Category": "HUM",
  68854.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  68855.             "Year": 0
  68856.         },
  68857.         {
  68858.             "RIT": "ws204625",
  68859.             "Type": "WS",
  68860.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Johns.html_f/Johns.html",
  68861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68862.             "Title": "Jasper Johns",
  68863.             "Category": "HUM",
  68864.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the California State University Library in Long Beach.",
  68865.             "Year": 0
  68866.         },
  68867.         {
  68868.             "RIT": "ws204626",
  68869.             "Type": "WS",
  68870.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=56731+0+none",
  68871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68872.             "Title": "Study of a Hand",
  68873.             "Category": "HUM",
  68874.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., displays a drawing by Horatio Greenough.",
  68875.             "Year": 0
  68876.         },
  68877.         {
  68878.             "RIT": "ws204627",
  68879.             "Type": "WS",
  68880.             "URL": "http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian/issues99/jul99/parrish.html",
  68881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68882.             "Title": "Beyond the Blue: The Art of Maxfield Parrish",
  68883.             "Category": "HUM",
  68884.             "Description": "An article from Smithsonian Magazine.",
  68885.             "Year": 0
  68886.         },
  68887.         {
  68888.             "RIT": "ws204628",
  68889.             "Type": "WS",
  68890.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/20century01.html",
  68891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68892.             "Title": "Totem",
  68893.             "Category": "HUM",
  68894.             "Description": "Alexander Calder's sculpture from the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia.",
  68895.             "Year": 0
  68896.         },
  68897.         {
  68898.             "RIT": "ws204629",
  68899.             "Type": "WS",
  68900.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/pc_book/pages/john_la_farge_1835.htm",
  68901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68902.             "Title": "Kwannon Meditating on Human Life",
  68903.             "Category": "HUM",
  68904.             "Description": "A painting by John La Farge by the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  68905.             "Year": 0
  68906.         },
  68907.         {
  68908.             "RIT": "ws204630",
  68909.             "Type": "WS",
  68910.             "URL": "http://monet.unk.edu/mona/contemp/benton/benton.html",
  68911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68912.             "Title": "Thomas Hart Benton",
  68913.             "Category": "HUM",
  68914.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Museum of Nebraska Art at the University of Nebraska in Kearney.",
  68915.             "Year": 0
  68916.         },
  68917.         {
  68918.             "RIT": "ws204631",
  68919.             "Type": "WS",
  68920.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=A&Person=27000",
  68921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68922.             "Title": "Mark Rothko",
  68923.             "Category": "HUM",
  68924.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  68925.             "Year": 0
  68926.         },
  68927.         {
  68928.             "RIT": "ws204632",
  68929.             "Type": "WS",
  68930.             "URL": "http://www.lib.utexas.edu/hrc/artcontemp.html",
  68931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68932.             "Title": "The Art Collection",
  68933.             "Category": "HUM",
  68934.             "Description": "This page from the Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin includes artworks from Andy Warhol and Robert Rauschenberg.",
  68935.             "Year": 0
  68936.         },
  68937.         {
  68938.             "RIT": "ws204654",
  68939.             "Type": "WS",
  68940.             "URL": "http://mfah.org/garden/artists/rodin.html",
  68941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68942.             "Title": "The Walking Man",
  68943.             "Category": "HUM",
  68944.             "Description": "Auguste Rodin's sculpture from the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.",
  68945.             "Year": 0
  68946.         },
  68947.         {
  68948.             "RIT": "ws204655",
  68949.             "Type": "WS",
  68950.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=12&full=0&item=50%2E145%2E66",
  68951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68952.             "Title": "Sabine Houdon",
  68953.             "Category": "HUM",
  68954.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a portrait bust by Jean-Antoine Houdon.",
  68955.             "Year": 0
  68956.         },
  68957.         {
  68958.             "RIT": "ws204656",
  68959.             "Type": "WS",
  68960.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/lister.htm",
  68961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68962.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Listeriosis",
  68963.             "Category": "LIF",
  68964.             "Description": "A fact sheet from the New York State Department of Health.",
  68965.             "Year": 0
  68966.         },
  68967.         {
  68968.             "RIT": "ws204657",
  68969.             "Type": "WS",
  68970.             "URL": "http://www.mu.edu/haggerty/exhibitions/past/rodin/index.html",
  68971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68972.             "Title": "Eve",
  68973.             "Category": "HUM",
  68974.             "Description": "Auguste Rodin's sculpture exhibited by the Haggerty Museum of Art at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.",
  68975.             "Year": 0
  68976.         },
  68977.         {
  68978.             "RIT": "ws204658",
  68979.             "Type": "WS",
  68980.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=2879",
  68981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68982.             "Title": "Michelangelo",
  68983.             "Category": "HUM",
  68984.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  68985.             "Year": 0
  68986.         },
  68987.         {
  68988.             "RIT": "ws204659",
  68989.             "Type": "WS",
  68990.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/lyme.htm",
  68991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  68992.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Lyme Disease",
  68993.             "Category": "LIF",
  68994.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  68995.             "Year": 0
  68996.         },
  68997.         {
  68998.             "RIT": "ws204660",
  68999.             "Type": "WS",
  69000.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/ringsofpassion/love/brancusi.html",
  69001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69002.             "Title": "THE KISS",
  69003.             "Category": "HUM",
  69004.             "Description": "PBS presents Constantin Brancusi's work with commentary.",
  69005.             "Year": 0
  69006.         },
  69007.         {
  69008.             "RIT": "ws204661",
  69009.             "Type": "WS",
  69010.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=20713",
  69011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69012.             "Title": "White, Stanford",
  69013.             "Category": "HUM",
  69014.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69015.             "Year": 0
  69016.         },
  69017.         {
  69018.             "RIT": "ws204662",
  69019.             "Type": "WS",
  69020.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5969",
  69021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69022.             "Title": "Lutyens, Sir Edwin Landseer",
  69023.             "Category": "HUM",
  69024.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69025.             "Year": 0
  69026.         },
  69027.         {
  69028.             "RIT": "ws204663",
  69029.             "Type": "WS",
  69030.             "URL": "http://www.galleriaborghese.it/borghese/en/edavid.htm",
  69031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69032.             "Title": "David",
  69033.             "Category": "HUM",
  69034.             "Description": "Gian Lorenzo Bernini's sculpture from the Galleria Borghese in Rome.",
  69035.             "Year": 0
  69036.         },
  69037.         {
  69038.             "RIT": "ws204664",
  69039.             "Type": "WS",
  69040.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=14037",
  69041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69042.             "Title": "D'Amboise, Jacques",
  69043.             "Category": "HUM",
  69044.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69045.             "Year": 0
  69046.         },
  69047.         {
  69048.             "RIT": "ws204675",
  69049.             "Type": "WS",
  69050.             "URL": "http://www.gcv.org/gallery/Barye.html",
  69051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69052.             "Title": "Jaguar Devouring a Hare",
  69053.             "Category": "HUM",
  69054.             "Description": "The Genesee Country Village & Museum in Mumford, New York, exhibits Antoine-Louis Barye's sculpture.",
  69055.             "Year": 0
  69056.         },
  69057.         {
  69058.             "RIT": "ws204676",
  69059.             "Type": "WS",
  69060.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19847",
  69061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69062.             "Title": "Strauss, Levi",
  69063.             "Category": "SOC",
  69064.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69065.             "Year": 0
  69066.         },
  69067.         {
  69068.             "RIT": "ws204677",
  69069.             "Type": "WS",
  69070.             "URL": "http://www.colmusart.org/html/s03collection12.htm",
  69071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69072.             "Title": "European and American 19th Century",
  69073.             "Category": "HUM",
  69074.             "Description": "The Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, South Carolina, exhibits works by Albert Fitch Bellows and Frederick Remington.",
  69075.             "Year": 0
  69076.         },
  69077.         {
  69078.             "RIT": "ws204678",
  69079.             "Type": "WS",
  69080.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5732",
  69081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69082.             "Title": "Jones, Inigo",
  69083.             "Category": "HUM",
  69084.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69085.             "Year": 0
  69086.         },
  69087.         {
  69088.             "RIT": "ws204679",
  69089.             "Type": "WS",
  69090.             "URL": "http://mfah.org/Coll/sculpt.html",
  69091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69092.             "Title": "Muse",
  69093.             "Category": "HUM",
  69094.             "Description": "The Museum of Fine Arts in Houston displays a piece by Constantin Brancusi.",
  69095.             "Year": 0
  69096.         },
  69097.         {
  69098.             "RIT": "ws204680",
  69099.             "Type": "WS",
  69100.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/sclpbi1f.htm#coysevox",
  69101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69102.             "Title": "COYSEVOX, ANTOINE",
  69103.             "Category": "HUM",
  69104.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  69105.             "Year": 0
  69106.         },
  69107.         {
  69108.             "RIT": "ws204681",
  69109.             "Type": "WS",
  69110.             "URL": "http://www.greatbuildings.com/buildings/The_Willow_Tea_Rooms.html",
  69111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69112.             "Title": "The Willow Tea Rooms",
  69113.             "Category": "HUM",
  69114.             "Description": "Photos, discussion, and information about architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh from Great Buildings Online.",
  69115.             "Year": 0
  69116.         },
  69117.         {
  69118.             "RIT": "ws204682",
  69119.             "Type": "WS",
  69120.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=Coysevox&Go.x=13&Go.y=3",
  69121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69122.             "Title": "Coyzevox, Antoine",
  69123.             "Category": "HUM",
  69124.             "Description": "Art exhibited by the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  69125.             "Year": 0
  69126.         },
  69127.         {
  69128.             "RIT": "ws204683",
  69129.             "Type": "WS",
  69130.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=3700&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  69131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69132.             "Title": "Praxiteles",
  69133.             "Category": "HUM",
  69134.             "Description": "A biography from the J. Paul Getty Museum of Art in Los Angeles.",
  69135.             "Year": 0
  69136.         },
  69137.         {
  69138.             "RIT": "ws204684",
  69139.             "Type": "WS",
  69140.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/ager/ma0441/ager_f.htm",
  69141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69142.             "Title": "Saurocton Apollo",
  69143.             "Category": "HUM",
  69144.             "Description": "This sculpture displayed by the Louvre in Paris is a Roman copy after an original by Praxiteles.",
  69145.             "Year": 0
  69146.         },
  69147.         {
  69148.             "RIT": "ws204696",
  69149.             "Type": "WS",
  69150.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=540&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  69151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69152.             "Title": "Jean-Antoine Houdon",
  69153.             "Category": "HUM",
  69154.             "Description": "An artist profile from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  69155.             "Year": 0
  69156.         },
  69157.         {
  69158.             "RIT": "ws204697",
  69159.             "Type": "WS",
  69160.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=wilhelm&=And&=Yes&=lehmbruck&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  69161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69162.             "Title": "Wilhelm Lehmbruck",
  69163.             "Category": "HUM",
  69164.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  69165.             "Year": 0
  69166.         },
  69167.         {
  69168.             "RIT": "ws204698",
  69169.             "Type": "WS",
  69170.             "URL": "http://www.fng.fi/cgibin/art.pl?en_collecti_internat_group_famous_arodin_all=arodin&w=X0494700&w=B8756000&w=B8756100&version=html4#first",
  69171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69172.             "Title": "Rodin, Auguste",
  69173.             "Category": "HUM",
  69174.             "Description": "Works from the Finnish National Gallery in Helsinki.",
  69175.             "Year": 0
  69176.         },
  69177.         {
  69178.             "RIT": "ws204699",
  69179.             "Type": "WS",
  69180.             "URL": "http://www.worcesterart.org/Collection/European/1964.17.html",
  69181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69182.             "Title": "Jean-Antoine Houdon: Claudine Houdon",
  69183.             "Category": "HUM",
  69184.             "Description": "A sculpture from the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  69185.             "Year": 0
  69186.         },
  69187.         {
  69188.             "RIT": "ws204700",
  69189.             "Type": "WS",
  69190.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=71657+0+none",
  69191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69192.             "Title": "Allegory of Africa",
  69193.             "Category": "HUM",
  69194.             "Description": "A bronze sculpture by Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi displayed by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  69195.             "Year": 0
  69196.         },
  69197.         {
  69198.             "RIT": "ws204701",
  69199.             "Type": "WS",
  69200.             "URL": "http://www.nationalpost.com/features/0900/trudeau/trudeau.html",
  69201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69202.             "Title": "National Post Outline: Pierre Elliot Trudeau",
  69203.             "Category": "HIS",
  69204.             "Description": "Remembering Trudeau: funeral, editorials and opinion, history, slideshow, biography, and timeline.",
  69205.             "Year": 0
  69206.         },
  69207.         {
  69208.             "RIT": "ws204702",
  69209.             "Type": "WS",
  69210.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4837",
  69211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69212.             "Title": "Dolin, Anton",
  69213.             "Category": "HUM",
  69214.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69215.             "Year": 0
  69216.         },
  69217.         {
  69218.             "RIT": "ws204703",
  69219.             "Type": "WS",
  69220.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Giacometti.html_f/Giacometti.html",
  69221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69222.             "Title": "Alberto Giacometti",
  69223.             "Category": "HUM",
  69224.             "Description": "A drawing displayed by the California State University Library in Long Beach.",
  69225.             "Year": 0
  69226.         },
  69227.         {
  69228.             "RIT": "ws204704",
  69229.             "Type": "WS",
  69230.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/sculp/rf3005/sculp_f.htm",
  69231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69232.             "Title": "Amphitrite",
  69233.             "Category": "HUM",
  69234.             "Description": "Antoine Coysevox's sculpture displayed by the Louvre in Paris.",
  69235.             "Year": 0
  69236.         },
  69237.         {
  69238.             "RIT": "ws204716",
  69239.             "Type": "WS",
  69240.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17981",
  69241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69242.             "Title": "Neutra, Richard",
  69243.             "Category": "HUM",
  69244.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69245.             "Year": 0
  69246.         },
  69247.         {
  69248.             "RIT": "ws204717",
  69249.             "Type": "WS",
  69250.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16919",
  69251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69252.             "Title": "L'Enfant, Pierre Charles",
  69253.             "Category": "HUM",
  69254.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69255.             "Year": 0
  69256.         },
  69257.         {
  69258.             "RIT": "ws204718",
  69259.             "Type": "WS",
  69260.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=2523&group=general&name=",
  69261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69262.             "Title": "Robert Adam",
  69263.             "Category": "HUM",
  69264.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  69265.             "Year": 0
  69266.         },
  69267.         {
  69268.             "RIT": "ws204719",
  69269.             "Type": "WS",
  69270.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=45798+0+none",
  69271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69272.             "Title": "A Bishop Saint",
  69273.             "Category": "HUM",
  69274.             "Description": "Tilman Riemenschneider's work from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  69275.             "Year": 0
  69276.         },
  69277.         {
  69278.             "RIT": "ws204720",
  69279.             "Type": "WS",
  69280.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=bernini",
  69281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69282.             "Title": "Bernini, Gianlorenzo",
  69283.             "Category": "HUM",
  69284.             "Description": "Works from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  69285.             "Year": 0
  69286.         },
  69287.         {
  69288.             "RIT": "ws204721",
  69289.             "Type": "WS",
  69290.             "URL": "http://www.umt.edu/partv/famus/paint/remingtn.htm",
  69291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69292.             "Title": "Frederic Remington: Portrait of Col. Crofton",
  69293.             "Category": "HUM",
  69294.             "Description": "Presented by the University of Montana Museum of Fine Arts in Missoula.",
  69295.             "Year": 0
  69296.         },
  69297.         {
  69298.             "RIT": "ws204722",
  69299.             "Type": "WS",
  69300.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/recline.htm",
  69301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69302.             "Title": "Reclining Figure",
  69303.             "Category": "HUM",
  69304.             "Description": "David Smith's sculpture from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  69305.             "Year": 0
  69306.         },
  69307.         {
  69308.             "RIT": "ws204723",
  69309.             "Type": "WS",
  69310.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=Houdon&Go.x=25&Go.y=9",
  69311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69312.             "Title": "Houdon, Jean-Antoine",
  69313.             "Category": "HUM",
  69314.             "Description": "Works from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  69315.             "Year": 0
  69316.         },
  69317.         {
  69318.             "RIT": "ws204724",
  69319.             "Type": "WS",
  69320.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/mythology/slide10.html",
  69321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69322.             "Title": "Curriculum Materials: World Mythology",
  69323.             "Category": "HUM",
  69324.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts provides a lesson plan inspired by Antoine-Louis Barye's sculpture, Theseus Slaying a Centaur.",
  69325.             "Year": 0
  69326.         },
  69327.         {
  69328.             "RIT": "ws204725",
  69329.             "Type": "WS",
  69330.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=3938",
  69331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69332.             "Title": "Armani, Giorgio",
  69333.             "Category": "SOC",
  69334.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69335.             "Year": 0
  69336.         },
  69337.         {
  69338.             "RIT": "ws204736",
  69339.             "Type": "WS",
  69340.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=15074",
  69341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69342.             "Title": "Gehry, Frank O.",
  69343.             "Category": "HUM",
  69344.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69345.             "Year": 0
  69346.         },
  69347.         {
  69348.             "RIT": "ws204737",
  69349.             "Type": "WS",
  69350.             "URL": "http://www.glenbow.org/arthtm/russell.htm",
  69351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69352.             "Title": "War Council on the Plains",
  69353.             "Category": "HUM",
  69354.             "Description": "Charles Marion Russell's painting from the Glenbow Museum in Calgary, Alberta.",
  69355.             "Year": 0
  69356.         },
  69357.         {
  69358.             "RIT": "ws204738",
  69359.             "Type": "WS",
  69360.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16282",
  69361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69362.             "Title": "Johnson, Philip (Cortelyou)",
  69363.             "Category": "HUM",
  69364.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69365.             "Year": 0
  69366.         },
  69367.         {
  69368.             "RIT": "ws204739",
  69369.             "Type": "WS",
  69370.             "URL": "http://www.calneva.com/GALLERY/FIREDON.HTM",
  69371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69372.             "Title": "Fired On",
  69373.             "Category": "HUM",
  69374.             "Description": "PBS presents Frederic Remington's painting.",
  69375.             "Year": 0
  69376.         },
  69377.         {
  69378.             "RIT": "ws204740",
  69379.             "Type": "WS",
  69380.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=20965",
  69381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69382.             "Title": "Wright, Frank Lloyd",
  69383.             "Category": "HUM",
  69384.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69385.             "Year": 0
  69386.         },
  69387.         {
  69388.             "RIT": "ws204741",
  69389.             "Type": "WS",
  69390.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1383",
  69391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69392.             "Title": "Dame Barbara Hepworth",
  69393.             "Category": "HUM",
  69394.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  69395.             "Year": 0
  69396.         },
  69397.         {
  69398.             "RIT": "ws204742",
  69399.             "Type": "WS",
  69400.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19752",
  69401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69402.             "Title": "Stetson, John B. (Batterson)",
  69403.             "Category": "SOC",
  69404.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69405.             "Year": 0
  69406.         },
  69407.         {
  69408.             "RIT": "ws204743",
  69409.             "Type": "WS",
  69410.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16684",
  69411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69412.             "Title": "Kroeber, Alfred (Louis)",
  69413.             "Category": "SOC",
  69414.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69415.             "Year": 0
  69416.         },
  69417.         {
  69418.             "RIT": "ws204744",
  69419.             "Type": "WS",
  69420.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/european/german/019_lrg.html",
  69421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69422.             "Title": "Female Saint",
  69423.             "Category": "HUM",
  69424.             "Description": "Tilmann Riemenschneider's sculpture from the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina.",
  69425.             "Year": 0
  69426.         },
  69427.         {
  69428.             "RIT": "ws204745",
  69429.             "Type": "WS",
  69430.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19816",
  69431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69432.             "Title": "Stone, Edward Durell",
  69433.             "Category": "HUM",
  69434.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69435.             "Year": 0
  69436.         },
  69437.         {
  69438.             "RIT": "ws204746",
  69439.             "Type": "WS",
  69440.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=15&full=0&item=1975%2E1%2E410",
  69441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69442.             "Title": "Study for an Equestrian Monument",
  69443.             "Category": "HUM",
  69444.             "Description": "A drawing by Antonio Pollaiuolo from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  69445.             "Year": 0
  69446.         },
  69447.         {
  69448.             "RIT": "ws204759",
  69449.             "Type": "WS",
  69450.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1972%2E127",
  69451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69452.             "Title": "Becca",
  69453.             "Category": "HUM",
  69454.             "Description": "A sculpture by David Smith from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  69455.             "Year": 0
  69456.         },
  69457.         {
  69458.             "RIT": "ws204760",
  69459.             "Type": "WS",
  69460.             "URL": "http://www.pam.org/museum%20plaza/collections/listing/european/catalog/la%20defense.html",
  69461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69462.             "Title": "La Defense",
  69463.             "Category": "HUM",
  69464.             "Description": "A sculpture by Auguste Rodin from the Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon.",
  69465.             "Year": 0
  69466.         },
  69467.         {
  69468.             "RIT": "ws204761",
  69469.             "Type": "WS",
  69470.             "URL": "http://moca-la.org/pc/col/ritataft/giacomti.htm",
  69471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69472.             "Title": "Tall Figure II",
  69473.             "Category": "HUM",
  69474.             "Description": "The Museum of Modern Art in Los Angeles presents the work of Alberto Giacometti.",
  69475.             "Year": 0
  69476.         },
  69477.         {
  69478.             "RIT": "ws204762",
  69479.             "Type": "WS",
  69480.             "URL": "http://www.joslyn.org/permcol/euro/pages/rodin.html",
  69481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69482.             "Title": "Eve",
  69483.             "Category": "HUM",
  69484.             "Description": "Auguste Rodin's sculpture from the Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska.",
  69485.             "Year": 0
  69486.         },
  69487.         {
  69488.             "RIT": "ws204763",
  69489.             "Type": "WS",
  69490.             "URL": "http://www.pam.org/museum%20plaza/collections/listing/european/catalog/the%20red%20house.html",
  69491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69492.             "Title": "The Red House",
  69493.             "Category": "HUM",
  69494.             "Description": "A painting by Camille Pissaro from the Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon.",
  69495.             "Year": 0
  69496.         },
  69497.         {
  69498.             "RIT": "ws204764",
  69499.             "Type": "WS",
  69500.             "URL": "http://www.pam.org/museum%20plaza/collections/listing/european/catalog/ponds%20of%20ville%20davray.html",
  69501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69502.             "Title": "The Ponds of Ville d'Avray",
  69503.             "Category": "HUM",
  69504.             "Description": "A painting by Jean Baptiste Camille Corot from the Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon.",
  69505.             "Year": 0
  69506.         },
  69507.         {
  69508.             "RIT": "ws204765",
  69509.             "Type": "WS",
  69510.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16813",
  69511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69512.             "Title": "Latrobe, Benjamin Henry",
  69513.             "Category": "HUM",
  69514.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69515.             "Year": 0
  69516.         },
  69517.         {
  69518.             "RIT": "ws204766",
  69519.             "Type": "WS",
  69520.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/ancient/greece/24.4.html",
  69521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69522.             "Title": "Torso of Aphrodite",
  69523.             "Category": "HUM",
  69524.             "Description": "Detroit Institute of Arts presents an adaptation based on a statue by the 4th century B.C. artist Praxiteles.",
  69525.             "Year": 0
  69526.         },
  69527.         {
  69528.             "RIT": "ws204767",
  69529.             "Type": "WS",
  69530.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=72676+0+none",
  69531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69532.             "Title": "Satyr",
  69533.             "Category": "HUM",
  69534.             "Description": "Benvenuto Cellini's drawing displayed by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  69535.             "Year": 0
  69536.         },
  69537.         {
  69538.             "RIT": "ws204665",
  69539.             "Type": "WS",
  69540.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17520",
  69541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69542.             "Title": "McKim, Charles Follen",
  69543.             "Category": "HUM",
  69544.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69545.             "Year": 0
  69546.         },
  69547.         {
  69548.             "RIT": "ws204666",
  69549.             "Type": "WS",
  69550.             "URL": "http://www.nd.edu/~sniteart/97/mestgall2.html",
  69551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69552.             "Title": "Mestrovic Gallery Sculpture Overview",
  69553.             "Category": "HUM",
  69554.             "Description": "Works by Ivan Mestrovic from the Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana.",
  69555.             "Year": 0
  69556.         },
  69557.         {
  69558.             "RIT": "ws204667",
  69559.             "Type": "WS",
  69560.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=45732+0+none",
  69561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69562.             "Title": "Louis of France, The Grand Dauphin",
  69563.             "Category": "HUM",
  69564.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents a marble bust by Antoine Coysevox.",
  69565.             "Year": 0
  69566.         },
  69567.         {
  69568.             "RIT": "ws204668",
  69569.             "Type": "WS",
  69570.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/ringsofpassion/love/rodin.html",
  69571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69572.             "Title": "THE KISS",
  69573.             "Category": "HUM",
  69574.             "Description": "PBS presents a sculpture by Auguste Rodin.",
  69575.             "Year": 0
  69576.         },
  69577.         {
  69578.             "RIT": "ws204669",
  69579.             "Type": "WS",
  69580.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16076",
  69581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69582.             "Title": "Hunt, Richard Morris",
  69583.             "Category": "HUM",
  69584.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69585.             "Year": 0
  69586.         },
  69587.         {
  69588.             "RIT": "ws204670",
  69589.             "Type": "WS",
  69590.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=12936",
  69591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69592.             "Title": "Boas, Franz",
  69593.             "Category": "SOC",
  69594.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69595.             "Year": 0
  69596.         },
  69597.         {
  69598.             "RIT": "ws204671",
  69599.             "Type": "WS",
  69600.             "URL": "http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/science/know_l1/sun.html",
  69601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69602.             "Title": "Imagine the Universe: The Sun",
  69603.             "Category": "PHY",
  69604.             "Description": "An introduction to the sun from the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.",
  69605.             "Year": 0
  69606.         },
  69607.         {
  69608.             "RIT": "ws204672",
  69609.             "Type": "WS",
  69610.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19184",
  69611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69612.             "Title": "Sapir, Edward",
  69613.             "Category": "HUM",
  69614.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69615.             "Year": 0
  69616.         },
  69617.         {
  69618.             "RIT": "ws204673",
  69619.             "Type": "WS",
  69620.             "URL": "http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/collection/international/painting/b/ipa00044.html",
  69621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69622.             "Title": "Self-portrait",
  69623.             "Category": "HUM",
  69624.             "Description": "A painting attributed to Gian Lorenzo Bernini from the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, Australia.",
  69625.             "Year": 0
  69626.         },
  69627.         {
  69628.             "RIT": "ws204674",
  69629.             "Type": "WS",
  69630.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=david&=And&=Yes&=smith&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  69631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69632.             "Title": "David Smith",
  69633.             "Category": "HUM",
  69634.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  69635.             "Year": 0
  69636.         },
  69637.         {
  69638.             "RIT": "ws204685",
  69639.             "Type": "WS",
  69640.             "URL": "http://smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian/issues97/jan97/mackin.html",
  69641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69642.             "Title": "Ahead of the curve: the art of Charles Rennie Mackintosh",
  69643.             "Category": "HUM",
  69644.             "Description": "An article from Smithsonian Magazine.",
  69645.             "Year": 0
  69646.         },
  69647.         {
  69648.             "RIT": "ws204686",
  69649.             "Type": "WS",
  69650.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=20365",
  69651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69652.             "Title": "Venturi, Robert",
  69653.             "Category": "HUM",
  69654.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69655.             "Year": 0
  69656.         },
  69657.         {
  69658.             "RIT": "ws204687",
  69659.             "Type": "WS",
  69660.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=14427",
  69661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69662.             "Title": "Dunham, Katherine",
  69663.             "Category": "HUM",
  69664.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69665.             "Year": 0
  69666.         },
  69667.         {
  69668.             "RIT": "ws204688",
  69669.             "Type": "WS",
  69670.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=1764&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  69671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69672.             "Title": "Constantin Brancusi",
  69673.             "Category": "HUM",
  69674.             "Description": "An artist profile from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  69675.             "Year": 0
  69676.         },
  69677.         {
  69678.             "RIT": "ws204689",
  69679.             "Type": "WS",
  69680.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=12189",
  69681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69682.             "Title": "Adler, Dankmar",
  69683.             "Category": "HUM",
  69684.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69685.             "Year": 0
  69686.         },
  69687.         {
  69688.             "RIT": "ws204690",
  69689.             "Type": "WS",
  69690.             "URL": "http://umma.umecah.maine.edu/links.html",
  69691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69692.             "Title": "Terrarium",
  69693.             "Category": "HUM",
  69694.             "Description": "James Rosenquist's lithograph presented by the University of Maine Museum of Art in in Orono.",
  69695.             "Year": 0
  69696.         },
  69697.         {
  69698.             "RIT": "ws204691",
  69699.             "Type": "WS",
  69700.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/segal.html",
  69701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69702.             "Title": "Chance Meeting",
  69703.             "Category": "HUM",
  69704.             "Description": "The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas, presents a work by George Segal.",
  69705.             "Year": 0
  69706.         },
  69707.         {
  69708.             "RIT": "ws204692",
  69709.             "Type": "WS",
  69710.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16187",
  69711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69712.             "Title": "Jahn, Helmut",
  69713.             "Category": "HUM",
  69714.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69715.             "Year": 0
  69716.         },
  69717.         {
  69718.             "RIT": "ws204693",
  69719.             "Type": "WS",
  69720.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/sculp/mr1824/sculp_f.htm",
  69721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69722.             "Title": "Fame Riding Pegasus",
  69723.             "Category": "HUM",
  69724.             "Description": "Antoine Coysevox's sculpture from the Louvre in Paris.",
  69725.             "Year": 0
  69726.         },
  69727.         {
  69728.             "RIT": "ws204694",
  69729.             "Type": "WS",
  69730.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=79800",
  69731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69732.             "Title": "Auguste Rodin",
  69733.             "Category": "HUM",
  69734.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  69735.             "Year": 0
  69736.         },
  69737.         {
  69738.             "RIT": "ws204695",
  69739.             "Type": "WS",
  69740.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Lipchitz_J/SG.html",
  69741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69742.             "Title": "Bather",
  69743.             "Category": "HUM",
  69744.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln presents a sculpture by Jacques Lipchitz.",
  69745.             "Year": 0
  69746.         },
  69747.         {
  69748.             "RIT": "ws204705",
  69749.             "Type": "WS",
  69750.             "URL": "http://www.sidrmuseum.org/fredr.html",
  69751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69752.             "Title": "SELF-PORTRAIT ON A HORSE",
  69753.             "Category": "HUM",
  69754.             "Description": "The Sid Richardson Collection of Western Art in Fort Worth, Texas, presents a painting by Frederic Remington.",
  69755.             "Year": 0
  69756.         },
  69757.         {
  69758.             "RIT": "ws204706",
  69759.             "Type": "WS",
  69760.             "URL": "http://xroads.virginia.edu/~MUSEUM/Armory/galleryB/gaudens.html",
  69761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69762.             "Title": "William Tecumseh Sherman, Central Park, New York City",
  69763.             "Category": "HUM",
  69764.             "Description": "PBS exhibits a sculpture by Augustus Saint-Gaudens online.",
  69765.             "Year": 0
  69766.         },
  69767.         {
  69768.             "RIT": "ws204707",
  69769.             "Type": "WS",
  69770.             "URL": "http://www.pch.gc.ca/trudeau/bio-e.htm",
  69771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69772.             "Title": "PM Chronological Biography-Pierre Elliot Trudeau",
  69773.             "Category": "HIS",
  69774.             "Description": "Biographical information about Trudeau from the Prime Ministers of Canada web site.",
  69775.             "Year": 0
  69776.         },
  69777.         {
  69778.             "RIT": "ws204708",
  69779.             "Type": "WS",
  69780.             "URL": "http://www.homestead.com/hereibe/Adams.html",
  69781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69782.             "Title": "Adams Memorial (Grief)",
  69783.             "Category": "HUM",
  69784.             "Description": "PBS presents the work of Augustus Saint-Gaudens at the Rock Creek Church Cemetery, Washington, D.C.",
  69785.             "Year": 0
  69786.         },
  69787.         {
  69788.             "RIT": "ws204709",
  69789.             "Type": "WS",
  69790.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=15304",
  69791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69792.             "Title": "Graves, Michael",
  69793.             "Category": "HUM",
  69794.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69795.             "Year": 0
  69796.         },
  69797.         {
  69798.             "RIT": "ws204710",
  69799.             "Type": "WS",
  69800.             "URL": "http://mfah.org/garden/artists/smith.html",
  69801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69802.             "Title": "Two Circle Sentinel",
  69803.             "Category": "HUM",
  69804.             "Description": "David Smith's stainless steel sculpture from the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.",
  69805.             "Year": 0
  69806.         },
  69807.         {
  69808.             "RIT": "ws204712",
  69809.             "Type": "WS",
  69810.             "URL": "http://mfah.org/garden/artists/giacometti.html",
  69811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69812.             "Title": "Large Standing Woman I",
  69813.             "Category": "HUM",
  69814.             "Description": "Alberto Giacometti's sculpture from the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.",
  69815.             "Year": 0
  69816.         },
  69817.         {
  69818.             "RIT": "ws204713",
  69819.             "Type": "WS",
  69820.             "URL": "http://www.wildlifeart.org/ArtTales/Barye.html",
  69821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69822.             "Title": "Virginia Deer Reclining",
  69823.             "Category": "HUM",
  69824.             "Description": "A sculpture by Antoine L. Barye from the National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.",
  69825.             "Year": 0
  69826.         },
  69827.         {
  69828.             "RIT": "ws204714",
  69829.             "Type": "WS",
  69830.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=597+0+none",
  69831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69832.             "Title": "Battle of the Nudes",
  69833.             "Category": "HUM",
  69834.             "Description": "Antonio del Pollaiuolo's engraving displayed by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  69835.             "Year": 0
  69836.         },
  69837.         {
  69838.             "RIT": "ws204715",
  69839.             "Type": "WS",
  69840.             "URL": "http://www.walkerart.org/resources/res_msg_segal.html",
  69841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69842.             "Title": "WALKING MAN",
  69843.             "Category": "HUM",
  69844.             "Description": "George Segal's sculpture from the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden.",
  69845.             "Year": 0
  69846.         },
  69847.         {
  69848.             "RIT": "ws204726",
  69849.             "Type": "WS",
  69850.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=3677",
  69851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69852.             "Title": "Aalto, (Hugo Henrik) Alvar",
  69853.             "Category": "HUM",
  69854.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69855.             "Year": 0
  69856.         },
  69857.         {
  69858.             "RIT": "ws204727",
  69859.             "Type": "WS",
  69860.             "URL": "http://museoreinasofia.mcu.es/e/colecc/sala03/de0507.htm",
  69861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69862.             "Title": "Lead, single piece",
  69863.             "Category": "HUM",
  69864.             "Description": "A sculpture by Jacques Lipchitz from the Reina Sofia National Museum in Madrid.",
  69865.             "Year": 0
  69866.         },
  69867.         {
  69868.             "RIT": "ws204728",
  69869.             "Type": "WS",
  69870.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/ag/inv6813/ag_f.htm",
  69871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69872.             "Title": "Nude Warriors in Combat",
  69873.             "Category": "HUM",
  69874.             "Description": "Antonio Pollaiuolo's from the Louvre in Paris.",
  69875.             "Year": 0
  69876.         },
  69877.         {
  69878.             "RIT": "ws204729",
  69879.             "Type": "WS",
  69880.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=52050",
  69881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69882.             "Title": "Antoine-Louis Barye",
  69883.             "Category": "HUM",
  69884.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  69885.             "Year": 0
  69886.         },
  69887.         {
  69888.             "RIT": "ws204730",
  69889.             "Type": "WS",
  69890.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=11730",
  69891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69892.             "Title": "Westermarck, Edward (Alexander)",
  69893.             "Category": "SOC",
  69894.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69895.             "Year": 0
  69896.         },
  69897.         {
  69898.             "RIT": "ws204731",
  69899.             "Type": "WS",
  69900.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/menin.htm",
  69901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69902.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Meningococcal Meningitis",
  69903.             "Category": "LIF",
  69904.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  69905.             "Year": 0
  69906.         },
  69907.         {
  69908.             "RIT": "ws204732",
  69909.             "Type": "WS",
  69910.             "URL": "http://www.walkerart.org/resources/res_msg_gehry.html",
  69911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69912.             "Title": "Standing Glass Fish",
  69913.             "Category": "HUM",
  69914.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden presents a work by Frank Gehry and general information about the artist.",
  69915.             "Year": 0
  69916.         },
  69917.         {
  69918.             "RIT": "ws204733",
  69919.             "Type": "WS",
  69920.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/magazine/archive/1995/951218/art.html",
  69921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69922.             "Title": "FUNK AND CHIC",
  69923.             "Category": "HUM",
  69924.             "Description": "A TIME Magazine article on the art of Constantin Brancusi.",
  69925.             "Year": 0
  69926.         },
  69927.         {
  69928.             "RIT": "ws204734",
  69929.             "Type": "WS",
  69930.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=brancusi+constantin&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  69931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69932.             "Title": "Constantin Brancusi",
  69933.             "Category": "HUM",
  69934.             "Description": "Work from the Fine Arts Musuems of San Francisco.",
  69935.             "Year": 0
  69936.         },
  69937.         {
  69938.             "RIT": "ws204735",
  69939.             "Type": "WS",
  69940.             "URL": "http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/Exhibitions/wright/gallery.asp?newPos=13",
  69941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69942.             "Title": "Woman on a Bed",
  69943.             "Category": "HUM",
  69944.             "Description": "The Seattle Art Museum presents a sculpture by George Segal.",
  69945.             "Year": 0
  69946.         },
  69947.         {
  69948.             "RIT": "ws204747",
  69949.             "Type": "WS",
  69950.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19891",
  69951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69952.             "Title": "Sullivan, Louis Henri",
  69953.             "Category": "HUM",
  69954.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69955.             "Year": 0
  69956.         },
  69957.         {
  69958.             "RIT": "ws204748",
  69959.             "Type": "WS",
  69960.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=1625",
  69961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69962.             "Title": "Bernini, Gian Lorenzo",
  69963.             "Category": "HUM",
  69964.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  69965.             "Year": 0
  69966.         },
  69967.         {
  69968.             "RIT": "ws204749",
  69969.             "Type": "WS",
  69970.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=580&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  69971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69972.             "Title": "Gian Lorenzo Bernini",
  69973.             "Category": "HUM",
  69974.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  69975.             "Year": 0
  69976.         },
  69977.         {
  69978.             "RIT": "ws204750",
  69979.             "Type": "WS",
  69980.             "URL": "http://www.glenbow.org/arthtm/remingt.htm",
  69981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69982.             "Title": "Warrior's Return",
  69983.             "Category": "HUM",
  69984.             "Description": "Frederic Remington's painting displayed by the Glenbow Museum in Calgary, Alberta.",
  69985.             "Year": 0
  69986.         },
  69987.         {
  69988.             "RIT": "ws204751",
  69989.             "Type": "WS",
  69990.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/moden/ecub_10.html",
  69991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  69992.             "Title": "Burghers of Calais",
  69993.             "Category": "HUM",
  69994.             "Description": "Auguste Rodin's sculpture displayed by the Ho-Am Art Musuem in Seoul, Korea.",
  69995.             "Year": 0
  69996.         },
  69997.         {
  69998.             "RIT": "ws204752",
  69999.             "Type": "WS",
  70000.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/botulism.htm",
  70001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70002.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Botulism",
  70003.             "Category": "LIF",
  70004.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  70005.             "Year": 0
  70006.         },
  70007.         {
  70008.             "RIT": "ws204754",
  70009.             "Type": "WS",
  70010.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=auguste&=And&=Yes&=rodin&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  70011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70012.             "Title": "Auguste Rodin",
  70013.             "Category": "HUM",
  70014.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  70015.             "Year": 0
  70016.         },
  70017.         {
  70018.             "RIT": "ws204755",
  70019.             "Type": "WS",
  70020.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=9725",
  70021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70022.             "Title": "Malinowski, Bronislaw (Kasper)",
  70023.             "Category": "SOC",
  70024.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70025.             "Year": 0
  70026.         },
  70027.         {
  70028.             "RIT": "ws204756",
  70029.             "Type": "WS",
  70030.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6917",
  70031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70032.             "Title": "Wren, Sir Christopher",
  70033.             "Category": "HUM",
  70034.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70035.             "Year": 0
  70036.         },
  70037.         {
  70038.             "RIT": "ws204757",
  70039.             "Type": "WS",
  70040.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=10115",
  70041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70042.             "Title": "Niemeyer, Oscar",
  70043.             "Category": "HUM",
  70044.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70045.             "Year": 0
  70046.         },
  70047.         {
  70048.             "RIT": "ws204758",
  70049.             "Type": "WS",
  70050.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4958",
  70051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70052.             "Title": "Erickson, Arthur Charles",
  70053.             "Category": "HUM",
  70054.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70055.             "Year": 0
  70056.         },
  70057.         {
  70058.             "RIT": "ws204768",
  70059.             "Type": "WS",
  70060.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=18816",
  70061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70062.             "Title": "Richardson, H. H. (Henry Hobson)",
  70063.             "Category": "HUM",
  70064.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70065.             "Year": 0
  70066.         },
  70067.         {
  70068.             "RIT": "ws204769",
  70069.             "Type": "WS",
  70070.             "URL": "http://www.mmkslw.or.at/MMKSLW/english/sammlung/giacom.htm",
  70071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70072.             "Title": "Diego, the Artist's Brother",
  70073.             "Category": "HUM",
  70074.             "Description": "A piece by Alberto Giacometti from the Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation in Vienna, Austria.",
  70075.             "Year": 0
  70076.         },
  70077.         {
  70078.             "RIT": "ws204770",
  70079.             "Type": "WS",
  70080.             "URL": "http://art.museum.ro/collect/collect.html",
  70081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70082.             "Title": "Highlights",
  70083.             "Category": "HUM",
  70084.             "Description": "The National Museum of Art of Romania presents works by such artists as Constantin Brancusi, El Greco, Alfred Sisley, and Peter Paul Rubens.",
  70085.             "Year": 0
  70086.         },
  70087.         {
  70088.             "RIT": "ws204771",
  70089.             "Type": "WS",
  70090.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/chickenp.htm",
  70091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70092.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Chickenpox",
  70093.             "Category": "LIF",
  70094.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  70095.             "Year": 0
  70096.         },
  70097.         {
  70098.             "RIT": "ws204772",
  70099.             "Type": "WS",
  70100.             "URL": "http://www.joslyn.org/permcol/west/pages/reming.html",
  70101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70102.             "Title": "Bronco Buster",
  70103.             "Category": "HUM",
  70104.             "Description": "A painting by Frederic Remington from the Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska.",
  70105.             "Year": 0
  70106.         },
  70107.         {
  70108.             "RIT": "ws204773",
  70109.             "Type": "WS",
  70110.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=19746",
  70111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70112.             "Title": "Stephens, John Lloyd",
  70113.             "Category": "SOC",
  70114.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70115.             "Year": 0
  70116.         },
  70117.         {
  70118.             "RIT": "ws204774",
  70119.             "Type": "WS",
  70120.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/expopassees/a-segal.html",
  70121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70122.             "Title": "George Segal: A Retrospective",
  70123.             "Category": "HUM",
  70124.             "Description": "An exhibition from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  70125.             "Year": 0
  70126.         },
  70127.         {
  70128.             "RIT": "ws204775",
  70129.             "Type": "WS",
  70130.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4740",
  70131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70132.             "Title": "Danilova, Alexandra Dionysievna",
  70133.             "Category": "HUM",
  70134.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70135.             "Year": 0
  70136.         },
  70137.         {
  70138.             "RIT": "ws204776",
  70139.             "Type": "WS",
  70140.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5055",
  70141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70142.             "Title": "Fokine, Michel",
  70143.             "Category": "HUM",
  70144.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70145.             "Year": 0
  70146.         },
  70147.         {
  70148.             "RIT": "ws204777",
  70149.             "Type": "WS",
  70150.             "URL": "http://www.musee-rodin.fr/welcome.htm",
  70151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70152.             "Title": "Musee Rodin",
  70153.             "Category": "HUM",
  70154.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Rodin Museums in Paris and Meudon, France.",
  70155.             "Year": 0
  70156.         },
  70157.         {
  70158.             "RIT": "ws204778",
  70159.             "Type": "WS",
  70160.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-29-07-96/a-lundi705.html",
  70161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70162.             "Title": "The Sirens",
  70163.             "Category": "HUM",
  70164.             "Description": "The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts presents work by Auguste Rodin.",
  70165.             "Year": 0
  70166.         },
  70167.         {
  70168.             "RIT": "ws204779",
  70169.             "Type": "WS",
  70170.             "URL": "http://www.clevelandart.org/explore/magnify.asp?workID=5792",
  70171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70172.             "Title": "The Age of Bronz",
  70173.             "Category": "HUM",
  70174.             "Description": "The New Orleans Museum of Art displays a work by August Rodin.",
  70175.             "Year": 0
  70176.         },
  70177.         {
  70178.             "RIT": "ws204780",
  70179.             "Type": "WS",
  70180.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5877",
  70181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70182.             "Title": "Leakey, Mary (Douglas)",
  70183.             "Category": "SOC",
  70184.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70185.             "Year": 0
  70186.         },
  70187.         {
  70188.             "RIT": "ws204781",
  70189.             "Type": "WS",
  70190.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/StGaudens_A/SSI.html",
  70191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70192.             "Title": "Diana of the Tower",
  70193.             "Category": "HUM",
  70194.             "Description": "An Augustus Saint-Gaudens sculpture from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  70195.             "Year": 0
  70196.         },
  70197.         {
  70198.             "RIT": "ws204782",
  70199.             "Type": "WS",
  70200.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16243",
  70201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70202.             "Title": "Joffrey, Robert (b. Abdullah Jaffa Anver Bey Kahn)",
  70203.             "Category": "HUM",
  70204.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70205.             "Year": 0
  70206.         },
  70207.         {
  70208.             "RIT": "ws204783",
  70209.             "Type": "WS",
  70210.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=12&full=0&item=12%2E11%2E1",
  70211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70212.             "Title": "Honore de Balzac",
  70213.             "Category": "HUM",
  70214.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City presents a portrait bust by Auguste Rodin.",
  70215.             "Year": 0
  70216.         },
  70217.         {
  70218.             "RIT": "ws204784",
  70219.             "Type": "WS",
  70220.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=barlach+ernst&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  70221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70222.             "Title": "Ernst Barlach",
  70223.             "Category": "HUM",
  70224.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  70225.             "Year": 0
  70226.         },
  70227.         {
  70228.             "RIT": "ws204785",
  70229.             "Type": "WS",
  70230.             "URL": "http://www.bostonathenaeum.org/houdon1.html",
  70231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70232.             "Title": "George Washington",
  70233.             "Category": "HUM",
  70234.             "Description": "Jean-Antoine Houdon's sculpture from the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond.",
  70235.             "Year": 0
  70236.         },
  70237.         {
  70238.             "RIT": "ws204786",
  70239.             "Type": "WS",
  70240.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/sculp/mr1820/sculp_f.htm",
  70241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70242.             "Title": "The flute-playing Shepherd",
  70243.             "Category": "HUM",
  70244.             "Description": "Antoine Coysevox's sculpture from the Louvre in Paris.",
  70245.             "Year": 0
  70246.         },
  70247.         {
  70248.             "RIT": "ws204787",
  70249.             "Type": "WS",
  70250.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/plague.htm",
  70251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70252.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet : Plague",
  70253.             "Category": "LIF",
  70254.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  70255.             "Year": 0
  70256.         },
  70257.         {
  70258.             "RIT": "ws204798",
  70259.             "Type": "WS",
  70260.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/remember/jan-june00/segal_6-14.html",
  70261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70262.             "Title": "REMEMBERING GEORGE SEGAL",
  70263.             "Category": "HUM",
  70264.             "Description": "PBS presents the Online NewsHour transcript from a discussion about the artist.",
  70265.             "Year": 0
  70266.         },
  70267.         {
  70268.             "RIT": "ws204799",
  70269.             "Type": "WS",
  70270.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1627",
  70271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70272.             "Title": "Jacques Lipchitz",
  70273.             "Category": "HUM",
  70274.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  70275.             "Year": 0
  70276.         },
  70277.         {
  70278.             "RIT": "ws204800",
  70279.             "Type": "WS",
  70280.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5166",
  70281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70282.             "Title": "Gaudi (I Cornet), Antonio",
  70283.             "Category": "HUM",
  70284.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70285.             "Year": 0
  70286.         },
  70287.         {
  70288.             "RIT": "ws204801",
  70289.             "Type": "WS",
  70290.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6274",
  70291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70292.             "Title": "Palladio, Andrea (, originally Andrea di Pietro della Gondola)",
  70293.             "Category": "HUM",
  70294.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70295.             "Year": 0
  70296.         },
  70297.         {
  70298.             "RIT": "ws204802",
  70299.             "Type": "WS",
  70300.             "URL": "http://www.mmkslw.or.at/MMKSLW/english/sammlung/brancu.htm",
  70301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70302.             "Title": "La negresse blonde II",
  70303.             "Category": "HUM",
  70304.             "Description": "Constantin Brancusi's sculpture from the Museum of Modern Art Ludwig Foundation in Vienna, Austria.",
  70305.             "Year": 0
  70306.         },
  70307.         {
  70308.             "RIT": "ws204803",
  70309.             "Type": "WS",
  70310.             "URL": "http://www.sgnhs.org/",
  70311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70312.             "Title": "Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site",
  70313.             "Category": "HUM",
  70314.             "Description": "A unit of the National Park Service, the site features the home, gardens, and studios of Augustus Saint-Gaudens.",
  70315.             "Year": 0
  70316.         },
  70317.         {
  70318.             "RIT": "ws204804",
  70319.             "Type": "WS",
  70320.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1994%2E120",
  70321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70322.             "Title": "Washstand",
  70323.             "Category": "HUM",
  70324.             "Description": "A piece by Charles Rennie Mackintosh from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  70325.             "Year": 0
  70326.         },
  70327.         {
  70328.             "RIT": "ws204805",
  70329.             "Type": "WS",
  70330.             "URL": "http://www.thejewishmuseum.org/Pages/Exhibitions/Special_Exhibits/george_segal/george_segal.html",
  70331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70332.             "Title": "George Segal",
  70333.             "Category": "HUM",
  70334.             "Description": "Information about the artist from The Jewish Museum in New York City.",
  70335.             "Year": 0
  70336.         },
  70337.         {
  70338.             "RIT": "ws204806",
  70339.             "Type": "WS",
  70340.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=2&full=0&item=17%2E104",
  70341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70342.             "Title": "Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer",
  70343.             "Category": "HUM",
  70344.             "Description": "A bronze portrait by Augustus Saint-Gaudens from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  70345.             "Year": 0
  70346.         },
  70347.         {
  70348.             "RIT": "ws204788",
  70349.             "Type": "WS",
  70350.             "URL": "http://www.mamfw.org/f_html/rosenquist.html",
  70351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70352.             "Title": "F-111",
  70353.             "Category": "HUM",
  70354.             "Description": "James Rosenquist's painting from the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas.",
  70355.             "Year": 0
  70356.         },
  70357.         {
  70358.             "RIT": "ws204789",
  70359.             "Type": "WS",
  70360.             "URL": "http://www.ackland.org/tours/rodin.html",
  70361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70362.             "Title": "Auguste Rodin: The Call to Arms",
  70363.             "Category": "HUM",
  70364.             "Description": "Art image and essay from the Ackland Art Museum at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.",
  70365.             "Year": 0
  70366.         },
  70367.         {
  70368.             "RIT": "ws204790",
  70369.             "Type": "WS",
  70370.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=18285",
  70371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70372.             "Title": "Parsons, Elsie (Worthington Clews)",
  70373.             "Category": "SOC",
  70374.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70375.             "Year": 0
  70376.         },
  70377.         {
  70378.             "RIT": "ws204791",
  70379.             "Type": "WS",
  70380.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/moden/ecub_7.html",
  70381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70382.             "Title": "No.2 Linear Construction No.2",
  70383.             "Category": "HUM",
  70384.             "Description": "Naum Gabo's sculpture from the Ho-Am Art Museum in Seoul, Korea.",
  70385.             "Year": 0
  70386.         },
  70387.         {
  70388.             "RIT": "ws204792",
  70389.             "Type": "WS",
  70390.             "URL": "http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/portrait.asp?search=sp&sText=William+Ernest+Henley&rNo=0",
  70391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70392.             "Title": "William Ernest Henley",
  70393.             "Category": "HUM",
  70394.             "Description": "The National Portrait Gallery in London presents a portrait sculpted by Auguste Rodin.",
  70395.             "Year": 0
  70396.         },
  70397.         {
  70398.             "RIT": "ws204793",
  70399.             "Type": "WS",
  70400.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=15957",
  70401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70402.             "Title": "Hood, Raymond M. (Mathewson)",
  70403.             "Category": "HUM",
  70404.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70405.             "Year": 0
  70406.         },
  70407.         {
  70408.             "RIT": "ws204794",
  70409.             "Type": "WS",
  70410.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=9002",
  70411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70412.             "Title": "Heyerdahl, Thor",
  70413.             "Category": "SOC",
  70414.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70415.             "Year": 0
  70416.         },
  70417.         {
  70418.             "RIT": "ws204795",
  70419.             "Type": "WS",
  70420.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=361&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  70421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70422.             "Title": "Antonio Canova",
  70423.             "Category": "HUM",
  70424.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  70425.             "Year": 0
  70426.         },
  70427.         {
  70428.             "RIT": "ws204796",
  70429.             "Type": "WS",
  70430.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/004336/",
  70431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70432.             "Title": "Augustus Saint-Gaudens",
  70433.             "Category": "HUM",
  70434.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  70435.             "Year": 0
  70436.         },
  70437.         {
  70438.             "RIT": "ws204797",
  70439.             "Type": "WS",
  70440.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4256",
  70441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70442.             "Title": "Borromini, Francesco",
  70443.             "Category": "HUM",
  70444.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70445.             "Year": 0
  70446.         },
  70447.         {
  70448.             "RIT": "ws204807",
  70449.             "Type": "WS",
  70450.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/sculp/rf0353/sculp_f.htm",
  70451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70452.             "Title": "Virgin and Child",
  70453.             "Category": "HUM",
  70454.             "Description": "The Louvre presents a work by Donato di Nicolo Bardi, known as Donatello.",
  70455.             "Year": 0
  70456.         },
  70457.         {
  70458.             "RIT": "ws204808",
  70459.             "Type": "WS",
  70460.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=803",
  70461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70462.             "Title": "Ernst Barlach",
  70463.             "Category": "HUM",
  70464.             "Description": "An artist biography from the Tate Gallery in London.",
  70465.             "Year": 0
  70466.         },
  70467.         {
  70468.             "RIT": "ws204809",
  70469.             "Type": "WS",
  70470.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16037",
  70471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70472.             "Title": "Hrdlicka, Ales",
  70473.             "Category": "SOC",
  70474.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70475.             "Year": 0
  70476.         },
  70477.         {
  70478.             "RIT": "ws204810",
  70479.             "Type": "WS",
  70480.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/hep_b.htm",
  70481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70482.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Hepatitis B",
  70483.             "Category": "LIF",
  70484.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  70485.             "Year": 0
  70486.         },
  70487.         {
  70488.             "RIT": "ws204811",
  70489.             "Type": "WS",
  70490.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17803",
  70491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70492.             "Title": "Morgan, Julia",
  70493.             "Category": "HUM",
  70494.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70495.             "Year": 0
  70496.         },
  70497.         {
  70498.             "RIT": "ws204812",
  70499.             "Type": "WS",
  70500.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/hep_c.htm",
  70501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70502.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Hepatitis C",
  70503.             "Category": "LIF",
  70504.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  70505.             "Year": 0
  70506.         },
  70507.         {
  70508.             "RIT": "ws204813",
  70509.             "Type": "WS",
  70510.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=15286",
  70511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70512.             "Title": "Graham, Martha",
  70513.             "Category": "HUM",
  70514.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70515.             "Year": 0
  70516.         },
  70517.         {
  70518.             "RIT": "ws204814",
  70519.             "Type": "WS",
  70520.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4120",
  70521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70522.             "Title": "Behrens, Peter",
  70523.             "Category": "HUM",
  70524.             "Description": "An online biography presented by A&E Television Networks.",
  70525.             "Year": 0
  70526.         },
  70527.         {
  70528.             "RIT": "ws204815",
  70529.             "Type": "WS",
  70530.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=45918+0+none",
  70531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70532.             "Title": "Monsignor Francesco Barberini",
  70533.             "Category": "HUM",
  70534.             "Description": "A bust sculpted by Gian Lorenzo Bernini from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  70535.             "Year": 0
  70536.         },
  70537.         {
  70538.             "RIT": "ws204817",
  70539.             "Type": "WS",
  70540.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4323",
  70541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70542.             "Title": "Brunelleschi, Filippo",
  70543.             "Category": "HUM",
  70544.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70545.             "Year": 0
  70546.         },
  70547.         {
  70548.             "RIT": "ws204818",
  70549.             "Type": "WS",
  70550.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/measles.htm",
  70551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70552.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Measles",
  70553.             "Category": "LIF",
  70554.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  70555.             "Year": 0
  70556.         },
  70557.         {
  70558.             "RIT": "ws204827",
  70559.             "Type": "WS",
  70560.             "URL": "http://www.pam.org/museum%20plaza/collections/listing/european/catalog/waterlilies.html",
  70561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70562.             "Title": "Waterlilies",
  70563.             "Category": "HUM",
  70564.             "Description": "Claude Monet's painting from the Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon.",
  70565.             "Year": 0
  70566.         },
  70567.         {
  70568.             "RIT": "ws204828",
  70569.             "Type": "WS",
  70570.             "URL": "http://hoammuseum.esmartweb.com/moden/ecub_11.html",
  70571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70572.             "Title": "Rush Hour",
  70573.             "Category": "HUM",
  70574.             "Description": "George Segal's sculpture from the Ho-Am Art Museum in Seoul, Korea.",
  70575.             "Year": 0
  70576.         },
  70577.         {
  70578.             "RIT": "ws204829",
  70579.             "Type": "WS",
  70580.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-14-10-96/a-lundi1811.html",
  70581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70582.             "Title": "Small Venus of Meudon",
  70583.             "Category": "HUM",
  70584.             "Description": "The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts presents a work by Jean Arp.",
  70585.             "Year": 0
  70586.         },
  70587.         {
  70588.             "RIT": "ws204830",
  70589.             "Type": "WS",
  70590.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/uia-bin/uia_doc.cgi/query/1?uf=uia_nhXguc",
  70591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70592.             "Title": "Charles M. Russell",
  70593.             "Category": "HUM",
  70594.             "Description": "The Minneapolis Institute of Arts presents works by the artist as online postcards. Page one of an eight-page exhibit of pieces by Russell and other artists.",
  70595.             "Year": 0
  70596.         },
  70597.         {
  70598.             "RIT": "ws204831",
  70599.             "Type": "WS",
  70600.             "URL": "http://www.cartermuseum.org/paintings/remington.html",
  70601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70602.             "Title": "The Fall of the Cowboy",
  70603.             "Category": "HUM",
  70604.             "Description": "The Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth, Texas, presents a painting by Frederic S. Remington.",
  70605.             "Year": 0
  70606.         },
  70607.         {
  70608.             "RIT": "ws204832",
  70609.             "Type": "WS",
  70610.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=9676",
  70611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70612.             "Title": "Mackintosh, Charles Rennie",
  70613.             "Category": "HUM",
  70614.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70615.             "Year": 0
  70616.         },
  70617.         {
  70618.             "RIT": "ws204833",
  70619.             "Type": "WS",
  70620.             "URL": "http://www.civilization.ca/hist/canoe/can05eng.html",
  70621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70622.             "Title": "The Canoe",
  70623.             "Category": "HUM",
  70624.             "Description": "This exhibit from the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Hull, Quebec, includes a painting by Frederic Remington.",
  70625.             "Year": 0
  70626.         },
  70627.         {
  70628.             "RIT": "ws204834",
  70629.             "Type": "WS",
  70630.             "URL": "http://www.nd.edu/~sniteart/97/img/galls/1819/thorvald.htm",
  70631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70632.             "Title": "SHEPHERDESS WITH A NEST OF AMORINI",
  70633.             "Category": "HUM",
  70634.             "Description": "Bertel Thorvaldsen's art displayed by the Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame in Notre Dame, Indiana.",
  70635.             "Year": 0
  70636.         },
  70637.         {
  70638.             "RIT": "ws204835",
  70639.             "Type": "WS",
  70640.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Smith_D/SG.html",
  70641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70642.             "Title": "Superstructure on 4",
  70643.             "Category": "HUM",
  70644.             "Description": "A sculpture by David Smith from the Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.",
  70645.             "Year": 0
  70646.         },
  70647.         {
  70648.             "RIT": "ws204845",
  70649.             "Type": "WS",
  70650.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/shockwave/puritan.html",
  70651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70652.             "Title": "The Puritan",
  70653.             "Category": "HUM",
  70654.             "Description": "A sculpture by Augustus Saint-Gaudens from the from the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina. (Requires Shockwave)",
  70655.             "Year": 0
  70656.         },
  70657.         {
  70658.             "RIT": "ws204846",
  70659.             "Type": "WS",
  70660.             "URL": "http://musa.uffizi.firenze.it/Dipinti/pollercanteoE9.html",
  70661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70662.             "Title": "Hercules and Antaeus",
  70663.             "Category": "HUM",
  70664.             "Description": "The Uffizi Gallery in Florence presents artwork by Antonio Benci, called Antonio del Pollaiolo.",
  70665.             "Year": 0
  70666.         },
  70667.         {
  70668.             "RIT": "ws204847",
  70669.             "Type": "WS",
  70670.             "URL": "http://www.iht.com/IHT/MB/98/mb081598.html",
  70671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70672.             "Title": "Saga of a Statue: The Struggles of Rodin's Balzac",
  70673.             "Category": "HUM",
  70674.             "Description": "A news article from the International Herald Tribune.",
  70675.             "Year": 0
  70676.         },
  70677.         {
  70678.             "RIT": "ws204848",
  70679.             "Type": "WS",
  70680.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4871",
  70681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70682.             "Title": "Dubois, (Marie) Eugene (Francois Thomas)",
  70683.             "Category": "SOC",
  70684.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70685.             "Year": 0
  70686.         },
  70687.         {
  70688.             "RIT": "ws204849",
  70689.             "Type": "WS",
  70690.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5880",
  70691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70692.             "Title": "Le Corbusier",
  70693.             "Category": "HUM",
  70694.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70695.             "Year": 0
  70696.         },
  70697.         {
  70698.             "RIT": "ws204850",
  70699.             "Type": "WS",
  70700.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=9847",
  70701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70702.             "Title": "Mendelsohn, Erich",
  70703.             "Category": "HUM",
  70704.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70705.             "Year": 0
  70706.         },
  70707.         {
  70708.             "RIT": "ws204851",
  70709.             "Type": "WS",
  70710.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=20533",
  70711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70712.             "Title": "Washburn, Sherwood L. (Larned)",
  70713.             "Category": "SOC",
  70714.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70715.             "Year": 0
  70716.         },
  70717.         {
  70718.             "RIT": "ws204852",
  70719.             "Type": "WS",
  70720.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=20471",
  70721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70722.             "Title": "Walter, Thomas U(stick)",
  70723.             "Category": "HUM",
  70724.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70725.             "Year": 0
  70726.         },
  70727.         {
  70728.             "RIT": "ws204853",
  70729.             "Type": "WS",
  70730.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=archipenko+alexander&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  70731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70732.             "Title": "Alexander Archipenko",
  70733.             "Category": "HUM",
  70734.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  70735.             "Year": 0
  70736.         },
  70737.         {
  70738.             "RIT": "ws204854",
  70739.             "Type": "WS",
  70740.             "URL": "http://www.thejewishmuseum.org/Pages/Exhibitions/Special_Exhibits/paris/paris_zoom/parisL3.html",
  70741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70742.             "Title": "Acrobat on Horseback",
  70743.             "Category": "HUM",
  70744.             "Description": "Jacques Lipchitz's sculpture from the Jewish Museum, New York in New York City.",
  70745.             "Year": 0
  70746.         },
  70747.         {
  70748.             "RIT": "ws204865",
  70749.             "Type": "WS",
  70750.             "URL": "http://www.npg.si.edu/col/age/frank.htm",
  70751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70752.             "Title": "Benjamin Franklin",
  70753.             "Category": "HIS",
  70754.             "Description": "A portrait by Jean-Antione Houdon from the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C.",
  70755.             "Year": 0
  70756.         },
  70757.         {
  70758.             "RIT": "ws204866",
  70759.             "Type": "WS",
  70760.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1969&group=general&name=",
  70761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70762.             "Title": "Auguste Rodin",
  70763.             "Category": "HUM",
  70764.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the Tate Gallery in New York.",
  70765.             "Year": 0
  70766.         },
  70767.         {
  70768.             "RIT": "ws204867",
  70769.             "Type": "WS",
  70770.             "URL": "http://www.theglobeandmail.com/series/trudeau/",
  70771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70772.             "Title": "The Globe and Mail: Pierre Elliot Trudeau",
  70773.             "Category": "HIS",
  70774.             "Description": "Reports, profile, obituary, and eulogies.",
  70775.             "Year": 0
  70776.         },
  70777.         {
  70778.             "RIT": "ws204868",
  70779.             "Type": "WS",
  70780.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/carvaggio/52.220.html",
  70781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70782.             "Title": "Model for Chair of Saint Peter",
  70783.             "Category": "HUM",
  70784.             "Description": "A piece by Gianlorenzo Bernini from the Detroit Institute of Arts.",
  70785.             "Year": 0
  70786.         },
  70787.         {
  70788.             "RIT": "ws204869",
  70789.             "Type": "WS",
  70790.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/004482/",
  70791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70792.             "Title": "George Segal",
  70793.             "Category": "HUM",
  70794.             "Description": "Works by the artits from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  70795.             "Year": 0
  70796.         },
  70797.         {
  70798.             "RIT": "ws204870",
  70799.             "Type": "WS",
  70800.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/leprosy.htm",
  70801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70802.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Leprosy",
  70803.             "Category": "LIF",
  70804.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  70805.             "Year": 0
  70806.         },
  70807.         {
  70808.             "RIT": "ws204872",
  70809.             "Type": "WS",
  70810.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/renaissance/37.147.html",
  70811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70812.             "Title": "Judith",
  70813.             "Category": "HUM",
  70814.             "Description": "Pollaiuolo's sculpture from the Detroit Institute of Arts.",
  70815.             "Year": 0
  70816.         },
  70817.         {
  70818.             "RIT": "ws204873",
  70819.             "Type": "WS",
  70820.             "URL": "http://www.galleriaborghese.it/borghese/en/edafne.htm",
  70821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70822.             "Title": "Apollo and Daphne",
  70823.             "Category": "HUM",
  70824.             "Description": "The Galleria Borghese in Rome displays a piece by Gian Lorenzo Bernini.",
  70825.             "Year": 0
  70826.         },
  70827.         {
  70828.             "RIT": "ws204874",
  70829.             "Type": "WS",
  70830.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/herp.htm",
  70831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70832.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Herpes II",
  70833.             "Category": "LIF",
  70834.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  70835.             "Year": 0
  70836.         },
  70837.         {
  70838.             "RIT": "ws204875",
  70839.             "Type": "WS",
  70840.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5097",
  70841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70842.             "Title": "Frazer, Sir James George",
  70843.             "Category": "SOC",
  70844.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70845.             "Year": 0
  70846.         },
  70847.         {
  70848.             "RIT": "ws204886",
  70849.             "Type": "WS",
  70850.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/legion.htm",
  70851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70852.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Legionellosis",
  70853.             "Category": "LIF",
  70854.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  70855.             "Year": 0
  70856.         },
  70857.         {
  70858.             "RIT": "ws204887",
  70859.             "Type": "WS",
  70860.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=12727",
  70861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70862.             "Title": "Bennett, Michael",
  70863.             "Category": "HUM",
  70864.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70865.             "Year": 0
  70866.         },
  70867.         {
  70868.             "RIT": "ws204888",
  70869.             "Type": "WS",
  70870.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=14680",
  70871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70872.             "Title": "Feld, Elliot",
  70873.             "Category": "HUM",
  70874.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70875.             "Year": 0
  70876.         },
  70877.         {
  70878.             "RIT": "ws204889",
  70879.             "Type": "WS",
  70880.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16383",
  70881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70882.             "Title": "Kahn, Louis I. (Isadore)",
  70883.             "Category": "HUM",
  70884.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70885.             "Year": 0
  70886.         },
  70887.         {
  70888.             "RIT": "ws204890",
  70889.             "Type": "WS",
  70890.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/sculp/mr3343/sculp_f.htm",
  70891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70892.             "Title": "The Prince of Conde",
  70893.             "Category": "HUM",
  70894.             "Description": "A bust by Antoine Coysevox from the Louvre in Paris.",
  70895.             "Year": 0
  70896.         },
  70897.         {
  70898.             "RIT": "ws204891",
  70899.             "Type": "WS",
  70900.             "URL": "http://web.dartmouth.edu/~hood/collections/american/Remington.html",
  70901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70902.             "Title": "Shotgun Hospitality",
  70903.             "Category": "HUM",
  70904.             "Description": "A painting by Frederic Remington from the Hood Musuem of Art at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire.",
  70905.             "Year": 0
  70906.         },
  70907.         {
  70908.             "RIT": "ws204892",
  70909.             "Type": "WS",
  70910.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=52601+0+none",
  70911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70912.             "Title": "Woman Combing Her Hair",
  70913.             "Category": "HUM",
  70914.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., presents sculpture by Alexander Archipenko.",
  70915.             "Year": 0
  70916.         },
  70917.         {
  70918.             "RIT": "ws204893",
  70919.             "Type": "WS",
  70920.             "URL": "http://www.sidrmuseum.org/cmr.html",
  70921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70922.             "Title": "Charles M. Russell",
  70923.             "Category": "HUM",
  70924.             "Description": "An overview of the artist from the Sid Richardson Collection in Fort Worth, Texas.",
  70925.             "Year": 0
  70926.         },
  70927.         {
  70928.             "RIT": "ws204894",
  70929.             "Type": "WS",
  70930.             "URL": "http://www.sbmuseart.org/collection/modern/torsoInAction.html",
  70931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70932.             "Title": "Study for Action in Chains",
  70933.             "Category": "HUM",
  70934.             "Description": "Aristide Maillol's sculpture from the Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara, California.",
  70935.             "Year": 0
  70936.         },
  70937.         {
  70938.             "RIT": "ws204895",
  70939.             "Type": "WS",
  70940.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/gonor.htm",
  70941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70942.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Gonorrhea",
  70943.             "Category": "LIF",
  70944.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  70945.             "Year": 0
  70946.         },
  70947.         {
  70948.             "RIT": "ws204905",
  70949.             "Type": "WS",
  70950.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=64700",
  70951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70952.             "Title": "Jean-Antoine Houdon",
  70953.             "Category": "HUM",
  70954.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  70955.             "Year": 0
  70956.         },
  70957.         {
  70958.             "RIT": "ws204906",
  70959.             "Type": "WS",
  70960.             "URL": "http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/Exhibitions/wright/gallery.asp?newPos=22",
  70961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70962.             "Title": "Fifteen Planes",
  70963.             "Category": "HUM",
  70964.             "Description": "David Smith's sculpture displayed the Seattle Art Museum.",
  70965.             "Year": 0
  70966.         },
  70967.         {
  70968.             "RIT": "ws204907",
  70969.             "Type": "WS",
  70970.             "URL": "http://www.galleriaborghese.it/borghese/en/everita.htm",
  70971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70972.             "Title": "Truth Unveiled by Time",
  70973.             "Category": "HUM",
  70974.             "Description": "A sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini from Rome's Galleria Borghese.",
  70975.             "Year": 0
  70976.         },
  70977.         {
  70978.             "RIT": "ws204908",
  70979.             "Type": "WS",
  70980.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17804",
  70981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70982.             "Title": "Morgan, Lewis Henry",
  70983.             "Category": "SOC",
  70984.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  70985.             "Year": 0
  70986.         },
  70987.         {
  70988.             "RIT": "ws204909",
  70989.             "Type": "WS",
  70990.             "URL": "http://www.walkerart.org/resources/res_msg_lipchitz.html",
  70991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  70992.             "Title": "PROMETHEUS STRANGLING THE VULTURE",
  70993.             "Category": "HUM",
  70994.             "Description": "The The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden presents a work by Jacques Lipchitz.",
  70995.             "Year": 0
  70996.         },
  70997.         {
  70998.             "RIT": "ws204910",
  70999.             "Type": "WS",
  71000.             "URL": "http://www.sidrmuseum.org/wfc.html",
  71001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71002.             "Title": "Works by Frederic Remington; Works by Charles M. Russell",
  71003.             "Category": "HUM",
  71004.             "Description": "From the Sid Richardson Collection of Western Art in Fort Worth, Texas.",
  71005.             "Year": 0
  71006.         },
  71007.         {
  71008.             "RIT": "ws204911",
  71009.             "Type": "WS",
  71010.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=20893",
  71011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71012.             "Title": "Wissler, Clark (Clarkson Davis)",
  71013.             "Category": "SOC",
  71014.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71015.             "Year": 0
  71016.         },
  71017.         {
  71018.             "RIT": "ws204912",
  71019.             "Type": "WS",
  71020.             "URL": "http://www.chrysler.org/italian01.html",
  71021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71022.             "Title": "Bust of the Savior",
  71023.             "Category": "HUM",
  71024.             "Description": "Gianlorenzo Bernini's sculpture from the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia.",
  71025.             "Year": 0
  71026.         },
  71027.         {
  71028.             "RIT": "ws204913",
  71029.             "Type": "WS",
  71030.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/HTML/ARTIST/Archipenko_A/SS.html",
  71031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71032.             "Title": "Sarcophagus of Angelica",
  71033.             "Category": "HUM",
  71034.             "Description": "The Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln presents a sculpture by Alexander Archipenko.",
  71035.             "Year": 0
  71036.         },
  71037.         {
  71038.             "RIT": "ws204914",
  71039.             "Type": "WS",
  71040.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=12599",
  71041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71042.             "Title": "Baryshnikov, Mikhail",
  71043.             "Category": "HUM",
  71044.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71045.             "Year": 0
  71046.         },
  71047.         {
  71048.             "RIT": "ws204915",
  71049.             "Type": "WS",
  71050.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1734",
  71051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71052.             "Title": "Ivan Mestrovic",
  71053.             "Category": "HUM",
  71054.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the Tate Collection in London.",
  71055.             "Year": 0
  71056.         },
  71057.         {
  71058.             "RIT": "ws204916",
  71059.             "Type": "WS",
  71060.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17568",
  71061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71062.             "Title": "Meier, Richard (Alan)",
  71063.             "Category": "HUM",
  71064.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71065.             "Year": 0
  71066.         },
  71067.         {
  71068.             "RIT": "ws204917",
  71069.             "Type": "WS",
  71070.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17686",
  71071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71072.             "Title": "Mills, Robert",
  71073.             "Category": "HUM",
  71074.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71075.             "Year": 0
  71076.         },
  71077.         {
  71078.             "RIT": "ws204918",
  71079.             "Type": "WS",
  71080.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6507",
  71081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71082.             "Title": "Saint-Laurent, Yves (Henri Donat Mathieu)",
  71083.             "Category": "SOC",
  71084.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71085.             "Year": 0
  71086.         },
  71087.         {
  71088.             "RIT": "ws204919",
  71089.             "Type": "WS",
  71090.             "URL": "http://collections.ic.gc.ca/canadiana/Enhigh/content/institut/1/aggvdc1.htm",
  71091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71092.             "Title": "Art Gallery of Greater Victoria",
  71093.             "Category": "HUM",
  71094.             "Description": "This exhibit from the museum in British Columbia includes works by Jean Arp and Roy Lichtenstein.",
  71095.             "Year": 0
  71096.         },
  71097.         {
  71098.             "RIT": "ws204920",
  71099.             "Type": "WS",
  71100.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5059",
  71101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71102.             "Title": "Fonteyn, Margot (, in full Dame Margot Fonteyn de Arias, originally Margaret Hookham)",
  71103.             "Category": "HUM",
  71104.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71105.             "Year": 0
  71106.         },
  71107.         {
  71108.             "RIT": "ws204921",
  71109.             "Type": "WS",
  71110.             "URL": "http://www.colmusart.org/html/s03collection16b.htm",
  71111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71112.             "Title": "Cross Check armchair",
  71113.             "Category": "HUM",
  71114.             "Description": "Frank O. Gehry's design exhibited by the Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, South Carolina.",
  71115.             "Year": 0
  71116.         },
  71117.         {
  71118.             "RIT": "ws204922",
  71119.             "Type": "WS",
  71120.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6628",
  71121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71122.             "Title": "Spence, Sir Basil (Urwin)",
  71123.             "Category": "HUM",
  71124.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71125.             "Year": 0
  71126.         },
  71127.         {
  71128.             "RIT": "ws204923",
  71129.             "Type": "WS",
  71130.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/sclpbi1f.htm#pollaiuolo",
  71131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71132.             "Title": "POLLAIUOLO, ANTONIO DEL",
  71133.             "Category": "HUM",
  71134.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  71135.             "Year": 0
  71136.         },
  71137.         {
  71138.             "RIT": "ws204924",
  71139.             "Type": "WS",
  71140.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/renaissance/29.355.html",
  71141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71142.             "Title": "Madonna and Child (The Genoa Madonna)",
  71143.             "Category": "HUM",
  71144.             "Description": "Luca della Robbia's sculpture from the Detroit Institute of Arts.",
  71145.             "Year": 0
  71146.         },
  71147.         {
  71148.             "RIT": "ws204819",
  71149.             "Type": "WS",
  71150.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=Canova&Go.x=9&Go.y=9",
  71151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71152.             "Title": "Canova, Antonio",
  71153.             "Category": "HUM",
  71154.             "Description": "Works from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  71155.             "Year": 0
  71156.         },
  71157.         {
  71158.             "RIT": "ws204820",
  71159.             "Type": "WS",
  71160.             "URL": "http://www.sec.noaa.gov/primer/primer.html",
  71161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71162.             "Title": "A Primer on the Space Environment: Our Star, the Sun",
  71163.             "Category": "PHY",
  71164.             "Description": "The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Environment Center explains how the sun's activities affect weather on Earth.",
  71165.             "Year": 0
  71166.         },
  71167.         {
  71168.             "RIT": "ws204821",
  71169.             "Type": "WS",
  71170.             "URL": "http://www.fredericremington.org/",
  71171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71172.             "Title": "Frederic Remington Art Museum",
  71173.             "Category": "HUM",
  71174.             "Description": "Home page of a Ogdensburg, New York, museum dedicated to Remington. Site includes information about his life and work.",
  71175.             "Year": 0
  71176.         },
  71177.         {
  71178.             "RIT": "ws204822",
  71179.             "Type": "WS",
  71180.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5912",
  71181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71182.             "Title": "Levi-Strauss, Claude",
  71183.             "Category": "SOC",
  71184.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71185.             "Year": 0
  71186.         },
  71187.         {
  71188.             "RIT": "ws204823",
  71189.             "Type": "WS",
  71190.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=81600",
  71191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71192.             "Title": "Augustus Saint-Gaudens",
  71193.             "Category": "HUM",
  71194.             "Description": "The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., provides a biography and art images.",
  71195.             "Year": 0
  71196.         },
  71197.         {
  71198.             "RIT": "ws204824",
  71199.             "Type": "WS",
  71200.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=Thorvaldsen&Go.x=20&Go.y=10",
  71201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71202.             "Title": "Thorvaldsen, Bertel",
  71203.             "Category": "HUM",
  71204.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  71205.             "Year": 0
  71206.         },
  71207.         {
  71208.             "RIT": "ws204825",
  71209.             "Type": "WS",
  71210.             "URL": "http://hudson.acad.umn.edu/artworks/Fair58K.jpg",
  71211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71212.             "Title": "World's Fair Mural",
  71213.             "Category": "HUM",
  71214.             "Description": "The Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota exhibits a mural created by James Rosenquist for the 1964 World's Fair.",
  71215.             "Year": 0
  71216.         },
  71217.         {
  71218.             "RIT": "ws204826",
  71219.             "Type": "WS",
  71220.             "URL": "http://mcweb.getty.edu/museum-cgi/bio_frame.pl?f_id=495&f_occ=%25&f_natl=%25&f_lineno=1",
  71221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71222.             "Title": "Benvenuto Cellini",
  71223.             "Category": "HUM",
  71224.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.",
  71225.             "Year": 0
  71226.         },
  71227.         {
  71228.             "RIT": "ws204836",
  71229.             "Type": "WS",
  71230.             "URL": "http://www.galleriaborghese.it/borghese/en/eproserp.htm",
  71231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71232.             "Title": "Pluto and Proserpina",
  71233.             "Category": "HUM",
  71234.             "Description": "Gian Lorenzo Bernini's sculpture from the Galleria Borghese in Rome.",
  71235.             "Year": 0
  71236.         },
  71237.         {
  71238.             "RIT": "ws204837",
  71239.             "Type": "WS",
  71240.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/ager/ma0083/ager_f.htm",
  71241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71242.             "Title": "Hermes with the Sandal",
  71243.             "Category": "HUM",
  71244.             "Description": "This sculpture, displayed by the Louvre in Paris, is a Roman copy after an original by Lysippos.",
  71245.             "Year": 0
  71246.         },
  71247.         {
  71248.             "RIT": "ws204838",
  71249.             "Type": "WS",
  71250.             "URL": "http://www.frick.org/html/sclpbi1f.htm#houdon",
  71251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71252.             "Title": "HOUDON, JEAN-ANTOINE",
  71253.             "Category": "HUM",
  71254.             "Description": "Works from the Frick Collection in New York City.",
  71255.             "Year": 0
  71256.         },
  71257.         {
  71258.             "RIT": "ws204839",
  71259.             "Type": "WS",
  71260.             "URL": "http://nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=79700",
  71261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71262.             "Title": "Luca della Robbia",
  71263.             "Category": "HUM",
  71264.             "Description": "Works exhibited by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  71265.             "Year": 0
  71266.         },
  71267.         {
  71268.             "RIT": "ws204840",
  71269.             "Type": "WS",
  71270.             "URL": "http://www.cc.ukans.edu/~sma/smahome/collection/eriemenschneiders.htm",
  71271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71272.             "Title": "Virgin and Child",
  71273.             "Category": "HUM",
  71274.             "Description": "An artwork by Tilman Riemenschneider from the Spencer Art Museum at the University of Kansas in Lawrence.",
  71275.             "Year": 0
  71276.         },
  71277.         {
  71278.             "RIT": "ws204841",
  71279.             "Type": "WS",
  71280.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17639",
  71281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71282.             "Title": "Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig (b. Ludwig Mies)",
  71283.             "Category": "HUM",
  71284.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71285.             "Year": 0
  71286.         },
  71287.         {
  71288.             "RIT": "ws204842",
  71289.             "Type": "WS",
  71290.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-05-08-96/a-lundi810.html",
  71291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71292.             "Title": "The Call to Arms",
  71293.             "Category": "HUM",
  71294.             "Description": "Auguste Rodin's sculpture from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  71295.             "Year": 0
  71296.         },
  71297.         {
  71298.             "RIT": "ws204843",
  71299.             "Type": "WS",
  71300.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=8332",
  71301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71302.             "Title": "Diaghilev, Sergei Pavlovich",
  71303.             "Category": "HUM",
  71304.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71305.             "Year": 0
  71306.         },
  71307.         {
  71308.             "RIT": "ws204844",
  71309.             "Type": "WS",
  71310.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/004275/",
  71311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71312.             "Title": "Theodore Roszak",
  71313.             "Category": "HUM",
  71314.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  71315.             "Year": 0
  71316.         },
  71317.         {
  71318.             "RIT": "ws204855",
  71319.             "Type": "WS",
  71320.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=barye+antoine+louis&=And&=Yes&=&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  71321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71322.             "Title": "Antoine Louis Barye",
  71323.             "Category": "HUM",
  71324.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  71325.             "Year": 0
  71326.         },
  71327.         {
  71328.             "RIT": "ws204856",
  71329.             "Type": "WS",
  71330.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=43562+0+none",
  71331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71332.             "Title": "Self-Portrait",
  71333.             "Category": "HUM",
  71334.             "Description": "Artwork by Leone Battista Alberti from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  71335.             "Year": 0
  71336.         },
  71337.         {
  71338.             "RIT": "ws204857",
  71339.             "Type": "WS",
  71340.             "URL": "http://www.glenbow.org/arthtm/mankill.htm",
  71341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71342.             "Title": "Man Killer",
  71343.             "Category": "HUM",
  71344.             "Description": "A painting by Charles Marion Russell from the Glenbow Museum in Calgary, Alberta.",
  71345.             "Year": 0
  71346.         },
  71347.         {
  71348.             "RIT": "ws204858",
  71349.             "Type": "WS",
  71350.             "URL": "http://metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&full=0&item=1996%2E403%2E7ab",
  71351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71352.             "Title": "Bird in Space",
  71353.             "Category": "HUM",
  71354.             "Description": "Constantin Brancusi's sculpture from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  71355.             "Year": 0
  71356.         },
  71357.         {
  71358.             "RIT": "ws204859",
  71359.             "Type": "WS",
  71360.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17029",
  71361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71362.             "Title": "Linton, Ralph",
  71363.             "Category": "SOC",
  71364.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71365.             "Year": 0
  71366.         },
  71367.         {
  71368.             "RIT": "ws204860",
  71369.             "Type": "WS",
  71370.             "URL": "http://mfah.org/garden/artists/maillol.html",
  71371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71372.             "Title": "Flora, Nude",
  71373.             "Category": "HUM",
  71374.             "Description": "Aristide Maillol's sculpture from the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston.",
  71375.             "Year": 0
  71376.         },
  71377.         {
  71378.             "RIT": "ws204861",
  71379.             "Type": "WS",
  71380.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16358",
  71381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71382.             "Title": "Joseph, Mother (b. Esther Pariseau)",
  71383.             "Category": "HUM",
  71384.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71385.             "Year": 0
  71386.         },
  71387.         {
  71388.             "RIT": "ws204862",
  71389.             "Type": "WS",
  71390.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/docs/collection/paintsculpt/c63.htm",
  71391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71392.             "Title": "August Rodin: Monument to Balzac.",
  71393.             "Category": "HUM",
  71394.             "Description": "Exhibited by the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.",
  71395.             "Year": 0
  71396.         },
  71397.         {
  71398.             "RIT": "ws204863",
  71399.             "Type": "WS",
  71400.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/french/49.23.html",
  71401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71402.             "Title": "Robert Fulton",
  71403.             "Category": "HUM",
  71404.             "Description": "The Detroit Institute of Arts displays Jean-Antoine Houdon's portrait bust of the inventor.",
  71405.             "Year": 0
  71406.         },
  71407.         {
  71408.             "RIT": "ws204864",
  71409.             "Type": "WS",
  71410.             "URL": "http://www.dixon.org/rodin.htm",
  71411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71412.             "Title": "Young Girl with Flowers in Her Hair",
  71413.             "Category": "HUM",
  71414.             "Description": "A bronze bust by Auguste Rodin from the Dixon Gallery and Gardens in Memphis, Tennessee.",
  71415.             "Year": 0
  71416.         },
  71417.         {
  71418.             "RIT": "ws204876",
  71419.             "Type": "WS",
  71420.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=7790",
  71421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71422.             "Title": "Bruhn, Erik",
  71423.             "Category": "HUM",
  71424.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71425.             "Year": 0
  71426.         },
  71427.         {
  71428.             "RIT": "ws204877",
  71429.             "Type": "WS",
  71430.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4487",
  71431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71432.             "Title": "Chanel, Gabrielle Bonheur Coco",
  71433.             "Category": "SOC",
  71434.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71435.             "Year": 0
  71436.         },
  71437.         {
  71438.             "RIT": "ws204878",
  71439.             "Type": "WS",
  71440.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6784",
  71441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71442.             "Title": "Tylor, Sir Edward Burnet",
  71443.             "Category": "SOC",
  71444.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71445.             "Year": 0
  71446.         },
  71447.         {
  71448.             "RIT": "ws204879",
  71449.             "Type": "WS",
  71450.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=12&full=0&item=67%2E110%2E1",
  71451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71452.             "Title": "Perseus with the Head of Medusa",
  71453.             "Category": "HUM",
  71454.             "Description": "Antonio Canova's sculpture from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  71455.             "Year": 0
  71456.         },
  71457.         {
  71458.             "RIT": "ws204880",
  71459.             "Type": "WS",
  71460.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=aristide&=And&=Yes&=maillol&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  71461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71462.             "Title": "Aristide-Joseph-Bonaventure Maillol",
  71463.             "Category": "HUM",
  71464.             "Description": "Artworks from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  71465.             "Year": 0
  71466.         },
  71467.         {
  71468.             "RIT": "ws204881",
  71469.             "Type": "WS",
  71470.             "URL": "http://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian/issues97/jun97/maillol.html",
  71471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71472.             "Title": "Aristide Maillol: the sculptor, the man and his muse",
  71473.             "Category": "HUM",
  71474.             "Description": "An article from Smithsonian Magazine.",
  71475.             "Year": 0
  71476.         },
  71477.         {
  71478.             "RIT": "ws204882",
  71479.             "Type": "WS",
  71480.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=72190+0+none",
  71481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71482.             "Title": "Winged Victory",
  71483.             "Category": "HUM",
  71484.             "Description": "A sculpture by Antonio Canova from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  71485.             "Year": 0
  71486.         },
  71487.         {
  71488.             "RIT": "ws204883",
  71489.             "Type": "WS",
  71490.             "URL": "http://www.aagm.co.uk/ag009611.html",
  71491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71492.             "Title": "Berberis, Walberswick 1915 Berberis, Walberswick 1915",
  71493.             "Category": "HUM",
  71494.             "Description": "Charles Rennie Mackintosh's painting from the Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums in Aberdeen, Scotland.",
  71495.             "Year": 0
  71496.         },
  71497.         {
  71498.             "RIT": "ws204884",
  71499.             "Type": "WS",
  71500.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=13255",
  71501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71502.             "Title": "Bulfinch, Charles",
  71503.             "Category": "HUM",
  71504.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71505.             "Year": 0
  71506.         },
  71507.         {
  71508.             "RIT": "ws204885",
  71509.             "Type": "WS",
  71510.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/influ.htm",
  71511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71512.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Influenza (Flu)",
  71513.             "Category": "LIF",
  71514.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  71515.             "Year": 0
  71516.         },
  71517.         {
  71518.             "RIT": "ws204896",
  71519.             "Type": "WS",
  71520.             "URL": "http://www.pam.org/museum%20plaza/collections/listing/european/catalog/tiger.html",
  71521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71522.             "Title": "Tiger",
  71523.             "Category": "HUM",
  71524.             "Description": "A sculpture by Antoine Louis Barye from the Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon.",
  71525.             "Year": 0
  71526.         },
  71527.         {
  71528.             "RIT": "ws204897",
  71529.             "Type": "WS",
  71530.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/004116/",
  71531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71532.             "Title": "Fired On",
  71533.             "Category": "HUM",
  71534.             "Description": "The Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C., displays a painting by Frederic Remington.",
  71535.             "Year": 0
  71536.         },
  71537.         {
  71538.             "RIT": "ws204898",
  71539.             "Type": "WS",
  71540.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=3823",
  71541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71542.             "Title": "Alberti, Leon Battista",
  71543.             "Category": "HUM",
  71544.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71545.             "Year": 0
  71546.         },
  71547.         {
  71548.             "RIT": "ws204899",
  71549.             "Type": "WS",
  71550.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=12&full=0&item=1976%2E92",
  71551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71552.             "Title": "Bacchanal: A Faun Teased by Children",
  71553.             "Category": "HUM",
  71554.             "Description": "The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City displays a work by Gian Lorenzo Bernini.",
  71555.             "Year": 0
  71556.         },
  71557.         {
  71558.             "RIT": "ws204900",
  71559.             "Type": "WS",
  71560.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/hanta.htm",
  71561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71562.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Hantavirus Infections",
  71563.             "Category": "LIF",
  71564.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  71565.             "Year": 0
  71566.         },
  71567.         {
  71568.             "RIT": "ws204901",
  71569.             "Type": "WS",
  71570.             "URL": "http://artregister.com/SeavestIntroductiontoCollection/Catalogue/Segal.html",
  71571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71572.             "Title": "Woman Against Black Window",
  71573.             "Category": "HUM",
  71574.             "Description": "The Seavest Collection of Contemporary American Realism in New York City displays artwork by George Segal.",
  71575.             "Year": 0
  71576.         },
  71577.         {
  71578.             "RIT": "ws204902",
  71579.             "Type": "WS",
  71580.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/eurdec/43pc_houdon.html",
  71581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71582.             "Title": "Bust of Anne-Marie-Louise Thomas de Domageville de Serilly, Comtesse de Pange",
  71583.             "Category": "HUM",
  71584.             "Description": "Artwork by Jean Antoine Houdon from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  71585.             "Year": 0
  71586.         },
  71587.         {
  71588.             "RIT": "ws204903",
  71589.             "Type": "WS",
  71590.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=766&group=general&name=",
  71591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71592.             "Title": "Woman Combing Her Hair",
  71593.             "Category": "HUM",
  71594.             "Description": "The Tate Gallery in London provides an image of Alexander Archipenko's sculpture and a biography of the artist.",
  71595.             "Year": 0
  71596.         },
  71597.         {
  71598.             "RIT": "ws204904",
  71599.             "Type": "WS",
  71600.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=13264",
  71601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71602.             "Title": "Bunshaft, Gordon",
  71603.             "Category": "HUM",
  71604.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71605.             "Year": 0
  71606.         },
  71607.         {
  71608.             "RIT": "ws204925",
  71609.             "Type": "WS",
  71610.             "URL": "http://www.iht.com/IHT/RCM/98/rcm061398.html",
  71611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71612.             "Title": "Bernini the Magnificent",
  71613.             "Category": "HUM",
  71614.             "Description": "An article about the artist from the International Herald Tribune.",
  71615.             "Year": 0
  71616.         },
  71617.         {
  71618.             "RIT": "ws204926",
  71619.             "Type": "WS",
  71620.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/romantic/1983.11.html",
  71621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71622.             "Title": "Tiger Devouring a Gavial of the Ganges",
  71623.             "Category": "HUM",
  71624.             "Description": "Antoine Louis Barye's sculpture from the Detroit Institute of the Arts.",
  71625.             "Year": 0
  71626.         },
  71627.         {
  71628.             "RIT": "ws204927",
  71629.             "Type": "WS",
  71630.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/mumps.htm",
  71631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71632.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Mumps",
  71633.             "Category": "LIF",
  71634.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  71635.             "Year": 0
  71636.         },
  71637.         {
  71638.             "RIT": "ws204928",
  71639.             "Type": "WS",
  71640.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/mrsa.htm",
  71641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71642.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus",
  71643.             "Category": "LIF",
  71644.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  71645.             "Year": 0
  71646.         },
  71647.         {
  71648.             "RIT": "ws204930",
  71649.             "Type": "WS",
  71650.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=3958",
  71651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71652.             "Title": "Ashton, Sir Frederick (William Mallandaine)",
  71653.             "Category": "HUM",
  71654.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71655.             "Year": 0
  71656.         },
  71657.         {
  71658.             "RIT": "ws204931",
  71659.             "Type": "WS",
  71660.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=5876",
  71661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71662.             "Title": "Leakey, L(ouis) S(eymour) B(azett) Leakey, L(ouis) S(eymour) B(azett)",
  71663.             "Category": "SOC",
  71664.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71665.             "Year": 0
  71666.         },
  71667.         {
  71668.             "RIT": "ws204932",
  71669.             "Type": "WS",
  71670.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/shockwave/dancer.html",
  71671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71672.             "Title": "Blue Dancer",
  71673.             "Category": "HUM",
  71674.             "Description": "A piece by Alexander Archipenko from the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina.",
  71675.             "Year": 0
  71676.         },
  71677.         {
  71678.             "RIT": "ws204933",
  71679.             "Type": "WS",
  71680.             "URL": "http://www.csulb.edu/library/arts/Maillol.html_f/Maillol.html",
  71681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71682.             "Title": "Aristide Joseph Bonaventure Maillol",
  71683.             "Category": "HUM",
  71684.             "Description": "Works from the California State University Library in Long Beach.",
  71685.             "Year": 0
  71686.         },
  71687.         {
  71688.             "RIT": "ws204934",
  71689.             "Type": "WS",
  71690.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=12507",
  71691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71692.             "Title": "Balanchine, George",
  71693.             "Category": "HUM",
  71694.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71695.             "Year": 0
  71696.         },
  71697.         {
  71698.             "RIT": "ws204935",
  71699.             "Type": "WS",
  71700.             "URL": "http://www.sbmuseart.org/collection/european/theWalkingMan.html",
  71701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71702.             "Title": "The Walking Man",
  71703.             "Category": "HUM",
  71704.             "Description": "Auguste Rene Francois Rodin's sculpture from the Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara, California.",
  71705.             "Year": 0
  71706.         },
  71707.         {
  71708.             "RIT": "ws204948",
  71709.             "Type": "WS",
  71710.             "URL": "http://www.stanford.edu/dept/SUMA/sculpture.html",
  71711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71712.             "Title": "The Sculpture of Auguste Rodin",
  71713.             "Category": "HUM",
  71714.             "Description": "An exhibition from the Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.",
  71715.             "Year": 0
  71716.         },
  71717.         {
  71718.             "RIT": "ws204949",
  71719.             "Type": "WS",
  71720.             "URL": "http://www.mbam.qc.ca/lundi/ancien-lundi-14-10-96/a-lundi1808.html",
  71721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71722.             "Title": "Bathing Woman",
  71723.             "Category": "HUM",
  71724.             "Description": "Wilhelm Lehmbruck's sculpture from the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.",
  71725.             "Year": 0
  71726.         },
  71727.         {
  71728.             "RIT": "ws204950",
  71729.             "Type": "WS",
  71730.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/brucello.htm",
  71731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71732.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Brucellosis",
  71733.             "Category": "LIF",
  71734.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  71735.             "Year": 0
  71736.         },
  71737.         {
  71738.             "RIT": "ws204951",
  71739.             "Type": "WS",
  71740.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/dengue.htm",
  71741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71742.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Dengue Fever",
  71743.             "Category": "LIF",
  71744.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  71745.             "Year": 0
  71746.         },
  71747.         {
  71748.             "RIT": "ws204952",
  71749.             "Type": "WS",
  71750.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/diptheri.htm",
  71751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71752.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Diphtheria",
  71753.             "Category": "LIF",
  71754.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  71755.             "Year": 0
  71756.         },
  71757.         {
  71758.             "RIT": "ws204953",
  71759.             "Type": "WS",
  71760.             "URL": "http://www.moma.org/collection/drawings/arp_arrangement.html",
  71761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71762.             "Title": "Jean Arp. Arrangement according to Laws of Chance (Collage with Squares)",
  71763.             "Category": "HUM",
  71764.             "Description": "Exhibited from the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.",
  71765.             "Year": 0
  71766.         },
  71767.         {
  71768.             "RIT": "ws204954",
  71769.             "Type": "WS",
  71770.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=12716",
  71771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71772.             "Title": "Benedict, Ruth (, nee Fulton)",
  71773.             "Category": "SOC",
  71774.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71775.             "Year": 0
  71776.         },
  71777.         {
  71778.             "RIT": "ws204955",
  71779.             "Type": "WS",
  71780.             "URL": "http://home.uleth.ca/sfa-gal/collections/Britain/HepworthB.unt.html",
  71781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71782.             "Title": "Untitled",
  71783.             "Category": "HUM",
  71784.             "Description": "Barbara Hepworth's sculpture from the University of Lethbridge Art Gallery in Lethbridge, Alberta.",
  71785.             "Year": 0
  71786.         },
  71787.         {
  71788.             "RIT": "ws204956",
  71789.             "Type": "WS",
  71790.             "URL": "http://www.nelson-atkins.org/collections/20thcent/detail/chariot.htm",
  71791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71792.             "Title": "The Chariot",
  71793.             "Category": "HUM",
  71794.             "Description": "Alberto Giacometti's sculpture from the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri.",
  71795.             "Year": 0
  71796.         },
  71797.         {
  71798.             "RIT": "ws204957",
  71799.             "Type": "WS",
  71800.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=14419",
  71801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71802.             "Title": "Duncan, Isadora",
  71803.             "Category": "HUM",
  71804.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71805.             "Year": 0
  71806.         },
  71807.         {
  71808.             "RIT": "ws204968",
  71809.             "Type": "WS",
  71810.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/cgi-bin/search/isearch.pl?DB=pcdb&FORMAT=list&FPASS=N&FHIT=1&ESET=RECORD&QUERY=creator@id/004624/",
  71811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71812.             "Title": "David Smith",
  71813.             "Category": "HUM",
  71814.             "Description": "Artworks from the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, D.C.",
  71815.             "Year": 0
  71816.         },
  71817.         {
  71818.             "RIT": "ws204969",
  71819.             "Type": "WS",
  71820.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=jacques&=And&=Yes&=lipchitz&=&=&=Yes&=Yes&=f",
  71821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71822.             "Title": "Lacques Lipchitz",
  71823.             "Category": "HUM",
  71824.             "Description": "Art from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.",
  71825.             "Year": 0
  71826.         },
  71827.         {
  71828.             "RIT": "ws204970",
  71829.             "Type": "WS",
  71830.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/e_coli.htm",
  71831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71832.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: E. coli 0157:H7 Infection",
  71833.             "Category": "LIF",
  71834.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  71835.             "Year": 0
  71836.         },
  71837.         {
  71838.             "RIT": "ws204971",
  71839.             "Type": "WS",
  71840.             "URL": "http://www.sbmuseart.org/collection/american/fightOverWaterhole.html",
  71841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71842.             "Title": "Fight Over a Waterhol",
  71843.             "Category": "HUM",
  71844.             "Description": "Frederic Remington's painting from the Santa Barbara Museum of Art in Santa Barbara, California.",
  71845.             "Year": 0
  71846.         },
  71847.         {
  71848.             "RIT": "ws204972",
  71849.             "Type": "WS",
  71850.             "URL": "http://www.pam.org/museum%20plaza/collections/listing/european/catalog/a%20muse.html",
  71851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71852.             "Title": "A Muse",
  71853.             "Category": "HUM",
  71854.             "Description": "Constantin Brancusi's sculpture from the Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon.",
  71855.             "Year": 0
  71856.         },
  71857.         {
  71858.             "RIT": "ws204973",
  71859.             "Type": "WS",
  71860.             "URL": "http://www.wildlifeart.org/collections/image_desc_high.cfm?ARTIST=To%20The%20Victor%20Belongs%20The%20Spoils",
  71861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71862.             "Title": "To The Victor Belongs The Spoils",
  71863.             "Category": "HUM",
  71864.             "Description": "The National Museum of Wildlife Art in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, ehxibits the work of Charles Marion Russell.",
  71865.             "Year": 0
  71866.         },
  71867.         {
  71868.             "RIT": "ws204974",
  71869.             "Type": "WS",
  71870.             "URL": "http://www.thejewishmuseum.org/Pages/Exhibitions/Special_Exhibits/fry/fry_zoom/fryI5.html",
  71871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71872.             "Title": "Embracing Figures",
  71873.             "Category": "HUM",
  71874.             "Description": "A painting by Jacques Lipchitz displayed by the Jewish Museum in New York City.",
  71875.             "Year": 0
  71876.         },
  71877.         {
  71878.             "RIT": "ws204975",
  71879.             "Type": "WS",
  71880.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=2&full=0&item=07%2E79",
  71881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71882.             "Title": "The Mountain Man",
  71883.             "Category": "HUM",
  71884.             "Description": "Bronze sculpture by Frederic Remington from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  71885.             "Year": 0
  71886.         },
  71887.         {
  71888.             "RIT": "ws204936",
  71889.             "Type": "WS",
  71890.             "URL": "http://www.dia.org/collections/euroart/romantic/53.145.html",
  71891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71892.             "Title": "Eve",
  71893.             "Category": "HUM",
  71894.             "Description": "A piece by Auguste Rodin from the Detroit Institute of Arts.",
  71895.             "Year": 0
  71896.         },
  71897.         {
  71898.             "RIT": "ws204937",
  71899.             "Type": "WS",
  71900.             "URL": "http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?id=1245",
  71901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71902.             "Title": "Naum Gabo",
  71903.             "Category": "HUM",
  71904.             "Description": "Biography and art images from London's Tate Gallery.",
  71905.             "Year": 0
  71906.         },
  71907.         {
  71908.             "RIT": "ws204938",
  71909.             "Type": "WS",
  71910.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=243260",
  71911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71912.             "Title": "Robert Adam",
  71913.             "Category": "HUM",
  71914.             "Description": "Biography and art images from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  71915.             "Year": 0
  71916.         },
  71917.         {
  71918.             "RIT": "ws204939",
  71919.             "Type": "WS",
  71920.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16824",
  71921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71922.             "Title": "Lauren, Ralph (b. Ralph Lifshitz)",
  71923.             "Category": "SOC",
  71924.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71925.             "Year": 0
  71926.         },
  71927.         {
  71928.             "RIT": "ws204941",
  71929.             "Type": "WS",
  71930.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17554",
  71931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71932.             "Title": "Mead, Margaret",
  71933.             "Category": "SOC",
  71934.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71935.             "Year": 0
  71936.         },
  71937.         {
  71938.             "RIT": "ws204942",
  71939.             "Type": "WS",
  71940.             "URL": "http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/quickSearch.mac/gallery?selLang=English&tmCond=Maillol&Go.x=4&Go.y=12",
  71941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71942.             "Title": "Maillol, Arisitide",
  71943.             "Category": "HUM",
  71944.             "Description": "Works from the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.",
  71945.             "Year": 0
  71946.         },
  71947.         {
  71948.             "RIT": "ws204943",
  71949.             "Type": "WS",
  71950.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/sculp/mr1706/sculp_f.htm",
  71951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71952.             "Title": "The Nymph of Fontainebleau",
  71953.             "Category": "HUM",
  71954.             "Description": "Benvenuto Cellini's sculpture from the Louvre in Paris.",
  71955.             "Year": 0
  71956.         },
  71957.         {
  71958.             "RIT": "ws204944",
  71959.             "Type": "WS",
  71960.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/typh.htm",
  71961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71962.             "Title": "Typhoid Fever",
  71963.             "Category": "LIF",
  71964.             "Description": "New York State Department of Health's sheet of frequently asked questions about typhoid fever.",
  71965.             "Year": 0
  71966.         },
  71967.         {
  71968.             "RIT": "ws204945",
  71969.             "Type": "WS",
  71970.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=1082",
  71971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71972.             "Title": "Fuller, R(ichard) Buckminster",
  71973.             "Category": "HUM",
  71974.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71975.             "Year": 0
  71976.         },
  71977.         {
  71978.             "RIT": "ws204946",
  71979.             "Type": "WS",
  71980.             "URL": "http://www.rodinmuseum.org/",
  71981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71982.             "Title": "Rodin Museum",
  71983.             "Category": "HUM",
  71984.             "Description": "Home page of a Philadelphia museum dedicated to sculptor Auguste Rodin.",
  71985.             "Year": 0
  71986.         },
  71987.         {
  71988.             "RIT": "ws204947",
  71989.             "Type": "WS",
  71990.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17894",
  71991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  71992.             "Title": "Mumford, Lewis",
  71993.             "Category": "SOC",
  71994.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  71995.             "Year": 0
  71996.         },
  71997.         {
  71998.             "RIT": "ws204958",
  71999.             "Type": "WS",
  72000.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=10779",
  72001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72002.             "Title": "Saarinen, (Gottlieb) Eliel",
  72003.             "Category": "HUM",
  72004.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  72005.             "Year": 0
  72006.         },
  72007.         {
  72008.             "RIT": "ws204959",
  72009.             "Type": "WS",
  72010.             "URL": "http://www.louvre.fr/anglais/collec/sculp/mr1822/scu_f.htm",
  72011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72012.             "Title": "Mercury riding Pegasus",
  72013.             "Category": "HUM",
  72014.             "Description": "A sculpture by Antoine Coysevox from the Louvre in Paris.",
  72015.             "Year": 0
  72016.         },
  72017.         {
  72018.             "RIT": "ws204960",
  72019.             "Type": "WS",
  72020.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=15965",
  72021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72022.             "Title": "Hooten, Earnest (Albert)",
  72023.             "Category": "SOC",
  72024.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  72025.             "Year": 0
  72026.         },
  72027.         {
  72028.             "RIT": "ws204961",
  72029.             "Type": "WS",
  72030.             "URL": "http://www.mackenzieartgallery.sk.ca/collection/view.cgi?cmd=artist&artist_id=10",
  72031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72032.             "Title": "Rodin, Auguste",
  72033.             "Category": "HUM",
  72034.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the MacKenzie Art Gallery in Regina, Saskatchewan.",
  72035.             "Year": 0
  72036.         },
  72037.         {
  72038.             "RIT": "ws204962",
  72039.             "Type": "WS",
  72040.             "URL": "http://musa.uffizi.firenze.it/Dipinti/polltresantiE9.html",
  72041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72042.             "Title": "Altarpiece of the SS. Vincent, James and Eustace",
  72043.             "Category": "HUM",
  72044.             "Description": "The Uffizi Gallery in Florence exhibits a painting by Antonio Benci, called Antonio del Pollaiolo and Piero Benci, called Piero del Pollaiolo.",
  72045.             "Year": 0
  72046.         },
  72047.         {
  72048.             "RIT": "ws204963",
  72049.             "Type": "WS",
  72050.             "URL": "http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page842.html",
  72051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72052.             "Title": "Saltcellar, called the Saliera",
  72053.             "Category": "HUM",
  72054.             "Description": "Artwork by Benvenuto Cellini from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna.",
  72055.             "Year": 0
  72056.         },
  72057.         {
  72058.             "RIT": "ws204964",
  72059.             "Type": "WS",
  72060.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/psearch?Request=S&imageset=1&Person=83000",
  72061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72062.             "Title": "David Smith",
  72063.             "Category": "HUM",
  72064.             "Description": "Works by the artist from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.",
  72065.             "Year": 0
  72066.         },
  72067.         {
  72068.             "RIT": "ws204965",
  72069.             "Type": "WS",
  72070.             "URL": "http://www.sgnhs.org/shawweb.html",
  72071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72072.             "Title": "Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Regiment Memorial, Boston",
  72073.             "Category": "HUM",
  72074.             "Description": "PBS presents artwork by Augustus Saint-Gaudens.",
  72075.             "Year": 0
  72076.         },
  72077.         {
  72078.             "RIT": "ws204966",
  72079.             "Type": "WS",
  72080.             "URL": "http://www.pam.org/museum%20plaza/collections/listing/european/catalog/head%20of%20a%20woman.html",
  72081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72082.             "Title": "Head of a Woman",
  72083.             "Category": "HUM",
  72084.             "Description": "A sculpture by Pablo Picasso from the Portland Art Museum in Portland, Oregon.",
  72085.             "Year": 0
  72086.         },
  72087.         {
  72088.             "RIT": "ws204967",
  72089.             "Type": "WS",
  72090.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=3515",
  72091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72092.             "Title": "Vanbrugh, Sir John",
  72093.             "Category": "HUM",
  72094.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  72095.             "Year": 0
  72096.         },
  72097.         {
  72098.             "RIT": "ws204976",
  72099.             "Type": "WS",
  72100.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/shawwel.htm",
  72101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72102.             "Title": "Shaw Memorial: In-Depth Stud",
  72103.             "Category": "HUM",
  72104.             "Description": "This National Gallery of Art Web feature focuses on a memorial created by Augustus Saint-Gaudens to honor one of the first African-American units of the Civil War.",
  72105.             "Year": 0
  72106.         },
  72107.         {
  72108.             "RIT": "ws204977",
  72109.             "Type": "WS",
  72110.             "URL": "http://www.iht.com/IHT/ART/00/sm041500.html",
  72111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72112.             "Title": "A Sculptor Who Changed the Face of Art",
  72113.             "Category": "HUM",
  72114.             "Description": "An International Herald Tribune article about Tilman Riemenschneider.",
  72115.             "Year": 0
  72116.         },
  72117.         {
  72118.             "RIT": "ws204978",
  72119.             "Type": "WS",
  72120.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/hepat.htm",
  72121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72122.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Hepatitis A and Food Service Workers",
  72123.             "Category": "LIF",
  72124.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  72125.             "Year": 0
  72126.         },
  72127.         {
  72128.             "RIT": "ws204979",
  72129.             "Type": "WS",
  72130.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=2&full=0&item=39%2E65%2E53",
  72131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72132.             "Title": "The Puritan",
  72133.             "Category": "HUM",
  72134.             "Description": "A sculpture by Augustus Saint-Gaudens from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.",
  72135.             "Year": 0
  72136.         },
  72137.         {
  72138.             "RIT": "ws204980",
  72139.             "Type": "WS",
  72140.             "URL": "http://www.reynoldahouse.org/rattlesn.htm",
  72141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72142.             "Title": "The Rattlesnake",
  72143.             "Category": "HUM",
  72144.             "Description": "Frederic Remington's painting from the Reynolda House Museum of American Art in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.",
  72145.             "Year": 0
  72146.         },
  72147.         {
  72148.             "RIT": "ws204981",
  72149.             "Type": "WS",
  72150.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=7&full=0&item=1970%2E137%2E1",
  72151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72152.             "Title": "Seated Bishop",
  72153.             "Category": "HUM",
  72154.             "Description": "Tilman Riemenschneider's sculpture from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.",
  72155.             "Year": 0
  72156.         },
  72157.         {
  72158.             "RIT": "ws204982",
  72159.             "Type": "WS",
  72160.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=11317",
  72161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72162.             "Title": "Tange, Kenzo",
  72163.             "Category": "HUM",
  72164.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  72165.             "Year": 0
  72166.         },
  72167.         {
  72168.             "RIT": "ws204983",
  72169.             "Type": "WS",
  72170.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/infect.htm",
  72171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72172.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Infectious Mononucleosis C",
  72173.             "Category": "LIF",
  72174.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  72175.             "Year": 0
  72176.         },
  72177.         {
  72178.             "RIT": "ws204984",
  72179.             "Type": "WS",
  72180.             "URL": "http://www.mfa.org/collections/one_hour/11.htm",
  72181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72182.             "Title": "The Madonna in the Clouds",
  72183.             "Category": "HUM",
  72184.             "Description": "The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston presents the work of Donatello.",
  72185.             "Year": 0
  72186.         },
  72187.         {
  72188.             "RIT": "ws204996",
  72189.             "Type": "WS",
  72190.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4714",
  72191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72192.             "Title": "Cunningham, Merce",
  72193.             "Category": "HUM",
  72194.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  72195.             "Year": 0
  72196.         },
  72197.         {
  72198.             "RIT": "ws204997",
  72199.             "Type": "WS",
  72200.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/cgi-bin/WebObjects.dll/CollectionPublisher.woa/wa/work?workNumber=NG3233",
  72201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72202.             "Title": "BARYE, Antoine-Louis",
  72203.             "Category": "HUM",
  72204.             "Description": "Art exhibited by the National Gallery in London.",
  72205.             "Year": 0
  72206.         },
  72207.         {
  72208.             "RIT": "ws204998",
  72209.             "Type": "WS",
  72210.             "URL": "http://www.williams.edu/WCMA/collections/american/troszak_rectstudy.html",
  72211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72212.             "Title": "Rectilinear Study",
  72213.             "Category": "HUM",
  72214.             "Description": "Artwork by Theodore Roszak from the Williams College Museum of Art in Williamstown, Massachusetts.",
  72215.             "Year": 0
  72216.         },
  72217.         {
  72218.             "RIT": "ws204999",
  72219.             "Type": "WS",
  72220.             "URL": "http://aoc.gov/art/nshpages/washingt.htm",
  72221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72222.             "Title": "George Washington",
  72223.             "Category": "HIS",
  72224.             "Description": "Bronze sculpture by Jean Antoine Houdon from National Statuary Hall in Washington, D.C.",
  72225.             "Year": 0
  72226.         },
  72227.         {
  72228.             "RIT": "ws205000",
  72229.             "Type": "WS",
  72230.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/modern/69pc_brancusi.html",
  72231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72232.             "Title": "Golde Bird",
  72233.             "Category": "HUM",
  72234.             "Description": "Constantin Brancusi's sculpture from the Art Institute of Chicago.",
  72235.             "Year": 0
  72236.         },
  72237.         {
  72238.             "RIT": "ws205001",
  72239.             "Type": "WS",
  72240.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=4596",
  72241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72242.             "Title": "Columbus, Christopher (Ital. Cristoforo Colombo, Span. Cristobal Colon)",
  72243.             "Category": "HIS",
  72244.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  72245.             "Year": 0
  72246.         },
  72247.         {
  72248.             "RIT": "ws205002",
  72249.             "Type": "WS",
  72250.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=12205",
  72251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72252.             "Title": "Ailey, Alvin",
  72253.             "Category": "HUM",
  72254.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  72255.             "Year": 0
  72256.         },
  72257.         {
  72258.             "RIT": "ws205003",
  72259.             "Type": "WS",
  72260.             "URL": "http://www.health.state.ny.us/nysdoh/consumer/anthrax.htm",
  72261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72262.             "Title": "Communicable Disease Fact Sheet: Anthrax",
  72263.             "Category": "LIF",
  72264.             "Description": "Information from the New York State Department of Health.",
  72265.             "Year": 0
  72266.         },
  72267.         {
  72268.             "RIT": "ws205004",
  72269.             "Type": "WS",
  72270.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=10079",
  72271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72272.             "Title": "Nervi, Pier Luigi",
  72273.             "Category": "HUM",
  72274.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  72275.             "Year": 0
  72276.         },
  72277.         {
  72278.             "RIT": "ws205005",
  72279.             "Type": "WS",
  72280.             "URL": "http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/american/1850-1910/gaudens_lrg.html",
  72281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72282.             "Title": "Robert Louis Stevenson",
  72283.             "Category": "HUM",
  72284.             "Description": "A relief portrait by Augustus Saint-Gaudens from the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, North Carolina.",
  72285.             "Year": 0
  72286.         },
  72287.         {
  72288.             "RIT": "ws205006",
  72289.             "Type": "WS",
  72290.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/ecuador_0600_bgn.html",
  72291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72292.             "Title": "Background Notes: Ecuador",
  72293.             "Category": "GEO",
  72294.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72295.             "Year": 0
  72296.         },
  72297.         {
  72298.             "RIT": "ws205007",
  72299.             "Type": "WS",
  72300.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/guyana_398_bgn.html",
  72301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72302.             "Title": "Background Notes: Guyana",
  72303.             "Category": "GEO",
  72304.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72305.             "Year": 0
  72306.         },
  72307.         {
  72308.             "RIT": "ws205008",
  72309.             "Type": "WS",
  72310.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/bangladesh_0003_bgn.html",
  72311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72312.             "Title": "Background Notes: Bangladesh",
  72313.             "Category": "GEO",
  72314.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72315.             "Year": 0
  72316.         },
  72317.         {
  72318.             "RIT": "ws205009",
  72319.             "Type": "WS",
  72320.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/af/mauritania9507.html",
  72321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72322.             "Title": "Background Notes: Mauritania",
  72323.             "Category": "GEO",
  72324.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72325.             "Year": 0
  72326.         },
  72327.         {
  72328.             "RIT": "ws205010",
  72329.             "Type": "WS",
  72330.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/bahamas_0007_bgn.html",
  72331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72332.             "Title": "Background Notes: The Bahamas",
  72333.             "Category": "GEO",
  72334.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72335.             "Year": 0
  72336.         },
  72337.         {
  72338.             "RIT": "ws205011",
  72339.             "Type": "WS",
  72340.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/bermuda_0596_bgn.html",
  72341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72342.             "Title": "Background Notes: Bermuda",
  72343.             "Category": "GEO",
  72344.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72345.             "Year": 0
  72346.         },
  72347.         {
  72348.             "RIT": "ws205012",
  72349.             "Type": "WS",
  72350.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/guatemala_0500_bgn.html",
  72351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72352.             "Title": "Background Notes: Guatemala",
  72353.             "Category": "GEO",
  72354.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72355.             "Year": 0
  72356.         },
  72357.         {
  72358.             "RIT": "ws205013",
  72359.             "Type": "WS",
  72360.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/denmark_0697_bgn.html",
  72361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72362.             "Title": "Background Notes: Denmark",
  72363.             "Category": "GEO",
  72364.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72365.             "Year": 0
  72366.         },
  72367.         {
  72368.             "RIT": "ws205014",
  72369.             "Type": "WS",
  72370.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/goingplaces2/san_francisco/index.html",
  72371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72372.             "Title": "Going Places: San Francisco",
  72373.             "Category": "GEO",
  72374.             "Description": "This PBS travel guide features a slide show, an interactive map, and recommendations for travelers.",
  72375.             "Year": 0
  72376.         },
  72377.         {
  72378.             "RIT": "ws205015",
  72379.             "Type": "WS",
  72380.             "URL": "http://terraweb.wr.usgs.gov/TRS/projects/Antarctica/AVHRR.html",
  72381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72382.             "Title": "Satellite Image Map of Antarctica",
  72383.             "Category": "GEO",
  72384.             "Description": "Provided by the U.S. Geological Survey.",
  72385.             "Year": 0
  72386.         },
  72387.         {
  72388.             "RIT": "ws205016",
  72389.             "Type": "WS",
  72390.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/tanzania_0008_bgn.html",
  72391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72392.             "Title": "Background Notes: Tanzania",
  72393.             "Category": "GEO",
  72394.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72395.             "Year": 0
  72396.         },
  72397.         {
  72398.             "RIT": "ws205030",
  72399.             "Type": "WS",
  72400.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/bahrain_1096_bgn.html",
  72401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72402.             "Title": "Background Notes: Bahrain",
  72403.             "Category": "GEO",
  72404.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72405.             "Year": 0
  72406.         },
  72407.         {
  72408.             "RIT": "ws205031",
  72409.             "Type": "WS",
  72410.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/nea/uae9107.html",
  72411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72412.             "Title": "Background Notes:United Arab Emirates",
  72413.             "Category": "GEO",
  72414.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72415.             "Year": 0
  72416.         },
  72417.         {
  72418.             "RIT": "ws205032",
  72419.             "Type": "WS",
  72420.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/journeytoamazonia/",
  72421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72422.             "Title": "Journey into Amazonia",
  72423.             "Category": "GEO",
  72424.             "Description": "A PBS exhibtion about the disappearing Amazon rain forest and its ecosystem.",
  72425.             "Year": 0
  72426.         },
  72427.         {
  72428.             "RIT": "ws205033",
  72429.             "Type": "WS",
  72430.             "URL": "http://www.aicgs.org/index.shtml",
  72431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72432.             "Title": "The American Institute for Contemporary German Studies",
  72433.             "Category": "GEO",
  72434.             "Description": "Resources for study of contemporary Germany.",
  72435.             "Year": 0
  72436.         },
  72437.         {
  72438.             "RIT": "ws205034",
  72439.             "Type": "WS",
  72440.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/romania_0700_bgn.html",
  72441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72442.             "Title": "Background Notes: Romania",
  72443.             "Category": "GEO",
  72444.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72445.             "Year": 0
  72446.         },
  72447.         {
  72448.             "RIT": "ws205035",
  72449.             "Type": "WS",
  72450.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/sabgnhp.html",
  72451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72452.             "Title": "Background Notes: South Asia",
  72453.             "Category": "GEO",
  72454.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72455.             "Year": 0
  72456.         },
  72457.         {
  72458.             "RIT": "ws205036",
  72459.             "Type": "WS",
  72460.             "URL": "http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/pentagon/virtual.html",
  72461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72462.             "Title": "The Pentagon Virtual Tour",
  72463.             "Category": "GEO",
  72464.             "Description": "A Real Player tour of the Pentagon Building presented by the U.S. military.",
  72465.             "Year": 0
  72466.         },
  72467.         {
  72468.             "RIT": "ws205037",
  72469.             "Type": "WS",
  72470.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/nicar_0009_bgn.html",
  72471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72472.             "Title": "Background Notes: Nicaragua",
  72473.             "Category": "GEO",
  72474.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72475.             "Year": 0
  72476.         },
  72477.         {
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  72479.             "Type": "WS",
  72480.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/sanmarino_9811_bgn.html",
  72481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72482.             "Title": "Background Notes: San Marino",
  72483.             "Category": "GEO",
  72484.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72485.             "Year": 0
  72486.         },
  72487.         {
  72488.             "RIT": "ws205039",
  72489.             "Type": "WS",
  72490.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_464000/464260.stm",
  72491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72492.             "Title": "Profile: Controversy and Joerg Haider",
  72493.             "Category": "GEO",
  72494.             "Description": "A BBC news report on the controversial politician from Austria's Freedom Party.",
  72495.             "Year": 0
  72496.         },
  72497.         {
  72498.             "RIT": "ws205051",
  72499.             "Type": "WS",
  72500.             "URL": "http://www.kongehuset.no/default.asp?lang=eng",
  72501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72502.             "Title": "The Royal House of Norway",
  72503.             "Category": "GEO",
  72504.             "Description": "Information about Norway's royal family and palace.",
  72505.             "Year": 0
  72506.         },
  72507.         {
  72508.             "RIT": "ws205052",
  72509.             "Type": "WS",
  72510.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/bolivia_0500_bgn.html",
  72511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72512.             "Title": "Background Notes: Bolivia",
  72513.             "Category": "GEO",
  72514.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72515.             "Year": 0
  72516.         },
  72517.         {
  72518.             "RIT": "ws205053",
  72519.             "Type": "WS",
  72520.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/af/niger9407.html",
  72521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72522.             "Title": "Background Notes: Niger",
  72523.             "Category": "GEO",
  72524.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72525.             "Year": 0
  72526.         },
  72527.         {
  72528.             "RIT": "ws205054",
  72529.             "Type": "WS",
  72530.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/lesotho_9908_bgn.html",
  72531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72532.             "Title": "Background Notes: Lesotho",
  72533.             "Category": "GEO",
  72534.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72535.             "Year": 0
  72536.         },
  72537.         {
  72538.             "RIT": "ws205055",
  72539.             "Type": "WS",
  72540.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/hungary_9908_bgn.html",
  72541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72542.             "Title": "Background Notes: Hungary",
  72543.             "Category": "GEO",
  72544.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72545.             "Year": 0
  72546.         },
  72547.         {
  72548.             "RIT": "ws205056",
  72549.             "Type": "WS",
  72550.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/edens/manu/",
  72551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72552.             "Title": "Manu: Peru's Hidden Rainforest",
  72553.             "Category": "GEO",
  72554.             "Description": "A companion Web site to a PBS special that highlights the Manu River and the people, plants, and animals living near it.",
  72555.             "Year": 0
  72556.         },
  72557.         {
  72558.             "RIT": "ws205057",
  72559.             "Type": "WS",
  72560.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/russia_0005_bgn.html",
  72561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72562.             "Title": "Background Notes: Russia",
  72563.             "Category": "GEO",
  72564.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72565.             "Year": 0
  72566.         },
  72567.         {
  72568.             "RIT": "ws205058",
  72569.             "Type": "WS",
  72570.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/stkitts_0008_bgn.html",
  72571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72572.             "Title": "Background Notes: St. Kitts and Nevis",
  72573.             "Category": "GEO",
  72574.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72575.             "Year": 0
  72576.         },
  72577.         {
  72578.             "RIT": "ws205059",
  72579.             "Type": "WS",
  72580.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/mexico_0899_bgn.html",
  72581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72582.             "Title": "Background Notes: Mexico",
  72583.             "Category": "GEO",
  72584.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72585.             "Year": 0
  72586.         },
  72587.         {
  72588.             "RIT": "ws205060",
  72589.             "Type": "WS",
  72590.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/czech_9903_bgn.html",
  72591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72592.             "Title": "Background Notes: Czech Republic",
  72593.             "Category": "GEO",
  72594.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72595.             "Year": 0
  72596.         },
  72597.         {
  72598.             "RIT": "ws205061",
  72599.             "Type": "WS",
  72600.             "URL": "http://www.president.al/",
  72601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72602.             "Title": "President's Home Page",
  72603.             "Category": "GEO",
  72604.             "Description": "Official site of Albania's president.",
  72605.             "Year": 0
  72606.         },
  72607.         {
  72608.             "RIT": "ws205062",
  72609.             "Type": "WS",
  72610.             "URL": "http://www.stortinget.no/english/",
  72611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72612.             "Title": "The Storting Pages",
  72613.             "Category": "GEO",
  72614.             "Description": "Official site of Norway's parliament, the Storting. Includes Norway's constitution, rules of procedure, and historical information.",
  72615.             "Year": 0
  72616.         },
  72617.         {
  72618.             "RIT": "ws205063",
  72619.             "Type": "WS",
  72620.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/syria_0499_bgn.html",
  72621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72622.             "Title": "Background Notes: Syria",
  72623.             "Category": "GEO",
  72624.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72625.             "Year": 0
  72626.         },
  72627.         {
  72628.             "RIT": "ws205064",
  72629.             "Type": "WS",
  72630.             "URL": "http://www.dkm.no/engelsk/",
  72631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72632.             "Title": "Royal Norwegian Mint",
  72633.             "Category": "GEO",
  72634.             "Description": "The official Web site of Norway's mint features historical information and images of coins.",
  72635.             "Year": 0
  72636.         },
  72637.         {
  72638.             "RIT": "ws205065",
  72639.             "Type": "WS",
  72640.             "URL": "http://abcnews.go.com/sections/world/DailyNews/albania_profile.html",
  72641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72642.             "Title": "Country Profile: Albania",
  72643.             "Category": "GEO",
  72644.             "Description": "ABC News provides information about Albania.",
  72645.             "Year": 0
  72646.         },
  72647.         {
  72648.             "RIT": "ws205066",
  72649.             "Type": "WS",
  72650.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/cyprus_9810_bgn.html",
  72651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72652.             "Title": "Background Notes: Cyprus",
  72653.             "Category": "GEO",
  72654.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72655.             "Year": 0
  72656.         },
  72657.         {
  72658.             "RIT": "ws205067",
  72659.             "Type": "WS",
  72660.             "URL": "http://www.bmaa.gv.at/index.html.en",
  72661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72662.             "Title": "Austrian Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs",
  72663.             "Category": "SOC",
  72664.             "Description": "Information about Austria, including news, politics, and culture.",
  72665.             "Year": 0
  72666.         },
  72667.         {
  72668.             "RIT": "ws205068",
  72669.             "Type": "WS",
  72670.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/nea/kuwait9411.html",
  72671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  72672.             "Title": "Background Notes: Kuwait",
  72673.             "Category": "GEO",
  72674.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  72675.             "Year": 0
  72676.         },
  72677.         {
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  73064.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73065.             "Year": 0
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  73071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73072.             "Title": "Science in the Rain Forest",
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  73075.             "Year": 0
  73076.         },
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  73078.             "RIT": "ws205076",
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  73081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73082.             "Title": "Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Washington, D.C.",
  73083.             "Category": "GEO",
  73084.             "Description": "Includes general information about Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the text of the Dayton Agreement.",
  73085.             "Year": 0
  73086.         },
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  73091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  73094.             "Description": "In this NewsHour transcript, reporters discuss 2000 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kim Dae Jung, president of South Korea.",
  73095.             "Year": 0
  73096.         },
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  73098.             "RIT": "ws205078",
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  73104.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
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  73111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  73114.             "Description": "BBC News presents a 1998 interview with Zimbabwe's controversial political leader.",
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  73122.             "Title": "Background Notes: Greece",
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  73124.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
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  73141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  73144.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
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  73165.             "Year": 0
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  73168.             "RIT": "ws205096",
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  73171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  73174.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
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  73181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  73183.             "Category": "GEO",
  73184.             "Description": "Information on countries in the Western Hemisphere from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73185.             "Year": 0
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  73191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73192.             "Title": "Background Notes: Latvia",
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  73194.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73195.             "Year": 0
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  73211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73212.             "Title": "Background Notes: State of Eritrea",
  73213.             "Category": "GEO",
  73214.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73215.             "Year": 0
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  73224.             "Description": "The University of Michigan presents links to official goverment Web sites from Canada, Mexico, and the United States.",
  73225.             "Year": 0
  73226.         },
  73227.         {
  73228.             "RIT": "ws205102",
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  73231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73232.             "Title": "Selected Bibliography for the Study of the Environmental History of North America",
  73233.             "Category": "GEO",
  73234.             "Description": "Resources presented by the Department of Geography at the University of California, Berkeley.",
  73235.             "Year": 0
  73236.         },
  73237.         {
  73238.             "RIT": "ws205103",
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  73241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73242.             "Title": "Background Notes: Madagascar",
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  73244.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
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  73251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  73254.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73255.             "Year": 0
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  73264.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  73265.             "Year": 0
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  73271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73272.             "Title": "Radio Free Europe",
  73273.             "Category": "IND",
  73274.             "Description": "News from the pro-Democracy news agency.",
  73275.             "Year": 0
  73276.         },
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  73281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73282.             "Title": "Background Notes: St. Lucia",
  73283.             "Category": "GEO",
  73284.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73285.             "Year": 0
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  73291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  73295.             "Year": 0
  73296.         },
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  73305.             "Year": 0
  73306.         },
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  73311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  73314.             "Description": "A report on the Freedom Party leader from the Anti-Defamation League.",
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  73316.         },
  73317.         {
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  73321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  73323.             "Category": "GEO",
  73324.             "Description": "Official government site of Yemen.",
  73325.             "Year": 0
  73326.         },
  73327.         {
  73328.             "RIT": "ws205124",
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  73331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73332.             "Title": "Royal Netherlands Embassy in Washington, D.C.",
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  73334.             "Description": "Site features general information about the Netherlands.",
  73335.             "Year": 0
  73336.         },
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  73341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  73343.             "Category": "HUM",
  73344.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
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  73351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  73354.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
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  73361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  73364.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73365.             "Year": 0
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  73371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73372.             "Title": "Background Notes: Luxembourg",
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  73374.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73375.             "Year": 0
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  73381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  73385.             "Year": 0
  73386.         },
  73387.         {
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  73391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73392.             "Title": "Going Places: Sydney",
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  73397.         {
  73398.             "RIT": "ws205142",
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  73400.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/costa_rica_0600_bgn.html",
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  73404.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
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  73411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  73414.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73415.             "Year": 0
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  73421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73422.             "Title": "FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS Central and South America and the Caribbean",
  73423.             "Category": "GEO",
  73424.             "Description": "The University of Michigan Library provides official government Web links for the region.",
  73425.             "Year": 0
  73426.         },
  73427.         {
  73428.             "RIT": "ws205145",
  73429.             "Type": "WS",
  73430.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/un_0007_bgn.html",
  73431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73432.             "Title": "Background Notes: UN",
  73433.             "Category": "SOC",
  73434.             "Description": "Information about the United Nations from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73435.             "Year": 0
  73436.         },
  73437.         {
  73438.             "RIT": "ws205146",
  73439.             "Type": "WS",
  73440.             "URL": "http://www.mfa.gov.by/eng/index.htm",
  73441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73442.             "Title": "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus",
  73443.             "Category": "GEO",
  73444.             "Description": "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents information about Belarus, including foreign policy, economics, and consular issues.",
  73445.             "Year": 0
  73446.         },
  73447.         {
  73448.             "RIT": "ws205158",
  73449.             "Type": "WS",
  73450.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/israel_1298_bgn.html",
  73451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73452.             "Title": "Background Notes: Israel",
  73453.             "Category": "GEO",
  73454.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73455.             "Year": 0
  73456.         },
  73457.         {
  73458.             "RIT": "ws205159",
  73459.             "Type": "WS",
  73460.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/mauritius_9912_bgn.html",
  73461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73462.             "Title": "Background Notes: Mauritius",
  73463.             "Category": "GEO",
  73464.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73465.             "Year": 0
  73466.         },
  73467.         {
  73468.             "RIT": "ws205160",
  73469.             "Type": "WS",
  73470.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/pakistan_0300_bgn.html",
  73471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73472.             "Title": "Background Notes: Pakistan",
  73473.             "Category": "GEO",
  73474.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73475.             "Year": 0
  73476.         },
  73477.         {
  73478.             "RIT": "ws205161",
  73479.             "Type": "WS",
  73480.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/global/terrorism/",
  73481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73482.             "Title": "Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism",
  73483.             "Category": "SOC",
  73484.             "Description": "This U.S. State Department site includes an overview of efforts to combat terrorism, annual reports on global terrorism patterns, and travel alerts.",
  73485.             "Year": 0
  73486.         },
  73487.         {
  73488.             "RIT": "ws205162",
  73489.             "Type": "WS",
  73490.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/estonia_0997_bgn.html",
  73491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73492.             "Title": "Background Notes: Estonia",
  73493.             "Category": "GEO",
  73494.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73495.             "Year": 0
  73496.         },
  73497.         {
  73498.             "RIT": "ws205163",
  73499.             "Type": "WS",
  73500.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/antigua_0400_bgn.html",
  73501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73502.             "Title": "Background Notes: Antigua and Barbuda",
  73503.             "Category": "GEO",
  73504.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73505.             "Year": 0
  73506.         },
  73507.         {
  73508.             "RIT": "ws205164",
  73509.             "Type": "WS",
  73510.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/andes/index.html",
  73511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73512.             "Title": "Andes Expedition: Searching for Inca Secrets",
  73513.             "Category": "GEO",
  73514.             "Description": "An online exhibition from National Geographic. Includes a virtual autopsy of a five century-old mummy found in Peru.",
  73515.             "Year": 0
  73516.         },
  73517.         {
  73518.             "RIT": "ws205165",
  73519.             "Type": "WS",
  73520.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/turkey_9910_bgn.html",
  73521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73522.             "Title": "Background Notes: Turkey",
  73523.             "Category": "GEO",
  73524.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73525.             "Year": 0
  73526.         },
  73527.         {
  73528.             "RIT": "ws205166",
  73529.             "Type": "WS",
  73530.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/southafrica_0004_bgn.html",
  73531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73532.             "Title": "Background Notes: South Africa",
  73533.             "Category": "GEO",
  73534.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73535.             "Year": 0
  73536.         },
  73537.         {
  73538.             "RIT": "ws205167",
  73539.             "Type": "WS",
  73540.             "URL": "http://www.amsterdam.nl/e_index.html",
  73541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73542.             "Title": "City of Amsterdam Online",
  73543.             "Category": "GEO",
  73544.             "Description": "Official Amsterdam site describing government, community events, city services, and tourist attractions.",
  73545.             "Year": 0
  73546.         },
  73547.         {
  73548.             "RIT": "ws205083",
  73549.             "Type": "WS",
  73550.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/cape_verde_0598_bgn.html",
  73551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73552.             "Title": "Background Notes: Cape Verde",
  73553.             "Category": "GEO",
  73554.             "Description": "Information from the U. S. Department of State.",
  73555.             "Year": 0
  73556.         },
  73557.         {
  73558.             "RIT": "ws205084",
  73559.             "Type": "WS",
  73560.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/asia/july-dec00/nkorea_10-11.html",
  73561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73562.             "Title": "Thawing Relations",
  73563.             "Category": "GEO",
  73564.             "Description": "This PBS page links to several NewsHour transcripts in which participants discuss relations between North and South Korea.",
  73565.             "Year": 0
  73566.         },
  73567.         {
  73568.             "RIT": "ws205085",
  73569.             "Type": "WS",
  73570.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/barbados_0008_bgn.html",
  73571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73572.             "Title": "Background Notes: Barbados",
  73573.             "Category": "GEO",
  73574.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73575.             "Year": 0
  73576.         },
  73577.         {
  73578.             "RIT": "ws205086",
  73579.             "Type": "WS",
  73580.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/wha/caymans9605.html",
  73581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73582.             "Title": "Background Notes: Cayman Islands",
  73583.             "Category": "GEO",
  73584.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73585.             "Year": 0
  73586.         },
  73587.         {
  73588.             "RIT": "ws205088",
  73589.             "Type": "WS",
  73590.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/mali_0006_bgn.html",
  73591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73592.             "Title": "Background Notes: Mali",
  73593.             "Category": "GEO",
  73594.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73595.             "Year": 0
  73596.         },
  73597.         {
  73598.             "RIT": "ws205089",
  73599.             "Type": "WS",
  73600.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/jamaica_0006_bgn.html",
  73601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73602.             "Title": "Background Notes: Jamaica",
  73603.             "Category": "GEO",
  73604.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73605.             "Year": 0
  73606.         },
  73607.         {
  73608.             "RIT": "ws205090",
  73609.             "Type": "WS",
  73610.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16585",
  73611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73612.             "Title": "Kirstein, Lincoln (Edward)",
  73613.             "Category": "HUM",
  73614.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  73615.             "Year": 0
  73616.         },
  73617.         {
  73618.             "RIT": "ws205091",
  73619.             "Type": "WS",
  73620.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/europe/europe.html",
  73621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73622.             "Title": "NewsHour Online: Europe",
  73623.             "Category": "GEO",
  73624.             "Description": "PBS presents NewsHour transcripts from shows that addressed European issues and issues affecting specific countries.",
  73625.             "Year": 0
  73626.         },
  73627.         {
  73628.             "RIT": "ws205092",
  73629.             "Type": "WS",
  73630.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/gabon_0008_bgn.html",
  73631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73632.             "Title": "Background Notes: Gabon",
  73633.             "Category": "GEO",
  73634.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73635.             "Year": 0
  73636.         },
  73637.         {
  73638.             "RIT": "ws205093",
  73639.             "Type": "WS",
  73640.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/eur/belarus9603.html",
  73641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73642.             "Title": "Background Notes: Belarus",
  73643.             "Category": "GEO",
  73644.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73645.             "Year": 0
  73646.         },
  73647.         {
  73648.             "RIT": "ws205104",
  73649.             "Type": "WS",
  73650.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17374",
  73651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73652.             "Title": "Martins, Peter",
  73653.             "Category": "HUM",
  73654.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  73655.             "Year": 0
  73656.         },
  73657.         {
  73658.             "RIT": "ws205105",
  73659.             "Type": "WS",
  73660.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/eur/andorra9512.html",
  73661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73662.             "Title": "Background Notes: Andorra",
  73663.             "Category": "GEO",
  73664.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73665.             "Year": 0
  73666.         },
  73667.         {
  73668.             "RIT": "ws205106",
  73669.             "Type": "WS",
  73670.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/nea/tunisia9407.html",
  73671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73672.             "Title": "Background Notes: TUNISIA",
  73673.             "Category": "GEO",
  73674.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73675.             "Year": 0
  73676.         },
  73677.         {
  73678.             "RIT": "ws205107",
  73679.             "Type": "WS",
  73680.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/belgium_0006_bgn.html",
  73681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73682.             "Title": "Background Notes: Belgium",
  73683.             "Category": "GEO",
  73684.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73685.             "Year": 0
  73686.         },
  73687.         {
  73688.             "RIT": "ws205108",
  73689.             "Type": "WS",
  73690.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/af/namibia9504.html",
  73691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73692.             "Title": "Background Notes: Namibia",
  73693.             "Category": "GEO",
  73694.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73695.             "Year": 0
  73696.         },
  73697.         {
  73698.             "RIT": "ws205109",
  73699.             "Type": "WS",
  73700.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/slovenia_9902_bgn.html",
  73701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73702.             "Title": "Background Notes: Slovenia",
  73703.             "Category": "GEO",
  73704.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73705.             "Year": 0
  73706.         },
  73707.         {
  73708.             "RIT": "ws205111",
  73709.             "Type": "WS",
  73710.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/default.stm",
  73711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73712.             "Title": "BBC News: Americas",
  73713.             "Category": "GEO",
  73714.             "Description": "The BBC provides regional news stories.",
  73715.             "Year": 0
  73716.         },
  73717.         {
  73718.             "RIT": "ws205112",
  73719.             "Type": "WS",
  73720.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17709",
  73721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73722.             "Title": "Mitchell, Arthur",
  73723.             "Category": "HUM",
  73724.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  73725.             "Year": 0
  73726.         },
  73727.         {
  73728.             "RIT": "ws205113",
  73729.             "Type": "WS",
  73730.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.no/indexen.html",
  73731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73732.             "Title": "The Nobel Peace Prize",
  73733.             "Category": "SOC",
  73734.             "Description": "The Norwegian Nobel Committee presents information about Nobel Peace Prize winners.",
  73735.             "Year": 0
  73736.         },
  73737.         {
  73738.             "RIT": "ws205114",
  73739.             "Type": "WS",
  73740.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/colombia_0800_bgn.html",
  73741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73742.             "Title": "Background Notes: Colombia",
  73743.             "Category": "GEO",
  73744.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73745.             "Year": 0
  73746.         },
  73747.         {
  73748.             "RIT": "ws205115",
  73749.             "Type": "WS",
  73750.             "URL": "http://www.nsf.gov/od/opp/antarct/journal/start.htm",
  73751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73752.             "Title": "Antarctic Journal of the United States",
  73753.             "Category": "GEO",
  73754.             "Description": "Back issues of a journal that reports on U.S. activities in Antarctica and trends in the U.S. Antarctic Program.",
  73755.             "Year": 0
  73756.         },
  73757.         {
  73758.             "RIT": "ws205128",
  73759.             "Type": "WS",
  73760.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/senegal_0298_bgn.html",
  73761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73762.             "Title": "Background Notes: Republic of Senegal",
  73763.             "Category": "GEO",
  73764.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73765.             "Year": 0
  73766.         },
  73767.         {
  73768.             "RIT": "ws205129",
  73769.             "Type": "WS",
  73770.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/cote_d_ivoire_0798_bgn.html",
  73771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73772.             "Title": "Background Notes: Cote d'Ivoire,",
  73773.             "Category": "GEO",
  73774.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73775.             "Year": 0
  73776.         },
  73777.         {
  73778.             "RIT": "ws205130",
  73779.             "Type": "WS",
  73780.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/finland_9906_bgn.html",
  73781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73782.             "Title": "Background Note: Finland",
  73783.             "Category": "GEO",
  73784.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73785.             "Year": 0
  73786.         },
  73787.         {
  73788.             "RIT": "ws205131",
  73789.             "Type": "WS",
  73790.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/goingplaces2/ecuador/interviews.html",
  73791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73792.             "Title": "INTERVIEW: Traveler Philip Klint",
  73793.             "Category": "GEO",
  73794.             "Description": "PBS presnts a Going Places interview with a journalist who describes his visit to Ecuador and the rain forest.",
  73795.             "Year": 0
  73796.         },
  73797.         {
  73798.             "RIT": "ws205132",
  73799.             "Type": "WS",
  73800.             "URL": "http://www.samara.co.zw/cfu/",
  73801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73802.             "Title": "Commercial Farmers' Union",
  73803.             "Category": "GEO",
  73804.             "Description": "Web site of an organization that represents the interests of commercial farmers in Zimbabwe.",
  73805.             "Year": 0
  73806.         },
  73807.         {
  73808.             "RIT": "ws205133",
  73809.             "Type": "WS",
  73810.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/poland_0006_bgn.html",
  73811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73812.             "Title": "Background Notes: Poland",
  73813.             "Category": "GEO",
  73814.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73815.             "Year": 0
  73816.         },
  73817.         {
  73818.             "RIT": "ws205134",
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  73820.             "URL": "http://www.abcnews.go.com/reference/countries/ZI.html",
  73821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73822.             "Title": "Country Profile: Zimbabwe",
  73823.             "Category": "GEO",
  73824.             "Description": "ABC News provides information about Zimbabwe.",
  73825.             "Year": 0
  73826.         },
  73827.         {
  73828.             "RIT": "ws205135",
  73829.             "Type": "WS",
  73830.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/ireland_0007_bgn.html",
  73831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73832.             "Title": "Background Notes: Ireland",
  73833.             "Category": "GEO",
  73834.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73835.             "Year": 0
  73836.         },
  73837.         {
  73838.             "RIT": "ws205136",
  73839.             "Type": "WS",
  73840.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/nea/lebanon9401.html",
  73841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73842.             "Title": "Background Notes: LEBANON",
  73843.             "Category": "GEO",
  73844.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73845.             "Year": 0
  73846.         },
  73847.         {
  73848.             "RIT": "ws205137",
  73849.             "Type": "WS",
  73850.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/switzerland_9905_bgn.html",
  73851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73852.             "Title": "Background Notes: Switzerland",
  73853.             "Category": "GEO",
  73854.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73855.             "Year": 0
  73856.         },
  73857.         {
  73858.             "RIT": "ws205147",
  73859.             "Type": "WS",
  73860.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6328",
  73861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73862.             "Title": "Petit, Roland",
  73863.             "Category": "HUM",
  73864.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  73865.             "Year": 0
  73866.         },
  73867.         {
  73868.             "RIT": "ws205148",
  73869.             "Type": "WS",
  73870.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/eur/moldova9603.html",
  73871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73872.             "Title": "Background Notes: Moldova",
  73873.             "Category": "GEO",
  73874.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73875.             "Year": 0
  73876.         },
  73877.         {
  73878.             "RIT": "ws205149",
  73879.             "Type": "WS",
  73880.             "URL": "http://www.belarusembassy.org/",
  73881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73882.             "Title": "Embassy of the Republic of Belarus to the USA",
  73883.             "Category": "GEO",
  73884.             "Description": "Site contains general information about Belarus.",
  73885.             "Year": 0
  73886.         },
  73887.         {
  73888.             "RIT": "ws205150",
  73889.             "Type": "WS",
  73890.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/trinidad_tobago_0398_bgn.html",
  73891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73892.             "Title": "Background Notes: Trinidad and Tobago",
  73893.             "Category": "GEO",
  73894.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73895.             "Year": 0
  73896.         },
  73897.         {
  73898.             "RIT": "ws205151",
  73899.             "Type": "WS",
  73900.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/somalia_0798_bgn.html",
  73901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73902.             "Title": "Background Notes: Somalia",
  73903.             "Category": "GEO",
  73904.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73905.             "Year": 0
  73906.         },
  73907.         {
  73908.             "RIT": "ws205152",
  73909.             "Type": "WS",
  73910.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/default.stm",
  73911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73912.             "Title": "BBC News: Europe",
  73913.             "Category": "GEO",
  73914.             "Description": "European news coverage from the BBC.",
  73915.             "Year": 0
  73916.         },
  73917.         {
  73918.             "RIT": "ws205153",
  73919.             "Type": "WS",
  73920.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/maldives_0696_bgn.html",
  73921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73922.             "Title": "Background Notes: Maldives",
  73923.             "Category": "GEO",
  73924.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73925.             "Year": 0
  73926.         },
  73927.         {
  73928.             "RIT": "ws205154",
  73929.             "Type": "WS",
  73930.             "URL": "http://cbc.ca/national/magazine/austria/index.html",
  73931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73932.             "Title": "Centre of the Storm",
  73933.             "Category": "GEO",
  73934.             "Description": "A 2000 interview with Austrian politician Joerg Haider from the CBC, Canada's public broadcaster.",
  73935.             "Year": 0
  73936.         },
  73937.         {
  73938.             "RIT": "ws205155",
  73939.             "Type": "WS",
  73940.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/af/chad9205.html",
  73941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73942.             "Title": "Background Notes: Chad",
  73943.             "Category": "GEO",
  73944.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73945.             "Year": 0
  73946.         },
  73947.         {
  73948.             "RIT": "ws205156",
  73949.             "Type": "WS",
  73950.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/rwanda_0398_bgn.html",
  73951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73952.             "Title": "Background Notes: Republic of Rwanda",
  73953.             "Category": "GEO",
  73954.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73955.             "Year": 0
  73956.         },
  73957.         {
  73958.             "RIT": "ws205157",
  73959.             "Type": "WS",
  73960.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/slovakia_9908_bgn.html",
  73961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73962.             "Title": "Background Notes: Slovak Republic",
  73963.             "Category": "GEO",
  73964.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73965.             "Year": 0
  73966.         },
  73967.         {
  73968.             "RIT": "ws205168",
  73969.             "Type": "WS",
  73970.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/togo_9710_bgn.html",
  73971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73972.             "Title": "Background Notes: Togo",
  73973.             "Category": "GEO",
  73974.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73975.             "Year": 0
  73976.         },
  73977.         {
  73978.             "RIT": "ws205169",
  73979.             "Type": "WS",
  73980.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/zambia_0997_bgn.html",
  73981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73982.             "Title": "Background Notes: Zambia",
  73983.             "Category": "GEO",
  73984.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73985.             "Year": 0
  73986.         },
  73987.         {
  73988.             "RIT": "ws205170",
  73989.             "Type": "WS",
  73990.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/nea/egypt9503.html",
  73991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  73992.             "Title": "Background Notes: Egypt",
  73993.             "Category": "GEO",
  73994.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  73995.             "Year": 0
  73996.         },
  73997.         {
  73998.             "RIT": "ws205171",
  73999.             "Type": "WS",
  74000.             "URL": "http://www.domstol.no/Domstolene/applications/system/pagegeneration/generatescreen.asp",
  74001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74002.             "Title": "The Norwegian Supreme Court",
  74003.             "Category": "GEO",
  74004.             "Description": "The court's official site includes information about the court and its justices.",
  74005.             "Year": 0
  74006.         },
  74007.         {
  74008.             "RIT": "ws205172",
  74009.             "Type": "WS",
  74010.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/norway_9905_bgn.html",
  74011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74012.             "Title": "Background Notes: Norway",
  74013.             "Category": "GEO",
  74014.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74015.             "Year": 0
  74016.         },
  74017.         {
  74018.             "RIT": "ws205173",
  74019.             "Type": "WS",
  74020.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/nea/morocco9411.html",
  74021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74022.             "Title": "BACKGROUND NOTES: MOROCCO",
  74023.             "Category": "GEO",
  74024.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74025.             "Year": 0
  74026.         },
  74027.         {
  74028.             "RIT": "ws205174",
  74029.             "Type": "WS",
  74030.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/sa/srilanka9501.html",
  74031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74032.             "Title": "SRI LANKA BACKGROUND NOTE",
  74033.             "Category": "GEO",
  74034.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74035.             "Year": 0
  74036.         },
  74037.         {
  74038.             "RIT": "ws205175",
  74039.             "Type": "WS",
  74040.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/index.html",
  74041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74042.             "Title": "Europe News",
  74043.             "Category": "GEO",
  74044.             "Description": "CNN presents news articles about events in Europe.",
  74045.             "Year": 0
  74046.         },
  74047.         {
  74048.             "RIT": "ws205176",
  74049.             "Type": "WS",
  74050.             "URL": "http://www.vlada.cz/MAC/eng/vlada/vlada_clenove.htm",
  74051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74052.             "Title": "The Government of the Czech Republic",
  74053.             "Category": "GEO",
  74054.             "Description": "Official government Web site, including information about government institutions and policies.",
  74055.             "Year": 0
  74056.         },
  74057.         {
  74058.             "RIT": "ws205177",
  74059.             "Type": "WS",
  74060.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/goingplaces2/ireland/index.html",
  74061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74062.             "Title": "Going Places: Ireland",
  74063.             "Category": "GEO",
  74064.             "Description": "This PBS travel guide features a slide show, an interactive map, and recommendations for travelers.",
  74065.             "Year": 0
  74066.         },
  74067.         {
  74068.             "RIT": "ws205178",
  74069.             "Type": "WS",
  74070.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/austria_0007_bgn.html",
  74071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74072.             "Title": "Background Notes: Austria",
  74073.             "Category": "GEO",
  74074.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74075.             "Year": 0
  74076.         },
  74077.         {
  74078.             "RIT": "ws205180",
  74079.             "Type": "WS",
  74080.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/attoc.html",
  74081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74082.             "Title": "AUSTRIA - A Country Study",
  74083.             "Category": "GEO",
  74084.             "Description": "Country-specific information from the U.S. Library of Congress.",
  74085.             "Year": 0
  74086.         },
  74087.         {
  74088.             "RIT": "ws205181",
  74089.             "Type": "WS",
  74090.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/haiti_0398_bgn.html",
  74091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74092.             "Title": "Background Notes: Haiti",
  74093.             "Category": "GEO",
  74094.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74095.             "Year": 0
  74096.         },
  74097.         {
  74098.             "RIT": "ws205182",
  74099.             "Type": "WS",
  74100.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/iceland_9910_bgn.html",
  74101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74102.             "Title": "Background Notes: Iceland",
  74103.             "Category": "GEO",
  74104.             "Description": "Informtion from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74105.             "Year": 0
  74106.         },
  74107.         {
  74108.             "RIT": "ws205183",
  74109.             "Type": "WS",
  74110.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=17009",
  74111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74112.             "Title": "Limon, Jose",
  74113.             "Category": "HUM",
  74114.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  74115.             "Year": 0
  74116.         },
  74117.         {
  74118.             "RIT": "ws205184",
  74119.             "Type": "WS",
  74120.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/kosovo/kosovo_index.html",
  74121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74122.             "Title": "Strikes in Yugoslavia",
  74123.             "Category": "GEO",
  74124.             "Description": "PBS presents a NewsHour Web feature on NATO's bombing campaign over Serbia.",
  74125.             "Year": 0
  74126.         },
  74127.         {
  74128.             "RIT": "ws205185",
  74129.             "Type": "WS",
  74130.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/jordan_0008_bgn.html",
  74131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74132.             "Title": "Background Notes: Jordan",
  74133.             "Category": "GEO",
  74134.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74135.             "Year": 0
  74136.         },
  74137.         {
  74138.             "RIT": "ws205186",
  74139.             "Type": "WS",
  74140.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/ethiopia_0398_bgn.html",
  74141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74142.             "Title": "Background Notes: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia",
  74143.             "Category": "GEO",
  74144.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74145.             "Year": 0
  74146.         },
  74147.         {
  74148.             "RIT": "ws205187",
  74149.             "Type": "WS",
  74150.             "URL": "http://www.president.gov.by/index_en.htm",
  74151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74152.             "Title": "Internet Site of the Presidency of Belarus",
  74153.             "Category": "GEO",
  74154.             "Description": "Official government site, including links to many governmental bodies in Belarus.",
  74155.             "Year": 0
  74156.         },
  74157.         {
  74158.             "RIT": "ws205188",
  74159.             "Type": "WS",
  74160.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/panama_0100_bgn.html",
  74161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74162.             "Title": "Background Notes: Panama",
  74163.             "Category": "GEO",
  74164.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74165.             "Year": 0
  74166.         },
  74167.         {
  74168.             "RIT": "ws205190",
  74169.             "Type": "WS",
  74170.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/sa/afghanistan9407.html",
  74171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74172.             "Title": "BACKGROUND NOTES: AFGHANISTAN",
  74173.             "Category": "GEO",
  74174.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74175.             "Year": 0
  74176.         },
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  74178.             "RIT": "ws205201",
  74179.             "Type": "WS",
  74180.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=18902",
  74181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74182.             "Title": "Robinson, Bill Bojangles'' (b. Luther Robinson)",
  74183.             "Category": "HUM",
  74184.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  74185.             "Year": 0
  74186.         },
  74187.         {
  74188.             "RIT": "ws205202",
  74189.             "Type": "WS",
  74190.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/kenya_0398_bgn.html",
  74191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74192.             "Title": "Background Notes: Republic of Kenya",
  74193.             "Category": "GEO",
  74194.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74195.             "Year": 0
  74196.         },
  74197.         {
  74198.             "RIT": "ws205203",
  74199.             "Type": "WS",
  74200.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/goingplaces2/miami/index.html",
  74201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74202.             "Title": "Going Places: Miami",
  74203.             "Category": "GEO",
  74204.             "Description": "This PBS travel site features a slide show, an interactive map, and recommendations for tourists.",
  74205.             "Year": 0
  74206.         },
  74207.         {
  74208.             "RIT": "ws205204",
  74209.             "Type": "WS",
  74210.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/library/terror/terroris.htm",
  74211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74212.             "Title": "Terrorism in the United States",
  74213.             "Category": "SOC",
  74214.             "Description": "The FBI presents reports covering several years of terrorist activity.",
  74215.             "Year": 0
  74216.         },
  74217.         {
  74218.             "RIT": "ws205205",
  74219.             "Type": "WS",
  74220.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/kera/usmexicanwar/",
  74221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74222.             "Title": "U.S.-Mexican War",
  74223.             "Category": "HIS",
  74224.             "Description": "An online companion resource for a PBS documentary.",
  74225.             "Year": 0
  74226.         },
  74227.         {
  74228.             "RIT": "ws205206",
  74229.             "Type": "WS",
  74230.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/honduras_1099_bgn.html",
  74231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74232.             "Title": "Background Notes: Honduras",
  74233.             "Category": "GEO",
  74234.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74235.             "Year": 0
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  74238.             "RIT": "ws205207",
  74239.             "Type": "WS",
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  74241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74242.             "Title": "Americas",
  74243.             "Category": "GEO",
  74244.             "Description": "Regional news coverage from CNN.",
  74245.             "Year": 0
  74246.         },
  74247.         {
  74248.             "RIT": "ws205208",
  74249.             "Type": "WS",
  74250.             "URL": "http://library.thinkquest.org/20248/ecology.html",
  74251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74252.             "Title": "After all, what is Ecology?",
  74253.             "Category": "LIF",
  74254.             "Description": "A lenghty definition from a student-created Web site about the Amazon rain forest.",
  74255.             "Year": 0
  74256.         },
  74257.         {
  74258.             "RIT": "ws205209",
  74259.             "Type": "WS",
  74260.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/africa/july-dec97/carter_9-19.html",
  74261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74262.             "Title": "President Carter on Feeding Africa",
  74263.             "Category": "HIS",
  74264.             "Description": "PBS presents an online NewsHour transcript in which Jimmy Carter discusses his efforts to teach African farmers ways to improve their farming practices.",
  74265.             "Year": 0
  74266.         },
  74267.         {
  74268.             "RIT": "ws205210",
  74269.             "Type": "WS",
  74270.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/eur/armenia9603.html",
  74271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74272.             "Title": "Background Notes: Armenia",
  74273.             "Category": "GEO",
  74274.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74275.             "Year": 0
  74276.         },
  74277.         {
  74278.             "RIT": "ws205222",
  74279.             "Type": "WS",
  74280.             "URL": "http://www.minbuza.nl/English/homepage.asp",
  74281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74282.             "Title": "Ministry of Foreign Affairs",
  74283.             "Category": "GEO",
  74284.             "Description": "Official Netherlands government site featuring information about the country.",
  74285.             "Year": 0
  74286.         },
  74287.         {
  74288.             "RIT": "ws205223",
  74289.             "Type": "WS",
  74290.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/regions/wha/cuba/country_info.html",
  74291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74292.             "Title": "Background Note: Cuba",
  74293.             "Category": "GEO",
  74294.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74295.             "Year": 0
  74296.         },
  74297.         {
  74298.             "RIT": "ws205224",
  74299.             "Type": "WS",
  74300.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6229",
  74301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74302.             "Title": "Nureyev, Rudolf (Hametovich)",
  74303.             "Category": "HUM",
  74304.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  74305.             "Year": 0
  74306.         },
  74307.         {
  74308.             "RIT": "ws205225",
  74309.             "Type": "WS",
  74310.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/uzbekistan_0998_bgn.html",
  74311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74312.             "Title": "Background Notes: Uzbekistan",
  74313.             "Category": "GEO",
  74314.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74315.             "Year": 0
  74316.         },
  74317.         {
  74318.             "RIT": "ws205226",
  74319.             "Type": "WS",
  74320.             "URL": "http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/",
  74321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74322.             "Title": "Rainforest Alliance",
  74323.             "Category": "GEO",
  74324.             "Description": "The international nonprofit conservaton organization presents rain forest facts and learning activities for kids and teachers.",
  74325.             "Year": 0
  74326.         },
  74327.         {
  74328.             "RIT": "ws205227",
  74329.             "Type": "WS",
  74330.             "URL": "http://www1.dr.dk/pubs/nyheder/html/programmer/fremmedsprog/english/index.jhtml",
  74331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74332.             "Title": "DR Nyheder Online",
  74333.             "Category": "GEO",
  74334.             "Description": "Danish news in English from the Danish Broadcasting Corporation.",
  74335.             "Year": 0
  74336.         },
  74337.         {
  74338.             "RIT": "ws205228",
  74339.             "Type": "WS",
  74340.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/af/sudan9506.html",
  74341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74342.             "Title": "Background Notes: Sudan",
  74343.             "Category": "GEO",
  74344.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74345.             "Year": 0
  74346.         },
  74347.         {
  74348.             "RIT": "ws205229",
  74349.             "Type": "WS",
  74350.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/comoros_0497.html",
  74351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74352.             "Title": "Background Notes: Comoros",
  74353.             "Category": "GEO",
  74354.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74355.             "Year": 0
  74356.         },
  74357.         {
  74358.             "RIT": "ws205230",
  74359.             "Type": "WS",
  74360.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/uganda_0298_bgn.html",
  74361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74362.             "Title": "Background Notes: Republic of Uganda",
  74363.             "Category": "GEO",
  74364.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74365.             "Year": 0
  74366.         },
  74367.         {
  74368.             "RIT": "ws205231",
  74369.             "Type": "WS",
  74370.             "URL": "http://www.dep.no/odin/engelsk/index-b-n-a.html",
  74371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74372.             "Title": "Norway in English",
  74373.             "Category": "GEO",
  74374.             "Description": "Information about Norway from the government's official Web site.",
  74375.             "Year": 0
  74376.         },
  74377.         {
  74378.             "RIT": "ws205232",
  74379.             "Type": "WS",
  74380.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=18881",
  74381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74382.             "Title": "Robbins, Jerome (b. Rabinowitz)",
  74383.             "Category": "HUM",
  74384.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  74385.             "Year": 0
  74386.         },
  74387.         {
  74388.             "RIT": "ws205191",
  74389.             "Type": "WS",
  74390.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6045",
  74391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74392.             "Title": "Markova, Dame Alicia",
  74393.             "Category": "HUM",
  74394.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  74395.             "Year": 0
  74396.         },
  74397.         {
  74398.             "RIT": "ws205192",
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  74400.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/paraguay_0799_bgn.html",
  74401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74402.             "Title": "Background Notes: Paraguay",
  74403.             "Category": "GEO",
  74404.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74405.             "Year": 0
  74406.         },
  74407.         {
  74408.             "RIT": "ws205193",
  74409.             "Type": "WS",
  74410.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/congo_0001_bgn.html",
  74411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74412.             "Title": "Background Notes: Congo",
  74413.             "Category": "GEO",
  74414.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74415.             "Year": 0
  74416.         },
  74417.         {
  74418.             "RIT": "ws205194",
  74419.             "Type": "WS",
  74420.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/elsal_0008_bgn.html",
  74421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74422.             "Title": "Background Notes: El Salvador",
  74423.             "Category": "GEO",
  74424.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74425.             "Year": 0
  74426.         },
  74427.         {
  74428.             "RIT": "ws205195",
  74429.             "Type": "WS",
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  74431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74432.             "Title": "Going Places: South Africa",
  74433.             "Category": "GEO",
  74434.             "Description": "This PBS travel guide features a slide show, an interactive map, and recommendations for travelers.",
  74435.             "Year": 0
  74436.         },
  74437.         {
  74438.             "RIT": "ws205196",
  74439.             "Type": "WS",
  74440.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/shaman/",
  74441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74442.             "Title": "Warriors of the Amazon",
  74443.             "Category": "SOC",
  74444.             "Description": "PBS presents a companion site to a NOVA program on the Yanomami people, who live in a remote part of the Amazon rain forest in Venezuela, South America.",
  74445.             "Year": 0
  74446.         },
  74447.         {
  74448.             "RIT": "ws205197",
  74449.             "Type": "WS",
  74450.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/nea/libya9407.html",
  74451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74452.             "Title": "Background notes: Libya",
  74453.             "Category": "GEO",
  74454.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74455.             "Year": 0
  74456.         },
  74457.         {
  74458.             "RIT": "ws205198",
  74459.             "Type": "WS",
  74460.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/burundi_0008_bgn.html",
  74461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74462.             "Title": "Background Notes: Burundi",
  74463.             "Category": "GEO",
  74464.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74465.             "Year": 0
  74466.         },
  74467.         {
  74468.             "RIT": "ws205199",
  74469.             "Type": "WS",
  74470.             "URL": "http://www.andorra.ad/consell/conselluk.htm",
  74471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74472.             "Title": "General Council",
  74473.             "Category": "GEO",
  74474.             "Description": "Official Web site of Andorra's parliament.",
  74475.             "Year": 0
  74476.         },
  74477.         {
  74478.             "RIT": "ws205200",
  74479.             "Type": "WS",
  74480.             "URL": "http://www.hrad.cz/index_uk.html",
  74481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74482.             "Title": "The Prague Castle",
  74483.             "Category": "GEO",
  74484.             "Description": "Official Czech Republic government site featuring information about the Prague Castle and the country's president.",
  74485.             "Year": 0
  74486.         },
  74487.         {
  74488.             "RIT": "ws205211",
  74489.             "Type": "WS",
  74490.             "URL": "http://www.vm.ee/eng/index.html",
  74491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74492.             "Title": "Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs",
  74493.             "Category": "GEO",
  74494.             "Description": "This official government site from Estonia highlights the country's foreign policies.",
  74495.             "Year": 0
  74496.         },
  74497.         {
  74498.             "RIT": "ws205212",
  74499.             "Type": "WS",
  74500.             "URL": "http://www.andorra.be/eng/index.html",
  74501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74502.             "Title": "Andorra",
  74503.             "Category": "GEO",
  74504.             "Description": "Information about Andorra from the country's embassy to the European Communities, the Kingdom of Belgium, Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Denmark, Luxembourg, and the German Federal Republic.",
  74505.             "Year": 0
  74506.         },
  74507.         {
  74508.             "RIT": "ws205213",
  74509.             "Type": "WS",
  74510.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/af/gambia9607.html",
  74511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74512.             "Title": "Background Notes: The Gambia",
  74513.             "Category": "GEO",
  74514.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74515.             "Year": 0
  74516.         },
  74517.         {
  74518.             "RIT": "ws205215",
  74519.             "Type": "WS",
  74520.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/uk_0009_bgn.html",
  74521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74522.             "Title": "Background Notes: United Kingdom",
  74523.             "Category": "GEO",
  74524.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74525.             "Year": 0
  74526.         },
  74527.         {
  74528.             "RIT": "ws205216",
  74529.             "Type": "WS",
  74530.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/brazil_0700_bgn.html",
  74531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74532.             "Title": "Background Notes: Brazil",
  74533.             "Category": "GEO",
  74534.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74535.             "Year": 0
  74536.         },
  74537.         {
  74538.             "RIT": "ws205217",
  74539.             "Type": "WS",
  74540.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/qatar_9711_bgn.html",
  74541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74542.             "Title": "Background Notes: Qatar",
  74543.             "Category": "GEO",
  74544.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74545.             "Year": 0
  74546.         },
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  74548.             "RIT": "ws205218",
  74549.             "Type": "WS",
  74550.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/nether_0006_bgn.html",
  74551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74552.             "Title": "Background Notes: Netherlands",
  74553.             "Category": "GEO",
  74554.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74555.             "Year": 0
  74556.         },
  74557.         {
  74558.             "RIT": "ws205219",
  74559.             "Type": "WS",
  74560.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/af/zimbabwe9511.html",
  74561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74562.             "Title": "Background Notes: Zimbabwe",
  74563.             "Category": "GEO",
  74564.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74565.             "Year": 0
  74566.         },
  74567.         {
  74568.             "RIT": "ws205220",
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  74570.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=6302",
  74571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74572.             "Title": "Pavlova, Anna",
  74573.             "Category": "HUM",
  74574.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  74575.             "Year": 0
  74576.         },
  74577.         {
  74578.             "RIT": "ws205221",
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  74581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74582.             "Title": "GOVERN D'ANDORRA",
  74583.             "Category": "GEO",
  74584.             "Description": "Official government Web site of Andorra.",
  74585.             "Year": 0
  74586.         },
  74587.         {
  74588.             "RIT": "ws205233",
  74589.             "Type": "WS",
  74590.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/neabgnhp.html",
  74591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74592.             "Title": "Background Notes: Middle East and North Africa",
  74593.             "Category": "GEO",
  74594.             "Description": "Country-specific information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74595.             "Year": 0
  74596.         },
  74597.         {
  74598.             "RIT": "ws205234",
  74599.             "Type": "WS",
  74600.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/georgia_9811_bgn.html",
  74601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74602.             "Title": "Background Notes: Georgia",
  74603.             "Category": "GEO",
  74604.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74605.             "Year": 0
  74606.         },
  74607.         {
  74608.             "RIT": "ws205235",
  74609.             "Type": "WS",
  74610.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/grenada_0400_bgn.html",
  74611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74612.             "Title": "Background Notes: Grenada",
  74613.             "Category": "GEO",
  74614.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74615.             "Year": 0
  74616.         },
  74617.         {
  74618.             "RIT": "ws205236",
  74619.             "Type": "WS",
  74620.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/nea/iran9407.html",
  74621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74622.             "Title": "Background Notes: Iran",
  74623.             "Category": "GEO",
  74624.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74625.             "Year": 0
  74626.         },
  74627.         {
  74628.             "RIT": "ws205237",
  74629.             "Type": "WS",
  74630.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/albania_9903_bgn.html",
  74631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74632.             "Title": "Background Notes: Albania",
  74633.             "Category": "GEO",
  74634.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74635.             "Year": 0
  74636.         },
  74637.         {
  74638.             "RIT": "ws205238",
  74639.             "Type": "WS",
  74640.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/stvincent_0600_bgn.html",
  74641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74642.             "Title": "Background Notes: St. Vincent & the Grenadines",
  74643.             "Category": "GEO",
  74644.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74645.             "Year": 0
  74646.         },
  74647.         {
  74648.             "RIT": "ws205240",
  74649.             "Type": "WS",
  74650.             "URL": "http://www.fna.org/fna.html",
  74651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74652.             "Title": "Flora of North America",
  74653.             "Category": "GEO",
  74654.             "Description": "Information about plants found in North America from the Flora of North America Association.",
  74655.             "Year": 0
  74656.         },
  74657.         {
  74658.             "RIT": "ws205241",
  74659.             "Type": "WS",
  74660.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/congo-ro_0002_bgn.html",
  74661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74662.             "Title": "Background Notes: Congo",
  74663.             "Category": "GEO",
  74664.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74665.             "Year": 0
  74666.         },
  74667.         {
  74668.             "RIT": "ws205242",
  74669.             "Type": "WS",
  74670.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/eurbgnhp.html",
  74671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74672.             "Title": "Background Notes: Europe and the New Independent States Of the Former Soviet Union",
  74673.             "Category": "GEO",
  74674.             "Description": "Country-specific information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74675.             "Year": 0
  74676.         },
  74677.         {
  74678.             "RIT": "ws205243",
  74679.             "Type": "WS",
  74680.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/cameroon_9912_bgn.html",
  74681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74682.             "Title": "Background Notes: Cameroon",
  74683.             "Category": "GEO",
  74684.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74685.             "Year": 0
  74686.         },
  74687.         {
  74688.             "RIT": "ws205254",
  74689.             "Type": "WS",
  74690.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/shackleton/navigate/escape.html",
  74691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74692.             "Title": "Escape from Antarctica",
  74693.             "Category": "IND",
  74694.             "Description": "In this portion of a PBS feature about Ernest Shackleton's 1914 unsuccessful expedition to Antarctica, readers learn about navigating with a sextant.",
  74695.             "Year": 0
  74696.         },
  74697.         {
  74698.             "RIT": "ws205255",
  74699.             "Type": "WS",
  74700.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/events/the_launch_of_emu/euro_home/default.stm",
  74701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74702.             "Title": "Europe's Single Currency",
  74703.             "Category": "SOC",
  74704.             "Description": "A BBC special feature about the euro. Includes a guide to the issues surrounding the euro's launch.",
  74705.             "Year": 0
  74706.         },
  74707.         {
  74708.             "RIT": "ws205256",
  74709.             "Type": "WS",
  74710.             "URL": "http://www.parliament.ge/",
  74711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74712.             "Title": "Parliament of Georgia",
  74713.             "Category": "GEO",
  74714.             "Description": "Site contains Georgia's Constitution, basic information about Georgia, and daily news reports.",
  74715.             "Year": 0
  74716.         },
  74717.         {
  74718.             "RIT": "ws205257",
  74719.             "Type": "WS",
  74720.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/lithuania_9801_bgn.html",
  74721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74722.             "Title": "Background Notes: Lithuania",
  74723.             "Category": "GEO",
  74724.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  74725.             "Year": 0
  74726.         },
  74727.         {
  74728.             "RIT": "ws205258",
  74729.             "Type": "WS",
  74730.             "URL": "http://www.eduskunta.fi/",
  74731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74732.             "Title": "Suomen Eduskunta",
  74733.             "Category": "GEO",
  74734.             "Description": "Official Web site of Finland's parliament.",
  74735.             "Year": 0
  74736.         },
  74737.         {
  74738.             "RIT": "ws205259",
  74739.             "Type": "WS",
  74740.             "URL": "http://www.assembly.gov.mk/sobranie/Eng/beginning.htm",
  74741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74742.             "Title": "Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia",
  74743.             "Category": "GEO",
  74744.             "Description": "A government Web site providing information about Macedonia and its parliament.",
  74745.             "Year": 0
  74746.         },
  74747.         {
  74748.             "RIT": "ws205260",
  74749.             "Type": "WS",
  74750.             "URL": "http://www.elysee.fr/ang/index.shtm",
  74751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74752.             "Title": "Official Website of the Office of the French President: The Elysee Palace",
  74753.             "Category": "GEO",
  74754.             "Description": "Information about the president and past presidents of France.",
  74755.             "Year": 0
  74756.         },
  74757.         {
  74758.             "RIT": "ws205261",
  74759.             "Type": "WS",
  74760.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/getoc.html",
  74761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74762.             "Title": "GEORGIA - A Country Study",
  74763.             "Category": "GEO",
  74764.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Library of Congress.",
  74765.             "Year": 0
  74766.         },
  74767.         {
  74768.             "RIT": "ws205262",
  74769.             "Type": "WS",
  74770.             "URL": "http://www.logting.fo/",
  74771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74772.             "Title": "Foroya Logting",
  74773.             "Category": "GEO",
  74774.             "Description": "The Web site of the Faroe Islands Logting (Parliament) contains English-language information in a downloadabe PDF file.",
  74775.             "Year": 0
  74776.         },
  74777.         {
  74778.             "RIT": "ws205263",
  74779.             "Type": "WS",
  74780.             "URL": "http://vnk.fi/liston/vnk.lsp?k=en",
  74781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74782.             "Title": "Prime Minister's Office",
  74783.             "Category": "GEO",
  74784.             "Description": "Government home page of Finland's prime minister.",
  74785.             "Year": 0
  74786.         },
  74787.         {
  74788.             "RIT": "ws205274",
  74789.             "Type": "WS",
  74790.             "URL": "http://www.std.lt/engl/",
  74791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74792.             "Title": "Department of Statistics to the Government ot the Republic of Lithuania",
  74793.             "Category": "GEO",
  74794.             "Description": "An official Lithuanian government Web site featuring statistical information about the country's people.",
  74795.             "Year": 0
  74796.         },
  74797.         {
  74798.             "RIT": "ws205275",
  74799.             "Type": "WS",
  74800.             "URL": "http://www.skopje.gov.mk/",
  74801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74802.             "Title": "Skopje: A Millennium Long Tradition Amalgamated with Contemporary Times",
  74803.             "Category": "GEO",
  74804.             "Description": "Official government site of Skopje, Macedonia.",
  74805.             "Year": 0
  74806.         },
  74807.         {
  74808.             "RIT": "ws205276",
  74809.             "Type": "WS",
  74810.             "URL": "http://www.saeima.lv/Saeima99Eng.htm",
  74811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74812.             "Title": "Latvijas Republikas Saeima",
  74813.             "Category": "GEO",
  74814.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Saeima, Latvia's Parliament.",
  74815.             "Year": 0
  74816.         },
  74817.         {
  74818.             "RIT": "ws205277",
  74819.             "Type": "WS",
  74820.             "URL": "http://www.lib.utexas.edu/Libs/PCL/Map_collection/europe/Faroe_Islands_sm97.gif",
  74821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74822.             "Title": "Map of the Faroe Islands",
  74823.             "Category": "GEO",
  74824.             "Description": "A small map from the University of Texas at Austin Library.",
  74825.             "Year": 0
  74826.         },
  74827.         {
  74828.             "RIT": "ws205278",
  74829.             "Type": "WS",
  74830.             "URL": "http://www.parliament.gr/en/",
  74831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74832.             "Title": "Hellenic Parliament",
  74833.             "Category": "GEO",
  74834.             "Description": "Official Greek government site.",
  74835.             "Year": 0
  74836.         },
  74837.         {
  74838.             "RIT": "ws205279",
  74839.             "Type": "WS",
  74840.             "URL": "http://www.kancellaria.gov.hu/index_e.html",
  74841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74842.             "Title": "The Hungarian Prime Minister's Office",
  74843.             "Category": "GEO",
  74844.             "Description": "Offical Hungary government site.",
  74845.             "Year": 0
  74846.         },
  74847.         {
  74848.             "RIT": "ws205280",
  74849.             "Type": "WS",
  74850.             "URL": "http://www.althingi.is/~wwwadm/upplens.shtml",
  74851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74852.             "Title": "Althingi's homepage",
  74853.             "Category": "GEO",
  74854.             "Description": "Information about the Althingi, Iceland's parliament.",
  74855.             "Year": 0
  74856.         },
  74857.         {
  74858.             "RIT": "ws205281",
  74859.             "Type": "WS",
  74860.             "URL": "http://www.lrs.lt/inter/plsql/www_viewer.home?p_kalb_id=2",
  74861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74862.             "Title": "Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania",
  74863.             "Category": "GEO",
  74864.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Seimas (Parliament).",
  74865.             "Year": 0
  74866.         },
  74867.         {
  74868.             "RIT": "ws205282",
  74869.             "Type": "WS",
  74870.             "URL": "http://www.haestirettur.is/baeklingur/enska/index.html",
  74871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74872.             "Title": "The Supreme Court of Iceland",
  74873.             "Category": "GEO",
  74874.             "Description": "General information from the court's official Web site.",
  74875.             "Year": 0
  74876.         },
  74877.         {
  74878.             "RIT": "ws205283",
  74879.             "Type": "WS",
  74880.             "URL": "http://www.bundestag.de/btengver/e-index.htm",
  74881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74882.             "Title": "German Bundestag",
  74883.             "Category": "GEO",
  74884.             "Description": "Official Web site of Germany's parliament.",
  74885.             "Year": 0
  74886.         },
  74887.         {
  74888.             "RIT": "ws205284",
  74889.             "Type": "WS",
  74890.             "URL": "http://www.mfa.gov.ge/",
  74891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74892.             "Title": "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia",
  74893.             "Category": "GEO",
  74894.             "Description": "Official government site featuring news, foriegn policy statements, and consular info.",
  74895.             "Year": 0
  74896.         },
  74897.         {
  74898.             "RIT": "ws205295",
  74899.             "Type": "WS",
  74900.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/si.html",
  74901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74902.             "Title": "Slovenia",
  74903.             "Category": "GEO",
  74904.             "Description": "Information about the country from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.",
  74905.             "Year": 0
  74906.         },
  74907.         {
  74908.             "RIT": "ws205296",
  74909.             "Type": "WS",
  74910.             "URL": "http://www.sb.gov.se/inenglish/index.htm",
  74911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74912.             "Title": "Swedish Government Offices",
  74913.             "Category": "GEO",
  74914.             "Description": "Official Swedish government site, including news and general information about Sweden's ministries.",
  74915.             "Year": 0
  74916.         },
  74917.         {
  74918.             "RIT": "ws205297",
  74919.             "Type": "WS",
  74920.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ro.html",
  74921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74922.             "Title": "Romania",
  74923.             "Category": "GEO",
  74924.             "Description": "Information about the country from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  74925.             "Year": 0
  74926.         },
  74927.         {
  74928.             "RIT": "ws205298",
  74929.             "Type": "WS",
  74930.             "URL": "http://www.government.gov.sk/english/",
  74931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74932.             "Title": "The Slovak Republic Government Office",
  74933.             "Category": "GEO",
  74934.             "Description": "Official Web site of Slovakia's government.",
  74935.             "Year": 0
  74936.         },
  74937.         {
  74938.             "RIT": "ws205299",
  74939.             "Type": "WS",
  74940.             "URL": "http://www.turkey.org/intro.html",
  74941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74942.             "Title": "Embassy of the Republic of Turkey",
  74943.             "Category": "GEO",
  74944.             "Description": "Turkey's emabassy in Washington, D.C., provides general information about the country.",
  74945.             "Year": 0
  74946.         },
  74947.         {
  74948.             "RIT": "ws205300",
  74949.             "Type": "WS",
  74950.             "URL": "http://www.azi.md/en.html",
  74951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74952.             "Title": "Daily news from Moldova",
  74953.             "Category": "GEO",
  74954.             "Description": "Moldova News presents English-language news stories.",
  74955.             "Year": 0
  74956.         },
  74957.         {
  74958.             "RIT": "ws205301",
  74959.             "Type": "WS",
  74960.             "URL": "http://www.kmu.gov.ua/index_engl.html",
  74961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74962.             "Title": "Cabinet Ministry of Ukraine",
  74963.             "Category": "GEO",
  74964.             "Description": "Web site of the Ukraine's executive power.",
  74965.             "Year": 0
  74966.         },
  74967.         {
  74968.             "RIT": "ws205302",
  74969.             "Type": "WS",
  74970.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/europe/sweden/index.html",
  74971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74972.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: Sweden",
  74973.             "Category": "GEO",
  74974.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents Swedish news reports and informative Web links.",
  74975.             "Year": 0
  74976.         },
  74977.         {
  74978.             "RIT": "ws205303",
  74979.             "Type": "WS",
  74980.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/forum/chernobyl_4-26.html",
  74981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74982.             "Title": "Chernobyl and the World's Responsibility",
  74983.             "Category": "GEO",
  74984.             "Description": "PBS presents a transcript from a NewsHour program that aired on the tenth anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster.",
  74985.             "Year": 0
  74986.         },
  74987.         {
  74988.             "RIT": "ws205304",
  74989.             "Type": "WS",
  74990.             "URL": "http://www.interlic.md/en/",
  74991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  74992.             "Title": "Interlic - News Agency, Moldova",
  74993.             "Category": "GEO",
  74994.             "Description": "News reports in English.",
  74995.             "Year": 0
  74996.         },
  74997.         {
  74998.             "RIT": "ws205316",
  74999.             "Type": "WS",
  75000.             "URL": "http://www.flaquarium.net/",
  75001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75002.             "Title": "Florida Aquarium",
  75003.             "Category": "GEO",
  75004.             "Description": "Information about the Florida Aquarium in Tampa, with an on-line photo gallery.",
  75005.             "Year": 0
  75006.         },
  75007.         {
  75008.             "RIT": "ws205318",
  75009.             "Type": "WS",
  75010.             "URL": "http://www.sigov.si/dz/index_an.html",
  75011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75012.             "Title": "The National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia",
  75013.             "Category": "GEO",
  75014.             "Description": "Official government Web site, including information about the National Assembly building and the legislators.",
  75015.             "Year": 0
  75016.         },
  75017.         {
  75018.             "RIT": "ws205319",
  75019.             "Type": "WS",
  75020.             "URL": "http://www.firstlink.li/eng/fuerst/",
  75021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75022.             "Title": "Princely House of Liechtenstein",
  75023.             "Category": "GEO",
  75024.             "Description": "Information about Liechtenstein's princely family.",
  75025.             "Year": 0
  75026.         },
  75027.         {
  75028.             "RIT": "ws205320",
  75029.             "Type": "WS",
  75030.             "URL": "http://www.swedish-embassy.org/",
  75031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75032.             "Title": "Embassy of Sweden, Washington, D.C.",
  75033.             "Category": "GEO",
  75034.             "Description": "The embassy's home page includes general information about Sweden.",
  75035.             "Year": 0
  75036.         },
  75037.         {
  75038.             "RIT": "ws205321",
  75039.             "Type": "WS",
  75040.             "URL": "http://www2.mil.se/?lang=eng",
  75041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75042.             "Title": "Swedish Armed Forces",
  75043.             "Category": "GEO",
  75044.             "Description": "Offical Web site of Sweden's military.",
  75045.             "Year": 0
  75046.         },
  75047.         {
  75048.             "RIT": "ws205322",
  75049.             "Type": "WS",
  75050.             "URL": "http://www.slovakspectator.sk/slovakspectator/default.asp",
  75051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75052.             "Title": "The Slovak Spectator",
  75053.             "Category": "GEO",
  75054.             "Description": "Web site of an English-language news weekly.",
  75055.             "Year": 0
  75056.         },
  75057.         {
  75058.             "RIT": "ws205323",
  75059.             "Type": "WS",
  75060.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/europe/austria/index.html",
  75061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75062.             "Title": "The Washington Post: Austria",
  75063.             "Category": "GEO",
  75064.             "Description": "Recent news reports from Austria.",
  75065.             "Year": 0
  75066.         },
  75067.         {
  75068.             "RIT": "ws205324",
  75069.             "Type": "WS",
  75070.             "URL": "http://www.parlament.md/en/",
  75071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75072.             "Title": "The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova",
  75073.             "Category": "GEO",
  75074.             "Description": "Official government Web site of Moldova's legislative body.",
  75075.             "Year": 0
  75076.         },
  75077.         {
  75078.             "RIT": "ws205325",
  75079.             "Type": "WS",
  75080.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/europe/romania/index.html",
  75081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75082.             "Title": "The Washington Post: Romania",
  75083.             "Category": "GEO",
  75084.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents recent news reports from Romania and informative Web sites.",
  75085.             "Year": 0
  75086.         },
  75087.         {
  75088.             "RIT": "ws205326",
  75089.             "Type": "WS",
  75090.             "URL": "http://www.rferl.org/",
  75091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75092.             "Title": "Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty South Slavic Service",
  75093.             "Category": "GEO",
  75094.             "Description": "The pro-Democracy news agency provides news and general information about the south Slavic countries.",
  75095.             "Year": 0
  75096.         },
  75097.         {
  75098.             "RIT": "ws205337",
  75099.             "Type": "WS",
  75100.             "URL": "http://www.kultur.gov.tr/portal/default_en.asp",
  75101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75102.             "Title": "Ministry of Culture",
  75103.             "Category": "GEO",
  75104.             "Description": "Turkey's Ministry of Culture provides information about Turkish arts.",
  75105.             "Year": 0
  75106.         },
  75107.         {
  75108.             "RIT": "ws205338",
  75109.             "Type": "WS",
  75110.             "URL": "http://www.uvi.si/eng/service/publications/government/index.html",
  75111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75112.             "Title": "The Government of the Republic of Slovenia",
  75113.             "Category": "GEO",
  75114.             "Description": "Official government Web site featuring information about Slovenia's ministries and offices.",
  75115.             "Year": 0
  75116.         },
  75117.         {
  75118.             "RIT": "ws205339",
  75119.             "Type": "WS",
  75120.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/europe/portugal/index.html",
  75121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75122.             "Title": "The Washington Post: Portugal",
  75123.             "Category": "GEO",
  75124.             "Description": "A collection of recent news stories about Portugal and informative Web links.",
  75125.             "Year": 0
  75126.         },
  75127.         {
  75128.             "RIT": "ws205340",
  75129.             "Type": "WS",
  75130.             "URL": "http://www.radio21.net/english/headlines.htm",
  75131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75132.             "Title": "Today's News",
  75133.             "Category": "GEO",
  75134.             "Description": "News reports from Radio 21, a Kosova Internet radio station.",
  75135.             "Year": 0
  75136.         },
  75137.         {
  75138.             "RIT": "ws205341",
  75139.             "Type": "WS",
  75140.             "URL": "http://www.nationalmuseum.se/",
  75141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75142.             "Title": "Naitonal Museum of Sweden",
  75143.             "Category": "GEO",
  75144.             "Description": "The museum's home page features general information and online exhibitions.",
  75145.             "Year": 0
  75146.         },
  75147.         {
  75148.             "RIT": "ws205342",
  75149.             "Type": "WS",
  75150.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com//issues/97jun/transyl.htm",
  75151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75152.             "Title": "Transylvania Today",
  75153.             "Category": "GEO",
  75154.             "Description": "A travel article from the Atlantic Monthly.",
  75155.             "Year": 0
  75156.         },
  75157.         {
  75158.             "RIT": "ws205343",
  75159.             "Type": "WS",
  75160.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/europe/andorra/index.html",
  75161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75162.             "Title": "The Washington Post: Andorra",
  75163.             "Category": "GEO",
  75164.             "Description": "Recent news reports about the country.",
  75165.             "Year": 0
  75166.         },
  75167.         {
  75168.             "RIT": "ws205344",
  75169.             "Type": "WS",
  75170.             "URL": "http://www.austria.org/",
  75171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75172.             "Title": "Austrian Press and Information Service - Washington, DC",
  75173.             "Category": "GEO",
  75174.             "Description": "An overview of Austria, tourism information, and current news.",
  75175.             "Year": 0
  75176.         },
  75177.         {
  75178.             "RIT": "ws205345",
  75179.             "Type": "WS",
  75180.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/up.html",
  75181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75182.             "Title": "Ukraine",
  75183.             "Category": "GEO",
  75184.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  75185.             "Year": 0
  75186.         },
  75187.         {
  75188.             "RIT": "ws205346",
  75189.             "Type": "WS",
  75190.             "URL": "http://www.the-news.net/",
  75191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75192.             "Title": "The News Weekly",
  75193.             "Category": "GEO",
  75194.             "Description": "Web site of an English-language newspaper in Portugal.",
  75195.             "Year": 0
  75196.         },
  75197.         {
  75198.             "RIT": "ws205244",
  75199.             "Type": "WS",
  75200.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/botswana_bgn_9710.html",
  75201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75202.             "Title": "Background Notes: Botswana",
  75203.             "Category": "GEO",
  75204.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  75205.             "Year": 0
  75206.         },
  75207.         {
  75208.             "RIT": "ws205245",
  75209.             "Type": "WS",
  75210.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/eur/malta9504.html",
  75211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75212.             "Title": "Background Notes: Malta",
  75213.             "Category": "GEO",
  75214.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  75215.             "Year": 0
  75216.         },
  75217.         {
  75218.             "RIT": "ws205246",
  75219.             "Type": "WS",
  75220.             "URL": "http://www.medieval-life.co.uk/",
  75221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75222.             "Title": "Medieval Life",
  75223.             "Category": "HIS",
  75224.             "Description": "A magazine of information, ideas, and images about medieval life in Europe.",
  75225.             "Year": 0
  75226.         },
  75227.         {
  75228.             "RIT": "ws205247",
  75229.             "Type": "WS",
  75230.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/bosnia_9908_bgn.html",
  75231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75232.             "Title": "Background Notes: Bosnia",
  75233.             "Category": "GEO",
  75234.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  75235.             "Year": 0
  75236.         },
  75237.         {
  75238.             "RIT": "ws205248",
  75239.             "Type": "WS",
  75240.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/af/sierraleone9406.html",
  75241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75242.             "Title": "BACKGROUND NOTES: SIERRA LEONE",
  75243.             "Category": "GEO",
  75244.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  75245.             "Year": 0
  75246.         },
  75247.         {
  75248.             "RIT": "ws205249",
  75249.             "Type": "WS",
  75250.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/osce_9911_bgn.html",
  75251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75252.             "Title": "Background Notes: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe",
  75253.             "Category": "SOC",
  75254.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  75255.             "Year": 0
  75256.         },
  75257.         {
  75258.             "RIT": "ws205250",
  75259.             "Type": "WS",
  75260.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=20045",
  75261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75262.             "Title": "Tharp, Twyla",
  75263.             "Category": "HUM",
  75264.             "Description": "An online biography presented by Biography.com.",
  75265.             "Year": 0
  75266.         },
  75267.         {
  75268.             "RIT": "ws205251",
  75269.             "Type": "WS",
  75270.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/sweden_9808_bgn.html",
  75271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75272.             "Title": "Background Notes: Sweden",
  75273.             "Category": "GEO",
  75274.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  75275.             "Year": 0
  75276.         },
  75277.         {
  75278.             "RIT": "ws205252",
  75279.             "Type": "WS",
  75280.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/africa.html",
  75281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75282.             "Title": "Africa",
  75283.             "Category": "GEO",
  75284.             "Description": "PBS presents NewsHour transcripts from shows that addressed African issues.",
  75285.             "Year": 0
  75286.         },
  75287.         {
  75288.             "RIT": "ws205253",
  75289.             "Type": "WS",
  75290.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/croatia_0001_bgn.html",
  75291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75292.             "Title": "Background Notes: Croatia",
  75293.             "Category": "GEO",
  75294.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  75295.             "Year": 0
  75296.         },
  75297.         {
  75298.             "RIT": "ws205264",
  75299.             "Type": "WS",
  75300.             "URL": "http://www.mfa.gov.hu/kulugy/nyito/index.html?pLANG=E",
  75301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75302.             "Title": "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary",
  75303.             "Category": "GEO",
  75304.             "Description": "Includes general information about Hungary, issue statements, and consular information.",
  75305.             "Year": 0
  75306.         },
  75307.         {
  75308.             "RIT": "ws205265",
  75309.             "Type": "WS",
  75310.             "URL": "http://www.gov.mk/English/index.htm",
  75311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75312.             "Title": "Government of the Republic of Macedonia",
  75313.             "Category": "GEO",
  75314.             "Description": "Official Web site, featuring information about government bodies, cabinet members, and national symbols.",
  75315.             "Year": 0
  75316.         },
  75317.         {
  75318.             "RIT": "ws205266",
  75319.             "Type": "WS",
  75320.             "URL": "http://www.embitaly.org.uk/",
  75321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75322.             "Title": "The Embassy of Italy in London",
  75323.             "Category": "GEO",
  75324.             "Description": "Site includes general information about Italy.",
  75325.             "Year": 0
  75326.         },
  75327.         {
  75328.             "RIT": "ws205267",
  75329.             "Type": "WS",
  75330.             "URL": "http://brunnur.stjr.is/interpro/stjr/stjr.nsf/pages/english-index",
  75331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75332.             "Title": "The Government of Iceland",
  75333.             "Category": "GEO",
  75334.             "Description": "Iceland's official government Web site, featuring links to various ministries.",
  75335.             "Year": 0
  75336.         },
  75337.         {
  75338.             "RIT": "ws205268",
  75339.             "Type": "WS",
  75340.             "URL": "http://www.sinf.gov.mk/DefaultEn.htm",
  75341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75342.             "Title": "Agency of Information Official Site",
  75343.             "Category": "GEO",
  75344.             "Description": "This site contains statements made by Macedonia's government officials.",
  75345.             "Year": 0
  75346.         },
  75347.         {
  75348.             "RIT": "ws205269",
  75349.             "Type": "WS",
  75350.             "URL": "http://www.cso.ie/",
  75351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75352.             "Title": "Central Statistics Office, Ireland",
  75353.             "Category": "GEO",
  75354.             "Description": "Statistical information from the Irish government.",
  75355.             "Year": 0
  75356.         },
  75357.         {
  75358.             "RIT": "ws205270",
  75359.             "Type": "WS",
  75360.             "URL": "http://www.am.gov.lv/e/",
  75361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75362.             "Title": "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia",
  75363.             "Category": "GEO",
  75364.             "Description": "Official Latvian government site highlighting the country's foreign policy.",
  75365.             "Year": 0
  75366.         },
  75367.         {
  75368.             "RIT": "ws205271",
  75369.             "Type": "WS",
  75370.             "URL": "http://www.president.lv/eng_def.html",
  75371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75372.             "Title": "Chancery of the President of Latvia",
  75373.             "Category": "GEO",
  75374.             "Description": "Official Latvian government Web site featuring a biography of the president and official statements.",
  75375.             "Year": 0
  75376.         },
  75377.         {
  75378.             "RIT": "ws205272",
  75379.             "Type": "WS",
  75380.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/fo.html",
  75381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75382.             "Title": "Faroe Islands (part of the Kingdom of Denmark)",
  75383.             "Category": "GEO",
  75384.             "Description": "Information from the CIA World Factbook.",
  75385.             "Year": 0
  75386.         },
  75387.         {
  75388.             "RIT": "ws205273",
  75389.             "Type": "WS",
  75390.             "URL": "http://www.tpk.fi/netcomm/language.asp?Lan=ENG",
  75391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75392.             "Title": "The President of the Republic of Finland",
  75393.             "Category": "GEO",
  75394.             "Description": "Official Finnish government Web site.",
  75395.             "Year": 0
  75396.         },
  75397.         {
  75398.             "RIT": "ws205285",
  75399.             "Type": "WS",
  75400.             "URL": "http://www.lrvk.lt/anglu/home_anglo.htm",
  75401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75402.             "Title": "Government of the Republic of Lithuania",
  75403.             "Category": "GEO",
  75404.             "Description": "Offical Web site including information about Lithuania's leaders and an overview of the government.",
  75405.             "Year": 0
  75406.         },
  75407.         {
  75408.             "RIT": "ws205286",
  75409.             "Type": "WS",
  75410.             "URL": "http://www.latinst.lv/li_eng_facts.htm",
  75411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75412.             "Title": "Fact Sheets on Latvia",
  75413.             "Category": "GEO",
  75414.             "Description": "From the Latvian Institute, a non-profit organization created by the Latvian Cabinet of Ministers to inform the international community about all aspects of Latvian life.",
  75415.             "Year": 0
  75416.         },
  75417.         {
  75418.             "RIT": "ws205287",
  75419.             "Type": "WS",
  75420.             "URL": "http://www.radur.demon.co.uk/RCC.html",
  75421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75422.             "Title": "Romanian Culture Centre in London, UK",
  75423.             "Category": "GEO",
  75424.             "Description": "The organization's Web site includes discussion of Romanian traditions.",
  75425.             "Year": 0
  75426.         },
  75427.         {
  75428.             "RIT": "ws205288",
  75429.             "Type": "WS",
  75430.             "URL": "http://www.moldova.org/",
  75431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75432.             "Title": "Moldova on the Net",
  75433.             "Category": "GEO",
  75434.             "Description": "An Internet portal operated by Moldova's embassy in Washington, D.C., featuring country information and news.",
  75435.             "Year": 0
  75436.         },
  75437.         {
  75438.             "RIT": "ws205289",
  75439.             "Type": "WS",
  75440.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/rotoc.html",
  75441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75442.             "Title": "ROMANIA - A Country Study",
  75443.             "Category": "GEO",
  75444.             "Description": "Information about Romania from the U.S. Library of Congress, Federal Research Division.",
  75445.             "Year": 0
  75446.         },
  75447.         {
  75448.             "RIT": "ws205290",
  75449.             "Type": "WS",
  75450.             "URL": "http://amctv.com/behind/stars/kelly.html",
  75451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75452.             "Title": "Grace Kelly",
  75453.             "Category": "HUM",
  75454.             "Description": "A biography of the actress from American Movie Classics.",
  75455.             "Year": 0
  75456.         },
  75457.         {
  75458.             "RIT": "ws205291",
  75459.             "Type": "WS",
  75460.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/mn.html",
  75461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75462.             "Title": "Monaco",
  75463.             "Category": "GEO",
  75464.             "Description": "Country-specific information from the CIA World Factbook.",
  75465.             "Year": 0
  75466.         },
  75467.         {
  75468.             "RIT": "ws205292",
  75469.             "Type": "WS",
  75470.             "URL": "http://www.roculture.org/touristic_romania.htm",
  75471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75472.             "Title": "Touristic Romania",
  75473.             "Category": "GEO",
  75474.             "Description": "Facts about Romania from the Romanian Culture Center in New York City.",
  75475.             "Year": 0
  75476.         },
  75477.         {
  75478.             "RIT": "ws205293",
  75479.             "Type": "WS",
  75480.             "URL": "http://www.royalcourt.se/net/Royal+Court",
  75481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75482.             "Title": "The Royal Court of Sweden",
  75483.             "Category": "GEO",
  75484.             "Description": "Official Web site of Sweden's monarchy.",
  75485.             "Year": 0
  75486.         },
  75487.         {
  75488.             "RIT": "ws205294",
  75489.             "Type": "WS",
  75490.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/europe/albania/index.html",
  75491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75492.             "Title": "The Washington Post: Albania",
  75493.             "Category": "GEO",
  75494.             "Description": "Recent news reports from Albania.",
  75495.             "Year": 0
  75496.         },
  75497.         {
  75498.             "RIT": "ws205305",
  75499.             "Type": "WS",
  75500.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/reaction/interviews/nader.html",
  75501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75502.             "Title": "Nuclear Reaction: Ralph Nader",
  75503.             "Category": "SOC",
  75504.             "Description": "An interview with Nader about nuclear energy concerns.",
  75505.             "Year": 0
  75506.         },
  75507.         {
  75508.             "RIT": "ws205306",
  75509.             "Type": "WS",
  75510.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/sz.html",
  75511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75512.             "Title": "Switzerland",
  75513.             "Category": "GEO",
  75514.             "Description": "Information about Switzerland from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  75515.             "Year": 0
  75516.         },
  75517.         {
  75518.             "RIT": "ws205307",
  75519.             "Type": "WS",
  75520.             "URL": "http://www.magnet.mt/",
  75521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75522.             "Title": "Government of Malta",
  75523.             "Category": "GEO",
  75524.             "Description": "This official Web site features general information about Malta and its government ministries and departments.",
  75525.             "Year": 0
  75526.         },
  75527.         {
  75528.             "RIT": "ws205308",
  75529.             "Type": "WS",
  75530.             "URL": "http://www.turizm.gov.tr/turizm.tb?lng=eng",
  75531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75532.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism",
  75533.             "Category": "GEO",
  75534.             "Description": "Turkey's government provides information for visitors.",
  75535.             "Year": 0
  75536.         },
  75537.         {
  75538.             "RIT": "ws205309",
  75539.             "Type": "WS",
  75540.             "URL": "http://www.mfa.gov.ua/eng/index.html",
  75541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75542.             "Title": "Ministrary of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine",
  75543.             "Category": "GEO",
  75544.             "Description": "Information about Ukrainian diplomacy.",
  75545.             "Year": 0
  75546.         },
  75547.         {
  75548.             "RIT": "ws205310",
  75549.             "Type": "WS",
  75550.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/sm.html",
  75551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75552.             "Title": "San Marino",
  75553.             "Category": "GEO",
  75554.             "Description": "Information about the country from the Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  75555.             "Year": 0
  75556.         },
  75557.         {
  75558.             "RIT": "ws205311",
  75559.             "Type": "WS",
  75560.             "URL": "http://www.rada.kiev.ua/",
  75561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75562.             "Title": "Verkhovna Rada",
  75563.             "Category": "GEO",
  75564.             "Description": "Home page of the Ukrainian parliament.",
  75565.             "Year": 0
  75566.         },
  75567.         {
  75568.             "RIT": "ws205312",
  75569.             "Type": "WS",
  75570.             "URL": "http://www.albaniannews.com/",
  75571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75572.             "Title": "Albanian Daily News",
  75573.             "Category": "GEO",
  75574.             "Description": "Reports in English from an Albanian news agency.",
  75575.             "Year": 0
  75576.         },
  75577.         {
  75578.             "RIT": "ws205313",
  75579.             "Type": "WS",
  75580.             "URL": "http://www.warsawvoice.pl/",
  75581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75582.             "Title": "The Warsaw Voice",
  75583.             "Category": "GEO",
  75584.             "Description": "Home page of a Polish weekly news magazine.",
  75585.             "Year": 0
  75586.         },
  75587.         {
  75588.             "RIT": "ws205314",
  75589.             "Type": "WS",
  75590.             "URL": "http://www.mysticaquarium.org/_private/main.cfm?ID=113",
  75591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75592.             "Title": "Dr. Robert Ballard",
  75593.             "Category": "GEO",
  75594.             "Description": "Biographical information from the Mystic Aquarium in Mystic, Connecticut.",
  75595.             "Year": 0
  75596.         },
  75597.         {
  75598.             "RIT": "ws205315",
  75599.             "Type": "WS",
  75600.             "URL": "http://www.monaco.gouv.mc/",
  75601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75602.             "Title": "Official Web Site of the Government of Monaco",
  75603.             "Category": "GEO",
  75604.             "Description": "Information about the country presented in English and in French.",
  75605.             "Year": 0
  75606.         },
  75607.         {
  75608.             "RIT": "ws205327",
  75609.             "Type": "WS",
  75610.             "URL": "http://www.unicef.org/turkey/",
  75611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75612.             "Title": "UNICEF Turkey",
  75613.             "Category": "GEO",
  75614.             "Description": "Information about UNICEF's work for protecting and promoting the rights of women and children in Turkey.",
  75615.             "Year": 0
  75616.         },
  75617.         {
  75618.             "RIT": "ws205328",
  75619.             "Type": "WS",
  75620.             "URL": "http://www.gov.ro/engleza/index.html",
  75621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75622.             "Title": "Government of Romania",
  75623.             "Category": "GEO",
  75624.             "Description": "Official Web site, featuring information about Romania's president, parliament, and constitutional court.",
  75625.             "Year": 0
  75626.         },
  75627.         {
  75628.             "RIT": "ws205329",
  75629.             "Type": "WS",
  75630.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/global/human_rights/1999_hrp_report/ukraine.html",
  75631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75632.             "Title": "1999 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Ukraine",
  75633.             "Category": "GEO",
  75634.             "Description": "Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor in the U.S. Department of State.",
  75635.             "Year": 0
  75636.         },
  75637.         {
  75638.             "RIT": "ws205330",
  75639.             "Type": "WS",
  75640.             "URL": "http://www.slovensko.com/intro.htm",
  75641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75642.             "Title": "Slovakia Daily Surveyor",
  75643.             "Category": "GEO",
  75644.             "Description": "News reports and general information about the European country.",
  75645.             "Year": 0
  75646.         },
  75647.         {
  75648.             "RIT": "ws205331",
  75649.             "Type": "WS",
  75650.             "URL": "http://www.gosweden.org/",
  75651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75652.             "Title": "Sweden",
  75653.             "Category": "GEO",
  75654.             "Description": "Information for visitors from the Danish & Swedish Tourist Boards.",
  75655.             "Year": 0
  75656.         },
  75657.         {
  75658.             "RIT": "ws205332",
  75659.             "Type": "WS",
  75660.             "URL": "http://www.kprm.gov.pl/eng/newsdown.htm",
  75661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75662.             "Title": "About Poland",
  75663.             "Category": "GEO",
  75664.             "Description": "Information from Poland's official Web site.",
  75665.             "Year": 0
  75666.         },
  75667.         {
  75668.             "RIT": "ws205333",
  75669.             "Type": "WS",
  75670.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ls.html",
  75671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75672.             "Title": "Liechtenstein",
  75673.             "Category": "GEO",
  75674.             "Description": "Information about the country from the Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  75675.             "Year": 0
  75676.         },
  75677.         {
  75678.             "RIT": "ws205334",
  75679.             "Type": "WS",
  75680.             "URL": "http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/eng/index.htm",
  75681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75682.             "Title": "The Grand National Assembly of Turkey",
  75683.             "Category": "GEO",
  75684.             "Description": "Historical overview of Turkey's parliament.",
  75685.             "Year": 0
  75686.         },
  75687.         {
  75688.             "RIT": "ws205335",
  75689.             "Type": "WS",
  75690.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/global/human_rights/1999_hrp_report/slovakre.html",
  75691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75692.             "Title": "1999 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Slovak Republic",
  75693.             "Category": "GEO",
  75694.             "Description": "Information from the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor in the U.S. Department of State.",
  75695.             "Year": 0
  75696.         },
  75697.         {
  75698.             "RIT": "ws205336",
  75699.             "Type": "WS",
  75700.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/europe/slovakia/index.html",
  75701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75702.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: Slovakia",
  75703.             "Category": "GEO",
  75704.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents Slovakian news and Web links.",
  75705.             "Year": 0
  75706.         },
  75707.         {
  75708.             "RIT": "ws205347",
  75709.             "Type": "WS",
  75710.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/europe/slovenia/index.html",
  75711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75712.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: Slovenia",
  75713.             "Category": "GEO",
  75714.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents news and Web links about Slovenia.",
  75715.             "Year": 0
  75716.         },
  75717.         {
  75718.             "RIT": "ws205348",
  75719.             "Type": "WS",
  75720.             "URL": "http://www.onca.ad/angles/english.htm",
  75721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75722.             "Title": "National National Chamber Orchestra of Andorra (ONCA)",
  75723.             "Category": "GEO",
  75724.             "Description": "Home page of the orchestra, featuring information about its history and repertoire.",
  75725.             "Year": 0
  75726.         },
  75727.         {
  75728.             "RIT": "ws205349",
  75729.             "Type": "WS",
  75730.             "URL": "http://www.Swedish-embassy.org.uk/embassy/",
  75731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75732.             "Title": "Embassy of Sweden in London",
  75733.             "Category": "GEO",
  75734.             "Description": "Site includes Swedish facts and Web links.",
  75735.             "Year": 0
  75736.         },
  75737.         {
  75738.             "RIT": "ws205350",
  75739.             "Type": "WS",
  75740.             "URL": "http://www.monaco-congres.com/357/Congres.nsf/htmlmedia/monaco-congress.html",
  75741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75742.             "Title": "Direction du Tourisme - Congres de la Principaute de Monaco",
  75743.             "Category": "GEO",
  75744.             "Description": "The government of Monaco presents an information site about the country and its convention facilities.",
  75745.             "Year": 0
  75746.         },
  75747.         {
  75748.             "RIT": "ws205351",
  75749.             "Type": "WS",
  75750.             "URL": "http://www.prezident.sk/",
  75751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75752.             "Title": "The President of the Slovak Republic",
  75753.             "Category": "GEO",
  75754.             "Description": "The president's official governent home page.",
  75755.             "Year": 0
  75756.         },
  75757.         {
  75758.             "RIT": "ws205352",
  75759.             "Type": "WS",
  75760.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/europe/liechtenstein/index.html",
  75761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75762.             "Title": "The Washington Post: Liechtenstein",
  75763.             "Category": "GEO",
  75764.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents recent news reports from Liechtenstein and informative Web sites.",
  75765.             "Year": 0
  75766.         },
  75767.         {
  75768.             "RIT": "ws205353",
  75769.             "Type": "WS",
  75770.             "URL": "http://www.us-embassy.ch/",
  75771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75772.             "Title": "American Embassy, Bern",
  75773.             "Category": "GEO",
  75774.             "Description": "Home page of the U.S. Embassy in Bern, Switzerland.",
  75775.             "Year": 0
  75776.         },
  75777.         {
  75778.             "RIT": "ws205354",
  75779.             "Type": "WS",
  75780.             "URL": "http://www.stat.gov.pl/english/index.htm",
  75781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75782.             "Title": "Polish Official Statistics",
  75783.             "Category": "GEO",
  75784.             "Description": "Information about the people of Poland from the country's Statistical Survey Programme of Official Statistics.",
  75785.             "Year": 0
  75786.         },
  75787.         {
  75788.             "RIT": "ws205355",
  75789.             "Type": "WS",
  75790.             "URL": "http://www.foreign.gov.sk/En/index.html",
  75791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75792.             "Title": "Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic",
  75793.             "Category": "GEO",
  75794.             "Description": "Slovakia's government provides foreign policy information.",
  75795.             "Year": 0
  75796.         },
  75797.         {
  75798.             "RIT": "ws205365",
  75799.             "Type": "WS",
  75800.             "URL": "http://gopher.sos.state.mi.us/history/mag/portfoli/titanic.html",
  75801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75802.             "Title": "They Never Forgot: Michigan Survivors of the Titanic",
  75803.             "Category": "IND",
  75804.             "Description": "An excerpt from Michigan History Magazine.",
  75805.             "Year": 0
  75806.         },
  75807.         {
  75808.             "RIT": "ws205366",
  75809.             "Type": "WS",
  75810.             "URL": "http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/golfonline/index.html",
  75811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75812.             "Title": "Golf Online",
  75813.             "Category": "REC",
  75814.             "Description": "CNN and Sports Illustrated provide golf news coverage.",
  75815.             "Year": 0
  75816.         },
  75817.         {
  75818.             "RIT": "ws205367",
  75819.             "Type": "WS",
  75820.             "URL": "http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/rugby/index.html",
  75821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75822.             "Title": "Rugby",
  75823.             "Category": "REC",
  75824.             "Description": "Sports coverage from CNN and Sports Illustrated.",
  75825.             "Year": 0
  75826.         },
  75827.         {
  75828.             "RIT": "ws205368",
  75829.             "Type": "WS",
  75830.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/fedreg/elctcoll/",
  75831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75832.             "Title": "Electoral College",
  75833.             "Category": "SOC",
  75834.             "Description": "The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration presents a variety of information and statistics on presidential elections.",
  75835.             "Year": 0
  75836.         },
  75837.         {
  75838.             "RIT": "ws205369",
  75839.             "Type": "WS",
  75840.             "URL": "http://www2.hickam.af.mil/wingpa/fact_sht/dec_7.htm",
  75841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75842.             "Title": "DEC. 7, 1941, JAPANESE ATTACK ON AIR FORCE INSTALLATIONS IN HAWAII",
  75843.             "Category": "SOC",
  75844.             "Description": "Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii provides an account of the attack on Pearl Harbor and other U.S. installations.",
  75845.             "Year": 0
  75846.         },
  75847.         {
  75848.             "RIT": "ws205370",
  75849.             "Type": "WS",
  75850.             "URL": "http://www.si.edu/postal/titanic/titanic.html",
  75851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75852.             "Title": "Posted Aboard R.M.S. Titanic",
  75853.             "Category": "IND",
  75854.             "Description": "A Smithsonian Institution exhibit on the Titanic and its postal clerks.",
  75855.             "Year": 0
  75856.         },
  75857.         {
  75858.             "RIT": "ws205371",
  75859.             "Type": "WS",
  75860.             "URL": "http://www.tamu.edu/scom/pres/speeches/lincoln.html",
  75861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75862.             "Title": "Index to speeches by Abraham Lincoln",
  75863.             "Category": "HIS",
  75864.             "Description": "Speeches by Lincoln presented by the Department of Speech Communication at Texas A&M University.",
  75865.             "Year": 0
  75866.         },
  75867.         {
  75868.             "RIT": "ws205372",
  75869.             "Type": "WS",
  75870.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/liho/",
  75871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75872.             "Title": "Lincoln Home National Historic Site",
  75873.             "Category": "HIS",
  75874.             "Description": "The National Park Service provides historical information about Abraham Lincoln, his family, and his home.",
  75875.             "Year": 0
  75876.         },
  75877.         {
  75878.             "RIT": "ws205373",
  75879.             "Type": "WS",
  75880.             "URL": "http://fas.sfu.ca/cs/research/Whales/",
  75881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75882.             "Title": "Virtual Whales",
  75883.             "Category": "LIF",
  75884.             "Description": "Home page of a 3D-modeling study project of humpback whales at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.",
  75885.             "Year": 0
  75886.         },
  75887.         {
  75888.             "RIT": "ws205384",
  75889.             "Type": "WS",
  75890.             "URL": "http://www.seaworld.org/infobooks/Baleen/home.html",
  75891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75892.             "Title": "What is a Whale?",
  75893.             "Category": "LIF",
  75894.             "Description": "Information from SeaWorld and Busch Gardens.",
  75895.             "Year": 0
  75896.         },
  75897.         {
  75898.             "RIT": "ws205385",
  75899.             "Type": "WS",
  75900.             "URL": "http://www.wnet.org/nature/elephants/html/intro.html",
  75901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75902.             "Title": "NATURE: The Elephants of Africa",
  75903.             "Category": "LIF",
  75904.             "Description": "This online feature from PBS focuses on the life of an elephant, the ivory trade, and the poaching problem.",
  75905.             "Year": 0
  75906.         },
  75907.         {
  75908.             "RIT": "ws205386",
  75909.             "Type": "WS",
  75910.             "URL": "http://www.panda.org/species/tiger/",
  75911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75912.             "Title": "Tiger",
  75913.             "Category": "LIF",
  75914.             "Description": "A species fact sheet provided by the World Wildlife Fund.",
  75915.             "Year": 0
  75916.         },
  75917.         {
  75918.             "RIT": "ws205387",
  75919.             "Type": "WS",
  75920.             "URL": "http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/motorsports/world/",
  75921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75922.             "Title": "Formula One",
  75923.             "Category": "REC",
  75924.             "Description": "Motor sports news coverage from CNN and Sports Illustrated.",
  75925.             "Year": 0
  75926.         },
  75927.         {
  75928.             "RIT": "ws205388",
  75929.             "Type": "WS",
  75930.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/tigers/maina.html",
  75931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75932.             "Title": "Cyber Tiger",
  75933.             "Category": "LIF",
  75934.             "Description": "This National Geographic feature involves building a digital habitat for the Siberian tiger and learning about conservation programs to save the endangered predator.",
  75935.             "Year": 0
  75936.         },
  75937.         {
  75938.             "RIT": "ws205389",
  75939.             "Type": "WS",
  75940.             "URL": "http://www.lpzoo.com/tour/factsheets/mammals/sq_monkey.html",
  75941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75942.             "Title": "Squirrel Monkey",
  75943.             "Category": "LIF",
  75944.             "Description": "The Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago presents information about squirrel monkeys and other primates.",
  75945.             "Year": 0
  75946.         },
  75947.         {
  75948.             "RIT": "ws205390",
  75949.             "Type": "WS",
  75950.             "URL": "http://www.imh.org/imh/imhmain.html",
  75951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75952.             "Title": "International Museum of the Horse",
  75953.             "Category": "LIF",
  75954.             "Description": "Web site of a large museum in Lexington, Kentucky. Includes online exhibits about horse history.",
  75955.             "Year": 0
  75956.         },
  75957.         {
  75958.             "RIT": "ws205391",
  75959.             "Type": "WS",
  75960.             "URL": "http://www.southampton.gov.uk/leisure/heritage/titanic.htm",
  75961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75962.             "Title": "Titanic - A Southampton Story",
  75963.             "Category": "IND",
  75964.             "Description": "Information provided by the port city from which the Titanic set sail.",
  75965.             "Year": 0
  75966.         },
  75967.         {
  75968.             "RIT": "ws205392",
  75969.             "Type": "WS",
  75970.             "URL": "http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/natsci/vertpaleo/fhc/fhc.htm",
  75971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75972.             "Title": "Fossil Horses in Cyberspace",
  75973.             "Category": "LIF",
  75974.             "Description": "An online exhibit about horse paleontology and evolution from the Florida Museum of Natural History.",
  75975.             "Year": 0
  75976.         },
  75977.         {
  75978.             "RIT": "ws205393",
  75979.             "Type": "WS",
  75980.             "URL": "http://www.buschgardens.org/AnimalBytes/lionab.html",
  75981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75982.             "Title": "African Lion",
  75983.             "Category": "LIF",
  75984.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from SeaWorld/Busch Gardens.",
  75985.             "Year": 0
  75986.         },
  75987.         {
  75988.             "RIT": "ws205356",
  75989.             "Type": "WS",
  75990.             "URL": "http://www.uvi.si/eng/index.html",
  75991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  75992.             "Title": "Government Public Relations and Media Office",
  75993.             "Category": "GEO",
  75994.             "Description": "This official Slovenian government site includes press releases and background information about current issues.",
  75995.             "Year": 0
  75996.         },
  75997.         {
  75998.             "RIT": "ws205357",
  75999.             "Type": "WS",
  76000.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/europe/sanmarino/index.html",
  76001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76002.             "Title": "The Washington Post: San Marino",
  76003.             "Category": "GEO",
  76004.             "Description": "Recent news reports from San Marino and informative Web sites about the country.",
  76005.             "Year": 0
  76006.         },
  76007.         {
  76008.             "RIT": "ws205358",
  76009.             "Type": "WS",
  76010.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/sw.html",
  76011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76012.             "Title": "Sweden",
  76013.             "Category": "GEO",
  76014.             "Description": "Information from the World Factbook of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.",
  76015.             "Year": 0
  76016.         },
  76017.         {
  76018.             "RIT": "ws205359",
  76019.             "Type": "WS",
  76020.             "URL": "http://www.iit.edu/~akbabul/ottoman.html",
  76021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76022.             "Title": "Ottoman Empire and Turkey in the New York Times 1850-1938",
  76023.             "Category": "GEO",
  76024.             "Description": "Collected news articles chronicle the end of the Ottoman Empire and the start of the Turkish Republic.",
  76025.             "Year": 0
  76026.         },
  76027.         {
  76028.             "RIT": "ws205360",
  76029.             "Type": "WS",
  76030.             "URL": "http://www.searchlink.li/tourist/index.asp",
  76031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76032.             "Title": "The Liechtenstein National Tourist Office",
  76033.             "Category": "GEO",
  76034.             "Description": "Site includes an English-language tourist guide.",
  76035.             "Year": 0
  76036.         },
  76037.         {
  76038.             "RIT": "ws205361",
  76039.             "Type": "WS",
  76040.             "URL": "http://domino.kappa.ro/mae/home.nsf/HomePageEng/",
  76041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76042.             "Title": "Ministry of Foreign Affairs",
  76043.             "Category": "GEO",
  76044.             "Description": "Official Romanian government Web site providing information about the foreign policy of that country.",
  76045.             "Year": 0
  76046.         },
  76047.         {
  76048.             "RIT": "ws205362",
  76049.             "Type": "WS",
  76050.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/europe/spain/index.html",
  76051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76052.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: Spain",
  76053.             "Category": "GEO",
  76054.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents Spanish news and informative Web sites.",
  76055.             "Year": 0
  76056.         },
  76057.         {
  76058.             "RIT": "ws205363",
  76059.             "Type": "WS",
  76060.             "URL": "http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/",
  76061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76062.             "Title": "Hawaii State Legislature",
  76063.             "Category": "GEO",
  76064.             "Description": "Official Web site of Hawaii's legislative body.",
  76065.             "Year": 0
  76066.         },
  76067.         {
  76068.             "RIT": "ws205364",
  76069.             "Type": "WS",
  76070.             "URL": "http://www.vanaqua.org/Visitor_Information/AquaFacts/Gray_Whales.htm",
  76071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76072.             "Title": "AquaFacts - Gray Whales Eschrichtius robustus",
  76073.             "Category": "LIF",
  76074.             "Description": "Information about the gray whale from the Vancouver Aquarium.",
  76075.             "Year": 0
  76076.         },
  76077.         {
  76078.             "RIT": "ws205374",
  76079.             "Type": "WS",
  76080.             "URL": "http://www.tamu.edu/scom/pres/speeches/washington.html",
  76081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76082.             "Title": "Index to speeches by George Washington",
  76083.             "Category": "HIS",
  76084.             "Description": "Speeches by Washington presented by the Center for Presidential Studies and the Department of Speech Communication at Texas A&M.",
  76085.             "Year": 0
  76086.         },
  76087.         {
  76088.             "RIT": "ws205375",
  76089.             "Type": "WS",
  76090.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/abli/",
  76091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76092.             "Title": "Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site",
  76093.             "Category": "HIS",
  76094.             "Description": "The National Park Service presents information about Lincoln and the site of his birth.",
  76095.             "Year": 0
  76096.         },
  76097.         {
  76098.             "RIT": "ws205376",
  76099.             "Type": "WS",
  76100.             "URL": "http://www.wnba.com/",
  76101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76102.             "Title": "WNBA.com",
  76103.             "Category": "REC",
  76104.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Women's National Basketball Association.",
  76105.             "Year": 0
  76106.         },
  76107.         {
  76108.             "RIT": "ws205377",
  76109.             "Type": "WS",
  76110.             "URL": "http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/olympics/",
  76111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76112.             "Title": "Olympic Sports",
  76113.             "Category": "REC",
  76114.             "Description": "Olympic news coverage from CNN and Sports Illustrated.",
  76115.             "Year": 0
  76116.         },
  76117.         {
  76118.             "RIT": "ws205378",
  76119.             "Type": "WS",
  76120.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/northamerica/mexico/",
  76121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76122.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: Mexico",
  76123.             "Category": "GEO",
  76124.             "Description": "News stories about Mexico from the Washington Post.",
  76125.             "Year": 0
  76126.         },
  76127.         {
  76128.             "RIT": "ws205379",
  76129.             "Type": "WS",
  76130.             "URL": "http://www.racingmuseum.org/",
  76131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76132.             "Title": "National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame",
  76133.             "Category": "LIF",
  76134.             "Description": "Web site of a museum in Saratoga Springs, New York. Includes a virtual tour.",
  76135.             "Year": 0
  76136.         },
  76137.         {
  76138.             "RIT": "ws205380",
  76139.             "Type": "WS",
  76140.             "URL": "http://www.lairweb.org.nz/tiger/",
  76141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76142.             "Title": "Wild Side of Tigers",
  76143.             "Category": "LIF",
  76144.             "Description": "Information about tigers from the Discovery Channel.",
  76145.             "Year": 0
  76146.         },
  76147.         {
  76148.             "RIT": "ws205381",
  76149.             "Type": "WS",
  76150.             "URL": "http://www.tamu.edu/scom/pres/archive.html",
  76151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76152.             "Title": "The Program in Presidential Rhetoric | Presidential Speech Archive",
  76153.             "Category": "SOC",
  76154.             "Description": "Collected speeches by U.S. presidents presented by the Department of Speech Communication at Texas A&M University.",
  76155.             "Year": 0
  76156.         },
  76157.         {
  76158.             "RIT": "ws205382",
  76159.             "Type": "WS",
  76160.             "URL": "http://www.sfzoo.org/map.asianelephant.html",
  76161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76162.             "Title": "SIAN ELEPHANT - Elephas maximus",
  76163.             "Category": "LIF",
  76164.             "Description": "The San Francisco Zoo presents an animal fact sheet.",
  76165.             "Year": 0
  76166.         },
  76167.         {
  76168.             "RIT": "ws205383",
  76169.             "Type": "WS",
  76170.             "URL": "http://www.honoluluzoo.org/tiger.htm",
  76171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76172.             "Title": "Sumatran Tiger",
  76173.             "Category": "LIF",
  76174.             "Description": "The Honolulu Zoo provides a fact sheet on this tiger subspecies, photos of tigers, and an interactive quiz.",
  76175.             "Year": 0
  76176.         },
  76177.         {
  76178.             "RIT": "ws205394",
  76179.             "Type": "WS",
  76180.             "URL": "http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/",
  76181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76182.             "Title": "NFL Football",
  76183.             "Category": "REC",
  76184.             "Description": "CNN and Sports Illustrated present pro football news.",
  76185.             "Year": 0
  76186.         },
  76187.         {
  76188.             "RIT": "ws205395",
  76189.             "Type": "WS",
  76190.             "URL": "http://www.lpzoo.com/tour/goldtrail/lionhouse.html",
  76191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76192.             "Title": "Kovler Lion House",
  76193.             "Category": "LIF",
  76194.             "Description": "Home page of the lion house at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. Includes fact sheets on lions, cheetahs, jaguars, servals, leopards, and tigers.",
  76195.             "Year": 0
  76196.         },
  76197.         {
  76198.             "RIT": "ws205396",
  76199.             "Type": "WS",
  76200.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/horses/index.html",
  76201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76202.             "Title": "NATURE: Horses",
  76203.             "Category": "LIF",
  76204.             "Description": "PBS presents an online feature about horses. Includes resources for educators.",
  76205.             "Year": 0
  76206.         },
  76207.         {
  76208.             "RIT": "ws205397",
  76209.             "Type": "WS",
  76210.             "URL": "http://natzoo.si.edu/NewExhibits/GreatCats/greatcatsguide.htm",
  76211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76212.             "Title": "Great Cats",
  76213.             "Category": "LIF",
  76214.             "Description": "Lions and tigers presented by Smithsonian National Zoological park.",
  76215.             "Year": 0
  76216.         },
  76217.         {
  76218.             "RIT": "ws205398",
  76219.             "Type": "WS",
  76220.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/science/mars_polar_lander/index.html",
  76221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76222.             "Title": "The Mars Polar Lander",
  76223.             "Category": "PHY",
  76224.             "Description": "A Web feature about a mission to explore Mars, from the PBS program NewsHour.",
  76225.             "Year": 0
  76226.         },
  76227.         {
  76228.             "RIT": "ws205399",
  76229.             "Type": "WS",
  76230.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/gremlins/",
  76231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76232.             "Title": "Gremlins: Faces in the Forest",
  76233.             "Category": "LIF",
  76234.             "Description": "This PBS feature about such tiny monkeys as marmosets and tamarins includes resources for educators.",
  76235.             "Year": 0
  76236.         },
  76237.         {
  76238.             "RIT": "ws205400",
  76239.             "Type": "WS",
  76240.             "URL": "http://www.lascrucescvb.org/",
  76241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76242.             "Title": "Las Cruces, New Mexico",
  76243.             "Category": "GEO",
  76244.             "Description": "The town's official tourism Web site.",
  76245.             "Year": 0
  76246.         },
  76247.         {
  76248.             "RIT": "ws205401",
  76249.             "Type": "WS",
  76250.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/science/space_exploration.html",
  76251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76252.             "Title": "Online NewsHour: Space Exploration",
  76253.             "Category": "IND",
  76254.             "Description": "This Web special from the PBS program NewsHour features discussion of recent space missions.",
  76255.             "Year": 0
  76256.         },
  76257.         {
  76258.             "RIT": "ws205402",
  76259.             "Type": "WS",
  76260.             "URL": "http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/tennis/",
  76261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76262.             "Title": "Tennis",
  76263.             "Category": "REC",
  76264.             "Description": "CNN and Sports Illustrated provide tennis news coverage.",
  76265.             "Year": 0
  76266.         },
  76267.         {
  76268.             "RIT": "ws205403",
  76269.             "Type": "WS",
  76270.             "URL": "http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/baseball/",
  76271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76272.             "Title": "Baseball",
  76273.             "Category": "REC",
  76274.             "Description": "Professional baseball news from CNN and Sports Illustrated.",
  76275.             "Year": 0
  76276.         },
  76277.         {
  76278.             "RIT": "ws205414",
  76279.             "Type": "WS",
  76280.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/northamerica/canada/",
  76281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76282.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: Canada",
  76283.             "Category": "GEO",
  76284.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents Canadian news stories and Web links.",
  76285.             "Year": 0
  76286.         },
  76287.         {
  76288.             "RIT": "ws205415",
  76289.             "Type": "WS",
  76290.             "URL": "http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/more/",
  76291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76292.             "Title": "Cricket",
  76293.             "Category": "REC",
  76294.             "Description": "Cricket news from CNN and Sports Illustrated.",
  76295.             "Year": 0
  76296.         },
  76297.         {
  76298.             "RIT": "ws205416",
  76299.             "Type": "WS",
  76300.             "URL": "http://www.hawaiianhistory.org/",
  76301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76302.             "Title": "Hawaiian Historical Society",
  76303.             "Category": "GEO",
  76304.             "Description": "The society's Web page includes descriptive essays on various topics from Hawaii's colorful history.",
  76305.             "Year": 0
  76306.         },
  76307.         {
  76308.             "RIT": "ws205417",
  76309.             "Type": "WS",
  76310.             "URL": "",
  76311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76312.             "Title": "Embassy of Mexico in the United States of America",
  76313.             "Category": "GEO",
  76314.             "Description": "Site includes general information about Mexico.",
  76315.             "Year": 0
  76316.         },
  76317.         {
  76318.             "RIT": "ws205418",
  76319.             "Type": "WS",
  76320.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/museum/sciencew/elephant.htm",
  76321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76322.             "Title": "Elephants Make a World of Difference",
  76323.             "Category": "LIF",
  76324.             "Description": "This article from the Smithsonian Institution's National Zoo addresses the importance of elephants and efforts to preserve the species.",
  76325.             "Year": 0
  76326.         },
  76327.         {
  76328.             "RIT": "ws205419",
  76329.             "Type": "WS",
  76330.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/mx.html",
  76331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76332.             "Title": "Mexico",
  76333.             "Category": "GEO",
  76334.             "Description": "Information about Mexico from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  76335.             "Year": 0
  76336.         },
  76337.         {
  76338.             "RIT": "ws205420",
  76339.             "Type": "WS",
  76340.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/edens/etosha/lion.htm",
  76341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76342.             "Title": "The Lion",
  76343.             "Category": "LIF",
  76344.             "Description": "Species information from PBS.",
  76345.             "Year": 0
  76346.         },
  76347.         {
  76348.             "RIT": "ws205421",
  76349.             "Type": "WS",
  76350.             "URL": "http://biology.boisestate.edu/raptor/",
  76351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76352.             "Title": "Raptor Research Foundation",
  76353.             "Category": "LIF",
  76354.             "Description": "Information about hawks, falcons, eagles, and owls, and efforts to preserve these bird species.",
  76355.             "Year": 0
  76356.         },
  76357.         {
  76358.             "RIT": "ws205422",
  76359.             "Type": "WS",
  76360.             "URL": "http://www.honoluluzoo.org/indian_elephant.htm",
  76361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76362.             "Title": "Indian Elephant",
  76363.             "Category": "LIF",
  76364.             "Description": "The Honolulu Zoo presents an animal fact sheet and an interactive quiz on elephants.",
  76365.             "Year": 0
  76366.         },
  76367.         {
  76368.             "RIT": "ws205423",
  76369.             "Type": "WS",
  76370.             "URL": "http://www.uscg.mil/lantarea/iip/iipfaq.html",
  76371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76372.             "Title": "International Ice Patrol (IIP) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)",
  76373.             "Category": "IND",
  76374.             "Description": "The U.S. Coast Guard provides information about icebergs and the sinking of the Titanic.",
  76375.             "Year": 0
  76376.         },
  76377.         {
  76378.             "RIT": "ws205436",
  76379.             "Type": "WS",
  76380.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/india/",
  76381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76382.             "Title": "Land of the Tiger",
  76383.             "Category": "LIF",
  76384.             "Description": "PBS presents information about India and about that country's official national animal, the tiger.",
  76385.             "Year": 0
  76386.         },
  76387.         {
  76388.             "RIT": "ws205437",
  76389.             "Type": "WS",
  76390.             "URL": "http://sql.monkeyworld.org.uk/v2/main.phtml",
  76391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76392.             "Title": "Monkey World - Ape Rescue Centre",
  76393.             "Category": "LIF",
  76394.             "Description": "Primate information from an organization in Dorset, United Kingdom.",
  76395.             "Year": 0
  76396.         },
  76397.         {
  76398.             "RIT": "ws205438",
  76399.             "Type": "WS",
  76400.             "URL": "http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/ERC/bgnotes/nea/oman9412.html",
  76401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76402.             "Title": "BACKGROUND NOTES: OMAN",
  76403.             "Category": "GEO",
  76404.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  76405.             "Year": 0
  76406.         },
  76407.         {
  76408.             "RIT": "ws205439",
  76409.             "Type": "WS",
  76410.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/asia/asia.html",
  76411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76412.             "Title": "Asia: Background Reports",
  76413.             "Category": "GEO",
  76414.             "Description": "PBS presents transcripts from Online NewsHour shows dealing with Asian issues.",
  76415.             "Year": 0
  76416.         },
  76417.         {
  76418.             "RIT": "ws205440",
  76419.             "Type": "WS",
  76420.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/amex/hawaii/index.html",
  76421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76422.             "Title": "Hawaii's Last Queen",
  76423.             "Category": "HIS",
  76424.             "Description": "This PBS feature about Queen Lili'uokalani includes resources for educators.",
  76425.             "Year": 0
  76426.         },
  76427.         {
  76428.             "RIT": "ws205441",
  76429.             "Type": "WS",
  76430.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/guinea_9912_bgn.html",
  76431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76432.             "Title": "Background Notes: Guinea",
  76433.             "Category": "GEO",
  76434.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  76435.             "Year": 0
  76436.         },
  76437.         {
  76438.             "RIT": "ws205442",
  76439.             "Type": "WS",
  76440.             "URL": "http://www.meadev.nic.in/tourism/menu1.htm",
  76441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76442.             "Title": "Tourism in India",
  76443.             "Category": "GEO",
  76444.             "Description": "Information provided by India's Ministry of External Affairs.",
  76445.             "Year": 0
  76446.         },
  76447.         {
  76448.             "RIT": "ws205443",
  76449.             "Type": "WS",
  76450.             "URL": "http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/planets/welcome/saturn.htm",
  76451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76452.             "Title": "Saturn",
  76453.             "Category": "PHY",
  76454.             "Description": "NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory presents a fact sheet on the planet.",
  76455.             "Year": 0
  76456.         },
  76457.         {
  76458.             "RIT": "ws205444",
  76459.             "Type": "WS",
  76460.             "URL": "http://www.cccturtle.org/sat1.htm",
  76461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76462.             "Title": "Sea Turtle Migration-Tracking Education Program",
  76463.             "Category": "LIF",
  76464.             "Description": "The Caribbean Conservation Corporation/Sea Turtle Survival League in Gainesville, Florida, describes sea turtles and efforts to conserve them.",
  76465.             "Year": 0
  76466.         },
  76467.         {
  76468.             "RIT": "ws205445",
  76469.             "Type": "WS",
  76470.             "URL": "http://www.sciencenews.org/sn_arc99/6_26_99/bob1.htm",
  76471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76472.             "Title": "Old Glory, New Glory",
  76473.             "Category": "SOC",
  76474.             "Description": "Science News highlights a project undertaken by the National Museum of American History to restore the U.S. flag that inspired composer Francis Scott Key to write The Star Spangled Banner in 1814.",
  76475.             "Year": 0
  76476.         },
  76477.         {
  76478.             "RIT": "ws205457",
  76479.             "Type": "WS",
  76480.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/kratts/world/aust/kangaroo/index.html",
  76481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76482.             "Title": "Red Kangaroo",
  76483.             "Category": "LIF",
  76484.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet from PBS.",
  76485.             "Year": 0
  76486.         },
  76487.         {
  76488.             "RIT": "ws205458",
  76489.             "Type": "WS",
  76490.             "URL": "http://www.flowerbase.com/prg/gbni?firm=flowerbase",
  76491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76492.             "Title": "Welcome to the Flowerbase",
  76493.             "Category": "LIF",
  76494.             "Description": "A database of over 10,000 flowers and plants, searchable by botanical name, VBN number, and common name.",
  76495.             "Year": 0
  76496.         },
  76497.         {
  76498.             "RIT": "ws205459",
  76499.             "Type": "WS",
  76500.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/edens/bhutan/a_rp.htm",
  76501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76502.             "Title": "Red Panda",
  76503.             "Category": "LIF",
  76504.             "Description": "PBS presents the red panda, which lives in the eastern Himalaya.",
  76505.             "Year": 0
  76506.         },
  76507.         {
  76508.             "RIT": "ws205460",
  76509.             "Type": "WS",
  76510.             "URL": "http://www.touregypt.net/",
  76511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76512.             "Title": "Tour Egypt",
  76513.             "Category": "GEO",
  76514.             "Description": "Information for travelers from the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism.",
  76515.             "Year": 0
  76516.         },
  76517.         {
  76518.             "RIT": "ws205461",
  76519.             "Type": "WS",
  76520.             "URL": "http://www.aqd.nps.gov/facts/fdeer.htm",
  76521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76522.             "Title": "Mule Deer",
  76523.             "Category": "LIF",
  76524.             "Description": "The National Park Service presents description and photos of the mule deer species.",
  76525.             "Year": 0
  76526.         },
  76527.         {
  76528.             "RIT": "ws205462",
  76529.             "Type": "WS",
  76530.             "URL": "http://campus.northpark.edu/history/WebChron/China/MarcoPolo.html",
  76531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76532.             "Title": "Marco Polo Travels in China",
  76533.             "Category": "HIS",
  76534.             "Description": "Information from the history department of North Park University in Chicago.",
  76535.             "Year": 0
  76536.         },
  76537.         {
  76538.             "RIT": "ws205463",
  76539.             "Type": "WS",
  76540.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/it.html",
  76541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76542.             "Title": "Italy",
  76543.             "Category": "GEO",
  76544.             "Description": "An overview of the country from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  76545.             "Year": 0
  76546.         },
  76547.         {
  76548.             "RIT": "ws205464",
  76549.             "Type": "WS",
  76550.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/xx.html",
  76551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76552.             "Title": "World",
  76553.             "Category": "PHY",
  76554.             "Description": "Political, geographical, and sociological information about the Earth and its inhabitants, from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  76555.             "Year": 0
  76556.         },
  76557.         {
  76558.             "RIT": "ws205465",
  76559.             "Type": "WS",
  76560.             "URL": "http://WWW.OREGONZOO.ORG/cards/Rainforest/bat.fruit.straw.colored.htm",
  76561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76562.             "Title": "Straw-Colored Fruit Bat",
  76563.             "Category": "LIF",
  76564.             "Description": "Species fact sheet from the Oregon Zoo in Portland, Oregon.",
  76565.             "Year": 0
  76566.         },
  76567.         {
  76568.             "RIT": "ws205468",
  76569.             "Type": "WS",
  76570.             "URL": "http://www.shakespearemag.com/",
  76571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76572.             "Title": "Shakespeare",
  76573.             "Category": "HUM",
  76574.             "Description": "A magazine for teachers and enthusiasts. Some articles are featured online.",
  76575.             "Year": 0
  76576.         },
  76577.         {
  76578.             "RIT": "ws205469",
  76579.             "Type": "WS",
  76580.             "URL": "http://www.ea.gov.au/biodiversity/trade-use/wild-harvest/kangaroo/harvesting/kangharv1.html",
  76581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76582.             "Title": "Kangaroo Harvesting",
  76583.             "Category": "LIF",
  76584.             "Description": "Environment Australia provides an overview of the use of kangaroos for profit.",
  76585.             "Year": 0
  76586.         },
  76587.         {
  76588.             "RIT": "ws205470",
  76589.             "Type": "WS",
  76590.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1964/index.html",
  76591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76592.             "Title": "The Nobel Peace Prize 1964",
  76593.             "Category": "SOC",
  76594.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation presents a biography and presentation speech for Nobel Peace Prize winner Martin Luther King, Jr.",
  76595.             "Year": 0
  76596.         },
  76597.         {
  76598.             "RIT": "ws205471",
  76599.             "Type": "WS",
  76600.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/americas/northamerica/unitedstates/",
  76601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76602.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: United States",
  76603.             "Category": "GEO",
  76604.             "Description": "U.S. news from the Washington Post.",
  76605.             "Year": 0
  76606.         },
  76607.         {
  76608.             "RIT": "ws205472",
  76609.             "Type": "WS",
  76610.             "URL": "http://www.pca.state.mn.us/hot/frogs.html",
  76611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76612.             "Title": "Hot Topic: Deformed Frogs in Minnesota",
  76613.             "Category": "LIF",
  76614.             "Description": "Information about mysteriously deformed frogs that are being studied by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.",
  76615.             "Year": 0
  76616.         },
  76617.         {
  76618.             "RIT": "ws205473",
  76619.             "Type": "WS",
  76620.             "URL": "http://www.aclibrary.org/teenroom/decades.asp",
  76621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76622.             "Title": "Decades in 20th Century America",
  76623.             "Category": "HIS",
  76624.             "Description": "A collection of U.S. history Web links provided by the Alameda County Library in the San Francisco Bay Area.",
  76625.             "Year": 0
  76626.         },
  76627.         {
  76628.             "RIT": "ws205474",
  76629.             "Type": "WS",
  76630.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/flashbks/shakes/webintr.htm",
  76631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76632.             "Title": "Looking For Shakespeare",
  76633.             "Category": "HUM",
  76634.             "Description": "The Antlantic Monthly presents opposing arguments on the issue of who authored Shakespeare's works.",
  76635.             "Year": 0
  76636.         },
  76637.         {
  76638.             "RIT": "ws205475",
  76639.             "Type": "WS",
  76640.             "URL": "http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/",
  76641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76642.             "Title": "Information USA",
  76643.             "Category": "GEO",
  76644.             "Description": "The U.S. Department of State provides an authoritative resource for foreign audiences seeking information about American society, political processes, official U.S. policies, and culture.",
  76645.             "Year": 0
  76646.         },
  76647.         {
  76648.             "RIT": "ws205476",
  76649.             "Type": "WS",
  76650.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/malu/",
  76651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76652.             "Title": "Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site",
  76653.             "Category": "GEO",
  76654.             "Description": "Home page of the civil rights leader's birthplace in Atlanta, Georgia.",
  76655.             "Year": 0
  76656.         },
  76657.         {
  76658.             "RIT": "ws205487",
  76659.             "Type": "WS",
  76660.             "URL": "http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/BasicFactsServlet",
  76661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76662.             "Title": "U.S. Census Bureau--American Fact Finder",
  76663.             "Category": "SOC",
  76664.             "Description": "A searchable database of census information from the U.S. Census Bureau.",
  76665.             "Year": 0
  76666.         },
  76667.         {
  76668.             "RIT": "ws205488",
  76669.             "Type": "WS",
  76670.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/race_relations/jan-june98/ray_4-23.html",
  76671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76672.             "Title": "Unanswered Questions",
  76673.             "Category": "SOC",
  76674.             "Description": "PBS presents the dialogue from a NewsHour program that aired in 1998 following the death of James Earl Ray, the man who was convicted of killing Martin Luther King, Jr.",
  76675.             "Year": 0
  76676.         },
  76677.         {
  76678.             "RIT": "ws205489",
  76679.             "Type": "WS",
  76680.             "URL": "http://menic.utexas.edu/menic/Countries_and_Regions/Egypt/",
  76681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76682.             "Title": "Egypt",
  76683.             "Category": "GEO",
  76684.             "Description": "Links to Egyptian sites provided by the University of Texas at Austin.",
  76685.             "Year": 0
  76686.         },
  76687.         {
  76688.             "RIT": "ws205490",
  76689.             "Type": "WS",
  76690.             "URL": "http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/asia-paci/asean/pmv9701/hasi.html",
  76691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76692.             "Title": "Profile of Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto",
  76693.             "Category": "GEO",
  76694.             "Description": "Provided by Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.",
  76695.             "Year": 0
  76696.         },
  76697.         {
  76698.             "RIT": "ws205491",
  76699.             "Type": "WS",
  76700.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ca.html",
  76701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76702.             "Title": "Canada",
  76703.             "Category": "GEO",
  76704.             "Description": "Information about Canada from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  76705.             "Year": 0
  76706.         },
  76707.         {
  76708.             "RIT": "ws205492",
  76709.             "Type": "WS",
  76710.             "URL": "http://www.firstgov.gov/",
  76711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76712.             "Title": "FirstGov.gov - Official website for searching the U.S. Government",
  76713.             "Category": "GEO",
  76714.             "Description": "One-stop access to all online U.S. Federal Government resources.",
  76715.             "Year": 0
  76716.         },
  76717.         {
  76718.             "RIT": "ws205493",
  76719.             "Type": "WS",
  76720.             "URL": "http://www.streetside.com/plants/floridata/",
  76721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76722.             "Title": "Floridata",
  76723.             "Category": "LIF",
  76724.             "Description": "An online photo reference of plants, covering categories such as trees, shrubs, vines, cactus, water plants, annuals and many more.",
  76725.             "Year": 0
  76726.         },
  76727.         {
  76728.             "RIT": "ws205494",
  76729.             "Type": "WS",
  76730.             "URL": "http://www.rabbithabit.org/",
  76731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76732.             "Title": "The Rabbit Habit",
  76733.             "Category": "LIF",
  76734.             "Description": "An Philadelphia organization dedicated to saving rabbits from shelters provides information about caring for pet rabbits.",
  76735.             "Year": 0
  76736.         },
  76737.         {
  76738.             "RIT": "ws205495",
  76739.             "Type": "WS",
  76740.             "URL": "http://www.greatwomen.org/women.php?action=viewone&id=117",
  76741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76742.             "Title": "Rosa Parks",
  76743.             "Category": "SOC",
  76744.             "Description": "Biographical information from the National Women's Hall of Fame.",
  76745.             "Year": 0
  76746.         },
  76747.         {
  76748.             "RIT": "ws205404",
  76749.             "Type": "WS",
  76750.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/kcet/johnglenn/future/mars/exploring/index.htm",
  76751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76752.             "Title": "Exploring the Red Planet",
  76753.             "Category": "PHY",
  76754.             "Description": "Information about Mars from PBS, including related Web links.",
  76755.             "Year": 0
  76756.         },
  76757.         {
  76758.             "RIT": "ws205405",
  76759.             "Type": "WS",
  76760.             "URL": "http://WWW.OREGONZOO.ORG/cards/Rainforest/monkey.allens.swamp.htm",
  76761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76762.             "Title": "Allen's Swamp Monkey",
  76763.             "Category": "LIF",
  76764.             "Description": "Species facts from the Oregon Zoo in Portland, Oregon.",
  76765.             "Year": 0
  76766.         },
  76767.         {
  76768.             "RIT": "ws205406",
  76769.             "Type": "WS",
  76770.             "URL": "http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/hockey/",
  76771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76772.             "Title": "Hockey",
  76773.             "Category": "REC",
  76774.             "Description": "CNN and Sports Illustrated present news reports about professional ice hockey.",
  76775.             "Year": 0
  76776.         },
  76777.         {
  76778.             "RIT": "ws205407",
  76779.             "Type": "WS",
  76780.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ch.html",
  76781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76782.             "Title": "China",
  76783.             "Category": "GEO",
  76784.             "Description": "Information about China from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  76785.             "Year": 0
  76786.         },
  76787.         {
  76788.             "RIT": "ws205408",
  76789.             "Type": "WS",
  76790.             "URL": "http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/basketball/",
  76791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76792.             "Title": "NBA Basketball",
  76793.             "Category": "REC",
  76794.             "Description": "News about professional basketball from CNN and Sports Illustrated.",
  76795.             "Year": 0
  76796.         },
  76797.         {
  76798.             "RIT": "ws205409",
  76799.             "Type": "WS",
  76800.             "URL": "http://www.amnesty-usa.org/asa/china/",
  76801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76802.             "Title": "Amnesty International USA: China",
  76803.             "Category": "GEO",
  76804.             "Description": "Amnesty International reports on human rights issues in China.",
  76805.             "Year": 0
  76806.         },
  76807.         {
  76808.             "RIT": "ws205410",
  76809.             "Type": "WS",
  76810.             "URL": "http://www.5tigers.org/index.htm",
  76811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76812.             "Title": "5 Tigers: The Tiger Information Center",
  76813.             "Category": "LIF",
  76814.             "Description": "This site, hosted by the Minnesota Zoo, features tiger facts, games, and lesson plans from an organization dedicated to preserving the five subspecies of tigers.",
  76815.             "Year": 0
  76816.         },
  76817.         {
  76818.             "RIT": "ws205411",
  76819.             "Type": "WS",
  76820.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/eastasia/china/",
  76821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76822.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: China",
  76823.             "Category": "GEO",
  76824.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents recent news stories about China.",
  76825.             "Year": 0
  76826.         },
  76827.         {
  76828.             "RIT": "ws205412",
  76829.             "Type": "WS",
  76830.             "URL": "http://sdnhm.org/exhibits/cats/index.html",
  76831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76832.             "Title": "Cats! Wild to Mild",
  76833.             "Category": "LIF",
  76834.             "Description": "An exhibition from the San Diego Natural History Museum.",
  76835.             "Year": 0
  76836.         },
  76837.         {
  76838.             "RIT": "ws205413",
  76839.             "Type": "WS",
  76840.             "URL": "http://www.clemetzoo.com/animals/animal_info/monkey_colobus.html",
  76841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76842.             "Title": "Colobus",
  76843.             "Category": "LIF",
  76844.             "Description": "A fact sheet on the colobus monkey from the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Education Division.",
  76845.             "Year": 0
  76846.         },
  76847.         {
  76848.             "RIT": "ws205424",
  76849.             "Type": "WS",
  76850.             "URL": "http://www.tigerfdn.com/home/world.html",
  76851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76852.             "Title": "Tigers",
  76853.             "Category": "LIF",
  76854.             "Description": "Tiger information and photos from the Birmingham Zoon in Huntsville, Alabama.",
  76855.             "Year": 0
  76856.         },
  76857.         {
  76858.             "RIT": "ws205425",
  76859.             "Type": "WS",
  76860.             "URL": "http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/soccer/",
  76861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76862.             "Title": "Soccer",
  76863.             "Category": "REC",
  76864.             "Description": "Soccer news from CNN and Sports Illustrated.",
  76865.             "Year": 0
  76866.         },
  76867.         {
  76868.             "RIT": "ws205426",
  76869.             "Type": "WS",
  76870.             "URL": "http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/cycling/index.html",
  76871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76872.             "Title": "Cycling",
  76873.             "Category": "REC",
  76874.             "Description": "News reports from CNN and Sports Illustrated.",
  76875.             "Year": 0
  76876.         },
  76877.         {
  76878.             "RIT": "ws205427",
  76879.             "Type": "WS",
  76880.             "URL": "http://www.rbg.ca/",
  76881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76882.             "Title": "Royal Botanical Gardens",
  76883.             "Category": "IND",
  76884.             "Description": "Web site of Canda's Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, Ontario.",
  76885.             "Year": 0
  76886.         },
  76887.         {
  76888.             "RIT": "ws205428",
  76889.             "Type": "WS",
  76890.             "URL": "http://www.buschgardens.org/AnimalBytes/tigerab.html",
  76891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76892.             "Title": "Bengal tiger",
  76893.             "Category": "LIF",
  76894.             "Description": "Species information from SeaWorld/Busch Gardens.",
  76895.             "Year": 0
  76896.         },
  76897.         {
  76898.             "RIT": "ws205429",
  76899.             "Type": "WS",
  76900.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/kratts/week/01/elephant.html",
  76901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76902.             "Title": "African Elephant",
  76903.             "Category": "LIF",
  76904.             "Description": "A creature profile from PBS.",
  76905.             "Year": 0
  76906.         },
  76907.         {
  76908.             "RIT": "ws205430",
  76909.             "Type": "WS",
  76910.             "URL": "http://espn.go.com/horse/",
  76911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76912.             "Title": "ESPN.com - Horse Racing",
  76913.             "Category": "LIF",
  76914.             "Description": "Horse racing news from ESPN.",
  76915.             "Year": 0
  76916.         },
  76917.         {
  76918.             "RIT": "ws205431",
  76919.             "Type": "WS",
  76920.             "URL": "http://natzoo.si.edu/Webcams/elephantcam/index.htm",
  76921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76922.             "Title": "ElephantCam Smithsonian National Zoological Park",
  76923.             "Category": "LIF",
  76924.             "Description": "The Web site of the Smithsonian's Institution National Zoo features profiles of the zoo's elephants, rhinos, hippos, and giraffes. Includes live Web cams.",
  76925.             "Year": 0
  76926.         },
  76927.         {
  76928.             "RIT": "ws205432",
  76929.             "Type": "WS",
  76930.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/search/russiarepublics/ukraine/",
  76931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76932.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: Ukraine",
  76933.             "Category": "GEO",
  76934.             "Description": "News articles and related Web links from the Washington Post.",
  76935.             "Year": 0
  76936.         },
  76937.         {
  76938.             "RIT": "ws205433",
  76939.             "Type": "WS",
  76940.             "URL": "http://lazoo.org/elephants/elephantbarn.html",
  76941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76942.             "Title": "The Los Angeles Zoo - Elephant Barn",
  76943.             "Category": "LIF",
  76944.             "Description": "Information about the zoo's elephants, including lifestyle and health care issues.",
  76945.             "Year": 0
  76946.         },
  76947.         {
  76948.             "RIT": "ws205434",
  76949.             "Type": "WS",
  76950.             "URL": "http://www.ntra.com/bc_index.asp",
  76951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76952.             "Title": "Breeders' Cup",
  76953.             "Category": "LIF",
  76954.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Breeders' Cup horse racing championship.",
  76955.             "Year": 0
  76956.         },
  76957.         {
  76958.             "RIT": "ws205435",
  76959.             "Type": "WS",
  76960.             "URL": "http://www.theglobeandmail.com/",
  76961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76962.             "Title": "The Globe and Mail",
  76963.             "Category": "GEO",
  76964.             "Description": "Online edition of the Canadian newspaper.",
  76965.             "Year": 0
  76966.         },
  76967.         {
  76968.             "RIT": "ws205446",
  76969.             "Type": "WS",
  76970.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/lostempires/china/age.html",
  76971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76972.             "Title": "China's Age of Invention",
  76973.             "Category": "HIS",
  76974.             "Description": "PBS presents an interview with China expert Robin D. S. Yates on the topic of China's Song Dynasty.",
  76975.             "Year": 0
  76976.         },
  76977.         {
  76978.             "RIT": "ws205447",
  76979.             "Type": "WS",
  76980.             "URL": "http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/Page7.asp",
  76981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76982.             "Title": "The British Monarcy",
  76983.             "Category": "GEO",
  76984.             "Description": "Official British government site offering profiles of royal family members.",
  76985.             "Year": 0
  76986.         },
  76987.         {
  76988.             "RIT": "ws205448",
  76989.             "Type": "WS",
  76990.             "URL": "http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/page555.asp",
  76991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  76992.             "Title": "Buckingham Palace",
  76993.             "Category": "GEO",
  76994.             "Description": "Information about the royal residence provided by the official British monarchy Web site.",
  76995.             "Year": 0
  76996.         },
  76997.         {
  76998.             "RIT": "ws205449",
  76999.             "Type": "WS",
  77000.             "URL": "http://www.discovery.com/news/features/bats/bats.html",
  77001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77002.             "Title": "Bat Hangouts",
  77003.             "Category": "LIF",
  77004.             "Description": "Facts about bats presented by the Discovery Channel.",
  77005.             "Year": 0
  77006.         },
  77007.         {
  77008.             "RIT": "ws205450",
  77009.             "Type": "WS",
  77010.             "URL": "http://search.biography.com/print_record.pl?id=16554",
  77011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77012.             "Title": "Biography.com: King, Martin Luther, Jr.",
  77013.             "Category": "SOC",
  77014.             "Description": "An online biography presented by the A&E television network.",
  77015.             "Year": 0
  77016.         },
  77017.         {
  77018.             "RIT": "ws205451",
  77019.             "Type": "WS",
  77020.             "URL": "http://www.tourkangarooisland.com.au/",
  77021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77022.             "Title": "Kangaroo Island Visitor Guide",
  77023.             "Category": "GEO",
  77024.             "Description": "Information for visitors to Kangaroo Island, Australia.",
  77025.             "Year": 0
  77026.         },
  77027.         {
  77028.             "RIT": "ws205452",
  77029.             "Type": "WS",
  77030.             "URL": "http://www.wwf.org/species/species.cfm?sectionid=95&newspaperid=21",
  77031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77032.             "Title": "Pandas",
  77033.             "Category": "LIF",
  77034.             "Description": "Endangered species information from the World Woldlife Fund.",
  77035.             "Year": 0
  77036.         },
  77037.         {
  77038.             "RIT": "ws205453",
  77039.             "Type": "WS",
  77040.             "URL": "http://thomas.loc.gov/home/legbranch/legbranch.html",
  77041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77042.             "Title": "United States Legislative Branch",
  77043.             "Category": "GEO",
  77044.             "Description": "Resources compiled by the U.S. Library of Congress.",
  77045.             "Year": 0
  77046.         },
  77047.         {
  77048.             "RIT": "ws205454",
  77049.             "Type": "WS",
  77050.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/europe/westerneurope/italy/",
  77051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77052.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: Italy",
  77053.             "Category": "GEO",
  77054.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents Italian news stories and Web sites.",
  77055.             "Year": 0
  77056.         },
  77057.         {
  77058.             "RIT": "ws205455",
  77059.             "Type": "WS",
  77060.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/asia/eastasia/japan/",
  77061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77062.             "Title": "washintonpost.com: Japan",
  77063.             "Category": "GEO",
  77064.             "Description": "Japanese news stories and Web links from the Washington Post.",
  77065.             "Year": 0
  77066.         },
  77067.         {
  77068.             "RIT": "ws205456",
  77069.             "Type": "WS",
  77070.             "URL": "http://www.cws-scf.ec.gc.ca/hww-fap/caribou/caribou.html",
  77071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77072.             "Title": "Caribou",
  77073.             "Category": "LIF",
  77074.             "Description": "A fact sheet from Canada's Wildlife Service.",
  77075.             "Year": 0
  77076.         },
  77077.         {
  77078.             "RIT": "ws205477",
  77079.             "Type": "WS",
  77080.             "URL": "http://www.austmus.gov.au/spider/index.htm",
  77081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77082.             "Title": "Spiders!",
  77083.             "Category": "LIF",
  77084.             "Description": "This Web feature from the Australian Museum in Sydney includes an interactive quiz to test visitors' level of spider phobia, spider images and information, and related Web links.",
  77085.             "Year": 0
  77086.         },
  77087.         {
  77088.             "RIT": "ws205478",
  77089.             "Type": "WS",
  77090.             "URL": "http://insects.tamu.edu/extension/bulletins/l-1787.html",
  77091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77092.             "Title": "Spiders",
  77093.             "Category": "LIF",
  77094.             "Description": "An overview of spider varieties from Texas A&M University.",
  77095.             "Year": 0
  77096.         },
  77097.         {
  77098.             "RIT": "ws205479",
  77099.             "Type": "WS",
  77100.             "URL": "http://www.michaeldouglas.com/html/html/michael_douglas.html",
  77101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77102.             "Title": "Official Michael Douglas Website",
  77103.             "Category": "HUM",
  77104.             "Description": "Information about the actor's career and personal life.",
  77105.             "Year": 0
  77106.         },
  77107.         {
  77108.             "RIT": "ws205480",
  77109.             "Type": "WS",
  77110.             "URL": "http://www.census.gov/population/www/cen2000/respop.html",
  77111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77112.             "Title": "Resident population: U.S. Census Bureau",
  77113.             "Category": "SOC",
  77114.             "Description": "A searchable database of population in the 50 states based on figures from the 2000 U.S. census.",
  77115.             "Year": 0
  77116.         },
  77117.         {
  77118.             "RIT": "ws205481",
  77119.             "Type": "WS",
  77120.             "URL": "http://www.idw.org/contents.htm",
  77121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77122.             "Title": "International Dolphin Watch",
  77123.             "Category": "LIF",
  77124.             "Description": "Home page of a British organization dedicated to preserving dolphins.",
  77125.             "Year": 0
  77126.         },
  77127.         {
  77128.             "RIT": "ws205482",
  77129.             "Type": "WS",
  77130.             "URL": "http://mrdowling.com/613-marcopolo.html",
  77131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77132.             "Title": "Marco Polo",
  77133.             "Category": "HIS",
  77134.             "Description": "Information about the explorer from Mr. Dowling's Electronic Passport, a collection of essays written by a school teacher from West Palm Beach, Florida .",
  77135.             "Year": 0
  77136.         },
  77137.         {
  77138.             "RIT": "ws205483",
  77139.             "Type": "WS",
  77140.             "URL": "http://www.rdg.ac.uk./globe/",
  77141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77142.             "Title": "Shakespeare's Globe Research Database",
  77143.             "Category": "HUM",
  77144.             "Description": "The University of Reading (UK), provides background information on Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. Site includes pages devoted to the original Globe and other playhouses in Early Modern London as well as reports on reconstruction and performances",
  77145.             "Year": 0
  77146.         },
  77147.         {
  77148.             "RIT": "ws205484",
  77149.             "Type": "WS",
  77150.             "URL": "http://www.sandiegozoo.org/special/pandas/",
  77151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77152.             "Title": "Panda Central",
  77153.             "Category": "LIF",
  77154.             "Description": "Home page of pandas at the San Diego Zoo.",
  77155.             "Year": 0
  77156.         },
  77157.         {
  77158.             "RIT": "ws205485",
  77159.             "Type": "WS",
  77160.             "URL": "http://www.kangaroo-industry.asn.au/index.html",
  77161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77162.             "Title": "Kangaroo Industry Association of Australia",
  77163.             "Category": "LIF",
  77164.             "Description": "The association presents information about kangaroos and about raising the animals for profit.",
  77165.             "Year": 0
  77166.         },
  77167.         {
  77168.             "RIT": "ws205496",
  77169.             "Type": "WS",
  77170.             "URL": "http://www.census.gov/clo/www/redistricting.html",
  77171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77172.             "Title": "Census 2000 Redistricting Data",
  77173.             "Category": "SOC",
  77174.             "Description": "Information on legislative redistricting as a result of the 2000 census, from the U.S. Census Bureau.",
  77175.             "Year": 0
  77176.         },
  77177.         {
  77178.             "RIT": "ws205497",
  77179.             "Type": "WS",
  77180.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/",
  77181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77182.             "Title": "American Experience",
  77183.             "Category": "GEO",
  77184.             "Description": "Stories of the people and events that shaped the United States from the PBS history series. See Web Site Archives for a list of Web features.",
  77185.             "Year": 0
  77186.         },
  77187.         {
  77188.             "RIT": "ws205498",
  77189.             "Type": "WS",
  77190.             "URL": "http://www.abs.sdstate.edu/ars/animaliss/rabbits.html",
  77191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77192.             "Title": "Rabbits",
  77193.             "Category": "LIF",
  77194.             "Description": "A discussion of rabbit breeding presented by South Dakota State University's Department of Agricultural and Biological Sciences.",
  77195.             "Year": 0
  77196.         },
  77197.         {
  77198.             "RIT": "ws205499",
  77199.             "Type": "WS",
  77200.             "URL": "http://www.neoflora.com/",
  77201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77202.             "Title": "Neoflora",
  77203.             "Category": "LIF",
  77204.             "Description": "A database of more than 38,000 plants.",
  77205.             "Year": 0
  77206.         },
  77207.         {
  77208.             "RIT": "ws205500",
  77209.             "Type": "WS",
  77210.             "URL": "http://www.brasilemb.org/",
  77211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77212.             "Title": "Brazilian Embassy",
  77213.             "Category": "GEO",
  77214.             "Description": "Information about Brazil provided by the country's embassy in Washington, D.C.",
  77215.             "Year": 0
  77216.         },
  77217.         {
  77218.             "RIT": "ws205501",
  77219.             "Type": "WS",
  77220.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/savageearth/hellscrust/html/sidebar3.html",
  77221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77222.             "Title": "Savage Earth: The Ring of Fire",
  77223.             "Category": "PHY",
  77224.             "Description": "PBS presents information about the Ring of Fire.",
  77225.             "Year": 0
  77226.         },
  77227.         {
  77228.             "RIT": "ws205502",
  77229.             "Type": "WS",
  77230.             "URL": "http://www.accessatlanta.com/partners/wsbtv/specialreports/pandaproject.html",
  77231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77232.             "Title": "Access Atlanta: Zoo Atlanta's Panda Pages",
  77233.             "Category": "LIF",
  77234.             "Description": "This site includes information about pandas, classroom activities, and a live webcam from the habitat of the zoo's pandas.",
  77235.             "Year": 0
  77236.         },
  77237.         {
  77238.             "RIT": "ws205504",
  77239.             "Type": "WS",
  77240.             "URL": "http://www.bsa.scouting.org/fun/stateflags/index.html",
  77241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77242.             "Title": "Do you know your State Flags?",
  77243.             "Category": "SOC",
  77244.             "Description": "Boy Scouts of America presents an online quiz on U.S. state flags.",
  77245.             "Year": 0
  77246.         },
  77247.         {
  77248.             "RIT": "ws205505",
  77249.             "Type": "WS",
  77250.             "URL": "http://www.mairie-marseille.fr/decouvre/discover/acces.htm",
  77251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77252.             "Title": "Marseille Toruism",
  77253.             "Category": "GEO",
  77254.             "Description": "Information in English, from the official site of the city of Marseille.",
  77255.             "Year": 0
  77256.         },
  77257.         {
  77258.             "RIT": "ws205506",
  77259.             "Type": "WS",
  77260.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/space/cassini/",
  77261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77262.             "Title": "Journey to Saturn",
  77263.             "Category": "PHY",
  77264.             "Description": "A CNN news feature about the Cassini Mission to the planet Saturn.",
  77265.             "Year": 0
  77266.         },
  77267.         {
  77268.             "RIT": "ws205516",
  77269.             "Type": "WS",
  77270.             "URL": "http://www.ag.uiuc.edu/~robsond/solutions/horticulture/flowers.html",
  77271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77272.             "Title": "Flowers",
  77273.             "Category": "LIF",
  77274.             "Description": "Gardening tips for specific flowers provided by the University of Illinois, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Cooperative Extension Service.",
  77275.             "Year": 0
  77276.         },
  77277.         {
  77278.             "RIT": "ws205517",
  77279.             "Type": "WS",
  77280.             "URL": "http://www.arazpa.org.au/frogs/",
  77281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77282.             "Title": "National Zoo Frog Project",
  77283.             "Category": "LIF",
  77284.             "Description": "An overview of frog conservation from the Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks & Aquaria Inc.",
  77285.             "Year": 0
  77286.         },
  77287.         {
  77288.             "RIT": "ws205518",
  77289.             "Type": "WS",
  77290.             "URL": "http://www.fmnh.org/butterfly/default.htm",
  77291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77292.             "Title": "Butterflies at the Field Museum",
  77293.             "Category": "LIF",
  77294.             "Description": "A guide to butterfly collections at the Field Museum in Chicago and basic information about butterflies.",
  77295.             "Year": 0
  77296.         },
  77297.         {
  77298.             "RIT": "ws205519",
  77299.             "Type": "WS",
  77300.             "URL": "http://news.bbc.co.uk/",
  77301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77302.             "Title": "BBC News Online",
  77303.             "Category": "GEO",
  77304.             "Description": "Worldwide news from the British British Broadcasting Corporation.",
  77305.             "Year": 0
  77306.         },
  77307.         {
  77308.             "RIT": "ws205520",
  77309.             "Type": "WS",
  77310.             "URL": "",
  77311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77312.             "Title": "Victorian Political History: An Overview",
  77313.             "Category": "GEO",
  77314.             "Description": "Information from Brown University's Victorian Web.",
  77315.             "Year": 0
  77316.         },
  77317.         {
  77318.             "RIT": "ws205521",
  77319.             "Type": "WS",
  77320.             "URL": "http://kidshealth.org/kid/ill_injure/aches/brown_recluse.html",
  77321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77322.             "Title": "Hey! A Brown Recluse Spider Bit Me!",
  77323.             "Category": "LIF",
  77324.             "Description": "The Nemours Foundation, a nonprofit organization devoted to children's health, offers advice about treating spider bites.",
  77325.             "Year": 0
  77326.         },
  77327.         {
  77328.             "RIT": "ws205522",
  77329.             "Type": "WS",
  77330.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/attractions/nurture.html",
  77331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77332.             "Title": "Nature vs. Nurture",
  77333.             "Category": "LIF",
  77334.             "Description": "This article from PBS focuses on zoos' efforts to breed pandas.",
  77335.             "Year": 0
  77336.         },
  77337.         {
  77338.             "RIT": "ws205523",
  77339.             "Type": "WS",
  77340.             "URL": "http://www2.ucsc.edu/police/deer.html",
  77341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77342.             "Title": "Black-Tailed Deer",
  77343.             "Category": "LIF",
  77344.             "Description": "Information from the University of California, Santa Cruz.",
  77345.             "Year": 0
  77346.         },
  77347.         {
  77348.             "RIT": "ws205525",
  77349.             "Type": "WS",
  77350.             "URL": "http://www.dpiwe.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/ThemeNodes/JGAY-537VWW?open",
  77351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77352.             "Title": "Wildlife of Tansmania: Frogs",
  77353.             "Category": "LIF",
  77354.             "Description": "Tasmania's Parks and Wildlife Service profiles 11 frog species.",
  77355.             "Year": 0
  77356.         },
  77357.         {
  77358.             "RIT": "ws205535",
  77359.             "Type": "WS",
  77360.             "URL": "http://www.sciam.com/exhibit/050596exhibitbox.html",
  77361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77362.             "Title": "Saturn Image",
  77363.             "Category": "PHY",
  77364.             "Description": "A photo showing Saturn's rings, from the journal Scientific American.",
  77365.             "Year": 0
  77366.         },
  77367.         {
  77368.             "RIT": "ws205536",
  77369.             "Type": "WS",
  77370.             "URL": "http://www.ucalgary.ca/applied_history/tutor/eurvoya/columbus.html",
  77371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77372.             "Title": "The European Voyages of Exploration: Christopher Columbus and the Spanish Empire",
  77373.             "Category": "HIS",
  77374.             "Description": "Historical information from the Department of History at the University of Calgary in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.",
  77375.             "Year": 0
  77376.         },
  77377.         {
  77378.             "RIT": "ws205537",
  77379.             "Type": "WS",
  77380.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/fr.html",
  77381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77382.             "Title": "France",
  77383.             "Category": "GEO",
  77384.             "Description": "An overview of the country from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  77385.             "Year": 0
  77386.         },
  77387.         {
  77388.             "RIT": "ws205538",
  77389.             "Type": "WS",
  77390.             "URL": "http://www.usmint.gov/index.cfm?flash=yes",
  77391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77392.             "Title": "The United States Mint",
  77393.             "Category": "SOC",
  77394.             "Description": "Official Web site of the U.S. Mint, which manufactures coins, medals, and coin-based consumer products.",
  77395.             "Year": 0
  77396.         },
  77397.         {
  77398.             "RIT": "ws205539",
  77399.             "Type": "WS",
  77400.             "URL": "http://www.wildlife-australia.com/rainforest%20kangas.htm",
  77401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77402.             "Title": "Rainforest Kangaroos",
  77403.             "Category": "LIF",
  77404.             "Description": "Information provided by Australia's Chambers Wildlife Rainforest Lodge.",
  77405.             "Year": 0
  77406.         },
  77407.         {
  77408.             "RIT": "ws205540",
  77409.             "Type": "WS",
  77410.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/vets/answer35.html",
  77411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77412.             "Title": "Tree Kangaroo",
  77413.             "Category": "LIF",
  77414.             "Description": "PBS presents information about the tree kangaroo as part of an interactive game about animals.",
  77415.             "Year": 0
  77416.         },
  77417.         {
  77418.             "RIT": "ws205541",
  77419.             "Type": "WS",
  77420.             "URL": "http://www.federalreserve.gov/",
  77421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77422.             "Title": "Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System",
  77423.             "Category": "SOC",
  77424.             "Description": "Information about the Federal Reserve System, the central bank of the United States.",
  77425.             "Year": 0
  77426.         },
  77427.         {
  77428.             "RIT": "ws205542",
  77429.             "Type": "WS",
  77430.             "URL": "http://www.canadiens.com/english/index_dyn.cfm",
  77431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77432.             "Title": "Official site of the Montreal Canadiens",
  77433.             "Category": "GEO",
  77434.             "Description": "Web site of the Montreal hockey team.",
  77435.             "Year": 0
  77436.         },
  77437.         {
  77438.             "RIT": "ws205543",
  77439.             "Type": "WS",
  77440.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/database/franklin_a.html",
  77441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77442.             "Title": "American Masters - Aretha Franklin",
  77443.             "Category": "HUM",
  77444.             "Description": "PBS presents an overview of the singer's career.",
  77445.             "Year": 0
  77446.         },
  77447.         {
  77448.             "RIT": "ws205553",
  77449.             "Type": "WS",
  77450.             "URL": "http://www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/mlk/",
  77451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77452.             "Title": "Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black History Month",
  77453.             "Category": "SOC",
  77454.             "Description": "Selected Reference Sources from Louisiana State University Libraries in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.",
  77455.             "Year": 0
  77456.         },
  77457.         {
  77458.             "RIT": "ws205554",
  77459.             "Type": "WS",
  77460.             "URL": "http://www.aqua.org/animals/species/prpdfrog.html",
  77461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77462.             "Title": "Poison Dart Frog",
  77463.             "Category": "LIF",
  77464.             "Description": "A species fact sheet from the National Aquarium in Baltimore.",
  77465.             "Year": 0
  77466.         },
  77467.         {
  77468.             "RIT": "ws205555",
  77469.             "Type": "WS",
  77470.             "URL": "http://www.vanaqua.org/Visitor_Information/AquaFacts/Dolphins_and_Porpoises.htm",
  77471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77472.             "Title": "AquaFacts - Dolphins and Porpoises",
  77473.             "Category": "LIF",
  77474.             "Description": "Information from the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre.",
  77475.             "Year": 0
  77476.         },
  77477.         {
  77478.             "RIT": "ws205556",
  77479.             "Type": "WS",
  77480.             "URL": "http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/menu.html",
  77481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77482.             "Title": "Ancient Egypt",
  77483.             "Category": "GEO",
  77484.             "Description": "The British Museum in London provides information about life in ancient Egypt.",
  77485.             "Year": 0
  77486.         },
  77487.         {
  77488.             "RIT": "ws205557",
  77489.             "Type": "WS",
  77490.             "URL": "http://www.aristarec.com/aristaweb/ArethaFranklin/main.html",
  77491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77492.             "Title": "Aretha Franklin",
  77493.             "Category": "HUM",
  77494.             "Description": "Official Arista Records site for information about Franklin's recordings and performances.",
  77495.             "Year": 0
  77496.         },
  77497.         {
  77498.             "RIT": "ws205558",
  77499.             "Type": "WS",
  77500.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ei.html",
  77501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77502.             "Title": "Ireland",
  77503.             "Category": "GEO",
  77504.             "Description": "An overview of the country from the online edition of the U.S. Central Ingelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  77505.             "Year": 0
  77506.         },
  77507.         {
  77508.             "RIT": "ws205559",
  77509.             "Type": "WS",
  77510.             "URL": "http://www.riedc.com/startframe.html",
  77511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77512.             "Title": "Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation",
  77513.             "Category": "GEO",
  77514.             "Description": "Resources for learning Rhode Island, including city fact sheets, tourist information, and business assistance materials.",
  77515.             "Year": 0
  77516.         },
  77517.         {
  77518.             "RIT": "ws205560",
  77519.             "Type": "WS",
  77520.             "URL": "http://scope.educ.washington.edu/amphib/",
  77521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77522.             "Title": "The Decline of Amphibian Populations",
  77523.             "Category": "LIF",
  77524.             "Description": "Information from SCOPE: Science Controversies Online, a project from the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Washington, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.",
  77525.             "Year": 0
  77526.         },
  77527.         {
  77528.             "RIT": "ws205561",
  77529.             "Type": "WS",
  77530.             "URL": "http://www.parliament.gov.eg/EPA/en/Index.jsp",
  77531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77532.             "Title": "Majlis Al-Sha'ab (The People's Assembly)",
  77533.             "Category": "GEO",
  77534.             "Description": "Official Web site of Egypt's parliament.",
  77535.             "Year": 0
  77536.         },
  77537.         {
  77538.             "RIT": "ws205507",
  77539.             "Type": "WS",
  77540.             "URL": "http://www.diaa.org/",
  77541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77542.             "Title": "Deer Industry Association of Australia",
  77543.             "Category": "LIF",
  77544.             "Description": "Home page of an organization that represents individuals involved in the deer breeding industry. Includes animal fact sheets.",
  77545.             "Year": 0
  77546.         },
  77547.         {
  77548.             "RIT": "ws205508",
  77549.             "Type": "WS",
  77550.             "URL": "http://www.census.gov/main/www/cen2000.html",
  77551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77552.             "Title": "Census 2000 Special Tables and Reports",
  77553.             "Category": "SOC",
  77554.             "Description": "Links to tables and reports of information from the 2000 census, from the U.S. Census Bureau.",
  77555.             "Year": 0
  77556.         },
  77557.         {
  77558.             "RIT": "ws205509",
  77559.             "Type": "WS",
  77560.             "URL": "http://www.canadianhockey.ca/index2.html",
  77561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77562.             "Title": "Canadian Hockey Association",
  77563.             "Category": "REC",
  77564.             "Description": "Home page of the governing body for amateur hockey in Canada.",
  77565.             "Year": 0
  77566.         },
  77567.         {
  77568.             "RIT": "ws205510",
  77569.             "Type": "WS",
  77570.             "URL": "http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/page557.asp",
  77571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77572.             "Title": "Windsor Castle",
  77573.             "Category": "GEO",
  77574.             "Description": "Information about the castle from the official Web site of the British monarchy.",
  77575.             "Year": 0
  77576.         },
  77577.         {
  77578.             "RIT": "ws205511",
  77579.             "Type": "WS",
  77580.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/us.html",
  77581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77582.             "Title": "United States",
  77583.             "Category": "GEO",
  77584.             "Description": "Information about the United States from the online edition of the Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  77585.             "Year": 0
  77586.         },
  77587.         {
  77588.             "RIT": "ws205512",
  77589.             "Type": "WS",
  77590.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes/japan_0899_bgn.html",
  77591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77592.             "Title": "Background Notes: Japan",
  77593.             "Category": "GEO",
  77594.             "Description": "Information about Japan from the U.S. Department of State.",
  77595.             "Year": 0
  77596.         },
  77597.         {
  77598.             "RIT": "ws205513",
  77599.             "Type": "WS",
  77600.             "URL": "http://www.frogweb.gov/",
  77601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77602.             "Title": "Frogweb",
  77603.             "Category": "LIF",
  77604.             "Description": "Information about frogs and toads from the National Biological Information Infrastructure.",
  77605.             "Year": 0
  77606.         },
  77607.         {
  77608.             "RIT": "ws205514",
  77609.             "Type": "WS",
  77610.             "URL": "http://www.un.org/esa/agenda21/natlinfo/countr/brazil/index.htm",
  77611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77612.             "Title": "Information on Brazil",
  77613.             "Category": "GEO",
  77614.             "Description": "An index of information from the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development.",
  77615.             "Year": 0
  77616.         },
  77617.         {
  77618.             "RIT": "ws205515",
  77619.             "Type": "WS",
  77620.             "URL": "http://www.brazilhouston.org/eng/index-i.htm",
  77621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77622.             "Title": "Consulate General of Brazil in Houston",
  77623.             "Category": "GEO",
  77624.             "Description": "Includes travel information for visitors to Brazil.",
  77625.             "Year": 0
  77626.         },
  77627.         {
  77628.             "RIT": "ws205526",
  77629.             "Type": "WS",
  77630.             "URL": "http://deil.lang.uiuc.edu/web.pages/holidays/Columbus.html",
  77631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77632.             "Title": "Columbus Day",
  77633.             "Category": "HIS",
  77634.             "Description": "An informative page about the explorer Christoper Columbus from the Intensive English Institute at the University of Illinois.",
  77635.             "Year": 0
  77636.         },
  77637.         {
  77638.             "RIT": "ws205527",
  77639.             "Type": "WS",
  77640.             "URL": "http://www.wildlifetrust.org.uk/london/bats/bats.html",
  77641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77642.             "Title": "Wildlife Facts: Bats",
  77643.             "Category": "LIF",
  77644.             "Description": "Information provided by the London Wildlife Trust.",
  77645.             "Year": 0
  77646.         },
  77647.         {
  77648.             "RIT": "ws205528",
  77649.             "Type": "WS",
  77650.             "URL": "http://www.eatinri.com/",
  77651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77652.             "Title": "All You Can Eat in Rhode Island",
  77653.             "Category": "GEO",
  77654.             "Description": "Information about restaurants, lodging, and tourist attractions provided by the Rhode Island Hospitality and Tourism Association.",
  77655.             "Year": 0
  77656.         },
  77657.         {
  77658.             "RIT": "ws205529",
  77659.             "Type": "WS",
  77660.             "URL": "http://www.ea.gov.au/biodiversity/trade-use/wild-harvest/kangaroo/",
  77661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77662.             "Title": "Kangaroo Biology",
  77663.             "Category": "LIF",
  77664.             "Description": "Information from Environment Australia, a government agency.",
  77665.             "Year": 0
  77666.         },
  77667.         {
  77668.             "RIT": "ws205530",
  77669.             "Type": "WS",
  77670.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/eg.html",
  77671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77672.             "Title": "Egypt",
  77673.             "Category": "GEO",
  77674.             "Description": "Country-specific information from the online edition of the Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  77675.             "Year": 0
  77676.         },
  77677.         {
  77678.             "RIT": "ws205531",
  77679.             "Type": "WS",
  77680.             "URL": "http://www.deos.tudelft.nl/gravi/info/moon.shtml",
  77681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77682.             "Title": "Modeling the Moon's gravity field",
  77683.             "Category": "PHY",
  77684.             "Description": "Studies of the earth's only natural satellite, the moon.",
  77685.             "Year": 0
  77686.         },
  77687.         {
  77688.             "RIT": "ws205532",
  77689.             "Type": "WS",
  77690.             "URL": "http://www.butterflies.org.uk/",
  77691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77692.             "Title": "The London Butterfly House",
  77693.             "Category": "LIF",
  77694.             "Description": "Home page of a British butterfly observation facility, including general information about the insects.",
  77695.             "Year": 0
  77696.         },
  77697.         {
  77698.             "RIT": "ws205533",
  77699.             "Type": "WS",
  77700.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/br.html",
  77701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77702.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Brazil",
  77703.             "Category": "GEO",
  77704.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  77705.             "Year": 0
  77706.         },
  77707.         {
  77708.             "RIT": "ws205534",
  77709.             "Type": "WS",
  77710.             "URL": "http://ringmaster.arc.nasa.gov/saturn/saturn.html",
  77711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77712.             "Title": "Saturn's Ring System",
  77713.             "Category": "PHY",
  77714.             "Description": "Information from the Ames Research Center, including images and animations, related Web sites, and a bibliography.",
  77715.             "Year": 0
  77716.         },
  77717.         {
  77718.             "RIT": "ws205544",
  77719.             "Type": "WS",
  77720.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/asia/southasia/india/",
  77721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77722.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: India",
  77723.             "Category": "GEO",
  77724.             "Description": "Indian news stories and Web links from the Washington Post.",
  77725.             "Year": 0
  77726.         },
  77727.         {
  77728.             "RIT": "ws205545",
  77729.             "Type": "WS",
  77730.             "URL": "http://WWW.OREGONZOO.ORG/cards/Rainforest/bat.fruit.egyptian.htm",
  77731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77732.             "Title": "Egyptian Fruit Bat",
  77733.             "Category": "LIF",
  77734.             "Description": "Species information from the Oregon Zoo in Portland, Oregon.",
  77735.             "Year": 0
  77736.         },
  77737.         {
  77738.             "RIT": "ws205546",
  77739.             "Type": "WS",
  77740.             "URL": "http://www.discovery.com/exp/turtles/turtles.html",
  77741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77742.             "Title": "Love & Death on Turtle Beach",
  77743.             "Category": "LIF",
  77744.             "Description": "This Discovery Channel feature highlights the struggle for survival among leatherback turtles in Costa Rica.",
  77745.             "Year": 0
  77746.         },
  77747.         {
  77748.             "RIT": "ws205547",
  77749.             "Type": "WS",
  77750.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/europe/westerneurope/unitedkingdom/",
  77751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77752.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: United Kingdom",
  77753.             "Category": "GEO",
  77754.             "Description": "News from the UK and related Web sites provided by the Washington Post.",
  77755.             "Year": 0
  77756.         },
  77757.         {
  77758.             "RIT": "ws205548",
  77759.             "Type": "WS",
  77760.             "URL": "http://www.tvguide.com/",
  77761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77762.             "Title": "TV Guide",
  77763.             "Category": "IND",
  77764.             "Description": "Online edition of the magazine that focuses on television programming and TV culture.",
  77765.             "Year": 0
  77766.         },
  77767.         {
  77768.             "RIT": "ws205549",
  77769.             "Type": "WS",
  77770.             "URL": "http://www.human-dolphin.org/",
  77771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77772.             "Title": "The Human Dolphin Institute",
  77773.             "Category": "LIF",
  77774.             "Description": "Home page of a Florida conservation society dedicated to the better understanding of humans, dolphins, and their relationship.",
  77775.             "Year": 0
  77776.         },
  77777.         {
  77778.             "RIT": "ws205550",
  77779.             "Type": "WS",
  77780.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/in.html",
  77781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77782.             "Title": "India",
  77783.             "Category": "GEO",
  77784.             "Description": "Information about India from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  77785.             "Year": 0
  77786.         },
  77787.         {
  77788.             "RIT": "ws205551",
  77789.             "Type": "WS",
  77790.             "URL": "http://www.discovery.com/cams/bat/batmain.html?ct=395219aa",
  77791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77792.             "Title": "Bat Cam",
  77793.             "Category": "LIF",
  77794.             "Description": "The Discovery Channel presents bat images and general information on bats.",
  77795.             "Year": 0
  77796.         },
  77797.         {
  77798.             "RIT": "ws205552",
  77799.             "Type": "WS",
  77800.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/saf/transcripts/transcript905.htm",
  77801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77802.             "Title": "Scientific American Frontiers - Spiders",
  77803.             "Category": "LIF",
  77804.             "Description": "The transcript of a PBS show that explores the slightly sinister world of spiders. Information provided by five arachnid experts, each studying a different type of spider.",
  77805.             "Year": 0
  77806.         },
  77807.         {
  77808.             "RIT": "ws205562",
  77809.             "Type": "WS",
  77810.             "URL": "http://www.historychannel.com/cgi-bin/frameit.cgi?p=http%3A//www.historychannel.com/exhibits/mexico/",
  77811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77812.             "Title": "The History of Mexico",
  77813.             "Category": "GEO",
  77814.             "Description": "A special feature from The History Channel.",
  77815.             "Year": 0
  77816.         },
  77817.         {
  77818.             "RIT": "ws205563",
  77819.             "Type": "WS",
  77820.             "URL": "http://www.sedl.org/scimath/pasopartners/spiders/welcome.html",
  77821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77822.             "Title": "Spiders",
  77823.             "Category": "LIF",
  77824.             "Description": "Lesson plans and related Web sites provided by Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.",
  77825.             "Year": 0
  77826.         },
  77827.         {
  77828.             "RIT": "ws205564",
  77829.             "Type": "WS",
  77830.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/europe/westerneurope/germany/",
  77831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77832.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: Germany",
  77833.             "Category": "GEO",
  77834.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents German news stories and related Web sites.",
  77835.             "Year": 0
  77836.         },
  77837.         {
  77838.             "RIT": "ws205565",
  77839.             "Type": "WS",
  77840.             "URL": "http://www.Qmuseum.qld.gov.au/features/spiders/",
  77841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77842.             "Title": "Meet Some Spooky Spiders",
  77843.             "Category": "LIF",
  77844.             "Description": "Information about spiders from the Queensland Museum in Australia.",
  77845.             "Year": 0
  77846.         },
  77847.         {
  77848.             "RIT": "ws205566",
  77849.             "Type": "WS",
  77850.             "URL": "http://vassun.vassar.edu/~sttaylor/FAMINE/",
  77851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77852.             "Title": "Views of the Famine",
  77853.             "Category": "HIS",
  77854.             "Description": "Contemporary reports and interviews about the Irish Potato Famine (1845-1851), with links to other resources.",
  77855.             "Year": 0
  77856.         },
  77857.         {
  77858.             "RIT": "ws205567",
  77859.             "Type": "WS",
  77860.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/africa/northafrica/egypt/",
  77861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77862.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: Egypt",
  77863.             "Category": "GEO",
  77864.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents news from Egypt.",
  77865.             "Year": 0
  77866.         },
  77867.         {
  77868.             "RIT": "ws205568",
  77869.             "Type": "WS",
  77870.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/politics/jan-june00/flag_1-17.html",
  77871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77872.             "Title": "Stars and Bars",
  77873.             "Category": "SOC",
  77874.             "Description": "PBS presents a NewsHour discussion of demonstrations held in 2000 outside the South Carolina statehouse to protest the Confederate flag at state buildings.",
  77875.             "Year": 0
  77876.         },
  77877.         {
  77878.             "RIT": "ws205569",
  77879.             "Type": "WS",
  77880.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/satoyama/hibernation.html",
  77881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77882.             "Title": "Secrets of Hibernation",
  77883.             "Category": "LIF",
  77884.             "Description": "PBS presents information about the American black bear, which can hibernate for up to 100 days.",
  77885.             "Year": 0
  77886.         },
  77887.         {
  77888.             "RIT": "ws205570",
  77889.             "Type": "WS",
  77890.             "URL": "http://www.cityofyonkers.com/",
  77891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77892.             "Title": "City of Yonkers, New York",
  77893.             "Category": "GEO",
  77894.             "Description": "Official Yonkers site for city services and tourism.",
  77895.             "Year": 0
  77896.         },
  77897.         {
  77898.             "RIT": "ws205572",
  77899.             "Type": "WS",
  77900.             "URL": "http://usscouts.org/safety/safe_bea.html",
  77901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77902.             "Title": "Safety in Bear Country,",
  77903.             "Category": "LIF",
  77904.             "Description": "Information provided by the U.S. Scouting Service Project.",
  77905.             "Year": 0
  77906.         },
  77907.         {
  77908.             "RIT": "ws205583",
  77909.             "Type": "WS",
  77910.             "URL": "http://tc.huh.harvard.edu/",
  77911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77912.             "Title": "The International Plant Names Index",
  77913.             "Category": "LIF",
  77914.             "Description": "Harvard University presents a database of the names and associated basic bibliographical details of all seed plants.",
  77915.             "Year": 0
  77916.         },
  77917.         {
  77918.             "RIT": "ws205584",
  77919.             "Type": "WS",
  77920.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/greatspeeches/timeline/m_king_b1.html",
  77921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77922.             "Title": "The March on Washington",
  77923.             "Category": "SOC",
  77924.             "Description": "PBS presents background information on the 1963 march as well as the full text of Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream speech.",
  77925.             "Year": 0
  77926.         },
  77927.         {
  77928.             "RIT": "ws205585",
  77929.             "Type": "WS",
  77930.             "URL": "http://www.bento.com/l1-3.html",
  77931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77932.             "Title": "Japan Specialty Cuisines",
  77933.             "Category": "GEO",
  77934.             "Description": "Information about popular Japanese foods.",
  77935.             "Year": 0
  77936.         },
  77937.         {
  77938.             "RIT": "ws205586",
  77939.             "Type": "WS",
  77940.             "URL": "http://www.ci.buffalo.ny.us/document_3.html",
  77941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77942.             "Title": "City of Buffalo: Official Web Site",
  77943.             "Category": "GEO",
  77944.             "Description": "Official city site for services and tourism.",
  77945.             "Year": 0
  77946.         },
  77947.         {
  77948.             "RIT": "ws205587",
  77949.             "Type": "WS",
  77950.             "URL": "http://www.seaworld.org/animalbytes/frogab.html",
  77951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77952.             "Title": "South American ornate horned frog",
  77953.             "Category": "LIF",
  77954.             "Description": "Fact sheet and bibliography from SeaWorld/Busch Gardens.",
  77955.             "Year": 0
  77956.         },
  77957.         {
  77958.             "RIT": "ws205588",
  77959.             "Type": "WS",
  77960.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/mammalia/diprotodontia/macropodidae.html",
  77961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77962.             "Title": "Macropodidae",
  77963.             "Category": "LIF",
  77964.             "Description": "The University of Michigan presents facts about the class of animals that includes kangaroos and wallabies.",
  77965.             "Year": 0
  77966.         },
  77967.         {
  77968.             "RIT": "ws205589",
  77969.             "Type": "WS",
  77970.             "URL": "http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/facts/factover/homepage.htm",
  77971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77972.             "Title": "Portrait of the USA",
  77973.             "Category": "GEO",
  77974.             "Description": "An overview of the country published by the United States Information Agency.",
  77975.             "Year": 0
  77976.         },
  77977.         {
  77978.             "RIT": "ws205590",
  77979.             "Type": "WS",
  77980.             "URL": "http://www.mariner.org/age/columbus.html",
  77981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77982.             "Title": "The Explorations of Christopher Columbus",
  77983.             "Category": "HIS",
  77984.             "Description": "The Mariners' Museum in Newport News, Virginia, provides a brief description of the explorer's voyages.",
  77985.             "Year": 0
  77986.         },
  77987.         {
  77988.             "RIT": "ws205591",
  77989.             "Type": "WS",
  77990.             "URL": "http://tie.jpl.nasa.gov/tie/index.html",
  77991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  77992.             "Title": "TIE: Telescopes In Education",
  77993.             "Category": "PHY",
  77994.             "Description": "About Telescopes In Education, a NASA program for students, teachers, and others interested in astronomy.",
  77995.             "Year": 0
  77996.         },
  77997.         {
  77998.             "RIT": "ws205592",
  77999.             "Type": "WS",
  78000.             "URL": "http://www.discovery.com/cams/bear/bear.html",
  78001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78002.             "Title": "Bear Cam",
  78003.             "Category": "LIF",
  78004.             "Description": "The Discovery Channel displays images and sounds of a bear hibernating.",
  78005.             "Year": 0
  78006.         },
  78007.         {
  78008.             "RIT": "ws205602",
  78009.             "Type": "WS",
  78010.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/003000a/003000010.html",
  78011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78012.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center",
  78013.             "Category": "LIF",
  78014.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center encyclopedia",
  78015.             "Year": 0
  78016.         },
  78017.         {
  78018.             "RIT": "ws205611",
  78019.             "Type": "WS",
  78020.             "URL": "http://www.indyindians.com/",
  78021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78022.             "Title": "Indianapolis Indians Baseball",
  78023.             "Category": "GEO",
  78024.             "Description": "Official site of the Indianapolis Indians baseball team.",
  78025.             "Year": 0
  78026.         },
  78027.         {
  78028.             "RIT": "ws205612",
  78029.             "Type": "WS",
  78030.             "URL": "http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Render&inifile=futuretense.ini&c=Page&cid=968332188492&pubid=968163964505",
  78031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78032.             "Title": "The star",
  78033.             "Category": "GEO",
  78034.             "Description": "Official site of the Toronto Star newspaper.",
  78035.             "Year": 0
  78036.         },
  78037.         {
  78038.             "RIT": "ws205613",
  78039.             "Type": "WS",
  78040.             "URL": "http://cgyfoa.ab.ca/",
  78041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78042.             "Title": "Calgary Football",
  78043.             "Category": "GEO",
  78044.             "Description": "The Web site of the Calgary Football Officials Association.",
  78045.             "Year": 0
  78046.         },
  78047.         {
  78048.             "RIT": "ws205614",
  78049.             "Type": "WS",
  78050.             "URL": "http://www.hmns.org/",
  78051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78052.             "Title": "Houston Museum of Natural Science",
  78053.             "Category": "SOC",
  78054.             "Description": "Official site of the Houston Museum of Natural Science.",
  78055.             "Year": 0
  78056.         },
  78057.         {
  78058.             "RIT": "ws205615",
  78059.             "Type": "WS",
  78060.             "URL": "http://www.chicago-fire.com/",
  78061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78062.             "Title": "Chicago Fire",
  78063.             "Category": "GEO",
  78064.             "Description": "Official site of the Chicago Fire soccer team.",
  78065.             "Year": 0
  78066.         },
  78067.         {
  78068.             "RIT": "ws205616",
  78069.             "Type": "WS",
  78070.             "URL": "http://www.esbnyc.com/index2.cfm",
  78071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78072.             "Title": "Empire State Building",
  78073.             "Category": "GEO",
  78074.             "Description": "Official site of the Empire State Building in New York City.",
  78075.             "Year": 0
  78076.         },
  78077.         {
  78078.             "RIT": "ws205617",
  78079.             "Type": "WS",
  78080.             "URL": "http://www.riverkings.com/",
  78081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78082.             "Title": "RiverKings",
  78083.             "Category": "GEO",
  78084.             "Description": "Official site of the Memphis RiverKings hockey team.",
  78085.             "Year": 0
  78086.         },
  78087.         {
  78088.             "RIT": "ws205618",
  78089.             "Type": "WS",
  78090.             "URL": "http://www.lachamber.net/",
  78091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78092.             "Title": "Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce",
  78093.             "Category": "GEO",
  78094.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Los Angeles, California.",
  78095.             "Year": 0
  78096.         },
  78097.         {
  78098.             "RIT": "ws205619",
  78099.             "Type": "WS",
  78100.             "URL": "http://www.arizonarepublic.com/",
  78101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78102.             "Title": "Arizona Republic",
  78103.             "Category": "GEO",
  78104.             "Description": "Online version of the Arizona Republic, Phoenix's local newspaper.",
  78105.             "Year": 0
  78106.         },
  78107.         {
  78108.             "RIT": "ws205620",
  78109.             "Type": "WS",
  78110.             "URL": "http://www.indystar.com/",
  78111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78112.             "Title": "Indystar.com",
  78113.             "Category": "GEO",
  78114.             "Description": "Official site for the Indianapolis Star newspaper.",
  78115.             "Year": 0
  78116.         },
  78117.         {
  78118.             "RIT": "ws205621",
  78119.             "Type": "WS",
  78120.             "URL": "http://www.assembly.gov.nt.ca/",
  78121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78122.             "Title": "Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories",
  78123.             "Category": "GEO",
  78124.             "Description": "Official site of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories.",
  78125.             "Year": 0
  78126.         },
  78127.         {
  78128.             "RIT": "ws205636",
  78129.             "Type": "WS",
  78130.             "URL": "http://www.canada.com/montreal/montrealgazette/",
  78131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78132.             "Title": "Montreal Gazette",
  78133.             "Category": "GEO",
  78134.             "Description": "Official site of the Montreal Gazette newspaper.",
  78135.             "Year": 0
  78136.         },
  78137.         {
  78138.             "RIT": "ws205637",
  78139.             "Type": "WS",
  78140.             "URL": "http://www.examiner.com/",
  78141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78142.             "Title": "San Francisco Examiner",
  78143.             "Category": "GEO",
  78144.             "Description": "Official site of the San Francisco Examiner newspaper.",
  78145.             "Year": 0
  78146.         },
  78147.         {
  78148.             "RIT": "ws205638",
  78149.             "Type": "WS",
  78150.             "URL": "http://www.guadalajarareporter.com/index.cfm",
  78151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78152.             "Title": "Guadalajara Reporter",
  78153.             "Category": "GEO",
  78154.             "Description": "Official site of the Guadalajara Reporter newspaper.",
  78155.             "Year": 0
  78156.         },
  78157.         {
  78158.             "RIT": "ws205639",
  78159.             "Type": "WS",
  78160.             "URL": "http://www.lacvb.com/",
  78161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78162.             "Title": "Los Angeles Convention and Visitors Bureau",
  78163.             "Category": "GEO",
  78164.             "Description": "Los Angeles Convention and Visitors Bureau Web site.",
  78165.             "Year": 0
  78166.         },
  78167.         {
  78168.             "RIT": "ws205640",
  78169.             "Type": "WS",
  78170.             "URL": "http://www.torontozoo.com/",
  78171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78172.             "Title": "Escape to the Toronto Zoo",
  78173.             "Category": "GEO",
  78174.             "Description": "Official site of the Toronto Zoo.",
  78175.             "Year": 0
  78176.         },
  78177.         {
  78178.             "RIT": "ws205641",
  78179.             "Type": "WS",
  78180.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/kbank/profiles/allende/",
  78181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78182.             "Title": "Allende Gossens, Salvador",
  78183.             "Category": "HIS",
  78184.             "Description": "Biographical information about Salvador Allende Gossens presented by CNN.",
  78185.             "Year": 0
  78186.         },
  78187.         {
  78188.             "RIT": "ws205642",
  78189.             "Type": "WS",
  78190.             "URL": "http://www.mexicocity.com/",
  78191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78192.             "Title": "Mexico Daily",
  78193.             "Category": "GEO",
  78194.             "Description": "The World News Network provides the Mexico Daily online news for Mexico City.",
  78195.             "Year": 0
  78196.         },
  78197.         {
  78198.             "RIT": "ws205643",
  78199.             "Type": "WS",
  78200.             "URL": "http://www.mynahbird.com/",
  78201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78202.             "Title": "Mynah Bird Home Page",
  78203.             "Category": "LIF",
  78204.             "Description": "Commercial Web site about myna birds.",
  78205.             "Year": 0
  78206.         },
  78207.         {
  78208.             "RIT": "ws205644",
  78209.             "Type": "WS",
  78210.             "URL": "http://www.robirda.com/",
  78211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78212.             "Title": "A Place For Canaries - Robirda's Birds",
  78213.             "Category": "LIF",
  78214.             "Description": "Online guide to canary care.",
  78215.             "Year": 0
  78216.         },
  78217.         {
  78218.             "RIT": "ws205645",
  78219.             "Type": "WS",
  78220.             "URL": "http://www.birdsnways.com/",
  78221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78222.             "Title": "Birds n Ways",
  78223.             "Category": "LIF",
  78224.             "Description": "Information about parrots and other pet birds from pet company.",
  78225.             "Year": 0
  78226.         },
  78227.         {
  78228.             "RIT": "ws205646",
  78229.             "Type": "WS",
  78230.             "URL": "http://www.charm.net/~marc/chronicle/",
  78231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78232.             "Title": "Baltimore chronicle",
  78233.             "Category": "GEO",
  78234.             "Description": "Official site of the Baltimore Chronicle and Sentinel Newspapers.",
  78235.             "Year": 0
  78236.         },
  78237.         {
  78238.             "RIT": "ws205647",
  78239.             "Type": "WS",
  78240.             "URL": "http://www.ftc.gov/",
  78241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78242.             "Title": "Federal Trade Commission",
  78243.             "Category": "SOC",
  78244.             "Description": "Official site of the Federal Trade Commission.",
  78245.             "Year": 0
  78246.         },
  78247.         {
  78248.             "RIT": "ws205648",
  78249.             "Type": "WS",
  78250.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/",
  78251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78252.             "Title": "Welcome to the White House",
  78253.             "Category": "SOC",
  78254.             "Description": "A guide to information about the federal government and access to federal services.",
  78255.             "Year": 0
  78256.         },
  78257.         {
  78258.             "RIT": "ws205662",
  78259.             "Type": "WS",
  78260.             "URL": "http://www.petstuffcenter.com/photos/peacocks/INDEX000.HTM",
  78261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78262.             "Title": "Peacocks Photos",
  78263.             "Category": "LIF",
  78264.             "Description": "Index of photographs of peacocks.",
  78265.             "Year": 0
  78266.         },
  78267.         {
  78268.             "RIT": "ws205663",
  78269.             "Type": "WS",
  78270.             "URL": "http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/",
  78271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78272.             "Title": "Daily News",
  78273.             "Category": "GEO",
  78274.             "Description": "Online version of the Philadelphia Daily News newspaper.",
  78275.             "Year": 0
  78276.         },
  78277.         {
  78278.             "RIT": "ws205664",
  78279.             "Type": "WS",
  78280.             "URL": "http://www.nlrb.gov/",
  78281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78282.             "Title": "National Labor Relations Board",
  78283.             "Category": "SOC",
  78284.             "Description": "Official site of the National Labor Relations Board.",
  78285.             "Year": 0
  78286.         },
  78287.         {
  78288.             "RIT": "ws205665",
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  78290.             "URL": "http://www.panynj.gov/aviation/lgaframe.HTM",
  78291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78292.             "Title": "La Guardia Airport",
  78293.             "Category": "GEO",
  78294.             "Description": "Official site of La Guardia Airport.",
  78295.             "Year": 0
  78296.         },
  78297.         {
  78298.             "RIT": "ws205666",
  78299.             "Type": "WS",
  78300.             "URL": "http://www.phoenixintlraceway.com/",
  78301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78302.             "Title": "Phoenix International Raceway",
  78303.             "Category": "GEO",
  78304.             "Description": "Official site of the Phoenix International Raceway.",
  78305.             "Year": 0
  78306.         },
  78307.         {
  78308.             "RIT": "ws205667",
  78309.             "Type": "WS",
  78310.             "URL": "http://www.audubon.org/bird/watch/dic/dic.html",
  78311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78312.             "Title": "Dickcissel",
  78313.             "Category": "LIF",
  78314.             "Description": "Aududon Society report on the dickcissel.",
  78315.             "Year": 0
  78316.         },
  78317.         {
  78318.             "RIT": "ws205668",
  78319.             "Type": "WS",
  78320.             "URL": "http://www.fmc.gov/",
  78321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78322.             "Title": "Federal Maritime Commission",
  78323.             "Category": "SOC",
  78324.             "Description": "Official site of the Federal Maritime Commission.",
  78325.             "Year": 0
  78326.         },
  78327.         {
  78328.             "RIT": "ws205669",
  78329.             "Type": "WS",
  78330.             "URL": "http://www.statcan.ca/start.html",
  78331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78332.             "Title": "Statistics Canada",
  78333.             "Category": "PHY",
  78334.             "Description": "Official statistics from Canada's federal government.",
  78335.             "Year": 0
  78336.         },
  78337.         {
  78338.             "RIT": "ws205670",
  78339.             "Type": "WS",
  78340.             "URL": "http://www.usccr.gov/",
  78341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78342.             "Title": "United States Commission on Civil Rights Home Page",
  78343.             "Category": "SOC",
  78344.             "Description": "Official site of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.",
  78345.             "Year": 0
  78346.         },
  78347.         {
  78348.             "RIT": "ws205671",
  78349.             "Type": "WS",
  78350.             "URL": "http://www.ent.iastate.edu/imagegallery/ticks/iscapm.html",
  78351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78352.             "Title": "Ixodes scapularis",
  78353.             "Category": "LIF",
  78354.             "Description": "Photo of deer tick from Iowa State University.",
  78355.             "Year": 0
  78356.         },
  78357.         {
  78358.             "RIT": "ws205672",
  78359.             "Type": "WS",
  78360.             "URL": "http://www.amonline.net.au/factsheets/canetoad.htm",
  78361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78362.             "Title": "Cane Toads",
  78363.             "Category": "LIF",
  78364.             "Description": "Fact sheet from the Australian Museum with information on cane toads.",
  78365.             "Year": 0
  78366.         },
  78367.         {
  78368.             "RIT": "ws205673",
  78369.             "Type": "WS",
  78370.             "URL": "http://www2.ogu.edu.tr/~mkarakaya/",
  78371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78372.             "Title": "Bee-eaters photography",
  78373.             "Category": "LIF",
  78374.             "Description": "Online photo gallery of bee-eaters.",
  78375.             "Year": 0
  78376.         },
  78377.         {
  78378.             "RIT": "ws205674",
  78379.             "Type": "WS",
  78380.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/coraciidae.html",
  78381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78382.             "Title": "Coraciidae",
  78383.             "Category": "LIF",
  78384.             "Description": "Basic facts about rollers.",
  78385.             "Year": 0
  78386.         },
  78387.         {
  78388.             "RIT": "ws205573",
  78389.             "Type": "WS",
  78390.             "URL": "http://www.sis.gov.eg/",
  78391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78392.             "Title": "Egyptian State Information Service",
  78393.             "Category": "GEO",
  78394.             "Description": "Information about Egypt from the country's government.",
  78395.             "Year": 0
  78396.         },
  78397.         {
  78398.             "RIT": "ws205574",
  78399.             "Type": "WS",
  78400.             "URL": "http://www.sdnhm.org/fieldguide/herps/clem-mar.html",
  78401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78402.             "Title": "SDNHM - Pacific Pond Turtle",
  78403.             "Category": "LIF",
  78404.             "Description": "An animal fact sheet presented by the San Diego Natural History Museum.",
  78405.             "Year": 0
  78406.         },
  78407.         {
  78408.             "RIT": "ws205575",
  78409.             "Type": "WS",
  78410.             "URL": "http://www.info-france-usa.org/",
  78411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78412.             "Title": "French Embassy",
  78413.             "Category": "GEO",
  78414.             "Description": "News and information about France from the country's Washington, D.C., embassy.",
  78415.             "Year": 0
  78416.         },
  78417.         {
  78418.             "RIT": "ws205576",
  78419.             "Type": "WS",
  78420.             "URL": "http://pandas.si.edu/",
  78421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78422.             "Title": "Giant Pandas at the Smithsonian National Zoo",
  78423.             "Category": "LIF",
  78424.             "Description": "Information about panda research and conservation programs.",
  78425.             "Year": 0
  78426.         },
  78427.         {
  78428.             "RIT": "ws205577",
  78429.             "Type": "WS",
  78430.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/greatspeeches/timeline/m_king_b2.html",
  78431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78432.             "Title": "Martin Luther King, Jr.",
  78433.             "Category": "SOC",
  78434.             "Description": "PBS presents the text of a speech on courage given by King in Selma, Alabama in March 1965.",
  78435.             "Year": 0
  78436.         },
  78437.         {
  78438.             "RIT": "ws205578",
  78439.             "Type": "WS",
  78440.             "URL": "http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/cassini/english/teachers/guides/educatorguide/",
  78441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78442.             "Title": "Saturn Educator Guide",
  78443.             "Category": "PHY",
  78444.             "Description": "NASA presents learning materials for grades five through eight.",
  78445.             "Year": 0
  78446.         },
  78447.         {
  78448.             "RIT": "ws205579",
  78449.             "Type": "WS",
  78450.             "URL": "http://www.army.mil/cmh-pg/online/Bookshelves/WWI.htm",
  78451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78452.             "Title": "Online Bookshelves - World War I",
  78453.             "Category": "HIS",
  78454.             "Description": "Research materials presented by the U.S. Army Center of Military History.",
  78455.             "Year": 0
  78456.         },
  78457.         {
  78458.             "RIT": "ws205580",
  78459.             "Type": "WS",
  78460.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/europe/westerneurope/ireland/",
  78461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78462.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: Ireland",
  78463.             "Category": "GEO",
  78464.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents Irish news and related Web sites.",
  78465.             "Year": 0
  78466.         },
  78467.         {
  78468.             "RIT": "ws205581",
  78469.             "Type": "WS",
  78470.             "URL": "http://www.discovery.com/area/science/cassini/cassini1.html",
  78471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78472.             "Title": "Cassini: Sailing to Saturn",
  78473.             "Category": "PHY",
  78474.             "Description": "The Discovery Channel presents a how-to guide for reaching the ringed planet.",
  78475.             "Year": 0
  78476.         },
  78477.         {
  78478.             "RIT": "ws205582",
  78479.             "Type": "WS",
  78480.             "URL": "http://library.thinkquest.org/C002251/index2.shtml",
  78481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78482.             "Title": "Butterflies: On the Wings of Freedom",
  78483.             "Category": "LIF",
  78484.             "Description": "Information about butterflies from ThinkQuest.",
  78485.             "Year": 0
  78486.         },
  78487.         {
  78488.             "RIT": "ws205594",
  78489.             "Type": "WS",
  78490.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ja.html",
  78491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78492.             "Title": "Japan",
  78493.             "Category": "GEO",
  78494.             "Description": "Country-specific information from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  78495.             "Year": 0
  78496.         },
  78497.         {
  78498.             "RIT": "ws205595",
  78499.             "Type": "WS",
  78500.             "URL": "http://www.mlsnet.com/",
  78501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78502.             "Title": "MLSnet.com - The Official Site of Major League Soccer",
  78503.             "Category": "REC",
  78504.             "Description": "Home page of the U.S. professional soccer organization.",
  78505.             "Year": 0
  78506.         },
  78507.         {
  78508.             "RIT": "ws205596",
  78509.             "Type": "WS",
  78510.             "URL": "http://www.historychannel.com/cgi-bin/frameit.cgi?p=http%3A//www.historychannel.com/exhibits/golf/links.html",
  78511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78512.             "Title": "Links in Time",
  78513.             "Category": "GEO",
  78514.             "Description": "Golf history Web links provided by the History Channel.",
  78515.             "Year": 0
  78516.         },
  78517.         {
  78518.             "RIT": "ws205597",
  78519.             "Type": "WS",
  78520.             "URL": "http://www.germany-info.org/relaunch/index.html",
  78521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78522.             "Title": "German Information Center",
  78523.             "Category": "GEO",
  78524.             "Description": "Operated by the German Foreign Ministry and the Federal Press and Information Office, the GIC is a resource center for everyone with an interest in Germany.",
  78525.             "Year": 0
  78526.         },
  78527.         {
  78528.             "RIT": "ws205598",
  78529.             "Type": "WS",
  78530.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/world/europe/westerneurope/france/",
  78531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78532.             "Title": "washingtonpost.com: France",
  78533.             "Category": "GEO",
  78534.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents French news stories and related Web sites.",
  78535.             "Year": 0
  78536.         },
  78537.         {
  78538.             "RIT": "ws205599",
  78539.             "Type": "WS",
  78540.             "URL": "http://www.library.utoronto.ca/utel/rp/authors/shakespe.html",
  78541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78542.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of William Shakespeare",
  78543.             "Category": "HUM",
  78544.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  78545.             "Year": 0
  78546.         },
  78547.         {
  78548.             "RIT": "ws205600",
  78549.             "Type": "WS",
  78550.             "URL": "http://www.bats.org.uk/",
  78551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78552.             "Title": "The Bat Conservation Trust",
  78553.             "Category": "LIF",
  78554.             "Description": "Animal facts from a British organization dedicated to preserving bats.",
  78555.             "Year": 0
  78556.         },
  78557.         {
  78558.             "RIT": "ws205601",
  78559.             "Type": "WS",
  78560.             "URL": "http://www.rush.edu/worldbook/articles/003000a/003000294.html",
  78561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78562.             "Title": "Rush Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center",
  78563.             "Category": "LIF",
  78564.             "Description": "Information from the World Book Rush Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center encyclopedia",
  78565.             "Year": 0
  78566.         },
  78567.         {
  78568.             "RIT": "ws205622",
  78569.             "Type": "WS",
  78570.             "URL": "http://www.latimes.com/",
  78571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78572.             "Title": "LA Times",
  78573.             "Category": "GEO",
  78574.             "Description": "Official site of the Los Angeles Times newspaper.",
  78575.             "Year": 0
  78576.         },
  78577.         {
  78578.             "RIT": "ws205623",
  78579.             "Type": "WS",
  78580.             "URL": "http://www.calgaryzoo.ab.ca/",
  78581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78582.             "Title": "Calgary Zoo",
  78583.             "Category": "GEO",
  78584.             "Description": "Official site of the Calgary Zoo.",
  78585.             "Year": 0
  78586.         },
  78587.         {
  78588.             "RIT": "ws205624",
  78589.             "Type": "WS",
  78590.             "URL": "http://www.rrb.gov/",
  78591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78592.             "Title": "U.S. Railroad Retirement Board",
  78593.             "Category": "IND",
  78594.             "Description": "Official site of the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board.",
  78595.             "Year": 0
  78596.         },
  78597.         {
  78598.             "RIT": "ws205625",
  78599.             "Type": "WS",
  78600.             "URL": "http://www.ssa.gov/",
  78601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78602.             "Title": "Social Security Online",
  78603.             "Category": "SOC",
  78604.             "Description": "Official site of the Social Security Administration.",
  78605.             "Year": 0
  78606.         },
  78607.         {
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  78609.             "Type": "WS",
  78610.             "URL": "http://www.sannet.gov/",
  78611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78612.             "Title": "City of San Diego",
  78613.             "Category": "GEO",
  78614.             "Description": "Official site of the city of San Diego.",
  78615.             "Year": 0
  78616.         },
  78617.         {
  78618.             "RIT": "ws205627",
  78619.             "Type": "WS",
  78620.             "URL": "http://www.chron.com/",
  78621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78622.             "Title": "Houston Chronicle",
  78623.             "Category": "GEO",
  78624.             "Description": "Official site of the Houston Chronicle newspaper.",
  78625.             "Year": 0
  78626.         },
  78627.         {
  78628.             "RIT": "ws205628",
  78629.             "Type": "WS",
  78630.             "URL": "http://www.phila.gov/",
  78631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78632.             "Title": "Philadelphia",
  78633.             "Category": "GEO",
  78634.             "Description": "Official site of the city of Philadelphia.",
  78635.             "Year": 0
  78636.         },
  78637.         {
  78638.             "RIT": "ws205629",
  78639.             "Type": "WS",
  78640.             "URL": "http://cubs.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/chc/homepage/chc_homepage.jsp",
  78641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78642.             "Title": "Chicago Cubs",
  78643.             "Category": "GEO",
  78644.             "Description": "Official site of the Chicago Cubs baseball team.",
  78645.             "Year": 0
  78646.         },
  78647.         {
  78648.             "RIT": "ws205630",
  78649.             "Type": "WS",
  78650.             "URL": "http://www.phoenixzoo.org/zoo/",
  78651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78652.             "Title": "Phoenix Zoo",
  78653.             "Category": "GEO",
  78654.             "Description": "Official site of the Phoenix Zoo.",
  78655.             "Year": 0
  78656.         },
  78657.         {
  78658.             "RIT": "ws205631",
  78659.             "Type": "WS",
  78660.             "URL": "http://www.sasymphony.org/",
  78661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78662.             "Title": "San Antonio Symphony",
  78663.             "Category": "GEO",
  78664.             "Description": "Official site of the San Antonio Symphony.",
  78665.             "Year": 0
  78666.         },
  78667.         {
  78668.             "RIT": "ws205632",
  78669.             "Type": "WS",
  78670.             "URL": "http://www.canadianhockey.ca/e/home.shtml",
  78671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78672.             "Title": "Canadian hockey",
  78673.             "Category": "GEO",
  78674.             "Description": "Official site of the Canadian Hockey Association.",
  78675.             "Year": 0
  78676.         },
  78677.         {
  78678.             "RIT": "ws205633",
  78679.             "Type": "WS",
  78680.             "URL": "http://www.chicagoblackhawks.com/",
  78681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78682.             "Title": "Chicago Blackhawks",
  78683.             "Category": "GEO",
  78684.             "Description": "Official site of the Chicago Blackhawks hockey team.",
  78685.             "Year": 0
  78686.         },
  78687.         {
  78688.             "RIT": "ws205634",
  78689.             "Type": "WS",
  78690.             "URL": "http://www.gomemphis.com/",
  78691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78692.             "Title": "Gomemphis.com",
  78693.             "Category": "GEO",
  78694.             "Description": "Official site of the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper.",
  78695.             "Year": 0
  78696.         },
  78697.         {
  78698.             "RIT": "ws205635",
  78699.             "Type": "WS",
  78700.             "URL": "http://www.dallasnews.com/",
  78701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78702.             "Title": "Dallas Morning News",
  78703.             "Category": "GEO",
  78704.             "Description": "Official site of the Dallas Morning News newspaper.",
  78705.             "Year": 0
  78706.         },
  78707.         {
  78708.             "RIT": "ws205649",
  78709.             "Type": "WS",
  78710.             "URL": "http://www.cpsc.gov/",
  78711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78712.             "Title": "U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission",
  78713.             "Category": "SOC",
  78714.             "Description": "Official site of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.",
  78715.             "Year": 0
  78716.         },
  78717.         {
  78718.             "RIT": "ws205650",
  78719.             "Type": "WS",
  78720.             "URL": "http://www.mysanantonio.com/expressnews/",
  78721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78722.             "Title": "San Antonio Express",
  78723.             "Category": "GEO",
  78724.             "Description": "Online San Antonio Express News newspaper.",
  78725.             "Year": 0
  78726.         },
  78727.         {
  78728.             "RIT": "ws205651",
  78729.             "Type": "WS",
  78730.             "URL": "http://www.pterosaurs.net/",
  78731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78732.             "Title": "The Home Page",
  78733.             "Category": "LIF",
  78734.             "Description": "Commercial Web site with information about pterosaurs.",
  78735.             "Year": 0
  78736.         },
  78737.         {
  78738.             "RIT": "ws205652",
  78739.             "Type": "WS",
  78740.             "URL": "http://www.exim.gov/",
  78741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78742.             "Title": "Export-Import Bank of the United States",
  78743.             "Category": "SOC",
  78744.             "Description": "Official home page of the Export-Import Bank of the United States.",
  78745.             "Year": 0
  78746.         },
  78747.         {
  78748.             "RIT": "ws205653",
  78749.             "Type": "WS",
  78750.             "URL": "http://www.dcchamber.org/",
  78751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78752.             "Title": "Washington, D.C. Chamber of Commerce",
  78753.             "Category": "GEO",
  78754.             "Description": "Official site of the Washington D.C. Chamber of Commerce.",
  78755.             "Year": 0
  78756.         },
  78757.         {
  78758.             "RIT": "ws205654",
  78759.             "Type": "WS",
  78760.             "URL": "http://www.emtursa.ba.gov.br/default_i.htm",
  78761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78762.             "Title": "Salvador's Official Tourist Site",
  78763.             "Category": "GEO",
  78764.             "Description": "Tourist information about Salvador.",
  78765.             "Year": 0
  78766.         },
  78767.         {
  78768.             "RIT": "ws205655",
  78769.             "Type": "WS",
  78770.             "URL": "http://www.szgdocent.org/ff/f-scorp.htm",
  78771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78772.             "Title": "Scorpions",
  78773.             "Category": "LIF",
  78774.             "Description": "Facts about scorpions from the Singapore Zoological Gardens.",
  78775.             "Year": 0
  78776.         },
  78777.         {
  78778.             "RIT": "ws205656",
  78779.             "Type": "WS",
  78780.             "URL": "http://www.kenyabirds.org.uk/secretary.htm",
  78781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78782.             "Title": "Secretary Bird",
  78783.             "Category": "LIF",
  78784.             "Description": "Information about the secretary birds of Kenya.",
  78785.             "Year": 0
  78786.         },
  78787.         {
  78788.             "RIT": "ws205657",
  78789.             "Type": "WS",
  78790.             "URL": "http://allaboutfrogs.org/froglnd.shtml",
  78791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78792.             "Title": "FROGLAND!!!",
  78793.             "Category": "LIF",
  78794.             "Description": "Web site with games, fun activities, and a search engine dedicated to frogs.",
  78795.             "Year": 0
  78796.         },
  78797.         {
  78798.             "RIT": "ws205658",
  78799.             "Type": "WS",
  78800.             "URL": "http://www.amazilia.net/images/Birds/Bustards/Bustards.htm",
  78801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78802.             "Title": "Bustards",
  78803.             "Category": "LIF",
  78804.             "Description": "Photos of bustards.",
  78805.             "Year": 0
  78806.         },
  78807.         {
  78808.             "RIT": "ws205659",
  78809.             "Type": "WS",
  78810.             "URL": "http://www.seaworld.org/infobooks/flamingos/fscience.htm",
  78811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78812.             "Title": "Flamingos",
  78813.             "Category": "LIF",
  78814.             "Description": "SeaWorld presents information about flamingos.",
  78815.             "Year": 0
  78816.         },
  78817.         {
  78818.             "RIT": "ws205660",
  78819.             "Type": "WS",
  78820.             "URL": "http://www.monterrey.gob.mx/",
  78821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78822.             "Title": "Municipio de Monterrey",
  78823.             "Category": "GEO",
  78824.             "Description": "Official site of the Municipio de Monterrey. (The site is entirely in Spanish.)",
  78825.             "Year": 0
  78826.         },
  78827.         {
  78828.             "RIT": "ws205661",
  78829.             "Type": "WS",
  78830.             "URL": "http://www.fs.fed.us/r4/amphibians/bullfrog.htm",
  78831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78832.             "Title": "Rana catesbeiana",
  78833.             "Category": "LIF",
  78834.             "Description": "Bullfrog data from the U.S. Forest Service.",
  78835.             "Year": 0
  78836.         },
  78837.         {
  78838.             "RIT": "ws205675",
  78839.             "Type": "WS",
  78840.             "URL": "http://www.ent.iastate.edu/imagegal/ticks/",
  78841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78842.             "Title": "Ticks",
  78843.             "Category": "LIF",
  78844.             "Description": "Image gallery of various species of ticks from Iowa State University.",
  78845.             "Year": 0
  78846.         },
  78847.         {
  78848.             "RIT": "ws205676",
  78849.             "Type": "WS",
  78850.             "URL": "http://www.pigeons.com/",
  78851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78852.             "Title": "Pigeons.com",
  78853.             "Category": "LIF",
  78854.             "Description": "Privately maintained Web site for pigeon fanciers and breeders.",
  78855.             "Year": 0
  78856.         },
  78857.         {
  78858.             "RIT": "ws205677",
  78859.             "Type": "WS",
  78860.             "URL": "http://www.washingtondc.gov/",
  78861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78862.             "Title": "District of Columbia",
  78863.             "Category": "GEO",
  78864.             "Description": "Official site of the government for the District of Columbia.",
  78865.             "Year": 0
  78866.         },
  78867.         {
  78868.             "RIT": "ws205678",
  78869.             "Type": "WS",
  78870.             "URL": "http://www.townofpictou.com/",
  78871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78872.             "Title": "Town of Pictou",
  78873.             "Category": "GEO",
  78874.             "Description": "Pictou, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  78875.             "Year": 0
  78876.         },
  78877.         {
  78878.             "RIT": "ws205679",
  78879.             "Type": "WS",
  78880.             "URL": "http://www.visitdelaware.net/",
  78881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78882.             "Title": "Delaware Tourism",
  78883.             "Category": "GEO",
  78884.             "Description": "Official site of the Delaware Tourism office.",
  78885.             "Year": 0
  78886.         },
  78887.         {
  78888.             "RIT": "ws205680",
  78889.             "Type": "WS",
  78890.             "URL": "http://www.ducks.org/",
  78891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78892.             "Title": "Ducks Unlimited: DU Home Page",
  78893.             "Category": "LIF",
  78894.             "Description": "Home page of Ducks Unlimited, a wetlands conservation organization.",
  78895.             "Year": 0
  78896.         },
  78897.         {
  78898.             "RIT": "ws205681",
  78899.             "Type": "WS",
  78900.             "URL": "http://www.nmb.gov/",
  78901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78902.             "Title": "National Mediation Board",
  78903.             "Category": "SOC",
  78904.             "Description": "Official site of the National Mediation Board, a United States government agency.",
  78905.             "Year": 0
  78906.         },
  78907.         {
  78908.             "RIT": "ws205682",
  78909.             "Type": "WS",
  78910.             "URL": "http://www.calstate.edu/",
  78911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78912.             "Title": "California State University",
  78913.             "Category": "GEO",
  78914.             "Description": "Official site of California State University.",
  78915.             "Year": 0
  78916.         },
  78917.         {
  78918.             "RIT": "ws205683",
  78919.             "Type": "WS",
  78920.             "URL": "http://www.starlings.net/",
  78921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78922.             "Title": "www.starlings.net",
  78923.             "Category": "LIF",
  78924.             "Description": "Web site about starlings as pets, with links to other sites.",
  78925.             "Year": 0
  78926.         },
  78927.         {
  78928.             "RIT": "ws205684",
  78929.             "Type": "WS",
  78930.             "URL": "http://www.sazoo-aq.org/02meet/02sublinks/toucan.html",
  78931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78932.             "Title": "Toucans",
  78933.             "Category": "LIF",
  78934.             "Description": "The San Antonio Zoo presents information about toucans.",
  78935.             "Year": 0
  78936.         },
  78937.         {
  78938.             "RIT": "ws205685",
  78939.             "Type": "WS",
  78940.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/rocr/",
  78941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78942.             "Title": "Rock Creek Park",
  78943.             "Category": "GEO",
  78944.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Rock Creek Park in Washington D.C.",
  78945.             "Year": 0
  78946.         },
  78947.         {
  78948.             "RIT": "ws205686",
  78949.             "Type": "WS",
  78950.             "URL": "http://www.qc.ec.gc.ca/faune/guide/html/gadwall.html",
  78951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78952.             "Title": "Gadwall",
  78953.             "Category": "LIF",
  78954.             "Description": "Information about the gadwall from Environment Canada.",
  78955.             "Year": 0
  78956.         },
  78957.         {
  78958.             "RIT": "ws205687",
  78959.             "Type": "WS",
  78960.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/nama/",
  78961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78962.             "Title": "National Mall",
  78963.             "Category": "GEO",
  78964.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.",
  78965.             "Year": 0
  78966.         },
  78967.         {
  78968.             "RIT": "ws205700",
  78969.             "Type": "WS",
  78970.             "URL": "http://www.montereybay.com/creagrus/hoopoes.html",
  78971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78972.             "Title": "Hoopoe page",
  78973.             "Category": "LIF",
  78974.             "Description": "Commercial Website with information on hoopoes.",
  78975.             "Year": 0
  78976.         },
  78977.         {
  78978.             "RIT": "ws205701",
  78979.             "Type": "WS",
  78980.             "URL": "http://www.city.ottawa.on.ca/index_en.html",
  78981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78982.             "Title": "City of Ottawa",
  78983.             "Category": "GEO",
  78984.             "Description": "Ottawa, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  78985.             "Year": 0
  78986.         },
  78987.         {
  78988.             "RIT": "ws205702",
  78989.             "Type": "WS",
  78990.             "URL": "http://www.kenyabirds.org.uk/v_weaver.htm",
  78991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  78992.             "Title": "Black-Headed Weaver",
  78993.             "Category": "LIF",
  78994.             "Description": "Information on the black-headed, or village, weaver.",
  78995.             "Year": 0
  78996.         },
  78997.         {
  78998.             "RIT": "ws205703",
  78999.             "Type": "WS",
  79000.             "URL": "http://www.msu.edu/user/woodham5/croak.htm",
  79001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79002.             "Title": "Croak",
  79003.             "Category": "LIF",
  79004.             "Description": "Information on declining amphibian populations by Michigan State University biologist.",
  79005.             "Year": 0
  79006.         },
  79007.         {
  79008.             "RIT": "ws205704",
  79009.             "Type": "WS",
  79010.             "URL": "http://aviary.owls.com/motmot/motmot.html",
  79011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79012.             "Title": "Motmot",
  79013.             "Category": "LIF",
  79014.             "Description": "Commercial Website with basic information about motmots.",
  79015.             "Year": 0
  79016.         },
  79017.         {
  79018.             "RIT": "ws205705",
  79019.             "Type": "WS",
  79020.             "URL": "http://think-venezuela.net/los_llanos.htm",
  79021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79022.             "Title": "The Llanos",
  79023.             "Category": "GEO",
  79024.             "Description": "Information about the wildlife, history, and culture of the llanos.",
  79025.             "Year": 0
  79026.         },
  79027.         {
  79028.             "RIT": "ws205706",
  79029.             "Type": "WS",
  79030.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2904.htm",
  79031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79032.             "Title": "Background Notes: Argentina",
  79033.             "Category": "GEO",
  79034.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  79035.             "Year": 0
  79036.         },
  79037.         {
  79038.             "RIT": "ws205707",
  79039.             "Type": "WS",
  79040.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/trogonidae.html",
  79041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79042.             "Title": "Trogonidae",
  79043.             "Category": "LIF",
  79044.             "Description": "Basic facts about trogons and quetzals.",
  79045.             "Year": 0
  79046.         },
  79047.         {
  79048.             "RIT": "ws205708",
  79049.             "Type": "WS",
  79050.             "URL": "http://www.cityregina.com/index.php3",
  79051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79052.             "Title": "City of Regina",
  79053.             "Category": "GEO",
  79054.             "Description": "Regina, Canada site for city services and tourism.",
  79055.             "Year": 0
  79056.         },
  79057.         {
  79058.             "RIT": "ws205709",
  79059.             "Type": "WS",
  79060.             "URL": "http://www.seaworld.org/animalbytes/ostrichab.html",
  79061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79062.             "Title": "Animal Bytes: Ostrich",
  79063.             "Category": "LIF",
  79064.             "Description": "Facts about the ostrich from SeaWorld/Busch Gardens.",
  79065.             "Year": 0
  79066.         },
  79067.         {
  79068.             "RIT": "ws205710",
  79069.             "Type": "WS",
  79070.             "URL": "http://www.zo.utexas.edu/research/salientia/pipidae/pipidae.html",
  79071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79072.             "Title": "Pipidae",
  79073.             "Category": "LIF",
  79074.             "Description": "A University of Texas Web site about the Surinam toad family.",
  79075.             "Year": 0
  79076.         },
  79077.         {
  79078.             "RIT": "ws205711",
  79079.             "Type": "WS",
  79080.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/r/pa/bgn/index.cfm?docid=1859",
  79081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79082.             "Title": "Background Notes: Venezuela",
  79083.             "Category": "GEO",
  79084.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  79085.             "Year": 0
  79086.         },
  79087.         {
  79088.             "RIT": "ws205712",
  79089.             "Type": "WS",
  79090.             "URL": "http://www.puritansermons.com/bio/biomathe.htm",
  79091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79092.             "Title": "Mather, Cotton",
  79093.             "Category": "HUM",
  79094.             "Description": "Provides biographical information about Mather.",
  79095.             "Year": 0
  79096.         },
  79097.         {
  79098.             "RIT": "ws205713",
  79099.             "Type": "WS",
  79100.             "URL": "http://www.birdwatching.com/stories/storymeadowlark.html",
  79101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79102.             "Title": "Meadowlark",
  79103.             "Category": "LIF",
  79104.             "Description": "Online bird guide with information on meadowlarks.",
  79105.             "Year": 0
  79106.         },
  79107.         {
  79108.             "RIT": "ws205714",
  79109.             "Type": "WS",
  79110.             "URL": "http://geology.er.usgs.gov/paleo/",
  79111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79112.             "Title": "USGS Paleontology Home Page",
  79113.             "Category": "LIF",
  79114.             "Description": "Paleontology at the U.S. Geological Survey",
  79115.             "Year": 0
  79116.         },
  79117.         {
  79118.             "RIT": "ws205715",
  79119.             "Type": "WS",
  79120.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/olym/",
  79121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79122.             "Title": "Olympic National Park",
  79123.             "Category": "GEO",
  79124.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Olympic National Park in Washington.",
  79125.             "Year": 0
  79126.         },
  79127.         {
  79128.             "RIT": "ws205716",
  79129.             "Type": "WS",
  79130.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/glac/",
  79131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79132.             "Title": "Glacier National Park",
  79133.             "Category": "GEO",
  79134.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Glacier National Park in northern Montana.",
  79135.             "Year": 0
  79136.         },
  79137.         {
  79138.             "RIT": "ws205717",
  79139.             "Type": "WS",
  79140.             "URL": "http://doe.k12.hi.us/",
  79141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79142.             "Title": "Hawaii Department of Education",
  79143.             "Category": "GEO",
  79144.             "Description": "Official site of the Hawaii Department of Education.",
  79145.             "Year": 0
  79146.         },
  79147.         {
  79148.             "RIT": "ws205718",
  79149.             "Type": "WS",
  79150.             "URL": "http://www.qc.ec.gc.ca/faune/oiseaux_de_mer/html/common_murre.html",
  79151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79152.             "Title": "Common Murre",
  79153.             "Category": "LIF",
  79154.             "Description": "Environment Canada's page on the common murre.",
  79155.             "Year": 0
  79156.         },
  79157.         {
  79158.             "RIT": "ws205719",
  79159.             "Type": "WS",
  79160.             "URL": "http://www.rioconventionbureau.com.br/index3.htm",
  79161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79162.             "Title": "Rio Convention and Visitors Center",
  79163.             "Category": "GEO",
  79164.             "Description": "Information for travelers to Rio de Janeiro.",
  79165.             "Year": 0
  79166.         },
  79167.         {
  79168.             "RIT": "ws205720",
  79169.             "Type": "WS",
  79170.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/cuva/",
  79171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79172.             "Title": "Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area",
  79173.             "Category": "GEO",
  79174.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area in Brecksville, Ohio.",
  79175.             "Year": 0
  79176.         },
  79177.         {
  79178.             "RIT": "ws205721",
  79179.             "Type": "WS",
  79180.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/daav/",
  79181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79182.             "Title": "Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park",
  79183.             "Category": "GEO",
  79184.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park in Dayton, Ohio.",
  79185.             "Year": 0
  79186.         },
  79187.         {
  79188.             "RIT": "ws205722",
  79189.             "Type": "WS",
  79190.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/maca/",
  79191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79192.             "Title": "Mammoth Cave National Park",
  79193.             "Category": "GEO",
  79194.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Mammoth Cave National Park in Mammoth Cave, Kentucky.",
  79195.             "Year": 0
  79196.         },
  79197.         {
  79198.             "RIT": "ws205723",
  79199.             "Type": "WS",
  79200.             "URL": "http://www.sao-paulo.com/",
  79201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79202.             "Title": "Sao Paulo Post",
  79203.             "Category": "GEO",
  79204.             "Description": "The Sao Paulo Post presents Brazilian news stories and information about Sao Paulo.",
  79205.             "Year": 0
  79206.         },
  79207.         {
  79208.             "RIT": "ws205737",
  79209.             "Type": "WS",
  79210.             "URL": "http://www.montereybay.com/creagrus/tinamous.html",
  79211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79212.             "Title": "Tinamous family",
  79213.             "Category": "LIF",
  79214.             "Description": "Article about tinamous, including photograph, from montereybay.com.",
  79215.             "Year": 0
  79216.         },
  79217.         {
  79218.             "RIT": "ws205738",
  79219.             "Type": "WS",
  79220.             "URL": "http://www.aves.net/birds-of-ohio/birdhola.htm",
  79221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79222.             "Title": "Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris in Ohio",
  79223.             "Category": "LIF",
  79224.             "Description": "Accounts of the horned lark in Ohio.",
  79225.             "Year": 0
  79226.         },
  79227.         {
  79228.             "RIT": "ws205739",
  79229.             "Type": "WS",
  79230.             "URL": "http://www.alberta-canada.com/index.html",
  79231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79232.             "Title": "Alberta Economic Development",
  79233.             "Category": "GEO",
  79234.             "Description": "Official site of Alberta Economic Development.",
  79235.             "Year": 0
  79236.         },
  79237.         {
  79238.             "RIT": "ws205740",
  79239.             "Type": "WS",
  79240.             "URL": "http://portalproductions.com/h/",
  79241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79242.             "Title": "The Hummingbird Web Site!",
  79243.             "Category": "LIF",
  79244.             "Description": "Commercial Website with extensive information on hummingbirds.",
  79245.             "Year": 0
  79246.         },
  79247.         {
  79248.             "RIT": "ws205741",
  79249.             "Type": "WS",
  79250.             "URL": "http://tigers.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/det/homepage/det_homepage.jsp",
  79251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79252.             "Title": "Detroit Tigers Online",
  79253.             "Category": "GEO",
  79254.             "Description": "Official site of the Detroit Tigers baseball team.",
  79255.             "Year": 0
  79256.         },
  79257.         {
  79258.             "RIT": "ws205742",
  79259.             "Type": "WS",
  79260.             "URL": "http://birds.cornell.edu/BOW/TUTI/",
  79261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79262.             "Title": "Tufted Titmouse",
  79263.             "Category": "LIF",
  79264.             "Description": "Information about the tufted titmouse, from Cornell Lab of Ornithology.",
  79265.             "Year": 0
  79266.         },
  79267.         {
  79268.             "RIT": "ws205743",
  79269.             "Type": "WS",
  79270.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1958/index.html",
  79271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79272.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1958",
  79273.             "Category": "SOC",
  79274.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Georges Pire, the winner of the peace prize in 1958.",
  79275.             "Year": 0
  79276.         },
  79277.         {
  79278.             "RIT": "ws205744",
  79279.             "Type": "WS",
  79280.             "URL": "http://www.distinguishedwomen.com/biographies/mistral.html",
  79281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79282.             "Title": "Gabriela Mistral",
  79283.             "Category": "HUM",
  79284.             "Description": "Biographical information about Gabriela Mistral.",
  79285.             "Year": 0
  79286.         },
  79287.         {
  79288.             "RIT": "ws205745",
  79289.             "Type": "WS",
  79290.             "URL": "http://birds.cornell.edu/BOW/EASPHO/",
  79291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79292.             "Title": "Eastern phoebe",
  79293.             "Category": "LIF",
  79294.             "Description": "Cornell University Web site with information on the eastern phoebe.",
  79295.             "Year": 0
  79296.         },
  79297.         {
  79298.             "RIT": "ws205746",
  79299.             "Type": "WS",
  79300.             "URL": "http://my.brickyard.com/500/",
  79301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79302.             "Title": "Indy500.com",
  79303.             "Category": "REC",
  79304.             "Description": "Official site of the Indianapolis 500 race at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Speedway, Indiana.",
  79305.             "Year": 0
  79306.         },
  79307.         {
  79308.             "RIT": "ws205747",
  79309.             "Type": "WS",
  79310.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/",
  79311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79312.             "Title": "Central Intelligence Agency",
  79313.             "Category": "SOC",
  79314.             "Description": "Official site of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  79315.             "Year": 0
  79316.         },
  79317.         {
  79318.             "RIT": "ws205688",
  79319.             "Type": "WS",
  79320.             "URL": "http://www.scz.org/animals/e/emu.html",
  79321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79322.             "Title": "Emu -- Dromaius novaehollandiae",
  79323.             "Category": "LIF",
  79324.             "Description": "The Sedgwick County Zoo presents information on the emu.",
  79325.             "Year": 0
  79326.         },
  79327.         {
  79328.             "RIT": "ws205689",
  79329.             "Type": "WS",
  79330.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/procellariidae.html",
  79331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79332.             "Title": "Procellariidae",
  79333.             "Category": "LIF",
  79334.             "Description": "Cornell University page with description of family Procellariidae",
  79335.             "Year": 0
  79336.         },
  79337.         {
  79338.             "RIT": "ws205690",
  79339.             "Type": "WS",
  79340.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/akso/",
  79341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79342.             "Title": "NPS, Alaska Region",
  79343.             "Category": "GEO",
  79344.             "Description": "National Park Service site about national parks in Alaska.",
  79345.             "Year": 0
  79346.         },
  79347.         {
  79348.             "RIT": "ws205691",
  79349.             "Type": "WS",
  79350.             "URL": "http://www.cbo.gov/",
  79351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79352.             "Title": "Congressional Budget Office",
  79353.             "Category": "SOC",
  79354.             "Description": "Official site of the United States Congressional Budget Office.",
  79355.             "Year": 0
  79356.         },
  79357.         {
  79358.             "RIT": "ws205692",
  79359.             "Type": "WS",
  79360.             "URL": "http://birds.cornell.edu/BOW/PISI/",
  79361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79362.             "Title": "Pine Siskin",
  79363.             "Category": "LIF",
  79364.             "Description": "Cornell University Web site with information about the pine siskin.",
  79365.             "Year": 0
  79366.         },
  79367.         {
  79368.             "RIT": "ws205693",
  79369.             "Type": "WS",
  79370.             "URL": "http://www.houstonzoo.org/birds/pages/yknbcrsw.htm",
  79371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79372.             "Title": "Houston Zoo",
  79373.             "Category": "LIF",
  79374.             "Description": "Information about curassows, from the Houston Zoo.",
  79375.             "Year": 0
  79376.         },
  79377.         {
  79378.             "RIT": "ws205694",
  79379.             "Type": "WS",
  79380.             "URL": "http://www.pims.math.ca/pi/",
  79381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79382.             "Title": "Pi in the Sky",
  79383.             "Category": "PHY",
  79384.             "Description": "Mathematics magazine for high school students edited by educators from Canadian universities.",
  79385.             "Year": 0
  79386.         },
  79387.         {
  79388.             "RIT": "ws205695",
  79389.             "Type": "WS",
  79390.             "URL": "http://www.peacegarden.com/",
  79391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79392.             "Title": "International Peace Garden",
  79393.             "Category": "GEO",
  79394.             "Description": "Official site of the International Peace Garden.",
  79395.             "Year": 0
  79396.         },
  79397.         {
  79398.             "RIT": "ws205696",
  79399.             "Type": "WS",
  79400.             "URL": "http://clinton3.nara.gov/WH/EOP/CEA/html/",
  79401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79402.             "Title": "Council of Economic Advisers",
  79403.             "Category": "SOC",
  79404.             "Description": "Home page of the Council of Economic Advisers.",
  79405.             "Year": 0
  79406.         },
  79407.         {
  79408.             "RIT": "ws205697",
  79409.             "Type": "WS",
  79410.             "URL": "http://www.sandiego.org/",
  79411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79412.             "Title": "San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau",
  79413.             "Category": "GEO",
  79414.             "Description": "Official site of the San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau.",
  79415.             "Year": 0
  79416.         },
  79417.         {
  79418.             "RIT": "ws205698",
  79419.             "Type": "WS",
  79420.             "URL": "http://www.nzbirds.com/Rook.html",
  79421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79422.             "Title": "New Zealand birds Rook",
  79423.             "Category": "LIF",
  79424.             "Description": "Web site about the birds of New Zealand, including the rook.",
  79425.             "Year": 0
  79426.         },
  79427.         {
  79428.             "RIT": "ws205699",
  79429.             "Type": "WS",
  79430.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/r/pa/bgn/index.cfm?docid=1981",
  79431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79432.             "Title": "Background Notes: Chile",
  79433.             "Category": "GEO",
  79434.             "Description": "Information from the U.S. Department of State.",
  79435.             "Year": 0
  79436.         },
  79437.         {
  79438.             "RIT": "ws205724",
  79439.             "Type": "WS",
  79440.             "URL": "http://birds.cornell.edu/BOW/BROCRE/",
  79441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79442.             "Title": "Brown Creeper",
  79443.             "Category": "LIF",
  79444.             "Description": "Cornell University Website with information on the brown creeper.",
  79445.             "Year": 0
  79446.         },
  79447.         {
  79448.             "RIT": "ws205725",
  79449.             "Type": "WS",
  79450.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/zion/",
  79451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79452.             "Title": "Zion National Park",
  79453.             "Category": "GEO",
  79454.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Zion National Park in Springdale, Utah.",
  79455.             "Year": 0
  79456.         },
  79457.         {
  79458.             "RIT": "ws205726",
  79459.             "Type": "WS",
  79460.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/pelecanidae.html",
  79461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79462.             "Title": "Pelecanidae",
  79463.             "Category": "LIF",
  79464.             "Description": "Cornell University Web site with description of pelicans.",
  79465.             "Year": 0
  79466.         },
  79467.         {
  79468.             "RIT": "ws205727",
  79469.             "Type": "WS",
  79470.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/sagu/",
  79471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79472.             "Title": "Saguaro National Park",
  79473.             "Category": "GEO",
  79474.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Saguaro National Park in Tucson, Arizona.",
  79475.             "Year": 0
  79476.         },
  79477.         {
  79478.             "RIT": "ws205728",
  79479.             "Type": "WS",
  79480.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/pycnonotidae.html",
  79481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79482.             "Title": "Pycnonotidae",
  79483.             "Category": "LIF",
  79484.             "Description": "Cornell University Web site with facts about bulbuls.",
  79485.             "Year": 0
  79486.         },
  79487.         {
  79488.             "RIT": "ws205729",
  79489.             "Type": "WS",
  79490.             "URL": "http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/animals/bird/cicy/",
  79491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79492.             "Title": "Circus cyaneus",
  79493.             "Category": "LIF",
  79494.             "Description": "Data on the northern harrier from the U.S. Forest Service.",
  79495.             "Year": 0
  79496.         },
  79497.         {
  79498.             "RIT": "ws205731",
  79499.             "Type": "WS",
  79500.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/meropidae.html",
  79501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79502.             "Title": "Meropidae",
  79503.             "Category": "LIF",
  79504.             "Description": "Cornell University Website with facts about bee-eaters.",
  79505.             "Year": 0
  79506.         },
  79507.         {
  79508.             "RIT": "ws205732",
  79509.             "Type": "WS",
  79510.             "URL": "http://www.thewildones.org/Animals/nene.html",
  79511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79512.             "Title": "Nene",
  79513.             "Category": "LIF",
  79514.             "Description": "Information about the nene, from the Wildlife Trust in Palisades, New York.",
  79515.             "Year": 0
  79516.         },
  79517.         {
  79518.             "RIT": "ws205733",
  79519.             "Type": "WS",
  79520.             "URL": "http://www.montereybay.com/creagrus/bowerbirds.html",
  79521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79522.             "Title": "Bowerbird Page",
  79523.             "Category": "LIF",
  79524.             "Description": "A Web page from the montereybay.com company about bowerbirds.",
  79525.             "Year": 0
  79526.         },
  79527.         {
  79528.             "RIT": "ws205734",
  79529.             "Type": "WS",
  79530.             "URL": "http://www.king-ranch.com/museum.htm",
  79531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79532.             "Title": "King Ranch Museum",
  79533.             "Category": "GEO",
  79534.             "Description": "Official site of the King Ranch Museum in Kingsville, Texas.",
  79535.             "Year": 0
  79536.         },
  79537.         {
  79538.             "RIT": "ws205735",
  79539.             "Type": "WS",
  79540.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/yell/",
  79541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79542.             "Title": "Yellowstone National Park",
  79543.             "Category": "GEO",
  79544.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.",
  79545.             "Year": 0
  79546.         },
  79547.         {
  79548.             "RIT": "ws205736",
  79549.             "Type": "WS",
  79550.             "URL": "http://www.audubon.org/bird/research/",
  79551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79552.             "Title": "Audubon: Cowbirds and Conservation",
  79553.             "Category": "LIF",
  79554.             "Description": "Audubon Society article about cowbird parasitism.",
  79555.             "Year": 0
  79556.         },
  79557.         {
  79558.             "RIT": "ws205748",
  79559.             "Type": "WS",
  79560.             "URL": "http://www.dallascowboys.com/cgi-bin/Cowboys/home1.jsp?BV_UseBVCookie=no",
  79561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79562.             "Title": "Dallas Cowboys",
  79563.             "Category": "GEO",
  79564.             "Description": "The official site of the Dallas Cowboys football team.",
  79565.             "Year": 0
  79566.         },
  79567.         {
  79568.             "RIT": "ws205749",
  79569.             "Type": "WS",
  79570.             "URL": "http://usembassy.state.gov/posts/cu1/wwwhmain.html",
  79571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79572.             "Title": "U.S. Embassy, Havana",
  79573.             "Category": "GEO",
  79574.             "Description": "The United States Embassy Web site provides information about Havana, Cuba.",
  79575.             "Year": 0
  79576.         },
  79577.         {
  79578.             "RIT": "ws205750",
  79579.             "Type": "WS",
  79580.             "URL": "http://www.usembassy-mexico.gov/Genglish.htm",
  79581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79582.             "Title": "American Citizen Services, a unit of the U.S. Consulate General Guadalajara",
  79583.             "Category": "GEO",
  79584.             "Description": "The official site of the American Citizen Services, a unit of the U.S. Consulate General Guadalajara, provides information about travelling to Guadalajara.",
  79585.             "Year": 0
  79586.         },
  79587.         {
  79588.             "RIT": "ws205751",
  79589.             "Type": "WS",
  79590.             "URL": "http://www.baltimore.org/",
  79591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79592.             "Title": "Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Association",
  79593.             "Category": "GEO",
  79594.             "Description": "Official site of the Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Association.",
  79595.             "Year": 0
  79596.         },
  79597.         {
  79598.             "RIT": "ws205752",
  79599.             "Type": "WS",
  79600.             "URL": "http://www.wbu.com/edu/martins.htm",
  79601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79602.             "Title": "WBU Purple Martins Education",
  79603.             "Category": "LIF",
  79604.             "Description": "Information about purple martins, from Wild Birds Unlimited.",
  79605.             "Year": 0
  79606.         },
  79607.         {
  79608.             "RIT": "ws205753",
  79609.             "Type": "WS",
  79610.             "URL": "http://usatla.deltacollege.org/",
  79611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79612.             "Title": "Toy Library Association",
  79613.             "Category": "REC",
  79614.             "Description": "A site that offers information on the educational use of toys, from the USA Toy Library Association, a national network for toy librarians and others.",
  79615.             "Year": 0
  79616.         },
  79617.         {
  79618.             "RIT": "ws205754",
  79619.             "Type": "WS",
  79620.             "URL": "http://www.visitor.calgary.ab.ca/",
  79621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79622.             "Title": "Calgary Convention and Visitors Bureau",
  79623.             "Category": "GEO",
  79624.             "Description": "The Calgary Calgary Convention and Visitors Bureau provides information on visiting Calgary and the Canadian Rockies.",
  79625.             "Year": 0
  79626.         },
  79627.         {
  79628.             "RIT": "ws205755",
  79629.             "Type": "WS",
  79630.             "URL": "http://www.usembassy-mexico.gov/emenu.html",
  79631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79632.             "Title": "United States Embassy in Mexico",
  79633.             "Category": "GEO",
  79634.             "Description": "Official site of the United States Embassy in Mexico City.",
  79635.             "Year": 0
  79636.         },
  79637.         {
  79638.             "RIT": "ws205756",
  79639.             "Type": "WS",
  79640.             "URL": "http://www.ci.nyc.ny.us/html/dot/html/get_around/bridges.html",
  79641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79642.             "Title": "NYC Department of Transportation",
  79643.             "Category": "GEO",
  79644.             "Description": "The New York City (NYC) Department of Transportation Web site provides information about the bridges in NYC.",
  79645.             "Year": 0
  79646.         },
  79647.         {
  79648.             "RIT": "ws205765",
  79649.             "Type": "WS",
  79650.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/whtour/index.html",
  79651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79652.             "Title": "A White House History",
  79653.             "Category": "GEO",
  79654.             "Description": "An electronic tour of the U.S. president's home, from the official White House Web site.",
  79655.             "Year": 0
  79656.         },
  79657.         {
  79658.             "RIT": "ws205766",
  79659.             "Type": "WS",
  79660.             "URL": "http://www.ushistory.org/districts/index.html",
  79661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79662.             "Title": "US History",
  79663.             "Category": "GEO",
  79664.             "Description": "The Independance Hall Association Web site provides seven virtual walking tours of historic places in Philadelphia.",
  79665.             "Year": 0
  79666.         },
  79667.         {
  79668.             "RIT": "ws205767",
  79669.             "Type": "WS",
  79670.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/bufo/b._marinus$narrative.html",
  79671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79672.             "Title": "Bufo marinus -- Cane Toad",
  79673.             "Category": "LIF",
  79674.             "Description": "Description of cane toad from the University of Michigan.",
  79675.             "Year": 0
  79676.         },
  79677.         {
  79678.             "RIT": "ws205768",
  79679.             "Type": "WS",
  79680.             "URL": "http://www.im.nbs.gov/sally/",
  79681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79682.             "Title": "Terrestrial Salamander Monitoring Program",
  79683.             "Category": "LIF",
  79684.             "Description": "Salamander monitoring program of the U.S. Geological Survey's North American Amphibian Monitoring Program.",
  79685.             "Year": 0
  79686.         },
  79687.         {
  79688.             "RIT": "ws205769",
  79689.             "Type": "WS",
  79690.             "URL": "http://www.spaceflight.nasa.gov/",
  79691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79692.             "Title": "NASA Human Spaceflight",
  79693.             "Category": "SOC",
  79694.             "Description": "Official NASA Web site containing updated information on the space shuttle, the International Space Station, and other NASA programs.",
  79695.             "Year": 0
  79696.         },
  79697.         {
  79698.             "RIT": "ws205770",
  79699.             "Type": "WS",
  79700.             "URL": "http://www.usembassy-mexico.gov/Memain01.htm",
  79701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79702.             "Title": "Monterrey's Consulate Index",
  79703.             "Category": "GEO",
  79704.             "Description": "Official site of the United States Consulate General Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Mexico.",
  79705.             "Year": 0
  79706.         },
  79707.         {
  79708.             "RIT": "ws205771",
  79709.             "Type": "WS",
  79710.             "URL": "http://www.elvis.com/graceland/default.asp",
  79711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79712.             "Title": "Elvis Presley's Graceland",
  79713.             "Category": "GEO",
  79714.             "Description": "Official Web site for Elvis Presley's Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee.",
  79715.             "Year": 0
  79716.         },
  79717.         {
  79718.             "RIT": "ws205772",
  79719.             "Type": "WS",
  79720.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/rana/r._catesbeiana",
  79721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79722.             "Title": "Rana catesbeiana -- North American Bullfrog",
  79723.             "Category": "LIF",
  79724.             "Description": "Information about the North American bullfrog from the University of Michigan.",
  79725.             "Year": 0
  79726.         },
  79727.         {
  79728.             "RIT": "ws205773",
  79729.             "Type": "WS",
  79730.             "URL": "http://www.preserve.org/gvshp/gvshp.htm",
  79731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79732.             "Title": "Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation",
  79733.             "Category": "GEO",
  79734.             "Description": "The Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation Web site provides information about New York City's Greenwich Village.",
  79735.             "Year": 0
  79736.         },
  79737.         {
  79738.             "RIT": "ws205784",
  79739.             "Type": "WS",
  79740.             "URL": "http://monitoring2.er.usgs.gov/ampCV/ampdb.cfm",
  79741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79742.             "Title": "Search the Amphibian Count Database",
  79743.             "Category": "LIF",
  79744.             "Description": "Searchable database of population information for over 50 amphibian species around the world. Sponsored by U.S. Geological Survey.",
  79745.             "Year": 0
  79746.         },
  79747.         {
  79748.             "RIT": "ws205785",
  79749.             "Type": "WS",
  79750.             "URL": "http://nrich.maths.org/",
  79751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79752.             "Title": "NRICH Online Maths Club",
  79753.             "Category": "PHY",
  79754.             "Description": "Online mathematics club from Cambridge University in Cambridge, England, featuring puzzles and games as well as information about history, careers, and practical applications of mathematics.",
  79755.             "Year": 0
  79756.         },
  79757.         {
  79758.             "RIT": "ws205786",
  79759.             "Type": "WS",
  79760.             "URL": "http://allaboutfrogs.org/info/species/grntree.html",
  79761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79762.             "Title": "American Green Tree Frog",
  79763.             "Category": "LIF",
  79764.             "Description": "Information about the American green tree frog from the Frogland Web site.",
  79765.             "Year": 0
  79766.         },
  79767.         {
  79768.             "RIT": "ws205787",
  79769.             "Type": "WS",
  79770.             "URL": "http://www.indy.org/",
  79771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79772.             "Title": "Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association",
  79773.             "Category": "GEO",
  79774.             "Description": "Official site of the Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association.",
  79775.             "Year": 0
  79776.         },
  79777.         {
  79778.             "RIT": "ws205788",
  79779.             "Type": "WS",
  79780.             "URL": "http://www.mexicocity.gob.mx/eng/index.asp",
  79781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79782.             "Title": "Mexico City Government",
  79783.             "Category": "GEO",
  79784.             "Description": "The Mexico City Government's Secretary of Tourism Web site provides information about traveling to Mexico City.",
  79785.             "Year": 0
  79786.         },
  79787.         {
  79788.             "RIT": "ws205789",
  79789.             "Type": "WS",
  79790.             "URL": "http://www.sfmuseum.org/",
  79791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79792.             "Title": "Museum of the City of San Francisco",
  79793.             "Category": "GEO",
  79794.             "Description": "The Museum of the City of San Francisco Web site offers historic exhibits about San Francisco.",
  79795.             "Year": 0
  79796.         },
  79797.         {
  79798.             "RIT": "ws205790",
  79799.             "Type": "WS",
  79800.             "URL": "http://www.ed.gov/pubs/parents/Math/index.html",
  79801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79802.             "Title": "Helping Your Child Learn Math",
  79803.             "Category": "PHY",
  79804.             "Description": "A site from the U.S. Department of Education that offers interactive games and activities.",
  79805.             "Year": 0
  79806.         },
  79807.         {
  79808.             "RIT": "ws205791",
  79809.             "Type": "WS",
  79810.             "URL": "http://research.amnh.org/herpetology/amphibia/",
  79811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79812.             "Title": "Amphibian Species of the World",
  79813.             "Category": "LIF",
  79814.             "Description": "A site by the American Museum of Natural History that features a searchable database of amphibians of the world by scientific classification.",
  79815.             "Year": 0
  79816.         },
  79817.         {
  79818.             "RIT": "ws205792",
  79819.             "Type": "WS",
  79820.             "URL": "http://www.childrensmuseum.org/",
  79821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79822.             "Title": "Children's Museum of Indianapolis",
  79823.             "Category": "SOC",
  79824.             "Description": "Official site of the Children's Museum of Indianapolis.",
  79825.             "Year": 0
  79826.         },
  79827.         {
  79828.             "RIT": "ws205802",
  79829.             "Type": "WS",
  79830.             "URL": "http://www.ny-archdiocese.org/pastoral/cathedral_about.html",
  79831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79832.             "Title": "Archdiocese of New York",
  79833.             "Category": "GEO",
  79834.             "Description": "The Archdiocese of New York Web site provides information about St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City.",
  79835.             "Year": 0
  79836.         },
  79837.         {
  79838.             "RIT": "ws205803",
  79839.             "Type": "WS",
  79840.             "URL": "http://www.usmcoc.org/",
  79841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79842.             "Title": "United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce",
  79843.             "Category": "GEO",
  79844.             "Description": "The United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce Web site provides information about U.S. and Mexico relations.",
  79845.             "Year": 0
  79846.         },
  79847.         {
  79848.             "RIT": "ws205804",
  79849.             "Type": "WS",
  79850.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/vertebrates/tetrapods/amphiblh.html",
  79851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79852.             "Title": "Amphibia: Life History and Ecology",
  79853.             "Category": "LIF",
  79854.             "Description": "Information about amphibian biology, ecology, and fossil record from the University of California at Berkeley.",
  79855.             "Year": 0
  79856.         },
  79857.         {
  79858.             "RIT": "ws205805",
  79859.             "Type": "WS",
  79860.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/deto/",
  79861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79862.             "Title": "Devils Tower National Monument",
  79863.             "Category": "GEO",
  79864.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Devils Tower National Monument in northeastern Wyoming.",
  79865.             "Year": 0
  79866.         },
  79867.         {
  79868.             "RIT": "ws205806",
  79869.             "Type": "WS",
  79870.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/brvb/",
  79871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79872.             "Title": "Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site",
  79873.             "Category": "SOC",
  79874.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site in Topeka, Kansas.",
  79875.             "Year": 0
  79876.         },
  79877.         {
  79878.             "RIT": "ws205807",
  79879.             "Type": "WS",
  79880.             "URL": "http://home.bsu.edu/home/00mjlannoo/usamphibians.html",
  79881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79882.             "Title": "U.S. Amphibians Distribution Maps",
  79883.             "Category": "LIF",
  79884.             "Description": "Maps showing the geographical ranges of U.S. amphibians, prepared by the Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and other institutions.",
  79885.             "Year": 0
  79886.         },
  79887.         {
  79888.             "RIT": "ws205808",
  79889.             "Type": "WS",
  79890.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/colo/",
  79891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79892.             "Title": "Colonial National Historical Park",
  79893.             "Category": "GEO",
  79894.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Colonial National Historical Park in Jamestown and Yorktown, Virginia.",
  79895.             "Year": 0
  79896.         },
  79897.         {
  79898.             "RIT": "ws205809",
  79899.             "Type": "WS",
  79900.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/biso/",
  79901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79902.             "Title": "Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area",
  79903.             "Category": "GEO",
  79904.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area in Kentucky.",
  79905.             "Year": 0
  79906.         },
  79907.         {
  79908.             "RIT": "ws205810",
  79909.             "Type": "WS",
  79910.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/clba/",
  79911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79912.             "Title": "Clara Barton National Historic Site",
  79913.             "Category": "GEO",
  79914.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Clara Barton National Historic Site in Glen Echo, Maryland.",
  79915.             "Year": 0
  79916.         },
  79917.         {
  79918.             "RIT": "ws205821",
  79919.             "Type": "WS",
  79920.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/appa/",
  79921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79922.             "Title": "Appalachian National Scenic Trail",
  79923.             "Category": "GEO",
  79924.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Appalachian National Scenic Trail from Mt. Katahdin in Maine to Springer Mountain in Georgia.",
  79925.             "Year": 0
  79926.         },
  79927.         {
  79928.             "RIT": "ws205822",
  79929.             "Type": "WS",
  79930.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/chcu/",
  79931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79932.             "Title": "Chaco Culture National Historical Park",
  79933.             "Category": "GEO",
  79934.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Chaco Culture National Historical Park in northwestern New Mexico.",
  79935.             "Year": 0
  79936.         },
  79937.         {
  79938.             "RIT": "ws205823",
  79939.             "Type": "WS",
  79940.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/buff/",
  79941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79942.             "Title": "Buffalo National River",
  79943.             "Category": "GEO",
  79944.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Buffalo National River in Arkansas.",
  79945.             "Year": 0
  79946.         },
  79947.         {
  79948.             "RIT": "ws205824",
  79949.             "Type": "WS",
  79950.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/chpi/",
  79951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79952.             "Title": "Charles Pinckney National Historic Site",
  79953.             "Category": "GEO",
  79954.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Charles Pinckney National Historic Site in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina.",
  79955.             "Year": 0
  79956.         },
  79957.         {
  79958.             "RIT": "ws205825",
  79959.             "Type": "WS",
  79960.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/blue/",
  79961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79962.             "Title": "Bluestone National Scenic River",
  79963.             "Category": "GEO",
  79964.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Bluestone National Scenic River in West Virginia.",
  79965.             "Year": 0
  79966.         },
  79967.         {
  79968.             "RIT": "ws205826",
  79969.             "Type": "WS",
  79970.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/blri/",
  79971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79972.             "Title": "Blue Ridge Parkway",
  79973.             "Category": "GEO",
  79974.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Blue Ridge Parkway near North Carolina and Virginia.",
  79975.             "Year": 0
  79976.         },
  79977.         {
  79978.             "RIT": "ws205827",
  79979.             "Type": "WS",
  79980.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/arho/",
  79981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79982.             "Title": "Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial",
  79983.             "Category": "GEO",
  79984.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Arlington House, The Robert E. Lee Memorial in Arlington National Cemetery.",
  79985.             "Year": 0
  79986.         },
  79987.         {
  79988.             "RIT": "ws205828",
  79989.             "Type": "WS",
  79990.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/chro/",
  79991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  79992.             "Title": "Chimney Rock National Historic Site",
  79993.             "Category": "GEO",
  79994.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Chimney Rock National Historic Site in Bayard, Nebraska.",
  79995.             "Year": 0
  79996.         },
  79997.         {
  79998.             "RIT": "ws205829",
  79999.             "Type": "WS",
  80000.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/anti/",
  80001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80002.             "Title": "Antietam National Battlefield",
  80003.             "Category": "GEO",
  80004.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Antietam National Battlefield near Sharpsburg, Maryland.",
  80005.             "Year": 0
  80006.         },
  80007.         {
  80008.             "RIT": "ws205830",
  80009.             "Type": "WS",
  80010.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/apis/",
  80011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80012.             "Title": "Apostle Islands National Lakeshore",
  80013.             "Category": "GEO",
  80014.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore near Bayfield, Wisconsin.",
  80015.             "Year": 0
  80016.         },
  80017.         {
  80018.             "RIT": "ws205841",
  80019.             "Type": "WS",
  80020.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/cave/",
  80021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80022.             "Title": "Carlsbad Caverns National Park",
  80023.             "Category": "GEO",
  80024.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Carlsbad Caverns National Park in southeastern New Mexico.",
  80025.             "Year": 0
  80026.         },
  80027.         {
  80028.             "RIT": "ws205842",
  80029.             "Type": "WS",
  80030.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/cuga/",
  80031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80032.             "Title": "Cumberland Gap National Historical Park",
  80033.             "Category": "GEO",
  80034.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Cumberland Gap National Historical Park near the meeting point of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia.",
  80035.             "Year": 0
  80036.         },
  80037.         {
  80038.             "RIT": "ws205843",
  80039.             "Type": "WS",
  80040.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/chat/",
  80041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80042.             "Title": "Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area",
  80043.             "Category": "GEO",
  80044.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area near Atlanta, Georgia.",
  80045.             "Year": 0
  80046.         },
  80047.         {
  80048.             "RIT": "ws205844",
  80049.             "Type": "WS",
  80050.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/NR/travel/charleston/pin.htm",
  80051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80052.             "Title": "Charles Pinckney Historic Site",
  80053.             "Category": "HIS",
  80054.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Charles Pinckney National Historic Site.",
  80055.             "Year": 0
  80056.         },
  80057.         {
  80058.             "RIT": "ws205845",
  80059.             "Type": "WS",
  80060.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/dewa/",
  80061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80062.             "Title": "Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area",
  80063.             "Category": "GEO",
  80064.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area east of Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.",
  80065.             "Year": 0
  80066.         },
  80067.         {
  80068.             "RIT": "ws205846",
  80069.             "Type": "WS",
  80070.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/choh/",
  80071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80072.             "Title": "Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park",
  80073.             "Category": "GEO",
  80074.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park between Washington, D.C., and Cumberland, Maryland.",
  80075.             "Year": 0
  80076.         },
  80077.         {
  80078.             "RIT": "ws205847",
  80079.             "Type": "WS",
  80080.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/biho/",
  80081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80082.             "Title": "Big Hole National Battlefield",
  80083.             "Category": "GEO",
  80084.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Big Hole National Battlefield in Wisdom, Montana.",
  80085.             "Year": 0
  80086.         },
  80087.         {
  80088.             "RIT": "ws205848",
  80089.             "Type": "WS",
  80090.             "URL": "http://www.ufsia.ac.be/Arachnology/Arachnology.html",
  80091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80092.             "Title": "The Arachnology Home Page",
  80093.             "Category": "LIF",
  80094.             "Description": "Extensive Web site with pictures, information, and a directory to more information about arachnids.",
  80095.             "Year": 0
  80096.         },
  80097.         {
  80098.             "RIT": "ws205849",
  80099.             "Type": "WS",
  80100.             "URL": "http://elib.cs.berkeley.edu/aw/lists/Discoglossidae.shtml",
  80101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80102.             "Title": "AmphibiaWeb Species List: Discoglossidae",
  80103.             "Category": "LIF",
  80104.             "Description": "University of California at Berkeley's site with information on the various species in the midwife toad family.",
  80105.             "Year": 0
  80106.         },
  80107.         {
  80108.             "RIT": "ws205757",
  80109.             "Type": "WS",
  80110.             "URL": "http://www.mp2-pwrc.usgs.gov/naamp/",
  80111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80112.             "Title": "Welcome to the North American Amphibian Monitoring Program",
  80113.             "Category": "LIF",
  80114.             "Description": "Web site of the North American Amphibian Monitoring Program, part of a global effort to study and conserve amphibians.",
  80115.             "Year": 0
  80116.         },
  80117.         {
  80118.             "RIT": "ws205758",
  80119.             "Type": "WS",
  80120.             "URL": "http://www.visitmexico.com/",
  80121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80122.             "Title": "Discover Mexico City",
  80123.             "Category": "GEO",
  80124.             "Description": "The Mexico Tourism Guide Web site provides information about Mexico City.",
  80125.             "Year": 0
  80126.         },
  80127.         {
  80128.             "RIT": "ws205759",
  80129.             "Type": "WS",
  80130.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/government/",
  80131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80132.             "Title": "Executive Branch Agencies--The President's Cabinet",
  80133.             "Category": "SOC",
  80134.             "Description": "This site provides a current list of all the secretaries in the cabinet of the president of the United States and links to the departments that they head.",
  80135.             "Year": 0
  80136.         },
  80137.         {
  80138.             "RIT": "ws205760",
  80139.             "Type": "WS",
  80140.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/bufo/b._americanus",
  80141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80142.             "Title": "Bufo americanus",
  80143.             "Category": "LIF",
  80144.             "Description": "Description of American toad from the University of Michigan.",
  80145.             "Year": 0
  80146.         },
  80147.         {
  80148.             "RIT": "ws205761",
  80149.             "Type": "WS",
  80150.             "URL": "http://mathforum.org/dr.math/",
  80151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80152.             "Title": "Ask Dr. Math",
  80153.             "Category": "PHY",
  80154.             "Description": "Question and answer service from Swarthmore College in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, for students and teachers of mathematics. The site also includes frequently asked questions organized by grade level and topic.",
  80155.             "Year": 0
  80156.         },
  80157.         {
  80158.             "RIT": "ws205762",
  80159.             "Type": "WS",
  80160.             "URL": "http://www.memphistravel.com/",
  80161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80162.             "Title": "Memphis, Tennessee",
  80163.             "Category": "GEO",
  80164.             "Description": "The Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau Web site provides information about travel in Memphis.",
  80165.             "Year": 0
  80166.         },
  80167.         {
  80168.             "RIT": "ws205763",
  80169.             "Type": "WS",
  80170.             "URL": "http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/~deban/feedingmovieindex.html",
  80171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80172.             "Title": "Autodax: Salamander Feeding",
  80173.             "Category": "LIF",
  80174.             "Description": "Biologist Stephen M. Deban's videos of salamander feeding methods.",
  80175.             "Year": 0
  80176.         },
  80177.         {
  80178.             "RIT": "ws205764",
  80179.             "Type": "WS",
  80180.             "URL": "http://www.open.ac.uk/daptf/index.htm",
  80181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80182.             "Title": "The Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force (DAPTF) Home Pages",
  80183.             "Category": "LIF",
  80184.             "Description": "Web site of the DAPTF, an international organization seeking to determine the nature, extent and causes of declines of amphibians throughout the world, and to promote means by which declines can be halted or reversed.",
  80185.             "Year": 0
  80186.         },
  80187.         {
  80188.             "RIT": "ws205774",
  80189.             "Type": "WS",
  80190.             "URL": "http://www.belizezoo.org/zoo/zoo/herps/fro/fro1.html",
  80191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80192.             "Title": "The Belize Zoo -- Red-eyed Tree Frog",
  80193.             "Category": "LIF",
  80194.             "Description": "Information on the red-eyed tree frog from the Belize Zoo.",
  80195.             "Year": 0
  80196.         },
  80197.         {
  80198.             "RIT": "ws205775",
  80199.             "Type": "WS",
  80200.             "URL": "http://www.cciw.ca/cgi-bin/quiz/start_e/",
  80201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80202.             "Title": "The Great Canadian Amphibian and Reptile Quiz",
  80203.             "Category": "LIF",
  80204.             "Description": "Quizzes about amphibians and reptiles in Canada, featuring photos and calls.",
  80205.             "Year": 0
  80206.         },
  80207.         {
  80208.             "RIT": "ws205776",
  80209.             "Type": "WS",
  80210.             "URL": "http://vieux.montreal.qc.ca/eng/accueila.htm",
  80211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80212.             "Title": "Historic City Center: Old Montreal",
  80213.             "Category": "GEO",
  80214.             "Description": "The official site of Old Montreal provides historical information and tourist suggestions for travel in Montreal.",
  80215.             "Year": 0
  80216.         },
  80217.         {
  80218.             "RIT": "ws205777",
  80219.             "Type": "WS",
  80220.             "URL": "http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/narcam/idguide/index.htm",
  80221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80222.             "Title": "Checklist of Amphibian Species and Identification Guide",
  80223.             "Category": "LIF",
  80224.             "Description": "An Online guide for the identification of amphibians in North America north of Mexico",
  80225.             "Year": 0
  80226.         },
  80227.         {
  80228.             "RIT": "ws205779",
  80229.             "Type": "WS",
  80230.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/mx.html",
  80231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80232.             "Title": "CIA-Mexico",
  80233.             "Category": "GEO",
  80234.             "Description": "The United States Central Intelligence Agency Web site provides a profile on Mexico.",
  80235.             "Year": 0
  80236.         },
  80237.         {
  80238.             "RIT": "ws205780",
  80239.             "Type": "WS",
  80240.             "URL": "http://www.math.toronto.edu/toronto/",
  80241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80242.             "Title": "Welcome to Toronto",
  80243.             "Category": "GEO",
  80244.             "Description": "The University of Toronto provides links to Toronto attractions, entertainment, sports and government organizations.",
  80245.             "Year": 0
  80246.         },
  80247.         {
  80248.             "RIT": "ws205781",
  80249.             "Type": "WS",
  80250.             "URL": "http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/webmath/index.html",
  80251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80252.             "Title": "Discovery School's Webmath",
  80253.             "Category": "PHY",
  80254.             "Description": "Commercial site from the Discovery Channel explains how to solve common math problems.",
  80255.             "Year": 0
  80256.         },
  80257.         {
  80258.             "RIT": "ws205782",
  80259.             "Type": "WS",
  80260.             "URL": "http://www.nsf.gov/",
  80261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80262.             "Title": "National Science Foundation home page",
  80263.             "Category": "PHY",
  80264.             "Description": "Official site of the National Science Foundation, an agency of the United States government",
  80265.             "Year": 0
  80266.         },
  80267.         {
  80268.             "RIT": "ws205783",
  80269.             "Type": "WS",
  80270.             "URL": "http://www.pcvb.org/",
  80271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80272.             "Title": "Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau",
  80273.             "Category": "GEO",
  80274.             "Description": "Official site of the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau.",
  80275.             "Year": 0
  80276.         },
  80277.         {
  80278.             "RIT": "ws205793",
  80279.             "Type": "WS",
  80280.             "URL": "http://ratbert.wr.usgs.gov/fieldguide/raca.htm",
  80281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80282.             "Title": "Rana catesbeiana -- The Bullfrog",
  80283.             "Category": "LIF",
  80284.             "Description": "Information about the North American bullfrog from the Western Ecological Research Center of the U.S. Geological Sur",
  80285.             "Year": 0
  80286.         },
  80287.         {
  80288.             "RIT": "ws205794",
  80289.             "Type": "WS",
  80290.             "URL": "http://www.phoenixcvb.com/index.shtml",
  80291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80292.             "Title": "Greater Phoenix Convention and Visitors Bureau",
  80293.             "Category": "GEO",
  80294.             "Description": "Official site of the Greater Phoenix Convention and Visitors Bureau.",
  80295.             "Year": 0
  80296.         },
  80297.         {
  80298.             "RIT": "ws205795",
  80299.             "Type": "WS",
  80300.             "URL": "http://www.ukans.edu/~ssar/",
  80301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80302.             "Title": "Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles",
  80303.             "Category": "LIF",
  80304.             "Description": "The Web page for SSAR, dedicated to the research and conservation of amphibians and reptiles.",
  80305.             "Year": 0
  80306.         },
  80307.         {
  80308.             "RIT": "ws205796",
  80309.             "Type": "WS",
  80310.             "URL": "http://www.ushistory.org/libertybell/index.html",
  80311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80312.             "Title": "US History",
  80313.             "Category": "GEO",
  80314.             "Description": "The Independence Hall Association Web site provides information about the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.",
  80315.             "Year": 0
  80316.         },
  80317.         {
  80318.             "RIT": "ws205797",
  80319.             "Type": "WS",
  80320.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/stli/",
  80321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80322.             "Title": "Statue of Liberty",
  80323.             "Category": "GEO",
  80324.             "Description": "The National Park Service Web site provides information about the Statue of Liberty in New York City.",
  80325.             "Year": 0
  80326.         },
  80327.         {
  80328.             "RIT": "ws205798",
  80329.             "Type": "WS",
  80330.             "URL": "http://www.nccnsw.org.au/member/tsn/context/profiles/23701.html",
  80331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80332.             "Title": "Threatened Species Network: Profile Fact Sheet Spotted Tree Frog",
  80333.             "Category": "LIF",
  80334.             "Description": "The Nature Conservation Council of Australia presents information about the spotted tree frog.",
  80335.             "Year": 0
  80336.         },
  80337.         {
  80338.             "RIT": "ws205799",
  80339.             "Type": "WS",
  80340.             "URL": "http://www.houston-guide.com/",
  80341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80342.             "Title": "Official Guide to Houston, Texas",
  80343.             "Category": "GEO",
  80344.             "Description": "The Greater Houston Convention & Visitors Bureau Web site provides information about Houston, Texas.",
  80345.             "Year": 0
  80346.         },
  80347.         {
  80348.             "RIT": "ws205800",
  80349.             "Type": "WS",
  80350.             "URL": "http://www.mexicocity.com.mx/castle.html",
  80351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80352.             "Title": "Chapultepec Castle",
  80353.             "Category": "GEO",
  80354.             "Description": "The Mexico City vitual guide provides information about the Chapultepec Castle.",
  80355.             "Year": 0
  80356.         },
  80357.         {
  80358.             "RIT": "ws205801",
  80359.             "Type": "WS",
  80360.             "URL": "http://www.nrc.gov/",
  80361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80362.             "Title": "United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission",
  80363.             "Category": "SOC",
  80364.             "Description": "Official site of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, an independent agency of the U.S. government",
  80365.             "Year": 0
  80366.         },
  80367.         {
  80368.             "RIT": "ws205811",
  80369.             "Type": "WS",
  80370.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/buis/",
  80371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80372.             "Title": "Buck Island Reef National Monument",
  80373.             "Category": "GEO",
  80374.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Buck Island Reef National Monument in St. Croix, Virgin Islands.",
  80375.             "Year": 0
  80376.         },
  80377.         {
  80378.             "RIT": "ws205812",
  80379.             "Type": "WS",
  80380.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/badl/",
  80381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80382.             "Title": "Badlands National Park",
  80383.             "Category": "GEO",
  80384.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Badlands National Park in southwestern South Dakota.",
  80385.             "Year": 0
  80386.         },
  80387.         {
  80388.             "RIT": "ws205813",
  80389.             "Type": "WS",
  80390.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/ebla/",
  80391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80392.             "Title": "Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve",
  80393.             "Category": "GEO",
  80394.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve in Coupeville, Washington.",
  80395.             "Year": 0
  80396.         },
  80397.         {
  80398.             "RIT": "ws205814",
  80399.             "Type": "WS",
  80400.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/chic/",
  80401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80402.             "Title": "Chickasaw National Recreation Area",
  80403.             "Category": "GEO",
  80404.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Chickasaw National Recreation Area in Sulphur, Oklahoma.",
  80405.             "Year": 0
  80406.         },
  80407.         {
  80408.             "RIT": "ws205815",
  80409.             "Type": "WS",
  80410.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/brca/",
  80411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80412.             "Title": "Bryce Canyon National Park",
  80413.             "Category": "GEO",
  80414.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Bryce Canyon National Park in southern Utah.",
  80415.             "Year": 0
  80416.         },
  80417.         {
  80418.             "RIT": "ws205816",
  80419.             "Type": "WS",
  80420.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/alytes/a._obstetricanus$media.html",
  80421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80422.             "Title": "Alytes obstetricanus",
  80423.             "Category": "LIF",
  80424.             "Description": "University of Michigan Web site describes the most common species of midwife toad.",
  80425.             "Year": 0
  80426.         },
  80427.         {
  80428.             "RIT": "ws205817",
  80429.             "Type": "WS",
  80430.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/cagr/",
  80431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80432.             "Title": "Casa Grande Ruins National Monument",
  80433.             "Category": "GEO",
  80434.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Casa Grande Ruins National Monument in southern Arizona.",
  80435.             "Year": 0
  80436.         },
  80437.         {
  80438.             "RIT": "ws205818",
  80439.             "Type": "WS",
  80440.             "URL": "http://www.zmuc.dk/entoweb/arachnid/arachnid.htm",
  80441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80442.             "Title": "ZMUC - Arachnid Section",
  80443.             "Category": "LIF",
  80444.             "Description": "Information about the arachnid collection at the Zoological Museum of the University of Copenhagen.",
  80445.             "Year": 0
  80446.         },
  80447.         {
  80448.             "RIT": "ws205819",
  80449.             "Type": "WS",
  80450.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/crla/",
  80451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80452.             "Title": "Crater Lake National Park",
  80453.             "Category": "GEO",
  80454.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Crater Lake National Park in southwestern Oregon.",
  80455.             "Year": 0
  80456.         },
  80457.         {
  80458.             "RIT": "ws205820",
  80459.             "Type": "WS",
  80460.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/carl/",
  80461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80462.             "Title": "Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site",
  80463.             "Category": "GEO",
  80464.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site in Flat Rock, North Carolina.",
  80465.             "Year": 0
  80466.         },
  80467.         {
  80468.             "RIT": "ws205831",
  80469.             "Type": "WS",
  80470.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/caha/",
  80471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80472.             "Title": "Cape Hatteras National Seashore",
  80473.             "Category": "GEO",
  80474.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Cape Hatteras National Seashore on the southeastern tip of Hatteras Island, North Carolina.",
  80475.             "Year": 0
  80476.         },
  80477.         {
  80478.             "RIT": "ws205832",
  80479.             "Type": "WS",
  80480.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/befr/index.htm",
  80481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80482.             "Title": "Benjamin Franklin National Memorial",
  80483.             "Category": "GEO",
  80484.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Benjamin Franklin National Memorial in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.",
  80485.             "Year": 0
  80486.         },
  80487.         {
  80488.             "RIT": "ws205833",
  80489.             "Type": "WS",
  80490.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/crmo/",
  80491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80492.             "Title": "Craters of the Moon National Monument",
  80493.             "Category": "GEO",
  80494.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Craters of the Moon National Monument in Arco, Idaho.",
  80495.             "Year": 0
  80496.         },
  80497.         {
  80498.             "RIT": "ws205834",
  80499.             "Type": "WS",
  80500.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/arpo/",
  80501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80502.             "Title": "Arkansas Post National Memorial",
  80503.             "Category": "GEO",
  80504.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Arkansas Post National Memorial near Gillett, Arkansas.",
  80505.             "Year": 0
  80506.         },
  80507.         {
  80508.             "RIT": "ws205835",
  80509.             "Type": "WS",
  80510.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/edal/",
  80511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80512.             "Title": "Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site",
  80513.             "Category": "GEO",
  80514.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Edgar Allan Poe National Historic Site in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.",
  80515.             "Year": 0
  80516.         },
  80517.         {
  80518.             "RIT": "ws205836",
  80519.             "Type": "WS",
  80520.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/chch/",
  80521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80522.             "Title": "Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park",
  80523.             "Category": "GEO",
  80524.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park near Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia.",
  80525.             "Year": 0
  80526.         },
  80527.         {
  80528.             "RIT": "ws205837",
  80529.             "Type": "WS",
  80530.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/caco/",
  80531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80532.             "Title": "Cape Cod National Seashore",
  80533.             "Category": "GEO",
  80534.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Cape Cod National Seashore in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.",
  80535.             "Year": 0
  80536.         },
  80537.         {
  80538.             "RIT": "ws205838",
  80539.             "Type": "WS",
  80540.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/bost/",
  80541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80542.             "Title": "Boston National Historical Park",
  80543.             "Category": "GEO",
  80544.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Boston National Historical Park in Boston, Massachusetts.",
  80545.             "Year": 0
  80546.         },
  80547.         {
  80548.             "RIT": "ws205839",
  80549.             "Type": "WS",
  80550.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/cowp/",
  80551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80552.             "Title": "Cowpens National Battlefield",
  80553.             "Category": "GEO",
  80554.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Cowpens National Battlefield in South Carolina.",
  80555.             "Year": 0
  80556.         },
  80557.         {
  80558.             "RIT": "ws205840",
  80559.             "Type": "WS",
  80560.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/care/",
  80561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80562.             "Title": "Capitol Reef National Park",
  80563.             "Category": "GEO",
  80564.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Capitol Reef National Park near Torrey, Utah.",
  80565.             "Year": 0
  80566.         },
  80567.         {
  80568.             "RIT": "ws205850",
  80569.             "Type": "WS",
  80570.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/acad/",
  80571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80572.             "Title": "Acadia National Park",
  80573.             "Category": "GEO",
  80574.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island in Maine.",
  80575.             "Year": 0
  80576.         },
  80577.         {
  80578.             "RIT": "ws205851",
  80579.             "Type": "WS",
  80580.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/bowa/",
  80581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80582.             "Title": "Booker T. Washington National Monument",
  80583.             "Category": "GEO",
  80584.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Booker T. Washington National Monument near Roanoke, Virginia.",
  80585.             "Year": 0
  80586.         },
  80587.         {
  80588.             "RIT": "ws205852",
  80589.             "Type": "WS",
  80590.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/cavo/",
  80591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80592.             "Title": "Capulin Volcano National Monument",
  80593.             "Category": "GEO",
  80594.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Capulin Volcano National Monument in northeastern New Mexico.",
  80595.             "Year": 0
  80596.         },
  80597.         {
  80598.             "RIT": "ws205853",
  80599.             "Type": "WS",
  80600.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/cany/",
  80601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80602.             "Title": "Canyonlands National Park",
  80603.             "Category": "GEO",
  80604.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Canyonlands National Park near Moab, Utah.",
  80605.             "Year": 0
  80606.         },
  80607.         {
  80608.             "RIT": "ws205854",
  80609.             "Type": "WS",
  80610.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/cany/",
  80611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80612.             "Title": "Canyonlands National Park Site",
  80613.             "Category": "GEO",
  80614.             "Description": "The official site of the Canyonlands National Park.",
  80615.             "Year": 0
  80616.         },
  80617.         {
  80618.             "RIT": "ws205855",
  80619.             "Type": "WS",
  80620.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fova/",
  80621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80622.             "Title": "Fort Vancouver National Historic Site",
  80623.             "Category": "GEO",
  80624.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site in Vancouver, Washington.",
  80625.             "Year": 0
  80626.         },
  80627.         {
  80628.             "RIT": "ws205856",
  80629.             "Type": "WS",
  80630.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/gero/",
  80631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80632.             "Title": "George Rogers Clark National Historical Park",
  80633.             "Category": "GEO",
  80634.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the George Rogers Clark National Historical Park in Vincennes, Indiana.",
  80635.             "Year": 0
  80636.         },
  80637.         {
  80638.             "RIT": "ws205857",
  80639.             "Type": "WS",
  80640.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/aa.html",
  80641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80642.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Aruba",
  80643.             "Category": "GEO",
  80644.             "Description": "Information about Aruba from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  80645.             "Year": 0
  80646.         },
  80647.         {
  80648.             "RIT": "ws205858",
  80649.             "Type": "WS",
  80650.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ba.html",
  80651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80652.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Bahrain",
  80653.             "Category": "GEO",
  80654.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  80655.             "Year": 0
  80656.         },
  80657.         {
  80658.             "RIT": "ws205859",
  80659.             "Type": "WS",
  80660.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bc.html",
  80661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80662.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Botswana",
  80663.             "Category": "GEO",
  80664.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  80665.             "Year": 0
  80666.         },
  80667.         {
  80668.             "RIT": "ws205869",
  80669.             "Type": "WS",
  80670.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bm.html",
  80671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80672.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Burma",
  80673.             "Category": "GEO",
  80674.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  80675.             "Year": 0
  80676.         },
  80677.         {
  80678.             "RIT": "ws205870",
  80679.             "Type": "WS",
  80680.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/gicl/",
  80681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80682.             "Title": "Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument",
  80683.             "Category": "GEO",
  80684.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument in Silver City, New Mexico.",
  80685.             "Year": 0
  80686.         },
  80687.         {
  80688.             "RIT": "ws205871",
  80689.             "Type": "WS",
  80690.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ao.html",
  80691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80692.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Angola",
  80693.             "Category": "GEO",
  80694.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  80695.             "Year": 0
  80696.         },
  80697.         {
  80698.             "RIT": "ws205872",
  80699.             "Type": "WS",
  80700.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/elma/",
  80701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80702.             "Title": "El Malpais National Monument",
  80703.             "Category": "GEO",
  80704.             "Description": "National Park Service site on El Malpais National Monument in Grants, New Mexico.",
  80705.             "Year": 0
  80706.         },
  80707.         {
  80708.             "RIT": "ws205873",
  80709.             "Type": "WS",
  80710.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/co.html",
  80711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80712.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Columbia",
  80713.             "Category": "GEO",
  80714.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  80715.             "Year": 0
  80716.         },
  80717.         {
  80718.             "RIT": "ws205874",
  80719.             "Type": "WS",
  80720.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/focl/",
  80721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80722.             "Title": "Fort Clatsop National Memorial",
  80723.             "Category": "GEO",
  80724.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Fort Clatsop National Memorial in Astoria, Oregon.",
  80725.             "Year": 0
  80726.         },
  80727.         {
  80728.             "RIT": "ws205875",
  80729.             "Type": "WS",
  80730.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/gegr/",
  80731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80732.             "Title": "General Grant National Memorial",
  80733.             "Category": "GEO",
  80734.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the General Grant National Memorial in New York, New York.",
  80735.             "Year": 0
  80736.         },
  80737.         {
  80738.             "RIT": "ws205876",
  80739.             "Type": "WS",
  80740.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/au.html",
  80741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80742.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Austria",
  80743.             "Category": "GEO",
  80744.             "Description": "Information about Austria from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  80745.             "Year": 0
  80746.         },
  80747.         {
  80748.             "RIT": "ws205877",
  80749.             "Type": "WS",
  80750.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/frla/",
  80751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80752.             "Title": "Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic",
  80753.             "Category": "GEO",
  80754.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site in Brookline, Massachusetts.",
  80755.             "Year": 0
  80756.         },
  80757.         {
  80758.             "RIT": "ws205889",
  80759.             "Type": "WS",
  80760.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/euon/",
  80761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80762.             "Title": "Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site",
  80763.             "Category": "GEO",
  80764.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site in Danville, California.",
  80765.             "Year": 0
  80766.         },
  80767.         {
  80768.             "RIT": "ws205890",
  80769.             "Type": "WS",
  80770.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/foun/",
  80771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80772.             "Title": "Fort Union National Monument",
  80773.             "Category": "GEO",
  80774.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Fort Union National Monument in Watrous, New Mexico.",
  80775.             "Year": 0
  80776.         },
  80777.         {
  80778.             "RIT": "ws205891",
  80779.             "Type": "WS",
  80780.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bh.html",
  80781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80782.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Belize",
  80783.             "Category": "GEO",
  80784.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  80785.             "Year": 0
  80786.         },
  80787.         {
  80788.             "RIT": "ws205892",
  80789.             "Type": "WS",
  80790.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/foca/",
  80791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80792.             "Title": "Fort Caroline National Memorial",
  80793.             "Category": "GEO",
  80794.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Fort Caroline National Memorial in Jacksonville, Florida.",
  80795.             "Year": 0
  80796.         },
  80797.         {
  80798.             "RIT": "ws205893",
  80799.             "Type": "WS",
  80800.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bl.html",
  80801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80802.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Bolivia",
  80803.             "Category": "GEO",
  80804.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  80805.             "Year": 0
  80806.         },
  80807.         {
  80808.             "RIT": "ws205894",
  80809.             "Type": "WS",
  80810.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/gate/",
  80811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80812.             "Title": "Gateway National Recreation Area",
  80813.             "Category": "GEO",
  80814.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Gateway National Recreation Area in New York.",
  80815.             "Year": 0
  80816.         },
  80817.         {
  80818.             "RIT": "ws205895",
  80819.             "Type": "WS",
  80820.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/gwca/",
  80821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80822.             "Title": "George Washington Carver National Monument",
  80823.             "Category": "GEO",
  80824.             "Description": "National Park Servoce site on the George Washington Carver National Monument in Diamond, Missouri.",
  80825.             "Year": 0
  80826.         },
  80827.         {
  80828.             "RIT": "ws205896",
  80829.             "Type": "WS",
  80830.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fola/",
  80831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80832.             "Title": "Fort Laramie National Historic Site",
  80833.             "Category": "GEO",
  80834.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Fort Laramie National Historic Site in Fort Laramie, Wyoming.",
  80835.             "Year": 0
  80836.         },
  80837.         {
  80838.             "RIT": "ws205897",
  80839.             "Type": "WS",
  80840.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ar.html",
  80841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80842.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Argentina",
  80843.             "Category": "GEO",
  80844.             "Description": "Information about Argentina from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  80845.             "Year": 0
  80846.         },
  80847.         {
  80848.             "RIT": "ws205860",
  80849.             "Type": "WS",
  80850.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fols/",
  80851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80852.             "Title": "Larned National Historic Site",
  80853.             "Category": "GEO",
  80854.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Larned National Historic Site in Larned, Kansas.",
  80855.             "Year": 0
  80856.         },
  80857.         {
  80858.             "RIT": "ws205861",
  80859.             "Type": "WS",
  80860.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fosm/",
  80861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80862.             "Title": "Fort Smith National Historic Site",
  80863.             "Category": "GEO",
  80864.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Fort Smith National Historic Site in Fort Smith, Arkansas.",
  80865.             "Year": 0
  80866.         },
  80867.         {
  80868.             "RIT": "ws205862",
  80869.             "Type": "WS",
  80870.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/be.html",
  80871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80872.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Belgium",
  80873.             "Category": "GEO",
  80874.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  80875.             "Year": 0
  80876.         },
  80877.         {
  80878.             "RIT": "ws205863",
  80879.             "Type": "WS",
  80880.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ag.html",
  80881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80882.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Algeria",
  80883.             "Category": "GEO",
  80884.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  80885.             "Year": 0
  80886.         },
  80887.         {
  80888.             "RIT": "ws205864",
  80889.             "Type": "WS",
  80890.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bg.html",
  80891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80892.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Bangladesh",
  80893.             "Category": "GEO",
  80894.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  80895.             "Year": 0
  80896.         },
  80897.         {
  80898.             "RIT": "ws205865",
  80899.             "Type": "WS",
  80900.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fopu/",
  80901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80902.             "Title": "Fort Pulaski National Monument",
  80903.             "Category": "GEO",
  80904.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Fort Pulaski National Monument near Savannah, Georgia.",
  80905.             "Year": 0
  80906.         },
  80907.         {
  80908.             "RIT": "ws205866",
  80909.             "Type": "WS",
  80910.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/frsp/",
  80911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80912.             "Title": "Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County Battlefields Memorial National Military Park",
  80913.             "Category": "GEO",
  80914.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County Battlefields Memorial National Military Park in Fredericksburg, Virginia.",
  80915.             "Year": 0
  80916.         },
  80917.         {
  80918.             "RIT": "ws205867",
  80919.             "Type": "WS",
  80920.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fous/",
  80921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80922.             "Title": "Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site",
  80923.             "Category": "GEO",
  80924.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site in Williston, North Dakota.",
  80925.             "Year": 0
  80926.         },
  80927.         {
  80928.             "RIT": "ws205868",
  80929.             "Type": "WS",
  80930.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fosu/",
  80931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80932.             "Title": "Fort Sumter National Monument",
  80933.             "Category": "GEO",
  80934.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Fort Sumter National Monument in Sullivan's Island, South Carolina.",
  80935.             "Year": 0
  80936.         },
  80937.         {
  80938.             "RIT": "ws205878",
  80939.             "Type": "WS",
  80940.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/edis/",
  80941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80942.             "Title": "Edison National Historic Site",
  80943.             "Category": "GEO",
  80944.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Edison National Historic Site in West Orange, New Jersey.",
  80945.             "Year": 0
  80946.         },
  80947.         {
  80948.             "RIT": "ws205879",
  80949.             "Type": "WS",
  80950.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/efmo/",
  80951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80952.             "Title": "Effigy Mounds National Monument",
  80953.             "Category": "GEO",
  80954.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Effigy Mounds National Monument in northeastern Iowa.",
  80955.             "Year": 0
  80956.         },
  80957.         {
  80958.             "RIT": "ws205880",
  80959.             "Type": "WS",
  80960.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/frdo/",
  80961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80962.             "Title": "Frederick Douglass National Historic Site",
  80963.             "Category": "GEO",
  80964.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Frederick Douglass National Historic Site in Washington, DC.",
  80965.             "Year": 0
  80966.         },
  80967.         {
  80968.             "RIT": "ws205881",
  80969.             "Type": "WS",
  80970.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/elmo/",
  80971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80972.             "Title": "El Morro National Monument",
  80973.             "Category": "GEO",
  80974.             "Description": "National Park Service site on El Morro National Monument in Ramah, New Mexico.",
  80975.             "Year": 0
  80976.         },
  80977.         {
  80978.             "RIT": "ws205882",
  80979.             "Type": "WS",
  80980.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fofr/",
  80981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80982.             "Title": "Fort Frederica National Monument",
  80983.             "Category": "GEO",
  80984.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Fort Frederica National Monument in St. Simons Island, Georgia.",
  80985.             "Year": 0
  80986.         },
  80987.         {
  80988.             "RIT": "ws205883",
  80989.             "Type": "WS",
  80990.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bb.html",
  80991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  80992.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Barbados",
  80993.             "Category": "GEO",
  80994.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  80995.             "Year": 0
  80996.         },
  80997.         {
  80998.             "RIT": "ws205884",
  80999.             "Type": "WS",
  81000.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/gett/",
  81001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81002.             "Title": "Gettysburg National Military Park",
  81003.             "Category": "GEO",
  81004.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Gettysburg National Military Park in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.",
  81005.             "Year": 0
  81006.         },
  81007.         {
  81008.             "RIT": "ws205885",
  81009.             "Type": "WS",
  81010.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/feha/",
  81011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81012.             "Title": "Federal Hall National Memorial",
  81013.             "Category": "GEO",
  81014.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Federal Hall National Memorial in New York, New York.",
  81015.             "Year": 0
  81016.         },
  81017.         {
  81018.             "RIT": "ws205886",
  81019.             "Type": "WS",
  81020.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bd.html",
  81021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81022.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Bermuda",
  81023.             "Category": "GEO",
  81024.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81025.             "Year": 0
  81026.         },
  81027.         {
  81028.             "RIT": "ws205888",
  81029.             "Type": "WS",
  81030.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bf.html",
  81031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81032.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Bahamas, The",
  81033.             "Category": "GEO",
  81034.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81035.             "Year": 0
  81036.         },
  81037.         {
  81038.             "RIT": "ws205898",
  81039.             "Type": "WS",
  81040.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/gari/",
  81041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81042.             "Title": "Gauley River National Recreation Area",
  81043.             "Category": "GEO",
  81044.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Gauley River National Recreation Area in southern West Virginia.",
  81045.             "Year": 0
  81046.         },
  81047.         {
  81048.             "RIT": "ws205899",
  81049.             "Type": "WS",
  81050.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fomc/",
  81051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81052.             "Title": "Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine",
  81053.             "Category": "GEO",
  81054.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine in Baltimore, Maryland.",
  81055.             "Year": 0
  81056.         },
  81057.         {
  81058.             "RIT": "ws205900",
  81059.             "Type": "WS",
  81060.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/eise/",
  81061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81062.             "Title": "Eisenhower National Historic Site",
  81063.             "Category": "GEO",
  81064.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Eisenhower National Historic Site in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.",
  81065.             "Year": 0
  81066.         },
  81067.         {
  81068.             "RIT": "ws205901",
  81069.             "Type": "WS",
  81070.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/eise/home.htm",
  81071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81072.             "Title": "Official Eisenhower National Historic Site",
  81073.             "Category": "GEO",
  81074.             "Description": "Official site of the Eisenhower National Historic Site in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.",
  81075.             "Year": 0
  81076.         },
  81077.         {
  81078.             "RIT": "ws205902",
  81079.             "Type": "WS",
  81080.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fodo/",
  81081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81082.             "Title": "Fort Donelson National Battlefield",
  81083.             "Category": "GEO",
  81084.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Fort Donelson National Battlefield in Dover, Tennessee.",
  81085.             "Year": 0
  81086.         },
  81087.         {
  81088.             "RIT": "ws205903",
  81089.             "Type": "WS",
  81090.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fora/",
  81091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81092.             "Title": "Fort Raleigh National Historic Site",
  81093.             "Category": "GEO",
  81094.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Fort Raleigh National Historic Site in Manteo, North Carolina.",
  81095.             "Year": 0
  81096.         },
  81097.         {
  81098.             "RIT": "ws205904",
  81099.             "Type": "WS",
  81100.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fosc/",
  81101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81102.             "Title": "Fort Scott National Historic Site",
  81103.             "Category": "GEO",
  81104.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Fort Scott National Historic Site in Fort Scott, Kansas.",
  81105.             "Year": 0
  81106.         },
  81107.         {
  81108.             "RIT": "ws205905",
  81109.             "Type": "WS",
  81110.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gv.html",
  81111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81112.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Guinea",
  81113.             "Category": "GEO",
  81114.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81115.             "Year": 0
  81116.         },
  81117.         {
  81118.             "RIT": "ws205906",
  81119.             "Type": "WS",
  81120.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/chal/sp/jrivgre2.htm",
  81121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81122.             "Title": "Great Egg Harbor National Scenic and Recreational River",
  81123.             "Category": "GEO",
  81124.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Great Egg Harbor National Scenic and Recreational River in New Jersey.",
  81125.             "Year": 0
  81126.         },
  81127.         {
  81128.             "RIT": "ws205915",
  81129.             "Type": "WS",
  81130.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ci.html",
  81131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81132.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Chile",
  81133.             "Category": "GEO",
  81134.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81135.             "Year": 0
  81136.         },
  81137.         {
  81138.             "RIT": "ws205916",
  81139.             "Type": "WS",
  81140.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/glde/",
  81141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81142.             "Title": "Gloria Dei (Old Swedes') Church National Historic Site",
  81143.             "Category": "GEO",
  81144.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Gloria Dei (Old Swedes') Church National Historic Site in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.",
  81145.             "Year": 0
  81146.         },
  81147.         {
  81148.             "RIT": "ws205917",
  81149.             "Type": "WS",
  81150.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/grba/",
  81151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81152.             "Title": "Great Basin National Park",
  81153.             "Category": "GEO",
  81154.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Great Basin National Park in Baker, Nevada.",
  81155.             "Year": 0
  81156.         },
  81157.         {
  81158.             "RIT": "ws205918",
  81159.             "Type": "WS",
  81160.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gg.html",
  81161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81162.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Georgia",
  81163.             "Category": "GEO",
  81164.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81165.             "Year": 0
  81166.         },
  81167.         {
  81168.             "RIT": "ws205919",
  81169.             "Type": "WS",
  81170.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/fi.html",
  81171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81172.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Finland",
  81173.             "Category": "GEO",
  81174.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81175.             "Year": 0
  81176.         },
  81177.         {
  81178.             "RIT": "ws205920",
  81179.             "Type": "WS",
  81180.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gi.html",
  81181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81182.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Gibraltar",
  81183.             "Category": "GEO",
  81184.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81185.             "Year": 0
  81186.         },
  81187.         {
  81188.             "RIT": "ws205921",
  81189.             "Type": "WS",
  81190.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ek.html",
  81191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81192.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Equatorial Guinea",
  81193.             "Category": "GEO",
  81194.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81195.             "Year": 0
  81196.         },
  81197.         {
  81198.             "RIT": "ws205922",
  81199.             "Type": "WS",
  81200.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/cm.html",
  81201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81202.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Cameroon",
  81203.             "Category": "GEO",
  81204.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81205.             "Year": 0
  81206.         },
  81207.         {
  81208.             "RIT": "ws205931",
  81209.             "Type": "WS",
  81210.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/cb.html",
  81211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81212.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Cambodia",
  81213.             "Category": "GEO",
  81214.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81215.             "Year": 0
  81216.         },
  81217.         {
  81218.             "RIT": "ws205932",
  81219.             "Type": "WS",
  81220.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/hafe/",
  81221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81222.             "Title": "Harpers Ferry National Historical Park",
  81223.             "Category": "GEO",
  81224.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.",
  81225.             "Year": 0
  81226.         },
  81227.         {
  81228.             "RIT": "ws205933",
  81229.             "Type": "WS",
  81230.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/cd.html",
  81231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81232.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Chad",
  81233.             "Category": "GEO",
  81234.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81235.             "Year": 0
  81236.         },
  81237.         {
  81238.             "RIT": "ws205934",
  81239.             "Type": "WS",
  81240.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gb.html",
  81241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81242.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: CIA Factbook: CIA Factbook: Gabon",
  81243.             "Category": "GEO",
  81244.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81245.             "Year": 0
  81246.         },
  81247.         {
  81248.             "RIT": "ws205935",
  81249.             "Type": "WS",
  81250.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/grpo/",
  81251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81252.             "Title": "Grand Portage National Monument",
  81253.             "Category": "GEO",
  81254.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Grand Portage National Monument in Grand Portage, Minnesota.",
  81255.             "Year": 0
  81256.         },
  81257.         {
  81258.             "RIT": "ws205936",
  81259.             "Type": "WS",
  81260.             "URL": "http://www.sasionline.org/main.html",
  81261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81262.             "Title": "Sonoran Arthropod Studies Institute",
  81263.             "Category": "LIF",
  81264.             "Description": "Institute dedicated to the study of the arthropods of the Sonoron Desert.",
  81265.             "Year": 0
  81266.         },
  81267.         {
  81268.             "RIT": "ws205937",
  81269.             "Type": "WS",
  81270.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/gosp/",
  81271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81272.             "Title": "Golden Spike National Historic Site",
  81273.             "Category": "GEO",
  81274.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Golden Spike National Historic Site in Brigham City, Utah.",
  81275.             "Year": 0
  81276.         },
  81277.         {
  81278.             "RIT": "ws205938",
  81279.             "Type": "WS",
  81280.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/grsm/",
  81281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81282.             "Title": "Great Smoky Mountains National Park",
  81283.             "Category": "GEO",
  81284.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Great Smoky Mountains National Park on the boundary between North Carolina and Tennessee.",
  81285.             "Year": 0
  81286.         },
  81287.         {
  81288.             "RIT": "ws205939",
  81289.             "Type": "WS",
  81290.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gh.html",
  81291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81292.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Ghana",
  81293.             "Category": "GEO",
  81294.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81295.             "Year": 0
  81296.         },
  81297.         {
  81298.             "RIT": "ws205940",
  81299.             "Type": "WS",
  81300.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/hafo/",
  81301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81302.             "Title": "Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument",
  81303.             "Category": "GEO",
  81304.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument in Hagerman, Idaho.",
  81305.             "Year": 0
  81306.         },
  81307.         {
  81308.             "RIT": "ws205941",
  81309.             "Type": "WS",
  81310.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/fj.html",
  81311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81312.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Fiji",
  81313.             "Category": "GEO",
  81314.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81315.             "Year": 0
  81316.         },
  81317.         {
  81318.             "RIT": "ws205942",
  81319.             "Type": "WS",
  81320.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bn.html",
  81321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81322.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Benin",
  81323.             "Category": "GEO",
  81324.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81325.             "Year": 0
  81326.         },
  81327.         {
  81328.             "RIT": "ws205943",
  81329.             "Type": "WS",
  81330.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gj.html",
  81331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81332.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Grenada",
  81333.             "Category": "GEO",
  81334.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81335.             "Year": 0
  81336.         },
  81337.         {
  81338.             "RIT": "ws205944",
  81339.             "Type": "WS",
  81340.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bp.html",
  81341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81342.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Solomon Islands",
  81343.             "Category": "GEO",
  81344.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81345.             "Year": 0
  81346.         },
  81347.         {
  81348.             "RIT": "ws205945",
  81349.             "Type": "WS",
  81350.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/hstr/",
  81351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81352.             "Title": "Harry S. Truman National Historic Site",
  81353.             "Category": "GEO",
  81354.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Harry S. Truman National Historic Site in Independence, Missouri.",
  81355.             "Year": 0
  81356.         },
  81357.         {
  81358.             "RIT": "ws205946",
  81359.             "Type": "WS",
  81360.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gl.html",
  81361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81362.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Greenland",
  81363.             "Category": "GEO",
  81364.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81365.             "Year": 0
  81366.         },
  81367.         {
  81368.             "RIT": "ws205947",
  81369.             "Type": "WS",
  81370.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/heho/",
  81371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81372.             "Title": "Herbert Hoover National Historic Site",
  81373.             "Category": "GEO",
  81374.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site in West Branch, Iowa.",
  81375.             "Year": 0
  81376.         },
  81377.         {
  81378.             "RIT": "ws205948",
  81379.             "Type": "WS",
  81380.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bt.html",
  81381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81382.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Bhutan",
  81383.             "Category": "GEO",
  81384.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81385.             "Year": 0
  81386.         },
  81387.         {
  81388.             "RIT": "ws205957",
  81389.             "Type": "WS",
  81390.             "URL": "http://www.cr.nps.gov/NR/travel/wash/dc31.htm",
  81391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81392.             "Title": "White House",
  81393.             "Category": "GEO",
  81394.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the White House in Washington, D.C.",
  81395.             "Year": 0
  81396.         },
  81397.         {
  81398.             "RIT": "ws205958",
  81399.             "Type": "WS",
  81400.             "URL": "http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2061A.html",
  81401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81402.             "Title": "Black Widow Spider -- HYG-2061A-97",
  81403.             "Category": "LIF",
  81404.             "Description": "Information about the black widow spider from The Ohio State University.",
  81405.             "Year": 0
  81406.         },
  81407.         {
  81408.             "RIT": "ws205959",
  81409.             "Type": "WS",
  81410.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/pm.html",
  81411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81412.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Panama",
  81413.             "Category": "GEO",
  81414.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81415.             "Year": 0
  81416.         },
  81417.         {
  81418.             "RIT": "ws205960",
  81419.             "Type": "WS",
  81420.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ks.html",
  81421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81422.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: South Korea",
  81423.             "Category": "GEO",
  81424.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81425.             "Year": 0
  81426.         },
  81427.         {
  81428.             "RIT": "ws205962",
  81429.             "Type": "WS",
  81430.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/zi.html",
  81431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81432.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Zimbabwe",
  81433.             "Category": "GEO",
  81434.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81435.             "Year": 0
  81436.         },
  81437.         {
  81438.             "RIT": "ws205963",
  81439.             "Type": "WS",
  81440.             "URL": "http://turnbull.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/",
  81441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81442.             "Title": "The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive",
  81443.             "Category": "PHY",
  81444.             "Description": "Articles about the history of mathematics from the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland.",
  81445.             "Year": 0
  81446.         },
  81447.         {
  81448.             "RIT": "ws205965",
  81449.             "Type": "WS",
  81450.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/pu.html",
  81451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81452.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Guinea-Bissau",
  81453.             "Category": "GEO",
  81454.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81455.             "Year": 0
  81456.         },
  81457.         {
  81458.             "RIT": "ws205966",
  81459.             "Type": "WS",
  81460.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/hosp/",
  81461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81462.             "Title": "Hot Springs National Park",
  81463.             "Category": "GEO",
  81464.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Hot Springs National Park in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas.",
  81465.             "Year": 0
  81466.         },
  81467.         {
  81468.             "RIT": "ws205967",
  81469.             "Type": "WS",
  81470.             "URL": "http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/Ancient-Africa/index.html",
  81471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81472.             "Title": "Mathematicians of the African Diaspora",
  81473.             "Category": "PHY",
  81474.             "Description": "History of mathematics in ancient Africa, from the mathematics department of the State University of New York at Buffalo.",
  81475.             "Year": 0
  81476.         },
  81477.         {
  81478.             "RIT": "ws205977",
  81479.             "Type": "WS",
  81480.             "URL": "http://www.birdsofna.org/excerpts/auk.html",
  81481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81482.             "Title": "Great Auk",
  81483.             "Category": "LIF",
  81484.             "Description": "Information about the great auk from the book The Birds of North America. by William A. Montevecchia and David A. Kirk.",
  81485.             "Year": 0
  81486.         },
  81487.         {
  81488.             "RIT": "ws205978",
  81489.             "Type": "WS",
  81490.             "URL": "http://www.speciescentral.com/specdata/bird/27.html",
  81491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81492.             "Title": "Life Forms -- Tinamou -- Great",
  81493.             "Category": "LIF",
  81494.             "Description": "Information about the great tinamou from SpeciesCentral.com, an online pictorial library of animals and habitats.",
  81495.             "Year": 0
  81496.         },
  81497.         {
  81498.             "RIT": "ws205979",
  81499.             "Type": "WS",
  81500.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/charadriiformes/laridae.html",
  81501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81502.             "Title": "Laridae Family",
  81503.             "Category": "LIF",
  81504.             "Description": "List of species in the Laridae Family with information about each one, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  81505.             "Year": 0
  81506.         },
  81507.         {
  81508.             "RIT": "ws205980",
  81509.             "Type": "WS",
  81510.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/jomu/",
  81511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81512.             "Title": "John Muir National Historic Site",
  81513.             "Category": "GEO",
  81514.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the John Muir National Historic Site in Martinez, California.",
  81515.             "Year": 0
  81516.         },
  81517.         {
  81518.             "RIT": "ws205981",
  81519.             "Type": "WS",
  81520.             "URL": "http://www.audubon.org/bird/puffin/virtual/guillemot.html",
  81521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81522.             "Title": "Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle)",
  81523.             "Category": "LIF",
  81524.             "Description": "National Audubon Society page on the black guillemot.",
  81525.             "Year": 0
  81526.         },
  81527.         {
  81528.             "RIT": "ws205982",
  81529.             "Type": "WS",
  81530.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/isro/",
  81531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81532.             "Title": "Isle Royale National Park",
  81533.             "Category": "GEO",
  81534.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Isle Royale National Park in Houghton, Michigan.",
  81535.             "Year": 0
  81536.         },
  81537.         {
  81538.             "RIT": "ws205983",
  81539.             "Type": "WS",
  81540.             "URL": "http://www.wfu.edu/albatross/",
  81541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81542.             "Title": "The Albatross Project",
  81543.             "Category": "LIF",
  81544.             "Description": "Kid-friendly Web site about albatross research being conducted by scientists at Wake Forest University.",
  81545.             "Year": 0
  81546.         },
  81547.         {
  81548.             "RIT": "ws205984",
  81549.             "Type": "WS",
  81550.             "URL": "http://www.aconcagua.org/index-e.htm",
  81551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81552.             "Title": "Official Site of Aconcangua",
  81553.             "Category": "GEO",
  81554.             "Description": "Updated information about Aconcagua, including current conditions on the mountain, maps, and advice for travelers and climbers.",
  81555.             "Year": 0
  81556.         },
  81557.         {
  81558.             "RIT": "ws205985",
  81559.             "Type": "WS",
  81560.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/dromaius/d._novaehollandiae$narrative.html",
  81561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81562.             "Title": "Dromaius novaehollandiae (Larger Emu)",
  81563.             "Category": "LIF",
  81564.             "Description": "Narrative on the emu from the University of Michigan.",
  81565.             "Year": 0
  81566.         },
  81567.         {
  81568.             "RIT": "ws205907",
  81569.             "Type": "WS",
  81570.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/guco/",
  81571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81572.             "Title": "Guilford Courthouse National Military Park",
  81573.             "Category": "GEO",
  81574.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park in Greensboro, North Carolina.",
  81575.             "Year": 0
  81576.         },
  81577.         {
  81578.             "RIT": "ws205908",
  81579.             "Type": "WS",
  81580.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/hocu/",
  81581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81582.             "Title": "Hopewell Culture National Historical Park",
  81583.             "Category": "GEO",
  81584.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Hopewell Culture National Historical Park in Chillicothe, Ohio.",
  81585.             "Year": 0
  81586.         },
  81587.         {
  81588.             "RIT": "ws205909",
  81589.             "Type": "WS",
  81590.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gz.html",
  81591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81592.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Gaza Strip",
  81593.             "Category": "HIS",
  81594.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81595.             "Year": 0
  81596.         },
  81597.         {
  81598.             "RIT": "ws205910",
  81599.             "Type": "WS",
  81600.             "URL": "http://entweb.clemson.edu/database/museum/",
  81601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81602.             "Title": "The Clemson University Arthropod Collection",
  81603.             "Category": "LIF",
  81604.             "Description": "Information about the arthropod collection at Clemson University.",
  81605.             "Year": 0
  81606.         },
  81607.         {
  81608.             "RIT": "ws205911",
  81609.             "Type": "WS",
  81610.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/da.html",
  81611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81612.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Denmark",
  81613.             "Category": "GEO",
  81614.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81615.             "Year": 0
  81616.         },
  81617.         {
  81618.             "RIT": "ws205912",
  81619.             "Type": "WS",
  81620.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ga.html",
  81621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81622.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Gambia, The",
  81623.             "Category": "GEO",
  81624.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81625.             "Year": 0
  81626.         },
  81627.         {
  81628.             "RIT": "ws205913",
  81629.             "Type": "WS",
  81630.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ec.html",
  81631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81632.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Ecuador",
  81633.             "Category": "GEO",
  81634.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81635.             "Year": 0
  81636.         },
  81637.         {
  81638.             "RIT": "ws205914",
  81639.             "Type": "WS",
  81640.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/cg.html",
  81641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81642.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Congo, Democratic Republic of the",
  81643.             "Category": "GEO",
  81644.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81645.             "Year": 0
  81646.         },
  81647.         {
  81648.             "RIT": "ws205923",
  81649.             "Type": "WS",
  81650.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bo.html",
  81651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81652.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Belarus",
  81653.             "Category": "GEO",
  81654.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81655.             "Year": 0
  81656.         },
  81657.         {
  81658.             "RIT": "ws205924",
  81659.             "Type": "WS",
  81660.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/cs.html",
  81661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81662.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Costa Rica",
  81663.             "Category": "GEO",
  81664.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81665.             "Year": 0
  81666.         },
  81667.         {
  81668.             "RIT": "ws205925",
  81669.             "Type": "WS",
  81670.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bu.html",
  81671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81672.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Bulgaria",
  81673.             "Category": "GEO",
  81674.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81675.             "Year": 0
  81676.         },
  81677.         {
  81678.             "RIT": "ws205926",
  81679.             "Type": "WS",
  81680.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gq.html",
  81681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81682.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Guam",
  81683.             "Category": "GEO",
  81684.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81685.             "Year": 0
  81686.         },
  81687.         {
  81688.             "RIT": "ws205927",
  81689.             "Type": "WS",
  81690.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/es.html",
  81691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81692.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: El Salvador",
  81693.             "Category": "GEO",
  81694.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81695.             "Year": 0
  81696.         },
  81697.         {
  81698.             "RIT": "ws205928",
  81699.             "Type": "WS",
  81700.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/cu.html",
  81701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81702.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Cuba CIA Factbook:",
  81703.             "Category": "GEO",
  81704.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81705.             "Year": 0
  81706.         },
  81707.         {
  81708.             "RIT": "ws205929",
  81709.             "Type": "WS",
  81710.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gy.html",
  81711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81712.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Guyana",
  81713.             "Category": "GEO",
  81714.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81715.             "Year": 0
  81716.         },
  81717.         {
  81718.             "RIT": "ws205930",
  81719.             "Type": "WS",
  81720.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/grte/",
  81721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81722.             "Title": "Grand Teton National Park",
  81723.             "Category": "GEO",
  81724.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Grand Teton National Park in northwestern Wyoming.",
  81725.             "Year": 0
  81726.         },
  81727.         {
  81728.             "RIT": "ws205949",
  81729.             "Type": "WS",
  81730.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/dr.html",
  81731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81732.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Dominican Republic",
  81733.             "Category": "GEO",
  81734.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81735.             "Year": 0
  81736.         },
  81737.         {
  81738.             "RIT": "ws205950",
  81739.             "Type": "WS",
  81740.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gr.html",
  81741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81742.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Greece",
  81743.             "Category": "GEO",
  81744.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81745.             "Year": 0
  81746.         },
  81747.         {
  81748.             "RIT": "ws205951",
  81749.             "Type": "WS",
  81750.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/et.html",
  81751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81752.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: CIA Factbook: Ethiopia",
  81753.             "Category": "GEO",
  81754.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81755.             "Year": 0
  81756.         },
  81757.         {
  81758.             "RIT": "ws205952",
  81759.             "Type": "WS",
  81760.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/home/",
  81761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81762.             "Title": "Homestead National Monument of America",
  81763.             "Category": "GEO",
  81764.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Homestead National Monument of America in Beatrice, Nebraska.",
  81765.             "Year": 0
  81766.         },
  81767.         {
  81768.             "RIT": "ws205953",
  81769.             "Type": "WS",
  81770.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/bx.html",
  81771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81772.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Brunei",
  81773.             "Category": "GEO",
  81774.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81775.             "Year": 0
  81776.         },
  81777.         {
  81778.             "RIT": "ws205954",
  81779.             "Type": "WS",
  81780.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/gt.html",
  81781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81782.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Guatemala",
  81783.             "Category": "GEO",
  81784.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81785.             "Year": 0
  81786.         },
  81787.         {
  81788.             "RIT": "ws205955",
  81789.             "Type": "WS",
  81790.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/rp.html",
  81791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81792.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: The Philippines",
  81793.             "Category": "GEO",
  81794.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81795.             "Year": 0
  81796.         },
  81797.         {
  81798.             "RIT": "ws205956",
  81799.             "Type": "WS",
  81800.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/sr.html",
  81801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81802.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Serbia and Montenegro",
  81803.             "Category": "GEO",
  81804.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81805.             "Year": 0
  81806.         },
  81807.         {
  81808.             "RIT": "ws205968",
  81809.             "Type": "WS",
  81810.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/kn.html",
  81811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81812.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: North Korea",
  81813.             "Category": "GEO",
  81814.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  81815.             "Year": 0
  81816.         },
  81817.         {
  81818.             "RIT": "ws205969",
  81819.             "Type": "WS",
  81820.             "URL": "http://natzoo.si.edu/zooview/animals/cassowry.htm",
  81821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81822.             "Title": "The High-Kicking Cassowary",
  81823.             "Category": "LIF",
  81824.             "Description": "Information about cassowaries, including those at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.",
  81825.             "Year": 0
  81826.         },
  81827.         {
  81828.             "RIT": "ws205970",
  81829.             "Type": "WS",
  81830.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/diapsids/birds/archaeopteryx.html",
  81831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81832.             "Title": "Archaeopteryx : An Early Bird",
  81833.             "Category": "LIF",
  81834.             "Description": "Information about Archaeopteryx from the University of California Museum of Paleontology.",
  81835.             "Year": 0
  81836.         },
  81837.         {
  81838.             "RIT": "ws205971",
  81839.             "Type": "WS",
  81840.             "URL": "http://www.qc.ec.gc.ca/faune/oiseaux_de_mer/html/atlantic_puffin.html",
  81841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81842.             "Title": "Atlantic Puffin",
  81843.             "Category": "LIF",
  81844.             "Description": "Environment Canada's page on the Atlantic puffin.",
  81845.             "Year": 0
  81846.         },
  81847.         {
  81848.             "RIT": "ws205972",
  81849.             "Type": "WS",
  81850.             "URL": "http://www.qc.ec.gc.ca/faune/oiseaux_menaces/html/tourte_e.html",
  81851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81852.             "Title": "Extinct Species: Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius)",
  81853.             "Category": "LIF",
  81854.             "Description": "Brief description of the passenger pigeon from Environment Canada.",
  81855.             "Year": 0
  81856.         },
  81857.         {
  81858.             "RIT": "ws205973",
  81859.             "Type": "WS",
  81860.             "URL": "http://www.duke.edu/~mrd6/moa/",
  81861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81862.             "Title": "Moa Central",
  81863.             "Category": "LIF",
  81864.             "Description": "Information on the moa and reports on recent research from Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand.",
  81865.             "Year": 0
  81866.         },
  81867.         {
  81868.             "RIT": "ws205974",
  81869.             "Type": "WS",
  81870.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Species/Anhinga.htm",
  81871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81872.             "Title": "International Birding Information Resource Data",
  81873.             "Category": "LIF",
  81874.             "Description": "An online guide to uncommon, common, and abundant birds in over 350 sites in the United States.",
  81875.             "Year": 0
  81876.         },
  81877.         {
  81878.             "RIT": "ws205975",
  81879.             "Type": "WS",
  81880.             "URL": "http://www.texasbirding.net/birds/anhinga.htm",
  81881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81882.             "Title": "Birds of the Upper Texas Coast -- Anhinga",
  81883.             "Category": "LIF",
  81884.             "Description": "Information on the anhinga from an online guide to birds of the upper Texas coast.",
  81885.             "Year": 0
  81886.         },
  81887.         {
  81888.             "RIT": "ws205976",
  81889.             "Type": "WS",
  81890.             "URL": "http://www.nmnh.si.edu/gvp/volcano/region15/peru/elmisti/var.htm",
  81891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81892.             "Title": "Global Volcanism Program - Volcanoes of the World",
  81893.             "Category": "GEO",
  81894.             "Description": "Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History site with information on El Misti, including reports on its volcanic activity.",
  81895.             "Year": 0
  81896.         },
  81897.         {
  81898.             "RIT": "ws205986",
  81899.             "Type": "WS",
  81900.             "URL": "http://natzoo.si.edu/zooview/exhibits/birdhs/",
  81901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81902.             "Title": "BirdHome",
  81903.             "Category": "LIF",
  81904.             "Description": "Web site of the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., featuring information about the many types of birds in the zoo's collection.",
  81905.             "Year": 0
  81906.         },
  81907.         {
  81908.             "RIT": "ws205987",
  81909.             "Type": "WS",
  81910.             "URL": "https://www.stanfordalumni.org/birdsite/text/essays/Passenger_Pigeon.html",
  81911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81912.             "Title": "The Passenger Pigeon",
  81913.             "Category": "LIF",
  81914.             "Description": "Discussion of the passenger pigeon by Stanford University professor Paul R. Ehrlich.",
  81915.             "Year": 0
  81916.         },
  81917.         {
  81918.             "RIT": "ws205988",
  81919.             "Type": "WS",
  81920.             "URL": "http://www.peakware.com/encyclopedia/peaks/cotopaxi.htm",
  81921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81922.             "Title": "Peakware World Mountain Encyclopedia",
  81923.             "Category": "GEO",
  81924.             "Description": "General information about Cotopaxi with a focus on information for climbers.",
  81925.             "Year": 0
  81926.         },
  81927.         {
  81928.             "RIT": "ws205989",
  81929.             "Type": "WS",
  81930.             "URL": "http://www.qc.ec.gc.ca/faune/oiseaux_de_mer/html/black_guillemot.html",
  81931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81932.             "Title": "Black Guillemot",
  81933.             "Category": "LIF",
  81934.             "Description": "Environment Canada's page on the black guillemot.",
  81935.             "Year": 0
  81936.         },
  81937.         {
  81938.             "RIT": "ws205990",
  81939.             "Type": "WS",
  81940.             "URL": "http://www.audubon.org/bird/puffin/virtual/active.html",
  81941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81942.             "Title": "Virtual Puffin Tour of Eastern Egg Rock in Maine",
  81943.             "Category": "LIF",
  81944.             "Description": "Online tour of puffin habitat in Maine, presented by the National Audubon Society.",
  81945.             "Year": 0
  81946.         },
  81947.         {
  81948.             "RIT": "ws205991",
  81949.             "Type": "WS",
  81950.             "URL": "http://volcano.indstate.edu/cvz/volcindx.html",
  81951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81952.             "Title": "Volcanoes of the Central Andes",
  81953.             "Category": "GEO",
  81954.             "Description": "Indiana State University site with general information on major volcanoes in the Central Andes, including information about their structures, topographic maps, and photos.",
  81955.             "Year": 0
  81956.         },
  81957.         {
  81958.             "RIT": "ws205992",
  81959.             "Type": "WS",
  81960.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/pelecaniformes/anhingidae.html",
  81961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81962.             "Title": "Anhingidae Family",
  81963.             "Category": "LIF",
  81964.             "Description": "Information on the Anhingidae family from the University of Michigan.",
  81965.             "Year": 0
  81966.         },
  81967.         {
  81968.             "RIT": "ws205993",
  81969.             "Type": "WS",
  81970.             "URL": "http://www.nmnh.si.edu/BIRDNET/ORDERS/Dinornithiformes.html",
  81971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81972.             "Title": "Dinornithiformes",
  81973.             "Category": "LIF",
  81974.             "Description": "Description of the moa order, Dinornithiformes, from The Ornithological Council, an organization that focuses on the manner in which ornithological research is conducted.",
  81975.             "Year": 0
  81976.         },
  81977.         {
  81978.             "RIT": "ws206002",
  81979.             "Type": "WS",
  81980.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/fratercula/f._corniculata$narrative.html",
  81981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81982.             "Title": "Fratercula corniculata (Horned Puffin)",
  81983.             "Category": "LIF",
  81984.             "Description": "Narrative on the horned puffin from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  81985.             "Year": 0
  81986.         },
  81987.         {
  81988.             "RIT": "ws206003",
  81989.             "Type": "WS",
  81990.             "URL": "http://www.seaworld.org/AnimalBytes/abtuftedpuffin.htm",
  81991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  81992.             "Title": "Animal bytes -- tufted puffin",
  81993.             "Category": "LIF",
  81994.             "Description": "Brief description and photograph of the tufted puffin from SeaWorld/Busch Gardens.",
  81995.             "Year": 0
  81996.         },
  81997.         {
  81998.             "RIT": "ws206004",
  81999.             "Type": "WS",
  82000.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/jeca/",
  82001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82002.             "Title": "Jewel Cave National Monument",
  82003.             "Category": "GEO",
  82004.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Jewel Cave National Monument in Custer, South Dakota.",
  82005.             "Year": 0
  82006.         },
  82007.         {
  82008.             "RIT": "ws206005",
  82009.             "Type": "WS",
  82010.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/jaga/",
  82011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82012.             "Title": "James A. Garfield National Historic Site",
  82013.             "Category": "GEO",
  82014.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the James A. Garfield National Historic Site in Mentor, Ohio.",
  82015.             "Year": 0
  82016.         },
  82017.         {
  82018.             "RIT": "ws206006",
  82019.             "Type": "WS",
  82020.             "URL": "http://www.wettropics.gov.au/lm/The_Cassowary.htm",
  82021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82022.             "Title": "Living Museum -- The Cassowary",
  82023.             "Category": "LIF",
  82024.             "Description": "Information about cassowaries from the official Web site of the Wet Tropics Management Authority of Australia.",
  82025.             "Year": 0
  82026.         },
  82027.         {
  82028.             "RIT": "ws206007",
  82029.             "Type": "WS",
  82030.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/apteryx/a._australis$narrative.html",
  82031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82032.             "Title": "Apteryx australis (Brown Kiwi)",
  82033.             "Category": "LIF",
  82034.             "Description": "Narrative on the brown kiwi from the University of Michigan.",
  82035.             "Year": 0
  82036.         },
  82037.         {
  82038.             "RIT": "ws206008",
  82039.             "Type": "WS",
  82040.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/raphus/r._cucullatus$narrative.html",
  82041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82042.             "Title": "Raphus cucullatus (Dodo Bird): Narrative",
  82043.             "Category": "LIF",
  82044.             "Description": "Facts about the dodo bird from the University of Michigan.",
  82045.             "Year": 0
  82046.         },
  82047.         {
  82048.             "RIT": "ws206009",
  82049.             "Type": "WS",
  82050.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/sterna/s._paradisaea$narrative.html",
  82051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82052.             "Title": "Sterna paradisaea (Arctic Tern)",
  82053.             "Category": "LIF",
  82054.             "Description": "Data on the Arctic tern from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  82055.             "Year": 0
  82056.         },
  82057.         {
  82058.             "RIT": "ws206019",
  82059.             "Type": "WS",
  82060.             "URL": "http://www.extremescience.com/DriestPlace.htm",
  82061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82062.             "Title": "Driest Place",
  82063.             "Category": "GEO",
  82064.             "Description": "Information about the extremely dry environment of the Atacama Desert, in addition to a map and links.",
  82065.             "Year": 0
  82066.         },
  82067.         {
  82068.             "RIT": "ws206020",
  82069.             "Type": "WS",
  82070.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/mora/",
  82071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82072.             "Title": "Mount Rainier National Park",
  82073.             "Category": "GEO",
  82074.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Mount Rainier National Park in west-central Washington.",
  82075.             "Year": 0
  82076.         },
  82077.         {
  82078.             "RIT": "ws206021",
  82079.             "Type": "WS",
  82080.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Family/Rallidae.htm",
  82081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82082.             "Title": "Rallidae--uncommon, common and abundant birds in US and Canada",
  82083.             "Category": "LIF",
  82084.             "Description": "Distribution of Rallidae species in the United States and Canada.",
  82085.             "Year": 0
  82086.         },
  82087.         {
  82088.             "RIT": "ws206022",
  82089.             "Type": "WS",
  82090.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/long/",
  82091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82092.             "Title": "Longfellow National Historic Site",
  82093.             "Category": "GEO",
  82094.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Longfellow National Historic Site in Cambridge, Massachusetts.",
  82095.             "Year": 0
  82096.         },
  82097.         {
  82098.             "RIT": "ws206023",
  82099.             "Type": "WS",
  82100.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/kimo/",
  82101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82102.             "Title": "Kings Mountain National Military Park",
  82103.             "Category": "GEO",
  82104.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Kings Mountain National Military Park in York and Cherokee, South Carolina.",
  82105.             "Year": 0
  82106.         },
  82107.         {
  82108.             "RIT": "ws206024",
  82109.             "Type": "WS",
  82110.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Species/CmnMoorhen.htm",
  82111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82112.             "Title": "Common Moorhen -- Gallinula chloropus. United States and Canada Distribution.",
  82113.             "Category": "LIF",
  82114.             "Description": "Distribution of the common moorhen in the United States.",
  82115.             "Year": 0
  82116.         },
  82117.         {
  82118.             "RIT": "ws206025",
  82119.             "Type": "WS",
  82120.             "URL": "http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/chf/pub/ifwis/birds/king-rail.html",
  82121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82122.             "Title": "IFWIS - King rail",
  82123.             "Category": "LIF",
  82124.             "Description": "Information on the king rail from the Illinois Natural History Survey.",
  82125.             "Year": 0
  82126.         },
  82127.         {
  82128.             "RIT": "ws206026",
  82129.             "Type": "WS",
  82130.             "URL": "http://www.mountain.org/andes.html",
  82131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82132.             "Title": "The Mountain Institute's Andes Page",
  82133.             "Category": "GEO",
  82134.             "Description": "Conservation information about the Andes Mountains, including sections about the people who live there and their culture.",
  82135.             "Year": 0
  82136.         },
  82137.         {
  82138.             "RIT": "ws206027",
  82139.             "Type": "WS",
  82140.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/mopi/",
  82141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82142.             "Title": "Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail",
  82143.             "Category": "GEO",
  82144.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail through Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming and Utah.",
  82145.             "Year": 0
  82146.         },
  82147.         {
  82148.             "RIT": "ws206037",
  82149.             "Type": "WS",
  82150.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/lecl/",
  82151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82152.             "Title": "Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail",
  82153.             "Category": "GEO",
  82154.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail in the Northwestern United States.",
  82155.             "Year": 0
  82156.         },
  82157.         {
  82158.             "RIT": "ws206038",
  82159.             "Type": "WS",
  82160.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/moru/",
  82161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82162.             "Title": "Mount Rushmore National Memorial",
  82163.             "Category": "GEO",
  82164.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Mount Rushmore National Memorial in the Black Hills of South Dakota.",
  82165.             "Year": 0
  82166.         },
  82167.         {
  82168.             "RIT": "ws206039",
  82169.             "Type": "WS",
  82170.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/kwvm/",
  82171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82172.             "Title": "Korean War Veterans Memorial",
  82173.             "Category": "GEO",
  82174.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C.",
  82175.             "Year": 0
  82176.         },
  82177.         {
  82178.             "RIT": "ws206040",
  82179.             "Type": "WS",
  82180.             "URL": "http://www.aquatic.uoguelph.ca/birds/speciesacc/accounts/rails/american/account.htm",
  82181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82182.             "Title": "American Coot, Fulica americana",
  82183.             "Category": "LIF",
  82184.             "Description": "Description, photographs, sounds, and other information on the American coot.",
  82185.             "Year": 0
  82186.         },
  82187.         {
  82188.             "RIT": "ws206041",
  82189.             "Type": "WS",
  82190.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/pelecaniformes/sulidae.html",
  82191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82192.             "Title": "Sulidae Family",
  82193.             "Category": "LIF",
  82194.             "Description": "Narratives on the masked, blue-footed, and red-footed boobies from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  82195.             "Year": 0
  82196.         },
  82197.         {
  82198.             "RIT": "ws206042",
  82199.             "Type": "WS",
  82200.             "URL": "http://www.c3.lanl.gov/mega-math/",
  82201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82202.             "Title": "This is MEGA Mathematics!",
  82203.             "Category": "PHY",
  82204.             "Description": "Mathematics learning activities from Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico.",
  82205.             "Year": 0
  82206.         },
  82207.         {
  82208.             "RIT": "ws206043",
  82209.             "Type": "WS",
  82210.             "URL": "http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/bird-guide/brent-goose.htm",
  82211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82212.             "Title": "Brent Goose, Branta bernicla",
  82213.             "Category": "LIF",
  82214.             "Description": "Description of the brent goose from Birds of Britain, an online magazine for birdwatchers.",
  82215.             "Year": 0
  82216.         },
  82217.         {
  82218.             "RIT": "ws206044",
  82219.             "Type": "WS",
  82220.             "URL": "http://www.american.edu/projects/mandala/TED/ice/chaco.htm",
  82221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82222.             "Title": "The Chaco War",
  82223.             "Category": "GEO",
  82224.             "Description": "Historical information about the causes and effects of the Chaco War (1932-1935).",
  82225.             "Year": 0
  82226.         },
  82227.         {
  82228.             "RIT": "ws206045",
  82229.             "Type": "WS",
  82230.             "URL": "http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/animals/bird/ayva/",
  82231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82232.             "Title": "Aythya valisineria",
  82233.             "Category": "LIF",
  82234.             "Description": "The U.S. Forest Service presents an index of information about the canvasback.",
  82235.             "Year": 0
  82236.         },
  82237.         {
  82238.             "RIT": "ws205994",
  82239.             "Type": "WS",
  82240.             "URL": "http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ve.html",
  82241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82242.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Venezuela",
  82243.             "Category": "GEO",
  82244.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  82245.             "Year": 0
  82246.         },
  82247.         {
  82248.             "RIT": "ws205995",
  82249.             "Type": "WS",
  82250.             "URL": "http://www.eco-action.org/dt/pigeon.html",
  82251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82252.             "Title": "Extinction: The Story of the Passenger Pigeon",
  82253.             "Category": "LIF",
  82254.             "Description": "Discussion of the passenger pigeon from the book, A Green History of the World,  dby Clive Ponting.",
  82255.             "Year": 0
  82256.         },
  82257.         {
  82258.             "RIT": "ws205996",
  82259.             "Type": "WS",
  82260.             "URL": "http://www.qc.ec.gc.ca/faune/oiseaux_de_mer/html/thick-billed_murre.html",
  82261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82262.             "Title": "Thick-billed Murre",
  82263.             "Category": "LIF",
  82264.             "Description": "Environment Canada's page on the thick-billed murre.",
  82265.             "Year": 0
  82266.         },
  82267.         {
  82268.             "RIT": "ws205997",
  82269.             "Type": "WS",
  82270.             "URL": "http://www.rom.on.ca/biodiversity/auk/",
  82271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82272.             "Title": "The Great Auk - An Introduction",
  82273.             "Category": "LIF",
  82274.             "Description": "Information about the great auk, including the different names given to the bird in various countries, from the Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Biology in Ontario, Canada.",
  82275.             "Year": 0
  82276.         },
  82277.         {
  82278.             "RIT": "ws205998",
  82279.             "Type": "WS",
  82280.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/jodr/",
  82281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82282.             "Title": "John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway",
  82283.             "Category": "GEO",
  82284.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway in Wyoming.",
  82285.             "Year": 0
  82286.         },
  82287.         {
  82288.             "RIT": "ws205999",
  82289.             "Type": "WS",
  82290.             "URL": "http://www.state.gov/r/pa/bgn/index.cfm?docid=2091",
  82291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82292.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Uruguay",
  82293.             "Category": "GEO",
  82294.             "Description": "Information from the online edition of the World Factbook of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).",
  82295.             "Year": 0
  82296.         },
  82297.         {
  82298.             "RIT": "ws206000",
  82299.             "Type": "WS",
  82300.             "URL": "http://www.capecodtravel.com/archive/bird0797.shtml",
  82301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82302.             "Title": "Cape Cod Travel -- Cape Cod Seagulls -- How to Identify Them",
  82303.             "Category": "LIF",
  82304.             "Description": "Guide to the identification of the gulls of Cape Cod.",
  82305.             "Year": 0
  82306.         },
  82307.         {
  82308.             "RIT": "ws206001",
  82309.             "Type": "WS",
  82310.             "URL": "http://www.cws-scf.ec.gc.ca/hww-fap/hww-fap.cfm?ID_species=21&lang=e",
  82311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82312.             "Title": "Herring Gull -- Hinterland Who's Who -- Canadian Wildlife Service",
  82313.             "Category": "LIF",
  82314.             "Description": "The Canadian Wildlife Service's page on the herring gull.",
  82315.             "Year": 0
  82316.         },
  82317.         {
  82318.             "RIT": "ws206010",
  82319.             "Type": "WS",
  82320.             "URL": "http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/archaeopteryx/info.html",
  82321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82322.             "Title": "All About Archaeopteryx",
  82323.             "Category": "LIF",
  82324.             "Description": "Detailed information about the known specimens of Archaeopteryx from Talk.origins, a group devoted to the discussion and debate of biological and physical origins.",
  82325.             "Year": 0
  82326.         },
  82327.         {
  82328.             "RIT": "ws206011",
  82329.             "Type": "WS",
  82330.             "URL": "http://www.kiwirecovery.org.nz/content/about/family/",
  82331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82332.             "Title": "The Kiwi Family",
  82333.             "Category": "LIF",
  82334.             "Description": "Descriptions of different species of kiwi from the Kiwi Recovery Programme of New Zealand.",
  82335.             "Year": 0
  82336.         },
  82337.         {
  82338.             "RIT": "ws206012",
  82339.             "Type": "WS",
  82340.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/jela/",
  82341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82342.             "Title": "Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve",
  82343.             "Category": "GEO",
  82344.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve in New Orleans, Louisiana.",
  82345.             "Year": 0
  82346.         },
  82347.         {
  82348.             "RIT": "ws206013",
  82349.             "Type": "WS",
  82350.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/htmid/h0290id.html",
  82351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82352.             "Title": "Pigeon Guillemot Identification Tips",
  82353.             "Category": "LIF",
  82354.             "Description": "The U.S. Geological Survey page of tips on how to identify the pigeon guillemot.",
  82355.             "Year": 0
  82356.         },
  82357.         {
  82358.             "RIT": "ws206014",
  82359.             "Type": "WS",
  82360.             "URL": "http://www.state.nd.us/ndfossils/education/hesperornis.html",
  82361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82362.             "Title": "Hesperornis",
  82363.             "Category": "LIF",
  82364.             "Description": "Artist renderings of Hesperornis, including its skeleton, from the North Dakota Geological Survey.",
  82365.             "Year": 0
  82366.         },
  82367.         {
  82368.             "RIT": "ws206015",
  82369.             "Type": "WS",
  82370.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/",
  82371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82372.             "Title": "International Birding Information Resource Data",
  82373.             "Category": "LIF",
  82374.             "Description": "An online guide to uncommon, common, and abundant birds in over 350 sites in the United States.",
  82375.             "Year": 0
  82376.         },
  82377.         {
  82378.             "RIT": "ws206016",
  82379.             "Type": "WS",
  82380.             "URL": "http://www.cvm.okstate.edu/instruction/kocan/ostrich/ostbk2.htm",
  82381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82382.             "Title": "The Oklahoma State Ostrich Book",
  82383.             "Category": "LIF",
  82384.             "Description": "Information about ratite ranching and medicine.",
  82385.             "Year": 0
  82386.         },
  82387.         {
  82388.             "RIT": "ws206017",
  82389.             "Type": "WS",
  82390.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/index.html",
  82391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82392.             "Title": "The Animal Diversity Web",
  82393.             "Category": "LIF",
  82394.             "Description": "Searchable database about animal species, presented by the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  82395.             "Year": 0
  82396.         },
  82397.         {
  82398.             "RIT": "ws206018",
  82399.             "Type": "WS",
  82400.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/struthioniformes/rheidae.html",
  82401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82402.             "Title": "Rheidae Family",
  82403.             "Category": "LIF",
  82404.             "Description": "Information on both species of the rhea family from the University of Michigan.",
  82405.             "Year": 0
  82406.         },
  82407.         {
  82408.             "RIT": "ws206028",
  82409.             "Type": "WS",
  82410.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/gruiformes/rallidae.html",
  82411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82412.             "Title": "Rallidae Family",
  82413.             "Category": "LIF",
  82414.             "Description": "Information on the Rallidae family from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  82415.             "Year": 0
  82416.         },
  82417.         {
  82418.             "RIT": "ws206029",
  82419.             "Type": "WS",
  82420.             "URL": "http://www.geodyssey.co.uk/regions/llanos.htm",
  82421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82422.             "Title": "Venezuela's Llanos",
  82423.             "Category": "GEO",
  82424.             "Description": "General information about the llanos of Venezuela, including information on wildlife and seasonal changes.",
  82425.             "Year": 0
  82426.         },
  82427.         {
  82428.             "RIT": "ws206030",
  82429.             "Type": "WS",
  82430.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Family/Phalacrocoracidae.htm",
  82431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82432.             "Title": "Phalacrocoracidae--uncommon, common and abundant birds in US and Canada",
  82433.             "Category": "LIF",
  82434.             "Description": "Distribution of the Phalacrocoracidae family in the United States and Canada.",
  82435.             "Year": 0
  82436.         },
  82437.         {
  82438.             "RIT": "ws206031",
  82439.             "Type": "WS",
  82440.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/lach/",
  82441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82442.             "Title": "Lake Chelan National Recreation Area",
  82443.             "Category": "GEO",
  82444.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Lake Chelan National Recreation Area in Washington.",
  82445.             "Year": 0
  82446.         },
  82447.         {
  82448.             "RIT": "ws206032",
  82449.             "Type": "WS",
  82450.             "URL": "http://www.counton.org/games/index.html",
  82451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82452.             "Title": "Games",
  82453.             "Category": "PHY",
  82454.             "Description": "Mathematics games from Count On, an organization based in York, England, and funded by the United KingdomΓÇÖs Department for Education and Employment.",
  82455.             "Year": 0
  82456.         },
  82457.         {
  82458.             "RIT": "ws206033",
  82459.             "Type": "WS",
  82460.             "URL": "http://www.rsgis.usu.edu/rsgis2/Search/Display.asp?FlNm=ralllimi",
  82461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82462.             "Title": "Utah Division of Wildlife Resources",
  82463.             "Category": "LIF",
  82464.             "Description": "Description of the Virginia rail from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.",
  82465.             "Year": 0
  82466.         },
  82467.         {
  82468.             "RIT": "ws206034",
  82469.             "Type": "WS",
  82470.             "URL": "http://museum.gov.ns.ca/mnh/nature/nsbirds/bns0024.htm",
  82471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82472.             "Title": "Birds of Nova Scotia - Northern Gannet",
  82473.             "Category": "LIF",
  82474.             "Description": "Information on the northern gannet from the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History.",
  82475.             "Year": 0
  82476.         },
  82477.         {
  82478.             "RIT": "ws206035",
  82479.             "Type": "WS",
  82480.             "URL": "http://www.sosmath.com/algebra/algebra.html",
  82481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82482.             "Title": "S.O.S. Mathematics: Algebra",
  82483.             "Category": "PHY",
  82484.             "Description": "A commercial algebra review site from Math Medics, L.L.C., based in El Paso, Texas.",
  82485.             "Year": 0
  82486.         },
  82487.         {
  82488.             "RIT": "ws206036",
  82489.             "Type": "WS",
  82490.             "URL": "http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/bird-guide/moorhen.htm",
  82491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82492.             "Title": "Moorhen, Gallinula chloropus",
  82493.             "Category": "LIF",
  82494.             "Description": "Description of the common moorhen from Birds of Britain, an online magazine for birdwatchers.",
  82495.             "Year": 0
  82496.         },
  82497.         {
  82498.             "RIT": "ws206046",
  82499.             "Type": "WS",
  82500.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/phalacrocorax/p._auritus$narrative.html",
  82501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82502.             "Title": "Phalacrocorax auritus (Double-Crested Cormorant)",
  82503.             "Category": "LIF",
  82504.             "Description": "Information on the double-crested cormorant from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  82505.             "Year": 0
  82506.         },
  82507.         {
  82508.             "RIT": "ws206047",
  82509.             "Type": "WS",
  82510.             "URL": "http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/mathsfile/index.shtml",
  82511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82512.             "Title": "The Maths File Game Show",
  82513.             "Category": "PHY",
  82514.             "Description": "Mathematics games from the British Broadcasting Corporation headquartered in London.",
  82515.             "Year": 0
  82516.         },
  82517.         {
  82518.             "RIT": "ws206048",
  82519.             "Type": "WS",
  82520.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/knri/",
  82521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82522.             "Title": "Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site",
  82523.             "Category": "GEO",
  82524.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site in Stanton, North Dakota.",
  82525.             "Year": 0
  82526.         },
  82527.         {
  82528.             "RIT": "ws206049",
  82529.             "Type": "WS",
  82530.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/mabe/",
  82531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82532.             "Title": "Mary McLeod Bethune Council House",
  82533.             "Category": "GEO",
  82534.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site in Washington, DC.",
  82535.             "Year": 0
  82536.         },
  82537.         {
  82538.             "RIT": "ws206050",
  82539.             "Type": "WS",
  82540.             "URL": "http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/animals/bird/brca/",
  82541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82542.             "Title": "Branta canadensis",
  82543.             "Category": "LIF",
  82544.             "Description": "The U.S. Forest Service presents an index of information about the Canada goose.",
  82545.             "Year": 0
  82546.         },
  82547.         {
  82548.             "RIT": "ws206051",
  82549.             "Type": "WS",
  82550.             "URL": "http://www.nmnh.si.edu/botany/projects/cpd/sa/sa22.htm",
  82551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82552.             "Title": "Exploring Gran Chaco",
  82553.             "Category": "GEO",
  82554.             "Description": "A Smithsonian Institution site providing general information about Gran Chaco, including plant life and geographical features.",
  82555.             "Year": 0
  82556.         },
  82557.         {
  82558.             "RIT": "ws206052",
  82559.             "Type": "WS",
  82560.             "URL": "http://sunsite.dcc.uchile.cl/chile/turismo/atacama.html",
  82561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82562.             "Title": "Atacama Desert",
  82563.             "Category": "GEO",
  82564.             "Description": "Information about the archaeology, history, topography, and climate of the Atacama Desert.",
  82565.             "Year": 0
  82566.         },
  82567.         {
  82568.             "RIT": "ws206053",
  82569.             "Type": "WS",
  82570.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/mana/",
  82571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82572.             "Title": "Manassas National Battlefield Park",
  82573.             "Category": "GEO",
  82574.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Manassas National Battlefield Park in Manassas, Virginia.",
  82575.             "Year": 0
  82576.         },
  82577.         {
  82578.             "RIT": "ws206054",
  82579.             "Type": "WS",
  82580.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/account/h2180id.html",
  82581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82582.             "Title": "Purple Gallinule master list",
  82583.             "Category": "LIF",
  82584.             "Description": "Information on the purple gallinule from the U.S. Geological Survey.",
  82585.             "Year": 0
  82586.         },
  82587.         {
  82588.             "RIT": "ws206063",
  82589.             "Type": "WS",
  82590.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/mima/",
  82591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82592.             "Title": "Minute Man National Historical Park",
  82593.             "Category": "GEO",
  82594.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Minute Man National Historical Park in Concord, Lincoln and Lexington, Massachusetts.",
  82595.             "Year": 0
  82596.         },
  82597.         {
  82598.             "RIT": "ws206064",
  82599.             "Type": "WS",
  82600.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/mava/",
  82601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82602.             "Title": "Martin Van Buren National Historic Site",
  82603.             "Category": "GEO",
  82604.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Martin Van Buren National Historic Site in Kinderhook, New York.",
  82605.             "Year": 0
  82606.         },
  82607.         {
  82608.             "RIT": "ws206065",
  82609.             "Type": "WS",
  82610.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/sulidae.html",
  82611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82612.             "Title": "Sulidae",
  82613.             "Category": "LIF",
  82614.             "Description": "Cornell University descriptions and photos of birds in the Sulidae family.",
  82615.             "Year": 0
  82616.         },
  82617.         {
  82618.             "RIT": "ws206066",
  82619.             "Type": "WS",
  82620.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/lyba/",
  82621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82622.             "Title": "Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove on the Potomac",
  82623.             "Category": "GEO",
  82624.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove on the Potomac in Washington, D.C.",
  82625.             "Year": 0
  82626.         },
  82627.         {
  82628.             "RIT": "ws206067",
  82629.             "Type": "WS",
  82630.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Species/Canvasback.htm",
  82631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82632.             "Title": "Aythya valisineria. United States and Canada Distribution.",
  82633.             "Category": "LIF",
  82634.             "Description": "Information on canvasback distribution in the United States.",
  82635.             "Year": 0
  82636.         },
  82637.         {
  82638.             "RIT": "ws206068",
  82639.             "Type": "WS",
  82640.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Species/BrantBrant.htm",
  82641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82642.             "Title": "Branta bernicla. United States and Canada Distribution.",
  82643.             "Category": "LIF",
  82644.             "Description": "Distribution of the brant goose in the United States.",
  82645.             "Year": 0
  82646.         },
  82647.         {
  82648.             "RIT": "ws206069",
  82649.             "Type": "WS",
  82650.             "URL": "http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/tools/duckdist/duckdist.htm",
  82651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82652.             "Title": "Ducks at a Distance",
  82653.             "Category": "LIF",
  82654.             "Description": "Duck identification guide by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.",
  82655.             "Year": 0
  82656.         },
  82657.         {
  82658.             "RIT": "ws206070",
  82659.             "Type": "WS",
  82660.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/pipe/",
  82661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82662.             "Title": "Pipestone National Monument",
  82663.             "Category": "GEO",
  82664.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Pipestone National Monument in Minnesota.",
  82665.             "Year": 0
  82666.         },
  82667.         {
  82668.             "RIT": "ws206071",
  82669.             "Type": "WS",
  82670.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/pete/",
  82671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82672.             "Title": "Petersburg National Battlefield",
  82673.             "Category": "GEO",
  82674.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Petersburg National Battlefield in Petersburg, Virginia.",
  82675.             "Year": 0
  82676.         },
  82677.         {
  82678.             "RIT": "ws206072",
  82679.             "Type": "WS",
  82680.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/neri/",
  82681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82682.             "Title": "New River Gorge National River",
  82683.             "Category": "GEO",
  82684.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the New River Gorge National River in West Virginia.",
  82685.             "Year": 0
  82686.         },
  82687.         {
  82688.             "RIT": "ws206082",
  82689.             "Type": "WS",
  82690.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/piro/",
  82691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82692.             "Title": "Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore",
  82693.             "Category": "GEO",
  82694.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in Michigan.",
  82695.             "Year": 0
  82696.         },
  82697.         {
  82698.             "RIT": "ws206083",
  82699.             "Type": "WS",
  82700.             "URL": "http://www.gsa.gov/Portal/home.jsp",
  82701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82702.             "Title": "United States General Services Administration",
  82703.             "Category": "SOC",
  82704.             "Description": "Official site of the United States General Services Administration, an independent executive agency of the U.S. government that manages federal property and equipment.",
  82705.             "Year": 0
  82706.         },
  82707.         {
  82708.             "RIT": "ws206084",
  82709.             "Type": "WS",
  82710.             "URL": "http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/poultry/ducks/",
  82711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82712.             "Title": "Poultry Breeds -- Ducks",
  82713.             "Category": "LIF",
  82714.             "Description": "Information on domestic breeds of duck from Oklahoma State University.",
  82715.             "Year": 0
  82716.         },
  82717.         {
  82718.             "RIT": "ws206085",
  82719.             "Type": "WS",
  82720.             "URL": "http://www.gbwf.net/waterfowl/pintail.html",
  82721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82722.             "Title": "Northern Pintail (Anas acuta)",
  82723.             "Category": "LIF",
  82724.             "Description": "Description of the northern pintail from the Game Bird & Waterfowl Pages.",
  82725.             "Year": 0
  82726.         },
  82727.         {
  82728.             "RIT": "ws206086",
  82729.             "Type": "WS",
  82730.             "URL": "http://www.stanford.edu/~meehan/xyz/girls4.html",
  82731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82732.             "Title": "Girls to the Fourth Power",
  82733.             "Category": "PHY",
  82734.             "Description": "Algebra tutoring activities created especially for girls, sponsored by Stanford University in Stanford, California.",
  82735.             "Year": 0
  82736.         },
  82737.         {
  82738.             "RIT": "ws206087",
  82739.             "Type": "WS",
  82740.             "URL": "http://www.utm.edu/departments/ed/cece/trugeese2.shtml",
  82741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82742.             "Title": "True Geese of the World: The Branta Species",
  82743.             "Category": "LIF",
  82744.             "Description": "Guide to geese of the genus Branta, by the Center For Environmental and Conservation Education at the University of Tennessee.",
  82745.             "Year": 0
  82746.         },
  82747.         {
  82748.             "RIT": "ws206088",
  82749.             "Type": "WS",
  82750.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/anas/a._clypeata$narrative.html",
  82751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82752.             "Title": "Anas clypeata (Northern Shoveler)",
  82753.             "Category": "LIF",
  82754.             "Description": "Narrative about the northern shoveler from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  82755.             "Year": 0
  82756.         },
  82757.         {
  82758.             "RIT": "ws206089",
  82759.             "Type": "WS",
  82760.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/lophodytes/l._cucullatus$narrative.html#physical_characteristics",
  82761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82762.             "Title": "Lophodytes cucullatus (Hooded Merganser)",
  82763.             "Category": "LIF",
  82764.             "Description": "Narrative about the hooded merganser from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  82765.             "Year": 0
  82766.         },
  82767.         {
  82768.             "RIT": "ws206090",
  82769.             "Type": "WS",
  82770.             "URL": "http://www.taiga.net/swans/swanid.html",
  82771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82772.             "Title": "The Trumpeter Swan Society -- Swan Identification",
  82773.             "Category": "LIF",
  82774.             "Description": "The Trumpeter Swan Society, a swan conservation organization in Minnesota, presents an identification guide to mute, trumpeter, and tundra swans.",
  82775.             "Year": 0
  82776.         },
  82777.         {
  82778.             "RIT": "ws206091",
  82779.             "Type": "WS",
  82780.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/orca/",
  82781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82782.             "Title": "Oregon Caves National Monument",
  82783.             "Category": "GEO",
  82784.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Oregon Caves National Monument in Cave Junction, Oregon.",
  82785.             "Year": 0
  82786.         },
  82787.         {
  82788.             "RIT": "ws206092",
  82789.             "Type": "WS",
  82790.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/paav/",
  82791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82792.             "Title": "Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site",
  82793.             "Category": "GEO",
  82794.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site in Washington, DC.",
  82795.             "Year": 0
  82796.         },
  82797.         {
  82798.             "RIT": "ws206093",
  82799.             "Type": "WS",
  82800.             "URL": "http://www.cws-scf.ec.gc.ca/hww-fap/swan/swan.html",
  82801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82802.             "Title": "Trumpeter Swan -- Hinterland Who's Who -- Canadian Wildlife Servive",
  82803.             "Category": "LIF",
  82804.             "Description": "Environment Canada presents information about the trumpeter swan.",
  82805.             "Year": 0
  82806.         },
  82807.         {
  82808.             "RIT": "ws206094",
  82809.             "Type": "WS",
  82810.             "URL": "http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/poultry/geese/",
  82811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82812.             "Title": "Poultry Breeds -- Geese",
  82813.             "Category": "LIF",
  82814.             "Description": "Information on domestic breeds of geese from Oklahoma State University.",
  82815.             "Year": 0
  82816.         },
  82817.         {
  82818.             "RIT": "ws206095",
  82819.             "Type": "WS",
  82820.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/oreg/",
  82821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82822.             "Title": "Oregon National Historic Trail",
  82823.             "Category": "GEO",
  82824.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Oregon National Historic Trail in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.",
  82825.             "Year": 0
  82826.         },
  82827.         {
  82828.             "RIT": "ws206096",
  82829.             "Type": "WS",
  82830.             "URL": "http://library.thinkquest.org/10030/algecon.htm",
  82831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82832.             "Title": "Algebra",
  82833.             "Category": "PHY",
  82834.             "Description": "Explanations of a wide range of algebra topics, including integers, real numbers, polynomials, quadratic equations, linear algebra, and more. The site is hosted by ThinkQuest, a nonprofit Internet learning network based in Armonk, New York.",
  82835.             "Year": 0
  82836.         },
  82837.         {
  82838.             "RIT": "ws206097",
  82839.             "Type": "WS",
  82840.             "URL": "http://www.unep-wcmc.org/arctic/birds/",
  82841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82842.             "Title": "Arctic Bird Library",
  82843.             "Category": "LIF",
  82844.             "Description": "The World Conservation Monitoring Centre presents an index to descriptions of waterbirds that breed in the Arctic region.",
  82845.             "Year": 0
  82846.         },
  82847.         {
  82848.             "RIT": "ws206106",
  82849.             "Type": "WS",
  82850.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/anseriformes/anatidae.html",
  82851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82852.             "Title": "Anatidae Family",
  82853.             "Category": "LIF",
  82854.             "Description": "Narratives on the duck, goose, and swan family from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  82855.             "Year": 0
  82856.         },
  82857.         {
  82858.             "RIT": "ws206107",
  82859.             "Type": "WS",
  82860.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/orpi/",
  82861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82862.             "Title": "Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument",
  82863.             "Category": "GEO",
  82864.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument in Ajo, Arizona.",
  82865.             "Year": 0
  82866.         },
  82867.         {
  82868.             "RIT": "ws206108",
  82869.             "Type": "WS",
  82870.             "URL": "http://www.state.ak.us/local/akpages/FISH.GAME/notebook/bird/geese.htm",
  82871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82872.             "Title": "ADF&G's Wildlife Notebook Series: Geese",
  82873.             "Category": "LIF",
  82874.             "Description": "The Alaska Department of Fish and Game presents information about geese common in Alaska.",
  82875.             "Year": 0
  82876.         },
  82877.         {
  82878.             "RIT": "ws206109",
  82879.             "Type": "WS",
  82880.             "URL": "http://www.gbwf.net/waterfowl/clypeata.html",
  82881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82882.             "Title": "Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata)",
  82883.             "Category": "LIF",
  82884.             "Description": "Information about the northern shoveler from the Game Bird & Waterfowl Pages.",
  82885.             "Year": 0
  82886.         },
  82887.         {
  82888.             "RIT": "ws206110",
  82889.             "Type": "WS",
  82890.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/noca/",
  82891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82892.             "Title": "North Cascades National Park",
  82893.             "Category": "GEO",
  82894.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the North Cascades National Park in Washington.",
  82895.             "Year": 0
  82896.         },
  82897.         {
  82898.             "RIT": "ws206111",
  82899.             "Type": "WS",
  82900.             "URL": "http://nrich.maths.org/topic_tree/Algebra/",
  82901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82902.             "Title": "Mathematics Enrichment: Algebra",
  82903.             "Category": "PHY",
  82904.             "Description": "Algebra problems from NRICH, an online mathematics club sponsored by Cambridge University in Cambridge, England.",
  82905.             "Year": 0
  82906.         },
  82907.         {
  82908.             "RIT": "ws206112",
  82909.             "Type": "WS",
  82910.             "URL": "http://www.utm.edu/departments/ed/cece/ducks.shtml",
  82911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82912.             "Title": "Ducks of the World",
  82913.             "Category": "LIF",
  82914.             "Description": "Information on various duck species from the University of Tennessee.",
  82915.             "Year": 0
  82916.         },
  82917.         {
  82918.             "RIT": "ws206113",
  82919.             "Type": "WS",
  82920.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/peco/",
  82921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82922.             "Title": "Pecos National Historical Park",
  82923.             "Category": "GEO",
  82924.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Pecos National Historical Park in Pecos, New Mexico.",
  82925.             "Year": 0
  82926.         },
  82927.         {
  82928.             "RIT": "ws206114",
  82929.             "Type": "WS",
  82930.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/nepe/",
  82931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82932.             "Title": "Nez Perce National Historical Park",
  82933.             "Category": "GEO",
  82934.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Nez Perce National Historical Park in Spalding, Idaho.",
  82935.             "Year": 0
  82936.         },
  82937.         {
  82938.             "RIT": "ws206055",
  82939.             "Type": "WS",
  82940.             "URL": "http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/bird-guide/coot.htm",
  82941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82942.             "Title": "Coot, Fulica atra",
  82943.             "Category": "LIF",
  82944.             "Description": "Description of the European coot from Birds of Britain, an online magazine for birdwatchers.",
  82945.             "Year": 0
  82946.         },
  82947.         {
  82948.             "RIT": "ws206056",
  82949.             "Type": "WS",
  82950.             "URL": "http://tqjunior.thinkquest.org/4116/",
  82951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82952.             "Title": "Online Math Applications",
  82953.             "Category": "PHY",
  82954.             "Description": "Examples that show how mathematics can be used in music, financial investments, travel planning, and more. The site is sponsored by ThinkQuest, a nonprofit Internet learning network based in Armonk, New York.",
  82955.             "Year": 0
  82956.         },
  82957.         {
  82958.             "RIT": "ws206057",
  82959.             "Type": "WS",
  82960.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/lame/",
  82961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82962.             "Title": "Lake Mead National Recreation Area",
  82963.             "Category": "GEO",
  82964.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Lake Mead National Recreation Area in Boulder City, Nevada.",
  82965.             "Year": 0
  82966.         },
  82967.         {
  82968.             "RIT": "ws206058",
  82969.             "Type": "WS",
  82970.             "URL": "http://www.rotrek.com/argpat.htm",
  82971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82972.             "Title": "Information on Argentina and Patagonia",
  82973.             "Category": "GEO",
  82974.             "Description": "Detailed information about the history, geology, and animal and plant life of Argentine Patagonia.",
  82975.             "Year": 0
  82976.         },
  82977.         {
  82978.             "RIT": "ws206059",
  82979.             "Type": "WS",
  82980.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/morr/",
  82981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82982.             "Title": "Morristown National Historical Park",
  82983.             "Category": "GEO",
  82984.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Morristown National Historical Park in Morristown, New Jersey.",
  82985.             "Year": 0
  82986.         },
  82987.         {
  82988.             "RIT": "ws206060",
  82989.             "Type": "WS",
  82990.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/libi/",
  82991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  82992.             "Title": "Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument",
  82993.             "Category": "GEO",
  82994.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument in southeastern Montana.",
  82995.             "Year": 0
  82996.         },
  82997.         {
  82998.             "RIT": "ws206061",
  82999.             "Type": "WS",
  83000.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/branta/b._canadensis$narrative.html",
  83001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83002.             "Title": "Branta canadensis (Canada Goose)",
  83003.             "Category": "LIF",
  83004.             "Description": "Narrative on the Canada goose from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  83005.             "Year": 0
  83006.         },
  83007.         {
  83008.             "RIT": "ws206062",
  83009.             "Type": "WS",
  83010.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/juba/",
  83011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83012.             "Title": "Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail",
  83013.             "Category": "GEO",
  83014.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail from southwest Arizona to San Francisco, California.",
  83015.             "Year": 0
  83016.         },
  83017.         {
  83018.             "RIT": "ws206073",
  83019.             "Type": "WS",
  83020.             "URL": "http://www.utm.edu/departments/ed/cece/trugeese.shtml",
  83021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83022.             "Title": "True Geese of the World: The Anser Species",
  83023.             "Category": "LIF",
  83024.             "Description": "Guide to geese of the genus Anser, by the Center For Environmental and Conservation Education at the University of Tennessee.",
  83025.             "Year": 0
  83026.         },
  83027.         {
  83028.             "RIT": "ws206074",
  83029.             "Type": "WS",
  83030.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/peri/",
  83031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83032.             "Title": "Pea Ridge National Military Park",
  83033.             "Category": "GEO",
  83034.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Pea Ridge National Military Park in Arkansas.",
  83035.             "Year": 0
  83036.         },
  83037.         {
  83038.             "RIT": "ws206075",
  83039.             "Type": "WS",
  83040.             "URL": "http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/chf/pub/ifwis/birds/gadwall.html",
  83041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83042.             "Title": "INRIN -- Gadwall",
  83043.             "Category": "LIF",
  83044.             "Description": "Information about the gadwall from the Illinois Natural History Survey.",
  83045.             "Year": 0
  83046.         },
  83047.         {
  83048.             "RIT": "ws206076",
  83049.             "Type": "WS",
  83050.             "URL": "http://www.audubon.org/bird/puffin/virtual/eider.html",
  83051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83052.             "Title": "Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima)",
  83053.             "Category": "LIF",
  83054.             "Description": "Information about the common eider from the National Audobon Society.",
  83055.             "Year": 0
  83056.         },
  83057.         {
  83058.             "RIT": "ws206077",
  83059.             "Type": "WS",
  83060.             "URL": "http://birding.about.com/library/fg/blfg.htm?once=true&",
  83061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83062.             "Title": "Virtual Bird Field Guide",
  83063.             "Category": "LIF",
  83064.             "Description": "Searchable online field guide to birds, by the About Guide company.",
  83065.             "Year": 0
  83066.         },
  83067.         {
  83068.             "RIT": "ws206078",
  83069.             "Type": "WS",
  83070.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/pevi/",
  83071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83072.             "Title": "Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial",
  83073.             "Category": "GEO",
  83074.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial in Ohio.",
  83075.             "Year": 0
  83076.         },
  83077.         {
  83078.             "RIT": "ws206079",
  83079.             "Type": "WS",
  83080.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/ocmu/",
  83081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83082.             "Title": "Ocmulgee National Monument",
  83083.             "Category": "GEO",
  83084.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Ocmulgee National Monument in Macon, Georgia.",
  83085.             "Year": 0
  83086.         },
  83087.         {
  83088.             "RIT": "ws206080",
  83089.             "Type": "WS",
  83090.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/pore/",
  83091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83092.             "Title": "Point Reyes National Seashore",
  83093.             "Category": "GEO",
  83094.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Point Reyes National Seashore in California.",
  83095.             "Year": 0
  83096.         },
  83097.         {
  83098.             "RIT": "ws206081",
  83099.             "Type": "WS",
  83100.             "URL": "http://www.aquatic.uoguelph.ca/birds/speciesacc/accounts/ducks/merganse/account.htm",
  83101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83102.             "Title": "Common Merganser, Mergus merganser",
  83103.             "Category": "LIF",
  83104.             "Description": "Information on the American merganser from Canada's Aquatic Environments, produced at the University of Guelph.",
  83105.             "Year": 0
  83106.         },
  83107.         {
  83108.             "RIT": "ws206098",
  83109.             "Type": "WS",
  83110.             "URL": "http://www.state.ak.us/local/akpages/FISH.GAME/notebook/bird/eiders.htm",
  83111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83112.             "Title": "ADF&G's Wildlife Notebook Series: Eiders",
  83113.             "Category": "LIF",
  83114.             "Description": "Article about eiders from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.",
  83115.             "Year": 0
  83116.         },
  83117.         {
  83118.             "RIT": "ws206099",
  83119.             "Type": "WS",
  83120.             "URL": "http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/animals/bird/anac/",
  83121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83122.             "Title": "Anas acuta",
  83123.             "Category": "LIF",
  83124.             "Description": "The U.S. Forest Service presents an index of information about the northern pintail.",
  83125.             "Year": 0
  83126.         },
  83127.         {
  83128.             "RIT": "ws206100",
  83129.             "Type": "WS",
  83130.             "URL": "http://www.cws-scf.ec.gc.ca/hww-fap/tundswan/tundswan.htm",
  83131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83132.             "Title": "Tundra Swan -- Hinterland Who's Who -- Canadian Wildlife Servive",
  83133.             "Category": "LIF",
  83134.             "Description": "Environment Canada presents information about the tundra swan.",
  83135.             "Year": 0
  83136.         },
  83137.         {
  83138.             "RIT": "ws206101",
  83139.             "Type": "WS",
  83140.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/mergus/m._serrator$media.html",
  83141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83142.             "Title": "Mergus serrator (Red-Breasted Merganser)",
  83143.             "Category": "LIF",
  83144.             "Description": "Narrative about the red-breasted merganser from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  83145.             "Year": 0
  83146.         },
  83147.         {
  83148.             "RIT": "ws206102",
  83149.             "Type": "WS",
  83150.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/neor/",
  83151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83152.             "Title": "New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park",
  83153.             "Category": "GEO",
  83154.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park in New Orleans, Louisiana.",
  83155.             "Year": 0
  83156.         },
  83157.         {
  83158.             "RIT": "ws206103",
  83159.             "Type": "WS",
  83160.             "URL": "http://www.mb.ec.gc.ca/nature/migratorybirds/kingeider/dc21s01.en.html",
  83161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83162.             "Title": "About King Eiders - Environment Canada",
  83163.             "Category": "LIF",
  83164.             "Description": "Information about the king eider from Environment Canada.",
  83165.             "Year": 0
  83166.         },
  83167.         {
  83168.             "RIT": "ws206104",
  83169.             "Type": "WS",
  83170.             "URL": "http://www.darwinfoundation.org/",
  83171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83172.             "Title": "Charles Darwin Research Station Home Page",
  83173.             "Category": "GEO",
  83174.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Charles Darwin Research Station, part of the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands. The site describes Galapagos research projects and provides links to other sources of information.",
  83175.             "Year": 0
  83176.         },
  83177.         {
  83178.             "RIT": "ws206105",
  83179.             "Type": "WS",
  83180.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Species/Mallard.htm",
  83181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83182.             "Title": "Mallard -- Anas platyrhynchos. United States and Canada Distribution",
  83183.             "Category": "LIF",
  83184.             "Description": "The distribution of the mallard in the United States and Canada.",
  83185.             "Year": 0
  83186.         },
  83187.         {
  83188.             "RIT": "ws206115",
  83189.             "Type": "WS",
  83190.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/anas/a._platyrhynchos$narrative.html",
  83191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83192.             "Title": "Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard)",
  83193.             "Category": "LIF",
  83194.             "Description": "Narrative about the mallard from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  83195.             "Year": 0
  83196.         },
  83197.         {
  83198.             "RIT": "ws206116",
  83199.             "Type": "WS",
  83200.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Family/Anatidae.htm",
  83201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83202.             "Title": "Anatidae--uncommon, common and abundant birds in US and Canada.",
  83203.             "Category": "LIF",
  83204.             "Description": "Distribution of various duck, goose, and swan species in the United States and Canada.",
  83205.             "Year": 0
  83206.         },
  83207.         {
  83208.             "RIT": "ws206117",
  83209.             "Type": "WS",
  83210.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/vafo/",
  83211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83212.             "Title": "Valley Forge National Historical Park",
  83213.             "Category": "GEO",
  83214.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Valley Forge National Historical Park in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.",
  83215.             "Year": 0
  83216.         },
  83217.         {
  83218.             "RIT": "ws206118",
  83219.             "Type": "WS",
  83220.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/vick/",
  83221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83222.             "Title": "Vicksburg National Military Park",
  83223.             "Category": "GEO",
  83224.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Vicksburg National Military Park in Vicksburg, Mississippi.",
  83225.             "Year": 0
  83226.         },
  83227.         {
  83228.             "RIT": "ws206119",
  83229.             "Type": "WS",
  83230.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/shen/",
  83231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83232.             "Title": "Shenandoah National Park",
  83233.             "Category": "GEO",
  83234.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Shenandoah National Park in Luray, Virginia.",
  83235.             "Year": 0
  83236.         },
  83237.         {
  83238.             "RIT": "ws206120",
  83239.             "Type": "WS",
  83240.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/rola/",
  83241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83242.             "Title": "Ross Lake National Recreation Area",
  83243.             "Category": "GEO",
  83244.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Ross Lake National Recreation Area in Washington.",
  83245.             "Year": 0
  83246.         },
  83247.         {
  83248.             "RIT": "ws206121",
  83249.             "Type": "WS",
  83250.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/thrb/",
  83251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83252.             "Title": "Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site",
  83253.             "Category": "GEO",
  83254.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site in New York City.",
  83255.             "Year": 0
  83256.         },
  83257.         {
  83258.             "RIT": "ws206122",
  83259.             "Type": "WS",
  83260.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/shil/",
  83261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83262.             "Title": "Shiloh National Military Park",
  83263.             "Category": "GEO",
  83264.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Shiloh National Military Park in Shiloh, Tennessee.",
  83265.             "Year": 0
  83266.         },
  83267.         {
  83268.             "RIT": "ws206123",
  83269.             "Type": "WS",
  83270.             "URL": "http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/ges/who/haberle/JFernandez/JFernandez.html",
  83271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83272.             "Title": "Human impact on Juan Fernandez Islands",
  83273.             "Category": "GEO",
  83274.             "Description": "Detailed information about how plant and animal life on the Juan Fernandez islands has been affected by humans.",
  83275.             "Year": 0
  83276.         },
  83277.         {
  83278.             "RIT": "ws206134",
  83279.             "Type": "WS",
  83280.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/aix/a._sponsa$narrative.html",
  83281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83282.             "Title": "Aix sponsa (Wood Duck)",
  83283.             "Category": "LIF",
  83284.             "Description": "Narrative about the wood duck from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  83285.             "Year": 0
  83286.         },
  83287.         {
  83288.             "RIT": "ws206135",
  83289.             "Type": "WS",
  83290.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/cygnus/c._olor$narrative.html",
  83291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83292.             "Title": "Cygnus olor (Mute Swan)",
  83293.             "Category": "LIF",
  83294.             "Description": "Narrative on the mute swan from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  83295.             "Year": 0
  83296.         },
  83297.         {
  83298.             "RIT": "ws206136",
  83299.             "Type": "WS",
  83300.             "URL": "http://www.floridaecosystems.org/phoenicopteridae.htm",
  83301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83302.             "Title": "PHOENICOPTERIDAE",
  83303.             "Category": "LIF",
  83304.             "Description": "Information about the flamingo family from private organization called Florida Ecosystems.",
  83305.             "Year": 0
  83306.         },
  83307.         {
  83308.             "RIT": "ws206137",
  83309.             "Type": "WS",
  83310.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/slbe/",
  83311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83312.             "Title": "Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore",
  83313.             "Category": "GEO",
  83314.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore in Michigan.",
  83315.             "Year": 0
  83316.         },
  83317.         {
  83318.             "RIT": "ws206138",
  83319.             "Type": "WS",
  83320.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/rich/",
  83321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83322.             "Title": "Richmond National Battlefield Park",
  83323.             "Category": "GEO",
  83324.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Richmond National Battlefield Park in Richmond, Virginia.",
  83325.             "Year": 0
  83326.         },
  83327.         {
  83328.             "RIT": "ws206139",
  83329.             "Type": "WS",
  83330.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/rabr/",
  83331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83332.             "Title": "Rainbow Bridge National Monument",
  83333.             "Category": "GEO",
  83334.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Rainbow Bridge National Monument in Utah.",
  83335.             "Year": 0
  83336.         },
  83337.         {
  83338.             "RIT": "ws206140",
  83339.             "Type": "WS",
  83340.             "URL": "http://www.aqua.org/animals/species/amazon/",
  83341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83342.             "Title": "Amazon River Forest",
  83343.             "Category": "GEO",
  83344.             "Description": "Information about the Amazon Rainforest from the National Aquarium in Baltimore.",
  83345.             "Year": 0
  83346.         },
  83347.         {
  83348.             "RIT": "ws206141",
  83349.             "Type": "WS",
  83350.             "URL": "http://www.fmcs.gov/",
  83351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83352.             "Title": "Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service",
  83353.             "Category": "SOC",
  83354.             "Description": "Official site of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, an independent agency of the U.S. government that helps prevent or settle disputes between labor unions and management that affect interstate commerce.",
  83355.             "Year": 0
  83356.         },
  83357.         {
  83358.             "RIT": "ws206142",
  83359.             "Type": "WS",
  83360.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/sacr/",
  83361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83362.             "Title": "Saint Croix Island International Historic Site",
  83363.             "Category": "GEO",
  83364.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Saint Croix Island International Historic Site in Red Beach, Maine.",
  83365.             "Year": 0
  83366.         },
  83367.         {
  83368.             "RIT": "ws206152",
  83369.             "Type": "WS",
  83370.             "URL": "http://richland.uwc.edu/Depts/Biology/accounts/woodduck.htm",
  83371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83372.             "Title": "Aix Sponsa, The North American Wood Duck",
  83373.             "Category": "LIF",
  83374.             "Description": "Essay on the wood duck from the University of Wisconsin's Department of Biological Sciences.",
  83375.             "Year": 0
  83376.         },
  83377.         {
  83378.             "RIT": "ws206153",
  83379.             "Type": "WS",
  83380.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/ulsg/",
  83381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83382.             "Title": "Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site",
  83383.             "Category": "GEO",
  83384.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site in St. Louis, Missouri.",
  83385.             "Year": 0
  83386.         },
  83387.         {
  83388.             "RIT": "ws206154",
  83389.             "Type": "WS",
  83390.             "URL": "http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/animals/bird/andi/",
  83391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83392.             "Title": "Anas discors",
  83393.             "Category": "LIF",
  83394.             "Description": "The U.S. Forest Service presents an index of information about the blue-winged teal.",
  83395.             "Year": 0
  83396.         },
  83397.         {
  83398.             "RIT": "ws206155",
  83399.             "Type": "WS",
  83400.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/sucr/",
  83401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83402.             "Title": "Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument",
  83403.             "Category": "GEO",
  83404.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument in Flagstaff, Arizona.",
  83405.             "Year": 0
  83406.         },
  83407.         {
  83408.             "RIT": "ws206156",
  83409.             "Type": "WS",
  83410.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/thro/",
  83411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83412.             "Title": "Theodore Roosevelt National Park",
  83413.             "Category": "GEO",
  83414.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Theodore Roosevelt National Park in Medora, North Dakota.",
  83415.             "Year": 0
  83416.         },
  83417.         {
  83418.             "RIT": "ws206157",
  83419.             "Type": "WS",
  83420.             "URL": "http://www.brookes.ac.uk/schools/apm/jennings/islomania/JuanFernandez/index.html",
  83421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83422.             "Title": "Juan Fernandez Islands",
  83423.             "Category": "GEO",
  83424.             "Description": "Historical information about the Juan Fernandez, including illustrations of the islands.",
  83425.             "Year": 0
  83426.         },
  83427.         {
  83428.             "RIT": "ws206158",
  83429.             "Type": "WS",
  83430.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/safe/",
  83431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83432.             "Title": "Santa Fe National Historic Trail",
  83433.             "Category": "GEO",
  83434.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Santa Fe National Historic Trail from Independence, Missouri to Santa Fe, New Mexico.",
  83435.             "Year": 0
  83436.         },
  83437.         {
  83438.             "RIT": "ws206159",
  83439.             "Type": "WS",
  83440.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/tica/",
  83441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83442.             "Title": "Timpanogos Cave National Monument",
  83443.             "Category": "GEO",
  83444.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Timpanogos Cave National Monument in American Fork, Utah.",
  83445.             "Year": 0
  83446.         },
  83447.         {
  83448.             "RIT": "ws206160",
  83449.             "Type": "WS",
  83450.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/sama/",
  83451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83452.             "Title": "Salem Maritime National Historic Site",
  83453.             "Category": "GEO",
  83454.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Salem Maritime National Historic Site in Salem, Massachusetts.",
  83455.             "Year": 0
  83456.         },
  83457.         {
  83458.             "RIT": "ws206161",
  83459.             "Type": "WS",
  83460.             "URL": "http://www.fedgate.org/fg_nfotath.htm",
  83461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83462.             "Title": "National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities",
  83463.             "Category": "SOC",
  83464.             "Description": "Official site of the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities",
  83465.             "Year": 0
  83466.         },
  83467.         {
  83468.             "RIT": "ws206162",
  83469.             "Type": "WS",
  83470.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/wica/",
  83471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83472.             "Title": "Wind Cave National Park",
  83473.             "Category": "GEO",
  83474.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Wind Cave National Park in Hot Springs, South Dakota.",
  83475.             "Year": 0
  83476.         },
  83477.         {
  83478.             "RIT": "ws206163",
  83479.             "Type": "WS",
  83480.             "URL": "http://www.gbwf.net/waterfowl/cyanoptera.html",
  83481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83482.             "Title": "Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera)",
  83483.             "Category": "LIF",
  83484.             "Description": "Description of the cinnamon teal from the Game Bird & Waterfowl Pages.",
  83485.             "Year": 0
  83486.         },
  83487.         {
  83488.             "RIT": "ws206164",
  83489.             "Type": "WS",
  83490.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/roca/",
  83491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83492.             "Title": "Roosevelt Campobello International Park",
  83493.             "Category": "GEO",
  83494.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Roosevelt Campobello International Park in New Brunswick, Canada.",
  83495.             "Year": 0
  83496.         },
  83497.         {
  83498.             "RIT": "ws206165",
  83499.             "Type": "WS",
  83500.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Species/AmerWigeon.htm",
  83501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83502.             "Title": "American Wigeon -- Anas americana. United States and Canada Distribution.",
  83503.             "Category": "LIF",
  83504.             "Description": "Distribution of the wigeon in the United States and Canada.",
  83505.             "Year": 0
  83506.         },
  83507.         {
  83508.             "RIT": "ws206166",
  83509.             "Type": "WS",
  83510.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/cygnus/c._columbianus$narrative.html",
  83511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83512.             "Title": "Cygnus columbianus (Whistling Swan, Tundra Swan)",
  83513.             "Category": "LIF",
  83514.             "Description": "Narrative on the tundra swan from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  83515.             "Year": 0
  83516.         },
  83517.         {
  83518.             "RIT": "ws206167",
  83519.             "Type": "WS",
  83520.             "URL": "http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Curves/Parabola.html",
  83521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83522.             "Title": "Parabola",
  83523.             "Category": "PHY",
  83524.             "Description": "A description and history of the basic parabola hosted by The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, which is sponsored by the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland.",
  83525.             "Year": 0
  83526.         },
  83527.         {
  83528.             "RIT": "ws206168",
  83529.             "Type": "WS",
  83530.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/ciconiiformes/ardeidae.html",
  83531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83532.             "Title": "Ardeidae Family",
  83533.             "Category": "LIF",
  83534.             "Description": "The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology presents information about the family Ardeidae.",
  83535.             "Year": 0
  83536.         },
  83537.         {
  83538.             "RIT": "ws206169",
  83539.             "Type": "WS",
  83540.             "URL": "http://www.cws-scf.ec.gc.ca/hww-fap/whooping/whoop.html",
  83541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83542.             "Title": "Whooping Crane - Hinterland Who's Who - Canadian Wildlife Service - Environment Canada",
  83543.             "Category": "LIF",
  83544.             "Description": "Environment Canada presents data about the whooping crane.",
  83545.             "Year": 0
  83546.         },
  83547.         {
  83548.             "RIT": "ws206178",
  83549.             "Type": "WS",
  83550.             "URL": "http://www.calculus.org/",
  83551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83552.             "Title": "The Calculus Page",
  83553.             "Category": "PHY",
  83554.             "Description": "A variety of resources for learning calculus, including, advice, animated examples, and links to other Web sites, sponsored by the mathematics department of the University of California at Davis.",
  83555.             "Year": 0
  83556.         },
  83557.         {
  83558.             "RIT": "ws206179",
  83559.             "Type": "WS",
  83560.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/",
  83561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83562.             "Title": "Patuxent-Migratory Bird Research",
  83563.             "Category": "LIF",
  83564.             "Description": "The U.S. Geological SurveyΓÇÖs Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents extensive information about migratory birds, bird identification, and bird research.",
  83565.             "Year": 0
  83566.         },
  83567.         {
  83568.             "RIT": "ws206180",
  83569.             "Type": "WS",
  83570.             "URL": "http://www.glo.state.tx.us/wetnet/species/stilt.html",
  83571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83572.             "Title": "GLO -- Coastal Issues",
  83573.             "Category": "LIF",
  83574.             "Description": "Information about the black-necked stilt from the Texas General Land Office.",
  83575.             "Year": 0
  83576.         },
  83577.         {
  83578.             "RIT": "ws206181",
  83579.             "Type": "WS",
  83580.             "URL": "http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Curves/Circle.html",
  83581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83582.             "Title": "Circle",
  83583.             "Category": "PHY",
  83584.             "Description": "A description and history of the circle hosted by The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive and sponsored by the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland.",
  83585.             "Year": 0
  83586.         },
  83587.         {
  83588.             "RIT": "ws206182",
  83589.             "Type": "WS",
  83590.             "URL": "http://www.ScienceU.com/geometry/",
  83591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83592.             "Title": "Science U: The Geometry Center",
  83593.             "Category": "PHY",
  83594.             "Description": "A commercial site that provides interactive geometry games and puzzles developed by Geometry Technologies, Inc., in St. Paul, Minnesota.",
  83595.             "Year": 0
  83596.         },
  83597.         {
  83598.             "RIT": "ws206183",
  83599.             "Type": "WS",
  83600.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/wrbr/",
  83601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83602.             "Title": "Wright Brothers National Memorial",
  83603.             "Category": "GEO",
  83604.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina.",
  83605.             "Year": 0
  83606.         },
  83607.         {
  83608.             "RIT": "ws206184",
  83609.             "Type": "WS",
  83610.             "URL": "http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/frac/",
  83611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83612.             "Title": "Fractals",
  83613.             "Category": "PHY",
  83614.             "Description": "An overview of fractals for elementary and middle school students, from the Center for Excellence and Equity in Education at Rice University in Houston, Texas.",
  83615.             "Year": 0
  83616.         },
  83617.         {
  83618.             "RIT": "ws206185",
  83619.             "Type": "WS",
  83620.             "URL": "http://www.belizezoo.org/zoo/zoo/birds/jab/jab3.html",
  83621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83622.             "Title": "The Belize Zoo - Jabiru Stork QuickTime Video",
  83623.             "Category": "LIF",
  83624.             "Description": "Video clip of a jabiru from the Belize Zoo.",
  83625.             "Year": 0
  83626.         },
  83627.         {
  83628.             "RIT": "ws206124",
  83629.             "Type": "WS",
  83630.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/cygnus/c._buccinator$narrative.html",
  83631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83632.             "Title": "Cygnus buccinator (Trumpeter Swan)",
  83633.             "Category": "LIF",
  83634.             "Description": "Narrative on the trumpeter swan from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  83635.             "Year": 0
  83636.         },
  83637.         {
  83638.             "RIT": "ws206125",
  83639.             "Type": "WS",
  83640.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/saju/",
  83641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83642.             "Title": "San Juan National Historic Site",
  83643.             "Category": "GEO",
  83644.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the San Juan National Historic Site in San Juan, Puerto Rico.",
  83645.             "Year": 0
  83646.         },
  83647.         {
  83648.             "RIT": "ws206126",
  83649.             "Type": "WS",
  83650.             "URL": "http://www.animalsoftherainforest.org/",
  83651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83652.             "Title": "Animals of the Rainforest",
  83653.             "Category": "GEO",
  83654.             "Description": "Information on animals that live in rainforests, including pictures.",
  83655.             "Year": 0
  83656.         },
  83657.         {
  83658.             "RIT": "ws206127",
  83659.             "Type": "WS",
  83660.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/phoenicopterus/p._ruber$narrative.html",
  83661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83662.             "Title": "Phoenicopterus ruber (Greater Flamingo)",
  83663.             "Category": "LIF",
  83664.             "Description": "Narrative on the greater flamingo from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  83665.             "Year": 0
  83666.         },
  83667.         {
  83668.             "RIT": "ws206128",
  83669.             "Type": "WS",
  83670.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/wiho/",
  83671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83672.             "Title": "William Howard Taft National Historic Site",
  83673.             "Category": "GEO",
  83674.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the William Howard Taft National Historic Site in Cincinnati, Ohio.",
  83675.             "Year": 0
  83676.         },
  83677.         {
  83678.             "RIT": "ws206129",
  83679.             "Type": "WS",
  83680.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/vive/",
  83681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83682.             "Title": "Vietnam Veterans Memorial",
  83683.             "Category": "GEO",
  83684.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.",
  83685.             "Year": 0
  83686.         },
  83687.         {
  83688.             "RIT": "ws206130",
  83689.             "Type": "WS",
  83690.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/viis/",
  83691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83692.             "Title": "Virgin Islands National Park",
  83693.             "Category": "GEO",
  83694.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Virgin Islands National Park in St. John, Virgin Islands.",
  83695.             "Year": 0
  83696.         },
  83697.         {
  83698.             "RIT": "ws206131",
  83699.             "Type": "WS",
  83700.             "URL": "http://lba.cptec.inpe.br/lba/indexi.html",
  83701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83702.             "Title": "The Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia",
  83703.             "Category": "PHY",
  83704.             "Description": "Information about investigations of interactions between the Amazon basin and other environments.",
  83705.             "Year": 0
  83706.         },
  83707.         {
  83708.             "RIT": "ws206132",
  83709.             "Type": "WS",
  83710.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/popo/",
  83711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83712.             "Title": "Poverty Point National Monument",
  83713.             "Category": "GEO",
  83714.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Poverty Point National Monument in Louisiana.",
  83715.             "Year": 0
  83716.         },
  83717.         {
  83718.             "RIT": "ws206133",
  83719.             "Type": "WS",
  83720.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/voya/",
  83721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83722.             "Title": "Voyageurs National Park",
  83723.             "Category": "GEO",
  83724.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Voyageurs National Park in International Falls, Minnesota.",
  83725.             "Year": 0
  83726.         },
  83727.         {
  83728.             "RIT": "ws206143",
  83729.             "Type": "WS",
  83730.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/sair/",
  83731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83732.             "Title": "Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site",
  83733.             "Category": "GEO",
  83734.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site in Saugus, Massachusetts.",
  83735.             "Year": 0
  83736.         },
  83737.         {
  83738.             "RIT": "ws206144",
  83739.             "Type": "WS",
  83740.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/anas/a._crecca$narrative.html",
  83741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83742.             "Title": "Anas crecca (Green-Winged Teal)",
  83743.             "Category": "LIF",
  83744.             "Description": "Narrative on the green-winged teal from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  83745.             "Year": 0
  83746.         },
  83747.         {
  83748.             "RIT": "ws206145",
  83749.             "Type": "WS",
  83750.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/whsa/",
  83751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83752.             "Title": "White Sands National Monument",
  83753.             "Category": "GEO",
  83754.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the White Sands National Monument in Alamogordo, New Mexico.",
  83755.             "Year": 0
  83756.         },
  83757.         {
  83758.             "RIT": "ws206146",
  83759.             "Type": "WS",
  83760.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/whmi/",
  83761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83762.             "Title": "Whitman Mission National Historic Site",
  83763.             "Category": "GEO",
  83764.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Whitman Mission National Historic Site in Walla Walla, Washington.",
  83765.             "Year": 0
  83766.         },
  83767.         {
  83768.             "RIT": "ws206147",
  83769.             "Type": "WS",
  83770.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/whho/",
  83771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83772.             "Title": "President's Park (White House)",
  83773.             "Category": "GEO",
  83774.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the President's Park (White House) in the national mall.",
  83775.             "Year": 0
  83776.         },
  83777.         {
  83778.             "RIT": "ws206148",
  83779.             "Type": "WS",
  83780.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/thko/",
  83781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83782.             "Title": "Thaddeus Kosciuszko National Memorial",
  83783.             "Category": "GEO",
  83784.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Thaddeus Kosciuszko National Memorial in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.",
  83785.             "Year": 0
  83786.         },
  83787.         {
  83788.             "RIT": "ws206149",
  83789.             "Type": "WS",
  83790.             "URL": "http://www.gbwf.net/waterfowl/wigeon.html",
  83791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83792.             "Title": "American Wigeon (Anas americana)",
  83793.             "Category": "LIF",
  83794.             "Description": "Description of the American wigeon from the Game Bird & Waterfowl Pages.",
  83795.             "Year": 0
  83796.         },
  83797.         {
  83798.             "RIT": "ws206150",
  83799.             "Type": "WS",
  83800.             "URL": "http://www.eduweb.com/amazon.html",
  83801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83802.             "Title": "Amazon Interactive",
  83803.             "Category": "GEO",
  83804.             "Description": "Interactive site providing information about the Amazon rain forest and its surrounding areas, including an eco-tourism game.",
  83805.             "Year": 0
  83806.         },
  83807.         {
  83808.             "RIT": "ws206151",
  83809.             "Type": "WS",
  83810.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fosm/history/5tribes/tot/index.htm",
  83811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83812.             "Title": "Trail of Tears National Historic Trail",
  83813.             "Category": "GEO",
  83814.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail through Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky, North Carolina, Illinois, Missouri and Oklahoma.",
  83815.             "Year": 0
  83816.         },
  83817.         {
  83818.             "RIT": "ws206170",
  83819.             "Type": "WS",
  83820.             "URL": "http://www.sosmath.com/trig/trig.html",
  83821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83822.             "Title": "S.O.S. Mathematics: Trigonometry",
  83823.             "Category": "PHY",
  83824.             "Description": "A commercial trigonometry review site from Math Medics, L.L.C., based in El Paso, Texas.",
  83825.             "Year": 0
  83826.         },
  83827.         {
  83828.             "RIT": "ws206171",
  83829.             "Type": "WS",
  83830.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/leptoptilos/l._crumeniferus$narrative.html",
  83831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83832.             "Title": "Leptoptilos crumeniferus (Marabou Stork)",
  83833.             "Category": "LIF",
  83834.             "Description": "The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology presents information about the marabou stork.",
  83835.             "Year": 0
  83836.         },
  83837.         {
  83838.             "RIT": "ws206172",
  83839.             "Type": "WS",
  83840.             "URL": "http://www.ngpc.state.ne.us/wildlife/cranes.html",
  83841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83842.             "Title": "Sandhills Cranes",
  83843.             "Category": "LIF",
  83844.             "Description": "The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission discusses sandhill cranes.",
  83845.             "Year": 0
  83846.         },
  83847.         {
  83848.             "RIT": "ws206173",
  83849.             "Type": "WS",
  83850.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Family/Procellariidae.htm",
  83851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83852.             "Title": "Procellariidae--uncommon, common and abundant birds in US and Canada",
  83853.             "Category": "LIF",
  83854.             "Description": "Distribution and abundance of Procellariidae in the United States and Canada.",
  83855.             "Year": 0
  83856.         },
  83857.         {
  83858.             "RIT": "ws206174",
  83859.             "Type": "WS",
  83860.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i1120id.html",
  83861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83862.             "Title": "White-tailed tropicbird",
  83863.             "Category": "LIF",
  83864.             "Description": "The U.S. Geological SurveyΓÇÖs Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information on the white-tailed tropicbird.",
  83865.             "Year": 0
  83866.         },
  83867.         {
  83868.             "RIT": "ws206175",
  83869.             "Type": "WS",
  83870.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/Photo/p1130.html",
  83871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83872.             "Title": "Red-billed tropicbird",
  83873.             "Category": "LIF",
  83874.             "Description": "The U.S. Geological SurveyΓÇÖs Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information on the red-billed tropicbird.",
  83875.             "Year": 0
  83876.         },
  83877.         {
  83878.             "RIT": "ws206176",
  83879.             "Type": "WS",
  83880.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/procellariiformes/procellariidae.html",
  83881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83882.             "Title": "Procellariidae Family",
  83883.             "Category": "LIF",
  83884.             "Description": "The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology presents information on the family Procellariida",
  83885.             "Year": 0
  83886.         },
  83887.         {
  83888.             "RIT": "ws206177",
  83889.             "Type": "WS",
  83890.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/gruiformes/gruidae.html",
  83891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83892.             "Title": "Gruidae Family",
  83893.             "Category": "LIF",
  83894.             "Description": "The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology presents information about the family Gruidae.",
  83895.             "Year": 0
  83896.         },
  83897.         {
  83898.             "RIT": "ws206186",
  83899.             "Type": "WS",
  83900.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/yose/",
  83901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83902.             "Title": "Yosemite National Park",
  83903.             "Category": "GEO",
  83904.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Yosemite National Park in Sierra Nevada, California.",
  83905.             "Year": 0
  83906.         },
  83907.         {
  83908.             "RIT": "ws206187",
  83909.             "Type": "WS",
  83910.             "URL": "http://enature.com/audio/audio_home.asp",
  83911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83912.             "Title": "eNature.com - Nature and Wildlife Online Resource: Bird Audio Songs and Calls",
  83913.             "Category": "LIF",
  83914.             "Description": "Searchable database of bird calls and songs.",
  83915.             "Year": 0
  83916.         },
  83917.         {
  83918.             "RIT": "ws206188",
  83919.             "Type": "WS",
  83920.             "URL": "http://mathforum.org/geopow/",
  83921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83922.             "Title": "Geometry Problem of the Week",
  83923.             "Category": "PHY",
  83924.             "Description": "A collection of practice problems in geometry hosted by the Math Forum, an online educational network based in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.",
  83925.             "Year": 0
  83926.         },
  83927.         {
  83928.             "RIT": "ws206189",
  83929.             "Type": "WS",
  83930.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/ciconiiformes/ciconiidae.html",
  83931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83932.             "Title": "Ciconiidae Family",
  83933.             "Category": "LIF",
  83934.             "Description": "The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology presents information about the family Ciconiidae.",
  83935.             "Year": 0
  83936.         },
  83937.         {
  83938.             "RIT": "ws206190",
  83939.             "Type": "WS",
  83940.             "URL": "http://www.ima.umn.edu/~arnold/graphics.html",
  83941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83942.             "Title": "Graphics for the Calculus Classroom",
  83943.             "Category": "PHY",
  83944.             "Description": "Animated illustrations of calculus concepts developed by Douglas N. Arnold, a professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.",
  83945.             "Year": 0
  83946.         },
  83947.         {
  83948.             "RIT": "ws206191",
  83949.             "Type": "WS",
  83950.             "URL": "http://xahlee.org/SpecialPlaneCurves_dir/Parabola_dir/parabola.html",
  83951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83952.             "Title": "Parabola",
  83953.             "Category": "PHY",
  83954.             "Description": "A visually rich description of the parabola including examples of types of parabolas and their characteristics, hosted by the Math Forum, an online educational network based in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.",
  83955.             "Year": 0
  83956.         },
  83957.         {
  83958.             "RIT": "ws206192",
  83959.             "Type": "WS",
  83960.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Family/Gaviidae.htm",
  83961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83962.             "Title": "Gaviidae--uncommon, common and abundant birds in US and Canada",
  83963.             "Category": "LIF",
  83964.             "Description": "Distribution and abundance of the Gaviidae in the United States and Canada.",
  83965.             "Year": 0
  83966.         },
  83967.         {
  83968.             "RIT": "ws206193",
  83969.             "Type": "WS",
  83970.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/pelecaniformes/pelecanidae.html",
  83971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83972.             "Title": "Pelecanidae Family",
  83973.             "Category": "LIF",
  83974.             "Description": "Narratives on pelicans from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  83975.             "Year": 0
  83976.         },
  83977.         {
  83978.             "RIT": "ws206202",
  83979.             "Type": "WS",
  83980.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/chis/pelican.htm",
  83981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83982.             "Title": "Brown Pelicans in Channel Islands National Park",
  83983.             "Category": "LIF",
  83984.             "Description": "Official Web site of Channel Islands National Park with narrative on pelicans.",
  83985.             "Year": 0
  83986.         },
  83987.         {
  83988.             "RIT": "ws206203",
  83989.             "Type": "WS",
  83990.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/ever/eco/wdstork.htm",
  83991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  83992.             "Title": "Everglades National Park -- Wood Storks",
  83993.             "Category": "LIF",
  83994.             "Description": "Official Web site of Everglades National Park discusses wood storks.",
  83995.             "Year": 0
  83996.         },
  83997.         {
  83998.             "RIT": "ws206204",
  83999.             "Type": "WS",
  84000.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/podicipediformes/podicipedidae.html",
  84001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84002.             "Title": "Podicipedidae Family",
  84003.             "Category": "LIF",
  84004.             "Description": "The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology presents information on the family Podicipedidae.",
  84005.             "Year": 0
  84006.         },
  84007.         {
  84008.             "RIT": "ws206205",
  84009.             "Type": "WS",
  84010.             "URL": "http://mississippisandhillcrane.fws.gov/",
  84011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84012.             "Title": "Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge",
  84013.             "Category": "LIF",
  84014.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge.",
  84015.             "Year": 0
  84016.         },
  84017.         {
  84018.             "RIT": "ws206206",
  84019.             "Type": "WS",
  84020.             "URL": "http://www.defenselink.mil/specials/secdef_histories/bios/cheney.htm",
  84021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84022.             "Title": "Richard B. Cheney biography",
  84023.             "Category": "SOC",
  84024.             "Description": "Biography of Vice President Richard B. Cheney, concentrating on his tenure as defense secretary under President George Bush.",
  84025.             "Year": 0
  84026.         },
  84027.         {
  84028.             "RIT": "ws206207",
  84029.             "Type": "WS",
  84030.             "URL": "http://www.whoopingcrane.com/",
  84031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84032.             "Title": "Whooping Crane Conservation Association",
  84033.             "Category": "LIF",
  84034.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Whooping Crane Conservation Association.",
  84035.             "Year": 0
  84036.         },
  84037.         {
  84038.             "RIT": "ws206208",
  84039.             "Type": "WS",
  84040.             "URL": "http://library.thinkquest.org/10030/calcucon.htm?tqskip=1",
  84041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84042.             "Title": "Calculus",
  84043.             "Category": "PHY",
  84044.             "Description": "Explanations of a wide range of calculus topics, including limits, derivatives, integrals, and more. The site is hosted by ThinkQuest, a nonprofit Internet learning network based in Armonk, New York.",
  84045.             "Year": 0
  84046.         },
  84047.         {
  84048.             "RIT": "ws206209",
  84049.             "Type": "WS",
  84050.             "URL": "http://www.unep-wcmc.org/index.html?http://www.unep-wcmc.org/species/data/species_sheets/greatadj.htm~main",
  84051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84052.             "Title": "UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre",
  84053.             "Category": "LIF",
  84054.             "Description": "The World Conservation Monitoring Centre presents information about the greater adjutant.",
  84055.             "Year": 0
  84056.         },
  84057.         {
  84058.             "RIT": "ws206219",
  84059.             "Type": "WS",
  84060.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/phalaropus/p._lobatus$narrative.html",
  84061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84062.             "Title": "Phalaropus lobatus (Red-Necked Phalarope)",
  84063.             "Category": "LIF",
  84064.             "Description": "Narrative on the red-necked phalarope from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84065.             "Year": 0
  84066.         },
  84067.         {
  84068.             "RIT": "ws206220",
  84069.             "Type": "WS",
  84070.             "URL": "http://www.dfg.ca.gov/hcpb/species/t_e_spp/tebird/condor.shtml",
  84071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84072.             "Title": "California condor",
  84073.             "Category": "LIF",
  84074.             "Description": "The conservation of the California condor by the California Department of Fish and Game.",
  84075.             "Year": 0
  84076.         },
  84077.         {
  84078.             "RIT": "ws206221",
  84079.             "Type": "WS",
  84080.             "URL": "http://plover.fws.gov/facts.html",
  84081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84082.             "Title": "All About Piping Plovers",
  84083.             "Category": "LIF",
  84084.             "Description": "Information about piping plovers from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.",
  84085.             "Year": 0
  84086.         },
  84087.         {
  84088.             "RIT": "ws206222",
  84089.             "Type": "WS",
  84090.             "URL": "http://www.statistics.gov.uk/",
  84091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84092.             "Title": "National Statistics",
  84093.             "Category": "PHY",
  84094.             "Description": "Official statistics from the government of the United Kingdom.",
  84095.             "Year": 0
  84096.         },
  84097.         {
  84098.             "RIT": "ws206223",
  84099.             "Type": "WS",
  84100.             "URL": "http://www.montereybay.com/creagrus/vultures.html",
  84101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84102.             "Title": "New World Vultures",
  84103.             "Category": "LIF",
  84104.             "Description": "Information about New World vultures from montereybay.com.",
  84105.             "Year": 0
  84106.         },
  84107.         {
  84108.             "RIT": "ws206224",
  84109.             "Type": "WS",
  84110.             "URL": "http://www.hawk-conservancy.org/priors/crestedcaracara.shtml",
  84111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84112.             "Title": "The Hawk Conservancy - Crested Caracara",
  84113.             "Category": "LIF",
  84114.             "Description": "Information on the crested caracara from the Hawk Conservancy.",
  84115.             "Year": 0
  84116.         },
  84117.         {
  84118.             "RIT": "ws206225",
  84119.             "Type": "WS",
  84120.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/ciconiiformes/threskiornithidae.html",
  84121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84122.             "Title": "Threskiornithidae Family",
  84123.             "Category": "LIF",
  84124.             "Description": "Narratives on ibises from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84125.             "Year": 0
  84126.         },
  84127.         {
  84128.             "RIT": "ws206226",
  84129.             "Type": "WS",
  84130.             "URL": "http://www.godwitdays.com/about/godwit.shtml",
  84131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84132.             "Title": "Godwit Days",
  84133.             "Category": "LIF",
  84134.             "Description": "Web site for Godwit Days, an annual migration festival celebrating the marbled godwit and other birds of Northern California.",
  84135.             "Year": 0
  84136.         },
  84137.         {
  84138.             "RIT": "ws206227",
  84139.             "Type": "WS",
  84140.             "URL": "http://www.funbrain.com/math/",
  84141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84142.             "Title": "Math Baseball",
  84143.             "Category": "PHY",
  84144.             "Description": "Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division practice in the form of a baseball game, from the Learning Network, Inc., based in San Francisco.",
  84145.             "Year": 0
  84146.         },
  84147.         {
  84148.             "RIT": "ws206237",
  84149.             "Type": "WS",
  84150.             "URL": "http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/othrdata/plover/plover.htm",
  84151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84152.             "Title": "Promise for Plovers",
  84153.             "Category": "LIF",
  84154.             "Description": "Article about plovers that originally appeared in North Dakota Outdoors, the official publication of the North Dakota State Game and Fish Department.",
  84155.             "Year": 0
  84156.         },
  84157.         {
  84158.             "RIT": "ws206238",
  84159.             "Type": "WS",
  84160.             "URL": "http://biology.usgs.gov/s+t/SNT/noframe/ne122.htm",
  84161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84162.             "Title": "American Woodcock",
  84163.             "Category": "LIF",
  84164.             "Description": "Research article about woodcocks from the U.S. Geological Survey Biological Resources Division.",
  84165.             "Year": 0
  84166.         },
  84167.         {
  84168.             "RIT": "ws206239",
  84169.             "Type": "WS",
  84170.             "URL": "http://www.smart.net/~rmcilhar/falconry/",
  84171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84172.             "Title": "The Falconry Information Home Page",
  84173.             "Category": "LIF",
  84174.             "Description": "All about falconry, the art and sport of training birds of prey, for hunting.",
  84175.             "Year": 0
  84176.         },
  84177.         {
  84178.             "RIT": "ws206240",
  84179.             "Type": "WS",
  84180.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/charadriiformes/scolopacidae.html",
  84181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84182.             "Title": "Scolopacidae Family",
  84183.             "Category": "LIF",
  84184.             "Description": "The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology presents information about various birds in the Scolopacidae family.",
  84185.             "Year": 0
  84186.         },
  84187.         {
  84188.             "RIT": "ws206241",
  84189.             "Type": "WS",
  84190.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/gymnogyps/g._californianus$narrative.html",
  84191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84192.             "Title": "Gymnogyps californianus (California Condor)",
  84193.             "Category": "LIF",
  84194.             "Description": "Narrative on the California condor from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84195.             "Year": 0
  84196.         },
  84197.         {
  84198.             "RIT": "ws206242",
  84199.             "Type": "WS",
  84200.             "URL": "http://www.cws-scf.ec.gc.ca/hww-fap/killdeer/killdeer.html",
  84201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84202.             "Title": "Killdeer - Hinterland Who's Who - Canadian Wildlife Service - Environment Canada",
  84203.             "Category": "LIF",
  84204.             "Description": "Information about the killdeer from Environment Canada.",
  84205.             "Year": 0
  84206.         },
  84207.         {
  84208.             "RIT": "ws206243",
  84209.             "Type": "WS",
  84210.             "URL": "http://peru-travel.com/Lake_titicaca_information.htm",
  84211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84212.             "Title": "Lake Titicaca",
  84213.             "Category": "GEO",
  84214.             "Description": "General information about Lake Titicaca and its surroundings, including information about its people and the legend of the lake's formation.",
  84215.             "Year": 0
  84216.         },
  84217.         {
  84218.             "RIT": "ws206244",
  84219.             "Type": "WS",
  84220.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/caracara/c._plancus$narrative.html",
  84221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84222.             "Title": "Caracara plancus (Crested Caracara)",
  84223.             "Category": "LIF",
  84224.             "Description": "Narrative on the caracara from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84225.             "Year": 0
  84226.         },
  84227.         {
  84228.             "RIT": "ws206253",
  84229.             "Type": "WS",
  84230.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/charadriiformes/haematopodidae.html",
  84231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84232.             "Title": "The American oystercatcher is Haematopus palliatus. Haematopodidae Family",
  84233.             "Category": "LIF",
  84234.             "Description": "Narratives on the oystercatcher family from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84235.             "Year": 0
  84236.         },
  84237.         {
  84238.             "RIT": "ws206254",
  84239.             "Type": "WS",
  84240.             "URL": "http://www.hawk-conservancy.org/priors/george.htm",
  84241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84242.             "Title": "The Hawk Conservancy - Andean Condor",
  84243.             "Category": "LIF",
  84244.             "Description": "Information on the Andean condor from the Hawk Conservancy.",
  84245.             "Year": 0
  84246.         },
  84247.         {
  84248.             "RIT": "ws206255",
  84249.             "Type": "WS",
  84250.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/Infocenter/i1860id.html",
  84251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84252.             "Title": "Glossy ibis",
  84253.             "Category": "LIF",
  84254.             "Description": "Information about the glossy ibis from the Patuxent-Migratory Bird Research Center.",
  84255.             "Year": 0
  84256.         },
  84257.         {
  84258.             "RIT": "ws206256",
  84259.             "Type": "WS",
  84260.             "URL": "http://www.clemetzoo.com/animals/animal_info/vulture_egyptian.html",
  84261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84262.             "Title": "Egyptian Vulture",
  84263.             "Category": "LIF",
  84264.             "Description": "Information about the Egyptian Vulture from the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.",
  84265.             "Year": 0
  84266.         },
  84267.         {
  84268.             "RIT": "ws206257",
  84269.             "Type": "WS",
  84270.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i2280id.html",
  84271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84272.             "Title": "American woodcock",
  84273.             "Category": "LIF",
  84274.             "Description": "Information about the woodcock from the Patuxent-Migratory Bird Research Center.",
  84275.             "Year": 0
  84276.         },
  84277.         {
  84278.             "RIT": "ws206258",
  84279.             "Type": "WS",
  84280.             "URL": "http://www.hawk-conservancy.org/priors/harpy.shtml",
  84281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84282.             "Title": "The Hawk Conservancy - Harpy Eagle",
  84283.             "Category": "LIF",
  84284.             "Description": "Description of the harpy eagle from the Hawk Conservancy.",
  84285.             "Year": 0
  84286.         },
  84287.         {
  84288.             "RIT": "ws206259",
  84289.             "Type": "WS",
  84290.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/edens/bhutan/a_lv.htm",
  84291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84292.             "Title": "The Living Edens: Bhutan- Animal Archive- Lammergeier Vulture",
  84293.             "Category": "LIF",
  84294.             "Description": "Essay on the lammergeier from the PBS documentary The Living Edens.",
  84295.             "Year": 0
  84296.         },
  84297.         {
  84298.             "RIT": "ws206260",
  84299.             "Type": "WS",
  84300.             "URL": "http://www.naturia.per.sg/buloh/birds/Ardeidae.htm",
  84301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84302.             "Title": "Herons Egrets (Ardeidae): info fact sheet, photos",
  84303.             "Category": "LIF",
  84304.             "Description": "Information about herons, egrets, and bitterns from Sungei Buloh Nature Park in Singapore.",
  84305.             "Year": 0
  84306.         },
  84307.         {
  84308.             "RIT": "ws206261",
  84309.             "Type": "WS",
  84310.             "URL": "http://www.mesc.usgs.gov/shorebirds/sppaccts/Sand.htm",
  84311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84312.             "Title": "Sanderling (Calidris alba)",
  84313.             "Category": "LIF",
  84314.             "Description": "Data on the sanderling from the U.S. Geological Survey.",
  84315.             "Year": 0
  84316.         },
  84317.         {
  84318.             "RIT": "ws206194",
  84319.             "Type": "WS",
  84320.             "URL": "http://www.conservation.org/RAP/AQUA/priority/SITES/PANTANAL/lessons/jabiru.htm",
  84321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84322.             "Title": "Fauna of the Pantanal -- Jabiru",
  84323.             "Category": "LIF",
  84324.             "Description": "Description of the jabiru from Conservation International.",
  84325.             "Year": 0
  84326.         },
  84327.         {
  84328.             "RIT": "ws206195",
  84329.             "Type": "WS",
  84330.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/rissa/r._tridactyla$narrative.html",
  84331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84332.             "Title": "Rissa tridactyla (Black-Legged Kittiwake)",
  84333.             "Category": "LIF",
  84334.             "Description": "Narrative on the black-legged kittiwake from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84335.             "Year": 0
  84336.         },
  84337.         {
  84338.             "RIT": "ws206196",
  84339.             "Type": "WS",
  84340.             "URL": "http://whoopers.usgs.gov/",
  84341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84342.             "Title": "USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Whooping Crane Report",
  84343.             "Category": "LIF",
  84344.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center reports on its whooping crane conservation program.",
  84345.             "Year": 0
  84346.         },
  84347.         {
  84348.             "RIT": "ws206197",
  84349.             "Type": "WS",
  84350.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/charadriiformes/recurvirostridae.html",
  84351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84352.             "Title": "Recurvirostridae Family",
  84353.             "Category": "LIF",
  84354.             "Description": "Information about the family Recurvirostridae from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84355.             "Year": 0
  84356.         },
  84357.         {
  84358.             "RIT": "ws206198",
  84359.             "Type": "WS",
  84360.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i1131id.html",
  84361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84362.             "Title": "Red-tailed tropicbird",
  84363.             "Category": "LIF",
  84364.             "Description": "The U.S. Geological SurveyΓÇÖs Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information on the red-tailed tropicbird.",
  84365.             "Year": 0
  84366.         },
  84367.         {
  84368.             "RIT": "ws206199",
  84369.             "Type": "WS",
  84370.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Family/Podicipedidae.htm",
  84371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84372.             "Title": "Podicipedidae--uncommon, common and abundant birds in US and Canada",
  84373.             "Category": "LIF",
  84374.             "Description": "Distribution and abundance of Podicipedidae in the United States and Canada.",
  84375.             "Year": 0
  84376.         },
  84377.         {
  84378.             "RIT": "ws206200",
  84379.             "Type": "WS",
  84380.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/htmid/h0410id.html",
  84381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84382.             "Title": "Red-legged kittiwake -- Identification tips",
  84383.             "Category": "LIF",
  84384.             "Description": "The U.S. Geological SurveyΓÇÖs Patuxent Wildlife Research Center describes the differences between the red-legged kittiwake and the black-legged kittiwake.",
  84385.             "Year": 0
  84386.         },
  84387.         {
  84388.             "RIT": "ws206201",
  84389.             "Type": "WS",
  84390.             "URL": "http://www15.addr.com/~dscher/",
  84391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84392.             "Title": "Geometry in Motion",
  84393.             "Category": "PHY",
  84394.             "Description": "Interactive illustrations of basic concepts in geometry from independent education researcher Daniel Scher.",
  84395.             "Year": 0
  84396.         },
  84397.         {
  84398.             "RIT": "ws206210",
  84399.             "Type": "WS",
  84400.             "URL": "http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/",
  84401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84402.             "Title": "The College Board Advanced Placement Program: AP Calculus",
  84403.             "Category": "PHY",
  84404.             "Description": "Advice, example problems, and other resources for help with the Calculus test for college credit from the College Board, a widely used testing organization headquartered in New York City.",
  84405.             "Year": 0
  84406.         },
  84407.         {
  84408.             "RIT": "ws206211",
  84409.             "Type": "WS",
  84410.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/gaviiformes/gaviidae.html",
  84411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84412.             "Title": "Gaviidae Family",
  84413.             "Category": "LIF",
  84414.             "Description": "Narratives on loons from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84415.             "Year": 0
  84416.         },
  84417.         {
  84418.             "RIT": "ws206212",
  84419.             "Type": "WS",
  84420.             "URL": "http://www.ucl.ac.uk/Mathematics/geomath/trignb/trigmod.html",
  84421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84422.             "Title": "MathHelp Notebook on Trigonometry",
  84423.             "Category": "PHY",
  84424.             "Description": "Overview of trigonometry concepts from the Department of Mathematics of University College London.",
  84425.             "Year": 0
  84426.         },
  84427.         {
  84428.             "RIT": "ws206213",
  84429.             "Type": "WS",
  84430.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/fulmarus/f._glacialis$narrative.html",
  84431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84432.             "Title": "Fulmarus glacialis (Northern Fulmar)",
  84433.             "Category": "LIF",
  84434.             "Description": "Narrative on the northern fulmar from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84435.             "Year": 0
  84436.         },
  84437.         {
  84438.             "RIT": "ws206214",
  84439.             "Type": "WS",
  84440.             "URL": "http://www.birdwatching.com/stories/killdeer.html",
  84441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84442.             "Title": "The Precocious Killdeer",
  84443.             "Category": "LIF",
  84444.             "Description": "Article on killdeers from a private Web site about birdwatching.",
  84445.             "Year": 0
  84446.         },
  84447.         {
  84448.             "RIT": "ws206215",
  84449.             "Type": "WS",
  84450.             "URL": "http://www.anth.ucsb.edu/projects/wiskachuni/dissertation.html",
  84451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84452.             "Title": "Archaeological Research at Lake Titicaca",
  84453.             "Category": "GEO",
  84454.             "Description": "Information about an archaeological dig in the Lake Titicaca basin.",
  84455.             "Year": 0
  84456.         },
  84457.         {
  84458.             "RIT": "ws206216",
  84459.             "Type": "WS",
  84460.             "URL": "http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/1998/forest/species/scolmino.htm",
  84461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84462.             "Title": "American Woodcock",
  84463.             "Category": "LIF",
  84464.             "Description": "Information about the natural history and habitat use of woodcocks from the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center.",
  84465.             "Year": 0
  84466.         },
  84467.         {
  84468.             "RIT": "ws206217",
  84469.             "Type": "WS",
  84470.             "URL": "http://endangered.fws.gov/i/b/sab6e.html",
  84471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84472.             "Title": "AUDUBON'S CRESTED CARACARA Polyborus plancus audubonii",
  84473.             "Category": "LIF",
  84474.             "Description": "A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service paper on the crested caracara.",
  84475.             "Year": 0
  84476.         },
  84477.         {
  84478.             "RIT": "ws206218",
  84479.             "Type": "WS",
  84480.             "URL": "http://www.jacana.demon.co.uk/jacana/jac0.htm",
  84481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84482.             "Title": "Jacana Species",
  84483.             "Category": "LIF",
  84484.             "Description": "Private site with extensive information on the jacana family.",
  84485.             "Year": 0
  84486.         },
  84487.         {
  84488.             "RIT": "ws206228",
  84489.             "Type": "WS",
  84490.             "URL": "http://xahlee.org/SpecialPlaneCurves_dir/Ellipse_dir/ellipse.html",
  84491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84492.             "Title": "Ellipse",
  84493.             "Category": "PHY",
  84494.             "Description": "A visually rich description of the ellipse including examples of types of ellipses and their characteristics, hosted by the Math Forum, an online educational network based in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.",
  84495.             "Year": 0
  84496.         },
  84497.         {
  84498.             "RIT": "ws206229",
  84499.             "Type": "WS",
  84500.             "URL": "http://www.hawk-conservancy.org/priors/buteo.shtml",
  84501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84502.             "Title": "The Hawk Conservancy - Common Buzzard",
  84503.             "Category": "LIF",
  84504.             "Description": "Information about the common buzzard from the Hawk Conservancy.",
  84505.             "Year": 0
  84506.         },
  84507.         {
  84508.             "RIT": "ws206230",
  84509.             "Type": "WS",
  84510.             "URL": "http://www.spacedaily.com/news/greenhouse-01c.html",
  84511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84512.             "Title": "Lake Titicaca and Climate Change",
  84513.             "Category": "GEO",
  84514.             "Description": "News story about scientists studying Lake Titicaca for evidence of global climate change.",
  84515.             "Year": 0
  84516.         },
  84517.         {
  84518.             "RIT": "ws206231",
  84519.             "Type": "WS",
  84520.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/bucerotidae.html",
  84521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84522.             "Title": "Bucerotidae",
  84523.             "Category": "LIF",
  84524.             "Description": "Cornell University Website with facts about hornbills.",
  84525.             "Year": 0
  84526.         },
  84527.         {
  84528.             "RIT": "ws206232",
  84529.             "Type": "WS",
  84530.             "URL": "http://www.seaworld.org/AnimalBytes/abvultures.htm",
  84531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84532.             "Title": "Animal Bytes--Old World vultures",
  84533.             "Category": "LIF",
  84534.             "Description": "ea World/Busch Gardens presents information on Old World vultures.",
  84535.             "Year": 0
  84536.         },
  84537.         {
  84538.             "RIT": "ws206233",
  84539.             "Type": "WS",
  84540.             "URL": "http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/bird-guide/oystercatcher.htm",
  84541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84542.             "Title": "Oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus",
  84543.             "Category": "LIF",
  84544.             "Description": "Article about oystercatchers in Great Britain.",
  84545.             "Year": 0
  84546.         },
  84547.         {
  84548.             "RIT": "ws206234",
  84549.             "Type": "WS",
  84550.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/vanellus/v._coronatus$narrative.html",
  84551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84552.             "Title": "Vanellus coronatus (Crowned Plover, Crowned Lapwing)",
  84553.             "Category": "LIF",
  84554.             "Description": "Narrative on the crowned lapwing from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84555.             "Year": 0
  84556.         },
  84557.         {
  84558.             "RIT": "ws206235",
  84559.             "Type": "WS",
  84560.             "URL": "http://www.learningplanet.com/sam/sm/index.asp",
  84561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84562.             "Title": "SpaceyMath",
  84563.             "Category": "PHY",
  84564.             "Description": "Arithmetic practice in the form a video game with space ships, from Planet Interactive, Inc., of Garland, Texas.",
  84565.             "Year": 0
  84566.         },
  84567.         {
  84568.             "RIT": "ws206236",
  84569.             "Type": "WS",
  84570.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/charadrius/c._vociferus$narrative.html",
  84571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84572.             "Title": "Charadrius vociferus (Killdeer)",
  84573.             "Category": "LIF",
  84574.             "Description": "The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology presents information about the killdeer.",
  84575.             "Year": 0
  84576.         },
  84577.         {
  84578.             "RIT": "ws206245",
  84579.             "Type": "WS",
  84580.             "URL": "http://www.peregrinefund.org/conserv_cacondor.html",
  84581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84582.             "Title": "Conservation Projects - California Condor Restoration",
  84583.             "Category": "LIF",
  84584.             "Description": "The Peregrine Fund conservation organization discusses the restoration of California Condor populations.",
  84585.             "Year": 0
  84586.         },
  84587.         {
  84588.             "RIT": "ws206246",
  84589.             "Type": "WS",
  84590.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/falconiformes/cathartidae.html",
  84591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84592.             "Title": "Cathartidae Family (American vultures)",
  84593.             "Category": "LIF",
  84594.             "Description": "Narratives on the turkey vulture, black vulture, California condor, and king vulture from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84595.             "Year": 0
  84596.         },
  84597.         {
  84598.             "RIT": "ws206247",
  84599.             "Type": "WS",
  84600.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/charadriiformes/charadriidae.html",
  84601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84602.             "Title": "Charadriidae Family",
  84603.             "Category": "LIF",
  84604.             "Description": "The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology presents information about the family Charadriidae.",
  84605.             "Year": 0
  84606.         },
  84607.         {
  84608.             "RIT": "ws206248",
  84609.             "Type": "WS",
  84610.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/balaenicipitidae.html",
  84611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84612.             "Title": "Balaenicipitidae",
  84613.             "Category": "LIF",
  84614.             "Description": "Information about the shoebill family from Cornell University.",
  84615.             "Year": 0
  84616.         },
  84617.         {
  84618.             "RIT": "ws206249",
  84619.             "Type": "WS",
  84620.             "URL": "http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Curves/Ellipse.html",
  84621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84622.             "Title": "Ellipse",
  84623.             "Category": "PHY",
  84624.             "Description": "A description and history of the ellipse hosted by The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive and sponsored by the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland.",
  84625.             "Year": 0
  84626.         },
  84627.         {
  84628.             "RIT": "ws206250",
  84629.             "Type": "WS",
  84630.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Family/Scolopacidae.htm",
  84631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84632.             "Title": "Scolopacidae--uncommon, common and abundant birds in US and Canada",
  84633.             "Category": "LIF",
  84634.             "Description": "Distribution and abundance of birds of the Scolopacidae family in the United States and Canada.",
  84635.             "Year": 0
  84636.         },
  84637.         {
  84638.             "RIT": "ws206251",
  84639.             "Type": "WS",
  84640.             "URL": "http://www.hawk-conservancy.org/priors/hunbuzz.shtml",
  84641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84642.             "Title": "The Hawk Conservancy - Honey Buzzard",
  84643.             "Category": "LIF",
  84644.             "Description": "Information on the honey buzzard from the Hawk Conservancy.",
  84645.             "Year": 0
  84646.         },
  84647.         {
  84648.             "RIT": "ws206252",
  84649.             "Type": "WS",
  84650.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/Infocenter/i1840id.html",
  84651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84652.             "Title": "White ibis",
  84653.             "Category": "LIF",
  84654.             "Description": "Information about the white ibis from the Patuxent-Migratory Bird Research Center.",
  84655.             "Year": 0
  84656.         },
  84657.         {
  84658.             "RIT": "ws206262",
  84659.             "Type": "WS",
  84660.             "URL": "http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/bird-guide/buzzard.htm",
  84661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84662.             "Title": "Common Buzzard, Buteo buteo",
  84663.             "Category": "LIF",
  84664.             "Description": "Information about the common buzzard from the Internet magazine, Birds of Britain.",
  84665.             "Year": 0
  84666.         },
  84667.         {
  84668.             "RIT": "ws206263",
  84669.             "Type": "WS",
  84670.             "URL": "http://www.state.ak.us/local/akpages/FISH.GAME/notebook/bird/phalarop.htm",
  84671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84672.             "Title": "ADF&G's Wildlife Notebook Series: Phalaropes",
  84673.             "Category": "LIF",
  84674.             "Description": "Information about phalaropes from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.",
  84675.             "Year": 0
  84676.         },
  84677.         {
  84678.             "RIT": "ws206264",
  84679.             "Type": "WS",
  84680.             "URL": "http://www.rev.net/~aloe/river/",
  84681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84682.             "Title": "River Systems of the World",
  84683.             "Category": "GEO",
  84684.             "Description": "Information about the major river systems in the world.",
  84685.             "Year": 0
  84686.         },
  84687.         {
  84688.             "RIT": "ws206265",
  84689.             "Type": "WS",
  84690.             "URL": "http://birding.about.com/library/fg/blfg-rostrhamussociabilis.htm?once=true&terms=kite",
  84691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84692.             "Title": "Virtual Bird Field Guide - Snail Kite Rostrhamus sociabilis",
  84693.             "Category": "LIF",
  84694.             "Description": "Online field guide with information about the snail kite.",
  84695.             "Year": 0
  84696.         },
  84697.         {
  84698.             "RIT": "ws206266",
  84699.             "Type": "WS",
  84700.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/aquila/a._chrysaetos$narrative.html",
  84701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84702.             "Title": "Aquila chrysaetos (Golden Eagle)",
  84703.             "Category": "LIF",
  84704.             "Description": "Information on the golden eagle, presented by the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84705.             "Year": 0
  84706.         },
  84707.         {
  84708.             "RIT": "ws206267",
  84709.             "Type": "WS",
  84710.             "URL": "http://www.miamisci.org/orinoco/",
  84711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84712.             "Title": "The Orinoco River",
  84713.             "Category": "GEO",
  84714.             "Description": "General information about the Orinoco River presented by the Miami Museum of Science",
  84715.             "Year": 0
  84716.         },
  84717.         {
  84718.             "RIT": "ws206268",
  84719.             "Type": "WS",
  84720.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/stercorariidae.html",
  84721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84722.             "Title": "Stercorariidae",
  84723.             "Category": "LIF",
  84724.             "Description": "Cornell University Web site with information on jaegers and skuas.",
  84725.             "Year": 0
  84726.         },
  84727.         {
  84728.             "RIT": "ws206269",
  84729.             "Type": "WS",
  84730.             "URL": "http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Curves/Hyperbola.html",
  84731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84732.             "Title": "Hyperbola",
  84733.             "Category": "PHY",
  84734.             "Description": "A description and history of the hyperbola hosted by The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive and sponsored by the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland.",
  84735.             "Year": 0
  84736.         },
  84737.         {
  84738.             "RIT": "ws206278",
  84739.             "Type": "WS",
  84740.             "URL": "http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/centraloregon/kids/kidswildlifesite/birds/raptors/spottedowls.htm",
  84741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84742.             "Title": "Spotted Owls Page",
  84743.             "Category": "LIF",
  84744.             "Description": "The U.S. Forest Service presents information about spotted owls.",
  84745.             "Year": 0
  84746.         },
  84747.         {
  84748.             "RIT": "ws206279",
  84749.             "Type": "WS",
  84750.             "URL": "http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Topology_in_mathematics.html",
  84751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84752.             "Title": "A History of Topology",
  84753.             "Category": "PHY",
  84754.             "Description": "A description of the history of topology from The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive sponsored by the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland.",
  84755.             "Year": 0
  84756.         },
  84757.         {
  84758.             "RIT": "ws206280",
  84759.             "Type": "WS",
  84760.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/falconiformes/falconidae.html",
  84761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84762.             "Title": "Falconidae Family",
  84763.             "Category": "LIF",
  84764.             "Description": "Essays on birds of the falcon family, presented by the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84765.             "Year": 0
  84766.         },
  84767.         {
  84768.             "RIT": "ws206281",
  84769.             "Type": "WS",
  84770.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/president/",
  84771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84772.             "Title": "Office of the President",
  84773.             "Category": "SOC",
  84774.             "Description": "Official White House site of United States President George W. Bush.",
  84775.             "Year": 0
  84776.         },
  84777.         {
  84778.             "RIT": "ws206282",
  84779.             "Type": "WS",
  84780.             "URL": "http://www.aplusmath.com/",
  84781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84782.             "Title": "A+ Math",
  84783.             "Category": "PHY",
  84784.             "Description": "A commercial Web site with arithmetic games, flashcards, worksheets, and homework help.",
  84785.             "Year": 0
  84786.         },
  84787.         {
  84788.             "RIT": "ws206283",
  84789.             "Type": "WS",
  84790.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i3370id.html",
  84791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84792.             "Title": "Red-tailed hawk",
  84793.             "Category": "LIF",
  84794.             "Description": "Tips to identify the red-tailed hawk, from the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.",
  84795.             "Year": 0
  84796.         },
  84797.         {
  84798.             "RIT": "ws206284",
  84799.             "Type": "WS",
  84800.             "URL": "http://www.hawk-conservancy.org/priors/henharry.shtml",
  84801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84802.             "Title": "The Hawk Conservancy -- Hen Harrier",
  84803.             "Category": "LIF",
  84804.             "Description": "The Hawk Conservancy presents information on the hen harrier.",
  84805.             "Year": 0
  84806.         },
  84807.         {
  84808.             "RIT": "ws206285",
  84809.             "Type": "WS",
  84810.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/pandion/p._haliaetus$narrative.html",
  84811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84812.             "Title": "Pandion haliaetus (Osprey)",
  84813.             "Category": "LIF",
  84814.             "Description": "Narrative about the osprey from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84815.             "Year": 0
  84816.         },
  84817.         {
  84818.             "RIT": "ws206286",
  84819.             "Type": "WS",
  84820.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/haliaeetus/h._leucocephalus$narrative.html",
  84821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84822.             "Title": "Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Bald Eagle)",
  84823.             "Category": "LIF",
  84824.             "Description": "Information on the bald eagle, presented by the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84825.             "Year": 0
  84826.         },
  84827.         {
  84828.             "RIT": "ws206295",
  84829.             "Type": "WS",
  84830.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/circus/c._cyaneus$narrative.html",
  84831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84832.             "Title": "Circus cyaneus (Northern Harrier)",
  84833.             "Category": "LIF",
  84834.             "Description": "Essay on the northern harrier, presented by the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84835.             "Year": 0
  84836.         },
  84837.         {
  84838.             "RIT": "ws206296",
  84839.             "Type": "WS",
  84840.             "URL": "http://www.hawk-conservancy.org/botw.shtml",
  84841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84842.             "Title": "The Hawk Conservancy -- Madagascar Kestrel",
  84843.             "Category": "LIF",
  84844.             "Description": "The Hawk Conservancy presents information on the Madagascar kestrel.",
  84845.             "Year": 0
  84846.         },
  84847.         {
  84848.             "RIT": "ws206297",
  84849.             "Type": "WS",
  84850.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/aquila/a._heliaca$narrative.html",
  84851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84852.             "Title": "Aquila heliaca (Imperial Eagle)",
  84853.             "Category": "LIF",
  84854.             "Description": "Information on the imperial eagle, presented by the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84855.             "Year": 0
  84856.         },
  84857.         {
  84858.             "RIT": "ws206298",
  84859.             "Type": "WS",
  84860.             "URL": "http://www.hawkmountain.org/",
  84861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84862.             "Title": "Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Home Page",
  84863.             "Category": "LIF",
  84864.             "Description": "Official Web site of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, a raptor refuge in eastern Pennsylvania.",
  84865.             "Year": 0
  84866.         },
  84867.         {
  84868.             "RIT": "ws206299",
  84869.             "Type": "WS",
  84870.             "URL": "http://www.hawk-conservancy.org/priors/piedharrier.shtml",
  84871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84872.             "Title": "The Hawk Conservancy -- Pied Harrier",
  84873.             "Category": "LIF",
  84874.             "Description": "The Hawk Conservancy presents information on the pied harrier.",
  84875.             "Year": 0
  84876.         },
  84877.         {
  84878.             "RIT": "ws206300",
  84879.             "Type": "WS",
  84880.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Family/Accipitridae.htm",
  84881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84882.             "Title": "Accipitridae--uncommon, common and abundant birds in US and Canada",
  84883.             "Category": "LIF",
  84884.             "Description": "Maps showing the distribution of various species of the Accipitridae family in the United States and Canada.",
  84885.             "Year": 0
  84886.         },
  84887.         {
  84888.             "RIT": "ws206301",
  84889.             "Type": "WS",
  84890.             "URL": "http://mathforum.com/k12/mathtips/mathtips.html",
  84891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84892.             "Title": "K-12 Math Problems, Puzzles, Tips & Tricks",
  84893.             "Category": "PHY",
  84894.             "Description": "Links to tips for solving complicated arithmetic problems in your head, hosted by the Math Forum, an online educational network based in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.",
  84895.             "Year": 0
  84896.         },
  84897.         {
  84898.             "RIT": "ws206302",
  84899.             "Type": "WS",
  84900.             "URL": "http://www.csc.noaa.gov/otter/htmls/data/species/osprey.htm",
  84901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84902.             "Title": "Osprey (Pandion haliaetus)",
  84903.             "Category": "LIF",
  84904.             "Description": "National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration site with photo of osprey and nest.",
  84905.             "Year": 0
  84906.         },
  84907.         {
  84908.             "RIT": "ws206303",
  84909.             "Type": "WS",
  84910.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/harpia/h._harpyja$narrative.html",
  84911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84912.             "Title": "Harpia harpyja (Harpy Eagle)",
  84913.             "Category": "LIF",
  84914.             "Description": "Information on the harpy eagle, presented by the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84915.             "Year": 0
  84916.         },
  84917.         {
  84918.             "RIT": "ws206304",
  84919.             "Type": "WS",
  84920.             "URL": "http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/bird-guide/hen-harrier.htm",
  84921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84922.             "Title": "Hen harrier -- Circus cyaneus",
  84923.             "Category": "LIF",
  84924.             "Description": "The Birds of Britain online bird guide presents information on the hen harrier.",
  84925.             "Year": 0
  84926.         },
  84927.         {
  84928.             "RIT": "ws206305",
  84929.             "Type": "WS",
  84930.             "URL": "http://www.hawk-conservancy.org/",
  84931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84932.             "Title": "The Hawk Conservancy - Introduction",
  84933.             "Category": "LIF",
  84934.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Hawk Conservancy and Country Park, a conservation organization in Hampshire, England, with a searchable database on many birds of prey.",
  84935.             "Year": 0
  84936.         },
  84937.         {
  84938.             "RIT": "ws206306",
  84939.             "Type": "WS",
  84940.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i3600id.html",
  84941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84942.             "Title": "American kestrel",
  84943.             "Category": "LIF",
  84944.             "Description": "Description of the American kestrel from the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.",
  84945.             "Year": 0
  84946.         },
  84947.         {
  84948.             "RIT": "ws206307",
  84949.             "Type": "WS",
  84950.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/tyto/t._alba$narrative.html",
  84951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84952.             "Title": "Tyto alba (Barn Owl)",
  84953.             "Category": "LIF",
  84954.             "Description": "Narrative about the barn owl from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  84955.             "Year": 0
  84956.         },
  84957.         {
  84958.             "RIT": "ws206308",
  84959.             "Type": "WS",
  84960.             "URL": "http://www.xahlee.org/SpecialPlaneCurves_dir/ConicSections_dir/conicSections.html",
  84961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84962.             "Title": "Conic Sections",
  84963.             "Category": "PHY",
  84964.             "Description": "A visually rich description of conic sections including examples of types of conic sections and their characteristics, hosted by the Math Forum, an online educational network based in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.",
  84965.             "Year": 0
  84966.         },
  84967.         {
  84968.             "RIT": "ws206309",
  84969.             "Type": "WS",
  84970.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Family/Stercorariidae.htm",
  84971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84972.             "Title": "Stercorariidae--uncommon, common and abundant birds in US and Canada",
  84973.             "Category": "LIF",
  84974.             "Description": "Distribution of jaegers and skuas in the United States and Canada.",
  84975.             "Year": 0
  84976.         },
  84977.         {
  84978.             "RIT": "ws206310",
  84979.             "Type": "WS",
  84980.             "URL": "http://www.owlpages.com/world_owls.html",
  84981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84982.             "Title": "Owls of the World -- The Owl Pages",
  84983.             "Category": "LIF",
  84984.             "Description": "Commercial site with extensive information about the owls of the world.",
  84985.             "Year": 0
  84986.         },
  84987.         {
  84988.             "RIT": "ws206270",
  84989.             "Type": "WS",
  84990.             "URL": "http://xahlee.org/SpecialPlaneCurves_dir/Hyperbola_dir/hyperbola.html",
  84991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  84992.             "Title": "Hyperbola",
  84993.             "Category": "PHY",
  84994.             "Description": "A visually rich description of the hyperbola including examples of types of hyperbolas and their characteristics, hosted by the Math Forum, an online educational network based in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.",
  84995.             "Year": 0
  84996.         },
  84997.         {
  84998.             "RIT": "ws206271",
  84999.             "Type": "WS",
  85000.             "URL": "http://birding.about.com/library/fg/blfg-ictiniamississippiensis.htm?once=true&terms=kite",
  85001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85002.             "Title": "Virtual Bird Field Guide - Mississippi Kite Ictinia mississippiensis",
  85003.             "Category": "LIF",
  85004.             "Description": "Online field guide with information about the Mississippi kite.",
  85005.             "Year": 0
  85006.         },
  85007.         {
  85008.             "RIT": "ws206272",
  85009.             "Type": "WS",
  85010.             "URL": "http://birding.about.com/library/fg/blfg-elanusleucurus.htm?once=true&terms=kite",
  85011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85012.             "Title": "Virtual Bird Field Guide - White-tailed kite Elanus leucurus",
  85013.             "Category": "LIF",
  85014.             "Description": "Online field guide with information about the white-tailed kite.",
  85015.             "Year": 0
  85016.         },
  85017.         {
  85018.             "RIT": "ws206273",
  85019.             "Type": "WS",
  85020.             "URL": "http://www.usgs.nau.edu/owl_ecology/",
  85021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85022.             "Title": "Spotted Owl Projects on the Colorado Plateau",
  85023.             "Category": "LIF",
  85024.             "Description": "Information about research into the Mexican spotted owl at the U.S. Geological Survey's Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center.",
  85025.             "Year": 0
  85026.         },
  85027.         {
  85028.             "RIT": "ws206274",
  85029.             "Type": "WS",
  85030.             "URL": "http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/animals/bird/paha/",
  85031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85032.             "Title": "Pandion haliaetus",
  85033.             "Category": "LIF",
  85034.             "Description": "Information about the osprey from the U.S. Forest Service.",
  85035.             "Year": 0
  85036.         },
  85037.         {
  85038.             "RIT": "ws206275",
  85039.             "Type": "WS",
  85040.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/geococcyx/g._californianus$media.html",
  85041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85042.             "Title": "Geococcyx californianus (Greater Roadrunner)",
  85043.             "Category": "LIF",
  85044.             "Description": "Narrative about the roadrunner from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85045.             "Year": 0
  85046.         },
  85047.         {
  85048.             "RIT": "ws206276",
  85049.             "Type": "WS",
  85050.             "URL": "http://www.desertusa.com/mag98/sep/papr/road.html",
  85051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85052.             "Title": "The Roadrunner (DesertUSA)",
  85053.             "Category": "LIF",
  85054.             "Description": "Commercial site with information about the roadrunner.",
  85055.             "Year": 0
  85056.         },
  85057.         {
  85058.             "RIT": "ws206277",
  85059.             "Type": "WS",
  85060.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/falconiformes/accipitridae.html",
  85061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85062.             "Title": "Accipitridae Family",
  85063.             "Category": "LIF",
  85064.             "Description": "Index of essays on the Accipitridae family, presented by the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85065.             "Year": 0
  85066.         },
  85067.         {
  85068.             "RIT": "ws206287",
  85069.             "Type": "WS",
  85070.             "URL": "http://www.hensonrobinsonzoo.org/i003.html",
  85071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85072.             "Title": "American kestrel",
  85073.             "Category": "LIF",
  85074.             "Description": "Description of the American kestrel from the Henson Robinson Zoo in Springfield, Illinois.",
  85075.             "Year": 0
  85076.         },
  85077.         {
  85078.             "RIT": "ws206288",
  85079.             "Type": "WS",
  85080.             "URL": "http://www.indianaaudubon.org/guide/species/paja.htm",
  85081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85082.             "Title": "Parasitic Jaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus)",
  85083.             "Category": "LIF",
  85084.             "Description": "Brief description of the parasitic jaeger, by the Indiana Audubon Society.",
  85085.             "Year": 0
  85086.         },
  85087.         {
  85088.             "RIT": "ws206289",
  85089.             "Type": "WS",
  85090.             "URL": "http://www.hawk-conservancy.org/priors/redtail.shtml",
  85091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85092.             "Title": "The Hawk Conservancy -- Red-tailed hawk",
  85093.             "Category": "LIF",
  85094.             "Description": "The Hawk Conservancy presents information about the red-tailed hawk.",
  85095.             "Year": 0
  85096.         },
  85097.         {
  85098.             "RIT": "ws206290",
  85099.             "Type": "WS",
  85100.             "URL": "http://birding.about.com/library/fg/blfg-elanoidesforficatus.htm?once=true&",
  85101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85102.             "Title": "Virtual Bird Field Guide - Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus",
  85103.             "Category": "LIF",
  85104.             "Description": "Online field guide with information about the swallow-tailed kite.",
  85105.             "Year": 0
  85106.         },
  85107.         {
  85108.             "RIT": "ws206291",
  85109.             "Type": "WS",
  85110.             "URL": "http://www.hawk-conservancy.org/priors/merlin.shtml",
  85111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85112.             "Title": "The Hawk Conservancy -- Merlin",
  85113.             "Category": "LIF",
  85114.             "Description": "The Hawk Conservancy presents information on the merlin.",
  85115.             "Year": 0
  85116.         },
  85117.         {
  85118.             "RIT": "ws206292",
  85119.             "Type": "WS",
  85120.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/strigiformes/strigidae.html",
  85121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85122.             "Title": "Strigidae Family",
  85123.             "Category": "LIF",
  85124.             "Description": "University of Michigan Museum of Zoology index to narratives on many species of owls.",
  85125.             "Year": 0
  85126.         },
  85127.         {
  85128.             "RIT": "ws206293",
  85129.             "Type": "WS",
  85130.             "URL": "http://humber.northnet.org/weeks/TorusGames/index.html",
  85131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85132.             "Title": "Torus and Klein Bottle Games",
  85133.             "Category": "PHY",
  85134.             "Description": "An introduction to some of the characteristics of shapes that topologists study--the torus and the Klein bottle--using games that play with topology concepts. The games are from Key Curriculum Press in Emeryville, California.",
  85135.             "Year": 0
  85136.         },
  85137.         {
  85138.             "RIT": "ws206294",
  85139.             "Type": "WS",
  85140.             "URL": "http://www.kented.org.uk/ngfl/rivers/Feature%20Articles/orinocco.htm",
  85141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85142.             "Title": "The Orinoco",
  85143.             "Category": "GEO",
  85144.             "Description": "Facts about the Orinoco, including information about the people who live near the river and a map of the area",
  85145.             "Year": 0
  85146.         },
  85147.         {
  85148.             "RIT": "ws206311",
  85149.             "Type": "WS",
  85150.             "URL": "http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/drmath.elem.html",
  85151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85152.             "Title": "Ask Dr. Math Questions and Answers: Elementary School Level",
  85153.             "Category": "PHY",
  85154.             "Description": "Question and answer service for elementary level students and teachers of mathematics, hosted by the Math Forum, an online educational network based in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.",
  85155.             "Year": 0
  85156.         },
  85157.         {
  85158.             "RIT": "ws206312",
  85159.             "Type": "WS",
  85160.             "URL": "http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/hrise/hrise.html",
  85161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85162.             "Title": "High Rise Math",
  85163.             "Category": "PHY",
  85164.             "Description": "Addition and subtraction game in a skyscraper from Harcourt School Publishers in Orlando, Florida.",
  85165.             "Year": 0
  85166.         },
  85167.         {
  85168.             "RIT": "ws206313",
  85169.             "Type": "WS",
  85170.             "URL": "http://www.hawk-conservancy.org/priors/amkest.shtml",
  85171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85172.             "Title": "The Hawk Conservancy -- American Kestrel",
  85173.             "Category": "LIF",
  85174.             "Description": "The Hawk Conservancy presents information on the American kestrel.",
  85175.             "Year": 0
  85176.         },
  85177.         {
  85178.             "RIT": "ws206314",
  85179.             "Type": "WS",
  85180.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/lagopus/l._leucurus$narrative.html",
  85181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85182.             "Title": "Lagopus leucurus (White-Tailed Ptarmigan)",
  85183.             "Category": "LIF",
  85184.             "Description": "Narrative on the white-tailed ptarmigan, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85185.             "Year": 0
  85186.         },
  85187.         {
  85188.             "RIT": "ws206315",
  85189.             "Type": "WS",
  85190.             "URL": "http://southwest.fws.gov/refuges/texas/apc.html",
  85191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85192.             "Title": "Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge",
  85193.             "Category": "LIF",
  85194.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge in Eagle Lake, Texas.",
  85195.             "Year": 0
  85196.         },
  85197.         {
  85198.             "RIT": "ws206316",
  85199.             "Type": "WS",
  85200.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/bonasa/b._umbellus$narrative.html",
  85201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85202.             "Title": "Bonasa umbellus (Ruffed Grouse)",
  85203.             "Category": "LIF",
  85204.             "Description": "Narrative about the ruffed grouse from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85205.             "Year": 0
  85206.         },
  85207.         {
  85208.             "RIT": "ws206317",
  85209.             "Type": "WS",
  85210.             "URL": "http://www.state.ia.us/government/dnr/organiza/fwb/wildlife/pages/trkindex.htm",
  85211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85212.             "Title": "Wild Turkey Index",
  85213.             "Category": "LIF",
  85214.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Iowa Wildlife Bureau, with information about the hunting and conservation of wild turkeys in the state.",
  85215.             "Year": 0
  85216.         },
  85217.         {
  85218.             "RIT": "ws206318",
  85219.             "Type": "WS",
  85220.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/lagopus/l._mutus$narrative.html",
  85221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85222.             "Title": "Lagopus mutus (Rock Ptarmigan)",
  85223.             "Category": "LIF",
  85224.             "Description": "Narrative on the rock ptarmigan, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85225.             "Year": 0
  85226.         },
  85227.         {
  85228.             "RIT": "ws206328",
  85229.             "Type": "WS",
  85230.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/galliformes/phasianidae.html",
  85231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85232.             "Title": "Phasianidae Family",
  85233.             "Category": "LIF",
  85234.             "Description": "Index of articles about the family Phasianidae from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85235.             "Year": 0
  85236.         },
  85237.         {
  85238.             "RIT": "ws206329",
  85239.             "Type": "WS",
  85240.             "URL": "http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/bird-guide/sparrowhawk.htm",
  85241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85242.             "Title": "Sparrowhawk, Accipiter nisus",
  85243.             "Category": "LIF",
  85244.             "Description": "Online field guide to the birds of Great Britain, with information about the sparrowhawk.",
  85245.             "Year": 0
  85246.         },
  85247.         {
  85248.             "RIT": "ws206330",
  85249.             "Type": "WS",
  85250.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/alectoris/a._chukar$narrative.html",
  85251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85252.             "Title": "Alectoris chukar (Chukar)",
  85253.             "Category": "LIF",
  85254.             "Description": "Narrative on the chukar, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85255.             "Year": 0
  85256.         },
  85257.         {
  85258.             "RIT": "ws206331",
  85259.             "Type": "WS",
  85260.             "URL": "http://www.guineafowl.com/",
  85261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85262.             "Title": "Gardening with Guineas",
  85263.             "Category": "LIF",
  85264.             "Description": "Commercial Web site interested in the raising of guineafowl to protect the home and garden from ticks, weed seeds, insects, and intruders.",
  85265.             "Year": 0
  85266.         },
  85267.         {
  85268.             "RIT": "ws206332",
  85269.             "Type": "WS",
  85270.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/Idtips/h2980id.html",
  85271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85272.             "Title": "Spruce grouse",
  85273.             "Category": "LIF",
  85274.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the spruce grouse.",
  85275.             "Year": 0
  85276.         },
  85277.         {
  85278.             "RIT": "ws206333",
  85279.             "Type": "WS",
  85280.             "URL": "http://www.gbwf.net/pheasants/junglefowl_green.html",
  85281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85282.             "Title": "Green Junglefowl (Gallus varius)",
  85283.             "Category": "LIF",
  85284.             "Description": "Facts about the green junglefowl, from the Game Bird & Waterfowl Pages.",
  85285.             "Year": 0
  85286.         },
  85287.         {
  85288.             "RIT": "ws206334",
  85289.             "Type": "WS",
  85290.             "URL": "http://www.gbwf.net/pheasants/tragopan_satyr.html",
  85291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85292.             "Title": "Satyr Tragopan (Tragopan satyra)",
  85293.             "Category": "LIF",
  85294.             "Description": "Fact sheet on the satyr tragopan, from the Game Bird & Waterfowl Pages.",
  85295.             "Year": 0
  85296.         },
  85297.         {
  85298.             "RIT": "ws206335",
  85299.             "Type": "WS",
  85300.             "URL": "http://www.doveline.com/",
  85301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85302.             "Title": "DoveLine - The American Dove Association - Your Dove Source",
  85303.             "Category": "LIF",
  85304.             "Description": "Official Web site of the American Dove Association, an association of dove keepers.",
  85305.             "Year": 0
  85306.         },
  85307.         {
  85308.             "RIT": "ws206336",
  85309.             "Type": "WS",
  85310.             "URL": "http://www.montereybay.com/creagrus/sandgrouse.html",
  85311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85312.             "Title": "Sandgrouse family",
  85313.             "Category": "LIF",
  85314.             "Description": "Commercial Web site with information about the sandgrouse family.",
  85315.             "Year": 0
  85316.         },
  85317.         {
  85318.             "RIT": "ws206346",
  85319.             "Type": "WS",
  85320.             "URL": "http://www.nwf.org/internationalwildlife/hoatzin.html",
  85321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85322.             "Title": "NWF - International Wildlife Magazine - Hoatzin",
  85323.             "Category": "LIF",
  85324.             "Description": "Article about hoatzins that appeared in International Wildlife Magazine, a publication of the National Wildlife Federation.",
  85325.             "Year": 0
  85326.         },
  85327.         {
  85328.             "RIT": "ws206347",
  85329.             "Type": "WS",
  85330.             "URL": "http://www.sbnp.org/Wetlands/text/98-5-3-3.htm",
  85331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85332.             "Title": "Birds of pulau ubin: red junglefowl (Gallus gallus)",
  85333.             "Category": "LIF",
  85334.             "Description": "Sungei Buloh Nature Park in Singapore discusses the red junglefowl.",
  85335.             "Year": 0
  85336.         },
  85337.         {
  85338.             "RIT": "ws206348",
  85339.             "Type": "WS",
  85340.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i3050id.html",
  85341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85342.             "Title": "Greater prairie-chicken",
  85343.             "Category": "LIF",
  85344.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the greater prairie-chicken.",
  85345.             "Year": 0
  85346.         },
  85347.         {
  85348.             "RIT": "ws206349",
  85349.             "Type": "WS",
  85350.             "URL": "http://www.honoluluzoo.org/vulturine_guineafowl.htm",
  85351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85352.             "Title": "Vulturine Guineafowl",
  85353.             "Category": "LIF",
  85354.             "Description": "The Honolulu Zoo presents information on the vulturine guineafowl.",
  85355.             "Year": 0
  85356.         },
  85357.         {
  85358.             "RIT": "ws206350",
  85359.             "Type": "WS",
  85360.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/columbiformes/columbidae.html",
  85361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85362.             "Title": "Columbidae Family",
  85363.             "Category": "LIF",
  85364.             "Description": "Information about various species of the Columbidae Family, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85365.             "Year": 0
  85366.         },
  85367.         {
  85368.             "RIT": "ws206351",
  85369.             "Type": "WS",
  85370.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/callipepla/c._californica$narrative.html",
  85371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85372.             "Title": "Callipepla californica (California Quail)",
  85373.             "Category": "LIF",
  85374.             "Description": "Narrative on the California quail, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85375.             "Year": 0
  85376.         },
  85377.         {
  85378.             "RIT": "ws206352",
  85379.             "Type": "WS",
  85380.             "URL": "http://floridaconservation.org/whatsnew/99/turkeys-enp-st.html",
  85381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85382.             "Title": "Wild Turkeys Returning to E'glades Natl. Park",
  85383.             "Category": "LIF",
  85384.             "Description": "Article from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission about wild turkeys in Everglades National Park.",
  85385.             "Year": 0
  85386.         },
  85387.         {
  85388.             "RIT": "ws206353",
  85389.             "Type": "WS",
  85390.             "URL": "http://www.honoluluzoo.org/Temmincks_Tragopan.htm",
  85391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85392.             "Title": "Temminck's tragopan",
  85393.             "Category": "LIF",
  85394.             "Description": "A fact sheet from the Honolulu Zoo about Temminck's tragopan.",
  85395.             "Year": 0
  85396.         },
  85397.         {
  85398.             "RIT": "ws206354",
  85399.             "Type": "WS",
  85400.             "URL": "http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature/endang/apc.htm",
  85401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85402.             "Title": "Attwater's Prairie Chicken",
  85403.             "Category": "LIF",
  85404.             "Description": "Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Web site about Attwater's Prairie Chicken, an endangered species.",
  85405.             "Year": 0
  85406.         },
  85407.         {
  85408.             "RIT": "ws206355",
  85409.             "Type": "WS",
  85410.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i2890id.html",
  85411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85412.             "Title": "Northern bobwhite",
  85413.             "Category": "LIF",
  85414.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the northern bobwhite.",
  85415.             "Year": 0
  85416.         },
  85417.         {
  85418.             "RIT": "ws206356",
  85419.             "Type": "WS",
  85420.             "URL": "http://www.panda.org/resources/publications/species/underthreat/west_tragopan.htm",
  85421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85422.             "Title": "Western Tragopan",
  85423.             "Category": "LIF",
  85424.             "Description": "Conservation information about the western tragopan, from the World Wildlife Fund.",
  85425.             "Year": 0
  85426.         },
  85427.         {
  85428.             "RIT": "ws206357",
  85429.             "Type": "WS",
  85430.             "URL": "http://www.jncc.gov.uk/ukbg/bap/species/strtur.htm",
  85431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85432.             "Title": "Turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur)",
  85433.             "Category": "LIF",
  85434.             "Description": "The United Kingdom's Joint Nature Conservation Committee's plan to preserve the turtle dove.",
  85435.             "Year": 0
  85436.         },
  85437.         {
  85438.             "RIT": "ws206358",
  85439.             "Type": "WS",
  85440.             "URL": "http://www.parrotsociety.org.au/articles/art_044.htm",
  85441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85442.             "Title": "KEA - Nestor notabilis",
  85443.             "Category": "LIF",
  85444.             "Description": "Article about the kea, from the Parrot Society of Australia.",
  85445.             "Year": 0
  85446.         },
  85447.         {
  85448.             "RIT": "ws206359",
  85449.             "Type": "WS",
  85450.             "URL": "http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/table.html",
  85451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85452.             "Title": "Perspectives in American Literature",
  85453.             "Category": "HUM",
  85454.             "Description": "Provides links to a number of individual author pages in each of the periods of American literature, from the 1700's to the present.",
  85455.             "Year": 0
  85456.         },
  85457.         {
  85458.             "RIT": "ws206360",
  85459.             "Type": "WS",
  85460.             "URL": "http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww4eiii.htm",
  85461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85462.             "Title": "Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine - Cockatoos: A Bit of Heaven on Earth - Parrots",
  85463.             "Category": "LIF",
  85464.             "Description": "Article about cockatoos from Pet Bird magazine.",
  85465.             "Year": 0
  85466.         },
  85467.         {
  85468.             "RIT": "ws206361",
  85469.             "Type": "WS",
  85470.             "URL": "http://www.birdsforever.com/woody.html",
  85471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85472.             "Title": "Attracting woodpeckers to your backyard",
  85473.             "Category": "LIF",
  85474.             "Description": "Tips on attracting woodpeckers, from the California company, Wild Birds Forever.",
  85475.             "Year": 0
  85476.         },
  85477.         {
  85478.             "RIT": "ws206362",
  85479.             "Type": "WS",
  85480.             "URL": "http://www.parrot-haven-aviary.com.au/index.htm",
  85481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85482.             "Title": "Parrot Haven Aviary",
  85483.             "Category": "LIF",
  85484.             "Description": "Web site of Parrot Haven Aviary, a company that breeds parrots and cockatoos.",
  85485.             "Year": 0
  85486.         },
  85487.         {
  85488.             "RIT": "ws206373",
  85489.             "Type": "WS",
  85490.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i3091id.html",
  85491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85492.             "Title": "Ring-necked pheasant",
  85493.             "Category": "LIF",
  85494.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the ring-necked pheasant.",
  85495.             "Year": 0
  85496.         },
  85497.         {
  85498.             "RIT": "ws206374",
  85499.             "Type": "WS",
  85500.             "URL": "http://www.belizezoo.org/zoo/zoo/birds/mac/mac1.html",
  85501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85502.             "Title": "The Belize Zoo - Scarlet Macaw",
  85503.             "Category": "LIF",
  85504.             "Description": "The Belize Zoo presents information about the scarlet macaw.",
  85505.             "Year": 0
  85506.         },
  85507.         {
  85508.             "RIT": "ws206375",
  85509.             "Type": "WS",
  85510.             "URL": "http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1650bradford.html",
  85511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85512.             "Title": "Modern History Sourcebook: William Bradford",
  85513.             "Category": "HUM",
  85514.             "Description": "Excerpts of Bradford's writing from his work History of Plymouth Plantation.",
  85515.             "Year": 0
  85516.         },
  85517.         {
  85518.             "RIT": "ws206376",
  85519.             "Type": "WS",
  85520.             "URL": "http://www.wildbirds.org/birds/parakeet.htm",
  85521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85522.             "Title": "Have you ever seen this bird? ΓÇö The Carolina Parakeet",
  85523.             "Category": "LIF",
  85524.             "Description": "Painting of the Carolina parakeet by John James Audubon.",
  85525.             "Year": 0
  85526.         },
  85527.         {
  85528.             "RIT": "ws206377",
  85529.             "Type": "WS",
  85530.             "URL": "http://afew20thcenturyauthors.homestead.com/GarciaMarquez.html",
  85531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85532.             "Title": "Gabriel Garcia Marquez",
  85533.             "Category": "HUM",
  85534.             "Description": "Descriptions of the author's work with examples and links to other site",
  85535.             "Year": 0
  85536.         },
  85537.         {
  85538.             "RIT": "ws206378",
  85539.             "Type": "WS",
  85540.             "URL": "http://www.nzbirds.com/Peacock.html",
  85541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85542.             "Title": "New Zealand Birds Peafowl",
  85543.             "Category": "LIF",
  85544.             "Description": "Commercial site with information about New Zealand birds, including the peafowl.",
  85545.             "Year": 0
  85546.         },
  85547.         {
  85548.             "RIT": "ws206379",
  85549.             "Type": "WS",
  85550.             "URL": "http://www.gonzaga.edu/faculty/campbell/enl311/timefram.html",
  85551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85552.             "Title": "Brief Timeline of American Literature and Events",
  85553.             "Category": "HUM",
  85554.             "Description": "Contains a chronology of events in American literature, including photographs of authors, bibliographies, and links to sites on individual authors and their works.",
  85555.             "Year": 0
  85556.         },
  85557.         {
  85558.             "RIT": "ws206380",
  85559.             "Type": "WS",
  85560.             "URL": "http://members.ozemail.com.au/~nicky1/",
  85561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85562.             "Title": "Racing Pigeons Australia",
  85563.             "Category": "LIF",
  85564.             "Description": "Web site, with many photographs, of Australian organization dedicated to racing pigeons.",
  85565.             "Year": 0
  85566.         },
  85567.         {
  85568.             "RIT": "ws206381",
  85569.             "Type": "WS",
  85570.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i2881id.html",
  85571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85572.             "Title": "Gray partridge",
  85573.             "Category": "LIF",
  85574.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the gray partridge.",
  85575.             "Year": 0
  85576.         },
  85577.         {
  85578.             "RIT": "ws206390",
  85579.             "Type": "WS",
  85580.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/nestor/n._notabilis$narrative.html",
  85581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85582.             "Title": "Nestor notabilis",
  85583.             "Category": "LIF",
  85584.             "Description": "Narrative on the kea, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85585.             "Year": 0
  85586.         },
  85587.         {
  85588.             "RIT": "ws206391",
  85589.             "Type": "WS",
  85590.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i4020id.html",
  85591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85592.             "Title": "Yellow-bellied sapsucker",
  85593.             "Category": "LIF",
  85594.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the yellow-bellied sapsucker.",
  85595.             "Year": 0
  85596.         },
  85597.         {
  85598.             "RIT": "ws206392",
  85599.             "Type": "WS",
  85600.             "URL": "http://www.iwrc-online.org/kids/Facts/Birds/woodpeckers.htm",
  85601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85602.             "Title": "Birds -- Woodpeckers",
  85603.             "Category": "LIF",
  85604.             "Description": "Information about woodpeckers and other birds, including fun activities for kids, from the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council.",
  85605.             "Year": 0
  85606.         },
  85607.         {
  85608.             "RIT": "ws206393",
  85609.             "Type": "WS",
  85610.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i4030id.html",
  85611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85612.             "Title": "Red-breasted sapsucker",
  85613.             "Category": "LIF",
  85614.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the red-breasted sapsucker.",
  85615.             "Year": 0
  85616.         },
  85617.         {
  85618.             "RIT": "ws206394",
  85619.             "Type": "WS",
  85620.             "URL": "http://www.americanhoming.org/",
  85621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85622.             "Title": "International Federation of American Homing Pigeon Fanciers",
  85623.             "Category": "LIF",
  85624.             "Description": "Web site of international organization dedicated to homing pigeons,",
  85625.             "Year": 0
  85626.         },
  85627.         {
  85628.             "RIT": "ws206395",
  85629.             "Type": "WS",
  85630.             "URL": "http://www.borealforest.org/world/birds/passenger_pigeon.htm",
  85631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85632.             "Title": "Boreal Forests of the World Bird Species - Passenger Pigeon",
  85633.             "Category": "LIF",
  85634.             "Description": "Description of the passenger pigeon, from the Forest Capital Development Association of Canada.",
  85635.             "Year": 0
  85636.         },
  85637.         {
  85638.             "RIT": "ws206396",
  85639.             "Type": "WS",
  85640.             "URL": "http://www.africanlovebirdsociety.com/",
  85641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85642.             "Title": "The African Love Bird Society",
  85643.             "Category": "LIF",
  85644.             "Description": "Information about lovebirds, from the African Love Bird Society.",
  85645.             "Year": 0
  85646.         },
  85647.         {
  85648.             "RIT": "ws206397",
  85649.             "Type": "WS",
  85650.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i4040id.html",
  85651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85652.             "Title": "Williamson's sapsucker",
  85653.             "Category": "LIF",
  85654.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about Williamson's sapsucker.",
  85655.             "Year": 0
  85656.         },
  85657.         {
  85658.             "RIT": "ws206398",
  85659.             "Type": "WS",
  85660.             "URL": "http://biology.usgs.gov/s+t/noframe/b238.htm",
  85661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85662.             "Title": "Mourning Doves",
  85663.             "Category": "LIF",
  85664.             "Description": "Information on the mourning dove, from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.",
  85665.             "Year": 0
  85666.         },
  85667.         {
  85668.             "RIT": "ws206319",
  85669.             "Type": "WS",
  85670.             "URL": "http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/1,1607,7-153-10363_10958_10969---,00.html",
  85671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85672.             "Title": "Landowner's Guide: Wild Turkeys",
  85673.             "Category": "LIF",
  85674.             "Description": "The Michigan Department of Natural Resources discusses habitat management for wild turkeys.",
  85675.             "Year": 0
  85676.         },
  85677.         {
  85678.             "RIT": "ws206320",
  85679.             "Type": "WS",
  85680.             "URL": "http://www.xmission.com/~hoglezoo/birds/guinfwl.htm",
  85681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85682.             "Title": "Helmeted Guineafowl - Utah's Hogle Zoo",
  85683.             "Category": "LIF",
  85684.             "Description": "The Hogle Zoo of Utah presents information on the helmeted guineafowl.",
  85685.             "Year": 0
  85686.         },
  85687.         {
  85688.             "RIT": "ws206321",
  85689.             "Type": "WS",
  85690.             "URL": "http://www.internationaldovesociety.com/",
  85691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85692.             "Title": "International Dove Society",
  85693.             "Category": "LIF",
  85694.             "Description": "Official Web site of the International Dove Society, an organization of dove fanciers and breeders.",
  85695.             "Year": 0
  85696.         },
  85697.         {
  85698.             "RIT": "ws206322",
  85699.             "Type": "WS",
  85700.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/colinus/c._virginianus$narrative.html",
  85701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85702.             "Title": "Colinus virginianus (Northern Bobwhite)",
  85703.             "Category": "LIF",
  85704.             "Description": "Narrative on the northern bobwhite, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85705.             "Year": 0
  85706.         },
  85707.         {
  85708.             "RIT": "ws206323",
  85709.             "Type": "WS",
  85710.             "URL": "http://www.pheasantsforever.org/",
  85711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85712.             "Title": "Pheasants Forever",
  85713.             "Category": "LIF",
  85714.             "Description": "Web site of Pheasants Forever, a conservation organization based in St. Paul, Minnesota.",
  85715.             "Year": 0
  85716.         },
  85717.         {
  85718.             "RIT": "ws206324",
  85719.             "Type": "WS",
  85720.             "URL": "http://www.dovepage.com/",
  85721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85722.             "Title": "The DovePage Home",
  85723.             "Category": "LIF",
  85724.             "Description": "Privately maintained Web site with extensive information about doves.",
  85725.             "Year": 0
  85726.         },
  85727.         {
  85728.             "RIT": "ws206325",
  85729.             "Type": "WS",
  85730.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/zenaida/z._macroura$narrative.html",
  85731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85732.             "Title": "Zenaida macroura (Mourning Dove)",
  85733.             "Category": "LIF",
  85734.             "Description": "Narrative on the mourning dove, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85735.             "Year": 0
  85736.         },
  85737.         {
  85738.             "RIT": "ws206326",
  85739.             "Type": "WS",
  85740.             "URL": "http://www.museums.org.za/sam/resource/ornothol/secreta.htm",
  85741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85742.             "Title": "South African Museum - The Secretary Bird",
  85743.             "Category": "LIF",
  85744.             "Description": "Article on the secretary bird, presented by the South African Museum.",
  85745.             "Year": 0
  85746.         },
  85747.         {
  85748.             "RIT": "ws206327",
  85749.             "Type": "WS",
  85750.             "URL": "http://museum.gov.ns.ca/mnh/nature/nsbirds/bns0104.htm",
  85751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85752.             "Title": "Birds of Nova Scotia - Spruce Grouse",
  85753.             "Category": "LIF",
  85754.             "Description": "The Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History Web site, with information about the spruce grouse.",
  85755.             "Year": 0
  85756.         },
  85757.         {
  85758.             "RIT": "ws206337",
  85759.             "Type": "WS",
  85760.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/cracidae.html",
  85761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85762.             "Title": "Cracidae",
  85763.             "Category": "LIF",
  85764.             "Description": "Cornell University Web site with information on the family Cracidae.",
  85765.             "Year": 0
  85766.         },
  85767.         {
  85768.             "RIT": "ws206338",
  85769.             "Type": "WS",
  85770.             "URL": "http://www.gbwf.net/hoagba/articles/guineafowl.html",
  85771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85772.             "Title": "HOAGBA: Ornamental Varieties of Guineafowl",
  85773.             "Category": "LIF",
  85774.             "Description": "Article about ornamental varieties of guineafowl, from the Heart of America Game Breeders Association.",
  85775.             "Year": 0
  85776.         },
  85777.         {
  85778.             "RIT": "ws206339",
  85779.             "Type": "WS",
  85780.             "URL": "http://www.quailcogbf.com/",
  85781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85782.             "Title": "Day Old Game Bird Chicks - Quailco Game Bird Farm",
  85783.             "Category": "LIF",
  85784.             "Description": "Commercial Web site of Quailco Game Bird Farm, with information about various species of quail.",
  85785.             "Year": 0
  85786.         },
  85787.         {
  85788.             "RIT": "ws206340",
  85789.             "Type": "WS",
  85790.             "URL": "http://www.ibiblio.org/~ephesus/roadrun.htm",
  85791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85792.             "Title": "Roadrunner - The Bird and Cartoon",
  85793.             "Category": "LIF",
  85794.             "Description": "Photographs of and information about roadrunners (real and cartoon versions).",
  85795.             "Year": 0
  85796.         },
  85797.         {
  85798.             "RIT": "ws206341",
  85799.             "Type": "WS",
  85800.             "URL": "http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/animals/bird/boum/",
  85801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85802.             "Title": "Bonasa umbellus",
  85803.             "Category": "LIF",
  85804.             "Description": "Information about the ruffed grouse from the U.S. Forest Service.",
  85805.             "Year": 0
  85806.         },
  85807.         {
  85808.             "RIT": "ws206342",
  85809.             "Type": "WS",
  85810.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/opisthocomus/o._hoazin$narrative.html",
  85811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85812.             "Title": "Opisthocomus hoazin",
  85813.             "Category": "LIF",
  85814.             "Description": "Narrative on the hoatzin, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85815.             "Year": 0
  85816.         },
  85817.         {
  85818.             "RIT": "ws206343",
  85819.             "Type": "WS",
  85820.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/meleagris/m._gallopavo$narrative.html",
  85821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85822.             "Title": "Meleagris gallopavo (Wild Turkey)",
  85823.             "Category": "LIF",
  85824.             "Description": "Narrative on the North American turkey, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85825.             "Year": 0
  85826.         },
  85827.         {
  85828.             "RIT": "ws206344",
  85829.             "Type": "WS",
  85830.             "URL": "http://www.petersononline.com/birds/month/grpa/",
  85831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85832.             "Title": "Peterson IDs: Gray Partridge",
  85833.             "Category": "LIF",
  85834.             "Description": "Account on the gray partridge from the Peterson Field Guide to North American birds.",
  85835.             "Year": 0
  85836.         },
  85837.         {
  85838.             "RIT": "ws206345",
  85839.             "Type": "WS",
  85840.             "URL": "http://www.westgov.org/wga/initiatives/HighPlains/leaflet.htm",
  85841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85842.             "Title": "Lesser Prairie Chicken",
  85843.             "Category": "LIF",
  85844.             "Description": "Information about the lesser prairie chicken, from the Western Governors' Association Web site.",
  85845.             "Year": 0
  85846.         },
  85847.         {
  85848.             "RIT": "ws206363",
  85849.             "Type": "WS",
  85850.             "URL": "http://birds.cornell.edu/bow/yebsap/",
  85851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85852.             "Title": "Yellow-bellied Sapsucker",
  85853.             "Category": "LIF",
  85854.             "Description": "Cornell University page with information about the yellow-bellied sapsucker.",
  85855.             "Year": 0
  85856.         },
  85857.         {
  85858.             "RIT": "ws206364",
  85859.             "Type": "WS",
  85860.             "URL": "http://museum.gov.ns.ca/mnh/nature/nsbirds/bns0102.htm",
  85861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85862.             "Title": "Birds of Nova Scotia - Gray Partridge",
  85863.             "Category": "LIF",
  85864.             "Description": "The Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History presents information about the gray partridge.",
  85865.             "Year": 0
  85866.         },
  85867.         {
  85868.             "RIT": "ws206365",
  85869.             "Type": "WS",
  85870.             "URL": "http://www.parrotpro.com/",
  85871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85872.             "Title": "Parrot Preservation Society",
  85873.             "Category": "LIF",
  85874.             "Description": "An organization that is devoted to the care and conservation of parrots and to education about these birds.",
  85875.             "Year": 0
  85876.         },
  85877.         {
  85878.             "RIT": "ws206366",
  85879.             "Type": "WS",
  85880.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/cea/",
  85881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85882.             "Title": "White House site for the Council of Economic Advisers",
  85883.             "Category": "SOC",
  85884.             "Description": "Official White House Web site offering a description for the Council of Economic Adviser",
  85885.             "Year": 0
  85886.         },
  85887.         {
  85888.             "RIT": "ws206367",
  85889.             "Type": "WS",
  85890.             "URL": "http://www.themodernword.com/gabo/",
  85891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85892.             "Title": "Gabriel Garcia Marquez",
  85893.             "Category": "HUM",
  85894.             "Description": "Features about Gabriel Jose Garcia Marquez, in addition to examples of his work.",
  85895.             "Year": 0
  85896.         },
  85897.         {
  85898.             "RIT": "ws206368",
  85899.             "Type": "WS",
  85900.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i4120id.html",
  85901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85902.             "Title": "Northern flicker",
  85903.             "Category": "LIF",
  85904.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about Colaptes auratus.",
  85905.             "Year": 0
  85906.         },
  85907.         {
  85908.             "RIT": "ws206369",
  85909.             "Type": "WS",
  85910.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i4140id.html",
  85911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85912.             "Title": "Gilded flicker",
  85913.             "Category": "LIF",
  85914.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the gilded flicker.",
  85915.             "Year": 0
  85916.         },
  85917.         {
  85918.             "RIT": "ws206370",
  85919.             "Type": "WS",
  85920.             "URL": "http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/bird-guide/turtle-dove.htm",
  85921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85922.             "Title": "Turtle Dove, Streptopelia turtur",
  85923.             "Category": "LIF",
  85924.             "Description": "Information about the turtle dove, from the Birds of Britain Web magazine for birdwatchers.",
  85925.             "Year": 0
  85926.         },
  85927.         {
  85928.             "RIT": "ws206371",
  85929.             "Type": "WS",
  85930.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/colaptes/c._auratus$media.html",
  85931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85932.             "Title": "Colaptes auratus (Northern Flicker)",
  85933.             "Category": "LIF",
  85934.             "Description": "Photos and recorded calls of Colaptes auratus.",
  85935.             "Year": 0
  85936.         },
  85937.         {
  85938.             "RIT": "ws206372",
  85939.             "Type": "WS",
  85940.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/ever/fnpma/mbshp.htm",
  85941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85942.             "Title": "National Park Service",
  85943.             "Category": "GEO",
  85944.             "Description": "National Park Service site about national parks in Florida.",
  85945.             "Year": 0
  85946.         },
  85947.         {
  85948.             "RIT": "ws206382",
  85949.             "Type": "WS",
  85950.             "URL": "http://www.realmacaw.com/pages/home.shtml",
  85951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85952.             "Title": "The Real Macaw Parrot Club",
  85953.             "Category": "LIF",
  85954.             "Description": "Web site of the Real Macaw Parrot Club, an all-species parrot club in New Jersey.",
  85955.             "Year": 0
  85956.         },
  85957.         {
  85958.             "RIT": "ws206383",
  85959.             "Type": "WS",
  85960.             "URL": "http://www.bartleby.com/225/index.html",
  85961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85962.             "Title": "The Cambridge History of English & American Literature",
  85963.             "Category": "HUM",
  85964.             "Description": "Includes material on all periods of American literature taken from the 18-volume print set of the Cambridge History of English & American Literature.",
  85965.             "Year": 0
  85966.         },
  85967.         {
  85968.             "RIT": "ws206384",
  85969.             "Type": "WS",
  85970.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/psittaciformes/psittacidae.html",
  85971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85972.             "Title": "Psittacidae Family",
  85973.             "Category": "LIF",
  85974.             "Description": "Narratives on birds within the parrot family, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85975.             "Year": 0
  85976.         },
  85977.         {
  85978.             "RIT": "ws206385",
  85979.             "Type": "WS",
  85980.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/vtour/",
  85981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85982.             "Title": "U.S. Senate",
  85983.             "Category": "GEO",
  85984.             "Description": "The United States Senate Web site provides a virtual tour of the U.S. Capitol building.",
  85985.             "Year": 0
  85986.         },
  85987.         {
  85988.             "RIT": "ws206386",
  85989.             "Type": "WS",
  85990.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/piciformes/picidae.html",
  85991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  85992.             "Title": "Picidae Family",
  85993.             "Category": "LIF",
  85994.             "Description": "Narratives on flickers, sapsuckers, and other woodpeckers, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  85995.             "Year": 0
  85996.         },
  85997.         {
  85998.             "RIT": "ws206387",
  85999.             "Type": "WS",
  86000.             "URL": "http://www.parrotsociety.org.au/",
  86001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86002.             "Title": "Parrot Society of Australia, Inc.",
  86003.             "Category": "LIF",
  86004.             "Description": "Information about parrots, from an association of parrot breeders and pet-owners.",
  86005.             "Year": 0
  86006.         },
  86007.         {
  86008.             "RIT": "ws206388",
  86009.             "Type": "WS",
  86010.             "URL": "http://library.thinkquest.org/C004237/english/nond/balboa.html?tqskip1=1&tqtime=0610",
  86011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86012.             "Title": "Biography : Vasco Nunez de Balboa",
  86013.             "Category": "HIS",
  86014.             "Description": "Biographical information about explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa.",
  86015.             "Year": 0
  86016.         },
  86017.         {
  86018.             "RIT": "ws206389",
  86019.             "Type": "WS",
  86020.             "URL": "http://cfdev.georgetown.edu/cndls/asw/aswsub.cfm?head1=Literature%20and%20Text%20Studies",
  86021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86022.             "Title": "American Studies Electronic Crossroads",
  86023.             "Category": "HUM",
  86024.             "Description": "A Web site featuring American poetry and prose of the 1800's and 1900's, sponsored by the American Studies Association, with funding from the U.S. Department of Education.",
  86025.             "Year": 0
  86026.         },
  86027.         {
  86028.             "RIT": "ws206399",
  86029.             "Type": "WS",
  86030.             "URL": "http://usinfo.state.gov/products/pubs/oal/oaltoc.htm",
  86031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86032.             "Title": "Outline of American Literature",
  86033.             "Category": "HUM",
  86034.             "Description": "A site sponsored by the United States Information Agency that explores American literary movements and time periods.",
  86035.             "Year": 0
  86036.         },
  86037.         {
  86038.             "RIT": "ws206400",
  86039.             "Type": "WS",
  86040.             "URL": "http://www.uschs.org/",
  86041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86042.             "Title": "U.S. Capitol Historical Society",
  86043.             "Category": "GEO",
  86044.             "Description": "The U.S. Capitol Historical Society Web site provides information about the Capitol.",
  86045.             "Year": 0
  86046.         },
  86047.         {
  86048.             "RIT": "ws206401",
  86049.             "Type": "WS",
  86050.             "URL": "http://www.wbu.com/chipperwoods/photos/passpigeon.htm",
  86051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86052.             "Title": "Passenger Pigeon",
  86053.             "Category": "LIF",
  86054.             "Description": "Information about the passenger pigeon, from Chipper Woods Bird Observatory, Inc.",
  86055.             "Year": 0
  86056.         },
  86057.         {
  86058.             "RIT": "ws206402",
  86059.             "Type": "WS",
  86060.             "URL": "http://www.ipl.org/ref/native/",
  86061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86062.             "Title": "Native American Authors",
  86063.             "Category": "HUM",
  86064.             "Description": "Includes information about a number of Native American authors and their works.",
  86065.             "Year": 0
  86066.         },
  86067.         {
  86068.             "RIT": "ws206403",
  86069.             "Type": "WS",
  86070.             "URL": "http://www.parrotparrot.com/",
  86071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86072.             "Title": "Parrot Parrot for Information on Peachfaced Lovebirds and Other Parrots",
  86073.             "Category": "LIF",
  86074.             "Description": "A breeder's Web site with information on lovebirds and other small parrots.",
  86075.             "Year": 0
  86076.         },
  86077.         {
  86078.             "RIT": "ws206404",
  86079.             "Type": "WS",
  86080.             "URL": "http://www.sahpa.asn.au/",
  86081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86082.             "Title": "South Australian Homing Pigeon Association",
  86083.             "Category": "LIF",
  86084.             "Description": "Web site of Australian organization of homing pigeon fanciers.",
  86085.             "Year": 0
  86086.         },
  86087.         {
  86088.             "RIT": "ws206405",
  86089.             "Type": "WS",
  86090.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/columba/c._livia$narrative.html#phylogeny",
  86091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86092.             "Title": "Columba livia (Rock Dove)",
  86093.             "Category": "LIF",
  86094.             "Description": "Narrative on the rock dove, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86095.             "Year": 0
  86096.         },
  86097.         {
  86098.             "RIT": "ws206406",
  86099.             "Type": "WS",
  86100.             "URL": "http://sites.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/PGC/pubs/w_notes/ringneck.htm",
  86101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86102.             "Title": "Ring-Necked Pheasant",
  86103.             "Category": "LIF",
  86104.             "Description": "Information from the Pennsylvania Game Commission on the ring-necked pheasant.",
  86105.             "Year": 0
  86106.         },
  86107.         {
  86108.             "RIT": "ws206407",
  86109.             "Type": "WS",
  86110.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/icterus/i._galbula$narrative.html",
  86111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86112.             "Title": "Icterus galbula (Baltimore Oriole)",
  86113.             "Category": "LIF",
  86114.             "Description": "Narrative on the Baltimore oriole, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86115.             "Year": 0
  86116.         },
  86117.         {
  86118.             "RIT": "ws206417",
  86119.             "Type": "WS",
  86120.             "URL": "http://birdsource.cornell.edu/features/grackles/",
  86121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86122.             "Title": "Grackle Range Expansion",
  86123.             "Category": "LIF",
  86124.             "Description": "Cornell University article about the range expansion of boat-tailed and great-tailed grackles.",
  86125.             "Year": 0
  86126.         },
  86127.         {
  86128.             "RIT": "ws206418",
  86129.             "Type": "WS",
  86130.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/passeriformes/emberizidae.html",
  86131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86132.             "Title": "Emberizidae",
  86133.             "Category": "LIF",
  86134.             "Description": "Index to information on sparrows, towhees, tanagers, and other birds in the family Emberizidae, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86135.             "Year": 0
  86136.         },
  86137.         {
  86138.             "RIT": "ws206419",
  86139.             "Type": "WS",
  86140.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/sialia/s._sialis$narrative.html",
  86141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86142.             "Title": "Sialia sialis (Eastern Bluebird)",
  86143.             "Category": "LIF",
  86144.             "Description": "Narrative on the eastern bluebird, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86145.             "Year": 0
  86146.         },
  86147.         {
  86148.             "RIT": "ws206420",
  86149.             "Type": "WS",
  86150.             "URL": "http://stokesbirdsathome.com/birding/feeding/feedingpages/feeding107.html",
  86151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86152.             "Title": "Discouraging Grackles",
  86153.             "Category": "LIF",
  86154.             "Description": "How to discourage grackles from feeders, by the Stokes Nature Company.",
  86155.             "Year": 0
  86156.         },
  86157.         {
  86158.             "RIT": "ws206421",
  86159.             "Type": "WS",
  86160.             "URL": "http://www.vivabrazil.com/jbonifacio.htm",
  86161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86162.             "Title": "Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva",
  86163.             "Category": "HIS",
  86164.             "Description": "Biographical information about Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva.",
  86165.             "Year": 0
  86166.         },
  86167.         {
  86168.             "RIT": "ws206422",
  86169.             "Type": "WS",
  86170.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/cyanocitta/c._cristata$narrative.html",
  86171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86172.             "Title": "Cyanocitta cristata (Blue Jay)",
  86173.             "Category": "LIF",
  86174.             "Description": "Narrative on the blue jay, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86175.             "Year": 0
  86176.         },
  86177.         {
  86178.             "RIT": "ws206423",
  86179.             "Type": "WS",
  86180.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/pyrrhula/p._pyrrhula.html",
  86181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86182.             "Title": "Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Eurasian Bullfinch)",
  86183.             "Category": "LIF",
  86184.             "Description": "Narrative on the Eurasian Bullfinch, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86185.             "Year": 0
  86186.         },
  86187.         {
  86188.             "RIT": "ws206424",
  86189.             "Type": "WS",
  86190.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/passerina/p._ciris$narrative.html",
  86191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86192.             "Title": "Passerina ciris (Painted Bunting)",
  86193.             "Category": "LIF",
  86194.             "Description": "Narrative on the painted bunting, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86195.             "Year": 0
  86196.         },
  86197.         {
  86198.             "RIT": "ws206425",
  86199.             "Type": "WS",
  86200.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/quiscalus/q._quiscula$narrative.html",
  86201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86202.             "Title": "Quiscalus quiscula (Common Grackle)",
  86203.             "Category": "LIF",
  86204.             "Description": "Narrative on the common grackle, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86205.             "Year": 0
  86206.         },
  86207.         {
  86208.             "RIT": "ws206426",
  86209.             "Type": "WS",
  86210.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/passeriformes/corvidae.html",
  86211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86212.             "Title": "Corvidae",
  86213.             "Category": "LIF",
  86214.             "Description": "Narratives on birds in the family Corvidae, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86215.             "Year": 0
  86216.         },
  86217.         {
  86218.             "RIT": "ws206427",
  86219.             "Type": "WS",
  86220.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Species/BaltimoreOriole.htm",
  86221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86222.             "Title": "Baltimore Oriole -- Icterus galbula. United States and Canada Distribution.",
  86223.             "Category": "LIF",
  86224.             "Description": "The distribution of the Baltimore Oriole in the United States and Canada.",
  86225.             "Year": 0
  86226.         },
  86227.         {
  86228.             "RIT": "ws206428",
  86229.             "Type": "WS",
  86230.             "URL": "http://www.elvis.com/graceland/",
  86231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86232.             "Title": "Graceland Mansion",
  86233.             "Category": "GEO",
  86234.             "Description": "The official site for Elvis Presley provides information about Graceland Mansion.",
  86235.             "Year": 0
  86236.         },
  86237.         {
  86238.             "RIT": "ws206429",
  86239.             "Type": "WS",
  86240.             "URL": "http://www.merchandisemart.com/mmart/index2.html",
  86241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86242.             "Title": "Merchandise Mart",
  86243.             "Category": "GEO",
  86244.             "Description": "Official site of the Merchandise Mart, located in Chicago.",
  86245.             "Year": 0
  86246.         },
  86247.         {
  86248.             "RIT": "ws206430",
  86249.             "Type": "WS",
  86250.             "URL": "http://www.ualberta.ca/",
  86251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86252.             "Title": "University of Alberta",
  86253.             "Category": "GEO",
  86254.             "Description": "Official University of Alberta homepage and guide to campus and the Edmonton area.",
  86255.             "Year": 0
  86256.         },
  86257.         {
  86258.             "RIT": "ws206431",
  86259.             "Type": "WS",
  86260.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/passerina/p._amoena$media.html",
  86261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86262.             "Title": "Passerina amoena (Lazuli Bunting)",
  86263.             "Category": "LIF",
  86264.             "Description": "Information on the lazuli bunting, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86265.             "Year": 0
  86266.         },
  86267.         {
  86268.             "RIT": "ws206432",
  86269.             "Type": "WS",
  86270.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i4940id.html",
  86271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86272.             "Title": "Bobolink",
  86273.             "Category": "LIF",
  86274.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the bobolink.",
  86275.             "Year": 0
  86276.         },
  86277.         {
  86278.             "RIT": "ws206433",
  86279.             "Type": "WS",
  86280.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fdrm/home.htm",
  86281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86282.             "Title": "National Park Service",
  86283.             "Category": "GEO",
  86284.             "Description": "National Park Service Web site provides information about the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial.",
  86285.             "Year": 0
  86286.         },
  86287.         {
  86288.             "RIT": "ws206444",
  86289.             "Type": "WS",
  86290.             "URL": "http://www.law.ou.edu/hist/columlet.html",
  86291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86292.             "Title": "Columbus letter to the king and queen of Spain",
  86293.             "Category": "HIS",
  86294.             "Description": "Contains a letter Columbus wrote to the king and queen of Spain regarding the colonization of the lands he discovered for Spain.",
  86295.             "Year": 0
  86296.         },
  86297.         {
  86298.             "RIT": "ws206445",
  86299.             "Type": "WS",
  86300.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/dumetella/d._carolinensis$narrative.html",
  86301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86302.             "Title": "Dumetella carolinensis (Gray Catbird)",
  86303.             "Category": "LIF",
  86304.             "Description": "Narrative on the gray catbird, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86305.             "Year": 0
  86306.         },
  86307.         {
  86308.             "RIT": "ws206446",
  86309.             "Type": "WS",
  86310.             "URL": "http://www.ci.chi.il.us/Tourism/Downtown/MerchandiseMart.html",
  86311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86312.             "Title": "Merchandise Mart",
  86313.             "Category": "GEO",
  86314.             "Description": "The City of Chicago Web site provides information about the Merchandise Mart.",
  86315.             "Year": 0
  86316.         },
  86317.         {
  86318.             "RIT": "ws206447",
  86319.             "Type": "WS",
  86320.             "URL": "http://www.angelfire.com/id/ravensknowledge/",
  86321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86322.             "Title": "Crows and Ravens",
  86323.             "Category": "LIF",
  86324.             "Description": "Information about crows and ravens, from the Angelfire Communications Web site.",
  86325.             "Year": 0
  86326.         },
  86327.         {
  86328.             "RIT": "ws206448",
  86329.             "Type": "WS",
  86330.             "URL": "http://www.voyages.co.za/barthistory.htm",
  86331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86332.             "Title": "Bartolomeu Dias",
  86333.             "Category": "HIS",
  86334.             "Description": "Information about Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias's expeditions around the southern tip of Afric",
  86335.             "Year": 0
  86336.         },
  86337.         {
  86338.             "RIT": "ws206449",
  86339.             "Type": "WS",
  86340.             "URL": "http://www.animalsoftherainforest.com/birdofparadise.htm",
  86341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86342.             "Title": "Bird-Of-Paradise",
  86343.             "Category": "LIF",
  86344.             "Description": "Information about the bird-of-paradise, from the Animals Of The Rainforest Web site.",
  86345.             "Year": 0
  86346.         },
  86347.         {
  86348.             "RIT": "ws206450",
  86349.             "Type": "WS",
  86350.             "URL": "http://www.animalsoftherainforest.com/satinbowerbird.htm",
  86351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86352.             "Title": "Satin Bowerbird",
  86353.             "Category": "LIF",
  86354.             "Description": "Information about the satin bowerbird, from the Animals Of The Rainforest Web site.",
  86355.             "Year": 0
  86356.         },
  86357.         {
  86358.             "RIT": "ws206451",
  86359.             "Type": "WS",
  86360.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i7040id.html",
  86361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86362.             "Title": "Gray catbird",
  86363.             "Category": "LIF",
  86364.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the gray catbird.",
  86365.             "Year": 0
  86366.         },
  86367.         {
  86368.             "RIT": "ws206452",
  86369.             "Type": "WS",
  86370.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i7050id.html",
  86371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86372.             "Title": "Brown thrasher",
  86373.             "Category": "LIF",
  86374.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the brown thrasher.",
  86375.             "Year": 0
  86376.         },
  86377.         {
  86378.             "RIT": "ws206408",
  86379.             "Type": "WS",
  86380.             "URL": "http://www.navajonationparks.org/fourcorner.html",
  86381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86382.             "Title": "Four Corners Monument",
  86383.             "Category": "GEO",
  86384.             "Description": "The Navajo Nation Parks and Recreation Department Web site provides information about the Four Corners Monument.",
  86385.             "Year": 0
  86386.         },
  86387.         {
  86388.             "RIT": "ws206409",
  86389.             "Type": "WS",
  86390.             "URL": "http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww28eiv.htm",
  86391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86392.             "Title": "Winged Wisdom Pet Bird Magazine - Canaries as Pets - Pet Birds",
  86393.             "Category": "LIF",
  86394.             "Description": "Birds n Ways, an online guide to pet birds, presents information about canaries.",
  86395.             "Year": 0
  86396.         },
  86397.         {
  86398.             "RIT": "ws206410",
  86399.             "Type": "WS",
  86400.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/passerina/p._cyanea$narrative.html",
  86401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86402.             "Title": "Passerina cyanea (Indigo Bunting)",
  86403.             "Category": "LIF",
  86404.             "Description": "Narrative on the indigo bunting, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86405.             "Year": 0
  86406.         },
  86407.         {
  86408.             "RIT": "ws206411",
  86409.             "Type": "WS",
  86410.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Species/RedwingedBlkbird.htm",
  86411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86412.             "Title": "Red-winged Blackbird -- Agelaius phoeniceus. United States and Canada Distribution.",
  86413.             "Category": "LIF",
  86414.             "Description": "The distribution of the red-winged blackbird, from the United States and Canada.",
  86415.             "Year": 0
  86416.         },
  86417.         {
  86418.             "RIT": "ws206412",
  86419.             "Type": "WS",
  86420.             "URL": "http://www.aoc.gov/usbg/usbg_overview.htm",
  86421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86422.             "Title": "The United States Botanic Garden",
  86423.             "Category": "SOC",
  86424.             "Description": "Official site of the United States Botanic Garden, the oldest botanic garden in North America",
  86425.             "Year": 0
  86426.         },
  86427.         {
  86428.             "RIT": "ws206413",
  86429.             "Type": "WS",
  86430.             "URL": "http://www.shipsofdiscovery.org/columbus.htm",
  86431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86432.             "Title": "Ships of Discovery",
  86433.             "Category": "HIS",
  86434.             "Description": "Information about the ships Columbus lost during his explorations in the Caribbean Sea.",
  86435.             "Year": 0
  86436.         },
  86437.         {
  86438.             "RIT": "ws206414",
  86439.             "Type": "WS",
  86440.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/infocenter.html#Emberizidae",
  86441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86442.             "Title": "Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter",
  86443.             "Category": "LIF",
  86444.             "Description": "Index to information on sparrows, towhees, tanagers, and other birds in the family Emberizidae, from the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.",
  86445.             "Year": 0
  86446.         },
  86447.         {
  86448.             "RIT": "ws206415",
  86449.             "Type": "WS",
  86450.             "URL": "http://library.thinkquest.org/J002678F/columbus.htm",
  86451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86452.             "Title": "Christopher Columbus",
  86453.             "Category": "HIS",
  86454.             "Description": "Information about Christopher Columbus's explorations to the Caribbean Sea.",
  86455.             "Year": 0
  86456.         },
  86457.         {
  86458.             "RIT": "ws206416",
  86459.             "Type": "WS",
  86460.             "URL": "http://www.gao.gov/",
  86461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86462.             "Title": "General Accounting Office",
  86463.             "Category": "SOC",
  86464.             "Description": "Official site of the General Accounting Office, an independent agency of the United States government.",
  86465.             "Year": 0
  86466.         },
  86467.         {
  86468.             "RIT": "ws206434",
  86469.             "Type": "WS",
  86470.             "URL": "http://www.gg.ca/menu_e.asp",
  86471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86472.             "Title": "Governor General of Canada",
  86473.             "Category": "HIS",
  86474.             "Description": "Official site of the Governor General of Canada provides information about Her Excellency, Adrienne Clarkson.",
  86475.             "Year": 0
  86476.         },
  86477.         {
  86478.             "RIT": "ws206435",
  86479.             "Type": "WS",
  86480.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/thje/",
  86481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86482.             "Title": "Thomas Jefferson Memorial",
  86483.             "Category": "GEO",
  86484.             "Description": "The National Park Service Web site provides information about the Thomas Jefferson Memorial.",
  86485.             "Year": 0
  86486.         },
  86487.         {
  86488.             "RIT": "ws206436",
  86489.             "Type": "WS",
  86490.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i4980id.html",
  86491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86492.             "Title": "Red-winged Blackbird",
  86493.             "Category": "LIF",
  86494.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the red-winged blackbird.",
  86495.             "Year": 0
  86496.         },
  86497.         {
  86498.             "RIT": "ws206437",
  86499.             "Type": "WS",
  86500.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Species/Bobolink.htm",
  86501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86502.             "Title": "Bobolink& -- Dolichonyx oryzivorus. United States and Canada Distribution.",
  86503.             "Category": "LIF",
  86504.             "Description": "Distribution of the bobolink in the United States and Canada.",
  86505.             "Year": 0
  86506.         },
  86507.         {
  86508.             "RIT": "ws206438",
  86509.             "Type": "WS",
  86510.             "URL": "http://www.akra.gs.rl.no/copol/teaching_materials/fauna_flora/ireland/BULLFICNH.htm",
  86511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86512.             "Title": "Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula",
  86513.             "Category": "LIF",
  86514.             "Description": "Information about the bullfinch.",
  86515.             "Year": 0
  86516.         },
  86517.         {
  86518.             "RIT": "ws206439",
  86519.             "Type": "WS",
  86520.             "URL": "http://www.yardener.com/Helper/Yard%20Ecology/SongBirds/GoodGuys/Cardinal/About.htm",
  86521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86522.             "Title": "About Cardinals",
  86523.             "Category": "LIF",
  86524.             "Description": "Information about cardinals and how to attract them to birdfeeders.",
  86525.             "Year": 0
  86526.         },
  86527.         {
  86528.             "RIT": "ws206440",
  86529.             "Type": "WS",
  86530.             "URL": "http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/animals/bird/sime/",
  86531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86532.             "Title": "Sialia mexicana",
  86533.             "Category": "LIF",
  86534.             "Description": "The U.S. Forest Service presents an index of information about the western bluebird.",
  86535.             "Year": 0
  86536.         },
  86537.         {
  86538.             "RIT": "ws206441",
  86539.             "Type": "WS",
  86540.             "URL": "http://www.publica.com/bio.html",
  86541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86542.             "Title": "Pinochet's biography",
  86543.             "Category": "HIS",
  86544.             "Description": "Official biography page for Augusto Pinochet on the Chilean Senate Web site.",
  86545.             "Year": 0
  86546.         },
  86547.         {
  86548.             "RIT": "ws206442",
  86549.             "Type": "WS",
  86550.             "URL": "http://www.rsgis.usu.edu/rsgis2/Search/Display.asp?FlNm=toxorufu",
  86551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86552.             "Title": "Utah Division of Wildlife Resources",
  86553.             "Category": "LIF",
  86554.             "Description": "Information about the brown thrasher, from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.",
  86555.             "Year": 0
  86556.         },
  86557.         {
  86558.             "RIT": "ws206443",
  86559.             "Type": "WS",
  86560.             "URL": "http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/animals/bird/sicu/",
  86561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86562.             "Title": "Sialia currucoides",
  86563.             "Category": "LIF",
  86564.             "Description": "The U.S. Forest Service presents an index of information about the mountain bluebird.",
  86565.             "Year": 0
  86566.         },
  86567.         {
  86568.             "RIT": "ws206453",
  86569.             "Type": "WS",
  86570.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/cardinalis/c._cardinalis$narrative.html",
  86571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86572.             "Title": "Cardinalis cardinalis (Northern Cardinal)",
  86573.             "Category": "LIF",
  86574.             "Description": "Narrative on the cardinal, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86575.             "Year": 0
  86576.         },
  86577.         {
  86578.             "RIT": "ws206454",
  86579.             "Type": "WS",
  86580.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/linc/",
  86581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86582.             "Title": "National Park Service",
  86583.             "Category": "GEO",
  86584.             "Description": "National Park Service site on the Lincoln Memorial within the National Mall located in Washington, D.C.",
  86585.             "Year": 0
  86586.         },
  86587.         {
  86588.             "RIT": "ws206455",
  86589.             "Type": "WS",
  86590.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i6830id.html",
  86591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86592.             "Title": "Yellow-breasted chat",
  86593.             "Category": "LIF",
  86594.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the yellow-breasted chat.",
  86595.             "Year": 0
  86596.         },
  86597.         {
  86598.             "RIT": "ws206456",
  86599.             "Type": "WS",
  86600.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Species/BlueJay.htm",
  86601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86602.             "Title": "Blue Jay -- Cyanocitta cristata. United States and Canada Distribution.",
  86603.             "Category": "LIF",
  86604.             "Description": "The distribution of the blue jay in the United States and Canada.",
  86605.             "Year": 0
  86606.         },
  86607.         {
  86608.             "RIT": "ws206457",
  86609.             "Type": "WS",
  86610.             "URL": "http://www.birdguides.com/html/vidlib/species/Pica_pica.htm",
  86611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86612.             "Title": "Pica pica",
  86613.             "Category": "LIF",
  86614.             "Description": "Online bird guide with information about the black-billed magpie in Europe.",
  86615.             "Year": 0
  86616.         },
  86617.         {
  86618.             "RIT": "ws206458",
  86619.             "Type": "WS",
  86620.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/progne/p._subis$narrative.html",
  86621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86622.             "Title": "Progne subis (Purple Martin)",
  86623.             "Category": "LIF",
  86624.             "Description": "Narrative on the purple martin, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86625.             "Year": 0
  86626.         },
  86627.         {
  86628.             "RIT": "ws206459",
  86629.             "Type": "WS",
  86630.             "URL": "http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Archimedes.html",
  86631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86632.             "Title": "Archimedes of Syracuse",
  86633.             "Category": "PHY",
  86634.             "Description": "Biographical information on Archimedes and some of his philosophical contributions, hosted by The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive and sponsored by the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland.",
  86635.             "Year": 0
  86636.         },
  86637.         {
  86638.             "RIT": "ws206460",
  86639.             "Type": "WS",
  86640.             "URL": "http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/1998/stcroix/sylviida.htm",
  86641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86642.             "Title": "Gnatcatchers and Kinglets",
  86643.             "Category": "LIF",
  86644.             "Description": "U.S. Geological Survey site with information on the golden-crowned and ruby-crowned kinglet.",
  86645.             "Year": 0
  86646.         },
  86647.         {
  86648.             "RIT": "ws206470",
  86649.             "Type": "WS",
  86650.             "URL": "http://www.purplemartin.org/",
  86651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86652.             "Title": "Purple Martin Conservation Association",
  86653.             "Category": "LIF",
  86654.             "Description": "Web site of organization dedicated to the study and conservation of purple martins.",
  86655.             "Year": 0
  86656.         },
  86657.         {
  86658.             "RIT": "ws206471",
  86659.             "Type": "WS",
  86660.             "URL": "http://rec-puzzles.org/probability.html",
  86661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86662.             "Title": "Probability",
  86663.             "Category": "PHY",
  86664.             "Description": "Probability problems from a privately maintained site in Gouda, the Netherlands.",
  86665.             "Year": 0
  86666.         },
  86667.         {
  86668.             "RIT": "ws206472",
  86669.             "Type": "WS",
  86670.             "URL": "http://biology.swau.edu/faculty/petr/ftphotos/hawaii/postcards/birds/",
  86671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86672.             "Title": "Hawaiian Honeycreepers - Family Drepanididae",
  86673.             "Category": "LIF",
  86674.             "Description": "Southwestern Adventist University Homepage with photos of Hawaiian Honeycreepers.",
  86675.             "Year": 0
  86676.         },
  86677.         {
  86678.             "RIT": "ws206473",
  86679.             "Type": "WS",
  86680.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i5330id.html",
  86681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86682.             "Title": "Pine siskin",
  86683.             "Category": "LIF",
  86684.             "Description": "Information about the pine siskin, from the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.",
  86685.             "Year": 0
  86686.         },
  86687.         {
  86688.             "RIT": "ws206474",
  86689.             "Type": "WS",
  86690.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i7510id.html",
  86691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86692.             "Title": "Blue-gray gnatcatcher",
  86693.             "Category": "LIF",
  86694.             "Description": "Information about the blue-gray gnatcatcher, from the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.",
  86695.             "Year": 0
  86696.         },
  86697.         {
  86698.             "RIT": "ws206475",
  86699.             "Type": "WS",
  86700.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i7350id.html",
  86701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86702.             "Title": "Black-capped chickadee",
  86703.             "Category": "LIF",
  86704.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the black-capped chickadee.",
  86705.             "Year": 0
  86706.         },
  86707.         {
  86708.             "RIT": "ws206476",
  86709.             "Type": "WS",
  86710.             "URL": "http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~lane/rvls.html",
  86711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86712.             "Title": "Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics",
  86713.             "Category": "PHY",
  86714.             "Description": "Explanations, examples, and links for basic concepts of statistics, created by David Lane, a statistics professor at Rice University in Houston.",
  86715.             "Year": 0
  86716.         },
  86717.         {
  86718.             "RIT": "ws206477",
  86719.             "Type": "WS",
  86720.             "URL": "http://www.nhptv.org/natureworks/rufoustowhee.htm",
  86721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86722.             "Title": "Rufous-sided towhee",
  86723.             "Category": "LIF",
  86724.             "Description": "The Natureworks Web site presents information about the rufous-sided towhee.",
  86725.             "Year": 0
  86726.         },
  86727.         {
  86728.             "RIT": "ws206478",
  86729.             "Type": "WS",
  86730.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i7360id.html",
  86731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86732.             "Title": "Carolina chickadee",
  86733.             "Category": "LIF",
  86734.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the Carolina chickadee.",
  86735.             "Year": 0
  86736.         },
  86737.         {
  86738.             "RIT": "ws206487",
  86739.             "Type": "WS",
  86740.             "URL": "http://www.el-comandante.com/Default2.htm",
  86741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86742.             "Title": "Che Guevara Page",
  86743.             "Category": "HIS",
  86744.             "Description": "Information about the life of Che Guevara, including videos, photos, writings, and descriptions of his ideology.",
  86745.             "Year": 0
  86746.         },
  86747.         {
  86748.             "RIT": "ws206488",
  86749.             "Type": "WS",
  86750.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/carduelis/c._tristis$narrative.html",
  86751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86752.             "Title": "Carduelis tristis (American Goldfinch)",
  86753.             "Category": "LIF",
  86754.             "Description": "Narrative on the American goldfinch, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86755.             "Year": 0
  86756.         },
  86757.         {
  86758.             "RIT": "ws206489",
  86759.             "Type": "WS",
  86760.             "URL": "http://www.un.org/Overview/SG/sg5bio.html",
  86761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86762.             "Title": "Javier Perez de Cuellar",
  86763.             "Category": "SOC",
  86764.             "Description": "Biographical information about Javier Perez de Cuellar from the United Nations.",
  86765.             "Year": 0
  86766.         },
  86767.         {
  86768.             "RIT": "ws206490",
  86769.             "Type": "WS",
  86770.             "URL": "http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/1998/04.23/BenacerrafDonat.html",
  86771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86772.             "Title": "Benacerraf Donates Library to Dana-Farber Cancer Center Institute",
  86773.             "Category": "LIF",
  86774.             "Description": "News story about Barju Benacerraf from Harvard University Gazette.",
  86775.             "Year": 0
  86776.         },
  86777.         {
  86778.             "RIT": "ws206491",
  86779.             "Type": "WS",
  86780.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1980/index.html",
  86781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86782.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1980",
  86783.             "Category": "LIF",
  86784.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Baruj Benacerraf, Jean Dausset, and George D. Snell, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1980.",
  86785.             "Year": 0
  86786.         },
  86787.         {
  86788.             "RIT": "ws206492",
  86789.             "Type": "WS",
  86790.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/kbank/profiles/duarte/",
  86791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86792.             "Title": "Jose Napoleon Duarte",
  86793.             "Category": "HIS",
  86794.             "Description": "Biographical profile about Jose Napoleon Duarte presented by CNN.",
  86795.             "Year": 0
  86796.         },
  86797.         {
  86798.             "RIT": "ws206493",
  86799.             "Type": "WS",
  86800.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/infocenter.html#Fringillidae",
  86801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86802.             "Title": "Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter",
  86803.             "Category": "LIF",
  86804.             "Description": "Index to information about finches in the family Fringillidae, from the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.",
  86805.             "Year": 0
  86806.         },
  86807.         {
  86808.             "RIT": "ws206494",
  86809.             "Type": "WS",
  86810.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/polioptila/p._caerulea$narrative.html",
  86811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86812.             "Title": "Polioptila caerulea (Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher)",
  86813.             "Category": "LIF",
  86814.             "Description": "Narrative on the blue-gray gnatcatcher, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86815.             "Year": 0
  86816.         },
  86817.         {
  86818.             "RIT": "ws206504",
  86819.             "Type": "WS",
  86820.             "URL": "http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/MathQuiz/MathResult.asp?coolest=g",
  86821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86822.             "Title": "Euclid",
  86823.             "Category": "PHY",
  86824.             "Description": "A brief biography of Euclid from the National Center for Education Statistics, a federal agency based in Washington, D.C.",
  86825.             "Year": 0
  86826.         },
  86827.         {
  86828.             "RIT": "ws206505",
  86829.             "Type": "WS",
  86830.             "URL": "http://www.agric.gov.ab.ca/",
  86831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86832.             "Title": "Alberta Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development",
  86833.             "Category": "GEO",
  86834.             "Description": "The official site of Alberta Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development.",
  86835.             "Year": 0
  86836.         },
  86837.         {
  86838.             "RIT": "ws206506",
  86839.             "Type": "WS",
  86840.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/passer/p._domesticus$narrative.html",
  86841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86842.             "Title": "Passer domesticus (House Sparrow)",
  86843.             "Category": "LIF",
  86844.             "Description": "Narrative on the house sparrow, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86845.             "Year": 0
  86846.         },
  86847.         {
  86848.             "RIT": "ws206507",
  86849.             "Type": "WS",
  86850.             "URL": "http://birds.cornell.edu/BOW/AMEROB/",
  86851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86852.             "Title": "American Robin",
  86853.             "Category": "LIF",
  86854.             "Description": "Information about the American robin, from the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology.",
  86855.             "Year": 0
  86856.         },
  86857.         {
  86858.             "RIT": "ws206508",
  86859.             "Type": "WS",
  86860.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i6870id.html",
  86861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86862.             "Title": "American Redstart",
  86863.             "Category": "LIF",
  86864.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the American redstart.",
  86865.             "Year": 0
  86866.         },
  86867.         {
  86868.             "RIT": "ws206509",
  86869.             "Type": "WS",
  86870.             "URL": "https://www.stanfordalumni.org/birdsite/text/essays/European_Starlings.html",
  86871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86872.             "Title": "European Starlings",
  86873.             "Category": "LIF",
  86874.             "Description": "Article about the introduction of the European starling in America.",
  86875.             "Year": 0
  86876.         },
  86877.         {
  86878.             "RIT": "ws206510",
  86879.             "Type": "WS",
  86880.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/sitta/s._carolinensis$narrative.html",
  86881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86882.             "Title": "Sitta carolinensis (White-Breasted Nuthatch)",
  86883.             "Category": "LIF",
  86884.             "Description": "Narrative on the white-breasted nuthatch, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86885.             "Year": 0
  86886.         },
  86887.         {
  86888.             "RIT": "ws206511",
  86889.             "Type": "WS",
  86890.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/nectariniidae.html",
  86891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86892.             "Title": "Nectariniidae",
  86893.             "Category": "LIF",
  86894.             "Description": "Cornell University site with information on the sunbird family.",
  86895.             "Year": 0
  86896.         },
  86897.         {
  86898.             "RIT": "ws206512",
  86899.             "Type": "WS",
  86900.             "URL": "http://www.rsgis.usu.edu/rsgis2/Search/Display.asp?FlNm=contsord",
  86901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86902.             "Title": "Utah Division of Wildlife Resources",
  86903.             "Category": "LIF",
  86904.             "Description": "Basic information about the western wood-pewee.",
  86905.             "Year": 0
  86906.         },
  86907.         {
  86908.             "RIT": "ws206522",
  86909.             "Type": "WS",
  86910.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/passeriformes/vireonidae.html",
  86911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86912.             "Title": "Family: Vireonidae",
  86913.             "Category": "LIF",
  86914.             "Description": "Index to narratives on various vireos, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86915.             "Year": 0
  86916.         },
  86917.         {
  86918.             "RIT": "ws206523",
  86919.             "Type": "WS",
  86920.             "URL": "http://www.naturia.per.sg/buloh/birds/Orthotomus.htm",
  86921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86922.             "Title": "tailorbirds (orthotomus): info fact sheet, photos",
  86923.             "Category": "LIF",
  86924.             "Description": "Information on tailorbirds, from the Sungei Buloh Nature Park in Singapore.",
  86925.             "Year": 0
  86926.         },
  86927.         {
  86928.             "RIT": "ws206524",
  86929.             "Type": "WS",
  86930.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/sturnus/s._vulgaris",
  86931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86932.             "Title": "Sturnus vulgaris (European Starling)",
  86933.             "Category": "LIF",
  86934.             "Description": "Narrative on the starling, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86935.             "Year": 0
  86936.         },
  86937.         {
  86938.             "RIT": "ws206525",
  86939.             "Type": "WS",
  86940.             "URL": "http://www.museumsnc.co.za/McGregor/departments/Zoology/weavers.htm",
  86941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86942.             "Title": "Social Weavers",
  86943.             "Category": "LIF",
  86944.             "Description": "Information on sociable weavers, from the McGregor Museum in South Africa.",
  86945.             "Year": 0
  86946.         },
  86947.         {
  86948.             "RIT": "ws206526",
  86949.             "Type": "WS",
  86950.             "URL": "http://birdsource.cornell.edu/gbbc/birdid/core/",
  86951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86952.             "Title": "Common Redpoll",
  86953.             "Category": "LIF",
  86954.             "Description": "Cornell University Web site with information on the common redpoll.",
  86955.             "Year": 0
  86956.         },
  86957.         {
  86958.             "RIT": "ws206527",
  86959.             "Type": "WS",
  86960.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i7550id.html",
  86961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86962.             "Title": "Wood thrush",
  86963.             "Category": "LIF",
  86964.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the wood thrush.",
  86965.             "Year": 0
  86966.         },
  86967.         {
  86968.             "RIT": "ws206528",
  86969.             "Type": "WS",
  86970.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i7560id.html",
  86971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86972.             "Title": "Veery",
  86973.             "Category": "LIF",
  86974.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the veery.",
  86975.             "Year": 0
  86976.         },
  86977.         {
  86978.             "RIT": "ws206529",
  86979.             "Type": "WS",
  86980.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/geothlypis/g._trichas$narrative.html",
  86981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86982.             "Title": "Geothlypis trichas (Common Yellowthroat)",
  86983.             "Category": "LIF",
  86984.             "Description": "Narrative on the common yellowthroat, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  86985.             "Year": 0
  86986.         },
  86987.         {
  86988.             "RIT": "ws206530",
  86989.             "Type": "WS",
  86990.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i7580id.html",
  86991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  86992.             "Title": "Swainson's thrush",
  86993.             "Category": "LIF",
  86994.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about Swainson's thrush.",
  86995.             "Year": 0
  86996.         },
  86997.         {
  86998.             "RIT": "ws206540",
  86999.             "Type": "WS",
  87000.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1980/index.html",
  87001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87002.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1980",
  87003.             "Category": "HUM",
  87004.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Adolfo Perez Esquivel, the winner of the peace prize in 1980.",
  87005.             "Year": 0
  87006.         },
  87007.         {
  87008.             "RIT": "ws206541",
  87009.             "Type": "WS",
  87010.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1936/index.html",
  87011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87012.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1936",
  87013.             "Category": "HIS",
  87014.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Carlos Saavedra Lamas, the winner of the peace prize in 1936.",
  87015.             "Year": 0
  87016.         },
  87017.         {
  87018.             "RIT": "ws206542",
  87019.             "Type": "WS",
  87020.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1984/index.html",
  87021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87022.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1984",
  87023.             "Category": "LIF",
  87024.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Niels K. Jerne, Georges J.F. Kohler, and Cesar Milstein, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1984.",
  87025.             "Year": 0
  87026.         },
  87027.         {
  87028.             "RIT": "ws206543",
  87029.             "Type": "WS",
  87030.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/turdus/t._migratorius$narrative.html",
  87031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87032.             "Title": "Turdus migratorius (American Robin)",
  87033.             "Category": "LIF",
  87034.             "Description": "Narrative on the American robin, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  87035.             "Year": 0
  87036.         },
  87037.         {
  87038.             "RIT": "ws206544",
  87039.             "Type": "WS",
  87040.             "URL": "http://www.rsgis.usu.edu/rsgis2/Search/Display.asp?FlNm=auriflav",
  87041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87042.             "Title": "Utah Division of Wildlife Resources",
  87043.             "Category": "LIF",
  87044.             "Description": "Information on the verdin, from the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.",
  87045.             "Year": 0
  87046.         },
  87047.         {
  87048.             "RIT": "ws206545",
  87049.             "Type": "WS",
  87050.             "URL": "http://www.birdsforever.com/wren.html",
  87051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87052.             "Title": "Loving those Adorable Wrens at Wild Birds Forever",
  87053.             "Category": "LIF",
  87054.             "Description": "Tips on how to attract wrens to birdfeeders.",
  87055.             "Year": 0
  87056.         },
  87057.         {
  87058.             "RIT": "ws206546",
  87059.             "Type": "WS",
  87060.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/phainopepla/p._nitens$narrative.html",
  87061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87062.             "Title": "Phainopepla nitens (Phainopepla)",
  87063.             "Category": "LIF",
  87064.             "Description": "Information on the phainopepla, a bird in the waxwing family.",
  87065.             "Year": 0
  87066.         },
  87067.         {
  87068.             "RIT": "ws206547",
  87069.             "Type": "WS",
  87070.             "URL": "http://birds.cornell.edu/birdhouse/speciesaccounts/WHBRNUT.HTM",
  87071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87072.             "Title": "The Birdhouse Network - White-breasted Nuthatch",
  87073.             "Category": "LIF",
  87074.             "Description": "Cornell University Web site with information about the white-breasted nuthatch.",
  87075.             "Year": 0
  87076.         },
  87077.         {
  87078.             "RIT": "ws206461",
  87079.             "Type": "WS",
  87080.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/hirundinidae.html",
  87081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87082.             "Title": "Hirundinidae",
  87083.             "Category": "LIF",
  87084.             "Description": "Cornell University Web site with information about the swallow family.",
  87085.             "Year": 0
  87086.         },
  87087.         {
  87088.             "RIT": "ws206462",
  87089.             "Type": "WS",
  87090.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/parus/p._atricapillus$narrative.html",
  87091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87092.             "Title": "Parus atricapillus (Black-Capped Chickadee)",
  87093.             "Category": "LIF",
  87094.             "Description": "Narrative on the black-capped chickadee, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  87095.             "Year": 0
  87096.         },
  87097.         {
  87098.             "RIT": "ws206463",
  87099.             "Type": "WS",
  87100.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/mimidae.html",
  87101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87102.             "Title": "Mimidae",
  87103.             "Category": "LIF",
  87104.             "Description": "Cornell University site with information on mockingbirds and thrashers.",
  87105.             "Year": 0
  87106.         },
  87107.         {
  87108.             "RIT": "ws206464",
  87109.             "Type": "WS",
  87110.             "URL": "http://www.pma.edmonton.ab.ca/",
  87111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87112.             "Title": "Provincial Museum of Alberta",
  87113.             "Category": "GEO",
  87114.             "Description": "Official site of the Provincial Museum of Alberta provides information about the natural and human history of Alberta.",
  87115.             "Year": 0
  87116.         },
  87117.         {
  87118.             "RIT": "ws206465",
  87119.             "Type": "WS",
  87120.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/meliphagidae.html",
  87121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87122.             "Title": "Meliphagidae",
  87123.             "Category": "LIF",
  87124.             "Description": "Cornell University Web site with information on honeyeaters.",
  87125.             "Year": 0
  87126.         },
  87127.         {
  87128.             "RIT": "ws206466",
  87129.             "Type": "WS",
  87130.             "URL": "http://www.math.hmc.edu/funfacts/ffiles/10001.4.shtml",
  87131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87132.             "Title": "Mudd Math Fun Facts",
  87133.             "Category": "PHY",
  87134.             "Description": "Tidbits about phenomena from many areas of mathematics, including algebra, geometry, probability, calculus, combinatorics, number theory, and topology, hosted by the Harvey Mudd College Math Department in Claremont, California.",
  87135.             "Year": 0
  87136.         },
  87137.         {
  87138.             "RIT": "ws206467",
  87139.             "Type": "WS",
  87140.             "URL": "http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/bird-guide/jackdaw.htm",
  87141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87142.             "Title": "Jackdaw, Corvus monedula",
  87143.             "Category": "LIF",
  87144.             "Description": "Information about the jackdaw, from the Birds of Britain online bird guide.",
  87145.             "Year": 0
  87146.         },
  87147.         {
  87148.             "RIT": "ws206468",
  87149.             "Type": "WS",
  87150.             "URL": "http://www.fedstats.gov/",
  87151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87152.             "Title": "FedStats",
  87153.             "Category": "PHY",
  87154.             "Description": "Official statistics from the United States federal government organized by topic, agency, region, and more.",
  87155.             "Year": 0
  87156.         },
  87157.         {
  87158.             "RIT": "ws206469",
  87159.             "Type": "WS",
  87160.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1945/index.html",
  87161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87162.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1945",
  87163.             "Category": "HUM",
  87164.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Gabriela Mistral, the winner of the literature prize in 1945.",
  87165.             "Year": 0
  87166.         },
  87167.         {
  87168.             "RIT": "ws206479",
  87169.             "Type": "WS",
  87170.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/passeriformes/hirundinidae.html",
  87171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87172.             "Title": "Family Hirundinidae",
  87173.             "Category": "LIF",
  87174.             "Description": "Index to narratives about birds in the swallow family, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  87175.             "Year": 0
  87176.         },
  87177.         {
  87178.             "RIT": "ws206480",
  87179.             "Type": "WS",
  87180.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/cinclus/c._mexicanus$narrative.html",
  87181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87182.             "Title": "Cinclus mexicanus (American Dipper)",
  87183.             "Category": "LIF",
  87184.             "Description": "Narrative on the American dipper, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  87185.             "Year": 0
  87186.         },
  87187.         {
  87188.             "RIT": "ws206481",
  87189.             "Type": "WS",
  87190.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/infocenter.html#Passeridae",
  87191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87192.             "Title": "Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter",
  87193.             "Category": "LIF",
  87194.             "Description": "Index to information about Old World sparrows, from the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.",
  87195.             "Year": 0
  87196.         },
  87197.         {
  87198.             "RIT": "ws206482",
  87199.             "Type": "WS",
  87200.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/time100/heroes/profile/guevara01.html",
  87201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87202.             "Title": "Che Guevara: The Guerrilla",
  87203.             "Category": "HIS",
  87204.             "Description": "Information about Che Guevara's life and death provided by Time Magazine.",
  87205.             "Year": 0
  87206.         },
  87207.         {
  87208.             "RIT": "ws206483",
  87209.             "Type": "WS",
  87210.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/molothrus/m._ater$narrative.html",
  87211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87212.             "Title": "Molothrus ater (Brown-Headed Cowbird)",
  87213.             "Category": "LIF",
  87214.             "Description": "Narrative on the brown-headed cowbird, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  87215.             "Year": 0
  87216.         },
  87217.         {
  87218.             "RIT": "ws206484",
  87219.             "Type": "WS",
  87220.             "URL": "http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~tiwari/hunger/landref.htm",
  87221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87222.             "Title": "Land reforms of Salvador Allende",
  87223.             "Category": "HIS",
  87224.             "Description": "Information from the University of Pennsylvania about the land reforms passed in Chile during the administration of Salvador Allende Gossens.",
  87225.             "Year": 0
  87226.         },
  87227.         {
  87228.             "RIT": "ws206485",
  87229.             "Type": "WS",
  87230.             "URL": "http://www.un.org/Depts/unsd/",
  87231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87232.             "Title": "United Nations Statistics Division",
  87233.             "Category": "PHY",
  87234.             "Description": "Statistics compiled by the United Nations, an international organization that is made up of more than 180 countries and is headquartered in New York City.",
  87235.             "Year": 0
  87236.         },
  87237.         {
  87238.             "RIT": "ws206486",
  87239.             "Type": "WS",
  87240.             "URL": "http://www.tufts.edu/%7Egdallal/LHSP.HTM",
  87241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87242.             "Title": "The Little Handbook of Statistical Practice",
  87243.             "Category": "PHY",
  87244.             "Description": "Essays about what statisticians do and the problems that they deal with in their everyday research, from Gerard E. Dallal, biostatistics professor at Tufts University in Boston.",
  87245.             "Year": 0
  87246.         },
  87247.         {
  87248.             "RIT": "ws206495",
  87249.             "Type": "WS",
  87250.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i7010id.html",
  87251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87252.             "Title": "American dipper",
  87253.             "Category": "LIF",
  87254.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the American dipper.",
  87255.             "Year": 0
  87256.         },
  87257.         {
  87258.             "RIT": "ws206496",
  87259.             "Type": "WS",
  87260.             "URL": "http://www.sicamous.com/bluheron/Junco_bio.html",
  87261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87262.             "Title": "Bird Biographies - Dark-eyed Junco",
  87263.             "Category": "LIF",
  87264.             "Description": "Commercial Web site with information about the dark-eyed junco.",
  87265.             "Year": 0
  87266.         },
  87267.         {
  87268.             "RIT": "ws206497",
  87269.             "Type": "WS",
  87270.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/passeriformes/fringillidae.html",
  87271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87272.             "Title": "Fringillidae",
  87273.             "Category": "LIF",
  87274.             "Description": "Index to narratives on the family Fringillidae, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  87275.             "Year": 0
  87276.         },
  87277.         {
  87278.             "RIT": "ws206498",
  87279.             "Type": "WS",
  87280.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i6040id.html",
  87281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87282.             "Title": "Dickcissel",
  87283.             "Category": "LIF",
  87284.             "Description": "Information about the dickcissel, from the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.",
  87285.             "Year": 0
  87286.         },
  87287.         {
  87288.             "RIT": "ws206499",
  87289.             "Type": "WS",
  87290.             "URL": "http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Archimedes.html",
  87291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87292.             "Title": "Archimedes of Syracuse (ca. 287-ca. 212 BC)",
  87293.             "Category": "PHY",
  87294.             "Description": "Brief biography of Archimedes from Eric Weisstein's Treasure Troves of Science, a privately maintained site based in Champaign, Illinois.",
  87295.             "Year": 0
  87296.         },
  87297.         {
  87298.             "RIT": "ws206500",
  87299.             "Type": "WS",
  87300.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/infocenter.html#Cardinalidae",
  87301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87302.             "Title": "Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter",
  87303.             "Category": "LIF",
  87304.             "Description": "Index to information about grosbeaks and other birds in the family Emberizidae, from the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.",
  87305.             "Year": 0
  87306.         },
  87307.         {
  87308.             "RIT": "ws206501",
  87309.             "Type": "WS",
  87310.             "URL": "http://research.amnh.org/ornithology/crossbills/",
  87311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87312.             "Title": "Crossbills Main Page",
  87313.             "Category": "LIF",
  87314.             "Description": "Information about crossbills, provided by the Department of Ornithology at the American Museum of Natural History.",
  87315.             "Year": 0
  87316.         },
  87317.         {
  87318.             "RIT": "ws206502",
  87319.             "Type": "WS",
  87320.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/junco/j._hyemalis$media.html",
  87321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87322.             "Title": "Junco hyemalis (Dark-Eyed Junco)",
  87323.             "Category": "LIF",
  87324.             "Description": "Narrative on the dark-eyed junco, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  87325.             "Year": 0
  87326.         },
  87327.         {
  87328.             "RIT": "ws206503",
  87329.             "Type": "WS",
  87330.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i5290id.html",
  87331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87332.             "Title": "American goldfinch",
  87333.             "Category": "LIF",
  87334.             "Description": "Information about the American goldfinch, from the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.",
  87335.             "Year": 0
  87336.         },
  87337.         {
  87338.             "RIT": "ws206513",
  87339.             "Type": "WS",
  87340.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/passeriformes/troglodytidae.html",
  87341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87342.             "Title": "Family: Troglodytidae",
  87343.             "Category": "LIF",
  87344.             "Description": "Index to narratives on various wrens, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  87345.             "Year": 0
  87346.         },
  87347.         {
  87348.             "RIT": "ws206514",
  87349.             "Type": "WS",
  87350.             "URL": "http://www.birdsforever.com/warbler.html",
  87351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87352.             "Title": "Attracting warblers to your backyard at Wild Birds Forever",
  87353.             "Category": "LIF",
  87354.             "Description": "Online guide to attracting warblers to birdfeeders.",
  87355.             "Year": 0
  87356.         },
  87357.         {
  87358.             "RIT": "ws206515",
  87359.             "Type": "WS",
  87360.             "URL": "http://www.birdguides.com/html/vidlib/species/Corvus_frugilegus.htm",
  87361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87362.             "Title": "Corvus frugilegus",
  87363.             "Category": "LIF",
  87364.             "Description": "The distribution of the rook in Europe.",
  87365.             "Year": 0
  87366.         },
  87367.         {
  87368.             "RIT": "ws206516",
  87369.             "Type": "WS",
  87370.             "URL": "http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/bird-guide/nightingale.htm",
  87371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87372.             "Title": "Nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos",
  87373.             "Category": "LIF",
  87374.             "Description": "The Birds of Britain online bird guide presents information about the nightingale.",
  87375.             "Year": 0
  87376.         },
  87377.         {
  87378.             "RIT": "ws206517",
  87379.             "Type": "WS",
  87380.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/gracula/g._religiosa$narrative.html",
  87381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87382.             "Title": "Gracula religiosa (Hill Myna)",
  87383.             "Category": "LIF",
  87384.             "Description": "Narrative on the talking, or hill, myna, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  87385.             "Year": 0
  87386.         },
  87387.         {
  87388.             "RIT": "ws206518",
  87389.             "Type": "WS",
  87390.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/mimus/m._polyglottos$narrative.html",
  87391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87392.             "Title": "Mimus polyglottos (Northern Mockingbird)",
  87393.             "Category": "LIF",
  87394.             "Description": "Recorded songs and calls of the northern mockingbird.",
  87395.             "Year": 0
  87396.         },
  87397.         {
  87398.             "RIT": "ws206519",
  87399.             "Type": "WS",
  87400.             "URL": "http://www.birdguides.com/html/vidlib/species/Parus_major.htm",
  87401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87402.             "Title": "Parus major",
  87403.             "Category": "LIF",
  87404.             "Description": "Online bird guide with videos and information on the great tit and many other birds.",
  87405.             "Year": 0
  87406.         },
  87407.         {
  87408.             "RIT": "ws206520",
  87409.             "Type": "WS",
  87410.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/laniidae.html",
  87411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87412.             "Title": "Laniidae",
  87413.             "Category": "LIF",
  87414.             "Description": "Cornell University site with information on the family Laniidae.",
  87415.             "Year": 0
  87416.         },
  87417.         {
  87418.             "RIT": "ws206521",
  87419.             "Type": "WS",
  87420.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/lanius/l._ludovicianus$narrative.html",
  87421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87422.             "Title": "Lanius ludovicianus (Loggerhead Shrike)",
  87423.             "Category": "LIF",
  87424.             "Description": "Narrative on the loggerhead shrike, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  87425.             "Year": 0
  87426.         },
  87427.         {
  87428.             "RIT": "ws206531",
  87429.             "Type": "WS",
  87430.             "URL": "http://stokesbirdsathome.com/birding/id/idpages/id109.html",
  87431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87432.             "Title": "Beginning ID: Mockingbirds",
  87433.             "Category": "LIF",
  87434.             "Description": "Stokes Nature Company presents a description of the mockingbird.",
  87435.             "Year": 0
  87436.         },
  87437.         {
  87438.             "RIT": "ws206532",
  87439.             "Type": "WS",
  87440.             "URL": "http://web.wc.pima.edu/bfiero/tucsonecology/animals/birds_verd.htm",
  87441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87442.             "Title": "Verdin (Auriparus┬áflaviceps)",
  87443.             "Category": "LIF",
  87444.             "Description": "Information on the verdin, from Pima Community College in Arizona.",
  87445.             "Year": 0
  87446.         },
  87447.         {
  87448.             "RIT": "ws206533",
  87449.             "Type": "WS",
  87450.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1901/index.html",
  87451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87452.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1901",
  87453.             "Category": "PHY",
  87454.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1901.",
  87455.             "Year": 0
  87456.         },
  87457.         {
  87458.             "RIT": "ws206534",
  87459.             "Type": "WS",
  87460.             "URL": "http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/bird-guide/waxwing.htm",
  87461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87462.             "Title": "Waxwing, Bombycilla garrulus",
  87463.             "Category": "LIF",
  87464.             "Description": "Birds of Britain online bird guide with information on the Bohemian waxwing.",
  87465.             "Year": 0
  87466.         },
  87467.         {
  87468.             "RIT": "ws206535",
  87469.             "Type": "WS",
  87470.             "URL": "http://www.pma.edmonton.ab.ca/vexhibit/eggs/vexeggs/passer/clknut.htm",
  87471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87472.             "Title": "PMA: Eggs of Alberta - Clark's Nutcracker",
  87473.             "Category": "LIF",
  87474.             "Description": "Description of Clark's nutcracker, from the Provincial Museum of Alberta.",
  87475.             "Year": 0
  87476.         },
  87477.         {
  87478.             "RIT": "ws206536",
  87479.             "Type": "WS",
  87480.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/passeriformes/parulidae.html",
  87481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87482.             "Title": "Family: Parulidae",
  87483.             "Category": "LIF",
  87484.             "Description": "Index to narratives on various warblers, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  87485.             "Year": 0
  87486.         },
  87487.         {
  87488.             "RIT": "ws206537",
  87489.             "Type": "WS",
  87490.             "URL": "http://birds.cornell.edu/BOW/CEDWAX/",
  87491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87492.             "Title": "Cedar Waxwing",
  87493.             "Category": "LIF",
  87494.             "Description": "Information on the cedar waxwing, from the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology.",
  87495.             "Year": 0
  87496.         },
  87497.         {
  87498.             "RIT": "ws206538",
  87499.             "Type": "WS",
  87500.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/parus/p._bicolor$narrative.html",
  87501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87502.             "Title": "Parus bicolor (Tufted Titmouse)",
  87503.             "Category": "LIF",
  87504.             "Description": "Narrative on the tufted titmouse, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  87505.             "Year": 0
  87506.         },
  87507.         {
  87508.             "RIT": "ws206539",
  87509.             "Type": "WS",
  87510.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/setophaga/s._ruticilla$media.html",
  87511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87512.             "Title": "Setophaga ruticilla (American Redstart)",
  87513.             "Category": "LIF",
  87514.             "Description": "Photos of the American Redstart.",
  87515.             "Year": 0
  87516.         },
  87517.         {
  87518.             "RIT": "ws206548",
  87519.             "Type": "WS",
  87520.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/catharus/c._guttatus$media.html",
  87521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87522.             "Title": "Catharus guttatus (Hermit Thrush)",
  87523.             "Category": "LIF",
  87524.             "Description": "Recorded song and call of the hermit thrush.",
  87525.             "Year": 0
  87526.         },
  87527.         {
  87528.             "RIT": "ws206549",
  87529.             "Type": "WS",
  87530.             "URL": "http://birds.cornell.edu/crows/mlarkdiff.htm",
  87531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87532.             "Title": "Differences between Sturnella magna and S. neglecta",
  87533.             "Category": "LIF",
  87534.             "Description": "Cornell University site explains the differences between the eastern and western meadowlark.",
  87535.             "Year": 0
  87536.         },
  87537.         {
  87538.             "RIT": "ws206550",
  87539.             "Type": "WS",
  87540.             "URL": "http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/MathQuiz/MathResult.asp?coolest=b",
  87541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87542.             "Title": "Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz",
  87543.             "Category": "PHY",
  87544.             "Description": "A brief biography of Gottfried Leibniz from the National Center for Education Statistics, a federal agency based in Washington, D.C.",
  87545.             "Year": 0
  87546.         },
  87547.         {
  87548.             "RIT": "ws206551",
  87549.             "Type": "WS",
  87550.             "URL": "http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/MathQuiz/MathResult.asp?coolest=d",
  87551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87552.             "Title": "Pierre de Fermat",
  87553.             "Category": "PHY",
  87554.             "Description": "A brief biography of Pierre de Fermat from the National Center for Education Statistics, a federal agency based in Washington, D.C.",
  87555.             "Year": 0
  87556.         },
  87557.         {
  87558.             "RIT": "ws206552",
  87559.             "Type": "WS",
  87560.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i6810id.html",
  87561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87562.             "Title": "Common Yellowthroat",
  87563.             "Category": "LIF",
  87564.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the common yellowthroat.",
  87565.             "Year": 0
  87566.         },
  87567.         {
  87568.             "RIT": "ws206553",
  87569.             "Type": "WS",
  87570.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i5280id.html",
  87571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87572.             "Title": "Common Redpoll",
  87573.             "Category": "LIF",
  87574.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the common redpoll.",
  87575.             "Year": 0
  87576.         },
  87577.         {
  87578.             "RIT": "ws206554",
  87579.             "Type": "WS",
  87580.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/hylocichla/h._mustelina$narrative.html",
  87581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87582.             "Title": "Hylocichla mustelina (Wood Thrush)",
  87583.             "Category": "LIF",
  87584.             "Description": "Narrative on the wood thrush, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  87585.             "Year": 0
  87586.         },
  87587.         {
  87588.             "RIT": "ws206555",
  87589.             "Type": "WS",
  87590.             "URL": "http://fiudl.fiu.edu/browse/resource/datapage100.html",
  87591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87592.             "Title": "Peron Campaign Posters",
  87593.             "Category": "HIS",
  87594.             "Description": "Images of campaign posters of Juan and Isabel Peron used during Argentina's 1973 presidential campaign.",
  87595.             "Year": 0
  87596.         },
  87597.         {
  87598.             "RIT": "ws206564",
  87599.             "Type": "WS",
  87600.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1950/index.html",
  87601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87602.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1950",
  87603.             "Category": "PHY",
  87604.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Otto Diels and Kurt Alder, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1950.",
  87605.             "Year": 0
  87606.         },
  87607.         {
  87608.             "RIT": "ws206565",
  87609.             "Type": "WS",
  87610.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1932/index.html",
  87611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87612.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1932",
  87613.             "Category": "PHY",
  87614.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Irving Langmuir, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1932.",
  87615.             "Year": 0
  87616.         },
  87617.         {
  87618.             "RIT": "ws206566",
  87619.             "Type": "WS",
  87620.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1914/index.html",
  87621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87622.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1914",
  87623.             "Category": "PHY",
  87624.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Theodore William Richards, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1914.",
  87625.             "Year": 0
  87626.         },
  87627.         {
  87628.             "RIT": "ws206567",
  87629.             "Type": "WS",
  87630.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1906/index.html",
  87631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87632.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1906",
  87633.             "Category": "PHY",
  87634.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Henri Moissan, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1906.",
  87635.             "Year": 0
  87636.         },
  87637.         {
  87638.             "RIT": "ws206568",
  87639.             "Type": "WS",
  87640.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1952/index.html",
  87641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87642.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1952",
  87643.             "Category": "PHY",
  87644.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Archer John Porter Martin and Richard Laurence Millington Synge, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1952.",
  87645.             "Year": 0
  87646.         },
  87647.         {
  87648.             "RIT": "ws206569",
  87649.             "Type": "WS",
  87650.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1934/index.html",
  87651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87652.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1934",
  87653.             "Category": "PHY",
  87654.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Harold Clayton Urey, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1934.",
  87655.             "Year": 0
  87656.         },
  87657.         {
  87658.             "RIT": "ws206570",
  87659.             "Type": "WS",
  87660.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1944/index.html",
  87661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87662.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1944",
  87663.             "Category": "PHY",
  87664.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Otto Hahn, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1944.",
  87665.             "Year": 0
  87666.         },
  87667.         {
  87668.             "RIT": "ws206571",
  87669.             "Type": "WS",
  87670.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1926/index.html",
  87671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87672.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1926",
  87673.             "Category": "PHY",
  87674.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Theodor Svedberg, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1926.",
  87675.             "Year": 0
  87676.         },
  87677.         {
  87678.             "RIT": "ws206579",
  87679.             "Type": "WS",
  87680.             "URL": "http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/graphing/index.asp",
  87681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87682.             "Title": "NCES's Create a Graph",
  87683.             "Category": "PHY",
  87684.             "Description": "Descriptions and interactive demonstrations of an area graph, bar graph, line graph, and pie chart, from the National Center for Education Statistics, a federal agency based in Washington, D.C.",
  87685.             "Year": 0
  87686.         },
  87687.         {
  87688.             "RIT": "ws206580",
  87689.             "Type": "WS",
  87690.             "URL": "http://www.tians.org/",
  87691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87692.             "Title": "Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia",
  87693.             "Category": "GEO",
  87694.             "Description": "Official site of the Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia.",
  87695.             "Year": 0
  87696.         },
  87697.         {
  87698.             "RIT": "ws206581",
  87699.             "Type": "WS",
  87700.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1911/index.html",
  87701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87702.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1911",
  87703.             "Category": "PHY",
  87704.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Marie Curie, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1911.",
  87705.             "Year": 0
  87706.         },
  87707.         {
  87708.             "RIT": "ws206582",
  87709.             "Type": "WS",
  87710.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1903/index.html",
  87711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87712.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1903",
  87713.             "Category": "PHY",
  87714.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Svante August Arrhenius, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1903.",
  87715.             "Year": 0
  87716.         },
  87717.         {
  87718.             "RIT": "ws206583",
  87719.             "Type": "WS",
  87720.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1921/index.html",
  87721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87722.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1921",
  87723.             "Category": "PHY",
  87724.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Frederick Soddy, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1921.",
  87725.             "Year": 0
  87726.         },
  87727.         {
  87728.             "RIT": "ws206584",
  87729.             "Type": "WS",
  87730.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1913/index.html",
  87731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87732.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1913",
  87733.             "Category": "PHY",
  87734.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Alfred Werner, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1913.",
  87735.             "Year": 0
  87736.         },
  87737.         {
  87738.             "RIT": "ws206585",
  87739.             "Type": "WS",
  87740.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1931/index.html",
  87741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87742.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1931",
  87743.             "Category": "PHY",
  87744.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speech of Carl Bosch and Friedrich Bergius, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1931.",
  87745.             "Year": 0
  87746.         },
  87747.         {
  87748.             "RIT": "ws206586",
  87749.             "Type": "WS",
  87750.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1905/index.html",
  87751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87752.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1905",
  87753.             "Category": "PHY",
  87754.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf von Baeyer, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1905.",
  87755.             "Year": 0
  87756.         },
  87757.         {
  87758.             "RIT": "ws206556",
  87759.             "Type": "WS",
  87760.             "URL": "http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/MathQuiz/MathResult.asp?coolest=h",
  87761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87762.             "Title": "Grace Brewster Murray Hopper",
  87763.             "Category": "PHY",
  87764.             "Description": "A brief biography of Grace Hopper from the National Center for Education Statistics, a federal agency based in Washington, D.C.",
  87765.             "Year": 0
  87766.         },
  87767.         {
  87768.             "RIT": "ws206557",
  87769.             "Type": "WS",
  87770.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1910/index.html",
  87771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87772.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1910",
  87773.             "Category": "PHY",
  87774.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Otto Wallach, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1910.",
  87775.             "Year": 0
  87776.         },
  87777.         {
  87778.             "RIT": "ws206558",
  87779.             "Type": "WS",
  87780.             "URL": "http://www.infocan.gc.ca/facts/nwt_e.html",
  87781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87782.             "Title": "Canada Information Office",
  87783.             "Category": "GEO",
  87784.             "Description": "The Canada Information Office Web site provides information about the Northwest Territories.",
  87785.             "Year": 0
  87786.         },
  87787.         {
  87788.             "RIT": "ws206559",
  87789.             "Type": "WS",
  87790.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1902/index.html",
  87791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87792.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1902",
  87793.             "Category": "PHY",
  87794.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Hermann Emil Fischer, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1902.",
  87795.             "Year": 0
  87796.         },
  87797.         {
  87798.             "RIT": "ws206560",
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  87800.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1930/index.html",
  87801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87802.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1930",
  87803.             "Category": "PHY",
  87804.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Hans Fischer, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1930.",
  87805.             "Year": 0
  87806.         },
  87807.         {
  87808.             "RIT": "ws206561",
  87809.             "Type": "WS",
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  87811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87812.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1912",
  87813.             "Category": "PHY",
  87814.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speech of Victor Grignard and Paul Sabatier, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1912.",
  87815.             "Year": 0
  87816.         },
  87817.         {
  87818.             "RIT": "ws206562",
  87819.             "Type": "WS",
  87820.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1922/index.html",
  87821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87822.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1922",
  87823.             "Category": "PHY",
  87824.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Francis William Aston, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1922.",
  87825.             "Year": 0
  87826.         },
  87827.         {
  87828.             "RIT": "ws206563",
  87829.             "Type": "WS",
  87830.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1904/index.html",
  87831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87832.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1904",
  87833.             "Category": "PHY",
  87834.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sir William Ramsay, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1904.",
  87835.             "Year": 0
  87836.         },
  87837.         {
  87838.             "RIT": "ws206572",
  87839.             "Type": "WS",
  87840.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1908/index.html",
  87841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87842.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1908",
  87843.             "Category": "PHY",
  87844.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Lord Ernest Rutherford, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1908.",
  87845.             "Year": 0
  87846.         },
  87847.         {
  87848.             "RIT": "ws206573",
  87849.             "Type": "WS",
  87850.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1936/index.html",
  87851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87852.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1936",
  87853.             "Category": "PHY",
  87854.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Petrus Josephus Wilhelmus Debye, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1936.",
  87855.             "Year": 0
  87856.         },
  87857.         {
  87858.             "RIT": "ws206574",
  87859.             "Type": "WS",
  87860.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1918/index.html",
  87861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87862.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1918",
  87863.             "Category": "PHY",
  87864.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Fritz Haber, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1918.",
  87865.             "Year": 0
  87866.         },
  87867.         {
  87868.             "RIT": "ws206575",
  87869.             "Type": "WS",
  87870.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1946/index.html",
  87871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87872.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1946",
  87873.             "Category": "PHY",
  87874.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of James Batcheller Sumner, John Howard Northrop, and Wendell Meredith Stanley, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1946.",
  87875.             "Year": 0
  87876.         },
  87877.         {
  87878.             "RIT": "ws206576",
  87879.             "Type": "WS",
  87880.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1928/index.html",
  87881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87882.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1928",
  87883.             "Category": "PHY",
  87884.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1928.",
  87885.             "Year": 0
  87886.         },
  87887.         {
  87888.             "RIT": "ws206577",
  87889.             "Type": "WS",
  87890.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1938/index.html",
  87891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87892.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1938",
  87893.             "Category": "PHY",
  87894.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Richard Kuhn, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1938.",
  87895.             "Year": 0
  87896.         },
  87897.         {
  87898.             "RIT": "ws206578",
  87899.             "Type": "WS",
  87900.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1948/index.html",
  87901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87902.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1948",
  87903.             "Category": "PHY",
  87904.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1948.",
  87905.             "Year": 0
  87906.         },
  87907.         {
  87908.             "RIT": "ws206587",
  87909.             "Type": "WS",
  87910.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1923/index.html",
  87911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87912.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1923",
  87913.             "Category": "PHY",
  87914.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Fritz Pregl, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1923.",
  87915.             "Year": 0
  87916.         },
  87917.         {
  87918.             "RIT": "ws206588",
  87919.             "Type": "WS",
  87920.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1951/index.html",
  87921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87922.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1951",
  87923.             "Category": "PHY",
  87924.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Edwin Mattison McMillan and Glenn Theodore Seaborg, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1951.",
  87925.             "Year": 0
  87926.         },
  87927.         {
  87928.             "RIT": "ws206589",
  87929.             "Type": "WS",
  87930.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1915/index.html",
  87931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87932.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1915",
  87933.             "Category": "PHY",
  87934.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Richard Martin Willstatter, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1915.",
  87935.             "Year": 0
  87936.         },
  87937.         {
  87938.             "RIT": "ws206590",
  87939.             "Type": "WS",
  87940.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1943/index.html",
  87941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87942.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1943",
  87943.             "Category": "PHY",
  87944.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of the winner of the chemistry prize in 1943.",
  87945.             "Year": 0
  87946.         },
  87947.         {
  87948.             "RIT": "ws206591",
  87949.             "Type": "WS",
  87950.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1907/index.html",
  87951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87952.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1907",
  87953.             "Category": "PHY",
  87954.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Eduard Buchner, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1907.",
  87955.             "Year": 0
  87956.         },
  87957.         {
  87958.             "RIT": "ws206592",
  87959.             "Type": "WS",
  87960.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1925/index.html",
  87961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87962.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1925",
  87963.             "Category": "PHY",
  87964.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Richard Adolf Zsigmondy, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1925.",
  87965.             "Year": 0
  87966.         },
  87967.         {
  87968.             "RIT": "ws206593",
  87969.             "Type": "WS",
  87970.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1953/index.html",
  87971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87972.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1953",
  87973.             "Category": "PHY",
  87974.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Hermann Staudinger, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1953.",
  87975.             "Year": 0
  87976.         },
  87977.         {
  87978.             "RIT": "ws206594",
  87979.             "Type": "WS",
  87980.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1935/index.html",
  87981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87982.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1935",
  87983.             "Category": "PHY",
  87984.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speech of Frederic Joliot and Irene Joliot-Curie, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1935.",
  87985.             "Year": 0
  87986.         },
  87987.         {
  87988.             "RIT": "ws206602",
  87989.             "Type": "WS",
  87990.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1949/index.html",
  87991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  87992.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1949",
  87993.             "Category": "PHY",
  87994.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of William Francis Giauque, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1949.",
  87995.             "Year": 0
  87996.         },
  87997.         {
  87998.             "RIT": "ws206603",
  87999.             "Type": "WS",
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  88001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88002.             "Title": "Blaise Pascal",
  88003.             "Category": "PHY",
  88004.             "Description": "A brief biography of Blaise Pascal from the National Center for Education Statistics, a federal agency based in Washington, D.C.",
  88005.             "Year": 0
  88006.         },
  88007.         {
  88008.             "RIT": "ws206604",
  88009.             "Type": "WS",
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  88011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88012.             "Title": "Pythagoras of Samos",
  88013.             "Category": "PHY",
  88014.             "Description": "A brief biography of Pythagoras from the National Center for Education Statistics, a federal agency based in Washington, D.C.",
  88015.             "Year": 0
  88016.         },
  88017.         {
  88018.             "RIT": "ws206605",
  88019.             "Type": "WS",
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  88021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88022.             "Title": "Sir Isaac Newton",
  88023.             "Category": "PHY",
  88024.             "Description": "A brief biography of Newton from the National Center for Education Statistics, a federal agency based in Washington, D.C.",
  88025.             "Year": 0
  88026.         },
  88027.         {
  88028.             "RIT": "ws206606",
  88029.             "Type": "WS",
  88030.             "URL": "http://www.upei.ca/",
  88031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88032.             "Title": "University of Prince Edward Island",
  88033.             "Category": "GEO",
  88034.             "Description": "Official site of the University of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown.",
  88035.             "Year": 0
  88036.         },
  88037.         {
  88038.             "RIT": "ws206607",
  88039.             "Type": "WS",
  88040.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1960/index.html",
  88041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88042.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1960",
  88043.             "Category": "PHY",
  88044.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Willard Frank Libby, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1960.",
  88045.             "Year": 0
  88046.         },
  88047.         {
  88048.             "RIT": "ws206608",
  88049.             "Type": "WS",
  88050.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1970/index.html",
  88051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88052.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1970",
  88053.             "Category": "PHY",
  88054.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Luis F. Leloir, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1970.",
  88055.             "Year": 0
  88056.         },
  88057.         {
  88058.             "RIT": "ws206609",
  88059.             "Type": "WS",
  88060.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1980/index.html",
  88061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88062.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1980",
  88063.             "Category": "PHY",
  88064.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Paul Berg, Walter Gilbert, and Frederick Sanger, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1980.",
  88065.             "Year": 0
  88066.         },
  88067.         {
  88068.             "RIT": "ws206617",
  88069.             "Type": "WS",
  88070.             "URL": "http://parkscanada.pch.gc.ca/gables/green%5Fgables%5Fe.htm",
  88071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88072.             "Title": "Green Gables House Heritage Place",
  88073.             "Category": "GEO",
  88074.             "Description": "The Parks Canada Web site provides information about the Green Gables House Heritage Place in Cavendish, Prince Edward Island.",
  88075.             "Year": 0
  88076.         },
  88077.         {
  88078.             "RIT": "ws206618",
  88079.             "Type": "WS",
  88080.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1974/index.html",
  88081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88082.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1974",
  88083.             "Category": "PHY",
  88084.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Paul J. Flory, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1974.",
  88085.             "Year": 0
  88086.         },
  88087.         {
  88088.             "RIT": "ws206619",
  88089.             "Type": "WS",
  88090.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1956/index.html",
  88091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88092.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1956",
  88093.             "Category": "PHY",
  88094.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Nikolay Nikolaevich Semenov, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1956.",
  88095.             "Year": 0
  88096.         },
  88097.         {
  88098.             "RIT": "ws206620",
  88099.             "Type": "WS",
  88100.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1984/index.html",
  88101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88102.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1984",
  88103.             "Category": "PHY",
  88104.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Robert Bruce Merrifield, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1984.",
  88105.             "Year": 0
  88106.         },
  88107.         {
  88108.             "RIT": "ws206621",
  88109.             "Type": "WS",
  88110.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1966/index.html",
  88111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88112.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1966",
  88113.             "Category": "PHY",
  88114.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Robert S. Mulliken, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1966.",
  88115.             "Year": 0
  88116.         },
  88117.         {
  88118.             "RIT": "ws206622",
  88119.             "Type": "WS",
  88120.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1994/index.html",
  88121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88122.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1994",
  88123.             "Category": "PHY",
  88124.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of George A. Olah, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1994.",
  88125.             "Year": 0
  88126.         },
  88127.         {
  88128.             "RIT": "ws206623",
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  88131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88132.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1976",
  88133.             "Category": "PHY",
  88134.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of William N. Lipscomb, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1976.",
  88135.             "Year": 0
  88136.         },
  88137.         {
  88138.             "RIT": "ws206631",
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  88141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88142.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1988",
  88143.             "Category": "PHY",
  88144.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Johann Deisenhofer, Robert Huber, and Hartmut Michel, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1988.",
  88145.             "Year": 0
  88146.         },
  88147.         {
  88148.             "RIT": "ws206632",
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  88151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88152.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1998",
  88153.             "Category": "PHY",
  88154.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Walter Kohn and John A. Pople, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1998.",
  88155.             "Year": 0
  88156.         },
  88157.         {
  88158.             "RIT": "ws206633",
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  88160.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1961/index.html",
  88161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88162.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1961",
  88163.             "Category": "PHY",
  88164.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Melvin Calvin, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1961.",
  88165.             "Year": 0
  88166.         },
  88167.         {
  88168.             "RIT": "ws206634",
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  88170.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1971/index.html",
  88171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88172.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1971",
  88173.             "Category": "PHY",
  88174.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Gerhard Herzberg, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1971.",
  88175.             "Year": 0
  88176.         },
  88177.         {
  88178.             "RIT": "ws206635",
  88179.             "Type": "WS",
  88180.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1963/index.html",
  88181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88182.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1963",
  88183.             "Category": "PHY",
  88184.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1963.",
  88185.             "Year": 0
  88186.         },
  88187.         {
  88188.             "RIT": "ws206636",
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  88190.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1981/index.html",
  88191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88192.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1981",
  88193.             "Category": "PHY",
  88194.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Kenichi Fukui and Roald Hoffmann, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1981.",
  88195.             "Year": 0
  88196.         },
  88197.         {
  88198.             "RIT": "ws206637",
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  88200.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1991/index.html",
  88201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88202.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1991",
  88203.             "Category": "PHY",
  88204.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Richard R. Ernst, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1991.",
  88205.             "Year": 0
  88206.         },
  88207.         {
  88208.             "RIT": "ws206645",
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  88210.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1967/index.html",
  88211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88212.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1967",
  88213.             "Category": "PHY",
  88214.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Manfred Eigen, Ronald George Wreyford Norrish, and Lord George Porter, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1967.",
  88215.             "Year": 0
  88216.         },
  88217.         {
  88218.             "RIT": "ws206646",
  88219.             "Type": "WS",
  88220.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1985/index.html",
  88221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88222.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1985",
  88223.             "Category": "PHY",
  88224.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Herbert A. Hauptman and Jerome Karle, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1985.",
  88225.             "Year": 0
  88226.         },
  88227.         {
  88228.             "RIT": "ws206647",
  88229.             "Type": "WS",
  88230.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1995/index.html",
  88231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88232.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1995",
  88233.             "Category": "PHY",
  88234.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Paul Crutzen, Mario Molina, and F. Sherwood Rowland, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1995.",
  88235.             "Year": 0
  88236.         },
  88237.         {
  88238.             "RIT": "ws206648",
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  88240.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1959/index.html",
  88241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88242.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1959",
  88243.             "Category": "PHY",
  88244.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Jaroslav Heyrovsky, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1959.",
  88245.             "Year": 0
  88246.         },
  88247.         {
  88248.             "RIT": "ws206649",
  88249.             "Type": "WS",
  88250.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1977/index.html",
  88251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88252.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1977",
  88253.             "Category": "PHY",
  88254.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Ilya Prigogine, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1977.",
  88255.             "Year": 0
  88256.         },
  88257.         {
  88258.             "RIT": "ws206650",
  88259.             "Type": "WS",
  88260.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1969/index.html",
  88261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88262.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1969",
  88263.             "Category": "PHY",
  88264.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir Derek H. R. Barton and Odd Hassel, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1969.",
  88265.             "Year": 0
  88266.         },
  88267.         {
  88268.             "RIT": "ws206651",
  88269.             "Type": "WS",
  88270.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1987/index.html",
  88271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88272.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1987",
  88273.             "Category": "PHY",
  88274.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Donald J. Cram, Jean-Marie Lehn, and Charles J. Pedersen, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1987.",
  88275.             "Year": 0
  88276.         },
  88277.         {
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  88280.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1911/index.html",
  88281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88282.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1911",
  88283.             "Category": "HUM",
  88284.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Maurice Maeterlinck, the winner of the literature prize in 1911.",
  88285.             "Year": 0
  88286.         },
  88287.         {
  88288.             "RIT": "ws206661",
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  88291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88292.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1903",
  88293.             "Category": "HUM",
  88294.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Bjornstjerne Martinus Bjornson, the winner of the literature prize in 1903.",
  88295.             "Year": 0
  88296.         },
  88297.         {
  88298.             "RIT": "ws206662",
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  88301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88302.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1913",
  88303.             "Category": "HIS",
  88304.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Rabindranath Tagore, the winner of the literature prize in 1913.",
  88305.             "Year": 0
  88306.         },
  88307.         {
  88308.             "RIT": "ws206663",
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  88311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88312.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1905",
  88313.             "Category": "HIS",
  88314.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Henryk Sienkiewicz, the winner of the literature prize in 1905.",
  88315.             "Year": 0
  88316.         },
  88317.         {
  88318.             "RIT": "ws206664",
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  88321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88322.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1915",
  88323.             "Category": "HUM",
  88324.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Romain Rolland, the winner of the literature prize in 1915.",
  88325.             "Year": 0
  88326.         },
  88327.         {
  88328.             "RIT": "ws206665",
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  88331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88332.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1907",
  88333.             "Category": "HUM",
  88334.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Rudyard Kipling, the winner of the literature prize in 1907.",
  88335.             "Year": 0
  88336.         },
  88337.         {
  88338.             "RIT": "ws206666",
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  88340.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1980/index.html",
  88341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88342.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1980",
  88343.             "Category": "SOC",
  88344.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Lawrence R. Klein, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1980.",
  88345.             "Year": 0
  88346.         },
  88347.         {
  88348.             "RIT": "ws206595",
  88349.             "Type": "WS",
  88350.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1945/index.html",
  88351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88352.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1945",
  88353.             "Category": "LIF",
  88354.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1945.",
  88355.             "Year": 0
  88356.         },
  88357.         {
  88358.             "RIT": "ws206596",
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  88360.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1909/index.html",
  88361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88362.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1909",
  88363.             "Category": "PHY",
  88364.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Wilhelm Ostwald, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1909.",
  88365.             "Year": 0
  88366.         },
  88367.         {
  88368.             "RIT": "ws206597",
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  88371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88372.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1927",
  88373.             "Category": "PHY",
  88374.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Heinrich Otto Wieland, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1927.",
  88375.             "Year": 0
  88376.         },
  88377.         {
  88378.             "RIT": "ws206598",
  88379.             "Type": "WS",
  88380.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1937/index.html",
  88381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88382.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1937",
  88383.             "Category": "PHY",
  88384.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speech of Sir Walter Norman Haworth and Paul Karrer, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1937.",
  88385.             "Year": 0
  88386.         },
  88387.         {
  88388.             "RIT": "ws206599",
  88389.             "Type": "WS",
  88390.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1947/index.html",
  88391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88392.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1947",
  88393.             "Category": "PHY",
  88394.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sir Robert Robinson, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1947.",
  88395.             "Year": 0
  88396.         },
  88397.         {
  88398.             "RIT": "ws206600",
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  88400.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1929/index.html",
  88401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88402.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1929",
  88403.             "Category": "PHY",
  88404.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speech of Sir Arthur Harden and Hans von Euler-Chelpin, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1929.",
  88405.             "Year": 0
  88406.         },
  88407.         {
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  88410.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1939/index.html",
  88411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88412.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1939",
  88413.             "Category": "PHY",
  88414.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Adolf Friedrich Johann Butenandt and Leopold Ruzicka, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1939.",
  88415.             "Year": 0
  88416.         },
  88417.         {
  88418.             "RIT": "ws206610",
  88419.             "Type": "WS",
  88420.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1962/index.html",
  88421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88422.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1962",
  88423.             "Category": "PHY",
  88424.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Max Ferdinand Perutz and Sir John Cowdery Kendrew, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1962.",
  88425.             "Year": 0
  88426.         },
  88427.         {
  88428.             "RIT": "ws206611",
  88429.             "Type": "WS",
  88430.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1990/index.html",
  88431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88432.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1990",
  88433.             "Category": "PHY",
  88434.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Elias James Corey, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1990.",
  88435.             "Year": 0
  88436.         },
  88437.         {
  88438.             "RIT": "ws206612",
  88439.             "Type": "WS",
  88440.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1972/index.html",
  88441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88442.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1972",
  88443.             "Category": "PHY",
  88444.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Christian B. Anfinsen, Stanford Moore, and William H. Stein, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1972.",
  88445.             "Year": 0
  88446.         },
  88447.         {
  88448.             "RIT": "ws206613",
  88449.             "Type": "WS",
  88450.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1954/index.html",
  88451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88452.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1954",
  88453.             "Category": "PHY",
  88454.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Linus Carl Pauling, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1954.",
  88455.             "Year": 0
  88456.         },
  88457.         {
  88458.             "RIT": "ws206614",
  88459.             "Type": "WS",
  88460.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1982/index.html",
  88461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88462.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1982",
  88463.             "Category": "PHY",
  88464.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sir Aaron Klug, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1982.",
  88465.             "Year": 0
  88466.         },
  88467.         {
  88468.             "RIT": "ws206615",
  88469.             "Type": "WS",
  88470.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1964/index.html",
  88471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88472.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1964",
  88473.             "Category": "PHY",
  88474.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1964.",
  88475.             "Year": 0
  88476.         },
  88477.         {
  88478.             "RIT": "ws206616",
  88479.             "Type": "WS",
  88480.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1992/index.html",
  88481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88482.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1992",
  88483.             "Category": "PHY",
  88484.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Rudolph A. Marcus, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1992.",
  88485.             "Year": 0
  88486.         },
  88487.         {
  88488.             "RIT": "ws206624",
  88489.             "Type": "WS",
  88490.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1958/index.html",
  88491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88492.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1958",
  88493.             "Category": "PHY",
  88494.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Frederick Sanger, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1958.",
  88495.             "Year": 0
  88496.         },
  88497.         {
  88498.             "RIT": "ws206625",
  88499.             "Type": "WS",
  88500.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1986/index.html",
  88501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88502.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1986",
  88503.             "Category": "PHY",
  88504.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee, and John C. Polanyi, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1986.",
  88505.             "Year": 0
  88506.         },
  88507.         {
  88508.             "RIT": "ws206626",
  88509.             "Type": "WS",
  88510.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1968/index.html",
  88511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88512.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1968",
  88513.             "Category": "PHY",
  88514.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Lars Onsager, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1968.",
  88515.             "Year": 0
  88516.         },
  88517.         {
  88518.             "RIT": "ws206627",
  88519.             "Type": "WS",
  88520.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1970/index.html",
  88521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88522.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1970",
  88523.             "Category": "SOC",
  88524.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Paul A. Samuelson, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1970.",
  88525.             "Year": 0
  88526.         },
  88527.         {
  88528.             "RIT": "ws206628",
  88529.             "Type": "WS",
  88530.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1996/index.html",
  88531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88532.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1996",
  88533.             "Category": "PHY",
  88534.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Robert F. Curl, Jr., Sir Harold W. Kroto, and Richard E. Smalley, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1996.",
  88535.             "Year": 0
  88536.         },
  88537.         {
  88538.             "RIT": "ws206629",
  88539.             "Type": "WS",
  88540.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1978/index.html",
  88541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88542.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1978",
  88543.             "Category": "PHY",
  88544.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Peter D. Mitchell, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1978.",
  88545.             "Year": 0
  88546.         },
  88547.         {
  88548.             "RIT": "ws206630",
  88549.             "Type": "WS",
  88550.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1919/index.html",
  88551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88552.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1919",
  88553.             "Category": "SOC",
  88554.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Thomas Woodrow Wilson, the winner of the peace prize in 1919.",
  88555.             "Year": 0
  88556.         },
  88557.         {
  88558.             "RIT": "ws206638",
  88559.             "Type": "WS",
  88560.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1955/index.html",
  88561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88562.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1955",
  88563.             "Category": "PHY",
  88564.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Vincent Du Vigneaud, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1955.",
  88565.             "Year": 0
  88566.         },
  88567.         {
  88568.             "RIT": "ws206639",
  88569.             "Type": "WS",
  88570.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1973/index.html",
  88571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88572.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1973",
  88573.             "Category": "PHY",
  88574.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Ernst Otto Fischer and Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1973.",
  88575.             "Year": 0
  88576.         },
  88577.         {
  88578.             "RIT": "ws206640",
  88579.             "Type": "WS",
  88580.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1965/index.html",
  88581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88582.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1965",
  88583.             "Category": "PHY",
  88584.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Robert Burns Woodward, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1965.",
  88585.             "Year": 0
  88586.         },
  88587.         {
  88588.             "RIT": "ws206641",
  88589.             "Type": "WS",
  88590.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1983/index.html",
  88591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88592.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1983",
  88593.             "Category": "PHY",
  88594.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Henry Taube, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1983.",
  88595.             "Year": 0
  88596.         },
  88597.         {
  88598.             "RIT": "ws206642",
  88599.             "Type": "WS",
  88600.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1993/index.html",
  88601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88602.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1993",
  88603.             "Category": "PHY",
  88604.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Kary B. Mullis and Michael Smith, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1993.",
  88605.             "Year": 0
  88606.         },
  88607.         {
  88608.             "RIT": "ws206643",
  88609.             "Type": "WS",
  88610.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1957/index.html",
  88611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88612.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1957",
  88613.             "Category": "PHY",
  88614.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Lord Alexander R. Todd, the winner of the chemistry prize in 1957.",
  88615.             "Year": 0
  88616.         },
  88617.         {
  88618.             "RIT": "ws206644",
  88619.             "Type": "WS",
  88620.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1975/index.html",
  88621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88622.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1975",
  88623.             "Category": "PHY",
  88624.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir John Warcup Cornforth and Vladimir Prelog, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1975.",
  88625.             "Year": 0
  88626.         },
  88627.         {
  88628.             "RIT": "ws206652",
  88629.             "Type": "WS",
  88630.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1971/index.html",
  88631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88632.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1971",
  88633.             "Category": "SOC",
  88634.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Simon Kuznets, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1971.",
  88635.             "Year": 0
  88636.         },
  88637.         {
  88638.             "RIT": "ws206653",
  88639.             "Type": "WS",
  88640.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1997/index.html",
  88641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88642.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1997",
  88643.             "Category": "PHY",
  88644.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Paul D. Boyer, John E. Walker, and Jens C. Skou, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1997.",
  88645.             "Year": 0
  88646.         },
  88647.         {
  88648.             "RIT": "ws206654",
  88649.             "Type": "WS",
  88650.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1979/index.html",
  88651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88652.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1979",
  88653.             "Category": "PHY",
  88654.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Herbert C. Brown and Georg Wittig, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1979.",
  88655.             "Year": 0
  88656.         },
  88657.         {
  88658.             "RIT": "ws206655",
  88659.             "Type": "WS",
  88660.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/chemistry/laureates/1989/index.html",
  88661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88662.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Chemistry 1989",
  88663.             "Category": "PHY",
  88664.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sidney Altman and Thomas R. Cech, the winners of the chemistry prize in 1989.",
  88665.             "Year": 0
  88666.         },
  88667.         {
  88668.             "RIT": "ws206656",
  88669.             "Type": "WS",
  88670.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1969/index.html",
  88671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88672.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1969",
  88673.             "Category": "SOC",
  88674.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen, the winners of the economic sciences prize in 1969.",
  88675.             "Year": 0
  88676.         },
  88677.         {
  88678.             "RIT": "ws206657",
  88679.             "Type": "WS",
  88680.             "URL": "http://www.hss.gov.yk.ca/",
  88681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88682.             "Title": "Yukon Health and Social Services",
  88683.             "Category": "GEO",
  88684.             "Description": "Official site of Yukon Territory's Health and Human Services.",
  88685.             "Year": 0
  88686.         },
  88687.         {
  88688.             "RIT": "ws206658",
  88689.             "Type": "WS",
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  88691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88692.             "Title": "Alaska State Museums Home Page",
  88693.             "Category": "GEO",
  88694.             "Description": "Alaska's Museum Web site provides information about the two state museums.",
  88695.             "Year": 0
  88696.         },
  88697.         {
  88698.             "RIT": "ws206659",
  88699.             "Type": "WS",
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  88701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88702.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1901",
  88703.             "Category": "HUM",
  88704.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sully Prudhomme, the winner of the literature prize in 1901.",
  88705.             "Year": 0
  88706.         },
  88707.         {
  88708.             "RIT": "ws206667",
  88709.             "Type": "WS",
  88710.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1917/index.html",
  88711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88712.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1917",
  88713.             "Category": "HUM",
  88714.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Karl Adolph Gjellerup and Henrik Pontoppidan, the winners of the literature prize in 1917.",
  88715.             "Year": 0
  88716.         },
  88717.         {
  88718.             "RIT": "ws206668",
  88719.             "Type": "WS",
  88720.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1972/index.html",
  88721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88722.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1972",
  88723.             "Category": "SOC",
  88724.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir John R. Hicks and Kenneth J. Arrow, the winners of the economic sciences prize in 1972.",
  88725.             "Year": 0
  88726.         },
  88727.         {
  88728.             "RIT": "ws206669",
  88729.             "Type": "WS",
  88730.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1990/index.html",
  88731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88732.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1990",
  88733.             "Category": "SOC",
  88734.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Harry M. Markowitz, Merton H. Miller, and William F. Sharpe, the winners of the economic sciences prize in 1990.",
  88735.             "Year": 0
  88736.         },
  88737.         {
  88738.             "RIT": "ws206670",
  88739.             "Type": "WS",
  88740.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1909/index.html",
  88741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88742.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1909",
  88743.             "Category": "HUM",
  88744.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlof, the winner of the literature prize in 1909.",
  88745.             "Year": 0
  88746.         },
  88747.         {
  88748.             "RIT": "ws206671",
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  88750.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1982/index.html",
  88751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88752.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1982",
  88753.             "Category": "SOC",
  88754.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of George J. Stigler, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1982.",
  88755.             "Year": 0
  88756.         },
  88757.         {
  88758.             "RIT": "ws206672",
  88759.             "Type": "WS",
  88760.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1919/index.html",
  88761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88762.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1919",
  88763.             "Category": "HUM",
  88764.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Carl Friedrich Georg Spitteler, the winner of the literature prize in 1919.",
  88765.             "Year": 0
  88766.         },
  88767.         {
  88768.             "RIT": "ws206673",
  88769.             "Type": "WS",
  88770.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1974/index.html",
  88771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88772.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1974",
  88773.             "Category": "SOC",
  88774.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Gunnar Myrdal and Friedrich August von Hayek, the winners of the economic sciences prize in 1974.",
  88775.             "Year": 0
  88776.         },
  88777.         {
  88778.             "RIT": "ws206681",
  88779.             "Type": "WS",
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  88781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88782.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1988",
  88783.             "Category": "SOC",
  88784.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Maurice Allais, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1988.",
  88785.             "Year": 0
  88786.         },
  88787.         {
  88788.             "RIT": "ws206682",
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  88791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88792.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1998",
  88793.             "Category": "SOC",
  88794.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Amartya Sen, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1998.",
  88795.             "Year": 0
  88796.         },
  88797.         {
  88798.             "RIT": "ws206683",
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  88801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88802.             "Title": "Arkansas State Parks",
  88803.             "Category": "GEO",
  88804.             "Description": "The official Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism site on Arkansas's state parks.",
  88805.             "Year": 0
  88806.         },
  88807.         {
  88808.             "RIT": "ws206684",
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  88811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88812.             "Title": "Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries",
  88813.             "Category": "GEO",
  88814.             "Description": "Official site of the Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries.",
  88815.             "Year": 0
  88816.         },
  88817.         {
  88818.             "RIT": "ws206685",
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  88821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88822.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1910",
  88823.             "Category": "HUM",
  88824.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse, the winner of the literature prize in 1910.",
  88825.             "Year": 0
  88826.         },
  88827.         {
  88828.             "RIT": "ws206686",
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  88830.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1920/index.html",
  88831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88832.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1920",
  88833.             "Category": "HUM",
  88834.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Knut Pedersen Hamsun, the winner of the literature prize in 1920.",
  88835.             "Year": 0
  88836.         },
  88837.         {
  88838.             "RIT": "ws206687",
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  88841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88842.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1902",
  88843.             "Category": "HIS",
  88844.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Christian Matthias Theodor Mommsen, the winner of the literature prize in 1902.",
  88845.             "Year": 0
  88846.         },
  88847.         {
  88848.             "RIT": "ws206688",
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  88850.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1912/index.html",
  88851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88852.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1912",
  88853.             "Category": "HUM",
  88854.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann, the winner of the literature prize in 1912.",
  88855.             "Year": 0
  88856.         },
  88857.         {
  88858.             "RIT": "ws206696",
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  88860.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1983/index.html",
  88861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88862.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1983",
  88863.             "Category": "SOC",
  88864.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Gerard Debreu, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1983.",
  88865.             "Year": 0
  88866.         },
  88867.         {
  88868.             "RIT": "ws206697",
  88869.             "Type": "WS",
  88870.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1993/index.html",
  88871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88872.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1993",
  88873.             "Category": "SOC",
  88874.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Robert W. Fogel and Douglass C. North, the winners of the economic sciences prize in 1993.",
  88875.             "Year": 0
  88876.         },
  88877.         {
  88878.             "RIT": "ws206698",
  88879.             "Type": "WS",
  88880.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1975/index.html",
  88881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88882.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1975",
  88883.             "Category": "SOC",
  88884.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich and Tjalling C. Koopmans, the winners of the economic sciences prize in 1975.",
  88885.             "Year": 0
  88886.         },
  88887.         {
  88888.             "RIT": "ws206699",
  88889.             "Type": "WS",
  88890.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1985/index.html",
  88891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88892.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1985",
  88893.             "Category": "SOC",
  88894.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Franco Modigliani, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1985.",
  88895.             "Year": 0
  88896.         },
  88897.         {
  88898.             "RIT": "ws206700",
  88899.             "Type": "WS",
  88900.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1995/index.html",
  88901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88902.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1995",
  88903.             "Category": "SOC",
  88904.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Robert E. Lucas Jr., the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1995.",
  88905.             "Year": 0
  88906.         },
  88907.         {
  88908.             "RIT": "ws206701",
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  88910.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1987/index.html",
  88911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88912.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1987",
  88913.             "Category": "SOC",
  88914.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Robert M. Solow, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1987.",
  88915.             "Year": 0
  88916.         },
  88917.         {
  88918.             "RIT": "ws206702",
  88919.             "Type": "WS",
  88920.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1997/index.html",
  88921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88922.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1997",
  88923.             "Category": "SOC",
  88924.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Robert C. Merton and Myron S. Scholes, the winners of the economic sciences prize in 1997.",
  88925.             "Year": 0
  88926.         },
  88927.         {
  88928.             "RIT": "ws206674",
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  88930.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1992/index.html",
  88931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88932.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1992",
  88933.             "Category": "SOC",
  88934.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Gary S. Becker, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1992.",
  88935.             "Year": 0
  88936.         },
  88937.         {
  88938.             "RIT": "ws206675",
  88939.             "Type": "WS",
  88940.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1984/index.html",
  88941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88942.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1984",
  88943.             "Category": "SOC",
  88944.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Richard Stone, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1984.",
  88945.             "Year": 0
  88946.         },
  88947.         {
  88948.             "RIT": "ws206676",
  88949.             "Type": "WS",
  88950.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1976/index.html",
  88951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88952.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1976",
  88953.             "Category": "SOC",
  88954.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Milton Friedman, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1976.",
  88955.             "Year": 0
  88956.         },
  88957.         {
  88958.             "RIT": "ws206677",
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  88960.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1994/index.html",
  88961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88962.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1994",
  88963.             "Category": "SOC",
  88964.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of John C. Harsanyi, John F. Nash Jr., and Kenneth Reinhard Selten, the winners of the economic sciences prize in 1994.",
  88965.             "Year": 0
  88966.         },
  88967.         {
  88968.             "RIT": "ws206678",
  88969.             "Type": "WS",
  88970.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1986/index.html",
  88971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88972.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1986",
  88973.             "Category": "SOC",
  88974.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of James M. Buchanan Jr., the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1986.",
  88975.             "Year": 0
  88976.         },
  88977.         {
  88978.             "RIT": "ws206679",
  88979.             "Type": "WS",
  88980.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1978/index.html",
  88981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88982.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1978",
  88983.             "Category": "SOC",
  88984.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Herbert A. Simon, the winners of the economic sciences prize in 1978.",
  88985.             "Year": 0
  88986.         },
  88987.         {
  88988.             "RIT": "ws206680",
  88989.             "Type": "WS",
  88990.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1996/index.html",
  88991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  88992.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1996",
  88993.             "Category": "SOC",
  88994.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of James A. Mirrlees and William Vickrey, the winners of the economic sciences prize in 1996.",
  88995.             "Year": 0
  88996.         },
  88997.         {
  88998.             "RIT": "ws206689",
  88999.             "Type": "WS",
  89000.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1904/index.html",
  89001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89002.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1904",
  89003.             "Category": "HUM",
  89004.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Frederic Mistral and Jose de Echegaray, the winners of the literature prize in 1904.",
  89005.             "Year": 0
  89006.         },
  89007.         {
  89008.             "RIT": "ws206690",
  89009.             "Type": "WS",
  89010.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1906/index.html",
  89011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89012.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1906",
  89013.             "Category": "HUM",
  89014.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Giosue Carducci, the winner of the literature prize in 1906.",
  89015.             "Year": 0
  89016.         },
  89017.         {
  89018.             "RIT": "ws206691",
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  89021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89022.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1916",
  89023.             "Category": "HUM",
  89024.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam, the winner of the literature prize in 1916.",
  89025.             "Year": 0
  89026.         },
  89027.         {
  89028.             "RIT": "ws206692",
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  89030.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1908/index.html",
  89031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89032.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1908",
  89033.             "Category": "HUM",
  89034.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Rudolf Christoph Eucken, the winner of the literature prize in 1908.",
  89035.             "Year": 0
  89036.         },
  89037.         {
  89038.             "RIT": "ws206693",
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  89040.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1981/index.html",
  89041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89042.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1981",
  89043.             "Category": "SOC",
  89044.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of James Tobin, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1981.",
  89045.             "Year": 0
  89046.         },
  89047.         {
  89048.             "RIT": "ws206694",
  89049.             "Type": "WS",
  89050.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1991/index.html",
  89051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89052.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1991",
  89053.             "Category": "SOC",
  89054.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Ronald H. Coase, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1991.",
  89055.             "Year": 0
  89056.         },
  89057.         {
  89058.             "RIT": "ws206695",
  89059.             "Type": "WS",
  89060.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1973/index.html",
  89061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89062.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1973",
  89063.             "Category": "SOC",
  89064.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of the winner of Wassily Leontief the economic sciences prize in 1973.",
  89065.             "Year": 0
  89066.         },
  89067.         {
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  89069.             "Type": "WS",
  89070.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1979/index.html",
  89071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89072.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1979",
  89073.             "Category": "SOC",
  89074.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Theodore W. Schultz and Sir Arthur Lewis, the winners of the economic sciences prize in 1979.",
  89075.             "Year": 0
  89076.         },
  89077.         {
  89078.             "RIT": "ws206704",
  89079.             "Type": "WS",
  89080.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1989/index.html",
  89081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89082.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1989",
  89083.             "Category": "SOC",
  89084.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Trygve Haavelmo, the winner of the economic sciences prize in 1989.",
  89085.             "Year": 0
  89086.         },
  89087.         {
  89088.             "RIT": "ws206705",
  89089.             "Type": "WS",
  89090.             "URL": "http://www2.marianopolis.edu/quebechistory/",
  89091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89092.             "Title": "Quebec History",
  89093.             "Category": "GEO",
  89094.             "Description": "The Marianopolis College Web site provides information about Quebec's history.",
  89095.             "Year": 0
  89096.         },
  89097.         {
  89098.             "RIT": "ws206706",
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  89101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89102.             "Title": "U.S. Space Camp",
  89103.             "Category": "GEO",
  89104.             "Description": "The U.S. Space Camp Web site provides information about the United States Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.",
  89105.             "Year": 0
  89106.         },
  89107.         {
  89108.             "RIT": "ws206707",
  89109.             "Type": "WS",
  89110.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1921/index.html",
  89111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89112.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1921",
  89113.             "Category": "HUM",
  89114.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Anatole France, the winner of the literature prize in 1921.",
  89115.             "Year": 0
  89116.         },
  89117.         {
  89118.             "RIT": "ws206708",
  89119.             "Type": "WS",
  89120.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1931/index.html",
  89121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89122.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1931",
  89123.             "Category": "HUM",
  89124.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Erik Axel Karlfeldt, the winner of the literature prize in 1931.",
  89125.             "Year": 0
  89126.         },
  89127.         {
  89128.             "RIT": "ws206709",
  89129.             "Type": "WS",
  89130.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1923/index.html",
  89131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89132.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1923",
  89133.             "Category": "HUM",
  89134.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of William Butler Yeats, the winner of the literature prize in 1923.",
  89135.             "Year": 0
  89136.         },
  89137.         {
  89138.             "RIT": "ws206710",
  89139.             "Type": "WS",
  89140.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1951/index.html",
  89141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89142.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1951",
  89143.             "Category": "HUM",
  89144.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Par Fabian Lagerkvist, the winner of the literature prize in 1951.",
  89145.             "Year": 0
  89146.         },
  89147.         {
  89148.             "RIT": "ws206719",
  89149.             "Type": "WS",
  89150.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1937/index.html",
  89151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89152.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1937",
  89153.             "Category": "HUM",
  89154.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Roger Martin du Gard, the winner of the literature prize in 1937.",
  89155.             "Year": 0
  89156.         },
  89157.         {
  89158.             "RIT": "ws206720",
  89159.             "Type": "WS",
  89160.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1965/index.html",
  89161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89162.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1965",
  89163.             "Category": "HUM",
  89164.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Michail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, the winner of the literature prize in 1965.",
  89165.             "Year": 0
  89166.         },
  89167.         {
  89168.             "RIT": "ws206721",
  89169.             "Type": "WS",
  89170.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1947/index.html",
  89171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89172.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1947",
  89173.             "Category": "HUM",
  89174.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Andre Paul Guillaume Gide, the winner of the literature prize in 1947.",
  89175.             "Year": 0
  89176.         },
  89177.         {
  89178.             "RIT": "ws206722",
  89179.             "Type": "WS",
  89180.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1929/index.html",
  89181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89182.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1929",
  89183.             "Category": "HUM",
  89184.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Thomas Mann, the winner of the literature prize in 1929.",
  89185.             "Year": 0
  89186.         },
  89187.         {
  89188.             "RIT": "ws206723",
  89189.             "Type": "WS",
  89190.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1957/index.html",
  89191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89192.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1957",
  89193.             "Category": "HUM",
  89194.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Albert Camus, the winner of the literature prize in 1957.",
  89195.             "Year": 0
  89196.         },
  89197.         {
  89198.             "RIT": "ws206724",
  89199.             "Type": "WS",
  89200.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1939/index.html",
  89201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89202.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1939",
  89203.             "Category": "HUM",
  89204.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Frans Eemil Sillanpaa, the winner of the literature prize in 1939.",
  89205.             "Year": 0
  89206.         },
  89207.         {
  89208.             "RIT": "ws206725",
  89209.             "Type": "WS",
  89210.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1967/index.html",
  89211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89212.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1967",
  89213.             "Category": "HUM",
  89214.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Miguel Angel Asturias, the winner of the literature prize in 1967.",
  89215.             "Year": 0
  89216.         },
  89217.         {
  89218.             "RIT": "ws206726",
  89219.             "Type": "WS",
  89220.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1949/index.html",
  89221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89222.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1949",
  89223.             "Category": "HUM",
  89224.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of William Faulkner, the winner of the literature prize in 1949.",
  89225.             "Year": 0
  89226.         },
  89227.         {
  89228.             "RIT": "ws206735",
  89229.             "Type": "WS",
  89230.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1950/index.html",
  89231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89232.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1950",
  89233.             "Category": "PHY",
  89234.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Earl Russell, the winner of the literature prize in 1950.",
  89235.             "Year": 0
  89236.         },
  89237.         {
  89238.             "RIT": "ws206736",
  89239.             "Type": "WS",
  89240.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1960/index.html",
  89241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89242.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1960",
  89243.             "Category": "HUM",
  89244.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Saint-John Perse, the winner of the literature prize in 1960.",
  89245.             "Year": 0
  89246.         },
  89247.         {
  89248.             "RIT": "ws206737",
  89249.             "Type": "WS",
  89250.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1924/index.html",
  89251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89252.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1924",
  89253.             "Category": "HUM",
  89254.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Wladyslaw Stanislaw Reymont, the winner of the literature prize in 1924.",
  89255.             "Year": 0
  89256.         },
  89257.         {
  89258.             "RIT": "ws206738",
  89259.             "Type": "WS",
  89260.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1970/index.html",
  89261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89262.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1970",
  89263.             "Category": "HUM",
  89264.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, the winner of the literature prize in 1970.",
  89265.             "Year": 0
  89266.         },
  89267.         {
  89268.             "RIT": "ws206739",
  89269.             "Type": "WS",
  89270.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1934/index.html",
  89271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89272.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1934",
  89273.             "Category": "HUM",
  89274.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Luigi Pirandello, the winner of the literature prize in 1934.",
  89275.             "Year": 0
  89276.         },
  89277.         {
  89278.             "RIT": "ws206740",
  89279.             "Type": "WS",
  89280.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1952/index.html",
  89281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89282.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1952",
  89283.             "Category": "HUM",
  89284.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Francois Mauriac, the winner of the literature prize in 1952.",
  89285.             "Year": 0
  89286.         },
  89287.         {
  89288.             "RIT": "ws206741",
  89289.             "Type": "WS",
  89290.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1926/index.html",
  89291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89292.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1926",
  89293.             "Category": "HUM",
  89294.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Grazia Deledda, the winner of the literature prize in 1926.",
  89295.             "Year": 0
  89296.         },
  89297.         {
  89298.             "RIT": "ws206742",
  89299.             "Type": "WS",
  89300.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1944/index.html",
  89301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89302.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1944",
  89303.             "Category": "HUM",
  89304.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Johannes Vilhelm Jensen, the winner of the literature prize in 1944.",
  89305.             "Year": 0
  89306.         },
  89307.         {
  89308.             "RIT": "ws206750",
  89309.             "Type": "WS",
  89310.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1974/index.html",
  89311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89312.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1974",
  89313.             "Category": "HUM",
  89314.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speech of Eyvind Johnson and Harry Martinson, the winners of the literature prize in 1974.",
  89315.             "Year": 0
  89316.         },
  89317.         {
  89318.             "RIT": "ws206751",
  89319.             "Type": "WS",
  89320.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1938/index.html",
  89321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89322.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1938",
  89323.             "Category": "HUM",
  89324.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Pearl S. Buck, the winner of the literature prize in 1938.",
  89325.             "Year": 0
  89326.         },
  89327.         {
  89328.             "RIT": "ws206752",
  89329.             "Type": "WS",
  89330.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1956/index.html",
  89331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89332.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1956",
  89333.             "Category": "HUM",
  89334.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Juan Ramon Jimenez, the winner of the literature prize in 1956.",
  89335.             "Year": 0
  89336.         },
  89337.         {
  89338.             "RIT": "ws206753",
  89339.             "Type": "WS",
  89340.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1966/index.html",
  89341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89342.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1966",
  89343.             "Category": "HUM",
  89344.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Shmuel Yosef Agnon and Nelly Sachs, the winners of the literature prize in 1966.",
  89345.             "Year": 0
  89346.         },
  89347.         {
  89348.             "RIT": "ws206754",
  89349.             "Type": "WS",
  89350.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1948/index.html",
  89351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89352.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1948",
  89353.             "Category": "HUM",
  89354.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Thomas Stearns Eliot, the winner of the literature prize in 1948.",
  89355.             "Year": 0
  89356.         },
  89357.         {
  89358.             "RIT": "ws206755",
  89359.             "Type": "WS",
  89360.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1958/index.html",
  89361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89362.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1958",
  89363.             "Category": "HUM",
  89364.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, the winner of the literature prize in 1958.",
  89365.             "Year": 0
  89366.         },
  89367.         {
  89368.             "RIT": "ws206756",
  89369.             "Type": "WS",
  89370.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1968/index.html",
  89371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89372.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1968",
  89373.             "Category": "HUM",
  89374.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Yasunari Kawabata, the winner of the literature prize in 1968.",
  89375.             "Year": 0
  89376.         },
  89377.         {
  89378.             "RIT": "ws206764",
  89379.             "Type": "WS",
  89380.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1905/index.html",
  89381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89382.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1905",
  89383.             "Category": "LIF",
  89384.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Robert Koch, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1905.",
  89385.             "Year": 0
  89386.         },
  89387.         {
  89388.             "RIT": "ws206765",
  89389.             "Type": "WS",
  89390.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1907/index.html",
  89391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89392.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1907",
  89393.             "Category": "LIF",
  89394.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1907.",
  89395.             "Year": 0
  89396.         },
  89397.         {
  89398.             "RIT": "ws206766",
  89399.             "Type": "WS",
  89400.             "URL": "http://www.puritansermons.com/poetry/anneindx.htm",
  89401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89402.             "Title": "Puritan and Reformed Writings: Index to the Poetry of Anne Bradstreet",
  89403.             "Category": "HUM",
  89404.             "Description": "Includes biographical information about Bradstreet and selections of her work.",
  89405.             "Year": 0
  89406.         },
  89407.         {
  89408.             "RIT": "ws206767",
  89409.             "Type": "WS",
  89410.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1909/index.html",
  89411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89412.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1909",
  89413.             "Category": "LIF",
  89414.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Emil Theodor Kocher, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1909.",
  89415.             "Year": 0
  89416.         },
  89417.         {
  89418.             "RIT": "ws206768",
  89419.             "Type": "WS",
  89420.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1919/index.html",
  89421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89422.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1919",
  89423.             "Category": "LIF",
  89424.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Jules Bordet, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1919.",
  89425.             "Year": 0
  89426.         },
  89427.         {
  89428.             "RIT": "ws206769",
  89429.             "Type": "WS",
  89430.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1981/index.html",
  89431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89432.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1981",
  89433.             "Category": "HUM",
  89434.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Elias Canetti, the winner of the literature prize in 1981.",
  89435.             "Year": 0
  89436.         },
  89437.         {
  89438.             "RIT": "ws206770",
  89439.             "Type": "WS",
  89440.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1991/index.html",
  89441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89442.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1991",
  89443.             "Category": "HUM",
  89444.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Nadine Gordimer, the winner of the literature prize in 1991.",
  89445.             "Year": 0
  89446.         },
  89447.         {
  89448.             "RIT": "ws206779",
  89449.             "Type": "WS",
  89450.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1979/index.html",
  89451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89452.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1979",
  89453.             "Category": "HUM",
  89454.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Elytis Odysseus, the winner of the literature prize in 1979.",
  89455.             "Year": 0
  89456.         },
  89457.         {
  89458.             "RIT": "ws206780",
  89459.             "Type": "WS",
  89460.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1989/index.html",
  89461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89462.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1989",
  89463.             "Category": "HUM",
  89464.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Camilo Jose Cela, the winner of the literature prize in 1989.",
  89465.             "Year": 0
  89466.         },
  89467.         {
  89468.             "RIT": "ws206781",
  89469.             "Type": "WS",
  89470.             "URL": "http://www.xrefer.com/entry/172275/",
  89471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89472.             "Title": "Bradstreet, Anne",
  89473.             "Category": "HUM",
  89474.             "Description": "Biographical information from the Penguin Biographical Dictionary of Women.",
  89475.             "Year": 0
  89476.         },
  89477.         {
  89478.             "RIT": "ws206782",
  89479.             "Type": "WS",
  89480.             "URL": "http://www.library.utoronto.ca/utel/rp/authors/abrad.html",
  89481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89482.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of Anne Bradstreet",
  89483.             "Category": "HUM",
  89484.             "Description": "A selection of Bradstreet's work collected by the Department of English at the University of Toronto.",
  89485.             "Year": 0
  89486.         },
  89487.         {
  89488.             "RIT": "ws206783",
  89489.             "Type": "WS",
  89490.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1910/index.html",
  89491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89492.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1910",
  89493.             "Category": "LIF",
  89494.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Albrecht Kossel, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1910.",
  89495.             "Year": 0
  89496.         },
  89497.         {
  89498.             "RIT": "ws206784",
  89499.             "Type": "WS",
  89500.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1920/index.html",
  89501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89502.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1920",
  89503.             "Category": "LIF",
  89504.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Schack August Steenberg Krogh, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1920.",
  89505.             "Year": 0
  89506.         },
  89507.         {
  89508.             "RIT": "ws206785",
  89509.             "Type": "WS",
  89510.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1902/index.html",
  89511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89512.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1902",
  89513.             "Category": "LIF",
  89514.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sir Ronald Ross, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1902.",
  89515.             "Year": 0
  89516.         },
  89517.         {
  89518.             "RIT": "ws206786",
  89519.             "Type": "WS",
  89520.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1912/index.html",
  89521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89522.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1912",
  89523.             "Category": "LIF",
  89524.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Alexis Carrel, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1912.",
  89525.             "Year": 0
  89526.         },
  89527.         {
  89528.             "RIT": "ws206711",
  89529.             "Type": "WS",
  89530.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1933/index.html",
  89531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89532.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1933",
  89533.             "Category": "HUM",
  89534.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Ivan Alekseyevich Bunin, the winner of the literature prize in 1933.",
  89535.             "Year": 0
  89536.         },
  89537.         {
  89538.             "RIT": "ws206712",
  89539.             "Type": "WS",
  89540.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1925/index.html",
  89541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89542.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1925",
  89543.             "Category": "HUM",
  89544.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of George Bernard Shaw, the winner of the literature prize in 1925.",
  89545.             "Year": 0
  89546.         },
  89547.         {
  89548.             "RIT": "ws206713",
  89549.             "Type": "WS",
  89550.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1971/index.html",
  89551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89552.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1971",
  89553.             "Category": "HUM",
  89554.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Pablo Neruda, the winner of the literature prize in 1971.",
  89555.             "Year": 0
  89556.         },
  89557.         {
  89558.             "RIT": "ws206714",
  89559.             "Type": "WS",
  89560.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1953/index.html",
  89561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89562.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1953",
  89563.             "Category": "HIS",
  89564.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, the winner of the literature prize in 1953.",
  89565.             "Year": 0
  89566.         },
  89567.         {
  89568.             "RIT": "ws206715",
  89569.             "Type": "WS",
  89570.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1963/index.html",
  89571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89572.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1963",
  89573.             "Category": "HUM",
  89574.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Giorgos Seferis, the winner of the literature prize in 1963.",
  89575.             "Year": 0
  89576.         },
  89577.         {
  89578.             "RIT": "ws206716",
  89579.             "Type": "WS",
  89580.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1927/index.html",
  89581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89582.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1927",
  89583.             "Category": "HUM",
  89584.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Henri Bergson, the winner of the literature prize in 1927.",
  89585.             "Year": 0
  89586.         },
  89587.         {
  89588.             "RIT": "ws206717",
  89589.             "Type": "WS",
  89590.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1973/index.html",
  89591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89592.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1973",
  89593.             "Category": "HUM",
  89594.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Patrick White, the winner of the literature prize in 1973.",
  89595.             "Year": 0
  89596.         },
  89597.         {
  89598.             "RIT": "ws206718",
  89599.             "Type": "WS",
  89600.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1955/index.html",
  89601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89602.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1955",
  89603.             "Category": "HUM",
  89604.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Halldor Kiljan Laxness, the winner of the literature prize in 1955.",
  89605.             "Year": 0
  89606.         },
  89607.         {
  89608.             "RIT": "ws206727",
  89609.             "Type": "WS",
  89610.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1959/index.html",
  89611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89612.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1959",
  89613.             "Category": "HUM",
  89614.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Salvatore Quasimodo, the winner of the literature prize in 1959.",
  89615.             "Year": 0
  89616.         },
  89617.         {
  89618.             "RIT": "ws206728",
  89619.             "Type": "WS",
  89620.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1969/index.html",
  89621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89622.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1969",
  89623.             "Category": "HUM",
  89624.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Samuel Beckett, the winner of the literature prize in 1969.",
  89625.             "Year": 0
  89626.         },
  89627.         {
  89628.             "RIT": "ws206729",
  89629.             "Type": "WS",
  89630.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1962/",
  89631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89632.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1962",
  89633.             "Category": "HUM",
  89634.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of John Steinbeck, the winner of the literature prize in 1962.",
  89635.             "Year": 0
  89636.         },
  89637.         {
  89638.             "RIT": "ws206730",
  89639.             "Type": "WS",
  89640.             "URL": "http://www.munic.state.ct.us/",
  89641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89642.             "Title": "State of Connecticut Municipality",
  89643.             "Category": "GEO",
  89644.             "Description": "The Connecticut Municipality Web site provides a list of cities and towns in Connecticut with links the their Web sites.",
  89645.             "Year": 0
  89646.         },
  89647.         {
  89648.             "RIT": "ws206731",
  89649.             "Type": "WS",
  89650.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1995/heaney-poems.html",
  89651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89652.             "Title": "Poems by Seamus Heaney",
  89653.             "Category": "HUM",
  89654.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation presents three poems by Heaney.",
  89655.             "Year": 0
  89656.         },
  89657.         {
  89658.             "RIT": "ws206732",
  89659.             "Type": "WS",
  89660.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1930/index.html",
  89661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89662.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1930",
  89663.             "Category": "HUM",
  89664.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sinclair Lewis, the winner of the literature prize in 1930.",
  89665.             "Year": 0
  89666.         },
  89667.         {
  89668.             "RIT": "ws206733",
  89669.             "Type": "WS",
  89670.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1922/index.html",
  89671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89672.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1922",
  89673.             "Category": "HUM",
  89674.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Jacinto Benavente, the winner of the literature prize in 1922.",
  89675.             "Year": 0
  89676.         },
  89677.         {
  89678.             "RIT": "ws206734",
  89679.             "Type": "WS",
  89680.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1932/index.html",
  89681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89682.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1932",
  89683.             "Category": "HUM",
  89684.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of John Galsworthy, the winner of the literature prize in 1932.",
  89685.             "Year": 0
  89686.         },
  89687.         {
  89688.             "RIT": "ws206743",
  89689.             "Type": "WS",
  89690.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1972/index.html",
  89691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89692.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1972",
  89693.             "Category": "HUM",
  89694.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Heinrich Boll, the winner of the literature prize in 1972.",
  89695.             "Year": 0
  89696.         },
  89697.         {
  89698.             "RIT": "ws206744",
  89699.             "Type": "WS",
  89700.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1961/",
  89701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89702.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1961",
  89703.             "Category": "HUM",
  89704.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Ivo Andric, the winner of the literature prize in 1961.",
  89705.             "Year": 0
  89706.         },
  89707.         {
  89708.             "RIT": "ws206745",
  89709.             "Type": "WS",
  89710.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1936/index.html",
  89711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89712.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1936",
  89713.             "Category": "HUM",
  89714.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Eugene Gladstone O'Neill, the winner of the literature prize in 1936.",
  89715.             "Year": 0
  89716.         },
  89717.         {
  89718.             "RIT": "ws206746",
  89719.             "Type": "WS",
  89720.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1954/index.html",
  89721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89722.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1954",
  89723.             "Category": "HUM",
  89724.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Ernest Miller Hemingway, the winner of the literature prize in 1954.",
  89725.             "Year": 0
  89726.         },
  89727.         {
  89728.             "RIT": "ws206747",
  89729.             "Type": "WS",
  89730.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1964/index.html",
  89731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89732.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1964",
  89733.             "Category": "HUM",
  89734.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Jean-Paul Sartre, the winner of the literature prize in 1964. (He refused to accept the prize.)",
  89735.             "Year": 0
  89736.         },
  89737.         {
  89738.             "RIT": "ws206748",
  89739.             "Type": "WS",
  89740.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1928/index.html",
  89741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89742.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1928",
  89743.             "Category": "HUM",
  89744.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sigrid Undset, the winner of the literature prize in 1928.",
  89745.             "Year": 0
  89746.         },
  89747.         {
  89748.             "RIT": "ws206749",
  89749.             "Type": "WS",
  89750.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1946/index.html",
  89751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89752.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1946",
  89753.             "Category": "HUM",
  89754.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Hermann Hesse, the winner of the literature prize in 1946.",
  89755.             "Year": 0
  89756.         },
  89757.         {
  89758.             "RIT": "ws206757",
  89759.             "Type": "WS",
  89760.             "URL": "http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Babbage.html",
  89761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89762.             "Title": "Charles Babbage",
  89763.             "Category": "PHY",
  89764.             "Description": "A detailed summary of Babbage's life and scholarship, hosted by The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, a project sponsored by the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland.",
  89765.             "Year": 0
  89766.         },
  89767.         {
  89768.             "RIT": "ws206758",
  89769.             "Type": "WS",
  89770.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/97jul/zero.htm",
  89771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89772.             "Title": "Zero",
  89773.             "Category": "PHY",
  89774.             "Description": "An essay on the role of the number zero in calendars, science, and everyday life from The Atlantic Monthly, a magazine published in New York City.",
  89775.             "Year": 0
  89776.         },
  89777.         {
  89778.             "RIT": "ws206759",
  89779.             "Type": "WS",
  89780.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1901/index.html",
  89781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89782.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1901",
  89783.             "Category": "LIF",
  89784.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Emil Adolf von Behring, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1901.",
  89785.             "Year": 0
  89786.         },
  89787.         {
  89788.             "RIT": "ws206760",
  89789.             "Type": "WS",
  89790.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1911/index.html",
  89791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89792.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1911",
  89793.             "Category": "LIF",
  89794.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Allvar Gullstrand, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1911.",
  89795.             "Year": 0
  89796.         },
  89797.         {
  89798.             "RIT": "ws206761",
  89799.             "Type": "WS",
  89800.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1903/index.html",
  89801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89802.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1903",
  89803.             "Category": "LIF",
  89804.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Niels Ryberg Finsen, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1903.",
  89805.             "Year": 0
  89806.         },
  89807.         {
  89808.             "RIT": "ws206762",
  89809.             "Type": "WS",
  89810.             "URL": "http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/hopper.htm",
  89811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89812.             "Title": "Grace Murray Hopper",
  89813.             "Category": "PHY",
  89814.             "Description": "A biography of Grace Hopper from the Biographies of Women Mathematicians pages sponsored by the mathematics department at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, Georgia.",
  89815.             "Year": 0
  89816.         },
  89817.         {
  89818.             "RIT": "ws206763",
  89819.             "Type": "WS",
  89820.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1913/index.html",
  89821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89822.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1913",
  89823.             "Category": "LIF",
  89824.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Charles Robert Richet, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1913.",
  89825.             "Year": 0
  89826.         },
  89827.         {
  89828.             "RIT": "ws206771",
  89829.             "Type": "WS",
  89830.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1983/index.html",
  89831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89832.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1983",
  89833.             "Category": "HUM",
  89834.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sir William Golding, the winner of the literature prize in 1983.",
  89835.             "Year": 0
  89836.         },
  89837.         {
  89838.             "RIT": "ws206772",
  89839.             "Type": "WS",
  89840.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1993/index.html",
  89841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89842.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1993",
  89843.             "Category": "HUM",
  89844.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Toni Morrison, the winner of the literature prize in 1993.",
  89845.             "Year": 0
  89846.         },
  89847.         {
  89848.             "RIT": "ws206773",
  89849.             "Type": "WS",
  89850.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1975/index.html",
  89851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89852.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1975",
  89853.             "Category": "HUM",
  89854.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Eugenio Montale, the winner of the literature prize in 1975.",
  89855.             "Year": 0
  89856.         },
  89857.         {
  89858.             "RIT": "ws206774",
  89859.             "Type": "WS",
  89860.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1985/index.html",
  89861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89862.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1985",
  89863.             "Category": "HUM",
  89864.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Claude Simon, the winner of the literature prize in 1985.",
  89865.             "Year": 0
  89866.         },
  89867.         {
  89868.             "RIT": "ws206775",
  89869.             "Type": "WS",
  89870.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1995/index.html",
  89871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89872.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1995",
  89873.             "Category": "HUM",
  89874.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Seamus Heaney, the winner of the literature prize in 1995.",
  89875.             "Year": 0
  89876.         },
  89877.         {
  89878.             "RIT": "ws206776",
  89879.             "Type": "WS",
  89880.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1977/index.html",
  89881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89882.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1977",
  89883.             "Category": "HUM",
  89884.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Vicente Aleixandre, the winner of the literature prize in 1977.",
  89885.             "Year": 0
  89886.         },
  89887.         {
  89888.             "RIT": "ws206777",
  89889.             "Type": "WS",
  89890.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1987/index.html",
  89891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89892.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1987",
  89893.             "Category": "HUM",
  89894.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Joseph Brodsky, the winner of the literature prize in 1987.",
  89895.             "Year": 0
  89896.         },
  89897.         {
  89898.             "RIT": "ws206778",
  89899.             "Type": "WS",
  89900.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1997/index.html",
  89901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89902.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1997",
  89903.             "Category": "HUM",
  89904.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Dario Fo, the winner of the literature prize in 1997.",
  89905.             "Year": 0
  89906.         },
  89907.         {
  89908.             "RIT": "ws206787",
  89909.             "Type": "WS",
  89910.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1904/index.html",
  89911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89912.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1904",
  89913.             "Category": "LIF",
  89914.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1904.",
  89915.             "Year": 0
  89916.         },
  89917.         {
  89918.             "RIT": "ws206788",
  89919.             "Type": "WS",
  89920.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1914/index.html",
  89921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89922.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1914",
  89923.             "Category": "LIF",
  89924.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Robert Barany, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1914.",
  89925.             "Year": 0
  89926.         },
  89927.         {
  89928.             "RIT": "ws206789",
  89929.             "Type": "WS",
  89930.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1906/index.html",
  89931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89932.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1906",
  89933.             "Category": "LIF",
  89934.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramon y Cajal, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1906.",
  89935.             "Year": 0
  89936.         },
  89937.         {
  89938.             "RIT": "ws206790",
  89939.             "Type": "WS",
  89940.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1908/index.html",
  89941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89942.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1908",
  89943.             "Category": "LIF",
  89944.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Elie Metchnikoff and Paul Ehrlich, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1908.",
  89945.             "Year": 0
  89946.         },
  89947.         {
  89948.             "RIT": "ws206791",
  89949.             "Type": "WS",
  89950.             "URL": "http://www.pilgrimhall.org/bradfordwilliam.htm",
  89951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89952.             "Title": "Pilgrim Hall Museum: William Bradford",
  89953.             "Category": "HUM",
  89954.             "Description": "Contains biographical information about Bradford and excerpts from his works.",
  89955.             "Year": 0
  89956.         },
  89957.         {
  89958.             "RIT": "ws206792",
  89959.             "Type": "WS",
  89960.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1980/index.html",
  89961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89962.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1980",
  89963.             "Category": "HUM",
  89964.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Czeslaw Milosz, the winner of the literature prize in 1980.",
  89965.             "Year": 0
  89966.         },
  89967.         {
  89968.             "RIT": "ws206793",
  89969.             "Type": "WS",
  89970.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1990/index.html",
  89971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89972.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1990",
  89973.             "Category": "HUM",
  89974.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Octavio Paz, the winner of the literature prize in 1990.",
  89975.             "Year": 0
  89976.         },
  89977.         {
  89978.             "RIT": "ws206802",
  89979.             "Type": "WS",
  89980.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1986/index.html",
  89981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89982.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1986",
  89983.             "Category": "HUM",
  89984.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Wole Soyinka, the winner of the literature prize in 1986.",
  89985.             "Year": 0
  89986.         },
  89987.         {
  89988.             "RIT": "ws206803",
  89989.             "Type": "WS",
  89990.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1978/index.html",
  89991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  89992.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1978",
  89993.             "Category": "HUM",
  89994.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Isaac Bashevis Singer, the winner of the literature prize in 1978.",
  89995.             "Year": 0
  89996.         },
  89997.         {
  89998.             "RIT": "ws206804",
  89999.             "Type": "WS",
  90000.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1996/index.html",
  90001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90002.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1996",
  90003.             "Category": "HUM",
  90004.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Wislawa Szymborska, the winner of the literature prize in 1996.",
  90005.             "Year": 0
  90006.         },
  90007.         {
  90008.             "RIT": "ws206805",
  90009.             "Type": "WS",
  90010.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1988/index.html",
  90011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90012.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1988",
  90013.             "Category": "HUM",
  90014.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Naguib Mahfouz, the winner of the literature prize in 1988.",
  90015.             "Year": 0
  90016.         },
  90017.         {
  90018.             "RIT": "ws206806",
  90019.             "Type": "WS",
  90020.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1998/index.html",
  90021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90022.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1998",
  90023.             "Category": "HUM",
  90024.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Jose Saramago, the winner of the literature prize in 1998.",
  90025.             "Year": 0
  90026.         },
  90027.         {
  90028.             "RIT": "ws206807",
  90029.             "Type": "WS",
  90030.             "URL": "http://www.thebigzoo.com/Animals/Kori_Bustard.asp",
  90031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90032.             "Title": "Kori Bustard (Ardeotis kori)",
  90033.             "Category": "LIF",
  90034.             "Description": "Information about the Kori bustard from thebigzoo.com.",
  90035.             "Year": 0
  90036.         },
  90037.         {
  90038.             "RIT": "ws206808",
  90039.             "Type": "WS",
  90040.             "URL": "http://www.whoopingcrane.org/",
  90041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90042.             "Title": "Platte River Whooping Crane Maintenance Trust, Inc.",
  90043.             "Category": "LIF",
  90044.             "Description": "Website of crane conservation organization, containing information about whooping and sandhill cranes.",
  90045.             "Year": 0
  90046.         },
  90047.         {
  90048.             "RIT": "ws206809",
  90049.             "Type": "WS",
  90050.             "URL": "http://www.xrefer.com/entry/551878/",
  90051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90052.             "Title": "Edwards, Jonathan",
  90053.             "Category": "HUM",
  90054.             "Description": "Biographical information from The Oxford Companion to Philosophy.",
  90055.             "Year": 0
  90056.         },
  90057.         {
  90058.             "RIT": "ws206817",
  90059.             "Type": "WS",
  90060.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1935/index.html",
  90061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90062.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1935",
  90063.             "Category": "LIF",
  90064.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Hans Spemann, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1935.",
  90065.             "Year": 0
  90066.         },
  90067.         {
  90068.             "RIT": "ws206818",
  90069.             "Type": "WS",
  90070.             "URL": "http://library.thinkquest.org/22254/mainframe.htm?tqskip=1",
  90071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90072.             "Title": "Benjamin Franklin: An Enlightened American",
  90073.             "Category": "HUM",
  90074.             "Description": "Covers many aspects of Franklin's life and work.",
  90075.             "Year": 0
  90076.         },
  90077.         {
  90078.             "RIT": "ws206819",
  90079.             "Type": "WS",
  90080.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1945/index.html",
  90081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90082.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1945",
  90083.             "Category": "LIF",
  90084.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir Alexander Fleming, Sir Ernst Boris Chain, and Lord Howard Walter Florey, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1945.",
  90085.             "Year": 0
  90086.         },
  90087.         {
  90088.             "RIT": "ws206820",
  90089.             "Type": "WS",
  90090.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1927/index.html",
  90091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90092.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1927",
  90093.             "Category": "LIF",
  90094.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Julius Wagner-Jauregg, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1927.",
  90095.             "Year": 0
  90096.         },
  90097.         {
  90098.             "RIT": "ws206821",
  90099.             "Type": "WS",
  90100.             "URL": "http://www.montereybay.com/creagrus/apostlebirds.html",
  90101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90102.             "Title": "Apostlebirds family",
  90103.             "Category": "LIF",
  90104.             "Description": "Commercial Website with information on apostlebirds.",
  90105.             "Year": 0
  90106.         },
  90107.         {
  90108.             "RIT": "ws206822",
  90109.             "Type": "WS",
  90110.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1937/index.html",
  90111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90112.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1937",
  90113.             "Category": "LIF",
  90114.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1937.",
  90115.             "Year": 0
  90116.         },
  90117.         {
  90118.             "RIT": "ws206823",
  90119.             "Type": "WS",
  90120.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1947/index.html",
  90121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90122.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1947",
  90123.             "Category": "LIF",
  90124.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Carl Ferdinand Cori, Gerty Theresa Cori, and Bernardo Alberto Houssay, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1947.",
  90125.             "Year": 0
  90126.         },
  90127.         {
  90128.             "RIT": "ws206794",
  90129.             "Type": "WS",
  90130.             "URL": "http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Zero.html",
  90131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90132.             "Title": "A history of Zero",
  90133.             "Category": "PHY",
  90134.             "Description": "The history of zero according to The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, a project sponsored by the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland.",
  90135.             "Year": 0
  90136.         },
  90137.         {
  90138.             "RIT": "ws206795",
  90139.             "Type": "WS",
  90140.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1982/index.html",
  90141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90142.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1982",
  90143.             "Category": "HUM",
  90144.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the winner of the literature prize in 1982.",
  90145.             "Year": 0
  90146.         },
  90147.         {
  90148.             "RIT": "ws206796",
  90149.             "Type": "WS",
  90150.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1992/index.html",
  90151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90152.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1992",
  90153.             "Category": "HUM",
  90154.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Derek Walcott, the winner of the literature prize in 1992.",
  90155.             "Year": 0
  90156.         },
  90157.         {
  90158.             "RIT": "ws206797",
  90159.             "Type": "WS",
  90160.             "URL": "http://www.americanwriters.org/writers/bradford.asp",
  90161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90162.             "Title": "American Writers: William Bradford",
  90163.             "Category": "HUM",
  90164.             "Description": "Contains biographical information about Bradford.",
  90165.             "Year": 0
  90166.         },
  90167.         {
  90168.             "RIT": "ws206798",
  90169.             "Type": "WS",
  90170.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1984/index.html",
  90171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90172.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1984",
  90173.             "Category": "HUM",
  90174.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Jaroslav Seifert, the winner of the literature prize in 1984.",
  90175.             "Year": 0
  90176.         },
  90177.         {
  90178.             "RIT": "ws206799",
  90179.             "Type": "WS",
  90180.             "URL": "http://www.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp/ishikawa/amlit/b/bradstreet1718.htm",
  90181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90182.             "Title": "American Literature on the Web: Anne Bradstreet",
  90183.             "Category": "HUM",
  90184.             "Description": "Includes biographical information about Bradstreet as well as links to her works and criticism of them.",
  90185.             "Year": 0
  90186.         },
  90187.         {
  90188.             "RIT": "ws206800",
  90189.             "Type": "WS",
  90190.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1976/index.html",
  90191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90192.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1976",
  90193.             "Category": "HUM",
  90194.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Saul Bellow, the winner of the literature prize in 1976.",
  90195.             "Year": 0
  90196.         },
  90197.         {
  90198.             "RIT": "ws206801",
  90199.             "Type": "WS",
  90200.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1994/index.html",
  90201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90202.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Literature 1994",
  90203.             "Category": "HUM",
  90204.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Kenzaburo Oe, the winner of the literature prize in 1994.",
  90205.             "Year": 0
  90206.         },
  90207.         {
  90208.             "RIT": "ws206810",
  90209.             "Type": "WS",
  90210.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1931/index.html",
  90211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90212.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1931",
  90213.             "Category": "LIF",
  90214.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Otto Heinrich Warburg, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1931.",
  90215.             "Year": 0
  90216.         },
  90217.         {
  90218.             "RIT": "ws206811",
  90219.             "Type": "WS",
  90220.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1923/index.html",
  90221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90222.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1923",
  90223.             "Category": "LIF",
  90224.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir Frederick Grant Banting and John James Richard Macleod, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1923.",
  90225.             "Year": 0
  90226.         },
  90227.         {
  90228.             "RIT": "ws206812",
  90229.             "Type": "WS",
  90230.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1933/index.html",
  90231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90232.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1933",
  90233.             "Category": "LIF",
  90234.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Thomas Hunt Morgan, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1933.",
  90235.             "Year": 0
  90236.         },
  90237.         {
  90238.             "RIT": "ws206813",
  90239.             "Type": "WS",
  90240.             "URL": "http://www.earlyamerica.com/lives/franklin/",
  90241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90242.             "Title": "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin",
  90243.             "Category": "HUM",
  90244.             "Description": "Contains the publication history and full text of one of Franklin's most famous works.",
  90245.             "Year": 0
  90246.         },
  90247.         {
  90248.             "RIT": "ws206814",
  90249.             "Type": "WS",
  90250.             "URL": "http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/hypatia.htm",
  90251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90252.             "Title": "Hypatia",
  90253.             "Category": "PHY",
  90254.             "Description": "A biography of Hypatia from the Biographies of Women Mathematicians pages sponsored by the mathematics department at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, Georgia.",
  90255.             "Year": 0
  90256.         },
  90257.         {
  90258.             "RIT": "ws206815",
  90259.             "Type": "WS",
  90260.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/Idtips/h3840id.html",
  90261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90262.             "Title": "Groove-billed ani",
  90263.             "Category": "LIF",
  90264.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the groove-billed ani",
  90265.             "Year": 0
  90266.         },
  90267.         {
  90268.             "RIT": "ws206816",
  90269.             "Type": "WS",
  90270.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1943/index.html",
  90271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90272.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1943",
  90273.             "Category": "LIF",
  90274.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Henrik Carl Peter Dam and Edward Adelbert Doisy, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1943.",
  90275.             "Year": 0
  90276.         },
  90277.         {
  90278.             "RIT": "ws206824",
  90279.             "Type": "WS",
  90280.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1929/index.html",
  90281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90282.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1929",
  90283.             "Category": "LIF",
  90284.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Christiaan Eijkman and Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1929.",
  90285.             "Year": 0
  90286.         },
  90287.         {
  90288.             "RIT": "ws206825",
  90289.             "Type": "WS",
  90290.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1939/index.html",
  90291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90292.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1939",
  90293.             "Category": "LIF",
  90294.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Gerhard Domagk, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1939.",
  90295.             "Year": 0
  90296.         },
  90297.         {
  90298.             "RIT": "ws206826",
  90299.             "Type": "WS",
  90300.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1949/index.html",
  90301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90302.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1949",
  90303.             "Category": "LIF",
  90304.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Walter Rudolf Hess and Egas Moniz, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1949.",
  90305.             "Year": 0
  90306.         },
  90307.         {
  90308.             "RIT": "ws206827",
  90309.             "Type": "WS",
  90310.             "URL": "http://www.english.udel.edu/lemay/franklin/",
  90311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90312.             "Title": "Ben Franklin: A Documentary History",
  90313.             "Category": "HUM",
  90314.             "Description": "Explores the various facets of Franklin's life.",
  90315.             "Year": 0
  90316.         },
  90317.         {
  90318.             "RIT": "ws206828",
  90319.             "Type": "WS",
  90320.             "URL": "http://MathCentral.uregina.ca/RR/glossary/middle/",
  90321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90322.             "Title": "Mathematics Glossary - Middle Years",
  90323.             "Category": "PHY",
  90324.             "Description": "A glossary of mathematics terms from the Saskatchewan Math Teachers' Society, headquartered in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.",
  90325.             "Year": 0
  90326.         },
  90327.         {
  90328.             "RIT": "ws206829",
  90329.             "Type": "WS",
  90330.             "URL": "http://www.animalsoftherainforest.com/cockoftherock.htm",
  90331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90332.             "Title": "Cock-Of-The-Rock",
  90333.             "Category": "LIF",
  90334.             "Description": "Commercial Website with facts about the Andean cock-of-the-rock.",
  90335.             "Year": 0
  90336.         },
  90337.         {
  90338.             "RIT": "ws206830",
  90339.             "Type": "WS",
  90340.             "URL": "http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap1/mather.html",
  90341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90342.             "Title": "Perspectives in American Literature: Chapter 1: Early American Literature to 1700--Cotton Mather",
  90343.             "Category": "HUM",
  90344.             "Description": "Includes biographical information about Mather and a listing of his works.",
  90345.             "Year": 0
  90346.         },
  90347.         {
  90348.             "RIT": "ws206831",
  90349.             "Type": "WS",
  90350.             "URL": "http://mississippisandhillcrane.fws.gov/mscranes/mscrane.htm",
  90351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90352.             "Title": "Mississippi Sandhill Cranes",
  90353.             "Category": "LIF",
  90354.             "Description": "The Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge presents information about sandhill cranes.",
  90355.             "Year": 0
  90356.         },
  90357.         {
  90358.             "RIT": "ws206841",
  90359.             "Type": "WS",
  90360.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1932/index.html",
  90361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90362.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1932",
  90363.             "Category": "LIF",
  90364.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir Charles Scott Sherrington and Lord Edgar Douglas Adrian, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1932.",
  90365.             "Year": 0
  90366.         },
  90367.         {
  90368.             "RIT": "ws206842",
  90369.             "Type": "WS",
  90370.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1924/index.html",
  90371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90372.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1924",
  90373.             "Category": "LIF",
  90374.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Willem Einthoven, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1924.",
  90375.             "Year": 0
  90376.         },
  90377.         {
  90378.             "RIT": "ws206843",
  90379.             "Type": "WS",
  90380.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1934/index.html",
  90381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90382.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1934",
  90383.             "Category": "LIF",
  90384.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of George Hoyt Whipple, George Richards Minot, and William Parry Murphy, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1934.",
  90385.             "Year": 0
  90386.         },
  90387.         {
  90388.             "RIT": "ws206844",
  90389.             "Type": "WS",
  90390.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1944/index.html",
  90391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90392.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1944",
  90393.             "Category": "LIF",
  90394.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Joseph Erlanger and Herbert Spencer Gasser, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1944.",
  90395.             "Year": 0
  90396.         },
  90397.         {
  90398.             "RIT": "ws206845",
  90399.             "Type": "WS",
  90400.             "URL": "http://www.ushistory.org/franklin/",
  90401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90402.             "Title": "The Electric Ben Franklin",
  90403.             "Category": "HUM",
  90404.             "Description": "Includes biographical information about Franklin as well as quotations from his works and virtual tours of Franklin-related sites",
  90405.             "Year": 0
  90406.         },
  90407.         {
  90408.             "RIT": "ws206846",
  90409.             "Type": "WS",
  90410.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1926/index.html",
  90411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90412.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1926",
  90413.             "Category": "LIF",
  90414.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1926.",
  90415.             "Year": 0
  90416.         },
  90417.         {
  90418.             "RIT": "ws206855",
  90419.             "Type": "WS",
  90420.             "URL": "http://mondrian.princeton.edu/CampusWWW/Companion/edwards_jonathan.html",
  90421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90422.             "Title": "Edwards, Jonathan",
  90423.             "Category": "HUM",
  90424.             "Description": "Contains biographical information about Edwards.",
  90425.             "Year": 0
  90426.         },
  90427.         {
  90428.             "RIT": "ws206856",
  90429.             "Type": "WS",
  90430.             "URL": "http://www.georgetown.edu/departments/amer_studies/limit/byrdint.html",
  90431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90432.             "Title": "Introduction to the Life and Writing of William Byrd II",
  90433.             "Category": "HUM",
  90434.             "Description": "Biographical and critical information about Byrd.",
  90435.             "Year": 0
  90436.         },
  90437.         {
  90438.             "RIT": "ws206857",
  90439.             "Type": "WS",
  90440.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/fregatidae.html",
  90441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90442.             "Title": "Fregatidae",
  90443.             "Category": "LIF",
  90444.             "Description": "Cornell University Website with basic facts on the frigatebird family.",
  90445.             "Year": 0
  90446.         },
  90447.         {
  90448.             "RIT": "ws206858",
  90449.             "Type": "WS",
  90450.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/pipridae.html",
  90451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90452.             "Title": "Pipridae",
  90453.             "Category": "LIF",
  90454.             "Description": "Cornell University Website with basic information on manakins.",
  90455.             "Year": 0
  90456.         },
  90457.         {
  90458.             "RIT": "ws206859",
  90459.             "Type": "WS",
  90460.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1951/index.html",
  90461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90462.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1951",
  90463.             "Category": "LIF",
  90464.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Max Theiler, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1951.",
  90465.             "Year": 0
  90466.         },
  90467.         {
  90468.             "RIT": "ws206860",
  90469.             "Type": "WS",
  90470.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1961/index.html",
  90471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90472.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1961",
  90473.             "Category": "LIF",
  90474.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Georg von Bekesy, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1961.",
  90475.             "Year": 0
  90476.         },
  90477.         {
  90478.             "RIT": "ws206861",
  90479.             "Type": "WS",
  90480.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1971/index.html",
  90481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90482.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1971",
  90483.             "Category": "LIF",
  90484.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Earl W. Sutherland, Jr., the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1971.",
  90485.             "Year": 0
  90486.         },
  90487.         {
  90488.             "RIT": "ws206862",
  90489.             "Type": "WS",
  90490.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1953/index.html",
  90491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90492.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1953",
  90493.             "Category": "LIF",
  90494.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speech of Sir Hans Adolf Krebs and Fritz Albert Lipmann, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1953.",
  90495.             "Year": 0
  90496.         },
  90497.         {
  90498.             "RIT": "ws206869",
  90499.             "Type": "WS",
  90500.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1975/index.html",
  90501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90502.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1975",
  90503.             "Category": "LIF",
  90504.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of David Baltimore, Renato Dulbecco, and Howard Martin Temin, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1975.",
  90505.             "Year": 0
  90506.         },
  90507.         {
  90508.             "RIT": "ws206870",
  90509.             "Type": "WS",
  90510.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1957/index.html",
  90511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90512.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1957",
  90513.             "Category": "LIF",
  90514.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Daniel Bovet, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1957.",
  90515.             "Year": 0
  90516.         },
  90517.         {
  90518.             "RIT": "ws206871",
  90519.             "Type": "WS",
  90520.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1967/index.html",
  90521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90522.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1967",
  90523.             "Category": "LIF",
  90524.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Ragnar Granit, Haldan Keffer Hartline, and George Wald, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1967.",
  90525.             "Year": 0
  90526.         },
  90527.         {
  90528.             "RIT": "ws206872",
  90529.             "Type": "WS",
  90530.             "URL": "http://www.birdsofbritain.co.uk/bird-guide/nightjar.htm",
  90531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90532.             "Title": "Caprimulgus europaeus",
  90533.             "Category": "LIF",
  90534.             "Description": "Information on the common goatsucker, from the Birds of Britain online guide to birds.",
  90535.             "Year": 0
  90536.         },
  90537.         {
  90538.             "RIT": "ws206873",
  90539.             "Type": "WS",
  90540.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1977/index.html",
  90541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90542.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1977",
  90543.             "Category": "LIF",
  90544.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Roger Guillemin, Andrew V. Schally, and Rosalyn S. Yalow, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1977.",
  90545.             "Year": 0
  90546.         },
  90547.         {
  90548.             "RIT": "ws206874",
  90549.             "Type": "WS",
  90550.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1959/index.html",
  90551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90552.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1959",
  90553.             "Category": "LIF",
  90554.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Severo Ochoa and Arthur Kornberg, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1959.",
  90555.             "Year": 0
  90556.         },
  90557.         {
  90558.             "RIT": "ws206875",
  90559.             "Type": "WS",
  90560.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1969/index.html",
  90561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90562.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1969",
  90563.             "Category": "LIF",
  90564.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Max Delbruck, Alfred D. Hershey, and Salvador E. Luria, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1969.",
  90565.             "Year": 0
  90566.         },
  90567.         {
  90568.             "RIT": "ws206884",
  90569.             "Type": "WS",
  90570.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1950/index.html",
  90571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90572.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1950",
  90573.             "Category": "LIF",
  90574.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Edward Calvin Kendall, Tadeus Reichstein, and Philip Showalter Hench, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1950.",
  90575.             "Year": 0
  90576.         },
  90577.         {
  90578.             "RIT": "ws206885",
  90579.             "Type": "WS",
  90580.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1960/index.html",
  90581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90582.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1960",
  90583.             "Category": "LIF",
  90584.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet and Sir Peter Brian Medawar, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1960.",
  90585.             "Year": 0
  90586.         },
  90587.         {
  90588.             "RIT": "ws206886",
  90589.             "Type": "WS",
  90590.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1970/index.html",
  90591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90592.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1970",
  90593.             "Category": "LIF",
  90594.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir Bernard Katz, Ulf von Euler, and Julius Axelrod, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1970.",
  90595.             "Year": 0
  90596.         },
  90597.         {
  90598.             "RIT": "ws206887",
  90599.             "Type": "WS",
  90600.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1952/index.html",
  90601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90602.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1952",
  90603.             "Category": "LIF",
  90604.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Selman Abraham Waksman, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1952.",
  90605.             "Year": 0
  90606.         },
  90607.         {
  90608.             "RIT": "ws206888",
  90609.             "Type": "WS",
  90610.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/Infocenter/i1280id.html",
  90611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90612.             "Title": "Magnificent frigatebird",
  90613.             "Category": "LIF",
  90614.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the magnificent frigatebird.",
  90615.             "Year": 0
  90616.         },
  90617.         {
  90618.             "RIT": "ws206889",
  90619.             "Type": "WS",
  90620.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1962/index.html",
  90621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90622.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1962",
  90623.             "Category": "LIF",
  90624.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Francis Harry Compton Crick, James Dewey Watson, and Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1962.",
  90625.             "Year": 0
  90626.         },
  90627.         {
  90628.             "RIT": "ws206896",
  90629.             "Type": "WS",
  90630.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1966/index.html",
  90631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90632.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1966",
  90633.             "Category": "LIF",
  90634.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Peyton Rous and Charles Brenton Huggins, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1966.",
  90635.             "Year": 0
  90636.         },
  90637.         {
  90638.             "RIT": "ws206897",
  90639.             "Type": "WS",
  90640.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1976/index.html",
  90641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90642.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1976",
  90643.             "Category": "LIF",
  90644.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Baruch S. Blumberg and D. Carleton Gajdusek, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1976.",
  90645.             "Year": 0
  90646.         },
  90647.         {
  90648.             "RIT": "ws206898",
  90649.             "Type": "WS",
  90650.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1958/index.html",
  90651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90652.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1958",
  90653.             "Category": "LIF",
  90654.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of George Wells Beadle, Edward Lawrie Tatum, and Joshua Lederberg, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1958.",
  90655.             "Year": 0
  90656.         },
  90657.         {
  90658.             "RIT": "ws206899",
  90659.             "Type": "WS",
  90660.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1968/index.html",
  90661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90662.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1968",
  90663.             "Category": "LIF",
  90664.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Robert W. Holley, Har Gobind Khorana, and Marshall W. Nirenberg, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1968.",
  90665.             "Year": 0
  90666.         },
  90667.         {
  90668.             "RIT": "ws206900",
  90669.             "Type": "WS",
  90670.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1978/index.html",
  90671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90672.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1978",
  90673.             "Category": "LIF",
  90674.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Werner Arber, Daniel Nathans, and Hamilton O. Smith, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1978.",
  90675.             "Year": 0
  90676.         },
  90677.         {
  90678.             "RIT": "ws206901",
  90679.             "Type": "WS",
  90680.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i4430id.html",
  90681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90682.             "Title": "Scissor-tailed flycatcher",
  90683.             "Category": "LIF",
  90684.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the scissor-tailed flycatcher.",
  90685.             "Year": 0
  90686.         },
  90687.         {
  90688.             "RIT": "ws206902",
  90689.             "Type": "WS",
  90690.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i4440id.html",
  90691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90692.             "Title": "Eastern kingbird",
  90693.             "Category": "LIF",
  90694.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the eastern kingbird.",
  90695.             "Year": 0
  90696.         },
  90697.         {
  90698.             "RIT": "ws206832",
  90699.             "Type": "WS",
  90700.             "URL": "http://ipmwww.ncsu.edu:8080/tserve/eighteen/ekeyinfo/grawaken.htm",
  90701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90702.             "Title": "The First Great Awakening",
  90703.             "Category": "HUM",
  90704.             "Description": "Contains information from the National Humanities Center.",
  90705.             "Year": 0
  90706.         },
  90707.         {
  90708.             "RIT": "ws206833",
  90709.             "Type": "WS",
  90710.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/cuculidae.html",
  90711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90712.             "Title": "Cuculidae",
  90713.             "Category": "LIF",
  90714.             "Description": "Cornell University Website with basic facts on cuckoos and anis",
  90715.             "Year": 0
  90716.         },
  90717.         {
  90718.             "RIT": "ws206834",
  90719.             "Type": "WS",
  90720.             "URL": "http://species.fws.gov/bio_whoo.html",
  90721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90722.             "Title": "Whooping Crane (Endangered Species)",
  90723.             "Category": "LIF",
  90724.             "Description": "Information on the whooping crane, from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.",
  90725.             "Year": 0
  90726.         },
  90727.         {
  90728.             "RIT": "ws206835",
  90729.             "Type": "WS",
  90730.             "URL": "http://web.mit.edu/invent/www/inventorsA-H/franklin.html",
  90731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90732.             "Title": "Invention Dimension: Benjamin Franklin",
  90733.             "Category": "HUM",
  90734.             "Description": "Information on Franklin's life and inventions by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.",
  90735.             "Year": 0
  90736.         },
  90737.         {
  90738.             "RIT": "ws206836",
  90739.             "Type": "WS",
  90740.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/certhiidae.html",
  90741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90742.             "Title": "Certhiidae",
  90743.             "Category": "LIF",
  90744.             "Description": "Cornell University Website with basic facts about creepers.",
  90745.             "Year": 0
  90746.         },
  90747.         {
  90748.             "RIT": "ws206837",
  90749.             "Type": "WS",
  90750.             "URL": "http://www.yale.edu/wje/",
  90751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90752.             "Title": "The Works of Jonathan Edwards",
  90753.             "Category": "HUM",
  90754.             "Description": "A site by the Yale University Divinity School that includes information about Edwards's life and works.",
  90755.             "Year": 0
  90756.         },
  90757.         {
  90758.             "RIT": "ws206838",
  90759.             "Type": "WS",
  90760.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1930/index.html",
  90761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90762.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1930",
  90763.             "Category": "LIF",
  90764.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Karl Landsteiner, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1930.",
  90765.             "Year": 0
  90766.         },
  90767.         {
  90768.             "RIT": "ws206839",
  90769.             "Type": "WS",
  90770.             "URL": "http://grove.ship.edu/ubf/leaders/leaders.htm",
  90771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90772.             "Title": "Spiritual Leaders During Great Awakening",
  90773.             "Category": "HUM",
  90774.             "Description": "Biographies by the faculty of Shippensburg University.",
  90775.             "Year": 0
  90776.         },
  90777.         {
  90778.             "RIT": "ws206840",
  90779.             "Type": "WS",
  90780.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1922/index.html",
  90781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90782.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1922",
  90783.             "Category": "LIF",
  90784.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir Archibald Vivian Hill and Otto Fritz Meyerhof, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1922.",
  90785.             "Year": 0
  90786.         },
  90787.         {
  90788.             "RIT": "ws206847",
  90789.             "Type": "WS",
  90790.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1936/index.html",
  90791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90792.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1936",
  90793.             "Category": "LIF",
  90794.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir Henry Hallett Dale and Otto Loewi, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1936.",
  90795.             "Year": 0
  90796.         },
  90797.         {
  90798.             "RIT": "ws206848",
  90799.             "Type": "WS",
  90800.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1946/index.html",
  90801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90802.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1946",
  90803.             "Category": "LIF",
  90804.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Hermann Joseph Muller, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1946.",
  90805.             "Year": 0
  90806.         },
  90807.         {
  90808.             "RIT": "ws206849",
  90809.             "Type": "WS",
  90810.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1928/index.html",
  90811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90812.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1928",
  90813.             "Category": "LIF",
  90814.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Charles Jules Henri Nicolle, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1928.",
  90815.             "Year": 0
  90816.         },
  90817.         {
  90818.             "RIT": "ws206850",
  90819.             "Type": "WS",
  90820.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1938/index.html",
  90821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90822.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1938",
  90823.             "Category": "LIF",
  90824.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Corneille Jean Francois Heymans, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1938.",
  90825.             "Year": 0
  90826.         },
  90827.         {
  90828.             "RIT": "ws206851",
  90829.             "Type": "WS",
  90830.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1948/index.html",
  90831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90832.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1948",
  90833.             "Category": "LIF",
  90834.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Paul Hermann Muller, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1948.",
  90835.             "Year": 0
  90836.         },
  90837.         {
  90838.             "RIT": "ws206852",
  90839.             "Type": "WS",
  90840.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i2060id.html",
  90841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90842.             "Title": "Sandhill crane",
  90843.             "Category": "LIF",
  90844.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the sandhill crane.",
  90845.             "Year": 0
  90846.         },
  90847.         {
  90848.             "RIT": "ws206853",
  90849.             "Type": "WS",
  90850.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/Idtips/h3830id.html",
  90851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90852.             "Title": "Smooth-billed ani",
  90853.             "Category": "LIF",
  90854.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the smooth-billed ani.",
  90855.             "Year": 0
  90856.         },
  90857.         {
  90858.             "RIT": "ws206854",
  90859.             "Type": "WS",
  90860.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i7260id.html",
  90861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90862.             "Title": "Brown creeper",
  90863.             "Category": "LIF",
  90864.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the brown creeper.",
  90865.             "Year": 0
  90866.         },
  90867.         {
  90868.             "RIT": "ws206863",
  90869.             "Type": "WS",
  90870.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/ceryle/c._alcyon$narrative.html",
  90871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90872.             "Title": "Ceryle alcyon (Belted Kingfisher)",
  90873.             "Category": "LIF",
  90874.             "Description": "Information on the belted kingfisher, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  90875.             "Year": 0
  90876.         },
  90877.         {
  90878.             "RIT": "ws206864",
  90879.             "Type": "WS",
  90880.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1981/index.html",
  90881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90882.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1981",
  90883.             "Category": "LIF",
  90884.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Roger W. Sperry, David H. Hubel, and Torsten N. Wiesel, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1981.",
  90885.             "Year": 0
  90886.         },
  90887.         {
  90888.             "RIT": "ws206865",
  90889.             "Type": "WS",
  90890.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1963/index.html",
  90891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90892.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1963",
  90893.             "Category": "LIF",
  90894.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir John Carew Eccles, Sir Alan Lloyd Hodgkin, and Sir Andrew Fielding Huxley, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1963.",
  90895.             "Year": 0
  90896.         },
  90897.         {
  90898.             "RIT": "ws206866",
  90899.             "Type": "WS",
  90900.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1973/index.html",
  90901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90902.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1973",
  90903.             "Category": "LIF",
  90904.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Karl von Frisch, Konrad Lorenz, and Nikolaas Tinbergen, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1973.",
  90905.             "Year": 0
  90906.         },
  90907.         {
  90908.             "RIT": "ws206867",
  90909.             "Type": "WS",
  90910.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1955/index.html",
  90911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90912.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1955",
  90913.             "Category": "LIF",
  90914.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Axel Hugo Theodor Theorell, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1955.",
  90915.             "Year": 0
  90916.         },
  90917.         {
  90918.             "RIT": "ws206868",
  90919.             "Type": "WS",
  90920.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1965/index.html",
  90921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90922.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1965",
  90923.             "Category": "LIF",
  90924.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Francois Jacob, Andre Lwoff, and Jacques Monod, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1965.",
  90925.             "Year": 0
  90926.         },
  90927.         {
  90928.             "RIT": "ws206876",
  90929.             "Type": "WS",
  90930.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1979/index.html",
  90931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90932.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1979",
  90933.             "Category": "LIF",
  90934.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Allan M. Cormack and Sir Godfrey N. Hounsfield, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1979.",
  90935.             "Year": 0
  90936.         },
  90937.         {
  90938.             "RIT": "ws206877",
  90939.             "Type": "WS",
  90940.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i4520id.html",
  90941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90942.             "Title": "Great crested flycatcher",
  90943.             "Category": "LIF",
  90944.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the great-crested flycatcher.",
  90945.             "Year": 0
  90946.         },
  90947.         {
  90948.             "RIT": "ws206878",
  90949.             "Type": "WS",
  90950.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/passeriformes/tyrannidae.html",
  90951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90952.             "Title": "Tyrannidae",
  90953.             "Category": "LIF",
  90954.             "Description": "The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology presents an index to information on birds of the family Tyrannidae, including flycatchers, phoebes, and kingbirds.",
  90955.             "Year": 0
  90956.         },
  90957.         {
  90958.             "RIT": "ws206879",
  90959.             "Type": "WS",
  90960.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/muscicapidae.html",
  90961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90962.             "Title": "Muscicapidae",
  90963.             "Category": "LIF",
  90964.             "Description": "Cornell University Website with information on non-American flycatchers.",
  90965.             "Year": 0
  90966.         },
  90967.         {
  90968.             "RIT": "ws206880",
  90969.             "Type": "WS",
  90970.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/dacelo/d._novaeguineae$narrative.html",
  90971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90972.             "Title": "Dacelo novaeguineae (Kookaburra)",
  90973.             "Category": "LIF",
  90974.             "Description": "Information on the kookaburra, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  90975.             "Year": 0
  90976.         },
  90977.         {
  90978.             "RIT": "ws206881",
  90979.             "Type": "WS",
  90980.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1920/index.html",
  90981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90982.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1920",
  90983.             "Category": "SOC",
  90984.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Leon Victor Auguste Bourgeois, the winner of the peace prize in 1920.",
  90985.             "Year": 0
  90986.         },
  90987.         {
  90988.             "RIT": "ws206882",
  90989.             "Type": "WS",
  90990.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/cuculiformes/cuculidae.html",
  90991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  90992.             "Title": "Cuculidae Family",
  90993.             "Category": "LIF",
  90994.             "Description": "Index to descriptions of different cuckoo species, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  90995.             "Year": 0
  90996.         },
  90997.         {
  90998.             "RIT": "ws206883",
  90999.             "Type": "WS",
  91000.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/apodiformes/trochilidae.html",
  91001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91002.             "Title": "Trochilidae Family",
  91003.             "Category": "LIF",
  91004.             "Description": "Index to descriptions of different hummingbird species, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  91005.             "Year": 0
  91006.         },
  91007.         {
  91008.             "RIT": "ws206890",
  91009.             "Type": "WS",
  91010.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1972/index.html",
  91011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91012.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1972",
  91013.             "Category": "LIF",
  91014.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Gerald M. Edelman and Rodney R. Porter, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1972.",
  91015.             "Year": 0
  91016.         },
  91017.         {
  91018.             "RIT": "ws206891",
  91019.             "Type": "WS",
  91020.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1954/index.html",
  91021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91022.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1954",
  91023.             "Category": "LIF",
  91024.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speech of John Franklin Enders, Thomas Huckle Weller, and Frederick Chapman Robbins, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1954.",
  91025.             "Year": 0
  91026.         },
  91027.         {
  91028.             "RIT": "ws206892",
  91029.             "Type": "WS",
  91030.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1982/index.html",
  91031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91032.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1982",
  91033.             "Category": "LIF",
  91034.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sune K. Bergstrom, Bengt I. Samuelsson, and Sir John R. Vane, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1982.",
  91035.             "Year": 0
  91036.         },
  91037.         {
  91038.             "RIT": "ws206893",
  91039.             "Type": "WS",
  91040.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1964/index.html",
  91041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91042.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1964",
  91043.             "Category": "LIF",
  91044.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Konrad Bloch and Feodor Lynen, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1964.",
  91045.             "Year": 0
  91046.         },
  91047.         {
  91048.             "RIT": "ws206894",
  91049.             "Type": "WS",
  91050.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1974/index.html",
  91051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91052.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1974",
  91053.             "Category": "LIF",
  91054.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Albert Claude, Christian de Duve, and George E. Palade, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1974.",
  91055.             "Year": 0
  91056.         },
  91057.         {
  91058.             "RIT": "ws206895",
  91059.             "Type": "WS",
  91060.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1956/index.html",
  91061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91062.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1956",
  91063.             "Category": "LIF",
  91064.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speech of Andre Frederic Cournand, Werner Forssmann, and Dickinson W. Richards, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1956.",
  91065.             "Year": 0
  91066.         },
  91067.         {
  91068.             "RIT": "ws206903",
  91069.             "Type": "WS",
  91070.             "URL": "http://www.cws-scf.ec.gc.ca/hww-fap/hww-fap.cfm?ID_species=40&lang=e",
  91071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91072.             "Title": "Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Hinterland Who's Who - Canadian Wildlife Service - Environment Canada",
  91073.             "Category": "LIF",
  91074.             "Description": "Canadian Wildlife Service Website with information on the ruby-throated hummingbird.",
  91075.             "Year": 0
  91076.         },
  91077.         {
  91078.             "RIT": "ws206904",
  91079.             "Type": "WS",
  91080.             "URL": "http://midway.fws.gov/wildlife/grfr.html",
  91081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91082.             "Title": "Great Frigatebird",
  91083.             "Category": "LIF",
  91084.             "Description": "Information about the great frigatebird, from Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge.",
  91085.             "Year": 0
  91086.         },
  91087.         {
  91088.             "RIT": "ws206905",
  91089.             "Type": "WS",
  91090.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i3870id.html",
  91091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91092.             "Title": "Yellow-billed cuckoo",
  91093.             "Category": "LIF",
  91094.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the yellow-billed cuckoo.",
  91095.             "Year": 0
  91096.         },
  91097.         {
  91098.             "RIT": "ws206906",
  91099.             "Type": "WS",
  91100.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i3880id.html",
  91101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91102.             "Title": "Black-billed cuckoo",
  91103.             "Category": "LIF",
  91104.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the black-billed cuckoo.",
  91105.             "Year": 0
  91106.         },
  91107.         {
  91108.             "RIT": "ws206907",
  91109.             "Type": "WS",
  91110.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/pteroclidae.html",
  91111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91112.             "Title": "Pteroclidae",
  91113.             "Category": "LIF",
  91114.             "Description": "Cornell University site with basic facts about sandgrouse.",
  91115.             "Year": 0
  91116.         },
  91117.         {
  91118.             "RIT": "ws206908",
  91119.             "Type": "WS",
  91120.             "URL": "http://www.yankeegardener.com/birds/nighthaw.htm",
  91121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91122.             "Title": "Nighthawk--Chordeiles minor",
  91123.             "Category": "LIF",
  91124.             "Description": "Commercial Web site with information about the nighthawk.",
  91125.             "Year": 0
  91126.         },
  91127.         {
  91128.             "RIT": "ws206909",
  91129.             "Type": "WS",
  91130.             "URL": "http://www.animalsoftherainforest.org/quetzal.htm",
  91131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91132.             "Title": "Quetzal",
  91133.             "Category": "LIF",
  91134.             "Description": "Photos of and facts about the quetzal, from the Animals Of The Rainforest Homepage.",
  91135.             "Year": 0
  91136.         },
  91137.         {
  91138.             "RIT": "ws206910",
  91139.             "Type": "WS",
  91140.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1901/index.html",
  91141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91142.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1901",
  91143.             "Category": "SOC",
  91144.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Jean Henri Dunant and Frederic Passy, the winners of the peace prize in 1901.",
  91145.             "Year": 0
  91146.         },
  91147.         {
  91148.             "RIT": "ws206911",
  91149.             "Type": "WS",
  91150.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1911/index.html",
  91151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91152.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1911",
  91153.             "Category": "SOC",
  91154.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Tobias Michael Carel Asser and Alfred Hermann Fried, the winners of the peace prize in 1911.",
  91155.             "Year": 0
  91156.         },
  91157.         {
  91158.             "RIT": "ws206920",
  91159.             "Type": "WS",
  91160.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1991/index.html",
  91161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91162.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1991",
  91163.             "Category": "LIF",
  91164.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1991.",
  91165.             "Year": 0
  91166.         },
  91167.         {
  91168.             "RIT": "ws206921",
  91169.             "Type": "WS",
  91170.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1983/index.html",
  91171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91172.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1983",
  91173.             "Category": "LIF",
  91174.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Barbara McClintock, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1983.",
  91175.             "Year": 0
  91176.         },
  91177.         {
  91178.             "RIT": "ws206922",
  91179.             "Type": "WS",
  91180.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1993/index.html",
  91181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91182.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1993",
  91183.             "Category": "LIF",
  91184.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Richard J. Roberts and Phillip A. Sharp, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1993.",
  91185.             "Year": 0
  91186.         },
  91187.         {
  91188.             "RIT": "ws206923",
  91189.             "Type": "WS",
  91190.             "URL": "http://www.asawright.org/nature/oilbirds.html",
  91191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91192.             "Title": "Asa Wright: Tropical Nature: Oilbirds",
  91193.             "Category": "LIF",
  91194.             "Description": "Information about the oilbirds at Asa Wright Nature Centre in Trinidad and Tobago.",
  91195.             "Year": 0
  91196.         },
  91197.         {
  91198.             "RIT": "ws206924",
  91199.             "Type": "WS",
  91200.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1985/index.html",
  91201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91202.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1985",
  91203.             "Category": "LIF",
  91204.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Michael S. Brown and Joseph L. Goldstein, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1985.",
  91205.             "Year": 0
  91206.         },
  91207.         {
  91208.             "RIT": "ws206925",
  91209.             "Type": "WS",
  91210.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1995/index.html",
  91211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91212.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1995",
  91213.             "Category": "LIF",
  91214.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Edward B. Lewis, Christiane Nusslein-Volhard, and Eric F. Wieschaus, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1995.",
  91215.             "Year": 0
  91216.         },
  91217.         {
  91218.             "RIT": "ws206926",
  91219.             "Type": "WS",
  91220.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1987/index.html",
  91221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91222.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1987",
  91223.             "Category": "LIF",
  91224.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Susumu Tonegawa, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1987.",
  91225.             "Year": 0
  91226.         },
  91227.         {
  91228.             "RIT": "ws206935",
  91229.             "Type": "WS",
  91230.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1902/index.html",
  91231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91232.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1902",
  91233.             "Category": "SOC",
  91234.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Elie Ducommun and Charles Albert Gobat, the winners of the peace prize in 1902.",
  91235.             "Year": 0
  91236.         },
  91237.         {
  91238.             "RIT": "ws206936",
  91239.             "Type": "WS",
  91240.             "URL": "http://www.ecotourism-adventure.com/quetzal.htm",
  91241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91242.             "Title": "Quetzal Project",
  91243.             "Category": "LIF",
  91244.             "Description": "Official Web site of Proyecto Ecol├│gico Quetzal, a Guatemalan organization dedicated to the preservation and conservation of the cloud forest habitat of the quetzal.",
  91245.             "Year": 0
  91246.         },
  91247.         {
  91248.             "RIT": "ws206937",
  91249.             "Type": "WS",
  91250.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1912/index.html",
  91251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91252.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1912",
  91253.             "Category": "HIS",
  91254.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Elihu Root, the winner of the peace prize in 1912.",
  91255.             "Year": 0
  91256.         },
  91257.         {
  91258.             "RIT": "ws206938",
  91259.             "Type": "WS",
  91260.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1904/index.html",
  91261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91262.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1904",
  91263.             "Category": "SOC",
  91264.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation background information about and speech on the behalf of Institut de Droit International, the winner of the peace prize in 1904.",
  91265.             "Year": 0
  91266.         },
  91267.         {
  91268.             "RIT": "ws206939",
  91269.             "Type": "WS",
  91270.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1909/",
  91271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91272.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1909",
  91273.             "Category": "SOC",
  91274.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Auguste Marie Francois Beernaert and Paul Henri Benjamin Balluet d'Estournelles de Constant de Rebecque, the winners of the peace prize in 1909.",
  91275.             "Year": 0
  91276.         },
  91277.         {
  91278.             "RIT": "ws206940",
  91279.             "Type": "WS",
  91280.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1906/index.html",
  91281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91282.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1906",
  91283.             "Category": "HIS",
  91284.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Theodore Roosevelt, the winner of the peace prize in 1906.",
  91285.             "Year": 0
  91286.         },
  91287.         {
  91288.             "RIT": "ws206941",
  91289.             "Type": "WS",
  91290.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1908/index.html",
  91291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91292.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1908",
  91293.             "Category": "SOC",
  91294.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Klas Pontus Arnoldson and Fredrik Bajer, the winners of the peace prize in 1908.",
  91295.             "Year": 0
  91296.         },
  91297.         {
  91298.             "RIT": "ws206912",
  91299.             "Type": "WS",
  91300.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1903/index.html",
  91301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91302.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1903",
  91303.             "Category": "SOC",
  91304.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sir William Randal Cremer, the winner of the peace prize in 1903.",
  91305.             "Year": 0
  91306.         },
  91307.         {
  91308.             "RIT": "ws206913",
  91309.             "Type": "WS",
  91310.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/rynchopidae.html",
  91311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91312.             "Title": "Rynchopidae",
  91313.             "Category": "LIF",
  91314.             "Description": "Cornell University site with basic information about the skimmer family.",
  91315.             "Year": 0
  91316.         },
  91317.         {
  91318.             "RIT": "ws206914",
  91319.             "Type": "WS",
  91320.             "URL": "http://www.wildtexas.com/wildguides/skimmer.php",
  91321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91322.             "Title": "Black Skimmer (Rynchops niger)",
  91323.             "Category": "LIF",
  91324.             "Description": "Commercial Web site about black skimmers in Texas.",
  91325.             "Year": 0
  91326.         },
  91327.         {
  91328.             "RIT": "ws206915",
  91329.             "Type": "WS",
  91330.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1905/index.html",
  91331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91332.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1905",
  91333.             "Category": "SOC",
  91334.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Baroness Bertha Sophie Felicita Von Suttner, the winner of the peace prize in 1905.",
  91335.             "Year": 0
  91336.         },
  91337.         {
  91338.             "RIT": "ws206916",
  91339.             "Type": "WS",
  91340.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1907/index.html",
  91341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91342.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1907",
  91343.             "Category": "SOC",
  91344.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Ernesto Teodoro Moneta and Louis Renault, the winners of the peace prize in 1907.",
  91345.             "Year": 0
  91346.         },
  91347.         {
  91348.             "RIT": "ws206917",
  91349.             "Type": "WS",
  91350.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1935/index.html",
  91351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91352.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1935",
  91353.             "Category": "SOC",
  91354.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Carl von Ossietzky, the winner of the peace prize in 1935.",
  91355.             "Year": 0
  91356.         },
  91357.         {
  91358.             "RIT": "ws206918",
  91359.             "Type": "WS",
  91360.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1909/index.html",
  91361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91362.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1909",
  91363.             "Category": "SOC",
  91364.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Auguste Marie Francois Beernaert and Paul Henri Benjamin Balluet d'Estournelles de Constant de Rebecque, the winners of the peace prize in 1909.",
  91365.             "Year": 0
  91366.         },
  91367.         {
  91368.             "RIT": "ws206919",
  91369.             "Type": "WS",
  91370.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/coracias/c._benghalensis$media.html#photos",
  91371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91372.             "Title": "Coracias benghalensis (Indian Roller)",
  91373.             "Category": "LIF",
  91374.             "Description": "Photo of Indian roller.",
  91375.             "Year": 0
  91376.         },
  91377.         {
  91378.             "RIT": "ws206927",
  91379.             "Type": "WS",
  91380.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1997/index.html",
  91381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91382.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1997",
  91383.             "Category": "LIF",
  91384.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Stanley B. Prusiner, the winner of the physiology or medicine prize in 1997.",
  91385.             "Year": 0
  91386.         },
  91387.         {
  91388.             "RIT": "ws206928",
  91389.             "Type": "WS",
  91390.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1989/index.html",
  91391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91392.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1989",
  91393.             "Category": "LIF",
  91394.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of J. Michael Bishop and Harold E. Varmus, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1989.",
  91395.             "Year": 0
  91396.         },
  91397.         {
  91398.             "RIT": "ws206929",
  91399.             "Type": "WS",
  91400.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i4560id.html",
  91401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91402.             "Title": "Eastern phoebe",
  91403.             "Category": "LIF",
  91404.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the eastern phoebe.",
  91405.             "Year": 0
  91406.         },
  91407.         {
  91408.             "RIT": "ws206930",
  91409.             "Type": "WS",
  91410.             "URL": "http://www.animalsoftherainforest.com/bcmotmot.htm",
  91411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91412.             "Title": "Blue-crowned Motmot",
  91413.             "Category": "LIF",
  91414.             "Description": "Commercial Website with facts about the blue-crowned motmot.",
  91415.             "Year": 0
  91416.         },
  91417.         {
  91418.             "RIT": "ws206931",
  91419.             "Type": "WS",
  91420.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i6740id.html",
  91421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91422.             "Title": "Ovenbird",
  91423.             "Category": "LIF",
  91424.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the ovenbird.",
  91425.             "Year": 0
  91426.         },
  91427.         {
  91428.             "RIT": "ws206932",
  91429.             "Type": "WS",
  91430.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/steatornithidae.html",
  91431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91432.             "Title": "Steatornithidae",
  91433.             "Category": "LIF",
  91434.             "Description": "Cornell University Web site with information about the oilbird family.",
  91435.             "Year": 0
  91436.         },
  91437.         {
  91438.             "RIT": "ws206933",
  91439.             "Type": "WS",
  91440.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/sayornis/s._phoebe$narrative.html",
  91441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91442.             "Title": "Sayornis phoebe (Eastern Phoebe)",
  91443.             "Category": "LIF",
  91444.             "Description": "Narrative on the eastern phoebe from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  91445.             "Year": 0
  91446.         },
  91447.         {
  91448.             "RIT": "ws206934",
  91449.             "Type": "WS",
  91450.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1910/index.html",
  91451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91452.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1910",
  91453.             "Category": "SOC",
  91454.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation history and presentation speech on the behalf of the International Peace Bureau, the winner of the peace prize in 1910.",
  91455.             "Year": 0
  91456.         },
  91457.         {
  91458.             "RIT": "ws206942",
  91459.             "Type": "WS",
  91460.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1990/index.html",
  91461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91462.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1990",
  91463.             "Category": "LIF",
  91464.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Joseph E. Murray and E. Donnall Thomas, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1990.",
  91465.             "Year": 0
  91466.         },
  91467.         {
  91468.             "RIT": "ws206943",
  91469.             "Type": "WS",
  91470.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i4200id.html",
  91471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91472.             "Title": "Common nighthawk",
  91473.             "Category": "LIF",
  91474.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the common nighthawk.",
  91475.             "Year": 0
  91476.         },
  91477.         {
  91478.             "RIT": "ws206944",
  91479.             "Type": "WS",
  91480.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1992/index.html",
  91481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91482.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1992",
  91483.             "Category": "LIF",
  91484.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Edmond H. Fischer and Edwin G. Krebs, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1992.",
  91485.             "Year": 0
  91486.         },
  91487.         {
  91488.             "RIT": "ws206945",
  91489.             "Type": "WS",
  91490.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i4210id.html",
  91491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91492.             "Title": "Lesser nighthawk",
  91493.             "Category": "LIF",
  91494.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the lesser nighthawk.",
  91495.             "Year": 0
  91496.         },
  91497.         {
  91498.             "RIT": "ws206946",
  91499.             "Type": "WS",
  91500.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i0800id.html",
  91501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91502.             "Title": "Black Skimmer",
  91503.             "Category": "LIF",
  91504.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the black skimmer.",
  91505.             "Year": 0
  91506.         },
  91507.         {
  91508.             "RIT": "ws206947",
  91509.             "Type": "WS",
  91510.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1994/index.html",
  91511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91512.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1994",
  91513.             "Category": "LIF",
  91514.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Alfred G. Gilman and Martin Rodbell, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1994.",
  91515.             "Year": 0
  91516.         },
  91517.         {
  91518.             "RIT": "ws206948",
  91519.             "Type": "WS",
  91520.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1986/index.html",
  91521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91522.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1986",
  91523.             "Category": "LIF",
  91524.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Stanley Cohen and Rita Levi-Montalcini, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1986.",
  91525.             "Year": 0
  91526.         },
  91527.         {
  91528.             "RIT": "ws206949",
  91529.             "Type": "WS",
  91530.             "URL": "http://www.conservationimaging.org/quetz2.html",
  91531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91532.             "Title": "Conservation Imaging",
  91533.             "Category": "LIF",
  91534.             "Description": "Web site discussing the work of Conservation Imaging, Inc., to preserve the quetzal.",
  91535.             "Year": 0
  91536.         },
  91537.         {
  91538.             "RIT": "ws206957",
  91539.             "Type": "WS",
  91540.             "URL": "http://www.brookes.ac.uk/geology/8361/1998/kirsty/trilo.html",
  91541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91542.             "Title": "Oxford Brookes University - Geology - Trilobites, contents and introduction",
  91543.             "Category": "LIF",
  91544.             "Description": "Oxford Brookes University Web site with information about trilobites.",
  91545.             "Year": 0
  91546.         },
  91547.         {
  91548.             "RIT": "ws206958",
  91549.             "Type": "WS",
  91550.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/9902/fngm/",
  91551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91552.             "Title": "National Geographic -- The Sixth Extinction",
  91553.             "Category": "LIF",
  91554.             "Description": "Article from National Geographic Magazine about current extinctions.",
  91555.             "Year": 0
  91556.         },
  91557.         {
  91558.             "RIT": "ws206959",
  91559.             "Type": "WS",
  91560.             "URL": "http://www.munson-florida.com/forest/forest_birds/Whippoorwill.shtml",
  91561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91562.             "Title": "The Whippoorwill (Whip-poor-will) found in the Blackwater River State Forest at Munson, Florida",
  91563.             "Category": "LIF",
  91564.             "Description": "Description of Florida whippoorwills.",
  91565.             "Year": 0
  91566.         },
  91567.         {
  91568.             "RIT": "ws206960",
  91569.             "Type": "WS",
  91570.             "URL": "http://www.nmnh.si.edu/paleo/blast/",
  91571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91572.             "Title": "National Museum of Natural History - Dinosaur Extinction",
  91573.             "Category": "LIF",
  91574.             "Description": "The Smithsonian Institution describes evidence indicating that an asteroid collision caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.",
  91575.             "Year": 0
  91576.         },
  91577.         {
  91578.             "RIT": "ws206961",
  91579.             "Type": "WS",
  91580.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/ramphastidae.html",
  91581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91582.             "Title": "Ramphastidae",
  91583.             "Category": "LIF",
  91584.             "Description": "The Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology presents information about toucans.",
  91585.             "Year": 0
  91586.         },
  91587.         {
  91588.             "RIT": "ws206962",
  91589.             "Type": "WS",
  91590.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1921/index.html",
  91591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91592.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1921",
  91593.             "Category": "SOC",
  91594.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Karl Hjalmar Branting and Christian Lous Lange, the winners of the peace prize in 1921.",
  91595.             "Year": 0
  91596.         },
  91597.         {
  91598.             "RIT": "ws206963",
  91599.             "Type": "WS",
  91600.             "URL": "http://www.neotropicalbirdclub.org/feature/umbrella.html",
  91601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91602.             "Title": "Bare-necked Umbrellabird",
  91603.             "Category": "LIF",
  91604.             "Description": "Detailed information about the bare-necked umbrellabird of Costa Rica.",
  91605.             "Year": 0
  91606.         },
  91607.         {
  91608.             "RIT": "ws206964",
  91609.             "Type": "WS",
  91610.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1931/index.html",
  91611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91612.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1931",
  91613.             "Category": "SOC",
  91614.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Jane Addams and Nicholas Murray Butler, the winners of the peace prize in 1931.",
  91615.             "Year": 0
  91616.         },
  91617.         {
  91618.             "RIT": "ws206973",
  91619.             "Type": "WS",
  91620.             "URL": "http://museum.gov.ns.ca/mnh/backstge/research/mastodon/mast1.htm",
  91621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91622.             "Title": "Mastodon in Nova Scotia",
  91623.             "Category": "LIF",
  91624.             "Description": "The Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History presents information about mastodon fossils in Nova Scotia.",
  91625.             "Year": 0
  91626.         },
  91627.         {
  91628.             "RIT": "ws206974",
  91629.             "Type": "WS",
  91630.             "URL": "http://www.mesc.usgs.gov/shorebirds/sppaccts/UpSa.htm",
  91631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91632.             "Title": "Upland Sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda)",
  91633.             "Category": "LIF",
  91634.             "Description": "The Midcontinent Ecological Science Center presents information about the upland sandpiper.",
  91635.             "Year": 0
  91636.         },
  91637.         {
  91638.             "RIT": "ws206975",
  91639.             "Type": "WS",
  91640.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1929/index.html",
  91641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91642.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1929",
  91643.             "Category": "SOC",
  91644.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Frank Billings Kellogg, the winner of the peace prize in 1929.",
  91645.             "Year": 0
  91646.         },
  91647.         {
  91648.             "RIT": "ws206976",
  91649.             "Type": "WS",
  91650.             "URL": "http://www.mammothsite.com/mammothinfo.html",
  91651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91652.             "Title": "Columbian and woolly mammoth information",
  91653.             "Category": "LIF",
  91654.             "Description": "Information on mammoths, from the Mammoth Site Museum in Hot Springs, South Dakota.",
  91655.             "Year": 0
  91656.         },
  91657.         {
  91658.             "RIT": "ws206978",
  91659.             "Type": "WS",
  91660.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/hydrodamalis/h._gigas$narrative.html",
  91661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91662.             "Title": "Hydrodamalis gigas (Steller's Sea Cow)",
  91663.             "Category": "LIF",
  91664.             "Description": "The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology presents information about Steller's sea cow.",
  91665.             "Year": 0
  91666.         },
  91667.         {
  91668.             "RIT": "ws206979",
  91669.             "Type": "WS",
  91670.             "URL": "http://www.mnh.si.edu/museum/VirtualTour/Tour/First/IceAge/index.html",
  91671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91672.             "Title": "NMNH Virtual Tour - Ice Age Mammals",
  91673.             "Category": "LIF",
  91674.             "Description": "A tour of the collection of extinct mammal specimens at the Smithsonian InstitutionΓÇÖs National Museum of Natural History.",
  91675.             "Year": 0
  91676.         },
  91677.         {
  91678.             "RIT": "ws206980",
  91679.             "Type": "WS",
  91680.             "URL": "http://www.museum.state.il.us/exhibits/larson/sloth.html",
  91681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91682.             "Title": "Ground Sloths",
  91683.             "Category": "LIF",
  91684.             "Description": "The Illinois State Museum presents information about ground sloths.",
  91685.             "Year": 0
  91686.         },
  91687.         {
  91688.             "RIT": "ws206981",
  91689.             "Type": "WS",
  91690.             "URL": "http://hannover.park.org/Canada/Museum/extinction/tablecont.html",
  91691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91692.             "Title": "Extinctions: Cycles of Life and Death Through Time",
  91693.             "Category": "LIF",
  91694.             "Description": "Information about past mass extinctions, from the Hooper Virtual Paleontological Museum.",
  91695.             "Year": 0
  91696.         },
  91697.         {
  91698.             "RIT": "ws206991",
  91699.             "Type": "WS",
  91700.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/piciformes/ramphastidae.html",
  91701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91702.             "Title": "Family: Ramphastidae",
  91703.             "Category": "LIF",
  91704.             "Description": "Narratives on toucans, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  91705.             "Year": 0
  91706.         },
  91707.         {
  91708.             "RIT": "ws206992",
  91709.             "Type": "WS",
  91710.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1934/index.html",
  91711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91712.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1934",
  91713.             "Category": "SOC",
  91714.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Arthur Henderson, the winner of the peace prize in 1934.",
  91715.             "Year": 0
  91716.         },
  91717.         {
  91718.             "RIT": "ws206993",
  91719.             "Type": "WS",
  91720.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1926/index.html",
  91721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91722.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1926",
  91723.             "Category": "SOC",
  91724.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Aristide Briand and Gustav Stresemann, the winners of the peace prize in 1926.",
  91725.             "Year": 0
  91726.         },
  91727.         {
  91728.             "RIT": "ws206994",
  91729.             "Type": "WS",
  91730.             "URL": "http://www.nwf.org/rangerrick/febsaber.html",
  91731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91732.             "Title": "Ranger Rick magazine",
  91733.             "Category": "LIF",
  91734.             "Description": "The National Wildlife FederationΓÇÖs Ranger Rick presents information about saber-toothed cats.",
  91735.             "Year": 0
  91736.         },
  91737.         {
  91738.             "RIT": "ws206995",
  91739.             "Type": "WS",
  91740.             "URL": "http://www.expage.com/pbeast/",
  91741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91742.             "Title": "Prehistoric Animal Directory",
  91743.             "Category": "LIF",
  91744.             "Description": "Privately maintained Web site featuring an index to information about various prehistoric animals.",
  91745.             "Year": 0
  91746.         },
  91747.         {
  91748.             "RIT": "ws206996",
  91749.             "Type": "WS",
  91750.             "URL": "http://www.niu.edu/anthro_museum/mastodon.html",
  91751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91752.             "Title": "Anthropology Museum at NIU--Mastodon!",
  91753.             "Category": "LIF",
  91754.             "Description": "Northern Illinois University presents information on mammoths and mastodons.",
  91755.             "Year": 0
  91756.         },
  91757.         {
  91758.             "RIT": "ws206997",
  91759.             "Type": "WS",
  91760.             "URL": "http://birds.cornell.edu/BOW/CHISWI/",
  91761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91762.             "Title": "Chimney Swift",
  91763.             "Category": "LIF",
  91764.             "Description": "The Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology presents information about the chimney swift.",
  91765.             "Year": 0
  91766.         },
  91767.         {
  91768.             "RIT": "ws206998",
  91769.             "Type": "WS",
  91770.             "URL": "http://www.mbr-pwrc.usgs.gov/id/framlst/i4230id.html",
  91771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91772.             "Title": "Chimney swift",
  91773.             "Category": "LIF",
  91774.             "Description": "The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center presents information about the chimney swift.",
  91775.             "Year": 0
  91776.         },
  91777.         {
  91778.             "RIT": "ws206999",
  91779.             "Type": "WS",
  91780.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/chordata/aves/apodiformes/apodidae.html",
  91781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91782.             "Title": "Apodidae Family",
  91783.             "Category": "LIF",
  91784.             "Description": "Narratives on the Alpine and Vaux's swifts, from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  91785.             "Year": 0
  91786.         },
  91787.         {
  91788.             "RIT": "ws207008",
  91789.             "Type": "WS",
  91790.             "URL": "http://www.indiana.edu/~origins/teach/P380/P380hominid.html",
  91791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91792.             "Title": "P380 Introducing Early Hominids",
  91793.             "Category": "SOC",
  91794.             "Description": "Indiana University presents an introduction to early hominids.",
  91795.             "Year": 0
  91796.         },
  91797.         {
  91798.             "RIT": "ws207009",
  91799.             "Type": "WS",
  91800.             "URL": "http://web.ukonline.co.uk/conker/fossils/",
  91801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91802.             "Title": "Fossil collecting - How and where to collect fossils for children",
  91803.             "Category": "LIF",
  91804.             "Description": "Commercial British Web site about collecting fossils in Great Britain.",
  91805.             "Year": 0
  91806.         },
  91807.         {
  91808.             "RIT": "ws207010",
  91809.             "Type": "WS",
  91810.             "URL": "http://www.museum.state.il.us/exhibits/mazon_creek/",
  91811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91812.             "Title": "Mazon Creek Fossils",
  91813.             "Category": "LIF",
  91814.             "Description": "Illinois State Museum site about the fossils recovered from the Francis Creek Shale in Illinois.",
  91815.             "Year": 0
  91816.         },
  91817.         {
  91818.             "RIT": "ws207011",
  91819.             "Type": "WS",
  91820.             "URL": "http://www.coloradomtn.edu/campus_rfl/staff_rfl/kohls/eocene.html",
  91821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91822.             "Title": "Eocene Fossils",
  91823.             "Category": "LIF",
  91824.             "Description": "Colorado Mountain College presents information on fossils from the Eocene Epoch.",
  91825.             "Year": 0
  91826.         },
  91827.         {
  91828.             "RIT": "ws207012",
  91829.             "Type": "WS",
  91830.             "URL": "http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/fossils/contents.html",
  91831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91832.             "Title": "Fossils, Rocks, and Time",
  91833.             "Category": "LIF",
  91834.             "Description": "Extensive information about fossils, from the U.S. Geological Survey.",
  91835.             "Year": 0
  91836.         },
  91837.         {
  91838.             "RIT": "ws207013",
  91839.             "Type": "WS",
  91840.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1951/index.html",
  91841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91842.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1951",
  91843.             "Category": "SOC",
  91844.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Leon Jouhaux, the winner of the peace prize in 1951.",
  91845.             "Year": 0
  91846.         },
  91847.         {
  91848.             "RIT": "ws207014",
  91849.             "Type": "WS",
  91850.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1961/index.html",
  91851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91852.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1961",
  91853.             "Category": "SOC",
  91854.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Dag Hammarskjold, the winner of the peace prize in 1961.",
  91855.             "Year": 0
  91856.         },
  91857.         {
  91858.             "RIT": "ws207015",
  91859.             "Type": "WS",
  91860.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1971/index.html",
  91861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91862.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1971",
  91863.             "Category": "SOC",
  91864.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Willy Brandt, the winner of the peace prize in 1971.",
  91865.             "Year": 0
  91866.         },
  91867.         {
  91868.             "RIT": "ws207016",
  91869.             "Type": "WS",
  91870.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1953/index.html",
  91871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91872.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1953",
  91873.             "Category": "SOC",
  91874.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of George Catlett Marshall, the winner of the peace prize in 1953.",
  91875.             "Year": 0
  91876.         },
  91877.         {
  91878.             "RIT": "ws207025",
  91879.             "Type": "WS",
  91880.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1975/index.html",
  91881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91882.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1975",
  91883.             "Category": "SOC",
  91884.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, the winner of the peace prize in 1975.",
  91885.             "Year": 0
  91886.         },
  91887.         {
  91888.             "RIT": "ws207026",
  91889.             "Type": "WS",
  91890.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1957/index.html",
  91891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91892.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1957",
  91893.             "Category": "SOC",
  91894.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Lester Bowles Pearson, the winner of the peace prize in 1957.",
  91895.             "Year": 0
  91896.         },
  91897.         {
  91898.             "RIT": "ws207027",
  91899.             "Type": "WS",
  91900.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1949/index.html",
  91901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91902.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1949",
  91903.             "Category": "SOC",
  91904.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Lord Boyd Orr of Brechin, the winner of the peace prize in 1949.",
  91905.             "Year": 0
  91906.         },
  91907.         {
  91908.             "RIT": "ws207028",
  91909.             "Type": "WS",
  91910.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1977/index.html",
  91911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91912.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1977",
  91913.             "Category": "SOC",
  91914.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation history and presentation speech of Amnesty International, the winner of the peace prize in 1977.",
  91915.             "Year": 0
  91916.         },
  91917.         {
  91918.             "RIT": "ws207029",
  91919.             "Type": "WS",
  91920.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1959/index.html",
  91921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91922.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1959",
  91923.             "Category": "SOC",
  91924.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Philip J. Noel-Baker, the winner of the peace prize in 1959.",
  91925.             "Year": 0
  91926.         },
  91927.         {
  91928.             "RIT": "ws207030",
  91929.             "Type": "WS",
  91930.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1979/index.html",
  91931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91932.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1979",
  91933.             "Category": "HUM",
  91934.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Mother Teresa, the winner of the peace prize in 1979.",
  91935.             "Year": 0
  91936.         },
  91937.         {
  91938.             "RIT": "ws207031",
  91939.             "Type": "WS",
  91940.             "URL": "http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/homs/",
  91941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91942.             "Title": "Fossil Hominids: The Evidence for Human Evolution",
  91943.             "Category": "SOC",
  91944.             "Description": "Review of human evolution, from the Usenet newsgroup",
  91945.             "Year": 0
  91946.         },
  91947.         {
  91948.             "RIT": "ws207032",
  91949.             "Type": "WS",
  91950.             "URL": "http://www.ci.tampa.fl.us/_private/homepagebackup/index.asp",
  91951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91952.             "Title": "City of Tampa",
  91953.             "Category": "GEO",
  91954.             "Description": "Official Tampa, Florida, city site with information on events, government, and the community of Tampa.",
  91955.             "Year": 0
  91956.         },
  91957.         {
  91958.             "RIT": "ws206950",
  91959.             "Type": "WS",
  91960.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1996/index.html",
  91961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91962.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1996",
  91963.             "Category": "LIF",
  91964.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Peter C. Doherty and Rolf M. Zinkernagel, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1996.",
  91965.             "Year": 0
  91966.         },
  91967.         {
  91968.             "RIT": "ws206951",
  91969.             "Type": "WS",
  91970.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1988/index.html",
  91971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91972.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1988",
  91973.             "Category": "LIF",
  91974.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir James W. Black, Gertrude B. Elion, and George H. Hitchings, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1988.",
  91975.             "Year": 0
  91976.         },
  91977.         {
  91978.             "RIT": "ws206952",
  91979.             "Type": "WS",
  91980.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/medicine/laureates/1998/index.html",
  91981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91982.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physiology or Medicine 1998",
  91983.             "Category": "LIF",
  91984.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro, and Ferid Murad, the winners of the physiology or medicine prize in 1998.",
  91985.             "Year": 0
  91986.         },
  91987.         {
  91988.             "RIT": "ws206953",
  91989.             "Type": "WS",
  91990.             "URL": "http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/seiurus/s._aurocapillus$narrative.html",
  91991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  91992.             "Title": "Seiurus aurocapillus (Ovenbird)",
  91993.             "Category": "LIF",
  91994.             "Description": "Narrative on the ovenbird from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.",
  91995.             "Year": 0
  91996.         },
  91997.         {
  91998.             "RIT": "ws206954",
  91999.             "Type": "WS",
  92000.             "URL": "http://www.ur.ku.edu/News/96N/OctNews/Oct09/Manakins.html",
  92001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92002.             "Title": "Manakins",
  92003.             "Category": "LIF",
  92004.             "Description": "1996 news release from University of Kansas describing research into manakin mating behavior.",
  92005.             "Year": 0
  92006.         },
  92007.         {
  92008.             "RIT": "ws206955",
  92009.             "Type": "WS",
  92010.             "URL": "http://www.dnr.state.md.us/wildlife/bskimmer.html",
  92011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92012.             "Title": "Black Skimmer Fact Sheet",
  92013.             "Category": "LIF",
  92014.             "Description": "Facts about the black skimmer, from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.",
  92015.             "Year": 0
  92016.         },
  92017.         {
  92018.             "RIT": "ws206956",
  92019.             "Type": "WS",
  92020.             "URL": "http://www.npws.nsw.gov.au/wildlife/factsheets/lyrebird.html",
  92021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92022.             "Title": "NPWS - Fact sheets - Lyrebirds",
  92023.             "Category": "LIF",
  92024.             "Description": "The New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service presents information about lyrebirds.",
  92025.             "Year": 0
  92026.         },
  92027.         {
  92028.             "RIT": "ws206965",
  92029.             "Type": "WS",
  92030.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1913/index.html",
  92031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92032.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1913",
  92033.             "Category": "SOC",
  92034.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Henri La Fontaine, the winner of the peace prize in 1913.",
  92035.             "Year": 0
  92036.         },
  92037.         {
  92038.             "RIT": "ws206966",
  92039.             "Type": "WS",
  92040.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1933/index.html",
  92041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92042.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1933",
  92043.             "Category": "SOC",
  92044.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sir Norman (Ralph Lane) Angell, the winner of the peace prize in 1933.",
  92045.             "Year": 0
  92046.         },
  92047.         {
  92048.             "RIT": "ws206967",
  92049.             "Type": "WS",
  92050.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1925/index.html",
  92051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92052.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1925",
  92053.             "Category": "HIS",
  92054.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir Austen Chamberlain and Charles Gates Dawes, the winners of the peace prize in 1925.",
  92055.             "Year": 0
  92056.         },
  92057.         {
  92058.             "RIT": "ws206968",
  92059.             "Type": "WS",
  92060.             "URL": "http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/darwin/exfiles/",
  92061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92062.             "Title": "BBC Evolution Website: Extinction Files",
  92063.             "Category": "LIF",
  92064.             "Description": "A guide to past and present extinctions, from the British Broadcasting Corporation.",
  92065.             "Year": 0
  92066.         },
  92067.         {
  92068.             "RIT": "ws206969",
  92069.             "Type": "WS",
  92070.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1917/index.html",
  92071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92072.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1917",
  92073.             "Category": "SOC",
  92074.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation history and presentation speech presented on behalf of the International Committee of the Red Cross, the winner of the peace prize in 1917.",
  92075.             "Year": 0
  92076.         },
  92077.         {
  92078.             "RIT": "ws206970",
  92079.             "Type": "WS",
  92080.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/diapsids/pterosauria.html",
  92081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92082.             "Title": "Pterosauria",
  92083.             "Category": "LIF",
  92084.             "Description": "University of California at Berkeley Web site with information about pterosaurs.",
  92085.             "Year": 0
  92086.         },
  92087.         {
  92088.             "RIT": "ws206971",
  92089.             "Type": "WS",
  92090.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1927/index.html",
  92091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92092.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1927",
  92093.             "Category": "SOC",
  92094.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Ferdinand Buisson and Ludwig Quidde, the winners of the peace prize in 1927.",
  92095.             "Year": 0
  92096.         },
  92097.         {
  92098.             "RIT": "ws206972",
  92099.             "Type": "WS",
  92100.             "URL": "http://www.museum.state.il.us/exhibits/larson/mammuthus.html",
  92101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92102.             "Title": "Mammoths",
  92103.             "Category": "LIF",
  92104.             "Description": "The Illinois State Museum presents information about mammoths.",
  92105.             "Year": 0
  92106.         },
  92107.         {
  92108.             "RIT": "ws206982",
  92109.             "Type": "WS",
  92110.             "URL": "http://www.inhs.uiuc.edu/chf/pub/ifwis/birds/upland-sandpiper.html",
  92111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92112.             "Title": "IFWIS - Upland sandpiper",
  92113.             "Category": "LIF",
  92114.             "Description": "The Illinois Natural History Survey presents information about the upland sandpiper.",
  92115.             "Year": 0
  92116.         },
  92117.         {
  92118.             "RIT": "ws206983",
  92119.             "Type": "WS",
  92120.             "URL": "http://www.physci.wsc.ma.edu/young/hgeol/geoinfo/timeline/mammoth/mammoth.html",
  92121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92122.             "Title": "WSC: PHYS 0106: Earth History Timeline: Woolly Mammoths",
  92123.             "Category": "LIF",
  92124.             "Description": "Westfield State College presents information about the woolly mammoth.",
  92125.             "Year": 0
  92126.         },
  92127.         {
  92128.             "RIT": "ws206984",
  92129.             "Type": "WS",
  92130.             "URL": "http://www.unmuseum.org/quet.htm",
  92131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92132.             "Title": "The Unnatural Museum - Pterosaurs in Texas",
  92133.             "Category": "LIF",
  92134.             "Description": "Descriptions of the pterosaurs known from Texas.",
  92135.             "Year": 0
  92136.         },
  92137.         {
  92138.             "RIT": "ws206985",
  92139.             "Type": "WS",
  92140.             "URL": "http://www.ugs.state.ut.us/surveynotes/gladasked/trilobites.htm",
  92141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92142.             "Title": "Trilobite -- Utah Geological Survey",
  92143.             "Category": "LIF",
  92144.             "Description": "The Utah Geological Survey discusses trilobite fossils in Utah.",
  92145.             "Year": 0
  92146.         },
  92147.         {
  92148.             "RIT": "ws206986",
  92149.             "Type": "WS",
  92150.             "URL": "http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/birds/printouts/Umbrellabird.shtml",
  92151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92152.             "Title": "Umbrellabird Printout- EnchantedLearning.com",
  92153.             "Category": "LIF",
  92154.             "Description": "Commercial Web site with information on umbrellabirds.",
  92155.             "Year": 0
  92156.         },
  92157.         {
  92158.             "RIT": "ws206987",
  92159.             "Type": "WS",
  92160.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1930/index.html",
  92161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92162.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1930",
  92163.             "Category": "SOC",
  92164.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Lars Olof Nathan (Jonathan) Soderblom, the winner of the peace prize in 1930.",
  92165.             "Year": 0
  92166.         },
  92167.         {
  92168.             "RIT": "ws206988",
  92169.             "Type": "WS",
  92170.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1922/index.html",
  92171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92172.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1922",
  92173.             "Category": "HIS",
  92174.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Fridtjof Nansen, the winner of the peace prize in 1922.",
  92175.             "Year": 0
  92176.         },
  92177.         {
  92178.             "RIT": "ws206989",
  92179.             "Type": "WS",
  92180.             "URL": "http://www.museums.org.za/sam/quagga/quagga.htm",
  92181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92182.             "Title": "Quagga Project - South African Museum",
  92183.             "Category": "LIF",
  92184.             "Description": "South African Museum Web site describing a project to recreate the quagga through the selective breeding of plains zebras.",
  92185.             "Year": 0
  92186.         },
  92187.         {
  92188.             "RIT": "ws206990",
  92189.             "Type": "WS",
  92190.             "URL": "http://www.es.cornell.edu/winkler/botw/musophagidae.html",
  92191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92192.             "Title": "Musophagidae",
  92193.             "Category": "LIF",
  92194.             "Description": "The Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology presents information about touracos.",
  92195.             "Year": 0
  92196.         },
  92197.         {
  92198.             "RIT": "ws207000",
  92199.             "Type": "WS",
  92200.             "URL": "http://museum.nhm.uga.edu/gawildlife/birds/caprimulgiformes/cvociferus.html",
  92201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92202.             "Title": "Georgia Wildlife Web Site; birds: Caprimulgus vociferus",
  92203.             "Category": "LIF",
  92204.             "Description": "The Georgia Museum of Natural History and Georgia Department of Natural Resources present information about the whippoorwill.",
  92205.             "Year": 0
  92206.         },
  92207.         {
  92208.             "RIT": "ws207001",
  92209.             "Type": "WS",
  92210.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/vertebrates/coelacanth/coelacanths.html",
  92211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92212.             "Title": "Sulawesi Coelacanth",
  92213.             "Category": "LIF",
  92214.             "Description": "The University of California at Berkeley presents information about the coelacanth population discovered in Indonesia in 1998.",
  92215.             "Year": 0
  92216.         },
  92217.         {
  92218.             "RIT": "ws207002",
  92219.             "Type": "WS",
  92220.             "URL": "http://www.dinofish.com/",
  92221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92222.             "Title": "DINOFISH.com - COELACANTH: THE FISH OUT OF TIME",
  92223.             "Category": "LIF",
  92224.             "Description": "Privately maintained Web site with extensive information about the coelacanth.",
  92225.             "Year": 0
  92226.         },
  92227.         {
  92228.             "RIT": "ws207003",
  92229.             "Type": "WS",
  92230.             "URL": "http://www.nhm.org/cats/encyclo/smilodon/",
  92231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92232.             "Title": "Natural History Museum: Cats! Wild to Mild: Smilodon fatalis",
  92233.             "Category": "LIF",
  92234.             "Description": "The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles presents information on saber-toothed cats.",
  92235.             "Year": 0
  92236.         },
  92237.         {
  92238.             "RIT": "ws207004",
  92239.             "Type": "WS",
  92240.             "URL": "http://www.i-bird.com/Family/Apodidae.htm",
  92241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92242.             "Title": "Apodidae--uncommon, common and abundant birds in US and Canada.",
  92243.             "Category": "LIF",
  92244.             "Description": "Information about the distribution of various swift species in the United States.",
  92245.             "Year": 0
  92246.         },
  92247.         {
  92248.             "RIT": "ws207005",
  92249.             "Type": "WS",
  92250.             "URL": "http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/mammals/smilodon/Smilodonprintout.shtml",
  92251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92252.             "Title": "Saber-toothed Cat Printout- EnchantedLearning.com",
  92253.             "Category": "LIF",
  92254.             "Description": "Basic information about saber-toothed cats, from a commercial Web site.",
  92255.             "Year": 0
  92256.         },
  92257.         {
  92258.             "RIT": "ws207006",
  92259.             "Type": "WS",
  92260.             "URL": "http://www.wri.org/wri/biodiv/b03-koa.html",
  92261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92262.             "Title": "WRI Article: A History of Extinction",
  92263.             "Category": "LIF",
  92264.             "Description": "The World Resources Institute presents information on species extinction and the role that humans play in it.",
  92265.             "Year": 0
  92266.         },
  92267.         {
  92268.             "RIT": "ws207007",
  92269.             "Type": "WS",
  92270.             "URL": "http://anthro.palomar.edu/hominid/australo_2.htm",
  92271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92272.             "Title": "Early Hominid Evolution: Analysis of Early Hominids",
  92273.             "Category": "SOC",
  92274.             "Description": "Information on early members of the human family, from Palomar College.",
  92275.             "Year": 0
  92276.         },
  92277.         {
  92278.             "RIT": "ws207017",
  92279.             "Type": "WS",
  92280.             "URL": "http://www.epa.gov/gmpo/edresources/pleistocene.html",
  92281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92282.             "Title": "Pleistocene Epoch",
  92283.             "Category": "PHY",
  92284.             "Description": "Information on the Pleistocene epoch, from the U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyΓÇÖs Gulf of Mexico Program.",
  92285.             "Year": 0
  92286.         },
  92287.         {
  92288.             "RIT": "ws207018",
  92289.             "Type": "WS",
  92290.             "URL": "http://www.enjoyillinois.com/",
  92291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92292.             "Title": "Illinois Bureau of Tourism",
  92293.             "Category": "GEO",
  92294.             "Description": "Official site of the Illinois Bureau of Tourism.",
  92295.             "Year": 0
  92296.         },
  92297.         {
  92298.             "RIT": "ws207019",
  92299.             "Type": "WS",
  92300.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1963/index.html",
  92301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92302.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1963",
  92303.             "Category": "SOC",
  92304.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation histories and presentation speeches of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the League of Red Cross Societies, the winners of the peace prize in 1963.",
  92305.             "Year": 0
  92306.         },
  92307.         {
  92308.             "RIT": "ws207020",
  92309.             "Type": "WS",
  92310.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1945/index.html",
  92311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92312.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1945",
  92313.             "Category": "SOC",
  92314.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Cordell Hull, the winner of the peace prize in 1945.",
  92315.             "Year": 0
  92316.         },
  92317.         {
  92318.             "RIT": "ws207021",
  92319.             "Type": "WS",
  92320.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1973/index.html",
  92321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92322.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1973",
  92323.             "Category": "SOC",
  92324.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speech of Henry A. Kissinger and Le Duc Tho, the winners of the peace prize in 1973. (Le Duc Tho declined the prize.)",
  92325.             "Year": 0
  92326.         },
  92327.         {
  92328.             "RIT": "ws207022",
  92329.             "Type": "WS",
  92330.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1937/index.html",
  92331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92332.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1937",
  92333.             "Category": "SOC",
  92334.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Viscount Cecil of Chelwood, the winner of the peace prize in 1937.",
  92335.             "Year": 0
  92336.         },
  92337.         {
  92338.             "RIT": "ws207023",
  92339.             "Type": "WS",
  92340.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1965/index.html",
  92341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92342.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1965",
  92343.             "Category": "SOC",
  92344.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation history and presentation speech of United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the winner of the peace prize in 1965.",
  92345.             "Year": 0
  92346.         },
  92347.         {
  92348.             "RIT": "ws207024",
  92349.             "Type": "WS",
  92350.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1947/index.html",
  92351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92352.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1947",
  92353.             "Category": "SOC",
  92354.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of The Friends Service Council and The American Friends Service Committee, the winners of the peace prize in 1947.",
  92355.             "Year": 0
  92356.         },
  92357.         {
  92358.             "RIT": "ws207033",
  92359.             "Type": "WS",
  92360.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1981/",
  92361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92362.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1981",
  92363.             "Category": "SOC",
  92364.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation history and presentation speech of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the winner of the peace prize in 1981.",
  92365.             "Year": 0
  92366.         },
  92367.         {
  92368.             "RIT": "ws207034",
  92369.             "Type": "WS",
  92370.             "URL": "http://www.vertpaleo.org/",
  92371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92372.             "Title": "The Society of Vertebrate Paleontology",
  92373.             "Category": "LIF",
  92374.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology.",
  92375.             "Year": 0
  92376.         },
  92377.         {
  92378.             "RIT": "ws207035",
  92379.             "Type": "WS",
  92380.             "URL": "http://www.ummp.lsa.umich.edu/index1.html",
  92381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92382.             "Title": "University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology: Welcome",
  92383.             "Category": "LIF",
  92384.             "Description": "The online resources of the University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology.",
  92385.             "Year": 0
  92386.         },
  92387.         {
  92388.             "RIT": "ws207036",
  92389.             "Type": "WS",
  92390.             "URL": "http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/natsci/vertpaleo/fhc/pleisto1.htm",
  92391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92392.             "Title": "The Pleistocene",
  92393.             "Category": "PHY",
  92394.             "Description": "The Florida Museum of Natural History presents information on the Pleistocene epoch.",
  92395.             "Year": 0
  92396.         },
  92397.         {
  92398.             "RIT": "ws207037",
  92399.             "Type": "WS",
  92400.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1950/index.html",
  92401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92402.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1950",
  92403.             "Category": "SOC",
  92404.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Ralph Bunche, the winner of the peace prize in 1950.",
  92405.             "Year": 0
  92406.         },
  92407.         {
  92408.             "RIT": "ws207038",
  92409.             "Type": "WS",
  92410.             "URL": "http://www.tmm.utexas.edu/vpl/index.htm",
  92411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92412.             "Title": "The Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory",
  92413.             "Category": "LIF",
  92414.             "Description": "Information on paleontology, including the collections of, the Texas Memorial Museum of Science and History.",
  92415.             "Year": 0
  92416.         },
  92417.         {
  92418.             "RIT": "ws207039",
  92419.             "Type": "WS",
  92420.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1960/index.html",
  92421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92422.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1960",
  92423.             "Category": "SOC",
  92424.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Albert John Luthuli, the winner of the peace prize in 1960.",
  92425.             "Year": 0
  92426.         },
  92427.         {
  92428.             "RIT": "ws207040",
  92429.             "Type": "WS",
  92430.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1952/index.html",
  92431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92432.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1952",
  92433.             "Category": "SOC",
  92434.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Albert Schweitzer, the winner of the peace prize in 1952.",
  92435.             "Year": 0
  92436.         },
  92437.         {
  92438.             "RIT": "ws207041",
  92439.             "Type": "WS",
  92440.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1970/index.html",
  92441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92442.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1970",
  92443.             "Category": "SOC",
  92444.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Norman Borlaug, the winner of the peace prize in 1970.",
  92445.             "Year": 0
  92446.         },
  92447.         {
  92448.             "RIT": "ws207049",
  92449.             "Type": "WS",
  92450.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1976/index.html",
  92451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92452.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1976",
  92453.             "Category": "SOC",
  92454.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan, the winners of the peace prize in 1976.",
  92455.             "Year": 0
  92456.         },
  92457.         {
  92458.             "RIT": "ws207050",
  92459.             "Type": "WS",
  92460.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1968/index.html",
  92461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92462.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1968",
  92463.             "Category": "SOC",
  92464.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Rene Cassin, the winner of the peace prize in 1968.",
  92465.             "Year": 0
  92466.         },
  92467.         {
  92468.             "RIT": "ws207051",
  92469.             "Type": "WS",
  92470.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1978/index.html",
  92471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92472.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1978",
  92473.             "Category": "SOC",
  92474.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Mohamed Anwar el Sadat and Menachem Begin, the winners of the peace prize in 1978.",
  92475.             "Year": 0
  92476.         },
  92477.         {
  92478.             "RIT": "ws207052",
  92479.             "Type": "WS",
  92480.             "URL": "http://www.library.arizona.edu/users/mount/paleont.html",
  92481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92482.             "Title": "Paleontology & Fossils Resources",
  92483.             "Category": "LIF",
  92484.             "Description": "The University of Arizona presents an extensive list of paleontology resources.",
  92485.             "Year": 0
  92486.         },
  92487.         {
  92488.             "RIT": "ws207053",
  92489.             "Type": "WS",
  92490.             "URL": "http://www.geo.ucalgary.ca/~macrae/Burgess_Shale/",
  92491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92492.             "Title": "Burgess Shale fossils",
  92493.             "Category": "LIF",
  92494.             "Description": "The University of Calgary presents information on the Burgess Shale, a fossil site from the Middle Cambrian age in British Columbia, Canada.",
  92495.             "Year": 0
  92496.         },
  92497.         {
  92498.             "RIT": "ws207054",
  92499.             "Type": "WS",
  92500.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/quaternary/ple.html",
  92501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92502.             "Title": "The Pleistocene",
  92503.             "Category": "PHY",
  92504.             "Description": "Information on the Pleistocene epoch, from the University of California.",
  92505.             "Year": 0
  92506.         },
  92507.         {
  92508.             "RIT": "ws207055",
  92509.             "Type": "WS",
  92510.             "URL": "http://www.rom.on.ca/quiz/fossil/",
  92511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92512.             "Title": "Discovery Centre, Fossils Cyber-Display",
  92513.             "Category": "LIF",
  92514.             "Description": "Information about fossils, from the Royal Ontario Museum.",
  92515.             "Year": 0
  92516.         },
  92517.         {
  92518.             "RIT": "ws207056",
  92519.             "Type": "WS",
  92520.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/tryit/evolution/",
  92521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92522.             "Title": "A Science Odyssey: You Try It: Human Evolution",
  92523.             "Category": "SOC",
  92524.             "Description": "Information and activities related to human evolution, from the Public Broadcasting Service.",
  92525.             "Year": 0
  92526.         },
  92527.         {
  92528.             "RIT": "ws207065",
  92529.             "Type": "WS",
  92530.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1912/index.html",
  92531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92532.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1912",
  92533.             "Category": "PHY",
  92534.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Nils Gustaf Dalen, the winner of the physics prize in 1912.",
  92535.             "Year": 0
  92536.         },
  92537.         {
  92538.             "RIT": "ws207066",
  92539.             "Type": "WS",
  92540.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1903/index.html",
  92541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92542.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1903",
  92543.             "Category": "PHY",
  92544.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Antoine Henri Becquerel, Pierre Curie, and Marie Curie, the winners of the physics prize in 1903.",
  92545.             "Year": 0
  92546.         },
  92547.         {
  92548.             "RIT": "ws207067",
  92549.             "Type": "WS",
  92550.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1922/index.html",
  92551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92552.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1922",
  92553.             "Category": "PHY",
  92554.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Niels Bohr, the winner of the physics prize in 1922.",
  92555.             "Year": 0
  92556.         },
  92557.         {
  92558.             "RIT": "ws207068",
  92559.             "Type": "WS",
  92560.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1913/index.html",
  92561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92562.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1913",
  92563.             "Category": "PHY",
  92564.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes, the winner of the physics prize in 1913.",
  92565.             "Year": 0
  92566.         },
  92567.         {
  92568.             "RIT": "ws207069",
  92569.             "Type": "WS",
  92570.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1904/index.html",
  92571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92572.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1904",
  92573.             "Category": "PHY",
  92574.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Lord John William Strutt Rayleigh, the winner of the physics prize in 1904.",
  92575.             "Year": 0
  92576.         },
  92577.         {
  92578.             "RIT": "ws207070",
  92579.             "Type": "WS",
  92580.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1990/index.html",
  92581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92582.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1990",
  92583.             "Category": "HIS",
  92584.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, the winner of the peace prize in 1990.",
  92585.             "Year": 0
  92586.         },
  92587.         {
  92588.             "RIT": "ws207071",
  92589.             "Type": "WS",
  92590.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1932/index.html",
  92591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92592.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1932",
  92593.             "Category": "PHY",
  92594.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Werner Heisenberg, the winner of the physics prize in 1932.",
  92595.             "Year": 0
  92596.         },
  92597.         {
  92598.             "RIT": "ws207072",
  92599.             "Type": "WS",
  92600.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1923/index.html",
  92601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92602.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1923",
  92603.             "Category": "PHY",
  92604.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Robert Andrews Millikan, the winner of the physics prize in 1923.",
  92605.             "Year": 0
  92606.         },
  92607.         {
  92608.             "RIT": "ws207042",
  92609.             "Type": "WS",
  92610.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1944/index.html",
  92611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92612.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1944",
  92613.             "Category": "SOC",
  92614.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation history and presentation speech of the International Committee of the Red Cross, the winner of the peace prize in 1944.",
  92615.             "Year": 0
  92616.         },
  92617.         {
  92618.             "RIT": "ws207043",
  92619.             "Type": "WS",
  92620.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1962/index.html",
  92621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92622.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1962",
  92623.             "Category": "SOC",
  92624.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Linus Carl Pauling, the winner of the peace prize in 1962.",
  92625.             "Year": 0
  92626.         },
  92627.         {
  92628.             "RIT": "ws207044",
  92629.             "Type": "WS",
  92630.             "URL": "http://www.geology.um.maine.edu/ges121/lectures/n-human-origins/early-hominids.html",
  92631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92632.             "Title": "Early hominids",
  92633.             "Category": "SOC",
  92634.             "Description": "Facts about early species in the human family, from the University of Maine.",
  92635.             "Year": 0
  92636.         },
  92637.         {
  92638.             "RIT": "ws207045",
  92639.             "Type": "WS",
  92640.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1954/index.html",
  92641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92642.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1954",
  92643.             "Category": "SOC",
  92644.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the winner of the peace prize in 1954.",
  92645.             "Year": 0
  92646.         },
  92647.         {
  92648.             "RIT": "ws207046",
  92649.             "Type": "WS",
  92650.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1946/index.html",
  92651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92652.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1946",
  92653.             "Category": "SOC",
  92654.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Emily Greene Balch and John Raleigh Mott, the winners of the peace prize in 1946.",
  92655.             "Year": 0
  92656.         },
  92657.         {
  92658.             "RIT": "ws207047",
  92659.             "Type": "WS",
  92660.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1938/index.html",
  92661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92662.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1938",
  92663.             "Category": "SOC",
  92664.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation history and presentation speech given on behalf of the Nansen International Office for Refugees, the winner of the peace prize in 1938.",
  92665.             "Year": 0
  92666.         },
  92667.         {
  92668.             "RIT": "ws207048",
  92669.             "Type": "WS",
  92670.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1974/index.html",
  92671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92672.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1974",
  92673.             "Category": "SOC",
  92674.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sean Mac Bride and Eisaku Sato, the winners of the peace prize in 1974.",
  92675.             "Year": 0
  92676.         },
  92677.         {
  92678.             "RIT": "ws207057",
  92679.             "Type": "WS",
  92680.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1982/",
  92681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92682.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1982",
  92683.             "Category": "SOC",
  92684.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Alva Myrdal and Alfonso Garcia Robles, the winners of the peace prize in 1982.",
  92685.             "Year": 0
  92686.         },
  92687.         {
  92688.             "RIT": "ws207058",
  92689.             "Type": "WS",
  92690.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1910/index.html",
  92691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92692.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1910",
  92693.             "Category": "PHY",
  92694.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Johannes Diderik Van Der Waals, the winner of the physics prize in 1910.",
  92695.             "Year": 0
  92696.         },
  92697.         {
  92698.             "RIT": "ws207059",
  92699.             "Type": "WS",
  92700.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1901/index.html",
  92701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92702.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1901",
  92703.             "Category": "PHY",
  92704.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, the winner of the physics prize in 1901.",
  92705.             "Year": 0
  92706.         },
  92707.         {
  92708.             "RIT": "ws207060",
  92709.             "Type": "WS",
  92710.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1920/index.html",
  92711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92712.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1920",
  92713.             "Category": "PHY",
  92714.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Charles Edouard Guillaume, the winner of the physics prize in 1920.",
  92715.             "Year": 0
  92716.         },
  92717.         {
  92718.             "RIT": "ws207061",
  92719.             "Type": "WS",
  92720.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1911/index.html",
  92721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92722.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1911",
  92723.             "Category": "PHY",
  92724.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Wilhelm Wien, the winner of the physics prize in 1911.",
  92725.             "Year": 0
  92726.         },
  92727.         {
  92728.             "RIT": "ws207062",
  92729.             "Type": "WS",
  92730.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1902/index.html",
  92731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92732.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1902",
  92733.             "Category": "PHY",
  92734.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Hendrik Antoon Lorentz and Pieter Zeeman, the winners of the physics prize in 1902.",
  92735.             "Year": 0
  92736.         },
  92737.         {
  92738.             "RIT": "ws207063",
  92739.             "Type": "WS",
  92740.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1930/index.html",
  92741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92742.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1930",
  92743.             "Category": "PHY",
  92744.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman, the winner of the physics prize in 1930.",
  92745.             "Year": 0
  92746.         },
  92747.         {
  92748.             "RIT": "ws207064",
  92749.             "Type": "WS",
  92750.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1921/index.html",
  92751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92752.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1921",
  92753.             "Category": "PHY",
  92754.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Albert Einstein, the winner of the physics prize in 1921.",
  92755.             "Year": 0
  92756.         },
  92757.         {
  92758.             "RIT": "ws207073",
  92759.             "Type": "WS",
  92760.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1914/index.html",
  92761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92762.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1914",
  92763.             "Category": "PHY",
  92764.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Max von Laue, the winner of the physics prize in 1914.",
  92765.             "Year": 0
  92766.         },
  92767.         {
  92768.             "RIT": "ws207074",
  92769.             "Type": "WS",
  92770.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1905/index.html",
  92771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92772.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1905",
  92773.             "Category": "PHY",
  92774.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard, the winner of the physics prize in 1905.",
  92775.             "Year": 0
  92776.         },
  92777.         {
  92778.             "RIT": "ws207075",
  92779.             "Type": "WS",
  92780.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1991/index.html",
  92781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92782.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1991",
  92783.             "Category": "SOC",
  92784.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Aung San Suu Kyi, the winner of the peace prize in 1991.",
  92785.             "Year": 0
  92786.         },
  92787.         {
  92788.             "RIT": "ws207076",
  92789.             "Type": "WS",
  92790.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1933/index.html",
  92791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92792.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1933",
  92793.             "Category": "PHY",
  92794.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Erwin Schrodinger and Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, the winner of the physics prize in 1933.",
  92795.             "Year": 0
  92796.         },
  92797.         {
  92798.             "RIT": "ws207077",
  92799.             "Type": "WS",
  92800.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1924/index.html",
  92801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92802.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1924",
  92803.             "Category": "PHY",
  92804.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn, the winner of the physics prize in 1924.",
  92805.             "Year": 0
  92806.         },
  92807.         {
  92808.             "RIT": "ws207078",
  92809.             "Type": "WS",
  92810.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1915/index.html",
  92811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92812.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1915",
  92813.             "Category": "PHY",
  92814.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir William Henry Bragg and Sir William Lawrence Bragg, the winners of the physics prize in 1915.",
  92815.             "Year": 0
  92816.         },
  92817.         {
  92818.             "RIT": "ws207079",
  92819.             "Type": "WS",
  92820.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1906/index.html",
  92821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92822.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1906",
  92823.             "Category": "PHY",
  92824.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sir Joseph John Thomson, the winner of the physics prize in 1906.",
  92825.             "Year": 0
  92826.         },
  92827.         {
  92828.             "RIT": "ws207080",
  92829.             "Type": "WS",
  92830.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1983/index.html",
  92831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92832.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1983",
  92833.             "Category": "HIS",
  92834.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Lech Walesa, the winner of the peace prize in 1983.",
  92835.             "Year": 0
  92836.         },
  92837.         {
  92838.             "RIT": "ws207089",
  92839.             "Type": "WS",
  92840.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1908/index.html",
  92841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92842.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1908",
  92843.             "Category": "PHY",
  92844.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Gabriel Lippmann, the winner of the physics prize in 1908.",
  92845.             "Year": 0
  92846.         },
  92847.         {
  92848.             "RIT": "ws207090",
  92849.             "Type": "WS",
  92850.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1985/index.html",
  92851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92852.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1985",
  92853.             "Category": "SOC",
  92854.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation history and presentation speech of International Physicians For The Prevention of Nuclear War, Inc., the winner of the peace prize in 1985.",
  92855.             "Year": 0
  92856.         },
  92857.         {
  92858.             "RIT": "ws207091",
  92859.             "Type": "WS",
  92860.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1994/index.html",
  92861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92862.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1994",
  92863.             "Category": "GEO",
  92864.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, and Yitzhak Rabin, the winners of the peace prize in 1994.",
  92865.             "Year": 0
  92866.         },
  92867.         {
  92868.             "RIT": "ws207092",
  92869.             "Type": "WS",
  92870.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1936/index.html",
  92871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92872.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1936",
  92873.             "Category": "PHY",
  92874.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Victor Franz Hess and Carl David Anderson, the winners of the physics prize in 1936.",
  92875.             "Year": 0
  92876.         },
  92877.         {
  92878.             "RIT": "ws207093",
  92879.             "Type": "WS",
  92880.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1927/index.html",
  92881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92882.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1927",
  92883.             "Category": "PHY",
  92884.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Arthur Holly Compton and Charles Thomson Rees Wilson, the winners of the physics prize in 1927.",
  92885.             "Year": 0
  92886.         },
  92887.         {
  92888.             "RIT": "ws207094",
  92889.             "Type": "WS",
  92890.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1918/index.html",
  92891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92892.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1918",
  92893.             "Category": "PHY",
  92894.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck, the winner of the physics prize in 1918.",
  92895.             "Year": 0
  92896.         },
  92897.         {
  92898.             "RIT": "ws207095",
  92899.             "Type": "WS",
  92900.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1909/index.html",
  92901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92902.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1909",
  92903.             "Category": "PHY",
  92904.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Guglielmo Marconi and Carl Ferdinand Braun, the winners of the physics prize in 1909.",
  92905.             "Year": 0
  92906.         },
  92907.         {
  92908.             "RIT": "ws207104",
  92909.             "Type": "WS",
  92910.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1997/index.html",
  92911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92912.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1997",
  92913.             "Category": "SOC",
  92914.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and Jody Williams, the winners of the peace prize in 1997.",
  92915.             "Year": 0
  92916.         },
  92917.         {
  92918.             "RIT": "ws207105",
  92919.             "Type": "WS",
  92920.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1989/index.html",
  92921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92922.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1989",
  92923.             "Category": "HUM",
  92924.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of The 14th Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso), the winner of the peace prize in 1989.",
  92925.             "Year": 0
  92926.         },
  92927.         {
  92928.             "RIT": "ws207106",
  92929.             "Type": "WS",
  92930.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1998/index.html",
  92931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92932.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1998",
  92933.             "Category": "SOC",
  92934.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of John Hume and David Trimble, the winners of the peace prize in 1998.",
  92935.             "Year": 0
  92936.         },
  92937.         {
  92938.             "RIT": "ws207107",
  92939.             "Type": "WS",
  92940.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1951/index.html",
  92941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92942.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1951",
  92943.             "Category": "PHY",
  92944.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir John Douglas Cockcroft and Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton, the winners of the physics prize in 1951.",
  92945.             "Year": 0
  92946.         },
  92947.         {
  92948.             "RIT": "ws207108",
  92949.             "Type": "WS",
  92950.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1961/index.html",
  92951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92952.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1961",
  92953.             "Category": "PHY",
  92954.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Robert Hofstadter and Rudolf Ludwig Mossbauer, the winners of the physics prize in 1961.",
  92955.             "Year": 0
  92956.         },
  92957.         {
  92958.             "RIT": "ws207109",
  92959.             "Type": "WS",
  92960.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1943/index.html",
  92961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92962.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1943",
  92963.             "Category": "PHY",
  92964.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Otto Stern, the winner of the physics prize in 1943.",
  92965.             "Year": 0
  92966.         },
  92967.         {
  92968.             "RIT": "ws207110",
  92969.             "Type": "WS",
  92970.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1971/index.html",
  92971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92972.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1971",
  92973.             "Category": "PHY",
  92974.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Dennis Gabor, the winner of the physics prize in 1971.",
  92975.             "Year": 0
  92976.         },
  92977.         {
  92978.             "RIT": "ws207111",
  92979.             "Type": "WS",
  92980.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1953/index.html",
  92981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92982.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1953",
  92983.             "Category": "PHY",
  92984.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Fritz Zernike, the winner of the physics prize in 1953.",
  92985.             "Year": 0
  92986.         },
  92987.         {
  92988.             "RIT": "ws207112",
  92989.             "Type": "WS",
  92990.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1981/index.html",
  92991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  92992.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1981",
  92993.             "Category": "PHY",
  92994.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Nicolaas Bloembergen, Arthur L. Schawlow, and Kai M. Siegbahn, the winners of the physics prize in 1981.",
  92995.             "Year": 0
  92996.         },
  92997.         {
  92998.             "RIT": "ws207113",
  92999.             "Type": "WS",
  93000.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1963/index.html",
  93001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93002.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1963",
  93003.             "Category": "PHY",
  93004.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Eugene P. Wigner, Maria Goeppert-Mayer, and J. Hans D. Jensen, the winners of the physics prize in 1963.",
  93005.             "Year": 0
  93006.         },
  93007.         {
  93008.             "RIT": "ws207114",
  93009.             "Type": "WS",
  93010.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1945/index.html",
  93011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93012.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1945",
  93013.             "Category": "PHY",
  93014.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Wolfgang Pauli, the winner of the physics prize in 1945.",
  93015.             "Year": 0
  93016.         },
  93017.         {
  93018.             "RIT": "ws207115",
  93019.             "Type": "WS",
  93020.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1973/index.html",
  93021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93022.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1973",
  93023.             "Category": "PHY",
  93024.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Leo Esaki, Ivar Giaever, and Brian D. Josephson, the winners of the physics prize in 1973.",
  93025.             "Year": 0
  93026.         },
  93027.         {
  93028.             "RIT": "ws207116",
  93029.             "Type": "WS",
  93030.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1955/index.html",
  93031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93032.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1955",
  93033.             "Category": "PHY",
  93034.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Willis Eugene Lamb and Polykarp Kusch, the winners of the physics prize in 1955.",
  93035.             "Year": 0
  93036.         },
  93037.         {
  93038.             "RIT": "ws207117",
  93039.             "Type": "WS",
  93040.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1937/index.html",
  93041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93042.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1937",
  93043.             "Category": "PHY",
  93044.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Clinton Joseph Davisson and Sir George Paget Thomson, the winner of the physics prize in 1937.",
  93045.             "Year": 0
  93046.         },
  93047.         {
  93048.             "RIT": "ws207125",
  93049.             "Type": "WS",
  93050.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1967/index.html",
  93051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93052.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1967",
  93053.             "Category": "PHY",
  93054.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Hans Albrecht Bethe, the winner of the physics prize in 1967.",
  93055.             "Year": 0
  93056.         },
  93057.         {
  93058.             "RIT": "ws207126",
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  93060.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1949/index.html",
  93061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93062.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1949",
  93063.             "Category": "PHY",
  93064.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Hideki Yukawa, the winner of the physics prize in 1949.",
  93065.             "Year": 0
  93066.         },
  93067.         {
  93068.             "RIT": "ws207127",
  93069.             "Type": "WS",
  93070.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1977/index.html",
  93071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93072.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1977",
  93073.             "Category": "PHY",
  93074.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Philip W. Anderson, Sir Nevill F. Mott, and John H. Van Vleck, the winners of the physics prize in 1977.",
  93075.             "Year": 0
  93076.         },
  93077.         {
  93078.             "RIT": "ws207128",
  93079.             "Type": "WS",
  93080.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1959/index.html",
  93081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93082.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1959",
  93083.             "Category": "PHY",
  93084.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Emilio Gino Segre and Owen Chamberlain, the winner of the physics prize in 1959.",
  93085.             "Year": 0
  93086.         },
  93087.         {
  93088.             "RIT": "ws207129",
  93089.             "Type": "WS",
  93090.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1987/index.html",
  93091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93092.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1987",
  93093.             "Category": "PHY",
  93094.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of J. Georg Bednorz and K. Alexander Muller, the winners of the physics prize in 1987.",
  93095.             "Year": 0
  93096.         },
  93097.         {
  93098.             "RIT": "ws207130",
  93099.             "Type": "WS",
  93100.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1969/index.html",
  93101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93102.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1969",
  93103.             "Category": "PHY",
  93104.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Murray Gell-Mann, the winner of the physics prize in 1969.",
  93105.             "Year": 0
  93106.         },
  93107.         {
  93108.             "RIT": "ws207131",
  93109.             "Type": "WS",
  93110.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1979/index.html",
  93111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93112.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1979",
  93113.             "Category": "PHY",
  93114.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sheldon L. Glashow, Abdus Salam, and Steven Weinberg, the winners of the physics prize in 1979.",
  93115.             "Year": 0
  93116.         },
  93117.         {
  93118.             "RIT": "ws207140",
  93119.             "Type": "WS",
  93120.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1972/index.html",
  93121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93122.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1972",
  93123.             "Category": "PHY",
  93124.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of John Bardeen, Leon N. Cooper, and J. Robert Schrieffer, the winners of the physics prize in 1972.",
  93125.             "Year": 0
  93126.         },
  93127.         {
  93128.             "RIT": "ws207141",
  93129.             "Type": "WS",
  93130.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1954/index.html",
  93131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93132.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1954",
  93133.             "Category": "PHY",
  93134.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Max Born and Walther Bothe, the winners of the physics prize in 1954.",
  93135.             "Year": 0
  93136.         },
  93137.         {
  93138.             "RIT": "ws207142",
  93139.             "Type": "WS",
  93140.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1982/index.html",
  93141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93142.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1982",
  93143.             "Category": "PHY",
  93144.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Kenneth G. Wilson, the winner of the physics prize in 1982.",
  93145.             "Year": 0
  93146.         },
  93147.         {
  93148.             "RIT": "ws207143",
  93149.             "Type": "WS",
  93150.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1946/index.html",
  93151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93152.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1946",
  93153.             "Category": "PHY",
  93154.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Percy Williams Bridgman, the winner of the physics prize in 1946.",
  93155.             "Year": 0
  93156.         },
  93157.         {
  93158.             "RIT": "ws207144",
  93159.             "Type": "WS",
  93160.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1964/index.html",
  93161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93162.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1964",
  93163.             "Category": "PHY",
  93164.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Charles H. Townes, Nicolay Gennadiyevich Basov, and Aleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov, the winners of the physics prize in 1964.",
  93165.             "Year": 0
  93166.         },
  93167.         {
  93168.             "RIT": "ws207145",
  93169.             "Type": "WS",
  93170.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1974/index.html",
  93171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93172.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1974",
  93173.             "Category": "PHY",
  93174.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir Martin Ryle and Antony Hewish, the winners of the physics prize in 1974.",
  93175.             "Year": 0
  93176.         },
  93177.         {
  93178.             "RIT": "ws207146",
  93179.             "Type": "WS",
  93180.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1938/index.html",
  93181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93182.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1938",
  93183.             "Category": "PHY",
  93184.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Enrico Fermi, the winner of the physics prize in 1938.",
  93185.             "Year": 0
  93186.         },
  93187.         {
  93188.             "RIT": "ws207081",
  93189.             "Type": "WS",
  93190.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1992/index.html",
  93191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93192.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1992",
  93193.             "Category": "HIS",
  93194.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Rigoberta Menchu, the winner of the peace prize in 1991.",
  93195.             "Year": 0
  93196.         },
  93197.         {
  93198.             "RIT": "ws207082",
  93199.             "Type": "WS",
  93200.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1925/index.html",
  93201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93202.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1925",
  93203.             "Category": "PHY",
  93204.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of James Franck and Gustav Hertz, the winners of the physics prize in 1925.",
  93205.             "Year": 0
  93206.         },
  93207.         {
  93208.             "RIT": "ws207083",
  93209.             "Type": "WS",
  93210.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1907/index.html",
  93211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93212.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1907",
  93213.             "Category": "PHY",
  93214.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Albert Abraham Michelson, the winner of the physics prize in 1907.",
  93215.             "Year": 0
  93216.         },
  93217.         {
  93218.             "RIT": "ws207084",
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  93220.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1984/index.html",
  93221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93222.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1984",
  93223.             "Category": "HIS",
  93224.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Desmond Mpilo Tutu, the winner of the peace prize in 1984.",
  93225.             "Year": 0
  93226.         },
  93227.         {
  93228.             "RIT": "ws207085",
  93229.             "Type": "WS",
  93230.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1993/index.html",
  93231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93232.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1993",
  93233.             "Category": "GEO",
  93234.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Nelson Mandela and Fredrik Willem de Klerk, the winners of the peace prize in 1993.",
  93235.             "Year": 0
  93236.         },
  93237.         {
  93238.             "RIT": "ws207086",
  93239.             "Type": "WS",
  93240.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1935/index.html",
  93241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93242.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1935",
  93243.             "Category": "PHY",
  93244.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sir James Chadwick, the winner of the physics prize in 1935.",
  93245.             "Year": 0
  93246.         },
  93247.         {
  93248.             "RIT": "ws207087",
  93249.             "Type": "WS",
  93250.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1926/index.html",
  93251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93252.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1926",
  93253.             "Category": "PHY",
  93254.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Jean Baptiste Perrin, the winner of the physics prize in 1926.",
  93255.             "Year": 0
  93256.         },
  93257.         {
  93258.             "RIT": "ws207088",
  93259.             "Type": "WS",
  93260.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1917/index.html",
  93261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93262.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1917",
  93263.             "Category": "PHY",
  93264.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Charles Glover Barkla, the winner of the physics prize in 1917.",
  93265.             "Year": 0
  93266.         },
  93267.         {
  93268.             "RIT": "ws207096",
  93269.             "Type": "WS",
  93270.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1986/index.html",
  93271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93272.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1986",
  93273.             "Category": "HUM",
  93274.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Elie Wiesel, the winner of the peace prize in 1986.",
  93275.             "Year": 0
  93276.         },
  93277.         {
  93278.             "RIT": "ws207097",
  93279.             "Type": "WS",
  93280.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1995/index.html",
  93281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93282.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1995",
  93283.             "Category": "SOC",
  93284.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sir Joseph Rotblat and Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, the winners of the peace prize in 1995.",
  93285.             "Year": 0
  93286.         },
  93287.         {
  93288.             "RIT": "ws207098",
  93289.             "Type": "WS",
  93290.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1928/index.html",
  93291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93292.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1928",
  93293.             "Category": "PHY",
  93294.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sir Owen Willans Richardson, the winner of the physics prize in 1928.",
  93295.             "Year": 0
  93296.         },
  93297.         {
  93298.             "RIT": "ws207099",
  93299.             "Type": "WS",
  93300.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1919/index.html",
  93301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93302.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1919",
  93303.             "Category": "PHY",
  93304.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Johannes Stark, the winner of the physics prize in 1919.",
  93305.             "Year": 0
  93306.         },
  93307.         {
  93308.             "RIT": "ws207100",
  93309.             "Type": "WS",
  93310.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1987/index.html",
  93311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93312.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1987",
  93313.             "Category": "HIS",
  93314.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Oscar Arias Sanchez, the winner of the peace prize in 1987.",
  93315.             "Year": 0
  93316.         },
  93317.         {
  93318.             "RIT": "ws207101",
  93319.             "Type": "WS",
  93320.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1996/index.html",
  93321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93322.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1996",
  93323.             "Category": "GEO",
  93324.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo and Jose Ramos-Horta, the winners of the peace prize in 1996.",
  93325.             "Year": 0
  93326.         },
  93327.         {
  93328.             "RIT": "ws207102",
  93329.             "Type": "WS",
  93330.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1929/index.html",
  93331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93332.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1929",
  93333.             "Category": "PHY",
  93334.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Prince Louis-Victor de Broglie, the winner of the physics prize in 1929.",
  93335.             "Year": 0
  93336.         },
  93337.         {
  93338.             "RIT": "ws207103",
  93339.             "Type": "WS",
  93340.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1988/index.html",
  93341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93342.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Peace 1988",
  93343.             "Category": "SOC",
  93344.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation history and presentation speech of The United Nations Peace-Keeping Forces, the winner of the peace prize in 1988.",
  93345.             "Year": 0
  93346.         },
  93347.         {
  93348.             "RIT": "ws207118",
  93349.             "Type": "WS",
  93350.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1983/index.html",
  93351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93352.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1983",
  93353.             "Category": "PHY",
  93354.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Subramanyan Chandrasekhar and William A. Fowler, the winners of the physics prize in 1983.",
  93355.             "Year": 0
  93356.         },
  93357.         {
  93358.             "RIT": "ws207119",
  93359.             "Type": "WS",
  93360.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1965/index.html",
  93361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93362.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1965",
  93363.             "Category": "PHY",
  93364.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, Julian Schwinger, and Richard P. Feynman, the winners of the physics prize in 1965.",
  93365.             "Year": 0
  93366.         },
  93367.         {
  93368.             "RIT": "ws207120",
  93369.             "Type": "WS",
  93370.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1947/index.html",
  93371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93372.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1947",
  93373.             "Category": "PHY",
  93374.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Sir Edward Victor Appleton, the winner of the physics prize in 1947.",
  93375.             "Year": 0
  93376.         },
  93377.         {
  93378.             "RIT": "ws207121",
  93379.             "Type": "WS",
  93380.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1975/index.html",
  93381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93382.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1975",
  93383.             "Category": "PHY",
  93384.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Aage Bohr, Ben Mottelson, and James Rainwater, the winners of the physics prize in 1975.",
  93385.             "Year": 0
  93386.         },
  93387.         {
  93388.             "RIT": "ws207122",
  93389.             "Type": "WS",
  93390.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1957/index.html",
  93391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93392.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1957",
  93393.             "Category": "PHY",
  93394.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Chen Ning Yang and Tsung-Dao Lee, the winners of the physics prize in 1957.",
  93395.             "Year": 0
  93396.         },
  93397.         {
  93398.             "RIT": "ws207123",
  93399.             "Type": "WS",
  93400.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1939/index.html",
  93401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93402.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1939",
  93403.             "Category": "PHY",
  93404.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Ernest Orlando Lawrence, the winner of the physics prize in 1939.",
  93405.             "Year": 0
  93406.         },
  93407.         {
  93408.             "RIT": "ws207124",
  93409.             "Type": "WS",
  93410.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1985/index.html",
  93411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93412.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1985",
  93413.             "Category": "PHY",
  93414.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Klaus von Klitzing, the winner of the physics prize in 1985.",
  93415.             "Year": 0
  93416.         },
  93417.         {
  93418.             "RIT": "ws207132",
  93419.             "Type": "WS",
  93420.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1989/index.html",
  93421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93422.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1989",
  93423.             "Category": "PHY",
  93424.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Norman F. Ramsey, Hans G. Dehmelt, and Wolfgang Paul, the winners of the physics prize in 1989.",
  93425.             "Year": 0
  93426.         },
  93427.         {
  93428.             "RIT": "ws207133",
  93429.             "Type": "WS",
  93430.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1950/index.html",
  93431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93432.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1950",
  93433.             "Category": "PHY",
  93434.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Cecil Frank Powell, the winner of the physics prize in 1950.",
  93435.             "Year": 0
  93436.         },
  93437.         {
  93438.             "RIT": "ws207134",
  93439.             "Type": "WS",
  93440.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1960/index.html",
  93441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93442.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1960",
  93443.             "Category": "PHY",
  93444.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Donald A. Glaser, the winner of the physics prize in 1960.",
  93445.             "Year": 0
  93446.         },
  93447.         {
  93448.             "RIT": "ws207135",
  93449.             "Type": "WS",
  93450.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1952/index.html",
  93451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93452.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1952",
  93453.             "Category": "PHY",
  93454.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Felix Bloch and Edward Mills Purcell, the winners of the physics prize in 1952.",
  93455.             "Year": 0
  93456.         },
  93457.         {
  93458.             "RIT": "ws207136",
  93459.             "Type": "WS",
  93460.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1970/index.html",
  93461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93462.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1970",
  93463.             "Category": "PHY",
  93464.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Hannes Alfven and Louis Neel, the winners of the physics prize in 1970.",
  93465.             "Year": 0
  93466.         },
  93467.         {
  93468.             "RIT": "ws207137",
  93469.             "Type": "WS",
  93470.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1980/index.html",
  93471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93472.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1980",
  93473.             "Category": "PHY",
  93474.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of James W. Cronin and Val L. Fitch, the winners of the physics prize in 1980.",
  93475.             "Year": 0
  93476.         },
  93477.         {
  93478.             "RIT": "ws207138",
  93479.             "Type": "WS",
  93480.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1944/index.html",
  93481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93482.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1944",
  93483.             "Category": "PHY",
  93484.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Isidor Isaac Rabi, the winner of the physics prize in 1944.",
  93485.             "Year": 0
  93486.         },
  93487.         {
  93488.             "RIT": "ws207139",
  93489.             "Type": "WS",
  93490.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1962/index.html",
  93491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93492.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1962",
  93493.             "Category": "PHY",
  93494.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Lev Davidovich Landau, the winner of the physics prize in 1962.",
  93495.             "Year": 0
  93496.         },
  93497.         {
  93498.             "RIT": "ws207147",
  93499.             "Type": "WS",
  93500.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1956/index.html",
  93501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93502.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1956",
  93503.             "Category": "PHY",
  93504.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Houser Brattain, the winners of the physics prize in 1956.",
  93505.             "Year": 0
  93506.         },
  93507.         {
  93508.             "RIT": "ws207148",
  93509.             "Type": "WS",
  93510.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1984/index.html",
  93511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93512.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1984",
  93513.             "Category": "PHY",
  93514.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Carlo Rubbia and Simon van der Meer, the winners of the physics prize in 1984.",
  93515.             "Year": 0
  93516.         },
  93517.         {
  93518.             "RIT": "ws207149",
  93519.             "Type": "WS",
  93520.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1948/index.html",
  93521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93522.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1948",
  93523.             "Category": "PHY",
  93524.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Lord Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett, the winner of the physics prize in 1948.",
  93525.             "Year": 0
  93526.         },
  93527.         {
  93528.             "RIT": "ws207150",
  93529.             "Type": "WS",
  93530.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1966/index.html",
  93531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93532.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1966",
  93533.             "Category": "PHY",
  93534.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Alfred Kastler, the winner of the physics prize in 1966.",
  93535.             "Year": 0
  93536.         },
  93537.         {
  93538.             "RIT": "ws207151",
  93539.             "Type": "WS",
  93540.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1976/index.html",
  93541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93542.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1976",
  93543.             "Category": "PHY",
  93544.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Burton Richter and Samuel C. C. Ting, the winners of the physics prize in 1976.",
  93545.             "Year": 0
  93546.         },
  93547.         {
  93548.             "RIT": "ws207152",
  93549.             "Type": "WS",
  93550.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1958/index.html",
  93551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93552.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1958",
  93553.             "Category": "PHY",
  93554.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov, Ilja Mikhailovich Frank, and Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm, the winners of the physics prize in 1958.",
  93555.             "Year": 0
  93556.         },
  93557.         {
  93558.             "RIT": "ws207153",
  93559.             "Type": "WS",
  93560.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1986/index.html",
  93561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93562.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1986",
  93563.             "Category": "PHY",
  93564.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Ernst Ruska, Gerd Binnig, and Heinrich Rohrer, the winners of the physics prize in 1986.",
  93565.             "Year": 0
  93566.         },
  93567.         {
  93568.             "RIT": "ws207163",
  93569.             "Type": "WS",
  93570.             "URL": "http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Bessel.html",
  93571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93572.             "Title": "Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel",
  93573.             "Category": "PHY",
  93574.             "Description": "A biography of Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel hosted by The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, a project sponsored by the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland.",
  93575.             "Year": 0
  93576.         },
  93577.         {
  93578.             "RIT": "ws207165",
  93579.             "Type": "WS",
  93580.             "URL": "http://vmoc.museophile.sbu.ac.uk/mandelbrot/",
  93581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  93583.             "Category": "PHY",
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  93585.             "Year": 0
  93586.         },
  93587.         {
  93588.             "RIT": "ws207166",
  93589.             "Type": "WS",
  93590.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1990/index.html",
  93591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93592.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1990",
  93593.             "Category": "PHY",
  93594.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Jerome I. Friedman, Henry W. Kendall, and Richard E. Taylor, the winners of the physics prize in 1990.",
  93595.             "Year": 0
  93596.         },
  93597.         {
  93598.             "RIT": "ws207167",
  93599.             "Type": "WS",
  93600.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1991/index.html",
  93601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93602.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1991",
  93603.             "Category": "PHY",
  93604.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, the winner of the physics prize in 1991.",
  93605.             "Year": 0
  93606.         },
  93607.         {
  93608.             "RIT": "ws207168",
  93609.             "Type": "WS",
  93610.             "URL": "http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Banneker.html",
  93611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93612.             "Title": "Benjamin Banneker",
  93613.             "Category": "PHY",
  93614.             "Description": "A short biography of Benjamin Banneker hosted by The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, a project sponsored by the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland.",
  93615.             "Year": 0
  93616.         },
  93617.         {
  93618.             "RIT": "ws207169",
  93619.             "Type": "WS",
  93620.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/economics/laureates/1977/index.html",
  93621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93622.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Economic Sciences 1977",
  93623.             "Category": "PHY",
  93624.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Bertil Ohlin and James E Meade, the winners of the economic sciences prize in 1977.",
  93625.             "Year": 0
  93626.         },
  93627.         {
  93628.             "RIT": "ws207170",
  93629.             "Type": "WS",
  93630.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1992/index.html",
  93631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93632.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1992",
  93633.             "Category": "PHY",
  93634.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Georges Charpak, the winner of the physics prize in 1992.",
  93635.             "Year": 0
  93636.         },
  93637.         {
  93638.             "RIT": "ws207179",
  93639.             "Type": "WS",
  93640.             "URL": "http://www.kydirect.net/",
  93641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93642.             "Title": "Kentucky Commonwealth",
  93643.             "Category": "GEO",
  93644.             "Description": "Official Kentucky state government departments and services Web site.",
  93645.             "Year": 0
  93646.         },
  93647.         {
  93648.             "RIT": "ws207180",
  93649.             "Type": "WS",
  93650.             "URL": "http://www2.tulane.edu/main.cfm?CFID=1402186&CFTOKEN=10589182",
  93651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93652.             "Title": "Tulane University",
  93653.             "Category": "EDU",
  93654.             "Description": "The official Tulane University Web site provides a guide to the campus and the New Orleans area.",
  93655.             "Year": 0
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  93657.         {
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  93659.             "Type": "WS",
  93660.             "URL": "http://www.americanwriters.org/writers/paine.asp",
  93661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93662.             "Title": "Thomas Paine",
  93663.             "Category": "HUM",
  93664.             "Description": "Contains a biography of Paine.",
  93665.             "Year": 0
  93666.         },
  93667.         {
  93668.             "RIT": "ws207182",
  93669.             "Type": "WS",
  93670.             "URL": "http://www.media-visions.com/tompaine.html",
  93671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93672.             "Title": "Meet Thomas Paine",
  93673.             "Category": "HUM",
  93674.             "Description": "A detailed biography of Paine.",
  93675.             "Year": 0
  93676.         },
  93677.         {
  93678.             "RIT": "ws207183",
  93679.             "Type": "WS",
  93680.             "URL": "http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/exhibits/treasures/american/wheatley.html",
  93681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93682.             "Title": "Phillis Wheatley, 1753-1784",
  93683.             "Category": "HUM",
  93684.             "Description": "A biography of Wheatley.",
  93685.             "Year": 0
  93686.         },
  93687.         {
  93688.             "RIT": "ws207184",
  93689.             "Type": "WS",
  93690.             "URL": "http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/bierce.htm",
  93691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93692.             "Title": "Ambrose Gwinett Bierce",
  93693.             "Category": "HUM",
  93694.             "Description": "A biography of Bierce.",
  93695.             "Year": 0
  93696.         },
  93697.         {
  93698.             "RIT": "ws207185",
  93699.             "Type": "WS",
  93700.             "URL": "http://nlu.nl.edu/ace/Resources/Addams.html",
  93701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93702.             "Title": "Jane Addams",
  93703.             "Category": "HUM",
  93704.             "Description": "A detailed biography of Addams.",
  93705.             "Year": 0
  93706.         },
  93707.         {
  93708.             "RIT": "ws207187",
  93709.             "Type": "WS",
  93710.             "URL": "http://www.ci.portland.me.us/",
  93711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93712.             "Title": "Portland, Maine",
  93713.             "Category": "GEO",
  93714.             "Description": "Official Portland site for city services and tourism.",
  93715.             "Year": 0
  93716.         },
  93717.         {
  93718.             "RIT": "ws207188",
  93719.             "Type": "WS",
  93720.             "URL": "http://www.apva.org/history/jsmith.html",
  93721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93722.             "Title": "Jamestown Rediscovery: Captain John Smith",
  93723.             "Category": "HUM",
  93724.             "Description": "A biography of Smith.",
  93725.             "Year": 0
  93726.         },
  93727.         {
  93728.             "RIT": "ws207190",
  93729.             "Type": "WS",
  93730.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/fj.html",
  93731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93732.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Fiji",
  93733.             "Category": "GEO",
  93734.             "Description": "An overview of the country from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  93735.             "Year": 0
  93736.         },
  93737.         {
  93738.             "RIT": "ws207191",
  93739.             "Type": "WS",
  93740.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/da.html",
  93741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93742.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Denmark",
  93743.             "Category": "GEO",
  93744.             "Description": "An overview of the country from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  93745.             "Year": 0
  93746.         },
  93747.         {
  93748.             "RIT": "ws207192",
  93749.             "Type": "WS",
  93750.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ci.html",
  93751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93752.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Chile",
  93753.             "Category": "GEO",
  93754.             "Description": "An overview of the country from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  93755.             "Year": 0
  93756.         },
  93757.         {
  93758.             "RIT": "ws207193",
  93759.             "Type": "WS",
  93760.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/am.html",
  93761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93762.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Armenia",
  93763.             "Category": "GEO",
  93764.             "Description": "An overview of the country from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  93765.             "Year": 0
  93766.         },
  93767.         {
  93768.             "RIT": "ws207194",
  93769.             "Type": "WS",
  93770.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/hk.html",
  93771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93772.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Hong Kong",
  93773.             "Category": "GEO",
  93774.             "Description": "An overview of the country from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  93775.             "Year": 0
  93776.         },
  93777.         {
  93778.             "RIT": "ws207195",
  93779.             "Type": "WS",
  93780.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/jm.html",
  93781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93782.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Jamaica",
  93783.             "Category": "GEO",
  93784.             "Description": "An overview of the country from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  93785.             "Year": 0
  93786.         },
  93787.         {
  93788.             "RIT": "ws207196",
  93789.             "Type": "WS",
  93790.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ku.html",
  93791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93792.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Kuwait",
  93793.             "Category": "GEO",
  93794.             "Description": "An overview of the country from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  93795.             "Year": 0
  93796.         },
  93797.         {
  93798.             "RIT": "ws207197",
  93799.             "Type": "WS",
  93800.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/lu.html",
  93801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93802.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Luxembourg",
  93803.             "Category": "GEO",
  93804.             "Description": "An overview of the country from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  93805.             "Year": 0
  93806.         },
  93807.         {
  93808.             "RIT": "ws207198",
  93809.             "Type": "WS",
  93810.             "URL": "http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/af.html",
  93811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93812.             "Title": "CIA Factbook: Afghanistan",
  93813.             "Category": "GEO",
  93814.             "Description": "An overview of the country from the online edition of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's World Factbook.",
  93815.             "Year": 0
  93816.         },
  93817.         {
  93818.             "RIT": "ws207200",
  93819.             "Type": "WS",
  93820.             "URL": "http://testing/tatadev/",
  93821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93822.             "Title": "Testing WLT",
  93823.             "Category": "GEO",
  93824.             "Description": "tata testing done in bangalore",
  93825.             "Year": 0
  93826.         },
  93827.         {
  93828.             "RIT": "ws207201",
  93829.             "Type": "WS",
  93830.             "URL": "http://tatatestingjapanarticle/",
  93831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93832.             "Title": "tata-japanese-page",
  93833.             "Category": "LIF",
  93834.             "Description": "The titles and keywords are changed.",
  93835.             "Year": 0
  93836.         },
  93837.         {
  93838.             "RIT": "ws207203",
  93839.             "Type": "WS",
  93840.             "URL": "http://testing/",
  93841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93842.             "Title": "testing time",
  93843.             "Category": "SOC",
  93844.             "Description": "testing approved with modification",
  93845.             "Year": 0
  93846.         },
  93847.         {
  93848.             "RIT": "ws207154",
  93849.             "Type": "WS",
  93850.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1968/index.html",
  93851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93852.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1968",
  93853.             "Category": "PHY",
  93854.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biography and presentation speech of Luis W. Alvarez, the winner of the physics prize in 1968.",
  93855.             "Year": 0
  93856.         },
  93857.         {
  93858.             "RIT": "ws207155",
  93859.             "Type": "WS",
  93860.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1978/index.html",
  93861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93862.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1978",
  93863.             "Category": "PHY",
  93864.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, Arno A. Penzias, and Robert W. Wilson, the winners of the physics prize in 1978.",
  93865.             "Year": 0
  93866.         },
  93867.         {
  93868.             "RIT": "ws207156",
  93869.             "Type": "WS",
  93870.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1988/index.html",
  93871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93872.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1988",
  93873.             "Category": "PHY",
  93874.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Leon M. Lederman, Melvin Schwartz, and Jack Steinberger, the winners of the physics prize in 1988.",
  93875.             "Year": 0
  93876.         },
  93877.         {
  93878.             "RIT": "ws207158",
  93879.             "Type": "WS",
  93880.             "URL": "http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Boole.html",
  93881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93882.             "Title": "George Boole",
  93883.             "Category": "PHY",
  93884.             "Description": "A biography of George Boole hosted by The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, a project sponsored by the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland.",
  93885.             "Year": 0
  93886.         },
  93887.         {
  93888.             "RIT": "ws207159",
  93889.             "Type": "WS",
  93890.             "URL": "http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Bowditch.html",
  93891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93892.             "Title": "Nathaniel Bowditch",
  93893.             "Category": "PHY",
  93894.             "Description": "A biography of Nathaniel Bowditch hosted by The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, a project sponsored by the University of St. Andrews in St. Andrews, Scotland.",
  93895.             "Year": 0
  93896.         },
  93897.         {
  93898.             "RIT": "ws207162",
  93899.             "Type": "WS",
  93900.             "URL": "http://www.c3.lanl.gov/mega-math/gloss/topo/topo.html",
  93901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93902.             "Title": "Topology",
  93903.             "Category": "PHY",
  93904.             "Description": "A brief summary of topology from Web pages about a branch of topology called Knot Theory. The topology and Knot Theory sites are part of the This is MEGA Mathematics! project at Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, New Mexico.",
  93905.             "Year": 0
  93906.         },
  93907.         {
  93908.             "RIT": "ws207171",
  93909.             "Type": "WS",
  93910.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1993/index.html",
  93911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93912.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1993",
  93913.             "Category": "PHY",
  93914.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Russell A. Hulse and Joseph H.Taylor, Jr., the winners of the physics prize in 1993.",
  93915.             "Year": 0
  93916.         },
  93917.         {
  93918.             "RIT": "ws207172",
  93919.             "Type": "WS",
  93920.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1994/index.html",
  93921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93922.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1994",
  93923.             "Category": "PHY",
  93924.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Bertram N. Brockhouse and Clifford G. Shull, the winners of the physics prize in 1994.",
  93925.             "Year": 0
  93926.         },
  93927.         {
  93928.             "RIT": "ws207173",
  93929.             "Type": "WS",
  93930.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1995/index.html",
  93931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93932.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1995",
  93933.             "Category": "PHY",
  93934.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Martin L. Perl and Frederick Reines, the winners of the physics prize in 1995.",
  93935.             "Year": 0
  93936.         },
  93937.         {
  93938.             "RIT": "ws207174",
  93939.             "Type": "WS",
  93940.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1996/index.html",
  93941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93942.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1996",
  93943.             "Category": "PHY",
  93944.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff, and Robert C. Richardson, the winners of the physics prize in 1996.",
  93945.             "Year": 0
  93946.         },
  93947.         {
  93948.             "RIT": "ws207175",
  93949.             "Type": "WS",
  93950.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1997/index.html",
  93951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93952.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1997",
  93953.             "Category": "PHY",
  93954.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, and William D. Phillips, the winners of the physics prize in 1997.",
  93955.             "Year": 0
  93956.         },
  93957.         {
  93958.             "RIT": "ws207176",
  93959.             "Type": "WS",
  93960.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1998/index.html",
  93961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93962.             "Title": "[Nobel Prize] Physics 1998",
  93963.             "Category": "PHY",
  93964.             "Description": "The Nobel Foundation biographies and presentation speeches of Robert B. Laughlin, Horst L. Stormer, and Daniel C. Tsui, the winners of the physics prize in 1998.",
  93965.             "Year": 0
  93966.         },
  93967.         {
  93968.             "RIT": "ws207178",
  93969.             "Type": "WS",
  93970.             "URL": "http://www.becominghuman.org/",
  93971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93972.             "Title": "Becoming Human",
  93973.             "Category": "SOC",
  93974.             "Description": "Information on evolution from the Institute of Human Origins. The site includes news on anthropological discoveries and offers educational activities and lesson plans.",
  93975.             "Year": 0
  93976.         },
  93977.         {
  93978.             "RIT": "ws207205",
  93979.             "Type": "WS",
  93980.             "URL": "http://www.ancientchapel.co.uk/history.htm",
  93981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93982.             "Title": "The Ancient Chapel of Toxteth in Liverpool-England",
  93983.             "Category": "HUM",
  93984.             "Description": "Includes details of Mather's life in England.",
  93985.             "Year": 0
  93986.         },
  93987.         {
  93988.             "RIT": "ws207206",
  93989.             "Type": "WS",
  93990.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/colo/Jthanout/JSmith.html",
  93991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  93992.             "Title": "Life of Captain John Smith",
  93993.             "Category": "HUM",
  93994.             "Description": "Biographical information about Smith.",
  93995.             "Year": 0
  93996.         },
  93997.         {
  93998.             "RIT": "ws207207",
  93999.             "Type": "WS",
  94000.             "URL": "http://franklaughter.tripod.com/cgi-bin/history/almanac.html",
  94001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94002.             "Title": "Benjamin Franklin and Poor Richard's Almanac",
  94003.             "Category": "HUM",
  94004.             "Description": "Describes the almanac and explains how and when Franklin came to write it.",
  94005.             "Year": 0
  94006.         },
  94007.         {
  94008.             "RIT": "ws207208",
  94009.             "Type": "WS",
  94010.             "URL": "http://members.tripod.com/clipclop/LM/mather/richard.html",
  94011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94012.             "Title": "Richard Mather",
  94013.             "Category": "HUM",
  94014.             "Description": "Contains biographical information about Mather.",
  94015.             "Year": 0
  94016.         },
  94017.         {
  94018.             "RIT": "ws207209",
  94019.             "Type": "WS",
  94020.             "URL": "http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/literature/",
  94021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94022.             "Title": "Literature in Latin America",
  94023.             "Category": "HUM",
  94024.             "Description": "A list of Latin American literature web sites organized by country and maintained by the Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC) at the Institute of Latin American Studies, the University of Texas at Austin.",
  94025.             "Year": 0
  94026.         },
  94027.         {
  94028.             "RIT": "ws207210",
  94029.             "Type": "WS",
  94030.             "URL": "http://www.olympic.org/uk/index_uk.asp",
  94031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94032.             "Title": "The Official Web site of the Olympic Movement",
  94033.             "Category": "REC",
  94034.             "Description": "Offers information on the sports, athletes, and history of the Olympic Games, from the International Olympic Committee.",
  94035.             "Year": 0
  94036.         },
  94037.         {
  94038.             "RIT": "ws207211",
  94039.             "Type": "WS",
  94040.             "URL": "http://cervantesvirtual.com/",
  94041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94042.             "Title": "Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes",
  94043.             "Category": "HUM",
  94044.             "Description": "A virtual library of Spanish language texts by many authors.",
  94045.             "Year": 0
  94046.         },
  94047.         {
  94048.             "RIT": "ws207212",
  94049.             "Type": "WS",
  94050.             "URL": "http://flood.nhm.ac.uk/cgi-bin/dino/",
  94051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94052.             "Title": "The Natural History Museum's Dino Directory",
  94053.             "Category": "LIF",
  94054.             "Description": "An extensive guide to dinosaurs by the Natural History Museum. Database is searchable by name of dinosaur and time period.",
  94055.             "Year": 0
  94056.         },
  94057.         {
  94058.             "RIT": "ws207213",
  94059.             "Type": "WS",
  94060.             "URL": "http://emuseum.mnsu.edu/prehistory/vikings/vikhome.html",
  94061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94062.             "Title": "Vikings in America",
  94063.             "Category": "HIS",
  94064.             "Description": "Information from Minnesota State University on the exploration of America by Vikings.",
  94065.             "Year": 0
  94066.         },
  94067.         {
  94068.             "RIT": "ws207222",
  94069.             "Type": "WS",
  94070.             "URL": "http://www.loggia.com/myth/myth.html",
  94071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94072.             "Title": "Mythology--Exploring Greek, Roman, and Celtic Mythology",
  94073.             "Category": "HUM",
  94074.             "Description": "A commercial site that offers information about ancient Greek, Roman, and Celtic Mythology.",
  94075.             "Year": 0
  94076.         },
  94077.         {
  94078.             "RIT": "ws207223",
  94079.             "Type": "WS",
  94080.             "URL": "http://ensayo.rom.uga.edu/antologia/",
  94081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94082.             "Title": "Antolog├îa del Ensayo Ibero e Iberoamericano",
  94083.             "Category": "HUM",
  94084.             "Description": "A virtual library of essays by Spanish writers from the 14th through 20th centuries. Part of the Proyecto Ensayo Hispanico at the University of Georgia. Sites listed by author and chronologically.",
  94085.             "Year": 0
  94086.         },
  94087.         {
  94088.             "RIT": "ws207224",
  94089.             "Type": "WS",
  94090.             "URL": "http://www.bulfinch.org/",
  94091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94092.             "Title": "Bullfinch's Mythology",
  94093.             "Category": "HUM",
  94094.             "Description": "Three-volume e-text version of Bullfinch's Mythology.",
  94095.             "Year": 0
  94096.         },
  94097.         {
  94098.             "RIT": "ws207225",
  94099.             "Type": "WS",
  94100.             "URL": "http://emuseum.mnsu.edu/prehistory/aegean/",
  94101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94102.             "Title": "Ancient Greek Civilizations",
  94103.             "Category": "HIS",
  94104.             "Description": "Extensive information on Ancient Greece from Minnesota State University.",
  94105.             "Year": 0
  94106.         },
  94107.         {
  94108.             "RIT": "ws207226",
  94109.             "Type": "WS",
  94110.             "URL": "http://www.wwnorton.com/naal/explore/taylor.htm",
  94111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94112.             "Title": "Edward Taylor, c. 1642-1729",
  94113.             "Category": "HUM",
  94114.             "Description": "Includes a biography of Taylor and criticism of his work.",
  94115.             "Year": 0
  94116.         },
  94117.         {
  94118.             "RIT": "ws207227",
  94119.             "Type": "WS",
  94120.             "URL": "http://www.accesskansas.org/",
  94121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94122.             "Title": "Information Network of Kansas",
  94123.             "Category": "GEO",
  94124.             "Description": "Official Kansas state government departments and services homepage.",
  94125.             "Year": 0
  94126.         },
  94127.         {
  94128.             "RIT": "ws207228",
  94129.             "Type": "WS",
  94130.             "URL": "http://www.hudsonvalley.org/education/Background/abt_irving/abt_irving.html",
  94131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94132.             "Title": "About Washington Irving",
  94133.             "Category": "HUM",
  94134.             "Description": "A biography of Irving by Historic Hudson Valley, a non-profit educational organization.",
  94135.             "Year": 0
  94136.         },
  94137.         {
  94138.             "RIT": "ws207229",
  94139.             "Type": "WS",
  94140.             "URL": "http://www.jmu.edu/madison/wheatley/index.htm#menu",
  94141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94142.             "Title": "Phillis Wheatley, Poet",
  94143.             "Category": "HUM",
  94144.             "Description": "Includes a biography of Wheatley and the texts of several of her works.",
  94145.             "Year": 0
  94146.         },
  94147.         {
  94148.             "RIT": "ws207230",
  94149.             "Type": "WS",
  94150.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/ktca/liberty/chronicle/paine.html",
  94151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94152.             "Title": "The Remains of Thomas Paine",
  94153.             "Category": "HUM",
  94154.             "Description": "Biographical information about Paine from the Public Broadcasting System.",
  94155.             "Year": 0
  94156.         },
  94157.         {
  94158.             "RIT": "ws207231",
  94159.             "Type": "WS",
  94160.             "URL": "http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/BroWiel.html",
  94161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94162.             "Title": "Wieland; or the Transformation. An American Tale.",
  94163.             "Category": "HUM",
  94164.             "Description": "The full text of Brown's best-known work.",
  94165.             "Year": 0
  94166.         },
  94167.         {
  94168.             "RIT": "ws207242",
  94169.             "Type": "WS",
  94170.             "URL": "http://www.hti.umich.edu/cgi/a/amverse/amverse-idx?type=header&id=BryanPoems",
  94171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94172.             "Title": "Poems",
  94173.             "Category": "HUM",
  94174.             "Description": "Includes all of the works published by William Cullen Bryant in 1840 in his book Poems.",
  94175.             "Year": 0
  94176.         },
  94177.         {
  94178.             "RIT": "ws207243",
  94179.             "Type": "WS",
  94180.             "URL": "http://www.arlingtoncemetery.com/gwpcusti.htm",
  94181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94182.             "Title": "George Washington Parke Custis",
  94183.             "Category": "HUM",
  94184.             "Description": "Contains a biography of Custis, his official death announcement, and photographs from his gravesite, from the Arlington National Cemetery Website.",
  94185.             "Year": 0
  94186.         },
  94187.         {
  94188.             "RIT": "ws207244",
  94189.             "Type": "WS",
  94190.             "URL": "http://www.americanpoems.com/poets/philipfreneau/",
  94191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94192.             "Title": "Philip Freneau",
  94193.             "Category": "HUM",
  94194.             "Description": "Includes a biography of Freneau and the texts of several of his poems.",
  94195.             "Year": 0
  94196.         },
  94197.         {
  94198.             "RIT": "ws207245",
  94199.             "Type": "WS",
  94200.             "URL": "http://www.gonzaga.edu/faculty/campbell/enl310/smith.htm",
  94201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94202.             "Title": "John Smith (1580-1631)",
  94203.             "Category": "HUM",
  94204.             "Description": "Includes articles, images, and maps related to Smith's life.",
  94205.             "Year": 0
  94206.         },
  94207.         {
  94208.             "RIT": "ws207246",
  94209.             "Type": "WS",
  94210.             "URL": "http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/LIT/brown.htm",
  94211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94212.             "Title": "An Outline of American Literature: Charles Brockden Brown",
  94213.             "Category": "HUM",
  94214.             "Description": "A biography of Brown.",
  94215.             "Year": 0
  94216.         },
  94217.         {
  94218.             "RIT": "ws207247",
  94219.             "Type": "WS",
  94220.             "URL": "http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/eaf/authors/cal/wdCal.html",
  94221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94222.             "Title": "Early American Fiction: William Dunlap",
  94223.             "Category": "HUM",
  94224.             "Description": "A biography of Dunlap from the Cyclopaedia of American Literature, published in 1856.",
  94225.             "Year": 0
  94226.         },
  94227.         {
  94228.             "RIT": "ws207248",
  94229.             "Type": "WS",
  94230.             "URL": "http://www.ushistory.org/paine/",
  94231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94232.             "Title": "Thomas Paine",
  94233.             "Category": "HUM",
  94234.             "Description": "Includes a biography, as well as the texts of the complete works of Paine.",
  94235.             "Year": 0
  94236.         },
  94237.         {
  94238.             "RIT": "ws207249",
  94239.             "Type": "WS",
  94240.             "URL": "http://www.npg.si.edu/exh/brady/gallery/70gal.html",
  94241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94242.             "Title": "William Cullen Bryant, 1794-1878",
  94243.             "Category": "HUM",
  94244.             "Description": "Includes a portrait and biography of Bryant.",
  94245.             "Year": 0
  94246.         },
  94247.         {
  94248.             "RIT": "ws207250",
  94249.             "Type": "WS",
  94250.             "URL": "http://members.aol.com/mayflo1620/smith_writings.html",
  94251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94252.             "Title": "The Writings of Captain John Smith",
  94253.             "Category": "HUM",
  94254.             "Description": "Includes a biography of Smith and the texts of his works.",
  94255.             "Year": 0
  94256.         },
  94257.         {
  94258.             "RIT": "ws207251",
  94259.             "Type": "WS",
  94260.             "URL": "http://voices.cla.umn.edu/authors/PhillisWheatley.html",
  94261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94262.             "Title": "Voices from the Gaps: Women Writers of Color, Phillis Wheatley",
  94263.             "Category": "HUM",
  94264.             "Description": "Includes a biography of Wheatley and criticism of her works.",
  94265.             "Year": 0
  94266.         },
  94267.         {
  94268.             "RIT": "ws207261",
  94269.             "Type": "WS",
  94270.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/const/fed/fedpapers.html",
  94271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94272.             "Title": "The Federalist Papers",
  94273.             "Category": "HUM",
  94274.             "Description": "Provides the text of the Federalist Papers.",
  94275.             "Year": 0
  94276.         },
  94277.         {
  94278.             "RIT": "ws207262",
  94279.             "Type": "WS",
  94280.             "URL": "http://www.wfu.edu/Academic-departments/History/newnation/warren/mow1.htm",
  94281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94282.             "Title": "The Mercy Otis Warren Home Page",
  94283.             "Category": "HUM",
  94284.             "Description": "Includes information about Warren's life and writings, as well as contemporary criticism of her work.",
  94285.             "Year": 0
  94286.         },
  94287.         {
  94288.             "RIT": "ws207263",
  94289.             "Type": "WS",
  94290.             "URL": "http://xroads.virginia.edu/~DRBR2/ade.html",
  94291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94292.             "Title": "To Make a Hoosier Holiday",
  94293.             "Category": "HUM",
  94294.             "Description": "Presents the text of one of George Ade's humorous works.",
  94295.             "Year": 0
  94296.         },
  94297.         {
  94298.             "RIT": "ws207264",
  94299.             "Type": "WS",
  94300.             "URL": "http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/eaf/authors/rt.html",
  94301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94302.             "Title": "Early American Fiction Authors: Royall Tyler",
  94303.             "Category": "HUM",
  94304.             "Description": "A biography of Tyler and a listing of his works.",
  94305.             "Year": 0
  94306.         },
  94307.         {
  94308.             "RIT": "ws207265",
  94309.             "Type": "WS",
  94310.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=737",
  94311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94312.             "Title": "John Greenleaf Whittier",
  94313.             "Category": "HUM",
  94314.             "Description": "A biography and criticism of his work by the Academy of American Poets.",
  94315.             "Year": 0
  94316.         },
  94317.         {
  94318.             "RIT": "ws207266",
  94319.             "Type": "WS",
  94320.             "URL": "http://www.americaslibrary.gov/pages/jb_0605_beecher_1.html",
  94321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94322.             "Title": "Uncle Tom's Cabin Appeared in Serial Form",
  94323.             "Category": "HUM",
  94324.             "Description": "Explains how Stowe came to write the work and details its early publication history.",
  94325.             "Year": 0
  94326.         },
  94327.         {
  94328.             "RIT": "ws207267",
  94329.             "Type": "WS",
  94330.             "URL": "http://www.sandiegohistory.org/bio/dana/dana.htm",
  94331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94332.             "Title": "Richard Henry Dana",
  94333.             "Category": "HUM",
  94334.             "Description": "Biographical information from the San Diego Historical Society.",
  94335.             "Year": 0
  94336.         },
  94337.         {
  94338.             "RIT": "ws207268",
  94339.             "Type": "WS",
  94340.             "URL": "http://www.inform.umd.edu/EdRes/Topic/WomensStudies/ReadingRoom/Poetry/Dickinson/",
  94341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94342.             "Title": "Women's Studies Database Reading Room",
  94343.             "Category": "HUM",
  94344.             "Description": "Includes selections of Dickinson's poetry.",
  94345.             "Year": 0
  94346.         },
  94347.         {
  94348.             "RIT": "ws207269",
  94349.             "Type": "WS",
  94350.             "URL": "http://www.virginia.edu/gwpapers/documents/weems/",
  94351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94352.             "Title": "The Fable of George Washington and the Cherry Tree",
  94353.             "Category": "HUM",
  94354.             "Description": "The text of the famous story, from Mason Weems's work The Life of Washington.",
  94355.             "Year": 0
  94356.         },
  94357.         {
  94358.             "RIT": "ws207279",
  94359.             "Type": "WS",
  94360.             "URL": "http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap3/cooper.html",
  94361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94362.             "Title": "Perspectives in American Literature: James Fenimore Cooper",
  94363.             "Category": "HUM",
  94364.             "Description": "A comprehensive list of Cooper's works and critical reviews of many aspects of his writing.",
  94365.             "Year": 0
  94366.         },
  94367.         {
  94368.             "RIT": "ws207280",
  94369.             "Type": "WS",
  94370.             "URL": "http://www.schenectadyhistory.org/people/ohof/payne.html",
  94371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94372.             "Title": "Our Hall of Fame: John Howard Payne",
  94373.             "Category": "HUM",
  94374.             "Description": "A biography of Payne from the Schenectady Digital History Archive.",
  94375.             "Year": 0
  94376.         },
  94377.         {
  94378.             "RIT": "ws207281",
  94379.             "Type": "WS",
  94380.             "URL": "http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USASwhittier.htm",
  94381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94382.             "Title": "John Greenleaf Whittier",
  94383.             "Category": "HUM",
  94384.             "Description": "A biography of Whttier that includes excerpts from his works.",
  94385.             "Year": 0
  94386.         },
  94387.         {
  94388.             "RIT": "ws207282",
  94389.             "Type": "WS",
  94390.             "URL": "http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap4/4intro.html",
  94391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94392.             "Title": "American Transcendentalism",
  94393.             "Category": "HUM",
  94394.             "Description": "A thorough overview of the elements of transcendentalism and the history of the movement.",
  94395.             "Year": 0
  94396.         },
  94397.         {
  94398.             "RIT": "ws207283",
  94399.             "Type": "WS",
  94400.             "URL": "http://www.library.utoronto.ca/utel/rp/authors/paynej.html",
  94401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94402.             "Title": "Selected Poetry of John Howard Payne",
  94403.             "Category": "HUM",
  94404.             "Description": "Includes a brief biography and the text of his most famous work, Home, Sweet Home.",
  94405.             "Year": 0
  94406.         },
  94407.         {
  94408.             "RIT": "ws207284",
  94409.             "Type": "WS",
  94410.             "URL": "http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/eaf/authors/jlm.html",
  94411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94412.             "Title": "Early American Fiction Authors: John Lothrop Motley",
  94413.             "Category": "HUM",
  94414.             "Description": "A biography of Motley.",
  94415.             "Year": 0
  94416.         },
  94417.         {
  94418.             "RIT": "ws207285",
  94419.             "Type": "WS",
  94420.             "URL": "http://www.nobel.se/peace/laureates/1931/addams-bio.html",
  94421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94422.             "Title": "Jane Addams-Biography",
  94423.             "Category": "HUM",
  94424.             "Description": "Information from the Nobel Committee about Addams, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.",
  94425.             "Year": 0
  94426.         },
  94427.         {
  94428.             "RIT": "ws207286",
  94429.             "Type": "WS",
  94430.             "URL": "http://webserver1.oneonta.edu/external/cooper/",
  94431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94432.             "Title": "The James Fenimore Cooper Society",
  94433.             "Category": "HUM",
  94434.             "Description": "Includes information about Cooper and all aspects of his works.",
  94435.             "Year": 0
  94436.         },
  94437.         {
  94438.             "RIT": "ws207287",
  94439.             "Type": "WS",
  94440.             "URL": "http://www.gonzaga.edu/faculty/campbell/enl310/cooper.htm",
  94441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94442.             "Title": "James Fenimore Cooper",
  94443.             "Category": "HUM",
  94444.             "Description": "A list of Cooper's works and the full text of many of them.",
  94445.             "Year": 0
  94446.         },
  94447.         {
  94448.             "RIT": "ws207288",
  94449.             "Type": "WS",
  94450.             "URL": "http://www.iath.virginia.edu/whitman/biography/frameset.html",
  94451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94452.             "Title": "Walt Whitman",
  94453.             "Category": "HUM",
  94454.             "Description": "An extensive biography of the author.",
  94455.             "Year": 0
  94456.         },
  94457.         {
  94458.             "RIT": "ws207300",
  94459.             "Type": "WS",
  94460.             "URL": "http://www.iath.virginia.edu/whitman/works/index.html",
  94461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94462.             "Title": "The Works of Walt Whitman",
  94463.             "Category": "HUM",
  94464.             "Description": "Includes the text of Whitman's poetry and prose.",
  94465.             "Year": 0
  94466.         },
  94467.         {
  94468.             "RIT": "ws207301",
  94469.             "Type": "WS",
  94470.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/ihas/poet/alcotts.html",
  94471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94472.             "Title": "I Hear America Singing",
  94473.             "Category": "HUM",
  94474.             "Description": "Biographical information about the Alcott family by the Public Broadcasting Service.",
  94475.             "Year": 0
  94476.         },
  94477.         {
  94478.             "RIT": "ws207302",
  94479.             "Type": "WS",
  94480.             "URL": "http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/view/WW/fwe12.html",
  94481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94482.             "Title": "Mason Locke Weems",
  94483.             "Category": "HUM",
  94484.             "Description": "A biography of Weems by the University of Texas at Austin and the Texas State Historical Association.",
  94485.             "Year": 0
  94486.         },
  94487.         {
  94488.             "RIT": "ws207303",
  94489.             "Type": "WS",
  94490.             "URL": "http://www.sc.edu/library/spcoll/amlit/whitman.html",
  94491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94492.             "Title": "Walt Whitman and the Development of Leaves of Grass",
  94493.             "Category": "HUM",
  94494.             "Description": "Includes the text and visuals on Whitman and his works that were part of an exhibit on Whitman at the University of South Carolina in 1992.",
  94495.             "Year": 0
  94496.         },
  94497.         {
  94498.             "RIT": "ws207304",
  94499.             "Type": "WS",
  94500.             "URL": "http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/Library/special/exhibits/clastext/clspg134.htm",
  94501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94502.             "Title": "James Fenimore Cooper/The Last of the Mohicans",
  94503.             "Category": "HUM",
  94504.             "Description": "Biographical and critical information based on an exhibit at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee.",
  94505.             "Year": 0
  94506.         },
  94507.         {
  94508.             "RIT": "ws207305",
  94509.             "Type": "WS",
  94510.             "URL": "http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/peace/Exhibits/jane.addams/addams.index.htm",
  94511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94512.             "Title": "Photographs of Jane Addams, Her Family, and Hull-House",
  94513.             "Category": "HUM",
  94514.             "Description": "Images from Addams's life in an exhibit organized by Swarthmore College.",
  94515.             "Year": 0
  94516.         },
  94517.         {
  94518.             "RIT": "ws207306",
  94519.             "Type": "WS",
  94520.             "URL": "http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/eaf/authors/jhp.html",
  94521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94522.             "Title": "Early American Fiction Authors: John Howard Payne",
  94523.             "Category": "HUM",
  94524.             "Description": "Includes a biography of Payne and a listing of his works.",
  94525.             "Year": 0
  94526.         },
  94527.         {
  94528.             "RIT": "ws207307",
  94529.             "Type": "WS",
  94530.             "URL": "http://xroads.virginia.edu/~MA95/finseth/trans.html",
  94531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94532.             "Title": "The Emergence of Transcendentalism",
  94533.             "Category": "HUM",
  94534.             "Description": "An essay on the beginnings of transcendentalism and on the philosophies in which it was rooted.",
  94535.             "Year": 0
  94536.         },
  94537.         {
  94538.             "RIT": "ws207308",
  94539.             "Type": "WS",
  94540.             "URL": "http://www.vh1.com/artists/az/id_1098/bio.jhtml",
  94541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94542.             "Title": "Madonna biography",
  94543.             "Category": "HUM",
  94544.             "Description": "A biography of the singer from VH-1, a television station that features music videos.",
  94545.             "Year": 0
  94546.         },
  94547.         {
  94548.             "RIT": "ws207214",
  94549.             "Type": "WS",
  94550.             "URL": "http://parnaseo.uv.es/Lemir.htm",
  94551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94552.             "Title": "Literatura Espanola Medieval y Renacimiento",
  94553.             "Category": "HUM",
  94554.             "Description": "A collection of medieval and renaissance Spanish texts. Mostly 1400's to 1500's.",
  94555.             "Year": 0
  94556.         },
  94557.         {
  94558.             "RIT": "ws207215",
  94559.             "Type": "WS",
  94560.             "URL": "http://www.memphis.edu/egypt/",
  94561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94562.             "Title": "The Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology",
  94563.             "Category": "HIS",
  94564.             "Description": "Information about art and relics from Ancient Egypt from the University of Memphis Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology.",
  94565.             "Year": 0
  94566.         },
  94567.         {
  94568.             "RIT": "ws207216",
  94569.             "Type": "WS",
  94570.             "URL": "http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/History/Ancient_Civilizations/",
  94571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94572.             "Title": "Ancient Civilizations",
  94573.             "Category": "HIS",
  94574.             "Description": "A commercial site that offers information for children on ancient civilizations in the Americas, Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Europe.",
  94575.             "Year": 0
  94576.         },
  94577.         {
  94578.             "RIT": "ws207217",
  94579.             "Type": "WS",
  94580.             "URL": "http://www.ancientgreece.com/",
  94581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94582.             "Title": "Ancient Greece",
  94583.             "Category": "HIS",
  94584.             "Description": "A commercial site that offers information about the history, mythology, art, and culture of ancient Greece.",
  94585.             "Year": 0
  94586.         },
  94587.         {
  94588.             "RIT": "ws207218",
  94589.             "Type": "WS",
  94590.             "URL": "http://www.intratext.com/8/es/",
  94591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94592.             "Title": "Intratext Literature: Espanola",
  94593.             "Category": "HUM",
  94594.             "Description": "A small collection of texts by famous Spanish authors including Cervantes, San Juan Bautista de la Concepcion, Pereda, and others.",
  94595.             "Year": 0
  94596.         },
  94597.         {
  94598.             "RIT": "ws207219",
  94599.             "Type": "WS",
  94600.             "URL": "http://www.csdl.tamu.edu/cervantes/spanish/spanindex.html",
  94601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94602.             "Title": "Proyecto Cervantes 2001",
  94603.             "Category": "HUM",
  94604.             "Description": "The complete works of Cervantes, both in Spanish and in translation. Also includes a biography of Cervantes, along with images and links. Maintained by Texas A&M University.",
  94605.             "Year": 0
  94606.         },
  94607.         {
  94608.             "RIT": "ws207220",
  94609.             "Type": "WS",
  94610.             "URL": "http://www.poesia.com/",
  94611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94612.             "Title": "Poesia.com",
  94613.             "Category": "HUM",
  94614.             "Description": "Latin American poems, along with biographies of the poets, a bookstore, and other resources. Includes some audio links.",
  94615.             "Year": 0
  94616.         },
  94617.         {
  94618.             "RIT": "ws207221",
  94619.             "Type": "WS",
  94620.             "URL": "http://www.uni-mainz.de/~lustig/texte/antologia/antologi.htm",
  94621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94622.             "Title": "La Conquista de America - Antologia de textos",
  94623.             "Category": "HUM",
  94624.             "Description": "Texts written by the European explorers of America. Includes Christopher Columbus's diary, as well as writings by Cortes, de la Vega, and others. A spanish-language site.",
  94625.             "Year": 0
  94626.         },
  94627.         {
  94628.             "RIT": "ws207232",
  94629.             "Type": "WS",
  94630.             "URL": "http://www.dickinsonhomestead.org/",
  94631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94632.             "Title": "The Dickinson Homestead",
  94633.             "Category": "HUM",
  94634.             "Description": "The official Web site of the home of Emily Dickinson.",
  94635.             "Year": 0
  94636.         },
  94637.         {
  94638.             "RIT": "ws207233",
  94639.             "Type": "WS",
  94640.             "URL": "http://www.seacoastnh.com/johnsmith/links.html#3",
  94641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94642.             "Title": "Online Writings of John Smith",
  94643.             "Category": "HUM",
  94644.             "Description": "A collection of Smith's writings.",
  94645.             "Year": 0
  94646.         },
  94647.         {
  94648.             "RIT": "ws207234",
  94649.             "Type": "WS",
  94650.             "URL": "http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/eaf/authors/cal/cbbCal.html",
  94651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94652.             "Title": "Early American Fiction: Charles Brockden Brown",
  94653.             "Category": "HUM",
  94654.             "Description": "A biography of Brown from the Cyclopaedia of American Literature, published in 1856.",
  94655.             "Year": 0
  94656.         },
  94657.         {
  94658.             "RIT": "ws207235",
  94659.             "Type": "WS",
  94660.             "URL": "http://www.puritansermons.com/poetry/taylor.htm",
  94661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94662.             "Title": "The Poems of Edward Taylor",
  94663.             "Category": "HUM",
  94664.             "Description": "Includes biographical information about Taylor, as well as criticism of his works.",
  94665.             "Year": 0
  94666.         },
  94667.         {
  94668.             "RIT": "ws207236",
  94669.             "Type": "WS",
  94670.             "URL": "http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1772woolman.html",
  94671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94672.             "Title": "Modern History Sourcebook: John Woolman (1720-1772): Journal",
  94673.             "Category": "HUM",
  94674.             "Description": "Provides a biography of Woolman and the full text of his Journal.",
  94675.             "Year": 0
  94676.         },
  94677.         {
  94678.             "RIT": "ws207237",
  94679.             "Type": "WS",
  94680.             "URL": "http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap2/wheatley.html",
  94681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94682.             "Title": "Early American Literature: 1700-1800-Phillis Wheatley",
  94683.             "Category": "HUM",
  94684.             "Description": "Includes a biography of Wheatley, selections from her writings, and criticism of her works.",
  94685.             "Year": 0
  94686.         },
  94687.         {
  94688.             "RIT": "ws207238",
  94689.             "Type": "WS",
  94690.             "URL": "http://www.mainebirding.net/",
  94691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94692.             "Title": "Mainebirding",
  94693.             "Category": "LIF",
  94694.             "Description": "Information about birds and bird watching in the state of Maine.",
  94695.             "Year": 0
  94696.         },
  94697.         {
  94698.             "RIT": "ws207239",
  94699.             "Type": "WS",
  94700.             "URL": "http://www.bartleby.com/225/0918.html",
  94701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94702.             "Title": "The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes: Philip Freneau",
  94703.             "Category": "HUM",
  94704.             "Description": "Discusses Freneau's life and works.",
  94705.             "Year": 0
  94706.         },
  94707.         {
  94708.             "RIT": "ws207240",
  94709.             "Type": "WS",
  94710.             "URL": "http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/LIT/woolman.htm",
  94711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94712.             "Title": "An Outline of American Literature: John Woolman, 1720-1772",
  94713.             "Category": "HUM",
  94714.             "Description": "A brief biography of Woolman.",
  94715.             "Year": 0
  94716.         },
  94717.         {
  94718.             "RIT": "ws207241",
  94719.             "Type": "WS",
  94720.             "URL": "http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/eaf/authors/wi.html",
  94721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94722.             "Title": "Early American Fiction: Washington Irving",
  94723.             "Category": "HUM",
  94724.             "Description": "Includes a biography of Irving and access to some of his works.",
  94725.             "Year": 0
  94726.         },
  94727.         {
  94728.             "RIT": "ws207252",
  94729.             "Type": "WS",
  94730.             "URL": "http://mondrian.princeton.edu/CampusWWW/Companion/freneau_philip.html",
  94731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94732.             "Title": "Freneau, Philip",
  94733.             "Category": "HUM",
  94734.             "Description": "Contains a biography of Freneau.",
  94735.             "Year": 0
  94736.         },
  94737.         {
  94738.             "RIT": "ws207253",
  94739.             "Type": "WS",
  94740.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/religion/rel01.html",
  94741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94742.             "Title": "Religion and the Founding of the American Republic",
  94743.             "Category": "HUM",
  94744.             "Description": "Includes information about many early American religious leaders, including Richard Mather.",
  94745.             "Year": 0
  94746.         },
  94747.         {
  94748.             "RIT": "ws207254",
  94749.             "Type": "WS",
  94750.             "URL": "http://www.masshist.org/bh/mercybio.html",
  94751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94752.             "Title": "The Battle of Bunker Hill: Mercy Otis Warren",
  94753.             "Category": "HUM",
  94754.             "Description": "Information from the Massachusetts Historical Society about Warren and her role in the Revolutionary War.",
  94755.             "Year": 0
  94756.         },
  94757.         {
  94758.             "RIT": "ws207255",
  94759.             "Type": "WS",
  94760.             "URL": "http://library.thinkquest.org/10966/data/bwarren.shtml",
  94761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94762.             "Title": "The Revolutionary War: A Journey Towards Freedom, Mercy Otis Warren",
  94763.             "Category": "HUM",
  94764.             "Description": "Provides a biography and portrait of Warren.",
  94765.             "Year": 0
  94766.         },
  94767.         {
  94768.             "RIT": "ws207256",
  94769.             "Type": "WS",
  94770.             "URL": "http://www.bartleby.com/225/0907.html",
  94771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94772.             "Title": "The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes: Michael Wigglesworth",
  94773.             "Category": "HUM",
  94774.             "Description": "Contains a critical analysis of Wigglesworth's works.",
  94775.             "Year": 0
  94776.         },
  94777.         {
  94778.             "RIT": "ws207257",
  94779.             "Type": "WS",
  94780.             "URL": "http://www.thomaspaine.org/",
  94781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94782.             "Title": "Thomas Paine National Historical Association",
  94783.             "Category": "HUM",
  94784.             "Description": "Includes an archive containing the texts of many of Paine's works.",
  94785.             "Year": 0
  94786.         },
  94787.         {
  94788.             "RIT": "ws207258",
  94789.             "Type": "WS",
  94790.             "URL": "http://college.hmco.com/english/lauter/heath/4e/students/author_pages/colonial/taylor_ed.html",
  94791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94792.             "Title": "The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Edward Taylor",
  94793.             "Category": "HUM",
  94794.             "Description": "Contains biographical information about Taylor and criticism of his works.",
  94795.             "Year": 0
  94796.         },
  94797.         {
  94798.             "RIT": "ws207259",
  94799.             "Type": "WS",
  94800.             "URL": "http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~daniel/amlit/rvw/rvwtext.html",
  94801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94802.             "Title": "Rip Van Winkle",
  94803.             "Category": "HUM",
  94804.             "Description": "Includes the full text of Irving's most famous work and other excerpts from The Sketch Book.",
  94805.             "Year": 0
  94806.         },
  94807.         {
  94808.             "RIT": "ws207260",
  94809.             "Type": "WS",
  94810.             "URL": "http://www.puritansermons.com/poetry/wiggindx.htm",
  94811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94812.             "Title": "The Poetry of Michael Wigglewsorth",
  94813.             "Category": "HUM",
  94814.             "Description": "Contains the texts of many of Wigglesworth's poems as well as biographical information.",
  94815.             "Year": 0
  94816.         },
  94817.         {
  94818.             "RIT": "ws207270",
  94819.             "Type": "WS",
  94820.             "URL": "http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Cafe/1131/bierce.html",
  94821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94822.             "Title": "The Devil's Dictionary",
  94823.             "Category": "HUM",
  94824.             "Description": "A site that allows users to sample Ambrose Bierce's satirical work by searching his famous collection of columns originally published in Wasp Magazine.",
  94825.             "Year": 0
  94826.         },
  94827.         {
  94828.             "RIT": "ws207271",
  94829.             "Type": "WS",
  94830.             "URL": "http://www.alcottweb.com/",
  94831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94832.             "Title": "AlcottWeb.com",
  94833.             "Category": "HUM",
  94834.             "Description": "Includes biographical information on Alcott, the texts and criticism of many of her works, and photographs of Alcott and her family.",
  94835.             "Year": 0
  94836.         },
  94837.         {
  94838.             "RIT": "ws207272",
  94839.             "Type": "WS",
  94840.             "URL": "http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/LIT/irving.htm",
  94841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94842.             "Title": "An Outline of American Literature: Washington Irving",
  94843.             "Category": "HUM",
  94844.             "Description": "Features a biography of Irving.",
  94845.             "Year": 0
  94846.         },
  94847.         {
  94848.             "RIT": "ws207273",
  94849.             "Type": "WS",
  94850.             "URL": "http://www.bsu.edu/english/events/iwp/IndianaAuthors/Pages/Ade,%20George.html",
  94851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94852.             "Title": "George Ade",
  94853.             "Category": "HUM",
  94854.             "Description": "A biography of Ade from the work Indiana Authors and Their Books.",
  94855.             "Year": 0
  94856.         },
  94857.         {
  94858.             "RIT": "ws207274",
  94859.             "Type": "WS",
  94860.             "URL": "http://www.iath.virginia.edu/utc/",
  94861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94862.             "Title": "Uncle Tom's Cabin & American Culture",
  94863.             "Category": "HUM",
  94864.             "Description": "A multi-media archive that includes the text of the work; information about and images from various editions; critical responses to the work during the author's life; and samples of songs and movies based on the work",
  94865.             "Year": 0
  94866.         },
  94867.         {
  94868.             "RIT": "ws207275",
  94869.             "Type": "WS",
  94870.             "URL": "http://pages.emerson.edu/faculty/John_Anderson/e_irving.htm",
  94871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94872.             "Title": "Early America: A Search for Freedom: Washington Irving",
  94873.             "Category": "HUM",
  94874.             "Description": "Contains a biography of Irving.",
  94875.             "Year": 0
  94876.         },
  94877.         {
  94878.             "RIT": "ws207276",
  94879.             "Type": "WS",
  94880.             "URL": "http://www.uic.edu/jaddams/hull/ja_bio.html",
  94881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94882.             "Title": "Biographical Sketch of Jane Addams",
  94883.             "Category": "HUM",
  94884.             "Description": "Information about Addams's life by the staff of the Hull-House Museum.",
  94885.             "Year": 0
  94886.         },
  94887.         {
  94888.             "RIT": "ws207277",
  94889.             "Type": "WS",
  94890.             "URL": "http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~daniel/amlit/rvw/rvw.html",
  94891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94892.             "Title": "Rip Van Winkle Site",
  94893.             "Category": "HUM",
  94894.             "Description": "Includes analyses of Washington Irving's most famous work.",
  94895.             "Year": 0
  94896.         },
  94897.         {
  94898.             "RIT": "ws207278",
  94899.             "Type": "WS",
  94900.             "URL": "http://www.indianahistory.org/heritage/ade.html",
  94901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94902.             "Title": "George Ade",
  94903.             "Category": "HUM",
  94904.             "Description": "A biography of Ade by the Indiana Historical Society.",
  94905.             "Year": 0
  94906.         },
  94907.         {
  94908.             "RIT": "ws207289",
  94909.             "Type": "WS",
  94910.             "URL": "http://www.state.vt.us/vhs/arccat/findaid/tyler.htm#bio",
  94911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94912.             "Title": "Royall Tyler",
  94913.             "Category": "HUM",
  94914.             "Description": "Biographical information on Tyler by the Vermont Historical Society.",
  94915.             "Year": 0
  94916.         },
  94917.         {
  94918.             "RIT": "ws207290",
  94919.             "Type": "WS",
  94920.             "URL": "http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~emilypg/index1.html",
  94921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94922.             "Title": "Virtual Emily",
  94923.             "Category": "HUM",
  94924.             "Description": "Presents the story of Emily's life in photographs and text.",
  94925.             "Year": 0
  94926.         },
  94927.         {
  94928.             "RIT": "ws207292",
  94929.             "Type": "WS",
  94930.             "URL": "http://www.vcu.edu/engweb/transcendentalism/",
  94931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94932.             "Title": "American Transcendentalism Web",
  94933.             "Category": "HUM",
  94934.             "Description": "An overview of the transcendental movement by graduate students at Virginia Commonwealth University.",
  94935.             "Year": 0
  94936.         },
  94937.         {
  94938.             "RIT": "ws207293",
  94939.             "Type": "WS",
  94940.             "URL": "http://www.cs.indiana.edu/statecraft/civ.dis.html",
  94941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94942.             "Title": "Civil Disobedience",
  94943.             "Category": "HUM",
  94944.             "Description": "The complete text of one of Thoreau's most famous works.",
  94945.             "Year": 0
  94946.         },
  94947.         {
  94948.             "RIT": "ws207294",
  94949.             "Type": "WS",
  94950.             "URL": "http://www.walden.org/thoreau/",
  94951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94952.             "Title": "Henry D. Thoreau",
  94953.             "Category": "HUM",
  94954.             "Description": "The home page of the Thoreau Institute, an educational and research facility that also aids in the conservation of Walden Pond.",
  94955.             "Year": 0
  94956.         },
  94957.         {
  94958.             "RIT": "ws207295",
  94959.             "Type": "WS",
  94960.             "URL": "http://www.gonzaga.edu/faculty/campbell/enl311/amtrans.htm",
  94961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94962.             "Title": "American Transcendentalism",
  94963.             "Category": "HUM",
  94964.             "Description": "A brief description of the philosophy and examples of authors whose works were part of the movement.",
  94965.             "Year": 0
  94966.         },
  94967.         {
  94968.             "RIT": "ws207296",
  94969.             "Type": "WS",
  94970.             "URL": "http://www.cl.utoledo.edu/canaday/thorcont.html",
  94971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94972.             "Title": "Writings from Concord",
  94973.             "Category": "HUM",
  94974.             "Description": "Explores Thoreau's links to transcendentalism through the University of Toledo Libraries' Special Collections.",
  94975.             "Year": 0
  94976.         },
  94977.         {
  94978.             "RIT": "ws207297",
  94979.             "Type": "WS",
  94980.             "URL": "http://www.concordma.com/magazine/nov98/trans.html",
  94981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94982.             "Title": "New England Transcendentalism",
  94983.             "Category": "HUM",
  94984.             "Description": "An overview by a curator at the Concord Free Public Library.",
  94985.             "Year": 0
  94986.         },
  94987.         {
  94988.             "RIT": "ws207298",
  94989.             "Type": "WS",
  94990.             "URL": "http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/poetry/emilyd/edletter.htm",
  94991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  94992.             "Title": "Emily Dickinson's Letters",
  94993.             "Category": "HUM",
  94994.             "Description": "Contains the text of Dickinson's letters to literary critic Thomas Higginson.",
  94995.             "Year": 0
  94996.         },
  94997.         {
  94998.             "RIT": "ws207299",
  94999.             "Type": "WS",
  95000.             "URL": "http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=156",
  95001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95002.             "Title": "The Academy of American Poets: Emily Dickinson",
  95003.             "Category": "HUM",
  95004.             "Description": "Includes a biography of Dickinson and selections of her work.",
  95005.             "Year": 0
  95006.         },
  95007.         {
  95008.             "RIT": "ws207309",
  95009.             "Type": "WS",
  95010.             "URL": "http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/Fossil_Halls/index.html?src=i_ph",
  95011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95012.             "Title": "Fossil Halls--American Museum of Natural History",
  95013.             "Category": "PHY",
  95014.             "Description": "Exhibits and information on dinosaurs and fossils.",
  95015.             "Year": 0
  95016.         },
  95017.         {
  95018.             "RIT": "ws207310",
  95019.             "Type": "WS",
  95020.             "URL": "http://www.lsa.umich.edu/kelsey/",
  95021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95022.             "Title": "Kelsey Museum of Archaeology",
  95023.             "Category": "HIS",
  95024.             "Description": "This University of Michigan museum features ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman exhibits.",
  95025.             "Year": 0
  95026.         },
  95027.         {
  95028.             "RIT": "ws900001",
  95029.             "Type": "WS",
  95030.             "URL": "http://www.cs.utk.edu:80/~bartley/acquaint/acquaintRape.html",
  95031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95032.             "Title": "Friends Raping Friends--Could it Happen to You?",
  95033.             "Category": "SOC",
  95034.             "Description": "A site providing comprehensive information about being raped by a known assailant, also known as acquaintance rape and date rape. Hosted by staff members of the Project on the Status and Education of Women of the Association of American Colleges.",
  95035.             "Year": 0
  95036.         },
  95037.         {
  95038.             "RIT": "ws900002",
  95039.             "Type": "WS",
  95040.             "URL": "http://www.aibf.org/",
  95041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95042.             "Title": "Kodak Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta",
  95043.             "Category": "IND",
  95044.             "Description": "Official Web site for the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. Includes information about the history of the event, dates on which it occurs, extensive photographs, and other information.",
  95045.             "Year": 0
  95046.         },
  95047.         {
  95048.             "RIT": "ws900003",
  95049.             "Type": "WS",
  95050.             "URL": "http://www.nic.in/",
  95051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95052.             "Title": "Indian Government: National Informatics Centre",
  95053.             "Category": "GEO",
  95054.             "Description": "The official Web site for the government of India.",
  95055.             "Year": 0
  95056.         },
  95057.         {
  95058.             "RIT": "ws900004",
  95059.             "Type": "WS",
  95060.             "URL": "http://china.si.umich.edu/telecom/telecom-info.html",
  95061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95062.             "Title": "Telecom Information Resources",
  95063.             "Category": "IND",
  95064.             "Description": "This document, maintained by Professor Jeff MacKie-Mason of the University of Michigan, contains information relating to the technical, economic, public policy, and social aspects of telecommunications. All forms of telecommunication, including,",
  95065.             "Year": 0
  95066.         },
  95067.         {
  95068.             "RIT": "ws900005",
  95069.             "Type": "WS",
  95070.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/rossettc.html",
  95071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95072.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF CHRISTINA ROSSETTI (1830-1894)",
  95073.             "Category": "HUM",
  95074.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95075.             "Year": 0
  95076.         },
  95077.         {
  95078.             "RIT": "ws900012",
  95079.             "Type": "WS",
  95080.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/ralegh.html",
  95081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95082.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF SIR WALTER RALEGH (CA. 1552-1618)",
  95083.             "Category": "HIS",
  95084.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95085.             "Year": 0
  95086.         },
  95087.         {
  95088.             "RIT": "ws900013",
  95089.             "Type": "WS",
  95090.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/morleyth.html",
  95091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95092.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF THOMAS MORLEY (1557/58-1602)",
  95093.             "Category": "HUM",
  95094.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95095.             "Year": 0
  95096.         },
  95097.         {
  95098.             "RIT": "ws900014",
  95099.             "Type": "WS",
  95100.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/pope.html",
  95101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95102.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY AND PROSE OF ALEXANDER POPE (1688-1744)",
  95103.             "Category": "HUM",
  95104.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features prose and poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95105.             "Year": 0
  95106.         },
  95107.         {
  95108.             "RIT": "ws900015",
  95109.             "Type": "WS",
  95110.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/motherg.html",
  95111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95112.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF MOTHER GOOSE (18TH CENT.)",
  95113.             "Category": "HUM",
  95114.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95115.             "Year": 0
  95116.         },
  95117.         {
  95118.             "RIT": "ws900016",
  95119.             "Type": "WS",
  95120.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/robnea.html",
  95121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95122.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF EDWIN ARLINGTON ROBINSON (1869-1935)",
  95123.             "Category": "HUM",
  95124.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95125.             "Year": 0
  95126.         },
  95127.         {
  95128.             "RIT": "ws900017",
  95129.             "Type": "WS",
  95130.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/pater.html",
  95131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95132.             "Title": "SELECTED PROSE OF WALTER HORATIO PATER (1839-1894)",
  95133.             "Category": "HUM",
  95134.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features prose and poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95135.             "Year": 0
  95136.         },
  95137.         {
  95138.             "RIT": "ws900025",
  95139.             "Type": "WS",
  95140.             "URL": "http://www.catsinternational.org/articles.html",
  95141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95142.             "Title": "Feline Friends - Table of Contents",
  95143.             "Category": "LIF",
  95144.             "Description": "A collection of articles about keeping cats as pets, from The Wisconsin Cat Club. The articles cover such topics as choosing the right cat for your home, caring for your pet, playing with your cat, feeding, and grooming.",
  95145.             "Year": 0
  95146.         },
  95147.         {
  95148.             "RIT": "ws900026",
  95149.             "Type": "WS",
  95150.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9708/India97/index.html",
  95151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95152.             "Title": "India and Pakistan--Fifty Years of Independence",
  95153.             "Category": "GEO",
  95154.             "Description": "This CNN special feature includes information about the history and cultures of India and Pakistan, as well as links to current news from the two countries.",
  95155.             "Year": 0
  95156.         },
  95157.         {
  95158.             "RIT": "ws900027",
  95159.             "Type": "WS",
  95160.             "URL": "http://ww.sierraclub.org/",
  95161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95162.             "Title": "Sierra Club",
  95163.             "Category": "IND",
  95164.             "Description": "Homepage of the Sierra Club, and environmental advocacy organization. Includes features from Sierra Magazine and fact sheets on such environmental issues as habitats and species, forests, and nuclear waste.",
  95165.             "Year": 0
  95166.         },
  95167.         {
  95168.             "RIT": "ws900028",
  95169.             "Type": "WS",
  95170.             "URL": "http://www.india.com.ar/",
  95171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95172.             "Title": "India WWW Virtual Library",
  95173.             "Category": "GEO",
  95174.             "Description": "Links to a wide variety of information about India from the Asian Studies division of the World Wide Web Virtual Library.",
  95175.             "Year": 0
  95176.         },
  95177.         {
  95178.             "RIT": "ws900029",
  95179.             "Type": "WS",
  95180.             "URL": "http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/pak/",
  95181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95182.             "Title": "Pakistan Virtual Library",
  95183.             "Category": "GEO",
  95184.             "Description": "This page contains links to information about Pakistan from the Asian Studies division of the World Wide Web Virtual Library.",
  95185.             "Year": 0
  95186.         },
  95187.         {
  95188.             "RIT": "ws900030",
  95189.             "Type": "WS",
  95190.             "URL": "http://www.dpi.anl.gov/dpi2/hist_docs/treaties/cntb96.htm",
  95191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95192.             "Title": "Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Research & Development Program",
  95193.             "Category": "SOC",
  95194.             "Description": "This page from the U.S. Department of Energy includes information about how nations can monitor one another's nuclear testing activities, as prescribed by the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.",
  95195.             "Year": 0
  95196.         },
  95197.         {
  95198.             "RIT": "ws900006",
  95199.             "Type": "WS",
  95200.             "URL": "http://demography.anu.edu.au/VirtualLibrary/",
  95201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95202.             "Title": "Demography and Population Studies World Wide Web Virtual Library",
  95203.             "Category": "SOC",
  95204.             "Description": "The demography and population studies division of the World Wide Web Virtual Library. Offers a wide variety of links to demographic and statistical information from all over the world.",
  95205.             "Year": 0
  95206.         },
  95207.         {
  95208.             "RIT": "ws900007",
  95209.             "Type": "WS",
  95210.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/rossettg.html",
  95211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95212.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI (1828-1882)",
  95213.             "Category": "HUM",
  95214.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95215.             "Year": 0
  95216.         },
  95217.         {
  95218.             "RIT": "ws900008",
  95219.             "Type": "WS",
  95220.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/moore.html",
  95221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95222.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF THOMAS MOORE (1779-1852)",
  95223.             "Category": "HUM",
  95224.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95225.             "Year": 0
  95226.         },
  95227.         {
  95228.             "RIT": "ws900009",
  95229.             "Type": "WS",
  95230.             "URL": "http://newdeal.feri.org/",
  95231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95232.             "Title": "New Deal Network",
  95233.             "Category": "HIS",
  95234.             "Description": "An educational Web site sponsored by the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute and the Institute for Learning Technologies at Teachers College/Columbia University. This site features classroom activities, photographs, and links to other Web s",
  95235.             "Year": 0
  95236.         },
  95237.         {
  95238.             "RIT": "ws900010",
  95239.             "Type": "WS",
  95240.             "URL": "http://more.abcnews.go.com/sections/world/indiapak814/index.html",
  95241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95242.             "Title": "ABC News.com--India and Pakistan Reach 50",
  95243.             "Category": "GEO",
  95244.             "Description": "A special feature from ABC News, including a timeline, a profile of Mother Teresa, and stories about events in India, Pakistan, and Kashmir.",
  95245.             "Year": 0
  95246.         },
  95247.         {
  95248.             "RIT": "ws900011",
  95249.             "Type": "WS",
  95250.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/pound.html",
  95251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95252.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF EZRA LOOMIS POUND (1885-1972)",
  95253.             "Category": "HUM",
  95254.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95255.             "Year": 0
  95256.         },
  95257.         {
  95258.             "RIT": "ws900019",
  95259.             "Type": "WS",
  95260.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/roberts.html",
  95261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95262.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF CHARLES G. D. ROBERTS (1860-1943)",
  95263.             "Category": "HUM",
  95264.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95265.             "Year": 0
  95266.         },
  95267.         {
  95268.             "RIT": "ws900020",
  95269.             "Type": "WS",
  95270.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/poe.html",
  95271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95272.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF EDGAR ALLAN POE (1809-1849)",
  95273.             "Category": "HUM",
  95274.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95275.             "Year": 0
  95276.         },
  95277.         {
  95278.             "RIT": "ws900021",
  95279.             "Type": "WS",
  95280.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/moorec.html",
  95281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95282.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF CLEMENT CLARKE MOORE (1779-1863)",
  95283.             "Category": "HUM",
  95284.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95285.             "Year": 0
  95286.         },
  95287.         {
  95288.             "RIT": "ws900022",
  95289.             "Type": "WS",
  95290.             "URL": "http://joshua.law.pace.edu/env/vell6.html",
  95291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95292.             "Title": "Pace University Library. (On site information not only about Law)",
  95293.             "Category": "IND",
  95294.             "Description": "This site from Pace University School of Law describes environmental legislation initiatives in the United States and around the world.",
  95295.             "Year": 0
  95296.         },
  95297.         {
  95298.             "RIT": "ws900023",
  95299.             "Type": "WS",
  95300.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/moorem.html",
  95301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95302.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF MARIANNE MOORE (1887-1972)",
  95303.             "Category": "HUM",
  95304.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95305.             "Year": 0
  95306.         },
  95307.         {
  95308.             "RIT": "ws900024",
  95309.             "Type": "WS",
  95310.             "URL": "http://parliamentofindia.nic.in/",
  95311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95312.             "Title": "Indian Parliament",
  95313.             "Category": "GEO",
  95314.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Indian Parliament, offering details about government departments and illustrated biographies of past and present political leaders.",
  95315.             "Year": 0
  95316.         },
  95317.         {
  95318.             "RIT": "ws900031",
  95319.             "Type": "WS",
  95320.             "URL": "http://www.eea.eu.int//",
  95321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95322.             "Title": "The European Environment Agency",
  95323.             "Category": "IND",
  95324.             "Description": "The official Web site of the environment agency of the European Union (EU), which works to provide objective, reliable, comprehensive information about the state of the environment in Europe. The site includes lengthy publications on environment",
  95325.             "Year": 0
  95326.         },
  95327.         {
  95328.             "RIT": "ws900032",
  95329.             "Type": "WS",
  95330.             "URL": "http://www.acda.gov/treaties/ramaker.htm",
  95331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95332.             "Title": "The Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty",
  95333.             "Category": "SOC",
  95334.             "Description": "Text of the treaty that was adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 1996. Provided by the U.S. Department of State.",
  95335.             "Year": 0
  95336.         },
  95337.         {
  95338.             "RIT": "ws900033",
  95339.             "Type": "WS",
  95340.             "URL": "http://www.bjp.org/",
  95341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95342.             "Title": "Bharatiya Janata Party",
  95343.             "Category": "GEO",
  95344.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Bharatiya Janata political party in India.",
  95345.             "Year": 0
  95346.         },
  95347.         {
  95348.             "RIT": "ws900034",
  95349.             "Type": "WS",
  95350.             "URL": "http://www.dol.gov/asp/programs/history/dolchp02.htm",
  95351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95352.             "Title": "The 1920s and the Start of the Depression, 1921-1933",
  95353.             "Category": "SOC",
  95354.             "Description": "A description of the U.S. Department of Labor's role during the years preceding the Great Depression. From an online edition of a history prepared for the 75th anniversary of the agency.",
  95355.             "Year": 0
  95356.         },
  95357.         {
  95358.             "RIT": "ws900035",
  95359.             "Type": "WS",
  95360.             "URL": "http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/kashmir/index.htm",
  95361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95362.             "Title": "Kashmir Virtual Library",
  95363.             "Category": "GEO",
  95364.             "Description": "This page contains links to information about Kashmir from the Asian Studies division of the World Wide Web Virtual Library.",
  95365.             "Year": 0
  95366.         },
  95367.         {
  95368.             "RIT": "ws900037",
  95369.             "Type": "WS",
  95370.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/whitmn.html",
  95371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95372.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF WALT WHITMAN (1819-1892)",
  95373.             "Category": "HUM",
  95374.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95375.             "Year": 0
  95376.         },
  95377.         {
  95378.             "RIT": "ws900038",
  95379.             "Type": "WS",
  95380.             "URL": "http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/bookcase/hamlet/vision.shtml",
  95381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95382.             "Title": "Branagh Interview",
  95383.             "Category": "HUM",
  95384.             "Description": "BBC Education presents an interview with Kenneth Branagh about his portrayal of Hamlet.",
  95385.             "Year": 0
  95386.         },
  95387.         {
  95388.             "RIT": "ws900045",
  95389.             "Type": "WS",
  95390.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/thomson.html",
  95391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95392.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JAMES THOMSON (1700-1748)",
  95393.             "Category": "HUM",
  95394.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95395.             "Year": 0
  95396.         },
  95397.         {
  95398.             "RIT": "ws900046",
  95399.             "Type": "WS",
  95400.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/vaughan.html",
  95401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95402.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF HENRY VAUGHAN (1621?-1695)",
  95403.             "Category": "HUM",
  95404.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95405.             "Year": 0
  95406.         },
  95407.         {
  95408.             "RIT": "ws900047",
  95409.             "Type": "WS",
  95410.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/surrey.html",
  95411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95412.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF HENRY HOWARD, EARL OF SURREY (1517?-1547)",
  95413.             "Category": "HUM",
  95414.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95415.             "Year": 0
  95416.         },
  95417.         {
  95418.             "RIT": "ws900048",
  95419.             "Type": "WS",
  95420.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/nashe.html",
  95421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95422.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF THOMAS NASHE (1567-1601)",
  95423.             "Category": "HUM",
  95424.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95425.             "Year": 0
  95426.         },
  95427.         {
  95428.             "RIT": "ws900049",
  95429.             "Type": "WS",
  95430.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/service.html",
  95431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95432.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF ROBERT W. SERVICE (1874-1958)",
  95433.             "Category": "HUM",
  95434.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95435.             "Year": 0
  95436.         },
  95437.         {
  95438.             "RIT": "ws900050",
  95439.             "Type": "WS",
  95440.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/scottd.html",
  95441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95442.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF DUNCAN CAMPBELL SCOTT (1862-1947)",
  95443.             "Category": "HUM",
  95444.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95445.             "Year": 0
  95446.         },
  95447.         {
  95448.             "RIT": "ws900060",
  95449.             "Type": "WS",
  95450.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/webster.html",
  95451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95452.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOHN WEBSTER (CA. 1580-CA.1632)",
  95453.             "Category": "HUM",
  95454.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95455.             "Year": 0
  95456.         },
  95457.         {
  95458.             "RIT": "ws900061",
  95459.             "Type": "WS",
  95460.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/tennyson.html",
  95461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95462.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF ALFRED LORD TENNYSON (1809-1883)",
  95463.             "Category": "HUM",
  95464.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95465.             "Year": 0
  95466.         },
  95467.         {
  95468.             "RIT": "ws900062",
  95469.             "Type": "WS",
  95470.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/spenser.html",
  95471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95472.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF EDMUND SPENSER (1552-1599)",
  95473.             "Category": "HUM",
  95474.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95475.             "Year": 0
  95476.         },
  95477.         {
  95478.             "RIT": "ws900063",
  95479.             "Type": "WS",
  95480.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/wesleyj.html",
  95481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95482.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOHN WESLEY (1703-1791)",
  95483.             "Category": "HUM",
  95484.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95485.             "Year": 0
  95486.         },
  95487.         {
  95488.             "RIT": "ws900064",
  95489.             "Type": "WS",
  95490.             "URL": "http://www.envirolink.org/environews/",
  95491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95492.             "Title": "EnviroLink News Service",
  95493.             "Category": "IND",
  95494.             "Description": "EnviroLink is a news service that provides links to stories on environmental topics from worldwide sources. The site also includes links to environmental advocacy resources.",
  95495.             "Year": 0
  95496.         },
  95497.         {
  95498.             "RIT": "ws900065",
  95499.             "Type": "WS",
  95500.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/stvnsnrl.html",
  95501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95502.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON (1850-1894)",
  95503.             "Category": "HUM",
  95504.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95505.             "Year": 0
  95506.         },
  95507.         {
  95508.             "RIT": "ws900072",
  95509.             "Type": "WS",
  95510.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/watts.html",
  95511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95512.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF ISAAC WATTS (1674-1748)",
  95513.             "Category": "HUM",
  95514.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95515.             "Year": 0
  95516.         },
  95517.         {
  95518.             "RIT": "ws900074",
  95519.             "Type": "WS",
  95520.             "URL": "http://www.fabcats.org/",
  95521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95522.             "Title": "Feline Advisory Bureau",
  95523.             "Category": "LIF",
  95524.             "Description": "Homepage of a charity that promotes the health and welfare of cats by providing information to vets, cat breeders, and owners. The site contains more than 50 information sheets on feline diseases, behavior, and breeding.",
  95525.             "Year": 0
  95526.         },
  95527.         {
  95528.             "RIT": "ws900075",
  95529.             "Type": "WS",
  95530.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/",
  95531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95532.             "Title": "CDC's TIPS: Tobacco Information and Prevention Source",
  95533.             "Category": "LIF",
  95534.             "Description": "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) presents the Tobacco Information and Prevention Source (TIPS). This Web site has information covering a wide variety of tobacco-related issues and statistics. There are also sections geared to",
  95535.             "Year": 0
  95536.         },
  95537.         {
  95538.             "RIT": "ws900076",
  95539.             "Type": "WS",
  95540.             "URL": "http://www.nga.gov/cgi-bin/pinfo?Object=84960+0+none/",
  95541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95542.             "Title": "Youth Making a Face",
  95543.             "Category": "HUM",
  95544.             "Description": "A painting by Adriaen Brouwer, presented by the National Gallery of Art.",
  95545.             "Year": 0
  95546.         },
  95547.         {
  95548.             "RIT": "ws900077",
  95549.             "Type": "WS",
  95550.             "URL": "http://www.epa.gov/students/",
  95551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95552.             "Title": "U.S. EPA Student Center",
  95553.             "Category": "IND",
  95554.             "Description": "A site geared to students and teachers from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Includes information on a wide variety of environmental topics, suggestions for projects, and help with homework. Also includes online publicati",
  95555.             "Year": 0
  95556.         },
  95557.         {
  95558.             "RIT": "ws900078",
  95559.             "Type": "WS",
  95560.             "URL": "http://www.kashmirtimes.com/",
  95561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95562.             "Title": "Kashmir Times",
  95563.             "Category": "GEO",
  95564.             "Description": "Home page of one of the major newspapers of Jammu and Kashmir.",
  95565.             "Year": 0
  95566.         },
  95567.         {
  95568.             "RIT": "ws900079",
  95569.             "Type": "WS",
  95570.             "URL": "http://www.lam.mus.ca.us/cats/",
  95571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95572.             "Title": "Cats! Wild to Mild",
  95573.             "Category": "LIF",
  95574.             "Description": "Homepage of a traveling exhibition created by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. This site offers a wide variety of information on cat mythology, biology, behavior, conservation, and responsible pet care. It includes lesson plans",
  95575.             "Year": 0
  95576.         },
  95577.         {
  95578.             "RIT": "ws900080",
  95579.             "Type": "WS",
  95580.             "URL": "http://www.iucn.org/",
  95581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95582.             "Title": "The World Conservation Union",
  95583.             "Category": "IND",
  95584.             "Description": "Homepage of the World Conservation Union, a global conservation group. Site includes information on such topics as coral reefs, national parks, and wetlands.",
  95585.             "Year": 0
  95586.         },
  95587.         {
  95588.             "RIT": "ws900081",
  95589.             "Type": "WS",
  95590.             "URL": "http://mrshowbiz.go.com/people/kennethbranagh/",
  95591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95592.             "Title": "Kenneth Branagh Profile",
  95593.             "Category": "HUM",
  95594.             "Description": "ABC's Mr. Showbiz presents Branagh's biography, as well as news stories and a list of credits.",
  95595.             "Year": 0
  95596.         },
  95597.         {
  95598.             "RIT": "ws900082",
  95599.             "Type": "WS",
  95600.             "URL": "http://galen.library.ucsf.edu/tobacco/",
  95601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95602.             "Title": "Tobacco Control Archives",
  95603.             "Category": "LIF",
  95604.             "Description": "This site from the University of California at San Francisco provides access to papers, unpublished documents, and electronic resources relevant to tobacco control issues, with an emphasis on California.",
  95605.             "Year": 0
  95606.         },
  95607.         {
  95608.             "RIT": "ws900083",
  95609.             "Type": "WS",
  95610.             "URL": "http://footballhalloffame.com/enshrinees/bradshaw.html",
  95611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95612.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinees: Terry Bradshaw",
  95613.             "Category": "REC",
  95614.             "Description": "Bradshaw's career statistics from the Pro Football Hall of Fame.",
  95615.             "Year": 0
  95616.         },
  95617.         {
  95618.             "RIT": "ws900084",
  95619.             "Type": "WS",
  95620.             "URL": "http://www.misd.wednet.edu/~Wendy_Sauer/AmMem.html",
  95621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95622.             "Title": "The Great Depression and the 1990s",
  95623.             "Category": "SOC",
  95624.             "Description": "The Library of Congress American Memory Fellows Program presents a teaching site that aims to explain the connection between the economic problems of the Great Depression and social programs that were created to prevent those problems from recur",
  95625.             "Year": 0
  95626.         },
  95627.         {
  95628.             "RIT": "ws900085",
  95629.             "Type": "WS",
  95630.             "URL": "http://www.nhspca.org/Newsletter/Spring98/sp98_lostcat.html",
  95631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95632.             "Title": "How to Search for a Lost Cat",
  95633.             "Category": "LIF",
  95634.             "Description": "An article from the New Hampshire Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals that explains how to prevent losing a cat and offers strategies to help find a cat that becomes lost.",
  95635.             "Year": 0
  95636.         },
  95637.         {
  95638.             "RIT": "ws900086",
  95639.             "Type": "WS",
  95640.             "URL": "http://www.fcc.gov/broadband/",
  95641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95642.             "Title": "Broadband and Internet Access",
  95643.             "Category": "PHY",
  95644.             "Description": "Information about the developing field of broadband Internet access from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Includes reports about the state of various broadband initiatives, FCC documents, expert commentary, and other materials.",
  95645.             "Year": 0
  95646.         },
  95647.         {
  95648.             "RIT": "ws900095",
  95649.             "Type": "WS",
  95650.             "URL": "http://www.nicotine-anonymous.org/",
  95651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95652.             "Title": "Nicotine Anonymous",
  95653.             "Category": "LIF",
  95654.             "Description": "Nicotine Anonymous is a self-help organization that aims to help smokers and former smokers live free of nicotine. This site inlcudes information about quitting smoking and about taking part in Nicotine Anonymous meetings, either online or in person.",
  95655.             "Year": 0
  95656.         },
  95657.         {
  95658.             "RIT": "ws900096",
  95659.             "Type": "WS",
  95660.             "URL": "http://www.nwf.org/education/index.html",
  95661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95662.             "Title": "NWF Environmental Education",
  95663.             "Category": "IND",
  95664.             "Description": "The National Wildlife Federation presents environmental educational materials for students at various learning levels, from age 6 through college. This site includes information about teacher workshops, school resources for purchase, and free on",
  95665.             "Year": 0
  95666.         },
  95667.         {
  95668.             "RIT": "ws900097",
  95669.             "Type": "WS",
  95670.             "URL": "http://www.dr.dk/p2musik/rso/eng/",
  95671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95672.             "Title": "Danish National Radio Symphony Orchestra",
  95673.             "Category": "HUM",
  95674.             "Description": "This page from the Danish Broadcasting Corporation presents a history of the Danish National Symphony Orchestra, including Busch's tenure as conductor.",
  95675.             "Year": 0
  95676.         },
  95677.         {
  95678.             "RIT": "ws900099",
  95679.             "Type": "WS",
  95680.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/tipskids.htm",
  95681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95682.             "Title": "Tips 4 Kids and Tips 4 Teens",
  95683.             "Category": "LIF",
  95684.             "Description": "This site from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) includes fact sheets on smoking, messages from Christy Turlington and Boyz II Men, and a report from the surgeon general.",
  95685.             "Year": 0
  95686.         },
  95687.         {
  95688.             "RIT": "ws900100",
  95689.             "Type": "WS",
  95690.             "URL": "http://penelope.uchicago.edu/index.shtml",
  95691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95692.             "Title": "Sir Thomas Browne",
  95693.             "Category": "HUM",
  95694.             "Description": "This site, maintained at the University of Chicago by James Eason, contains electronic texts of the works of Sir Thomas Browne.",
  95695.             "Year": 0
  95696.         },
  95697.         {
  95698.             "RIT": "ws900101",
  95699.             "Type": "WS",
  95700.             "URL": "http://www.americanheart.org/catalog/Health_catpage14.html",
  95701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95702.             "Title": "Smoking",
  95703.             "Category": "LIF",
  95704.             "Description": "The American heart association presents information on a number of smoking-related topics, including smoking statistics, nicotine addiction and other health effects, and warning labels.",
  95705.             "Year": 0
  95706.         },
  95707.         {
  95708.             "RIT": "ws900039",
  95709.             "Type": "WS",
  95710.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/wyatt.html",
  95711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95712.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF SIR THOMAS WYATT (1503-1542)",
  95713.             "Category": "HUM",
  95714.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95715.             "Year": 0
  95716.         },
  95717.         {
  95718.             "RIT": "ws900040",
  95719.             "Type": "WS",
  95720.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/wesleyc.html",
  95721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95722.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF CHARLES WESLEY (1707-1788)",
  95723.             "Category": "HUM",
  95724.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95725.             "Year": 0
  95726.         },
  95727.         {
  95728.             "RIT": "ws900041",
  95729.             "Type": "WS",
  95730.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/suckling.html",
  95731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95732.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF SIR JOHN SUCKLING (1609-1642)",
  95733.             "Category": "HUM",
  95734.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95735.             "Year": 0
  95736.         },
  95737.         {
  95738.             "RIT": "ws900042",
  95739.             "Type": "WS",
  95740.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/skelton.html",
  95741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95742.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOHN SKELTON (1460?-1529)",
  95743.             "Category": "HUM",
  95744.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95745.             "Year": 0
  95746.         },
  95747.         {
  95748.             "RIT": "ws900043",
  95749.             "Type": "WS",
  95750.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/twain.html",
  95751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95752.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF MARK TWAIN (SAMUEL LANGHORNE CLEMENS; 1835-1910)",
  95753.             "Category": "HUM",
  95754.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95755.             "Year": 0
  95756.         },
  95757.         {
  95758.             "RIT": "ws900044",
  95759.             "Type": "WS",
  95760.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/waller.html",
  95761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95762.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF EDMUND WALLER (1606-1687)",
  95763.             "Category": "HUM",
  95764.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95765.             "Year": 0
  95766.         },
  95767.         {
  95768.             "RIT": "ws900051",
  95769.             "Type": "WS",
  95770.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/thompsfr.html",
  95771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95772.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF FRANCIS THOMPSON (1859-1907)",
  95773.             "Category": "HUM",
  95774.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95775.             "Year": 0
  95776.         },
  95777.         {
  95778.             "RIT": "ws900053",
  95779.             "Type": "WS",
  95780.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/wilde.html",
  95781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95782.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF OSCAR WILDE (1854-1900)",
  95783.             "Category": "HUM",
  95784.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95785.             "Year": 0
  95786.         },
  95787.         {
  95788.             "RIT": "ws900054",
  95789.             "Type": "WS",
  95790.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/sandburg.html",
  95791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95792.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF CARL SANDBURG (1878-1967)",
  95793.             "Category": "HUM",
  95794.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95795.             "Year": 0
  95796.         },
  95797.         {
  95798.             "RIT": "ws900055",
  95799.             "Type": "WS",
  95800.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/shelley.html",
  95801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95802.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY AND PROSE OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY (1792-1822)",
  95803.             "Category": "HUM",
  95804.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95805.             "Year": 0
  95806.         },
  95807.         {
  95808.             "RIT": "ws900057",
  95809.             "Type": "WS",
  95810.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/whitti.html",
  95811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95812.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JOHN GREENLEAF WHITTIER (1807-1892)",
  95813.             "Category": "HUM",
  95814.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95815.             "Year": 0
  95816.         },
  95817.         {
  95818.             "RIT": "ws900058",
  95819.             "Type": "WS",
  95820.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/wheat.html",
  95821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95822.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF PHILLIS WHEATLEY (1753?-1784)",
  95823.             "Category": "HUM",
  95824.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95825.             "Year": 0
  95826.         },
  95827.         {
  95828.             "RIT": "ws900066",
  95829.             "Type": "WS",
  95830.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/scott.html",
  95831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95832.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF SIR WALTER SCOTT (1771-1832)",
  95833.             "Category": "HUM",
  95834.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95835.             "Year": 0
  95836.         },
  95837.         {
  95838.             "RIT": "ws900067",
  95839.             "Type": "WS",
  95840.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/swift.html",
  95841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95842.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF JONATHAN SWIFT (1667-1745)",
  95843.             "Category": "HUM",
  95844.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95845.             "Year": 0
  95846.         },
  95847.         {
  95848.             "RIT": "ws900068",
  95849.             "Type": "WS",
  95850.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/sheridan.html",
  95851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95852.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN (1751-1816)",
  95853.             "Category": "HUM",
  95854.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95855.             "Year": 0
  95856.         },
  95857.         {
  95858.             "RIT": "ws900069",
  95859.             "Type": "WS",
  95860.             "URL": "http://www.bgasm.com/bradshawsigning.htm",
  95861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95862.             "Title": "Personality Profile: Terry Bradshaw",
  95863.             "Category": "REC",
  95864.             "Description": "Fox Sports presents a comprehensive biography highlighting Terry Bradshaw's career as a professional athlete and sportscaster.",
  95865.             "Year": 0
  95866.         },
  95867.         {
  95868.             "RIT": "ws900070",
  95869.             "Type": "WS",
  95870.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/southey.html",
  95871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95872.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY OF ROBERT SOUTHEY (1774-1843)",
  95873.             "Category": "HUM",
  95874.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95875.             "Year": 0
  95876.         },
  95877.         {
  95878.             "RIT": "ws900071",
  95879.             "Type": "WS",
  95880.             "URL": "http://library.utoronto.ca/www/utel/rp/authors/youngedw.html",
  95881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95882.             "Title": "SELECTED POETRY AND PROSE OF EDWARD YOUNG (1683-1765)",
  95883.             "Category": "HUM",
  95884.             "Description": "This page is part of Poetry On-Line, a site from the Department of English at the University of Toronto that features prose and poetry, biographical information, and literary criticism.",
  95885.             "Year": 0
  95886.         },
  95887.         {
  95888.             "RIT": "ws900087",
  95889.             "Type": "WS",
  95890.             "URL": "http://www.greatconductors.com/english/boult/",
  95891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95892.             "Title": "Adrian Cedric Boult",
  95893.             "Category": "HUM",
  95894.             "Description": "A biography from Great Conductors Online. (Translated from German.)",
  95895.             "Year": 0
  95896.         },
  95897.         {
  95898.             "RIT": "ws900088",
  95899.             "Type": "WS",
  95900.             "URL": "http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/",
  95901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95902.             "Title": "Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Museum",
  95903.             "Category": "HIS",
  95904.             "Description": "This Web site features primary materials, including documents, photos, and sound recordings from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, New York.",
  95905.             "Year": 0
  95906.         },
  95907.         {
  95908.             "RIT": "ws900089",
  95909.             "Type": "WS",
  95910.             "URL": "http://more.abcnews.go.com/sections/us/brinkley928/index.html",
  95911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95912.             "Title": "David Brinkley Retires",
  95913.             "Category": "IND",
  95914.             "Description": "This feature from ABC News includes a profile of Brinkley's career and video clips of him on the air.",
  95915.             "Year": 0
  95916.         },
  95917.         {
  95918.             "RIT": "ws900091",
  95919.             "Type": "WS",
  95920.             "URL": "http://www.ntia.doc.gov/",
  95921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95922.             "Title": "National Telecommunications and Information Administration",
  95923.             "Category": "IND",
  95924.             "Description": "Homepage of the The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The NTIA is the executive branch's principal voice on domestic and international telecommunications and informat",
  95925.             "Year": 0
  95926.         },
  95927.         {
  95928.             "RIT": "ws900092",
  95929.             "Type": "WS",
  95930.             "URL": "http://www.nisk.k12.ny.us/fdr/FDRcartoons.html",
  95931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95932.             "Title": "FDR Cartoons Main Page",
  95933.             "Category": "HIS",
  95934.             "Description": "A collection of political cartoons published during Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency.",
  95935.             "Year": 0
  95936.         },
  95937.         {
  95938.             "RIT": "ws900093",
  95939.             "Type": "WS",
  95940.             "URL": "http://www.hsus.org/",
  95941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95942.             "Title": "Humane Society of the United States",
  95943.             "Category": "LIF",
  95944.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Humane Society of the United States. Offers a wide variety of information on many animal welfare issues, including wildlife, pets, farm animals, animals in research, and other topics.",
  95945.             "Year": 0
  95946.         },
  95947.         {
  95948.             "RIT": "ws900094",
  95949.             "Type": "WS",
  95950.             "URL": "http://www.paws.org/work/factsheet/",
  95951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95952.             "Title": "Shelter Online Fact Sheet Directory",
  95953.             "Category": "REC",
  95954.             "Description": "The Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) provides fact sheets on pets, including dogs, cats, rabbits and other small mammals. Sample topics include Steps to Prevent Litter Box Problems Before They Start, Dogs in Hot Cars, and Dealing w",
  95955.             "Year": 0
  95956.         },
  95957.         {
  95958.             "RIT": "ws900102",
  95959.             "Type": "WS",
  95960.             "URL": "http://www.dickbutkus.com/",
  95961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95962.             "Title": "Dick Butkus Football Network",
  95963.             "Category": "REC",
  95964.             "Description": "This site provides coverage of various football leagues, including the NFL, college, and high school. It features a profile of Dick Butkus and a weekly column in which he shares his opinions.",
  95965.             "Year": 0
  95966.         },
  95967.         {
  95968.             "RIT": "ws900103",
  95969.             "Type": "WS",
  95970.             "URL": "http://www.cmgww.com/baseball/campanel/index.html",
  95971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95972.             "Title": "Roy Campanella",
  95973.             "Category": "REC",
  95974.             "Description": "CMG Worldwide presents the official Web site for the baseball player. It includes career highlights, photos, and quotes.",
  95975.             "Year": 0
  95976.         },
  95977.         {
  95978.             "RIT": "ws900104",
  95979.             "Type": "WS",
  95980.             "URL": "http://www.bostonphoenix.com/alt1/archive/music/reviews/12-21-95/MARIA_CALLAS.html",
  95981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95982.             "Title": "Maria Callas",
  95983.             "Category": "HUM",
  95984.             "Description": "The Boston Phoenix, an arts-and-entertainment alternative newsweekly, presents Lloyd Schwartz's account of taking master classes from the opera star.",
  95985.             "Year": 0
  95986.         },
  95987.         {
  95988.             "RIT": "ws900105",
  95989.             "Type": "WS",
  95990.             "URL": "http://www.cubs.com/history/brown.htm",
  95991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  95992.             "Title": "Mordecai Brown",
  95993.             "Category": "REC",
  95994.             "Description": "A summary of Brown's career and statistics from the official Chicago Cubs Web site.",
  95995.             "Year": 0
  95996.         },
  95997.         {
  95998.             "RIT": "ws900106",
  95999.             "Type": "WS",
  96000.             "URL": "http://www.callas.it/",
  96001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96002.             "Title": "Callas Divina",
  96003.             "Category": "HUM",
  96004.             "Description": "The International Maria Callas Association presents a chronology of events in the singer's life, a discography, a bibliography, and a list of performances. In addition, this site has sound clips of Callas performing a variety of operas.",
  96005.             "Year": 0
  96006.         },
  96007.         {
  96008.             "RIT": "ws900107",
  96009.             "Type": "WS",
  96010.             "URL": "http://www.cmpcmm.com/cc/",
  96011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96012.             "Title": "Computer and Communication Entry Page",
  96013.             "Category": "PHY",
  96014.             "Description": "A searchable gateway page that provides links to a wide variety of information about computers and telecommunication. Includes links organized by such topics as general entries, programming languages, standards, and conferences.",
  96015.             "Year": 0
  96016.         },
  96017.         {
  96018.             "RIT": "ws900108",
  96019.             "Type": "WS",
  96020.             "URL": "http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0004&layout=&loc=aristotle",
  96021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96022.             "Title": "Aristotle",
  96023.             "Category": "HUM",
  96024.             "Description": "An encyclopedia entry from the Perseus Project, including a bibliography and links to related pages.",
  96025.             "Year": 0
  96026.         },
  96027.         {
  96028.             "RIT": "ws900119",
  96029.             "Type": "WS",
  96030.             "URL": "http://www.lung.ca/smoking/",
  96031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96032.             "Title": "Smoking",
  96033.             "Category": "LIF",
  96034.             "Description": "The Canadian Lung Association provides information about tobacco use and its harmful effects. Includes a guide to smoking cessation.",
  96035.             "Year": 0
  96036.         },
  96037.         {
  96038.             "RIT": "ws900120",
  96039.             "Type": "WS",
  96040.             "URL": "http://archivio.opera.it/English/Cantanti/Callas.html",
  96041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96042.             "Title": "Maria Callas Home Page",
  96043.             "Category": "HUM",
  96044.             "Description": "Information about Maria Callas from Opera Web. Site includes a timeline, a discography, a list of curious events in her life, and Web links.",
  96045.             "Year": 0
  96046.         },
  96047.         {
  96048.             "RIT": "ws900121",
  96049.             "Type": "WS",
  96050.             "URL": "http://www.lungusa.org/tobacco/index.html",
  96051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96052.             "Title": "Tobacco Control",
  96053.             "Category": "LIF",
  96054.             "Description": "The American Lung Association presents general information about smoking and smoking cessation. It also addresses smoking in women, teens, and minority groups.",
  96055.             "Year": 0
  96056.         },
  96057.         {
  96058.             "RIT": "ws900123",
  96059.             "Type": "WS",
  96060.             "URL": "http://www.redcross.org/",
  96061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96062.             "Title": "American Red Cross",
  96063.             "Category": "SOC",
  96064.             "Description": "The homepage for the American Red Cross provides information about the organization and its relief efforts.",
  96065.             "Year": 0
  96066.         },
  96067.         {
  96068.             "RIT": "ws900124",
  96069.             "Type": "WS",
  96070.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/smoke/",
  96071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96072.             "Title": "Frontline: Smoke in the Eye",
  96073.             "Category": "LIF",
  96074.             "Description": "This companion Web site to a PBS show focuses on the '60 Minutes' expose of a tobacco company's cover-up of smoking risks, as depicted in the 1999 movie 'The Insider.' Includes internal tobacco industry documents, media analysis, a talk with the",
  96075.             "Year": 0
  96076.         },
  96077.         {
  96078.             "RIT": "ws900125",
  96079.             "Type": "WS",
  96080.             "URL": "http://www.house.gov/commerce/TobaccoDocs/documents.html",
  96081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96082.             "Title": "Committee on Commerce Tobacco Documents",
  96083.             "Category": "LIF",
  96084.             "Description": "The House of Representatives Committe on Commerce presents more than 40,000 documents that were subpoenaed from tobacco companies. Documents are searchable by company.",
  96085.             "Year": 0
  96086.         },
  96087.         {
  96088.             "RIT": "ws900126",
  96089.             "Type": "WS",
  96090.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/cats/html/",
  96091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96092.             "Title": "Nature: Cats",
  96093.             "Category": "LIF",
  96094.             "Description": "This online feature from PBS presents general information on cats, plus pictures and video.",
  96095.             "Year": 0
  96096.         },
  96097.         {
  96098.             "RIT": "ws900127",
  96099.             "Type": "WS",
  96100.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~biden/",
  96101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96102.             "Title": "Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr.",
  96103.             "Category": "GEO",
  96104.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Joseph R. Biden, Jr..",
  96105.             "Year": 0
  96106.         },
  96107.         {
  96108.             "RIT": "ws900142",
  96109.             "Type": "WS",
  96110.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~burns/",
  96111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96112.             "Title": "Senator Conrad Burns Home Page",
  96113.             "Category": "GEO",
  96114.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Conrad Burn",
  96115.             "Year": 0
  96116.         },
  96117.         {
  96118.             "RIT": "ws900143",
  96119.             "Type": "WS",
  96120.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~gsmith/",
  96121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96122.             "Title": "Senator Gordon Smith",
  96123.             "Category": "GEO",
  96124.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Gordon Smit",
  96125.             "Year": 0
  96126.         },
  96127.         {
  96128.             "RIT": "ws900144",
  96129.             "Type": "WS",
  96130.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~fitzgerald/",
  96131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96132.             "Title": "Senate [Peter Fitzgerald]",
  96133.             "Category": "GEO",
  96134.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Peter Fitzgeral",
  96135.             "Year": 0
  96136.         },
  96137.         {
  96138.             "RIT": "ws900145",
  96139.             "Type": "WS",
  96140.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~coverdell/menu.htm",
  96141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96142.             "Title": "United States Senator Paul Coverdell - Menu",
  96143.             "Category": "GEO",
  96144.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Paul Coverdel",
  96145.             "Year": 0
  96146.         },
  96147.         {
  96148.             "RIT": "ws900146",
  96149.             "Type": "WS",
  96150.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~graham/",
  96151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96152.             "Title": "Office of Senator Bob Graham",
  96153.             "Category": "GEO",
  96154.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Bob Graham",
  96155.             "Year": 0
  96156.         },
  96157.         {
  96158.             "RIT": "ws900147",
  96159.             "Type": "WS",
  96160.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~byrd/",
  96161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96162.             "Title": "U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd",
  96163.             "Category": "GEO",
  96164.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Robert Byr",
  96165.             "Year": 0
  96166.         },
  96167.         {
  96168.             "RIT": "ws900148",
  96169.             "Type": "WS",
  96170.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~daschle/",
  96171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96172.             "Title": "Senator Tom Daschle - South Dakota Democrat",
  96173.             "Category": "HIS",
  96174.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Tom Daschl",
  96175.             "Year": 0
  96176.         },
  96177.         {
  96178.             "RIT": "ws900149",
  96179.             "Type": "WS",
  96180.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~collins/",
  96181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96182.             "Title": "Senator Collins Homepage",
  96183.             "Category": "GEO",
  96184.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Susan Collin",
  96185.             "Year": 0
  96186.         },
  96187.         {
  96188.             "RIT": "ws900150",
  96189.             "Type": "WS",
  96190.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~enzi/",
  96191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96192.             "Title": "Senator Enzi's Home Page",
  96193.             "Category": "GEO",
  96194.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Michael Enz",
  96195.             "Year": 0
  96196.         },
  96197.         {
  96198.             "RIT": "ws900151",
  96199.             "Type": "WS",
  96200.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~conrad/",
  96201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96202.             "Title": "Senator Kent Conrad - North Dakota",
  96203.             "Category": "GEO",
  96204.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Kent Conra",
  96205.             "Year": 0
  96206.         },
  96207.         {
  96208.             "RIT": "ws900152",
  96209.             "Type": "WS",
  96210.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~inouye/",
  96211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96212.             "Title": "Senator Daniel Inouye - Hawaii Democrat",
  96213.             "Category": "GEO",
  96214.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Daniel Inouy",
  96215.             "Year": 0
  96216.         },
  96217.         {
  96218.             "RIT": "ws900153",
  96219.             "Type": "WS",
  96220.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~brownback/",
  96221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96222.             "Title": "Sam Brownback -- U.S. Senator -- Kansas [index]",
  96223.             "Category": "GEO",
  96224.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Sam Brownback",
  96225.             "Year": 0
  96226.         },
  96227.         {
  96228.             "RIT": "ws900166",
  96229.             "Type": "WS",
  96230.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~bunning/",
  96231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96232.             "Title": "Senator Jim Bunning's Web Page",
  96233.             "Category": "GEO",
  96234.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Jim Bunnin",
  96235.             "Year": 0
  96236.         },
  96237.         {
  96238.             "RIT": "ws900167",
  96239.             "Type": "WS",
  96240.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~cleland/",
  96241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96242.             "Title": "Senator Max Cleland",
  96243.             "Category": "GEO",
  96244.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Max Clelan",
  96245.             "Year": 0
  96246.         },
  96247.         {
  96248.             "RIT": "ws900168",
  96249.             "Type": "WS",
  96250.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~gramm/",
  96251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96252.             "Title": "Senator Phil Gramm",
  96253.             "Category": "GEO",
  96254.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Phil Gramm",
  96255.             "Year": 0
  96256.         },
  96257.         {
  96258.             "RIT": "ws900169",
  96259.             "Type": "WS",
  96260.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~hutchison/",
  96261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96262.             "Title": "The Official Homepage of Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison",
  96263.             "Category": "GEO",
  96264.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Kay Bailey Hutchiso",
  96265.             "Year": 0
  96266.         },
  96267.         {
  96268.             "RIT": "ws900170",
  96269.             "Type": "WS",
  96270.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~crapo/",
  96271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96272.             "Title": "index [Mike Crapo]",
  96273.             "Category": "GEO",
  96274.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Mike Crapo",
  96275.             "Year": 0
  96276.         },
  96277.         {
  96278.             "RIT": "ws900171",
  96279.             "Type": "WS",
  96280.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~inhofe/",
  96281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96282.             "Title": "U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe (R - Oklahoma)",
  96283.             "Category": "GEO",
  96284.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of James Inhof",
  96285.             "Year": 0
  96286.         },
  96287.         {
  96288.             "RIT": "ws900172",
  96289.             "Type": "WS",
  96290.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~helms/",
  96291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96292.             "Title": "Home [Jesse Helms]",
  96293.             "Category": "HIS",
  96294.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Jesse Helms",
  96295.             "Year": 0
  96296.         },
  96297.         {
  96298.             "RIT": "ws900173",
  96299.             "Type": "WS",
  96300.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~gorton/",
  96301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96302.             "Title": "U.S. Senator Slade Gorton",
  96303.             "Category": "GEO",
  96304.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Slade Gorto",
  96305.             "Year": 0
  96306.         },
  96307.         {
  96308.             "RIT": "ws900174",
  96309.             "Type": "WS",
  96310.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~dodd/",
  96311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96312.             "Title": "U.S. Senator Chris Dodd",
  96313.             "Category": "GEO",
  96314.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Chris Dodd",
  96315.             "Year": 0
  96316.         },
  96317.         {
  96318.             "RIT": "ws900175",
  96319.             "Type": "WS",
  96320.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~dorgan/",
  96321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96322.             "Title": "U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan",
  96323.             "Category": "GEO",
  96324.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Byron Dorga",
  96325.             "Year": 0
  96326.         },
  96327.         {
  96328.             "RIT": "ws900176",
  96329.             "Type": "WS",
  96330.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~bryan/",
  96331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96332.             "Title": "Senator Richard Bryan -- Nevada",
  96333.             "Category": "GEO",
  96334.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Richard Brya",
  96335.             "Year": 0
  96336.         },
  96337.         {
  96338.             "RIT": "ws900177",
  96339.             "Type": "WS",
  96340.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~harkin/",
  96341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96342.             "Title": "Senator Tom Harkin - Iowa Democrat",
  96343.             "Category": "GEO",
  96344.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Tom Harkin",
  96345.             "Year": 0
  96346.         },
  96347.         {
  96348.             "RIT": "ws900109",
  96349.             "Type": "WS",
  96350.             "URL": "http://www.biltmore.com/",
  96351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96352.             "Title": "Biltmore Estate",
  96353.             "Category": "GEO",
  96354.             "Description": "Official Web site of The Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina. The house and estate were originally owned by George Vanderbilt, and it is considered one of the largest houses in America.",
  96355.             "Year": 0
  96356.         },
  96357.         {
  96358.             "RIT": "ws900110",
  96359.             "Type": "WS",
  96360.             "URL": "http://www.rockhall.com/induct/browjame.html",
  96361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96362.             "Title": "James Brown",
  96363.             "Category": "HUM",
  96364.             "Description": "The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame presents a biography and audio clips of Brown's music.",
  96365.             "Year": 0
  96366.         },
  96367.         {
  96368.             "RIT": "ws900111",
  96369.             "Type": "WS",
  96370.             "URL": "http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0004%3Ahead%3D%237137",
  96371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96372.             "Title": "Plato",
  96373.             "Category": "HUM",
  96374.             "Description": "The Plato entry from Perseus Encyclopedia includes a bibiliography and links to electronic texts of Plato's works.",
  96375.             "Year": 0
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  96385.             "Year": 0
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  96395.             "Year": 0
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  96435.             "Year": 0
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  96443.             "Category": "GEO",
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  96445.             "Year": 0
  96446.         },
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  96505.             "Year": 0
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  96514.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Orrin Hatc",
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  96534.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Russ Feingol",
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  96744.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Craig Thoma",
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  96746.         },
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  96752.             "Title": "Senator Olympia J. Snowe",
  96753.             "Category": "GEO",
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  96756.         },
  96757.         {
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  96761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96762.             "Title": "Office of Senator Herb Kohl",
  96763.             "Category": "GEO",
  96764.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Herb Kohl",
  96765.             "Year": 0
  96766.         },
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  96771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96772.             "Title": "The Home Page of Senator Paul S. Sarbanes (D-MD)",
  96773.             "Category": "GEO",
  96774.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Paul Sarbane",
  96775.             "Year": 0
  96776.         },
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  96781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96782.             "Title": "United States Senator Blanche Lincoln - Home",
  96783.             "Category": "GEO",
  96784.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Blanche Lincol",
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  96786.         },
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  96791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  96793.             "Category": "GEO",
  96794.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Joe Lieberma",
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  96799.             "Type": "WS",
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  96801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  96803.             "Category": "GEO",
  96804.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Strom Thurmon",
  96805.             "Year": 0
  96806.         },
  96807.         {
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  96811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  96813.             "Category": "GEO",
  96814.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Bob Kerrey.",
  96815.             "Year": 0
  96816.         },
  96817.         {
  96818.             "RIT": "ws900192",
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  96821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96822.             "Title": "[Vermont's U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy]",
  96823.             "Category": "GEO",
  96824.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Patrick Leah",
  96825.             "Year": 0
  96826.         },
  96827.         {
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  96829.             "Type": "WS",
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  96831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96832.             "Title": "Vermont's Senator Jim Jeffords",
  96833.             "Category": "GEO",
  96834.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of James Jefford",
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  96836.         },
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  96839.             "Type": "WS",
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  96841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96842.             "Title": "Index [Mitch McConnell]",
  96843.             "Category": "GEO",
  96844.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Mitch McConnel",
  96845.             "Year": 0
  96846.         },
  96847.         {
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  96851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96852.             "Title": "Senator Connie Mack",
  96853.             "Category": "GEO",
  96854.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Connie Mac",
  96855.             "Year": 0
  96856.         },
  96857.         {
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  96861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  96863.             "Category": "GEO",
  96864.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Bill Rot",
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  96869.             "Type": "WS",
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  96871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  96873.             "Category": "GEO",
  96874.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Carl Levin",
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  96880.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~rockefeller/rockefeller.cfm",
  96881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96882.             "Title": "U.S. Senator John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV)",
  96883.             "Category": "GEO",
  96884.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of John Rockefelle",
  96885.             "Year": 0
  96886.         },
  96887.         {
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  96889.             "Type": "WS",
  96890.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~johnson/",
  96891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96892.             "Title": "United States Senator Tim Johnson of South Dakota",
  96893.             "Category": "GEO",
  96894.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Tim Johnso",
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  96901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96902.             "Title": "Senator Patty Murray - Washington Democrat",
  96903.             "Category": "GEO",
  96904.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Patty Murra",
  96905.             "Year": 0
  96906.         },
  96907.         {
  96908.             "RIT": "ws900201",
  96909.             "Type": "WS",
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  96911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96912.             "Title": "Home [Pat Roberts]",
  96913.             "Category": "GEO",
  96914.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Pat Robert",
  96915.             "Year": 0
  96916.         },
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  96919.             "Type": "WS",
  96920.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~specter/",
  96921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96922.             "Title": "Senator Specter's Homepage",
  96923.             "Category": "GEO",
  96924.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Arlen Specte",
  96925.             "Year": 0
  96926.         },
  96927.         {
  96928.             "RIT": "ws900215",
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  96931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96932.             "Title": "[Senator Jeff Sessions]",
  96933.             "Category": "GEO",
  96934.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Jeff Session",
  96935.             "Year": 0
  96936.         },
  96937.         {
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  96939.             "Type": "WS",
  96940.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~schumer/",
  96941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  96943.             "Category": "GEO",
  96944.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Charles Schume",
  96945.             "Year": 0
  96946.         },
  96947.         {
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  96949.             "Type": "WS",
  96950.             "URL": "http://thompson.senate.gov/",
  96951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96952.             "Title": "Senator Fred Thompson | Main Page",
  96953.             "Category": "GEO",
  96954.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Fred Thompson",
  96955.             "Year": 0
  96956.         },
  96957.         {
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  96961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  96963.             "Category": "GEO",
  96964.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Richard Santoru",
  96965.             "Year": 0
  96966.         },
  96967.         {
  96968.             "RIT": "ws900219",
  96969.             "Type": "WS",
  96970.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~lugar/",
  96971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96972.             "Title": "U.S. Senator Richard G. Lugar",
  96973.             "Category": "GEO",
  96974.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Richard Luga",
  96975.             "Year": 0
  96976.         },
  96977.         {
  96978.             "RIT": "ws900220",
  96979.             "Type": "WS",
  96980.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~wyden/",
  96981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96982.             "Title": "Welcome to Senator Wyden's Homepage",
  96983.             "Category": "GEO",
  96984.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Ron Wyden",
  96985.             "Year": 0
  96986.         },
  96987.         {
  96988.             "RIT": "ws900221",
  96989.             "Type": "WS",
  96990.             "URL": "http://www.spj.org/ethics.asp",
  96991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  96992.             "Title": "Ethics in Journalism",
  96993.             "Category": "IND",
  96994.             "Description": "The Society of Professional Journalists presents its code of ethics, as well as a Listserv, news, a hotline, and a handbook on ethics cas",
  96995.             "Year": 0
  96996.         },
  96997.         {
  96998.             "RIT": "ws900222",
  96999.             "Type": "WS",
  97000.             "URL": "http://www.suntimes.com/ebert/old_movies/21wate.html",
  97001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97002.             "Title": "On the Waterfront",
  97003.             "Category": "HUM",
  97004.             "Description": "Chicago Sun-Times film critic Roger Ebert reviews the classic movie.",
  97005.             "Year": 0
  97006.         },
  97007.         {
  97008.             "RIT": "ws900223",
  97009.             "Type": "WS",
  97010.             "URL": "http://www.ssa.gov/history/",
  97011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97012.             "Title": "Social Security History Page",
  97013.             "Category": "SOC",
  97014.             "Description": "The page from the Social Security Administration traces the history of Social Security from 1935 to the present.",
  97015.             "Year": 0
  97016.         },
  97017.         {
  97018.             "RIT": "ws900224",
  97019.             "Type": "WS",
  97020.             "URL": "http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/index_special.html",
  97021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97022.             "Title": "National hurricane Center",
  97023.             "Category": "PHY",
  97024.             "Description": "Tropical cyclone warnings from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center and National Hurricane Center.",
  97025.             "Year": 0
  97026.         },
  97027.         {
  97028.             "RIT": "ws900233",
  97029.             "Type": "WS",
  97030.             "URL": "http://xroads.virginia.edu/~1930s/home_1.html",
  97031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97032.             "Title": "America in the 1930s",
  97033.             "Category": "HIS",
  97034.             "Description": "America in the 1930s is a continuing project of the American Studies Program at the University of Virginia. The project views the 1930s through the lenses of its films, radio programs, literature, journalism, museums, exhibitions, architecture,",
  97035.             "Year": 0
  97036.         },
  97037.         {
  97038.             "RIT": "ws900234",
  97039.             "Type": "WS",
  97040.             "URL": "http://www.un.org/Depts/DPKO/Missions/unmogip.htm",
  97041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97042.             "Title": "UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan",
  97043.             "Category": "GEO",
  97044.             "Description": "Background information and news from a UN mission that was created to help keep peace at the ceasefire line between India and Pakistan.",
  97045.             "Year": 0
  97046.         },
  97047.         {
  97048.             "RIT": "ws900235",
  97049.             "Type": "WS",
  97050.             "URL": "http://www.umich.edu/~eng499/people/bullins.html",
  97051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97052.             "Title": "Ed Bullins",
  97053.             "Category": "HUM",
  97054.             "Description": "Biographical information from a Web site about the Black Arts Movement that was created for the English Department of the University of Michig",
  97055.             "Year": 0
  97056.         },
  97057.         {
  97058.             "RIT": "ws900236",
  97059.             "Type": "WS",
  97060.             "URL": "http://www.un.org/popin/",
  97061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97062.             "Title": "United Nations Population Information Network (POPIN)",
  97063.             "Category": "SOC",
  97064.             "Description": "POPIN presents data and statistics from the UN Population Division.",
  97065.             "Year": 0
  97066.         },
  97067.         {
  97068.             "RIT": "ws900238",
  97069.             "Type": "WS",
  97070.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/everest/",
  97071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97072.             "Title": "Everest @nationalgeographic.com",
  97073.             "Category": "GEO",
  97074.             "Description": "Everest: Measure of a Mountain is a National Geographic special online feature about the 1999 expedition to measure Mt. Everest. Includes photographs, dispatches from the camps, and links to other Web sites about Mt. Everest.",
  97075.             "Year": 0
  97076.         },
  97077.         {
  97078.             "RIT": "ws900239",
  97079.             "Type": "WS",
  97080.             "URL": "http://www.iir.com/nygc/",
  97081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97082.             "Title": "National Youth Gang Center",
  97083.             "Category": "SOC",
  97084.             "Description": "Homepage of the National Youth Gang Center, a program of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention that aims to expand and maintain the body of critical knowledge about youth gangs and effective responses to them. Site includes s",
  97085.             "Year": 0
  97086.         },
  97087.         {
  97088.             "RIT": "ws900248",
  97089.             "Type": "WS",
  97090.             "URL": "http://www.gcpc.state.il.us/about_gangs/index.html",
  97091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97092.             "Title": "About Gangs",
  97093.             "Category": "SOC",
  97094.             "Description": "This lengthy fact sheet from the Gang Crime Prevention Center of Illinois discusses the gang problem and possible solutions.",
  97095.             "Year": 0
  97096.         },
  97097.         {
  97098.             "RIT": "ws900249",
  97099.             "Type": "WS",
  97100.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/hackers/",
  97101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97102.             "Title": "Insurgency on the Internet",
  97103.             "Category": "PHY",
  97104.             "Description": "This in-depth CNN special focuses on hackers--people who gain unauthorized entry into computer systems. Includes news reports, a timeline of hacking, and a gallery of hacked Web sites.",
  97105.             "Year": 0
  97106.         },
  97107.         {
  97108.             "RIT": "ws900250",
  97109.             "Type": "WS",
  97110.             "URL": "http://www.dpi.state.nd.us/dpi/index.htm",
  97111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97112.             "Title": "ND Department of Public Instruction",
  97113.             "Category": "GEO",
  97114.             "Description": "Official Web site of the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction.",
  97115.             "Year": 0
  97116.         },
  97117.         {
  97118.             "RIT": "ws900251",
  97119.             "Type": "WS",
  97120.             "URL": "http://www.campfire.org/",
  97121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97122.             "Title": "Campfire Boys and Girls",
  97123.             "Category": "SOC",
  97124.             "Description": "Homepage of the organization. Includes information about programs, clubs, and mentoring opportunities.",
  97125.             "Year": 0
  97126.         },
  97127.         {
  97128.             "RIT": "ws900252",
  97129.             "Type": "WS",
  97130.             "URL": "http://footballhalloffame.com/enshrinees/payton.html",
  97131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97132.             "Title": "Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinees: Walter Payton",
  97133.             "Category": "REC",
  97134.             "Description": "Walter Payton's page from the Web site of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.",
  97135.             "Year": 0
  97136.         },
  97137.         {
  97138.             "RIT": "ws900253",
  97139.             "Type": "WS",
  97140.             "URL": "http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/",
  97141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97142.             "Title": "Public Schools of North Carolina -- InfoWeb",
  97143.             "Category": "GEO",
  97144.             "Description": "Official Web site of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.",
  97145.             "Year": 0
  97146.         },
  97147.         {
  97148.             "RIT": "ws900254",
  97149.             "Type": "WS",
  97150.             "URL": "http://www.education.indiana.edu/cas/adol/adol.html",
  97151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97152.             "Title": "Adolescence Directory On-Line",
  97153.             "Category": "SOC",
  97154.             "Description": "Adolescence Directory On-Line (ADOL) is an electronic guide to information on adolescent issues. The guide is a service of the Center for Adolescent Studies at Indiana University. Educators, counselors, parents, researchers, health practitioners",
  97155.             "Year": 0
  97156.         },
  97157.         {
  97158.             "RIT": "ws900255",
  97159.             "Type": "WS",
  97160.             "URL": "http://plasma.nationalgeographic.com/mapmachine/plates.html",
  97161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97162.             "Title": "Map Machine @ nationalgeographic.com",
  97163.             "Category": "GEO",
  97164.             "Description": "The online atlas of the National Geographic Society. Includes a wide variety of maps on which a user can zoom in or zoom out, information about mapmaking, country flags and facts, and links to other map resources.",
  97165.             "Year": 0
  97166.         },
  97167.         {
  97168.             "RIT": "ws900202",
  97169.             "Type": "WS",
  97170.             "URL": "http://lott.senate.gov/",
  97171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97172.             "Title": "United States Senator Trent Lott (R-MS)",
  97173.             "Category": "GEO",
  97174.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Trent Lott",
  97175.             "Year": 0
  97176.         },
  97177.         {
  97178.             "RIT": "ws900203",
  97179.             "Type": "WS",
  97180.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~smith/",
  97181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97182.             "Title": "New Hampshire Senator Bob Smith",
  97183.             "Category": "GEO",
  97184.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Robert Smit",
  97185.             "Year": 0
  97186.         },
  97187.         {
  97188.             "RIT": "ws900204",
  97189.             "Type": "WS",
  97190.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~shelby/",
  97191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97192.             "Title": "Welcome to ShelbyNet [Richard Shelby]",
  97193.             "Category": "GEO",
  97194.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Richard Shelb",
  97195.             "Year": 0
  97196.         },
  97197.         {
  97198.             "RIT": "ws900205",
  97199.             "Type": "WS",
  97200.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~mikulski/",
  97201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97202.             "Title": "Senator Barbara A. Mikulski Welcomes You",
  97203.             "Category": "GEO",
  97204.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Barbara Mikulsk",
  97205.             "Year": 0
  97206.         },
  97207.         {
  97208.             "RIT": "ws900206",
  97209.             "Type": "WS",
  97210.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~nickles/",
  97211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97212.             "Title": "Welcome to US Senator Don Nickles' Web Site",
  97213.             "Category": "GEO",
  97214.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Don Nickle",
  97215.             "Year": 0
  97216.         },
  97217.         {
  97218.             "RIT": "ws900207",
  97219.             "Type": "WS",
  97220.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~mccain/",
  97221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97222.             "Title": "Senator John McCain",
  97223.             "Category": "GEO",
  97224.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of John McCai",
  97225.             "Year": 0
  97226.         },
  97227.         {
  97228.             "RIT": "ws900208",
  97229.             "Type": "WS",
  97230.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~murkowski/",
  97231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97232.             "Title": "Welcome to My Home Page [Frank Murkowski]",
  97233.             "Category": "GEO",
  97234.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Frank Murkowsk",
  97235.             "Year": 0
  97236.         },
  97237.         {
  97238.             "RIT": "ws900209",
  97239.             "Type": "WS",
  97240.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~kerry/",
  97241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97242.             "Title": "United States Senator John F Kerry",
  97243.             "Category": "GEO",
  97244.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of John Kerry",
  97245.             "Year": 0
  97246.         },
  97247.         {
  97248.             "RIT": "ws900210",
  97249.             "Type": "WS",
  97250.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~warner/",
  97251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97252.             "Title": "U.S. Senate John Warner - Welcome",
  97253.             "Category": "GEO",
  97254.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of John Warne",
  97255.             "Year": 0
  97256.         },
  97257.         {
  97258.             "RIT": "ws900211",
  97259.             "Type": "WS",
  97260.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~kyl/",
  97261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97262.             "Title": "Welcome to Senator Jon Kyl's Home Page",
  97263.             "Category": "GEO",
  97264.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Jon Kyl",
  97265.             "Year": 0
  97266.         },
  97267.         {
  97268.             "RIT": "ws900212",
  97269.             "Type": "WS",
  97270.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~landrieu/",
  97271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97272.             "Title": "Senator Mary Landrieu - Louisiana Democrat",
  97273.             "Category": "GEO",
  97274.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of Mary Landrie",
  97275.             "Year": 0
  97276.         },
  97277.         {
  97278.             "RIT": "ws900213",
  97279.             "Type": "WS",
  97280.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/~voinovich/",
  97281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97282.             "Title": "Senator Voinovich",
  97283.             "Category": "GEO",
  97284.             "Description": "The official United States Senate Web site of George Voinovic",
  97285.             "Year": 0
  97286.         },
  97287.         {
  97288.             "RIT": "ws900225",
  97289.             "Type": "WS",
  97290.             "URL": "http://www.unfpa.org/",
  97291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97292.             "Title": "United Nations Population Fund",
  97293.             "Category": "SOC",
  97294.             "Description": "UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is the largest internationally funded source of population assistance to developing countries. This site includes facts and features about the world's population.",
  97295.             "Year": 0
  97296.         },
  97297.         {
  97298.             "RIT": "ws900226",
  97299.             "Type": "WS",
  97300.             "URL": "http://www.tobacco.org/",
  97301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97302.             "Title": "Tobacco.org: Tobacco News",
  97303.             "Category": "LIF",
  97304.             "Description": "A resource for people doing research on the tobacco industry, tobacco litigation, or smoking issues.",
  97305.             "Year": 0
  97306.         },
  97307.         {
  97308.             "RIT": "ws900227",
  97309.             "Type": "WS",
  97310.             "URL": "http://www.wga.org/pr/0896/caesar.html",
  97311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97312.             "Title": "Sid Caesar's Writers Reunite For PBS Special",
  97313.             "Category": "HUM",
  97314.             "Description": "The Writers Guild of America presents photographs of Sid Caesar and writers from 'Your Show of Shows' and 'Caesar's Hour.'",
  97315.             "Year": 0
  97316.         },
  97317.         {
  97318.             "RIT": "ws900228",
  97319.             "Type": "WS",
  97320.             "URL": "http://www.vii.org/",
  97321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97322.             "Title": "Virtual Institute of Information",
  97323.             "Category": "IND",
  97324.             "Description": "The Virtual Institute of Information is an Internet-based, independent telecommunications and mass media research facility, managed by the Columbia Institute for Tele-Information at Columbia Business School, Columbia University. This site featur",
  97325.             "Year": 0
  97326.         },
  97327.         {
  97328.             "RIT": "ws900229",
  97329.             "Type": "WS",
  97330.             "URL": "http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/default.asp?afl=rsn&oid=331",
  97331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97332.             "Title": "David Bowie",
  97333.             "Category": "HUM",
  97334.             "Description": "Rolling Stone Magazine presents a lengthy summary of Bowie's career.",
  97335.             "Year": 0
  97336.         },
  97337.         {
  97338.             "RIT": "ws900230",
  97339.             "Type": "WS",
  97340.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/filmgrph/kenneth_branagh.htm",
  97341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97342.             "Title": "Kenneth Branagh Filmography",
  97343.             "Category": "HUM",
  97344.             "Description": "The Washington Post presents a list of Branagh's acting and directing credits.",
  97345.             "Year": 0
  97346.         },
  97347.         {
  97348.             "RIT": "ws900231",
  97349.             "Type": "WS",
  97350.             "URL": "http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/media/unfetter/",
  97351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97352.             "Title": "An Unfettered Press",
  97353.             "Category": "IND",
  97354.             "Description": "This publication of the United States Information Agency focuses on issues in the American news busine",
  97355.             "Year": 0
  97356.         },
  97357.         {
  97358.             "RIT": "ws900232",
  97359.             "Type": "WS",
  97360.             "URL": "http://www.tvguidelive.com/women/burnett.html",
  97361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97362.             "Title": "Carol Burnett",
  97363.             "Category": "HUM",
  97364.             "Description": "TV Guide presents a tribute to the entertainer.",
  97365.             "Year": 0
  97366.         },
  97367.         {
  97368.             "RIT": "ws900240",
  97369.             "Type": "WS",
  97370.             "URL": "http://www.AmericanAlpineClub.org/",
  97371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97372.             "Title": "The American Alpine Club",
  97373.             "Category": "REC",
  97374.             "Description": "The official Web site of the American Alpine Club, a nonprofit organization that supports mountaineering and rock climbing, high-elevation scientific investigations, and conservation and preservation of mountain environments.",
  97375.             "Year": 0
  97376.         },
  97377.         {
  97378.             "RIT": "ws900241",
  97379.             "Type": "WS",
  97380.             "URL": "http://www.lowe-electronics.com/gpsguide.htm",
  97381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97382.             "Title": "Global Positioning System: An Overview",
  97383.             "Category": "IND",
  97384.             "Description": "An explanation of the Global Positioning System, illustrated with line drawings, presented by Lowe Electronics.",
  97385.             "Year": 0
  97386.         },
  97387.         {
  97388.             "RIT": "ws900242",
  97389.             "Type": "WS",
  97390.             "URL": "http://oncolink.upenn.edu/",
  97391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97392.             "Title": "Oncolink: A University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center Resource",
  97393.             "Category": "LIF",
  97394.             "Description": "A comprehensive site with links to resources that address all aspects of diagnosing, treating, and coping with all types of cancer.",
  97395.             "Year": 0
  97396.         },
  97397.         {
  97398.             "RIT": "ws900243",
  97399.             "Type": "WS",
  97400.             "URL": "http://www.acn.net.au/",
  97401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97402.             "Title": "Australia's Cultural Network",
  97403.             "Category": "GEO",
  97404.             "Description": "Australia's online gateway to information about news, events, additional Web sites, and other resources.",
  97405.             "Year": 0
  97406.         },
  97407.         {
  97408.             "RIT": "ws900244",
  97409.             "Type": "WS",
  97410.             "URL": "http://ci.fargo.nd.us/",
  97411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97412.             "Title": "City of Fargo",
  97413.             "Category": "GEO",
  97414.             "Description": "Official Fargo Web site describing city services and tourism.",
  97415.             "Year": 0
  97416.         },
  97417.         {
  97418.             "RIT": "ws900245",
  97419.             "Type": "WS",
  97420.             "URL": "http://www.fed.gov.au/",
  97421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97422.             "Title": "Australian Commonwealth",
  97423.             "Category": "GEO",
  97424.             "Description": "The official Web site of the government of Australia. Provides information about all aspects of the government, including Parliament, the prime minister, the constitution, and territories. Includes extensive links to other resources, including n",
  97425.             "Year": 0
  97426.         },
  97427.         {
  97428.             "RIT": "ws900246",
  97429.             "Type": "WS",
  97430.             "URL": "http://web.ci.minot.nd.us/Home.htm",
  97431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97432.             "Title": "City of Minot, North Dakota Home Page",
  97433.             "Category": "GEO",
  97434.             "Description": "Official Minot Web site describing government and city services.",
  97435.             "Year": 0
  97436.         },
  97437.         {
  97438.             "RIT": "ws900247",
  97439.             "Type": "WS",
  97440.             "URL": "http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/",
  97441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97442.             "Title": "Integrated Pest Management at the University of Illinois",
  97443.             "Category": "IND",
  97444.             "Description": "A searchable site providing information about many aspects of integrated pest management from the University of Illinois Extension Service.",
  97445.             "Year": 0
  97446.         },
  97447.         {
  97448.             "RIT": "ws900256",
  97449.             "Type": "WS",
  97450.             "URL": "http://search.famsf.org/4d.acgi$Search?list&=1&=%20&=and&=Yes&=brouwer%20&=&=&=",
  97451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97452.             "Title": "Adriaen Brouwer",
  97453.             "Category": "HUM",
  97454.             "Description": "The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco present work by Adriaen Brouwer.",
  97455.             "Year": 0
  97456.         },
  97457.         {
  97458.             "RIT": "ws900257",
  97459.             "Type": "WS",
  97460.             "URL": "http://www.colorado.Edu/geography/gcraft/notes/gps/gps_f.html",
  97461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97462.             "Title": "Global Positioning System Overview",
  97463.             "Category": "IND",
  97464.             "Description": "A somewhat technical but thorough overview of the equipment and functions of the Global Positioning System, from the Colorado University at Boulder",
  97465.             "Year": 0
  97466.         },
  97467.         {
  97468.             "RIT": "ws900258",
  97469.             "Type": "WS",
  97470.             "URL": "http://www.learner.org/jnorth/spring1999/species/monarch/index.html",
  97471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97472.             "Title": "Journey North: Monarch Butterfly",
  97473.             "Category": "LIF",
  97474.             "Description": "Journey North is an annual study that tracks monarch butterfly migration by collecting sightings of the first monarch butterfly each participating observer sees in the spring. A migration map is produced every week, providing a snapshot of the m",
  97475.             "Year": 0
  97476.         },
  97477.         {
  97478.             "RIT": "ws900259",
  97479.             "Type": "WS",
  97480.             "URL": "http://www.wto.org/",
  97481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97482.             "Title": "Welcome to the WTO",
  97483.             "Category": "SOC",
  97484.             "Description": "The official Web site of the World Trade Organization.",
  97485.             "Year": 0
  97486.         },
  97487.         {
  97488.             "RIT": "ws900261",
  97489.             "Type": "WS",
  97490.             "URL": "http://www.unos.org/frame_Default.asp",
  97491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97492.             "Title": "United Network for Organ Sharing",
  97493.             "Category": "LIF",
  97494.             "Description": "The official Web site of the United Network for Organ Sharing. Includes links to information about all aspects of organ donation and transplantation.",
  97495.             "Year": 0
  97496.         },
  97497.         {
  97498.             "RIT": "ws900263",
  97499.             "Type": "WS",
  97500.             "URL": "http://www.algore2000.com/",
  97501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97502.             "Title": "Gore 2000",
  97503.             "Category": "HIS",
  97504.             "Description": "Homepage for Vice President Al Gore's presidential campaign. Includes biographical information about Gore and his family, news, and speeches. In addition, Gore presents his agenda and responds to questions in an interactive Town Hall.",
  97505.             "Year": 0
  97506.         },
  97507.         {
  97508.             "RIT": "ws900264",
  97509.             "Type": "WS",
  97510.             "URL": "http://mrshowbiz.go.com/people/jimcarrey/",
  97511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97512.             "Title": "Jim Carrey Profile",
  97513.             "Category": "HUM",
  97514.             "Description": "A biography, news, and credits from Mr. Showbiz of ABC News.",
  97515.             "Year": 0
  97516.         },
  97517.         {
  97518.             "RIT": "ws900265",
  97519.             "Type": "WS",
  97520.             "URL": "http://billbradley.com/",
  97521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97522.             "Title": "Bill Bradley for President",
  97523.             "Category": "HIS",
  97524.             "Description": "Official web site of the Bill Bradley for President Committee. Includes biographical information, Bradleyl's positions on issues, and speeches.",
  97525.             "Year": 0
  97526.         },
  97527.         {
  97528.             "RIT": "ws900273",
  97529.             "Type": "WS",
  97530.             "URL": "http://www.c-span.org/guide/society/lbj/",
  97531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97532.             "Title": "LBJ White House Tapes",
  97533.             "Category": "HIS",
  97534.             "Description": "This Web site offers an archive of all the recordings of President Lyndon Johnson's private phone conversations that have aired on C-SPAN's radio program. The content is searchable by topic or keyword.",
  97535.             "Year": 0
  97536.         },
  97537.         {
  97538.             "RIT": "ws900276",
  97539.             "Type": "WS",
  97540.             "URL": "http://www.clerkweb.house.gov/",
  97541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97542.             "Title": "The Office of the Clerk On-line Information Center",
  97543.             "Category": "SOC",
  97544.             "Description": "This Web site features legislation under consideration in the U.S. House of Representatives, other documents, biographies of former speakers, and a virtual tour of the House chamber.",
  97545.             "Year": 0
  97546.         },
  97547.         {
  97548.             "RIT": "ws900277",
  97549.             "Type": "WS",
  97550.             "URL": "http://www.allentownpa.org/",
  97551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97552.             "Title": "Welcome to the City of Allentown",
  97553.             "Category": "GEO",
  97554.             "Description": "Official Allentown Web site describing city services and tourism.",
  97555.             "Year": 0
  97556.         },
  97557.         {
  97558.             "RIT": "ws900278",
  97559.             "Type": "WS",
  97560.             "URL": "http://www.cc.org/",
  97561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97562.             "Title": "Christian Coalition",
  97563.             "Category": "HIS",
  97564.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Christian Coalition, featuring issue statements and legislative news.",
  97565.             "Year": 0
  97566.         },
  97567.         {
  97568.             "RIT": "ws900279",
  97569.             "Type": "WS",
  97570.             "URL": "http://www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/crimjust/gangs.htm",
  97571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97572.             "Title": "Criminal Justice Resources: Gangs",
  97573.             "Category": "SOC",
  97574.             "Description": "A collection of Internet resources on youth gangs from the Michigan State University Libraries.",
  97575.             "Year": 0
  97576.         },
  97577.         {
  97578.             "RIT": "ws900280",
  97579.             "Type": "WS",
  97580.             "URL": "http://www.nga.org/",
  97581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97582.             "Title": "NGA Online",
  97583.             "Category": "SOC",
  97584.             "Description": "The official Web site of the National Governors' Association. Provides information about issues, legislative initiatives, and other topics.",
  97585.             "Year": 0
  97586.         },
  97587.         {
  97588.             "RIT": "ws900281",
  97589.             "Type": "WS",
  97590.             "URL": "http://www.bennycarter.com/",
  97591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97592.             "Title": "Benny Carter Web Site",
  97593.             "Category": "HUM",
  97594.             "Description": "Web site of jazz musician Benny Carter. Includes a biography, audio clips, and quotes.",
  97595.             "Year": 0
  97596.         },
  97597.         {
  97598.             "RIT": "ws900282",
  97599.             "Type": "WS",
  97600.             "URL": "http://www.cowboyhalloffame.org/",
  97601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97602.             "Title": "Cowboy Hall of Fame",
  97603.             "Category": "GEO",
  97604.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.",
  97605.             "Year": 0
  97606.         },
  97607.         {
  97608.             "RIT": "ws900283",
  97609.             "Type": "WS",
  97610.             "URL": "http://www.grandforksgov.com./",
  97611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97612.             "Title": "Welcome to the City of Grand Forks, ND",
  97613.             "Category": "GEO",
  97614.             "Description": "Official Grand Forks Web site describing government and city services.",
  97615.             "Year": 0
  97616.         },
  97617.         {
  97618.             "RIT": "ws900292",
  97619.             "Type": "WS",
  97620.             "URL": "http://www.latimes.com/news/custom/timespoll/",
  97621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97622.             "Title": "Los Angeles Times Polls",
  97623.             "Category": "IND",
  97624.             "Description": "This Web site from the Los Angeles Times is dedicated to opinion polls. Includes current and archived national polls, California polls, local polls, and specialized polls. A Frequently Asked Questions section explains concepts important in polli",
  97625.             "Year": 0
  97626.         },
  97627.         {
  97628.             "RIT": "ws900294",
  97629.             "Type": "WS",
  97630.             "URL": "http://www.cancer.gov/clinical_trials/",
  97631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97632.             "Title": "NCI: Cancer Trials",
  97633.             "Category": "LIF",
  97634.             "Description": "Extensive information about clinical trials of cancer treatments from the National Cancer Institute. One feature enables patients to find clinical trials closest to where they live.",
  97635.             "Year": 0
  97636.         },
  97637.         {
  97638.             "RIT": "ws900295",
  97639.             "Type": "WS",
  97640.             "URL": "http://www.mccain2000.com/",
  97641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97642.             "Title": "John McCain for President Official Site",
  97643.             "Category": "GEO",
  97644.             "Description": "The official Web site for Republican senator John McCain's presidential campaign. Includes a biography, speeches and press releases, and McCain's issue statements.",
  97645.             "Year": 0
  97646.         },
  97647.         {
  97648.             "RIT": "ws900297",
  97649.             "Type": "WS",
  97650.             "URL": "http://www.ode.state.or.us/",
  97651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97652.             "Title": "Oregon Education",
  97653.             "Category": "GEO",
  97654.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Oregon Department of Education.",
  97655.             "Year": 0
  97656.         },
  97657.         {
  97658.             "RIT": "ws900298",
  97659.             "Type": "WS",
  97660.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/fomo/fomo.htm",
  97661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97662.             "Title": "Fort Moultrie National Historic Site Official Website",
  97663.             "Category": "HIS",
  97664.             "Description": "National Park Service site on Fort Moultrie National Historic Site in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.",
  97665.             "Year": 0
  97666.         },
  97667.         {
  97668.             "RIT": "ws900299",
  97669.             "Type": "WS",
  97670.             "URL": "http://www.origami.vancouver.bc.ca/",
  97671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97672.             "Title": "Joseph Wu's Origami Page",
  97673.             "Category": "HUM",
  97674.             "Description": "An origami site hosted by Joseph Wu, a master origami enthusiast. Includes folding diagrams, a gallery of models, and links to other resources.",
  97675.             "Year": 0
  97676.         },
  97677.         {
  97678.             "RIT": "ws900300",
  97679.             "Type": "WS",
  97680.             "URL": "http://www.origami-usa.org/frames1c.htm",
  97681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97682.             "Title": "Origami USA Home Page",
  97683.             "Category": "HUM",
  97684.             "Description": "The official Web site of OrgamiUSA, a nonprofit educational and cultural arts organization dedicated to sharing paperfolding around the world. The organization meets at the Museum of Natural History in New York City, and produces the orgami mode",
  97685.             "Year": 0
  97686.         },
  97687.         {
  97688.             "RIT": "ws900311",
  97689.             "Type": "WS",
  97690.             "URL": "http://www.laramie.org/",
  97691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97692.             "Title": "Laramie Area Chamber of Commerce",
  97693.             "Category": "GEO",
  97694.             "Description": "Information about Laramie from the Laramie Area Chamber of Commerce.",
  97695.             "Year": 0
  97696.         },
  97697.         {
  97698.             "RIT": "ws900312",
  97699.             "Type": "WS",
  97700.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/madhyapradesh/index.htm",
  97701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97702.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Madhya Pradesh",
  97703.             "Category": "GEO",
  97704.             "Description": "Information about the state of Madhya Pradesh from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  97705.             "Year": 0
  97706.         },
  97707.         {
  97708.             "RIT": "ws900313",
  97709.             "Type": "WS",
  97710.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/himachalpradesh/index.htm",
  97711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97712.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Himachal Pradesh",
  97713.             "Category": "GEO",
  97714.             "Description": "Information about the state of Himachal Pradesh from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  97715.             "Year": 0
  97716.         },
  97717.         {
  97718.             "RIT": "ws900314",
  97719.             "Type": "WS",
  97720.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/",
  97721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97722.             "Title": "Government of India Ministry of Tourism",
  97723.             "Category": "GEO",
  97724.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Government of India's Ministry of Tourism.",
  97725.             "Year": 0
  97726.         },
  97727.         {
  97728.             "RIT": "ws900315",
  97729.             "Type": "WS",
  97730.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/tamilnadu/index.htm",
  97731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97732.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Tamil Nadu",
  97733.             "Category": "GEO",
  97734.             "Description": "Information about the state of Tamil Nadu from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  97735.             "Year": 0
  97736.         },
  97737.         {
  97738.             "RIT": "ws900316",
  97739.             "Type": "WS",
  97740.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/punjab/index.htm",
  97741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97742.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Punjab",
  97743.             "Category": "GEO",
  97744.             "Description": "Information about Punjab from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  97745.             "Year": 0
  97746.         },
  97747.         {
  97748.             "RIT": "ws900317",
  97749.             "Type": "WS",
  97750.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/bihar/index.htm",
  97751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97752.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Bihar",
  97753.             "Category": "GEO",
  97754.             "Description": "Information about the state of Bihar from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  97755.             "Year": 0
  97756.         },
  97757.         {
  97758.             "RIT": "ws900318",
  97759.             "Type": "WS",
  97760.             "URL": "http://www.catsmag.com/",
  97761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97762.             "Title": "Cats Magazine",
  97763.             "Category": "LIF",
  97764.             "Description": "Features about caring for cats, raising cats, medical advice, and other topics from the online edition of Cats magazine. The site includes pictures and links to other resources.",
  97765.             "Year": 0
  97766.         },
  97767.         {
  97768.             "RIT": "ws900327",
  97769.             "Type": "WS",
  97770.             "URL": "http://www.cornpalace.org/cornpalace.html",
  97771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97772.             "Title": "Mitchell, South Dakota - Convention and Visitors Bureau - World's Only Corn Palace",
  97773.             "Category": "GEO",
  97774.             "Description": "A Web site about Mitchell, with special emphasis on the Corn Palace, from the Mitchell Convention and Visitors Bureau.",
  97775.             "Year": 0
  97776.         },
  97777.         {
  97778.             "RIT": "ws900328",
  97779.             "Type": "WS",
  97780.             "URL": "http://www.alex-guide.com/",
  97781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97782.             "Title": "Complete Online Guide to the City of Alexandria, Egypt",
  97783.             "Category": "GEO",
  97784.             "Description": "Comprehensive Web site on Alexandria, Egypt describing the city's history, industry, and tourism.",
  97785.             "Year": 0
  97786.         },
  97787.         {
  97788.             "RIT": "ws900329",
  97789.             "Type": "WS",
  97790.             "URL": "http://www.spaceref.com/mars/index.html",
  97791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97792.             "Title": "The Astrobiology Web: The Whole Mars Catalog",
  97793.             "Category": "PHY",
  97794.             "Description": "A gateway page to information about all aspects of Mars, with a focus on the possibility of life on the planet.",
  97795.             "Year": 0
  97796.         },
  97797.         {
  97798.             "RIT": "ws900330",
  97799.             "Type": "WS",
  97800.             "URL": "http://www.arab.net/saudi/saudi_contents.html",
  97801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97802.             "Title": "SAUDI.ON.LINE",
  97803.             "Category": "GEO",
  97804.             "Description": "A comprehensive guide to Saudi Arabia. The site provides information about tourism, arts and culture, government, education, and other topics.",
  97805.             "Year": 0
  97806.         },
  97807.         {
  97808.             "RIT": "ws900331",
  97809.             "Type": "WS",
  97810.             "URL": "http://www.nsw.gov.au/",
  97811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97812.             "Title": "NSW Government Home Page",
  97813.             "Category": "GEO",
  97814.             "Description": "Official Web site of the state of New South Wales.",
  97815.             "Year": 0
  97816.         },
  97817.         {
  97818.             "RIT": "ws900333",
  97819.             "Type": "WS",
  97820.             "URL": "http://isfahan.anglia.ac.uk:8200/isfahan.html",
  97821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97822.             "Title": "Welcome to Isfahan!",
  97823.             "Category": "GEO",
  97824.             "Description": "A comprehensive Web site about Isfahan. The site describes events, activities, and the history of the city.",
  97825.             "Year": 0
  97826.         },
  97827.         {
  97828.             "RIT": "ws900334",
  97829.             "Type": "WS",
  97830.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/collections/exhibits/metlives/index.html",
  97831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97832.             "Title": "Metropolitan Lives",
  97833.             "Category": "HUM",
  97834.             "Description": "This exhibit from the National Museum of American Art explores the urban vision of Ashcan artists and places their work within the social and cultural context of early twentieth-century America.",
  97835.             "Year": 0
  97836.         },
  97837.         {
  97838.             "RIT": "ws900335",
  97839.             "Type": "WS",
  97840.             "URL": "http://www.state.ut.us/education.html",
  97841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97842.             "Title": "Education In Utah",
  97843.             "Category": "GEO",
  97844.             "Description": "Official Utah state govermnent Web site providing comprehensive information about all levels of educational opportunities and resources in Utah.",
  97845.             "Year": 0
  97846.         },
  97847.         {
  97848.             "RIT": "ws900266",
  97849.             "Type": "WS",
  97850.             "URL": "http://sill-www.army.mil/Museum/Index.htm",
  97851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97852.             "Title": "The Fort Sill Museum",
  97853.             "Category": "GEO",
  97854.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Fort Sill Museum on the grounds of the United States Army Military Base in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The museum aims to preserve knowledge of the history of Fort Sill and field artillery.",
  97855.             "Year": 0
  97856.         },
  97857.         {
  97858.             "RIT": "ws900267",
  97859.             "Type": "WS",
  97860.             "URL": "http://sealioncaves.com/frames.html",
  97861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97862.             "Title": "Sea Lion Caves Main Menu",
  97863.             "Category": "GEO",
  97864.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Sea Lion Caves near Florence, Oregon.The site provides photos and descriptions of sea lions and other animals that can be seen at the caves and offers information for visitors.",
  97865.             "Year": 0
  97866.         },
  97867.         {
  97868.             "RIT": "ws900268",
  97869.             "Type": "WS",
  97870.             "URL": "http://bioguide.congress.gov/biosearch/biosearch.asp",
  97871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97872.             "Title": "Congressional Biographical Directory",
  97873.             "Category": "SOC",
  97874.             "Description": "A searchable database of biographical information about members of the U.S. Congress from 1774 to the present.",
  97875.             "Year": 0
  97876.         },
  97877.         {
  97878.             "RIT": "ws900269",
  97879.             "Type": "WS",
  97880.             "URL": "http://www.constitutioncenter.org/",
  97881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97882.             "Title": "National Constitution Center",
  97883.             "Category": "SOC",
  97884.             "Description": "This site provides extensive information about the Constitution of the United States and other historical documents, such as the Magna Carta, the Emancipation Proclamation, and the Gettysburg Address. Includes special sections geared to students",
  97885.             "Year": 0
  97886.         },
  97887.         {
  97888.             "RIT": "ws900270",
  97889.             "Type": "WS",
  97890.             "URL": "http://www.citipage.com/chamber/",
  97891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97892.             "Title": "The Greater Johnstown / Cambria County Chamber of Commerce",
  97893.             "Category": "GEO",
  97894.             "Description": "Official Web site of the chamber of commerce of Johnstown, Pennsylvania.",
  97895.             "Year": 0
  97896.         },
  97897.         {
  97898.             "RIT": "ws900271",
  97899.             "Type": "WS",
  97900.             "URL": "http://www.ci.eugene.or.us/",
  97901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97902.             "Title": "Welcome to the City of Eugene",
  97903.             "Category": "GEO",
  97904.             "Description": "Official Eugene Web site describing city services, community resources, and tourist attractions.",
  97905.             "Year": 0
  97906.         },
  97907.         {
  97908.             "RIT": "ws900272",
  97909.             "Type": "WS",
  97910.             "URL": "http://instruct.ride.ri.net/RIDE1/list.html",
  97911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97912.             "Title": "Rhode Island Department of Education Home Page",
  97913.             "Category": "GEO",
  97914.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Rhode Island Department of Education.",
  97915.             "Year": 0
  97916.         },
  97917.         {
  97918.             "RIT": "ws900284",
  97919.             "Type": "WS",
  97920.             "URL": "http://www.lewiscarroll.org/carroll.html",
  97921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97922.             "Title": "LEWIS CARROLL Home Page",
  97923.             "Category": "HUM",
  97924.             "Description": "The Lewis Carroll Society of North America provides a comprehensive library of Internet resources for Carroll enthusiasts and students.",
  97925.             "Year": 0
  97926.         },
  97927.         {
  97928.             "RIT": "ws900285",
  97929.             "Type": "WS",
  97930.             "URL": "http://www.nci.nih.gov/",
  97931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97932.             "Title": "National Cancer Institute Home Page",
  97933.             "Category": "LIF",
  97934.             "Description": "The official Web site of the National Cancer Institute, offering extensive information about a wide variety of cancer-related topics. Different areas of the site are geared to healthcare professionals and patients and their families.",
  97935.             "Year": 0
  97936.         },
  97937.         {
  97938.             "RIT": "ws900286",
  97939.             "Type": "WS",
  97940.             "URL": "http://www.johnnycash.com/",
  97941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97942.             "Title": "The Official Johnny Cash Page",
  97943.             "Category": "HUM",
  97944.             "Description": "Site includes a photo gallery, career highlights, video and audio clips, and news updates.",
  97945.             "Year": 0
  97946.         },
  97947.         {
  97948.             "RIT": "ws900287",
  97949.             "Type": "WS",
  97950.             "URL": "http://www.alphacancer.org/",
  97951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97952.             "Title": "Alpha Cancer Information Resource",
  97953.             "Category": "LIF",
  97954.             "Description": "The official Web site for the Educational Resource of the Coalition of National Cancer Cooperative groups, providing information about a wide variety of cancer-related topics.",
  97955.             "Year": 0
  97956.         },
  97957.         {
  97958.             "RIT": "ws900288",
  97959.             "Type": "WS",
  97960.             "URL": "http://www.fec.gov/",
  97961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97962.             "Title": "Federal Election Commission",
  97963.             "Category": "SOC",
  97964.             "Description": "The hompage of the Federal Election Commission provides information about elections, voting, and campaign donations.",
  97965.             "Year": 0
  97966.         },
  97967.         {
  97968.             "RIT": "ws900289",
  97969.             "Type": "WS",
  97970.             "URL": "http://www.npr.org/programs/jazzprofiles/oldsite/bencarter.html",
  97971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97972.             "Title": "Benny Carter",
  97973.             "Category": "HUM",
  97974.             "Description": "A profile of alto saxophonist Benny Carter from National Public Radio's Jazz Profile series.",
  97975.             "Year": 0
  97976.         },
  97977.         {
  97978.             "RIT": "ws900290",
  97979.             "Type": "WS",
  97980.             "URL": "http://indians.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/cle/homepage/cle_homepage.jsp",
  97981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97982.             "Title": "The Cleveland Indians Major League Baseball Team",
  97983.             "Category": "GEO",
  97984.             "Description": "Official site of the Cleveland Indians baseball team.",
  97985.             "Year": 0
  97986.         },
  97987.         {
  97988.             "RIT": "ws900291",
  97989.             "Type": "WS",
  97990.             "URL": "http://www.georgewbush.com/",
  97991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  97992.             "Title": "George W. Bush for President",
  97993.             "Category": "GEO",
  97994.             "Description": "Official presidential campaign site of Texas governor George W. Bush. Features biographical information, news, speeches, and issues.",
  97995.             "Year": 0
  97996.         },
  97997.         {
  97998.             "RIT": "ws900301",
  97999.             "Type": "WS",
  98000.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/seekingsolutions/",
  98001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98002.             "Title": "Seeking Solutions",
  98003.             "Category": "SOC",
  98004.             "Description": "A companion Web site to a PBS documentary that focuses on effective grassroots solutions to local crime problems - teen gangs, street crime, ethnic violence, and hate crimes. Includes lesson plans.",
  98005.             "Year": 0
  98006.         },
  98007.         {
  98008.             "RIT": "ws900302",
  98009.             "Type": "WS",
  98010.             "URL": "http://www.rollcall.com/",
  98011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98012.             "Title": "Roll Call Online",
  98013.             "Category": "SOC",
  98014.             "Description": "Online news from Roll Call, a newspaper that specializes in reporting on Congress.",
  98015.             "Year": 0
  98016.         },
  98017.         {
  98018.             "RIT": "ws900303",
  98019.             "Type": "WS",
  98020.             "URL": "http://www.rockhall.com/induct/cashjohn.html",
  98021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98022.             "Title": "Johnny Cash",
  98023.             "Category": "HUM",
  98024.             "Description": "A biography and audio clips from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.",
  98025.             "Year": 0
  98026.         },
  98027.         {
  98028.             "RIT": "ws900304",
  98029.             "Type": "WS",
  98030.             "URL": "http://www.pde.psu.edu/",
  98031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98032.             "Title": "The Pennsylvania Department of Education",
  98033.             "Category": "GEO",
  98034.             "Description": "Official web site of the Pennsylvania Department of Education.",
  98035.             "Year": 0
  98036.         },
  98037.         {
  98038.             "RIT": "ws900305",
  98039.             "Type": "WS",
  98040.             "URL": "http://www.or.blm.gov/NHOTIC/",
  98041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98042.             "Title": "Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, National Historic (NHOTIC) Home Page",
  98043.             "Category": "HIS",
  98044.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center Museum in Baker City, Oregon. Includes information about the history of the Oregon Trail, Frequently Asked Questions, and links to other Oregon Trail Resources.",
  98045.             "Year": 0
  98046.         },
  98047.         {
  98048.             "RIT": "ws900306",
  98049.             "Type": "WS",
  98050.             "URL": "http://www.britishorigami.org.uk/",
  98051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98052.             "Title": "BOS Home Page",
  98053.             "Category": "HUM",
  98054.             "Description": "The official Web site of the British Origami Society. The site provides folding instructions, a gallery of models, and other resources.",
  98055.             "Year": 0
  98056.         },
  98057.         {
  98058.             "RIT": "ws900307",
  98059.             "Type": "WS",
  98060.             "URL": "http://www.ode.state.oh.us/",
  98061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98062.             "Title": "Ohio Department of Education Front Page",
  98063.             "Category": "GEO",
  98064.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Ohio Deparment of Education.",
  98065.             "Year": 0
  98066.         },
  98067.         {
  98068.             "RIT": "ws900309",
  98069.             "Type": "WS",
  98070.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/westbengal/index.htm",
  98071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98072.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - West Bengal",
  98073.             "Category": "GEO",
  98074.             "Description": "Information about the state of West Bengal from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  98075.             "Year": 0
  98076.         },
  98077.         {
  98078.             "RIT": "ws900310",
  98079.             "Type": "WS",
  98080.             "URL": "http://thealamo.org/",
  98081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98082.             "Title": "The Alamo",
  98083.             "Category": "GEO",
  98084.             "Description": "Official Web site for The Alamo the provides history, maps, and information about visiting The Alamo.",
  98085.             "Year": 0
  98086.         },
  98087.         {
  98088.             "RIT": "ws900319",
  98089.             "Type": "WS",
  98090.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/andhrapradesh/index.htm",
  98091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98092.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Andhra Pradesh",
  98093.             "Category": "GEO",
  98094.             "Description": "Information about the state of Andhra Pradesh from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  98095.             "Year": 0
  98096.         },
  98097.         {
  98098.             "RIT": "ws900320",
  98099.             "Type": "WS",
  98100.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/rajasthan/index.htm",
  98101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98102.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Rajasthan",
  98103.             "Category": "GEO",
  98104.             "Description": "Information about the state of Rajasthan from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  98105.             "Year": 0
  98106.         },
  98107.         {
  98108.             "RIT": "ws900321",
  98109.             "Type": "WS",
  98110.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/manipur/index.htm",
  98111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98112.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Manipur",
  98113.             "Category": "GEO",
  98114.             "Description": "Information about the state of Manipur from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  98115.             "Year": 0
  98116.         },
  98117.         {
  98118.             "RIT": "ws900322",
  98119.             "Type": "WS",
  98120.             "URL": "http://www.petersburg-va.org/",
  98121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98122.             "Title": "Welcome to The City of Petersburg, Virginia",
  98123.             "Category": "GEO",
  98124.             "Description": "Official Web site of Petersburg describing government, city services, and tourism.",
  98125.             "Year": 0
  98126.         },
  98127.         {
  98128.             "RIT": "ws900323",
  98129.             "Type": "WS",
  98130.             "URL": "http://www.ni-assembly.gov.uk/about.htm",
  98131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98132.             "Title": "The New Northern Ireland Assembly",
  98133.             "Category": "GEO",
  98134.             "Description": "Explains the creation of the Northern Ireland Assembly and profiles the people involved.",
  98135.             "Year": 0
  98136.         },
  98137.         {
  98138.             "RIT": "ws900324",
  98139.             "Type": "WS",
  98140.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/haryana/index.htm",
  98141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98142.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Haryana",
  98143.             "Category": "GEO",
  98144.             "Description": "Information about the state of Haryana from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  98145.             "Year": 0
  98146.         },
  98147.         {
  98148.             "RIT": "ws900325",
  98149.             "Type": "WS",
  98150.             "URL": "http://www.sde.state.sc.us/",
  98151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98152.             "Title": "South Carolina Department of Education Home Page",
  98153.             "Category": "GEO",
  98154.             "Description": "Official Web site of the South Carolina Department of Education.",
  98155.             "Year": 0
  98156.         },
  98157.         {
  98158.             "RIT": "ws900326",
  98159.             "Type": "WS",
  98160.             "URL": "http://wwwdutslc.wr.usgs.gov/greatsaltlake/saltlake.html",
  98161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98162.             "Title": "Great Salt Lake, Utah",
  98163.             "Category": "GEO",
  98164.             "Description": "United States Geological Survey Web site on the Great Salt Lake in Utah. Includes information on the ecology of the region and maps of the lake.",
  98165.             "Year": 0
  98166.         },
  98167.         {
  98168.             "RIT": "ws900336",
  98169.             "Type": "WS",
  98170.             "URL": "http://tlc.ai.org/genetidx.htm",
  98171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98172.             "Title": "AITLC Guide to Genetics",
  98173.             "Category": "LIF",
  98174.             "Description": "A guide to links that provide information about basic concepts in genetics, from the Access Indiana Teaching and Learning Center. Covers such topics as a beginners' guide to molecular biology, fundamentals of genetics, the genetics of evolution,",
  98175.             "Year": 0
  98176.         },
  98177.         {
  98178.             "RIT": "ws900337",
  98179.             "Type": "WS",
  98180.             "URL": "http://www.discoverSouthCarolina.com/sp/spproduct.asp?PID=1575",
  98181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98182.             "Title": "South Carolina State Parks Guide",
  98183.             "Category": "GEO",
  98184.             "Description": "A Web site about Charles Towne Landing State Park near Charlestown, South Carolina, presented by the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism,",
  98185.             "Year": 0
  98186.         },
  98187.         {
  98188.             "RIT": "ws900338",
  98189.             "Type": "WS",
  98190.             "URL": "http://www.abidjan.com/",
  98191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98192.             "Title": "Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, West Africa - city and port guide.",
  98193.             "Category": "GEO",
  98194.             "Description": "A guide to Abidjan from Cities.com. The site provides basic information about the geography, climate, people, economy, and government of Abidjan. It also offers information about consulates and obtaining visas, tourist attractions, entertainment",
  98195.             "Year": 0
  98196.         },
  98197.         {
  98198.             "RIT": "ws900339",
  98199.             "Type": "WS",
  98200.             "URL": "http://access.wa.gov/education/index1.asp?L1=Education",
  98201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98202.             "Title": "Access Washington - Education",
  98203.             "Category": "GEO",
  98204.             "Description": "Official Washington state govermnent Web site providing information about all the educational options in Washington. Includes information about home-based instruction and a homework helper.",
  98205.             "Year": 0
  98206.         },
  98207.         {
  98208.             "RIT": "ws900340",
  98209.             "Type": "WS",
  98210.             "URL": "http://www.lebanonatlas.com/",
  98211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98212.             "Title": "LOL-Welcome to Lebanon Online",
  98213.             "Category": "GEO",
  98214.             "Description": "A comprehensive guide to Lebanon from Webserv.com. The site provides information about tourism, arts and culture, government, and sports, Also includes local news.",
  98215.             "Year": 0
  98216.         },
  98217.         {
  98218.             "RIT": "ws900341",
  98219.             "Type": "WS",
  98220.             "URL": "http://www.gov.bw/home.html",
  98221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98222.             "Title": "The Republic Of Botswana - The Government of Botswana Web Site",
  98223.             "Category": "GEO",
  98224.             "Description": "Official Web site of the government of Botswana. The site provides information about tourism, government agencies, and history.",
  98225.             "Year": 0
  98226.         },
  98227.         {
  98228.             "RIT": "ws900342",
  98229.             "Type": "WS",
  98230.             "URL": "http://www.vic.gov.au/",
  98231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98232.             "Title": "Welcome to Vic.Gov",
  98233.             "Category": "GEO",
  98234.             "Description": "Official Web site of the state of Victoria, Australia.",
  98235.             "Year": 0
  98236.         },
  98237.         {
  98238.             "RIT": "ws900352",
  98239.             "Type": "WS",
  98240.             "URL": "http://www.equatorialguinea.org/homepage1439/index.htm",
  98241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98242.             "Title": "Equatorial Guinea - Home",
  98243.             "Category": "GEO",
  98244.             "Description": "Official Web site of the government of Equatorial Guinea. The site provides facts, statistics, and information about tourism and culture. Also includes links to local news.",
  98245.             "Year": 0
  98246.         },
  98247.         {
  98248.             "RIT": "ws900353",
  98249.             "Type": "WS",
  98250.             "URL": "http://www.state.tx.us/category.jsp?language=eng&categoryId=3",
  98251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98252.             "Title": "State of Texas Web Site - Education",
  98253.             "Category": "GEO",
  98254.             "Description": "Official Texas state govermnent Web site on the educational departments, agencies, opportunities, and resources in Texas.",
  98255.             "Year": 0
  98256.         },
  98257.         {
  98258.             "RIT": "ws900354",
  98259.             "Type": "WS",
  98260.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/tripura/index.htm",
  98261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98262.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Tripura",
  98263.             "Category": "GEO",
  98264.             "Description": "Information about the state of Tripura from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  98265.             "Year": 0
  98266.         },
  98267.         {
  98268.             "RIT": "ws900355",
  98269.             "Type": "WS",
  98270.             "URL": "http://raven.umnh.utah.edu/umnh/home.html",
  98271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98272.             "Title": "UTAH MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY",
  98273.             "Category": "GEO",
  98274.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Utah Museum of Natural History in Salt Lake City.",
  98275.             "Year": 0
  98276.         },
  98277.         {
  98278.             "RIT": "ws900356",
  98279.             "Type": "WS",
  98280.             "URL": "http://www.minazayed.com/",
  98281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98282.             "Title": "Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - city and port guide.",
  98283.             "Category": "GEO",
  98284.             "Description": "A guide to Abu Dhabi from Cities.com. The site provides basic information about the geography, climate, people, economy, and government of Abu Dhabi. It also offers information about consulates and obtaining visas, tourist attractions, entertain",
  98285.             "Year": 0
  98286.         },
  98287.         {
  98288.             "RIT": "ws900357",
  98289.             "Type": "WS",
  98290.             "URL": "http://www.avma.org/care4pets/animfelh.htm",
  98291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98292.             "Title": "Feline Health",
  98293.             "Category": "LIF",
  98294.             "Description": "The American Veterinary Medical Association presents information about all aspects of cat health, including safety, heartworm disease, feline panleukopenia, and respiratory disease. The site also includes features geared to young people, stories",
  98295.             "Year": 0
  98296.         },
  98297.         {
  98298.             "RIT": "ws900358",
  98299.             "Type": "WS",
  98300.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/goa/index.htm",
  98301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98302.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Goa",
  98303.             "Category": "GEO",
  98304.             "Description": "Information about the state of Goa from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  98305.             "Year": 0
  98306.         },
  98307.         {
  98308.             "RIT": "ws900367",
  98309.             "Type": "WS",
  98310.             "URL": "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/inatl/longterm/diana/diana.htm",
  98311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98312.             "Title": "Princess Diana, 1961-1997",
  98313.             "Category": "HIS",
  98314.             "Description": "A special report from The Washington Post commemorating Princess Diana's life. This site features an archive of articles written after her death, a photo gallery, and related Web sites.",
  98315.             "Year": 0
  98316.         },
  98317.         {
  98318.             "RIT": "ws900368",
  98319.             "Type": "WS",
  98320.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9708/diana/",
  98321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98322.             "Title": "Diana",
  98323.             "Category": "HIS",
  98324.             "Description": "Page dedicated to Princess Diana at the CNN site",
  98325.             "Year": 0
  98326.         },
  98327.         {
  98328.             "RIT": "ws900369",
  98329.             "Type": "WS",
  98330.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/campanella_roy.htm",
  98331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98332.             "Title": "Roy Campanella",
  98333.             "Category": "REC",
  98334.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents Roy Campanella's biography.",
  98335.             "Year": 0
  98336.         },
  98337.         {
  98338.             "RIT": "ws900370",
  98339.             "Type": "WS",
  98340.             "URL": "http://www.gov.za/",
  98341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98342.             "Title": "South Africa",
  98343.             "Category": "GEO",
  98344.             "Description": "Official Web site of the government of South Africa. The site provides information about government, events, news, and other topics.",
  98345.             "Year": 0
  98346.         },
  98347.         {
  98348.             "RIT": "ws900371",
  98349.             "Type": "WS",
  98350.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/brown_mordecai.htm",
  98351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98352.             "Title": "Mordecai Brown",
  98353.             "Category": "REC",
  98354.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents a biography of Mordecai Brown.",
  98355.             "Year": 0
  98356.         },
  98357.         {
  98358.             "RIT": "ws900372",
  98359.             "Type": "WS",
  98360.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/ruth_babe.htm",
  98361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98362.             "Title": "Babe Ruth",
  98363.             "Category": "REC",
  98364.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents a biography of Babe Ruth.",
  98365.             "Year": 0
  98366.         },
  98367.         {
  98368.             "RIT": "ws900374",
  98369.             "Type": "WS",
  98370.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/onap/links-general.html",
  98371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98372.             "Title": "White House Office of National AIDS Policy",
  98373.             "Category": "LIF",
  98374.             "Description": "This site provides information about the U.S. federal government's efforts to fight AIDS.",
  98375.             "Year": 0
  98376.         },
  98377.         {
  98378.             "RIT": "ws900375",
  98379.             "Type": "WS",
  98380.             "URL": "http://www.lhj.com/diana/",
  98381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98382.             "Title": "Ladies' Home Journal Remembers Diana",
  98383.             "Category": "HIS",
  98384.             "Description": "This site provides cover photographs and articles about Princess Diana that appeared in the magazine Ladies' Home Journal from 1982 to 1993.",
  98385.             "Year": 0
  98386.         },
  98387.         {
  98388.             "RIT": "ws900376",
  98389.             "Type": "WS",
  98390.             "URL": "http://www.bettedavis.com/",
  98391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98392.             "Title": "Bette Davis",
  98393.             "Category": "HUM",
  98394.             "Description": "Biography, list of film credits, and news articles about Bette Davis.",
  98395.             "Year": 0
  98396.         },
  98397.         {
  98398.             "RIT": "ws900385",
  98399.             "Type": "WS",
  98400.             "URL": "http://www.grnnet.gov.na/intro.htm",
  98401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98402.             "Title": "REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA",
  98403.             "Category": "GEO",
  98404.             "Description": "The official Web site of the Republic of Namibia, providing information about government, economy, local news, and links to other resources.",
  98405.             "Year": 0
  98406.         },
  98407.         {
  98408.             "RIT": "ws900386",
  98409.             "Type": "WS",
  98410.             "URL": "http://www.uscgboating.org/",
  98411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98412.             "Title": "Office of Boating Safety",
  98413.             "Category": "REC",
  98414.             "Description": "The United States Coast Guard presents a comprehensive source of information for recreational boaters. Topics include boating terms, federal safety standards, and recalls of hazardous equipment.",
  98415.             "Year": 0
  98416.         },
  98417.         {
  98418.             "RIT": "ws900387",
  98419.             "Type": "WS",
  98420.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/berra_yogi.htm",
  98421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98422.             "Title": "Yogi Berra",
  98423.             "Category": "REC",
  98424.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents Yogi Berra's biography.",
  98425.             "Year": 0
  98426.         },
  98427.         {
  98428.             "RIT": "ws900388",
  98429.             "Type": "WS",
  98430.             "URL": "http://more.abcnews.go.com/sections/world/diana/diana_news_980831.html",
  98431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98432.             "Title": "Honors for Diana",
  98433.             "Category": "HIS",
  98434.             "Description": "This special report from ABC News focuses on the fatal car crash that killed Princess Diana and the response of people around the world to the news of her death.",
  98435.             "Year": 0
  98436.         },
  98437.         {
  98438.             "RIT": "ws900389",
  98439.             "Type": "WS",
  98440.             "URL": "http://www.time.com/time/reports/diana/index.html",
  98441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98442.             "Title": "Death of a Princess",
  98443.             "Category": "HIS",
  98444.             "Description": "Time magazine presents a memorial feature about Princess Diana that includes a collection of articles and a photo essay.",
  98445.             "Year": 0
  98446.         },
  98447.         {
  98448.             "RIT": "ws900390",
  98449.             "Type": "WS",
  98450.             "URL": "http://www.uscg.mil/hq/g-cp/history/h_lhindex.html",
  98451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98452.             "Title": "Lighthouses",
  98453.             "Category": "IND",
  98454.             "Description": "The U.S. Coast Guard historian presents information about lighthouses, including interesting facts, historic lighthouses, and other resources. The site also includes special materials for educators.",
  98455.             "Year": 0
  98456.         },
  98457.         {
  98458.             "RIT": "ws900391",
  98459.             "Type": "WS",
  98460.             "URL": "http://www.pa.press.net/news/royal/diana/main.html",
  98461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98462.             "Title": "Diana",
  98463.             "Category": "HIS",
  98464.             "Description": "A special report from the Press Association, the national news agency of the UK and Ireland. This site focuses on such topics as the car crash that killed Princess Diana, the creation of a shrine at her burial site, and the changing role of Brit",
  98465.             "Year": 0
  98466.         },
  98467.         {
  98468.             "RIT": "ws900343",
  98469.             "Type": "WS",
  98470.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/cityguide/chennai/index.htm",
  98471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98472.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Chennai",
  98473.             "Category": "GEO",
  98474.             "Description": "Information about the city of Chennai from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  98475.             "Year": 0
  98476.         },
  98477.         {
  98478.             "RIT": "ws900344",
  98479.             "Type": "WS",
  98480.             "URL": "http://www.statesnews.org/",
  98481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98482.             "Title": "States News",
  98483.             "Category": "SOC",
  98484.             "Description": "News and information about issues and programs from the Council of State Governments.",
  98485.             "Year": 0
  98486.         },
  98487.         {
  98488.             "RIT": "ws900345",
  98489.             "Type": "WS",
  98490.             "URL": "http://www.sde.state.ok.us/home/defaultie.html",
  98491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98492.             "Title": "Oklahoma State Department of Education",
  98493.             "Category": "GEO",
  98494.             "Description": "Official Web Site of the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Includes links to Web sites of schools and school districts throughout Oklahoma.",
  98495.             "Year": 0
  98496.         },
  98497.         {
  98498.             "RIT": "ws900347",
  98499.             "Type": "WS",
  98500.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/arunachalpradesh/index.htm",
  98501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98502.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Arunachal Pradesh",
  98503.             "Category": "GEO",
  98504.             "Description": "Information about the state of Arunachal Pradesh from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  98505.             "Year": 0
  98506.         },
  98507.         {
  98508.             "RIT": "ws900348",
  98509.             "Type": "WS",
  98510.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/uttarpradesh/index.htm",
  98511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98512.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Uttar Pradesh",
  98513.             "Category": "GEO",
  98514.             "Description": "Information about the state of Uttar Pradesh from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  98515.             "Year": 0
  98516.         },
  98517.         {
  98518.             "RIT": "ws900349",
  98519.             "Type": "WS",
  98520.             "URL": "http://www.state.sd.us/deca/",
  98521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98522.             "Title": "[South Dakota] Department of Education and Cultural Affairs",
  98523.             "Category": "GEO",
  98524.             "Description": "Official Web site of the South Dakota Department of Education and Cultural Affairs.",
  98525.             "Year": 0
  98526.         },
  98527.         {
  98528.             "RIT": "ws900350",
  98529.             "Type": "WS",
  98530.             "URL": "http://www.arab.net/qatar/qatar_contents.html",
  98531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98532.             "Title": "QATAR.ON.LINE",
  98533.             "Category": "GEO",
  98534.             "Description": "A comprehensive guide to Qatar. The site provides information about tourism, arts and culture, government, education, and other topics. Also includes links to local news.",
  98535.             "Year": 0
  98536.         },
  98537.         {
  98538.             "RIT": "ws900351",
  98539.             "Type": "WS",
  98540.             "URL": "http://www.shelburnemuseum.org/",
  98541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98542.             "Title": "Shelburne Museum",
  98543.             "Category": "HIS",
  98544.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, Vermont.",
  98545.             "Year": 0
  98546.         },
  98547.         {
  98548.             "RIT": "ws900359",
  98549.             "Type": "WS",
  98550.             "URL": "http://www.tica.org/",
  98551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98552.             "Title": "The International Cat Association",
  98553.             "Category": "LIF",
  98554.             "Description": "Information about breeding, showing, and caring for cats from the International Cat Association. The site includes information about registered breeds and household pets, pictures of championship cats, and links to other cat resources.",
  98555.             "Year": 0
  98556.         },
  98557.         {
  98558.             "RIT": "ws900360",
  98559.             "Type": "WS",
  98560.             "URL": "http://www.morgantown.com/",
  98561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98562.             "Title": "City of Morgantown, West Virginia",
  98563.             "Category": "GEO",
  98564.             "Description": "Official Morgantown Web site describing city services and tourism.",
  98565.             "Year": 0
  98566.         },
  98567.         {
  98568.             "RIT": "ws900361",
  98569.             "Type": "WS",
  98570.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/fdac/reprints/ots_endo.html",
  98571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98572.             "Title": "Endometriosis: Painful, but Treatable",
  98573.             "Category": "LIF",
  98574.             "Description": "The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) presents an article about endometriosis. Includes an overview of the condition and an explanation of treatment options.",
  98575.             "Year": 0
  98576.         },
  98577.         {
  98578.             "RIT": "ws900362",
  98579.             "Type": "WS",
  98580.             "URL": "http://www.tourisminindia.com/indiainfo/states/mizoram/index.htm",
  98581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98582.             "Title": "Ministry of Tourism, Government of India - Mizoram",
  98583.             "Category": "GEO",
  98584.             "Description": "The official Web site of the state of Mizoram from the Indian Ministry of Tourism.",
  98585.             "Year": 0
  98586.         },
  98587.         {
  98588.             "RIT": "ws900363",
  98589.             "Type": "WS",
  98590.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/jackson_reggie.htm",
  98591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98592.             "Title": "Reggie Jackson",
  98593.             "Category": "REC",
  98594.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents a biography of Reggie Jackson.",
  98595.             "Year": 0
  98596.         },
  98597.         {
  98598.             "RIT": "ws900364",
  98599.             "Type": "WS",
  98600.             "URL": "http://www.bbc.co.uk/politics97/diana/",
  98601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98602.             "Title": "Diana Remembered",
  98603.             "Category": "HIS",
  98604.             "Description": "This special feature from BBC News includes information about Princess Diana's life and coverage of her funeral. The feature also includes photographs and audio and video clips.",
  98605.             "Year": 0
  98606.         },
  98607.         {
  98608.             "RIT": "ws900365",
  98609.             "Type": "WS",
  98610.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/OMB/",
  98611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98612.             "Title": "Office of Management and Budget",
  98613.             "Category": "SOC",
  98614.             "Description": "Official site of the Office of Management and Budget, which assists the president of the United States in overseeing the preparation and administration of the federal budget.",
  98615.             "Year": 0
  98616.         },
  98617.         {
  98618.             "RIT": "ws900366",
  98619.             "Type": "WS",
  98620.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/cobb_ty.htm",
  98621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98622.             "Title": "Ty Cobb",
  98623.             "Category": "REC",
  98624.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents a biography of Ty Cobb.",
  98625.             "Year": 0
  98626.         },
  98627.         {
  98628.             "RIT": "ws900377",
  98629.             "Type": "WS",
  98630.             "URL": "http://www.dior.com/Prehome/index.html",
  98631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98632.             "Title": "Dior: Fashion and Beauty",
  98633.             "Category": "SOC",
  98634.             "Description": "This site showcases Dior fashions, makeup, and fragrances. It also includes an art exhibit and an online magazine about beauty and fashion.",
  98635.             "Year": 0
  98636.         },
  98637.         {
  98638.             "RIT": "ws900378",
  98639.             "Type": "WS",
  98640.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/robinson_jackie.htm",
  98641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98642.             "Title": "Jackie Robinson",
  98643.             "Category": "REC",
  98644.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents a biography of Jackie Robinson.",
  98645.             "Year": 0
  98646.         },
  98647.         {
  98648.             "RIT": "ws900379",
  98649.             "Type": "WS",
  98650.             "URL": "http://chandra.harvard.edu/index.html",
  98651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98652.             "Title": "Welcome to the Chandra X-ray Observatory Center",
  98653.             "Category": "PHY",
  98654.             "Description": "The official Web site for the Chandra X-ray Observatory Center at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. The site discusses the history and launch of the observatory, tracks Chandra activities, and provides images of Chandra observations.",
  98655.             "Year": 0
  98656.         },
  98657.         {
  98658.             "RIT": "ws900380",
  98659.             "Type": "WS",
  98660.             "URL": "http://www.npr.org/news/970903.diana.html",
  98661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98662.             "Title": "Diana: The World Mourns",
  98663.             "Category": "HIS",
  98664.             "Description": "This Web site hosted by National Public Radio features coverage of Princess Diana's final days and the world's reaction to her death.",
  98665.             "Year": 0
  98666.         },
  98667.         {
  98668.             "RIT": "ws900381",
  98669.             "Type": "WS",
  98670.             "URL": "http://www.dizzydean.com/",
  98671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98672.             "Title": "The Official 'Dizzy' Dean Web Site",
  98673.             "Category": "REC",
  98674.             "Description": "CMG Worldwide presents 'Dizzy' Dean's career highlights, a photo gallery, and quotations.",
  98675.             "Year": 0
  98676.         },
  98677.         {
  98678.             "RIT": "ws900382",
  98679.             "Type": "WS",
  98680.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/bench_johnny.htm",
  98681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98682.             "Title": "Johnny Bench",
  98683.             "Category": "REC",
  98684.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents Johnny Bench's biography.",
  98685.             "Year": 0
  98686.         },
  98687.         {
  98688.             "RIT": "ws900383",
  98689.             "Type": "WS",
  98690.             "URL": "http://news2.thls.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/middle_east/newsid_272000/272709.stm",
  98691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98692.             "Title": "Death of a King",
  98693.             "Category": "GEO",
  98694.             "Description": "This special report from the BBC looks back at the reign of King Hussein and at the challenges that face Jordan following Hussein's rule.",
  98695.             "Year": 0
  98696.         },
  98697.         {
  98698.             "RIT": "ws900384",
  98699.             "Type": "WS",
  98700.             "URL": "http://www.usmc.mil/",
  98701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98702.             "Title": "United States Marine Corps",
  98703.             "Category": "SOC",
  98704.             "Description": "Official site of the U.S. Marine Corps. Includes information about the Marines and their activities.",
  98705.             "Year": 0
  98706.         },
  98707.         {
  98708.             "RIT": "ws900392",
  98709.             "Type": "WS",
  98710.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/young_cy.htm",
  98711.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98712.             "Title": "Cy Young",
  98713.             "Category": "REC",
  98714.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents a biography of Cy Young.",
  98715.             "Year": 0
  98716.         },
  98717.         {
  98718.             "RIT": "ws900393",
  98719.             "Type": "WS",
  98720.             "URL": "http://www.ngb.dtic.mil/",
  98721.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98722.             "Title": "The National Guard",
  98723.             "Category": "SOC",
  98724.             "Description": "Official Web site of the United States National Guard. Includes information about the Guard and its role in the United States and throughout the world.",
  98725.             "Year": 0
  98726.         },
  98727.         {
  98728.             "RIT": "ws900394",
  98729.             "Type": "WS",
  98730.             "URL": "http://www.navcen.uscg.mil/faq/gpsfaq1.htm",
  98731.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98732.             "Title": "GPS FAQ",
  98733.             "Category": "IND",
  98734.             "Description": "The U.S. Coast Guard presents answers to frequently asked questions about the Global Positioning System (GPS).",
  98735.             "Year": 0
  98736.         },
  98737.         {
  98738.             "RIT": "ws900396",
  98739.             "Type": "WS",
  98740.             "URL": "http://www.uscg.mil/hq/g-cp/history/h_bouys.html",
  98741.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98742.             "Title": "A history of buoys and tenders",
  98743.             "Category": "IND",
  98744.             "Description": "The U.S. Coast Guard presents a history of floating navigation aids.",
  98745.             "Year": 0
  98746.         },
  98747.         {
  98748.             "RIT": "ws900397",
  98749.             "Type": "WS",
  98750.             "URL": "http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/",
  98751.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98752.             "Title": "Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)",
  98753.             "Category": "LIF",
  98754.             "Description": "Official site of the ONDCP, which establishes policies, priorities, and objectives for the drug control program in the United States. This site includes information about drug abuse and efforts to eliminate illegal drugs.",
  98755.             "Year": 0
  98756.         },
  98757.         {
  98758.             "RIT": "ws900398",
  98759.             "Type": "WS",
  98760.             "URL": "http://www.uscg.mil/",
  98761.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98762.             "Title": "United States Coast Guard",
  98763.             "Category": "SOC",
  98764.             "Description": "Official Web site of the U.S. Coast Guard. Includes information about the Coast Guard's history, organization and services.",
  98765.             "Year": 0
  98766.         },
  98767.         {
  98768.             "RIT": "ws900399",
  98769.             "Type": "WS",
  98770.             "URL": "http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/homepage.html",
  98771.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98772.             "Title": "Imagine the Universe!",
  98773.             "Category": "PHY",
  98774.             "Description": "A National Aeronautics and Space Administration Web site geared to helping students ages 14 and older understand what is currently known about our universe--how it began, how it is evolving, and the objects and processes that occur within it. On",
  98775.             "Year": 0
  98776.         },
  98777.         {
  98778.             "RIT": "ws900400",
  98779.             "Type": "WS",
  98780.             "URL": "http://www.jamesdeangallery.com/",
  98781.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98782.             "Title": "The James Dean Memorial Gallery",
  98783.             "Category": "HUM",
  98784.             "Description": "The homepage of a private collection of James Dean memorabilia in Dean's hometown of Fairmount, Indiana.",
  98785.             "Year": 0
  98786.         },
  98787.         {
  98788.             "RIT": "ws900409",
  98789.             "Type": "WS",
  98790.             "URL": "http://www.os.dhhs.gov/",
  98791.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98792.             "Title": "U.S. Department of Health and Human Services",
  98793.             "Category": "SOC",
  98794.             "Description": "The official Web site of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, providing comprehensive information about the department and its initiatives.",
  98795.             "Year": 0
  98796.         },
  98797.         {
  98798.             "RIT": "ws900410",
  98799.             "Type": "WS",
  98800.             "URL": "http://www.cmgww.com/sports/dempsey/",
  98801.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98802.             "Title": "The Official Jack Dempsey Web Site",
  98803.             "Category": "REC",
  98804.             "Description": "CMG Worldwide presents a site dedicated to Jack Dempsey. It includes a biography and career information, photographs, and quotes.",
  98805.             "Year": 0
  98806.         },
  98807.         {
  98808.             "RIT": "ws900411",
  98809.             "Type": "WS",
  98810.             "URL": "http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/page153.asp",
  98811.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98812.             "Title": "Diana, Princess of Wales",
  98813.             "Category": "HIS",
  98814.             "Description": "Information about Diana at the official Web site of Britain's monarchy. Site includes a message from Queen Elizabeth II, a biography of Diana, and information about Diana's funeral and memorial fund.",
  98815.             "Year": 0
  98816.         },
  98817.         {
  98818.             "RIT": "ws900412",
  98819.             "Type": "WS",
  98820.             "URL": "http://volcano.und.nodak.edu/vwdocs/volc_images/north_america/hawaii/mauna_loa.html",
  98821.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98822.             "Title": "Mauna Loa",
  98823.             "Category": "GEO",
  98824.             "Description": "This site contains information about Mauna Loa and images of the volcano from several viewpoints. Part of Volcano World, a NASA-sponsored Web site dedicated to volcanoes.",
  98825.             "Year": 0
  98826.         },
  98827.         {
  98828.             "RIT": "ws900413",
  98829.             "Type": "WS",
  98830.             "URL": "http://www.jamesdean.com/",
  98831.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98832.             "Title": "Official James Dean Web Site",
  98833.             "Category": "HUM",
  98834.             "Description": "CMG Worldwide presents a comprehensive Web site dedicated to James Dean. This site features Dean's biography and filmography, photographs, quotes, and trivia. It also includes information about Dean's auto racing career and an annual James Dean",
  98835.             "Year": 0
  98836.         },
  98837.         {
  98838.             "RIT": "ws900414",
  98839.             "Type": "WS",
  98840.             "URL": "http://www.mincom.gov.ma/english/e_page.html",
  98841.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98842.             "Title": "Welcome to Morocco",
  98843.             "Category": "GEO",
  98844.             "Description": "A comprehensive guide to Morocco hosted by the country's Ministry of Communication. The site provides information about government, events, culture, news, and other topics.",
  98845.             "Year": 0
  98846.         },
  98847.         {
  98848.             "RIT": "ws900415",
  98849.             "Type": "WS",
  98850.             "URL": "http://volcano.und.nodak.edu/vwdocs/msh/",
  98851.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98852.             "Title": "Mount St. Helens",
  98853.             "Category": "GEO",
  98854.             "Description": "Information about Mount St. Helens and its 1980 eruption, including photographs and diagrams. This page is part of Volcano World, a NASA-sponsored site dedicated to volcanoes.",
  98855.             "Year": 0
  98856.         },
  98857.         {
  98858.             "RIT": "ws900416",
  98859.             "Type": "WS",
  98860.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/sports_initiatives_splash.htm",
  98861.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98862.             "Title": "Smoke-Free Kids and Soccer",
  98863.             "Category": "LIF",
  98864.             "Description": "This anti-smoking site sponsored by the National Cancer Institute offers free posters and screen savers of the U.S. women's soccer team. It includes advice for coaches and parents on how to encourage girls to play sports and avoid smoking.",
  98865.             "Year": 0
  98866.         },
  98867.         {
  98868.             "RIT": "ws900417",
  98869.             "Type": "WS",
  98870.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/ryan_nolan.htm",
  98871.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98872.             "Title": "Nolan Ryan",
  98873.             "Category": "REC",
  98874.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents a biography of Nolan Ryan.",
  98875.             "Year": 0
  98876.         },
  98877.         {
  98878.             "RIT": "ws900418",
  98879.             "Type": "WS",
  98880.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/aaron_hank.htm",
  98881.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98882.             "Title": "Hank Aaron",
  98883.             "Category": "REC",
  98884.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents Hank Aaron's biography.",
  98885.             "Year": 0
  98886.         },
  98887.         {
  98888.             "RIT": "ws900419",
  98889.             "Type": "WS",
  98890.             "URL": "http://www.llnl.gov/llnl/03education/science-list.html",
  98891.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98892.             "Title": "Fun Science For Kids",
  98893.             "Category": "PHY",
  98894.             "Description": "This page from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory links to educational sites on astronomy, biology, the environment, computers, energy, physics, and technology. The site also includes links to a selection of virtual field trips.",
  98895.             "Year": 0
  98896.         },
  98897.         {
  98898.             "RIT": "ws900420",
  98899.             "Type": "WS",
  98900.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/safarchive/5_cool/galapagos/g61_links.html",
  98901.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98902.             "Title": "Galapagos Islands",
  98903.             "Category": "GEO",
  98904.             "Description": "A companion Web site to a Scientific American Frontiers television special aired on the Public Broadcasting System. The site provides extensive information about the Galapagos, sections geared to students and teachers, a virtual field trip, and",
  98905.             "Year": 0
  98906.         },
  98907.         {
  98908.             "RIT": "ws900421",
  98909.             "Type": "WS",
  98910.             "URL": "http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/almanac/osd.html",
  98911.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98912.             "Title": "Office of the Secretary of Defense",
  98913.             "Category": "SOC",
  98914.             "Description": "The official Web site of the United States secretary of defense. The site inlcudes information about the current secretary of defense and other Department of Defense staff members.",
  98915.             "Year": 0
  98916.         },
  98917.         {
  98918.             "RIT": "ws900429",
  98919.             "Type": "WS",
  98920.             "URL": "http://www.popsci.com/features/kites/",
  98921.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98922.             "Title": "PopSci.com:High-Flying Engines",
  98923.             "Category": "REC",
  98924.             "Description": "A special feature about powerful state-of-the-art kites that can be used to pull water skiers and in other sport situations. Hosted by Popular Science magazine.",
  98925.             "Year": 0
  98926.         },
  98927.         {
  98928.             "RIT": "ws900431",
  98929.             "Type": "WS",
  98930.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/dean_dizzy.htm",
  98931.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98932.             "Title": "Dizzy Dean",
  98933.             "Category": "REC",
  98934.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents a biography of Dizzy Dean.",
  98935.             "Year": 0
  98936.         },
  98937.         {
  98938.             "RIT": "ws900432",
  98939.             "Type": "WS",
  98940.             "URL": "http://www.ihs.gov/",
  98941.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98942.             "Title": "Indian Health Service",
  98943.             "Category": "SOC",
  98944.             "Description": "The official Web site of the U.S. Indian Health Service, an agency within the U S Department of Health and Human Services that is responsible for providing federal health services to American Indians and Alaska Natives.",
  98945.             "Year": 0
  98946.         },
  98947.         {
  98948.             "RIT": "ws900433",
  98949.             "Type": "WS",
  98950.             "URL": "http://phs.os.dhhs.gov/phs/phs.html",
  98951.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98952.             "Title": "Public Health Service",
  98953.             "Category": "SOC",
  98954.             "Description": "The official Web site of the United States Public Health Srvice. The site includes descriptions of the service's activities, and links to various public health agencies and the office of the U.S. surgeon general.",
  98955.             "Year": 0
  98956.         },
  98957.         {
  98958.             "RIT": "ws900434",
  98959.             "Type": "WS",
  98960.             "URL": "http://www.dtic.mil/jcs/",
  98961.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98962.             "Title": "The Joint Chiefs of Staff",
  98963.             "Category": "SOC",
  98964.             "Description": "The official Web site of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, providing information about the organization and work of the Joint Chiefs, current news, and research. The site also includes links to the official Web sites of the branches of the U.S. ar",
  98965.             "Year": 0
  98966.         },
  98967.         {
  98968.             "RIT": "ws900435",
  98969.             "Type": "WS",
  98970.             "URL": "http://www.statelocal.gov/",
  98971.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98972.             "Title": "U.S. State & Local Gateway",
  98973.             "Category": "SOC",
  98974.             "Description": "This Web site provides information about state and local government agencies. Information is divided by topic, category, current issues, and level of government.",
  98975.             "Year": 0
  98976.         },
  98977.         {
  98978.             "RIT": "ws900436",
  98979.             "Type": "WS",
  98980.             "URL": "http://www.doi.gov/",
  98981.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98982.             "Title": "Bureau of Indian Affairs Homepage",
  98983.             "Category": "SOC",
  98984.             "Description": "The official Web site of the U.S. Bureau of Indain Affairs, providing information about the bureau and its activities.",
  98985.             "Year": 0
  98986.         },
  98987.         {
  98988.             "RIT": "ws900445",
  98989.             "Type": "WS",
  98990.             "URL": "http://www.ins.usdoj.gov/graphics/index.htm",
  98991.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  98992.             "Title": "INS Online",
  98993.             "Category": "SOC",
  98994.             "Description": "Homepage of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Includes information about moving to the United States from another country.",
  98995.             "Year": 0
  98996.         },
  98997.         {
  98998.             "RIT": "ws900446",
  98999.             "Type": "WS",
  99000.             "URL": "http://www.lungusa.org/diseases/rdsfac.html",
  99001.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99002.             "Title": "Respiratory Distress Syndrome Fact Sheet",
  99003.             "Category": "LIF",
  99004.             "Description": "Information about respiratory distress syndrome from the American Lung Association.",
  99005.             "Year": 0
  99006.         },
  99007.         {
  99008.             "RIT": "ws900447",
  99009.             "Type": "WS",
  99010.             "URL": "http://www.fbi.gov/kids/crimepre/gang/gang.htm",
  99011.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99012.             "Title": "Gang Alert",
  99013.             "Category": "SOC",
  99014.             "Description": "Information about gangs from the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.",
  99015.             "Year": 0
  99016.         },
  99017.         {
  99018.             "RIT": "ws900448",
  99019.             "Type": "WS",
  99020.             "URL": "http://www.tulane.edu/~dmsander/Big_Virology/BVHomePage.html",
  99021.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99022.             "Title": "The Big Picture Book of Viruses",
  99023.             "Category": "LIF",
  99024.             "Description": "A gateway site to many online sources of information about viruses, including electron micrographs, from Tulane University Medical Center.",
  99025.             "Year": 0
  99026.         },
  99027.         {
  99028.             "RIT": "ws900449",
  99029.             "Type": "WS",
  99030.             "URL": "http://www.kennedy-center.org/programs/specialevents/honors/history/honoree/copland.html",
  99031.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99032.             "Title": "Aaron Copland",
  99033.             "Category": "HUM",
  99034.             "Description": "Information about the composer, presented by the Kennedy Center.",
  99035.             "Year": 0
  99036.         },
  99037.         {
  99038.             "RIT": "ws900450",
  99039.             "Type": "WS",
  99040.             "URL": "http://nmaa-ryder.si.edu/",
  99041.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99042.             "Title": "National Museum of American Art",
  99043.             "Category": "SOC",
  99044.             "Description": "Official Web site of the National Museum of American Art in Washington, D.C.",
  99045.             "Year": 0
  99046.         },
  99047.         {
  99048.             "RIT": "ws900451",
  99049.             "Type": "WS",
  99050.             "URL": "http://www.sss.gov/",
  99051.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99052.             "Title": "The Selective Service",
  99053.             "Category": "SOC",
  99054.             "Description": "Homepage of the Selective Service, a federal agency that drafts people into service for the U.S. armed forces during a war or other national emergency.",
  99055.             "Year": 0
  99056.         },
  99057.         {
  99058.             "RIT": "ws900452",
  99059.             "Type": "WS",
  99060.             "URL": "http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/",
  99061.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99062.             "Title": "Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)",
  99063.             "Category": "SOC",
  99064.             "Description": "Official homepage of the DEA, providing information about the agency and its activities.",
  99065.             "Year": 0
  99066.         },
  99067.         {
  99068.             "RIT": "ws900453",
  99069.             "Type": "WS",
  99070.             "URL": "http://www.peacecorps.gov/indexf.cfm",
  99071.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99072.             "Title": "Peace Corps",
  99073.             "Category": "SOC",
  99074.             "Description": "The official Web site of the U.S. Peace Corps, providing information about the program and its activities.",
  99075.             "Year": 0
  99076.         },
  99077.         {
  99078.             "RIT": "ws900401",
  99079.             "Type": "WS",
  99080.             "URL": "http://www.interknowledge.com/aruba/index.htm",
  99081.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99082.             "Title": "Aruba - Original Official Travel Guide",
  99083.             "Category": "GEO",
  99084.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Aruba Tourism Authority. The site provides information about events, activities, and accommodations in Aruba.",
  99085.             "Year": 0
  99086.         },
  99087.         {
  99088.             "RIT": "ws900402",
  99089.             "Type": "WS",
  99090.             "URL": "http://www.royalty.nu/Europe/England/Windsor/Diana.html",
  99091.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99092.             "Title": "Diana, Princess of Wales",
  99093.             "Category": "HIS",
  99094.             "Description": "A biography of Princess Diana and an archive of articles written about her.",
  99095.             "Year": 0
  99096.         },
  99097.         {
  99098.             "RIT": "ws900403",
  99099.             "Type": "WS",
  99100.             "URL": "http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov/kids/",
  99101.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99102.             "Title": "Vince and Larry's Safety City",
  99103.             "Category": "SOC",
  99104.             "Description": "The U.S. National Highway Safety Administration presents a site for students about road safety, hosted by Vince and Larry, two crash test dummies. The site includes lesson plans.",
  99105.             "Year": 0
  99106.         },
  99107.         {
  99108.             "RIT": "ws900404",
  99109.             "Type": "WS",
  99110.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/dimaggio_joe.htm",
  99111.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99112.             "Title": "Joe DiMaggio",
  99113.             "Category": "REC",
  99114.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents a biography of Joe DiMaggio.",
  99115.             "Year": 0
  99116.         },
  99117.         {
  99118.             "RIT": "ws900405",
  99119.             "Type": "WS",
  99120.             "URL": "http://volcano.und.nodak.edu/vw.html",
  99121.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99122.             "Title": "Volcano World",
  99123.             "Category": "PHY",
  99124.             "Description": "A NASA-sponsored site dedicated to volcanoes. Includes general information, a searchable database of active and dormant volcanoes, and pages specifically designed for students and educators.",
  99125.             "Year": 0
  99126.         },
  99127.         {
  99128.             "RIT": "ws900406",
  99129.             "Type": "WS",
  99130.             "URL": "http://www.llnl.gov/",
  99131.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99132.             "Title": "Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory",
  99133.             "Category": "PHY",
  99134.             "Description": "The official Web site of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, featuring information about the facility and about research conducted there.",
  99135.             "Year": 0
  99136.         },
  99137.         {
  99138.             "RIT": "ws900407",
  99139.             "Type": "WS",
  99140.             "URL": "http://www.miles-davis.com/index_flat1.html",
  99141.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99142.             "Title": "Miles Davis",
  99143.             "Category": "HUM",
  99144.             "Description": "Information about Miles Davis and his recordings, from Sony Music Entertainment.",
  99145.             "Year": 0
  99146.         },
  99147.         {
  99148.             "RIT": "ws900408",
  99149.             "Type": "WS",
  99150.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/gehrig_lou.htm",
  99151.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99152.             "Title": "Lou Gehrig",
  99153.             "Category": "REC",
  99154.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents a biography of Lou Gehrig.",
  99155.             "Year": 0
  99156.         },
  99157.         {
  99158.             "RIT": "ws900422",
  99159.             "Type": "WS",
  99160.             "URL": "http://www.mesc.usgs.gov/butterfly/Butterfly.html",
  99161.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99162.             "Title": "Children's Butterfly Site",
  99163.             "Category": "LIF",
  99164.             "Description": "Information about butterflies from the U.S. Geological Survey. This site includes photo galleries of common butterflies of North America and the United Kingdom, a coloring book, frequently asked questions, pictures, and links to other sites abou",
  99165.             "Year": 0
  99166.         },
  99167.         {
  99168.             "RIT": "ws900423",
  99169.             "Type": "WS",
  99170.             "URL": "http://www.sc.edu/library/spcoll/amlit/heller.html",
  99171.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99172.             "Title": "The Joseph Heller Archive",
  99173.             "Category": "HUM",
  99174.             "Description": "The homepage of an archive of Joseph Heller's papers at the University of South Carolina's Thomas Cooper Library. The archive documents the writing and publishing histories of six books by Heller.",
  99175.             "Year": 0
  99176.         },
  99177.         {
  99178.             "RIT": "ws900424",
  99179.             "Type": "WS",
  99180.             "URL": "http://www.angola.org/",
  99181.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99182.             "Title": "Angola",
  99183.             "Category": "GEO",
  99184.             "Description": "A comprehensive guide to Angola presented by the United States Embassy of the Republic of Angola. The site provides information about culture, events, government, and local news.",
  99185.             "Year": 0
  99186.         },
  99187.         {
  99188.             "RIT": "ws900425",
  99189.             "Type": "WS",
  99190.             "URL": "http://www.usfa.fema.gov/kids/",
  99191.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99192.             "Title": "Fire Administration Kids Page",
  99193.             "Category": "SOC",
  99194.             "Description": "The United States Fire Administration presents fire safety information for students. The site also includes resources for parents and teachers.",
  99195.             "Year": 0
  99196.         },
  99197.         {
  99198.             "RIT": "ws900426",
  99199.             "Type": "WS",
  99200.             "URL": "http://www.sfmuseum.org/hist6/lindabio.html",
  99201.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99202.             "Title": "Linda McCartney",
  99203.             "Category": "HUM",
  99204.             "Description": "The Museum of the City of San Francisco presents a biography of Linda McCartney written in 1997. The site includes examples of her photography and links to other sources of information about Rock and Roll in San Francisco from 1965-1969.",
  99205.             "Year": 0
  99206.         },
  99207.         {
  99208.             "RIT": "ws900427",
  99209.             "Type": "WS",
  99210.             "URL": "http://www.doi.gov/water/water.html",
  99211.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99212.             "Title": "Water",
  99213.             "Category": "PHY",
  99214.             "Description": "The U.S. Department of the Interior presents a collection of Web links related to water.",
  99215.             "Year": 0
  99216.         },
  99217.         {
  99218.             "RIT": "ws900428",
  99219.             "Type": "WS",
  99220.             "URL": "http://www.msha.gov/KIDS/KIDSHP.HTM",
  99221.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99222.             "Title": "MSHA Kids' Page",
  99223.             "Category": "IND",
  99224.             "Description": "A Web site geared to students from the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration. The site includes information about the hazards of mining and past use of child labor in mines.",
  99225.             "Year": 0
  99226.         },
  99227.         {
  99228.             "RIT": "ws900437",
  99229.             "Type": "WS",
  99230.             "URL": "http://geology.er.usgs.gov/eastern/volcanoes/index.html",
  99231.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99232.             "Title": "Information on Volcanoes",
  99233.             "Category": "PHY",
  99234.             "Description": "The U.S. Geological Survey provides online pamphlets about volcanoes and links to other sources of information.",
  99235.             "Year": 0
  99236.         },
  99237.         {
  99238.             "RIT": "ws900438",
  99239.             "Type": "WS",
  99240.             "URL": "http://mapping.usgs.gov/www/html/1educate.html",
  99241.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99242.             "Title": "Educational Resources for Cartography, Geography, and Related Disciplines",
  99243.             "Category": "GEO",
  99244.             "Description": "A lengthy guide to online resources about mapping and geography, from the U.S. Geological Survey. Includes lesson plans.",
  99245.             "Year": 0
  99246.         },
  99247.         {
  99248.             "RIT": "ws900439",
  99249.             "Type": "WS",
  99250.             "URL": "http://www.tulane.edu/~amistad/incident.html",
  99251.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99252.             "Title": "The Amistad Incident",
  99253.             "Category": "HIS",
  99254.             "Description": "A gateway to extensive resources relating to the Amistad case, hosted by Tulane University.",
  99255.             "Year": 0
  99256.         },
  99257.         {
  99258.             "RIT": "ws900440",
  99259.             "Type": "WS",
  99260.             "URL": "http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/koufax_sandy.htm",
  99261.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99262.             "Title": "Sandy Koufax",
  99263.             "Category": "REC",
  99264.             "Description": "The National Baseball Hall of Fame presents a biography of Sandy Koufax.",
  99265.             "Year": 0
  99266.         },
  99267.         {
  99268.             "RIT": "ws900441",
  99269.             "Type": "WS",
  99270.             "URL": "http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/",
  99271.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99272.             "Title": "Cascades Volcano Observatory",
  99273.             "Category": "PHY",
  99274.             "Description": "This U.S. Geological Survey site includes information about Cascades Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, Washington. It also features general information about volcanoes.",
  99275.             "Year": 0
  99276.         },
  99277.         {
  99278.             "RIT": "ws900442",
  99279.             "Type": "WS",
  99280.             "URL": "http://water.usgs.gov/education.html",
  99281.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99282.             "Title": "Water Education Resources",
  99283.             "Category": "PHY",
  99284.             "Description": "A gateway to educational Web sites covering topics in water use, management, and conservation, and other environmental topics. Hosted by the the U.S. Geological Survey.",
  99285.             "Year": 0
  99286.         },
  99287.         {
  99288.             "RIT": "ws900443",
  99289.             "Type": "WS",
  99290.             "URL": "http://www.bahrain.gov.bh/English/home.asp",
  99291.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99292.             "Title": "Bahrain Government Homepage",
  99293.             "Category": "GEO",
  99294.             "Description": "Official Web site of the government of Bahrain. The site provides information about the royal family, government, statistics, and news.",
  99295.             "Year": 0
  99296.         },
  99297.         {
  99298.             "RIT": "ws900444",
  99299.             "Type": "WS",
  99300.             "URL": "http://www.usgs.gov/",
  99301.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99302.             "Title": "U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)",
  99303.             "Category": "SOC",
  99304.             "Description": "Homepage of the USGS. This site includes general information about the USGS and serves as a gateway to information on a wide range of topics, such as earthquakes and volcanoes.",
  99305.             "Year": 0
  99306.         },
  99307.         {
  99308.             "RIT": "ws900454",
  99309.             "Type": "WS",
  99310.             "URL": "http://www.usgs.gov/education/learnweb/volcano/index.html",
  99311.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99312.             "Title": "Volcanoes in the Learning Web",
  99313.             "Category": "PHY",
  99314.             "Description": "The U.S. Geological Survey presents an illustrated fact sheet on volcanoes, with links to lesson plans and teaching activities.",
  99315.             "Year": 0
  99316.         },
  99317.         {
  99318.             "RIT": "ws900455",
  99319.             "Type": "WS",
  99320.             "URL": "http://www.president.kz/main/mainframe.asp?lng=en",
  99321.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99322.             "Title": "Welcome to the official Kazakhstan!",
  99323.             "Category": "GEO",
  99324.             "Description": "Official Web site of the president of Kazakhstan. The site includes links to information about the government, history, and culture of Kazakhstan.",
  99325.             "Year": 0
  99326.         },
  99327.         {
  99328.             "RIT": "ws900456",
  99329.             "Type": "WS",
  99330.             "URL": "http://www.npg.si.edu/exh/brady/gallery/01gal.html",
  99331.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99332.             "Title": "Charlotte Cushman",
  99333.             "Category": "HUM",
  99334.             "Description": "This page features a photo and brief biography of Charlotte Cushman. From an online exhibit of portraits by photographer Mathew Brady from the National Portrait Gallery.",
  99335.             "Year": 0
  99336.         },
  99337.         {
  99338.             "RIT": "ws900457",
  99339.             "Type": "WS",
  99340.             "URL": "http://www.brunei.gov.bn/index.htm",
  99341.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99342.             "Title": "The Government of Brunei Darussalam",
  99343.             "Category": "GEO",
  99344.             "Description": "The official Web site of the government of Brunei.",
  99345.             "Year": 0
  99346.         },
  99347.         {
  99348.             "RIT": "ws900458",
  99349.             "Type": "WS",
  99350.             "URL": "http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aquinas/",
  99351.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99352.             "Title": "St. Thomas Aquinas",
  99353.             "Category": "HUM",
  99354.             "Description": "A lengthy entry from the online edition of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.",
  99355.             "Year": 0
  99356.         },
  99357.         {
  99358.             "RIT": "ws900459",
  99359.             "Type": "WS",
  99360.             "URL": "http://www.nd.edu/Departments/Maritain/etext/stthomas.htm",
  99361.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99362.             "Title": "Thomas Aquinas",
  99363.             "Category": "HUM",
  99364.             "Description": "A biography of St. Thomas Aquinas that originally appeared in the Catholic Encyclopedia.",
  99365.             "Year": 0
  99366.         },
  99367.         {
  99368.             "RIT": "ws900461",
  99369.             "Type": "WS",
  99370.             "URL": "http://wvde.state.wv.us/",
  99371.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99372.             "Title": "West Virginia Department of Education",
  99373.             "Category": "GEO",
  99374.             "Description": "Official Web site of the West Virginia Department of Education.",
  99375.             "Year": 0
  99376.         },
  99377.         {
  99378.             "RIT": "ws960006",
  99379.             "Type": "WS",
  99380.             "URL": "http://www.priweb.org/",
  99381.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99382.             "Title": "PRI Home Page [Paleontological Research Institution]",
  99383.             "Category": "LIF",
  99384.             "Description": "Information on dinosaurs by the Paleontological Research Institute.",
  99385.             "Year": 0
  99386.         },
  99387.         {
  99388.             "RIT": "ws960015",
  99389.             "Type": "WS",
  99390.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/vatican/math.html",
  99391.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99392.             "Title": "Mathematics (Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture)",
  99393.             "Category": "PHY",
  99394.             "Description": "The history of mathematics from the Library of Congress.",
  99395.             "Year": 0
  99396.         },
  99397.         {
  99398.             "RIT": "ws960027",
  99399.             "Type": "WS",
  99400.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/dres/dres5.html",
  99401.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99402.             "Title": "The Electoral Library",
  99403.             "Category": "HIS",
  99404.             "Description": "An exhibit of books owned by the electors of Saxony.",
  99405.             "Year": 0
  99406.         },
  99407.         {
  99408.             "RIT": "ws960028",
  99409.             "Type": "WS",
  99410.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/dres/dres6.html",
  99411.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99412.             "Title": "Renaissance Fine Bindings",
  99413.             "Category": "HUM",
  99414.             "Description": "Examples of early, beautifully bound books.",
  99415.             "Year": 0
  99416.         },
  99417.         {
  99418.             "RIT": "ws960029",
  99419.             "Type": "WS",
  99420.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/dres/dres7.html",
  99421.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99422.             "Title": "The Electoral Hofkapelle",
  99423.             "Category": "HUM",
  99424.             "Description": "The music collection of the Dresden Court ensemble from the 1500's.",
  99425.             "Year": 0
  99426.         },
  99427.         {
  99428.             "RIT": "ws960030",
  99429.             "Type": "WS",
  99430.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/dres/dres10.html",
  99431.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99432.             "Title": "The Frauenkirke",
  99433.             "Category": "HIS",
  99434.             "Description": "Information about a major church in Dresden, Germany, destroyed during World War II.",
  99435.             "Year": 0
  99436.         },
  99437.         {
  99438.             "RIT": "ws960031",
  99439.             "Type": "WS",
  99440.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/dres/dreshist.html",
  99441.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99442.             "Title": "History of Dresden, Germany",
  99443.             "Category": "HIS",
  99444.             "Description": "A brief history of Dresden and its state, Saxony, in Germany.",
  99445.             "Year": 0
  99446.         },
  99447.         {
  99448.             "RIT": "ws960032",
  99449.             "Type": "WS",
  99450.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/dres/dreschro.html",
  99451.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99452.             "Title": "Chronology",
  99453.             "Category": "HIS",
  99454.             "Description": "Important dates in the history of Dresden and Saxony, Germany.",
  99455.             "Year": 0
  99456.         },
  99457.         {
  99458.             "RIT": "ws960033",
  99459.             "Type": "WS",
  99460.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/dres/dresremb.html",
  99461.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99462.             "Title": "Remarks at the Opening of the Exhibition",
  99463.             "Category": "HIS",
  99464.             "Description": "An extensive history of Saxony and its electors, or princely rulers.",
  99465.             "Year": 0
  99466.         },
  99467.         {
  99468.             "RIT": "ws960034",
  99469.             "Type": "WS",
  99470.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/dres/dresphot.html",
  99471.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99472.             "Title": "Photographic Views of Dresden, Germany",
  99473.             "Category": "HIS",
  99474.             "Description": "Pictures of the city of Dresden, Germany, before it was firebombed in World War II.",
  99475.             "Year": 0
  99476.         },
  99477.         {
  99478.             "RIT": "ws960035",
  99479.             "Type": "WS",
  99480.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/wcf/wcf0001.html",
  99481.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99482.             "Title": "Women Come to the Front",
  99483.             "Category": "SOC",
  99484.             "Description": "Stories of women journalists and photographers in World War II.",
  99485.             "Year": 0
  99486.         },
  99487.         {
  99488.             "RIT": "ws960036",
  99489.             "Type": "WS",
  99490.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/bnf/bnf0001.html",
  99491.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99492.             "Title": "Creating French Culture",
  99493.             "Category": "SOC",
  99494.             "Description": "An exploration of the relationship between French culture and history.",
  99495.             "Year": 0
  99496.         },
  99497.         {
  99498.             "RIT": "ws960039",
  99499.             "Type": "WS",
  99500.             "URL": "http://www.gov.bc.ca/weq/default.htm",
  99501.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99502.             "Title": "Ministry of Women's Equality",
  99503.             "Category": "SOC",
  99504.             "Description": "Services and information for the women of British Columbia, Canada.",
  99505.             "Year": 0
  99506.         },
  99507.         {
  99508.             "RIT": "ws960055",
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  99510.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/archives/cher.html",
  99511.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99512.             "Title": "Chernobyl",
  99513.             "Category": "PHY",
  99514.             "Description": "Information about flaws in the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl, which led to the world's worst nuclear accident in 1986.",
  99515.             "Year": 0
  99516.         },
  99517.         {
  99518.             "RIT": "ws960056",
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  99521.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99522.             "Title": "Ukrainian Famine",
  99523.             "Category": "HIS",
  99524.             "Description": "The story of the famine that gripped the Ukraine in the 1930's.",
  99525.             "Year": 0
  99526.         },
  99527.         {
  99528.             "RIT": "ws960057",
  99529.             "Type": "WS",
  99530.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/archives/sovi.html",
  99531.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99532.             "Title": "The Soviet Union and the United States",
  99533.             "Category": "SOC",
  99534.             "Description": "An exploration of the relationship between the superpowers from before World War II through the Cold War.",
  99535.             "Year": 0
  99536.         },
  99537.         {
  99538.             "RIT": "ws960070",
  99539.             "Type": "WS",
  99540.             "URL": "http://clubs.akc.org/ahca/homepage.htm",
  99541.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99542.             "Title": "The Official Afghan Hound Club Of America Home Page",
  99543.             "Category": "REC",
  99544.             "Description": "Information about owning Afghan hounds.",
  99545.             "Year": 0
  99546.         },
  99547.         {
  99548.             "RIT": "ws960072",
  99549.             "Type": "WS",
  99550.             "URL": "http://www.csn.net/~pshaffer/bmdcr.html",
  99551.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99552.             "Title": "Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Rockies",
  99553.             "Category": "REC",
  99554.             "Description": "Information about the Bernese Mountain Dog Club.",
  99555.             "Year": 0
  99556.         },
  99557.         {
  99558.             "RIT": "ws960080",
  99559.             "Type": "WS",
  99560.             "URL": "http://www.navhda.org/",
  99561.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99562.             "Title": "NAVHDA Home Page [North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association]",
  99563.             "Category": "REC",
  99564.             "Description": "Information about the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association.",
  99565.             "Year": 0
  99566.         },
  99567.         {
  99568.             "RIT": "ws960094",
  99569.             "Type": "WS",
  99570.             "URL": "http://www.umass.edu/umext/nrec/snake_pit/index.html",
  99571.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99572.             "Title": "An Interactive Guide to Massachusetts Snakes",
  99573.             "Category": "LIF",
  99574.             "Description": "Myths and facts about snakes.",
  99575.             "Year": 0
  99576.         },
  99577.         {
  99578.             "RIT": "ws960098",
  99579.             "Type": "WS",
  99580.             "URL": "http://www.umass.edu/umext/nrec/snake_pit/pages/timber.html",
  99581.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99582.             "Title": "Timber Rattlesnake",
  99583.             "Category": "LIF",
  99584.             "Description": "Information about the timber rattlesnake.",
  99585.             "Year": 0
  99586.         },
  99587.         {
  99588.             "RIT": "ws960099",
  99589.             "Type": "WS",
  99590.             "URL": "http://www.umass.edu/umext/nrec/snake_pit/pages/bracer.html",
  99591.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99592.             "Title": "Black Racer Snake",
  99593.             "Category": "LIF",
  99594.             "Description": "Information about the black racer snake.",
  99595.             "Year": 0
  99596.         },
  99597.         {
  99598.             "RIT": "ws960104",
  99599.             "Type": "WS",
  99600.             "URL": "http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/agarman/jaguar.htm",
  99601.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99602.             "Title": "The Jaguar",
  99603.             "Category": "LIF",
  99604.             "Description": "Information about jaguars and where they live.",
  99605.             "Year": 0
  99606.         },
  99607.         {
  99608.             "RIT": "ws960109",
  99609.             "Type": "WS",
  99610.             "URL": "http://www.fanciers.com/general.html",
  99611.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99612.             "Title": "Cat Fanciers",
  99613.             "Category": "LIF",
  99614.             "Description": "Information about cat shows, cat breeds, breeders, and veterinary care.",
  99615.             "Year": 0
  99616.         },
  99617.         {
  99618.             "RIT": "ws960154",
  99619.             "Type": "WS",
  99620.             "URL": "http://www.meyknecht.de/oktoberfest.htm",
  99621.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99622.             "Title": "Munchen & Oktoberfest",
  99623.             "Category": "HUM",
  99624.             "Description": "Information about Oktoberfest, the fall festival in Munich, Germany.",
  99625.             "Year": 0
  99626.         },
  99627.         {
  99628.             "RIT": "ws960157",
  99629.             "Type": "WS",
  99630.             "URL": "http://www.dhm.de/",
  99631.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99632.             "Title": "German Historical Museum, Berlin",
  99633.             "Category": "HUM",
  99634.             "Description": "Information about the museum, which features German history and German art.",
  99635.             "Year": 0
  99636.         },
  99637.         {
  99638.             "RIT": "ws960164",
  99639.             "Type": "WS",
  99640.             "URL": "http://www.colorado.gov/",
  99641.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99642.             "Title": "State of Colorado Home Page",
  99643.             "Category": "GEO",
  99644.             "Description": "Official Colorado state government departments and services homepage.",
  99645.             "Year": 0
  99646.         },
  99647.         {
  99648.             "RIT": "ws960167",
  99649.             "Type": "WS",
  99650.             "URL": "http://www.state.fl.us/",
  99651.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99652.             "Title": "Florida Government Services DIRECT",
  99653.             "Category": "GEO",
  99654.             "Description": "Official Florida state government departments and services homepage.",
  99655.             "Year": 0
  99656.         },
  99657.         {
  99658.             "RIT": "ws960168",
  99659.             "Type": "WS",
  99660.             "URL": "http://www.state.ga.us/",
  99661.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99662.             "Title": "State of Georgia Home Page",
  99663.             "Category": "GEO",
  99664.             "Description": "Official Georgia state government departments and services homepage.",
  99665.             "Year": 0
  99666.         },
  99667.         {
  99668.             "RIT": "ws960171",
  99669.             "Type": "WS",
  99670.             "URL": "http://www100.state.il.us/",
  99671.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99672.             "Title": "State of Illinois",
  99673.             "Category": "GEO",
  99674.             "Description": "Official Illinois state government departments and services homepage.",
  99675.             "Year": 0
  99676.         },
  99677.         {
  99678.             "RIT": "ws960172",
  99679.             "Type": "WS",
  99680.             "URL": "http://www.state.in.us/",
  99681.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99682.             "Title": "Access Indiana Information Network",
  99683.             "Category": "GEO",
  99684.             "Description": "Official Indiana state government departments and services homepage.",
  99685.             "Year": 0
  99686.         },
  99687.         {
  99688.             "RIT": "ws960173",
  99689.             "Type": "WS",
  99690.             "URL": "http://www.state.ia.us/",
  99691.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99692.             "Title": "State of Iowa Home Page",
  99693.             "Category": "GEO",
  99694.             "Description": "Official Iowa state government departments and services homepage.",
  99695.             "Year": 0
  99696.         },
  99697.         {
  99698.             "RIT": "ws960175",
  99699.             "Type": "WS",
  99700.             "URL": "http://www.kydirect.net/",
  99701.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99702.             "Title": "KY: Commonwealth of Ky. Homepage",
  99703.             "Category": "GEO",
  99704.             "Year": 0
  99705.         },
  99706.         {
  99707.             "RIT": "ws960177",
  99708.             "Type": "WS",
  99709.             "URL": "http://www.state.me.us/",
  99710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99711.             "Title": "Maine State Government",
  99712.             "Category": "GEO",
  99713.             "Description": "Official Web site for the state of Maine.",
  99714.             "Year": 0
  99715.         },
  99716.         {
  99717.             "RIT": "ws960179",
  99718.             "Type": "WS",
  99719.             "URL": "http://www.mass.gov/portal/index.jsp",
  99720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99721.             "Title": "Official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts",
  99722.             "Category": "GEO",
  99723.             "Description": "Official Massachusetts state government departments and services homepage.",
  99724.             "Year": 0
  99725.         },
  99726.         {
  99727.             "RIT": "ws960180",
  99728.             "Type": "WS",
  99729.             "URL": "http://www.michigan.gov/gov",
  99730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99731.             "Title": "Office of the Governor | State of Michigan",
  99732.             "Category": "GEO",
  99733.             "Description": "Official Michigan state government departments and services homepage.",
  99734.             "Year": 0
  99735.         },
  99736.         {
  99737.             "RIT": "ws960218",
  99738.             "Type": "WS",
  99739.             "URL": "http://www.ocf.org:80/OrthodoxPage/reading/reading.html",
  99740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99741.             "Title": "Orthodox Reading",
  99742.             "Category": "SOC",
  99743.             "Description": "Information about Eastern Orthodox Christianity, with links to the St. Pachomius Library.",
  99744.             "Year": 0
  99745.         },
  99746.         {
  99747.             "RIT": "ws960220",
  99748.             "Type": "WS",
  99749.             "URL": "http://www.AGO.on.ca/",
  99750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99751.             "Title": "Art Gallery of Ontario",
  99752.             "Category": "HUM",
  99753.             "Description": "Information about collections and programs of this Canadian art museum.",
  99754.             "Year": 0
  99755.         },
  99756.         {
  99757.             "RIT": "ws960222",
  99758.             "Type": "WS",
  99759.             "URL": "http://www.metmuseum.org/",
  99760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99761.             "Title": "Welcome to the Metropolitan Museum of Art",
  99762.             "Category": "HUM",
  99763.             "Description": "Information about the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York City.",
  99764.             "Year": 0
  99765.         },
  99766.         {
  99767.             "RIT": "ws960223",
  99768.             "Type": "WS",
  99769.             "URL": "http://www.eastman.org/",
  99770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99771.             "Title": "George Eastman House",
  99772.             "Category": "HUM",
  99773.             "Description": "Information about the George Eastman House, a museum of photography and film in Rochester, New York.",
  99774.             "Year": 0
  99775.         },
  99776.         {
  99777.             "RIT": "ws960224",
  99778.             "Type": "WS",
  99779.             "URL": "http://www.nmaa.si.edu/",
  99780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99781.             "Title": "National Museum of American Art Home Page",
  99782.             "Category": "HUM",
  99783.             "Description": "Information about the museum's collections and exhibitions.",
  99784.             "Year": 0
  99785.         },
  99786.         {
  99787.             "RIT": "ws960225",
  99788.             "Type": "WS",
  99789.             "URL": "http://www.artic.edu/",
  99790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99791.             "Title": "The Art Institute of Chicago",
  99792.             "Category": "HUM",
  99793.             "Description": "Information about this Chicago museum's exhibitions, collections, programs, and publications.",
  99794.             "Year": 0
  99795.         },
  99796.         {
  99797.             "RIT": "ws960229",
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  99799.             "URL": "http://wwol.inre.asu.edu/",
  99800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99801.             "Title": "The World's Women On-Line!",
  99802.             "Category": "HUM",
  99803.             "Description": "An electronic art networking project focusing on women and information technology.",
  99804.             "Year": 0
  99805.         },
  99806.         {
  99807.             "RIT": "ws960230",
  99808.             "Type": "WS",
  99809.             "URL": "http://www.pitt.edu/~medart/",
  99810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99811.             "Title": "Medieval Art and Architecture",
  99812.             "Category": "HUM",
  99813.             "Description": "Information about medieval architecture.",
  99814.             "Year": 0
  99815.         },
  99816.         {
  99817.             "RIT": "ws960231",
  99818.             "Type": "WS",
  99819.             "URL": "http://www.princeton.edu/~asce/const_95/const.html",
  99820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99821.             "Title": "Constantinople Project",
  99822.             "Category": "HUM",
  99823.             "Description": "Information about a project to study Byzantine structures.",
  99824.             "Year": 0
  99825.         },
  99826.         {
  99827.             "RIT": "ws960232",
  99828.             "Type": "WS",
  99829.             "URL": "http://www.lib.virginia.edu/dic/colls/arh102/Intro/intro.html",
  99830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99831.             "Title": "Renaissance and Baroque Architecture: Italy",
  99832.             "Category": "HUM",
  99833.             "Description": "Information about architectural structures of Italy in the 1400's.",
  99834.             "Year": 0
  99835.         },
  99836.         {
  99837.             "RIT": "ws960233",
  99838.             "Type": "WS",
  99839.             "URL": "http://www.lib.virginia.edu/dic/colls/arh102/one/one.html",
  99840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99841.             "Title": "Renaissance and Baroque Architecture: Florence",
  99842.             "Category": "HUM",
  99843.             "Description": "Information about the architecture of Florence in the 1400's.",
  99844.             "Year": 0
  99845.         },
  99846.         {
  99847.             "RIT": "ws960016",
  99848.             "Type": "WS",
  99849.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/vatican/music.html",
  99850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99851.             "Title": "Music (Rome Reborn:The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture)",
  99852.             "Category": "HUM",
  99853.             "Description": "A history of papal music.",
  99854.             "Year": 0
  99855.         },
  99856.         {
  99857.             "RIT": "ws960017",
  99858.             "Type": "WS",
  99859.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/vatican/medicine.html",
  99860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99861.             "Title": "Medicine (Rome Reborn:The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture)",
  99862.             "Category": "LIF",
  99863.             "Description": "Information about ancient medicine and biological studies.",
  99864.             "Year": 0
  99865.         },
  99866.         {
  99867.             "RIT": "ws960018",
  99868.             "Type": "WS",
  99869.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/vatican/nature.html",
  99870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99871.             "Title": "Nature (Rome Reborn:The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture)",
  99872.             "Category": "LIF",
  99873.             "Description": "Ancient views of nature and natural history.",
  99874.             "Year": 0
  99875.         },
  99876.         {
  99877.             "RIT": "ws960019",
  99878.             "Type": "WS",
  99879.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/vatican/orient.html",
  99880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99881.             "Title": "How the Orient Came to Rome (The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture)",
  99882.             "Category": "HIS",
  99883.             "Description": "Information about early Vatican studies of the Middle East.",
  99884.             "Year": 0
  99885.         },
  99886.         {
  99887.             "RIT": "ws960020",
  99888.             "Type": "WS",
  99889.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/vatican/romechin.html",
  99890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99891.             "Title": "How Rome Went to China (The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture)",
  99892.             "Category": "HIS",
  99893.             "Description": "Information about early Vatican studies of China.",
  99894.             "Year": 0
  99895.         },
  99896.         {
  99897.             "RIT": "ws960022",
  99898.             "Type": "WS",
  99899.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/dres/dresintr.html",
  99900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99901.             "Title": "Treasures from the Saxon State Library",
  99902.             "Category": "HIS",
  99903.             "Description": "Information about the contents of the Saxon State Library, located in Dresden, Germany.",
  99904.             "Year": 0
  99905.         },
  99906.         {
  99907.             "RIT": "ws960023",
  99908.             "Type": "WS",
  99909.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/dres/dres1.html",
  99910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99911.             "Title": "Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts",
  99912.             "Category": "HIS",
  99913.             "Description": "Pictures and descriptions of manuscripts in the Saxon State Library, in Dresden, Germany.",
  99914.             "Year": 0
  99915.         },
  99916.         {
  99917.             "RIT": "ws960024",
  99918.             "Type": "WS",
  99919.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/dres/dres2.html",
  99920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99921.             "Title": "Incunabula: Examples of Early Printing",
  99922.             "Category": "HUM",
  99923.             "Description": "Pictures and descriptions of the first printed books.",
  99924.             "Year": 0
  99925.         },
  99926.         {
  99927.             "RIT": "ws960025",
  99928.             "Type": "WS",
  99929.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/dres/dres3.html",
  99930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99931.             "Title": "The Reformation in Germany",
  99932.             "Category": "HUM",
  99933.             "Description": "Text and illustrations of books important in the Protestant Reformation in Saxony.",
  99934.             "Year": 0
  99935.         },
  99936.         {
  99937.             "RIT": "ws960026",
  99938.             "Type": "WS",
  99939.             "URL": "http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/dres/dres4.html",
  99940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99941.             "Title": "The Bible",
  99942.             "Category": "HUM",
  99943.             "Description": "An exhibit of early Bibles published in Germany.",
  99944.             "Year": 0
  99945.         },
  99946.         {
  99947.             "RIT": "ws960042",
  99948.             "Type": "WS",
  99949.             "URL": "http://www.feminist.org/",
  99950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99951.             "Title": "Feminist Majority Foundation",
  99952.             "Category": "SOC",
  99953.             "Description": "Links to Internet resources of interest to women.",
  99954.             "Year": 0
  99955.         },
  99956.         {
  99957.             "RIT": "ws960043",
  99958.             "Type": "WS",
  99959.             "URL": "http://www.feminist.org/911/jobs/911jobs.asp",
  99960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99961.             "Title": "Feminist Career Center",
  99962.             "Category": "SOC",
  99963.             "Description": "Career information and job postings, sponsored by the Feminist Career Center.",
  99964.             "Year": 0
  99965.         },
  99966.         {
  99967.             "RIT": "ws960045",
  99968.             "Type": "WS",
  99969.             "URL": "http://www.now.org/",
  99970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99971.             "Title": "The National Organization for Women ( NOW ) Home Page",
  99972.             "Category": "SOC",
  99973.             "Description": "Information about the National Organization for Women (NOW) and issues in which NOW is involved.",
  99974.             "Year": 0
  99975.         },
  99976.         {
  99977.             "RIT": "ws960046",
  99978.             "Type": "WS",
  99979.             "URL": "http://www.niagara.com/~merrwill/",
  99980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99981.             "Title": "Women in Canadian History",
  99982.             "Category": "HIS",
  99983.             "Description": "Biographies of famous Canadian women.",
  99984.             "Year": 0
  99985.         },
  99986.         {
  99987.             "RIT": "ws960047",
  99988.             "Type": "WS",
  99989.             "URL": "http://www.wowwomen.com/",
  99990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  99991.             "Title": "Women On-line Worldwide",
  99992.             "Category": "SOC",
  99993.             "Description": "Information and hosted chat areas related to women's interests and issues.",
  99994.             "Year": 0
  99995.         },
  99996.         {
  99997.             "RIT": "ws960048",
  99998.             "Type": "WS",
  99999.             "URL": "http://www.inform.umd.edu/wmst/resources.shtml",
  100000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100001.             "Title": "Women's Studies Resources",
  100002.             "Category": "SOC",
  100003.             "Description": "Links to Internet-based resources for women's studies.",
  100004.             "Year": 0
  100005.         },
  100006.         {
  100007.             "RIT": "ws960051",
  100008.             "Type": "WS",
  100009.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/1492/intro.html",
  100010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100011.             "Title": "Introduction to 1492: An Ongoing Voyage",
  100012.             "Category": "HIS",
  100013.             "Description": "The story of how America was discovered by Europeans.",
  100014.             "Year": 0
  100015.         },
  100016.         {
  100017.             "RIT": "ws960052",
  100018.             "Type": "WS",
  100019.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/1492/columbus.html",
  100020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100021.             "Title": "Christopher Columbus--Man and Myth",
  100022.             "Category": "HIS",
  100023.             "Description": "Information about the first voyage of Columbus to the New World.",
  100024.             "Year": 0
  100025.         },
  100026.         {
  100027.             "RIT": "ws960053",
  100028.             "Type": "WS",
  100029.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/archives/intro.html",
  100030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100031.             "Title": "Revelations from the Russian Archives",
  100032.             "Category": "HIS",
  100033.             "Description": "Links to information about repressive measures in the former Soviet Union.",
  100034.             "Year": 0
  100035.         },
  100036.         {
  100037.             "RIT": "ws960054",
  100038.             "Type": "WS",
  100039.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/archives/reps.html",
  100040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100041.             "Title": "Repression and Terror: Stalin in Control",
  100042.             "Category": "HIS",
  100043.             "Description": "Information about Stalin, the dictator of the Soviet Union from the late 1920's until his death in 1953.",
  100044.             "Year": 0
  100045.         },
  100046.         {
  100047.             "RIT": "ws960113",
  100048.             "Type": "WS",
  100049.             "URL": "http://www.museum.state.il.us/exhibits/larson/smilodon.html",
  100050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100051.             "Title": "Saber-toothed Cats",
  100052.             "Category": "LIF",
  100053.             "Description": "Information on saber-toothed cats, catlike animals that have been extinct since prehistoric times, from Illinois State Museum.",
  100054.             "Year": 0
  100055.         },
  100056.         {
  100057.             "RIT": "ws960120",
  100058.             "Type": "WS",
  100059.             "URL": "http://www.thehorse.com/",
  100060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100061.             "Title": "Horse Interactive",
  100062.             "Category": "LIF",
  100063.             "Description": "Horse health issues for all breeds.",
  100064.             "Year": 0
  100065.         },
  100066.         {
  100067.             "RIT": "ws960123",
  100068.             "Type": "WS",
  100069.             "URL": "http://netvet.wustl.edu/horses.htm",
  100070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100071.             "Title": "NetVet-Horses",
  100072.             "Category": "LIF",
  100073.             "Description": "Links to Web sites about horse health, racing, and breeding.",
  100074.             "Year": 0
  100075.         },
  100076.         {
  100077.             "RIT": "ws960124",
  100078.             "Type": "WS",
  100079.             "URL": "http://www.wildhorseandburro.blm.gov/",
  100080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100081.             "Title": "National Wild Horse and Burro Program",
  100082.             "Category": "LIF",
  100083.             "Description": "Information on how to adopt a wild horse or burro.",
  100084.             "Year": 0
  100085.         },
  100086.         {
  100087.             "RIT": "ws960131",
  100088.             "Type": "WS",
  100089.             "URL": "http://www.tangle.com/_wajima/",
  100090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100091.             "Title": "Wajima-Nuri On-Line",
  100092.             "Category": "HUM",
  100093.             "Description": "Information about traditional Japanese lacquerware.",
  100094.             "Year": 0
  100095.         },
  100096.         {
  100097.             "RIT": "ws960133",
  100098.             "Type": "WS",
  100099.             "URL": "http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~by3s-fet/english.htm",
  100100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100101.             "Title": "Tokyo Journey",
  100102.             "Category": "GEO",
  100103.             "Description": "A traveler's guide to Tokyo, Japan.",
  100104.             "Year": 0
  100105.         },
  100106.         {
  100107.             "RIT": "ws960134",
  100108.             "Type": "WS",
  100109.             "URL": "http://www.e-asai.com/art.htm",
  100110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100111.             "Title": "Japan Art",
  100112.             "Category": "HUM",
  100113.             "Description": "Information about traditional Japanese art.",
  100114.             "Year": 0
  100115.         },
  100116.         {
  100117.             "RIT": "ws960137",
  100118.             "Type": "WS",
  100119.             "URL": "http://www.fix.co.jp/kabuki/kabuki.html",
  100120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100121.             "Title": "Kabuki for Everyone",
  100122.             "Category": "HUM",
  100123.             "Description": "Information about kabuki, traditional Japanese theater.",
  100124.             "Year": 0
  100125.         },
  100126.         {
  100127.             "RIT": "ws960138",
  100128.             "Type": "WS",
  100129.             "URL": "http://www.memphis.edu/egypt/artifact.html",
  100130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100131.             "Title": "Egyptian Artifacts Exhibit",
  100132.             "Category": "HUM",
  100133.             "Description": "Selected artifacts from the University of Memphis Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology, with text and photos.",
  100134.             "Year": 0
  100135.         },
  100136.         {
  100137.             "RIT": "ws960142",
  100138.             "Type": "WS",
  100139.             "URL": "http://www.idsc.gov.eg/",
  100140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100141.             "Title": "Egypt's Information Highway",
  100142.             "Category": "GEO",
  100143.             "Description": "Information about Egypt, from the Egyptian government.",
  100144.             "Year": 0
  100145.         },
  100146.         {
  100147.             "RIT": "ws960144",
  100148.             "Type": "WS",
  100149.             "URL": "http://www.chinapage.com/china.html",
  100150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100151.             "Title": "China the Beautiful",
  100152.             "Category": "HUM",
  100153.             "Description": "Information about 5,000 years of Chinese cultural heritage.",
  100154.             "Year": 0
  100155.         },
  100156.         {
  100157.             "RIT": "ws960150",
  100158.             "Type": "WS",
  100159.             "URL": "http://www.cnd.org/",
  100160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100161.             "Title": "China News Digest",
  100162.             "Category": "GEO",
  100163.             "Description": "News and Information about China.",
  100164.             "Year": 0
  100165.         },
  100166.         {
  100167.             "RIT": "ws960190",
  100168.             "Type": "WS",
  100169.             "URL": "http://www.state.ny.us/",
  100170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100171.             "Title": "Welcome to New York",
  100172.             "Category": "GEO",
  100173.             "Description": "Official New York state government departments and services homepage.",
  100174.             "Year": 0
  100175.         },
  100176.         {
  100177.             "RIT": "ws960193",
  100178.             "Type": "WS",
  100179.             "URL": "http://www.ohio.gov/",
  100180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100181.             "Title": "Ohio Government Info and Services",
  100182.             "Category": "GEO",
  100183.             "Description": "Official Ohio state government departments and services homepage.",
  100184.             "Year": 0
  100185.         },
  100186.         {
  100187.             "RIT": "ws960196",
  100188.             "Type": "WS",
  100189.             "URL": "http://www.state.pa.us/PAPower/",
  100190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100191.             "Title": "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania",
  100192.             "Category": "GEO",
  100193.             "Description": "Official Pennsylvania state government departments and services homepage.",
  100194.             "Year": 0
  100195.         },
  100196.         {
  100197.             "RIT": "ws960200",
  100198.             "Type": "WS",
  100199.             "URL": "http://www.state.tn.us/",
  100200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100201.             "Title": "State of Tennessee Home Page",
  100202.             "Category": "GEO",
  100203.             "Description": "Official Tennessee state government departments and services homepage.",
  100204.             "Year": 0
  100205.         },
  100206.         {
  100207.             "RIT": "ws960201",
  100208.             "Type": "WS",
  100209.             "URL": "http://www.texas.gov/",
  100210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100211.             "Title": "State of Texas Government World Wide Web Server",
  100212.             "Category": "GEO",
  100213.             "Description": "Information about government and state agencies in Texas.",
  100214.             "Year": 0
  100215.         },
  100216.         {
  100217.             "RIT": "ws960203",
  100218.             "Type": "WS",
  100219.             "URL": "http://www.cit.state.vt.us/",
  100220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100221.             "Title": "State of Vermont Home Page",
  100222.             "Category": "GEO",
  100223.             "Description": "Official Vermont state government departments and services homepage.",
  100224.             "Year": 0
  100225.         },
  100226.         {
  100227.             "RIT": "ws960210",
  100228.             "Type": "WS",
  100229.             "URL": "http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/cwphtml/cwphome.html",
  100230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100231.             "Title": "Selected Civil War Photographs Home Page",
  100232.             "Category": "HIS",
  100233.             "Description": "A collection of 1,118 Civil War-era photos and information for ordering reproductions, plus a timeline of the Civil War.",
  100234.             "Year": 0
  100235.         },
  100236.         {
  100237.             "RIT": "ws960211",
  100238.             "Type": "WS",
  100239.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/charters/constitution/confath.html",
  100240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100241.             "Title": "The U.S. Constitution: the Delegates",
  100242.             "Category": "HIS",
  100243.             "Description": "A transcription of the U.S Constitution, with links to information about the delegates from the 13 colonies.",
  100244.             "Year": 0
  100245.         },
  100246.         {
  100247.             "RIT": "ws960212",
  100248.             "Type": "WS",
  100249.             "URL": "http://www.usia.gov/usa/aboutusa/billeng.htm",
  100250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100251.             "Title": "Bill of Rights",
  100252.             "Category": "HIS",
  100253.             "Description": "The text of the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution.",
  100254.             "Year": 0
  100255.         },
  100256.         {
  100257.             "RIT": "ws960213",
  100258.             "Type": "WS",
  100259.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/bdsds/bdsdhome.html",
  100260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100261.             "Title": "Congressional Documents Home Page",
  100262.             "Category": "HIS",
  100263.             "Description": "Information about U.S. congressional documents.",
  100264.             "Year": 0
  100265.         },
  100266.         {
  100267.             "RIT": "ws960234",
  100268.             "Type": "WS",
  100269.             "URL": "http://www.lib.virginia.edu/dic/colls/arh102/two/two.html",
  100270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100271.             "Title": "Renaissance and Baroque Architecture: Filippo Brunelleschi",
  100272.             "Category": "HUM",
  100273.             "Description": "Photos of the Italian Renaissance architecture of Filippo Brunelleschi.",
  100274.             "Year": 0
  100275.         },
  100276.         {
  100277.             "RIT": "ws960235",
  100278.             "Type": "WS",
  100279.             "URL": "http://www.lib.virginia.edu/dic/colls/arh102/three/three.html",
  100280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100281.             "Title": "Renaissance and Baroque Architecture: Brunelleschi's Lesser Works",
  100282.             "Category": "HUM",
  100283.             "Description": "A photograph collection of the lesser works of Italian Renaissance architect, Brunelleschi.",
  100284.             "Year": 0
  100285.         },
  100286.         {
  100287.             "RIT": "ws960236",
  100288.             "Type": "WS",
  100289.             "URL": "http://www.lib.virginia.edu/dic/colls/arh102/six/six.html",
  100290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100291.             "Title": "Renaissance and Baroque Architecture: Venice",
  100292.             "Category": "HUM",
  100293.             "Description": "Photos of architecture in Italy, including Venice.",
  100294.             "Year": 0
  100295.         },
  100296.         {
  100297.             "RIT": "ws960237",
  100298.             "Type": "WS",
  100299.             "URL": "http://www.lib.virginia.edu/dic/colls/arh102/nine/nine.html",
  100300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100301.             "Title": "Renaissance and Baroque Architecture: The Vatican",
  100302.             "Category": "HUM",
  100303.             "Description": "Photographs of the Vatican in Rome.",
  100304.             "Year": 0
  100305.         },
  100306.         {
  100307.             "RIT": "ws960238",
  100308.             "Type": "WS",
  100309.             "URL": "http://www.lib.virginia.edu/dic/colls/arh102/ten/",
  100310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100311.             "Title": "Roman Architecture",
  100312.             "Category": "HUM",
  100313.             "Description": "Photos of Roman architecture.",
  100314.             "Year": 0
  100315.         },
  100316.         {
  100317.             "RIT": "ws960239",
  100318.             "Type": "WS",
  100319.             "URL": "http://www.lib.virginia.edu/dic/colls/arh102/eleven/",
  100320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100321.             "Title": "Italian Architecture",
  100322.             "Category": "HUM",
  100323.             "Description": "Photos of the architecture of various famous Italian architects.",
  100324.             "Year": 0
  100325.         },
  100326.         {
  100327.             "RIT": "ws960240",
  100328.             "Type": "WS",
  100329.             "URL": "http://www.lib.virginia.edu/dic/colls/arh102/twentytwo/",
  100330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100331.             "Title": "Renaissance and Baroque Architecture",
  100332.             "Category": "HUM",
  100333.             "Description": "Links to information about Renaissance and Baroque architecture.",
  100334.             "Year": 0
  100335.         },
  100336.         {
  100337.             "RIT": "ws960242",
  100338.             "Type": "WS",
  100339.             "URL": "http://www.ocf.org:80/OrthodoxPage/",
  100340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100341.             "Title": "The Orthodox Christian Page in America",
  100342.             "Category": "HUM",
  100343.             "Description": "Information about the Eastern Orthodox churches and doctrines.",
  100344.             "Year": 0
  100345.         },
  100346.         {
  100347.             "RIT": "ws960243",
  100348.             "Type": "WS",
  100349.             "URL": "http://rubens.anu.edu.au/",
  100350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100351.             "Title": "ANU Art History Top Level Menu Page",
  100352.             "Category": "HUM",
  100353.             "Description": "A variety of image collections and small presentations about art history.",
  100354.             "Year": 0
  100355.         },
  100356.         {
  100357.             "RIT": "ws960244",
  100358.             "Type": "WS",
  100359.             "URL": "http://www.igl.ku.dk/MMB/Welcome.html",
  100360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100361.             "Title": "Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae, Copenhagen",
  100362.             "Category": "HUM",
  100363.             "Description": "Information about research activities in the study of Byzantine chant.",
  100364.             "Year": 0
  100365.         },
  100366.         {
  100367.             "RIT": "ws960265",
  100368.             "Type": "WS",
  100369.             "URL": "http://lucy.ukc.ac.uk/",
  100370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100371.             "Title": "Anthropology Resources at the University of Kent",
  100372.             "Category": "SOC",
  100373.             "Description": "Anthropology resources, provided by the University of Kent, in England.",
  100374.             "Year": 0
  100375.         },
  100376.         {
  100377.             "RIT": "ws960266",
  100378.             "Type": "WS",
  100379.             "URL": "http://eclectic.ss.uci.edu/~drwhite/linkages/linkages.html",
  100380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100381.             "Title": "The Linkages Project",
  100382.             "Category": "SOC",
  100383.             "Description": "A large genealogical database from around the world.",
  100384.             "Year": 0
  100385.         },
  100386.         {
  100387.             "RIT": "ws960271",
  100388.             "Type": "WS",
  100389.             "URL": "http://www.ilpi.com/artsource/vce/welcome.html",
  100390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100391.             "Title": "Virtual Ceramics Exhibit",
  100392.             "Category": "HUM",
  100393.             "Description": "An exhibition of contemporary ceramics using the Internet as the gallery space.",
  100394.             "Year": 0
  100395.         },
  100396.         {
  100397.             "RIT": "ws960272",
  100398.             "Type": "WS",
  100399.             "URL": "http://www.aecinfo.com/bpl/index.html",
  100400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100401.             "Title": "AEC InfoCenter: Building Product Library",
  100402.             "Category": "IND",
  100403.             "Description": "Information and links to manufacturers, contractors, publications, and building associations.",
  100404.             "Year": 0
  100405.         },
  100406.         {
  100407.             "RIT": "ws960274",
  100408.             "Type": "WS",
  100409.             "URL": "http://www.aia.org/",
  100410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100411.             "Title": "The AIA/AAF Website",
  100412.             "Category": "HUM",
  100413.             "Description": "Information about the American Institute of Architects.",
  100414.             "Year": 0
  100415.         },
  100416.         {
  100417.             "RIT": "ws960275",
  100418.             "Type": "WS",
  100419.             "URL": "http://www.aia.org/",
  100420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100421.             "Title": "AIA Online",
  100422.             "Category": "HUM",
  100423.             "Description": "Information about the American Institute of Architects in Baltimore, Maryland.",
  100424.             "Year": 0
  100425.         },
  100426.         {
  100427.             "RIT": "ws960276",
  100428.             "Type": "WS",
  100429.             "URL": "http://www.webcom.com/~smccaia/",
  100430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100431.             "Title": "AIA San Mateo County",
  100432.             "Category": "HUM",
  100433.             "Description": "Information about the American Institute of Architects, San Mateo County (California) Chapter.",
  100434.             "Year": 0
  100435.         },
  100436.         {
  100437.             "RIT": "ws960277",
  100438.             "Type": "WS",
  100439.             "URL": "http://www.acnatsci.org/about.html",
  100440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100441.             "Title": "The Academy of Natural Sciences",
  100442.             "Category": "HUM",
  100443.             "Description": "Information about The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.",
  100444.             "Year": 0
  100445.         },
  100446.         {
  100447.             "RIT": "ws960285",
  100448.             "Type": "WS",
  100449.             "URL": "http://www.dhm.de/ENGLISH/zeu_hist.html",
  100450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100451.             "Title": "A Site about Zeughaus History",
  100452.             "Category": "HUM",
  100453.             "Description": "Information about the Zeughaus, a medieval building that houses a historical museum, in Cologne, Germany.",
  100454.             "Year": 0
  100455.         },
  100456.         {
  100457.             "RIT": "ws960288",
  100458.             "Type": "WS",
  100459.             "URL": "http://www.museum.state.il.us/geninfo/index.html",
  100460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100461.             "Title": "Illinois State Museums",
  100462.             "Category": "HUM",
  100463.             "Description": "A system of museums and galleries serving the people of Illinois.",
  100464.             "Year": 0
  100465.         },
  100466.         {
  100467.             "RIT": "ws960291",
  100468.             "Type": "WS",
  100469.             "URL": "http://museums.ncl.ac.uk/archive/moremus.html",
  100470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100471.             "Title": "Museum Information",
  100472.             "Category": "HUM",
  100473.             "Description": "A major museum of archaeology in northeast England, with links to the Society of Antiquities of Newcastle upon Tyne.",
  100474.             "Year": 0
  100475.         },
  100476.         {
  100477.             "RIT": "ws960299",
  100478.             "Type": "WS",
  100479.             "URL": "http://www-nmbe.unibe.ch/index.html",
  100480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100481.             "Title": "Natural History Museum of Berne, Switzerland (NMBE) - Home Page",
  100482.             "Category": "LIF",
  100483.             "Description": "Information about this museum and its world-famous diorama displays of birds and mammals.",
  100484.             "Year": 0
  100485.         },
  100486.         {
  100487.             "RIT": "ws960301",
  100488.             "Type": "WS",
  100489.             "URL": "http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/",
  100490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100491.             "Title": "Resources and Tours",
  100492.             "Category": "HUM",
  100493.             "Description": "Information about the Smithsonian Institution.",
  100494.             "Year": 0
  100495.         },
  100496.         {
  100497.             "RIT": "ws960310",
  100498.             "Type": "WS",
  100499.             "URL": "http://www.ibm.com/",
  100500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100501.             "Title": "IBM Corporation",
  100502.             "Category": "IND",
  100503.             "Description": "Information about IBM and its technology around the world.",
  100504.             "Year": 0
  100505.         },
  100506.         {
  100507.             "RIT": "ws960311",
  100508.             "Type": "WS",
  100509.             "URL": "http://www.att.com/",
  100510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100511.             "Title": "AT&T Home Page",
  100512.             "Category": "IND",
  100513.             "Description": "Information about AT&T, its laboratory and its services.",
  100514.             "Year": 0
  100515.         },
  100516.         {
  100517.             "RIT": "ws960312",
  100518.             "Type": "WS",
  100519.             "URL": "http://www.cnnfn.com/",
  100520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100521.             "Title": "CNNFN the Financial Network",
  100522.             "Category": "SOC",
  100523.             "Description": "Information about financial business, with links to CNN stories, markets, and stock quotes.",
  100524.             "Year": 0
  100525.         },
  100526.         {
  100527.             "RIT": "ws960313",
  100528.             "Type": "WS",
  100529.             "URL": "http://www.apple.com/",
  100530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100531.             "Title": "Apple Computer",
  100532.             "Category": "IND",
  100533.             "Description": "Information about products, customer support, technology, and research of Apple Computer, Inc.",
  100534.             "Year": 0
  100535.         },
  100536.         {
  100537.             "RIT": "ws960315",
  100538.             "Type": "WS",
  100539.             "URL": "http://www.aflcio.org/home.htm",
  100540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100541.             "Title": "AFL-CIO Home Page",
  100542.             "Category": "SOC",
  100543.             "Description": "Information for and about the American Federation of Labor & Congress of Industrial Organizations.",
  100544.             "Year": 0
  100545.         },
  100546.         {
  100547.             "RIT": "ws960317",
  100548.             "Type": "WS",
  100549.             "URL": "http://www.motortrend.com/",
  100550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100551.             "Title": "Motor Trend On-line",
  100552.             "Category": "IND",
  100553.             "Description": "Information about Motor Trend magazine.",
  100554.             "Year": 0
  100555.         },
  100556.         {
  100557.             "RIT": "ws960318",
  100558.             "Type": "WS",
  100559.             "URL": "http://www2.disney.com/DisneyTelevision/WaltDisneyG.html?GL=H",
  100560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100561.             "Title": "Disney's TVPlex",
  100562.             "Category": "HUM",
  100563.             "Description": "Information about the Walt Disney television channel, Disneyland, Walt Disney World, and other products.",
  100564.             "Year": 0
  100565.         },
  100566.         {
  100567.             "RIT": "ws960319",
  100568.             "Type": "WS",
  100569.             "URL": "http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/",
  100570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100571.             "Title": "The Comic Strip",
  100572.             "Category": "HUM",
  100573.             "Description": "Information about popular comics, with links to Peanuts, Dilbert, and other popular comic strip home pages.",
  100574.             "Year": 0
  100575.         },
  100576.         {
  100577.             "RIT": "ws960347",
  100578.             "Type": "WS",
  100579.             "URL": "http://www.docguide.com/news/content.nsf/PatientResAllCateg/Arthritis?OpenDocument",
  100580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100581.             "Title": "Arthritis - Doctor's Guide to the Internet",
  100582.             "Category": "LIF",
  100583.             "Description": "Information and resources on arthritis, with links to medical news about arthritis.",
  100584.             "Year": 0
  100585.         },
  100586.         {
  100587.             "RIT": "ws960348",
  100588.             "Type": "WS",
  100589.             "URL": "http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gi/autoimmune.html",
  100590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100591.             "Title": "Autoimmune Hepatitis",
  100592.             "Category": "LIF",
  100593.             "Description": "Information about a form of hepatitis caused by an autoimmune response.",
  100594.             "Year": 0
  100595.         },
  100596.         {
  100597.             "RIT": "ws960351",
  100598.             "Type": "WS",
  100599.             "URL": "http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gi/cirrhosis.html",
  100600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100601.             "Title": "Cirrhosis",
  100602.             "Category": "LIF",
  100603.             "Description": "Information about cirrhosis, a disease of the liver.",
  100604.             "Year": 0
  100605.         },
  100606.         {
  100607.             "RIT": "ws960355",
  100608.             "Type": "WS",
  100609.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/spb/mnpages/dispages/ebola.htm",
  100610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100611.             "Title": "Ebola Virus Hemorrhagic Fever: General Information",
  100612.             "Category": "LIF",
  100613.             "Description": "Information about Ebola virus hemorrhagic fever.",
  100614.             "Year": 0
  100615.         },
  100616.         {
  100617.             "RIT": "ws960356",
  100618.             "Type": "WS",
  100619.             "URL": "http://www.alpha1.org/",
  100620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100621.             "Title": "ALPHA1 National Association Home Page",
  100622.             "Category": "LIF",
  100623.             "Description": "Information about a genetic disease that affects the liver and lungs.",
  100624.             "Year": 0
  100625.         },
  100626.         {
  100627.             "RIT": "ws960357",
  100628.             "Type": "WS",
  100629.             "URL": "http://www.ivf.com/endoassn.html",
  100630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100631.             "Title": "Endometriosis Association",
  100632.             "Category": "LIF",
  100633.             "Description": "Information about endometriosis, a disease of the female reproductive system.",
  100634.             "Year": 0
  100635.         },
  100636.         {
  100637.             "RIT": "ws960370",
  100638.             "Type": "WS",
  100639.             "URL": "http://www.gs.washington.edu/",
  100640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100641.             "Title": "Department of Genome Sciences",
  100642.             "Category": "LIF",
  100643.             "Description": "Information about the department of molecular biotechnology at the University of Washington.",
  100644.             "Year": 0
  100645.         },
  100646.         {
  100647.             "RIT": "ws960371",
  100648.             "Type": "WS",
  100649.             "URL": "http://thompson.mbt.washington.edu/",
  100650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100651.             "Title": "Biological Mass Spectrometry, UW",
  100652.             "Category": "LIF",
  100653.             "Description": "Information about the University of Washington's mass spectrometry laboratory.",
  100654.             "Year": 0
  100655.         },
  100656.         {
  100657.             "RIT": "ws960372",
  100658.             "Type": "WS",
  100659.             "URL": "http://www.welch.jhu.edu/",
  100660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100661.             "Title": "WelchWeb: Welch Medical Library, Johns Hopkins University",
  100662.             "Category": "LIF",
  100663.             "Description": "Medical topics and resources on-line.",
  100664.             "Year": 0
  100665.         },
  100666.         {
  100667.             "RIT": "ws960373",
  100668.             "Type": "WS",
  100669.             "URL": "http://probe.nalusda.gov:8000/index.html",
  100670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100671.             "Title": "Agricultural Genome Information Server (AGIS)",
  100672.             "Category": "LIF",
  100673.             "Description": "Information about agricultural genetic research sponsored by government and universities.",
  100674.             "Year": 0
  100675.         },
  100676.         {
  100677.             "RIT": "ws960246",
  100678.             "Type": "WS",
  100679.             "URL": "http://web.syr.edu/~ribond/homer.html",
  100680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100681.             "Title": "Winslow Homer (1836-1910)",
  100682.             "Category": "HUM",
  100683.             "Description": "Information about Winslow Homer, an American artist.",
  100684.             "Year": 0
  100685.         },
  100686.         {
  100687.             "RIT": "ws960247",
  100688.             "Type": "WS",
  100689.             "URL": "http://www.ballet.org.uk/",
  100690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100691.             "Title": "English National Ballet: Contents",
  100692.             "Category": "HUM",
  100693.             "Description": "A complete history of the English National Ballet, including information about performances and performers.",
  100694.             "Year": 0
  100695.         },
  100696.         {
  100697.             "RIT": "ws960249",
  100698.             "Type": "WS",
  100699.             "URL": "http://www.ee.princeton.edu/~aria/dancing.html",
  100700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100701.             "Title": "Let's Dance!",
  100702.             "Category": "HUM",
  100703.             "Description": "Up-to-date information on places to dance in New York City, Philadelphia, Houston, Chicago, and other cities.",
  100704.             "Year": 0
  100705.         },
  100706.         {
  100707.             "RIT": "ws960252",
  100708.             "Type": "WS",
  100709.             "URL": "http://www.cyberdance.org/",
  100710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100711.             "Title": "CyberDance - Ballet on the Net",
  100712.             "Category": "HUM",
  100713.             "Description": "More than 1,118 links to classical ballet and modern dance sites on the Internet.",
  100714.             "Year": 0
  100715.         },
  100716.         {
  100717.             "RIT": "ws960253",
  100718.             "Type": "WS",
  100719.             "URL": "http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ballroom/index.htm",
  100720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100721.             "Title": "Carnegie Mellon University Ballroom Dance Club",
  100722.             "Category": "REC",
  100723.             "Description": "Information about the Carnegie Mellon University Ballroom Dance Club and its activities.",
  100724.             "Year": 0
  100725.         },
  100726.         {
  100727.             "RIT": "ws960256",
  100728.             "Type": "WS",
  100729.             "URL": "http://www.dsphere.net/",
  100730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100731.             "Title": "DesignSphere On-line",
  100732.             "Category": "HUM",
  100733.             "Description": "Information about communication arts, graphic arts, the prepress, and printing industry.",
  100734.             "Year": 0
  100735.         },
  100736.         {
  100737.             "RIT": "ws960257",
  100738.             "Type": "WS",
  100739.             "URL": "http://www.graphion.com/museum.tpl?font=%5Bfont%5D",
  100740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100741.             "Title": "Graphion's On-line Type Museum",
  100742.             "Category": "HUM",
  100743.             "Description": "Information about the history and practice of typesetting.",
  100744.             "Year": 0
  100745.         },
  100746.         {
  100747.             "RIT": "ws960261",
  100748.             "Type": "WS",
  100749.             "URL": "http://www-oi.uchicago.edu/OI/default.html",
  100750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100751.             "Title": "Oriental Institute WWW",
  100752.             "Category": "SOC",
  100753.             "Description": "Descriptions and publications about projects in ancient Near Eastern archaeology and philosophy.",
  100754.             "Year": 0
  100755.         },
  100756.         {
  100757.             "RIT": "ws960263",
  100758.             "Type": "WS",
  100759.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/amhome.html",
  100760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100761.             "Title": "Home Page: American Memory from the Library of Congress",
  100762.             "Category": "HIS",
  100763.             "Description": "A listing of primary sources and archival materials relating to American culture and history.",
  100764.             "Year": 0
  100765.         },
  100766.         {
  100767.             "RIT": "ws960264",
  100768.             "Type": "WS",
  100769.             "URL": "http://www.lawrence.edu/dept/anthropology/classics.html",
  100770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100771.             "Title": "Classics of Out(land)ish Anthropology (Lawrence University, WI)",
  100772.             "Category": "SOC",
  100773.             "Description": "Information about bigfoot, UFO's, and other outlandish topics.",
  100774.             "Year": 0
  100775.         },
  100776.         {
  100777.             "RIT": "ws960322",
  100778.             "Type": "WS",
  100779.             "URL": "http://www.christusrex.org/www1/sistine/0-Tour.html",
  100780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100781.             "Title": "Cappella Sistina",
  100782.             "Category": "HUM",
  100783.             "Description": "The Vatican's official Web site for the Sistine Chapel. The site includes information about the history of the chapel and its frescoes, and features information about individual works, including photographs.",
  100784.             "Year": 0
  100785.         },
  100786.         {
  100787.             "RIT": "ws960324",
  100788.             "Type": "WS",
  100789.             "URL": "http://www.amherst.edu/",
  100790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100791.             "Title": "Amherst College Home Page",
  100792.             "Category": "SOC",
  100793.             "Description": "Official Amherst College homepage and guide to campus and the Amherst area.",
  100794.             "Year": 0
  100795.         },
  100796.         {
  100797.             "RIT": "ws960325",
  100798.             "Type": "WS",
  100799.             "URL": "http://www.boeing.com/flash.html",
  100800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100801.             "Title": "The Boeing Home Page",
  100802.             "Category": "IND",
  100803.             "Description": "Information about the Boeing Company, one of the world's leading manufacturers of commercial airplanes.",
  100804.             "Year": 0
  100805.         },
  100806.         {
  100807.             "RIT": "ws960326",
  100808.             "Type": "WS",
  100809.             "URL": "http://www.kodak.com/",
  100810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100811.             "Title": "Welcome to the Eastman Kodak Company",
  100812.             "Category": "IND",
  100813.             "Description": "Information about the Eastman Kodak Company and its products.",
  100814.             "Year": 0
  100815.         },
  100816.         {
  100817.             "RIT": "ws960328",
  100818.             "Type": "WS",
  100819.             "URL": "http://www.sgi.com/",
  100820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100821.             "Title": "Silicon Graphics",
  100822.             "Category": "HUM",
  100823.             "Description": "The corporate website for Silicon Graphics Computer Systems.",
  100824.             "Year": 0
  100825.         },
  100826.         {
  100827.             "RIT": "ws960334",
  100828.             "Type": "WS",
  100829.             "URL": "http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~museum/history1.html",
  100830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100831.             "Title": "The ENIAC Virtual Museum",
  100832.             "Category": "IND",
  100833.             "Description": "Information about the history of computers.",
  100834.             "Year": 0
  100835.         },
  100836.         {
  100837.             "RIT": "ws960339",
  100838.             "Type": "WS",
  100839.             "URL": "http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~wrean/asthma-gen.html",
  100840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100841.             "Title": "Asthma FAQ: Asthma -- General Information",
  100842.             "Category": "LIF",
  100843.             "Description": "A forum for the discussion of asthma.",
  100844.             "Year": 0
  100845.         },
  100846.         {
  100847.             "RIT": "ws960340",
  100848.             "Type": "WS",
  100849.             "URL": "http://www3.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/htbin-post/Omim/dispmim?218800/",
  100850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100851.             "Title": "Genes and Genetic Disorders",
  100852.             "Category": "LIF",
  100853.             "Description": "A catalog of human genes and genetic disorders.",
  100854.             "Year": 0
  100855.         },
  100856.         {
  100857.             "RIT": "ws960343",
  100858.             "Type": "WS",
  100859.             "URL": "http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gi/alcohol.html",
  100860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100861.             "Title": "Alcoholic Liver Disease",
  100862.             "Category": "LIF",
  100863.             "Description": "Information on the diseases of the liver caused by alcohol abuse.",
  100864.             "Year": 0
  100865.         },
  100866.         {
  100867.             "RIT": "ws960344",
  100868.             "Type": "WS",
  100869.             "URL": "http://www.allegra.com/index.jsp",
  100870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100871.             "Title": "AllerDays Allergy Resource Center",
  100872.             "Category": "LIF",
  100873.             "Description": "Information on how to cope with allergies to live a better life.",
  100874.             "Year": 0
  100875.         },
  100876.         {
  100877.             "RIT": "ws960374",
  100878.             "Type": "WS",
  100879.             "URL": "http://www.usd.edu/anth/general/arkie.html",
  100880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100881.             "Title": "Archaeology Resources",
  100882.             "Category": "LIF",
  100883.             "Description": "Links to various websites about archaeology.",
  100884.             "Year": 0
  100885.         },
  100886.         {
  100887.             "RIT": "ws960375",
  100888.             "Type": "WS",
  100889.             "URL": "http://www.usd.edu/anth/",
  100890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100891.             "Title": "U of South Dakota Anthropology",
  100892.             "Category": "LIF",
  100893.             "Description": "Links to various anthropology resources on the Internet.",
  100894.             "Year": 0
  100895.         },
  100896.         {
  100897.             "RIT": "ws960376",
  100898.             "Type": "WS",
  100899.             "URL": "http://www.snowcrest.net/dougbnt/zoroaster.html",
  100900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100901.             "Title": "Religion, Zoroasterism (Part of The WWW Virtual Library)",
  100902.             "Category": "HUM",
  100903.             "Description": "Information about the Zoroasterian (or Zoroastrian) religion.",
  100904.             "Year": 0
  100905.         },
  100906.         {
  100907.             "RIT": "ws960381",
  100908.             "Type": "WS",
  100909.             "URL": "http://www.netins.net/showcase/creative/lincoln.html",
  100910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100911.             "Title": "Abraham Lincoln On-line",
  100912.             "Category": "HIS",
  100913.             "Description": "Information about Abraham Lincoln, including quizzes, writings, and recommended reading.",
  100914.             "Year": 0
  100915.         },
  100916.         {
  100917.             "RIT": "ws960383",
  100918.             "Type": "WS",
  100919.             "URL": "http://www.historyplace.com/lincoln/index.html",
  100920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100921.             "Title": "The History Place Presents Abraham Lincoln",
  100922.             "Category": "HIS",
  100923.             "Description": "Information about Lincoln, including a timeline, photos, and quotes.",
  100924.             "Year": 0
  100925.         },
  100926.         {
  100927.             "RIT": "ws960392",
  100928.             "Type": "WS",
  100929.             "URL": "http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/18th/",
  100930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100931.             "Title": "Eighteenth-Century Resources",
  100932.             "Category": "HIS",
  100933.             "Description": "Information and links to resources about the 1700's.",
  100934.             "Year": 0
  100935.         },
  100936.         {
  100937.             "RIT": "ws960393",
  100938.             "Type": "WS",
  100939.             "URL": "http://www.cgiar.org/",
  100940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100941.             "Title": "CGIAR Home Page [Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research]",
  100942.             "Category": "SOC",
  100943.             "Description": "Information about the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research.",
  100944.             "Year": 0
  100945.         },
  100946.         {
  100947.             "RIT": "ws960402",
  100948.             "Type": "WS",
  100949.             "URL": "http://www.abqjournal.com/",
  100950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100951.             "Title": "Welcome to the Albuquerque Journal On-line",
  100952.             "Category": "GEO",
  100953.             "Description": "The online edition of the Albuquerque Journal.",
  100954.             "Year": 0
  100955.         },
  100956.         {
  100957.             "RIT": "ws960403",
  100958.             "Type": "WS",
  100959.             "URL": "http://www.mip.berkeley.edu/mvz/",
  100960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100961.             "Title": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology",
  100962.             "Category": "LIF",
  100963.             "Description": "Information about the University of California/Berkeley's Museum of Vertebrate Zoololgy.",
  100964.             "Year": 0
  100965.         },
  100966.         {
  100967.             "RIT": "ws960411",
  100968.             "Type": "WS",
  100969.             "URL": "http://www.TheAtlantic.com/",
  100970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100971.             "Title": "The Atlantic Monthly",
  100972.             "Category": "HUM",
  100973.             "Description": "A monthly magazine of politics, society, the arts, and culture.",
  100974.             "Year": 0
  100975.         },
  100976.         {
  100977.             "RIT": "ws960413",
  100978.             "Type": "WS",
  100979.             "URL": "http://www.caranddriver.com/xp/Caranddriver/home.xml",
  100980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100981.             "Title": "Car and Driver",
  100982.             "Category": "IND",
  100983.             "Description": "Information about Car and Driver Magazine.",
  100984.             "Year": 0
  100985.         },
  100986.         {
  100987.             "RIT": "ws960443",
  100988.             "Type": "WS",
  100989.             "URL": "http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/",
  100990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  100991.             "Title": "Aggie Horticulture Index",
  100992.             "Category": "IND",
  100993.             "Description": "Information on horticulture programs in the Texas A&M University System.",
  100994.             "Year": 0
  100995.         },
  100996.         {
  100997.             "RIT": "ws960445",
  100998.             "Type": "WS",
  100999.             "URL": "http://www.nmai.si.edu/",
  101000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101001.             "Title": "NMAI Exhibitions [National Museum of the American Indian]",
  101002.             "Category": "SOC",
  101003.             "Description": "National Museum of the American Indian website.",
  101004.             "Year": 0
  101005.         },
  101006.         {
  101007.             "RIT": "ws960446",
  101008.             "Type": "WS",
  101009.             "URL": "http://www.law.indiana.edu/v-lib/",
  101010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101011.             "Title": "The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Law",
  101012.             "Category": "SOC",
  101013.             "Description": "Information on law schools, law publications, and other legal topics.",
  101014.             "Year": 0
  101015.         },
  101016.         {
  101017.             "RIT": "ws960447",
  101018.             "Type": "WS",
  101019.             "URL": "http://gypsymoth.ento.vt.edu/vagm/index.html",
  101020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101021.             "Title": "The Gypsy Moth Server at VT",
  101022.             "Category": "LIF",
  101023.             "Description": "Information about insects from the Department of Entomology at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.",
  101024.             "Year": 0
  101025.         },
  101026.         {
  101027.             "RIT": "ws960449",
  101028.             "Type": "WS",
  101029.             "URL": "http://www.adobe.com/",
  101030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101031.             "Title": "Adobe Systems Incorporated",
  101032.             "Category": "IND",
  101033.             "Description": "Information about the computer software company, Adobe Systems.",
  101034.             "Year": 0
  101035.         },
  101036.         {
  101037.             "RIT": "ws960452",
  101038.             "Type": "WS",
  101039.             "URL": "http://ipl.sils.umich.edu/",
  101040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101041.             "Title": "IPL - The Internet Public Library",
  101042.             "Category": "IND",
  101043.             "Description": "Links to resources on the Internet, including a newsletter for children.",
  101044.             "Year": 0
  101045.         },
  101046.         {
  101047.             "RIT": "ws960454",
  101048.             "Type": "WS",
  101049.             "URL": "http://www.netstorage.com/",
  101050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101051.             "Title": "Netstorage Home Page",
  101052.             "Category": "IND",
  101053.             "Description": "Information about this Internet service provider.",
  101054.             "Year": 0
  101055.         },
  101056.         {
  101057.             "RIT": "ws960455",
  101058.             "Type": "WS",
  101059.             "URL": "http://myhome.prodigy.net/",
  101060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101061.             "Title": "Prodigy Internet",
  101062.             "Category": "IND",
  101063.             "Description": "Information about this Internet service provider.",
  101064.             "Year": 0
  101065.         },
  101066.         {
  101067.             "RIT": "ws960457",
  101068.             "Type": "WS",
  101069.             "URL": "http://www.uu.net/",
  101070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101071.             "Title": "UUNet Technologies Home Page",
  101072.             "Category": "IND",
  101073.             "Description": "Information about this Internet service provider.",
  101074.             "Year": 0
  101075.         },
  101076.         {
  101077.             "RIT": "ws960458",
  101078.             "Type": "WS",
  101079.             "URL": "http://www.aol.com/",
  101080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101081.             "Title": "Welcome to AOL",
  101082.             "Category": "IND",
  101083.             "Description": "Information about this Internet service provider (America Online).",
  101084.             "Year": 0
  101085.         },
  101086.         {
  101087.             "RIT": "ws960459",
  101088.             "Type": "WS",
  101089.             "URL": "http://www.macromedia.com/",
  101090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101091.             "Title": "Welcome to Macromedia",
  101092.             "Category": "IND",
  101093.             "Description": "Information about Internet software.",
  101094.             "Year": 0
  101095.         },
  101096.         {
  101097.             "RIT": "ws960460",
  101098.             "Type": "WS",
  101099.             "URL": "http://www.netscape.com/apple.adp",
  101100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101101.             "Title": "Welcome to Netscape",
  101102.             "Category": "IND",
  101103.             "Description": "Information on Netscape services.",
  101104.             "Year": 0
  101105.         },
  101106.         {
  101107.             "RIT": "ws960497",
  101108.             "Type": "WS",
  101109.             "URL": "http://www.nsa.gov/",
  101110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101111.             "Title": "National Security Agency",
  101112.             "Category": "SOC",
  101113.             "Description": "Information about this federal agency, which oversees national security in communications and other areas.",
  101114.             "Year": 0
  101115.         },
  101116.         {
  101117.             "RIT": "ws960500",
  101118.             "Type": "WS",
  101119.             "URL": "http://www3.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/htbin-post/Omim/dispmim?107400/",
  101120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101121.             "Title": "Protease Inhibitors",
  101122.             "Category": "LIF",
  101123.             "Description": "Information about protease inhibitors, the new class of drugs that fight the virus that causes AIDS.",
  101124.             "Year": 0
  101125.         },
  101126.         {
  101127.             "RIT": "ws960501",
  101128.             "Type": "WS",
  101129.             "URL": "http://www3.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/htbin-post/Omim/dispmim?232200/",
  101130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101131.             "Title": "Glycogen Storage Disease",
  101132.             "Category": "LIF",
  101133.             "Description": "Information about glycogen storage disease.",
  101134.             "Year": 0
  101135.         },
  101136.         {
  101137.             "RIT": "ws960504",
  101138.             "Type": "WS",
  101139.             "URL": "http://www.npg.si.edu/col/pres/index.htm",
  101140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101141.             "Title": "Hall of Presidents",
  101142.             "Category": "SOC",
  101143.             "Description": "Information on and images of the United States presidents.",
  101144.             "Year": 0
  101145.         },
  101146.         {
  101147.             "RIT": "ws960506",
  101148.             "Type": "WS",
  101149.             "URL": "http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/sl9/",
  101150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101151.             "Title": "Comet Shoemaker-Levy Collision with Jupiter",
  101152.             "Category": "PHY",
  101153.             "Description": "Information and photos of the spectacular 1994 crash of a comet into the planet Jupiter.",
  101154.             "Year": 0
  101155.         },
  101156.         {
  101157.             "RIT": "ws960510",
  101158.             "Type": "WS",
  101159.             "URL": "http://www.seattletimes.com/mlk/",
  101160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101161.             "Title": "Martin Luther King, Jr.",
  101162.             "Category": "HIS",
  101163.             "Description": "Information on Martin Luther King, Jr., presented by the Seattle Times.",
  101164.             "Year": 0
  101165.         },
  101166.         {
  101167.             "RIT": "ws960514",
  101168.             "Type": "WS",
  101169.             "URL": "http://www.ausflag.com.au/home.html",
  101170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101171.             "Title": "Ausflag [Australian Flag Designs]",
  101172.             "Category": "SOC",
  101173.             "Description": "Images of flags of Australia, plus information about the flags.",
  101174.             "Year": 0
  101175.         },
  101176.         {
  101177.             "RIT": "ws960516",
  101178.             "Type": "WS",
  101179.             "URL": "http://www.usflag.org/",
  101180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101181.             "Title": "Flag of the United States of America",
  101182.             "Category": "SOC",
  101183.             "Description": "Images of and information about current and historical flags of the United States.",
  101184.             "Year": 0
  101185.         },
  101186.         {
  101187.             "RIT": "ws960519",
  101188.             "Type": "WS",
  101189.             "URL": "http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/mars/science/ancient/",
  101190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101191.             "Title": "Life on Mars?",
  101192.             "Category": "PHY",
  101193.             "Description": "From NASA, information about recent findings of possible evidence for the existence of life at one time on Mars.",
  101194.             "Year": 0
  101195.         },
  101196.         {
  101197.             "RIT": "ws960520",
  101198.             "Type": "WS",
  101199.             "URL": "http://www-mgcm.arc.nasa.gov/",
  101200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101201.             "Title": "Mars Today",
  101202.             "Category": "PHY",
  101203.             "Description": "From NASA, animated images of Mars and information about its relationship to Earth.",
  101204.             "Year": 0
  101205.         },
  101206.         {
  101207.             "RIT": "ws960548",
  101208.             "Type": "WS",
  101209.             "URL": "http://policy.net/capweb/congress.html",
  101210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101211.             "Title": "CapWeb - A Guide to the U.S. Congress",
  101212.             "Category": "SOC",
  101213.             "Description": "Links to the U.S. Senate, House of Representatives, Library of Congress, federal agencies, and political caucuses.",
  101214.             "Year": 0
  101215.         },
  101216.         {
  101217.             "RIT": "ws960550",
  101218.             "Type": "WS",
  101219.             "URL": "http://wonder.cdc.gov/wonder/prevguid/p0000001/p0000001.asp",
  101220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101221.             "Title": "CDC Prevention Guidelines",
  101222.             "Category": "LIF",
  101223.             "Description": "Information about Hepatitis B, a viral disease of the liver.",
  101224.             "Year": 0
  101225.         },
  101226.         {
  101227.             "RIT": "ws960551",
  101228.             "Type": "WS",
  101229.             "URL": "http://crl.ucsd.edu/",
  101230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101231.             "Title": "Center for Research in Language",
  101232.             "Category": "SOC",
  101233.             "Description": "Research on artificial language, Native American Language, Albanian lexicography, and the use of sound in computers.",
  101234.             "Year": 0
  101235.         },
  101236.         {
  101237.             "RIT": "ws960553",
  101238.             "Type": "WS",
  101239.             "URL": "http://www.archives.gov/exhibit_hall/charters_of_freedom/charters_of_freedom.html",
  101240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101241.             "Title": "Charters of Freedom Exhibit",
  101242.             "Category": "HIS",
  101243.             "Description": "The documents of the National Archives, the federal agency that preserves the historical records of the United States.",
  101244.             "Year": 0
  101245.         },
  101246.         {
  101247.             "RIT": "ws960554",
  101248.             "Type": "WS",
  101249.             "URL": "http://www.gocin.com/homeschool/",
  101250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101251.             "Title": "Christian Home school Forum WebPage",
  101252.             "Category": "SOC",
  101253.             "Description": "How to set up a Christian home school, plus home school FAQs and favorite tips.",
  101254.             "Year": 0
  101255.         },
  101256.         {
  101257.             "RIT": "ws960555",
  101258.             "Type": "WS",
  101259.             "URL": "http://skynet.uah.ualberta.ca/",
  101260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101261.             "Title": "Clinical Engineering's Home Page",
  101262.             "Category": "GEO",
  101263.             "Description": "Management of health care technology from the Capital Health Authority in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.",
  101264.             "Year": 0
  101265.         },
  101266.         {
  101267.             "RIT": "ws960562",
  101268.             "Type": "WS",
  101269.             "URL": "http://fscn1.fsci.umn.edu/",
  101270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101271.             "Title": "Department of Food Science & Nutrition",
  101272.             "Category": "LIF",
  101273.             "Description": "Studies of nutrition and food science, covering the food continuum from producer to consumer.",
  101274.             "Year": 0
  101275.         },
  101276.         {
  101277.             "RIT": "ws960563",
  101278.             "Type": "WS",
  101279.             "URL": "http://www.va.gov/",
  101280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101281.             "Title": "Department of Veterans Affairs",
  101282.             "Category": "SOC",
  101283.             "Description": "Information about U.S. veterans' benefits, facilities, special programs, organizations, and other information.",
  101284.             "Year": 0
  101285.         },
  101286.         {
  101287.             "RIT": "ws960564",
  101288.             "Type": "WS",
  101289.             "URL": "http://www.hud.gov/",
  101290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101291.             "Title": "Department of Housing and Urban Development's Homes and Communities",
  101292.             "Category": "SOC",
  101293.             "Description": "Information about HUD and its community programs.",
  101294.             "Year": 0
  101295.         },
  101296.         {
  101297.             "RIT": "ws960576",
  101298.             "Type": "WS",
  101299.             "URL": "http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gi/hepG.html",
  101300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101301.             "Title": "Hepatitis G",
  101302.             "Category": "LIF",
  101303.             "Description": "Information on hepatitis G, a novel human hepatitis virus.",
  101304.             "Year": 0
  101305.         },
  101306.         {
  101307.             "RIT": "ws960578",
  101308.             "Type": "WS",
  101309.             "URL": "http://www2.antenna.nl/homeoweb/resource.html",
  101310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101311.             "Title": "Homeopathic Internet Resources List",
  101312.             "Category": "LIF",
  101313.             "Description": "Internet-based resources for information about homeopathy and homeopathic therapy.",
  101314.             "Year": 0
  101315.         },
  101316.         {
  101317.             "RIT": "ws960580",
  101318.             "Type": "WS",
  101319.             "URL": "http://www.iitk.ernet.in/",
  101320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101321.             "Title": "Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India",
  101322.             "Category": "GEO",
  101323.             "Description": "Information about an institution that provides engineering education and research for the industrial growth of India.",
  101324.             "Year": 0
  101325.         },
  101326.         {
  101327.             "RIT": "ws960581",
  101328.             "Type": "WS",
  101329.             "URL": "http://www.nlj.com/index.shtml",
  101330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101331.             "Title": "The National Law Journal",
  101332.             "Category": "SOC",
  101333.             "Description": "Information about the Law Journal Extra.",
  101334.             "Year": 0
  101335.         },
  101336.         {
  101337.             "RIT": "ws960583",
  101338.             "Type": "WS",
  101339.             "URL": "http://www.eyenet.org/public/faqs/cataract/cat_what.html",
  101340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101341.             "Title": "What is a Cataract?",
  101342.             "Category": "LIF",
  101343.             "Description": "Facts about cataracts, a condition in which the lens of the eye becomes clouded.",
  101344.             "Year": 0
  101345.         },
  101346.         {
  101347.             "RIT": "ws960584",
  101348.             "Type": "WS",
  101349.             "URL": "http://www.wfh.org/ShowDoc.asp?Rubrique=28&Document=42&ContentId=42#What_is_hemophilia?",
  101350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101351.             "Title": "What is Hemophilia?",
  101352.             "Category": "LIF",
  101353.             "Description": "Information about hemophilia, a blood-clotting disorder.",
  101354.             "Year": 0
  101355.         },
  101356.         {
  101357.             "RIT": "ws960587",
  101358.             "Type": "WS",
  101359.             "URL": "http://gofast.net/",
  101360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101361.             "Title": "gofast.net, Incorporated",
  101362.             "Category": "IND",
  101363.             "Description": "The website of a company that provides Internet solutions for businesses.",
  101364.             "Year": 0
  101365.         },
  101366.         {
  101367.             "RIT": "ws960590",
  101368.             "Type": "WS",
  101369.             "URL": "http://www.oscars.org/",
  101370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101371.             "Title": "AMPAS [Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences]",
  101372.             "Category": "HUM",
  101373.             "Description": "Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences: information on awards and programs.",
  101374.             "Year": 0
  101375.         },
  101376.         {
  101377.             "RIT": "ws960592",
  101378.             "Type": "WS",
  101379.             "URL": "http://www.ummz.lsa.umich.edu/",
  101380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101381.             "Title": "Museum of Zoology",
  101382.             "Category": "LIF",
  101383.             "Description": "Exhibits in paleontology, animal diversity, and other topics in natural history.",
  101384.             "Year": 0
  101385.         },
  101386.         {
  101387.             "RIT": "ws960594",
  101388.             "Type": "WS",
  101389.             "URL": "http://www.neocomm.net/~eadams/cheetah.html",
  101390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101391.             "Title": "The Cheetah Spot",
  101392.             "Category": "LIF",
  101393.             "Description": "The physiology, life cycle, and conservation of cheetahs.",
  101394.             "Year": 0
  101395.         },
  101396.         {
  101397.             "RIT": "ws960595",
  101398.             "Type": "WS",
  101399.             "URL": "http://www.cheetah.org/index.htm",
  101400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101401.             "Title": "Cheetah Conservation Fund",
  101402.             "Category": "LIF",
  101403.             "Description": "Conservation information about cheetahs, including an activity page for children.",
  101404.             "Year": 0
  101405.         },
  101406.         {
  101407.             "RIT": "ws960622",
  101408.             "Type": "WS",
  101409.             "URL": "http://www2.misnet.com/~rick/pages/purpose.html",
  101410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101411.             "Title": "The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons",
  101412.             "Category": "LIF",
  101413.             "Description": "Information about this U.S. association of physicians.",
  101414.             "Year": 0
  101415.         },
  101416.         {
  101417.             "RIT": "ws960624",
  101418.             "Type": "WS",
  101419.             "URL": "http://www.city.hiroshima.jp/index-E.html",
  101420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101421.             "Title": "The City of Hiroshima",
  101422.             "Category": "GEO",
  101423.             "Description": "Information about Hiroshima, Japan, with links to atomic bomb and peace sites.",
  101424.             "Year": 0
  101425.         },
  101426.         {
  101427.             "RIT": "ws960626",
  101428.             "Type": "WS",
  101429.             "URL": "http://www.cardinal.wisc.edu/",
  101430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101431.             "Title": "The Digital Cardinal: The Daily Cardinal Online",
  101432.             "Category": "SOC",
  101433.             "Description": "An on-line publication for and about the University of Wisconsin at Madison.",
  101434.             "Year": 0
  101435.         },
  101436.         {
  101437.             "RIT": "ws960630",
  101438.             "Type": "WS",
  101439.             "URL": "http://www.historychannel.com/cgi-bin/frameit.cgi?p=http%3A//www.historychannel.com/classroom/classroom.html",
  101440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101441.             "Title": "The History Channel Classroom",
  101442.             "Category": "HIS",
  101443.             "Description": "Programs from the History Channel to enhance middle school, junior high school, and high school curriculums.",
  101444.             "Year": 0
  101445.         },
  101446.         {
  101447.             "RIT": "ws960632",
  101448.             "Type": "WS",
  101449.             "URL": "http://www.lich.org/",
  101450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101451.             "Title": "The Long Island College Hospital",
  101452.             "Category": "LIF",
  101453.             "Description": "Information about the Long Island College Hospital, including programs and research.",
  101454.             "Year": 0
  101455.         },
  101456.         {
  101457.             "RIT": "ws960635",
  101458.             "Type": "WS",
  101459.             "URL": "http://www.parentsplace.com/",
  101460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101461.             "Title": "The Parenting Community: the Parenting Resource Center",
  101462.             "Category": "SOC",
  101463.             "Description": "A commercial site offering support, dialog, and shopping opportunities for parents.",
  101464.             "Year": 0
  101465.         },
  101466.         {
  101467.             "RIT": "ws960637",
  101468.             "Type": "WS",
  101469.             "URL": "http://www.npi.ucla.edu/",
  101470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101471.             "Title": "The UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute & Hospital World Wide Web Site",
  101472.             "Category": "LIF",
  101473.             "Description": "Information about a major center for research and education in the fields of mental health and developmental disabilities.",
  101474.             "Year": 0
  101475.         },
  101476.         {
  101477.             "RIT": "ws960638",
  101478.             "Type": "WS",
  101479.             "URL": "http://www.aoc.gov/",
  101480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101481.             "Title": "The United States Capitol",
  101482.             "Category": "GEO",
  101483.             "Description": "Information about the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.",
  101484.             "Year": 0
  101485.         },
  101486.         {
  101487.             "RIT": "ws960640",
  101488.             "Type": "WS",
  101489.             "URL": "http://www.uchospitals.edu/index_js.html",
  101490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101491.             "Title": "The University of Chicago Hospitals",
  101492.             "Category": "LIF",
  101493.             "Description": "Information about the University of Chicago Hospitals, including information about services.",
  101494.             "Year": 0
  101495.         },
  101496.         {
  101497.             "RIT": "ws960414",
  101498.             "Type": "WS",
  101499.             "URL": "http://www.snowcrest.net/dougbnt/bahaifaith.html",
  101500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101501.             "Title": "Bahai Faith",
  101502.             "Category": "HUM",
  101503.             "Description": "Information about and resources for the Bahai faith.",
  101504.             "Year": 0
  101505.         },
  101506.         {
  101507.             "RIT": "ws960417",
  101508.             "Type": "WS",
  101509.             "URL": "http://salmo.cqs.washington.edu/~wagap/birds/birds.html",
  101510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101511.             "Title": "Washington Breeding Birds Atlas",
  101512.             "Category": "LIF",
  101513.             "Description": "A database of over 117,000 records of breeding birds in Washington state.",
  101514.             "Year": 0
  101515.         },
  101516.         {
  101517.             "RIT": "ws960419",
  101518.             "Type": "WS",
  101519.             "URL": "http://www.globe.com/",
  101520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101521.             "Title": "Welcome to Boston.com!",
  101522.             "Category": "GEO",
  101523.             "Description": "An electronic Boston Common: information about the Boston area.",
  101524.             "Year": 0
  101525.         },
  101526.         {
  101527.             "RIT": "ws960421",
  101528.             "Type": "WS",
  101529.             "URL": "http://www.snowcrest.net/dougbnt/buddha.html",
  101530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101531.             "Title": "Religion, Buddhism (part of The WWW Virtual Library)",
  101532.             "Category": "HUM",
  101533.             "Description": "Information about Buddhism, a major world religion.",
  101534.             "Year": 0
  101535.         },
  101536.         {
  101537.             "RIT": "ws960425",
  101538.             "Type": "WS",
  101539.             "URL": "http://www.snowcrest.net/dougbnt/christ.html",
  101540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101541.             "Title": "Religion, Christianity (part of The WWW Virtual Library)",
  101542.             "Category": "HUM",
  101543.             "Description": "Information about Christiantity, a major world religion.",
  101544.             "Year": 0
  101545.         },
  101546.         {
  101547.             "RIT": "ws960431",
  101548.             "Type": "WS",
  101549.             "URL": "http://www.ngsgenealogy.org/",
  101550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101551.             "Title": "National Genealogical Society - Home Page",
  101552.             "Category": "SOC",
  101553.             "Description": "Information about the National Genealogical Society's programs, publications, and services.",
  101554.             "Year": 0
  101555.         },
  101556.         {
  101557.             "RIT": "ws960436",
  101558.             "Type": "WS",
  101559.             "URL": "http://www.ort.org/ort/hanukkah/title.htm",
  101560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101561.             "Title": "Hanukkah - Festival of Lights",
  101562.             "Category": "HUM",
  101563.             "Description": "Information about Hanukkah (or Hannuka, or Chanukah), the Jewish Festival of Lights.",
  101564.             "Year": 0
  101565.         },
  101566.         {
  101567.             "RIT": "ws960437",
  101568.             "Type": "WS",
  101569.             "URL": "http://www.snowcrest.net/dougbnt/hindu.html",
  101570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101571.             "Title": "Religion, Hinduism (part of The WWW Virtual Library)",
  101572.             "Category": "HUM",
  101573.             "Description": "Information about Hinduism, a major world religion.",
  101574.             "Year": 0
  101575.         },
  101576.         {
  101577.             "RIT": "ws960438",
  101578.             "Type": "WS",
  101579.             "URL": "http://eserver.org/history/",
  101580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101581.             "Title": "History [Carnegie Mellon University]",
  101582.             "Category": "HIS",
  101583.             "Description": "Links to historical resources.",
  101584.             "Year": 0
  101585.         },
  101586.         {
  101587.             "RIT": "ws960440",
  101588.             "Type": "WS",
  101589.             "URL": "http://www.ahs.org/",
  101590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101591.             "Title": "American Horticultural Society",
  101592.             "Category": "IND",
  101593.             "Description": "Articles from the society's magazine, The American Gardener.",
  101594.             "Year": 0
  101595.         },
  101596.         {
  101597.             "RIT": "ws960442",
  101598.             "Type": "WS",
  101599.             "URL": "http://www.ipm.iastate.edu/ipm/hortnews/",
  101600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101601.             "Title": "Horticulture and Home Pest News",
  101602.             "Category": "IND",
  101603.             "Description": "Links to information about horticulture.",
  101604.             "Year": 0
  101605.         },
  101606.         {
  101607.             "RIT": "ws960461",
  101608.             "Type": "WS",
  101609.             "URL": "http://www.psi.net/",
  101610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101611.             "Title": "Welcome to PSINet",
  101612.             "Category": "IND",
  101613.             "Description": "Information about this Internet service provider.",
  101614.             "Year": 0
  101615.         },
  101616.         {
  101617.             "RIT": "ws960462",
  101618.             "Type": "WS",
  101619.             "URL": "http://www.intercon.com/",
  101620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101621.             "Title": "InterCon Systems Home Page",
  101622.             "Category": "IND",
  101623.             "Description": "Information about this company, which produces Internet and enterprise software.",
  101624.             "Year": 0
  101625.         },
  101626.         {
  101627.             "RIT": "ws960471",
  101628.             "Type": "WS",
  101629.             "URL": "http://www.pluggedin.org/",
  101630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101631.             "Title": "Plugged In",
  101632.             "Category": "IND",
  101633.             "Description": "Information about this organization, which promotes computer and communications technologies.",
  101634.             "Year": 0
  101635.         },
  101636.         {
  101637.             "RIT": "ws960472",
  101638.             "Type": "WS",
  101639.             "URL": "http://www.microsoft.com/",
  101640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101641.             "Title": "Welcome to Microsoft's Homepage",
  101642.             "Category": "IND",
  101643.             "Description": "Information about Microsoft's services and products",
  101644.             "Year": 0
  101645.         },
  101646.         {
  101647.             "RIT": "ws960473",
  101648.             "Type": "WS",
  101649.             "URL": "http://www.snowcrest.net/dougbnt/islam.html",
  101650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101651.             "Title": "Religion, Islam (Part of The WWW Virtual Library)",
  101652.             "Category": "HUM",
  101653.             "Description": "Information about Islam, a major world religion.",
  101654.             "Year": 0
  101655.         },
  101656.         {
  101657.             "RIT": "ws960475",
  101658.             "Type": "WS",
  101659.             "URL": "http://www.snowcrest.net/dougbnt/jain.html",
  101660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101661.             "Title": "The WWW-VL Religion: Jainism",
  101662.             "Category": "HUM",
  101663.             "Description": "Information about Jainism, a religion of India.",
  101664.             "Year": 0
  101665.         },
  101666.         {
  101667.             "RIT": "ws960476",
  101668.             "Type": "WS",
  101669.             "URL": "http://www.snowcrest.net/dougbnt/Judaism.html",
  101670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101671.             "Title": "Religion, Judaism (Part of The WWW Virtual Library)",
  101672.             "Category": "HUM",
  101673.             "Description": "Information about Judaism, a major world religion.",
  101674.             "Year": 0
  101675.         },
  101676.         {
  101677.             "RIT": "ws960479",
  101678.             "Type": "WS",
  101679.             "URL": "http://www.courttv.com/",
  101680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101681.             "Title": "CourtTV Law Center",
  101682.             "Category": "SOC",
  101683.             "Description": "Information about law cases, and a legal helpline.",
  101684.             "Year": 0
  101685.         },
  101686.         {
  101687.             "RIT": "ws960484",
  101688.             "Type": "WS",
  101689.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/homepage/lchp.html",
  101690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101691.             "Title": "Library of Congress World Wide Web (LC Web) Home Page",
  101692.             "Category": "SOC",
  101693.             "Description": "Resources and databases of the Library of Congress.",
  101694.             "Year": 0
  101695.         },
  101696.         {
  101697.             "RIT": "ws960487",
  101698.             "Type": "WS",
  101699.             "URL": "http://www.lymphedema.com/",
  101700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101701.             "Title": "Lymphedema International Network",
  101702.             "Category": "LIF",
  101703.             "Description": "Information on the diagnosis and treatment of lymphedema, swelling caused by an increase of lymphatic fluid.",
  101704.             "Year": 0
  101705.         },
  101706.         {
  101707.             "RIT": "ws960496",
  101708.             "Type": "WS",
  101709.             "URL": "http://www.archives.gov/index.html",
  101710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101711.             "Title": "National Archives and Records Administration",
  101712.             "Category": "HIS",
  101713.             "Description": "The U.S. government agency responsible for overseeing the management of federal government records.",
  101714.             "Year": 0
  101715.         },
  101716.         {
  101717.             "RIT": "ws960521",
  101718.             "Type": "WS",
  101719.             "URL": "http://nova.stanford.edu/projects/mgs/dmwr.html",
  101720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101721.             "Title": "The Daily Martian Weather Report",
  101722.             "Category": "PHY",
  101723.             "Description": "A daily weather report for Mars from the Mars Global Surveyor satellite.",
  101724.             "Year": 0
  101725.         },
  101726.         {
  101727.             "RIT": "ws960523",
  101728.             "Type": "WS",
  101729.             "URL": "http://www.alpcom.it/hamradio/",
  101730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101731.             "Title": "100 Years of Radio - Home Page",
  101732.             "Category": "IND",
  101733.             "Description": "Information about the birth of the radio.",
  101734.             "Year": 0
  101735.         },
  101736.         {
  101737.             "RIT": "ws960525",
  101738.             "Type": "WS",
  101739.             "URL": "http://www.abms.org/",
  101740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101741.             "Title": "ABMS Home Page [American Board of Medical Specialties]",
  101742.             "Category": "LIF",
  101743.             "Description": "The American Board of Medical Specialties home page, with information about the recognized specialties and how to find certified specialists. Includes links to other resources.",
  101744.             "Year": 0
  101745.         },
  101746.         {
  101747.             "RIT": "ws960532",
  101748.             "Type": "WS",
  101749.             "URL": "http://www.eyenet.org/public/faqs/amblyopia_faq.html",
  101750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101751.             "Title": "American Academy of Ophthalmology--Amblyopia FAQs",
  101752.             "Category": "LIF",
  101753.             "Description": "Facts about amblyopia, a condition in which a weak eye becomes progressively weaker.",
  101754.             "Year": 0
  101755.         },
  101756.         {
  101757.             "RIT": "ws960533",
  101758.             "Type": "WS",
  101759.             "URL": "http://www.aauw.org/home.html",
  101760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101761.             "Title": "American Association of University Women",
  101762.             "Category": "SOC",
  101763.             "Description": "Information about this U.S. organization that promotes education and equality for all women and girls.",
  101764.             "Year": 0
  101765.         },
  101766.         {
  101767.             "RIT": "ws960536",
  101768.             "Type": "WS",
  101769.             "URL": "http://www.aldf.com/",
  101770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101771.             "Title": "American Lyme Disease Foundation",
  101772.             "Category": "LIF",
  101773.             "Description": "A homeowner's guide to the ecology and environmental management of Lyme disease, which is spread by ticks.",
  101774.             "Year": 0
  101775.         },
  101776.         {
  101777.             "RIT": "ws960539",
  101778.             "Type": "WS",
  101779.             "URL": "http://www.asgs.org/",
  101780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101781.             "Title": "ASGS, the Association for Graduate Students",
  101782.             "Category": "SOC",
  101783.             "Description": "A service organization that helps graduate students complete their theses and obtain their degrees.",
  101784.             "Year": 0
  101785.         },
  101786.         {
  101787.             "RIT": "ws960541",
  101788.             "Type": "WS",
  101789.             "URL": "http://mail.bcpl.lib.md.us/",
  101790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101791.             "Title": "Baltimore County Public Library Home Page",
  101792.             "Category": "SOC",
  101793.             "Description": "Links to the library and to the Baltimore community.",
  101794.             "Year": 0
  101795.         },
  101796.         {
  101797.             "RIT": "ws960545",
  101798.             "Type": "WS",
  101799.             "URL": "http://www.het.brown.edu/",
  101800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101801.             "Title": "Brown High Energy Physics",
  101802.             "Category": "PHY",
  101803.             "Description": "Research and activities of the High Energy Physics Group.",
  101804.             "Year": 0
  101805.         },
  101806.         {
  101807.             "RIT": "ws960565",
  101808.             "Type": "WS",
  101809.             "URL": "http://www.mc.duke.edu/index3.htm",
  101810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101811.             "Title": "Duke University Medical Center & Health System: DUMCWeb",
  101812.             "Category": "SOC",
  101813.             "Description": "Information about Duke University Medical Center, including education, health care, and research.",
  101814.             "Year": 0
  101815.         },
  101816.         {
  101817.             "RIT": "ws960566",
  101818.             "Type": "WS",
  101819.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/evolution.html",
  101820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101821.             "Title": "Evolution Entrance",
  101822.             "Category": "LIF",
  101823.             "Description": "Information about evolutionary theory and history.",
  101824.             "Year": 0
  101825.         },
  101826.         {
  101827.             "RIT": "ws960567",
  101828.             "Type": "WS",
  101829.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/originals/original.html",
  101830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101831.             "Title": "Exhibit: American Originals",
  101832.             "Category": "HIS",
  101833.             "Description": "National Archives links to original documents in American history.",
  101834.             "Year": 0
  101835.         },
  101836.         {
  101837.             "RIT": "ws960568",
  101838.             "Type": "WS",
  101839.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/charters/magnacarta/magmain.html",
  101840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101841.             "Title": "Exhibit: Magna Carta",
  101842.             "Category": "HIS",
  101843.             "Description": "An on-line overview and image of the Magna Carta, an important document in England's constitutional history.",
  101844.             "Year": 0
  101845.         },
  101846.         {
  101847.             "RIT": "ws960569",
  101848.             "Type": "WS",
  101849.             "URL": "http://www.exploratorium.edu/",
  101850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101851.             "Title": "Exploratorium Home Page",
  101852.             "Category": "PHY",
  101853.             "Description": "A collection of interactive exhibits in science, art, and human perception, housed in San Francisco's Palace of Fine Arts.",
  101854.             "Year": 0
  101855.         },
  101856.         {
  101857.             "RIT": "ws960570",
  101858.             "Type": "WS",
  101859.             "URL": "http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gi/fatty.html",
  101860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101861.             "Title": "Fatty Liver",
  101862.             "Category": "LIF",
  101863.             "Description": "Information about fatty liver, a condition called steatosis.",
  101864.             "Year": 0
  101865.         },
  101866.         {
  101867.             "RIT": "ws960571",
  101868.             "Type": "WS",
  101869.             "URL": "http://www.eskimo.com/~user/kids.html",
  101870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101871.             "Title": "Gifted and Talented (TAG) Resources Home Page",
  101872.             "Category": "LIF",
  101873.             "Description": "On-line resources about gifted children, including programs and associations.",
  101874.             "Year": 0
  101875.         },
  101876.         {
  101877.             "RIT": "ws960573",
  101878.             "Type": "WS",
  101879.             "URL": "http://sadieo.ucsf.edu/ALF/ALFfinal/proghemochrom.html",
  101880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101881.             "Title": "Hemochromatosis",
  101882.             "Category": "LIF",
  101883.             "Description": "Information on hemochromatosis, a disease characterized by excess iron in the bloodstream.",
  101884.             "Year": 0
  101885.         },
  101886.         {
  101887.             "RIT": "ws960574",
  101888.             "Type": "WS",
  101889.             "URL": "http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~mow/chap31.html",
  101890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101891.             "Title": "Hepatitis A Virus",
  101892.             "Category": "LIF",
  101893.             "Description": "Information about hepatitis A, a viral disease of the liver.",
  101894.             "Year": 0
  101895.         },
  101896.         {
  101897.             "RIT": "ws960575",
  101898.             "Type": "WS",
  101899.             "URL": "http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gi/hepD.html",
  101900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101901.             "Title": "Hepatitis D",
  101902.             "Category": "LIF",
  101903.             "Description": "Information about hepatitis D, a viral disease of the liver.",
  101904.             "Year": 0
  101905.         },
  101906.         {
  101907.             "RIT": "ws960597",
  101908.             "Type": "WS",
  101909.             "URL": "http://natzoo.si.edu/zooview/plants/cheetah.htm",
  101910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101911.             "Title": "Cheetah Conservation Station",
  101912.             "Category": "LIF",
  101913.             "Description": "Information about the program at the National Zoo to study and breed cheetahs.",
  101914.             "Year": 0
  101915.         },
  101916.         {
  101917.             "RIT": "ws960599",
  101918.             "Type": "WS",
  101919.             "URL": "http://www-bprc.mps.ohio-state.edu/",
  101920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101921.             "Title": "Byrd Polar Research Home Page",
  101922.             "Category": "GEO",
  101923.             "Description": "Information on the Byrd Polar Research Center, sponsored by Ohio State University.",
  101924.             "Year": 0
  101925.         },
  101926.         {
  101927.             "RIT": "ws960602",
  101928.             "Type": "WS",
  101929.             "URL": "http://spiders.arizona.edu/salticidae/salticidae.html",
  101930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101931.             "Title": "Salticidae",
  101932.             "Category": "LIF",
  101933.             "Description": "Information about Salticidae, the jumping spider family.",
  101934.             "Year": 0
  101935.         },
  101936.         {
  101937.             "RIT": "ws960604",
  101938.             "Type": "WS",
  101939.             "URL": "http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/galileo/About/mythology.html",
  101940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101941.             "Title": "The Mythology of Jupiter",
  101942.             "Category": "PHY",
  101943.             "Description": "Mythological stories about Jupiter and its moons.",
  101944.             "Year": 0
  101945.         },
  101946.         {
  101947.             "RIT": "ws960606",
  101948.             "Type": "WS",
  101949.             "URL": "http://www.columbia.edu/~sss31/Education/",
  101950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101951.             "Title": "Sadi's Education Home Page",
  101952.             "Category": "SOC",
  101953.             "Description": "Information about educational resources at Columbia University.",
  101954.             "Year": 0
  101955.         },
  101956.         {
  101957.             "RIT": "ws960607",
  101958.             "Type": "WS",
  101959.             "URL": "http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/education/",
  101960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101961.             "Title": "School of Education - The University of Nottingham",
  101962.             "Category": "SOC",
  101963.             "Description": "Information about the School of Education at the University of Nottingham in Nottingham, England.",
  101964.             "Year": 0
  101965.         },
  101966.         {
  101967.             "RIT": "ws960611",
  101968.             "Type": "WS",
  101969.             "URL": "http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/education/shell/",
  101970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101971.             "Title": "Shell Centre for Mathematical Education",
  101972.             "Category": "SOC",
  101973.             "Description": "Information about this centre for research education in the School of Education at England's University of Nottingham.",
  101974.             "Year": 0
  101975.         },
  101976.         {
  101977.             "RIT": "ws960612",
  101978.             "Type": "WS",
  101979.             "URL": "http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gi/PSC.html",
  101980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101981.             "Title": "Sclerosing Cholangitis",
  101982.             "Category": "LIF",
  101983.             "Description": "Information about sclerosing cholangitis, a chronic liver disease.",
  101984.             "Year": 0
  101985.         },
  101986.         {
  101987.             "RIT": "ws960614",
  101988.             "Type": "WS",
  101989.             "URL": "http://www.ssa.gov/SSA_Home.html/",
  101990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  101991.             "Title": "SSA Home Page [Social Security Administration]",
  101992.             "Category": "SOC",
  101993.             "Description": "The official website of Social Security Administration.",
  101994.             "Year": 0
  101995.         },
  101996.         {
  101997.             "RIT": "ws960615",
  101998.             "Type": "WS",
  101999.             "URL": "http://www.hamline.edu/lupus/articles/symptoms_of_lupus.html",
  102000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102001.             "Title": "Symptoms of Lupus",
  102002.             "Category": "LIF",
  102003.             "Description": "Information about lupus, a chronic, autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of various parts of the body.",
  102004.             "Year": 0
  102005.         },
  102006.         {
  102007.             "RIT": "ws960641",
  102008.             "Type": "WS",
  102009.             "URL": "http://www.dot.gov/",
  102010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102011.             "Title": "The U.S. Department of Transportation",
  102012.             "Category": "SOC",
  102013.             "Description": "Information about the Department of Transportation, including news and press releases.",
  102014.             "Year": 0
  102015.         },
  102016.         {
  102017.             "RIT": "ws960645",
  102018.             "Type": "WS",
  102019.             "URL": "http://www.fda.gov/",
  102020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102021.             "Title": "Food and Drug Administration Home Page",
  102022.             "Category": "SOC",
  102023.             "Description": "Information about the U.S. government agency that guards the purity of food and the safety of drugs.",
  102024.             "Year": 0
  102025.         },
  102026.         {
  102027.             "RIT": "ws960646",
  102028.             "Type": "WS",
  102029.             "URL": "http://www.doc.gov/",
  102030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102031.             "Title": "U. S. Department Of Commerce Information Services via World Wide Web",
  102032.             "Category": "SOC",
  102033.             "Description": "Information about the agencies and services of the U.S. Department of Commerce.",
  102034.             "Year": 0
  102035.         },
  102036.         {
  102037.             "RIT": "ws960648",
  102038.             "Type": "WS",
  102039.             "URL": "http://www.dol.gov/",
  102040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102041.             "Title": "U.S. Department of Labor",
  102042.             "Category": "SOC",
  102043.             "Description": "Information about the Department of Labor--its secretary, agencies, and services.",
  102044.             "Year": 0
  102045.         },
  102046.         {
  102047.             "RIT": "ws960650",
  102048.             "Type": "WS",
  102049.             "URL": "http://www-gse.berkeley.edu/program/SP/sp.html",
  102050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102051.             "Title": "UC Berkeley School of Psychology",
  102052.             "Category": "SOC",
  102053.             "Description": "Information about the University of California at Berkeley's school psychology Ph.D. program.",
  102054.             "Year": 0
  102055.         },
  102056.         {
  102057.             "RIT": "ws960651",
  102058.             "Type": "WS",
  102059.             "URL": "http://WWW.UN.ORG/",
  102060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102061.             "Title": "United Nations Home Page",
  102062.             "Category": "SOC",
  102063.             "Description": "Information about the United Nations, international law, economic and social development, and human rights.",
  102064.             "Year": 0
  102065.         },
  102066.         {
  102067.             "RIT": "ws960657",
  102068.             "Type": "WS",
  102069.             "URL": "http://www.usps.gov/",
  102070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102071.             "Title": "United States Postal Service Home Page",
  102072.             "Category": "SOC",
  102073.             "Description": "Consumer resources of the Postal Service, such as today's features, your post office, express mail, and global e-post.",
  102074.             "Year": 0
  102075.         },
  102076.         {
  102077.             "RIT": "ws960659",
  102078.             "Type": "WS",
  102079.             "URL": "http://www.uhrad.com/",
  102080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102081.             "Title": "University Hospitals & CWRU - Department of Radiology",
  102082.             "Category": "LIF",
  102083.             "Description": "Information about the Department of Radiology at the University Hospitals of Cleveland, in Cleveland, Ohio.",
  102084.             "Year": 0
  102085.         },
  102086.         {
  102087.             "RIT": "ws960660",
  102088.             "Type": "WS",
  102089.             "URL": "http://www.uchc.edu/",
  102090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102091.             "Title": "University of Connecticut Health Center",
  102092.             "Category": "LIF",
  102093.             "Description": "Information about this health center in the community of Farmington, Connecticut.",
  102094.             "Year": 0
  102095.         },
  102096.         {
  102097.             "RIT": "ws960661",
  102098.             "Type": "WS",
  102099.             "URL": "http://www.med.umich.edu/",
  102100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102101.             "Title": "University of Michigan Medical Center Home Page",
  102102.             "Category": "LIF",
  102103.             "Description": "Links to information about the many units within the University of Michigan Medical Center.",
  102104.             "Year": 0
  102105.         },
  102106.         {
  102107.             "RIT": "ws960685",
  102108.             "Type": "WS",
  102109.             "URL": "http://www.eyenet.org/public/faqs/macular/mac_deg_what_is.html",
  102110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102111.             "Title": "What is Macular Degeneration?",
  102112.             "Category": "LIF",
  102113.             "Description": "From the American Academy of Ophthalmology, information about macular degeneration, a major cause of blindness.",
  102114.             "Year": 0
  102115.         },
  102116.         {
  102117.             "RIT": "ws960686",
  102118.             "Type": "WS",
  102119.             "URL": "http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/dept/gi/PBC.html",
  102120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102121.             "Title": "What is Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)?",
  102122.             "Category": "LIF",
  102123.             "Description": "Information about this disease, characterized by inflammatory destruction of the small bile ducts within the liver.",
  102124.             "Year": 0
  102125.         },
  102126.         {
  102127.             "RIT": "ws960688",
  102128.             "Type": "WS",
  102129.             "URL": "http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod/wola.html",
  102130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102131.             "Title": "Worlds of Late Antiquity (O'Donnell)",
  102132.             "Category": "HIS",
  102133.             "Description": "Information about the culture of the Mediterranean world in late antiquity.",
  102134.             "Year": 0
  102135.         },
  102136.         {
  102137.             "RIT": "ws960692",
  102138.             "Type": "WS",
  102139.             "URL": "http://www.navy.mil/",
  102140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102141.             "Title": "Navy On-line Home Page",
  102142.             "Category": "SOC",
  102143.             "Description": "Information and services of the United States Navy.",
  102144.             "Year": 0
  102145.         },
  102146.         {
  102147.             "RIT": "ws960697",
  102148.             "Type": "WS",
  102149.             "URL": "http://www.americannews.com/",
  102150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102151.             "Title": "The American News Service Home Page",
  102152.             "Category": "SOC",
  102153.             "Description": "An Internet-based news service distributed by Knight-Ridder/Tribune and subscription information provided.",
  102154.             "Year": 0
  102155.         },
  102156.         {
  102157.             "RIT": "ws960698",
  102158.             "Type": "WS",
  102159.             "URL": "http://natzoo.si.edu/",
  102160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102161.             "Title": "National Zoo",
  102162.             "Category": "LIF",
  102163.             "Description": "Information about the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. and the animals who live there.",
  102164.             "Year": 0
  102165.         },
  102166.         {
  102167.             "RIT": "ws960699",
  102168.             "Type": "WS",
  102169.             "URL": "http://www.wcmc.org.uk/data/database/rl_anml_combo.html",
  102170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102171.             "Title": "Threatened Animals of the World",
  102172.             "Category": "LIF",
  102173.             "Description": "A database of information about threatened species, maintained by the World Conservation Union.",
  102174.             "Year": 0
  102175.         },
  102176.         {
  102177.             "RIT": "ws960702",
  102178.             "Type": "WS",
  102179.             "URL": "http://www3.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/htbin-post/Omim/dispmim?235200/",
  102180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102181.             "Title": "Hemochromatosis",
  102182.             "Category": "LIF",
  102183.             "Description": "Information about hemochromatosis, a disease caused by a genetic defect.",
  102184.             "Year": 0
  102185.         },
  102186.         {
  102187.             "RIT": "ws960705",
  102188.             "Type": "WS",
  102189.             "URL": "http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/index.html",
  102190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102191.             "Title": "Primate Handedness and Brain Lateralization",
  102192.             "Category": "LIF",
  102193.             "Description": "Information and research on primates.",
  102194.             "Year": 0
  102195.         },
  102196.         {
  102197.             "RIT": "ws960706",
  102198.             "Type": "WS",
  102199.             "URL": "http://www.gallup.com/",
  102200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102201.             "Title": "The Gallup Organization",
  102202.             "Category": "IND",
  102203.             "Description": "Information about a major polling organization in the United States.",
  102204.             "Year": 0
  102205.         },
  102206.         {
  102207.             "RIT": "ws960730",
  102208.             "Type": "WS",
  102209.             "URL": "http://www.msfc.nasa.gov/",
  102210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102211.             "Title": "NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center",
  102212.             "Category": "IND",
  102213.             "Description": "Information about the Marshall Space Flight Center, in Huntsville, Alabama.",
  102214.             "Year": 0
  102215.         },
  102216.         {
  102217.             "RIT": "ws960732",
  102218.             "Type": "WS",
  102219.             "URL": "http://www.snowcrest.net/dougbnt/tao.html",
  102220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102221.             "Title": "The WWW-VL Religion: Taoism",
  102222.             "Category": "HUM",
  102223.             "Description": "Information about Taoism, a major religion in China.",
  102224.             "Year": 0
  102225.         },
  102226.         {
  102227.             "RIT": "ws960734",
  102228.             "Type": "WS",
  102229.             "URL": "http://www.shroud.com/menu.htm",
  102230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102231.             "Title": "The Shroud of Turin - Technical Notes",
  102232.             "Category": "HUM",
  102233.             "Description": "Information and images of the Shroud of Turin, with links to other resources.",
  102234.             "Year": 0
  102235.         },
  102236.         {
  102237.             "RIT": "ws960739",
  102238.             "Type": "WS",
  102239.             "URL": "http://www.wolfsden.org/wolves/",
  102240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102241.             "Title": "The Wolf s Den Website",
  102242.             "Category": "LIF",
  102243.             "Description": "Links to several articles and Web sites on wolves.",
  102244.             "Year": 0
  102245.         },
  102246.         {
  102247.             "RIT": "ws960755",
  102248.             "Type": "WS",
  102249.             "URL": "http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/agarman/leopard.htm",
  102250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102251.             "Title": "Leopard",
  102252.             "Category": "LIF",
  102253.             "Description": "Descriptions of various kinds of leopards, from Big Cats Online.",
  102254.             "Year": 0
  102255.         },
  102256.         {
  102257.             "RIT": "ws960758",
  102258.             "Type": "WS",
  102259.             "URL": "http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/agarman/bobcat.htm",
  102260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102261.             "Title": "Bobcat",
  102262.             "Category": "LIF",
  102263.             "Description": "A scientific description of the bobcat of North America from Big Cats Online.",
  102264.             "Year": 0
  102265.         },
  102266.         {
  102267.             "RIT": "ws960760",
  102268.             "Type": "WS",
  102269.             "URL": "http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/agarman/canlynx.htm",
  102270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102271.             "Title": "Lynx",
  102272.             "Category": "LIF",
  102273.             "Description": "Information about the North American lynx from Big Cats Online.",
  102274.             "Year": 0
  102275.         },
  102276.         {
  102277.             "RIT": "ws960763",
  102278.             "Type": "WS",
  102279.             "URL": "http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/agarman/ocelot.htm",
  102280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102281.             "Title": "Ocelot",
  102282.             "Category": "LIF",
  102283.             "Description": "A scientific look at the ocelot, a member of the cat family, from Big Cats Online.",
  102284.             "Year": 0
  102285.         },
  102286.         {
  102287.             "RIT": "ws960764",
  102288.             "Type": "WS",
  102289.             "URL": "http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/agarman/caracal.htm",
  102290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102291.             "Title": "Caracal",
  102292.             "Category": "LIF",
  102293.             "Description": "A description of the caracal, from Big Cats Online.",
  102294.             "Year": 0
  102295.         },
  102296.         {
  102297.             "RIT": "ws960781",
  102298.             "Type": "WS",
  102299.             "URL": "http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~nhi775/redfox.htm",
  102300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102301.             "Title": "The Mammal Society: Foxes",
  102302.             "Category": "LIF",
  102303.             "Description": "Information about the red fox in the United Kingdom.",
  102304.             "Year": 0
  102305.         },
  102306.         {
  102307.             "RIT": "ws960790",
  102308.             "Type": "WS",
  102309.             "URL": "http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~nhi775/dolphin.htm",
  102310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102311.             "Title": "The Mammal Society: Dolphins",
  102312.             "Category": "LIF",
  102313.             "Description": "Information about the bottle-nosed dolphin from The Mammal Society in the United Kingdom.",
  102314.             "Year": 0
  102315.         },
  102316.         {
  102317.             "RIT": "ws960664",
  102318.             "Type": "WS",
  102319.             "URL": "http://www.usda.gov/",
  102320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102321.             "Title": "USDA's Home Page",
  102322.             "Category": "SOC",
  102323.             "Description": "News and information about the U.S. Department of Agriculture.",
  102324.             "Year": 0
  102325.         },
  102326.         {
  102327.             "RIT": "ws960665",
  102328.             "Type": "WS",
  102329.             "URL": "http://www.energy.gov/",
  102330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102331.             "Title": "Department of Energy Home Page",
  102332.             "Category": "SOC",
  102333.             "Description": "News and information about the U.S. Department of Energy, which works to meet the nation's energy needs.",
  102334.             "Year": 0
  102335.         },
  102336.         {
  102337.             "RIT": "ws960666",
  102338.             "Type": "WS",
  102339.             "URL": "http://www.usitc.gov/",
  102340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102341.             "Title": "USITC: Home Page [United States International Trade Commission]",
  102342.             "Category": "IND",
  102343.             "Description": "Information about the United States International Trade Commission (USITC).",
  102344.             "Year": 0
  102345.         },
  102346.         {
  102347.             "RIT": "ws960667",
  102348.             "Type": "WS",
  102349.             "URL": "http://nnlm.gov/pnr/uwmhg/",
  102350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102351.             "Title": "UW Medical Herb Garden Home Page",
  102352.             "Category": "SOC",
  102353.             "Description": "An unofficial tour and partial catalog of the University of Washington Medical Herb Garden.",
  102354.             "Year": 0
  102355.         },
  102356.         {
  102357.             "RIT": "ws960668",
  102358.             "Type": "WS",
  102359.             "URL": "http://www.uwhospital.org/",
  102360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102361.             "Title": "UWHC Social Work Department",
  102362.             "Category": "SOC",
  102363.             "Description": "On-line resources of the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics.",
  102364.             "Year": 0
  102365.         },
  102366.         {
  102367.             "RIT": "ws960669",
  102368.             "Type": "WS",
  102369.             "URL": "http://www.uwrf.edu/animal-science/welcome.html",
  102370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102371.             "Title": "UWRF Animal Science",
  102372.             "Category": "SOC",
  102373.             "Description": "Information about animal studies programs at the University of Wisconsin at River Falls.",
  102374.             "Year": 0
  102375.         },
  102376.         {
  102377.             "RIT": "ws960672",
  102378.             "Type": "WS",
  102379.             "URL": "http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/curry/about/",
  102380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102381.             "Title": "Welcome [Curry School of Education]",
  102382.             "Category": "SOC",
  102383.             "Description": "Information about the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia.",
  102384.             "Year": 0
  102385.         },
  102386.         {
  102387.             "RIT": "ws960673",
  102388.             "Type": "WS",
  102389.             "URL": "http://ericir.syr.edu/",
  102390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102391.             "Title": "Welcome to AskERIC",
  102392.             "Category": "SOC",
  102393.             "Description": "A federally funded information service about education.",
  102394.             "Year": 0
  102395.         },
  102396.         {
  102397.             "RIT": "ws960677",
  102398.             "Type": "WS",
  102399.             "URL": "http://www.badgerherald.com/",
  102400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102401.             "Title": "Welcome to the Badger Herald On-line",
  102402.             "Category": "HUM",
  102403.             "Description": "Local news and entertainment information for Madison, Wisconsin.",
  102404.             "Year": 0
  102405.         },
  102406.         {
  102407.             "RIT": "ws960679",
  102408.             "Type": "WS",
  102409.             "URL": "http://www.jhbmc.jhu.edu/",
  102410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102411.             "Title": "Welcome to the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center",
  102412.             "Category": "LIF",
  102413.             "Description": "Information about this Baltimore, Maryland, medical center, and a physician directory.",
  102414.             "Year": 0
  102415.         },
  102416.         {
  102417.             "RIT": "ws960684",
  102418.             "Type": "WS",
  102419.             "URL": "http://bostonreview.mit.edu/",
  102420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102421.             "Title": "Boston Review",
  102422.             "Category": "IND",
  102423.             "Description": "The Boston Review Magazine.",
  102424.             "Year": 0
  102425.         },
  102426.         {
  102427.             "RIT": "ws960707",
  102428.             "Type": "WS",
  102429.             "URL": "http://www.npr.org/index.html",
  102430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102431.             "Title": "Welcome to NPR",
  102432.             "Category": "IND",
  102433.             "Description": "Information about National Public Radio (NPR).",
  102434.             "Year": 0
  102435.         },
  102436.         {
  102437.             "RIT": "ws960708",
  102438.             "Type": "WS",
  102439.             "URL": "http://www.rockhall.com/",
  102440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102441.             "Title": "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum",
  102442.             "Category": "HUM",
  102443.             "Description": "Information about rock stars, concerts, and other related subjects.",
  102444.             "Year": 0
  102445.         },
  102446.         {
  102447.             "RIT": "ws960709",
  102448.             "Type": "WS",
  102449.             "URL": "http://www.spl.lib.wa.us/",
  102450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102451.             "Title": "Seattle Public Library - Contents Page",
  102452.             "Category": "SOC",
  102453.             "Description": "Information about the public library in Seattle, Washington.",
  102454.             "Year": 0
  102455.         },
  102456.         {
  102457.             "RIT": "ws960710",
  102458.             "Type": "WS",
  102459.             "URL": "http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/christian-history.html",
  102460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102461.             "Title": "Guide to Early Church Documents",
  102462.             "Category": "HUM",
  102463.             "Description": "Links to resources on Christian church history.",
  102464.             "Year": 0
  102465.         },
  102466.         {
  102467.             "RIT": "ws960714",
  102468.             "Type": "WS",
  102469.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/vatican/toc.html",
  102470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102471.             "Title": "Table of Contents (The Vatican Library and Renaissance Culture)",
  102472.             "Category": "GEO",
  102473.             "Description": "Information about Rome, Italy, with links to other on-line resources.",
  102474.             "Year": 0
  102475.         },
  102476.         {
  102477.             "RIT": "ws960719",
  102478.             "Type": "WS",
  102479.             "URL": "http://www.isle-of-man.com/interests/shark/project.htm",
  102480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102481.             "Title": "The Basking Shark Project",
  102482.             "Category": "LIF",
  102483.             "Description": "Information about the Basking Shark Project.",
  102484.             "Year": 0
  102485.         },
  102486.         {
  102487.             "RIT": "ws960721",
  102488.             "Type": "WS",
  102489.             "URL": "http://www.snowcrest.net/dougbnt/sikh.html",
  102490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102491.             "Title": "Religion, Sikhism (Part of The WWW Virtual Library)",
  102492.             "Category": "HUM",
  102493.             "Description": "Information and resources about Sikhism, a religion of India.",
  102494.             "Year": 0
  102495.         },
  102496.         {
  102497.             "RIT": "ws960722",
  102498.             "Type": "WS",
  102499.             "URL": "http://www.alpworld.com/",
  102500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102501.             "Title": "Alpine World Magazine and Snow Report",
  102502.             "Category": "REC",
  102503.             "Description": "Alpine sports, travel, and environment.",
  102504.             "Year": 0
  102505.         },
  102506.         {
  102507.             "RIT": "ws960725",
  102508.             "Type": "WS",
  102509.             "URL": "http://www.arc.nasa.gov/",
  102510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102511.             "Title": "NASA Ames Research Center",
  102512.             "Category": "IND",
  102513.             "Description": "Information about NASA's Ames Research Center.",
  102514.             "Year": 0
  102515.         },
  102516.         {
  102517.             "RIT": "ws960726",
  102518.             "Type": "WS",
  102519.             "URL": "http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/",
  102520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102521.             "Title": "JSC Home Page",
  102522.             "Category": "IND",
  102523.             "Description": "Information about NASA's primary center for spacecraft development and mission planning--the Johnson Space Center.",
  102524.             "Year": 0
  102525.         },
  102526.         {
  102527.             "RIT": "ws960729",
  102528.             "Type": "WS",
  102529.             "URL": "http://www.ksc.nasa.gov/index.html",
  102530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102531.             "Title": "NASA/Kennedy Space Center Home Page",
  102532.             "Category": "IND",
  102533.             "Description": "Information about the Kennedy Space Center, including employee publications.",
  102534.             "Year": 0
  102535.         },
  102536.         {
  102537.             "RIT": "ws960794",
  102538.             "Type": "WS",
  102539.             "URL": "http://www.cdcnac.org/",
  102540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102541.             "Title": "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National AIDS Clearinghouse",
  102542.             "Category": "LIF",
  102543.             "Description": "Information about AIDS, including hotlines, treatments, and new developments.",
  102544.             "Year": 0
  102545.         },
  102546.         {
  102547.             "RIT": "ws960797",
  102548.             "Type": "WS",
  102549.             "URL": "http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/brain.html",
  102550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102551.             "Title": "What Does Handedness Have To Do with Brain Lateralization",
  102552.             "Category": "LIF",
  102553.             "Description": "Information about how left- or right-handedness is determined in the brain.",
  102554.             "Year": 0
  102555.         },
  102556.         {
  102557.             "RIT": "ws960798",
  102558.             "Type": "WS",
  102559.             "URL": "http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/polo-kinsay.html",
  102560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102561.             "Title": "Marco Polo: the Glories of Kinsay",
  102562.             "Category": "HIS",
  102563.             "Description": "A portion of Marco Polo s account of his travels to China in the late 1200's.",
  102564.             "Year": 0
  102565.         },
  102566.         {
  102567.             "RIT": "ws960799",
  102568.             "Type": "WS",
  102569.             "URL": "http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/mpolo44-46.html",
  102570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102571.             "Title": "Marco Polo: On the Tartars",
  102572.             "Category": "HIS",
  102573.             "Description": "Chapter 44 of Marco Polo's account of his trip to China.",
  102574.             "Year": 0
  102575.         },
  102576.         {
  102577.             "RIT": "ws960805",
  102578.             "Type": "WS",
  102579.             "URL": "http://www.teleport.com/~amt/planetpeace/",
  102580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102581.             "Title": "Planet Peace",
  102582.             "Category": "SOC",
  102583.             "Description": "Information about topics such as Environmental Justice, Defense of Homelands, and Grassroots Activism.",
  102584.             "Year": 0
  102585.         },
  102586.         {
  102587.             "RIT": "ws960808",
  102588.             "Type": "WS",
  102589.             "URL": "http://www.sabranet.com/",
  102590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102591.             "Title": "Sabranet, Home Page of Israel",
  102592.             "Category": "GEO",
  102593.             "Description": "A comprehensive guide to Israel, including topics such as politics, education, food, and finances.",
  102594.             "Year": 0
  102595.         },
  102596.         {
  102597.             "RIT": "ws960809",
  102598.             "Type": "WS",
  102599.             "URL": "http://www.ac.il/",
  102600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102601.             "Title": "The World Wide Web Server for Israel",
  102602.             "Category": "GEO",
  102603.             "Description": "Many resources about Israel, in both Hebrew and English.",
  102604.             "Year": 0
  102605.         },
  102606.         {
  102607.             "RIT": "ws960812",
  102608.             "Type": "WS",
  102609.             "URL": "http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVLPages/AsianPages/AsianE-Lists.html",
  102610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102611.             "Title": "Asian Studies--Electronic Mailing Lists",
  102612.             "Category": "GEO",
  102613.             "Description": "Region-specific information about Asia.",
  102614.             "Year": 0
  102615.         },
  102616.         {
  102617.             "RIT": "ws960813",
  102618.             "Type": "WS",
  102619.             "URL": "http://www.efn.org/~eugastso/",
  102620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102621.             "Title": "Home of the Eugene (Oregon) Astronomical Society",
  102622.             "Category": "PHY",
  102623.             "Description": "Information about a group of dedicated amateur astronomers.",
  102624.             "Year": 0
  102625.         },
  102626.         {
  102627.             "RIT": "ws960815",
  102628.             "Type": "WS",
  102629.             "URL": "http://www.informs.org/Edu/edprogs/edprogs.html",
  102630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102631.             "Title": "1995 Educational Programs Booklet",
  102632.             "Category": "SOC",
  102633.             "Description": "Descriptions of degree programs supporting operations research and management sciences.",
  102634.             "Year": 0
  102635.         },
  102636.         {
  102637.             "RIT": "ws960845",
  102638.             "Type": "WS",
  102639.             "URL": "http://star.arm.ac.uk/info_res.html",
  102640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102641.             "Title": "Armagh Observatory Information & Resources",
  102642.             "Category": "PHY",
  102643.             "Description": "Information about Armagh Observatory in Ireland, including its history.",
  102644.             "Year": 0
  102645.         },
  102646.         {
  102647.             "RIT": "ws960846",
  102648.             "Type": "WS",
  102649.             "URL": "http://www.arboretum.harvard.edu/liv.htm",
  102650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102651.             "Title": "Arnold Arboretum's Living Collections",
  102652.             "Category": "LIF",
  102653.             "Description": "Information about the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University.",
  102654.             "Year": 0
  102655.         },
  102656.         {
  102657.             "RIT": "ws960847",
  102658.             "Type": "WS",
  102659.             "URL": "http://www.cs.washington.edu/ai/",
  102660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102661.             "Title": "Artificial Intelligence at the University of Washington",
  102662.             "Category": "IND",
  102663.             "Description": "Information about the university's artificial intelligence (AI) projects.",
  102664.             "Year": 0
  102665.         },
  102666.         {
  102667.             "RIT": "ws960848",
  102668.             "Type": "WS",
  102669.             "URL": "http://www.oat.ts.astro.it/",
  102670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102671.             "Title": "Astronomical Observatory of Trieste - OATs",
  102672.             "Category": "PHY",
  102673.             "Description": "Information about the Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Italy, which dates back to 1753.",
  102674.             "Year": 0
  102675.         },
  102676.         {
  102677.             "RIT": "ws960849",
  102678.             "Type": "WS",
  102679.             "URL": "http://as.dsri.dk/as-uk.html",
  102680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102681.             "Title": "Astronomical Society in Denmark",
  102682.             "Category": "PHY",
  102683.             "Description": "Information about a society in Denmark for people interested in astronomy.",
  102684.             "Year": 0
  102685.         },
  102686.         {
  102687.             "RIT": "ws960850",
  102688.             "Type": "WS",
  102689.             "URL": "http://www.astro.uni-jena.de/",
  102690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102691.             "Title": "Astronomy and Astrophysics in Jena",
  102692.             "Category": "PHY",
  102693.             "Description": "Information about a research facility in Jena, Germany, that is associated with the Max Planck Society.",
  102694.             "Year": 0
  102695.         },
  102696.         {
  102697.             "RIT": "ws960851",
  102698.             "Type": "WS",
  102699.             "URL": "http://www.ausport.gov.au/",
  102700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102701.             "Title": "Australian Sports WWW - Australian Sports Commission",
  102702.             "Category": "REC",
  102703.             "Description": "Information on organizations involved in sports in Australia.",
  102704.             "Year": 0
  102705.         },
  102706.         {
  102707.             "RIT": "ws960854",
  102708.             "Type": "WS",
  102709.             "URL": "http://aba.grad.usf.edu/",
  102710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102711.             "Title": "Behavior Analysis",
  102712.             "Category": "SOC",
  102713.             "Description": "Information about the Behavior Analysis program at the University of South Florida.",
  102714.             "Year": 0
  102715.         },
  102716.         {
  102717.             "RIT": "ws960855",
  102718.             "Type": "WS",
  102719.             "URL": "http://www.lbl.gov/LBL-PID/LBNL-intro.html",
  102720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102721.             "Title": "Berkeley Lab, the First of the National Laboratories",
  102722.             "Category": "PHY",
  102723.             "Description": "Information about the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, operated by the University of California.",
  102724.             "Year": 0
  102725.         },
  102726.         {
  102727.             "RIT": "ws960856",
  102728.             "Type": "WS",
  102729.             "URL": "http://www.cryst.bbk.ac.uk/",
  102730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102731.             "Title": "Birkbeck Crystallography Home Page",
  102732.             "Category": "PHY",
  102733.             "Description": "Information about research in the field of X-ray crystallography.",
  102734.             "Year": 0
  102735.         },
  102736.         {
  102737.             "RIT": "ws960880",
  102738.             "Type": "WS",
  102739.             "URL": "http://www.arpa.mil/",
  102740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102741.             "Title": "Defense Advanced Research Project Agency",
  102742.             "Category": "SOC",
  102743.             "Description": "Information about the central research and development organization for the U.S. Department of Defense.",
  102744.             "Year": 0
  102745.         },
  102746.         {
  102747.             "RIT": "ws960881",
  102748.             "Type": "WS",
  102749.             "URL": "http://www.ets.uidaho.edu/fishwild/",
  102750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102751.             "Title": "Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources",
  102752.             "Category": "LIF",
  102753.             "Description": "Information about the fisheries resources program at the University of Idaho.",
  102754.             "Year": 0
  102755.         },
  102756.         {
  102757.             "RIT": "ws960883",
  102758.             "Type": "WS",
  102759.             "URL": "Department of Horticulture at Cornell University",
  102760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102761.             "Title": "Department of Floriculture & Ornamental Horticulture",
  102762.             "Category": "LIF",
  102763.             "Description": "Information about floriculture (cultivation of flowering plants) and ornamental horticulture at Cornell University.",
  102764.             "Year": 0
  102765.         },
  102766.         {
  102767.             "RIT": "ws960885",
  102768.             "Type": "WS",
  102769.             "URL": "http://www.env.duke.edu/eos/",
  102770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102771.             "Title": "Nicholas School - Division of Earth and Ocean Sciences",
  102772.             "Category": "PHY",
  102773.             "Description": "Information about the Department of Geology at Duke University.",
  102774.             "Year": 0
  102775.         },
  102776.         {
  102777.             "RIT": "ws960886",
  102778.             "Type": "WS",
  102779.             "URL": "http://www.psychologie.uni-bonn.de/index-e.htm",
  102780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102781.             "Title": "Department of Psychology at Bonn University",
  102782.             "Category": "SOC",
  102783.             "Description": "Information about the Department of Psychology at Bonn University, in Germany.",
  102784.             "Year": 0
  102785.         },
  102786.         {
  102787.             "RIT": "ws960888",
  102788.             "Type": "WS",
  102789.             "URL": "http://www.rr.ualberta.ca/",
  102790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102791.             "Title": "Department of Renewable Resources",
  102792.             "Category": "LIF",
  102793.             "Description": "Information about the Department of Renewable Resources at the University of Alberta, in Canada.",
  102794.             "Year": 0
  102795.         },
  102796.         {
  102797.             "RIT": "ws960891",
  102798.             "Type": "WS",
  102799.             "URL": "http://tlacaelel.igeofcu.unam.mx/Sismo.html",
  102800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102801.             "Title": "Depto. de Sismologia Home Page",
  102802.             "Category": "PHY",
  102803.             "Description": "Information about programs for the study of earthquakes at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.",
  102804.             "Year": 0
  102805.         },
  102806.         {
  102807.             "RIT": "ws960896",
  102808.             "Type": "WS",
  102809.             "URL": "http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/gsc/texthp.html",
  102810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102811.             "Title": "Earth Sciences--Geological Survey of Canada",
  102812.             "Category": "GEO",
  102813.             "Description": "Information about the Geological Survey of Canada, a part of the Earth Sciences Sector of Natural Resources Canada. Includes special features on Canada's geography.",
  102814.             "Year": 0
  102815.         },
  102816.         {
  102817.             "RIT": "ws960898",
  102818.             "Type": "WS",
  102819.             "URL": "http://www.englib.cornell.edu/",
  102820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102821.             "Title": "Engineering Library - Cornell University",
  102822.             "Category": "IND",
  102823.             "Description": "Information about the Engineering Library at Cornell University.",
  102824.             "Year": 0
  102825.         },
  102826.         {
  102827.             "RIT": "ws960926",
  102828.             "Type": "WS",
  102829.             "URL": "http://www.gig-uk.org/",
  102830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102831.             "Title": "Geoscience Information Group",
  102832.             "Category": "GEO",
  102833.             "Description": "Information about the United Kingdom affiliate of the International Association of Mathematical Geologists.",
  102834.             "Year": 0
  102835.         },
  102836.         {
  102837.             "RIT": "ws960928",
  102838.             "Type": "WS",
  102839.             "URL": "http://www.golfweb.com/",
  102840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102841.             "Title": "Golf Web - Everything Golf on the World Wide Web!",
  102842.             "Category": "REC",
  102843.             "Description": "Information about golf, including professional tournament scores and an on-line pro shop.",
  102844.             "Year": 0
  102845.         },
  102846.         {
  102847.             "RIT": "ws960931",
  102848.             "Type": "WS",
  102849.             "URL": "http://www.mwrn.com/guide.htm",
  102850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102851.             "Title": "Guide to Microscopy and Microanalysis on the Internet",
  102852.             "Category": "PHY",
  102853.             "Description": "An annotated list of websites about surface science and various types of microscopy.",
  102854.             "Year": 0
  102855.         },
  102856.         {
  102857.             "RIT": "ws960932",
  102858.             "Type": "WS",
  102859.             "URL": "http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~mwm/sci.html",
  102860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102861.             "Title": "Hands on Science Centers Worldwide",
  102862.             "Category": "SOC",
  102863.             "Description": "A listing of public museums, with a strong emphasis on interactive science education.",
  102864.             "Year": 0
  102865.         },
  102866.         {
  102867.             "RIT": "ws960933",
  102868.             "Type": "WS",
  102869.             "URL": "http://www.harpercollins.com/hc/ie5mac.asp",
  102870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102871.             "Title": "Harper Collins Publishers",
  102872.             "Category": "HUM",
  102873.             "Description": "Information about publications and new releases from Harper Collins Publishers.",
  102874.             "Year": 0
  102875.         },
  102876.         {
  102877.             "RIT": "ws960935",
  102878.             "Type": "WS",
  102879.             "URL": "http://equinet.com/",
  102880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102881.             "Title": "Horses! on the Internet - EQUINET(TM)",
  102882.             "Category": "LIF",
  102883.             "Description": "Information about horses, with links to other resources.",
  102884.             "Year": 0
  102885.         },
  102886.         {
  102887.             "RIT": "ws960939",
  102888.             "Type": "WS",
  102889.             "URL": "http://www.ornl.gov/TechResources/Human_Genome/home.html",
  102890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102891.             "Title": "Human Genome Project Information",
  102892.             "Category": "LIF",
  102893.             "Description": "Information about the Human Genome Project, a project to map all human genes.",
  102894.             "Year": 0
  102895.         },
  102896.         {
  102897.             "RIT": "ws960941",
  102898.             "Type": "WS",
  102899.             "URL": "http://www.blackbaseball.com/",
  102900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102901.             "Title": "Index: Black Baseball Leagues",
  102902.             "Category": "SOC",
  102903.             "Description": "History of the Negro baseball leagues and racial discrimination against African American ballplayers.",
  102904.             "Year": 0
  102905.         },
  102906.         {
  102907.             "RIT": "ws960942",
  102908.             "Type": "WS",
  102909.             "URL": "http://enif.astro.indiana.edu/",
  102910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102911.             "Title": "Indiana University Astronomy Department",
  102912.             "Category": "PHY",
  102913.             "Description": "Information about the Astronomy Department at Indiana University.",
  102914.             "Year": 0
  102915.         },
  102916.         {
  102917.             "RIT": "ws960943",
  102918.             "Type": "WS",
  102919.             "URL": "http://www.icr.com/default.html",
  102920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102921.             "Title": "Indy Car Racing Magazine - Welcome",
  102922.             "Category": "REC",
  102923.             "Description": "Information about the PPG IndyCar World Series and the Indy Racing League.",
  102924.             "Year": 0
  102925.         },
  102926.         {
  102927.             "RIT": "ws960947",
  102928.             "Type": "WS",
  102929.             "URL": "http://www.geo.purdue.edu/research.html",
  102930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102931.             "Title": "Purdue Geophysics Home Page",
  102932.             "Category": "PHY",
  102933.             "Description": "Information about the geophysics program at Purdue University.",
  102934.             "Year": 0
  102935.         },
  102936.         {
  102937.             "RIT": "ws960949",
  102938.             "Type": "WS",
  102939.             "URL": "http://www.ufei.calpoly.edu/",
  102940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102941.             "Title": "Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute",
  102942.             "Category": "LIF",
  102943.             "Description": "Information about forests in urban areas, from the California Polytechnic State University.",
  102944.             "Year": 0
  102945.         },
  102946.         {
  102947.             "RIT": "ws960950",
  102948.             "Type": "WS",
  102949.             "URL": "http://www.acs.org/portal/Chemistry",
  102950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102951.             "Title": "Welcome to the ACSWeb from the American Chemical Society",
  102952.             "Category": "PHY",
  102953.             "Description": "Information about the American Chemical Society.",
  102954.             "Year": 0
  102955.         },
  102956.         {
  102957.             "RIT": "ws960951",
  102958.             "Type": "WS",
  102959.             "URL": "http://www.nscds.pvt.k12.il.us/nscds/us/apushist/roosevelt/title.html",
  102960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102961.             "Title": "Franklin Delano Roosevelt by Katie Jeffreys",
  102962.             "Category": "HIS",
  102963.             "Description": "Information about Franklin D. Roosevelt, including a life timeline and some 1990's assessments of the New Deal.",
  102964.             "Year": 0
  102965.         },
  102966.         {
  102967.             "RIT": "ws960952",
  102968.             "Type": "WS",
  102969.             "URL": "http://www.brain-surgery.com/Primer.html",
  102970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102971.             "Title": "ABC s of Brain Tumors",
  102972.             "Category": "LIF",
  102973.             "Description": "Information about brain tumors.",
  102974.             "Year": 0
  102975.         },
  102976.         {
  102977.             "RIT": "ws960954",
  102978.             "Type": "WS",
  102979.             "URL": "http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/albell/homepage.html",
  102980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102981.             "Title": "Alexander Graham Bell s Path to the Telephone",
  102982.             "Category": "IND",
  102983.             "Description": "Information about Alexander Graham Bell, with links to information about other inventors.",
  102984.             "Year": 0
  102985.         },
  102986.         {
  102987.             "RIT": "ws960960",
  102988.             "Type": "WS",
  102989.             "URL": "http://ic-www.arc.nasa.gov/ic/projects/bayes-group/Atlas/Mars/",
  102990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  102991.             "Title": "Atlas of Mars",
  102992.             "Category": "PHY",
  102993.             "Description": "Views of the surface of Mars from multiple zoom-levels.",
  102994.             "Year": 0
  102995.         },
  102996.         {
  102997.             "RIT": "ws960961",
  102998.             "Type": "WS",
  102999.             "URL": "http://www.batcon.org/",
  103000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103001.             "Title": "Bat Conservation International",
  103002.             "Category": "LIF",
  103003.             "Description": "Information about bats (the flying mammal), with links to educational programs and published articles about bats.",
  103004.             "Year": 0
  103005.         },
  103006.         {
  103007.             "RIT": "ws960964",
  103008.             "Type": "WS",
  103009.             "URL": "http://sln.fi.edu/franklin/rotten.html",
  103010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103011.             "Title": "Benjamin Franklin: Glimpses of the Man",
  103012.             "Category": "HIS",
  103013.             "Description": "Biographical information about Benjamin Franklin, a founder of the United States.",
  103014.             "Year": 0
  103015.         },
  103016.         {
  103017.             "RIT": "ws961004",
  103018.             "Type": "WS",
  103019.             "URL": "http://town.hall.org/Archives/radio/IMS/HellsBells/",
  103020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103021.             "Title": "Hell s Bells: A Radio History of the Telephone",
  103022.             "Category": "IND",
  103023.             "Description": "Eight episodes of a radio history of the telephone in two formats--audio and script.",
  103024.             "Year": 0
  103025.         },
  103026.         {
  103027.             "RIT": "ws961006",
  103028.             "Type": "WS",
  103029.             "URL": "http://www.earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/milestones/articles/",
  103030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103031.             "Title": "Historical Text Archive: Articles of Confederation",
  103032.             "Category": "HIS",
  103033.             "Description": "The texts of the Articles of Confederation and the Declaration of Independence, documents in U.S. history.",
  103034.             "Year": 0
  103035.         },
  103036.         {
  103037.             "RIT": "ws961008",
  103038.             "Type": "WS",
  103039.             "URL": "http://motlc.wiesenthal.com/resources/glossary/gloslist.html",
  103040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103041.             "Title": "Holocaust Glossary: Terms, Places, and Personalities",
  103042.             "Category": "HIS",
  103043.             "Description": "Information about the Holocaust.",
  103044.             "Year": 0
  103045.         },
  103046.         {
  103047.             "RIT": "ws961009",
  103048.             "Type": "WS",
  103049.             "URL": "http://www.rabbit.org/index.html",
  103050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103051.             "Title": "House Rabbit Society",
  103052.             "Category": "LIF",
  103053.             "Description": "Information about rabbits as pets: their behavior, adoption, and care.",
  103054.             "Year": 0
  103055.         },
  103056.         {
  103057.             "RIT": "ws961010",
  103058.             "Type": "WS",
  103059.             "URL": "http://www.maine.com/apples/growing.htm",
  103060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103061.             "Title": "How Apples Are Grown",
  103062.             "Category": "LIF",
  103063.             "Description": "A description of the apple-growing process, divided into seasons.",
  103064.             "Year": 0
  103065.         },
  103066.         {
  103067.             "RIT": "ws961013",
  103068.             "Type": "WS",
  103069.             "URL": "http://sunsite.sut.ac.jp/asia/india/jitnet/india/",
  103070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103071.             "Title": "India Information",
  103072.             "Category": "GEO",
  103073.             "Description": "Information about India: culture, land, government agencies, universities, media, and business.",
  103074.             "Year": 0
  103075.         },
  103076.         {
  103077.             "RIT": "ws961014",
  103078.             "Type": "WS",
  103079.             "URL": "http://asnic.utexas.edu/asnic/countries/india/Indialapeo.html",
  103080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103081.             "Title": "India Land and People",
  103082.             "Category": "GEO",
  103083.             "Description": "Information about India, provided by the Indian Embassy in Washington, D.C.",
  103084.             "Year": 0
  103085.         },
  103086.         {
  103087.             "RIT": "ws961017",
  103088.             "Type": "WS",
  103089.             "URL": "http://www.infosites.net/",
  103090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103091.             "Title": "Infosite Ireland",
  103092.             "Category": "GEO",
  103093.             "Description": "Information about Northern Ireland, with links to information about government, news, sports, and tourism.",
  103094.             "Year": 0
  103095.         },
  103096.         {
  103097.             "RIT": "ws961019",
  103098.             "Type": "WS",
  103099.             "URL": "http://www.freenet.mb.ca/community/tourism/europe/portugal.html",
  103100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103101.             "Title": "Internet Sites with Information About Portugal",
  103102.             "Category": "GEO",
  103103.             "Description": "Links to Internet resources for Portugal, covering topics of regions, cities, language, and education.",
  103104.             "Year": 0
  103105.         },
  103106.         {
  103107.             "RIT": "ws960818",
  103108.             "Type": "WS",
  103109.             "URL": "",
  103110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103111.             "Title": "AAEM Home Page [Advanced Analytical Electron Microscope]",
  103112.             "Category": "PHY",
  103113.             "Description": "Information about the advanced analytical electron microscope (AAEM).",
  103114.             "Year": 0
  103115.         },
  103116.         {
  103117.             "RIT": "ws960821",
  103118.             "Type": "WS",
  103119.             "URL": "http://www.csiro.au/csiro/about.html",
  103120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103121.             "Title": "About CSIRO [Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation]",
  103122.             "Category": "PHY",
  103123.             "Description": "Information about the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.",
  103124.             "Year": 0
  103125.         },
  103126.         {
  103127.             "RIT": "ws960822",
  103128.             "Type": "WS",
  103129.             "URL": "http://igpp.ucsd.edu/HTML/about_igpp.html",
  103130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103131.             "Title": "About IGPP [Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics]",
  103132.             "Category": "PHY",
  103133.             "Description": "Information about the University of California's Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics in La Jolla, California.",
  103134.             "Year": 0
  103135.         },
  103136.         {
  103137.             "RIT": "ws960824",
  103138.             "Type": "WS",
  103139.             "URL": "http://www.rand.org/",
  103140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103141.             "Title": "RAND: a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decisionmaking through research analysis",
  103142.             "Category": "SOC",
  103143.             "Description": "Information about RAND, a nonprofit institution that helps improve public policy through research and analysis.",
  103144.             "Year": 0
  103145.         },
  103146.         {
  103147.             "RIT": "ws960834",
  103148.             "Type": "WS",
  103149.             "URL": "http://www.af.mil/",
  103150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103151.             "Title": "Air Force Link - Official Web Site of the United States Air Force",
  103152.             "Category": "SOC",
  103153.             "Description": "Information about the United States Air Force.",
  103154.             "Year": 0
  103155.         },
  103156.         {
  103157.             "RIT": "ws960838",
  103158.             "Type": "WS",
  103159.             "URL": "http://www.aas.org/AAS-homepage.html",
  103160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103161.             "Title": "American Astronomical Society",
  103162.             "Category": "PHY",
  103163.             "Description": "Information about the major North American professional society for astronomers.",
  103164.             "Year": 0
  103165.         },
  103166.         {
  103167.             "RIT": "ws960840",
  103168.             "Type": "WS",
  103169.             "URL": "http://www.racecar.com/",
  103170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103171.             "Title": "American Racing Scene",
  103172.             "Category": "REC",
  103173.             "Description": "News and information about automobile racing.",
  103174.             "Year": 0
  103175.         },
  103176.         {
  103177.             "RIT": "ws960842",
  103178.             "Type": "WS",
  103179.             "URL": "http://www.amesastronomers.org/",
  103180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103181.             "Title": "Ames Area Amateur Astronomers",
  103182.             "Category": "PHY",
  103183.             "Description": "Information about astronomical resources.",
  103184.             "Year": 0
  103185.         },
  103186.         {
  103187.             "RIT": "ws960843",
  103188.             "Type": "WS",
  103189.             "URL": "http://coombs.anu.edu.au/CoombsHome.html",
  103190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103191.             "Title": "ANU - Coombsweb Social Sciences Server",
  103192.             "Category": "SOC",
  103193.             "Description": "A networked research facility for social sciences and Asian studies.",
  103194.             "Year": 0
  103195.         },
  103196.         {
  103197.             "RIT": "ws960857",
  103198.             "Type": "WS",
  103199.             "URL": "http://www.borders.com/",
  103200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103201.             "Title": "Borders on the Web",
  103202.             "Category": "HUM",
  103203.             "Description": "Information about books and music available from Borders Books and Music.",
  103204.             "Year": 0
  103205.         },
  103206.         {
  103207.             "RIT": "ws960861",
  103208.             "Type": "WS",
  103209.             "URL": "http://www.bnsc.gov.uk/index.cfm",
  103210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103211.             "Title": "British National Space Centre",
  103212.             "Category": "PHY",
  103213.             "Description": "Information about Britain's space agency.",
  103214.             "Year": 0
  103215.         },
  103216.         {
  103217.             "RIT": "ws960862",
  103218.             "Type": "WS",
  103219.             "URL": "http://www.bnl.gov/world/",
  103220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103221.             "Title": "Brookhaven National Laboratory Home Page",
  103222.             "Category": "PHY",
  103223.             "Description": "Information about the Brookhaven National Laboratory.",
  103224.             "Year": 0
  103225.         },
  103226.         {
  103227.             "RIT": "ws960864",
  103228.             "Type": "WS",
  103229.             "URL": "http://www.astro.caltech.edu/",
  103230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103231.             "Title": "CalTech Astronomy Website",
  103232.             "Category": "PHY",
  103233.             "Description": "Information about the astronomy program at the California Institute of Technology--Caltech.",
  103234.             "Year": 0
  103235.         },
  103236.         {
  103237.             "RIT": "ws960865",
  103238.             "Type": "WS",
  103239.             "URL": "http://www.hpl.hp.com/bot/cp_home/",
  103240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103241.             "Title": "Carnivorous Plants Database",
  103242.             "Category": "LIF",
  103243.             "Description": "A database with 3,000 entries on carnivorous (meat-eating) plants.",
  103244.             "Year": 0
  103245.         },
  103246.         {
  103247.             "RIT": "ws960866",
  103248.             "Type": "WS",
  103249.             "URL": "http://www.cbs.sports.com/",
  103250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103251.             "Title": "Sports - CBS SportsLine",
  103252.             "Category": "REC",
  103253.             "Description": "A wide range of sports information, from CBS Sports.",
  103254.             "Year": 0
  103255.         },
  103256.         {
  103257.             "RIT": "ws960869",
  103258.             "Type": "WS",
  103259.             "URL": "http://cmex-www.arc.nasa.gov/CMEX/index.html",
  103260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103261.             "Title": "Center for Mars Exploration Home Page",
  103262.             "Category": "PHY",
  103263.             "Description": "Information about Mars and missions to Mars.",
  103264.             "Year": 0
  103265.         },
  103266.         {
  103267.             "RIT": "ws960870",
  103268.             "Type": "WS",
  103269.             "URL": "http://www.cogsci.indiana.edu/",
  103270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103271.             "Title": "Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition",
  103272.             "Category": "SOC",
  103273.             "Description": "Information about this center for research in cognitive science, at Indiana University.",
  103274.             "Year": 0
  103275.         },
  103276.         {
  103277.             "RIT": "ws960871",
  103278.             "Type": "WS",
  103279.             "URL": "http://demography.anu.edu.au/VirtualLibrary/",
  103280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103281.             "Title": "CERN/ANU - Demography & Population Studies WWW VL",
  103282.             "Category": "SOC",
  103283.             "Description": "Information about facilities and researchers in demography, the science of the statistics of human population.",
  103284.             "Year": 0
  103285.         },
  103286.         {
  103287.             "RIT": "ws960873",
  103288.             "Type": "WS",
  103289.             "URL": "http://www.pitt.edu/~csna/",
  103290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103291.             "Title": "Classification Society of North America",
  103292.             "Category": "LIF",
  103293.             "Description": "Information about this nonprofit, interdisciplinary organization for promoting the study of classification and clustering.",
  103294.             "Year": 0
  103295.         },
  103296.         {
  103297.             "RIT": "ws960901",
  103298.             "Type": "WS",
  103299.             "URL": "http://www-rci.rutgers.edu/~insects/",
  103300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103301.             "Title": "Entomology at Rutgers",
  103302.             "Category": "LIF",
  103303.             "Description": "Information about the entomology program (for the study of insects) at Rutgers University.",
  103304.             "Year": 0
  103305.         },
  103306.         {
  103307.             "RIT": "ws960903",
  103308.             "Type": "WS",
  103309.             "URL": "http://equest.remus.com/",
  103310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103311.             "Title": "eQuest - Index",
  103312.             "Category": "REC",
  103313.             "Description": "A resource for news and information about horses.",
  103314.             "Year": 0
  103315.         },
  103316.         {
  103317.             "RIT": "ws960904",
  103318.             "Type": "WS",
  103319.             "URL": "http://edc.usgs.gov/",
  103320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103321.             "Title": "EROS Home Page [Earth Resources Observation Systems]",
  103322.             "Category": "GEO",
  103323.             "Description": "Information about the U.S. Geological Survey's EROS Data Center, with links to other resources.",
  103324.             "Year": 0
  103325.         },
  103326.         {
  103327.             "RIT": "ws960905",
  103328.             "Type": "WS",
  103329.             "URL": "http://www.esf.org/",
  103330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103331.             "Title": "ESF Home Page [European Science Foundation]",
  103332.             "Category": "PHY",
  103333.             "Description": "Information about the European Science Foundation (ESF).",
  103334.             "Year": 0
  103335.         },
  103336.         {
  103337.             "RIT": "ws960906",
  103338.             "Type": "WS",
  103339.             "URL": "http://http.hq.eso.org/eso-homepage.html",
  103340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103341.             "Title": "ESO On-Line Information System",
  103342.             "Category": "PHY",
  103343.             "Description": "Information about the European Southern Observatory (ESO).",
  103344.             "Year": 0
  103345.         },
  103346.         {
  103347.             "RIT": "ws960908",
  103348.             "Type": "WS",
  103349.             "URL": "http://www.esa.int/export/esaCP/index.html",
  103350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103351.             "Title": "European Space Agency",
  103352.             "Category": "PHY",
  103353.             "Description": "Information about this international organization for space exploration, composed of 14 European member nations.",
  103354.             "Year": 0
  103355.         },
  103356.         {
  103357.             "RIT": "ws960909",
  103358.             "Type": "WS",
  103359.             "URL": "http://www.forestry.utoronto.ca/",
  103360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103361.             "Title": "Faculty of Forestry",
  103362.             "Category": "LIF",
  103363.             "Description": "Information about the Faculty of Forestry at the University of Toronto, Canada.",
  103364.             "Year": 0
  103365.         },
  103366.         {
  103367.             "RIT": "ws960921",
  103368.             "Type": "WS",
  103369.             "URL": "http://www.aaas.org/aaas/geninfo.html",
  103370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103371.             "Title": "General Information (AAAS) [American Association for the Advancement of Science]",
  103372.             "Category": "SOC",
  103373.             "Description": "Information about the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).",
  103374.             "Year": 0
  103375.         },
  103376.         {
  103377.             "RIT": "ws960923",
  103378.             "Type": "WS",
  103379.             "URL": "http://www.geosociety.org/",
  103380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103381.             "Title": "Geological Society of America",
  103382.             "Category": "GEO",
  103383.             "Description": "Information about the Geological Society of America.",
  103384.             "Year": 0
  103385.         },
  103386.         {
  103387.             "RIT": "ws960925",
  103388.             "Type": "WS",
  103389.             "URL": "http://www.gi.alaska.edu/Research/",
  103390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103391.             "Title": "Geophysical Institute of Research",
  103392.             "Category": "GEO",
  103393.             "Description": "Information about this institute at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.",
  103394.             "Year": 0
  103395.         },
  103396.         {
  103397.             "RIT": "ws960967",
  103398.             "Type": "WS",
  103399.             "URL": "http://www.att.com/technology/forstudents/brainspin/index.html",
  103400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103401.             "Title": "Technology: For Students: Brainspin",
  103402.             "Category": "IND",
  103403.             "Description": "Information about telecommunications technology, Alexander Graham Bell, and other topics, including games, from AT&T.",
  103404.             "Year": 0
  103405.         },
  103406.         {
  103407.             "RIT": "ws960974",
  103408.             "Type": "WS",
  103409.             "URL": "http://estel.uindy.edu/outReach/guestSchools/tour/zebra.html",
  103410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103411.             "Title": "Common Zebra",
  103412.             "Category": "LIF",
  103413.             "Description": "Information about zebras.",
  103414.             "Year": 0
  103415.         },
  103416.         {
  103417.             "RIT": "ws960975",
  103418.             "Type": "WS",
  103419.             "URL": "http://www.cfcsc.dnd.ca/links/wars/somal.html",
  103420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103421.             "Title": "Contemporary Conflicts: Somalia",
  103422.             "Category": "GEO",
  103423.             "Description": "Information about Somalia, including the country's civil war, peacekeeping efforts, and armed forces.",
  103424.             "Year": 0
  103425.         },
  103426.         {
  103427.             "RIT": "ws960978",
  103428.             "Type": "WS",
  103429.             "URL": "http://www.desertusa.com/life.html",
  103430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103431.             "Title": "Desert Life",
  103432.             "Category": "LIF",
  103433.             "Description": "Information about desert plants and animals.",
  103434.             "Year": 0
  103435.         },
  103436.         {
  103437.             "RIT": "ws960980",
  103438.             "Type": "WS",
  103439.             "URL": "http://brain.biologie.uni-freiburg.de/Atlas/text/adultFi.html",
  103440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103441.             "Title": "Drosophila Adult Brain",
  103442.             "Category": "LIF",
  103443.             "Description": "Photos of the fruit fly brain.",
  103444.             "Year": 0
  103445.         },
  103446.         {
  103447.             "RIT": "ws960981",
  103448.             "Type": "WS",
  103449.             "URL": "http://quake.usgs.gov/",
  103450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103451.             "Title": "Earthquake Information",
  103452.             "Category": "PHY",
  103453.             "Description": "Information on earthquakes, with links to other resources.",
  103454.             "Year": 0
  103455.         },
  103456.         {
  103457.             "RIT": "ws960985",
  103458.             "Type": "WS",
  103459.             "URL": "http://eawc.evansville.edu/egpage.htm",
  103460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103461.             "Title": "Exploring Ancient World Cultures: Ancient Egypt Home Page",
  103462.             "Category": "HIS",
  103463.             "Description": "Information about ancient Egypt.",
  103464.             "Year": 0
  103465.         },
  103466.         {
  103467.             "RIT": "ws960986",
  103468.             "Type": "WS",
  103469.             "URL": "http://www.wizvax.net/nisk_hs/departments/social/fdr_html/FDRmain.html",
  103470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103471.             "Title": "FDR Cartoon Archive",
  103472.             "Category": "HIS",
  103473.             "Description": "A collection of political cartoons about President Franklin Roosevelt (1933-1945).",
  103474.             "Year": 0
  103475.         },
  103476.         {
  103477.             "RIT": "ws960987",
  103478.             "Type": "WS",
  103479.             "URL": "http://www.hopeusa.com/clinton/house.html",
  103480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103481.             "Title": "First Home of President Bill Clinton",
  103482.             "Category": "HIS",
  103483.             "Description": "Information about President Bill Clinton s boyhood home in Arkansas.",
  103484.             "Year": 0
  103485.         },
  103486.         {
  103487.             "RIT": "ws960991",
  103488.             "Type": "WS",
  103489.             "URL": "http://www.calweb.com/~mcharvey/",
  103490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103491.             "Title": "Galactic Sky Charts",
  103492.             "Category": "PHY",
  103493.             "Description": "Views of the sky as it looks from different places on the earth.",
  103494.             "Year": 0
  103495.         },
  103496.         {
  103497.             "RIT": "ws961000",
  103498.             "Type": "WS",
  103499.             "URL": "http://glrain.cic.net/",
  103500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103501.             "Title": "Great Lakes Regional American Indian Network",
  103502.             "Category": "SOC",
  103503.             "Description": "Links to information resources about Native Americans.",
  103504.             "Year": 0
  103505.         },
  103506.         {
  103507.             "RIT": "ws961021",
  103508.             "Type": "WS",
  103509.             "URL": "http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/MGriffith_2/",
  103510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103511.             "Title": "JFK Assassination Web Page",
  103512.             "Category": "HIS",
  103513.             "Description": "Research articles about suspects in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.",
  103514.             "Year": 0
  103515.         },
  103516.         {
  103517.             "RIT": "ws961024",
  103518.             "Type": "WS",
  103519.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/archive/pharaoh/rosetta/rose10.html",
  103520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103521.             "Title": "Kid Quiz with Rosetta Stone",
  103522.             "Category": "HIS",
  103523.             "Description": "Questions and answers about King Tut, the Rosetta Stone, mummies, pyramids, and other topics about ancient Egypt.",
  103524.             "Year": 0
  103525.         },
  103526.         {
  103527.             "RIT": "ws961034",
  103528.             "Type": "WS",
  103529.             "URL": "http://wwwneic.cr.usgs.gov/neis/general/handouts/general_seismicity.html",
  103530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103531.             "Title": "National Earthquake Information Center",
  103532.             "Category": "PHY",
  103533.             "Description": "Information on plate tectonics and Richter magnitude scales, and answers to frequently asked questions.",
  103534.             "Year": 0
  103535.         },
  103536.         {
  103537.             "RIT": "ws961036",
  103538.             "Type": "WS",
  103539.             "URL": "http://www.neurolaw.com/gloss1.html",
  103540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103541.             "Title": "NLC: Glossary of Terms",
  103542.             "Category": "LIF",
  103543.             "Description": "Definitions of neurological terms such as spine, neurotrauma, and cerebellum.",
  103544.             "Year": 0
  103545.         },
  103546.         {
  103547.             "RIT": "ws961041",
  103548.             "Type": "WS",
  103549.             "URL": "http://www.peruonline.com/",
  103550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103551.             "Title": "Peru On-line",
  103552.             "Category": "GEO",
  103553.             "Description": "Information about Peruvian arts, commerce, education, and other topics.",
  103554.             "Year": 0
  103555.         },
  103556.         {
  103557.             "RIT": "ws961047",
  103558.             "Type": "WS",
  103559.             "URL": "http://www.edunet.com/uk-map.html",
  103560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103561.             "Title": "Regions of the United Kingdom",
  103562.             "Category": "GEO",
  103563.             "Description": "A map of regions of the United Kingdom, with links to Internet-based information by region.",
  103564.             "Year": 0
  103565.         },
  103566.         {
  103567.             "RIT": "ws961049",
  103568.             "Type": "WS",
  103569.             "URL": "http://www.valley.net:80/~transnat/",
  103570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103571.             "Title": "Russia on the Web",
  103572.             "Category": "GEO",
  103573.             "Description": "An Internet guide to information about Russia.",
  103574.             "Year": 0
  103575.         },
  103576.         {
  103577.             "RIT": "ws961050",
  103578.             "Type": "WS",
  103579.             "URL": "http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/russian/history.html",
  103580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103581.             "Title": "Russian History",
  103582.             "Category": "GEO",
  103583.             "Description": "Topics in Russian history, including Russians in Alaska, a tour of the Kremlin, Marxism-Leninism, and other topics.",
  103584.             "Year": 0
  103585.         },
  103586.         {
  103587.             "RIT": "ws961053",
  103588.             "Type": "WS",
  103589.             "URL": "http://www.indiana.edu/~pietsch/home.html",
  103590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103591.             "Title": "Shuffle Brain",
  103592.             "Category": "LIF",
  103593.             "Description": "Information about animal IQ's, memory, bacteria minds, and other unusual brain topics.",
  103594.             "Year": 0
  103595.         },
  103596.         {
  103597.             "RIT": "ws961055",
  103598.             "Type": "WS",
  103599.             "URL": "http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~lolsen/peru.html",
  103600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103601.             "Title": "Some Links in or about Peru",
  103602.             "Category": "GEO",
  103603.             "Description": "Information about Peru from the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Electronic Embassy, and other resources.",
  103604.             "Year": 0
  103605.         },
  103606.         {
  103607.             "RIT": "ws961073",
  103608.             "Type": "WS",
  103609.             "URL": "http://www.cco.caltech.edu/%7Esalmon/wh-liberty.html",
  103610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103611.             "Title": "The Statue of Liberty, New York",
  103612.             "Category": "HIS",
  103613.             "Description": "Information about the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, with links to other resources.",
  103614.             "Year": 0
  103615.         },
  103616.         {
  103617.             "RIT": "ws961075",
  103618.             "Type": "WS",
  103619.             "URL": "http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/vme/vo/",
  103620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103621.             "Title": "The Timeline of the Revolutionary War",
  103622.             "Category": "HIS",
  103623.             "Description": "A timeline of the Revolutionary War in America, with text and pictures.",
  103624.             "Year": 0
  103625.         },
  103626.         {
  103627.             "RIT": "ws961078",
  103628.             "Type": "WS",
  103629.             "URL": "http://www.cwc.lsu.edu/",
  103630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103631.             "Title": "The U.S. Civil War Center",
  103632.             "Category": "HIS",
  103633.             "Description": "Links to Internet sites about the Civil War, sponsored by Louisiana State University.",
  103634.             "Year": 0
  103635.         },
  103636.         {
  103637.             "RIT": "ws961083",
  103638.             "Type": "WS",
  103639.             "URL": "http://www.tribal.com/",
  103640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103641.             "Title": "Tribal Voice",
  103642.             "Category": "SOC",
  103643.             "Description": "Information about native culture from a modern perspective, presented by American Indians.",
  103644.             "Year": 0
  103645.         },
  103646.         {
  103647.             "RIT": "ws961088",
  103648.             "Type": "WS",
  103649.             "URL": "http://www.desertusa.com/desert.html",
  103650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103651.             "Title": "What is a Desert?",
  103652.             "Category": "LIF",
  103653.             "Description": "A description of a desert ecosystem, with links to resources about deserts in the United States and Mexico.",
  103654.             "Year": 0
  103655.         },
  103656.         {
  103657.             "RIT": "ws961097",
  103658.             "Type": "WS",
  103659.             "URL": "http://www.h-net.msu.edu/~german/gtext/nazi/euthanasia-eng.html",
  103660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103661.             "Title": "Hitler's Euthanasia Ideas",
  103662.             "Category": "HIS",
  103663.             "Description": "Information about Hitler s plans to kill handicapped adults.",
  103664.             "Year": 0
  103665.         },
  103666.         {
  103667.             "RIT": "ws970004",
  103668.             "Type": "WS",
  103669.             "URL": "http://www.si.edu/ofg/sorsamcafahc.htm",
  103670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103671.             "Title": "The Anacostia Museum: Directory",
  103672.             "Category": "SOC",
  103673.             "Description": "A guide to this museum's exhibits and programs on African American culture and history.",
  103674.             "Year": 0
  103675.         },
  103676.         {
  103677.             "RIT": "ws970005",
  103678.             "Type": "WS",
  103679.             "URL": "http://www.amnh.org/",
  103680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103681.             "Title": "American Museum of Natural History",
  103682.             "Category": "SOC",
  103683.             "Description": "Official Web site of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.",
  103684.             "Year": 0
  103685.         },
  103686.         {
  103687.             "RIT": "ws970006",
  103688.             "Type": "WS",
  103689.             "URL": "http://www.nypl.org/",
  103690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103691.             "Title": "The New York Public Library",
  103692.             "Category": "SOC",
  103693.             "Description": "Information about one of the largest public libraries in the United States.",
  103694.             "Year": 0
  103695.         },
  103696.         {
  103697.             "RIT": "ws970007",
  103698.             "Type": "WS",
  103699.             "URL": "http://sln.fi.edu/",
  103700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103701.             "Title": "The Franklin Institute Science Museum",
  103702.             "Category": "PHY",
  103703.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Franklin Institute Science Museum and Omniverse Theater in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.",
  103704.             "Year": 0
  103705.         },
  103706.         {
  103707.             "RIT": "ws970014",
  103708.             "Type": "WS",
  103709.             "URL": "http://mmbc.bc.ca/",
  103710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103711.             "Title": "Maritime Museum of British Columbia",
  103712.             "Category": "HIS",
  103713.             "Description": "Information about British Columbia's museum of maritime history in Victoria.",
  103714.             "Year": 0
  103715.         },
  103716.         {
  103717.             "RIT": "ws970021",
  103718.             "Type": "WS",
  103719.             "URL": "http://www.amse.org/",
  103720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103721.             "Title": "American Museum of Science and Energy",
  103722.             "Category": "PHY",
  103723.             "Description": "The official Web site of a museum devoted to understanding energy and other science topics, sponsored by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.",
  103724.             "Year": 0
  103725.         },
  103726.         {
  103727.             "RIT": "ws970029",
  103728.             "Type": "WS",
  103729.             "URL": "http://www.mintmuseum.org/",
  103730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103731.             "Title": "Mint Museum of Art",
  103732.             "Category": "HUM",
  103733.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Mint Museum of Art in Charlotte, North Carolina.",
  103734.             "Year": 0
  103735.         },
  103736.         {
  103737.             "RIT": "ws970032",
  103738.             "Type": "WS",
  103739.             "URL": "http://mfah.org/",
  103740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103741.             "Title": "Museum of Fine Arts, Houston",
  103742.             "Category": "GEO",
  103743.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston.",
  103744.             "Year": 0
  103745.         },
  103746.         {
  103747.             "RIT": "ws970033",
  103748.             "Type": "WS",
  103749.             "URL": "http://www.memphismuseums.org/mansion.htm",
  103750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103751.             "Title": "Pink Palace Museum",
  103752.             "Category": "SOC",
  103753.             "Description": "The Pink Palace Museum features exhibits on natural history, regional history, the history of medicine, medicine, and fossils.",
  103754.             "Year": 0
  103755.         },
  103756.         {
  103757.             "RIT": "ws970036",
  103758.             "Type": "WS",
  103759.             "URL": "http://www.msichicago.org/",
  103760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103761.             "Title": "The Museum of Science and Industry",
  103762.             "Category": "SOC",
  103763.             "Description": "Information about a contemporary science and technology museum in Chicago, Illinois.",
  103764.             "Year": 0
  103765.         },
  103766.         {
  103767.             "RIT": "ws970039",
  103768.             "Type": "WS",
  103769.             "URL": "http://www.speedmuseum.org/",
  103770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103771.             "Title": "The J.B. Speed Art Museum Home Page",
  103772.             "Category": "HUM",
  103773.             "Description": "Information about Louisville's J.B. Speed Art Museum, Kentucky's largest art museum.",
  103774.             "Year": 0
  103775.         },
  103776.         {
  103777.             "RIT": "ws970040",
  103778.             "Type": "WS",
  103779.             "URL": "http://www.gramonline.org/",
  103780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103781.             "Title": "Grand Rapids Art Museum Online",
  103782.             "Category": "HUM",
  103783.             "Description": "Official site of the Grand Rapids Art Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan.",
  103784.             "Year": 0
  103785.         },
  103786.         {
  103787.             "RIT": "ws970041",
  103788.             "Type": "WS",
  103789.             "URL": "http://www.artsmia.org/",
  103790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103791.             "Title": "Minneapolis Institute of Arts",
  103792.             "Category": "GEO",
  103793.             "Description": "Official site of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts in Minneapolis, Minnesota.",
  103794.             "Year": 0
  103795.         },
  103796.         {
  103797.             "RIT": "ws970045",
  103798.             "Type": "WS",
  103799.             "URL": "http://www.slam.org/",
  103800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103801.             "Title": "The Saint Louis Art Museum",
  103802.             "Category": "HUM",
  103803.             "Description": "Official Web site of the St. Louis Art Museum, noted for its collection of Oriental art.",
  103804.             "Year": 0
  103805.         },
  103806.         {
  103807.             "RIT": "ws970047",
  103808.             "Type": "WS",
  103809.             "URL": "http://www.butlerart.com/",
  103810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103811.             "Title": "Butler Institute of American Art",
  103812.             "Category": "GEO",
  103813.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown, Ohio.",
  103814.             "Year": 0
  103815.         },
  103816.         {
  103817.             "RIT": "ws970115",
  103818.             "Type": "WS",
  103819.             "URL": "http://www.money.org/musexhibit2.html",
  103820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103821.             "Title": "ANA Exhibit: Numismatics and the Olympic Games",
  103822.             "Category": "REC",
  103823.             "Description": "Information for coin-collectors about the Olympic Games.",
  103824.             "Year": 0
  103825.         },
  103826.         {
  103827.             "RIT": "ws970133",
  103828.             "Type": "WS",
  103829.             "URL": "http://www.we.lc.ehu.es/BasqueCountry/Bilbao.html",
  103830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103831.             "Title": "Bilbao",
  103832.             "Category": "GEO",
  103833.             "Description": "Information about Bilbao, the capital of the Basque region of Spain.",
  103834.             "Year": 0
  103835.         },
  103836.         {
  103837.             "RIT": "ws970137",
  103838.             "Type": "WS",
  103839.             "URL": "http://www.ccisabroad.org/greeceprofile.html",
  103840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103841.             "Title": "CCIS Greece",
  103842.             "Category": "GEO",
  103843.             "Description": "Information about the study-abroad program at Anatolia College in Thessaloniki, Greece.",
  103844.             "Year": 0
  103845.         },
  103846.         {
  103847.             "RIT": "ws970138",
  103848.             "Type": "WS",
  103849.             "URL": "http://www.co.chatham.ga.us/sites/olympics.htm",
  103850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103851.             "Title": "CEL Regional Library Useful Sites -- Olympic Games",
  103852.             "Category": "REC",
  103853.             "Description": "An index to the 1996 Olympic Games on the Internet, maintained by a Savannah-based regional Georgia library.",
  103854.             "Year": 0
  103855.         },
  103856.         {
  103857.             "RIT": "ws970139",
  103858.             "Type": "WS",
  103859.             "URL": "http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/kindergarden/kinder.htm",
  103860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103861.             "Title": "Children and Horticulture",
  103862.             "Category": "LIF",
  103863.             "Description": "An introduction to the many ways children can interact with plants and the outdoors.",
  103864.             "Year": 0
  103865.         },
  103866.         {
  103867.             "RIT": "ws970145",
  103868.             "Type": "WS",
  103869.             "URL": "http://www.cocori.com/library/crinfo/columb.htm",
  103870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103871.             "Title": "COCORI Complete Costa Rica--Columbus Day",
  103872.             "Category": "HIS",
  103873.             "Description": "A pre-Columbian and Columbian history of Costa Rica.",
  103874.             "Year": 0
  103875.         },
  103876.         {
  103877.             "RIT": "ws970146",
  103878.             "Type": "WS",
  103879.             "URL": "http://www.cocori.com/photo/imaren/aren11.htm",
  103880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103881.             "Title": "COCORI Costa Rica-Arenal Volcano",
  103882.             "Category": "PHY",
  103883.             "Description": "Photographs of Costa Rica's volcanoes, and other Costa Rican photos.",
  103884.             "Year": 0
  103885.         },
  103886.         {
  103887.             "RIT": "ws970149",
  103888.             "Type": "WS",
  103889.             "URL": "http://www.openchannel.se/cat/index.htm",
  103890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103891.             "Title": "Community Access Television, Public Access Television",
  103892.             "Category": "IND",
  103893.             "Description": "Worldwide links to 170 community access TV sites, maintained by Open Channel of Stockholm, Sweden.",
  103894.             "Year": 0
  103895.         },
  103896.         {
  103897.             "RIT": "ws970152",
  103898.             "Type": "WS",
  103899.             "URL": "http://intertain.com/store/new-browse/Computers.html",
  103900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103901.             "Title": "Computers - Programming",
  103902.             "Category": "PHY",
  103903.             "Description": "Books on computers and other topics available from the Village at intertain.com, a collection of online stores.",
  103904.             "Year": 0
  103905.         },
  103906.         {
  103907.             "RIT": "ws961057",
  103908.             "Type": "WS",
  103909.             "URL": "http://www.cbs.nl/en/",
  103910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103911.             "Title": "Stastics Netherlands",
  103912.             "Category": "GEO",
  103913.             "Description": "Statistical data about the Netherlands and the Dutch people.",
  103914.             "Year": 0
  103915.         },
  103916.         {
  103917.             "RIT": "ws961059",
  103918.             "Type": "WS",
  103919.             "URL": "http://www.iguide.co.il/",
  103920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103921.             "Title": "iGuide - Israeli Internet Guide",
  103922.             "Category": "GEO",
  103923.             "Description": "Links to Web sites about Israel, covering a wide variety of topics.",
  103924.             "Year": 0
  103925.         },
  103926.         {
  103927.             "RIT": "ws961064",
  103928.             "Type": "WS",
  103929.             "URL": "http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~dolan/constellations/",
  103930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103931.             "Title": "The Constellations and Their Stars",
  103932.             "Category": "PHY",
  103933.             "Description": "Detailed textual and visual information on stars.",
  103934.             "Year": 0
  103935.         },
  103936.         {
  103937.             "RIT": "ws961065",
  103938.             "Type": "WS",
  103939.             "URL": "http://remember.org/Facts.root.solution.html",
  103940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103941.             "Title": "The First Steps Leading to the Final Solution",
  103942.             "Category": "HIS",
  103943.             "Description": "Information about events leading to the Holocaust, the destruction of the Jews in Europe by Hitler's Third Reich.",
  103944.             "Year": 0
  103945.         },
  103946.         {
  103947.             "RIT": "ws961067",
  103948.             "Type": "WS",
  103949.             "URL": "http://www.historyplace.com/kennedy/gallery.htm",
  103950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103951.             "Title": "The History Place: John Fitzgerald Kennedy Photo Gallery",
  103952.             "Category": "HIS",
  103953.             "Description": "An extensive gallery of captioned photos of John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States.",
  103954.             "Year": 0
  103955.         },
  103956.         {
  103957.             "RIT": "ws961068",
  103958.             "Type": "WS",
  103959.             "URL": "http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/riseofhitler/begins.htm",
  103960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103961.             "Title": "The History Place: the Rise of Adolf Hitler",
  103962.             "Category": "HIS",
  103963.             "Description": "A timeline illustrating the rise of Adolph Hitler to power in Germany in the 1930's.",
  103964.             "Year": 0
  103965.         },
  103966.         {
  103967.             "RIT": "ws961069",
  103968.             "Type": "WS",
  103969.             "URL": "http://amsterdam.park.org/Japan/Hitachi/variety/tour_of_tours_e/pro/malcopor.html",
  103970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103971.             "Title": "The Journey of the Merchant, Marco Polo",
  103972.             "Category": "HIS",
  103973.             "Description": "Information about Marco Polo, the Italian explorer of the late 1200's.",
  103974.             "Year": 0
  103975.         },
  103976.         {
  103977.             "RIT": "ws961070",
  103978.             "Type": "WS",
  103979.             "URL": "http://vi.uh.edu/pages/mintz/35.htm",
  103980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103981.             "Title": "The Most Remarkable Woman of This Age",
  103982.             "Category": "HIS",
  103983.             "Description": "A slave narrative about Harriet Tubman.",
  103984.             "Year": 0
  103985.         },
  103986.         {
  103987.             "RIT": "ws961072",
  103988.             "Type": "WS",
  103989.             "URL": "http://aztec.asu.edu/phxzoo/dngr_lst.html",
  103990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  103991.             "Title": "The Phoenix Zoo s Endangered and Threatened Species",
  103992.             "Category": "LIF",
  103993.             "Description": "A list of endangered and threatened animals, with links to information resources for each animal.",
  103994.             "Year": 0
  103995.         },
  103996.         {
  103997.             "RIT": "ws970048",
  103998.             "Type": "WS",
  103999.             "URL": "http://www.clemusart.com/index.html",
  104000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104001.             "Title": "Cleveland Museum of Art",
  104002.             "Category": "HUM",
  104003.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Cleveland Museum of Art.",
  104004.             "Year": 0
  104005.         },
  104006.         {
  104007.             "RIT": "ws970052",
  104008.             "Type": "WS",
  104009.             "URL": "http://www.mpm.edu/default.asp",
  104010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104011.             "Title": "Milwaukee Public Museum Home Page",
  104012.             "Category": "GEO",
  104013.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Milwaukee Public Museum.",
  104014.             "Year": 0
  104015.         },
  104016.         {
  104017.             "RIT": "ws970054",
  104018.             "Type": "WS",
  104019.             "URL": "http://www.si.edu/",
  104020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104021.             "Title": "The Smithsonian Institution Home Page",
  104022.             "Category": "SOC",
  104023.             "Description": "Information on the Smithsonian's many museums, research centers, and offices, mostly in Washington, D.C.",
  104024.             "Year": 0
  104025.         },
  104026.         {
  104027.             "RIT": "ws970055",
  104028.             "Type": "WS",
  104029.             "URL": "http://galaxy.einet.net/images/gems/gems-icons.html",
  104030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104031.             "Title": "Smithsonian Gem & Mineral Collection",
  104032.             "Category": "PHY",
  104033.             "Description": "Pictures of the collection of gems and a description on each type.",
  104034.             "Year": 0
  104035.         },
  104036.         {
  104037.             "RIT": "ws970057",
  104038.             "Type": "WS",
  104039.             "URL": "http://www.si.edu/archives//start.htm",
  104040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104041.             "Title": "Office of Smithsonian Institution Archives",
  104042.             "Category": "HIS",
  104043.             "Description": "Information about the Smithsonian Archives, a repository for historical records, open to qualified researchers.",
  104044.             "Year": 0
  104045.         },
  104046.         {
  104047.             "RIT": "ws970058",
  104048.             "Type": "WS",
  104049.             "URL": "http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/",
  104050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104051.             "Title": "Smithsonian Resources and Tours",
  104052.             "Category": "SOC",
  104053.             "Description": "Information resources of the Smithsonian Institution, including an on-line phone directory.",
  104054.             "Year": 0
  104055.         },
  104056.         {
  104057.             "RIT": "ws970100",
  104058.             "Type": "WS",
  104059.             "URL": "http://www.asiatour.com/thailand/d-03bang/dt-ban74.htm",
  104060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104061.             "Title": "A site about tourist attractions in Thailand",
  104062.             "Category": "GEO",
  104063.             "Description": "Information about and slides of attractions in Thailand by Diethelm Travel's Database.",
  104064.             "Year": 0
  104065.         },
  104066.         {
  104067.             "RIT": "ws970103",
  104068.             "Type": "WS",
  104069.             "URL": "http://www.funet.fi/evaalit95/main_page.html",
  104070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104071.             "Title": "Parliamentary Election in Finland - 3/19/95",
  104072.             "Category": "HIS",
  104073.             "Description": "The results of Finland's parliamentary elections of March 1995.",
  104074.             "Year": 0
  104075.         },
  104076.         {
  104077.             "RIT": "ws970108",
  104078.             "Type": "WS",
  104079.             "URL": "http://www-math.science.unitn.it/Bike/Countries/Finland/Tour_Reports/Markku_Tuomi/June_1994.html",
  104080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104081.             "Title": "A Ride in Finland: June 1994",
  104082.             "Category": "REC",
  104083.             "Description": "A detailed narrative of a bike trip across central Finland in the month of June.",
  104084.             "Year": 0
  104085.         },
  104086.         {
  104087.             "RIT": "ws970113",
  104088.             "Type": "WS",
  104089.             "URL": "http://www.avo.alaska.edu/",
  104090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104091.             "Title": "Alaska Volcano Observatory",
  104092.             "Category": "PHY",
  104093.             "Description": "Information on volcanoes from the U.S. Geological Survey and other institutions.",
  104094.             "Year": 0
  104095.         },
  104096.         {
  104097.             "RIT": "ws970154",
  104098.             "Type": "WS",
  104099.             "URL": "http://www.barint.on.ca/rcsmith/cfk.html",
  104100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104101.             "Title": "Computers for Kids",
  104102.             "Category": "SOC",
  104103.             "Description": "Information about an organization that acquires surplus computers to refurbish and donate to elementary schools.",
  104104.             "Year": 0
  104105.         },
  104106.         {
  104107.             "RIT": "ws970158",
  104108.             "Type": "WS",
  104109.             "URL": "http://www.microweb.com./pepsite/Kids/computers.html",
  104110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104111.             "Title": "Custom Computers for Kids",
  104112.             "Category": "SOC",
  104113.             "Description": "Information about computers, software, and other digital products for kids.",
  104114.             "Year": 0
  104115.         },
  104116.         {
  104117.             "RIT": "ws970160",
  104118.             "Type": "WS",
  104119.             "URL": "http://www.daylilies.com/daylilies/",
  104120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104121.             "Title": "Daylilies Growing Along The Information Highway Home Page",
  104122.             "Category": "LIF",
  104123.             "Description": "Information about daylilies - plants of the genus Hemerocallis.",
  104124.             "Year": 0
  104125.         },
  104126.         {
  104127.             "RIT": "ws970161",
  104128.             "Type": "WS",
  104129.             "URL": "http://hakone.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/unzen/decade.html",
  104130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104131.             "Title": "Decade Volcanoes in Japan",
  104132.             "Category": "PHY",
  104133.             "Description": "Information about active volcanoes in Japan.",
  104134.             "Year": 0
  104135.         },
  104136.         {
  104137.             "RIT": "ws970166",
  104138.             "Type": "WS",
  104139.             "URL": "http://www.spaintour.com/indexe.html",
  104140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104141.             "Title": "Tourist Office of Spain Home Page",
  104142.             "Category": "GEO",
  104143.             "Description": "Discover Spain through the Tourist Office of Spain.",
  104144.             "Year": 0
  104145.         },
  104146.         {
  104147.             "RIT": "ws970171",
  104148.             "Type": "WS",
  104149.             "URL": "http://ftp.arl.mil/~mike/comphist/61ordnance/app5.html",
  104150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104151.             "Title": "Electronic Computers Within The Ordnance Corps, Appendix V",
  104152.             "Category": "IND",
  104153.             "Description": "Inventory of computers in the U.S. Army Ordnance Corps - 1961.",
  104154.             "Year": 0
  104155.         },
  104156.         {
  104157.             "RIT": "ws970172",
  104158.             "Type": "WS",
  104159.             "URL": "http://www.finland.org/",
  104160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104161.             "Title": "Embassy of Finland, Washington D.C.",
  104162.             "Category": "GEO",
  104163.             "Description": "Information about Finland, sponsored by the Embassy of Finland, Washington D.C.",
  104164.             "Year": 0
  104165.         },
  104166.         {
  104167.             "RIT": "ws970173",
  104168.             "Type": "WS",
  104169.             "URL": "http://www.iceland.org/us/",
  104170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104171.             "Title": "Embassy of Iceland, Washington D.C.",
  104172.             "Category": "GEO",
  104173.             "Description": "Information about Iceland, sponsored by the Embassy of Iceland, Washington D.C.",
  104174.             "Year": 0
  104175.         },
  104176.         {
  104177.             "RIT": "ws970179",
  104178.             "Type": "WS",
  104179.             "URL": "http://actlab.rtf.utexas.edu/~jouko/finland.html",
  104180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104181.             "Title": "Fantastic Finland",
  104182.             "Category": "GEO",
  104183.             "Description": "Explore Finland and find some useful links to Finnish Web sites.",
  104184.             "Year": 0
  104185.         },
  104186.         {
  104187.             "RIT": "ws970180",
  104188.             "Type": "WS",
  104189.             "URL": "http://www.fema.gov/",
  104190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104191.             "Title": "Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)",
  104192.             "Category": "SOC",
  104193.             "Description": "Information about the federal agency that provides disaster relief.",
  104194.             "Year": 0
  104195.         },
  104196.         {
  104197.             "RIT": "ws970182",
  104198.             "Type": "WS",
  104199.             "URL": "http://www.siba.fi/finland.html",
  104200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104201.             "Title": "Finland",
  104202.             "Category": "GEO",
  104203.             "Description": "An array of facts about Finland, especially on tourism and the arts.",
  104204.             "Year": 0
  104205.         },
  104206.         {
  104207.             "RIT": "ws970222",
  104208.             "Type": "WS",
  104209.             "URL": "http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~xi1k-ymzk/E_HP/English.html",
  104210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104211.             "Title": "Japanese Black Bear",
  104212.             "Category": "LIF",
  104213.             "Description": "Information about conservation efforts on behalf of the Japanese black bear in Japan.",
  104214.             "Year": 0
  104215.         },
  104216.         {
  104217.             "RIT": "ws970234",
  104218.             "Type": "WS",
  104219.             "URL": "http://www.isunet.edu/",
  104220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104221.             "Title": "ISU - International Space University",
  104222.             "Category": "SOC",
  104223.             "Description": "Information about ISU, an international institute for space studies in Strasbourg, France.",
  104224.             "Year": 0
  104225.         },
  104226.         {
  104227.             "RIT": "ws970240",
  104228.             "Type": "WS",
  104229.             "URL": "http://www.npac.syr.edu/textbook/kidsweb/computers.html",
  104230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104231.             "Title": "Kids Web - Computers",
  104232.             "Category": "SOC",
  104233.             "Description": "Kids' Web Page, maintained by personnel from the Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University.",
  104234.             "Year": 0
  104235.         },
  104236.         {
  104237.             "RIT": "ws970251",
  104238.             "Type": "WS",
  104239.             "URL": "http://www.geo.mtu.edu/volcanoes/",
  104240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104241.             "Title": "MTU Volcanoes Page",
  104242.             "Category": "PHY",
  104243.             "Description": "General information about volcanoes, provided by Michigan Technological University.",
  104244.             "Year": 0
  104245.         },
  104246.         {
  104247.             "RIT": "ws970256",
  104248.             "Type": "WS",
  104249.             "URL": "http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/photo_gallery/photogallery-moon.html",
  104250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104251.             "Title": "NSSDC Photo Gallery: Moon",
  104252.             "Category": "PHY",
  104253.             "Description": "A gallery of moon photos.",
  104254.             "Year": 0
  104255.         },
  104256.         {
  104257.             "RIT": "ws970257",
  104258.             "Type": "WS",
  104259.             "URL": "http://seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov/ocean_planet.html",
  104260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104261.             "Title": "Ocean Planet Home Page",
  104262.             "Category": "PHY",
  104263.             "Description": "The online companion to Ocean Planet, a traveling Smithsonian exhibition about the earth's oceans.",
  104264.             "Year": 0
  104265.         },
  104266.         {
  104267.             "RIT": "ws970258",
  104268.             "Type": "WS",
  104269.             "URL": "http://seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov/OCEAN_PLANET/HTML/ps_questions.html",
  104270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104271.             "Title": "Ocean Planet: Popular Science - Answers to Most Frequently Asked Questions",
  104272.             "Category": "PHY",
  104273.             "Description": "FAQ's raised by the Smithsonian Institution exhibition, Ocean Planet--and answers.",
  104274.             "Year": 0
  104275.         },
  104276.         {
  104277.             "RIT": "ws970259",
  104278.             "Type": "WS",
  104279.             "URL": "http://seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov/OCEAN_PLANET/HTML/search_educational_materials.html",
  104280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104281.             "Title": "Ocean Planet - Educational Materials",
  104282.             "Category": "PHY",
  104283.             "Description": "Educational materials associated with the Smithsonian Institution exhibition, Ocean Planet.",
  104284.             "Year": 0
  104285.         },
  104286.         {
  104287.             "RIT": "ws970260",
  104288.             "Type": "WS",
  104289.             "URL": "http://seawifs.gsfc.nasa.gov/OCEAN_PLANET/HTML/ocean_planet_topic_outline.html",
  104290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104291.             "Title": "Ocean Planet: Topic Outline",
  104292.             "Category": "PHY",
  104293.             "Description": "A complete listing of all local pages in the Smithsonian's Ocean Planet online Exhibition.",
  104294.             "Year": 0
  104295.         },
  104296.         {
  104297.             "RIT": "ws970297",
  104298.             "Type": "WS",
  104299.             "URL": "http://www.nrel.gov/research/pv/spain.html",
  104300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104301.             "Title": "Spain",
  104302.             "Category": "PHY",
  104303.             "Description": "The solar heating of homes and other buildings in Spain.",
  104304.             "Year": 0
  104305.         },
  104306.         {
  104307.             "RIT": "ws970304",
  104308.             "Type": "WS",
  104309.             "URL": "http://stardate.org/radio/program.php?f=today",
  104310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104311.             "Title": "StarDate Script",
  104312.             "Category": "PHY",
  104313.             "Description": "Daily astronomical information from the McDonald Observatory of the Univ. of Texas.",
  104314.             "Year": 0
  104315.         },
  104316.         {
  104317.             "RIT": "ws970306",
  104318.             "Type": "WS",
  104319.             "URL": "http://www.studyabroad.com/simplehtml/Finland.html",
  104320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104321.             "Title": "Study Abroad Finland",
  104322.             "Category": "SOC",
  104323.             "Description": "Information on institutions offering study-abroad programs in Finland.",
  104324.             "Year": 0
  104325.         },
  104326.         {
  104327.             "RIT": "ws970308",
  104328.             "Type": "WS",
  104329.             "URL": "http://www.math.sunysb.edu/~tony/tides/sun-moon.html",
  104330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104331.             "Title": "Sun - Moon",
  104332.             "Category": "PHY",
  104333.             "Description": "Information about solar eclipses and solar and lunar tides.",
  104334.             "Year": 0
  104335.         },
  104336.         {
  104337.             "RIT": "ws970314",
  104338.             "Type": "WS",
  104339.             "URL": "http://www-alpinistas.ucsd.edu/archives/1995/thailand/$thai.htm",
  104340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104341.             "Title": "Christmas in Thailand",
  104342.             "Category": "REC",
  104343.             "Description": "One person's experience rock-climbing and snorkeling in Thailand over the Christmas holidays.",
  104344.             "Year": 0
  104345.         },
  104346.         {
  104347.             "RIT": "ws970315",
  104348.             "Type": "WS",
  104349.             "URL": "http://www.engin.umich.edu/dept/cheme/events/thailand.html",
  104350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104351.             "Title": "Thailand Linkage Program",
  104352.             "Category": "SOC",
  104353.             "Description": "A joint chemical engineering program of the University of Michigan and Thailand's Chulalongkorn University.",
  104354.             "Year": 0
  104355.         },
  104356.         {
  104357.             "RIT": "ws970324",
  104358.             "Type": "WS",
  104359.             "URL": "http://wwwflag.wr.usgs.gov/USGSFlag/Space/wall/moon.html",
  104360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104361.             "Title": "Earth's Moon",
  104362.             "Category": "PHY",
  104363.             "Description": "Statistics and photos of the moon, sponsored by the U.S. Geological Survey.",
  104364.             "Year": 0
  104365.         },
  104366.         {
  104367.             "RIT": "ws970325",
  104368.             "Type": "WS",
  104369.             "URL": "http://www.eia.brad.ac.uk/rti/nuffield/moon/moon1.html",
  104370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104371.             "Title": "The Moon Contents Page",
  104372.             "Category": "PHY",
  104373.             "Description": "Information about the moon for school students provided by educators at Bradford University in England.",
  104374.             "Year": 0
  104375.         },
  104376.         {
  104377.             "RIT": "ws970329",
  104378.             "Type": "WS",
  104379.             "URL": "http://www-odp.tamu.edu/",
  104380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104381.             "Title": "The Ocean Drilling Program",
  104382.             "Category": "PHY",
  104383.             "Description": "Research into the ocean basins and the crust beneath the ocean floor and sponsored by the National Science Foundation.",
  104384.             "Year": 0
  104385.         },
  104386.         {
  104387.             "RIT": "ws970334",
  104388.             "Type": "WS",
  104389.             "URL": "http://southport.jpl.nasa.gov/volcanopic.html",
  104390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104391.             "Title": "The SRL Volcano Exhibit",
  104392.             "Category": "PHY",
  104393.             "Description": "Radar images of volcanoes around the world, obtained from missions on the Space Shuttle Endeavour in 1994.",
  104394.             "Year": 0
  104395.         },
  104396.         {
  104397.             "RIT": "ws970357",
  104398.             "Type": "WS",
  104399.             "URL": "http://www.travelfile.com/go/VIDAREIDI_DENMARK.html",
  104400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104401.             "Title": "TravelFile Denmark",
  104402.             "Category": "GEO",
  104403.             "Description": "Information on accommodations in Denmark, from TravelFile, the on-line travel information service.",
  104404.             "Year": 0
  104405.         },
  104406.         {
  104407.             "RIT": "ws970360",
  104408.             "Type": "WS",
  104409.             "URL": "http://kwtv.com/wx/wxtips.htm",
  104410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104411.             "Title": "Those Terrible Twisters - Tornado Safety Tips",
  104412.             "Category": "SOC",
  104413.             "Description": "Tornado safety tips from KWTV-9, Oklahoma City, Okla.",
  104414.             "Year": 0
  104415.         },
  104416.         {
  104417.             "RIT": "ws970367",
  104418.             "Type": "WS",
  104419.             "URL": "http://www.ahcpr.gov/research/computer.htm",
  104420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104421.             "Title": "Using Computers To Advance Health Care",
  104422.             "Category": "SOC",
  104423.             "Description": "Information on computers and health care, from the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research in Rockville, Md.",
  104424.             "Year": 0
  104425.         },
  104426.         {
  104427.             "RIT": "ws970374",
  104428.             "Type": "WS",
  104429.             "URL": "http://denali.gsfc.nasa.gov/research/volc2/volc_top.html",
  104430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104431.             "Title": "Volcano Topography and Volcanic Hazards",
  104432.             "Category": "PHY",
  104433.             "Description": "Information on the topography and monitoring of volcanoes.",
  104434.             "Year": 0
  104435.         },
  104436.         {
  104437.             "RIT": "ws970375",
  104438.             "Type": "WS",
  104439.             "URL": "http://hakone.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/vrc/links/links.html",
  104440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104441.             "Title": "Volcano Web Links",
  104442.             "Category": "PHY",
  104443.             "Description": "Information on volcanic eruptions in Japan, from the Volcano Research Center, University of Tokyo.",
  104444.             "Year": 0
  104445.         },
  104446.         {
  104447.             "RIT": "ws970379",
  104448.             "Type": "WS",
  104449.             "URL": "http://www.vtt.fi/indexe.htm",
  104450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104451.             "Title": "VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland - Homepage",
  104452.             "Category": "PHY",
  104453.             "Description": "A Finnish research organization that conducts technical and technoeconomic research.",
  104454.             "Year": 0
  104455.         },
  104456.         {
  104457.             "RIT": "ws970380",
  104458.             "Type": "WS",
  104459.             "URL": "http://www.hafro.is/sjalf.e.html",
  104460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104461.             "Title": "Welcome to Hafro W3 Server in English",
  104462.             "Category": "PHY",
  104463.             "Description": "Information about the Marine Research Institute in Reykjavik, Iceland.",
  104464.             "Year": 0
  104465.         },
  104466.         {
  104467.             "RIT": "ws970381",
  104468.             "Type": "WS",
  104469.             "URL": "http://www.arctic.is/index.html",
  104470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104471.             "Title": "Welcome to the Iceland Connection!",
  104472.             "Category": "PHY",
  104473.             "Description": "Links to the Iceland Travel Net and the Fish Industry Net, covering 1100 Web pages in all.",
  104474.             "Year": 0
  104475.         },
  104476.         {
  104477.             "RIT": "ws970382",
  104478.             "Type": "WS",
  104479.             "URL": "http://www.nnic.noaa.gov/",
  104480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104481.             "Title": "Welcome to the NOAA NIC",
  104482.             "Category": "PHY",
  104483.             "Description": "Information about the Network Information Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.",
  104484.             "Year": 0
  104485.         },
  104486.         {
  104487.             "RIT": "ws970386",
  104488.             "Type": "WS",
  104489.             "URL": "http://www-math.science.unitn.it/Bike/Countries/Finland/General/Winter_Tips_from_Finland.html",
  104490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104491.             "Title": "Winter Tips from Finland",
  104492.             "Category": "REC",
  104493.             "Description": "Winter tips for bikers in Finland.",
  104494.             "Year": 0
  104495.         },
  104496.         {
  104497.             "RIT": "ws970419",
  104498.             "Type": "WS",
  104499.             "URL": "http://www.worldwide.edu/ci/switzerland/flschools_adult.html",
  104500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104501.             "Title": "Switzerland Schools",
  104502.             "Category": "SOC",
  104503.             "Description": "Information about colleges, universities, academies, and secondary schools in Switzerland.",
  104504.             "Year": 0
  104505.         },
  104506.         {
  104507.             "RIT": "ws970420",
  104508.             "Type": "WS",
  104509.             "URL": "http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/Collections/Romance/swisshpg.html",
  104510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104511.             "Title": "UCB Library Swiss Home Page",
  104512.             "Category": "SOC",
  104513.             "Description": "About the Swiss collections of the University of California, Berkeley.",
  104514.             "Year": 0
  104515.         },
  104516.         {
  104517.             "RIT": "ws970422",
  104518.             "Type": "WS",
  104519.             "URL": "http://library.byu.edu/~rdh/eurodocs/switzerl.html",
  104520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104521.             "Title": "Switzerland & Liechtenstein - Primary Documents",
  104522.             "Category": "HIS",
  104523.             "Description": "A history of Switzerland from primary documents, including the Swiss Federal Constitution.",
  104524.             "Year": 0
  104525.         },
  104526.         {
  104527.             "RIT": "ws970424",
  104528.             "Type": "WS",
  104529.             "URL": "http://www.er.uqam.ca/nobel/r14160/swiss/swiss.html",
  104530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104531.             "Title": "The Swiss FAQ",
  104532.             "Category": "SOC",
  104533.             "Description": "Detailed information about Swiss culture and travel from the University of Quebec at Montreal.",
  104534.             "Year": 0
  104535.         },
  104536.         {
  104537.             "RIT": "ws970431",
  104538.             "Type": "WS",
  104539.             "URL": "http://www.w-o-s.com/",
  104540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104541.             "Title": "Welcome to Watches of Switzerland",
  104542.             "Category": "IND",
  104543.             "Description": "Information from Swiss manufacturers about Swiss watches and history from the sundial to the atomic clock.",
  104544.             "Year": 0
  104545.         },
  104546.         {
  104547.             "RIT": "ws970435",
  104548.             "Type": "WS",
  104549.             "URL": "http://www.nrel.gov/research/pv/switzerland.html",
  104550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104551.             "Title": "Switzerland (photovoltaics)",
  104552.             "Category": "PHY",
  104553.             "Description": "About the Swiss Federal PV (photovoltaics) program, promoting solar heating for homes and other buildings.",
  104554.             "Year": 0
  104555.         },
  104556.         {
  104557.             "RIT": "ws970443",
  104558.             "Type": "WS",
  104559.             "URL": "http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/europe/switzerland/",
  104560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104561.             "Title": "Lonely Planet - Destination: Switzerland",
  104562.             "Category": "SOC",
  104563.             "Description": "Detailed information about Switzerland, including its history, culture, and a description of its major cities.",
  104564.             "Year": 0
  104565.         },
  104566.         {
  104567.             "RIT": "ws970445",
  104568.             "Type": "WS",
  104569.             "URL": "http://www.eda.admin.ch/london_emb/e/home.html",
  104570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104571.             "Title": "Embassy of Switzerland, London (UK)",
  104572.             "Category": "SOC",
  104573.             "Description": "The Home Page of the Swiss embassy to the United Kingdom, in London.",
  104574.             "Year": 0
  104575.         },
  104576.         {
  104577.             "RIT": "ws970447",
  104578.             "Type": "WS",
  104579.             "URL": "http://www.info.usaid.gov/HORN/somalia/OFDA/disassom.html",
  104580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104581.             "Title": "USAID Somalia Disaster History",
  104582.             "Category": "SOC",
  104583.             "Description": "A disaster database for Somalia under the auspices of the USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance.",
  104584.             "Year": 0
  104585.         },
  104586.         {
  104587.             "RIT": "ws970499",
  104588.             "Type": "WS",
  104589.             "URL": "http://www.tno.nl/homepage.html",
  104590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104591.             "Title": "Welcome to TNO",
  104592.             "Category": "IND",
  104593.             "Description": "About TNO, the Netherlands organization for applied science research.",
  104594.             "Year": 0
  104595.         },
  104596.         {
  104597.             "RIT": "ws970506",
  104598.             "Type": "WS",
  104599.             "URL": "http://www.mtsu.edu:80/~jpurcell/Walker/Wildlife/polarbear.html",
  104600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104601.             "Title": "The Polar Bear Page",
  104602.             "Category": "LIF",
  104603.             "Description": "Information about polar bears (ursus maritimus), the largest carnivores on land.",
  104604.             "Year": 0
  104605.         },
  104606.         {
  104607.             "RIT": "ws970524",
  104608.             "Type": "WS",
  104609.             "URL": "http://www.desertusa.com:80/desert.html",
  104610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104611.             "Title": "What is the Desert?",
  104612.             "Category": "GEO",
  104613.             "Description": "Information on various deserts, from DesertUSA.",
  104614.             "Year": 0
  104615.         },
  104616.         {
  104617.             "RIT": "ws970528",
  104618.             "Type": "WS",
  104619.             "URL": "http://home.capu.net/~kwelch/pp/",
  104620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104621.             "Title": "The Penguin Page",
  104622.             "Category": "LIF",
  104623.             "Description": "Information about various penguin species, their behavior, and their habitat.",
  104624.             "Year": 0
  104625.         },
  104626.         {
  104627.             "RIT": "ws970529",
  104628.             "Type": "WS",
  104629.             "URL": "http://www.terraquest.com/va/science/penguins/penguins.html",
  104630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104631.             "Title": "Virtual Antarctica Science: Penguins",
  104632.             "Category": "LIF",
  104633.             "Description": "About penguins, the signature species of Antarctica.",
  104634.             "Year": 0
  104635.         },
  104636.         {
  104637.             "RIT": "ws970533",
  104638.             "Type": "WS",
  104639.             "URL": "http://www.ngpc.state.ne.us/wildlife/wtdeer.html",
  104640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104641.             "Title": "The White-Tailed Deer",
  104642.             "Category": "LIF",
  104643.             "Description": "Information about the white-tailed deer in the wild.",
  104644.             "Year": 0
  104645.         },
  104646.         {
  104647.             "RIT": "ws970537",
  104648.             "Type": "WS",
  104649.             "URL": "http://www.deer.com:80/articles.html",
  104650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104651.             "Title": "Articles About Deer and Deer Hunting",
  104652.             "Category": "REC",
  104653.             "Description": "An Internet directory on the topic of deer hunting.",
  104654.             "Year": 0
  104655.         },
  104656.         {
  104657.             "RIT": "ws970540",
  104658.             "Type": "WS",
  104659.             "URL": "http://www.hmu.auckland.ac.nz/0x82d85c03_0x00016a71/",
  104660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104661.             "Title": "Orca Information",
  104662.             "Category": "LIF",
  104663.             "Description": "Information about orcinus orca, the killer whale.",
  104664.             "Year": 0
  104665.         },
  104666.         {
  104667.             "RIT": "ws970548",
  104668.             "Type": "WS",
  104669.             "URL": "http://www.ohwy.com/or/k/keiko.htm",
  104670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104671.             "Title": "Keiko the Killer Whale - Oregon Online Highways",
  104672.             "Category": "LIF",
  104673.             "Description": "Information about the killer whale star of Free Willy and Free Willy 2.",
  104674.             "Year": 0
  104675.         },
  104676.         {
  104677.             "RIT": "ws970552",
  104678.             "Type": "WS",
  104679.             "URL": "http://www.cubatrade.org/",
  104680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104681.             "Title": "U.S.-Cuba Trade and Economic Council, Inc.",
  104682.             "Category": "SOC",
  104683.             "Description": "Information about a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization that studies U.S. and Cuban trade policy.",
  104684.             "Year": 0
  104685.         },
  104686.         {
  104687.             "RIT": "ws970553",
  104688.             "Type": "WS",
  104689.             "URL": "http://www.rpi.edu/~pratsa/cuba/covering-cuba.html",
  104690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104691.             "Title": "Covering Cuba",
  104692.             "Category": "SOC",
  104693.             "Description": "A description of life in Cuba today.",
  104694.             "Year": 0
  104695.         },
  104696.         {
  104697.             "RIT": "ws970184",
  104698.             "Type": "WS",
  104699.             "URL": "http://www.funet.fi/Finland/Finland-info.html",
  104700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104701.             "Title": "Fact Sheet: Finland 1995",
  104702.             "Category": "GEO",
  104703.             "Description": "A detailed fact sheet for Finland, including topics such as geography, climate, government, media, and currency.",
  104704.             "Year": 0
  104705.         },
  104706.         {
  104707.             "RIT": "ws970191",
  104708.             "Type": "WS",
  104709.             "URL": "http://www.lib.helsinki.fi/english/",
  104710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104711.             "Title": "Finland: Helsinki University Library - The National Library of Finland",
  104712.             "Category": "SOC",
  104713.             "Description": "Contact points and other information for the Helsinki Univ. Library - National Library of Finland.",
  104714.             "Year": 0
  104715.         },
  104716.         {
  104717.             "RIT": "ws970193",
  104718.             "Type": "WS",
  104719.             "URL": "http://www.bok.hi.is/english/",
  104720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104721.             "Title": "Iceland: The National and University Library of Iceland",
  104722.             "Category": "SOC",
  104723.             "Description": "Contact points and other information for the National and University Library of Iceland.",
  104724.             "Year": 0
  104725.         },
  104726.         {
  104727.             "RIT": "ws970197",
  104728.             "Type": "WS",
  104729.             "URL": "http://www.greattv.com/hotlinks.htm",
  104730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104731.             "Title": "Great! Television Hotlinks",
  104732.             "Category": "IND",
  104733.             "Description": "A collection of links to online film & TV resources, sponsored by Great!, a promotion agency for the TV industry.",
  104734.             "Year": 0
  104735.         },
  104736.         {
  104737.             "RIT": "ws970202",
  104738.             "Type": "WS",
  104739.             "URL": "http://ednhp.hartford.edu/WWW/Teleclass/greece.html",
  104740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104741.             "Title": "Greece Past and Present",
  104742.             "Category": "SOC",
  104743.             "Description": "A reference page for teachers and students studying Greece, ancient and modern.",
  104744.             "Year": 0
  104745.         },
  104746.         {
  104747.             "RIT": "ws970208",
  104748.             "Type": "WS",
  104749.             "URL": "http://www.forthnet.gr/hellas/hellas.html",
  104750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104751.             "Title": "Hellas Map",
  104752.             "Category": "GEO",
  104753.             "Description": "A map and other information about Greece (Hellas is the name for Greece in the Greek language).",
  104754.             "Year": 0
  104755.         },
  104756.         {
  104757.             "RIT": "ws970212",
  104758.             "Type": "WS",
  104759.             "URL": "http://www.ag.uiuc.edu/~robsond/solutions/hort.html",
  104760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104761.             "Title": "Horticulture Solutions",
  104762.             "Category": "LIF",
  104763.             "Description": "Information on horticulture, the study of growing plants.",
  104764.             "Year": 0
  104765.         },
  104766.         {
  104767.             "RIT": "ws970216",
  104768.             "Type": "WS",
  104769.             "URL": "http://www.norvol.hi.is/jar3.html",
  104770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104771.             "Title": "Geologic & Tectonic Map of Iceland",
  104772.             "Category": "PHY",
  104773.             "Description": "Sponsored by Nordic Volcanological Inst. (NORDVOLC).",
  104774.             "Year": 0
  104775.         },
  104776.         {
  104777.             "RIT": "ws970220",
  104778.             "Type": "WS",
  104779.             "URL": "http://icelandreview.com/",
  104780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104782.             "Category": "SOC",
  104783.             "Description": "Information about Iceland, including current news, publications available for order, and Internet links.",
  104784.             "Year": 0
  104785.         },
  104786.         {
  104787.             "RIT": "ws970261",
  104788.             "Type": "WS",
  104789.             "URL": "http://www.jamstec.go.jp/jamstec/ocean.html",
  104790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104791.             "Title": "Ocean Research",
  104792.             "Category": "PHY",
  104793.             "Description": "Studies of ocean currents and their impact on global climate.",
  104794.             "Year": 0
  104795.         },
  104796.         {
  104797.             "RIT": "ws970262",
  104798.             "Type": "WS",
  104799.             "URL": "http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/dees/ees/climate/slides/ocean_index.html",
  104800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104801.             "Title": "Ocean Structure and Climatology",
  104802.             "Category": "PHY",
  104803.             "Description": "Documents that describe the physical properties of the oceans.",
  104804.             "Year": 0
  104805.         },
  104806.         {
  104807.             "RIT": "ws970263",
  104808.             "Type": "WS",
  104809.             "URL": "http://www.ocrm.nos.noaa.gov/welcome.html",
  104810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104811.             "Title": "Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management",
  104812.             "Category": "PHY",
  104813.             "Description": "Information about efforts to keep coasts and oceans environmentally healthy.",
  104814.             "Year": 0
  104815.         },
  104816.         {
  104817.             "RIT": "ws970270",
  104818.             "Type": "WS",
  104819.             "URL": "http://www.oulu.fi/~intrel/guide/finland.html",
  104820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104821.             "Title": "Guide for International Students: Finland in Brief",
  104822.             "Category": "GEO",
  104823.             "Description": "Information about Finland: geography, climate, population, language, government, and so on.",
  104824.             "Year": 0
  104825.         },
  104826.         {
  104827.             "RIT": "ws970275",
  104828.             "Type": "WS",
  104829.             "URL": "http://hakone.eri.u-tokyo.ac.jp/kazan/unzenp.html",
  104830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104831.             "Title": "Photo Sets of Unzen Volcano 1991-93 Eruption",
  104832.             "Category": "PHY",
  104833.             "Description": "Images of erupting volcanoes in Japan.",
  104834.             "Year": 0
  104835.         },
  104836.         {
  104837.             "RIT": "ws970282",
  104838.             "Type": "WS",
  104839.             "URL": "http://www.radiodesign.com/tvwrks.htm",
  104840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104841.             "Title": "Radio Design Group - How It Works: Television",
  104842.             "Category": "PHY",
  104843.             "Description": "An explanation of how television technology works, provided by the Radio Design Group.",
  104844.             "Year": 0
  104845.         },
  104846.         {
  104847.             "RIT": "ws970283",
  104848.             "Type": "WS",
  104849.             "URL": "http://newark.cms.udel.edu/crs/pages/ocean_dynamics.html",
  104850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104851.             "Title": "Remote Sensing of Ocean Dynamics",
  104852.             "Category": "PHY",
  104853.             "Description": "Ocean dynamics (currents, etc.) and their impact on climate, site by the University of Delaware.",
  104854.             "Year": 0
  104855.         },
  104856.         {
  104857.             "RIT": "ws970284",
  104858.             "Type": "WS",
  104859.             "URL": "http://www.SoccerAge.com/en/33/00001.html",
  104860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104861.             "Title": "Rete! [The International Soccer Pages]",
  104862.             "Category": "REC",
  104863.             "Description": "Comprehensive international information about soccer teams, players, and matches.",
  104864.             "Year": 0
  104865.         },
  104866.         {
  104867.             "RIT": "ws970288",
  104868.             "Type": "WS",
  104869.             "URL": "http://www.satlab.hawaii.edu/satlab/moon.html",
  104870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104871.             "Title": "Satellite Oceanography Laboratory: Moon seen by GMS-4",
  104872.             "Category": "PHY",
  104873.             "Description": "Imformation about and photos of the moon.",
  104874.             "Year": 0
  104875.         },
  104876.         {
  104877.             "RIT": "ws970289",
  104878.             "Type": "WS",
  104879.             "URL": "http://stargate.jpl.nasa.gov:1083/html/ocean.htm",
  104880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104881.             "Title": "Search for ocean in IGARSS '94 Abstracts",
  104882.             "Category": "PHY",
  104883.             "Description": "Papers on oceans, etc., from the 1994 International Geoscience (IGARSS) symposium.",
  104884.             "Year": 0
  104885.         },
  104886.         {
  104887.             "RIT": "ws970338",
  104888.             "Type": "WS",
  104889.             "URL": "http://www.vilspa.esa.es/historical/The_Web/Spain.html",
  104890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104891.             "Title": "The Web in Spain",
  104892.             "Category": "IND",
  104893.             "Description": "A list of Web servers in Spain, provided by the European Space Agency (ESA).",
  104894.             "Year": 0
  104895.         },
  104896.         {
  104897.             "RIT": "ws970339",
  104898.             "Type": "WS",
  104899.             "URL": "http://libertyonline.hypermall.com/Jefferson/index.html",
  104900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104901.             "Title": "The Works of Thomas Jefferson",
  104902.             "Category": "HIS",
  104903.             "Description": "Various writings of Thomas Jefferson, including his first inaugural address.",
  104904.             "Year": 0
  104905.         },
  104906.         {
  104907.             "RIT": "ws970340",
  104908.             "Type": "WS",
  104909.             "URL": "http://www.tjsl.edu/",
  104910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104911.             "Title": "Thomas Jefferson Home Page",
  104912.             "Category": "SOC",
  104913.             "Description": "About Thomas Jefferson School of Law.",
  104914.             "Year": 0
  104915.         },
  104916.         {
  104917.             "RIT": "ws970341",
  104918.             "Type": "WS",
  104919.             "URL": "http://www.history.org/Almanack/people/bios/biojeff1.cfm",
  104920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104921.             "Title": "Thomas Jefferson in Williamsburg",
  104922.             "Category": "HIS",
  104923.             "Description": "Thomas Jefferson's experiences in Williamsburg as student, burgess, and governor. The text provides links to people, events, and places that were important to Jefferson during that time. The site is hosted by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.",
  104924.             "Year": 0
  104925.         },
  104926.         {
  104927.             "RIT": "ws970347",
  104928.             "Type": "WS",
  104929.             "URL": "http://www.southwind.net/ksnw/weather/tornado.html",
  104930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104931.             "Title": "Tornado Safety Rules",
  104932.             "Category": "SOC",
  104933.             "Description": "How to take cover when a tornado warning is issued, from KSN News 3 in Wichita, Kansas.",
  104934.             "Year": 0
  104935.         },
  104936.         {
  104937.             "RIT": "ws970349",
  104938.             "Type": "WS",
  104939.             "URL": "http://www.radiosat.com/radiosat/tornado.htm",
  104940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104941.             "Title": "Tornado!",
  104942.             "Category": "SOC",
  104943.             "Description": "Tornado information provided by the Radio Satellite Corporation.",
  104944.             "Year": 0
  104945.         },
  104946.         {
  104947.             "RIT": "ws970350",
  104948.             "Type": "WS",
  104949.             "URL": "http://www.cyberstation.net/redcross/tornado.html",
  104950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104951.             "Title": "Tornadoes",
  104952.             "Category": "PHY",
  104953.             "Description": "Information about what causes tornadoes.",
  104954.             "Year": 0
  104955.         },
  104956.         {
  104957.             "RIT": "ws970353",
  104958.             "Type": "WS",
  104959.             "URL": "http://www.travel.org/finland.html",
  104960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104961.             "Title": "Travel - Finland",
  104962.             "Category": "GEO",
  104963.             "Description": "Travel stories and articles about Finland.",
  104964.             "Year": 0
  104965.         },
  104966.         {
  104967.             "RIT": "ws970354",
  104968.             "Type": "WS",
  104969.             "URL": "http://www.travel.org/greece.html",
  104970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104971.             "Title": "Travel - Greece",
  104972.             "Category": "GEO",
  104973.             "Description": "A directory of travel information about Greece.",
  104974.             "Year": 0
  104975.         },
  104976.         {
  104977.             "RIT": "ws970355",
  104978.             "Type": "WS",
  104979.             "URL": "http://www.travel.org/spain.html",
  104980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104981.             "Title": "Travel - Spain",
  104982.             "Category": "GEO",
  104983.             "Description": "A directory of travel information about Spain.",
  104984.             "Year": 0
  104985.         },
  104986.         {
  104987.             "RIT": "ws970356",
  104988.             "Type": "WS",
  104989.             "URL": "http://www.travelfile.com/go/TAK_THAILAND.html",
  104990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  104991.             "Title": "TravelFile Thailand",
  104992.             "Category": "GEO",
  104993.             "Description": "Information on accommodations in Thailand, from TravelFile, the on-line travel information service.",
  104994.             "Year": 0
  104995.         },
  104996.         {
  104997.             "RIT": "ws970393",
  104998.             "Type": "WS",
  104999.             "URL": "http://www.dma.be/p/yfu/country/finland.htm",
  105000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105001.             "Title": "YFU Finland",
  105002.             "Category": "SOC",
  105003.             "Description": "Information about student-exchange opportunities in Finland.",
  105004.             "Year": 0
  105005.         },
  105006.         {
  105007.             "RIT": "ws970394",
  105008.             "Type": "WS",
  105009.             "URL": "http://www.infohub.com/TRAVEL/TRAVELLER/EUROPE/spain.html",
  105010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105011.             "Title": "INFOHUB Spain Travel Guide",
  105012.             "Category": "GEO",
  105013.             "Description": "Tourist information for Spain.",
  105014.             "Year": 0
  105015.         },
  105016.         {
  105017.             "RIT": "ws970400",
  105018.             "Type": "WS",
  105019.             "URL": "http://www.infohub.com/TRAVEL/TRAVELLER/EUROPE/portugal.html",
  105020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105021.             "Title": "INFOHUB Company Profile Page",
  105022.             "Category": "GEO",
  105023.             "Description": "Tourist information for Portugal.",
  105024.             "Year": 0
  105025.         },
  105026.         {
  105027.             "RIT": "ws970401",
  105028.             "Type": "WS",
  105029.             "URL": "http://www.treasury.boi.ie/country/portugal.htm",
  105030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105031.             "Title": "Portugal",
  105032.             "Category": "SOC",
  105033.             "Description": "Information about the economy and politics of Portugal.",
  105034.             "Year": 0
  105035.         },
  105036.         {
  105037.             "RIT": "ws970405",
  105038.             "Type": "WS",
  105039.             "URL": "http://s700.uminho.pt/Portugal/portugal.html",
  105040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105041.             "Title": "Portugal",
  105042.             "Category": "SOC",
  105043.             "Description": "The map and flag of Portugal, and general travel information, including postal codes and telephone area codes.",
  105044.             "Year": 0
  105045.         },
  105046.         {
  105047.             "RIT": "ws970407",
  105048.             "Type": "WS",
  105049.             "URL": "http://www.portugal.org/index.html",
  105050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105051.             "Title": "Welcome to Portugal - Investments, Trade, and Tourism in Portugal",
  105052.             "Category": "SOC",
  105053.             "Description": "Information about Portugal, provided by a government agency within the nation's Ministry of Economy.",
  105054.             "Year": 0
  105055.         },
  105056.         {
  105057.             "RIT": "ws970410",
  105058.             "Type": "WS",
  105059.             "URL": "http://www.travel.org/portugal.html",
  105060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105061.             "Title": "Travel - Portugal",
  105062.             "Category": "GEO",
  105063.             "Description": "Travel information about Portugal.",
  105064.             "Year": 0
  105065.         },
  105066.         {
  105067.             "RIT": "ws970412",
  105068.             "Type": "WS",
  105069.             "URL": "http://www.ensmp.fr/~scherer/euni/euni_pt.html",
  105070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105071.             "Title": "EUNI - List of European Universities (Portugal)",
  105072.             "Category": "SOC",
  105073.             "Description": "A list of universities in Portugal, and some additional resources related to education in Portugal.",
  105074.             "Year": 0
  105075.         },
  105076.         {
  105077.             "RIT": "ws970413",
  105078.             "Type": "WS",
  105079.             "URL": "http://www.afs.org/partners/porhome.htm",
  105080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105081.             "Title": "AFS Intercultural Programs - Portugal",
  105082.             "Category": "SOC",
  105083.             "Description": "About exchange programs in Portugal.",
  105084.             "Year": 0
  105085.         },
  105086.         {
  105087.             "RIT": "ws970414",
  105088.             "Type": "WS",
  105089.             "URL": "http://library.byu.edu/~rdh/eurodocs/portugal.html",
  105090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105091.             "Title": "Portugal - Primary Documents",
  105092.             "Category": "HIS",
  105093.             "Description": "A brief history of Portugal (source: Brigham Young University).",
  105094.             "Year": 0
  105095.         },
  105096.         {
  105097.             "RIT": "ws970416",
  105098.             "Type": "WS",
  105099.             "URL": "http://www.knight.org/advent/cathen/05391a.htm",
  105100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105101.             "Title": "Elizabeth of Portugal, Saint",
  105102.             "Category": "HIS",
  105103.             "Description": "A biography of St. Elizabeth, a queen of Portugal of the late 1200's, from the Catholic Encyclopedia.",
  105104.             "Year": 0
  105105.         },
  105106.         {
  105107.             "RIT": "ws970449",
  105108.             "Type": "WS",
  105109.             "URL": "http://www.usaid.gov/regions/afr/country_info/somalia.html",
  105110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105111.             "Title": "Somalia",
  105112.             "Category": "SOC",
  105113.             "Description": "Information about the country of Somalia.",
  105114.             "Year": 0
  105115.         },
  105116.         {
  105117.             "RIT": "ws970450",
  105118.             "Type": "WS",
  105119.             "URL": "http://www.info.usaid.gov/HORN/somalia/somalia.html",
  105120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105121.             "Title": "Somalia Country Profile",
  105122.             "Category": "SOC",
  105123.             "Description": "Overview of Somalia, provided by the Greater Horn information exchange.",
  105124.             "Year": 0
  105125.         },
  105126.         {
  105127.             "RIT": "ws970452",
  105128.             "Type": "WS",
  105129.             "URL": "http://www.info.usaid.gov/HORN/somalia/unicef/somalia.html",
  105130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105131.             "Title": "State of Somalia's Children, 1995",
  105132.             "Category": "SOC",
  105133.             "Description": "UNICEF's State of the World's Children Report, 1995.",
  105134.             "Year": 0
  105135.         },
  105136.         {
  105137.             "RIT": "ws970455",
  105138.             "Type": "WS",
  105139.             "URL": "http://home.vicnet.net.au/~somalia/",
  105140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105141.             "Title": "Somali Cultural Association Home Page",
  105142.             "Category": "SOC",
  105143.             "Description": "Information about Somali Culture, presented by the Somali Cultural Association of Australia.",
  105144.             "Year": 0
  105145.         },
  105146.         {
  105147.             "RIT": "ws970464",
  105148.             "Type": "WS",
  105149.             "URL": "http://www.koala.net/",
  105150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105151.             "Title": "Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Home Page",
  105152.             "Category": "LIF",
  105153.             "Description": "A sanctuary for koalas, wombats, kangaroos, and other animals native to Australia, with links to other resources about wildlife and Australia.",
  105154.             "Year": 0
  105155.         },
  105156.         {
  105157.             "RIT": "ws970483",
  105158.             "Type": "WS",
  105159.             "URL": "http://www.halcyon.com/mongolia/snowleopard.html",
  105160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105161.             "Title": "Snow Leopard Introduction",
  105162.             "Category": "LIF",
  105163.             "Description": "A commercial site that provides information on snow leopards in central Asia.",
  105164.             "Year": 0
  105165.         },
  105166.         {
  105167.             "RIT": "ws970488",
  105168.             "Type": "WS",
  105169.             "URL": "http://www.cathouse-fcc.org/catsinfo.html#Leopard",
  105170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105171.             "Title": "Species Information",
  105172.             "Category": "LIF",
  105173.             "Description": "Information about wild cats, from the Feline Conservation Center, a desert zoo near Los Angeles, Calif.",
  105174.             "Year": 0
  105175.         },
  105176.         {
  105177.             "RIT": "ws970491",
  105178.             "Type": "WS",
  105179.             "URL": "http://www.studyabroad.com/simplehtml/Netherlands.html",
  105180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105181.             "Title": "Study Abroad Netherlands",
  105182.             "Category": "SOC",
  105183.             "Description": "About institutions offering study-abroad programs in the Netherlands.",
  105184.             "Year": 0
  105185.         },
  105186.         {
  105187.             "RIT": "ws970492",
  105188.             "Type": "WS",
  105189.             "URL": "http://www.nrel.gov/research/pv/netherlands.html",
  105190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105191.             "Title": "The Netherlands",
  105192.             "Category": "PHY",
  105193.             "Description": "About the heating of homes and other buildings in the Netherlands with solar energy.",
  105194.             "Year": 0
  105195.         },
  105196.         {
  105197.             "RIT": "ws970493",
  105198.             "Type": "WS",
  105199.             "URL": "http://www.infohub.com/TRAVEL/ADVENTURE/ENTERTAINMENT/EUROPE/netherlands.html",
  105200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105201.             "Title": "INFOHUB Netherlands Entertainment Page",
  105202.             "Category": "SOC",
  105203.             "Description": "Information about entertainment in the Netherlands.",
  105204.             "Year": 0
  105205.         },
  105206.         {
  105207.             "RIT": "ws970554",
  105208.             "Type": "WS",
  105209.             "URL": "http://www.us.net/cip/cuba.htm",
  105210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105211.             "Title": "CIP Cuba Program",
  105212.             "Category": "SOC",
  105213.             "Description": "Information about the Center for International Policy, a group that is opposed to the U.S. embargo of Cuba.",
  105214.             "Year": 0
  105215.         },
  105216.         {
  105217.             "RIT": "ws970555",
  105218.             "Type": "WS",
  105219.             "URL": "http://travel.state.gov/cuba.html",
  105220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105221.             "Title": "Cuba",
  105222.             "Category": "SOC",
  105223.             "Description": "A consular information sheet concerning travel in Cuba, from the U.S. State Department.",
  105224.             "Year": 0
  105225.         },
  105226.         {
  105227.             "RIT": "ws970576",
  105228.             "Type": "WS",
  105229.             "URL": "http://www.explore-poland.pl/",
  105230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105231.             "Title": "Explore Poland",
  105232.             "Category": "SOC",
  105233.             "Description": "Travel information for Poland.",
  105234.             "Year": 0
  105235.         },
  105236.         {
  105237.             "RIT": "ws970577",
  105238.             "Type": "WS",
  105239.             "URL": "http://www.nyx.net/~dcypser/induceq/induceq.bib.html",
  105240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105241.             "Title": "Induced Earthquake Bibliography",
  105242.             "Category": "PHY",
  105243.             "Description": "A bibliography on induced (human-caused) earthquakes.",
  105244.             "Year": 0
  105245.         },
  105246.         {
  105247.             "RIT": "ws970581",
  105248.             "Type": "WS",
  105249.             "URL": "http://vathena.arc.nasa.gov/curric/land/todayqk.html",
  105250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105251.             "Title": "Today's Earthquake Activity",
  105252.             "Category": "PHY",
  105253.             "Description": "Current information about earthquakes worldwide, including maps.",
  105254.             "Year": 0
  105255.         },
  105256.         {
  105257.             "RIT": "ws970582",
  105258.             "Type": "WS",
  105259.             "URL": "http://quake.geo.berkeley.edu/cnss/",
  105260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105261.             "Title": "CNSS: Council of the National Seismic System",
  105262.             "Category": "PHY",
  105263.             "Description": "A worldwide catalog of earthquakes, from CNSS.",
  105264.             "Year": 0
  105265.         },
  105266.         {
  105267.             "RIT": "ws970583",
  105268.             "Type": "WS",
  105269.             "URL": "http://www.iris.washington.edu/",
  105270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105271.             "Title": "IRIS DMC: DMC Home Page",
  105272.             "Category": "PHY",
  105273.             "Description": "Earthquake information from Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, a university consortium.",
  105274.             "Year": 0
  105275.         },
  105276.         {
  105277.             "RIT": "ws970584",
  105278.             "Type": "WS",
  105279.             "URL": "http://agram.wr.usgs.gov/",
  105280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105281.             "Title": "U.S. Geological Survey - National Strong-Motion Program - NSMP",
  105282.             "Category": "PHY",
  105283.             "Description": "Information about strong-motion seismic recording in the United States.",
  105284.             "Year": 0
  105285.         },
  105286.         {
  105287.             "RIT": "ws970585",
  105288.             "Type": "WS",
  105289.             "URL": "http://www.seismo.berkeley.edu/seismo/Homepage.html",
  105290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105291.             "Title": "UC Berkeley Seismographic Station Home Page",
  105292.             "Category": "PHY",
  105293.             "Description": "Information about the seismographic station at the University of California, Berkeley.",
  105294.             "Year": 0
  105295.         },
  105296.         {
  105297.             "RIT": "ws970587",
  105298.             "Type": "WS",
  105299.             "URL": "http://quake.geo.berkeley.edu/",
  105300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105301.             "Title": "Northern California Earthquake Data Center Home Page",
  105302.             "Category": "PHY",
  105303.             "Description": "Northern California Earthquake Data Center site providing information about recent seismic activity in the area and links to other resources.",
  105304.             "Year": 0
  105305.         },
  105306.         {
  105307.             "RIT": "ws970619",
  105308.             "Type": "WS",
  105309.             "URL": "http://www.ddg.com/LIS/InfoDesignF94/aurelia/peru.htm",
  105310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105311.             "Title": "Peru",
  105312.             "Category": "GEO",
  105313.             "Description": "A general overview of Peru.",
  105314.             "Year": 0
  105315.         },
  105316.         {
  105317.             "RIT": "ws970620",
  105318.             "Type": "WS",
  105319.             "URL": "http://www.citi.net/home/richardg/",
  105320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105321.             "Title": "Peru",
  105322.             "Category": "GEO",
  105323.             "Description": "Description and photos of Peru. (Privately maintained Website.)",
  105324.             "Year": 0
  105325.         },
  105326.         {
  105327.             "RIT": "ws970621",
  105328.             "Type": "WS",
  105329.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?frd/cs:@field(DOCID+pe0012)/",
  105330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105331.             "Title": "Peru - The Incas",
  105332.             "Category": "HIS",
  105333.             "Description": "Information about the Incas of Peru.",
  105334.             "Year": 0
  105335.         },
  105336.         {
  105337.             "RIT": "ws970622",
  105338.             "Type": "WS",
  105339.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/petoc.html",
  105340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105341.             "Title": "Peru - A Country Study",
  105342.             "Category": "SOC",
  105343.             "Description": "Information about Peru, from the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program, sponsored by the U.S. Army.",
  105344.             "Year": 0
  105345.         },
  105346.         {
  105347.             "RIT": "ws970623",
  105348.             "Type": "WS",
  105349.             "URL": "http://www.worldbank.org/html/extdr/offrep/lac/perus.htm",
  105350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105351.             "Title": "Peru: Country Overview",
  105352.             "Category": "GEO",
  105353.             "Description": "Information about the natural resources of Peru.",
  105354.             "Year": 0
  105355.         },
  105356.         {
  105357.             "RIT": "ws970624",
  105358.             "Type": "WS",
  105359.             "URL": "http://www.ddg.com/LIS/aurelia/peru.htm",
  105360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105361.             "Title": "Peru",
  105362.             "Category": "GEO",
  105363.             "Description": "A guide to Andean countries.",
  105364.             "Year": 0
  105365.         },
  105366.         {
  105367.             "RIT": "ws970629",
  105368.             "Type": "WS",
  105369.             "URL": "http://members.aol.com/egladvocat/index.html",
  105370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105371.             "Title": "The Eagle's Advocate: List of Topics",
  105372.             "Category": "LIF",
  105373.             "Description": "A Website promoting awareness and appreciation of North America's eagles.",
  105374.             "Year": 0
  105375.         },
  105376.         {
  105377.             "RIT": "ws970633",
  105378.             "Type": "WS",
  105379.             "URL": "http://www.netaxs.com/~mhmyers/eagle.tn.html",
  105380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105381.             "Title": "Eagle and Hawks",
  105382.             "Category": "LIF",
  105383.             "Description": "Photos of eagles and other birds.",
  105384.             "Year": 0
  105385.         },
  105386.         {
  105387.             "RIT": "ws970645",
  105388.             "Type": "WS",
  105389.             "URL": "http://www.calacademy.org/research/herpetology/frogs/kfrogs.html",
  105390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105391.             "Title": "Frogs of the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya",
  105392.             "Category": "LIF",
  105393.             "Description": "Descriptions of the frogs and some of the other inhabitants of the Arabuko-Sokoke forest in Kenya.",
  105394.             "Year": 0
  105395.         },
  105396.         {
  105397.             "RIT": "ws970646",
  105398.             "Type": "WS",
  105399.             "URL": "http://kenya.rcbowen.com/",
  105400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105401.             "Title": "Kenya",
  105402.             "Category": "GEO",
  105403.             "Description": "Information about Kenya.",
  105404.             "Year": 0
  105405.         },
  105406.         {
  105407.             "RIT": "ws970647",
  105408.             "Type": "WS",
  105409.             "URL": "http://www.kenyaweb.com/index.php",
  105410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105411.             "Title": "KenyaWeb - Kenya's Definitive Internet Resource",
  105412.             "Category": "SOC",
  105413.             "Description": "Information resources for Kenya.",
  105414.             "Year": 0
  105415.         },
  105416.         {
  105417.             "RIT": "ws970653",
  105418.             "Type": "WS",
  105419.             "URL": "http://www.kilimanjaro.com/kenya/parkke.htm",
  105420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105421.             "Title": "National Parks and Reserves: Kenya",
  105422.             "Category": "GEO",
  105423.             "Description": "Information about Kenya's national parks and reserves.",
  105424.             "Year": 0
  105425.         },
  105426.         {
  105427.             "RIT": "ws970673",
  105428.             "Type": "WS",
  105429.             "URL": "http://blueskies.sprl.umich.edu/curriculum/Hurricane_Q&A/Answer1.html",
  105430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105431.             "Title": "What Is a Hurricane, Typhoon, or Tropical Cyclone?",
  105432.             "Category": "PHY",
  105433.             "Description": "Information about hurricanes and other tropical cyclones.",
  105434.             "Year": 0
  105435.         },
  105436.         {
  105437.             "RIT": "ws970676",
  105438.             "Type": "WS",
  105439.             "URL": "http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/index.shtml",
  105440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105441.             "Title": "Tropical Prediction Center",
  105442.             "Category": "PHY",
  105443.             "Description": "Information on hurricanes.",
  105444.             "Year": 0
  105445.         },
  105446.         {
  105447.             "RIT": "ws970677",
  105448.             "Type": "WS",
  105449.             "URL": "http://www.usatoday.com/weather/huricane/whur0.htm",
  105450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105451.             "Title": "Guide to Hurricane Information",
  105452.             "Category": "PHY",
  105453.             "Description": "Answers to frequently asked hurricane questions, from USA TODAY.",
  105454.             "Year": 0
  105455.         },
  105456.         {
  105457.             "RIT": "ws970678",
  105458.             "Type": "WS",
  105459.             "URL": "http://www.usatoday.com/weather/hurricane/glossary.htm",
  105460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105461.             "Title": "Tropical Cyclone and Hurricane Glossary",
  105462.             "Category": "PHY",
  105463.             "Description": "Definitions of terms used to describe tropical cyclones, including hurricanes.",
  105464.             "Year": 0
  105465.         },
  105466.         {
  105467.             "RIT": "ws970681",
  105468.             "Type": "WS",
  105469.             "URL": "http://www.bbsr.edu/satellite/examples/hurr95/erin.html",
  105470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105471.             "Title": "1995 Hurricane Season",
  105472.             "Category": "PHY",
  105473.             "Description": "About the effects of Hurricane Emily in Bermuda, from the Bermuda Biological Station for Research, Inc.",
  105474.             "Year": 0
  105475.         },
  105476.         {
  105477.             "RIT": "ws970687",
  105478.             "Type": "WS",
  105479.             "URL": "http://www.primenet.com/~brendel/jaguar.html",
  105480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105481.             "Title": "The Cyber Zoomobile",
  105482.             "Category": "LIF",
  105483.             "Description": "Information about jaguars, the largest cat in the Western Hemisphere.",
  105484.             "Year": 0
  105485.         },
  105486.         {
  105487.             "RIT": "ws970691",
  105488.             "Type": "WS",
  105489.             "URL": "http://www.abe.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/~heart/NewsENG.html",
  105490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105491.             "Title": "News About Artificial Heart in Japan",
  105492.             "Category": "LIF",
  105493.             "Description": "Abstracts of international news articles about artificial hearts.",
  105494.             "Year": 0
  105495.         },
  105496.         {
  105497.             "RIT": "ws970693",
  105498.             "Type": "WS",
  105499.             "URL": "http://www.abe.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/~heart/OpinionENG.html",
  105500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105501.             "Title": "Opinions About Artificial Hearts",
  105502.             "Category": "LIF",
  105503.             "Description": "A forum for opinions from heart specialists about artificial hearts.",
  105504.             "Year": 0
  105505.         },
  105506.         {
  105507.             "RIT": "ws970696",
  105508.             "Type": "WS",
  105509.             "URL": "http://www.heartinfo.com/",
  105510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105511.             "Title": "Heart Information Network Front Door",
  105512.             "Category": "LIF",
  105513.             "Description": "Information about the human heart.",
  105514.             "Year": 0
  105515.         },
  105516.         {
  105517.             "RIT": "ws970703",
  105518.             "Type": "WS",
  105519.             "URL": "http://www.chile-online.com/",
  105520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105521.             "Title": "Chile Online",
  105522.             "Category": "GEO",
  105523.             "Description": "Information resources for Chile, the country in South America.",
  105524.             "Year": 0
  105525.         },
  105526.         {
  105527.             "RIT": "ws970704",
  105528.             "Type": "WS",
  105529.             "URL": "http://sunsite.dcc.uchile.cl/chile/chile.html",
  105530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105531.             "Title": "Bienvenido a Chile",
  105532.             "Category": "GEO",
  105533.             "Description": "Information about the country of Chile.",
  105534.             "Year": 0
  105535.         },
  105536.         {
  105537.             "RIT": "ws970588",
  105538.             "Type": "WS",
  105539.             "URL": "http://www.scecdc.scec.org/",
  105540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105541.             "Title": "SCEC Data Center Home Page",
  105542.             "Category": "PHY",
  105543.             "Description": "The Southern California Earthquake Center Web site provides information about earthquake activity in southern California.",
  105544.             "Year": 0
  105545.         },
  105546.         {
  105547.             "RIT": "ws970596",
  105548.             "Type": "WS",
  105549.             "URL": "http://quake.wr.usgs.gov/QUAKES/FactSheets/SoCal/",
  105550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105551.             "Title": "Southern Californians Cope with Earthquakes",
  105552.             "Category": "PHY",
  105553.             "Description": "United States Geological Survey site on ways in which people--especially Southern Californian--can reduce their vulnerability to earthquakes.",
  105554.             "Year": 0
  105555.         },
  105556.         {
  105557.             "RIT": "ws970608",
  105558.             "Type": "WS",
  105559.             "URL": "http://www.africa2000.com/INDX/zaire.htm",
  105560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105561.             "Title": "Africa Direct/Zaire (Congo)",
  105562.             "Category": "SOC",
  105563.             "Description": "Information about the crisis in eastern Zaire (Congo), provided by Africa Direct.",
  105564.             "Year": 0
  105565.         },
  105566.         {
  105567.             "RIT": "ws970610",
  105568.             "Type": "WS",
  105569.             "URL": "http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Hornet/uvira.html",
  105570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105571.             "Title": "UN: Situation Report Uvira, Zaire (Congo), 26 January 1996",
  105572.             "Category": "SOC",
  105573.             "Description": "A report on conditions in Zaire (Congo), from the United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs.",
  105574.             "Year": 0
  105575.         },
  105576.         {
  105577.             "RIT": "ws970611",
  105578.             "Type": "WS",
  105579.             "URL": "http://www.yachay.com.pe/especiales/peru/peru_ingles.html",
  105580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105581.             "Title": "WWW of PERU - Red Cientifica Peruana",
  105582.             "Category": "GEO",
  105583.             "Description": "Information and images of Peru, from the Internet Network of Peru.",
  105584.             "Year": 0
  105585.         },
  105586.         {
  105587.             "RIT": "ws970612",
  105588.             "Type": "WS",
  105589.             "URL": "http://www.montana.com/manu/",
  105590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105591.             "Title": "Plants of the Machiguenga",
  105592.             "Category": "LIF",
  105593.             "Description": "Photos of rare plant from Peru's rain forest, gathered by a neurologist seeking compounds for headache relief.",
  105594.             "Year": 0
  105595.         },
  105596.         {
  105597.             "RIT": "ws970613",
  105598.             "Type": "WS",
  105599.             "URL": "http://americas.fiu.edu/customs/peru.htm",
  105600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105601.             "Title": "Customs Guide to the Americas - Peru",
  105602.             "Category": "IND",
  105603.             "Description": "Customs and importing guidelines for Peru.",
  105604.             "Year": 0
  105605.         },
  105606.         {
  105607.             "RIT": "ws970617",
  105608.             "Type": "WS",
  105609.             "URL": "http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/americas/peru.gif",
  105610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105611.             "Title": "Peru Map",
  105612.             "Category": "GEO",
  105613.             "Description": "A map of Peru, showing the departments (states) and their capitals, as well as topographical features.",
  105614.             "Year": 0
  105615.         },
  105616.         {
  105617.             "RIT": "ws970618",
  105618.             "Type": "WS",
  105619.             "URL": "http://www.cris.com/~barchi/peru.html",
  105620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105621.             "Title": "Frequently-Asked Questions about Peru",
  105622.             "Category": "SOC",
  105623.             "Description": "Information about Peru, the land and its people. (Privately maintained Website.)",
  105624.             "Year": 0
  105625.         },
  105626.         {
  105627.             "RIT": "ws970655",
  105628.             "Type": "WS",
  105629.             "URL": "http://icarus.shu.edu/gallery/V_Portfolio/",
  105630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105631.             "Title": "Vietnam Interactive Portfolio",
  105632.             "Category": "SOC",
  105633.             "Description": "Photos and information about Vietnam and the Vietnam War, with an opportunity to comment.",
  105634.             "Year": 0
  105635.         },
  105636.         {
  105637.             "RIT": "ws970656",
  105638.             "Type": "WS",
  105639.             "URL": "http://hubcap.clemson.edu/~eemoise/north.html",
  105640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105641.             "Title": "Vietnam War Bibliography: North Vietnam",
  105642.             "Category": "HIS",
  105643.             "Description": "A list of books and other published writings about North Vietnam during the Vietnam War era.",
  105644.             "Year": 0
  105645.         },
  105646.         {
  105647.             "RIT": "ws970657",
  105648.             "Type": "WS",
  105649.             "URL": "http://www.fva.org/",
  105650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105651.             "Title": "The Free Vietnam Alliance (FVA)",
  105652.             "Category": "SOC",
  105653.             "Description": "Information about the Free Vietnam Alliance, an organization that promotes democratization in Vietnam.",
  105654.             "Year": 0
  105655.         },
  105656.         {
  105657.             "RIT": "ws970659",
  105658.             "Type": "WS",
  105659.             "URL": "http://www.freeviet.org/freeviet.html",
  105660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105661.             "Title": "Human Rights for Vietnam",
  105662.             "Category": "SOC",
  105663.             "Description": "Information about FreeViet, an organization that advocates democracy for Vietnam.",
  105664.             "Year": 0
  105665.         },
  105666.         {
  105667.             "RIT": "ws970662",
  105668.             "Type": "WS",
  105669.             "URL": "http://coombs.anu.edu.au/~vern/avsl.html",
  105670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105671.             "Title": "Vietnam Science, Technology and Environment",
  105672.             "Category": "SOC",
  105673.             "Description": "Links to information about the science, technology, and environment of Vietnam",
  105674.             "Year": 0
  105675.         },
  105676.         {
  105677.             "RIT": "ws970664",
  105678.             "Type": "WS",
  105679.             "URL": "http://www.littlesaigon.com/",
  105680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105681.             "Title": "Little Saigon Net / Vietnam Today",
  105682.             "Category": "SOC",
  105683.             "Description": "Links to information about present-day Vietnam.",
  105684.             "Year": 0
  105685.         },
  105686.         {
  105687.             "RIT": "ws970666",
  105688.             "Type": "WS",
  105689.             "URL": "http://www.earthwatch.com/hurricane.html",
  105690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105691.             "Title": "EarthWatch Hurricane Imagery Menu",
  105692.             "Category": "PHY",
  105693.             "Description": "Satellite images of hurricanes.",
  105694.             "Year": 0
  105695.         },
  105696.         {
  105697.             "RIT": "ws970667",
  105698.             "Type": "WS",
  105699.             "URL": "http://www.solar.ifa.hawaii.edu/Tropical/tropical.html",
  105700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105701.             "Title": "Hurricanes, Typhoons & Tropical Cyclones",
  105702.             "Category": "PHY",
  105703.             "Description": "General information about tropical cyclones.",
  105704.             "Year": 0
  105705.         },
  105706.         {
  105707.             "RIT": "ws970670",
  105708.             "Type": "WS",
  105709.             "URL": "http://www.eqe.com/erin.html",
  105710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105711.             "Title": "Hurricane Erin",
  105712.             "Category": "PHY",
  105713.             "Description": "Hurricane Erin--wind speeds at landfall on the Florida panhandle, early August 1995.",
  105714.             "Year": 0
  105715.         },
  105716.         {
  105717.             "RIT": "ws970671",
  105718.             "Type": "WS",
  105719.             "URL": "http://s9000.furman.edu/hurr.html",
  105720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105721.             "Title": "Hurricane Home Page",
  105722.             "Category": "PHY",
  105723.             "Description": "Information about hurricanes, with emphasis on Hugo (1989), Andrew (1992), and Emily (1993).",
  105724.             "Year": 0
  105725.         },
  105726.         {
  105727.             "RIT": "ws970705",
  105728.             "Type": "WS",
  105729.             "URL": "http://www.lanic.utexas.edu/la/chile/",
  105730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105731.             "Title": "Chile - LANIC",
  105732.             "Category": "GEO",
  105733.             "Description": "Reference information about the country of Chile, provided by the University of Texas at Austin.",
  105734.             "Year": 0
  105735.         },
  105736.         {
  105737.             "RIT": "ws970707",
  105738.             "Type": "WS",
  105739.             "URL": "http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/south_america/chile_and_easter_island/",
  105740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105741.             "Title": "Lonely Planet - Destination Chile",
  105742.             "Category": "GEO",
  105743.             "Description": "Facts about Chile, the country in South America.",
  105744.             "Year": 0
  105745.         },
  105746.         {
  105747.             "RIT": "ws970708",
  105748.             "Type": "WS",
  105749.             "URL": "http://americas.fiu.edu/customs/chile.htm",
  105750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105751.             "Title": "Customs Guide to the Americas - Chile",
  105752.             "Category": "SOC",
  105753.             "Description": "Information about the importation of goods into Chile.",
  105754.             "Year": 0
  105755.         },
  105756.         {
  105757.             "RIT": "ws970715",
  105758.             "Type": "WS",
  105759.             "URL": "http://cda.mrs.umn.edu/nineplanets/pluto.html",
  105760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105761.             "Title": "Pluto",
  105762.             "Category": "PHY",
  105763.             "Description": "Facts about the planet Pluto.",
  105764.             "Year": 0
  105765.         },
  105766.         {
  105767.             "RIT": "ws970718",
  105768.             "Type": "WS",
  105769.             "URL": "http://www.lowell.edu/users/buie/pluto/answers.html",
  105770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105771.             "Title": "Common Questions About Pluto",
  105772.             "Category": "PHY",
  105773.             "Description": "Questions raised by Live From Hubble Space Telescope participants, sponsored by Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona.",
  105774.             "Year": 0
  105775.         },
  105776.         {
  105777.             "RIT": "ws970720",
  105778.             "Type": "WS",
  105779.             "URL": "http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/hst/abt-pluto.html",
  105780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105781.             "Title": "About Pluto",
  105782.             "Category": "PHY",
  105783.             "Description": "Information about the planet Pluto.",
  105784.             "Year": 0
  105785.         },
  105786.         {
  105787.             "RIT": "ws970721",
  105788.             "Type": "WS",
  105789.             "URL": "http://athena.wednet.edu/curric/space/planets/pluto.html",
  105790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105791.             "Title": "Pluto",
  105792.             "Category": "PHY",
  105793.             "Description": "Interesting information about our solar system's last planet--Pluto.",
  105794.             "Year": 0
  105795.         },
  105796.         {
  105797.             "RIT": "ws970722",
  105798.             "Type": "WS",
  105799.             "URL": "http://www.lowell.edu/users/buie/pluto/plutotemp.html",
  105800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105801.             "Title": "Surface Temperature of Pluto",
  105802.             "Category": "PHY",
  105803.             "Description": "Pluto's surface temperature compared with temperatures we know on earth, from Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona.",
  105804.             "Year": 0
  105805.         },
  105806.         {
  105807.             "RIT": "ws970725",
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  105809.             "URL": "http://www.astr.ua.edu/gifimages/pluto.html",
  105810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105811.             "Title": "Motion of Pluto",
  105812.             "Category": "PHY",
  105813.             "Description": "Information about the motion of Pluto, from the University of Alabama Dept. of Physics and Astronomy.",
  105814.             "Year": 0
  105815.         },
  105816.         {
  105817.             "RIT": "ws970726",
  105818.             "Type": "WS",
  105819.             "URL": "http://sgi01.acim.usl.edu/SOLAR/pluto/pluto_stats.html",
  105820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105821.             "Title": "Statistics for Pluto",
  105822.             "Category": "PHY",
  105823.             "Description": "Statistics and facts about the planet Pluto.",
  105824.             "Year": 0
  105825.         },
  105826.         {
  105827.             "RIT": "ws970767",
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  105829.             "URL": "http://www.mos.org/",
  105830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105831.             "Title": "Museum of Science, Boston",
  105832.             "Category": "SOC",
  105833.             "Description": "Information about the museum, its exhibits and programs.",
  105834.             "Year": 0
  105835.         },
  105836.         {
  105837.             "RIT": "ws970770",
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  105839.             "URL": "http://www.nasm.edu/",
  105840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105841.             "Title": "National Air & Space Museum Home Page",
  105842.             "Category": "PHY",
  105843.             "Description": "Information about the museum, its exhibitions and educational programs.",
  105844.             "Year": 0
  105845.         },
  105846.         {
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  105850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105851.             "Title": "NAWSA - Home Page [National American Woman Suffrage Association]",
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  105853.             "Description": "About the National American Woman Sufferage Association collection of books and other documents.",
  105854.             "Year": 0
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  105856.         {
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  105859.             "URL": "http://www.nba.com/",
  105860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105861.             "Title": "NBA.com: The Official Site of the National Basketball Association",
  105862.             "Category": "REC",
  105863.             "Description": "The NBA website displays information about scores, players, and teams.",
  105864.             "Year": 0
  105865.         },
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  105867.             "RIT": "ws970787",
  105868.             "Type": "WS",
  105869.             "URL": "http://www.ncgov.com/",
  105870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105871.             "Title": "North Carolina Information Server",
  105872.             "Category": "GEO",
  105873.             "Description": "Official North Carolina state government departments and services homepage.",
  105874.             "Year": 0
  105875.         },
  105876.         {
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  105880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105881.             "Title": "On Hoops",
  105882.             "Category": "REC",
  105883.             "Description": "Basketball information by a private site not affiliated with the NBA.",
  105884.             "Year": 0
  105885.         },
  105886.         {
  105887.             "RIT": "ws970797",
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  105890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105891.             "Title": "Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova.",
  105892.             "Category": "PHY",
  105893.             "Description": "About the Astronomical Observatory of Padova in Italy.",
  105894.             "Year": 0
  105895.         },
  105896.         {
  105897.             "RIT": "ws970804",
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  105900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105901.             "Title": "Canadian Astronomical Society Homepage",
  105902.             "Category": "PHY",
  105903.             "Description": "About the Canadian Astronomical Society.",
  105904.             "Year": 0
  105905.         },
  105906.         {
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  105909.             "URL": "http://www.pik-potsdam.de/",
  105910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105911.             "Title": "PIK Overview [Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research]",
  105912.             "Category": "PHY",
  105913.             "Description": "About the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research.",
  105914.             "Year": 0
  105915.         },
  105916.         {
  105917.             "RIT": "ws970811",
  105918.             "Type": "WS",
  105919.             "URL": "http://www.astro.psu.edu/deptinfo/general.html",
  105920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105921.             "Title": "PSU Astronomy and Astrophysics General Information",
  105922.             "Category": "PHY",
  105923.             "Description": "About the Penn State Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics.",
  105924.             "Year": 0
  105925.         },
  105926.         {
  105927.             "RIT": "ws970812",
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  105929.             "URL": "http://www.apa.org/pubinfo/",
  105930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105931.             "Title": "Psychology in Daily Life",
  105932.             "Category": "SOC",
  105933.             "Description": "About mental health brochures available from the Public Affairs Office of the American Psychological Association.",
  105934.             "Year": 0
  105935.         },
  105936.         {
  105937.             "RIT": "ws970817",
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  105939.             "URL": "http://www.queensu.ca/",
  105940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105941.             "Title": "Queen's University at Kingston, Canada",
  105942.             "Category": "SOC",
  105943.             "Description": "Information about Queen's University at Kingston.",
  105944.             "Year": 0
  105945.         },
  105946.         {
  105947.             "RIT": "ws970821",
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  105949.             "URL": "http://www.rahul.net/infodyn/rockhounds/rockhounds.html",
  105950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105951.             "Title": "Rockhounds Information Page",
  105952.             "Category": "GEO",
  105953.             "Description": "A private web page about rock shops and galleries, publications, earth science software, and other information.",
  105954.             "Year": 0
  105955.         },
  105956.         {
  105957.             "RIT": "ws970824",
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  105959.             "URL": "http://www.sloan.org/programs/pg_scitech.shtml",
  105960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105961.             "Title": "Science and Technology",
  105962.             "Category": "IND",
  105963.             "Description": "About science and technology at the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.",
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  105965.         },
  105966.         {
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  105970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105971.             "Title": "Scientific American",
  105972.             "Category": "HUM",
  105973.             "Description": "An electronic publication by Scientific American.",
  105974.             "Year": 0
  105975.         },
  105976.         {
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  105979.             "URL": "http://www.fas.org/search.html",
  105980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105981.             "Title": "Search the FAS Website",
  105982.             "Category": "SOC",
  105983.             "Description": "About the Federation of American Scientists.",
  105984.             "Year": 0
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  105990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  105991.             "Title": "SEDS Internet Headquarters",
  105992.             "Category": "PHY",
  105993.             "Description": "Information about Students for the Exploration and Development of Space.",
  105994.             "Year": 0
  105995.         },
  105996.         {
  105997.             "RIT": "ws970829",
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  106000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106001.             "Title": "Should We Return To the Moon?",
  106002.             "Category": "SOC",
  106003.             "Description": "A WWW public policy forum.",
  106004.             "Year": 0
  106005.         },
  106006.         {
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  106010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  106013.             "Description": "Website operated by the publishers of Sky & Telescope and other astronomy magazines and books.",
  106014.             "Year": 0
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  106016.         {
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  106020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106021.             "Title": "Skydive! Archive",
  106022.             "Category": "REC",
  106023.             "Description": "Skydiving FAQs and information about organizations, equipment, safety, and training.",
  106024.             "Year": 0
  106025.         },
  106026.         {
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  106029.             "URL": "http://acro.harvard.edu/SSA/ssa_homepg.html",
  106030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106031.             "Title": "Soaring Society of America - Home Page",
  106032.             "Category": "REC",
  106033.             "Description": "Promoting all phases of gliding and soaring.",
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  106035.         },
  106036.         {
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  106039.             "URL": "http://users.aol.com/AHSSpaceCC/SpaceCity.html",
  106040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106041.             "Title": "Space City Chapter A.H.S. Home Page",
  106042.             "Category": "REC",
  106043.             "Description": "Website operated by a local group of hibiscus growers and enthusiasts in Pasadena, Texas.",
  106044.             "Year": 0
  106045.         },
  106046.         {
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  106050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106051.             "Title": "RED HERRING Magazine",
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  106056.         {
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  106059.             "URL": "http://travel.discovery.com/",
  106060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106061.             "Title": "The Travel Channel Online Network - Home Page",
  106062.             "Category": "REC",
  106063.             "Description": "A commercial site for travel information and ideas.",
  106064.             "Year": 0
  106065.         },
  106066.         {
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  106070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106071.             "Title": "The Virtual Golfer",
  106072.             "Category": "REC",
  106073.             "Description": "An Internet golfing resource.",
  106074.             "Year": 0
  106075.         },
  106076.         {
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  106079.             "URL": "http://www.geology.ubc.ca/research/research.html",
  106080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106081.             "Title": "UBC Earth and Ocean Sciences: Research",
  106082.             "Category": "PHY",
  106083.             "Description": "About this department at the University of British Columbia.",
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  106089.             "URL": "http://scilib.ucsd.edu/about/about.html",
  106090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106091.             "Title": "UCSD Science and Engineering Library - Services",
  106092.             "Category": "IND",
  106093.             "Description": "Resources at this library at the University of California, San Diego.",
  106094.             "Year": 0
  106095.         },
  106096.         {
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  106098.             "Type": "WS",
  106099.             "URL": "http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Forestry/forestry.html",
  106100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106101.             "Title": "UK Department of Forestry",
  106102.             "Category": "LIF",
  106103.             "Description": "About the Department of Forestry at the University of Kentucky.",
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  106105.         },
  106106.         {
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  106111.             "Title": "University of York Welcome Page",
  106112.             "Category": "SOC",
  106113.             "Description": "All about this English university.",
  106114.             "Year": 0
  106115.         },
  106116.         {
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  106120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  106122.             "Category": "PHY",
  106123.             "Description": "The Web site for Popular Science magazine.",
  106124.             "Year": 0
  106125.         },
  106126.         {
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  106130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  106132.             "Category": "REC",
  106133.             "Description": "Information about the NFL, college football, NBA, college basketball, NHL, and more.",
  106134.             "Year": 0
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  106139.             "URL": "http://lki-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/",
  106140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106141.             "Title": "Welcome to the AL Lab at Hamburg University",
  106142.             "Category": "IND",
  106143.             "Description": "A German language page about the work of the artificial intelligence lab.",
  106144.             "Year": 0
  106145.         },
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  106150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106151.             "Title": "Welcome to the Pac-10 on the Web",
  106152.             "Category": "REC",
  106153.             "Description": "Home page of the Pacific - 10 conference.",
  106154.             "Year": 0
  106155.         },
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  106157.             "RIT": "ws970898",
  106158.             "Type": "WS",
  106159.             "URL": "http://dosxx.colorado.edu/plutohome.html",
  106160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106161.             "Title": "Welcome to the Pluto Home Page",
  106162.             "Category": "PHY",
  106163.             "Description": "Information about the planet Pluto.",
  106164.             "Year": 0
  106165.         },
  106166.         {
  106167.             "RIT": "ws970931",
  106168.             "Type": "WS",
  106169.             "URL": "http://www.gsn.org/pr/",
  106170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106171.             "Title": "Global SchoolNet's Internet Projects Registry",
  106172.             "Category": "SOC",
  106173.             "Description": "A resource for teachers searching for on-line projects to integrate into required course work.",
  106174.             "Year": 0
  106175.         },
  106176.         {
  106177.             "RIT": "ws970932",
  106178.             "Type": "WS",
  106179.             "URL": "http://www.eduplace.com/",
  106180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106181.             "Title": "Houghton Mifflin Education Place",
  106182.             "Category": "SOC",
  106183.             "Description": "Educational resources on the Internet for students in grades K-8.",
  106184.             "Year": 0
  106185.         },
  106186.         {
  106187.             "RIT": "ws970933",
  106188.             "Type": "WS",
  106189.             "URL": "http://www.jasonproject.org/",
  106190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106191.             "Title": "Jason Project",
  106192.             "Category": "SOC",
  106193.             "Description": "A resource that enables teachers and pupils worldwide to take part in global exploratio",
  106194.             "Year": 0
  106195.         },
  106196.         {
  106197.             "RIT": "ws970935",
  106198.             "Type": "WS",
  106199.             "URL": "http://www.landmark-project.com/index.php",
  106200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106201.             "Title": "Landmarks for Schools",
  106202.             "Category": "SOC",
  106203.             "Description": "Information about K-12 training in marketing, from the Landmark Project.",
  106204.             "Year": 0
  106205.         },
  106206.         {
  106207.             "RIT": "ws970937",
  106208.             "Type": "WS",
  106209.             "URL": "http://www-sci.lib.uci.edu:80/~martindale/Ref.html",
  106210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106211.             "Title": "Martindale's Reference Desk",
  106212.             "Category": "SOC",
  106213.             "Description": "A reference resource with a broad coverage of subjects.",
  106214.             "Year": 0
  106215.         },
  106216.         {
  106217.             "RIT": "ws970938",
  106218.             "Type": "WS",
  106219.             "URL": "http://www.rutgers.edu/~mcgrew/mufon/index.html",
  106220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106221.             "Title": "MUFON WWW Page [Mutual UFO Network]",
  106222.             "Category": "PHY",
  106223.             "Description": "About the Mutual UFO Network, a multidisciplinary, grassroots effort to solve the UFO mystery.",
  106224.             "Year": 0
  106225.         },
  106226.         {
  106227.             "RIT": "ws970939",
  106228.             "Type": "WS",
  106229.             "URL": "http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/interactive/index.html",
  106230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106231.             "Title": "NASA K-12 Internet Initiative: On-line Interactive Projects",
  106232.             "Category": "PHY",
  106233.             "Description": "An interactive resource for students in astronomy, space exploration, and the search for life in outer space.",
  106234.             "Year": 0
  106235.         },
  106236.         {
  106237.             "RIT": "ws970940",
  106238.             "Type": "WS",
  106239.             "URL": "http://garnet.berkeley.edu:3333/budget/budget.html",
  106240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106241.             "Title": "CCER National Budget Simulation",
  106242.             "Category": "SOC",
  106243.             "Description": "About the budget simulation, a project of UC-Berkeley's Center for Community Economic Research.",
  106244.             "Year": 0
  106245.         },
  106246.         {
  106247.             "RIT": "ws970941",
  106248.             "Type": "WS",
  106249.             "URL": "http://www.nationalgeographic.com/",
  106250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106251.             "Title": "NGS - National Geographic On-line",
  106252.             "Category": "GEO",
  106253.             "Description": "Information about services and publications of the National Geographic Society.",
  106254.             "Year": 0
  106255.         },
  106256.         {
  106257.             "RIT": "ws970943",
  106258.             "Type": "WS",
  106259.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/",
  106260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106261.             "Title": "PBS On-line: Welcome!",
  106262.             "Category": "SOC",
  106263.             "Description": "Information about the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).",
  106264.             "Year": 0
  106265.         },
  106266.         {
  106267.             "RIT": "ws970966",
  106268.             "Type": "WS",
  106269.             "URL": "http://groundhog.sprl.umich.edu/",
  106270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106271.             "Title": "One Sky, Many Voices",
  106272.             "Category": "SOC",
  106273.             "Description": "Information about weather forecasting and general weather curriculum for grades K-12.",
  106274.             "Year": 0
  106275.         },
  106276.         {
  106277.             "RIT": "ws970968",
  106278.             "Type": "WS",
  106279.             "URL": "http://k12science.stevens-tech.edu/",
  106280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106281.             "Title": "New Jersey NIE Home Page",
  106282.             "Category": "SOC",
  106283.             "Description": "Information about Internet education.",
  106284.             "Year": 0
  106285.         },
  106286.         {
  106287.             "RIT": "ws970970",
  106288.             "Type": "WS",
  106289.             "URL": "http://www.cs.caltech.edu/~adam/LOCAL/lit.html",
  106290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106291.             "Title": "Adam Rifkin's Literary Links Page",
  106292.             "Category": "HUM",
  106293.             "Description": "A privately maintained website with links to a wide range of literature resources.",
  106294.             "Year": 0
  106295.         },
  106296.         {
  106297.             "RIT": "ws970971",
  106298.             "Type": "WS",
  106299.             "URL": "http://cslewis.drzeus.net/",
  106300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106301.             "Title": "Into the Wardrobe: The C. S. Lewis Web Site",
  106302.             "Category": "HUM",
  106303.             "Description": "Information about the life and writings of C. S. Lewis, the noted English Christian author.",
  106304.             "Year": 0
  106305.         },
  106306.         {
  106307.             "RIT": "ws970972",
  106308.             "Type": "WS",
  106309.             "URL": "http://dante.ilt.columbia.edu/",
  106310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106311.             "Title": "Digital Dante: Home",
  106312.             "Category": "IND",
  106313.             "Description": "About Columbia University's Institute for Learning Technologies, which promotes computers in education.",
  106314.             "Year": 0
  106315.         },
  106316.         {
  106317.             "RIT": "ws970974",
  106318.             "Type": "WS",
  106319.             "URL": "http://www.lll.uiuc.edu/",
  106320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106321.             "Title": "ESL Home Page",
  106322.             "Category": "HUM",
  106323.             "Description": "A starting point for ESL learners who want to learn English through the Internet.",
  106324.             "Year": 0
  106325.         },
  106326.         {
  106327.             "RIT": "ws970975",
  106328.             "Type": "WS",
  106329.             "URL": "http://www.littleplanet.com/",
  106330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106331.             "Title": "Little Planet Times",
  106332.             "Category": "HUM",
  106333.             "Description": "Readings for children.",
  106334.             "Year": 0
  106335.         },
  106336.         {
  106337.             "RIT": "ws970978",
  106338.             "Type": "WS",
  106339.             "URL": "http://www.naa.org/hot/",
  106340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106341.             "Title": "NAA Hotlinks!",
  106342.             "Category": "SOC",
  106343.             "Description": "News and maps on the Internet.",
  106344.             "Year": 0
  106345.         },
  106346.         {
  106347.             "RIT": "ws970979",
  106348.             "Type": "WS",
  106349.             "URL": "http://www.ilovelanguages.com/",
  106350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106351.             "Title": "The Human-Languages Page",
  106352.             "Category": "HUM",
  106353.             "Description": "A comprehensive catalog of language-related resources on the Internet.",
  106354.             "Year": 0
  106355.         },
  106356.         {
  106357.             "RIT": "ws970981",
  106358.             "Type": "WS",
  106359.             "URL": "http://www.interlog.com/~ohi/inkspot/young.html",
  106360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106361.             "Title": "For Young Writers",
  106362.             "Category": "HUM",
  106363.             "Description": "Writing resources for young writers.",
  106364.             "Year": 0
  106365.         },
  106366.         {
  106367.             "RIT": "ws970984",
  106368.             "Type": "WS",
  106369.             "URL": "http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/modeng/modeng0.browse.html",
  106370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106371.             "Title": "The Modern English Collection at the Electronic Text Center, Uva",
  106372.             "Category": "HUM",
  106373.             "Description": "A collection of modern English works, made available electronically by the Univ. of Virginia.",
  106374.             "Year": 0
  106375.         },
  106376.         {
  106377.             "RIT": "ws970727",
  106378.             "Type": "WS",
  106379.             "URL": "http://firefox.postech.ac.kr/map/korea_map.html",
  106380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106381.             "Title": "Active Map for WWW Servers in Korea",
  106382.             "Category": "SOC",
  106383.             "Description": "Information about Websites in South Korea, by city.",
  106384.             "Year": 0
  106385.         },
  106386.         {
  106387.             "RIT": "ws970728",
  106388.             "Type": "WS",
  106389.             "URL": "http://www.kimsoft.com/korea/rand.htm",
  106390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106391.             "Title": "RAND Articles on Korea",
  106392.             "Category": "SOC",
  106393.             "Description": "A list of articles on subjects related to defense strategy for South Korea.",
  106394.             "Year": 0
  106395.         },
  106396.         {
  106397.             "RIT": "ws970731",
  106398.             "Type": "WS",
  106399.             "URL": "http://kimsoft.com/korea-fq.htm",
  106400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106401.             "Title": "Korea - FAQ",
  106402.             "Category": "SOC",
  106403.             "Description": "Answers to questions about Korea.",
  106404.             "Year": 0
  106405.         },
  106406.         {
  106407.             "RIT": "ws970732",
  106408.             "Type": "WS",
  106409.             "URL": "http://firefox.postech.ac.kr/tour/tour_map.html",
  106410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106411.             "Title": "Tour in Korea",
  106412.             "Category": "GEO",
  106413.             "Description": "Information about tourist sites in South Korea.",
  106414.             "Year": 0
  106415.         },
  106416.         {
  106417.             "RIT": "ws970749",
  106418.             "Type": "WS",
  106419.             "URL": "http://www.intellicast.com/",
  106420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106421.             "Title": "INTELLICAST",
  106422.             "Category": "GEO",
  106423.             "Description": "News about U.S. and world weather.",
  106424.             "Year": 0
  106425.         },
  106426.         {
  106427.             "RIT": "ws970751",
  106428.             "Type": "WS",
  106429.             "URL": "http://www.rpi.edu/dept/chem/cheminfo/chemres.html",
  106430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106431.             "Title": "Internet Chemistry Resources",
  106432.             "Category": "PHY",
  106433.             "Description": "A selective list of resources related to chemistry maintained by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.",
  106434.             "Year": 0
  106435.         },
  106436.         {
  106437.             "RIT": "ws970752",
  106438.             "Type": "WS",
  106439.             "URL": "http://www.tyrian.com/IPS/",
  106440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106441.             "Title": "IPS",
  106442.             "Category": "PHY",
  106443.             "Description": "About the Interstellar Propulsion Society, whose mission is to accelerate advancements in space propulsion.",
  106444.             "Year": 0
  106445.         },
  106446.         {
  106447.             "RIT": "ws970756",
  106448.             "Type": "WS",
  106449.             "URL": "http://eris.kbn.gov.pl/en/index.html",
  106450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106451.             "Title": "Komitet Badan Naukowych Home Page",
  106452.             "Category": "SOC",
  106453.             "Description": "The Web site of the State Committee for Scientific Research in Poland.",
  106454.             "Year": 0
  106455.         },
  106456.         {
  106457.             "RIT": "ws970757",
  106458.             "Type": "WS",
  106459.             "URL": "http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/visitor/index.html",
  106460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106461.             "Title": "Kew Visitors' Services",
  106462.             "Category": "LIF",
  106463.             "Description": "About Kew, the Royal Botanic Gardens in London.",
  106464.             "Year": 0
  106465.         },
  106466.         {
  106467.             "RIT": "ws970761",
  106468.             "Type": "WS",
  106469.             "URL": "http://www.lhs.berkeley.edu/pubprogs/",
  106470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106471.             "Title": "LHS Exhibits [Lawrence Hall of Science - University of California at Berkely]",
  106472.             "Category": "PHY",
  106473.             "Description": "About exhibits at the Lawrence Hall of Science.",
  106474.             "Year": 0
  106475.         },
  106476.         {
  106477.             "RIT": "ws970763",
  106478.             "Type": "WS",
  106479.             "URL": "http://lib-www.lanl.gov/",
  106480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106481.             "Title": "Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library",
  106482.             "Category": "PHY",
  106483.             "Description": "About the library's information resources.",
  106484.             "Year": 0
  106485.         },
  106486.         {
  106487.             "RIT": "ws970766",
  106488.             "Type": "WS",
  106489.             "URL": "http://ccs.mit.edu/",
  106490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106491.             "Title": "MIT Center for Coordination Science",
  106492.             "Category": "IND",
  106493.             "Description": "About this new discipline at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.",
  106494.             "Year": 0
  106495.         },
  106496.         {
  106497.             "RIT": "ws970838",
  106498.             "Type": "WS",
  106499.             "URL": "http://beta.collectingchannel.com/?page=welcome/stadiums",
  106500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106501.             "Title": "Stadiums and Arenas",
  106502.             "Category": "REC",
  106503.             "Description": "A listing of stadiums and arenas throughout the United States and Canada..",
  106504.             "Year": 0
  106505.         },
  106506.         {
  106507.             "RIT": "ws970843",
  106508.             "Type": "WS",
  106509.             "URL": "http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/~ssa/index2.html",
  106510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106511.             "Title": "Student Space Awareness Home Page",
  106512.             "Category": "PHY",
  106513.             "Description": "Maintained by a nonprofit organization to educate people about the values and benefits of the space program.",
  106514.             "Year": 0
  106515.         },
  106516.         {
  106517.             "RIT": "ws970850",
  106518.             "Type": "WS",
  106519.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/us.capitol/s0.html",
  106520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106521.             "Title": "Temple of Liberty: Building the Capitol for a New Nation",
  106522.             "Category": "HIS",
  106523.             "Description": "About the history and architecture of the U.S. Capitol.",
  106524.             "Year": 0
  106525.         },
  106526.         {
  106527.             "RIT": "ws970851",
  106528.             "Type": "WS",
  106529.             "URL": "http://www.aspsky.org/",
  106530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106531.             "Title": "The Astonomical Society of the Pacific",
  106532.             "Category": "PHY",
  106533.             "Description": "Information about the largest general astronomy society in the world.",
  106534.             "Year": 0
  106535.         },
  106536.         {
  106537.             "RIT": "ws970854",
  106538.             "Type": "WS",
  106539.             "URL": "http://collegefootball.org/",
  106540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106541.             "Title": "The College Football Hall of Fame in South Bend",
  106542.             "Category": "REC",
  106543.             "Description": "Information about the college football hall of fame.",
  106544.             "Year": 0
  106545.         },
  106546.         {
  106547.             "RIT": "ws970855",
  106548.             "Type": "WS",
  106549.             "URL": "http://www.usu.edu/cpl/hydropon.html",
  106550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106551.             "Title": "The Crop Physiology Lab's Hydroponic Page",
  106552.             "Category": "IND",
  106553.             "Description": "Information on hydroponic gardening from Utah State University.",
  106554.             "Year": 0
  106555.         },
  106556.         {
  106557.             "RIT": "ws970857",
  106558.             "Type": "WS",
  106559.             "URL": "http://www.utoronto.ca/forest/eso/eso.htm",
  106560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106561.             "Title": "The Entomological Society of Ontario",
  106562.             "Category": "LIF",
  106563.             "Description": "About this Canadian society of entomologists.",
  106564.             "Year": 0
  106565.         },
  106566.         {
  106567.             "RIT": "ws970858",
  106568.             "Type": "WS",
  106569.             "URL": "http://www.uark.edu/depts/fsc/",
  106570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106571.             "Title": "The Food Safety Consortium",
  106572.             "Category": "SOC",
  106573.             "Description": "A consortium of researchers from the University of Arkansas and Iowa State and Kansas State universities.",
  106574.             "Year": 0
  106575.         },
  106576.         {
  106577.             "RIT": "ws970859",
  106578.             "Type": "WS",
  106579.             "URL": "http://sln.fi.edu/tfi/welcome.html",
  106580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106581.             "Title": "The Franklin Institute Science Museum",
  106582.             "Category": "PHY",
  106583.             "Description": "Information about the museum and its exhibits.",
  106584.             "Year": 0
  106585.         },
  106586.         {
  106587.             "RIT": "ws970868",
  106588.             "Type": "WS",
  106589.             "URL": "http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/eeobtour/",
  106590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106591.             "Title": "The Old Executive Office Building:",
  106592.             "Category": "GEO",
  106593.             "Description": "An index to the rooms in this government building in Washington, D.C.",
  106594.             "Year": 0
  106595.         },
  106596.         {
  106597.             "RIT": "ws970900",
  106598.             "Type": "WS",
  106599.             "URL": "http://www.calacademy.org/geninfo/",
  106600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106601.             "Title": "What is the California Academy of Sciences",
  106602.             "Category": "PHY",
  106603.             "Description": "Information about this institution in San Francisco.",
  106604.             "Year": 0
  106605.         },
  106606.         {
  106607.             "RIT": "ws970905",
  106608.             "Type": "WS",
  106609.             "URL": "http://www.nara.gov/exhall/people/people.html",
  106610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106611.             "Title": "World War II Exhibit: A People at War",
  106612.             "Category": "HIS",
  106613.             "Description": "Highlights the contributions of military and civilian Americans, who served their country during WWII.",
  106614.             "Year": 0
  106615.         },
  106616.         {
  106617.             "RIT": "ws970906",
  106618.             "Type": "WS",
  106619.             "URL": "http://www.caf.wvu.edu/academics.html",
  106620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106621.             "Title": "WVU - College of Agriculture and Forestry",
  106622.             "Category": "LIF",
  106623.             "Description": "About the College of Agriculture and Forestry.",
  106624.             "Year": 0
  106625.         },
  106626.         {
  106627.             "RIT": "ws970916",
  106628.             "Type": "WS",
  106629.             "URL": "http://www.adventureonline.com/",
  106630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106631.             "Title": "Adventure On-line",
  106632.             "Category": "SOC",
  106633.             "Description": "A resource guide for adventure and learning.",
  106634.             "Year": 0
  106635.         },
  106636.         {
  106637.             "RIT": "ws970917",
  106638.             "Type": "WS",
  106639.             "URL": "http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/russian/index.html",
  106640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106641.             "Title": "Bucknell Russian Studies Department",
  106642.             "Category": "HUM",
  106643.             "Description": "Information about Russian Studies at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pa.",
  106644.             "Year": 0
  106645.         },
  106646.         {
  106647.             "RIT": "ws970920",
  106648.             "Type": "WS",
  106649.             "URL": "http://www.cincyzoo.org/",
  106650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106651.             "Title": "Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden",
  106652.             "Category": "LIF",
  106653.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden.",
  106654.             "Year": 0
  106655.         },
  106656.         {
  106657.             "RIT": "ws970921",
  106658.             "Type": "WS",
  106659.             "URL": "http://www.cnn.com/",
  106660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106661.             "Title": "CNN Interactive",
  106662.             "Category": "IND",
  106663.             "Description": "National and international news on-line.",
  106664.             "Year": 0
  106665.         },
  106666.         {
  106667.             "RIT": "ws970922",
  106668.             "Type": "WS",
  106669.             "URL": "http://www.gsn.org/gsn/cu/index.html",
  106670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106671.             "Title": "Welcome to CU-SeeMe Schools!",
  106672.             "Category": "IND",
  106673.             "Description": "Information about video-conferencing over the Internet, from Canon Visual Communications Systems.",
  106674.             "Year": 0
  106675.         },
  106676.         {
  106677.             "RIT": "ws970923",
  106678.             "Type": "WS",
  106679.             "URL": "http://www.discovery.com/",
  106680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106681.             "Title": "Discovery On-line",
  106682.             "Category": "IND",
  106683.             "Description": "Previews on-line for the Discovery Channel.",
  106684.             "Year": 0
  106685.         },
  106686.         {
  106687.             "RIT": "ws970924",
  106688.             "Type": "WS",
  106689.             "URL": "http://www.school.discovery.com/",
  106690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106691.             "Title": "Discovery Channel School",
  106692.             "Category": "IND",
  106693.             "Description": "Information about the Discovery Channel School and resources.",
  106694.             "Year": 0
  106695.         },
  106696.         {
  106697.             "RIT": "ws970925",
  106698.             "Type": "WS",
  106699.             "URL": "http://www.k12.elibrary.com/",
  106700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106701.             "Title": "Education Markets - Electric Library",
  106702.             "Category": "SOC",
  106703.             "Description": "Information about an Internet-based research tool for students.",
  106704.             "Year": 0
  106705.         },
  106706.         {
  106707.             "RIT": "ws970944",
  106708.             "Type": "WS",
  106709.             "URL": "http://www.usc.edu/dept/garden/",
  106710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106711.             "Title": "The Telegarden",
  106712.             "Category": "LIF",
  106713.             "Description": "A virtual garden that Internet users may view and interact with.",
  106714.             "Year": 0
  106715.         },
  106716.         {
  106717.             "RIT": "ws970945",
  106718.             "Type": "WS",
  106719.             "URL": "http://www.westnet.com/~rickd/AIDS/AIDS1.html",
  106720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106721.             "Title": "Eastchester Middle School AIDS Handbook",
  106722.             "Category": "LIF",
  106723.             "Description": "Information about AIDS written by and for middle school kids.",
  106724.             "Year": 0
  106725.         },
  106726.         {
  106727.             "RIT": "ws970946",
  106728.             "Type": "WS",
  106729.             "URL": "http://www.review.com/",
  106730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106731.             "Title": "The Princeton Review",
  106732.             "Category": "SOC",
  106733.             "Description": "Homepage of the Princeton Review, a company that specializes in entrance exam preparation classes.",
  106734.             "Year": 0
  106735.         },
  106736.         {
  106737.             "RIT": "ws970947",
  106738.             "Type": "WS",
  106739.             "URL": "http://www.aist.go.jp/GSJ/~jdehn/v-home.htm",
  106740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106741.             "Title": "The Volcanic Home Page",
  106742.             "Category": "PHY",
  106743.             "Description": "Information about a project to model volcanic eruptions using a computer.",
  106744.             "Year": 0
  106745.         },
  106746.         {
  106747.             "RIT": "ws970948",
  106748.             "Type": "WS",
  106749.             "URL": "http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/",
  106750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106751.             "Title": "Perseus Project Home Page",
  106752.             "Category": "HIS",
  106753.             "Description": "An evolving digital library on ancient Greece and Rome.",
  106754.             "Year": 0
  106755.         },
  106756.         {
  106757.             "RIT": "ws970949",
  106758.             "Type": "WS",
  106759.             "URL": "http://www.indiana.edu/~letrs/vwwp/",
  106760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106761.             "Title": "The Victorian Women Writers Project",
  106762.             "Category": "HUM",
  106763.             "Description": "A project to produce accurate transcriptions of works by British women writers of the late 1800's.",
  106764.             "Year": 0
  106765.         },
  106766.         {
  106767.             "RIT": "ws970950",
  106768.             "Type": "WS",
  106769.             "URL": "http://c.gp.cs.cmu.edu:5103/prog/webster/",
  106770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106771.             "Title": "Hypertext Webster Interface",
  106772.             "Category": "HUM",
  106773.             "Description": "A point-and-click interface for accessing Webster's dictionary services.",
  106774.             "Year": 0
  106775.         },
  106776.         {
  106777.             "RIT": "ws970954",
  106778.             "Type": "WS",
  106779.             "URL": "http://www.digitalcentury.com/",
  106780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106781.             "Title": "Welcome to Jones Digital Century",
  106782.             "Category": "SOC",
  106783.             "Description": "Updates for the Jones telecommunications & multimedia encyclopedia CD's.",
  106784.             "Year": 0
  106785.         },
  106786.         {
  106787.             "RIT": "ws970956",
  106788.             "Type": "WS",
  106789.             "URL": "http://www.webreference.com/",
  106790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106791.             "Title": "The Webmaster's Reference Library",
  106792.             "Category": "SOC",
  106793.             "Description": "Information about the World Wide Web and the art of creating Web sites.",
  106794.             "Year": 0
  106795.         },
  106796.         {
  106797.             "RIT": "ws970959",
  106798.             "Type": "WS",
  106799.             "URL": "http://web66.coled.umn.edu/",
  106800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106801.             "Title": "Web66 Home Page",
  106802.             "Category": "SOC",
  106803.             "Description": "A project to introduce Internet technology into schools, grades K through 12.",
  106804.             "Year": 0
  106805.         },
  106806.         {
  106807.             "RIT": "ws970963",
  106808.             "Type": "WS",
  106809.             "URL": "http://www.nws.noaa.gov/",
  106810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106811.             "Title": "National Weather Service Welcome Page",
  106812.             "Category": "PHY",
  106813.             "Description": "About the National Weather Service's role of issuing severe weather warnings to protect the public.",
  106814.             "Year": 0
  106815.         },
  106816.         {
  106817.             "RIT": "ws970985",
  106818.             "Type": "WS",
  106819.             "URL": "http://www.lib.vt.edu/subjects/engl/",
  106820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106821.             "Title": "English Language and Literature",
  106822.             "Category": "HUM",
  106823.             "Description": "Internet resources related to the English language and its literature.",
  106824.             "Year": 0
  106825.         },
  106826.         {
  106827.             "RIT": "ws970987",
  106828.             "Type": "WS",
  106829.             "URL": "http://www.ualberta.ca/~englishd/litlinks.htm",
  106830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106831.             "Title": "English Language Literature",
  106832.             "Category": "HUM",
  106833.             "Description": "Links to literary resources, provided by the University of Alberta's English Department.",
  106834.             "Year": 0
  106835.         },
  106836.         {
  106837.             "RIT": "ws970991",
  106838.             "Type": "WS",
  106839.             "URL": "http://longwood.cs.ucf.edu/~MidLink/",
  106840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106841.             "Title": "MidLink Magazine",
  106842.             "Category": "SOC",
  106843.             "Description": "An electronic magazine for students in the middle grades",
  106844.             "Year": 0
  106845.         },
  106846.         {
  106847.             "RIT": "ws970992",
  106848.             "Type": "WS",
  106849.             "URL": "http://www.neh.fed.us/",
  106850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106851.             "Title": "National Endowment for the Humanities",
  106852.             "Category": "HUM",
  106853.             "Description": "Information about history, literature, philosophy, and other areas of the humanities.",
  106854.             "Year": 0
  106855.         },
  106856.         {
  106857.             "RIT": "ws970993",
  106858.             "Type": "WS",
  106859.             "URL": "http://www.art.net/Links/litref.html",
  106860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106861.             "Title": "Art Net Links: Literature References",
  106862.             "Category": "HUM",
  106863.             "Description": "On-line literature references.",
  106864.             "Year": 0
  106865.         },
  106866.         {
  106867.             "RIT": "ws970997",
  106868.             "Type": "WS",
  106869.             "URL": "http://www.globalschoolnet.org/",
  106870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106871.             "Title": "Global SchoolNet Foundation Home Page",
  106872.             "Category": "SOC",
  106873.             "Description": "A provider of Internet-based educational resources for grades K-12.",
  106874.             "Year": 0
  106875.         },
  106876.         {
  106877.             "RIT": "ws971001",
  106878.             "Type": "WS",
  106879.             "URL": "http://sln.fi.edu/primer/primer.html",
  106880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106881.             "Title": "World Wide Web Workbook",
  106882.             "Category": "SOC",
  106883.             "Description": "A resource for learning how to get around on the Internet.",
  106884.             "Year": 0
  106885.         },
  106886.         {
  106887.             "RIT": "ws971002",
  106888.             "Type": "WS",
  106889.             "URL": "http://yang.sprl.umich.edu/wxnet/states/states.html",
  106890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106891.             "Title": "U.S. Conditions",
  106892.             "Category": "PHY",
  106893.             "Description": "Current on-line forecasts for selected locations in the United States.",
  106894.             "Year": 0
  106895.         },
  106896.         {
  106897.             "RIT": "ws971003",
  106898.             "Type": "WS",
  106899.             "URL": "http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/vplanet.html",
  106900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106901.             "Title": "Earth and Moon Viewer",
  106902.             "Category": "PHY",
  106903.             "Description": "A map of Earth showing current day and night regions, and Earth as seen from the sun or the moon.",
  106904.             "Year": 0
  106905.         },
  106906.         {
  106907.             "RIT": "ws971006",
  106908.             "Type": "WS",
  106909.             "URL": "http://www.ems.psu.edu/wx/newx.html",
  106910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106911.             "Title": "Northeastern US Weather Page",
  106912.             "Category": "PHY",
  106913.             "Description": "Information about current weather in the northeastern United States.",
  106914.             "Year": 0
  106915.         },
  106916.         {
  106917.             "RIT": "ws971010",
  106918.             "Type": "WS",
  106919.             "URL": "http://putwest.boces.org/standards.html",
  106920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106921.             "Title": "Developing Educational Standards: Overview",
  106922.             "Category": "SOC",
  106923.             "Description": "An annotated list of Internet sites with K-12 educational standards and curriculum documents.",
  106924.             "Year": 0
  106925.         },
  106926.         {
  106927.             "RIT": "ws971038",
  106928.             "Type": "WS",
  106929.             "URL": "http://www.vhf.org/",
  106930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106931.             "Title": "Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation",
  106932.             "Category": "HIS",
  106933.             "Description": "A nonprofit organization for archiving interviews of Holocaust survivors, founded by Steven Spielberg.",
  106934.             "Year": 0
  106935.         },
  106936.         {
  106937.             "RIT": "ws971041",
  106938.             "Type": "WS",
  106939.             "URL": "http://perso.club-internet.fr/bclist/Anthro/index.html",
  106940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106941.             "Title": "Anthropology Resources on the Internet",
  106942.             "Category": "SOC",
  106943.             "Description": "A comprehensive list of Internet resources in the field of anthropology.",
  106944.             "Year": 0
  106945.         },
  106946.         {
  106947.             "RIT": "ws971042",
  106948.             "Type": "WS",
  106949.             "URL": "http://www.globalearn.org/",
  106950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106951.             "Title": "Welcome to Globalearn!",
  106952.             "Category": "GEO",
  106953.             "Description": "An electronic adventure about early explorers, with visits to children who live along their routes.",
  106954.             "Year": 0
  106955.         },
  106956.         {
  106957.             "RIT": "ws971043",
  106958.             "Type": "WS",
  106959.             "URL": "http://www.kidlink.org/",
  106960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106961.             "Title": "Kidlink: Global Networking for Youth 10-15",
  106962.             "Category": "SOC",
  106963.             "Description": "Information about a grassroots project to involve children ages 10-15 in a global dialogue.",
  106964.             "Year": 0
  106965.         },
  106966.         {
  106967.             "RIT": "ws971044",
  106968.             "Type": "WS",
  106969.             "URL": "http://www.telenaut.com/gst/",
  106970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106971.             "Title": "Global Show-n-Tell Museum - Wings",
  106972.             "Category": "SOC",
  106973.             "Description": "An on-line children's museum, with art submitted by children.",
  106974.             "Year": 0
  106975.         },
  106976.         {
  106977.             "RIT": "ws971045",
  106978.             "Type": "WS",
  106979.             "URL": "http://www.iris.org/",
  106980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106981.             "Title": "Iris Network for Teachers and Schools, Inc.",
  106982.             "Category": "SOC",
  106983.             "Description": "Information for student-centered telecommunications projects and for teaching professionals.",
  106984.             "Year": 0
  106985.         },
  106986.         {
  106987.             "RIT": "ws971047",
  106988.             "Type": "WS",
  106989.             "URL": "http://www.usinternet.com/onlineclass/SOC/NeptuneSub.html",
  106990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  106991.             "Title": "OceanEXPO Program Details",
  106992.             "Category": "GEO",
  106993.             "Description": "An electronic tour of the world, linked to the EXPO'98 Round the World Rally, by World Cruising, Ltd.",
  106994.             "Year": 0
  106995.         },
  106996.         {
  106997.             "RIT": "ws971049",
  106998.             "Type": "WS",
  106999.             "URL": "http://www.alsde.edu/",
  107000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107001.             "Title": "Welcome to Alabama State Department of Education",
  107002.             "Category": "GEO",
  107003.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Alabama Department of Education.",
  107004.             "Year": 0
  107005.         },
  107006.         {
  107007.             "RIT": "ws971053",
  107008.             "Type": "WS",
  107009.             "URL": "http://goldmine.cde.ca.gov/",
  107010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107011.             "Title": "California Department of Education",
  107012.             "Category": "GEO",
  107013.             "Description": "Official Web site of the California Department of Education.",
  107014.             "Year": 0
  107015.         },
  107016.         {
  107017.             "RIT": "ws971065",
  107018.             "Type": "WS",
  107019.             "URL": "http://mdek12.state.ms.us/",
  107020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107021.             "Title": "Mississippi Department of Education",
  107022.             "Category": "GEO",
  107023.             "Description": "Official site of the Mississippi Department of Education. Includes links to Web sites of schools and school districts throughout the United States.",
  107024.             "Year": 0
  107025.         },
  107026.         {
  107027.             "RIT": "ws971081",
  107028.             "Type": "WS",
  107029.             "URL": "http://www.state.me.us/education/homepage.htm",
  107030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107031.             "Title": "Maine Department of Education Home",
  107032.             "Category": "SOC",
  107033.             "Description": "Information from the Maine Department of Education.",
  107034.             "Year": 0
  107035.         },
  107036.         {
  107037.             "RIT": "ws971085",
  107038.             "Type": "WS",
  107039.             "URL": "http://www.state.vt.us/educ.htm",
  107040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107041.             "Title": "State of Vermont - Education",
  107042.             "Category": "GEO",
  107043.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Vermont Department of Education.",
  107044.             "Year": 0
  107045.         },
  107046.         {
  107047.             "RIT": "ws971087",
  107048.             "Type": "WS",
  107049.             "URL": "http://www.ed.gov/",
  107050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107051.             "Title": "U.S. Department of Education",
  107052.             "Category": "SOC",
  107053.             "Description": "About the Department of Education, including its mission and goals for American education.",
  107054.             "Year": 0
  107055.         },
  107056.         {
  107057.             "RIT": "ws971091",
  107058.             "Type": "WS",
  107059.             "URL": "http://www.edsoft.com/",
  107060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107061.             "Title": "Educational Software Institute",
  107062.             "Category": "SOC",
  107063.             "Description": "Information about educational software for grades K-12.",
  107064.             "Year": 0
  107065.         },
  107066.         {
  107067.             "RIT": "ws971092",
  107068.             "Type": "WS",
  107069.             "URL": "http://www.mw.com/",
  107070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107071.             "Title": "Montgomery Watson Home Page",
  107072.             "Category": "IND",
  107073.             "Description": "Information about worldwide environmental engineering, provided by Montgomery Watson.",
  107074.             "Year": 0
  107075.         },
  107076.         {
  107077.             "RIT": "ws971098",
  107078.             "Type": "WS",
  107079.             "URL": "",
  107080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107081.             "Title": "Institute for Chemical Education Home Page",
  107082.             "Category": "SOC",
  107083.             "Description": "Information about a program to revitalize science in schools, from kindergarten to college.",
  107084.             "Year": 0
  107085.         },
  107086.         {
  107087.             "RIT": "ws971102",
  107088.             "Type": "WS",
  107089.             "URL": "http://www.globe.gov/",
  107090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107091.             "Title": "GLOBE - International Hands-On Science and Education",
  107092.             "Category": "PHY",
  107093.             "Description": "A project in which students and teachers worldwide work with scientists to learn more about Earth.",
  107094.             "Year": 0
  107095.         },
  107096.         {
  107097.             "RIT": "ws971104",
  107098.             "Type": "WS",
  107099.             "URL": "http://www.krev.com/",
  107100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107101.             "Title": "Knowledge Revolution",
  107102.             "Category": "IND",
  107103.             "Description": "Information about motion simulation software for purposes of engineering and education.",
  107104.             "Year": 0
  107105.         },
  107106.         {
  107107.             "RIT": "ws971106",
  107108.             "Type": "WS",
  107109.             "URL": "http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/lss/lang/langlink.html",
  107110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107111.             "Title": "Language Links",
  107112.             "Category": "HUM",
  107113.             "Description": "A listing of multilanguage websites and sites of interest for foreign language instruction.",
  107114.             "Year": 0
  107115.         },
  107116.         {
  107117.             "RIT": "ws971107",
  107118.             "Type": "WS",
  107119.             "URL": "http://www.wsrn.com/",
  107120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107121.             "Title": "WSRN Home Page [Wall Street Research Net]",
  107122.             "Category": "SOC",
  107123.             "Description": "About Wall Street Research Net (WSRN), a resource for investment research.",
  107124.             "Year": 0
  107125.         },
  107126.         {
  107127.             "RIT": "ws971110",
  107128.             "Type": "WS",
  107129.             "URL": "http://web.cs.city.ac.uk/text/roget/thesaurus.html",
  107130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107131.             "Title": "Roget's Thesaurus",
  107132.             "Category": "HUM",
  107133.             "Description": "An interface into the Project Gutenberg text of this standard thesaurus derived from the 1911 edition.",
  107134.             "Year": 0
  107135.         },
  107136.         {
  107137.             "RIT": "ws971133",
  107138.             "Type": "WS",
  107139.             "URL": "http://www.nfl.com/index.html",
  107140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107141.             "Title": "NFL.COM: Front page",
  107142.             "Category": "REC",
  107143.             "Description": "News, statistics, and other information about football, provided by the NFL.",
  107144.             "Year": 0
  107145.         },
  107146.         {
  107147.             "RIT": "ws971134",
  107148.             "Type": "WS",
  107149.             "URL": "http://www.nhl.com/intheslot/read/iceicons/cupcrazy2002/index.html",
  107150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107151.             "Title": "National Hockey League Official Web Site",
  107152.             "Category": "REC",
  107153.             "Description": "Information about hockey, presented by the National Hockey League (NHL).",
  107154.             "Year": 0
  107155.         },
  107156.         {
  107157.             "RIT": "ws971139",
  107158.             "Type": "WS",
  107159.             "URL": "http://www.vis.org/",
  107160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107161.             "Title": "Voter Information Services (VIS)",
  107162.             "Category": "SOC",
  107163.             "Description": "The voting records of members of the U.S. Congress.",
  107164.             "Year": 0
  107165.         },
  107166.         {
  107167.             "RIT": "ws971142",
  107168.             "Type": "WS",
  107169.             "URL": "http://www.sciencemag.org/",
  107170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107171.             "Title": "Welcome to Science On-line",
  107172.             "Category": "PHY",
  107173.             "Description": "Articles from this journal, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.",
  107174.             "Year": 0
  107175.         },
  107176.         {
  107177.             "RIT": "ws971143",
  107178.             "Type": "WS",
  107179.             "URL": "http://yosemite.epa.gov/ee/epa/eed.nsf/pages/homepage?Opendocument",
  107180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107181.             "Title": "EPA Economy and Environment",
  107182.             "Category": "IND",
  107183.             "Description": "Information about the relationships between the economy and environmental pollution control.",
  107184.             "Year": 0
  107185.         },
  107186.         {
  107187.             "RIT": "ws971144",
  107188.             "Type": "WS",
  107189.             "URL": "http://www.feer.com/",
  107190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107191.             "Title": "Far Eastern Economic Review Interactive Edition",
  107192.             "Category": "IND",
  107193.             "Description": "A resource for information about business, economies, and investment in Asia.",
  107194.             "Year": 0
  107195.         },
  107196.         {
  107197.             "RIT": "ws971145",
  107198.             "Type": "WS",
  107199.             "URL": "http://www.economist.com/",
  107200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107201.             "Title": "The Economist",
  107202.             "Category": "IND",
  107203.             "Description": "A selection of articles from the current issue of this magazine of economics and investment.",
  107204.             "Year": 0
  107205.         },
  107206.         {
  107207.             "RIT": "ws971147",
  107208.             "Type": "WS",
  107209.             "URL": "http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/blynds/rnbw.html",
  107210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107211.             "Title": "About Rainbows",
  107212.             "Category": "PHY",
  107213.             "Description": "Information about rainbows.",
  107214.             "Year": 0
  107215.         },
  107216.         {
  107217.             "RIT": "ws971148",
  107218.             "Type": "WS",
  107219.             "URL": "http://www.accessexcellence.org/",
  107220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107221.             "Title": "Access Excellence",
  107222.             "Category": "LIF",
  107223.             "Description": "A resource site for teachers, covering various topics in biology and biotechnology, sponsored by Genentech, Inc.",
  107224.             "Year": 0
  107225.         },
  107226.         {
  107227.             "RIT": "ws971150",
  107228.             "Type": "WS",
  107229.             "URL": "http://nyelabs.kcts.org/",
  107230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107231.             "Title": "Bill Nye the Science Guy's Nye Labs On-line",
  107232.             "Category": "PHY",
  107233.             "Description": "The Internet home of Bill Nye, sponsored by the Boeing Company and the National Science Foundation.",
  107234.             "Year": 0
  107235.         },
  107236.         {
  107237.             "RIT": "ws971011",
  107238.             "Type": "WS",
  107239.             "URL": "http://www.mhss.com/",
  107240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107241.             "Title": "McGraw-Hill School Systems Home Page",
  107242.             "Category": "SOC",
  107243.             "Description": "Information about software to help manage student information from classroom through district.",
  107244.             "Year": 0
  107245.         },
  107246.         {
  107247.             "RIT": "ws971012",
  107248.             "Type": "WS",
  107249.             "URL": "http://www.jdltech.com/",
  107250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107251.             "Title": "JDL - A-Z Networking Handbook",
  107252.             "Category": "IND",
  107253.             "Description": "A series of publications covering most facets of networking, from the desktop to the Internet.",
  107254.             "Year": 0
  107255.         },
  107256.         {
  107257.             "RIT": "ws971014",
  107258.             "Type": "WS",
  107259.             "URL": "http://www.warhol.org/",
  107260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107261.             "Title": "The Andy Warhol Museum Home Page",
  107262.             "Category": "HUM",
  107263.             "Description": "Information about the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pa.",
  107264.             "Year": 0
  107265.         },
  107266.         {
  107267.             "RIT": "ws971015",
  107268.             "Type": "WS",
  107269.             "URL": "http://members.aol.com/azcreation/index.html",
  107270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107271.             "Title": "Arc Boutant Historic Preservation Program",
  107272.             "Category": "HIS",
  107273.             "Description": "Information about ARC Boutant, a program for the preservation of French historic landmarks.",
  107274.             "Year": 0
  107275.         },
  107276.         {
  107277.             "RIT": "ws971017",
  107278.             "Type": "WS",
  107279.             "URL": "http://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/",
  107280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107281.             "Title": "Artsedge: The National Arts and Education Information Network",
  107282.             "Category": "HUM",
  107283.             "Description": "Information about arts education and other topics of interest to the arts education community.",
  107284.             "Year": 0
  107285.         },
  107286.         {
  107287.             "RIT": "ws971019",
  107288.             "Type": "WS",
  107289.             "URL": "http://www.getty.edu/",
  107290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107291.             "Title": "The Getty Information Institute",
  107292.             "Category": "HUM",
  107293.             "Description": "About the Getty Institute, which seeks to educate people about the world's art and cultural heritage.",
  107294.             "Year": 0
  107295.         },
  107296.         {
  107297.             "RIT": "ws971020",
  107298.             "Type": "WS",
  107299.             "URL": "http://www.nmpft.org.uk/home.asp",
  107300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107301.             "Title": "NMPFT - Welcome [National Museum of Photography, Film and Television]",
  107302.             "Category": "IND",
  107303.             "Description": "Information about this museum of photography, film, and television in Bradford, England.",
  107304.             "Year": 0
  107305.         },
  107306.         {
  107307.             "RIT": "ws971021",
  107308.             "Type": "WS",
  107309.             "URL": "http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/spe/art/photo/photo.html",
  107310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107311.             "Title": "Photography Collection",
  107312.             "Category": "IND",
  107313.             "Description": "Information about the large historical photography collection of the New York Public Library.",
  107314.             "Year": 0
  107315.         },
  107316.         {
  107317.             "RIT": "ws971025",
  107318.             "Type": "WS",
  107319.             "URL": "http://www.oir.ucf.edu/wm/paint/",
  107320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107321.             "Title": "WebMuseum: Famous Paintings exhibition",
  107322.             "Category": "HUM",
  107323.             "Description": "An on-line exhibition of famous paintings.",
  107324.             "Year": 0
  107325.         },
  107326.         {
  107327.             "RIT": "ws971033",
  107328.             "Type": "WS",
  107329.             "URL": "http://lexis.pop.upenn.edu/",
  107330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107331.             "Title": "Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania",
  107332.             "Category": "SOC",
  107333.             "Description": "Information about population studies conducted by the University of Pennsylvania.",
  107334.             "Year": 0
  107335.         },
  107336.         {
  107337.             "RIT": "ws971066",
  107338.             "Type": "WS",
  107339.             "URL": "http://services.dese.state.mo.us/",
  107340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107341.             "Title": "MO Department of Elementary & Secondary Education Home Page",
  107342.             "Category": "HIS",
  107343.             "Description": "Official site of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.Includes links to Web sites of schools and school districts throughout the United States.",
  107344.             "Year": 0
  107345.         },
  107346.         {
  107347.             "RIT": "ws971068",
  107348.             "Type": "WS",
  107349.             "URL": "http://www.nde.state.ne.us/",
  107350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107351.             "Title": "Nebraska Department of Education",
  107352.             "Category": "SOC",
  107353.             "Description": "Information from the Nebraska Department of Education.",
  107354.             "Year": 0
  107355.         },
  107356.         {
  107357.             "RIT": "ws971070",
  107358.             "Type": "WS",
  107359.             "URL": "http://www.state.nj.us./education/",
  107360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107361.             "Title": "N.J. Department of Education",
  107362.             "Category": "SOC",
  107363.             "Description": "Official Web site of the New Jersey Department of Education.",
  107364.             "Year": 0
  107365.         },
  107366.         {
  107367.             "RIT": "ws971072",
  107368.             "Type": "WS",
  107369.             "URL": "http://www.nysed.gov/",
  107370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107371.             "Title": "Welcome to the New York State Education Department",
  107372.             "Category": "GEO",
  107373.             "Description": "Official Web site of the New York State Education Department.",
  107374.             "Year": 0
  107375.         },
  107376.         {
  107377.             "RIT": "ws971075",
  107378.             "Type": "WS",
  107379.             "URL": "http://www.state.id.us/",
  107380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107381.             "Title": "State of Idaho Home Page",
  107382.             "Category": "GEO",
  107383.             "Description": "Official Idaho state government departments and services homepage.",
  107384.             "Year": 0
  107385.         },
  107386.         {
  107387.             "RIT": "ws971077",
  107388.             "Type": "WS",
  107389.             "URL": "http://ideanet.doe.state.in.us/",
  107390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107391.             "Title": "Welcome to the Indiana Department of Education",
  107392.             "Category": "GEO",
  107393.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Indiana Department of Education. Includes links to Web sites of schools and school districts throughout the United States.",
  107394.             "Year": 0
  107395.         },
  107396.         {
  107397.             "RIT": "ws971078",
  107398.             "Type": "WS",
  107399.             "URL": "http://www.state.ia.us/educate/",
  107400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107401.             "Title": "Iowa Department of Education",
  107402.             "Category": "GEO",
  107403.             "Description": "Official site of the Iowa Department of Education. Includes links to Web sites of schools and school districts throughout the United States.",
  107404.             "Year": 0
  107405.         },
  107406.         {
  107407.             "RIT": "ws971079",
  107408.             "Type": "WS",
  107409.             "URL": "http://www.kde.state.ky.us/",
  107410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107411.             "Title": "Kentucky Department of Education",
  107412.             "Category": "GEO",
  107413.             "Description": "Official site of the Kentucky Department of Education. Includes links to Web sites of schools and school districts throughout the United States.",
  107414.             "Year": 0
  107415.         },
  107416.         {
  107417.             "RIT": "ws971080",
  107418.             "Type": "WS",
  107419.             "URL": "http://www.doe.state.la.us/",
  107420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107421.             "Title": "Louisiana Department of Education",
  107422.             "Category": "GEO",
  107423.             "Description": "Official site of the Louisiana Department of Education.",
  107424.             "Year": 0
  107425.         },
  107426.         {
  107427.             "RIT": "ws971111",
  107428.             "Type": "WS",
  107429.             "URL": "http://www.ucc.ie/info/net/acronyms/",
  107430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107431.             "Title": "Acronym and Abbreviation List",
  107432.             "Category": "HUM",
  107433.             "Description": "Acronyms and abbreviations from the Network Acronym and Abbreviation Server.",
  107434.             "Year": 0
  107435.         },
  107436.         {
  107437.             "RIT": "ws971113",
  107438.             "Type": "WS",
  107439.             "URL": "http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/index.html",
  107440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107441.             "Title": "The History of Computing",
  107442.             "Category": "IND",
  107443.             "Description": "A history of computing, provided by the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech.",
  107444.             "Year": 0
  107445.         },
  107446.         {
  107447.             "RIT": "ws971115",
  107448.             "Type": "WS",
  107449.             "URL": "http://ubl.artistdirect.com/",
  107450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107451.             "Title": "Welcome to The Ultimate Band List",
  107452.             "Category": "REC",
  107453.             "Description": "Information about contemporary popular music.",
  107454.             "Year": 0
  107455.         },
  107456.         {
  107457.             "RIT": "ws971116",
  107458.             "Type": "WS",
  107459.             "URL": "http://www.iuma.com/",
  107460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107461.             "Title": "IUMA, Welcome to IUMA [Internet Underground Music Archive]",
  107462.             "Category": "REC",
  107463.             "Description": "The Internet Underground Music Archive, an Internet-based music archive and vendor.",
  107464.             "Year": 0
  107465.         },
  107466.         {
  107467.             "RIT": "ws971118",
  107468.             "Type": "WS",
  107469.             "URL": "http://www.csd.uu.se/~d94her/calvin/jumpstation.html",
  107470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107471.             "Title": "The Calvin and Hobbes Jumpstation",
  107472.             "Category": "IND",
  107473.             "Description": "Links to websites with Calvin and Hobbes comic strips.",
  107474.             "Year": 0
  107475.         },
  107476.         {
  107477.             "RIT": "ws971119",
  107478.             "Type": "WS",
  107479.             "URL": "http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/dilbert/",
  107480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107481.             "Title": "The Dilbert Zone",
  107482.             "Category": "IND",
  107483.             "Description": "Information about the Dilbert comic strip.",
  107484.             "Year": 0
  107485.         },
  107486.         {
  107487.             "RIT": "ws971123",
  107488.             "Type": "WS",
  107489.             "URL": "http://www.ilpi.com/artsource/welcome.html",
  107490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107491.             "Title": "ArtSource",
  107492.             "Category": "HUM",
  107493.             "Description": "Internet-based resources on art and architecture.",
  107494.             "Year": 0
  107495.         },
  107496.         {
  107497.             "RIT": "ws971125",
  107498.             "Type": "WS",
  107499.             "URL": "http://ce.eng.usf.edu/pharos/wonders/",
  107500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107501.             "Title": "The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World",
  107502.             "Category": "HIS",
  107503.             "Description": "Historical information about the seven wonders of the ancient world.",
  107504.             "Year": 0
  107505.         },
  107506.         {
  107507.             "RIT": "ws971128",
  107508.             "Type": "WS",
  107509.             "URL": "http://www.cdc.gov/",
  107510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107511.             "Title": "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Home Page",
  107512.             "Category": "LIF",
  107513.             "Description": "Information about CDC, which works to prevent and control disease, injury, and disability.",
  107514.             "Year": 0
  107515.         },
  107516.         {
  107517.             "RIT": "ws971131",
  107518.             "Type": "WS",
  107519.             "URL": "http://www.sportserver.com/basketball/nba/index.html",
  107520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107521.             "Title": "The Basketball Server",
  107522.             "Category": "REC",
  107523.             "Description": "Basketball resources for news and team information, college and pro.",
  107524.             "Year": 0
  107525.         },
  107526.         {
  107527.             "RIT": "ws971132",
  107528.             "Type": "WS",
  107529.             "URL": "http://www.fastball.com/",
  107530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107531.             "Title": "Fastball - The baseball site for Major League Baseball fans",
  107532.             "Category": "REC",
  107533.             "Description": "Information about spring training programs of major-league baseball teams.",
  107534.             "Year": 0
  107535.         },
  107536.         {
  107537.             "RIT": "ws971153",
  107538.             "Type": "WS",
  107539.             "URL": "http://people.ku.edu/~jbrown/bugs.html",
  107540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107541.             "Title": "Bugs in the News!",
  107542.             "Category": "LIF",
  107543.             "Description": "Fundamentals of microbiology, the study of microscopic organisms.",
  107544.             "Year": 0
  107545.         },
  107546.         {
  107547.             "RIT": "ws971154",
  107548.             "Type": "WS",
  107549.             "URL": "http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/cassini/index.shtml",
  107550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107551.             "Title": "Cassini: Voyage to Saturn",
  107552.             "Category": "PHY",
  107553.             "Description": "Information about space missions.",
  107554.             "Year": 0
  107555.         },
  107556.         {
  107557.             "RIT": "ws971155",
  107558.             "Type": "WS",
  107559.             "URL": "http://www.challenger.org/",
  107560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107561.             "Title": "Challenger Center O N L I N E",
  107562.             "Category": "PHY",
  107563.             "Description": "Information about space simulation programs from the Challenger Learning Center.",
  107564.             "Year": 0
  107565.         },
  107566.         {
  107567.             "RIT": "ws971156",
  107568.             "Type": "WS",
  107569.             "URL": "http://www.owl.on.ca/chick/chick.html",
  107570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107571.             "Title": "Chickadee Net",
  107572.             "Category": "REC",
  107573.             "Description": "Fun activities on-line for children, sponsored by Owl Communications, Inc.",
  107574.             "Year": 0
  107575.         },
  107576.         {
  107577.             "RIT": "ws971157",
  107578.             "Type": "WS",
  107579.             "URL": "http://www.cpepweb.org/",
  107580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107581.             "Title": "Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP)",
  107582.             "Category": "PHY",
  107583.             "Description": "A presentation of the current understanding of the fundamental nature of matter and energy.",
  107584.             "Year": 0
  107585.         },
  107586.         {
  107587.             "RIT": "ws971159",
  107588.             "Type": "WS",
  107589.             "URL": "http://www.excite.sfu.ca/projects/exwork/best/bearden/cubden.htm",
  107590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107591.             "Title": "The Cub Den - sponsored by The Bear Den",
  107592.             "Category": "LIF",
  107593.             "Description": "Information about bears everywhere.",
  107594.             "Year": 0
  107595.         },
  107596.         {
  107597.             "RIT": "ws971167",
  107598.             "Type": "WS",
  107599.             "URL": "http://explorer.scrtec.org/explorer/",
  107600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107601.             "Title": "Explorer",
  107602.             "Category": "PHY",
  107603.             "Description": "A collection of educational resources in mathematics and science for grades K-12.",
  107604.             "Year": 0
  107605.         },
  107606.         {
  107607.             "RIT": "ws971168",
  107608.             "Type": "WS",
  107609.             "URL": "http://www.ed.gov/pubs/parents/Science/",
  107610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107611.             "Title": "Helping Your Child Learn Science",
  107612.             "Category": "PHY",
  107613.             "Description": "Examples of a few simple science activities parents can do with their children.",
  107614.             "Year": 0
  107615.         },
  107616.         {
  107617.             "RIT": "ws971170",
  107618.             "Type": "WS",
  107619.             "URL": "http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/cassini/Kids/kidscorner.html",
  107620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107621.             "Title": "Kids' Corner",
  107622.             "Category": "PHY",
  107623.             "Description": "Information about the solar system, presented by NASA in a manner appropriate for children.",
  107624.             "Year": 0
  107625.         },
  107626.         {
  107627.             "RIT": "ws971171",
  107628.             "Type": "WS",
  107629.             "URL": "http://ldaps.arc.nasa.gov/",
  107630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107631.             "Title": "LDAPS: LEGO Design and Programming System",
  107632.             "Category": "PHY",
  107633.             "Description": "Educational information about engineering and science for grades K-6.",
  107634.             "Year": 0
  107635.         },
  107636.         {
  107637.             "RIT": "ws971172",
  107638.             "Type": "WS",
  107639.             "URL": "http://www.exploratorium.edu/learning_studio/",
  107640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107641.             "Title": "Welcome to the Learning Studio!",
  107642.             "Category": "SOC",
  107643.             "Description": "About the learning studio of the Exploratorium, a museum of science, art, and human perception.",
  107644.             "Year": 0
  107645.         },
  107646.         {
  107647.             "RIT": "ws971194",
  107648.             "Type": "WS",
  107649.             "URL": "http://cse.ssl.berkeley.edu/sol/sol_homepage.html",
  107650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107651.             "Title": "CEA Science Education Home Page",
  107652.             "Category": "SOC",
  107653.             "Description": "Information and resources for science education.",
  107654.             "Year": 0
  107655.         },
  107656.         {
  107657.             "RIT": "ws971199",
  107658.             "Type": "WS",
  107659.             "URL": "http://www.fedworld.gov/",
  107660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107661.             "Title": "FedWorld Information Network Home Page",
  107662.             "Category": "SOC",
  107663.             "Description": "United States federal government information, documents, and files.",
  107664.             "Year": 0
  107665.         },
  107666.         {
  107667.             "RIT": "ws971200",
  107668.             "Type": "WS",
  107669.             "URL": "http://www.sec.gov/",
  107670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107671.             "Title": "US Securities and Exchange Commission",
  107672.             "Category": "SOC",
  107673.             "Description": "From the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, information about investing.",
  107674.             "Year": 0
  107675.         },
  107676.         {
  107677.             "RIT": "ws971201",
  107678.             "Type": "WS",
  107679.             "URL": "http://www.uspto.gov/",
  107680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107681.             "Title": "United States Patent and Trademark Office",
  107682.             "Category": "SOC",
  107683.             "Description": "Information about patents and trademarks.",
  107684.             "Year": 0
  107685.         },
  107686.         {
  107687.             "RIT": "ws971202",
  107688.             "Type": "WS",
  107689.             "URL": "http://www.ustreas.gov/",
  107690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107691.             "Title": "Welcome To The Department of the Treasury",
  107692.             "Category": "SOC",
  107693.             "Description": "Information on programs and activities of the Department of the Treasury.",
  107694.             "Year": 0
  107695.         },
  107696.         {
  107697.             "RIT": "ws971203",
  107698.             "Type": "WS",
  107699.             "URL": "http://www.usdoj.gov/",
  107700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107701.             "Title": "United States Department of Justice Home Page",
  107702.             "Category": "SOC",
  107703.             "Description": "Information about the Department of Justice.",
  107704.             "Year": 0
  107705.         },
  107706.         {
  107707.             "RIT": "ws971205",
  107708.             "Type": "WS",
  107709.             "URL": "http://www.house.gov/",
  107710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107711.             "Title": "The United States House of Representatives",
  107712.             "Category": "SOC",
  107713.             "Description": "Official Web site of the U.S. House of Representatives.",
  107714.             "Year": 0
  107715.         },
  107716.         {
  107717.             "RIT": "ws971206",
  107718.             "Type": "WS",
  107719.             "URL": "http://thomas.loc.gov/",
  107720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107721.             "Title": "Thomas -- U.S. Congress on the Internet",
  107722.             "Category": "SOC",
  107723.             "Description": "In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, a library service of the U.S. Congress.",
  107724.             "Year": 0
  107725.         },
  107726.         {
  107727.             "RIT": "ws971208",
  107728.             "Type": "WS",
  107729.             "URL": "http://www.ljx.com/courthouse/supdec.html",
  107730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107731.             "Title": "Supreme Court Decisions",
  107732.             "Category": "SOC",
  107733.             "Description": "News, statutes, rules, decisions, and related resources provided by the U.S. Supreme Court.",
  107734.             "Year": 0
  107735.         },
  107736.         {
  107737.             "RIT": "ws971209",
  107738.             "Type": "WS",
  107739.             "URL": "http://www.law.emory.edu/FEDCTS/",
  107740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107741.             "Title": "U.S. Federal Courts Finder",
  107742.             "Category": "SOC",
  107743.             "Description": "Information for locating U.S. Federal Courts, from Emory University School of Law.",
  107744.             "Year": 0
  107745.         },
  107746.         {
  107747.             "RIT": "ws971210",
  107748.             "Type": "WS",
  107749.             "URL": "http://www.uscourts.gov/",
  107750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107751.             "Title": "Federal Courts' Home Page",
  107752.             "Category": "SOC",
  107753.             "Description": "A clearinghouse for information from and about the Judicial Branch of the U.S. Government.",
  107754.             "Year": 0
  107755.         },
  107756.         {
  107757.             "RIT": "ws971236",
  107758.             "Type": "WS",
  107759.             "URL": "http://www.fashion.net/",
  107760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107761.             "Title": "Fashion Net - The Global Meeting Point for the World of Fashion",
  107762.             "Category": "IND",
  107763.             "Description": "Information about fashion and beauty.",
  107764.             "Year": 0
  107765.         },
  107766.         {
  107767.             "RIT": "ws971237",
  107768.             "Type": "WS",
  107769.             "URL": "http://www.gsk.com/index-flash.htm",
  107770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107771.             "Title": "Glaxo Welcome - Global Website",
  107772.             "Category": "IND",
  107773.             "Description": "Information about research for new drugs, presented by the Glaxo Corporation.",
  107774.             "Year": 0
  107775.         },
  107776.         {
  107777.             "RIT": "ws971239",
  107778.             "Type": "WS",
  107779.             "URL": "http://www.smh.com.au/",
  107780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107781.             "Title": "The Sydney Morning Herald",
  107782.             "Category": "SOC",
  107783.             "Description": "Official site of The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper serving Sydney, Australia.",
  107784.             "Year": 0
  107785.         },
  107786.         {
  107787.             "RIT": "ws971240",
  107788.             "Type": "WS",
  107789.             "URL": "http://www.ita.doc.gov/",
  107790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107791.             "Title": "International Trade Administration - Trade Information",
  107792.             "Category": "IND",
  107793.             "Description": "Home Page of the International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.",
  107794.             "Year": 0
  107795.         },
  107796.         {
  107797.             "RIT": "ws971243",
  107798.             "Type": "WS",
  107799.             "URL": "http://www.profound.com/",
  107800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107801.             "Title": "Profound for the Internet",
  107802.             "Category": "IND",
  107803.             "Description": "A database for market analysis and information.",
  107804.             "Year": 0
  107805.         },
  107806.         {
  107807.             "RIT": "ws971244",
  107808.             "Type": "WS",
  107809.             "URL": "http://uncweb.carl.org/",
  107810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107811.             "Title": "Ingenta home",
  107812.             "Category": "IND",
  107813.             "Description": "An on-line article delivery service, a table of contents database, and index to nearly 17,000 periodicals.",
  107814.             "Year": 0
  107815.         },
  107816.         {
  107817.             "RIT": "ws971245",
  107818.             "Type": "WS",
  107819.             "URL": "http://www.hwwilson.com/",
  107820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107821.             "Title": "The H. W. Wilson Company Home Page",
  107822.             "Category": "IND",
  107823.             "Description": "About H. W. Wilson, publisher of abstracts, indexes, full text, and reference materials.",
  107824.             "Year": 0
  107825.         },
  107826.         {
  107827.             "RIT": "ws971247",
  107828.             "Type": "WS",
  107829.             "URL": "http://www.achoo.com/main.asp",
  107830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107831.             "Title": "Achoo Healthcare Directory - Home Page",
  107832.             "Category": "LIF",
  107833.             "Description": "An Internet resource with a large collection of medical information for general use.",
  107834.             "Year": 0
  107835.         },
  107836.         {
  107837.             "RIT": "ws971253",
  107838.             "Type": "WS",
  107839.             "URL": "http://www.tdb.gov.sg/singbiz.html",
  107840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107841.             "Title": "Singapore Business Focus",
  107842.             "Category": "SOC",
  107843.             "Description": "Business information from the city of Singapore in Southeast Asia.",
  107844.             "Year": 0
  107845.         },
  107846.         {
  107847.             "RIT": "ws971255",
  107848.             "Type": "WS",
  107849.             "URL": "http://www.hg.org/",
  107850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107851.             "Title": "Hieros Gamos -- the Comprehensive Legal and Government Site",
  107852.             "Category": "SOC",
  107853.             "Description": "Information on over 6,000 legal organizations worldwide, and every government in the world.",
  107854.             "Year": 0
  107855.         },
  107856.         {
  107857.             "RIT": "ws971256",
  107858.             "Type": "WS",
  107859.             "URL": "http://www.fedmarket.com/",
  107860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107861.             "Title": "The Federal Marketplace and Home Page",
  107862.             "Category": "IND",
  107863.             "Description": "A resource for companies that intend to market products and services to the U.S. government.",
  107864.             "Year": 0
  107865.         },
  107866.         {
  107867.             "RIT": "ws971258",
  107868.             "Type": "WS",
  107869.             "URL": "http://www.motorcade.com/",
  107870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107871.             "Title": "The Washington, D.C., Motorcade",
  107872.             "Category": "IND",
  107873.             "Description": "A guide to stores and restaurants in the Washington, D.C., area.",
  107874.             "Year": 0
  107875.         },
  107876.         {
  107877.             "RIT": "ws971259",
  107878.             "Type": "WS",
  107879.             "URL": "http://www.tpc.int/",
  107880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107881.             "Title": "The Phone Company's Remote Printing Service",
  107882.             "Category": "IND",
  107883.             "Description": "About an experiment to send faxes via email, sponsored by an Internet-based interest group.",
  107884.             "Year": 0
  107885.         },
  107886.         {
  107887.             "RIT": "ws971260",
  107888.             "Type": "WS",
  107889.             "URL": "http://www.ukans.edu/history/VL/",
  107890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107891.             "Title": "Index of Resources for History",
  107892.             "Category": "SOC",
  107893.             "Description": "Resources for historians maintained by the University of Kansas and the University of Regensburg in Germany.",
  107894.             "Year": 0
  107895.         },
  107896.         {
  107897.             "RIT": "ws971262",
  107898.             "Type": "WS",
  107899.             "URL": "http://ali.state.al.us/",
  107900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107901.             "Title": "Alabama Law Institute Home Page",
  107902.             "Category": "EDU",
  107903.             "Description": "A site maintained by the University of Alabama, with updates on bills and legislative committees.",
  107904.             "Year": 0
  107905.         },
  107906.         {
  107907.             "RIT": "ws971263",
  107908.             "Type": "WS",
  107909.             "URL": "http://www.apr.ua.edu/",
  107910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107911.             "Title": "University of Alabama Advertising and Public Relations Department",
  107912.             "Category": "EDU",
  107913.             "Description": "Information about faculty and programs in this University of Alabama department.",
  107914.             "Year": 0
  107915.         },
  107916.         {
  107917.             "RIT": "ws971264",
  107918.             "Type": "WS",
  107919.             "URL": "http://www.as.ua.edu/as/",
  107920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107921.             "Title": "University of Alabama College of Arts and Sciences",
  107922.             "Category": "EDU",
  107923.             "Description": "Information about programs in the humanities, fine arts, sciences, mathematics, and social sciences.",
  107924.             "Year": 0
  107925.         },
  107926.         {
  107927.             "RIT": "ws971266",
  107928.             "Type": "WS",
  107929.             "URL": "http://www.cba.ua.edu/",
  107930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107931.             "Title": "UA College of Commerce and Business Administration",
  107932.             "Category": "EDU",
  107933.             "Description": "All about this college at the University of Alabama.",
  107934.             "Year": 0
  107935.         },
  107936.         {
  107937.             "RIT": "ws971269",
  107938.             "Type": "WS",
  107939.             "URL": "http://cs.ua.edu/",
  107940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107941.             "Title": "The University of Alabama Computer Science Department",
  107942.             "Category": "EDU",
  107943.             "Description": "Information about this department at the University of Alabama.",
  107944.             "Year": 0
  107945.         },
  107946.         {
  107947.             "RIT": "ws971271",
  107948.             "Type": "WS",
  107949.             "URL": "http://www.bookarts.ua.edu/",
  107950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107951.             "Title": "The MFA in the Book Arts Program",
  107952.             "Category": "EDU",
  107953.             "Description": "Information about the Master of Fine Arts in the Book Arts Program at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.",
  107954.             "Year": 0
  107955.         },
  107956.         {
  107957.             "RIT": "ws971273",
  107958.             "Type": "WS",
  107959.             "URL": "http://www.EdMedia.UA.edu/",
  107960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107961.             "Title": "Educational Media and Technology",
  107962.             "Category": "EDU",
  107963.             "Description": "About educational media and technology at the University of Alabama.",
  107964.             "Year": 0
  107965.         },
  107966.         {
  107967.             "RIT": "ws971290",
  107968.             "Type": "WS",
  107969.             "URL": "http://www.gi.alaska.edu/",
  107970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107971.             "Title": "Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks",
  107972.             "Category": "EDU",
  107973.             "Description": "General information about the institute and the geology of Alaska.",
  107974.             "Year": 0
  107975.         },
  107976.         {
  107977.             "RIT": "ws971292",
  107978.             "Type": "WS",
  107979.             "URL": "http://www.uaf.alaska.edu/~asce/",
  107980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107981.             "Title": "UAF ASCE [University of Alaska American Society of Civil Engineers]",
  107982.             "Category": "EDU",
  107983.             "Description": "A site at the University of Alaska with information about the American Society of Civil Engineers.",
  107984.             "Year": 0
  107985.         },
  107986.         {
  107987.             "RIT": "ws971293",
  107988.             "Type": "WS",
  107989.             "URL": "http://www.uaf.edu/",
  107990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  107991.             "Title": "Welcome to the University of Alaska Fairbanks",
  107992.             "Category": "SOC",
  107993.             "Description": "Official University of Alaska Fairbanks homepage and guide to campus and the Fairbanks area.",
  107994.             "Year": 0
  107995.         },
  107996.         {
  107997.             "RIT": "ws971294",
  107998.             "Type": "WS",
  107999.             "URL": "http://www.asu.edu/lib/",
  108000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108001.             "Title": "Welcome To ASU Libraries Home Page",
  108002.             "Category": "EDU",
  108003.             "Description": "Information about the Arizona State University libraries.",
  108004.             "Year": 0
  108005.         },
  108006.         {
  108007.             "RIT": "ws971296",
  108008.             "Type": "WS",
  108009.             "URL": "http://www.law.arizona.edu/",
  108010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108011.             "Title": "University of Arizona College of Law",
  108012.             "Category": "EDU",
  108013.             "Description": "Information about the College of Law.",
  108014.             "Year": 0
  108015.         },
  108016.         {
  108017.             "RIT": "ws971297",
  108018.             "Type": "WS",
  108019.             "URL": "http://www.ed.arizona.edu/",
  108020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108021.             "Title": "College of Education, University of Arizona",
  108022.             "Category": "EDU",
  108023.             "Description": "Information about the College of Education.",
  108024.             "Year": 0
  108025.         },
  108026.         {
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  108029.             "URL": "http://www.asu.edu/",
  108030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108031.             "Title": "Arizona State University",
  108032.             "Category": "SOC",
  108033.             "Description": "Official Arizona State University homepage and guide to campus in the Tucson and Phoenix areas.",
  108034.             "Year": 0
  108035.         },
  108036.         {
  108037.             "RIT": "ws971302",
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  108040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108041.             "Title": "Northern Arizona University",
  108042.             "Category": "SOC",
  108043.             "Description": "Official Northern Arizona University homepage and guide to campus and the Flagstaff area.",
  108044.             "Year": 0
  108045.         },
  108046.         {
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  108048.             "Type": "WS",
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  108050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108051.             "Title": "Air Force ROTC Detachment 30 Welcome Screen",
  108052.             "Category": "EDU",
  108053.             "Description": "About the Ari Force ROTC program at the University of Arkansas.",
  108054.             "Year": 0
  108055.         },
  108056.         {
  108057.             "RIT": "ws971306",
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  108059.             "URL": "http://www.engr.uark.edu/",
  108060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108061.             "Title": "University of Arkansas College of Engineering Home Page",
  108062.             "Category": "EDU",
  108063.             "Description": "Information about the University of Arkansas College of Engineering.",
  108064.             "Year": 0
  108065.         },
  108066.         {
  108067.             "RIT": "ws971307",
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  108069.             "URL": "http://law.uark.edu/",
  108070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108071.             "Title": "University of Arkansas School of Law",
  108072.             "Category": "EDU",
  108073.             "Description": "General information provided by the University of Arkansas School of Law.",
  108074.             "Year": 0
  108075.         },
  108076.         {
  108077.             "RIT": "ws971174",
  108078.             "Type": "WS",
  108079.             "URL": "http://www.col-ed.org/smcnws/msres/",
  108080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108081.             "Title": "Math and Science Resources",
  108082.             "Category": "PHY",
  108083.             "Description": "Resources for study of math and science.",
  108084.             "Year": 0
  108085.         },
  108086.         {
  108087.             "RIT": "ws971175",
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  108089.             "URL": "http://www.lbl.gov/MicroWorlds/",
  108090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108091.             "Title": "Microworlds - Exploring the Structure of Materials",
  108092.             "Category": "PHY",
  108093.             "Description": "An interactive tour of research in materials science at Berkeley Lab's Advanced Light Source.",
  108094.             "Year": 0
  108095.         },
  108096.         {
  108097.             "RIT": "ws971176",
  108098.             "Type": "WS",
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  108100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108101.             "Title": "The ESG Biology Hypertext Home Page",
  108102.             "Category": "SOC",
  108103.             "Description": "About a novel tool for teaching biology developed by the Experimental Study Group of MIT.",
  108104.             "Year": 0
  108105.         },
  108106.         {
  108107.             "RIT": "ws971178",
  108108.             "Type": "WS",
  108109.             "URL": "http://volcano.und.nodak.edu/vwdocs/msh/msh.html",
  108110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108111.             "Title": "Mount St. Helens",
  108112.             "Category": "PHY",
  108113.             "Description": "Information about Mount St. Helens, the active volcano in southwestern Washington state.",
  108114.             "Year": 0
  108115.         },
  108116.         {
  108117.             "RIT": "ws971181",
  108118.             "Type": "WS",
  108119.             "URL": "http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/",
  108120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108121.             "Title": "The Liftoff Academy",
  108122.             "Category": "PHY",
  108123.             "Description": "Information about space exploration.",
  108124.             "Year": 0
  108125.         },
  108126.         {
  108127.             "RIT": "ws971184",
  108128.             "Type": "WS",
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  108130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  108132.             "Category": "PHY",
  108133.             "Description": "Information about earth science.",
  108134.             "Year": 0
  108135.         },
  108136.         {
  108137.             "RIT": "ws971185",
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  108140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108141.             "Title": "NSTA: Scope, Sequence, and Coordination",
  108142.             "Category": "PHY",
  108143.             "Description": "Resources for science educators and enthusiasts.",
  108144.             "Year": 0
  108145.         },
  108146.         {
  108147.             "RIT": "ws971187",
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  108150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108151.             "Title": "Optics for Kids!",
  108152.             "Category": "PHY",
  108153.             "Description": "In the scientific field of optics, a collection of resources that are appropriate for children.",
  108154.             "Year": 0
  108155.         },
  108156.         {
  108157.             "RIT": "ws971188",
  108158.             "Type": "WS",
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  108160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108161.             "Title": "Library in the Sky",
  108162.             "Category": "IND",
  108163.             "Description": "A gateway to Internet exploration for teachers, students, and parents.",
  108164.             "Year": 0
  108165.         },
  108166.         {
  108167.             "RIT": "ws971189",
  108168.             "Type": "WS",
  108169.             "URL": "http://www.utm.edu/departments/ed/cece/SAMK8.shtml",
  108170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108171.             "Title": "Science Activities Manual: K-8",
  108172.             "Category": "SOC",
  108173.             "Description": "Information about the mental aspects of teaching and learning.",
  108174.             "Year": 0
  108175.         },
  108176.         {
  108177.             "RIT": "ws971193",
  108178.             "Type": "WS",
  108179.             "URL": "http://www.seds.org/",
  108180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108181.             "Title": "Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)",
  108182.             "Category": "PHY",
  108183.             "Description": "Information about astronomy from SEDS, an M.I.T. student organization promoting space exploration.",
  108184.             "Year": 0
  108185.         },
  108186.         {
  108187.             "RIT": "ws971211",
  108188.             "Type": "WS",
  108189.             "URL": "http://www.fjc.gov/",
  108190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108191.             "Title": "The Federal Judicial Center Home Page",
  108192.             "Category": "SOC",
  108193.             "Description": "About the Federal Judicial Center, the federal courts' agency for research and continuing education.",
  108194.             "Year": 0
  108195.         },
  108196.         {
  108197.             "RIT": "ws971213",
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  108200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108201.             "Title": "U.S. Government Printing Office",
  108202.             "Category": "SOC",
  108203.             "Description": "Information about the agency that prints, binds, and distributes U.S. Government publications.",
  108204.             "Year": 0
  108205.         },
  108206.         {
  108207.             "RIT": "ws971215",
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  108210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108211.             "Title": "The Courthouse",
  108212.             "Category": "SOC",
  108213.             "Description": "The full text of decisions of the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals.",
  108214.             "Year": 0
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  108216.         {
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  108220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108221.             "Title": "AJR NewsLink",
  108222.             "Category": "IND",
  108223.             "Description": "Links to some of the largest United States and Canadian magazines.",
  108224.             "Year": 0
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  108226.         {
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  108229.             "URL": "http://www.adams1.com/pub/russadam/barcode1.html",
  108230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108231.             "Title": "BarCode1 - A Web Of Information About Bar Code",
  108232.             "Category": "IND",
  108233.             "Description": "Information about barcodes, from Adams Communications.",
  108234.             "Year": 0
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  108236.         {
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  108240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108241.             "Title": "EIAJ Semiconductor Home Page",
  108242.             "Category": "IND",
  108243.             "Description": "Developments in the semiconductor industry in Japan, Asia, and the world.",
  108244.             "Year": 0
  108245.         },
  108246.         {
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  108250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108251.             "Title": "Foreign Languages for Travelers",
  108252.             "Category": "HUM",
  108253.             "Description": "A resource for learning foreign languages for travel.",
  108254.             "Year": 0
  108255.         },
  108256.         {
  108257.             "RIT": "ws971225",
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  108259.             "URL": "http://web.idirect.com/~tiger/",
  108260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108261.             "Title": "Worldclass Home Page",
  108262.             "Category": "IND",
  108263.             "Description": "A gateway to global business sites--representing 95 countries--on the Internet.",
  108264.             "Year": 0
  108265.         },
  108266.         {
  108267.             "RIT": "ws971227",
  108268.             "Type": "WS",
  108269.             "URL": "http://www.ipl.org/reading/",
  108270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108271.             "Title": "IPL Reading Room",
  108272.             "Category": "REC",
  108273.             "Description": "A source for pleasure reading, with links to other sites providing reading material.",
  108274.             "Year": 0
  108275.         },
  108276.         {
  108277.             "RIT": "ws971228",
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  108279.             "URL": "http://www.scip.org/",
  108280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108281.             "Title": "SCIP Web Journal Home Page",
  108282.             "Category": "SOC",
  108283.             "Description": "On-line journal that promotes using technology intelligently for success in the marketplace.",
  108284.             "Year": 0
  108285.         },
  108286.         {
  108287.             "RIT": "ws971232",
  108288.             "Type": "WS",
  108289.             "URL": "http://www.fulbright.org/",
  108290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108291.             "Title": "Fulbright Program Alumni Association",
  108292.             "Category": "SOC",
  108293.             "Description": "About this scholarship program, which sponsors Americans for study in various countries.",
  108294.             "Year": 0
  108295.         },
  108296.         {
  108297.             "RIT": "ws971274",
  108298.             "Type": "WS",
  108299.             "URL": "http://www.uah.edu/",
  108300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108301.             "Title": "The University Of Alabama In Huntsville",
  108302.             "Category": "EDU",
  108303.             "Description": "Information about this branch of the university located in Huntsville.",
  108304.             "Year": 0
  108305.         },
  108306.         {
  108307.             "RIT": "ws971275",
  108308.             "Type": "WS",
  108309.             "URL": "http://www.ece.uah.edu/",
  108310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108311.             "Title": "UAH Electrical & Computer Engineering Home Page",
  108312.             "Category": "EDU",
  108313.             "Description": "About the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.",
  108314.             "Year": 0
  108315.         },
  108316.         {
  108317.             "RIT": "ws971276",
  108318.             "Type": "WS",
  108319.             "URL": "http://isl-garnet.uah.edu/",
  108320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108321.             "Title": "The Intelligent Systems Laboratory - AI at UAH",
  108322.             "Category": "EDU",
  108323.             "Description": "About this artificial intelligence research lab at the University of Alabama, Huntsville.",
  108324.             "Year": 0
  108325.         },
  108326.         {
  108327.             "RIT": "ws971277",
  108328.             "Type": "WS",
  108329.             "URL": "http://www.eng.uah.edu/mae/",
  108330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108331.             "Title": "Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Home Page",
  108332.             "Category": "EDU",
  108333.             "Description": "About the University of Alabama's department of mechanical & aerospace engineering in Huntsville.",
  108334.             "Year": 0
  108335.         },
  108336.         {
  108337.             "RIT": "ws971278",
  108338.             "Type": "WS",
  108339.             "URL": "http://www.uah.edu/library/",
  108340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108341.             "Title": "UAH: Library",
  108342.             "Category": "EDU",
  108343.             "Description": "About the library at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.",
  108344.             "Year": 0
  108345.         },
  108346.         {
  108347.             "RIT": "ws971279",
  108348.             "Type": "WS",
  108349.             "URL": "http://www.uah.edu/admissions/admissions.html",
  108350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108351.             "Title": "UAH: Admissions",
  108352.             "Category": "EDU",
  108353.             "Description": "Admission information from the University of Alabama, Huntsville.",
  108354.             "Year": 0
  108355.         },
  108356.         {
  108357.             "RIT": "ws971281",
  108358.             "Type": "WS",
  108359.             "URL": "http://www.uwa.edu/uwahome.htm",
  108360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108361.             "Title": "The University of West Alabama Home Page",
  108362.             "Category": "EDU",
  108363.             "Description": "All about this state-supported, coeducational institution of higher learning.",
  108364.             "Year": 0
  108365.         },
  108366.         {
  108367.             "RIT": "ws971283",
  108368.             "Type": "WS",
  108369.             "URL": "http://zorba.uafadm.alaska.edu/museum/",
  108370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108371.             "Title": "Welcome to the University of Alaska Museum",
  108372.             "Category": "EDU",
  108373.             "Description": "About this university museum, a center for the study of the Far North.",
  108374.             "Year": 0
  108375.         },
  108376.         {
  108377.             "RIT": "ws971284",
  108378.             "Type": "WS",
  108379.             "URL": "http://www.uaf.alaska.edu/theatre/",
  108380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108381.             "Title": "Theater UAF",
  108382.             "Category": "EDU",
  108383.             "Description": "About the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Theater Department.",
  108384.             "Year": 0
  108385.         },
  108386.         {
  108387.             "RIT": "ws971287",
  108388.             "Type": "WS",
  108389.             "URL": "http://www.uaa.alaska.edu/",
  108390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108391.             "Title": "University of Alaska Anchorage Campus-Wide Information System",
  108392.             "Category": "SOC",
  108393.             "Description": "Official University of Alaska Anchorage homepage and guide to campus and the Anchorage area.",
  108394.             "Year": 0
  108395.         },
  108396.         {
  108397.             "RIT": "ws971308",
  108398.             "Type": "WS",
  108399.             "URL": "http://waltoncollege.uark.edu/",
  108400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108401.             "Title": "College of Business Administration",
  108402.             "Category": "EDU",
  108403.             "Description": "About the college of Business Administration at the University of Arkansas.",
  108404.             "Year": 0
  108405.         },
  108406.         {
  108407.             "RIT": "ws971309",
  108408.             "Type": "WS",
  108409.             "URL": "http://www.uark.edu/campus/athletics/",
  108410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108411.             "Title": "UARKinfo: Athletics",
  108412.             "Category": "EDU",
  108413.             "Description": "All about the Razorback Athletics Department at the University of Arkansas.",
  108414.             "Year": 0
  108415.         },
  108416.         {
  108417.             "RIT": "ws971310",
  108418.             "Type": "WS",
  108419.             "URL": "http://www.uark.edu/~museinfo/",
  108420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108421.             "Title": "University of Arkansas Museum",
  108422.             "Category": "EDU",
  108423.             "Description": "About the University Museum at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.",
  108424.             "Year": 0
  108425.         },
  108426.         {
  108427.             "RIT": "ws971311",
  108428.             "Type": "WS",
  108429.             "URL": "http://dante.uark.edu/",
  108430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108431.             "Title": "University of Arkansas Libraries",
  108432.             "Category": "EDU",
  108433.             "Description": "About the libraries at the University of Arkansas.",
  108434.             "Year": 0
  108435.         },
  108436.         {
  108437.             "RIT": "ws971312",
  108438.             "Type": "WS",
  108439.             "URL": "http://www.ualr.edu/www/index.htmlx",
  108440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108441.             "Title": "UALR Home Page",
  108442.             "Category": "EDU",
  108443.             "Description": "About the University of Arkansas campus at Little Rock.",
  108444.             "Year": 0
  108445.         },
  108446.         {
  108447.             "RIT": "ws971313",
  108448.             "Type": "WS",
  108449.             "URL": "http://www.ualr.edu/~coedept/index.html",
  108450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108451.             "Title": "@Arkansas - Little Rock: College of Education ON-LINE",
  108452.             "Category": "EDU",
  108453.             "Description": "A site maintained by the University of Arkansas, Little Rock, for teachers, students, and others using computers.",
  108454.             "Year": 0
  108455.         },
  108456.         {
  108457.             "RIT": "ws971314",
  108458.             "Type": "WS",
  108459.             "URL": "http://www.ualr.edu/~owl/index.html",
  108460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108461.             "Title": "The UALR UWC On-line",
  108462.             "Category": "EDU",
  108463.             "Description": "An on-line service for students and others at the University of Arkansas who want writing skills help.",
  108464.             "Year": 0
  108465.         },
  108466.         {
  108467.             "RIT": "ws971315",
  108468.             "Type": "WS",
  108469.             "URL": "http://www.uams.edu/",
  108470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108471.             "Title": "University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences",
  108472.             "Category": "EDU",
  108473.             "Description": "The campus-wide information system of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.",
  108474.             "Year": 0
  108475.         },
  108476.         {
  108477.             "RIT": "ws971316",
  108478.             "Type": "WS",
  108479.             "URL": "http://www.library.uams.edu/",
  108480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108481.             "Title": "University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Library",
  108482.             "Category": "EDU",
  108483.             "Description": "About this library, which houses information on research, education, and patient care.",
  108484.             "Year": 0
  108485.         },
  108486.         {
  108487.             "RIT": "ws971317",
  108488.             "Type": "WS",
  108489.             "URL": "http://biotech.uams.edu/",
  108490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108491.             "Title": "Biotechnology Arkansas Home Page",
  108492.             "Category": "EDU",
  108493.             "Description": "About the Biomedical Biotechnology Center at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.",
  108494.             "Year": 0
  108495.         },
  108496.         {
  108497.             "RIT": "ws971335",
  108498.             "Type": "WS",
  108499.             "URL": "http://www.dent.ucla.edu/",
  108500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108501.             "Title": "UCLA School of Dentistry",
  108502.             "Category": "EDU",
  108503.             "Description": "Information about the School of Dentistry at the University of California, Los Angeles.",
  108504.             "Year": 0
  108505.         },
  108506.         {
  108507.             "RIT": "ws971336",
  108508.             "Type": "WS",
  108509.             "URL": "http://www.arts.ucla.edu/",
  108510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108511.             "Title": "The School of the Arts and Architecture",
  108512.             "Category": "EDU",
  108513.             "Description": "About the School of the Arts and Architecture at the University of California, Los Angeles.",
  108514.             "Year": 0
  108515.         },
  108516.         {
  108517.             "RIT": "ws971338",
  108518.             "Type": "WS",
  108519.             "URL": "http://www.tft.ucla.edu/tfthome.htm",
  108520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108521.             "Title": "UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television",
  108522.             "Category": "EDU",
  108523.             "Description": "About the School of Theater, Film, and Television at the University of California, Los Angeles.",
  108524.             "Year": 0
  108525.         },
  108526.         {
  108527.             "RIT": "ws971339",
  108528.             "Type": "WS",
  108529.             "URL": "http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/",
  108530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108531.             "Title": "Social Sciences Division, UCLA",
  108532.             "Category": "EDU",
  108533.             "Description": "Information about social science research and departments at the University of California, Los Angeles.",
  108534.             "Year": 0
  108535.         },
  108536.         {
  108537.             "RIT": "ws971340",
  108538.             "Type": "WS",
  108539.             "URL": "http://uclabruins.fansonly.com/",
  108540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108541.             "Title": "UCLA Home Page--Athletics",
  108542.             "Category": "EDU",
  108543.             "Description": "Intercollegiate and Intramural athletics information at the University of California, Los Angeles.",
  108544.             "Year": 0
  108545.         },
  108546.         {
  108547.             "RIT": "ws971341",
  108548.             "Type": "WS",
  108549.             "URL": "http://www.fmch.ucla.edu/",
  108550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108551.             "Title": "Fowler Museum of Cultural History",
  108552.             "Category": "EDU",
  108553.             "Description": "About the Fowler Museum of Cultural History at the University of California, Los Angeles.",
  108554.             "Year": 0
  108555.         },
  108556.         {
  108557.             "RIT": "ws971342",
  108558.             "Type": "WS",
  108559.             "URL": "http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/arts/index.htm",
  108560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108561.             "Title": "UCLA Arts Library Home Page",
  108562.             "Category": "EDU",
  108563.             "Description": "About the Arts Library at the University of California, Los Angeles.",
  108564.             "Year": 0
  108565.         },
  108566.         {
  108567.             "RIT": "ws971343",
  108568.             "Type": "WS",
  108569.             "URL": "http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/clarklib/",
  108570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108571.             "Title": "William Andrews Clark Memorial Library",
  108572.             "Category": "EDU",
  108573.             "Description": "About the rare books and manuscripts at this library, a part of the University of California, Los Angeles.",
  108574.             "Year": 0
  108575.         },
  108576.         {
  108577.             "RIT": "ws971344",
  108578.             "Type": "WS",
  108579.             "URL": "http://www.ucsd.edu/",
  108580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108581.             "Title": "UCSD InfoPath",
  108582.             "Category": "EDU",
  108583.             "Description": "General information about the University of California, San Diego.",
  108584.             "Year": 0
  108585.         },
  108586.         {
  108587.             "RIT": "ws971371",
  108588.             "Type": "WS",
  108589.             "URL": "http://www.colorado.edu/Chemistry/",
  108590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108591.             "Title": "U of Colorado Chemistry & Biochemistry",
  108592.             "Category": "EDU",
  108593.             "Description": "About chemistry and biochemistry programs at the University of Colorado at Boulder.",
  108594.             "Year": 0
  108595.         },
  108596.         {
  108597.             "RIT": "ws971372",
  108598.             "Type": "WS",
  108599.             "URL": "http://www.colorado.edu/ArtsSciences/",
  108600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108601.             "Title": "College of Arts and Sciences",
  108602.             "Category": "EDU",
  108603.             "Description": "About the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder.",
  108604.             "Year": 0
  108605.         },
  108606.         {
  108607.             "RIT": "ws971373",
  108608.             "Type": "WS",
  108609.             "URL": "http://www.colorado.edu/engineering/",
  108610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108611.             "Title": "Engineering and Applied Science",
  108612.             "Category": "EDU",
  108613.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder.",
  108614.             "Year": 0
  108615.         },
  108616.         {
  108617.             "RIT": "ws971375",
  108618.             "Type": "WS",
  108619.             "URL": "http://www.Colorado.EDU/Law/lawlib/",
  108620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108621.             "Title": "University of Colorado Law Library Home Page",
  108622.             "Category": "EDU",
  108623.             "Description": "General information about this library and its on-line catalog.",
  108624.             "Year": 0
  108625.         },
  108626.         {
  108627.             "RIT": "ws971376",
  108628.             "Type": "WS",
  108629.             "URL": "http://libraries.colorado.edu/",
  108630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108631.             "Title": "Libraries",
  108632.             "Category": "EDU",
  108633.             "Description": "About the libraries at the University of Colorado at Boulder.",
  108634.             "Year": 0
  108635.         },
  108636.         {
  108637.             "RIT": "ws971377",
  108638.             "Type": "WS",
  108639.             "URL": "http://buffaloes.colorado.edu/",
  108640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108641.             "Title": "University of Colorado Department of Athletics",
  108642.             "Category": "EDU",
  108643.             "Description": "Information about athletics programs at the University of Colorado at Boulder.",
  108644.             "Year": 0
  108645.         },
  108646.         {
  108647.             "RIT": "ws971378",
  108648.             "Type": "WS",
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  108650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108651.             "Title": "University of Colorado at Denver",
  108652.             "Category": "EDU",
  108653.             "Description": "General information about the University of Colorado at Denver.",
  108654.             "Year": 0
  108655.         },
  108656.         {
  108657.             "RIT": "ws971380",
  108658.             "Type": "WS",
  108659.             "URL": "http://www.cudenver.edu//business/",
  108660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108661.             "Title": "UCD College of Business Administration",
  108662.             "Category": "EDU",
  108663.             "Description": "About the College of Business Administration at the University of Colorado at Denver.",
  108664.             "Year": 0
  108665.         },
  108666.         {
  108667.             "RIT": "ws971381",
  108668.             "Type": "WS",
  108669.             "URL": "http://www-math.cudenver.edu/",
  108670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108671.             "Title": "Math Department at the University of Colorado at Denver",
  108672.             "Category": "EDU",
  108673.             "Description": "Facts about undergraduate and graduate programs in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Colorado at Denver.",
  108674.             "Year": 0
  108675.         },
  108676.         {
  108677.             "RIT": "ws971382",
  108678.             "Type": "WS",
  108679.             "URL": "http://soe.cudenver.edu/",
  108680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108681.             "Title": "School of Education",
  108682.             "Category": "EDU",
  108683.             "Description": "About the School of Education at the University of Colorado at Denver.",
  108684.             "Year": 0
  108685.         },
  108686.         {
  108687.             "RIT": "ws971402",
  108688.             "Type": "WS",
  108689.             "URL": "http://www.coaps.fsu.edu/lib/",
  108690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108691.             "Title": "Library of COAPS",
  108692.             "Category": "EDU",
  108693.             "Description": "Information about library resources at Florida State University.",
  108694.             "Year": 0
  108695.         },
  108696.         {
  108697.             "RIT": "ws971403",
  108698.             "Type": "WS",
  108699.             "URL": "http://www.eng.fsu.edu/index.php",
  108700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108701.             "Title": "Welcome to the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering",
  108702.             "Category": "EDU",
  108703.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering at Florida State University.",
  108704.             "Year": 0
  108705.         },
  108706.         {
  108707.             "RIT": "ws971404",
  108708.             "Type": "WS",
  108709.             "URL": "http://www.law.fsu.edu/",
  108710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108711.             "Title": "The Florida State University College of Law",
  108712.             "Category": "EDU",
  108713.             "Description": "About the College of Law at Florida State University.",
  108714.             "Year": 0
  108715.         },
  108716.         {
  108717.             "RIT": "ws971405",
  108718.             "Type": "WS",
  108719.             "URL": "http://www.coe.fsu.edu/",
  108720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108721.             "Title": "Florida State University College of Education Main Page",
  108722.             "Category": "EDU",
  108723.             "Description": "About Florida State University's College of Education.",
  108724.             "Year": 0
  108725.         },
  108726.         {
  108727.             "RIT": "ws971406",
  108728.             "Type": "WS",
  108729.             "URL": "http://www.fsu.edu/~coss/",
  108730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108731.             "Title": "College of Social Sciences",
  108732.             "Category": "EDU",
  108733.             "Description": "About this college at Florida State University.",
  108734.             "Year": 0
  108735.         },
  108736.         {
  108737.             "RIT": "ws971407",
  108738.             "Type": "WS",
  108739.             "URL": "http://filmschool.fsu.edu/",
  108740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108741.             "Title": "FSU Film School",
  108742.             "Category": "EDU",
  108743.             "Description": "About the School of Motion Picture, Television & Recording Arts at Florida State University.",
  108744.             "Year": 0
  108745.         },
  108746.         {
  108747.             "RIT": "ws971408",
  108748.             "Type": "WS",
  108749.             "URL": "http://seminoles.fansonly.com/",
  108750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108751.             "Title": "Florida State University Intercollegiate Athletics",
  108752.             "Category": "EDU",
  108753.             "Description": "Facts about Intercollegiate athletics at Florida State University.",
  108754.             "Year": 0
  108755.         },
  108756.         {
  108757.             "RIT": "ws971409",
  108758.             "Type": "WS",
  108759.             "URL": "http://www.nhmfl.gov/",
  108760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108761.             "Title": "National High Magnetic Field Lab",
  108762.             "Category": "EDU",
  108763.             "Description": "About high magnetic field research facilities at Florida State University in Tallahassee.",
  108764.             "Year": 0
  108765.         },
  108766.         {
  108767.             "RIT": "ws971410",
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  108770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108771.             "Title": "University of Florida College of Education",
  108772.             "Category": "EDU",
  108773.             "Description": "Facts about the College of Education at the University of Florida.",
  108774.             "Year": 0
  108775.         },
  108776.         {
  108777.             "RIT": "ws971411",
  108778.             "Type": "WS",
  108779.             "URL": "http://www.eng.ufl.edu/",
  108780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108781.             "Title": "College of Engineering, University of Florida",
  108782.             "Category": "EDU",
  108783.             "Description": "Information about the College of Engineering at the University of Florida.",
  108784.             "Year": 0
  108785.         },
  108786.         {
  108787.             "RIT": "ws971412",
  108788.             "Type": "WS",
  108789.             "URL": "http://www.arts.ufl.edu/",
  108790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108791.             "Title": "University of Florida - College of Fine Arts",
  108792.             "Category": "EDU",
  108793.             "Description": "About the University of Florida's College of Fine Arts.",
  108794.             "Year": 0
  108795.         },
  108796.         {
  108797.             "RIT": "ws971427",
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  108799.             "URL": "http://www.gsu.edu/gsuhome-v1/enhanced.html",
  108800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108801.             "Title": "Welcome to Georgia State University",
  108802.             "Category": "GEO",
  108803.             "Description": "Official Georgia State University homepage and guide to campus and the Atlanta area.",
  108804.             "Year": 0
  108805.         },
  108806.         {
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  108810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108811.             "Title": "The University of Georgia",
  108812.             "Category": "EDU",
  108813.             "Description": "General information about the University of Georgia, the state's oldest institution of higher education.",
  108814.             "Year": 0
  108815.         },
  108816.         {
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  108820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108821.             "Title": "University of Hawaii Meteorology",
  108822.             "Category": "EDU",
  108823.             "Description": "A weather site at the University of Hawaii, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the Unidata Program Center, and the National Weather Service.",
  108824.             "Year": 0
  108825.         },
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  108830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108831.             "Title": "Kewalo Marine Laboratory, PBRC, University of Hawaii",
  108832.             "Category": "EDU",
  108833.             "Description": "About the Kewalo Marine Laboratory, a research facility for the University of Hawaii.",
  108834.             "Year": 0
  108835.         },
  108836.         {
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  108840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108841.             "Title": "University of Hawaii Athletics",
  108842.             "Category": "EDU",
  108843.             "Description": "The official web site of the University of Hawaii Athletics Department,",
  108844.             "Year": 0
  108845.         },
  108846.         {
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  108850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108851.             "Title": "University of Hawaii at Manoa",
  108852.             "Category": "EDU",
  108853.             "Description": "General information about the University of Hawaii.",
  108854.             "Year": 0
  108855.         },
  108856.         {
  108857.             "RIT": "ws971434",
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  108860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108861.             "Title": "University of Hawaii at Manoa Library",
  108862.             "Category": "EDU",
  108863.             "Description": "Information about the library at the University of Hawaii.",
  108864.             "Year": 0
  108865.         },
  108866.         {
  108867.             "RIT": "ws971435",
  108868.             "Type": "WS",
  108869.             "URL": "http://www.eng.hawaii.edu/UHCOEhome.html",
  108870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108871.             "Title": "UH College of Engineering WWW Server",
  108872.             "Category": "EDU",
  108873.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering at the University of Hawaii.",
  108874.             "Year": 0
  108875.         },
  108876.         {
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  108880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108881.             "Title": "University of Idaho Library",
  108882.             "Category": "EDU",
  108883.             "Description": "About the University of Idaho Library.",
  108884.             "Year": 0
  108885.         },
  108886.         {
  108887.             "RIT": "ws971439",
  108888.             "Type": "WS",
  108889.             "URL": "http://www.ag.uidaho.edu/",
  108890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108891.             "Title": "University of Idaho College of Agriculture",
  108892.             "Category": "EDU",
  108893.             "Description": "About the University of Idaho College of Agriculture.",
  108894.             "Year": 0
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  108896.         {
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  108900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108901.             "Title": "UAMS Orthopaedic Surgery Home Page",
  108902.             "Category": "EDU",
  108903.             "Description": "Information about the orthopaedic residency program at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.",
  108904.             "Year": 0
  108905.         },
  108906.         {
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  108910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108911.             "Title": "Arkansas State University",
  108912.             "Category": "SOC",
  108913.             "Description": "Official Arkansas State University homepage and guide to campus and the Jonesboro area.",
  108914.             "Year": 0
  108915.         },
  108916.         {
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  108920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108921.             "Title": "University of Central Arkansas",
  108922.             "Category": "SOC",
  108923.             "Description": "Official University of Central Arkansas homepage and guide to campus and the Conway area.",
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  108925.         },
  108926.         {
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  108930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108931.             "Title": "UC Berkeley College of Engineering",
  108932.             "Category": "EDU",
  108933.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley.",
  108934.             "Year": 0
  108935.         },
  108936.         {
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  108940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108941.             "Title": "College of Environmental Design, University of California at Berkeley",
  108942.             "Category": "EDU",
  108943.             "Description": "About the College of Environmental Design at the University of California, Berkeley.",
  108944.             "Year": 0
  108945.         },
  108946.         {
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  108948.             "Type": "WS",
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  108950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108951.             "Title": "LSCR Staff Information: Julie Bernstein",
  108952.             "Category": "EDU",
  108953.             "Description": "About the College of Letters and Science, the largest of the University of California at Berkeley's colleges and schools.",
  108954.             "Year": 0
  108955.         },
  108956.         {
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  108960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108961.             "Title": "UCLA Home Page",
  108962.             "Category": "EDU",
  108963.             "Description": "General information about the University of California, Los Angeles.",
  108964.             "Year": 0
  108965.         },
  108966.         {
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  108970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108971.             "Title": "UCLA Computer Science Department",
  108972.             "Category": "EDU",
  108973.             "Description": "About computer and information technology and education at the University of California, Los Angeles.",
  108974.             "Year": 0
  108975.         },
  108976.         {
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  108980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108981.             "Title": "UCLA Electrical Engineering Department",
  108982.             "Category": "EDU",
  108983.             "Description": "About the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of California at Los Angeles.",
  108984.             "Year": 0
  108985.         },
  108986.         {
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  108988.             "Type": "WS",
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  108990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  108991.             "Title": "UCLA/IGPP Home Page",
  108992.             "Category": "EDU",
  108993.             "Description": "Information about the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University of California, Los Angeles.",
  108994.             "Year": 0
  108995.         },
  108996.         {
  108997.             "RIT": "ws971345",
  108998.             "Type": "WS",
  108999.             "URL": "http://cacse.ucsd.edu/",
  109000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109001.             "Title": "Center for Advanced Computational Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego",
  109002.             "Category": "EDU",
  109003.             "Description": "About the Center for Advanced Computational Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego.",
  109004.             "Year": 0
  109005.         },
  109006.         {
  109007.             "RIT": "ws971347",
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  109010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109011.             "Title": "UC San Diego School of Engineering",
  109012.             "Category": "EDU",
  109013.             "Description": "About the University of California, San Diego, School of Engineering.",
  109014.             "Year": 0
  109015.         },
  109016.         {
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  109020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109022.             "Category": "EDU",
  109023.             "Description": "Information about the University of California at Davis.",
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  109025.         },
  109026.         {
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  109030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109031.             "Title": "Welcome to the College of Engineering",
  109032.             "Category": "EDU",
  109033.             "Description": "General information about the College of Engineering at the University of California at Davis.",
  109034.             "Year": 0
  109035.         },
  109036.         {
  109037.             "RIT": "ws971351",
  109038.             "Type": "WS",
  109039.             "URL": "http://kinghall.ucdavis.edu/",
  109040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109042.             "Category": "EDU",
  109043.             "Description": "Information about the School of Law at the University of California, Davis.",
  109044.             "Year": 0
  109045.         },
  109046.         {
  109047.             "RIT": "ws971352",
  109048.             "Type": "WS",
  109049.             "URL": "http://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/",
  109050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109051.             "Title": "UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine",
  109052.             "Category": "EDU",
  109053.             "Description": "Information about the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California, Davis.",
  109054.             "Year": 0
  109055.         },
  109056.         {
  109057.             "RIT": "ws971353",
  109058.             "Type": "WS",
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  109060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109061.             "Title": "UC Davis School of Medicine",
  109062.             "Category": "EDU",
  109063.             "Description": "Information about the University of California, Davis, School of Medicine.",
  109064.             "Year": 0
  109065.         },
  109066.         {
  109067.             "RIT": "ws971354",
  109068.             "Type": "WS",
  109069.             "URL": "http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/",
  109070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109071.             "Title": "University of California Davis Library Home Page",
  109072.             "Category": "EDU",
  109073.             "Description": "About the libraries at the University of California at Davis.",
  109074.             "Year": 0
  109075.         },
  109076.         {
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  109080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109081.             "Title": "Welcome to UC--Berkeley",
  109082.             "Category": "EDU",
  109083.             "Description": "Official University of California at Berkeley homepage and guide to campus and the Berkeley area.",
  109084.             "Year": 0
  109085.         },
  109086.         {
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  109088.             "Type": "WS",
  109089.             "URL": "http://www.lhs.berkeley.edu/",
  109090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109091.             "Title": "Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley",
  109092.             "Category": "EDU",
  109093.             "Description": "About this public science museum and center for teacher education and research at the University of California, Berkeley.",
  109094.             "Year": 0
  109095.         },
  109096.         {
  109097.             "RIT": "ws971383",
  109098.             "Type": "WS",
  109099.             "URL": "http://www.cudenver.edu//engineer/",
  109100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109101.             "Title": "College of Engineering, University of Colorado at Denver",
  109102.             "Category": "EDU",
  109103.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Colorado at Denver.",
  109104.             "Year": 0
  109105.         },
  109106.         {
  109107.             "RIT": "ws971384",
  109108.             "Type": "WS",
  109109.             "URL": "http://www.uccs.edu/",
  109110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109111.             "Title": "The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs",
  109112.             "Category": "EDU",
  109113.             "Description": "General information about the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.",
  109114.             "Year": 0
  109115.         },
  109116.         {
  109117.             "RIT": "ws971392",
  109118.             "Type": "WS",
  109119.             "URL": "http://www.eng2.uconn.edu/",
  109120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109121.             "Title": "UConn School of Engineering World View",
  109122.             "Category": "EDU",
  109123.             "Description": "About the School of Engineering at the University of Connecticut.",
  109124.             "Year": 0
  109125.         },
  109126.         {
  109127.             "RIT": "ws971393",
  109128.             "Type": "WS",
  109129.             "URL": "http://norman.lib.uconn.edu/NewSpirit/Redesign/",
  109130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109131.             "Title": "University of Connecticut Libraries",
  109132.             "Category": "EDU",
  109133.             "Description": "Information about library services and policies at the University of Connecticut.",
  109134.             "Year": 0
  109135.         },
  109136.         {
  109137.             "RIT": "ws971394",
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  109139.             "URL": "http://www.uconnhuskies.com/",
  109140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109141.             "Title": "UConn Athletics Official Home Page",
  109142.             "Category": "EDU",
  109143.             "Description": "About the University of Connecticut's Division of Athletics.",
  109144.             "Year": 0
  109145.         },
  109146.         {
  109147.             "RIT": "ws971395",
  109148.             "Type": "WS",
  109149.             "URL": "http://www.lib.uconn.edu/Economics/",
  109150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109151.             "Title": "Economics",
  109152.             "Category": "EDU",
  109153.             "Description": "Facts about the Department of Economics at the University of Connecticut.",
  109154.             "Year": 0
  109155.         },
  109156.         {
  109157.             "RIT": "ws971397",
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  109160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109161.             "Title": "The University of Delaware College of Nursing",
  109162.             "Category": "EDU",
  109163.             "Description": "Information about the nursing program at the University of Delaware.",
  109164.             "Year": 0
  109165.         },
  109166.         {
  109167.             "RIT": "ws971398",
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  109169.             "URL": "http://www.physics.udel.edu/",
  109170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109171.             "Title": "Delaware Physics and Astronomy",
  109172.             "Category": "EDU",
  109173.             "Description": "About physics and astronomy programs at the University of Delaware.",
  109174.             "Year": 0
  109175.         },
  109176.         {
  109177.             "RIT": "ws971399",
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  109179.             "URL": "http://www.lib.udel.edu/",
  109180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109181.             "Title": "University of Delaware Library",
  109182.             "Category": "EDU",
  109183.             "Description": "An on-line tutorial about using library resources at the University of Delaware.",
  109184.             "Year": 0
  109185.         },
  109186.         {
  109187.             "RIT": "ws971400",
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  109190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109191.             "Title": "University of Delaware Athletics",
  109192.             "Category": "EDU",
  109193.             "Description": "About the University of Delaware's intercollegiate athletics and sports.",
  109194.             "Year": 0
  109195.         },
  109196.         {
  109197.             "RIT": "ws971401",
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  109199.             "URL": "http://www.udel.edu/",
  109200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109201.             "Title": "The University of Delaware",
  109202.             "Category": "SOC",
  109203.             "Description": "Official University of Delaware homepage and guide to campus and the Newark area.",
  109204.             "Year": 0
  109205.         },
  109206.         {
  109207.             "RIT": "ws971413",
  109208.             "Type": "WS",
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  109210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109211.             "Title": "University of Florida College of Law",
  109212.             "Category": "EDU",
  109213.             "Description": "About the University of Florida's College of Law, located in Gainesville.",
  109214.             "Year": 0
  109215.         },
  109216.         {
  109217.             "RIT": "ws971414",
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  109219.             "URL": "http://www.fsu.edu/",
  109220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109221.             "Title": "Florida State University",
  109222.             "Category": "EDU",
  109223.             "Description": "Official Florida State University homepage and guide to campus and the Tallahassee area.",
  109224.             "Year": 0
  109225.         },
  109226.         {
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  109230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109231.             "Title": "University of Florida Home Page",
  109232.             "Category": "SOC",
  109233.             "Description": "Official University of Florida homepage and guide to campus and the Gainesville area.",
  109234.             "Year": 0
  109235.         },
  109236.         {
  109237.             "RIT": "ws971416",
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  109239.             "URL": "http://www.libs.uga.edu/",
  109240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109241.             "Title": "University of Georgia Libraries",
  109242.             "Category": "EDU",
  109243.             "Description": "About the libraries at this state university.",
  109244.             "Year": 0
  109245.         },
  109246.         {
  109247.             "RIT": "ws971417",
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  109249.             "URL": "http://www.physast.uga.edu/",
  109250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109251.             "Title": "The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Georgia",
  109252.             "Category": "EDU",
  109253.             "Description": "Facts about the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Georgia.",
  109254.             "Year": 0
  109255.         },
  109256.         {
  109257.             "RIT": "ws971418",
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  109259.             "URL": "http://ben.franklin.uga.edu/",
  109260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109261.             "Title": "Franklin College of Arts and Sciences",
  109262.             "Category": "EDU",
  109263.             "Description": "General information about the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Georgia.",
  109264.             "Year": 0
  109265.         },
  109266.         {
  109267.             "RIT": "ws971419",
  109268.             "Type": "WS",
  109269.             "URL": "http://www.uga.edu/~iaas/",
  109270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109271.             "Title": "UGA African American Studies",
  109272.             "Category": "EDU",
  109273.             "Description": "Information about the Institute for African American Studies at the University of Georgia.",
  109274.             "Year": 0
  109275.         },
  109276.         {
  109277.             "RIT": "ws971420",
  109278.             "Type": "WS",
  109279.             "URL": "http://www.terry.uga.edu/economics/",
  109280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109281.             "Title": "University of Georgia Department of Economics",
  109282.             "Category": "EDU",
  109283.             "Description": "Information about the Department of Economics at the University of Georgia.",
  109284.             "Year": 0
  109285.         },
  109286.         {
  109287.             "RIT": "ws971421",
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  109289.             "URL": "http://www.terry.uga.edu/",
  109290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109291.             "Title": "The Terry College of Business",
  109292.             "Category": "EDU",
  109293.             "Description": "About the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia.",
  109294.             "Year": 0
  109295.         },
  109296.         {
  109297.             "RIT": "ws971422",
  109298.             "Type": "WS",
  109299.             "URL": "http://ugacescn.ces.uga.edu/caeshome/",
  109300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109301.             "Title": "UGA's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Home Page",
  109302.             "Category": "EDU",
  109303.             "Description": "Information concerning the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Georgia.",
  109304.             "Year": 0
  109305.         },
  109306.         {
  109307.             "RIT": "ws971440",
  109308.             "Type": "WS",
  109309.             "URL": "http://www.aa.uidaho.edu/",
  109310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109311.             "Title": "College of Art & Architecture",
  109312.             "Category": "EDU",
  109313.             "Description": "About the University of Idaho College of Art & Architecture.",
  109314.             "Year": 0
  109315.         },
  109316.         {
  109317.             "RIT": "ws971441",
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  109320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109321.             "Title": "College of Business & Economics",
  109322.             "Category": "EDU",
  109323.             "Description": "About the University of Idaho College of Business and Economics.",
  109324.             "Year": 0
  109325.         },
  109326.         {
  109327.             "RIT": "ws971442",
  109328.             "Type": "WS",
  109329.             "URL": "http://www.uidaho.edu/ed/",
  109330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109331.             "Title": "College of Education",
  109332.             "Category": "EDU",
  109333.             "Description": "Facts about the College of Education at the University of Idaho.",
  109334.             "Year": 0
  109335.         },
  109336.         {
  109337.             "RIT": "ws971443",
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  109340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109342.             "Category": "EDU",
  109343.             "Description": "Facts about the College of Engineering at the University of Idaho.",
  109344.             "Year": 0
  109345.         },
  109346.         {
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  109349.             "URL": "http://www.its.uidaho.edu/cnr/",
  109350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109351.             "Title": "College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Range Sciences",
  109352.             "Category": "EDU",
  109353.             "Description": "About the College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Range Sciences at the University of Idaho.",
  109354.             "Year": 0
  109355.         },
  109356.         {
  109357.             "RIT": "ws971445",
  109358.             "Type": "WS",
  109359.             "URL": "http://www.uidaho.edu/law/index.html",
  109360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109361.             "Title": "University of Idaho College of Law",
  109362.             "Category": "EDU",
  109363.             "Description": "Facts about the College of Law at the University of Idaho.",
  109364.             "Year": 0
  109365.         },
  109366.         {
  109367.             "RIT": "ws971447",
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  109369.             "URL": "http://www.uidaho.edu/",
  109370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109372.             "Category": "EDU",
  109373.             "Description": "Official University of Idaho homepage and guide to campus and the Moscow area.",
  109374.             "Year": 0
  109375.         },
  109376.         {
  109377.             "RIT": "ws971454",
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  109380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109381.             "Title": "The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library",
  109382.             "Category": "EDU",
  109383.             "Description": "General information about the library and its history at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.",
  109384.             "Year": 0
  109385.         },
  109386.         {
  109387.             "RIT": "ws971455",
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  109389.             "URL": "http://www.art.uiuc.edu/galleries/kam/index.html",
  109390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109391.             "Title": "Krannert Art Museum",
  109392.             "Category": "EDU",
  109393.             "Description": "About the Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, located on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.",
  109394.             "Year": 0
  109395.         },
  109396.         {
  109397.             "RIT": "ws971456",
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  109400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109401.             "Title": "The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of ACES",
  109402.             "Category": "EDU",
  109403.             "Description": "About the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.",
  109404.             "Year": 0
  109405.         },
  109406.         {
  109407.             "RIT": "ws971457",
  109408.             "Type": "WS",
  109409.             "URL": "http://www.engr.uiuc.edu/",
  109410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109411.             "Title": "University of Illinois College of Engineering",
  109412.             "Category": "EDU",
  109413.             "Description": "Facts about the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.",
  109414.             "Year": 0
  109415.         },
  109416.         {
  109417.             "RIT": "ws971458",
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  109420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109421.             "Title": "The College of Medicine at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign",
  109422.             "Category": "EDU",
  109423.             "Description": "About the College of Medicine at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.",
  109424.             "Year": 0
  109425.         },
  109426.         {
  109427.             "RIT": "ws971459",
  109428.             "Type": "WS",
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  109430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109431.             "Title": "Geology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign",
  109432.             "Category": "EDU",
  109433.             "Description": "About the Department of Geology the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.",
  109434.             "Year": 0
  109435.         },
  109436.         {
  109437.             "RIT": "ws971462",
  109438.             "Type": "WS",
  109439.             "URL": "http://www.uis.edu/",
  109440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109441.             "Title": "The University of Illinois at Springfield",
  109442.             "Category": "EDU",
  109443.             "Description": "General information about the University of Illinois at Springfield.",
  109444.             "Year": 0
  109445.         },
  109446.         {
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  109449.             "URL": "http://www.uiuc.edu/",
  109450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109451.             "Title": "University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign",
  109452.             "Category": "SOC",
  109453.             "Description": "Official University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign homepage and guide to campus and the Urbana-Champaign area.",
  109454.             "Year": 0
  109455.         },
  109456.         {
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  109459.             "URL": "",
  109460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109461.             "Title": "Astronomy at Indiana State University",
  109462.             "Category": "EDU",
  109463.             "Description": "About the John C. Hook Memorial Observatory at Indiana State University.",
  109464.             "Year": 0
  109465.         },
  109466.         {
  109467.             "RIT": "ws971466",
  109468.             "Type": "WS",
  109469.             "URL": "http://web.indstate.edu/athletics/home.html",
  109470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109471.             "Title": "ISU: Athletic Program",
  109472.             "Category": "EDU",
  109473.             "Description": "Information about Indiana State University athletic programs.",
  109474.             "Year": 0
  109475.         },
  109476.         {
  109477.             "RIT": "ws971467",
  109478.             "Type": "WS",
  109479.             "URL": "http://astrowww.astro.indiana.edu/",
  109480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109481.             "Title": "Indiana University Astronomy Department",
  109482.             "Category": "EDU",
  109483.             "Description": "Astronomical information to the public and information about the Indiana University Astronomy Department.",
  109484.             "Year": 0
  109485.         },
  109486.         {
  109487.             "RIT": "ws971468",
  109488.             "Type": "WS",
  109489.             "URL": "http://education.indiana.edu/",
  109490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109491.             "Title": "School of Education Home Page",
  109492.             "Category": "EDU",
  109493.             "Description": "About the School of Education at Indiana University.",
  109494.             "Year": 0
  109495.         },
  109496.         {
  109497.             "RIT": "ws971469",
  109498.             "Type": "WS",
  109499.             "URL": "http://www.law.indiana.edu/",
  109500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109501.             "Title": "Indiana University School of Law - Bloomington",
  109502.             "Category": "EDU",
  109503.             "Description": "Law School information and publications at Indiana University.",
  109504.             "Year": 0
  109505.         },
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  109510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109513.             "Description": "Information about the University of Iowa Libraries.",
  109514.             "Year": 0
  109515.         },
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  109520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109522.             "Category": "EDU",
  109523.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering at the University of Iowa.",
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  109525.         },
  109526.         {
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  109530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109532.             "Category": "EDU",
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  109541.             "Title": "The Official Iowa Hawkeye Site",
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  109565.         },
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  109570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109582.             "Category": "EDU",
  109583.             "Description": "The Helen Foresman Spencer Museum of Art is the art museum of the University of Kansas, Lawrence.",
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  109590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109592.             "Category": "EDU",
  109593.             "Description": "Facts about the Snow Entomological Museum at the University of Kansas.",
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  109600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109602.             "Category": "EDU",
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  109604.             "Year": 0
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  109606.         {
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  109610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109636.         {
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  109640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109646.         {
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  109650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109662.             "Category": "EDU",
  109663.             "Description": "Facts about the College of Arts and Sciences at LSU.",
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  109673.             "Description": "Facts about the basic sciences at LSU.",
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  109675.         },
  109676.         {
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  109685.         },
  109686.         {
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  109690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109694.             "Year": 0
  109695.         },
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  109715.         },
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  109723.             "Description": "Facts about the anthropology program at the University of Maine.",
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  109743.             "Description": "Facts about the libraries at Indiana University.",
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  109753.             "Description": "Complete coverage of Indiana University athletics.",
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  109760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109792.             "Category": "EDU",
  109793.             "Description": "About the College of Agriculture at Iowa State University.",
  109794.             "Year": 0
  109795.         },
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  109804.             "Year": 0
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  109806.         {
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  109813.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering at Iowa State University.",
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  109836.         {
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  109840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109844.             "Year": 0
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  109850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  109853.             "Description": "Everything you need or want to know about athletics at the University of Kansas.",
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  109855.         },
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  109872.             "Category": "SOC",
  109873.             "Description": "The official Kansas State University homepage and guide to campus.",
  109874.             "Year": 0
  109875.         },
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  109881.             "Title": "Official Athletic Site, University of Kentucky",
  109882.             "Category": "EDU",
  109883.             "Description": "Facts about athletics and sports at the University of Kentucky.",
  109884.             "Year": 0
  109885.         },
  109886.         {
  109887.             "RIT": "ws971516",
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  109890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109891.             "Title": "University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Home Page",
  109892.             "Category": "EDU",
  109893.             "Description": "Information about the College of Agriculture at the University of Kentucky.",
  109894.             "Year": 0
  109895.         },
  109896.         {
  109897.             "RIT": "ws971517",
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  109900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109901.             "Title": "University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences",
  109902.             "Category": "EDU",
  109903.             "Description": "Information about the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Kentucky.",
  109904.             "Year": 0
  109905.         },
  109906.         {
  109907.             "RIT": "ws971518",
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  109909.             "URL": "http://www.uky.edu/FineArts/",
  109910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109911.             "Title": "University of Kentucky College of Fine Arts",
  109912.             "Category": "EDU",
  109913.             "Description": "Information about the College of Fine Arts at the University of Kentucky.",
  109914.             "Year": 0
  109915.         },
  109916.         {
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  109919.             "URL": "http://www.engr.uky.edu/",
  109920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109921.             "Title": "University of Kentucky College of Engineering",
  109922.             "Category": "EDU",
  109923.             "Description": "Information about the College of Engineering at the University of Kentucky.",
  109924.             "Year": 0
  109925.         },
  109926.         {
  109927.             "RIT": "ws971520",
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  109929.             "URL": "http://www.uky.edu/Law/",
  109930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109931.             "Title": "University of Kentucky College of Law",
  109932.             "Category": "EDU",
  109933.             "Description": "Information about the College of Law at the University of Kentucky.",
  109934.             "Year": 0
  109935.         },
  109936.         {
  109937.             "RIT": "ws971521",
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  109939.             "URL": "http://www.mc.uky.edu/Dentistry/",
  109940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109941.             "Title": "University of Kentucky College of Dentistry",
  109942.             "Category": "EDU",
  109943.             "Description": "Information about the College of Dentistry at the University of Kentucky.",
  109944.             "Year": 0
  109945.         },
  109946.         {
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  109950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109951.             "Title": "University of Maine Department of Computer Science",
  109952.             "Category": "EDU",
  109953.             "Description": "Facts about computer science at the University of Maine.",
  109954.             "Year": 0
  109955.         },
  109956.         {
  109957.             "RIT": "ws971551",
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  109960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109961.             "Title": "UMaine - Department of Mathematics and Statistics",
  109962.             "Category": "EDU",
  109963.             "Description": "Facts about the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Maine.",
  109964.             "Year": 0
  109965.         },
  109966.         {
  109967.             "RIT": "ws971552",
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  109969.             "URL": "http://www.GoBlackBears.com/",
  109970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109971.             "Title": "Maine Athletics Home Page",
  109972.             "Category": "EDU",
  109973.             "Description": "Facts about athletics at the University of Maine.",
  109974.             "Year": 0
  109975.         },
  109976.         {
  109977.             "RIT": "ws971553",
  109978.             "Type": "WS",
  109979.             "URL": "http://www.umf.maine.edu/",
  109980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109981.             "Title": "UMF On-line",
  109982.             "Category": "EDU",
  109983.             "Description": "General information about the University of Maine at Farmington in west-central Maine.",
  109984.             "Year": 0
  109985.         },
  109986.         {
  109987.             "RIT": "ws971556",
  109988.             "Type": "WS",
  109989.             "URL": "http://www.helpdesk.umd.edu/documents/3/3814/",
  109990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  109991.             "Title": "Information Technology Library Home Page",
  109992.             "Category": "EDU",
  109993.             "Description": "About the Technology library at the University of Maryland.",
  109994.             "Year": 0
  109995.         },
  109996.         {
  109997.             "RIT": "ws971557",
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  110000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110001.             "Title": "The National Trust for Historic Preservation Library",
  110002.             "Category": "EDU",
  110003.             "Description": "About the National Trust Library at the University of Maryland.",
  110004.             "Year": 0
  110005.         },
  110006.         {
  110007.             "RIT": "ws971558",
  110008.             "Type": "WS",
  110009.             "URL": "http://www.agnr.umd.edu/",
  110010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110011.             "Title": "College of Agriculture and Natural Resources",
  110012.             "Category": "EDU",
  110013.             "Description": "About the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Maryland at College Park.",
  110014.             "Year": 0
  110015.         },
  110016.         {
  110017.             "RIT": "ws971559",
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  110020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  110022.             "Category": "EDU",
  110023.             "Description": "About the Department of Computer Science at the University of Maryland.",
  110024.             "Year": 0
  110025.         },
  110026.         {
  110027.             "RIT": "ws971560",
  110028.             "Type": "WS",
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  110030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110031.             "Title": "UMCP MathNet Home Page",
  110032.             "Category": "EDU",
  110033.             "Description": "About the Department of Mathematics at the University of Maryland.",
  110034.             "Year": 0
  110035.         },
  110036.         {
  110037.             "RIT": "ws971561",
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  110040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110041.             "Title": "Official Athletic Site, The University of Maryland",
  110042.             "Category": "EDU",
  110043.             "Description": "About athletics and sports at the University of Maryland.",
  110044.             "Year": 0
  110045.         },
  110046.         {
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  110050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110051.             "Title": "College of Engineering Home Page",
  110052.             "Category": "EDU",
  110053.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.",
  110054.             "Year": 0
  110055.         },
  110056.         {
  110057.             "RIT": "ws971582",
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  110060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110061.             "Title": "University of Michigan College of Engineering",
  110062.             "Category": "EDU",
  110063.             "Description": "Information about the University of Michigan College of Engineering.",
  110064.             "Year": 0
  110065.         },
  110066.         {
  110067.             "RIT": "ws971583",
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  110070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110071.             "Title": "University of Michigan College of Literature, Science, and the Arts",
  110072.             "Category": "EDU",
  110073.             "Description": "Information about the University of Michigan's College of Literature, Science, and the Arts.",
  110074.             "Year": 0
  110075.         },
  110076.         {
  110077.             "RIT": "ws971584",
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  110080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  110082.             "Category": "EDU",
  110083.             "Description": "Information about the University of Michigan's College of Pharmacy.",
  110084.             "Year": 0
  110085.         },
  110086.         {
  110087.             "RIT": "ws971585",
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  110090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  110092.             "Category": "EDU",
  110093.             "Description": "Information about the University of Michigan Museum of Art.",
  110094.             "Year": 0
  110095.         },
  110096.         {
  110097.             "RIT": "ws971586",
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  110100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110101.             "Title": "University of Michigan University Library",
  110102.             "Category": "EDU",
  110103.             "Description": "Information about the University of Michigan library.",
  110104.             "Year": 0
  110105.         },
  110106.         {
  110107.             "RIT": "ws971593",
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  110110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110111.             "Title": "University of Minnesota -- Twin Cities Libraries",
  110112.             "Category": "EDU",
  110113.             "Description": "University libraries information.",
  110114.             "Year": 0
  110115.         },
  110116.         {
  110117.             "RIT": "ws971594",
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  110119.             "URL": "http://hudson.acad.umn.edu/",
  110120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110121.             "Title": "Weisman Art Museum",
  110122.             "Category": "EDU",
  110123.             "Description": "Facts about this art museum, located on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota.",
  110124.             "Year": 0
  110125.         },
  110126.         {
  110127.             "RIT": "ws971595",
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  110130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110131.             "Title": "Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota",
  110132.             "Category": "EDU",
  110133.             "Description": "Carlson School of Management information.",
  110134.             "Year": 0
  110135.         },
  110136.         {
  110137.             "RIT": "ws971597",
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  110140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110141.             "Title": "College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture",
  110142.             "Category": "EDU",
  110143.             "Description": "Information concerning the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture at the University of Minnesota.",
  110144.             "Year": 0
  110145.         },
  110146.         {
  110147.             "RIT": "ws971598",
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  110150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110151.             "Title": "University of Minnesota College of Biological Sciences",
  110152.             "Category": "EDU",
  110153.             "Description": "Information concerning the biological sciences at the University of Minnesota.",
  110154.             "Year": 0
  110155.         },
  110156.         {
  110157.             "RIT": "ws971600",
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  110160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110161.             "Title": "Department of Fisheries and Wildlife",
  110162.             "Category": "EDU",
  110163.             "Description": "About the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at the University of Minnesota.",
  110164.             "Year": 0
  110165.         },
  110166.         {
  110167.             "RIT": "ws971601",
  110168.             "Type": "WS",
  110169.             "URL": "http://www.geo.umn.edu/",
  110170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110171.             "Title": "Newton Horace Winchell School of Earth Sciences",
  110172.             "Category": "EDU",
  110173.             "Description": "About the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Minnesota.",
  110174.             "Year": 0
  110175.         },
  110176.         {
  110177.             "RIT": "ws971602",
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  110180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110181.             "Title": "School of Mathematics Home Page, University of Minnesota",
  110182.             "Category": "EDU",
  110183.             "Description": "Information concerning the School of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota.",
  110184.             "Year": 0
  110185.         },
  110186.         {
  110187.             "RIT": "ws971603",
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  110190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110191.             "Title": "UMD Home Page",
  110192.             "Category": "EDU",
  110193.             "Description": "General information about the University of Minnesota.",
  110194.             "Year": 0
  110195.         },
  110196.         {
  110197.             "RIT": "ws971604",
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  110200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110201.             "Title": "Welcome to the University of Minnesota, Morris",
  110202.             "Category": "EDU",
  110203.             "Description": "General information about the University of Minnesota at Morris.",
  110204.             "Year": 0
  110205.         },
  110206.         {
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  110210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110211.             "Title": "College of Arts and Sciences Home Page",
  110212.             "Category": "EDU",
  110213.             "Description": "Information about the College of Arts and Sciences at Mississippi State University.",
  110214.             "Year": 0
  110215.         },
  110216.         {
  110217.             "RIT": "ws971607",
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  110219.             "URL": "http://www.cs.msstate.edu/",
  110220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110221.             "Title": "MSU Dept. of Computer Science Home Page",
  110222.             "Category": "EDU",
  110223.             "Description": "Information about computer sciences at Mississippi State University.",
  110224.             "Year": 0
  110225.         },
  110226.         {
  110227.             "RIT": "ws971608",
  110228.             "Type": "WS",
  110229.             "URL": "http://www.sarc.msstate.edu/",
  110230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110231.             "Title": "Ongoing Work at the S/ARC",
  110232.             "Category": "EDU",
  110233.             "Description": "Information about the School of Architecture at Mississippi State University.",
  110234.             "Year": 0
  110235.         },
  110236.         {
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  110240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110241.             "Title": "Mississippi State University Athletic Department",
  110242.             "Category": "EDU",
  110243.             "Description": "Information about the Athletic Department at Mississippi State University.",
  110244.             "Year": 0
  110245.         },
  110246.         {
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  110250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110251.             "Title": "University of Mississippi Libraries - Library Home Page",
  110252.             "Category": "EDU",
  110253.             "Description": "Information about the libraries at the University of Mississippi.",
  110254.             "Year": 0
  110255.         },
  110256.         {
  110257.             "RIT": "ws971611",
  110258.             "Type": "WS",
  110259.             "URL": "http://library.law.olemiss.edu/",
  110260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110261.             "Title": "UM/LL-Law Library Index",
  110262.             "Category": "EDU",
  110263.             "Description": "About the University of Mississippi Law Library.",
  110264.             "Year": 0
  110265.         },
  110266.         {
  110267.             "RIT": "ws971628",
  110268.             "Type": "WS",
  110269.             "URL": "http://www.cs.montana.edu/",
  110270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110271.             "Title": "Montana State University Computer Science Department Home Page",
  110272.             "Category": "EDU",
  110273.             "Description": "About the Department of Computer Science at Montana State University at Bozeman.",
  110274.             "Year": 0
  110275.         },
  110276.         {
  110277.             "RIT": "ws971629",
  110278.             "Type": "WS",
  110279.             "URL": "http://www.math.montana.edu/",
  110280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110281.             "Title": "Montana State University Department of Mathematical Sciences",
  110282.             "Category": "EDU",
  110283.             "Description": "About the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Montana State University.",
  110284.             "Year": 0
  110285.         },
  110286.         {
  110287.             "RIT": "ws971630",
  110288.             "Type": "WS",
  110289.             "URL": "http://www.msubillings.edu/",
  110290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110291.             "Title": "Montana State University-Billings",
  110292.             "Category": "EDU",
  110293.             "Description": "General information about Montana State University at Billings",
  110294.             "Year": 0
  110295.         },
  110296.         {
  110297.             "RIT": "ws971631",
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  110299.             "URL": "http://www.msun.edu/index-n4.htm",
  110300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110301.             "Title": "Montana State University-Northern Home Page",
  110302.             "Category": "EDU",
  110303.             "Description": "About Montana State University - Northern.",
  110304.             "Year": 0
  110305.         },
  110306.         {
  110307.             "RIT": "ws971632",
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  110309.             "URL": "http://www.umt.edu/partv/famus/",
  110310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110311.             "Title": "The University of Montana - Missoula Museum of Fine Arts Home Page",
  110312.             "Category": "EDU",
  110313.             "Description": "About the University of Montana's Museum of Fine Arts and its collections.",
  110314.             "Year": 0
  110315.         },
  110316.         {
  110317.             "RIT": "ws971633",
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  110319.             "URL": "http://www.umt.edu/law/default.htm",
  110320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110321.             "Title": "The University of Montana - Missoula School of Law",
  110322.             "Category": "EDU",
  110323.             "Description": "Information concerning the University of Montana School of Law.",
  110324.             "Year": 0
  110325.         },
  110326.         {
  110327.             "RIT": "ws971634",
  110328.             "Type": "WS",
  110329.             "URL": "http://www.umt.edu/eli/",
  110330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110331.             "Title": "UM English Language Institute",
  110332.             "Category": "EDU",
  110333.             "Description": "About the English Language Institute at the University of Montana.",
  110334.             "Year": 0
  110335.         },
  110336.         {
  110337.             "RIT": "ws971636",
  110338.             "Type": "WS",
  110339.             "URL": "http://www.montanagrizzlies.com/",
  110340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110341.             "Title": "The University of Montana - Missoula - Grizzly Athletics Home Page Contents",
  110342.             "Category": "EDU",
  110343.             "Description": "About athletics and sports at the University of Montana.",
  110344.             "Year": 0
  110345.         },
  110346.         {
  110347.             "RIT": "ws971639",
  110348.             "Type": "WS",
  110349.             "URL": "http://sheldon.unl.edu/",
  110350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110351.             "Title": "Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery",
  110352.             "Category": "EDU",
  110353.             "Description": "About the art gallery that houses the Nebraska Art Association and University of Nebraska collections.",
  110354.             "Year": 0
  110355.         },
  110356.         {
  110357.             "RIT": "ws971641",
  110358.             "Type": "WS",
  110359.             "URL": "http://www.unl.edu/lawcoll/index.shtml",
  110360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110361.             "Title": "University of Nebraska College of Law",
  110362.             "Category": "EDU",
  110363.             "Description": "About the College of Law at the University of Nebraska.",
  110364.             "Year": 0
  110365.         },
  110366.         {
  110367.             "RIT": "ws971642",
  110368.             "Type": "WS",
  110369.             "URL": "http://www.unl.edu/unlgeog/unlgeography/unlhome.htm",
  110370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110371.             "Title": "The University of Nebraska at Lincoln Geography Department",
  110372.             "Category": "EDU",
  110373.             "Description": "About the Geography Department at the University of Nebraska.",
  110374.             "Year": 0
  110375.         },
  110376.         {
  110377.             "RIT": "ws971643",
  110378.             "Type": "WS",
  110379.             "URL": "http://www.nuengr.unl.edu/",
  110380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110381.             "Title": "The University of Nebraska at Lincoln College of Engineering and Technology",
  110382.             "Category": "EDU",
  110383.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering and Technology at the University of Nebraska.",
  110384.             "Year": 0
  110385.         },
  110386.         {
  110387.             "RIT": "ws971644",
  110388.             "Type": "WS",
  110389.             "URL": "http://ianrwww.unl.edu/",
  110390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110391.             "Title": "The University of Nebraska - IANR WWW Home Page",
  110392.             "Category": "EDU",
  110393.             "Description": "About the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska.",
  110394.             "Year": 0
  110395.         },
  110396.         {
  110397.             "RIT": "ws971645",
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  110399.             "URL": "http://huskerwebcast.com/",
  110400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110401.             "Title": "Huskerwebcast.com",
  110402.             "Category": "EDU",
  110403.             "Description": "HuskerWebCast is the official source for information on Husker sports.",
  110404.             "Year": 0
  110405.         },
  110406.         {
  110407.             "RIT": "ws971646",
  110408.             "Type": "WS",
  110409.             "URL": "http://www.unomaha.edu/home.html",
  110410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110411.             "Title": "Welcome to the University of Nebraska at Omaha",
  110412.             "Category": "EDU",
  110413.             "Description": "Information about the University of Nebraska at Omaha.",
  110414.             "Year": 0
  110415.         },
  110416.         {
  110417.             "RIT": "ws971647",
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  110419.             "URL": "http://www.unk.edu/",
  110420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110421.             "Title": "The University of Nebraska at Kearney Home Page",
  110422.             "Category": "EDU",
  110423.             "Description": "About the University of Nebraska at Kearney.",
  110424.             "Year": 0
  110425.         },
  110426.         {
  110427.             "RIT": "ws971649",
  110428.             "Type": "WS",
  110429.             "URL": "http://www.csc.edu/",
  110430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110431.             "Title": "Chadron State College",
  110432.             "Category": "SOC",
  110433.             "Description": "Official Chadron State College homepage and guide to campus and the Chadron area.",
  110434.             "Year": 0
  110435.         },
  110436.         {
  110437.             "RIT": "ws971653",
  110438.             "Type": "WS",
  110439.             "URL": "http://www.unr.edu/content/",
  110440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110441.             "Title": "University of Nevada, Reno",
  110442.             "Category": "EDU",
  110443.             "Description": "General information about the University of Nevada, Reno campus.",
  110444.             "Year": 0
  110445.         },
  110446.         {
  110447.             "RIT": "ws971654",
  110448.             "Type": "WS",
  110449.             "URL": "http://www.library.unr.edu/",
  110450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110451.             "Title": "NEON - Nevada Education On-line Network",
  110452.             "Category": "EDU",
  110453.             "Description": "About the libraries at the University of Nevada, Reno.",
  110454.             "Year": 0
  110455.         },
  110456.         {
  110457.             "RIT": "ws971657",
  110458.             "Type": "WS",
  110459.             "URL": "http://www.nhc.edu/",
  110460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110461.             "Title": "NHC Home Page",
  110462.             "Category": "SOC",
  110463.             "Description": "Official New Hampshire College homepage and guide to campus and the Manchester area.",
  110464.             "Year": 0
  110465.         },
  110466.         {
  110467.             "RIT": "ws971658",
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  110469.             "URL": "http://www.unhwildcats.com/",
  110470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110471.             "Title": "University of New Hampshire Athletics",
  110472.             "Category": "EDU",
  110473.             "Description": "University of New Hampshire Wildcat athletic information.",
  110474.             "Year": 0
  110475.         },
  110476.         {
  110477.             "RIT": "ws971672",
  110478.             "Type": "WS",
  110479.             "URL": "http://asm.unm.edu/",
  110480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110481.             "Title": "The Robert O. Anderson Schools of Management - UNM",
  110482.             "Category": "EDU",
  110483.             "Description": "About Schools of Management programs at the University of New Mexico.",
  110484.             "Year": 0
  110485.         },
  110486.         {
  110487.             "RIT": "ws971673",
  110488.             "Type": "WS",
  110489.             "URL": "http://www.unm.edu/~art255/gradweb.html",
  110490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110491.             "Title": "University of New Mexico Graduate Art and Art History",
  110492.             "Category": "EDU",
  110493.             "Description": "General requirements for M.A., M.F.A., and Ph.D. degrees in art at the University of New Mexico.",
  110494.             "Year": 0
  110495.         },
  110496.         {
  110497.             "RIT": "ws971674",
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  110499.             "URL": "http://www.unm.edu/~lobo/",
  110500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110501.             "Title": "The University of New Mexico Athletics Home Page",
  110502.             "Category": "EDU",
  110503.             "Description": "About the university's sports programs.",
  110504.             "Year": 0
  110505.         },
  110506.         {
  110507.             "RIT": "ws971677",
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  110509.             "URL": "http://www.enmu.edu/",
  110510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110511.             "Title": "Eastern New Mexico University Home Page",
  110512.             "Category": "SOC",
  110513.             "Description": "Official Eastern New Mexico University homepage and guide to campus and the Portales area.",
  110514.             "Year": 0
  110515.         },
  110516.         {
  110517.             "RIT": "ws971680",
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  110519.             "URL": "http://www.nyu.edu/",
  110520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110521.             "Title": "Welcome to New York University",
  110522.             "Category": "EDU",
  110523.             "Description": "General information about New York University.",
  110524.             "Year": 0
  110525.         },
  110526.         {
  110527.             "RIT": "ws971681",
  110528.             "Type": "WS",
  110529.             "URL": "http://www.oneonta.edu/highbwindex.asp",
  110530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110531.             "Title": "State University of New York College at Oneonta",
  110532.             "Category": "EDU",
  110533.             "Description": "General information about the State University of New York College at Oneonta.",
  110534.             "Year": 0
  110535.         },
  110536.         {
  110537.             "RIT": "ws971682",
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  110539.             "URL": "http://www.oneonta.edu/academics/scdisc/",
  110540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110541.             "Title": "Science Discovery Center of Oneonta",
  110542.             "Category": "EDU",
  110543.             "Description": "About the Science Discovery Center at the State University of New York College at Oneonta.",
  110544.             "Year": 0
  110545.         },
  110546.         {
  110547.             "RIT": "ws971684",
  110548.             "Type": "WS",
  110549.             "URL": "http://www.nyu.edu/library/bobst/",
  110550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110551.             "Title": "Bobst Library's Home Page",
  110552.             "Category": "EDU",
  110553.             "Description": "About the Elmer Holmes Bobst Library at New York University.",
  110554.             "Year": 0
  110555.         },
  110556.         {
  110557.             "RIT": "ws971685",
  110558.             "Type": "WS",
  110559.             "URL": "http://library.med.nyu.edu/",
  110560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110561.             "Title": "Ehrman Medical Library Home Page",
  110562.             "Category": "EDU",
  110563.             "Description": "Basic information about this library at New York University.",
  110564.             "Year": 0
  110565.         },
  110566.         {
  110567.             "RIT": "ws971686",
  110568.             "Type": "WS",
  110569.             "URL": "http://www.nyu.edu/pages/cimslibrary/",
  110570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110571.             "Title": "Courant Library's Home Page",
  110572.             "Category": "EDU",
  110573.             "Description": "About the library of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University.",
  110574.             "Year": 0
  110575.         },
  110576.         {
  110577.             "RIT": "ws971687",
  110578.             "Type": "WS",
  110579.             "URL": "http://www.nyu.edu/cas/",
  110580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110581.             "Title": "NYU College of Arts and Science Home Page",
  110582.             "Category": "EDU",
  110583.             "Description": "About the College of Arts and Science at New York University.",
  110584.             "Year": 0
  110585.         },
  110586.         {
  110587.             "RIT": "ws971569",
  110588.             "Type": "WS",
  110589.             "URL": "http://www.library.umass.edu/flashindex.html",
  110590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110591.             "Title": "UMASS/Amherst Library System",
  110592.             "Category": "EDU",
  110593.             "Description": "About the University of Massachusetts library system.",
  110594.             "Year": 0
  110595.         },
  110596.         {
  110597.             "RIT": "ws971571",
  110598.             "Type": "WS",
  110599.             "URL": "http://umassathletics.fansonly.com/",
  110600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110601.             "Title": "UMass Athletics Home Page",
  110602.             "Category": "EDU",
  110603.             "Description": "About the University of Massachusetts athletics programs.",
  110604.             "Year": 0
  110605.         },
  110606.         {
  110607.             "RIT": "ws971574",
  110608.             "Type": "WS",
  110609.             "URL": "http://www.lib.msu.edu/",
  110610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110611.             "Title": "Welcome to the Michigan State University Libraries",
  110612.             "Category": "EDU",
  110613.             "Description": "Michigan State University library information.",
  110614.             "Year": 0
  110615.         },
  110616.         {
  110617.             "RIT": "ws971575",
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  110619.             "URL": "http://cas.msu.edu/",
  110620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110621.             "Title": "Michigan State University College of Communication Arts & Sciences",
  110622.             "Category": "EDU",
  110623.             "Description": "Information about the College of Communication Arts and Sciences at Michigan State University.",
  110624.             "Year": 0
  110625.         },
  110626.         {
  110627.             "RIT": "ws971576",
  110628.             "Type": "WS",
  110629.             "URL": "http://www.bus.msu.edu/",
  110630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110631.             "Title": "The Eli Broad College of Business and Graduate School of Management",
  110632.             "Category": "EDU",
  110633.             "Description": "Information about the College of Business and Graduate School of Management at Michigan State University.",
  110634.             "Year": 0
  110635.         },
  110636.         {
  110637.             "RIT": "ws971577",
  110638.             "Type": "WS",
  110639.             "URL": "http://www.egr.msu.edu/egr/",
  110640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110641.             "Title": "Michigan State University College of Engineering",
  110642.             "Category": "EDU",
  110643.             "Description": "Information about the College of Engineering at Michigan State University.",
  110644.             "Year": 0
  110645.         },
  110646.         {
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  110650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110651.             "Title": "Michigan State University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources",
  110652.             "Category": "EDU",
  110653.             "Description": "Information about the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University.",
  110654.             "Year": 0
  110655.         },
  110656.         {
  110657.             "RIT": "ws971579",
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  110659.             "URL": "http://www.educ.msu.edu/",
  110660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110661.             "Title": "(College of Education) Home Page",
  110662.             "Category": "EDU",
  110663.             "Description": "Information about the College of Education at Michigan State University.",
  110664.             "Year": 0
  110665.         },
  110666.         {
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  110670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  110672.             "Category": "EDU",
  110673.             "Description": "Information about athletics and sports at Michigan State University.",
  110674.             "Year": 0
  110675.         },
  110676.         {
  110677.             "RIT": "ws971581",
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  110680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110681.             "Title": "University of Michigan Business School Home Page",
  110682.             "Category": "EDU",
  110683.             "Description": "Information about the University of Michigan Business School.",
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  110685.         },
  110686.         {
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  110691.             "Title": "Art Department",
  110692.             "Category": "EDU",
  110693.             "Description": "Information about the art department at the University of Mississippi.",
  110694.             "Year": 0
  110695.         },
  110696.         {
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  110700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  110702.             "Category": "EDU",
  110703.             "Description": "General information about Mississippi Valley State University.",
  110704.             "Year": 0
  110705.         },
  110706.         {
  110707.             "RIT": "ws971616",
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  110710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  110712.             "Category": "EDU",
  110713.             "Description": "An overview of this collection at the University of Missouri in Columbia.",
  110714.             "Year": 0
  110715.         },
  110716.         {
  110717.             "RIT": "ws971619",
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  110720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110721.             "Title": "Western Historical Manuscript Collection-Kansas City",
  110722.             "Category": "EDU",
  110723.             "Description": "An overview of this collection at the University of Missouri in Kansas City.",
  110724.             "Year": 0
  110725.         },
  110726.         {
  110727.             "RIT": "ws971620",
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  110730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110731.             "Title": "UMKC's Instructional Web Site",
  110732.             "Category": "EDU",
  110733.             "Description": "Information about classes and faculty at the University of Missouri in Kansas City's College of Arts and Science.",
  110734.             "Year": 0
  110735.         },
  110736.         {
  110737.             "RIT": "ws971621",
  110738.             "Type": "WS",
  110739.             "URL": "http://www.umkc.edu/dentistry/index.html",
  110740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110741.             "Title": "UMKC School of Dentistry",
  110742.             "Category": "EDU",
  110743.             "Description": "Information about the University of Missouri in Kansas City's School of Dentistry.",
  110744.             "Year": 0
  110745.         },
  110746.         {
  110747.             "RIT": "ws971622",
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  110750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110751.             "Title": "School of Education",
  110752.             "Category": "EDU",
  110753.             "Description": "Information about the University of Missouri in Kansas City's School of Education.",
  110754.             "Year": 0
  110755.         },
  110756.         {
  110757.             "RIT": "ws971623",
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  110760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110761.             "Title": "The University of Missouri in Kansas City -- CSTP Home Page",
  110762.             "Category": "EDU",
  110763.             "Description": "Information about the Computer Science Telecommunications Program at the University of Missouri at Kansas City.",
  110764.             "Year": 0
  110765.         },
  110766.         {
  110767.             "RIT": "ws971626",
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  110770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110771.             "Title": "MSU-Bozeman Libraries",
  110772.             "Category": "EDU",
  110773.             "Description": "General information about Montana State University libraries.",
  110774.             "Year": 0
  110775.         },
  110776.         {
  110777.             "RIT": "ws971627",
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  110780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110781.             "Title": "The College of Arts and Architecture, MSU-Bozeman",
  110782.             "Category": "EDU",
  110783.             "Description": "Information about Montana State University's College of Arts and Architecture.",
  110784.             "Year": 0
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  110786.         {
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  110789.             "URL": "http://usnh.unh.edu/",
  110790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110791.             "Title": "University System of New Hampshire",
  110792.             "Category": "EDU",
  110793.             "Description": "General information about the university system of New Hampshire.",
  110794.             "Year": 0
  110795.         },
  110796.         {
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  110800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  110802.             "Category": "SOC",
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  110804.             "Year": 0
  110805.         },
  110806.         {
  110807.             "RIT": "ws971663",
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  110809.             "URL": "http://www.tcnj.edu/index3.html",
  110810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110811.             "Title": "The College of New Jersey",
  110812.             "Category": "SOC",
  110813.             "Description": "The College of New Jersey official homepage and guide to campus.",
  110814.             "Year": 0
  110815.         },
  110816.         {
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  110820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110821.             "Title": "New Mexico State University Library Home Page",
  110822.             "Category": "EDU",
  110823.             "Description": "New Mexico State University Library information.",
  110824.             "Year": 0
  110825.         },
  110826.         {
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  110829.             "URL": "http://charon.nmsu.edu/",
  110830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110831.             "Title": "NMSU Astronomy Home Page",
  110832.             "Category": "EDU",
  110833.             "Description": "About the astronomy department at New Mexico State University.",
  110834.             "Year": 0
  110835.         },
  110836.         {
  110837.             "RIT": "ws971666",
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  110840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110841.             "Title": "Biology at New Mexico State University",
  110842.             "Category": "EDU",
  110843.             "Description": "About the Department of Biology at New Mexico State University.",
  110844.             "Year": 0
  110845.         },
  110846.         {
  110847.             "RIT": "ws971667",
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  110849.             "URL": "http://www.nmsu.edu/~govdept/",
  110850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110851.             "Title": "Government - Index Page",
  110852.             "Category": "EDU",
  110853.             "Description": "About the Department of Government at New Mexico State University.",
  110854.             "Year": 0
  110855.         },
  110856.         {
  110857.             "RIT": "ws971668",
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  110860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110861.             "Title": "Welcome to the Physical Science Laboratory",
  110862.             "Category": "EDU",
  110863.             "Description": "About the Physical Science Laboratory at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces.",
  110864.             "Year": 0
  110865.         },
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  110872.             "Category": "EDU",
  110873.             "Description": "About the Department of Computer Science at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces.",
  110874.             "Year": 0
  110875.         },
  110876.         {
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  110882.             "Category": "EDU",
  110883.             "Description": "New Mexico State University Athletic Department information.",
  110884.             "Year": 0
  110885.         },
  110886.         {
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  110890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  110892.             "Category": "EDU",
  110893.             "Description": "About the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of New Mexico.",
  110894.             "Year": 0
  110895.         },
  110896.         {
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  110900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110901.             "Title": "Computer Science Department",
  110902.             "Category": "EDU",
  110903.             "Description": "Information concerning the Computer Science Department at New York University.",
  110904.             "Year": 0
  110905.         },
  110906.         {
  110907.             "RIT": "ws971689",
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  110910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110911.             "Title": "New York University College of Dentistry",
  110912.             "Category": "EDU",
  110913.             "Description": "Basic information about the New York University College of Dentistry.",
  110914.             "Year": 0
  110915.         },
  110916.         {
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  110920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110921.             "Title": "Stern School of Business at New York University",
  110922.             "Category": "EDU",
  110923.             "Description": "About this leading business school at New York University.",
  110924.             "Year": 0
  110925.         },
  110926.         {
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  110930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  110932.             "Category": "EDU",
  110933.             "Description": "General information about New York University Medical Center in midtown Manhattan, New York City.",
  110934.             "Year": 0
  110935.         },
  110936.         {
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  110940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  110942.             "Category": "EDU",
  110943.             "Description": "Basic facts about this School of Education and its undergraduate and graduate programs.",
  110944.             "Year": 0
  110945.         },
  110946.         {
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  110949.             "URL": "http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/cinema/",
  110950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110951.             "Title": "Cinema Studies",
  110952.             "Category": "EDU",
  110953.             "Description": "About the Department of Cinema studies at New York University.",
  110954.             "Year": 0
  110955.         },
  110956.         {
  110957.             "RIT": "ws971696",
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  110960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110961.             "Title": "Kelley Server Default Page (NCSU Arboretum)",
  110962.             "Category": "EDU",
  110963.             "Description": "About the mission of the Arboretum at North Carolina State University.",
  110964.             "Year": 0
  110965.         },
  110966.         {
  110967.             "RIT": "ws971699",
  110968.             "Type": "WS",
  110969.             "URL": "http://www.tx.ncsu.edu/",
  110970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110971.             "Title": "North Carolina State University College of Textiles Home Page",
  110972.             "Category": "EDU",
  110973.             "Description": "About the North Carolina State University College of Textiles, the largest of its kind in the United States.",
  110974.             "Year": 0
  110975.         },
  110976.         {
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  110978.             "Type": "WS",
  110979.             "URL": "http://www.math.ncsu.edu/",
  110980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110981.             "Title": "North Carolina State University Department of Mathematics",
  110982.             "Category": "EDU",
  110983.             "Description": "Information about the Math Department at North Carolina State University.",
  110984.             "Year": 0
  110985.         },
  110986.         {
  110987.             "RIT": "ws971701",
  110988.             "Type": "WS",
  110989.             "URL": "http://www.csc.ncsu.edu/",
  110990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  110991.             "Title": "North Carolina State University/Computer Science",
  110992.             "Category": "EDU",
  110993.             "Description": "Information concerning the Computer Science Department at North Carolina State University.",
  110994.             "Year": 0
  110995.         },
  110996.         {
  110997.             "RIT": "ws971716",
  110998.             "Type": "WS",
  110999.             "URL": "http://www.math.uncc.edu/",
  111000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111001.             "Title": "UNCC's Department of Mathematics - Home Page",
  111002.             "Category": "EDU",
  111003.             "Description": "Information concerning the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Department of Mathematics.",
  111004.             "Year": 0
  111005.         },
  111006.         {
  111007.             "RIT": "ws971717",
  111008.             "Type": "WS",
  111009.             "URL": "http://www.coa.uncc.edu/",
  111010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111011.             "Title": "College of Architecture",
  111012.             "Category": "EDU",
  111013.             "Description": "About the College of Architecture at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.",
  111014.             "Year": 0
  111015.         },
  111016.         {
  111017.             "RIT": "ws971718",
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  111019.             "URL": "http://www.bioweb.uncc.edu/",
  111020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111021.             "Title": "UNCC Biology Home Page",
  111022.             "Category": "EDU",
  111023.             "Description": "Information about the Biology Department of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.",
  111024.             "Year": 0
  111025.         },
  111026.         {
  111027.             "RIT": "ws971719",
  111028.             "Type": "WS",
  111029.             "URL": "http://www.uncg.edu/",
  111030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111031.             "Title": "UNC -- Greensboro World Wide Web Site",
  111032.             "Category": "EDU",
  111033.             "Description": "General information about the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.",
  111034.             "Year": 0
  111035.         },
  111036.         {
  111037.             "RIT": "ws971720",
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  111039.             "URL": "http://www.uncg.edu/mus/",
  111040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111041.             "Title": "School of Music at UNC-Greensboro",
  111042.             "Category": "EDU",
  111043.             "Description": "About the music programs at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.",
  111044.             "Year": 0
  111045.         },
  111046.         {
  111047.             "RIT": "ws971721",
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  111049.             "URL": "http://www.uncg.edu/nur/sonhome.htm",
  111050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111051.             "Title": "University of North Carolina at Greensboro School of Nursing",
  111052.             "Category": "EDU",
  111053.             "Description": "About the University of North Carolina at Greensboro School of Nursing.",
  111054.             "Year": 0
  111055.         },
  111056.         {
  111057.             "RIT": "ws971722",
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  111059.             "URL": "http://www.uncg.edu/cbt/text.html",
  111060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111061.             "Title": "Broadcasting/Cinema and Theater",
  111062.             "Category": "EDU",
  111063.             "Description": "About the Department of Broadcasting/Cinema and theater at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.",
  111064.             "Year": 0
  111065.         },
  111066.         {
  111067.             "RIT": "ws971723",
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  111070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111071.             "Title": "University of North Carolina at Wilmington",
  111072.             "Category": "EDU",
  111073.             "Description": "About the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.",
  111074.             "Year": 0
  111075.         },
  111076.         {
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  111079.             "URL": "http://www.ncarts.edu/",
  111080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111081.             "Title": "North Carolina School of the Arts: Home Page",
  111082.             "Category": "EDU",
  111083.             "Description": "General information about this art school.",
  111084.             "Year": 0
  111085.         },
  111086.         {
  111087.             "RIT": "ws971726",
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  111090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111091.             "Title": "North Carolina State University",
  111092.             "Category": "SOC",
  111093.             "Description": "Official North Carolina State University homepage and guide to campus.",
  111094.             "Year": 0
  111095.         },
  111096.         {
  111097.             "RIT": "ws971729",
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  111099.             "URL": "http://www.und.edu/",
  111100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111101.             "Title": "University of North Dakota",
  111102.             "Category": "SOC",
  111103.             "Description": "Official University of North Dakota homepage and guide to campus.",
  111104.             "Year": 0
  111105.         },
  111106.         {
  111107.             "RIT": "ws971748",
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  111109.             "URL": "http://a.cs.okstate.edu/",
  111110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111111.             "Title": "Computer Science Department at Oklahoma State University",
  111112.             "Category": "EDU",
  111113.             "Description": "About the Computer Science Department within the College of Arts and Sciences at Oklahoma State University.",
  111114.             "Year": 0
  111115.         },
  111116.         {
  111117.             "RIT": "ws971749",
  111118.             "Type": "WS",
  111119.             "URL": "http://www.bus.okstate.edu/",
  111120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111121.             "Title": "College of Business Administration: Home Page",
  111122.             "Category": "EDU",
  111123.             "Description": "Information about the college of business at Oklahoma State University.",
  111124.             "Year": 0
  111125.         },
  111126.         {
  111127.             "RIT": "ws971753",
  111128.             "Type": "WS",
  111129.             "URL": "http://www.ou.edu/cls/",
  111130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111131.             "Title": "College of Liberal Studies",
  111132.             "Category": "EDU",
  111133.             "Description": "About the College of Liberal Studies at the University of Oklahoma.",
  111134.             "Year": 0
  111135.         },
  111136.         {
  111137.             "RIT": "ws971754",
  111138.             "Type": "WS",
  111139.             "URL": "http://www.ou.edu/cas/psychology/",
  111140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111141.             "Title": "Psychology Department Home Page",
  111142.             "Category": "EDU",
  111143.             "Description": "About the Psychology Department at the University of Oklahoma.",
  111144.             "Year": 0
  111145.         },
  111146.         {
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  111149.             "URL": "http://www.ou.edu/business/accounting/",
  111150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111151.             "Title": "Accounting at the University of Oklahoma",
  111152.             "Category": "EDU",
  111153.             "Description": "About the School of Accounting and its research, service, and educational programs at the University of Oklahoma.",
  111154.             "Year": 0
  111155.         },
  111156.         {
  111157.             "RIT": "ws971756",
  111158.             "Type": "WS",
  111159.             "URL": "http://www.cs.ou.edu/",
  111160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111161.             "Title": "University of Oklahoma School of Computer Science",
  111162.             "Category": "EDU",
  111163.             "Description": "About the School of Computer Science at the University of Oklahoma.",
  111164.             "Year": 0
  111165.         },
  111166.         {
  111167.             "RIT": "ws971757",
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  111169.             "URL": "http://music.ou.edu/",
  111170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111171.             "Title": "University of Oklahoma School of Music",
  111172.             "Category": "EDU",
  111173.             "Description": "About the School of Music at the University of Oklahoma.",
  111174.             "Year": 0
  111175.         },
  111176.         {
  111177.             "RIT": "ws971760",
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  111180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111181.             "Title": "University of Oklahoma Athletics On-line",
  111182.             "Category": "EDU",
  111183.             "Description": "Athletic and sports at the University of Oklahoma.",
  111184.             "Year": 0
  111185.         },
  111186.         {
  111187.             "RIT": "ws971765",
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  111190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111191.             "Title": "UCO Home [University of Central Oklahoma]",
  111192.             "Category": "SOC",
  111193.             "Description": "Official University of Central Oklahoma homepage and guide to campus and the Edmond area.",
  111194.             "Year": 0
  111195.         },
  111196.         {
  111197.             "RIT": "ws971766",
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  111200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111201.             "Title": "Libraries and Computer Services (Main Campus) - Oregon State University",
  111202.             "Category": "EDU",
  111203.             "Description": "About library, media, and computing at Oregon State University.",
  111204.             "Year": 0
  111205.         },
  111206.         {
  111207.             "RIT": "ws971793",
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  111209.             "URL": "http://www.math.psu.edu/",
  111210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111211.             "Title": "Pennsylvania State Department of Mathematics",
  111212.             "Category": "EDU",
  111213.             "Description": "About the Math Department at Pennsylvania State University.",
  111214.             "Year": 0
  111215.         },
  111216.         {
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  111219.             "URL": "http://www.GoPSUsports.com/home/index.cfm",
  111220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111221.             "Title": "Pennsylvania State Sports Information Official Web Page",
  111222.             "Category": "EDU",
  111223.             "Description": "About the athletics programs at Pennsylvania State University.",
  111224.             "Year": 0
  111225.         },
  111226.         {
  111227.             "RIT": "ws971799",
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  111230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111231.             "Title": "Welcome to IUP! [Indiana University of Pennsylvania]",
  111232.             "Category": "SOC",
  111233.             "Description": "Official Indiana University of Pennsylvania homepage and guide to campus and the Indiana area.",
  111234.             "Year": 0
  111235.         },
  111236.         {
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  111240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111241.             "Title": "Computer Science and Statistics at URI",
  111242.             "Category": "EDU",
  111243.             "Description": "About computer science and statistical studies at the University of Rhode Island.",
  111244.             "Year": 0
  111245.         },
  111246.         {
  111247.             "RIT": "ws971813",
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  111249.             "URL": "http://www.ele.uri.edu/",
  111250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111251.             "Title": "The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering",
  111252.             "Category": "EDU",
  111253.             "Description": "About electrical and computer engineering studies at the University of Rhode Island.",
  111254.             "Year": 0
  111255.         },
  111256.         {
  111257.             "RIT": "ws971814",
  111258.             "Type": "WS",
  111259.             "URL": "http://www.gso.uri.edu/",
  111260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111261.             "Title": "University of Rhode Island/Graduate School of Oceanography",
  111262.             "Category": "EDU",
  111263.             "Description": "About graduate studies in oceanography at the University of Rhode Island.",
  111264.             "Year": 0
  111265.         },
  111266.         {
  111267.             "RIT": "ws971815",
  111268.             "Type": "WS",
  111269.             "URL": "http://www.oce.uri.edu/",
  111270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111271.             "Title": "Ocean Engineering at URI",
  111272.             "Category": "EDU",
  111273.             "Description": "About ocean engineering programs at the University of Rhode Island.",
  111274.             "Year": 0
  111275.         },
  111276.         {
  111277.             "RIT": "ws971816",
  111278.             "Type": "WS",
  111279.             "URL": "http://www.uri.edu/athletics/Athletics_Department.html",
  111280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111281.             "Title": "University of Rhode Island Athletics Department Home Page",
  111282.             "Category": "EDU",
  111283.             "Description": "Athletics Department information from the University of Rhode Island.",
  111284.             "Year": 0
  111285.         },
  111286.         {
  111287.             "RIT": "ws971817",
  111288.             "Type": "WS",
  111289.             "URL": "http://www.ric.edu/",
  111290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111291.             "Title": "Welcome to Rhode Island's College",
  111292.             "Category": "SOC",
  111293.             "Description": "Official Rhode Island's College homepage and guide to campus and the Providence area.",
  111294.             "Year": 0
  111295.         },
  111296.         {
  111297.             "RIT": "ws971820",
  111298.             "Type": "WS",
  111299.             "URL": "http://www.engr.sc.edu/",
  111300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111301.             "Title": "College of Engineering",
  111302.             "Category": "EDU",
  111303.             "Description": "Information concerning the College of Engineering at the University of South Carolina.",
  111304.             "Year": 0
  111305.         },
  111306.         {
  111307.             "RIT": "ws971841",
  111308.             "Type": "WS",
  111309.             "URL": "http://www.usc.edu/hsc/dental/",
  111310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111311.             "Title": "The University of Southern California School of Dentistry Home Page",
  111312.             "Category": "EDU",
  111313.             "Description": "About the Dental Science Center at the University of Southern California.",
  111314.             "Year": 0
  111315.         },
  111316.         {
  111317.             "RIT": "ws971845",
  111318.             "Type": "WS",
  111319.             "URL": "http://usctrojans.fansonly.com/",
  111320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111321.             "Title": "Official Athletic Site, the University of Southern California",
  111322.             "Category": "EDU",
  111323.             "Description": "About USC athletics and sports.",
  111324.             "Year": 0
  111325.         },
  111326.         {
  111327.             "RIT": "ws971847",
  111328.             "Type": "WS",
  111329.             "URL": "http://library.wustl.edu/units/music/",
  111330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111331.             "Title": "Washington University in St. Louis - Gaylord Music Library",
  111332.             "Category": "EDU",
  111333.             "Description": "About the Gaylord Music Library Washington University in St. Louis and its resources.",
  111334.             "Year": 0
  111335.         },
  111336.         {
  111337.             "RIT": "ws971848",
  111338.             "Type": "WS",
  111339.             "URL": "http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/",
  111340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111341.             "Title": "Washington University, Arts & Sciences",
  111342.             "Category": "EDU",
  111343.             "Description": "About studies in the arts & sciences at Washington University in St. Louis.",
  111344.             "Year": 0
  111345.         },
  111346.         {
  111347.             "RIT": "ws971850",
  111348.             "Type": "WS",
  111349.             "URL": "http://www.olin.wustl.edu/",
  111350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111351.             "Title": "Olin School of Business Home Page",
  111352.             "Category": "EDU",
  111353.             "Description": "About the School of Business at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.",
  111354.             "Year": 0
  111355.         },
  111356.         {
  111357.             "RIT": "ws971851",
  111358.             "Type": "WS",
  111359.             "URL": "http://toltec.lib.utk.edu/~music/",
  111360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111361.             "Title": "MusicLink: The George F. DeVine Music Library",
  111362.             "Category": "EDU",
  111363.             "Description": "About this music library at the University of Tennessee.",
  111364.             "Year": 0
  111365.         },
  111366.         {
  111367.             "RIT": "ws971852",
  111368.             "Type": "WS",
  111369.             "URL": "http://www.lib.utk.edu/",
  111370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111371.             "Title": "Welcome to LibLink",
  111372.             "Category": "EDU",
  111373.             "Description": "About the library at the University of Tennessee.",
  111374.             "Year": 0
  111375.         },
  111376.         {
  111377.             "RIT": "ws971853",
  111378.             "Type": "WS",
  111379.             "URL": "http://www.engr.utk.edu/",
  111380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111381.             "Title": "The University of Tennessee at Knoxville College of Engineering",
  111382.             "Category": "EDU",
  111383.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering and its departments at the University of Tennessee.",
  111384.             "Year": 0
  111385.         },
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  111390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111391.             "Title": "The University of Tennessee College of Education",
  111392.             "Category": "EDU",
  111393.             "Description": "About the College of Education at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.",
  111394.             "Year": 0
  111395.         },
  111396.         {
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  111400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111401.             "Title": "College of Communication University of Tennessee",
  111402.             "Category": "EDU",
  111403.             "Description": "About the College of Communications at the University of Tennessee.",
  111404.             "Year": 0
  111405.         },
  111406.         {
  111407.             "RIT": "ws971703",
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  111409.             "URL": "http://www.unc.edu/",
  111410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111411.             "Title": "The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill",
  111412.             "Category": "EDU",
  111413.             "Description": "General information about the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.",
  111414.             "Year": 0
  111415.         },
  111416.         {
  111417.             "RIT": "ws971705",
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  111420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111421.             "Title": "The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Geology Department",
  111422.             "Category": "EDU",
  111423.             "Description": "About the Department of Geology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.",
  111424.             "Year": 0
  111425.         },
  111426.         {
  111427.             "RIT": "ws971706",
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  111430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111431.             "Title": "Department of History Home Page",
  111432.             "Category": "EDU",
  111433.             "Description": "About the programs in history at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.",
  111434.             "Year": 0
  111435.         },
  111436.         {
  111437.             "RIT": "ws971707",
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  111440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111441.             "Title": "UNC Physics and Astronomy Department",
  111442.             "Category": "EDU",
  111443.             "Description": "About the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.",
  111444.             "Year": 0
  111445.         },
  111446.         {
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  111450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111451.             "Title": "UNC-CH School of Medicine Home Page",
  111452.             "Category": "EDU",
  111453.             "Description": "Facts about the School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.",
  111454.             "Year": 0
  111455.         },
  111456.         {
  111457.             "RIT": "ws971709",
  111458.             "Type": "WS",
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  111460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111461.             "Title": "School of Nursing",
  111462.             "Category": "EDU",
  111463.             "Description": "About the School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.",
  111464.             "Year": 0
  111465.         },
  111466.         {
  111467.             "RIT": "ws971710",
  111468.             "Type": "WS",
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  111470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111471.             "Title": "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Studio Art Department",
  111472.             "Category": "EDU",
  111473.             "Description": "About the Art Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.",
  111474.             "Year": 0
  111475.         },
  111476.         {
  111477.             "RIT": "ws971713",
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  111480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111481.             "Title": "UNC -- Charlotte Home Page",
  111482.             "Category": "EDU",
  111483.             "Description": "About the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.",
  111484.             "Year": 0
  111485.         },
  111486.         {
  111487.             "RIT": "ws971714",
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  111490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111491.             "Title": "UNC -- Charlotte - Library and Information Services",
  111492.             "Category": "EDU",
  111493.             "Description": "Library services at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.",
  111494.             "Year": 0
  111495.         },
  111496.         {
  111497.             "RIT": "ws971715",
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  111500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111501.             "Title": "College of Engineering",
  111502.             "Category": "EDU",
  111503.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.",
  111504.             "Year": 0
  111505.         },
  111506.         {
  111507.             "RIT": "ws971730",
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  111510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111511.             "Title": "The Ohio State University Libraries",
  111512.             "Category": "EDU",
  111513.             "Description": "About the Ohio State University libraries.",
  111514.             "Year": 0
  111515.         },
  111516.         {
  111517.             "RIT": "ws971731",
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  111520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111521.             "Title": "Biological science programs",
  111522.             "Category": "EDU",
  111523.             "Description": "About biological science education at Ohio State University.",
  111524.             "Year": 0
  111525.         },
  111526.         {
  111527.             "RIT": "ws971732",
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  111530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111531.             "Title": "OSU College of Dentistry",
  111532.             "Category": "EDU",
  111533.             "Description": "About the College of Dentistry at Ohio State University.",
  111534.             "Year": 0
  111535.         },
  111536.         {
  111537.             "RIT": "ws971733",
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  111540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111541.             "Title": "The Ohio State University, College of Education",
  111542.             "Category": "EDU",
  111543.             "Description": "Facts about the College of Education at Ohio State University.",
  111544.             "Year": 0
  111545.         },
  111546.         {
  111547.             "RIT": "ws971734",
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  111550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111551.             "Title": "College of Engineering at The Ohio State University",
  111552.             "Category": "EDU",
  111553.             "Description": "Basic information about the College of Engineering and its departments and research centers.",
  111554.             "Year": 0
  111555.         },
  111556.         {
  111557.             "RIT": "ws971735",
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  111560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111561.             "Title": "The College Of Human Ecology at The Ohio State University",
  111562.             "Category": "EDU",
  111563.             "Description": "Information about the College of Human Ecology and its programs in such areas as consumer affairs and dietetics.",
  111564.             "Year": 0
  111565.         },
  111566.         {
  111567.             "RIT": "ws971736",
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  111570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111571.             "Title": "OSU - The College of Humanities",
  111572.             "Category": "EDU",
  111573.             "Description": "Information about humanities programs at Ohio State University.",
  111574.             "Year": 0
  111575.         },
  111576.         {
  111577.             "RIT": "ws971737",
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  111580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111581.             "Title": "The Ohio State University College of Medicine Home Page",
  111582.             "Category": "EDU",
  111583.             "Description": "Information about the College of Medicine at The Ohio State University.",
  111584.             "Year": 0
  111585.         },
  111586.         {
  111587.             "RIT": "ws971738",
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  111589.             "URL": "http://ohiostatebuckeyes.fansonly.com/",
  111590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111591.             "Title": "Athletics - The Ohio State University",
  111592.             "Category": "EDU",
  111593.             "Description": "About The Ohio State University Department of Athletics.",
  111594.             "Year": 0
  111595.         },
  111596.         {
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  111600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111601.             "Title": "The Ohio State University at Lima",
  111602.             "Category": "EDU",
  111603.             "Description": "about The Ohio State University at Lima.",
  111604.             "Year": 0
  111605.         },
  111606.         {
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  111610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111611.             "Title": "Miami University| Oxford, OH",
  111612.             "Category": "SOC",
  111613.             "Description": "Official Miami University homepage and guide to campus.",
  111614.             "Year": 0
  111615.         },
  111616.         {
  111617.             "RIT": "ws971767",
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  111620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111621.             "Title": "College of Business Home Page, Oregon State University",
  111622.             "Category": "EDU",
  111623.             "Description": "College of Business Information provided by Oregon State University.",
  111624.             "Year": 0
  111625.         },
  111626.         {
  111627.             "RIT": "ws971768",
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  111630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111631.             "Title": "Oregon State University College of Engineering",
  111632.             "Category": "EDU",
  111633.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering at Oregon State University.",
  111634.             "Year": 0
  111635.         },
  111636.         {
  111637.             "RIT": "ws971769",
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  111640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111641.             "Title": "College of Forestry at Oregon State University",
  111642.             "Category": "EDU",
  111643.             "Description": "About the Department of Forest Resources.",
  111644.             "Year": 0
  111645.         },
  111646.         {
  111647.             "RIT": "ws971770",
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  111649.             "URL": "http://oregonstate.edu/dept/cla/",
  111650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111651.             "Title": "College of Liberal Arts - Oregon State University",
  111652.             "Category": "EDU",
  111653.             "Description": "Information about the College of Liberal Arts and its programs in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.",
  111654.             "Year": 0
  111655.         },
  111656.         {
  111657.             "RIT": "ws971771",
  111658.             "Type": "WS",
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  111660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111661.             "Title": "College of Home Economics and Education",
  111662.             "Category": "EDU",
  111663.             "Description": "About the College of Home Economics and Education at Oregon State University.",
  111664.             "Year": 0
  111665.         },
  111666.         {
  111667.             "RIT": "ws971786",
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  111669.             "URL": "http://www.psu.edu/dept/palmermuseum/",
  111670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111671.             "Title": "The Palmer Museum of Art On-line",
  111672.             "Category": "EDU",
  111673.             "Description": "Information about the Palmer Museum of Art at Penn State University.",
  111674.             "Year": 0
  111675.         },
  111676.         {
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  111680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111681.             "Title": "Pennsylvania State Libraries",
  111682.             "Category": "EDU",
  111683.             "Description": "About the libraries at Pennsylvania State University.",
  111684.             "Year": 0
  111685.         },
  111686.         {
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  111688.             "Type": "WS",
  111689.             "URL": "http://www.ems.psu.edu/",
  111690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111691.             "Title": "College of Earth and Mineral Sciences",
  111692.             "Category": "EDU",
  111693.             "Description": "About the programs in earth science, earth history, energy, and fuels at Pennsylvania State University.",
  111694.             "Year": 0
  111695.         },
  111696.         {
  111697.             "RIT": "ws971790",
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  111699.             "URL": "http://www.ed.psu.edu/",
  111700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111701.             "Title": "Pennsylvania State College of Education",
  111702.             "Category": "EDU",
  111703.             "Description": "About the College of Education at Pennsylvania State University.",
  111704.             "Year": 0
  111705.         },
  111706.         {
  111707.             "RIT": "ws971791",
  111708.             "Type": "WS",
  111709.             "URL": "http://www.engr.psu.edu/",
  111710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111711.             "Title": "College of Engineering",
  111712.             "Category": "EDU",
  111713.             "Description": "About Pennsylvania State's College of Engineering.",
  111714.             "Year": 0
  111715.         },
  111716.         {
  111717.             "RIT": "ws971792",
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  111719.             "URL": "http://www.hmc.psu.edu/college/",
  111720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111721.             "Title": "Pennsylvania State College of Medicine",
  111722.             "Category": "EDU",
  111723.             "Description": "About the College of Medicine at Pennsylvania State University.",
  111724.             "Year": 0
  111725.         },
  111726.         {
  111727.             "RIT": "ws971821",
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  111730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111731.             "Title": "University of South Carolina Department of Physics and Astronomy",
  111732.             "Category": "EDU",
  111733.             "Description": "University of South Carolina physics and astronomy information.",
  111734.             "Year": 0
  111735.         },
  111736.         {
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  111740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111741.             "Title": "The Department of Computer Science",
  111742.             "Category": "EDU",
  111743.             "Description": "About the Department of Computer Science at the University of South Carolina.",
  111744.             "Year": 0
  111745.         },
  111746.         {
  111747.             "RIT": "ws971824",
  111748.             "Type": "WS",
  111749.             "URL": "http://www.gradschool.sc.edu/",
  111750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111751.             "Title": "The Graduate School Home Page",
  111752.             "Category": "EDU",
  111753.             "Description": "About graduate programs at the University of South Carolina.",
  111754.             "Year": 0
  111755.         },
  111756.         {
  111757.             "RIT": "ws971828",
  111758.             "Type": "WS",
  111759.             "URL": "http://www.agmuseum.com/",
  111760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111761.             "Title": "South Dakota State Agricultural Heritage Museum",
  111762.             "Category": "EDU",
  111763.             "Description": "About the State Agricultural History museum at South Dakota State University.",
  111764.             "Year": 0
  111765.         },
  111766.         {
  111767.             "RIT": "ws971829",
  111768.             "Type": "WS",
  111769.             "URL": "http://www.usd.edu/smm/",
  111770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111771.             "Title": "Shrine to Music Museum Home Page Index",
  111772.             "Category": "EDU",
  111773.             "Description": "About this music museum at the University of South Dakota.",
  111774.             "Year": 0
  111775.         },
  111776.         {
  111777.             "RIT": "ws971830",
  111778.             "Type": "WS",
  111779.             "URL": "http://www.usd.edu/cfa/",
  111780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111781.             "Title": "College of Fine Arts",
  111782.             "Category": "EDU",
  111783.             "Description": "About the College of Fine Arts at the University of South Dakota.",
  111784.             "Year": 0
  111785.         },
  111786.         {
  111787.             "RIT": "ws971831",
  111788.             "Type": "WS",
  111789.             "URL": "http://www.usd.edu/law/",
  111790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111791.             "Title": "University of South Dakota - Law School",
  111792.             "Category": "EDU",
  111793.             "Description": "About the Law School at the University of South Dakota.",
  111794.             "Year": 0
  111795.         },
  111796.         {
  111797.             "RIT": "ws971838",
  111798.             "Type": "WS",
  111799.             "URL": "http://ae-www.usc.edu/",
  111800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111801.             "Title": "Aerospace Engineering at USC",
  111802.             "Category": "EDU",
  111803.             "Description": "About the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Southern California.",
  111804.             "Year": 0
  111805.         },
  111806.         {
  111807.             "RIT": "ws971839",
  111808.             "Type": "WS",
  111809.             "URL": "http://www.isi.edu/",
  111810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111811.             "Title": "The University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute",
  111812.             "Category": "EDU",
  111813.             "Description": "About this technology research institute at the University of Southern California.",
  111814.             "Year": 0
  111815.         },
  111816.         {
  111817.             "RIT": "ws971840",
  111818.             "Type": "WS",
  111819.             "URL": "http://www.usc.edu/dept/elab/anth/deptdesc.html",
  111820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111821.             "Title": "The University of Southern California Anthropology Department Description",
  111822.             "Category": "EDU",
  111823.             "Description": "About the Department of Anthropology at the University of Southern California.",
  111824.             "Year": 0
  111825.         },
  111826.         {
  111827.             "RIT": "ws971859",
  111828.             "Type": "WS",
  111829.             "URL": "http://www.utk.edu/athletics/",
  111830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111831.             "Title": "The University of Tennessee, Knoxville - Sports",
  111832.             "Category": "EDU",
  111833.             "Description": "About sports at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.",
  111834.             "Year": 0
  111835.         },
  111836.         {
  111837.             "RIT": "ws971860",
  111838.             "Type": "WS",
  111839.             "URL": "http://www.utm.edu/",
  111840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111841.             "Title": "The University of Tennessee at Martin",
  111842.             "Category": "EDU",
  111843.             "Description": "General information about the University of Tennessee at Martin, located in northwest Tennessee.",
  111844.             "Year": 0
  111845.         },
  111846.         {
  111847.             "RIT": "ws971861",
  111848.             "Type": "WS",
  111849.             "URL": "http://www.utm.edu/departments/agr/agr.shtml",
  111850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111851.             "Title": "School of Agriculture and Human Environment",
  111852.             "Category": "EDU",
  111853.             "Description": "About the School of Agriculture at the University of Tennessee at Martin.",
  111854.             "Year": 0
  111855.         },
  111856.         {
  111857.             "RIT": "ws971862",
  111858.             "Type": "WS",
  111859.             "URL": "http://www.utm.edu/departments/artsci/artsci.htm",
  111860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111861.             "Title": "School of Arts and Sciences",
  111862.             "Category": "EDU",
  111863.             "Description": "About the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tennessee at Martin.",
  111864.             "Year": 0
  111865.         },
  111866.         {
  111867.             "RIT": "ws971863",
  111868.             "Type": "WS",
  111869.             "URL": "http://www.utm.edu/departments/ed/",
  111870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111871.             "Title": "School of Education",
  111872.             "Category": "EDU",
  111873.             "Description": "About the Education Programs at the University of Tennessee at Martin.",
  111874.             "Year": 0
  111875.         },
  111876.         {
  111877.             "RIT": "ws971864",
  111878.             "Type": "WS",
  111879.             "URL": "http://www.utm.edu/departments/soba/",
  111880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111881.             "Title": "School of Business Administration at the University of Tennessee at Martin",
  111882.             "Category": "EDU",
  111883.             "Description": "About the School of Business Administration at the University of Tennessee at Martin.",
  111884.             "Year": 0
  111885.         },
  111886.         {
  111887.             "RIT": "ws971866",
  111888.             "Type": "WS",
  111889.             "URL": "http://www.utc.edu/",
  111890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111891.             "Title": "Welcome to UTC",
  111892.             "Category": "EDU",
  111893.             "Description": "General information about the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.",
  111894.             "Year": 0
  111895.         },
  111896.         {
  111897.             "RIT": "ws971867",
  111898.             "Type": "WS",
  111899.             "URL": "http://www.utc.edu/utcinfo/info.html",
  111900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111901.             "Title": "The University of Tennessee -- Chattanooga Library's Home Page",
  111902.             "Category": "EDU",
  111903.             "Description": "Information about the library at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.",
  111904.             "Year": 0
  111905.         },
  111906.         {
  111907.             "RIT": "ws971868",
  111908.             "Type": "WS",
  111909.             "URL": "http://www.utc.edu/ioprog/",
  111910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111911.             "Title": "Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Chattanooga",
  111912.             "Category": "EDU",
  111913.             "Description": "Informational about the program in industrial/organizational psychology at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga.",
  111914.             "Year": 0
  111915.         },
  111916.         {
  111917.             "RIT": "ws971873",
  111918.             "Type": "WS",
  111919.             "URL": "http://www.tnstate.edu/",
  111920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111921.             "Title": "Tennessee State University (TSU) Home Page - Nashville, TN",
  111922.             "Category": "SOC",
  111923.             "Description": "Official Tennessee State University homepage and guide to campus and the Nashville area.",
  111924.             "Year": 0
  111925.         },
  111926.         {
  111927.             "RIT": "ws971892",
  111928.             "Type": "WS",
  111929.             "URL": "http://www.as.utexas.edu/",
  111930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111931.             "Title": "University of Texas-Austin Astronomy",
  111932.             "Category": "EDU",
  111933.             "Description": "About the astronomy program at the University of Texas.",
  111934.             "Year": 0
  111935.         },
  111936.         {
  111937.             "RIT": "ws971893",
  111938.             "Type": "WS",
  111939.             "URL": "http://www.botany.utexas.edu/",
  111940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111941.             "Title": "The Botany Department of The University of Texas at Austin",
  111942.             "Category": "EDU",
  111943.             "Description": "About this research and teaching center involving the plant sciences.",
  111944.             "Year": 0
  111945.         },
  111946.         {
  111947.             "RIT": "ws971895",
  111948.             "Type": "WS",
  111949.             "URL": "http://www.engr.utexas.edu/",
  111950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111951.             "Title": "The University of Texas at Austin College of Engineering",
  111952.             "Category": "EDU",
  111953.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering at the University of Texas, Austin.",
  111954.             "Year": 0
  111955.         },
  111956.         {
  111957.             "RIT": "ws971896",
  111958.             "Type": "WS",
  111959.             "URL": "http://www.utexas.edu/cola/",
  111960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111961.             "Title": "The University of Texas at Austin College of Liberal Arts",
  111962.             "Category": "EDU",
  111963.             "Description": "About the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas, Austin.",
  111964.             "Year": 0
  111965.         },
  111966.         {
  111967.             "RIT": "ws971897",
  111968.             "Type": "WS",
  111969.             "URL": "http://www.cs.utexas.edu/home/home/",
  111970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111971.             "Title": "The University of Texas at Austin Computer Sciences Dept.",
  111972.             "Category": "EDU",
  111973.             "Description": "About the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Texas, Austin.",
  111974.             "Year": 0
  111975.         },
  111976.         {
  111977.             "RIT": "ws971898",
  111978.             "Type": "WS",
  111979.             "URL": "http://www.utexas.edu/law/",
  111980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111981.             "Title": "The University of Texas at Austin School of Law Home Page",
  111982.             "Category": "EDU",
  111983.             "Description": "About the Law School at the University of Texas, Austin.",
  111984.             "Year": 0
  111985.         },
  111986.         {
  111987.             "RIT": "ws971899",
  111988.             "Type": "WS",
  111989.             "URL": "http://www.ar.utexas.edu/",
  111990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  111991.             "Title": "The University of Texas School of Architecture",
  111992.             "Category": "EDU",
  111993.             "Description": "About the Architecture School at the University of Texas, Austin.",
  111994.             "Year": 0
  111995.         },
  111996.         {
  111997.             "RIT": "ws971900",
  111998.             "Type": "WS",
  111999.             "URL": "http://www.utexas.edu/athletics/",
  112000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112001.             "Title": "Welcome to UT Athletics on the Web",
  112002.             "Category": "EDU",
  112003.             "Description": "About athletics at the University of Texas, Austin.",
  112004.             "Year": 0
  112005.         },
  112006.         {
  112007.             "RIT": "ws971901",
  112008.             "Type": "WS",
  112009.             "URL": "http://www.uta.edu/",
  112010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112011.             "Title": "The University of Texas at Arlington",
  112012.             "Category": "EDU",
  112013.             "Description": "General information about the University of Texas at Arlington.",
  112014.             "Year": 0
  112015.         },
  112016.         {
  112017.             "RIT": "ws971902",
  112018.             "Type": "WS",
  112019.             "URL": "http://www.uta.edu/library/",
  112020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112021.             "Title": "The University of Texas at Arlington Libraries",
  112022.             "Category": "EDU",
  112023.             "Description": "Information about the libraries at the University of Texas at Arlington.",
  112024.             "Year": 0
  112025.         },
  112026.         {
  112027.             "RIT": "ws971917",
  112028.             "Type": "WS",
  112029.             "URL": "http://www.goutsa.com/",
  112030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112031.             "Title": "The University of Texas at San Antonio: Athletics",
  112032.             "Category": "EDU",
  112033.             "Description": "Information about athletics at the University of Texas at San Antonio.",
  112034.             "Year": 0
  112035.         },
  112036.         {
  112037.             "RIT": "ws971939",
  112038.             "Type": "WS",
  112039.             "URL": "http://www.swt.edu/",
  112040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112041.             "Title": "Southwest Texas State University",
  112042.             "Category": "SOC",
  112043.             "Description": "Official Southwest Texas State University homepage and guide to campus and the San Marcos area.",
  112044.             "Year": 0
  112045.         },
  112046.         {
  112047.             "RIT": "ws971946",
  112048.             "Type": "WS",
  112049.             "URL": "http://www.ttu.edu/",
  112050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112051.             "Title": "Texas Tech University",
  112052.             "Category": "GEO",
  112053.             "Description": "Official Texas Tech University homepage and guide to campus.",
  112054.             "Year": 0
  112055.         },
  112056.         {
  112057.             "RIT": "ws971947",
  112058.             "Type": "WS",
  112059.             "URL": "http://www.rowan.edu/",
  112060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112061.             "Title": "Rowan College of New Jersey",
  112062.             "Category": "SOC",
  112063.             "Description": "Official Rowan College of New Jersey homepage and guide to campus and the Glassboro area.",
  112064.             "Year": 0
  112065.         },
  112066.         {
  112067.             "RIT": "ws971948",
  112068.             "Type": "WS",
  112069.             "URL": "http://www.lib.utah.edu/",
  112070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112071.             "Title": "Marriott Library WWW Server",
  112072.             "Category": "EDU",
  112073.             "Description": "About the Marriott Library, located at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah.",
  112074.             "Year": 0
  112075.         },
  112076.         {
  112077.             "RIT": "ws971949",
  112078.             "Type": "WS",
  112079.             "URL": "http://www.utah.edu/umfa/",
  112080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112081.             "Title": "Utah Museum of Fine Arts Home Page",
  112082.             "Category": "EDU",
  112083.             "Description": "About the Utah Museum of Fine Arts at the University of Utah.",
  112084.             "Year": 0
  112085.         },
  112086.         {
  112087.             "RIT": "ws971950",
  112088.             "Type": "WS",
  112089.             "URL": "http://www-medlib.med.utah.edu/",
  112090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112091.             "Title": "Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library",
  112092.             "Category": "EDU",
  112093.             "Description": "About the Health Sciences Library at the University of Utah.",
  112094.             "Year": 0
  112095.         },
  112096.         {
  112097.             "RIT": "ws971951",
  112098.             "Type": "WS",
  112099.             "URL": "http://www.coe.utah.edu/",
  112100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112101.             "Title": "College of Engineering Home Page",
  112102.             "Category": "EDU",
  112103.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering at the University of Utah.",
  112104.             "Year": 0
  112105.         },
  112106.         {
  112107.             "RIT": "ws971952",
  112108.             "Type": "WS",
  112109.             "URL": "http://www.finearts.utah.edu/flash.html",
  112110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112111.             "Title": "College of Fine Arts Home Page",
  112112.             "Category": "EDU",
  112113.             "Description": "About the college of Fine Arts at the University of Utah.",
  112114.             "Year": 0
  112115.         },
  112116.         {
  112117.             "RIT": "ws971953",
  112118.             "Type": "WS",
  112119.             "URL": "http://www.health.utah.edu/",
  112120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112121.             "Title": "College of Health Home Page",
  112122.             "Category": "EDU",
  112123.             "Description": "About health education at the University of Utah.",
  112124.             "Year": 0
  112125.         },
  112126.         {
  112127.             "RIT": "ws971954",
  112128.             "Type": "WS",
  112129.             "URL": "http://diakonos.hum.utah.edu/",
  112130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112131.             "Title": "The College of Humanities Web",
  112132.             "Category": "EDU",
  112133.             "Description": "General information about the College of Humanities and its departments at the University of Utah.",
  112134.             "Year": 0
  112135.         },
  112136.         {
  112137.             "RIT": "ws971986",
  112138.             "Type": "WS",
  112139.             "URL": "http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/",
  112140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112141.             "Title": "Institute for Advanced Technology Home Page",
  112142.             "Category": "EDU",
  112143.             "Description": "About the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities at the University of Virginia.",
  112144.             "Year": 0
  112145.         },
  112146.         {
  112147.             "RIT": "ws971988",
  112148.             "Type": "WS",
  112149.             "URL": "http://www.virginia.edu/arch/",
  112150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112151.             "Title": "University of Virginia School of Architecture",
  112152.             "Category": "EDU",
  112153.             "Description": "About the School of Architecture at the University of Virginia.",
  112154.             "Year": 0
  112155.         },
  112156.         {
  112157.             "RIT": "ws971989",
  112158.             "Type": "WS",
  112159.             "URL": "http://www.virginia.edu/artsandsciences/",
  112160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112161.             "Title": "Arts & Sciences",
  112162.             "Category": "EDU",
  112163.             "Description": "General information about the College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences at the University of Virginia.",
  112164.             "Year": 0
  112165.         },
  112166.         {
  112167.             "RIT": "ws971990",
  112168.             "Type": "WS",
  112169.             "URL": "http://www.darden.virginia.edu/",
  112170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112171.             "Title": "Darden Graduate School of Business Administration",
  112172.             "Category": "EDU",
  112173.             "Description": "An overview of this school, its curriculum, programs, and resources at the University of Virginia.",
  112174.             "Year": 0
  112175.         },
  112176.         {
  112177.             "RIT": "ws971991",
  112178.             "Type": "WS",
  112179.             "URL": "http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/",
  112180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112181.             "Title": "Curry School of Education",
  112182.             "Category": "EDU",
  112183.             "Description": "About the School of Education at the University of Virginia.",
  112184.             "Year": 0
  112185.         },
  112186.         {
  112187.             "RIT": "ws971992",
  112188.             "Type": "WS",
  112189.             "URL": "http://www.seas.virginia.edu/research.php",
  112190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112191.             "Title": "School of Engineering at the University of Virginia",
  112192.             "Category": "EDU",
  112193.             "Description": "About the School of Engineering at the University of Virginia.",
  112194.             "Year": 0
  112195.         },
  112196.         {
  112197.             "RIT": "ws971993",
  112198.             "Type": "WS",
  112199.             "URL": "http://www.law.virginia.edu/home2001/index.shtml",
  112200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112201.             "Title": "University of Virginia School of Law",
  112202.             "Category": "EDU",
  112203.             "Description": "About the School of Law at the University of Virginia.",
  112204.             "Year": 0
  112205.         },
  112206.         {
  112207.             "RIT": "ws971995",
  112208.             "Type": "WS",
  112209.             "URL": "http://virginiasports.fansonly.com/index-main.html",
  112210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112211.             "Title": "Official Athletic Site, University of Virginia",
  112212.             "Category": "EDU",
  112213.             "Description": "About athletic programs at the University of Virginia.",
  112214.             "Year": 0
  112215.         },
  112216.         {
  112217.             "RIT": "ws971996",
  112218.             "Type": "WS",
  112219.             "URL": "http://www.vsu.edu/",
  112220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112221.             "Title": "Virginia State University",
  112222.             "Category": "SOC",
  112223.             "Description": "Official Virginia State University homepage and guide to campus and the Petersburg area.",
  112224.             "Year": 0
  112225.         },
  112226.         {
  112227.             "RIT": "ws972006",
  112228.             "Type": "WS",
  112229.             "URL": "http://www.wsulibs.wsu.edu/",
  112230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112231.             "Title": "Washington State University Libraries",
  112232.             "Category": "EDU",
  112233.             "Description": "Information about the university's six libraries in Pullman and the five other libraries around the state.",
  112234.             "Year": 0
  112235.         },
  112236.         {
  112237.             "RIT": "ws971874",
  112238.             "Type": "WS",
  112239.             "URL": "http://coals.tamu.edu/",
  112240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112241.             "Title": "College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Home Page",
  112242.             "Category": "EDU",
  112243.             "Description": "Information about agriculture and life science educational programs at Texas A & M.",
  112244.             "Year": 0
  112245.         },
  112246.         {
  112247.             "RIT": "ws971876",
  112248.             "Type": "WS",
  112249.             "URL": "http://clla.tamu.edu/",
  112250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112251.             "Title": "College of Liberal Arts at Texas A&M University",
  112252.             "Category": "EDU",
  112253.             "Description": "Information about the College of Liberal Arts at Texas A&M University.",
  112254.             "Year": 0
  112255.         },
  112256.         {
  112257.             "RIT": "ws971878",
  112258.             "Type": "WS",
  112259.             "URL": "http://www.cvm.tamu.edu/",
  112260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112261.             "Title": "Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine",
  112262.             "Category": "EDU",
  112263.             "Description": "About the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine.",
  112264.             "Year": 0
  112265.         },
  112266.         {
  112267.             "RIT": "ws971880",
  112268.             "Type": "WS",
  112269.             "URL": "http://sports.tamu.edu/",
  112270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112271.             "Title": "Texas A&M University Athletic Department Official Web Site",
  112272.             "Category": "EDU",
  112273.             "Description": "Texas A&M University Athletic Department information.",
  112274.             "Year": 0
  112275.         },
  112276.         {
  112277.             "RIT": "ws971882",
  112278.             "Type": "WS",
  112279.             "URL": "http://www.bio.tcu.edu/",
  112280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112281.             "Title": "Texas Christian University Biology Department",
  112282.             "Category": "EDU",
  112283.             "Description": "Biological sciences information at Texas Christian University.",
  112284.             "Year": 0
  112285.         },
  112286.         {
  112287.             "RIT": "ws971884",
  112288.             "Type": "WS",
  112289.             "URL": "http://geowww.geo.tcu.edu/",
  112290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112291.             "Title": "Texas Christian University Geology & Environmental Sciences Home Page",
  112292.             "Category": "EDU",
  112293.             "Description": "Information about the Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences at Texas Christian University.",
  112294.             "Year": 0
  112295.         },
  112296.         {
  112297.             "RIT": "ws971888",
  112298.             "Type": "WS",
  112299.             "URL": "http://www.tmm.utexas.edu/index.html",
  112300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112301.             "Title": "Texas Memorial Museum",
  112302.             "Category": "GEO",
  112303.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Texas Memorial Museum at the University of Texas in Austin.",
  112304.             "Year": 0
  112305.         },
  112306.         {
  112307.             "RIT": "ws971889",
  112308.             "Type": "WS",
  112309.             "URL": "http://www.law.utexas.edu/",
  112310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112311.             "Title": "Welcome to the Tarlton Law Library",
  112312.             "Category": "EDU",
  112313.             "Description": "Information about the Law Library at the University of Texas.",
  112314.             "Year": 0
  112315.         },
  112316.         {
  112317.             "RIT": "ws971890",
  112318.             "Type": "WS",
  112319.             "URL": "http://www.lbjlib.utexas.edu/",
  112320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112321.             "Title": "Home Page for the LBJ Library",
  112322.             "Category": "EDU",
  112323.             "Description": "About this institution established to preserve the papers and memorabilia of President Lyndon Baines Johnson.",
  112324.             "Year": 0
  112325.         },
  112326.         {
  112327.             "RIT": "ws971891",
  112328.             "Type": "WS",
  112329.             "URL": "http://www.hrc.utexas.edu/index.html",
  112330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112331.             "Title": "Welcome to the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center",
  112332.             "Category": "EDU",
  112333.             "Description": "Information about this research center at the University of Texas.",
  112334.             "Year": 0
  112335.         },
  112336.         {
  112337.             "RIT": "ws971903",
  112338.             "Type": "WS",
  112339.             "URL": "http://utachem.uta.edu/",
  112340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112341.             "Title": "Welcome (chemistry and biochemistry)",
  112342.             "Category": "EDU",
  112343.             "Description": "About the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Texas at Arlington.",
  112344.             "Year": 0
  112345.         },
  112346.         {
  112347.             "RIT": "ws971904",
  112348.             "Type": "WS",
  112349.             "URL": "http://www.uta.edu/physics/",
  112350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112351.             "Title": "Physics Department",
  112352.             "Category": "EDU",
  112353.             "Description": "About the Department of Physics at the University of Texas at Arlington.",
  112354.             "Year": 0
  112355.         },
  112356.         {
  112357.             "RIT": "ws971905",
  112358.             "Type": "WS",
  112359.             "URL": "http://www2.uta.edu/gradbiz/index.htm",
  112360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112361.             "Title": "UT Arlington Graduate Business Programs",
  112362.             "Category": "EDU",
  112363.             "Description": "About the business administration programs at the University of Texas at Arlington.",
  112364.             "Year": 0
  112365.         },
  112366.         {
  112367.             "RIT": "ws971906",
  112368.             "Type": "WS",
  112369.             "URL": "http://www-etv.uta.edu/",
  112370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112371.             "Title": "The College of Engineering Center for Distance Learning",
  112372.             "Category": "EDU",
  112373.             "Description": "About distance learning opportunities provided by the University of Texas at Arlington.",
  112374.             "Year": 0
  112375.         },
  112376.         {
  112377.             "RIT": "ws971907",
  112378.             "Type": "WS",
  112379.             "URL": "http://www.uta.edu/english/index.html",
  112380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112381.             "Title": "The University of Texas-Arlington Department of English",
  112382.             "Category": "EDU",
  112383.             "Description": "About the Department of English at the University of Texas at Arlington.",
  112384.             "Year": 0
  112385.         },
  112386.         {
  112387.             "RIT": "ws971908",
  112388.             "Type": "WS",
  112389.             "URL": "http://mse.uta.edu/html/aboutmse.html",
  112390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112391.             "Title": "Materials Science & Engineering at the University of Texas, Arlington",
  112392.             "Category": "EDU",
  112393.             "Description": "About the Materials Science and Engineering Program at the University of Texas at Arlington.",
  112394.             "Year": 0
  112395.         },
  112396.         {
  112397.             "RIT": "ws971909",
  112398.             "Type": "WS",
  112399.             "URL": "http://www.utdallas.edu/",
  112400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112401.             "Title": "University of Texas -- Dallas WWW home page",
  112402.             "Category": "EDU",
  112403.             "Description": "General information about the University of Texas in Dallas.",
  112404.             "Year": 0
  112405.         },
  112406.         {
  112407.             "RIT": "ws971910",
  112408.             "Type": "WS",
  112409.             "URL": "http://www.utdallas.edu/library/",
  112410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112411.             "Title": "University of Texas -- Dallas Libraries Home Page",
  112412.             "Category": "EDU",
  112413.             "Description": "Information about the libraries at the University of Texas at Dallas.",
  112414.             "Year": 0
  112415.         },
  112416.         {
  112417.             "RIT": "ws971912",
  112418.             "Type": "WS",
  112419.             "URL": "http://www.utsa.edu/",
  112420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112421.             "Title": "The University of Texas at San Antonio",
  112422.             "Category": "EDU",
  112423.             "Description": "General information about the University of Texas at San Antonio.",
  112424.             "Year": 0
  112425.         },
  112426.         {
  112427.             "RIT": "ws971915",
  112428.             "Type": "WS",
  112429.             "URL": "http://smile.uthscsa.edu/",
  112430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112431.             "Title": "UTHSCSA Dental School",
  112432.             "Category": "EDU",
  112433.             "Description": "About the Dental School at the University of Texas Health Science Center.",
  112434.             "Year": 0
  112435.         },
  112436.         {
  112437.             "RIT": "ws971955",
  112438.             "Type": "WS",
  112439.             "URL": "http://www.mines.utah.edu/",
  112440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112441.             "Title": "College of Mines and Earth Sciences",
  112442.             "Category": "EDU",
  112443.             "Description": "About the college of Mines and Earth Sciences at the University of Utah.",
  112444.             "Year": 0
  112445.         },
  112446.         {
  112447.             "RIT": "ws971957",
  112448.             "Type": "WS",
  112449.             "URL": "http://www.science.utah.edu/",
  112450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112451.             "Title": "College of Science",
  112452.             "Category": "EDU",
  112453.             "Description": "About the College of Science at the University of Utah.",
  112454.             "Year": 0
  112455.         },
  112456.         {
  112457.             "RIT": "ws971959",
  112458.             "Type": "WS",
  112459.             "URL": "http://www.som.med.utah.edu/",
  112460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112461.             "Title": "University of Utah School of Medicine",
  112462.             "Category": "EDU",
  112463.             "Description": "Information about the University of Utah School of Medicine.",
  112464.             "Year": 0
  112465.         },
  112466.         {
  112467.             "RIT": "ws971960",
  112468.             "Type": "WS",
  112469.             "URL": "http://www.business.utah.edu/",
  112470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112471.             "Title": "David Eccles School of Business",
  112472.             "Category": "EDU",
  112473.             "Description": "Information about the University of Utah School of Business.",
  112474.             "Year": 0
  112475.         },
  112476.         {
  112477.             "RIT": "ws971962",
  112478.             "Type": "WS",
  112479.             "URL": "http://www.met.utah.edu/",
  112480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112481.             "Title": "U of U - Department of Meteorology",
  112482.             "Category": "EDU",
  112483.             "Description": "Information about the University of Utah Department of Meteorology.",
  112484.             "Year": 0
  112485.         },
  112486.         {
  112487.             "RIT": "ws971963",
  112488.             "Type": "WS",
  112489.             "URL": "http://www.usu.edu/",
  112490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112491.             "Title": "Utah State University",
  112492.             "Category": "SOC",
  112493.             "Description": "Official Utah State University homepage and guide to campus.",
  112494.             "Year": 0
  112495.         },
  112496.         {
  112497.             "RIT": "ws971977",
  112498.             "Type": "WS",
  112499.             "URL": "http://library.uvm.edu/",
  112500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112501.             "Title": "University of Vermont Libraries",
  112502.             "Category": "EDU",
  112503.             "Description": "About the university's libraries and their services.",
  112504.             "Year": 0
  112505.         },
  112506.         {
  112507.             "RIT": "ws971978",
  112508.             "Type": "WS",
  112509.             "URL": "http://www.med.uvm.edu/HP-COM.asp?SiteAreaID=225",
  112510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112511.             "Title": "The University of Vermont College of Medicine",
  112512.             "Category": "EDU",
  112513.             "Description": "Information about the University of Vermont College of Medicine.",
  112514.             "Year": 0
  112515.         },
  112516.         {
  112517.             "RIT": "ws971979",
  112518.             "Type": "WS",
  112519.             "URL": "http://ctr.uvm.edu/cals/cals.htm",
  112520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112521.             "Title": "University of Vermont: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences",
  112522.             "Category": "EDU",
  112523.             "Description": "About agriculture and life sciences programs at the University of Vermont.",
  112524.             "Year": 0
  112525.         },
  112526.         {
  112527.             "RIT": "ws971980",
  112528.             "Type": "WS",
  112529.             "URL": "http://beluga.uvm.edu/",
  112530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112531.             "Title": "University of Vermont: College of Arts and Sciences",
  112532.             "Category": "EDU",
  112533.             "Description": "About the College of Arts and Sciences and its departments at the University of Vermont.",
  112534.             "Year": 0
  112535.         },
  112536.         {
  112537.             "RIT": "ws971984",
  112538.             "Type": "WS",
  112539.             "URL": "http://www.cs.virginia.edu/brochure/museum.html",
  112540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112541.             "Title": "The University of Virginia Computer Museum",
  112542.             "Category": "EDU",
  112543.             "Description": "Information about the Computer Science Museum at the University of Virginia.",
  112544.             "Year": 0
  112545.         },
  112546.         {
  112547.             "RIT": "ws972007",
  112548.             "Type": "WS",
  112549.             "URL": "http://www.cea.wsu.edu/",
  112550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112551.             "Title": "WSU College of Engineering and Architecture",
  112552.             "Category": "EDU",
  112553.             "Description": "Information about engineering and architecture at Washington State University.",
  112554.             "Year": 0
  112555.         },
  112556.         {
  112557.             "RIT": "ws972008",
  112558.             "Type": "WS",
  112559.             "URL": "http://www.sci.wsu.edu/",
  112560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112561.             "Title": "Washington State University, College of Sciences",
  112562.             "Category": "EDU",
  112563.             "Description": "Information about the College of Sciences at Washington State University.",
  112564.             "Year": 0
  112565.         },
  112566.         {
  112567.             "RIT": "ws972009",
  112568.             "Type": "WS",
  112569.             "URL": "http://www.cbe.wsu.edu/",
  112570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112571.             "Title": "College of Business and Economics",
  112572.             "Category": "EDU",
  112573.             "Description": "Information about the College of Business and Economics at Washington State University.",
  112574.             "Year": 0
  112575.         },
  112576.         {
  112577.             "RIT": "ws972011",
  112578.             "Type": "WS",
  112579.             "URL": "http://libarts.wsu.edu/history/",
  112580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112581.             "Title": "History, Washington State University",
  112582.             "Category": "EDU",
  112583.             "Description": "Information about the History Department at Washington State University.",
  112584.             "Year": 0
  112585.         },
  112586.         {
  112587.             "RIT": "ws972012",
  112588.             "Type": "WS",
  112589.             "URL": "http://gohuskies.fansonly.com/departments/wash-compliance.html",
  112590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112591.             "Title": "Intercollegiate NCAA/Pac-10 Athletics",
  112592.             "Category": "EDU",
  112593.             "Description": "Information about athletics at Washington State University.",
  112594.             "Year": 0
  112595.         },
  112596.         {
  112597.             "RIT": "ws972013",
  112598.             "Type": "WS",
  112599.             "URL": "http://www.wustl.edu/",
  112600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112601.             "Title": "Washington University in St. Louis",
  112602.             "Category": "SOC",
  112603.             "Description": "Official Washington University homepage and guide to campus and the St. Louis area.",
  112604.             "Year": 0
  112605.         },
  112606.         {
  112607.             "RIT": "ws972014",
  112608.             "Type": "WS",
  112609.             "URL": "http://www.lib.washington.edu/",
  112610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112611.             "Title": "University of Washington Libraries",
  112612.             "Category": "EDU",
  112613.             "Description": "Library news and information.",
  112614.             "Year": 0
  112615.         },
  112616.         {
  112617.             "RIT": "ws972017",
  112618.             "Type": "WS",
  112619.             "URL": "http://depts.washington.edu/vertp/",
  112620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112621.             "Title": "Fossil Vertebrates in the Burke Museum",
  112622.             "Category": "EDU",
  112623.             "Description": "About the on-line collections of catalogs and images at the Burke Museum of the University of Washington.",
  112624.             "Year": 0
  112625.         },
  112626.         {
  112627.             "RIT": "ws972018",
  112628.             "Type": "WS",
  112629.             "URL": "http://www.astro.washington.edu/",
  112630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112631.             "Title": "The University of Washington Astronomy Department",
  112632.             "Category": "EDU",
  112633.             "Description": "About the astronomy programs at the University of Washington.",
  112634.             "Year": 0
  112635.         },
  112636.         {
  112637.             "RIT": "ws972019",
  112638.             "Type": "WS",
  112639.             "URL": "http://www.caup.washington.edu/",
  112640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112641.             "Title": "College of Architecture and Urban Planning",
  112642.             "Category": "EDU",
  112643.             "Description": "About the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Washington.",
  112644.             "Year": 0
  112645.         },
  112646.         {
  112647.             "RIT": "ws972029",
  112648.             "Type": "WS",
  112649.             "URL": "http://www.washington.edu/medical/som/",
  112650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112651.             "Title": "University of Washington School of Medicine",
  112652.             "Category": "EDU",
  112653.             "Description": "About the University of Washington School of Medicine.",
  112654.             "Year": 0
  112655.         },
  112656.         {
  112657.             "RIT": "ws972030",
  112658.             "Type": "WS",
  112659.             "URL": "http://www.washington.edu/huskysports/",
  112660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112661.             "Title": "University of Washington - Digital Dawghouse",
  112662.             "Category": "EDU",
  112663.             "Description": "About the university's sports programs.",
  112664.             "Year": 0
  112665.         },
  112666.         {
  112667.             "RIT": "ws972036",
  112668.             "Type": "WS",
  112669.             "URL": "http://www.as.wvu.edu/",
  112670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112671.             "Title": "West Virginia University Eberly College of Arts and Sciences",
  112672.             "Category": "EDU",
  112673.             "Description": "About the College of Arts and Sciences at West Virginia University.",
  112674.             "Year": 0
  112675.         },
  112676.         {
  112677.             "RIT": "ws972037",
  112678.             "Type": "WS",
  112679.             "URL": "http://www.be.wvu.edu/",
  112680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112681.             "Title": "College of Business & Economics, West Virginia University",
  112682.             "Category": "EDU",
  112683.             "Description": "About the College of Business and Economics at West Virginia University.",
  112684.             "Year": 0
  112685.         },
  112686.         {
  112687.             "RIT": "ws972038",
  112688.             "Type": "WS",
  112689.             "URL": "http://www.cemr.wvu.edu/",
  112690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112691.             "Title": "West Virginia University - College of Engineering and Mineral Resources",
  112692.             "Category": "EDU",
  112693.             "Description": "About the College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University.",
  112694.             "Year": 0
  112695.         },
  112696.         {
  112697.             "RIT": "ws972039",
  112698.             "Type": "WS",
  112699.             "URL": "http://www.wvu.edu/~law/",
  112700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112701.             "Title": "Intro to to law school at West Virginia University",
  112702.             "Category": "EDU",
  112703.             "Description": "About the College of Law at West Virginia University.",
  112704.             "Year": 0
  112705.         },
  112706.         {
  112707.             "RIT": "ws972040",
  112708.             "Type": "WS",
  112709.             "URL": "http://www.hsc.wvu.edu/son/index.htm",
  112710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112711.             "Title": "West Virginia University School of Nursing",
  112712.             "Category": "EDU",
  112713.             "Description": "Information about this center for nursing education, research, and practice at West Virginia University.",
  112714.             "Year": 0
  112715.         },
  112716.         {
  112717.             "RIT": "ws972041",
  112718.             "Type": "WS",
  112719.             "URL": "http://www.caf.wvu.edu/",
  112720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112721.             "Title": "WVU - College of Agriculture and Forestry",
  112722.             "Category": "EDU",
  112723.             "Description": "About the College of Agriculture and Forestry at West Virginia University.",
  112724.             "Year": 0
  112725.         },
  112726.         {
  112727.             "RIT": "ws972042",
  112728.             "Type": "WS",
  112729.             "URL": "http://www.libraries.wvu.edu/",
  112730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112731.             "Title": "WVU Libraries",
  112732.             "Category": "EDU",
  112733.             "Description": "About the libraries at West Virginia University.",
  112734.             "Year": 0
  112735.         },
  112736.         {
  112737.             "RIT": "ws972043",
  112738.             "Type": "WS",
  112739.             "URL": "http://www.wvu.edu/~sports/",
  112740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112741.             "Title": "Intercollegiate Athletics",
  112742.             "Category": "EDU",
  112743.             "Description": "About West Virginia University athletics.",
  112744.             "Year": 0
  112745.         },
  112746.         {
  112747.             "RIT": "ws972047",
  112748.             "Type": "WS",
  112749.             "URL": "http://www.hsl.wisc.edu/",
  112750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112751.             "Title": "UW-Madison Health Sciences Libraries",
  112752.             "Category": "EDU",
  112753.             "Description": "About the University of Wisconsin's Health Science Libraries.",
  112754.             "Year": 0
  112755.         },
  112756.         {
  112757.             "RIT": "ws972060",
  112758.             "Type": "WS",
  112759.             "URL": "http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/Business/",
  112760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112761.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - School of Business Administration",
  112762.             "Category": "EDU",
  112763.             "Description": "Information about the Business School at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.",
  112764.             "Year": 0
  112765.         },
  112766.         {
  112767.             "RIT": "ws972062",
  112768.             "Type": "WS",
  112769.             "URL": "http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/Athletics/",
  112770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112771.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Athletics",
  112772.             "Category": "EDU",
  112773.             "Description": "Information about athletics at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.",
  112774.             "Year": 0
  112775.         },
  112776.         {
  112777.             "RIT": "ws972063",
  112778.             "Type": "WS",
  112779.             "URL": "http://www.uwp.edu/",
  112780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112781.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin-Parkside",
  112782.             "Category": "EDU",
  112783.             "Description": "General information about the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.",
  112784.             "Year": 0
  112785.         },
  112786.         {
  112787.             "RIT": "ws972064",
  112788.             "Type": "WS",
  112789.             "URL": "http://www.uwp.edu/information.services/library/",
  112790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112791.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin - Parkside Library/Learning Center",
  112792.             "Category": "EDU",
  112793.             "Description": "University of Wisconsin-Parkside library information.",
  112794.             "Year": 0
  112795.         },
  112796.         {
  112797.             "RIT": "ws972065",
  112798.             "Type": "WS",
  112799.             "URL": "http://www.uwp.edu/academic/computer.science/",
  112800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112801.             "Title": "Computer Science & Engineering Department",
  112802.             "Category": "EDU",
  112803.             "Description": "About the Computer Science & Engineering Department at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.",
  112804.             "Year": 0
  112805.         },
  112806.         {
  112807.             "RIT": "ws972066",
  112808.             "Type": "WS",
  112809.             "URL": "http://www.uwp.edu/academic/biology/website3/index.html",
  112810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112811.             "Title": "Biology Home Page",
  112812.             "Category": "EDU",
  112813.             "Description": "About the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.",
  112814.             "Year": 0
  112815.         },
  112816.         {
  112817.             "RIT": "ws972067",
  112818.             "Type": "WS",
  112819.             "URL": "http://www.uwp.edu/academic/accounting/",
  112820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112821.             "Title": "Accounting Department",
  112822.             "Category": "EDU",
  112823.             "Description": "About the Accounting Program at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.",
  112824.             "Year": 0
  112825.         },
  112826.         {
  112827.             "RIT": "ws972068",
  112828.             "Type": "WS",
  112829.             "URL": "http://www.uwp.edu/academic/english/",
  112830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112831.             "Title": "English Department",
  112832.             "Category": "EDU",
  112833.             "Description": "About the Department of English at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.",
  112834.             "Year": 0
  112835.         },
  112836.         {
  112837.             "RIT": "ws972069",
  112838.             "Type": "WS",
  112839.             "URL": "http://www.uwp.edu/academic/sociology/",
  112840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112841.             "Title": "Sociology/Anthropology Department at UW - Parkside",
  112842.             "Category": "EDU",
  112843.             "Description": "About the Anthropology and Sociology courses at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.",
  112844.             "Year": 0
  112845.         },
  112846.         {
  112847.             "RIT": "ws972070",
  112848.             "Type": "WS",
  112849.             "URL": "http://www.uwp.edu/academic/mathematics/",
  112850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112851.             "Title": "UW-P Mathematics Department",
  112852.             "Category": "EDU",
  112853.             "Description": "About the department ofmathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.",
  112854.             "Year": 0
  112855.         },
  112856.         {
  112857.             "RIT": "ws972086",
  112858.             "Type": "WS",
  112859.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/",
  112860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112861.             "Title": "UCMP Home Page",
  112862.             "Category": "LIF",
  112863.             "Description": "Official Web site of the Museum of Paleontology at the University of California at Berkeley, featuring extensive information about fossils and several prehistoric animals.",
  112864.             "Year": 0
  112865.         },
  112866.         {
  112867.             "RIT": "ws972087",
  112868.             "Type": "WS",
  112869.             "URL": "http://space.hsv.usra.edu/",
  112870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112871.             "Title": "USRA/Huntsville Web Server",
  112872.             "Category": "EDU",
  112873.             "Description": "Facts about the Universities Space Research Association Huntsville Office, and the space programs it manages in Huntsville, Alabama.",
  112874.             "Year": 0
  112875.         },
  112876.         {
  112877.             "RIT": "ws972088",
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  112879.             "URL": "http://www.uaex.edu/",
  112880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112881.             "Title": "University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service",
  112882.             "Category": "EDU",
  112883.             "Description": "Information about agricultural programs and the extension service of the University of Arkansas.",
  112884.             "Year": 0
  112885.         },
  112886.         {
  112887.             "RIT": "ws972089",
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  112889.             "URL": "http://www.cji.net/",
  112890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112891.             "Title": "Criminal Justice Institute",
  112892.             "Category": "EDU",
  112893.             "Description": "Information about the Criminal Justice Institute at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.",
  112894.             "Year": 0
  112895.         },
  112896.         {
  112897.             "RIT": "ws972090",
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  112900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112901.             "Title": "Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive",
  112902.             "Category": "EDU",
  112903.             "Description": "Information about this museum at the University of California, Berkeley.",
  112904.             "Year": 0
  112905.         },
  112906.         {
  112907.             "RIT": "ws972091",
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  112910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112911.             "Title": "IFAS Academic Programs",
  112912.             "Category": "EDU",
  112913.             "Description": "Information about the University of Florida's College of Agriculture and its academic programs.",
  112914.             "Year": 0
  112915.         },
  112916.         {
  112917.             "RIT": "ws972093",
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  112920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112921.             "Title": "Welcome to AccuWeather(R)",
  112922.             "Category": "PHY",
  112923.             "Description": "Up-to-date weather on the Internet.",
  112924.             "Year": 0
  112925.         },
  112926.         {
  112927.             "RIT": "ws972094",
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  112930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112931.             "Title": "Dave's ESL Cafe",
  112932.             "Category": "HUM",
  112933.             "Description": "Privately maintained website dedicated to learning English as a second language.",
  112934.             "Year": 0
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  112936.         {
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  112941.             "Title": "The Christian Science Monitor",
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  112944.             "Year": 0
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  112949.             "URL": "http://www.rnc.org/",
  112950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112951.             "Title": "Welcome to Republican Main Street",
  112952.             "Category": "SOC",
  112953.             "Description": "Political information about the Republican Party.",
  112954.             "Year": 0
  112955.         },
  112956.         {
  112957.             "RIT": "ws972149",
  112958.             "Type": "WS",
  112959.             "URL": "http://www.angelo.edu/",
  112960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112961.             "Title": "Angelo State University",
  112962.             "Category": "SOC",
  112963.             "Description": "Official Angelo State University homepage and guide to campus and the San Angelo area.",
  112964.             "Year": 0
  112965.         },
  112966.         {
  112967.             "RIT": "ws972155",
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  112969.             "URL": "http://www.ashland.edu/",
  112970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112971.             "Title": "Ashland University's Clickable Home Page",
  112972.             "Category": "SOC",
  112973.             "Description": "Official Ashland University homepage and guide to campus and the Ashland area.",
  112974.             "Year": 0
  112975.         },
  112976.         {
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  112978.             "Type": "WS",
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  112980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112981.             "Title": "Auburn University",
  112982.             "Category": "SOC",
  112983.             "Description": "Official Auburn University homepage and guide to campus and the Montgomery area.",
  112984.             "Year": 0
  112985.         },
  112986.         {
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  112989.             "URL": "http://www.aug.edu/",
  112990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  112991.             "Title": "Augusta State University",
  112992.             "Category": "GEO",
  112993.             "Description": "Official Augusta State University homepage and guide to campus and the Augusta area.",
  112994.             "Year": 0
  112995.         },
  112996.         {
  112997.             "RIT": "ws972181",
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  112999.             "URL": "http://www.augie.edu/",
  113000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113001.             "Title": "Welcome to Augustana College",
  113002.             "Category": "SOC",
  113003.             "Description": "Official Augustana College homepage and guide to campus.",
  113004.             "Year": 0
  113005.         },
  113006.         {
  113007.             "RIT": "ws972184",
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  113009.             "URL": "http://www.apsu.edu/",
  113010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113011.             "Title": "Austin Peay State University",
  113012.             "Category": "SOC",
  113013.             "Description": "Official Austin Peay State University homepage and guide to campus.",
  113014.             "Year": 0
  113015.         },
  113016.         {
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  113020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113021.             "Title": "Babson College: Educating Entrepreneurial leaders for a changing environment.",
  113022.             "Category": "GEO",
  113023.             "Description": "Official Babson College homepage and guide to campus and the Wellesley area.",
  113024.             "Year": 0
  113025.         },
  113026.         {
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  113029.             "URL": "http://www.bsu.edu/UP/cover.html",
  113030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113031.             "Title": "Ball State University",
  113032.             "Category": "SOC",
  113033.             "Description": "Official Ball State University homepage and guide to campus and the Muncie area.",
  113034.             "Year": 0
  113035.         },
  113036.         {
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  113040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113041.             "Title": "Bates College",
  113042.             "Category": "SOC",
  113043.             "Description": "Official Bates College homepage and guide to campus and the Lewiston area.",
  113044.             "Year": 0
  113045.         },
  113046.         {
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  113048.             "Type": "WS",
  113049.             "URL": "http://www.belmont.edu/welcome.html",
  113050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113051.             "Title": "Belmont University",
  113052.             "Category": "GEO",
  113053.             "Description": "Official Belmont University homepage and guide to campus.",
  113054.             "Year": 0
  113055.         },
  113056.         {
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  113058.             "Type": "WS",
  113059.             "URL": "http://www.berry.edu/main.html",
  113060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113061.             "Title": "Berry College",
  113062.             "Category": "SOC",
  113063.             "Description": "Official Berry College homepage and guide to campus and the Rome area.",
  113064.             "Year": 0
  113065.         },
  113066.         {
  113067.             "RIT": "ws972020",
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  113069.             "URL": "http://www.cs.washington.edu/",
  113070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113071.             "Title": "Univ. of Washington Computer Science & Engineering",
  113072.             "Category": "EDU",
  113073.             "Description": "About the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington.",
  113074.             "Year": 0
  113075.         },
  113076.         {
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  113079.             "URL": "http://www.aa.washington.edu/",
  113080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113081.             "Title": "The University of Washington Aeronautics and Astronautics Department",
  113082.             "Category": "EDU",
  113083.             "Description": "Information concerning the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the University of Washington.",
  113084.             "Year": 0
  113085.         },
  113086.         {
  113087.             "RIT": "ws972022",
  113088.             "Type": "WS",
  113089.             "URL": "http://www.cfr.washington.edu/",
  113090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113091.             "Title": "The College of Forest Resources Home Page",
  113092.             "Category": "EDU",
  113093.             "Description": "About the College of Forest Resources at the University of Washington.",
  113094.             "Year": 0
  113095.         },
  113096.         {
  113097.             "RIT": "ws972023",
  113098.             "Type": "WS",
  113099.             "URL": "http://depts.washington.edu/scand/scanbody2.html",
  113100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113101.             "Title": "University of Washington Department of Scandinavian Studies",
  113102.             "Category": "EDU",
  113103.             "Description": "About the university's Scandinavian studies program, established in 1909 by a special act of the state legislature.",
  113104.             "Year": 0
  113105.         },
  113106.         {
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  113109.             "URL": "http://depts.washington.edu/uwgerman/",
  113110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113111.             "Title": "University of Washington German Dept. Home Page",
  113112.             "Category": "EDU",
  113113.             "Description": "About the German studies program at the University of Washington.",
  113114.             "Year": 0
  113115.         },
  113116.         {
  113117.             "RIT": "ws972025",
  113118.             "Type": "WS",
  113119.             "URL": "http://www.com.washington.edu/cmu/cmu/index.html",
  113120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113121.             "Title": "University of Washington School of Communications",
  113122.             "Category": "EDU",
  113123.             "Description": "About the communications program at the University of Washington.",
  113124.             "Year": 0
  113125.         },
  113126.         {
  113127.             "RIT": "ws972026",
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  113129.             "URL": "http://ascc.artsci.washington.edu/drama/",
  113130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113131.             "Title": "The School of Drama at the University of Washington",
  113132.             "Category": "EDU",
  113133.             "Description": "Information about this school, founded in 1941 by Professor Glenn Hughes at the University of Washington.",
  113134.             "Year": 0
  113135.         },
  113136.         {
  113137.             "RIT": "ws972027",
  113138.             "Type": "WS",
  113139.             "URL": "http://www.fish.washington.edu/",
  113140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113141.             "Title": "Univ. of Washington School of Fisheries",
  113142.             "Category": "EDU",
  113143.             "Description": "About the university's fisheries program.",
  113144.             "Year": 0
  113145.         },
  113146.         {
  113147.             "RIT": "ws972028",
  113148.             "Type": "WS",
  113149.             "URL": "http://www.law.washington.edu/",
  113150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113151.             "Title": "A site for Univ. of Washington School of Law",
  113152.             "Category": "EDU",
  113153.             "Description": "University of Washington Law School information.",
  113154.             "Year": 0
  113155.         },
  113156.         {
  113157.             "RIT": "ws972048",
  113158.             "Type": "WS",
  113159.             "URL": "http://www.library.wisc.edu/",
  113160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113161.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin-Madison Electronic Library",
  113162.             "Category": "EDU",
  113163.             "Description": "About resources in the University of Wisconsin's electronic library.",
  113164.             "Year": 0
  113165.         },
  113166.         {
  113167.             "RIT": "ws972049",
  113168.             "Type": "WS",
  113169.             "URL": "http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/Steenbock/",
  113170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113171.             "Title": "Steenbock Library UW-Madison",
  113172.             "Category": "EDU",
  113173.             "Description": "About this primary resource library for the students, faculty, and staff of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.",
  113174.             "Year": 0
  113175.         },
  113176.         {
  113177.             "RIT": "ws972050",
  113178.             "Type": "WS",
  113179.             "URL": "http://www.engr.wisc.edu/ece/",
  113180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113181.             "Title": "Electrical and Computer Engineering",
  113182.             "Category": "EDU",
  113183.             "Description": "About electrical and computer engineering programs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.",
  113184.             "Year": 0
  113185.         },
  113186.         {
  113187.             "RIT": "ws972051",
  113188.             "Type": "WS",
  113189.             "URL": "http://www.cs.wisc.edu/",
  113190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113191.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Computer Science Home Page",
  113192.             "Category": "EDU",
  113193.             "Description": "About the Computer Science Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.",
  113194.             "Year": 0
  113195.         },
  113196.         {
  113197.             "RIT": "ws972054",
  113198.             "Type": "WS",
  113199.             "URL": "http://www.soemadison.wisc.edu/",
  113200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113201.             "Title": "School of Education Web Server",
  113202.             "Category": "EDU",
  113203.             "Description": "Information about the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education.",
  113204.             "Year": 0
  113205.         },
  113206.         {
  113207.             "RIT": "ws972055",
  113208.             "Type": "WS",
  113209.             "URL": "http://www.son.wisc.edu/",
  113210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113211.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing",
  113212.             "Category": "EDU",
  113213.             "Description": "Information about the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Nursing.",
  113214.             "Year": 0
  113215.         },
  113216.         {
  113217.             "RIT": "ws972056",
  113218.             "Type": "WS",
  113219.             "URL": "http://www.uwbadgers.com/",
  113220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113221.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletics Home Page",
  113222.             "Category": "EDU",
  113223.             "Description": "Information about athletics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.",
  113224.             "Year": 0
  113225.         },
  113226.         {
  113227.             "RIT": "ws972057",
  113228.             "Type": "WS",
  113229.             "URL": "http://www.uwm.edu/",
  113230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113231.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Home Page",
  113232.             "Category": "EDU",
  113233.             "Description": "General information about the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.",
  113234.             "Year": 0
  113235.         },
  113236.         {
  113237.             "RIT": "ws972058",
  113238.             "Type": "WS",
  113239.             "URL": "http://www.uwm.edu/Library/",
  113240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  113241.             "Title": "University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Golda Meir Library Resources",
  113242.             "Category": "EDU",
  113243.             "Description": "University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee library information.",
  113244.             "Year": 0
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  113913.             "Description": "Information about the Department of Politics at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.",
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  113986.         {
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  114410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  114460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  114643.             "Description": "Information about the Department of Earth and Physical Sciences at Sul Ross State University in Alpine, Texas.",
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  114705.         },
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  114780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
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  115143.             "Description": "Information about the Jefferson Digestive Disease Institute of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.",
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  115491.             "Title": "Sessions of York, Publishers Since 1811",
  115492.             "Category": "IND",
  115493.             "Description": "A list of titles published by Sessions of York, the Ebor Press, an independent Publisher of nonfiction in the United Kingdom.",
  115494.             "Year": 0
  115495.         },
  115496.         {
  115497.             "RIT": "ws980565",
  115498.             "Type": "WS",
  115499.             "URL": "http://viking.no/",
  115500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115501.             "Title": "The Viking Network Web",
  115502.             "Category": "HIS",
  115503.             "Description": "Internet-based information about the Vikings.",
  115504.             "Year": 0
  115505.         },
  115506.         {
  115507.             "RIT": "ws980567",
  115508.             "Type": "WS",
  115509.             "URL": "http://www.tighar.org/",
  115510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115511.             "Title": "The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery",
  115512.             "Category": "IND",
  115513.             "Description": "Information about an association dedicated to finding and preserving historic aircraft.",
  115514.             "Year": 0
  115515.         },
  115516.         {
  115517.             "RIT": "ws980571",
  115518.             "Type": "WS",
  115519.             "URL": "http://nisee.berkeley.edu/",
  115520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115521.             "Title": "National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering",
  115522.             "Category": "PHY",
  115523.             "Description": "Information about earthquake engineering, sponsored by the National Science Foundation.",
  115524.             "Year": 0
  115525.         },
  115526.         {
  115527.             "RIT": "ws980588",
  115528.             "Type": "WS",
  115529.             "URL": "http://www.nps.gov/ncro/anti/emancipation.html",
  115530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115531.             "Title": "The Emancipation Proclamation",
  115532.             "Category": "HIS",
  115533.             "Description": "Text of the Emancipation Proclamation, President Abraham Lincoln's order to free the slaves in rebel states in 1863.",
  115534.             "Year": 0
  115535.         },
  115536.         {
  115537.             "RIT": "ws980590",
  115538.             "Type": "WS",
  115539.             "URL": "http://www.lib.virginia.edu/exhibits/lewis_clark/home.html",
  115540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115541.             "Title": "Exploring the West from Monticello",
  115542.             "Category": "HIS",
  115543.             "Description": "An exhibition of maps and navigational instruments from Columbus to Lewis and Clark at the Alderman Library of the University of Virginia.",
  115544.             "Year": 0
  115545.         },
  115546.         {
  115547.             "RIT": "ws980591",
  115548.             "Type": "WS",
  115549.             "URL": "http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/hypertex.html",
  115550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115551.             "Title": "Hypertexts at the University of Virginia",
  115552.             "Category": "HIS",
  115553.             "Description": "A collection of online texts of American literature, including Crevecoeur, de Tocqueville, Henry Adams, Mark Twain, and others.",
  115554.             "Year": 0
  115555.         },
  115556.         {
  115557.             "RIT": "ws980592",
  115558.             "Type": "WS",
  115559.             "URL": "http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/mcchtml/corhome.html",
  115560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115561.             "Title": "Words and Deeds in American History",
  115562.             "Category": "HIS",
  115563.             "Description": "Selected documents celebrating the first 100 years of the Library of Congress's Manuscript Division.",
  115564.             "Year": 0
  115565.         },
  115566.         {
  115567.             "RIT": "ws980596",
  115568.             "Type": "WS",
  115569.             "URL": "http://www.csusm.edu/projects/nadp/nadp.htm",
  115570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115571.             "Title": "Native American Documents Project",
  115572.             "Category": "HIS",
  115573.             "Description": "Information about the Native American Documents Project, which seeks to make documents of federal policy toward native peoples more available.",
  115574.             "Year": 0
  115575.         },
  115576.         {
  115577.             "RIT": "ws980597",
  115578.             "Type": "WS",
  115579.             "URL": "http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/native-am/",
  115580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115581.             "Title": "Native American History Class Projects",
  115582.             "Category": "SOC",
  115583.             "Description": "Projects about Native Americans, developed by Duke University students and based on sources from the Duke University Special Collections Library.",
  115584.             "Year": 0
  115585.         },
  115586.         {
  115587.             "RIT": "ws980598",
  115588.             "Type": "WS",
  115589.             "URL": "http://www.kstrom.net/isk/stars/starmenu.html",
  115590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115591.             "Title": "Aboriginal (Native American) Star Knowledge",
  115592.             "Category": "PHY",
  115593.             "Description": "Information about the astronomy practiced by Native Americans through the ages.",
  115594.             "Year": 0
  115595.         },
  115596.         {
  115597.             "RIT": "ws980599",
  115598.             "Type": "WS",
  115599.             "URL": "http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/HNS/Indians/main.html",
  115600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115601.             "Title": "Romancing the Indian",
  115602.             "Category": "HIS",
  115603.             "Description": "Representations of American Indians in American literature of the 1800's.",
  115604.             "Year": 0
  115605.         },
  115606.         {
  115607.             "RIT": "ws980355",
  115608.             "Type": "WS",
  115609.             "URL": "http://www.math.ups.edu/",
  115610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115611.             "Title": "University of Puget Sound - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science",
  115612.             "Category": "PHY",
  115613.             "Description": "Information about the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington.",
  115614.             "Year": 0
  115615.         },
  115616.         {
  115617.             "RIT": "ws980358",
  115618.             "Type": "WS",
  115619.             "URL": "http://www.urich.edu/",
  115620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115621.             "Title": "University of Richmond",
  115622.             "Category": "GEO",
  115623.             "Description": "Official University of Richmond homepage and guide to campus.",
  115624.             "Year": 0
  115625.         },
  115626.         {
  115627.             "RIT": "ws980364",
  115628.             "Type": "WS",
  115629.             "URL": "http://www.rochester.edu/",
  115630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115631.             "Title": "University of Rochester",
  115632.             "Category": "SOC",
  115633.             "Description": "Official University of Rochester homepage and guide to campus and the Rochester area.",
  115634.             "Year": 0
  115635.         },
  115636.         {
  115637.             "RIT": "ws980380",
  115638.             "Type": "WS",
  115639.             "URL": "http://www.thecoo.edu/",
  115640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115641.             "Title": "University of Sioux Falls",
  115642.             "Category": "GEO",
  115643.             "Description": "Official University of Sioux Falls homepage and guide to campus.",
  115644.             "Year": 0
  115645.         },
  115646.         {
  115647.             "RIT": "ws980381",
  115648.             "Type": "WS",
  115649.             "URL": "http://www.stthomas.edu/",
  115650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115651.             "Title": "University of St. Thomas",
  115652.             "Category": "GEO",
  115653.             "Description": "Official University of St. Thomas homepage and guide to campus and the St. Paul area.",
  115654.             "Year": 0
  115655.         },
  115656.         {
  115657.             "RIT": "ws980387",
  115658.             "Type": "WS",
  115659.             "URL": "http://www.udc.edu/",
  115660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115661.             "Title": "University of the District of Columbia",
  115662.             "Category": "SOC",
  115663.             "Description": "Information about the University of the District of Columbia in Washington, D.C.",
  115664.             "Year": 0
  115665.         },
  115666.         {
  115667.             "RIT": "ws980390",
  115668.             "Type": "WS",
  115669.             "URL": "http://www.utoledo.edu/",
  115670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115671.             "Title": "The University of Toledo",
  115672.             "Category": "SOC",
  115673.             "Description": "Official University of Toledo homepage and guide to campus and the Toledo area.",
  115674.             "Year": 0
  115675.         },
  115676.         {
  115677.             "RIT": "ws980403",
  115678.             "Type": "WS",
  115679.             "URL": "http://www.vcu.edu/",
  115680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115681.             "Title": "VCU Home Page [Virginia Commonwealth University]",
  115682.             "Category": "SOC",
  115683.             "Description": "Official Virginia Commonwealth University homepage and guide to campus and the Richmond area.",
  115684.             "Year": 0
  115685.         },
  115686.         {
  115687.             "RIT": "ws980412",
  115688.             "Type": "WS",
  115689.             "URL": "http://www.vmi.edu/",
  115690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115691.             "Title": "Virginia Military Institute",
  115692.             "Category": "SOC",
  115693.             "Description": "Official Virginia Military Institute homepage and guide to campus.",
  115694.             "Year": 0
  115695.         },
  115696.         {
  115697.             "RIT": "ws980417",
  115698.             "Type": "WS",
  115699.             "URL": "http://www.vwc.edu/",
  115700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115701.             "Title": "Virginia Wesleyan College",
  115702.             "Category": "GEO",
  115703.             "Description": "Official Virginia Wesleyan College homepage and guide to campus.",
  115704.             "Year": 0
  115705.         },
  115706.         {
  115707.             "RIT": "ws980422",
  115708.             "Type": "WS",
  115709.             "URL": "http://www.warnerpacific.edu/",
  115710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115711.             "Title": "Warner Pacific College",
  115712.             "Category": "GEO",
  115713.             "Description": "Official Warner Pacific College homepage and guide to campus.",
  115714.             "Year": 0
  115715.         },
  115716.         {
  115717.             "RIT": "ws980475",
  115718.             "Type": "WS",
  115719.             "URL": "http://www.williams.edu/",
  115720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115721.             "Title": "Welcome to Williams College",
  115722.             "Category": "SOC",
  115723.             "Description": "Official Williams College homepage and guide to campus and the Williamstown area.",
  115724.             "Year": 0
  115725.         },
  115726.         {
  115727.             "RIT": "ws980478",
  115728.             "Type": "WS",
  115729.             "URL": "http://www.wilmcoll.edu/",
  115730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115731.             "Title": "Wilmington College",
  115732.             "Category": "SOC",
  115733.             "Description": "Official Wilmington College homepage and guide to campus and the Wilmington area.",
  115734.             "Year": 0
  115735.         },
  115736.         {
  115737.             "RIT": "ws980480",
  115738.             "Type": "WS",
  115739.             "URL": "http://www.winona.msus.edu/",
  115740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115741.             "Title": "Winona State University",
  115742.             "Category": "SOC",
  115743.             "Description": "Official Winona State University homepage and guide to campus and the Winona area.",
  115744.             "Year": 0
  115745.         },
  115746.         {
  115747.             "RIT": "ws980482",
  115748.             "Type": "WS",
  115749.             "URL": "http://www.wssu.edu/",
  115750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115751.             "Title": "Winston-Salem State University",
  115752.             "Category": "SOC",
  115753.             "Description": "Official Winston-Salem State University homepage and guide to campus and the Winston-Salem area.",
  115754.             "Year": 0
  115755.         },
  115756.         {
  115757.             "RIT": "ws980490",
  115758.             "Type": "WS",
  115759.             "URL": "http://www.wpi.edu/",
  115760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115761.             "Title": "Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)",
  115762.             "Category": "SOC",
  115763.             "Description": "Official Worcester Polytechnic Institute homepage and guide to campus and the Worcester area.",
  115764.             "Year": 0
  115765.         },
  115766.         {
  115767.             "RIT": "ws980492",
  115768.             "Type": "WS",
  115769.             "URL": "http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/Depts/CEE/",
  115770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115771.             "Title": "Worcester Polytechnic Institute - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering",
  115772.             "Category": "IND",
  115773.             "Description": "Information about the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts.",
  115774.             "Year": 0
  115775.         },
  115776.         {
  115777.             "RIT": "ws980496",
  115778.             "Type": "WS",
  115779.             "URL": "http://www.worc.mass.edu/",
  115780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115781.             "Title": "Worcester State College",
  115782.             "Category": "SOC",
  115783.             "Description": "Official Worcester State College homepage and guide to campus and the Worcester area.",
  115784.             "Year": 0
  115785.         },
  115786.         {
  115787.             "RIT": "ws980497",
  115788.             "Type": "WS",
  115789.             "URL": "http://www.wright.edu/",
  115790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115791.             "Title": "Wright State University",
  115792.             "Category": "SOC",
  115793.             "Description": "Official Wright State University homepage and guide to campus and the Dayton area.",
  115794.             "Year": 0
  115795.         },
  115796.         {
  115797.             "RIT": "ws980505",
  115798.             "Type": "WS",
  115799.             "URL": "http://www.xu.edu/",
  115800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115801.             "Title": "Xavier University",
  115802.             "Category": "SOC",
  115803.             "Description": "Official Xavier University homepage and guide to campus and the Cincinnati area.",
  115804.             "Year": 0
  115805.         },
  115806.         {
  115807.             "RIT": "ws980542",
  115808.             "Type": "WS",
  115809.             "URL": "http://www.ycp.edu/",
  115810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115811.             "Title": "York College",
  115812.             "Category": "SOC",
  115813.             "Description": "Information about York College in York, Pennsylvania.",
  115814.             "Year": 0
  115815.         },
  115816.         {
  115817.             "RIT": "ws980572",
  115818.             "Type": "WS",
  115819.             "URL": "http://www.crustal.ucsb.edu/ics/sb_eqs/",
  115820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115821.             "Title": "Santa Barbara Earthquake History",
  115822.             "Category": "PHY",
  115823.             "Description": "Institute for Crustal Studies site of accounts and historical photographs of earthquakes that have struck Santa Barbara County, California.",
  115824.             "Year": 0
  115825.         },
  115826.         {
  115827.             "RIT": "ws980573",
  115828.             "Type": "WS",
  115829.             "URL": "http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~tim/RS/RS.index.html",
  115830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115831.             "Title": "Terrascope Record Sections",
  115832.             "Category": "PHY",
  115833.             "Description": "Worldwide earthquake data.",
  115834.             "Year": 0
  115835.         },
  115836.         {
  115837.             "RIT": "ws980574",
  115838.             "Type": "WS",
  115839.             "URL": "http://lcweb.loc.gov/exhibits/african/intro.html",
  115840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115841.             "Title": "The African American Mosaic Exhibition (Library of Congress)",
  115842.             "Category": "SOC",
  115843.             "Description": "A Library of Congress resource guide for study of black history and culture.",
  115844.             "Year": 0
  115845.         },
  115846.         {
  115847.             "RIT": "ws980576",
  115848.             "Type": "WS",
  115849.             "URL": "http://www.georgetown.edu/crossroads/",
  115850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115851.             "Title": "American Studies Electronic Crossroads",
  115852.             "Category": "SOC",
  115853.             "Description": "A Web site featuring American studies, sponsored by the American Studies Association, with funding from the U.S. Department of Education.",
  115854.             "Year": 0
  115855.         },
  115856.         {
  115857.             "RIT": "ws980577",
  115858.             "Type": "WS",
  115859.             "URL": "http://www.findlaw.com/casecode/supreme.html",
  115860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115861.             "Title": "FindLaw: Supreme Court Opinions",
  115862.             "Category": "SOC",
  115863.             "Description": "A searchable database of United States Supreme Court decisions since 1893.",
  115864.             "Year": 0
  115865.         },
  115866.         {
  115867.             "RIT": "ws980578",
  115868.             "Type": "WS",
  115869.             "URL": "http://www.oyez.org/",
  115870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115871.             "Title": "Oyez Oyez Oyez",
  115872.             "Category": "SOC",
  115873.             "Description": "A multimedia database about the United States Supreme Court.",
  115874.             "Year": 0
  115875.         },
  115876.         {
  115877.             "RIT": "ws980579",
  115878.             "Type": "WS",
  115879.             "URL": "http://supct.law.cornell.edu/supct/cases/historic.htm",
  115880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115881.             "Title": "Selected Historic Decisions of the Supreme Court",
  115882.             "Category": "SOC",
  115883.             "Description": "Some historic decisions of the United States Supreme Court.",
  115884.             "Year": 0
  115885.         },
  115886.         {
  115887.             "RIT": "ws980580",
  115888.             "Type": "WS",
  115889.             "URL": "http://earlyamerica.com/",
  115890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115891.             "Title": "Archiving Early America",
  115892.             "Category": "HIS",
  115893.             "Description": "Historical resources about the United States.",
  115894.             "Year": 0
  115895.         },
  115896.         {
  115897.             "RIT": "ws980581",
  115898.             "Type": "WS",
  115899.             "URL": "http://www.house.gov/Constitution/Constitution.html",
  115900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115901.             "Title": "United States Constitution",
  115902.             "Category": "SOC",
  115903.             "Description": "Text of the Constitution of the United States.",
  115904.             "Year": 0
  115905.         },
  115906.         {
  115907.             "RIT": "ws980587",
  115908.             "Type": "WS",
  115909.             "URL": "http://www.webcom.com/bba/ch/",
  115910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115911.             "Title": "Colonial Hall: Biographies of America's Founders",
  115912.             "Category": "HIS",
  115913.             "Description": "Biographies of the American founders who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776.",
  115914.             "Year": 0
  115915.         },
  115916.         {
  115917.             "RIT": "ws980600",
  115918.             "Type": "WS",
  115919.             "URL": "http://members.aol.com/JonMaltbie/NatGreene.html",
  115920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115921.             "Title": "Major General Nathanael Greene",
  115922.             "Category": "HIS",
  115923.             "Description": "Biographical information about Nathanael Greene, an American general in the Revolutionary War.",
  115924.             "Year": 0
  115925.         },
  115926.         {
  115927.             "RIT": "ws980601",
  115928.             "Type": "WS",
  115929.             "URL": "http://cpl.lib.uic.edu/003cpl/pulaski.html",
  115930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115931.             "Title": "Casimir Pulaski",
  115932.             "Category": "HIS",
  115933.             "Description": "Biographical information about Casimir Pulaski, a Polish noble who fought on the side of the American colonials in the Revolutionary War.",
  115934.             "Year": 0
  115935.         },
  115936.         {
  115937.             "RIT": "ws980602",
  115938.             "Type": "WS",
  115939.             "URL": "http://www.trumbull.ct.us/history/jtrumbul.htm",
  115940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115941.             "Title": "The Jonathan Trumbull Family",
  115942.             "Category": "HIS",
  115943.             "Description": "Biographical information about Revolutionary patriot Jonathan Trumbull and his Connecticut family.",
  115944.             "Year": 0
  115945.         },
  115946.         {
  115947.             "RIT": "ws980603",
  115948.             "Type": "WS",
  115949.             "URL": "http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~pjdavis/",
  115950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115951.             "Title": "The Papers of Jefferson Davis",
  115952.             "Category": "HIS",
  115953.             "Description": "Information about Jefferson Davis, Mississippi planter and politician, and president of the Confederacy during the Civil War (1861-65).",
  115954.             "Year": 0
  115955.         },
  115956.         {
  115957.             "RIT": "ws980604",
  115958.             "Type": "WS",
  115959.             "URL": "http://rampages.onramp.net/~jtcreate/polighst.htm",
  115960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115961.             "Title": "Biography of General C. J. de Polignac, Confederate States of America",
  115962.             "Category": "HIS",
  115963.             "Description": "A biography of Major General C. J. de Polignac, a French prince who fought on the side of the Confederacy in the American Civil War.",
  115964.             "Year": 0
  115965.         },
  115966.         {
  115967.             "RIT": "ws980605",
  115968.             "Type": "WS",
  115969.             "URL": "http://www.mscomm.com/~ulysses/",
  115970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115971.             "Title": "Ulysses S. Grant",
  115972.             "Category": "HIS",
  115973.             "Description": "Biographical information about Ulysses S. Grant, victorious union general in the American Civil War, and later President of the United States.",
  115974.             "Year": 0
  115975.         },
  115976.         {
  115977.             "RIT": "ws980680",
  115978.             "Type": "WS",
  115979.             "URL": "http://www.wallofhonor.com/",
  115980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115981.             "Title": "The American Immigrant Wall of Honor",
  115982.             "Category": "HIS",
  115983.             "Description": "Information about the American Immigrant Wall of Honor at Ellis Island in New York Harbor.",
  115984.             "Year": 0
  115985.         },
  115986.         {
  115987.             "RIT": "ws980722",
  115988.             "Type": "WS",
  115989.             "URL": "http://www.xnet.com/~jamesk/railroad.shtml",
  115990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  115991.             "Title": "Railroading On-Line",
  115992.             "Category": "IND",
  115993.             "Description": "Information about historical and contemporary railroads, including photos and drawings of many different locomotives and trains. Includes links to other railroad resources on the Internet.",
  115994.             "Year": 0
  115995.         },
  115996.         {
  115997.             "RIT": "ws980749",
  115998.             "Type": "WS",
  115999.             "URL": "http://www.albion.edu/english/calendar/",
  116000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116001.             "Title": "Ian's English Calendar",
  116002.             "Category": "SOC",
  116003.             "Description": "A list of important dates in English history and literature.",
  116004.             "Year": 0
  116005.         },
  116006.         {
  116007.             "RIT": "ws980757",
  116008.             "Type": "WS",
  116009.             "URL": "http://www.teleread.org/",
  116010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116011.             "Title": "TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home",
  116012.             "Category": "SOC",
  116013.             "Description": "A nonpartisan plan to promote literacy by means of a national electronic library and computers.",
  116014.             "Year": 0
  116015.         },
  116016.         {
  116017.             "RIT": "ws980758",
  116018.             "Type": "WS",
  116019.             "URL": "http://www.spu.edu/~hawk/t&c.html",
  116020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116021.             "Title": "Texts and Contexts",
  116022.             "Category": "SOC",
  116023.             "Description": "A collection of writings and excerpts from a wide range of human knowledge, including political science, religion, philosophy, literature, and other fields.",
  116024.             "Year": 0
  116025.         },
  116026.         {
  116027.             "RIT": "ws980762",
  116028.             "Type": "WS",
  116029.             "URL": "http://www.hyperreal.org/wsb/",
  116030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116031.             "Title": "The William S. Burroughs Files",
  116032.             "Category": "HUM",
  116033.             "Description": "A biography of American novelist William S. Burroughs.",
  116034.             "Year": 0
  116035.         },
  116036.         {
  116037.             "RIT": "ws980764",
  116038.             "Type": "WS",
  116039.             "URL": "http://www.charm.net/~brooklyn/People/WilliamSBurroughs.html",
  116040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116041.             "Title": "William S. Burroughs",
  116042.             "Category": "HUM",
  116043.             "Description": "Information about the life and career of American novelist William S. Burroughs.",
  116044.             "Year": 0
  116045.         },
  116046.         {
  116047.             "RIT": "ws980766",
  116048.             "Type": "WS",
  116049.             "URL": "http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/5160/",
  116050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116051.             "Title": "Neal Cassady",
  116052.             "Category": "HUM",
  116053.             "Description": "Information about Neal Cassady, the real genius of the beat generation.",
  116054.             "Year": 0
  116055.         },
  116056.         {
  116057.             "RIT": "ws980767",
  116058.             "Type": "WS",
  116059.             "URL": "http://www.charm.net/~brooklyn/People/NealCassady.html",
  116060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116061.             "Title": "Neal Cassady",
  116062.             "Category": "HUM",
  116063.             "Description": "Information about Neal Cassady, Beat movement genius who never published anything but appeared as a character in books such as Kerouac's On the Road.",
  116064.             "Year": 0
  116065.         },
  116066.         {
  116067.             "RIT": "ws980772",
  116068.             "Type": "WS",
  116069.             "URL": "http://www.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/ginsberg-fbi.html",
  116070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116071.             "Title": "Allen Ginsberg's FBI File",
  116072.             "Category": "HUM",
  116073.             "Description": "Information about the file that the FBI maintained on Beat poet and social activist Allen Ginsberg.",
  116074.             "Year": 0
  116075.         },
  116076.         {
  116077.             "RIT": "ws980774",
  116078.             "Type": "WS",
  116079.             "URL": "http://www.hti.umich.edu/english/amverse/",
  116080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116081.             "Title": "HTI American Verse Project",
  116082.             "Category": "HUM",
  116083.             "Description": "A collaboration between the University of Michigan Humanities Text Initiative and the University of Michigan Press, offering searchable databases of volumes of poetry published before 1920.",
  116084.             "Year": 0
  116085.         },
  116086.         {
  116087.             "RIT": "ws980796",
  116088.             "Type": "WS",
  116089.             "URL": "http://www.lib.virginia.edu/etext/fourmill/DovLady.html",
  116090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116091.             "Title": "Rita Dove: Lady Freedom Among Us",
  116092.             "Category": "HUM",
  116093.             "Description": "An electronic version of the poem, Lady Freedom Among Us, by African American poet Rita Dove.",
  116094.             "Year": 0
  116095.         },
  116096.         {
  116097.             "RIT": "ws980797",
  116098.             "Type": "WS",
  116099.             "URL": "http://members.aol.com/bonvibre/rdove.html",
  116100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116101.             "Title": "A Rita Dove Page",
  116102.             "Category": "HUM",
  116103.             "Description": "A biography, bibliography, and poems of Rita Dove.",
  116104.             "Year": 0
  116105.         },
  116106.         {
  116107.             "RIT": "ws980798",
  116108.             "Type": "WS",
  116109.             "URL": "http://sbacari.tripod.com/poetry/index.htm",
  116110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116111.             "Title": "Revolutionary Petunia",
  116112.             "Category": "HUM",
  116113.             "Description": "An online anthology of African American poetry.",
  116114.             "Year": 0
  116115.         },
  116116.         {
  116117.             "RIT": "ws980806",
  116118.             "Type": "WS",
  116119.             "URL": "http://users.hol.gr/~barbanis/cavafy/",
  116120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116121.             "Title": "Constantine P. Cavafy",
  116122.             "Category": "HUM",
  116123.             "Description": "Information about Constantine P. Cavafy (1863 - 1933), one of the most prominent poets of Greece.",
  116124.             "Year": 0
  116125.         },
  116126.         {
  116127.             "RIT": "ws980807",
  116128.             "Type": "WS",
  116129.             "URL": "http://www.spinfo.uni-koeln.de/~dm/eire.html",
  116130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116131.             "Title": "The Irish Poetry Page",
  116132.             "Category": "HUM",
  116133.             "Description": "Information about Irish poetry, maintained by the Department of Linguistic Data Processing, University of Cologne, Germany.",
  116134.             "Year": 0
  116135.         },
  116136.         {
  116137.             "RIT": "ws980808",
  116138.             "Type": "WS",
  116139.             "URL": "http://www.dnaco.net/~mobrien/irishptr/ptryindx.html",
  116140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116141.             "Title": "Medieval Irish Poetry",
  116142.             "Category": "HUM",
  116143.             "Description": "Information about Irish poetry of the Middle Ages (between the A.D. 400's and the 1500's).",
  116144.             "Year": 0
  116145.         },
  116146.         {
  116147.             "RIT": "ws980810",
  116148.             "Type": "WS",
  116149.             "URL": "http://www.poetryandperformance.org/",
  116150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116151.             "Title": "The National Poetry Association",
  116152.             "Category": "HUM",
  116153.             "Description": "Collection of links and information about poetry and poetry events.",
  116154.             "Year": 0
  116155.         },
  116156.         {
  116157.             "RIT": "ws980811",
  116158.             "Type": "WS",
  116159.             "URL": "http://www.poetinmo.com/",
  116160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116161.             "Title": "Poetry in Motion",
  116162.             "Category": "HUM",
  116163.             "Description": "Information about some current theater productions and actors performing in them.",
  116164.             "Year": 0
  116165.         },
  116166.         {
  116167.             "RIT": "ws980812",
  116168.             "Type": "WS",
  116169.             "URL": "http://www.thescream.ca/",
  116170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116171.             "Title": "Scream in High Park: A Carnival of the Spoken Word",
  116172.             "Category": "HUM",
  116173.             "Description": "Information about an annual night of Canadian poetry reading in July in Toronto's High Park.",
  116174.             "Year": 0
  116175.         },
  116176.         {
  116177.             "RIT": "ws980813",
  116178.             "Type": "WS",
  116179.             "URL": "http://www.spoken.com/",
  116180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116181.             "Title": "Spoken Word Universe",
  116182.             "Category": "HUM",
  116183.             "Description": "Information about poets, storytellers, and performance artists.",
  116184.             "Year": 0
  116185.         },
  116186.         {
  116187.             "RIT": "ws980830",
  116188.             "Type": "WS",
  116189.             "URL": "http://users.rcn.com/jhudak.interport/",
  116190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116191.             "Title": "Chaba: An Electronic Haiku Journal",
  116192.             "Category": "HUM",
  116193.             "Description": "An electronic haiku journal focusing on modern haiku and senryu (forms of Japanese poetry) and includes essays and interviews with contemporary haiku poets",
  116194.             "Year": 0
  116195.         },
  116196.         {
  116197.             "RIT": "ws980833",
  116198.             "Type": "WS",
  116199.             "URL": "http://members.aol.com/Jemrich/index.html",
  116200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116201.             "Title": "The Haiku Habit",
  116202.             "Category": "HUM",
  116203.             "Description": "An introduction to haiku and guidelines for writing this form of poetry.",
  116204.             "Year": 0
  116205.         },
  116206.         {
  116207.             "RIT": "ws980834",
  116208.             "Type": "WS",
  116209.             "URL": "http://www.scifaiku.com/xmas/",
  116210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116211.             "Title": "Tom's Poetry: Christmas Haiku",
  116212.             "Category": "HUM",
  116213.             "Description": "Christmas haiku written by Tom Brinck, Christmas 1997.",
  116214.             "Year": 0
  116215.         },
  116216.         {
  116217.             "RIT": "ws980837",
  116218.             "Type": "WS",
  116219.             "URL": "http://members.aol.com/iamudolpho/basic.html",
  116220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116221.             "Title": "Gothic Literature Page",
  116222.             "Category": "HUM",
  116223.             "Description": "Information about Gothic literature, a genre of fiction that flourished in England during the late 1700's and early 1800's.",
  116224.             "Year": 0
  116225.         },
  116226.         {
  116227.             "RIT": "ws980838",
  116228.             "Type": "WS",
  116229.             "URL": "http://www.engl.virginia.edu/~enec981/Group/title.html",
  116230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116231.             "Title": "The Gothic: Materials for Study",
  116232.             "Category": "HUM",
  116233.             "Description": "Excerpts and criticism of such Gothic authors as Mary Shelley, Ann Radcliffe, Matthew Lewis, and Horace Walpole.",
  116234.             "Year": 0
  116235.         },
  116236.         {
  116237.             "RIT": "ws980840",
  116238.             "Type": "WS",
  116239.             "URL": "http://www.autopen.com/ghost.gothic.shtml",
  116240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116241.             "Title": "Romantic Ghosts and Gothics: Love in Another World",
  116242.             "Category": "HUM",
  116243.             "Description": "A guide to classic ghostly and gothic works as well as modern equivalents.",
  116244.             "Year": 0
  116245.         },
  116246.         {
  116247.             "RIT": "ws980842",
  116248.             "Type": "WS",
  116249.             "URL": "http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Edu/RSE/RSEblue/arthur/artidu.html",
  116250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116251.             "Title": "Arthurian Legends: A Web-Based Interdisciplinary Approach for Educators",
  116252.             "Category": "HUM",
  116253.             "Description": "Internet-based resources for the study of Arthurian legends.",
  116254.             "Year": 0
  116255.         },
  116256.         {
  116257.             "RIT": "ws980844",
  116258.             "Type": "WS",
  116259.             "URL": "http://www.ugf.edu/english/courses/ENG226/226novel.htm",
  116260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116261.             "Title": "Arthurian Legends",
  116262.             "Category": "HUM",
  116263.             "Description": "A bibliography of novels with Arthurian characters or themes.",
  116264.             "Year": 0
  116265.         },
  116266.         {
  116267.             "RIT": "ws980846",
  116268.             "Type": "WS",
  116269.             "URL": "http://www.georgetown.edu/labyrinth/labyrinth-home.html",
  116270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116271.             "Title": "Labyrinth Home Page",
  116272.             "Category": "HIS",
  116273.             "Description": "Resources for medieval studies sponsored by Georgetown University.",
  116274.             "Year": 0
  116275.         },
  116276.         {
  116277.             "RIT": "ws980871",
  116278.             "Type": "WS",
  116279.             "URL": "http://www.millersv.edu/~english/homepage/duncan/medfem/medfem.html",
  116280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116281.             "Title": "Medieval Women",
  116282.             "Category": "HUM",
  116283.             "Description": "Information about women writers of the Middle Ages, sponsored by the English Department of Millersville University of Pennsylvania.",
  116284.             "Year": 0
  116285.         },
  116286.         {
  116287.             "RIT": "ws980872",
  116288.             "Type": "WS",
  116289.             "URL": "http://www.luminarium.org/medlit/",
  116290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116291.             "Title": "Anthology of Middle English Literature (1350-1485)",
  116292.             "Category": "HUM",
  116293.             "Description": "An anthology of Middle English literature, including biographical introductions, texts, essays, and articles.",
  116294.             "Year": 0
  116295.         },
  116296.         {
  116297.             "RIT": "ws980873",
  116298.             "Type": "WS",
  116299.             "URL": "http://www.georgetown.edu/labyrinth/library/me/me.html",
  116300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116301.             "Title": "Labyrinth Library: Middle English",
  116302.             "Category": "HUM",
  116303.             "Description": "Information about the Middle English section of Georgetown University's electronic Labyrinth Library.",
  116304.             "Year": 0
  116305.         },
  116306.         {
  116307.             "RIT": "ws980876",
  116308.             "Type": "WS",
  116309.             "URL": "http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/mideng.browse.html",
  116310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116311.             "Title": "The Middle English Collection",
  116312.             "Category": "HUM",
  116313.             "Description": "The Middle English collection (ca. 1100-1485) at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia.",
  116314.             "Year": 0
  116315.         },
  116316.         {
  116317.             "RIT": "ws980877",
  116318.             "Type": "WS",
  116319.             "URL": "http://www.hti.umich.edu/c/cme/",
  116320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116321.             "Title": "Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse",
  116322.             "Category": "HUM",
  116323.             "Description": "A growing collection of electronic texts in Middle English.",
  116324.             "Year": 0
  116325.         },
  116326.         {
  116327.             "RIT": "ws980878",
  116328.             "Type": "WS",
  116329.             "URL": "http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/8716/",
  116330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116331.             "Title": "Old French Language",
  116332.             "Category": "HUM",
  116333.             "Description": "Information about Old French, the language of medieval France, and its literature.",
  116334.             "Year": 0
  116335.         },
  116336.         {
  116337.             "RIT": "ws980879",
  116338.             "Type": "WS",
  116339.             "URL": "http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/",
  116340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116341.             "Title": "The On-line Medieval and Classical Library",
  116342.             "Category": "HUM",
  116343.             "Description": "A collection of some of the most important literary works of classical and medieval European civilization.",
  116344.             "Year": 0
  116345.         },
  116346.         {
  116347.             "RIT": "ws980881",
  116348.             "Type": "WS",
  116349.             "URL": "http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/OMACL/Roland/",
  116350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116351.             "Title": "The Song of Roland",
  116352.             "Category": "HUM",
  116353.             "Description": "The text of the Song of Roland, an anonymous Old French epic poem.",
  116354.             "Year": 0
  116355.         },
  116356.         {
  116357.             "RIT": "ws980882",
  116358.             "Type": "WS",
  116359.             "URL": "http://www.indiana.edu/~kglowack/athens/",
  116360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116361.             "Title": "Ancient City of Athens",
  116362.             "Category": "HIS",
  116363.             "Description": "A photographic archive of architectural remains of ancient Athens, Greece.",
  116364.             "Year": 0
  116365.         },
  116366.         {
  116367.             "RIT": "ws980732",
  116368.             "Type": "WS",
  116369.             "URL": "http://www.smsu.edu/contrib/English/eirc/eirc.html",
  116370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116371.             "Title": "Explorations in Renaissance Culture",
  116372.             "Category": "HIS",
  116373.             "Description": "Information about Explorations in Renaissance Culture, an annual scholarly journal edited by faculty at Southwest Missouri State University.",
  116374.             "Year": 0
  116375.         },
  116376.         {
  116377.             "RIT": "ws980733",
  116378.             "Type": "WS",
  116379.             "URL": "http://www.duke.edu/~rwitt/neh.html",
  116380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116381.             "Title": "Duke University: The Humanist as Reformer",
  116382.             "Category": "HIS",
  116383.             "Description": "Papers writted by participants in a seminar led by Duke University faculty member Dr. Ron Witt.",
  116384.             "Year": 0
  116385.         },
  116386.         {
  116387.             "RIT": "ws980736",
  116388.             "Type": "WS",
  116389.             "URL": "http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/osheim/intro.html",
  116390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116391.             "Title": "Plague and Public Health in Renaissance Europe",
  116392.             "Category": "HIS",
  116393.             "Description": "An archive of writings and images documenting the outbreak of bubonic plague in medieval Europe.",
  116394.             "Year": 0
  116395.         },
  116396.         {
  116397.             "RIT": "ws980738",
  116398.             "Type": "WS",
  116399.             "URL": "http://www.library.utoronto.ca/utel/ret/ret.html",
  116400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116401.             "Title": "Renaissance Electronic Texts",
  116402.             "Category": "HIS",
  116403.             "Description": "A collection of English Renaissance books and manuscripts, and of plain transcriptions of such works.",
  116404.             "Year": 0
  116405.         },
  116406.         {
  116407.             "RIT": "ws980740",
  116408.             "Type": "WS",
  116409.             "URL": "http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/",
  116410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116411.             "Title": "Sixteenth-Century Renaissance English Literature (1485-1603)",
  116412.             "Category": "HUM",
  116413.             "Description": "Information about Renaissance English Literature of the 1500's.",
  116414.             "Year": 0
  116415.         },
  116416.         {
  116417.             "RIT": "ws980743",
  116418.             "Type": "WS",
  116419.             "URL": "http://www.twingroves.district96.k12.il.us/Renaissance/VirtualRen.html",
  116420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116421.             "Title": "Virtual Renaissance",
  116422.             "Category": "HIS",
  116423.             "Description": "A resource for locating documents related to the period of European history known as the Renaissance.",
  116424.             "Year": 0
  116425.         },
  116426.         {
  116427.             "RIT": "ws980744",
  116428.             "Type": "WS",
  116429.             "URL": "http://citd.scar.utoronto.ca/crrs/index.html",
  116430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116431.             "Title": "The Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies",
  116432.             "Category": "HIS",
  116433.             "Description": "Information about a University of Toronto-based library and research center that is devoted to the study of the period 1350-1700 in European history.",
  116434.             "Year": 0
  116435.         },
  116436.         {
  116437.             "RIT": "ws980747",
  116438.             "Type": "WS",
  116439.             "URL": "http://www.folger.edu/Home_02B.html",
  116440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116441.             "Title": "The Folger Shakespeare Library",
  116442.             "Category": "HUM",
  116443.             "Description": "Information about the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., which contains one of the world's most complete collections of Shakespeare's work and some work of other British authors.",
  116444.             "Year": 0
  116445.         },
  116446.         {
  116447.             "RIT": "ws980775",
  116448.             "Type": "WS",
  116449.             "URL": "http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/britpo.html",
  116450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116451.             "Title": "British Poetry: 1780-1910",
  116452.             "Category": "HUM",
  116453.             "Description": "An electronic archive of British poetry written in the period 1780-1910, maintained by the University of Virginia.",
  116454.             "Year": 0
  116455.         },
  116456.         {
  116457.             "RIT": "ws980780",
  116458.             "Type": "WS",
  116459.             "URL": "http://wings.buffalo.edu/epc/",
  116460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116461.             "Title": "Electronic Poetry Center",
  116462.             "Category": "HUM",
  116463.             "Description": "Links to resources in poetry at the University at Buffalo as well as elsewhere on the Internet.",
  116464.             "Year": 0
  116465.         },
  116466.         {
  116467.             "RIT": "ws980781",
  116468.             "Type": "WS",
  116469.             "URL": "http://www.luminarium.org/sevenlit/",
  116470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116471.             "Title": "English Literature: Early 17th Century (1603-1660)",
  116472.             "Category": "HUM",
  116473.             "Description": "Resources for the study of English literature of the early 1600's, including literary figures such as Donne, Jonson, Herbert, Herrick, Bacon, and Milton.",
  116474.             "Year": 0
  116475.         },
  116476.         {
  116477.             "RIT": "ws980784",
  116478.             "Type": "WS",
  116479.             "URL": "http://www.megabrands.com/alice/indexx.html",
  116480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116481.             "Title": "Little Bo-Peep - Dynamic Text Edition",
  116482.             "Category": "HUM",
  116483.             "Description": "A sample of a dynamic text, read and understand book by the Multimedia Book Company.",
  116484.             "Year": 0
  116485.         },
  116486.         {
  116487.             "RIT": "ws980787",
  116488.             "Type": "WS",
  116489.             "URL": "http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/3942/",
  116490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116491.             "Title": "Nursery Rhymes",
  116492.             "Category": "HUM",
  116493.             "Description": "A collection of nursery rhymes.",
  116494.             "Year": 0
  116495.         },
  116496.         {
  116497.             "RIT": "ws980788",
  116498.             "Type": "WS",
  116499.             "URL": "http://aatalbert.songbird.com/PapasPoems/",
  116500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116501.             "Title": "Papa's Poems",
  116502.             "Category": "HUM",
  116503.             "Description": "Poetry for fathers to read to their toddlers, with illustrations.",
  116504.             "Year": 0
  116505.         },
  116506.         {
  116507.             "RIT": "ws980789",
  116508.             "Type": "WS",
  116509.             "URL": "http://www.msu.edu/user/schroete/index.htm",
  116510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116511.             "Title": "Poetry Corner - Murphy Elementary School",
  116512.             "Category": "HUM",
  116513.             "Description": "Original poetry by fifth graders.",
  116514.             "Year": 0
  116515.         },
  116516.         {
  116517.             "RIT": "ws980790",
  116518.             "Type": "WS",
  116519.             "URL": "http://www.poetry4kids.com/",
  116520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116521.             "Title": "Poetry for Kids",
  116522.             "Category": "HUM",
  116523.             "Description": "Poetry for kids by Kenn Nesbitt.",
  116524.             "Year": 0
  116525.         },
  116526.         {
  116527.             "RIT": "ws980792",
  116528.             "Type": "WS",
  116529.             "URL": "http://www.veeceet.com/",
  116530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116531.             "Title": "KidzPage!",
  116532.             "Category": "HUM",
  116533.             "Description": "Poetry and verse for children of all ages.",
  116534.             "Year": 0
  116535.         },
  116536.         {
  116537.             "RIT": "ws980794",
  116538.             "Type": "WS",
  116539.             "URL": "http://members.aol.com/bonvibre/gbrooks.html",
  116540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116541.             "Title": "A Gwendolyn Brooks Page",
  116542.             "Category": "HUM",
  116543.             "Description": "Information about African American poet Gwendolyn Brooks: a collection of her poems, plus a biography and a bibliography.",
  116544.             "Year": 0
  116545.         },
  116546.         {
  116547.             "RIT": "ws980815",
  116548.             "Type": "WS",
  116549.             "URL": "http://www.ohiou.edu/milton/",
  116550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116551.             "Title": "The Milton Quarterly",
  116552.             "Category": "HUM",
  116553.             "Description": "The on-line home of the Milton Quarterly, a scholarly journal devoted to the life and writings of John Milton.",
  116554.             "Year": 0
  116555.         },
  116556.         {
  116557.             "RIT": "ws980816",
  116558.             "Type": "WS",
  116559.             "URL": "http://www.urich.edu/~creamer/review.html",
  116560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116561.             "Title": "Milton Review",
  116562.             "Category": "HUM",
  116563.             "Description": "Information about the Milton Review, a journal devoted to the life and writings of John Milton.",
  116564.             "Year": 0
  116565.         },
  116566.         {
  116567.             "RIT": "ws980817",
  116568.             "Type": "WS",
  116569.             "URL": "http://www.utulsa.edu/Nimrod/",
  116570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116571.             "Title": "Nimrod International Literary Journal",
  116572.             "Category": "HUM",
  116573.             "Description": "Information about the Nimrod International Journal of Prose and Poetry, published at the University of Tulsa (Oklahoma).",
  116574.             "Year": 0
  116575.         },
  116576.         {
  116577.             "RIT": "ws980818",
  116578.             "Type": "WS",
  116579.             "URL": "http://www.utc.edu/~engldept/pm/pmhp.html",
  116580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116581.             "Title": "Poetry Miscellany",
  116582.             "Category": "HUM",
  116583.             "Description": "A forum for student and amateur poets.",
  116584.             "Year": 0
  116585.         },
  116586.         {
  116587.             "RIT": "ws980819",
  116588.             "Type": "WS",
  116589.             "URL": "http://cadre.sjsu.edu/switch/sound/articles/wendt/ng1.htm",
  116590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116591.             "Title": "Concrete Poetry",
  116592.             "Category": "HUM",
  116593.             "Description": "Information about concrete poetry, an experimental poetic genre that explores interconnections between sound poetry and visual poetry.",
  116594.             "Year": 0
  116595.         },
  116596.         {
  116597.             "RIT": "ws980821",
  116598.             "Type": "WS",
  116599.             "URL": "http://www1.shore.net/~gmahoney/",
  116600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116601.             "Title": "Visual Poetry",
  116602.             "Category": "HUM",
  116603.             "Description": "Information about visual poetry, a new medium of artistic expression.",
  116604.             "Year": 0
  116605.         },
  116606.         {
  116607.             "RIT": "ws980823",
  116608.             "Type": "WS",
  116609.             "URL": "http://shoga.wwa.com/~rgs/glossary.html",
  116610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116611.             "Title": "Glossary of Poetic Terms",
  116612.             "Category": "HUM",
  116613.             "Description": "A glossary of poetic terms, including phonetic pronunciations and links to many Internet-based examples.",
  116614.             "Year": 0
  116615.         },
  116616.         {
  116617.             "RIT": "ws980824",
  116618.             "Type": "WS",
  116619.             "URL": "http://www.rhymezone.com/",
  116620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116621.             "Title": "Rhyming Dictionary",
  116622.             "Category": "HUM",
  116623.             "Description": "An on-line rhyming dictionary that enables the user to retrieve a list of words that rhyme with a given input word.",
  116624.             "Year": 0
  116625.         },
  116626.         {
  116627.             "RIT": "ws980826",
  116628.             "Type": "WS",
  116629.             "URL": "http://www.sonic.net:80/web/albany/workshop/",
  116630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116631.             "Title": "The AlienFlower Poetry Workshop",
  116632.             "Category": "HUM",
  116633.             "Description": "A forum in which poets can share their poetry and other information.",
  116634.             "Year": 0
  116635.         },
  116636.         {
  116637.             "RIT": "ws980829",
  116638.             "Type": "WS",
  116639.             "URL": "http://www.lsi.usp.br/usp/rod/poet/haiku.html",
  116640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116641.             "Title": "The Art of Haiku Poetry",
  116642.             "Category": "HUM",
  116643.             "Description": "Information about haiku, a form of Japanese poetry.",
  116644.             "Year": 0
  116645.         },
  116646.         {
  116647.             "RIT": "ws980851",
  116648.             "Type": "WS",
  116649.             "URL": "http://www.arthurian.freeuk.com/",
  116650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116651.             "Title": "Britannia - The Arthurian Re-Enactment & Living History Society",
  116652.             "Category": "HIS",
  116653.             "Description": "Information and images of Great Britain from the 400's and 500's A.D.",
  116654.             "Year": 0
  116655.         },
  116656.         {
  116657.             "RIT": "ws980852",
  116658.             "Type": "WS",
  116659.             "URL": "http://www.newadvent.org/",
  116660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116661.             "Title": "New Advent",
  116662.             "Category": "SOC",
  116663.             "Description": "An introduction to the Catholic Faith.",
  116664.             "Year": 0
  116665.         },
  116666.         {
  116667.             "RIT": "ws980854",
  116668.             "Type": "WS",
  116669.             "URL": "http://www-personal.umich.edu/~merrie/Arthur/arthur.html",
  116670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116671.             "Title": "Merrie Haskell's King Arthur Page",
  116672.             "Category": "HUM",
  116673.             "Description": "Information about the King Arthur legend of English mythology (privately maintained website).",
  116674.             "Year": 0
  116675.         },
  116676.         {
  116677.             "RIT": "ws980860",
  116678.             "Type": "WS",
  116679.             "URL": "http://www.celtic-twilight.com/",
  116680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116681.             "Title": "Celtic Twilight",
  116682.             "Category": "HUM",
  116683.             "Description": "Information about the King Arthur and Holy Grail legends of English and European mythology.",
  116684.             "Year": 0
  116685.         },
  116686.         {
  116687.             "RIT": "ws980864",
  116688.             "Type": "WS",
  116689.             "URL": "http://academics.vmi.edu/english/chaucer.html",
  116690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116691.             "Title": "Baragona's Chaucer",
  116692.             "Category": "HUM",
  116693.             "Description": "A searchable, annotated bibliography of every book and article written about Chaucer for the last several years.",
  116694.             "Year": 0
  116695.         },
  116696.         {
  116697.             "RIT": "ws980865",
  116698.             "Type": "WS",
  116699.             "URL": "http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new?id=Cha2Can&images=images/modeng&data=/lv1/Archive/mideng-parsed&tag=public&part=1&division=div",
  116700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116701.             "Title": "The Canterbury Tales",
  116702.             "Category": "SOC",
  116703.             "Description": "Chaucer's Canterbury Tales in electronic form, provided by the University of Virginia Library.",
  116704.             "Year": 0
  116705.         },
  116706.         {
  116707.             "RIT": "ws980866",
  116708.             "Type": "WS",
  116709.             "URL": "http://www.cta.dmu.ac.uk/projects/ctp/",
  116710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116711.             "Title": "The Canterbury Tales Project",
  116712.             "Category": "HUM",
  116713.             "Description": "Information about the Canterbury Tales Project, a university-based effort to transcribe all of Chaucer's manuscripts into electronic form.",
  116714.             "Year": 0
  116715.         },
  116716.         {
  116717.             "RIT": "ws980867",
  116718.             "Type": "WS",
  116719.             "URL": "http://www.luminarium.org/medlit/chaucer.htm",
  116720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116721.             "Title": "Geoffrey Chaucer (ca.1343-1400)",
  116722.             "Category": "HUM",
  116723.             "Description": "Information about the medieval English literary genius, Geoffrey Chaucer, including quotes, a biography, and collections of works and resources.",
  116724.             "Year": 0
  116725.         },
  116726.         {
  116727.             "RIT": "ws980868",
  116728.             "Type": "WS",
  116729.             "URL": "http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~hanly/chaucer/chaucer.html",
  116730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116731.             "Title": "Hanly's WSU Chaucer Page",
  116732.             "Category": "HUM",
  116733.             "Description": "A resource for the study of Chaucer and medieval literature, provided by Washington State University.",
  116734.             "Year": 0
  116735.         },
  116736.         {
  116737.             "RIT": "ws980883",
  116738.             "Type": "WS",
  116739.             "URL": "http://history.cc.ukans.edu/history/subtree/ancient.html",
  116740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116741.             "Title": "Ancient History Resources",
  116742.             "Category": "HIS",
  116743.             "Description": "Resources for study of ancient history, indexed by the following regions: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, and Europe.",
  116744.             "Year": 0
  116745.         },
  116746.         {
  116747.             "RIT": "ws980884",
  116748.             "Type": "WS",
  116749.             "URL": "http://kuhttp.cc.ukans.edu/kansas/aarhms/mainpage.html",
  116750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116751.             "Title": "AARHMS master page",
  116752.             "Category": "HIS",
  116753.             "Description": "A collection of medieval documents in translation, and a selection of articles on medieval history.",
  116754.             "Year": 0
  116755.         },
  116756.         {
  116757.             "RIT": "ws980888",
  116758.             "Type": "WS",
  116759.             "URL": "http://ce.eng.usf.edu/pharos/alexandria/others.html",
  116760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116761.             "Title": "Alexandrias Around the World",
  116762.             "Category": "HIS",
  116763.             "Description": "Information about the 17 cities founded by Alexander the Great and named Alexandria, after himself.",
  116764.             "Year": 0
  116765.         },
  116766.         {
  116767.             "RIT": "ws980891",
  116768.             "Type": "WS",
  116769.             "URL": "http://www.BookBrowser.com/",
  116770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116771.             "Title": "BookBrowser: Guide for Avid Readers",
  116772.             "Category": "HUM",
  116773.             "Description": "A collection of fiction reading lists designed to help readers find books and authors.",
  116774.             "Year": 0
  116775.         },
  116776.         {
  116777.             "RIT": "ws980892",
  116778.             "Type": "WS",
  116779.             "URL": "http://www.booknotes.org/home/index.asp",
  116780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116781.             "Title": "BOOKNOTES: A Cyber Companion",
  116782.             "Category": "HUM",
  116783.             "Description": "Information about important contemporary authors, provided by C-SPAN's BOOKNOTES.",
  116784.             "Year": 0
  116785.         },
  116786.         {
  116787.             "RIT": "ws980894",
  116788.             "Type": "WS",
  116789.             "URL": "http://www.booktalk.com/",
  116790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116791.             "Title": "BOOKTALK",
  116792.             "Category": "HUM",
  116793.             "Description": "The publishing insider's page.",
  116794.             "Year": 0
  116795.         },
  116796.         {
  116797.             "RIT": "ws980895",
  116798.             "Type": "WS",
  116799.             "URL": "http://www.bookweb.org/",
  116800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116801.             "Title": "BookWeb(tm)",
  116802.             "Category": "HUM",
  116803.             "Description": "A service providing author tours, bookstore directories, discussion groups, and other information and services related to books and publishing.",
  116804.             "Year": 0
  116805.         },
  116806.         {
  116807.             "RIT": "ws980896",
  116808.             "Type": "WS",
  116809.             "URL": "http://www.digitalbookworld.com/",
  116810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116811.             "Title": "Digital BookWorld",
  116812.             "Category": "HUM",
  116813.             "Description": "An index of new and old books, by author, title, or publisher, as well as links to other publishing resources.",
  116814.             "Year": 0
  116815.         },
  116816.         {
  116817.             "RIT": "ws980899",
  116818.             "Type": "WS",
  116819.             "URL": "http://www.sjsu.edu/depts/english/places.htm",
  116820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116821.             "Title": "Literary Locales",
  116822.             "Category": "HUM",
  116823.             "Description": "Picture links to places that figure in the lives and writings of famous authors.",
  116824.             "Year": 0
  116825.         },
  116826.         {
  116827.             "RIT": "ws980900",
  116828.             "Type": "WS",
  116829.             "URL": "http://www.autopen.com/index.shtml",
  116830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116831.             "Title": "The Reader's Corner: Mystery, Romance and Fantasy",
  116832.             "Category": "HUM",
  116833.             "Description": "A source for fantasy, romance, and mystery stories, including information about a free e-mail publication.",
  116834.             "Year": 0
  116835.         },
  116836.         {
  116837.             "RIT": "ws980917",
  116838.             "Type": "WS",
  116839.             "URL": "http://hkusuc.hku.hk/philodep/ch/",
  116840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116841.             "Title": "Chinese Philosophy",
  116842.             "Category": "HUM",
  116843.             "Description": "Interpretations of Chinese philosophy, particularly Daoism (Taoism), and Classical Chinese theories of language and mind.",
  116844.             "Year": 0
  116845.         },
  116846.         {
  116847.             "RIT": "ws980918",
  116848.             "Type": "WS",
  116849.             "URL": "http://members.aol.com/Heraklit1/chuang.htm",
  116850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116851.             "Title": "Chuang Tzu: A Taoist Pantheist",
  116852.             "Category": "HUM",
  116853.             "Description": "A history of pantheism and scientific pantheism by Paul Harrison Chuang Tzu and introduction to the Taoist butterfly philosophy.",
  116854.             "Year": 0
  116855.         },
  116856.         {
  116857.             "RIT": "ws980919",
  116858.             "Type": "WS",
  116859.             "URL": "http://faculty.vassar.edu/brvannor/lau.html",
  116860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116861.             "Title": "D.C. Lau's Mencius",
  116862.             "Category": "HUM",
  116863.             "Description": "Some translated texts of Mencius (Mengzi), an important early interpreter of the Chinese philosopher, Confucius and also a bibliography of general studies.",
  116864.             "Year": 0
  116865.         },
  116866.         {
  116867.             "RIT": "ws980924",
  116868.             "Type": "WS",
  116869.             "URL": "http://faculty.vassar.edu/brvannor/bibliography.html",
  116870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116871.             "Title": "Essential Readings on Chinese Philosophy",
  116872.             "Category": "HUM",
  116873.             "Description": "A list of general surveys of Chinese philosophy, in English.",
  116874.             "Year": 0
  116875.         },
  116876.         {
  116877.             "RIT": "ws980925",
  116878.             "Type": "WS",
  116879.             "URL": "http://mars.superlink.net/fsu/index.html",
  116880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116881.             "Title": "Su Tzu's Chinese Philosophy Page",
  116882.             "Category": "HUM",
  116883.             "Description": "Links to Internet-based resources on Chinese philosophy.",
  116884.             "Year": 0
  116885.         },
  116886.         {
  116887.             "RIT": "ws980926",
  116888.             "Type": "WS",
  116889.             "URL": "http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Philosophy/Taichi/taoism.html",
  116890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116891.             "Title": "Taoism and the Philosophy of Tai Chi Chuan",
  116892.             "Category": "HUM",
  116893.             "Description": "Information about the Chinese philosophical system (or religion) known as Taoism.",
  116894.             "Year": 0
  116895.         },
  116896.         {
  116897.             "RIT": "ws980927",
  116898.             "Type": "WS",
  116899.             "URL": "http://sangle.web.wesleyan.edu/etext/index.html",
  116900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116901.             "Title": "Chinese Philosophical Archive",
  116902.             "Category": "HUM",
  116903.             "Description": "An electronic archive of Chinese philosophical texts, provided by the Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut.",
  116904.             "Year": 0
  116905.         },
  116906.         {
  116907.             "RIT": "ws980928",
  116908.             "Type": "WS",
  116909.             "URL": "http://www.popcultures.com/",
  116910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116911.             "Title": "Sarah Zupko's Cultural Studies Center",
  116912.             "Category": "SOC",
  116913.             "Description": "A comprehensive guide to cultural studies and popular culture on the Internet.",
  116914.             "Year": 0
  116915.         },
  116916.         {
  116917.             "RIT": "ws980944",
  116918.             "Type": "WS",
  116919.             "URL": "http://www.cis.yale.edu/amstud/inforev/practice.html",
  116920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116921.             "Title": "On Practice",
  116922.             "Category": "SOC",
  116923.             "Description": "On Practice, an essay by Mao Zedong (1937) on the relationship between knowledge and practice, that is, between knowing and doing.",
  116924.             "Year": 0
  116925.         },
  116926.         {
  116927.             "RIT": "ws980945",
  116928.             "Type": "WS",
  116929.             "URL": "http://www.orgone.org/",
  116930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116931.             "Title": "Public Orgonomic Research Exchange",
  116932.             "Category": "HUM",
  116933.             "Description": "Information about the philosophy and teachings of the Austrian biophysicist, psychotherapist, and philosopher, Wilhelm Reich.",
  116934.             "Year": 0
  116935.         },
  116936.         {
  116937.             "RIT": "ws980946",
  116938.             "Type": "WS",
  116939.             "URL": "http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/journals/analysis/",
  116940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116941.             "Title": "ANALYSIS Web",
  116942.             "Category": "HUM",
  116943.             "Description": "Information about the long-established philosophy journal, ANALYSIS.",
  116944.             "Year": 0
  116945.         },
  116946.         {
  116947.             "RIT": "ws980948",
  116948.             "Type": "WS",
  116949.             "URL": "http://anglican.org/online/canada/index.html",
  116950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116951.             "Title": "Anglicans On-Line - Canada",
  116952.             "Category": "SOC",
  116953.             "Description": "Resources for Anglican faith and religious practices.",
  116954.             "Year": 0
  116955.         },
  116956.         {
  116957.             "RIT": "ws980949",
  116958.             "Type": "WS",
  116959.             "URL": "http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/mib/anglican/anglican.html",
  116960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116961.             "Title": "The Episcopal Church",
  116962.             "Category": "SOC",
  116963.             "Description": "Information about the Episcopal Church (United States) and the Anglican Communion.",
  116964.             "Year": 0
  116965.         },
  116966.         {
  116967.             "RIT": "ws980950",
  116968.             "Type": "WS",
  116969.             "URL": "http://www.cpsa.org.za/",
  116970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116971.             "Title": "The Anglican Church in Southern Africa",
  116972.             "Category": "SOC",
  116973.             "Description": "Information about the Anglican Church in Southern Africa, including texts of Archbishop Desmond Tutu.",
  116974.             "Year": 0
  116975.         },
  116976.         {
  116977.             "RIT": "ws980952",
  116978.             "Type": "WS",
  116979.             "URL": "http://listserv.american.edu/catholic/",
  116980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116981.             "Title": "Catholic Files",
  116982.             "Category": "SOC",
  116983.             "Description": "Resources about Catholicism.",
  116984.             "Year": 0
  116985.         },
  116986.         {
  116987.             "RIT": "ws980953",
  116988.             "Type": "WS",
  116989.             "URL": "http://churchofsaintluke.org/",
  116990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  116991.             "Title": "Religious Education for Catholics",
  116992.             "Category": "SOC",
  116993.             "Description": "Information about Catholic educational sources on the Internet.",
  116994.             "Year": 0
  116995.         },
  116996.         {
  116997.             "RIT": "ws980954",
  116998.             "Type": "WS",
  116999.             "URL": "http://www.cs.cmu.edu/People/spok/catholic/worship.html",
  117000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117001.             "Title": "Catholic Worship",
  117002.             "Category": "SOC",
  117003.             "Description": "Information about the several liturgical rites of the Catholic Church, including the Roman Rite and a number of Eastern Rites.",
  117004.             "Year": 0
  117005.         },
  117006.         {
  117007.             "RIT": "ws980955",
  117008.             "Type": "WS",
  117009.             "URL": "http://www.cs.cmu.edu/People/spok/catholic/teaching.html",
  117010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117011.             "Title": "Catholic Teaching",
  117012.             "Category": "SOC",
  117013.             "Description": "Information about the body of Catholic teaching, based on scripture and tradition.",
  117014.             "Year": 0
  117015.         },
  117016.         {
  117017.             "RIT": "ws980969",
  117018.             "Type": "WS",
  117019.             "URL": "http://pharos.bu.edu/cn/prayers/Agpeya.html",
  117020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117021.             "Title": "The Coptic Orthodox Book of Hours",
  117022.             "Category": "SOC",
  117023.             "Description": "A prayer book used by members of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria, Egypt.",
  117024.             "Year": 0
  117025.         },
  117026.         {
  117027.             "RIT": "ws980970",
  117028.             "Type": "WS",
  117029.             "URL": "http://pharos.bu.edu/cn/exhibits/Pictures.html",
  117030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117031.             "Title": "The Coptic Network Picture Archive",
  117032.             "Category": "SOC",
  117033.             "Description": "Images and icons associated with the Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt.",
  117034.             "Year": 0
  117035.         },
  117036.         {
  117037.             "RIT": "ws980971",
  117038.             "Type": "WS",
  117039.             "URL": "http://www.copt.org.au/",
  117040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117041.             "Title": "COPT Home Page",
  117042.             "Category": "SOC",
  117043.             "Description": "A service established by the Coptic Orthodox Church to translate and publish its sacred texts.",
  117044.             "Year": 0
  117045.         },
  117046.         {
  117047.             "RIT": "ws980972",
  117048.             "Type": "WS",
  117049.             "URL": "http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~moges/orth.html",
  117050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117051.             "Title": "The Ethiopian Orthodox Church",
  117052.             "Category": "SOC",
  117053.             "Description": "Information about the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.",
  117054.             "Year": 0
  117055.         },
  117056.         {
  117057.             "RIT": "ws980975",
  117058.             "Type": "WS",
  117059.             "URL": "http://asunet.shams.eun.eg/",
  117060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117061.             "Title": "Ain Shams University",
  117062.             "Category": "SOC",
  117063.             "Description": "Information about Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt.",
  117064.             "Year": 0
  117065.         },
  117066.         {
  117067.             "RIT": "ws980977",
  117068.             "Type": "WS",
  117069.             "URL": "http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/CompReligion/dr/elweb.html",
  117070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117071.             "Title": "Comparative Religion",
  117072.             "Category": "SOC",
  117073.             "Description": "A directory of Internet resources for the academic study of religion.",
  117074.             "Year": 0
  117075.         },
  117076.         {
  117077.             "RIT": "ws980978",
  117078.             "Type": "WS",
  117079.             "URL": "http://www.nando.net/prof/caribe/voodoo.html",
  117080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117081.             "Title": "The Voodoo Server",
  117082.             "Category": "SOC",
  117083.             "Description": "Information about the set of beliefs practiced in the Caribbean region and known as voodoo.",
  117084.             "Year": 0
  117085.         },
  117086.         {
  117087.             "RIT": "ws980979",
  117088.             "Type": "WS",
  117089.             "URL": "http://shamash.org/trb/judaism.html",
  117090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117091.             "Title": "Judaism and Jewish Resources",
  117092.             "Category": "SOC",
  117093.             "Description": "Links to Internet-based resources for the study of Jewish history and culture and Judaism.",
  117094.             "Year": 0
  117095.         },
  117096.         {
  117097.             "RIT": "ws980981",
  117098.             "Type": "WS",
  117099.             "URL": "http://www.ajhs.org/",
  117100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117101.             "Title": "American Jewish Historical Society",
  117102.             "Category": "SOC",
  117103.             "Description": "Information about the American Jewish Historical Society, which fosters awareness of the American Jewish heritage.",
  117104.             "Year": 0
  117105.         },
  117106.         {
  117107.             "RIT": "ws980982",
  117108.             "Type": "WS",
  117109.             "URL": "http://www.ort.org/communit/communit.htm",
  117110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117111.             "Title": "Jewish Community Information",
  117112.             "Category": "SOC",
  117113.             "Description": "Information about Jewish organizations and publications mainly based in Britain",
  117114.             "Year": 0
  117115.         },
  117116.         {
  117117.             "RIT": "ws980902",
  117118.             "Type": "WS",
  117119.             "URL": "http://aesthetics-online.org/",
  117120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117121.             "Title": "Aesthetics On-Line",
  117122.             "Category": "HUM",
  117123.             "Description": "Information about the American Society for Aesthetics and its counterpart, the British Society for Aesthetics.",
  117124.             "Year": 0
  117125.         },
  117126.         {
  117127.             "RIT": "ws980903",
  117128.             "Type": "WS",
  117129.             "URL": "http://www.ume.maine.edu/~iaea/",
  117130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117131.             "Title": "International Association of Empirical Aesthetics",
  117132.             "Category": "HUM",
  117133.             "Description": "Information about the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, founded in 1965.",
  117134.             "Year": 0
  117135.         },
  117136.         {
  117137.             "RIT": "ws980905",
  117138.             "Type": "WS",
  117139.             "URL": "http://www.alchemyinstitute.com/",
  117140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117141.             "Title": "Alchemy Institute of Healing Arts",
  117142.             "Category": "LIF",
  117143.             "Description": "Information about the Alchemy Institute for the Healing Arts, which trains hypnotherapists, hypnotherapeutic body workers, and group therapy facilitators.",
  117144.             "Year": 0
  117145.         },
  117146.         {
  117147.             "RIT": "ws980908",
  117148.             "Type": "WS",
  117149.             "URL": "http://www.anthropress.org/",
  117150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117151.             "Title": "Anthroposophic Press",
  117152.             "Category": "SOC",
  117153.             "Description": "Information about Anthroposophic Press, a publisher and distributor of books on anthroposophy, a spiritual movement.",
  117154.             "Year": 0
  117155.         },
  117156.         {
  117157.             "RIT": "ws980909",
  117158.             "Type": "WS",
  117159.             "URL": "http://www.steinercollege.org/anthroposophy.html",
  117160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117161.             "Title": "Anthroposophy",
  117162.             "Category": "SOC",
  117163.             "Description": "Information about anthroposophy, a world-wide spiritual movement based on the work of Austrian philosopher and scientist, Rudolf Steiner.",
  117164.             "Year": 0
  117165.         },
  117166.         {
  117167.             "RIT": "ws980910",
  117168.             "Type": "WS",
  117169.             "URL": "http://www.remsmurr.de/i/religio/sekten/steiner/eanthrop.html",
  117170.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117171.             "Title": "Anthroposophy",
  117172.             "Category": "SOC",
  117173.             "Description": "Information about anthroposophy, a world-wide spiritual movement based on the work of Austrian philosopher and scientist, Rudolf Steiner.",
  117174.             "Year": 0
  117175.         },
  117176.         {
  117177.             "RIT": "ws980911",
  117178.             "Type": "WS",
  117179.             "URL": "http://www.waldorfcritics.org/",
  117180.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117181.             "Title": "People for Legal and Non-Sectarian Schools",
  117182.             "Category": "SOC",
  117183.             "Description": "Information about Waldorf education, an educational program developed by Rudolf Steiner, founder of the Anthroposophy movement.",
  117184.             "Year": 0
  117185.         },
  117186.         {
  117187.             "RIT": "ws980912",
  117188.             "Type": "WS",
  117189.             "URL": "http://www.steinercollege.org/rs.html",
  117190.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117191.             "Title": "Rudolf Steiner",
  117192.             "Category": "SOC",
  117193.             "Description": "An overview of the life and work of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of the spiritual movement known as anthroposophy.",
  117194.             "Year": 0
  117195.         },
  117196.         {
  117197.             "RIT": "ws980930",
  117198.             "Type": "WS",
  117199.             "URL": "http://www.thomson.com/routledge/philosophy/rprcmain.html",
  117200.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117201.             "Title": "Philosophy Resources - A Routledge Guide",
  117202.             "Category": "HUM",
  117203.             "Description": "A guide to some of the most important philosophical resources on the Internet, from Socratic dialogues to Aristotelian encyclopedic compendiums.",
  117204.             "Year": 0
  117205.         },
  117206.         {
  117207.             "RIT": "ws980931",
  117208.             "Type": "WS",
  117209.             "URL": "http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/linkphil.htm",
  117210.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117211.             "Title": "Philosophy Resources",
  117212.             "Category": "HUM",
  117213.             "Description": "Information sources on Western philosophy and philosophers and links to many websites.",
  117214.             "Year": 0
  117215.         },
  117216.         {
  117217.             "RIT": "ws980933",
  117218.             "Type": "WS",
  117219.             "URL": "http://www.nd.edu/Departments/Maritain/etext/abelard.htm",
  117220.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117221.             "Title": "Jacques Maritain Center: Abelard",
  117222.             "Category": "HUM",
  117223.             "Description": "Information about Peter Abelard, French philosopher and theologian of the early 1100's A.D.",
  117224.             "Year": 0
  117225.         },
  117226.         {
  117227.             "RIT": "ws980935",
  117228.             "Type": "WS",
  117229.             "URL": "http://eserver.org/philosophy/",
  117230.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117231.             "Title": "Philosophy",
  117232.             "Category": "HUM",
  117233.             "Description": "Philosophic texts and links to scholarly philosophic organizations.",
  117234.             "Year": 0
  117235.         },
  117236.         {
  117237.             "RIT": "ws980937",
  117238.             "Type": "WS",
  117239.             "URL": "http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/",
  117240.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117241.             "Title": "Principia Cybernetica Web",
  117242.             "Category": "HUM",
  117243.             "Description": "Information about the Principia Cybernetica Project (PCP), an international organization promoting development of an evolutionary-systemic philosophy.",
  117244.             "Year": 0
  117245.         },
  117246.         {
  117247.             "RIT": "ws980938",
  117248.             "Type": "WS",
  117249.             "URL": "http://www.apa.udel.edu/apa/index.html",
  117250.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117251.             "Title": "The American Philosophical Association",
  117252.             "Category": "HUM",
  117253.             "Description": "Information about the American Philosophical Association, the main professional organization for philosophers in the United States.",
  117254.             "Year": 0
  117255.         },
  117256.         {
  117257.             "RIT": "ws980939",
  117258.             "Type": "WS",
  117259.             "URL": "http://www.infidels.org/library/contributors/index.shtml",
  117260.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117261.             "Title": "Freethought Web Contributors",
  117262.             "Category": "HUM",
  117263.             "Description": "A large archive of philosophical writings.",
  117264.             "Year": 0
  117265.         },
  117266.         {
  117267.             "RIT": "ws980941",
  117268.             "Type": "WS",
  117269.             "URL": "http://www.peirce.org/",
  117270.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117271.             "Title": "Charles S. Peirce Studies",
  117272.             "Category": "HUM",
  117273.             "Description": "The life and times of Charles Sanders Peirce, American philosopher of the late 1800's.",
  117274.             "Year": 0
  117275.         },
  117276.         {
  117277.             "RIT": "ws980942",
  117278.             "Type": "WS",
  117279.             "URL": "http://www.mcmaster.ca/russdocs/russell.htm",
  117280.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117281.             "Title": "Bertrand Russell Archives",
  117282.             "Category": "HUM",
  117283.             "Description": "The Bertrand Russell Archives of McMaster University Library, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.",
  117284.             "Year": 0
  117285.         },
  117286.         {
  117287.             "RIT": "ws980956",
  117288.             "Type": "WS",
  117289.             "URL": "http://www.cs.cmu.edu/People/spok/catholic/culture.html",
  117290.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117291.             "Title": "Catholic Culture",
  117292.             "Category": "SOC",
  117293.             "Description": "Contemporary Catholic news and events plus links to Catholic art, history, law, and other topics.",
  117294.             "Year": 0
  117295.         },
  117296.         {
  117297.             "RIT": "ws980957",
  117298.             "Type": "WS",
  117299.             "URL": "http://www.cs.cmu.edu/People/spok/catholic/people.html",
  117300.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117301.             "Title": "Catholic People",
  117302.             "Category": "SOC",
  117303.             "Description": "Information about particular Catholic people and about some of the religious vocations available to Catholics.",
  117304.             "Year": 0
  117305.         },
  117306.         {
  117307.             "RIT": "ws980958",
  117308.             "Type": "WS",
  117309.             "URL": "http://www.christusrex.org/",
  117310.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117311.             "Title": "Christus Rex",
  117312.             "Category": "HUM",
  117313.             "Description": "A pictoral tour of the Vatican, the Sistine Chapel, and other religious sites in Rome.",
  117314.             "Year": 0
  117315.         },
  117316.         {
  117317.             "RIT": "ws980959",
  117318.             "Type": "WS",
  117319.             "URL": "http://www.cs.cmu.edu/People/spok/catholic/schools.html",
  117320.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117321.             "Title": "Catholic Schools, Colleges, and Academic Departments",
  117322.             "Category": "SOC",
  117323.             "Description": "Carnegie-Mellon University's list of American, Canadian, and European Catholic institutions of higher education.",
  117324.             "Year": 0
  117325.         },
  117326.         {
  117327.             "RIT": "ws980960",
  117328.             "Type": "WS",
  117329.             "URL": "http://www.holycrosscongregation.org/english/index2.htm",
  117330.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117331.             "Title": "Congregation of Holy Cross",
  117332.             "Category": "SOC",
  117333.             "Description": "Information about the Brothers of Holy Cross, a Roman Catholic religious order active in the southern and western United States and in Brazil.",
  117334.             "Year": 0
  117335.         },
  117336.         {
  117337.             "RIT": "ws980963",
  117338.             "Type": "WS",
  117339.             "URL": "http://www.jesuit.org/resources/",
  117340.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117341.             "Title": "Jesuit Resources on the World Wide Web",
  117342.             "Category": "SOC",
  117343.             "Description": "Information about the Roman Catholic order of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits).",
  117344.             "Year": 0
  117345.         },
  117346.         {
  117347.             "RIT": "ws980964",
  117348.             "Type": "WS",
  117349.             "URL": "http://www.osb.org/index.html",
  117350.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117351.             "Title": "Order of Saint Benedict",
  117352.             "Category": "SOC",
  117353.             "Description": "Information about the Roman Catholic order of Saint Benedict (the Benedictines).",
  117354.             "Year": 0
  117355.         },
  117356.         {
  117357.             "RIT": "ws980965",
  117358.             "Type": "WS",
  117359.             "URL": "http://www.ocf.org/OrthodoxPage/",
  117360.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117361.             "Title": "The Orthodox Christian Page",
  117362.             "Category": "SOC",
  117363.             "Description": "A summary of the Orthodox Christian faith.",
  117364.             "Year": 0
  117365.         },
  117366.         {
  117367.             "RIT": "ws980966",
  117368.             "Type": "WS",
  117369.             "URL": "http://www.coptic.net/EncyclopediaCoptica/",
  117370.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117371.             "Title": "Encyclopedia Coptica",
  117372.             "Category": "SOC",
  117373.             "Description": "Information about the Christian Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt.",
  117374.             "Year": 0
  117375.         },
  117376.         {
  117377.             "RIT": "ws980968",
  117378.             "Type": "WS",
  117379.             "URL": "http://pharos.bu.edu/cn/prayers/StBasilLiturgy.html",
  117380.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117381.             "Title": "Liturgy",
  117382.             "Category": "SOC",
  117383.             "Description": "Information about the liturgy of the Christian Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt.",
  117384.             "Year": 0
  117385.         },
  117386.         {
  117387.             "RIT": "ws980983",
  117388.             "Type": "WS",
  117389.             "URL": "http://www.shamash.org/",
  117390.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117391.             "Title": "Shamash Home Page",
  117392.             "Category": "SOC",
  117393.             "Description": "Resources for study of Israel and Judaism, provided by the Shamash Project.",
  117394.             "Year": 0
  117395.         },
  117396.         {
  117397.             "RIT": "ws980984",
  117398.             "Type": "WS",
  117399.             "URL": "http://www.getty.edu/artsednet/",
  117400.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117401.             "Title": "ArtsEdNet",
  117402.             "Category": "HUM",
  117403.             "Description": "An on-line service developed by the Getty Education Institute for the Arts, supporting the needs of the K-12 arts education community.",
  117404.             "Year": 0
  117405.         },
  117406.         {
  117407.             "RIT": "ws980985",
  117408.             "Type": "WS",
  117409.             "URL": "http://astro.ocis.temple.edu/~souder/thought/index.html",
  117410.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117411.             "Title": "Thought Experiments",
  117412.             "Category": "HUM",
  117413.             "Description": "Information about philosophical thought experiments, for example, Searle's Chinese Room.",
  117414.             "Year": 0
  117415.         },
  117416.         {
  117417.             "RIT": "ws980986",
  117418.             "Type": "WS",
  117419.             "URL": "http://mathforum.org/~sarah/shapiro/",
  117420.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117421.             "Title": "Geometry Through Art",
  117422.             "Category": "PHY",
  117423.             "Description": "Suggestions for using art to learn about geometry, hosted by the Math Forum, an online educational network based in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania.",
  117424.             "Year": 0
  117425.         },
  117426.         {
  117427.             "RIT": "ws980989",
  117428.             "Type": "WS",
  117429.             "URL": "http://www.aesthetics-online.org/asa/asa-info.html",
  117430.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117431.             "Title": "The American Society for Aesthetics",
  117432.             "Category": "HUM",
  117433.             "Description": "Information about the American Society for Aesthetics, founded in 1942 to promote study, research, discussion, and publication in aesthetics.",
  117434.             "Year": 0
  117435.         },
  117436.         {
  117437.             "RIT": "ws980991",
  117438.             "Type": "WS",
  117439.             "URL": "http://www.girlscouts.org/",
  117440.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117441.             "Title": "Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.",
  117442.             "Category": "SOC",
  117443.             "Description": "The home page of the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.",
  117444.             "Year": 0
  117445.         },
  117446.         {
  117447.             "RIT": "ws980992",
  117448.             "Type": "WS",
  117449.             "URL": "http://www.bsa.scouting.org/",
  117450.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117451.             "Title": "Boy Scouts of America",
  117452.             "Category": "SOC",
  117453.             "Description": "The home page of the Boy Scouts of the U.S.A.",
  117454.             "Year": 0
  117455.         },
  117456.         {
  117457.             "RIT": "ws980993",
  117458.             "Type": "WS",
  117459.             "URL": "http://www.scouts.ca/",
  117460.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117461.             "Title": "Scouts Canada",
  117462.             "Category": "SOC",
  117463.             "Description": "The home page of Scouts Canada.",
  117464.             "Year": 0
  117465.         },
  117466.         {
  117467.             "RIT": "ws980994",
  117468.             "Type": "WS",
  117469.             "URL": "http://www.guidesaus.org.au/",
  117470.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117471.             "Title": "Guides Australia Online",
  117472.             "Category": "SOC",
  117473.             "Description": "The home page of Australia's girl guides.",
  117474.             "Year": 0
  117475.         },
  117476.         {
  117477.             "RIT": "ws980995",
  117478.             "Type": "WS",
  117479.             "URL": "http://www.senate.gov/",
  117480.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117481.             "Title": "The United States Senate",
  117482.             "Category": "SOC",
  117483.             "Description": "The official home page of the United States Senate.",
  117484.             "Year": 0
  117485.         },
  117486.         {
  117487.             "RIT": "ws981610",
  117488.             "Type": "WS",
  117489.             "URL": "http://sirtf.caltech.edu/",
  117490.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117491.             "Title": "Space InfraRed Telescope Facility",
  117492.             "Category": "PHY",
  117493.             "Description": "Information about NASA's infrared telescope project, which will reveal new features of the universe.",
  117494.             "Year": 0
  117495.         },
  117496.         {
  117497.             "RIT": "ws981623",
  117498.             "Type": "WS",
  117499.             "URL": "http://www.epa.gov/ozone/",
  117500.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117501.             "Title": "United States Environmental Protection Agency: Ozone Depletion",
  117502.             "Category": "PHY",
  117503.             "Description": "Information about the ozone depletion in the earth's atmosphere.",
  117504.             "Year": 0
  117505.         },
  117506.         {
  117507.             "RIT": "ws981624",
  117508.             "Type": "WS",
  117509.             "URL": "http://www.epa.gov/spdpublc/mbr/index.html",
  117510.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117511.             "Title": "Environmental Protection Agency: Methyl Bromide Phaseout",
  117512.             "Category": "PHY",
  117513.             "Description": "Information about plans to ban methyl bromide, a pesticide that depletes ozone in the earth's atmosphere.",
  117514.             "Year": 0
  117515.         },
  117516.         {
  117517.             "RIT": "ws981627",
  117518.             "Type": "WS",
  117519.             "URL": "http://www.islandnet.com/~skies/",
  117520.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117521.             "Title": "Skies Above Foundation",
  117522.             "Category": "PHY",
  117523.             "Description": "A nonprofit Canadian organization that promotes education about issues concerning the atmosphere.",
  117524.             "Year": 0
  117525.         },
  117526.         {
  117527.             "RIT": "ws981628",
  117528.             "Type": "WS",
  117529.             "URL": "http://www.giss.nasa.gov/gpol/",
  117530.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117531.             "Title": "Goddard Institute for Space Studies: On-Line Publications",
  117532.             "Category": "PHY",
  117533.             "Description": "Abstracts (brief summaries) of papers by scientists at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies.",
  117534.             "Year": 0
  117535.         },
  117536.         {
  117537.             "RIT": "ws981630",
  117538.             "Type": "WS",
  117539.             "URL": "http://mtrs.msfc.nasa.gov/mtrs/",
  117540.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117541.             "Title": "Marshall Technical Reports Server",
  117542.             "Category": "PHY",
  117543.             "Description": "Abstracts (brief summaries) of reports by scientists at the Mashall Space Flight Center.",
  117544.             "Year": 0
  117545.         },
  117546.         {
  117547.             "RIT": "ws981631",
  117548.             "Type": "WS",
  117549.             "URL": "http://techreports.ksc.nasa.gov/ktrs/ktrs_hom.htm",
  117550.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117551.             "Title": "The NASA Kennedy Space Center Technical Report Server",
  117552.             "Category": "PHY",
  117553.             "Description": "Abstracts (brief summaries) of reports by scientists at the NASA Kennedy Space Center.",
  117554.             "Year": 0
  117555.         },
  117556.         {
  117557.             "RIT": "ws981632",
  117558.             "Type": "WS",
  117559.             "URL": "http://xyz.lanl.gov/",
  117560.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117561.             "Title": "Archives of the U.S. National Science Foundation",
  117562.             "Category": "PHY",
  117563.             "Description": "A database of scientific papers collected by the U.S. National Science Foundation.",
  117564.             "Year": 0
  117565.         },
  117566.         {
  117567.             "RIT": "ws981633",
  117568.             "Type": "WS",
  117569.             "URL": "http://www.niwa.cri.nz/",
  117570.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117571.             "Title": "National Institute of Water and Air Research (New Zealand)",
  117572.             "Category": "LIF",
  117573.             "Description": "Information on environmental issues from this New Zealand-based institute.",
  117574.             "Year": 0
  117575.         },
  117576.         {
  117577.             "RIT": "ws981634",
  117578.             "Type": "WS",
  117579.             "URL": "http://grads.iges.org/reps/rep1/cola1rep.html",
  117580.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117581.             "Title": "Ocean Wave Dynamics and El Nino",
  117582.             "Category": "PHY",
  117583.             "Description": "An abstract (brief summary) of a report about the Pacific Ocean current known as El Nino.",
  117584.             "Year": 0
  117585.         },
  117586.         {
  117587.             "RIT": "ws981649",
  117588.             "Type": "WS",
  117589.             "URL": "http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/visible/visible_human.html",
  117590.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117591.             "Title": "The Visible Human Project",
  117592.             "Category": "LIF",
  117593.             "Description": "Links to sites offering three-dimensional views of the human anatomy.",
  117594.             "Year": 0
  117595.         },
  117596.         {
  117597.             "RIT": "ws981650",
  117598.             "Type": "WS",
  117599.             "URL": "http://rpisun1.mda.uth.tmc.edu/se/anatomy/",
  117600.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117601.             "Title": "Human Anatomy",
  117602.             "Category": "LIF",
  117603.             "Description": "Some views of human anatomy from the Levitt Radiologic Pathologic Institute.",
  117604.             "Year": 0
  117605.         },
  117606.         {
  117607.             "RIT": "ws981651",
  117608.             "Type": "WS",
  117609.             "URL": "http://library.advanced.org/10348/",
  117610.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117611.             "Title": "BodyQuest",
  117612.             "Category": "LIF",
  117613.             "Description": "A resource for students and educators interested in human anatomy.",
  117614.             "Year": 0
  117615.         },
  117616.         {
  117617.             "RIT": "ws981652",
  117618.             "Type": "WS",
  117619.             "URL": "http://www.innerbody.com/",
  117620.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117621.             "Title": "Inner Learning On-Line",
  117622.             "Category": "LIF",
  117623.             "Description": "Fun, interactive, educational views of the human body and automobiles.",
  117624.             "Year": 0
  117625.         },
  117626.         {
  117627.             "RIT": "ws981653",
  117628.             "Type": "WS",
  117629.             "URL": "http://www.rad.upenn.edu/rundle/InteractiveKnee.html",
  117630.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117631.             "Title": "Interactive Knee",
  117632.             "Category": "LIF",
  117633.             "Description": "Anatomical images of the human knee, from the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center.",
  117634.             "Year": 0
  117635.         },
  117636.         {
  117637.             "RIT": "ws981654",
  117638.             "Type": "WS",
  117639.             "URL": "http://www.marymt.edu/~psychol/brain.html",
  117640.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117641.             "Title": "Learning Guide for the Human Brain",
  117642.             "Category": "LIF",
  117643.             "Description": "Images of the human brain, from Marymount College, New York.",
  117644.             "Year": 0
  117645.         },
  117646.         {
  117647.             "RIT": "ws981655",
  117648.             "Type": "WS",
  117649.             "URL": "http://www.prenhall.com/martini/",
  117650.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117651.             "Title": "Martini On-Line",
  117652.             "Category": "LIF",
  117653.             "Description": "Information about human anatomy, including self-graded quizzes and links to other anatomy sites.",
  117654.             "Year": 0
  117655.         },
  117656.         {
  117657.             "RIT": "ws981656",
  117658.             "Type": "WS",
  117659.             "URL": "http://danke.com/kidsmuscles/kidmuscle1.html",
  117660.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117661.             "Title": "Muscle Page for Kids",
  117662.             "Category": "LIF",
  117663.             "Description": "Information about the muscles in the human body.",
  117664.             "Year": 0
  117665.         },
  117666.         {
  117667.             "RIT": "ws981658",
  117668.             "Type": "WS",
  117669.             "URL": "http://www.crd.ge.com/esl/cgsp/projects/medical/",
  117670.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117671.             "Title": "Three-Dimensional Medical Reconstruction",
  117672.             "Category": "LIF",
  117673.             "Description": "Movie clips showing three-dimensional views of the human anatomy.",
  117674.             "Year": 0
  117675.         },
  117676.         {
  117677.             "RIT": "ws981661",
  117678.             "Type": "WS",
  117679.             "URL": "http://www.medtropolis.com/VBody.asp",
  117680.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117681.             "Title": "The Virtual Body",
  117682.             "Category": "LIF",
  117683.             "Description": "Presentation of various parts and functions of the human body.",
  117684.             "Year": 0
  117685.         },
  117686.         {
  117687.             "RIT": "ws981662",
  117688.             "Type": "WS",
  117689.             "URL": "http://www.exploratorium.edu/learning_studio/cow_eye/index.html",
  117690.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117691.             "Title": "Cow's Eye Dissection",
  117692.             "Category": "LIF",
  117693.             "Description": "Instructions for dissecting a cow's eye, presented by San Francisco's Exploratorium museum.",
  117694.             "Year": 0
  117695.         },
  117696.         {
  117697.             "RIT": "ws981678",
  117698.             "Type": "WS",
  117699.             "URL": "http://www.canines.com/",
  117700.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117701.             "Title": "Canines of America",
  117702.             "Category": "REC",
  117703.             "Description": "Information about dog behavior and training dogs to socialize with people.",
  117704.             "Year": 0
  117705.         },
  117706.         {
  117707.             "RIT": "ws981681",
  117708.             "Type": "WS",
  117709.             "URL": "http://www.arkanimals.com/",
  117710.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117711.             "Title": "Ark Animal Tracks",
  117712.             "Category": "LIF",
  117713.             "Description": "An on-line magazine about exotic and captive wildlife.",
  117714.             "Year": 0
  117715.         },
  117716.         {
  117717.             "RIT": "ws981682",
  117718.             "Type": "WS",
  117719.             "URL": "http://www.bearden.org/",
  117720.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117721.             "Title": "The Bear Den",
  117722.             "Category": "LIF",
  117723.             "Description": "Information about bears, provided by the American Zoo and Aquarium Association.",
  117724.             "Year": 0
  117725.         },
  117726.         {
  117727.             "RIT": "ws981687",
  117728.             "Type": "WS",
  117729.             "URL": "http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/",
  117730.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117731.             "Title": "Primate Info Net",
  117732.             "Category": "LIF",
  117733.             "Description": "Information about primates, the group of animals including monkeys, apes, and human beings, from University of Wisconsin.",
  117734.             "Year": 0
  117735.         },
  117736.         {
  117737.             "RIT": "ws981690",
  117738.             "Type": "WS",
  117739.             "URL": "http://www.princeton.edu/~harnad/psyc.html",
  117740.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117741.             "Title": "Psycoloquy",
  117742.             "Category": "SOC",
  117743.             "Description": "An international electronic journal sponsored by the American Psychological Association.",
  117744.             "Year": 0
  117745.         },
  117746.         {
  117747.             "RIT": "ws981691",
  117748.             "Type": "WS",
  117749.             "URL": "http://curry.edschool.Virginia.EDU/go/frog/",
  117750.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117751.             "Title": "Netfrog - The Interactive Frog Dissection",
  117752.             "Category": "LIF",
  117753.             "Description": "Illustrated guidelines for dissecting a frog (cutting a frog open to learn about its anatomy).",
  117754.             "Year": 0
  117755.         },
  117756.         {
  117757.             "RIT": "ws981692",
  117758.             "Type": "WS",
  117759.             "URL": "http://esg-www.mit.edu:8001/esgbio/7001main.html",
  117760.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117761.             "Title": "MIT Biology Hypertextbook",
  117762.             "Category": "LIF",
  117763.             "Description": "An on-line biology textbook developed by educational researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).",
  117764.             "Year": 0
  117765.         },
  117766.         {
  117767.             "RIT": "ws981693",
  117768.             "Type": "WS",
  117769.             "URL": "http://faculty.washington.edu/wcalvin/",
  117770.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117771.             "Title": "William H. Calvin's Books and Articles",
  117772.             "Category": "LIF",
  117773.             "Description": "Writings from a widely published author on scientific topics including climate change and evolution.",
  117774.             "Year": 0
  117775.         },
  117776.         {
  117777.             "RIT": "ws981696",
  117778.             "Type": "WS",
  117779.             "URL": "http://www.swabe.org/",
  117780.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117781.             "Title": "Humans and Other Animals",
  117782.             "Category": "LIF",
  117783.             "Description": "Links to many sites about animals, with an emphasis on human-animal relationships.",
  117784.             "Year": 0
  117785.         },
  117786.         {
  117787.             "RIT": "ws981697",
  117788.             "Type": "WS",
  117789.             "URL": "http://www.anapsid.org/",
  117790.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117791.             "Title": "Green Iguana Care",
  117792.             "Category": "LIF",
  117793.             "Description": "Information about caring for an iguana, a type of lizard.",
  117794.             "Year": 0
  117795.         },
  117796.         {
  117797.             "RIT": "ws981714",
  117798.             "Type": "WS",
  117799.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/linnaeus.html",
  117800.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117801.             "Title": "Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778)",
  117802.             "Category": "LIF",
  117803.             "Description": "A biography of Carolus Linnaeus (Carl von Linne), the father of taxonomy (system of biological classification).",
  117804.             "Year": 0
  117805.         },
  117806.         {
  117807.             "RIT": "ws981715",
  117808.             "Type": "WS",
  117809.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/Edarwin.html",
  117810.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117811.             "Title": "Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802)",
  117812.             "Category": "LIF",
  117813.             "Description": "A biography of Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles Darwin and a leading intellectual of the 1700's.",
  117814.             "Year": 0
  117815.         },
  117816.         {
  117817.             "RIT": "ws981716",
  117818.             "Type": "WS",
  117819.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/paley.html",
  117820.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117821.             "Title": "William Paley (1743-1805)",
  117822.             "Category": "LIF",
  117823.             "Description": "A biography of William Paley, an English naturalist and theologian who influenced Charles Darwin.",
  117824.             "Year": 0
  117825.         },
  117826.         {
  117827.             "RIT": "ws981717",
  117828.             "Type": "WS",
  117829.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/lamarck.html",
  117830.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117831.             "Title": "Chevalier de Lamarck (1744-1829)",
  117832.             "Category": "LIF",
  117833.             "Description": "A biography of the Chevalier de Lamarck, the French scientist who formulated the first theory of evolution.",
  117834.             "Year": 0
  117835.         },
  117836.         {
  117837.             "RIT": "ws981718",
  117838.             "Type": "WS",
  117839.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/malthus.html",
  117840.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117841.             "Title": "Thomas Malthus (1766-1834)",
  117842.             "Category": "SOC",
  117843.             "Description": "A biography of Thomas Malthus, an economist whose essay on population dynamics influenced Darwin's theory of evolution.",
  117844.             "Year": 0
  117845.         },
  117846.         {
  117847.             "RIT": "ws981719",
  117848.             "Type": "WS",
  117849.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/cuvier.html",
  117850.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117851.             "Title": "Georges Cuvier (1769-1832)",
  117852.             "Category": "LIF",
  117853.             "Description": "A biography of Georges Cuvier, a French naturalist who made important contributions to zoology and paleontology.",
  117854.             "Year": 0
  117855.         },
  117856.         {
  117857.             "RIT": "ws981720",
  117858.             "Type": "WS",
  117859.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/smith.html",
  117860.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117861.             "Title": "William Smith (1769-1839)",
  117862.             "Category": "PHY",
  117863.             "Description": "A biography of English geologist William Smith, the first scientist to date rock layers by the fossils they contain.",
  117864.             "Year": 0
  117865.         },
  117866.         {
  117867.             "RIT": "ws981721",
  117868.             "Type": "WS",
  117869.             "URL": "http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/hilaire.html",
  117870.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117871.             "Title": "Etienne Geoffroy St. Hilaire (1772-1844)",
  117872.             "Category": "LIF",
  117873.             "Description": "A biography of Geoffroy St. Hilaire, a French naturalist who proposed an early theory of evolution.",
  117874.             "Year": 0
  117875.         },
  117876.         {
  117877.             "RIT": "ws981611",
  117878.             "Type": "WS",
  117879.             "URL": "http://xrtpub.harvard.edu/",
  117880.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117881.             "Title": "The Chandra X-Ray Observatory Center",
  117882.             "Category": "PHY",
  117883.             "Description": "Information about the field of X-ray astronomy.",
  117884.             "Year": 0
  117885.         },
  117886.         {
  117887.             "RIT": "ws981612",
  117888.             "Type": "WS",
  117889.             "URL": "http://wwwastro.msfc.nasa.gov/xray/axafps.html",
  117890.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117891.             "Title": "Chandra Project Science",
  117892.             "Category": "PHY",
  117893.             "Description": "Information about X-ray astronomy, from NASA's Marshall Spaceflight Center.",
  117894.             "Year": 0
  117895.         },
  117896.         {
  117897.             "RIT": "ws981613",
  117898.             "Type": "WS",
  117899.             "URL": "http://oposite.stsci.edu/pubinfo/pictures.html",
  117900.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117901.             "Title": "Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures",
  117902.             "Category": "PHY",
  117903.             "Description": "Pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.",
  117904.             "Year": 0
  117905.         },
  117906.         {
  117907.             "RIT": "ws981614",
  117908.             "Type": "WS",
  117909.             "URL": "http://www.seds.org/hst/hst.html",
  117910.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117911.             "Title": "The Best of the Hubble Space Telescope",
  117912.             "Category": "PHY",
  117913.             "Description": "A gallery of some of the best images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, hosted by the Space Telescope Science Institute.",
  117914.             "Year": 0
  117915.         },
  117916.         {
  117917.             "RIT": "ws981615",
  117918.             "Type": "WS",
  117919.             "URL": "http://oposite.stsci.edu/pubinfo/BestOfHST95.html",
  117920.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117921.             "Title": "Hubble Space Telescope Greatest Hits 1990-1995",
  117922.             "Category": "PHY",
  117923.             "Description": "Dramatic images of astronomy taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.",
  117924.             "Year": 0
  117925.         },
  117926.         {
  117927.             "RIT": "ws981616",
  117928.             "Type": "WS",
  117929.             "URL": "http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/pictures/browse/astro.html",
  117930.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117931.             "Title": "Hubble Space Telescope: Browse Image Archive",
  117932.             "Category": "PHY",
  117933.             "Description": "A gallery of images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, hosted by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.",
  117934.             "Year": 0
  117935.         },
  117936.         {
  117937.             "RIT": "ws981619",
  117938.             "Type": "WS",
  117939.             "URL": "http://solar.physics.montana.edu/YPOP/",
  117940.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117941.             "Title": "Yohkoh Public Outreach Project",
  117942.             "Category": "PHY",
  117943.             "Description": "Images of our sun, as seen by the X-ray telescope aboard the Yohkoh satellite.",
  117944.             "Year": 0
  117945.         },
  117946.         {
  117947.             "RIT": "ws981620",
  117948.             "Type": "WS",
  117949.             "URL": "http://afeas.org/",
  117950.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117951.             "Title": "Alternative Fluorocarbons Environmental Acceptability Study",
  117952.             "Category": "PHY",
  117953.             "Description": "A long-range study of the impact of chemicals known as fluorocarbons on the earth's atmosphere.",
  117954.             "Year": 0
  117955.         },
  117956.         {
  117957.             "RIT": "ws981621",
  117958.             "Type": "WS",
  117959.             "URL": "http://www.epa.gov/reg3artd/ozonelayer/consu608.htm",
  117960.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117961.             "Title": "Automobile Air Conditioners and the Ozone Layer",
  117962.             "Category": "IND",
  117963.             "Description": "Information about how efforts to protect the ozone layer will affect automobile air conditioners.",
  117964.             "Year": 0
  117965.         },
  117966.         {
  117967.             "RIT": "ws981635",
  117968.             "Type": "WS",
  117969.             "URL": "http://grads.iges.org/reps/rep3/colarep3.html",
  117970.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117971.             "Title": "The Effect on Climate of Doubling Deserts",
  117972.             "Category": "PHY",
  117973.             "Description": "An examination of the effect of spreading deserts on world climate.",
  117974.             "Year": 0
  117975.         },
  117976.         {
  117977.             "RIT": "ws981636",
  117978.             "Type": "WS",
  117979.             "URL": "http://grads.iges.org/reps/colareps.html",
  117980.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117981.             "Title": "COLA Technical Reports",
  117982.             "Category": "PHY",
  117983.             "Description": "Scientific reports about climate and weather from the Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies.",
  117984.             "Year": 0
  117985.         },
  117986.         {
  117987.             "RIT": "ws981637",
  117988.             "Type": "WS",
  117989.             "URL": "http://www.cira.colostate.edu/",
  117990.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  117991.             "Title": "The Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere",
  117992.             "Category": "PHY",
  117993.             "Description": "Information about a center for international cooperation in research of earth's climates and weather.",
  117994.             "Year": 0
  117995.         },
  117996.         {
  117997.             "RIT": "ws981639",
  117998.             "Type": "WS",
  117999.             "URL": "http://www.cresli.org/",
  118000.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118001.             "Title": "Coastal Research and Education Society of Long Island, Inc.",
  118002.             "Category": "PHY",
  118003.             "Description": "An organization that promotes understanding of coastal ecosystems through research and education.",
  118004.             "Year": 0
  118005.         },
  118006.         {
  118007.             "RIT": "ws981642",
  118008.             "Type": "WS",
  118009.             "URL": "http://www.sei.org/",
  118010.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118011.             "Title": "Sustainable Ecosystems Institute",
  118012.             "Category": "PHY",
  118013.             "Description": "A scientific resource providing information about using natural resources in a sustainable way.",
  118014.             "Year": 0
  118015.         },
  118016.         {
  118017.             "RIT": "ws981643",
  118018.             "Type": "WS",
  118019.             "URL": "http://www.wmo.ch/web/gcos/gcoshome.html",
  118020.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118021.             "Title": "Global Climate Observing System (GCOS)",
  118022.             "Category": "PHY",
  118023.             "Description": "An international organization that is monitoring the greenhouse effect and other aspects of climate change.",
  118024.             "Year": 0
  118025.         },
  118026.         {
  118027.             "RIT": "ws981644",
  118028.             "Type": "WS",
  118029.             "URL": "http://sln.fi.edu/biosci/biosci.html",
  118030.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118031.             "Title": "The Heart: An On-Line Exploration",
  118032.             "Category": "LIF",
  118033.             "Description": "Information about the human heart.",
  118034.             "Year": 0
  118035.         },
  118036.         {
  118037.             "RIT": "ws981645",
  118038.             "Type": "WS",
  118039.             "URL": "http://www.madsci.org/~lynn/VH/",
  118040.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118041.             "Title": "A Guided Tour of the Visible Human",
  118042.             "Category": "LIF",
  118043.             "Description": "Interior views of the human body.",
  118044.             "Year": 0
  118045.         },
  118046.         {
  118047.             "RIT": "ws981646",
  118048.             "Type": "WS",
  118049.             "URL": "http://www.crd.ge.com/esl/cgsp/projects/vm/",
  118050.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118051.             "Title": "Marching Through the Visible Man",
  118052.             "Category": "LIF",
  118053.             "Description": "Complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional views of the male human body.",
  118054.             "Year": 0
  118055.         },
  118056.         {
  118057.             "RIT": "ws981647",
  118058.             "Type": "WS",
  118059.             "URL": "http://www.crd.ge.com/~lorensen/vw/",
  118060.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118061.             "Title": "Marching Through the Visible Woman",
  118062.             "Category": "LIF",
  118063.             "Description": "Complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional views of the female human body from the National Library of Medicine.",
  118064.             "Year": 0
  118065.         },
  118066.         {
  118067.             "RIT": "ws981664",
  118068.             "Type": "WS",
  118069.             "URL": "http://george.lbl.gov/ITG.hm.pg.docs/dissect/info.html",
  118070.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118071.             "Title": "Virtual Frog Dissection Kit",
  118072.             "Category": "LIF",
  118073.             "Description": "All about the body parts of a frog and their functions.",
  118074.             "Year": 0
  118075.         },
  118076.         {
  118077.             "RIT": "ws981665",
  118078.             "Type": "WS",
  118079.             "URL": "http://academic.uofs.edu/department/psych/sheep/",
  118080.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118081.             "Title": "The Sheep Brain Dissection Guide",
  118082.             "Category": "LIF",
  118083.             "Description": "A step-by-step dissection of a sheep's brain, presented by the University of Scranton Behavioral Neuroscience Lab.",
  118084.             "Year": 0
  118085.         },
  118086.         {
  118087.             "RIT": "ws981666",
  118088.             "Type": "WS",
  118089.             "URL": "http://www.med.jhu.edu/FAE/fae.html",
  118090.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118091.             "Title": "Johns Hopkins University - Functional Anatomy and Evolution Program",
  118092.             "Category": "LIF",
  118093.             "Description": "Information about the Functional Anatomy and Evolution Program at the Johns Hopkins Medical School.",
  118094.             "Year": 0
  118095.         },
  118096.         {
  118097.             "RIT": "ws981668",
  118098.             "Type": "WS",
  118099.             "URL": "http://primate_behaviour.homestead.com/",
  118100.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118101.             "Title": "Evolution of social behavior in Primates",
  118102.             "Category": "LIF",
  118103.             "Description": "A study about the evolution of animal social behavior.",
  118104.             "Year": 0
  118105.         },
  118106.         {
  118107.             "RIT": "ws981671",
  118108.             "Type": "WS",
  118109.             "URL": "http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/vets/",
  118110.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118111.             "Title": "NOVA On-Line Animal Hospital",
  118112.             "Category": "LIF",
  118113.             "Description": "Information about pets' health, including behavioral problems that lead owners to put their pets to sleep.",
  118114.             "Year": 0
  118115.         },
  118116.         {
  118117.             "RIT": "ws981672",
  118118.             "Type": "WS",
  118119.             "URL": "http://www.sciam.com/1998/0498issue/0498dugatkin.html",
  118120.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118121.             "Title": "How Females Choose Their Mates",
  118122.             "Category": "LIF",
  118123.             "Description": "An article from a recent issue of Scientific American magazine.",
  118124.             "Year": 0
  118125.         },
  118126.         {
  118127.             "RIT": "ws981674",
  118128.             "Type": "WS",
  118129.             "URL": "http://www.apa.org/",
  118130.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118131.             "Title": "American Psychological Association",
  118132.             "Category": "LIF",
  118133.             "Description": "Information about the world's largest organization of professional psychologists.",
  118134.             "Year": 0
  118135.         },
  118136.         {
  118137.             "RIT": "ws981675",
  118138.             "Type": "WS",
  118139.             "URL": "http://www.aza.org/",
  118140.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118141.             "Title": "Zoos and Aquariums of the American Zoo and Aquarium Association",
  118142.             "Category": "LIF",
  118143.             "Description": "Information about zoos and aquariums of North America and their many conservation programs.",
  118144.             "Year": 0
  118145.         },
  118146.         {
  118147.             "RIT": "ws981676",
  118148.             "Type": "WS",
  118149.             "URL": "http://www.aocb.com/",
  118150.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118151.             "Title": "Academy of Canine Behavior",
  118152.             "Category": "REC",
  118153.             "Description": "Information about how to train dogs for productive, nonviolent behavior.",
  118154.             "Year": 0
  118155.         },
  118156.         {
  118157.             "RIT": "ws981677",
  118158.             "Type": "WS",
  118159.             "URL": "http://theaviary.com/",
  118160.             "Article TimeStamp": "20020717",
  118161.             "Title": "The Aviary - Your Information Resource for Birds",
  118162.             "Category": "REC",
  118163.             "Description": "Information about birdwatching and keeping birds as pets.",
  118164.             "Year": 0
  118165.         },
  118166.         {
  118167.             "RIT": "ws981698",
  118168.             "Type": "WS",
  118169.             "URL": "http://www.umanitoba.ca:80/anthropology/kintitle.htm